2010 REPORT TO OUR DONORS Obsessed with Progress A Message from the Chairman of the Foundation Board and the President & CEO

with your help and generosity, we raised $70 million

fundraising initiative—Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer. We will again take on some risk, but we will also confidently apply our accumulated experience When your mission is to CONQUER CANCER IN OUR in running large fundraising events to a sport that is LIFETIME, progress is important. You have to make enjoyed by many Canadians. progress each and every day, and we do. We raise money for The Princess Margaret, and work hard with We are proud of our ability to bring new ideas to frui- hospital leaders to ensure that the funds are allocated tion and then share them with like-minded partners in wisely and according to our donors’ wishes. other parts of who are also dedicated to con- quering cancer. The Shoppers Drug Mart® Weekend At The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation (PMHF), to End Women’s Cancers™ and The Ride to Conquer we have adopted the new term ‘social enterprise’ Cancer are both examples of our Foundation helping because, as a leader in this sector, we feel it is impor- other social enterprises across the country grow their tant to embrace change where it makes good sense fundraising capacity. to do so. The use of the new term recognizes that we have incorporated some of the best practices of the This past fiscal year, with your help and generosity, private sector for the public good. we raised $70 million (net) to support breakthrough research, compassionate patient care, and exemplary Our Foundation has a clear vision, a strong, account- teaching at The Princess Margaret. In this report, you able governance structure, and an understanding will read about how these funds are being invested, that larger rewards involve taking on some level of and the great leadership role that The Princess risk. Launching new events like The Ride to Conquer Margaret is playing in the challenge to CONQUER Cancer involve risk but offer great potential for raising CANCER IN OUR LIFETIME. much needed funds to support one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world. Our Board, pro- fessional staff and our partners have the experience to recognize and mediate the risks.

We are open to fresh ideas at The Foundation, and in Keith P. Ambachtsheer Paul Alofs the Fall of 2010, we will officially launch our newest Chairman President & CEO In Our Lifetime It may seem like we’ve been fighting this fight forever. But we haven’t. There was a time, not long ago, when cancer was a death sentence. And the treatment was dreaded almost as much as the disease. We’ve seen that change in our lifetime, at The Princess Margaret. We’ve seen the entire process of cancer care forever altered. We’ve seen radical mastectomies become lumpectomies. We’ve seen the precision of image-guided therapies spare more healthy tissue. We’ve seen undreamed-of advances at the cellular level and revolutionary work in healing beyond the body. All in our lifetime. All at The Princess Margaret. We’ve seen a provincial cancer hospital become one of the world’s top 5 cancer research centres. We’ve seen our people grow beyond a thousand. We’ve seen leading researchers, from all over the world, leave their homes to come here. Because this is where they believe the fight will be finished. In our lifetime. Yes, we are still losing people to cancer. But imagine if Terry Fox were diagnosed today. He would be much less likely to lose his leg and he could live to continue the fight. That’s how far we’ve come, and that’s how fast. It may seem like we’ll be fighting this fight forever. But we won’t. Because we’re closing in. We have the momentum. We have the talent. And we have the passion. This is the front line. We are Canada’s cancer warriors. But we can’t do it alone. The world needs to hear The Princess Margaret message. So share it at every opportunity with anyone who will listen. It’s a simple message, really. But it’s a message of incredible power: we are conquering cancer at Canada’s cancer research centre, The Princess Margaret. In our lifetime.

The Princess Margaret

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 1 Building Momentum A Message from Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz and Dr. Ben Neel

many relationships in place with other academic institutions allow us to advance our scientific research more quickly. Massive tasks such as zeroing in on the genetic markers of different cancers require intense collaboration. Clinical trial partnerships with other cancer centres and industry allow promising new drugs and procedures to be safely tested and made available to patients expediently.

Our mandate to train the cancer specialists and health care leaders of tomorrow also generates momentum. We provide a rich learning environment for medical residents and budding scientists, and we benefit from their curiosity, their ideas, and their fresh perspective.

And you, our generous donors, are the source of so much of this momentum. The funds you provide fuel critical research. Thanks to you, our world-leading researchers have new equipment and resources, and we are able to initiate and pilot important new We feel a strong sense of momentum and opportu- programs for our patients. Your gifts also enable us nity in cancer research and cancer medicine at The to acquire additional funding from government and Princess Margaret. The treatments we offer today are public agencies. more effective and better tolerated than they were 10 or even 5 years ago, and they are better tailored to a We have ‘raised the bar’ in so many areas of cancer patient’s particular type of cancer. Our confidence in treatment, and are proud to publish and share our treating the disease grows daily, as we gain a deeper findings with the worldwide cancer community… understanding of the biology of cancer and gain creating more momentum to CONQUER CANCER IN access to improved tools to fight and prevent it. OUR LIFETIME.

Momentum is a powerful ingredient when you have complex problems to solve and sick patients to care for. Where is it coming from?

The ‘bench to bedside’ mindset that tightly links our Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz, Medical Director scientific research with our patient care creates a great Cancer Program deal of momentum. Our doctors and our scientists Princess Margaret Hospital/UHN work together, and share knowledge from their unique points of view. The benefits of this ongoing exchange are significant.

Our rich history of discovery and reputation as one of the top 5 cancer research centres in the world Dr. Ben Neel, Research Director opens doors and provides major momentum. The Cancer Institute and The Campbell Family Cancer Research Institute Princess Margaret Hospital/UHN

2 2010 Report to Our Donors The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 3 Stepping up to the plate Providing leadership in publicly and knocking the ball funded medical care out of the park! At the leading cancer research centre in the coun- No base hits for try, the senior staff of Princess Margaret Hospital Emmanuelle (PMH) have an important role to play in helping Gattuso. For her to define and execute a cancer care strategy for causes, she wants the province of Ontario and beyond. This requires to deliver big, so expertise not only in cancer care, but also in the fortunately for The financial realities of publicly funded medicine and Princess Margaret, the health care infrastructure that exists to care for her cause is breast the residents of Ontario. cancer and helping Dr. David McCready, Many clinical specialists and allied health experts Head of the Breast have taken on leadership roles with Cancer Care Cancer Program, Ontario (CCO), the provincial agency responsible eliminate long wait for continually upgrading cancer services. times for breast cancer diagnosis. Dr. Amit Oza is Medical Director of the Cancer Clinical Research For several years, Dr. McCready has been testing Unit and Co-Director of The and evaluating a new approach that reduces Robert & Maggie Bras and Family wait time for a breast cancer diagnosis to one New Drug Development Program day—greatly lowering the amount of anxiety that at PMH. He also co-chairs the patients have to endure. To move his pilot project gynecology committee for the to a fully-operational centre, Dr. McCready esti- National Cancer Institute of mated that $25 million was required. Emmanuelle Canada’s Clinical Trials Group. and her husband, media entrepreneur Allan This group designs and assesses trial proposals Slaight, decided that the women of Ontario ranging from Phase I testing of new drugs to large needed this centre, and made a lead gift of $12.5 Phase III national and international trials. million to launch the campaign. But that was just the beginning. Dr. Oza also participates on steering committees for the U.S. National Cancer Institute and the executive She approached her many friends, helped produce committee of the Gynecologic Cancer Intergroup. TV commercials, made time for newspaper and TV interviews, and was the spokesperson for a direct Dr. Jonathan Irish is the Chief mail appeal. In November 2009, she told viewers of Surgical Oncology for PMH/ on CP24 that for each dollar donated, she and her UHN. Since 2004, he has led the husband would match it. Thanks to thousands of Access to Care (‘Wait Times’) and individual donors, plus some large donations from Strategic Funding Initiatives for corporations and family foundations, the campaign the Surgical Oncology Program now has great momentum, and The Gattuso Rapid for CCO. In 2008, he was Diagnostic Centre is a reality. appointed Provincial Head of the Surgical Oncology Program at CCO overseeing cancer surgery services predic- Visit for video tion and planning, quality improvement initiatives, and human resource planning.

Dr. Irish is also the Regional Head for Surgical Oncology in the Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).

4 2010 Report to Our Donors Translating stem cell research ‘Passing the baton’ to into targeted cancer treatments the next generation of

The discovery of cancer stem philanthropists cells by Dr. John Dick in 1994 initi- After learning of his own diagnosis of a malignant ated a new direction in cancer brain tumor in 1997, one of Gerry Pencer’s main research, and The Campbell ambitions was to set up a foundation that would Family Institute at The Princess build and support a centre specifically for brain Margaret continues to build tumor patients at The Princess Margaret. He understanding and global leader- wanted the centre to be a continuum of research ship in this promising area. and patient care, and he didn’t want his centre to Dr. John Dick look like a hospital! This year, two international projects, each co-led by a senior Gerry and his family donated $4 million to establish scientist from The Princess The Gerry & Nancy Pencer Brain Tumor Centre, and Margaret and a senior scientist it is now the largest brain tumor centre in Canada, from California universities, were and one of the largest in the world in terms of funded by the Cancer Stem patient visits. Cell Consortium in partnership with the California Institute for Gerry would be proud of what the Centre has Regenerative Medicine. The Dr. Dennis Carson accomplished in the past 12 years, and the excep- mandate of the Consortium is tional care that patients receive. Many of the large to coordinate an international pharmaceutical companies active in researching strategy for cancer stem cell research and to rapidly drugs for brain tumors come to the Centre looking translate discoveries into new treatments and to partner for clinical trials. The Centre not only therapies. tests promising new drugs, but works hard to stimulate more early drug development for brain One project is led by Dr. John tumors in Canada and globally. Dick of The Princess Margaret and Dr. Dennis Carson of the University of California, San Diego. Their research will focus on the development of new drugs to treat leukemia, a disease Dr. Tak Mak where half of the patients still die of the disease.

The other project is led by Dr. Tak Mak of The Campbell Family L to R: Holly Pencer Bellman, Nancy Pencer, Stacey Cynamon Cancer Research Institute at The Princess Margaret and Dr. Dennis Gerry’s daughter, Holly Pencer Bellman, now leads Slamon of the University of The Gerry & Nancy Pencer Brain Trust, and, along California, Los Angeles, and it will with her mother, Nancy, and her sister, Stacey focus on developing new drugs Dr. Dennis Slamon Cynamon, organizes their annual fundraising gala for solid tumour cancers. which has raised over $5 million in 12 years. Nancy Pencer continues to give the Centre her own Each Canadian team will receive $20 million in thoughtful touch by providing catering on clinic funding over four years. days and sending fresh flowers every week for patients and staff to enjoy.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 5 Celgene, Sanofi-aventis and Bayer all create clinical research fellowships

Fellowships allow the hospital to recruit and train (hepato-pancreato-biliary) surgical oncology, and the best and brightest physicians from universi- hepatobiliary medical oncology. ties around the world and to add to our body of research knowledge and skill set. More importantly, Dr. Jennifer Knox is a medical oncologist and a increased staff means more personalized attention global leader in cancers of the biliary tract. She for our patients from highly-trained specialists. oversees the work of one of these fellows, and explains, “It’s very challenging to create the Generous support from Celgene, Sanofi-Aventis, momentum needed for clinical research when and Bayer has enabled us to establish three fel- patient care is always our top priority. Having a lowships in areas of cancer research that are fellow on board dedicated to clinical research generally under-funded: multiple myeloma, HPB allows us to accelerate this work and ultimately improve the standard of care for our patients.”

‘Many heads are better than one’ ...

Merck Oncology Collaborative Trials Elekta Oncology Network A productive and long-standing relationship is in The Princess Margaret has built a strong reputa- place with Elekta, and it continues to yield high tion in the area of new drug development and our quality ‘fruit’ that provides better treatment for partnership with pharmaceutical leader Merck cancer patients around the world. The Princess is accelerating our activities in this area. Merck Margaret plays a pivotal role in the development Oncology Collaborative Trials Network is a col- and clinical application of cone-beam CT for laboration of leading cancer research institutions image-guided radiation therapy. This equipment is around the world, and PMH is the only Canadian manufactured by Elekta and is a world standard for cancer research centre participating. care. The work with Elekta is also focused on new radiation safety procedures to ensure that patients The focus is on new drugs for cancers where there always receive the optimum treatment for their is a high degree of unmet need. This includes lung condition. cancer, metastatic colorectal, prostate and breast cancers, gynecological cancers and certain blood In 2010, new technol- cancers such as multiple myeloma. ogy developed at PMH and licensed PMH will receive $20 million as part of this partner- to Elekta, will be ship—$17.3 million from Merck, and $2.6 million launched. With this from the Ontario government. product, radiation oncologists can better visualize and plan radiotherapy treatment allowing them to treat tumours aggressively with ultra-high precision.

6 2010 Report to Our Donors Shoppers Drug Mart® makes a major commitment to The Weekend to End Women’s Cancers

While The Weekend And the support doesn’t end there. Shoppers to End Women’s Drug Mart hopes to have many hundreds of their Cancers is all about employees across the country participating in the raising money—a event in 2010—either walking or volunteering. lot of it—the costs of They have had teams participating in the Toronto running such a large event for the past five years. event are substantial. There’s food, facilities, Since inception eight years ago, The Weekend has tents and hot showers, been a big, bold fundraising event that challenges plus the logistics of women and men to walk for good health and be running a safe event in a part of the spirited and emotional movement to a large city. To offset those costs, corporate spon- conquer cancer. This challenge to maintain good sors are asked to get involved. Shoppers Drug Mart health and the people participating in it, plus the has made a commitment to the title sponsorship cause of conquering cancer were an ideal fit for of The Weekend for the next three years—and not Shoppers Drug Mart. just for the Toronto event, but for all of the other Visit for video Canadian cities where the event is run.

... Industry partnerships bring ‘heads’ together

Pfizer Global Research and IMRIS Inc. Development Dr. David Jaffray, Head of Radiation Physics at The A $6 million investment Princess Margaret, is leading a co-development by Pfizer is fueling a partnership with -based IMRIS—a global program led by Dr. Bradly leader in advanced surgical imaging solutions. The Wouters, Senior Scientist at collaboration will bring the IMRIS technology plat- The Princess Margaret. He is form and their knowledge of magnetic resonance leading a team of scientists that is building a large (MR) imaging together with the expertise of PMH clinical biobank through which molecular signa- in the use of radiation for cancer treatment. The tures in colorectal cancer can be identified. These power of MR imaging to visualize and locate cancer signatures will be used to accelerate the identifica- makes it ideal for directing radiation therapy. tion of biomarkers for early detection, monitoring and treatment. This work will include the The prognosis and response to treatment varies establishment widely for colorectal cancer patients at each stage of optimized of the cancer’s development, which suggests that clinical work- there are a number of sub-types of the disease. flows, as well as validation of the benefits of If doctors could identify a patient’s sub-type of MR-guided radiation therapy to both the patient colorectal cancer through a biomarker, this would and the healthcare system. Planned applica- be a powerful new tool for recommending the tions include external beam radiation therapy, most appropriate treatment. MR-guided biopsies and brachytherapy of the prostate.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 7 World-leading scientists and Honour Roll doctors joined our team Dr. Cheryl Arrowsmith Jeanne Manery Fisher Memorial Lectureship (Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Dr. Bradly Wouters & Cellular Biology) Senior Scientist “Initially, I was attracted to Princess Margaret Dr. Bernard Cummings because of its exceptional reputation in radiation Honorary Life Member of the Association of medicine. I became equally impressed with the Radiation Oncologists of India depth in basic science and, more importantly, the Dr. Ralph DeCosta highly effective, multi-disciplinary approach to CCO Research Chair for Cancer Imaging understanding and treating cancer that is the norm here.” Dr. Wouters joined PMH from the Netherlands where he was Dr. John Dick Professor of Radiation Oncology at Maastricht University. E. Donnall Thomas Lecture and Prize (American Society of Hematology) Dr. Rodger Tiedemann Man of Distinction (Israel Cancer Research Fund) Clinician Scientist 2009 Clifford Prize for Cancer Research “Cancer research today requires large-scale collaboration between clinicians, biologists, Dr. Patrick J. Gullane mathematicians, chemists and pharmacists. PMH Order of Canada was attractive to me because of its rigorous focus Dr. Richard Hill on cancer, its interconnectedness with major The Failla Lectureship (Radiation Research academic research facilities, and its integrated clinical trials Society) program.” Dr. Tiedemann joined PMH from the Mayo Clinic where he was a Dr. Normand Laperriere staff hematologist conducting clinical translational research on Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australian and New lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Zealand College of Radiology

Dr. Laurie Ailles Dr. Geoffrey Liu Scientist CCO Research Chair for Experimental “The opportunity to work side by side with Therapeutics and Population Studies clinicians, participating in research that can help Dr. Senthil Muthuswamy patients today was very attractive to me. PMH Young Investigator Award (Canadian Society of has the equipment and resources, along with a Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology) collaborative culture that brings the best people together. This is what is needed to solve complex problems.” Dr. Ben Neel Dr. Ailles joined PMH from Stanford University where she was a Premier’s Summit Award in Medical Research senior research scientist at the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Vera Peters 2010 inductee to Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

Dr. Kieran Murphy Dr. Lillian Siu Vice-Chair Deputy Chief of Medical Imaging CCO Research Chair for Experimental “I was attracted to PMH because of the excep- Therapeutics tional leadership here as well as the economic stability. These are required ‘raw materials’ for Dr. innovation, and that is the kind of environment Innovators Hall of Fame inductee where I want to work.” Dr. Brian Wilson Dr. Murphy joined University Health Network from Johns Hopkins 2009 Robert L. Noble Prize (Canadian Cancer Medicine. His role is to ensure that the intellectual property devel- Society) oped in our mission of conquering cancer has global impact.

8 2010 Report to Our Donors LIZ FRANCIS LOVED A Moving multiple myeloma CHALLENGE to the ‘front burner’

Liz Francis David Bloom is used to getting results. As the former came to CEO and Chairman of Shoppers Drug Mart, he Canada from doubled the number of stores, quadrupled sales, Scotland when grew earnings tenfold, and created the Optimum card she was just 16, during his time at the helm. and, without the benefit of a Now he wants results for multiple myeloma patients, university edu- and he is one of them. The disease is a malignancy cation, worked of particular white blood cells known as plasma her way up cells—a crucial part of the immune system. For the the corporate past year, David has led a small but feisty fundraising ladder, becom- team of friends, family and colleagues that has raised ing a media supervisor at Y&R agency $4.1 million to establish The Molly and David Bloom by the age of 23. There she met her husband, Bill, Chair in Multiple Myeloma Research—a Canadian and together they went on to build one of Canada’s first. Generous support from Celgene (also funding most successful publishing businesses. a multiple myeloma fellowship) and Ortho Biotech combined with fantastic success by the 5K Multiple Liz was devoted to her family, and thanks to her Myeloma Team helped to achieve this impressive ‘limitless energy’, she found time to be an active campaign total. mother while also being a business partner, a bridge life master, and an exceptional golf and tennis player. She enjoyed every challenge she encountered.

