Manrl|patf r Stipntnn Upralh

MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 15, 1974.- VOL. XCIII, No. 242 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWENTY PAGES — TWO SECTIONS PRiCEi FIFTEEN CENTS Archbishop's Fate Unknown Cypriot Guardsmen Overthrow Markarios ATHENS (UPI) — The Cyprus National Cyprus,” said the death report was “lies, Cyprus radio said "turmoil created Guard, led by Greek army officers seeking lies, lies.” within the (Greek Orthodox) church and union of Cyprus with Greece, overthrew the With Turkish diplomats at NATO the impending danger that the armed government of President Archbishop Brussels headquarters speaking of possi­ forces could fall into the hands of Makarios today and swore in newspaper ble Turkish intervention, diplomatic anarchists and criminal elements with un- publisher Nicos Sampson as new presi­ sources in London said the ousting of forseeable consequences for the future of dent, Nicosia Radio reported. Makarios theatened serious international Cyprus” led the National Guard to act. Turkey violently opposes union of trouble that could have unpredictable Cyprus with Greece because it fears for results for the island, the NATO alliance New Leader » the safety of the Turkish Cypriot minority. and the neighboring Middle East. Sampson, 39, was born in Nicosia and It almost went to war with Greece in 19M fought against British rule in the 1950s. He Caution Urged and 1%7 over alleged threats to the Turks was arrested and sentenced to death by and it alerted its armed forces today. The sources said that before the full British authorities for killing British ser­ story of the coup became known the vicemen, but his sentence was commuted Conflicting Reports Western powers were already counselling to life. He was freed when Cyprus became Thqre were conflicting reports whether Greece and Turkey to go easy and avoid independent in 1960. Makarios, 60, was killed when the any steps that could lead to another con­ His newspapers support enosis— the un­ National Guard shelled the presidential frontation between the two NATO ion of Cyprus with Greece — and are Herald photos by Larson palace and battled forces loyal to the members. critical of Communist policies. bearded archbishop. Cyprus, the reputed birthplace of "In the name of God and men and Candidates Dig In at GOP Picnic Nicosia Radio repeated several times Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, lies 40 following an honorary choice by the armed that “Makarios is dead’’ but gave no miles south of Turkey and 350 miles east of forces, I took today the presidency of the More than 150 Republicans turned out event. In the photo at left, Rube the U.S. Senate nomination. At right, further details. A Turkish Cypriot radio the Greek Island of Crete. It has been tom Cypriot republic,” Sampson said in an ad­ station broadcasting from Cyprus said 3 T Sunday afternoon to met with several Figueroa, candidate for the First Nicholas Panuzio prepares to bite into with on-and-off civil war for nearly 50 dress to the nation. “You all know the candidates for local and state offices District Congress seat nomination, Makarios was still alive and a clandestine years between the early 400,000 Greek events that dictated the intervention of a hotdog before discussing his can­ radio, monitored in Israel and calling who put in appearances during the enjoys a piece of watermelon with Cypriots and the less than 100,000 Turkish our armed sons for the salvation of the didacy for the gubernatorial nomina­ itself “The Radio of the Free Republic of Cypriots. GOP Town Committee-sponsored James H. Brannen III, who is seeking tion with Manchester voters. country.” Guard Background The Cypriot National Guard was formed in 1964 when Turkey and Greece appeared near war over the Cyprus question. It was 3 ^ Town GOP News Capsules a force of about 10,000 Cypriots, and 1,000 Youth Hijacks Airliner Greek officers were sent in to train and lead them. In recent years some Greeks returned to Athens and about 650 were Hosts Picnic TOKYO (UPI) — A knife-wielding Police said the hijacker, knife in hand, U.S. Ambassador to Japan James D. left. Releases Final Report Japanese youth hijacked a Japanese air­ stormed into the cockpit and told pilot Hodgson flew in from Honolulu to assume The loyal forces in today’s fighting were liner on a domestic flight today, and his post. Hodgson did not know that the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Senate Tomoo Abe to land in Tokyo and have units of the Reserve Police Force, a Despite a hot and humid afternoon, demanded passage to North Korea for airport was sealed off shortly after his .30 Watergate committee released its final Takaya Shiomi, 33, brought from jail to paramilitary group organized by Makarios more than 150 Republicans and members himself and a jailed member of a leftwing arrival. report Saturday, not drawing any con­ the plane. to fight the EOKA B guerrillas who have of their families attended the Manchester terrorist group. Shiomi has been under detention for carried out a wave of violence and clusions about President Nixon’s role. The ‘Tell the government to release the Red • Republican Town Committee’s meet-the- Police said the Japan Air lines DC8 jet several years on charges involving anti­ assassination to force union with Greece. committee said its investigation was in­ Army’s Shiomi,’’ police quoted the candidates picnic in Center Springs Park with 75 passengers and a crew of eight government demonstrations. Radio dispatches said the reserves were complete, mainly because Nixon refused hijacker as saying. “When Shiomi gets to Sunday. aboard was hijacked during a 300-mile Eight members of the socalled Red resisting the coup and had engaged to giire it recordings it wanted. ’The com­ the airport, take the plane to North flight from Osaka, Japan’s second largest Korea.” Army were flown to Pyongyang in 1971 several national guard units. Among the early candidate arrivals mittee proposed new campaign laws and city, to Tokyo. The hijacker was not im- Terrorist group after hijacking a JAL jetliner on its way were Rep. Robert Steele of Vernon, who is said the nation must demand higher m^iately identified. from Tokyo to Fukuoka. bidding for the GOP nomination for gover­ ethical standards of its leaders if it wants The radical group has been involved in Lands in Tokyo previous teri^rist acts including the Lod nor at the state convention later this week. to prevent more Watergates. His major rival. Mayor Nicholas Panuzio In accordance with the hijacker’s Airport massacre in''lsrael in 1972, the of Bridgeport, put in an appearance late in demands, the plane landed at Tokyo Inter­ hijacking of a JAL jumbo jet airliner in the afternoon. « Crime Increase Reported national Airport. The hijacker demanded the Middle East last year, and an attack WASHINGTON (UPI) - Serious crime that a leader of the terrorist band known on an oil refinery in Singapore early this Sidewalk Sales Please Also on hand were Nathan Agostinelli, in the rose 15 per cent as Japan Red Army be freed from jail and year. former Manchester mayor who is seeking during the first three months of 1974, the placed aboard the plane for a flight to The hijacked JAL plane touched down renomination and re-election as state FBI reported tqday. The biggest gains North Korea. on runway C shortly after newly appointed Shoppers and Merchants comptroller; State Rep. Francis Collins of were in suburban and rural areas and in Brookfield, also a gubernatorial aspirant; cities with populations under 25,000. By BETTY RYDER said, “and are very happy with the Ruben FiguerOa of Middletown but in the Regionally, the South had the biggest in­ Sidewalk Sales.” process of moving to Portland, who seeks The three-day annual Sidewalk Sales crease, 23 per cent, followed by 17 per cent Democrat Testimonial ' Days held this past weekend proved pop­ House & Hale’s spokesman Greg Wild- the First District congressional nomina­ in the West and 9 per cent in the North and ular with customers and merchants alike. man, the , said, ”We are very tion; James H. Brannen III of Colchester, North Central states. Crowds milled through the five major pleased with the results. We broke just who seeks the U.S. Senate nomination; Fete Attracts 300 shopping areas in search of bargains and about even with last year.” and Herbert V. Camp Jr, also a U.S. Ratify Pact A sellout crowd of about 300 persons gratulated the six persons honored and area stores are apparently pleased with So-Fro Fabrics in Burr Corners Shop­ Senate aspirant. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Two thousand attended a testimonial dinner-dance at expressed regrets at not being able to at­ the success of the event. ping Plaza is equally happy with the Local contest candidates present in­ employes of Olin Corp. plants in New Willie’s Steak House Saturday night, tend — because of a previous commit­ Werner Block, manager of D&L in the promotion. Mrs/ Beverly Beagle, assistant DEBNAM cluded State Rep. Warren Westbrook of Haven and Branford have agreed to a new honoring six long-time Manchester ment. Parkade, said, “It was excellent.” manager, said “The first day was South Windsor and State Sen. David two-year labor contract providing wage Democrats for their devoted service to the First District Congressman William Did he feel it was more successful than phenomenal — super. The second two days Odegard of Manchester. hikes of 70 cents an hour over the next 18 town and party. Cotter made an appearance and said a few last year? tapered off a little, but all in all business months. The six are: Matt Moriarty Sr., benefac­ words. “ For us it was,” he said. was very good.” A. Paul Berte, town GOP chairman, Members of Lodge 609 of the Inter­ tor of many persons and causes and a dis­ Cotter took note of the recent show of The K-Mart Shopping Plaza kept busy, It was business as usual at Harvey’s, expressed his pleasure with the turnout national Union of Machinists and tinguished civic and community leader; unity within party circles and requested it too, with items geared to appeal to also located in Burr Corners Shopping despite the hot weather and was especially Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, ratified the Dr. William Buckley, educator, author continue through the state convention and everyone. Ken Bly, assistant manager at Plaza, and Mrs. Jan Kelly, manager, says pleased that almost all the major can­ contract Sunday at a meeting in a New and historian, chairman of the Library through the election. K-Mart, said, “It was really fantastic. I sales results were “very good.” didates were able to attend. Haven theater. Board and a former member of the school “It IS through unity that we will win had been on vacation but stopped in the Even a little incident there Saturday did board; Pascal Mastrangelo, chairman of back the top state offices and continue in store Saturday night and at 9, it was still little to dispel customers from searching Thunderstorms Forecast the Housing Authority, veteran member of those offices we hold in Washington,” he very busy.” for bargain. With dressing rooms full of The National Weather Service says the town committee and chairman in said. Main St. had it share of business with customers trying on fashionable attire, thunderstorms moving into Connecticut Voting District 6; Katherine Bourn, Saturday’s testimonial was the second Bernard Apter of Regal’s Men’s Shop the report of an electrical fire in one of the Henley Trial today should break the high temperatures former town director and former chair­ for honoring friends of the party and commenting “It was a good crowd.” overhead light fixtures from which smoke tr and humidity that prevailed over the state man and member of the school board; Manchester Democrats have said they “We went ahead of last year’s sales,” he was emanating was taken in stride by the during the weekend. Beldon Schaffer, former chairman and will make it an annual event. partially dressed customers. Nearly Over Some thunderstorms struck portions of member of the school board and member Fortunately, a fire truck and crew from the state during the night. ’The high of two Charter Revision Commissions; the Manchester Eighth District Fire llU temperature Sunday was 93, seven and Ann Larivee, a tireless worker for Department was parked in the Plaza as h degrees below the 100 degree record set in over 15 years on many committees. part of the Sidewalk Sales Days promo­ SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (UPI) - Defense tion. A call out the front door of Harvey’s and prosecuting attorneys present their 1965. Each was presented a scroll of apprecia­ brought the firemen in and the ladies ftnM arguments today in the trial of tion and each received a symbolic gift — a scurried behind dressing room curtains, Elmer Wayne Henley, 18, charged with STORMY cube of lucite containing a miniature as the “gentlemen,” eyes straight ahead, f killing six of the 27 youths slain during a donkey. Dr. Buckley could not attend because of proceeded to locate the source of the three-year period in Houston. smoke and get the situation in control in a District Judge Presto Dial has allotted illness and had chosen Ruth ’Tucker to represent him at the ceremonies. Mrs. matter of minutes. two hours each for arguments. The case Also on hand at the Plaza was the • mother, could go to the jury by midafternoon. Tucker expressed Dr. Buckley’s thanks for the testimonial. Each of the other five Burger Kiiig clown who chatted with the very ne- The state built its case primarily on youngsters and brought smiles to their written and spoken statements Henley so honored also expressed their thanks. >n. What Democratic chairman Ted Cummings faces. gave police the night following his arrest Martin Boder, owner of Martin Ltd. in Quite warm and humid today with oc­ served as master of ceremonies and 'ents and Aug. 8, 1973. the Parkade, said, "Our sales ran 10 per casional showers or thunderstorms likely, pegged the event “A Touch of Class.” The defense, led by court-appointed at­ cent higher this year over last year’s DEBNAM some possibly accompanied by strong gus­ After introducing the honored guests torney Will Gray, rested its case abruptly Sidewalk Sales Days. We did very well, we ty winds or heavy rain. Highs in the mid to and telling of their background and ac-.>^ Friday without calling any of its 59 sub­ always do. We look forward to the sales upper 80s. Becoming clear with more complishments, he said, “Politics, as poenaed witnesses. every year.” comfortable humidity tonight. Lows in low Adlai Stevenson said many times, is truly The presentation of testimony had been Everyone seems happy — customers and to mid 60s. Fair and pleasant Tuesday an honorable profession, as these six per­ expected to take about six weeks but merchants — which only goes to prove required only one. with highs around 80. sons and the many others who deserve our praise prove. Sidewalk Sales Days is a promotion that “ By their actions,” he continued, “these all will look forward to next year. people have demonstrated that, while we can do little or nothing in Washington or mm Hartford to influence the course of events, Six Zoning Variance we can, do and will influence the course of events in Manchester.” Inside Today*s Mayor John Thompson, who delivered the main address, followed the same Hearings on ZB A Slate them, pinpointing local government as being “where the action is.” He said to the six, “You each have made lirralb Six requests for zoning variances will be • Michael and Catherine S. Tluck, area, a great contribution to our town and to its the subject of public hearings tonight at 7 frontage, and front yard variances at 168- local history. You have proved that we — in the Municipal Building Hearing 170 W. Center St., Residence B Zone. deliver our services directly to the public Area P rofile...... Pages 5, 6 Room — by the Manchester Zoning Board • Scott B. Clendaniel, side yard and, in this way, are closest to them and to of Appeals. variance for addition to dwelling at 37 their needs.” Forum of the A rts...... Page 2 The requests are: Kensington St., Residence A Zone. He told his listeners, “These six people Genovesi not candidate — Page 20 • Joseph Fortin, side yard variance for • Raymond Damato, variance to erect Honored by Democrats have been involved in local govei;nment Army-Navy LL champs — Page 11 Tool shed at 54 Eldridge St., Business 2 garage on corner tot at 24 Homestead St., most of their adult lives and many of their Zone. Residence B Zone. These are.five of the six Democrats Beldon Schaffer, Katherine Bourn, LL tourney tonight ...... Page 11 contributions have reached out far beyond Matthew M. Moriarty Sr. and Pat • United Pentacostal Church, rear yard • Robert McNamara, side yard the boundaries of Manchester.” honored Saturday night. Dr. William Eight krvive in golf...... Page 11 variance for addition to church building variance for porch at 43 S. Lakewood Cir­ A letter from U.S. Sen. Abraham Buckley was unable to attend because Mastrangelo. Seated is Mrs. Ann at 185 Woodbridge St., Residence B Zone. cle, Residence AA Zone. Ribicoff was read. The senator con­ of illness. From left standing are Larivee. (Herald photo by Dunn) P^CCiftTWO- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Coiin., Mon., July 15, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 15^ 1974 — PAGE THREE WORLD ALMANAC PACTS i Almanac W hile Broadway Wobbles INTRODUCTORY Investment Chatter GUITAR LESSONS By United Pres* Forum of the Arts NEW YORK (UPI) - flexibility in dealing effectively 50* per Lesson Inlernatinnal administration, has shown Economists at First Nationaf with rising prices and main­ Today is Monday, July 15, the "significant leadership in com­ 249-0077 Suburban Theaters City Bank of New York say they taining orderly credit bating surging inflation.” 196th day of 1974 with 269 to Summer Theater III founder of the Gilbert and expect no turnaround in the follow. markets,” Dean Witter & Co Sullivan Society at the universi­ stwk market until there is an The moon is approaching its John Hutchinson and says. The firm says the Nixon Kathleen Roche-Zurjko have ty- , improvement in real personal new phase. Miss Roche-Zurjko, a theater Are Packing ’Em In leading roles in “Jacques Brel income. “That will come about The morning stars are Mer­ - 6:00- major at the University of cury, Venus, Jupiter, and Is Alive and Living In Paris,” with a moderation in the rate of Herald (3-S-22) NEWS Connecticut, has studied voice and one or two old shows. had an FM radio station that inflation which will be accom­ Saturn. (18) 12 O’CLOCK HIGH the final production of Summer at the Hartford Conservatory of By Ellie Grossman Theater III this season. This year, it’s the reverse. he used to publicize his panied by an easing of short­ I Yesterdays The evening star is Mars. (20) WA8HINQTON Music. Her stage credits in­ shows. He did everything at “Jacques Brel” opens NEW YORK - (NEA) - A Therefore, “Damn term interest rates,” the bank Those born on this date are DEBATES clude Hodel in the Little Yankees,” “Fiddler on the the station, including an­ Thursday at Manchester Com­ knowledgeable talent agent said. Y e a r s A g o under the sign of Cancer. FOR THE 70s Theater of Manchester’s reports tha( when Paul Roof,” “South Pacific” and nouncing. 25 Crop failures in Ireland ^ The Dutch painter Rembrandt (24) SESAME STREET munity College auditorium and production of "Fiddler on the Lynde finishes a one-week “No, No, Nanette” are mak­ “One morning he asked me A total of twelve polio cyses around 1880 prevented farm­ will continue through July 21 Harmensz van Rijn, was born (30) TO TELL THE TRUTH Roof.” engagement this summer at ing the rounds with “The Odd to go on the air with him. He The recent decrease in the are reported to date in ers from paying rents and and from July 25 through July July 15, 1606. (40) BONANZA The production is also being John Kenley’s theater in Couple,” “.the Sunshine operated out of his home and market could prove beneficial Manchester. most landlords reduced 28. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. On this day in history: headlined by Marcy Goldberg, a Warren, Ohioi he’s likely to Boys'’ and “The Prisoner of when l arrived, he took me to in the long run, according to rents. However, Lord Erne, - 6 : 3 0 - The musical revue of songs “walk out with $35,000,” That the kitchen which was where who had estates in County In 1912, the United States, led voice major at Hartt College of Second Avenue.” Merkin & Co. But in the near 10 Y e a rs A g o (8-22-30) NEWS written by Belgium-born comes to roughly $4,400 for Jerry Stiller and Anne the station was. We went on term, the firm believes there Mayo, instructed Captain by all-round athlete Jim (40) NEWS Charter Revision Commis­ YOUR Modern Medicine does have its! singer-composer Jacques Brel each of the eight perforin- Meara, the husband and wife the air and he said, ‘Jerry, could be a series of "climactic Charles Boycott, his local Thorpe, won the Olympic sion (CRC) votes a recommen­ - 7 : 0 0 - is being directed by Bob Vater, ances. Any way you look at iL comedy team, are touring the how long have you been in plunges leading to a final bear miracle drugs. It does NOT have] agent, to collect the full Games in Stockholm, Sweden. Northeast in a star package dation that same 12 charter rent. BSVcott’s ruthlessness In 1945, Italy declared war on (3) CBS NEWS band and choms director at it’s a decent living wage. the theater?’ And he walked market low.” ''magical cures." in evicting farmers incurred (8) TRUTH OR Manchester Community Granted, Lynde’s salary is production of “The Prisoner out of the room. He left me revision questions voted upon at [MONEY its former Axis partner, Japan. not typical. Still tim e.was of Second Avenue.” To the talking on the air by myself May 19 referendum be sub­ the wrath of some 3,000 ten­ In 1964, Arizona Sen. Barry CONSEQUENCES College. “The current hyperinflation ants, who stopped working (18) DICK VAN DYKE when the straw-hat circuit couple, who began as young for 20 minutes while he had mitted at the Oct. 6 town elec­ Goldwater was nominated as Hutchinson has directed, per­ leaned for support on the breakfast or something. Then here and abroad permits little Beware the imposter who makes | and thus initiated the first (20-22-30) NEWS formed and composed music actors in summer stock 20 tions. the Republican presidential bony shoulders of struggling years ago, Suminer Stock 74 he came back ana said, AND preposterous claims for gadgets, ‘‘boycott, ’ The World Alma­ (24) ZOOM candidate. actors. Today it’s big busi­ IS a difmrent animal. ‘Thank you, Jerry,’ and that nac recalls. (40) ABC NEWS secret formulas, and a whole bag! Copyright 1973 In 1971, President Richard ness and, while New York Seven-dollar-a-week room­ was that.” Newspaper tnlerpnse Assn Nixon disclosed plans to make - 7 : 3 0 - theater watchers debate ing houses in the country run of tricks. He takes your money | tha largest assortment of an unprecedented visit to Com­ (3) PRICE IS RIGHT Broadway’s survival, sum­ by eccentric old ladies used YOUR and you deteriorate. Trust your munist China. He made the (8) POLICE SURGEON mer theater managers smile to provide charm, if not lux­ with relief: the scene this ury, and the right atmo­ picture frames health only to’ a physician. Trust week-long trip in February, (18) WILBURN BROTHERS AUCTION JULY 19,1 P.M. 1972. year looks good. sphere for company ro­ his prescriptions to us. lIVLLVni. e92ll3» erKIPIMUK (20) FILM Neither the gas shortage '65 Chevrolet No. 1646» G 1099S7 anywhere! LIFE (22) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES mances. Today, they’ve '66 Dodge No. W H 23 B 61280819 WARREN BEATTY THE nor a 10 per cent cost-of-liv­ largely been displaced by w® hav® ®v®ry clock ®lz® aviHtbl® (roni (24) ANTIQUES ing increase in Actors’ Equity SILVEH LANE 8HEU 2x2 to 24x48, and priced from 494. bring PAULA PRENTISS motel chains. In your printt, pholot, and painting*... O v e r 25TYear8 of Continuous Servleel (30) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Association salaries (re­ “Last summer, everyone 252 Spancar 81. “ THE PARALLAX (40) POLKA flected in higher ticket Manchaaiar, Cl. 06040 •J44-»8W- got very hip about which was VIErinColof-R - 8:00- prices) nor the spectre of im­ the best place to stay,” says AT 7:30-9:30 (3) SEARCH FOR THE peachment will stay the sum­ Anne Meara. “We had the we have every little thingl SUN. MAT. 99c'HI 5,OQg mer theater-goer from his NILE kids with us and they took S ALL seat in the round, at a table in ^BM lLYAW IS (8-40) ROOKIES notes. Everything was fried w e s t o w n a dinner-theater, in the open, • • PHARMACY ■ ^ SEATS (18) SHARING OUR FAITH when we stayed at Howard HE WAS TEACH1N6 U6 or in that theater in the mall “where a (20-22-30) Johnson’s, even the beds. But HOW TO SUPE INTO Time Out for a Pony Ride 99* between the Chinese laundry dollar’s WORLD and the Italian restaurant. I don’t care where I stay as THIRP BASE... ONLY 455 Hartford Rd. Manchester 643-5230 ALLIED ARTISTS presenis worth OF JOE QARAQIOLA long as there’s a pool.” we FORciOrTO TEUL The hustle and bustle of busy shoppers doesn’t bother little 10-month-old Patrick McCarty of East Hartford, and his th e miracle of main 3tre^ 1 Kathleen Roche-Zujko On Long Island’s South a dollarl” (24) COMINQ ASUNDER OF Shore, at the Jones Beach The workload has not HIM THIRDBA'SEISAH No. 77 as his dad takes time out to set him atop a “sprin­ father were among the throng taking advantage of downtown mancheatei* y o u * NOW STEUEDUSTHI changed, the couple says, it’s COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE STORE' JIMMY BRIGHT Theater which annually fea­ OLP tree STUMR.. ting” pony in the K-Mart Shopping Plaza. The youngster. Manchester Sidewalk Sales Days. (Heald photo by Dunn) mcQUEEn Hornimn tures a musical “under the still punishing. - 9 : 0 0 - Music who was recently seen in ina FRANKLIN J.SCHAFFNER him stars,” they’re doing “Fiddler “Twenty years ago,” Miss (8-40) MOVIE the Wethersfield Players Meara says, “I played Cheri production of “Pal Joey,” and on the Roof.” Advance sales pmuion m "The Turning Point" in ‘Bus Stop’ at Woodstock John Hutchinson Art Cloutier, who has the role of have been so good that man­ (18) I BELIEVE IN aging direr tr Arnold Spec- and we alternated with ‘0 MIRACLES Jacques Brel. He teaches tor says, “We don’t want any Men, 0 Women,’ and that The Lighter Side f4 s r w im o n for over 30 musicals. He was a Sfia’s In A (3) HERE’S LUCY English at Manchester Comuni- more theater parties.” English play, ‘The DRIVE IN ★ RT 5 Clans By Herselll resident member of the ty College and has appeared in Across the country in San Mousetrap.’ We’d be rehears­ - 9 : 3 0 - Nutmeg Summer Playhouse at ing one play during the day concert versons of “Madame Diego, the Old Globe Theater By DICK WEST But if the opposite becomes “THE TEACHER” (3) DICK VAN DYKE the University of Connecticut and playing another at does not attempt to put a price Butterfly” and “Faust” with is celebrating its 2Sth year of WASHINGTON (UPI) - The -true, we may be forced to con­ (18) ADVENTURE IN for three seasons and was night.^ tag on the defense of such in­ THEATRE W • MANCHESTER (") ^ the Hartford Conservatory. Shakespearian productions White House economic con­ clude that the national debt is PARADISE and publicity director Bill Jerry Stiller recalls, “Just tangibles as life, liberty and the H U i PLUS ference called by President no longer worth protecting. Alr-Conditloned (24) JAZZ SET Eaton reports, “We’re four getting that first contract pursuit of happiness. Now you begin to appreciate times ahead of where we was a thrill in the old days. Nixon last week came just in Monetarily speaking, the atAct Oir/«iilarl “THE YOUNG - 10:00- the nick of time. how cutting the federal budget Pick Up Your Copy of Caldor’s Latest Circular! UofH Theater were this time last year.” . Now it’s a question of keeping largest single asset the Air JULY 18-21, 2B-27 (3) MEDICAL CENTER the age of six, switched to the youi' energy together. We A couple of days before it curbs inflation. The University of Hartford Broadway did not provide Force is defending is the $475 GRADUATES" (18) CONNECTICUT viola 11 years later, and studied much worth reproducing this have to start each week in a began, interest rates rose to According to Sen. William REPORT Summer Repertory Theater billion national debt. “JACQUES BREL at the Juilliard ^hool. New year so, Shakespearian and new town with a real ripping POR A UESSOW IN 12.25 per cent and the Dow. Proxmire, D-Wis., vice chair­ f241 BEHIND THE LINES will present “Molly’s Dream” York City, which aw ard^ him Our national debt, having man of the Congressional Joint 7 Oz. Crest EASTHMJfORD regional historical produc­ show. Keep it fresh. Last OUICK RESULTSvSELL Jones industrial average fell to produced the highest living Toothpaste IS AUVE AND by Maria Irene Forbes July 20 both a master's and doctoral week, we did five shows bet­ Economic Committee, military B ig 5 -W e b - 11:00- tions aside, the bill of fare YOOR EXTRAS WITH 770.57. standard on earth and points Regular or'Mint DRIVE-IN ★ RT 5 and 26 and “Schubert’s Last degree. consists mostly of well-worn ween Friday night and Sun­ A U3W COST outlays are “the most in­ (3-18-22-30) NEWS In another few weeks, if those north, is the envy of the entire Folding Chair a t 1.18 Size...... WELL & LIVING (20) SAN FRANCISCO Serenade” by Julie Bovasso musicals and the collected day and I think it ruined my FAMILY WANT APJ trends continued, the Dow flationary of all spending.” - 6 9 ® works of Neil Simon. marriage,” he jokes. world. TMS SUM }LN All n o (I) BEAT July 19, 21 and 27 at Auerbach Goodspeed Jones average would stand at Very well. Our Reg. 4.49 30' Off Coupon on Next B u y - m Package. IN PARIS” Auditorium. Curtain time is 8 “There are not as many Publicity years back. No doubt a number of other Reducing the budget tends to - 1 1 : 3 0 - Opera House 12.25 and banks would be “THE EXORaSr p.m. new shows being done this Stiller says, was often small- nations would love to get their shrink the national debt, and as Qentral AdmiMlon $2.78 (3) MOVIE Cole Porter’s “DuBarry Was year,” says talent agent Jack scale and challenging. Olie Heralb charging 770.57 per cent in­ hands on our national debt. And ivM 7:10-8:20 it grows smaller the need for Pepsodent Toothbrush "Follow the Boys" (t963) a Lady” continues its run al, “There was a place in Massa­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING terest. Grosbart of International some undoubtedly would resort $61.5 million bombers Sun. 2-4:14-7-6:10 (8-40) WIDE WORLD Carrilon Concert Goodspeed Opera House in East chusetts I played where the Most economists feel that Famous Agency. “Years ago, to force if they thought they diminishes, relieving the MYSTERY James R. Lawson, one of Haddam through Aug. 10. Cur­ owner of the threater also PHONE 643-2711 anti-inflationary measures such could prevail. ^®<^um hard bristles 1 9 < ^ they’d do all the new releases FOR ASSISTAMCE IM PLACtMO YOUR AD pressure for higher military “The Moving Target" A m e ric a ’s fo re m o st tain time is 8:30 p.m., Monday as cuts in the f^eral budget are As long as the debt total outlays and thus quelling infla­ 6 4 6 - 1 1 2 0 (20-22-30) JOHN^^ carillonneurs, will give the through Friday, and 5 and 9 needed to stabilize the exceeds the cost of the bombers 3.33 Ri g h t tion. Big, full 5x4x4 webbed chair with fourth recital in the summer p.m. Saturdays. Wednesday economy. needed to defend it, we can pre­ Gu a r d It’s really quite simple once fheiatre series of carillon concerts at matinees open at 12:30 p.m. There may, however, be a vent any foreign power large, rugged frame. Right Guard Deodorant you get the hang of it. A RE-RELEASE (P6) Time Schedule Trinity College Chapel Goodspeed is presenting its few laymen who don’t under­ takeover. Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. Bonus can contains m m i^ m “BORN LOSERS" Manchester Drive-In — "Evel Musical Theatre Workshbp Sun­ stand how budget cuts wouldl 10”x17” Adjustable 5.2 oz. All types. Th* Original Appaaranca of Knievel” 8:35; “Bom Losers” A carillonneur for 30 years, day afternoons at 5 for the next help. So I shall endeavor to 1-15Size...!!...... Q f ^ Tom Laugun aa “Billy Jack” 10:15 Lawson is carillonneur at three weeks. The workshop is explain. Double Hibachi Riverside Church, New York MA-MA MIA’S 99* ALL TIMES Showcase Cinema 1 — presented under the auspices of ; Latest Air Force figures "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot” City, where he presides over the Connecticut Commission of given to Congress put the cost Our Reg. 8.99 Flicker Ladies’ Shaver PHONE 649-9333 1:30-3:35-5:30-7:50-10:05 the 74-bell Rockfeller Memorial the Arts and will feature new of the new B1 bomber at $61.5 Miss U.S. A... and On IM Smondhirt Bacharadi Showcase 2 — “Marne” 2:00- Carillon, the largest in the works in concert form. “The Family Restaurant" million. Mvsieal about Soi in Kg Busbiou 4:30-7:00-9:20 world. Complimentary wine will be CUISINE That may seem like ,a lot of f i Pack of 5 blades bTHEATREBEAlT Showcase 3 — “Herbie Rides served during intermission. money to pay for a fleet of S(WflK ODtm tiiu I ►! 1.49 S ize ...... a I 471 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER PHONE 646-75581 bombers. But when you con­ ESTER FyRH^Oe S t S - f s iJ Again” 2:00-3:45-5:35-7:30-9:20 Four Seasons Tickets are $2. wella. I Showcase 4 — “Chinatown” Neil Simon’s comedy, “The Reservations for both events Mon. thru Sat. 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. • Sun. 11:00 A.M. to 9:00 Py sider that $61.5 million only NOW IN THEATRE 1 2:15-4:45-7:00-9:30 Odd Couple” will open Tuesday may be made by calling 873- buys one plane, why then you 5.74 Balsam Conditioner Vernon Cinema 1 — “The 8668, see it in a different light. Heaw cast iron bowl heats A a r lH c i at the Four Seasons Dinner j'a'conditiona 16 OZ. Exorcist” 7:10-9:20 Theatre in Higganum. Charles CLIP & SAVE THIS AD FOR FUTURE REFERENCE The light I see it in shines evenly. Wood handles, base; twin forth in the form of a question: ‘utetoiiM-. , O'" body StreisaiMl' Cinema 2 — ‘‘Born Losers” Cilona and Goerge Pollock will Storrowtown Theatre chromed grids, vent controls. '■•mx I 2.98 Size...... are we nearing the point where 7:20-9:30 play the title roles. “The Odd Ruby Keeler and Don OF MA-MA MIA’S DAILY SPECIALS! 1 . 2 3 in we are spending more for Burnside Theatre — ‘‘The Couple” will run through Aug. Ameche will be featured in the defense than what we^ are Parallax View” 7:30-9:30 18 and reservations are now Broadway smash hit “No, No, defending is worth? Now through Meadows Drive-In — "Bom being accepted. For informa­ Nanette,” the musial revival Acrylic No-Pin S > ‘~~SiiccialSiiffet This question is posed strictly Losers” 8:45; ‘‘Wild Angels” tion call 345-8515. from the roaring 1920s starting MON, & Sat, July 20 S a k e * By Popular Demand Wa Are Bringing in a materialistic sense and Knitting Overnight 10:50 Tuesday at Storrowtown UA East 1 — “For Pete’s Back Our $2.98 Buffet . NOW IN THEATRE 2 Theatre, West Springfield, Yarn Pampers Sake” 2:00-3:40-5:20-7:15-9:10 Dance Festival Mass., and continuing through ALL YOU CAN EATI CURL NEXT: ANGEL STREET UA East 2 - “Old Yeller” The 27th annual American July 27. (All Choice Top Quality Food) Toy Prices Our STICK T ubs., July 23 - Sat, Aug. 3 i 3:30-6:25-9:25; “ Incredible Dance Festival, directed by c Charles Reinhart,now in its liie box office is Open Mon­ Chooaa from Over 80 Hot and Cold May Increase Reg. Journey” 2:00-4:55-7:55 day through Saturday from 10 ltama...l * 2 . 9 5 79c Box of 12, Reg. 99c At the fully air-conditioned UA East 3 - "Groove Tube” fourth week at the Connecticut a.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 5 (Children 12 and Under 1$ Prlcal : P a w t u c k e t , r . i . ( U p d - NewtMrnPamper® 4 A O Harriet S. Jorgensen Theatre TECHNICOLOR® 2:40-4:20-6:00-7:40-9:25 College campus in New London Worsted weight, 4 oz., 4 ply pull Sunbeam A*'f«ta4aBdbrBUENAVI$TA0lSrRieuri0NC0 INC | will present a dance concert p.m. Telephone reservations Fewer commercials on kids TV Box ol 30, Reg. 1.69 ...... 1 . 4 U .t WaliOtmyPfoOwciiOAt | Blue Hills Drive-In — ‘ICry skein. Machine wash/dry. The Unhiersity of Connecticut Tuesday at 8 p.m. by Daniel may be made by calling 522-5211 Fresh Veal Parmigiana programs will probably in- Curling Iron / Rape” 8:45; “Love Object” in the greater Hartford area. WEDNESDAY - crease the price of toys parents General Aire 20” 10:30 Nagrin, and two special perfor­ Curtain 8; 15 p.m. ' buy for their children, an in­ Dacron® Polyester M i s s e s ’ Showplace— “Papillon” 7:00- mances Wednesday and Portable Electric Fan Our Reg. 19.99 Thursday by Edward Villella Served with cup of soup, potato, dustry executive says. Reservations call; 429-2912 TECHNICOLOR* ^ 9:30 Twilight Concerts vegetable or spaghetti, our Famoua 12.88 Double Knits k D u t c h i e NtraftMBdbyBUCNAVlSTAOlSTniOUTlOPfCO.MC and Anna Aragno, Ritha Devi Recording artist Wen­ The National Association of Tickets $3.50 Students $2.50 XT WBNOlBMyProOuenew ll5 Salad Bar, bread and butter. ; Broadcasters recently ruled RED FILM RATING GUIDE and the Chuck Davis Dance Co. dy Waldman will perform FANCIES WHITE ^ C l o g s Group rates available NOW IN THEATRE 3 that next year the amount of For Parents and The Louis Falco Dance Com­ Saturday beginning at 5 p.m. at NAVY “THE GROOVE pany will perform Friday and Mike Azarin’s Twilight * commercial time on weekend Reg. Reg. 3.25 children’s television will be 2.99 3.99 Their Children Saturday at 8 p.m. Also on Concerts on the Lawn at Lenox, 12-1/2 - 3 reduced from 12 to 10 minutes TORE" Saturday, Andre Gregory’s Mass. R e g . 6 .9 9 7.99 New York Sirloin THURSDAY per hour and from 14 to 12 Curls or straightens hair; thermo­ N00NEUNDER17A0IMTTHI OCNERAL AUCMEPOCIt “The Manhattan Project’’ will Greyhound, Arrow and Peter* I Karen Jean Morrison. Miss U.S.A. will represent ourcountry New 7 element VTan blade New stitches, colors, patterns. ^7 All Agn Admiti«

I Giard-Gallo College Notes Engagements Japan To Honor Its Johnny Appleseed to be living in Evanston, III, QUINCY, ni. (UPI) - Even invite all the relatives of the his father, who buried it in his Arts, said of the prospect of a uncle's pleasure when the without being officially asked Rev. John Ing to visit Sept. 3. garden. The apple germinated trip to Japan, "It's rather two years ago, Susan Dickinson of 531 Lydall emperor of Japan visited his Four Manchester students awarded a BS degree from yet, Margaret Wilson Weltin of That will be roughly 100 years when spring came, the story exciting." And she is ready to Mrs. Weltin said she still has Frances Elizabeth Gallo and St., a junior at Keuka College, school. Another told about were named to the dean’s list at Georgetown University, Quincy has snapped up an in­ since Ing, a Methodist mis­ goes, and eventually this go. But if the province picks up about a dozen letters Ing wrote Edward J. iard, both of Keuka Park, N.Y., is attending growing apples and peaches Stonehill College, Easton Mass. Washington, D.C. vitation to go to the northern tip sionary, is credited with in­ brought wealth to the family. the tab for all the Ing relatives, to her mother and Ing’s niece, Manchester, were united in a Berlin Seminar this summer "and said kiddingly that he had ’They are: Robert J. Boland, son of Honshu to honor the "Johnny troducing American apples to One biographer, Lowell it may have a crowd on its Gertrude Grady Wilson. marriage June 22 at St. Bridget Named to the dean’s list for in Germany to gain an insight learned that bees have of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boland, Appleseed of Japan.’’ Japan. Dearlnger of Mount Vernon, hands. "I guess I have almost Church, Manchester. , the spring semester at into the German way of life. something to do with growing 31 Plymouth Lane; Marian E. He Was her great-uncle. It is said that one Christmas III, says Ing is remembered in thrown them away a thousand them,” 'The bride is the' daughter of Maccarone, daughter of Mr. Randolph-Macon College in She is the daughter of Mr. and times while housecleaning but Ashland, Va., is Richard L. Japan’s Kyodo news agency Ing gave apples from the State Aomori much as is Abraham Descendants have been Ing. the son of a Methodist Mrs. William J. V. Gallo of 242 and Mrs. Ralph Maccarone, 32 Mrs. Stanley Dickinson. now I’m glad I didn’t,” she has reported the provincial of Washington to his students at Lincoln in Illinois. traced to Southern Illinois, minister, is buried in a Summit St. and the late William Hawthorne St.; Pamela S. Angel of Manchester. said. government of Aomori, on the his missionary school and one Mrs. Weltin, office manager Missouri and Colorado, and a mausoleum at the Masonic and J. V. Gallo. The bridegroom is Murawski, daughter of Mr. and She recalled that one of the the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward northern tip of Honshu, plans to of them took his apple home to of the Quincy Society of Fine daughter, Lavinia, was known Odd Fellows cemetery at Ben­ Mrs. John Murawski, 308 School letters described her great- ton, 111. S. Giard of 410 Summit- St. St., all with honors; and The Rev. William McCarthy Rosemary Chadwick, daughter of St. Luke’s Church, Hartford, of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth mmmmmm i T i i w " " ' celebrated the nuptial mass and Chadwick, 688 Center St., FABRIC SALE performed the double-ring highest honors. Stop & Shop^ Skippy Clorox AgigStop&Shop ceremony. The church was DOORBUSTER SAVINGS ^ •! / o decorated with spider Philip J. Kenny of 58 Chestnut Coffee Peanut Gallon m 1 /2 Gal. chrysanthemums. John Carlson St. was among Uie graduates to WHILE THEY LAST! 1 lb. Can was organist and the Bossidy receive his MBA degree at Har­ i|g Sherbet A L L G R IN D S Butter Bleach family were the folk group. vard University’s commence­ \ 246; 28 oz. Jar 248: 1 Gallon Jug 247 J '/a Gal. Coni. - Asst. Flavl^ 250: ■> The bride, given in marriage ment June 13. ' WITH THIS COUPON AND A S5 PURCHASE. WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASE. WITH THIS COUPON ANO A SS PURCHASE, WITH THIS COUPON ANO A $5 PURCHASE * by her godfather Joseph SUPCOVER & U PH O L^Y Naylor Photo per cuslomer. Good Mon.. July IS - Sil., July 20. | ir ptr cuitomer. Good Mo(v.. July IS - Sal.. July 20. Limit oat |u| per customer. Good Mon.. July IS - Sal., July 20. _ _ I Limit M l coRtiinir per customer. Good Mon . July 15 - Sat, July 20 - Tesauro, wore a silk organza Ann L. Viot, daughter of Mr. The engagement of Miss The engagement of Miss gown trimmed with Alencon il-' 'and Mrs. Ernest Viot of Marguerite Timmons of Kathleen Anne Sullivan of 'I' lace and designed with Bishop Eldridge St., received his ME Winsted to Robert Barker sleeves and A-line skirt ter­ FABRIC Manchester to Peter Winfield RflO/o Swets of Manchester, has been degree in rehabilitation ad­ Allen of Rocky Hill, has been Coi minating in a train. She wore a ministration from Reduced up (0 off announced by her father, Frank Tom a salad... and make a meal! > !! 5 im e . veil trimmed with matching announced by her parents, Countryfine We’ve got the recipe for a hearty macaroni salad in this week’s ”Con- Northeastern University, Timmons of 30C Ambassador and Mrs. Francis’T. Sullivan of lace and attached to a Juliet cap Boston, Mass. June 16. He is a Dr. She is also the daughter of sumerisms". And to guide you to more healthful salads, there’s a handy and carried a bouquet of white 134 Diane Dr., Manchester. Cheese chart showing the nutritional contributions of the most popular salad 1964 graduate of Manchester the late Mrs. Marguerite D. Mr. Allen is the son of Mr. FREE! SPREAD gardenias, stephanotis, baby’s High School and is employed as DRESS LININGS AMI V Timmons. ingredients. Read the straight talk on Produce and Prices, tips on buying breath, and ivy. Reg.88as « a tion with hospital administra­ • Cotton - - management analyst for the G et your and white carnations. tion. Bay Path Junior College, and Bridesmaids were Miss Jean • Syn. Keene (N.H.) State College. Connecticut Labor Department M. Gallo of Hartford; Miss She is employed as a teacher in Wethersfield. • J o r u y y«i. Catherine M. Giard of Lawrence J. Keenan and for the Winchester Board of Her fiance, a 1961 graduate of Brookline, Mass.; Miss Vic­ William B. McKee, both of Education. Windsor High School, is a 1966 50th Anniversary toria Gallo of Manchester; and Manchester, have been named graduate of the University of Miss Sandra A. Giard of to the dean’s list at Bryant Her fiance is a graduate of Hartford. He is employed as at the KofC Hall in Newington. College, Smithfield, R.I. V2 PRICE ITEMS personnel director for the Mr. and Ms. Russell Gustaf­ Manchester. Central Connecticut State StopeW lopswBrth!ONE OF THE STOP A SHOP COMPANIES son Sr. of Manchester The party hosted by their four ’They wore gowns similar to Keenan, the son of Mr. and Mrs. • Ribbons ^ • Trimmings College in New Britain. He is Connecticut Department of En­ celebrated their 50th wedding sons was attended by some 100 that worn by the honor atten­ Allan R. Keenan Sr. of 202 • Buckles employed by Multi Circuit Inc., vironmental E*rotection. Stop & Shop ^^White Gem U.S. Grade guests and relatives from New • Buttons The couple plan an Oct. 4 anniversary June 25. dant except in pink, lavender, Hollister St. is a graduate of in Manchester. In honor of the occasion a York, Washington, D.C, and apricot and pale yellow. They East Catholi: High School and • Drapery Fringes wedding at South United party in their honor was held Connecticut. carried crescent sprays of is in the institutional manage­ Methodist Church in Mr. and Ms. Gustafson have ment course at Bryant. McKee, The couple plan an October Manchester. for family and friends June 30 matching carnations which wedding. seven grandchilren. were a shade darker than their a Manchester High School Breen Photo gowns. graduate, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston McKee of 161 F® Henry J. Fay Jr. of PHgtiinAlUls SUPERMARKETS Manchester was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Giard Carriage Dr. He is in the ac­ FABRIC DEPARTMENT^STORES Researchers Study Ushers were Joseph Tesauro of counting course. B r o ile r s At this low mini-price®, Whole Starts Monday, July 15 - Saturday, July 20 Dorchester, Mass., Paul Gor­ which the couple left on a trip to Mrs. Giard is employed as a you’ll come a’running. man of Jamaica Plain, Mass.; Montreal and Quebec, Canada. secretary at Empire Tool L J e ffre y R u ssell of 214 Moil, Tun„ Wei, Sat 104 Thin. A Frl 10-9 Sticks Which When you buy U.S. Grade Robert Baldoni of Hartford and For traveling, I^s. Giard wore Manufacturing Co. in Ferguson Rd. was recently ”A”, White Gem chickens, 2Vi to 3 lbs Robert Jordan of Manchester. a a blue and white suit with white Manchester. Mr. Giard is you buy the sweetest Itamt olltrid lor t i l l not A reception was held at the Deter Tooth Decay ivailabli m cm loU or accessories. The couple will employed as a field underwriter tasting chicken that to olhir rtliil d ia liit Colony in Talcottville, after reside in Manchester. with Mutual of New York. or w h o lm lttt By DALE SINGER ticariogenics, are found in the money can buy. wooden sticks. ^ l e r ST. LOUIS (UPI) - About 90 Cut up or Split lbs IL a v o r i s I per cent of all Americans have The sticks are taken from 2H-3 45m lb some tooth decay. In some more than 100 varieties of ’woordtov Duplicate Bridge African areas the figure is as African plants but they most Great steaks for the barbecue grill! commonly come from plants in 4 low as 15 per cent. What could do a better job of the citrus, ebony and coffee Results Friday night in the Andover Congregational Results in the July 8 Nutmeg We’ve Named The Baby— shielding American children families. Manchester Bridge Club game Church are: Paul Barton and YWCA invitational game at the Africans using the pencilsized Robert Campbell, first; Dr. and and adults from tooth decay Bigm ini-^ced'’ m at Manchester Community Community Y are: North- sticks bite them with the tips of Mrs. Tanash Atoynatan, se­ than is being done by the best Tb. College are: North-South: South: Frankie Brown and Lil the molars, twisting and tur­ cond; Mrs. Paul Barton and toothpastes modern science has saiongs on health Manuel Clark and Winny Clark, Holway, first; Ann McLaughlin ning them as they chew on them SHOULDER STEAK MBS first; Louis Halpryn and John Wilmer Curtiss, third. and Mary Warren, second; to offer? Great beef 1 Stop & Shop "Quality-Protected” beef I We let our beef th e A team of researchers at thoroughly. The end of the stick and beauty aids. RuHiteil, CliriHtine Ellen, daughter of Winthrop H. Jr. and Descy, second; Norm G rade Jaimie Horowitz and Paula becom es frayed, and the age naturally in our spotless, federally Inspected meat plant, ’til it’s tender, Results in the July 11 Nutmeg n a tu ra l Washington University here Carol Wagner Russell of 179 Homestead St. She was born June 25 and Ellen McKeon, thir. Schwartz, third. brushlike area is then used to juicy and flavorful. Serve London Broil steak for your dinner. YWCA open game at the Com­ thinks the answer may be at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents East-West: Loren Berneau lo o k . . clean the teeth. ’The stick is Lavoris Mouthwash QQ'= munity Y are: Dr. Saul Cohen hidden in wooden chewing are Mr. and ^ s . Max Wagner Sr. of West Townsend, Mass. Her and Dolores Bacon, first; Fred vigorously moved over the sur­ 32 OZ.r»7 Bottle. Rnitip .RfrttrkStock upno at this low mmini-price'. ini-oricfi'. 'h^ C Baker and Kaye Baker, second; and Ernest Berube, first; Carol East-West: Flo Barre and Ir­ sticks, widely used in Africa for For Swissing T paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop H. Russell Sr. faces of the teeth, and then is Bottom Round Steak Top Sirloin Steak Jim Prechtl and Millie Prechtl, Dell’Angela and &ndy Craft, ving Carison, first; ^ndy Craft cleaning teeth. of Worcester, Mass. often sucked on for hours third. ____ second; Anne Ingram and and Ann DeMartin, second; The team, headed by Dr. TonHoraHoo Roof Qtook individually c u b e d s t e a k s S179 Palmolive Rapid Shave 5 9 ° afterward. FROM THE ROUND Eugene Toch, third. Murray Powell and Judy Pyka, Memory Elvin-Lewis, associate I Qllllol ulluo DuCl UluilIV In, Results Friday night in the third. Some companies in England Nolan, George Kevin, son of George J. and Dianne Hagelin Andover Bridge Club game at professor and chairman of the department Of dental and India are now using (jook-up a cook-out and get barbecue goodness, mini-priced? Walla Balsam QQ'^ Nolan of Troy, Mont. He was bom June 24 in Bonner’s Ferry, extracts from the sticks in com­ HAIR CONDITIONER — REG. or EXTRA BODY W W Idaho. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hagelin sofr microbiology, has done preliminary research that in­ mercial toothpaste, but Mrs. of West Covina, Calif. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Elvin-Lewis said that the exact Mrs. George T. Nolan of 351 Parker St. His paternal great- dicates the antidecay sub­ ■m i- Lady Flicker Razor s stances, known as an- chemical substances being Designed especially lor feminine needs. ^ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George K. Nolan of Hartford and released to fight tooth decay IjEan Ground Beef Mrs. Andrew Ofiara of Manchester. He has a sister, Kelly Dawn, Simply Super lean ground beef is not less than 76% lean.. have not yet been isolated. i U V f Crest Toothpaste RQ° 2. To find out, she and her Every cook wants great ground beef. botanist husband. Dr. Walter H. Stop & Shop’s Simply Super gives you a Bohenko, Nicky Alien, son of Kenneth and Doris Sweeney EXCITING Lewis, along with a team con­ consistency of quality in fresh ground beef Bohenko of 87 Prospect St., Rockville. He was born July 4 at sisting of anthropologists and ArridD8odoranl'S''S*]^® that you can buy only at Stop & Shop. A low mini-price* on a great national brand. Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. WEDDING others, are seeking a grant to lb . and Mrs. Arthur Sweeney of Dover, Del. His paternal grand­ NEW go to Ghana and study in more 20OCOUNT $109 parents are Mr. and Mrs. George ^henko of 94 Davis Ave., depth the chewing sticks. She ai Minl-PrlcedOulcKlEawilllaalsI Bayer Aspirin *1' Rockville. PLAY|EX® MEMORIES hopes to find out how they work Get your Stop & Shopsworih! * ImsglnitivoI Shots before more “ modern” Cool meals from Stap&Shap^ Plus Proeossing Italian Sausage Bender, Sura Beth, daughter of Timothy and Mary Jo Cain methods of preventing tooth Piastic Strips 9 . of th e sticks on dental Fully Cooked Chickens AVAILABLE IN STORES FEATURINQ A SERVICE DELI. BRA Color Portraits taksn In Bahy Shampoo mini-price** QQ'^ Lewix, Kiiiherine Elizabeth, daughter of Richard A. and Mary your homo or my studio hygiene,” she said. “We want ROASTED OR BARBECUE STYLE JOHNSON a. JOHNSON - 11 oz. Plastic Btl. P. Devaney Lewis of 29 Pinnacle Rd., Ellington. She was born annual SERVING GREATER HARTFORD] to see if there is a direct Nepco Cold Cuts July 4 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandfather BANNARD PHOTOS relationship between low decay SLICED TO ORDER Johnson’s Bahy PowderQQc is Patrick Devaney of New York City. Her paternal grandparents and the sticks or whether the 21b. Potato Salad Ab%5PcYRoWLSD 89° LUNCHEON, P&P. clog Wall St.r Coventry 24 oz. Plastic Container W w are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis of Cooperstown, N.Y. She has OLIVE OR MOCK CHICKEN M.tSrEJi CHARGE ACCEPTED soil and water in a particular two sisters, Ellen Mary and Claire Terese. Twin Submarine Sandwich Ready made picnic. ^ 69' 99! area are also involved.” Italian Loaf BLACK FOREST BRAND Vt lb. Regfllar Cup AVAILABLE IN STORES FEATURINQ A SERVICE OELI. Lesoveck, Matthew Arthur, son of Carl A. and Cheryl and D.A.K. Imptd. Danish Salami t l Mlnt4»rtced Frozen Food Buys Ciechowski Lesoveck of 27 Center St., Rockville. He was bom 4:50 Good News^ Finnish Swiss Cheese July 5 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grandparents sandal Imported Honey Glazed Ham s are Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ciechowski of Merrow Rd., 'Tolland. Fiberfill I I Mint-Priced Fish speciait" Minute Maid Orange Juice His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lesoveck "Quaiity-Protecled” Roast Beef suc«itoord.r 1 89' V 100% Orange Juice “MISS DEE’’ Is Back-I 1 | (rom . of East Hartford. He has a sister, Rosemary Ruth. sale! 5.50 Macaroni and Baal 79'b Turhol Fillets " " 891 \J Mini-priced*. 12 oz. Can 4 9 ' Kevin son of David and Lois Young Heckart Eldorado Salall Shrimp Herkurt, James, Sparkool Pink Lemonade Keep plenty on hand ^ Cans 5 Tuna, Ham or Chicken Saiad Q'iickMsysumm.rsupper! gg' of 68 Country Lane, Vernon. He was bom July 6 at Rockville Cooked Fish Cakes taste osea 40 oz.. We are pleased to Shoestring Potatoes, Slim Jim Brand Bag General Hospital. HiS maternal grandparents are Mr.>and^Mrs. 2 16 oz. Cecil Young of 42 Candlewood Dr. His paternal grandparents are announce that Bridgeford Bread Dough Mim-priced-. Pkgs. II Mmmm wuntHtus I I Bat Tour Hep m w psw orm I I Mini-fricea Dairy SDocian' 11 02. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heckart of Middletown. He has a brother, EggO Blueberry Waffles a tasty breakfast treat. Pkg. 10yi OZ. Jeffrey. Swansdown Cake Mixes Boxti Dee” BSPl English Muffins Asurtid Flavors Swiss Style Yogurt 10 oz 314 oz. Fairlane Chopped Spinach 7 Pkgs. Libby’s Ketchup Bonn ■ r : Now the sheer bra with soft stretch tri­ HOOD-ASST. FLAVORS Slock the freezer at this low mini-price*. Kiessling, Timothy Joel, son of Edward P. and p:ii«sn M stops Shop Salad Dressing 32 oz. A tasty between meal V / '■* cot sides. These new Soft Sider bras Jir EggO French Toast serve with delicious sausage. Miller Kiessling of 30 Pine Tree Lane, South Windsor. He was special Is back with us 11 oz. snack... perlect lor dessert. 3 “ 8 9 ' Reg. $8 to $17 hove everything — smooth soft stretch Carnation Coffee Mate Jar born July 8 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand- again,—bringing her 10 oz. 100% ORANGE JUICE 32o: OQe Mighty High Strawberry Shortcake offer Cinnamon CoHee CakB='i,J^"'^2 it" »1 La Choy Soy Sauce Bottle sun ulory f r o m Fl o r id a com, ‘ S* parents are Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Miller of Port Chester, tricot sides for cpmfort — sheer cups experience and talent Stop & Shop Fish Sticks Just heat and serve.. d 9 to 1 0 .9 9 Stop & Shop Italian Bread sim 39* SVa oz. N.Y. His paternal grandparets are Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. for o more natural look — stretch to this fine beauty Loaf La Choy Chow Mein Moodies Can Breakstone Cottage Cheese com 59* •i- Kiessling of Waterbury. He has a sister, Amy Beth, 2\4. 16 OZ. 89« Taste O'Sea Haddock Dinner strap's for added comfort — o cut salon. Do call soon for stops Shop Vienna Bread tVLoaf .; 39* La Choy Chow Mein-Bi-Pack” ^," *1” Borden Amor. Cheese |°°is'm SHRIMP, CHICKEN OR BEEF YELLOW OR WHITE Taste O'Sea Haddock or Flounder Fillets down decollete front for your daring an appointment with stops Shop Apple Pie ’^t'65* 8oz. Here are just two of the many, many sandals and Muellers Elbow Macaroni Pkg. 39« Riggio Sliced Mozzarella Pkg. 59* foshions and famous CROSS YOUR this competent hair Hulon, David Scott, son of John R. and Shirley Pyka Halon of clogs now at savings from 20% to 60%l There’s no stylist...... Bullnrcrest Sliced Bread Swanson Entrees HEART bro styling for youthful support '^sh from our Garden of Eat^! Meatball 9Vz oz., Mealloal 9 oz.. Fried 66F Ambassador Dr. He was born July 5 at Manchester Memorial STOPiSHOPrYAH-YAH WHITE doubt you’ll find what you like. In fact, this sale Is so Chicken 7 oz.. Turkey 8Ve oz., Breaded Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Victor and separation. Sizes 32-36A, A big lost lor plenty of 24 oz. $1 Loavaa I Veal eV4 oz. or Fish 'n Chips 5 oz. 2 ' " ’ 9 9 * ’ Pyka of 30 Lydall St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. super attractive that your only problem will be 32-38B, 32-38C. tandwiches. Mini-priced*. Freestone ^ 2 Hendries Juice Cups -1 2 Count Pkg. John C. Halon of Frackville, Pa. He has a brother, Christopher Nomestylo Spica Cake stop t shop y, Matthew, 2t4. deciding how many pair to buyl Choose from snappy Pkj. 65* Hendries Ice Cream Sandwiches-12 Count s to p s Shop Orange Cake «“ 69* canvas to smooth, glossy patent. In summer’s Carriage House Salon Caterer's Ice Cream, Assorted Flavors Eckert, Renee Helen, daughter of Ronald and Jean Moreschl Stop 6 Shop Pound Cake 2 '4 ,° [ *1 Peaches newest colors and all the heel heights you can Im­ HOUSE & HALE 18 Oak Street in Downtown Manchester Eckert of Richmond Rd., Coventry. She was bom July 5 at Tues. thru Sat. 9 to 5 ; T h u rs . & F ri. 9 to 9 Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are agine. Sizes 5 to 10. Women’s Shoes, D&L In Cor­ 945 Main St. In Downtown Manchester (Closed Mondays) All Stop & Shops open every morning at 8:00 A.M. for your convenience. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moreschi of Newington. Her paternal grand­ bins, Avon, Manchester, Vernon, Bristol parents are Mr. and Mrs. F. Eckert of Newington. She has a PHONE 643-2461 brother, Ronnie, 9; and a sister. Dawn, 6. SroRiSHOPin^^ • EAST HARTFORD 830 Silver Lane.

