ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS Atmos. Sci. Let. 8: 65–69 (2007) Published online 23 July 2007 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/asl.153

On the critical Richardson number in stably stratified turbulence

Boris Galperin,1* Semion Sukoriansky2 and Philip S. Anderson3 1College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701, USA 2Department of Mechanical Engineering/Perlstone Center for Aeronautical Engineering Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel 3Antarctic Climate and the Earth System Programme, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK

*Correspondence to: Abstract Boris Galperin, College of Marine Science, University of South The critical Richardson number, Ric , is used in studies of stably stratified turbulence as a Florida, St. Petersburg, measure of flow laminarization. The accepted range of Ric is between 0.2 and 1. A growing Florida 33701, USA. body of experimental and observational data indicates, however, that turbulence survives E-mail: [email protected] for Ri 1. This result is supported by a new spectral theory of turbulence that accounts for strong anisotropy and waves. The anisotropization results in the enhanced horizontal mixing of both momentum and scalar. Internal wave contribution preserves vertical momentum Received: 16 March 2007 mixing above its molecular level. In the absence of laminarization, Ric becomes devoid of  Revised: 4 June 2007 its conventional meaning. Copyright 2007 Royal Meteorological Society Accepted: 9 June 2007 Keywords: turbulence; stable stratification; critical Richardson number

The gradient Richardson number, Ri, defined as all arbitrarily large values of Ri. The effect of viscosity in simple shear flows was considered by Gage (1971). 2 N The increase of the causes non- Ri = (1) S 2 stationarity of the basic field, bifurcations and transi- tion to turbulence, and the analysis of the effect of sta- is a measure of the relative strength of the den- ble stratification in this case needs to take into account sity gradient in stably stratified shear flows. Here, 2 the increasing complexity. Laval et al. (2003) consid- N =−g(∂ρ/∂z)/ρ0 is the square of the buoyancy, ered the effect of the Reynolds number, Re = VLh /ν, or Brunt–Vais¨ al¨ a¨ frequency, g is the gravity acceler- on forced, stably-stratified shear layers (here, V and L ρ ρ h ation, is the fluid density, 0 is the reference den- are the horizontal velocity and length scales, respec- sity, S is the vertical shear of the horizontal velocity, tively, and ν is the kinematic viscosity). In order to and z is the vertical coordinate. The critical Richard- be able to deal with shearless, freely decaying flows, son number, Ri , appears in the classical papers by c Laval et al. (2003) also used a defined Miles (1961) and Howard (1961) as a linear stability as Fr = V /NL , where L is a vertical length scale. threshold of steady, two-dimensional, stably-stratified, v v Using the Kolmogorov scaling for the rate of vis- horizontal shear flows of an ideal Boussinesq fluid. = 3 Ri > Ri = / cous dissipation ,  V /Lv , one can re-define the Namely, these flows are stable if c 1 4 = = 2 everywhere in the fluid. Abarbanel et al. (1984) have Froude number as Fr /NK , where K V /2is considered three-dimensional non-linear deformations the turbulence kinetic energy. An increasing strength of a planar shear flow. They established that a for- of stable stratification corresponds to decreasing Fr. mal stability of this flow requires the local Richardson With increasing Re, a simulated flow underwent a number defined by variations across surfaces of con- series of successive transitions to states with increasing stant density, i.e., isopycnals, to be greater than unity. anisotropy dominated by horizontal pancake-like vor- Results by Miles (1961), Howard (1961) and Abar- tices. These vortices, however, could become unstable banel et al. (1984) have highlighted the importance of with increasing Re. The study concluded that “for the range Ri ∈ [1/4, 1] for stability of stably stratified any Froude number, no matter how small, there are flows and called for further theoretical and experimen- Reynolds numbers large enough so that a sequence of tal investigations of this range. transitions to nonpancake motions will always occur When the basic flow is time-dependent, its stability and, conversely, for any Reynolds number, no matter analysis becomes more complicated. Drazin (1977) how large, there are Froude numbers small enough so has shown that a propagating unidirectional internal that these transitions are suppressed.” gravity wave is unstable for large local values of From these results, one can surmise that the adap- Ri. Majda and Shefter (1998) have constructed a tation of the critical Richardson number to tur- family of explicit, elementary, stably-stratified, time- bulent flows is not straightforward. Since turbu- dependent and non-parallel flows that are unstable for lence is an unstable, stochastic phenomenon, it lacks

