ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print)

ҚАЗАҚСТАН РЕСПУБЛИКАСЫ ҰЛТТЫҚ ҒЫЛЫМ АКАДЕМИЯСЫНЫҢ Қ. И. Сәтпаев атындағы Қазақ ұлттық техникалық зерттеу университеті Х А Б А Р Л А Р Ы


НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН OF THE REPUBLIC OF Казахский национальный исследовательский Kazakh national research technical university технический университет им. К. И. Сатпаева named after K. I. Satpayev


6 (438)




ALMATY, NAS RK N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

NAS RK is pleased to announce that News of NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences scientific journal has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of News of NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential content of geology and engineering sciences to our community.

Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық ғылым академиясы "ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Геология және техникалық ғылымдар сериясы" ғылыми журналының Web of Science-тің жаңаланған нұсқасы Emerging Sources Citation Index-те индекстелуге қабылданғанын хабарлайды. Бұл индекстелу барысында Clarivate Analytics компаниясы журналды одан әрі the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index және the Arts & Humanities Citation Index-ке қабылдау мәселесін қарастыруда. Webof Science зерттеушілер, авторлар, баспашылар мен мекемелерге контент тереңдігі мен сапасын ұсынады. ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Геология және техникалық ғылымдар сериясы Emerging Sources Citation Index-ке енуі біздің қоғамдастық үшін ең өзекті және беделді геология және техникалық ғылымдар бойынша контентке адалдығымызды білдіреді.

НАН РК сообщает, что научный журнал «Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук» был принят для индексирования в Emerging Sources Citation Index, обновленной версии Web of Science. Содержание в этом индексировании находится в стадии рассмотрения компанией Clarivate Analytics для дальнейшего принятия журнала в the Science Citation Index Expanded, the Social Sciences Citation Index и the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. Web of Science предлагает качество и глубину контента для исследователей, авторов, издателей и учреждений. Включение Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук в Emerging Sources Citation Index демонстрирует нашу приверженность к наиболее актуальному и влиятельному контенту по геологии и техническим наукам для нашего сообщества.

2 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Б а с р е д а к т о р ы э. ғ. д., профессор, ҚР ҰҒА академигі И.К. Бейсембетов Бас редакторының орынбасары Жолтаев Г.Ж. проф., геол.-мин. ғ. докторы Р е д а к ц и я а л қ а с ы: Абаканов Т.Д. проф. (Қазақстан) Абишева З.С. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Агабеков В.Е. академик (Беларусь) Алиев Т. проф., академик (Әзірбайжан) Бакиров А.Б. проф., (Қырғыстан) Беспаев Х.А. проф. (Қазақстан) Бишимбаев В.К. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Буктуков Н.С. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Булат А.Ф. проф., академик (Украина) Ганиев И.Н. проф., академик (Тәжікстан) Грэвис Р.М. проф. (АҚШ) Ерғалиев Г.К. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Жуков Н.М. проф. (Қазақстан) Қожахметов С.М. проф., академик (Казахстан) Конторович А.Э. проф., академик (Ресей) Курскеев А.К. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Курчавов А.М. проф., (Ресей) Медеу А.Р. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Мұхамеджанов М.А. проф., корр.-мүшесі (Қазақстан) Нигматова С.А. проф. (Қазақстан) Оздоев С.М. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Постолатий В. проф., академик (Молдова) Ракишев Б.Р. проф., академик (Қазақстан) Сейтов Н.С. проф., корр.-мүшесі (Қазақстан) Сейтмуратова Э.Ю. проф., корр.-мүшесі (Қазақстан) Степанец В.Г. проф., (Германия) Хамфери Дж.Д. проф. (АҚШ) Штейнер М. проф. (Германия)

«ҚР ҰҒА Хабарлары. Геология мен техникалық ғылымдар сериясы». ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print) Меншіктенуші: «Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық ғылым академиясы» РҚБ (Алматы қ.). Қазақстан республикасының Мәдениет пен ақпарат министрлігінің Ақпарат және мұрағат комитетінде 30.04.2010 ж. берілген №10892-Ж мерзімдік басылым тіркеуіне қойылу туралы куәлік. Мерзімділігі: жылына 6 рет. Тиражы: 300 дана. Редакцияның мекенжайы: 050010, Алматы қ., Шевченко көш., 28, 219 бөл., 220, тел.: 272-13-19, 272-13-18,

© Қазақстан Республикасының Ұлттық ғылым академиясы, 2019 Редакцияның Қазақстан, 050010, Алматы қ., Қабанбай батыра көш., 69а. мекенжайы: Қ. И. Сәтбаев атындағы геология ғылымдар институты, 334 бөлме. Тел.: 291-59-38.

Типографияның мекенжайы: «Аруна» ЖК, Алматы қ., Муратбаева көш., 75.

3 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Г л а в н ы й р е д а к т о р д. э. н., профессор, академик НАН РК И. К. Бейсембетов Заместитель главного редактора Жолтаев Г.Ж. проф., доктор геол.-мин. наук Р е д а к ц и о н н а я к о л л е г и я: Абаканов Т.Д. проф. (Казахстан) Абишева З.С. проф., академик (Казахстан) Агабеков В.Е. академик (Беларусь) Алиев Т. проф., академик (Азербайджан) Бакиров А.Б. проф., (Кыргызстан) Беспаев Х.А. проф. (Казахстан) Бишимбаев В.К. проф., академик (Казахстан) Буктуков Н.С. проф., академик (Казахстан) Булат А.Ф. проф., академик (Украина) Ганиев И.Н. проф., академик (Таджикистан) Грэвис Р.М. проф. (США) Ергалиев Г.К. проф., академик (Казахстан) Жуков Н.М. проф. (Казахстан) Кожахметов С.М. проф., академик (Казахстан) Конторович А.Э. проф., академик (Россия) Курскеев А.К. проф., академик (Казахстан) Курчавов А.М. проф., (Россия) Медеу А.Р. проф., академик (Казахстан) Мухамеджанов М.А. проф., чл.-корр. (Казахстан) Нигматова С.А. проф. (Казахстан) Оздоев С.М. проф., академик (Казахстан) Постолатий В. проф., академик (Молдова) Ракишев Б.Р. проф., академик (Казахстан) Сеитов Н.С. проф., чл.-корр. (Казахстан) Сейтмуратова Э.Ю. проф., чл.-корр. (Казахстан) Степанец В.Г. проф., (Германия) Хамфери Дж.Д. проф. (США) Штейнер М. проф. (Германия)

«Известия НАН РК. Серия геологии и технических наук». ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print) Собственник: Республиканское общественное объединение «Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан (г. Алматы) Свидетельство о постановке на учет периодического печатного издания в Комитете информации и архивов Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан №10892-Ж, выданное 30.04.2010 г. Периодичность: 6 раз в год Тираж: 300 экземпляров Адрес редакции: 050010, г. Алматы, ул. Шевченко, 28, ком. 219, 220, тел.: 272-13-19, 272-13-18, /

 Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан, 2019 Адрес редакции: Казахстан, 050010, г. Алматы, ул. Кабанбай батыра, 69а. Институт геологических наук им. К. И. Сатпаева, комната 334. Тел.: 291-59-38. Адрес типографии: ИП «Аруна», г. Алматы, ул. Муратбаева, 75

4 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

E d i t o r i n c h i e f doctor of Economics, professor, academician of NAS RK I. K. Beisembetov Deputy editor in chief Zholtayev G.Zh. prof., dr. geol-min. sc. E d i t o r i a l b o a r d: Abakanov Т.D. prof. (Kazakhstan) Abisheva Z.S. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Agabekov V.Ye. academician (Belarus) Aliyev Т. prof., academician (Azerbaijan) Bakirov А.B. prof., (Kyrgyzstan) Bespayev Kh.А. prof. (Kazakhstan) Bishimbayev V.K. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Buktukov N.S. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Bulat А.F. prof., academician (Ukraine) Ganiyev I.N. prof., academician (Tadjikistan) Gravis R.М. prof. (USA) Yergaliev G.K. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Zhukov N.М. prof. (Kazakhstan) Kozhakhmetov S.М. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Kontorovich А.Ye. prof., academician (Russia) Kurskeyev А.K. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Kurchavov А.М. prof., (Russia) Medeu А.R. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Muhamedzhanov M.A. prof., corr. member. (Kazakhstan) Nigmatova S.А. prof. (Kazakhstan) Ozdoyev S.М. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Postolatii V. prof., academician (Moldova) Rakishev B.R. prof., academician (Kazakhstan) Seitov N.S. prof., corr. member. (Kazakhstan) Seitmuratova Ye.U. prof., corr. member. (Kazakhstan) Stepanets V.G. prof., (Germany) Humphery G.D. prof. (USA) Steiner М. prof. (Germany)

News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technology sciences. ISSN 2518-170X (Online), ISSN 2224-5278 (Print) Owner: RPA "National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan" () The certificate of registration of a periodic printed publication in the Committee of information and archives of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan N 10892-Ж, issued 30.04.2010 Periodicity: 6 times a year Circulation: 300 copies Editorial address: 28, Shevchenko str., of. 219, 220, Almaty, 050010, tel. 272-13-19, 272-13-18,

© National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019 Editorial address: Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev 69a, Kabanbai batyr str., of. 334, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan, tel.: 291-59-38. Address of printing house: ST "Aruna", 75, Muratbayev str, Almaty

5 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Aang Panji Permana1, 2, Subagyo Pramumijoyo2, Akmaluddin2

1Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia, 2Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The uplift rate of Gorontalo limestone is highly dependent on the completeness of age and depth data. All data needed can be obtained based on complete biostratigraphy analysis. The research material used was a 24 meter thick limestone out crop. The aim of the research was to determine the absolute age of limestone, paleobathimetry and uplift rate of limestone in the research area. The three methods used consisting of the measured section(MS), biostratigraphy analysis and tectonic analysis. Bio datum in the limestone is only one, namely LO Globoquadrina dehiscens. Determination of paleobathimetry using two methods. The uplift rate of limestone is 0.0699-0.0724 mm/year. Keywords: uplift rate, limestone, Gorontalo, biostratigraphy.

Introduction. The Indonesian archipelago is geologically the center of the meeting of three of world's main active plates, the Indian-Australian Plate which moves north-northeast, the Pacific Ocean Plate moves west-northwest and the Eurasian Continent Plate is almost static [1-4]. Sulawesi Island, which is located in the central part of the Indonesian Archipelago resembles the letter K. This form is influenced by the movement of the three main plates of the world. Based on regional physiography, Sulawesi Island is divided into South Arm, Middle Part, North Arm, East Arm, Southeast Arm and Neck [4]. Gorontalo which is part of the North Arm of Sulawesi has very complex geological conditions due to tectonic influences. The spread of quarter age limestone in the Gorontalo plains and Pliocene-Plistocene limestone around Lake Limbo to are evident. The effect of tectonics is very strong, especially from the position of reef limestone that is quarter age in the Gorontalo region. This reef limestone undergoes a very strong elevation, proven by field data near Gorontalo and the northern coast of Tanjung Daka [4-6]. The influence of tectonics on uplift rate limestone in Gorontalo has yet to be known how fast until now. This is inseparable from the data of limestone of Gorontalo that is regionally by dividing it into two large formations without knowing the absolute age and paleobathimetry so that the uplift rate of Gorontalo limestone is unknown. For this reason, based on the background, three main objectives of this research were raised, which are, to find out the absolute age of limestones, to know paleobathimetry and uplift rate of limestone. Material and Method. The research location is in Yosonegoro region, Gorontalo Regency, which is the northern part of the Lake Limbo to basin with coordinates (0039'6.7222"North, 12254'50.0385"East) to (0039'6.9397" North, 12254'57.5275"East) (figure 1). 24 meter high limestone outcrop research material. The research method carried out consisting of three methods namely the measured section (MS), biostratigraphy analysis and tectonic analysis. The MS method measures the detail of the coating using a Jacob’s staff at 1.5 meter intervals by systematic lithology sampling from the oldest to the youngest rocks [7, 8]. Biostratigraphy analysis using the Olympus SZ61 binocular microscope to identify the types of fossil planktonic and benthonic for a mini ferain determining the age of rocks and paleobathimetry [9-19]. Tectonic analysis to calculate the uplift rate based on absolute age data of limestone, paleobathimetry and current position of elevation [20-22]. 6 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 1 – Location of limestone research in Limboto area, Gorontalo Regency, Indonesia

Results and discussion. The measured section results at the research location helped to determine the thickness of one stratigraphy path way and determine the exact position of the sample for biostratigraphy analysis. A total of 10 samples that carried out biostratigraphy analysis based on facies obtained from measured section results. The samples taken certainly contain planktonic foraminifera fossils and bentonic based on grain size and the content of foraminifera fossils. Biostratigraphy analysis in 10 limestone samples contained 17 types of planktonic foraminifera fossil. The distribution of 17 types of planktonic foraminifera fossil can be seen in figure2. Based on figure2, interpretation and analysis of the distribution of the biostratigraphy zone and the position of the bio datum in the stratigraphy path way can be done. The research location is divided into two biostratigraphy zones, with details as follows:

1. Zone PL2 Definition: The upper boundary of PL2zone is not found. The lower boundary is LO Globoquadrina dehiscens. Discussion: This zone is Globoquadrina dehiscens partial range zone. ZonePL2 (part) is equivalent to the zone PL2 [14] and zone N19 [23]. This zone represents the youngest planktonic foraminifera (top). LO Globoquadrina dehiscens [14, 24] were found in 3G samples. The contents of fossil association in this zone are Globigerinoi desimmaturus (deLeroy), Globigerinoi desquadrilobatus (d'Orbigny), Globigerinoi desruber (d'Orbigny), Globigerinoi desruber (d'Orbigny), Globigerinoi dessacculiferus (Brady), Globorotalia humerosa (Takayanagi and Saito), Globorotalia plesiotumida (Blow and Banner), Pulle- niatina precursor (Banner and Blow) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker and Jones). In this sample also found rework fossils in the form of Globorotalia juanai (Bermudez and Bolli) and Globorotalia menardii (d'Orbignyin Parker, Jones and Brady). The presence of this species is estimated to be reworks originating from older rocks. The thickness of this zone is 13 meters (interval 11-24 meters) Age: Early Pliocene. ? – 5,80Ma.

2. Zone PL1 Definition: The upper boundary is LO Globoquadrina dehiscens. The lower boundary is not found. Discussion: This zone is Globoquadrina dehiscens partial range zone. Zone PL1 is equivalent to the zone PL1 [14]and zone N18 [23]. The initial datum of this zone is not found. At the end of this zone is LO Globoquadrina dehiscens [14, 24]. LO Globoquadrina dehiscens was found in 3G samples. The presence of Globoquadrina dehiscens in samples of 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F and 3G. This species was not found in the samples above, namely 3H, 3I and 3J samples. The contents of fossil association in this zone are Globigerinoi desimmaturus (de Leroy), Globi- gerinoi desquadrilobatus (d'Orbigny), Globigerinoi desquadrilobatus (deOrbigny), Globigerinoi desruber 7 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(d'Orbigny), Globigerinoi dessacculiferus (Brady), Globigerinoi dessubquadratus (Bronnimann), Globo- rotalia acostaensis (Blow), Globorotalia humerosa (Takayanagi and Saito), Globorotalia tumidatumida (Brady), Hastigerinaa equilateralis (Brady), and Pullenia tinapracursor (Banner and Blow). In this sample also found rework fossil in the form of Globorotalia continuosa (Blow) and Globorotalia juanai (Bermudez and Bolli). The presence of this species is estimated to be reworks originating from older rocks. The thickness of this zone is 11 meters (interval 1 - 11 meters). Age: Early Pliocene. 5,80 - ? Ma.

Figure 2 – Distribution chart danbiozo nation planktonic foraminifera in research area

Based on the division of two biostratigraphy zones, the position of the bio datum of LO Globoqua- drina dehiscens was found at a thickness of 11 meters, namely the 3G sample. Based on the classification of [14] the absolute age of LO Globoquadrina dehiscens was 5.80 Ma (million years ago). After knowing the absolute age, the interpretation of the position of the elevation location of the study and paleobathi- metry were interpreted in the 3G sample.

8 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The elevation position of the research location is based on direct measurements using the Global Positioning System(GPS) which is 70 meters. The Paleobathimetry of 3G sample based on biostratigraphy analysis refers to two methods, namely the method of [9] and the combined method of [11, 25]. The Paleobathimetry of 3G sample refers to the method of [9] using the calculation of the formula equation D = e(0.0061.P +1.25). D value is depth while P is the pelagic ratio. The requirement forusing this formula equation is the P value must be known from the comparison of the content of the number of fossils of planktonic and benthic foraminifera. The P value in sample 3G after being calculated is 75% so that the value of D or paleobathimetry can be known as 338.661 meters. The Paleobathimetry of 3G sample refers to the method of [11] based on the overlay of benthic foraminifera fossil content. The fossil content of benthic foraminifera consists of Fijinonionfijiense (Cushman and Edwards), Gyrodinoidessoldanii (d'Orbigny), Melonisaffinis (Reuss), Nonionfabum (FichtelandMoll), Pararotaliavenusta (Brady), Praeglobobulimina ovata (d'Orbigny), Rhabdammina- discreata (Brady) and Saccorhizaramosa (Brady). Based on the content of benthic foraminifera fossil, paleobathimetry is obtained in the uppers lope zone with a depth of 283.65-366 meters. The Paleobathi- metry obtained is still in the range of depth, then the paleobathimetry correction curve [25] was used by looking for the middle value (median) obtained 324.825 meters Calculation of the uplift rate in the research area was carried out by comparing the total depth of the limestone since it was formed or deposited until this time divided by the absolute age of the limestone. The total depth value of the limestone summed the thickness of the bio datum position from MS result with the current elevation position and paleobathimetry. Calculation of limestone elevation using two data paleobathimetry namely the method of [9] and the combined method of [11,25]. The results of calculating the limestone uplift can be seen in table.

Calculation Comparison of Limestone Uplift Rate

Paleobathimetry Elevation Bio datum position Uplift rate Rate Method (meters) (meters) (meters) (mm/year) comparison [9] 338.661 70 11 0.0724 1 : 1 [11, 25] 324.825 70 11 0.0699

Comparative analysis of the uplift rate of limestone using both methods produces almost the same results. Difference in the ratio of the two uplift rates if rounded 1: 1 or the uplift range 0.0699- 0.0724 mm/year. Conclusion. Biozonation of plangtonic foraminifera in the research area consisted of two, namely PL1Zone and PL 2Zone with bio datum of LO Globoquadrina dehiscens(5.80Ma) equivalent to the Early Pliocene. The depth of limestone was calculated based on the calculation of the total position of the bio datum of MS results with the current elevation position and paleobathimetry. Based on the data of absolute age and limestone depth since it was formed until it was elevated up to its current position, the uplift rate of limestone in the study are aranged from 0.0699-0.0724 mm/year. Acknowledge. I would like to thank Educational Fund Management Agency (LPDP) for helping me provide the educational scholarships through Indonesian lecturer main scholarship (BUDI DN).

Аанг Панджи Пермана1, 2, Сабаджио Прэмамиджойо2, Акмалуддин2

1Горонтало мемлекеттік университеті, Горонтало, Индонезия, 2Гаджа Мада университеті, Джокьякарта, Индонезия


9 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Аанг Панджи Пермана1, 2, Сабаджио Прэмамиджойо2, Акмалуддин2

1Государственный университет Горонтало, Инженерно-геологический факультет, Горонтало, Индонезия, 2Университет Гаджа Мада, Инженерно-геологический факультет, Джокьякарта, Индонезия


Аннотация. Скорость подъема известняка Горонтало очень сильно зависит от полноты и глубины данных. Все необходимые данные могут быть получены на основе полного анализа биостратиграфии. В качестве исследовательского материала использовался слой известняка толщиной 24 м. Целью исследования явилось определение абсолютного возраста известняка, палеобатиметрии и скорости поднятия известняка на исследуемой территории. Используются три метода, состоящие из измерительного разреза (ИР), биостра- тиграфического анализа и тектонического анализа. В качестве исходного био-уровня в известняке использо- вался только LO Globoquadrina dehiscens. Определение палеобатиметрии проводилось с использованием двух методов. Скорость подъема известняка составила 0,0699-0,0724 мм/год. Ключевые слова: скорость подъема, известняк, Горонтало, биостратиграфия.

Information about authors: Aang Panji Permana, Gorontalo State University, Geological Engineering Department, Gorontalo, Indonesia; Universitas Gadjah Mada, Geological Engineering Department, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; [email protected]; Pramumijoyo Subagyo, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Geological Engineering Department, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; [email protected]; Akmaluddin, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Geological Engineering Department, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; [email protected]


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UDK 004:85; 004.89;004.93

G. T. Balakayeva1, C. Phillips2, D. K. Darkenbayev1, M. Turdaliyev1

1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, Great Britain. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. This paper provides an analysis of nowadays big data processing technologies. For processing unstructured large amount data, which is extremely in demand now (data in the form of video and audio files, animations, diagrams, etc.) authors used actual technologies based NoSQL. A comparative analysis of some NoSQL databases, which authors conducted and presented, showed that the choice of MongoDB is preferable, which was due to the simplicity and efficiency of working with this database. In authors opinion, after their researches, which are described in this article, it is now simpler and desirable to use an unstructured database for processing large amounts of data. In this article presents the results of the development database interfaces, development deployment diagrams, verifying the reliability and integration of data on NoSQL, creation of real Web application. While using NoSQL databases, especially MongoDB, can be to use only two tables with links to each other. In our opinion, this option is more convenient and understandable. Especially, when solving complex problems. It is this feature that will be applied by authors in the future to solve complex problems that require processing of large amount unstructured data. Key words: processing Big Data, unstructured data, NoSQL, Web application.

Introduction. As an actual example of processing unstructured data, consider the features of creating online systems. Most creation tools are mainly based on universal data for each course. In practice, not every course is compatible with others. Some courses will require some additional features, for other courses they will be more compatible if the unnecessary functionality of the system is removed. In our research we will analyze these functionalities, select tools and create a web application [8]. System requirements are defined as follows: – For current time planned about 400 users at the same time. – Response time to user: up to 3 seconds. – At the moment about 10-15 courses are planned. – It planned about 200 MB of disk space with already installed courses. Without courses about 40 MB, pure assembly without courses. – It is planned to write in fast programming languages (C# is selected, as it was familiar to me than other programming languages). – For fast file uploads, asynchronous query execution in the database is used. – It planned to write on ASP.NET MVC technology, which was able to recommend itself as a reliable and fast framework. – Send mail by means of language tools, or if necessary use SMTP servers to send a notification to the mail user. According existing systems, among which: Coursera, Moodle, Stepik. Coursera currently has a very large database of courses and cooperates with well-known universities and firms: NSU, Yandex, etc. There are many free courses on this resource, but there are also paid courses for interesting themes. In addition, the resource is not possible to publish its course. Since the platform only works with universities

12 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 by well-known companies. This is affected by the fact that some courses that the user needs can be paid. Moreover, the subscription itself in this platform is not free. A trial version given for 7 days, and then you will have to pay the course [1]. Next, we will to analyses platform Moodle. Moodle is a course management system (e learning), also known as a learning management system or virtual learning environment (English). It is an abbreviation of English. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It is a free (distributed under the GNU GPL license) Web application that provides the ability to create sites for online learning. It is a free platform and a person, who wants to open his courses can easily open them and promote them. But, on the other hand, it can turn into expensive entertainment, since this platform is very cumbersome, and thus requires too much resource to create, for example, specialized training centers, it is worthwhile to open courses on this engine. Very good tool with so many possibilities. However, this makes it not convenient tool for creating courses for ordinary users [2]. One more platform Stepik. This platform is similar to Coursera. In difference, there are paid and free courses. In addition, there is an opportunity to publish own course. There is a choice: the course will be paid or free of charge. If you use the free version, your course will be available to everyone. Moreover, you can paint a course according to plan. To schedule lectures, tests, etc. A very good tool for each user, for creating and teaching one or some courses [3]. All the platforms listed above did not specialize in big data, the processing technologies of which will be discussed below. Databases for unstructured large amount data: comparative analyses. Since the speed of data processing and presentation is important, some SQL databases were not able to provide such opportu- nities, NoSQL databases were invented. Since the application on demand to store a large amount of data, with a large amount of file - video, high quality images, and documents of all sorts, the MongoDB database was selected [4, 5]. In addition, 10 more databases were compared. Each system will be brie y reviewed, and will also be evaluated by heuristics: 1. Database type: In this part, the given database will be defined to which type of NoSQL database. 2. Supported programming languages: List of all supported languages, i.e. in which languages you can write the client application. 3. Scalability: All NoSQL databases have scalability to some extent. Not always scalability has a good side, in some bases it hurts the system rather than a positive impact. 4. Ease of use: This will consider the ability of a quick start, or just a threshold entry. 5. System Type: Commercial or Free. This means that the system is paid or free. Commercial receives a score of 3, for the complexity of the system. 6. The intensity of support. With the free system, the update frequency and the last update date are taken into account. For closed systems, this part will be heavy. 7. Quality of use: it is understood how many users, as well as how many were downloaded this system. 8. Possibility of modification. With open systems, this property is positive [6, 7].

Table 1 – First part of databases

Criteria/Database Hbase Redis CouchDB Cassandra Amazon Dynamo

Database type 0 0 0 0 0

Supported programming languages 2 0 1 0 1

Scalability 0 2 2 3 0

Ease of use 2 1 0 0 2

System Type 2 0 0 3 4

The intensity of support 0 0 0 3 0

Quality of use 3 3 3 0 3

Possibility of modification 2 0 3 3 4 13 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 2 – Second part of databases

Criteria/Database MongoDB Big Table Neo4j Oracle NoSQL Couchbase Database type 0 0 0 0 0 Supported programming languages 1 3 1 3 2 Scalability 0 0 0 0 3 Ease of use 0 0 2 2 1 System Type 2 4 0 2 2 The intensity of support 0 0 0 0 1 Quality of use 3 3 3 3 3 Possibility of modification 2 4 2 2 2

Online learning System functionalities. Users of the system are the following entities: Admini- strator (Manager), Teacher and User. The administrator is given changes to the user data. By changing the data we mean the following concepts: Password changes (password reset), mail changes, user name changes, and distribution of roles. And also changes in the courses. The administrator can change course data: – change the name of the course. – change the category of the course – delete course – create a course - Download lesson - Creating lessons for the course - Creating a task for lessons – Administrators can register for courses. Change the name of the course. Teachers can: – Create a course – Creating lessons for the course – Creating a task for lessons – Download lesson lessons – Delete your course – Change the name of your course – Change the description of your course – Changing the lesson data – Teachers can also sign up for courses. Users can only search for courses and sign up for courses. All users can log in to the system, then they get their role. The application will have the roles of user, teacher, and administrator. By the next UML diagram, we can see all the roles of the application, as well as their privileges, (functions that each of the roles can do). Enroll to online courses. Here enroll to courses is a function with which each user can choose his course and enroll, and also pass a free course with control questions at the end. The structure of the data- base will have a representation (divided into components), which can be seen in the figure below. Sign In the functional responsible for user authentication. Authentication will use the HTTP authentication protocol, specifically the Digest protocol. Digest is a challenge-response scheme in which the server sends a unique nonce value, and the browser passes the MD5 hash of the user's password calculated using the specified nonce. A safer alternative to the Basic scheme for unprotected connections, but is subject to man-in-the-middle attacks (with the replacement of the scheme for basic). In addition, the use of this scheme does not allow the use of modern hash functions to store user passwords on the server. Manage users function provides the administrator with user data management, including data changes. If you lose the login data, the administrator could change the data for further successful user authentication in the system. Manage Courses function allows the administrator and the teacher to change the data about their courses, as well as delete them, if they are irrelevant. For the administrator, and the teacher will have 14 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 1 – Use-Case Diagram of users different access rights to the course changes. The administrator is given the right to change for all courses, but for the teacher is given only for their courses, and can not be deleted and added. To do this, the teacher must ask the administrator for the given action. The functionality enroll courses allows all users to enroll in courses, if the course is not protected by a secret word or was closed at the time of user recording, then the user can not enroll in the course. For these types of courses, the user should ask the teacher to give him access to this course. The function of search courses provides users with the search for courses on the user's request. To do this, a simple search in the database will be used. If you match the search word or when you and any word from the user's query, it matches the word inside the names, description or tags when you use them. Also, there is a functionality for notifying users when answering a discussion or a user question. When answering a user's question, an email will be sent with the content of the answer to the question, with a link to this discussion with the answer. To use this functionality, SMTP, POP3 protocols must be enabled. In the absence of such functionalities, it is proposed to use existing SMTP services like,, To facilitate the work with this functionality, the Administrator will need to select one of the above selected services, and enter the login and password from the user of this system. This data will be stored in the system itself and will not send spam. To disable the reply to the mail, there will be instructions for the issued SMTP service systems. Online learning System Interface. Users will first see the main page of the courses, in which the menu presented, in which the possibility of registration or login provided. On the main page, users can view data about the project, as well as data about the team developing the system and teachers. In the 15 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan courses tab there will be a list of courses available in the database. On the main page you can immediately search for courses. Which will implement as a screenshot is given below. The list of all courses will also look like. In this screenshot there is no header, the same header will be used, for all pages from the main page. Users can enter the system, then the main page for finding courses or viewing all available courses in the database will also be presented. At the moment, the pages of the Main Page, the entry and registration page, and displaying the search result or displaying a list of all courses have been developed.

Figure 2 – Login and registration page

Web-application Architecture. Enroll Courses component provides functionality for working with courses, in cluding viewing and writing for courses. The Registration components respond by their name, for registration and authorization on the site. These components will be executed on the client side of the web-application. In the Server section of the web application there will be such components as User Management-for the operation of managing users of the system, for authorizing and modifying user data by the administrator or by the user himself. It will also manage the definition of the user's role in authorization in the system. In the database, there will be components for managing the databases that will contain all the queries associated with for modification, input, sampling (with or without criteria) or deleting data from the database.

Figure 3 – System architecture 16 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Database structure for Online course system’s. Database Entities. The following entities are distinguished in the database: Users, Courses, User Type, Lessons, Tasks, Documents and Chunks. Users entity provides users with information about users: name, mail, and password and user type. Courses are stored in essence Courses. In essence, data about the course is stored: name, description, tags. In essence, Lessons the data connected with a binding to courses is stored. It consists of the attributes: the course number, the document number and the content of the lesson. The entities of the Documents and Chunks are linked together and retain documents relevant to the lessons. In essence, Chunks stores parts of documents, and the documents themselves are stored in the Documents entity. In Essence Tasks - the data for the task is stored, test exercises for fixing the lesson. Data in this entity is closely related to data in the essence of Lesson. The essence of the Forum, provides an answer, discussion, a given lesson, or an exercise relevant to this lesson. In essence, there will be attributes of the user ID, the identifier of the tied lesson, the user message.

Figure 4 – Database entities

The figure provides an approximate view of the class diagram as the database will look. Database structure. Entities are selected. Figure 5 diagram’s shows relationships in a non-relational database, because the Users and Courses entities interact with each other in a many-to-many relationship (n: m). In relational data, you had to create another table, in which the data of the key fields of the two tables are stored. But with a non-relational database, you can solve this problem without an auxiliary table, simply by creating links between them. To preserve the integrity of the data, this method can also be used. Since when searching for data, they will search by ID in each table. After finding the correspondence of the data, the user will be given the data that is stored in the database. In relational databases, JOIN is used for such purposes. As distinct from the relational database, using some libraries, the Document and Chunks tables are created automatically. Which contains by name the name of the document and its pieces, divided by an array of bytes. This function is automated, so it does not require any skills other than how to insert data into the database. For clarity, the essence of the task was shown, in which data will be stored to consolidate the acquired material, or to test their knowledge on a given topic. In non-relational databases, this entity could be implemented within the Lesson entity. Since it is dependent, only on the essence of Lesson, its data will not violate the integrity of this data in any situations. Tasks can be in two forms: write the result of the work of your program or a text answer to a question. Also, users can recover their passwords using email addresses. In authentication, saving the password in the database will use the hash function md5 or md6. This will help to strengthen the autho- rization and authentication of the user. In the component documents will be stored various types of documents (printed versions or media files). This means that the user can download a convenient version of the lecture or lesson, a document, presentation or video. On demand, the system should, be quick to process user requests, and return more relevant search results. Also, the system should process requests for downloading and downloading a file in the amount of 20 MB. This space is sufficient for a printed version of the lecture (doc, docx, pdf, etc.) or a presentation of 30 pages with images enclosed in it. This data format is sufficient to explain one topic. Also, the system should have an easy configuration for both the user, and for the teachers and administrator of the performance of their duties. Database queries. The database will use query-select and request-action. Namely, from the query-sample: – Output the contents of the table, by criterion or without – Output of a table with a cross query (Join) – Query with a calculated field From the query-action 17 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Figure 5 – Database structure

Specific ER diagram for MongoDB DBMS shown in figure 8. There used “many-to-many” relation between tables and deleted necessary entities on class general class diagram.

Figure 6 – ER diagram for MongoDB

Realization of online learning system. The system will have several components: the Client part, the Database, as well as the web server or simply the server. Each component will have its own functions. As you can see in the picture above, the client has the following functions: registration - will provide the functionality of entering data into the database as a new user, the input will be done using a hash function, data will be transferred from the client to the server part, the function of sending client data to the server, followed by updating or adding a record. On the server side, there will be functionality to ensure that user 18 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 roles are defined, and a connection to the database. The component user manager provides functions for the user to register, log on, or write to the course. The second component of the server side for database management, provides data for manipulating data in the database and communication between the client part. Database component will have primitive components for manipulating data: Output, input, update, and delete. These functional provide the same functions in the database for manipulation. Between each of the components are connected. The client part is via HTTP protocol, and the server with the database by MongoDB Driver protocol for connection and work with this database. Based on general class diagram is created specific class diagram for C# language (figure 7).

Figure 7 – Class diagram for C# language

The system will use the join operators to cross output the data. From algorithms, the algorithm for sorting an array, built into the programming language functionality. Also, an algorithm for clustering data with archiving. For archiving, the algorithm 7z with the PPMD method will be used, since it showed a more approximate result in the classification of texts, not counting, and the implementation of com- pression by this algorithm is quite free libraries and easy to implement (SevenZipSharp, Zlib).

19 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Figure 8 – Correlation error of classification by archiving word and le

Analyses of results. As a result, main part of the online learning system was implemented. At the moment, some functionality has been implemented, input and output of files, as well as registration and authorization functional of the system. In the future, it is planned to develop other parts of the system such as classification algorithms, testing trainees, etc. At the moment in the implementation of the system’s Web-application used large amount data with following features: 1. Downloading files to the database and retrieving them from the database of files with a size of about 50 MB is processed in a few seconds. This is all thanks to streaming reading and converting the file into byte code on the y. It is more quickly, and we don't do more actions to inserting file into our database than traditional SQL database. 2. Free links between collections (tables). Since it is possible to do both 1-n relations and m-n relations between two collections, without adding any additional collection. This greatly facilitated the connection between the tables. 3. Working with roles is more convenient and at the same time editing in the database is easier than in MSSQL in which all the roles are in a separate table and getting the user role is diffcult. 4. The selection inside the table and the search for text pass very quickly. 5. The integrity of the data is preserved, despite the unstructured data. Depends only on the model that this controller is attached to the base. He also did not concede to the traditional SQL database. 6. MongoDB scalable database. We can use one database scheme for a lot of people. In MSSQL or MySQL we need to reorganize our database scheme or optimize queries. That's why all queries to MongoDB we create on our application. 7. No confusing with JOIN-s. In traditional SQL we confuse with JOIN. Nowadays MongoDB have JOIN to, but many developers not use it, because they can via links and any data from database. Conclusion. In conclusion, the results of our research suggest that the online learning system can be effectively implemented using the NoSQL database. A comparative analysis of some NoSQL databases, which we conducted and presented above, showed that the choice of MongoDB is preferable, which was due to the simplicity and efficiency of working with this database. In our opinion, after our studies, which are described in this article, it is now simpler and desirable to use an unstructured database for processing large amounts of data. Because in some cases, very strong structures and SQL database designations may not be used. For example, the n-m relationship in SQL requires the inclusion of a new table, so we asso- ciate 3 tables. While using NoSQL databases, especially MongoDB, this problem decides to use only two tables with links to each other. In our opinion, this option is more convenient and understandable. Espe- cially, when solving complex problems. It is this feature that will be applied by us in the future to solve complex problems that require processing of large amount unstructured data.

Г. Т. Балакаева1, Крис Филлипс2, Д. К. Даркенбаев1, М. Турдалиев1

1Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Ньюкасл университеті, Ньюкасл, Ұлыбритания


Аннотация. Мақалада үлкен көлемді деректерді өңдейтін заманауи технологияларға талдау жасалды. Авторлар қазіргі таңда сұранысқа ие болып отырған (видео, аудио, анимация және диаграмма т.б. түрде кездесетін файлдар) құрылымды емес үлкен көлемді деректерді өңдеу үшін, NoSQL дерекқорының актуалды 20 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

технологияларын қолданды. Авторлар ұсынған NoSQL-дің дерекқорының салыстырмалы талдаулары, MongoDB-дің қарапайым, жұмыс істеуге ыңғайлы дерекқор екендігін және оны таңдау тиімді екендігін көрсетті. Авторлардың пікірінше, мақалада ұсынылған зерттеулерден кейін үлкен көлемді деректерді өңдеуге арналған құрылымды емес дерекқорды пайдалану тиімді әрі қажетті. Мақалада дерекқор интерфейсін әзірлеу, орналастыру сұлбаларын әзірлеу, NoSQL-дегі деректерді тексеру және интеграциялау мен нақты веб- қосымшаларды жасау ұсынылған. NoSQL дерекқорларын, әсіресе MongoDB дерекқорларын пайдаланғанда тек екі кестені бір-біріне сілтеме жасай аламыз. Біздің ойымызша, бұл нұсқа күрделі мәселелерді шешу кезінде ыңғайлы әрі түсінікті. Дәл осы функцияны алдағы уақытта авторлар, үлкен көлемді құрылымдық емес деректерді өңдеуде және көптеген күрделі есептерді шешуде қолданатын болады. Түйін сөздер: үлкен деректерді өңдеу, құрылымдық емес деректер, NoSQL, веб-қосымша.

Г. Т. Балакаева1, Крис Филлипс2, Д. К. Даркенбаев1, М. Турдалиев1

1Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Университет Нькасла, Ньюкасл, Великобритания


Аннотация. В статье представлен анализ современных технологий обработки больших данных. Для обработки неструктурированных больших объемов данных, которые сейчас крайне востребованы (данные в виде видео и аудио файлов, анимации, диаграмм и т. д.), авторы использовали актуальные технологии на базе NoSQL. Сравнительный анализ некоторых баз данных NoSQL, которые авторы провели и представили, показал, что выбор MongoDB предпочтительнее, что объясняется простотой и эффективностью работы с этой базой данных. По мнению авторов, после их исследований, которые описаны в этой статье, теперь проще и желательно использовать неструктурированную базу данных для обработки больших объемов данных. В данной статье представлены результаты разработки интерфейсов баз данных, разработки схем разверты- вания, проверки достоверности и интеграции данных на NoSQL, создания реальных веб-приложений. При использовании баз данных NoSQL, особенно MongoDB, можно использовать только две таблицы со ссыл- ками друг на друга. На наш взгляд, этот вариант более удобен и понятен, особенно при решении сложных задач. Именно эта функция будет применяться авторами в будущем для решения сложных задач, требующих обработки большого количества неструктурированных данных. Ключевые слова: обработка больших данных, неструктурированные данные, NoSQL, Веб-приложение.

Information about authors: Balakayeva Gulnar Tultayevna, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Computer Science Department of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Phillips Christofer, PhD, Professor; University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, Great Britain; [email protected]; Darkenbayev Dauren Kadyrovich, PhD student, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Turdaliyev Medet, Master degree student, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Information Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


[1] Coursera. Coursera | Online Courses and Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free. [online], Available at: [Accessed 28 July. 2018]. [2] (2018). Moodle – Open-source learning platform | [online], Available at: [Accessed 27 July. 2018]. [3] Stepik A‚ Free Online Courses. [online] , Available at: [Accessed 25 July. 2018]. [4] Apache Hadoop. [online], Available at: https:// www. / [Accessed 28 July. 2018]. [5] MongoDB for GIANT Ideas | MongoDB [online], Available at: https:// www. / [Accessed 28 July. 2018]. [6] Apache Cassandra. [online], Available at: https:// www. / [Accessed 28 July. 2018]. [7] Balakayeva G.T., Nurlybayeva K. Simulation of Large Data Processing for Smarter Decision Making // AWER Procedia Information Technology & Computer Science, 3rd World Conference on Information Technology (WCIT-2012). 2013. Vol. (03). P. 1253-1257. [8] Sagynganova I.K., Markin V.B. // News of the National academy of sciences of the Republic of the Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. 2019. Vol. 1, N 433. P. 63-67 (in Eng.). ISSN 2518-170X (online), ISSN2224-5278(Print).

21 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan


UDC624.138 МРНТИ 55.53.13

M. V. Doudkin1, B. Apshikur1, A. I. Kim1, T. T. Ipalakov1, E. A. Asangaliyev1, M. Mlynczak2

1D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan, 2Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The article presents an apparatus for testing ground shear to determine reliable baseline data taking into account the influence of vibrodynamic and pulsating loads on the strength and deformation parameters of clay grounds of various types with the possibility of modeling train load and train traffic. Key words: ground, embankment, railway, roadbed, shear.

Introduction. The grounds, from which the railway roadbed is built, are distinguished by a great variety of physical and mechanical properties. The works of a number of well-known domestic and foreign specialists are devoted to the improvement of the construction of the railroad roadbed [1-8]. However, methods for determining the physical-mechanical properties of ground, taking into account vibrodynamic and pulsating loads, modeling, calculation and arrangement of two-layered and multilayer railway scraps from dissimilar grounds have not been sufficiently studied until nowadays.In this connection, in the present paper have performed: - investigation of the vibrodynamic loading influence on the strength and deformation parameters of clay grounds of various types; - identification of correlation dependencies between the strength and deformability parameters for the conditions of static, vibrodynamic and pulsating loads; - possibility justification of the practical results use of the work in calculating the stress-strain state of the railways roadbed embankments, for carrying out experimental studies the author used a modified version of the single-plane cutter VSV-25 of the Hydroproject design, the scheme is shown in figure 1, and the general view is shown in figure 2 [9, 10]. The result of the conducted studies was the improvement of the installation for shear ground testing in order to determine reliable initial data, taking into account the influence of vibrodynamic and pulsating loads on the strength and deformation parameters of clay grounds of various types with the ability to simulate the train load and the intensity of train traffic; A great contribution to the study of the stress-strain state under the train load, using detailed virtual prototypes of railroad embankments, as well as the development and improvement of instruments for ground testing, were made by professors [5-8]. Improvement of the installation for ground testing on shear in order to determine reliable initial data, taking into account the influence of vibrodynamic and pulsating loads on the strength and deformation parameters of clay grounds of various types. Unlike previously known, the device provides a more even distribution of stresses acting in the cut plane due to the symmetrical action of normal N and shearing forces T. An increase in the thickness of the device cages walls made it possible to

22 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 1 – Schematic diagram of the shifting device: 1 - holders of the shifting device; 2 - ground sample; 3 - loading frame; 4 - eccentric; 5 - the electric motor with a reducer; 6 - strain gauge of vertical load; 7 - strain gauge for moving the lower cage; 8 - strain gauge of horizontal force

Figure 2 – General view of the shifting device

Figure 3 – General view of the rotational vibrator 23 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan achieve a value of the relative shear strain of the sample of 27%. To create vibrodynamic loading on the ground sample, an eccentric rotational vibrator with a DC motor drive PJK-25/3 was specially designed. The general view of the rotational vibrator is shown in figure 3. The change in the location of the eccentrics on the drive shaft makes it possible to vary the amplitude of the pulsating load. The operation of the instrument is organized in the kinematic mode (controlled deformation mode) with the possibility of monitoring at any instant of time both tangential stresses and shear strains. The shear rate can vary from 0.5 to 0.01 mm / min. The change in the shear rate is regulated by a change in the current strength of the BCA-5K power supply. The progressive motion of the lower movable holder of the device is created by the reduction gearbox MPK-13I-5 through the spindle. The general drive of the shearing system is carried out by the D-10ARU direct current motor. The general view of the working table of the device is shown in figure 4. For vibrodynamiceffects, the oscillation frequency is regulated by the laboratory automatic transformer "LATR". The value of the oscillation frequency is determined by the tachometer. The tachometer drive is carried out through the cable of the speedometer of the GAZ-53 car, connected to the driven shaft of the rotary vibrator. The device design allows creating a vibration frequency in the range from 0 to 30 Hz. The device serves the control and measuring equipment (CME), which serves to monitor and measure the following values: the vertical load NN in the case of both static and vibrodynamic effects; horizontal shearing force T; moving the clips of the device [10-13]. Metrological support of experimental research is determined by the following requirements for the installation and accuracy of measurement of the main recorded values [9, 10]: - to achieve the maximum homogeneity of the ground stress state sample in the instrument and the voltage determination accuracy in the conditions of static, vibrodynamic and pulsating loads (figures 1, 2); - shift the movable holder of the device with a given constant speed of movement; - to ensure the accuracy of measuring the horizontal displacement U and the force T with continuously monitoring the measuring devices; - in the case of vibrodynamic loading, ensure the accuracy of measuring the normal pressure P and its amplitude variation Р; provide the possibility of their simultaneous registration on the oscilloscope tape at any time. The uniformity of the stress-strain state of the samples is the main determining factor in the suitability of devices for use in scientific research. Since the uniformity of the stressed state is practically difficult to determine, it is usually judged indirectly by the degree of homogeneity of the deformed state of the material being studied. In the device used, the normal sealing stresses on the structural cut plane are transmitted using a lever system of vertical force of the single-plane cutoff device GGP-30 of the design of N.N. Maslov - Yu.Yu. Lurie [5, 6, 13]. In this design, the vertical load created by the sliding sector lever (figure 2) is transferred to the sample through the frame and the upper hole die (figure 4). The frame has a rocker connected to the rods. In the center of the upper rocker arm there is a screw that adjusts the position of the die. Two other screws on this rocker are fixed with a stamp and a set of setscrews. In the center of the lower rocker there is also a screw, which adjusts the position of the frame in the vertical direction. The screw is connected to the small arm of the creep lever via a cable through the end connecting plug. Its position is regulated by the handwheel. At the ends of the lever axis, sliders are placed, which are located between the slats of vertical racks attached to the bottom of the work table panel. The lower panel supports the lever, and the top panel serves as a fulcrum for it. To reduce friction between the upper bar and the sliders, there are flat ball bearings. The ratio of the arms of the lever of vertical force is 1:10. the lever is counterbalanced by the counterweight, and the goods are stacked on the pallet (figure 2), suspended from the draft. The above-described design of the vertical loading system ensures the uniformity of the normal pressures transfer to the ground sample and thereby causes the uniformity of the deformed ground state in the cut plane. The movement speed of the lower movable holder of the device is determined by the operation of the electric motor with a reducer (figure 4) and a screw jack that converts the rotation into a linear slide motion with the spindle. The device uses a reversible direct-current electric motor of the D-10ARU type 24 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 4 – General view of the device working table with a gearbox of the MPK-13I-5 type, the supply voltage is from 0 to 30 V. The speed is regulated by changing the voltage and current strength of the BCA-5K power supply. The usual instability of the DC motor does not affect the speed of the clip due to the large gear ratio (more than 216000) of the reducing gearbox MPK-13I-5. The movement of the lower movable holder of the cut-off device was determined by the indicator of the hour type ICh-25, with a scale division of the main scale of 0.01 mm and an allowable measurement error of 0.022 mm. In addition, through each millimeter, the movement was registered on the tape of the light-beam oscillograph H071.6M. The change in the horizontal force T was fixed according to the indicators of the clock type ICh-10 dynamometers of compression. The reading on the dynamometer indicators was also taken in every movement millimeter of the movable device holder. The measuring accuracy of the horizontal force T is determined by the dynamometers accuracy DOSM-3-1,0 No. 791, DOSM-3-1,0 №595 and DOSM-3-0,1 No. 404, which operate on the force determining principle from the deformation value of a special elastic shaped elastic element. The scale division for the dynamometer DOSM-3-1 №791 is 0.157% of the largest measurement limit, for dynamometers DOSM-3-1 №595 and DOSM-3-0,1 №404 - 0,150 and 0,066% respectively. The difference in the mean values for the dynamometer readings from the measured value at triple loading to the maximum limit value and unloading was no more than 0.5%. Graphs of dynamometers calibration are shown in figure 5. To measure the value of the pulsating normal pressure Р  Р, we used the M-70 mesdose of D.S. Baranova design, developed in CSRIBC, mounted in the lower part of the movable holder of the device. The principle of the mesdose work is based on a change in the resistance of a working strain gage connected to a compensating half-bridge circuit. When the strain gauge bends, the resistance of the strain- gauge half-bridge changes. The electrical signal of the strain gage is amplified by the "Topaz-3-01" strain- gage amplifier and fed to the light-beam oscillograph H071.6M, which converts the electrical signal into a light beam leaving a trace on the oscilloscope tape. The general view of the Topaz-3-01 strain gage and the H071.6M oscilloscope is shown in figure 6. The measurements accuracy estimation was carried out in accordance with the requirements for the form of measurement estimates presentation of the error stated in the scientific literature [7, 8] and normative materials [14]. The absolute measurement error  was determined by the ratio =х/х. The total measurement error was determined from the number n measurements (or experiments) performed, n = 35 [8].

25 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

a 120




40 Loading, kgf 20

0 0 200 400 600 800 Dividing the indicator

b 160



40 Loading, kgf

0 050100150 Dividing the indicator

c 160



40 Loading, kgf Loading,

0 050100150

Dividing the indicator

Figure 5 – Calibration curves of working dynamometers: а - dynamometer №404; b - dynamometer №545; c - dynamometer №791

26 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 6 – Topaz-3-01 strain gage (1) and oscillograph H071.6M (2)

The calculations performed in this way showed that the accuracy of measuring the main fixed values varies between 4-6.5%. This result does not exceed the accuracy of measurements for such studies - 7% [7]. The measurement of the pressure РР produced in a ground sample with the application of a vibrodynamic load NN is carried out by mesdose and the corresponding equipment according to the following scheme: mesdose - amplifier - converter "Topaz-3-01" - oscilloscope H071.6M. The recording was made every moving millimeter of the movable device holder for the subsequent decoding of the oscillogram and the refinement of the РР value during the cameral work. The instrumentation calibration is carried out under static loading conditions. The calibration results of the oscilloscope light beam deviation are shown in f igure 7. The accuracy of the calibration performed is determined by the

260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40

Tangential stress, kPa stress, Tangential 20 0 0123456789101112131415

Absolute deformation, mm

Figure 7 – Graph of the relationship between absolute strain and shear stress (ground number 1)

27 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan accuracy of the used model dynamometer DOSM-3-1, accuracy class -I. Deviations of the conventional zero of the light beam of the oscillograph H071.6M with triple loading and triple unloading were not recorded. In the working room where all experimental studies were carried out, a practically constant tempe- rature of 200,10С and a humidity of 75% was maintained, so the temperature correction was not taken into account when processing the data of the control equipment, since it is negligible. Results of shear tests. Shift characteristics of clay grounds. Figure 7 presents the shear resistance results of the plastic sandy loam of the broken addition (ground No. 1) for static and vibrodynamic loading conditions. The results are presented in the form of relationship graphs between the tangential stress and the absolute deformation of the sample (moving the movable carriage of the shear device). On the basis of figure 7, shear diagrams are constructed for static and vibrodynamic tests for peak and residual strength of the ground. To construct a shear diagram corresponding to the peak strength, the limiting values of shear stress at normal pressures of 100, 200 and 300 kPa were used. When creating a diagram characterizing the residual strength, the tangential stresses corresponding to the absolute deformation of the sample equal to 15 mm at the same normal pressures were adopted. The shift diagrams are shown in figure 8.

260 250 y = 0,905x - 31,667 240 y = 0,915x - 44,333 230 y = 0,785x - 13,333 220 y = 0,765x - 18,667 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100

Tangential stress, kPa stress, Tangential 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 Normal stress, kPa

Figure 8 – Shear diagram (ground number 1)

28 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Parameter  (angle of internal friction) for peak strength in static tests is 43012, for vibrodynamic 0 0 0 38 8; for the residual strength ст=42 30, din=37 24. There was no significant difference between the values of parameter  for peak and residual strength. In the case of static displacement, the difference is 1.62%, vibrodynamic - 1.91%. The dynamic effect leads to a change in the value of the strength parameter  by 11.74% for peak strength and by 12% for the residual value. It should be noted that the sealing load greatly influences the shear resistance under vibration conditions. At a normal pressure of 100 kPa, the static shear resistance is practically equal to the vibro- dynamic resistance. At a pressure of 200 kPa, vibrodynamic action caused an increase in shear resistance at a strain greater than 7 mm. The maximum value of the tangential stress for the static conditions is realized with a deformation of 7 mm, for the conditions of vibrodynamics - with a deformation of 10 mm. At a pressure of 300 kPa, the ultimate shear resistance for static and vibrodynamic effects is achieved with an absolute deformation of the sample of 5 mm, but vibration causes a change in shear resistance, both for peak and residual strength. Figure 9 shows graphs of resistance to sandy loam shear taken from the body of the mound on PC 40485 in Burundai from a depth of 1.5 m (ground number 2). Moving the carriage of the shear device from 0 to 15 mm corresponds to absolute deformation of the specimen at the initial shear, from 15 to 30 mm - with a second shear. The diagrams of ground displacement No.2 are shown in figure. 10. The following strength parameters for ground No. 2 are established in the shear diagrams: parameter  for peak strength peak 0 res 0 in static tests was -  st =43 42, for residual  st =42 36.

320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80

Tangential stress, kPa stress, Tangential 60 40 20 0 0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930

Total absolute deformation, mm

Figure 9 – Graph of the relationship between absolute strain and shearing stress (ground number 2)

29 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

280 270 260 y = 0,875x - 9,3333 250 240 y = 0,755x + 8,6667 230 220 y = 0,63x + 23,667 210 y = 0,685x + 1,3333 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80

Tangential stress, kPa 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0 100 200 300 400 -20 -30 Normal stress, kPa

Figure 10 – Shear diagram (ground number 2)

In vibrodynamical tests, the angle of internal friction in determining the peak strength was peak 0 peak  din =29 42, the specific adhesion C din = 35.7 kPa. Parameters of residual strength in vibrodynamics res 0 res were respectively -  din =32 36, C din = 11.3 kPa. In the case of static the parameter  for residual strength decreased by 2.5% with respect to the peak strength, the coupling C, as well as for the ground No. 1, on the basis of the straight lines equation has negative values, both for the peak strength diagram and for the residual diagram strength, which has no physical meaning. Under vibrodynamic conditions, the parameter increases for residual strength by 8.9% relative to the peak strength and the parameter C decreases by 68.3% (the adhesion decreased by 3.2 times). Vibrodynamic action reduced the value of the internal friction angle  by 32% (by 140) for peak strength and by 23.5% for the residual (by 100).

30 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

At a pressure of 100 kPa, vibrodynamic action caused a decrease in the shear resistance with respect to the static resistance, as in case initial shift, and in case of repeated. At a normal pressure of 200 kPa, in case of initial shear, the vibration slightly increased the shear resistance, and for the re-reduction it decreased. At a normal pressure of 300 kPa, the shear resistance under vibrodynamic action is practically invariant for the initial and repeated shifts, but is substantially less than the static resistance. The results of tests of ground No. 3 are shown in figure 11. To more accurately determine the residual strength of the ground, all experiments were carried out with a second shift.











Tangential stress, kPa stress, Tangential 80




0 0123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930

Total absolute deformation, mm

Figure 11 – Graph of the relationship between absolute strain and shear stress (ground number 3)

The shear diagrams for ground No. 3 are shown in figure 12. The following strength parameters were peak 0 obtained during the test: the internal friction angle for peak strength in static tests is  st =41 11, for res 0 res residual  st =37 3, С st =8,7kPa; at vibrodynamic tests for peak strength, the following parameters were peak 0 peak res 0 res set:  din =32 13, С din =23.7 kPa; for the residual -  din =34 25, С din =1.3 kPa.

31 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

280 270 260 y = 0,875x - 9,3333 250 y = 0,755x + 8,6667 240 230 220 y = 0,63x + 23,667 210 y = 0,685x + 1,3333 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 Tangential stress, kPa stress, Tangential 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 -10 -20 -30 Normal stress, kPa

Figure 12 – Shear diagram (ground number 3)

32 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

In static tests, parameter  for residual strength decreased by 10% with respect to peak strength, and parameter C, on the contrary, increased to 8.7 kPa. When subjected to vibration, parameter  for peak strength was 6.4% less than parameter  for residual strength, but the adhesion C for residual strength decreased by 94.5% with respect to peak strength. With a second shift in vibrodynamic conditions, the adhesion decreased from 23.7 to 1.3 kPa. The impact of the dynamic load reduced the value of the parameter  by 21.8% for peak strength and by 7.1% for residual strength. Parameter C in determining the peak strength under vibrodynamic conditions increased to 23.7 kPa, and in determining the residual strength, it decreased by 85% (more than 6 times). At a normal pressure of 100 kPa, vibration did not significantly affect the shear resistance for peak strength, but reduced the resistance for residual strength, both at the initial and after the second shear. At a pressure of 200 kPa, vibrodynamic action caused an increase in the peak strength of the soil, without affecting the residual strength. At a normal pressure of 300 kPa, the vibration caused a significant decrease in the shear resistance with respect to the static, both for the peak and for the residual strength at the initial and with the subsequent shear. Amplitude changes in the normal stress  when processing the results of tests of ground number 3 under conditions of vibrodynamic loading were not taken into account. The shift diagrams are constructed from the mean values of the normal stresses. Conclusion. 1. The design features of the shear device and test procedure allowed establishing the certainty of the stress-strain state of ground sample: - normal stress is recorded at the bottom of the sample, that is, the "actual" normal stress in the shear plane is measured; - allowance for the variability of the contact surface area and the frictional force between the metal and the ground allows us to conclude that the "actual" tangential stress is measured in the shear plane; - ability to achieve a relative strain of more than 27% of the samples and the possibility of a re-shift allow us to determine not only the "peak" but also the "residual" strength of clay soils. 2. The instrument, the test procedure and control and measuring equipment (CME), servicing device, can be used in studies to determine the vibrodynamic effect on the strength parameters of the ground. 3. For the conditions of plane deformation, both with static and vibrodynamic influences, in the limit state, resistance shear characteristics of the non-saturated cohesive grounds, subject to the law of dry Coulomb friction, are established. The parameter к to the equation of limiting equilibrium is constant and determined by the real composition of the ground. 4. In the sense of Sh. Coulomb's representations, the angle of internal friction and connectivity of non-saturated normal-packed clay grounds for the conditions of static and vibrodynamic loading is invariant. It has been confirmed that the change in the shear resistance of clay grounds under vibro- dynamic influences depends on the change in the stress state. 5. The shear resistance of the clayey grounds considered in the work under static and vibrodynamic influences depends on the type and nature of the contact interactions between the ground particles and the possibility of changes in the shear process. At the same time, humidity is one of the main factors affecting the nature of water-colloidal bonds in the ground and the shear resistance under static and vibrodynamic effects. 6. Shear resistance of non-saturated primaries is characterized by peak and residual strength both under static and vibrodynamic influences. The peak and residual strength of grounds depends on the history of their stressed state in the process of formation in the natural environment.

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М. В. Дудкин1, Б. Апшикур1, А. И. Ким1, Т. Т. Ипалаков1, Е. А. Асангалиев1, М. Млынчак2

1Д. Серікбаев Шығыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік техникалық университеті, Өскемен, Қазақстан, 2Вроцлав ғылым және технология университеті, Польша


Аннотация. Жұмыста пойыздық жүктемені және поездар қозғалысының қарқындылығын модельдеу мүмкіндігімен түрлі типті сазды топырақтардың беріктілік және деформациялық параметрлеріне дірілдина- микалық және пульсациялаушы жүктеулердің әсерін ескере отырып, нақты бастапқы деректерді анықтау мақсатында топырақты ығыстыруға сынауға арналған қондырғы әзірленді. Түйін сөздер: топырақ, үйінді, темір жол, жер төсемі, ығыстыру.

М. В. Дудкин1, Б. Апшикур1, А. И. Ким1, Т. Т. Ипалаков1, Е. А. Асангалиев1, М. Mlynczak2

1Восточно-Казахстанский государственный технический университет им. Д. Серикбаева, Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан, 2Вроцлавский университет науки и технологии, Польша


Аннотация. Дано описание установки для испытаний грунтов на сдвиг с целью определения достовер- ных исходных данных с учетом влияния вибродинамического и пульсирующего нагружений на прочностные и деформационные параметры глинистых грунтов различных типов с возможностью моделирования поездной нагрузки и интенсивности движения поездов. Ключевые слова: грунт, насыпь, железнодорожный путь, земляное полотно, сдвиг.

Information about authors: Doudkin Mikhail Vasilyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Apshikur Baytak, Cand. Of tech. sc., Associate Professor of the Department "Geology, Land Management and Cadastre" D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Kim Alina Igorevna, PhD, associate professor of the department "Technological machines and transport" D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Ipalakov Tulegen Tursunovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Geology, Land Management and Cadastre" D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Asangaliev Elibek Atrauovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department "Water and Forest Resources" D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Mlynczak Marek, Hab. Dr., professor of Wroclaw university of science and technology, e-mail: [email protected];

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O. K. Beysenbayev1, U. K. Ahmedov2, A. B. Issa1, B. M. Smaylov1, M. M. Esirkepova1, Zh. K. Artykova1

1M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 2Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. In this article process of receiving and a research of the mechanism of capsulation of superphosphate and double superphosphate is considered. Influence of water-soluble polymers depending on concentration and temperature on process of capsulation and granulation of fertilizers, and also on strength characteristics is investi- gated. It is found out that, the mechanism of process of capsulation of fertilizers consists of several stages: poly- electrolyte adsorption, aggregation of particles of fertilizer, structurization with formation of large units and formations of the thin gel encapsulating layer. At the same time it is shown that carrying out process of capsulation of fertilizers polyelectrolytes leads to receiving the qualitative prolonged fertilizers and improvement of amelioration due to aggregation of soils, agronomical properties saline and damp terrestrial soils. Keywords: fertilizer, superphosphate, double superphosphate, capsulation process, structurization, polyelectro- lytes, statistical durability, fluidized layer, phosphoric slime.

Introduction. Now before the chemical industry, the problem of utilization of large-capacity produc- tion wastes of phosphorus – phosphoric slime is particularly acute. Large volumes of this industrial waste not only considerably worsen an ecological situation in , but also occupy significant floor spaces. In this regard for the cardinal solution of the specified problems, ways of processing of pho- sphoric slimes, for the purpose of receiving polymer containing complex fertilizers are developed. It is known that water-soluble polymers (polyelectrolytes) have unique complex properties depending on concentration in system, at low concentration have structure-forming effect, and in more concentrated solutions the pronounced stabilizing effect [1]. Besides, thanks to successful combination of physical and chemical properties of high-molecular connections and surfactants are widely used in various fields of the industry as regulators of stability of disperse systems, stabilizers, structurants, deemulgator, thickeners, frothers, flotoreagent, etc. Now these polyelectrolytes are widely used in the process of capsulation of various materials (pesti- cides, fertilizers, medicines, etc.) for protection against the environment, for giving of the strength and prolonged properties. Slime has smaller density, than pure phosphorus which is 1200 kg/m3. At his warming up to the temperature of 333-353K there is a division of phases. As pure phosphorus has density of 1720 kg/m3, it remains in the lower part, and slime – easier gathers above. Slime has low density because of existence of inclusions of water. By production of yellow phosphorus the spherical, shapeless granules less than 20 microns in size similar to sand which it is accepted to call "granulated" can be formed. Such slime is usually formed in sewage or at a slime warming up. The maintenance of a water phase in such slimes reaches 50%. Under the action of dilute HNO3 or K2Cr2O7 + H2O, the slime is destroyed with the isolation of pure yellow phosphorus and an insoluble precipitate. Part of the phosphorus is oxidized to H3PO4. 36 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Methods. The chemical analysis of phosphoric slime is presented in table 1.

Table 1 – The chemical analysis of the phosphoric slime (calcinated at temperature 1273 K)

Composition ,% Specific Loss on Na2O surface, ignition, Composition of slime Р2О5 СаО MgO SiO2 Al2O3 F Fe2O3 Σ 2 K2O m /g % Rich slime 18,5 1,34 3,92 57,4 10,1 2,1 2,72 1,52 97,6 – 7,82 Theore-tical 10,0-29,8 0,7-7,8 5,9-5,1 – – 2,3-4,2 3,3-9,0 – >100 12,4-33,0

Phosphoric slime is formed as a result of the silicon fluoride hydrolysis which always is contained in small amounts in oven gases. Then fine surface-active silicon dioxide adsorbs phosphorus. At formation of slime along with phosphorus there is probably also an adsorption silicon dioxide of a part of water. The amount of the slime which is turning out on this or that mechanism depends on the content of fine disperse dust in oven gases and extent of sublimation of compounds of fluorine from phosphorite in the course of melting in the electric furnace. It is established that the probability of formation of slime on the first way makes 90-95%, on the second (through SiF4) – 5-10%. Results. Phosphoric slime is cheap raw materials, however at his use as fertilizer is ineffective that is connected mainly with small contents the assimilable forms of phosphoric anhydride (figure 1, table 2). Results of researches have shown that the content of phosphoric anhydride in phosphoric slime has made

Figure 1 – Mineralogical composition and microstructure of phosphoric slime

Table 2 – Mineralogical structure of a sample of phosphoric slime

Element Weight, % Chemical composition of oxides, % % F 3.74 – – Na 0.77 NaО 1,04 Mg 1.86 MgО 3,08

Al 0.97 Al2О3 1,83

Si 17.58 SiО2 37,60

P 7.02 P2О5 16,08 S 0.87 – – Cl 0.13 – –

K 4.16 K2О 5,01 Ca 8.86 CaО 12,4

Ti 0.02 TiО2 0,033 Mn 0.24 MnО 0,31

Fe 0.52 Fe2О3 0,67

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18,5%. Nevertheless on sour soils fine phosphoric slime of some fields is successfully applied as slowly operating fertilizer. From phosphoric slime of such fields it is possible to receive a number of qualitative fertilizers: superphosphate, double superphosphate, ammophos, monoammonium phosphate. In this regard the mechanism of decomposition of phosphoric slime by sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid in the presence of water-soluble polyelectrolytes is considered, and also for establishment of structure complex the polymer-containing fertilizers - superphosphate and double superphosphate and interaction of the components which are contained in them researches by the x-ray power dispersive INCAEnergy (OxfordINSTRUMENTS) microanalyzer ISM-6490LV(IED) established on a raster electronic microscope are conducted. Shooting at the SEM was carried out at an increase of 1000 and 10,000 times (figure 1, 2, table 2, 4). The way of receiving complex the polymer-containing fertilizers of superphosphate and double superphosphate by method of decomposition of phosphoric slime sulfuric or phosphoric acid in the presence of polyelectrolytes [2, 3] is developed. From stainless steel with a mixer and a shirt load a certain amount of phosphoric slime, sulfuric or phosphoric acids into the reactor. Process of decomposition of phosphoric slime is carried out at 60 °C at continuous hashing within 60 minutes. At the same time there is a decomposition of phosphoric slime to formation of a monokaltsiyfosfat and sulfate of calcium according to the total equation:

2Ca5(PО4)3F + 7H2SО4 + 3H2О = 3Ca(H2P04)2ꞏH2O + 7CaSO4 + 2HF

For improvement of qualitative characteristics and giving of strength properties are added esterifies derivatives of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile (EPPAN) or polyacrylamide (EPPAA), i.e. water-soluble polyelectrolytes to complex fertilizers. Increase in strength characteristics and prolongation is explained by capsulation complex fertilizer of water-soluble polyelectrolytes. 15 minutes before the end of thermostating, 0.2-0.4 ml of EPPAN and EPPAA are added to the mixture. The resulting pastes were granulated and dried for 120 minutes at temperature of 100°C. The resulting complex polymer-containing fertilizer - superphosphate has the following composition, presented in table 3.

Table 3 – The content of phosphorus pentoxide in the final product

Thermostating, Н2О, ВРПЭ, Р2О5 Р2О5 Р2О5 N Weight of finished Name t °С ml ml total assimilable water-soluble product, g 100 g of slime thermo- 60 70 0,2 13,12 12,75 9,12 2,0 70 stated within 1 hour

In the figure 2 and the microscopic picture and mineralogical structure of samples complex the polymer-containing fertilizer of superphosphate are presented in table 4. From the obtained data it is visible that samples have generally amorphous structure with small inclusion of metals.

Figure 2 – Mineralogical composition and microstructure of sample of the polymer-containing fertilizer of superphosphate 38 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Table 4 – Mineralogical structure of a sample of the polymer-containing fertilizer of superphosphate

Element Weight, % Chemical composition of oxides % O 44.86 – – F 6.55 – –

Na 0.62 Na2О 0,84 Mg 1.79 MgО 2,97

Al 1.11 Al2О3 2,1

Si 20.42 SiО2 43,68

P 6.46 P2О5 14,8

S 4.24 SО3 10,6

K 4.05 К2О 4,88 Ca 9.02 CaО 12,62

Mn 0.25 MnО 0,32

Fe 0.61 Fe2О3 0,87

From figure 2 and table 4 are shows that the obtained complex polymer-containing fertilizer - super- phosphate incorporates all trace elements - Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, and phosphorus for normal growth and crop yield. Method for the preparation of a complex polymer-containing organomineral fertilizer, double super- phosphate [3] was developed, which is carried out as follows, in 100 g of sifted finely dispersed phospho- rus slurry 70 ml of evaporated 43.37% H3PO4 are added. The process of decomposition of phosphoric acid by phosphoric acid proceeds according to the following basic reactions:

Ca5(PО4)3F + 7Н3РО4 + 5Н2О = 5Са(Н2РО4)2ꞏН2О + HF,

CaMg(CO3)2 + 4Н3РО4 = Са(Н2РО4)2ꞏН2О + Mg(H2PO4)2ꞏH2О + 2СО2,

R2O3 + 2Н3РО4 + Н2О = 2[RPО4ꞏ2H2O].

The resulting mixture is incubated at 60°C for 60 minutes, 0.2 ml of hydrolysed polyelectrolyte derivatives based on PAN are added to the end of the thermostatting [3]. This produces a thick mass which is granulated and the finished granules are dried for 120 minutes at temperature of 100°C. In the process of obtaining double superphosphate on the basis of phosphorus slime, two main stages can be distinguished. In the first stage, with continuous mixing of phosphorus slime and phosphoric acid, the reaction proceeds in mobile suspension, the liquid phase of which contains phosphoric acid, mono- calcium phosphate, and other soluble reaction products. In the second stage, the decomposition of phosphate is accompanied by the crystallization of mono- calcium phosphate, as a result of which the compositions of the liquid and solid phases of the reaction mass gradually change. The isolation of crystals deposited in part on the phosphate grains makes it difficult for H+ ions to access them, and the decomposition process slows down sharply. When the liquid phase of the suspension becomes saturated with both monocalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate, the decomposition reaction ceases. The rate of dissolution of phosphates in unsaturated solutions of solutions containing phosphoric acid is limited by the diffusion of the least mobile calcium ion from the disintegrating surface of the phosphate grain into the liquid phase. The quality of double superphosphate is estimated by the content of the assimilable P2O5 in it, which is present in the form of various compounds: H3PO4, Ca(H2PO4)2, Mg(H2PO4)2, CaHPO4, MgHPO4, iron and aluminum phosphates. The resulting polymer-containing double superphosphate fertilizer is a light gray granule that is very soluble in water, 3-5 mm in diameter, with high strength characteristics, which is necessary for the operation. In the figure 3 and the microscopic picture and the element analysis of double superphosphate are presented in table 5. It can be seen that samples have, generally amorphous structure with small inclusion of metals. In the figure 5 presence of elementary phosphorus is shown. In terms of phosphoric anhydride the maintenance of P2O5 is generally 24.08%.

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Figure 3 – Microscopic snapshot and elemental analysis of the complex polymer-containing organomineral fertilizer – double superphosphate (based on phosphate flour)

Table 5 – Elemental analysis of the complex polymer-containing organomineral fertilizer – double superphosphate (based on phosphate flour)

Element Weight, % Chemical composition of oxides % O 53.67 – – F 2.05 – –

Na 0.68 Na2О 0,92 Mg 0.33 MgО 0,55

Al 1.67 Al2О3 3,16

Si 7.79 SiО2 16,66

P 10.51 P2О5 24,08

S 5.26 SО3 13,15

K 0.51 К2О 0,61 Ca 15.86 CaО 22,19

Fe 1.69 Fe2О3 2,42

It can be seen from figure 3 and table 5 that the obtained complex polymer fertilizer - double super- phosphate has in its composition all trace elements - Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Fe and phosphorus for normal growth and increase of crop yields. This increases water retention in soil aggregates due to the structure-forming properties of the polymer, which positively affects crop yields. Double superphosphate has the same agrochemical efficiency, as well as simple superphosphate at introduction of equal quantities of assimilable P2O5. His main advantage consists in rather smaller quantity of ballast. It reduces costs of transportation and storage of nutrient (P2O5), reduces a container expense, reduces costs of entering of fertilizer into the soil. Therefore use of double superphosphate is economically more effective, than simple superphosphate of the received product which is well influencing strength characteristics. The processes underlying the action of modified polyelectrolyte derivatives based on PAN, PAA as structurants are in many respects similar to those occurring when they are used as a soil-forming agent for soil and soil aggregates [4, 5]. The shape of the molecules of polyelectrolytes in solution is determined by the ionic strength and pH of the solution. The polyelectrolytes of amphoteric character containing ionogenic - carboxyl, amide, imidny and radio groups [4] are effective. Obviously, for an effective action of an ionogenic polymer on the structure of fertilizer granules, some optimal content of charged groups in the molecule is necessary.

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Addition of polyelectrolyte to mineral fertilizers contributes to the formation of the structure in the system and the formation of the polymer-fertilizer complex, to the retention of the assimilable P2O5 in the fertilizer composition, and subsequently, when used, leads to the aggregation of soil aggregates, these aggregates retain moisture, which has a beneficial effect on the preservation of soil moisture for a long time. Thus, these polyelectrolytes contribute to improvement of melioration due to aggregation of soils, but also agronomic properties of solonchakous and damp soils. Application by production of superphosphate and double superphosphate of the modified derivative polyelectrolytes on a basis the PAN, PAA promotes not only improvement of operational properties of mineral fertilizers, but also increase in productivity of crops. The relative maintenance of water-soluble P2O5 is influenced significantly by presence of the modified derivative polyelectrolytes on a basis the PAN, PAA, fiber waste Nitron which considerably improve this indicator, thereby increasing enrichment of the soil useful elements. Capsulation of the received superphosphate is carried out in two ways: The first is method of soaking, the received complex polymer-containing fertilizer 0.2% solution of polyelectrolyte and further drying at 1050C and granulation. As polyelectrolyte esterified derivatives of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile are used. The second is a capsulation method, at the same time capsulation and drying of complex polymer- containing fertilizer it is carried out by a dusting method polyelectrolyte in a fluidized layer. Capsulation is carried out by a dusting method fertilizer polyelectrolyte in the mounted multisection device in fluidized layer. Results of a research of the influence of the drying temperature on durability of granules complex the polymer-containing fertilizers in the process of capsulation by EPPAN polyelectrolyte are presented in table 6.

Table 6 – Influence of temperature on durability of granules

Temperature,0С Capsulation mode 25 50 75 100 Before capsulation Static durability of granules, kg 0 0 1,0 1,87 Capsulation with 0.25% solution of EPPAN Static durability of granules, kg 2,75 1,87 15,8 2,86 Capsulation with 0.5% solution of EPPAN Static durability of granules, kg 2,98 7,10 18,27 2,10 Capsulation with 1.0% solution of EPPAN Static durability of granules, kg 8,50 4,75 13,78 3,78

As can be seen from the table the statistical durability of the granules of fertilizers which aren't encapsulated by polyelectrolyte (before capsulation) is in limits of 0–1.87 kg, and at capsulation durability of granules increases up to 18.27 kg. Statistical durability of granules depends not only on concentration of polyelectrolyte, but also on capsulation process temperature. The optimal condition for the process of mineral fertilizer encapsulation corresponds to the content of a 0.25-0.5% solution of EPPAN at a temperature of 75°C, as evidenced by micrographs (figure 4–7). To establish the mechanism of the encapsulation process, the microstructure of fertilizers – superphosphate and double superphosphate (figures 4–7) in the process of drying and granulation depending on the concentration of EPPAN was studied (0,25, 0,50, 0,75, 1,0%) at temperature of 750C. In figure 4a the microstructure of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 0.25% of water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile is presented. At this concentration there is the structure formation of a system - double superphosphate, i.e. it turns into fine- grained amorphous structure. The microstructure of cut of the capsule is presented in figure 4b from which it is visible that concentration of polyelectrolyte is insufficient for formation of protective layer of the capsule. But at the same time the static durability of granules increases from 1.0 to 15.8 kg. 41 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(а) (b)

Figure 4 – Microstructure (a) and a cut of sample (b) of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 0.25% of water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile

In figure 5a the microstructure of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 0.5% water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile is presented. Increase in concentration of polyelectrolyte in a system leads to change of structure of fertilizer, i.e. in structure of fertilizers needle and uneven rhombic forms appear. Besides, in structure light barrel-shaped forms on properties characteristic of aluminosilicates are found. It demonstrates that emergence of these fragments in structure of fertilizer, probably, is connected with aggregation of particles of fertilizers and further forming of the large interconnected units due to adsorptive properties and functional groups of the polyelectrolytes responsible for strength properties of structure of all system. With increasing concen- tration the polymolecular sorption occurs, accompanied by hydrophilization of the particle surface [7, 8]. According to some scientists at such concentration the secondary adsorptive layer in which molecules are guided a hydrophilic part outside that promotes coagulative coupling of particles [5] is formed. Perhaps also are forming of superficial connection or fertilizers of a polymeric complex. All this, probably, leads to formation of amorphous structure with the advent of crystal. In figure 5b the cut of the top part of the encapsulated granule from which it is visible that poly- electrolyte not only has the binding and structuring properties of an internal part of structure of a granule, but also the encapsulating action of the top layer is presented. At the same time accumulation of binding components in the top part of granules (figure 5b), probably, increase in concentration of structural polyelectrolyte is observed that leads to primary education of a thin film on a surface of granules and provides increase in durability up to 18.27 kg. At concentration of 0.75% of polyelectrolyte (figure 6a) insignificant reduction of quantity of needle and uneven rhombic forms is observed. Increase in concentration of polyelectrolyte in a system leads to further increase in binding components in the top part of granules (figure 6b) and there is a spatial and

(а) (b)

Figure 5 – Microstructure (a) and a cut of sample (b) of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 0.5% water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile

42 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

(а) (b)

Figure 6 – Microstructure (a) and a cut of sample (b) of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 0.75% water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile mesh structure consisting of small flocculants and separate particles with adsorbed on them molecules of polyelectrolyte connected among themselves by rather strong filamentary bridges from molecular chains of polyelectrolyte [7, 8] (figures 2, 3, 8). Thus, increase in concentration of structural polyelectrolyte leads to formation of gel structure (in the form of the encapsulating layer) in the top part of granules and to formation of thin films that provides strength properties to granules. In process of capsulation 1% water solution of polyelectrolyte (figure 7a) also observes reduction of quantities of needle and uneven rhombic forms. More structured part is observed on a surface of granules (figure 7b) and at the same time are formed the encapsulating polyelectrolyte layer due to interaction of the active centers of mineral fertilizers and active functional groups of polyelectrolyte with formation of thin films.

Figure 7 – Microstructure (a) and cut of a sample (b) of the encapsulated and granulated double superphosphate at 750C in the presence of 1% water solution of the hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile

Thus, the mechanism of capsulation of double superphosphate polyelectrolyte consists in aggregation of small particles as a result of which there is a formation of the units leading to structuring in the form of amorphous and crystal structures with formation of the encapsulating layer on surface of granules. For reliability of the received results on the mechanism of capsulation and for comparative analysis are given below (figure 8, 9) a microstructure of a sample of complex polymer containing fertilizer – superphosphate on the basis of the phosphoric slime encapsulated 0.5% EPPAN solution at 750C. The figures show that the complex polymer – containing fertilizer-superphosphate also strengthens the structure of the complex fertilizer. Apparently, the aggregation of small particles occurs, as a result of which the formation in the form of aggregates occurs due to the interaction of functional groups with the active centers of mineral fertilizer. In addition, on the surface of the particles of complex fertilizers, they form a thin film (figures 8, 9).

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(а) (b)

Figure 8 – Microstructure of sample of complex polymer containing fertilizer of the superphosphate which is dried up at 75 0C (a) - superficial, (b) - a reverse side

(а) (b)

Figure 9 – Microstructure of sample of complex polymer containig fertilizer of the superphosphate which is dried up at 75 0C (a) - a cut 1, (b) - a cut 2

Conclusions. Methods of receiving the polymer-containing complex mineral fertilizers – superphos- phate and double superphosphate are developed. Influence of water-soluble polymers depending on concentration and temperature on process of capsulation and granulation of fertilizers is investigated. It has been established that the mechanism of process of capsulation of fertilizers consists of several stages: polyelectrolyte adsorption, aggregation of particles of fertilizers, structurization with formation of large units and formation of the thin gel encapsulating layer. It has been established that the process of encapsulating mineral fertilizers with polyelectrolyte EPPAN leads to complex properties such as an increase in strength characteristics (18 kg) and elongation, as well as improvement of reclamation through aggregation of soils and soil aggregates.

О. К. Бейсенбаев1, У. К. Ахмедов2, А. Б. Иса1, Б. М. Смайлов1, М. М. Есиркепова1, Ж. К. Артыкова1

1М. Әуезов атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті, Шымкент, Қазақстан, 2Өзбекстан Республикасы ҒА жалпы және бейорганикалық химия институты, Ташкент, Өзбекстан


Аннотация. Мақалада суперфосфатты және қос суперфосфатты капсулалау механизмін зерттеу және алу процесі қарастырылады. Концентрациясы мен температурасына байланысты СЕП-дің тыңайтқыштарды капсулалау және түйіршіктеу процесіне, сондай-ақ беріктік сипаттамаларға әсері зерттелді. Тыңайтқыш- тарды капсулалау процесінің механизмі бірнеше сатыдан тұрады: полиэлектролитті адсорбциялау, тыңайт- қыш бөлшектерін агрегаттау, ірі агрегаттарды құрумен құрылым түзу және жұқа гель тәрізді капсулаланған қабаттың пайда болуы. Бұл ретте, тыңайтқыштарды полиэлектролиттермен капсулалау процесін жүргізу сапалы ұзартылған тыңайтқыштарды алуға және топырақты агрегаттау есебінен мелиорациялықты

44 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

жақсартуға, сортаң және шикі топырақты топырақтың агрономиялық қасиеттеріне әкеп соқтыратыны көрсе- тілген. Түйін сөздер: тыңайтқыш, суперфосфат, қос суперфосфат, капсулалау процесі, құрылым түзу, поли- электролиттер, статистикалық беріктілік, жалған күйдірілген қабат, фосфорлы шлам.

О. К. Бейсенбаев1, У. К. Ахмедов2, А. Б. Иса1, Б. М. Смайлов1, М. М. Есиркепова1, Ж. К. Артыкова1

1Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова, Шымкент, Казахстан, 2Институт общей и неорганической химии АН РУз, Ташкент, Узбекистан


Аннотация. В статье рассматривается процесс получения и исследования механизма капсулирования суперфосфата и двойного суперфосфата. Исследовано влияние ВРП в зависимости от концентрации и темпе- ратуры на процесс капсулирования и грануляции удобрений, а также на прочностные характеристики. Выяс- нено, что механизм процесса капсулирования удобрений состоит из нескольких стадий: адсорбции полиэлек- тролита, агрегирования частиц удобрения, структурообразования с образованием крупных агрегатов и обра- зования тонкого гелеобразного капсулирующего слоя. При этом показано, что проведение процесса капсу- лирования удобрений полиэлектролитами приводит к получению качественных пролонгированных удобре- ний и улучшению мелиоративности за счет агрегирования почв, агрономических свойств солончаковых и сыроземных почв. Ключевые слова: удобрение, суперфосфат, двойной суперфосфат, процесс капсулирования, структу- рообразование, полиэлектролиты, статистическая прочность, псевдоожиженный слой, фосфорный шлам.

Information about authors: Beysenbayev Oral Kurganbekovich, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Akhmedov Ulugbek Karimovich, Institute of General and inorganic chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; [email protected]; Issa Aziza Bakytzhankyzy, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected] Smaylov Bakyt Matkarimovich, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Artykova Zhadyra Kuanyshovna, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Maral Makhmudovna Esirkepova, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


[1] Beysenbayev O.K., Tleuov A.S., Smaylov B.M. and other. Obtaining and research of physical and chemical properties of chelated polymer-containing microfertilizers on the basis of technogenic waste for rice seed biofortification // News of the National academy of sciences of the Republic Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. 2019. Vol. 1, N 433. ISSN 2224-5278. P. 80-89. [2] Innovative patent for invention № 27470 bul. № 10 of 05.10.2012. Author's Certificate №79695. from 2012 / 1021.17. A method for producing a simple superphosphate. [3] Patent RK № 28121. bul. №3 of 03/04/2013 A method for obtaining double superphosphate from man-made waste. Author's Certificate No. 81773. From 2013/0268.1 [4] Beysenbaev O.K., Isa A.B., Kovaleva A.E. Research of polyacrylonitrile saponification heterophase process mechanismin different conditions // Oriental journal of chemistry. 2015. 31, N 4. [5] Shpilevskaya I.N., Petrova M.V., Dzhalilova I.Sh., Ahmedov K.S. Effect of water-soluble polymers on the structural and mechanical properties of suspensions of bentonite clays // In: Physicochemical mechanics of soils, soils, clays and building materials. Tashkent: FAN, 1966. P. 91-99. [6] Bochkarev G.R, Kovrizhny Yu.P. On the causes of stabilization of suspensions during flocculation with polyacrylamide // Colloid. 1969. Vol. 31, N 3. P. 334-337. [7] Zavorokhina N.A. On the mechanism of stabilization of clay suspensions used in oil drilling: Author's abstract. Dis. ... candidate of chemical sciences. Alma-Ata: Guriev, 1956. 12 p. [8] Rebinder P.A. Processes of structure formation in disperse systems // In: Physico-chemical mechanics of soils, soils, clays and building materials. Tashkent: FN, 1966. P. 9-25.

45 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan


UDC 622.24.25.5

M. Biletsky1, IU. Nifontov2, B. Ratov3, D. Deliskesheva1

1NAO Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Russia, 3Caspian Public University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. For the most part the cause of down-the-hole problems while drilling wells consists in the fact, that the properties of the drilling muds don’t meet the requirements of the well’s geologic and technological conditions. At present those properties are measured manually and at lengthy time intervals. Attempts at automatic measurement of drilling muds density, by means of sensors, based upon various physical phenomena, have proved unsuccessful. It is explained by extremely great variety of drilling muds compositions and properties. Decades of the traditional manual measurements have proved that their methods as such are the best in meeting the well drilling specifics. Automatization of the traditional manual measurements allows to perform them at the pre-planned periodicity and eliminates the need in specially trained staff. The problem is solved by placing the traditional measuring instruments on the revolving table. The electrical measurement signal is transformed into digital form, permitting demonstration the drilling mud parameters on the driller’s panel, as well as registering them in the memory. Automatic monitoring of the drilling mud parameters and their density in particular makes it possible to reduce costs of eliminating geolo- gical problems while drilling. The appliances in question can be used at all rigs drilling wells for oil gas, water and hard mineral resources. Key words: drilling wells, opposing the geological problems, drilling muds parameters, automatization of mea- surements, demonstration on the driller’s panel, automatic density meter.

