-i! . h '" • COMPANIES. INSXJRANbE COMPAN'lis : SHIPPING ; 1 , i - . ii ; ! . -; ; .! . i . . i i i , ¦ ¦ i - i , ;• .!¦ .!::i.!-; . .¦ ¦ ¦ ' , . . ~ | . . -l ¦ '!" :! ;; -i h- - - | GOM PANy, Lt .n CASgVApVANdET). ^ii^J - ?. CliDE SH IPPiNG J . ^ ' j ¦ppunwiplari an^j picoiiq^pabit. - - : ¦jW^; i . - - " " ' ; ;' : :! ' ' : i[/'^^[^^(TOJoh |i8 ei^bliib*J !for a numWr of .y«u8>; - : !! V ¦ ¦ - 1MB• ,] ¦ .\® mm SAILING S FKOM ' ' INTENDED BAILINGS TO ililll - INTENDED ! i! | I WATEBFOBD. ¦ WATEBFOBD. ; A^ir6yed]Per)5bnal ^ecurif y Without!Publicity; ; ; ; ! ¦ MB - - Tb GLASGOW—Every Monday (direct) .omotiiit borrowod- islii [be reptiA by instalniente'or^aa may be krranTCd. [' [; . '; ; ; . ! ;. j ,f: - and evEry Wednesday (via Plymouth). i?n>ir?j GLASGOW—Every JI»n- ; Dt to : LONDON—Every Saturday. | day «nd ThuiEtiiy (dirool) Q p.m. 1 J t^lf 'ond exjiensoilaiKf' : To J?ii*"?Jjl? ?H£? TOiTI Bo found I fir better and Bail 4 |PJn. Call ( Kail to ^Gxeenock, 6SQ. «^f ivia | Sootiiainptozi ¦ ¦ r ¦ ¦ ; '¦ "'i ' ¦¦ ' Monday (via th c Attairht-forWixd dei^hg!. *nKb; . -'•• ¦ :- . - .- j . - . . .' : .J,. | , i< ;•: tto Lcmdon-JSvery From Katheriap Dooi>-r ij5T^L>£o dferrts." : S. i ' /LONDON {8t ffi ^ aBT*.'"a •our-: &E3i!:i' ¦ 8 'pjn. w ttoe« roqpi »ng^a temporary1, tkjfrtuwe 1 ¦ ~ l : ' ' i ! 11 ' GUasww). Oaiwo only Every Thursday and Saturday. : ¦ , the obWelte the best and-most TeHable. • ¦ ¦ ¦ : Boumainpton—-Every Satur- | Far;-torrw end partTonlwii applyj - :;. •' ¦• .;• i. -f. - i - To Fipam DUBLIN — Every Wadncsday O'OO^N^iL t?rBEET;i WAIERFOBD. ¦ K ' ...... P-111- " > : ' : day Wdirect) * , (direct) 6 p.m. i • • - ¦' .:•! - ! - ii ! ^ ! ¦ To Newhaven—Evary Saturday Frpm Bt&faotr—Every. Tucoday I *v '• ' i - ' * • ! ' l ' - (vi» I Southampton) ; 4 p-in. | (vja Dublin) 7 p Jn. To DoTBi-^Every Saturday (via ! From iOork—Every Frfday (direct) It p.n4j ' NewiAVen) -t pjn. . Southampton 4. From i Ply mouth—lEvexyoatuid Jay (diroci) ¦ ¦ ;ivi^M' i :i •: ¦* ¦. ii&tbiB^!l i : ' v : iMffi TV) Flyihouth—Every Wednesday i Frim Southampton—^Every xhtmsday f^.^. i' ; i r -— ' iiii I (&Bot) ! (vU Newh&ven) cargo anlv. | j: : Tt> B*flfast»»-r!very Saturday (Uiree* 1 pun Fnjm j NewhAvea—Every Friday IXorr^ iiSttt! ¦ !i Tb Dublin—Every Batnrday (via ' ing (oargo oaly). WPERFORD LOAN: €OMPifiNY : ¦ ¦ : "' ! Belfast) 1 p.m. From Dov«r—Every Tnesday Altimooa i. f i^Ot. Jpp iy STREET,^i^TBnecf oif Si\ liii[fj | - .;i itr 3 ,:v 'i: JI To Clark—Every Thursday (direct) Q p-m. (oarco only), ps^tt^ ' ' ^ NOTE-j-No Oabdn Paaaaasera carried I ' ¦**• F^ treit, With the ( reateai eonflflsnoa *w cocreoriUl cJjpUoatlonafxora £3 to- Obtri. BdEast and Dublin, durinrt , UPVVAKDS, to Ul psuona on thoir OWN APPBOyED rBESOHAL BEOUKITx* xriitar inootiia. • ¦ ; ' 1 ' " ; , ¦ , and other imxnna.tionapply to t> -:!l : i ii- In ADy part of iMltiril.'* ; I ; . • Foil Bates of freight. Passenger Far es Dn8lnes|carrlodcoin Custom. HODM Quay. WATERFORD » mort at aightforwaerdt Ana «Xict rfl»»ner.!' , CLYDE SHIPPING 00.. LTD., tfojco nnocMon fritti eo-caUei Banba ' ' l Teiegraph Address—" Oambrae." ! 1 ' tmy ottior bum Offlc^a fa this Ocaat¦ y. SI'i!'-.; " ; Apply—THE ' ' ' ! M$NAQBR.\ 7 ! cSi i i: -/. ; \; r |lJ - , ^tih: •. CTAuIEBFOBD 6TEAM SHIP OOMPANx I- M t>, 4ONriif OTRCJEt. VifATIEftrORO. ¦ ¦ ¦ ,' LIMITED. OIJHARD LIME. ' ' ¦ ¦ I!' - - i ! ; ¦ ¦ i ' - . . :• • ;;:? 'J!|.J-]i " 8ITANIA" and > "MAUBETANIA" i ' ' ¦ | INTENDED OKDEB OF LT4 ^ DRAWING BOOM., SUITES. \ 81DEBOABD8. . ; i , >; VCCK S • ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦• - " : -J^-J^V BAILING are too Largest and Fostect I in T MOWEY LIMri IElfeH GITIL SERVICE 1 , II! . • • ! ' ; the WJoild. ' : SS>r «U WITHOUT 8ECUBrtY. DINiNG BOOM 8UITEa. i BOOKXJAaES. I • : : X (with or without Pilots \riUi liberty to tot? OJ (building). MEN CAN HAVE THEIB BEDEOOM SUITES, ! j ' I' assist rccssb)... " AfiCANIA" eteamor for Canadian (Open to the (jenoral Pablic), j BENTWO*ID , CHAIRS. p.| (new jsosmz I0WN A00EPTAN0E8 , pUBIiIS ! ' MJAY, 1913. 8amoe)—Completing. 25 WE8TM0RELAHD BTBEBT ' DISCOUNTED OB POST- Incorpotated; 1874. DBiEeSINGCHESTS, - WIOKEB. FTnunjrtrEB.i; : Triple-scrow Tnrbin* " OABMANIA." DAT E D CHEQUES Rutabflshea J884. j : i ' ' , GOANd I QBAHTBD . ON THE : MOST 20 000 Ton.. CASHED, without any OHE3TB OF DBAWEBS OAKPET8 and LINOLEuilS. ' , Twin-screw 6toamer " CARONIA" CO 000 ' FAYOUBABtiE ITEBMS TO ENABLE : ¦ ¦ BTBAXEBS : . peourlty. suretie«> or lnto- ' ' i ' ! - ' ' '"•" ! ' ' ¦ ' ' Tons. yiew. ! | PBHSOR8 TO BUILD, OR PTJBOHABE ; I I " Ii ' ; GLODtAGjr DUNJBBODY. iSENAFIX OB TO PAT OKP TOILET TABLES. 0VEmidNTiLB3. ' | V t TwiaScrew Steamer " CAMPANIA." FAmiOTIC r.GCOO OLEiBGYMENJ M E !B- HOUSES IN T0WN8 |: : \ I REGINALD. Eta. 0B0HE8TRA8—LOUNGES—DAILY . £HANT8, MORTOAOE8 THEREON. M E D IO A IL WASH STANDS. KITCHEN FUBNmJEEi . i' \ ; ; COTICE,—The Watarford Steamship Company, Ltd, NBWBPAPER8. : FRAOTITIONEBS PA.D L P CAPITAL, £120,050, : ncttn Goods iw! U»« Stock (or ihlpmcai on U» C0o , EAB- j . • !i '¦ ' " • - I ' I ' : LABGEST AND FASTEST 8TEAHEB6; •• TUO UATG0F2.TD QUO" ASStJKA^OE ! MEBS, i «on i . _ . . I); i-f.j; .; . . T i^ BRISTOL. ] WATEBFORIX AT LOW BATES. Borrovrans dealing A» Call- - ..~2 I I • ¦ with orTwoTears S „ „ pjn Second and Thlvd-c ^ass pacBongcaw, via Other flrmt can For One rocJdlt l.. J ° pro Friday j.. 9 0 Oceao AcddsES ; mi (EtesdsJ 1710). POfTT. have their Three Tears 8J ,, n m pridl P-"1 New Yori, may travel wfJibat extra Ftor t»a»4a.J ' (9.. S ° f ' J. "— 4 ° Pnndj In H«nrl» J_ BJ.OJC2 Loans paid off or increaAod, faaSiy ko.. I 0 p.m I Friday, 19.. t 9 pJD dhonge to Bocttoa and Ptcladolplila. and Ftro IacurcBOcs la ell Brantits. And those who are about GorresJi Aoconnta;Op9nod< and Interest Ttatadajr «.. 4 o pja ' Friday, »4.. 1 jj p, rq Guarantee1 Coms' TDtioD JV* balance. I via ik«tcm to New York and PbUv | MO. V7arfartcn"B OccipOTSirJ (iatZsdJC to borrow cboaldw tito for onowed in tho mlstoam monthly Xoodjj-. , ya., 1 0 p-m ' tsx full Information to- For Srospoetca taH ell Information dc^phio. : (C=7SCSG1 ay C^cH a Psanrftl Domc™3 BanrantjU BnrKlaiy «sd the '" toadiirg BOTti-'feroad Quay, BrisUA. Fasscnprjrabooked tlhixmsh to e-i part* opuly to ,. ¦' r ol AmarifiA and Oan/ula. ST/ifiDARD PRIVATE BANK OF ALFBED m IIBBCBn, Cecic^ay. paaserJgere Embark at Cumberland M ta ««, Ctardsta' Ct, Urisa, ELS. MBEOTOBS. ! IRELAND ; fiyilTi , Bristol, ! GEORGE V7J 0AB30I Esj.. J.P. i CfSNfi DM . , ] j. 0. WAL8HE. Manajrer. Seta Passage, 14 to 13 hBCT. LONDON AND SOUTaAMMXXN TO Ttili HAMILTON DBUMMOND, EeoU J.P. AftrtigB Ccap:a IrtarcrM-TiUtn csst , > AHGtiESEA. ST.. LEVBEPODOU QUBBEO AND MONTREAL. WILLIAM I. GEOGHEGAN S%. ^—.W DUBLIN WATERFOKD AND FROM SOUTHAMPTON. cst ts tztutsL LU0IU8 Ol HUTTO^f, Etsq., JJ. ; A : : Ejq JJ?. CI GE for FARHEES' : ¦ ! ;.: - : : At/BANIA Tuesday. May 5 <-% n r-\ f ^.QB :fea> j~i* •» TUB JOHN MO0NEY, . f AinJTfXCHEBSj : : |. . -J . iul . .fi;i:i-^idJLf -if! »BOM WATERFORD. FROM LIVERPOOL. B OBWT ABD O'CONNOI l, Esq., B.L., JJ. ; h t..ll b a-m AU80NIA Tuesday, May 16 II d M ml 11 U OO«AW AH JAME8 D. : 'QaHrIoitenfjnisjv- and- Sirth'day - X7edaesdar 3.. 3 o p.rn U^ndav. /V 11 litli OVAatAWyiia COMPOSA- BERNARD H. 0'BEI AM E»a. W- *Q. 25.000 ADVAPJCED ' I7e«fldlnff, 1 frtiiT I s.. s 0 p- '" Wedseidaj i.n c noon ASCANIA' Tuesaav, May 23 , Utaltoa Prlaelpal ¦ FotrmoTs and ell i reeportflible Persons fonday 7.. 7 o >' ing to the Manager, " \f tiaaix\lT.. 4 o P-m Mond.17 15..11 0 **> 8 and 12, Water St. Liverpool ; or to their ttUxj !•).. 4 o jus Wednc1daj17. 11 )o a-m I pm agents—Ward BrcVhers and Harvey end Ho BiUa of Bale taken and ateoiTru OENTBAL LOAN^AND DISCOUNT toadav, 11 ,. 7 o a.m Fnday 19.. 1 0 , BaHy- WodntidjV-n.. 1 0 p.m Monday, u.. « J4 pm Son. WateTlord ; Misa M. Cotter FOAIIlfG prirtoy faars&teod. Pirct l«tter ol A?- I BANK, ¦w Friday, 36.. 3 o p.m I Wrtne«Uvx4.. 6 so pJn duS; MichaelFoley and P. Evans. Dun- plloatSon rooorre* 13, Richmond Street, Londonderry. ilUo iU -iaL Jro Ft day. a6 .18 jo p.m prompt attcntloa, and . Suoliy. iS.. 7 o un I : ¦ ¦' 1 (jarvan; Mrs. Kate Bcgley, Oappocjuia) Ika Mtewistf Ilinlll mifTlina. ibid in W Ui intsadlnjbomnrert are veikd npoo by ; i Wc&oti&jb31 1 0 p.m 1 Usnday, *j.. 10 4 p.m OHMO W (a» vmtract,TU. ! i Wednesday .31 .11 30 in Jtunos Ahearae or Jba. Geary, liamore; • TCpreientattT*wio eanpoircKsI!to (•> Ttu« UU» ratott wttUa tklrtr <*y« »it« tha INSUEANCte I* Jamas McGralh. Carrrci-on-Suir. aacMaat) (») tkai IM kaU«r akaO, prior U Ua oorcplew trsDoaotV^. oa < > tbt CaadlT VtMtb Load aad Sail from North Whar,l * mstciST WatHforcJ. a«dar) »a»H alfwatya AJrancod. . KO QP/EGE ydna mVfi THE IRISH LOAWlDOMPANY ¦» praTiaad Btow 7«) Uat J. WHItTTY, ' tJiilng Botb—Prinoo Dock, UnrpooL laJl K tX —« l* 1 nnkisi ! Bodies AOTUALLT 0011- '!. - ¦ - < i - :- !i ': ' :¦ -" ' nr.iEROcnrj OPE MO bonay ADVAKCap - , I !: SZToJ art? Morolnf nlUnfi CaMna o< Ui< itoroert at Ka IMactfalO Oaala Ua4oa wtttK fowtMai INSURANCE, BROKER , PLETED. BpMAl Qoo&ationai for Ciort Witt optn to rccclri pancnccn anHtaJ by the Kilht Liverpool—Phfladol filiiaB crvfeo, bn ariwitraMmMj tf ) tt<4a>aMal earBJ- Losn*. T7rii> In coaCdeaoe to From <39 Upmxds to ell rccpcctihlo tUlTnliu. •liaiaatKCVrbrian vflaa)W rankM fcy Oa Pcrconnion thiix own Approved Bectrriiy. am be>io.Lc!a«etar Doci.nnff« n. txl UltXo CiiWrrn undo- la year*. «a. " C3cm>iw«c3aIic>M«m4- 1 0 Tba ! Eriob 3Jnitc4 ; *'• Pearwylvania Eailroaa, which Ka» lia , f Paawnfcn t^jked tbrou^ri belween WiUrlortl tad taiIasaeac«»»ea»«S«»atorla tU teocT if Aocarancc Society. ; • niMMrf lin.&* • a:'^4y Stationi and Laocuhl(< aad Bhorteet and roost Direct Roots to all aad a> aaMaal tt, taw roatOTart •! t>4 "O»*a« | YortlhirtRalh-^siatlo ov places is the Western BtaVa. AocdaWas* a'cels Apply to Ainerican Line, Liverpool, Act.ifta> ^l&ka Naa. OTa an I ai4 wort*!on ' cipal SUllnni! cu Great Southej-a and U'est«Tn| Great tiiilif ijair fa ¦ "> rVnarinl nrnn ] r -"'-* 1 •ontro> «f r«i>»M«nt iUw Wihona. :ft Great v\ c»i«ru. Lanoshtre kr.d Yrxk»»lr«, or to 1 ; Kirtrnm. tb tta aiimniiil af Ci»Cmja« taaria) l-TUto« ka II Ca<*«fMSl tii wUU Ifli twimai t»s,uatal tt CHARITIES. Lttodon od ^o NVntem. London and Booth W eitera, Watortord—Harvoy and Son, 13, Gkd- , Waierlocd, C« cl Qa Act ka 1 at lm«i t ilia la | ¦ - GreatC«ntT3tand UldtjoA RailwaTttoaodvta cftone^stTce*. ' * be^>n d ActTA Rtei ««a 1a> fi i ! ILB. Tbe Gopii^uv* .ire r .