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a well-defined basic state whose stability can be (Lewellen, 1977). In a more flexible RS model such as, analyzed. However, Ric can be introduced phenomeno- for instance, that by Ristorcelli (1997), the coefficients logically, based upon a loose analogy with laminar are functions of the Reynolds stress tensor invariants flows. The Glossary of Meteorology of the American and Ric would also depend on these invariants. Clearly, Meteorological Society defines the critical Richard- the dependence of Ric on the choice of a model under- son number as “the value of the gradient Richard- mines the utility of this parameter. son number below which air becomes dynamically The anisotropization of stably stratified turbulence unstable and turbulent. This value is usually taken (see e.g. Kimura and Herring (1996) and Laval et al. as Ric = 0.25, although suggestions in the literature (2003)) further complicates the use of the critical range from 0.2 to 1.0. There is also some sugges- Richardson number. The horizontal pancake-like vor- tion of hysteresis, where laminar air flow must drop tex structure of the flow can be expected to enhance below Ri = 0.25 to become turbulent, but turbulent the horizontal mixing of momentum and scalars even flow can exist up to Ri = 1.0 before becoming lami- when the vertical mixing is largely suppressed. Indeed, nar.” Similarly, Andreas (2002) suggests that “in stable a strong isopycnal (i.e., along constant density sur- conditions, turbulence is presumed to cease and the faces) mixing has been observed in oceanic flows with flow becomes laminar when the Richardson number strong stable stratification (Polzin and Ferrari, 2004). exceeds a critical value Ric” and Canuto (2002a) pro- Since Ri involves vertical gradients only, it cannot poses a definition of Ric as a value of Ri “above which reflect anisotropization and enhanced horizontal mix- there is no longer turbulent mixing” (see also Canuto ing. (1998)). He argued that Ric may be larger than unity The discussion so far pertained to the values of Ri if the effects of the radiative losses and gravity waves calculated in terms of the mean fields. The Reynolds are taken into account. Applying these results in the averaging implied in this approach lumps together case of a stellar , he argued that the use of processes on different scales and provides no infor- Ric ∼ 1 would lead to substantially enhanced estimates mation on the spectral aspects of the effect of stable of mixing in the convection zone and radical change stratification on turbulence. This information is use- of the conclusions reached in studies by Garcia-Lopez ful for further elucidation of the physical meaning and Spruit (1991) and Schatzman et al. (2000). Majda of Ric and its role in characterization of such pro- and Shefter (1998) discuss examples of a similarly cesses as the interaction between turbulence and inter- restrictive usage of the linear stability criterion in nal gravity waves. A spectral theory of turbulent flows meteorological and oceanographic applications. One with stable stratification was developed by Sukorian- of them is the Lilly-Smagorinsky model of the atmo- sky et al. (2005, 2006). This theory is based upon a spheric/oceanic circulation (Smagorinsky, 1963; Lilly, quasi-normal mapping of the velocity and temperature 1967) which assumes that the eddy diffusivity is com- fields using the Langevin equations for every Fourier pletely turned off for Ri ≥ Ric ≥ 1/4, Ric = O(1).In mode. These equations reflect strong nonlinear inter- another study, Martin (1985) demonstrated that simu- actions between the modes which cause stirring and lations of the stably stratified oceanic mixed layer can damping of every mode. The quasi-normality of the only replicate observations when Ric ∼ 1. To attain forcing is assumed to be a result of random interactions higher values of Ric in the framework of the Reynolds between a large number of independently fluctuating stress (RS) turbulence closure modeling, Canuto sug- modes. The Langevin equations are instrumental in the gested and implemented a formalism that accounts for development of a self-consistent procedure of succes- the combined effect of turbulence and internal waves sive elimination of small-scale modes (i.e., ensemble and resolves the dichotomy of shear- and gravity averaging over these modes; hence the abbreviation wave-dominated scenarios (Canuto, 2002a,b). Studies of the theory – QNSE – quasi-normal scale elimina- by Monin and Yaglom (1975), Yamamoto (1975) and tion) that yields scale-dependent, horizontal and ver- Lettau (1979) go even further and suggest that the tical eddy viscosities and eddy diffusivities. Note that critical Richardson number does not exist at all. the assumption of quasi-normality is the basic (clo- A strong impetus for utilization of the critical sure) hypothesis of the QNSE theory; all other results Richardson number criterion in models of atmo- can be derived analytically from primitive equations spheric/oceanic/planetary circulation emanates from of motion in Boussinesq approximation. Among these the use of RS models for parameterization of small- results are the Kolmogorov spectrum for neutrally scale turbulent mixing. The RS models make an ana- stratified flows including the numerical value of the lytical prediction that at some value of the gradient Kolmogorov constant. Numerical experiments indi- Richardson number (it can be different for different cate that for stably stratified turbulence, the hypothesis models but usually lies in the range between 0.1 and of quasi-normality holds even better than for neutral 1), the eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity fall to flows (Metais´ and Herring, 1989; Kimura and Her- zero thus signaling the termination of turbulent mix- ring, 1996). ing (see e.g. Mellor (1973); Mellor and Yamada (1982) The QNSE scale elimination process starts at the and Canuto et al. (2001)). The constancy of Ric is a smallest scales of the system around the Kolmogorov = 3 1/4 result of the rigidity of the RS models’ coefficients scale for viscous dissipation, kd (/ν0 ) , where dictated by the principles of the invariant modeling ν0 is the molecular viscosity. Elimination of a small

