Regional Urban Development Project (RRP NEP 47252)


I. Basic Project Information

Project Title: : Regional Urban Development Project (RUDP) Project Budget: $214 million (ADB financing: $150 million) Location: Bheemdatt, , , , Godawari, , Shuklaphanta, and Siddharthanagar in the Terai Region of Nepal Sector: Water and other urban infrastructure and services Theme: Inclusive economic growth Brief Description: The Government of Nepal has requested ADB financing of $150 million to increase resilience, livability, and quality of urban services in eight municipalities. The project includes investments in municipal infrastructure such as drainage, roads, footpaths, solid waste management, and sewerage. It also includes a strong focus on urban planning, disaster risk resilience, institutional strengthening, and operational sustainability.

II. Summary of Climate Risk Screening and Assessment

A. Sensitivity of project component(s) to climate or weather conditions and sea level Higher temperature, increased rainfall variability, increased water pollution, and growth of algal blooms in rivers and water bodies from sewers and drain overflow are possible. Sea-level rise will not be an issue as subprojects are not located in coastal areas. Project component Sensitivity to climate or weather conditions and sea 1. Urban roads and drainage improvement level 2. Wastewater management improvement 1. Intensity and frequency of heavy rainfall events 3. Solid waste management improvement 2. Flooding and pollution from heavy rainfall 4. Municipal buildings events 3. Flooding and pollution from heavy rainfall events 4. Not sensitive B. Climate Risk Screening Risk topic Description of the risk 1. Rainfall 1. Increase in rainfall intensity may increase the risk of more frequent and more intense surface (pluvial) and river (fluvial) flooding of project 2. Temperature facilities; more prolonged dry periods are also expected 2. Increased temperature increases putrefaction rate of organic matter in municipal solid waste and generation of methane Climate Risk Classification: Medium C. Climate Risk Assessment Annual mean temperature of the project area is projected to increase by 2.80C by the 2050s under the IPCC A2 scenario. Annual precipitation of the project area is about 1,580 millimeters. Annual total precipitation is projected to increase by 36 millimeters (or 2%) by the 2050s according to some models, which are not downscaled to the project zone. For the Mohana and Kutiya river basins (Godawari and Dhangadhi), the projection is an increase in rainfall from 3% to 16%.1 Climate change is projected to influence the frequency and intensity of both pluvial and fluvial flood events and risks, and prolong drought periods. Storm-water drainage and landfill subprojects are potentially vulnerable to increasing quantity and intensity of precipitation. Rising temperatures will affect solid waste management.

1 ADB. 2016. WRPPF- Package 3: Flood Hazard Mapping and Preliminary Preparation of Risk Management Projects. Final Report. Manila. 2

III. Climate Risk Management Response within the Project

1. For Biratnagar, Birgunj, Nepalgunj and Siddharthanagar the proposed investments follow existing drainage master plans prepared under ongoing projects,2 which are designed for peak flow. Size of drains was finalized based on intensity duration curve considering selected return periods to avoid backflow. The design ensures that all drains reach an outfall, which was not the case previously. Integrated solid waste management projects financed through other projects will be crucial in helping ensure that drains are not clogged. Capacity of municipalities for operation and maintenance of drains to remove siltation shall be strengthened under the project, to ensure full capacity of drains. 2. For Godawari, Bheemdatt, Dhangadhi, and Shuklaphanta, an urban flood risk assessment3 of the project urban areas was undertaken to help inform the detailed design. All necessary hydraulic modeling and designs will consider climate and flood impacts. The considerations include (i) prioritizing areas with higher risks of increased inundation, (ii) cutting off embankments and drains around landfill sites, and (iii) avoiding flood plains for siting of structures as much as possible. Project design includes preparation of drainage master plans and disaster risk resilient physical development plans using geographic information system and hazard mapping techniques. Drainage master plans will be prepared in coordination with the Department of Roads. A single integrated drainage master plan will be prepared for adjacent municipalities of Godawari and Dhangadhi. Integrated solid waste management projects financed through this project will critically help to ensure that drains are not clogged; and capacity of municipalities for operation and maintenance of drains to remove siltation shall be strengthened under the project.4 3. The project will provide support and training to the project municipalities to maintain the drainage network and enhance their flood risk management capacity. 4. For Godawari, Bheemdatt, Dhangadhi, and Shuklaphanta, existing open dumpsites that emit methane emissions will be remediated. Open burning of garbage will be minimized. A reduce, reuse, recycle (3Rs) program will ensure methane emissions are controlled through landfilling of refuse only. Organic material will be composted; plastics, paper and glass will be recycled.

2 ADB. 2016. NEP-36188: Secondary Towns Environmental Infrastructure Improvement project includes Birgunj and Biratnagar; and NEP-42161 Integrated Urban Development Project includes Nepalgunj and Siddharthanagar. Manila. 3 ADB. 2011. TA-6498 REG: Knowledge and Innovation Support for ADB Water Financing Program. Flood Risk Assessment Expert. Manila. 4 In the Province 7, the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Division, South Asia Department, is preparing a complementary flood risk reduction project in for two river basins of Mohana and Khutiya, which include Godawari and Dhangadhi. The project will focus on river management, and complement the urban drainage component under RUDP.