In 2006, Liz was diagnosed with head and neck cancer, and it took her life within a year. Her family, like others affected by cancer, used all of their resources to learn about the cancer and to determine where the best treatment options were available. L to R: Molly Bloom, Dr. Donna Reece, David Bloom

That search brought them to Dr. Lillian Siu, a medical oncologist at The Princess Margaret who The Chair has been awarded to Dr. Donna Reece, the oversees Phase I clinical trials. These are first-in- Director of PMH’s Multiple Myeloma Program and an human tests of new drugs. While Dr. Siu was not international expert in the disease. able to save their mother’s life, the Francis family was most impressed by her compassion, skill and The Princess Margaret is one of the top multiple professionalism, as well as the promising new drug myeloma research centres worldwide, and one of development program at the hospital. four founding institutions of the Multiple Myeloma Research Consortium along with Harvard, the Mayo The family has set up a fund in Liz’s name, and Clinic Cancer Center and the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer begun a partnership with The Princess Margaret to Center. The Bloom Chair will ensure that more promis- support the Phase I clinical trials program. ing new cancer drugs will be tested and moved as quickly as possible from the laboratory to patients.

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The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 9 A history of ‘firsts’ and major discoveries

Dr. Vera Peters introduces breast- conserving Dr. James Till surgery called and Dr. Ernest ‘lumpectomy’ McCulloch discover stem for women Bone marrow transplant cells with early stage unit performs first transplant breast cancer between unrelated donors

Dr. Harold Johns Dr. Jack Cunningham develops pioneers high- software used worldwide for 20 dose radiation years to control radiation therapy therapy known as the ‘cobalt bomb’

1958 1959 1961 1971 1975 1984

Dr. Tak Mak clones the Team designs T-cell receptor, and builds the known as the Hemitron, a ‘Holy Grail’ of machine that immunology delivers full and Dr. Vera Peters uses half-body radiation radiation to cure Hodgkin’s disease

Princess Margaret Hospital opens on Sherbourne Street in Toronto

10 2010 Report to Our Donors The Princess First North American installation of full-field digital Margaret mammography at Princess Margaret and Mount Dr. Rama moves to new Sinai Hospitals, enabling earlier diagnosis of breast Khokha location at cancer with less radiation exposure links ovarian 610 University hormone to Avenue Dr. John Dick Surgeons discovers breast stem use robotic colon cancer cell growth laparoscopic stem cells Dr. Pamela Ohashi identifies technology an immune molecule called to perform IRAK-4, critical in defense a radical against infections prostatectomy

1995 1999 2000 2002 2005 2008 2010

Dr. Tak Mak Together with Doctors begin identifies IL-13 The Hospital for Drs. Frances Canada’s first as the driver Sick Children, Shepherd, Ming clinical trial of of Hodgkin’s researchers identify Tsao and Igor gene therapy disease a gene that, when Jurisica identify in patients mutated, results in gene ‘signature’ that with multiple Doctors use toxin to medulloblastoma, predicts lung cancer myeloma rid bone marrow of the most common patients’ response cancer cells, improving brain tumour in to chemotherapy in treatment for non- children combination with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, surgery multiple myeloma, and Dr. Norman breast cancer Dr. Mark Boyd identifies Bernstein breast density performs ‘awake’ as a major risk craniotomy to Researchers factor for breast remove brain discover PTEN cancer, and later tumour, with gene, whose demonstrates same-day mutation that it is highly discharge is linked to Research team inheritable several cancers identifies ‘gene including brain, clusters’ involved in ovarian, breast, lung cancer prostate and skin

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 11 Friends of The Princess Margaret

Kitty Cohen Veronica Van At 97, Kitty isn’t content with Rooyen looking through old photo Just six weeks after albums or telling ‘remember completing her breast when…’ stories—she’s cancer treatment at still too busy creating new The Princess Margaret, ‘photo opps’, fundraising for Veronica participated The Princess Margaret, and in The Weekend to End starring in a new YouTube video. For the past three Breast Cancer and raised $11,500 for the cause years, Kitty has walked in The Weekend to End that is now so dear to her. Not content with that Women’s Cancers and has raised over $3,600. accomplishment, she decided to use her talents as a former actor and made a fortuitous connection Steve Cohen with a film director who was also passionate about For the past three years Steve has led ‘Steve’s the cause. Together they created an inspiring Cyclepaths’—the largest team in The Ride to video that gives new meaning to Nancy Sinatra’s Conquer Cancer. He is a business and community classic song—These Boots are Made for Walking. To leader in the Niagara region, and has built his team see the video, visit to over 140 cyclists, all passionate about the cause of conquering cancer in our lifetime. Collectively, Elana Waldman the team has now raised over $1.1 million, and he Like many 36-year-old women, hopes to recruit even more ‘Cyclepaths’ in 2011. Elana is a wife, a mother, and an active member of her com- munity. However, unlike many 36-year-old women, she is also a two-time cancer survivor. She has raised over $300,000 for the hospital through her aWEARness event and other endeavours. Not surprisingly, her commitment to the hospital is already ‘rubbing off’ on her six-year-old daughter. Sydney raised $83 for the hospital this year when she set up a jewelry and ‘glitter art’ stand outside Emile Marino her home. Emile ‘wears many hats’ when it comes to Lawrence Zimmering the production of the Lawrence is a cancer survivor and the 2010 best-selling Toronto Honorary Chair of The Ride to Firefighter Calendar. He Conquer Cancer. He is an avid is the photographer, art cyclist and grateful to ‘give director, and production back’ to The Princess Margaret manager…and he’s also by helping to champion this Mr. December! He is event. He assembled a team of grateful for the oppor- over 70 riders, and collectively tunity to ‘fight back’ they have raised $1.5 million against cancer, and to be part of this successful since the event began three fundraising initiative—now in its fifth year—that years ago. has raised over half a million dollars.

12 2010 Report to Our Donors Strategic Initiatives

Ride rollout ‘Dawn-to-dusk’ road hockey event Registration for the 2009 event in Toronto again closed early after 3,450 riders were signed up. This Road hockey warriors, get ready… the first annual included a team of blind triathletes, a paraplegic Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer is coming in rider who completed the entire course using a October 2011! The Princess Margaret Hospital hand cycle, an 81-year-old rider, and many cancer Foundation will be applying its expertise in survivors. What an incredible source of inspiration! executing large fund- raising events to the The Ride to Conquer Cancer was a concept in most Canadian of all development for almost three years prior to the pastimes. “If you love launch in 2008. The logistics—from cycling routes hockey, and you to safety planning to food and hydration stations— want to be part require a great amount of attention to ensure that of the movement all is ready for the actual event. that is conquering cancer now, you don’t want to miss this event,” advises Shawn Burt, Chief Hockey Officer at The Foundation.

This will be a ‘dawn-to-dusk’ road hockey mara- thon to be held at Ontario Place. Each team of 7 or 8 players will play 5 games in the 3-on-3 style (plus goalies), and, in between games, they will enjoy ‘hockey food’ along with live music, festival activities, and other friendly competitions. Former The Foundation is proud of its leadership in start- NHL players and other sports and entertainment ing new events and helping other charities that personalities will be on hand to participate in a raise funds for cancer research adopt them. The variety of ways (with some of them taking part in a Ride to Conquer Cancer is now also running in ‘draft’ open to top fundraising teams!) , Calgary and Montreal, and, as of July 31, 2010, these events outside of Ontario have col- Teams and individuals will have excellent online lectively raised $42.7 million. This brings the total tools to help them fundraise and promote their gross funds raised nationally, including the amount participation in this inaugural community event. raised by the three Toronto events, to $88.6 million! Register now, as this event is sure to be a sell out! Go to

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 13 Community giving

The only thing that went wrong was Marlo and the Magic Castle that the day ended! It’s something all parents want their children to That is what understand—the importance of ‘giving back’—and Gennaro Palma it’s a high priority for Marlo’s parents, Mary and said about his Steve. Back in February, they read a newspaper wedding day. He article to their seven-year-old daughter Marlo and his bride, about the Magic Castle—a free daycare service at Gina, were mar- The Princess Margaret for children whose parents ried on October or other family members are receiving cancer 24, 2009 with treatment. Marlo doesn’t fully understand yet what 270 guests in cancer is, but she does understand the importance attendance. Like of taking food to a food bank, and giving a few many couples, coins to the man at the corner who doesn’t have they wanted enough food to eat. their wedding day to include When it was time for Marlo’s birthday party, her some way of parents remember- remem- ing members bered the of their family who weren’t with them on this Magic special day. Both Gina and Gennaro have lost Castle, and friends and family members to cancer, and suggested decided that in lieu of wedding favours for their to Marlo guests they would make a donation to support that they ask cancer research at The Princess Margaret. her friends to bring This gesture was very important to the couple, money and it made their special day even more mean- instead of presents to the birthday party. They ingful. Gennaro commented on how easy it was would use some of the money to buy one birthday to make these arrangements with The Princess gift, and then donate most of the money to the Margaret Hospital Foundation. They prepared Magic Castle. Marlo liked the idea, had a wonderful their own message for the cards placed at party with her friends, and sent The Foundation each table, and the Foundation took care of the $200 of her birthday money with a lovely note printing. saying she hoped the money could While their wedding day had to end, Gina and buy new craft Gennaro still had their honeymoon to look supplies or books forward to. As school teachers, they postponed for the kids. that part of their celebration to the summer. We wish them a never-ending honeymoon!

14 2010 Report to Our Donors Special Events

Remembering a beloved of the game and raise money for this important cause. Almost $350,000 has ‘woodchuck’ been raised to date.

This year will be the tenth anni- Susan Awrey is a pediatric radiation versary of The Charles Krowitz nurse who speaks to the ladies on Woodchuck Golf Classic. This tournament day to let them know fundraising event was created in how their funds have improved the quality of the memory of a young man just 30 program. “Thanks to the ladies of Maple Downs,” years of age who died from a rare she explains, “we have purchased pediatric crash but aggressive form of non-Hodg- carts and computer games, renovated our waiting kins lymphoma called Burkitt’s lymphoma, which room, prepared helpful literature for parents, and most often affects young men in their 20’s and 30’s. produced a CD to reduce any fears that our young patients may have about radiation treatment. Charles’ love of both woodcrafting and golf are We are especially pleased that we can give each remembered each year as friends and family gather patient their own ‘radiation buddy’ to cuddle when at a golf facility to share food, fun, and memories. they are alone in the radiation delivery room.” Each year the event closes with inspirational speeches that reflect on the great warmth, gener- osity of spirit and zest for life that Charles Krowitz shared with everyone he met. Rallying Against Cancer Hardcore In memory of Rachel Anne Cecilia Higgins To date, this event has raised over $650,000 for research into Burkitt’s lymphoma led by Dr. Mark A three-pitch baseball tournament, now in its Minden, a world-renowned expert in lymphoma seventh year, has raised $322,000 and leukemia research and treatment. for brain tumour research in memory of a brave young woman who is remembered as sister, daughter, granddaughter, The ladies of Maple Downs find their niece, cousin, gymnastics coach cause! and friend. Their beautifully- crafted mission statement captures their passion These ladies from for conquering cancer and their compassion for all 45 to 80+ years brain cancer patients: of age have come together because We stand together as family, as friends, as a com- of their passion for munity who choose to RALLY AGAINST CANCER the game of golf, HARDCORE. We stand as a light with all who are but the ladies of burdened with brain cancer. We believe cancer can Maple Downs have and will be beaten. We, as RACH, are endeavouring cultivated another through fundraising to be the last piece or one of passion over the past decade—the Pediatric the collective pieces in solving this puzzle of curing Radiation Program at The Princess Margaret. patients with this illness. We will provide funds to be used as a tool to cultivate research to get this job The Maple Downs Ladies Annual Pro-AM done. Tournament, now in its 16th year, attracts over 20 female golf pros from across the province, who team up with 100 club members to share their love

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 15 SPECIAL EVENTS

Thank you to the many organizers, volunteers and donors that made our Special Events held from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 so special! We acknowledge and thank you for your outstanding efforts!

$1,000,000+ Friends For Life Up to $24,999 5K Your Way Walk/Run to Conquer Machado Event - Circle Of Friends 2nd Annual Golf Fore A Cure Cancer MIA Golf Tournament A Diva Night Mindy Kirsh Memorial Bridge to the A Journey to Heal $250,000 – $999,999 Cure Tournament A Night in the Past for a Cure in the Joe’s Team Triathlon Panda Bears Walk Future Harry’s Spring Run Off Rallying Against Cancer Hardcore A.Kinetic Day Dream Donation The Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain (RACH) 3-Pitch Tournament Abun”Dance” of Love Trust (Simply Chic Gala + Spin 180 Spinning for a Cure! Allure Flowers Inc. Golf Tournament) The Joe Di Palma Foundation Wonder An Evening for Alicia Gala Annual Mike Dickinson Grey Cup $100,000 – $249,999 Toronto Fire Fighter Magic Show Event aWEARness - Giving Voice to the GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon Whispers Dick Aldridge Charity Golf Classic $25,000 – $49,999 Grimm’s Agnico-Eagle Mines Annual Kathy Morrison Memorial Golf Invitational Tournament Kelly Silverstein Memorial Golf Chinese Opera Concert Tournament Hunt for the Cure Taylor Cup Pond Hockey Jo-Ann Cooke Family Foundation Gala Championship Lifford Boys’ Night Out The ConKer Ride Maple Downs Ladies Annual Pro-AM Toronto Fire Fighter Calendar Tournament

$50,000 – $99,999 BLJC Charity Golf Charity B-Strong Event Charles Krowitz Woodchuck Golf Classic Coast2Coast2Cure Bertina Matos Content Sale Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am Fashion Show Brampton Christian School Dress- Down Brave Heart Life Party Canadian Computer Charity Golf Classic Power 2 Cure Celebration of Life Luau Most Wanted Fashion Show CHC Golf Tournament Stayin’ Alive Disco Party Chiros Care -Malignant Melanoma Strike Out Cancer Fund Raiser Wings of Life Chubb Insurance Company of Canada

16 2010 Report to Our Donors CMRRA Golf Tournament Mike Wade Events Creating a Buzz - Equitable Trust Noble Trade Guarantee (Iron Man) Survivor Day Ola Finesse Spring Jewelry Fashion Crop for the Cure Show Cure for Cancer Crusaders Pickle Barrel Golf Tournament Cuts For A Cause Pink Positive Daniela Del Rosso Events Profile Wine Group Dave Wilson Memorial Golf Project Cure Paola’s Fund Golf Tournament Tournament Dough for Cookies Ernie Tourney Fallen Nitro Performance & BBQ Fashion Show 4 the Cure Firefighters Against Cancer’s Existence Fish On TV - Celebrity Fish Tournament Friends Forever Gail Phillips Memorial Golf Tournament Gail’s Fun Run Heidi’s Golf Classic

Project Give Back The Jack B Elie Memorial Golf Rapini’s Ristorante Fashion Show Tournament Ratech Golf Tournament The Lost Faculties Dance for RACH Rebecca’s Hope The Pink Bedroom Party Rebecca’s Hope - Halloween Ball The Purple Purl Calendar Event Rebecca’s Hope - Parrish & Tiny Miracles Heimbecker Golf Tournament Todd Wonacott Memorial Curling Rebecca’s Hope - Sonoma In The City Tournament Rebecca’s Hope - Taste Napa Valley Toronto Sportsman Fly Fishing Rebecca’s Hope - Therac 25 Toronto’s Finest Bachelor and Hibiscus Tea Party Ride for Heart - Ride for Ed Bachelorette Auction Issie’s Quest Rob Penney Memorial Slo-Pitch U of T Campus Police Golf Tournament James Craig Sporting Event Tournament U of T Dentatics Jeanne Lottie Merchandise Ross Forfar Memorial Golf Tournament UHN Pharmacy Calendar Jo-Anne’s Ironman Ryerson Students for PMH Ultimate Cheer John Fortney Cocktail Party Shades of White Donation Upstaging Cancer John Steinberg Anniversary Skate 4 Cancer Vaffi Salon Judy Langstaff Golf Tournament St. Martinho BBQ Voice of Reason CD Sales Judy Taylor Golf Tournament Stepping Out to Celebrate Life Weekend to Strike Out Cancer Kevin Brillinger Memorial Golf Sunset Pavillion Charity Ball White’s Family Private Party Tournament The Corned Beef House Colossal World Head Wraps Fashion Show & Knock Out Cancer Challenge Concert Les Rouxs “Family Affair” The Gary Warner Memorial Golf Wyatt Pellew Tennis Tournament Mad Hatter’s Walk Tournament Zumba-Thon Mahj for Myeloma

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 17 DONOR LIST

The following donor lists show actual gifts received and pledge payments made during the fiscal year April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. Donations made in support of participants in The Weekend to End Breast Cancer and The Ride to Conquer Cancer are listed in our online Donor List which you can find at w denotes donors whose giving includes an estate gift

$5,000,000+ Michael Albert Garron The Joe Di Palma Brain Tumor Charles Petersen and Riki The Campbell Family Foundation Pediatrics Foundation Turofsky John Edward Montgomeryw The Lillian and Don Wright M. Hope Powell National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation Prostate Cancer Canada $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 Canada Foundation The Prostate Cancer Fight Gerald Schwartz and Heather Dr. Geoffrey R. Conway Ortho Biotech Foundation Reisman Memorial Foundation Play in Support of Cancer The Schneider Family Sherman Foundation Orey and Mary Fidani Family Research Hold’em For Life Foundation Reginald Smithw In Honour of Al Hertz Charity Nevil and Susanne Thomas Sam Sniderman and Janet Mays Radiation Oncologists – PMH PMH Dental Associates Family and Friends of Edie Yolles Kevin M. Sullivan and Family Allan Slaight and Emmanuelle Michael A. Psakiw Swiss Chalet Gattuso Roche $25,000 - $49,999 Roy Taylor Harry Rosen Inc. The Bank of Montreal Albert and Temmy Latner Family sanofi-aventis The Ira Gluskin and Maxine $500,000 - $999,999 Foundation Scotiabank Granovsky Gluskin Charitable Molly and David Bloom Keith Ambachtsheer and Gary and Donna Slaight Foundation Celgene Corporation Virginia Atkin Nikola Stanacevw The Mariano Elia Foundation OSI Pharmaceuticals Asbestos Workers Local 95 The Black Family Foundation The Norman and Marian Foundation, Inc. Howard L. Banting The Buchan Family Foundation Robertson Charitable The Muzzo Family Ida Bloomw Edward G. Thompson Foundation BML Group of Companies The Sherry Taylor Drew William P., Gail and Billy Brown $250,000 - $499,999 Jack and Anne Weinbaum and Foundation Anonymous Constance Olga Bourdignon Family Kevin Thistle Gloria Veronica Maria Pasquale Burgessw Stanley and Adrianne Thomas Cannw Burgundy Asset Management Mary Elisabeth Wallacew Anna-Liisa and Graham $50,000 - $99,999 Ltd. Seymour Weinstein Farquharson Anonymous (3) Joan Bush David and June Williams In Honour of Al Hertz (2) The Asaro Family Canadian Partnership Against Herbert Allan Wilsonw In Honour of Melissa Ann AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Cancer Corp. Katzman Jack and Patricia Barclay James Charles Clutcheyw James S. Kinnear and Bridgette Marvin and Linda Barnett Merelyn Joan Dominicow $10,000 - $24,999 Eansor Bayer HealthCare Cathy Hale Anonymous (2) Jon and Nancy Love BLJC HSBC Bank Canada 940412 Ontario Ltd. The Gerry and Nancy Pencer Elisabeth Louise Burgessw Indigo Books & Music Inc. Leonard and Marcy Abramsky Brain Trust David and Paula Butterfield Intuitive Surgical Inc. The Alofs Family Family and Friends of Lusi Wong Cara Operations Limited Janssen-Ortho Inc. Brian Aune In Honour of Brian Barbara Crispo Jilla and Robert Williams Steck Ian and Anne Devine Foundation Family of Matthew W. Barrett $100,000 - $249,999 Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Jose and Alexandra Jardino Andy Rolf von den Baumenw Anonymous (5) Adelson Medical Research Paula Kirsh and Family Glen Baxby Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation Mary Irene Hazel Langfordw Jane Botsford Foundation John Ferguson Flinnw Martin John Gascoigne Leew John H. Bowey Bram and Bluma Appel Fondazione CRUP - Cassa Di Local 67 - United Association of Audra Helen Elizabeth Brackenw Karen and Bill Barnett Risparmio Udine - Pordenone Journeymen & Appr. Shirley Brownw Eugene Bocciaw Janice Fukakusa and Greg Nancy Lockhart and Murray Jane Burfield Cancer Care Ontario Belbeck Frum Canadian Uro-Oncology Group Deloitte & Touche GlaxoSmithKline Esther and John Loewen Family Canso Investment Counsel Ltd. Family of Elizabeth M. Francis Koji and Mizue Handa Lee and Greg MacNeil CIRRO Bruce Galloway Glenn Hunnings Macquarie Group Foundation Arthur and Harriett Cohen Greenpark Homes Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. Esther and Jack Cole and Family Gucciardi Family Patrick Hodgson Family James Maynew Gail and Irving Cooper International Union of Foundation Joseph Neville McCarthyw David and Lynn Coriat Operating Engineers Local The Posluns Family J. Douglas McCulloughw Purdy and Bea Crawford 793 Margaret S. Preston McMaster University Culinary Destinations Ltd. Imperial Oil Foundation Eva Anna Schutzw Karen and Paul Morton John and Myrna Daniels The Allan Kerbel Family SGNC Charitable Trust Multiple Myeloma Canada Deborah D’Arcy Farsad Kiani Shoppers Drug Mart Novartis Pharma Canada Inc. T. and Calliopi Darmos Lamarche Family Foundation Tesari Charitable Foundation Bernice Palefw Davis & Henderson Ltd. Sheila Loftus and Family