Copyright  2007 Royal Meteorological Society Atmos. Sci. Let. 8: 65–69 (2007) DOI: 10.1002/asl Critical Richardson number in turbulence 67

2.5 2.5

k h/nn k h/nn

2 2

1.5 1.5 nh /nn nh /nn

1 1

0.5 0.5 n /n Normalized eddy viscosities and diffusivities nz /nn Normalized eddy viscosities and diffusivities z n

kz /nn kz /nn 0 0 0.010.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 k/k o Ri

Figure 1. Horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities and eddy Figure 2. Horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities and eddy diffusivities normalized with the corresponding value of the eddy 1/3 −4/3 diffusivities normalized with νn as functions of Ri viscosity in the neutral case, νn  0.46 k ,asfunctionsof k/kO. The dashed vertical line indicates the threshold of internal wave generation in the presence of turbulence (Sukoriansky of a Reynolds-averaged model (Sukoriansky et al. et al., 2005) 2005). In this case, expressions for νh , νz , κh and κz become functions of either the Richardson number, shell of fast modes results in coarsening of the sys- Ri, or the Froude number, Fr = /NK . The former tem’s domain of definition and generation of small dependence is shown in Figure 2. One can notice an corrections to the viscosity and diffusivity. The scale increase of the horizontal mixing (as compared to elimination is repeated for successive shells of fast the mixing in neutral flows with the same  and K ) modes until an arbitrarily predetermined wave num- with increasing Ri, particularly for the scalar. Similar ber k (a dynamic dissipation cutoff) is attained. Within flow anisotropization has been observed in stratified this procedure, internal waves and turbulence nat- momentum wakes (Spedding 1997, 2001) where the urally appear as one entity rather than an ad hoc vertical spreading of the wake decreases while the dichotomy. The successive scale elimination process horizontal spreading remains almost unaffected by yields a system of four coupled ODEs for horizontal stratification. Assuming the scales of the horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities, νh , νz , and diffusivi- and vertical spreading of the wake proportional to ties, κh and κz , respectively, as functions of k/kO , the respective horizontal and vertical eddy viscosities 3 1/2 kO = (N /) being the Ozmidov wave number; its (Meunier et al., 2006), one can trace this phenomenon solution is shown in Figure 1. At the smallest scales, directly to the behavior of νh and νz shown in Figure 2. k/kO > 30, eddy viscosities and eddy diffusivities are With regard to the vertical mixing, both νz and isotropic and behave similarly to the neutral case. At κz decrease for Ri > 0.1. The diffusivity decreases k/kO ∼ 30, two effects become noticeable: the appear- faster than the viscosity, and for Ri > 0.4, κz becomes ance of internal waves and the beginning of turbulence smaller than νz . Although at Ri ∼ 1, κz falls to about anisotropization. As evident from Figure 1, νh , νz , 10% of its value under neutral stratification, it still κh and κz exhibit different tendencies with increasing remains well above the level of the molecular diffu- stratification. While the vertical viscosity and diffusiv- sivity, in contradiction to the Lilly-Smagorinsky model ity are reduced compared to their values in the neu- (Smagorinsky, 1963; Lilly, 1967). The faster decrease tral case, their horizontal counterparts are enhanced. of the eddy diffusivity is well known from laboratory There is also a significant difference between νz and experiments and observations (Webster, 1964; Itsweire κz : while the vertical eddy diffusivity becomes van- and Helland, 1989; Strang and Fernando, 2001; Mahrt ishingly small and approaches its molecular value, and Vickers, 2006; Mauritsen and Svensson, 2007) the vertical eddy viscosity remains finite even on the and has been attributed to the tendency of internal largest scales strongly dominated by stratification. The waves to mix the momentum more effectively than behavior of νh , νz and κh shows no turbulent-laminar a scalar (Monin and Yaglom, 1975; Mahrt, 1998; transition on any scale, in contradiction with the con- Yague¨ et al., 2006). Faster decrease of κz results in the ventional definition of the critical Richardson number increase of the turbulent , Prt = νz /κz , in turbulence. with Ri. Figure 3 compares the analytical dependence −1 If the process of scale elimination is extended to Prt (Ri) calculated from the QNSE theory with vari- the turbulence macroscale, one obtains an equivalent ous data. One is alluded not only to a good agreement

