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9-24-1909 The edC arville Herald, September 24, 1909 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, September 24, 1909" (1909). The Cedarville Herald. 878. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/878

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THIRTY-SKCONI) YEAH KO. at ....—...— —f'f^T)IRVTU CWTlfiX-— —KJ0&- T ------f m f i l . 0 0A Y E A R .

should a mandamus suit bo brought j MILK IN CHUNKS. to place the offender In the l Cedarviflel College workhouse again there will be, BIG BOSS, VS., PROTECTIVE ASS’N LETTEfi P something doing in tho ‘‘reform"' it is now proposo to deliver milk camp. Ono faction of the drys j tu customers frozen. This is really wanted OharlPi Johnson for mayor, ■ Opened Tuesday. nothiug new, as that is tho way it lo TEMPERANCE PEOPLEtho other, under tho leadership of] LITTLE BOSS. HOLDS MEETING. commonly handled in Hihotia in] Or B. H. McClellan, wanted ■ The sixteenth y kr of Cedai'villo winter. You buy milk there in Brennan, i, . ‘Alfonso and Gaston” stunt College opened jtesday morning chunks, frozen around a stick which ()fJ TueS(J lnorm-,)g tbo n: n How will the people of Xeuia arid Monday afternoon the mayor ar- . . . , . . The Codarvillo Protective Asso­ It»W V tho county in general take Mayor with a good * tun* face. ciation held an interesting meeting peared before the ministerial **«,-< *!,at 18 b°»ffPUtoi. by tho twofac- Tii* program A EJf Si u • h M°“ Lf H d°U!fc tool: a two-horso wagon load of U ) cor. i Brennan's statements concerning .tions of the Republican central exercises was in the Mayor's office, Monday even­ clation and spoke on, “ Our City opened by Rev. |d*rson offering i* >i nn re”lt,, ,a 4. ° j uhaiM, table, beds, and em the jeleaso of a certain bootlegger committee of this county as to who ing, with a good attendance, Ow­ and don’ t spill the milk” but “ take -dry & other . articles,*. - ' which . . would - - bo - Government.” At this meeting it the invocation, ripture reading enro and don’ t break the milk,” for ' Tcll‘2 in that city, after finding iam controls the executive commitUt ing to the absence of President needed, up to tho cabin where we la stated that questions were put to by Rev. W. K. tfter which Dr. a oh n n k ofit dropped on tho hard that guilty? has reached ■.* stage where mere t-ooloy *n account of sickness, Mr, intended camping. On Wednesday the Executive as to hi# reason for Browulee of Clift lead in prayer, frozen ground will break into a lty? For more than a month tho tem­ liberating this particular man after mention of either body reminds one Alex Turnbull, vice president pro-1” we filled tho back with eatabh s, ’or mi A quartette no; fating of Bev. perance people of Xenia have been being found guilty, His excuse of a burlesque show, sided in Ills plaeo. j thousand pieces. dishes and ourselves (soma of the ance Tho committee originally wat Sanderson, L. BuJlenborgey, divided over the course pursued by was that he was out on “ probation’ The association heard the bills most important articles w# thought) id i d ■ under the control of tho “ reform” Charles Raney G.. F. Scigler the mayor* This factor entered which he claimed was a most effec­ read tor tho expense of the blood and we started out full of anticlpa- maj rendered several ictions through- WANTED. into the recent primary and was tual weapon, but this kind of pro­ element. By diqkeringand playing hounds as well as the Dayton auto­ 'tions of the good time coming. Tbo >' tile peanut politics those at the head but the exercise*. no doubt responsible for the Mayor cedure needs lo be used with cau­ mobile, The former was $25 and road ascends gradually from the lotibt of this movement lost control when The address of- morning was withdrawing and announcing his tion.. The mayor stated also that the latter $30. Tho chief of police Young lady of good address and time wo leave Dayton, which i:i hdrui delivered by Rev 0. Foster of intention of coming ot the general we must therfore “do the right as “ Bossa’ Schmidt and bis followers of Daytonaskod for the reward of. standing to-solicit aeco'unts tor col­ fifteen hundred feet above the Sea Salineville. G „, o ueed as his ■nfcioi. election. we see the right and thus have the stepped in and Increased the num­ fared for the return of tho Conley lection from doctors, milk men, level, until we reach our destina­ it: n. theme, “ An llenfc Spirit, There is oveiy indication that comfort of our own conscience and ber of the executive committee from horse and elovor seed. This was $25 dentists and merchants in Greene tion on the summit of Mt. Ecklor, aero fifteen to thirty... Good tempergroi? ut of the high- the ono time concrete organization patiently learn to endure outside and tlie trustees allowed the threo county, salary or commission. a "distance of sixteen miles and at ono t. This branch wanted to name the cst faculties of lit' Oultivate the such of tho drys in Xenia has been shat­ criticism, which is general y made bills. There were several other Steady employment and quick re- an altitude of four thousand six Eio dr; member of the Board of Elections the power of the an mind and tered by some, of the leaders play­ withouta knowledge ofinsldo facts” bills m connection with the last turns. Address at once hundred feet where my brother- d by aud this they accomplished. This good humor and rfect sunshine ing attli* game of strong arm poli­ It i# now claimed that previous to cases that wore paid. American Fiducial Co. in-law owns some valuable timber at the is regarded as the largest plum that will manifest for men are tics, It appears that these Jeadef# the primary Mr. Johnson sought By resolution an assessment of Ashtabula, O. land. 1 , It i rs m falls to the county organization. distinguished by fc _ powar to think, have sacrificed the cause of local the support .of the Brennan-Model- of ono dollar per member was or­ Wo arrived at our destination o sat The “ reformers” realized this also Daily application every lesson option and law enforcement, to en­ lan faction. Demands were made dered. All members that are not at about one o’elock p. m. and as on an but failed to get in their work in develops thought! ,es*. The #tu­ FO R SA LE ; hance their powers in a political of him-in return for support that fully paid up are notin good stand­ 22 head of Detain ce fcli time. dent can have n* ber motto than breeding ewes. l e s s way. ■ Mr. Johnson would not grant. Here ing according to the constitution G. R. McMillan. [Continued on last page.] Bast Saturday afternoon the com­ to pattern after m of broad sym- The contention in the dry ranks is where politics entered and ruined, and by-laws of tho association. io cm mittee was called together, suppos­ pathies. Learn ^to sympathize is whether Mayor Brennan acted any possible success on the part of Most of the members present paid ■Instil edly for the purpose of considering class mates and with wisely in releasing, from the work the temperance people. With such .