18 2010 Report to Our Donors Angela De Gasperis Stephen Morson 150 Toro Inc. Himel Group Ardis Archer Rosemary Rita Deleow Magda Mutch 2028866 Ontario Inc. Carolyn Archibald Cathleen Ruperta Macaulay Chris and Mrs. Lisa Naprawa 2100950 Ontario Inc. Argo Lumber Inc. Dewhirstw National Bank Financial Inc 2111689 Ontario Inc. Aria Solutions Inc. Primo I. Di Luca Philip and Joan Norris 24 Hour Reefer Service Ltd. Charles and E. L. Armstrong David Dulberg Desmond and Pamela O’Rorke 5 Corners Productions Inc. Raj Arya David and Margriet Dunlap Jeffrey Orr 639281 Ontario Ltd. Aspen Ridge Holdings Inc. Paul and Teresa Dykeman Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP 683731 Ontario Ltd. Associated Paving & Materials Tom and Karen Ehrlich and Richard Patterson 83 Redpath Residences Inc. Ltd. Family Lata Pattini A & W Food Services of Canada Astral Broadcasting Group Inc. Leonard Eisen George Patton Inc. Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. Famglas Foundation Lisa Perry A.K.A. New Media Inc. Eleanor Augusteijn Gail and Robert Farquharson Pfizer Canada Inc. Abbott Laboratories Ltd. James R. Austinw Hillary Firestonew Chris S. Purkis Allen D. Abbott Maria Aversa Kevin Fong RBC Foundation Roger Abbott Nancy Avison John Douglas Franksw Robin T. Cotton, M.D., Inc. Acier Wirth Steel Wilfred Avison Peter L. Fraser Peter and Tina Rocca Acker Finley Inc. Aviva Insurance Company of Front Street Capital Rosa Roesslew Hyman and Phyllis Ackerman Canada Frank Fusillo Anna Rollingw Peter and Nora Adamson AXA Insurance Canada G.A Paper International Inc. Larry Wayne Rowew Adansiman Charitable Michael Aymong Yola and Emilio Gambin Family and Friends of Tito Foundation Verna Aziz Gedco Sansalone Renee Addison B & D Insulation Inc. Geo. A. Kelson Company Ltd. Naju B. Shroff Adesso Solutions Inc. TMS Tom Bacher Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Tim Sorensen Canada Scott and Jacqueline Bachly Foundation St. Michael’s College School Richard Adkerson William F. Badke Giovanni and Concetta Guglietti Erika Steffer Amos Adler Aubrey and Marsha Baillie Family Foundation Ronald S. Steinberg, Paula Mayer Adler Baker Centre Health Care Mary Elizabeth Sheila Gornallw Brockman and Susan Caplan ADM World Foundation Elyse Graff and Robert Strachans s.a. Admar Promotions Group Baker Real Estate Corp. McKittrick Barbara Stymiest Aerie Ltd. Philip J. and Seta Baker Harco Publishing SunSmart Melanoma Aero Plastics Ltd. Mike Balaka David and Melanie Harris Foundation Agensys Inc. Tony Baldassarra Robert Harrison Jean M. Swanson Agincourt-Wexford Baseball Raff and Frank Baldesarra Marilyn Hosang Tauba & Solomon Spiro Family League Helen G. Balfour IBM Canada Employees and Foundation Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. Richard Balfour Retirees TD Bank Financial Group Aimco Solrec Ltd. Gwen Ballentine Arnold and Lynn Irwin The Buckingham Charitable Aircon Mechanical Systems Inc. Ernest L. Balmer JBS Foundation Inc. Foundation Berc Aksay Carol and Stan Banach Harvey Kagan The Jo-Ann Cooke Family Alastair & Diana Gillespie Mona H. and R. Bandeen May and Fred Karp Foundation Foundation Naresh Bangia Phyllis and Samuel Kauffman The Laurier Group Gino Alberelli Barbara and Henry Bank Martin Kelman The Master Insulators Peter W. Alberti John F. Bankes Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. Association of Ontario Inc. J. A. Alexander Faith and Jordan Banks Kinross Gold Corp. The Philip Smith Foundation George Alexopoulos Shirley Bannan John and Margaret Krall The Pickle Barrel Algonquin Power Corporation Edith and R. Bansen Paul and Rhonda Krandel The Sherry and Sean Bourne Inc. BAP Health Outcomes Hassanali and Noorbanu Charitable Foundation Mohammad Alkari Beverly Barakett Lakhani The Sobey Foundation All Star Carpentry David Barbour Raymond Lam U of T Dentatics 2009 Allan and Susan Fenwick Paul Barnicke Larry and Cookie Rossy Family Universal Workers Union Local Charitable Foundation Douglas and Kathryn Barrington Foundation 183 All-Connect Logistical Services John and Betty Barrons Kuok K. Lau Vibro-Acoustics Inc. Robert Bastianon Stuart and Victoria Lazier Elizabeth M. Walter Maria Allgeier Sylvia Bastianon Lifford Wine Agency Gordon Reginald Waltonw Allied Nevada Bathe & McLellan Building In Honour of Lai Chun Liu James A. Waters Allstate Insurance Company of Materials M&M Meat Shops Ltd. In Honour of the Wonderful Life Canada Al Bauer Macquaire Capital Markets of Percy Weinstein - Myrna, Francis M. Alonzi Luis Bayardo Canada Ltd. Karen and Deedee Weinstein Harvey Alstodt Laura N. Bayer Manulife Financial West Face Capital Mark and Frances Altow Olga Virgiliea Baynew Margaret and Wallace McCain Lynn Wilson Amici Di Padre Pio BBS Securities Inc. Bertina C. Matos Michael and Shari Wilson Jeanette Anbinder BDO Dunwoody LLP James Samuel McClearyw Florence and Mickey Winberg Elizabeth Anderson Edwin L. and Elaine Beallor Tom and Lynn McCulloch Richard Wookey James M. Anderson Bob and Marilyn Beamish Ian McKinnon Milton and Gwen Yacht Family Shannon J. Anderson Stephen Bear Mechanical Contractors Fund Coralie L. Andrew W. Geoffrey Beattie Association of Toronto Carmen Irene Anglin David and Debby Beatty Donna Millerw $1,000 - $9,999 Ann and Mike Rosenthal Family Hilda Beaucagew Dora Millerw Foundation Roland Beauregard Anonymous (50) Milli Ltd. Jerrold Annett Beaverhall Homes 1353566 Ontario Ltd. O/A Mary Mojeckiw Trevor and Lynda Appleby Barbara Bednarski Golden Comb Gary and Alessandra Morassutti Michael Arbus Rod and Susan Behan 1479474 Ontario Inc.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 19 Bell Canada, Employee Giving Rudy and Catherine Bratty Carmen L. Guglietti Lumber Inc. Jean and Glenn Cochrane Program Lydia Braunw Alan Carson Coconut Grove Pads Inc. Hannah (Nancy) Strang Simpson Tanya and Paul Braun Margaret L. Carson Daniel Cohen Bellw Melvin Bray Mary Carson Gerald Cohen Bob and Diann Bell Peter Bray Tom Carter Marshall and Judith Cohen Martin and Sandra Belman Wendy Brear Brian and Charlotte Carter Stephen and Roslyn Cohen David Ben Roman Brenner Barbara L. Cartwright Theresa Coleman Bence Motor Sales Ltd. David and Constance Briant Casa dos Açores do Ontario College of Nurses of Ontario Benefit Plan Administrators Ltd. Edmund Bridgwater Casco Inc. Colley Borland & Vale Insurance Benjamin’s Park Memorial Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada John Cassaday Brokers Ltd. Chapel John Brittain Les Cassibo Collins Barrow Toronto LLP Benkar Shoes Inc. George C. Britton Castlemore Public School Pietrina Colosimow Bennett Jones David Broadhurst CathMark Investments Concussive Concepts Creative Lisa Bennett Brookdale Treeland Nursery In Honour of W. Manson Designs Paul Bennett Doug Brooks Catterson Con-Elco Ltd. Maria F. Bento Philip Browman and Family Stephen G. Caudwell Dean Connor Helmut Beretzw Alan Brown John Cavanaugh The Cooke Family Jeffrey Berger Betty Ruth Brownw Siobhan Cavanaugh Irving and Gail Cooper Susanne and Gary Bernier Douglas Brown CCB Employees Credit Union Sydney and Florence Cooper Fraser Berrill Jeanette Brown Mirella Cesario and Family Stan Bharti Joan Anne Brown Gordon W. Cetkovski Kenneth and May Copland Dilip Bhattacharyya Kevin Brown Chad Management Group Cesidio Coppola William Biggar Anne Marie Brownleew Robert Chadwick Corma Inc. Herb and Fran Binder and Family Jim and Anna May Bruce Margaret Chambers Cossette Communications Lenny and Evie Binder Heather Bryant Anna Chan Cougar Biotechnology Derek and Anne W. Birt Philip M. Buchwalter Philip Chan Mary Cary and Gary Coughlan Robert Bishop Leanne Buck Yolanda Chan Charles Coupal Black & McDonald Ltd. Electrical Anna Cecelia Bucknellw The Chandaria Family and Olga and Warner Cowan & Mechanical Contractors Barbara Bulmer Conros Corporation Lisa J. Cox Dave Black Kim Buntain Elizabeth Chang Megan Cox and Christopher Heather E. Black Bodil Bunting Murray J. Chant Kennedy Jeff Blanco Bette Burke Larry Chapman Paul and Elvi Craig Blank Legal Services M. William and Dorothy Burke Kevin Charles Barbara Crawford Murray E. Blankstein Michael F. Burke Allan C. Chartrand Edward H. Crawford John and Anne Blasman Gail Burnett Nathalie and Dale Cheeseman Elizabeth and Noel Crawford Frances Blau Shirley Burnett Mark Cheevers Ana Paula Creador Geoffrey Bledin/Equitable Trust Alexander and Gladys Burns Gord and Margaret Chellew Creative Planning Financial Nicolette Bledin Latham and Paddy Ann Burns Kou Hui Chen Group Michael Bloom Ronald Peter Butler Wingcheong Cheung Credit Valley Imaging Associates Fran and Lawrence Bloomberg Valerie L. Butler Elizabeth Chisholm Terry and Bruce Creighton Blue Suede Sue’s Inc. George and Martha Butterfield Peter Chiu Creststreet Capital Corp. Louis Blumen Cabral Catering Oleg Chkvorets Crestview Investment Linda Bluteau-Tarabelli Edda Caldarone Rene Chouinard Corporation Barbara J. Bluteau-Zetchus R. M. Calhoun Kirby Chown CREW ENERGY BMO Capital Markets Norma J. Callum Alexander and Saralee Christ Sal Crimi Edera Bohman Cambridge Pro Fab Inc. David Christie John and Mary Crocker Boiler Inspection & Insurance Donald R. and Elizabeth A. David and Valerie Christie Ian and Beth Croft Co. Cameron William and Inge Christie Carolyn J. Cross Gagnon Joe Bolla Michelle Camilleri Chubb Insurance Company of Crossby Dewar Janet L. Bomza Paolo Campisi Canada Peter Crossgrove Bondfield Construction Canada Chinese Computer CIBC Mellon Global Securities Janos P. Csepreghi Company Ltd. Association Charitable Services CTV Inc. Michael Bondy Foundation CIBC Orsc Social Committee Andrew W. Cumming Larry and Kathleen Bookman Canada Life CIBC John Cundari Michael H. Borden Canadian Amyloidosis Support Frank Ciccolini John William Curran Eric Bornstein Network Inc. Citrolad Canada (Juices) Inc. Marty Cutler Mark Bosa Canadian College of Health CJE Services Inc. Isilda Graca Da Silva Robindra N. Bose Service Executives Lou and Rhonda Clancy Mark Daitchman Boston Pizza Canadian Conference of John Clark Fern Daiter Jim and Deborah Bouchard Asbestos Workers Clarus Securities Inc. Pearl and Dominic D’Alessandro Ron Bouckley Canadian Health Services Joan D. Clayton Randy Dalton Yvan and Hiro Bourdeau Research Foundation Ronald and Lynnette Clegg Lorraine Daly Walter M. and Lisa Balfour Canadian Hospital Specialities Bruce Cleland Daniel and Elizabeth Damov Bowen Ltd. Manuel Clementino Leslie and Anna Dan Richard J. Boxer Canadian Million Dollar Round CLIO/OZ Kevin Dancey Sean Boyd Table Foundation Jason M. Cloth Dante Alighieri Academy Walter Boyd Cape Breton District Health CN Employees’ and Pensioners’ Lloyd and Carol Darlington Peter Braaten Authority Community Fund Archibald R. Dash Douglas Bradley Capital North Commerical CNA Foundation David Cornfield Melanoma Fund Brampton Christian School Realty Corp. Coachcrest Holdings Inc David Nosella Int. Design Brant Flour Mills Ltd. Robert Carew James Coatsworth David Schaeffer Engineering Ltd. Jane Brass Italia Carlison Cobmex (Canada) Inc. Davis LLP

20 2010 Report to Our Donors DC Foods (2001) Inc. Luise Enderle Mike and Rocchina Gambardella David Green A. R. Deane Pearl and Melvyn Enkin Garfinkle Biderman LLP David Y. Green Sandra E. Deike ENTE Ospedaliero Cantonale Rosa Gargaro Jean Green Eddy Del Medico Peter Erlendson Fiona Garland Karen Green Della Shore Investments Philip Ernst Roger Garland Lindy Green and Howard Deloitte Management Services Escada Gary Bluestein Charitable Sinukoff LP European Bagels Inc. Foundation Lindy C. Green Delta Pi Sorority John R. Evans Bruno and Renate Gass Robert Green and Jill Kantelberg Elvio Delzotto F.E.D. Construction Management Pierre Gattuso Nadine Greenberg George and Katherine Ltd. Genesis Daniel Greenglass Dembroski John C. Fanaras John George Gresta Ltd. Derek and Louise Dermott Julian Fantino GFI Investment Counsel Ltd. Bruce and Penelope Grierson D. Deslauriers Agnes Faraci Ghandour Painting & Decorating Steve Groeneveld Jean C. Deverill John Farano Dimitri Giankoulas Jeanette and Harvey Grosman Patrick Devine Helen Farintosh Joyce and Harry Gibbard Steve Gross Peggy DeZwirek Patricia Farquharson Garnet Orin Gibbinsw Sylvia Guenther and Richard Romeo and Carmela Di Battista Joseph Fehrenbach J. Patrick Gibson Hennessey Jason and Kelly Di Biase Bernard Feinstein Paul Gibson Silvio Guglietti Dibco Underground Rochelle Feldberg David Giffin Gerry Guilfoyle Tony Dibernardo Fernview Construction Ltd. Jack A. Gilbert William Gurevsky Emanuel DiFalco Fidelity Investments Sean and Joy Gilbert Sheryl Gutzin Peter and Anna Di Giuseppe Fiesta Farms Gurjeet S. Gill H.W. & Associates Ian Dillon Isobel M. Findley James Gillies E. Jean Hackett Linda J. Dindzans David N. Finkelstein Ken Gillis Tracy A. Hackett Therese Dohring Joe Finley James A. Girling Robert Hagerman John Domenelli Wallace Finley Jack Glasier Joseph D. Haines Dominion Caulking Ltd. Firefighters Against Cancer’s Kurt Gemser Ralph and Roz Halbert Dominion of Canada General Existence Foundation Global Precast Tootsie and Gerry Halbert Insurance Co. First Republic Capital Lillian and Norman Glowinsky G. Ellen Hall Don & Son Building Supplies Fish On TV J. Lawrence Goad Halogen Software Inc. Ltd. Violet Flawn Norman S. Godfrey Elizabeth D. Hamilton Donaldson Marphil Medical Inc. Bernie Fletcher Lionel and Mary Goffart Lynda C. Hamilton Michael Dorfman Paula Fonseca GoldCorp. Blake Hampton-Davies Cameron and Lynn Douglas Foremont Drywall Inc. Golden Thai Restaurant Stephen Handelman Steve and Denyse Dow Forest City Fire Protection Ltd. Bernard Goldgrub Hans Pellikaan Design Inc. Downsview Chrysler Plymouth Foretech Electric Inc. Goldman, Spring, Kichlard, & Doris Hansen (1964) Ltd. Nancy Forfar Sanders LLP Hugh Hanson Downsview Heating & Air Helen Forrest Goldstein Financial Consultant Peter Hanson Conditioning Ltd. Archie Forsyth Lorne and Carol Goldstein Harbridge & Cross Ltd. Downsview Plumbing Ltd. Mario Forte Grace and Gilbert Goodman Harrington & Associates Ltd. Downtown Animal Hospital / Fortis Law Professional Goodman & Company Valerie Harris Willowdale Animal Hospital Robert and Julia Foster Goodmans LLP Michael Harrison Druxy’s Inc. Catherine E. Frame John M. Gordon Russell Harrison Samuel and Claire Duboc Lynn Francis Merritt E. Gordon Susan and Edward Harsant Stewart Duncan David Fraser Howard Gorman and Rachel Hartford Investments Steve R. Dunk Katharine Fraser Rafelman Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd. Donald James Dunlop Enzo Frati Mary Gospodarowicz J. Brett Harvey Peter Dunlop Harvey and Miriam Freedman Judith A. Gould Havelock Metal Products Inc. Amy N. Dunn Sherri Freedman and Jeffrey Mildred M. Gould Naneve M. Hawke Laura Dunne Hoffman Michael and Suzanne Gourley David and Lenore Hawkey DuRock Alfacing International Julie French Senator Jerry and Carole John and Christine Hawkrigg Ltd. Herb Frieberg Grafstein Laura Hawthorn Joe Dwek Harvey and Annice Frisch Allister Graham and Susan Joyce M. Hay Hal Frank Dwyerw Ron and Hedy Frisch Freeman A. Ruby Hayashi Mary Eagleson Ruth Frisch Karen Graham Carol Hayman Michael Ebsary Fruitman Kates LLP Norman Graham Arden R. Haynes ECMI Management Inc. Harvey and Helen Fruitman Robert Graham Hazelton Lanes GP Inc. Economical Mutual Insurance Colin Fruman William and Gwendolyne HB Group Insurance Company Larry and Eileen Fryer Graham Management Ltd. Edwards Builders Hardware Fuller Landau LLP Granny’s Poultry Cooperative Heathwood Holdings Corp- Effort Trust Ross E. Fullerton () Ltd. Décor Egon Zehnder International Inc. Johnny Fung Toddy Granovsky Joan P. Helde Morton and Gail Eisen Gabriel Fuoco Rosemary Grant George and Linda Heller Elgner Group Investments Ltd. Richard and Veronika Furst Trudy Grant Brian Hellyer Elirpa Construction & Materials Wally Gabler Mary Gray Hengab Investments Ltd. Ltd. Franco Gagliardi Great Gulf Homes Charitable W. Bernard Herman Nicole Ellies James A. Gaiger Foundation Jorge O. Hernandez Martin Elliott H. B. Gales Great-West Life, London Life and Jeffrey and Elizabeth Herold Empire Spa Larry Gallagher Canada Life Doris Herster Empro Ceramic Tile Ltd. Terry Gallagher Barry E. Green Ernie Herzig