Publications analysis and problem formulation. The drilling process can be reduced to the well face destruction with a rock destruction tool. The particles of the rock are transported from the well face to the surface by the circulating flow of drilling mud. Its descending flow is travelling along the drill string internal channel to the well face and therefrom, saturated with the destruction products, returns to the surface along the annulus between the well bore and the drill string. Apart from the function of the well face cleaning from the cuttings the drilling mud fulfills a number of other functions. An important role of the drilling muds in technology of well drilling and finishing is represented in both classical [1] and modern [2] publications. A special attention is paid to the role of drilling muds in down-the-holes problems control. It is believed [3], that on the average about 10 % of well construction costs make up the costs of down-the-hole break downs eliminations. The modern situation in the drilling muds technology with prognosis for the future is described in the work [4]. The publications [5,6] are devoted to muds helping keep the well bore stable and, in particular, under the bulging clays conditions [7]. A special attention is paid to the muds intended for prevention of outbreaks and gushers of formation fluids [8]. The muds composition, their formulae are reflected in their measurable parameters, such as density, viscosity, filtration, gel strength, yield point, cuttings content, power of hydrogen etc. The availability of 46 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 the mud, needed for controlling the certain kind of drilling problem, is ascertained by obtaining the corres- ponding combination of its measurable parameters. Modern drilling rigs are equipped with instruments for the drilling process automatic continuous monitoring. Thus a Japanese rig of Koken Boring Machines [9] company provides for automatic measurement of such parameters as bit load, its rotation frequency, flush fluid flow rate, its pressure, penetration rate, rotary torque etc – 12 parameters altogether. Their values are demonstrated on display panel, assuring an immediate reaction of the driller on their spontaneous changes. However among those parameters the drilling muds quality characteristics are absent. To-day, like many decades ago, the drilling muds quality parameters are measured by single point measurements, performed manually [1, 10]. The mean intervals between measurements are as long as several hours, and often they are performed sporadically. The cause consists in a certain complicacy and durability of the manual measurement procedure. Such being the practice, the danger of grave down-the- hole problems is always present. By means of the drilling mud density the hydrostatic pressure in the well is controlled, which plays decisive role in prevention of the formation fluids’ blow outs and gushers. In order to damp down an ab- normal formation pressures muds of high density are used. Contrariwise, in case of the flush fluid absorption in the well bore the hydrostatic pressure must be kept as low as possible. But on both occasions the dead line must be observed, when hydrostatic pressure building up brings about the formation fractu- ring, and its dropping – the inflow of the formation fluids in the well bore with corresponding problems. A superfluous –in the context of the problems preventing – drilling mud density enhances the drilling pump energy expenditures, and reduces its interrepair period. Besides, the density increase sharply reduces the penetration rate. In the course of penetration the values of mud density are changing and first of all due to its satura- tion with cuttings. Sudden density changes can signalize on sharp changes of drilling environments. A dated as recently as 2017 publication [11], headed “Real time monitoring system improves drilling effi- ciencies” points out that “Direct and rapid measurements of drilling fluids characteristics allow to evaluate the deviation from planned baseline and take immediate actions to recover optimum drilling condition”. The authors are adducing examples of problems caused by belated information about density and visco- sity of drilling mud. The first example is related to the fact, when for that reason the well was completed 70 days later , than it had been planned. In the second example, besides essential loss of time for the failure elimination, the bottom diameter of the well had to be reduced from 8 ½ to 5 ¾ inches which brought about corresponding reduction of productivity. In the work [12] a scheme of automatic control of drilling mud density in accordance with changing environment is considered. The authors stressed, that such an objective can only be gained on condition, that instruments of continuous monitoring of that parameter are available. In current publications there are references to automatic meters of the fluid flow density. The work [13], discussing methods of opposing well bore cavings, submits an idea of application automatic meters of drilling mud density. The author points out, that by working principle such instruments may be elec- tromagnetic, thermal or acoustic. However the work does not contain any specific information as to their design, mounting, or performance under conditions of drilled well. The work[14] contains proposal to use the Coriolis mass flow meter, capable to measure density as well. At present that instrument is used with oil products and other one phase fluids. However it is mentioned in the publication, that a negative impact on that meter’s performance can be produced by the changes of the liquid’s viscosity and temperature and by presence of solids in it, particularly of their large particles. Presence of gases requires raising the pressure in the line up to one or even several MPa. But drilling muds usually represent double phase fluids, and they may contain particles of solids of various sizes (from several microns to several millimeters). In the course of penetration the muds’ parameters are changing, both continuously and stepwise. The above mentioned limitations, with the Coriolis appliance being mounted in the injection line of the drilling pump, would require repeated resetting as best, and may end in its failure as worst. In the reverse line of mud circulation such a meter cannot be placed absolutely, because of low (atmospheric) pressure and presence of cuttings. What follows is, that the wide use of the Coriolis mass flow meter for measuring drilling mud density monitoring is highly problematic. 47 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the work [15] a simple method of drilling mud density measuring is proposed. In the stand pipe of the drilling pump’s injection line (that is, in its vertical sector) two manometers are positioned – one of them at the bottom, another at the top. The authors are pointing out, that the interval of heights being known, the difference of the manometers’ readings characterize the mud’s density. However it is true only on condition that the liquid’s circulation is ceased. If the liquid is circulating (as it always does while drilling) from the mentioned pressure difference the viscous pressure drop on the stand pipe has to be deducted. Those last are proposed by the authors to find by theoretical calculation, based upon the liquid’s known flow rate and viscosity. Thus the flow meter and viscometer must be present in the injection line of the pump. That makes the problem much more complicated and particularly in view of the fact, that existing viscometers are intended only for performing one point measurements. In view of those facts, and taking into account, that flow rate and viscosity of drilling muds are highly variable while drilling, the problem of using the above mentioned method for continuous monitoring the drilling mud density looks intractable Attempts at automatization of the drilling mud density measurements were made since many years ago [16], but they have not found industrial implementation. It was because of the meter’s complicated structure and of the fact that it could not measure the mud density in the injection line, being intended for mounting in the gutters and pits of the mud circulation system surface section. The purpose of this research is providing for continuous automatic monitoring the drilling mud quality parameters in general and its density in particular. In order to achieve that purpuse, objectives as follows are to be gained: 1. To carry out analysis of the publications, capable to contribute to achievment of the purpose. 2. To propose a general principle of the drilling muds’ quality parameters measurement automa- tization. 3. To develop a general scheme of the continuous automatic monitoring of the drilling muds quality parameters. 4. To apply the general scheme for working out the structure of the drilling muds density continuous automatic monitoring. The works on acieving the planned ojectives. The publications analysis has shown, that bacause of complexity and vast variety of the flushing agrnts as to their intention, composition, physical and chemical properties, as well as high degree of their spontaneous changeability, the use of automatic density meters from other industries involves many arduous problrms. A conclusion was made, that the problem of automatic continuous measurement of the drilling mud density (as well as of a number of another quality parameters) can be most effectively solved by way af automatization of the traditional manual methods of measurements [17-21]. It will involve advantages as follows: – The decades of practical use of those methods have proved their effectiveness and versatility: they can be used with all types of drilling where the flushing liquids are used – Unlike physical methods (realized by electromagnetic, acoustic, accelerative, thermal etc sensors), the traditional methods are not subject to physical disturbances – The use of traditional methods is contributing to continuity of the existing drilling technology The capital defect of the traditional methods is the fact, that they are only realized manually by single point measurements, which makes continuous monitoring impossible. Automatization of the traditional manual methods will provide for: – Establishing a distinct periodicity of the measurements with reduction of the assigned period to the reasonable minimum – Reduction of time needed for the measurement procedure by removal of preparative and concluding operations like preparation and setting the meter, collecting the mud’s sample, washing up the appliance after measurement, data registration etc. – Improving the measurement accuracy by distinct automatic fixing the borders between successive operations and removing subjective errors caused by human factor – linking-up emergency signalizing – Obtaining electrical measurement signal with its subsequent converting into digital form with possibility of: 48 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

– Demonstrating the mud parameters readings on the driller’s panel along with other technological parameters, which will supplement the general picture of drilling conditions and contribute to accurate diagnosis of the current problems – Registering the mud measurement data in the time succession in the memory, with possibility of retracting them whenever a need arises – Amplifying the obtained information by means of its processing according to a special program – Incorporating the drilling mud measurement signals into systems of automatic control of the drilling process. At the Kazakh Satpajev National Research Technological university Drilling Wells Technology department a general approach to drilling mud parameters continuous monitoring was worked out. Its basic principle is automatization of the traditional manual method. The general scheme of such an approach can be reduced to following: The general procedure and instruments of the traditional measurement methods are left intact. However for the purpose of their automatization a number of new elements are added. Among them the most essential are: – Revolving round table; – Organs of its control; – Sensors of converting the measured value into electrical signal; – Analog-digital converter; – Display; – Memory. Revolving at a planned frequency, the table is capable to make halts in the assigned positions, such as loading the measuring capacity with a sample of the mud, performing the measurement as such; cleaning the measuring capacity from the traces of the mud after the measurement has been completed. Basing upon the general scheme, a structure of the drilling mud density continuous automatic monitoring was elaborated. It is shown on the figures 1 and 2. The appliance is operating as follows: The supplied with cams disk of the time realay 10 is revolved by a syncronous motor (not shown) with a strictly constant frequency. Just before the situation shown at the fig.1, the table 1 was at rest in the “wash up” position. The funnel 4 by means of the delivered from the tank 23 by the pump 20 through the channel 24 stream of water was being cleaned from the traces of the drilling mud 7. After the planned for the “wash-up” tine has elapced, the cam 17I on the disk 10 closed the dead contact 14 and supplied voltage UП from its sourse to the terminals of the relay 11. The tongue 12 of the relay, having been desplaced to the right, closed the dead ccontact 13, supplying volyage to the motor 2 and thereby resuming the motion of the table 1. At the beginning of the table’s motion its cam 18I, which at the “wash-up” position had been pushing on the live contact 16, keeping it open, – lets it free, which brings about its closing. Due to the fact that the rotation speed of the table 1 is higher than that of the disk 10, the contact 16 is closed earlyer than the cam 17I has left the contact 14 and made it open. Apart from starting the table the tongue 12 with its left end is closing the contact 15 of the relay’s lockup. For that reason after the cam 17I has left the contact 14, the voltage goes on being supplied to the relay 11 and motor 2 through contacts 15, 16,13. One more consequence of the tables’ resuming its motion is the fact that the cam 21, which during all the period of the “wash up” halt had kept the dead contact (not shown) closed, supplying the voltage to the pump’s 20 motor, – left the contact, allowing it to open and causing the pump to stop delivering water When continuing its revolution, the table takes position II “loading and measurement”, the cam 18II meets the live contact 16 and opens it. The relay 11 is de-energized and its tongue, moving by its spring to the left leaves dead contacts 13 and 15 and opens them. The motor 2 and the table 1 cease revolving, the funnel 4 taking position right under the channel 6, delivering the stream of the drilling mud. The mud enters the funnel at its top and leaves it at its bottom through the orifice of the nipple. As the flow Q1 designedly surpasses the flow Q2 (limited with the small size of the nipple’s orifice) the funnel is being gradually filled with the mud. The funnel’s weight is growing and, contracting the spring 5, it is settling down. When doing that, the funnel is shifting the slide contact 8 along the rheochord 9 in the direction of growth of the output voltage U. However for the time being that voltage is actually absent, because the dead contact 22, (through which variable resistor’s feeding voltage UП is delivered) is open. 49 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ultimately the mud starts spilling over the funnel edge into the mud pump’s receiving tank, and from that moment on, the funnel’s weight is kept at maximum value. The situation is preserved till the moment, when after a predetermined time interval the cam 17II of the time relay 10 approaches the dead contact 14 and, actuating the starting relay 11, resumes the table’s revolving. At the very instant of the table’s leaving the position II the cam 19 (figures 1 and 2) passes the dead contact 22 and, closing it, delivers the voltage UП to the variable resistor 8, causing appearance of the voltage U. That voltage is proportional to the weight of the loaded with mud funnel (minus the weight of the funnel itself, corresponding to the set-point position of the sliding contact 8).

Figure 1 – The appliance for drilling mud density automatic monitoring.

A – side view: filling the funnel with mud; B – face view with electrical cirquit; I – wash up position; II –filling up and measurement position; 1 – table; 2 – electric motor; 3 – bearing; 4 – funnel; 5 – spring; 6 – mud delivery channel; 7 – mud; 8 – sliding contact; 9 – rheochord; 10 – time relay; 11 – starting relay; 12 tongue; 13,14, 15, 22 – dead contacts; 16 – live contact; 17I – cam of revolution resumption from the position I; 17II – the same from the position II; 18I – cam for halting in the position I; 18II – the same in the position II; 19 – cam for voltage delivery to the variable resistor (located beneath the cam 17II); 20 – water pump; 21 – cam for the water pump starting (located beneath the cam 18I); 23 – water tank; 24 – water delivery channel; Q1 and 2 Q – mud flows; UП – feed voltage; U – outlet voltage (the measurement signal).

50 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 2 – Converting the funnel’s drilling mud weight signal into digital form of the drilling mud density: АDC – Analogue digital converter ; Т – demonstration panel.

Given the assigned volume of the funnel, the voltage U is corresponding to the drilling mud density. The voltage U is delivered to the АЦП inlet, where it is converted to the digital number. That number is converted into decimal system and, in the density units, registers in the memory and finally appears on the driller’s panel T. There it replaces the result of the measurement, obtained in the course of the previous measurement cycle. Meanwhile the table, continuing its revolutrion, again approaches the wash-up position an makes a halt there. The measurement cycle is completed and the new one commenced. Discussion. The drilling mud quality parameters, its density in particular, are in the course of drilling subjected to spontaneous alterations with risks of down-the-hole problems and failures. Transition from the sporadic manual measurements to continuous automatic monitoring will provide for maintenance of the optimum drilling technology and failure prevention by prompt reacting on environment changes That will amount to substantial contribution to bringing down the well construction time and expenditures on the failures elimination. Besides it will guarantee savings on salaries of the high qualified personal, conducting manual measurements. As a result of research performed, a universal method of automatic continuous monitoring of drilling muds parameters in general and its density in particular is worked out. The problem is solved by way of automatization of the classical manual measurements. The attempts at automatization of drilling mud parameters measuring by application various physical phenomena were not enough successful, because they are imposing various restrictions on the mud’s composition, quantity and quality of additives, viscosity, pressure in the line, temperature etc. Automatization of the classical manual measurements preserves all of its peculiar wide range of suitable conditions. It well corresponds with existing drilling technology. On the other hand the method in question well corresponds with the modern trend of transition to the digital form of data processing and presentation. The worked out structural scheme of automatic density monitoring can become a base for developing a line of automatic measurement of other drilling mud parameters and thus contribute to solution of the problem as a whole. Incidentally, patents for structural schemes of automatic measurement of the mud’s funnel viscosity, jell strength and filtration are already obtained. The revolving tables of several appliances can be assembled on common axle and have common systems of mud samples delivery, electric power and cleaning water supply. Their measurement signals can be received by the same computer for the further processing. All that will contribute to the costs reduction. However the complexity of such automatic facilities and the effort and resources needed for their development are substantially different, which requires the works being performed step-by-step, beginning from the simplest version, such as density and proceeding to more complex ones. 51 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The proposed facilities can be operated at all the rigs engaged in drilling wells for oil, gas, water and hard mineral resources. They may play an important role in down-the-hole failures preventing and saving time and resources on their elimination. Besides, falls away need in employment of the highly trained personal, currently occupied in carrying out drilling mud parameters manual measurements. Conclusions. 1. The publications studies allowed to ascertain absence of universally applicable works on drilling mud parameters automatic continuous monitoring. 2. An assumption was set forward and substantiated, that the most appropriate method of achieving the purpose of drilling mud parameters automatic continuous monitoring, is automatization of the universally used classical manual method. 3. A general scheme of the drilling mud parameters manual measurements automatization by using the revolving table is put forward. 4. According to the general sceme a structural scheme of the appliance for drilling mud density automatic continuous monitoring is elaborated.

M. T. Билецкий1, Ю. А. Нифонтов2, Б. T. Ратов3, Д. H. Деликешева1

1Қ. И. Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ ұлттық техникалық зерттеу университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Санкт-Петербург мемлекеттік теңіз техникалық университеті, Ресей, 3Каспий қоғамдық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Бұрғылау ерітінділерінің сапа параметрлері бұрғылаудың геологиялық-техникалық жағ- дайларына сай келмеуі, көп жағдайда, бұрғылау кезіндегі қиыншылықтар мен апаттардың себебі болып келеді. Бұл параметрлер қолмен және ұзақ уақыт аралығында өлшенеді. Бұрғылау ерітінділерінің тығызды- ғын әртүрлі физикалық құбылыстарға негізделген датчиктер көмегімен автоматты түрде өлшеу сәтті нәтиже көрсетпеді. Бұл бұрғылау ерітінділерінің сапа құрамы мен қасиеттерінің өте алуан түрлі болуымен шарттал- ған. Жылдар бойы қолмен өлшеу өздігінен бұрғылау жұмыстарының ерекшеліктеріне сай келеді. Дәстүрлі қолмен өлшеуді автоматтандыру оларды алдын-ала белгіленген жиілікте орындауға мүмкіндік береді және арнайы қызметкерлердің қажеттілігін жояды. Мәселе белгілі өлшеу құралдарын айналмалы үстелге орнату арқылы шешіледі. Электр өлшеу сигналы бұрғылаушының қашықтықтан басқару пультінің есеп тақтасында көрсету, сондай-ақ уақытты жазу мүмкіндігімен цифрланады. Тығыздықты автоматты бақылау геологиялық асқынулармен және апаттармен күресу шығындарын төмендетеді. Жобаланған құрылғылар барлық бұрғылау қондырғыларында, мұнай, газ, су және қатты пайдалы қазбаларға бұрғылау үшін қолданылуы мүмкін. Түйін сөздер: бұрғылау, геологиялық асқынуларды бақылау, бұрғылау ерітінділерінің параметрлері, өлшеуді автоматтандыру, бұрғылау қондырғысында көрсету, тығыздықты автоматты өлшеуіш.

M. T. Билецкий1, Ю. А. Нифонтов2, Б. T. Ратов3, Д. H. Деликешева1

1Казахский национальный исследовательский технический университет им. К. И. Сатпаева, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Санкт-Петербургский государственный морской технический университет, Россия, 3Каспийский общественный университет, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. Причиной осложнений и аварий при бурении чаще всего является несоответствие качест- венных параметров буровых растворов геолого-техническим условиям бурения. Эти параметры измеряются вручную и через длительные интервалы времени. Попытки автоматического измерения плотности буровых растворов с помощью датчиков, основанных на использования различных физических явлений, не дали успешного результата. Это обусловлено весьма широком разнообразием качественного состава и свойств буровых растворов. Годы применения ручных измерений подтверждают, что, сами по себе, они наилучшим образом отвечают специфике буровых работ. Автоматизация традиционных ручных измерений позволяет 52 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

производить их с заданной периодичностью и устраняет необходимость в специальном персонале. Задача решена путем установки известных измерительных средств на поворотном столе. Электрический измери- тельный сигнал преобразуется в цифровую форму с возможностью демонстрации на табло пульта буриль- щика, а также регистрации во времени. Автоматический мониторинг плотности позволяет сократить расходы на борьбу с геологическими осложнениями и авариями. Разработанные устройства могут применяться на всех буровых установках, ведущих бурение на нефть, газ, воду и твердые полезные ископаемые. Ключевые слова: бурение, борьба с геологическими осложнениями, параметры буровых растворов, автоматизация измерений, демонстрация на пульте бурильщика, автоматический измеритель плотности.

Information about authors: Biletsky M., NAO Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; / 0000-0002-4947-5686 Nifontov Iu., Saint-Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia; [email protected]; Ratov B., Caspian Public University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.; [email protected]; 0000-0003- 4707-3322 Deliskesheva D., NAO Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 621.38

Y. Amirgaliyev1,2, W. Wójcik3, M. Kunelbayev1,2, T. Merembayev1, D. Yedilkhan1, A. Kozbakova1,2, O. Auelbekov1, N. Kataev1

1Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Lublin University of Technology, Poland. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. In the article herein, we consider the theoretical prerequisites of the solar collector accumulator energy saving sources One of the solar collector-accumulator main peculiarities is in the fact that it works under cold temperatures or in the dull days due to design features. There was proposed a new method of the flat solar collector using modern materials, thanks to which the collector’s performance upgrades and its cost reduces. Collector’s efficiency is reached owing to the proposed construction, which consists of transparent thermally insulated body, semitransparent color, absorber’s capacity, thermoelectrical heater. Thermoelectrical heater is a main feature, which is used for water heating. Proposed new method of thermoelectric heating is theoretically substantiated and consists in adjusting the thermoelectric power to changing the stress in appropriate range, as well, to changing the resistance of thermoelectric heating elements through switching from sequential circuit to parallel one. The new electric scheme has been offered as a controlled thermoelectric heater inside the collector. Solar collector-accumulator researches and workings in the mode of electric heating show, that the computation of water heater average value from 5 до 9% confirms the suggestion about the theoretical outcomes of the solar collector accumulator work. There have been selected thermoelectric capacities values as 1,5, 3,0 and 4,5 kW, liquid optimal temperature (60 ºС) has been reached for 3 hours at capacities 3,0 and 4,5 kW, it is a good result for a cold season or dull days. Economic analysis of using the proposed thermoelectric capacity inside the solar collector is not considered in the work herein and remained for further studying. Key words: solar collector-accumulator, solar energy, thermoelectric heating element, electrical energy.

Introduction. Fossil fuel and nuclear energetics for energy resources sustainable development at present shall be promptly changed with renewable energy resources. Renewable energy resources are stable and able to satisfy the current and future projected global needs in energy without any impact on the environment. For sustainable meeting of the world demands in energy renewable energy resources such as the solar energy, wind, hydro energetics, and biogas are proper alternatives. The best alternative for mee- ting the growing demand in energy is the solar one. Solar radiation transformation into the heat is one of the simplest and direct means of using its power. Flat solar collector is a device, used for transforming the solar energy into the thermal one. Flat solar collectors nowadays are most widely used all over the world in water heating commercial and domestic systems Therefore, the domestic sector can reduce its impact on the environment by installing the flat solar collectors for water heating. Flat plates, vacuum-processed tubes or concentrated collectors are solar collectors for domestic hot water. The most frequently used type for the low temperature medium is a single-layer flat plate. The main component of the solar water heater is a flat plate collector. An absorber plate serves as a central element of the collector. Solar collector thermal specifications depend on optical and thermal properties, as well, on absorber’s design. A standard flat collector consists of an absorber in the insulated 54 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 box together with transparent covers (glazing). An absorber usually consists of a metal sheet (as copper, aluminum) with high thermal conductivity with the built-in or connected tubes. Its surface is covered with special selective material to maximize the beam energy absorption along with the beam energy radiation minimization. Insulated box reduces the heat losses in the collector from its backward and lateral sides [1]. The most commonly and widely used collector is a thermosyphon or naturally circulation system of solar water heating system (SWHS). It consists of a plate collector, accumulating tank and connecting tubes. Collector contains an absorber plate, water riser and collecting pipes, glass cover, body and insulation. Water in water risers is heated and flows to a reservoir for storage due to difference in density. Its flow depends on thermosyphon head, related to buoyancy effect, corelated with water density change, caused by water temperature rising in the solar collector. The solar energy is used in various areas for many applications. In the works [2, 3] there were carried out sufficient quantities of experiences on transforming the solar energy into heat. There were many works using a single phase heat transfer technology. In this article [4], there has been developed a microprocessor control system that provides synchronous operation of a solar power station with an electric grid. It is shown that, in practice, the voltage in the mains does not correspond to a pure sinusoid and has distortions to which the output voltage of the inverter must be adapted. In the researches [5-9] the experiments have been conducted in the solar collector with flat plates using a single phase heat exchange process, with application of non-insulated reservoir for water and uninsulated collecting tube, as well insulated reservoir for water and an insulated tube. For that purpose, a flat solar collector operates as a heater and a reservoir for water maintains the heat water. There is a possibility to cut huge heat losses, as well from a collecting tube. Final result is water temperature rise and that of flat collector performance, which will happen. A flat solar collector is usually used for the solar energy transformation into an effective thermal energy. A collector in the heating and water supply systems is designed for moderate temperature. Thanks to absence of electric energy expenditures comparing to conventional electric heaters, usage of solar water heaters plays an important role [10]. The solar collector output reduces due to a bigger factor of heat transfer due to upper capacity loss and, as a consequence, owing to lower thermal characteristics [11]. It has been defined, overall heat loss, i.e., 75%, occurs from the upper collector [11]. In the work hereby there has been specified the influence of the surface radiating and absorbing ability at the different temperatures characteristics [12]. In our article the researchers study theoretical prerequisites of the energy saving electric water heating in the solar collector-accumulator. To perform theoretical prerequisites the developers investigated a new flat solar collector accumu- lator, as well, performed experimental investigations and substantiation of the parameters of the electric heating energy savings means, applying a thermoelectrical heater, inbuilt into a flat solar collector.

Figure 1 – Principal diagram of a flat solar collector-accumulator: 1 – thermally insulated body; 2 – translucent cover; 3 – absorber tank; 4 – thermoelectric heater

To achieve the prescribed goal it is offered to implement a new approach to designing the flat solar collectors accumulators using model materials, at the expense of which we can get sufficient reduction (2-3 times) of the solar installation cost. The offered method essence and novelty is in the fact, that, in distinction from the known designing principle, the collector contains 1 – transparent thermally insulated body; 2 – translucent cover; 3 – absorber tank; 4 – thermoelectric heater. 55 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In the gap between a double glass and frame bottom there is laid a flexible thin wall stainless corrugated tube 416 mm in the coil form. The pipe edges are fixed to the input and output protruding tubes. Thermoelectric heater mounted inside between a double glass and frame bottom. Thermoelectric heater is the principle component for electric water heating.

Figure 2 – A full scale model (mockup) of a flar solar collector -accumulator

Figure 2 demonstrates a mockup of a solar collector-accumulator. Solar collector is the main heat generating unit, the energetic and operating indices of which directly depend on the solar installation parameters. To achieve our set goal we have elaborated a brand new flat solar collector-accumulator based on which there will be constructed the standard series of solar collectors for water heating.

Table 1– Technical specifications of a flat solar-collector accumulator

Transparent insulations layers number 2 One collector square, m2 Up to 2 Water heating average temperature 60-80 Flowing capacity regarding the solar radiation upon falling the sunbeams normally onto the surface 0,89 Specific volume for heat transfer medium, l/m2 2,0 Absorbing capacity with regard to solar radiation 0,99 Operational pressure, MPa 0,7 Overall dimensions, micron 1х2 Product of optical factor Thermal Efficiency and the panel absorber performance rate 0,8 Multiplication of collector thermal loss factor by the panel absorber performance rate 0,75 Ratio of heat absorbing surface square 0,95 Collector mass, kg 60 Life cycle, years 15

Research method. One of the solar collector-accumulator’s functions is electric water heating in the cold season or in dull days upon solar radiation absence. The researches have shown that the traditional means based on heating at thermoelectric heater constant power tolerates sufficient energy losses, which can lower controlling the heating regularities from the initial (tо) to final (tk) temperature.

tk E тс  dttFktt  EH aaok  m , (1) to where сꞏm – specific heat capacity and water mass; kаꞏFа – specific heat losses and solar collector surface square; t, tо, tk – current, initial, final temperatures of water being heated; tм – environmental temperature. In this connection there were offered the new techniques of water heating: 56 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

 regulating the thermoelectric heating capacity by means of stress changing from initial (Uо) to final (Uн) (Uо< U< Uн);  changing the thermoelectric heating resistance, for instance by means of switching it from series to parallel scheme. We have drawn up the equations of heating techniques energy balances [13]: conventional Ртэн=const 2 dt Uh cmttFk P  (2) maa d TEH R regulating the thermoelectric heating stress

dt dQTEH cmttFk  , Uо< U< Uн . (3) maa d d By the solution (3) there were set the formulae of: current temperature (t): 2 U   Н  ka  Fa   ka  Fa  tt  1 ехр   t t ехр   (4) m kR  F  ст  о m  ст  a a     

heating time from tо to tк 2 ст  ttFkRU mkaa   ln Н , (5) к  Fk 2  ttFkRU aa Н moaa heating energy capacity [13] U 2   U 2   2    h Н   P стtt о     tt то  ехр . (6)  FkR aa   FkR aa   н   н  Under the decision (6), there were set the formulae of: stress provided the temperature linear changing [14]

22  tt ок  ст R  RFkUU    t   tt , (7) 0 aa  о  ок   к  

thermoelectric heating initial stress [14], provided that at τк, U =Uн

22 ст  R tRFkUU   tt , (8) 0 н aa к  ок heating energy capacity  tt  ок 2 E сто Fktt aa     tt то   (9)  2 к  thermoelectric heating average integral capacity [14]:

ст   tt тк  average ок Fktt aa    . (10)  к  2  There have been fulfilled experimental researches in order to confirm the convergence of theoretical (designed) and experimental outcomes. The article developed a microprocessor control system that ensures the synchronous operation of a solar power station with a power grid. It has been shown that in practice in the power supply network the 57 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan voltage does not correspond to a pure sine wave and has distortions to which it is necessary to adapt the inverter output voltage [15]. In article [16], the authors proposed a physical and mathematical description of a process of converting solar energy, research of a physical and mathematical model of an energy converter and description of a model of low – power solar thermal power plant (STPP) designed to maximize using of solar energy. In developing design of low – power STPP will allow using a coefficient of solar energy efficiency (SEE) until 50%. STPP will solve problems with a shortage of power systems due to high cost energy resources and a lack of energy in remote areas of the country also it will not have a negative impact on environment which is relevant at the moment. In article [17] a heat loss of flat solar collectors is considered. It is proposed that if water heated to 60 °C (in some cases to 80 °C) it will be necessary to divert water. In static state, the same heat flow passes through an air between heat receiver and glass, meets thermal resistance during a transition to atmospheric air. The thermal resistance in direction of the glass consists of the following values: the thermal resistance of the air gap between the beam and the absorbing surface of the heat receiver and the glass surface facing it. Electric heating energy saving method’s experimental studies and parameters substantiation have been fulfilled on the stand, the scheme of which is given on the figure 3.

Figure 3 – Scheme of the stand for studying regularities of the solar collector-accumulator electric heating: 1 – thermally insulated body of the solar collector; 2 – translucent cover; 3 – c; 4 – circulating pump; 5 – flowmeter; 6 – pipeline; 7 – tubular electric heater; 8, 9 – thermometers for measuring water temperature at absorber’s tank input and output and the environment; 10 – set of electric measuring devices К 501; 11 – autotransformer.

Stand scheme consists of thermally insulated body of the solar collector 1, translucent cover 2, absorber tank 3, circulating pump 4, flowmeter 5, pipelines 6, thermal electric heater with a thermal regu- lator 7, thermometers 8, 9, for measuring water temperature at absorber’s tank (t1) output and input (t2) and the environment (tm), measuring device К 501 and an autotransformer 11 for regulating the thermal electric heater capacity. Water heating is fulfilled by switching on the thermal electric heater to the network through autotransformer, which allows regulating its capacity smoothly from 0 to nominal value. Circulating pump serves for mixing and aligning water temperature between lower and upper layers. Measurements metrological maintenance:  mercury thermometer, with division value 0,1ºC, for measuring water temperature at the input (t1) and output (t2). They are placed at 10cm distance from the collector (position 8);  mercury thermometer, with division value 0,2ºC for measuring the environment temperature (tт) (position 9). The process energy capacity for the sought time interval is defined by the capacity multiplying measured with a wattmeter by the interval duration, for every hour interval, and total energy capacity by summing the intervals energy capacity. 58 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Electric heating in temperature linear rising mode from tо to tк is executed by means of the stress regulation from initial Uо to final Uк=220 V according to a certain designed regularity, where the stress interval values are computed according to a formula:

ii 1 ii 1   RttkttcmU n , st where Rп – thermal electric heater resistance; ti, ti-1 – water temperature in i-м and i – 1 interval, k=0,029 kWꞏh/degree – coefficient of the solar collector-accumulator total heat losses (defined experimentally), k=UiꞏSГКА, SГКА – square of the flat solar collector-accumulator surface. The stress change is performed manually, stepwise, in hours interval, and experiment with the stress regulation is repeated for thermal electric heater’s each nominal capacity Рн = 1,5; 3,0 and 4,5 kW. Results and discussions. Results of experimental measurements and rated values of the uncontrolled (at thermoelectrical heater’s constant temperature) electric heating dynamics of solar collector-accumu- lator electric heating, dependent on time, with different capacity thermoelectrical heaters (РТЭН = 1,5, 3,0 and 4,5 kW) are given on the figure 2. Analysis shows, that divergence between the experiments and computations outcomes is, in average from 5 to 9%, which confirms the convergence of theoretical conclusions. Diagrams have exponential regularity, connected with heat losses growth due to the heat temperature increase, and in the working range – from 20 to 600С, the solar collector-accumulator heating at the thermal electric heaters capacity at 1,5 kW achieved for 1…10 hours. As it is seen from the figure 4 in the winter period at experimental research and computation the solar collector-accumulator at the thermal electric heating at 1.5 kW the heating time at the temperature from 20 to 600С has changed from 1 hour to 10 hours. It confirms, that the solar collector-accumulator has worked in the dynamic regime at the constant capacity. With increasing the thermoelectric heating capacity 2 times up to3,0 kW, the temperature 60ºС achieved for 3 hours, and at the capacity 4,5 for 1,6…1,8 h. At that the temperature regularity through time changed practically linearly. We have defined rated and experimental energy intensities of uncontrolled (at thermoelectric heater’s constant capacity) water heating in the solar collector-accumulator. Results comparability has been provided with observing the experiments and computation similar conditions. Experimental measurements outcomes are given on the figure 4 in denominator, and rated values - in numeratorв (upper numbers). It was specified, with capacity increasing the process’s energy intensity decreases. For example, at the capacity 1,5 kW the energy intensity (experimental) of electric heating has amounted to 14,8 kWꞏh, including heat losses of 7,8 kWꞏh or 52,7%. With the heating capacity increase 2 times (3,0 kW) the

Figure 4 – Dynamics of uncontrolled water electric heating in the solar collector-accumulator the thermoelectric heaters are of different capacity (1 – 1,5 kW; 2 – 3,0 kW; 3 – 4,5 kW)

heating energy intensity decreased to 9,8 kWꞏh, and heat losses down to 2,8 kW, i.e., to 28%, at the capacity 4,5 kW energy intensity reached 9,2 kWꞏh, and heat losses 2,2 kWꞏh, i.e., decreased to 24%. We have studied the regularities of control electric heating. 59 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The figure 5 shows experimental and rated outcomes of processes energy intensities at th heating capacity 1,5, 3,0 and 4,5 kW.

Figure 5 – Rated (numerator) and experimental (denominator) energy capacity at electric heating from 20 to 60ºС under the heating element’s constant capacity: 1 – 1,5 kW; 2 – 3,0 kW; 3 – 4,5 kW

As it is seen from the figure 6 in the process of controlled heating, there has been maintained the temperature linear growth from 20 to 60ºС, through regulation the thermoelectric heater stress with a capacity of 1,5 kW от Uо = 165V до Uн = 220V. At that process energy capacity has amounted to 13,1 kW, that is, it is less 1,7 kWꞏh or for 11,5%, comparing to the controlled heating.

Figure 6 – Rated and experimental energy intensity of the controlled electric heating, regulating the heating element’s deformation (1 – Р = 1,5 kW, U = 165 ÷ 220 V; 2 – Р = 3,0 kW, U = 200 ÷ 220 V; 3 – Р = 4,5 kW, U = 210 ÷ 220 V)

Figure 7 – Controlled patterns during heating with a 1.5 thermoelectric heaters; 3.0 and 4.5 kW (respectively, graphs 1, 2 and 3) and the linear heating temperature of the 1.5 kW heater

The same regularity has been observed at other capacities as well. Energy intensity of the controlled heating at the capacity 3,0 kW has been 9,4 kWꞏh, and upon uncontrolled 9,8 kW. At the power 4,5 kW those indices have amounted to 8,7 and 9,2 kWꞏh, accordingly. That is, there is achieved the energy intensity decrease for only 4% as regards to the noncontrolled heating. 60 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The figure 7 demonstrates the regularities of stress change (diagrams 1, 2, and3) at which there has been maintained heating temperature linear growth and the graphs 4 and 5, as an example, accordingly, rated and experimental (dashed curve) regularities of thermoelectric heater linear heating with a capacity 1,5 kW at stress regulation from Uо=165V to Uн=220V, where maximum rated and experimental temperatures haven’s exceeded 5Сº. Conclusion. In the work herein there were given the theoretical prerequisites of energy-saving electric water heating in the solar collector-accumulator. There were specified designed and experimental energy intensities and dynamics of controlled and uncontrolled electric water heating in the solar collector-accumulator with thermoelectric heaters of various capacities. In the controlled heating process there was the temperature linear growth from 20 to 60ºС, through the stress regulation by thermoelectric heater with a capacity of 1,5 kW from Uо=165V to Uн=220V. Process energy intensity constituted 13,1 kWh, that is, it was less for 1,7 kWꞏh. In the uncontrolled heating process there took place practically the temperature linear rise 20 to 60ºС, through the stress regulation by thermoelectric heater with a capacity 1,5 kW from Uо = 165V to Uн = 220V. Electric heating energy intensity (experimental) amounted to 14,8 kWꞏh, i.e., it was higher than at uncontrolled heating. Thus according to the outcomes of experimental measurements and rated values of uncontrolled and controlled electric heating of the solar collector-accumulator, dependent on the time, by means of thermoelectric heater shows, that at different capacity (РТEH = 1,5, 3,0 and 4,5 kW) there is divergency between experiments and computation outcomes which is , in average, from 5 to 9%, which proves the theoretical conclusions convergence. Acknowledgements. This work is supported by grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Project «BR05236693 "Mathematical and computer models, hardware and software tools and experimental development on creation of network combined effective dual-circuit solar collectors with thermosiphon circulation and monitoring of their functioning».

Е. Амиргалиев1,2, В. Вуйцик3, М. Кунелбаев1,2, Т. Мерембаев1, Д. Едилхан1, А. Козбакова1,2, О. Ауелбеков1, Н. Қатаев1

1ҚР БҒМ ҒК Ақпараттық және есептеуіш технологиялар институты, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 3Люблин технологиялық университеті, Польша


Аннотация. Мақалада күн коллектор-аккумуляторының энергия үнемдеуіш көздерінің теориялық негіз- демелері қарастырылады. Күн коллектор-аккумуляторының басты ерекшеліктерінің бірі – ол құрылымдық ерекшеліктерінен жылдың суық уақытында да немесе бұлтты күндері де жұмыс жасайды. Коллектордың құнын төмендетуге және тиімділігін арттыруға әсер ететін замана уи материалдарды қолданумен жазық күн коллекторының дизайнының жаңа тәсілі ұсынылды. Коллектордың тиімділігін арттыру термоэлектрлік жы- лытқыш, абсорбер сиымдылығы, жартылай мөлдір жабын, мөлдір жылу оқшаулауыш корпустан тұратын құрылымның арқасында қол жеткізіледі. Термоэлектрлік жылытқыш – суды жылыту үшін пайдаланылатын басты ерекшелік. Термоэлектрлік қыздырудың ұсынылатын жаңа әдісі теориялық тұрғыдан негізделген және рұқсат етіл- ген шектеуде кернеуді өзгерте отырып алынған термоэлектрлік қуаттылықтың баптауынан, сонымен қатар тізбектіден параллелдік сызбаға ауыстыру жолымен термоэлектрлік жылыту элементтерінің кедергісінің өз- гертулерінен тұрады. Коллектор ішіндегі бақыланатын термоэлектрлік жылытқыш ретінде жаңа электр сызбасы ұсынылған. Электрлік жылыту режиміндегі күн коллектр-аккумуляторын жасау мен зерттеу суды 5-тен 9 %-ға дейінге жылытудың орташа мәнін есептеудің күн коллектор-аккумуляторының теориялық нәтижесі туралы бол- жамын растайтындығын көрсетеді. Термоэлектрлік 1,5, 3,0 және 4,5 кВт қуаттылық мәні таңдап алынды, 3,0 және 4,5 кВт қуаттылықты қолдануда 3 сағатта сұйықтықтың тиімді температурасына жетті (60 ºС), суық 61 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

мезгілдер мен бұлтты күндер үшін бұл жақсы нәтиже. Күн коллекторы ішіндегі ұсынылған термоэлектрлік қуаттылықты қолданудың экономикалық түрдегі талдауы мақалада қарастырылмайды және ары қарай зерттеуге қалтырылады. Түйін сөздер: күн коллектор-аккумуляторы, күн энергиясы, термоэлектрлік жылыту элементі, электрлік энергия.

Е. Амиргалиев1,2, В. Вуйцик3 , М. Кунелбаев1,2, Т. Мерембаев1, Д. Едилхан1, А. Козбакова1,2, О. Ауелбеков1, Н. Катаев1

1Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий КН МОН РК, Казахстан 2Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан 3Люблинский технологический университет, Польша


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются теоретические предпосылки энергосберегающих источников солнечного коллектора-аккумулятора. Одной из главных особенностей солнечного коллектора-аккумулятора является то, что он работает в холодное время года или в пасмурные дни из-за конструктивных особеннос- тей. Предложен новый способ дизайна плоского солнечного коллектора с использованием современных материалов, благодаря чему повышается эффективность и снижается стоимость коллектора. Эффективность коллектора достигнута благодаря предложенной конструкции, которая содержит прозрачный теплоизоли- рованный корпус, полупрозрачное покрытие, емкость абсорбера, термоэлектрический нагреватель. Термо- электрический нагреватель – это главная особенность, которая используется для нагрева воды. Предложен- ный новый способ термоэлектрического нагрева является теоретически обоснованным и состоит из настрой- ки термоэлектрической мощности с изменением напряжения в приемлемых пределах, а также с изменением сопротивления термоэлектрических нагревательных элементов путем переключения с последовательной схе- мы на параллельную. Новая электрическая схема была предложена в качестве управляемого термоэлектри- ческого нагревателя внутри коллектора. Исследования и разработки солнечного коллектора-аккумулятора в режиме электрообогрева показывают, что расчет среднего значения нагрева воды от 5 до 9% подтверждает предположение о теоретических результатах работы солнечного коллектора-аккумулятора. Были выбраны значения термоэлектрической мощности 1,5, 3,0 и 4,5 кВт, оптимальная температура жидкости (60 ºС) до- стигнута за 3 часа при использовании мощностей 3,0 и 4,5 кВт, это хороший результат для холодного сезона или в пасмурные дни. Экономический анализ использования предлагаемой термоэлектрической мощности внутри солнечного коллектора в статье не рассматривается и остается для дальнейшего исследования. Ключевые слова: солнечный коллектор-аккумулятор, солнечная энергия, термоэлектрический нагре- вательный элемент, электрическая энергия.

Information about authors: Amirgaliyev Yedilkhan, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Wójcik Waldemar, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Lublin University of Technology, Poland; [email protected]; Kunelbayev Murat, senior researcher, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Merembayev Timur, software engineer, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected] Yedilkhan Didar, PhD, senior researcher, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected] Kozbakova Ainur, PhD, senior researcher, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Auelbekov Omirlan, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior Researche, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected] Kataev Nazbek, candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];

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UDC 625.7/.8:691.16

A. I. Iskakbayev1,2, B. B. Teltayev2, G. M. Yensebayeva1

1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The results for experimental determination of characteristics have been given and analyzed in this article for deformation and failure of an asphalt concrete at two loading rates (0.058 and 0.652 MPa/s). Hot fine- grained dense asphalt concrete of type B prepared with viscous bitumen of grade BND 100/130 has been selected which is traditionally used in road construction. The tests have been performed at the temperature of 22-24°C in a specially invented and assembled device according to the scheme of direct tension. The asphalt concrete samples had a shape of rectangular beam with dimensions 5x5x15 cm. It is found that loading rate effects greatly the characteristics of deformation and failure of an asphalt concrete: failure time and specific work of deformation are decreased in 8 times approximately, failure strain is decreased in 1.5 times and as much as that the strength is increased (failure at tension) at the loading rate increase in 11 times from 0.058 MPa to 0.652 MPa/s. From the moment of loading to the moment of failure the asphalt concrete is deformed nonlinearly. The rate of nonlinearity is increased with the load increase. Key words: asphalt concrete, direct tension, loading rate, strain, specific work of deformation.

Introduction. Design conditions adopted for designing and calculation of pavement structures should as accurately as possible comply with real conditions where the sections of the designed highways operate. The load from vehicles and the speed of their movement play the defining part in the provision of strength and service life of the highway. It is known that the speed of vehicles on the road sections is varied considerably depending on specific road conditions [1-3]. It is also well known that deformability, strength and service life of many materials including the asphalt concrete ones depend on the value and load duration [4-6]. Thus, the matter of consideration of the deformability, strength and service life of the asphalt concretes at different loading rates (at various values and load durations) and various temperatures is practically of great importance. An asphalt concrete has became an object of professional consideration since the 30s of the previous century. At present serious complex (experimental and theoretical) investigations are performed for the properties of asphalt concretes at different loading conditions and various temperatures in many countries of the world. The works of Kazakhstan scientists [7-21] can be included into the new direction of consideration for characteristics of strength and service life of asphalt concretes. This article is a continuation of the abovementioned works and it is devoted to the evaluation of the impact of the loading rate on the mechanical characteristics of an asphalt concrete. Materials and method. In this paper bitumen of grade 100-130 has been used meeting the requirements of the Kazakhstan standard ST RK 1373-2013 [22]. The bitumen grade on Superpave is PG 64-40 [23]. Bitumen has been produced by Pavlodar processing plant from crude oil of Western Siberia (Russia) by the direct oxidation method. Hot dense asphalt concrete of type B meeting the requirements of the Kazakhstan standard ST RK 1225-2013 [24] was prepared using aggregate fractions of 5-10 mm (20 %), 10-15 mm (13 %), 15-20 mm (10 %) from Novo-Alekseevsk rock pit (), sand of fraction 0-5 mm (50 %) from the plant

64 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

“Asphaltconcrete-1” (Almaty city) and activated mineral powder (7%) from Kordai rock pit (Zhambyl region). Bitumen content of grade 100-130 in the asphalt concrete is 4,8 % by weight of dry mineral material. Samples of the hot asphalt concrete are prepared in form of a rectangular prism with length of 150 mm, width of 50 mm and height of 50 mm in two step procedures. The first step, the asphalt concrete samples were prepared in form of a square slab by means of the Cooper compactor (UK, model CRT-RC2S) according to the standard EN 12697-33 [25]. The second step, the samples were cut from the asphalt concrete slabs in form of a prism. Deviations in sizes of the samples did not exceed 2 mm. A detailed information about standard characteristics of the bitumen and the asphalt concrete and about the asphalt concrete samples one can find in the authors’ work [11] published earlier. The tests have been performed at the temperature of 22-24°C in a specially invented and assembled device according to the scheme of direct tension. The asphalt concrete samples had a shape of rectangular beam with dimensions 5x5x15 cm. The loading rates were equal to 0.058 MPa/s and 0.652 MPa/s. The values of average and individual loading rates of the tested asphalt concrete samples are represented in table 1.

Table 1 – Average and individual loading rates at the tests of the asphalt concrete samples

Average loading rate, Loading rate, Individual numbers of the asphalt concrete samples MPa/s MPa/s 0.062 85 0.058 111 0.057 113 0.058 0.057 114 0.057 115 0.057 116 0.650 127 0.650 128 0.652 0.646 129 0.648 130 0.664 131

Results and discussion. According to the test results performed under the method described in Section 2 the graphs have been constructed for variation of stress, strain, specific work of deformation in time and the graphs of dependence “stress-strain” at the selected two loading rates. By way of illustration  the mentioned graphs for loading rate  =0.058 MPa/s are shown in figures 1-4. As it is seen, the strain is varied to a significant degree nonlinearly (figure 2) at linear variation of stress in time (figure 1). Nonlinearity of the asphalt concrete strain is increased with the stress increase. It is seen in Figure 3 that it is difficult to distinguish some initial section within the limits of which it could be possible to adopt linear strain and to introduce an elasticity modulus. As a consequence of nonlinear deformation, the specific work of deformation is also varied in time to a significant degree nonlinearly (figure 4). Meanwhile, the biggest values of the specific work of defor- mation occur at the moment of failure. We can also note that approximately during the first half of loading at all loading rates the specific energy has relatively small values; it has the biggest values in the last quarter of the loading process. Important characteristics of failure are time of failure, strain, stress (strength) and specific work of deformation of the material at the moment of its failure. These characteristics for the tested asphalt concrete at the considered loading rates are represented in table 2. As it is seen a loading rate impacts greatly on the characteristics of failure of the asphalt concrete. For example, at the loading rate increase in 11 times (to be precise in 11.24 times) from 0.058 MPa/s to 0.652 MPa/s failure time and the specific

65 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Figure 1 – Graphs for variation of stress in time (average loading rate 𝜎 0.058 MPa/s)

Figure 2 – Graphs for variation of strain in time (average loading rate 𝜎 0.058 MPa/s)

Figure 3 – Graphs of “stress-strain” relationship (average loading rate 𝜎 0.058 MPa/s) 66 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 4 – Graphs for variation of specific work of deformation in time (average loading rate 𝜎 0.058 MPa/s)

Table 2 – Mechanical characteristics of the asphalt concrete at the moment of failure

Average loading rate Failure time tf, Failure strain εf, Strength σf, Specific work of failure Аf,  -8 3  , MPa/s s % MPa 10 J/cm 0.058 16.5 1.04 0.96 15.80 0.652 2.14 0.69 1.40 1.93 increase decrease decrease increase decrease in 11.24 times in 7.71 times in 1.52 times in 1.46 times in 8.19 times work of deformation are decreased approximately in 8 times (to be precise in 7.71 and 8.19 times respectively); failure strain is also decreased, but far less – in 1.52 times; the strength is increased nearly in 1.5 times. It is known that depending on specific and traffic conditions the vehicles move with different speeds along the highways (on various road sections). The results of experimental investigations performed in this work show that the characteristics of deformation and failure of an asphalt concrete depend greatly on the loading rate. The above regulations cause the idea that the highways should be divided into sections with the fixed estimated speeds for vehicles and the mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete layers of an should be defined considering these estimated speeds at designing of pavement structures. Conclusion. The results for determining of characteristics of deformation and failure of the asphalt concrete at direct tension at the temperature of 22-24°С at two loading rates differing in 11 times allowed drawing the following conclusions: 1. From the beginning of loading to the moment of failure the asphalt concrete is deformed non- linearly. The rate of nonlinearity is increased with the load increase. It is difficult to distinguish some initial section on the graph “stress-strain”, within the limits of which it could be possible to postulate linear strain and introduce elasticity modulus. 2. The loading rate impacts greatly on the characteristics of deformation and failure of the asphalt concrete: failure time and specific work of deformation are decreased approximately in 8 times at the loading rate increase in 11 times from 0.058 MPa/s to 0.652 MPa/s, in 1.5 times the strain of failure is decreased and as much as that the strength is increased. 3. On the designing stage highways should be divided into sections with the fixed estimated speeds of vehicles and mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete layers should be defined considering these estimated speeds at designing of pavement structures.

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4. As in real road conditions vehicles (medium and heavy) move along highways with the speeds varied within the wide limits (from 0 to 140-160 km/h and more), it is necessary to continue investigations for evaluation of loading rate impact on the characteristics of deformation and failure of asphalt concretes at other loading rates, temperatures and schemes of strain.

Ә. Ы. Ысқақбаев1,2, Б. Б. Телтаев2, Г. М. Еңсебаева1

1Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Қазақстан жол ғылыми-зерттеу институты, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Мақалада жүктеудің екі жылдамдығы кезінде (0,058 және 0,652 МПа/с) асфальтбетонның деформациялануы мен бұзылуының сипаттамаларын тәжірибелік анықтау нәтижелері берілді және талдан- ды. Жол құрылысында дәстүрлі қолданылатын МЖБ 100/130 маркалы тұтқыр битумды қолданып әзірленген Б типті ыстық ұсақ түйіршікті тығыз асфальтбетон таңдалды. Сынақ жұмыстары 22-24 °С температурада тіке созылу схемасы бойынша арнайы жасалған қондырғыда орындалды. Асфальтбетон сынамалары өлшемі 5х5х15 см тікбұрышты арқалық пішінінде жасалды. Жүктеме жылдамдығы асфальтбетонның деформациясы мен бұзылуының сипаттамасына қатты әсер етеді: жүктеу жылдамдығы 0,058 МПа/с-тан 0,652 МПа/с-қа дейін 11 есе өскен кезде бұзылу уақыты мен меншікті деформациялану жұмысы шамамен 8 есе азаяды, бұзылу деформациясы 1,5 есе кемиді және сонша есе беріктік (бұзылу кезіндегі кернеу) өседі. Жүктеу басталғаннан бұзылу сәтіне дейін асфальтбетон сызықсыз деформацияланады. Сызықсыздық дәрежесі жүктеменің артуымен бірге артады. Түйін сөздер: асфальтбетон, тіке созылу, жүктеу жылдамдығы, деформация, меншікті деформациялану жұмысы.

А. Ы. Ыскакбаев1,2, Б. Б. Телтаев2, Г. М. Енсебаева1

1Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Казахстанский дорожный НИИ, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. Рассматриваются особенности асфальтобетонного покрытия при двух скоростях нагру- жения (0,058 и 0,652 МПа/с). Даны результаты практического определения характеристик деформаций и раз- рушений. Использован вяжущий битум марки МЖБ 100/130, традиционно примененяемый в дорожном строительстве. Выбран горячий мелкозернистый плотный асфальтобетон типа Б. Испытательные работы прямые – при температуре 22-24 °С выполнены на специально разработанной установке по схеме растяжения. Скорость за- грузки сильно влияет на характеристики деформации и разрушения асфальтобетона Асфальтобетонная смесь с начала загрузки до момента разрушения нелинейно деформируется. Степень нелинейности увеличивается вместе с увеличением нагрузки. Ключевые слова: асфальтобетон, прямая растяжка, скорость загрузки, деформация, собственная де- формация, работа.

Information about authors: Iskakbayev A. I., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Mechanics, Al- Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Teltayev B. B., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, President of JSC “Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute”, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Yensebayeva G. M., PhD-student, Department of Mechanics, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];

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UDC 537.9 ISRSTI 29.19.23

Zh. M. Kasenova1, B. T. Ermagambet1, G. E. Remnev2, S. M. Martemyanov2, A. A. Bukharkin2, N. U. Nurgaliyev1

1LLP"Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology", Astana, Kazakhstan, 2Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] MODELING OF SUBTERRANEAN HEATING OF COALS OF MAYKUBEN AND EKIBASTUZ BASINS

Abstract. The paper describes experimental studies of the pyrolytic decomposition of coals from the Maikuben and Ekibastuz basins with analysis of the gases. Heating of coal samples was carried out by the industrial frequency current after preliminary breakdown of the interelectrode distance. The samples were heated in conditions that simulate the subterranean reservoir to simulate the process of underground pyrolytic conversion into combustible gases and fluids. Experiments were carried out on the samples of coal weighing about 5 kg with the interelectrode distance 150 mm. Keywords: conversion, coal seam, gas, electric heating, pyrolysis.

Introduction. The technologies of intralayer development of solid fossil fuels are currently attracting the attention of many researchers, with the physical and mechanical properties of rocks being one of the main criteria for mining works [1]. There are significant prerequisites for the creation of various methods of in-situ processing- over the past decade significant advances have been made in drilling technologies, three-dimensional geo- modelling methods, methods of chemical, thermal and electrical treatment of a subterranean formation and other breakthrough directions. A number of technologies based on pyrolytic processing are proposed. These include above-ground and underground pyrolytic conversion and gasification. Above-ground gasification of coal has a long history with periods of rapid development and recessions [2, 3], and to date, besides traditional and industrially developed, more promising, such as plasma, catalytic, layer gasifi- cation with reversed blast, have been developed [4, 5]. Underground conversion is realized by heating the coal seam in situ and accumulation the pyrolysis products through the wells. This path to the recovery of coal deposits seems to be the most promising and environmentally friendly [6]. Access to the reservoir is through wells, and heating can be realized by incomplete oxidation of the coal itself [7], heat conduction heating [8,9], electric heating [10-12], etc. In our opinion, one of the most effective ways to heat coal is electrophysical heating, based on exposure to high voltage electromagnetic field [13, 14]. The method consists in the following. Along the edges of the heated part of the reservoir, two wells are drilled, in which electrodes are placed. First, a high voltage is applied to the electrodes, sufficient to initiate electrical discharge processes in the pores of the subterranean formation. Further, the action of partial discharges leads to the formation of a channel of electrothermal breakdown. The breakdown channel has a significantly lower resistance than the original coal. Passing a current through the channel leads to its heating. Thus, the use of the channel as a resistive heater will allow heating of the subterranean formation to the pyrolysis temperature. 70 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The composition and ratio of pyrolysis products – combustible gas and tar – depend on the compo- sition of the original coal and the heating rate. In addition, presumably, the composition of the products can be affected by electrochemical and electrokinetic processes occurring under the action of the current flowing through the coal. The composition of the pyrolysis products in turn affects the areas of their pos- sible use. For example, depending on the ratio of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, pyrolysis gas can be used as follows: - to produce liquid hydrocarbon fractions by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis [15]; - to separate pure hydrogen as a commercial product or as an intermediate product for the subsequent synthesis [16-18]; - to generate heat or electrical energy by direct gas combustion in gas piston or gas turbine generators [19, 20]. The paper describes the method and results of laboratory heating of coal with an electric current under conditions close to intralayer. The composition of the resulting pyrolysis gas is determined. Coals taken from the Maikuben, Bogatyr and Saryadyr mines were used for study. Research methodology. In-situ conversion of solid fuels involves heating the rock directly in the conditions of occurrence. The laboratory studies were carried out in conditions similar to the underground reservoir for a sample of solid fuel. Such similarity criteria as reservoir pressure and electric field intensity were simulated. The block diagram of the laboratory equipment is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 – Block diagram of the laboratory equipment

The reservoir pressure is the pressure of the fluid phase of the reservoir and, as a rule, for a certain depth is equal to the hydrostatic pressure of the column of the corresponding height. Imitation of reservoir pressure was carried out by increasing the pressure of the buffer gas in the chamber of the laboratory unit (figure 2). Nitrogen was used as a buffer gas. The chamber has a volume of 0.06 m3 and a maximum pressure of 10 kgf/cm2, which makes it possible to simulate reservoir pressure at a depth of 100 m. Gas was supplied to the chamber from cylinders through a reducer. Previously, air was pumped out of the chamber by a backing pump. This elimi- nates the ignition of pyrolysis gases in the chamber during the experiment. A rotary lamellar foreline vacuum pump LB 60 with a residual pressure of 0.005 mbar was used. The power supply system of the laboratory equipment is represented by a set of high-current and high-voltage electro- nic and electrical devices combined into a common circuit and controlled from a single control unit (figure 3). Figure 2 – Laboratory chamber 71 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

High-voltage Current and Switch 1 transformer voltage sensors

Intermediate vol- Current and Switch 2 tage transformer voltage sensors

Power Current and line Switch 3 Voltage regulator voltage sensors ~380 V 50 Hz 200 A

Commutation Control unit unit

to electrodes

Figure 3 – Blockdiagramof laboratory equipment

The maximum output voltage is 100 kV of industrial frequency, the maximum output current is 240 A of industrial frequency. The output voltage is regulated smoothly in three ranges: 0..220 V, 0..10 kV, 0..100 kV. During the experiment, the temperature dynamics at certain points of the sample is measured. For this purpose, a multichannel thermoconverterThermodat 25M5 and a set of chromel-copel thermocouple were used. During and after the experiment, gas samples were taken from the chamber and analyzed. Gas is sam- pled directly from the chamber and through the air tubing enters the filter regulator LFR-1/4-D-5M-MINI. This device allows taking a sample of gas, without affecting the pressure in the chamber, and also removes the aerosol phase and dust particles from the gas. After the filter regulator, the gas was fed to an Agilent 7890 chromatograph, which was used to analyze the resulting pyrolysis gas. Pneumatic hoses, valves and gas fittings manufactured by Festo (Germany) were used. The chromatograph is equipped with a ShinCarbon ST 100/120 capillary column, 2 m long and 1 mm internal diameter. This column is designed to separate the following gases: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, methane and heavier hydrocarbons. The column uses a thermal conductivity detector. Samples of coal were in the shape of a parallelepiped 300×200×200 mm in size, cut from a solid coal fragment on a stone-cutting machine with an abrasive-cutting disc with a diamond coating. Electrode system was presented by two rods of carbon steel 10 mm thick, spaced 150 mm from each other and recessed into the specimen by about 100 mm. The temperature was measured at 3 points. The first point was located in the center of the interelectrode distance. The second and third points were 30 mm and 60 mm from the axis drawn between the electrodes, respectively (figure 4). The experimental procedure was as follows. A sample with mounted electrodes and thermocouples was placed in the chamber. Electrodes and thermocouples are connected by conductors to the electrical inputs of the chamber, which are isolated from the body of the chamber by ceramic insulating tubes. After sealing and vacuuming, the chamber was filled with nitrogen to the working pressure, which in the experiment was 2 kgf/cm2 and was kept constant. Outside the electrical inputs of the chamber were 72 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 4 – Layout of thermocouples in the sample: 1, 2, 3 – thermocouple placement points connected to the electrical equipment. By applying a high voltage, the sample was first electrically broken. Next, the electric circuit switches from high-voltage to high-current mode of operation and coal sample heats. During the heating produced gas is mixed with nitrogen. For keeping the pressure in the chamber constant, an overpressure is allocated through the gas inlet of the chamber. Thus, the released pyrolysis gas gradually replaces nitrogen. At the end of the experiment, gas was sampled from the chamber for ana- lysis. Sampling was carried out through a straight hose connecting the chamber and the chromatograph. Figure 5 shows the temperature dependences on time for the Bogatyr coal specimen. Curves of the other coals are identical.

Figure 5 – Temperature versus heating time

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Results and discussion. The average heating power was 800 W, although a change in the resistance of the sample sometimes caused deviations. As the sample heats up, its resistance decreases, and in order to maintain a given power it is necessary to increase the current. The sample was heated until the current required for heating exceeded 130 A. Before and after heating, the sample mass was measured to calculate the mass loss. The volume of released gas was determined using a membrane gas meter with automatic thermal compensation. The amount of released liquid products cannot be directly determined, since gummy substances settle on the entire inner surface of the chamber. Thus, the mass of liquid products was determined by subtracting the mass of gas from the total mass loss of the sample. The mass of gas was determined by calculation from a known composition and volume. Summary of the results of the research are shown in table 1.

Table 1 – Summary data on physical modeling of underground coal heating


Parameter Saryadyr Saryadyr Bogatyr Maykuben (nadezhniy layer) (pyatimetroviy layer)

Initial sample weight, kg 5,590 5,067 4,199 4,316

Weight after heating, kg 5,022 4,155 3,993 3,842

Weight loss, g 568 912 206 474

Gas volume under normal conditions, m3 0,764 1,066 0,175 0,432

The average molar mass of gas, g/mol 7,65 10,85 9,34 9,09

Specific calorific value of gas, MJ/m3 13,89 11,93 14,18 19,16

Specific calorific value of gas, kcal/m3 3320 2851 3389 4577

Calculated mass of gas, g 261 516 73 175

Calculated mass of liquid products, g 307 396 133 299

Electricity spent on heating, kWꞏh 4,54 1,94 0,78 3,39

The mass loss of the samples during the heating time was from 5 to 20% of the initial mass. In experiments, a small part of the sample interelectrode space is heated. It is impossible to heat the entire sample with this experimental technique due to the fact that at a certain stage there will be a mechanical destruction of the sample and the heating process will stop. The ratio of the mass of the gas to the mass of the liquid products in the heating mode used was from 35:65 to 55:45 for the used coal. This ratio is influenced by the composition of the coal and the heating rate. In industrial use, this ratio can be changed by varying the heating power. If it is necessary to obtain more liquid products, heating should be carried out with less power. In this case, the conversion of the same amount of coal will take more time. The calorific value of the gas produced for the used coal was from 13 to 19 MJ/m3, which is a high value in comparison with the gas produced by UCG-gasification with partial oxidation of coal [21, 22]. The calorific value and the calculated mass of the gas were determined on the basis of the known composition. The results of the analysis of the composition of the obtained gas and its calorific value are shown in table 2. The main component of the gas is hydrogen, the concentration of which exceeds 60% for all the coals under study. It also shows that methane concentration is very high. The high calorific value of the gas is achieved mainly due to the high concentration of methane. There are also hydrocarbons C2–C4, also having a very high calorific value. Unlike UCG-gasification, which is characterized by a high content of carbon dioxide in a gas, the gas in our experiments contains from 1.7 to 6.41% CO2.

74 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Table 2 – Composition and calorific value of pyrolysis gas obtained from coal

Component Bogatyr Maykuben Saryadyr (nadezhniy layer) Saryadyr (pyatimetroviy layer)

H2 73,15 66,99 67,44 63,97 CO 13,29 21,35 16,61 9,89

CH4 10,64 4,81 10,80 19,90

CO2 2,13 6,41 3,58 1,70

C2H2 0 0 0,14 0,03

C2H4 0,26 0,12 0,69 1,15

C2H6 0,44 0,29 0,55 1,20

C3H6 0,03 0,01 0,09 0,12

C3H8 0,01 0,02 0,07 0,14

C4H10 0,04 0 0 1,88 Calorificvalue, 13,89 11,93 14,18 19,15 MJ/m3 (kcal/m3) (3320) (2851) (3389) (4577)

Findings. In-layer pyrolytic conversion of solid fuels by electric heating, in our opinion, is promising. With its help, it is possible to process fuels of unprofitable fields: low-thickness formations, high-ash fuels, formations with complex mining and geological conditions. One of the main positive properties of electric heating is the high quality of the product gas - high calorific value, high content of hydrocarbons, low content of carbon dioxide and absence of nitrogen. Such gas can be used as a raw material for further processing to produce a large number of products. Acknowledgement. The reported study was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan according to the research project IRN AP05131004 "Development of technology for underground gasification of coals of Ekibastuz and Maikuben basins and the creation of experimental industrial equipment".

Ж. М. Касенова1, Б. Т. Ермағамбет1, Г. Е. Ремнев2, С. М. Мартемьянов2, А. А. Бухаркин2, Н. У. Нургалиев1

1«Көмір химиясы және технология институты» ЖШС, Астана, Қазақстан, 2Томск политехникалық университеті, Томск, Ресей


Аннотация. Мақалада Майкүбен және Екібастұз бассейндеріндегі көмірдің пиро литикалық ыдырауы- ның тәжірибелік зерттеулері және газдардың анализі келтірілген. Көмір сынамаларын қыздыру алдын-ала электродаралық қашықтықта өнеркәсіптік тоқ жиілігінің ағымы арқылы жүзеге асырылды. Көмір қабатының жер асты пиролитикалық конверсиясы кезінде жанғыш газ бен шайырдың түзілу процесін модельдеу үшін, сынамалар иммитациалаушы қондырғыларда қыздырылды. Салмағы ~ 5 кг көмір үлгілері пайдаланылды, электродаралық қашықтық ~ 150 мм құрады. Түйін сөздер: конверсия, көмір пласт, газ, электр өткізгіштік, пиролиз.

Ж. М. Касенова1, Б. Т. Ермағамбет1, Г. Е. Ремнев2, С. М. Мартемьянов2, А. А. Бухаркин2, Н. У. Нургалиев1

1ТОО «Институт химии угля и технологии», Астана, Казахстан, 2Томский политехнический университет, Tомск, Россия


Аннотация. В статье описаны экспериментальные исследования пиролитического разложения углей Майкубинского и Экибастузского бассейнов с анализом получившихся газов. Нагрев образцов углей произ- водился током промышленной частоты после предварительного пробоя межэлектродного расстояния. Образцы подвергались нагреву в условиях, имитирующих условия залегания пласта, для моделирования процесса подземной пиролитичесой конверсии в горючие газы и смолы. Использовались образцы углей массой ~5 кг, межэлектродное расстояние составляло ~150 мм. Ключевые слова: конверсия, угольный пласт, газ, электронагрев, пиролиз.

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Information about the authors: Kassenova Zhanar Muratbekovna, Master of Chemical Sciences and Technology, Deputy Director of LLP "Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology", Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0002-9497-7319 Yermagambet Bolat Toleukhanuly, Doctor of Chemical Science, Professor, Director of LLP "Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology", Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Remnev Gennadiy Efimovich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk, Russia; [email protected]; Martemyanov Sergey Mikhaylovich, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate professor, Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk, Russia; [email protected]; Bukharkin Andrey Andreevich, Master of Technic and Technology, engineer, Tomsk polytechnic university, Tomsk, Russia; [email protected]; Nurgaliyev Nurken Uteuovich, Candidate of Chemical Science, Leading Researcher of LLP "Institute of Coal Chemistry and Technology", Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 541 13 669 791 543 42

А. S. Mussina1, G. U. Baitasheva1, G. S. Beisenova2, M. A. Zholmaganbetova1, B. S. Zakirov3, N. О. Myrzakhmetova1

1The Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2Kazakh National University al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];; [email protected]


Abstract. Studies of the processes, proceeding on the surface of the 29 NK alloy in various media (H2SO4, HNO3. HCl, NaOH, NH4Cl) have been carried out. It has been found that kovar is characterized by a more negative potential than pure nickel. This is due to the fact that in the 29 NK alloy, iron is potential-determining, the normal 0 0 potential of which is much more negative than that of nickel (Е Fe/Fe= -0.441V; E Ni/Ni= -0.250 V, respectively). The course of the potentiometric curves makes it possible to conclude that in all studied acidic solutions, corrosion proceeds according to an electrochemical mechanism, which is observed for pure nickel only in the sulfuric acid solutions. These studies have been the basis for the creation and introduction into the analytical practice of a mercury-film microelectrode based on the 29 NK alloy. In this connection, the peculiarities of the redox processes of some electropositive metals, in particular, mercury, on this indicator microelectrode have been studied. Upon the reduction of mercury two sharp waves have been detected: the first one - at the potential of 0.25 V (a pre-wave), the second one - at 0.40 V. The character of the reactions proceeding upon the cathode polarization has been determined with the help of the potentiometric studies. It has been established that the high power yields in the initial potential region are explained by the proceeding of a mercury cementation reaction due to the dissolution of the cathode material, alongside with the electrolytic reduction process. The conducted studies allow us to come to the conclusion of expediency of using the 29 NK alloy with a mercury-film coating as an indicator electrode for the electrochemical determination of metals within the potential range of 0.2 – 0.6 V in the sulfuric acid electrolyte. Key words: mercury–film, microelectrode, Alloy Kovar, corrosion, electrochemical determination.

Introduction. Kovar, an alloy based on the ferrous metals (29 NK), contains (mas.%): Ni - 29, Co - 18, Fe - 53, i.e. the basis of such an alloy is iron, and, therefore, one can expect that the regularities of the corrosion process will not differ significantly from those of pure iron. In most cases, iron passes into the solution in the form of iron ions Fe2+, which are then oxidized to Fe3+ in the presence of oxygen or other oxidizing agents. The corrosion rate of iron is very dependent on pH of the medium [1]. Corrosion can be caused by both chemical and electrochemical processes. The chemical corrosion is stipulated by an interaction of metals with dry gases and liquid non-electrolytes under the conditions, when moisture is absent on the metal surface and no electrode processes occur at the phase boundary. Upon the chemical corrosion of iron, metal is oxidized without the formation of an electric current circuit:

3Fe + 2O2 = Fe3O4 (FeOFe2O3),

77 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan the oxide film formed on the iron surface is very loose, it does not adhere tightly to the metal surface, that is why corrosion proceeds until the complete destruction of the object. The cause of the electrochemical corrosion is the formation of a large number of micro-galvanic pairs on the metal surface, as a result of the conjugated electrode processes, and it occurs when metals come into contact with electrolytes. The electrochemical corrosion can occur both during a contact of two metals, and in the absence of a contact with other metals. Since we are interested in the effect of acid cations and pH of the medium upon the corrosion of iron, let us consider the mechanism of electro- chemical corrosion initiation, accounting for the nature of the medium. The pH index is a quantitative characteristic of acidity of the solutions. It shows the measure of activity of hydrogen ions, and is calculated as a negative decimal logarithm. The electrochemical corrosion of metals is the result of the two simultaneous processes: - an anodic process of metal ionization (metal oxidation); - a cathode process of reduction of the oxidizing component of the corrosive medium (reduction of hydrogen ions or dissolved oxygen in water). Corrosion with the release of hydrogen is possible if the potential of a hydrogen electrode is more positive than that of the metal. Corrosion with oxygen absorption is possible if the potential of an oxygen electrode is more positive than that of the metal [2]. All metals, whose equilibrium potentials are more negative than the potentials of the hydrogen or oxygen electrodes, corresponding to these conditions, can be dissolved, and the metals, whose equilibrium potentials are more positive than the latter, are not subject to corrosion. If the medium is acidic, then the depolarizers of the cathode process are hydrogen ions; in the neutral, alkaline media and in the atmospheric conditions the depolarizers of the cathode process are the molecules of oxygen, dissolved in the electrolyte [3]. Since the standard electrode potential of iron is E0= -0.44 V, iron can be subject to corrosion both with hydrogen and oxygen depolarization, depending on pH of the medium. The process of iron corrosion in the acidic medium of the electrolyte solution proceeds with hydrogen depolarization and is represented by the equation: + 2+ Fe +2H → Fe + H2

Fe+ HCl =FeCl2+H2 The process of iron corrosion in the neutral medium proceeds with oxygen depolarization and is represented by the equation: 2+ - 2 Fe+O2+ 2H2O= 2Fe +4OH

2 Fe+O2+ 2H2O= 2Fe (OH)2 As a result of an analysis of the literature on the effect of various media upon the rate of iron corro- sion, it has been shown that the pH range of the medium, within the limits of which the pH value influen- ces changing the rate of the corrosion process, as well as the effect of the nature of an acidic anion upon the iron corrosion process with different pH values are not always unambiguous and it requires an additional research [3]. Besides, it is interesting to reveal the effect of the nature of acidic anions in a weakly acidic medium, most frequently occurring in the environment. Experimental method. Voltammetric measurements were carried out on a PI-50.1.1 potentiostat, which made it possible to operate in the mode of cyclic and inversion voltammetry with different potential sweep rates. The analysis was carried out in a three-electrode cell, while stirring the solution (V = 25 ml) due to the electrode rotation at the rate of 900–960 rpm. A mercury-film electrode of the 29 NK alloy served as a working electrode with an apparent surface area of 0.013 cm2. The voltammograms were recorded on a two-coordinate self-recording potentiometer UI-2 with the scanning rate of 100-200 mV/s. The reference electrode was the silver-chloride electrode EVL-1MZ.1, the potential of which in relation to normal hydrogen equivalent in a saturated KC1 solution at 200С is equal to 0.237 V. Pt wire was used as an auxiliary electrode. Removal of oxygen from the solu- tion was achieved by purging it with argon for 15 minutes. The initial solutions of the studied metals were prepared from salts of chemically pure and extra-pure grades. The solutions of lower concentrations were 78 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 obtained by diluting the initial electrolytes with the background electrolytes. The background electrolytes were prepared by dissolving the corresponding salts of extra-pure grade in distilled water. A mercury-film coating on the surface of the electrodes was applied by way of electrolysis of 0.05- 0.06 M HgSO4 solution for 3-5 minutes according to the method developed by us [4]. Experimental. Only the data, related to the manufacture of ignition electrodes of the 29 NK alloy, which can be used in metallurgy, space technology, instrument making and power engineering with sequential spraying of alumina and titanium nitride on the nickel-aluminum intermetallic sublayer, are known [5]. Unfortunately, the authors were interested in the other branches of science. For studying the corrosion process of the 29 NK alloy, studies of the electrochemical processes, proceeding on the surface of the 29 NK alloy in various media have been carried out. The potentiometric curves for the 29 NK alloy in the studied solutions (H2SO4, HNO3, HCl, NaOH,NH4Cl) are presented in figure 1 a,b.

Figure 1 – Corrosion resistance of a kovar electrode in various media: а) 1.2 - H2SO4; 3.4 – HCl; 5.6 - HNO3; б) 1.2 - NH4Cl; 3.4 – NaOH; С, mol/l: 1, 3, 5 – 0.1; 2, 4, 6 – 0.5

As is seen from the presented data, kovar is characterized by a more negative potential than pure nickel, which is connected with the fact that in the 29 NK alloy iron is potential- determining, the normal 0 0 potential of which is much more negative than that of nickel (Е Fe/Fe= -0.441 V; E Ni/Ni= -0,250 V, respectively). In this connection it follows, that the corrosion process in the alloy will proceed due to iron dissolu- tion. In our opinion, the course of the potentiometric curves allows us to conclude that in all studied acidic solutions, corrosion proceeds according to the electrochemical mechanism, which for pure nickel is observed only in the sulfuric acid solutions. This difference in the behavior of kovar and pure nickel, for which the mixed (HCl) and chemical (HNO3) mechanisms of corrosion are marked, is explained by the electrochemical mechanism, because it is facilitated due to the local corrosion. In the latter case, the release of hydrogen occurs on a metal with a lower overvoltage value – nickel; and iron, being a more electronegative metal, dissolves and supplies its ions to the solution [6]. The mixed mechanism of the corrosion process of a kovar electrode is also preserved in a weakly acidic medium, as indicated by the course of the E, τ curves (figure 1b, curves 4, 5). The two characteristic sections are distinguished on the potentiometric curves. Herewith, on the first of them corrosion proceeds according to the mixed mechanism, and on the second one, where a stable state with a slight shift of potential to the positive direction is marked, corrosion proceeds according to the electrochemical me- chanism.

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The course of the potentiometric curves of kovar in the alkaline solutions is somewhat different, with an increase in the concentration of alkali a shift of the potential to the electronegative direction is observed. In this case, the electrode potential reaches a certain stable value only after 20 minutes of contact with the electrolyte. Herewith, the transition of the kovar electrode to the passive state is possible. Our results and their explanation comply with the data of Frumkin et al. [7, 8], who have found that the dissolution rate of iron in the alkaline solution is higher than that in the acidic one, and it increases in proportion to an increase in the concentration of hydroxyl ions [OH-]2 [9]. The authors have developed an idea of a multi-stage electrochemical corrosion process, and for the case of dissolving Fe in NaOH, the following process scheme has been proposed: – + Fe + OH → FeOH ads + е + – FeOH ads + OH → FeOads + Н2О + е – - FeOads + OH → НFeO2 - – НFeO2 + Н2О → Fe(OH)2 + OH The second stage of the process is limiting, therefore, the corrosion rate of anodic iron dissolution is described by a kinetic equation [9]: + – - 2\ Ic = k2[FeOH ads ][ OH ]exp [(1-α) FE/RT]= k[OH ] exp[(1-α) FE/RT] (α – an electron transfer coefficient in the cathode process). The second order of the reaction for OH – ions has been confirmed in their further works. According to the above scheme, the aqua-hydrocomplex of iron FeOH +ads, adsorbed on the surface of an iron electrode, acts as a corrosion catalyst, and in the slow stage a simultaneous transfer of the two electrons takes place. The considered regularities of the corrosion process of pure iron in the alkaline medium, in our opinion, hold also true for its alloy, in which it is the base metal with the most electronegative potential. Thus, based on the obtained data, a conclusion may be drawn that the acidic solutions (H2SO4, HNO3) and weakly acidic solutions (NH4Cl) solutions are most suitable as the background electrolytes upon using an indicator kovar electrode in the method of inversion voltammetry (IVA). Our work presents the studies of a new material as an indicator electrode and the development of methods for determining the ultramicrogram quantities of heavy metals by the method of inversion voltammetry. Voltammetry, on the whole, has shown remarkable capabilities, for example, for highly sensitive (10-8 – 10-9 mas.%) determination of impurities. In all sectors of the national economy and various environmental services there is a high need for analytical control of substances in very small doses. In this connection, one of the most urgent tasks is the development of highly sensitive methods for determining a wide range of elements in ultra-small quantities. In recent years the number of publications, devoted to the inversion methods, has been steadily increasing. This is due to the emergence of new devices, as well as the transition to the application of mercury-film and solid electrodes. In the review papers and books on the electrochemical inversion analysis, published so far, the emphasis has been made on the works, dedicated to a classical mercury electrode. Over the last years, the mercury-film electrodes (MFE) are most commonly used. These include the electrodes, obtained by applying a uniform mercury film on an inert electrically conductive substrate [10]. The advantages of MFE are as follows: stability, simplicity and low cost, as well as a possibility of use them in the flow systems. An important advantage of a film electrode is a possibility of electrochemical cleaning, which allows it to be used repeatedly. For studying the processes of electro-oxidation and electro-reduction of substances, reducing the detection limit, improving the accuracy and reproducibility of the method, it is important to forecast the analytical properties of indicator electrodes and to select the most promising ones of them. The creation and introduction into the analytical practice of the mercury- film microelectrodes, wherein metals and alloys, weakly interacting with mercury, are also used as the base material, have necessitated studying the peculiarities of the redox processes, using the example of some electropositive metals, in particular, that of mercury. 80 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 2 – Polarization curves of double-charged mercury reduction in the sulfuric acid electrolyte on a mercury-film electrode, based on the 29 NK alloy: 1 – 10-4 mol/l; 2 – 10-5 mol/l; 3 – 10-6 mol/l

The 29 NK alloy (kovar), proposed by us for the first time as a promising material for manufacturing an indicator microelectrode with a mercury-film coating, has been chosen as a study object. The cathode polarization curves, recorded on the 29 NK, are shown in figure 2. As a result, it has been found that in the pre-wave potential region on the 29 NK alloy the power yield (VT) of the process of mercury reduction exceeds 100%. With the potentials, corresponding to the limiting current of the main wave, VT approaches 100%. A further increase in the current leads to a decrease in VT, related to the release of hydrogen, which is well seen on the basis of the comparison with the back- ground electrolyte curve. The high power yields in the initial potential region are explained by a reaction of mercury cementation due to the dissolution of the cathode material, alongside with the electrolytic reduction process: Hg Me ⟶Me Hg This is evidenced by the results of the specially conducted experiments. A sample of the material has been kept in the working electrolyte without the current for 60 minutes, after which the quantity of the recovered mercury has been determined, and the values of the corresponding cementation currents have been calculated: icem = iox, where icem and iox, are the currents of mercury cementation and substrate oxidation, respectively. The cementation current, which determines namely the corrosive current, largely depends upon the ion concentration of double-charged mercury throughout the polarization curve. It becomes clear when considering the partial curves of ions and oxidation of the material - the substrate. For the 29 NK alloy, it corresponds to the value of 2.610-3, mA/cm2 and satisfactorily agrees with the experimentally found values of the limiting currents of the main cathode wave (𝑖).

Reduction of double-charged mercury on the surface of the 29 NK alloy by way of cementation

-3 3 Material Est, V mHg, mg icrm10 , mA/cm 29 NK (kovar) - 0.12 5.12 2.32 -0.20 4.57 2.65 81 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the period of the alloy polarization, upon recording the cathode curves, the electrode surface does not have time to be covered completely with a mercury film. Due to this, the potentials of the beginning of hydrogen release in the working and background electrolytes are the same and depend on the nature of the substrate (figurer 3).

Figure 3 – Curves in the background (1) and working (2) electrolytes on the 29 NK alloy

Conclusions. Thus, the conducted studies allow us to draw a conclusion of expediency of using the 29 NK alloy with a mercury-film coating as an indicator electrode for the electrochemical determination of metals within the potential range of 0.2 – 0.6 V in the sulfuric acid electrolyte. The essential difference of the proposed electrode material from the indicator mercury-film electrode on a nickel substrate consists in the fact that the content of the alloy component Ni, relatively well-soluble in mercury, makes up only 29%. This property of the alloy makes it possible to practically exclude the formation of an intermetallic compound NiHg4 and other chemical processes, related to the cementation reaction, proceeding in the systems under consideration.

А. С. Мусина1, Г. У. Байташева1, Г. С. Бейсенова2, М. Жолмаганбетова1, Б. С. Закиров3, Н. О. Мырзахметова1

1Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университеті. Алматы, Қазахстан, 2Аль-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті Алматы, Қазахстан, 3Өзбекстан республикасы ғылым академиясының жалпы және неорганикалық химия институты, Ташкент, Өзбекстан


Аннотация. 29НК қорытпасының бетінде әр түрлі ортада (H2SO4, HNO3.HCl, NaOH, NH4Cl) өткен процестерді зерттеу жұмыстары жүргізілді. Таза никелге қарағанда коварға теріс потенциал тән екендігі анықталды. Бұл 29НК қорытпасында потенциал анықтаушы темір болып табылады, оның қалыпты потен- 0 0 циалы никельге қарағанда терістеу (сәйкесінше Е Fe/Fe = -0.441В; E Ni/Ni = -0,250 В) болуына байланысты. Потенциалөлшеуші қисықтардың жолы, барлық зерттеулер бойынша тотбасу процессі электрохимиялық механизммен өтетіндігі ал, никель үшін тек күкірт қышқылы ерітіндісінде жүретіндігін көрсетті. Бұл зерттеулер 29НК ковар ерітіндісі негізіндегі сынап-пленкалы электродтардың аналитикалық прак- тикасын ендірумен қалыптастыруға негіз болды. Осыған байланысты кейбір оң электрлі металлдардың, сынап мысалында осы индикаторлы электродтарында тотығу-тотықсыздану процесстерінің ерекшеліктері анықталды.

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Сынапты қалпына келтіруде анық екі толқын көрінді: 1 – 0,25 В (алдыңғы толқын) потенциалында, 2 – -0,40 В. Реакциялардың қасиеті, катодты поляризациядан өту жолы потенциаметриялық зерттеулер көмегімен анықталды. Катод материалдарының еруі есебінен сынаптың цементтелуі реакциясы электрлі қайта қалпына келу процесі потенциалдың алғашқы аумағында жоғары тоқ шығуы қатары арқылы жүретіндігімен түсіндірілетіні айқындалды. Жүргізілген зерттеулер 29НК ерітіндісі сынап-пленкалы жабынды индикатор электрод ретніде метал- дарды электрохимиялық анықтауда – 0,2–0,6 В интервал аралығында күкіртті қышқыл электролитінде пайда- лану ұсынылады. Түйін сөздер: сынап-пленкасы, микроэлектрод, ковар ерітіндісі, тотықтану, электрохимиялық анықтау.

А. С. Мусина1, Г. У. Байташева1, Г. С. Бейсенова2, М. Жолмаганбетова1, Б. С. Закиров3, Н. О. Мырзахметова1

1Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 3Институт общей и неорганической химии АН Республики Узбекистан, Ташкент, Узбекистан


Аннотация. Были проведены исследования процессов, проходящих на поверхности сплава 29НК в различных средах (H2SO4, HNO3.HCl, NaOH, NH4Cl). Установлено, что для ковара характерен более отрица- тельный потенциал, чем для чистого никеля. Это связано с тем, что в сплаве 29НК потенциалопределяющим является железо, нормальный потенциал которого значительно отрицательнее никелевого (соответственно 0 0 Е Fe/Fe = -0.441В; E Ni/Ni = -0,250 В). Ход потенциометрических кривых позволяет сделать заключение, что во всех изученных кислых растворах коррозия протекает по электрохимическому механизму, который для чистого никеля наблюдается только в растворах серной кислоты. Эти исследования явились основой для создания и внедрения в аналитическую практику ртутно- пленочного микроэлектрода на основе сплава ковар 29НК. В связи с этим были изучены особенности окис- лительно-восстановительных процессов на этом индикаторном микроэлектроде некоторых электрополо- жительных металлов, в частности ртути. При восстановлении ртути выявлены две четкие волны: 1-ая – при потенциале – 0,25 В (предволна), 2-ая при – 0,40 В. Характер реакций, протекающих при катодной поляризации выяснен с помощью потенциомет- рических исследований. Установлено, что высокие выходы по току в начальной области потенциалов объясняются протеканием наряду с процессом электролитического восстановления реакции цементации ртути за счет растворения материала катода. Проведенные исследования позволяют сделать вывод о целесообразности использования сплава 29НК с ртутно-пленочным покрытием в качестве индикаторного электрода при электрохимическом определении металлов в интервале потенциалов – 0,2–0,6 В в сернокислом электролите. Ключевые слова: ртутная – пленка, микроэлектрод, сплав ковар, коррозия, электрохимическое опре- деление.

Information about authors: Mussina А. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, The Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, [email protected]; Baitasheva G. U., candidate of agricultural sciences, Acting Professor, Head of the Department of Science, The Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Beisenova G. S., PhD in Chemical Technology of inorganic substances The Kazakh National University, Center for Physical and Chemical Research Methods and Analysis, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];

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Zholmaganbetova М. А., Doctoral student of the Chair of Chemistry, The Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 7057-3969 Zakirov B. S., Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Director of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Myrzakhmetova N. О., Сandidate of chemical sciences, Head of the Chair of Chemistry, The Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University of the Republic of Kazakhstan; [email protected];


[1] Chemist Handbook 21. Chemistry and Chemical Technology Relative corrosion resistance of iron, nickel. [2] Semenchenko V.K. Surface phenomena in metals and alloys. M.: Gosizd. Tehn. theor lit., 1967. 61 p. [3] Corrosion resistance of materials. Forecast and diagnosis of corrosion processes: Method. Guidelines / Edited by A. A. Baranov, Tambov: Publishing House of the Tambov State Technical University, 2003. 24 p. [4] USSR Certificate of Authorship No. 840206. Electrolyte for depositing mercury on the surface of metals / Lange A.A., Bukhman S.P., Mussina A.S. Published in BI 1981 No. 23. [5] Tarassov A.N., Gorbachyov Yu..M, Smirnov V.A. A method for manufacturing and heat treatment of ignition electrodes of the 29 NK alloy. Patent. (19) RU (11) 2 047 665 (13) C1 ©, 2012-2019. [6] Stomberg A.G., Orient I.M., Mazur L.P., Semenyak T.I. Carbon-containing electrodes in the field of inversion voltammetry // In the book: The VII All-Union Meeting on Polarography. M.: Nauka, 1978. P. 200-201. [7] Ulakhovich N.A. Coal paste electrode, as a sensor in voltammetry // Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 1993, 48, 6. P. 980-986. [8] Adams R.N. Electrochemistry of Solid Electrodes. N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, 1969. 402 p. [9] Gaylor V.F., Radi A. Preconcentration and voltammetric study of nicergoline at a carbon paste electrode // Microchimica acta. 1999. 132, 1. P. 49-53. [10] Musina А.S., Baitasheva G.U., Myzakhmetova N.О., Zholmaganbetova M.А., Imanova E.M., Sartaeva A.A. Highly sensitive methods for determining trace amounts of mercury in the environmental objects // News of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of geologyn a d engineering sciences. 2019. N 1(433). P. 127-132. (Scopus) ISSN 2518-170X (Online). ISSN 2224-5278 (Print).

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UDC 502.5 МРНТИ 87.15.15, 87.15.91

Ye. A. Tseshkovskaya1, E. I. Golubeva2, M. K. Ibrayev1, A. T. Oralova1, N. K. Tsoy1, M. B. Issabayeva1

1Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan, 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. This paper is devoted to evaluation of a technogenic impact of the mining industry on the envi- ronment in effecting of a gold deposit in soils. This study determined a content of 27 chemical elements in slime of the tailings and sampling materials of overburden; the analysis of structure of emissions in the atmosphere from the organized sources. It was noted that tailing dump contents barium, boron, ferrum, manganese, strontium, phosphorus, zirconia, and overburden rock has titanium. The emissions are such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxide, ferrous oxide and the inorganic fines. Based on the received results a total soil pollution index (Pt=20.34) was calculated that it characterizes an ecological soil conditions as hazard. In order to evaluate the soil conditions in the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) the analysis of a soil pollution level in eight cardinal directions on the SPZ border of an enterprise was performed with the six-year research results. It was found that the minimal pollution indexes (Pt) are characteristic for soils in south- west (12.53), east (13.13), northern (13.36) and the northwest (13.58) directions from the productive facilities. The high contribution to indexes is made with the gross arsenic contents (6.90, 6.93, 5.38 and 6.75) within maximum permissible concentration (MPC), respectively. The high soil pollution indexes (Pt = 32.97 and 26.06), corresponding to a critical pollution level, were determined in soils of the southeast and western borders in the sanitary protection zone. In addition, this paper demonstrates an analysis of the flora and fauna condition in a studied area and impact of the analyzing industrial facility on it. The research result can be applied to develop the maps for the estimating potential inertial landscape stability to different types of pollution and erosive hazard. Keywords: geosystem, soils, mining industry, Karaganda region.

Introduction. The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of the mining industry on the environment, stability of geosystems to the technogenic activity of mining industry and to estimate a capability of self-recovery of the disrupted areas in mineral deposit territories in the Karaganda region. The research objectives is to study the existing technogenic landscapes or natural complexes in the Karaganda region and their geoecological conditions, to estimate impact of mining industry on them over time; to evaluate the possibilities of self-recovery of these landscapes. The impact of mining industry on environment for long time is a basic issue in ecology. The Kara- ganda region of Kazakhstan is a center for mining and processing industry. The territory of the Karaganda region makes 428 thsnd. km2. It is 15.7% of total area of the Kazakhstan territory. Deposits of various minerals are in the Karaganda region, from them 100% of manganese reserves in the republic, 36% of copper, 80% of tungsten, 64% of molybdenum, 54% of lead, over 40% of coal (including 100% of crozzling coal reserves). Subsoil of area is rich with rare and rare-earth metals: bismuth, argentum, antimony, titanium, nickel, cobalt, asteria, arsenic and others [1].