4 PAGE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. July 15. 1974- PAGE ELEVEN Gen; Spaatz Obituaries Police Report Convicts Dies at 83 Ponder Little League Tournament • The home of Thomas Police said the Eagleville WASHINGTON (UPI) - MANCHESTER Retired Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, In other police action: Kelley of 24 Drescher St. was Rescue Truck was required to New Offer William J. Steams, 17, of 79 WILLIAM N. CHAPMAN HELEN M. GOULD the first chief of staff of the Air • Erwin C. Dmry, 42, of 79 broken into sometime Friday. remove both drivers from their Vernon Rd., Bolton was Oak St. was arrested today at 7 WASHINGTON (UPI) - A VERNON - W illiam N. Miss Helen M. Gould, 83, who Force, died Sunday of heart Entry was gained through a cars. ’Two others injured were arrested Sunday at 4:40 a.m. a.m. and charged with government plane was standing Chapman, 70, of 83 Franklin made her home with her failure at the age of 83 at south side cellar door. ’The en­ Richard Hanna and Connie and charged with second- operating a motor vehicle while by today ready to take convicts Park West died Sunday in nephew and his family, Mr. and Walter Reed Army Medical tire house was gone over. Hanna. Police said their ad­ Won By Army & Navy CluB degree criminal trespass. his license is under suspension. Frank Gorham and Robert Rockville General Hospital. Mrs. Harlowe G. Willis of 21 Center. Several antiques were dress is unknown and, at this Stearns was one of two youths He posted $150 non-surety bond Jones to a federal prison He was born in Montville Phelps Rd., died Sunday in a Spaatz was credited along damaged. Police are not sure time, it is also unknown in who came out of side door of the for court Aug. 6. hospital in Springfield, Mo., but Aug. 17, 1903 and had lived in convalescent home. with Gen. Billy Mitchell with what is missing. which car they were St. James Church after 4 a.m. • Ralph J. Paul, 47, of West although Gorham has agreed in Born in Manchester, she was being one of the first American • Dog Warden Lebero passengers. Both cars had to be By Len Auster the Rockville area most of his Sunday. Frederick Corrigan, a Hartford was arrest^ Satur­ With Brandt hurling superbly, a three-run fifth inning by the Vets life. a lifelong resident. She worked aviators who recognized the Fracchia took in a female St. towed from the scene. The principle to the government deal Rolling last Saturday night to its third consecutive post-season win and security guard with Atwood day at noon and charged with he does not want to go there, seemed academic. It prov^ to be decisive as Miles fought back in its last He was a World War I for many years in the office of military potential of the air­ Bernard nursing a pup. He Coventry Police were assisted Security Service of Hartford, fourth-degree larceny in con­ the Justice Department said. the Town Tournament title in the process, American League champ Army at-bats. veteran and a member of Union Cheney Bros., retiring 18 years plane. figured that was her last pup by the ^ u th Coventry and An­ saw them and hollered. They nection with a shoplifting inci­ The tentative agreement & Navy bested National League winner Miles Auto Sales, 4-2, at Waddell Congregational Church in ago. She was a member of After graduation from West and someone discarded Irath dover Fire Departmeni am­ ran. He chased them and dent at K-Mart department between Gorham and chief U.S. Field. Rockville. Center Congregational Church. Point in 1914, Spaatz served as a mother and pup after she gave bulances. Ken Hill led off the frame with an infield hit and Brandt ripped his se­ caught Steams in back of a store on Spencer St. Court is set Marshal George McKinney in­ Winning pitcher Jon Brandt had hurled a no-hitter for 5 2-3 innings Mr. Chapman was a member Survivors are several nieces flight leader and pursuit pilot birth to a litter that might have cond hit up the middle. After Cary Coffin filed out to center, Dave Parks brick wall on the south side of for July 22. cluded the convicts’ promise to before losing hurler Alex Britnell dumped a single into left. Bill Frattaroli of Fayette Lodge of Masons, and nephews. during World War I and downed been kept. She was fairiy thin. SOUTH WIIID80R was hit by a pitch filling the bases. Scott LaBrec’s grounder was mis­ Nassiff Arms Co. on Main St. • Scott Robre, a young boy send their guns up from the Adoniriam Chapter of Royal Funeral services will be held three German planes. But Sunday he found she had Julius .L Muckor, 58, of Hart­ followed with a towering two-run homer to centerfield averting the handled with Hill scoring and Mike Pinkin laced a single to right brineine This is where police found who lives at 15K Forest St., was basement cellblock on an Arch Masons, a 32nd degree Wednesday at 11 a.m. from the He was best known before eight pups, one dead. ’The pups ford was charged Friday night shutout. Brandt struck out four and walked one while receiving excellent home the final two tallies. Steams. riding a bike at the S&H Green elevator, a guarantee by mason and a member of the World War II for being one of may be available to the public by South Windsor Police with fielding support. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Stearns posted |100 cash bond Stamp parking lot off Main St. authorities that Gorham and Sphinx Temple of the Shrine. Main St. Burial will be in East two men who set an airborne soon. Fracchia said they are operating under the influence of The Servicemen got the first run in the third inning. Tony Maselli Britnell struck out seven and walked three in absorbing the loss. He for court July 29. Friday at 6 p.m. when, for no very healthy. liquor or drugs in connection Jones would not be separated, He was also a member of Hope Cemetery. endurance record, staying aloft allowed eight hits. Kelly MeSweeney with some sparkling glove work Entry to the curch was made apparent reason, he fell and the offer that Gorham’s reached on an infield hit and after Ken Hill walked, Brandt singled to Chapter, OES, in Rockville. Friends may call at the over Los Angeles for ISO hours. with the investigation of erratic around first base was the defensive standout for Miles. Brandt and Pinkin through a south side window. striking his head. A witness mother could accompany her shallow right loading the bases. A passed ball by catcher Jeff Coughlin let Survivors are his wife, Mrs.. funeral home Tuesday from 7 to Spaatz was made a general in VERNON driving on Oakland Rd. each had two hits for Army & Navy. v Police are seeking the second Beverly Jersey of Weigold Rd., son out of the cellblock to en­ in the marker. Dolores Corbin Chapman; a 9 p.m. World War II and served in a Armond MacKinnon Jr., 19| He was released on his youth. Tolland, covered him with a sure the two would not be hurt, son, William R. Chapman of high command position in all of 5 Pleasant St., Rockville was. promise to appear in Circuit Corrigan was hired by an blanket as police and an am­ spokesman Mark Sheehan said. Rockville section; a brother, the combat zones of Europe, charged Sunday with disorderly Court 12, East Hartford, on area resident to protect a home bulance were called. He was Elmer Chapman of West Staf­ Africa and the Pacific. He conduct and third-degree Aug. 12. Hostages Esccape in the neighborhood. He was admitted to Manchester ford; a sister, Mrs. Eva RAYMOND HAGENOW supervised the strategic bom­ criminal mischief in connection Gorham, 26, and Jones, 23, (Herald photo by Dunn) watching the home from a posi­ Memorial Hospital in the District Little League Phillips of South Daytona, Fla.; Raymond L. Hagenow Sr., 60, bing of Japan and the two with the investigation of a dis- Donald A. Semensky, 19, of had remained holed up in the tion near the church. pediatrics ward and is reported and four grandchildren. of 381 Woodland St., husband of atomic bomb missions. trubance on Pleasant St. Enfield, was charged with basement cellblock they com­ in satisfactory condition this Army & Navy’s Dave Parks Slides Home Safely Funeral services will be Mrs. Bernice I. Beebe In September 1947, President He is scheduled to appear in reckless driving and failure to mandeered Thursday even Richard E. Scranton, 16, of morning. Harry Truman appointed him Circuit Court 12, Manchester, obey an officer’s signal in con­ th(Mh the seven hostages they Miles’ Catcher Jeff Coughlin and Alex Britnell Await Throw Tilt Tonight at Waddell Tuesday at 11 a.m. from Ladd Hagenow, died this morning as 390 Hillstown Rd. and Michael the first chief of staff of the today. nection with the investigation h o ^ to use for bargaining in Funeral Home, 19 Ellington a result of carbon monoxide J. Evans, 16, of 330 Hillstown newly independent Air Force. • The home of Robert Ander­ of a chase on Rt. 5 Friday night. their bid for safe passage Ave., Rockville, with the Rev. poisoning, according to Dr. Rd. were arrested Sunday at son of 514 Hilliard St. was Vernon Police apprehended Police said Semensky was overseas escaped Sun^y with Getting under way tonight at 6 at managed by Randy Hill assisted by Lyman D. Reed, assistant Robert Keeney, medical 9:25 p.m. and charged with pastor of Union Congregational broken into Sunday and the three juveniles and turned them observed driving at a high rate an elevator key sm uggl^ into Waddell Field is the District Eight Frank Pardi. They will choose a star­ examiner. third-degree criminal mischief. Mrs. Schaffer break discovered late Sunday over to junvenile authorities in of speed. Police ch a s^ him the cellblock in a box of Little League All-Star Tournament. ting lineup from the following; Miles Church, officiating. Burial will His body was found in his A third youth, age 14, was be in Grove Hill Cemetery, truck which was parked in the night. Entry was made by connection with the investiga­ into East Windsor and then lost sanitary napkins. The Manchester American League Auto Sales — Alex Britnell, Kelly Announces referred to juvenile authorities. breaking glass on a side door. %ight of the car. He turned Eight Survivors Rockville. tion of the theft of a car The Springfield prison has a All-Stars will host the Windsor Inter­ garage of his home. ’The three had been driving a MeSweeney and Paul Johnson; Stolen items included bank belonging to Herbert Han- himself in at the East Windsor medical facility, but Sheehan There no calling hours. Born in Manchester March Candidacy car in the Hillstown Rd. and national League All-Stars tonight. Nichols — Bill Herlth; Moriarty Bros. books, insurance policies, stock nabury of Talcottville. Police Department later and would not say why such a facili­ 15,1917, he was the son of Mrs. Redwood Farms areas Dave Modean, Mike Falkowski, John HARTFORD (UPI) - certificates, a pellet rifle and a Police said the police cruiser was turned over to South Wind­ ty would be needed, except to Belle Maron Hagenow and the smashing mail boxes Sunday. The American All-Stars will be Kelly, Allan Klibanoff; Medics — Secretary of the State Gloria clock. was struck when police were sor Police. He was released on indicate that the two have been late Louis Hagenow. He was a Evans and Scranton were In Club Golf Play managed by Skip Mikoleit with Joe Schaffer today declared her • An attempt Saturday to attempting to stop the stolen a $100 non-fiurety bond for without adequate sleep during Jamie Gallagher, Mark Bilodeau, Ed lifelong resident of Manchester released on their promise to Paggioli his assistant. They will and operated Ray’s Roofing candidacy for re-election on a break into a home at 11 Richard car. Both cars were moderately appearance in .Circuit Court 12, the four-day siege. Crouchley; Nassiff Arms — Jack appear in court July 29. Rd. was thwarted by paint. The East Hartford, July 29. choose a starting lineupi. from the Lyon, Andy Browne, Benny Pagani. JOHN WINZLER Co., which he owned for the Democratic ticket that may damaged. Eight golfers survived weekend Hilinski, 1-up in 19 holes; Jeff make history as the first time thief had lifted a large metal following: Army & Navy — Dave The International All-Stars will be John Winzler, 83, formerly of past two years. He had been in play in the annual Club Championship Torrance def. Vic Daley, 3 and 2; John two women are seeking high Steve B. Cote, 17, of 15 grate away from the window Richard '^ariseau, 18, of Parks, Mike Pinkin, Ken Hill, Jon managed by A1 Chevrette assisted by 22 Wadsworth St., died Sunday that field for 30 years. He was a Hawley St. was arrested Satur­ state posts together. and broken the glass. But the Hammond Sc., Rockville was Tournament at the Manchester Coun­ Herdic def. Ted Backiel, 2-up; Brad Brandt, Cary Coffin; Police & Fire — at a local convalescent home. member of North United day at 7:30 p.m. and charged ?: Gordon Bickford. They will choose a Mrs. Schaffer practically is frame was stuck shut by its charged with disorderly con­ y' try Club .including defending cham­ Strella def. Ken Tomezuk, 8 and 7; Dave Nurmi, Jon DuBois, Greg Born in Austria July 19,1890, Methodist Church, the VFW with third-degree criminal mjs- starting lineup from the following: assured of the nomination by paint. duct and third-degree criminal pion Woody Clark. Ray Dotchin def. Dave Kaye, 4 and 2; the son of John and Anna Roth Stein Club, and the lOOF of chief. The arrest stemmCT Morris; Sears — Todd Whitney, Paul Ansaldi’s — Eric Gauruder, Pat virtue of her incumbency, while • Several iiems including a mischief in connection with the NOTICE Falling by the wayside in Saturday’s Scott Leone def. Carroll Maddox, 2 Winzler, he lived in Manchester Manchester. from a report of youths burning McCluskey, Mike Coulombe, Mike Silver, Skip Moreau, Mike Oleksinski; the nod for the governorship gold watch were stolen after investigation of a disturbance and 1; Len Horvath def. Tony Pietran- 60 years. He retired in 1955 Survivors besides his wife American flags in the East first round was five-time winner Stan Rossillo and Scott Bayles. Lawyers — Joe Panaro, Shawn has been all but locked up by midnight Saturday from the at nis home. from Cheney Bros., where he and mother, are a son, Ray­ Cemetery off E. Center St. One Hilinski, ousted by Bob McGurkin one tonio, 1-up in 19 holes; Kennedy def. If the Manchester American League Rep. Ella T. Grasso, D-(Tonn. home of Sherwood Clough of 149 He was released on a $250 Spears; Stevenson’s Exxon — Cliff was a w eaver. He was a mond L. Hagenow Jr. of of the youths had thrown a up in 19 holes. Sher Ferguson, a one­ Stan McFarland, 8 and 6; Cooney def. All-Stars win, they’ll play Thursday She said a Democratic slate Wells St. Entry was gained by non-surety bond for appearance TO ALL INSTALLERS OF METAL SIDMG AND ROOF Bickford, Jeff McLucas; Oilers — member of Concordia Lutheran Manchester; a daughter, Mrs. burnt flag at a passing vehicle. time winner, was beaten in the same Dick Ottaviano, 2-up. night at Waddell the winner of the Allan T. Hooey of Manchester; containing Mrs. Grasso and pushing in a board covering a in Circuit Court 12, Rockville, COVERINGS Lionel Lessard, Matt Gluhosky, Jim Church and past president of Police also apprehended two space over a window in the round by Ken Gordon, 4 and 3. Second round: Clark def. Sinicrope, Thompsonville-Somers clash. Gluhosky; Pro Barbers — Jim Longo the Church Council. a brother, Harold L. Hagenow herself would not Be “ un­ Aug. 6. and balanced” toward women youths ages 12 and 14, who are cellar. Besides Clark,*^e only other 2 and 1; King def. Gordon, 4 and 3; Facing each other Tuesday night at Survivors are a daughter, Sr. of Ellington; four sisters, Dave Quesnel, John Alosky. because “Mrs. Grasso is not a brothers. ’The older boy was COVENTRY HOMEOWNERS former champ to gain third-round Wilks def. Steeves, 1-up; McGurkin 6 at Buckley Field will be the Mrs. Fred Winzler of Mrs. Dorothy Harmon and Mrs. referred to juvenile authorities The winner of Tuesday’s contest feminist candidate, just the Four persons were taken to play this Saturday was Irv Kennedy def. Matava, 1-up; 'Torrance def. Her­ Manchester National League All- Manchester; a brother, George Mabel McDowell, both of and the younger referred to his will face either the Hazardville most qualified candidate.’’ Windham Memorial Hospital, who disposed of Stan McFarland and dic, 2-up; Dotchin def. Strella, 1-up; Winzler of Qnnaminson, N.J.; Manchester; Mrs. Elsie Frank parents. Court for Cote is July f Stars and the Manchester Inter­ National, East Windsor or Suffield She said since the state slate Willimantic with injuries suf­ young Mike Cooney by 8 and 6 and one- Horvath def. Leone, 2 and 1; Kennedy (Herald photo by Dunn) and two grandchildren. A son, of Hartford, Mrs. Florence 29. national League All-Stars. All-Stars at Buckley or Verplanck includes six posts, it would be fered in a two-car accident on The Town of Manchester requires a permit for this def. Cooney, 1-up. John, was killed on Iwo Jima Knotec of East Hampton; four up scores. The National All-Stars will be Field. grandchildren. necessary to have another Rt. 275 in Coventry Saturday. work and an Inspection before work begins and I (Hark sent Charlie Boggini and Alan Clss B Division saw Harry Athleton Winning Army & Navy Coaches during World War II. A 14-year-old youth was About Town woman on the ticket to make it 'The accident is still under in­ Funeral services will be Funeral services will be held caught ^iday at 6:31 p.m. at when woHc Is completed. Sinicrope to the sidelines. The latter win out with a 138 net score on rounds Roland Brandt (left) and George Maloney truly balanced. vestigation. Driver of one car, Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Con­ from the Holmes Funeral was one of several top-flight of 81-11-70 and 79-11-68. C.D. the rear of the Agway building which police said was apparent­ cordia Lutheran Church with Home, 400 Main St., Thursday S^king a second term as the Members of Hose and Ladder youngsters in the coveted cham­ McCarthy wound up second with 141 state’s chief elections officer, at the end of Electric St. after ly eastbound, was Robert Pren­ the Rev. Burton Strand of­ at a time to be announced. he was seen riding an un­ Co. 4 will meet ’Tuesday at 7 pionship play. Third and fourth rounds with 85-11-74 and 78-11-67. Bert Davis Burial will be in East Mrs. Schaffer stressed her tice, 25, of Warehouse Point. Busy Week’s Slate Cop Tourney ficiating. Burial will be in East registered motorcycle on public p.m. at the John F. Tierney followed with 142 on 85-10-75 and 77-10- Cemetery. work in the campaign and elec­ Debra Glantz of Bunker Hill Applications can be obtained at the will be played Saturday and Sunday. Cemetery. highways. He and the 15-year- Funeral Home, 219 W. Center 67 totals. Pro Grid Fans tion reform laws approved by Rd., Andover, driver of the Municipal Building, 41 Center S t - Office of the The scores: First round: Clark def. Friends may call at the Friends may call at the old youth who owned the motor­ St., to pay their respects to the Rallying in the last half the 1974 legislature. other car, was westbound and Chief Building Inspector Boggini, 2 and 1; Sinicrope def. Dick Class C Division play wound up in a For Legion Squad Watkins Funeral Home, 142 E.' funeral home Tuesday from 7 to cycle were charged with motor late John F. Vojeck who was a of the seventh inning, She pledged to continue her the two collided head-on, police Tarca, 2-up; Bill King def. Lon An- tie with Petei Taylor and John Center St. Tuesday from 2 to 4 , 9 p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to vehicle violations in regard to member. Hanover House of 4 and 7 to 9. work on behalf of campaign said. nulli, 2-up; Gordon def. Ferguson, 4 McCallum Jr. each posting 142 totals. Favor Owners and 7 to 9. the use of the machine which is reform to assure the Leading Zone Eight by 2 V2 games, the Manchester Meriden copped the Army Memorial donations may be Those wishing to do so may now impounded. and 3; Dick Steeves def. Rick Clough, The former shot identical 87-16-71 “accessibility and openness of American Legion baseball team has slated five games in & Navy Club’s Softball MILWAUKEE, Wis. (UPI) — Readers responding to a made to the Concordia contribute to the memorial fund ’The father of the 15-year-old 1-up; John Wilks def. Ray Fahey, 1-up rounds and the latter had 88-18-70 and the political process.’’ five nights this week. The Post 102 entry has an 8-1 league Tournament last Saturday Lutheran Church memorial at North United Methodist assured police the bike would in 19 holes; Steve Matava def. John 90-18-72 scores. Third place went to Milwaukee Journal straw vote on the National Football Mrs. Schaffer, who was the Manchester WATES will night at Charter Oak fund. Church. not be used again by the boys Neligon, 8 and 7; McGurkin def. Jim Mitchell with 143. He turned in mark with Windsor Locks in second place with a 6-4 ledger. League players strike were overwhelmingly in favor of the first woman elected in the 14th meet Tuesday at the Italian- and that it would be sold. scores of 94-21-73 and 91-21-70. Two contests are in the zone while three are exhibition Park. owners over the players. Senate District and was re­ American Club on Eldridge St. tilts. The Silver City team, elected five times before run­ Weighing in will be from 7 to 8 Chuck Johnson, Journal JOHN F. VOJECK Thieves broke into the after bowling 12-4 in the ning for secretary of the state, p.m. Members with names sports editor, reported Sun­ all and, if it is, then all the John Francis Vojeck, 86, of Manchester Welding shop at 200 Getting Married? Tuesday night, the locals are scheduled to journey to first game to Casa Loma of day that of the 284 ballots beginning with “S” through players’ salaries should be 281 Center St. died this morning mad her bid official at a mor­ HENRY SCHMIDT W. Middle Tpke. sometime “Z” are reminded to bring fruit Moriarty’s, MCG Brattleboro, Vt., for a clash at 7:30. The Silk Towners New Britain in the double received by his newspaper, at Rocky Hill Veterans ning news conference in her paid according to position, BOLTON - Henry F. Saturday night and stole a large for the basket. return home Wednesday night to entertain Zone Eight foe elimination play, came 252 or 88.7 per cent favored Hospital. Capitol office. not ability. Schmidt, 88, of 50 Clark Rd. amount of welding equipment. our customers say: “we have Rockville at 6 at East Catholic. Thursday night an exhibi­ back to win the nightcap Born in Rockville Aug. 12, the owners’ position in the • That the players should died Sunday at home. Enti7 was made by cutting a tion is slated at Meriden. 11-10. New Britain had 1917, he had been a resident of Busy inTwi League dispute and 12 or 4.2 per cent not expect to make enough Born in Austria, he had lived chain which was used to lost an earlier tilt. Manchester most of his life. East Hartford Zone action is on tap Friday night at the locals are at favored the players. in pro football to last them in Bolton for nine years, padlock the shop doors. For 33 jjears he was employed The LOWEST FORMAL WEAR Three games each confront the Manchester entries in Winning pitcher Al ^ Johnson said most of the previously living in Manchester Youth Killed ’The thieves took gauges for Windsor at 6 o’clock. Concluding the hectic week is a the rest of their lives, that by Hamilton Standard in Wind­ Roberts was named the respondents added com­ for many years. He retired oxygen acetylene tanks, 500 feet the Greater Hartford Twilight Baseball League this week. Saturday night exhibition bout at North Haven. they should try working in a sor Locks and retired in 1969 MEDWAY, Maine (UPI) - ■ VITAMIN most valuable player. from Cheney Bros., Manchester of hose, a pres-to-weld Manchester Community College, which has won just one ments, most of them strong­ factory. due to poor health. He was a Paul Kaliris, 20, of East Hart­ as a velvet twister in 1954 and regulator gauge, a cutting HEADQUARTERS RENTAL PRIIXS IN l»NN.” in 12 starts in its initial season in the league, gets the Former Manchester High star Dave Bidwell has been ly worded against the • That there are rules and member of the Army and Navy ford, Conn., was killed Saturday retired from Watkins Bros., gauge regulator, a cutting torch Liggett Parkade week’s work under way tonight facing the Hartford In­ the ace of the mound corps with a no-hitter to his credit. players, and many took the regulations for employes in Club, a volunteer with Hose Co. when his car left Interstate % “today’s newest 8tyle8...yesterday’8 p r / c e s " Manchester, where he had and a tool box. L ow Prices! surance Stags at St. Thomas Seminary. Action begins at 6 position they could do 4, of Manchester, Town Fire and rolled over several times. Bidwell is 4-1 in zone competition. Lanky Bruce Ballard any line of work and that without NFL football this worked for several years. Department, a member of the o’clock. has been a pleasant surprise for Jack Holik posting Protest Lodged freedom demands are out of Survivors are a son, Louis Democratic Club of N The Collegians entertain the West Hartford Merchants a 3-0 won-lost record with a pair of one-hitters to his credit. year if it were necessary for line because discipline and Smith of Bolton; two A U OUR FORMAL WEAR IS IN ST0CK...TRY IT ON. BRISTOL, Tenn. (UPI) - Manchester and a member of Thursday night at 6 at Mt. Nebo and Friday, MCC battles Dan Smachetti, Ron Soucier, Jack Maloney and Dennis the owners to keep the authority are needed to ac­ grandchildren and seven great­ Cale Yarborough outdueled two St. James Church. He was a WEEKEND RESULTS Herb's Sports Shop at St. Thomas. Quinn have been the leading stickmen to date. players from gaining complish anything. grandchildren. other top NASCAR drivers Sun­ World War II veteran and in his OLD NEW RIVERSIDE PARK - l.Bob Moriarty Brothers, leading the American Division by a “unrealistic concessions Funeral services will be day to take the checkered flag youth was active in baseball PRICE PRICE Bard-Ron Wyckoff, 2. Bob that would be damaging to Wednesday at 11 a.m. from Select from these styles... half game with an 8-4 ledger, hosts Herb’^ Tuesday night at in the Volunteer 500 at Bristol and basketball in Manchester. Polverari-Bill Greco, 3. Watkins F^ineral Home, 142 E. Champagne % Prince M/P* 6 at Mt. Nebo. The MB’s journey to McAuliffe Park International Speedway, but he pro football.” Survivors are his wife, Mrs. $30. $20. (Charlie Glazier-Bob Stefanik Center St,, Manchester with the Wednesday night to confront the East Hartford Merchants will have to wait to see if his He said the term most Gennie Klimek Vojeck; a Powder Blue ’/4 Prince M/P* $30. $20. PLAINVILLE STADIUM- 1 I Local Rev. William Taylor, pastor of and Thursday night the Comets meet the Bristol Cassins at victory is official. often applied to the players daughter, Mrs. Marilyn Smith Burgundy Chevron M/P* $30. $20. Bob Vivari, 2. Dick Thibealult, the Church of the Nazarene, St. Thomas . Second-place finisher Buddy was “prima donna.” of New Britain; his mother, Navy Chevron M/P* $30. $20. 3. Gary Membrino. Baseball Manchester officiating. Burial Baker protested the race, Johnson said there were Mrs. Mary S. Vojeck of Brown Brocade $30. $20. STAFFORD SPEEDWAY- Weekly batting statistics released by the league’s office will be in West Cemetery, claiming officials took a lap Manchester; a sister, Mrs. / ! White Brocade Prince $26. $20. 