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 21 Chris Hewat Edith Jewett Bob Kutner Lydia Lee In Trust Jeffrey Heyworth JJL Consulting Inc. Ants Kutt Lynx Cabling Systems Ltd. Hibar Systems Ltd. John and Deborah Harris Family Jacinta Kwok Donald D. Lyon Joan R. Hickey Foundation L.I.U.N.A. Ontario Provincial M.K. Homes Joanne Higgins John Cabot Catholic Secondary District Council M. A. M. Group Inc. High Park Club Ltd. School L-3 Wescam W. J. C. MacArthur Trade Secrets John D. Keohane Jr. Professional Lacure Corporate and Leisure Shannon Macdonald Lawrence and Elyse Hildebrand Corporation Inc. Eve and H. MacDougall Ada Elizabeth Hillw John Howard Society of Toronto Lafarge Canada Inc. Macedo Wine Grape Juice Ltd. Hillen Nursery Inc. Johnson Schock Lowden Inc. Construction Materials Group Ronald L. MacFeeters Susan E. Hillery Elspeth A. Johnson Michael Laine Sheila MacFeeters Jose Hinojosa S. Ross Johnson Ray and Sharon Lalonde Bruce and Barbara MacGowan Roy and Joan Hintsa W. John R. Johnson Albert H. Lam Jimmy and Melissa Machado Allen and Celia Hirsh Colleen Johnston Akhil Lamba Jonathan Machado Ted Hirst Tom Jones Judith and Bruce Langstaff Anne Page Maciejw Lok S. Ho Joseph Wai Wong Barrister & Jonathan Lansky Scott and Rozanna Macinnes Timen P. Ho and Ling H. Ho-Lai Solicitor Gilles Larivee Alexander D. Mackay Greg Hodgins Robert Josephson Steven Latimer Ann and Douglas Mackay Norma Diana Hoffman Anthony and Elizabeth Joshua Oi L. Lau Peter Mackendrick John L. Hollins Joss Foundation Linda Lawlor William MacLaren Marion V. Holmes K.G.G. Contracting Ltd. LawPro Candace MacLean Edward Holowchuk Harry Kaner Mary Ann Lawrie Eric MacNeil Lucie Tuch Homburger Harvey Karp Allan Lax Iain Macphail Iain and Mary Ann Hood Susan Harris and David Kassie Theo Lax Audrey M. MacPherson Harvey I. Horowitz Marvin and Estelle Kates Andrew and Elaine LeFeuvre Magna International Inc. Horseshoe Pines Marina Katherine Newman Design Leader Plumbing & Heating Inc. Karen Maidment Pamela Mary Hosang Louise S. Kawasaki Eleonora Leddy Kam-Kong Mak John H. Hough Barry Kearns Esther Lee Tak Mak Doug Houston Patrick B. Keeley Maria Lefler Stephen Malcolm Tim Hower Tom Kehoe Sylvie Leger Paul Malette J. Lloyd Hudson Roland Keiper Ann L. Leibel Malfar Mechanical Inc. Hugo Boss Kelleher Financial Inc. Kevin Leon Adele Malo Nicolaas J. Hulst Kenair Apartments Ltd. Leon’s Furniture Ltd. Ida Mammone Brenda Humphry Marion P. Kenney Tony Lesiak Bruno Mancini R. Neil and Ann Hunking Peter Kenny David Leslie Ken Mann John and Julie Hunt Peter and Stephanie Kepecs Jimmy H. Leung Mantella Corporation C. Lindsay and Susan Hunt Andrew T. Kerr Tit Whun Leung Maple Downs Golf & Country David Hunwicks Norman Kerr Levine Insurance Agencies Inc. Club E. Huronitz David S. Kertland Toby Levinson Maranello BMW Lea Hutton Jack Keslassy Kori Levitt Maranello Holdings Benjamin J. and May Hutzel Geoff Ketcheson Lori Lewis John Margie John M. H. Huxley Sio Khuan Khoo Jules Lewy and Joanna Slone Stephanie Marin I Do Foundation Ian Kidson and Carole McNabb Mike Leyes Luciano Marino Mary Iantorno Mary Kilworth Pik W. Li Allan Mark Icon Insulation Inc. Shawn Kimel Chi - Yu Liao Patricia and Douglas Markle Imperial Trim Supply Ltd. Warren and Debbie Kimel Liberty Development Corp. Jason Marks Imris Inc. Susan and James King Marilyn Libin Marli Mechanical Ltd. Industrial Alliance Insurance and Liz Kinsman Pina Licata Helen and Gerald Marr Financial Services Inc. Maria Kiorsw Ricky Lie Ken Jie Marrocanoil Glenna Ingold Sheila Kirk Jane L. Lind Mary E. Marshall Intact Insurance Joel Kirsh Bob Lindsay Jill Denham and Stephen International Association of Steve and Marnie Klein Marcia Lipson Marshall Heat and Frost Insulators and Frank Klemenchuk Lipton Wiseman Altbaum & Lawrence H. Marsland Asbestos Workers Knight’s Bridge Capital Partners Partners LLP Martin Daniel Interiors Andy Ioannidis Koehler Family Fund at the Lisgar Construction Co. Paul Martin Irbeus Holdings Inc. Toronto Community Henry E. Liss Rebecca Martin Irving L. Rosen Foundation Foundation Diane Loeb Scott J. Martyn Adina Isenberg Rudy and Rita Koehler Naomi Loeb David Marx Islip Flow Controls Inc. S. Jean Koetsier-Adams Marion Logie Tiberio Mascarin J. S. Cheng & Partners Inc. Murray and Marvelle Koffler Lombard Canada Ltd. Emerson Mascoll J.G. Jackson & Associates Kololian Foundation Domenic Lombardi Martin A. Mason Sheldon Jafine Freda Kon Enrico Lomonaco Masters Insurance Ltd. Anthony Jahn Alkis Kontos Marija Loncar Phyllis M. Matheson Chris Jarratt Igor Kornyshkov Luca Lorenzoni Gloria Matias JB Aluminum David and Sarena Koschitzky A. B. Lorriman Irving and Esther Matlow Kevin Jean Brian D. Kosoy Isabel Losch John and Jo Matovich Joesph Jeffery Paul Koster Karen Louie John and Jennifer Matthews Nora Jeffery Marina Kovrig Thornton Lounsbury Geoffrey Matus Jenry Management Inc. Albert Krakauer Love Mortgages Ltd. Maurice Joseph Weisfeld & Louis Tor Jensen Jane Krawczyk Otto and Ida Lowas Weisfeld Charitable Fdn. Jermark Plumbing and Kal Kuronen and Lois Topham Frank Y. Loy Maxims Limited Partnership Mechanical Services Ltd. Edward S. Kurtz Bernard Lui Mayvon Foundation

22 2010 Report to Our Donors Kenneth and Sheila McArthur Peter Misener Linda Odisho Francis Pope Andrew and Louise McAskile Bruce H. Mitchell Susan J. O’Donahue Scott and Paula Porritt Robert and Rosalie McAuley Claire Mitchell Randall Oliphant Port Royal Mills Ltd. Robert McCloskey Gary Mitchell David and Gwen Oliver William Powell Roxanne Mccormick Neda and Ata Moeini Marie-Jo Olivier Courtney and Alexa Pratt Debbie McCue Andrew Moffatt OMD Maurice and Donna Preston Elizabeth M. McDermid Diane and Gerry Molloy OMERS Private Equity PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP - Donald Mcdonald Giuseppe Mongillo John O’Neill Metro Toronto North Douglas McDonald Katelyn Monteiro Kathleen M. O’Neill PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP John Lorn McDougall Montorsan Holdings Ltd. Ontario Power Generation Primont Management Bruce McEwen Delia M. Moog Employees’ & Pensioners’ Corporation Robert McFarland Barbara Ann Moore Charity John Prior Doug Mcintosh John Moore Bohdan and Tania Onyschuk Richard Prior Loraine McIntosh Linda Moran Lila Orbach Sandy Pritchard Tim McIsaac Michael and Margo Morgan Howard and Cindy Orfus Anthony Procopio Doris McKague Morrison Media Diana Orologio Danny Procopio McKeller Structured Settlements Murray Morrison Helen A. Orsino Profile Wine Group James McKenzie Pierre Morrissette Marie José Overweel Project Cure Paola’s Fund Peter and Elinor McKergow Michael Morse Brad Owen Protects Lock & Alarm Inc. McLean & Kerr LLP Judy Morson Mike Owens Heather Pultz Daryl McLean Glen and Joan Morton Oxford Properties Group Quality Custom Blending Ltd. Elizabeth Margaret McLeanw Moses and Temara Tobe Ozz Electric Yong H. Quek Ian Mclean Foundation Aldo Paganelli William and Cynthia Quinn Katherine Mclean The Moshoian Family Lou Pagnutti R.O.M. Contractors Inc. John and Sandra McManus Gale and Jerold Winter Christopher and Colleen Paige Anton and Ilana Rabie Robyn Mcmorris Orest Moysey Pairo Theodore Rabinovitch Roy and Ria McMurtry MPI Torgan Properties Inc. Palace Arms David H. Race Darla Mcnevin MSA-Mine Safety Appliances G. Palazzo David Rae Mark Mcnulty Janice Dianne Mulhallw Paletta International Elaine and Don Rafelman McRae Engineering Equipment Katherine Munro Gennaro Palma Robert Rainbird Ltd. Brigitte M. Murphy Phil Palter Suman Rakhit MD Physician Services Inc. Mur-Wall Concrete Forming Panalpina Inc. Ram Forest Products Inc. Miles S. Nadal/MDC Corporation Robert J. Muscat Irene Pantalone Ramfor Lumber Inc. Don Meehan James Mylrea Freda Papoff Rapini’s Ristorante Ltd. Melady & Associates Arnold and Libby Naiman Paragon Secruity Saloumeh Rasouli Attilio Melatti Nathan and Lily Silver Family James Parks Elinor Ratcliffe Randy Melchior Foundation Parrish & Heimbecker Ltd. Robert S. Rawlings Theresa Mellis Meera Nathwani-Crowe Marshal and Tina Partnoy Raylan Electrical Systems Inc. Maisie Melo Mohammed A. Nawaz Georgina Pasqua RBC Asset Management Inc. Melrose Paving Co. Ltd. Barry and Louise Needler Graziella and Beppino Pasquali RBC Dominion Securities Barbara Mendelsohn Stephen R. Neil Mary and Salvatore Patrone RBC Joanne Mercer Nelson Arthur Hyland Felice Patrontasch RC Benson Consulting Margaret and Bruce Mercer Foundation Eleanor and Laurence Pattillo RCC Group Inc. Michael Meredith Jill and Reed Nelson Loretta Pavan Rea Investments Ltd. Cindy Merrigan Network Site Services Ltd. Mark Pavan Ready Bake Foods Inc. Merrill Lynch Canada Inc. Angela Neville Peter Pearce Red Meets Pink Foundation Metropolitan Plumbing Chris Newall Noordeh Family Redgate Holdings Inc. and Heating Contractors Robert Newby Simone Pecoraro Julia Reed Association Nam Nguyen Peel Educational & Tutorial Gail Regan Sharon Mey NHL Foundation Services Ltd. Margaret W. Reid Michael & Libby Goldgrub NHL Players Association Stacy Peereboom William G. Reid Foundation George Niblett Israel Pelc Florence Reilly Michael Wise Memorial Scrabble Marie Nichols Delynn Pelling John Reilly Tournament Joan Nicholson Brian Penny Steve Reis J. Michaels Nick and Lynn Ross Charitable Jessica Petrucci Alana Reitapple Blitstein Micro Consulting Inc. Foundation Christopher Pfaff Reitmans (Canada) Ltd. MIJO Corporation Judith M. Nicoll Phasedesign Research Residential Construction Council Lazo Mikijelt Allen Nightingale Philip J. Solondz Family of Central Ontario Anna Milioto Iain A. Nish Foundation Reuven International Ltd. Michael and Susan Miller Normerica Inc. Livany Pialis Dirk and Anne Reyneveld Cecilia M. Mills Norr Ltd. Robert Piccone Rod Rice Mary Minaker North American Development Pierremount Holdings Ltd. Richard Wengle Architechts Ltd. Samuel Mincer Group Pink Positive Leslie Richman Bender Myles Mindham and Stephen Lesley E. North Jack and Connie Pires James Rickard Gilles Northam Realty Advisors Ltd. Laise Pitre Riedel Crystal of Canada Kenneth Miner William Novachis Pixelpusher Corp. David Rinaldo Minogue Medical Inc. Giovanni and Maria Novielli Ella Plotkin Riocan Real Estate Investment Frances and Clive Minto Richard Nytko Donald Plummer Fund Mintourban Development Oak Ridges Aethetics Centre Janet and Peter Herman Janet Ritch Services Stella P. Oates Murray H. Pollitt Barb and Ced Ritchie Stanley Mintz Jeffrey Oattesnon Polymeric Ltd. Jo-Ann E. Ritchie Elena Maria Miraglia Hugh O’Connell Shirley Poon Ian Robertson

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 23 Lloyd J. Robertson Servomation Inc. George Stalk The Bradstreet Family Robins, Appleby & Taub LLP Peter Seto Kay Stanton Foundation Anita Robins SGNC Charitable Trust Starfield Lion The Cambridge Club Audrey F. Robins Shadowcorp Investments Ltd. Helen Stark The Car Company of Canada Helaine and Lionel Robins Shane B. Inc. State Farm Mutual Automobile The Co-operators General Ken Robins Ashish Sharma Insurance Company Insurance Co. Bernadette Robinson Maureen Shaughnessy Kitts Ken Stathakis - The Octagon The Corned Beef House Lou Rocca David and Martha Shaw Restaurant The Cottage Bin Company Ltd. Rogers Communications Inc. Virginia Shaw Chris Stavro The Dorfman Group at BMO Andrew M. Rolf von den T. Gerry and Patricia Sheehan Steane Consulting Ltd. Nesbitt Burns Baumen Shell Canada Products Lily Margaret Steelew The Frances Tanenbaum Adolph Rolin Shen Capital Corporation Gaye and Andy Stein Charitable Foundation Elizabeth Rollinson Stanley and Donna Shenkman Mark Stein The Geoffrey H. Wood Katherine and Frank Rolph Margaret Sheppard Victoria Stein Foundation Roman Metal Fab. Ltd. Sheridan Nurseries Ltd. Joseph and Elaine Steiner The George & Kay Goldlist Steven Romano William Sherman and Lyne Bonnie Stephen Foundation Joe Rooney Savard Sterling Group of Funds The George and Mary Turnbull Richard J. Rooney Vikram Shethna Sterling Packers Ltd. Foundation Annie Ropar Henry and Gloria Shewchuk Ruth Sternberg The Hazel McCallion Charitable Family and Friends of Ethel Shiff Family Charitable Basil and Helena Stevenson Fund Rosen Foundation John D. Stevenson The Honey and Leonard Wolfe David Rosenblatt Owen Shime Morag L. Stewart Family Charitable Foundation Michael and Rosalene Rosicki Shimmerman Penn LLP Peter C. Stone The Ice Men Nancy Ross Shipman Electric Ltd. Elsa and Ted Stringer The James Club Inc. Robert and Gloria Ross N. L. Shuttleworth K. Strobele The John & Tuula Ross Lynda Ann Rosser Tom Siddall Strolf Rehab Charitable Foundation Derek Rostant Florence and Al Silver James E. D. Stuart The John W.S. Preston J. Rowe Sid and Sue Silverberg and Paul Sudolski Foundation Roy Turk Ind. Family Barbara and Harvey Sugar The Kololian Foundation Michael J. Rozario Cynthia Silverman Pun H. Sum The Lawrence and Judith Adam Rubinoff Harvey Silverstein The Sun Life Companies Tanenbaum Family Jeff and Honey Rubenstein Jean Simardw Kathy Supczak Foundation Runners Choice Promotions/RCP Simmons & Assoc. Ltd. Kazimiera Supczak The Leonard & Felicie Blatt International Simon Zucker & Associates Shari Swan Foundation John and Diana Russell John and Hedy Simonyi Malcolm and Marjorie Swartz The Les and Minda Feldman S & C Electric Canada Ltd. Lawrence Sinclair J R. Swidler Charitable Foundation S. Chum Torno Fund Esther Sirkis Swiss Herbal Remedies Ltd. The Lost Faculties S.O. Asher Consultants Ltd. Margaret Sisley Symas Holdings Corporation The Margaret Ann and Donald S. John Sabine David and Leslie Sklar Synovate Ltd. McGiverin Foundation Jack Sabounji Linda Sky Grossman William A. Szego The Marilyn Van Stone Susan Sacchi SkyHomes Eva V. Szekely Foundation Scott Sahanantion Paul and Carol Slavens T D Bank Financial Group The Martin Family Kiranjit Sahi Slip-Form Construction Robert Taberner The Morty Frank Memorial Fund Gary and Joyce Saifer Slovak Community Circle Of Nabil Tabet Inc. St. Dunstan of Canterbury Oshawa Vaclav Taborsky The Norman and Margaret Church Faida Smale TACC Construction Ltd. Jewison Charitable Mark Samuel Smart Centres Laurie Taller Foundation Cookie and Stephen Sandler Smart Talk Media Paul Tam The Ouellette Family Foundation Sands Flooring Maintenance Charles Smith Ronald Peter Tam The Pears Foundation Services Florence and Bernard Smith Stan and Gloria Taylor The Purple Purl Inc. Mary Lou Santaguida Jan Smith Ashley Taylor The Roel C. Buck Family Saskatchewan Building & Nigel Smith Edward and Janet Taylor Foundation Construction Trades Council Stephen D. Smylie Joan and Kenneth Taylor The Rotary Club of Toronto Andrea Sass-Kortsak Sobeys West Lee Taylor Lottery Trust Account Mary E. Sawicki Sofina Foods Inc. Brian Teeney The Royal Canadian Legion SBJ Development Group Inc. Solar Group Inc. TELUS General Wingate Branch 256 Ron and Irene Schelfhaut Somerville Leasing Ron Temple The Royal College of Physicians Angela M. Schieda Sons and Daughters Fellowship Domenic Tersigni and Surgeons of Canada Gabriella Schmidt Inc. Emilio A. Tesolin The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Peter Schmidt Joseph Sosnkowski Teva Novopharm Ltd. Foundation Rolf Schoene Peter Soumalias T-Fab Mechanical Services Inc. The Samuel & Rose Levy Karl A. Schulz K. Barry Sparks The Angel Gabriel Foundation Charitable Foundation Alan Schwarz Spectrum Realty Services Inc. The Anne Butler Slaght The Schumacher Family Charles and Mina Schwarz Marion and Don Spencer Foundation Foundation SciCan Stephen D. Sperling The Art of Living Well Inc. The Sonshine Family Foundation ScotiaMcLeod Heather Spinks The Atlas Corporation The Toronto Wholesale Produce Duff and Pat Scott Jeff Spinks The Aubrey & Marla Dan Association Diana and Paul Sealy Hindupuram Sriharsha Charitable Foundation The University of Western Sears Canada Inc. St. Mary of The Angels Church The B.A. Himel Family Ontario Douglas Graham Seatonw Gillian R. Stacey Foundation The Walker Lynch Foundation Zindel V. Segal Helen Allen Staceyw The Barnes Family Charitable The William and Anita Newman Senang Investments Ltd. Sheila Stahl Foundation Foundation