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Impact of mining operations begins with mineral investigation and continues to completion of field exploitation that it takes decades. In addition it is important to appreciate a level of impact on environment prior to conduct of operations in the deposit and in a complex to study the geosystem of the field. Researches of an anthropogenic impact on the environment are relevant. Thus, the paper [2] analyzed the samples of deposits from some chosen points in river heads to measure a concentration of heavy metals. Results demonstrated that concentrations of heavy metals in environ of mines and cities were higher than concentration in other areas. Pollution growth with heavy metals in the mining process should be predicted in the formation process of the regional strategies in the environment management. A state estimation of soils is performed in the agricultural areas [3]. It was found that generally pollution was received from the anthropogenic sources, especially local industrial facilities. The paper [4] studied the impact of the technogenic mineral formations on the environment with using the analysis and synthesis of literary data. The high mercury content was found in the area of the spent alluvial gold deposits. For all that underground coal mining is reduced impact for the nature, but effect of rock dumps on the environment components is not excluded from researches [5]. However an underground mining method is technologically very complicated and demands some new approaches to its using [6]. Impact on landscapes does not stop after liquidation of mining enterprises that is subject to further researches [7]. The impact principles of rock dumps in coal mines are studied, and the procedure of a complex ecological evaluation of impact is improving [8]. In order to evaluate an impact of coal rock dumps on environment the materials of space survey are applied [9]. An ecological approach is used for hydrocarbon production on Arctic shelf [10]. Oil products may enter reservoirs in development process of oil deposits. Application of the correlation, factorial and cluster Pearson analysis indicates that pollution with heavy metals in soils comes from an industrial activity [10]. The analysis of references and materials of environmental impact evaluation is able to formulate the basic principles of typification of impact on the environment at the mining operations, to study a point of view on impact of mining industry on all environment components [11, 12]. The paper [13] studied the interrelation between quality of natural surface water and finding of air pollutants in the atmospheric air. It is of special interest for ecosystems and capability to use waste water for soil treatment in irrigated fields that can be as an environmental action [14]. Thus, despite the extensive literature about impact of mining facilities on environment, there is an information deficiency on long-term pollution of ecosystems and a possibility of their recovery. As a rule, geosystems are as social-ecological and economical systems - landscapes in which con- nections between its components are observed. Diagnostics determinates the ecological landscape eva- luation and analyzes the current state of the studied facility in the certain directions including a condition of fauna, flora, and soil, a hydrological mode, climatic conditions, etc. Components of geosystems such as location, climatic conditions, hydrological mode, water content, deposits of underground resources, vegetation and fauna can be its strong supporting factors and vice versa. Thus all components of the landscape need to be considered to define its ecological evaluation, as a result to know a risk of environmental consequences. To determine the ecological landscape evaluation one of its major characteristics as stability is used, which can be characterized as opposition to external, negative factors of the natural and technogenic environment without losing features of geosystem. Referring to a paper [15] the environment changes may be defined as a catastrophic ecological situation and a crisis ecological situation, which are close or it is able to become as catastrophic. The critical ecological situation and excess of permissible technogenic pressure lead to a fast increase of risk in natural resource losses. The observance of the natural conservation measures prevents the intense and conflict ecological situations. But at that point the balance in an ecological capacity of the ecosystem has to be observed. Such areas are formed under the impact of the technogenic factors and they are called industrial landscapes. Their landscape complexes are modified under the technological features of the industry [16]. Different types of industrial landscapes are such as the ore mining, mining and processing, energy production. Depending on production types a morphological structure and spatial organization of the initial natural and economic landscapes respectively are able to change in the process of their development 86 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 and functioning. Changes in the environment and image of areas are good shown in industrial landscapes of the appropriating type, for instance, with open-pit and dump geocomplexes of mining productions. Thus, a morpholitogenic basis (relief and geological structure) of the landscape and its related properties has been changing radically. Methods. In order to solve the objectives, the Karaganda region with its underground resource deposits was chosen and mining was started. However fields including their temporary characteristics were chosen to valuate a geosystem prior to conducting operations and its change in processing. This paper performs the geoecological researches containing a preparatory period (collecting, analysis and material generalization in area of the deposit) and analyses the field, laboratory and analytical monitoring data. The ecological-geochemical indexes, characterizing pollution of various environment components of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) and background values of the area of the field, were determined. The Karaganda region on the landscape characteristics is very different and interest of researches. Steppe zones are generally characteristic for this area (figure 1, a), but in the east of the area the Karka- ralinsky district called as "the forest oasis" is located, in the south– desert .

a b Figure 1 – Wilderness steppe zone: a – route in the Topar reservoir; b – route in Temirtau (authors’ photo)

The big area is occupied with the technogenic landscapes formed as a result of mining activity (figure 2).

a b Figure 2 – Technogenic landscape: a – old spent tailing dump near Zhezkzagan; b – dump near Satpayev (authors’ photo)

The substantial natural areas include the protected natural territories unaffected with the technogenic activity (table 1). Thus, the substantial natural areas (232893 ha) of the Karaganda region makes only 0.54% of all land fund of region. 87 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 1 – The substantial natural areas of the Karaganda region

No. Name Location area Area, ha 1 Karkaraly National State Natural Park Karkaralinsky district 90 323 2 Zhezkazgan Botanical Garden Zhezkazgan city 62 State natural wildlife areas: 3 Belodymovsky (zoological) Osakarovsky district 3 000 4 Belagashsky (zoological) Bukhar-Zhyrau district 1 500 5 Kuvsky (zoological) Karkaralinsky district 33 500 6 Bektauatinsky (zoological) Aktogay district 500 7 Karaagashsky (zoological) Zhanaarkinsky district 15 000 8 Kyzylaraisky (zoological) Aktogay district 18 200 9 Ulytausky (zoological) Ulytausky district 19 300 10 Turangovy (botanical) Aktogay district 48 11 Kogashinsky (botanical) Zhanaarkinsky district 6 800

For more detailed analysis the stated purpose and objectives of this paper studied the gold-ore deposit of the Karaganda region. Now the sources of impact on the environment are located in the area of the deposit: overburden dump of rock refuse, open-pit mining of deposit, dump leaching. The geosystem integrity of the studied area, its internal unity and independence of the environment shows that the initial level before the conducting mining operations includes a steppe zone without especially expressed borders and with its interconnected components. But after the beginning of the conducting mining operations the integrity is broken with the new relief forms: mining pit, dumps of dead rock, complex of heap leaching and steppe access roads. The applied procedure in paper [17] of the ecological and geochemical investigations permits to obtain some representative data on environmental pollution of the area, to determine the environment pollution level and to evaluate the technogenic impact of earlier functioning industrial facilities on the environment. Results and discussion. The climatic conditions of the Karaganda region differ in a big variety that caused by large territory, length from North to South and the biggest length from West to East and rugged relief. The climate in the studied area is extremely continental and dry, shown in big annual and daily temperature amplitudes and in instability of climatic indexes in time (every year) [18]. The natural and climatic zones are presented with steppe, semidesert and desert landscapes of a temperate zone. In general the dry climate of the area is characteristic for the Karaganda region that caused by existence of desert and steppe vegetation. The big semi-desert areas are occupied with the weakly com- pacted and hilly sands where can be observed Artemisia arenaria, Agropyron fragile, Elymus giganteus, Calligonum bushes and other beach grasses. The area of the deposit includes the following facilities: overburden dumps, open-pit mining, dumps of heap leaching, gold recovery plant with tailings dump and water pipeline, and also auxiliary industrial facilities. The initial research level found the possible pollution facilities: 1. soils (subsoils) in the area neighboring to technogenic facilities entering borders of the Sanitary Protection Zone (SPZ); 2. the atmospheric air in a zone of active pollution and the SPZ border; 3. underground waters (productive underground reservoir), underground waters in zone of impact of the area of heap leaching (ground waters) and a surface water of . This paper will study impact of the gold-ore deposit on soils. The areas, impacting on a condition of the landscape, are open-pit mining, tailings dump, overburden dumps.

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The analysis results of slime from the tailings dump demonstrate that slime content has 27 chemical elements such as barium, boron, ferrum, manganese, strontium, phosphorus, zirconia, i.e. as well as in content of the mill tailings (figure 3). However, the overburden rock has titanium in difference from sampling materials of the tailings dump (figure 4).

Figure 3 – The analysis results of slime from the tailings dump (observation point 0101)

Figure 4 – The analysis results of overburden rocks

Analyzing the structure of emissions in the atmosphere from organized sources (figure 5), it is noted that the main contribution includes sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxide, ferrous oxide and the inorganic fines. The insignificant emissions of acetone, from sources of chemical plant, chlorine hydride and hydrocianic acid are observed. The approximate structure of associations of air pollutants at the gold-containing ores mining is presented with the following elements [19]: - lead, arsenic, zinc - elements of 1st hazard class; - manganese, copper, antimony – elements of 2nd hazard class; - sulphide sulphur - element of 4th hazard class; On the basis of a studied structure and content of the ecologically hazard chemical elements in solid wastes and raw materials of the deposit, including the discovery of these elements in soils (subsoils) of the area, the following association of air pollutants (heavy metals and toxic elements) was accepted:

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Figure 5 – Structure of emissions in atmosphere from organized sources

- mercury, benzpyrene, lead, beryllium, cadmium, zinc – 1st hazard class; - copper, molybdenum, cobalt – 2nd hazard class; - manganese, titanium, barium, vanadium, strontium –3rd hazard class; - gold, phosphorus, cyanides, sulfur, amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – 4th hazard class. This association of air pollutants was a basis to evaluate the pollution of soils including a local natu- ral and natural-technogenic background, it was also considered to estimate pollution of atmospheric air and underground waters [17, 20-22]. Concentration values of air pollutants in an approbation point on border of the project sanitary protection zone (SPZ) at distance of 3.1 km to the east from the mining site, and at 3.2 km to the south of the heap leaching site were taken for a geochemical background. The choice of this point is motivated with a short distance from an ore complex that it considers a natural ecological-geochemical background of this area and enough distance from sources of an anthropogenic impact on this area during the inves- tigation and opening of the deposit. Average results of content of air pollutants in the soils selected on the SPZ border for 2012-2018 (fi- gure 6) are illustrated below.

Figure 6 – Average content of air pollutants of associations in the soil on the SPZ border for 2012–2018

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Soils of the sanitary protection zone of the deposit on the gross content of heavy metals in maximum permissible concentration shares by four-year research results are characterized by the following geochemical row: As(11.7) > S(5.78) > Zn(3.20) > Cu(2.40) > Sb(l.52) > Pb(0.98) > Mn(0.54).

Table 2 – Evaluative criteria of soil conditions [19]

Ecological state of environment Name of parameters Accepted Critical Catastrophic Hazard (relatively satisfactory) (extraordinary) (disastrous)

Total pollution index (Pt) Less 16 16-32 32-128 Over 128

Calculating an average total pollution index (Pt) of soils of the sanitary protection zone for seven substances entering into association of air pollutants, established for the studied area, the value 20.34 was received that characterizes an ecological condition of soils as hazard. In order to evaluate a condition of soils of the sanitary protection zone the analysis of soil pollution level in eight cardinal directions on the SPZ border of the enterprise was performed using the six-year research results. Results of the analysis of soil samples on border of sanitary protection zone on 8 points are presented in figure 7.

a b Figure 7 – Average content of air pollutants in soil on the SPZ border for 2012–2018 on 8 points: a – lead, arsenic, zinc, copper, antimony; b – manganese, sulfur.

Comparing of the calculated total soil pollution indexes of the sanitary protection zone it was found that minimal pollution indexes (Pt) are characteristic for soils in southwest (12.53), east (13.13), northern (13.36) and northwest (13.58) directions from the industrial facilities. The large contribution to a value of indexes is made with the gross arsenic contents (6.90, 6.93, 5.38 and 6.75 respectively) within MPC (maximum permissible concentration). Sulfur content makes 3.47 MPC (SW), 3.72 MPC (E), 4.59 (N) and 3.63 MPC (NE). Copper content equals 2.30 MPC (SW), 2.20 MPC (E), 3.16 (N) and 2.42 MPC (NE). Zinc content is 2.95 MPC (SW), 3.21 MPC (E), 3.15 (N) and 3.57 MPC (NE). Antimony content equals 1.43 MPC (SW), 1.53 MPC (E), 1.55 (N) and 1.48 MPC (NE). Lead content makes 0.89 MPC (SW), 0.98 MPC (E), 1.12 (N) and 1.11 MPC (NE). Manganese content is 0.59 MPC (SW), 0.56 MPC (E), 0.40 (N) and 0.64 MPC (NE). The received results confirmed the theory that including the prevailing winds in this area the minimal concentrations of air pollutants, which characteristic for gold deposits, shall be observed.

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Thus, these results may conditionally be considered as indexes of a natural geochemical background of the studied area. Under value of total pollution index calculated on a gross content of minerals, the ecological condition of soils in the northern and northwest directions is characterized as accepted, and in northeast as hazard but close to an accepted value. The large pollution soil indexes (32.97 and 26.06) corresponding to the critical pollution level were determined respectively in soils of southeast and western borders of the sanitary protection zone. Sulfur content is 5.58 MPC (SE) and 3.92 MPC (W), i.e. it is not significant above than a conditioned background. Copper content equals 2.07 MPC (SE) and 2.10 MPC (W), i.e. it is approximately twice less than the conditional background. Zinc content makes 3.44 MPC (SE) and 3.40 MPC (W), i.e. it is at a level of the conditional back- ground. Antimony content equals 1.50 MPC (SE) and 1.49 MPC (W), i.e. it is at a level of the conditional background. Lead content is 1.02 MPC (SE) and 0.96 MPC (W), i.e. it is at a level of the conditional background. Manganese content makes 0.55 MPC (SE) and 0.60 MPC (W), i.e. it is at a level of the conditional background. Under value of total pollution index calculated on a gross content of minerals, the ecological condition of soils in the southeast and western directions is characterized as a critical (extraordinary) value. Thus the increased arsenic and sulfur concentrations on the western SPZ border are observed near open-pit mining that is an ore geological body, it can be a natural geological reason of high contents of elements. In other directions values of total pollution soil indexes within 15.98-17.27 were received. It may be noted that the lead and copper contents in soils of the SPZ in all directions is at one level within 0.75-1.12 MPC and 2.07-3.16 MPC respectively. Zinc content (2.69-3.57 MPC) and sulphur content (3.47-5.58 MPC) are practically recorded at one level, (except for NE direction). Antimony content within 4 years has never recorded in soils of the southeast, southwest and northwest directions. In other directions the antimony content is in limits of 1.43- 1.55 MPC. In reference to the contents of water soluble arsenic and mercury in soils on the SPZ border, they are at a level below than a range of definition in the testing laboratories and make: arsenic - <005 at 2.0 mg/kg MPC, mercury - <006 at 2.1 mg/kg MPC. Concentrations of water-soluble zinc in all selected soil samples are approximately at one level and balance within 0.0495-0.0825 mg/kg. MPC (maximum permissible concentration) for water-soluble zinc in soils were not determined. Thus, from the above, it can be concluded that soils of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise are characterized as a facility with low migration and water properties. Initial year can be chosen 2012 when the geosystem was not yet exposed. In 2014 some industrial facilities were constructed such as tailings dump, building of washing plant, field camp, polygon of household waste, warehouses, etc. However, it is important to note that the pollutants getting to ambient air in the process of operations from the organized high-level sources and unorganized low sources in process of dispersion settle on soil near the industrial facilities and in the sanitary protection zone (1000 m). The representatives of flora and fauna are potentially affected. In the analyzed area the following ecological groups of plants were found: halophytes, ephemers and ephemeroids. A basis of vegetable communities in September in the arid salted area was made with Chenopodiaceae plants which were at a stage of blossoming and fructification. In 2 years (2015) by the monitoring results in this area of the deposit 51 species of plant relating to 20 families were found. As a result of the monitoring sites were recorded in the studied area: - without vegetation – area of open-pit mining, dumps, tailings dump; - subject to a considerable road digression – enterprise territory, polygons of household waste;

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- almost not changed specific species composition and structure of communities – sanitary protection zone; - with change of vegetable communities including ruderal, mesoxerophytic species and the cultivated plant species which were absent in this area before – sites near tailings dams and residential zone of the enterprise. If to research fauna of the studied area then it is possible to note as follows: - the constant load on fauna by reason of presence of humans and machines as this area is exposed to a continuous technogenic impact; - the animal habitats are taken away, especially considerably affects mammals and birds. The activity of the studied industrial facility was resulted by the anthropogenic modifications of landscapes. Flora and fauna of the industrial facility for the reporting period were analyzed: - 105 plant species and 79 animal species; - every year of the analyzed period 4 plant species were recorded (3.8 %) (Salsola arbusculaeformis Drob; Lasiagrostis splendens (Trin.) Kunth; Rheum tataricum L.; Limonium suffruticosum (L.) Kuntze) and 3 animal species (3.8 %) (Aquilla nepalensis; Falco tinnunculus; Corvus corone); - in 2014 and 2016, 12 plant species (11.4%) and 15 animal species (19%) repeated; - in 2013 and 2015, 26 plant species (24.8%) repeated; - in 2013 – 2015, 4 animal species (5%) repeated. Conclusion. After restoration of the areas broken with mining industry the restored landscapes are observed. It is possible to call their as post-industrial landscapes. However it is considered that the economic modified landscapes can be more productive and substantial in comparison with natural as they are better adapted to the anthropogenic impacts. The pollution of soil cover, flora and fauna in the territory of the most industrial facility and its sanitary protection zone were estimated. The direct research purpose of soil cover in the area of the deposit is to evaluate indexes of subsoil conditions in sites which will be under a technogenic impact during the perspective mining and ore processing form and to control indexes of subsoil conditions in the polluted area during functioning of the deposit [17]. Comparison of substance concentrations in soils of the deposit is made with the set up MPC (maximum permissible concentration). But it is important to note that the increased content of some chemical elements in the soil are not always pollution indexes. It is necessary to consider that elements can be mineral deposits. Data of theoretical papers were analyzed and they demonstrate that some chemical elements, containing in soils of the deposit, were initially as the associated components. Thus the high arsenic content has natural character as arsenic is an element associating to gold- bearing formations – a gold indicator. Abnormal arsenic concentration is characteristic for the soils which formed over deposits of polymetals. Ore samples contain sulfur more twice higher than contents in rock refuse. Waste practically does not differ on the content of zinc, antimony, copper, lead and manganese. The received data confirm the association of air pollutants for the enterprises on gold ore mining which was offered in a regulatory document on the valuation level of environmental pollution [19]. By results of sample analysis on other substances with set up MPC values the high concentration were not observed. This risk factor especially impacts on settlement of small mammals. Organization of construction projects, roads leads to the artificial differentiation of habitats. It results to a direct reducing habitats and isolation of the separate groups of the small mammals. The monitoring found the sites without vegetation such as an area of open-pit mining, dumps and tailings dump. The areas are subject to a considerable road digression – enterprise territory and polygons of household waste; The areas are almost not changed specific species composition and structure of communities – a sanitary protection zone; The result of this paper can be the maps for the estimating potential inertial landscape stability to different types of pollution and erosive hazard.

93 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Е. А. Цешковская, Е. И. Голубева, М. К. Ибраев, А. Т. Оралова, Н. К. Цой, М. Б. Исабаева

1Қарағанды мемлекеттік техникалық университеті, Қазақстан, 2М. Ломоносов атындағы Мәскеу мемлекеттік университеті, Ресей


Аннотация. Алтын кен орнының топыраққа әсер ету мысалында өнеркәсіптің қо ршаған ортаға техно- гендік әсерін бағалауға арналған жұмыс. Бұл жұмыс қалдық қоймасының шламда және үстіңгі қабаттың үлгі- лерінде 27 химиялық элементтерінің құрамын анықтауға; ұйымдастырылған көздерден атмосфераға шыға- рындылардың құрамын талдауға арналған. Қалдық қоймаларында – барийдің, бордың, темірдің, марганецтің, стронцийдің, фосфордың, цирконийдің, ал үстіңгі қабаттағы жыныстарда – титанның құрамдары бейім болғаны белгіленген. Шығарылындарда негізгі үлесті күкірт оксидтері, азот оксидтері, көміртегі тотығы, темір тотығы, бейорганикалық шаңы құрайды. Алынған нәтижелер негізінде топырақтың ластануының жал- пы көрсеткіші (Зс = 20.34) есептелген, бұл топырақтың экологиялық жағдайын қауіпті ретінде сипаттайды. Санитарлық-қорғаныш аймағының (СҚА) топырағының жағдайын егжей-тегжейлі бағалау мақсатында кәсіпорынның СҚА шекарасында жарықтың сегіз бағытында топырақтың ластану деңгейіне алты жылдық зерттеу нәтижелерін пайдалана отырып талдау жүргізілді. Ең төменгі ластану көрсеткіштері өнеркәсіптік нысандардан (Зс) оңтүстік-батыс (12.53), шығыс (13.13), солтүстік (13.36) және солтүстік-батыс (13.58) бағыттарында орналасқан топырақтарына тән. Көрсеткіштердің шамасына ең үлкен үлесті мышьяктың жалпы кұрамы 6,90, 6,93, 5,38 және 6,75 ШРК тиісінше қосады. Топырақтардың ластануының ең жоғарғы көрсеткіштері (Зс = 32.97 және 26.06) критикалық ластану деңгейне сәйкес келетін санитарлық қорғау айма- ғының оңтүстік-шығыс және батыс шекараларында орналасқан топырақтарында орын алған. Бұдан басқа, мақалада зерттелетін аймақтың флорасы мен фаунасының жай-күйі және қаралатын өнеркәсіп объектісінің әсері талданады. Зерттеу нәтижелерінің қортындысы ластаудың және эрозиялық қауіптің түрлеріне ланд- шафттардың әлеуетті инерциялық тұрақтылығын бағалау карталарын әзірлеу үшін пайдаланылуы мүмкін. Түйін сөздер: геосистема, топырақ, тау-кен өнеркәсібі, Қарағанды облысы.

Е. А. Цешковская, Е. И. Голубева, М. К. Ибраев, А. Т. Оралова, Н. К. Цой, М. Б. Исабаева

1Карагандинский государственный технический университет, Казахстан 2 Московский государственный университет им. М. Ломоносова, Россия


Аннотация. Работа посвящена оценке техногенного влияния горной промышленности на окружающую среду на примере воздействия золотоносного месторождения на почвы. Данная работа заключалась в определении содержания 27 химических элементов в шламе хвостохранилища и пробах вскрыши; анализе состава выбросов в атмосферу от организованных источников. Отмечается, что в хвостохранилище преоб- ладает содержание бария, бора, железа, марганца, стронция, фосфора, циркония, а в породах вскрыши – титана. В выбросах основной вклад приходится на оксиды серы, оксиды азота, оксид углерода, оксид железа, пыль неорганическую. На основе полученных результатов рассчитан суммарный показатель загрязнения почв (Зс=20.34), что характеризует экологическое состояние почв как опасное. В целях детальной оценки состояния почв санитарно-защитной зоны был произведен анализ уровня загрязнения почв по восьми направлении сторон света на границе СЗЗ предприятия, используя результаты шестилетних исследований. Установлено, что наименьшие показатели загрязнения (Зс) характерны для почв в юго-западном (12.53), восточном (13.13), северном (13.36) и северо-западном (13.58) направлениях от производственных объектов. Наибольший вклад в величину показателей вносят валовые содержания мышьяка 6.90, 6.93, 5.38 и 6.75 ПДК соответственно. Наибольшие показатели загрязнения почв (Зс = 32.97 и 26.06), соответствующие крити- ческому уровню загрязнения, были установлены соответственно в почвах юго-восточной и западной грани- цы санитарно-защитной зоны. Кроме того, в статье проведен анализ состояния флоры и фауны исследуемого региона и влияние на него рассматриваемого промышленного объекта. Результатом исследования могут ис- пользоваться для разработки карт оценки потенциальной инерционной устойчивости ландшафтов к разным видам загрязнений и эрозионной опасности. Ключевые слова: геосистема, почвы, горная промышленность, Карагандинская область. 94 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Information about authors: Tseshkovskaya Yelena, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0003-0330-3325 Golubeva Elena, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia; [email protected]; Ibrayev Marat, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Oralova Aigul, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Tsoy Nataliya, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Issabayeva Meruert, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Karaganda State Technical University, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 551.58:631+551.4 IRSTI 87.29.91

G. A. Adilbektegi1, J. S. Mustafayev2, T. K. Uvatayeva1, Z. N. Dulatbekova1, Jozef Mosiej3

1RSE L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2JSC Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Warsaw University of Natural Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. E-mail: [email protected] ,[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The paper considers methodological approaches to assessment of biological and environmental potential of landscape systems in the southern Kazakhstan soil-climatic conditions to the most complete and efficient use of natural resources in the design and construction of high-performance agrolandscape systems. Based on qualitative and quantitative indicators heat, light and moisture availability a mathematical model has been developed to assess biological and environmental productivity of landscape systems including soil productivity and vegetation cover. It should be noted that the developed model of landscapes biological productivity assessment (Cbp) takes into account the heat availability of the landscape systems soil cover (Ctb), natural moisturization coefficient of the vegetation cover (Cm), and ecological productivity of landscapes (Cbp). This model is based on the potentially available energy expended in soil-forming process (Qn) and natural moisturization coefficient of the vegetation cover (Cm) is one of the modifications of the qualitative and quantitative models of natural system climatic productivity, widely used in the field of geography and ecology assessment of natural system resources potential. Based on the developed models of landscape systems biological and environmental productivity a comprehen- sive assessment of South Kazakhstan region natural resource potential was performed, including Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Turkestan region using long-term data of 32 meteorological stations located on the territory of the region. Use of improved methodologies for assessment of landscape systems biological and ecological productivity can more accurately determine the biological resources of the landscape systems according to agro-ecological areas and to assess the efficiency of natural system natural resources potential. Keywords: nature, landscape, climate, productivity, biology, ecology, potential, index.

Introduction. To solve the problems of rational distribution of agriculture productive forces and designing high-performance agrolandscape systems, it is necessary to have a detailed landscapes descriptions by the most important factors characterizing heat and moisture availability, plant and soil covers, expressed in the form of some mathematical models to evaluate their natural resource potential. Existing methodological approaches and methods of the climate productivity assessment do not adequately reflect the productivity of landscape systems, i.e., vegetation and soil cover, there is a need to develop methods of complex biological and ecological assessment of the landscapes productivity on the basis of the fundamental laws of nature, which must include a private assessment of its components productivity, that is, soil and vegetative cover productivity. Biological and environmental assessment productivity landscapes should be understood as a compre- hensive assessment using the integral characteristics of climate, soil and environmental factors positively influencing the growth and development of plants in certain geographic areas representing energy 96 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 resources of natural systems. At the same time environmental assessment of landscapes productivity should be based on the use of geographical regularities manifested in the scale of territorial units of diffe- rent hierarchical ranks, that is, in geo-ecological, environmental and landscape systems, which gives the possibility to explain the nature of the formation and functioning of landscape systems in specific climatic zones [1, 2]. Purpose of this study is to develop integrated models to assess biological and ecological produc- tivity of landscapes, including plant productivity and soil conditions, allowing to use of qualitative and quantitative indicators of heat and moisture availability and to determine the regularities of formation and functioning of natural systems depending on the latitudinal zonation and altitudinal belts for the effective distribution of productive forces of agricultural sector. Methods. Model development and assessment of biological and ecological capacity of natural system landscapes is based on the methodology of systemic researches in the field of biology, geography and ecology, as well as on the methods of mathematical modelling of natural process. Long-term data of meteorological monthly bulletins at the meteorological stations of southern Kazakhstan, submitted to "Kazgidromet" RSE is used to assess the biological and ecological capacity of southern Kazakhstan natural systems landscapes [3, 4]. Results. Energy characteristics of the natural system are used for quantitative assessment of biological and ecological potential of landscapes, that is, the formation of the production process of the vegetative and soil covers in the landscape systems, that is: sum of air temperatures (t) above 10C, the amount of moisture deficit of air (d, mb), evaporation (Eo, mm), photosynthetic active radiation 2 (R, kJ/cm ) and the sum of precipitation (Oc, mm) (table 1) [4-10]. As can be seen from table 1, energy resources of South Kazakhstan landscape systems are very high, as the sum of biologically active temperatures (∑ 𝑡, 𝐶) is in the range of 1737-4419оС, the sum of air humidity deficit (∑ 𝑑) – 1190-4240 mb, evaporation (𝐸) – 521-1325 mm and photosynthetic active radia- tion (𝑅) - 115,8-204.6 kJ/cm2, which have inverse dependences to the absolute height (Н, m) of meteoro- logical stations location. Precipitation (Oc - 151-509 mm) has a direct dependence, showing strict obe- dience to the laws of geographic zonality, which allows to use them for quantitative and qualitative assessment of biological and environmental productivity of vegetation and soil cover of southern Kazakhstan landscape systems. Methodology for biological and environmental assessment of landscapes agricultural productivity was used for agroclimatic assessment of the landscapes productivity. This approach is used in mathe- matical models of plant and soil productivity of J. C. Mustafayev and G. A. Adilbektegi These models are based on the concept of maximum productivity. Similar studies conducted by scientists of CIS and foreign countries [11-20]. Biological productivity according to the official definition of the International coordinating committee on terminology and concepts in the field of production studies, is a set of processes of creation, transformation, absorption and transmission of energy through ecological and biological systems of different levels – from individual organisms to biogeocoenosis (ecosystems). The study of biological productivity of natural systems is a necessary basis of rational use, protection and reproduction of biological resources of the Earth. To assess heat availability of landscape systems vegetation cover you can use the average annual amount of biologically active air temperatures of the ∑ 𝑡, 𝐶𝑖region to the average maximum possible biologically active sums of air temperatures in the ∑ 𝑡max, 𝐶region, that is: 𝐶ts ∑ 𝑡⁄∑ 𝑡max. Expected productivity of vegetation, depending on the heat availability of landscape systems are determined by indicators (𝐶tb) characterizing favorable temperature regime of the natural system (1):

𝐶tb 1𝐶ts 1∑ 𝑡⁄∑ 𝑡max, (1) To assess the moisture availability of the landscape systems soil cover you can use the natural moisturizing factor of N. N. Ivanov (2):

𝐶 𝑂⁄𝐸, (2) where Oc is precipitation, mm; Eo - evaporation rate, determined by the formula of N.N. Ivanov (3) [8]:

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Table 1 – Natural energy resources of Southern Kazakhstan landscape systems

Weather Absolute Indicators of natural and energy resources stations height (Н), m t, C d, mb Eo, mm R, kJ/cm2) Oc, mm Almaty region Uch-Aral 395 3294 2452 988 167,4 385 764 3163 2217 949 163,0 535 Taldykurgan 601 3173 2315 952 163,3 412 396 3525 2962 1058 175,0 223 641 3631 2396 1089 178,5 191 Chilik 606 3623 2559 1089 178,2 298 Almaty 671 3007 1370 902 157,9 509 Narynkol 1806 1737 1190 521 115,8 433 Sary-Ozek 548 2134 2257 640 129.0 332 Zhambyl region Ulanbel 266 3721 3050 1116 181,5 224 Moiynqum 350 3506 2553 1052 174,4 294 Uyuk 373 3720 3203 1116 181,5 283 Otar 742 3116 2635 935 161,5 316 Kurdai 1141 2930 2214 879 155,3 290 Kulan 682 3386 2519 1051 170,4 361 Taraz 642 3492 2309 1048 173,9 353 Merke 703 3472 2513 1041 173,2 435 Zhualy 952 2766 2022 830 149,9 447 Turkestan region Suzak 316 3822 3541 1147 184,8 186 Turkestan 206 4350 4197 1305 202,3 238 Tyulkubas 789 3876 3233 1163 186,6 951 Arys 237 4419 4240 1325 204,6 275 Shymkent 543 4065 3382 1219 192,9 582 Shardara 238 4397 4168 1391 203,9 264 Tolebi 455 3655 2605 1096 179,3 336 Kyzylorda region Saksaul 78 3647 3233 1094 179,0 152 62 3524 2633 1057 175,0 166 Qazaly 66 3647 2733 1094 179,0 178 Zhusaly 101 3809 3403 1142 184,4 165 Kyzylorda 128 3766 3160 1129 183,0 151 Shieli 152 3883 3154 1165 186,8 174 Ak-Kum 173 4253 3861 1276 199,1 204

𝐸 0.001825 𝑡 100 𝑎, (3) where 𝑡 - the average monthly air temperature,°C; 𝑎- average monthly relative humidity, %. Thus, biological assessment of landscapes productivity (𝐶bp) is determined by the ratio of such avera- ged indicator values as plant (𝐶tb) and soil (𝐶) productivity factors (4):

𝐶bp 𝐶tb ⋅𝐶, (4)

98 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

To determine the biological productivity of landscape systems in southern Kazakhstan and its agro- ecological regions the information-analytical materials presented in table 1(table 2) were used as potential indicators. As can be seen from table 2, the qualitative and quantitative values of biological productivity of plant (𝐶tb) and soil (𝐶) covers, as well as the biological productivity of landscapes (𝐶bp) is strictly subject to the laws of geographic zonality, that is directly dependent on the absolute height (Н) location of landscape systems.

Table 2 – Evaluation of southern Kazakhstan and its agro-ecological regions landscape systems biological productivity

Absolute Weather Indicators of energy resources height Cm Cbp stations (Н), m t, C Cts Ctb Almaty region Uch-Aral 395 3294 0,74 0,26 0,19 0,050

Sarkand 764 3163 0,72 0,28 0,28 0,078

Taldykurgan 601 3173 0,72 0,28 0,22 0,062 Bakanas 396 3525 0,80 0,20 0,11 0,022 Zharkent 641 3631 0,82 0,18 0,13 0,023 Chilik 606 3623 0,82 0,18 0,10 0,018 Almaty 671 3007 0,68 0,32 0,35 0,112 Narynkol 1806 1737 0,39 0,61 0,65 0,396 Sary-Ozek 548 2134 0,48 0,52 0,23 0,120 Zhambyl region Ulanbel 266 3721 0,34 0,66 0.10 0,066 Moiynqum 350 3506 0,79 0,310 0.13 0,040 Uyuk 373 3720 0,84 0,16 0.12 0,019 Otar 742 3116 0,71 0,19 0.22 0,042 Kurdai 1141 2930 0,66 0,34 0.30 0,102 Kulan 682 3386 0,77 0,23 0.21 0,070 Taraz 642 3492 0,79 0,21 0.20 0,042 Merke 703 3472 0,79 0,21 0.29 0,061 Zhualy 952 2766 0,63 0,37 0.23 0,099 Turkestan region Suzak 316 3822 0,86 0,14 0.09 0,013 Turkestan 206 4350 0,98 0,02 0.08 0,002 Tyulkubas 789 3876 0,88 0,12 0.22 0,026 Arys 237 4419 0,99 0,01 0.08 0,001 Shymkent 543 4065 0,92 0,08 0.15 0,012 Shardara 238 4397 0,99 0,01 0.08 0,001 Tolebi 455 3655 0,83 0,17 0.17 0,029 Kyzylorda region Saksaul 78 3647 0,83 0,17 0.08 0,014 Aral sea 62 3524 0,80 0,20 0.16 0,034 Qazaly 66 3647 0,82 0,18 0.08 0,014 Zhusaly 101 3809 0,86 0,14 0.06 0,008 Kyzylorda 128 3766 0,85 0,15 0.07 0,011 Shieli 152 3883 0,88 0,12 0.06 0,007 Ak-Kum 173 4253 0,96 0,04 0.06 0,002

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Ecological productivity of landscapes is closely connected with the flow of energy passing through a particular ecosystem, that is, falling to the trophic chain. Energy is accumulated as organic compounds, which provide continuous production of biomass (living matter). This is one of the fundamental processes of the biosphere. Energy consumed for soil formation, defined by the formula of V.P. Volobuyev [6] characterizes the productivity of the soil landscapes to some extent (5):

𝑄 𝑅⋅exp𝛼 ⋅𝑅, (5) 2 where 𝑄 - energy consumed for soil formation, kJ/cm ; 𝛼- coefficient taking into account the soil surface condition.

Table 3 – Evaluation of southern Kazakhstan and its agro-ecological regions landscape systems biological productivity

Absolute Q 2 Weather Energy costs on soil formation ( , kJ/cm ) height Сm Cbp stations (H), m where Ri where R = 1.0 Сp Almaty region Uch-Aral 395 60,9 104,6 0,58 0,19 0,11 Sarkand 764 92,2 101,9 0,90 0,28 0,25 Taldykurgan 601 77,9 101,9 0,76 0,22 0,17 Bakanas 396 40,0 109,4 0,37 0,11 0,04 Zharkent 641 56,5 108,8 0,52 0,13 0,07 Chilik 606 56,4 111,4 0,51 0,10 0,05 Almaty 671 51,5 98,7 0,52 0,35 0,21 Narynkol 1806 70,2 72,4 0,97 0,65 0,76 Sary-Ozek 548 62,1 80,6 0,77 0,23 0,18 Zhambyl region Ulanbel 266 39,7 113,4 0,35 0,10 0,04 Moiynqum 350 57,6 109,0 0,53 0,13 0,07 Uyuk 373 54,4 113,4 0,48 0,12 0,07 Otar 742 54,4 109,3 0,74 0,22 0,19 Kurdai 1141 71,9 97,1 0,53 0.30 0,16 Kulan 682 69,9 106,5 0,56 0.21 0,15 Taraz 642 68,8 108,7 0,53 0.20 0,14 Merke 703 82,6 108,6 0,76 0.29 0,26 Zhualy 952 79,8 93,7 0,85 0.23 0,20 Turkestan region Suzak 316 28,8 115,5 0,25 0.09 0,04 Turkestan 206 40,8 126,4 0,32 0.08 0,01 Tyulkubas 789 130,2 116,6 1,00 0.22 0,22 Arys 237 54,5 127,9 0,43 0.08 0,03 Shymkent 543 74,6 120,6 0,52 0.15 0,07 Shardara 238 47,8 127,3 0,38 0.08 0,03 Tolebi 455 66,0 112,0 0,59 0,17 0,11 Kyzylorda region Saksaul 78 19,6 111,8 0,18 0.08 0,01 Aral sea 62 24,4 109,4 0,22 0.16 0,04 Qazaly 66 27,0 111,9 0,24 0.08 0,02 Zhusaly 101 22,3 115,3 0,19 0.06 0,01 Kyzylorda 128 18,9 114,4 0,16 0.07 0,01 Shieli 152 25,0 116,8 0,21 0.06 0,01 Ak-Kum 173 31,9 114,4 0,26 0.06 0,01

100 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

In a natural system, the principle of energy balance of heat and moisture is observed in natural conditions, where the radiation index of dryness (𝑅) is equal to 1.0. Therefore, the limit in the range of 0.9-1.0 can be taken as a criterion of the radiative index of dryness (𝑅). Then, the potential energy expended on soil-forming process (𝑄), providing the potential productivity of the soil can be determined by expression (6):

𝑄 𝑅⋅exp0.9 ⋅ 𝛼 . (6)

Consequently, the ratio of energy consumed for soil formation under natural conditions (𝑄) to the potential energy expended in soil-forming process (𝑄) represents the productivity of the landscapes soil cover, i.e. (7), [7]

𝐶 𝑄⁄𝑄, (7) Thus the natural moisturizing factor of N. N. Ivanov [8] can be used to evaluate the productivity of vegetation landscape systems (8):

𝐶 𝑂⁄𝐸 . (8)

Thus, the ecological productivity of landscapes (𝐶ep) is determined by the ratio of such averaged indi- cator values as an indicator of the soil surface productivity (𝐶) and the natural moisturization coefficient, which characterizes the productivity of vegetation (𝐶) (9):

𝐶 𝐶 ⋅𝐶 . (9) On the basis of information and analytical materials presented in table 1, which characterize energy resources and heat and moisture availability of southern Kazakhstan landscape systems, environmental productivity (𝐶ep) of the landscape of South of Kazakhstan and its agro-ecological regions (table 3) is defined. As can be seen from table 3, the analysis of the plant (Cm) and soil (Cp) covers ecological productivity calculation results, as well as ecological productivity of landscapes (Cbp), indicates that their qualitative and quantitative values, and biological productivity of landscapes, strictly obey the laws of geographic zonality and decrease with decreasing altitude (H) of landscape systems location. Thus, the developed model of landscapes biological and ecological productivity climate index allows, first, to give quantitative values of qualitative changes of habitats; secondly, to assess the modelling the transformation of natural systems under climate change; third, to conduct landscape-ecological zoning of the natural systems that can be used to assess the biological and ecological productivity of landscape systems, allowing the rational location of the agriculture productive forces. Discussion. For the territory of South Kazakhstan, spanning from the mountain foothills to arid desert zones, the most important soil-ecological indices are set, i.e. mathematical models of biological and ecological productivity of landscapes that define the resource potential of the area and productivity of soil and vegetation cover. System for assessing the biological and ecological productivity of landscapes has attempted to carry out a comprehensive accounting of climate, soil and plants which would more fully describe the environment the agricultural sector is operating in.

Г. Ә. Әділбектегі1, Ж. С. Мұстафаев2, Т. К. Уватаева1, Ж. Н. Дулатбекова1, Jozef Mosiej3

1РМК ШЖҚ «Л .Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті», Астана, Қазақстан, 2«Қазақ ұлттық аграрлық университеті» коммерциялық емес акционерлік қоғамы, Алматы, Қазақстан, 3Жаратылыстану ғылымдарының Варшава университеті, Варшава, Польша


Аннотация. Жұмыста жоғары тиімді агроландшафттық жүйелерді жобалау және құрастыру кезінде табиғи қорларды неғұрлым толық және тиімді пайдалану мақсатында Оңтүстік Қазақстанның топырақ- климаттық жағдайларындағы ландшафтық жүйелердің биологиялық және экологиялық әлеуетін бағалау 101 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

жүйесінің әдістемелік тәсілдері қарастырылды. Жылумен, жарықпен және ылғалмен қамтамасыз етудің сапа- лық және сандық сипаттамалық белгілерінің негізінде, топырақ және өсімдік жамылғысын қамтитын ланд- шафттық жүйелердің биологиялық және экологиялық өнімділігін бағалауға арналған математикалық үлгі әзірленді. Ландшафттардың биологиялық өнімділігін бағалауға әзірленген үлгі (Kбп) ландшафттық жүйелердің топырақ жамылғысының жылумен қамтамасыз етілуін (Ktб), өсімдік жамылғысының табиғи ылғалдану дәре- жесінің өлшемдік көрсеткішін (Kу), сондай-ақ ландшафттардың экологиялық өнімділігін (Kбп) ескереді. Бұл үлгі топырақты түзуші жүргіге шығын болған қуатына (Qn) және өсімдік жамылғысының табиғи ылғалдану көрсеткішіне (Kу) негізделеді және табиғи жүйенің табиғи-әлеуетті қорларын бағалау үшін география және экология саласында кеңінен пайдаланылатын табиғи жүйенің климаттық өнімділігінің сапалық және сандық үлгілерінің бірі болып табылады. Ландшафттық жүйелердің биологиялық және экологиялық өнімділігін бағалауға арналып әзірленген үлгінің негізінде, құрамына Алматы, Жамбыл, Түркістан және Қызылорда облыстары кіретін Қазақстанның Оңтүстік аймағында орналасқан 32 метеорологиялық бекеттердің көпжылдық деректік мәліметтерін пайда- лану арқылы, оның табиғи-қорлық әлеуетін жан-жақты бағалау жүргізілді. Ландшафттық жүйелердің биологиялық және экологиялық өнімділігін бағалаудың жетілдірілген әдісте- рін пайдалану агроэкологиялық аудандар бойынша ландшафттық жүйелердің биологиялық қорларын неғұр- лым дәл анықтауға және табиғи жүйенің табиғи-қорларының әлеуетін пайдаланудың тиімділігін бағалауға мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: табиғат, ландшафт, климат, өнімділік, биология, экология, потенциал, индекс.

Г. А. Адильбектеги1, Ж. С. Мустафаев2, Т. К. Уватаева1, Ж. Н. Дулатбекова1, Jozef Mosiej3

1РГП на ПХВ «Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева», Астана, Казахстан 2НАО Казахский национальный аграрный университет, Алматы, Казахстан, 3Варшавский университет Естественных наук, Варшава, Польша


Аннотация. В работе рассматриваются методические подходы к системе оценки биологического и экологического потенциала ландшафтных систем в почвенно-климатических условиях Южного Казахстана с целью наиболее полного и эффективного использования естественно-природных ресурсов при проектиро- вании и конструировании высокоэффективных агроландшафтных систем. На основе качественных и коли- чественных индикаторов тепло-, свето- и влагообеспеченности разработана математическая модель для оценки биологической и экологической продуктивности ландшафтных систем, включающая продуктивности почвенного и растительного покровов. При этом следует отметить, что разработанная модель биологической оценки продуктивности ланд- шафтов (Kбп) учитывает теплообеспеченность почвенного покрова ландшафтных систем (Ktб), коэффициент естественного увлажнения растительного покровов (Kу), а также экологическую продуктивность ландшафтов (Kбп). Эта модель базируется на потенциально возможной энергии, затраченной на почвообразовательный процесс (Qn) и коэффициент естественного увлажнения растительного покровов (Kу), является одним из модификаций качественных и количественных моделей климатической продуктивности природной системы, широко используемых в области географии и экологии для оценки природно-потенциальных ресурсов при- родной системы. На основе разработанной модели биологической и экологической продуктивности ландшафтных систем выполнена всесторонняя оценка природно-ресурсного потенциала Южно-Казахстанской области, включаю- щая Алматинскую, Жамбылскую, Туркестанскую и Кызылординскую области с использованием много- летних данных 32 метеорологических станции, расположенных на территории региона. Использование усовершенствованных методов оценки биологической и экологической продуктивности ландшафтных систем позволяет более точно определить биологические ресурсы ландшафтных систем по агроэкологическим районам и оценить эффективность использования природно-ресурсного потенциала природной системы. Ключевые слова: природа, ландшафт, климат, продуктивность, биология, экология, потенциал, индекс.

102 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Information about authors: Adilbektegi Gulmira Adilbekkizi, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, acting. Associate Professor of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Mustafaev Zhumakhan Suleimenovich, doctor of technical sciences of the Russian Federation and the RK, professor of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Uvatayeva Togzhan Kairatovna, Master of the 2nd course of the specialty 6M060800 - Ecology of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0002-2404-6260 Dulatbekova Zhanna Nurzhankuzy, Master of the 2nd course of the specialty 6M060800 - Ecology of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Mosiej Jozef, Professor of the Warsaw University of Natural Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; [email protected];


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UDC 631.531.633.581.634.574/53

A. K. Karynbayev1, D. A. Baimukanov1, D. M. Bekenov1, Yu. A. Yuldashbayev2, A. E. Chindaliev1

1Educational Scientific and Production Center Bayserke-Agro LLP, district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, 2Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The survey by Bayserke-Agro LLP of the area of Almaty region marked the following groups of pasture types: Agropyretafragilismixed-wormwood partly shrub pastures on hilly and plain sands, wormwood-saltwort, rarely sod grass pasture on brown and grayish-brown soils. Analysis of the nutritional value of the main groups' grass stand eaten by animals shows that in Spring, during the mass vegetation period, almost all species have high total and protein nutritional value. In 1 kg of dry eaten pasture feed from shrub-ephemeral-mixed herbs sandy pastures, in the specified period, it contains 0.79-0.81 fodder units and up to 125 g of digestible protein.Ephemeral and subshrub-ephemeral pastures have a similar nutritional value, and when being eaten they contribute to a good weight gain in the Kazakh Bactrian camel breed and Kazakh Jabe horses. The relatively high feed value is preserved by the eaten fodder mass of shrub-ephemeral pastures and in the summer season of their use at the level of 0.70-0.78 fodder units and 70-90 g of digestible protein. Keywords: monitoring, pastures, gross and eaten yields, carrying capacity.

Introduction. To ensure a high-productive status of pastures, it is necessary to develop a natural fodder resources management system, an essential element of which should be pasture monitoring. According to B.A. Bykov [1] more than 1,200 plant species that belong to 16 main families partici- pate in the formation of the vegetation cover of the North-Turanian (Kazakhstani) deserts. Among them goosefoot family dominates, characterizing the originality of the Turanian flora. It is represented by more than 160 ecobiomorphs, that is, groups of species that have similar life forms of growth and development (trees, shrubs, subshrubs, and dwarf semishrub, grass). Desert plants have different biological rhythms, which are especially evident in the duration of active vegetation from 30-60 days (ephemera and ephemeroids) to 300 days a year or more (dwarf semishrubs and shrubs). Given the various adaptations to live in conditions of insufficient moisture, they are divided into xerophytes, mesophytes, hygrophytes, as well as their adjacent groups (B.A. Bykov [2], S.A.Bedarev [3]). The vegetation cover in the desert usually is not closed in the aboveground part, that does not exclude the closeness of the root systems of plants (B. A. Bykov [4]). The projective soil cover by vegetation is 25–50% with a possible decrease on takyrs to 0–5% and an increase to 80–100% in floodplains of rivers and in interhill depressions (churots) with meadow-tugaibrush woods. The combination of individual plant species (ecobiomorph), by definition of V.N. Sukachev [5], forms an elementary unit of vegetation cover on Earth - a biocenosis (phytocenosis) or community of plants, or a type of pasture. Phytocenoses of the sandy desert have the most comprehensive structure.

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The composition of edificators in the sandy desert community is usually polydominant, with a predominance of shrubs and subshrubs [6, 7]. The most complete studies of the structure and productivity of the vegetation cover of sandy and clay deserts of Kazakhstan, as well as meadow communities, including phytocenotic observations of trans- piration, photosynthesis and plant respiration, were carried out in the 60-70s of the XX century under the International Biological Program (IBE) and scientific guidance by B.A. Bykov in the Northern Aral Sea [8], L.Ya.Kurochkina [9] in the South Balkhash, O.M. Demina [10], L.V. Shabanov [11] in the lower reaches of the Shu river, etc. The vegetation of sandy deserts is rich in species and a variety of their biological and economic traits. The basis is salsola-gray wormwood (Salsolaarbuscula, Seriphidiumterrae-albae) andsalsola-biyur- gunwithwormwood (Salsolaarbuscula, Anabasissalsa) groups of pasture types. Vegetation is sparse and rare, represented by tasbiyuyrgun(Natophuatonerinakeium),black salsola (Salsolaarbusculifomis), Arthro- phytumand some species of wormwood [12, 13]. Based on the above, we regard that the current direction is monitoring of desert pastures, studying the vegetation of the main classes and types of pastures, nature of its eating by animals in different seasons, establishing the effect of grazing on pasture fodder plants and on the soil cover. Aim of the research. To conduct environmental monitoring of pastures and to determine the carrying capacityunder the influence of anthropogenic factors and the development of the livestock. Materials and methods of the research. The object of the research - pastures of the Kerbulak branch of Bayserke-Agro LLP of , Almaty region. The crop was determined using the cut- sample method. To do this, in each plant group of forage lands at typical places, vegetation of 10 m2 was cut with scissors for shearing the sheep or mowed in the form of 10 sites stand-alone 1 m each or 4 sites of 2.5 m2 each (2.5x1 m). The vegetation on two sites of 10m2 was taken into account on the leveled thick herbage. The height of plants cut from the soil surface on haymakings is 7-8 cm, on high-grass pastures - 4-6 cm, and on low-grass pastures - 2.3 cm. For sparse grass stands on the sands, the transect areas of 50x20 m were cut off in 2-4 replications. For a record of the eaten part of the shrubs, the branches of the test shrubs were cut, counting on the reference area by the number of bushes; the size of the accounting area for the calculation was 100 to 1000 m2, depending on the density and variegation of shrubs in the territory. When counting, the shurbs of each plant species were divided into groups according to the size and each group was calculated separately. Test shrubs in the amount of 3-5 for each group were also taken separately. On pastures with sparse grass and shrub vegetation, the crop was determined on large transects of 50–100 x 1–2 m in a combined way. herewith, the vegetation of the transect was schematically transferred to cross-section paper or to graphed paper. The transect was edged with a cord marked 1 and 5 meters away.The crop within the transect was determined separately for each type of thickets: for shrubs and large grasses using model bushes, for small grasses - by biting method from small areas: 0.05 to 1 m2, depending on the nature of the vegetation placement. The area was calculated using a schematic transect card. The determination of the composition and nutritional value of the fodder was carried out using a modern analyzer FOSS NIRS DS 2500 (Sweden). Results of the research. Ecological conditions of pasture landscapes and their carrying capacityare closely related to the natural features of the territory, the intensity of pasture loads, their types. As a result of unregulated grazing on pastures, the species composition of plants changes, namely: the most valuable feed grasses are being eaten away, trampled, dislodged and the grass cover becomes sparse. It was established that in Bayserke - Agro LLP of the Almaty region, a considerable part of pastures is heavily damaged and covered with impenetrable herbs. Especially a lot of them in the Kerbulak, where their area in some sites reaches 12-20% of the total stock of grazing lands. This is due not only to the indiscriminate exploitation of lands, but also to the unsatisfactory organized land management system, in particular, the pasture. Pasture vegetation is not only very sensitive to environmental disturbances, but also it most clearly reflects changes in the ecological situation on the territory as a result of anthropogenic impact. Therefore, 105 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan it is important to be well informed about the initial state of the research object as the most important indicator of the ecosystem state. Shifts in the total biomass, species composition of vegetation and, first of all, the disappearance of edificators, their replacement with other species, often categorized as not being eaten, spareness and suppression of vegetation, reduced in their capacity and feed value, were considered as indicators of anthropogenic impact on the natural habitat in the process of monitoring. To assess the actual feeding–ecological status of pasture areas of various ecological zones, the most appropriate form, in our opinion, is comparative monitoring (tracking changes in vegetation under the influence of grazing) of pastures according to a specially developed scheme: a pasture section with untouched natural vegetation; a pasture section used with optimal load; a section used in violation of scientifically based grazing parameters. All these points must be included in the coordinate system and be fixed. From there, on the territory of the Kerbulak site, monitoring studies were performed to determine the effect of animal grazing on the forage and botanic composition and anthropogenic changes in pasture vegetation. The relief of the site along 1300-2000 m is leveled (slope 0-2°), and from the middle of the transect there is a small south-western uniform slope (8-12 °), turning into a “saucer-shaped” decrease (area 25×12 m). Then the relief is changed to a uniformly gentle slope (3-7 °) and turns into a leveled area. The studies were conducted using common methods on Aktandak natural pasture. The stationary section is represented by a transect of 6000, 2000, 300 m length, which ends with a livestock point (figure).

F1 – 6000 m F2 – 2000 m F3 – 300 m

Transect of pastures

By study periods, changes in vegetation under the grazing influence were monitored and data were collected to determine pasture crop. According to the conducted monitoring studies, it was established that, under the influence of grazing, pasture vegetation varies quite rapidly. Thus, in areas with a low load, active growth of grasses is observed. When overgrazing, the development of grasses is inhibited and the growth of wormwood increases that is poorly eaten in spring and summer (table 1). The degree of animal loading on pastures had a significant impact on carrying capacityin general and on its eaten part (table 2). The results of determination of carrying capacityfor 2019 (April-May) show that, in terms of gross crop yield, pasture areas (F1) exceeded by 34.0% and (F2) and by 81.2% (F3). The eaten feed stock in April – May 2019 was 21.35% in the F1 area of gross crop yield, 62.34% in the F2 area, and 15.38% in the F3 plot. 106 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Table 1 – The frequency of occurrence of the main forage plants under the influence of livestock loading

Load Indicators April-may heavy mean light Whitesaxaul (Haloxylonpersicum) * + ++ Small-fruited calligonum (Calligonummicrocarpum) * + ++ Sandhill wattle conolyi (Ammodendronconolyi) * + ++ Physocarpous sedge (Carexphysodes) + ++ +++ Bulbous bluegrass (PoabulbosaL) + ++ +++ Cheatgrass (Bromustectorum.) + ++ +++ Sierozemicwormwood (Artemisiaterraе-albae) + ++ +++ Whitishwormwood (Artemisialeucodes) + +++ + Eeurotia (Krascheninnikoviaceratoides) + +++ +++ Sand ceratocarpus (Ceratocarpusarenarius) +++ ++ + Notes: frequency of occurrence: +++ abundantly; ++ sparsely; + single; * - falling out of grass stand.

Table 2 – Carrying capacityof grass stand of the main shrub - mixed herb and shrub - ephemeral types of pastures depending on a load of their use

Load Carrying Capacityand Feed Value Indicators Heavy F3 Mean F2 Light F1 Gross crop yield, kg/ha of dry mass (August 2018) 1.39 1.88 2.52 Eaten feed stock, kg/ha of dry mass (August 2018) 0.25 0.97 1.71 Gross crop yield, kg/ha of dry mass (April-May 2019) 1.82 2.39 3.84 Eaten feed stock, kg/ha of dry mass (April-May 2019) 0.28 1.49 2.11

The monitoring carried out in August 2018 showed that the ratio of the feed stock to gross crop yield was in the F1 area - 67.85%, F2 - 51.605% and F3 - 18.00%. As a result of the investigation and monitoring the following groups of pasture types: Agropyre- tafragilismixed - wormwood partly shrub pastures on hilly and plain sands, wormwood-saltwort, rarely sod grass pasture on brown and grayish-brown soils. The most common association: eurotia-grayish wormwood - Agropyretafragilis, prostrate summer cypress-mixed wormwood with Agropyretafragilis, Agropyretafragilis- sierozemic with prostrate summer cypress, mixed wormwood prostrate summer cypress- eurotia, Poaceae- Ceratocarpetionarenarii - grayish wormwood with Salsolaarbuscula, mixed herbs- grayish wormwood with ferrule. On strongly damaged mostly well areas, a radial change of vegetation is noted. There are different weeds such as Ceratocarpus, orach, wormwood (Seratocarpus arenarius, S. utriculosus, Atriplex cana) with estimated coverage to 10%, occasionally there are stunted damaged small shrubs of eurotia and agropyreta fragilis, the Eurotia-Kochia prostrata-Agropyreta fragilis Association appears (Kochia arenaria, Krascheninnikivia ceratoides, Agropyron fragile).When moving away from the well, the plants are in good condition according to their phenological phase: eurotia and prostrate summer cypress (Kochia) - flowering phase; Agropyretafragilis - fructification, drying; mixed herbs, сeratocarpus - drying; wormwoods Artemisiaarenaria and Artemisiascoparia - fructification and drying. The reed (Phragmitescommunis) of 80–120 cm high participates in low places in the structure of the Mixed herbs– Eurotia-Kochia association, with a slight abundance, eurotia bushes with a diameter of 85–100 cm and a height of 60–80 cm are in flowering phase. It was established that the chemical composition and nutritional value of forage are largely deter- mined by the botanical composition of the vegetation (table 3). In general, all the studied samples of the main pasture plants are characterized by relatively high protein content and biological full value of their amino acid composition at the level of the optimal sample with some dynamics depending on the type, place of growth and season of use.

107 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 3 – Chemical composition and nutritional value of the separated (main) fodder plants in the Kerbulak branch

Content in 1 kg of fodder fodde- diges- Са, Р, caro- dry- cru- fat, fiber, NFES, ash, Fodder Vegetation runits, tible- G G tin, mat- dep- g g g g plants phase kg pro- mg ter, rotein, tein, g g g beginning of budding 0.23 25 4.9 0.5 35 312 38 7 89 153 25 Camelthorn, budding 0.25 28 4.2 0.5 27 332 44 9 101 153 25 Alhagicamelorum flowering 0.24 26 5.5 0.7 21 370 46 11 109 173 31 fructification 0.34 30 3.5 0.5 19 486 50 17 145 224 50 heading 0.29 29 4.8 1.3 41 350 46 7 97 176 24 Cheatgrass fructification 0.21 35 3.9 1.2 28 464 48 6 171 212 27 heading 0.25 52 5.0 0.7 31 274 71 18 59 99 27 Eremopyrumorientale fructification 0.29 45 4.7 0.7 22 375 63 8 114 158 32 vegetation 0.31 54 2.5 0.7 65 293 67 13 58 132 23 Desert carex fructification 0.30 39 3.7 2.0 37 437 71 16 97 214 39 vegetation 0.30 52 3.0 0.6 54 330 70 11 62 156 31 budding 0.25 32 3.2 0.5 25 414 54 26 133 168 33 Sierozemic wormwood flowering 0.28 40 7.0 0.7 21 566 68 39 240 187 32 fructification 0.25 33 4.4 0.4 18 550 64 37 214 199 36 dead wood 0.29 32 6.5 0.6 – 847 66 30 338 317 96 budding 0.24 26 9.8 1.1 23 383 43 23 120 176 21 Turanian wormwood flowering 0.25 36 7.5 1.4 17 475 61 22 166 181 45 fructification 0.33 40 6.6 1.2 12 576 68 38 192 234 44 vegetation 0.25 49 5.8 2.4 65 305 68 7 69 121 40 flowering 0.30 57 4.7 2.1 60 382 72 7 117 144 42 Ceratocarpusutriculosus fructification 0.35 63 4.5 1.7 32 568 80 8 204 220 56 dead wood 0.36 41 6.1 2.4 – 885 77 14 323 379 92 vegetation 0.20 26 9.1 0.3 18 289 40 4 66 123 56 flowering 0.12 21 8.3 0.2 12 419 39 10 130 188 52 Oriental saltwort fructification 0.18 27 7.0 0.2 10 496 50 9 102 239 96 dead wood 0.32 32 9.5 0.4 – 694 50 11 190 312 12.3

A distinctive feature of the pastures of the Kerbulak branch is a pronounced seasonality of their use. Certain species of plants are eaten by animals in different seasons of the year. The nutritional value of the grass stand of the main groups of pasture types is given in table 4. Analysis of the nutritional value of the main groups' grass stand eaten by animals shows that in spring, during the mass vegetation period, almost all species have high total and protein nutritional value. Per 1 kg of dry eaten pasture feed from shrub-ephemeral-mixed herbs sandy pastures, in the specified period, it contains 0.79-0.81 fodder units and up to 125 g of digestible protein. Ephemeral and subshrub- ephemeral pastures have a similar nutritional value, and when being eaten they contribute to a good weight gain in the Kazakh Bactrian camel breed and Kazakh Jabe horses [17, 18]. The comparatively high feed value is maintained by the eaten fodder mass of shrub-ephemeral pastures and in the Summer season of their use at the level of 0.70-0.78 fodder units and 70-90 g of digestible protein. Later, using the obtained data on the carrying capacity and nutritional value of pasture forage, the feed value of the investigated desert pasture groups of the Kerbulak branch was established.

108 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Table 4 – Nutritional value of grass stand for the main groups of desert pasture types according to season of use

1 kg of eaten dry feed mass contains Groups of desert pasture types Fodder units, kg Digestible protein, g Spring Summer Spring Summer Shrub - ephemeral 0.79 –0.81 0.70 –0.78 90 - 125 70 - 90 Subshrub -ephemeral 0.80 0.72 133 89

It has been established that the average annual carrying capacity of subshrub-ephemeral pastures is 2.85 feed-protein units per 1 ha (100%), of the shrub-ephemeral - 1.41 f-p.u. (49.5%) and ephemeral - 0.91 f-p.u. (31.9) conditioned feed-protein units/ha of the dry fodder mass. Monitoring showed that pasture feeding capacity is higher in the Spring season (1.42-1.92 heads/ha), in Summer the feeding capacity of all pastures decreases (up to 0.40-0.90 heads/ha), in Autumn and Winter the capacity drops particularly of ephemeral pastures (up to 0.11 heads/ha and below). This means that with the specified feeding capacity per one head of sheep, an average of 0.52 hectares of wormwood- saltwort-ephemeral pastures is required in Spring, in Summer and Autumn - up to 1 hectare, and in winter - 5 hectares each. The received data can be widely used in other areas of environmental monitoring [19]. Conclusions. The results of the studies to determine the feed value of the pastures under study show that the subshrub-ephemeral pastures of year-round use were the most valuable in terms of carrying capacity, nutrient yield per unit area and feeding capacity. First of all, almost in all seasons of the year, more pasture grass stand is eaten, the average indices are in Spring - 3.43, in Summer - 2.31, in Autumn - 3.10 per 1 ha of dry eaten forage with good protein nutritional values. Basis for the research and source of funding. The program of target financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018 - 2020. IRN: BR06249249-OT-18 Development of a comprehensive system for increasing productivity and improving the breeding qualities of farm animals, using the example of Bayserke-Agro LLP.

А. К. Қарынбаев1, Д. А. Баймұқанов1, Д. М. Бекенов1, Ю. А. Юлдашбаев2, А. Е. Чиндалиев1

1«УНПЦ Байсерке-Агро», Алматы облысы, Қазақстан, 2Ресей мемлекеттік аграрлық университеті – К. А. Тимирязев атындағы МСХА, Мәскеу, Ресей


Аннотация. Алматы облысында "Байсерке - Агро" ЖШС-нің "Кербұлақ" учаскесін тексеру нәтижесінде жайылымдар типтерінің келесі топтары белгіленді: бұдырлы және жазық құмдар бойынша еркеков-алуан шөпті-жусанды жартылай бұталы жайылымдар, сұрғылт және сұр қоңыр топырақтарда сораң-жусанды, сирегірек шымқабат астық тұқымдастар жайылымдары. Көктемгі мезгілде, өсімдіктің барлық түрі дерлік жаппай өсіп-жетілу кезінде, жоғары жалпы және протеинді қоректілке ие екендігін жануарлар жейтін негізгі топтағы шөптердің қоректілік анализі көрсетеді. Көрсетілген кезеңде, құмды жайылымдарда 1 кг құрғақ бұталы-эфемер-алуан шөпті желінетін жайылымдық жемінде 0,79–0,81 азықтық бірлік және 125 г-ға дейін қайнатылған протеин болады. Қазақ бактриан тұ- қымдас түйелері мен қазақтың жабы тұқымды жылқыларында жеу барысында жақсы салмақ өсіміне ықпал ететін, эфемерлі және жартылай бұталы-эфемерлі жайылымдары ұқсас қоректік құндылық ие. Бұталы-эфемерлі жайылымдарында желінетін азықтық масса салыстырмалы жоғары азықтық құнды- лығын сақтайды және жазғы маусымда оларды пайдалану 0,70-0,78 азықтық бірлік және 70-90 г қорытыла- тын протеин деңгейінде. Түйін сөздер: мониторинг, жайылымдар, жалпы және желінетін өнімділік, жем-шөп құнарлылығы.

109 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

А. К. Карынбаев1, Д. А. Баймуканов1, Д. М. Бекенов1, Ю. А. Юлдашбаев2, А. Е. Чиндалиев1

1ТОО «УНПЦ Байсерке-Агро»Алматинская область, Казахстан, 2РГАУ-МСХА им. К. А.Тимирязева, Москва, Россия


Аннотация. В результате обследования участка «Кербулак» ТОО «Байсерке-Агро» Алматинской области отмечены следующие группы типов пастбищ: еркеково-разнотравно-полынные, частично закуста- ренные пастбища по бугристым и равнинным пескам, полынно-солянковые, реже с дерновинными злаками пастбища на бурых и серобурых почвах. Анализ питательности поедаемого животными травостоя основных групп показывает, что в весенний период, во время массовой вегетации растительности почти все виды имеют высокую общую и протеино- вую питательность. В 1 кг сухого поедаемого пастбищного корма кустарниково-эфемерово-разнотравных песчаных пастбищ в указанный период содержится 0,79–0,81 кормовых единиц и до 125 г переваримого про- теина. Аналогичную питательную ценность имеют эфемеровые и полукустарниково-эфемеровые пастбища, при поедании способствуют хорошим привесам у верблюдов породы казахский бактриан и казахских лоша- дей типа жабе. Сравнительно высокую кормовую ценность сохраняет поедаемая кормовая масса кустарниково-эфеме- ровых пастбищ и в летний сезон их использования на уровне 0,70-0,78 кормовых единиц и 70-90 г перева- римого протеина. Ключевые слова: мониторинг, пастбища, валовая и поедаемая урожайность, продуктивность кормов.

Information about authors: Karynbayev Amanbai Kambarbekovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academic adviser of the Educational Scientific and Production Center Bayserke-Agro LLP, Talgar district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Baimukanov Dastanbek Asylbekovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chief Researcher of the Educational Scientific and Production Center Bayserke-Agro LLP, Talgar district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Bekenov Dauren Maratovich, Master of Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, Director of the Educational Scientific and Production Center Bayserke-Agro LLP, Talgar district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan; unpcbayserke- [email protected]; Yuldashbayev Yusupzhan Artykovich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Zootechnics and Biology, Professor of the Department of Private Zootechnics, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timi- ryazev, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Chindaliyev Askhat Erbosynovich, Master of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Educational Scientific and Production Center Bayserke-Agro LLP, Talgar district, Almaty region, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 629.783; 629.7.017.2

Z. B. Rakisheva 1, Sh. Nakasuka2, N. S. Doszhan 1, G. E. Ibrayev 1

1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. A system for controlling the movement of a small spacecraft, which will later be part of a formation located in the geostationary orbit for the remote sensing of the Earth is being considered. The article assesses the effect of acting moments on the small spacecraft in the geostationary orbit and justifies the choice of these moments in the motion simulation. A motion control system for small spacecraft in the geostationary orbit using a P-controller (a controller with a proportional control law) is proposed. The results of the simulation to verify the correctness of the proposed control law are given. Keywords: small spacecraft, geostationary orbit, remote sensing of the Earth, p-controller.

Introduction. The current state and level of development of microelectronics makes it possible to miniaturize the electronic equipment used in the space industry. In connection with this trend, the use of spacecraft for solving various scientific and technological problems is currently relevant [1-3]. The small spacecraft plays a very important technological role in space science. Compared with the traditional single large spacecraft, the small spacecraft demonstrates increased reliability [4], lower costs and a shorter development time period [5]. The tasks of remote sensing of the Earth, usually realized with the help of expensive bulky vehicles, are currently possible to solve with several miniature spacecrafts [6–10]. As practice shows, Earth remote sensing is and remains one of the most important areas of space activity in which the most innovative technologies are being introduced. The main objective of this activity is to obtain information about the object or phenomenon on the surface of the Earth. Earth remote sensing in most cases is carried out with the help of spacecraft located in low Earth orbit [11]. The monitoring of the Earth’s surface in real time necessitates the use of the geostationary orbit for the implementation of remote sensing [12, 13]. The geostationary orbit plays an irreplaceable role in va- rious missions, including communications, navigation, research, as well as the recent Earth remote sensing. In order to remote sensing the Earth's surface from the geostationary orbit with a single large space- craft a large aperture is used, the dimensions of which affect both the creation cost and the cost of space- craft injection to a given orbit. The same results, which gives one large spacecraft, can be achieved with the help of several small spacecrafts in the formation with a specific configuration [14]. When studying the motion of the small spacecraft in the geostationary orbit, it becomes necessary to study the influence of external disturbances [15, 16], which in turn requires the development of a system for controlling the motion and stabilization of the small spacecraft [17]. This paper proposes a mathe- matical model of the stabilization system and orientation of the small spacecraft in the geostationary orbit and simulation results.

112 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Estimation of moments acting on small spacecrafts in the geostationary orbit. To describe the motion of the small spacecraft relative to the center of mass, the Euler’s dynamic equations were used [18]:

 ApCBqrM()  x ,  BqACrpM()  y , (1) Cr () B A qp  M .  z where A,,BC - general inertia moments of the spacecraft; p,,qr - projections of the angular velocity  T vector on the axes of the body coordinate system; MMMM (,xyz ,) - moment of external forces relative to a fixed point.

Figure 1 – Environmental torques acting on the small spacecraft, depending on the height of the orbit

Figure 1 shows thedependence graphs of the magnitude of the moments of forces acting on the small spacecraft on the height of the orbit. The gravitational moment, magnetic moment, moment of solar radiation pressure (SPR) force and moments arising from the other other spacecrafts in the formation were considered. The calculation was performed for satellites with mass 50 kg in accordance with the following formulas:      M 3 eAeiiBejjCekk     (2) R3 rr  r   r   M SRP   dM i . (3) i   M m HI (4)    HkkeeE 3 , (5) R3  EErr  

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    where er – unit vector, i , j , k ' – unit vectors of the symmetry axes directions of the small spacecraft.   H – Earth magnetic vector,  – magnitude of the magnetic moment of the earth dipole, k – the E  E direction of the Earth’s magnetic dipole axis, R – orbit height. I  kI' , where I0 – constant magnetic 0  moment arising due to the presence of current systems on the small spacecraft. The moment dM , created by the SRP for a particular area is calculated as the vector product of the radius vector of the center of mass of the area and the force vector acting on this area, i.e.:

n   dMis r dF i . (6) i  Here r - the radius vector from the center of mass of the small spacecraft to the center of mass of the s  elementary area. And dFi determined by the equation:   b dF Fpss dS n f (7)

   2   bT1 a0 where FAFpp , and FPp  2 0  dSk, where k - the unit vector of the “small spacecraft - Sun”  direction. dS - the area of the elementary platform (in our case, for a qualitative assessment, the total illuminated plane was taken as 0.25S, where S is the surface area of the small spacecraft); a - the average 0 6 2 distance from Earth to the Sun; PEc00/4,56110 N/m - the pressure on a single area of the reflecting surface;  - the distance from the Sun to the small spacecraft; A - the matrix describing the angular position of the small spacecraft:

cos cos sin sin cos cos  sin sin cos cos sin sin  A sin cos  cos sin cos  sin sin  cos cos cos cos sin (8) sin sin cos sin cos 

As can be seen from figure 1, gravitational moments prevail in low earth orbits. Moments of SRP forces in low earth orbits are less than gravitational moments for an order. However, at altitudes of 10 000 km and higher, they are comparable with gravitational moments. Magnetic moments are more important in low earth orbits. The effect of the moments gravity field arising from the 2nd, 3rd and 4thsatellites in the formation is much less than all other moments. According to that, the gravitational moment and the moment of SRP forces were chosen as main acting moments on the small spacecrafts. Since in the geostationary orbits the moments of the SRP forces and the gravitational moments prevail over the other moments, in equations (1), the right-hand side will be the following sum:    MMМ . (9)   GSRP where M and М - gravitational moment and moment of SRP forces. G SRP An orientation control system for small spacecraft based on the P-controller. The task of buil- ding an orientation control system to maintain the orbital orientation of the small spacecraft is considered.      bbbbJJhMM1 . (10) aC   where  b - small spacecraft’s angular velocity in the body coordinate system; h b - kinetic moment of  a reaction wheels; J - inertia tensor of the small spacecraft; MC - control moment.

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The equation (10) in scalar form is:

bb1 bbbbb  ()JJ  h h M M , xyzyzayazCxzy x J x   bb1 bbbbb  yzxx()JJ  zazaxCy  h h M M , (11) xz y J y   bb1 bbbbb  zxyy()JJyaxayCz  h h M M. J yx z  z  Since the controlling influence of the executive bodies far exceeds the external moments,  for solving the problem of building a control system, they can be neglected. It is assumed that, M GSRPМ 0 , then the differential equation characterizing the angular velocity changing of the small spacecraft in the projections on the axes of the body coordinate system will take the form:       bbbbJJhM1  aC (12)   where the control moment M is a function of coordinates characterizing the angular position and the C angular velocity of the small spacecraft:     M  MQKKb C C bo,,, bo Q (13)  where  b - angular velocity of small spacecraft in body frame with respect to the orbital coordinate bo system, Qbo - quaternion defining the current angular position of the small spacecraft in the orbital coordinate system; KK , Q – unknown control parameters. The specific task of building a control system with a known form of the control law will be directed to determining unknown KK , Q parameters of the control law (P-controller), based on the conditions of stability and quality of control processes. As a result of the study, the values of the coefficients of the P-controller k1, k2, k3 were determined to stabilize the motion of the small spacecraft relative to the center of mass. In the calculations, the following data was taken: small spacecraft orbit – geostationary (36,000 km), moments of inertia of the spacecraft J = [0.04, 0.04, 0.01], initial angular position and angular velocity are assumed to be equal  b  [1, 2, 3] rad/s, ψ = π/3 rad, φ = π/3 rad, θ = π/3 rad.

The coefficient of the P-controller was set in the range of 0.03 ≤ k1 ≤ 3. For the component of the angular velocity along the axis Ox with an increase in the coefficient of the regulator, the damping of the oscillations of the angular velocity arising due to the disturbing moments is observed (figure 2).In the case when k1 = 0.03, the total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at t = 250 s. By increasing the coefficient almost 3 times, i.e. when k1 = 0.1, it can be noted that the total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at t = 100 s, which is 2.5 times faster than the first case. Further, with an increase the coefficient to 0.3, damping is observed at t = 40 s. When the coefficient values k1 = 1 and k1 = 3, the angular velocity is damped at 5 and 2 seconds, respectively. From the above results, we can conclude that with an increase the coefficient value k1, stabilization of the component of angular velocity along the Ox axis occurs faster. For the angular velocity component along the axis Oy, with an increase of the regulator coefficient, the damping of the angular velocity oscillations, which arises due to disturbing moments, is observed (figure 3).The range of values of the regulator coefficients, as before, is 0.03 ≤ k2 ≤ 3. In this case, there are some limitations, since there is no direct relationship between stabilization and the value of the regulator coefficient. When k2 = 0.03, total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at t = 250 s. In the case when k2 = 0.1, total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at 115 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan t = 100 s. With an increase in the coefficient to 0.3, the damping is observed at t = 30 s. Further, as the coefficient increases to 1 and 3, the damping of the angular velocity is not observed, for example, at k2 = 1, q = 0.2 rad/s, and at k2 = 3, q = 0.6 rad/s, i.e. free stationary rotation of the small spacecraft relative to the center of mass is observed.

Figure 2 – Stabilization of the angular velocity component along the Оx axis

Figure 3 – Stabilization of the angular velocity component along the Оу axis

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For the angular velocity component along the axis Oy, with an increase of the regulator coefficient, the damping of the angular velocity oscillations, which arises due to disturbing moments, is observed (figure 4). The range of values of the regulator coefficients, as before, is 0.03  k2  3. In this case, when k3 = 0.03, the total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at t = 200 s. In the case when k3 = 0.1, the total damping of the angular velocity component is observed at t = 150 s. With an increase of the coefficient to 0.3, the damping is observed at t = 50 s. Further, with an increase of the ratio to 1 and 3, the damping of the angular velocity occurs fast enough. For example, when k2 = 1, oscillation damping occurs at 15 s, and for k2 = 3 at 5 s. Euler angles in the range of regulator coefficients values 0.03 ≤ k1,k2,k3 ≤ 3 behave ambiguously (figures 5, 6). For example, the precession angle stabilizes at 0.03 ≤ k1, k2, k3<1, respectively, when k1, k2, k3 ≥ 1 the precession angle increases indefinitely in a linear form, i.e. free rotation takes place (figure 5). The nature of the change of angle of rotation is different from the change of the angle of precession. For example, in this case, the stabilization of the angle is occurs when the regulator coefficients lie in the range of 0.1

Figure 4 – Stabilization of the angular velocity component along the Oz axis

Figure 5 – Euler angles: precession, rotation

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Figure 6 – Eulerangles: nutation k2, k3 ≤ 3, i.e. for small values of k1, k2, k3stabilization, as in the case of the precession angle, does not occurs. And a nutation angle has the largest fluctuations. Among the whole range of values of the regulator, a good result is 0.1 (Figure 6). In other cases, the small spacecraft does not stabilize in the nutation angle or the nutation angle increases indefinitely in a linear form, which indicates free rotations. For example, when k1, k2, k3= 0.03, oscillations are damped very slowly. When k1, k2, k3= 1 and k1, k2, k3= 3, the oscillations are not amplitude damped, but there occurs an increase of the period and a reduction of the frequency of rotations. In the case when k1, k2, k3= 0.3, the oscillation amplitude and frequency decrease, and the period increases, then the oscillations become a periodic and acquire an infinitely increasing linear character. On the basis of the calculations, it can be concluded that to use the regulator the most optimal coefficient range is 0.03

118 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

З. Б. Ракишева1, Sh. Nakasuka2, Н. С. Досжан1, Г. Е. Ибраев1

1әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Токио университеті, Токио, Жапония


Аннотация. Кейінірек Жерді қашықтықтан зондтауға арналған геостационар орбитадағы топтаманың бір бөлігі болатын кіші ғарыш аппаратының қозғалысын басқару жүйесі қарастырылады. Мақалада геостационар орбитадағы кіші ғарыш аппараттарына сыртқы моменттердің әсер етуіне баға берілген және қозғалысты модельдеу кезіндебұл моменттердің таңдалуы түсіндіріледі. P-регуляторын (пропорционалды басқару заңы қолданылатын регулятор) қолдану арқылы геостацио- нарлы орбитадағы кіші ғарыш аппараттарының қозғалысын басқару жүйесі ұсынылған. Түйін сөздер: кіші ғарыш аппараты, геостационар орбита, Жерді қашықтықтан бақылау, П-регулятор.

З. Б. Ракишева1, Sh. Nakasuka2, Н. С. Досжан1, Г. Е. Ибраев1

1Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Университет Токио, Япония


Аннотация. Рассматривается система управления движением малого космического аппарата, который в дальнейшем будет являться частью группировки, расположенной на геостационарной орбите с целью дистанционного зондирования Земли. В статье проведена оценка влияния действующих моментов на малый космический аппарат на геоста- ционарной орбите и обоснован выбор этих моментов при моделировании движения. Предложена система управления движением малого космического аппарата на геостационарной орбите с применением П-регулятора (регулятор с пропорциональным законом управления). Приведены результаты проведения моделирования для проверки правильности предложенного закона управления. Ключевые слова: малый космический аппарат, геостационарная орбита, дистанционное зондирование Земли, П-регулятор.

Information about authors: Rakisheva Z. B., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor, Department of Mechanics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0003-2745-7775 Nakasuka Sh., Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Engineering, University of Tokyo; [email protected]; Doszhan N. S., PhD student, Department of Mechanics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Ibrayev G. A., PhD student, Department of Mechanics, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Ka- zakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 53.01/.09

A. Kh. Argynova1, B. Iskakov1, V. V. Jukov3, K. M. Mukashev2, A. D. Muradov2, V. V. Piskal3, N. O. Saduyev2, T. X. Sadykov1, N. M. Salihov4, A. S. Serikkanov1, E. M. Tautaev1, F. F. Umarov5

1Satpayev University, Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Tien-Shan High-Altitude Scientific Station. P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 4Institute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 5Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],


Abstract. In this paper, we have presented research results achieved in the areas of cosmic rays physics and astrophysics in the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station. The research was conducted by Physicotechnical Institute in cooperation with other teams. According to the research program, the fundamental subject area comprised the following sections: investigating new processes in the cosmic rays (CR) at energies above 1017eV on the "Horizon-T" installation; a comprehensive study of the extended air showers (EAS) properties on the shower instal- lation in the range of the (CR ) initial spectrum breaking (1014 – 1017 eV); search of structures in the particles distri- butions from EAS forward cone at high energies on the "Hadron - 55" installation; earch and investigation of the cosmic rays gamma sources with energies above 0.5 TeV on the "Hadron-55" installation; registration and investi- gation of the radio emission from EAS; investigation of the Earth's crust tension degree of the Almaty seismically active region by registering high energy cosmic rays muons. Key words: cosmic rays, spectra, kink of the primary spectrum, stormwater installation, wide air showers, radio emission, thunderstorm phenomena, degree of earth crust intensity, seismically active region, muon interaction.

Introduction. The researchers of Physico-technical Institute study cosmic rays (CR) since the end of the 1950’s. The institute has highly qualified researchers, unique Tien Shan and Intermediate scientific stations located at 3340 m and 1700 m above the sea level. Modern level of the conducted investigations and high quality of the results derived by the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station were stipulated by many years of wide and comprehensive cooperation with the leading Russian Research Institutes, namely with Physical Institutes after Lebedev of the Russian Academy of Sciences and by active involvement in the International scientific projects. Collaboration that exists between Physical Institute after Lebedev of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station is realized by virtue of the program of joint investigations between research institutes and universities of Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as the Consortium Agreement on establishing “Eurasian high-mountain scientific Centre of the cosmic rays”. Later, Kazakh National University after al Farabi and Ionosphere Institute joined this agreement. For tackling more fundamental and applied problems using the station located at 3340 m above sea level, research teams of the above-mentioned institutes implement research investigations on the following topics:

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 a comprehensive study of the extended air showers properties (EAS) on the shower installation in the range of the (CR ) initial spectrum breaking (1014 - 1017 eV);  searching of structures in the particles distributions from EAS forward cone at high energies on the "Hadron - 55" installation;  searching and investigation of the cosmic rays gamma sources with energies above 0.5 TeV;  registration and investigation of the radio emission from EAS;  investigation of the Earth's crust tension degree of the Almaty seismically active region by registering high energy cosmic rays muons;  studying thundery phenomena as well as neutrons and muons at the depth of 10 meters of the rocky ground. In what follows, we provide a more detailed discussion of some of the afove-mentioned. Results and Discussion. A compex study of EAS properties in the range of cosmic rays primary spectrum fracture (1014–1017 eV) on the shower installation. As a result of many years investigations and at the present stage of science development, a general form of the galactic cosmic rays (CR) energy spectrum became known. According to these results, the cosmic particles flux registered to the present time varies in an extremely wide range of the initial energy Е0 values: the range scale makes up no less than 10 orders of magnitude. The respective intensity of their differential energy spectrum falls by 28 orders of magnitude of the value at the transition from low energy particles to the known highest values of Е0. Throughout the whole of range the spectrum has a universal power-series shape, while its γ index varies sharply at some 15 characteristic points: in the energy range Е0 ~ 3∙10 eV, where the well-known primary spectrum 17 "fracture" is found [1-7], in the region of the slightly visible “second fracture” with Е0 ~ 2∙10 eV [8], at 18 19 "anti-fracture" Е0 ~ 3∙10 eV [9], and in the "cutting" region Е0 ~ 5∙10 eV [10,11]. The heterogeneities in a single power spectrum of the CR can occur as a result of influence of utterly different factors such as loss of efficiency of the galaxy sources for particles acceleration with their energy growth; prevalence of the CR extragalactic component in the very high energy region; effects of CR propagation in the interstellar medium; local peculiarities of the spatial region surrounding the Solar System; occurrence of some abnormal component with unusual properties of interaction in the natural flow of cosmic particles with unusual properties of interaction with normal matter. For making a final decision among the aforementioned hypotheses, we need an utmost detailed information about behavior of primary spectrum in the energy range between 1015 and 1018 eV. This stipulates a necessity to implement detailed CR flow measurements in this field with rich statistical data. For such measurements, 80 scintillation detectors are built and used on the station in the launch building and outside of it, as well as system of electronic registration was designed ensuring in this energy range are created and used currently (figures 1 and 2). Due to further increase in detectors’ area, it is expected that the possible numbers of particles interaction with energy above 3∙1015 eV will reach more than 4500 events per year. The structures searching in particles distributions from the forward cone of the extended air showers (EAS) at high energies on the “Hadron-55” installation. Deeper understanding of multiple processes in the narrow forward cone of EAS represents one of the most significant problems of CR physics. Recent international studies of EAS trunks on the Tien Shan and Pamir-Chakaltai stations as well as the stratospheric experiments have shown new results [12]. In the context of this problem, the following two unique phenomena that were discovered should be noted:  events with anomalous relation of charged and neutral components, so-called centaur of the event; and  phenomenon of coplanar particles emission, the events with the geometrical alignment. Critical and detailed review of relevant problems in nuclear interactions on the «Quark Matter 2017» conference revealed quite new, ambitious and valuable results [13]. The advanced correlated approaches are effective tools for studying initial stages [14] and dynamic evolution of multiple processes [15]. The investigation of the particles of two-hadron correlations in р-р, р-А and А-А interactions in BNL on RHIC and on LHC in CMS, ATLAS, ALICE revealed the extremely important distant correlations – “ridges”, several units of length by rapid distributions, concentrated on two azimuths: “near-side” and “away-side” 122 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 1 – Scintillation detectors installed Figure 2 – Layout chart of scintillation detectors in the launch building in the launch building and outside

[16, 17]. In the forward cone the рапидитириджи were detected in the recent LHCb-experiment [18]. It should be noted that such correlations, called «alignment», were revealed for the first time during the experiments with X-Ray films (1998), exhibited in the Pamir mountains [19]. An interesting opinion about complanarity in cosmic rays was presented [20] in comparison with large hadron collider (LHC) results. For studying and investigating possible centaur type events, new detector CASTOR (Centauro And Strange Object Research) was designed and implemented, as part of the LHC CMS experiment [21]. Both LHC [22] and RHIC [23] developed and suggested new ambitious research of multiple generation processes in the EAS narrow forward cone. Our research team carried out an analysis of multiple generation processes both in CR at high energies and at the accelerating energies [24]. In the protons and the CR light nuclei generated multiple processes in the TeV regions, a well- defined dependence of multiple generation processes from interaction region dimensions was revealed [25]. It is very important to compare the experimental data received by cosmic rays on "Hadron-55" complete installation with the large hadron collider experiments [26]. In figure 4, the results of double- particle angular correlations for the charged particles arising in the proton-proton collisions at the 7 TeV center-of-mass energy by wide range of pseudorapidity (η) and azimuth angle (φ) received on CMS detectors are shown [27].

Figure 3 – Distribution of the two-dimensional correlation Figure 4 – Distribution function for events with large multiplicity from of the two-dimensional correlation function the experiment in P-P interaction at 7TeV energy in LHC [27] for events with large multiplicity by the "Hadron-55" data [26]

In figure 5, double-particle angular correlations distribution for particles received as a result of interaction of the cosmic rays particles for events with large multiplicity, arising in the “Hadron-44” instal- lations dense target, located at a height of 3340 meters above sea level at energies near to the CMS [26]. As can be seen from figures 3 and 4, a certain similarity between them can easily be established.

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Figure 5 – A – ionization calorimeter, composed of gamma-blocks and lower on 2,2 m hadronic block. B –installation detectors disposition circuit (top view): 1 – calorimeter disposition in the laboratory housing; 2 – SCD by 0,25 m2 area disposition in the laboratory housing. In the closest circle within a radius of 40 m and in large circle within a radius of 100 m in fours SCD with 1 m2 area are disposed

The upgraded complete installation “Hadron-55” is located in the building and outside. In the building with 324 m2 area and its height of more than 10 m, there are ionization calorimeter by 55 m2 area and 1050 g/сm2 of thickness, as well as 25 scintillation detectors (SCD). Outside the building by the imaginary circles with radii of 40 and 100 m are located four SCD (with 1 m2 areas) for the primary particle moving trajectory determination. The ionization calorimeter circuit and SCD disposition are presented in the figure 5. The installation construction allows determine energies of the electron-photon, hadronic and neutron components of the cosmic radiation, as well as recover particles trajectories. In consideration of calorimeter and neighbouring infrastructure areas (32400 m2), which will considerably increase further on, one can estimate that the interaction numbers with energies above 3∙1015 eV will make up more than 5000 events per annum. The peculiarity of the “Hadron-55” installation consists in the fact that it represents the complex of various detectors that permits to investigate the cosmic radiation particles interaction characteristics in more detail. Nowadays, in high-energy physics there are several sufficiently different among themselves pheno- menological models of the hadronic interactions that are used, each of which claim adequate description of the hadron-nucleus interaction at the extra-high energy. Their difference leads to considerably different conclusions about the nature of coplanar generation of the most energetic particles as part of the extensive air shower (EAS). The latter cannot be described by the hadronic interactions conventional models - events of “centaur” or “anti-centaur” types with abnormally high part of energy released to the charged component or, on the contrary, to the neutral component. Abnormally weakly absorbing hadrons obser- vation enabled us to question the cosmic rays (CR) long-range nuclear-interacting component in the region of the spectra breaking in the mass composition of the primary cosmic rays (PCR). The latter were resulted from inverse problem solution – the spectra parameters and PCR composition recovery by EAS observed characteristics. Since the problem of primary cosmic rays composition at the super high energies is far from being solved, the initial set of goals that hold for EAS complete installations are as relevant as before. Today, however, this problem can be solved in a more effective way by applying more advanced understanding of this problem and using progress of the last two decades in the field of experimental and computer technologies, thereby permitting to use new methods of experimental data processing and analysis. This very approach was used as a foundation in the “Hadron-55” project, which according to us is capable to make progress in terms of solving classical problems (the primary cosmic rays parameters investigation and building interaction model) that are relevant within the context of EAS complex installations.

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Searching and investigating cosmic radiation gamma sources with energy above 0,5 TeV. Today, almost all experiments in the area of cosmic rays are accompanied with design or development of the installations for investigation in the field of gamma-astronomy. This happens because explosive processes of generation and acceleration of protons and nuclei are accompanied by generation of gamma- quanta and neutrino, which are flying along straight line in the magnetic field of the Universe without scattering. That, in turn, makes possible to investigate catastrophic by energy release interactions in the Universe and define their place. Moreover, different models and theories of development of the Universe are created and verified on the base of the experimental data received in the gamma-astronomy field. All that makes important development of the gamma-astronomy experimental investigations and methods of their observation. At the «Energetic Cosmos Laboratory – New Opportunities» workshop, which was held on the September 13, 2016 and the «Exploring the Energetic Universe 2017» International scientific Conference (7-12 August 2017) organized by Nazarbayev University (The laboratory of the Nobel Prize Laureate D. Smuth), a decision was made to extend gamma-astronomy investigations [28], in which the "Hadron-55" complete installation can be used (figure 5). Studying gamma-quanta with energies above 0.5 TeV by using gamma-ray telescopes installed on spacecrafts is practically impossible due to smidgen of such high-energy particles flows, and small aperture of telescopes, which can be put onto the Earth orbit. Therefore, the ground installations are the basic instruments for the gamma-quanta origins investigation. Thanks to Cherenkov optical telescope discovery and launched Fermi-LAT [28] satellite, today thousands sources of gamma radiation are known. Optical gamma-telescopes mostly operate in the range of 10 GeV – 10 TeV energies and register Cherenkov light generated by wide air shower. One of the modern telescopes HESS (The High Energy Stereoscopic System) [30] is located in Namibia and consists of 4 parabolic plates, 12 meters in diameter. On top of each of them there are 382 circle mirrors which register the Cherenkov radiation. The fundamental achievement of the HESS telescope at cosmic gamma-radiation registration is that the assumption that supernova remnants are the cosmic rays sources has been validated. In our work for performing investigations in high-energy gamma-astronomy region, we use a modernized ionization calorimeter with scintillation detectors field with area of 31 400 m2. The ionization calorimeter consists of two parts: upper gamma-block and bottom hadronic-block, which are divided by two-meter spacing (figure 5). The gamma-block registers by virtue of absorption the electron-photon components (EPC) of cosmic rays. The hadronic component is passed through gamma-block without interaction as a result of gamma-block small thickness and begin to interact and generate particles in the hadronic-block. The project’s scientific novelty consists in implementation of gamma-astronomy inves- tigations using an air shower method, that is without the expensive Cherenkov detectors. The idea of the project is to select events with interaction in gamma-block only and with no interaction in the hadronic block, that is pure EPC are selected. In order to make a dependable measurement of the primary particles trajectory, the scintillation detectors network are used, which are provided by equipment with resolution up to nanosenconds. The present installation have the following advantages in comparison with standard registration of the Cherenkov radiation from the atmosphere: 1. If observation period of Cherenkov radiation from atmosphere is limited by night, moonless and cloudless periods (5-10% from calendar year), then observation period of complete installation reaches nearly the calendar year. 2. In the gamma block of the installation we receive the EPC energy and geometric distributions while studying the same gamma-source with accuracy within the ionization chamber width. Transferable scintillation detectors have square from 0.25 to 1 m2. Disposition of these detectors on the station area is shown in figure 5. 3. Angle of the simultaneous view of the scintillation installation is large and with Earth rotation in one of the experiments, the region of the celestial sphere of several steradians is visible. Enormous amount of information can be regulated using electronic methods by changing registration threshold. With availability of large memory capacity, we can register all interactions and, further on, by using a program we can select and investigate right events.

