DocCov 23-04-2004 11:23 Pagina 1 No.29, Winter 2004 Does Euroscepticism have a passport? Simon Usherwood Bruges as a Lodestone of British Opposition to the European Union Olof Petersson The debate about Europe in Sweden Jan Rovny Conceptualising Party-based Euroscepticism: Magnitude and Motivations Anne Sophie Coleman Transparency Trap: Anti-Dumping and the Pursuit of Closer Trade Cooperation within the EU and the WTO Ana Maria Dobre Europeanisation at Work: A Study of Regional Domestic Adaptation to the EU Collegium Collegium29 23-04-2004 11:11 Pagina 1 Does Euroscepticism have a passport? Collegium29 23-04-2004 11:11 Pagina 2 Editors Dr Marc Vuijlsteke, Chief Editor Anja Fiedler, Co-editor Pierpaolo Settembri, Co-editor Editing Board Members Jennifer Byron Nadia Elhaggagi Vicent Climent-Ferrando Jerome Glass Miguel Angel Medina Abellan Radhia Oudjani Nadine Thwaites Collegium Collegium is published quarterly by the academic assistants and students of the College of Europe. The views expressed in Collegium are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the College of Europe. Copyright remains with the authors. The co-editors would like to thank their predecessors Christine Reh and Christopher Reynolds for their dedication and creativity in their work for Collegium. Submissions to Collegium are welcomed. Manuscripts for consideration, in English or in French, should be sent in electronic format (Word) by email to:
[email protected] or on diskette to: Collegium, College of Europe, Dijver 11, Brugge, B-8000, Belgium. Collegium29 23-04-2004 11:11 Pagina 3 Collegium No.29, Winter 2004 Simon Usherwood Bruges as a Lodestone of British Opposition p.