24 2010 Report to Our Donors The Young Family Foundation Sharon Turner Craig and Kimberley Walters Katherine C. Winstanley Thomas, Large & Singer Inc. Turtle Island Recycling Co. Inc. Betty Wang Howard Wise Douglas Thompson Twin Lakes Motor Club Sinclair Wardrop Fern and Herb Wisebrod Terry and Carole Thompson Tyco Electronics Canada Ltd. Trudy Warner Ian Witterick John Thomson Archie Ublansky Marion and Robert Washburn David and Mary Wolf Susan Thomson UBS Securities Canada Inc. Joye Waterhouse Mary Wolf Thelma Thomson Abu S. Uddin The Wateman Family Wolters Kluwer Health Warren Thomson ULC Marjorie V. Waters Women On Snow Thorncrete Construction Ltd. Uniboard Canada Inc. Phyllis and William Waters Isabella Shuk Ling Wong Richard Thorpe Unicco Intergrated Facilities Ron Waters Kan Sum Wong Gerry and Diane Throop Services John Watson Patricia Y. F. Wong Ariane Tiller Unisource Canada Inc. Helen Pauline Wattiew Vivian Wong and Nui Si Mary Ellen Timmins United Association of Plumbers John Weatherall Woodbridge Foam Corporation Tippet-Richardson Ltd. and Pipefitters Local 179 Viola and Ion Webster Michael Worb Sandra Title Unity Apartments Graham and Judith Weeks Fred Wright Tolin Enterprises Ltd. Universal Workers Union Local Martin Weigelin Henry Wu A. K. Tomasik 183 Harvey and Lindsay Weiner Wyeth Consumers Healthcare Torgan Management University of Toronto Press Inc. Florence (Faigie) Weinstein Inc. Tornat Construction Upper Canada College Press Susan Weisbarth Mitchell Wywiorski Philip Tornow Upper Canada Soap & Candle David S. Weiss Inc. Robert Torokvei Makers Weisz Family Foundation Phil Yacht Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club Uptown Painting Contractors Weitzes Motors Minnie Yack Toronto Cricker Skating and Ltd. Mark Wellings Lan Yang Curling Club Urban Mechanical Contracting Wellington West Capital Markets Vera Yochimw Toronto Don Mills Rotary Club Ltd. Inc. Yolles Partnership Inc. Toronto Hospital Urology Paul Ursini Marion Jean Wellwood Matt Yoon Associates Peter and Louise Vadas In Brigitte Westaway York Major Holdings Inc. Toronto Firefighters Association Honour of Steve Vadas William W. Westcott Yorkville Design Centre Toronto Professional Inc. Mark E. Vader Westpalm Development Marina Yoshida Larry Toste Bruna Valela Corporation Frances and William Young Kenneth Toten Timothy Van Alstyne Gabriele Westwinkel Evelyn Youston Anna Tran Christina Van Dusen Brad White Mark Zaretsky Travelers Guarantee Company William G. Vanderburgh Susan Whiteside Joyce Zemans of Canada Nicolino Vannelli Joe A. Wightman Garry Zentil Ann Travers Varian Medical Systems Lawrence D. Wilder Zepon Investments Ltd. Traynors Bakery Wholesale Herbert Veisman Mark Wilder Dov and Caroline Zevy Greg Trieloff John E. Verity Libby Wildman Yiguang Zhao Howard and Sally Trifler Almas and Zul Verjee Jennie I. Wildridge Helen Zinkargue Trimap Communications Inc. Versent Corp. ULC Robert Williams Eric Zoebelein Trio Captial Brenda J. Vince Nancy Williamson Susan Zorzi Eric Tripp and Maria Smith Vision Dynamics Technology Christopher and Georgiann Wills Mario and Josephine Zuccaro Steven F. Troster Solution Inc. Anne-Marie Wilson Zukerman Family Foundation Truster Zweig LLP Vitaid ltd. D. Jean Wilson Richard Zurawski Yolande Tsampalieros Volpe Paper Fibres Inc. Edna Wilson Zurich Canadian Holdings Ltd. Chris Tsaparis Stephen and Suzanne Waddams Richard B. Wilson Kelly and Myles Zyblock Betty Tse Mildred Wade W.H. Wilson Tuchman Family Foundation Ronald and Faye Wagner WilsonArt Canada Gillian Tuffin Lionel and Sandra Waldman and Judith and Jack Winberg Aubrey George Tullett Family Window Treatments Inc. Mavis I. Tullett Mark and Elana Waldman Winners Merchants International

We are very grateful to the following firms who have generously donated their skills, products and materials. 98.1 CHFI Canwest Global EastDell Estate Louis Garneau Sassafraz Restaurant The New Country 104.5 CHUM FM Communications Winery MAD Sobeys 95.3 FM 680News CBC Fandor Homes marketing+design Steam Whistle TLN Air Canada Vacations CIBC Fisheye Corporation McWhirter and Brewery Toronto Sun AMJ Campbell Van Citytv Frito Lay Associates Swiss Chalet VIA Rail Canada Lines CFRB Gatorade Merit Vacations Rotisserie & Grill Volkswagen Canada Astral Outdoor Classical 96.3FM Greenpark Homes Muskoka Building Co. Sun TV Y&R Barefoot Wine Clean Sheet Hansen Construction Naked Creative Sunquest Vacations [yellow tail] Birks and Mayors Coca-Cola Bottling Heenan Blaikie SuperClubs Breezes ZoomerMedia BNN (Business News Company IBM PCM Now Resorts Network) CP24 IMA Pepsi / Frito-Lay BOOM 97.3 Cresford Intrawest Q107 The National Post Canadian House and Developments Kraft Canada Rogers The Toronto Star Home CTV Linwood Homes Communications

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 25 JCB GRANT SOCIETY MEMBERS

Membership in the JCB Grant Society is offered to donors who have included The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation in their will or have made a future or life income gift. These special friends of the Foundation have made the fight to conquer cancer in our lifetime part of their own personal legacy.

The JCB Grant Society is named after the distinguished Toronto professor of anatomy, Dr. J.C. Boileau Grant, the author of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. Princess Margaret Hospital has a special connection with Dr. Grant. His widow, Anne Catriona Robertson, left us a bequest of the Atlas when she died in 1982. With the annual royalty payments, The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation has created the JCB Grant Chair in Oncologic Pathology, a $2.2 million endowed chair, as well as a major named endowment fund.

The Grant family’s example is important to us: they have left an important legacy with a creative gift, and they have improved our ability to conduct leading-edge cancer research. Through the JCB Grant Society, we pay tribute both to the Grant family and to each donor who has confirmed a planned gift to The Princess Margaret.

Violet Adair Gail Carman and Dave Madeline Fielding Nicholas B. Imming Scarlat Albright Hollingworth Leland J. Fisher Tommasino-Timpano Iozzo Bruce Alexandor Dorothy Carr Patricia K. Ford Joan I. Jackson Omar Ali Christopher A. Carson Josie, Jeanne and Archie Forsyth Simon L. Jackson The Alofs Family Eleanor G. Chapman Jake E. Fowell Margaret Jenkins Keith Ambachtsheer & Virginia Margaret E. Chapman Sandra J. Frost Agnes Jenkinson Atkin Paul Chen Larry and Eileen Fryer Nancy Jennings Loretta & Etienne Amestoy K. Carol Christian Michelle Fuss Elspeth A. Johnson Roger Andersen Joyce K. Chung Anthony Fyles Fran Johnston Shirley Arnold Valerie and James Clark Kathy Gallivan Barry Jones Norman K. Ashurst Anne Clements Monica L. Gaudry Lee-Ann Kant William Badke Julie Colosimo Marilyn Gazey Jeff Karl Wilbur N. Baily Luciano and Paola Colozza Ian Gibbard Diane Karnay and Stuart Bollefer Jan H. Balledux Arthur and Harriett Cohen Harry and Joyce Gibbard Carla Keel Jack and Patricia Barclay Antonio Crescenzi Shirley Goldenberg Grace Kelly Katharine E. Barilla Janice S. Crichton Lillian Gordon Nora Kent Yee Bell Barry Crookes Ethel Gorlick Kathryn Kernohan Francesco Benichasa Irene Crowe In Honour of Beryl Elizabeth Andrea Kinch Roslyn and Bernard Bennett Beryl Cruse Trimming-Green Neville and Lorraine Kirchmann Shirley Bennett Enola Czech Carol Greenwood Paula Kirsh Beula Besharah Fern Daiter Christopher G. Guest Selwyn and Pippa Kossuth Rita Bette Julie Davis Cathy Hale Sherry Kou Aruna Bhatnager Jean Davison Elizabeth D. Hamilton Margaret, Audrey and James Rosa Bianca Mary Dawkins Doris Hansen Laidler Catherine Blackburn Robin De Mercado Helen Phebe Hatton Harold Lane Dorothea Ruth and Philip Bloom Joyce H. Denyer Sharyl Haynes Colin Languedoc Frank Bosco Tim Devlin Lenard Haywood Jocelyne Laniel Robindra N. Bose Joseph Di Geso Suzanne Hearn James and Moira Lawrence Olive Boudreau Daniela Di Giantomasso Robert I. Hendy Barry Lebow Geoffrey Boyes Wilson G. Dow Grant Hern Joan and Bob Lehman Mary Brandon Jessie L. Dowling Mildred Herzog Kathleen D. Leslie Harold and Fredelle Brief Maurice Drieu Joan Hickey Charles E. Letman Beverley A. Briggs Diane N. Drotos Barbara Hill Daniel Lichtman Rob Bristow Joao J. Dutra David and Louise Hilson Meryl Lindale William P., Gail and Billy Brown Linda Ecclestone Timen P.Ho and Ling H. Ho-Lai Irene M. Lloyd Ruth M. Buchanan Naomi Eisenberg Frances M. Holland Audrey Loeb and David Ross Joan and Jack Burkholder Leola English A.D. Holt Margaret Jane Logan Reta Burrows Audrey Ennis Bill and Karina Hope Marija Loncar David and Paula Butterfield Margaret A. Evered Joan Pui-Ying Hosang Maria Loschiavo Laura and Sven Byl Patricia Ewart-McLean Margaret J.H. Howitt Rita Louidor Richard Cadieux Roy A. & Elizabeth J. Fawcett Peter and Dalit Hume Charles MacAllister Fausto Carbone Lisa and Ron Feyerabend Glenn Hunnings John Macdonald

26 2010 Report to Our Donors Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mackay Margaret and William Myers Annice H. Rothbart Mildred Trachtenberg William MacLaren Jill and Reed Nelson Coleman Rotstein Jerry Trestik John and Gail MacNaughton Susan Newman Ross and Gwenda Roxburgh Jackie Tuffin John C. Marshall Doris Noftall Therese Roy Pat Nichols & Bob Tundermann Robert Martin Pamela & Donald North Marci J. Rubinoff Belal Uddin Frances I. Masefield Acheson Aimee O’Connor Barbara E. Russell John and Tess Van Netten Antonio and Seli Masegosa Manuel Oliveira Ruth E. Russell Joseph Vannot Dana Maslic Galina Ozols Patricia Sauerbrei Lou Vigoda Aureade Massey Marshal and Tina Partnoy James H. (Bert) Scott Nancy J. Vivian Jean Matlow John Patterson Frank and Red Selke John Paul Watman Doris McCartney Colleen Peacock Idola G. Semple Lisa L. Weaver Joyce L. McCathie Brian Pecic Anne Shanahan Sophie Weimert Janice McDonald Constance Peters Naju B. Shroff and Keki B. Shroff Vanessa Wellwood R.A. Guy McGuire Myta Peters Antonio Sicilia Lawrence Wert William George McIntyre Stan and Helen Petrowski Margaret Simmons Hazel Westlake Paul McNab and Mary Collins- Robert L. Pidgeon Graham T. Skells Mary E. Whitaker McNab Gertrude Piggott Linda Sky Grossman Clyde Shepard Whitham Beverly McRae Margaret Pollard Sheila Smith Linda Whyte Elizabeth Meldrum Sofia Polyanovsky Thomas Smith Charles T. Wilson Louis Michael Margaret Porteous Helen Stark Debra Wilson Rosa Milano Mary E. Porter Annabelle Stephens Sharon Wilson Barbara Jean Miles Karen M. Potter D. Eleanor Stephenson Norma and Sharon Wilson George Miljevich Clare Price Morag L. Stewart Mary Winter James Miller Bernice Elizabeth and Allan Ross Ian M. Stobart and Norma Jonathan Wisebrod Patricia Miller Profit Stobart Susan McLean Woodburn Ruth M. Miller Hilda Pruuli Elsa and Ted Stringer Donald and Janice Woodley S. Milne Linda Puma Shannon and Micheal Stuart Ethel M. Woods Rita & Gerald Misner Abel Quintal Ann D. Sutton Betsy Wright John K. Mitchell Robert S. Rawlings Dorothy Sutton William A. Wright Lois Mitchell Bernie Rees Richard F. Tayler Donald A. Wylie Carla Monk Florence Reilly Douglas A. Taylor Morden S. Yolles Doris J. Moore John Reilly Tina Tehranchian Ginette Young Harold A. Morden Gladys Rennie Helen Tennyson Chung-Fu Yu Eleanor Morgan Edna Reynolds Irmgard Theegarten Valentina Zatskoy Loper Brad Morris Heather Richardson Gai Thomas John Zeger Carol Morrison Lionel and Helaine Robins Nelson Tilander Miriam Mozes Charles H. & Kathleen A. Frederick Tiley June Murdoch Robinson Joan Tilt Freda Ariella Muscovitch Betty Ross June and Joseph M. Tkach

Wanting better outcomes for the next patients A generous gift of life insurance that will fund research into early detection

Patricia Barclay was diagnosed people and care and treatment three years ago with a rare that we felt we needed to do type of cancer called thymoma something to help improve that affects the thymus gland. research.” Diagnosed early, the outcomes for patients with this type After consulting their financial of cancer are very good, but planner, they decided that a Patricia’s cancer was already gift of life insurance would offer quite advanced. them the benefits of reduc- ing their income tax and not Her husband Jack shared their feelings. “PMH affecting their estate. Once this gift is realized, The has contributed years to Pat’s life so that she can Princess Margaret will receive $1,000,000 that will enjoy her home and her family, which we greatly allow researchers to find ways that this rare form of appreciate. We were so pleased with the excellent cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 27 NAMED EXPENDABLE FUNDS