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The following questions can be attributed to the project scientific problems: – statistic simulation of air showers for gamma-astronomy experiments; – obtaining energy distributions of galactic and extragalactic pinpoint gamma-sources; – studying diffuse gamma-sources (galactic halo, Fermi bubbles, dark matter decay); – collective registration of air showers by several installations of the station. As a review of the previous research implemented in our area of the project, it is necessary to note the following. The main competitor of air Cherenkov telescopes in the field of high-energy gamma-quanta detection are shower installations. In these installations, a shower of the secondary charged particles is registered and its energy is determined. However, extraction of showers originated from gamma-quanta above the hadronic showers background happens by virtue of penetrating component and spatial distribution. Nowadays, 48 000 events with energy above 0.5 1012 eV are registered by "Hadron-55" installation. The number of hadronless events is about 3360 or 7%. Currently, mathematical programs for events registration, processing and analysis are developed taking into account constructive peculiarities of the installation. Preliminary results of the some processed events are depicted in table 1.

Table 1 – Preliminary results of registration data processing

No. Energy, Angles, in degrees Right ascension Declination Galactic Constellation 15 10 eV Zenith Azimuth Latitude Longitude 1 2.17 23.7 333.4 4h 29m 59s 62o48′56″ 9.8o 145.2o Camelopardalis 2 0.56 53.2 167.0 2h 39m 04s -9o01′56″ -58.8o 182.6 o Cetus 3 1.93 37.7 101.3 0h 37m 28s 27o05′33″ -35.6o 119.1o Andromeda 4 2.72 15.6 206.6 3h 08m 58s 29o02′56″ -18.0o 165.1o Taurus 5 3.95 27.2 113.2 1h 34m 31s 28o36′55″ -33.3o 134.3o Triangle 6 1.96 43.2 344.7 8h 05m 16s 78o39′35″ 30.1o 135.4o Camelopardalis

There are no currently own experimental installations in Kazakhstan for implementing research in the field of gamma-astronomy. The proposed project allows conduct investigations in gamma-astronomy field sufficiently fast with new possibilities and small cost. Investigation of Earth's crust tension degree of Almaty active region by registering cosmic rays muons of high energy. Radiation acoustics is a scientific multidisciplinary area, which is developing between acoustics, nuclear physics and high energy physics. Its foundation is formed by studies and application of radiation-acoustic effects that are nascent at the penetrating radiation interaction with a matter. At the turn of the 80’s and 90’s of the last century, scientists of the Physical Institute after P.N. Lebedev and Earth Physics Institute (Russia) had developed a concept of a new promising area of seismo- logy: using a signal from elastic vibrations in the acoustic frequency band for earthquake forecasting. These elastic vibrations are generated under local ionization influence, which is formed at the moment when passing of cosmic radiation penetrating particles happens. These particles are high-energy muons and neutrinos, which pass through seismically tense environment in the deeper layers of Earth [30, 31]. The basic idea of this method is illustrated by figure 6. Earth crust sounding by a beam of penetrating energetic muons and neutrino enables us to conduct direct monitoring of the lithosphere internal state at the depth of 1-10 km that is the closest to the zone of earthquake sources formation. Together with acoustic monitoring of deep environment response on muon beam trigger action, such sounding represents a unique method of direct penetration in the earthquake zone vicinity. Every individual measuring at the muon monitoring is local and all measurements together allow us control considerable volume of the earthquake zone. The size of the zone depends from the sound receiving devices sensitivity, acoustic noise level and installation square for muon flow detection sensitivity. Studying and analyzing time characteristics of high-frequency seismic noise is one of the directions of developing effective methods for earthquake forecast. One of the possible methods for predicting earthquakes is the method of recording the intensity of neutron and charged particle fluxes, which is based on scintillation and semiconductor detectors [32-37]. In [38], the authors have offered a technique of such

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Figure 6 – Model of deeper seismic sounding of Earth’s crust on the basis of muons from the energetic EAS trunk: P is a deep fault zone; A is elastic vibrations are generated in the seismic stretch environment under local ionization influence from muons passing and propagated as acoustic wave; M is a sensible microphones system forecast, which is based on the concept that earthquake preparation processes cause abnormal behavior over time during intense acoustic noise. The role of a trigger provoking the generation of elastic oscilla- tions in the acoustic frequency range, can cause increase in short-time ionization degree as result of pas- sing of high-energy cosmic rays muons through seismically tense regions of lithosphere. Subsequently this method was quantitatively explained in [39]. In it, authors have studied passing of muons with energy of ~10÷100 TeV through ground using numerical simulation. As a result of this investigation, the authors have determined precise valuations of multiplicity of such muons in EAS with 1015 – 1017 eV, depth of their penetration inside the Earth crust and number of interactions (microcracks) which such muons can cause inside seismically strained crust region depending on muons’ energy and stored energy of elastic deformation. It was also determined that in a significant number of cases formation of such microcracks can generate acoustic waves in the frequency range of 1–2 kHz and with the amplitude sufficient for their registration by sensible microphones located near the surface of Earth. As emerging of penetrating particles is related to EAS developing in atmosphere, for the purposes of releasing acoustic emission on the noise background described in [40], it is proposed to use the correlation search between acoustic signals and signals on passing of EAS or muonic detector signals (with account of EAS trajectory). This will enable us to implement a direct monitoring of lithosphere internal state at the depths of 1÷10 km. Together with seismic acoustic monitoring of response of deep environment on the muon beam trigger action, this sounding represents a unique method of direct penetration into the compa- ratively near focal zone vicinity, as compared with other methods. Every individual measurement at the mu-meson monitoring is local, and collectively all measurements implemented at the certain time period enable us to control a certain amount of focal zone. The value of this parameter depends on sensitivity of the acoustic receivers, acoustic noise level and area of installation for detecting mu-meson flow. Searching of acoustic emission short-time signals in the events that are connected with high energy mu-mesons group passage was realized during a special experiment on the Tien Shan high-mountain station in 2012 year. During this experiment, in certain cases acoustic pulses of the significant amplitude in the narrow temporal vicinity (∼10 s) were observed after multiple mu-meson events registration. Nowadays, the Tien Shan shower installation modification is completed and it started EAS regular registration. The well was cleaned out up to 52 m deep, in which a microphone with sensitivity of 20 mV/Pa in the 500 – 10 000 Hz acoustic frequency range was mounted. The preliminary results, which were obtained by implementing such type of measurements, are illustrated in Fig.8. In it, we show examples of events in which distinctive short-time increases in amplitude of both the initial microphone signal and its low-frequency envelope jointly with shower installation data. The latter represent spatial distributions of the charged particles flow density (generally, electrons) for the several EAS, the passing moment of which preceded the acoustic signal moment by < 100 s. The mu-mesons from these EAS trunks in these cases 127 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan could play the triggering role, thereby invoking generation of elastic vibrations in the depth of Earth crust. On the basis of distributions of particles flow density we can obtain a series of estimations for fundamental shower parameters of EAS data, particularly for shower size (the total number of the shower generating charged particles). For the cases that are shown in figure 7, the size estimations fall in the particles range of 105 – 107 that corresponds to the initial energy of cosmic rays ≥ 31014 eV and multiplicity per one energetic mu-mesons shower of 1÷10 orders of magnitude. Thus, we have determined energy threshold of the acoustic signal response during EAS passing.

Figure 7 – Short-time events with significant increase in acoustic signal amplitude and EAS particles flow density distribution: A – EAS registration of the shower installation; B – a signal from the seismic event in the records of acoustic detector data

An example of registering acoustic signals and temperature in the well during the earthquake on 30 December 2017. In accordance with RGP IGI Center information, on 30th of December 2017 at 21 hours 55 minutes 43 seconds by Astana time (at 15 hours 55 minutes 43 seconds by Greenwich time) on the 19th km to the south from Almaty, a weak earthquake happened. The focus coordinates are 43.05 degrees of the northern latitude and 76.87 degrees of the eastern longitude. The magnitude was mb=3.3 and energy class – К=7.2. The earthquake source was situated at the depth of 10 km ( Figure 8 shows the earthquake’s epicentrum location relative to the well on the TSHVNS territory as well as on the territory of the Orbita Radiopolygon, where the measuring equipment was installed. Between November and beginning of December 2017, the following measuring equipment was installed in the well: microphone (with sensitivity of 25 Pa/Mv) for acoustic signals registration at the depth of up to 54 m, and three temperature sensors at the depths of 1 m, 24 m and 39 m [41]. There was a hardware and software

Figure 8 – Locations of earthquake epicenter (30.12.2017) of the catastrophic Vernen earthquake (1887), “Orbita” Radio poligon, the well on the TSHVNS and the Big Almaty Lake

128 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 package for infrasonic measurements, which belongs to the Institute of Ionosphere, on the Orbita Radiopolygon. In this institute starting from 2011, a continuous monitoring of infrasonic signals variations in surface atmosphere is traditionally implemented. It can be seen from figure 9 that 30th of December earthquake happened near the operating measuring complex. This gave us a unique chance to use a highly sensitive equipment for registering responses in the acoustic pulses and temperature variations during the earthquake. Registration and analysis of the findings were performed from 1st December 2017 to th 10 January 2018. Figure 9 shows simultaneous recording of the acoustic pulses and temperature variations in the well. The microphone registered two acoustic breaks with maximum the day before of earthquake (23 Decem- ber) and 30-31 December (during and after, respectively). As can be seen from figure 9a, these breaks occur at the same time with small increase in temperature in the well (Fig. 9b). As mentioned above, the pecu-liarity of the obtained data is that the earthquake’s focus and epicentrum was quite close to the well – only 5.3÷7.2 km away. According to the Dobrovolsky’s formula [42], the deformation processes in the lithosphere at the earthquake preparation are observed within the range of nominal radius from the epicenter: R= 100,43M, where R is radius in km and M is the earthquake’s magnitude.

Figure 9 – Comparing acoustic breaks (a) and temperature (b) variations data records registered in the wall a day before, during and after the 30.12.2017 earthquake. By vertical lines we designate the breaks days before and during the earthquake

The Dobrovolsky’s formula tells us that for the earthquake with magnitude M = 3.3 (30 December 2017), the radius, within the range of which the deformation processes in the lithosphere take place, equals to 26.2 km. Therefore, location of the downhole measuring equipment location at the distance of 5.3÷7.2 km from the earthquake epicenter fits into the nominal radius and is situated in the zone of the most active processes of the earthquake preparation. This very fact of close location of the well from the earthquake’s epicenter allows us register anomalous effects in geophysical fields at the weak earthquake’s preparation. In order to confirm authenticity of the findings, we have performed a concretization of the earth- quake’s (happened on 30.12.2017) coordinates relative to the measuring well, since the seismological data presented by different seismological services ambiguously determined the earthquake epicenter and the center of origin. Dispersion of earthquake’s coordinates according to data of different seismological services, Internet sites, urgent reports, interactive bulletins and prompt catalogues is presented in table 2 and figure 10. As can be seen from table 2 that geographical coordinates of the earthquake’s epicenter are different for more than 0.3 degrees (> 30 km) and the earthquake’s hypocenter was determined as 3÷10 km. In table 2 we also provide different times of the earthquake’s main shock and its magnitude. Therefore, a question arises about the location of earthquake’s real epicenter and hypocenter. Does the location of measuring well fit in the circle which is defined by Dobrovolsky nominal radius R? Is the measuring well really situated in the near-field zone (5.3÷7.2 km) or in the far-field zone of the Dobrovolsky's nominal radius? In figure 10, we depicted earthquake coordinates dispersion by data from different sources. Thus, we have six different epicenter coordinates of the same earthquake. Among them, some coordinates were situated in the near-field zone, the rest were situated in far-field zone of the Dobro- volsky's nominal radius. To answer a question which seismological service delivered the most precise 129 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Table 2 – Seismological data of different seismological services

Latitude Longitude Earthquake Depth Magnitude Source of data NL EL time km Mb Mpv НяЦ-1 – prompt catalogues service 43,0515 76,8774 15:55:45,61 0 3,4 3,1 НяЦ-2 – interactive bulletin 43,3584 76,8681 15:55:45,0 3 3,5 3,3 СОМЭ-1 – prompt catalogues service 43,0900 76,8800 15:55:45 10 – 4,2 СОМЭ-2 – prompt catalogues 43,1000 76,9000 15:55:45,8 10 – 4,2 RAN geophysical service

– prompt catalogues service 43,23 76,85 15:55:45 10 4,1 – European Mediterranean 43,21 76,76 15:55:45,1 2 3,8 seismological Centre

Figure 10 – The earthquake’s epicenter (30.12.2017) disposition by the data of different seismological services, urgent reports, interactive bulletins and prompt catalogues data relative to the measuring well and the Orbita Radio polygon. By large circles the epicenters in far-field zone of the Dobrovolsky's nominal radius were labeled; by small circles the epicenters in the near-field zone were labeled

location of the earthquake’s epicenter and hypocenter relative to measuring well, we used data of hard- ware and software package for infrasound measurement, which belongs to the Institute of Ionosphere, on the Orbita Radiopolygon. This infrasonic complex registered appearance of the “surface-atmosphere” (ground-coupledairwaves) exchange waves, which were generated at the expense of the Earth surface vertical displacement at seismic waves transmission through 2.1 seconds after earthquake (figure 11). It should be noted that the exchange waves were first discovered using infrasonic sensors as early as in the sixties of the last century [43-45]. Taking into account that the seismic wave reached Orbita Radiopolygon from earthquake focus after 2.1 seconds with the speed of 6 km/s, then the calculated distance from the earthquake focus to the infrasonic sensor equals to 12.5 km. With an account of the

Figure 11 – Using infrasonic sensor to register exchange waves which were generated by seismic wave transmission. Vertical line we mark earthquake’s time happened on 30.12.2017

130 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 infrasonic measurements data analysis, one can conclude that the best coincidence corresponds to the point with coordinates presented by the prompt catalogues. Therefore, the well with the mea- suring equipment was situated in the near-field zone of the Dobrovolsky’s nominal radius. Hence one can definitely come to the following conclusions: – For the seismic processes activation monitoring the new complex of the measuring equipment was implemented, which was situated in the well on the "Kosmostantsiya" territory near the Keminsky and Vernensky catastrophic earthquakes sources. – Seven days before and during the earthquake (30 December 2017) by M = 3.3 magnitude using this new complex of measuring equipment revealed simultaneous abnormal effects in the acoustic pulses and temperature variations. – We had a unique event when the earthquake took place near the measuring well (5.3÷7.2 km). Consequently, we have demonstrated high sensitivity of the measuring complex towards the weak earth- quake preparation. – Near disposition of the earthquake’s focus to the well was confirmed by the infrasonic measure- ments on the Orbita Radiopolygon while registering exchange waves after the main shock. Registration and investigation of the radio emission from EAS. Registration of radio-emission generated by particles of high-energy extensive air showers (EAS) has a number of advantages over other methods of primary cosmic ray investigation, both of which are based on direct registration of shower particles (a relative simple and cheap radio-detector system compared with wide-spread electronic detector systems, the large spatial volume of the space controlled by a single radio antenna, a sensitivity to the characteristics of longitudinal EAS development), and the methods connected with the registration of Cherenkov and fluorescent EAS emissions in ultraviolet and optic diapasons (an unrestricted duty cycle of radio installation which is independent of daytime and weather conditions). During the measurements searching for EAS connected radio-signals at Tien Shan four radio antennas are used as detectors of Almarec which are oriented to the north-west and north-east. Each antenna station is located at a distance of 30 m from the registration point in the north, south, west, east direction and has two perpendicular loop antennas of the SALLA type, which allow to restore the polarization of the electromagnetic wave. Setting up a radio-signal registration system mostly sensitive in the 30-80 MHz radio frequency range. This system is aimed for simultaneous operation with the EAS particle density and Cherenkov radiation detectors which are present at the station, and will permit a mutual calibration of all these independent methods of EAS investigation. As a result of the preliminary experiment, which was made using a newly installed dipole radio- antennae set, some candidate events were selected which demonstrate the presence of a noticeable radio- signal pulse in closest 1–3 µs vicinity of EAS arrival time. Specific features of particle density distribution in these events permit to state that most of them have a rather high primary energy E0> (2–5)1016 eV and a close location of their shower cores near to the radio-antennae set, so the time coincidence of the obser- ved radio-pulse with the shower front arrival time in these events cannot be fully accidental. Hence, the radio-antennae system installed at Tien Shan together with a designed program complex for registration of its signal do indeed ensure an effective selection of radio-emission from EAS particles. Later on, with the use of an EAS radio-emission registration method, an enlargement of the energy range of primary cosmic 19 ray investigation at Tien Shan up to E0 ~ 10 eV is anticipated. Studying electric storm phenomena on the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station of the cosmic rays. TShHSS is located as high as the level of clouds passing and during summer thunderstorms the station becomes inside the thunderstorm phenomena. For the spatial (by horizontal and vertical) and temporal investigation of the electronic and gamma radiation from the thunderstorm clouds [46,47], nine points for registering radiation were created in which different detectors were used (figure 12). As can be seen from Fig.12, the registration points were located in the gorge along the arc by ~ 2 km length and from 0 to +540 m along the altitude from the 3340 m mark. Main systems for registering thunderstorm phenomena. The measuring complex of the Tien Shan station is composed of the following detector systems [48]: - shower triggering system made of distributed across the station territory hodoscopes on gas- discharge counters SI5G, which registers a moment of the broad atmospheric shower transmission and

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Figure 12 – Disposition of detectors layout on TShHSS for the thunderstorm phenomena registration allows estimate its size and cosmic rays primary particle energy by coincidence of signals from different group counters; - the scintillation system of detectors on the NaI (TI) crystals for registering soft gamma- and hard roentgen radiation intensity from thunderstorm clouds with time resolution from 100 μs to 1 minute in the six energy ranges from 20 keV to 5 MeV; - Multiple-row spectrometers of internal absorptance were composed of disposed one above another gas-discharge counters hodoscopes interleaved by the thin layers of absorbent (rubber, lead and iron). The spectrometers served for registration of electrons accelerated in the thunderstorm clouds electrical field and emitted by them gamma- and roentgen quanta and also for estimation of their energy by absorption curve; - muonic detector was composed of proportional counters disposed in underground placement at a depth of 2000 g/cm2 with 100 m2 total sensible area, which used for EAS muonic component registration; - a system of the high-energy and thermal neutrons intensity monitoring, including HM64 neutron supermonitor, was supplemented by the spectrometer on sensible to neutron radiation scintillation counters, neutron monitor on CHM15 counters in the underground placement and separated detectors on the base of CHM17, CHM18, “Helium 2” distributed across station territory; - two independent radiosystems were operating in the frequency range of 0.1÷30 MHz and at 250 MHz. The systems were used for registering radio radiation with high temporal resolution (200 ns), which was generated in the thunderstorm clouds at striking and also for determining a direction on discharge location by the relative radio signals delay; - detector of rapid change (jump) of the static electrical field and its high-frequency component (return lightning stroke). During the lightning discharge moment, this detector produces a control signal (trigger) for the whole complex of the measuring equipment. Since all measuring systems were intended to work directly inside of the thunderstorm cloud, in the conditions of high electromagnetic interference from striking, the impulse signal transmission from detectors to the registration centers is implemented along shielded cable (of 3 km in length) using trans- mitting and receiving amplifiers implemented by vacuum electronic lamps. For registering the radiation sourced from thunderstorm clouds, the two types of completely different detectors were used on the experimental complex installations: hodoscopes on gauzy ionization counters SI5G and scintillation detectors on the base of NaI(Tl) crystals. During the thunderstorm seasons, the measurements are conducted continuously, with permanent recording of the signals intensity current values onto the hard-disc of controlling LCU computer.

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Studying lightning formation processes with simultaneous registration of different types of radiation: electrons, gamma- and roentgen radiation. Gamma- and roentgen radiation bursts from the thunderstorm clouds, finding which is the goal of measurements, can occur as a result of emergence of the energetic electrons avalanche, accelerated by the thunderstorm cloud electric field. The inoculating electrons with the minimum required energy for acceleration can emerge inside of this cloud, particularly during transmission through atmosphere of the extensive air showers (AES), which are generated by energetic particles of cosmic radiation (with energies above 1 ÷ 10 PeV). The conditions for the scanning system’s triggering signal generation were chosen in accordance with the expected burst generation physical mechanism: high strength electric field in the experimental installation disposition region, and striking and shower electrons from passing AES. In order to satisfy these conditions, three types of trigger signals were used in the experiment [49]. Firstly, the trigger signal was received by the data collection system from the local electric field strength sensor, which was located near the scintillation detectors system center (approximately in the middle of between NEV and KAPT points in the figure 12). Since the rapid field drop (during μs) in the installation region should be accompanied by the striking, this trigger was generated in the moments of the field strength jumping (“bounces”) and corresponded closely to striking. Secondly, as the trigger signal we used an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which, as it turned out in the process of measurements, was directed by striking on the long signal cables, connecting remote points of detectors location (figure 12 – KAPT, TUR1, TUR2 and TUR3) with the registration center. After appro- priate amplification, this pulse was sent to the temporal scanning system and initiated recording of the scintillation signals intensity during the striking inside the thunderstorm cloud. Thirdly, for registering the EAS transmission moments we used a signal from shower trigger system, which also caused conservation of the information about scintillations intensity near this moment. In order to reduce intensity of the shower trigger signals with simultaneous increase in the energy of the primary particles average, we used signals of the fourfold coincidence between separate detectors of this sub- system for the trigger signal generating. Registration of Striking by ionization spectrometer. For investigating the registered charged particles and gamma-quanta energy spectra we used a multilayer ionization spectrometer, presented in Fig. 13. One small premise could house three modules. In one module four layers with 60 counters each were situated (figure 13). Between counters there were absorbers, which are the lead layers and rubber rich by carbon. Such multilayer system composed of the ionization counters and absorbers transforms the installation from the simple radiation detector to the spectrometer of full absorption which allows estimate energy spectra of registered charged particles and gamma-quanta by signals intensity correlation in different layers of counters [50]. Since the coefficient of absorption of gamma-quanta in the photoeffect region strongly depends on the absorbent atomic number, the filters composed of different substances provide different threshold energy of gamma radiation, registered in each layer of the spectrometer, and gives full energy spectra of the registered charged particles and gamma-quanta.

Figure 13 – A multilayer spectrometer for radiation energy estimation during thunderstorm phenomena. The measurement results by ionization spectrometer

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Figure 13 depicts the result, which was obtained on the ionization spectrometer at the thunderstorm time on 9 June 2015. The electrons registration continued during an hour and a half from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. The burst maximum was observed at the lightning, which happened at 10.48 a.m. With an account of thickness of ionization spectrometer adsorbent as well as the absorption curve, we can estimate energy of electrons as the value no less than 12 MeV. Observing energetic electrons at short bursts and specific features of these bursts (quasi-periodical structure of the radiation intensity at the burst time and the bursts timed to the moments with the electric field maximal strength) enable us interpret short burst of radiation as a direct experimental observation of the particles, accelerated in the thunderstorm cloud electric field. Registration of striking by the scintillation detector. When passing through scintillation crystal, the charged particles or a gamma-quantum generate pulses of variable amplitude, where the scintillation pulse value is proportional to the energy scattered by registered particles inside the crystal. In figure 14, we show the registration point with scintillation detector and a result of its operation. The scintillation detector pulse carries important information. It is proportional to the energy of the absorbed inside the spectrometer gamma-quantum in the wide range of amplitudes. To use this information when working with scintillation signals, it is necessary to use a certain amplitude analysis method. For this goal during the experiment, fast parallel amplitudes discriminators were used. The threshold levels, at which the discriminators are triggered, are adapted by the potentiometers “Porog” by the ascending values: 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.5В. The counting circuits of the data collection system allows define intensity of the signals separately for each amplitude interval between these values (the last sixth interval do not have the upper bound and correspond to all input pulses with the amplitude >3.5V ). This way the system appro- ximately estimates the type of the amplitude spectrum of the registered gamma radiation.

Figure 14 – A gamma radiation registration point (a) and measurement results with scintillation detector (b)

Figure 15 shows the result received on scintillation detector during the thunderstorm on 9 June 2015. As can be seen from figure 14, the lightning flash was registered in the detectors simultaneously. Unlike the ionization detectors, the relative value of increase in the scintillation signals intensity was equal to ~ 15%, that is greater by one order of magnitude than for the ionization counters, in spite of substantially smaller (twentyfold) area of the scintillator sensible surface. It was established that long-period increases were induced precisely by gamma radiation to which the crystalline scintillators are particularly sensible. This circumstance confirms the conclusion about stipulation of such bursts by accelerated charged particles, i.e. electrons, as well as by its X-ray brems- strahlung. With an account of thicknesses of ionization spectrometer's absorber and the absorption curve, one can estimate the electrons’ energy, which in this case no less than 12 MeV. Conclusion. Today, in high-energy physics there are several strongly different phenomenological models of the hadronic interactions are used, each of which claims for adequate description of hadron- nucleus interaction at the extra-high energy. Their difference leads to significantly diverse conclusions about nature of coplanar generation of the most energetic particles that are parts of the extensive air 134 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 shower (EAS) trunks. The latter cannot be described by the hadronic interactions conventional models, i.e. events of “centaur” or “anti-centaur” types with the anomalous high part energy, released in the charged component, or on the contrary, in the neutral component. Observation of abnormally weak absorbing had- rons permitted to raise a question about the cosmic rays (CR) long-range nuclear-interacting component in the region of the spectra breaking in the mass composition of the primary cosmic rays (PCR). The latter consequently resulted from solving an inverse problem, which is recovering spectra parameters and PCR composition by EAS observed characteristics. Since the problem of PCR composition at the ultrahigh energy is far from being solved, the initial goals set for EAS complex installations are as relevant as before. But now this problem can be solved in a more effective way, if we base not only on high level of understanding of the problem but also on the progress of the last decades in the field of experimental and computer technologies, which allows us use new methods of the experimental data processing and analysis. Precisely such an approach is laid as a foundation in the installations that are located on Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station, which, as we understand, are able to make a significant headway in solving classical problems (studying the PCR parameters and building interaction model), which as before, remained unsolved by the complex installations of the EAS registration. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Dr. Timur Umarov for much useful help.

А. Х. Аргынова1, Б. Искаков1, В. В. Жуков3, К. М. Мукашев2, А. Д. Мурадов2, В. В. Пискаль3, Н. О. Садуев2, Т. X. Садыков1, Н. М. Салихов4, А. С. Серикканов1, Е. М. Таутаев1, Ф. Ф. Умаров5

1Satpayev University, Физика-техникалық институты, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2әл-Фараби атындағы Казақ Ұлттық Университеті, Алматы, Қазахстан, 3Биік таулы Тянь-Шань ғылыми станциясы, ФИАН филиалы, Алматы, Қазақстан, 4Ионосфера институты, Алматы, Қазақстан, 5Казақ-Британ техникалық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Жұмыста Физика-техникалық институттың биік таулы Тянь-Шань ғылыми станциясында ғарыш сәулелерінің физикасы мен астрофизикасы туралы көптеген з ерттеу құрылымдарымен бірлесе орын- даған зерттеу бағыттарының нәтижелері баяндалады. Зерттеу жұмыстарының басты бағыттарын құраушы негізгі бөлімдер: «Горизонт-Т» қондырғысының көмегімен энергисы 1017 эВ жоғары деңгейдегі ғарыш сәуле- лерінің құрамында орын алатын жаңа физикалық процестерге зерттеулер жүргізіледі; тасқындарды тіркеуші қондырғыларда ғарыш сәулелерінің бастапқы спектрінің «сыну» кеңістігіндегі (1014–1017эВ) ауқымды атмо- сфералық тасқындардың қасиеттері зерттеледі; «Адрон-55» қондырғысымен энергиясы жоғары, ауқымды атмосфералық тасқынның алдыңғы конусын- да пайда болатын бөлшектердің құрылымдық талдауы зерделенеді және энергиясы 0,5 ТэВ жоғары ғарыш- тық гамма-сәулелерінің көздері іздестіріледі; «Радио-3» қондырғысының көмегімен ауқымды атмосфералық тасқын кезінде туындайтын радио диапазондағы толқындар тіркеуден өткізіеді; «Гроза» қондырғысымен Тянь-Шань биік таулы станциясы маңайында күн күркіреуі кезінде орын алатын электрлік процестер талда- нады; сейсмикалық белсенділігі басым Алматы аймағындағы жер қыртысының кернеулігін зерттеу жұмыс- тары ғарыш сәулелерінің құрамындағы жоғары энергиялық мюондарды тіркеу арқылы орындалады. Түйін сөздер: ауқымды атмосфералық тасқындар, мюондар, гамма-сәулесінің көздері, радиотолқындар, нейтрондар ағыны, сеймикалық белсенді аймақ, жер қыртысының кернеулігі.

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А. Х. Аргынова1, Б. Искаков1, В. В. Жуков3, К. М. Мукашев2, А. Д. Мурадов2, В. В. Пискаль3, Н. О. Садуев2, Т. X. Садыков1, Н. М. Салихов4, А. С. Серикканов1, Е. М. Таутаев1, Ф. Ф. Умаров5

1Satpayev University, Физико-технический институт, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Казахский Национальный Университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 3Тянь-Шаньская высокогорная научная станция, филиал ФИАН РАН, Алматы, Казахстан, 4Институт ионосферы, Алматы, Казахстан, 5Казахстанско-Британский технический университет, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. В работе представлены научные направления по физике и астрофизике космических лучей, проводимые на Тянь-Шаньской высокогорной научной станции Физико-техническим институтом в сотруд- ничестве с другими исследовательскими группами. Программа исследований содержит следующие основные разделы: на установке «Горизонт–Т» проводится изучение новых процессов в космических лучах при энер- гиях выше 1017 эВ; на ливневой установке исследуются свойства широких атмосферных ливней в области из- лома первичного спектра космических лучей (1014–1017эВ); на установке «Адрон-55»ведется поиск структур в распределениях частиц из переднего конуса широких атмосферных ливней при высоких энергиях и и изу- чаются гамма источники космического излучения с энергией выше 0,5 ТэВ; на установке «Радио-3» реги- стрируются радиоизлучения от широких атмосферных ливней (ШАЛ); на установке «Гроза» проводится ис- следование грозовых явлений на Тянь-Шанской высокогорной научной станции космических лучей; степень напряженности в земной коре Алматинского сейсмоактивного региона исследуется с привлечением метода регистрации мюонов космических лучей высоких энергий. Ключевые слова: широкие атмосферные ливни, мюоны, гамма-источники, радиоизлучение, потоки нейтронов, сейсмо-активный регион, степень напряженности земной коры.

Information about authors: Argynova A. Kh., Satpayev University, Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Iskakov B., Satpayev University, Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Jukov V. V., Tien-Shan High-Altitude Scientific Station. P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Mukashev K. M., al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Muradov A. D., al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Piskal V. V., Tien-Shan High-Altitude Scientific Station. P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Aca- demy of Science, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Saduyev N. O., al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Sadykov T. X., Satpayev University, Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Salihov N. M., Institute of Ionosphere, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; https: // 0000-0002- 6150-0207 Serikkanov A. S., Satpayev University, Institute of Physics and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Tautaev E. M., Institute of Physics and Technology at the Kazakh Technical University named after K. I. Sat- payev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Umarov F. F., Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];

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UDC 656.13

N. Sabraliev1, Z. Zh. Tursymbekova2 , R. Musalieva2, J. А. Baiburaeva2, I. Taran3, E. Karsibaev2, Zh. Zhanbirov2

1Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy named after L. B. Goncharov, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2Kazakh Academy of transport and communication named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Department of Transportation Management, National TU Dnipro Polytechnik, Dnipro, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. A method of searching for the optimal control system of car exploitation is proposed. The impe- mentation of the results of the study to improve the reliability of the management system of the exploitation of the vehicle fleet made it possible to obtain, according to preliminary calculations, the economic effect of more than 10 million tenge, the profitability of the company amounted to 32.69% against 22.55 in 2017 and productivity increased by 12%. Keywords: motor transport, factors, analysis, social economy, increase, reliability, efficiency, accounting, finance.

Introduction. Improving the efficiency of the exploitation of vehicles, due to changes in the market space, requires improving the management of road transport enterprises. The market is determined by three features listed below [1]: – formation of the volume of services for consumers; – determining the amount of profit from any type of vehicle exploitation; – strategy of enterprise development. To achieve the goal of effectively implementing the strategic plan, you need to plan current activities. As listed above, the motor company must have step-by-step action plans to implement its strategic plan [2]. Main part. Improving the sustainability of the management of the motor vehicle exploitation chain is the reliability of service vehicles, professional driver training and the technical condition of vehicles, the “in-time” and high-quality execution of orders. The effectiveness of the financial sustainability of road transport enterprises depends on the proper use of cars on their list. Therefore, organizational work should begin with the performance of cars, and for this you can apply the following equation [3]:

Wab = g / tоборот , (1) where g – is the load capacity of cars;  – multiplication factor of the use of the capacity of cars; tоборот – time to complete one order by car or the turnaround period. If for the case of order fulfillment, several or different load-lifting cars are used, then their average value, that is, their payload capacity, is used as the load capacity [4]. For example, for the transportation of grain, the multiplicity value of 0.9 can be taken as follows. When the entire volume of cargo is equal, the number of vehicles needed is determined as follows:

Nab = Wж / Wab . (2) 139 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A schedule of movement of vehicles during the execution of the order is planned in connection with the performance of mechanisms in places of loading and unloading. Features of the method of planning the exploitation of vehicles. Exact lead time t, that is, the time of motor vehicle exploitation must meet these conditions, tb  t  tc the beginning and end of work in places where goods are accepted. For this reason, when planning the exploitation of vehicles, it is necessary to determine the preparation of a special place for unloading goods at the points of acceptance, for this purpose, the calculation procedures for the following conditions are carried out [5, 6]:

TД  t + Tap , (3) where Tд – is the ready time for taking the cargo brought by the car; Tар – time periods of vehicles with cargo. If the place for unloading is not ready during the arrival of the car with cargo, then it can stand, such downtime is denoted as h, and they can be planned as a step-by-step table of movements. If such a condition is met and preserved, then the plan for using cars can be called t > tc complete as well. If several cars are used to provide transportation services or work, the preparation of mechanisms for unloading goods and their free state affects the efficiency of vehicle exploitation, so a working table or schedule of vehicles is performed depending on the productivity of unloading mechanisms [7, 8]. To do this, the following requirements must be met: 𝑡 𝑡𝑇 Т , (4) ТК where 𝑡 – ready time for loading loads of loading devices; Т – time from the loading of car’s cargoes to the destination; 𝛿 – the lowest load carrying capacity of vehicles involved in the exploitaton of the vehicle; 𝑊тк – productivity of loading devices; 𝑇 – time spent on additional work when loading cargo. After determining the schedule of movement, in the period of t-time, depending on the brand of the car, places for unloading and loading are prepared. For this purpose, using this equation, platform and places of loading unloading are prepared or the type and brand of car is selected in accordance with the width of the site [9-11] t t T g W  T T t T  t , (5) i abzi 62 ТZ d , Z авz i where 𝑡 – the period of the last unloading of cargo; 𝑇 – the time of the planned movement of the vehicle or the operation of vehicles; 𝑇ав – the time of movement of the vehicle from a fixed place to a load of cargo; ti – car start time. Therefore, managers and specialists of the motor company, in accordance with the type of order, distance and preparation of goods, prepare specific vehicles to ensure the effective implementation of the order, decide to take as much benefit and profit from their movement. The aim of the work is to study the basic requirements imposed on such systems was their high controllability in the changing external conditions of exploitation with guaranteed achievement of a given result for road transport enterprises. Research of the system’s solutions. The reliability and control of the exploitation of vehicles is influenced by the cost and change of tariff in the market of transport services. Basically, the establishment of the tariff depending on the distance traveled is calculated on the make of cars and long-distance roads, on the types of cargo and carrying capacity. Tariff setting depending on the distance traveled, it takes place by concluding a contract on a bilateral basis, after the customer has determined what type of vehicle it is for. Tariff set by time is assigned for 1 hour, 2 hours or 1 business day. The cost of operating vehicles is determined by the formula: 𝐶 𝐶 𝐶 𝑡 /𝐺 , (6) where Сос – is the sum of working capital spent per 1 km of the car, tenge; 𝐿 – distance, km; 𝑔 – mileage utilization factor; С – amount of permanent funds spent per 1 km of the vehicle tenge; 𝑉т – technical speed of the vehicle, km/h; 𝑡тт – downtime for loading and unloading the car, h.; 𝐺 – load capacity, t; 𝑆 – the utilization rate of the vehicle.

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The profitability of the exploitation of vehicles per 1 ton of cargo is determined by the formula:

𝑟 ∗ 100 , (7) where dm – the rate of motor transport exploitation per 1 ton of cargo. The pre-planned rate of vehicle exploitation or profitability is calculated as follows: 𝑑 . (8) As given in the equations above, the volume of profits lost during downtime of cars in the process of vehicle exploitation is restored at the expense of the customer. This circumstance must be fully agreed by the customer in advance, as well as discuss the cost of services in advance. Considering such possible unexpected cases of downtime, the cost of providing transportation services is determined by the formula:

𝐵𝐶 𝑇∗𝐶 𝑃∗𝐶 , (9) where 𝐶– the order rate, tg; 𝑇 – car time spent at the customer, hours; 𝐶 – fare free downtime of car for 1 hour during loading and unloading tg/h; Р – volume of work performed, tkm; 𝐶 – the rate of use of the car for 1-tg / tkm. Tariffs are not only a task of economic production and internal planning of a motor transport enterprise. Reduces of the tariff or reduces of the cost of transport services by reducing the distance between the fixed location or temporary parking of cars and loading points, however, the amount of funds allocated for the organization of temporary parking and material and technical base should ensure the receipt of the planned amount of profit. Therefore, for organizing a temporary parking lot from a material and technical base, motor transport enterprises need many special organization procedures, shown below in figure 1.

Technical base Stable for stable infrastructure of the material Stable Temporary parking social structure

Main order Social in the manufacturing structure sector

Infrastructure Mobile social structure

Technical base Mobile for mobile material infrastructure

Motor Transport Enterprise

Figure 1 – Scheme of the organization of the material and technical base of the temporary parking lot of the motor transport enterprises 141 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As shown in figure 1, for the effective use of any vehicles, special temporary parking, facilities and devices for their technical repair and maintenance, storage space for spare parts, places for food and rest for drivers and workers are needed. And also, by concluding a clearly defined bilateral agreement between the customer and the vehicle exploitation, also consider additional actions and procedures that benefit both parties. It is well known that all technologies and equipment require technical repair and maintenance, replacement of spare parts and tools for cars in the required period. Therefore, to ensure continuous improvement of technical training of vehicles, it is necessary that there is a special material and technical base nearby. That is, to ensure the financial efficiency of the motor company, you need to be able to maintain the conditions of its internal dynamic mechanisms. The figure 2 below shows a schematic diagram of the organization and management of trucks at the facility.

ШД ШД 3 t j

3 1 t i t j 2 t j

t j



2 1 Д ti ti

0 tij


Figure 2 – Schematic diagram of the organization at the facility, where AП is the motor transport enterprise; ПС – producers of raw materials; manufacturers of finished products; Д – finished products; ШД is the location of the manufacturer of the necessary semi-finished products and raw materials

The construction schedule of a specific object is designed in such a way that the builders need to deliver the finished construction materials in a timely manner in the right amount and quantity. The facility has no place or warehouse for storage of building materials. 38 trucks, in particular, 20 KAMAZ dump trucks, 8-on-board KAMAZ trucks, 5 Gazel cars, 3 Gas-53 dump trucks, and 2 truck cranes based on Zil, were attracted to service the construction site. However, for the organization of temporary parking and points additional costs are required, the amount of which is determined by the formula: k , (10) 1   1 ij  ALmP 1 i  1 and the intensity of the operation of transport processes is determined by the following formula: k , (11)   LmI ij /  / tAt i1 11 11 1 where k – the indicator of the necessary material and technical values for the organization of temporary stops and points; m – motor vehicle exploitation; the possibility of a motor transportation enterprise.

142 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 3 – The proposed scheme of organization of exploitation of trucks, where (Ai) is a construction company (Bi) is an auto transport enterprise (Ci) is a warehouse of building materials and Li is the distance between objects

Table 1 – Estimated cost of organizations of temporary parking lots

No. Rented main assets (container) Total sum for a month, doll. USA 1 Power Supply (kitchen, dining room) 800,0 2 Dormitory for 15 people 800,0 3 Repair room 800,0 4 Room for rest and meeting room 800,0 5 Electrical station 900,0 6 petrol, oil and lubricants. 300,0 7 (15 litre a day – 100 tg./litre) 8 linen 600,0 9 groceries (1000tg/24 hours) 3000,0 10 Unexpected costs 800,0 11 In total 8 800,0

The total monthly amount of expenses required for organizations and the maintenance of temporary parking lots is $ 11,050.0. For comparison, let us consider the cost of trucks for servicing customer sites depending on the distance of the location of motor transport enterprises. Fuel consumption is -40 l / 100 km, the cost of fuel is 110 tg / l, other costs of the car, taking into account the driver’s wages, are taken as 20% of the cost of fuel, so the present value of the fuel is 132 tg / l or $ 60.

Table 2 – Estimated cost of mileage cars at the present value

No. Amount of cars 10 km 20 km 30 km 40 km 50 km 60 km 1 5 120,0 240,0 360,0 480,0 600,0 720,0 2 10 1200,0 2400,0 3600,0 4800,0 6000,0 7200,0 3 15 1320,0 2640,0 3960,0 5280,0 6600,0 7920,0

If we take into account that the calculation was made at one end, the total cost is multiplied by two, then the chart of the cost of downtime of mileage of vehicles from the motor company to the customer’s facility looks like this. 143 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

$18 000

$16 000 7920

$14 000 6600 $12 000

5280 $10 000 15 авто 10 авто $8 000 3960 7200 5 авто 6000 $6 000 2640 4800 $4 000 3600 1320 2400 $2 000 1200 480 600 720 $0 120 240 360 10км 20км 30км 40км 50км 60км

Figure 4 – The cost of trucks from the distance of the location of the ATP and the object: 1 – total amount of costs for temporary parking

As can be seen their schedule, if the distance exceeds more than 40 km, it is beneficial for the management of a motor transport company to organize special maintenance and car repair points, a point for rest and catering for drivers and repairmen, as well as other persons involved in a specific task. Organized in the place where the main motor transport enterprise is located and in the vicinity of the main construction site at a distance Lj a temporary parking of material and technical base. All automobiles participating in the exploitation of motor transport, all drivers and technical workers are located in this parking lot and all housing and social conditions are organized for them. If the place needed for construction is named (K), and the place of use of motor vehicles for construction materials (D), then their distance should not increase the amount of free vehicle downtime. The results of the implementation of the proposed system of management of motor vehicle exploitation of trucks. Below the economic indicators of Bastau LLP for the reporting year, the income from motor transport services decreased by 13,658.0 thousand tenge, that is, by 35.3%, and the cost of services rendered, on the contrary, increased by 10,305.5 thousand tenge. The reason for this growth can be explained by the increase in material costs by 7,684, 0 thousand tenge. And if the total income in 2017 amounted to 7601.0 thousand tenge, then in 2017, the company received a loss of 16 363.0 thousand tenge. The reason for this is the increase in recurring expenses by 2,585.3 thousand tenge, as a result of which the loss from the main work amounted to 21,674.3 thousand tenge, and the income from non-core work in 2017 amounted to 16380.8 thousand tenge. The total income based on the results of 2015 showed a loss of 4,875.0 thousand tenge, and in 2017 5,293,500 tenge. The average number of employees on the list decreased by 4 people, and the payroll fund decreased by 56.8 thousand tenge, however, the average annual salary of employees, by contrast, increased by 1.9 thousand tenge, which is explained by a decrease in staff. The average annual value of fixed assets increased by 10,626.0 thousand tenge, that is, by 62 percent, but the return fund decreased by 1.25 tenge, which is 60 percent.

144 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The reason for the decline is associated with a decrease in the volume of services rendered. In this regard, we analyze the impact of fixed assets on the scope of the provision of automotive services for motor vehicles. The amount of profit as a result of using the proposed management system exceeded 10,000,000 tenge, the profitability of the company compared to 2015, according to the report for 2017, increased from 22.55 to 32.69, labor productivity increased by 12 percent. Conclusion. In accordance with the general theory of systems, a local transport system can be defined as an extended integrated transit system. Produced studies allow us to draw the following main conclusions: – Creation of the scientific basis for the development of the organization and management of the motor transport enterprise and new technologies give the economy of Kazakhstan a new level of quality of motor transport services, which will lead to a decrease in the level of transport expenses in the republic's GDP by 20-25%. – Implementation of the results of the study to improve the reliability of the system of managing the exploitation of the vehicle fleet allowed to obtain, according to preliminary calculations, the economic effect of more than 10 million tenge, the enterprise profitability was 32.69% against 22.55 in 2017 and productivity increase by 12%.

Н. Сабралиев1, З. Турсымбекова2, Р. Мусалиева2, Ж. Байбураева2, И. Таран 3, Е. Карсыбаев2, Ж. Жанбиров2

1Л. Гончаров атындағы Казақ автокөлік-жолдары академиясы, Алматы, Казахстан, 2 М. Тынышбаев атындығы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясы, Алматы Казахстан, 3Ұлттық техникалық университет, Днепр, Украина


Аннотация: Автокөлікті пайдалану, оңтайлы басқару жүйесін іздеу, әдісі ұс ынылған. Автопаркті пайдалануды басқару жүйесінің сенімділігін арттыру бойынша зерттеу нәтижелерін енгізу алдын ала есеп- теулер бойынша 10 млн теңгеден астам экономикалық тиімділікті алуға мүмкіндік берді, кәсіпорынның рентабельділігі 2017 жылғы 22,55 қарағанда 32,69%-ды құрады және өнімділік 12%-ға артты. Түйін сөздер: автомобиль көлігі, факторлар, талдау, әлеуметтік экономика, жоғарылату, сенімділік, тиімділік, бухгалтерлік есеп, қаржы

Н. Сабралиев1, З. Турсымбекова2, Р. Мусалиева2, Ж. Байбураева2, И. Таран 3, Е. Карсыбаев2, Ж. Жанбиров2

1Казахская автомобильно-дорожная академия им. Л. Б. Гончарова, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Казахская академия транспорта и коммуникации им. М. Тынышпаева, Алматы, Казахстан, 3Национальный технический университет, Днепр, Украина


Аннотация. Предложен метод поиска оптимальной системы управления, эксплуатации автомобиля. Внедрение результатов исследования по повышению надежности системы управления эксплуатацией авто- парка позволило получить, по предварительным расчетам, экономический эффект более 10 млн тенге, рентабельность предприятия составила 32,69% против 22,55 в 2017 году и производительность увеличилась на 12%. Ключевые слова: автомобильный транспорт, факторы, анализ, социальная экономика, повышение, надежность, эффективность, бухгалтерский учет, финансы.

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Information about authors: Sabraliev N., Professor, Candidate of Technical sciences, Kazakh Automobile and Road Academy Named after L.B. Goncharov, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected], Tursymbekova Z. Zh., Professor, Candidate of Technical sciences, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0001-6483-5451 Musalieva R., Assistent Professor, Candidate of Technical sciences, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0001-8867-9932 Baiburaeva J. А., master of science, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Karsibaev E., Professor, Doctor of Technical sciences, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Zhanbirov Zh., Professor, Doctor of Technical sciences, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0000-0002-6444-0836


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T. N. Volkova1, O. A. Borisenko1, I. L. Kovalyova1, L. I. Rozina1, O. A. Soboleva1, V. A. Trofimchenko1, D. E. Nurmukhanbetova2

1All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2University of Narxoz, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. For the past few decades, beverage manufacturers have spent on solving a global problem: to achieve products that are microbiologically safe and highly resistant. This goal was successfully achieved by improving production sanitary condition, as well as by expanding pest microorganisms’ knowledges. However, significant changes are currently being observed in non-alcoholic drinks assortment: juice drinks, non-alcoholic malt drinks, tooth-friendly drinks, functional drinks are becoming increasingly popular. There is a tendency to create drinks of more complex composition, enriched with additional nutrients, dietary fiber, with low acidity and low carbonation level. The consumer wants to get more “natural” drinks, without adding chemical preservatives and without negative effects of pasteurization. This leads to loss of many of antimicrobial barriers that existed in traditional drinks. Due to these changes in drinks, number of cases of spoilage will increase. The main types of spoilage microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria and yeast are likely to remain in new drinks, but it is very likely that list of species will expand. It is assumed that role of bacteria in drinks spoilage will increase. New, recently discovered spoilage microorganisms appeared, among which are acid-resistant aerobic bacillus Alicyclobacillus in drinks, bottled in PET bottles, Asaia species in flavored mineral waters, Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum in drinks, enriched with juice, and spore- forming bacteria and enteric bacteria in low acidity drinks. New health risks in drinks production may also arise due to expansion list of countries importing ingredients, as well as due to use of juices with low acidity, in particular vegetable ones, as ingredients. Predictive microbiology will help in predicting and describing behavior of contami- nant microorganisms in drinks and in optimizing preservative systems. New challenge, faced by drinks manufac- turers is creation of safe products with high resistance and preservation of best taste and aromatic properties with minimal processing. Implementation of this task consists in qualified and scientifically sound combination of antimicrobial barriers. This review contains up-to-date information on microorganisms for spoiling soft drinks and microorganisms that pose food safety risks for consumers. Key words: soft drinks, ingredients, spoilage microorganisms, pathogenic microorganisms, preservatives, pasteurization, barrier technologies, predictive microbiology.

Over the past twenty years, significant changes have taken place in global soft drinks market. Functional drinks and bottled water currently represent fastest growing sectors [1, 2]. Energy drinks, non- carbonated drinks, tooth-friendly drinks, and non-alcoholic malt drinks are gaining popularity. Alcohol- containing mixed drinks are becoming increasingly popular. These new drinks are often more complex in composition than traditional drinks and have fewer antimicrobial barriers co mpared to them due to their higher nutrient’s concentration, lower acidity (pH > 3.5-4.0) and lower carbonation levels. Heat treatment and use of chemical preservatives are also being reduced in order to create more “natural” products. In addition, increasing number of consumers want minimal introduction of chemical and technological additives in food products made from natural ingredients in order to preserve their nutritional and taste advantages. Studies that have shown possible presence of carcinogenic benzene in soft drinks due to

147 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan interaction of benzoates (preservatives) with ascorbic acid, as well as possible allergic reactions to sulfites and benzoates, have contributed to development of this trend among consumers. Possible negative effect of benzoic acid has already forced many soft drinks manufacturers to abandon of this preservative use. Thus, traditional antimicrobial barriers that were present in previous non-alcoholic drinks are no longer applied, while duration of products transportation, shelf storage time, vastness of international relations, as well as new ingredients inclusion have increased significantly [3-5]. The purpose of this review is to summarize current knowledges about two sides of the problem in soft drinks production: microbiological spoilage and food safety risks for consumers. Non-alcoholic drinks spoilage microorganisms. The main microorganisms’ types causing modern drinks spoilage may remain the same as for traditional ones, but the list of species will inevitably expand. It is expected that bacteria will play an increasingly important role in food spoilage among other microorganisms. Among new, previously unknown and relatively recently identified causative spoilage agents (in English literature a special term has been created for them - emergent, from English emer- gence), acid-resistant aerobic bacteria Alicyclobacillus are found in drinks, bottled in PET bottles; acetic acid bacteria of genus Asaia in aromatic mineral waters; Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum in juice drinks; and spore-forming bacteria and enterobacteria in drinks with low acidity [3, 4]. When new soft drinks are being developed, it is very important to track all changes in recipe, packaging, and preservation methods in order to assess possible microbiological risks. Modern drinks usually contain several stimulants and inhibitors of microorganisms growth, and therefore it is very difficult to predict their microbiological resistance. Predictive microbiology can help in optimizing preservative systems and in predicting and describing behavior of contaminants in beverages [6, 7]. The task of the future in the field of drinks production is to create safe and durable products with minimal processing [2, 4, 8]. Soft drinks can be classified according to various criteria (table 1): sugar content (high-calorie or dietary), juice content, carbonation degree (carbonated and non-carbonated), and the main ingredient in addition to water (fruits, malt, tea, soy, milk, etc.) and functionality. Functional drinks are the trend of today. Detailed composition and characteristics analysis of all ingredients (sweeteners, acidity regulators, flavors, preservatives, etc.) in modern drinks of various categories can be found in review [4].

Table 1 – Categories and typical properties of soft drinks [3, 4]

Category Typical ingredients Carbonization рН Monosaccharides Cola and Sweeteners, sugars, acids, including phosphoric From medium to high 2.4-3.2 0-10% lemonade (E 338), flavors, preservatives Plant extracts, soluble fiber, vitamins, minerals, Health drinks From low to medium 3.5-4.5 2-7% preservatives Malt drinks Fermented wort, organic flavor, sweeteners From low to medium – – Caffeine, laurin, herbal extracts, L-carnitine, Energy drinks From low to medium 2.5-3.2 1.4-14% sugar, glucuronolactone, B vitamins, preservatives Salts, monosaccharides, (caffeine, amino acids), Sport drinks Weak or 0 3.2-4.0 5.5-8% preservatives Tooth-friendly Low calorie carbohydrates, preservatives Weak or 0 ≥5.0 0% drinks

In USA and EU countries, the following mandatory programs are used to ensure drinks food safety: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Good Hygienic Practice (GHP) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) [4]. In Russian Federation, the system for ensuring microbiological safety of food products consists of several positions: state policy; good manufacturing practice (technology, sanitary regime, production control) in production, storage, transportation, food sale; hygienic regulation and sanitary and epide- miological requirements for food products; sanitary requirements and examination of food raw materials; implementation of state supervision (control) in circulation; development, unification, standardization of analysis methods and ensuring adequate metrological parameters of laboratory control; foodborne disease surveillance [9]. 148 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Legal and methodological framework for food biosafety control in Russian Federation and EAEU for non-alcoholic drinks sector includes technical regulations of TR TS 021/2011 “On Food Safety”, TR TS 023/2011 “Technical Regulations for Juice Products”, TR TS 029/2012 “Requirements the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aids” [9]. As a rule, microbiological contamination of soft drinks occurs during their preparation. Microbiological condition of raw materials, production facilities, equipment, violation of sanitary- hygienic regime - all this can cause infection. The source of infection can be containers - bottles and cans. Microbiological drinks spoilage leads to changes in taste, aroma, to visible changes appearance in product - turbidity, precipitation, color change, sliming due to exopolysaccharides formation (EPS), etc. (table 2). According to Stratford [8], in order for drink spoilage, it is necessary to achieve a certain, critical microbial cells concentration (105–106 cells/ml), i.e. presence of microorganisms’ reproduction process.

Table 2 – Spoilage microorganisms and defects in drinks caused by them [3, 4]

Spoilage Foreign Visual defects Metabolites microorganisms tastes/smells

СО2, ethanol, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, Yeast Yeast, spoiled beer, Blown, damaged pack, clouding, acetone, esters, 1,3-pentadiene, pectin vinegar, aldehyde, flakes, surface film degradation, extracellular oil, pineapple shade polysaccharides (EPS)

Lactic acid bacteria Cheesy, sour, green CO2 loss, sliming, clouding lactic acid, СО2, ethanol, diacetyl, (LAB) apples formic acid, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS)

Acetic Acid Bacteria Sour, vinegar Clouding, blown pack, sliming Acetic acid, gluconic acid, СО2, ethyl (AAB) acetate, acetone, extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) Spore bacillus Antiseptic shades, Without defects 2,6- dibromophenol, guaiacol (from Alicyclobacillus spp. smoke vanilla acid) Mycelial fungi (mold) Musty, stale Cottony mycelium lumps in liquid Formic acid, gluconic acid pH increase thickness, films of mycelium on due to acid metabolism, gas formation, surface, discoloration, blown pack pectin degradation

Since microorganisms differ in their nutritional needs, various drinks are populated by different groups of spoilage microorganisms [5, 8, 10]. Introduction of new ingredients or new use of traditional ingredients can contribute to emergence of new types of pests in drinks, thereby expanding list of pests. Yeast is typical soft drinks contaminant. They are constantly present both in industrial premises, and in ingredients. Yeast takes first place in carbonated drinks spoilage, mainly due to their ability to withstand a high degree of carbonation, as well as increased acidity. Most species grow in pH range of 1.5–8.5 [11], and optimum for their reproduction is in range of pH 3.0–6.5 [1]. Yeast, forming heat- resistant ascospores, are the main pests in carbonated drinks that undergo heat treatment [1]. According to Davenport [3], yeast can be divided into four groups depending on their ability to spoil soft drinks (table 3). The most dangerous of these are fermentation yeasts that are resistant to preser- vatives. They can cause product spoilage at almost any stage of production. The second group consists of yeast, which cause spoilage due to violations in technology of washing and disinfection. Most cases of infection are caused precisely by these species, which under normal conditions should be destroyed by preservatives and disinfectants. Yeast of third group serves as indicators of poor sanitary conditions in workplace, but by themselves don't cause damage to the drink. Fourth group consists of species that aren't usually associated with conditions for soft drinks production, i.e. are random. Soft drinks yeast infection often manifests itself in change in taste and aroma caused by yeast fermentation products, as well as in cloudiness [1]. Accumulation of CO2 can cause deformation and even package rupture. By destroying preservatives such as weak acids, yeast can thereby create conditions for development of other pests in drinks. Yeast forms ethanol as final fermentation product, which concentration in soft drink may exceed acceptable levels.

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Table 3 – Pest yeast in soft drinks production [3, 4]

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Fermenter yeast, Pests and hygiene indicators Hygiene indicators Random resistant to preservatives Dekkera anomala, Candida davenportii, Aureobasidium pullulans Kluyveromyces D. bruxellensis, C. parapsilosis Candida sake, lactis, D. naardenensis Debariomyces hansenii C. solani, C. tropicalis K. marxianus Saccharomyces cerevisiae Galactomyces geotrichum/ Clavispora lusitaniae (atypical), Geotrichum candidum Cryptococcus albidus, Sacch. exiguus Hanseniaspora uvarum C. laurentii Schizosaccharomyces pombe Issatchenkia orientalis Debaryomyces etchellsii Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Lodderomyces alongisporus Exophiala dermatitidis Z. bisporus, Z. lentus, Pichia anomala, Rhodotorula glutinis Z. rouxii P. membranifaciens Sporobolomyces salmonicolor / Saccharomyces bayanus, Sacch. Sporidiobolus salmonicolor cerevisiae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most common pest of soft drinks and fruit juices [10]. This species has a high fermentation activity and forms large CO2 amount. A number of strains are also resistant to benzoates, sorbates and sulfates. Zygosaccharomyces bailii is an organism widely known for its extreme resistance to weak organic acids, including common preservatives, high osmotolerance and ability to ferment sugars energetically, including fructose. Z. bailii is often found in fruit concentrates and syrups [12, 13]. Just few cells of this type in bottle are enough to spoil drink. Ascospore-forming Dekkera yeast, which is teleomorph of Brettanomyces yeast, is one of the most common types of non-alcoholic pest yeast in first group [3]. Dekkera species are slow-growing, and poilage symptoms development can take several weeks. They are extremely resistant to carbonization, moderately resistant to sorbates and benzoates. Usually form dense turbidity and precipitate, can oxidize sugars to acetic acid. Special group of weakly fermenting yeast causes spoilage when washing and disinfection processes are disturbed (group 2). These are Candida davenportii, C. parapsilosis or Debaryomyces spp. Candida davenportii is relatively new pest species. It grows well in both fruit and synthetic drinks and in drinks such as cola [14]. Yeast are indicators of hygiene disorders include also red aerobic yeast of genera Rhodotorula and Sporidiobolus/Sporobolomyces (teleomorph/anamorph, respectively) and black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans and Exophiala dermatitidis [3, 4]. These yeasts are found in fouling films on technological surfaces located in places that are difficult to access for washing and disinfection [3, 4]. Bacteria - pests of soft drinks. Lactic acid (LAB) and acetic acid (AAB) bacteria are most common pest bacteria. Propagation in soft drinks allows them their resistance to an acidic environment and low pH values. LAB - microaerophilic gram-positive bacillus or cocci. LAB usually go into production with raw materials, juice ingredients and packaging materials [1, 3, 4]. The most common species are Lactobacillus paracasei and Leuconostoc mesenteroides [1, 10]. In addition to them, Lactobacillus brevis, Lb. buchneri, Lb. plantarum, Lb. perolens and Weissella confuse are usually found in infected products. LAB ferment sugar primarily to lactate. Strains of Leuc. mesen- teroides and W. confuse can synthesize extracellular polymers of fructose or glucose from sucrose, which cause drink sliming [10]. The most common acetic acid bacteria (AAB) belong to genera Acetobacter and Gluconobacter. In addition, types of Gluconacetobacter and Asaia are involved in soft drinks spoilege. The genus Asaia was described in 2000 and currently includes eight species [15, 16]. Species Asaia are pests of non-carbonated fruit drinks, iced teas and flavored bottled water [3]. AAB are aerobic gram-negative short or cocciform movable or fixed bacillus. They are widespread in nature, in particular, in media rich in sugars and ethanol [10, 16]. Their presence in large numbers in industrial premises indicates poor sanitation [10, 17]. Many species are able to form biofilms on production equipment surface [10, 118]. AAB are acid resistant bacteria. Most species grow at pH 3.6–3.8, and some even at pH 3.0 [1, 16, 17]. The optimum growth 150 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 temperature is 25-30 °C [10]. Development of AAB in non-alcoholic drinks can cause change in taste and aroma, blown pack, sliming, clouding and sediment [17, 18]. Gluconobacter species are most common spoilage microorganisms in soft drinks. AAB are strict aerobes and need oxygen for their growth. Many AAB are quite resistant to preservatives: benzoates, sorbates, dimethyldicarbonate (velkorin) [17, 18]. Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum species was isolated from spoiled pasteurized orange juice with an extraneous taste, but can grow in other juices even at refrigerator temperature. This is gram-positive pleomorphic bacillus that forms propionic acid as the main product of sugar fermentation. Acetic and lactic acids are also formed. Minimum pH for growth in juice is about 3.6. The organism is able to with- stand heat treatment of 95 °C for 10 minutes, so it doesn't die under standard juice pasteurization procedures [3]. Enterobacteria (Klebsiella, Citrobacter, Serratia) are heterogeneous group of facultative anaerobic gram-negative bacteria that carry out mixed fermentation, which spoils aroma and taste, and also leads to gas formation. Extracellular polymers and sulfur compounds can form [1]. Spore-forming bacteria growth of genera Bacillus and Clostridium is usually inhibited in soft drinks due to low pH values. However, spores in product may remain viable. Species Bacillus and Clostri- dium are typical pests of vegetable juices that have lower acidity (pH> 4) compared to fruit juices [5, 10]. As the sector of mixed drinks containing cereal dietary fiber in combination with vegetable or fruit juices grows, their significance as drinks pests is expected to increase. Anaerobic butyrate-forming clostridia, Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium sporogenes, can infect sugar syrups used in drinks production during processing or storage, causing rancid taste in drink. These bacteria are active only in range of pH 3.6-3.8 [5]. Getting rid of spore-forming bacteria is very difficult task because of their resistance to many physical and chemical factors. Genus Alicyclobacillus is mainly associated with fruit juices spoilage. Spoilage cases have also been found in carbonated fruit drinks, soft drinks, isotonic water and iced teas [3]. Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is the main pest, but at least 6 more are also involved in spoilage. Genus Alicyclobacillus, which currently contains 18 species, was first described in 1992 [19]. These are gram-positive spore- forming aerobic or facultative anaerobic bacillus, moderately thermophilic and acidophilic. They are bacillus 0.3-1.0x2.0-5.0 microns. They are able to grow in range of pH 2.0-6.5 and temperature 25-70 °С. Optimum conditions for growth: pH 3.5-5.0, temperature 45-65 °C. Endospores withstand usual procedure for drink pasteurizing and can germinate and multiply even at pH 2-3. Endospores can form under different conditions, including aerobic and at high temperatures [19]. According to Lee et al. [19], 35% of spoiled juice cases in American market were caused precisely by A. acidoterrestris; losses of juice industry from spoilage under influence of alicyclobacilli are very large and present real problem. Visually determining spoilage from alicyclobacilli is difficult, because organism doesn't form gas during growth. Spoiled juice looks outwardly normal or exhibits slight clouding. The main sign of spoilage is an extraneous odor, which is described as an unpleasant medical, phenolic or disinfectants odor, smoke. Source of this smell is guaiacol, as well as halofenol components. Mycelial fungi (molds) and actinomycetes in soft drinks. When pasteurized apple juice is infected with Streptomyces griseus streptomycetes, musty, mold, ground smells appear. This is gram-positive actinomycete that forms branching mycelium and spores, often resistant to high temperatures. Responsible for smell (pungent ground smell) are several metabolites, including geosmin [5]. Raw materials, intermediates and final products can be contaminated by spores, conidia or fragments of mold mycelium. Like yeast, a number of molds are resistant to low pH values; therefore, insufficient acidity is considered most important factor in spoilage of fruit and berry products by mycelial fungi [5]. In contrast to many bacteria and yeast, fungi need oxygen to grow. However, some species can also grow under anaerobic conditions, carrying out fermentation [20]. In addition, some species of Fusatium and Rhizopus can grow at low oxygen concentrations (0.01% vol.) [20]. Fungi growth in raw materials, ingredients and in finished product can lead to different types of drink spoilage. Mold can produce a huge number of enzymes - lipases, proteases and carbohydrases, and un- controlled fungal activity can lead to appearance of extraneous odors and tastes. Volatile compounds formation - dimethyl sulfide and geosmin, having ground smell, musty smell, can serve as an indicator of fungal activity. In addition, fungal infection can lead to product discoloration, allergens and toxigenic compounds formation [20].

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Fungi, which are the main spoilage agents in fruit juice industry and cause millions of dollars in losses, include heat-resistant species Byssochlamys nivea and B. fulva, Talaromyces flavus and T. macro- sporus, Neosartorya fischeri and Eupenicillium brefeldianum [3, 4, 21]. These molds can withstand fruit products heat treatment, including fruits and fruit juices in aluminum cans, fruit purees (used as ingre- dients), flavored mineral waters, fruit jellies and baby fruit purees [3, 21]. These fungi are able to grow at low oxygen concentrations by fermenting. They are able to form a large number of different mycotoxins. So, Paecilomyces variotii (anamorph of fungus Byssochlamis spectabilis) forms viriditoxin. Byssochlamys species produce patulin [3]. Other mold fungi, often found in soft drinks and juice mills, belong to genera Penicillium and Cladosporum. Strong infection of raw materials based on apples or grapes with molds can also lead to hydropho- bins, proteins formation that provoke gushing (excessive foaming) in cider and carbonated wines. Wine and cider producers have confirmed this [3, 4]. Microbiological food safety risks in non-alcoholic drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks are traditionally considered safe and not causing food poisoning or disease. However, health risks cannot be completely ruled out. According to Parish [3], since 1922 there are 32 documented cases of intestinal diseases caused by drinks consumption, especially unpasteurized fruit juices. Most of these cases are associated with violations in technology and sanitary practices at factory or in retail outlets. Disease-related illnesses were caused by various intestinal pathogens, including bacteria, viruses and protozoa (table 4). Mycotoxins are another group of health risks associated with drinks.

Table 4 – Health risks associated with microorganisms in drinks [1]

Microorganisms Hazard types Human exposure Types of microorganisms Source of infection Mycelial Mycotoxins Chronic and Penicillium, Aspergillus, Fruit juices, fungi (molds) acute toxicosis Byssochlamys Fusarium grain raw materials Bacteria Intestinal infections Miscellanea Salmonella, Fruit juices and intoxication, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and concentrates, allergic reactions Listeria monocytogenes water Viruses Infections Liver damage Hepatitis A virus Fruit juices, water gastroenteritis Noroviruses, Rotaviruses Protozoa Infections Gastrointestinal Cryptosporidium parvum, Water, Diseases Cr. hominis, Cyclospora Fruit juices and concentrates cayatenensis Yeast Fermentation products Emetic reactions Unknown Fruit juices

Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa. Some pathogenic bacteria can survive in acidic carbonated drinks, although they can't reproduce in them. Escherichia coli and Salmonella. for example, survive for 48 hours in soft drinks such as Coca-Cola (pH 2.7). Yersinia enterocolitica remained viable in commercial orange drink (pH 3.5) at 30 °C for 3 days [3]. In poisoning cases with fruit juices, cause is most often E. coli, which forms an enterohemorrhagic toxin or Shiga toxin, especially E. coli of serotype O157: H7, as well as several Salmonella serotypes [3]. Slightly acidic apple and orange juices are most common source of disease. In modern drinks recipe, many exotic juices are used, for example, acai, melon, date-plum (persim- mon), papaya, which have low acidity (pH 4.8-6.2). These juices provide conditions not only for survival, but also for propagation of pathogenic bacteria. Wort-based sweet drinks also create conditions for certain pathogenic bacteria propagation [3, 4]. Concentrates used to make drinks are also suitable for pathogenic bacteria survival. For example, it was found that Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica are able to survive for a long time in various frozen juice concentrates and in freshly squeezed orange juice (pH 6.3) [3, 4]. Parasites and viruses can also cause intestinal diseases when consuming fruit juices. Protozoa don't breed in drinks, but they can remain viable for a long time, being in stage of suspended animation in form of oocysts. Viruses can't multiply in food, as for this they need living cells. However, hepatitis A viruses, noroviruses and rotaviruses can be transmitted through drinks produced under unsanitary conditions. In 152 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

1960s, cases of hepatitis A virus transmission through orange juice were recorded [3]. Noroviruses were cause of diseases caused by raspberries, which were watered with infected sewage [3, 4]. Mycotoxins. The growth of mycelial fungi usually doesn't occur in drinks production. However, molds often infect raw materials - fruit and vegetable juices, extracts and cereal products. In such cases, presence of mycotoxins in feed can be expected. Being fairly stable compounds, mycotoxins pass through entire production chain and end up in finished product. Mycotoxins found in foods and drinks are synthesized mainly by representatives of genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and Alternaria and include aflatoxins, ochratoxin A (OTA), patulin, fusarium toxins from trichothecene group and zearalenone, alternaria toxins (alternariol and others) [22, 23]. It is known that mycotoxins, in addition to their main toxic effects on consumer, can disrupt drinks preparation, affecting yeast metabolism during fermentation. The presence of mycotoxins may be cause of incomplete fermentation [3, 4]. Close attention is drawn to patulin, which is most dangerous and most common mycotoxin in fruit and berry juices production and mashed potatoes and is especially associated with apple and pear juices and apple cider [3, 4, 23]. Penicillium expansum is main patulin producer and causative agent of blue mold rot of fruits during storage. In addition to P. expansum, patulin is synthesized by number of species of penicilli and aspergillus, as well as Byssochlamys spp. (Anamorph - Paecilomyces spp.), ascospores of which have high heat resistance and are preserved during pasteurization, and therefore this fungus is frequent contaminant and pest of heat-treated products. Patulin is considered as mycotoxin with potential carcinogenic effects. Other DNA damaging mycotoxins found indrinks are, according to Paterson and Lima [22], aflatoxins, sterigmatocystin, OTA, zearalenone, citrinin, luteoscirin and penicillic acid. U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Commission (EC) have legislated maximum allowable concentrations of mycotoxins in foods and drinks. According to these documents (EC Regu- lation 1881/2006), maximum permissible level for patulin in apple products is 50 мg/kg; for baby food - 10 мg/kg) [3, 4]. In Russian Federation, there are regulations on permissible levels of number of mycotoxins (DON, T-2 toxin, zearalenone, aflatoxin B1, OTA) in grain and raw materials, patulin in fruits and vegetables, juices and fruit purees (TR TS 021/2011 "On food safety"). The requirements for non-alcoholic products and mineral waters, established by current technical regulation, are largely harmonized with requirements of Codex Alimentarius and European directives, in particular, for patulin permissible level is identical to European one.

Т. Н. Волкова1, О. А. Борисенко1, И. Л. Ковалёва1, Л. И. Розина1, О. А. Соболева1, В. А. Трофимченко1, Д. Е. Нурмуханбетова2

1Бүкілресейлік сыра қайнату, алкогольсіз және шарап өнеркәсібі ғылыми-зерттеу институты – ФМБҒМ филиалы В. М. Горбатов атындағы «Азық-түлік жүйелерінің федералдық ғылыми орталығы» РҒА, Мәскеу, Ресей 2Нархоз университеті,Алматы қ., Қазақстан


Аннотация. Соңғы бірнеше ондаған жылдар ішінде сусын өндірушілер ғаламдық мәселені шешуге: микробиологиялық қауіпсіз және жоғары төзімді өнімдерді алуға қол жеткізуге жұмсады. Бұл мақсатқа өндірістің санитарлық жағдайын жақсарту, сонымен қатар зиянды микроорганизмдер туралы білімді кеңейту арқылы сәтті қол жеткізілді. Сонымен бірге, қазіргі уақытта алкогольсіз сусындар ассортиментінде айтар- лықтай өзгерістер байқалады: шырын сусындары, алкогольсіз уыт сусындары, функционалды сусындар танымал бола бастады. Қосымша қоректік заттармен, диеталық талшықтармен, қышқылдығы және карбо- низация деңгейі төмен сусындар жасау үрдісі байқалады. Тұтынушы химиялық консерванттарсыз және пастерлеудің жағымсыз әсерлерінсіз табиғи «сусындарды» алғысы келеді. Бұл дәстүрлі сусындарда болған көптеген микробқа қарсы тосқауылдардың жоғалуына әкеледі. Сусындардың өзгеруіне байланысты бұзылу жағдайлары көбейеді. Бүлінетін микроорганизмдердің негізгі түрлері, сүт қышқылы бактериялары мен ашытқы жаңа сусындарда қалуы мүмкін, бірақ түрлердің кеңею ықтималдығы жоғары болады. Сусындардың 153 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

бұзылуында бактериялардың рөлі артады деген болжам бар. Жақында жаңадан ашылған бүлінген микро- организмдер пайда болды, олардың қатарына ПЭТ бөтелкелеріне құйылған сусындардағы қышқылға төзімді аэробты бациллалар Alicyclobacillus, хош иісті минералды сулардағы Asaia түрлері, шырындармен байы- тылған сусындардағы Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum және спора түзетін бактериялар мен қышқылдығы төмен ішек бактериялары кіреді. Сусындар өндірісіндегі денсаулыққа жаңа қауіптер ингредиенттерді им- порттайтын елдер тізбесінің кеңеюіне байланысты, сондай-ақ төмен қышқылдықты шырындарды, атап айтқанда, көкөніс қоспаларын ингредиенттер ретінде қолдануға байланысты туындауы мүмкін. Болжамды микробиология сусындардағы ластаушы микроорганизмдердің әрекетін болжауға, сипаттауға және консер- вант жүйелерін оңтайландыруға көмектеседі. Сусындар өндірушілері алдында тұрған жаңа міндет – жоғары қарсылыққа ие қауіпсіз өнімдерді құру және ең аз өңдеуде жақсы дәмі мен хош иісті қасиеттерін сақтау. Бұл міндетті орындау антимикробтық кедергілерді білікті және ғылыми негізделген үйлестіруден тұрады. Бұл шолуда осы мәселелерді шешетін алкогольсіз сусындарды бұзатын микроорганизмдер мен тұтынушылар үшін азық-түлік қауіпсіздігіне қатер төндіретін микроорганизмдер туралы ақпараттар бар. Түйін сөздер: алкогольсіз сусындар, ингредиенттер, бүлінген микроорганизмдер, патогендік микро- организмдер, консерванттар, пастеризация, тосқауыл технологиялары, болжамды микробиология.

Т. Н. Волкова1, О. А. Борисенко1, И. Л. Ковалёва1, Л. И. Розина1, О. А. Соболева1, В. А. Трофимченко1, Д. Е. Нурмуханбетова2

1Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт пивоваренной, безалкогольной и винодельческой промышленности, ВНИИ ПБиВП – филиал «ФНЦ пищевых систем им. В. М. Горбатова» РАН, Москва, Россия, 2Университет Нархоз, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. Производители напитков несколько последних десятилетий потратили на решение гло- бальной задачи: добиться получения продуктов, безопасных в микробиологическом отношении и обладаю- щих высокой стойкостью. Эта цель была успешно достигнута за счёт улучшения санитарного состояния производства, а также за счёт расширения знаний о микроорганизмах-вредителях. Однако в настоящее время наблюдаются значительные изменения в ассортименте безалкогольных напитков: всё большую популярность приобретают соковые напитки, безалкогольные солодовые напитки, напитки, щадящие зубы, функциональ- ные напитки. Имеется тенденция к созданию напитков более сложного состава, обогащённых дополнитель- ными питательными веществами, пищевыми волокнами, с пониженной кислотностью и низким уровнем карбонизации. Потребитель хочет получать напитки более «натуральные», без добавления химических консервантов и без отрицательного воздействия пастеризации. Это приводит к потере многих антимикроб- ных барьеров, которые существовали в традиционных напитках. Вследствие этих изменений в напитках будет возрастать число случаев их порчи. Основные типы микроорганизмов порчи, молочнокислые бактерии и дрожжи, по-видимому, останутся и в новых напитках, но весьма вероятно, что список видов будет расширяться. Предполагается, что в порче напитков возрастёт роль бактерий. Появились новые, недавно выявленные микроорганизмы порчи, среди которых отмечают кислотоустойчивые аэробные бациллы Alicyclobacillus в напитках, разлитых в ПЭТ-бутылки, виды Asaia в ароматизированных минеральных водах, Propionibacterium cyclohexanicum в напитках, обогащённых соком, и спорообразующие бактерии и энтеро- бактерии в напитках с пониженной кислотностью. Новые риски для здоровья при производстве напитков могут также возникать из-за расширения списка стран-импортёров ингредиентов, а также из-за использо- вания в качестве ингредиентов соков с незначительной кислотностью, в частности, овощных. Предиктивная микробиология поможет в предсказании и описании поведения микроорганизмов-контаминантов в напитках и в оптимизации консервирующих систем. Новая задача, возникшая перед производителями напитков, - со- здание безопасных продуктов с высокой стойкостью и сохранением наилучших вкусо-ароматических свойств при минимальной их обработке. Осуществление этой задачи состоит в квалифицированной и научно обоснованной комбинации антимикробных барьеров. В настоящем обзоре содержатся необходимые для решения этой задачи современные сведения о микроорганизмах порчи безалкогольных напитков и о микро- организмах, представляющих риски пищевой безопасности для потребителя. Ключевые слова: безалкогольные напитки, ингредиенты, микроорганизмы порчи, патогенные микро- организмы, консерванты, пастеризация, барьерные технологии, предсказательная микробиология.

154 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Information about authors: Volkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Science, Leading Researcher of Laboratory for Arbitration Analysis and Quality Control of Raw Materials and Products, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; 6649-7051 Borisenko Olga Alexeevna, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Fermentation and Brewing Sanitation, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Kovalyova Irina Lvovna, Senior Researcher of Laboratory of Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Concentrates Technology on Natural Base, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Rozina Larisa Ilinichna, Leading Researcher, Laboratory for Grape and Fruit Wine Technology, Candidate of Technical Science, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Soboleva Olga Alexandrovna, Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Concentrates Technology on Natural Base, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Trofimchenko Vladimir Alexandrovich, Candidate of Technical Science, Senior Researcher of Sparkling Wine Technology Laboratory, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Nurmukhanbetova Dinara Erikovna, candidate of engineering sciences, acting associate professor, Almaty technological university, Department of Food safety and quality; [email protected]; 0000-0002- 8939-6325


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UDC 519.23/.25

S. A. Mustafin1, G. M. Duisen2, A. A. Zeinullin3, E. V. Korobova4

1Institute of Information and Computing Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Astana, Kazakhstan, 4Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. Application of intellectual methods for information processing is a new step in improving business efficiency by means of introduction of modern technologies, including digitalization tools. As a rule, the construction of operations for solving specific tasks is carried out by experienced specialists to a large extent intuitively, and the solution of each new task requires the entire work anew. The result is that very often a rather large part of the data remains unprocessed and unclaimed. This is a significant disadvantage of the current situation, which determines the main requirement for promising approaches to solving applied data processing tasks: the simplicity and reliability of complex procedures excluding intuitive work of specialists must be provided. The paper touches upon the metho- dological problems of credit risks in banking operations and shows the advantages of using recognition algorithms based on the precedent approach. This helps to reduce the risk of losses and make a profit, as well as to justify decisions when working with borrowers. Stressing the importance of traditional approaches, we note that using the proposed approach allows to obtain a more accurate and objective result, to operate with large data sets, to optimize customer service, to calculate the effectiveness of investments with minimal human impact. Key words: decision support; a precedent approach; multicriteria selection; algorithmic support; artificial intelligence, bank, efficiency, globalization, client, digitization.

Introduction. Nowadays the society is on the verge of a new era of the digital society and the digital economy. The problem of globalization and acceleration in all spheres of the society activities is of a systemic nature; therefore, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the prospects, advantages, and risks con- nected with it. Creating information processing tools is a new step in improving business efficiency through the introduction of modern technologies, including digital transformation tools. The application of artificial intelligence systems provides the possibility to work with big data, which is important for all areas of human activity. The use of artificial intelligence systems to support management decision- making, to optimize the work, calculate efficiency with minimal human participation means making decisions based on learning from precedents, eliminating interventions that cause negative distortions. The advantage of artificial intelligence is that data are collected continuously and the emergence of big data increases the efficiency of the system, and those organizations that postpone the introduction of artificial intelligence systems into their operation risk to lag behind. At the present stage of development of the digital economy, the experience of applying intellectual information processing methods is of great value. It is a step in improving business efficiency based on the introduction of modern technologies, together with digital transformation tools [1]. The development of methods for intellectual processing of information is known to be based on the scientific works, the bibliography of which is given in [2-4]. Currently, one of the promising areas of development of modern technology is the creation of information support tools as a part of automated control and management systems. 157 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

These systems include telecommunications, data collection, processing and analysis systems, the most important feature of which is belonging to big data. For a human being, the processing and understanding of data are one of the most complex and advanced functions of the brain. Owing to this, often systems of data collection and processing are limited to tasks, processing, analysis of which is carried out with human participation. At the same time, in solving problems of decision-making support based on specific information, practical achievements are much more modest. In particular, there is some accumulated baggage in the form of a significant number of separate heuristic procedures for processing, analysis and recognition. Procedures such as standard operations are included (in a particular set) in data processing systems. The construction of a sequence of operations for the solution of specific tasks is carried out by highly skilled, experienced specialists in a largely intuitive way, and the solution of each new type of tasks requires carrying out all the work again. The result is that very often a rather large part of the data remains untreated and, accordingly, unclaimed by the end user. The latter circumstance is a significant drawback of the current situation, which determines the basic requirement for prospective approaches to solving applied data processing and recognition problems: the simplicity and reliability of the synthesis of high- quality complex procedures that do not require any creative work of specialists should be ensured. So, the situation in the world can be characterized as follows: measurement tools are actively and successfully created and implemented; there are available means of computer technology of sufficient productivity; there is a significant theoretical reserve;in practice, traditional methods of data processing, analysis and recognition are applied, which cannot always provide support for decision-making in the problems at hand. The most important feature of information processing problems that arise in various poorly formalized application areas is the absence of any adequate mathematical models for real situations or objects. On the basis of such models, it would be possible to make calculations and obtain quantitative or qualitative conclusions. These are data processing tasks that belong to a typical poorly formalized area. The most important result can apparently be the justification for the possibility of solving various and poorly formalized problems on the basis of some general information principles without constructing adequate mathematical models of real processes or phenomena [2, 3]. The use of information processing tools is a new step in improving business efficiency by introducing modern technologies, including digital transformation tools. Systems of artificial intelligence allow you to operate with huge arrays of data, which is important for the financial sector. Application of information technologies for making management decisions to optimize work with clients, for calculating the effectiveness of investments with minimal human participation means making decisions based only on information without human participation, which often has a negative imprint. The advantage of using artificial intelligence right now is that data collection is a continuous process and the larger the database gets, the more efficient the system works, therefore, those banks that ignore the im- plementation of artificial intelligence systems are lagging behind their competitors. The aim is complex research of the problem of artificial intelligence systems application, the com- bination of real and simulated approaches on the basis of application of data processing and analysis methods. The use of artificial intelligence in business will lead to fundamental changes in customer service and a radical increase in business efficiency. Constant complication of the modern business structure and the structured tasks it solves requires qualitatively new characteristics of algorithmic support that provide a high degree of data protection, a qualitatively new way of processing and analyzing data, and a quick search for relevant information. The processes of globalization of all spheres of society provide a high level of competition, the maintenance of which requires the use of powerful enterprise management systems, human resources and, consequently, improving the quality of work and the effectiveness of organizations [4]. The problems of credit risks [5-11]. Timely detection of possible bankruptcy signs allows mana- gement of credit institutions (hereinafter banks) to take prompt measures to remedy the financial condition and reduce the risk of bankruptcy. A risk is the probability of a loss that could affect the performance of an economic entity or an economic transaction. Moreover, since the purpose of the bank's activities is to maximize profits, it must pay great attention to the implementation of its operations with the minimum possible risks. To avoid

158 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 bankruptcy, banks need to seek and apply effective methods and tools to manage these risks in order to achieve and maintain a stable position in the banking services market. Numerous models for calculating credit risk evaluation of the borrower indicate the existence of problems in determining credit risk. In modern banking practice, the problem of developing a computer system based on the ideas of the pattern recognition theory is urgent and allows the credit manager to determine the borrower's risk class and an estimate of the repayment of the loan and interest. It allows to determine the borrower's risk class. Such a system can also be used in making various decisions in the course of monitoring real contracts - whether to conclude a contract, what measures to take in case of violations of the repayment schedule or interest payments, whether to prolong the contract, how to react to depreciation of collateral, etc. Management of banking operations is essentially the management of risks associated with the bank portfolio, with a set of assets that provide the bank with income from its activities. The main part of the bank portfolio is loans to businesses and individuals, which is connected with a risk of full or partial loss of the bank's resources. When developing the system, the following risk management algorithm was used: 1. Qualitative analysis - identification of the full range of risks, description of risks, analysis of initial assumptions, classification and grouping. 2. Quantitative analysis - formalization of uncertainty; calculation, assessment and accounting of risks. 3. Minimizing risks by designing risk management strategies, selecting the optimal strategy and implementing it. 4. Risk control - monitoring risks, reassessing and adjusting risks, as well as making operational decisions on deviations. Risk management of the loan product is carried out at all stages of the life cycle of the risk evaluation system through monitoring and controlling actions in cases of deviation from the specified project parameters. Thus, the special nature of risk management as a stage of system design is to monitor continuously in dynamics and with adjustments in order to avoid deviations from the parameters specified by the bank because of exposure to risks in the process of participating in the system design cycle. The main types of risk are liquidity risk, interest rate risk, risk of default on a loan. The latter type of risk is especially important, since the non-return of borrowed funds brings large losses to banks and can serve as one of the reasons for bankruptcy. The form, the amount of lending, the method of repaying the loan and the collateral requirements depend on the lending risk. In this regard, the task of prompt and objective assessment of the lending risk is urgent. The degree of risk of lending transactions is expressed in the highest interest rate for transactions that are of a credit nature (loans, guarantees) in comparison with other assets. Loan rates should compensate the bank for the value of the funds provided for the term, the risk of changing the value of collateral and the risk of the borrower failing to fulfill its obligations. The risk of non-fulfillment of obligations by the borrower is determined by a large number of factors integrated into the concept of the client's creditworthiness. The creditworthiness of a bank customer is its ability to fully and timely pay off on its obligations. Assessmentof the borrower’s creditworthiness, as the task of determining the financial stability of the borrower.It is important both at the stage of selection of potential borrowers, and at the stage of control over the course of the loan repayment. When assessing creditworthiness, risk factors are taken into account: 1) the nature of the transaction being negotiated; 2) customer credit history; 3) the state of the industry and the region; 4) position of the client in the specified industry; 5) the financial condition of the client; 6) theability of the client to provide the property as collateral; 7) the social status of the client.

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Analysis of credit risks is a complex task, including: developing methodological approaches to the analysis of a potential borrower; monitoring and analysis of changes in financial stability of a potential borrower, identification of unfavorable trends and their causes at the earliest possible stage. To determine and analyze the risk, there are indicators for assessing the risk of lending. Given the multiplicity of risk indicators, the difference in the level of their critical assessments there is the need to evaluate existing techniques and determine how effective they are. It should be noted that any indicator of the borrower’s credit risk assessment may depend on a number of other indicators. Therefore, by introducing or ignoring any feature of the borrower for a more accurate forecast, we can simultaneously directly or indirectly change the effect of several indicators on the result. And it is not obvious that we will generally improve the final result of the forecast. In addition, it must be taken into account that the effect of features on the result depends on the environment of the forecast, which, of course, is almost impossible to take into account. Traditional models of risk assessment [5, 10]. Analysis of traditional models and methods of evaluating banking risks (such as the financial condition of the borrower, including the model of the borrower's classification by the point system, a two-factor model for assessing the probability of the bankruptcy of the borrower, assessing the probability of the borrower's bankruptcy based on the Altman Z- account, the model of Roman Lis for determining the financial state, the assessment of the borrower's financial position by U.Biver's indicators, the R-model of forecasting the risk of bankruptcy, Logit- method,etc.) makes it possible to identify the main shortcomings of such assessment approaches. The reasons for this are in the following. First, these models provide an incomplete, one-sided assessment of the financial condition of the borrower, and therefore too large deviations of the forecast from reality are possible. Secondly, the models were developed for certain economic and political condi- tions. Thirdly, existing models of classification by the point system are usually developed conditionally and appropriate refinements are needed to apply them. Therefore, in order to obtain a more objective evaluation of the financial and economic state of the borrower, there is a need to create a more effective evaluation methodology. Thus, an adequate mathematical model in the field of assessing banking risks has not been created yet, but the experience of heuristic solution of individual problems has been accumulated and, conse- quently, the use of precedent approach technology in solving recognition problems is possible. The transition of banks to the valuation of capital on the basis of the borrowers’ internal credit ratings has increased interest in the methods of risk assessment. There is a known approach based on the application of the method of committees for building the borrowers’ model of internal credit ratings. The method of committees allows to more accurately assess borrowers, than the more often used Logit-method. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of taking into account non-linear relationships of variables, whereas the Logit-method conceders only the linear dependence of the variables. It should be noted that one of the main problems of the committee method is the computational complexity (it took more than 10 hours only to construct the committee), whereas the construction of the Logit model takes several minutes. The model of internal ratings deve- loped in this paper certainly does not satisfy all the requirements of Basel II, because it is based on data for a period of less than five years and has a low value of Accuracy Ratio, which is due to the lack of parameters. The model of internal ratings developed using the method of committees will be more accu- rate than the model with the application of the Logit-method, which will positively affect the quality of the credit organization's assessment of the risks being taken [11]. However, this approach has a number of limitations related to data diversity and computational complexity. The authors mention it in their work. The paper proposes an approach that allows to take into account the limitations associated with data diversity and computational complexity. In this connection, it is important to create methods, for example, by applying the precedent approach methods (search for a solution "by analogy") [2]. The application of such a method makes it possible to combine the possibility of selecting charac- teristics based on the existing experience of using features in similar systems, their description and expla- nation (argumentation) of the solution obtained on the basis of the mathematical theory of pattern recognition.

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At the same time, it should be noted that there is no domestic software that automates the solution of the banking sector tasks, despite the fact that the use of information technologies and systems of this direction in other subject areas of knowledge makes it possible to significantly improve the efficiency of its solution process [2, 3]. As a methodological basis for the decision-making process, a "precedent" approach was proposed. In this case, the information of the credit bureau, including both data on the reasons for refusal to the client in the loan, and on the materials recommended for issuing loans and fulfilling the obligations of the borrower in the past, can additionally be used as precedents. The purpose of this work is to improve the quality of decision making when determining the class of individual borrowers using recognition algorithms based on the calculation of estimates with the help of the proposed Intellectual Program Support System for Decision Making. None of the decision rules can be recognized as universal and free of shortcomings that limit the scope of their application. Moreover, the creation of universal decision rules, apparently, is impossible in principle. This is due to the fact that, depending on the purposes, the system of preferences and the possi- bilities of obtaining information on preferences, various decision rules can be created. The proposed model of risk assessment [2-5]. We propose a formalized approach that makes it possible to implement the decision-making process on the appropriateness of issuing a loan using pattern recognition techniques. The task of evaluating the financial condition is reduced to the classification of borrowers on the basis of sufficiently weak requirements for the initial data. Borrowers classified as belonging to the same class of patterns will have common properties, i.e.willhave approximately the same level of financial stability, creditworthiness, and be equal. When solving the task of classifying a borrower, the expert determines the classes of risk assessment, characterized as a class of borrowers with a very high-risk probability, a class of borrowers with an average risk probability, a class of borrowers with a very low-risk probability. Borrowers who wish to take out a loan are referred to one of the previously defined classes, based on the level of their financial condition. Depending on the chosen risk class, the system determines which credit policy the manager shouldselect. Substantial statement of the problem. State classes are defined, each of which contains borrowers with the same risk assessment. Each borrower is described by a set of features that characterize its state. It is required to put the defined borrower to one of the risk classes. In the language of the mathematical theory of pattern recognition, this problem is defined as follows.