-ady to Accept ana urdecukt Waterfocd—WivrdBros , 9, Barroristr«nd- al Camt\ ^d CCai d Ci< Catssa ^a,! I tiM.MatkdiMVI^ ««*£•"-*• 1 KS till orJ.ii.lr> n..i:.M« '¦• » ol urrufc llut art vzi trm .H» H cxcrpled li Atti 1<» ol .'.ieir Contrarta (or an extra tterf RI fci~~» >..ii «<« scuss iimT«. Jir»»~ 21-• 1I at lo- rait of n Ad per cm 1 ¦ Occaaioaal SUppera. ill! M^» W/IJWM" ft " " 0«mck-on-8uir—Biehara Landy. ! K1COHI Iknrfl. tt Tor U\i S:. tVcauIUA It. C=3Ua fl IM THE DIOCESE OF NORTHAMPTON . FA1XENHAM, NOHFOLK ; ¦ ¦ ; '" i ' :"-.• i i ;."S " ! ¦' "ui:?' ^¦ li-¦( ¦ ' ¦• - i ^>¦' j.1' ¦ r ' ;¦ i^ra Dungarvan—J. OuUdnaa, Tbe Square. , : ¦. * ': J Berthi aecured iiiidocry lofcrmatloaflreaby A rtota al APBIL J8 1911 r»v~»»-^**-' ""+<»• »*••• r*fc»w«f ,| I I , 'Phoned - l|. j :- • .' . .<'' . •", 11- «*« -C£ B# 0«ppoqu£n—Kate ¦ Ecri£rtiion . \ ¦: ; ¦ ; ¦' WATERfOKD-Wattrford Btcimahlp Co. (UjnlUd), Besley. 1 aajurc» brftcm»« ' 1 ' .. ' : i • It - L !' . Tin*O l&cta. The VI all. Natiooai Trlrp&eu H*. is- Acesi. LTVKXPOOL—Watcrford Sttamaklp Co. (limited), t| I HELP ! HELP ! HELP ! OruuvictkOrxnavickwamt, and Prlnct' s Dock. Tcleeheo*eheo* Np. 697%Om. Gralgne—John Murphy, Grocer. BRISTOL-BBISTOL-Water I rd SteamthlaStearaahlB Co. (limitd). aU Hew Boss—Patrick Hunt, 15, Quay, and THE COMiPLETTOiN OF ST. ANTHpNY'S. CHUBOS; Ifl ABSOLUTEIyX QOwnMO'iI SqSO«sjtrJU a«—*nd and CumbcrUCumberlandod UJttln. W. G. WffiSam*. We have indeed tbe hebp of God |as nmnb to^laj, ta in- tho; early daya In^i LJMCK1CK—liower Shannon SuamihJp OSo, rhomastown—M. Weeterman, Ohiarch-rt. sprto of our fmiltiea, and wiQi His help, lour Btile MJ&sion bus proepcred b«rjmd j Clout Ectmtt Quay axl expoctaUoma, and wo have {gathered to Saordd Heartoi Cbrirt 6 goodly nun> aUX-EUSB—Lower Bhanaoa ttaunhlp Office , Cappa Wexford—W. Timpsoa, North MTain-ct -Ifhc ' ¦ ¦ (C0maothon»a!>—W. bar 'of Soula. :i I ¦ , '\ ; ¦ : . ,. ¦ I Ouj. I O'Donochuo. RTMENTS, ETC . ReiUtcrtd Addict! (or Tclcmai r- " STEA U,* U HOTELS, APA The 8majl 8acristy-Chnrioh baa now been opened )ueti orer! moatto, ^ KUmnadcn—John C. Smith. ied^bteenl Watartwi. tlrtriKxia.Bristol .« Lioartck. and in spite of •much oppooition to OUT Holy CVith, great thirds have bees ! achieved. . , - , ¦ . '. : Already seventy Convorts bave beenfrcpojyea, fifty of whom baii the gresl- . HOTEJU liappin«B of receiving the Body Saoxatraemt; at ConflrrrtaUoin la^t y<«ar. At pre- QTAE1 LluE OELFAST TO CANADA. WATESFO1D ARMS fect I have thirty under Ibstniatridna ind jproepeots of !many more . At one UIHilTE1 ¦ Direct Fortni hUy Servlos ol Lar^e ttnio I thought tbat God had abandolnedfhia StnijslingJl jsaioa, bat it was only ;; ¦ A. ^ ' 5OYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SOBEy alagnifloent Twin-Screw Steamers. a trial God wfched to recall' to me that if I did what II could fox Hia Honour ; ' - : 7 ' *] From LIVERPOOL, "Empreas" Eoyol and GW017 He would do th* rert. ' j ¦ ¦ I J i ' ' ; ; QR^^o iBp, i 6TEAilER8. UaB Bloaraers. '*; We we anxious to widen tiho b ia- OLrYitPiC and TITANIC, each 000 FAST 6EBVTCE TO OANADA. aoea QO n wiirj neip rrom oineiB. oureiy traia Buruggung; iMiesioa neeos every Payc HIGHEST PRICES for I •EAD' ' & DISABLED¦ ¦ ¦ HORSES 4' i ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ^ { i ¦ - • ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ • | , • (' > - *. • . ¦; ¦;. . ' ' fl;-' , tons. ' FROM BELFAST. FROU LIVERPOOL etnoouragament Extend, Ihan,; your Charity I tarrardaina in our great need, i] a. U>e Masllobi Uiy a6u Emprtu of DnlaJn, Vnj 5 for ChArity i» the prayer that 'inoanse iyplfles 1 and which invfedble ¦ but nn- A1VD CATTLE ; Wan e rerrn from place liyithin ; \VorW l«akf Crunplaia M>^p Lake 1 : - ' ' ; ' •ved anj^ ;/ 5LARGE8T STEAifEES hi the MauilobXv klxr 11 «rringi)y goas straight to God. Charily a a fiWez of God>B;orwn' pIanimg, to be i i l i • I'! I •; ¦ Lai*LJi* VanVanl:i: dba.dl>a. JaVTMo4 oO Emprttjnprt%» **uv t ireUnd, UVjf*Y. <159 ' ' j '¦ Building. fended by and 6hen reasonable distancj . from¦ ;i i^ 3wa trtansplaritod with him into eicrnal gardens. He who ¦ ¦ Sv1»itirford.' ¦ ¦1- Passengers bam Belfast embark /by ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ • i ( :; ' •- : -i '^•!¦:¦ - «t 10 gives for charitfy' eake givQs tar Qpd 'e •' - . . -Mi [:. ¦! -f. i .. ii ;J - : -; •/ - i - .. a.m. tram !3ake. .j : il II I I ¦ - ' ... ¦¦¦¦ , . . i iN>---t ' • . ' : QUEEN 8TOWN. T^odCT Donegall 'Qu&y * . _ : , . . ' , :-::.')' | By belplbs' us to complete a . on rooming of tfailln^. I Permanent Ebme (orAB tho . Blecsed 8&cr«meai TO NK\X' YORE. TO OOSTON. 7;ou are thus aiding on the Converaioprof En^anrJ. oar, bepea of soorxss •"Certit Sur.. Apl 30 Z^Und. Wed. May 10 OnjixrpaffBodaccommodation. cifl . tj &ne m your oo-operatlon. 'Burely .yofu will tuA refuse not'be All nnimalo imraedintcly wmovedon receipt cf T^cgre i AdrUHc. Thun, May 4 Cyror,c WetL. May Cheap Through Tickets to all inland * Yoa raay aUe ! lone 7 to help mocai, indeed, but yt>u can help ¦ AroMc Su . .. Mav 7 Zeeland. Wed. destinations in Canada and . United . a little, and a multitude¦ of '' ittltileo" Oceanic. 1 fhu-a.. Maj il Cymric. Wed.. Junezl meanfe a grctyi deoK | . | . . , ' " States. I : , j and regularly thereafter. IPairtphileta Infonnatian , etc, free from \ Remembejl The Li tile daaristgr-Gtea rdh la bow far too eonaU. Many are . O'Keef^ GiMedfeiil ^^^;ft i . turned away Onsuxpassed aootmnnodatioo tor FirA, O.P.R.. 41. Victoria Street, or P. Sunday by Buriday¦ for Two at ol¦ rtom. How tbd: to turn away eeeioift after Tniti ! |- . I - , . - TT ¦ ¦ ' •¦ Boocnd and Third Clan paBaeng&B at Nugent and Son, 75, OX3onneli Street. F ' TO OUB Opornroe]; Margaret Manning^ : High i Need I &ay taore P 8urly to Harvey and Son, 13. Glad- tollr, .England . 'I ¦;• ¦ : ! payI |T7 ^;-;!J ^ ^'^iL^jr- ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ rtone^reet , Quay. Wateriord; U eiMM. : ' i j . • HightiSr Ftric*^ amr Ward I Bros. 2, Barronstrand- itreet, lilt GREAT EfiaiSH HEIEDY PJ8.—Tlitrill gTatafuDy tod promptly /loknowledjjo ithe tmaUcat donation, O*!^^ ^an btlier^rirm Watcrford; ilis» M*1©*** *3^* ^ and tend with my acknowledgment a picture 'of the Saci&J IHecrt and crar Offloe i Billydnff, Co. Water&rtl; Mr.^ T. Holy Patron, St. Anthony oj P«dua. ' : G«*TT LiEEOoxe, Oo. Wolerford; (Iam€B MdGrath, Shipping A^irt. Oirofi-oo- ¦ EPISCOPAL ¦ Scott and Co., Q ieen*- ADT^foRISAT'IpN,, : ; ¦:! ' ' ' 8uir; lo James ' . . !- :! " j [ ; ) BE»'iq .^ -: ;.;. : ;!:-}^^viiij ; towa; |E. . Dal7, Booane Kenmare J. O. I My Dear Father Gray—Tour farnHior appeals to tho Oaiholio pnblio have i | i^AI-lTi^J-.^/ ili^:!^ ; or Ismay lTari|B and easblod yon to do a really great work at Palrdnhain. 3Toa hare porc&aced a Smith; Kameraden tor and havp the Co., Livwpool, .1. OockJipur-strect, 6.W. rbaffodilcient! 6it^ £660; eroot«d flrct , part , cf •- uhtuxsh, nro- and S3 teadenhall-steret. Locdon E.C. vidjDg 100 imttiogs, snd a iProabyterytor £3,000. 8l£oa jnmr ! Churoli wu opened twelve montha ago,; of you bave men.instructfed You and have received into the Ob-arch 50 Converts^ wbom M were yo^ng actually under irteinu> tlon 11 men and 0 women. I This bare Btatomont of facts trill sire immenca tVp3ITE OTAS3 LIU i. LAI ^C^t* ¦* . : ' ' eaiiBfcction!|tt> your BenefaMon. It ii dear: tttat, with !«> largo; an iaffui of WtmrWotaxU th«t i) »ck*rf ar~ol *Mmlm.pn h* " :; r;. ; I' - iyyrljM^lj -HEDIC L . 11 .884 ton .. eeiasa Itait Jtcfio* (il tbo «»«««» JTOU IMT* trtot WAIEBF0RD blera your ef&irta. i Youri faithfully in Xto., "! • | *;:* .;. 11^48 toaB, ... June I .. troai«rblch. If net »illKlt<, ixxi IMV«T c«n rtcortr, W. KEATTNO ;^ JiPRlO batcooa taStnaf taf cMtb nitwMytxH Prrhan* O F.j , BHiop qt! Wqrtjarijttai. sflTJEVlO l.. 12.531 ton Juno 21 .. |rcwa»ao««i»«woam.tb0/0Jiii)d to DUBLIN **& * Trado Tbe , and beta told yraur.caa*la hop*- ^»a»tr3cted cf-Ti6 An*- £nd«t erSTlP.O.forMto ALBERT, 7X Pur FOUR Liquors •»oi»siex>(^> iuvd you win mrivta bos of COURTSl ! ' ¦ Pr ce Twopence. i Ub. Od. W £34 S* Eleotrio li«!bt thjwui*- l»n» Xia«ora-J*««M ^f " :i - -" ¦ '¦ I I b*afu# baa fasfled UomWt*;[VWAl» I | : : ' i : I -iV BARRY. I I -. . Ceatw' ET eituitod. ' ilalarati and 'Uosi ! • Corooi^oii Iiimited. • OomJorEable. 'j containstb ilnUeet biompTaryei writte » j j ] ; ¦ ; (hat . e ctn ^ : of i Ponncl -adb ;: Enadb, • ¦ ¦ ¦ Hiffh-Clas* Ecctauxani ' cttsciod. |: i ¦ :¦¦ - ¦ ¦• ¦ ondlaaUr; i ifted Iri«h B0«i/w4« dWd pia -\ i s ii - . • •:¦:• ' -:, ;:!:; :- . j, . ; i j Wcddias BnarJrf.i?.!3 el Ejpec£sl *t» JciM/^^ Kewtown i< aB), rOooafy; WW^rfciA ort fhla IW. lUKBHO.V.CiamCt.R»d>a|. ¦ " pagfp ' ' : ¦ ¦• SiiWgJf*^ poeober-lWfc l&O, to bit 98ft W«r. ¦ j ' ^oh * ¦ i~ ¦ I• :, . • . . ¦iiwi^ ;! . ; ;. ; i | ^;>dv*rt!i > . ' !• :¦ : ",Tfaa piriM oTthe booklet te but tw<^ • . WrlWTOr . :•*. I ifiaetf II. I IEU, ti Otiijr; OOBMAW "aftfl ! P. PAHOH, Manager. - > ¦ i CMrtci««4 «lfj |. 1. til iWlH, i». Mam 9*«%^J3» )€rwe, ail caa bb h*d at Jte ' W»tcrtor : prran—D. NUOMtrJ BrM»» feiMll ^W, /L, •l«»4»: ' ' i; :; ;- : ; : T^N Ti^ctaaa-r WJcilc.Tr Hoto*"' j ; J jfm offlK/' - :;r:-r:; -Vi: ;- ' L I ¦ iiiPli ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ { iPfliliNiB PliPWmm tmkmmM: TT 2;i J Irn^ ' ;-^i;i\ l ;:i.i : T:- n^T^E jfifa

¦ ' ' - '- ' 1 -I.' -- V • w¦ ' i-'-'F- -mi.' ¦U- r ^^^kx- mk"^' - '^' v^ I : tWs i hi! ' ipPPillBP ¦ f M . -