ABC Group Donation Fund David and Paula Butterfield Ovarian Cancer Helen and Irving Davis Fund ABC Group Inc. Ambulatory Infusion Pump Database Fund Hertz Fund for Disorders of Vestibular Fund David and Sharon Aello Skull Base Fund Function Abraxis BioScience Fellowship Fund David and Sylvia Cape Breast Cancer Hibiscus Fund for Hope Adelson Foundation Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Hillary Firestone Ovarian Cancer Research Research David Cornfield Melanoma Research Fund Fund Agnico-Eagle Research Fund Derek Russell Fund for Clinical Trials Nursing Ian and Anne Devine Fund Al Hertz Centre for Palliative and Supportive Desmond and Pamela O’Rorke Drug Ian Lawson Van Toch Cancer Informatics Fund Care Fund Development Fund Ice Sports Centre Etobicoke Tournament Allan Kerbel Trust Fund Diane Lanthier Nursing Care Fund Fund Alli’s Journey Fund Dick Aldridge Pancreatic Cancer Research Ida Rubinoff Patient Support Fund Amelia Plastina Breast Cancer Research and Fund Imperial Oil Foundation Mesothelioma Equipment Fund Domenic Dell’Elce Fund Research Fund Ann and Irving Storfer Lymphoma Research Donald J. Young Fund Isabel Koffman Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Fund Donati Family - St. Michael’s Majors Ovarian Research Anna-Liisa Farquharson Kidney Cancer Cancer Fund Issie’s Quest for Ovarian Cancer Research Research Fund Dr. Addleman Memorial Lecture Fund Fund Asaro Family Lymphoma Fellowship Fund Dr. Annie Smith Bear Fund for Ovarian Cancer J. David and Jan Crichton Fund Barrie Rose Fund Dr. Anthony Joshua Fund J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Fund Barry and Susanne Cooper Family Fund Dr. Geoffrey R. Conway Chemotherapy Fund Jack and Esther Cole and Family Prostate Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation Dr. J. Bacher Golf Tournament Fund Centre Fund Fund Edie and Eric Yolles Cell Therapy Research Jack and Rose Wine Leukemia Research Fund Bette Johnston Cooperative Student Fund Jack Elie Memorial Tournament Fund Scholarship Fund Elana Waldman Fund Jack Weinbaum Prostate Prevention Fund Betty Mendelssohn Kalmanasch Medical Elizabeth M. Walter Patient Education Fund Jacqueline Seroussi Foundation Fund Research Fund Elsa and Ted Stringer Fund James Kinnear Fund Betty Meretsky Patient Care Fund Erin Belman Fund Janet Rosen Fund Blaine Richard Stein Fund Estelle Craig Family Fund Jennifer Evanshen Fund Bluma Appel Palliative Care Project Fund Eva Schutz Fund for Breast Cancer Research Joe’s Team Fund for Translational Research Bram Appel Fund for Molecular Diagnostics Eve Corrigan Cancer Research Fund John Finlay Oncology Fund in Ovarian Cancer Fidani Family Fund John Fortney Party Fund Bras Family New Drug Development Program Fire Fighters’ Cancer Research Fund John L. Hickey Fund Fund Frank A. Ragona Fund John Steinberg Fund Brian Ellies Esophageal Cancer Prevention Freed Family Fund Joseph H.M. Wood Chemotherapy Research Fund Friends for Life Fund Fund Brian Pendleton and Chad Goldman Ovarian Friuli Cancer Research Academic Exchange June Anne and David Melnik Breast Cancer Cancer Fund Program Fund Research Fund Bruce Galloway Fund in Head and Neck Gadler, Lam, Pellegrino Palliative Care Fund Karen Morton Fund Cancer Research Gattuso Rapid Diagnostic Centre Fund Laugh Lines Fund Bush International Fellowship Fund General Electric Canada Inc. Fund Laura Kathleen Gray Research Fund Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer George A. Cohon Fund for Reconstructive Lee China Exchange Fund Research Fund Surgery for Prostate Cancer Levelling the Playing Field Fund Canadian Conference of Asbestos Workers Gerald and Paula Kirsh Family Fund Libby and Michael Goldgrub Gynecological Fund Gerald M. Soloway Prostate Cancer Research Cancer Research Fund Canary Foundation Fallopian Tube Project Fund Library Redevelopment Fund Fund Gerald Siegel Fund for Pancreatic Cancer Lily Silver Magic Castle Fund Cancer Biobank Core Laboratory Fund Research Linda and Marvin Barnett Fund Carmel Derdaele Breast Cancer Research Gerry & Nancy Pencer Brain Trust Fund Lisa Coristine Brave Heart Fund Fund Gerry Ruby Fund Lousie Khalatbari Nozari Fund Celgene Fellow in Myeloma Research Fund Gift of Life Fund Lucky Power Memorial Fund Charles and Marilyn Gold Family Foundation Gift of Love (G.O.L.F.) Fund Lusi Wong Lung Cancer Early Detection Fund Giovanni and Concetta Guglietti Family Research Fund Charles Krowitz Burkitt’s Lymphoma Cancer Fund Lynne Kagan Fund Research Fund Goldie Risenman Fund Marie Thompson Fund Christopher ‘Chip’ Trueman Fund for Gordon F. Mutch Fund Marilyn Barker Paulson Fund for Children Esophageal Cancer Research Gordon Tozer Head and Neck Cancer Bio- with Brain Cancer Concetta Guglietti Most Wanted Fund for Clinical Anthology Fund Marilyn Green Melanoma Research Fund Gynecological Cancer Greenberg-Ritchie Fund Marilyn Ricci Cancer Pain Control Fund Cure for Lung Cancer Team Fund Greenpark Blood Transfusion Unit Fund Marilyn Van Stone Foundation Fund Daniel Alan Sheehan Brain Tumour Research Gucciardi Family Fund for Cell Therapy Marvin and Linda Barnett Leukemia Fund Fund Harley Ulster and Cindy Leder Multiple Mary Hooey Education Fund Daniel Roncari Prostate Cancer Research Myeloma Research Fund Master Insulators Association of Ontario Inc. Fund Harold Niman Prostate Research Fund Fund Daryl Rubinoff Fund Harry Littler Cancer Research Fund Max Tanenbaum Garden Fund David and June Anne Melnik Prostate Patient Hatch Family Fund Max Tanenbaum Sculpture Garden Fund Support Fund Head and Neck Supportive Care Fund McDermott Patient Education Fund

28 2010 Report to Our Donors Menkes Family Innovation Fund in Thoracic Philip Orsino Cell Therapy Translational Stephen Duviner Pancreatic Cancer Research Surgical Oncology Research Fund Fund Merrill Lynch Fund Phyllis Hantho Breast Cancer Research Fund Steven Hoffman Fellowship in Molecular Michael Albert Garron Fund Pollen/Reinholdt Fund for Cancer Research Genomics Expendable Fund Michael J. Dickinson Endoscopic Equipment Posluns Family Fund Sue Bristow Leukemia Fund Fund Project Cure Paola’s Fund Suncor/Sunoco Gynecologic Oncology Fund Michael Ryan Leal Fund Pusateri’s Adult After Care Fund Susan Grange Advanced Simulation Program Michael Wise Memorial Fund R. M. Saggar Fund Fund Mona Garbuz Memorial Fund for Melanoma Race Against Cancer Fund Tara Fund Research Ralph Fisher Fund Taylor Family Patient Education Fund Motorcycle Ride for DAD Fund Rebecca’s Hope Leukemia Research Fund The Al Hertz Urgent Care Facility Fund Muzzo Family Minimally Invasive Surgical Richard Wookey Prostate Cancer Research The Alofs Family Fund Oncology Program Fund Fund The Beckie Fund for Breast Cancer Research Muzzo Family Robotics Program Fund Robert V. Brady Award Fund The Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation Nadi Meir Fund Roche Fellowship in Drug Development Cell Therapy Fund Nathan and Sara Goldlist and Family Fund Ronald Buick Symposium Fund The Kelly Silverstein Fellowship Fund Nora Rudnick Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Ronald Dunn and Ingrid Gadsden Fund for The Lo Family Fund for Leukemia Research Opthalmology Leslie Estate Fund the Benefit of Nurses on 14A The Lyon Share Contribution Fund Palliative Pacers Fund RSM Richter Breast Cancer Research Fund The Michele Temple Melanoma Research Pamela Mary Hosang Ovarian Cancer Sam Sniderman and Janet Mays Ovarian Fund Research Fund Cancer Fund The Nicole Nardi Fund Paolo Ardizzi Bone Marrow Transplant Fund Samuel Family Foundation CT/PET Centre The Philip Lavorgna Life Over Lymphoma Patricia J. Myhal Pancreatic Cancer Research Research Fund Fund Fund Samuel Manu-Tech Inc. Fund THE QUILT Breast Cancer Survivorship Fund Patrick Avison Memorial Fund Sandra Foyston Patient Education Fund The RACH Fund Patrick Hodgson Family Research Fund Sanofi-Aventis Fellowship Program Fund The Zoe Springer Memorial Fund Patrick Moore Leukemia Research Fund Sara Ferlito Fund Tito and Maria Sansalone Fund Paul and Rhonda Krandel Fund Shirley Auslander Peace Angel Fund Toronto Fashion Show Fund Pearl Banks Fellowship in Melanoma Slavens Family Fund Vera Frantisak Fund Research and Patient Care Fund Spin 180 Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Wharton Fund for Head and Neck Cancer Pearson Ginsberg Fund Spring Fund in Honour of Frank and Brenda Research Penny Benjamin Fund for Caregiver Relief Spring Yasmin Bhaluani Ovarian Cancer Fund Philip Mincer Fund


Those Supporting Programs Those Supporting Lectureships Adele E.G. Curry Research Fund Robert and Maggie Bras and Family New Bierstock Family Lectureship in Prostate Albert Edward Rostern Mesothelioma Drug Development Program Cancer Research Fund Douglas Bryce Education and Research Fund Ann Rom Research Fund Barbara Sharpless Breast Cancer Research Those Supporting Chairs Dr. Clifford Ash Lecture Drs. Vera Peters and R.S. Bush Lecture in Fund Please see page 31 for a complete listing of Radiation Oncology Barrick Gold Corporation Prostate Research Chairs E.A. McCulloch Lectureship Fund Philippa Harris Annual Lecture Bartley Bull Clinical Research Fund Those Supporting Professorships Richard H. Grimm Lectureship in Head and Beatty Biological Research Fund Bergsagel Visiting Professorship Neck Oncology Bulhoes Head and Neck Fund Helen M. Cooke Professorship Wharton Lectureship in Head and Neck C. Victor Secrett Research Fund Cancer Carolyn Budovitch Brain Tumour Research Endowment Fund Those Supporting Fellowships Catherine M. Wanless Research Fund Al Hertz Family Foundation Fund Those Supporting Awards and Charles Krowitz Endowment Fund for Asaro Family Lymphoma Fellowship Prizes Burkitt’s Lymphoma Research Edith Kirchmann Fellowship Abate Radiation Therapy Prize Cohen and Morrison Pathology Research George Knudson Memorial Fellowship Fritz Spiess Research Award Fund Gerald and Sheila Hatch Fellowship Gerald Kirsh Humanitarian Award Dalia McKiee Endowment Fund Helena Lam Fellowship in Cancer Research Harold E. Johns Research Prize Deirdre Clement Research Fund Michael V. and Wanda Plachta Fellowship Robert G. Matthews Cancer Research and Dong Luong Huynh Research Fund Mildred Goldberg Fellowship Education Fund Donna Steinberg Lung Cancer Research Fund N. B. Keevil Fellowship in Translational The Rabbi Joseph and Doris Kanner Fund Dorothy Gordon Buck Endowment Fund Research Dr. Jane Poulson Breast Cancer Research Oberlander Fellowship in Lung Cancer Fund Research Those Supporting Cancer Dr. Joseph K. McConnon Fund Steven Hoffman Fellowship in Molecular Research Abraham, Ethel and Jackie Richmond Eckler Research Endowment Fund Genomics Research Fund Edie and Eric Yolles Research Fund The Brian Steck Leukemia Research Fund

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 29 Edward E. Wise Research Fund Lee K. and Margaret Lau Breast Cancer Tehmi Boman Shroff Fund in Multiple Edward Futerman Leukemia Research Fund Research Fund Myeloma Research Eleanor and Burnett Thall Research Fund Leslie Zeev Mozes Fund Terry Watson Research Fund Elizabeth Duke Research Fund Lyndsay, Joey and Sam Lyons Fund Tony Pennella Fund Elma Pearl Pinder Research Fund M. Ann MacMillan Research Fund Val Trypuc Sarcoma Research Fund Enid Hildebrand Cancer Research Fund Margaret Mary Vivian Endowment Fund Valerie Dickson Fund Ernest A. and Evelyn C. Byworth Trust for Margaret Pollard Research Fund W.J. Collins and J.A. McNab Research Fund Research Fund Marion H. McRobert Research Fund Walter B. Pape Fund Fielding Family Research Fund Mary C. Conway Research Fund Westaway Chair in Ovarian Cancer Research Florence Winberg Endowment Fund Mary Pawlyk Fund for Research into Fund Freda Ariella Muscovitch Ovarian Cancer Genitourinary Malignancies William and Dorothy Drevnig and Family Research Fund Mary Pawlyk Fund for Research into Lung Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Gail Eisen Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Cancer George and Kathleen Vice Research Fund McDowell-Silcox Family Research Fund Patient Care, Education and Gerry and Nancy Pencer Brain Tumour Centre Melissa Ann Katzman Cancer Research Fund Other Funds Endowment Fund Mildred Eady Research Fund Ask Ethel Fund Gibson Clinical Research Fund Mindy Kirsh Endowment Fund Dr. Joseph Neil Monteith Dunsmore Fund Girling/MacLellan Research Fund Nizar and Gulzar Kanji Fund Gladys M. Davis Patient Services Fund Glenn and Marilyn Hunnings Fund in Norman Latowsky Leukemia Fund John L. Hickey Endowment Fund Haemopoiesis/Lymphopoiesis Research Pak Heng Chu Research Fund John Russell Koshan Hibiscus Fund for Hope Guthrie Family Fund Paola Colozza Fund for Drug Discovery Junior League of Toronto Pediatric Radiation Gwendolyn H. Riding Research Fund Paul MacDonald Fund Fund Harley Ulster and Cindy Leder Multiple Pearl Banks Family Endowment in Melanoma Lynn King Palliative Care Fund Myeloma Fund Research and Patient Care Fund Max Tanenbaum Music Program Fund Harold E. Yeo Research Fund Philip and Terry Browman Ovarian Cancer Monica Wright Roberts National Breast Harry and Eleanor O’Neill Research Fund Research Fund Cancer Endowment Fund Helen V. Crawford Research Fund Philip Lavorgna Life Over Lymphoma Morris and Marcia Kwinter Fund Honourable Willard Z. Estey Fund Endowment Fund Morrissey-Copping Palliative Care Hubert B. Sceats Research Fund Philip Torno Cancer Research Endowment Endowment Fund Jane and Peter Eby Fund Fund Pencer Centre Patient and Family Advisory JCB Grant Cancer Research Fund Reid-Weston Family Leukemia Research Fund Committee Fund Jean E. McCulloch Research Fund Roy Arthur Fawcett Cancer Research Fund Phyllis Smith Nursing Education Fund Jean E. Smith Research Fund Ryder MacDougall Family Fund Robert Visagie Bone Marrow Transplant Fund Jeremy A. Oliver Palliative Care Endowment Shiraz Bagli Memorial Fund for Basic Shawn’s Miracle Fund Fund Research in Ovarian Cancer Sylvia and Louis Lockshin Patient Education Joanna Lai Fund Shirley Mak Breast Cancer Research Fund Program Fund John and Esther Loewen Family Fund Spooner Family Endowment Fund Vera McDermott Patient Education Fund John Purkis Fund for Lung Cancer Research Susan E. Crerar Ovarian Cancer Early Joseph Lorne Garvin Research Fund Detection Fund Joseph Robert Russell Research Fund Sylvia Jaychuk Pancreatic Cancer Research Katharine S. McLeod Research Fund Fund Khurshed Sanjana Multiple Myeloma TD Fund for Medical Discovery Research Fund Teddy Orenstein Research Fund

Ovarian cancer research gets support from visiting baseball players

Len Frejlich is the manager of the visiting club- donated to The Princess Margaret, one of the top 5 house for the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club, and cancer research centres in the world. he helped to create a simple win-win opportunity. When visiting ball clubs from the U.S. So far, he has personally delivered come to Toronto for a few days to two very heavy jugs of cash to The play a series of games, Len realized Foundation totaling over $2,000, and it that the players were ‘weighed down’ has been directed to a fund for ovarian with loonies, toonies and coloured cancer research. Len’s wife had ovarian bills that they really couldn’t use back cancer and was treated at The Princess home. So, he decorated and labeled Margaret by Dr. Stephane Laframboise. a large empty water jug, and told Now he is doing what he can to improve players that they could deposit their the screening and treatment for this left-over Canadian currency in the jug. cancer that is expected to claim 1,750 He would ensure that the money was Canadian women in 2010*. *As estimated by the Canadian Cancer Society

30 2010 Report to Our Donors RESEARCH CHAIRS

An endowed Chair is the highest honour in academic life, prestigious for Chairholder and donor alike. Princess Margaret Hospital is committed to fostering academic excellence and each endowed Chair enhances our ability to attract and retain leading researchers, educators and trainees. Our Chairholders are recognized internationally for superior aca- demic achievement, experience and success in teaching and research.

Chair Chairholder The AMGEN Chair in Cancer Research Dr. Robert Rottapel The Bartley-Smith/Wharton Chair in Radiation Oncology Dr. Brian O’Sullivan The Daniel E. Bergsagel Chair in Medical Oncology Dr. Ian Tannock Molly and David Bloom Chair in Multiple Myeloma Research Dr. Donna Reece Alan B. Brown Chair in Molecular Genomics Dr. Geoffrey Liu The Ronald N. Buick Chair in Cancer Research Dr. Chris Paige Butterfield/Drew Chair in Breast Cancer Survivorship Dr. Pamela Catton M. Qasim Choksi Chair in Lung Cancer Translational Research Dr. Ming Tsao J. Douglas Crashley Chair in Gynecologic Cancer Research Dr. Joan Murphy Dr. Mariano A. Elia Chair in Head & Neck Cancer Research Dr. Fei-Fei Liu Anna-Liisa Farquharson Chair in Kidney Cancer Research Dr. Michael Jewett The Orey and Mary Fidani Family Chair in Radiation Physics Dr. David Jaffray Gattuso Chair in Breast Surgical Oncology Dr. David McCready The JCB Grant Chair in Oncologic Pathology To be appointed The K.Y. Ho Chair in Prostate Cancer Research Dr. Malcolm Moore The Alan and Susan Hudson Chair in Neuro-Oncology Dr. Abhijit Guha Kirchmann Family Chair in Neuro-Oncology Research Dr. Warren Mason Lee K. and Margaret Lau Chair in Breast Cancer Research Dr. Senthil Muthuswamy The Harold and Shirley Lederman Chair in Palliative Care Dr. Gary Rodin The Love Chair in Prostate Cancer Prevention Research Dr. Neil Fleshner The Addie MacNaughton Chair in Thoracic Radiation Oncology Dr. Andrea Bezjak The Philip S. Orsino Chair in Leukemia Research Dr. Mark Minden OSI Pharmaceuticals Foundation Chair in Cancer New Drug Development To be appointed RBC Financial Group Chair in Oncology Nursing Research Dr. Doris Howell Kevin and Sandra Sullivan Chair in Surgical Oncology Dr. Jonathan Irish Joey and Tobey Tanenbaum/Brazilian Ball Chair Dr. Gang Zheng The Scott Taylor Chair in Lung Cancer Research Dr. Frances Shepherd Weekend to End Breast Cancer Chair in Breast Cancer Research Dr. Tak Mak The Robert E. Wharton Chair in Head & Neck Surgery Dr. Pat Gullane The Robert E. Wharton Chair in Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Dr. Stefan Hofer

PMH-held Chairs at University Health Network The Gloria and Seymour Epstein Chair in Cell Therapy and Transplantation Dr. Armand Keating The Fleck/Tanenbaum Chair in Prostatic Diseases Dr. John Trachtenberg Scott/Whitmore Chair in Hematology & Gene Therapy To be appointed

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 31 Financials

March 31, 2010

The accompanying financial statements of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation were prepared by manage- ment in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Management is responsible for the integrity and objectivity of the financial statements and has established sys- tems of internal control which are designed to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded from loss or unauthorized use and to produce reliable accounting records for the preparation of financial information.

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that management fulfills its responsibility for financial reporting and internal control. The Board exercises its responsibilities through the Investment Committee, composed of members of the Board, who meet regularly with representatives of management and with the external investment managers and consultants, to monitor the performance of the investment portfolio. The Audit & Accountability Committee comprised of members of the Board and the community, meets regularly with management to moni- tor the financial activity of the Foundation together with the functioning of the accounting and control systems. This Committee also meets with management and the external auditors to review the results of the auditing activity.

The external auditors have conducted an independent audit, in accordance with generally accepted standards, and have expressed their opinions on the financial statements. Their report outlines the nature of their audit and their opinion on the fairness of the financial statements of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation and the account- ing principles followed in management’s preparation thereof.