Formal setting of the problem. Input information is a set of vectors

n n)()1( X   j ,1  RMjx , where  xxx jjj ).,...,(

Here M – is the number of vectors n – is the number of characteristics, x j – j-th is the vector (j-th observation).

The task of training with the teacher. Suppose that unknown q classes of objects 21 ,...,, XXX q , that in a given set X (the training set) are represented by finite subsets


21 ,...,, XXX q ,   XX i ,  ji  jiXX . i1 It is necessary to create a rule by means of which it is possible to classify with a sufficient degree of reliability objects belonging to classes 21 ,...,, XXX q , but not contained in the training set X . The criterion for the quality of the sought-for decision rule is the percentage of correctly recognized objects with a priori known classification, but not participating in training. A set of such objects is called a check or validation sample. Forming a validation sample from the set of all the objects presented for training is also a very important task. The recognition of an object is based on a previously conducted training - a stage that precedes the recognition phase. The aim of the training is to select such thresholds, which result in a minimum number

161 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan of errors on the training set of objects with the known membership of classes (training). The next stage after the training is the stage of training control. It consists in checking the training, calculating the error in recognizing objects of the examination set of objects that belong to known classes (the exam). In addition, the last stage is the recognition of an unknown object. At present, a large number of algorithms for object recognition have been developed and extensive experience in solving applied problems in various fields of science and technology has been accumulated. The most developed and well-known model of recognition is the model of algorithms for calculating assessments. An algebraic theory of pattern recognition is created. Multiparametric algorithms of this model were used as the basis for the decision support system for determining the size of the loan. The class of algorithms based on the calculation of assessments is given by describing the six elements defining it: 1. A system of reference sets, 2. Proximity function, 3. Calculation of estimates for the rows of a fixed reference set, 4. Calculation of the estimate for the class from the reference set, 5. An estimate for a class in the system of reference sets, 6. The decision rule. Any recognition algorithm, the task of which consists of these six elements, will be an algorithm for calculating assessments, which are a set of all possible recognition algorithms that can be specified by the six elements under consideration. Thus, we can say that by choosing a particular system of reference sets, defining the proximity function, specifying the rules for calculating assessments for the rows of a fixed reference set, for a class over a reference set and for a system of reference sets, also assigning a decision rule, we get some specific algorithm for computing assessments. The class of recognition algorithms based on the calculation of assessments includes all possible algorithms that can be created from the six elements considered. Advantages of this model are as follows. 1. Presence of controllable model parameters; 2. Availability of training; 3. The analysis models are parametric; 4. Possibility of finding significant objects of classes; 5. Presence of weights of objects, features; 6. Considering diversified information; 7. Ability to select significant signs; 8. Assessment of expert breakdown of objects into classes; 9. Ability to identify borrowers who are in borderline areas. Using this approach allows us to obtain a more accurate and objective result. This helps to reduce the risk of loss and make a profit, as well as to give reasons for the decisions made when working with lenders and partners. The ultimate goal of the work is the construction of an experimental computer system for determining the risk of lending based on the borrower’s condition. For this purpose, the information system "Risk assessmentin retail lending" was developed, on the input of which the borrower's descriptions submitted by the vector-descriptions and divided by the expert into classes on risks are submitted. For a recognizable borrower, the system determines the class of its credit risk [3-6, 11]. Integrated software environment [12-14]. The system includes the following modules: a charac- teristics processing module, a training module, an examination module, a recognition module. In addition, the system includes a module for analyzing the borrower's risk based on a dynamic set of characteristics, a module for selecting significant characteristics, a module for selecting financially stable borrowers, a module for selecting the standards for each risk class, and a module for integrating dissimilar remote systems. In our opinion, the model of internal ratings developed with the use of EA will be more accurate than the model with the application of the method of committees, which can improve the quality of the credit organization's assessment of the risks being taken.

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As noted above, a number of characteristics in the assessment of the borrower is a dynamic set, which in turn depends on the external environment - from the review period, the methodology of assigning ratings by some agencies. Conclusion. In this work, we touched on the issues of credit risks in banking operations and showed the possibility of using recognition algorithms based on the calculation of assessments in them.There are also other approaches to the definition of bank risks in the issuance of loans. We note that a lot of research has been devoted to the theoretical foundations of risk in multicriterion and gaming problems.

С. А. Мустафин1, Г. М. Дуйсен2, А. А. Зейнуллин3, Е. В. Коробова4

1Ақпараттық және есептеуіш технологиялар институты, Алматy, Қазақстан, 2 Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматy, Қазақстан, 3Қазақстан ұлттық жаратылыстану ғылымдары академиясы, Астана, Қазақстан, 4Ресей Плеханов атындағы экономика университетi, Мәскеу, Ресей


Аннотация. Ақпараттарды интеллектуалдық өңдеу әдістерін қолдану заманауи технологияларды, оның ішінде цифрлік трансформация құралдарын енгізу арқылы бизнестің тиімділігін арттыруда жаңа қадам бо- лып табылады. Ереже бойынша, нақты тапсырмаларды шешу бойынша операцияларды құрастыру рәсімдеу- сіз тәжірибелі мамандардың интуициялық көрсеткішінің негізінде орындалады және әрбір жаңа тапсырманы шешу қайтадан барлық жұмыстың орындалуын талап етеді. Соңында көбінесе деректердің көп бөлігі өңдеусіз және қажетсіз болып қала береді. Бұл ағымдағы жағдайдың маңызды кемшілігі болып табылады, ол деректерді өңдеудің қолданбалы тапсырмаларын шешуде келешегі бар әдістер үшін негізгі талаптарды анықтайды, мысалы, мамандардың интуициялық жұымысын талап етпейтін күрделі процедуралардың қара- пайымдылығы мен сенімділігін қамтамасыз етуін талап етеді. Мақалада банктік операцияларда кредиттік тәуекелдердің мәселелері қарастырылады және прецедент әдісінің негізінде тану алгоритмділерін қолда- нудың артықшылықтары көрсетіледі. Бұл шығыс тәуекелін төмендетуге және кіріс алуға, сонымен қатар серіктестер мен қарыз алушыларен жұмыс істеу барысында шешімдерді негіздеуге мүмкіндік береді. Дәстүрлі әдістердің маңыздылығын көрсете отырып, біз ұсынылып отырған әдістің нақты және объек- тивті нәтиже алуға, үлкен көлемдегі деректермен жұмыс жасауға, клиенттерге қызмет көрсетуді оңтайлан- дыруға, адамға ең аз әсер ететін инвестициялардың тиімділігін есептеуге мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: шешім қабылдауды қолдау, прецеденттік тәсіл, көп критерийлі таңдау, алгоритмдік қам- тамасыз ету, жасанды интеллект, банк, тиімділік, жаһандану, клиент, цифрландыру.

С. А. Мустафин1, Г. М. Дуйсен2, А. А. Зейнуллин3, Е. В. Коробова4

1Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий, Алматы, Казахстан, 2 Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 3 Казахстанская национальная академия естественных наук, Астана, Казахстан, 4Российский экономический университет им. Плеханова, Москва, Россия


Аннотация. Применение методов интеллектуальной обработки информации является новым шагом в повышении эффективности бизнеса на основе внедрения современных технологий, в том числе инструмен- тов цифровой трансформации. Как правило, построение операций по решению конкретных задач без фор- мализации осуществляется опытными специалистами в значительной степени интуитивно, и решение каждой новой задачи требует всей работы заново. В результате часто довольно большая часть данных ос- тается необработанной и невостребованной. Это является существенным недостатком текущей ситуации, которая определяет основное требование для перспективных подходов к решению прикладных задач обработки данных: должна быть обеспечена простота и надежность сложных процедур, не требующих интуитивной работы специалистов. В статье рассматриваются методические проблемы кредитных рисков в банковских операциях и показаны преимущества использования алгоритмов распознавания на основе вычисления оценок. Это помогает снизить риск потерь и получить прибыль, а также обосновать решения при работе с заемщиками и партнерами. Подчеркивая важность традиционных подходов, мы отмечаем, что 163 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

использование предлагаемого подхода позволяет получить более точный и объективный результат, работать с большими наборами данных, оптимизировать обслуживание клиентов, рассчитать эффективность инвес- тиций с минимальным воздействием на человека. Ключевые слова: поддержка принятия решений; прецедентный подход; многокритериальный выбор; алгоритмическое обеспечение, искусственный интеллект, банк, эффективность, глобализация, клиент, циф- ровизация.

Information about authors: Mustafin S. A., Institute of Information and Computing Technologies, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Duisen G. M., al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Zeinullin A. A., Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Astana, Kazakhstan;[email protected]; Korobova E. V., Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia; [email protected];


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UDC664.8.047 IRSTI65.53.33

B. T. Abdizhapparova1, N. S. Khanzharov2, B. O. Ospanov1, I. A. Pankina3, G. E. Orymbetova1

1M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 2International Humanitarian-Technical University, Kazakhstan, 3Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]


Abstract. Commercially Jerusalem artichoke tubers are valuable raw material to produce inulin, fructose, treacle and alcohol. Fast decreasing of quality at traditional storage as a tuber raw material makes difficult to apply it during a year. For that matter, drying is offered as the most suitable preservation method of Jerusalem artichoke tubers.The purpose of work is enhancement of efficiency and lowering energy consumption in a process of drying of crushed Jerusalem artichoke tubers. A method of vacuum-atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is offered to solve the problem. The method includes conducting vacuum drying of the material up tointermediate humidity and atmospheric drying till final moisture content. Whereby final atmospheric drying is performed using- heat of refrigerant condensation circulated in a refrigerating machine which is a heat pump unit of the dryer. Final drying of the material by air from that source allows saving energy for atmospheric drying and decrease duration of vacuum dehydration. This method is based on combination vacuum and atmospheric drying in thesame drying installation and utilization refrigerant condensation heat. Last one is applied for final atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers.Final product is characterized by sufficiently high quality indicators. Keywords: Jerusalem artichoke, tubers, vacuum-atmospheric drying, critical humidity, temperature, pressure.

Introduction. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is perennial tuberous plant with remedial properties. Tubers contain soluble polysaccharide inulin, nitrogen substances, vitamin C and vitamin B complex, organic and fatty acids. Mineral substances of Jerusalem artichokeare zinc, silicium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and copper. Many investigations confirm expediency of applying Jerusalem artichoke as a functional product [1-4].Jerusalem artichoke tubers may be used as a food additive at complex treatment diabetics, particularly, to correct metabolism. It is explained by carbohydrate compo- sition of the tubers which is represented by polysaccharide inulin. At digestion inulin is split down to fructose [5-6]. In turn, fructose quickly transforms into glycogen,it does not increase sugar level in blood and is easily digested by human organism. Moreover, Jerusalem artichokeis able to remove heavy metals salts and some radioactive substances 2-3 times more intensively than pectin. Commercially Jerusalem artichoke tubers are valuable raw material to produce inulin, fructose, treacle and alcohol [7]. Linxi Yang et al consider the tubers as a source of functional food, bioactive compounds, biofuels and chemicals [4]. Due to desirable taste properties the tubers may be applied as a food [8-9]. Fast decreasing of quality at traditional storage as a tuber raw material (e.g. cooled warehouse, storing bunker etc.)makes difficult to apply it during a year [10]. A gradual losing of mass takes place at storage. Control of relative humidity 95% and temperature 0-2 0C allows storing the tubers during 4-5 months [11-14]. Beyond this time applying the tubers seems impossible.For that matter, it seems that the most suitable preservation method is drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers.

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Various drying methods of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in order to produce semifinished products are known [15-19]. Dnishev T.M. et al sweet flour from finely divided till cubes Jerusalem artichoke tubers obtain by air drying during 120 hours and crushing till particles with sizes (20÷25) micrometers [15]. Initial humidity of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is about 75%. Temperature of dried material at residual moisture content 9,6% is 60 0C. Peyker S.K. and Pirogova G.A. wash, grade, inspect and dry Jerusalem artichoke tubers by airflow with speed (5÷15) m/s and infrared light with rays length (0,7÷2,5) micrometers [16]. The drying is conducted in two stages: first one – at the temperature not above 78 0C from 20 min to 6 h; second one at the temperature not above 62 0С to final humidity (2-12) %. Zelenkov V.N. [17] obtains concentrate of Jerusalem artichoke by air blowwith temperature not above 70 0C. Kochnev N.K. and Kalinicheva M.V. obtain Jerusalem artichoke powderby preparation tubers, crushing till puree-like state, heating puree till (80÷90) 0C, cooling till (35÷55) 0C, fermentolysis and atmospheric drying at the temperature (55÷65) 0C till final humidity (6÷12) %. The desired product is obtained by repeated crushing of dried product [18]. JunkoTakeuchi and Toshio Nagashima found that dried Jerusalem artichoke tubers show considerable water-holding capacity [19]. However all offered methods have the same risk of obtaining low-quality product caused by browning reactions due to action of air oxygen. As consequence, final product is characterized by not high sensory indicators and low rehydration ability. Vacuum drying of Jerusalem artichoke compare to atmospheric one promotes better quality of dried product that is explained by the following factors: - firstly, moderate temperature of vacuum drying conduces better maintenance biochemical composition of a material and prevents carbohydrates caramelization; - secondly, vacuum drying inhibits browning of a material caused by oxidizing enzymes which are active at presence of oxygen; - thirdly, sensory indicators of a dried product are better preserved at vacuum drying; - finally, vacuum drying promotes better preservation of rehydration properties of a dried product. At the same time atmospheric drying is characterized by low energy consumption and reduced duration of the process compare to vacuum dehydration. Taking into consideration the mentioned above it seems efficient to combine these methods and carry out them in the united vacuum-atmospheric dryer. Combination and selection of optimal modes of vacuum and atmospheric drying must provide unified character of the process which would have place at only vacuum or atmospheric dehydration. Combination of the modes is possible by studying kinetics of vacuum and atmospheric drying, choosing humidity and temperature of material during the process, also selecting humidity of material till which vacuum drying will be conducted. Correspondingly, atmospheric drying will start at that humidity.It is accepted that vacuum drying will be conducted till critical moisture content that characterizes ending of period of constant rate of drying. Meaning of final material humidity in vacuum chamber is reasonable to determine periods of constant and falling rate of drying in the both processes [20, 21]. Methods. Vacuum-atmospheric drying. Design of vacuum-atmospheric dryer is described earlier [22]. Experimental investigations are carried out in the following order. 1. 30 minutes before starting experiment the compressor and electrical heaters are run in order to prepare drying installation. Necessary temperature of boiling of refrigerating agent (-40С) is set by regulation of expansion device. Atmosphere temperature in vacuum chamber is regulated in the limits(35÷55) 0С by changing intensity of current supplied to electrical heaters. 2. Prepared material (Jerusalem artichoke cubes with sizes 5×5×5 mm) is put intonetted capacities by the diameters 30-50mm and height 50 mm. Thickness of material layer is varied from 10 till 40 mm. 3. Mass of material is weighted on analytic balance with accuracy 0.001g. 4. Capacities are placed on shelves into vacuum chamber. Lid of chamber is closed compactly.

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5. Vacuum pump is gone on. Vacuum level in the chamber (2; 4; 6; 8; 10 kPa) is set up by vacuum valve. Moment of beginning of an experiment is fixed after achieving necessary level of vacuum. 6. Time interval between measurements of mass of dried material is 60 minutes. At that amount of evaporated moisture is defined. At first by the means of vacuum valve vacuum level in the chamber is decreased till 0.08 atm; then vacuum pump is switched off and lid is opened. 7. Moisture content in the material is calculated by the formula:  mm   21 ,100 %, (1) m1 where ω – moisture content of material relative to its initial mass, %; m1 and m2 – initial and final material masses, g. 7. Weighted material is placed in vacuum chamber and dried again with intermediate measurement loss in weight till achieving a critical humidity. 8. After achieving a critical humidity the material in the capacities is transferred from the vacuum chamber into the device for final atmospheric drying. Drying is continued with intermediate measurement loss in weight up to achievement final humidity 9%. Jerusalem artichoke tubers grown inSouth Kazakhstan were investigated in the work. Initial moisture content in Jerusalem artichoke tubers was 77%. Operating conditionsof drying. Operation conditions of developed process of vacuum-atmospheric drying are: - in vacuum chamber – pressure of medium and temperature of heaters; - in device for atmospheric final heat drying – temperature and rate of drying agent. There is difficulty of selection of modes of vacuum and atmospheric drying because of at vacuum drying except temperature of heating of material and medium, pressure of medium is basic parameter regulating drying process; at atmospheric drying it is rate of moving of drying agent, i.e. air. According to literature data [23, 24] it is efficient to hold the limited meanings of temperature of heaters into vacuum chamber at drying of thermolabile material not above 60 0C. It allows preserving biochemical composition and sensory indicators of the material at vacuum drying. Therefore, in vacuum chamber power of electric heaters provides heating of material in temperature range (3555) 0C [25]. At selection of vacuum level in the chamber it is efficient to apply meaningsof pressure which are easily achieved at industrial conditions. So as a pressure level into vacuum chamber for conducting drying was chosen the interval (2÷10) kilopascals. As it is mentioned before, a drying agent at atmospheric drying is air. In the developed dryer air is warmed by heat of condensation of refrigerant agent circulating into refrigerating system which is incorporated into the dryer by scheme of a heat pump. The temperature level of air into the device for final atmospheric drying should provide favourable conditions for drying thermolabile material preventing it overheating at a final stage. Moreover, at choosing the temperature level of drying agent it is necessary to promote economy working mode of the heat pump. For the purposes a temperature of air in the device for atmospheric final heat drying is chosen in the limit (3640) 0C taking in mind losses of heat into ambient medium. The air rate into the device is held in the limit (0,25÷0,4) m/s. Deviation from the interval leads to increased energy consumption [18]. Lowering of air rate brings to elongation of duration of drying that promotes rising of energy consumption as well. Biochemical analysis on investigated material. Biochemical analysis was carried out to determine quantity of dry substances, reducing sugars and vitamin C into raw sample, also in material dried by atmospheric, vacuum and vacuum-atmospheric ways. Atmospheric drying is conducted in drying cabinet at air temperature (4550)0C. Vacuum drying is carried out at medium pressure 4 kPa and temperature of electric heaters 550C. Temperature of air at atmospheric final drying is (3640) 0C. Jerusalem artichoke tubers crushed in view cubes with sizes 5×5×5 mm are investigated. Height of layer of dried material is 20 mm. Final humidity of dried material is (910)%. Dried material before analysis is exposed to rehydration up initial humidity.

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At vacuum-atmospheric drying crushed Jerusalem artichoke tubers at first are dried in vacuum camera up to critical humidity, equal to 22.71%. Then they are finally dried into device for atmospheric final heat drying. Determination of common content of dry substances by dehumidification method. Determination of dry substances is carried out according to the state standard GOST 8756.2 “Concentrated food products. Methods of determination of dry substances or moisture content” Determination of reducing sugars at the presence of methylene blue. Determination of quantity of reducing sugars is carried out according to the state standard GOST 8756.13 «Products of processing of fruit and vegetables. Methods of determination of sugars». Determination of vitamin C. Quantity of vitamin C is determined according to the state standard GOST 24556 «Fruit and vegetable canned food products. Methods of determination of vitamin C». Heat- and mass-transfer coefficients. Meanings of heat and mass transfer coefficients are calculated by the equations: Q   , (2) tf

M M   or   , (3) f р f Х where β – masstransfer coefficient, s/m; α–heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2ꞏK); Q – quantity of heat spent for heating of material, W; М – quantity of moisture removed from drying material, kg/s; t – difference of temperatures of heat surface or medium and material, 0C; р – difference of partial pressures of water steam corresponding to temperature of material and temperature of steam condensation, Pa; X – difference of moisture contents of air on surface of material and into medium, kg/kg; f – surface area of evaporation, m2. Results. It is found out during experimental research that rate of drying mostly depends on height of layer of drying material. Variation of height of layer up 10 to 40mm leads to twofold decreasing of drying rate of tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. The temperature level of vacuum drying influences directly on the rate of drying. Experimentally found that drying curves at 30, 35, 40, 45, 55 and 600C have sufficiently similar character. At the same time significant abruption is observed between drying curves at 40 and 35 0C. This temperature interval may be named as boundary one which divides fields of intensive (temperature is above 40 0C) and low intensive drying (temperature is low than 350C). Results of experimental research of vacuum and atmospheric drying of crushed Jerusalem artichoke tubers are shown in figures 1 and 2. By experimental way such modes of atmospheric drying were chosen at which the character of rate of Jerusalem artichoke tubers with definite height of layer is analogous maximally to the performance in vacuum chamber. Thus, analysis of drying curves obtained during atmospheric drying at height of layer 20mm, temperatures of drying agent 34; 36; 38; 40оC and its motion speed 0.4 m/s, is shown that they have similar nature with curves of vacuum drying at pressure of medium 10; 8; 6; 4 kPa (figures 1 and 2). The character of curves of vacuum drying at the pressure of medium 2 kPa is close to vacuum curves at 4 kPa and atmospheric curveat 40 0C. This indicates decreasing intensity of vacuum drying at 2 kPa therefore the interval of pressure for vacuum drying is accepted in the limit (4-8) kPa. At these modesall of curves of atmospheric and vacuum drying have accurate match both by initial periods, periods of constant and falling rate of drying and intensity of drying. On the next stage of experimental research it is necessary to combine processes of vacuum and atmospheric drying. Existence of similar curves of drying obtained at vacuum and atmospheric drying for same height of layer of dried material allows combining these processes. At that main point of com- bination of the processes is selection of working modes of dryer at which curves of vacuum and atmospheric drying are coincided at most. Furthermore, curves of vacuum and atmospheric drying should fit together in the moment when moisture content in the material in both cases corresponds to critical point, when period of constant rate of drying is finished.

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50 Figure 1 – Curves of vacuum and atmospheric drying of , % 40 Jerusalem artichoke tubers at pressure of medium into vacuum chamber 10; 8; 6 kPa and 30 temperature of air into device humidity for atmospheric drying 34; 36; 38 0C 20


0 01234567891011121314

duration of drying. hours 10 kPa 34 deg C 8 kPa 36 deg C 6 kPa 38 deg C




50 Figure 2 – Curves of vacuum and atmospheric drying of 40 Jerusalem artichoke tubers at pressure of medium into vacuum chamber 4; 2 kPa and 30 temperature of air into device

for atmospheric drying 40 0C % humidity, 20


0 00,511,522,533,544,55

duration of drying, hours 4 kPa 40 deg C 2 kPa

At studying rates of the processes it is found that at the same intensity of vacuum and atmospheric drying the character of curves of drying has similar view. Thus, at the selection of modes of vacuum and atmospheric drying with the same intensity in both cases it is possible to provide a behavior which would take place only at vacuum or atmospheric drying. At that duration of the process of vacuum-atmospheric drying should be equal to time of vacuum or atmospheric drying. For example, for Jerusalem artichoke tubers to the suchvacuum drying modes as temperature of heating in vacuum camera 55 0C and pressure of medium 4, 6 and 8 kPa the regimes of atmospheric drying with rate of air 0.4 m/s and temperature of air 36, 38 and 40 0C correspondingly are match the most. According to figure 3, about same intensity (j=0,0010 kg/m2s) havevacuum dryingmode at pressure 5.5-6.5 kPa and atmospheric dehydration regime at air temperature 37.5-38.5 0C. However, the total coincidence of vacuum and atmospheric drying modes must be proved by closeness of the material temperatures in periods of constant rate of drying for both ways. In other words,

169 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan material dried till critical humidity in the vacuum camera should have temperature level close to temperature of material which would be dried till critical meaning in the device for atmospheric drying. Otherwise, even at the same intensity of processes of vacuum and atmospheric drying thelowered or raised temperature of material may provoke decelerating of dehydration process. Comparison of temperatures of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in periods of constant rate of drying at vacuum and atmospheric dehydration for modes selected above is shown n figure 4. According to figure 4, for selected modes of vacuum and atmospheric drying the temperature of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in constant rate of drying is about 260C. Considering that temperature, it is possible to accomplish combination of vacuum and atmospheric drying into united vacuum-atmospheric drying process. Combination of processes of vacuum and atmospheric drying for the purpose of creation of joint process of vacuum-atmospheric dehydration of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is carried out in the following way. For definite layer of material on the base of graphs shown in figure 4 the meaning of the pressure of medium into vacuum chamber was selected taking in mind that it corresponds to same intensity of dehy- dration in vacuum and atmospheric drying. Then, on the base of graph in figure 4, meanings of temperatures of drying materials were determined. At that values of selected temperatures for vacuum and atmospheric drying should match together. In a result of these operations the united curve of vacuum- atmospheric drying was achieved. Conducting drying according to the mode parameters providing joint curve of vacuum-atmospheric drying allows achieving high efficient and lowenergy consumed process. At that vacuum dehydration in the process of vacuum-atmospheric drying should be conducted up to critical humidity of drying material. High intensity and low energy consumption of the process of dehydration were achieved by means of parallel realization into the dryer processes of vacuum and atmospheric drying.

9 41

8 40

7 39 deg c

6 38

5 37

4 36 air of temperature t, pressure of mediumof pressure Kpa P,

3 35

2 34 0,00008 0,00010 0,00011 intensity of drying j, kg/(m2s)

pressure temperature

Figure 3 – Comparison of intensities of vacuum and atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers with height of layer 20 mm

170 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

9 41

8 40

a 7 39 temperatureof air t, P, kP P,

m 6 38

5 37 0 ressure of mediu of ressure C

p 4 36

3 35

2 34 29 26 23 temperature of material , 0C

pressure temperature

Figure 4 – Comparison of temperatures of material in period of constant rate of drying at vacuum and atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers with height of layer 0,02 m

Experimental data of vacuum-atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoketubers crushed in view cubes with height of layer 0.02 m, pressure into vacuum chamber 4 kPa and temperatures of heating 55; 45 и 35 0C are processed in view curves of drying (figure 5). To these heating temperature meanings the temperatures of air 40; 38; 36 0C at atmospheric drying correspond at all. The solid line determines period of vacuum drying and the dashed one is the period of atmospheric dehydration. The point characterizes critical moisture content of material that determines completion of drying period with constant rate and beginning drying time with falling rate. As experiments show, the most efficient mode of drying for Jerusalem artichoke tubers is at tempe- rature of heating 55 0C (figure 5). Comparably, at temperature 35 0C achieving of critical moisture content takes longer time approximately for 43%. From figure 5 may be observed significant decreasing of energy consumption at vacuum-atmospheric drying. So, at drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, depending on the temperature of heating energy consumption is calculated for 2.8-4.6 hours i.e. till critical humidity of the material (figure 5). Further, drying is performed into device for atmospheric drying using disposable heat of condensation of refrigerant agent. At the same time, duration of drying only in vacuum chamber at 55 0C would be above 4.5 hours. Consequently, efficiency of the process of vacuum-atmospheric drying by time approximately for 37 % is higher compare to vacuum one. Results of experimental investigation of vacuum-atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers are processed in view heat and mass transfercoefficients by equations (1) and (2). Dependencies of heat and masstransfer coefficients at vacuum drying are shown in figures 6-11.As is clear from figures 6, 7, the highest intensities of heat and masstransfer are observed at pressures of medium into chamber 4 kPa. Heat and mass transfercoefficients have high meanings at temperature of heating 55 0C into vacuum chamber, as may be inferred from figures 8, 9.

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humidity ω, % 30



0 012345678

duration of drying τ, hours

55 deg c 45 deg c 35 deg c

Figure 5 – Dependence of humidity of dryable Jerusalem artichoke tubers on duration of vacuum-atmospheric drying at P=4 Kpa and different temperatures of heating

Heat and mass transfercoefficients are calculated also at pressure of medium 4 kPa and temperature of heating 55 0C for height of layer 0,01; 0,02; 0,03 and 0,04 m (figures 10, 11). Analysis of calculated data shows that alteration of height of layer affects on intensity of vacuum drying much more than variation of pressures or temperatures. Thus, variation of heights of layer of Jerusalem artichoke tubers from 0.01 to 0.04m leads to decreasing of numeral meanings of heat transfer coefficient from 10.23 to 5.81 W/(m2K), i.e. 1.76 times, and masstransfer coefficient 1.53times. It may be concluded that vacuum drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers is efficient at height of layer from 0.01 to 0.02 m. Increasing of height more than 0.02 m leads to much consumption of time for drying and fixing layer low than 0.01 m results to lowering of efficiency of applying of working volume of drying chamber.

8,8 0,018 8,6 0,017 8,4 0,016 8,2 8 0,015 7,8 0,014

7,6 0,013 7,4 0,012

7,2 mass-transfer coefficient, s/m

heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2K) coefficient, heat-transfer 7 0,011 468 468 pressure of medium, kPa pressure of medium, kPa

Figure 6 – Dependence of heattransfer coefficient Figure 7 – Dependence of masstransfer coefficient from pressure of medium into vacuum chamber from pressure of medium into vacuum chamber at height of layer 0.02 m and temperature of heating 550C at height of layer 0.02 m and temperature of heating 550C

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9 0,018 0,017 8,5 0,016 0,015 8 0,014 7,5 0,013 0,012 7 0,011 0,01 6,5 mass-transfer coefficient, s/m heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2K) 0,009 6 0,008 55 45 35 55 45 35 temperature of heating, deg C temperature of heating, deg C

Figure 8 – Dependence of heat transfer coefficient Figure 9 – Dependence of mass transfer coefficient from temperature of heating at pressure of medium from temperature of heating at pressure of medium into vacuum chamber 4 kPa and height of layer 0.02 m into vacuum chamber 4 kPa and height of layer 0.02 m

11 0,02 0,019 10 0,018 9 0,017

8 0,016 0,015 7 0,014 6 0,013 mass-transfer mass-transfer coefficient, s/m 0,012 5 0,011 heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2K) 4 0,01 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,04 height of layer, m height of layer, m

Figure 10 – Dependence of heattransfer coefficient Figure 11 – Dependence of masstransfer coefficient from height of layer of material at pressure of medium from height of layer of material at pressure of medium into vacuum chamber 4 kPa and temperature of heating 55 0C into vacuum chamber 4 kPa and temperature of heating 55 0C

Dependencies of coefficients of heat and mass transfer at atmospheric drying are shown on figures 12 and 13. Meanings of coefficients of heat and mass transfer are calculated depending on temperature of air at height of layer 0.02 m. As it clear from the figures, the highest intensity of heat and mass transfer is observed at air temperature 40 0C. Comparison of correlations of heat and mass transfer coefficients of vacuum and atmospheric drying reflects their sufficient coincidence. It follows thence those modes of vacuum and atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers are selected correctly for their combination and realization in vacuum- atmospheric dryer. On the base of analysis of experimental data of heat and mass transfer at vacuum drying and in respect [26], the equations of heat and diffusionNusselt criteria are obtained: Nu=1,21Re0,154Gu0,21Pr0,33Г0,135, (3) 0,85 0,16 0,33 0,045 Num=0,29Re Gu Prm Г , (4) where Pr and Prm – heat-and-mass exchange Prandtl criteria; Re - Reynolds criterion; Gu – Guhman criterion; Г – geometric simplex, which is equal to relation of half height of layer to distance between electrical heaters r, Г = (h/r). 173 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

0,018 9

8,8 0,017 8,6 0,016 8,4

8,2 0,015 8 0,014 7,8

7,6 s/m coefficient, mass-transfer 0,013 7,4 0,012 7,2

7 0,011 heat-transfer coefficient, W/(m2K) coefficient, heat-transfer 40 38 36 40 38 36 temperature of heating, deg c temperature of heating, deg c

Figure 12 – Dependence of heat transfer coefficient Figure 13 – Dependence of masstransfer coefficient from temperature of air at rate of air 0.4 m/s from temperature of air at rate of air 0.4 m/s and height of material layer 0.02 m and height of material layer 0.02 m

Analogous equations of heat Nu and diffusional Num Nusselt criteria are obtained for atmospheric drying: Nu = 0,54Pr0,33Re0,35Gu0,17 , (5) 0,37 0,24 0,33 Num=0,34Re Gu Prm (6) Obtained equations of heat Nu and diffusional Num Nusselt criteria are suitable to apply at enginee- ring design of new drying installations. Results of chemical analysis are given in the table.

Result of analysis of Jerusalem artichoke tubers

Content of solids, Content of reducing sugar, Content of vitamin C, Material % % in calculation on solids mg/gg Raw Jerusalem artichoke tubers 2325 13,19 0,493 Jerusalem artichoke tubers dried 910 9,15 0,369 by atmospheric way Jerusalem artichoke tubers dried 910 12,612,9 0,4230,465 by vacuum way Jerusalem artichoke tubers dried 910 12,412,8 0,4180,457 by vacuum-atmospheric way

Discussion. Increasing of temperature of heating into vacuum chamber above 60 0C is inexpedient because it leads to insignificant growth of rate of drying. At that partial caramelization of sugars leads to deterioration of sensory indicators takes place as well. Heating at temperature low than 30 0C in vacuum chamber reduces intensity of drying considerably. The optimal mode of drying into vacuum-atmospheric dryer is pressure of medium in the range (4-8) kPa and temperature level of heating is 55 0C. As is clear from table, the highest content of vitamin C and reducing sugar is in raw material. Content of vitamin C and reducing sugars in samples dried by vacuum-atmospheric method is small lower than in tubers dried by vacuum way. The lowest meanings have samples dried by atmospheric method. These indicators give evidence aboutprospectivity of vacuum-atmospheric method at producing other plant products as well. The idea of combination of vacuum drying with other methods is also proposed by other scientists. Thus, hybrid drying is proposed, which includes the combination of vacuum drying with traditional and novel methods of drying, such as drum, microwave, infrared, ohmic drying [27].

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The essence of combining vacuum drying with atmospheric one is to include a heat pump in the vacuum drying unit, which suppliesheat to the process of atmospheric drying of the material and cold to dehumidification process (freezing of moisture) during vacuum drying. Alongside with good preservation of the biochemical composition of dried products the developed method of vacuum-atmospheric drying promotes a reduction in the energy consumption as compared with the vacuum one by 13-15%. Thus, the developed method of vacuum-atmospheric drying meets the requirements for advanced drying technologies, which makes the process cost-effective and reduces energy consumption.

Б. Т. Абдижаппарова1, Н. С. Ханжаров2, Б. О. Оспанов1, И. А. Панкина3, Г. Э. Орымбетова1

1М. Әуезов атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті, Шымкент, Қазақстан, 2Халықаралық гуманитарлық-техникалық университет, Қазақстан, 3Ұлы Петр атындағы Санкт-Петербург мемлекеттік политехникалық университеті, Ресей


Аннотация. Өнеркәсіптік тұрғыдан жер нәгінің түйндері инулин, фруктоза, сірне және спирт өндіруге арналған құнды шикізат болып табылады. Жер нәгінің түйіндерін дәстүрлі сақтау кезінде сапаның тез төмен- деуі оны жыл бойы қолдануды қиындатады. Бұл тұрғыда кептіру жер нәгі түйнектерін сақтаудың ең қолайлы тәсілі болып табылады. Жұмыстың мақсаты жер нәгінің ұсақталған түйнектерін кептіру процесінде энергия шығынын төмендету және тиімділігін арттыру болып табылады. Қойылған міндетті орындау үшін жер нәгі- нің түйнектерін вакуумдық-атмосфералық кептіру әдісі ұсынылған. Ұсынылған әдіс материалды вакуумдық кептіруді аралық ылғалдылыққа дейін және атмосфералық кептіруді соңғы ылғалдылыққа дейін жүргізуді қамтиды. Бұл кезде соңғы атмосфералық кептіру кептіргіштің жылу сорғысы болып табылатын тоңазытқыш машинасында айналатын хладагент сұйылту жылуын пайдалана отырып жүзеге асырылады. Осы көзден алынған ауамен соңғы кептіру энергияны атмосфералық ылғалсыздандыруға үнемдеп, вакуумдық кептірудің ұзақтығын қысқартуға мүмкіндік береді. Бұл әдіс бір кептіру қондырғысында вакуумдық және атмосфералық кептіруді біріктіруге және тоңазытқыш агенттің сұйылту жылуын пайдалануғабағытталған. Сұйылту жылуы- жер нәгі түйіндерінің соңғы атмосфералық кептіруі үшін қолданылады. Дайын өнім жоғары сапалы көрсет- кіштермен сипатталады. Түйін сөздер: жер нәгі, түйін, вакуум-атмосфералық кептіру, критикалық ылғалдылық, температура, қысым.

Б. Т. Абдижаппарова1, Н. С. Ханжаров2, Б. О. Оспанов1, И. А. Панкина3, Г. Э. Орымбетова1

1Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова, Шымкент, Казахстан, 2Международный гуманитарно-технический университет, Казахстан, 3Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет им. Петра Великого, Россия


Аннотация. С промышленной точки зрения клубни топинамбура являются ценным сырьем для произ- водства инулина, фруктозы, патоки и спирта. Быстрое снижение качества при традиционном хранении топи- намбура как клубневого сырья затрудняет его применение в течение года. В этом отношении сушка является наиболее подходящим способом сохранения клубней топинамбура. Целью работы является повышение эф- фективности и снижение энергозатрат в процессе сушки измельченных клубней топинамбура. Для решения поставленной задачи предложен способ вакуумно-атмосферной сушки клубней топинамбура. Способ включает проведение вакуумной сушки материала до промежуточной влажности и атмосферной сушки до конечной влажности. При этом окончательная атмосферная сушка осуществляется с использованием тепла конденсации хладагента, циркулирующего в холодильной машине, которая является тепловым насосом сушилки. Окончательная сушка материала воздухом из этого источника позволяет экономить энергию на атмосферную сушку и уменьшить продолжительность вакуумного обезвоживания. Этот метод основан на комбинировании вакуумной и атмосферной сушки в одной сушильной установке и утилизации теплоты конденсации холодильного агента. Последняя применяется для завершающей атмосферной сушки клубней топинамбура. Конечный продукт характеризуется достаточно высокими качественными показателями. Ключевыеслова: топинамбур, клубни, вакуумно-атмосферная сушка, критическая влажность, темпера- тура, давление.

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Information about authors: Abdizhapparova B. T., M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; 8277-8243 Khanzharov N. S., International Humanitarian-Technical University, Kazakhstan; Ospanov B. O., M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Pankina I. A., Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia Orymbetova G. E., M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan


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UDK 691:575.22

S. V. Tyulkin1, R. R. Vafin2, Kh. Kh. Gilmanov1, I. V. Rzhanova1, A. G. Galstyan2, A. V. Bigaeva1, S. A. Khurshudyan2, D. E. Nurmukhanbetova3

1V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 2All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 3University of Narxoz, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The aim of the study is to assess productive qualities of animals with different milk protein genes genotypes by origin, that is, by pedigree, taking into account the closest ancestors in female line phenotype. The stu- dies were carried out in JSC “Head Breeding Enterprise “Elita” conditions of Vysokogorsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan on bull’s purebred and crossbred Holstein breeds sample. As a result of molecular genetic studies (AS- PCR and PCR-RFLP analysis), animals were divided into groups taking into account genotypes for alpha S1-casein (CSN1S1), beta-casein (CSN2), kappa-casein (CSN3), beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) and alpha-lactalbumin (LALBA) genes. In studied bulls’ samples, two genotypes BB, BC were identified by CSN1S1-gene; AA, AB for CSN2-gene and three genotypes AA, AB, BB for CSN3, BLG, LALBA-genes, respectively. Milk productivity signs (milk yield and fat mass fraction in milk) of the nearest female servicing bulls’ ancestors with different milk protein genes genotypes were studied. Studies have shown that bulls with BC genotypes of CSN1S1-gene (10494 kg and 4.05 %), AA of CSN2-gene (8846 kg and 3.92 %), AB (8940 kg) and BB (3.95 %) of CSN3-gene, AA and AB of BLG-gene (9379- 9382 kg and 3.95 %), AA of LALBA-gene (9405 kg and 3.93 %) compared to other genotypes analogues. It should be noted that servicing bull’s origin information is of exceptional importance, since it cannot be assessed for milk production, and the only criterion for its preliminary breeding qualities assessment is data on nearest female ancestors’ productivity of analyzed bull. Key words: servicing bull, gene, genotype, CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, BLG, LALBA.

Introduction. Genetic animals’ pedigree assessment is fundamental to predicting their breeding value. Incorrect animals’ pedigree assessment can lead to significant errors in prediction. At present, with DNA analysis advent, errors in determination of animal’s paternity and genotype are practically excluded, data obtained are used to breeding animals’ assessment by origin [1]. Genetic progress in animal husbandry can only be achieved as a result of combined use of traditional breeding methods and modern DNA technologies. At the same time, assessment of agricultural animals’ productivity genetic potential by molecular genetic markers is a modern, sought-after and rapidly developing direction in breeding [2]. Markers use of milk production quantitative and qualitative indicators in cattle breeding provide more rapid and preferable increase in cattle productivity [3-9]. Presented numerous evidence that presence of certain alleles and milk protein genes genotypes in cows genome, namely alpha S1-casein (CSN1S1), beta-casein (CSN2), kappa-casein (CSN3), beta- lactoglobulin (BLG) and alpha-lactalbumin (LALBA) genes affect milk yield, mass fraction in milk, milk protein amount, quality and technological properties of their milk [4, 10-19].

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Full provision of high-quality and safe dairy raw materials to processing industry enterprises is guarantee of stable dairy products production, such as fermented milk, cheese, canned, functional, gero- dietic, etc. [20-23]. In this regard, the purpose of research was to conduct comparative study of Holstein breeding servicing bulls with different milk protein genes genotypes (CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, BLG, LALBA) by origin under Republic of Tatarstan conditions. Material and research methods. The studies were conducted in JSC "Head Breeding Enterprise "Elita" of Vysokogorsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan. For PCR analysis, 70 blood samples were taken from 70 purebred and crossbred Holstein breeds of servicing bulls with different milk protein genes genotypes. The blood obtained from the jugular vein of animals was added to test tubes with 100 mM EDTA to a final concentration of 10 mM. DNA was isolated from blood by combined alkaline method: 100 мl of blood was mixed with 1 ml of distilled water and centrifuged at 10 000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant was discarded, and 50 мl of 0.2 M NaOH was added to precipitate and mixture was vortexed thoroughly at room temperature until suspension cleared. The obtained homogenate was kept in a thermostat at 60 °C for 10 min. An equal volume (50 мl) of 1M Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) was added to lysate and mixture was vortexed thoroughly at room temperature. 500 мl of 96 % ethanol was added to obtained homogenate and mixture was kept at -20 °C for 30 minutes. Nucleoprotein complex was precipitated by centrifugation at 12000 rpm for 10 minutes. Supernatant was discarded, and the precipitate was dried at 60 °C for 12 min with an open tube. 100 мl of 10 % ammonia was added to dried precipitate, mixture was vortexed thoroughly at room temperature and kept in a thermostat at 60 °C for 10 minutes, then re-vortexed and incubated in thermostat at 60 °C for 10 minutes. Obtained homogenate was kept in thermostat at 95 °С for 15 min with an open tube. Animals genotyping by milk protein genes (CSN1S1, CSN2 [24], CSN3 [25], BLG [26], LALBA [27]) was performed by PCR-RFLP and AS-PCR methods. In the work, along with experimental materials, data from zootechnical and pedigree registration of this economy, as well as catalogs and pedigree certificates of servicing bulls were used. Calculated parental index for each bull (PBI) by yield and milk content of their female ancestors according to the formula: PIB = (2M + MM + MF) / 4, where М – mothers, MM – mothers of mothers, MF – mothers of fathers. Results obtained in course of scientific research are processed by biometric method. Results and discussion. Studies have been carried out and an assessment has been made of purebred and crossbred Holstein breeds of servicing bulls with different genotypes for milk protein genes CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, BLG, LALBA by origin. Characteristics of purebred and crossbreeds based on Holstein breed of servicing bulls with different CSN1S1-gene genotypes by origin are presented in table 1.

Table 1 – Characteristics of servicing bulls with different CSN1S1-gene genotypes for milk female ancestors productivity

Bulls genotype at locus CSN1S1-gene Indicator BB BC CC Number of bulls 64 6 – milk yield, kg 8574±219,7 10281±360,1 – Mother fat, % 3,88±0,03 3,88±0,06 – milk yield, kg 7074±265,4 9708±517,6 – MM fat, % 3,87±0,04 3,92±0,14 – milk yield, kg 10538±381,7 11704±734,1 – MF fat, % 4,01±0,04 4,53±0,28 – Parental bull index milk yield, kg 8690±217,3 10494±192,2 – (PBI) fat, % 3,91±0,02 4,05±0,10 – ***Р<0,001.

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Analysis of table 1 shows that bulls mothers with BB genotype of CSN1S1-gene (10281 kg) had the highest milk yield, which is higher than that of bulls with BC genotype of 1707 kg (P<0.001). At the same time, bulls’ mothers with BB and BC genotypes did not differ in fat mass fraction in milk. Higher milk yield and fat content in milk were higher for mothers of mothers (MM) and mothers of fathers (MF) of bulls with CSN1S1-gene BC genotype (9708 kg and 11704 kg; 3.92 % and 4.53 %), which is higher than for analogues with BB genotype, respectively, by 2634 kg (P<0.001) and 1166 kg; 0.05 % and 0.52 %. Characteristics of purebred and crossbred according to Holstein breed of servicing bulls with diffe- rent CSN2-gene genotypes by origin are presented in table 2.

Table 2 – Characteristics of servicing bulls with different CSN2-gene genotypes for milk female ancestors productivity

Bulls genotype at locus CSN2-gene Indicator AA AB BB Number of bulls 61 9 – milk yield, kg 8752±225,5 8363±654,2 – Mother fat, % 3,89±0,03 3,80±0,04 – milk yield, kg 7201±262,5 8104±1226,4 – MM fat, % 3,89±0,05 3,74±0,04 – milk yield, kg 10678±394,9 10230±227,8 – MF fat, % 4,04±0,05 4,13±0,18 – Parental bull index milk yield, kg 8846±225,8 8765±570,6 – (PBI) fat, % 3,92±0,03 3,87±0,05 – *Р<0,05.

Analysis of table 2 shows that mothers of bulls with CSN2-gene of AA genotype (8752 kg and 3.89 %) had the highest indicators for milk yield and fat content in milk, which were higher than for bulls’ mothers with AB genotype by 389 kg and 0.09 %, respectively. Higher milk yield was characteristic for mothers of mothers (MM) of bulls with AB genotype (8104 kg), whereas mothers of bulls with AA genotype (3.89 %) were allocated for fat mass fraction in milk. At the same time, difference between mothers of mothers with AA and AB genotypes of CSN2-gene in terms of fat mass fraction was 0.15% (P<0.05). Higher milk yield is characteristic for mothers of fathers (MF) of bulls with AA genotype (10678 kg), and higher fat content in milk differed in analogues with AB genotype (4.13 %). At the same time, difference in these indicators was 448 kg and 0.09 %. Characteristics of purebred and crossbred according to Holstein breed of servicing bulls with diffe- rent genotypes of CSN3-gene by origin are presented in table 3.

Table 3 – Characteristics of servicing bulls with different CSN3-gene genotypes for milk female ancestors productivity

Bulls genotype at locus CSN3-gene Indicator AA AB BB Number of bulls 48 18 4 milk yield, kg 8715±263,8 8665±413,2 8919±541,0 Mother fat, % 3,89±0,03 3,81±0,03 3,92±0,17 milk yield, kg 7170±306,3*** 7964±592,0*** 5906±126,2 MM fat, % 3,88±0,05 3,83±0,08 4,03±0,18 milk yield, kg 10718±426,7 10464±812,0 10191±73,3 MF fat, % 4,07±0,06* 4,01±0,09 3,93±0,01 Parental bull index milk yield, kg 8830±252,8 8940±464,4 8484±296,6 (PBI) fat, % 3,93±0,03 3,87±0,04 3,95±0,11 *Р<0,05, ***Р<0,001.

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Analysis of table 3 shows that mothers of bulls with BB genotype of CSN3-gene (8919 kg and 3.92 %) had the highest rates of milk yield and fat content in milk, which were higher than those of bulls with AA and AB genotypes by 204 -254 kg and 0.03-0.11 %, respectively. Higher milk yield was typical for mothers of mothers (MM) of bulls with AA and AB genotypes (7170 kg and 7964 kg), whereas mothers of bulls with BB genotype (4.03%) were allocated by fat mass fraction in milk. At the same time, superiority of bulls’ mothers with AA and AB genotypes of CSN3-gene over their analogues with BB genotype yields amounted to 1264–2058 kg (P <0.001). A higher yield is characteristic for mothers of fathers (MF) of bulls with BB genotype (10191 kg), and higher fat fractions in milk differed in analogues with AA genotype (4.07 %). At the same time, difference in these indicators with peers with other genotypes was 273-527 kg and 0.06-0.14 % (differences between AA and BB genotypes in terms of fat mass fraction were significant, with P<0.05). Characteristics of purebred and crossbred according to Holstein breed of servicing bulls with dif- ferent genotypes of BLG-gene by origin are presented in table 4.

Table 4 – Characteristics of servicing bulls with different BLG-gene genotypes for milk female ancestors productivity

Bulls genotype at locus BLG-gene Indicator AA AB BB Number of bulls 9 26 35 milk yield, kg 8956±449,7 9402±373,2** 8163±271,9 Mother fat, % 3,92±0,06 3,89±0,04 3,86±0,04 milk yield, kg 8279±889,3 7466±435,1 6910±343,0 MM fat, % 3,90±0,06 3,90±0,08 3,85±0,06 milk yield, kg 11338±1080,5 11247±737,1 10017±367,1 MF fat, % 4,07±0,14 4,11±0,09 4,00±0,06 Parental bull index milk yield, kg 9382±606,1 9379±403,9* 8313±226,9 (PBI) fat, % 3,95±0,06 3,95±0,05 3,89±0,03 *Р<0,05, **Р<0,01.

Analysis of table 4 shows that bulls mothers with AB genotype of BLG-gene (9402 kg) had the highest milk yield indicators, while bulls mother with AA genotype (3.92 %) differed in fat mass fraction in milk, which was higher than in bulls mothers with other genotypes by 446 kg and 1239 kg (P<0.05) and 0.03-0.06 %, respectively. Higher milk yield was characteristic for mothers of mothers (MM) of bulls with AA genotype (8279 kg), whereas mothers of bulls with AA and AB genotypes (3.90 %) were distinguished by fat mass fraction in milk. Difference between mothers of mothers with other genotypes of BLG-gene was 813- 1369 kg and 0.05 %, respectively.

Table 5 – Characteristics of servicing bulls with different LALBA-gene genotypes for milk female ancestors productivity

Bulls genotype at locus LALBA-gene Indicator AA AB BB Number of bulls 23 35 12 milk yield, kg 8875±407,5 8605±308,1 8776±430,5 Mother fat, % 3,87±0,05 3,88±0,04 3,88±0,05 milk yield, kg 8208±515,7 7219±353,7 6179±464,0** MM fat, % 3,87±0,09 3,86±0,06 3,91±0,05 milk yield, kg 11660±803,4 10483±496,8 9583±319,0* MF fat, % 4,10±0,10 4,03±0,07 4,03±0,09 Parental bull index milk yield, kg 9405±459,3 8728±291,5 8328±282,3* (PBI) fat, % 3,93±0,04 3,91±0,04 3,93±0,03 *Р<0,05, **Р<0,01. 180 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Higher milk yield is characteristic for mothers of fathers (MF) of bulls with AA genotype (10338 kg), and higher fat content in milk differed in analogues with AB genotype (4.11 %). At the same time, the difference in these indicators was 91-1321 kg and 0.04-0.11 %, respectively. Characteristics of purebred and crossbreeds according to Holstein breed of servicing bulls with different genotypes of LALBA-gene by origin are presented in table 5. Analysis of table 5 shows that mothers of bulls with AA genotype of LALBA-gene (8875 kg) had the highest indicators of milk yield, which is higher than that of bulls’ mothers with AB and BB genotypes of 99-270 kg. At the same time, bulls’ mothers with different genotypes of LALBA-gene did not differ much in fat mass fraction in milk. Mothers of mothers (MM) and mothers of fathers (MF) bulls with AA genotype of LALBA-gene 8208 kg and 11660 kg had higher rates for milk yield, which is higher than for analogues with AB and BB genotypes by 989-1177 kg and 2029-2077 kg, respectively (P<0.05-0.01). In terms of fat mass fraction in milk, the matter of mothers of bull mothers and mothers of bull fathers with LALBA-gene genotypes, respectively BB and AA, was superior. At the same time, the superiority in this indicator over animals with other genotypes was 0.04-0.05 % (for mothers of bull mothers) and 0.07 % (for mothers of bull fathers). Conclusion. Bulls assessment on parent index revealed that bulls used with different genotypes of milk protein genes are not equivalent in origin. For example, an assessment of servicing bulls with different milk protein genes genotypes by origin showed that greatest data on PBI (parent bull index) were in milk yield and fat in bulls with BC genotypes of CSN1S1-gene (10494 kg and 4.05 %), AA of CSN2- gene (8846 kg and 3.92 %), AB (8940 kg) and BB (3.95 %) of the CSN3-gene, AA and AB of the BLG- gene (9379-9382 kg and 3.95 %), AA of the LALBA-gene (9405 kg and 3,93 %) compared with analogues of other genotypes.

С. В. Тюлькин1, Р. Р. Вафин2, Х. Х. Гильманов1, И. В. Ржанова1, А. Г. Галстян2, А. В. Бигаева1, С. А. Хуршудян2, Д. Е. Нурмуханбетова3

1ФМБҒМ филиалы В. М. Горбатов атындағы «Азық-түлік жүйелерінің федералдық ғылыми орталығы» РҒА, Мәскеу, Ресей, 2Бүкілресейлік сыра қайнату, алкогольсіз және шарап өнеркәсібі ғылыми-зерттеу институты – ФМБҒМ филиалы В. М. Горбатов атындағы «Азық-түлік жүйелерінің федералдық ғылыми орталығы» РҒА, Мәскеу, Ресей, 3Нархоз университеті,Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Зерттеудің мақсаты – әртүрлі генотипті сүт ақуыз гендері бар жануарлардың шығу тегіне, яғни асыл тұқымды, аналық ұрпақтарға жақын ата-бабаларының фенотипін ескере отырып бағалау. Зерттеу Татарстан Республикасы Высокогорский ауданының «Элита» асыл тұқымды мал өсіру кәсіпорны АҚ жағ- дайында, жергілікті голштин және таңдалған асыл тұқымды бұқаларға жүргізілді. Молекулалық-генетикалық зерттеулер нәтижесінде (АС-ПЦР және ПЦР-ПДРФ талдауы) жануарларды гендерінің генотиптерін ескере отырып мынадай топтарға бөлді: альфа S1-казеин (CSN1S1), бета-казеин (CSN2), каппа-казеин (CSN3), бета лактоглобулин (BLG) және альфа-лакталбумин (LALBA). Бұқалардың зерттелген үлгісінде CSN1S1 геніне арналған ВВ, ВС екі генотиптері; CSN2 геніне арналған AA, AB және CSN3, BLG, LALBA гендері үшін үш AA, AB, BB генотиптері анықталды. Сүт ақуыз генінің әртүрлі генотиптері бар өндіруші бұқалардың ең жа- қын аналық ата-бабаларының сүт өнімділігінің белгілері (сүт өнімділігі және сүттегі майдың үлес салмағы) зерттелді. Зерттеулер көрсеткендей, CSN1S1 генінің BC генотиптері бар бұқалар (10494 кг және 4,05%), CSN2 гені АА (8846 кг және 3,92%), AB (8940 кг),) CSN3 генінің BB (3,95%), BLG генінің АА және АВ (9379-9382 кг және 3,95%), LALBA генінің АА (9405 кг және 3,93%) бұқаның асыл тұқымдық индексі бойынша басқа генотиптердің аналогтарымен салыстырғанда жоғары бағаланды. Айта кету керек, өндіруші бұқаның шығу тегі туралы ақпарат өте маңызды, өйткені оны сүт өнімділігімен бағалау мүмкін емес және оның асыл тұқымдылығын алдын-ала бағалаудың жалғыз критерийі - талданатын бұқаның ең жақын аналық ата-бабаларының өнімділігі туралы мәліметтер. Түйін сөздер: бұқа- өндіруші, ген, генотип, CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, BLG, LALBA.

181 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

С. В. Тюлькин1, Р. Р. Вафин2, Х. Х. Гильманов1, И. В. Ржанова1, А. Г. Галстян2, А. В. Бигаева1, С. А. Хуршудян2, Д. Е. Нурмуханбетова3

1ФГБНУ «ФНЦ пищевых систем им. В. М. Горбатова» РАН, Москва, Россия, 2Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт пивоваренной, безалкогольной и винодельческой промышленности – филиал ФГБНУ «ФНЦ пищевых систем им. В. М. Горбатова» РАН, Москва, Россия, 3Университет Нархоз, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. Цель исследований заключается в оценке продуктивных качеств животных с разными генотипами генов белков молока по происхождению, то есть по родословной, с учётом фенотипа ближайших предков по женской линии. Исследования проводились в условиях АО «Головное племенное предприятие «Элита» Высокогорского района Республики Татарстан на выборке чистопородных и помесных по голш- тинской породе племенных быков. В результате молекулярно-генетических исследований (АС-ПЦР и ПЦР-ПДРФ-анализ) животных разделили на группы с учётом генотипов по генам альфа S1-казеина (CSN1S1), бета-казеина (CSN2), каппа-казеина (CSN3), бета-лактоглобулина (BLG) и альфа-лактальбумина (LALBA). В исследуемой выборке быков выявлены два генотипа BB, BC по гену CSN1S1; AA, AB по гену CSN2 и три генотипа AA, AB, BB по генам CSN3, BLG, LALBA, соответственно. Изучены признаки молочной продуктивности (удой и массовая доля жира в молоке) ближайших женских предков быков-производителей с разными генотипами генов белков молока. Исследования показали, что более высокую оценку по происхож- дению, судя по родословному индексу быка, имели быки с генотипами BC гена CSN1S1 (10494 кг и 4,05 %), AA гена CSN2 (8846 кг и 3,92 %), AB (8940 кг) и BB (3,95 %) гена CSN3, AA и AB гена BLG (9379-9382 кг и 3,95%), AA гена LALBA (9405 кг и 3,93 %) по сравнению с аналогами других генотипов. Следует отметить, что информация о происхождении быка-производителя имеет исключительное значение, так как он сам не может быть оценён по молочной продуктивности, и единственным критерием его предварительной оценки племенных качеств являются данные продуктивности ближайших женских предков анализируемого быка. Ключевые слова: бык-производитель, ген, генотип, CSN1S1, CSN2, CSN3, BLG, LALBA.

Information about authors: Tyulkin Sergey Vladimirovich, Candidate of Agricultural Science, Senior Researcher, V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Vafin Ramil Rishadovich, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor of RAS, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Gilmanov Khamid Khalimovich, Researcher, V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Aca- demy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Rzhanova Irina Vladimirovna, Researcher, V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected], Galstyan Aram Genrikhovich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor of RAS, Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of the Interbranch Scientific and Technical Center for Food Quality Monitoring, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of the Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center of Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Bigaeva Alana Vladislavovna, Researcher, V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Khurshudyan Sergey Azatovich, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry – branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; [email protected]; Nurmukhanbetova Dinara Erikovna, candidate of engineering sciences, acting associate professor, Almaty technological university, Department of Food safety and quality, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 626. 823.4:502.7

S. K. Joldassov1, G. A. Sarbassova1, M. M. Bekmuratov1, B. Sch. Smailov1, E. I. Rustem1, N. Zh. Zholamanov1, A. A. Yangiev 2

1M. Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University, Department of Water resources, Kazakhstan, 2Tashkent Institutes of Engineers of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization, Department of Hydrotechnical structures and engineering structures, Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. Presents regulating ways of transporting ability and new constructions of sediment exclusion works. For comparison, it has been considered the works of leading experts in this field of science. Methodological and theoretical basis of the study were scientific works of native and CIS scientists on the problems of improving the construction and researches in sediment exclusion works. To achieve the objectives, there were used general scientific methods to study the improvement of construction and transportation ability of sediment exclusion works with longitudinal slotted holes. The results given of experimental research of construction of sediment exclusion works with longitudinal slotted holes. Theory, methods, results of research and new construction of sediment exclu- sion works, which derived from the results of field research in Tasmuryn, the main channel of the river of Ily Almaty region. Taking into account the experimental research of construction considered, given recommendations to make an experimental research of sand trap structures with longitudinal sediment exclusion slots. Research results application area. Key findings and practical recommendations can be used as a methodological basis for the further deepening research of sand traps with longitudinal sediment exclusion slots. Keywords: construction of sand traps, sediment exclusion works, longitudinal slotted holes, bottom sediments, transportation ability, helical motion, slurry pipeline.

Introduction. A wide-spread, sufficiently effective sediment exclusion (works) structure is consi- dered to be a bottom transverse slurry pipeline of cylindrical type, to which sediments are supplied by parallel tubes, located along the stream at certain distances. Pairing of the tube to a slurry pipeline per- formed tangentially to the upper part so that biphasic bottom stream moves in the slurry pipeline helically Sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan and the socio-ecological situation of the population of the country depend on the conditions of water supply and ecological well-being throughout the country. Ensuring the water security of the state has always been at the center of attention of the Government, and first of all, the Head of State is giving this vital problem President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev [1, 2]. According to A.I. Arykova [1], helical motion of the flow occurs as a result of translational motion and transverse circulation connection, formed by the water entering through the lateral openings, repre- sented either in the form of a longitudinal slit or separate apertures located at certain distances from each other. Due to this water flow nature, the intensity of the flow rotation along the length varies and mostly depends on the input speed of the water flow into openings. Due to the variability of the water divergence along the length of the slurry pipeline, its movement is uneven. All this complicates the kinematic picture of the flow motion and therefore the conditions which determine the movement of uniformly-screw flow, as well as longitudinal-screw flow, which are not suitable for our problem. It should also be noted that the results for screw-flow models are based on the Euler’s differential equations, without taking into account terms representing the resistance forces, which may not display the actual picture of the real flow move- ment. 184 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

If, in addition, we take into account the fact that we are confronted with the motion of a stream of in- creased turbulence due to the addition of the liquid with normal components to the flow axis along the length of the fluid, it is obvious that to describe the motion of the entire flow, one must take into account the energy losses due to turbulent mixing. However, as is known, the system of differential equations for the steady motion of a viscous in- compressible fluid under turbulent conditions is not closed. Methods of the research. "The longitudinal helical motion is a special case of a vortex flow circula- tion, and, speaking closely, not a screw" writes O. F. Vasiliev [3] in his work. In general the movement with transverse circulation and in the case of screw motion, the current function f (Ψ) is to be expressed through the longitudinal elements and the transverse velocity of the water flow which depends on the nature of the distribution of the latter over the cross section. The paper [3] presents the results of theoretical studies of an inviscid fluid in screw and circulation flows, which continues theory founded by I. S. Gromeko [4] in this field. Much of the work [3] is devoted to the study of the general case of two-parameter inhomogeneous motion flow screw (λ ≠ const) as a special case of a two-parameter vortex motion. By definition, the two- parameter flow is a flow whose components, velocity depends only on two coordinates. The two-para- meter screw flow in the cylindrical coordinate system, when the motion does not depend on the coordinate φ, is given in system of equations as follows:   rV  , rV  ; (1) r z z z

 rV  F  ; (2)  2   1    r  *   F   F/   0 , (3) z 2   rrr  where r is the radius; V - peripheral velocity;  - stream function. Here – F/    . Following equation describes a one-parameter axisymmetric screw flow

V   rVd  dV V z  0 . (4) r dr z dr In this case 1 dV   z . (5) V dr Equations (4) and (5) describe motion of uniform screw of inviscid fluid flow in a straight circular tube. The coupling of pipes to the slurry pipeline with respect to the lower part of the pipe is very relevant, but in this version the pipes are arranged with reverse bias against the stream [5]. It is known that the conveying capacity of a screw-twisted flow is several times greater than the conveying capacity of a ramjet (straight flow) [6]. The degree of twist as well as the conveying capacity of the flow can be regulated by: 1) axial feed of ramjet (straight flow) into slurry pipeline; 2) feeding additional tangential flow of the upper clarified part of the flow channel into the slurry pipeline; 3) establishing of cone valve at the end of slurry pipeline with the mouth of the cone inside the tube (slurry pipeline); 4) setting nozzle at the end of the slurry pipeline in the form of a truncated cone. In the first case, the ramjet (straight flow) is superimposed on a swirling external flow, the movement process of which is studied in laboratory conditions [7]. Two designs of hydraulic elevators have been investigated: with direct flow and with tangential feeds of the intake medium. The performed studies of the characteristics of the hydraulic elevator at different

185 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan distances of the working nozzle from the upper mixing chamber showed that there is an optimum distance at which the efficiency of hydraulic elevator operation is highest. In the second case, imposition of internal and external swirling flows occurs [6]. In the third case, three axial flow formed in the slurry pipeline: peripheral sediment transporting stream, air cord in the nucleus, and between them the reverse current [6]. In the fourth case, the slurry pipeline formed four streams: an air cord (axial), peripheral (trim) and near the axial air cord flows directed towards the exit of the slurry pipeline and in the middle of the radius between zones of equal axial direction - annular zone of recurrent fluid flow [6]. Results and discussion. Based on the design of the obtained prepatent [2], field studies were conducted at 63 picket of the Tasmuryn main canal in the Almaty region. 5 series of experiments were conducted where the length of the longitudinal slits varied from 0,50m to 2,66m (0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m; 2,66 m). Below are the main hydraulic characteristics in the alignment of the sand trap.

Main hydraulic characteristics in the alignment of the sand trap

Date Length of The average depth, The average velocity, Channel Picket longitudinal slit, m m m/s consumption, m3/s 63 0,50 1,88 0,37 49,35 63+40 0,50 1,94 0,363 55,87 63+46 0,50 1,98 0,362 54,55 63 1,0 1,92 0,364 57,48 63+40 1,0 1,92 0,380 59,34 63+46 1,0 2,10 0,412 58,043 63 1,50 1,98 0,40 55,763 63+40 15.08.2012 1,50 1,96 0,42 54,55 63+46 1,50 2,54 0,41 54,92 63 2,0 2,00 0,369 54,98 63+40 2,0 2,01 0,375 53,86 63,46 2,0 2,01 0,368 54,76 63 2,66 1,94 0,373 49,68 63+40 2,66 1,95 0,378 57,065 63+46 2,66 1,91 0,373 57,010

In general, a new sand trap design with longitudinal sediment transporting(ation) slots worked well. Water consumption for washing sediment was approximately 5-7% of the total flow channel. This is a good result, but still, there were some shortcomings, such as, longitudinal slots of the upstream side were quickly filled with larger deposits. And also, under slurry pipeline from the upper side sand hillocks accumulate and reduce the effectiveness of the device. We were given the task - improving the reliability of the peskogravielovki and hydrological transport model in the slurry pipeline. Filed application for the invention was obtained and prepatents [8]. Offered peskogravielovka includes slurry pipeline and a device for capturing a picture sediment with longitudinal receiving slot openings arranged parallel to the channel axis for slurry pipeline, i.e. downstream and adjacent to the slurry pipeline to the downstream side. The desired result is achieved by a device for the slurry pipeline sediment capturing a picture with longitudinal slotted holes arranged in the downstream of and adjacent to the downstream side with a slurry pipeline and a slurry pipeline installation about a vertical supply pipe in it additional expense. Into account, the accumulation of sand hills under slurry pipeline from the upstream side, we proposed a new design sand trap [9], comprising a slurry pipeline and a device for capturing a picture se- diment with longitudinal receiving slot openings arranged parallel to the channel axis for slurry pipeline, i.e. downstream and adjacent to the slurry pipeline to the downstream side, and also took into account the types of laboratory research and regulation of the conveying capacity of irrigation channels [10, 11]. The desired result is achieved by a device for gripping sediment in the form of a slurry pipeline galleries with longitudinal slotted holes arranged in the downstream of and adjacent to a slurry pipeline from the downstream side and the setting before slurry pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe reinforced concrete slab as a slope to prevent entry of sediment various kinds under slurry pipeline pipe. Figure 1 shows the plan of the sand trap, figure 2 shows the section A-A in figure 1, figure 3 shows the section B-B in figure 1. 186 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figures 1–3 – Sand trap with longitudinal slotted holes

Sand trap with longitudinal slotted holes consists of slurry pipeline 1, a vertical tube 2 of circular or rectangular cross section, welded at the initial part of slurry pipeline tangentially thereto and tube 3 with longitudinal receiving slot openings arranged parallel to the channel axis by the downstream and adjacent to a slurry pipeline with downstream side and a reinforced concrete slab 4 placed in front slope slurry pipeline from the ground to the top of the pipe (on the axis of the tube). The apparatus operates as follows. Apparatus of sediment exclusion works tube 3 with longitudinal slotted holes from bottom water in earthen channels allow to skip larger drifts not pulling on the longitudinal slit, and setting a slurry pipeline 1 tangential vertical pipe 2, allows due tangential Incoming additionally twists the main stream coming from sediment exclusion picture in one direction. Addition to the construction of reinforced concrete slabs 4 in the form of a slope in front of the installed slurry pipe- line from the ground to the top of the pipe (on the pipe axis) and prevents ingress of bottom sediments and sediment before tractional slurry pipeline pipe, which is important in the operation of the sand trap for a long time. The initial portion and the entire length of slurry pipeline sedimentation does not occur and the whole pulp goes into relief channel and further discharged back into the river or natural depressions terrain. For comparison and analysis of the results of the works of native and foreign scientists engaged in the problems of deposits were studied and clean sediments in earthen canals and sediment exclusion devices [12-22]. Conclusions. Estimated invention relate to the field of hydraulic engineering, in particular to the construction sediment exclusion galleries, and can be used to prevent deposition of sediment in the slurry pipeline galleries and enhance their transporting capacity. The article presents the theory, methods, and results of research and new designs of sediment exclusion works construction derived from the results of field research in Tasmuryn’s main channel of the river Ily of Almaty region. The data structure of the devices it is possible, using available technology on the basis of the current level of technology and knowledge, as its design is fairly simple, but the implementation of these devices has long been well mastered the relevant enterprises of different levels.

187 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

С. К. Джолдасов1, Г. А. Сарбасова1, М. М. Бекмуратов1, Б. Ш. Смаилов1, Е. И. Рустем1, Н. Ж. Жоламанов1, А. А. Янгиев2

1М. Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз мемлекеттік университеті, «Су ресурстары» кафедрасы, Қазақстан, 2Ташкент суару және ауыл шаруашылығын механикаландыру инженерлер институты, «Гидротехникалық құрылыстар және инженерлік құрылыстар» кафедрасы, Өзбекстан


Аннотация. Жұмыста тасындытұтқыш құрылымдардың жаңа конструкциялары мен олардың тасы- малдау қабілетін реттеу жолдары келтірілген. Салыстыру үшін ғылымның осы саласындағы жетекші маман- дардың еңбектері қарастырылған. Зерттеудің әдістемелік және теориялық негізі отандық және ТМД е лдері ғалымдарының, тасындытұт- қыш құрылымдардың конструкцияларын жетілдіру және зерттеу сұрақтарына қатысты ғылыми еңбектері болып табылады. Зерттеу мәселелерін шешу үшін бойлық саңылаулы тесігі бар тасындытұтқыш құрылым- дардың өткізу қабілеті мен конструкцияларын жетілдіруді жақсартуды болмыстық зерттеудің жалпы ғылыми әдістері қолданылды. Бойлық саңылаулы тесігі бар тасындытұтқыш құрылымдардың конструкцияларын эксперименталдық зерттеудің нәтижелері. Алматы облысы Іле өзені Тасмұрын магистрал каналындағы болмыстық зерттеулер нәтижесі негізінде алынған тасындытұтқыш құрылымдардың жаңа конструкцияларын зерттеу нәтижелері, зерттеу әдістемесі, теориясы келтірілген. Қарастырылатын конструкцуияны эксперимен- талдық зерттеулер ескеріліп, бойлық саңылаулы құмтұтқыштардың конструкцияларын эксперименталдық зерттеулерді жүргізуге нұсқаулықтар ұсынылған. Негізгі қорытындылар мен тәжірибелік ұсыныстар бойлық саңылаулы тасындытұтқыш құмтұтқыштарды зерттеуді одан ары тереңдету үшін әдістемелік негіз ретінде пайдаланылуы мүмкін. Түйін сөздер: құмқиыршықтастұтқыштардың конструкциялары, тасындытұтқыш құрылымдар, бойлық саңылаулы тесіктер, түпкі тасындылар, өткізу қабілеті, бұрандалы қозғалыс, құмқойыртпақ құбыры.

С. К. Джолдасов1, Г. А. Сарбасова1, М. М. Бекмуратов1, Б. Ш. Смаилов1, Е. И. Рустем1, Н. Ж. Жоламанов1, А. А. Янгиев2

1Таразский государственный университет им. М. Х. Дулати, кафедра «Водные ресурсы», Казахстан, 2Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, кафедра «Гидротехнические сооружения и инженерные конструкции», Узбекистан


Аннотация. В работе приведены пути регулирования транспортирующей способности и новые кон- струкции наносоперехватывающих сооружений. Для сравнения рассмотрены работы ведущих специалистов в этой области науки. Методической и теоретической основой исследования явились научные труды отечественных и ученых СНГ по проблемам совершенствования конструкций и исследованиий наносоперехватывающих сооружений. Для решения поставленных задач были использованы общенаучные методы исследования улучшения кон- струкции и пропускной способности наносоперехватывающих сооружений с продольными щелевыми отвер- стиями. Даны результаты экспериментальных исследований конструкций наносоперехватывающих соору- жений с продольными щелевыми отверстиями; теория, методы, результаты исследовании и новые конструк- ции наносоперехватывающих сооружений, полученных на основе результатов натурных исследований в Тасмурынском магистральном канале реки Или Алматинской области. С учетом экспериментальных обследовании рассматриваемой конструкции, предложены рекомендации проведения экспериментальных исследовании конструкций песколовок с продольными наносозахватными щелями. Основные выводы и практические рекомендации могут быть использованы в качестве методической основы для дальнейшего углубления исследований песколовок с продольными наносозахватными щелями. Ключевые слова: конструкции пескогравиеловок; наносоперехватывающие сооружения; продольные щелевые отверстия; донные наносы; пропускная способность; винтообразное движение; пульповод.

Information about authors: Joldassov S. K., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate, department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Sarbassova G. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Acting Associate, department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Bekmuratov M. М., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate, department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected];

188 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Smailov B. Sch., Doctoral student specialty 6D074400 – "Hydraulic Engineering and Facilities", department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 1132-6762 Rustem E. I., Doctoral student specialty 6D074400 – "Hydraulic Engineering and Facilities", department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0002-1237-9711 Zholamanov N. Zh., Doctoral student specialty 6D074400 – "Hydraulic Engineering and Facilities", department of Water resources, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0003-1993-0606 Yangiev A. A., doctor of technical sciences, professor, department of Hydrotechnical structures and engineering structures, Tashkent Institutes of Engineers of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization, Department of Hydrotechnical structures and engineering structures, Uzbekistan; [email protected];


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Sandugash Orazaliyeva1, Waldemar Wójcik 2, Muborak Yakubova1, Bulbul Ongar3

1Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan, 2The Lublin University of Technology, Poland, 3Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Аbstract. There is presented a method for measuring the angle of rotation and twisting using a periodic incline of tilted fibre Bragg grating (TFBG) with an inclination angle of 6° recorded in a single-mode optical fibre. It was shown that when the sensor rotates through 180°, the transmittance changes from 0.5 to 0.84 at a wavelength of 1541.2 nm. As a result of measurements, it was found that the highest sensitivity can be obtained for angles from 30 to 70° concerning the necessary orientation. A change in the transmission spectrum occurs for cladding modes that change their intensity with a difference in the polarization of light propagation through the grating. The same design can be used to measure the angle of rotation. The possibility of obtaining a TFBG rotary device at an edge of 200 ° with a length of more than 10 mm has been proved. It allows controlling both the angle of rotation and the twisting of the optical fibre using the manufactured TFBG. Кey words: sensors, fiber optic Bragg gratings, torsion measurement, rotation measurement.

Introduction. The optical measurement of physical quantities in mechanical systems and structures is gaining increasing commercial importance in various industries. Rotation and twisting are very often measured by mechanical supplies. Fibre-optic methods for measuring these values have several significant advantages, such as resistance to environmental influences, the relatively simple placement of sensors on the estimated structures and the possibility of simultaneous measurements in many places. In recent years, veer and rotation sensors have been intensively developed to research new fibre-optic sensor solutions [10, 12]. The first work in the field of fibre-optic rotation sensors appeared in the late 1980s. There are many optical methods for measuring rotation and twisting [1]. Recently, inclined the fibre Bragg gratings (TFBG) [2-4] have been very popular in measuring rotation and other quantities. These gratings use the property of the effect of the polarization of the introduced light – by which are meant the state of polarization (SOP) – on the spectrum of the shell regime. This is because the TFBG structure inhibits the cylindrical symmetry of the optical fibre [5]. TFBG offers all the benefits of standard FBG technologies, such as ease of manufacture and small size. An additional advantage of inclined FBG is a large number of cladding modes visible in a relatively narrow spectral range. This article describes the use of a single optical fibre generated by an inclined periodic structure for measuring the angle of rotation and twisting of an optical fiber. To perform and analyze rotation and twisting measurements, it is necessary to fix a periodic structure in which the modulation planes of the refractive index are set at a certain angle concerning the normal axis of the optical fibre. Figure 1 shows the actual dimensions of the structure created in this way. The structure shown in figure 1 was obtained using a laser using the phase mask method, which ensures the propagation of light in such a way that the grid planes are located at an angle = 6° to the normal axis of the fibre. SMF-28 single-mode fibre was previously photosensitized in a hydrogen atmosphere at a pressure of 190 bar and a temperature of 20 °C for ten days. After recording, the grid had a total length of 10 mm. 190 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 1 – Dimensions and characteristics of the created design TFBG, used as a rotation and rotation sensor

The structure thus created was then subjected to spectral tests. Figure 2 shows the transmission spectrum of the designed structure. As we can see, it has several resonances for waves shorter than the Bragg wavelength. As can be seen, the maximum height of the minima coming from the shells falls on wavelengths in the region of 1540 nm. This wavelength range, as shown in figure 2, was chosen as a measurement of the angle of veer and angle of rotation. The most significant dynamics of changes was also obtained in this area, in particular, minima from mantle regimes, as well as changes in the rotation and bending of the TFBG structure.

Figure 2 – Transmission spectrum of the created structure. (The core resonance and several mode shell resonances are marked on the characteristics. The wavelength range selected for analysis was marked by a darkened vertical rectangle)

Since it is known that a TFBG fibre responds to changes in the polarization angle of the light inlet into such a fibre [9, 11], this article will show differences in the spectral response of such a system to changes in its rotation and torsion angles. During the measurements, the optical fibre rotated and twisted (figure 3a). In the case of rotation, both ends of the fibre with the recorded TFBG element turned at the same angle, which led to the rotation of the entire fibre. The length of the TFBG element was LTFBG = 10 mm, and the length of the optical fibre between the right-hand rotating end of the fibre and the TFBG element was 15 mm.

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Figure 3 – Tuning and measurement method: a) rotation, b) twisting, of the optical fiber in which the TFBG structure was recorded

In the case of twisted fibre optic cables, a 10 mm TFBG element is placed directly on the rigidly fixed end of the optical fibre. The distance between the TFBG and the rotating end of the fibre was 30 mm. A single-mode fibre SMF-28 with a diameter of 10.4 m, a core diameter of 8.2 m, a sheath diameter of 125 m and a coating diameter of 242 m was used. The length of the SMF-28 was 1 m. In both cases, linearly polarized light of a known polarization plane was inserted into the fibre. There was used a light source of SLD luminescent diode with a maximum power of 2.5 mW, a central wavelength of 1550 nm and a passband of 90 nm. The measurement was carried out at a source current of 200 mA and a tempe- rature of 20 °C. The polarization of light was determined and controlled using additional optical elements. In the first case (figure 3a), both ends of the fibre were rotated using the precision shaft of the Thorlabs HFR007 optical fibre through the same angle with an accuracy of two degrees. The rotation of the fibre caused changes in the energy distribution between the individual mode shells in the TFBG structure. Energy changes were observed using a Yokogawa AQ63370D optical spectrum analyzer. The spectral resolution of the analyzer was 0.02 nm. The optical spectrum was measured in the range from 1490 to 1600 nm. In the second case (figure 3b), the measurements looked similar, but the dif- ference was that only one end of the optical fibre was rotated, which led to the twisting of the optical fibre and TFBG stored in it. The idea of the measuring system is shown in figure 4. The light from the luminescent diode was directed through the lens (O1) to the polarizer and to the half-wave plate (λ/2), to let incident light pass, controlling only its polarity. Then, through the lens (O2), the light was directed to a single-mode optical fibre with TFBG stored on it. The light was connected between the fibres and the lenses using the x, y, z manipulators from ThorlabsInc. Both reference points (1 and 2) were used to call and control the rotation and twisting of the optical fibre using the TFBG sensor. The signal was measured after passing through

Figure 4 – Rotation angle and measuring system of rotation and rotation

192 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 the entire system using an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA). In all measurements, a TFBG grid with an angle θ = 6°, was used; measurements were carried out at a stabilized ambient temperature of 20 ° C and a current SLD of 200.8 mA. Analysis of the possibility of measuring rotation using inclined periodic structures. The made TFBG structure was subjected to spectral tests in the system, as shown in Figure 4. As a result of changing the angle of rotation of the TFBG fibre, the transmission spectral characteristics were obtained – figure 5 for various fibre orientations.

Figure 5 – There is a change in transmitted optical power after passing through TFBG (6 °) at multiple angles of rotation

For a grating with an angle θ = 6° the area of the most extensive transmission changes caused by the rotation of the structure is from 1536 to 1548 nm (figure 5). As a result of preliminary measurements of the transmission spectrum, the wavelength range corresponding to the mode shell was chosen.

Figure 6 – Change in TFBG transmission characteristics for rotation angles from 0 to 100°

Figure 6 shows the changes in optical power after passing through the TFBG structure with the selected region of the mode chosen shell for further measurements. A preliminary analysis of the spectral characteristics showed the TFBG response to the rotation, which manifests itself in a change in the amplitude of the minima coming from the mode shells at a length of 1542 nm, as well as a difference in the wavelength corresponding to the minima for the mode shells in this wavelength region. Further studies were carried out in the area of 1542 nm, measuring the shifts of the minima of the spectral characteristics and amplitude changes of the mode shells (figure 7). The TFBG transmittance

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Figure 7 – TFBG rotation effect: a) a difference in the mode amplitude for the selected wavelength, b) a shift in the minimum corresponding to a specific mode in the envelope changes for a given wavelength are shown in figure 7a. This figure also shows the transmittance measu- rement points for TFBG (6 °). Figure 7b shows the phenomenon of a shift in the spectrum of the shell mode due to the rotation of the TFBG structure. For practical reasons, this bias is most measured merely by detecting extreme shifts in transmission characteristics. Figure 7b also shows the minimum measu- rement region of the spectral transmission characteristics. Figure 8 shows the results of spectral measurements of TFBG fibres rotated from 0 to 80 degrees. The direction of rotation corresponded to the designation in the drawing and was called in work by the so- called right rotation (P). The part of the spectral range corresponding to the minimum value for small wavelengths (minimum left) is called the S-shaped mode in the literature. The minimum amount indicated on the right is most often stated in the documentation as a P-shaped mode[6-8].As can be seen, the rotation of the fibre optic

Figure 8 – Transfer characteristics of the fabricated TFBG structure, measured for various rotation angles (P)

194 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 cable with TFBG causes a change in the excitation level of the left (S) and right (P) modes propagating in the structure. This is caused by a difference in the coefficient of adhesion between the individual modes. This effect can be used to determine the angle of rotation, for example, by measuring the power value for a given wavelength. For this, a wavelength of 1542.2 nm was chosen (figure 7a), for which a significant change in power occurs due to the rotation of the fiber. This wavelength can be used for indirect measurements of the angle of rotation. According to figure 7a, for the starting position, the transmittance takes a value below 0.5. Rotating the structure by 80 ° increases the transmittance for the selected wave- length even up to 0.85. Moreover, in these ranges of rotation of the fibre, a minimal change in the trans- mission characteristics is noticeable(fig.7б and figure 8). The wavelength corresponding to the minimum transmission for the fibre in the reference position (veer angle is 0) is 1542.025 nm and moves as the veer angle increases in the direction of short waves to 1541.94 nm at a veer angle of 80. The obtained spectral characteristics also have regions where the power value does not change (or changes insignificantly) during rotation. Individual modes exchange energy, but the power value for wavelengths, for example, 1541.975 nm (figure 8), varies very little. Any change in the power value for these wavelengths is the result of a change in temperature. If the temperature changes during the measu- rement, the whole spectrum shifts, which leads to a shift in power for these specific wavelengths. This phenomenon is called the temperature effect, which should be taken into account in spectral measurements of TFBG under conditions of a variable angle of polarization of light. Conclusion. In this article, we demonstrate the possibility of measuring the degree of rotation and twisting of an optical fibre using a TFBG structure recorded on it with an inclination angle of 6°. It was shown that when the sensor rotates through 180°, the transmittance changes from 0.5 to 0.84 at a wavelength of 1541.2 nm. It is proved that the highest sensitivity can be obtained in the central part of the processing characteristics, for angles from 30 to 70°. It has been shown that the same design can also be used to measure the angle of rotation. TFBG responds to twisting along a 200° cable with a length of 10 mm (from 100 to +100°) by changing the transmittance in the range from 0.39 to 0.89 at a wavelength of 1541.4 nm. This allows controlling both the veer angle and the twisting of the optical fibre using the inscribed TFBG.

Сандуғаш Оразалиева1, Вальдемар Войчик2, Мубарак Якубова1, Булбул Онгар3

1Алматы Энергетика және байланыс университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Люблин технологиялық университеті, Польша, 3М. Тынышпаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясы, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Бір модалы оптикалық талшыққа бекітілген, 6° бұрышқа иілген периодты көлбеу талшық- тық оптикалық Брэгг торын қолдана отырып талшықты бұрылу және а йналу бұрышын өлшеу әдісі ұсы- нылған. Датчик 180° айналғанда, 1541,2 нм толқын ұзындығында өткізу коэффициенті 0,5-тен 0,84-ге дейін өзгеретіні байқалады. Өлшеу нәтижелері бойынша ең жоғары сезімталдықты қалаған бағытқа қатысты 30°-дан 70°-қа дейінгі бұрыштар үшін алуға болатындығы анықталды. Өткізу спектрінің өзгерісі тор арқылы өтетін жарықтың поляризациясындағы айырмашылығымен өз қарқындылығын өзгертетін қабық модалары үшін орын алады. Сол құрылымды айналу бұрышын өлшеу үшін қолдануға болады. Ұзындығы 10 мм-ден асатын 200° бұрышқа бұрылатын периодты көлбеу талшықтық оптикалық Брэгг торын алу мүмкіндігі дәлел- денді. Мұның бәрі сізге бұрылу бұрышын ғана емес, сонымен қатар жасалған ПОБТ көмегімен оптикалық талшықты бұрауды басқаруға мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: датчиктер, талшықтық оптикалық Брэгг торы, бұруды өлшеу, айналуды өлшеу.

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Сандугаш Оразалиева1, Вальдемар Войчик2, Мубарак Якубова1, Булбул Онгар3

1Алматинский Университет Энергетики и Связи, Казахстан, 2Люблинский Технический Университет, Польша, 3Казахская академия транспорта и коммуникаций им. М. Тынышпаева, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. Представлен метод измерения угла поворота и скручивания с использованием периоди- ческой наклонной волоконно-оптической решетки Брэгга (ВОРБ) с углом наклона 6, записанной в одномо- довое оптическое волокно. Показано, что при вращении датчика на 180 коэффициент пропускания изменя- ется с 0,5 до 0,84 при длине волны 1541,2 нм. В результате измерений было установлено, что наибольшую чувствительность можно получить для углов от 30 до 70 по отношению к базовой ориентации. Изменение спектра пропускания происходит для модов оболочки, которые изменяют свою интенсивность с изменением поляризации распространения света через решетку. Такая же конструкция может быть использована для измерения угла поворота. Доказана возможность получения поворотного устройства ВОРБ на угол 200 длиной более 10 мм. Это позволяет контролировать как угол поворота, так и скручивание оптического во- локна с помощью изготовленного TFBG. Ключевые слова: датчики, волоконно-оптические брэгговые решетки, измерение кручения, измерение вращения.

Information about authors: Orazaliyeva Sandugash, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Wojcik Waldemar, PhD of informatics and electronics, professor, The Lublin University of Technology, Poland; Yakubova Muborak, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Kazakhstan Ongar Bulbul, Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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F. Zh. Akiyanova1, N. L. Frolova2, A. M. Shaimerdenova1, Ye. M. Karakulov1, A. B. Oleshko1

1«International Science Complex «Astana», Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. Kazakhstan belongs to countries with limited surface water resources, the total indicators of household effluent of 50% probability level amount to 91.3 km3 per year [1]. The region under study falls within the Yesil (Yesil river) and Nura-Sarysu (Nura river) water-management basins. 3.1% of the river runoff of the country is formed here [1]. The main rivers of these basins – Yesil (the old name - Ishim) and Nura were studied. The annual flow of these rivers in a high-water year can exceed the flow of low-water year more than a hundred times [2]. At the same time, these figures do not take into account theirretrievable loss of water resources associated with an increase in evaporation from the water surface due to anthropogenic transformation of the beds and floodplain terraces of the rivers. The article assesses the changes in main morphological elements of the river valleys, associated with the development of the fields of building materials. The loss is estimated based on the analysis of different-time data of remote sensing and hydrological calculations with determining the evaporation discharge from the water surface. Keywords: water resources, anthropogenic transformation, evaporation from an open water surface, irretrie- vable losses of water, water consumption, suburban area, Yesil river, Nura river.

Introduction. The surface water resources of Kazakhstan are limited and extremely unevenly distributed throughout the territory. This significantly affects the processes of population settlement and the sustainable organization of the country’s territory. According to the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total indicators of household effluent of 50% probability level amount to 91.3 km3 per year [1]. 48.5% of them are transboundary and come from neighboring countries: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the People’s Republic of China. The region under study falls within the Yesil and Nura- Sarysu water-management basins (figure 1). Less than 6% of the river runoff of Kazakhstan is formed here [1]. The Yesil water-management basin is transboundary and belongs to the basin of the Kara Sea. The Nura-Sarysu basin is the only inland water-management basin in Kazakhstan, and it is an inland drainage basin. 3.1% of the river runoff of Kazakhstan is formed in these two basins [1]. The vulnerability of the supply of the population and the economy with water resources is enhanced due to the expected decrease in precipitation in the region [3]. The issues of conservation and sustainable use of water resources become relevant under these conditions. One of the aspects of water resources conservation is reducing unproductive losses [4]. Unpro- ductive non-recoverable losses of water resources in the study area are associated with anthropogenic multiple widening of riverbeds for the development of stocks of building materials by reducing the areas of floodplain terraces of the Yesil and Nura rivers. During the period of active construction of Nur-Sultan (1998-2017), more than 50 quarries for the extraction of building materials operated only within the suburban zone.