^professors and their assessment that night. Others sly in the tie vote with the township trus­ everything about, house a colored bootlegger within a a division neither side could win ather sympa- should leave the money with the so a c tees In this towhship, A resolution thy forJUncllIiiesa henrt reaches few hours after bis cojmmtmcnfc to and “ Boss” Sohmldfc nominated a secretary and treasurer, Mr. 0. L, was offered to increase the executive distinction. The 'XoelJent spirit tins institution. lull city ticket that will "Without Smith. will committee from thirty to fifty. The manifests itself I We will be prepared to show the latest Tho story goes that this offender doubt be elected this fall. strong moral The trustees or captains asked for resolution was put. through by a character, strong called by phone a certain “ reform” The Herald has no direct interest yeically, inbe- more assistance and a motion was vote of ten to six, Only a few more lectnally and mor politician and notified him that un­ in the Xenia squabble other than, y. Stand on passed allowing each one to name designs in than half .of the membership were the rock of truth less he was taken from tho work­ for the success of the cause ot local you will de­ two additional men. It was the present. It is stated that ‘ ‘Boss” maiid the world'* house both would talco a trip to option and the bearing it will have tention on all sentiment of the meeting that when Schmidt still controls the central sides, Duty will Columbus, as he (the bootlegger), On the remainder ot the county. The g about pleas- a member heard of a horse being would just aa leave be there as committee and can make another ant relationship between student liberal men are boasting now that stolen to immediately offer his ser­ where he was. The whole affair is change in the executive whenever and professor, ThWbne that culti­ Fall and Winter Millinety they will elect liberal men for may­ vices. The telephone company was .ail echo of crooked work in the ho wishes to. It is claimed that vates these traitoftw the ones being asked to make a rule that the com­ or in, Xenia, Jamestown,' Yellow there is nothing more of any great fourth ward election two years ago demanded by th* dtftiness and po­ pany’s lines should be at the ser­ Springs and Cedatville and that importance that the committee can on the part of a “ reform” leader to litical world. f vice of the officers without having people do nob . want fanatical do so it makes little difference, who carry the election. Prof. A. Li Palnipr gave an ex­ to Wait qn the line where possibly cranks for these places, control# this body. * Whether the threat of the boot­ cellent reading of jme ,of Rudynrd there was gossiping going on. For years the people complained Just how the “ reformers” hold, Friday and Saturday, legger on the ‘‘reformer” reached NipHng's works, 2r©f« Palmer will Each member was asked to have about the kind of city government the new organization as regular is a to Mayor Brennan Is hot known, teach oratory beside# chemistry. a ready description of the herse* that “ Boss” Schmidt, administered mystery. Whenthe Schmidt crowd but wo do knoiv that the. man was owned. Cards were ordered printed but tho Herald desires to go ou rec­ toon charge and W. L. Miller was liberated, Since then tho Mayor's ord as to the methods that are be­ so that ft full description of each October 1st and 2nd actions have been questioned by the dethroned as chairman, he protest­ how* can be filled in. This would ing resorted to by “ so-called re­ ed that such work waft irregular temperance people who are oppos­ formers.” It is wrong to criticise THEATRE «TE$ . save giving a hasty description and would not stand. In fact all ing his faction. It is stated that after the horse had gone. These one and uphold the other. the “ reform” bunch hailed the blanks can be had of the secretary, Schmidt people as a lot of bandits Mr, Smith, and each member is We invite all to call and inspect . them and night riders. Now tin* some After making id” in New asked to get as many as is necessary crowd that felt the Schmidt dagger York and .Ohio* ii*y ana Aus- and fill them out immediately. came out last Saturday -with corn tin, the erstwhile • notchere” of cutter* and hand axst and took re­ vaudeville are fared m the fanatical coated: venge, In the mama of “reform” tTop O’ TIP FOR SALE; Gentle driving horse World,” wfeis I* come* to tor school children, tfnrl Wingfield, Sid, c . G, Turnbull. Miss jff. L. Craufurd, Ohio, Monday, fctepfc 28th. A guar­ KSttrMtlEi w d * “ reform” Hag. It’s to be regretted that Ferry ami Conk were not pres­ antee of the merit* of the attrac­ The Thinker Knows. M iss K^ate J\[isbet w ill a ssist Announce Their ent to gain information aa to mak­ tion# is the two long engagements Only the, man whose hand# /never ing a real capture and planting a In New York Glty at the Majestic touch the realities of fife .despairs of .% • and Casino Theatre# winch wa* human progress or doubts the provb “ real reform” flag. Sence of God.—Albert J. Beveridge. "Dr. B. B McClellan has been the followed by several months at the Studebakef theatre, Chicago. It New Arrivals for the Fall Season, 1909 “ Boss” of the reformers and is ha* odd people, a unique book, clev­ iW known as tho “ Little Boss” in Xenia polities. Of course JL E. er lyrics, music ot the bright and Schmidt Is the “ Big Boss” as usual catchy sort, dance# that appeal and LADIES’ and MISSES’ SUITS a big singing and dancing chorus, LD j that The following twenty men were In all the new models, beautiful designs, popular named in the resolution: D. 0. The plec* 1# lit two acts wit h three In An Jones, J. C. Townsloy, B. It. Mc­ scenes, namely Christmas Land, 1 8 7 7 1 9 0 9 materials, rich colorings, elegant trimmings and Clellan, B. F. thonias. George Stiles, Pass m the Mountain* and tlio Pal­ maiased perfect fitting. J. H. Andrew, J. C. Barber, GaJeB ace of Queen Aurora Borealis, on th* Plaza of in. the City of lllnsia. WREN’S Grinnel], R. L. Gowdy, Samuel Pe W Barnett, W. E. Burrous, L. M. Gar­ There is a plot winch concerns field, D. C. Coy, W . H. Donges, Shcliman, a parody on Wellman Walter Weller, W. T. Sehnediker, who 'started out an expedition to High Grade Ladies’ Waists, the North Pole in a balloon, a toy Springfield9 = = » = Ohio. from J. II. McVey, John Baughn, J. B. igl Christopher and W. A. Carpenter. maker, a little. girl who wants to I grow up immediately. Jack Frost > holds Monday evening tho executive Skirts and Petticoats committee members organized and the villain of Hi* North Pole Region it the replaced the men dethroned by the and two friendly Esquimeanx. Schmidt people some months ago. There are numerous xong hits and dance* and the Collie Ballet. Six t this ULTRA FASHIONABLE W. L. Miller was made