Keith P. Ambachtsheer Paul Alofs Chairman, Board of Directors President & CEO

John H. Bowey, FCA Asha Raheja, CMA Chair, Audit & Treasurer Accountability Committee

32 2010 Report to Our Donors


To the Members of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation

We have audited the balance sheet of The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation as at March 31, 2010 and the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Foundation's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.

In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as at March 31, 2010 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. As required by the Canada Corporations Act, we report that, in our opinion, these principles have been applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.

Toronto, Canada, May 28, 2010.

Financials 33 The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation Incorporated under the laws of Canada


As at March 31

2010 2009 $ [000's] $

ASSETS Cash [note 3] 53,070 43,311 Accounts receivable 88 683 Investments, at market [note 4] 265,803 216,504 Capital assets, net [note 5] — 98 Other assets [note 6] 7,452 6,885 326,413 267,481

LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities Due to University Health Network [note 17] 19,334 18,476 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,275 1,229 Deferred revenue [notes 11, 12 and 14] 21,222 16,261 Total liabilities 41,831 35,966

Fund balances General Fund 10,161 4,187 Restricted Fund [note 7] 165,769 137,746 Endowment Fund [note 8] 108,652 89,582 Total fund balances 284,582 231,515 326,413 267,481 Commitment and contingency [note 18]

See accompanying notes

On behalf of the Board:

Director Director

34 Financials: Balance Sheet

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Financials: Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Changes in Fund Balances 35 The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010


The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation [the "Foundation"] is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act. The Foundation was established to solicit, receive and maintain funds and to apply these funds to improve and enhance cancer research, professional education and patient care activities provided by the Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital ["OCI/PMH"], which are part of the University Health Network ["UHN"].

The Foundation is a public foundation registered under the Income Tax Act (Canada) [the "Act"] and, as such, is exempt from income taxes and able to issue donation receipts for income tax purposes, under Registration Number 88900 7597 RR 0001.


The financial statements of the Foundation have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The following summary of significant accounting policies is set forth to facilitate the understanding of these financial statements:

Changes in accounting policies

Effective April 1, 2009, the Foundation has adopted retroactively those revisions to the 4400 series and certain other sections to amend or improve those parts of the CICA Handbook related to not-for-profit organizations that impact its financial statements. The revisions that have been adopted together with their impact are set out below.

Certain revenues and expenses related to fundraising and lotteries previously presented net on the Thstatem Pernitn ocef opsse rMatiaonrgas writeth tHheos detaipitlas li nF tohunde noteatsi toon t he financial statements are now presented on a gross basis.

Additional discloNsuOTESres requi rTOed as Fa IrNANCesult of aIdopALtin STg CAICTEA 4470ME, DiNsTSclos ure of Allocated Expenses for Not-for-Profit Organizations[, ihna tvheo uaslsaon dbs]ee n provided in the accounting policies.

In February 2009, the Accounting Standards Board amended CICA 1000, Financial Statement Concepts, to clarify that assets not meeting the definition of an asset are not permitted to be Mrecarocgnh ize31,d 2 0o1n0 t he balance sheet. The Foundation has reviewed costs recorded on the balance sheet and determined that no adjustment is required to the financial statements. An accounting policy note has been added with respect to the accounting for future lotteries and special events; note 6 has been added providing details of other assets and certain amounts on the balance sheet have been reclassified. F und accounting

In order to ensure observance of the limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the Foundation, the accounts of the Foundation are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. Accordingly, reso urces are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds. These funds are held in accordance with the objectives specified by the donors or in accordance with directives issued by the Board of Directors [the "Board"]. Transfers between the funds are made when it is considered appropriate and authorized by the Board. To meet these objectives of financial reporting and stewardship over assets, certain interfund transfers are necessary to ensure the appropriate allocation of assets and liabilities to the respective funds. These interfund transfers are recorded in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances.

For financial reporting purposes, the accounts have been classified into the following funds: 36 Financials: Notes to Financial Statements [a] General Fund

The General Fund accounts for the Foundation's general fundraising, granting and administrative activities. The General Fund reports unrestricted resources available for immediate purposes.

[b] Restricted Fund

The Restricted Fund includes those funds where resources are to be used for an identified purpose as specified by the donor, as stipulated by the fundraising appeal or as determined by the Board.

[c] Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund includes those funds where either donor or internal restrictions require that the principal be maintained by the Foundation on a permanent basis.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

Fund accounting

In order to ensure observance of the limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the Foundation, the accounts of the Foundation are maintained in accordance with the principles of fund accounting. Accordingly, resources are classified for accounting and reporting purposes into funds. These funds are held in accordance with the objectives specified by the donors or in accordance with directives issued by the Board of Directors [the "Board"]. Transfers between the funds are made when it is considered appropriate and authorized by the Board. To meet these objectives of financial reporting and stewardship over assets, certain interfund transfers are necessary to ensure the appropriate allocation of assets and liabilities to the respective funds. These interfund transfers are recorded in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances.

For financial reporting purposes, the accounts have been classified into the following funds:

[a] General Fund

The General Fund accounts for the Foundation's general fundraising, granting and administrative activities. The General Fund reports unrestricted resources available for immediate purposes. The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation [b] Restricted Fund

The RestricteNd OTESFund incl uTOdes tFhoIsNANCe funds wIhAereL r eSTsourAceTEs areM toE bNe uTSsed for an identified purpose as specified by the donor, as [sitinp tuhlateousda nbdys] t he fundraising appeal or as determined by the Board.

[c] Endowment Fund Marc h 31, 2010 The Endowment Fund includes those funds where either donor or internal restrictions require that the principal be maintained by the Foundation on a permanent basis.

Investments and investment income

The investments of the Foundation are recorded at market value. Publicly traded securities are valued based on the latest bid prices. Pooled funds and other investments that are not publicly traded are valued based on values reported by the external investment manager. Short-term securities are valued based on cost plus accrued income, which approximates fair value. Transactions are recorded on a settlement date basis and transaction costs are expensed as incurred. Investment income, which consists of dividends, interest, distributions from pooled funds, realized and unrealized gains and losses, is recorded as revenue in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances.

Investment income earned on Endowment Fund or Restricted Fund resources that must be spent on donor-restricted activities is recognized as revenue of the Restricted Fund. Investment income subject to donor restrictions stipulating that it be added to the principal amount of the endowment is recognized as revenue of the Endowment Fund. Unrestricted investment income earned on Endowment Fund, Restricted Fund and General Fund resources is recognized as revenue of the General Fund.

Derivative financial instruments are marked to market, with gains and losses recognized in income in the year in which the changes in market value occur.

Foreign currency translation

Revenue and expenses denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Canadian dollars at the transaction date. Investments and other monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the year-end rate. Translation gains and losses are included in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances.

Revenue recognition

Donations are recorded on a cash basis since pledges are not legally enforceable claims.

Donor-restricted donations for endowment purposes are recognized as revenue in the Endowment Fund. Other donor-restricted donations are recognized as revenue of the Restricted Fund. Unrestricted donations are recognized as revenue of the General Fund.

Lottery and events revenue is recognized in the fiscal year in which the program is concluded. Revenue related to lotteries for which prize draws take place and events that take place subsequent to the year end are deferred.

Financials: Notes to Financial Statements 37

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

Grant recognition

Grants are recognized when payable.

Contributed goods and services

Contributed capital assets that are transferred to UHN are recognized at their fair market value in the financial statements. Other contributed services are not recognized.

Allocation of expenses

Direct fundraising and lottery expenses represent expenses and costs of any personnel that are directly related to these activities. No costs of personnel in general fundraising or other general fundraising and administrative expenses are included in these balances. General fundraising and administrative expenses are allocated to the Restricted Fund as a percentage of net revenue on special events and a fixed amount determined by the Board for strategic events.

Capital assets

Purchased capital assets are recorded at cost. Donated capital assets are recorded at fair value at the date of contribution.

Amortization is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets as fTholloew Ps:r incess Margaret Hospital Foundation

O ffice equipment 10 years Computer hardwaNre OTESand softwa TOre FINANC3 yearsI AL STATEMENTS

[in thousands] Other assets

Costs directly related to the development of future lotteries and events are presented as other Massaetrcsh w31h,e 2n0 1th0e Foundation can reliably demonstrate that there is a future economic benefit associated with these costs. These costs are expensed over their useful life, which is when the lottery or event is held. Such costs are expensed immediately when there is insufficient evidence

that the costs are recoverable.

Financial instruments

The Foundation is subject to market, currency and interest rate price risks with respect to its investments. To manage these risks, the Foundation has established a target mix of investment types designated to achieve the optimum return with reasonable risk tolerance.

The Foundation has chosen to apply CICA 3861, Financial Instruments - Disclosure and Presentation, in place of CICA 3862, Financia l Instruments – Disclosures, and CICA 3863, Financial Instruments - Presentation.

Employee future benefit plans

The Foundation participates in a multi-employer defined benefit pension plan and a non-pension defined benefit plan sponsored by UHN. Contributions to these plans are expensed when due.

Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


Cash consists primarily of amounts held for the General and Restricted Funds and net funds 38 received in advance related to lotteries and events to be held duriFinancials:ng the next f iNotesscal yea rto. Financial Statements

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

Financial instruments

The Foundation is subject to market, currency and interest rate price risks with respect to its investments. To manage these risks, the Foundation has established a target mix of investment types designated to achieve the optimum return with reasonable risk tolerance.

The Foundation has chosen to apply CICA 3861, Financial Instruments - Disclosure and Presentation, in place of CICA 3862, Financial Instruments – Disclosures, and CICA 3863, Financial Instruments - Presentation.

Employee future benefit plans

The Foundation participates in a multi-employer defined benefit pension plan and a non-pension defined benefit plan sponsored by UHN. Contributions to these plans are expensed when due.

Use of estimates Th e Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amountsN ofOTES assets and TO liab FilitieINANCs and theI dAisLclo sSTure AofTE contMingEenNt aTSsset s and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and th[ein r tehporousteadn das]m ounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

3. CASH M arch 31, 2010 Cash consists primarily of amounts held for the General and Restricted Funds and net funds received in advance related to lotteries and events to be held during the next fiscal year.


[a] Investments consist of the following:

2010 2009 $ $

Cash 569 13,959 Short-term investments 3,491 4,793 Bonds Canada/Provincial 22,009 23,997 Corporate 121,010 90,472 Pooled funds Canadian 18,289 19,348 Global — 3,603 161,308 137,420 Equities Canadian 13,768 8,270 US and other foreign 52,683 25,770 66,451 34,040 Alternative investments 33,250 29,110 Forward foreign exchange contracts 734 (2,818) 265,803 216,504

TheA Plterrinnatceivsse i nMveastrmgaenrtset in Hcludosep iinvtaels tFmoeundnts ina thieodnge funds and private capital. The amounts invested in pooled funds have been allocated among the asset classes, based on the asset classes held by the pooled funds.

In order to mNanOTESage forei gTOn cu rrFenIcNANCy exposuIreA, tLhe STFounAdTEationM haEs NenTStered into a forward foreign exchange contract. At Marc[hi n31 th,o u201san0d, s]o ne contract with a US bank allows the Foundation to sell US $39,000 on April 7, 2010 at an exchange rate of 1.03397. The fair market value of this contract as at March 31, 2010 is a gain of $734.

MarAcht 31Ma, r2c0h1 310 , 2009, one contract with a US bank allowed the Foundation to sell US $40,000 on April 6, 2009 at an exchange rate of 1.1887. The fair market value of this contract as at March 31, 2009 was a loss of $2,818.

[b] Investments are managed as two pools:

• Investments related to the Endowment Fund are invested as follows: short-term investments - 1% [2009 - 11%], bonds - 10% [2009 - 20%], equities - 61% [2009 - 40%], and alternative investments - 28% [2009 - 29%].

• Investments related to the General and Restricted Funds are substantially invested in short-term investments and bonds. The fixed income securities in the general and restricted portfolio had a weighted average yield of 4.71% [2009 - 6.81%] and an average term to maturity of 10.8 years [2009 - 9.9 years].

[c] The Foundation has made a commitment to invest $16,500 in private capital over the next three to five years.


Capital assets consist of the following:

Financials: Notes to Financial Statements 2010 2009 39 Net Net Accumulated book Accumulated book Cost amortization value Cost amortization value $ $ $ $ $ $

Office equipment 230 230 — 230 165 65 Computer hardware and software 317 317 — 317 284 33 547 547 — 547 449 98

Amortization expense recorded in the accounts is $98 [2009 - $66]. Capital asset purchases were nil [2009 - $8].

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

[b] Investments are managed as two pools:

• Investments related to the Endowment Fund are invested as follows: short-term investments - 1% [2009 - 11%], bonds - 10% [2009 - 20%], equities - 61% [2009 - 40%], and alternative investments - 28% [2009 - 29%].

• Investments related to the General and Restricted Funds are substantially invested in short-term investments and bonds. The fixed income securities in the general and restricted portfolio had a weighted average yield of 4.71% [2009 - 6.81%] and an average term to maturity of 10.8 years [2009 - 9.9 years].

[c] The Foundation has made a commitment to invest $16,500 in private capital over the next three to five years.


Capital assets consist of the following:

2010 2009 Net Net Th e Princess Margaret Hos pitAccal Fumoundulateadt ionb ook Accumulated book Cost amortization value Cost amortization value $ $ $ $ $ $

Office equipment NOTES 230TO FINANC230 IAL ST— ATEM230E NTS 165 65 [in thousands] Computer hardware and software 317 317 — 317 284 33 547 547 — 547 449 98 M arch 31, 2010 Amortization expense recorded in the accounts is $98 [2009 - $66]. Capital asset purchases were nil [2009 - $8].


Other assets consist of the following:

2010 2009 $ $

Future events Weekend to End Women's Cancers [note 11] 1,256 1,010 Ride to Conquer Cancer [note 12] 1,949 1,920 Others 189 136 Future lotteries [note 14] 4,058 3,819 7,452 6,885


The Restricted Fund consists of funds available for spending that are restricted by donors or the Board for the following purposes:

2010 2009 $ $

Donor-restricted balances Restricted for research purposes 104,284 98,202 Restricted for purchase of capital assets 19,938 10,940 Restricted for patient support and other 28,566 26,182 152,788 135,324

Internally imposed restrictions Restricted for research purposes 2,866 2,287 Special reserve 10,115 135 12,981 2,422 165,769 137,746

40 Financials: Notes to Financial Statements The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010


The Endowment Fund consists of externally restricted contributions received by the Foundation where the endowment principal is required to be maintained intact. The Endowment Fund also includes internal resources transferred by the Board to the Endowment Fund, with the intention that the principal be maintained intact. The investment income generated from assets held for endowment purposes must be used in accordance with the various purposes established by the donors or the Board.

Major categories of restrictions on fund balances are as follows:

2010 2009 $ $

Externally imposed endowments Endowments, the income from which must be used for research purposes 77,894 64,361 EThndeo wPmrienntces, ssthe M incaormgae rfretom H woshicphi tmaul sFt o undation be used for other restricted purposes 12,892 11,039

90,786 75,400 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Internally imposed endowments approv[edin bthyo tuhesa nBoads] rd Funds restricted for research 8,798 7,379 Funds restricted for other purposes 688 590 Unrestricted funds 8,380 6,213 M arch 31, 2010 17,866 14,182 108,652 89,582


Gross fundraising revenue consists of the following:

General Fund Restricted Fund Endowment Fund 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 $ $ $ $ $ $

Annual programs [note 13[a]] 3,859 3,389 8,684 9,796 384 221 Major gifts and bequests 1,360 1,743 25,702 22,238 2,869 3,896 Weekend to End Women's Cancers [note 11] — — 11,685 13,499 — — Ride to Conquer Cancer [notes 10 and 12] — 310 15,987 14,504 — — Brazilian Ball [note 13] — — — 3,208 — — 5,219 5,442 62,058 63,245 3,253 4,117


The Foundation has licensed the Ride to Conquer Cancer to other cancer charities across Canada to support their fundraising efforts. During fiscal 2010, the Ride to Conquer Cancer raised $36,800 gross revenue nationally, including the Toronto event revenue. This has resulted in $968 royalty revenue, to be used for collaborative research projects, which has been included in the Ride to Conquer Cancer fundraising revenue [note 9].

Financials: Notes to Financial Statements 41

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010


During the year, the Foundation held a fundraising event, the Weekend to End Women's Cancers. In fiscal 2009, the event was called the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Financial results included in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances are as follows:

2010 2009 $ $

Revenue [note 9] 11,685 13,499

Direct expenses Logistics 3,350 3,245 Marketing and other 1,051 1,193 4,401 4,438 7,284 9,061

As at March 31, 2010, revenue of $1,669 [2009 - $1,603] received during the year ended March 31, 2010 associated with the event to be held in September 2010 has been deferred and recorded in the balance sheet. Costs of $1,255 [2009 - $1,010] incurred during the year ended March 31, 2010 have been included in other assets [note 6] in the balance sheet. The results of the event will be recorded as revenue and expenses in the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2011.


During the year, the Foundation held a fundraising event, the Ride to Conquer Cancer. Financial results included in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances are as follows: Th e Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 2010 2009 $ $

Revenue [note 9]N OTES TO FINANCIAL STATEME15N,9TS87 14,814 [in thousands] Direct expenses Logistics 3,733 3,154 Marketing and other 1,562 1,979 M arch 31, 2010 5,295 5,133 10,692 9,681

As at March 31, 2010, revenue of $5,204 [2009 - $4,504] received during the year ended March 31, 2010 associated with the event to be held in September 2010 has been deferred and recorded in the balance sheet. Costs of $1,949 [2009 - $1,920] incurred during the year ended March 31, 2010 have been included in other assets [note 6] in the balance sheet. The results of the event will be recorded as revenue and expenses in the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2011.


[a] In fiscal 2009, the Foundation was the beneficiary of the Brazilian Ball [the "Ball"]. In addition to the net proceeds from the gala, as part of the Brazilian Ball campaign, the Foundation raised additional amounts for nursing programs and research at the Campbell Family Centre Research Institute. Net proceeds from the gala, details of which are set out below, and pledges, some of which will be recorded in the future, which total approximately $7,000, were received.

In addition, a grant of $15,000 was announced by the Province of Ontario to support The Anna Maria de Souza Knowledge Transfer Centre for Oncology Nursing. Since the Foundation is acting as a paymaster for this grant, the Province of Ontario will pay the Foundation $3,000 per year over five years. In fiscal 2010, the second payment of $3,000 was received and $2,850 was paid to UHN who, jointly with Cancer Care Ontario, is 42 administrating the grant. The receipt of the grant from theFinancials: Province a nNotesd paym toen tFinancial to UHN Statements have not been recorded in these financial statements. An amount of $150 was recorded as annual program fundraising revenue [note 9] in the General Fund representing the Foundation's fee.