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a b Figure 1 – The location of the territory under study in the system of water-management division of the Kazakhstan’s territory: a) Water-management basins of Kazakhstan: 1 – Yesil, 2 – Nura-Sarysu; b) The Yesil and Nura river valleys within the suburban zone of the city of Nur-Sultan

The purpose of the studies was the assessment of the current state and the anthropogenic transfor- mation of the river network sections located on the borders of the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan. The territories of the suburban zone are intended for the development of the city, the placement of engineering and transport infrastructure, as well as the formation of a natural-ecological framework. In the future, the suburban zone should form a single social, natural and economic territory with the city. The article presents the results of studies of the anthropogenic transformation of individual sections of the Yesil and Nura river valleys. New data were obtained during field studies and office processing of the data using geo-information technologies. Quantitative parameters for changes in the structure of the riverbeds and floodplain terraces of the Yesil and Nura rivers, which influenced the resource potential of the rivers, were received. Materials and methods. The published climatic and hydrological materials [5-7], data acquired through grant funding from the Republican State Enterprise “Kazhydromet”[8], monitoring and statistical data [9-11], data on commonly occurring mineral resources [12] and the remote sensing data [13-15] were used for conducting the study. The quantitative parameters of the transformation of the riverbeds and floodplain terraces of Yesil and Nura were studied and determined on the basis of field and desktop study methods. They included the survey of river valleys by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Phantom 4, а comparative analysis of different-time digital Sentinel and Landsat satellite images [13-16], an analysis of topographic maps of the Yesil and Nura river valleys. The processes of natural-anthropogenic transformation in the river valleys were studiedand mapped on the basis of the application of quantitative assessment methods in the ArcGIS 10.1 software modules. The quantitative parameters of the valleys were determined in field conditions on the basis of aerial surveying from the UAV on key sections of the Yesil and Nura rivers,with a total length of 5.29 km. To obtain the images of high resolution, the following parameters of surveying were applied: the degree of overlap of 70%, the flight height of 150 m, the capture bandwidth of up to 200 m, and the average motion speed from 7 to 10 m/s. The coordinates and absolute elevations were clarified using GNNS of a Trimble R8 receiver with the creation of a reference network. The main reference stations were objects located near the riverbeds and ledges of the floodplain terraces, which were clearly distin- guished on the ground and in the images. The obtained images were processed in the AgisoftPhotoScan Professional 1.4.4 specialized program. The changes in the main parameters of the riverbed and floodplain terraces of Yesil and Nura were assessed on the basis of the application of geo-information mapping methods for materials of Sentinel and Landsat satellite images of different periods, detailed aerial surveying of the beds and floodplain terraces of the rivers. Based on the use of satellite images and orthophotomaps obtained from the UAV, the boun- daries of water surfaces were determined using the classification taught by ArcGIS 10.1 tools. According

198 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 to the results of processing, a comparative analysis of the open water surface areas of the Yesil and Nura rivers within the suburban zone and key areas was carried out. To assess the losses of water resources of the Yesil and Nura rivers, the losses of runoff for evapo- ration were determined. The volume of evaporation was calculated using the formula previously obtained for the territory of the northern part of Kazakhstan [17]. In accordance with this approach, the monthly values of evaporation from the water surface are to a greater extent dependent on the air temperature in the warm season (1): Е t  3.1128.8 , (1) where t is the average monthly air temperature [10]. The volume of evaporated water (Ev) is calculated by multiplying the evaporation layer (E) by the open water surface area (S). Results. The modern river network of the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan is represented by the sections of transit of the Yesil and Nura river runoffs. The density of the river network does not exceed 0.05- 0.10 km/km². At the same time, due to the peculiarities of the lithology of the rocks, the density of the ravine network of drainless depressions reaches 0.2-0.3 km/km2 [1]. Within the suburban zone, there is a watershed between the Yesil and Nura-Sarysu water-management basins of Kazakhstan. This boundary is rather conditional due to a number of reasons. The main are the geological-geomorphological structure of the valleys, as well as the peculiarities of regime and feeding of the rivers. The river Yesil (the name is Ishim on the territory of Russia) originates in the Niyaz mountains, at an absolute altitude of 561 m. The length of the river is 2450 km (of which 1400 km - within Kazakhstan), the catchment area is 177 thous. km2 (of which 147 thous. km2 - within Kazakhstan) (figure 2) [5]. Before Nur-Sultan, the mean basin height is 460 m, and the river goes to the plain lower the city of Nur-Sultan. The studied section of Yesil is located in the upper reaches, in the latitudinal segment. The main tributaries (Koluton, Zhabai, Terisakkan, Akkanburlyk, Iman-Burlyk) flow into Yesil downstream of the city of Nur-Sultan and do not affect the regime of the study area [6].

Figure 2 – Linear diagram of the river Yesil with main tributaries

The river Nura originates in the north-western spurs of the Otrar mountain massif, at absolute altitudes of 1060 m. It falls into Lake Teniz with an absolute elevation mark of 304.4 m (figure 3). The length of the river is 978 km, the catchment area – 60 800 km2. The main tributaries of Nura (Akbastau, Ashchisu, Shcherubai-Nura, Yesen, Ulken-Kunyzdy) fall in the upper part of the basin. In the flat part, within the study area, the river has no tributaries, and the runoff is diverted and dispersed [7]. Yesil and Nura are characterized by the meandering nature of the river beds, with pronounced stretches and shallows [18]. Downstream the river beds are expanding. It is from 15-25 m to 30-40 m for Nura and from 5-12 to 10-25 m for Yesil. The sizes of stretches increase up to 0.5-1.5 km, with the depths of 1-4.5 m [5]. The floodplains of the rivers are two-sided, from 100-200 m to 10-15 km, with numerous old riverbeds, swales and closed depressions. The height of the low floodplain reaches 1-1.2 m. The high floodplain of the Yesil and Nura rivers is clearly pronounced in the relief, and its width varies from a few meters to a kilometer. The height of the surface of the high floodplain varies between 2.5 and 3m, rarely up to 6 m. The first terrace above the floodplain is developed almost everywhere, the width varies from a

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Figure 3 – Linear diagram of the river Nura with main tributaries few hundred meters to 1.5 km, the surface is low-inclined. Above the long-term annual average water edge, it rises from 4 to 6 m, there are numerous traces of old riverbeds on the surface. The second terrace above the floodplain is developed fragmentarily, and in some areas its width reaches 3-4 km. The terrace cusp is clearly pronounced, the excess over the edge varies from 6 to 8 m [18]. The river Nura is characterized by the phenomenon of bifurcation, in the place of closest approach to the river Yesil. This is due to the uncertainty of the watersheds of the Yesil – Nura interfluve. The pre- sence of a common incline from Nura towards Yesil (0.45 ‰) with the magnitude of the fall of 12,5 m formed a valley-like lowering with a length of 28 km and a width of 2-6 km here. Flowing of a part of water from the river Nura occurs here through 3 channels (Sarkrama, Kozgosh and Mukhor), which merge into a single riverbed 9 km to the confluence into Yesil [18]. The hydrological regime of the Yesil and Nura rivers is characterized by a strongly-pronounced short flood and almost dry low water period. According to the classification of B.D. Zaikov for river regime, it refers to the “Kazakhstan type” [19]. The main feeding of the Yesil and Nura rivers is snow (82.5% and 78%, respectively), groundwater and rainwater supply is of little significance. The spring flood begins in April and lasts from one and a half to two months. Up to 85-95% of the annual runoffs of the rivers pass during this time [6]. The hydrograph shape of the flood is mostly single-peak (figure 4). In the end of May - the beginning of June, there is low water period, which lasts 9-10 months. In summer, the minimum discharges of water are observed in July-August, in the cold period - in January-March. The smallest of the minimum discharges fall on the winter low water period. Fluctuations of the Yesil river levels over low water within the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan are 4.5-5 m, of the Nura river – 2.5-6 m [6, 20].

a b

Figure 4 – The course of average monthly water flow and water levels in 2010 and 2017 on gauging stations: a) the river Yesil –Volgodonovka village; b) the river Nura – R. Koshkarbayev village

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The runoff of the rivers goes through significant fluctuations, both in the intra-annual and inter- annual context [21]. The average long-term flow rate of the river Yesil near the Volgodonovka village is 3.49 m3/s, of the river Nura near the R. Koshkarbayev village is 21 m3/s (1973-2015) [8, 9]. For the period of 2010-2017, a year with minimum values of discharges and levels – 2012, and with maximum values – 2015, 2017, are distinguished for both rivers (figure 5). At the same time, fluctuations of Yesil and Nura rivers levels in the flood period in a long-term section are 2-2.5 m. Such similar dynamics is explained by the regional influence of climatic factors.

a b Figure 5 – Dynamics of average annual and maximum monthly average flow rates and levels for 2010-2017 by gauging stations: a) the river Yesil – Volgodonovka village, b) the river Nura – R. Koshkarbayev village

Assessment of the anthropogenic transformation of the beds and floodplain terraces of the Yesil and Nura rivers. The boundaries of open water surfaces of riverbeds based on the measurement of the reflectivity of objects in different ranges of the spectrum on the Yesil and Nura rivers within the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan were determined [22], the changes in the main parameters of the riverbed and floodplain terraceswhere lake-shaped extensions are formed at the places of development of common minerals were assessed and evaporation volumes from these surfaces were calculated. The key section on the river Yesil with a length of 1.9 km located near the Volgodonovka village was studied in detail (figu- re 6). It should also be noted that the riverbed of the Yesil was blocked by a bulk bridge of stone blocks with a laid pipe. Due to the overlap of the runoff, there was a backwater level of the river above the bridge with flooding the high floodplain and floodplain tree-shrub vegetation (figure 6). The section on the river Nura with a length of 3.39 km, it is located near the Kabanbaibatyr village (figure 7). Key sections are located at a distance of 2-3 km upstream from settlements on the river Yesil – Volgodonovka village, and on the river Nura – R. Koshkarbayev village, and corresponding gauging stations. The changes in water areas were analyzed on the basis of field works in the summer months (June- August) and according to satellite images for the same months of 2010 and 2017 [13-15]. Average water levels in July-August of 2010 and 2017 were 108-112 cm on the river Yesil – Volgodonovka village (figure 4a), as well as 244-254 cm on the river Nura – R. Koshkarbayev village (figure 4b). Only in these key river sections from 2010 to 2017, an increase in the water surface due to the expansion of the channel part with the flooding the quarries for the extraction of common minerals amounted on r. Yesil 8.4 km2, on the river. Nura 0.4 km2. In accordance with the definition of open water area within the beds of the Yesil and Nura rivers in 2010 and 2017, evaporation was calculated within the suburban zone and in key areas for the period of free flowing channel (April - October) in 2010 and 2017. The values of average monthly temperatures at the weather station of Nur-Sultan in 2010 and 2017 were used for a comparative analysis [10]. To determine the volume of evaporation, the dependence of monthly values of evaporation from the water

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Figure 6 – Anthropogenic changes in the bed and floodplain of the river Yesil near Volgodonovka village, for 2010 and 2017 with the formation of lake-shaped extensions at the places of development of common minerals

Figure 7 – Anthropogenic changes in the bed and floodplain of the river Nura near Kabanbai Batyr village for 2010 and 2017 with the merger of former waterlogged quarries with a riverbed and the formation of new lake-shaped extensions at the site of the development of common minerals surface on air temperature in warm period of the year obtained for the territory of the northern part of Kazakhstan was used formula (1). Based on this equation, the values of the evaporation layer from the water surface (E), the volume of evaporation from the open water for the ice-free period of the year (Ev) with the open water surface area (S) were calculated (tables 1, 2). In 2017, compared with 2010, there was an increase by 0.22 km2 in the area of the open water surface of the Yesil and Nura rivers within suburban zone of Nur-Sultan. Such a change leads to an increase in

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Table 1 – Areas (S) and the volume of evaporation (Ev) from the open water surface on the Yesil and Nura rivers within the suburban zone of the city of Nur-Sultan for 2010 and 2017

S, E, Ev, Difference of Ev River Years thous. m2 mm thous. m3 in 2017 compared with 2010, % 2010 18790.55 891.9 16759.29 Yesil +52.85 2017 27196.28 941.9 25616.18 2010 5717.80 891.9 5099.70 Nura +12.67 2017 6100.16 941.9 5745.74 2010 24508.35 891.9 21858.99 Yesil and Nura together +43.47 2017 33296.44 941.9 31361.92 evaporation values. In 2017, compared with 2010, the volume of evaporation on the Yesil and Nura rivers within the suburban zone increased by 43.5 %, and larger changes are observed in the Yesil river valley – 52.9 % (table 1). The selected key sections are located near mining, therefore, they can be considered illustrative from the point of view of the anthropogenic impact on open water areas [23]. In 2017, compared with 2010, evaporation in the key section of Yesil increased by 186 %, of Nura – by 46.2 % (table 2).

Table 2 – Areas (S) and the volume of evaporation (Ev) from the open water surface in key sections of the Yesil and Nura riverbeds within the suburban zone of the city of Nur-Sultan for 2010 and 2017

Length of the section, S, E, Ev, Difference of Ev River Year km thous. m2 mm thous. m3 in 2017 compared with 2010, % 2010 31.4 891.9 28.0 Yesil 1.9 + 186.0 2017 85.04 941.9 80.0 2010 436.8 891.9 389.6 Nura 3.4 + 46.2 2017 604.8 941.9 569.6

Сonclusion and Discussion. Due to the fact that evaporation losses from the open water surface mostly depend on climatic conditions, the current climatic characteristics of the study region and trends of their changes till 2050 were considered. The Yesil and Nura river basins are located in the zone of continental and arid climate. The average temperature of the coldest month (January) varies from -17 to -15ºC, the hottest (July) - from +19 to +21ºC. The amount of sunshine in the basins increases from 2200 hours per year in the north of the Yesil river basin to 2700 hours per year in the south of the Nura river basin. Relative air humidity has a maximum (75-85%) in winter and a minimum (30-50%) – in summer. The amount of precipitation in the territory under consideration varies from 350 mm per year in the north of the Yesil river basin to 250 mm per year in the south of the Nura river basin. About 25-30% of the total annual precipitation falls on the cold period. The average height of snow cover for the basins varies from 20 to 40 mm per year. The prevailing wind direction is southwest, with an average speed of 4-6 m/s [24]. For the period of 1941-2015, there is a trend towards an increase in surface air temperatures and precipitation in the Yesil and Nura river basins [3]. The greatest temperature anomalies are observed in the spring period and are 0.33 and 0.37 ºC for 10 years (table 3).

Table 3 – Characteristics of the linear trend of the anomalies of surface air temperatures of the Yesil and Nura river basins for the period of 1941-2015 by seasons and for a year [3]

Year Winter Spring Summer Autunm River basin *a **R2 a R2 a R2 A R2 a R2 Yesil 0.29 32 0.29 5 0.37 17 0.18 12 0.3 15 Nura-Sarysu 0.27 28 0.3 6 0.33 17 0.16 12 0.32 20 *a – linear trend coefficient, ºC/10 years; **R2 – determination coefficient, %.

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According to the Seventh National Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2017), the increase in the average annual tempe- rature may reach 2.5ºC in the Yesil and Nura river basins by 2050 compared to the long-term norm for these territories. As a result, according to the modeled data, there will be a decrease in the annual runoff in the Yesil and Nura river basins relative to the long-term norm. By 2050, the runoff of Nura will decrease by 2% (R. Koshkarbayev village), and of Yesil - by 5.9% (Turgenevka village). The increase in temperatu- res in the spring period will lead to an earlier onset of snowmelt processes, a decrease in the period of snow accumulation, reduced soil freezing and larger loss of moisture content [3]. Under these conditions, additional losses of runoff associated with an increase in evaporation from a larger water surface due to anthropogenic transformation of the beds and floodplain terraces of the rivers are relevant. At the same time, it should be noted that the development of deposits of sand and gravel mix and mortar sand is carried out within the suburban zone over a length of 14.5 km along the Nura river bed and 17.5 km along the Yesil river bed (figure 8). The total area of geological allotments along the Yesil and Nura rivers in the territory under consideration is 17 km2. A number of deposits are being developed in the section of the rivers’ interfluve, where the waters of Nura periodically flow into Yesil. For the period from 2010 to 2017, the extraction of sand and gravel mix from riverbed and floodplain sediments of the rivers for construction purposes began to be intensified in the territory under study along the Yesil and Nura river beds: developments at another 20 deposits with a total allotment area of more than 12 km2 were opened [12]. In general, this is confirmed by the growth dynamics of the volume of housing put in commission within 3 administrative districts located in the suburban zone of the city of Nur-Sultan. Here it increased more than 2.5 times from 2004-2010 to 2011-2017 (figure 9). According to the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, household water consumption per capita in Kazakhstan was 29.5 m3 per year in 2017 [11]. The difference in volumes of runoff losses for evaporation from the open water of the Yesil and Nura rivers within the suburban zone between 2010 and 2017 is equal to the annual water consumption of 322 thousand people. This can provide the water

Figure 8 – Сommon minerals deposits development within the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan

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Figure 9 – Dynamics of housing commissioning by the districts of the Akmola region that are part of the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan over the period of 2004-2017, in thousands of square meters [11] consumption of the population of the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan for 3 years and 9 months. The studied key sections of the rivers are only 1.6% for Yesil and 2.9% for Nura of their length on the territory of the suburban zone of Nur-Sultan. In 2017, 232 thousand m3 more water was non-recoverably lost for evaporation than in 2010 in these small sections. This difference is equal to water consumption of almost 7.7 thousand people. In the future, the intensification of the anthropogenic transformation of the riverbeds through the development of new deposits along rivers can lead to even more significant changes and losses of water resources. Funding. The study was funded by the “Committee of Science” State Institution of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of grant funding, ISC AP05136087, topic: “Hydrological computer modeling of the floods of the Yesil and Nura rivers to determine the risk of flooding of the territories of the city of Nur-Sultan and adjacent settlements”. 2018.

Ф. Ж. Акиянова1, Н. Л. Фролова2, А. М. Шаймерденова1, Е. М. Каракулов1, А. Б. Олешко1

1«Астана» халықаралық ғылыми кешкні, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан, 2М.В . Ломоносов атындағы Мәскеумемлекеттік университеті, Ресей


Аннотация. Қазақстан жер үсті суларының ресурстары шектеулі елдерге жатады, тұрмыстық ағынның жиынтық көрсеткіштері 50% қамтамасыз етілуі жылына 91,3 км3 құрайды [1]. Зерттелетін аймақ Есіл (Есіл өзені – Есіл ескі атауы зерттелді) және Нұра-Сарысу (Нұра өзені зерттелді) су шаруашылығы бассейндерінің шегіне кіреді. Мұнда елдің 3,1% өзен ағысынан қалыптасады [1]. Көрсетілген бассейндерінін негізгі өзендері зерттелген – Есіл (ескі атауы Ишим) және Нұра. Бұл өзендерінің жылдық ағыс көлемі су денгейі жоғары жылдары судын аздығынан жүз есе асып кетуі мүмкін [2]. Сонымен қатар бұл сандар өзендердің арналары мен жайылма террасаларының антропогендік өзгеруіне, су бетінен буланудың ұлғаюына байланысты су ресурстарының қайтарымсыз су шығынын ескермейді. Мақалада құрылыс материалдарының кен орындарын игерумен байланысты Нұр-Сұлтан қала маңы аймағының шегінде Есіл және Нұра өзендерінің (арналар мен жайылма террасалар) өзен алқаптарының негізгі морфологиялық элементтерінің өзгеруіне баға берілді. Ағынның қайтарымсыз су шығынын бағалау, соңғы 8 жылда жерді қашықтықтан зондтаудың әр түрлі кезең- дік деректерін салыстырмалы талдауды қолдана отырып және су бетінен булану көлемін анықтай отырып, гидрологиялық есептеулерді қолдану негізінде жүргізілді. Түйін сөздер: су ресурстары, антропогендік өзгеріс, ашық су бетінен булану, қайтарымсыз су шығыны, су тұтыну, қала маңы аймағы, Есіл өзені, Нұра өзені.

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Ф. Ж. Акиянова1, Н. Л. Фролова2, А. М. Шаймерденова1, Е. М. Каракулов1, А. Б. Олешко1

1«Международный научный комплекс «Астана», Нур-Султан, Казахстан, 2 Московский государственный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова, Россия


Аннотация. Казахстан относится к странам с ограниченными ресурсами поверхностных вод, суммар- ные показатели бытового стока 50% обеспеченности составляют 91,3 км3/год [1]. Исследуемый регион вхо- дит в пределы Есильского и Нура-Сарысуского водохозяйственных бассейнов, в которых формируется 3,1 % речного стока страны [1]. Изучены основные реки указанных бассейнов – Есиль (старое название Ишим) и Нура. Годовые объемы стока этих рек в многоводный год могут превышать сток маловодного более чем в сто раз [2]. При этом эти цифры не учитывают безвозвратные потери водных ресурсов, связанные с увели- чением испарения с водной поверхности за счет антропогенной трансформации русел и пойменных террас рек. В статье дана оценка изменения основных морфологических элементов речных долин рек Есиль и Нура (русел и пойменных террас) в пределах пригородной зоны г. Нур-Султан, связанных с разработкой место- рождений строительных материалов. Оценка безвозвратных потерь стока проведена на основе применения сравнительного анализа разновременных данных дистанционного зондирования Земли за последние 8 лет и гидрологических расчетов с определением величины испарения с водной поверхности. Ключевые слова: водные ресурсы, антропогенная трансформация, испарение с открытой водной по- верхности, безвозвратные потери воды, водопотребление, пригородная зона, река Есиль, река Нура.

Information about authors: Akiyanova Farida Zhianshinovna, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Geography and Environmental Research of the International Scientific Complex "Astana", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Frolova Natalia Leonidovna, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hydrology of Land, Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, Russia; [email protected]; Shaimerdenova Altynay Myrzabekovna, Junior Researcher at the Institute of Geography and Nature Mana- gement of the International Scientific Complex "Astana", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Karakulov Ergali Maratuly, Junior Researcher at the Institute of Geography and Nature Management of the Astana International Scientific Complex "Astana", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Oleshko Anton Borisovich, Leading Engineer of the Institute of Geography and Nature Management of the International Scientific Complex "Astana", Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0003-3274-3653


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IRSTI 30.00.00 UDC 531.51

K. A. Kabylbekov1, Kh. K. Abdrakhmanova2, A. D. Dasibekov1, P. A. Saidakhmetov1, T. Sh. Makhanov1, B. Sh. Kedelbaev

1M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, 2South-Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]


Abstract. The article offers calculations and visualization of motion of a body launched at an angle above the horizontal for two cases without air drag and with air drag by using the MATLAB software. It presents the motion trajectories of the body launched at an angle above the horizontal for two cases without air drag and with air drag at different values of air drag coefficient. The path of the body launched at a certain angle above the horizontal with no air drag is a parabola. In case of motion with air drag the path is not parabolic, i.e. not symmetric relative the vertical line drawn from the upper point of the trajectory, with less height and range. With the increase of air drag coefficient the maximum height reached by the body decreases. When the air drag coefficient increases from 0.1 up to 0.5 the maximum height reached by the body decreases approximately by 1.8 times. Students are offered to study this phenomenon by changing the air drag coefficient at various initial velocities and to analyze them. Results of this article are used at the practical classes on classical and theoretical mechanics and at the laboratory classes on the discipline "Modeling the physical phenomena". Key words: motion, at an angle above the horizontal, initial height, initial velocity, path, parabola, medium drag coefficient.

Introduction. Nowadays all educational institutions of Kazakhstan are provided with computer hardware and software, interactive boards and internet. Almost all teachers have completed language and computer courses for professional development. Hence the educational institutions have all conditions for using computer training programs and models for performing computer laboratory works. In recent years the new computer system of carrying out mathematical calculations MATLAB is being widely used in many universities and engineering institutions throughout the world [1-7]. Unfortunately, the numerical calculations carried out by students are often done by means of the calculator. Modern computers are frequently used only for presentation of the work. Actually students should be able not only to solve these or other engineering problems, but also do it by using modern methods, that is, using personal computers. Students of the physics specialties 5B060400 and 5B011000 successfully master the discipline “Computer modeling of physical phenomena” which is the logical continuation of the disciplines “Information technologies in teaching physics” and “Use of electronic textbooks in teaching physics”. The aim of this discipline is to study and learn the program language of the MATLAB system, acquaintance with its huge opportunities for modeling and visualization of physical processes. In our early works [8-25] we used the MATLAB system for modeling and visualization of physical processes related with mechanics, molecular physics, and electromagnetism and quantum physics. This software has enabled us to solve ordinary differential equations (ODE), visualize equipotential lines of charged conductors’ system, describe the motion of charged particles in electric, magnetic and gravita- tional fields and etc.

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The present article is devoted to calculation and visualization of motion of the body launched at an angle above the horizontal for two cases without air drag and with air drag by using the MATLAB software. Formulation of the problem 1. Let's consider the movement of the body thrown with initial velocity of 0 at an angle α to the horizon in the assumption that the air drag is proportional to squared velocity. In a vector form the equation of motion is given as  mr    mg,   r   where is the position vector of the moving body, is the body’s velocity, is the drag coefficient, mg is the gravity force, m is the mass of the body and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The specific feature of this problem is in ending of the body’s motion at an unknown time, when the body falls on the ground. If to denote k=γ/m, then we have a system of equations for x- and y- components of the motion, to which it is necessary to add initial conditions: x(0)=0, y(0)=h (h is an initial height), x0y00cos ,0 sin . Let us have the following denotations: y1 x,,,. y2 x y3 y y4 y     Then the corresponding system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the first order for x- and y-components of the motion is given as y1    y2 

22 y2  k  y2   y2   y4 y3  y4 

22 y4  k  y4   y2   y4  g

Methods and results. To obtain the solution of this problem we introduce the function “bodyangle.m” for calculation of the right side of the system of ODE. Listing of the function Movifriction.m. function F=Movifriction(x,y) k=0.01; g=9.81; F=[y(2); -k.*y(2).*sqrt(y(2).^2+y(4).^2);... y(4); -k.*y(4).*sqrt(y(2).^2+y(4).^2)-g]; The algorithm of the solution ex14_1.m of our boundary-value problem can be as the following: >> % motion of the body launched at an angle to the horizon >> alph=pi/4; % the angle of launch >> k=0; >>v0=1; % initial velocity >>h=0; % initial height >>tmax=0.2; % time interval >>Y0=[0; v0.*cos(alph); h; v0.*sin(alph)]; % vector of initial conditions >> [T,Y]=ode45(@Movifriction,[0 tmax],Y0);% approximate solution >>plot(Y(:,1),Y(:,3), 'LineWidth',2); % the graph of the curve x(t), y(t) >>axis equal; >>grid on The result is presented in the figure 1.

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0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

Figure 1 – The path of body’s motion without air drag (k=0) at initial conditions =pi/4 – launch angle, 0=1 – initial velocity, h=0 – initial height

For determination of motion duration it is necessary to select the value of tmax. Also it is necessary to determine approximately the maximum height and the range. The ODE solver of MATLAB gives an opportunity to determine the moments of occurring of the events corresponding to some special solutions and reactions to them. For this aim a special function-event processor is used. During solution MATLAB recognizes events and calls the user’s processor. The format of the function of event processor must be as following: [value, isterminal, direction] = eventsfun(t, y) Function has to return three vectors -value, isterminal, direction- of identical length in which the i-th component corresponds to equalizing to zero of some expression depending on t and y(k) components of a vector-function of ODE system solution (arguments t, y functions - events). Components of these vectors have the following meanings: value(i) is the expression made of an argument t and the y(k) components of a vector function y which in a solver will be checked on equality to zero; isterminal(i) = 1 if an integration of the ODE system has to be stopped at reaching the condition - value (i) = 0, or = 0 if it isn't required to stop calculations; direction(i) = 0 if it is necessary "to catch" all zeros of the expression - value (i), + 1 when passing through zero the expression - value (i) increases, and – 1 when passing through zero the expression - value(i) decreases. Then the descriptor of this function should be transferred to a solver, having specified it in structure of parameters - options - of the function- odeset (see above) as the value of the parameter - Events. options=odeset(‘Events’, eventsfun) After that a solver should be called with 5 exit parameters [T,Y,TE,YE,IE] = solver(odefun, tspan, y0, options) Problem 2. Let's return to the problem 1 in which we we considered the motion of the body thrown at an angle to the horizon. Let's create the bodyanglek.m function of a right side of the system of equations having additional parameter k – the medium drag coefficient. Listing function bodyanglek.m. function F=bodyanglek(x,y,k) g=9.81; F=[y(2); -k.*y(2).*sqrt(y(2).^2+y(4).^2);... y(4); -k.*y(4).*sqrt(y(2).^2+y(4).^2)-g]; If the function -processor of an event - Events is used, then it also has to have this additional argument.

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function [value,isterminal,direction] = ex8eventsk(t,y,k) % Determine the time when the height % is equal to 0 during the body’s falling and to end calculations, also % determine the time of body’s reaching the maximum height (without stopping calculations), % when the y-component of the velocity is equal to 0 value = [y(3), y(4)]; % determine zeros for y(3) and y(4) isterminal = [1,0]; % stop calculations at y(3)=0 direction = [-1,0]; % function y(3) decreases, for y(4) it makes no difference When calling the solver we also should give it an additional argument. Then the algorithm of the solution ex16_1.m of our boundary- value problem will be as following % motion of the body launched at an angle to the horizon ex16_1.m >>alph=pi/4; % the launch angle >>v0=10; % initial velocity >>Y0=[0; v0.*cos(alph); 0; v0.*sin(alph)]; % vector of initial conditions >>ak=[0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5]; % medium drag coefficients >>opts = odeset('Events',@ex8eventsk,'Refine',16); % parameters >>newplot; hold on; >>for i=1:4 >> [t,Y,te,ye,ie] = ode45(@bodyanglek,[0 Inf],Y0,opts,ak(i)); % solution >>plot(Y(:,1),Y(:,3), 'LineWidth',2); % path graph >>end >>grid on; hold off; The result is presented in the figure 2.



1.5 0.2

0.3 1 0.5 y



-0.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

Figure 2 – A trajectory of motion of a body launched at an angle to the horizon at various values of the medium drag coefficient

Students are offered to study this phenomenon by changing the initial conditions (the launch angle, initial velocities and heights) and at various values of the medium drag coefficient and to analyze them. Conclusion. The article considers calculations and visualization of motion of a body launched at an angle above the horizontal without air drag and with air drag by using the MATLAB software. It presents the motion trajectories of the body launched at an angle above the horizontal at different values of air drag coefficient. The path of the body launched at a certain angle above the horizontal with no air drag is a parabola. In case of motion with air drag the path is not parabolic, i.e. not symmetric relative the vertical line drawn from the upper point of the trajectory, with less height and range. With the increase of air drag 211 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan coefficient the maximum height reached by the body decreases. When the air drag coefficient increases from 0.1 up to 0.5 the maximum height reached by the body decreases approximately by 1.8 times. Students are offered to study this phenomenon by changing the air drag coefficient at various initial velocities and to analyze them. Results of this article are used at the practical classes on classical and theoretical mechanics and at the laboratory classes on the discipline "Modeling the physical phenomena".

К. А. Қабылбеков1, Х. К. Абдрахманова2, А. Д. Дасибеков1, П. А. Саидахметов1, Т. Ш. Маханов1, Б. Ш. Кеделбаев

1М. Әуезов атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті, Шымкент, Қазақстан, 2Оңтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік педагогикалық университеті, Шымкент, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Көкжиекке бұрыш жасап лақтырылған дененің ортаның кедергісі жоқ және кедергісі бол- ған жағдайларындағы қозғалысын есептеу мен бейнелеу ұсынылады. Көкжиекке бұрышпен лақтырылған дененің ортаның кедергісі жоқ және кедергісінің коэффициенттері әртүрлі болған жағдайларындағы қозға- лысының траекторияларың графиктері келтірілген. Ортаның кедергісін есепке алмаған жағдайда дене парабола бойында қозғалады, ал орта кедергісі есепке алынған жағдайда оның траекториясы параболадан ауытқиды және ең жоғарғы биктіктегі нүктеден жүргі- зілген верикалға салыстырғанда симметриялы болмайды. Ортаның кедергі коэффиценті 0.1 ден 0.5-ке дейін өскен сайын дененің көтерілу биктігі 1.8 есе төмен- дейді. Студенттерге өз бетінше қозғалыстың бастапқы жылдамдығы мен бастапқы биіктігі және лақтыру бұ- рышы мен кедергі коэффицетінің әр түрлі мәндерінде тәжірибелер жасау және нәтижелерін талдау ұсыны- лады. Тәжірибелер нәтижелері классикалық, теориялық механика және «Физикалық процестерді есептеу мен бейнелеу» пәндерін меігеруде қолданылады Түйін сөздер: қозғалыс, көкжиекке бұрыш жасап лақтырылған, бастапқы жылдамдық, бастапқы биіктік, лақтыру бұрышы, траектория, парабола, ортаның кедергі коэффициенті.

К. А. Кабылбеков1, Х. К. Абдрахманова2, А. Д. Дасибеков1, П. А. Саидахметов1, Т. Ш. Маханов1, Б. Ш. Кеделбаев

1Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауэзова, Шымкент, Казахстан 2Южно-Казахстанский государственный педагогический университет, Шымкент, Казахстан


Аннотация. Предлагается программа расчета и визуализации движения тела, брошенного под углом к горизонту без учета и с учетом сопротивления среды. Представлены траектории движения тела, брошенного под углом к горизонту без учета и с учетом сопротивления среды при различных значения коэффициента со- противления среды. Траекторией движения тела, брошенного под углом к горизонту без учета сопротив- ления среды является парабола и с учетом сопротивления среды траектория отличается и не симметрична относительно вертикали проведенной от верхней точки координаты. С увеличением коэффициента сопротив- ления среды понижается высота подьема тела; увеличение коэффициента сопротивления от 0.1 до 0.5 пони- жает высоту подъема тела примерно в 1.8 раза. Студентам предлагается самостоятельно поэкспериментиро- вать, изменяя коэффициент сопротивления среды при различных начальных скоростях и их проанализиро- вать. Результаты экспериментов используются при изучении и освоении классической, теоретической механики и дисциплины «Расчет и визуализация физических процессов». 212 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Ключевые слова: движение, под углом к горизонту, начальная высота, начальная скорость, угол брос- ка, траектория, парабола, коэффициент сопротивления среды.

Information about authors: Kabylbekov K. A., cand. ph-math. sc., associate professor of the chair of Physics, M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhatan; [email protected]; Abdrakhmanova Kh. K., cand. chem. sc., associate professor of the chair of Physics, South-Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Shymkent, Kazakhatan; [email protected]; Dasibekov A. D., doc. eng. sc., professor of the chair of Mechanics, M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhatan; dasibekо[email protected]; Saidakhmetov P. A., cand. phys.-math. sciences, associate professor of the department “Physics” of M. Auezov SKSU, Shymkent, Kazakhatan; [email protected]; Makhanov T. Sh., cand. ped. sc., associate professor of the chair of "Professional education", M. Auezov South- Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhatan; [email protected]; Kedelbaev B. Sh.,


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UDC 004.9:519 IRSTI 20.53.00

Maksat Kalimoldayev, Maxat Akhmetzhanov, Murat Kunelbayev, Talgat Sundetov

Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. In this work, information systems of integrated machine learning modules have been performed using the verbal robot as an example. Hardware components have been developed, logical components that have been assembled and /or developed to implement an automated verbal robot system, module tracking has been also performed that can track human faces in real time through the OpenCV library and automated services on Jetson TX1 SoC for maneuvering a mobile robot chassis. Key words: information systems, integrated modules, machine learning, verbal robot.

Introduction. An automated platform to study the role of the verbal robot is shown in [1]. In [1], a humanoid robot was developed by French sculptor Gael Langevin using the InMoov platform as part of a public project initiated in 2012. The main software architecture is the implementation of Automatic-Deliberative (AD) Architecture [2]. The main component of the AD architecture is skill [3]. Skill is a minimal module that allows the robot to perform an action, such as moving through the environment, reading products from a laser sensor or communicating with a person. In essence, skill is a process that conducts computational operations and shares the results of these operations with other skills. For example, imagine a skill that is responsible for detecting obstacles using laser readings. In this case, the main skill operations: reading laser data, deciding whether there is an obstacle or not and making this information available to other skills. The partitioning mechanisms used by skills are events (a communication mechanism that follows the publisher/subscriber paradigm described by Gamma et al. in [4]), or a shared memory system. ROS [4] is an open source, meta-operating system for robots. It provides services similar to those provided by the operating system (OS), including hardware abstraction, low-level device control, implementation of commonly used functionalities, interprocess communication, and package management. In addition, it also provides tools and libraries for obtaining, building, writing, and managing code in a multi-computer environment. The main concept of ROS that applies to this article is nodes and themes. The first is the minimal ROS architecture unit structure. These are processes that perform the calculation. Essentially every skill is implemented as a ROS node. The latter, topics, are a communication system that allows the exchange of information between nodes. They are, in fact, the implementation of Announcement events. Method of research. Hardware Components. The central processor consists of the Arduino Mega ADK board. This microcontroller is responsible for collecting commands from various software modules running on the PC discuss later and transmitting them to the servos. Two cameras were placed in the robot's eyes to reproduce the vision system. Two speakers were used for sound reproduction; they were attached to the amplifier Board and placed in the robot's ears. An 215 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan external microphone was used for the auditory system to limit the effects of noise produced by the servos on the perceived audio. The robot assembly includes 28 servos with different speeds and spins distributed across the body and providing a total of 28 degrees of freedom (DOFs). All arm servos have been modified to allow robot joints to perform voluntary rotations not allowed in the original design. The arm chain (omoplate, shoulder, biceps, elbow, forearm, and wrist) consists of six articulated inverse kinematics (IK) of use. Software components. The logical components that were assembled and/or developed to implement the automated verbal robot system are illustrated in figure 47. In the created architecture, which was inherited from the InMoov project, the lowest layer is represented by physical robot sensors and head drives.

Figure 1 – The control layer consists of eight main modules that are used to control the directional functions of the robot

Face tracking: The module processes the video stream received from the cameras to detect the presence of human faces and their positions in the field of view of the robot. It is based on MyRobotLab ( A tracking module that can track human faces in real time using OpenCV ( library. When a face is traced, the top of the robot is adapted to hold a specific face in the center of its field of vision. In the case of using a technique in which the robot is expected to be placed in public and crowded places, not all detected people may want to start a conversation. Therefore, in order to limit the number of unwanted activations, two events, i.e. found face and lost face were added to the original module. Therefore, in order to limit the number of unwanted activations, two events, i.e. found face and lost face were added to the original tracking module. The found event is triggered when a human face is detected in a given number of sequential struc- tures; likewise, a lost face event is triggered when no human face is detected in a predetermined number of structures. The data produced by this module is sent to look closely at the module. Gaze: This module is responsible for the upper part of the guiding robot and eye movements during human user interaction. For example, in greetings and farewell phases, the robot's gaze is focused on the user's face. In the configuration studied, in which the robot gives directions by indicating destinations on a map, the gaze is directed to the map. Chat bot: This module represents the brain of the system and produces responses to the text based on the received textual stimuli. A publicly accessible natural language processing language chatterbot that uses an XML schema called AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) to enable conversation customization With AIML it is possible to define the keywords/phrases that the robot needs to capture and understand (related to the greeting/farewell phases as well as the destinations) and should provide answers

216 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 2 – Found face in the program MyRobotLab

(greeting/farewell expressions and directions). In addition, when a keyword/phrase relative to a destination is defined, the AIML language can be used to activate robot hand gestures to provide directions by sending the requested information to the Navigation module. Purple clouds represent examples of possible user input, while gray clouds are examples of possible robot responses. Voice recognition: To allow the robot to communicate by voice with the user, two software tools are needed: the Text to Speech (TTS) tool to speak to the user and the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) tool to hear and understand what the teacher is saying. The first tool, TTS, is a technology that converts written information into spoken words, that is, TTS says any text that it receives as input. Conversely, ASR converts any human utterance captured by a robot microphone into written text that can be under- stood by a computer.

Figure 3 – Speech recognition engine

In [5], commercial TTS and ASR tools were used. TTS provides Application Interfaces (APIs) for both TTS and ASR. These APIs are wrapped in the form of two skills: Skill ETTS (Emotional Text for Speech) and Skill ASR [6]. They are wrapped in the form of skills, so they allow other skills to send the utterance into the ETTS skill and recover what the user said from the ASR Skill, simply using the commu- nication mechanisms. This module receives voice commands from the microphone, converts them into text using Google's WebKit speech recognition API and sends the result to the Chatbot module. Voice synthesis: This module allows the robot to talk. It receives text messages from the Chatbot module, converts them into audio files through MaryTTS ( speech synthesis engine and sends them to speakers. In addition, when a message is received, it triggers a moveMouth event that causes the robot's mouth to move, synchronizing with the spoken words.

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Figure 4 – Voice synthesis circuit block

Navigation: This is the main module that has been developed in this work and combined into MyRobotLab to provide users with directions for the desired destination. SLAM - updates the map of an unknown environment, while tracking the location of the agent in it [1]. Fig. 1 shows a simplified version of a common SLAM pipeline that operates as follows: 1. Inertial Measurement Unit, or IMU, consists of a gyroscope to measure angular velocity and accelerometers to measure acceleration in three axes. The IMU produces six data points (angular velocities in three different axes and acceleration in three axes) at a high rate and feeds the propagation stage with data. 2. The main task of the Propagation Unit is to combine the IMU data points and produce a new location. Since the IMU data is obtained at fixed intervals, combining the acceleration twice over time, we can obtain the agent movement during the last interval. However, since IMU hardware typically has bias and errors, we cannot fully rely on Propagation data so that positions do not gradually produce drift out of the actual path. To fix the drift problem, we use a camera to capture structures along the path at a fixed interest rate, typically 60 meters per second. Structures captured by the camera can be fed with a Feature Extraction Unit, which extracts useful angular singularities and produces a description for each feature. The extracted features can then feed the Mapping Unit to expand the map as the Agent explores. Note that we mean by map a collection of 3D points in space, each 3D point would correspond to one or more characteristic points found in the feature extraction unit. 3. In addition, the detected features would be sent to the Update Unit, which compares the features with the map. If the detected features already exist in the map, the Update unit can then retrieve the agent's current position from the known map points. With this new provision, the Update Unit can correct the drift introduced by the Propagation Unit. In addition, the Update unit updates the map with recently detected feature points. In this implementation, we use our own SLAM system, which uses a stereo camera to image at a level of 60 meters per second, with each structure measuring 640 by 480 pixels. In addition, the IMU produces 200 Hz IMU updates (three axes of angular velocity and three axes of acceleration). Gesture: This module was created as part of this work. Its role is to force the robot to execute a gesture sequence suitable for the particular directional modality that is being considered (in the air or a map indicating gestures) and a specific selected destination. Interaction logic: This module controls all the previous ones based on the human robot interaction flow and the directional modality in use. As an example, while the robot says the use of Voice synthesis module, the voice recognition module should be stopped to avoid misconduct.

218 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Figure 5 – Visual inertial execution of SLAM

The execution of the above modules is organized by the middleware layer, which is represented by MyRobotLab service and acts as an intermediary between the application layer and the robot functionality. The stack is completed by an application layer that actually implements the reception logic illustrated in Figure 6, thus forcing the robot to interact with human users and give directions in a natural way. When the system starts, it initializes the MyRobotLab modules and waits for external stimuli to start the interaction. The stimuli can be either a detected face or a voice command given by the user. In the first case, the registrar’s robot starts interacting with the phrase of congratulations: “Hello! I can give you signs! Where do you want to go? ” Subsequently, the user can continue the interaction as shown in figure 5. If no answer is detected, the robot's profit is in the waiting phase. In the second case, the user starts interacting with congratulations to the robot or asking him about this destination. The interaction continues, as illustrated in figure 6.

Figure 6 – Applied Logic of an Automated Verbal Robot

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Research results. Automated system on the Jetson TX1. In this section, we present how we implement the aforementioned automated services on the Jetson TX1 SoC to maneuver the mobile robot chassis. We will install the hardware, system architecture, as well as the performance and power consumption of such an implementation. Hardware Installation. For the robot and the implementation of services over it, we first need to install the hardware. The robot consists of two parts: the perception and decision units implemented on TX1 and the execution unit, which is the robot chassis. The robot chassis receives commands from TX1 and executes these commands accordingly. This module generates stereo VGA resolution images at 60 meters per second along with IMU updates at 200 Hz. This source data is fed to the SLAM pipeline to produce accurate location updates and fed to the CNN pipeline to perform object recognition. In addition, the TX1 Board is connected to the main chassis via serial communication. Thus, after going through the stages of perception and decision, TX1 sends commands to the main chassis to move it. For example, after the SLAM pipeline creates an environment map, the solution pipeline may order the robot to move from location to location B, and commands are sent via the serial interface. For speech recognition, for commands we set to continuously perform audio playback to speech recognition. In addition, a 2,200 mAh battery is used to power the TX1 Board. System architecture. In order to closely integrate these services on the installation of hardware, the next task is to design a system architecture. Figure 7 presents the system architecture that we implement on TX1. In the frontend, we have three sensor threads to produce the initial data: the camera thread produ- ces images at a level of as much as 60 Hz, the IMU thread produces inertial updates at a rate of 200 Hz, and the microphone thread produces an audio signal at a rate of 8 kHz. The IMU image and data then enter the SLAM pipeline to update the position at a rate of 200 Hz. Meanwhile, when the robot moves, the SLAM pipeline also expands the environment map. Position updates, along with an updated map, are then sent to the navigation thread to decide how the robot makes its next move. Image data is also included in the object recognition pipeline to extract the labels of the objects the robot encounters. Object labels are then filed into a reaction unit, which contains a series of rules for what to do next when a specific label is detected. For example, a rule might be that every time a human face is detected, the robot should greet the person. The audio data passes through the speech recognition pipeline to extract commands, and then commands feed the command unit. A command unit stores a series of predefined commands, and if an incoming command matches one on the predefined command interface, then the action is triggered. For example, we execute the command "stop", every time the robot hears the word "stop", it stops all its ongoing actions.

Figure 7 – System integration

220 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

In its own process, this architecture provides a very good separation of different tasks with each task. For different tasks to use the main heterogeneous computing resources should be fully connected to high efficiency and energy efficiency. For example, feature extraction operations used in frontend SLAM, as well as CNN computations, show very good data parallelism, so it might be advantageous to offload these tasks to the GPU, and free some CPU resources for another computation, or for energy efficiency. Therefore, in our implementation, the SLAM frontend is offloaded to the GPU, the SLAM backend is executed on the central processor; most object recognition is offloaded to the GPU; speech recognition task is performed on the central processor. We explore how this setup behaves on the Jetson TX1 SoC in the following subsections. Conclusion. The conducted theoretical researches proved a new constructive and technological scheme of verbal robot, including pattern recognition, speech, navigation, localization. Using research methods of complex systems of machine learning, it is structured into blocks integrated into common platforms, the blocks are divided into elements, and the equations of omnidirectional movement of the robot are compiled and solved. The modeling of a humanoid robot with the creation of mechanisms for the movement of robot organs has been developed. Electrical circuits for power supply and control of servos, sensors and motors have been constructed. The robot parts have been modeled on a 3 D printer and the robot body has been created. A system has been proposed in which various complex machine learning modules will be integrated. Most existing implementations use high-level central processing units that consume more than 100 watts for multiple services per robot system. Robots are mobile systems with strict constraints on the energy. Meeting the real-time requirements for mobile robots, we have to simultaneously enable all of these services at approximately 10 watts of power. In this paper, we present our studies of integrating localization, vision and speech recognition services on a mobile robot. On an Nvidia Jetson TX1 SoC, with approximately 10 watts of power consumption, a system architecture was designed. Using the central processor for other tasks provided by SoC, using the GPU mainly for frontend SLAM tasks, we will be able to efficiently use heterogeneous computing resources. To offload computer vision and speech recognition tasks to the cloud we tried to achieve high energy efficiency. While still meeting real-time requirements, our research shows that if the cloud is deployed on a local network, offloading these tasks can easily double the robot's battery life.

M. Kaлимолдаев, M. Aхметжанов, M. Kунелбаев, T. Сундетов

ҚР БҒМ ҒК ақпараттық және есептеуіш технология институты, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Жұмыста мысал ретінде ауызша роботты қолдана отырып, автоматтандырылған оқу модульдерінің ақпараттық жүйелері орындалды. Автоматтандырылған ауызша робот жүйесін енгізу үшін аппараттық құралдар жасалды, логикалық компоненттер жасалды, сонымен қатар OpenCV кітапханасы арқылы нақты уақыт режимінде адамның бет-бейнесін бақылай алатын модульдерді бақылау және Jetson TX1 SoC үшін автоматтандырылған қызмет көрсету жүзеге асырылды. жылжымалы робот шассиіне маневр жасау. Түйін сөздер: ақпараттық жүйелер, кіріктірілген модульдер, машиналық оқыту, ауызша робот.

221 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

M. Kaлимолдаев, M. Aхметжанов, M. Kунелбаев, T. Сундетов

Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий КН МОН РК, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. В данной работе информационные системы интегрированных модулей машинного обуче- ния были выполнены на примере словесного робота. Были разработаны аппаратные компоненты, логические компоненты, которые были собраны и разработаны для реализации автоматизированной системы словесных роботов, также было выполнено отслеживание модулей, которые могут отслеживать человеческие лица в режиме реального времени через библиотеку OpenCV и автоматизированные сервисы на Jetson TX1 SoC для маневрирования шасси мобильного робота. Ключевые слова: информационные системы, интегрированные модули, машинное обучение, словес- ный робот.

Information about authors: Kalimoldayev Maksat, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Akhmetzhanov Maxat, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Kunelbayev Murat, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Sundetov Talgat, Institute Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan;


[1] Barber R. Ph.D. Thesis. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Leganes, Spain: 2000. Desarrollo de una Arquitectura Para Robots Móviles Autónomos. Aplicacioón a un Sistema de Navegación Topoloógica. [2] Rivas R., Corrales A., Barber R., Salichs MA. Robot Skill Abstraction for AD Architecture // Proceedings of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles; Toulouse, France. 3–5 September 2007. [3] Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R., Vlissides J. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Professional; Harlow, UK: 1995. [4] Quigley M., Gerkey B., Conley K., Faust J., Foote T., Leibs J., Berger E., Wheeler R., Ng A. ROS: An Open-Source Robot Operating System // Proceedings of the Open-Source Software Workshop of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA); Kobe, Japan. 12–17 May 2009. [5] Nuance Communications LTD. [(accessed on 1 June 2013)]. Loquendo web page. Available [6] Alonso-Martin F., Salichs M. Integration of a voice recognition system in a social robot // Cybern. Syst. 2011; 42: 215-245.

222 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019


UDC 551.577.53

A. K. Zheksenbayeva, A. S. Nyssanbayeva, M. O. Tursumbayeva

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. In the context of modern climate change, that is determined by both natural factors and human economic activity, can have a significant impact on various processes. Some of the most significant climatic changes for the agricultural sector are the change in average monthly temperatures and precipitation, especially during the growing season. Since North Kazakhstan is the main agricultural region of Kazakhstan, that ensures country’s food independence and security, the problem of climate change and their effect on agricultural production in the region is relevant and important. This article considers the dynamics of long-term climatic changes in precipitation during the vegetation period in the north of Kazakhstan. The changes in the mean multi-year precipitation values for the period from 1936-2017 were analyzed. After, a comparative analysis of the changes in the mean multi-year values for the observation period relative to the baseline was made. Due to the intensification of global warming in the second half of the 20th century, especially in 1991-2017, precipitation variability was analyzed. The paper also examines the relationship between atmospheric precipitation and the yield of grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan during the vegetation period. As a result of this study, it was found that (1) the average multi-year precipitation standards tend to grow at all stations considered in Northern Kazakhstan since 1991 with a significant change observed in the cold season; (2) according to average precipitation values the during the growing season, June and July are the most rainy months, and the least is April; (3) atmospheric precipitation regime and their supply during the growing season affects the yield of grain crops in the region. Key words: precipitation, the territory of Northern Kazakhstan, vegetation period, precipitation dynamics, precipitation anomaly, asymmetry, kurtosis, correlation, productivity, crops, provision of precipitation.

Introduction. In recent years, the attention of scientists around the world has been attracted by the growing frequency of abnormal natural phenomena, such as floods, drought, excessively humid periods, severe frosts, etc., which are causing ever-greater economic and social damage to society. In the current climate change regime, which is determined by both natural factors and human econo- mic activity, can have a significant effect on various processes that affect the vegetation and soil cover. Observed climate changes affect both the yield and its characteristics, for example, the interannual yield amplitudes. Areas of risky farming are particularly sensitive to climate change, since environmental systems are in an unstable equilibrium and even small, but prolonged changes in precipitation or temperature rise can lead to irreversible consequences. It is clear therefore, that the analysis of possible climate changes in the North Kazakhstan region has not only scientific but also practical interest. The relevance of research. North Kazakhstan is the main agricultural region of the Republic that provides food independence and security to the whole country. Therefore, the problem of climate change and their effect on agricultural production in the region is relevant and important. As a part of the task of implementing the food security program, one of the most important tasks is to assess the dynamics of climate change in the region and their effect on agricultural production for the coming decades, especially

223 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the growing season. Knowledge of the expected changes will allow to develop an optimal strategy for adapting the industry to new climatic conditions and minimize possible losses. From climatic changes, the average monthly temperatures and precipitation, especially during the growing season, are the most significant for the agricultural sector. Because of the lack of precipitation, the region of the Northern Kazakhstan is generally classified as the zone of risky agriculture, where only three years out of every five are yielding. Study area. The study area was a large part of the territory of Northern Kazakhstan, which included North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Akmola and Kostanay regions (picture 1).

Picture 1 – Research area

The length of the region from west to east is 1300 km, and from north to south – about 900 km [1, 2]. The territory is located in the center of Eurasia, and the great distance from the oceans, primarily from the Atlantic Ocean, causes large amplitudes in annual course of air temperature and relatively low precipitation. Materials and methods. To analyze the dynamics of atmospheric precipitation, two widely used in meteorology methods: statistical analysis and deviation from the climatic norm were applied. Data of long-term observations (from 1936 to 2017) of monthly and annual precipitation amounts at five meteorological stations located in the forest-steppe and steppe zones in Northern Kazakhstan were used in this study. The stations were Petropavlovsk, Kostanay, Astana, Kokshetau and Pavlodar. Changes in mean multi-year values were analyzed for the main period of observations (1936-2017). The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) recommends the use of the period 1951-1980 as a reference period, but due to climate variability, the period 1961-1990 was taken as the reference period [3, 4]. A comparative analysis of the change in the mean multiyear values of the main period relative to the reference period was made. Due to intensification of global warming in the second half of the 20th century, especially in 1991-2017, the variability of atmospheric precipitation was analyzed. Long-term change trends of atmospheric precipitation are obtained by calculating linear trends, and analysis of the linear trend equation. To assess the climatic characteristics of precipitation in [5-8], 82-year period (from 1936 to 2017) was taken. As a result of statistical processing, a number of characteristics such as annual precipitation sums, standard deviation, asymmetry coefficients, kurtosis and variations were obtained. In recent decades, the problem has worsened due to global warming, which, according to most scien- tists, is caused by intensive emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Areas of risky farming are the most sensitive to such changes, since there is no margin of stability. Therefore, in addition to the statistical analysis of the series of precipitation for July-September 1936-2017 [9], which made it possible to better understand their internal structure, the dynamics of precipitation [10-12] in the region, including the harvesting period, was studied for the period from 1936 to 2017.

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Results and discussion. The study of the regime of long-term changes in atmospheric precipitation is one of the most important problems. Atmospheric precipitation, like other elements of climate, varies significantly both in time and in space. The variability of the mean and anomalous values of precipitation is related to the physical and geographical conditions, the time of the year and the atmospheric circulation. A large number of studies have been devoted to the study of the regime of perennial fluctuations of global air temperature and precipitation fields [13-18].

Q, mm а b c






Picture 2 – Dynamics and linear trends of annual sums of precipitation (a), precipitation of the warm period (b), precipitation of the cold period (c) for the period 1936-1990 and 1991-2017 at considered stations in Northern Kazakhstan: 1 – Petropavlovsk, 2 – Kostanay, 3 – Astana, 4 – Kokshetau, 5 – Pavlodar

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Precipitation refers to the category of phenomena that can affect both positively and negatively. The rains with 30 mm of precipitation or more fall per day are considered as abundant, and are dangerous for economic activity [19-21]. On the one hand, precipitation of high intensity leads to flushing of the soil and damage to man-made structures. In some areas, rain floods are accompanied by flooding of settlements. Long and intensive rainfall makes it difficult to carry out agricultural and construction works, motor transport, aviation, etc. On the other hand, abundant precipitation contributes to a significant moistening of the soil, which favorably affects the life of plants. Northern Kazakhstan is the main agricultural region, grain production is also concentrated here, ensuring the food security of the Republic. Among the early cereals cultivated in Northern Kazakhstan, the leading place belongs to spring wheat. High food value of spring wheat and relatively low requirements to climate conditions made this culture widespread in most territories of Kazakhstan. Long-term fluctuations in the annual amount of precipitation of cold and warm periods for 1936-2017 were used for statistical assessments, and the changes in the long-term precipitation mean values for the main period of observations (1936-2017) were analyzed (picture 2). Data averaging for obtaining norms is considered in many in climate studies [22-24]. For the period 1936-2017, the annual precipitation amounts at all considered stations vary from 267 mm (station Pavlodar) to 348 mm (station Petropavlovsk). In their distribution, zonality, one of the general geographic regularities, can be observed. Along with zonality, the annual precipitation in the region decreases from west to east from 332 (Kostanay) to 267 mm (Pavlodar), with the continentality of the climate increasing in this direction. The northern regions of the country are more susceptible to the influence of the northwestern and western air masses. The annual course of precipitation depends both on the general circulation of the atmosphere and on local physical and geographical conditions. For this specific region, the continental type of annual precipitation with a maximum in summer and a minimum in winter is typical. So, within the greater part of the northern half of the country (forest-steppe and steppe), 60-80 % of the annual precipitation amount falls on average in the warm season (April-October), and only 20-40 % are in the cold season [25, 26]. Trends of long-term changes in atmospheric precipitation were determined by calculating linear trends (picture 2) and analysis of the linear trend equation (table 1). With a significance level α=0.05, the correlation coefficient (r) for the periods are: r=0.22 for 1936- 2017; r=0.27 for 1936-1990; r=0.35 for 1961-1990; r=0.37 for 1991-2017. Table 1 show that the amount of precipitation during different averaging periods has certain differences. For the periods from 1936 to 2017 significant changes were noticed for Pavlodar station in the warm period, as well as for all stations in the cold period. Comparison of the annual amount of precipi- tation for the main period (1936-2017) with the base period (1961-1990) shows that there is a significant reduction in precipitation up to 12 and 13 mm for stations Petropavlovsk and Astana, respectively. In the period 1991-2017, compared with the period 1936-1990, an increase in annual precipitation values is observed in the range from 30 to 62 mm at all the stations under consideration. Thus, the average long-term precipitation rates at all the considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan have been increasing since 1991, with a significant change observed in the cold season. Thus, at the stations Petropavlovsk and Astana, the long-term norm of precipitation in the cold period increased up to 40-42 mm, and at other stations, it varied within 20-29 mm. In the warm half-year, a positive deviation from the norm at the stations under consideration varied from 6 to 33 mm. The analysis of the structure of precipitation series was carried out at five stations of Northern Kazakhstan for the period from 1936 to 2017 (82 years). To analyze the time course of precipitation, an anomaly of precipitation was used and a comparison of the signs of the anomaly for the study period was carried out. In addition to that, the mean values of the positive and negative precipitation anomaly were presented during the vegetation period. The results are in tables 2 and 3. Table 2 shows that the number of cases with negative precipitation anomalies slightly prevails over the number of cases with a positive anomaly at all considered stations, which may serve as a first approximation to the estimation of the trend of precipitation change. The analysis of the trend of changes in precipitation over the vegetation period in the north of Kazakhstan presents great practical interest. For illustration, the time course of the precipitation anomaly for the growing season is shown for three stations: Petropavlovsk, Kostanay, Astana (pictures 3-5).

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Table 1 – Long-term dynamics of precipitation over different averaging periods in Northern Kazakhstan

Periods, years 1936-2017 1936-1990 1961-1990 1991-2017

Stations norm, mm standard deviation coefficientof trend a linear norm, mm standard deviation coefficientof trend a linear norm, mm standard deviation coefficientof trend a linear norm, mm standard deviation coefficientof trend a linear

year Petropavlovsk 348 79.7 1.71 328 72.1 2.29 360 60.7 1.43 390 79.5 0.52 Kostanay 332 69.0 0.76 321 65.1 0.56 326 64.2 1.18 353 72.5 1.81 Astana 299 65.6 1.25 285 65.1 1.99 312 51.9 -0.15 323 59.8 1.08 Kokshetau 301 82.2 0.84 291 77.5 1.04 307 75.9 -0.54 321 89.2 1.23 Pavlodar 267 68.1 1.57 246 60.5 1.72 264 51.8 3.43 308 64.6 1.37 warm period Petropavlovsk 264 62.2 0.48 257 60.0 0.41 265 52.2 0.04 278 655 0.52 Kostanay 241 63.1 0.28 237 62.3 0.14 237 61.6 0.81 249 65.2 0.98 Astana 221 56.9 0.31 219 57.8 0.63 229 52.3 -1.25 225 55.8 0.64 Kokshetau 243 73.0 0.29 240 70.9 0.38 246 68.2 -0.53 250 78.0 0.59 Pavlodar 192 58.0 0.74 181 51.0 0.62 185 45.1 2.05 214 65.9 0.58 cold period Petropavlovsk 84 40.2 1.24 70 37.4 1.89 95 29.8 1.39 112 30.3 -0.10 Kostanay 91 28.2 0.48 84 27.3 0.41 89 28.8 0.37 104 25.4 0.83 Astana 78 34.8 1.10 65 30.4 1.36 83 25.0 1.10 105 28.2 1.56 Kokshetau 58 23.8 0.54 51 19.8 0.66 61 19.1 -0.01 71 25.9 0.66 Pavlodar 75 289 0.84 65 26.8 1.10 80 22.3 1.38 94 22.6 0.79

Table 2 – Number of cases with positive (N+) and negative (N-) precipitation anomalies from 1936 to 2017

April May June July August September Station N+ N- N+ N- N+ N- N+ N- N+ N- N+ N- Petropavlovsk 35 47 37 45 28 54 35 47 31 51 31 51 Kostanai 35 47 37 45 37 45 34 48 33 49 29 53 Kokshetau 31 51 36 46 31 51 36 46 34 48 28 54 Astana 30 52 41 41 28 54 37 45 30 52 28 54 Pavlodar 32 50 29 53 36 46 38 44 37 45 34 48

Table 3 – Average values of positive and negative precipitation anomalies during the growing season

Station Positive anomalies Negative anomalies Petropavlovsk 6.8 -7.3 Kostanai 7.3 -7.2 Kokshetau 8.6 -8.6 Astana 5.5 -6.8 Pavlodar 6.6 -5.4

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30,0 y = 0,0681x ‐ 4,0876 20,0 10,0 0,0 mm ‐10,0 1936 1939 1942 1945 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 ‐20,0 years Precipitation anomalies, ‐30,0

Picture 3 – The time course of precipitation anomaly and the trend line during the vegetation period from 1936 to 2017 on MS Petropavlovsk

Thus, an analysis of the time course of precipitation anomalies in the MS Petropavlovsk during the vegetation period shows that positive anomalies were observed during the period between 1938 and 1950; mainly negative anomalies were observed from 1951 to 1965; only positive anomalies were observed from 1966 to 1971; only negative anomalies were observed from 1972 to 1975; and in 1976, before the end of the period under consideration, both negative and positive anomalies were observed. Two maximums of positive anomalies were observed in 1994 (20.4 mm) and in 2001 (20.2 mm), and two minimums of negative anomalies were observed in 1936 (-21.1 mm) and in 2010 (-18.6 mm). Analyzing the graph of the time course of precipitation anomalies and the trend line at Petropavlovsk MS, we can see the evidence that precipitation over the period under study has a growth tendency.

20,0 y = 0,0401x ‐ 1,5676 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 -5,0 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 1948 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 -10,0 years -15,0 -20,0

Precipitation anomalies, mm -25,0

Picture 4 – The temporal variation of precipitation anomalies and the trend line for the growing season from 1936 to 2017 on MS Kostanay

An analysis of the time course of the precipitation anomaly in MS Kostanai during the growing season shows that in this period both negative and positive anomalies were observed. Two maximums were recorded in 1969 (17.1 mm) and 1990 (17.9 mm), and the minimum was observed in 2010 (-21.0 mm). Two maximums of precipitation anomalies were in 1969 (19.0 mm) and 2013 (15.6 mm) on MS Astana during the vegetation period. Two minimums were observed in 1951 (-22.3 mm) and in 1955 (-24.5 mm). The trend line at the MS Astana shows that from 1936 to 2017 there was an increase in the amount of precipitation. Thus, the territorial distribution of precipitation trends in the summer period coincides with the distribution of annual rainfall trends. At all considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan, the precipitation during the period of study has a growth trend. The most important, or so-called basic climatic characteristics expressing the main properties of climatological series are mean values, standard deviation, asymmetry coefficients, kurtosis and variations. 228 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

25,0 20,0 y = 0,0437x ‐ 3,5196 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 -5,0

-10,0 1936 1939 1942 1945 1948 1951 1954 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 -15,0 years -20,0

Precipitation anomalies, mm -25,0 -30,0

Picture 5 – The temporal variation of precipitation anomalies and the trend line for the growing season from 1936 to 2017 on MS Astana

The results of calculations of statistical characteristics of precipitation in the vegetation period for the considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan are given in table 4 below.

Table 4 – Statistical characteristics of the regime of atmospheric precipitation in the vegetation period in the north of Kazakhstan

Months Station Characteristics april may june july august september

Rср 19.7 30.9 45.4 62.3 47.3 29.8 σ 12.8 19.7 26.0 34.6 25.1 18.8 Petropavlovsk Аs 0,. 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.3 Ех -0.04 0.9 -0.1 2.4 1.4 2.4 Сv 65 64 57 56 53 63

Rср 22.2 29.9 40.5 54.9 37.0 26.1 σ 15.6 20.4 26.8 35.9 23.1 19.9 Kostanay Аs 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.0 Ех 2.5 0.4 0.4 -0.3 -0.3 0.2 Сv 70 68 66 65 62 76

Rср 19.2 32.6 34.5 52.1 34.5 23.1 σ 12.3 19.7 22.5 36.1 28.3 16.0 Astana Аs 1.0 1.2 0.04 1.0 1.5 1.2 Ех 1.2 2.4 0.8 0.4 3.7 2.3 Сv 64 60 65 69 82 69

Rср 17.0 28.7 41.4 70.6 41.4 23.4 σ 13.2 16.1 26.3 46.3 27.3 14.4 Kokshetau Аs 1.3 0.3 0.9 1.3 0.8 0.9 Ех 1.9 -0.8 -0.02 1.2 0.03 0.5 Сv 78 56 64 66 66 62

Rср 14.5 23.5 32.8 48.5 29.7 19.9 σ 10.4 17.9 21.7 30.6 20.1 13.4 Pavlodar Аs 0.9 2.7 0.6 1.3 1.0 0.9 Ех -0.2 12.5 -0.6 2.4 0.9 0.5 Сv 71 76 66 63 68 67

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According to the table, it can be seen that the mean values of precipitation during the vegetation period at considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan vary from 14.5 (Pavlodar station) to 70.6 mm (Kokshetau station). And so, in April, they vary within 14.5-22.2 mm, in May -23.5-36.6 mm, in June - 32.8-45.4 mm, in July - 48.5-70.6 mm, in August -29.7-47.3 mm, and in September -19.9-29.8 mm. Thus, it can be concluded that June and July are persistently rainy months, and the less rainy is April. The mean square deviations show the scatter of the actual data about the mean. The more the characteristic varies, the greater the magnitude of the standard deviation, and vice versa, with a weak variation in the characteristic, the mean square deviation will be smaller. In this case, the standard deviation during the growing season varies from 10.4 to 46.3. At all considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan, the greatest variation (30.6-46.3) is observed in July, and the smallest (10.4-15.6) is in April. The asymmetry coefficient almost at all stations is far from normal for almost 100%, except for the station Astana (June), which is considered normal, and for Kokshetau (May), which is considered moderate. The kurtosis is even more different from the normal, but there is a peculiarity: about 70 % of the distribution is leptokurtic, and only 30 % of the distribution is platykurtic. Platykurtic distribution of precipitation was observed at stations Petropavlovsk, Kokshetau and Pavlodar in April and June. The coefficient of variation is a measure of the relative spread of a random variable; shows how much the average of this value is its average spread. The greater the value of the coefficient of variation, the greater the scatter. In the statistics, the following estimate of the sign of the test is adopted for different values of the coefficient of variation: up to 10 % - weak variability; 10-25 % - moderate variability; over 25 % - strong variability [27]. In the period under consideration, there is a strong variability in precipi- tation at all the stations of northern Kazakhstan. When assessing the influence of atmospheric precipitation and climatic factors that have an impact on agricultural production, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of agricultural crops at various phases of its development. This may allow to determine the degree of risk of hazards dangerous for agriculture, that will allow to determine how the climate of the region meets the requirements of production. Yield fluctuations, both in time and in space, are determined by the nature of the variability of the crop structure. In this article, the relationship between atmospheric precipitation and productivity of grain crops of Northern Kazakhstan for the growing season 1975-2017 was considered (picture 6). Picture 6 (a) shows that during the period 1975-2017, the yield varies from 4.7 c/ha to 15.6 c/ha. It should be noted that low yields were mainly observed in years with low atmospheric precipitation (1975, 1991, 1995, 1998, 2010, 2012) and the highest in years with heavy precipitation (1979, 1992, 1999, 2001, 2009, 2011).

а b

350 20,0 350 North Kazakhstan y = 10.78x + 105.3 18,0 300 300 16,0

250 14,0 250

12,0 200 200 10,0 150 8,0 150

100 6,0 yield, centner/ha 100 Precipitation amount,Precipitation mm 4,0 mm amount, Precipitation 50 50 2,0 0 0,0 0 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 yield, centner/ha Precipitation amount

Picture 6 – The amount of precipitation (mm) during the vegetation period and the annual yield (c / ha) of cereal crops (a) and relationship between them (b)

230 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Due to aridity in the growing season in 2010, the minimum yield of cereal in the region (6.9 c/ha) was observed. On the contrary, in 2011, the highest yield of cereal (15.6 c/ha) was observed. This can be explained by abundant precipitation during the growing season in that year. In Northern Kazakhstan, the amount of precipitation and the dynamics of their distribution during the vegetation period is the main factor in crop yields. For the period from 1975 to 2017, the amount of precipitation during the vegetation period was the highest, in 1979, 1992, 1999, 2001, 2009, 2011 (255-296 mm), and in 1975, 1991 and 2010, the smallest amount of precipitation (102 -145 mm), which affected the yield. Between the atmospheric precipitation and the yield of grain crops, calculated correlation coefficient revealed a good connection between them 0.67 (picture 6, b). This is because the yield depends not only on precipitation, but also on many factors, for example, on air temperature. Therefore, we examined the correlation dependence on the main factors (air temperature and precipitation), affecting the yield. For a three-dimensional normally distributed random variable (z, x, y), the multiple correlation coefficient is a measure of the relationship between one quantity to the other two. It is between zero and one. For Rz=1, the relationship between the quantities z and (x, y) is functional, linear: the points (x, y, z) are located in the regression plane z on (х, у). For Rz=0, the one-dimensional random variable z and the two-dimensional random variable (x, y) are independent (by the normality of the distribution) [28]. During the period under consideration (1975-2017), the multiple correlation coefficient of yields (x), precipitation (y) and air temperature (z) are Rх=0.69, Rу=0.68, Rz=0.42. From this it can be noted, during the growing season, the role of precipitation is higher than air temperature. Thus, in North Kazakhstan over the past 43 years due to aridity (102-145 mm of precipitation) in 1975, 1991 and 2010 there was a minimum yield (5.1-6.9 c/ha) of grain crops, and, on the contrary, in 1979, 1992, 1999, 2001, 2009 and 2011 have the highest yield of 12.2-15.6 c/ha of grain, which can be explained by heavy precipitation during the growing season. The dependence of the yield of most crops on the quantity and timing of precipitation is most noticeable in areas of insufficient moisture, it is especially pronounced in drought-resistant varieties. The spring crops are the most sensitive to arid phenomena during the growing period “going into the tube - flowering”, which in most cases is observed in June. The greatest need for water supply and available nutrients for spring wheat is manifested in the period from tillering to earing, when (in the exit phase) the fruiting organs are laid, and in the period from flowering to milky ripeness when the grain itself is formed. The lack of productive moisture in the soil during these crucial periods of water supply often leads not only to a decrease in yield, but also to its death [29] (picture 7).

а b

R,mm 80,0 69.4 70,0 61.2 60,0 50,0 40.2 40,0 34.9 28.3 30,0 19.1 20,0 10,0 0,0

Picture 7 – Average monthly precipitation in 2011 (a) and 2013 (b) years in the north of Kazakhstan during the growing season

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Considering the dynamics of precipitation in 2011 (picture 7, a), which was considered the harvest year (15.6 c/ha), it can be seen that the maximum amount of precipitation during the growing season fell in June (69.4 mm), which had a favorable effect during the development of “going into the tube - flowering” stage, on spring grain crops. For comparison, the year 2013 was taken as an example (picture 7, b), where it can be seen that although there was a sufficient amount of precipitation (273.6 mm) during the growing season, in June there was a minimum precipitation of 15.8 mm, which is not favorable for the period in the development of grain crops (11.0 c/ha). Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that for North Kazakhstan during the growing season, a sufficient amount of precipitation is crucially important in June, i.e. in the period of development, “going into the tube - flowering”. The productivity of crops with a sufficient amount of heat and the favorableness of other factors is mainly determined by the provision of moisture. For the calculation of annual amounts of precipitation with varying degrees of supply, the materials of long-term observations in this area were used. The dependence of the amount of precipitation and yield of grain crops in the north of Kazakhstan was studied on the example of the station Petropavlovsk (table 5).

Table 5 – The dependence of the precipitation security and yield of grain crops

Supply (%) / yield (c/ha) Station

Years 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 49 38 30 33 32 98 7 28 28 43 13 20 Petropavlovsk 11.0 14.4 15.0 12.2 14.4 9.6 20.9 11.5 12.4 13.8 15.5 14.8 Precipitation amount, mm 261 278 294 287 289 143 366 297 297 271 337 315

An analysis of the precipitation supply at Petropavlovsk station shows that 2011, 2015 and 2016 are excessively wet, with a supply less than 25 %, and vary between 7-20 %. The year 2011 is particularly notable, with 7 % supply at 366 mm of precipitation (at a rate of 273 mm), when the average yield of grain crops was 20.9 c/ha. In 2010, when there was a shortage of precipitation, the availability of precipitation was 98 % with a precipitation amount of 143 mm, which affected the yield of grain crops this year (9.6 c/ha). Thus, the mode of precipitation and their security during the growing season, affects the yield of grain crops in the region. Conclusions. As a result of the work done, the following was obtained: – since 1991, at all considered stations of Northern Kazakhstan, the average long-term rainfall stan- dards tend to grow with a significant change observed in cold season. Thus, at the stations of Petropav- lovsk and Astana, the long-term norm of precipitation in the cold period increased up to 40-42 mm, and at other stations, it varied from 20 to 29 mm. In the warm half-year, the positive deviation from the norm at the stations varied from 6 to 33 mm; – the territorial (spatial) distribution of precipitation trends in summer period coincides with the distribution of annual precipitation trends; – from the average values of precipitation in the vegetation period at the stations of Northern Kazakhstan, it can be concluded that the June and July are the most rainy months, and the less rainy is April; – the largest variation in the standard deviation (30.6-46.3) is observed in July, and the smallest (10.4- 15.6) in April. The asymmetry coefficient at almost all the stations is far from normal at almost 100%. The kurtosis coefficient differs most strongly from the normal distribution: about 70 % the distribution is extreme, and only in 30 % the distribution is platykurtic. The coefficient of variation shows that at all the stations of Northern Kazakhstan under consideration there is a strong variability in precipitation; – in Northern Kazakhstan for the last 43 years due to aridity (102-145 mm) in 1975, 1991 and 2010, the minimum yield (5.1-6.9 c/ha) of grain crops was observed, and in 1979, 1992, 1999, 2001 , 2009 and 2011, the highest yield is 12.2-15.6 c/ha of cereals, which is explained by the abundant precipitation during the vegetation period;

232 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

– the productivity of crops with sufficient heat and other factors is mainly determined by their moisture supply. For North Kazakhstan, a sufficient amount of precipitation is especially important in June in the period of "exit into the tube - flowering"; – the regime of atmospheric precipitation and their supply during the growing season, affects the yield of grain crops in the region.

А. К. Жексенбаева, А. С. Нысанбаева, М. О. Турсумбаева

Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Климаттың табиғи факторлармен де, және адамның шаруашылық әрекетімен де қазіргі өзгеруі жағдайында әртүрлі процестерге айтарлықтай әсер етуі мүмкін. Ауылшаруашылығы ө неркәсібі үшін ең маңызды климаттық өзгерістердің бірі, әсіресе вегетация кезеңіндегі орташа айлық температураның және жауын-шашындардың орташа мөлшерінің өзгеруі. Солтүстік Қазақстан республиканың негізгі ауылшаруа- шылық аймағы болғандықтан, азық-түлік тәуелсіздігі мен қауіпсіздігін қамтамасыз ететіндіктен, климаттың өзгеру мәселесі және бұл өзгерістердің аймақтағы ауылшаруашылық өндірісіне қалай әсер етуі қазіргі таңда маңызды және өзекті болып табылады. Мақалада Қазақстанның солтүстігінде вегетациялық кезеңдегі жауын-шашындардың көпжылдық кли- маттық өзгеру динамикасы қарастырылады. 1936-2017 жж. негізгі бақылау кезеңіндегі орташа көпжылдық мәндерінің өзгеруі, сонымен қатар базалық кезеңге қатысты негізгі кезеңдегі орташа көпжылдық мәндердің өзгеруінің салыстырмалы талдауы жүргізілді. ХХ ғасырдың екінші жартысындағы, әсіресе 1991-2017 жыл- дардағы жаһандық жылынудың күшеюіне байланысты атмосфералық жауын-шашындардың өзгергіштігі зерттелді. Мақалада сонымен қатар Солтүстік Қазақстандағы вегетациялық кезеңдегі жауын-шашындар мен дәнді дақылдардың өнімділігі арасындағы байланыс қарастырылды. Зерттеу нәтижесінде Солтүстік Қазақстандағы барлық қарастырылған станцияларда, 1991 ж. бастап жауын-шашындардың көпжылдық орташа нормасының өсу тенденциясы, әсіресе маңызды өзгеруі суық мез- гілде байқалған; вегетациялық кезеңдегі жауын-шашындардың орташа мәндері бойынша тұрақты жаңбырлы айлар болып - маусым мен шілде, ал сәуір айы аздау жаңбырлы болып табылады; атмосфералық жауын- шашындардың режимі және олардың вегетациялық кезеңдегі қамтамасыздығы аймақтағы дәнді дақылдар- дың өнімділігіне әсер етеді. Түйін сөздер: жауын-шашындар, Солтүстік Қазақстан аймағы, вегетациялық кезең, жауын-шашындар- дың динамикасы, жауын-шашындардыңаномалиясы, асимметрия, эксцесс, корреляция, өнімділік, дәнді да- қылдар, жауын-шашындардыңқамтамасыздығы.

А. К. Жексенбаева, А. С. Нысанбаева, М. О. Турсумбаева

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. В условиях современного изменения климата, которые определяются как природными факторами, так и хозяйственной деятельностью человека, могут оказывать существенное воздействие на раз- личные процессы. Из наиболее значимых климатических изменений для сельскохозяйственной отрасли является изменение средних месячных температур и среднего количества осадков, особенно в вегетацион- ный период. Так как Северный Казахстан является основным земледельческим регионом республики, обеспечивая продовольственную независимость и безопасность, проблема изменения климата, и то, как эти изменения могут повлиять на сельскохозяйственное производство в регионе, является на сегодняшний день актуальной и важной. В статье рассматривается динамика многолетних климатических колебаний осадков вегетационного периода на севере Казахстана. Анализируются изменения средних многолетних значений по основному периоду наблюдений за 1936-2017 гг., проведен сравнительный анализ изменения средних многолетних значений основного периода по отношению к базовому. В связи с усилением глобального потепления климата во второй половине 20 века, и особенно 1991-2017 гг. анализировалась изменчивость атмосферных осадков. В работе также рассматривается связь между атмосферными осадками и урожайностью зерновых культур Северного Казахстана за вегетационный период. В результате проведенного исследования получено, что средние многолетние нормы осадков, на всех рассматриваемых станциях Северного Казахстана, начиная с 1991 года, имеют тенденцию роста, причем значительное изменение отмечается в холодное время года; по средним значениям осадков вегетационного 233 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

периода устойчиво дождливыми месяцами являются июнь и июль, а менее дождливый – апрель; режим атмо- сферных осадков и их обеспеченность в вегетационный период влияет на урожайность зерновых культур в регионе. Ключевые слова: осадки, территория Северного Казахстана, вегетационный период, динамика осад- ков, аномалия осадков, асимметрия, эксцесс, корреляция, урожайность, зерновые культуры, обеспеченность осадков.

Information about authors: Zheksenbayeva A. K., Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Nyssanbayeva A. S., Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Tursumbayeva M. O.,, lecturer, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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234 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019


UDC 553.26.04:552.32(574.3)

P. V. Yermolov1, B. P. Khassen1, R. M. Antonyuk2, D. K. Makat3

1LLP «IPKON», Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 2LLP «Centrgeolsemka», Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 3Rio Tinto Exploration, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

GEODYNAMICS AND METALLOGENY OF TEKTURMAS OPHIOLITE BELT (According to the records of the grant of the Science Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018–2020 “Depth prognosis, surveys, exploration of mineralization areas in Tekturmas ophiolite belt)

Abstract. On the basis of structural, petrochemical and isotope-geochronological (Sm-Nd) methods, the abso- lute age of the deep rocks was determined. A geodynamic model of the development of the Tekturmasi ophiolite belt has been created, providing for its formation in the form of a fissured rootless melange embedded in a tectonic zone. According to the authors, the Tekturmasi ophiolite belt is not a classic belt aroused out of subduction of the oceanic plate under the Kazakhstani continent, but fissured bottomless melange, as part of the Itmurundy melange, embedded in a pre-existing tectonic weakened area. Tekturmas ophiolitic melange has a lot in common with Itmurundin. The nearest proximity of Tekturmas and Itmurundy belts and the aforementioned congruity of their rock assemblage may be due to the fact that the TOB is formed with the involvement of Itmurundi ophiolite belt. New data on the structure of the Tekturmasi ophiolite belt are given, which make it possible to briefly formulate a model of its appearance in this part of Central Kazakhstan. According to the results of the Sm-Nd isotope analysis, it turned out that all samples of the basic igneous rocks indicated a single source – the depleted mantle, i.e. that part of the mantle, which, even at the earliest meltings 1.8 and 2.4 billion years ago, through out from itself a low-temperature and low-melting fraction, on the basis of which the Archean and Proterozoic shells were decorated, which collected rare metals, polymetals, barite, manganese and other metals with large ionic radii. Isotopic analysis showed that the region was not prospective for copper-porphyry metallogenesis, but for copper-nickel metallogenesis with the participation of precious metals. Key words: Tekturmas ophiolite belt, Itmurundy melange, geodynamics, subduction, exhumation, volcanic belt, isotope-geochronological (Sm-Nd) studies, copper-porphyric, copper-pyrite deposits.

A new geodynamic model of Tekturmas ophiolite belt. Tekturmas ophiolite belt (TOB) bears the marks of a fault structure, the core of which is a horst folded by the serpentinite melange of problematic Lower Ordovician age and alkaline basalts of the Karamurun Suite (О1-2). Novikova Z.M. [2, 3] named this structure “Tekturmas projection”. This region has no signs associating ophiolites with subduction conditions, since there is no oceanic setting in the nearest surroundings and there is no sura-subduction volcanic belt. The nearest oceanic setting occured in the Early-Middle Devonian in western Zhongaria, where in ophiolites the Devonian conodonts were found and described [4]. In terms of the age of the rocks that the Tekturmas projection cuts through, age of its starting tectonic activity coincide with the Ordovician. This belt belongs to a series of so-called “wandering ophiolites,” which, due to their rheological properties and ultrahigh pressures, use weakened tectonic zones in order to move into the lower pressure area.

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Tekturmas ophiolitic melange has much in common with Itmurundy, but there are some differences. Both melanges are dominated mainly by basalts and phtanites. Basalts are of oceanic origin, prevailing in the areas of subaqueous plateaus and ridges, they are of alkaline series, with high contents of phosphorus and manganese (Novikova et al., 1977). Arc volcanites are predominantly included into the Tekturmas melange, although they are usually located outside the serpentinite belt and belong mainly to the Middle- Late Ordovician. Both melanges contain a fraction of trachytes and pantellerites, a complex of Early- Middle Ordovician red phantites, and jaspers with conodonts of corresponding age. The difference consists in the presence of high-pressure rocks in the composition of the Itmurundy melange: jadeitite, garnet amphibolites and blue slates, which are not observed in Tekturmas. If this exception is explained by a different level of the source of dewatering of allochthonous inclusions in melanges, then the assumption of relatedness and even age of these two melanges becomes very acute. According to the authors, TOB is not a classic belt aroused out of subduction of the oceanic plate under the Kazakhstani continent, but fissured bottomless melange, as part of the Itmurundy melange, embedded in a pre-existing tectonic weakened area (figure 2). To explain reasons for occurrence of the TOB of a clearly fractured type, but in composition identical to Itmurundy type, only the exhumation model is suitable. Subduction models in this case contradict several arguments: – the concept of the subduction process involves the submersion of terrestrial lithoplates of different composition into the mantle, processing them under the influence of high pressures and temperatures to a magmatic state and mixing with the mantle matter, or penetration into the sub-subduction plate in the form of volcanoes; thus, without an exhumation mechanism, Itmurundy ophiolitic lithoplates were supposed to disappear in the bowels of the Earth; however, in the Tekturmask melange there are numerous inclusions of fragments of the lower and upper crust; – in the nearest environment there is no oceanic setting of the Early, Middle Paleozoic age, our data, as well as [6], as V.G. Stepanets indicates: “none of the criteria for determining the oceanic setting in the water area of Tekturmas at the time (O1 - S1) has been established”; – there is no volcano-plutonic belt of the same age. The existence of sub-subduction volcanic belts is a necessary consequence of the manifestation of subduction processes. The nearest proximity of Tekturmas and Itmurundy belts and the aforementioned congruity of their rock assemblage may be due to the fact that the TOB is formed with the involvement of Itmurundi ophiolite belt. Hypothetical model of the formation of the TOB belt is shown in figure 1. Greater part of the events shown in figure 1 are dated by U-Pb zircon methods in laboratories in Russia and China.

Figure 1 – Hypothetical scheme of all geodynamic events in the region for geological time O2-D2

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Starting time of the Itmurundy subduction (right flank of the figure) has not been identified, but metamorphic rocks date 463 Ma (middle Ordovician), which survived high and ultrahigh pressures and reached the surface as a result of exhumation [7]. Ithmurundy subduction can be considered real by the following features: The oceanic crust of the subduction body (slab) always rests on the lithospheric mantle, and during subduction it lugs the fragments away of the lithospheric mantle, most often its solid restites. In Itmurundy melange, such fragments of the lithospheric mantle were found and studied. We marked them in three places (inset map in figure 1); the largest body is Arkarsu Mountains, the next two are megaboudins on the southern floor of Itmurundy Mountain and in the melange north-west of the Itmurundy jadeite deposit. They are composed of peridotites and consist mainly of green clinopyroxene and olivine; – the tectonic injection of a subdued Itmurundy melange into a tectonic weakened zone in the form of a horst on the southeastern flank of the continent occurred in O2. The implementation mechanism could be twofold: – after the amphibolites of the oceanic plate transformed to the state of serpentinite mass, the slab volume increased significantly, the overpressure that moved this mass into the previously formed fault tectonic structure, which acted as the receptacle of Itmurundy melange immersed in the mantle; – probably, a collision mechanism could be involved in the form of oceanic plate overpressure on the slab sinking into the mantle, with subsequent injection into the tectonic structure; – at approximately 100 km depth, the accretionary wedge turbidites and all hydroxyl-containing minerals are completely dehydrated. The released water is absorbed by the mantle, while the temperature gradually decreases, and partial magmatic melts form abyssal foci; – since the magmas get gas-saturated, they move to the upper horizons via zones of weakness and form peripheral foci in which Nurkazgan-type ore deposits are formed. This time is 452-427 Ma (late Ordovician – early Silurian) [7, 8, 9]; - same peripheral foci fed the near-surface foci of the Edge volcanic belt as well [11]. The distance on the surface between Itmurundy and Tekturmas melange is about 300 km. Their intersection in the subsoil requires gentle plunge of Itmurundy melange. It is noteworthy that most of the subduction areas are absorbed in the mantle at a steep angle, up to 90o, but there are exceptions, for example, subduction of the Pacific plate under South America has a slope of about 30 degrees, subduction under the island of Honshu has an opposite, steep, eastern orientation. If these facts take place globally and on a scale of geological time, then gentle plunge is no exception for Central Kazakhstan. It is thought [11] to be that the formation of glaucophane schists and complete dehydration of the accretionary wedge sediments in subduction structures occurs at 90-100 km depth, i.e. directly below the border of Mohorovicic. All the water is consumed for the formation of serpentinite. Because of its special rheological properties, melange plunge into the tiniest and any tectonic faults, trying to evacuate the overpressure. Thuswise, wandering bottomless ophiolite belts and their fragments appear. TOB is sub- sumed into these ophiolites. Assumingly, the exhumation in the Tekturmas tectonic area kicked off when it crossed the Itmurundy subduction area at a depth of about 100 km. When moving up, melange captured and carried away all that was in the Itmurundy melange, as well as fragments of enclosing roof and floor. The represented new data about the TOB structure, allows us to summarize its occurrence model in this part of Central Kazakhstan. On the eastern slope of the Central Kazakhstan Caledonian continent on the border with the Balkhash residual shallow basin a tectonically weakened zone is formed. It is intruded with the serpentinite melange, which is an abyssal fragment of the Itmurundy subduction package, which includes the oceanic crust and sediments of its accretionary wedge, as well as fragments of previously introduced intrusive bodies of different composition, including gabbroids, granitoids, and gneisses of this continent. Intrusion occurs under high pressure with elements of spreading of a tectonically weakened area, whereby the tectonic gap in some areas of the tectonic area has a width of several km, and in others - a few hundred meters, or expressed as a “dry” seam filled with breccias, milonite or tectonic shale. Geodynamics and composition of magmatic complexes. In petrochemical sampling analysis of M.Z. Novikova et al. [2, 3] oceanic basalts dominate, as indicated by the abundant phthanites in these basalts, which is undoubted evidence of the subductional situation in the history of education and existence with respect to the central Tekturmas projection composed of serpentinites and pillow basalts, but not in case of the whole Tekturmas.

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In the sampling of analyses by R.M. Antonyuk [12], the ratio of rocks is different: 28% of samples of oceanic rocks versus 72% of samples of island arc rocks. This means that in the history of Tekturmas, presumably in the Middle and Late Paleozoic, inclusions of accretion rocks of the enclosing rock (gabbro and gabbro-amphibolites, Kuzek suite, dolerites and gabbro-dolerites, Baidaulet suite) were impregnated into the structure of Tekturmas proper protrusion formed tecturmas ledge. The ratio of oceanic and island- arc (or marginal-continental (?) Basaltoids) given in [12] indicates the existence of a terrestrial volcanic belt or paleo-tectonic fault at the Tecturmas site in the Early Paleozoic. There are three structural-formational areas [2, 3, 12] in the structure of Tekturmas melange: Axial Tekturmas; North-Western, Bazarbaiskaya at the joint of the axial ophiolitic projection and Spasskaya metallogenic zone; Southeastern Sarysuyskaya at the joint of the axial projection and the Uspenskaya rare- metal metallogenic area, framing Tekturmas from the southeast. The geological map of the TOB with elements of the longitudinal structural and formational zonation is shown in Figure 2. The axial Tekturmas area runs in the northeastern direction for more than 40 km and show up clearly both on the map (solid purple belt and in figure 2) and in relief.

Figure 2 – Schematic geological map with sampling points from the TOB, selected for samarium-neodymium analysis (red stars and their numbers)

The composition and structure of the topological magmatic complexes in comparison with similar complexes of the Itmurundy melange are shown in figure 3. According to M.Z. Novikova [1, 2] volcanics are rich in Nb (35-42 g/t), V (185 g/t), Ba (350-460 g/t), Sr (300 g/t). Zr (278 g/t), Rb (27 g/t), Y (29 g/t) and sharply depleted Cr (10 g/t), Ni (50 g/t), Co (23 g/t) and Mg (5,59 wt.%), such a spectrum of small elements asserts the melting of basalts from the enriched

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Figure 3 – Chemical classification and nomenclature of rocks of the Itmurundy (left diagram) and Tekturmas (right diagram) belts. The figure shows petrochemical series: 1 – calc alkaline; 2 – subalkalic; 3 – alkaline; 4 – ultra-alkaline low-temperature mantle already deprived of the high-temperature restite at an early stage. This history of the development of a magma chamber is confirmed by the concentrations of the main elements: TiO2 = 1.5 or more %%; FeOtotal 12-14 %% and more; Р2О5 – 1.5 and up to 3 %, as well as strong dependence of the amount of alkalis on the concentration of silica. In the diagram in figure 4 samples 3, 7 - basalts from the Kushek suite of the Bazarbai zone (frac- tional index La/Lu = 1) look classic N-MORB, and the curves, in the form of a nearly straight line, to include most of the samples from Karamurun suite in the axial Tekturmas zone, as well as in olistho- strome Sarysu suite of the same name zone belong to the category of E-MORB: fractionation indices La/Lu=100-150 (see curves 1.5), curves with clear inclination from right to left. Sources of such basalts are different: E-MORB are formed in areas of hot fields, plumes and subaqueous ridges and high- mountainous plateaus, and N-MORB, on the contrary, away from plumes and hot fields up to 500 km or more.

