JULY 2015 • VOL 1 • ISSUE #10 • THEDEVILSTRIP.COM The Devil Strip FREE ture Akron Music, Art & Cul in this issue "We need to remember what 's important in life: The Devil Strip friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn't matter, but work is third." ture Akron Music, Art & Cul - Leslie Knope I have a large appetite. “no discount for kinfolk.” A velvet painting of the to find my Honeybear’s in Akron, my Cox Café, my CONTACT US: In my family, this was Last Supper watched over a jukebox that hadn’t Ron & Cheng’s Kitchen—those places that say more Office: some kind of measure worked in a long, long time. The tables were about Akron than words can. (330) 842-6606 of manliness. My dad stocked with pepper sauces and at least one out- and uncles ate platefuls of-date bottle of teriyaki sauce marked with stickers One that really feels like Akron to us is Urban General Info: so I trained myself to from Big Lots. One visit to that now-shuttered place Eats. It isn’t necessarily the menu, which is always
[email protected] do the same, leaving no told you more about the city of Macon than any changing, but rather Liz, Jason, Max and Maya taters behind. Over Sunday dinner, my folks joked guidebook ever could. who are steadfast in their love of the city. It shows Advertising: I had a hollow leg while I headed back for my in the way they push for, support and promote
[email protected] unnecessary thirds, ignoring the fact I was the cool things that come their way.