THURSDAY THE TECUMSEH 50¢ JANUARY 12, 2017 Tecumseh, Michigan Join us! VOL. 164, ISSUE 14 HERALD LENAWEE COUNTY’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER • SINCE 1850 INSIDE: THS wrestlers win Clinton Memorial Invitational • See page 6A In the news Board discusses possible park development Children’s author to sign books downtown of 8.3 acre city-owned land on River Raisin Children’s book author Jodi McKay, the wife of Tecumseh n native Jeff Winkler, will be at Removing hardwood trees from Beardsley Park Hopscotch Kids, 154 E. as well as Indian Crossing Trails Park considered Chicago Blvd., Tecumseh on Saturday, Jan. 14 for a read- By JACKIE KOCH culling some trees, a study of ing from her new book,
[email protected] whether the city’s recreation “Where Are The Words?” class and program fees are Attendees will be able to pur- The Tecumseh Parks and comparable to similar cities’ chase the book and have Recreation Advisory Board fees, and ongoing investigation them signed by the author, gathered at the Smith of a smoking ban for city parks. and there will be a children’s Recreation Center January 5 Gross mentioned that Mark activity after the reading. The for its quarterly meeting. Johnson dropped off a packet event will run from 2-3:30 Present were Shelley Lim, from Tecumseh Paddling p.m. and refreshments will be director of cultural and leisure Company with information on available. For more informa- services, board president Larry expanding recreational activi- tion, call 517.301.4700. Ash and board members Stacy ties along the waterfront, dif- Downing, Mickey Alvarado ferent entry points for the River Free cooking classes and Chuck Gross.