1. Bugs Stevens, 2. Ron shows that Moriarty’s Rich Riordan is the fifth leading several recurring themes to Manchester. away from him by picking up ALUMNI JUNIOR Anna Fusco of Devon; a Black % Prince Bouchard, 3. Ed Flemke. hitter with a .389 average. Player-coach Gene Johnson is the writers comments: Friends may call at the $26. $20. the wrong lead car during one A siugfest developed Satur­ brother, Theodore 0. Vojeck of hitting at .346 clip and Ron Krough of the Comets is hitting • That the players’ funeral home Tuesday from 2 to Yellow Brocade Tom Jones $26. $20. of the 114 laps run under the day night at Cheney Tech with Hartford; and several nieces at .333, leading the league in homers with two. MCC’s Jim association is not a union at 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Royal Blue Tom Jones $24. $18. yellow caution flag. the Mari-Mads upending Silk and nephews. White Tom Jones $24. $18. Lehan is also among the leading stickers with a .314 City, 18-9. The winners scored Funeral services will be held Black Tom Jones $24. $18. Oliver Leading average. Pete Sala is among the leading hurlers with a 2-1 four in the second and fifth in­ Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from White Pin Stripe D.B. won-lost record and a 2.00 ERA. nings and added a seven-run the John F. Tierney Funeral $24. $18. Cah-Am Driver MRS. M. T. SANDERSON Black Double Breasted $24. seventh. Home, 219 W. Center St., $18. Rec, Top Notch Foods Steve Crispino, along with Mrs. Margaret T. Sanderson, followed by a Mass of the WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. picking up the win, paced his 67, of 25 Proctor Rd., widow of Resurrection at 9 at St. James (UPI) — There’s no telling how New England Patriots club in hitting with a four-for- Sydney A. Sanderson, died Sun­ Slate Junior Olympics Church. Burial will be in St. The way we were All the above tuxedo rental prices Include: Jacket, Flare far the development of UOP’s five performance at the plate day at Manchester Memorial James Cemetery. Slacks, Ruffle Shirt, Bow Tie, Cummerbund, Cuff Links. including a homer and four Hospital. Shadow could reach if it wasn’t To Cut Out Picketing Friends may call at the Shoes optional: Patents $5.00... RBls. Batterymate Kevin Born in East Boston, Mass., for the communications gap There will be a lot of excite­ All participants will receive funeral home Tuesday from 2 to Buckles $5.00...Regulars $3.00... between drivers Jackie Oliver AMHERST, Mass. (UPI) - ment this summer as the ribbons and event winners will Williams also was four-for-five she lived in East Hartford and “We were old hands at helping you.” Unlike our old hearse, we ‘ Matching Pants that this wasn’t any half­ 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and George Follmer. Striking members of the New Manchester Rec Department receive place ribbons. including a triple. John Orfitelli Manchester most of her life. haven’t gone out of style. Four generations after its founding in 1874,' hearted effort. We wanted to OTHER COMPLETE TUXEDO RENTALS from $7.50 England Patriots said Sunday and Top Notch Foods jointly One of the outstanding and Doug Cain each had a pair She worked in the Travelers In­ show that we were willing to Watkins Funeral Home still offers old fashioned dedication and ser­ Oliver beat Follmer, of Hun­ they would halt further sponsor the first annual Junior features is a free cookout for of hits for Mari-Mads. Dave surance Co. claims depart­ example: stand up for what we believe in. vice. tington Beach, Calif., for the picketing of practice sessions Olympics. participants provided by Top Black, Dave Keney and Bob ment, retiring in 1959. WHITE CONTINENTAL DINNER JACKET, SLACKS, PLEATED SHIRT, TIE, third consecutive race Sunday But we don’t want to go as far after campus police warned Notch. Hamburgs, hot dogs and Claughsey were best with the Survivors are a daughter, CUMMERBUND, STUDS, CUFF LINKS ...... $7.50 as getting arrested.” to take a firm grip on the driver them the school would seek a The event .to take place cokes will be provided during stick for Silk City. Mrs. Robert M. Gaines of 241 New Voters DON’T BELIEVE THESE I*RICES? standings lead in the Can-Am Wednesday, July 24 at the West Somers; a sister, Mrs. Elsie court order to stop the Other players on the picket the event. There will be a Democrats outnumbered series. Side Oval off Cedar St. will Each side had six hits but in Jones with whom she lived, and STOP IN TODAY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! demonstrations. line were-Randy Vataha, Brian nominal charge for non­ Republicans by a better than 3 begin at 11 a m. and is open to the run category it was two grandchildren. The Briton now has 60 points Dowling, Brian Stenger, Rick participants. to 1 ratio Thursday, Friday and 2 Locations To Serve You! But Pats’ player represen­ all boys and girls ages five to Groman’s Sports Shop with a 6- Funeral services will be to 45 for Follmer after finishing Cash, Doug Dumler, (ieorge Saturday, in special voter­ tative, Jon Morris, said the 13. Entry blanks can be picked up 3 win over Burger King Satur­ Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. from the in the same one-two positions In Hoey and Bob Adams. making sessions held on Down­ veterans would stay at the un­ at the courtesy booth of Top day night at the Oval. John F. Tierney Funeral Home, all three races. On Sunday, They marched off campus There are three age groups town Main St. However, more iversity until Tue^ay to talk Notch Foo

BOSTON (UPI) — Just being in the right place at the Cleveland, put the Red Sox back on top in the American judge a fly ball in center and Bernie Carbo got a double and right time can make alt the difference in the world. League East by half a game over the Orioles. a as Cooper scored to make it 2-0. Enters Third Week Cecil Cooper can tell you—he was there. And the Califor­ Boston’s third run came when Tommy Harper’s hard In Softball Loops nia Angels weren’t. “ I knew (Tommy) McCraw always pulls the ball so I was playing as close to the line as I could get,” said grounder to third was booted by Dave Chalk, allowing The result: a seven-hit shutout for Boston Red Sox right­ dent Dan Rooney spoke Cooper! “I was lucky I was playing there because if I was Petrocelli to score from third. NEW YORK (U P I)-T h e for a draft pick. Flowers has hander Luis Tiant and a seven-hit 3-0 loss for the Angels. SOFTBALL Still up for grabs is the Dusty briefly. just one step in the other direction, that ball would’ve been “I can’t throw tjie ball by everybody,” Tiante said, “so I By Earl Yost National Football League played out his option and has The difference was in the fielding. League with Vittner’s Gardens a “ I told them their primary through. You don’t even have time to think about what have to change speeds a lot. Toward the end, I was With just three weeks rmaining in Players strike entered its signed to play in the World All three Boston runs resulted from California miscues game ahead of the MCC Vets, the Country Club purpose right now should be happens if you blow it. You just make the play and hope for throwing hard, but you do that late, because you don’t regular season play for all nine local third week today with hints Football League next year. and Tiant’s sljutout was protected by a fielding gem by TONIGHT'S GAMES Charter Oak League with Glen BEST 16- Class A —Ray Gor­ to become a professional the best.” have to save yourself for anything. And the guys played slow pitch softball leagues sponsored that the league would Cooper in the eighth when he snared a hot grounder down Nelson's vs. Fuller's, 6:15 — Construction a half-game ahead of don 64-8-56, Terry Schilling 65-7- well behind me. ’That’s the difference.” by the Recreation Department, only attempt to play all its player and the only way they the first base line with two on and two out. Fitzgerald Army & Navy and Crispino’s a game 58, Ken (jordon 63-5-58; Class B The Angels were making no such fielding gems. In the one champion has bean crowned, exhibition and regular could do that was to be BRING IN THIS AD “It gets by him and that’s twc^runs,” said Manager The Red Sox open a three-game home stand tonight Gorman's vs. Honda, 7:30 — and one-half back. —Joe Mazanec 65-11-54, C.D. 1 second inning Tim Blackwell hit a long fly that Joe Lahoud Wilson Electric in tqe Eastern season games, even with here,” Rooney said.” Darreli Johnson. “It was a nice play.” against Kansas City. Reggie Cleveland (7-6) goes against Filzgerlild The Walnut Barbers and Renn’s M cCarthy 66-11-55, H arry FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNT I misplayed in right field and Rico Petrocelli scored from All. Print vs. Groman's, 8:45 League. Atherton 67-11-56; Class C rookie-studded rosters. Cleveland owner Art the Royals’ Nelson Briles (1-3). Tavern are deadlocked in the Indy cir­ The victory, combined with losses by Baltimore and first. In the next inning, it was Mickey Rivers’ turn to mis­ — Fitzgerald Ready to clinch honors in the —Francis Maloney 66-17-49, Charley Winner, the new Modell watched as rookies cuit while WINF in the Feline League Pizza vs. Renn's. 6:15 — Candlelight League is Armory Newt Smth 73-18-55, Todd Peck coach of the New York Jets, reported to camp and said has a two-game advantage over GOODYEAR Keeney Tavern. The latter needs just one win 73-18-55; Low gross —Erwin said Sunday that he had he would refuse to buckle Roosevelt Mills. HP Market vs. Tierney's, in its last six starts to wrap up the Kennedy 71; Blind bogey—John received notice from the under to the players’ Martin Ejected Twice 6:15 - Nebo Standings from the Rec and Nike Rieder 110. league that all 20 games, six demands. 40/000 nun bunting.. PRO SWEEPS- Low gross David's vs. WINF, 7:30 — The only club with a comfortable Leagues were not reported this week pre-season and 14 regular “There’s another store I STANDINGS Recognition Sought Nebo by the loop representatives. —Erwin Kennedy 71, Stan season, would be played. open on the block called the edge is Groman’s Sport Shop in the M ILES S Second Congo vs. Town, 6:15 Following regular season play, all Hilinski 72, Woody Clark 73; The NFL Management World Football League and Silk City loop with a four and one-half Low net—Harry Atherton 79-11- — Nike champs and runner-ups in the men’s Council, which is represen­ we don’t propose to sit it out, Umpires Busy bulge over Moriarty’s. Two more vic­ 68, Dave Kozlourch 79-10-69, r 40,000 MILE GUAR. | Sportsman vs. Wyman, 7:30 leagues except Silk City will take part ting the league in no way,” Modell said. “We ^ ' (UPI photo) American League — Nike tories and Groman’s are in the Ken Gordon 75-5-70, Doc McKee ANTO-fS By Oakland Club n T O - ii ON70-14 li7 G 1 4 in a Town Tournament. will use anybody who wants EAST MCC vs. Savings, 6:15 — driver’s seat to championship laurels. 75-5-70. negotiations with the 38.88 to play football. 40.88 44.88 45.88 Brush Back Pitch W L Pet GB Robertson BEST 17- Class A -^Terry Players Association, denied Ejecting Men OR7GM Ht70.14 ON70.1S Boston 48 40 Wholesale vs. WINF, 7:30 — Schilling 67-7-60, Ray Gordon issuing such a directive to “I love the game as do r t 7 « . u Mets' John Milner Buckles Backwards .545 NEW YORK (UPI) - Sal Bando pounded for four hits and four runs in 49.88 52.88 55.88 53.U Baltimore 47 40 .540 Ml Roliertson 68-8-60, Ken Gordon 67-5-62, coaches but hinted it was other owners. There isn’t wants the Oakland A’s to win their a total of 2 2-3 innings during the Ht70-1S HR76-M LR76.1S Cleveland 46 40 .535 1 Dirk's vs. Vito's, 8:45 — Steve Matava 67-5-62; Class B pointing in that direction. another owner in the P lU f third straight American League pen­ doubleheader before a crowd of 42,------— Attraction Here July 30------56.88 54.88 64.88 F.I.T. MILWAUKEE (UPI) — The and Milwaukee 45 43 .511 3 Robertson —arty Atherton 74-11-63, Joe ‘Tve talked to other National Football League nant and World Series for something 915. Sunday split a doubleheader but the Detroit 44 44 .500 4 Mazanec 75-11-64, Carl Bolin 74- coaches and we’re all in the that is in it for a buck. I more than money. ’The Royals defeated the Detroit NATIQ«UL Stockton Rallies Rangers were way ahead in one vital statistic—personnel New York 44 45 .494 4Mi 10-64, Pete Foster 74-10-64; same boat,” Winner said. promise you that. They’re in He wants the A’s to get the recogni­ Tigers, 2-1, in 14 innings, the Boston Standings Class C —Frank Roberts 81-24- BRMIDS thrown out of the game. WEST “All we can do is put in a it because they love the tion they deserve—and he cites Red Sox beat the California Angels, 3- 57, Jack McCallum 80-18-62, The Rangers managed to have five players thrown out of W L Pet GB EASTERN Queen and Her Maids sound basic offense and a sport.” DISCOUNTTIRE For Quad Crown Oakland 50 39 .562 baseball history to illustrate his point. 0, the topped the Bob Lachapelle 81-15-66; Low the two games with Manager Billy Martin getting the W L sound basic defense and “ I t ’s a sad day. I t’s Kansas City 44 43 .506 5 “We are gunning to be the third , 3-1, the Minnesota Wilson Electric gross —Ken Gordon 72; Blind CENlPER heave-ho twice as Milwaukee won the opener 9-4 and lost hope that the thing gets something that I never Y o u r T ire the nightcap 5-4. Chicago 43 44 .494 6 team in major league history to win Twins nipped the , 6- Millers Falls bogey Terry Schilling 73. BETTENDORF, Iowa (UPI) — Former PGA champion Texas 44 48 .478 7Mi To Face Groman Girls PRO SWEEPS- Low gross settled. Most of the time you expected. H ea d q u a rters! In the first game, Martin and Texas pitcher Pete three straight World Series,” says 5, in 10 innings and the Texas Rangers Jim ’s Arco Dave Stockton has again stood in the way of aging Sam Minnesota 42 48 .467 8Mi Lock, Stock & Barrel —Woody Clark 73, Doc McKee use the first two or three “I can’t help but think to Broberg were dismissed over alleged beanballs and in the Bando. ’’We’ve already accomplished downed the Milwaukee Brewers, 5-4, SALE! New iIPLY NYLON Snead’s quest for his first PGA tour win since 1965. California 34 57 .374 17 Control Data Women’s softball’s greatest globe­ 74, Steve Matava 74; Low net games to look at rookies myself what Vince Lombar­ second, Martin, Texas player Lenny Randle and Ranger more in winning two straight than after a 9-3 loss, in other AL games. 6.50x13 - Stockton, thanks to a sizzling seven-under-par 64 in Sun­ Sunday's Results Highland Park Market trotting team, the Queen and Her —Terry Schilling 73-7-66, Frank anyway.” di, Dan Reeves and George NOW 514.95 Coach Frank Lucchesi were all banaished. many teams which have received far Royals 2, Tigers 1 Kiernan 77-7-70, Carl Bolin 80- day’s final round, came from four strokes back to capture . Kansas City 2, Detroit 1 (14) Tierney’s Maids, featuring 22-year-old Rosie The players struck July 1 Preston Marshall would be r.jsii« 17.95 7 j i i i 4 18.95 The Brewers’ only contribution to the great exodus was more recognition than we have.” Reliever Jim Ray walked Hal 10-70, Harry Atherton 81-11-70, the $100,000 Quad Cities Open at the Crow Valley Golf Minnesota 6, Cleveland 5, (10) Trash-Away Beaird, are due in Manchester basically over freedom saying today. It’s just an un­ 19.95 Manager Del Crandall, thumbed in the second game for Bando refers to such McRae with two out and the bases Ted Plodzik 76-6-70. l » . . i 18.95 Club, taking the winner’s share of $20,000. Milwaukee 9-4, Texas 3-5 SILK CITY ’Tuesday night, July 30 at Fitzgerald issues, such as eliminating fortunate thing that I hope ’ 7.11 filled in the 14th inning forcing in the LADIES 1.II1IS 19.95 FJ.T. Snead, the co-leader entering the final round, said he had arguing when John Vukovich was thrown out at the plate. Chicago 3, Baltimore 1 highly publicized multiple pennant the reserve and waiver will soon find its own resolu­ Oakland 7-6, New York 3-1 winning run in the Royals’ triumph Field. BEST 15.- Class A—Low putting problems, causing him to slump to a one-over-par The heat was in the 90s for the long twinbill and tempers Groman’s Sport Shop clauses. tion, find a solution, and get IREEMOUNTIINGALL TIRES Boston 3, California 0 gross—Florence Barre69; Low 72 and a four-round total of 275 — four strokes back. flared to match the fiery sun. over the -Tigers. Doug Bird, who Moriarty Bros. Miss Beaird will serve up her Elsewhere in the camps, it over with. The longer it The beanball incident centered on pitches thrown at Tonight's Games American pitched one inning of relief, received Fogarty Bros. net —Ceil P erry 72-19-53, Earlier this year, Stockton and Snead were tied entering assortment of pitches to Groman’s Emma Oleksinski 72-19-53; 41 Pittsburgh rookies met goes on, the deeper the , the 18-year-old Brewer shortstop, and Martin Boston (Cleveland 7-6) at credit for his fifth win while Ray suf­ Frank’s Market 12 9 the final round of the Los Angeles Open and Stockton won League Girls, defending Connecticut ASA Class B —Nellie Johnson 78-27- with delegations from both scars.” DUNLOP admits he told Crandall before the game that “Yount was Kansas City (Pattin 2-4) or fered his second loss. Fran Healy Trudon V.W. 10 8 by two strokes. Sunday’s victory, boosted Stockton past the Briles (1-3) Manch. Honda slow pitch softball champions. 51. players and management. Reserve defensive tackle $100,000 earnings mark for the third time in his career. going down his first time up.” Milwaukee (Champion 4-1) at homered for the Royals. FOUR BALL- Edna Hilinski- All remained in camp but Ken Johnson became the RodiolWkitewaHs Dillon Ford The Silk City League will sponsor ER70x14 But when Yount, who was 3-for-4, was thrown at again in Minnesota (Goltz 24) winners as the St. Louis Cardinals of While Sox 3, Orioles 1 Denise Kiernan-Nellie Johnson- Steeler Player Represen­ 13th Cincinnati Bengal “For six weeks now I have been playing good one day Allied Printing the promotion with proceeds ear­ FR70x)4 and bad the next,’’ Stockton said. He played well Sunday.' the sixth, Milwaukee starter Ed Sprague, now 7-1, Detroit (LaGrow 7-7) at the 1960s, the Brooklyn Dodgers of the Bill Melton’s two-run homer in the Joanne Hunt 63. * tative Preston Pearson said veteran to report to camp Acadia Rest. marked for improvements on the GR70xl4 . W # His 64 —the lowest final round for a PGA tour tourney retaliated and plate umpire Ron Luciano took over. Chicago (Johnson 2-0) 1950s and the of first inning sent Stan Bahnsen off to Gorman Bros. BEST NINE- Class B -Low he had achieved his aim. but 34 veterans still remain field. Tickets are now on sale at gross —Elsie Crockett' 45; Low 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE winner this year—allowed him to take the win with a four- “I told both managers that was enough of that nonsense. California (Ryan 10-9) at the 1920s who never won three his eighth victory with the late-inning CANDLELIGHT “I don’t think anyone is out. Nassiff Arms and Groman’s Sports net —Mary Presti 45-17-28. round total of 271. If it happens again, I told them they were both gone,” he Cleveland (Arlin 2-3) straight Series. Other outstanding relief help of Rich Gossage, who W L going to get up before the “We don’t get into team Oakland (Abbott 2-1) at Shop, or from any member of the Silk FREE MOUNTING | "I honestly thought I was going to be in my first said. teams of previous eras didiTt even earned his first save. Carlos May Armory Tavern 20 2 coach and the owner and play for a few days so we Baltimore (McNally 8-6) City League. playoff," he said. Broberg threw close to George Scott in the seventh and win three straight pennants. knocked in the White Sox’ third run Dick’s American 14 8 walk out,” Pearson said. “I will be okay until then,” (Only Games Scheduled) “We’ve won two Series and are with a sacrifice fly. Ross Grimsley Wholesale Tire 12 10 Martin was evicted and Broberg got the axe the next in­ The Maids have never appeared in Ellington Ridge think we accomplished what Coach Paul Brown said. “By ning for getting close to Bob Coluccio. Tuesday's Games going for a third in a row,” says Ban­ suffered his eighth loss against 11 Vito’s 12 10 Boston at Kansas City, N Manchester before. Miss Beaird is we wanted to do and that’s that time we hope some 2 2 9 Putt Fell for Sharon Miller wins for the Orioles. Dorn’s Boys 11 11 It didn’t really matter as the Brewers pounded the Milwaukee at Minnesota, N do. “Maybe we’ll finally get the female softball’s answer to Eddie BILLIE MARLOW to get them to think about more of the guys will come HEBRON AVE. Rangers, including a three-run homer by Scott. recognition we deserve if we ac­ Twins 6, Indians 5 State Bank 8 14 Detroit at Chicago, N W.l.N.F. 6 16 Feigner of men’s fast pitch fame. TOURNEY - Low net, Alice the strike. What they’re in. So far we’ve been right on The second game started with tempers already boiling complish the feat.” Steve Braun homered with none out GLASTONBURY, COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) - Marshall, Mich. "When I looked California at Cleveland, N Economy Electric 5 17 During the past nine years, she has Bantly-Gret Mason 128; Elbe going to have to do now is schedule this weekend. I’m CONN. The final three feet of Sharon up, the ball was about three feet and it didn’t take long for Martin, Randle, Lucchesi and Oakland at Baltimore, N Bando achieved a “little recognition in the bottom of the 10th to give the DUSTY Wineze-Kay Naktenis 133; decide as individuals or as a satisfied it’s a good start.” toured with her four-member troupe HOURS Miller’s winning 20-foot putt in from the hole and dead on line.” Crandall to get thrown out for arguing various calls too Texas at New York, N of his own” Sunday when he homered Twins their win over the Indians. ’The W L from Maine to California and has won Devra Baum-Doris Beller 134; group.” The New York Giants, Sunday’s final round of the $40,- Miss Miller came to the final strenuously. Twins tied the score in the ninth when Nat O’Brien-Mary Kearney DAILY 11-7 p.m. in both games as the A’s defeated the Vittner’s 10 T over 1,000 games while losing less Pearson and veterans Sam who had Honor Jackson, a 000 Borden-LPGA Classic had hole at four under par and tied National League New York Yankees, 7-3 and 6-1, and Jerry Terrell singled with one out, MCC Vets 9 2 135; Low gross, Wendy Ehrlich- reserve defensive back, SAT. 9-2 p.m. for the lead with Joyce Kaz- than 50. Davis and Rocky Bleier ad­ to be one of the nicest sights of EAST increased their AL West lead to five moved to second on a passed ball and Angels 6 5 Kay Deane 167. mierski but the birdie, her third dressed the rookies while cross the picket line Sunday, her life. W L Pet GB games over the . scored on Glenn Borgmann’s single. Allied Building 5 6 of the day, gave her the $5,700 Tlie star of the cast will also be Coach Chuck Noll attended dealt strong safety Rich­ Miss Miller, who twice during Philadelphia 46 43 .511 The A’s captain and one of their Phil Roof homered for the Twins. CBT (Blue) 4 7 SATURDAY - Low gross, A - first prize while Miss Kaz- featured in a pre-game show. the meeting and Vice Presi- mond Flowers to Oakland the final round blew two-stroke MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS St. Louis 44 44 .500 IMi Savings Bank 4 7 Pete Lingua B - Dan Mad- mierski, 28, of Pontiac, Mich., chief spokesmen hit a three-run Rangers 3-5, Brewers 9-4 leads, knocked in h ^ clutch 20- Montreal 42 44 .488 2Mi North End Fire 3 8 daluno 78; C - Les Baum 82, received $4,170 for her finish. homer which capped a five-run rally George Scott drove in five runs with The locals will be facing not only footer after three putting both Pittsburgh 38 49 .437 7 Jaycees 3 8 John Cagianello 82; D - Joe the 16th and 17th holes. Miss Miller had a final round 73 Leading Batters Wynn, LA 20; Cedeno, Hou 19; in the seventh inning of the first a homer and two doubles ''as the fast ball pitching for the first time but New York 38 49 .437 7 CHARTER OAK Pallotti Jr. 81. and a 54-hole total of 211, five Schmidt, Phil 18; Bench, Cin game. Then he and Bill North Brewers won their fifth game in their “I just concentrated on NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 37 49 .430 7Mi W L will be up against the woman con­ under par. Miss Kazmierski 17; Perez, Cin 16. keeping my head down and AB H Pet. WEST homered in the first inning of the se­ last six in the opener but Tom Glen' Const. 