chairman, John A. Nosblt, treasurer, Georg* young ladies and six dog# go ANNOUNCE THEIK. { was A. Hudson, secretary. through a series of graceful move­ MEN’ S and YOUNG MEN’ S SUITS ments, and the pretty animals en­ iN joy their work as thoroughly as do Of the latest styles in cut, materials and shades, BROWN-BLAKE. the girls. O f best workmanship, perfect fitting and shape re­ Harry Bulger in “ The Night of bes taining. Married at IS midday, August 10, the Fourth,” Is the laugh provoking ta il 1909, in the Presbyterian mission in exhibition which will be offered at ANNUAL FALL OPENING Coyoacan, bliss Isabella Blake and tbo Fairbanks Theatre on Thursday )S. Mr. Robert A. Brown. September 30th, This well knewn BOYS TWO-PIECE SUITS comedian needs no Introduction to m I)r. William Wallace, bead of th* With plain or knickerbocker trousers, up-to-the- mission school apd seminary offi­ the public. He i» a star in musical vim ciated at the ceremony, and about comedies. During tlie past seasons Thursday, Friday and Saturday, minute in style and fabrics, strongly made, ages, he has not a failure against him. mil 109 guests, intimate friends of the 3 to 16 years* brid* and groom, were present. In several cases he took material 3 t Tho marriage was a very quiet one which had not proved completely owing to the recent death of the successful and secured nproarous comic effects, giving life to the pro­ ! bride’s father, Mr. A. Blake, and September- 31st, October 1st and 2nd . no formal invitaHonfi were Issued, duction. The secret of his popular­ Men’s, Young Men’s and Boys ity and success is in the possession Tho bride was attended by six lit­ £ of a comic personality. He has an tle flower girls, Mistrtsses Marion, Florence and Margaret Vanderbilt, accurate sense of fun and is able to Elizabeth and Jallet B. Wallace, give this quality to any stage ma­ Separate Trousers terial he handles. In “ The night of and Marjorie Blake. Thore wore Musical program by Hawken’s Cadet Band Thursday afternoon, and no other attendants. Immediately the Fourth” he has an exceptional opportunity, for the piece is one in ■ ,< fk following the ceremony the wed­ night. We desire your presence. ■& t* : ding breakfast wa« spread at the Which he achieves his leading rep­ BOY’S BLOUSES utation a# a comedian, It is a like­ IY"S': £ home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. This Great Store lias in readiness for your inspection the largest and A. Blako, about thirty covers being ly farcical piece, with comic situa- With collars or band, in great variety, all sizes, tioiisfrom start to finish, all of a Wc laid- most comprehensive assortment of new Fall and Winter merchandise An early inspection is solicited. You will not be Immediately after the breakfast kind which Mr. Bulger I# so adapt Ail in handling. The production po*< -Jenkreioes not urged to buy. Mr. and Mrs. Brown loft on their ever tjhown in Ohio The collection is more beautiful than ever before, m i wedding trip to Oaxaca, where they scsos an abundant number of lively will stay for about two weeks. They catchy tunes, splendid specialties more varied, more attractive. Mawtkt.■wicwmivj 1 Mwvvwifl . and attractive dancing numbers. will make thoir homo in Coyoacan, Our Prices Are Uniform and Positive­ The company supporting Mr. Bul­ ir whet* Mr. Brown is connected with Tempting prices in all departments opening days. tho Presbyterian .mission, as he has ger is particularly capable one and been for the past five years.—Her­ tho costumes and sceneries are beautiful. Th# entire entertain' ly the Lowest. ald, Mexico City. merit is assured to furnish continu­ ous lnerlment, Tho farmers in the vicinity of Yellow Springs are getting ready FOR HALE; A cement block for an organization of a Protective machine ami moulds tor several All out-of-town buyers living within a radius of 40 miles of Springfield mak~ i Association, tho object of which fs kinds of work. Also house moving ing purchases of $15 or over will be refunded their round trip faro under tho < & M. HYMAN, to prevent horse stealing, The outfit, puUejy *, ropeftj eh*. Apply to ! many thefts of horses in tho county A. I). Towiisley. plan of The Merchants’ Association. j Ladies’ and Gentlemens Outfitters. lias stirred farmors in every section There should bo some plan of co­ $0 East Main Street, Ohio. operation botweou the va m u i or* Rheumatic rain* r*suw*t hy tm jh bp, |$$M’ **K*rw*t m , U *o«M *K«4* *«*» r w m Look for th# name op door and window* paiiteJttiehih 1 - titdHf Pa# *•» wyig. Mr. James B*jrimr attended lb* m nwAKtz&i* r«uuiou qt tb« wa, o. V. I. fu Lon- “ TAKE THIS CUT’ Tonic or biimulant?; -tow vn Tuesday util Wedaeeday, ' ^ c 2 5 J . n There is an immense difference between a tonic and a — Mr. W iltir Ittff want t* Mich- TNEEXCHAIGEIAIK stimulant. Tp one day, way back the next; that’s a Maf -b mond. MoaMay t« kid. some bridge IK 1 ^ t * f s \ t j * rJtahnt. Steady progress day by day toward perfect wwrkufths Peaserlvaaia railread .. a Jtenk----- \yerLs. Sarsaparilla is^ T on ic]: TfiaTojiipaay is d*able traaSiug ba- a show* tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from lw#a» Jttabmaiid and Indiaiiapolm lo r Inikxitg *nd CMldren. W* ESoMen? Yor» Eatuonagb ‘ chcL D o not stimulate unless your doctor says so. and pi*o€3t£e careful and prompt R#v.J mou I i. M*MilI*n and wife takhim . Do as he says. Yx.AwCo. J*uttiMaa. attcsrifoa to all busiacEs ^sssKi^m«msM of Great Neck, N. Y., arrived Mon­ The Kind You Have * iatraetf'il to tu*. p:x\A cause of aick-ljcadnshc, biliousness, indigestion, bad day and ara the g«#stc at the home :s, H;a your doctor ever recommended Ayer’s Fills to you? of the former’* parent*, Mr. and -B » » 5 Always Bought NEW YORK l>RAf T Mre. Jam## MeMiHan. Dr, 1 aae 'Wlstomian was in Col­ |S»i-Ci};:p and BANK .’ftlJ.N* i .ORDERS* The CedarrMe Herald. umbus Wednesday. Mr. C- W . Crouee is fitting up hia B ears th e The cheapest aui most eon- Jx.oo Pei’ Year. room on Mam street and will move “ Wo recommend it; there Isn’ l valient way tn m m money by The Dayton blood bounds wars in his meat store the first of th* weak. nay better.,, town Monday on their way to the mail. The room he vaeates has been used In mid-summer yon have to trust K A .tt'U U X tfk " - KeMto** Daniel Boysol farm near South Signature for retailing; meat for a number of Pxoinote3'DHp»H^.CheerfMF to ft large degree to your burirher. Loans Made on v5 I Estate, Charleston whom some scamp de­ years. iil«,9ahdIle?