Figure 4 – Rare-earth composition of Tekturmas basaltoids: 1, 4, 5 - basalts of the Karamuryn suite of the axial Tecturmas area; 6 - andesibasalts of the Karamuryn suite of the axial area; 3, 7 - basalts of the Kuzek and Bazarbay formations; 2 - andesibasalts of the Kuzek Formation; 8-10 - world petrochemical types of basalts: 8 - N-MORB; 9 - E-MORB; 10 - ocean islands

Bazarbay structural-formational zone. The Bazarbai zone bounds the ophiolite belt from the north and is its northern border. It is composed at the base of lavas and lavobreccias of aphyric tholeitic basalts, which are shifted up the section by a variegated jasper, siliceous tuffites, siltstones, tuffelites and sand- stones. This complex of rocks is divided into two suites: Kuzek volcanogenic-sedimentary (О2) and

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Bazarbai sedimentary (О2-3). According to the geologists of Moscow State University (Z.M. Novikova and others), the above-mentioned volcanic complex is described under the name "Bazarbai" complex. Forward to the north, the olistostromoflychoid complex S1 replaces the Bazarbay retinue.. A model of subduction genesis, as shown above, has no confirmation for Tekturmas, and the fault nature of this structure is obvious (figure 1) and the horst structure is verified by sedimentary troughs, which are filled with siliceous and flyshoid on both sides to the north and south of the horst - polystostrom complexes, which is typical for all horst structures. The presence of volcanic rocks, basalts, picrobasalts and dacites in this zone indicates the volcanic nature of this regional fault. The genetic relation absence between Bazarbai and Karamurun complexes is indicated by the sources of their magmas, strongly alkaline Karamurun ocean type and the calc-alkaliс Bazarbai complex, which unambiguously indicate the peri-continental environment (figure 2). Sarysu structural-formational zone bounds the TOB from the south-west. It is composed mainly of flyshoid and olistostrom complexes, in which the autochthonous material is only a matrix composed of turbidite. Rest of bodies are allochthonous, injected into these complexes as a result of the destruction of the axial ophiolite horst. The sizes of olistolites and olistoplak vary widely, therefore they were sometimes placed in the ranks of independent complexes (suites). These are Zongar, Karashoshak and Satybai. Comparing the Sarysu and Bazarbai zones, it can be seen that the stone composition and age of the suite is almost identical and close to the composition of the classical olistostrom complexes. Their basis consists of turbidites of different grain sizes and different compositions. Their fillers are serpentinite, jasper-quartzite and basaltic olystolytes and olistoplak. Basalts in the Bazarbai zone have a distinct calc- alkaline composition, usually associated with the situation of oceanic and continental feestoon islands and active continental borderlines. In the Sarysu zone (figure 5), olistoliths and olistoplaks have subalkaline and alkaline composition, which means that the source of olistolites and olistoplak was the central horst ledge in terms of its erosion and destruction. The fundamental difference of the magmatic sources can be affirmed by comparing these basalts with those of Tekturmas zone, the basalts of the Tekturmas zone most likely originated in the areas of oceanic plateaus and mountains, and the basalts of the Bazarbaisky suite in the area of oceanic and near-continental arcs – active continental margins.

Figure 5 – Position of rocks of Zongar, Satybai and Karashoshak complexes on the alkali-silica diagram

Sm-Nd isotopic analysis of magmatic and metamorphic complexes. In the Sm-Nd [16] system, two isotopes 143Nd and 144Nd and, more usually their ratio 143Nd/144Nd, determine the age information, high value indicates significant contribution of the mantle to the source, and a low value indicates high contribution of the crust to the source. On the basis of this pair, as well as with the participation of another

240 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 pair of 87Sr/86Sr isotopes, many geochemical and geodynamic diagrams were constructed showing the evolution of the planet Earth [12]. From a set of geological samples of past years and from the outcropping of the ophiolite belts, a batch of 14 samples was formed to carry out an isotopic analysis, which was sent to the VSEGEI Isotope Center [13].

Results of Sm-Nd isotope-geochronological analysis of Tekturmas and Itmurundy samples. The sampling sites are shown in figure 2

147 144 143 144 Sample Sm(ppm) Nd(ppm) Sm/ Nd Nd/ Nd Age Nd(0) Nd(t) tDM tDM2 1 171 0.151 0.400 0.2279 0.512920±25 495 Ma 5.5 3.5 -2490 946 2 172 0.342 0.725 0.2855 0.513322±20 495 Ma 13.3 7.7 363 596 3 182 0.597 2.369 0.1524 0.512710±13 480 Ma 1.4 4.1 1098 884 4 183 1.621 6.674 0.1468 0.512635±12 480 Ma -0.1 3.0 1177 977 5 184 0.701 1.746 0.2427 0.513072±13 490 Ma 8.5 5.6 -416 770 6 185 1.509 6.243 0.1462 0.512683±10 480 Ma 0.9 4.0 1058 896 7 186 1.086 4.054 0.1619 0.512559±16 480 Ma -1.5 0.6 1741 1178 8 187 1.976 8.153 0.1465 0.512650±7 480 Ma 0.2 3.3 1137 952 9 T-6 11.18 54.57 0.1239 0.512710±8 480 Ma 1.4 5.9 750 739 10 T-12 3.462 11.29 0.1855 0.512996±8 480 Ma 7.0 7.7 841 588 11 T-5 2.896 9.550 0.1834 0.512984±15 480 Ma 6.7 7.6 843 597 12 T-4 12.95 93.74 0.0835 0.512500±6 480 Ma -2.7 4.3 763 874 13 B-10 5.148 15.91 0.1957 0.513022±6 490 Ma 7.5 7.6 1098 606 14 B-12 4.319 14.99 0.1742 0.512952±4 490 Ma 6.1 7.5 770 608

Figure 6 – Isotopic correlation diagram of the comparative positions of depleted and enriched mantle sources according to [13]. Samples of igneous rocks from Tekturmas (red stars) and a curve were obtained from 9 porphyry copper deposits in Central Kazakhstan with the addition of 3 fields of NW Xingjiang (green line [12])

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In the diagram in figure 6, the upper left square demonstrates the isotopic composition of the parental restite, and the turquoise rectangle in it shows the change in composition during subsequent partial meltings, that is, the mantle succession without the intervention of the upper shells. The green line reflects the composition of the magmas of nine porphyry copper deposits in Central Kazakhstan, demonstrating a consistent dilution of the restite with the upper crust material, either during the rise of the mantle magmas to the Earth's surface, or in the form of dilution directly in the mantle by the subduing upper crust material. From the diagram, it follows that the magmas involved in the TOB (red stars) are not promising with respect to porphyry copper metallogenesis and, conversely, promising with respect to liquation copper- nickel deposits genetically associated with a relatively pure mantle source. The igneous complexes of the Tekturmas axial zone and the Arkars site in Itmurundy melange were formed as a result of partial remelting of depleted magmatic sources, which are united here under the common title "EARTH MANTLE". As it was shown [14], a detailed study of the ore-magmatic provinces (New Britain, the Aleutian Islands, Japan, the Banda arc, Peru, etc.), productive for copper-porphyry mineralization magmas are those that have mixed in different proportions from three sources : mantle + lower crust (gray gneisses and anorthosites) + upper crust (granites). Our rock specimens from the central zone of Tekturmas and Itmurundy showed no signs of magmatic mixing. From this it follows that the detection of copper-porphyry type ore deposits in them is problematic. The green curve line built by the points from Central Kazakhstan and western Xinjiang belongs to a number of mixed magmatic sources: the mantle and crust with values eNd = 0-(-6), indicating a significant contribution of the crust to the primary maternal magmas, whose primary origin is indicated by the upper the left side of the green curve, in the magmas of which eNd=0+(12). Conclusion. Materials justifying pertainance of Tekturmas belt to groups of fault wandering and shallow melanges formed by the exhumation mechanism scheme [14] in the mode of reverse (counter towards sinking of the mantle Itmurundy melange) pressing of Itmurundy melange fragment by ultra high pressure from the depth of the upper crust. Such a model is proved by the absence of the oceanic setting in Silur and the absence of its own (Tekturmas) volcanic belt on the supra-subduction plate, which are considered guiding geological features in defining classical subduction; the absence of inclusions of high and ultrahigh pressure rocks such as eclogites, blue slashes and various garnet amphibolites (present in Chara melange), as well as jadeite, garnet amphibolites and blue shales (Itmurundy melange) in Tekturmas melange; the emergence of blue shale in classical subductions occurs in sector 2 (figure 7) at a depth of 50-60 km at a temperature of about 500° [14].

Figure 7 – Sectorial typeof typical subduction zone in depth [14]

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The absence of blue shales in Tekturmas indicates that the intersection of the Tekturmas fault with the Itmurundy melange and the start of the own Tekturmas melange to the surface took place no deeper than the middle of the lower crust, i.e., above the Mohorovichich line. The lower crust itself is incapable of generating either magma chambers or porphyry copper deposits without affecting the mantle heat-mass transfer. These theoretical assumptions show that it is not promising to search for porphyry copper deposits due to subduction. The final results of the Sm-Nd isotope analysis are shown in table 2 and in figure 6. All samples of the basic igneous rocks indicated a single source – the depleted mantle, i.e. that part of the mantle, which, even at the earliest meltings 1.8 and 2.4 billion years ago, through out from itself a low-temperature and low-melting fraction, on the basis of which the Archean and Proterozoic shells were decorated, which collected rare metals, polymetals, barite, manganese and other metals with large ionic radii. Heavy metals remained in the remainder of the melts in the reste: copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, radonium, and many others. This mantle occupies the upper left square and when melted fractionates with formation at the end of the continental tholeite, which is the basis for two series of mixing: mixing with the upper crust, it gives a rare metal granitoid series, and mixing with the lower crust, it gives a calc-alkaline series, which fall into and adakites [15] are the main petrological formation of porphyry copper metallogenesis (figure 8 [12, 13]). The position of the main Kazakhstan porphyry copper deposits KONYRAT and SAYAK is shown in fig. 8 green star. It demonstrates the high contribution of the mantle in the igneous rocks of the deposits.

Figure 8 – Curves of the crustal components in clutter of mantle magmas with granulite (lower) and granitoid (upper) shells of the Earth

The depleted mantle itself, without mixing with anything, produces during melting high-temperature basalts, prone to segregation and the formation of copper-nickel-platinum-palladium-osmium-iridium and other deposits. From the correlation diagram in figure 8 it is seen that all samples of the basites and related trachytes and trachytoids were grouped around the mantle sequence line. Isotopic analysis showed that the region was not prospective for copper-porphyry metallogenesis, but for copper-nickel metallogenesis with the participation of precious metals. Note. It is not recommended to use dilution curves for practical purposes, for the simple reason that, when moving to the upper shells, they communicate with different breeds, each of which enriches the toleiites with its components. The position of the real rock on the curves can be estimated only with the balance of the isotopes of strontium and neodymium in the samples of this rock and equation (9.22) in [12] on page 243.

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П. В. Ермолов1, Б. П. Хасен1, Р. М. Антонюк2, Д. К. Макат3

1ЖШС «ИПКОН», Қарағанды, Қазақстан, 2ЖШС «Центргеолсъемка», Қарағанды, Қазақстан, 3Rio Tinto Exploration Kazakhstan

ТЕКТҰРМАС ОФИОЛИТТІ БЕЛДЕУІНІҢ ГЕОДИНАМИКАСЫ МЕН МЕТАЛЛОГЕНИЯСЫ (ҚР Ғылым қорының 2018-2020 грант материалдарынан "Тектұрмас офиолит белдеуіндегі минералдану учаскелерін тереңдік болжау, іздестіру, барлау)

Аннотация. Құрылымдық, петрохимиялық және изотоптық-геохнологиялық (Sm-Nd) әдістер негізінде терең жыныстардың абсолюттік жасын анықтау орындалды. Тектұрмас офиолит белдеуі дамуының геоди- намикалық моделі құрылған,ол тектоникалық аймаққа енгізілген жарықсыз Меланж түрінде қалыптасқан. Авторлардың ұсыныстарына сәйкес, Тектұрмас офиолиттік белдеу Қазақстан құрлығына Мұхит пли- тасының субдукциясы нәтижесінде пайда болған классикалық белдеу, ал алдын ала болған тектоникалық әлсіреген аймаққа енгізілген Итмұрынды меланж бөлігі ретінде жарқылсыз меланжем болып табылмайды. Итмұрынды және Тектурмас офиолиттік меланждардың өте көп ортақтығы бар. Тектұрмас және Итмұ- рынды белдеулерінің жақын арадағы көршілес болуы және олардың табиғи кешендерінің ұқсастығы Тек- тұрмас официолит белдеуі Итмұрынды офиолит белдеуінің қатысуымен құрылғандығының салдары болуы мүмкін. Тектұрмас официолит белдеуінің құрылысы туралы жаңа деректер келтірілген, ол Орталық Қазақстан- ның осы бөлігінде оның пайда болу моделін қысқаша тұжырымдауға мүмкіндік береді. Sm-Nd изотоптық талдауд нәтижелерінің деректері бойынша негізгі магмалық жыныстардың барлық үлгілері бірыңғай дерек көзі – деплеттелген мантия, яғни ең ерте балқымаларда төмен температуралы және жеңіл балқитын фракцияны бөліп көрсеткен, олардың негізінде сирек металдар, полиметаллдар, барит, мар- ганец және үлкен ионды радиусы бар басқа да металдар жиналған Архей және Протерозой қабықтары ресімделген. Изотоптық талдау өңірдің мыс-порфир металлогенезіне емес, бағалы металдар қатысуымен мыс- никельді металлогенез перспективалылығын көрсетті. Түйін сөздер: Тектұрмас офиолитті белдеуі, Итмұрынды меланжы, геодинамика, субдукция, эксгума- ция, вулканды белдеу, изотопты-геохронологиялық (Sm-Nd) зерттеулер, мыс-порфирлі, мыс-колчеданды кенорындар.

П. В. Ермолов1, Б. П. Хасен1, Р. М. Антонюк2, Д. К. Макат3

1ТОО «ИПКОН», Караганда, Казахстан, 2ТОО «Центргеолсъемка», Караганда, Казахстан, Rio Tinto Exploration Kazakhstan

ГЕОДИНАМИКА И МЕТАЛЛОГЕНИЯ ТЕКТУРМАССКОГО ОФИОЛИТОВОГО ПОЯСА (По материалам гранта Фонда науки РК 2018-2020 «Глубинный прогноз, поиски, разведка участков минерализации в Тектурмасском офиолитовом поясе)

Аннотация. На основе структурных, петрохимических и изотопно-геохронологических (Sm-Nd) мето- дов выполнено определение абсолютного возраста глубинных пород. Создана геодинамическая модель развития Тектурмасского офиолитового пояса, предусматривающего его формированием в виде трещинного безкорневого меланжа, внедренного в тектоническую зону. В соответствии с представлениями авторов, Тектурмасский офиолитовый пояс не является классичес- ким поясом, возникшим в результате субдукции океанической плиты под казахстанский континент, а тре- щинным бескорневым меланжем, как части итмурундинского меланжа, внедренного в предварительно суще- ствовавшую тектоническую ослабленную зону. Тектурмасский офиолитовый меланж имеет очень много общего с Итмурундинским. Ближайшее сосед- ство Тектурмасского и Итмурундинского поясов и сходство их породных комплексов может быть следст- вием того, что Тектурмасский офиолитовый пояс образован при участии Итмурундинского офиолитового пояса. Приведены новые данные о строении Тектурмасского офиолитового пояса, позволяющие кратко сфор- мулировать модель его появления в этой части Центрального Казахстана.

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По данным результатов Sm-Nd изотопного анализа выяснилось, что все образцы основных магмати- ческих пород показали единый источник – деплетированная мантия, т.е. та часть мантии, которая еще на самых ранних плавках выделила из себя низкотемпературную и легкоплавкную фракцию на основе которых были оформлены Архейская и Протерозойская оболочки, которые собрали в себе редкие металлы, поли- металлы, барит, марганец и другие металлы с большими ионными радиусами. Изотопный анализ показал перспективность региона не на медно-порфировый металлогенез, а на медно- никелевый металлогенез с участием драгметаллов. Ключевые слова: Тектурмасский офиолитовый пояс, Итмурундинский меланж, геодинамика, субдук- ция, эксгумация, вулканический пояс, изотопно-геохронологические (Sm-Nd) исследования, медно-порфиро- вые, медно-колчеданные месторождения.

Information about authors: Yermolov P. V., LLP «IPKON», Karaganda, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 9635-8634 Khasen B. P., LLP «IPKON», Karaganda, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Antonyuk R. M., LLP «Centrgeolsemka», Karaganda, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Makat D. K., Geoscientist, PhD, Rio Tinto Exploration, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 621.391

O. Z. Sembiyev, Zh. S. Kemelbekova, Zh. Umarova

M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. In the modern world, digital technologies have an important role in the development of national eco- nomies. Digital technologies have advantages: facilitating public and business access to public services, accelerating the exchange of information, the emergence of new business opportunities, creating new digital products, etc. Acces- sibility, stability and security of data transmission on the Internet are the technological basis for the development of all industries, as well as the high quality of life of the population. The exchange of information in communication networks in digital form has several advantages such as: a high level of noise immunity and the highest quality in data transmission; the ability to use standard reliable and cheap integrated circuits, which significantly reduces the cost of switching and compaction systems, which are decisive in the cost of the entire network; a great opportunity when combining and processing information of various types in digital form. Currently, most methods for assessing the quality of user service on communication networks used in the design either consider the problem in relation to one-dimensional traffic or do not take into account the influence of a finite number of load sources. This limits its using in solving design problems of multiservice networks, including in areas of subscriber access networks. In this regard, this article discusses a broadband digital network with service integration, based on the ATM technology, which implements an iterative method where the flow distribution is specified by the route matrix, and the load distribution between nodes of each pair of nodes is made through the path tree, obtained by the route matrix when calculating this pair, as well as the development of a mathematical method for calculating the excess load of an asynchronous network when transmitting information traffic by the method of channel switching and packet switching. Keywords: broadband digital network, service integration, asynchronous network, circuit switching, packet switching, switching nodes.

Introduction. At the moment, the state program "Digital Kazakhstan" is being implemented. Five main directions have been identified, the third of which is "Implementation of the digital Silk Road", aimed at the development of a high-speed and secure infrastructure for data transmission, storage and pro- cessing. The program, which will be implemented in the period 2018-2022, will provide an additional im- petus for technological modernization of the country's flagship industries and will form the conditions [1]. As a basis for a high-speed and secure data transmission, storage and processing infrastructure, a broadband digital network with service integration can be used. The increase in the volume of transmitted information and the emergence of broadband channels created the prerequisites for the development of broadband digital networks with the integration of services (services) - W-ISDN (B-ISDN) [2]. Broadband well-protected from interference channels are created thanks to fiber optics. At the same time, the transmission speed of user information can reach tens of Tb/s. Such high-speed modes guarantee high qua- lity of information transfer of various services (television, video on demand, multimedia messages, etc.). The development of automatic switching technology, the mutual penetration of computer technology into communication technology and communication technology into computer technology led to the development of highly organized adaptive systems for managing communication networks, information flows and processes for servicing subscribers requests for information transfer. Such adaptive control

246 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 systems ensure on the ATM network the elimination or weakening of the effect of emerging faults of individual network elements and changes in the time flows of information between subscribers and nodes of the network on the quality of customer requests and the quality of information transfer. The quality of servicing requests for information transfer on the ATM network depends on a number of parameters that, when the ATM network operates, are usually determined in averaged form, and therefore these parameters are often called statistical [3]. The statistical parameters of the ATM network are understood to mean some average physical quantities characterizing the quality of service on the net- work. For the ATM network, the main statistical parameters are: the capacity of the branches (throughput) of the subnetworks of the circuit switching(CS) and packet switching(PS) in the ATM network, the structural reliability and survivability of the ATM network communication system, the magnitude and nature of the load as incoming to each hybrid node switching in the modes CS and PS [4], and the total load determined on each integral group path of the ATM network, the probability of losses on the branches and between each pair of nodes of the subnetwork CS, as well as the distribution of these losses along the paths and transit network nodes, the value of the average delay in the transmission of messages PC subnet as part of the ATM network. When developing a model for calculating the statistical parameters of the quality of ATM network service, we will assume that basically this network is intended for transport through multimedia com- munication channels, that is, mainly for the transmission of video and audio information. This type of information uses the channel switching method, namely, before this information is transmitted, it is necessary to connect virtual channels between the corresponding subscribers of the network. Such a connection of virtual paths is provided by means of special packages called multichannel calls. Quality of service on the subnetwork CS is usually estimated by the probabilities of losses on the branches of the network and it is known that the quality of incoming calls is characterized by the possi- bility of connections or the length of waiting for the provision of connections. There are two main ways of servicing incoming calls: lossless and with losses [5,6]. Lossless service is a discipline in which an incoming call is immediately serviced, and with losses, if the incoming call is either denied service or the service is delayed for some time. Main part. Let for some time interval in a node-sender some call flow, destined to a node with the specified address arrives. In general, the address is the coded designation of the point of departure or destination of information data. The address of the object is determined by the number, code, phrase. The list of objects includes registers, memory cells, external devices, communication channels, processes, systems, networks. The recipient objects are usually called recipients. Often the address is associated with the name of the object. As a subnet CS traffic, a random flow of calls arriving in the ATM network to the destination node and intended for the destination node is considered, that is, the call arrival times are random values. In this case, it is assumed that the considered call flow is Poisson (the simplest flow), that is, the ordinary flow without aftereffect. It is known that the simplest call flow is the most common model of the real call flow used in queuing systems, including in teletraffic theory. Using the hypothesis of the Poisson character of the call flow allows one to most adequately reflect the process of processing of each service packet representing the connection request in the CS mode and obtain analytically expressions for calculating all necessary probabilistic and temporal characteristics [7]. Indeed, as noted when considering the principles of classification of call flows, a call flow that transmits in CS mode from a large group of subscribers is characterized by the absence of aftereffects. It can be considered ordinary, and when the time interval is limited and stationary. One of the most important characteristics of switching systems is their efficiency [8,9]. As indicators of efficiency, along with economic indicators, a technical indicator such as capacity is widely used. Under the capacity of the switching system is meant the intensity of the load serviced by the switching system with a given quality of service. The throughput of the switching system depends on the amount of losses, the capacity of the bundles of lines included in the outputs of the switching system, from the method (scheme) of combining these outputs, the class of the call flow, the structure of the switching system, the distribution of the service time and the service discipline. The amount of losses is normalized either to the switching system as a whole, or for each direction of communication, or for sources of each category. The

247 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan larger the allowable loss rate, the greater the throughput of the switching system and the poorer quality of communication. The main purpose of designing a sub-network CS with roundabout directions is to determine the statistical parameters (probabilistic characteristics) that determine the quality of service on the subnet: – The magnitude and nature of the total load (arriving at each branch or missed for each branch); – The probability of losses on each branch; – Loss probabilities between each pair of nodes, as well as the distribution of these losses along the paths and transit nodes of the subnet. The listed parameters are calculated for the given ATM network structure, the gravity between the pairs of nodes and the static static distribution plan for the subnet of the CS. As a subnet CS flow, the flow of calls arriving in the ATM network to the sender node and intended for the gatekeeper is considered. In general, the address is the coded designation of the point of departure or destination of the data. The address of the object is determined by the number, code, phrase. The list of objects includes registers, memory cells, external devices, communication channels, processes, systems, networks. The recipient objects are usually called recipients. Often the address is associated with the name of the object. Let ri(j) be the average intensity of the multichannel calls flow (MC) flowing into the ATM network to the sending node i and destined for the gatekeeper j [10]. The quantity ri(j) will be called the input load of the ATM network. It is the average value of the incoming load between the corresponding pairs of nodes in the NNP. Let ti(j)  be the average intensity of the total flow of MC passing through the node i and destined for the node j. The quantity ti(j)  will be called the node load of the ATM network. It includes both the input load ri(j), and the loads tl(j), coming to the node i from all adjacent nodes l. At the preliminary stage of calculating the probabilistic characteristics of CS on the subnet, the following assumptions are usually assumed [11]: – The initial call flows arriving at the network in the considered time interval are stationary and Poisson; – The Poisson nature of the fluxes is retained both for excess and for missed loads; – The system is in a state of statistical equilibrium; – System with obvious losses; – Losses in switching and control devices are not taken into account; – Connection establishment time is 0. These listed assumptions determine the degree of approximation of the model under consideration to the real subnetwork of the CS and the accuracy of calculating its characteristics. The initial data when determining the quality of service parameters on the subnet of the CS are (without taking into account the subnet of the PS): – ATM network structure (location of nodes, capacity of branches); – Input load for servicing in hour of maximum load between nodes of each pair of nodes; – Plan for the distribution of flows on the subnet of the CS; – The probability of loss between the nodes of each pair. During the calculations, the following parameters are determined for the CS subnetwork [12, 13]: – Probability of losses on branches; – Probability of load maintenance by each branch; – The values of the total load (arriving at each branch, missed by each branch and excessive for each branch); – Probability of losses in the average on the network (the ratio of the load lost on the whole network to the incoming for maintenance); – The values of the loads served and lost in each transit node and the entire network as a whole. Of the listed parameters, the most important are the probability of losses on branches or the probability of servicing by each branch [14, 15], since the remaining parameters can be easily calculated through these quantities.

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The order of selecting outgoing directions from the node i for transferring the load ti(j) to all other neighboring nodes, i. E. the plan for its distribution is represented by the matrix of routes M for the node i. 1 2 . . . n ik1  ik,,12 ik  ik , n   11 1 ik ik ik  ik n M  2  22,,12 2 , i          ik ik ik  ik n Si  Si ,,11Si Si ,

In the matrix of routes, the number of columns is equal n 1 (the column in the matrix Mi for the node i is absent), and the number of rows are the number of nodes Si , incident with the node i. The Mi matrix element ik j is the sequence number of the branch selection ()ik when connecting to the Si , Si node j, i.e.  jik  ,...,2,1 Si . If a set of routing matricesi  ,1, niM , is specified, this means that an Si , information distribution plan is defined for the entire subnet of the CS. With a static information distribution plan, static (fixed) routing in the CS subnetwork is performed [16]. However, the most efficient use of network resources is achieved with adaptive routing, when the information distribution plan changes in accordance with changing network conditions (overloads in certain directions or sections of the network, damage to canals or their bundles, damage to CS, etc.). Let's assume that the switching nodes and the communication branches are absolutely reliable. Between each pair of nodes i and j the network, a number of routes for transmitting loads

ij  njniL ,,1,,1, of the subnetwork of the CS are defined, which form a fully accessible beam. The load ti(j) can be serviced by any route lik , where the node k is an adjacent node k with respect to the node i , k  ,....2,1 . The order of routes is determined by the route matrix. Each next route is handled if it is impossible to service the previous route route route. In each branch Lij entering the route when servicing one message, one unused device is simultaneously engaged. In the absence of free instruments and any branch of one route, the path is considered to be blocked [17]. If all routes of the set lik are blocked, the load ti(j) receives a denial of service. Under the assumed assumptions, the subnetwork of the CS is a Markov system with a finite phase space whose state changes occur at discrete instants of time corresponding to the arrival times of messages to the subnetwork of the CS.

Let be the U d set of admissible strategies for managing a network in a state d  EE . For a subnetwork with failures, two strategies are typical, since each d  EE can accept one of the control (service) strategies - to service the message on a certain route matrix route, or for lack of free channels - to refuse service. We will assume that the management of the network d dUU  ,...2,1,0, is Markov, then the functioning of the network can be represented as a controlled Markov process. For more efficient use of the temporary channels of the path, modern automatic switching systems located on the nodes make it possible to use the roundabout ways (the paths of the subsequent elections) in addition to the main ways of establishing the connection (the way of the first choice) [16]. Assume that the branch (ik1) is part of the path of the first choice. Then the bulk of the load distributed to this branch will be served by time channels m , or we will say that the load is serviced by a branch (ik1). At times when ik1 all the temporary branch channels (ik1) are occupied, some of this load remains un-served and a branch (ik2) that enters the path of the second choice is used for its servicing. As a result, the branch (ik2), serves the total load, consisting of loads, both intended for it directly under the plan, and not served by the branch (ik1). If the time channels of the branch (ik2) are not able to completely serve this total load, then its remainder is transferred to the branch (ik3), etc. This process will continue until all the outgoing directions i are used. If all these branches are occupied, the resulting load balance on the last direction will be lost. A 249 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan load served by a branch is called missed, and vice versa, a load that is not serviced by a branch is not missing or redundant. For clarity, the above described use of bypass directions of load transfer of the subnet CS will be illustrated on a fragment of the network, consisting of the i-th switching node and outgoing from it to neighboring nodes ,, kkk 321 the direction of the load transfer ti (figure 1). Assume that the branches (ik1),

(ik2) and (ik3) and are part of the path of the first, second and third choice, respectively. Then the bulk of t p the load i with probability ik will be served by temporary channels, or in this case we will say that the load is serviced by a branch (ik1). At the point in time when all the time channels of the branch (ik1) are occupied, some t  p )1( of the load ti will be served by the branch (ik1) and this part will reach the i ik1 node k1 . The other, the remaining partti , p , from the load ti will be blocked by the branch ik1)( and ik1 for its servicing the branch (ik2), entering the path of the second choice is used. As a result, the branch (ik2) serves the total load, consisting of loads, both intended for it directly according to the plan, and unloaded (ik1) by the load ti p . If the time channels of the branch (ik2) are ik1 not able to fully service this total load, then its maintenance balance ti p p is transferred to the ik1 ik2 branch (ik3). Since the branch is the last possible direction of transmission, the remainder of the load ti p p p after its maintenance is lost. ik1 ik2 ik3

We introduce the following notation. Let Ki(j) - be an ordered set of such nodes k , which for address j form all outgoing from the node i of the direction of transmission (ik). In what follows, for quantities indicated by means of an index k , it is considered as  i jKk )( . The ordering of the elements of the set Ki(j) is made in accordance with the choice for the j - the outgoing direction of the priority order in the route matrix M i . For example, let from the node i -network, represented in Figure 1, the order of load distribution ti(j) is specified by the route matrix: j ik 1 )(  3     ik )(  2  4  M i  ik 3 )(  1     ik 4 )(  2  

In accordance with the elements of this matrix, the branch of the first choice path (ik3) is first used.

When it is overloaded, an excess flow is generated, which is served by a sequence of branches ik3 )( ,

ik 4 )( ik1 )( and ik 2 )( . Then set i  ,.,)( kkkkjK 2143 .

The amount of the missed or overload depends on the probability of loss of traffic ti(j), distributed to the branch (ik). Let Jj , where is J - the set of all destination nodes. Then for the multicast case, i.e. when the number of addresses |J| > 1, is assumed that the load balancing system CS located at each node operates in the mode of divided service (for each addressee separately). This means that on the branch (ik) the number of time channels mik is divided into bits ik jm )( , each of which is a group of serving devices in the time cycle necessary for transferring the load only at the destination j.

We denote by pik(j)  the probability of loss of load ti(j) on the branches (ik). Since the subnetwork CS is represented by a maintenance system with obvious losses, the value pik(j) takes values in the interval (0; 1] for each branch (ik), participating in the load ti(j) transfer. If the branch(ik) does not participate in

250 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 the transfer of the load ti(j), or )(  Lik , in this case, we assume that pik(j) = 0. The value pik(j) will depend on the load distributed to the branch (ik) and the time channels mik allocated for its servicing. The main purpose of constructing a subnet model of the CS is to determine the probability of losses pik(j), on each branch (ik), according to which it is possible to calculate all the quality parameters of this subnet. Calculation of the probability of loss relative to each addressee in the CS sub-network with bypass directions is complicated by the fact that these probabilities in the general case depend on the loss probabilities in all other branches. This dependence, taking into account the given plan for the distribution of information flows, is represented by a complex system of nonlinear equations, which will be described below. To simplify the form of writing such a system of equations, we introduce the following quantity. Let ik(j)  the parameter characterizing the value of the excess load of the subnet of the CS for all branches preceding the direction, as desired (ik). In other words, the value ik(j) is the fraction of the load ti(j), coming into the branch (ik) in accordance with the distribution plan. It is equal to 0 if the branch (ik) is not used in any of the paths connecting nodes i, j and is equal to 1 if the branch (ik) is a branch of the path of the first choice. The share of the share ik(j) includes the probability of loss of all preceding branches (ik) of the trend. Let us denote Kji () by the set of such nodes k , that from the node i form all outgoing branches (ik) outgoing directions. The value ik(j) represents the probability of employment by referral service (ik), i.e. (1) ik ()jik () jpj ik () pj ik () kK i () j

Since ik jp  1;0)( , thenik j  1;0)( , for all )(  Lik . For example, for the network shown in figure 2, according to the elements of the route matrix, the values ik ()j are:  j   j  pj  pj j ik ,1)( ik )( ik )( ik )( ik );( 3 4 3 3 3 j  pj pj  pj j ik )( ik )( ik )( ik )( ik );( 1 4 4 3 4 j  pj pj pj  pj j ik )( ik )( ik )( ik )( ik )( ik ).( 2 1 1 3 34 1

The results. The product ik *)( ik jpj is the proportion of the excess load on the branch (ik), which, depending on the load distribution plan, will be transmitted to other directions that are free for node i, and in the absence of such directions, it will generally be lost at the nodei. In this case, the load ti(j) is considered lost in the nodei, if the time channels are occupied on all outgoing directions (ik),  jKk ,

где  21 ,...,, kkkjK s , where s - the number of directions originating from the node i. In this case, the probability of ti(j) load loss Пi(j) in a node j is determined by the formula s Пii()jpj k (), П i ()j (;).01 (2) i1 Depending on the load condition of each of the subnets included in the ATM network, it is possible to calculate the necessary parameters for the operation of each of the subnets, thereby determining the network resources of the ATM network in a given mode of servicing the subscribers connected to it. Thus, due to the effective redistribution of the bandwidth of the integrated circuits of the network, it is possible to achieve optimal parameters for the quality of service for subscribers of the ATM network; in this case the performance of the subnets CS and PS that are part of the ATM network is growing. All these factors mentioned above, connected with the problem of optimal allocation of bandwidth between the subnets of the CS and the PS, ultimately significantly improve the efficiency of the integrated network, communication as a whole, and this actually makes the transition to the creation of more economical networks. 251 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Note that since ik jp  1;0)( , then i j   1;0)( . Discussions. Studies of the distribution of the probability of load losses of the CS mode over permissible paths and transit nodes of an asynchronous network using bypass directions for transferring excess loads have been carried out. Building a tree of paths by route matrices. Let the network shown in Figure1 and the route matrix for each node be given.

Figure 1 – Transmission network

The rows of the route matrix correspond to the numbers of outgoing directions in the order of their choice, and the columns correspond to the numbers of destination nodes [18]. The matrix element is the number of the neighboring node in the ith bypass direction to the jth node. We construct a path tree for a pair of nodes (1,2), assuming that the length of each path does not exceed four transit sections. To build a tree, we select the corresponding columns of the route matrices of the initial and transit nodes:

12 ...2 1 ...2 12 l  ..2......  1   M  l2 ...... 12 ; 1   L 3  ....10......  From the matrix Mi we determine the branches 1 and 2 of the tree, ending in nodes 2 and 12, respec- tively (figure 2).

Figure 2 – Tree of paths between pairs of nodes (1,2) 252 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

In the figure, unpainted circles indicate the numbers of the IHT. The throughput and the number of channels for each path is = 10 bits / s, = 50. The service time of one call to the QC network is j = 60 sec. The direction through the node 10 is not selected, since the path length through this node to the node 2 exceeds four transit sections (see. Fig. 3). At node 12, the procedure is repeated and nodes 8 and 9 are selected, and so on. Findings. The distribution of excess load on the path tree. For each pair of nodes, the load distribution along the path tree is based on the probability of loss on the branches calculated at the previous iteration. An assumption is made that the probability of losses on each branch characterizes some statistical properties of this branch as a service system and does not depend on the probabilities of losses on other branches and on the size of the distributed load (in the distribution process). 1 1 g 12(2)= t 1(1,2)* h12(2); 1 1 g 12(2)= t 1(2,2)* h12(2)2; 1 1 g 12(2)= t 1(2,2)* h12(2)3; 1 1 t 1(1,2)1= t 1(1,2)* h12(2); h12(2)1=r1(2) * φ12(2)2 * φ12(2)3 * (1-p12(2)); h12(2)2=r1(2) * φ12(2)1 * φ12(2)3 * (1-p112(2))*(1-p128(2)) *(1-p82(2)); h12(2)3=r1(2) * φ12(2)1 * φ12(2)2 * (1-p112(2))*(1-p129(2)) *(1-p92(2)); This article explores in detail the subnetwork switching channels, using the bypass direction of the flow of multi-channel calls. At the same time for subnetting the commutation channel is given the initial data of the problem of calculating probabilistic characteristics, list the characteristics that are determined in the process of solving the problem and describes some assumptions that allow to adequately appro- ximate the study of such a model to the functioning of a real network. As a result, we obtained a mathe- matical model for calculating the loss probabilities, both for the communication channels and for the nodes of the circuit switching subnetwork that is part of the ATM network. Here was calculated the probabilities of load losses of the CS mode of an asynchronous network using bypass directions to transfer excess loads.

О. З. Сембиев, Ж. С. Кемельбекова, Ж. Р. Умарова

М. Әуезов атындағы Онтүстік Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті, Шымкент, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Қазіргі әлемде сандық технологиялар елдер экономикасын дамытуда маңызды рөл атқа- рады. Цифрлық технологиялардың төмендегідей артықшылықтары бар: халықтың және бизнестің мемлекет- тік қызметтерге қол жеткізуін жеңілдету, ақпарат алмасуды жеделдету, бизнесті жүргізу үшін жаңа мүмкін- діктердің пайда болуы, жаңа сандық өнімдер құру және т.б. Интернет желісінде деректерді берудің қолже- тімділігі, тұрақтылығы және қауіпсіздігі – бұл барлық салаларды дамытудың технологиялық негізі, сондай-ақ халықтың өмір сүруінің жоғары сапасы. Байланыс желілерінде ақпарат алмасу цифрлық нысанда бірқатар артықшылықтарға ие: бөгеуіл орнықтылығының жоғары деңгейі және деректерді берудің неғұрлым жоғары сапасы; стандартты сенімді және арзан интегралды схемаларды пайдалану мүмкіндігі, бұл бүкіл желі құ- нында анықтаушы болып табылатын коммутация және тығыздау жүйелерінің құнын едәуір төмендетеді; әртүрлі түрдегі ақпаратты цифрлық нысанда біріктіру және өңдеу кезінде үлкен мүмкіндік. Қазіргі уақытта жобалау кезінде пайдаланылатын байланыс желілерінде пайдаланушыларға қызмет көрсету сапасын бағалау әдістерінің көпшілігі бір өлшемді трафикке қатысты тапсырманы қарастырады немесе жүктеме көздерінің соңғы санының әсерін ескермейді. Бұл мультисервистік желілерді жобалау міндеттерін шешу кезінде, соның ішінде желілердің абоненттік қатынау учаскелерінде оларды қолдануды шектейді. Осыған байланысты, осы бапта қызметтердің интеграциясы бар кеңжолақты цифрлық желі қарастырылады, онда ағындарды бөлу маршруттар матрицасымен берілетін итерациялық әдіс іске асырылатын АТМ-технология негізінде, ал әрбір бу тораптарының тораптары арасындағы жүктемені бөлу осы буды есептеу кезінде маршруттар матрицасы бойынша алынатын жолдар ағашы бойынша жүргізіледі, сондай-ақ арналар мен коммутациялық пакеттер

253 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

коммутациясы әдісімен ақпараттық трафикті беру кезінде асинхронды желінің артық жүктемесін есептеудің математикалық әдісін әзірлеу. Түйін сөздер: кең жолақты цифрлық желі, қызметтерді интеграциялау, асинхронды желі, арналарды коммутациялау, пакеттерді коммутациялау, түйіндер коммутациялары.

О. З. Сембиев, Ж. С. Кемельбекова, Ж. Р. Умарова

Южно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Ауезова, Шымкент, Казахстан


Аннотация. В современном мире цифровые технологии играют важную роль в развитии экономики стран. Цифровые технологии имеют преимущества: облегчение доступа населения и бизнеса к государст- венным услугам, ускорение обмена информацией, появление новых возможностей для ведения бизнеса, со- здание новых цифровых продуктов и т. д. Доступность, стабильность и безопасность передачи данных в сети Интернет – это технологическая основа развития всех отраслей, а также высокое качество жизни населения. Обмен информации в сетях связи в цифровой форме имеет ряд преимуществ, таких как: высокий уровень по- мехоустойчивости и наиболее высокое качество в передачи данных; возможность использования стандарт- ных надежных и дешевых интегральных схем, что значительно снижает стоимость систем коммутации и уплотнения, которые являются определяющими в стоимости всей сети; большую возможность при объеди- нении и обработки информации различных видов в цифровой форме. В настоящее время большинство мето- дов оценки качества обслуживания пользователей на сетях связи, используемых при проектировании, либо рассматривают задачу применительно к одномерному трафику, либо не учитывают влияния конечного числа источников нагрузки. Это ограничивает их применение при решении задач проектирования мультисервис- ных сетей, в том числе на участках абонентского доступа сетей. В связи с этим, в данной статье рассматри- вается широкополосная цифровая сеть с интеграцией служб на основе АТМ-технологии, в которой реали- зуется итерационный метод, где распределение потоков задается матрицей маршрутов, а распределение нагрузки между узлами каждой парой узлов производится по дереву путей, получаемому по матрице маршрутов при расчете данной пары, а также разработка математического метода расчета избыточной на- грузки асинхронной сети при передаче информационного трафика методом коммутации каналов и комму- тационных пакетов. Ключевые слова: широкополосная цифровая сеть, интеграция служб, асинхронная сеть, коммутация каналов, коммутация пакетов, узлы коммутации.

Information about authors: Sembiev Ordabay Zaitayevich, Professor, Vice-Rector for Innovation, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Kemelbekova Zhanar Satybaldievna, Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, Ph.D., M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Umarova Zhanat Rysbaeyvna, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems and Modeling, PhD, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0002-0257-4417


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UDK 502.174.34

Z. K. Kaliaskarova1, Zh. N. Aliyeva1, A. S. Ikanovа1, E. S. M. Negim2

1Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt; Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected]


Abstract. Soil pollution with heavy metals on the land of the Karasai landfill of municipal solid waste in Almaty city with heavy metals. The annual amount of waste accepted for disposal is more than 580.0 thousand tons. According to the recent studies, the morphostructure of MPC in Almaty consists of various components, such as: food waste – 24%, paper and cardboard - 16%, polymers (plastics) 17 %, glass 11 %, ferrous metals 2%, non-ferrous metals 1 %, textiles 3%, wood 4%, bone leather, rubber 2%, waste residues 10%, the others are 9%.The structure of 56% of municipal solid waste is suitable for reuse. And with the proper organization of separate waste collection at the source of accumulation, it is possible to increase the volume of secondary raw materials. Currently, the Karasai landfill has accumulated more than 10 million tons of waste. In connection with this territory is characterized by land pollution not only inside the landfill, but also outside it. The purpose of the article is to analyze laboratory tests of soil samples to determine the degree of contamination of the landfill with heavy metals and compare them with the results of the previous studies. The main material for the analysis was the results of laboratory studies of the soil which was conducted in the framework of the basic research project funded by the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Ka- zakhstan. The results of laboratory analyses of soil samples show the excess of the maximum permissible concentration for some heavy metals several times. They were used to make diagrams of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration, to identify the degree of contamination of the landfill soil, to assess the pollution of heavy metals of the landfill soil, to determine the impact of the landfill on adjacent ecosystems. The paper uses field, laboratory, cartographic methods of research. The results can be used to develop recommendations for monitoring the landfill and improving the state of the ecosystem. Keywords: landfill of solid household waste, land pollution, heavy metals, soil analysis, pollution degree, MPC, environmental protection.

Introduction. Municipal solid waste is a serious environmental problem in Kazakhstan, significant quantities of which are produced in large settlements. Thus, according to the official data, Kazakhstan has accumulated about 100 million tons of municipal solid waste, and it is increasing annually by 5-6 million tons. However, only 3-5% of it is processed, the rest of it without sorting out to the components is trans- ported and stored in open dumps, in Kazakhstan there are 4525 of them [1]. The city of Almaty is not only a major cultural and financial center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but it is also the producer of a large quantity of municipal solid waste - more than 500 thousand tons a year come to the landfills. Garbage removal companies following to the approved scheme of collection and disposal of municipal solid waste from the yards containers take it out to the landfill every day without prior separation of the components; the landfill is located in Karasai district of Almaty region 34 km far from Almaty, 2 km to the north off the highway Almaty - Bishkek, 1.2 km to the west off the station Aytey. Figure 1 shows a satellite picture of the object studied.

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Figure 1 – Current state and dynamics of changes in the boundaries of the Karasai municipal solid waste landfill for 2009-2016 [2]

The problems of land, soil, air and water pollution in the areas of the Karasai landfill have been investigated by the scientists of the Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev. Thus, a number of papers study such issues as: - processes of formation of biogas, the evaluation of the factors affecting the efficiency of the gas collection systems at the municipal solid waste landfill; - Temporal dynamics of the Karasai landfill methanotrophs in Almaty; - technologies to reduce methane emissions at PTBO; - Mathematical modeling of processes of formation of biogas at the Karasai landfill. These studies were based on experiments and observations under the guidance of Professor S.S. Nurkeev [3-11]. The purpose of the article is to analyze the laboratory studies of soil samples, and to compare them with the results of previous ones to determine the degree of pollution of the landfill with heavy metals. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set as follows: -analysis of the previous years’ results, laboratory data and drawing up the charts for exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations; - identifying the degree of pollution of the soil of the landfill by heavy metals; - assessing the pollution indicators of the landfill soil with heavy metals; - determining the degree of impact of the landfill on the ecosystem of the region. The characteristic of soil pollution with heavy metals is determined by the fact that, coming on food chains from the soil into plants and then into animals and humans, they cause the decrease in the number 257 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan of plants and livestock products, the increase in the population morbidity, and the decrease in life expectancy. The soil, unlike other components of the natural environment, not only geochemically accu- mulates pollution components, but also acts as a natural buffer that controls the transfer of chemical elements and compounds to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and living matter [12-15]. Since the landfills in Kazakhstan, built without a set of measures that reduce their negative impact on the environment, are significant sources of its pollution [2]. Placed waste undergoes complex physico- chemical and biochemical changes under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, specific conditions forming in the stratum of waste, and also as a result of interaction with each other. This leads to the formation of various compounds, including toxic ones, which, moving into the environment, adversely affect its components. Heavy metals with excessive exposure to environmental objects behave like toxicants and Eco toxicants. In this case, toxicants include elements and compounds that have a harmful effect on a single organism or a group of organisms, while Eco toxicants are elements or compounds that negatively affect not only individual organisms, but also the ecosystem as a whole. Environmental specialists have iden- tified a priority group among toxic metals. It includes cadmium, copper, arsenic, nickel, mercury, lead, zinc and chromium as the most dangerous to human and animal health. Of these, mercury, lead and cadmium are the most toxic [16]. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition, lead, mercury, and cadmium are the most dangerous heavy metals, representing the “terrible trinity” in the natural environment [17]. Hazardous wastes contain in their composition substances having a hazardous property or their combi- nation (toxicity, infection, explosion hazard, fire hazard, high reactivity or other similar properties), and toxic chemical elements are divided into hygienic hazard classes: The first hazard class includes extremely dangerous (arsenic (As), beryllium (Be), mercury (Hg), selenium (Sn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), fluorine (F), benzopyrene). The recovery period is missing. The second hazard class includes highly hazardous ((Cr), cobalt (Co), boron (B), molybdenum (Mb), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), antimony (Sb)). The recovery period is at least 30 years. The third hazard class includes moderately hazardous (barium (Ba), vanadium (V), tungsten (W), manganese (Mn), strontium (Sr), acetophenone). The recovery period is at least 10 years. The fourth hazard class includes low-hazard substances (aluminum, kerosene, iron compounds, ammonia, methane). The recovery period is at least 3 years. The fifth hazard class is almost not dangerous. The impact on the environment is practically absent [18]. Elements of hazardous wastes should not be treated in the same way as normal household wastes, their impact on the environment and its components grows every year, Kazakhstan has amended the Environmental Code on Waste Management, as well as expanded obligations of producers, under which since 2016 dumping mercury-containing lamps and appliances, scrap metal, waste oils and liquids, batteries, electronic waste at landfills is prohibited. The dumping of plastics, waste paper, cardboard and paper waste, glass is prohibited by law since 01/01/2019, then, since 01/01/2021, the ban on the dumping of construction and food waste comes into force [19]. Since toxic wastes are a significant risk to the environment, including human health, their disposal should be carried out in strict accordance with existing rules and standards. For example, at MSW land- fills, toxic wastes of only III and IV hazard classes are accepted, and certain groups and types of waste are taken to landfills in limited quantities and stored under special conditions. The list of industrial wastes permitted for disposal at MSW landfills is governed by regulatory documents [19]. The main hygienic criterion for assessing the risk of soil pollution by chemicals is MPC - the maximum permissible amount of this substance (in mg / kg of arable layer is absolutely dry soil). Accor- ding to which the environmental protection includes monitoring the soil and plant pollution to control the content of exogenous chemicals (ECS), which should not exceed the MAC in the soil and, accordingly, do not exceed the residual amounts of harmful ECS in the environment above permissible limits. The amount of the determined ECS and the frequency of control are determined in the landfill monitoring project (that is, in the production control program) and agreed with specially authorized environmental protection authorities [20]. 258 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Heavy metals are dangerous in that they have the ability to accumulate in living organisms, enter into the metabolic cycle, form highly toxic organometallic compounds (for example, methyl mercury, alkyl lead), change the form while the transition from one natural environment to another, without being biodegradable. Heavy metals cause serious physiological disorders, toxicosis, allergies, cancer, adversely affect the embryo and genetic heredity in human beings [16]. There are heavy metals in the remains of the chemical, ceramic, textile and match industry, cosme- tology, test equipment, lighting lamps, dental fillings and amalgam, photo products, plastic products with cadmium dyes, the production of construction materials. There are heavy metals in consumer goods, including children's toys, and, in concentrations that significantly exceed the permissible norms. Thus, in 2012, six organizations participating in the Interna- tional Network for the Elimination of IPEN, working in the field of health and environmental protection in more than 100 countries of the world, examined for toxicity 569 children's products bought at random in markets and stores in Armenia and Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine. The products were tested for antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury. As a result, it turned out that in 164 of them at least one toxic element out of six is contained in dangerous concentrations. In 75 samples there was more than one. Lead was found in 104 samples, antimony in 75, arsenic in 45, mercury in 18. Among the dangerous items were stuffed animals and plastic toys, cosmetics, mugs, jewelry [21]. Materials and methods of research. The experimental part of the work is consisted of several stages: selection, preparation, analysis of samples and processing of the obtained results. The research route took place on the territory of the Karasai MSW landfill, which is a natural V-shaped broad gully with steep sides. The width and depth of the broad gully are reduced to the north from 350-340 m to 150- 140 m and from 95-90 m to 40-35 m, respectively. The relief of the site is heavily rough; the surface is a combination of broad gullies, hills and ridges with flat tops sloping to the north. Adjacent area is a steppe. The climate of the region under consideration is moderate continental with dry air and a large number of sunny days. Annual precipitation is 509 mm; average annual evaporation is 452.2 mm. The average multi- year air temperature of the coldest month (January) is minus 9.9 ° С, the average multi-year air tempe- rature of the hottest month (July) is plus 29.5 ° С [22]. The landfill is divided into sites, some of them are full, the site 5 and the site 7 and are out of use at the moment. The main sites in use are the sites 9, 10, 11. The site 9 is in the natural ditch. As it can be seen at figure 4 the garbage removal trucks are going down and unloading MSW. We can see that the people are engaged in different activities. So, they primarily carry out sorting on plastic bottles, glass bottles, cardboard, and then crush and compact the remains with the tractors. In the winter, this site does not work because the ground is icy and it is impossible to get there, and they use the sites 10 and 11 that are located at the top of the ditch. This picture was taken at the site 11.

Figure 2 – View of the site 9 on the landfill [23]

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There is a cattle cemetery on the territory of the landfill. It is surrounded by a concrete fence. The household buildings for the staff of the landfill are located at the checkpoint. There are a shower room, a kitchen and a recreation room. On entering and leaving the landfill the weight of the garbage removal trucks is determined on an electronic balance at the checkpoint. Besides MSW construction debris is taken here too. There is also press equipment for PET bottles. During the period of cameral preparation, we compiled a map of soil sampling (figure 3). The16 test sites were chosen trying to cover not only the territory inside the landfill, but also outside it, in order to identify the zone of impact of the landfill on the environment and assess its impact. Soil samples were taken from a layer of 0-10 cm using the “envelope” method, and their transportation and storage were carried out in accordance with the generally accepted method of sampling for soil monitoring [24].

Figure 3 – Sampling points in the Karasai landfill [23]

The study of the environmental impact of land pollution of the MSW landfill was investigated by many scientists. Depending on the criteria and indicators used, different methods were applied, for example, landfill area, geodetic index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), pollution index (PI) and combined pollution index (IPI). We examined the studies performed by using optical emission and microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometry [25-28]. Our research and processing of the results of laboratory analyzes of soil samples for the content of heavy metals was carried out on an analytical equipment of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer Spectroscan Max-G. On the whole, the field, laboratory, statistical, cartographic methods of research were applied, and a review of the literature related to the Karasai landfill was also conducted. As a result of the analysis of laboratory study, the assessment of soil pollution of the MSW landfill with heavy metals was made [23]. Results and discussion. Physical and chemical changes in the composition and content of heavy metals in the soils of the Karasai landfill for municipal solid waste were studied by G. А. Dzhamalova, the results were used for a comparative analysis of changes in the MPC norms. A comparative analysis of the 260 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 results of exceeding the MPC for heavy metals, studied by G. А. Dzhamalova, was performed, i.e. the analysis of the physico-chemical changes in the composition of the soil grounds of municipal solid waste landfills. Where the physical characteristics of the soil, the determination of the degree of soil pollution by heavy metals on the territory of the landfill, the sanitary protection zone (SPZ), outside the SPZ and control points of the nearest residential area of the Karasai landfill were studied. As a result of the study made by Dzhamalova G. A., in the soil of the Karasai solid waste landfill compared with the 1999 data, there is an increase in the maximum permissible concentration of heavy metals of the first class of hazard - lead by 1.8-4.2 times, zinc - by 1.1-8.8 times, by arsenic - by 2,3 times, cadmium - 3.1 times and mercury 1.7-6.4 times; the second class of hazard is 1.4-214 times for copper, 4.5 times for chromium [29]. At the end of the field survey of soil samples, heavy metals were measured in soil on analytical equipment using an X-ray Spectroscan X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The analysis of the protocols obtained showed the accumulation of heavy metals in soil samples, and in the results table 1, there are heavy metals: lead, zinc, chromium, arsenic, mercury and cadmium at 16 sampling points and their maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in mg/kg.

Table 1 – Research results of heavy metals in the soil of MSW landfill

Metals Soil zinc chrome lead arsenic mercury cadmium Sampling Points MPC value mg / kg 20-23 20-23 20-32 2.0 2.1 2.0 1 85,64 45,92 – 10,95 – – 2 – 33,24 2,10 10,52 – 1,35 3 15,53 51,65 – 8,78 – 2,87 4 30,34 43,02 14,52 11,47 – 3,54 5 6,86 19,49 – 10,10 – 5,38 6 32,37 31,71 – 4,07 – 4,12 7 44,40 35,66 – 7,25 – 8,65 8 112,9 32,7 – 8,28 – 0,93 9 14,4 26,36 – 6,63 – 14,85 10 49,71 47,68 – 5,43 – 12,39 11 20,64 26,34 6,13 10,26 – 15,39 12 5,29 17,4 6,13 9,09 – 2,35 13 2,64 24,2 – 7,06 – 2,35 14 160,9 23,34 7,07 9,46 – 0,85 15 – 44,59 – 6,61 – 0,83 16 9,6 17,08 2,1 6,61 – 18,03

The data obtained by using the spectral analysis of the soil revealed some patterns in the content of heavy metals in the soil, to assess the degree of pollution of the area. The sanitary and hygienic criterion of environmental quality is the maximum permissible concen- tration (MPC) of chemicals in the environmental objects. MPC corresponds to the maximum content of a chemical in natural objects that does not cause a negative (direct or indirect) effect on human health (including long-term effects on the human resources) [30-33]. Using the data of the laboratory studies, we made the table, where the excess of MPC for polluting elements are shown. Then we combined them into three groups according to the norms of MPC. The first group is lead with MPC of 20–32 mg / kg, the second group includes zinc and chrome (with MPC of 20–23 mg / kg), and the third group includes cadmium (with MPC of 2 mg / kg). Mercury pollution on the territory of the landfill by the study protocols was not detected.

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Figure 4 – Results of soil pollution indicators measurement of solid waste landfill with heavy metals (Zn, Cr)

As it can be seen in figure 4, zinc pollution at points is1–85.64 mg / kg, at 4–30.34 85.64 mg / kg, at 6–32.37 85.64 mg / kg, at 7–44, 40 85, 64 mg / kg, at 8 - 112.9 85.64 mg / kg, at 10 - 49.71 85.64 mg / kg, at 14 - 160.9 85.64 mg / kg. There is an excess of the MPC of zinc at points 8, 14 and 2, the highest excess of 160.9 mg / kg was at 14 sampling point. The results of measurements of soil pollution with chromium show the MPC standards for only 3 points, for the remaining 13 points they exceed the level of 23 mg / kg within the limits of 24.2 to 51.65 mg / kg, the highest excess of 51.65 mg / kg is at the third sampling point.

Figure 5 – Results of soil pollution indicators measurement of solid waste landfill with lead

Maximum permissible concentration of lead is set in the range of 20-32 mg / kg, compared to other metals, lead is found only at 6 points in the normal range, and at the other points lead pollution is not observed. The lead content in the studied soils varied from 2.1 to 14.52 mg / kg and in all cases did not exceed the MPC; the highest amount of 14.52 mg / kg in the soils was at sampling point 4. As it can be seen in Figure 6, arsenic pollution is observed at all 16 points, at the 6th sampling point, the smallest contamination was 4.07 mg / kg, and the highest MPC of 11.47 mg / kg was noted at point 4. As it can be seen in Figure 6, cadmium pollution is noted at the norm and does not exceed MPC at 8, 14 and 15 points. According to the study protocols, heavy metal pollution with cadmium was not detected at point1. At sampling point15, the lowest indicator was 0.83.

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Figure 6 – Results of soil pollution indicators measurement of solid waste landfill with heavy metals (Ar, Cd)

Mercury was not identified at all 16 sampling points, though the tests carried out by the Ltd “Scientific Analytical Center” in 2009 showed the mercury of 0.07 mg /kg at the MPC of 2.1 mg/kg [23]. The results obtained show a strong pollution of the landfill soil with heavy metals like zinc, arsenic, and cadmium. In the case of complex soil pollution with heavy metals, it is necessary to use an appropriate criterion to assess the potential hazard of contamination. Most literary data show that the most sensitive indicator of the state of pollutants is the content of mobile forms of their compounds in the soil, since these forms are the most dangerous, getting primarily into plants and the human body [34]. Taking into account the important role of soil cover in the component composition of the environment, we made an assessment of the state of the area, which is shown in table 2.

Table 2 – Indicators of soil pollution with heavy metals

Maximum Maximum Excess of MPC, Type of Hazard MPC value, Elements concentration, concentration, times environmental situation class mg / kg mg / kg, 2012 mg / kg, 2015 Lead I 20-23 134,4 14,52 Lessthan Satisfactory Zinc I 20-23 202,4 160,9 6,9 Crisis Chromium II 20-23 642,3 51,65 2,2 Pre-Crisis Arsenic I 2,0 4,6 11,47 5,7 Crisis Mercury I 2,1 13,49 – – Cadmium I 2,0 9,4 18,03 9 Crisis

The study of the laboratory data of the soil samples taken in the studied area of the solid waste landfill showed that the average content of toxic chemical elements in soil samples in the storage area of solid household waste is significantly higher compared to the maximum permissible concentration: zinc is 6.9 times, chromium is 2.2 times, for arsenic - 5.7 times, for cadmium - 9 times (table 2). Pollution of the soil grounds of the landfill with heavy metals can be explained by its long-term operation, which over time can lead to different changes in the ecosystem regardless of the point of pollution. Compared with the results carried out by Dzhamalova G. A. we observe a comparative decrease in the content of heavy metals in the soil, the excess of the maximum permissible concentration limit is observed in zinc, сhromium, arsenic and chromium. Traces of residual mercury pollution are completely 263 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan absent compared to 13.49 mg / kg previously. The increased concentration of cadmium 18.03 mg / kg at the sampling point 16 and its widespread distribution, we associate with the close location of a functioning brick plant. The increased concentration of arsenic at point4 is 11.47 mg / kg we associate with trucks transporting solid waste, since there is a widespread of arsenic pollution along the road inside the landfill. Analyzing these tables, we observe the predominance of the pre-crisis and crisis types of the ecolo- gical situation, which negatively affects the ecosystem, the soil cover not only accumulates pollution components, but also acts as a natural buffer, which significantly reduces the toxic effects of heavy metals and regulates the flow of chemical elements into plants and the body of animals and humans. Unlike the atmosphere and hydrosphere, where processes of periodic self-cleaning from heavy metals are observed, the soil has practically no such ability. Metals that accumulate in soils are removed from it extremely slowly only by leaching, plant consumption, erosion and deflation. In this connection, it is necessary to reduce the storage of sources accumulating heavy metals compounds[19]. At present, due to an insufficiently thought-out environmental management strategy, the extensive development of industry, ignoring the need and possibilities for scientific regulation of anthropogenic loads, the ever more threatening degradation of the natural environment of Kazakhstan continues [35-38]. Ultimately, the degradation of natural ecosystems, along with social tensions, leads to public health disorder, changes in the genetic fund. Therefore, the study of the ecological situation, as well as the cause- effect relationships of its change, is becoming increasingly necessary at the present time. Conclusion. We know that the environment and nature are invaluable resources, which, unfortu- nately, are not unlimited. It should be noted that human activity over the past 60 years has accelerated at an unprecedented pace and has become a serious problem for them. The realization that the very existence of humanity and our desire for growth, prosperity and pleasure can cause irreversible damage and extre- mely deplete these essential resources entailed the consolidation of efforts to protect the environment and the tightening of measures to protect public health. In our country, in accordance with Article 305 of the Environmental Code: "Control and monitoring during the operation of the landfill is ensured by the operating organization of this landfill". In addition, they must also annually submit an environmental monitoring report to the authorized body and then coor- dinate with it “the nature and timing of corrective measures that they will take to reduce the adverse environmental impact”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to get acquainted with the annual reporting. As a result of our research and relying on the results of a study conducted earlier on this polygon, we observe a comparative decrease in pollution of the soil of the landfill with heavy metals as lead, zinc and chro- mium and the absence of traces of mercury contamination. Conducted research of the state of the solid household waste landfill soil found out the presence of heavy metals in soils with an excess of MPC from 2.2 to 9 times (cadmium), which creates a crisis type of environmental situation. Based on the analysis of the laboratory studies of soil samples determining the degree of the landfill pollution with heavy metals, we can draw the following conclusions: - analysis of the exceedances of MPC for heavy metals shows the presence of heavy metals and the uneven distribution of the heavy metals in the soils of the landfill; - assessment of landfill soil pollution with heavy metals showed the existing anthropogenic stress exerted on the landfill site. As a result, it is noted that, for today, the ecosystem of the landfill is experiencing a critical envi- ronmental load within the landfill and beyond its boundary. The increased concentration of cadmium and arsenic requires additional measures in order to prevent the natural state from deteriorating to an unsatis- factory level. During this time, the landfill is actively affecting the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to tifhten control and monitoring measures at the storage sites for solid household waste on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In order to self-regulate the polygon ecosystem, it is necessary to reduce the anthropogenic impact that needs to be started today. In accordance with Article 301 of the Environmental Code, from January 1, 2019, the following types of waste should not be accepted for disposal at the landfills of the country: plastic, polyethylene and polyethylene terephthalate packaging, waste paper, cardboard and paper, as well as glass breakage. This is a serious step forward, but at the same time, the procedure for implementing this ban has not been thought through to the end. The ban has been adopted, and how it will be observed in practice is not fully understood, since the citizens of Almaty do not sort them at the source of waste by type, but collect it in one package and carry it into a common trashcan, which is taken away by one gar- 264 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 bage collection machine. As well as the extended producer, responsibility introduced today does not have a large-scale component development and geographical coverage. In the developed metropolis of Almaty, there are not enough collection points for waste paper, glass containers, plastics, metals, textiles, hazar- dous waste (mercury lamps, mercury devices), electronic waste (computers, electronic scrap, office equip- ment, household appliances), medical waste of the population, and more. Until we can organize the proper organization of sorting and collection of solid waste at the source of accumulation, then all our efforts to improve and protect the environment will be one-sided.

З. К. Калиаскарова1, Ж. Н. Алиева1, А. С. Иканова1, Е. С. М. Негим2

1Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан, 2Ұлттық зерттеу орталығы, Каир, Мысыр; Қазақстан-Британ техникалық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Мақала Алматы қаласының Қарасай қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтар полигоны жерлерінің ауыр металдармен ластау мәселелеріне арналған. Полигонда көмуге қабылданатын қалдықтардың жыл- сайынғы көлемі 580,0 мың тоннаны құрайды. Соңғы зерттеулерге сәйкес Алматы қаласының ҚТҚ-ры морфо- құрылымы әртүрлі компоненттерден тұрады, олар: тағам қалдықтары – 24%, қағаз және картон - 16%, поли- мерлер (пластик, пластмасса) - 17 %, шыны - 11 %, қара металдар - 2%, түсті металдар - 1%, тоқыма - 3%, ағаш - 4%, сүйектер, тері, резеңке - 2%, қоқыс қалдықтары - 10%, басқа қалдықтар - 9% құрайды. Құрылымы бойынша қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтардың 56% қайта пайдалануға жарамды. Пайда болу көздерінде қалдық- тарды сұрыптауды дұрыс ұйымдастыру жүзеге асырылса, қайта пайдалануға жарамды шикізат көлемін ұлғайтуға мүмкін болады. Қазіргі уақытта Қарасай полигонында 10 млн тоннадан астам қалдықтар жинақталған. Осыған бай- ланысты, аталған территория үшін полигон ішінде ғана емес, шекаралас жерлерде де топырақтың ластануы орын алуда. Мақаланың мақсаты полигон топырағының ауыр металдармен ластану дәрежесін анықтау үшін топырақ сынамаларының зертханалық зерттеулерін талдау және оларды бұрын жүргізілген зерттеу нәтижелерімен салыстыру болып табылады. Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және Ғылым Министрлігі қаржыландыратын іргелі зерттеулер жобасы шеңберінде жүргізілген топырақты зертханалық зерттеу нәтижелері талдау үшін негізгі материал болды. Топырақ сынамаларын зертханалық талдау нәтижелері кейбір ауыр металдар бойынша шекті жол берілетін шоғырланудың бірнеше есе артқанын көрсетеді. Олар бойынша шекті рұқсат етілген концентрациялардан асып кету диаграммалары жасалды, полигон топыра- ғының ластану дәрежесі анықталды, полигон топырағының ауыр металдармен ластануын бағалау орын- далды, полигонның шектес экожүйелерге әсері анықталды. Жұмыста далалық, зертханалық, картографиялық зерттеу әдістері қолданылды. Алынған нәтижелер полигон мониторингін жүргізу және осы экожүйенің жай- күйін жақсарту жөніндегі ұсыныстарды әзірлеу үшін пайдаланылуы мүмкін. Түйін сөздер: қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтар полигоны, жердің ластануы, ауыр металдар, топырақты талдау, ластану деңгейі, ШРК, қоршаған ортаны қорғау.

З. К. Калиаскарова1, Ж. Н. Алиева1, А. С. Иканова1, Е. С. М. Негим2

1Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Алматы, Казахстан, 2Национальный исследовательский центр, Каир, Египет; Казахстанско-Британский технический университет, Алматы, Казахстан


Статья посвящена вопросам загрязнения земель Карасайского полигона твердых бытовых отходов города Алматы тяжелыми металлами. Ежегодный объем принимаемых для захоронения отходов составляет более 580,0 тыс. тонн. Согласно последним исследованиям морфоструктура ТБО г. Алматы состоит из различных компонентов, таких как: пищевые отходы 24%, бумага и картон 16%, полимеры (пластик, пластмассы) 17 %, стекло 11 %, черные металлы 2%, цветные металлы 1 %, текстиль 3%, дерево 4%, кости кожа, резина 2%, остатки отходов 10%, другое составляет 9%. По структуре 56% отходов твердых бытовых отходов пригодны для повторного использования. А при правильной организации раздельного сбора отходов у источника накопления возможно увеличение объемов вторичного сырья. 265 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

В настоящее время на Карасайском полигоне накопилось более 10 млн тонн отходов. В связи с этим, для данной территории характерно загрязнение земель не только внутри полигона, но и за ее пределами. Целью статьи является анализ лабораторных исследований проб почвы для определения степени загрязнен- ности полигона тяжелыми металлами и сопоставление их с результатами проведенных ранее исследований. Основным материалом для анализа послужили результаты лабораторных исследований почвы про- веденных в рамках проекта фундаментальных исследований, финансируемого Министерством образования и науки Республики Казахстан. Результаты лабораторных анализов проб почв показывают превышение предельно допустимых концентрации по некоторым тяжелым металлам в несколько раз. По ним составлены диаграммы превышения предельно-допустимых концентрации, выявлена степень загрязнения почвы поли- гона, выполнена оценка загрязнения тяжелыми металлами почвы полигона, определено воздействие поли- гона на сопредельные экосистемы. В работе использованы полевые, лабораторные, картографические мето- ды исследовании. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для выработки рекомендации по ведению мониторинга полигона и улучшению состояния данной экосистемы. Ключевые слова: полигон твердых бытовых отходов, загрязнение земель, тяжелые металлы, анализ почв, степень загрязнения, ПДК, охрана окружающей среды.

Information about authors: Kaliaskarova Z. K., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected], [email protected]; Aliyeva Zh. N., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; [email protected]; Ikanovа A. S., Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected], [email protected]; Negim E. S. M., National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 656.13.078.1

V. V. Yavorsky, I. T. Utepbergenov, O. Zh. Mamyrbayev, A. T. Akhmediyarova

Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. The article considers the mathematical models for describing the processes of movement in cities, which are necessary for describing the processes of servicing on the routed urban passenger transport and making decisions to improve the management of traffics. It is proposed to create a database of all permissible movement paths in the city. There are many competing routes between any pair of city districts. An algorithm for the formation of paths is proposed, its essence is construction of typical multigraphs of transport links. The developed approach allows dividing the modelling of the processes of passenger traffic servicing on routes. This, along with the deve- loped queuing models on the route, allows to obtain more detailed characteristics of the movement processes in the transport system in comparison with the known methods. Keywords: urban passenger transport, transport network, route network, route link, movement paths multi- graph, traffic correspondence, route selection strategy.

Introduction. The purpose of the urban passenger transport system (UPT) is to provide services to the city habitants by passenger transportation on the basis of efficient and coordinated use of available transport resources and in accordance with public interests. Considering the application algorithms characteristic for transport systems, it is possible to single out a number of characteristic control tasks and corresponding subsystems of automated information resources [1, 2]. At the first stage of development of such systems, it is important to provide a single formalized description of the routed transport system [2]. The following formalized description of the transport system can be used for various types of routed transport. Indeed, in such transport systems there are a number of common basic elements: the transport network, the route network, the correspondence between the points on the transport network (TN), the traffic flow on the route network (RN), the routes between the TNs, the paths of servicing the traffic flows in the RN, etc. A universal formalized description of routed transport systems is especially relevant in link with the development of geoinformation systems [3]. The authors previously developed an algorithm for determining the maximum flow during distribution in the network [4] and examined the problem of placing the minimum number of cameras in a given transport network [5]. This scientific work is a logical continuation of the work performed on the research topic. Description of the transport network in the form of a graph. The transport network means the set of points, characterized by a certain location and mutual relations between each other. The TN can be represented as a graph S (Z, W), where Z is a finite non-empty set of points i Z, |Z|=n; W is a set of links (arcs or edges) - (i, j)  W, whose length corresponds to the distance between points i and j, |W|=d; ij; i,j = ,1 n . Here n, d are, respectively, the number of points and links on the graph S (Z, W). The RN is specified by the set of transport routes (TR) - {Mk},where k  IM; |IM| = m; IM is a set of indices of all TR-k operating on the RN; m is a number of TRin theRN.

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M k Each TR-k  I is described by the sequence of passing the points i ,  = 1, nk , that make up the trajectory of its movement: kkk k  iiiM },...,,{ , (1) 21 n k where nk is a number of points in TR-k, we should note that in the considered TR - k, the initial and final k k k i 1 = i points in the trajectory M are the same, i.e. nk . k k k k M Link(i , i )is a route link of k-th TR. The set of all route links (i , i ), k  I , k=1, m, ;

, 1, nk on the route network can be represented as an oriented graph M(Z1,W1). Z1is a set of points k k i Z1, |Z1| = n1, Z1  Z; W1- is a set of route links (i , i ) W1, As the arcs we can consider the time spent k k k k when following from point i  to point i  on ТМ - k, or distance between i  and i on graph S(Z,W)etc. The number of route links |W1|=d1is such that their number - d1 , as a rule, is much larger than d, besides, it is obvious thatn1 n. On the transport routes k  IM, in accordance with its trajectory Mk, transport units (TU) move, which provide transportation to the TR. The operation of each transport route k is characterized by the set of parameters {k} = k k k k M k k = { 1,  2,..., l}, where i – is i-th parameter of ТМ k  I ; i= ,1 l , l is a number of parameters i . Note that the type of transport route - k is determined by the type of transport units (TU) - k, functioning on this TR. Between points i and j, ij; i,j Z, there are certain movement flows. If these flows can be considered as stationary, the potential flows between points i and j are determined by correspondence that can be represented as a matrix

 = || ij ||, (2) where ij is intensity of the flow from i to j, ij; i,j Z, i,j1, n . The correspondences ij are distributed on the route network in the form of flows on routes that can be represented using flow matrices: k k  = || x  ||, (3)

k M where x is intensity of flow from pointto pointon the transport route k  I , k=1, m; , = 1, nk , nkis a number of points on TR k. Correspondence ij consists of individual needs for movement, which we will call correspondence elements. The implementation of correspondence elements can occur in different paths. For example, individual movement of each element is possible, while restrictions on such movement are superimposed in the form of its duration over time. Along with individual movement, the correspondence elements can M make movements using one or more transport routes of types k, k  I . In the movement process using TR-k, it is possible to switch from one type of TU - s to another type of TU- l, sl, , or from one TU to another TU of the same type k, which is carried out using individual k k movement . Necessity of performing the switch is due to the fact that route links (i , i ) do not exist between all pairs of points i and j on the TN. In addition, for different links, certain modes of transport can have different priorities. Finding the shortest path. The implementation of movements by correspondence elements, as a rule, is carried out by several competing (alternative) paths of movement. Most preferable in this case is the shortest path and near-to-shortest ones. Movement paths consist of a sequence of alternating individual and route links, and the movement path shall begin and end with individual link. We introduce a more precise concept of the path of movement between the corresponding points on the transport network. p Path h kij is k-th path of movement between point si and j on RN of order p, if a number of route links l l (i , i )on the given path is equal top, and a number of switches is less on one. Here l is a route number: M l  I . Number of route links in the route (number of switches) can be limited byp= ,1 S , Sis the given

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l l p allowable number of route links(i , i )in path h kij. As deviation from the shortest path can be considered only in the allowable limits, then the number of paths between point s i and j; ij; i,j Z, is limited as well: k = ,1 N . p Path h kij between points i and jon RN can be described in the following way: p p h kij = {i,j; t(h kij); p; k1,1,1; k2,2,2;... kl,l,l, …, kp,p,p} (4) p p where t(h kij) is time spent to move on path h kij; p is path order; kl is TR index, implementing l-throute 1, p link(l, l); l и l are initial and final points in route link(l, l), l= . p Further, in terms of abbreviating, instead ofh kij we shall write hkij. Usually, in order to determine sensible and reasonable limitations on a number of competing paths hkij between points i and j on TN, the parties use the specified behavior strategy. Such a strategy is set by probability function of priority p(hkij)of movement paths hkij, connecting corresponding points i and j: k k k p(hkij) = ( 1,  2,..., l), (5) k where  is a value of -th parameter, which specifies the path hkij; =1, l , l is a number of parameters. Probability function of priority (5) allows to make distribution of correspondencesij in paths hkij proportionally to probabilities:

x(hkij) = ij p(hkij), (6) where x(hkij )is a flow in path hkij, k=1, N , Nis a number of paths between points I and j. As distribution of correspondences ij may be fulfilled only in paths hkij, connecting points I and j, so the following equalities are fulfilled:

 kij  1)h(p , (7) kij  Hh ij

 kij )h(x  ij , (8)  Hh ijkij where Hi j is aset of all paths, connecting points i and j. Let’s consider the proposed approach for the formation of a formalized description of the transport system with respect to the UPT system. The transport network for the UPT is a street-road network (SRN) other city which is represented by the SRN-S (Z, W) graph, where Z is a finite non-empty set of districts (zones) of the city i Z, |Z| = n; Wis a set of arcs (often it is possible to consider edges) (i, j)  W, the weight (length) of which corresponds to the distance between i and j zones of the city on the SRN graph; | |W| = d, i, j= ,1 n ; n, d - are, respectively, the number of zones and edges on the graph of the SRN of S (Z, W). The route network of the UPT consists of a number of routes. Routes in the city are of different types. The type of the route is determined, as a rule, by the type of transport units carrying out the transportation on the route. k Each k-th route of the UPT is described by the sequence of passing the zones i , =1, nk in the

kkk k k k  iiiM i 1 = i forward direction before returning to the parking point 21 nk },...,,{ . Note that nk , that is, the initial and final zones in the description of route k coincide, since the path of any route Mk is a route round trip. Route numbers form a set: k  IM, m is a number of routes in the UPT network. Each route of urban passenger transport k  IM is characterized by a certain set of parameters. These include, first of all, general parameters: this is a number of transport units carrying out transportation on the route - ak; the time interval between transport units -k;; the length of the route -Lk (sometimes, in the case of routes with a complex configuration, it is more convenient to consider the length of the round trip). The second group is formed by the parameters characterizing the means of transport that carry out the transportation on the route - this is primarily the type of transport - k; the operational speed of transport 270 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 on the route -Vk (except for the operational one, more detailed parameters of the speed of movement can be considered); capacity of transport units - k. The transport interlink of districts of the city is characterized by potential flows of inhabitants moving between zones i and j of the city, such flows are usually called potential correspondence. The intensity of correspondence is given in the form of a matrix:  = || ij || whereij is the intensity of movement from zone i to zone j, i, j = 1, n , i, j  Z. The intensity of passenger flows on the transport route is also specified in the form of matrices. k k Elements of these matrices are real passenger traffic on each of the UPT routes - k: X = || x  ||, where k x  is the intensity of the passenger traffic from zone i to zone j on the route k; ,  = 1, nk ; nk is a number of zones in the trajectory of the route k  IM Elements of correspondence in the city are separate movements. Passengers when traveling between areas of the city use walking (individual) movement, as well as movement using the routes of the UPT. M k k M Route links on the UPT network will be denoted by h k=(i , i ), k  I , ; , = 1, n k . If we consider the route links of all routes cumulatively, then they form a multigraph of non-circular route links k k M(Z1, W1), where Z1is a set of city zones i Z1, |Z1| = n1, Z1 Z; W1is a set of direct route links (i , i )  W1. The arcs of graph M(Z1, W1) can be associated with weight values that express certain characteristics of the corresponding route link. The main characteristic is the time of travel. The total number of route links in the city will be denoted by |W1| = d1. Since in general the routes cannot pass through all zones of the city iZ, then n1 n. The power of the set of direct links, in sufficiently developed networks of UPTs, considerably exceeds the power of the set of links on the SRN, that is, d1 >> d. The passenger during his movement also makes possible switches, which is due to the lack of direct links between all pairs of zones i and j of the city on the SRN. Basic parameters. Considering the movements picture in general, it can be said that the movement of passengers between the zones of the city is carried out along competing routes (4) in accordance with a specific strategy of behavior (5). It is possible to single out a number of basic parameters of the paths of movement, that affect son choosing them by the population during their travels. This is, first of all, the time of movement, which includes time for walking and departure from the beginning and end of the movement; time for switch, time of travelling on the TU, time of waiting for maintenance. The second most important parameter of the path of movement is a number of switches that has to be made during the movement. In addition to these two parameters, the size of the payment for travel, the comfort of the vehicle that carries out transportation, security, etc. are included in the characteristics of the travel path. The procedure for the free distribution of correspondence ij to the RNUPT is performed in accordance with (6). Let us consider in more detail the representation of the elements which form the travel paths hkij, k= 1, N , Nis a number of paths between the zones of the city i, j. Let’s give the definition of the basic elements of the movement path. The pedestrian link between zones i and j on the TN reflects the possibility of the corresponding type of movement, when the correspondence elements ij are implemented. The main parameter of such a link is the time of movement. We will denote the pedestrian (individual) travel routes by

И И h ij = {i, j; t ij}; i, j = ,1 n , i, j  Z , (9)

И И where t ijis the time of individual movement from point ito point j; t ij = , if between points i and j there is no possibility of walking in the TN. One can limit the possibility of walking movement, first of all, by allowable distance between the corresponding zones. Between the zones I and j on the TN, in the general case, there can be several individual links, so we will consider the set of individual links: И И И H ij: h ijH ij. (10) И И The individual relationship h ii = {i, i; t ii}defines the possibilities of get the route stops in zone i; И t iiis the average time get the TN stop in zone i, i=1, n , i Z.

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M k k The route link h k = (i , i )corresponds to a trip made by correspondence elements on a certain transport route - k without a switch, we will denote it by M M h k = {k, , ; t k}, (11) M where and  are the numbers of the initial and final zones of the k-th route; t kis the travel time on M link(,)k. Let’s denote by H ij the set of all route links between zones I and j with use of all possible M M routes: h kH ij. The route-individual link between the zones of the city I and j is a link that is a combination of some M k И route link h k, i = i and then an individual link h j: MИ MИ h kj = {, j; t kj; k, , }, (12) MИ MИ where t kij is time of movement on the route-individual link h kij;  and are initial and final indices of the points of direct route link(, )k; k is a number of the TR that performs the link (, )k. Walking movement is implemented between points and j, information about the possibility of such movement is И given by the element h jis an individual link between points and j. MИ Let’s denote by H ij the set of all route-individual links connecting the zones I and j of the city in TN, i,j=1, n , i j; i,j Z. In general, between the zones i and j of the city there are several individual, route and route-indivi- dual links. We denote the set of individual links between all pairs of points i and j by

И И (13) H   H ij , ji a set of route (direct) links between all pairs of points and by

M M (14) H   H   a set of route-individual links between all pairs of points  and j by

M И M И (15) H   H  j  , j Let’s denote the set of admissible movement paths between zones i and j with a given number of p switches (of order p) by Н ij . To determine such paths, we introduce a special operation for gluing 1 together the paths - [10]. The non-transfer paths between zones i and j - Н ij (p = 1) will be determined by gluing together individual and route-individual links: 1 И МИ ij i   HHH  j . (16)

s In case if we form the movement paths of s-th order between all pairs of vertices i, Z - Н i  , we can obtain movement paths of orders+1by scheme:

s  1 s МИ H ij i   HH  j . (17) Thus, relations (16) and (17) define a recurrent scheme for obtaining movement paths between vertices i,jZof any order. For real transport systems, the permissible travel routes are of limited order. For example, for the UPT system, it is practically possible to consider paths of traveling above the 4th order (having three switches). We denote the higher order of the considered paths qм, then the whole set of movement paths connecting the vertices i and j is defined as

272 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

 q М  H  H И  H S  ij ij  ij  , (18)  S  1  but the whole set of paths is

H   H ij (19) , ji We now define the gluing operation by , used to form the movement paths in the city. To generate a database of transportation routes, the street-road network graph and information on the routes of the UPT are used. At the preparatory stage, the graphs of pedestrian and route-pedestrian links in the city are formed. Database of transportation routes. For the further formation of the database, a multigraph of route- pedestrian links is used, the arcs of which are “glued together” with pedestrian paths, and then with paths of the first and any other order. Thus, the arcs of the movement paths multigraph are formed between all pairs of vertices corresponding to the transport zones of the city. The set of these arcs can be significantly limited, taking into account the actual behavior of the population of the city when traveling. First of all, the path of movement can be considered permissible if the number of switches performed on it is not greater than a certain maximum value of qМ. In developed urban transport systems, qМ can be taken as equal to two for cities up to a million inhabitants and equal to three for large cities. It is a quite justified requirement that the travel time tkij shall be different from the minimum possible travel time between M M zones I and j - t ijby not more than  times: tkijt ij. It is also necessary that the routes sequence used in the travel route is elementary (the UPT route numbers should not be repeated). The path shall also be elementary, however, pedestrian transitions within one zone are permissible. This means that the following equalities are possible:

i ql j 1  ll 1 ,1,1,, q 

Obviously, for the sequencei 11  qq ,,,...,,, j , we can formulate a number of other natural limitations that describe the processes of movement in a particular city and which are in fact constants of self-organization of the transport system of the city[4]. q1 In order to obtain a set of arcshij , aggregates are taken and route-pedestrian links from the collection are attached to them. The gluing operation  can be defined as follows:

 s 1 kkqti q 11 qq   ktj  );;;,(),,...,,;,...,;;;,( 

  kkkqttji  if  s  1 q  11 qq  ),,,,,...,,;,,...,;1;;,(   M M (20) 1 s   ij  q kkktttqq  ),,...,(  elementary sequence  1     i  j),,,,,...,,,(  elementary path.  11 qq     otherwise .  The final stage in the formation of a database of movementpaths is the unification of data on the paths

п 4321 contained in arrays of pedestrian, non-stop and other paths: ij ,,,, ННННН ijijijij , and the creation of an array  НН ij , records of which describe the arcs of the multigraph of links between the transport zones of the city.

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Conclusion. The proposed method for describing the transportation process in a routed transport system, whose main element is formation of the database of transportation routes in the city, it makes possible to divide the modeling of the processes of servicing passenger traffic on routes. This, along with the developed queuing models on the route, allows to obtain more detailed characteristics of the movement processes in the transport system in comparison with the known methods. Acknowledgements. This work carried out in the framework of the project IRN AP05133699 “Research and development of innovative information and telecommunication technologies using modern cyber-technical means for the intellectual transport system of the city”.

В. В. Яворский, И. Т. Утепбергенов, О. Ж. Мамырбаев, А. Т. Ахмедиярова

Ақпараттық және есептеуіш технологиялар институты, Алматы, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Мақалада қаладағы жолаушылар көлігі маршрутында қызмет көрсету процестерін сипат- тауға және жол қозғалысын басқаруды жақсарту туралы шешім қабылдауға қажетті қалалардағы қозғалыс процестерін сипаттауға арналған математикалық модельдер қарастырылады. Қалада жол жүретін барлық рұқсат етілген маршруттардың дерекқорын құру ұсынылады. Қаланың кез-келген аудандарының арасында көптеген бәсекелес маршруттар бар. Ұсынылған жолдарды қалыптастыру алгоритмінің мәні көліктік байла- ныстардың типтік мультиграфтарын құру болып табылады. Әзірленген тәсіл маршруттар бойынша жолау- шыларға қызмет көрсету процестерін модельдеуді ажыратуға мүмкіндік береді. Бұл маршруттағы жаппай қызмет көрсетудің дамыған үлгілерімен қатар, белгілі әдістермен салыстырғанда, көлік жүйесіндегі қозғалыс процестерінің сипаттамаларын алуға мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: қалалық жолаушылар көлігі, көлік желісі, маршруттық желі, маршруттық байланыс, қоз- ғалыс бағыттарының мультиграфы, көліктік мәлімет алмасу, маршрутты таңдау стратегиясы.

В. В. Яворский, И. Т. Утепбергенов, О. Ж. Мамырбаев, А. Т. Ахмедиярова

Институт информационных и вычислительных технологий, Алматы, Казахстан


Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются математические модели для описания процессов движения в городах, которые необходимы для описания процессов обслуживания на маршрутном городском пассажир- ском транспорте и принятия решений по совершенствованию управления движением транспорта. Предла- гается создать базу данных всех допустимых путей движения в городе. Есть много конкурирующих марш- рутов между любой парой городских районов. Предложен алгоритм формирования путей, суть которого заключается в построении типовых мультиграфов транспортных связей. Разработанный подход позволяет разделить моделирование процессов обслуживания пассажирских перевозок на маршрутах. Это, наряду с разработанными моделями массового обслуживания на маршруте, позволяет получить более детальные характеристики процессов движения в транспортной системе по сравнению с известными способами. Ключевые слова: городской пассажирский транспорт, транспортная сеть, маршрутная сеть, маршрут- ная связь, мультиграф путей движения, транспортная переписка, стратегия выбора маршрута.

274 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Information about authors: Yavorsky V. V., Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; yavorskiy-v- [email protected]; Utepbergenov I. T., Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Mamyrbayev O. Zh., Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Akhmediyarova A. T., Institute of Information and Computational Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 621.878.879 MRNTI 55.55.31

Аndrey Saveliev1, Mikhail Zhileykin1, Valeria Mikhailovskaya1, Mikhail Doudkin2, Alina Kim2, Marek Mlynczak3, Gennadiy Kustarev4, Vladimir Grib4

1Bauman State Technical University, Moscow, Russia, 2D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, Kazakhstan, 3Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland, 4Moscow automobile and road construction state technical university, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]


Abstract. The auto grader is a road machine in which its working bodies always work under conditions of critical loads on the metal structure and attachment points for components and parts. They are affected by hit, twist, kink, static and dynamic loads. Developed in this work, the 3D model for determining the limiting states of metal structures of the grader and mathematical model for determining the efforts arising on the working body and wheels during the grader operation allow comparing new designs of auto graders with traditional serial ones and evaluating the stress-strain state of their metal structures depending on the design positions. The article presents a method for determining external power factors on the working body and the auto grader engine and their influence on the stress-strain state of the metal structure of auto grader. This technique allows finding and evaluate more realistic design positions and loads on the grader nodes in addition to already adopted. Key words: auto grader, auto grader 3D model, auto grader mathematical model, auto grader stress-strain state, calculated positions of the auto grader, additional calculated positions of the auto grader.

1. Introduction. The active development of transport infrastructure, the growth of construction of residential and commercial real estate, increases the demand for road construction equipment. The need to improve the design of newly created technology is due to fierce competition from the outside and the desire to conform to the level of world technical progress. Therefore, the identification of new rational forms and methods of fastening and the location of units and structures of road-building machines by simulating their stress-deformable state is an important and urgent task. The research results and solutions to this issue may be different, for example, the modernization of existing equipment, made according to traditional mounting and assembly schemes, or the creation and implementation of fundamentally new machines and equipment with better characteristics. The purpose of the work is to optimize the design of the auto grader working equipment in terms of reducing the load on metal structure. Well-known research optimization design of bulldozers [2], which describes how due to optimal location of the working equipment hinges of the bulldozers was achieved a significant effect from a technical point of view, and from an economic one. The methodology of these studies was taken as the basis of the newly developed algorithm for finding critical loads in the nodes of the auto graders metal structure.

276 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The effect of stress reduction is achieved by reducing the bending moments in the steel structure of the grader, which is achieved by a certain arrangement of working equipment elements relative to other nodes. The research objective is to determine and reduce the operational loads on the metal structure of the auto grader working equipment by rational re-assembling its units. Arrange in the same plane, passing through the axis of symmetry of the turntable, the blade cutting edge and the axis of hydraulic cylinder carrying out the pull frame (figure 1).