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1» i ' I . S i ¦ 1 I I t t ! : ' 1 ' ' T ^^^B^B^ m W^ 'iiworth .grttCfatal of ¦ ^n W i ' I L : ; " I1 '! lels of : ! ! ' liustrkte$ and iu y i| describes 11911 ¦ f- ¦!! f ;¦' itworth I ' Bidydbs and Rtidga Ju^gf-Wh¦ itworth' ¦ ' ;i • .!¦ . ' ii :!: -F - - !•'! I Motor Bicycles. ; ' : jjcrioral kriwvLedgo, |og<*hcr witi . force ¦ WjBte«it'od ytnll LEAGUE PerSDiW hty ao RECENT j Y THE TB2 GAELIC of ah.1rooter and oharun oi i L0G4L&|G|mi D03t. seAtiCus. THE TONGUE OF u to, attract! people-to watds pie in^yo. okGANZiNG SYSTEM. ment. Ho needs a Ef od , d«al| Wj ] lereua. IRISH PUBLICATIONS GAEL. eiv« power in order, to «jimiice . thoae who are hoatile to the I*«evW|. , Above ' of ;a . i" 1. 1 £PT 8.D- r ABOUTXROIIT THINGS IRISH all, h-e requires to have the fluaE" Is by far tije mo«t pxo- CHAT traveller; and he fitufet not go tether Dirteen ATI UUo Ereoutive of Ihe not supposed to "nurse his iob.f At B decent 1 I29. i tp mifi'C eice^p, pend^L] y ^0 some past dozen years would JW^. At DurktaJk-rtLaUth :Or>tiniy r Oonven^ liEiFOED.! , pfi times he inay be 000311 *1064 ,16 in taeojiaftves. to ma ¦ 1 ' gortc puAtiAin iiguf e TJUO. "oO»$ce Gaolioj League in trying to spread the •• awaiting inM-rbctatais sized catalogue tir»: : 1 .""• ' j !!": I j- CALENDAR. -loafing" while latest book, just rjiubilslhW, by Messrs : " ' m4n ul 'lialh^fJoaJiing diotricta : But it tunnot be Vi 1 light in the Eng tram hcarteT8. ' .ul and . Son, Dublin, ; 1 ej gives usj a ¦ ll. ^ I \: l (A PRIL . cujite gup t5l he| has plenty of , opipfjrt^uii. /At Jones's Bari^tiroerfot. Cork, fi V cplT). t)eip muincep n<\ anil inj lorcLng the Irisli apeakere iu th«ii denied that nuariber of the Gospel narritavea in vemse. Ss^V iWtnTiasrQeht. An pioic tics tor a&ingion hif own initiatuve after that toe HurlJ^-Final./iTO . IHHsss 30th , Sunday — Bolldlng of the old wooden 4ti cOipne^d A cuipeann fjn native^speaJsing distrrcfa to hav» mtot 00 beat ot In an intecduction h» tei, 3 I us "At Kittenny-e»xf2blin' Ktiflrenrrj^- I carrying out the orders from 1 the verse i( a simple one ,jv> brldgo at Waterford began, I 79S llov. ; ACC tnneorv'o 'oaoiO SOTDIB schools metre. u9ed jn, the Matlievr -Tqiuxriaattent. ; &\\ in \\\3&X)An thoir ciwn language. 8omefhoiw ot othei government. After visiting new, M it has Wen Father. . 1 William Jackson died , 175*5, An ortraniseT is rrat «j3p«*ed and is by na means At Tullamore—Kiny r€panliy Coav«n- ¦oci ,! n#«y m the matter ol I • time Wxreanoirial. !| ¦ " ' : | • abcrat liko a GrandjLlanio. /, ] Jfosn U>» Go^^eia tinea ' ' :- • -MAX ;6. i 1st , Monday—Blsbop of ROBS iu.-ir.aiod . A pip in aice suipe pua*Ain tlie sojoiiled! btttftms- of ih«" liaixatwea L aai (sektoted) V. UutiaUsp Obliges '^sfetootoS/ Frenoh at Bantry Bay, 1539. ArcnlBiia puit AQ\I puA*»in vory sfrp- ieapoe' |A>oiil, swne. ipeciiriefls , ' . ' ¦ ¦' AX Ising Uiiiah tppoani to bo of a ing departmeett of the -j vereb:by;; Jgffliw- Dmefn. ¦ ' " ; ii): ' "' Hamilton Rowan escaped from prison, m.1p .\o|pcj ipe^fi \ cp-anri. -| t& ago ittw Ooisdo 1 Qpotha, dy gcoioral plonifoi tvpedive month^ of.lthe uriiou© metro, srawwo ' : 1794 . Ocder of tbc Irish Christian Brothers Tjeirhin -\ ci pfiip ~\ 1 of a prormDont GJwsIno Rf«ai«se . At Jones s Road, IhibllpKSigwson Cup fgoilc 1 Ann on the suggestion wording and :ioh*rmlr«r swaps? *m.M},.Cctnipeitition—CWk -XSolyetsitif College v. ¦founded! by E. 1. Bice at W»tcrtor.a. JG04. An ac oxtenUiiia tho acopo of tbe Lrcjia ' all iiagner -in tlhe South of Ireland orqwed ¦ ¦ Bank opioaod it YT»- npireo5l4 A5 v^r ^r rso > c to •' .rJ?. l arid tlie hall iW terford ago was •the houa&s of the people in ijhp native- j . 11/LY ii. ! S **-! *£". i-the ' s¦' ltting-ropm¦' ¦ '¦ ' ¦ : three ^rears guddtenly discoyer. We have h«aid'from o!d Irlfh- speakers. ' «• < * • : i • • 'i -"I • j '' " . - ' - . I I L ; 0 ' \\ launched at W&torford, 1858 cimCe.aU., it)ip 41 cpulnne^Cc "\ speaking districts for the purpose 0 hav- . afldi At Jones's fiojod, I^Implia—S'geirson l^\ l\ * ' ' O' ' r^^S- - 1 nujii4)er» of prayere ' amputations ' ' In CTery p*rt of Uja liOTw nW* comfort, 1 ie«W>. , ; U 2nd, Tuesday—Sir Cablr Dohorty s ed that all tiu> attention of the organisers ing a Beancfhus on •Iridh Ireland wpica ^ Qo£«)el Oujp Coimpetitilon—Oork UBivtersity Col- '£> >§tA /f1 • , 1608. Waterford Boat Clab eoptiA f coipce. ]TeucAn n *n c-Apb^f on simJLar to and metre to the ""! ' ¦«d ;p!e«Mi - ««n«>»pJ< 1iTl ie L' ¦ : Insurrection n^i was o^aeontrated tho Engliih-speak. and so interest the ' country , {oUc in the Dinoji A deep kwo; lege v. Galway Unlvetrsity; College. S| ^rr^^r-f . 1 | iVlf ' I started, 1878. Messrs. G. 8. Paroell , J. 50 bpe.HS ; ^sur -oiisrA >r Cpuime The orsan- rrarrattivea of Father work of the Gaelic teague. for Uie wrgin and :Bt. . : i MAY 12. 1 Dillon, and J J. 0'Kelly released from >e cpomAin A gcinn po ing diinnctsiwlhile- the language was "be- , to aoq/qaint »ho and rervererkie - 1 , 1 t"-*»*&| fL4t> U CT . waa, I tmderetend Jos«ph andiUsa Discrip ea \o. our lord 1» JU ,Jj.?s "8 Road, IHsbliiy—©igersco, KUnialnham Jail , 1882 DeAO unilui5e^Cc opru*. Di O C ng sdppod in tfhe rj«tivejspea};ing rx«r- people with some of tihie works on Irish K>lk . jr^peitition-HGa^wa-y Uniycrsi'tjy WedoesJay — Execution cf Mr. m^ip S P by tihe G«elio a strikiing cuiaraotetistio. of the Cuj> . j. not 3rd , ti.ns r>f tho country Then a ri^ht.aboui folklore lately publlshtd apeaJdiiw Gael. Tnhe College v. Dufblini University Coll««e. ¦ ' ihiaei r!ipejC ^p ' down any prayers of Hit Irish $• JS' ^i' jJ_J_£3^' hA-W PLii. v^mtohtin&d Edmond Bheeby I/her; Iri* publica, •At Jones 's Road, Duiblin—OoiTegiafte ^H/^tnrvA77TMi rr ^.v^r^ w ° •/( 4tb , ThursJay-Dlarmuld MacMnrrooRh 1 tiiop Cpom An era wont fall tilt fox the native-making sung or roaUed around thte fireside. The ¦e*rerywnef "* °*^ l ; •'/ .' [ ¦. ! : . ' . Tho 4 Ol At\ gopc r " tions go to 1 prove this. Ui^h Iielandera Senior. i"ootiball Irrtet-tPnyvinoiial—^I^ins- '¥ ^' Pi ' j . Tbja Jt /A died, 1171. R*d Hash Inaugurated " ognniser worked at this scheme for a on their boll.! wl ' ! - ef-tb« : , " 1 593. Mouuljoy ontcred Wv f.u.\t)Ati 6 p4m p6mAp t)eiii ^n c-ApO Oiei G-aedaifiac'ht ter. Collegia (selected) v 'ilunatcr Ool- ' SlT®! ! ' it Kaa Bll'thB .g & O'Donndl few months, when , lo! a stern protest 'thei- f Clc^dlQfiPi r ^"^ thon the; dfet- , //' , wild 5,000 soldl*r» , j-0 J Ap An by; aoroe daiys. woiid be doiiw* gotd, work for legos (e&ected). '' ' ~m..i«» m.ii. ^nay.Jwi • t - i ® torford by Grscedleu eile , J 6C VO Cog fr*nn quarters to take oare of tflieinselves, and s^-nt to Ultf'ColSde GrroCha offl- wwil bring few-copies S ANUbK6UN.6-i.-A lyi flCB.«inN 'A -i axpeniivo »»"-ff»r"--• 1 I- \/f// -. 1603. Bald on tbo Lulled Irishmen ID Biuik fcjitat one of langoogo If th^jr d a \ MAY 14 'J n5jp 5a h UAitjpeAC 1 c,o ceonn . " 1p Lhi b lf>p_sided comfcivun ot ailairs has L' .BJ warning ithe said body 's work]arid present At Dundalk—Dufblitt Kootball League Dublin, 17 H4. T. C Irvrln born , 1823. ' wrong 0 ' FWter Dtinean Lane, n hHoir orgaiBers wias on the those, wftio oari read: 1 Aldorman T L Uackcsy tjok steps towards r;iO mir>« oipeAt) 1 if r lu ^° Cf^S^r continued inoro 0: lom to tiie present "nefraotory them to soone oi' v. LouLh Football League.. t.rsok , " and irnun< n.A On<- "f the most absurd (ftaturew ol tiie the old eroo've. tun to U'liieJi . I :[' I '; Senior (boortlbaH); end'W4UirfaDd v Clare Waterfori). 1852. h-jiuinn le C nA I think the sugf?<;stion wfhwih I have * pubUcatiion at Messrs. Junior i(hurling) , iMtmster Ohampion- ¦ Sarah Curran died , 1808 r uvrJAnj com bl position crt Aivotiber repent 1 ' ; ¦ ' ' ' : ¦ ' 5th , f rfday— Tetorred to dbould have goti cA 'least a faiT tiay voM.me ol! tjainty poems flhips. ! . . :, ,.; !¦: ' Agenta:- " \ I I- • ¦! John B. Dillon born, 1814. John Sweottoan n ut>Alli Olonn it-\r Ap t)AOine nuAif In tp&de a Gill is a _ Donjaivaa. . lle^i OrjaLM&or tlie province od trial , eapeciffllliy fts it was b? from the pen oi A. K. Kuliledge, entitled, MAY SB. W. M03L0NEY j tSSPOO.,fi i IrcannQngerB, j died, IS-6. Isaac Butt died, 1879. Memorial Dlt) ptATJ peucjjinc opi sinn G-aelic Leaguer—a gen^lemian who : Lfemore. ' j A AJ Vunst-a- w« have throe organisers-^ vatorian ¦'Dream Miste." Tlio UbtW poema are tihe Oori (v. Kiikenny—M*da? TournATntnt. '--ANDKBW HI0H3BY, M&Sn 88reet, j presented by the Catholic oillzenaof Water- nit) ip Peip$ nt has prveii the b*«t years of his dife in who feels the Corporation for grodnd for An eoLi wuic-pe Aon "head iiiaB " imave- musmgu of a tender soul] Venue not fixed. ford Co tho and two dopiitfed I fail to tlw servfc* of the Irish-IrcCand pathos of life , i-iod »ees its i J UNE 4 . "Great Chapel, " 1792 pinne , k pCAn-cpAinn p,Mlige. X)o how! tenAoious- (be«uty and see tint* necessity N>r a head organUtir nient). It is extraordinary joys, even through and brides its sor- At Joji«s's Ro.id, Ihiblin—ilhiblHv Foct- 6th, Satorday—Dr. Delaney died , 1786. OAgAip kn cpAnn yA lije A C OA » H p6 ! v dfTroiftls o-f >the League adhire 16 cast. by i when li« li&j only gv.l to "I>O J " rum. AJJ the boen« a?e ciwaxAerised: ball league v. Louih, Footimll League. Willlaui Rooney died, 1901. Henry V. ot T)eirhin." « < t»t> noon , fjT>n metShods. / ¦ ¦ map A tXjAp-fAt) p£ tp eol 50 a - greater portion of tbo year hovrr- uf "Ajneriaan dollar others sing of' a peace tihsl waits-" inside (hurling) and Junior (football), llunster BEOTM "I Keptuno ShlpballdluK Works, Waterford. Lc ti-ti«t>Ap ¦) t)ut)Aipc pi> " *n made in the system Uiat hn-i got v ill be the poarliy gaitcs of daw. , j The strongest Ch-ampJonships. • 1 "; 1667. lng artxaid &otn« favourite haunt , and eA trial and has }>een found ¦ ' " : Efl) a long p:<.vw U "Hhe Twelve Berai, pcainemara, ' I JUNE, 25. . . ( Ha ' ri' ' ^*p A1T\A(5 , CA p^ Com M-AOp-OlA 111 «itnoh the na-tive At Listowe!?—LdmeiTCk ' v. Kenny, bf opposing to [the '. invading : ' and-ular .a n < The City Branch of (be Gaelic League U miles ftway from tiw; gcvne »f action , witfti T D. 0QS1NOLI.Y. and forcible, and d!airltjy ia "My StireAin. Senior I6 An mAtt -oorh-pA DeiC AS ' ' \ f orc63\of disease Iht it vlgprdtihg, :«i« Swelling* maktoK very flight acquaintance w-.tih th«- di<. •Upon its batiks the drowayicows, MuruiteT CTiampiohshlps. strengthening,prjpetiipt Pf ¦;¦ Canceiops Ulcers Waterford to the fr.-ut rank rt the Irish C A nc letp ?" tnct or it« peop le Oould not a Ooiste ; JULY,. 2. l and lof . fc'jifJ Oop daisiee, wdtdto and j pink \Bsuhom' s\PUU. iq^ofthae- ) ?T%AI Rheumatism; Al Ireland movemont , aod judging from|thc S 0 F Jeanntair, or a brairdh of tiie Learaie And featlhery tufts oi nieadlaw sweet, At Kfirwallook—TCpperary v Obrk ^ arrangements already made th,ls year 's .liaw up a *o1i«mo, sulnint it for approva TO THE WOMElj] OF Oromxi to the wator'e! brink. Semacir Rfoci-jball) , and' iJ-anior iChurling) i pill * imbodiei a tlmpUi saf eand' ' * Portlatrgo will eclipse all prevlons t.) , ¦Munstor CharrJpiohshipa ; 1 scientific '<)f Ir-ittV sc issps. Go n Fels th« Coiirte Giiotha . and then let an or. The loosetrifo like an army stands. method \ priservihg ! 'JBvpsy. Black records. The sy llaban, contaibing full Tho above Is one 0 ' Hans Anderson 's ganiaor wonk it— Qie o rguuusei to be re- I JULY 16. • inttal health ¦and\raneu.\ fef M,#,V WATERFORD. The rushes band and BKay, th * g !