*C^llaliis Rfilher liberately slashad and destroyed a Personal or " ha * ;-i Security, FBITJAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1809. Ctoimit,MojrriitfUMt o f Well Cared For Meats melon patch with a corn hnifa. j f O l U A R C o t i c . •Baa ■MUi'J-SJXgWhen tho discovery wae made the CLEVER WOMEN THEN ANP NOW Banking ff< urs j A- M. to 3 P, M, in hot weather are the only kind to dogs wore telephoned for and were Writer Object# to Undue Glorification flut^afoujorJSiHea-nTami buy; we have proper appliances for S. W. siithS , Pr«ii Irnt. successful In getting a trail that will Additional Locals. no doubt provo who theguilty party of Past Celebrities, S kt- keeping thorn right, and they’re U. Xi, tJuiT t < 'i. » • t was. “Believe'me," said ihe Woman Win sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t g* Thinks, "I’m a little weary of rhapso In meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy Mr. H. R. Hitchcock, wife and dies over the supppuedly superior in of us and be sure.’ son spent Sabbath m Columbus. telllgence of the women of bygonr days. 'Why don’t those so generoin C. H, CROUSE, of praise give modem women > U s e CJSDABVILIiE, O. Mr, C. M. Crouse spent last Satur­ chance? It Is a sort of mental fash ‘ day in Cincinnati on business. Ion to assume that George EUot am. Women George Sand and Lady Mary Wortlej Women who suffer from Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Townsley en­ Montagu and I.ady Blessington and F o r O v e r tertained Mrs. Itankin of Spring- others like them were peculiar tc female ailments, frsqnenOy field this weak. W a t c h themselves and their periods; that nr woman of to-day can hold a candU Sleep neglect their troaMs* till a to thorn In any particular. I wondm Thirty Years general break-tlovi felbws. Mr. and Mrs. James Murry of tf thnt’a true. Seems to me there Sleep is nature’s re­ South Cnarleston spenb Sabbath are dozens of women In New York building period, when the Don’t wait till yonr easels with Mrs, G. W. Harper. F o r alone who are every bit as clever ac as had as that— lake Cardul those heroines of the past. Lady energy used by the brain, Mrs. J.H . Wolford and Miss Sa­ Montagu wrote delightful letters, bu< In time. It Is a safe, reliable tho art of correspondence lias not muscles and organs is re­ rah Wolford have bean spending a CMTORIA7MS CCNTAUft COMPANY, NEWARK CITYs medicine, for a!} women. passed from earth, and surely the ciii newed. If you lose sleep, few days this week with friends In L is t tured woman of to-day can be as Bnl Springfield. , sprightly. As for novelists and hys- Press, . ■ ■ ■ ■ • Mrs. Rena Rare, of Pierce, Mr. S3. V. Control! and daughter P r ic e s ieal wreck. ' Dr. lilies’ FIs., fried Cardni and after­ Fannie, of ' Xerua spent Saturday BUGGIES, SURREYS, Nervine quiets the irri­ ward Wrote: ’Twas a sob and Sabbath with Mrs, Caroline M e* Pain# almost tnatantty—Dr. M ll«r Spring, Road & Oilfield tated nerves and brings ferer from ail sorts of fe* Wilson. - A a& fM la wmu Me Vt* at tar*#B#0*#. WACONS refreshing, , invigorating malefroable, had pain fa my BUICK sleep. Nervine, contains Word has been received here .an­ "Best quality—Select Ma­ side, draivkg pains in my PUBLIC"SALE!! terial. "Carefully made, no opiates, and therefor nouncing the marriage of Frank Built to stand Hard Service. legs, could not sleep, ha . fxillaugb to a Miss Sabin of W il­ Having rented my farm, I will sell at The cheapest la the end. leaves no bad after-effects. shortness o f breath. mington last Thursday. They will public sale, at tny residence IM miles Write for complete Catalog "For over two years I suffered un­ Automobiles east of Yellow Springs and 1}< miles told agonies; my friends thought I " I suffered lor years, un­ and Prices. reside in Tippecanoe City. west of Clifton on the Yellow Springs ■ was going crazy. I could not sleep til my husband Insisted on McKAY CARRIAGE CO., nor rest a t all. 1 .tried different doc­ and Clifton pike, on tors, but failed to llnd relief. My my trying Cardni. The first At tho homo o f Win,. Elder, near GROVE CITY, PA. head would ache e!I tho time; I wa® bottle gave me relief and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1909, like one drunk; could not concentrate Selma, Misses Marjorie and Kath­ my mind, and was so restless and now 1 ant almost w ell." Beginning at 1(1 o’clock the following worried that, sleep was out of tho Try Cardni, ryn Elder entertained a few ittvited property: question. After -taking one bottle of guests, Wednesday afterneon from Dr. Miles’ Nervine I felt wonderfully It wiU help y w .H changed. I 'am now on my third bot­ two till live. During the afternoon S HEAD OF HORSES 5 tle and am gaining all the time. .1 the engagement of Miss Katliryn tc CENTRAL Consisting of one brofx! mare U years MONUMENTS, OUT STONE, STATUARY. can He down and sleep like a child, old (safe in f»aD; 1 draft mare 7 years and am' able to do my work,” Mr. Frank E. Carry was announced old, a splendid worker; 1 family driving MBS. M AY SCOTT. JSnglish, I n * the wedding to occur in November. ■■■' ■■ Your druggist sells Dr. Miles’ Nerv­ & horse 8 years old, city and Country bro­ ine, i we authorize him to „ return ken, any lady can drive him any place; price of first bottler (only) If It falls IT T "K T'TTIL T P I, joining three year old filly, by Bobby m . to benefit you. Tile A. M, E. church will giv* an Burns, well btwta; an 3 1 yearling draft Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind educational, musical and otttdeoi colt, sired hy Canadian. "£**1## t*k*n year WOoaMrful "CtMrrt«“ fo* meeting, Friday, October 1st Thai that* month* •odlf-inf *nilr,|j- cnml ot*tom*ch SUPPLY CO., (4 HEAD OF 0ATTLE !4 •tferrh M l dynMMla.'l think , ■wort, of prune It night Ex-President Jones of Wil- asm ; idn*ta"CMc»t,f»,,forthelfWonaerfatootai>o«Ulnn. Consisting of 4 pure-bred Jersey cows, CMs •.sv-'M i h*vt W k«» nnmsroa* mho, no-culled remedies berforce TJniversity and Prof.Eddit X E N I A , O . these cows are strictly all Tight, from i bus wUhoai m i l M d r find the* O w w i i feller, Clark will apeak In the Reformed to 7 years and givihg a good flow of milk; 411 th* otl“r* lbMt *»k,B Presbyterian church. The proeeedf. 0 Polled Durham cows,four of these are f.W*! James K ebu t, 1M Xctcer 8t.. Jersey City, K. J. i* * ; will. go for roofing ' the church registered, another one eligible and 1;ia®S» The men who transfer The Bookmaker the sixth a good grade: X yearling huge blocks of granite Best For building. heifer, will be fresh soon; 1 yearling '■ ^pr The Bowels ^ heifer, bred hist June; 1 heifer calf; 1 into beautiful monuments pure-bred S vear oid Polled Durham and headstones in our workshop are the most skillful !!S55IS!!55 mill, that money can procure...... HestauHBt... XA1WMW) You can depend on getting the very finest artistic CANDY CATHWIC 41 HEAD OF HOGS 41 THE PUBLIC SALEM creations here— and at prices below the ordinary. IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HOLDFAST Nineteen feeding hogs that will aver­ I will sell at my resilience at Ced,:r- age 159 lbs; t registered Chester White It tb* clothespin let erety lln*. sows, one bred to. reg.Ixiar; 1 registered HIGH STREET T * * w T h « pin' _ villc, Ohio, ~JPl6ifeftntv FalAtsbU, Potent,Tasto Good, Dt> Good* UMll Chester White now with 9 fine pigs by With our superior