[b] Financial results of the Ball included in fundraising revenue on the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances are as follows:

2010 2009 $ $

Revenue — 3,208 Expenses — 2,124 — 1,084

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

As at March 31, 2010, revenue of $5,204 [2009 - $4,504] received during the year ended March 31, 2010 associated with the event to be held in September 2010 has been deferred and recorded in the balance sheet. Costs of $1,949 [2009 - $1,920] incurred during the year ended March 31, 2010 have been included in other assets [note 6] in the balance sheet. The results of the event will be recorded as revenue and expenses in the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2011.


[a] In fiscal 2009, the Foundation was the beneficiary of the Brazilian Ball [the "Ball"]. In addition to the net proceeds from the gala, as part of the Brazilian Ball campaign, the Foundation raised additional amounts for nursing programs and research at the Campbell Family Centre Research Institute. Net proceeds from the gala, details of which are set out below, and pledges, some of which will be recorded in the future, which total approximately $7,000, were received.

In addition, a grant of $15,000 was announced by the Province of Ontario to support The Anna Maria de Souza Knowledge Transfer Centre for Oncology Nursing. Since the Foundation is acting as a paymaster for this grant, the Province of Ontario will pay the Foundation $3,000 per year over five years. In fiscal 2010, the second payment of $3,000 was received and $2,850 was paid to UHN who, jointly with Cancer Care Ontario, is administrating the grant. The receipt of the grant from the Province and payment to UHN have not been recorded in these financial statements. An amount of $150 was recorded as annual program fundraising revenue [note 9] in the General Fund representing the TheF Pounrindaticeossn' sM feea.r garet Hospital Foundation

[b] Financial results of the Ball included in fundraising revenue on the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances are as follows: NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS [in thousands] 2010 2009 $ $

Revenue — 3,208 MarcEhx 31pe,n 2se0s1 0 — 2,124 — 1,084


During the years ended March 31, 2010 and 2009, the Foundation held two lotteries. Financial results are as follows:

2010 2009 $ $

Revenue 50,206 56,897

Direct expenses Prizes 20,732 21,797 Marketing and other 17,725 19,513 38,457 41,310 11,749 15,587

Prior to March 31, 2010, the Foundation committed to carrying out the spring 2010 Princess Margaret Hospital Home Lottery [the "Home Lottery"], which was held in May 2010. As at March 31, 2010, revenue of $14,002 [2009 - $9,648] received during the year ended March 31, 2010 associated with the Home Lottery has been deferred and recorded in the balance sheet. Costs of $4,058 [2009 - $3,819] incurred during the year ended March 31, 2010 have been included in other assets [note 6] in the balance sheet. The results of the Home Lottery will be recorded as revenue and expenses in the financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2011. The Foundation has a standby letter of credit of $12,750 that expires on July 19, 2010 obtained in connection with the Home Lottery.


[a] Investment income (loss) earned on the Foundation's assets consists of the following:

2010 2009 $ $

Interest and dividends 9,070 10,662 Realized gains (losses) 9,063 (7,414) Net change in unrealized gain/loss on investments 26,053 (21,274) 44,186 (18,026) Less investment management and custodial fees 528 441 43,658 (18,467)

Financials: Notes to Financial Statements 43

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

[b] Investment income is allocated among the funds based on the Foundation's capital preservation policy. This policy has the objective of protecting the real value of the endowments by limiting the amount of earned income available for spending and requiring the reinvestment of any income earned in excess of this limit. This preservation of capital is recorded as revenue of the Endowment Fund for externally endowed funds. For internally endowed funds, the preservation of capital is recorded as income of the General Fund and transferred to the Endowment Fund in the statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances. In any year, should net investment income not be sufficient to fund the amount required for spending, the amount that is to be made available for spending is funded by a transfer from the Endowment Fund.

Currently, the income available for spending is set at 4% of the market value of the Endowment Fund balances. An additional 1% is recorded in the General Fund to cover administrative costs.

Investment income recorded in the Restricted Fund represents income earned on endowments where the donor has stipulated that the income must be used for restricted purposes or where there are agreements requiring income to be allocated to restricted funds.

[c] Gains and losses arising from the sale of donated investments that fund specific endowed or restricted funds are recorded in these funds.

[d] In 2010, investment income earned on investments held for endowments totaled $20,403 of which $14,649 was allocated for the preservation of capital. Of this amount, $12,291 related to externally endowed funds was recorded as investment income in the Endowment Fund. Capital preservation of $2,358 related to Board endowed funds was recorded as income in the General Fund and then transferred to the Endowment Fund.

The amount made available for spending of $3,858 related to externally endowed funds was Ther ecPrordineced ssas Mincaormgae irnet th He Rosesptriictetal dF Fouundnd. aTthioe na mount of $744 made available related to

internally endowed funds was recorded as investment income in the General Fund and then

transferred to the Restricted Fund. An amount of $1,152 is included in General Fund investment inNcoOTESme related TO to th eF fuInNANCds made aIvAailaLb STle toA coTEver aMdmEinNistTSrativ e costs. [in thousands] [in thousands] In 2009, investments held for endowments incurred an investment loss of $18,327. As a result, no investment income was available for preservation of capital, to make available for spending or to cover administrative costs. With respect to externally endowed funds, the Marcfhu n31ds, 2a0v1aila0 ble for spending of $3,724 were transferred from the Endowment Fund to the March 31, 2010 Restricted Fund and the amount available to cover administrative costs of $931 was

transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund. With respect to internally

endowed funds, the shortfall of funds available for spending of $694 was transferred from the

Endowment Fund to the Restricted Fund and the amount available to cover administrative

costs of $173 was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund and $3,438 to costs of $173 was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund and $3,438 to cover investment losses was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund. cover investment losses was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund.


[a] Transfers between funds consist of the following: [a] Transfers between funds consist of the following:

Endowment Endowment General Fund Restricted Fund Fund General Fund Restricted Fund Fund 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 201$ 0 200$ 9 201$ 0 200$ 9 201$ 0 200$ 9 $ $ $ $ $ $

Board and donor approved Board and donor approved re: fund restrictions [note 16[b]] (14,159) (862 12,991 (2,926) 1,168 3,788 re: fund restrictions [note 16[b]] (14,159) (862 12,991 (2,926) 1,168 3,788 Allocation of investment Allocation of investment income in accordance income in accordance with Board policy [note 15[d]] (3,102) 4,542 744 4,418 2,358 (8,960) with Board policy [note 15[d]] (3,102) 4,542 744 4,418 2,358 (8,960) (17,261) 3,680 13,735 1,492 3,526 (5,172) (17,261) 3,680 13,735 1,492 3,526 (5,172)

[b] In 2010, the Board approved transfers totalling $12,991 from the General Fund to the [b] In 2010, the Board approved transfers totalling $12,991 from the General Fund to the Restricted Fund and $1,168 from the General Fund to the Endowment Fund. Restricted Fund and $1,168 from the General Fund to the Endowment Fund.

44 Financials: Notes to Financial Statements In 2009, the Board approved transfers totalling $862 from the General Fund to the In 2009, the Board approved transfers totalling $862 from the General Fund to the Endowment Fund and $2,926 from the Restricted Fund to the Endowment Fund. Endowment Fund and $2,926 from the Restricted Fund to the Endowment Fund.

The transfers relate to internally imposed restrictions approved by the Board and changes in The transfers relate to internally imposed restrictions approved by the Board and changes in the designation of funds as directed by donors. the designation of funds as directed by donors.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010

costs of $173 was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund and $3,438 to cover investment losses was transferred from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund.


[a] Transfers between funds consist of the following:

Endowment General Fund Restricted Fund Fund 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 $ $ $ $ $ $

Board and donor approved re: fund restrictions [note 16[b]] (14,159) (862 12,991 (2,926) 1,168 3,788 Allocation of investment The Pinrcionmcee ssin accMaordrgaanrceet Hospital Foundation with Board policy [note 15[d]] (3,102) 4,542 744 4,418 2,358 (8,960) (17,261) 3,680 13,735 1,492 3,526 (5,172) NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS [b] In 2010, the Board approved transfers totalling $12,991 from the General Fund to the [in thousands] Restricted Fund and $1,168 from the General Fund to the Endowment Fund.

In 2009, the Board approved transfers totalling $862 from the General Fund to the Endowment Fund and $2,926 from the Restricted Fund to the Endowment Fund. Marc h 31, 2010 The transfers relate to internally imposed restrictions approved by the Board and changes in the designation of funds as directed by donors.


[a] During the year, the Foundation funded the following projects carried out at the OCI/PMH and UHN:

General Fund Restricted Fund Endowment Fund 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 $ $ $ $ $ $

Equipment — 7 4,841 8,243 — — Research 1 260 47,462 50,651 — 154 Construction of centres within the hospital — — 1,514 2,789 — — 1 267 53,817 61,683 — 154

[b] UHN provides certain services to the Found ation and pays some expenses on behalf of the Foundation. The Foundation reimburses UHN for all direct costs associated with services provided and expenses paid. Administrative expenses include a charge of $25 [2009 - $25] paid to UHN for office space, service fees and use of furniture and equipment.

[c] The Foundation pays certain common expenses on behalf of affiliated foundations and is reimbursed for these expenses. In addition, the Foundation reimburses affiliated foundations for those common expenses incurred by these foundations on behalf of the Foundation.

[d] Salaries, benefits and certain other expenses are paid by UHN and are reimbursed by the Foundation.

[e] Fundraising includes $1,983 received from affiliated foundations in connection with a donation recorded by those foundations directed by the donor to the Foundation.

[f] Amounts due to UHN are non-interest bearing and due on demand. Transactions between UHN and the Foundation are in the normal course of business and are measured at the exchange amount, which is the amount of consideration established and agreed to by the related parties.


[a] As at March 31, 2010, the Foundation approved plans to make a research grant of $18,000 to OCI/PMH which will be expensed during the year ending March 31, 2011.

[b] The Foundation has received a claim for damages. The Foundation considers this claim to be without merit and is defending it.

Financials: Notes to Financial Statements 45 The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation


March 31, 2010


During 1997, the Foundation negotiated an agreement in which a grant of $3,300 from the Foundation to the University of Toronto [the "University"] was matched equally by the University and the Ontario Government through the Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund. This established a $9,900 endowment to be held by the University for the benefit of graduate students studying with University faculty members located at the OCI/PMH facilities and engaged in cancer research.

The following financial results for the year ended April 30, 2010 were reported by the University to the Foundation:

Endowment Expendable Fund Fund $ $

Balance, at market value, as at April 30, 2009 8,868 354 Investment loss 1,303 — Transfer to Expendable Fund (443) 443 Student awards — (195) Balance, at market value, as at April 30, 2010 9,728 602


A separate statement of cash flows has not been presented since cash flows from operating, investing and financing activities are readily apparent from the other financial statements.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 21. CAPITAL MANAGEMENT

In managing capital, the Foundation focuses on liquid resources available for operations. The Foundation's objectiNOTESve is to h aTOve su FfficiINANCent liquidI rAesLou rSTces tAo TEcontiMnueE opNeTSratin g despite adverse financial events and to provide it with the[i nfle thxoibuilisatnyd s]to take advantage of opportunities that will advance its purposes. The need for sufficient liquid resources is considered in the preparation of an annual budget and in the monitoring of cash flows and actual operating results compared to the budget. As at March 31, 2010, the Foundation has met its objective of having sufficient liquid Mresaorcuhrce 31s ,t o2 0m1eet0 its current obligations.


The comparative financial statements have been reclassified from statements previously presented to conform to the revised presentation of the 2010 financial statements.

46 Financials: Notes to Financial Statements

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation Statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund balances (in $ thousands)

Year ended March 31 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Gross fundraising revenue 51,403 58,274 61,678 72,804 70,530 Direct fundraising expenses1 (8,082) (8,543) (8,902) (15,241) (12,308) Net fundraising revenue 43,321 49,731 52,776 57,563 58,222

Direct fundraising expenses/gross fundraising revenue 15.7% 14.7% 14.4% 20.9% 17.5%

Gross lottery revenue 60,575 70,613 66,632 56,897 50,206 Direct lottery expenses2 (41,994) (55,343) (52,918) (41,310) (38,457) Net lottery revenue 18,581 15,270 13,714 15,587 11,749

Net fundraising and lottery revenue 61,902 65,001 66,490 73,150 69,971

Investment income (loss) 15,452 9,950 6,472 (18,467) 43,658 Net revenue, including investment income 77,354 74,951 72,962 54,683 113,629

General fundraising and administrative expenses3 5,890 6,501 6,691 7,292 6,744

General fundraising and administrative expenses / 9.5% 10.0% 10.1% 10.0% 9.6% Net fundraising and lottery revenue (excluding investment income)

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses before grants 71,464 68,450 66,271 47,391 106,885

Grants to Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital Building 7,000 2,500 3,514 2,789 1,514 Research 35,483 43,942 47,439 50,365 46,763 Education 700 700 700 700 700 Equipment 2,399 7,373 2,984 8,250 4,841 45,582 54,515 54,637 62,104 53,818

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses and grants 25,882 13,935 11,634 (14,714) 53,067

Fund Balances Endowments 101,292 107,508 109,118 89,582 108,652 Restricted 118,468 125,800 133,945 137,746 165,769 Unrestricted 899 1,286 3,165 4,187 10,161 220,659 234,594 246,228 231,515 284,582

Held By University of Toronto 12,797 14,057 13,415 9,222 10,330

Total Capital 233,456 248,651 259,643 240,737 294,912

Where our Revenue Comes From Notes 1 Direct fundraising expenses represent costs for logistics, marketing and other expenses directly related to fundraising activities including those for our major events such as The Ride to Conquer Cancer, The Weekend to End Women’s Cancers and our Direct Marketing programs. 2 The net proceeds of lotteries are a critical source of research funding for PMH/OCI. The direct lottery expenses of prizes, marketing, logistics and other costs are funded through ticket sales. Lotteries are operated under provincial licenses, and lottery ticket buyers do not receive a tax receipt. Major and Estate Giving Lotteries 3 General fundraising and administrative expenses are the overhead costs Strategic Events Community Giving associated with running the Foundation operations.

The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation 47 Change in leadership

Keith Ambachtsheer will complete his two-year Brothers, and the Cambridge Family Crisis Shelter, term as Chairman of the Board on September and past treasurer for the Victorian Order of Nurses 29, 2010, and The Princess Margaret Hospital and Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church. Foundation is grateful for the extraordinary energy, momentum and insight he has brought to the position. Board of Directors Update The Foundation also wishes to thank Betsy Wright, Keith played an instrumental role in reviewing the Candace Innes and David Butterfield for their granting oversight process and related governance. tremendous service to the Board. He attended numerous Foundation events and has been ‘leading from the Betsy was Chair of Governance and front’ for The Ride to Conquer Cancer. instrumental in critically important work His team—Amby’s International Aces— on granting and stewardship. She has has raised $439,000 since the event been a key ambassador for the hospital began! He and his wife, Virginia, have during her tenure and supported The also committed their long-term support Foundation through numerous events by making a gift of life insurance. and initiatives. She continues to volun- teer her time at The Princess Margaret Keith’s leadership and counsel at a time on a regular basis, assisting cancer of global economic instability in 2008/09 patients and clinical staff. was key to ensuring that our investment portfolio came through the market Candace was Chair of the Lottery turmoil in a much better condition than Committee as well as the Breast many other Foundations. Committee. Her strong background in strategic marketing was very beneficial Keith is succeeded as Chair by John H. as the Foundation undertook a brand- Bowey, a passionate supporter of our ing project with Y&R. She has been an vision to CONQUER CANCER IN OUR enthusiastic participant in The Weekend LIFETIME who joined the Board in 2006, to End Breast Cancer and, along with her and has served as Chair of the Audit and family, in The Ride to Conquer Cancer. Accountability committee for the past three years. David was Co-Chair, along with his wife Paula, of the Breast and Gynecological Capital Since 2006, John has served as Chairman of the Campaign Team. He sat on the Breast Committee Board for Deloitte & Touche LLP, a firm that Fortune and got his entire family walking the Weekend to and BusinessWeek consistently rank as one of the End Breast Cancer. Together with Sherry Taylor best places to work. He began his career with Drew, he and Paula established the Butterfield/ Deloitte in 1973, and he was named partner in Drew Chair in Breast Cancer Survivorship. 1983. In 2006, he was recognized as a ‘fellow’ of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario The Foundation welcomed Dr. Charles Chan and for his professional and community achievements. Stephen Bear as new members of the Board. In 2008, he received his ICD.D designation from the Dr. Chan is Vice-President of Medical Affairs & Institute of Corporate Directors. Quality at University Health Network, and Stephen is a Director with McKinsey & Company, leading John has an equally impressive resume for his McKinsey’s practice in Canada. community and professional service. He is past president for Sunbeam Centre, Cambridge Big

48 2010 Report to Our Donors The Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation

Board of Directors Board Committees Human Resources and Keith P. Ambachtsheer (Chair) Audit and Accountability Compensation Lloyd Atkinson Chair: John H. Bowey, FCA Chair: David P. Harris Stephen Bear Members: Members: Dr. Robert Bell Keith P. Ambachtsheer Keith P. Ambachtsheer John H. Bowey, FCA (Vice-Chair) Lloyd Atkinson Stephen Bear David Butterfield Terry Bacinello Dr. Robert Bell Dr. Charles Chan Nizar E. Kanji Jürgen Schreiber Tom Ehrlich Betsy Wright Stephen M. Goldhar Breast Cancer Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz Chair: Maureen Shaughnessy Kitts Investment David P. Harris Members: Chair: Marianne Harris Marianne Harris Dr. Robert Bell Members: Candace Innes David Butterfield Keith P. Ambachtsheer Chris Jordan Dr. Pamela Catton Lloyd Atkinson Nizar E. Kanji Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz Stephen M. Goldhar Farsad Kiani Carole Grafstein Maureen Shaughnessy Kitts Candace Innes President & CEO’s Dr. Benjamin Neel Farsad Kiani Advisory Committees Dr. Christopher J. Paige Neville W. Kirchmann Major Gifts Committee Wendy C. Posluns Dr. Tak Mak Chair: Lloyd Atkinson Jürgen Schreiber Dr. David McCready Members: David S. Weiss Dr. Benjamin Neel David Butterfield Betsy Wright Dr. Christopher J. Paige Tom Ehrlich Dr. Catherine Zahn David P. Harris Governance Farsad Kiani Officers Chair: Betsy Wright Neville W. Kirchmann Paul Alofs Members: President & CEO Keith P. Ambachtsheer Lottery Stephen Bear Chair: Candace Innes Asha Raheja Dr. Charles Chan Members: Treasurer Nizar E. Kanji Keith Ambachtsheer Wendy C. Posluns Chris Jordan Margo C. Clarke David Weiss Maureen Shaughnessy Kitts Secretary

Design: Y&R Photography: Jesse Senko Photography, Yuan Lew Production: Corporate Graphics Department, University Health Network Printing: Belbin & Associates, Toronto OUR VISION CONQUER CANCER IN OUR LIFETIME OUR CAUSE the patient OUR PARTNER the research hospital OUR DONORS lead the way

Office/Courier Address: 700 University Avenue, 10th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z5 Mailing Address: 610 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 2M9 T: 416.946.6560 1.866.224.6560 F: 416.946.6563 Charitable Organization No. 88900 7597 RR0001