-yt*|V,i\i i| head, Psoriasis particulars of the various competitions In torlee (or children I Tbc Buckwheat). It la Kponsibte to tiho Ooisrte CVajintair or the And eyes of blue, ftwigct-me-nots, At IJungoxvan—Tifperary v. Cork 1 Tht amity of any, Individual ! direct organisers. iV^r they arc Anti-WoloQiiie I'arljy " in Ij)ublini — of life, beside j DiATE NOT FI3Cr3D; ' ¦ ''¦ ! :e-«rrj . DorioR a short stay ID Dublin tie most scltablo fur always on tHic aotaie of action , ond sweet in Ithe Oeltio }cr> ¦ organ*. Wh in giod Mstettldriis ¦1'WFHK'A--' ' -Disease"! ol -Watorfvr to ifv gjirtiion paity to Me.iJrs Gill and 'j flee 'weather vocabulary containing all tbe difBcolt nf Ireland for the pur- i KiLKEN^Y OOUOTY FJNAL. ! the contrary case often prove <&-;' Garrei'ti's Heirb ne si.ner is lr.>m the women Quay , Wolterford. J ¦ pretty s|afo to assume that wordn with their meanlQgB In English. Tiie . t in their naiw astrods. Health andstrength, 'ln.\ QronndB will be the very hub of Gfttllo dependirvg, to a large exW«m , on hearsay p«s<> ol 4>uying n presen ilore:thaa ordinary interest is atti<-Jir Garrett s Herbal Irltb of tbe Btories In very eipreBhlve and IB Important matter \o(, a sound —he is Like g doctor f<.r tli« QiR-en o! Englan0lrttm|eQt. ! :; cious f!tixiu(fh to prescribe iiu;da<-ine with, Ihjlitin we a.rc si-oking t« Tullnffoan for the final ol the Kilkenny dlgesiion, can alvays be secured: TESTIMONIALS FOUR IN FROM THE 6YLLABC6. would be admirably RUited to the Irlsb pro- th«-s« efforts ai»i Vt poiDt (Tut to women County ' , ' ' gramme of tbo Preparatory Grade In out knowing the patient (.r tibe tua.l'ad y iBurting: Championship at Callan. and maintained ! L : ! : The Feia Couinlttee have, as usual , by oj JIOU -ive tilfeinse 'ves <« Ux; • { (PJEBS0.N8 Cl'BED. ! i Intermediate echoola, and woold hel p Jud^iirj lh»- published r*'4>>rt3 the foJ se th«y p NATIONAL BOARD It is the firsit rirxe-. tbat! Piltown Have ; afltolrably succeeded lu dtattlug a aories ol p.;ncip le» »f lnsli national fy it tliey gt.t' inti the final-, and 1 although tJieir 1 enflerefa can have Painphelta sejitifc (6 native and non tr warda mskinii writers and Hpoikerj of »rgaiu'v;rd, tjhe suuj-totftl i>( tluMr wiork have the ¦ ; teate salt all ages and coasisi*. m viBitnig sohooU Week aiteu wU-ntify tliti .iistlv-'.s with Blt-h a pu.ii<» " "yi>,tea ^elii\)i at O! II -.« t.i (-xpness tliems«l-ves insMisfit -'d and generally expected ,that the Southern each; ; iQarrett'a Herbal Ointment, lit tl.e revival movement. hi ait add to repeat aud wrt ' It frc m >eing . 0 . gH«*) rul Jireland • of schools, on behalf of w«rk liei ng ( its prormJteis that tiiis addrcs.* tnis dlate in tlie case ¦ ing alte.r tiw ,-*\h<»>ls. 'Why not ffo .« Tjonths from It ie expected ithat tlhei annual .County ¦j f Monster) , vocal and ramc time and In a pleasant manner Ti s uti .! gilt aro only an avery alternate WaltexfonJ Convention : at 1 i* j ] Instrumental music. There are special b dk CJI tilna 40 pages bnd IB sold at the fr .in women to another womin , t.h-r jnnioirl Instpeotor or [will be held | . and M gathering- ' Wlrat with N»- :tic position ort Dungarvan on rwit .Sunday uroeii Wie l ¦ school and class and Gaelic Leagbo Branch veiy lowl prico of threopeuce . iilij«-c!t Y ¦ •33, UPPER..: ,BAGGOT . I Individual competitions. The oommlttoe isers. tho school of tn<> ojutttry hav e pr«'«nt syutom of qflirW to pass in Irish ot election' of officers"ahd'.| iepieaentiatlyes •; -f-.-i-- :5 - . -|:: ;T - STREETr\ ] are assuming a his responsibility la adding Irlsb spi'lling : Coacbda Bcaga GjluioKl , * system oi Govenr.ncnt whirih has de- ary Qaahfying examinaitU>n in additiW _ i| i by Norajs Borthwlck (Parts I., II A III) : g('l a "quaro lookup aftei " Wo cjl OJI she Minister Council loir the ensuing • series of Band competitions for brass and adnuv Oho great importnTioe of havirrg p<»pulaUxl tih« country, suspended her tu the other subjecta tinni«roe almost kiHed her lmigTiage, ment for the appointiDerjil of lapectors, ot the ukiw spslilugl . by Or O'Pal y, Scan U«t-h .oj>«nvu«jin arid disarmed her n:*'n—and, that the Triah is required in th'o case of one.ti ird O'Cnlr aidDr. Osborn Bt- rk;|- The Ce chda of the " tfhis announce, At 8andpwn Park on Saturday Fraak LEATHER' will merit increased appreciation . c'dvrly pmiple , and if the icit«r«vst o( the ¦""onion of iTel.anil at 01II ownts aro no of tbe appointments. ; ' ' Btofja In tbe customary Irish sjiellloR are pnniw to any olaim lor rtolf-ffm-ernnient ment nrarks a great step fin advance fox Morgan steered) the. atdlilo wxrrJpahiona OF OUR OWN MANUFACTckB. to; all 4ho . suffer iErt m illLhealdi ¦ i already well knowt) In every part of Ire public 1.1 not BustAined . Ohv work of the ¦ j ! THE WORK OF TBE GAELIC LEAGUE Lo«giy' wou ' II Ireland is r. all y Ji-^oijl.^iftsi and the Irish lanjjuAgw movetoent. Bom« of Chef d'Oeuvrc and fiteaktne Gardeji' to ! BDItABLE FOB B4DDLEB?7 bis very Interesting lectnro land, ''bey are In UhC hi Elementary ld cunw? Ui a fOand-Sta 11 If tie victory in the 8t. *: ' gained hyi the ntolar use oi Hollo At the close of those responsible for the orgraiiiBing ru ii .nerely made Ui uppt'n: so I- . a set of u.-< who are not vory oldj remember James Selling Hur- AND 3HOEMAKER8, ALWAYS t , at tbe UrsaHno Convent, the Irlsb te Lt books lu almost ornry school sy». , OT dle Race and the - ¦ way's fills and Oi ittnent. ' Kee: on Lonrdea tern aMitin'ue looking after the sdhtjojs fanatical politiciaiks. why ,lo li - women unie wiien t!he fact of knowing Irish ¦ Pavilion/Selling Stee- '¦ill* STOCK, ji - . I ' , J Gwyun , 8.J.. paid a very and class In tbo country 8ncri ¦ plecihase. - - ¦' • • ' 1 - - ; Bev. Father Irifh and rusg-locliriig tl># country tl»o reault -will < > ' Irobina haste u t- . exj>: c-ss 1'iyaM y to twiug in any way identifi«t with an Irish ' !, i j tKej« reliable romeiliet always in tn flftttorlDg but descrvlDR flbute to the work emlront aothorltles an Oanon O' l.egiy ar d wi I in; Question. , wouW be the aneaas At Punchestawn. on Tuesday he tiiat Iriah wiH ho taught in Uie ,>ls ^ucen Mary?" tli«' national movement 1 Mr. J. J. house, ij Make it t rule to" use • tnisr Of tbe Gaelic League. F.itber Gwynn in a I>r. O Dalv have h-irro the bli;1^'' ' trl'mtes All kinds of underhand OM'iliods are ,f preventing a candiidaW for Inspectoi. 'arkinson'e NoJito Grecian, ridden by can e?ppl; »ny ciaea ox: quality, u as an1 abject of eA-u&v \m\ tho boya and we have largr quanti'ties to select wlien ypu are out of sort9 andl !a very distinguished membe r ol bis Order to thoiu as tbo most soltubln bookn extjnt tw.ng used and pressure is Ixvng .pul ship from getting the: appointment. MT . J W. Widger , was on easy tfinm-r ¦ ¦ study language , girls i»iU n«mr dream of ¦»f«(.-r« itpnn women wtui arc deperijent upon Time, however , •woria wonderful »f Wales Plate Th other countries as well as In Ireland and be and especially for uativ speakera begin- - is at hand when Pill' hive positi vely no ciiKstti of tli£ »C:}I < X >1TOOJI > rk a Gaelic league C)rgajiln«r Barjk Tarina^: qtesrinjj tne: syste rn; in i piittiarj ftj anmerltod praise. The working of tho tbo appearance of ib» Teach Ja Beaga' and no brought to boar -upon Ui« whole •acTtrW of tlhe Irish people for their Na. The Irish candidate for classic honours , uthorlsod to BSO the . Irish Trode ' ' in apTXjare to be aproad over a very ocjat- In ¦¦ ' 1 ¦ ¦ tiyerj and-iirineya in functional jordei Gaelic Revival movement bas convinced ot Fatter O'Lrary B ' Aesop's Fablea ni&ss of U10 people, and by 1 the timely tional ideals will be rewajjded in lull. Clonl>ern finished eight . ; Mark. • i : ¦ !- |- terwl areA Some tiin.- ago an oTgani.'aor ; Inspec. . in ithe T»-o I 'wittout rjkin or iplntf. They ab him of ; its usefulness and ot the assured tbe slmpllucd "pulling will bo heartily wel- cxpo-sure of them llbuy have olln'ad y bceji connection with the term¦ !Jtm.or Thoustmd Guineas. He was ridden by juirien! atid| . Orden> .shall frave mosi j fir jBc possibility of raising a prosperous nation comed by all who understand bow easllj tra« appoin-fod for tli- Oo Waterford ctiookal in Dublin If the women tor" in tlia Board's annoanoeirjenli it ¦ -' ; lijtely cure bilioa: ness. lu'Mache an This i!>rgajns»eThad to look after a alioe ; John C(oyle • I ' careral and prompt ttiterrtloa. : en-a eonnd Intellectual basis capable ot native Fjxjakeis can bo taught to read the od throughout the provinces £tar)d iircii , the should be noted that nn!.y JHinior Irrspee. ;dizrinessj;wliile fcncles of og "fostering every characteristic that coonta language it proper text boobs are put In te Oounty Oork . South Tipporary. and tiuiifl>or by the (OarBmisaioners. jevetjy of signatarcs obtained in the tors are elected PAKK. T * (or most in the preservation of a people. their hands and suitable, reading matter 8ou.tfh *Kilky It would be impoaailVle largo citiea by t>ho«ve m(!tlio*r . !>)• ooauparidOii. inappracia.b!<3. poets of diptritrt land; senior Inspectors j s 3inhnentjhas supet of interesting Irish speakers to tho Ian - pay s ftyinj visit So cwoh brancto m tha I^»t every woinon o! Nationalist prin- so that in a few years TO may expcot;t© at Phoenbc Park .to-rmrrow, Tho first jcd:3 a[I other rcricdu? 03 a cure io When father Gwynn was paying trlbato territory named , in space of a yoar event timed;• for 233. 'TOe priissipal- to tee work ot the Gaelic League and con - gnage and getting them to speak It Is to tJi*' r 111 '.«.-. say when nlm is aBktdrto sign this have the majority of the ITattoaal 8ch<>ol i* REqijIRfe ii00 HIDES jWEEKL'? pi!tsi soris. woun Jkbui-iie. and bniis» form reading circles and have ono cf them I know of branefhea flhat have been left addnws '' When out country- is accorded Irnrx-citnrs Irish speakers and Iriah itero is the Greer Plat© lof 300 povs. for gratulating the local branch on Iti flourish- .it for a t-»x> , D ARE BATTING i THE HIGHEST and as a [certain 1 eiatjy- in SOIVOB act as roader. From what we have doTeli« period of thrvein ware, as hvr right and just olairru fo «elf-govexo- *. -ho!ars ! year olds this- will foe sllarted at lKET-,~ PRICK FOB BVBRT IDE caW 0 ing condition he woe doing so In an untoiiohrtd as i-f th^- werp tie (Wntre A^O. ill. K. Power, , Waterioid. , hlas rLenmatirm 1 stiff atmosphere that has always manifested known them to do In the matter of learning nk-nt . thf n and not hefoco will it t>o tim« TPTION IOF COW. HORSEt ANJ> . ; J6:nUi batla^e in. to read Irish In tbo old spelling and typo ne of tho Sahara T\\ u Atragyiin^ nnethuj effect oj> yciuii(j Plate vand Mr.'