8 3 sidered on par with Joan Joyce of the BETTER NINE - A - Marc AMERICAN LEAGUE: D. following through,” said the 33- shot a 70 and had a 212 total. Garr, Atl 382 140 cond game paving the way for Dave Grieve’s eighth-inning homer sparked Army & Navy 7 3 Raybestos Brakettes as the best in the Greenfield 37-4-33; B v Fred Allen, Oii 22; Mayberry, KC W L Pet GB year-old Miss Miller of Smith, St.L 277 91 Hamilton to win his sixth game the Rangers to their triumph in the se­ Crispino’s 6 4 country. ROSIE BEAIRD Kaprove 36-5-31, Jack and Jackson, Pak 17; Hendrick, Los Angeles 61 30 .670 Gross, Hou 296 97 .582 against two losses. cond game. There were six ejections Charter Oak 6 5 Cristofani 36-4-32; C - Abe Qev 16; Horton, Det., Briggs, Cincinnati 53 38 8 Zisk, Pitt 282 90 Jim Hunter went six innings to win Multi Circuits 5 6 Zubrow 39-732, Pete Lingua 41- Mil and Burroughs, Tex 15. Houston 49 41 .544 IIM: of managers, players and W hat w e give you free, ANDERSON BROS. EXXON Cash, Phil 369 117 Atlanta 49 43 .533 12 Mi his 13th game in the opener. Sparky coaches—including 'Texas manager Nelson Freightway 4 7 8-33; D - Joe Pallotti Jr. 38-9-2^ Schmidt, Phi 295 93 RUNS BATTED IN San Francisco 40 52 .440 21M: Lyle, the Yankees’ ace reliever, Billy Martin in both games-during Fuller’s Package 3 8 Jake Honnon 44-12-32, Ted 110 Center Street, Mencheeter • 043-0613 Geronimo, Cn 2 1 1 66 NATIONAL LEAGUE: San Diego 40 55 .426 23 wasn’t tagged for either loss but was the doubleheader. Steak Out 3 8 LaBonne 42-10-32. you can’t get on most cars Garvey, LA 369 115 Cedano, Hou 73; Garvey, LA 65; Sunday's Results INDEPENDENT Precision Golf Buckner, LA 311 96 Wynn, LA 63; Schmidt, Phil 62; Philadelphia 5-7, San Fran­ W L BEST 16 - A - Jeff Sanborn Grubb, SD 259 80 Cey, LA 61. cisco 2-4 Walnut Barbers 9 2 63-5-58; B - Nelson Skinner 65- at any price. JULY SPECUU AMERICAN LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE: Cincinnati 3-1, Pittsburgh 2-2 Renn’s Tavern 9 2 Marked Play 10-55, Herb Delasco 69-11-58, AB H Pet. Burroughs, Tex 71; D. Allen, Montreal 6-6, San Diego 1-2 Man. Oil Heat 7 4 Fred Kaprove 67-9-58; C - Pete Carew, Minn 345 131 .380 Chi and Rudi, Oak 60; Briggs, Atlanta 7, St. Louis 0 World of Difference Noted BA Club 5 6 Lingua 71-16-55, Abe Zubrow 69- Mil and Jackson, Oak 56. Hargrove, Tex 215 72 .335 New York 4, Los Angeles 1 Gunver Stampers 5 6 LYTHAM ST. ANNES, England (UPI) - John Morgan 13-56; D - Joe Pallotti Jr. 69-17- F R E E L U B E Yaz, Bos 297 96 .323 PITCHING Houston 7, Chicago 6, (12) Turnpike TV 4 7 resumed chores at his home club in the south of England 52, Jake Honnon 76-13-53. with Jackson, Oak 273 88 .322 NATIONAL LEAGUE: Tonight's Games Bonanza Steak 4 7 today knowing he wgs-tbe-only man other than Gary Soccer Kickers 78-79. Orta, Chi 237 76 .321 John, LA 13-3; McGlothen, St. Cincinnati (Kirby 6-5) at St. Pizza House 1 10 Player to lead last week’s British Open golf championship. OIL and FILTER CHANGEI L. 12-5; Marshall, LA 11-4- FELINE Randle, Tex 276 88 .319 Louis (Foster 4-5) Unfortunately for Morgan, he was out in front only brief­ LOW GROSS - A - Jim Brett, Pitt 11-6; Morton, At! Rookie Pitcher Wins W L Stanton, Cal 218 69 .317 Houston (Roberts 6-7) at ly during the first round Wednesday. It was the 37-year-old McCarthy 72; B - Barney STOP IN AND CHECK US FOR Braun, Minn 270 85 .315 and Carlton, Phil 11-7; Lonbore Pittsburgh (Ellis 3-8) W.l.N.F. 10 1 Phil 11-8. Player who was ahead at the end. Standings McHugh 78; C - Bill Peck 84; D - OUR OTHER JULY SPECIALSI Robinson, Balt 303 95 .314 Chicago (Bonham 8-11) at Roosevelt Mills 8 3 Joe Pallotti Jr. 86. McRae, KC 299 93 .311 AMERICAN LEAGUE: G. Atlanta (Morton 11-7) Crispino’s 7 4 The diminutive South African, playing precision golf all Perry, Clev 15-2; Wood, Chi 14^ Tuesday's Games Scruse Paint week in wild and windy weather that sent scores PEE WEE HOME RUNS As PhilsTopDivision w L T Pts BETTER NINE - A - Don 11; Tiant, Bos 13-7; Hunter, Cincinnati at St. Louis, N Moriarty Bros. 5 6 skyrocketing on the narrow, tightly-bunkered par-71 Royal n a t i o n a l LEA G U E: 22 Oldhain 34-3-31; B - Jack Oak 13-8; Cuellar, Balt 1^5 Chicago at Atlanta, N Cut & Curl 4 7 Lytham course, finished four strokes ahead to record his Brewers 4 1 1 NEW YORK (UPI) - There is a 20 Hunter 37-5-32, Barney McHugh Houston at Pittsburgh, n manager Sparky Anderson, Reds’ Man. Plymouth 3 8 third British Open win. Chiefs 4 2 0 world of difference between being a Cosmos 4 2 0 20 37-4-33, Henry Abuza 39-6-33; C - Philadeiphia at San Diego, N reserve Andy Kosco and David’s 1 10 With rounds of 69, 68, 75 and 70 for a 282-strbke total, he Toledo Mud Hen and a Philadelphia Pirates’ rightfielder Ed Kirkpatrick Lancers 3 2 1 17 Walter Farley 39-6-33, John Montreal at Los Angeles, N alone among a 154-man field described as the best ever Cagionello 41-7-34; D - Tom New York at San Francisco, Phillie. Jesus Hernaiz knows. were ejected. SENIOR LEAGUE Wildcats 3 3 0 15 FEEDER ROAD assembled for the game’s oldest championship managed to 2 2 2 14 Heslin 41-9-32. N The 27-year-old righthanded Expos 6-6, Padres 1-2 With an unbelievable total of Tornados break par for 72 holes and his margin of victory over 1 5 0 5 reliever was brought up from Toledo Ken Singleton clubbed a three-run 28 runs scored’in the third in­ Stars Briton Peter Oosterhuis was the large* in 10 years. Tigers 1 5 0 5 CRIERS - A - Don Oldham 71- VERNON, CONNECTICUT to the Phillies this season after spen­ homer and Bob Bailey belted a^olb ning, Personal Tee kept its perfect record intact with a 28- “Gary, you is the greatest,” drawled Player’s American JUNIOR 6-65; B - Herb Delasco 77-11-66, ding eight years in the minor leagues. blast as the Expos, behind the six-hit Barney McHugh 75-8-67, John 21 win over Nassiff Arms last caddie, Alfred "Rabbit” Dyer, during ah early round after W L T :Pts TELEPHONE “I always pitched my best every P o tte r 78-11-67; C - Rick pitching of Mike Torrez, defeated the night at Martin Field. Personal Player hit a particularly fine shot. Astros 5 1 1 27 Soviets Win day in the minors, because I knew that Lawrence 82-15-67, Bill Peck 80- came up with 13 runs in the It was a comment that would be echoed a thousand times Oceaneers 3 1 3 21 was the only way I could be called 2 13-67; D - John Chessari 92-28- SAN JUAN, P.R. (UPI) - third with Nassiff’s accounting over by the record crowd that watched the reigning U.S. Wings 3 2 19 872-8400 or 875^7094 TENNIS FORUM, Inc. The Soviet Union won the up,” said Hernaiz. “You have to do National Apollos 0 6 0 0 64, Joe Pallotti Jr. 81-17-64; for the other 15. Master’s champion fend off charges by Oosterhuis, seventh World Amateur basket­ your best,, no matter where you’re Personal, with a 6-0 mark, MIDGET Kickers, 80-75. ball championship Sunday pitching.” \ League pretournament and perennial favorite Jack Nicklaus, W L T Pts Walk into just about any automo­ Blanket?" BILL TRIFIRO’S RIVER EAST SUMMER PROGRAM FOR JUNIORS assured itself at least tie for "The what?" night, beating Uncle Sam’s first in the league’s initial countryman Bobby Cole and, of course, Morgan. Falcons 5 1 0 25 bile showroom end start asking some Hernaiz helped insure that he would "W ith Computer Analysis?" Director and Profeseional: Bill Trifiro - Asst. Pro Peter Jutrus collegiate undergraduates, 105- Padres in the opener. Rookie season. Nancy Downing paced For his efforts. Player picked up a winner’s check of Matadors 5 1 0 25 questions. Like: not return to the minors by pitching Tallwood "With what?" 94, on the strength of Alexandr the winners with four hits in­ $13,200. Oosterhuis, with a final round 71 for a 286 total, Toros 3 1 2 19 "Does the car come with electron­ the last two innings of both games of a righthander Dennis Blair won his Our point is simple; Trained Instructors will be assisting Salinkov’s 39 points and a cluding three homers. Kate earned $9,600, while Nicklaus—whose late run for a third Cougars 3 3 0 15 ic fuel injection?" doubleheader sweep, 5-2 and 7-4, over fourth major league game in the POINT TOURNAMENT - When you buy a Volkswagen 412, tenacious defense. Warren had three blows in­ Open title fizzled on Royal Lytham’s testing back Olympics 2 4 0 10 "N o ." Junior Program - Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 - 12:00 a.m. the Sunday that nightcap with a five-hit, nine Bob Zimmer 45, Norm you get everything you’ve just asked The Soviet win knocked the cluding a triple and double nine-shot a 71 for 287 and a check of $7,800. Metros 1 3 2 9 "W hat about just fuel injection? catapulted the Phils into first place in performance. Maudsley 45, Dick Brewer 44, for. For nothing. That’s r’lght. You don’t SERIES 1^2 USA into a third-place finish while Kathy Halloran chipped Suns 1 4 1 7 Forget about electronic." Braves 7, Cardinals 0 Although he complained all week about the agonies of Ron Pelletier 44, Gary Devins pay anything extra for the “ extras." and gave second place to the National League East. in three hits including one for Comets 0 3 3 6 "N o ." being a leader. Player obviously enjoyed the position and 43, Norm Muccio 43, Jan Jayson And since our car is a luxurious Yugoslavia. The three teams all Re»l« 3-1, Pirates 2-2 Atlanta kmickleballer Phil Niekro four bases.r Dot Brindamour “ Can I gel a timed preheater?" played cool,, attacking golf Saturday when his pursuers 42, Bob Lukas 40, Warren Royce ■Volkswagen, it also comes replete August 6 and August 8 August 20 and August 22 ended with a single loss each. Tony Perez belted a three-run stymied St. Louis on five singles and and Colleen MacGillvary each "Sorry, but .... " were poised to overtake him. 40; Low Gross - Gary Devins 76. with plush seats, thick carpets, big homer to power the Reds to their fifth Dave Jphnson hammered a three-run had three hits for Nassiff’s with "Four-wheel independent suspen­ “I wanted to put pressure on him early, but how do you Gridder Robbed windows, flo-thru ventilation, and August 13 and August 15 August 27 and August 29 straight victory and eighth triumph in homer to lift the Braves over the Car­ the latter homering: Chris Jar­ sion?" put pressure on someone who goes out in 32?” asked a dis­ PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - room, plenty of room. Also at no their last nine games in the first game dinals. The Braves jumped on Cards’ vis homered. "N ope." Job Opening appointed Oosterhuis, who partnered Player in the final Three men were charged Suday extra cost. against Pittsburgh. In the second starter and loser Ray Bare, who was is HAIKHESIB ITl "Steel-belted radials?" V Manchester Community round. in the holdup of Philadelphia "Sure. But you’ve got to pay extra." Getting anything for free these game, which was marred by a 10- making his first major league start. *8 Sessions Each College has announced an The South African, playing irons off most tees to keep Eagles’ defensive end William "H ow about the Owner’s Security days is a luxury in itself. minute donnybrook involving both Mels 4, DodKers 1 opening for a part-time women the ball low in the. wind, stroked birdies on one and two and Wynn outside a south *24 Hours of Instruction and Play benches, Richie Hebner singled home Cleon Jones smashed a two-run Philadelphia restaurant. physical education instructor really served notice he was not going to choke on the 486- S K o m s f Volkswagen’s luxury 412 *Foe: *72.00 Par Pupil Per Session the winning run to back the combined homer and southpaw Jon Matlack for the 1974-75 academic year. yard fifth, where he scored an eagle after his fairway five- Bdlkltn d 412 Prices Start At $3775' The responsibilities would in­ four-hit pitching of Bruce Kison and limited the Dodgers to six hits as the AND iron ended up five feet from the cup. DESTINATION SAFEH HUDSUMAd clude assisting in the develop­ Dave Giusti as the Pirates snapped a Mets defeated Los Angeles. Jon or >M. «.c. me, .5uoai,ti» .c i.a ...ct r oom tcoAo -.froortio n o o n , loe.i ..o oim m MLi.eH. « u«. • REGISTRATION APPLICATION “That helped a lot,” he s^iid afterwards. Specialized Driver NIVEWAn ment of a women’s athletic five-game losing streak. Matlack struck out six and walked RADII Training tor Teenagere. l§ Please Register...... program and coaching varsity His game almost came unstuck on the four finishing FAYING Players from both benches and only one to earn his eighth victory Inatruclora experienced Siece 1920 holes that had given the rest of the field nightmares. He Ted Trudon, Inc. ^ A d d r e s s ...... ! sports. A bachelor’s degree in bullpens emptied onto the field after against six losses. in public school driver Machint Sprf«d Home Phone...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! physical education is required. Kison was hit by a Jack Billingam Asinis 7, Cubs 6 nvissed a green on 15 for a bogey, nearly lost his ball in tall education. Automatic and P *rk ln. g l___• Gas Stotlons Tpke. Rte. 83 \CP Applicants interested should TONiGirr grass on the par-four, 468-yard 17th and escaped with AA AbMt Off WrlttfR G«oroiit«t i signature of Parent ...... pitch in the fourth inning of the second Bob Gallagher singled home Milt standard transmission. Motttr Chofgt Acctpttd • frM EttinKit«i AUTHORIZCO 8 :1 5 Red* V H . C ards, Talcottville OCALCR contact Pat Mistretta, the May with one out in the 12th inning to another bogey, then had to putt lefthanded from a Reasonable, Competitive director of athletics, at 646- game. Several scuffles ensued, and Ch.22, 30 Can Manck«tttf 64 3-7 691 after orddr had been restored. Reds’ give the Astros their victory over the 8:25 Red Sox v». Royals, flowerbed alongside the clubhouse on, the 18th to save a RatesI (Edvortfi Watch for Herbie the Love Bug In “Herbie Rides Again,” soon to 4900, ext. 245. bogey there. PHONE Ordo V«r«M iMiJdliif) Cubs. WTIC 646-0804 appear or now playing at your local neighborhood theater PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974___ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. July 15, 1974- PAGE FIFTEEN INDEX Lott and Found i ...... i Panuzio Leading Field *2 Happiness Is... NOTICES advertising LOST - Small, timid, gray cat, Portonolt 2 Astrologer May Be Key Future 1 — Lott (nd Found yellow collar, large openoi wound i A REALLY CLEAN LAUNDROMAT 2 — Ptrionilt bn right hip. Vicinity Fox Grove 3 — Announcdmontt ...... Fo! SISTER HOPE I ^ AIR CONDITIOHED ^ As Campaign Fund Raiser 12:00 noon the day before development,elo off of Keeney' when she retained him in the in public, Lopez Rega usually In the early days of taking 4 — Entertainment publication. READER AND ADVISER By PHIL NEWSOM time professional dancer, in the last year to gun battles 5 — Auctlone Street. Call 649-0531 after 7 p.m. powerful post of presidential sto ^ only a few feet behind, over her presidential duties, > TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Deadline lor Saturday and UPI politically inexperienced and between the two. llniled Press Internalional 900 from out-of-state supporters Card and Palm Readingt private secretary, the same watching him with unbroken Mrs. Peron has been described Negro Democratic Clubs for a FINANCIAL Monday Is 12:00 Noon Friday. URGENT - Will the gentleman Foreign New* Analynt with no political base of her Kidnapings of foreign \ ■ 8 Lbs. DRY CLEANING - $1.75 Bridgeport Mayor Nicholas through June 30. B — Bondt-Slocks-Mortgagei post he held under Peron. gaze. as showing a surprising amount spot on the November ticket. who witnessed or heard the tm •"** •*“ “n When Argentinans speculate own, will be the central figure businessmen for huge sums of A. Panuzio, a leading contender Panuzio’s report showed 9 — Personal Loana with such probismt as: Lopez Rega claims to have He is expected to perform the of independence from the I DRYERS ^ 10 Full Minutes for 10* Every Dey Parker received the votes of 10 — Insurance gingerale bottle accident that about what the stars may have in a political tug-of-war. ransom have frightened off for the Republican guber­ about 75 contributors of more PLEASE READ • BUSINESS • MARITAL been a "servant” of Peron’s same duties for Mrs. Peron. various factions surrounding 21 of 23 of the committee’s exploded in my grocery basket in store for them and for Argen­ Peron never permitted foreign investment and the natorial nomination, leads the than $500. Mrs. Grasso’s dis­ EMPLOYMENT • DRINKING • NERVOUSNESS cause for 35 years but his posi­ Like other Peronistas, Lopez her, military and leading iBELCON LAUNDROMAT members, with Hartfo«L„ ' 13 — Help Wanted YOUR AD at Stop and Shop store on West talented men to rise to country faces huge economic 309 Green Rd. field in campaign fund-raising. closure listed about 25 $500plus 14 — Business Opportunities Middle Turnpike on July 9 at tine President Isabel Peron tion of influence is more recent. Rega has pledged himself to Peronists. lawyer Sanford Cloud receiving Classified ads are taken over For turthor Information challenge him and his death probiems. Reports filed with the donors. Steele showed none, due 15 — Situation Wanted the phone as a convenience. 11:30, please contact 649-6752. they may be asking literally He met Isabel in 1S65 during Peronism and in a national There is a feeling that she the other votes. / CAU.247-8GS3 about Argentina’s most influen­ leaves the country without a In the midst of all of these is secretary of the state show that to his'$100 limit. The federation’s membership EDUCATION The Herald Is responsible for By Appointmant Only one of her trips to Argentina as television broadcast appointed mhy be building support of her only one Incorrect Insertion and tial astrologer. political structure. Lopez Rega, who is accused of Panuzio had received about Nearly 40 persons contributed is expected to uphold the 18 — Private Instructions WILL THE person who took 950 Asylum Avsnus, Apt. ,104 Peron's emissary. He asked her himself the chief interpreter of Own. 19 — Schools-Classes then only to the size of the two rings from my home on He is Jose Lopez Rega, a The Peronist party is tom organizing the youthful militant $161,000 through June 30, with $1,000 or more to Panuzio’s 20 — Instructions Wanted ______Hartford, Conn. help in arranging a meeting the "thoughts of General Nonetheless, it is obvious that executive committee’s original Insertion. Errors which July lltn please return, sen­ between left and right and some right wing as his own private Read Herald Advertisements more than $50,000 coming from cause, a .number of them strong do not lessen the value of the pale-faced man of 57, a prac­ with Peron if he went to Peron.” recommendation when it meets REAL ESTATE Mrs. Peron, a 43-year-old one­ 200 deaths have been attributed out-of-state contributors. advertisement will not be cor> timental value. No questions ticing astrologer and author of a Peron’s exile headquarters in army. financial backers of - Meskill Wednesay at the Hartford Elks 23 — Homes lor Ssle asked. Substantial reward. book on the subject called One of the largest con­ when he ran for governor. 24 — Lots-Lind lor Sals rected by an additional inser­ Pertonalt 2 Bondt-Slockt-Mortgagat t Madrid at his own expense. Club. 25 — Investment Property tion. P.O.Box 696, Manchester. "Alpha and Omega: A Message tributors to Panuzio’s cause Mrs. Grasso listed six $1,000- Parker, who has lost two bids 26 — Business Property She did so with the result that RIDE WANTED from Asyjum MORTGAGES, loans first se­ for Humanity.” Among was millionaire Dan W. Lufkin plus donors. to become mayor of New 27 — Resort Property FOUND-Dalmatian, black and Lopez Rega became superinten­ 28 — Reel Estate Wanted and Trumbull Street, Hartford cond, third. All kinds. Realty moderate Peronists he is / of Newtown, who gave $5,000, In other news of Connecticut white male. Call Dog Warden, dent of the Peron household, Haven, has not announced to Spruce Street, Manchester at statewide, credit rating un­ the maximum legal amount. MISC. SERVICES 646-4555. thoroughly disliked, sometimes finally superintending politics, 35 state legislators which spot on the ticket he 9:30 p.m. 649-1904. necessary. Reasonable. Con­ Lufkin, former state en­ 31 — Services ORered described as a Rasputin and as everything from Peron’s have announced they will not would prefer, but he is 32 — Painting-Papering ADVERTISING fidential, quick arrangements.. vironmental protection com­ 33 — Building-Contracting FOUND - Black and tan male a "grey eminence.” working schedule to the silver seek re-election this November, reportedly interested in the RIDE WANTED to and from Alvin Lundy Agency. 527-7971. Left-wing Peronists have missioner, was also a heavy 34 — Rooling-Siding part-poodle. Has a 1972 East Pomfret for Rectory School service to be used at dinner. with Republicans leading the nomination for state treasurer. 35 — Heating-Plumbing RATES Hartford tag. Call Andover Dog 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ threatened him with death. financial backer of Gov. 36 — Flooring students. Call 646-7231 early ford. Evenings, 233-6879. He accompanied Mrs. Peron rush for the doors in the year of The federation and state 1 day ...... 9t word per day Warden, 742-7194. But none can deny that Thomas J. Meskill. 37 — Moving-Trucking-Slorage evenings. on vacation when work kept her Watergate. Republicans heavi­ Democratic leaders have had 38 — Services Wanted 3 d a y s ..... 64 word per day among the few people really Rep. Robert H. Steele, R- ly outnumber Democrats in the 6 days ..... 7c word per day MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd husband in Buenos Aires and on an unwriten agreement for the REDUCE SAFE and fast with mortgages — interim financing close to Peron and to Peron’s Conn., has reported total con­ Sjate legislature, however. past years which allows the MISC. FOR SALE 26 days ..... 64 word par day FOUND- POODLE type pup official and private trips 41 — Articles tor Sals 15 WORD MINIMUM apricot color, male. Call Dot GoBese Tablets And E-Vap — expeditious and confidential widow, the first woman presi­ tributions of about $50,000, Some of them are seeking 42 — Building Supplies 'g abroad. He was with her when federation to recommend a Happy Ads ...... $1.75 inch Warden, 646-4555. “water pills” Liggett Rexall. service, J.D. Real Estate dent in Latin American history, while Rep. Ella T. Grasso, D- higher offices and may be per­ 43 — Pets -Birds- Dogs she visited Europe in June and black candidate for the 44 — Livestock Assoc. 646-1980. Lopez Rega was and remains Conn., reported that she has suaded to return to their seats if Democratic state ticket. 45 — Boats & Accessories on a trip to China in 1972. FOUND- Black, male puppy. Do your bargain hunting in a rocking the closest. received about $45,000. their bids are turned down. Ruben Figueroa appears to 46 — Sporting Goods When the president appeared 47 — Garden Products Call Dog Warden, 646-4555. chair. . . Usa Want Ada. CaH 643-2711. Mrs. Peron confirmed it Mrs. Grasso is virtually In the Senate, seven have the Republican con­ 48 — Antiques □ EMPLOYMENT assured of running on the legislators have announced they gressional nomination in the 1st 49 — Wanted to Buy Democratic ticket for governor are leaving—one Democrat, J. District locked up since no RENTALS Help Wanted 13 in November, while Steele is Edward Caldwell of other Republican has expressed 52 — Rooms lor Rent favored as the Republican Bridgeport, who is seeking his 53 — Apartments for Rent Leaders Aware interest in running against two 54 — Homes lor Rent PART-TIME work at home, on nominee. party’s nod for attorney term incumbent. Rep. William 55 — Business (or Rent INSTALLED the telephone. Phone 1-673-2995. Although new election cam­ general, and six Republicans. 56 — Resort Property lor Rent R. Cotter, D-Conn. TTie former 57 — Wanted to Rent paign laws prohibit individual In the House, 28 represen­ state Commissioner of Com­ 58 — MIsc. (or Rent RNs - $10,000 up depending on No One Wins contributions higher than $5,- tatives have announced their munity Affairs will be qualifications. World-wide AUTOMOTIVE 000, Steele has set his own limit departure, 20 Republicans and nominated at the convention 61 — Aulos lor Sale AT NO EiailA l»$T travel possible as an Air Force of $100 from any contributor. eight Democrats. Saturday in West Hartford by 62 — Trucks lor Sale Lott and Found 1 officer. Challenging work, job 63 — Heavy Equipment tor Sale satisfaction, only two-year His total of out-of-state con­ Henry E. Parker, a former WITH ANY 25” COLOR TV clear War State Comptroller Nathan 64 — Motorcycles-BIcycles committment. 246-2212. tributions came to $1,500 from New Haven mayoral candidate, Agostinelli, the only other 65 — Campers-Trallers-Moblle LOST - Poodle, black, male, Homes Implicit in his remarks was 22 contributors. has been endorsed by the Republican at first believed miniature, vicinity Lakewood WASJJHVGTON (U PI) - 66 — Automotive Service Circle, Saturday. HIGH GAIN AUTOMATIC EXECUTIVE POSITIONS - Of­ National leaders aware of the the belief that "strategic Mrs. Grasso’s report showed executve committee of the ready to battle Cotter. 67 — Autos tor Rent-Lease ficer openings for men and Connecticut Federation of Massachusetts license. Very incredible destructive power at superiority’’ had no real that she had received some $1,- timid. Call 643-2090. women with engineering, math, the disposal of the big nations significance at military or ROTOR ANTENNA INSTALLED or related technical degree. Air RENT, Force will train you for com­ have always said, in one way or operational levels since the SOL FOUND- Saint Bernard female, VALUE puter technology, com­ another, that nobody is going to aggressor would perish with the sable and white with puppy. victim. BUY munications, electronics, win a nuclear war. Call Dog Warden, 646-4555. navigators, others. 246-2212. The late Soviet Premier On another occasion, With a Legion Backs Vets Hospital HERALD WANT AD Nikita Khrushchev once said, in Kissinger made it clear that the FOUND-Black, male Labrador ’74 GRADS - We train and pay, Dial 643-2711 *165” trying to get this idea across, principle significance of and Shepherd type dog. Call over $400 monthly to attend that after a third world war, "strategic superiority” was HARTFORD (UPI) - The convention Saturday^ also voted Veterans Administration We’ll (%arg6 It, Too! Dog Warden, 646-4555. college accredited technical "the living would envy the political. He said that “both American Legion in Connec­ to oppose blanket amnesty for hospital in Newington. school. Learn a skill good for a dead.” sides have to convince their ticut has approved a resolution men who refused to serve in the The Legion also urged con-" lifetime in the Air Force. Ap­ military establishments of the urging the federal government armed forces during the Viet­ gressional action to upgrade titude and counseling free, no Former Secretary of State obligation. 246-2212. Dean Rusk had another way of benefits of restraint”. to build a hospital in the state nam war. educational benefits for Viet­ saying the same thing. He Defense Secretary James R. where veterans can get psy­ Rep. Ella T. Grasso, D-Conn., nam era vets and property tax BE DIFFERENT - Be an air­ declared on a number of oc­ Schlesinger sternly protested chiatric treatment. who spoke at one of the exemptions for totally disabled craft mechanic in the Air casions that when statesmen this and he was at least partly The Legion, during its annual sessions, told the legionaires veterans. Force. Women get equal pay, attempt to negotiate limitation correct. that veterans hospitals in The 852 delegates to the con­ advancement, educational op­ and reaction of nuclear arms, The problem facing the Connecticut have one bed for vention also urged the improve­ portunities. 246-2212. what was really at stake was nuclear superpowers — par­ every 614 vets, which is fewer ment of civil defense programs "the incineration of the ticularly the United States — is beds than the national average and the reopening of 700 acres Northern Hemisphere.” Suf­ that of convincing the public Weekend of one for 449 vets. of forest in Barkhamsted to the W I N A B I K E NURSES’ AIDES ficient weapons to accomplish that the potential adversary is Vets with emotional public. $165.00 Deluxe, Hi Gain Rotor 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. and 12 Mid­ this were already in place. not gaining an advantage in Accidents problems are now treated at night to 8 A.M. Part-time and Secretary of State Henry nuclear weapons. No politician Northampton, Mass., and the uy' Antenna completely installed in­ Full-time. Excellent waged Kissinger last week expanded or general has forgotten the West Haven branch of the cluding all parts and labor. and benefits. on the theme when questioned political hay the late John F. Kill Five MANCHESTER MANOR about the failure of Russia and Kennedy made in 1960 by NURSING HOME the U.S. to make any progress charging the Republicans with United Press International GLOBE 385 W. Center Street on offensive nuclear arm s permitting a “missile gap” — Accidents claimed five lives Stamford Shows limitations. which he later acknowledged in Connecticut over the Travel Service r e S !!!L Tel. 646-0129 weekend, including two drow- Kissinger emphasized that did not exist. Crime Decrease 555 MAIN STREET time was running out. He Allies too, like to feel that nings and the sta te ’s 18th WASHINGTON (UPI) 643-2165 NURSES AIDES, 7-3 and 3-11. predicted that unless there was their protector is ahead in the motorcycle _ fatality this year. Stamford was the only one of Full-time or part-time. High nuclear race. The difficulty is Another was killed when his car Orer 30 Years School graduates preferred. agreement within two or three five Connecticut cities to show Travel Experience years “you will see an explo­ that persuading the public at struck a bridge railing and a a decrease in crime during the Excellent starting salary, good pedelfrian was killed on the Authorized agent in Manchester fringe benefits, paid lunch sion of technology and an explo­ home and abroad of the suf­ first three months of 1974, ac­ for all Airlines, Railroads and sion of numbers” that will ficiency of nuclear defenses and Connecticut ’Turnpike. Steamshin Line

PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974 23 Hornet For Sale 23 Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted ) 13 Help Wanted 13 Homee For Sale 23 Homee For Sale 23 Hornet For Sale ‘ 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester,Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974— PAGE SEVENTEEN Doga-BIrda-Pata HAPPY ADS COVEN’TRY - Ideal starter or COVENTRY — Seven-room Rea! Eatate Wanted 28 Real Eatate Wanted 28 Building-Contracting 33 43 Apartmanta For Rant 53 Apartmanta For Rant 53 Apartmanta For Rent 53 Mature Woman retirement home, five rooms Ranch-Cape, stone fireplace, □ MISC. FOR SALE $15,9()0. Stanley Agency, 646- carpeting. Only $19,000. Pasek WE FIND THE HOUSE MASONRY - All types, SHETLAND SHEEP DOGS - TWO BEDROOM - luxury Selling or Managing 3616,843-5724. Realtors, MLS, 289-7475, 742- YOU MAKE THE HOME fieldstone, brick, concrete. Articles tor Sale 41 AKC puppies, sable and white, Townhouse, located in Highland We Feature Quality 8243. REALTOK Free estimates, after 5 p.m., shots and wormed, champion Park section of Manchester, GENERAL ^ Saleslady for a small ladies danicl f. raalc What is year Property Worth? sired, five males, one female, ELLINGTON - custom-built 7 HUS 643-1870 or 644-2975 DARK, RICH loam, 5 yards, wooded and private. For infor­ Because 17 years of iiMiWing ami managing afwrtmcnM g shop for larger women, at raised with love at home. $125 mation, call 646-1616 or 649- l/2room (^lonial, 4 bedrooms, We will inspect your property and suggest $27.50 plus tax. Also sand, has rnug/ic U5 uhat really matters. g 809 Main Street. Salary, ELLING’TON George Popik Is snxIouE to and up. 623-9244. 5295. Available immediately: on« and tuo bedroom toirnhotacj. living room, family room, 2-car an asking price. (No obligation.) NEWTON H. Smith & Sons - stone, ^avel, pool and patio bonuses, profit sharing, attached garage, large lot. “ON THE WATERRMNir show you this Immaculats 6-room Reiqodeling, repairing, ad­ Includes Hea(, air corulitioner, dishuasher, u all to wall FACTORY i retirement. Ask us about our guarantee sales plan TODAY!!! sand. 643-9504. carpet, individual basement, private patio. Models open 4 Char-Bon, 643-0683. TWO bedrooms in small brand Of cool, clear Crystal Lake. 3 Caps which has |ust bssn rsducsd ditions, rec rooms, porches and daily from noon to 8:00 p.m. Boata-Acceatorlaa 45 new building. Perfect location, C a ll 1-354-2130 carpeted bedrooms, to $35,9001 This horns Is in an roofing. No job too small. Call ALUMINUM sheets used as MANCHESTER - Like new 7- 649-31A. Silver Lane, East Hartford. except weekends fireplaced living room, idsal arsa with a yard that aflords printing plates, .007 thick, room Condo in adult cluster. REALTORS — MLS Electric kitchen, patio, UMESTEM End of (E g re ss St., off W. Middle Tpke., HELP I privacy and safaty. Ux32’’. 25 cents each or 5 for $1. EVINRUDE outboard motor - for interview "Lifetime Formica" wood PASEK ______Manchester. Three bedrooms, family room, CARPENTRY - Repairs, Phone 643-2711. 75 h.p., electric starter, with carpeting, $220. Phone 5^3740. npARX 2 1/2 baths, patio, bow picture look, cabineted kitchen with 289-7475 — 608 Burnside Ave., E. Hartford remodeling, additions, roofing. generator. In top condition. Call ^ U lU A B E by R.F. Damato dining area, treed lot and fur­ MANCHESTER - New deluxe ... SofflMn* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• window. All appliances in­ 742-8248 — Twin Hill Dr., (Joventry Call Davia Patria, South Wind­ NEWSPRINT end rolls. 25 875-5372. • Call PAUL DOUQAN, REALTOR, at 646-1021, ^ PIONEER Buelneee Opportunity 14 cluded plus use of playgrounds, niture. Only $32,000. Call Ann sor, 644-1796. cents each. Inquire side door. two-bedroom Townhouses. 11/2 ______^ _6464363, or 643-4535 after 8rf)0 p.m. ^ may hava Mot you I Member NaUonal Aeeoc. ot Real Eatate BoanU also mem­ baths, includes heat, tennis courts, clubhouse and Hunter today, 649-5306. ber of the Hartford, Mancheater .and Vernon MuUple Ltat, Manchester Evening Herald. 0 happy a:i very reasonable, work fireplaces, flagstone terraces, or more. Call 872-6754 or 872- Street. disposals, master TV antenna, • Firm Ropurehoao Agroomotri and two half baths, carpeted, concrete repairs, inside and Parking. Reasonable ratetes. I JEAN KOSAK g • Co.-Eaiabllahod Accounia 646-1186 guaranteed. Call anytime, 649- 7103. Contractors welcome. waste removal, playgrounds appliances. Stone patio with gas 'S' MANCHESTER - Beautiful lot. outside. Reasonably priced. Phone 649-2358. TELEPHONE LINEMAN - No PART TIME or full time, $5. • NO SELLINQ - NO EXP. SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 1 1/2 4266. ROCKVILLE - Rockland SIX-R(X)M duplex - 3 years old, and picnic areas. We are 12 ^ Love, Ed, ^ grill, storms and screens, Will build to your plans. 643-0851. experience required. Good per hour average commissions, • NO OVERHEAD TRkEVa (MNTEMPOMRY baths, 2-car garage, quiet Excellent location. Frechette & KELVINATOR gas stove, 30” , Terrace Apartments. Large good location, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 minutes from Constitution P Claire and Debbie ;!| salary, paid training, plus many priced below replacement at MERRin AGENCY GENTLEMAN to share five excellent advancement oppor­ • NO franehlaa Faao/Royaltlaa ^6,500. Financing available. residential area, $37,900. Two- Martin, Realtors, Inc. 646-4144. G&H PAVING & Construction like new condition. Please call room air - conditioned apart­ and beautiful three room, one baths, all kitchen appliances, Plaza and one minute from over benefits. Now interviewing. and a liraighHorward tunity. Arts and crafts Eastern, 646-8250, or 649-5782. •k Sunken patio family, over 300’ deep lot, Company - Paving, sealing, ANYY TYPE CarpentryCarp and 646-4822. bedroom apartment. Includes central vacuuming, garage and 40 stores at the Manchester Ages 17-35. Call U. S. Army 643- buanloaa with NO QIMMICK8 i REALTOR ment, completely furnished. Belated Happy Birthday demonstrators needed by the ★ Fleldstone fireplace excellent income, $36,d00. ’Two- NORTH COVENTRY - Ten concrete work, septic systems masonrsonry work, additions and Next to Parkade. Call 643-8459. heat, hot water, all appliances, basem ent. $275 monthly. Parkade. No pets. 9462. fastest growing home party fnvailmanlt rabga from remodeling.modeling. Free estimates. A. FOR SALE - Two Polaroid with dishwasher, disposal, I MOM I SS.OOO to SJO.SOO (jfour ehole*) MANCHESTER - Spacious ★ Four bedrooms family, residential zone C, ideal acres, secluded, heavily installed. Commercial and Security d ^ s it . August 1st oc­ plan organization. Cali 872-8663, MANCHESTER - ’Two brand rofessional location, $48,900. wooded lot in choice area. residential. 26 years Squillacote, 649-0811. cameras, $30 for both. Six year carpeting, pool and your own cupancy. (jail 646-5182 after 7 COOKS - No experience Writa tor lltaraturo giving lull dla- eight room custom built home, ★ 2V4 baths NEW FURNISHED room, near You look as young li;: 872-2780, or 633-9023. closura of our company'a markoting new Ranches, 3 bedrooms, Plartens Agency, Realtors .... experience. Free estimates. old color T.V. console, $50. Call private terrace in a country set­ p.m. required. Good salary, paid 2 baths, air-conditioning, ★ Master bedroom with Owner will give first mortgage bus line, laundromat, as you feel. program. Pleaaa Includa your phono English Pub rec room, double living room with fireplace, 646-2550. to buyer. Write Box M, 64^5233. BUILDING - Remodeling, 643-1790. restaurant, parking. Excellent ting, $175. No pets, 872-6360,529- VILUeER training, plus many benefits. dressing area and bath roofing, concrete steps, SURVEYOR - No experience number and mailing addraaa. garage, $63,500. Hayes Corpora­ dining room, eat-in kitchen, two Manchester Herald. value. 646-1960. 6586. SIX-ROOM flat available, Love, Lynn Now interviewing. Ages 17-35. Olalrlbutor DIvlalon, Suita 808 ★ Spectacular view of Conn. fireplaces. For estimates call USED SET of First Flight golf required. Good salary, paid tion, 646-0131. full baths, wall-to-wall CUSTOM MADE draperies and carpeting, stove, refrigerator, APARTMENTS Call U. S. Army, 643-9462. training, plus many benefits. 181 South Franklin Avtnuo River Valley THREE-BEDROOM Garrison 649-1142. clubs - 3 woods, 10 irons. $90. REMODELING 4-room duplex. Valley Siroam, N.Y. 11SM carpeting, aluminum siding. bedspreads, wide selection of LIGHT Housekeeping room - garage, very pleasant and cen­ Two-Bedroom townhouses. Happy 30th Now interviewing. Ages 17-35. ★ Private tre ^ lot Colonial, fireplaced living INVESTMENT fa b r ic s . Call 228-0380. Available August 1st. One older CLIMB THE LADDER of COVENTRY - Five room $39,900 each. Frechette & Mar­ Phone 649-1786 Stove, refrigerator and linen tral. Adult family unit only. No Fireplace. Wall-to-wall Call U. S. Army 643-9462. Ranch, oak floors, immaculate tin, Realtors, Inc. 646-4144. ★ Kennedy Road room, formal dining room, fully anytime. LET YOUR Ideas meet ours. provided. 801 Main Street. 649- child accepted. $160. Phone 644- Anniversary success by using your full- PROPERTIES We design and build: Bams, ATTENTION oilburner ser­ children, pets or utilities. $225 carpeting. Two air- condition, treed lot, $28,900. equipped kitchen, 1 1/2 baths, AM TON — 104 acres. Very 9879. 0727 after 6 p.m. plus security. 643-6733, 649-5051. GRANDMA charge bookkeeping or accoun­ CLERK-TYPIST - No OPPORTUNITY Knocks - Cou­ ’The finest house conceivable, 8 Family rooms. Green houses, vicemen and plumbers - One conditioners, appliances, heat Hayes Corporation, 6^-0131. MANCHESTER - Older 7-room master bedroom will take king- desirable development area. CELLARS, attics, garages, ting background. East Hartford experience required. Good ple or single person without priced in the 60s. size furniture. All on a Rec rooms. Pool and Patio oilburner motor, copper tubing and hot water. 'Tiled bath. No AND POP business experience, but willing house, new wiring and heating. Frontage on two town roads. cleaned by two reliable married R(X)M for Gentleman - Air- MANCHESTER - Five room FOUR-ROOM flat, 35 Glenwood company has great spot open. salary, paid training, plus many Needs work. Good location. manicured treed lot. Call B/W Cabanas, Kitchens. Working and other service parts and duplex, three bedrooms, coun­ pets. from Dawn, Offering good $$$ and benefits. to work, can earn $10,000 to BOLTON - Seven room Ranch, Attractive price. men. Reasonable rates, free es­ conditioner, refrigerator- Street, first floor, includes benefits. Now interviewing. 60’ long, two baths, spacious Starkweather Realty, 646-5353. Call realty, 647-1419. timates. Call 646-7786. with rough sawn boards and tools. Will sell lot for freezer, kitchen privileges, try kitchen, appliances, Scott and. pp.nnfl. Call Sharon. Fee paid. Rita $25,000 per year and, own your beams a specialty. Also roofing reasonable price. Call 643-1790. appliances, full private base­ Ages 17-35. Call U. S. Army M3- kitchen, double garage, acre COLUMBIA — 72 acres In washer and dryer, parking. 643- carpeting, 1 1/2 baths, central ment. Lease and security. $180 Call 649-7620 Girl, 164 E. Center Street, 9462. own business. Phone 667-15& or WARREN E. HGWLAND and siding, using the finest lot, $42,900. Hayes Corporation, EEOWOOO F A irn RA2 zone, practically In LOAM, sand, gravel delivered. 5600. location. No pets.. . $250------monthly. monthly. 649-9455. Help Wanted 13 Manchester, 646-3441. write National Vets News, 39 Eight-ritom Colonial plua finish^ REALTOR materials. Barrett Home Im­ 1970 MAVERICK - Standard. Market Square, Newington, 646-0131. center of town, close to Grading and compacting of security required. Call 646-3542 basement situated on half-acre treed 643-1108 driveways. Concrete work at provement Company, Roger Excellent running condition. HAVE LOVELY room - Cheer­ ACT NOW - Join the oldest Toy X-RAY TECHNICIAN Conn. 06111. lot. Fireplaced family room, 21i baths, OWNER MOVING original site of Dartmouth reasonable rates. E. H. Wilson Barrett, 649-0822. Call 649-2002. ful home for congenial ladies. Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 Autos For Sale 61 NURSES’ AIDE & Gift Party Plan in the coun­ Temporary opening available EAST HARTFORD 2-car garage, 4 bedrooms, etc,, etc. Must Sell! College. Superb location. With experience - to iive in. try - our 27th year! Com­ Situation Wanted 15 Priced in the mid 50’s. & Sons, 649-5900 after 5. Reasonable rates. Call after 6 until November 1 for MANCHESTER- Rockledge, 7 Six rooms, neat throughout. COVENTRY — 22 acres with MASON CONTRACTOR - OLD Upright piano, perfectly p.m. 646-1201. missions up to Free sam­ SPARKLE ZINSSER AGENCY Room and board plus salary. 30%. registered X-ray technician. room Ranch, cathedral ceiling, 1,900’ frontage. Opportunity HEB’S Tree Cutting - lot Plastering, custom built stone tuned. Asking $50. Call 649-1719. ple kit. Cali or write Santa’s SERVICE MANAGER with 12 or brick fireplaces, chimney Send resume with references Please call Personnel Depart­ That is the word to describe 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, double Otf WItM to build on frontage and clearing and landscaping work ROOM for rent. Apply 272 Main Parties, Avon, Conn. 06001. Tel. years experience, tires ■Mr rw MUMo V •u m m u repair, block and cement work. FLY ROD outfit—Shakespeare to Box “ F F ” ment to discuss schedule and garage, treed lot, $49,900. WC OV(( lOU XM' develop interior later. Also done. Free estimate. Weekdays Street, Manchester 1/673-3455. Also booking par­ (Uniroyal) batteiy, mufflers, this immaculate 6(4 room Hayes (Corporation, 646-0131. New and repairs. E. Richard­ Executive Wonderod, 8(A’. SUMMER 1 Manchester Evening Herald arrage for interview. MANCHESTER - Newer 5-5, perfect for country estate. call 872-9771 between 8 A.M. ties. align, etc. Bondable. Sincere. Ranch. Fireplaced living two-family, 3 bedrooms, living son, 643-0889, 649-0608. Matching line and reel. Age 43. Call 1-429-6223, 643-5279. room with wall-to-wall and 9 P.M. Weekends anytime. LARGE ROOM-pleasant loca- MANCHESTER room, kitchen, wall-to-wafl Glastonbury o l c H EBR O N — 118 acres. Excellent condition. $35. 649- . tion, parking, on bus line. ELECTRONICS - No RESPONSIBLE babysitter, for MEMORIAL HOSPITAL carpeting, 3 bedrooms, family carpeting, air-conditioned. NEW LISTING Large frontage on two town TWO HANDYMEN want varie­ 4819. References. 649-6526. few hours daiiy, vicinity of experience required. Good room off spacious eat-in Immediate occupancy. The RifeALESTATE) roads. New multi-million salary, paid training, plus many 71 Haynes Street A truly charming 9-room New ty of jobs, hedges, evergreens, Deming Street and Baldwin kitchen, large fenced yard price is only $47,900. Frechette dollar health care center on and trimming. Attics, cellars RootIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 TV CONSOLE 23” Black and Apartments For Rent .53 benefits. Now ihterviewing. Manchester England Colonial Cape, White $25. Used lobster pots, Road. My home or yours. Two 646-1222, Ext 481 □EDUCATION with fruit trees. Private patio. & Martin, Realtors, Inc. 646- 649-1750 nearby property. Golden op­ cleaned. Reasonable rates. 643- children. 644-3224, evenings. Ages 17-35. Call U. S. Army, 4144. custom built by owner in 1971, BIDWELL Home Improvement complete $5 each. Pair oars $10. oney avers An Equal Opportunity Employar A cream full. $35,500. portunity. 5305. WE HAVE customers waiting M S 643-9462. 4 bedrooms plus sitting room All in very good condition. 644- MARLBOROUGH - Two Co. Expert installation of for the rental of your apartment RECEPTIONIST wanted, full­ Private Inatructlone IB COVENTRY - 4-room Rancli, adjoining master bedroom, 2 MANCHESTER - Eight-room WINDOW CLEANING - Special aluminum siding, gutters and 8049. or home. J.D. Real Estate REAL ESTATE salesman, WARREN E. HOWLAND acres on Route 66 with small time, typing reouired. Call 649- near 1-84, large lot, 2 garages, baths, fireplaced family Colonial, 125’x3P0’ wooded lot, 4 discount prices for July. Will trims. Roofing installation and Associates, Inc. 646-1980. HERE’S JUST A FEW CHOICE SAMPLES FROM OUR 5277 and ask for Mr. J. Lessner. AVON excellent income. Must have TUTORING - Algebra, Realtors 643-1108 immediate occupancy. 1-859- bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, first- house and partially com­ repairs. 649-M95, 875-9109. Doga-BIrda-Pota 43 license. For confidential inter­ room, large laundry room. All wash your office and house win­ TREMENDOUS SELECTION OF SUMMER BARGAINS. IF THESE says... geometry, calculus, general 1301. $34,900. Must see. this to enjoy on approximately floor family room. Immediate pleted new building. Zoned dows. Work guaranteed. Our LOOKING for anything in real view. Hutchins Agency, 649- occupancy. $64,900. Warren E. R A D IO /T E L E T Y P E - No BREAK OUT INTO A WIDER mathematics, physics, NEW LISTING - By owner. 6 wooded acres. Call Arthur commercial. men are bonded and insured. HORACE Tetrault — Siding, GOOD HOME needed for 2 estate rental — apartments, DONT HIT THE SPOT, WE’VE GOT OVER 125 MORE NEW experience required. Good 5324. chemistry, Cobol and Fortram Howland Realtors, 643-1108. WORLD. Meet new people, Country living immaculate Shorts, 646-3233, or Mayann T O L L A N D — 27 acres. Call 649-5334. roofing, storm windows, aw­ adorable kittens. Box trained. homes, multiple dwellings, no salary, paid training, plus many programming, accounting, nings. Quality workmanship, CHEVROLETS FOR YOU TO LOOK AT.... make new friends and earn REAL ESTATE - Licensed three- bedroom, L shaped Cullina 633-1526. Residence A zone. Level Preferably to go as pair. Call fees. Call J.D. Real Estate benefits. Now interviewing. economics. 649-1464. last section FOREST HILLS area - by SILK (H’TY Service Repair free estimates. Fully insured. 236-6151 or 643-2095 after 5 p.m. Associates, Inc. 646-1980. extra money selling the sales person needed. We are an Ranch, one acre landscaped lot, wooded acreage Ideal for & Ages 17-35. Call U. S. Army 643- ail large rooms, living room J. WATSON BEAQH owner. Four bedroom Cape, will repair all types of small 872-9187, 649-3417. 9462. world’s most famous established firm serving the FRENCH — All levels, also fireplace, beautiful jalousied development. with fireplace, dining room, 2 Real Estate Co. and major appliances. Autoa For Sato 61 Autoa For Bala 61 cosmetics. Live a more in­ Manchester - South Windsor - beginning Spanish. MA can­ of homes now porch, 2 full baths, built-in ROOFING - Specializing Vernon area for over 10 years. baths, built-ins. Carpets REALTORS , MLS Reasonable rates. Satisfaction HATCHBACK VEGA COUPE NOVA 4-DOOR SEDAN LPN - Certification required. teresting life, be a more in­ didate in French. Has studied in throughout. New aluminum range, new kitchen floor. Arthur Shorts 646-3233 guaranteed. 646-3563. repairing roofs, new roofs, Ages 17-35. Good salary, plus Small, non-competitive Europe. 742-7647. Mancheater Office 647-9139 Excellent location. $42,900. 649- Here's a car (or thr young at heart. Includes 4-speed Solid, dependable, economical, and well equipped teresting person. Call 289- siding and roof and extras too available gutter work, chimneys, cleaned transmission, snd populsr "Spirit of America" with automatic transmission, radio, body side many benefits. Now inter­ 4922. professional staff. For con- 4381. and repaired. 30 years tidential interview call numerous to mention. Must be CLEAN, move-in condition. Six J. WATSON BEACH package. St. No. 2773. mouldings, wheel covers, whitewalls and much more. viewing. Call U. S. Army 643- NMd Tw r Wtadewt W m w ir experience. Free estimates. EXPIORER St. No. 2659. Holcombe Realtors, 644-2447. seen. Low 40s. Call 647-1128 for LAST 4 homes ready for room cape with bedroom space Real Estate Co. 9462. “WE TELL IT Cwpelt nMqNMdT Rowley, 643-5361. LIMITED □ REAL ESTATE appointment. Principals only. occupancy — Then| galore, fireplaced living room, REALTOIIS MLS Roan WixtdT SPECIAI <3195 experienced c ab in et we’re completely sold LIKE IT IS” Manchester Office 647-8139 CAU <3185 ABLE TO KEEP a secret? HEAT WAVE got you down? good quality carpeting. Treed ROSSI ROOFING, siding, maker wanted. Excellent op­ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOLLAND — Lovely 7-room outi lot in quiet friendly We offer this unique 2 family PICKUPS Great spot open with East Hart­ Along with your present job? chimneys, gutters, free es­ EDITION portunity. Please call Hornet For Sale 23 “ L” ranch on approximate one The 2 Bedroom Ranch — SLYER MMNTENIUNX SERVICE ford company for gal who can Be your own boss in One-girl neighborhood. $34,900. Eastern, property near the center of timates. Fully insured. Days, Displaycraft, Manchester 643- acre. Featuring 3 bedrooms, $27,500 643-9969, 646-8250. 848-8398 handle confidential payroll in­ local office. Good typing, Manchester on East Center Real Estate Wanted 28 Work Ouannleerl - Fully IniurttI evenings, 529-8056. Paul 9557. MANCHESTER - Small two- fireplaced living room, family The 3 Bedroom Townhouse. CHEVELLE CLASSIC COUPE MONTE CARLO formation and enjoys figures. shorthand helpful, dictaphone room, in-ground pool and extras $32,990 Street. Needs lots of interior Cosgrove 643-5364. No typing. Call Sharon. Fee experience. Excellent $$$ and family, ideal investment. Good MANCHESTER - 5-4 duplex, work but has tremendous in­ SELLING your home or Many people think the Chevelle Is the Ideal American Combine luxury like air conditioning, radio, automatic location and condition. Low too numerous to mention. Call . . . Includes air condition­ car, not too big, not too small. Qood ride, plenty ol transmission, power steering, power brakes, and paid. Rita Girl, 164 E. Center benefits. Call Sharon. Fee paid. ing, carports, full basement, two-car garage, separate fur­ acreage? For prompt friendly Bev Tierney, Real Estate, 742- come possibilities. Priced to LIGHT TRUCKlNG-Attics ROOFlN(| - Installation and room, reasonable economy. This Is just one of a huge much more with a sensible price. St. No. 2416. Street, Manchester, 646-3441. Rita Girl, 164 E. Center Street, NO EXPERIENCE 30’s. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, swimming pool, tennis naces, wall-to-wall carpeting, service, call Louis Dimock 643-4535, 646-1021. 9191. country kitchen, excellent con­ sell quickly at $39,900. and cellars cleaned. For free repairs, gutters, storm win­ selection. St. No. 2628. Manchester, 646-3441. courts, grounds and exterior Realty, 649-9823. dows, doors. Experienced maintenance. dition. Owner transferred. Char estim ates phone 647-9610. <4380 CUSTODIAN- Bus driver for REQUIRED JARVIS REALTY Anytime. quality workmanship. Fully in­ <3760 sm all p riv a te school in AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN MANCHESTER - $29,500. West Bon Agency, 643-0683. ALL CASH for your property Stil Good Humor leo crosm. Start at side, 3-bedrooni Colonial, 2-car IMPECCABLE! CO. sured. Free estimates. Manchester. Must enjoy needed. Must be experienced. onca. Choica larriloiitt avallabla. within 24 hours.Avoid red tape, Painting-Papering 32 Reasonable prices. Rick children, begin August 26. Call Must have knowledge of garage. Immediate occupancy. T V e lt R jia W fULTMS, MLS instant service. Hayes Agency, Cole, Realtor, 643-6666. As clean-a-Ralsed Ranch Burnett, 646-3006. 646-1610 between 9-4 weekdays. business. Cadillac, Oldsmobile, Apply Dally & Saturday 9-5 7 ROOM CAPE I 643-1121 646-0131. as we’ve a J) seen. For­ COLLEGE Graduate students CHEVROLET SUBURBAN Pontiac. Call Tom Scranton, ‘g t f e e n . available for exterior and in­ GILLIS HOME Improvement - IMPALA SPORT COUPE 643-1181. 289-8251 HEBRON - Three-bedroom This home is in I An Impale at this price? And with air conditioning too? Pull a trailer, carry a load, or a crowd, ride In comfort. mal dir.^V'OOfti. modern WE WILL buy your house. Call terior painting. Six years Specializing in roofing and This will do It all. Includes V-8 engine, automatic Ranch. Kitchen appliances, kitchen, living room with exceiient condition and I 447 EAST Middle Tpke. - Four- anytime, Hutchins Agency, You won't buy one like this next year. St. No. 2286. ACCOUNTANT GOOD HUMOR CORP. loads of cabinets ana counter gives vou more experience. Fully insured. Free gutters. Can 649-3269. transmission, power steering. St. No. 2334. FOOD SERVICE - No Sullivan Ave. Kennedy Rd. bedroom Cape, 2 baths, Realtors, 649-5324. Payroll, Costs, Etc. Good space, combination windows fireplace, large master is iocated on quiet ■ estimates. Call our com­ experience required. Good South Windsor, Conn. fireplace, carpeting, finished ROOFING and gutters in­ SPECIAI EQUIPMENT • SAU PRICES <3995 benefits. Send resume to Box and doors, insulated. Fireplace, bedroom, beautiful family Lydall Street/Manchester shady Cambridge I petitors, than call us, 649-7034. <4495 salary, paid training, plus many basement, full shed dormer, SELLING your house? Call us stalled. Reasonable prices. An Equal Opportunity Employer Mostly wooded acre, 649-6259/646-0909' "E E ,” Manchester Evening benefits. Now interviewing. garage. room. Oak floors and Street within waiking I aluminum siding, garage, first and we’ll make you a cash immediate occupancy. Asking Condominium Living In. jh INSIDE - Outside painting, Eliminate middle man. 643- Herald. Ages 17-35. Call U. S. Army 643- wall-to-wall carpeting. distance of stores and I 75’xl50’ lot. Move-irf condition. offer. One day service. T. J. $34,200. The Yankee Peddlers, Estate Setting a. ^ c i a l rates for people over 6i5. 9735, 7-9 a.m. and 5-9 p.m. We’ve onlya few 9462. bus iines. I $36,900. Barry Realty, 646-0882, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. NURSES AIDE - 3-11, full or 742-9718, 1-423-6735. AND 742-8815. Fully insured. Estimates given. part-time. Laurel Manor, 649^ A landscaped and well- Call 649-7863. Heating-Plumbing 35 CHEVROLET SPORT VAN 4-WHEEL DRIVE BLAZER 4519. The perfect vehicle tor people on tha go. Carriat a lot MANCHESTER Duplex 7-6,3- treed acre lot. Five MANCHESTER - New Listing. ol people and baggage In style and comfort. Popular ASSISTANT MANAGER TRAINEE car garage, excellent location, G O R M A N I PAINTING - Exterior and in­ LYNN’S PLUMBING - Most popular "go anywhere" vehicle In the USA. This minutes from Manchester. 4 bedroom Ranch, 1 1/2 baths, Repairs, remodeling, new con­ For Immediate Delivery V. ton model equipped with V-8, power steering, blue and white beauty Is completely equipped lor any ALERT WOMAN - Office good income, l^per 30’s. eat-in kitchen, living room, □ MISC. SERVICES terior. Reasonable rates. Call $38,900. Edmund Gorman • struction. Water pumps. automatic transmission, radio and much more. St. No. activity you can think of. St. No. 2961. House & Hale Department Store has Immediate opening experience, competent typist, LaPenta Agency, Realtor, 646- fireplace, dining room, family 644-8812. 2846. Agency • French spoken also. 675-72^. for person with the desire to learn the retail business. good speller. Must have good 2440. CUSTOM-BUILT good sized 5 room. On nicely landscaped lot. Complete benefit package Including paid CMS, BC, and telephone technique and ability WARREN L HOWLAND room Ranch, which is expan­ Manchester 646-4040* $39,900. Amedy Realty, 875- Services OMared 31 CEILINGS, inside painting,^ <4520 <5245 to deal with people. 549-6722 for papering, floor sanding- SEWERLINES, sink lines, profit sharing. Salary commensurate with experience. Raaltor 843-1108 dable for a larger family if 6283. N O W I N appointment. ’TOLLAND $49,900 SHARPENING Service - refinlshing (specializing in cleaned with electric cutters, Apply In person to Mr. Wlldman or call 643-4123 for desired. Located in one of Manchester’s most desireable Saws, knives, axes, shears, older floors). John Verfaille, by professionals. McKinney appointment. BIG AND BRA8SYII REAL ESTATE - Need for one areas. Must be seen to be ap­ skates, rotary blades. Quick 646-5750, 872-2222. Bros. Sewer Disposal Com­ SUPERCAB PICKUPS eager salesperson for active This new 8 room, 4 bedroom COVENTRY — Seven-room preciated. Call 649-3100. service. Capitol Equipment pany, 643-5308. Every Car INSPECTED - RECONDITIONEO • GUARANTEED HOUSE & HALE Colonial can be quite a buy. local real estate office. Raised Ranch, carpeting, .MANCHESTER BY 8WNER Co., 38 Main St., M aTK^tcr. J. P. LEWIS & SON - Custom 72 CHEV PICK-UP $29491 945 Main 81., Manchester, Conn. Experience not necessary, will 2V4 baths, family room with three-zone hearting, garage. MANCHESTER - Bowers Hours daily 7:30-5, ’Thufsday decorating. Interior painting. NO JOB too small, toilet Exceptional 7-room Split Level on beautifully 73 VEGA COUPE S2695 Vt ton. V-S angina, automatic tranamlaalon. p tram. For confidential appoint­ fireplace, garage, formal Modern kitchpn with dis­ School, 4-bedroom Ranch, 7:30-9, Saturday, 7:30-4. 643- Paper hanging. New Ceilings. repairs, plugged drains, kitchen HitctibRCk. 4 cyltndDr. automtUc Uintm iM ton. •leering, power brakea. anall cap. An equal opportunity employer landscaped treed lot, In prime residential radio. ment call Rick Merritt, 646- dining room, treed lot. Pick of hwasher. Only $34,900. Pasek living room with fireplace, 7958. Remodeling. Exterior painting. faucets replaced, repaired, rec USED 71 HORNET WAG0NS2250 rooms, bathroom remodeling, I 1180. colors. For more information, Realtors, MLS, 289-7475, 742- dining room, kitchen, rec room, neighborhood. Eat-In kitchen, formal dining room, Gutters andleaders. Carpentry. 