Figure 1 – Fastening scheme of the working equipment of the auto grader: 1- propulsion; 2 - podmotornaya frame; 3 - spinal beam; 4 - traction frame; 5 - turn circle; 6 - blade; 7 - hydraulic cylinders for raising / lowering the traction frame; 9 - hydraulic ram traction frame

The auto grader strength calculation is carried out according to the design provisions [1]. The search for additional design positions is reduced to finding the maximum of the goal function. In general:

𝜎𝑓𝑋,𝑋,…,𝑋,…,𝑋 where 𝜎 – equivalent stress at the most loaded point of the section; 𝑋,…,𝑋 – variables of external forces; moments; parameters characterizing the position of the working body (cutting angle, angle of capture, folding angle of the articulated frame, etc.). In this case, the goal function is

𝜎𝑓𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,…,𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,𝐺,𝐺,𝜑,𝜑,𝑓,𝑚,𝑛,𝛼,𝛽,𝛾,𝜃 where 𝐺 – part of the auto grader weight, falling on the rear truck; 𝐺р – part of the auto grader weight, falling on the front axle; 𝑓 – rolling resistance coefficient; 𝜑р – longitudinal traction coefficient; 𝜑 – lateral adhesion coefficient; 𝛼 – angle of capture; 𝛽 – angle of inclination; 𝛾 – cutting angle; 𝜃 – folding angle of the frame; 𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,…,𝑃,𝑃,𝑃 – normal ground reactions of all wheels of the grader. 2. Materials and methods. To determine the position of the auto grader working body, it is needed to calculate the reactions on its wheels. According to the existing standards, the calculation of the steel structure of the auto grader for strength is made in three design positions, therefore, the reactions on the wheels are found from the equilibrium equations of the spatial force system. To solve the equations (figure 2), we write the following equations: O : φ ∗G G ∗f P 0;

O: R R G G 0;

M: R ∗ l m R ∗mG ∗mG ∗ l m 0; When solving equations in the program Mathcad, the research results are:

𝑅 102,5 𝑘𝑁; 𝑅 43,5 𝑘𝑁;𝑃 65,5 𝑘𝑁. After that it is needed to recount𝑅,𝑅on all wheel reaction 𝑃,𝑃,𝑃,…,𝑃,𝑃,𝑃.

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Figure 2 – Estimated scheme of application of loads on the motor grader

The resulting equations do not take into account the force of inertia, because the influence of inertial and static loads is spaced apart in time. To confirm this, let us consider the oscillogram shown in figure 3, obtained during the experiment with the impact of the grader’s blade into a hard obstacle [2].

Figure 3 – Oscillogram of the impact by the center of the grader’s blade into an insurmountable obstacle

The oscillogram shows that when the grader dumps into an insurmountable obstacle, peak loads first reach dynamic loads, and then the process of increasing static loads begins. They do not occur simul- taneously, but one after the other. Thus, it is impossible to take into account the effect of static and dynamic loads at a time. It takes into account their influence separately, and then choose which of them is the most dangerous. Inertia force is calculated using the formula:

𝑃 𝑘 1 ∗𝜀∗𝐺 43,5 𝑘𝑁. where 𝜀 – adhesion coefficient. Let us considering the calculation of objects only in statics insufficient, since it will be characterized by low accuracy of the results obtained and the conditions reflected. When calculating in statics, the change in the adhesion coefficient of the wheels to the ground, vibrations of tires, the resonance of the structural elements, the mutual influence of the structural elements on each other, the redistribution of loads under off-center loading and are not taken into account and etc.

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As an example, we will describe one of the drawbacks of such a static calculation. When the calculation is carried out using the static equations, the reaction of the soil from the interaction with the wheel is applied along the axis of the wheel, perpendicular to the support surface, but in reality this is not always the case. Because of the irregularities of the support surface, the contact is different at each moment of time and not always symmetrical, hence the reaction from this contact acting on the wheels is often not directed along the axis of the wheel and not perpendicular to the supporting surface, as is the case in an idealized situation. 3. Model. Taking into account the shortcomings of the traditional method, it was decided to create a tool using the simulation in the MATLAB program, which would allow receiving the loads that occur during the entire work, as close as possible to the actual conditions. Objects of modeling: the profile of the support surface, working environment – soil, machine design, engine, transmission, wheels, “driver”, machine operation modes – transport, technological and impact. Below will be described only some of the presented model objects in detail. 4. Modeling of ground profile. Behavior of the machine during the impact depends not only on its rigidity, the application place of the impact force, the magnitude of this force, but in most cases is determined by the machine adhesion to the supporting surface. As already described above, the design calculation in statics does not allow obtaining adequate values of support surface reactions and adhesion coefficient values, because at each moment in time they are different in direction and magnitude, and depends on many factors, one of which is the road profile. The MATLAB program has a generator unit of a normally distributed random signal, each time a program is started, a process called “white noise” is generated (figure 4a). From the blocks, a system of first order differential equations (2) is assembled, which can be transformed into a second order differential equation (1) [4]. 𝑞 2∗𝛼 ∗𝑞 𝑏 ∗𝑞 𝐾∗𝑥; 𝑏 ∗𝑥; (1) 𝐾∗𝑏∗𝑥 𝑏 ∗𝑞 ; (2) 𝐾∗𝑥 2∗𝑞 ∗𝑞 𝑓 ; 𝑏 𝛼 𝛽 ; (3)

∗ ∗ 𝐾 ; ∗ (4) ; Δ

𝛼 𝛼 ∗𝜈; 𝛽 𝛽 ∗𝜈; (5) where Δt – the time interval for which the car traveled the path; 𝑞 – ordinate of the road profile; 𝑥; – “White noise” with a mathematical expectation of zero and a variance of one; 𝜈 – the machine speed.

a b

Figure 4 – White noise (a) and the real profile at the filter output (b)

The solution of differential equations (2) allows obtaining the value of the ordinates of the desired profile of the support surface (figure 4, b).

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The pink curve is obtained at the output of the second-order differential equation (from the shaping filter), and the lilac line is transformation of the cross-sectional profile of the road surface due to smoothing of disturbances (because the tire has its damping ability and contact patch of course). Those, the signal passes through another differential equation (a filter simulating the smoothing ability). And the model of the motor grader itself works taking into account the lilac line; it is the final result. Thus, system (2) has the meaning of a shaping filter, which cuts a profile from the incoming signal - white noise coming to it, in accordance with the given coefficients of the initial data. The initial data determining the profile of the roadway: 𝐷 is the dispersion of the roughness of the road surface, l is the length of the track; 𝛼,𝛽 - coefficients characterizing the degree of irregularity of the road profile. 5. Wheel modeling. When determining real loads (figure 5), there is always a mismatch between the current and given speed in the mathematical model due to the fact that the support base profile is not constant, and the resistance that occurs when wheels interact with the support surface will always be different. ∑ 𝛼 – the angle at which the resultant interaction reaction of the wheel with the support ∑ base is located. The program splits the deformable part of the wheel into sectors with an angle 𝛼. On each side of the sector, the overlap 𝑑𝑟 is determined and the equivalent angle is calculated by the formula. Next, it is important to project the tangential and radial components on the coordinate axes and get reactions on the wheels.

Figure 5 – Calculation diagram of the elastic wheel [4]

6. Modeling design. The visualization of the machine design is shown in figures 6 and 7. The machine itself is a collection of absolutely rigid, non-deformable bodies connected by hinges. Each hinge contains the coordinate axes and centers of mass of the bodies, also described by their coordinates. The definition of the relative position of the structural elements is a description of the location of all these coordinate axes, relative to the base coordinate system. In addition to the coordinates for each body, the inertia tensor and mass are specified.

Figure 6 – Mathematical model of the auto grader top view

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Figure 7 – Mathematical model of the auto grader in isometric view

7. Modeling modes of operation. To simulate the technological mode of operation, we will mathematically set the forces arising on the heap during “slaughter”.

𝑊о 𝑊р 𝑊 𝑊в 𝑊т 𝑊 where 𝑊р – cutting resistance;𝑊 – resistance to movement of theground prism in front of the blade; 𝑊в – resistance to movement of the groung up the dump;𝑊т – resistance to grader movement;𝑊 – resistance to friction of the grader’s knife against the ground. To simulate the situation of the grader’s blade impact into an insurmountable obstacle, Newton’s second law formula, written in the form of a force impulse, is used (figure 8). 𝐹⃗ ∗ Δ𝑡𝑀∗𝑉⃗ And in the form of a function, the change of impact force over time was recorded. The metal structure strength of the grader is determined by the calculation of the main, random and emergency loads. Existing regulations consider three design provisions [1]: 1) the end of the cutting, the front axle is hung and rests on the ditch edge, the rear wheels are stalled, the work is done on a cross slope with angle λ; 2) hitting the blade edge, pushed to the side, on an insurmountable obstacle; 3) auto grader in transport mode, there are vertical and horizontal loads Figure 8 – A sequence diagram from the mass of the nodes. of the change in time Modern auto graders are exploited more intensively and in a much of the shock force more aggressive environment. By virtue of high-quality hydraulic system, powerful engines, the availability of all-wheel drive and ease of control, they began to have greater maneuverability and the range of categories of soil development increased. Therefore, the existing calculation, including the above design positions, cannot reflect all possible loads acting on the motor grader and, if an unaccounted load appears at any positions, this will affect the quality of operation and, possibly, the durability of the steel structure. Therefore, it is necessary to include additional design provisions in the calculation of the auto grader, the analysis of which will give a more complete picture of the stress-strain state of its metal structure in any working position. In this work, figures 1 and 2 show the estimated position of the grader in transport mode, at a speed of 10 km/h, and it hits the dump edge on an insurmountable and absolutely rigid obstacle. It is precisely this position that is chosen here because it is more often realized in life. For example, when the auto grader is passed from site to site, and because this position where dangerous stresses arise that leads to the destruction of the metal structure. Firstly, it is needed to find the reaction on the wheels and select the mode of operation, in this case it refers to clearing, and not to profiling. When running a mathematical model, the greatest effort on the blade is obtained: 𝑃 12∙10 𝑁 (figure 9). To determine the magnitude of the voltage reduction in the grader steel structure during its operation, the analysis on 3D models made in the Solid Works program is done. Consider two models, the traditional and the new, working in the same conditions, with the same design position described above.

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Figure 9 – Graph of force change on the blade at impact

There is an application of force values on the blade and reaction on wheels in the finite-element model of the auto grader obtained at the start of the mathematical model. To begin with, there is a comparison the maximum stresses in calculating models with the basic and new designs (table).

Voltages in the base and new designs of the auto grader at the described design position

Base design New design 15348,5 МPa 12672,2 МPa

Maximum stresses decreased by 17% when using a new design. Then, there is a stress state comparison of the base (figure 10) and the new (figure 11) design, stress state of the working equipment of the base (figure 12) and the new (figure 13) design.

Figure 10 – The stress state of the basic structure

Figure 11 – Stress state of new construction

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Figure 12 – The stress state of the working equipment of the grader basic design

Figure 13 – The stress state of the working equipment of the new grader design

The stress state of the mounting bracket for hydraulic cylinders of the basic (figure 14) and the new (figure 15) design of the motor grader. In figures 12, 13, 14 and 15 black oval marked places where there are dangerous voltages (high- lighted in red) in the basic design and where they are no longer in the new design (highlighted in green, blue). According to the illustrations, the proposed solution by locating the cutting edge of blade and axle of the outrigger hydraulic cylinder (figure 1) in one plane can significantly reduce stresses and, in some elements, even prevent destruction, with minimal cost to upgrade the structure. Also, as proof of the fact that the stresses on the 3D models of the grader are obtained in those parts of the steel structure where breakdowns actually occur during the operation of the machine, practice example is given (figure 16). Figure 16 shows the crack welded by electric arc welding on the hydraulic cylinder mounting bracket, caused by unregistered real loads during the operation of the auto grader.

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Figure 14 – Stress state of the mounting bracket of hydraulic cylinders of the grader basic design

Figure 15 – Stress state of the mounting bracket of hydraulic cylinders of the grader new design

Figure 16 – Welded crack on the mounting bracket of the grader hydraulic rams, caused by unaccounted real loads 284 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

8. Conclusion. 1. In order to increase the strength and durability of the grader metal structure and determine critically loaded nodes and fasteners in standard calculations it is necessary to further consider the actual and calculated positions of the working bodies. For example, changing the wheels adhesion coefficient to the ground during movement, redistribution of loads under non-central loading, etc., this will allow more fully taking into account the effect on the machine processes that are not taken into account in the static calculation. 2. The results obtained in mathematical modeling, such as reactions on the machine wheels, can complement the finite element model and perform strength calculations of the stress-strain state of the motor grader’s structure, which will give more real stresses in the critical components of the structure. 3. Stresses obtained and considered using models should be checked on a full-scale sample to ensure the reliability of the created tool. According to the research results, it is possible to give appropriate recommendations to the manufacturers of road machinery.

А. Г. Савельев, М. М. Жилейкин, В. А. Михайловская, М. В. Дудкин, А. И. Ким, Марек Млынчак, Г. В. Кустарев


Аннотация. Автогрейдер – жол машинасы, онда оның жұмыс органдары металл конструкциясына және тораптар мен бөлшектерді бекіту тораптарына қиын жүктеме жағдайында жұмыс істейді. Оларға соққы, бұрау, сыну, статикалық және динамикалық жүктемелер әсеретеді. Автогрейдер металлоконструкциялары- ның шекті жағдайын анықтауға арналған 3D модель және автогрейдер жұмысы кезінде жұмыс органында және дөңгелектерде пайда болатын күштерді анықтауға арналған математикалық модель автогрейдерлердің жаңа құрылымдарын дәстүрлі сериялық құрылымдар мен салыстыруға және есептік жағдайларға байла- нысты олардың металл конструкцияларының кернеулі-деформацияланған жағдайын бағалауға мүмкіндік береді. Жұмыста жұмыс органында және автогрейдер қозғағышында сыртқы күш факторларын анықтау әдіс- темесі және олардың автогрейдер металл конструкциясының кернеулі-деформацияланатын жай-күйіне әсері әзірленді. Бұл әдістеме автогрейдер тораптарына қабылданған қосымшане ғұрлымнақты есептеу жағдайлары мен жүктемелерін табуға және бағалауға мүмкіндік береді. Түйін сөздер: автогрейдер, автогрейдердің 3D моделі, автогрейдердіңматематикалықмоделі, автогрей- дердің кернеулі-деформацияланатын жағдайы, автогрейдердің есептік жағдайы, автогрейдердің қосымша есептік жағдайы.

А. Г. Савельев, М. М. Жилейкин, В. А. Михайловская, М. В. Дудкин, А. И. Ким, Марек Млынчак, Г. В. Кустарев


Аннотация. Автогрейдер – дорожная машина, в которой ее рабочие органы всегда работают в условиях критических нагрузок на металлоконструкцию и узлы крепления узлов и деталей. На них действуют удар, скручивание, излом, статические и динамические нагрузки. Разработанная в данной работе 3D-модель для определения предельных состояний металлоконструкций автогрейдера и математическая модель для опре- деления усилий, возникающих на рабочем органе и колесах при работе автогрейдера, позволяют сравнивать новые конструкции автогрейдеров с традиционными серийными и оценивать напряженно-деформированное состояние их металлоконструкций в зависимости от расчетных положений. В работе разработана методика определения внешних силовых факторов на рабочем органе и двигателе автогрейдера и, их влияние на напряженно-деформируемое состояние металлоконструкции автогрейдера. Эта методика позволяет находить и оценивать более реальные расчетные положения и нагрузки на узлы автогрейдера в дополнение к уже принятым. Ключевые слова: автогрейдер, 3D модель автогрейдера, математическая модель автогрейдера, напря- женно-деформируемое состояние автогрейдера, расчетные положения автогрейдера, дополнительные рас- четные положения автогрейдера.

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Information about authors: Saveliev Andrey Gennadievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, Russia; [email protected]; Zhileikin Mikhail Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Wheeled Machines department. N. E. Bauman MGTU them., Russia; [email protected]; Mikhailovskaya Valeria Alexandrovna, postgraduate student, N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia; [email protected]; Mikhail Vasilyevich Doudkin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at D. Serikbayev EKSTU, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Kim Alina Igorevna, PhD, associate professor of the department "Technological machines and transport" D. Serikbayev EKSTU, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Marek Mlynczak, Hab. Dr., professor of Wroclaw university of science and technology, Poland; [email protected]; Kustarev Gennady Vladimirovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor of the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, Russia; [email protected]; Grib V. V., Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, Russia; [email protected];

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UDC 633.491, 621.785

G. V. Novikova1, G. V. Zhdankin2, O. V. Mikhailova1, M. V. Belova1, V. G. Semenov3, D. A. Baimukanov4, K. Zh. Iskhan4, A. K. Karynbayev5

1State budgetary educational institution of higher education «Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and EconomicUniversity», Knyaginino, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia, 2Federalstate budgetary educational institution of higher education «Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy», Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 3Federalstate budgetary educational institution of higher «Chuvash State Agricultural Academy», Cheboksary, Russia, 4Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Kazakh National Agrarian University», Almaty, Kazakhstan, 5M. H. Dulati Taraz State University, Taraz, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. Two microwave installations have been developed with quasi-stationary resonators with rectangular and circular torus sections. In both installations in the condensing part of the resonator, there is an electro-gas- discharge lamp connected to the source of kilohertz frequency according to the D'Arsonval principle. Therefore, the installations provide a complex effect of electrophysical factors on raw materials, including the potato tubers and onion sets during preplant treatment.In the first installation with a quasistationary toroidal resonator of rectan- gularcross section in the condensing part, the distance between the walls is less than at the edges and not less than a quarter of the wavelength. The resonator is designed as coaxially arranged non-ferromagnetic cylinders, the lower bases of which form its condensing part, and the arrangement of the internal cylinder is adjustable in height. The annular space between the side walls of the cylinders on the top is closed with a non-ferromagnetic surface containing the nodes of the threaded height regulator of the internal cylinder. Inside the annular space, there is a cylinder, an air offtake and an electro-gas-discharge lamp connected to kilohertz frequency source. In the condensing part, there is a batcher. The emitters from magnetrons located on the side surface of the outer cylinder with a shift of 120 degrees are directed to the condensing part of the resonator. In the second installation, the toroidal resonator is represented in the form of a torus with a circular cross section and docked plane-parallel circular surfaces in the central part. Inside the torus is a dielectric grid conveyor. In the central part of the resonator, there is a rotating disk, over which a dielectric distributor is mounted.Emitters are directed into the torus, and electro-gas-discharge lamps connected to kilohertz frequency sources are directed into the condensing space. At the center of the resonator, a feed hopper is installed, and under the torus - an induction heater is mounted so that the segment of the bottom of the torus surface is its secondary winding. Keywords: ultrahigh frequency generator, quasi-stationary toroidal resonator, electro-gas-discharge lamps, kilohertz frequency source, induction heater.

Introduction. It is known that the treatment of onion sets before planting is carried out in order to avoid low germination, bacterial damage, and intensive “shooting”. Immediately before planting, onions are heated at a temperature of 35-40 °C for 10-12 hours. Further, phytosporinis used to suppress the development of pathogenic soil microflora. There is a way to warm the onion sets in hot water (45-50 °C) for 10-12 minutes and then in cold water, also 10-12 minutes, then treatment with pests and nutrient solutions. At the same time for uniform heating and cooling of onion sets in farms, it is necessary to have water heaters and additional mechanisms for mixing. 287 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

There is a method of preplanting treatment of onion sets in an electromagnetichigh-frequency field [1]. At the same time, high-frequency installations of periodic action and with fixed frequencies (27.12 MHz, 40.68 MHz) were used, where the working chamber is a condenser made of two parallel-arranged plates. Long-term laboratory and field studies of these authors on the application of electromagnetic high- frequency fields for preplanting treatment of onion-seed showed that there is an increase in sowing and productive indicators, improving product quality. In the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Stavropol State Agrarian University", there were received positive results of research on the preplanting treatment of onions with a pulsed electric field to improve their sowing qualities [2]. It is known that the yield of potatoes depends largely on the quality of sown tubers. Today, preplanting treatment is carried out with agricultural preparations for the prevention of diseases, pests, growth stimulation. Most often for disinfection these drugs are used: Maxim, Phytosporin-M, they are combined with other fungicides and growth stimulants. They protect the crop from diseases at all stages of growth, but do not exclude side effects on humans[3]. The positive results of electrophysical methods of processing products are known [4, 5, 6, 7]. For example, the electrophysical factors processing technology of potato tubers prevents the contamination of agricultural land and, without chemical intervention, makes more efficient the use of the capabilities of the potato tuber itself. Known methods of preplanting treatment of potato tubers with low-frequency (8-19 Hz) magnetic fields [8]. The installation contains an inductor, but the processing time at a frequency of 16 Hz reaches up to 15-20 min, which is a disadvantage. Conditions, materials, and research methods. The development of constructional design of cavity resonators was carried out on the basis of the analysis of electrophysical factors influencing the raw materials, based on the theory of the electromagnetic ultrahigh frequency field, induction heating and d'arsonvalization [9]. The object of the research is technological processes that ensure the prevention of potato tubers and onion sets from pests and growth stimulation; experimental samples of installations that implement the complex effect of electrophysical factors on raw materials in a continuous mode. The aim of preventive treatment of potato tubers and onion sets before planting by the complex effect of electrophysical factors is disinfection from a number of pests, activation of potato tuber cells to accelerate and promote their germination, with the exception of side effects on the physico-chemical composition of grown potatoes. Results and discussion. Below are described two developed microwave installations with toroidal resonators, providing complex effect of electrophysical factors on raw materials in continuous mode. The first installation. For disinfection from a number of pests, for activation of onion sets germi- nation and potato tubers in continuous mode in order to increase productive indicators, we suggest processing them before planting with a complex effect of the electromagnetic ultrahigh frequency field (EMUGFF) and corona discharge, which provides air ionization and ozonation. The implementation of the complex effect of these electrophysical factors is possible in the microwave installation with the quasistationary toroidal resonator [1, 2] of rectangularcross section, containing below-cutoff waveguides that ensure the observance of electromagnetic safety when moving onion sets through the resonator.An electro-gas-discharge lamp connected to kilohertz frequency source according to the D'Arsonval principle [12, 14] provides a corona discharge and radiation of a bactericidal flux of ultraviolet rays, moreover, this lamp filled with argon or neon and located in the electromagnetic ultrahigh frequency field coronates more powerfully. The technological task of development is the preplanting treatment of vegetable crops in order to increase their sowing and productive indicators by the complex effect of electrophysical factors in continuous mode with the provision of high electric field intensity and ozonation for decontamination of raw materials and compliance with electromagnetic safety. The microwave installation (figure 1) for preplanting processing of vegetable crops consists of the vertically located quasistationary toroidal resonator 1 with a rectangular cross section. It is known that the shape of the profile of the toroidal resonator determines the structure of the excitable electromagnetic fields. The electric field is mainly concentrated in the condensing part of the resonator, where the distance between the walls is small, i.e. this part of the resonator is capacitive in effect. The magnetic field energy is concentrated in the periphery part of the resonator (in the torus) [10]. 288 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

а) б)

в) г)

Figure 1 – Microwave installation for preplanting processing of onion sets in continuous mode: а, б) schematic illustration of the front view andА-А; в, г) space image of the installation in the section and batcher; 1 – quasistationary toroidal resonator; 2 – dielectric cylinder for feeding raw materials; 3 – condensing part of the quasistationary toroidal resonator; 4 – magnetrons with emitters; 5 – batcher with radially located dielectric scrapers; 6 – discharge opening with the below-cutoff waveguide in the form of a regular triangular prism; 7 – drive shaft of the scraper batcher; 8 – raw material; 9 – circular electro-gas-discharge lamp; 10 – kilohertz frequency source; 11 – dielectric air offtake; 12 – threaded height regulator of the internal cylinder; 13 – below-cutoff waveguide of circular section

The annular space between the side walls of the cylinders is on top closed with a flat surface, where there are openings for the dielectric air offtake 11 and for the below-cutoff waveguide 13 joined with the dielectric cylinder 2. Inside the annular space, there is the dielectric cylinder 2, the dielectric air offtake 11 and the circular electro-gas-discharge lamp 9. This lamp has the ring form is put on the inner cylinder with a gap between them at the level of its base.The electro-gas-discharge lamp 9 is connected to kilohertz frequency source 10, located on the side surface of the inner cylinder, from the inside. In the condensing part, there is the batcher 5 with radially located scrapers, mounted on the shaft 7 of the electric motor coaxially with the base of the outer cylinder, where there is the discharge opening 6 in the form of a sector. The below-cutoff waveguide in the form of the regular triangular prism is docked to the discharge opening. The emitters from magnetrons 4, located on the side surface of the outer cylinder with a shift of 120 degrees, are directed to the condensing part of the resonator, where there is raw material 8. The capacity of the condensing part of the resonator is regulated by changing the vertical position of the internal cylinder. 289 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For this, there is a threaded height regulator for the lift of the inner cylinder 12. In this case, the electric field intensity is adjusted by changing the distance between the bases of the non-ferromagnetic cylinders. The technical process of preplanting processing of potato tubers or onion sets is as follows. Turn on the drive of the air offtake 11 and the batcher 5 with dielectric scrapers. Set a certain distance between the bases of the cylinders, calibrated to the required value of the electric field intensity, sufficient for disinfecting onion sets or potato tubers.Turn on the kilohertz frequency source 10, after which due to the occurrence of corona discharge between the side surface of the inner cylinder and the electro-gas- discharge lamp 9, the air ionization occurs, ozonation, the lamp will be a source of ultraviolet rays of the "C" area. Next, turn on the conveyor to feed the raw material into the dielectric cylinder 2 through the below-cutoff waveguide 13 of circularcross section. Turn on the ultrahigh frequency generators 4.When the raw material enters the condensing part 3 of the quasi-stationary resonator 1, it is exposed to the electromagnetic ultrahigh frequency field in the process of moving with the scraper batcher, it is heated (up to 35-40 °C), disinfected due to the high electric field intensity (above 1.5 kV/cm), as well as ozonization and bactericidal action of ultraviolet rays. Moreover, the electric field intensity is adjusted by changing the distance between the bases of non- ferromagnetic cylinders using a threaded height regulator of the inner cylinder lift 12. After one turn of the shaft of the electric drive 7 of the scraper batcher, the processed raw material 8 is poured out through the discharge opening 6 and the below-cutoff waveguide in the form of the triangular prism. Through the air offtake 11, dust, husks, others are removed. The technical process of preplanting treatment of onion sets or tubers of seed potatoes goes is underway in continuous mode. During the operation of the kilohertz frequency source (by D'Arsonval principle), impulse high voltage and low power currents affect the raw materials. The current passes through the electro-gas- discharge lamp. Between the lamp and the side surface of the inner cylinder, there is a corona discharge of different intensity depending on the gap between them (0.5-2 cm). Herewith, there is a release of ozone and air ionization, a formation of ultraviolet rays. The current on the electro-gas-discharge lamp is not more than 0.2 mA, the voltage is 12-15 kV, the pulse frequency is 110 kHz [14]. The released ozone and ultraviolet rays of the “C” area have a bactericidal effect. Bacteria and microorganisms present in the treated seeds die. With the complex effect of various electrophysical factors, the cells of potato tubers and onion sets are activated, which increases the germination energy, germination, growth force and yield.When designing the quasistationary toroidal resonator for operation in continuous mode, it is necessary to strive to reduce the equivalent capacitance at a given resonant frequency and increase the equivalent inductance (toroidal surface). In this case, the loss of microwave energy in the toroidal resonator is reduced, and the efficiency increases [10]. Low radiation losses due to the presence of below-cutoff waveguides and losses in the walls of the quasi-stationary toroidal resonator made of aluminum lead to the fact that this resonator in the microwave range has a high-quality factor of its own. The second installation for preplanting treatment of potato tubers or onion sets by electrophysical factors (figure 2) consists of the toroidal resonator 1, made in the form of the circular torus, the average perimeter of which is a multiple of half the wavelength. The middle part of the toroidal resonator is made of two plane-parallel circular planes, forming the condensing space 13.In this space, the disk 5 is installed

Figure 2 – Installation for preplanting treatment of potato tubers with exposure by electrophysical factors: 1 – toroidal resonator; 2 – microwave energy emitters; 3 – induction heater; 4 – dielectric grid conveyor; 5 – rotating disk; 6 – dielectric distributor of tubers; 7 – driving pulley; 8 – driven pulley for the grid conveyor drive; 9 – dielectric scrapers for waste unloading; 10 – unloading window for tubers; 11 – discharge dielectric limiter; 12 – kilohertz frequency sources;13 – condensing space; 14 – filling hopper;15 – window for discharging waste

290 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 coaxially with the resonator, which is driven by the electric motor. Above the disk 5 is rigidly installed dielectric distributor of tubers 6 in the form of a streamlined surface. Through the upper circular plane, detachable electro-gas-discharge lamps fed from the kilohertz frequency sources 12 are directed uniformly around the perimeter into the condensing space. Electro-gas-discharge lamps are surrounded by the grid that protects from the impact of tubers. In the center of the same circular plane, the filling hopper 14 is installed. Microwave energy emitters 2 from magnetrons are directed through the surface of the torus. They are located with a shift of 120 degrees in order not to disrupt the operation of neighboring magnetrons. Inside the torus, the conveyor 4 and the scrapers 9 move by means of the driven pulley 8 and the drive gear mounted on the shaft.The discharge dielectric limiter 11 is rigidly fixed above the conveyor, directing the potato tubers to the window 10 with the below-cutoff waveguide. The fluoroplastic scrapers 9 mounted under the conveyor move with it, and they are intended for discharging waste from the torus through the window 15 and the below-cutoff waveguide. The induction heater 3 is installed under the torus, and the torus segment above it performs the secondary winding of the inductor [11]. So, the installation contains three different sources of electromagnetic radiation: - ultrahigh frequency generators (main nodes - magnetron, emitter); - induction heater (primary winding and torus segment); - kilohertz frequency sources (generator and electro-gas-discharge lamps) that generate high- frequency alternating impulse current with high voltage, the value of which is in the range of 2-15 kV, current frequency - 110 kHz [12]. The technical process of preplanting processing of potato tubers is as follows. Load the potato tubers into the hopper 14. Turn on the electric drive of the disk 5, then the driven pulley 8 rotates by means of the driving pulley, driving the conveyor 4 and the scrapers 9. Turn on the kilohertz frequency sources 12 and induction heater 3, then ultrahigh frequency generators, emitters 2 of which excite in the EMUHFF toroidal resonator. A traveling wave with the 2450 MHz frequency is excited in the toroidal resonator, and under the influence of the EMUHFF, the potato tubers endogenously heat up to 35 °C, which accelerates the enzymatic activity of the tubers, thereby increasing their germination. In the condensing space, the electric field intensity is high enough (more than 2 kV/cm), which ensures the prevention of potato tuber from diseases and pests. Electro-gas-discharge lamps 12 are at a distance of several millimeters (3-5 mm) from the tubers. In this case, a small electrical discharge arises between the lamps and tubers, which accelerates biochemical reactions, saturates the tubers with oxygen, increases the elasticity of the tuber's jacket and its permeability [2]. The electric discharge has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic (delayed multiplication of bacteria) action. Discharges produce ozone with a disinfecting effect.The conversion of high-voltage voltage to the corona discharge of the required force is due to the electro-gas-discharge lamps. Complex physical and electrochemical processes with the participation of inert gases in the lamp can produce several factors. Inert gas acquires the properties of the electrical conductor, then through a layer of air between the lamp and the tubers of potatoes, through the potatoes and the disk 5 is closed to the ground. As a result, the corona discharge occurs, therefore, ozone, heat and ultraviolet radiation are released in the condensing space 13. This whole complex of factors contributes to the activation of potato tuber cells, which allows them to accelerate and increase their germination. Because of the fact that induction heaters are installed under the torus bottom segment, the electromagnetic coil (primary winding) generates a magnetic field, and the torus surface bottom segment made of ferromagnetic material with a size of at least 70% of the surface of the induction cooker is heated by eddy currents. When there are pests, separated by the conveyor grid 4, by means of mobile fluoroplastic scrapers 9 to the heated torus segment, they are destroyed by a thermal burn and are output through the discharge window 15 and the below-cutoff waveguide. The choice of modes of factors influence depends on the type and maturity of potatoes or onion sets. The use of such an installation with different electrophysical factors will allow to obtain environmentally friendly products that meet all the requirements of the standards. This installation is recommended for preplanting processing of potato tubers no larger than 6 cm. This is connected with the provision of the high electric field intensity in the condensing space, the depth of a centimeter wave penetration into the

291 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan potato tubers, and also the simplification of the design of the below-cutoff waveguides. They are provided in the unloading windows 10 and 15. Uniform heating of the tubers and continuous operation of the installation is ensured by transporting in the torus with the help of the grid conveyor. The technical specifications of the installation for preplanting treatment of potato tubers by the complex effect of electrophysical factors are given in table.

Installation specifications

Item Capacity, kg/h 250-300 Microwave generator power, kW 3.6 kilohertz frequency sources power, kW 0.225 Induction heater power at a heating temperature of 150 °C, kW 1.0 Power of motor reducer ESTA -6.3/12.5 0.043 for the conveyor drive, 2.4/4.8 r/min Installation capacity, kW 4.9 Specific energy costs, kW∙h/kg 0.015-0.2

Conclusions. Using the proposed installation, with the capacity of up to 300 kg/h,it is possible to handle the entire volume of potato tubers in farms before planting. Studies show that the duration of the effect from the complex impact of electrophysical factors is up to 6 days. Consequently, it is possible to carry out preplanting treatment of up to 20 tons of potato tubers, no larger than 6 cm in size, using one such installation, at specific energy costs of up to 0.2 kW*h/kg. The developed installations contain various sources of electromagnetic radiation.: - ultrahigh frequency generators, providing endogenous heating of planting material and prevention of diseases and pests; induction heater for the destruction of pests by means of thermal burns; high- frequency (110 kHz) alternating impulse current generators with high voltage (up to 15 kV) and electro- gas-discharge lamps, which accelerate biochemical reactions and disinfect the raw material due to ozonation. This whole complex of energy sources contributes to the activation of sown and productive indicators of vegetables. Using a new method of preplanting treatment of onion sets and potato tubers can increase crop yields by up to 15% and improve product quality, increase hygienic safety requirements of the product, therefore, the developed installations are recommended for use in farms.

Г. В. Новикова1, Г. В. Жданкин2, О. В. Михайлова1, М. В. Белова1, В. Г. Семенов3, Д. А. Баймұқанов4, К. Ж. Исхан4, А. К. Қарынбаев5

1Жоғары білім берудің мемлекеттік бюджеттік білім беру мекемесі «Нижегород мемлекеттік инженерлік-экономикалық университеті» Нижегород облысы, Княгинино, Ресей, 2Жоғары білім берудің федералдық мемлекеттік бюджеттік білім беру мекемесі «Нижний Новгород мемлекеттік ауылшаруашылық академиясы», Нижний Новгород, Ресей, 3Жоғары білім берудің федералдық мемлекеттік бюджеттік білім беру мекемесі «Чуваш мемлекеттік ауылшаруашылық академиясы», Чебоксары, Ресей, 4 «Қазақ ұлттық аграрлық университеті» коммерциялық емес акционерлік қоғамы, Алматы, Қазақстан, 5М. Х. Дулати атындағыТараз мемлекеттік университеті, Тараз, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Төрт бұрышты және дөңгелек қимасы бар квази стационарлық резонаторлармен екі мик- ротолқынды қондырғылар әзірленді . Екі қондырғыда да резонатордың конденсатор бөлігінде Дарсонваль қағидасына сәйкес килогерц жиілігінің көзіне қосылған электр ра зряд шамдары бар. Сондықтан, өсімдіктер алдын ала отырғызу кезінде электрофизикалық факторлардың шикізатқа, оның ішінде картоп пен пияз түй- некіне кешенді әсерін қамтамасыз етеді. Конденсатордың бөлігінде тікбұрышты көлденең қиманың квази- стациялық тороидальды резонаторы бар алғашқы қондырғыда қабырғалардың арасындағы қашықтық шеттерге қарағанда аз және толқын ұзындығының төрттен бірінен кем емес. Резонатор коаксиалды ферро- 292 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

магниттік цилиндрлер ретінде құрастырылған, оның төменгі негіздері оның конденсатор бөлігін құрайды және ішкі цилиндрдің биіктігі реттеледі. Цилиндрлердің бүйірлік қабырғалары арасындағы сақиналық кеңіс- тік феромагниттік емес беткі қабатпен жабылады, ішкі цилиндрдің көтеру биіктігінің бұрандалы реттегішінің түйіндері бар. Сақиналық кеңістікте цилиндр, ауа ағыны және килогерц жиілігінің көзіне қосылған электр қуатын шығару шамы бар. Конденсатор бөлімінде дозатор бар. Сыртқы цилиндрдің бүйір бетінде 120 градус- қа жылжуы бар магнетроннан шыққан сәуле таратқыш резонатордың конденсатор бөлігіне жіберіледі. Екін- ші қондырғыда тороидальды резонатор орталық бөлікте дөңгелек көлденең қимасы бар және торға парал- лельді дөңгелек беттермен тор түрінде ұсынылған. Тора ішінде диэлектрлік тор конвейері бар. Резонатордың орталық бөлігінде диэлектрлік бөлуші орнатылатын айналмалы диск бар. сәуле таратқыштар торға бағыт- талады және килогерц жиіліктер көздеріне қосылған электрогазоразрядты шамдар конденсатор кеңістігіне бағытталады. Резонатордың ортасында арна шұңқыры орнатылған, ал тор астында - тор бетінің төменгі бөлігінің екінші орамасы болатын индукциялық жылытқыш. Түйін сөздер: жоғарытолқынды генератор, квазистационарлық тороидальды резонатор, электр разряд шамдары, килогерц жиілік көзі, индукциялық жылытқыш.

Г. В. Новикова1, Г. В. Жданкин2, О. В. Михайлова1, М. В. Белова1, В. Г. Семенов3, Д. А. Баймуканов4, К. Ж. Исхан4, А. К. Карынбаев5

1Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородский государственный инженерно-экономический университет», Нижегородская область, Княгинино, Россия, 2Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Нижегородская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия», Нижний Новгород, Россия, 3Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждениевысшего образования «Чувашская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия», Чебоксары, Россия, 4Некоммерческое акционерное общество «Казахский национальный аграрный университет», Алматы, Казахстан, 5Таразский Государственный университет им. М. Х. Дулати, Тараз, Казахстан


Аннотация. Разработаны две сверхвысокочастотные установки с квазистационарными резонаторами с прямоугольным и круглым сечением тора. В обеих установках в конденсаторной части резонатора пре- дусмотрена электрогазоразрядная лампа, подключенная к источнику килогерцовой частоты по принципу Дарсонваля. Поэтому установки обеспечивают комплексное воздействие электрофизических факторов на сырье, в том числе на клубни картофеля и лука-севка при предпосадочной обработке. В первой установке с квазистационарным тороидальным резонатором прямоугольного сечения в конденсаторной части расстояние между стенками меньше, чем по краям, и не менее четверти длины волны. Резонатор выполнен как соосно расположенные неферромагнитные цилиндры, нижние основания которых образуют его конденсаторную часть, и расположение внутреннего цилиндра по высоте регулируется.Кольцевое пространство между боко- выми стенками цилиндров сверху закрыто неферромагнитной поверхностью, содержащей узлы резьбового регулятора высоты подъема внутреннего цилиндра. Внутри кольцевого пространства установлены цилиндр, воздухоотвод и лампа электрогазоразрядная, подключенная к источнику килогерцовой частоты. В конден- саторной части имеется дозатор. Излучатели от магнетронов, расположенных на боковой поверхности на- ружного цилиндра со сдвигом на 120 градусов, направлены в конденсаторную часть резонатора. Во второй установке тороидальный резонатор представлен в виде тора с круглым сечением и состыкованных плоско- параллельных круглых поверхностей в центральной части. Внутри тора расположен диэлектрический сеточ- ный транспортер. В центральной части резонатора расположен вращающийся диск, над которым установлен диэлектрический распределитель. В тор направлены излучатели, а в конденсаторное пространство – электро- газоразрядные лампы, подключенные к источникам килогерцовой частоты. По центру резонатора установ- лена загрузочная воронка, а под тором – индукционный нагреватель так, что сегмент дна поверхности тора является вторичной его обмоткой. Ключевые слова: сверхвысокочастотный генератор, квазистационарный тороидальный резонатор, электрогазоразрядные лампы, источник килогерцовой частоты, индукционный нагреватель.

About the authors: Novikova Galina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economics University, Knyaginino, Russia; [email protected]; 293 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Zhdankin Georgy Valeriyevich, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, First Prorector for Academic and Methodological affairs of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Agricultural Academy", Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; [email protected]; Mikhailova Olga Valentinovna, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University, Knyaginino, Russia; [email protected]; Belova Mariana Valentinovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Electrification and Automation", State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economics University, Knyaginino, Russia; [email protected]; Semenov Vladimir Grigoryevich, Doctor of Biological Science, professor, honored worker of science of the Chuvash Republic, professor of Department of morphology, obstetrics and therapy of the Chuvash state agricultural academy, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, Russia; [email protected]; Baimukanov Dastanbek Asylbekovich, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physiology, Morphology, and Biochemistry named after academician N. U. Bazanova, NJSC “Kazakh National Agrarian University”, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Iskhan Kairat Zhalelovich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Professor of the Department of Physiology, Morphology and Biochemistry named after Academician N. U. Bazanova, NJSC “Kazakh National Agrarian University”, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Karynbayev Amanbay Kambarbekovich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Water Management, Ecology and Construction, M. Kh. Dulati Taraz State University, Taraz, Kazakhstan; [email protected];


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UDC 691.16:625.7/.8

M. Porto1, P. Caputo1, V. Loise1, B. Teltayev2, R. Angelico3, P. Calandra4, C. Oliviero Rossi1

1Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, Cubo 14/D, 87036 Rende (CS) Italy, 2Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences (DIAAA), University of Molise, Via De Sanctis, 86100 Campobasso (CB), Italy, 4CNR-ISMN, National Council of Research, Via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 Monterotondo Stazione (RM), Italy. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Abstract. Bitumen aging occurs through volatilization, oxidation and supramolecular assembly variations involving drastic changes in the structure of the material. Due to the ageing process of bitumen and its corresponding increase in viscosity, the stiffness of asphalt pavement is increased during its lifetime. Chemically, the relative content between asphaltenes and maltenes in the bitumen shifts towards a lower maltene fraction. Therefore, addition of high amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in asphalt mixtures may negatively affect the quality and performance of the final mix design. Rejuvenating agents can assist in this process by decreasing the aged bitumen’s viscosity and restoring its original properties. An efficient rejuvenating agent favors there organization of the colloidal structure of the oxidized bitumen, thus recreating a supramolecular structure similar to fresh bitumen. Then, novel experimental approaches are needed to evaluate the efficiency of rejuvenators as well as the effect such additives have on aged bitumen properties. To achieve the aforementioned purpose, two advanced experimental approaches able to provide detailed information on bitumen microstructure are examined here. The essential concepts underlying the scattering and NMR techniques will be reviewed and the results of some recent applications of these methods in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the RAP rejuvenation will be synthetically illustrated. Key words: rejuvenators, bitumen, aging, scattering, PXRD, NMR, relaxometry.

Introduction. Many important physical, mechanical, rheological and other characteristics of asphalt concretes depend considerably on bitumen properties [1-6]. But bituminous materials are easily subject to oxidative aging during pavement service life, especially in conditions of thermal and / or ultraviolet radiation [7, 8]. It is well assessed that oxidized bitumen is characterized by reprocessing temperatures higher than fresh one, because most of the condensed aromatic components and resins, which are respon- sible for a certain grade of mobility, are converted into highly oxygenated polar and more saturated com- pounds (asphaltenes and saturates), [9]. Indeed, the depletion of polycyclic aromatic compounds with amphiphilic activity and acting as supramolecular cage surrounding the polar asphaltenes, may lead to an increase of average colloidal sizes dispersed in the continuous a polar maltene phase. This phenomenon in turn gives rise to loss of elasticity and predisposition to material failure. Thus, once removed and proces- sed, the bituminous layers can be recycled as reclaimed asphalt pavements (RAPs), even though their reuse is still limited (less than 20% in the mix design) due to their poor bulk mechanical properties (complex modulus and viscosity), which can cause premature cracking failures. The RAP performances as asphalt binders may be partially restored towards their original state upon addition of several classes of compounds called rejuvenators [10-12]. In particular, at least two classes of rejuvenators can be

295 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan distinguished on the basis of the mechanism by which they exert their respective regenerating action, namely, softening agents (usually called flux oils, lube stock, slurry oils etc.) able to decrease the viscosity of the aged binder, and real rejuvenators capable to restore the physicochemical properties of bitumen whose virgin microstructure has been altered by volatilization and oxidative processes [13]. To the former type belong the rheological rejuvenators (commonly taken from vegetable oil wastes), which should replenish the volatiles and light chemical fractions that have been lost during aging of asphalts, and rebalance the asphaltene/maltene ratio typical of fresh bitumen. The latter category comprises novel rejuvenators related to the general class of surfactants. Indeed, thanks to its capability to lower the inter- facial energy between two immiscible phases, an amphiphilic molecule can bind on a side the polar phase and on the other side the a polar one, due to the simultaneous presence within its molecular architecture of both polar and non-polar moieties. The overall result of these simultaneous interactions proved to be effective in the stabilization of clusters of polar molecules dispersed in polar solvents [14, 15]. Therefore, amphiphilic molecules are expected to work similarly well in improving the dispersion of asphaltene clusters in the maltene phase, and consequently counteracting the aging process and reverting to rejuvenation eventually [16, 17]. The efficient and targeted use of additives with documented rejuvenating action on RAPs employed in the road paving industry must be based primarily on a rigorous experimental investigation of their effect exerted on the colloidal microstructure of bitumen. However, although these additives play an important role in bitumen recycling methods, their impact on the bitumen supramolecular structure arrangement has not yet been fully investigated in depth. The purpose of the present contribution is to emphasize the potentialities of advanced experimental methods such as scattering techniques and nuclear magnetic relaxometry, which can be considered promising techniques in the elucidation of the dynamics of the complex microstructure in bitumen. In fact, unlike the results acquired through the analysis of the mecha- nical bulk properties, scattering (in particular X-ray scattering) and NMR experiments can probe from nano- to mesoscale level the effectiveness of a rejuvenator in restoring the microstructure of bitumen subjected to the drastic action of aging processes [18, 19]. This work underlines that the detailed analysis of the microstructural dynamics of bitumen, extending the information taken from commonly used empirical and rapid methods, allows us to better understand the phenomena that occur in such complex materials, providing new tools for the piloted design of ever-performing rejuvenations. Experimental methods. Information on how rejuvenators can affect the supramolecular structure and distribution of aggregates within the bituminous colloidal network and how this may affect the overall material properties can be achieved from careful analyses of Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) data and NMR measurements performed at low magnetic fields (1H-NMR Relaxometry), making these techniques very powerful methods to carry out structural investigation in such complex systems [18, 20]. Application of X-ray scattering techniques for the analysis of bitumen. X-ray scattering techniques represent non-destructive analytical methods able to reveal information about the crystallographic structure, chemical composition, and physical properties of materials and thin films. These techniques are based on observing the scattered intensity of an X-ray beam hitting a sample as a function of incident and scattered angle, polarization, and wavelength or energy [21]. The PXRD spectrum provides the nano- structural information as well as the crystallite parameter of the molecules that are associated with the asphaltene aggregates [22-24]. For structure investigations on length scales longer than a few nm, Small- Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) is best suitable, whereas in the wide angle range (WAXS) the spectrum furnishes precious indications about characteristic distances belonging to various atomic and molecular organizations of different levels of complexity. Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques for the analysis of bitumen. Nuclear Magne- tic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been recently found to be an efficient and powerful technique for the characterization of complex materials such as bitumen [25]. One of the advantages of this technique is the ability to simultaneously identify several components of the mixture with the acquisition of a single high resolution1H-NMR spectrum and, consequently, to evaluate the relative amount of the aliphatic and aromatic hydrogens portion in the complex system. In particular, dynamics information can be obtained 1 from H spin−spin relaxation time (T2) measurements according to the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence (NMR Relaxometry) [26, 27]. Usually the T2 varies all over the sample because 296 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019 of the sample heterogeneity or surface relaxation differences; then a multi-exponential attenuation of the NMR spin echo envelope should be observed. The relaxation time probability distribution function can be obtained by applying an inverse Laplace transform (ILT) to the experimental data [28]. The T2 relaxation time distribution can be considered a structural fingerprint of the bitumen in which the changes in relaxation times reflect the changes that occur in the structure of the colloidal binder. In general, by ILT NMR relaxometry one can monitor the structural evolution of bitumen when additives (polymers, surfac- tants and so on) are added, since the relaxation distribution is strongly affected by the supramolecular organisation present in the colloids. In particular, the powerful ILT method applied to the experimental NMR echo decay can be exploited to test the effectiveness of the real rejuvenator. Indeed, direct corre- lation can be made between T2 and the rigidity of structures in these materials as well as the molecular constrain causing dynamic hindrance [29]. Results and discussion. The bulk mechanical properties of bituminous materials such as, e.g., ductility and rigidity, are empirically determined by the amplitude oscillatory rheometry through the measurement of the complex modulus G*consisting in its real (elastic modulus G′) and imaginary (viscous modulus G″) components [30-33]. However, more sophisticated experimental investigations such as NMR relaxometry and X-ray scattering are being proposed as emerging methods for the comprehension of the microscopic/molecular processes underneath the observed behaviour of a bituminous material subjected to both physical and chemical treatments. Indeed, the application of low-field NMR spectroscopy has been used for the determination of physical properties of petroleum fractions [25, 29] and the Inverse Laplace Transform analysis of the NMR echo signal decay gives the transverse (or spin-spin) relaxation time T2 that can be connected to different domains characterized by different rigidities [20]. The chemical reasoning for this lies on the molecular constrain causing dynamic hindrance and lowering T2, an effect that can be considered quite general and already found also in different systems [34-36]. In bitumen, the T2 relaxation time distribution profile is usually characterized by two distinct peaks.

Figure 1 - T2 relaxation time distribution functions obtained for pristine bitumen (SA) at 50°C, PAV bitumen (SB) at 70°C, PAV bitumen + 2 wt% vegetable flux oil (SC)at 60°C and PAV bitumen + 2 wt% green rejuvenator (SD) at 60 °C 297 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The short T2 times (around 10 ms) arise from slow tumbling of more rigid supra-molecular aggre- gates; hence they can be reasonably attributed to the dynamics of asphaltenes. Conversely, long T2 times (around 100 ms) connected to low intra-molecular interactions can be referred to the maltene fraction of the sample under examination. The T2 profiles illustrated in figure 1 provide an example of the application of the ILT method in the choice of the right rejuvenator through a quick comparison of the T2 distributions for different treatments subjected to the same bituminous matrix. Indeed, one can easily verify that the addition of a green rejuvenator to the oxidized bitumen (PAV bitumen), has the effect of restoring the original probability density function compatible with fresh pristine bitumen (compare SA with SD). On the other hands, the pattern is only partially recovered when a flux oil (a softening agent) is used (compare SA with SC). Structural features of the asphaltene clusters self-aggregated in the maltene phase can be also investigated by the X-ray scattering technique in order to gain new results on the role played by some additives in the rejuvenation action of bitumen whose colloidal structure has been seriously compromised by the aging processes. Indeed, the eventual presence of an additive triggers the formation of further intermolecular interaction in competition with those responsible for this self-assembly, causing a change of the size and shape of these aggregates. A representative X-Ray scattering spectrum of bitumen together with the Lorentzian deconvolution reported in figure 2 as a function of scattering vector q = 4π sin θ / λ, illustrates several important features.

experimental fitting curve components 1.0

#1 #3


Scattered Intensity #2 #4 #5 0.0 0123 q ( 1/Angstrom )

Figure 2 – Typical Wide AngleX-Ray diffraction pattern of asphalt binder with peak profile analysis

The most prominent band centred at around 1.3 Å-1gives a characteristic of 4.4-4.7 Å, which can be attributed to the typical intermolecular lateral distance commonly present in disordered fluids. This length parameter results to be slightly higher than that identified from the band of graphene (lateral distance of about 3.6 Å) and coming from the stacks in the aromatic compounds. However, owing to the coexistence of aliphatic components in the bitumen it is reasonable to treat this band as an unresolved superposition of these two contributions. Therefore, deconvolution procedures in terms of bell-shaped curves are necessary to discriminate all the signals. Besides, an eventual low-intensity reflection in the range 0.3-0.8 Å-1 can be attributed to the occurrence of a supra-molecular aggregation and would be therefore associated to a repetition distance between one asphaltene local aggregate and its neighbouring one, in accordance with a model of a complex system with different levels of complexity. Finally, for q<0.3 Å-1 the fractal aggre- gation generated by an ensemble of asphaltene clusters can be examined. In principle, the formation of self-similar, fractal structures in bituminous materials cannot be excluded. In such case, the interfacial boundary is not sharp and a scaling law between the mass M (or particle number N) and the enclosed volume is established, which can provide an indication of how efficiently the particles are packed. The presence of additives may modify not only the fractal structure but also the intermolecular assembly as probed by the band centred at 1.3 Å-1 and the peak around 0.5 Å-1.

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Conclusion. The restoring of the aged bitumen structure to the original conditions is a challenging task due to its complex organization at the supra-molecular scale. It has been emphasized that scattering techniques and nuclear magnetic relaxometry represent promising methods of investigation that deserve attention for a deeper analysis of bituminous materials. In fact, they can probe the effectiveness of a rejuvenator in restoring the bitumen microstructure after the aging process, while the mechanical properties alone do not allow reaching this degree of microstructural knowledge. In conclusion, we want to bring to the attention the fact that the detailed analysis of the physics of molecular bitumens allows us to better understand the phenomena that occur in bitumen, providing new tools for the piloted design of new rejuvenators with ad-hoc performances.

М. Порто1, П. Капуто1, В. Лоиз1, Б. Телтаев2, Р. Агенлико3, П. Каландра4, Ч. Оливиеро Росси1

1Калабрия Университеті Химия және Химия Технологиялары кафедрасы, Италия, 2Қазақстан Жол Ғылыми-Зерттеу институты, Алматы, Қазақстан, 3Ауыл шаруашылығы, Экология және Тағам Ғылымдары кафедрасы (DIAAA), Молиз Университеті, Италия, 4CNR-ISMN, Ұлттық Ғылыми Зерттеулер Кеңесі, Италия


Аннотация. Битумның ескіруі материал құрылымындағы өзгерістермен байланысты болатын булану, тотығу және молекулалық қосылыстардағы өзгерістердің нәтижесінде орын алады. Битумның ескіру үдері- сіне және оның тұтқырлығының артуына байланысты асфальтбетон жамылғысының қаттылығы пайдалану кезінде арта түседі. Химиялық тұрғыдан түсіндіргенде, битумдағы асфальтендер пен мальтендердің салыс- тырмалы үлесі мальтендердің төмен құрамына қарай жылжиды. Сондықтан, қайта қалпына келтірілген асфальт жамылғысын (ҚАЖ) асфальт қоспаларына көп мөлшерде қосу асфальтбетон жамылғысының сипат- тамасына теріс әсер етуі мүмкін. Жасартқыш реагенттер ескірген битумның тұтқырлығын азайту және оның бастапқы қасиеттерін қалпына келтурі арқылы осы үдерісті жақсартуы мүмкін. Тиімді жасартқыш реагент тотыққан битумның коллоидті құрылымының ұйымдасуына қолайлы жағдай туғызып, жаңадан дайындалған битумның молекулалы құрылымын қалпына келтіреді. Одан басқа, жаңа тәжірибелік тәсілдер жасартқыш реагенттердің тиімділігі мен мұндай қоспалардың ескірген битумның қасиеттеріне ықпалын бағалау үшін қажет. Жоғарыда аталған мақсаттарға қол жеткізу үшін, осы мақалада битумның микроқұрылымы туралы толық ақпарат беретін неғұрлым перспективалық тәсілдер қарастырылады. Сейілу және ЯМР әдістерінің негізі болған басты тұжырымдамалар қарастырылады, сондай-ақ ҚАЖ жасартудың тиімділігін бағалауда осы әдістерді синтетикалық пайдалану нәтижелері көрсетілді. Түйін сөздер: жасартқыш реагенттер, битум, ескіру, сейілу, рентген дифракциясы (ҰРД), ядролық- магниттік резонанс (ЯМР), релаксометрия.

М. Порто1, П. Капуто1, В. Лоиз1, Б. Телтаев2, Р. Агенлико3, П. Каландра4, Ч. Оливиеро Росси1

1Кафедра Химии и химических технологий университета Калабрии, Италия, 2Казахстанский дорожный научно-исследовательский институт, Алматы, Казахстан, 3Кафедра Сельскохозяйственных, экологических и пищевых наук (DIAAA), Университет Молиз, Италия, 4CNR-ISMN, Национальный совет научных исследований, Италия


Аннотация. Старение битума происходит из-за выпаривания, окисления и изменений в надмолеку- лярных соединениях, связанных со значительными изменениями в структуре материала. В связи с процессом старения битума и соответствующего увеличения его вязкости, жесткость асфальтобетонного покрытия уве- личивается во время эксплуатации. В химическом смысле относительное содержание между асфальтенами и мальтенами в битуме сдвигается в сторону более низкого содержания мальтенов. Поэтому добавление большого количества регенерированного асфальтового покрытия (РАП) в асфальтовые смеси может отрица- тельно повлиять на качество и характеристики окончательного состава смеси. Омолаживающие реагенты 299 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

могут поспособствовать улучшению данного процесса путем уменьшения вязкости состаренного битума и восстановления его первоначальных свойств. Эффективный омолаживающий реагент благоприятствует организации коллоидной структуры окисленного битума, тем самым восстанавливая надмолекулярную структуру свежеприготовленного битума. Затем, новые экспериментальные подходы необходимы для оценки эффективности омолаживающих реагентов, а также какое влияние оказывают такие добавки на свойства состаренного битума. Чтобы достичь вышеуказанной цели, в данной статье рассматриваются два наиболее перспективных подхода, способные предоставить подробную информацию о микроструктуре битума. Будут рассмотрены основополагающие концепции, лежащие в основе методик рассеивания и ЯМР, а также будут проиллюстрированы результаты некоторых недавних синтетических применений этих методов в оценке эффективности омолаживания РАП. Ключевые слова: омолаживающие реагенты, битум, старение, рассеивание, рентгеновская дифракция (ПРД), ядерно-магнитный резонанс (ЯМР), релаксометрия.

Information about authors: Porto Michele, PhD Student “Life Science”, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of University of Calabria, Italy; [email protected]; Caputo Paolino, Research fellow Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of University of Calabria, Italy; [email protected]; Loise Valeria, PhD Student “Life Science”, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of University of Calabria, Italy; [email protected]; Teltayev Bagdat Burkhanbaiuly, Doctor of Technical Sciences, President of JSC “Kazakhstan Highway Research Institute”, Almaty, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; 0000-0002-8463-9965 Angelico Ruggero, PhD, Senior researcher in chemistry and physics of soft and hard matter, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences (DIAAA), University of Molise, Campobasso (CB), Italy; [email protected]; Calandra Pietro, Researcher CNR-ISMN, National Council of Research, Monterotondo Stazione (RM), Italy; [email protected]; Oliviero Rossi Cesare, Professor of physical chemistry, President of the spin-off “Kimical” at University of Calabria, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of University of Calabria, Italy; [email protected];


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A. Seitmuratov1, А. Dauitbayeva1, K. M. Berkimbaev2, K. N. Turlugulova1, E. Tulegenova1

1Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakhstan, 2Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Kentau, Kazakhstan. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].


Abstract. In this paper we consider a linear stationary closed control system, which describes the equation of state with undefined parameters. This system will help to solve the problem of constructing a linear stationary observer system in the class of two-parameter structurally stable maps for objects with one input and one output, as well as the conditions of asymptotic robust stability of steady-state control systems corresponding to the critical points of Morse from the theory of catastrophes. Key words: stationary, closed system, critical point, object matrix, stability.

Consider a linear stationary closed control system, describing the following equation of state with undefined parameters  х  tftButAxt )()()()(  00 ,)(),()()(  ttxtxtVtCxty 0 . (1) Here )(  Rtx n the state vector of the object,  m )(,)(  RtyRtu l input and output vectors, ,, CBA - respectively, the matrix of the object of control and observation. The object is subject to disturbances tf )( and "noise (error) measurements"t . It is believed that when the system is available to measure  ttftxatytu the processes ),(),(),(),(  - not available. The problem of obtaining an assessment of the state of the object is considered tx )( . A process tx )( obtained with the help of some algorithm must tx  txtx on t  in a certain (for example, in an asymptotic) sense approach the process )( )(( ˆ )( ) regardless of the initial state of the object x0 . Let the matrix of the control A object of dimension  nn and the matrix b and c - respectively control and output have the form. 010  0 0 100  0 0 A   ; b  ;  cc  00  1 000  1 b n nn 1  aaa n2   a1 For stationary systems the observer is described by the equation х  tytyLtButxAt ˆ )( ˆ )(()()( ˆ )),( уˆ )(  ˆ ),( ˆ 0 )( ˆ 0 ,  ttxtxtxCt 0 . (2) х  Rt n Here ˆ )( - the state vector of the observer, which serves as an assessment of the state of the object; уˆ )(  Rt l - the output vector; L - the feedback operator on the residual between the outputs of the object and the observer. 302 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

The synthesis of the observer lies in the choice of the operator L. We will consider an observer whose dimension of the state vector is the same as that of the object (the so-called full-order observer, or Kalman observer). To construct an observer consider the estimation errors   txtxt )(()( ˆ ))( Subtracting from (1) equation (2), we obtain the equation for the error     tLvtftLCtAt ),()()()()( (3)

 )(  ˆ0000 ,  ttxxt 0 .  t   xx ˆ As can be seen from this equation, the sources of error )( are the initial mismatch 000 , perturbation and interference measurements  t)( . The dynamics of the transient error  t)( is determined by the operator   )()( CtLAt .  t It is necessary to investigate the behavior of the process )( . The synthesis of the observer lies in the choice of the operator L . Select the operator L in the form:

3 2 )( 1  11  kktL 2 ; (4)   1   2 tt )()(     tt )()(  2 3  (5)  1 1  4  2 aakckcct    aa   n )( 11 111 21 n )( n 211 n 112 n  4 2 The stationary state of the system is determined by the solution of the equation  1     0,0,0,0  1S 2s  ,1 sn ns  1 4 1 2 (6)  s  s )( aakckcc   snsn   sn aa  ns  0  4 11 2 121 21 1 21 1,12

4 2  ),,,,(  akckcckakCf   0)( (7) s n 2111 11 s 111 s 21 n 1s The critical, twice-degenerate and thrice-degenerate critical points of the assembly (7) are determined by equating the first, second and third derivatives (7) to zero, respectively. Condition (7) is satisfied at critical points

3 11 s 24  s 21111 akckcc n  0)( (8) and  2 kcc  0212 (9) 11 s 11 The points of the control parameter space that parameterize functions with twice degenerate critical points are determined from equations (9) and (8)

2 3 k 6(  11 ns ka 2  8 1s (10)

If the position of a twice-degenerate critical point is denoted by 1s , then formula (10) gives the values of the control parameters k1 and n  ka 2 , which describes a function with a twice-degenerate critical point  1s 303 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Equation (10) defines a parametric representation of the relationship between k1 and an + k2. A more direct expression for the relation between k1 and an + k2 can be obtained by excluding  1s from (10): 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3  k   n  ka  2 3  k1   n  ka 2  1 2  k   n  ka     is   1 2      or    is   ,  6   8   3   2   3   2  3 2  k1   n  ka 2        0    23  (11)

Hence, given (11), equation (7) has the solution: k 2 3 2  = an  ,  is  ,,2,0 ni (12) 1s 2 k 4,3 3 2  s = - an  ,  is  0 ,  ,,2 ni (13) 1 2 The full time derivative of the Lyapunov V )( vector functions taking into account the equations of state (3) is defined as the scalar product of the gradient of the Lyapunov function on the velocity vector i.e. dV  )( n n   )( dV     i  i  dt 1i j 1  dt (14) n  1 1 2 4  2  aaakckcc   aa    11 111 21 n )( n n 33211 n ... 112 n  i1  4 2 It follows from equation (14) that the full time derivative of the Lyapunov function will always be a sign-negative function, i.e. a sufficient stability condition will always be satisfied for any stationary state. We investigate the stability of the stationary state (13). Equation of state (4) in deviations relative to the stationary state (13). To do this, calculate:  F   F   F   1     2     n 1      2 ,   3 ,   n    n  2   s  3   s    s  F   F   F   F   n   a  n   a  n   a  n  kca    n  ,1   n  2 ,   n  3 ,....,   (2 n 21 )     4  2   s  3   s  1   s  1   s

(3 n 21 () n 21 () n 21 (6) n  kcakcakcakca 21 ),

2 2   F1  2  n  kca 21      23 kcc 4,3  5c 3    2  11 11  s 1    4,3 2c  1   s  1  3   F1  n  kca 21   c   с 3  3  6 11  3 6 1  s 2c  1   s 1

 3 F 1       ,,1,,,1,,,2,,0 nknjnikji   kji   4 F   n   nic  4  i, ,...,2,16   1 

304 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Equations of state (4) in deviations relative to the stationary state (13) is written:       tt )()(  1 2  2   3 tt )()(  

 2  4 n  kca 21 3  n  kca 21  2  3 3    n  11  4)()( ctct 1  n  9)( ct 1  n  2 nnn )()(6)(  atkcat n  21 c  c   2 1  2 1    an 33 ,,  a1 n (15)

The full time derivative of the Lyapunov vector functions Vi  )( , taking into account the equations of state (15), will be equal to:

2  2  4 n  kca 21 3  n  kca 21  2 dV  1)( 1 1   4cc 3  9c 3    kca )(6    2 2   2   11 1 1   1 nn 12  (16) 2 3 n 2c1  2c1  dt 2 2 2    n n 3321 ,,  aaa 1 n  A sufficient stability condition will always be satisfied. We find the gradient components of the Lyapunov vector functions V  )( by the components of the velocity vector, i.e. by the equation of state. i

 1 VV 1 Vn    2   0,,,0  1  2  n

 2  2 VVV 2 V2   ,0,0   3  0,...,  1  2  3  n 

Vn Vn  an  22 ,  an  33 ,,  2  2 2 Vn 4 n  kca 3   nn kca  2 Vn 21 3 2  nn  4cc   9c    n  kca  ,,)(6  a  n  1 2c 1 1  2c  1 121  1 1 1  1  n The potential function has the form:

2 1 5 n  kca 21 4  n  kca 21  2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2   ccV 3   c 3    kca  aa  )( 11 1 1 3 1   1 n )(3 121 2 3.... n 1 n (17) 5 2c1  2c1  2 2 2 2 According to Morse's Lemma, the potential function (17) can be carried out by replacing the variables to a quadratic form with a Hess matrix of diagonal form.

305 N E W S of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1  000   000  2  2   V  )(  V , ji  2  00 3  0 ,     is  ji  

000  n where

1 n  kca 21 )(3  2 an1  )1(  3 an2  )1(    a  )1(  n 1 The conditions of positive definiteness of the Lyapunov function or the stability conditions of the Hess matrix will be expressed by a system of inequalities:

 n kca 21  0)(3  an1  0)1(   an2  0)1( (18)    a1  0)1( Thus, the observing device constructed in the class of two-parameter structurally stable mappings will be stable within an unlimited range of changes in the undefined parameters of the control object

 i  ni ),...,2,1( . The stationary state of the observing device (6) exists and is stable when the undefined parameters of the object in the region (2) change, and the stationary states (12) and (13) appear when the state (6) loses stability. These stationary states do not exist simultaneously and among stationary states (12) and (13) is stable. It should be noted that the stationary state (13) in the region (18) does not exist.

A. Сейтмұратов, А. Даутбаева, К. М. Беркимбаев, Н. Турлугулова, Э. Төлегенова

Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлееттік университеті, Қазақстан, Қожа Ахмет Ясауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті, Кентау, Қазақстан


Аннотация. Берілген жұмыста анықталмаған параметрлері бар күй теңдеуін сипаттайтын сызықтық стационарлы тұйықталған басқару жүйесі қарастырылады. Бұл жүйе бір кіру және бір шығу жолы бар объек- тілер үшін екі параметрлік құрылымдық-тұрақты бейнелеулер класында бақылаушының желілік стационар- лық жүйесін құру кезінде тапсырманы шешуге көмектеседі, сондай-ақ апаттар теориясынан Морстің сыни нүктелеріне сәйкес келетін Басқару жүйелерінің қалыптасқан жай-күйінің асимптотикалық робастикалық тұрақтылығының шарттары алынды. Түйін сөздер: стационарлық, тұйық жүйе, сыни нүкте, объект матрицасы, тұрақтылық.

A. Сейтмуратов, А. Даутбаева, К. М. Беркимбаев, Н. Турлугулова, Э. Тулегенова

Кызылординский государственный университет имени Коркыт Ата, Казахстан, Международный казахско-турецкий университет им. Ходжа Ахмеда Ясави, Кентау, Казахстан 306 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019


Аннотация. Рассматривается линейная стационарная замкнутая система управления, которая описывает уравнение состояния с неопределенными параметрами. Эта система поможет решать задачу при построении линейной стационарной системы наблюдателя в классе двухпараметрических структурно-устой- чивых отображений для объектов с одним входом и одним выходом, а также получать условия асимптоти- ческой робастной устойчивости установившихся состояний систем управления, соответствующие крити- ческим точкам Морса из теории катастроф. Ключевые слова: стационарная, замкнутая система, критическая точка, матрица объекта, устойчи- вость.

Information about authors: Seitmuratov Angisin, Doktor of Physical and Matematical Sciences, Professoz Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakstan; [email protected]; Dauitbayeva Aigul Ospanovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakstan; [email protected]; Berkimbayev Kamalbek, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor, Professor The International Kazakh- Turkish University named after Hoja Akhmet Yassawi, Kentau, Kazakhstan; [email protected]; Turlugulova Nurzhanar Absamatovna, Master of science, senior lecturer, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakstan; [email protected]; Tulegenova Elmira Nurlanovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kazakstan; [email protected];


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Аанг Панджи Пермана, Прэмамиджойо Сабаджио, Акмалуддин. Биостратиграфиясын талдау негізінде Горонтало (Индонезия) әктасының көтерілу жылдамдығы...... 6 Балакаева Г.Т., Филлипс Крис, Даркенбаев Д.К., Турдалиев М. NOSQL қолданып үлкен көлемді құрылымдық емес деректерді өңдеу...... 12 Дудкин М.В., Апшикур Б., Ким А.И., Ипалаков Т.Т., Асангалиев Е.А., Mlynczak М. Темір жол конструкциясында немесе оның жекелеген элементтерінің жұмысында болып жатқан процестерді сипаттайтын топырақты ығыстыруға және математикалық модельдерге сынауға арналған қондырғыны әзірлеу...... 22 Бейсенбаев О.К., Ахмедов У.К., Иса А.Б., Смайлов Б.М., Есиркепова М.М., Артыкова Ж .К. Берік қасиеттерді беру үшін суперфосфатты және қос суперфосфатты капсулалау механизмін зерттеу және алу...... 36 Билецкий M.T., Нифонтов Ю.А., Ратов Б.T., Деликешева Д.H. Бурғылау ерітіндісінің параметрлерін үздіксіз бақлау проблемалары және оны шешу мысал ретінде тығыздықты автоматты түрде өлшеу...... 46 Амиргалиев Е., Вуйцик В., Кунелбаев М., Мерембаев Т., Едилхан Д., Козбакова А., Ауелбеков О., Қатаев Н. Гелиоколлектор-аккумулятордағы суды энергия үнемдей электрлік қыздырудың теориялық негіздемелері...... 54 Ысқақбаев Ә.Ы., Телтаев Б.Б., Еңсебаева Г.М. Жүктеудің әртүрлі жылдамдығындағы асфальтбетонның механикалық сипаттамалары...... 64 Касенова Ж.М., Ермағамбет Б.Т., Ремнев Г.Е., Мартемьянов С.М., Бухаркин А.А., Нургалиев Н.У. Физическое моделирование внутрипластового нагрева угольного пласта...... 70 Мусина А.С., Байташева Г.У., Бейсенова Г.С., Жолмаганбетова М., Закиров Б.С., Мырзахметова Н.О. Ерітінді ковар және сынап-пленкалы микроэлектродты жаңа материалдан өңделген заттар негізінде зерттеу...... 77 Цешковская Е.А., Голубева Е.И., Ибраев М.К., Оралова А.Т., Цой Н.К., Исабаева М.Б. Қазақстан Республикасы Қарағанды облысының мысалында тау-кен өнеркәсібінің қоршаған ортаға техногендіқ әсері...... 85 Әділбектегі Г.Ә., Мұстафаев Ж.С., Уватаева Т.К., Дулатбекова Ж.Н., Mosiej Jozef. Оңтүстік Қазақстан ландшафттарының биологиялық және экологиялық әлеуетін сандық және сапалық бағалау...... 96 Қарынбаев А.К., Баймұқанов Д.А., Бекенов Д. М., Юлдашбаев Ю.А., Чиндалиев А.Е. Жайылымдардың экологиялық мониторингі және антропогендік факторлардың әсерінен жемнің өнімділігін анықтау...... 104 Ракишева З.Б., Nakasuka Sh., Досжан Н.С., Ибраев Г.Е. Геостационар орбитадағы кіші ғарыш аппаратының қозғалысын тұрақтандыру...... 112 Аргынова А.Х., Искаков Б., Жуков В.В., Мукашев К.М., Мурадов А.Д., Пискаль В.В., Садуев Н.О., Садыков Т.X., Салихов Н.М., Серикканов А.С., Таутаев Е.М., Умаров Ф.Ф. Биік таулы Тянь-Шань ғылыми станциясындағы ғарыш сәулесінің физикасы мен астрофизикасына байланысты іргелі зерттеулер...... 121 Сабралиев Н., Турсымбекова З., Мусалиева Р., Байбураева Ж., Таран И., Карсыбаев Е., Жанбиров Ж. Автомобильдерді пайдалану және басқару жүйесінің сенімділігі мен тиімділігін арттыру әдістері...... 139 Волкова Т.Н., Борисенко О.А., Ковалёва И.Л., Розина Л.И., Соболева О.А., Трофимченко В.А., Нурмуханбетова Д.Е. Алкогольсіз сусындардың микробиологиялық қауіпсіздігі...... 147 Мустафин С.А., Дуйсен Г.М., Зейнуллин А.А., Коробова Е.В. Қарыз алушы топтарды таңдауды бағалау...... 157 Абдижаппарова Б.Т., Ханжаров , Н.С. Оспанов Б.О., Панкина И.А., Орымбетова Г.Э. Жер нәгі түйіндерінің вакуумдық-атмосфералық кептіру тәсілі...... 165 Тюлькин С.В., Вафин Р.Р., Гильманов Х.Х., Ржанова И.В., Галстян А.Г., Бигаева А.В., Хуршудян С.А., Нурмуханбетова Д.Е. ДНҚ-маркеры – сүт шикізатының шығымы мен сапасының болжамды өлшемі...... 177 Джолдасов С.К., Сарбасова Г.А., Бекмуратов М.М., Смаилов Б.Ш., Рустем Е.И., Жоламанов Н.Ж., Янгиев А.А. Тасындытұтқыш құрылымдардың жаңа конструкциялары...... 184 Оразалиева С., Войчик В., Якубова М., Онгар Б. Брэгг торын қолдану арқылы оптикалық талшықтың бұрылуы мен айналуын өлшеу...... 190 Акиянова Ф.Ж., Фролова Н.Л., Шаймерденова А.М., Каракулов Е.М., Олешко А. Б. Аридті өңірлерінің су ресурстарына өзен арналарының антропогендік өзгерісінің әсері (Солтүстік Қазақстан, Есіл және Нұра өзендері мысалында)...... 197 Қабылбеков К.А., Абдрахманова Х.К., Дасибеков А.Д., Саидахметов П.А., Маханов Т.Ш., Кеделбаев Б.Ш. MATLAB жүйесінде «Көкжиекке бұрыш жасап лақтырылған дененің кедергімен қозғалысын зерттеу»...... 208 Kaлимолдаев M., Aхметжанов M., Kунелбаев M., Сундетов T. Интегралдық машинаны оқыту үшін ақпараттық жүйелерд мысалы вербалды роботың жасау...... 215 Жексенбаева А.К., Нысанбаева А.С., Турсумбаева М.О. Солтүстік Қазақстанда вегетация кезеңіндегі жауын-шашындардың көпжылдық климаттық өзгеру динамикасы...... 223

308 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Ермолов П.В., Хасен Б.П., Антонюк Р.М., Макат Д.К. Тектұрмас офиолитті белдеуінің геодинамикасы мен металлогениясы (ҚР Ғылым қорының 2018-2020 грант материалдарынан "Тектұрмас офиолит белдеуіндегі минералдану учаскелерін тереңдік болжау, іздестіру, барлау)...... 235 Сембиев О.З., Кемельбекова Ж.С., Умарова Ж.Р. Желідегі артық жүктемені есептеу...... 246 Калиаскарова З.К., Алиева Ж.Н., Иканова А.С., Негим Е.С.М. Алматы қаласы Қарасай қатты тұрмыстық қалдықтар полигоны жерлері топырағының ауыр металдармен ластануы...... 256 Яворский В.В., Утепбергенов И.Т., Мамырбаев О.Ж Ахмедиярова., А.Т. Көліктік жүйе бағыттарында жолаушыларды үлестіруді талдау үлгілері...... 268 Савельев А.Г., Жилейкин М.М., Михайловская В.А., Дудкин М.В., Ким А.И., Млынчак Марек, Кустарев Г.В. Жұмыс жабдығын модельдеу және қайта құрастыру жолымен автогрейдердің металл конструкциясының сенімділігін арттыру...... 276 Новикова Г.В., Жданкин Г.В., Михайлова О.В., Белова М.В., Семенов В.Г., Баймұқанов Д.А., Исхан К.Ж., Қарынбаев А.К. Шикізатқа кешенді әсер ететін электрофизикалық факторлары бар қондырғылар...... 287 Порто М., Капуто П., Лоиз В., Телтаев Б., Агенлико Р., Каландра П., Оливиеро Росси Ч. Жасартылған ескірген битумдардың молекулалық құрылымын талдауға арналған жаңа тәжірибелік тәсілдер...... 295 Сейтмұратов A., Даутбаева А., Беркимбаев К.М., Турлугулова Н., Төлегенова Э. Қос параметрлік құрылымды-тұрақты кескіндерді тұрғызу...... 302

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Аанг Панджи Пермана, Прэмамиджойо Сабаджио, Акмалуддин. Скорость подъема известняка Горонтало (Индонезия) на основе анализа биостратиграфии...... 6 Балакаева Г.Т., Филлипс Крис, Даркенбаев Д.К., Турдалиев М. Использование NOSQL для обработки неструктурированных больших данных...... 12 Дудкин М.В., Апшикур Б., Ким А.И., Ипалаков Т.Т., Асангалиев Е.А., Mlynczak М. Разработка установки для испытаний грунтов на сдвиг и математических моделей, описывающих процессы, происходящие в конструкции железнодорожного пути в целом, или в работе его отдельных элементов...... 22 Бейсенбаев О.К., Ахмедов У.К., Иса А.Б., Смайлов Б.М., Есиркепова М.М., Артыкова Ж.К. Получение и исследование механизма капсулирования суперфосфата и двойного суперфосфата для придания прочностных свойств...... 36 Билецкий M.T., Нифонтов Ю.А., Ратов Б.T., Деликешева Д.H. Проблема непрерывного мониторинга параметров бурового раствора и ее решение на примере автоматического измерителя плотности...... 46 Амиргалиев Е., Вуйцик В., Кунелбаев М., Мерембаев Т., Едилхан Д., Козбакова А., Ауелбеков О., Катаев Н. Теоретические предпосылки энергосберегающего электрического нагрева воды в гелиоколлекторе-аккумуляторе...... 54 Ыскакбаев А.Ы., Телтаев Б.Б., Енсебаева Г.М. Механические характеристики асфальтобетона при различных скоростях нагружения...... 64 Касенова Ж.М., Ермағамбет Б.Т., Ремнев Г.Е., Мартемьянов С.М., Бухаркин А.А., Нургалиев Н.У. Көмір қабатын қабатішілік қыздыруды физикалық модельдеу...... 70 Мусина А.С., Байташева Г.У., Бейсенова Г.С., Жолмаганбетова М., Закиров Б.С., Мырзахметова Н.О. Исследование микроэлектрода из нового вещества – сплава ковар и ртутно-пленочного электрода на основе этого материала...... 77 Цешковская Е.А., Голубева Е.И., Ибраев М.К., Оралова А.Т., Цой Н.К., Исабаева М.Б. Техногенное влияние горной промышленности на окружающую среду на примере Карагандинской области Республики Казахстан...... 85 Адильбектеги Г.А., Мустафаев Ж.С., Уватаева Т.К., Дулатбекова Ж.Н., Mosiej Jozef. Количественная и качественная оценка биологического и экологического потенциала ландшафтов Южного Казахстана...... 96 Карынбаев А.К., Баймуканов Д.А., Бекенов Д. М., Юлдашбаев Ю.А., Чиндалиев А.Е. Экологический мониторинг пастбищ и определение продуктивности кормов под влиянием антропогенных факторов...... 104 Ракишева З.Б., Nakasuka Sh., Досжан Н.С., Ибраев Г. Е. Стабилизация движения малого космического аппарата на геостационарной орбите...... 112 Аргынова А.Х., Искаков Б., Жуков В.В., Мукашев К.М., Мурадов А.Д., Пискаль В.В., Садуев Н.О., Садыков Т.X., Салихов Н.М., Серикканов А.С., Таутаев Е.М., Умаров Ф.Ф. Перспективные фундаментальные исследования по физике и астрофизике космических лучей на Тянь-Шаньской высокогорной научной станции...... 121 Сабралиев Н., Турсымбекова З., Мусалиева Р., Байбураева ЖТаран., И., Карсыбаев Е., Жанбиров Ж. Методы повышения надежности и эффективности системы управления эксплуатации автомобилей...... 139 Волкова Т.Н., Борисенко О.А., Ковалёва И.Л., Розина Л.И., Соболева О.А., Трофимченко В.А., Нурмуханбетова Д.Е. Микробиологическая безопасность безалкогольных напитков...... 147 Мустафин С.А., Дуйсен Г.М., Зейнуллин А.А., Коробова Е.В. Оценка выбора рейтинговых групп заемщиков...... 157 Абдижаппарова Б.Т., Ханжаров , Н.С. Оспанов Б.О., Панкина И.А., Орымбетова Г.Э. Способ вакуумно-атмосферной сушки клубней топинамбура...... 165 Тюлькин С.В., Вафин Р.Р., Гильманов Х.Х., Ржанова И.В., Галстян А.Г., Бигаева А.В., Хуршудян С.А., Нурмуханбетова Д.Е. ДНК-маркеры – прогнозный критерий выхода и качества молочного сырья...... 177 Джолдасов С.К., Сарбасова Г.А., Бекмуратов М.М., Смаилов Б.Ш., Рустем Е.И., Жоламанов Н.Ж., Янгиев А.А. Новые конструкции наносоперехватывающих сооружений...... 184 Оразалиева С., Войчик В., Якубова М., Онгар Б. Измерение угла поворота и вращения оптического волокна с использованием Брэгговской решетки...... 190 Акиянова Ф.Ж., Фролова Н.Л., Шаймерденова А.М., Каракулов Е.М., Олешко А.Б. Влияние антропогенной трансформации русел рек на водные ресурсы аридных регионов (на примере рек Есиль и Нура, Северный Казахстан)...... 197 Кабылбеков К.А., Абдрахманова Х.К., Дасибеков А.Д., Саидахметов П.А., Маханов Т.Ш., Кеделбаев Б.Ш. «Исследование движения тела с трением, брошенного под углом к горизонту» в системе MATLAB...... 208 Kaлимолдаев M., Aхметжанов M., Kунелбаев M., Сундетов T. Информационные системы интегрированных модулей машинного обучения на примере вербального робота...... 215 Жексенбаева АНысанбаева.К., А.С., Турсумбаева М.О. Динамика многолетних климатических колебаний осадков вегетационного периода на Севере Казахстана...... 223 310 ISSN 2224-5278 Series of Geology and Technical Sciences. 6. 2019

Ермолов П.В., Хасен Б.П., Антонюк Р.М., Макат Д.К. Геодинамика и металлогения Тектурмасского офиолитового пояса (по материалам гранта Фонда науки РК 2018–2020) "Глубинный прогноз, поиски, разведка участков минерализации в Тектурмасском офиолитовом поясе"...... 235 Сембиев О.З., Кемельбекова Ж.С., Умарова Ж.Р. Расчеты избыточной нагрузки в сети...... 246 Калиаскарова З.К., Алиева Ж.Н., Иканова А.С., Негим Е.С.М. Загрязнение почвы земель Карасайского полигона тяжелыми металлами твердых бытовых отходов г. Алматы...... 256 Яворский В.В., Утепбергенов И.Т., Мамырбаев О.Ж., Ахмедиярова А.Т. Модели анализа распределения пассажирских трафиков в маршрутных транспортных системах...... 268 Савельев А.Г., Жилейкин М.М., Михайловская В.А., Дудкин М.В., Ким А.И., Млынчак Марек, Кустарев Г.В. Повышение надежности металлоконструкции автогрейдера путем моделирования и перекомпоновки рабочего оборудования...... 276 Новикова Г.В., Жданкин Г.В., Михайлова О.В., Белова М.В., Семенов В.Г., Баймуканов Д.А., Исхан К.Ж., Карынбаев А.К. Установки для комплексного воздействия электрофизических факторов на сырье...... 287 Порто М., Капуто П., Лоиз В., Телтаев Б., Агенлико Р., Каландра П., Оливиеро Росси Ч. Новые экспериментальные подходы к анализу надмолекулярной структуры омоложенных состаренных битумов...... 295 Сейтмуратов A., Даутбаева А., Беркимбаев К.М., Турлугулова Н., Тулегенова Э. Построение двухпараметрических структурно-устойчивых отображений...... 302

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Aang Panji Permana, Pramumijoyo Subagyo, Akmaluddin. Uplift rate of Gorontalo limestone (Indonesia) based on biostratigraphy analysis...... 6 Balakayeva G.T., Phillips C., Darkenbayev D.K., Turdaliyev M. Using NoSQL for processing unstructured big data...... 12 Doudkin M.V., Apshikur B., Kim A.I., Ipalakov T.T., Asangaliyev E.A., Млынчак M. Development of an installation for shear ground testing in the railway track construction...... 22 Beysenbayev O.K., Ahmedov U.K., Issa A.B., Smaylov B.M., Esirkepova M.M., Artykova Zh.K. Receiving and research of the mechanism of capsulation of superphosphate and double superphosphate for giving of strength properties...... 36 Biletsky M., Nifontov Iu., Ratov B., Deliskesheva D. The problem of drilling mud parameters continuous monitoring and its solution at the example of automatic measurement of its density...... 46 Amirgaliyev Y., Wójcik W., Kunelbayev M., Merembayev T., Yedilkhan D., Kozbakova A., Auelbekov O., Kataev N. Theoretical prerequisites of electric water heating in solar collector-accumulator...... 54 Iskakbayev A.I., Teltayev B.B., Yensebayeva G.M. Mechanical characteristics of asphalt concrete at different loading rates...... 64 Kasenova Zh.M., Ermagambet B.T., Remnev G.E., Martemyanov S.M., Bukharkin A.A., Nurgaliyev N.U. Modeling of subterranean heating of coals of Maykuben and Ekibastuz basins...... 70 Mussina А.S., Baitasheva G.U., Beisenova G.S., Zholmaganbetova M.A., Zakirov B.S., Myrzakhmetova N.О. Study of a microelectrode manufactured of a new material – kovar, and a mercury-film electrode on the basis of this material...... 77 Tseshkovskaya Ye.A., Golubeva E.I., Ibrayev M.K., Oralova A.T., Tsoy N.K., Issabayeva M.B. Technogenic impact of mining industry on environment in Karaganda region of Republic of Kazakhstan...... 85 Adilbektegi G.A., Mustafayev J.S., Uvatayeva T.K., Dulatbekova Z.N., Mosiej Jozef. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of biological and ecological potential of the landscapes of Southern Kazakhstan...... 96 Karynbayev A.K., Baimukanov D.A., Bekenov D.M., Yuldashbayev Yu.A., Chindaliev A.E. Environmental monitoring of pastures and determination of carrying capacity under the influence of anthropogenic factors...... 104 Rakisheva Z.B., Nakasuka Sh., Doszhan N.S., Ibrayev G.E. Stabilization of the movement of a small spacecraft in a geostationary orbit...... 112 Argynova A.Kh., Iskakov B., Jukov V.V., Mukashev K.M., Muradov A.D., Piskal V.V., Saduyev N.O., Sadykov T.X., Salihov N.M., Serikkanov A.S., Tautaev E.M., Umarov F.F. The perspective fundamental cosmic rays physics and astrophysics investigations in the Tien Shan high-mountain scientific station...... 121 Sabraliev N., Tursymbekova Z., Musalieva R., Baiburaeva J.А., Taran I., Karsibaev E., Zhanbirov Zh. Methods to improve the reliability and efficiency of the management system of car exploitation...... 139 Volkova T.N., Borisenko O.A., Kovalyova I.L., Rozina L.I., Soboleva O.A., Trofimchenko V.A., Nurmukhanbetova D.E. Microbiological safety of soft drinks...... 147 Mustafin S.A., Duisen G.M., Zeinullin A.A., Korobova E.V. Evaluation of the choice of borrower rating groups...... 157 Abdizhapparova B.T., Khanzharov N.S., Ospanov B.O., Pankina I.A., Orymbetova G.E. A way of vacuum-atmospheric drying of Jerusalem artichoke tubers...... 165 Tyulkin S.V., Vafin R.R., Gilmanov Kh.Kh., Rzhanova I.V., Galstyan A.G., Bigaeva A.V., Khurshudyan S.A., Nurmukhanbetova D.E. DNA markers – a prediction criterion for yield and quality of raw milk...... 177 Joldassov S.K., Sarbassova G.A., Bekmuratov M.M., Smailov B.Sch., Rustem E.I., Zholamanov N.Zh., Yangiev A.A. New constructions of sediment exclusion works...... 184 Orazaliyeva S., Wojcik W., Yakubova M., Ongar B. Measurement of the veer and rotation of an optical fibre using a Bragg grating...... 190 Akiyanova F.Zh., Frolova N.L., Shaimerdenova A.M., Karakulov Ye.M., Oleshko A.B. Impact of anthropogenic transformation of riverbeds on the water resources of arid regions (the Yesil and Nura rivers case, North Kazakhstan)...... 197 Kabylbekov K.A., Abdrakhmanova Kh.K., Dasibekov A.D., Saidakhmetov P.A., Makhanov T.Sh., Kedelbaev B.Sh. The motion with air drag of a body launched at an angle above the horizontal...... 208 Kalimoldayev M., Akhmetzhanov M., Kunelbayev M., Sundetov T. Information systems of integrated machine learning modules on the example of a verbal robot...... 215 Zheksenbayeva A.K., Nyssanbayeva A.S., Tursumbayeva M.O. Dynamics of multi-year climatic changes of precipitation during the vegetation period in the North of Kazakhstan...... 223 Yermolov P.V., Khassen B.P., Antonyuk R.M., Makat D.K. Geodynamics and metallogeny of Tekturmas ophiolite belt (according to the records of the grant of the Science Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018–2020 “Depth prognosis, surveys, exploration of mineralization areas in Tekturmas ophiolite belt)...... 235 Sembiyev O.Z., Kemelbekova Zh.S., Umarova Zh. Calculations of excess load on the network...... 246

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Kaliaskarova Z.K., Aliyeva Zh.N., Ikanovа A.S., Negim E.S.M. Soil pollution with heavy metals on the land of the Karasai landfill of municipal solid waste in Almaty city...... 256 Yavorsky V.V., Utepbergenov I.T., Mamyrbayev O.Zh., Akhmediyarova A.T. Models of analysis of distribution of passenger traffics in routed transport systems...... 268 Saveliev Аndrey, Zhileykin Mikhail, Mikhailovskaya Valeria, Doudkin Mikhail, Kim Alina, Mlynczak Marek, Kustarev Gennadiy, Grib Vladimir. Icreasing the reliability of the autograder metal construction by modeling and re-assembling of the working equipment...... 276 Novikova G.V., Zhdankin G.V., Mikhailova O.V., Belova M.V., Semenov V.G., Baimukanov D.A., Iskhan K.Zh., Karynbayev A.K. Installations for complex influence of electrophysical factors on raw materials...... 287 Porto M., Caputo P., Loise V., Teltayev B., Angelico R., Calandra P., Oliviero Rossi C. New experimental approaches to analyse the supramolecular structure of rejuvenated aged bitumens...... 295 Seitmuratov A., Dauitbayeva А., Berkimbaev K.M., Turlugulova K.N., Tulegenova E. Constructed two-parameter structurally stable maps...... 302

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