. j 8HEEP 8PINS.Jr :i i aJio Eaem tool anfo that wltb tbe simple phonetic ^ » th*> British royal family." If thjs b<- . Hugh M'alcomson'a !Bit- ; : ' '.; ¦ . ] :' Irish-Ireland Ideals. Tho Ursullne Convent braiioheis . nfany of whidh 'run to a«ef Ireland will have ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ban played a worthy part almost since tbe lor w«uit of fettontaon When a brandh of Plate. : ' ' . ', I ;¦ • . . !.; ¦ bor pr|ot. l; lo make dozens of rcadorg of Irish in tbo v irnlioaU'd their national principles and ; j " ¦ "' ' ' ' ¦ U.29ind46. 0£d Inception of tbe movement. It was at tbe !¦ ¦ !¦ - . ' ! :< • ' " Irlsh spoaklog districts. We tram the Irlsb the League i» starUxl 111 a district tiwrre the fa-niiiios of the ti tie-hunters and ' 1 ¦ '[ lomas ! Jones & < Co. I ¦! :i Gbemt6tfl, SWrest eic. - Patrick 's Day entertainments organised is generally a great flourtefti of briunr>."U 1 h ' : - • :. . Book Co. will give an some, popular folk p aop-hunters will be forced to retire di^ 1 . ; i LADY; MAOCUP. = |- , NgW iRO33' : : there eorno years ago that wo first got an whi W tlie dtvaniser IK preaen-tih, eljut a.- " An Irish Comic Patjeanti'fi ; TAJXXEI^e j _L_i_ i .'L- " » f ! 1 1 . ; ¦ songs and religious literature in simple o>r>mflted It ia : Stated- ithit Lady; Stadoap was • ¦ opportunity of seeing IrlBb plays success- a.-) hi« dv^mnarv m«iD. 1 ' I '"-I I' ¦ ¦ ' |: ; I ¦ :! I I I *, spelling. Beading matter of thlB kind is s<">n h* ^«kc« sold ¦for -1 1,600 sova'. td ^Mr. AssbeJoa- fully staged. UB pupils have dlstlngut-bed Wrs. grow' largund—they take it for ; ' ¦ ¦ : ' ~T~ much appreciated by the older ^enpratlon LINCFTRilCK WIITKiU&tt ' dailies X Sntft-b'.i , ' - : : 1 over 100 Tears! ; 1 . i .-ijjl ;; li' ..; : < he JVWITIVE t Dear Sir—-In to-daji s 1 Jnxhlip. ! EstablUb ed i; ¦ ¦ ' . ,, : thcnisqlvca In various competitions at fani^xl Uiajt ha* gone s*4j nrvtr U: i ¦¦ '•' ' "i - of speakers—those whom wo wl»b to keep ' n otice-a quarter page iiifertisementjiof ; H i 1 snccrsslve Felseanna, and It was tbe first rciicin- and. so the work ge-t* flat , the on speaking tbe language to their obllJrcn. Liruariak w.in«.i<(. vAw gavv l«« evi- the attraotions of , "Ui ; iBreasail/'i ihe; i x MILLIE'S ; edncallonal Institution to send eomo ol Its i"ai><'h losorf -all virility, ami the "tr-Mi * 1 BOY. It is important to note that the simplest ' ••¦nov years as . f»>w onilor.soi it in a Health and Industries; display wWeh' ¦ pnpUs to tho Irish College at Ring. li^l iDX talitjii posst-ssiori of everyl)i:\ ' I 3«l!ie'a Boy, jhr g b ORGANS, - spelling bas tho hearty approval and help most positive way, adding immeasur- comee off in DAi)lJ affajr rwuld Ix- av » - ,l.-a —Milliei, j W!* of such distinguished Irish scholars as Or at» .'y to ita valut' I June 7th imder very diitinjiudsihed. ip*t^ 1 has succTniibetl i to tbe efjecis ' : standard, but ono that It Is fully capable- of - , I>j>(\*e tl"! W^rajiiKer ailviged the 1001I' . of the fall he i sustajned'at F«irj-nouse . . . I jJin.Sa.qbtai iV 20 tb 4O.|p^ Borgln , Canon O'Leary and Vr O'Daly Mr J Carroh . ,»f 11 . RocOies Street , I ronage. Amongst the' i attraxstions ; ai© ¦ WAT^RFpRD MANUFACTURE- maintaining. t H-lr that hi4 w<»i> 'd pa,y a relli r r. vi ^ .l ir on; E^s^:Monday. T^TT {;. : ' -.; . j. v|. i i- ' centUoroCi^arn!inb ' An Conggar ' la a text book of the elmpll ¦ l.nittonck. «ays - '' tfrjaiiulimas. !ny back , "AD IrishGonric Pageaiit". end 1'A . GaJJ l?^Sb« a ttiniUli »r fw< u> jifcdg*- Mh&t work I ,.! HIOH-CLA88 I WORrvSiANSHni ANE GAELIC LEAGCTE IN TRAMORE fled spelling compiled on the dlroct method wii- »<> bad in tin- Maiming tliat 1 could way !Fair Green.'' An! Mah- "coroSo'1 1111 l. t tn vt-iif jr h i.1 ab-> «-nc»' Mi.I 1. -ril. Tlie pains «vxo aaything at > all "¦ - '!: : !'i :(' • owinln-.ra w<-:e vt:nv »i ' tr- . ' , |- ' ! - . j - 1 the auspices of tho Tramorc Branch Gaelic phonetics and tbo second half to tho ¦ just a.-.i-»s.- the ki.liieys and wvr<: w-py i Tnenta of displays, "(under distigiuisbjed! T3w !%wardjj : of '\M Irish National ¦ 1 pi < .)>.«>• ^1- t.lK'lU isLOlf • 111 '!. -- Hunt ; ' ¦ 1 i •ssMaBsa. ^^' f Pavilion , Tiamore, grammar of tho languago. and there me ¦ try ire Tluiy »'<¦ - t 1 1 . iU.rt >n« b|flru-J) and put \ 1 * i t i>- at 'v * ^ Poteen ;and, cf tJMfTurf Clvib:Kg*r4 Organi Biijldert gramme of songs acddanccB was performed. preEont; Is tbo third Impression. T» e fir-t ' - v 1 itrey excretions wer«! unnitura . Combecn, broken Engliih; ng the riding if ' .v- ti uU >y II "i. > M . . > a :>' :i ' u I ^ edition , I PBUPII I RH I A U URI , wap *old ont In ' t'TOuliled in this way (OJ Be Jabers. i Self jrespe-cUng NaitionaliBt Georg> : Browne on St. I Dunsltan in t» "I " Wi.Orgiba at | . i Tbe Irish figure dances were very well .1 ti t ;i . - b- »«! ii.,.; .- ¦ V I « rh u- U-r ¦¦ I had ilx'sn . Duilder ol ¦ ¦ ^ crnptlf-d ^ be on IooJcjot ¦ Ukk«- n- k i roul/i •- I,nig time, ani tlie flr.tt flung 1 foun.l Iriahmenslicni ld .Ui* 1-Cood' Shepherd Cpnvk^t. si- \'^r ^ . b'M|i{^! *v- ', Br tho Utv Vt O'Uoly, !>- . f)al,oro Herein , of ¦ • <, do inp IA\ wad Doan 'j tmrkac)i« this Irialj . Comic Pagsjslnt will not; ba result :of their delFb^rations ffl-nft ' lOo-urcb CasUebariiMajrv. who took part only recently acquired a I • ~;i- tn,ii| t!.- ' i, ' I- iue ami c-i n <• a- Turlough . ¦ Unlvofilty Collei;i- ublln MU I Hhan -i . 1 giavc tlwii, n fair 1.r:al of the di?gra)cofu3 and " -. nfj, was RO&pertded 1 from :: i rjding lor oho Chapel. [Co. Kilkenny knowledge of tbo National danc«». Tbe I' . (. 11 'Jii- A'.fk ¦:' 1- I-Mipiiv TJii-re 1^ » K dncij- p.u. anything " ¦ ¦ a- CaUari: Parish O'Calv , Tie Irish B.iok Co ate the pnh »n >! in. 1 \vr ill lli,- or^nii.zii. *m gMBsmn ^rMhi-< « 8 1 of cgn^raj'.t ttHf F ;! ? ? lishers of all F'atln t Tan-.n 0 t.i 'i cj 's IrKti K»irouf?hiy wu\l I -sfi-a?! always reOdu- shawTi for tlie armiseni?r>t :>4-Kilmeaden; phurchiT; Col i Waterford. dered bo Messrs. Charles McGlnloy and lii-l i th-at I IVOII - K I oil), a hnnl y aimua' , ' ;[!|WAFEvj_ MpHTHa , H ITK) ' , Iruii Jax?keiJis at the Tecwvt KEEPJpai OF THE; MATCH BOOK . ; Convieot, I Waterford. ' , j J. J. Ward Several mombeis of tbo wrltlDjju. Me tut iui irji with unfailing rvf Doan ot hackaefhe kidney pills somewhat jH»r* n thr p-iipera, and ll« gets to tWat office ir^ future. ' ' ¦ '¦¦ Fund, made by tbc Tramore Gaelic League J CarroU . " fMiiale. will be a very dangerous exper. Wjorkmatiship. : j j . •:-: [ ;:r-r " i : ' • ' bas been very generously responded (o by tlie Credit of kxnig a Gaelic Leaguer In parts of. IreJand. - M you suffer from grravej, irairfcacOuL', ment ' TIPPEJOAHY |M.F,H. - rnnera':ee& to all 1 ¦ ' ' tlie i'aine vrav we have mu-shroom l>rnn . I - ¦ : • ¦ : - ¦ >¦ '¦> tbe residents of the town. A good sum of ' 1 urinary disordors .dropsical ewellings in 8inoerely youra, :¦ . I !- . . -i l ! .!! Blne-bioodcd Purveyor of Cats . Ifr A. Bouch,; wililo will act master i i ¦ Irish!' TRi¦ p.^-B.¦ C*. CAKGBAN~ i im realized and tbe local clia* w^liioli, hold anaual general nithpt . *s '!¦ ¦¦;. j. -i! j .. . i ¦ *. 11 11 money, I has been tho anklos or , MVnKXNi.VLBT : 1 • . i inga »l«t oilicer?, and Uun vanifh . lin-lb*. n, ilrs. helpotl so many trcn and WWIICTI fowe j the h-unt :durij)g Wsitifp. - years of OfHoe, OBM^ofa ,- ,- : ^Tirm i jTSI'.a,. !.;; Oharlolte Fitzgeral d BetL-. hJis di-ed at ; ; ' 1 vided tor a rate under tho Irish Universities TJii? tu<*«55-? of an organiBinj system in our;own ^orn-i). In sonic part* of Ui« w-orld people «lt and it i» poss5blejtliat jhe may take the n Tb»j aoa p&fect p4n« tiwi llnowledgc tho ago dt 95. This lady had claimed dt'p-jndx to n rirpe on tho p»rs<'nnel; of 2s. Pd. a box, ! Act, 1908:—Carlow , Clarb, Donegal, Dub- 0! box« 1$^ 91 , of all otlieis, ' birds' ntsts are a Tippeiary pa<¦ ¦* again;! Mse Rt«¦ ^on aitfer ' and Jtxjxrrieiicc'PM> prodocs anil that -w in tiie seaweed; in : H- ¦ ¦ ¦ the title, rwofHirtjr, and cnstle nc> th^ orqnuif lcri \ H IRMII k now ledge of italcr*. Tell the; ehoproan yooi must JiCXt. : : I ; Ij • !. • mAoAy.cta bay, al i prU »W»in lin, Galway, Kerry, KllJare, King 's Co, ot ' dolkiioy. Hunters of tig game en^oy « ; f ijrel ; i^A&toB, ilubfer^liathlir piMs^yjiuii IXjsimi D J'"s'.r.gerald, Iruh wMli not .' CaiSwin *¦ !(,„« , pett», ' and BontbJ, Watcrford, Wexford, h6r earlier ytars she was ol . ' dp RO Q Wot I war* (North ted wllh tbe lM-e- Miss Florence ,Xightin- rational mixed diet ; . and they «o III., 'who ran; well lor a long wiy In ^» brttai, aad took* i better Cms comnitm i piBdtftgfr-iHqiii* 1Waste } '& and Wcklow, and the County B >r,oogbB of knowingly or unknowingly, in ardor (Maidm ; pjl°i;i«ndgmpgf<)c galo, and hex s.TvJccs In lia.-tl Ijcmiibn 1h* Plate |«a \\ Punchcatcwn pn » rau&»forotedoor ¦ ¦ '' ^^ ~ . ' ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦' I! -!, andI LnbricaEtL^ .' • • : _ ' a.- 1 Also: j. Machi- i . _. i V\-i Dublin and Wat^rford. : / vue smaUpoz opidemic of 1661 tlvat Wwy may get all ;khfe . elements ficcp^- Tu^Iay. . '"T?ic¦priopjj Tfic-pnopjiis'iiaidaid to havo : or hifJeoTj di torauebj . -. ¦:,\\[ . , . . - . Juni,^ aro ntiintenancfe of the body in I^iay. havojbeBnbeen fl'^Camhrlsa7 »mmdoof THE PASSING , OF A LINK. : I «UU remembered. Mother lkWti fMtaXlat, from public-Wow. Vet It does waBte of the system while others again DAfi)ai Kitol, dresswell le« i ¦ ! genertlly, can fcfflt fe oUaai^di disappearing 'Fila^etfaUl, MJ)., of GLin Oastle, and aro merely h'oat-pboutfngi : { ' an^; h«x< Whj) tlw neccoajy;uammx of .arytag !; : not goeni to be generally remembered . that Trinity College, Dublin, andl grand- ^^^ ^^S \K Benrjor'o it a Fowl 1 Hailigan's Wcj-lhiliIs t^Wea fo» Irdancl. 'I P- ' for IBut UieTa. 1 , ' t0^? 8rr!«SBrr. Bight, | It was by an Act of tho Irish her reJatife» Th« liUle money! she had [l ^^^ tho Asedf «ad fbr'tiioaj» (nxniitr *\r\nA tfmnrwvcn ,' JkmKrwNr ¦ all f tfria - ¦. : A pmnd of "Cmtcfanf jwatwi oi; - .' . Hoaaq Of Commons at College Green that aaved ! was loat In the Liborator|oolL apse. jff ii^^Z ' 1 ¦ Ul BREASA1L ¦ ¦ ' ¦ wkoib d! -; nutritive, health-promrjIidB properties. ' «j« l M- «>n«n«r prt»' >;;4?««i.::,; -was ' meet ahe went into busl- Beiii"p ! ¦ ¦ a Company incorporated to ralso the Xo make end* , COUE TO THE jjipXSTER r ¦ : -s fe " ¦*¦¦ ent's.me&t and , \&Z W^^ ¦ V(%nT\/ LJ powers oavo bcconb : That is why Uvccy are fed strongly necorrir , \ pi f?* •**&**/tojik M ; cum accessary for the completing ot the neas la a punroyor of j/0^jy\ ' r :Uy f . ' raenxkd as an article cf'd{et all the! fear nndertafclng. ; i . . w«.7»be [ielled¦ iippn to Demoriitratlcn* and Exhibit. of>vdry- supply theideflolency'.' »•: ¦ :- , . • : ; i ! ! 