Copyright  2007 Royal Meteorological Society Atmos. Sci. Let. 8: 65–69 (2007) DOI: 10.1002/asl 68 B. Galperin

between the theoretical and observational results but of Ri, turbulence becomes strongly affected by inter- also to the presence of turbulent mixing for values of nal waves and acquires structure of anisotropic pan- Ri far exceeding unity. This figure is in good agree- cakes with enhanced horizontal mixing. This mixing ment with the dependence Prt ∝ Ri that can be derived may be important in terrestrial, planetary and astro- 2 from the turbulence energy balance equation, νz S − physical systems, either on its own merit (Polzin and 2 −2 κz N = , and the expression κz ∝ N obtained in Ferrari, 2004; Rafkin et al., 2001; Izakov, 2003) or stably stratified atmospheric (Weinstock, 1978) and in combination with the effect of differential rotation oceanic (Osborn, 1980; Gregg et al., 2003) flows for (Maeder and Meynet, 1996; Lignieres´ et al., 1999; relatively large Ri. The linear dependency, Prt ∝ Ri Mathis et al., 2004). Although conjectures about the for Ri > 0.2, has been used in some ocean circula- absence of Ric have been made in the past (see e.g. tion models to facilitate realistic results (Blanke and Monin and Yaglom (1975); Yamamoto (1975); Let- Delecluse, 1993; Meier, 2001). Note in this regard that tau (1979)), only recent observational and theoreti- almost all atmospheric and oceanic circulation mod- cal studies have clarified that the effects of the non- els employ ‘background’ mixing coefficients which stationarity, internal waves and strong anisotropization kick in when stratification is strong and eddy vis- preclude laminarization of turbulence and thus make cosities and eddy diffusivities become too small (see, Ric devoid of its conventional meaning. It appears e.g., Zhang and Steele (2007)). Usually, these coeffi- therefore that the use of Ric as a criterion of turbulence cients are assumed constant but the simulation results extinction is ill advised and should be avoided. are known to depend upon their values. Adopting Ri-dependent eddy viscosities and eddy diffusivities Acknowledgements shown in Figure 2 may be a viable, physically sound alternative to the use of constant background mixing The authors are grateful to Peter Read, Jack Herring and Walter coefficients. Bach for stimulating discussions during the course of this study Concluding, we re-iterate that the extensive body and to two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments. of experimental, observational and theoretical results Partial support of this research by the ARO grant W911NF-05- points to the fact that a single-valued critical Richard- 1-0055 and the Israel Science Foundation grant No. 134/03 is son number at which turbulence is totally sup- gratefully appreciated. pressed and laminarized simply does not exist; in fact, turbulence can survive in flows with Ri far References exceeding unity. Models that use Ric as a threshold of turbulence extinction often suffer from insufficient mixing. Rather than being quenched at high values Abarbanel H, Holm D, Marsden J, Ratiu T. 1984. Richardson number criterion for the nonlinear stability of three-dimensional stratified flow. Physical Review Letters 52: 2352–2355. 10 Andreas E. 2002. 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Copyright  2007 Royal Meteorological Society Atmos. Sci. Let. 8: 65–69 (2007) DOI: 10.1002/asl