facilities and equipment, whlcli are not - jfeTor yickoa* Weaken or Urlpo. lQsf 2jc,G33. Novot rixld THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1909, registered Chester White boar; 1 regis­ •old In balk* Tho getmlno tablet stamped UQ(J» Uunrantfied to care or your money book, aprlnx. tered Poland-China sow with 9 fine pigs. equalled by any retail concern in' the XT, SM we are prepared DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAII i The HoUlist novel wests 1 At 12:30 sharp, the following personal Sterling Remedy Co*f Chicago or N.Y* 532 c :t. It is Just as good, f property: FARM IMPLEMENTS as never before to furnish high grade work at less mouoy than ALSO REST ROOM. MMIMLSALE, TEN MILLION BOXES 1 just as fiim, a yeat (torn now as now. It’s the I inferior work will cost'elsewhere. Wo employ no agents in ^ mo:t useful of household attielM. Easy to / 6 Head A. J. C- C. Jerseys lStudcbaker wagon and bed, 1 low feud M E A L S N O W sts C E N T S Lplaco on tho tluv, ■ Kocpa theclotfcet where , wagon (good as new), 1 top buggy,1 can this territory, If at all interested in any in onr lino, write or i placed, Noverablow-awar. Trya J-doz. Five females and one young . bull. ’phono for catalogue or if possible call to see us. Bell ’phone T pkge. Yon will be delighted with them. Among them are two Imported Cows, opy top buggy, l surrey. 1 Oslxmi mow­ Lunch Counter on Main Floor MANurACTUnco «y "Golden 7alia” born May 12th, 1899, er (new), iushorn hay tedder, 1 Osborn 3i)l. Citizens ’phone 215. Established 1801. sired by Golden Rule P. 2 m J. H. B, disc harrow, 1 Osborn hay rake, 1 Sun­ Open Day and Night. iThelknerilt&PaImKPacliingCo.j flower corn planter with 89 reds of wire FOR SALE! W*t«faury, Vt. and her dam is Miss Julia flth, P. 432i, GEORGE DODDS & SON, H. C. and is recorded on t’ e Island as •good), 1 Kraus riding cultivator, 1 Tho Best of Good Used In the Oh: Houses and Lots in Ccdarvillc ami FOR s a l e : b y Miss Julia the 7th, being better than half Brown walking cultivator, 1 fine tooth inary Department. vieinity. Buy before the rush. Wa- sister to "Golden Naiad," 101032 Imp. cultivator, 1 new reversible smoothing 113, XI5, i i 7, 119 West Main St, X e n ia , O . iiive thi'ec or four desirable proper­ It. BIRD, Ckdaiwilii T:, Ohio. She was sited by Golden Lad P. 121S harrow, 1 Superior Fertilizer disc drill, l ties just outside the corporation limits H. C., while “ Golden Julia” was sired by Superior Fertilizer hoe drill, one a sou of Golden Lad, having same dam fl-hsrsc smoothing ham;w, 1 new Ross at very reasonable prices, also SlJ to |j ns Naiad; almost full sister in breeding. manure spreader (large sizej, 2 Butcher 4 acres of land. Will sell one for | She is close up to all the good ones and and Gibbs breaking pliws p me now), 1 Piles or Smiles? less than cost of dwelling which cost | is naturally hornless and due to freshen sr-t lft foot hay ladders, 1 set of gravel RIEDLING $;),51)0, Have a centrally located Dec. lfith. “Golden Julia’s Jc-ssie" Isn- boards, 1 iawh mower, 1 wheel barrow, A POSITIVE GUARANTEE PDBLIC SALE! wrted, botu May 27th, 1901: recently 1 tank heater, 1 vief, 1 eagle com shell- to hemedlatstyrtlimsed uHhntfeiycurswKli rootnin ouse of 15 or 10 rooms very er, 1 ball bearing grind stone, 1 Sweep Wo will soil at public sale on the- iresh, bred by Philip I’iiouct, St. Peter’s PIANOS cheap, I. of J,. Harry's . Frosty,. 2 yearear# old re­ power feed grinder, 1 doable harpoun embodyjcvery detail that can possibly Dr. Ra Idish farm, 1 mile west of cently fresh; S year!i;iy heiferscta and one bay fork ar.tl pulleys wit's 150 fee: of add to the value of a Piano of the very DR. HEBRAS UNGOID Farms for sale in Central Ohio, rope, goud Fanning mill, 1 set steel- the most wonderful scientific discovery o f Clifton ou the Clifton and Yellow young bull, allfemalcs, solid color and 1 highest grade. The low price at winch niouern times fbr tho severest cases of Itcnlnr .Springs pike, bred to my borides* A. J. C. C. bull, yaids, weighs (DO tbs.l set cf work har­ they are cold actonichca those compot- £ ‘5e». Ltrenis Tetter. Salt Kkeunf, Ktxr “ Rixcy.” ness, i setsu.giehaniess, 1 men's saddle, enttojfudgoof Piano value. "Hied ling” Worm, Barber's Itch, etc. This highly medi­ [side saddle, (hrek lines, lead lines, cated antiseptic Salve kills the germs, re­ SMITH, CLEMANS & HOPPING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1909, This is your chance to £et hornless on a Piano means highest artistic rc- moves the trouble and basis the Irritation Beginning at 10 a. m., tho following A. t. C. (’. Jerseys as all are descendants forks, 5kave!s L-es, garden tools, cow cultn in tone, touch, durability and permanently. Absolute satisfaction guar­ i-haii. 5, eruw»!;ai«, axes, raws, and a lot anteed or money refunded. pefBOnal xiroporty: of the only instance on record of a Jer­ case design. Fend for catalogue and Price CO eta. at Druggists, or mailed. Trial sey imported bavin;; no horns. Nature of odier articles rr.i meutinccd. name and addreco of our agent in vour sample 2 con ts to cover mailing. 4 HEAD OF HORSES 4 has met civilization half way and fiiven FEED AND GRAIN -700 Shocks of vicinity. goed com; 251? b$ mixed Siav. THE G. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, Ohts. Four geod work horses. us the "Onats" of the dairy, without A. I. RIEDLIMB PIANO C0„ « PIpoutfi, Who. that wot sc than useless membe:, the horn. IIor.Sl’HULD GDODB: -Two lied 34 HEAD OF GATTLE 34 toads, 1 Hit rf sittings, dining room 5 Head of Horses 5 arid other chaus, a quafstitvft of carpets Consisting of 2 yuro-bred Angus 1 all round, handy fatm team, five and and mattings, 1 B-ss washing machine, rows; 1 Pure-bred Angus Bull; 9 four vears of afje, weight about 2,309 1 Sharpies*; cream separator, 1 Davis good gra in Angus Shorthorn milch pounds, of the .mv down, blockey .type, swing churn. 1 Eureka butter worker, 1 of the rinht sort for lots 'of service; 1 butter press, butter f. iales, guad meat ELASTIC eowu, giving a good flow of m ilk; 0 tlnec-year-old horse, “Col. Orf," who as bt-nc h, etc,, etc. coining 2-ycar old Angus steers; 4 a two-vcar'old paced a half in 1:19 in fid Chicken*. SO Busheis Potatoes. coming L'-yuar old hoiforu; 4 year­ seven weeks after wearing the bridle, TERMS: 12 months on sums over ROOF PAINT ling Anglia fjteoru; D yearling Angus and Iras been an eifliith in seventeen for tin, metal, paper, felt and ruberold roofs. Is seconds before he was three years of age. $19. & j c r > nt di«i omit for cash, $10 heiforo; *«SH« *« G h e f.f.y ’ ( Funeral Hit set »r and Fimiltum Addiesft mail bids to R. F. KEllR, cdttr*, o f It wtnil. •' r o t b : tha f.v- [a Clerk of bale, Cedarvilio, Ohio. Maiiufuftfutfir tit Ufiufiuf ELIAS SPARROW A SON. vofite livrv pemt. r, with e I..igr, u C W , Crouse & Co, VuultoantlOmeut Ihulil'ug it, R t'OltUt', Auct, S, T. &AK16R» ssle then all others c»fr f furd, K Suitor to’ C <% WEIMER, •OtBJHTOWlf n * feleoks, lelephnn* 7, 11 J, coJUtY* Uerk. JAMES R. ORR. . MMi* c#4fcr‘ lU*. filiUt, i iiW By Ismio Wlstemum, 4 I