1 •»ilng eaJcu aied to make iriih ^om-i tiriiMd' her ¦buainess under difficulties, ining a natural digestive prjndple which charigei the j 1 m ore Happy, Comfortable & Pros bo re u« ¦Xt ij* held as a rt.prtfaoli to Uie mare bein? wheoted in a baUwcih&it from door j f ' [Every grocer in the kingdom enn BU->- ' - QAJLVANIZED ¦ soluble crewn, and toftent and modifies , r hia customws, frei>fwitb a little if- i ^'V^nh amlJltnMiiiti^iittf aHiX, if. CORRUQATE» : • stol id! Briton that his American cousin to tJoor by an old retainer. The old i Preparation into ja pl* ¦ ' ootohes on' to an idea and seen wlikl ¦ ' i , p(pe hook Showing.tM imlilny simple 7^ tin LLli^ -«*. kiimm i i lady always ; Insisted in her aristocratio . he cord in the inilL < These changes take plcpe Vfhile the Iri ¦wniUh'XarrAnU D^LLSBRIDQ , DUBLH. iif ^m\ i i {-jr-^fcjl]!.*!*^ : . | cwi be done with it lax and; sway quk&tr birU> boing fl«kr>c(wlodgo ¦ The American has no - ,jfj>od b being pjrepared-^-«ee dirediow. !' ' ' H ji be prepar<4 for lber talle;]' :;¦ iM.; : than ihis rival. oustojined U>. resent inuTiie ' lamilraiity | . [ ,j ¦ ' ' ' : 1 ' j " bett«r brain, but thinks qulcKer, has with A reifereaoo to ' "breed of th« : !' i. i .!¦! ¦¦ ! '' .' .if . ! I !; the [[; TKi» delidon* ami jbisKIy outruTTa Food jean tBercfpre j • . : - ; ' ' 1 xnontai energy ia stimulated by the Fitzseralda.'' 81i« never could be ad. ' promotfagalnianj ttatt' of' i; iihmmp iswfl. ] - :^ ' American climate, whilst ifclifi Briton's 33 tatea when millc aloaw /aik. By tt in J , ! I JUNS 7. I ! , vised to acpopt an old ago pension, and '^0 p--' - • . '> Jsr>g!i Irilind to malce ' inquiries. Io coui erjuol Uw .Knteri- ing af \ the Glin po-operty, one; of the Onxrlck, FernbAtkk,!' BUnnraa.|Kfl - w.» ¦ , Stp et to *&, Gaelic LaneuMe May*np| **>rra\. ^ k-Ofri£2ft2ton&n**nfiL ~— BUBS bctb brilliant and>quick think-; olauses* proridirijj for a »yap kitchen for mtomr UaUin*T***. :¦ ' ¦ ¦'• » ,~ ' *s ¦ ^mmmmlmmEm¦ j ^^mj ^^^B- :: ' •isg m U» '««*». Owl"*: ; ;.' .-X- . _ . ;,:.«.; Av*t am^« JSK • Vrii *ri ia aborwicaa*' «aW*. oa ¦ S^^1 the pxtof So«& Hscinoj. 1 ; ,T1TTT^1 : ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ K/ \''if^ • i ' ¦ i rW: . - i ;i: ¦! •! !: " ' ¦ ' ' ' : ! '"^ s l. i ¦ ¦ ¦ i- i: ' ¦ ; I I" ¦ ; ' ' ¦¦ ¦>¦ ¦ ! i : ' I f. . '4:,.' .. !il ;. • I •¦ •** { ;J ./ t,' m¦NfSj& v.LJ-.'.ftteffiW'!' : : ' : :: : '¦: ¦ " li 'i '" . Vii;: f ^n m ¦¦ ' ¦ i-l ¦ .1 i \¦ ¦ i; i |}r ! - ¦!' • : ; ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ -} -; i:- - i . ¦ : . . . ; i I ¦ ':;¦!!!¦ -I .-;-;- " ¦ ' f i[ ' - li.l\ ' . ¦ : ¦ ¦ j ' ' ¦ ' '¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' -!. !¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' X:) :< :;i': ¦ ' ' ' " : ¦ ¦ ¦ -I ¦ * . .!¦ . ¦ ¦ : : . . M 'JM \ \ X \¦] ; : ' ]Ml : ¦'; ¦ : Ml::: . " ¦- ' i h ' • !. ! ; 1 Ekhw l -. . '! . : i h: i i I:- ; > .!! :i ^ Mi \\\im.m^m ¦ !¦ i- .;¦ :!—;¦ - ¦ -;¦ ' ?. ' !4-rr!!M:; >;; : i -^* •:;!; Vr-, VHif'!i >(i-|^ : ¦ !iU^| -V!: i .-^r = rf ^ij:: U;., ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ -i-. ; -= i- ?¦ [> ¦'- } , f . i ;: ¦:¦ '• ¦¦]¦ - ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ ¦: • ¦- * " ' " - ¦• - — - ¦-- -;¦ •] . -I rWA ¦ -r:\yi - . ' -¦ _ .. - \ ' : •. '. . ' . V:, : - . . . i: -f -;:¦ ;v . • - - iTBE - : . : -\. -[ \ ,r.: 'j-| >^ , ;: ;.: .. -;r ; \ j- . , . :,} , .;: ffTf . . : :: v ) ; ¦ ¦: " - : '-IT.. '!' : - 1 : . - ! ;.i| I , - - .M-j . > li . -r» ::!;i!H i-i? r . , '- 'ii V" T'.;T- ' 'I: ' ~ ; '"'" Jh J883Mrs. " Ooleaoan'¦ ycejt ' not tHA& ! ' ' ' ¦ ' - _ U> i Mi FOR, THK 'BBA& XN /1911BJj. -t- oi»' • ;q||;^^E^K;ifftl^^fl-|!j ' I pay |th« rent,, andj legal procecdiDg* yteti : : > > ; 'T1K follow n^!«re the fir^8 > r ttfcen Charles t^ai(Bi^!s5RE;|] _ 1 ; . fa^ainft ifbCa-'tfliy, 1 but a :i| M)i;|cii| | ; n : " | |p ^ «oriy ; pt tJne| vtUl was served ' on Miff. [ lALi.YviDEN;)KtLl: - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' siroi'-FiEM . p-Q Owenottn.. 1! ' ¦} . / . : !>• • 1 '' I !- r / , I f The; 'Chadrtnan-rlB McOarihy eilret 1 AGRICULTURAL i MT. ;Wim4mB: itto .is. Continuing,- be « ' ; eai buy; the farm under tihe Land Act ' and slro of yearUng'at -tho Dcmca^rjj&ilti . HORSE. ' . •j; How© and 6 rttI» !fllanj4A «¦/-. ; . ;. iSlinpson' 'Jtfy, j far 850 'guineas..1 He:4rs'f;MaieB,!l£2 ;lrcpa«d to pay Hiriher Prices than ; -with a pedi- culture is well .to the fore ; in thjo county fused to atfvtuwe 1 . tie money. In 1007, 1 -: : . - - I i -! MliY::B0S;.|.:|! I |- Winiie, : Swedf Wini, Ban:Juenij l end teeiejred ped igree, mated lieir reluctance to . leave iheda at iilk. Ghairman, end Mr. i ^omnidaBioffler Ijynch !. ' . eny other Firm. ; . 1 ortheirs ; Sweetbread;(winnar icf tiia bad euperior qualities, pf WaterfoTd wbjioh produces larep ouan, 4tr»J i .'Ooteman served notioe to have a 1 . MAY:SOY i«> a Daark C hieetoutjiHoiB^, , by. croo breed that ing-time, and their jeatoupyi over iwect , Ismj by Pinatxr, Royfill HuiiliCupat -Aeccft and Bterward's fnd tiho influence of the thOw»ughW Utiaa of ?ood fruit, and * Beoon£onVy - to paochea of jlherbage. Th'eiy ¦qidd-ekly. (ASSCGSOT), was held n tiho County Court, fair rent fiiijd, but tihe landlord applied by Oipntes, |bjj B&nd Or * 'Armagh, in regard to cruitaut. aJ.tCT to li&vp this; aprpliCAtion &3t aside, janil ' OldiMay: Boy, bV^Xenorihenl,' 16 Ddfi a* Gpodrwood), oirt of Peflar t»y!j'Ad- doubtless gave an almosft indelible Kilkenny lii appearrmoe, their bright ocilourg; join- house on Tuesday fox tio purpose oi All! A ilmala ImmediatelyRemoved on g.d. 'by; 1 ib ' To*nclb^D(DJD Li-menok aJso well suited to an order V.\OB mode on the ldUh. Marob, IWcc- hinds, witih Dlentv of booo and ) pejjfe^i venfJtB^, IbyjN £wiofinf£ter, y # Smracte-r to the Irish horee. ! "d jre the ing put after rain in oksar I white and jpt'of TeJegriyai,:LelteT or^oktcard. 1 r"^ -~" • : ytAi'ot O&a On ' (mrmej' :of tha. Si. in the industry; in toot, 0» wholeof t3ie 8auth : hearing appeals frcm the decision of the 1908, set/ting'aside! the aypEeafcion. j . action/" ' " nr 1 ! ~ir TT I Hithertotho breeding of Ihoreoa red. and the winter ooat grWluallv Tiv. - Tanksrdfttowix, r*«i6r\. Wr SJt/xifctwiJJ- hv Th« Rawm.Imnl would generally «p- of iTBltod is going ahead in tjhis KSJW*. ' 8u'b-CommJ68ion. i TI» 'Chairman—On what grounds i«va « ORONTE8 la siiB of ' United Kingdom ing pla<» to- a sleeker and anjciothieT i Ji>. '^olt aal Gtibden 33re»- of Pocahontaai bjr Gieacoe.¦ j Tajjhia¦ied near to be on a laissez faiSe Hne. Es- Exjwrte axe of omnion that it wiU ,' tite rndLk-yield ahoi>ts itIt sotset aiclo?aido? )1!!,, Please Mote Address: Oronte8a, Otontes II -j| Beat ©f all upfwith ¦i Mr. iWilliams—X have not tiho (/p io: surerl! Orphan Gill, OiiiiT1 Girl, and pedigree bn applkatj on. ecialL in Ireland hlas there been an prove mare. wrtfltaible to apooMCfisa an wonderful rapidity. It Is, indeed, a OUT Arnongato toer entries made'for him as E v Btl«a atowugb.in - niSTRJOT OF iDOINOrtARVAJi. here. ! . several, otier I wimiers. ;|By Bend Or itoost complete neglect of breeding "x*^. «2 «* Ow ioua fact that Brass, aa a miLk^producilng Eti¦ vtA UO WALSH , Thomat.¦ - Street " tihe Epsom 'hy ', ' T : C&iairman : On th« grounds that it:w« i . . . .!!l of• •|tn* Derby, ,1 ftO)J 4am by a y«apfing was Included ifloi horses upon reasonable line*, and were North desert apples, mwh aa the Lad* food, cannot, oe excelled. It may 'be Ratriok Hiciiey, (teaant, P. e, future tanancy, ! 1 suppose. Ib uiuM WA.TJERFORD ; . Hermit' {winner jol we Derby), j oni of erf , 1905, bat owing ¦ it nol a certain amount of prepotency Sudefcy, Beauty of Bath. .andJrYoroester helped by a continuation cf | oonoeptra- Bonry ; 1 vnda'iieir&t' raced. ; ' I I' f6ait e 3 «atisffl{Jtiordy,- ' Ohoarnloy landloird;iland of Rirvorewnwn; co bn (tiwtie groudds. !; Lady Blanche '.by T/hiindcbolt* , her 'dain iueih^ has bien saved to the Irish boreo Ws ™tif S ™™ tfca ie-d iaod lisas;k redemption of the ha'dir-jf, .: |i of Beanty ' ny Meuxrame ;|- ; '|| ,: I. [: ¦ : ' \ An ¦ colour, and in quality Ibetwfeen wlntei ¦ tensjnoy oreat won ing-j.-fcetOBl r— ;¦ I ! . , |! !! ..i | ;! ;. ° the present thrietrove a genegenerarala "G-ro«»»»'»nadier., "Lane»"."'« ^Priori Aibert.JVtDert» and»»<» avrid ' igra&s. ' prod'uoeid .: \ !¦ . ' ' wES ik X-U .ml t>w» Hactnor of tihe old longer. With continued attention to out- i quality aocoiVhng to siuould be lG3a 3r was tii^t iand XlRiAIN, Dfakefow Stsikea at D >rby., 41^ Two ^% \ Grass varies in the Qp. as an aero and 16 ! almay locked on her QJ$tDEf||: TriaJ Newmfiiiiet-'. a' taTE&d. and .pack™, the Branded land. Tbft earnest ia- toundi in vaXcr. percheswas taken for a labourer's cot. thaV th& landlord Ih6tokt>dG niteas , . t^^A^w T££oft Seed££**»ling will be golden to Iridh ("rowers, tw ' tiho : teriarit. . . : ). < Welter Handicap at Kempton iPaff^V 'and i 11 Jrh.ro ri<*>lin«{ fh« old Iriab " meadows and OA the warnjior gravels, tage. at Ffe«ncn%VMaire& ;£ &; Qiocpa' a Fee,- 2y. wiped It is g.Wly by all who i The : Qh«.irm»n-THe took the r*nl from tio ^outbfleld , Plate J^ewmarJcet ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ^-^ally &M * wKidh ere S3EO ihe .first t» "give out'* in Tho Ohairznan . eaitl the. farm ceemed ' ' ¦ ( 6d;i '; V-r :!- . !• - ' .. - r^H :. bo ^ha ^n ¦ ¦ . ** her, : beating., and eivinfft. KQsaEag?- -- f thTTxifpncieB of agriculture cwapetent to erpr^an ur^>udlx»d dry weath of the townland of i A notaljj Flour.,, , -;, . 1 'beF;i«l±:BJtliEipai 6e«w ' toSib opinion on the eutoject tituA, ^hon ^ t Bbe ! - iMt.'Williams—Andshe wHs looked 01 ; | | . :: han (1st 91b. He also anoweai gojd fdnn •Gw>bm'f'Eaei'to Thlne^ipreesentsLm 4».nec-«eDssity. is laoogniaed ibe ' tures are Btill Uloadhcd, and wiU soar- Riveirstownexcept fo^ • Wbxjfuie'rB plot/ 1 ! ' inltine^ yfci-lKeto- .ofiMaresi7 »:' jjer iwee«J j.. ' • ^ laig» quatitiea oi foreign and Cblomal conn into lull bearingtili June, and as t!hiQ prodtucedi of tlhe rent. . : brj> running fourth to La (Fkcbe: ^ app^s must J oely He- would got the faam scaled ii the ten- in evi; Stakes of ,' £1,803 . (1892) horse susuit.uanubleiu tor draugJA pur- Asssert imported, the them, take the place oi tio 'Jvotter and ant's side wanted <± at done, but ts» c3. iProcceding,' Mr. , Williams pu* Canibfideeahire ¦ - -¦j eOPI^-QFr.OE^FlGi'EES-O^I. '' T^(a) A norBc r ^-o- *- United Kingdom can (hold its ovm dance 's lettdr from the landkwd to Mr» ¦ leaving1 twentyrsix.xrthera ibehind; hicn^ . dricT grournis. For liiis reason good wmya preferred to J coept the. ordnance •" ' ' ' ' ¦Wa 'j P< for agtwm any aaanto in «ho world farm should comprisedifferent ^ Colomirin, vmtten "In 1689 in which ;.lie . . . ..HEAD rare, j , MAY- BOY - i' etand at Mr. BoDext- f b\A B«£ hor^ hunting. tn^ dairy survey figures to thofeo of a private BUT. ,, .oauynntKen, jwaienoja, brumal for harness ^nductoo n erf coolong appto. Iixkcd. classes oi 'grass ' land, lallowirnf of chan- very I stated, "It .is most unaato&fatcorytlbaJt :: utace s xara Veterinary¦ EstsMishanenfl, Wcierfard/; $ A mC^j iou are aLweys in iunreairs, partioulaxly Duiriag recent raaitii by tbe effarts ort "WedneBdays, and tbe ; wrmaibderv af :¦ •' - "; l906. |r; , ' ' OTRCI . i* w TW? question-ublo if any foreign ges and rolloviiig eadh. lotlher «ntry pwduoe M good , a come in turn l>are. Youn^ grass . is t2i&t ho took the ta.