72 PINTO S2450 9-cyllnder, aulomahc tranamlaalon. 8243. heat modernization, etc. Free call Tony Wasilefsky at 649- garage, treed lot. Just im- fireplaced living room, wall-to-wall carpeting, pan­ REWEAVING burns, holes. Fully insured. For estimate call Runabout. 4-cyllnder. automatic tranamlaalon. AM- 71 VEGA SEDAN $1895 estimates gladly given. M & M CARS FM radio, tapa dack. 5306. macmate. 40’s. Frechette & eled family room, three large bedrooma, V h baths, Zippers, umbrellas repaired. 649-9658. Automatic tranamlaalon TOLLAND — 4(4 acres of Window shades, Venetian Plumbing & Heating, 649-2871. RN’S - LPN’S EQUAL HOUSINQ OPPORTUNITY Martin, Realtors, Inc. 64&4144. full basement, large patio and surroundlng'gardena. 72 VEGA 70 MAVERICK $1829 ECONOMY ELECTRIC SUPPLY, INC. privacy. Seven-room Ranch, blinds. Keys. TV for rent. B.H. MAGOWAN JR. & SONS - 72 CAMARO S2745 HATCHBACK $2395 Automatic tranamlaalon. radio. 3-11 P.M. BARROW S A WALLACE fireplace, carpeting, garage. Manchester New Usting $49,500 Marlows, 867 Main St. 649-5221. Interior and exterior painting, TOWNS Plumbing Service, Sport Coup#. S>CYllndar angina, automatic tranimla* 824 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER SEVUHHNWI CAPE •ion. power itaering. itarao radio. 4-cyboder engine, automatic tranamlaalon. radio. 70 VOLKSWAGEN $1799 11-7 A.M . In-ground swimming pool. Only p ap erh an g in g , 30 y e a rs repairs, alterations, vanity Fallback, 4>tpeed tranamlaalon, radio. 646-2830 Featuring first-floor family room, two Call 649-7422 72 PINTO WAGON $2590 Full-time, part-time and ME-MW M7.19IB 279-HQt $44,900. Pasek ReaTtors, MLS, MILLAR TREE Service, Inc. experience. Four generations, cabinets a specialty. Call to 73 VOLKSWAGEN S2799 full baths, new kitchen, new roof, full 8:30 a.m., 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 649- 2-door. A s u n d e r engine. 4-$peed iranarAlaeion. Eatata, automatic tranamlaalon. radio. 73 CHEV. PICKUP $3999 Job openings In a rapidly growing company. Good oppor­ summer positions available. 289-7475 , 742-8243. shed dormer and much, much more. Removal, pruning, lot clearing, free estimates, fully insured. radio. 1 ton. campar equipped, lulom etie tranamiteion. WINDSOR - Five minutes from Located minutes from Bowers School. spraying.Fully insured. 643-7361. 4056. 72 TOYOTA WAG0NS2395 tunity for advancement. Excellent benefits. Plenty of over­ Competitive salary, health, 71 HORNET $2250 Corolla, automatic tranamlaalon. AM/FM radio. 72 CHEV. PICKUP $2049 1-91 or Bissell Bridge, quiet Priced at )M,900 for fast sale. Licensed. Free estimates. Station Wagon. 5-cytlndar, automatic tranamlaalon. V4-ton. autometlc trenamlaalon. abeU cep. time. An equal opportunity employer. life, major medical and dis­ Manchester 72 OPEL WAGON $2399 residential neighborhood, five ZINSSER AGENCY Phone 633:5345. GEORGE N. Converse - Pain­ FRANK SCOTELLA Plumbing, radio. 73 CHEV. PICKUP $2695 ability insurance makes this MUiUbAfaL MUNEV V Automatic tranamlaalon. luggaga carriar. radio. repairs and remodeling, 'n-ton. 8-cylinder engine, •tanderd uenarmaelon. Accounts Receivable Clerk - Typing, filing, 10-key ad­ rooms, living room and dining LARGE CAPE S4C-1811 ting, interior and exterior. 70 MAVERICK $1825 one oJ the best benefit specnalize in hot water heaters. Special Sale Pricaal Sport Coupa. 8-cyllnder engine, automatic tranamla- 60 INTERNATIONAL $1749 ding machine and other office skills essential. Shorthand a room carpeted, eat-in kitchen, Available ^ TREE SERVICE (Soucier) Paper hanging. Call 643-2804. 73 DATSUN PICKUP$28451 Lovely treed lot. Living room, •Ion. radio. S takt body. 1 ton. packages in the industry. new bath, full basement, loads MANCHESTER - Immaculate ’Trees cut, trimmed or topped, Prorrompt}mpt services on emergency. 4-ipeed irenamiaaion. redio plus. Contact Mrs. Fleming. eat-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, COME IN TODAYI THEY WON’T U 8 T LONQ^ Come see our modern of storage spac^walk-up attic, six room cape, new aluminum stumps removed, fully insured. PAPERHANGING and ceiling 643-7024. 1(4 baths, partial rec room, CHFA, VA or FW Protrams For over 38 years, A Good Place To Buy A Carl Electrical Counter Man — must know products and facilities and speak with Mrs. single garage. $28,500. Jackstoh siding, roof three years old, 7 V 2 % Got a tree problem? Well worth painting - Reasonable rates. garage. Owner very anxious. BO'TTI Heating and Plumbing - applications. Must be reliable and accurate. Experienced Post, our Director of Nurses Agency, 64^1316. nice yard, great for children. PlesM call for appointment to see If you a phone call. 742-8252. Leonard Spiegelberg, 643-9112. Your Small Car Priced reduced to $36,000. Prompt, courteous service. Call FORD applicants only. Call Mr. Murray. MEADOW S Large lot. For sale by owner, would qualify under thoM programe. Headquarters TIMROD RD. - New 7-room Offers invited. principals only call 649-4412. TRUCKING, odd jobs, moving, CALL ME for painting or 643-1496. CHEVROLET Administrative Assistant — must be bright, quick to learn. CONVALESCCNT CENTER Raised Ranch. Two fireplaces, large appliances, cleaning wallpapering, free estimates, FM Flooring 36 Work with purchasing, quoting and expediting. 333 Bldwell Stroot 2 1/2 tiled baths, appliances,. . ’•lai HECKmtllHRnN MANCHESTER by owner - cellars and attics, also some se n io r c it i z e n ’ s r a t e s , tree work done. 644-17.76. Reasonable. 588-0527. Engineering background helpful. Call Marvin Weinberg. ManchMtar, Conn. city utilities, plastererdasteref walls, Nicely decorated 4-room expan­ FRECHETn & MARTIN, Realtors, Inc. 647-8181 patio. ’Two-car^ ^garage garage. Shade IHIT 0IIS,IR. dable Cape. Fireplace, garage, 848-4144 FLOOR Sanding-Refinishing, CARTER LIGHT Trucking - Odd jobs, PAINTING - Save 30 - 60%. (specializing in older floorsL trees. Built by Ansalol. Charles 848-4144 treed lot. Low 3(5’s. Principals 283 Main Street, Manchester 1229 Main Street, Manchester Phone 646-6464 Lesperance, ^49-7620. only, 643-7917. cellars and attics cleaned. Five years experience, Ceilings and inside painting. DILLON FORD Open Evenings 'til 9 — Thursdays 'til 6 Saturdays ’til 5 lawns mowed, small tree work. Excellent references. Pete, 742- John Verfaille, 646-5750, 872- 319 Main SL. Mandiestar 643-2145 Free estimates. Phone 643-6000. 6117 (toll free) 5-10 p.m. 2222. 1 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. July 15. 1974— PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974 51 OUT OUR WAY BY NED COCHRAN BENJY BY JIM BERRY Apartmenta For Rent 83 Homee for Rent 54 All For Sale 51 Autoa For Saley B U G S BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE HAVE'YOU b e l ie v e s o , •RACK TO ^ TOUR OBFUS WHAT WAS THAT AU- BUT IT MADE COVENTRY NORTH - With op­ ★ FREE DEMOMSTRATION ★ FOUND THE ^ MISS HOLP IT.' THERE'S WOTHINS WROMG W/ITH T H P P f'i? AM O H ? W lM e - THAT CAir>R ISN’T A 0O U T P I DIDN’T THE CUSTOMER • \ IM a o o v AT WINNIN’,' APARTMENT tion to buy. New 7-room l^ised t r o u b l e ?. W RITiwe VDUR OWkJ BIRTHCAV PARTY IW- AT LEAST IT'S 6 o / m;/ m p ./m a p p ? T M P O tF 6 A F P p e t u n ia ,' PULSATIN© in UNDERSTAND A VIORD s ___ u a p p v T I FDl P MV ENTRV TO MOMf 1$ WHPfzP 7HH HPAf?r 16, Ranch. Security. $300 monthly. VITATICJMS, BUT A/1EWTIOMIW6 CSIFT A c h a n g e ; THE RENTAL OmCE UNB p N WITH T A SA X O /y ------^ ^ MAKE IT THICKER 7 ^ F t> 6 r r Immediate occupancy, C A SA¥ SUfi6ESTIOWS LIKETRUCK'IZACER:’' ONLV EXOlTEMEHT We have a large variety of TOUR FKAMITZ N E IT H E R \ r 'P L A M E ” A M P '< S A M E ‘ iS OUT.' YOU THEN I STICK IT NEAR PSOK' Frechette & Martin, Ttealtors, VALVE, I'M AT WORK WAS deluxe one luid two-bedroom Bur JUST POW'T SPECIFY SawETHIMO THE TOP OF THE BETTIN' ON Inc. 64M144. SURE WE. CAN •rOU'D LIICE TO AT d e a d l in e ; HEARTBURN throughout Manchester. Ren-' WOULD START tal office open daily from 1 P IP W ’T --1 'M G IV IM ’ Bualneee for Rent 55 OLDS 'EM A LIST TO CHOOSE AFTER THE ★COURTEOUS TREATMENTS other times by apptintment. FROM, AlW'T I 7 O FFIC E SMALL STORE or office for COFFEE.' OAIHTOEIITERPNSES,IR. rent. 330 Green Road. Vacant. STER OLDSMONLE Reasonable. Contact owner, MJ M------^1-----A— » € 24M In Stali.RA, Mutirtw liQii MGnCIIGSfGi H3-1S11 n M l-ini 643-6273. 7 -;5 DUPLEX - near Center and ApartmentB For Root 83 Apartmentt For Rant S3 Apartmanta For Rent 53 Apartmenta For Rent 53 MICKEY FINN Park. Four rooms, living room OFFICE SPACE Autoa For Sale 51 BY HANK LEONARD and large kitchen downstairs, ANDOVER - Four room heated THREE ROOMS - all utilities, TWO BEDROOM Townhouse, AVAILARLE parking. Security deposit. No two bedrooms upstairs. Attic, NEED CAR? Credit bad? WANTED 7-tS UJJ apartment. Call 742-7676. centrally located, basement, UamfRRulMing I THOUGHT you I PONT t h in k ' ^BESIDES— I'M Tt h AT SOUNDS LIKE NON- i j pets. $160. Porter Street. 247- basement, garage, shaded yard. Bankrupt? Repossessed? Ctoun, Lull RkMM MIGHT LIKE TO LANDLORDSI atio, large yard. Available M East Cantor 8L OCM'T SOI I ALWAYS f TAKING / SENSE! 'tOU'D BETTER 4688 or 236-0564. Adults. $185. Available August Honest Douglas accepts lowest HELLO, /VIOTHERI V ' SPEND THE REST OF SEEM TO BE Rentex is a free and private ROCKVILLE - Elm Street, one uly 28. Call 643-2035. ManohMtor r -L G5T FRE I PRIVATE ART ] COME OUT HERE BEFORE S 1. 646-6297 or 64.V5691. down, smallest payments. u s e o a r s [ THE SUMMER HERE IN YOUR WAY! I LESSONS.! VOU GET INTO MORE listing service. We screen bedroom studio apartment, Locatton Cwim t Douglas Motors, 345 Main. TopFricMPiM CALLED.! WHATS K DIRK/ -A T LAKE TAHOE/ carpeted, appliances, all FIVE room Air CondWoiwd THE OCCASION? ^ J lltk ^ TROUBLE/ tenants according to income, KEENEY STREET area - four S t a r t in g utilities, completely bedrooms, good lo c a tio n . rooms, in newer 2-family, Homee tor Rent 54 A M IlM iM e For AH M aim area, kids and pet restrictions AUTO INSURANCE - compare ^ THEIR redecorated, screened iwrch, adults, no pets, $140. monthly! middleaged couple preferred. Con643-95B1 CARTER CHEVROLET and size. Box GG, M anchester Herald. MANCHESTER - With option to our low rates. For a telepnone ■'^'VICTORY $195 monthly. Couple preferred. Available September 1st. 646- 7-16 buy. Older 6-room Colonial. quotation call Mr. Dolin at 646- ca,M a THE WORRY WART TR|P» RENTEX 872-4686. 2338. 1229 Main Straol * UK b, «A. >«, 1M » „ us „ o« 1 -ts- LANDLORD SERVICE ROCKVILLE - Modem 3-room Security. $260 monthly. f . apartment, quiet area. Stove, Immediate occupancy. Ask for With no obligation. Call TOWNHOUSE - three FOR RENT in Willlilgton. JUNK CARS removed free. CAPTAIN EASY bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, living refrigerator, dishwasher, dis­ Three and 4-room apartments. Mr. Martin. Frechette & Mar­ Reaort Property BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE collect, 728-9423 posal, completely carpeted. tin, Realtors, Inc. 646-4144. For Rent «« Call Joey, Tolland Auto ^ y . room, dining room. Near Some with fireplaces. Air- ______528-1990. large rooms. area. EASyfe ABOUT TO GET SLEPtfE-HAMMEKEP- COME QUICK!... schools, shopping and bus line. conditioning, appliances, swim­ OR SUCKED INTO A SHREPPINd MACHINE- S O M E O N E 'S $250 montnly. Security storage, laundm facilities, in­ ming pool with sauna bath. No MANCHESTER - two bedroom LAKE WINNEPAUSAKEE - ;------TTT Five-room Chalet. Available ^ ® UNLESS HE HANDS OVER DUCEVl WRSCKSP YOUR. required. Call 646-1316. cluding heat $170. 649-5635, 64^ pets. Available immediately. house, convenient to school and COMPLETE junk cars MARVELOUS CLOCK­ 9508. July 14th. Phone 643-0188 after 8 w removed free in Manchester, FIVE ROOMS, first floor, two- McKinney Brothers, Inc. 643- shopping center. Security pm 100% warranty. We also buy WORK FIGURES! South Windsor, Vernon and family, full cellar storage, 2139, 649-3931. deposit required. 1-974-0139. used Toyotas. Lynch Motors, TWO-BEDROOM Townhouse - HEBRON - Available Tolland. Call Bill's Auto Parts, enclosed front porch, private 1 1/2 baths, full basement, end 345 Center Street, Manchester, parking. Security. August 1st September 1st. three bedroom Route 74, Tolland, Conn., 649- PRISCILLA'S POP apartment, kitchen appliances THREE ROOMS, half house, A utos For Sale 51 Autoa For Sale 67 6464321. BY AL VERMEER occupancy. N o^ts. Call 568- duplex, 1 1/2 baths, swimming 4578, 875-6231. including dishwasher. $h0. 6 ^ pool, heat, hot water, children July 13th. $160 monthly V o u f e O W N A R E 6781 after 6 p.m. 8265 after 6. veQETABLES! 1 I'VE GOT TO FIGHT. FOR and pets welcome. 228-0269. deposit. Telephone 649 ' 1968 PLYMOUTH Barracuda, Y O U L E V E IR Y C A R R O T .!/_ Y O U 'V E G O T K ID D IN tS - autom atic transmission good IT m a d e ; Autoa For Sole 51 Autoa For Sale 61 Autoa For Sale 51 Autoa For Sale 61 running condition. Must sell. -2' Call 51W-3476 afternoon or after CLEARANCE OF 1974s 9 p.m. CORVETTE - 1969 Coupe, blue - black, 4-speed, 350 h.p. 644-8182 r-/s- M MERCURY AIR CONDITIONING SALE r L4r. nights, 565-5530 days. STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF If s HOT and the DISCOUNTS are GRUT! 1963 FALCON - Very good con­ B r o t h e r s I LINCOLN dition. $125 includes 2 year old - ---- snow tires with wheels. 643- ■lOU'VB SPRUNG ... BUT NO FREE RIPE • UNLESS TOUR BABOON NATIVES INSTEAD OF KEEPING 7 BRAND NEW 4379. ME FROM C^EEN BACK TO THE MORE CfUEENIE NAVE CARRIEP THE REVO- THE QUEEN AS A HATE « THAJA'5 BARBECUE OR LESS UNTEP STATES GOES 7-15 LUTION TOO FAR TOO FIGURE, WE'LL NEED 1974 CADILLACS IN STOCK 1970 FORD Galaxie 500 - Power FOR EITHER OF US.. ALONG.', A PUBLIC EXECUTION 1 - Calais Coupe steering, air-conditioning. . THE BORN LOSER TO SATISFY THE BLOOP y ' Sample Ruy:luir; Excellent condition. Asking $1,- BY ART SANSOM 4 - Coupe deVlllea 1974 CAUIS COUPE 200. 649-9329. 2 - Sedan deVlllea COWPOFFW y-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, 1968 FORD, 4-door Galaxie, V- power disc brakes, air conditioning, electric windows, 8, small engine, a 'ir- electric seats, power door locks. conditioning, automatic. Great SOU» family car. $875, 643-0555. *6947 PONTIAC Bonneville—2-door hardtop, 1970, power steering, CUIRIINCE 13 BRAND NEW brakes, automatic, air- conditioning. All luxury On all NEW and USED Cars In Stock! 1974 PONTIACS IN STOCK features. Beautiful condition. A New brakes. 47,000 miles. $2200. 4 - Venturas Sample BuBuy: 649-5189. THE FLINTSTONES 3 • Lemana 1974 VENTURA 2-DOOR BY HANA-BARBERA 4 - Catallnaa 1970 TWO-DOOR Maverick—3- 6-cyllnder engine, automatic transmission, power speed transmission, good condi­ C 1IT4 >y KBL IhC.. T.M K8| Ul. ht OK. 1 - Catalina Wagon steering, radial whitewall tires, AM radio, light group, and tion, low mileage, great on gas. BY V.T. HAMLIN r i g h t /... a more. 872-3357. 1 - Qrandvilla b a b y YOU WANTED YES, CAPTAIN.' UNRJftTUNATELY, I ...I THOUGHT ID GIVE F r e d ' s t a k i n g BRONTOSADRUe 1962 FALCON, good condition, T'SHOW MB DIO N O T G E T A CHANCE CARE OF THE $125. Phone after 4:30 p.m., 643- LIEtirSNANT SOO THE o k h u Iia l! *3441 SOMETHING, TO WITNESS THE BE­ PRtVILBGS OF OEMON- NO/ BOSS' PET ?.... 4671. GENERAL? GINNING OF YOUR SINCE 1 STRAHNe MY INVENTION 27 BRAND NEW FLIGHT-miS.MORNING... MADE TWO AAAIkl.t Trucks for Sale 62 DIOlUT 1974 OLDSMOBILES IN STOCK KITES.., 1954 FORD - one-half______tonp pick- k 3 - Omegas Sample Buy: up Chevy poviwered. Call after 6 KNOW 17 - Cutlasses 1974 CUTU88 SUPREME 2-DOOR p.m. 646-7T70. 3 - Delta 88s V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, 1971 FORD VAN - E-lOO, pan­ 1 - 98 power disc brakes, door guards, vinyl top, AM/FM radio, eled, carpeted, curtains, new 3 - Toronadot body side mouldings, whitewall tires and wheel discs. tires, 6 cylinder, 3-speed, very nice. 36,300 miles. Call 228-9107. THAT! 7-15 *4188 FORD 1972 Super Ihg. U.S L. 4347 TODAY! See us for your needs, Crockett SOUTH He was a very good bridge Answer Tomorrow WANQ 'tOU'LL. TURN INTO 'rtaUARENOW NONSENSE, T A S T E P R E T T Y S O O C ? BRAND NEW Agency, 643-1577. ♦ - player. Here is a hand from a (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) BRAND NEW A RABBIT. A R A B B IT / RIGHT N O W . match I p lay ed with him 6-way seats on both sides, air restraint system, tinted glass. Inside trunk release, front ¥ AKQJ754 HARLEY-Davidson - Motor- right after I got back from and rear floor mats, door guards, rear window dafogger, right hand remote control 4A K Q J62 World War II. I sat North and ^cles, parts and accessories. J Answer to Previous Puzzle 1974 COMET 7 4 MONTEGO mirror, cruise control, lamp monitor, AM/FM stereo radio. Brougham interior. Indicator Expert serv'ioe. Harley- r was most unhappy during the package, power door locks, power windows, body side mouldings, apera roof, temp- North-South vulnerable bidding.” Egypt 4-D oor 2-DOON Davidson Sales, 49^Park Street, matlc air conditioning. Illuminated visor vanith mirror, whitewall tires, power antennae, Hartford. 247-9774. W est N o rth E ast South Sadan D HMiDTOP convenience group. P ass 4 4 5 f Jim: "Looking at your hand PI P ass P ass 6 ? ACROSS 2 .SacriHcial MOTORCYCLE Insurance - I can see why. And each time table 6 « P ass P ass 7 ? 1 Capital of Lowest rates available. Mr. Dietz bid again things Egypt 3 Articles YOU PAY >6571 Immediate binding. Prompt Dble P ass P ass P ass must have looked worse to 6 Egyptian river 4 Ramble Regular Price *8320 5 Individual Claim service. Call Clarke In­ Opening lead - A 4 you.” 10 City in Prussia surance Agency, 643-1126. PICK 12 Dwelling 6 Not any 7 Cyprinoid fish BIRIAlHIAlMi FULLY hr let IK, Tn im in.» w. <»ALU Oswald: “Howard’s bidding places vtuK MHO USB! e n t e 7 - « r 14 Masculine 8 Brythonic sea EQUIPPED EXPERT bicycle repairs, all By Oswald & James Jacoby w a s really wonderful. He god izifinlrjrjnEi S H O R T R IB S nickname (pi.) EiBi3|[aiiExi;i m akes, models ancf speeds. BY FRANK O’NEAL knew he would make seven 15 Persons 9 Sigmoid curve 200 cu. In. 6 cylinder engine, all vinyl Interior, AM radio, 250 cu. In. 6 cylinder,-'engine, , select shift automatic Peugeot, Raleigh dealers, . beyond hope 11 Classify M74 BUKA COnWY WACM $3593 1971 POiniAC lOWIS $2395 25 Upper limbs 37 Worship transmission, power steering, power front disc brakes, 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatio tranamlaalon, PS, PDB, Manchester Bicycle Shop, 649- OUR SPECIAL INVESTICAKJR /TMEV ju s t RETURNED llL HAVE ID &VB UP TRYING (coll.) 12 Concur protective body side mouldings, many safeW features. V-8, automatto tranamlaalon, powar ataarlng, power diao 26 Log float 38 Obsession AM radio, vacuum guage for economy, protective body radio, whitawalt ttraa, vinyl lop, 30,000 mllaa. 2098. ,AND AUDITOR, SIRE, FROM WU-KNOW-MWERE. TO COLLECT W ES FROM THE WITCH. 16 Domesticated 13 South African White paint. Stock No. 4CT152 brakaa, air conditioning, radio, wood grain aldaa, 7 Mraa, 18 Royal tombs of 27 Margarine 39 Hoard low m llaa. 5 17 Lively frolic side mouldings, deluxe wheel covers, Q78x14 white 19 Bitter vetch Egypt , 28 Asian countrytry 40 LingersLinge TRIUMPH AND HARLEY ig­ -Bv CLAY R. POLLAN- 29 Egyptian god 41 Seed covering side wall tires. White color. Stock No. 4C76 1970 FORD LTD $1495 . ARIES LlIR A 20 Movies actor, 20 Nocturnal ..ypi nition in stock. Honda coming 42Kimonosash 2-Ooor Hardtop. V-8, automatio, powar ataarlng, powar Vour Doily Activlly Guido ^ SfW. 23 C harles-— mammals of life ^2872 1973 OLDSMOBU 98 $439$ I MAR. 21 32 International 43 Young animal diac brakaa, baauWul car. 42,000 mllaa. soon. Discount prices. Lloyd’s 'I According to the Sion. '' 21 Perform 21 Turkish Luxury Sedan. V-8, automatio. powar Hearing, power ■’^AM. t> Ocf. 22i«i#L^ regiment group (ab.l 44 Man of Yale diac brakaa, air conditioning, powar'windowa, powar Auto Parts, 191 Center Street. To develop message for Tuesday, 24 Wilkes- — , >3399 I- 2-11-23 4. 7-20-64/01 Pennsylvania 22 Inner part 34 Lock of hair 46 Order of Saint aaaL tilt wheal, crulaa, dalogger, atareo radio, blua with Open 7 days. 643-1558. read words corresponding to numbers 70 BUKX $179S D:37-47-68 65-66-74 V 25 Medicinal 23 Social events 36 Top quality Francis(ab) Skylark 2-dr. HT., 8 cyl., ttv tu s $249$ 72 FORD WAGON $219$ w hite top. 1970 FORD MAVERKX SPECIAL $1395 of your Zodiac birth sign. 73 COMET $279$ 2-Door, 6-cyllndar, 3-apaad, radio, whitawall tiraa. y f TAURUS SCOKPIO plant 24 Stand (coll.) automatic, power steering, Squareback, AM radio, nicely LTD Country Squalra, 400 V-S, 1972 HONDA CL175, good condi­ 1 Dress 31 A round 61 Duties 4-Door Sadan, beige, saddle In- .. o c r , 23^‘ 26 — stone whitewalls. equipped, automatic. automatic, PS, PB, Factory air, 10 tarlor, economy 6-cyl engine, tion, low mileage, Best offer. 2 Up' 32 It 62 Undoubtedly T” 2 3 r ? 5 6 7 8 8 ( ^ WAV JO 63 Just (found in 1799) pasaanger, luggage rack, white automatic, only 11,000 mllaa, 1972 OLDS CUSTOM GRUSER WAGON Call 646-4774. 3 Something 33 Foult NOV. ir- 73 MERCURY (3695 1969 PLYMOUTH SATELUIE $895 0^35-39-54-59 4 Hospitality 34 Unwonted 64 A 29 Brazilian 10 11 12 13 71 VEGA $179$ paint, aaddle Interior. $3495 4-Door. V-8, autqqiatlo, powar ataarlng, powar brakaa. 3 . 5 Begin 35 Unusuol 65 M on 13-18-30-334 macaw Marquis 4-Door pillared hardtop, Hatchback Coupe, economical 4 73 VOLKS $219$ ^62-«7-89-90 49.63-84.87 f automatic, PS, PB, factory Air 72 CONET $249$ v-8, automatic, powar ataarlng, powar diao brakaa, air YAMAHA 1974 360 Enduro, 36 Person 66 Pleoses 30 Assumed name 14 15 cylinder. 3 speed radio, red with Super Beetle 2-door, light blua, GEMINI 67 M oke 2-Door Sedan, standard conditioning, radio, whitawall ttraa, wood grain aWaa, / Extended 37 Clothes SAGITTARIUS 31 Embalmed Conditioning, AM PM stereo, black vinyl Interior. blue Interior, 4 cyl., 4 speed, AM excellent condition, only 600 BY ROY CRANE MAV 21 8 Unexpected 38 D on't 68 Pleosont white, dark brown vinyl Interior, transmission, AM radio, black 34.000 mllaa. Beautiful vacation car. 1969 PONTIAC CATALBIA $995 NOK. bodies 16 H i 7 18 radio. 2-Door. V-8, automatio tranamlaalon, power ateering, miles. Call after 6 p.m. 875- 9 New 39 Activity 69 Purchoses matching vinyl top. cloth & vinyl Interior, 6-oyl., 170 JUNE 20 10 Bound 40 From 70 W onted DEC 33 Dread 72 MERCURY $269$ 70 MERCURY $129$ power brakee, radio, vtnyt roof. SPECIAL. 7096. YOU'RE HEW AROUND HERE, ' YEAH, EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAtTS M O R E ,o n MOONLIT 34 Fork prongs 19 21 23 cu. In. engine, 12,000 mllss. ,>43-44-55-58 n W eor 41 Assume 71 It's 3- 8-10-2: Montego 4-Door Hardtop, Marquis 4-Dr. Pillared Hardtop, 72 Different 35 — cat 72 DODGE $229$ 1972 PONTUC GRAND PRR $3895 AREN'T YOU’ .. YOU /WIST B6 THE FRaUY PLACE IS HAUNTED. NIGHTS, SOMETIMES YOU CAM •^0-75-79-86 12 D on't 42 Sovings 28 50-83-85V5^ 24 25 medium brown, dark brown vinyl 73 PMTO $239$ B-cyl„ automatic, PS, PB, blue, 2-Door. V-8, automatio, powar ataarlng, powar dIac. BULTACO DIRT bike, just SEE A CORPSE HANGIN' FROM 13 If 43 The 73 In 36 Forest in Polara 4-Dr. Hardtop, automatic, station Wagon, medium blue, 4 1968 FORD CUSTOM SPECIAL $795 THE ONE WHOS TRYIN' TO CANCER 14 Things 44 Good 74 You CAPRICORN Warwickshire ■ PS, PB, factory air conditioning, roof, brown vinyl Interior, mctching Interior, black vinyl brakaa, air condKlonlnp. alarao radio, powar w lndoi^, been rebuilt, only two hours 26 27 28 L 28 automatic, PS. PB, Air Cond., AM speed tranamlaalon, nicely 4-Door. V-8, automatto tranamlaalon, powar ataarlng, CATCH OLD OBEOIAH FR ILLY'S THAT DEAD TREE IN TH6YARR JUHC 21 15 A tte n d 45 For 75 M oy DEC. 22. 37 Candlenut tree gold finish, saddke vinyl top. root. powar aaat, cruiaa control, trunk rilaaaa, wha whaala. running time on motor, good 46 New 76 Y ou 'll 1 radio. equipped economy car. powar brakaa, radio, low mllaa. GHOST. ) MORNIN'COMES ^ JUtV-22 16 Drow 40 Loam deposit 32.000 mllaa. condition. Best offer. 649-7797, 17 To 47 Be 77 H is /h e r JAN. I> 30 AND IT'S GONE. 41 First man 15-17-56-57 18 People 48 You 78 Appcoronce 12-16-40-42.0' 649-6013. (Bib.) 3$ ★ MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM ★ '60-71-82-88 19 A re 49 It's 79 A rrive 45-52-69 9 1968 OLDS OaTA 88 $1095 c ; 20 By 50 Keep 80 Be 42 Great seas V-8, automado tranamlaalon, powar ataarlng, powar 1972 DALESMAN Enduro -125 LEO 21 Y ou've 51 M ay 81 Excited AQUARIUS 45 Flower part $5 361 38 w brakaa, air conditioning, radio, whHawalla. cc, very good condition. $475. j JULY 22 22 V enture 52 Expensive 82 Necessary JAN. 20 47Jutsout , ■ J 23 Sm art 53 Put 83 Fingers fti. It 48 Egyptian god unkW rcffi Call 875-9^ after 5. I^AUG. 22 24 Something 84 Too 54 Today 49 Egyptian Bird :1-29-32-38 25 To 55 News 85 Crossed 5- 6- 9-22, 42 43 44 45 '41-46-61 26 Jum ping 56 Legal 86 Todoy 24-27-72 50 Wingless OIILYRENTIIL' /lyiO R I^gTY ^ O T O E R S / 1974 TS185, SUZUKI, excellent o insects 48 27 Bold 57 M atters 87 Bod RISCES 4t condition, many extras, best VIRGO 28 H appen 58 Y ou've 88 Now Fit. I» SYSTEM. offer. Call 643-^60, 643-4590. 29 H od 59 Y o u 'll 89 Finonciol DOWN 48 50 O lC U itO H 30 Find 60 If 90 Progress mar. 20 Motors 1 Human group - i i 7 /1 6 1973 HONDA 750 - Less than 3,- Routs S3, Vomon VN14-19-26-31 )Good* (^ A d v e rse € Ncuirjl 34-36-51-53/^ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN I 315 CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER, CONN.* Phone 643-S135 500 miles. Very clean. $1600. :^48-76«)-8lTl 73-77-78 ' Call 646-4745. PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., July 15, 1974. I Bean Festival Saturday L f Genovesi Removes Self year ago, from |28 per hundred VKRNON The county homemaker DISCHARGED FRIDAY: 360 Windsor St.; John J. groups have been making pounds to $65 per hundred, the iianrlfTatpr lEiipmng MpraUi Preparations will start Wilfred Daigneault, 94 Griffin Sposito, 52 Steele Crossing, .homemade brown bread and committee is going to hold the Thursday for the 11th annual prices of the festival to the Rd., South Windsor; Karl Rez- siolton; Morton Gordon, East have 600 loaves stashed away In man, 152 Birch St.; Carl H. Hartford; Antonio Arigno, 88 From District 12 Race Tolland County Bean Hole Bean same of those of last year. The freezers. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1974 - VOL. XQH, No. 243 Manchester—A City of Village Charm SIXTEEN PAGES festival with 900 pounds of charge for adults will be |2.50; Kranz, East Hartford; Lynne S. Maple St. PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS The 900 pounds of beans will He said his decision has been Also, I wish to publicly thank beans to be cooked in special in- for children under 12, it is |1.25, Cohen, Somers; John J. Baker, DISCHARGED SATURDAY State Rep. Donald S. be cleaned Thursday and the difficult, “smee serving in the my wife, my family and my of­ ground pits. The festival will be The menu will also include 19 Lewis St.; Lillian March, 64 AND SUNDAY: Ida Vallera, Genovesi, Republican, who fires will be started Thursday General AsSembly for seven fice staff, without whose help I Saturday from 3 to 8 p.m. at the hot dogs, cole slaw and ham Branford St.; Harold R. Law- 383 Oakwood Rd., South Wind­ represents Manchester’s 12th night. The beans , will be par­ could not have continued to Tolland County Agricultural besides the beans and brown son, 146 Woodland St.; John, sor ; Doris Cowles, 328 Lake St.; Assembly District, has an­ boiled and then put in heavy serve public office.” ■ 0 Center (TAC), Rt. 30, Vernon. bread. Brown bread, by the Greig, 41 Foster St.; Frances George J. Strimaitis, 97 Moun­ nounced he won’t run for re- pots to bake in the pits starting Manchester’s Republican Co-chairmen for the event loaf, and baked beans, by the W. Keegan, Collins Rd., Colum­ tain Rd.; Linda A. Ryan, Wind- election. Turkey Getting Ready Friday afternoon. Town Committee will meet are Franklin Welles and Frank carton, will be sold at the bia. sorville; Paul Kuchinski, Aug. 1 in the Municipal Building Niederwerfer. They will be festival which will be held rain Eileen Jeffries, 47 Galaxy Thompsonvllle; Sandra S. Grif­ “I feel the time has come that While the price of the beans to endorse GOP candidates in ' assisted by a large committee has just about tripled from a or shine. Dr.; Georgie R. Aronson, IlOH fin, Salem; Barbara A. Miner, I can no longer devote the of workers. New State Rd.; Edward W. 27 Columbus St.; Donna S. amount of time necessary to Assembly Districts 12 and 13. Kloehn, 607 W. Middle Tpke.; Fellows, East Hartford; Paula adequately fulfill the respon­ Being mentioned as the Margaret McConkey, 299 Spring A. Szymkowicz, 466 Tunnel Rd., sibility of this office,” he said Republican candidate for the ntervene in Cyprus St.; John W. Buswell, 26 Vernon. in his statenrent. seat being vacated by Genovesi Fire Calls Prospect St., Apt. 23; Kenneth Kathleen D. Savastano, is Wally Irish Jr. of 87 Main St. M. Twombljifc85 Wilshire Rd., Bolton; Kimberli J. Beyer, 25 He was Genovesi’s campaign Genovesi, 42, has been By United Press International dominance by a number of countries in­ Ryan Seeks D57 Seat manager in 1972. Irish has not Grivas—Makarios’ arch enemy and MANCHESTER Vernon; Margaret M. Donnelly, Estelle Dr., Vernon; (Cynthia Manchester Republicans’ most cluding Tjirkey and Greece. revealed his plans. Turkey called on Britain today to join it founder of the EOKA-B guerrilla move­ Friday, 1:40 p.m. — porch on 101 Branford St.; Arlene L. Isleib, 78 School Rd., Siolton; consistent vote-getter since Announcing the note had been sent, a VKRNON Genovesi said he would back in intervening in Cyprus and said it would ment which supports union of Cyprus with fire at 53 Branford St. (Town) Hoffman, 54 Carriage Dr.; Gregory Belekewicz, 61 1967. In that year, he was Foreign Ministry spokesman this after­ Foxcroft Dr.; William M. Irish if he decides to run. go it alone if Britain refused to help. Greece. The National Guard in seizing Friday, 6:03 p.m. — smoke Margaret R. Cronin, 20 elected to fill a vacancy caused noon said no reply had been received from President Archbishop Makarios, ousted by power Monday also seeks union with Lodge of Masons of Broad from incinerator at 63 E. Summer St., Andover. Bolstridge, East Hartford; by the death of his brother, Vin­ Britain. Atty. Atherton B. Ryan of Brook. Charles E. Nelson, Enfield; I a Greek-led coup Monday, was reported Greece —a move Turkey opposes violent- Center St. (Town) Don M. Stingel, 21 Golway cent. He was re-elected In 1968, Government sources said Premier Ellington has announced his in­ Ryan was salutatorian of his Lucy Z. Wickman, 247 Hollister in 1970 and in 1972. He has been IM rallying his loyal troops today against the Saturday, 3:15 p.m. — water St.; Deborah M. Flynn, 528 Bulent Ecevit was seeking opposition par­ ly- tention to run for the office of graduating class of Enfield St.; Sandra L. Girouard, 615 insurgents and heavy fighting was The British Forces radio on Cyprus said break at 55 Elm St. (Town) Woixlbridge St.; Florence For­ assistant majority leader of the BERNARD A. LOZIER, ty backing for government intervention in Representative from the 57th High School. He graduated Deming St., South Windsor; reported. the rebels had failed to capture Limassol Saturday, 5:20 p.m. — gas tin, 35 Goslee Dr.; Lynn House the past two years. He Cyprus if the leaders of Monday’s coup Assembly District. Rep. Daniel from the University of Connec­ Gertrude A. Shankman, 78 INC. The United States and other Western and Famagusta on the coast. washdown at 877 Main St. Phillips, ■ 174 Parker St.; heads the Donald S. Genovesi against President Makarios moved McKeever of Ellington, now Milford Rd.; William Tellier, Calling Repairs allies already had increased their New Fighling ticut with a B.A. degree in (Town) Christen McBride, South Insurance Agency. against the island’s Turkish community or serving in that capacity, has an­ government and economics and Windham; Michael Maloney, 2063 Rt. 5, South Windsor. D onald S. G enovesi diplomatic intervention to urge Greece There were reports of renewed fighting Saturday, 6:55 p.m. — ballast S Raplacamants tried to unite the republic with Greece. nounced he will not seek re- also graduated from the univer­ Genovesi said in his state­ and ’Turkey, both members of NATO, to today in the capital of Nicosia. 'There had in flourescent light shorted out years has been a very Quality Carpentry Work, Turkish Cypriot Bayrak Radio election. exercise restraint. But developments in­ been no confirmation of fighting since UPI sity’s law school. and smoked at the Bonanza ment, “To win re-eleCtion in the gratifying experience. Patioe • AddKIona monitored in Adana said rebel infantry In a letter to Everett C. dicated Turkey and Greece once again correspondent Andreas Hadjipapas He is married to the former Sirloin Pit on Spencer St. fall, and then not be able to “At this time,” he added, “I & Remodelinfl and artillery had moved against Paluska, Ellington’s Alice Blowen and the couple Ribicoff Won’t might be approaching a war over Cyprus reported Monday before communications (Town) , devote the timq necessary to would like to thank the people Makarios’ headquarters at Paphos, Republican town chairman, has five children. as they were in 1964 and 1967. were cut that there was shelling and heavy Saturday, 9:56 p.m. — small carry out the duties of the of­ of Manchester who have b ^ n Free EsUmatas where the president fled following the Ryan expressed concern with In the background was a watchful Soviet firing in Nicosia. . kitchen fire at 109 N. Lakewood Oppose Meskill fice, would not be fair to the so ^ n ero u s in supporting me revolt. the void created by McKeever’s Union. TTie Communist nations of Europe Makarios, who had been, reported dead Circle. (Town) voters.” -dlHTng the past seven years. Phoiw 649-4464 'The radio said 20 pro-Makarios police of­ decisioh not to seek re-election. took the line that the coup was sposored by by Nicosia Radio following the coup, Sunday, 7:48 p,m. — in­ ficers had sought refuge with the island’s McKeever will run for the of­ Judge Nomination NATOto turn the Mediterranean island into clandestinely broadcast that 950 Greek of­ vestigation of smoke at 341 ADVERTISEMENT Fire District Officials Sworn Jn Turks. fice of High Sheriff of Tolland Bletchman a NATO base — a development which ficers and men stationed in Cyprus had Lydall St.(Town) Nicosia 'Radio, in the hands of Greek County on the Republican NEW YORK (UPI) - Sen. ticut and Vermont. ’The U.S. would be unpalatable to the Russians. staged the coup and said Greece was Sunday, 11:15 p.m. — gas Veteran Eighth District Clerk Joseph night. Next to Volz is Willard Marvin, president, and Gordon Lassow, direc­ army-led insurgents since the coup Mon­ ticket. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., Circuit court of appeals is the R3RTa«yS SOWIG we GO UcRt Russia protested the coup to the Greek trying to turn Cyprus into a dictatorship. Committee washdown at E. Center and Volz, left, swears in three new of­ day, broadcast urgent appeals for all doc­ Ryan said he had carefully says he won’t oppose the next level below the U.S. director, Michael Massaro, district tor. (Herald photo by Dunn) government. ’The U.S. 6th Fleet was in the “I appeal to the world’s countries not to Summit Sts. (Town) Fo r the R!\INT-TTJEN DRNECWERlbTHE BANK tors, nurses and ambulance drivers to considered the needs of the dis­ nomination of Gov. ’I^omas J. Supreme Court in the federal ficials of the district seated Monday area but not on any special alert. allow these reactionaries to turn Cyprus Saturday, 11:49 a.m. — faulty c there f o r report for duty in the capital. 'The radio trict which includes, besides Announced Meskill of Connecticut to the judicial system. -THEN,0RIVE N£>? DRESS- A Turkish note to Britain sent after an into a dictatorship,” Makarios said. The oil burner at the Rogers Corp. also broadcast a U.S. Embassy appeal for Ellington, a section of Vernon 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of A preliminary review of f o r THE RIPER PLATES, U£ all-night cabinet session that ended at 4:30 president-archbishop called on Cypriots to A Bob Bletchman for State (Eighth District) all Americans to stay indoors. and East Windsor. Appeals despite American Bar Meskill’s qualifications for the a.m. asked Britain to use its troops “resist and fight.’’ TOLLAND COUNTY O DRIVE ON OUER MERE t o THE...... Eighth District Controversy Continues The radio said the rebels held control of Ryan has lived the greater Representative Committee has Association criticism. bench reportedly concluded stationed in Cyprus for joint Turkish- “They are very few. We shall win,” been formed and named its of­ Friday, 7:58 p.m. — truck fire the island, and that units of the Greek-led part of his life in this area. He The Democratic senator, that the governor’s legal CuHyMorvIusr British intervention “to counteract the Makarios said. “God is with us and the ficers. at Morrison’s American service National Guard arrested Pantalayikos said his earliest contacts with commenting in a local WCBS experience was lacking and threat to Cyprus’ independence,” a world is looking at us.” Robert H. Bletchman of 45 station on Rt. 195. (Tolland) Pantazi, commander of the tactical the district were in East Wind­ television interview Sunday, that most of his career was government spokesman said in Istanbul. Curfew KaHecI Tudor Lane announced June 12 Saturday, 1:47 p.m. — boy in­ reserve force created by Makarios, his sor where his father was com­ said he considers Meskill an spent in polices. MAIN STREET P The note said Turkey would take uni­ Nicosia Radio said a curfew would be he is a candidate for the jured at Henry Park during D staff and 1,200 members of the force. mander of John W. Ryan VFW able man and has high respect Ribicoff said he will follow Holdover Directors Block lateral action if Britain did not act within lifted in the capital for an hour and a half Democratic nomination in ballgame. (Tolland Am­ o Rebel and loyalist forces battled Post, and his mother, until her for the man who nominated Senate Judiciary Committre 24 hours, UPI Correspondent John Lawton to allow shopping. It also announced a list bulance) hearings on Meskill of his fD ' through the day around the town of Paphos recent retirement, also taught Assembly District 12. He is the him. Sen. Lowell P. Weicker, reported from Istanbul. of six ministers in the new government of only announced Democrat Sunday, 6:28 p.m. — grass —Makarios’ home town and the area to school in that town. R-Conn. nomination if submitted by ’Turkey, Britain and Greece are the co­ Nicos Sampson, named by the rebels as fire on Rt. 30. (Vernon) which he fled Monday following the initial Ryan is a member of the law seeking the seat held since 1967 But Ribicoff did not pledge President Nixon and will make Cfl % guarantors of Cyprus’ independence under Makarios’ successor. by Republican Donald S. Sunday, 7:33 p.m. — woods a final decision after the Fire Chief’s Reappointment attack by the insurgents, military sources firm of King, DuBeau and Ryan full support for the Republican terms of the Zurich and London It said that Dimitrio Dimis had been ap­ Genovesi. fire at Woodside Acres. in Athens reported. with offices in Vernon and governor. hearings. agreements of 1959 which gave Cyprus its pointed foreign minister and Antasis ’The Democratic Town Com­ (Ellington) Other fighting broke out around Rockville. He is a member of If approved, Meskill woiild ’The Meskill nomination ap­ By SOL R. COHEN day night and then voted to table until meeting foreshadowed Monday night’s ac­ independence the following year. It had Dimitrio defense and interior minister. It mittee will meet July 31 at 8 Sunday, 8:42 p.m. — car fire parently has bogged down in the Limassol, Cyprus’ second largest city and the Tolland County Bar serve a life time term on Ibe ’The four carry-over directors of the August the appointment of a successor. tions. been a British colony after centuries of said the government held its first session p.m. in the Municipal Building on Rau St. Ext. (Rockville) White House. Normally the the home base of the late Gen. George Association, presently serving bench at 642,5(XI a year on the Eighth Utilities District blocked the reap­ As a result, the district finds itself At that meeting, Massaro unseated today but gave no details. Hearing Room to endorse can­ Monday, 1:25 a.m. — bam nomination would be made as president and is also a 2nd Circuit, which covers Paid by Main Street Quild pointment of Granville (Ted) Lingard as without a fire chief and fire marshal. First William Hankinson as district president, didates for state represen­ fire beyond Crystal Lake routinely on the recommenda­ member of the Connecticut Bar southern New York, Connec­ district fire chief and fire marshal Mon- Assistant Fire Chief Frank Mordavsky Marvin defeated Harold Osgood Sr. in his Association. tatives in Assembly Districts 12 requiring a tank truck from tion of a Republican senator. will be acting chief and marshal in the in­ bid for re-election as director, and Lassow He has been a member of the and 13. The incumbent in Tolland to standby at the terim. Lingard, fire chief since 1968 and defeated a candidate being backed by the Ellington Republican Town District 13 is Democrat Francis Crystal Lake station. fire marshal since 1971, was named for incumbent board for the. director’s post Monday, 1:35 a.m. — wires Nixon Fires OEO Director Committee for 12 years; chair­ J. Mahoney, who has indicated State Aid Funds reappointment by the district’s incoming being vacated by Rudolph Libby. All three man of the Ellington Planning he will seek re-election to a down and burning on Reed Rd. president, Michael Massaro. winners were backed by the district’s fourth term. (Tolland) WASHINGTON (UPI) - President OEO and that I have been accused of lob­ legislation over the years said the firing and Zoning Commission for 10 "Save at CBT? Doift sa v ii^ For Town Roads Vote Loses 2 to 4 firefighters. Officers for the committee SOUTH WINDSOR Nixon has fired the head of the Office*of bying to continue the agency.” was “impeachment politics” on Nixon’s years; was a director of the The vote to confirm the appointment Cervini Gives View Manchester Child Guidance backing Bletchman are; David Friday, 4:52 a.m. — brush fire Said Inadequate Economic Opportunity for trying to save The resignation willNbecome effective part. Paris, chairman; Betty Emer- at the end of Wendy Dr. Said Cervini Monday night, “Let’s face some of the programs the President wants July 31, and Arnett will^be replaced by “What else could it be?” asked the Cline for six years; is past facts. We lost two dedicated officials for president of the Ellington son, vice chairman; Victor Monday, 1:07 a.m. — burning Manchester’s 1974-1975 share of state abolished. OEO general counsel Burt A. Gallegos, ac­ source who refused to be identified. no reason at all. ’There’s nothing personal Taxpayer’s Association; Moses, treasurer; Joyce Gut- wires at 1091 Main St. banks higher interestf^ transportation department funds isn’t OEO director Alvin J. Arnett said Nixon ting deputy director of the agency under "Everyone knows OEO is dead but there man, secretary; Anne Miller, Monday, 1:47 a.m. — burning enough to keep town roads in good shape in our purpose tonight. That’s the way I adviser Dean Burch called him Monday Arnett’s predecessor, HowaV^ Phillips, are a certain number of senators who treasurer of Rockville Rotary feel.” Club; and a member of Oriental publicity chairman', and Robert wires at 589 Sullivan Ave. and use of the money for public transpor­ afternoon and “requested my resignation who was forced out of office b^'a'federal want Arnett’s scalp, and Nixon needs 34 Tardiff, research chairman. tation is unlikely, Public Works Director Cervini acknowledged he would continue to become official at 10 a.m. Tuesday. His judge for trying to kill the agenc^ without senators to vote (against conviction if he Bletchman, 42, is a Jay Giles said Monday. to vote against Lingard’s appointment, no line was that the President does not want congressional approval. is impeached) and so he’s giving them Manchester attorney. He is Of a state total of $16.4 million, matter how many times Massaro names Arnett said he had fought against what they want." Museum Sponsors chairman of the Political Ac­ Pinochle Scores Manchester has been allotted $182,791 for him. Nixon’s plan to abolish the agency Asked if he thought impeachment was tion Committee of the It was revealed by those firefighters in “because I’ve been concerned about the behind his ouster, Arnett said “I’ve heard Trip to Oakdale- These are the results of the roads and public transportation services D.emocratic Club of attendance that all three assistant chiefs, programs for the poor.” that too, for weeks.” The Lutz Junior Museum is pinochle games last Thursday this fiscal year. 'The 1974-1975 allotment is Manchester, vice prsident of as well as captains and lieutenants, had He said his lobbying was not for the pur­ planning to sponsor a trip to at the Army and Navy Gub: about the same as funds granted the Manchester Lions Club, been asked to become chief and that all Inside Today’s pose of keeping the 10-year-old OEO alive Oakdale Theater in Wallingford Claire Renn, 575; Peg Ven- Manchester last year, Giles said. former board member of the had turned down the offer. as an operating agency but for keeping its SUNNY for a children’s production of drillo, 553; Michael DeSimone, ’The money continues to be distributed Little Theater of Manchester, Balboni, in explaining his vote, said, programs intact, mainly the big Com­ “Tom Sawyer” on July 31 if 544; Samuel Schors, 543; Betty by the state on a formula based on town and_a member of Big Brothers "It’s not in the best interests of the dis­ munity Action project that provides there is sufficient interest. The Jesanis, 540. road mileage and population, and of Manchester. trict to rename Lingard. The board can’t > Hrrali federal grants to set up anti-poverty agen­ performance, designed es­ There will not be any pinochle Mnehester’s share of the available funds work with him. I’d rather see someone in cies at local and state levels. pecially for children ages 5 played this week. has increased little in recent years. the job we can work with.” Area Profile ...... Page 6 John. Carlson, a White House press through 10, begins at 11 a.m. On the other hand, costs of town road McKeever remarked that Lingard Bennet Honor Roll...... Page 7 spokesman, said that Arnett has been op­ and lasts for approximately IMi improvements have skyrocketed in the doesn’t work in the district and isn’t posed to phasing out the OEO and “has hours. Past children’s perfor­ last few years, Giles said, and Manchester Business B o d ie s...... Page 3 available at all times, as he should be. been running around the country ad­ mances have been is falling behind in its road-paving Betty’s N otebook ...... Page 8 Partly sunny and pleasant today, high 80 vocating that it be continued.” enthusiastically received by program. Vengeful Act to 85. Clear and cool tonight, low in mid On Second Thought...... Page 8 Other White House sources said that their young audiences. ^ a u s e the paving program is lagging, Marvin replied, "I see this only as a 50s north and around 60 along the sound. American All-Stars bow ___ Page 11 Arnett is being fired because of his opposi­ The fee including theater ad­ Manchester probably won’t be able to vengeful act. I can see nothing here for the Sunny and pleasant Wednesday, high in IT’S A tion to administration policy. mission and travel is 62.40 for spend any of the 1974-1975 state road good of the district.” mid 80s except cooler along the sound. But a congressional source close to OEO museum members and $2.95 for NATURALI money on public transportation, Giles Massaro commented, "I feel very bad non-members. All children said. Use of road improvement funds for about this situation. It makes it appiear / public transportation facilities was that the three of us (he, Marvin and must be accompanied by an OUR CRISP fARNINl Granville (Ted) Lingard adult. okayed by the 1973 General Assembly. Lassow) have upset the apple cart. I wabt “We can’t afford to spend any of the to make it known to all district residents— The deadline for registering ‘SUPER CUT lost 2 to 4. Voting to confirm were new for the trip is Friday, July 19 to money on transit," Giles said, noting that we had no intention to do anything what­ a frt [ town budgeting should include a commit­ directors Willard Marvin and Gordon soever that could harm the district. This is \ register, contact the museum ‘N BLOW’ Lassow. Voting against confirmation were at 643-0949. ment to contribute toward road our district, too, and we want what’s best maintenance now funded by the state. carry-over directors Paul Cervini, Dante for it.” ' ^ Manchester’s 1974-1975 allotment of Balboni, J. Edward McKeever and Brown, in explaining the rationale for J;# $182,791 is based on a town population of Patrick Brown. ’The vote to table was by his vote, said, “I received 10 to 15 calls 48,600 and town road mileage totaling Cervini and carried 4 to 2. from district residents — all against the NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION about 167 miles. There was an interval of about an hour appointment. I want time to consider the GROMAN’S SPORT SHOP. Distribution of state funds in other between the two votes, with almost situation. I want to check out the calls— to everyone in the room (including about 15 INC. ONLY 7.50 By The Sophisticates Mancheser area towns, announced last (See Page Sixteen) Notice is hereby given pur­ week, include $41,960 for Andover, $44,146 volunteer firefighters, present as obser­ vers) joining in a healed discussion — ac­ suant to Section 33379(d) of the Unmistakably your cut... no teasing or spraying. for Bolton, $73,036 for Coventry, $59,243 Connecticut General Statutes, for Hebron, $81,158 for South Windsor, tually, almost a debate — and with almost Town Tax Receipts Revision of 1958, as amended, Naturally done, crisply casual. Another sweet natural $78,207 for ’Tolland, and $121,488 for Ver­ all implying, conceding or denying that 3t\ that GROMAN’S SPORT from Schultz Beauty SalonI It’s yoursi non. ^ events at the district’s June 19 annual Below Estimates SHOP, INC., a Connecticut cor­ Y poration having an office and Career girls. . . haircuts as late as 4:30 and until place of business in the Town of 7:30 Thursday nights by appointment. Manchester finished its 1973-75 fiscal 6 Manchester, County of Hart­ Yes, if you like to collect quarters. year (June 30) with about $305,000 still out­ 1 ford, and State of Connecticut, You see, savings banks pay one-quarter of a Zoning Session Brief standing in General Fund revenue, a has been dissolved as of June percent higher interest on regular savings. report by Collector of Revenue James A. 30, 1974, by resolution of its SUMMER SPECIALI ’Turek indicates. X directors and shareholders, and But that only comes out to 25^ a year for every Tax receipts as of June 30 were $213,857 w in accordance with a Cer­ By DOUG BEVINS • United Pentacostal Church, rear yard FABERGE ORGANIC hundred dollars you W e . If you’re putting below estimates, with $163,422 of the $213,- tificate of Dissolution by the Public hearings on six zoning variance variance for Sunday School addition to 857 from years prior to 1973-74. BAI directors and shareholders filed COLD WAVE money away for retirement, vacation or to buy requests took the Manchester Zoning church building at 185 Woodbridge St. with the Office of the Secretary that something you’ve always wanted, you "Sothat^ Board of Appeals (ZBA) 24 minutes to Other categories of General Fund A beautiful new way to add body and sup­ complete Monday night, and unanimous • Michael and Catherine S. Tluck, of State, Hartford, Connecticut, port to your new hair style...It’s the should be getting more than just extra pocket why more variances of area, frontage, and front yard revenue show Fines, Licenses, Permits as required by law. votes of approval for the requests took and Fees short $3,191; Current Services Faberge Organic Pure Wheat Germ Oil change from your bank. only three minutes. requirements for legal purposes, clearing All creditors of the corpora­ people the way for sale of their property at 168- short $1,632; From Other (Town) Agen­ uo-,.. and Honey Conditioning Body Wave with One of the longest events in the short : m o tion, if any, are warned to pre­ That’s why CBT gives you free personal check­ 170 W. Center St. cies short $13,419; Rents and Leases short sent their claims to Robert W. protein, emollients and special In­ ing \vith a savings account. Along with high are saving ZBA session was a six-minute cigarette $8,580; and State and Federal Aid (not Gordon, Attorney at Law, 417 gredients. Includes Faberge Organic break, when board members had to leave • Scott B. Clendaniel, side yard educational) short $274,812. East Center Street, Shampoo, style set and glamour spray. interest, automatic savings plans and a lot of a t CBT" the Municipal Building Hearing Room variance for addition to dwelling at 37 Manchester, Connecticut, Cut is extra. g gg other services no savings bank can give you. because of a recently enacted law Kensington St. Accounts with revenue exceeding es­ prohibiting smoking at public meetings. 06040, on or before the 10th day • Raymond Damato, variance allowing timates are: State and Federal Grants And remember, CBT has over 80 offices The six public hearings and subsequent of November, 1974, or erection of detached garage on a corner (educational-related), $94,574; and Other throughout the state. So no matter where you ZBA votes were marked by little discus­ thereafter be barred as lot at 24 Homestead St. Revenue, $120,890. provided by statute. Beauty work, live or travel, there’s a branch nearby. sion. Aside from variance applicants or Dated at Manchester, their representatives, no one spoke at the • Robert McNamara, side yard variance Revenue as of the end of the fiscal year Connecticut, this 10th day of Ju­ Salon. THE CONNECTICUT BANK public hearings. for porch at 43 S. Lakewood Circle. to other town funds shows: Fire District Schultz In brief discussion after the voting on ly, 1974. AIR CONDI'nONED AND TRUST COMPANY ZBA action on the requests amounted to Special Fund, $10,000 below estlnoates; Baltimore Police Hear Contract Terms GROMAN’S SPORT SHOP, 44 Oak St. Manchester quick motions and immediate votes. variance requests, ZBA members agreed Water Fund, $8,541 above estiniates; INC. Neoiby officet In Manchester (3) and Rockvile. The variances approved Monday night to extend the filing deadline to mid-August Sewer Fund, $21,939 above estimates; contract offer to city police picketing eludes a pledge of no reprisals against Robert W. Gordon Tel. 643-8951 were: for the board’s September slate of public Special Downtown Taxing District Fund, Bruce Lewis, second from right, Ample Parking' outside city court. The police are policemen who left their jobs to join its Attorney Member F.D.l.C • Joseph Fortin, side yard variance for hearings.. The ZBA doesn’t meet in $79 below estimates; and Data Processing member of the Baltimore Police tool shed at 54 Eldridge St. August. Services Fund, $6,008 above estimates. Union steering committee, re^ds a voting today on the offer which in- the picket line. (UPI photo)

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