Ton are cordially invited to attend tho Fall Opening display of the newes; W* have mentioned ia our ads that we would soon open a New Department in connection with the and correct styles in footwear for Fall and Winter wear at other 75 departments of this great store. We are pleased to announce to the thousands of Interested one:^

it; User* liili’l W LE rs, ™ . The Grand Opening Of have to trurt m foatcrher. ;o r Meats Springfield's largest and best Shoe House has never been better prepared to prove its position of superiority than this season. You will find the same OUR NEW GROCERY DEPARTMENT 1 ' only lund to g appliances lor shoe styles, patterns and lasts at this store as are shown now in the . , ami they’r# large Eastern cities. icld. Don’ t g» IN BASEMENT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER25 th. it’s hot. Buy An exclusive store room for Children, Ladiea and Men make it * I ' • possible for us to have all sizes and widths in a large variety of Btyles The new liind of grocery store, not the old kind, something different and better than you have ever USE, and thus give a perfect fit in every kind. known before. J3, O. WREN’S aim to supply all classes of merchandise that the people of Cedarville and vicinity desire to Opening Week9 September 27th to buy. We have hundreds of requests by our different patrons for Groceries. Some have said: “The ‘Big October 2nd. Store* ha* within the past few years, very much improved the dry goods, cloak and suit, shoe, furniture and house furnishing business in this city by new up-to-date methods, and persistent' demands for order and neatness. Why not open a grocery and show how good and clean a grocery can be made?” lire's re- , when the the brain, An Ideal Pure Food Exposition Miss Joanna Smith left this morn­ Mr. Alex Turnbull spent Thurs­ *X .ans is re­ So this is the principal reason why we will open Saturday next, the most modern, the cleanest and the 1 ing for Birmingham, Ala,, where LOCAL AND PERSONAL 1 day m Cincinnati. best stocked grocery sto’-e in Central Ohio. The foods that we sell will always be of the purest quality and 10 use sleep, i she will teach this winter. As**: robbed o f Mr. T. C. Wolford has purchased of the highest standard! of excellence that can be had. We shall cheerfully refund money on any unsatis­ ep should Mr. THoward Harbison has re­ 71 acreB of the Baper Baker farm factory article. The prices we guarantee will be considerably lower for the same quality than you can —House to Boat. Apply to D. S. turned from Stuggart. Ark., where Sous south of town. The consideration d loss o f ISrvitt. •~' he spent the summer. secure any where else— Wren’s always undersell every other stote. in; is given at $00 per acre. this loss This store since its natal year 1877, has always stood for small profits, and being ready to adopt the best Mr, Elmer Bvvry will attend the The library board has just recent­ The fortieth reunion of the 71th r. El e a phvs- modern ideas of merchandising and providing for the comfort and convenience of its patrons. Ohio Medical college .in Columbus. ly added a number of books among O. V. I. held in Xenia Tuesday was » Mei -, and Miss Mabel the pace and regulate the retail prices on our groceries from our opening day forward.! , . iyi if It fail* Communion services in the B, P. Margaret Moore on Tuesday* Sept. lOO iBlbhart, Ind Good Digestion \ church, Sabbath, Bev. W, J. San- 28, at the home of ‘the bride’s par­ ' dsrson, pastor. R*r. John. Coleman ents In Gilberts, III. They will be All out-of-town buyers living within a radius of 40 miles of Springfield making purchases of $15.00 And *> sunny tempf-r ar* | of New Concord, O., will assist. at home in Hampton, N. D.r after Ani or over will be refunded their round trip fare under the plan of The Merchants’ Association. twins. Y’iw person with a • Preaching Friday 7:00 p, m., Hatur- Nov. 1. twi disordered digestion finds i day at 5:00 and Sabbath atlo:80 and (llSi it hard to be cheerful and ' 7:00, Officer Kennon and Morris Taylor it . pleasant.. ‘He feels out of left this morning for London where p l6 a a l t i f sorts with himself and every­ •Mr. (J, G, Turnbull sold to Mr. De- they-had a good description of a sor body else. The whole world Wine the stock buyer, of Yellow horse that may bs the Taylor horse bod seems away to tho man with {Springs last wools 0”. head of bogs stolen about ton days ago. The 86G1 p a n t... ’ a pam iu his stomach, The that averaged pounds at £8.25. horse is being held by farmer fur an FOB SA LE ; N«w*pap*r route. a p digestivo organs do thoir One year ago tills month Mr. Turn- owner and came as a stray. Noth­ Fred B ird.! dig, work silently, smoothly and bull sold 8.') head that average 270 in known of wagon or harness. wor TER HOTEL painlessly. If your stomach pounds at *7.10. Mr, Turnbull Is re- Mi** A, L. Craulurd «pent Mon­ ’ pai =ET does not work that way, if gardod as olio of the best hog feeders Miss Emma Blair has resigned day in 8prin|ffl*ld. doe you have heart burn or dys­ in tho county and there Is usually her position as teaehor In the Clif­ you' pepsia, you need treatment. strong competition,between buyers ton schools to accept a similar place Mrs. G. W. Sullenberger of Ox-, per DIES UP STAIRS T h e F A M O U S There ia nothing bettor for for his stock. In tho Girl’s Industrial School in ford is Ih* guest of Mr. L. I t , 8 ul-j r h i tOOM. * your case than In Dolowaro. Mr. Lloyd Confa r lenbergsr ami wlf*. j yot who expected to attend a law school as C E N T S . Prof. J, Raymond Fitzpatrick left D,! A D. S. DIGESTIVE TABLETS Wednesday morning tor Philadel­ thiB winter has been chosen* to fill Mi*s Nolli* Brewer lias been Main Floor phia whore ho has received an as­ the vacancy. spending the week with Miss Verna PALL MILLINERY OPENING They .are recommended and sistant professorship in chemistry, Bird. The Night. sold by ten thousand retail the offer coming unsolicited. He Mrs. F. M. Bcynolds was called sol druggists belonging to the od in tho CUl- will also enter upon a three years to Columbus Thursday, owing to a drt A- D. S. an organization for Mu* laakel Adam* of Utica, 0., Anonfc. course working for a degree of fatal accident that befell her broth- A. tho promotion of the public is the guest *t R*v, W. J. Sander­ Thursday, September 30th, ‘•Ph. D.” Prof. Fitzpatrick i a George Moon, an engineer on the health. Get them at er. son and wife. hei graduate of the college and for sev- tho.Pennsylvania railroad. He was Friday, October 1st, i eral yeats has boon a member of struck by a water crane while back- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baldwin and ; tho faculty. Ho had arranged to I lug bis engine at London. Death Miss Hatfield of Selma spent Sab­ ' take up work at tho