-m direct fromthe a-3 aity I !betr ^y .cerrufy.h sivinjgy "Jd) 4 h5S? useful for Garmntxrg has to be paid down. . , 3 Public bare at last been, opened,to the ., . , . , , ; TEEMS. Li i X.: ¦ ¦ iknowa to be more- nutritious! t&an old. landlord aitei rt hod^oydopedk * dve ¦ T!?^' feeing richer in aLhumenodds hnd tiigta- have to ;poy nmy solicvitJor a considerable rant t tat extreme whiteness i« not a 'Gentlemen's! Mares. £4 OS. .j 0d- nut: Horse ..named Hibernian-; 'In:my = S^EStheantanof Mr T. «S or six fplijco.nt, Wheai*' aid goo " ;CUonn»l, Feb.-lOt*', 13061:. r. ass j S^- I sufl from McCarthy , who was a draper at Oungar. 1911 ; G.noorm'8 Fees at Firdt _ SeryioeJ ' I thereby certify. having, atithe. iremKst SS&iS&Kt a =sl ^pJ JS The sten»s graduaHy bocoir.tt of a wa« growing tube. Since he got U ; and above this is neither nacessiTy¦ nor i oe-auloje ui«o van, vras her brother, and belooimep os. • PlS.-t-i-Npaooonntability ! to* accidents of Mr. RobertiPower , examined aj chest- COUiUipuu 31 «". il on" irc»« unij tho conversion oi soluble witness had done a cood dral to unprave uood. j . ; : ; 1 S«y i S" den , " said he, ''Hhere is nolle beSter tJoan woody fibre, and1 KW& reauit is old gTa>f>. seseed of tihe lands of Gorranibefi' near I to 'iMares or:'Foali6i. , • J ! rmt Hors^ named .Hibernian. :8a^d Horse. be coiisidereni the purposes for vhix& 1 ' the farm and 9pent afi average of &V2 per 's husbahd was WE GUARANTEE Golden Grain Flom For further particulars apply to Uie BramJey*s Seedling, and those ve uinpeiatable and inoutritious, fit for hivy, annum on antifioial rtuurntros He had to DungaTvan. Witneast is, in mji opinion sound' aid' freb fw*n horscej are bred. evicted from a holding on the Nmg?nt bo be ' absolutely I pure and 'without THOMAS. POWER' I | ' hereditary disease.^ ¦ I!: ; I ,.\ that anusl lhare 3iad from Ireland aro equaJ to any but infeirior t» the fleaJly fhetrlbage If mn unprovo the dwel'bti^fhtruoe arid the ont- bleaching or ' There is one coasider-ation , ao. paAtniree HuntWe e*<*te in 1883, and fflie and bet artificial addition of either Ballyvaden .Stud Farm, '3111, Kilmac-\- THOS. iWBERT6;MTTLOAHYl_ _j ' importance in hr the landlord, de. spok e to hei ¦¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ With oommendablp and dhBracterrtotio r.aMinaJ laivci raiiher tihan A m her , and CHESTNUT. H0R 3E, No Mares flttendedto on Sxrqdiijja. . great improve- energy fruit _gwwers in the they will then mainSain Jr lGp , the total ttrai being 165i .3d. Ho '| hnportant and that the set tiiameciveeto the task of Nothing exhaustsia iplant ilvyne than she told him: to put it m writing. Her Bverrrcare .token , bnt so reeponsitriBty our live stock has been lar^aliy land nave is rWatxii a total valuo of £111 VOs on tihe- (had CAHTO MILLS. ; ¦ '¦ ¦ ; ; ment of putting their house in onler. TjDtil re_ flowering and fruiting, and f^ra-as no SrufJboiid in the meantime died. fox eocadenteJ j - ij .. . • |i. - - influanjood by an intelligent applicston and. and £7 10B on tlhe landlord's p<5f £119 I (>FF teniiber, 1911. '|' ' 1: • : diationary meandng of EDG R ¦; ;: Lhcs« laws A a solicitor at Wlatertfcurd to eienute tbe " ket in sf seed cx- To th« Ohainrtan-il pliuced a oapitaJ . Season ends July 1st. : !. I h hcjredity is . the "transmission of tho ,vii- 'but it is mori true thai transfer, brat he had not got tJiat dona Far any further particulars apply 'to-:- qualities of quently preoented a dirty and unin haustfl the Jand ; value o( £300 on t!h > landlord'e portion EDGE OFF. Chestnuft Horse j bj : physioaf and ps-ychiool and were of all sizes and it exhausts Uie pT.ant, and, in fact. ns»>- before (he went to AnieriJca. 'He wmorte I ROBERT POWER, I tiheir offejpring; the bioftoxksal ig apj)eararu». oi the buildings , and- £300 on Uie tenant's (hat Edgertooioat of Sympathy. j I parents to , while tbe apples oot>:olnM there. prm'e fata! to it. (Tt iis, <}ierefx>re, impod dea] toi ectiviuy teactcrurjr.wba : j : but to intarpret thetn literally in terms as an evicted farm f >r aomo ye&r». He Aia&e the - farm under itihis I^and \t*.< offloattoua rooulto. f l ARTHUB DOSBYK, CIJEtCLViBi * "[r ^-cUvi:.Fo5iled l901 j.|- ! ,\\, \ i:. conducted their business on honeat jwin- in the atoric markets, and a eitasfactory iet them in 1901 to the present tenant. to ' ' ; ¦ ¦' • ¦ ; r oJ physical inter-action and apart from bSit the C^nn|ssioners refused sd. bam* fceed ft c=3 8— I . ¦,[ ' ! r: ih : ciples suflerod by reason of tihe bad char- priAje con n his han jtarchaser money. lAibautto '••« Rni P. POWEH^ , Co: -Waterftw}-: acter which Irish pamkere had riohly de. m.M.le for : grazing it grazed and looked ifter by a caret* i ' ago pie served noiicS -h-a-ve tneJ, ,\wi!eK—"f Sxn' KStd.joor"Scour TERMS. ; t:, , -:|- ¦ Storehouse, rKHmeaien Practically , then, in the selection of ralisea th'o »lfuidir>3that ihe fields ore Qit3 barband ^ears a , '- MTOJiSTEtt ia a- Bay Horse with! blsic£^ scirvod. Bventuaiiy gTowera T& 'Dx WillianiB, rolr —The land ivnS appttcoiti¦:. I was Cordi*l'.ca VBLBJ occa*£oos *d& have , ! 5s Grodmfc ^ horses for breeding we must sclodt the and pvAt'ty Uiere i« no immediale prospect of rapid 1 lai rrent fixed, but the \ Thorocghbrrfd Mbtee £* , poiots, "at«iid&J & tandB-Mgh, "With great in BcrioosnecB ol tihe sitas-tion, .n fairly good oorulit on wthen tie for ne never;kooon i> t»!fcsJi Uy hitn&3 also te; • ¦. ' • "-'• _¦;; -I . li' - 1 - .1, animals of both M ies that possess growthv Th'e difTtciUat-y, however, is over. iisiraEBed. MW Fee, -dfegth ajid-powei' ai^.i^anlense]|bomia , to Qieir credit. In the eaxly port oi fast tenant wa3 evicted , but K was in vj.*. - BjpCOtt| TtCrj U3UJ7 IM j, «^ *WX ««« mAri©]l degree the diaract-enstios neces- corno fry foddering with hay ojn tho pas. ' Cross-examined by Dr. Williams, soft " ' , :.. 13. Groobtffl .! AsJayestrEng:. year itas formed the Ulster FJtuit Grow- good oondhtion D«» ; Hidkivy ie nn im. Abbeyaide, Dnn. fibertjfto ose nrr-nw ai" : \ Tienint'Farmers ilsres ¦ rrinei;iac5 tf^..»a!iaiee. sary far the animal that we dosire to assist oultSviatct-Bin tares it is inrpoesibleto forecast pro- —The pairisihpriest of Fee, 2s, fld. ,, \ ' thia colt was- awarded.2nfl iprize!at:'t&e; The individual characteristics eTB' Associationto pric ing tenant. cwrvan. during the years 1685.6 was thf W. I CONNERY, iWWtfieM. Fenw, j produce. the disposal of thM r frjut to the bast ad. bable yields of grass or hoy a! this aate, To tli© Cfhairman—TThe fences, were not 1 lost toy ao calves \V«iterfordi Agricultural Shbw; ' atY,two of tijej sire and tlte ezcelttntJ'Veterine white yearsold , Fiist-.Peize at Iveiri due conyidoration. The old theory tiuilt growth laiclr on will letters to tihe landlord for her . but f<* the 1 quated iiR"iaua tib&t for \Aieh quacit Tnximaa Hiokey, enani, Heu v P I consider worth MALLOW MAN, j . Sqcieiiy'e. 'Show;; also Second'Prise ¦¦ ,¦ New; largest influenoe on tiu> Dr Williams^ Will you stand by wfliat Scourj Powder ' which ;i 1 . ;!¦: - ; '> the siije has tlhe fruit was to be sold to advantage probably atone. April has Uie Irepurtation 55a n 2ir R039 Show, :19O7. . I (¦]: ! . progeny and th&t tlu H toe and thowiiry moniii . Ohearnley, landlord are* . r . he wroteP any money." Bay Horse, 16.1, by Ame icus out -pi «ire abd form of the on its merits in tf-.e (MT'ke.ts of G/e«t ol being o grmring (>!¦( , PX.V , £12 Ids , .urlU. ,8 , New- ': . . ¦ . .1 His dam, Alert' XI.,' wiitnerj.crfte iesal aiarc"B influence it Largely in the matter has boen oJjten so ooJd ront £20 Witness—J don t know what he CapUia C H BLOOMFIELD ! Neda. ' First.' Piuses . Britain arxl IreTaiMl it was a«vesVAry but in late years it rent. £16 Us second term writes:—" I hare sach , £5' )s. Od. Half- First Frizes, including 6* of what may be called Ore energy or the iir.gwnJa.1 that it has bein looked wrote. park; iWaterford, 1 Thojoughlbred. Mares ¦and Showe, ;1908, (Open of the to cast away the old order of tlvirgs and ami Mr. E ArthuT Bysto, salr , DUIIL-H - VJ ;. confidence ia ' Bell's White Soour Cure' rjred Mares, £2\0s. 0d. Watorfordi Iverrk1 payciiolo^icaJdevelopments off- u.pr land that it taken in timel I ahaQ hive no spring U not always materialised of that associ ation ff feocling dtu Kc be c-anrat^i mort pondc-nitx' in reteretice \o the ouiie and For further particulars a >ply ;U> 1 Firat ¦Prise Sal Ivfiik, lSWl : Tteel liaUer vary curiorus exceptions tr Xow the members lord '65 objection to bny a calf effectedTritb-White . find soroo are working on line. jumilar to those classes of ttoovk Judsijig fron) the figure h;f \\ould put it in evidence-. On 22.1. wasTawarded Pir&titiie at'fauhlial Saw,; this theory but we may take it an t< * . grazier! anticipate Tho tenan t g-ave | evi(J«io« UiM wr^te to the Jandlord Scour] «• I- feel absolutely consent Of JOHN M0RGA1. i • .