O, . IT. when r t miles? Wisterman’s Pharmacy 8 1 relieved his suffering about four bath witli Mr. and Mr*. M. J. Nag- Saturday, October 2d* the Pennsylvania offer came to him. o’clock Thursday afternoon. ABANTEE ley* q UlmaltlycurewHlt GEDAKVlLIiE, OHIO His many friends are gratified to i know of ills good success. Rjieumstle Fain* reliavea by am * - UNGOID v o —* Antl-Pnln PUto « » e*» Mr*. Charles Bradley and Mrs. New Fall Millinery in __Most Lavish Variety. ____ itiGs d jcr.rery of Ira Hoblrda of North Hampton — rstc'lECTicfltehlB* were the guests of Mr, J. W. Mat­ a!fr Ehecm, Kin* Handsome Models of Unequaled Beauty and Style. tm—m • Mats MghSy meet* thews and family la*t Wednesday. lie the g«m », re- tjo irritation - eatfofactlctt goat, Person* desiring piano tuning ' or m ailei Trial Amid the charming array of New Autumn Models, we give you an oppor­ iiisg. should inform G. F. Ziegler kb once, F. Fuohringer of Cleveland is ex­ 0,, To-ctlo, Ohla. tunity to study the finest handiwork of the Paris Milliners as well An Amer­ pected Monday to look after this ican adaptations and original designs from our own artists. Fall Opening work. f*S» You are inyited to attend. No cards. b Mr. Ifn i. Hopping returned horn* Wednesday evening after a several THURSDAY, FRIDAY weeks visit through the west. He stopped at, Yellowstone National HE S' park and also spent two weeks in Seattle. The return was made by AND SATURDAY OF. NEXT WEEK way of San Francisco, I.o* Angete* The Famous, and Balt Lake City. STULA The Largest Exclusive Millinery Store in Ohio. ■ " • E v e r y department rftbio Greater Store will-open ito displays of IE RECTUM 35-39 South Fountain Aye., ■ Springfield, CL t* tr^unrin t*.S m* new Fall merchandise, ctytjj: cl *n-i., ftiiseats*# ki rs n ti B.s P r o m in e n t among the features which will interest women of partic* C A S T O R I A Ks:»o» tj Wcs»s, Fer InfluaU asi Children, ■i, fasts*** tn m ular taste, we call attention to our showing of I^J. taiUlste-USW, m KM Yh 8m Almp Bough XKIXAN SUITS DRESSES, COSTUMES,COATS, EVENING CAPES, WAISTS, Sear* tk* SEPFRATE SKIRTS, MILLINERY, AND OUR FALL DRESS FABRICS gigaatoreof (N SILKS AND WOOL DRESS GOODS, INCLUDINC LACES, TRIM­ MINGS AND FANCY GOODS TO MATCH. XX GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING XX ■ m m . HSONlArf Come in and bring your friends. TRUSS M u t C olum bus ttM V The Kinnane==Su!livan Co Excursion To Cure a Cold in One Day z z Crip OHIO. te Pennsylvania os SPRINCJI’IKLD - - “ p v N*xt Stand*.?. ' TOmLaxative Bromo QuiiiineT. **.& £ m«vwy TW» dgantore,*** Trkin Leave* C«d*rriii« M l a. m, gu irrtii ftihiini Wtmf yllnm agiin—mi Letter From MENTOR UNDERWEAR Dayton, Wash,

longer. The day# are th* dlatnnce and altitude, the thing of greatest importance wa» to get 'growing colder. You something to satisfy the inner man, will need the heavier Having disposed of * goodly share of the substantials <>n which we ex­ underwear. pected to gain health and strength, we had time to look around us. We were in a nice two roomed log house “Mentor Comfort” with a good wide porch running the full length of it. A small lawn had Just the thing* been cleared of the trees and was covered with a soft green carpet Prices no higher. of clover plentifully besprinkled with fragrant bloom. A rustic fence There is such a de­ enclosed It and added much to the mand for this brand picturesque beauty of the little heme on th* mountains. that our assortment is All around us waB an immense for­ est got firs, tamaracks, and pines Osfort IMerwfw complete. ' iovreringstraight ae an arrow far up Children's Suits, - 50c Ladies Vest Suits - 50c into the blue sky, many of them having a length of ninety feet be­ Wen’s * $1.25 to $3 Other makes • 25c each fore a single limb made its appear­ ance. We tslfc rather lnBignifleant standing, at Uh* foot of these tall Ladies’ and Children’s monarch* of the forest and looking at such a host of them seeing which could grow the tallest and be kissed, New Suits, New Skirts, New Waists, by the suns rays soonest In the New Petticoats morning, or which would say the last good night to the king of day. Fine assortment. Prices fully 25 per cent lower Such a solemn stillness reigned than other cities. around us that we stood In awe feel­ ing that we were alone with God in one of “ his first temples." Ho seemed to fill nil space and we aald, “Surely thi* is a place where God HUTCHISON & GIBNEY loves to dwell and it Is good to be XEtflA, OHIO. here,'’ But we needed a place to lay our heads, as we oould net stand there sky gazing to see the topmast W e make garments which appeal Jnly to branches of the tallest tamaracks, the, woman who appreciates beauty of l i n e - so we brought our thoughts to earth with a sigh and turned us about to individuality — quality— quiet refinement. got our house in order. COME, IN AND SEE THE And when evening shadows fell We spend' $50,000.00^ a yea r for art in and we were aweary and thought to designing— $50,000.00 simply that W b oltex sleep, w# gladly retired to our rest- garments, in style, may be supreme: BUCKEYE DISC GRAIN DRILLS lug places and to sleep we thought, but alas for fond anticipations. A ^ And these distinctive garm ents— coats— -DRAIN TILE FARMERS FENCE wood rat had been making the cabin his home and restated onr intrusion suits— skirts— dresses— are sold by a good store ■ o when the light went oat he came near^you— you may know them by the.label: GASOLINE/ENGINES in. W* tried to rout him but he hid behind a box. Sister threw her ahoe at him but only succeeded In C. N. STUCKE.Y & S O N . knocking a picture which we bad been painting, off an easel. In the morning while we were eating breakfast, she went to a box of ap­ ple* to see bow many it had sain-' pled. While she was countlhgtbem she happened to look, up and the rat was standing with its fere feet Coats Suits Dresses Skirts on th* box looking at her* Apples seemed to be their favorite kind of for Well Dressled Women fruit. He was finally disposed of and also six others. They look very . For Our 'style ideas we search the whole world That is why we can guarantee'#^ Wooltex Announcement. much like oar house rat Only their /The W ooltex garmentsshown of fashion. Our S 50.000.00 style organiza­ garment for two f uii seasons of satisfactory wear. ears are larger and they have a short tion is in-charge of the„famous . Madame fierewilt beclispHyed bya nier- Savarie, of Baris. Costs No More Than Common bushy tail. chant near yoir Watch your But with ail that is good and new in style Whatever garment you buy, you pay at least In a little dell a few steps from before us, we-do not copy—we create.' the price of Wooltex. * the house were two springs t>f deli­ daily nevvspapt for his an­ - The $50,000.00 we spend each year for Our eight master designers choose, modify, W e desire to announce to the public that cious lee cold water. One, brother nouncement of the arrival.of