^, ad<$>ted in Oajtada The applee are clas- at uKrch grass le^ji father the pla will con tinue l<> T\t;vlise g^> -<1 g*>t , from W&terfoTd— "Pjpa.se don't taJce any curinjj jf ' , Watejford.; ; atofSt ari Ivary sed iiiUu three grsxles iinluiat iv» > oJ the thai I'a.ttlc , and witness and his Or MX Cao. BallytnT'cken MUNSTER'S ycW l :; . duoo Hike " ji , whioh, they must loi niaie tiho ber of yeaTS ago id. abi ut my renl d^ five days. W.lDOHERTY. Great Idaad, yearlings, hi8 fifptiTwir^ qualit y and size of the fruit. nhicJi is pxicve fa-thor . oaTried out vat u »>u vn J' n..t t^ke any steps. pile, Co. Wexford, tay*:— > 1 DEPART- doi»,j won at the 1906 Wa^riardShow i pocked in new , clfjui l>arre!s . du- boxes menu" Tho turn B-^S hj!:i there in , VeUrineScour Cnre * the bestthat -RBGKTEREiD UNDER t^E ing farm atunwils has had anciont n - for th» convey an. v of and prafis fxeldB ara laken at }ugh prices .Don't be haTSh " On the 12lh Septem- your ' . ¦: Second 1 and iThird 'PHzas, ¦ala> lihigKta oognition If aiyone fond of the r>riie used only or>oo t>ut it should bo nittnembered a t*»reen going intoj it. T>ie fann was Father OunjOiy. Abbey, the vrarld can prodcci ea.ct en times I MENT OF AGRICimrURE. I merohadiso. That rs an exevuem (<•«- Cor grazing. ; situated M miles from I>uriga.ni(vn and l>er. J885. |Jov. ^ ' • ' cosameadedJ| At tbe CttoniaM Bho*, 1906, at tfu! Oljmpio Games brei^k horseo . or Lhjtl them is pirftctitnJly no -«\NrV attach- ude, WTOjUst^-'The 'siBtex of your tenant. foimd-it-moctreliable. " - exhibitid'therejwoD- ture of the industry, a cleaji , new ™vok. 12 miles from Cflcnmek Witness ' claim- , Meoaeoia Co. Kit. one yearlingof ibis if anjono breeds stout bullook* for th<> venioles ed the feaoos, i mpnivemeaits *.ndlbuil4. 'VetcrJaaWlute "Scoot L-N()kTE.¦ , '¦ ¦ plouph. he chiefly attends to flioVmother fruit. G«KT»ua m«i» They «ro BinHpilytorne dinto a ifi«f!d whero tniiK time called on me and told mt kenay: -^"^^* PASU-DK : classes.L Hia. ijiftBrlineB . ftla> ¦ lw>ri; .Fggt> . who might to be large in all heTparte. " for tho carrying oi nvxter ings subject to a coriUibulion from Hie Conr Cured a calf ot aioahioseioss, ia : ~ — sure is put into the barrels , wluoh or>n. there is a kiU> »f grass and a jgood 8Hi« goit £22 from her brother to pay hall . - - ' 1 : d903). - \' i . ' 1 Second!andi ,Third Pri«a it VV«*«*cnt (A fr<|e traii.-'latioa . Geongics of Vrnpi!) supply. Hne2 tain about 1401b net, whilst b -at^a hold To Mr. WiJiiam*. B< Ir —My father got a- yew Caiir, By Eagw Aun by St. Siinon, -j 600 *1• 1907. Pci ^, It apbear< to me. however, that far the so-Irvvs "When Oiis is comi|>are- present time, all else being equal , a most Mali-feeding and 1he trcliible and the p McCttrthy writing from America in 1880 «rnte9H-"l bars mH yoar IVeteriu 1 First Prize; two year bjjd^ Lions laid down tor grading, both in re- « pre font's nn iht fs nn »-fii' <- I remeTO. ' cad find A beautiful: Bay Horse' 'standing 16 ling c3ass. impoT|tarjtf consideration in the .broedinR rogula. e xpanse iconnxwted tihprewTth , it is cAsy to tho Landlord said - "8lr-Hl have just Wbjia Scots'Cere ' tot tag calves class, : Second I aad Third PrizesJ!- {Prises,. gard U> quality and size , and tht t»r rtnty^ ^.; ¦ . -1 ,1 . hands Wgh, ^ith big b< ne, BplentDd of horses i? thBt the mare eha)l produce y obseTv«i by mem. i in see why tihere are morv *Uiok . boiyeni received a letter from my Bister on 5tli tt wntt wtfifft : < l£09—Second, OorkSborwi Bbcond:iW&t«r' large |'e>'!nire . ' mjr ponbd. oonside-red itnv far m would carry six eowg. CURE' b esl3 is a/r esd 0/9 bottlea. action: - ¦ ' '¦<^; : ', j .; | I: " Mumtei aT produce are ie«lisi% hig^f nourished by its mother will grow irttc farrii, or oven itanetakor until 1 (vuild moke some money | ' follows :-HMr. | John O'Keeffe, ' tile fruit ruAy be sent over li>nu tlistancee j < >f vourse, n"H e^-ery ' It was a very difficult farm to woTk THe post: trie, by tha OrWs=isri HENRY . Hi» 8:re, Eajger,, is a rio35j£>ifkiehorse , prices as a well proportioned horse, ami this musi the sligHte^ d.uiiage. ' 'i.Mrurt, possesses "¦ferdmg W\n very oareiul you I could not support my BELL, Vetsrissary f ^ioUk and in the zenitb of his ^grcat on gTowth of th< of tile barrels l^ing very tiyfhlly is U> say fldds that will tatu«rj »UKik in a need not tell ' ying j Hat to J. j Heafyk . DAingarvan, £300.-foi la 'totar. lhe> lid."" in an who ket-t ezlubution poultry the Turf looked !like - ciff ¦ ¦ " foal itiufl be provided for. the various Tratliout any extraneous help ifaauily out oif tlha.4 faroi, but I don^ : - ¦< ¦ ¦ • year old; Dr O'Byrne, | inirnwfiiirinwa, Faatened k"w weeje To Mr Wirtiamo—Ttie> portnon of -the T" : . : ' , ¦ houndsL ! .. .: :¦[ , i . |: r; parts iflnd tissuea of the body increasing piiT< hdse »"hate\-er. iBut in somo i£avc)iur«l parts want to part with it " , £65 far I a lout year oW;; Mr.iPl Maher, so id!}' }w «uptp Thuler this sij'stem tnryers oan land , W) a- -rrft , whixah witaiess did not conuivuing , quoted from a PASO DEL INORTE'S idV is by the ; rap nn*vt li«d with the witlh the lullcn. w«ji fid«niw, laml oan be found that »-iU carry and Di Wuiiaius, ] • ¦; |;j B'aiihlegg, £150 for a, font j^r-JoM;Ifr.; matrtor that nature re »T.rrthles» rtunjbw of letters written by Rev. Father , SEA6OJJ 1S01. : mighty St. Simoo. . * ' ' |fotu» the element of guesa^-oA being entirejiy feed ifil ittd . and it i< plf.-a;.:np to record Inuliock - OT sheep I H66 . 1H7 1 and 1872 atlownnoes far budld. SLRE 00. Od; Groom's Fee; 2s. ¦ B?. j • i . i : p«rio(j it wi'l be iniposaihle to repair the ^ are numberless acres which jwill i«*d a and \o the ton Ouleman , all of whu-ih he iubnuDted went TIIE THOROUGHBRED^ for a four yeas o&pMx. M,IHtearr», The-; that the efforts of tfi<> UMer Astxxjiation Lii^f lime were fci-ver a in o) TAfiO DEL NORTE will I itand I at :M». " mistaie later T.rue, manv horso breed- highly KpTrrai-aled by (leajens , tnijjock oi heifer wiUi the belip of a ferw to «how that H was rh>t t/he inuntion Sweep, ; £70, (and iMr. :AMrWd/'|JBaBy- ers, h«^¦e be-n Miwranting on th*j *uw>l e l*> £32. Wnaat w asaign Jho farm ' , WakH'e Yard, BaHybriotos1, jWaterford, especially of truorouc'h'hreda. supp'x- it-fail A label bearing tho pounds of cake daily and it itiay lt>e ad- , for tlhe lfim H>rji*.'T • ilOKTGUGN, F( ia-| ; at briakea>i Wa.tcrfor<>] bought !ia 1 three year meni Ithe mnrr's milk by irivinj? cow's wlirf.esale and of' oaie tejids . Mr. Hamt valuivi 10 his sister wp U) Uie tune of the ©vie. i Property of JAME8 MDR1PHY. on iWedneedaysand all l>*ya . Credan, and as9?«aUon 'f trjule-mark u o\n4idejed a i>id thaKhe persistent use gToee. and £18 15-« 6r»oerrring oaretul Mleotion have been tempted . but 1 °^^J5 * ' Or^villSm. .•* I^.gan^n . fo, loon, ..Giobnyft Feea at Fiwrl 8qrvfoe.; -| fotr yeiij ioldf- ' '[ \ ' (To be Continued) £% Uuciied to the puxdbase Agreement in out of lady Morgan, tiro dom of Mc(r- wjB be. \ \ E. ' Crotty, Tramore, £S0 for a four obfmrv-ed In addition to tiie trade-onjvrik, 'Best ct^re teikeri:' >f |Maflre8{earid ' ' ' ' ' ¦¦ ¦' ' ¦ " ^^^^ which ahe stated that die had been in canetto, tbe dam A Galtocmore and Ard year oldJ ;. .: : l \ •¦! • ' ! t •! "• > - < < \S\e prvvntp sign of fie packer i-s on the Derby. ' FcalsJ but Owner1 will not'to rwponnble oi 1 gav. ov^oe iK-cupfttion of the hoUling 08 tenant einco I'atrJcCi, wtivneT8 of Uie ' ¦ ; ¦) •MTJN8TES fe rire ' cif "^A&ei Maia- NOTES FROM labo ., so 1h.-t in the ev-»«nt of tho pur. ^t^ «, ««.« ' will tie as follows:— lor 'aoadentei ' 'I ! ' ! cause to oompftai n the r^rin^y^r^ofi^i^ntry ! IB89. VV Service Fees |ipnTti»alBi6 appTt?;to 1 ter." trinber of First iPrite W'j-Wafarfwd chaser having , ' ,., \.~,L A n 4 a rrrmnh!less w-eiifh^t carried <«u t nnuus unprovem-nK 8nu Witness—J was aot U-nant until 1889. !'; TtujToughhred MbVes, £5; GroomTs For farthar ! .) Show. sebond ,at Cork; and Roistered, by THE FARMERS' GAZETTE fault can be traced to its iouroe, for with 1 rtd • all bui lding The farm - -ver got a receipt , : : acoident: a fU ^I^. .- a.n-sl «h* Dr. Willianis—You n< Fee, 5s. ,E. P. ;PARKINSO^ iTrairole.j DtfrpmftiiinBnt 1'of^ Acpicul'frizre.l j ' ] '• ' goods of a perUihablenature $£4£Z™ reach •Ijvi.Won .i.u> w«or P *«* andHe O ie» ww 11 your oni name until 1880?—No. 's Mores, £3; Gioom"B Fee, ' - otcoaaicnally nc arTnow "Sughtered biore iUrTey nine lee acres paid. Gentleman MUNSTERTwai stand: Tu«d«y'J .Dn». are bound to happen . growtlh, the result being, : »^r a The Chairman—iHcrw oan I possibly 5s. i f 'OiisTtB, - gajrtfar»;: Wednesday' and Saturday, j AND AN8WEBB. how greet the precautions talen their maxumm r..:«-« ra-U> «.f 3.1 in the ' AT ^^YNETL J] : j ¦ W<> QTJERIE8 matter HS thit rkoie caxtie tfre required runnte liold in face of these documents anything ' Fftrrnj.m' Moret. £1 .10s.; Groom s Fee, Haiord, 1 1 and | Teniainder: ij i waei I tit as sonv timea there are defects in th£ pound. rVmgaTvan , liie neawrt nuiriet jul Ocmanoy began iu Two Miles bora ' Cairicik-oa-6iitr,| Co ; ¦ ' ¦ ¦ Registering Trees—Please let mo know of padkiiw. to (OTXPCT tiie demand Tliis has O Rood that the preuen* to. 6dl I Tipperary, G. 8. and W. Railway. ;¦' Owner'© Residlsne&. . ' • •• J ': f fruit hot apqjarentat the time of ptook . town , is 10 miles MM L889 ? 's Fee to 'be paid "at first ser- : ' - I- ¦' ' I' :r; ' with whom the planting of treos shoold be has boen the list Irul deal M do with thb hirih price re is no To Mr * Groiui '< i ll ' 1 ! " I- ;! .! i ' I T^EHMfl; - • i K registered, and tho course of procedure tc Very njcceMful Kpring out t^ue WiiJ-usm c ».lr —The farm was Mr William*—McCarthy I B in America, vice, j ! G«ntIeinen>8|Mar«9, !£4 0s. »d; Groom's prices for beat samples eatfh roctirnng REGISTERED .THOROlJGHIjKED I ; ¦ ¦ ¦ D apple son«>n . public j wiJl again t..» in 1899. my fatiher and 1 would say ti.at vhe idea of get. Money to, ibe paid belore lat ' h "j; ! ! ' > I' !-! .- go tbronfib I ihe matter? Answer—The hi^hdy nomunerafiv-e, anHi*led with i j ¦ plantlqc trees most lod^e within twelve witha ion from over-fat iWerlfwT grie<"it) FArmevs. £1(10 of the arrears aW £120 wtrn knock tence on iihe< pent of tihe tenant to in- cJutisxM for collecting. Gtoocn'».Fees,i;2s. 6d.: i ;j , j " < ' • purchas?™. It romains but to con. B ' montli)H from t>o (Ute of p'antloc wllh the their therefore. Qiave to cater d>r tihe iltMiiand ed off dace tho landaoru to be lenient. A a M0BTGAG.E will 1 1 stond ot Owner s i NominatedMares ii (Fee i^ed: by Oo. gratulate (he growors of Irelanii on the Iwith prim« rrtattsT ol faict she never g-.1 i copper Foul weather or i MlNJST]4 ; Clerh t.f tl)>- Peace for tho county wbcro ¦ have made. by 6uppl yiog the marten MT John Wdll va'luef for Che tenani Stable, .MuUinavat. aOY4L j 06njmittee)rGT0om'B Fees, 2j. 8d.' etcel!ne (M r. Willjluna—I t Merest sent to this JTorse, but the bewt By Royal Htunpion, fronj ' liml by ,Bdr- 'T :'M - PEDIGREE. i - I |j ! ! ! I tvlnnd . and . despHe a HtUe niortinco,- , '.Atious'h : parish pri«it to say she got Che rnqney. l! register mast be nervcil OD t'lo herd land lesson from turity plwi 'bTeaks dtown arvl a Major Oht-axnley . ln.r. .lloT(i . gave cvi. t>l oaiV will be taken, of them. ciZdiae. Minii is dam of! Mi ntagon, MUNSTEBiJi by Tounjr Maiisn'by tix>n t"> th^ir pride, Learn a rnore thai! it u-aod