Wooltex style costs you nothing extra. adapt the styles of the; world— and _ create The extra-value Wooltex materials cost you watered the hers** from. From the these and many other^new American styles.: . we are prepared to care for all funerals. An other w* carried water to us* at the nothing extra. house. W* had to ores* a rustle W boltex styles Distinctive American Style v The extra-careful Wooltex workmanship costs elegant new funeral car has been purchased ■j/u nothing extra. bridge mad* of two fallen logs, such It is*a costly process. But it is the secret WOOLTEX Coats -$ 1 5.0 0to $35.00 * Through perfect organization we offer extra as well as the necessary equipment, all mod­ as we loved to walk in our child­ of Wooltex charm. It distinguishes the woman value without extra cost. hood days. Leaving this d*U, after WOOLTEX Suits -$25.00to $45.00 who wears Wooltex from the crowd who ern in every respect. a five minutes walk through a dense WOOLTEX Skirts ~$ 5.00 to$ 15.00 wear copies of fashion plates, which are them­ Style Book Free / forest, through underbrush and WOOLTEX Dresses—$15.00 to $35.00 selves but copies. In our style book are many illustrations which, over fallen timber, w* come to ah Beside the style in a Wooltex garment there represent the whole work of our $50,000.00 style Mr. J. Harry Nagley, graduated from is extra quality material and extra careful work­ ether valley and a large spring of Every W ooltex g a r m e n t - organization. This book .will be sent free on re­ manship. 1 quest. Simply ask for Style Book 57, and address Clark s Embalming School, Cincinnati, holds th* clearest, coldest watsr m a ro coat— suit— skirt «-dress —. antlo spot where lovers might is guaranteed for two full sea-> a state license and will have charge of tha talk unmolested most of the year sons o f satisfactory wear. The H. Black Company embalming. He has had experience in this unless master bruin or the wildcat or cougar cam* down toget a drink Pari* work in Columbus and Cincinnati and was Nevertheless the spring and the THE H. BLACK COMPANY, Maker* C levelan d merry dancing rivulet, bordered highly complimented. with ferns and shaded by the over­ hanging alders, is very beautiful Thi* is die page Wooltex announcement which appear* in the Very respectfully, and while there I painted it for the family. W* had many pleasant strolls through th* tall timber, but O c t o b e r Ladies’ Home JournaL it was pretty hard work for every­ where was fallen timber. It looked W ooltex Garments for sale by as a tornado sometime in th* past had leveled all th# great trees to raeaeasL* th* ground. Some of itmnst have I, fallen ornturles ago for some of the 0 0 trees new standing are immense iti % fJ size ahd height. W# gathered huc­ kleberries on Maloney and Eckler 9 f too, and ate delicious pies made from the same. I cannot describe to you the breaks of the Tucanon rivsr along NeeULLOUQH’S UFE S1 VMB which w* walked for a long dis­ FOUR FLOO&.S tance. fl’hsy are very interesting Fairbanks Building. BLOOD PURIFIER and exceedingly beautiful. They 14*16-18-20-22-24 W est Main St* are net so high ae Mt. Eckler and as A Speedy «md Satfo Remedy for all wo stood on Eeklcr’o summit, as SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. far as the eye could sc* wore the Ditsaus of tha likin and Blood. breaks which ran in ail directions, Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood, ^ Art especially valuable remedy for Boils, Carl .uncles, Erysipelas, Turners, Cancerous precipltious, jagged, ridges, some Humors, Ulcers, Ringworms, OldSores, Scrofula, Syphilitic Affections, Scrofulous of them completely coveted with IS BEAUTY Humors, Blotches, Pimples, Pustules, Salt Rheum and all diseases arising from deep green foliage of the evergreens, VAN AUSDAL’S impure blood or low condition of the system, Especially recommended for ail We could look down into chaHms so WORTH M WHILE t forms of Sciatic Rk*am«tl*iau deep and dark with the shadows Fall Showing of PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. that we could not see a (glimmer of m m m m h ih the merry laughing brooks and riv­ Viola Cream Mumfulured kjr MtCULLOUSH CHEMICAL K 00.,I , T . positively e ra d ica te# ers which wound in and out among RUGS freckles, moles, black them ou thoir way to join the wider heads, ahum and tan, We are new showing our fall resti i n 15 diseased, streams hurrying on to the deep The Great Diarrhoea binteha . rough and oiljr line of Bugs, consisting of beauti­ skin to tho freshness and delicacy o f youth, blue ocean. . There Is no substitute for this superior harm, It was s* fadnating to live for two ful patterns In Brussels, Velvet, md Dysentery Remedy lcssptcpsratlan. Tho life secret of the world’s THE HICH GRADE Axininster ami Wilton in all sizes. greatest. Skin Specialist, At all Druggists or whole weeks so much “ nearer na*» Cures acuta and Chronic diarrhoea, dysen­ mailed far 50 cents. Special proposition and IV S3 o Guide to Ileauty on rrqu< at, tMj Lures heart" and to drink in the life tery, cholera morbus/1 summer complaint,’’ V io la S k in ii LEHR PIANO Asiatic cholera, and prevents tl 3 develop- " -Tiitl,tin ?.l for tclltf, m « r y and o 3 •E.'M.q-S giving air of the mountains. But OTHER LtADiHO OONWftVATOftlM secured a sketch of the cabin which ful and artistic patterns shown S g g 2 Aerreetyfthriltisnt and powerful tone, exonldts we will efteu visit in Imagination even In tha inexpensive grades. esse, p riff't adjustment and durst:* workmanship g see ft in the fom t rank otiht best Instruments made for the mountain trip will be one of Got‘ourflgurf« on tinting ami fres­ |»J CNttfi Si- „ day* It is th* ideal piano for the hs no, where it# the “beautiful pictures" that we coing; wo employ none hut export pmmem Is a sign of/ftHnrs and rsflnement. a 1J59 m The I jIKHK TPiAsro M manufactured under stnjmlarty SkroraM* eondlUon* which Umm hang on “memories halls.’ workmen and gnu ran toe first class the rost of ptodarHon, and it has achieved a brilliant sneosM as the t ‘ at slarant iastnossat In the market At a satisfactory price, W R IT * F » * n A T A r/ W X JJH# n tS O M . l,lda I), Archer, Dayton, Wash. wtrk. H« L IH R A COM PANY, M imufr*, * K»*rton, P*. LIQUOR «< Price 38 cent* per box. The Kicker’s Value, Don’t accept a substitute- a so f riled “ lest Tho kicker is a factor in every live M k jihl.” If jour druggir.t hasn’t it and don’t a s * V a n A u s d a l tiro to get U far you send direct to community, if the kicker keeps his »sMj is the only tut* and ratlaaal trratment head, uses tact and does not turn THE ONTARIO CHEMICAL COMPWY, “ t Wee addicted to DtiINK or RftUOS, fiend far - A c o . meJsheokieteMtetttu, ilirKM * $*«*»«* far*,, erank he is the best friend of progress, <&*««, N.Y.,U.S. A. t m f jive the reasonable klokerl $ t8«uth Main Btreet, COLUMBUS OHIO TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Dayton, Ohio.
