IMPORTANT NOTES Site Map See the center of this booklet for a map of the festival site.

Cell Phones Please keep your phones in silent mode when attending workshops and rituals, and also while camping overnight.

Photographs Before taking a picture, please ensure that you have the subjects’ permission.

If you plan to post any of your TempleFest pictures online or via any social media, again please double-check that you have subjects’ permission to do so.

Once you have permission, carry on! Feel free to tag the Temple of Witchcraft and TempleFest Facebook pages, and tweet photos to @TOWitchcraft.

Security and First Aid In case of emergencies, attendees can be paged by request at the information booth. There will also be a nurse available on- site for medical emergencies.

Aries Ministry is handling security for the weekend. Speak with any member of Team TempleFest—identifiable by their red STAFF t-shirts—if an issue arises that requires security assistance.

Questions? Ask your questions at the information booth or speak with a Team TempleFest member. WELCOME TO TEMPLEFEST! Greetings! This is the Temple of Witchcraft’s sixth annual summer festival, and we are delighted that you have joined us.

The Temple welcomes Orion Foxwood as our keynote speaker for 2015, along with Temple Founder Christopher Penczak.

For many of us, TempleFest is a well-earned weekend respite from the stresses of the mundane world. It also represents an opportunity to network with other witches, expand our knowledge, and feel part of a larger community.

While taking your ease, please keep in mind that TempleFest is at its heart a working retreat. Approach it as if you were vacationing at a sacred site; this is a special place that we are calling our home for three days but—please—don’t forget to have fun! We strive to combine the seriously playful and the playfully serious into our routines.

Thank you for attending TempleFest. We look forward to making this a meaningful, safe, and joyful spiritual event for all.

Merry meet – and may you enjoy your stay!


Team TempleFest and the Temple of Witchcraft

1 DAILY SCHEDULE Friday Evening Schedule 6:30 – 7:30 Opening and Protection Ritual (Sacred Fire Ritual Area)

7:30 – 10:00 Ministerial Student Initiations (Main House Labyrinth Room)

7:30 – 8:40 Workshops (see page 6)

10:00 (approximately) The Dance of the Peacock Angel (Sacred Fire Ritual Area)

Saturday Schedule 9:00 – 9:30 Morning Attunement and Announcements (center of merchant area)

9:30 – 12:30 Children Parent Open Play (white/apple trees)

9:45 – 10:45 Keynote with Christopher Penczak, “Witchcraft, the Holy Grail, and the Age of Aquarius” (Main Tent)

11:00 – 12:10 Workshops (see page 8)

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch/Shopping

1:30 – 2:00 Children’s Lammas Ritual (center of merchant area)

1:30 – 2:40 Workshops (see page 11)

3:00 – 4:30 Lammas Ritual with Alix Wright (Main Tent)

2 DAILY SCHEDULE Saturday Schedule 5:00 – 6:30 Keynote Speaker Orion Foxwood, “Circle of Witchery” (Main Tent)

6:30 – 8:00 Dinner/Social Time

8:00 – 9:10 Workshops (see page 15)

9:30 – 10:30 Bardic Circle (Sacred Fire Ritual Area)

10:30 – 11:30 Drumming Circle (Sacred Fire Ritual Area)

11:30 – 12:30 Dance of the Mighty Dead ritual with Alix Wright and Christopher Penczak (Sacred Fire Ritual Area)

Sunday Schedule 8:00 – 9:30 Continental Breakfast for Campers (Main Tent)

9:00 – 9:30 Morning Attunement and Announcements (center of merchant area)

9:30 – 10:40 Workshops (see page 15)

11:00 – 12:10 Workshops (see page 17)

12:30 – 1:30 Lunch/Shopping/Workshop Tent Breakdown

Musical Guests Green Lady and Willowfire

1:30 – 3:00 Keynote Speaker Orion Foxwood, “Holy Trinity” (Main Tent)

3:00 – 4:00 50/50 Raffle Drawing, followed by Closing Ritual (center of merchant area)

3 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: ORION FOXWOOD Orion Foxwood is a witch, conjure-man and faery seer; and, the author of The Faery Teachings (RJ Stewart Books), The Flame in the Cauldron, The Tree of Enchantment and The Candle and the Crossroads (Weiser Books). Orion is the founder, and primary teacher, of the House of Brigh Faery Seership Institute, a multi-year teaching program; and a co-founder of Conjure Crossroads (CC), a collaboration between five seasoned root-workers and witches focused on preserving and promoting the healing and helping benefits of southern root-work, witchcraft and other folk traditions. He is the Founding Elder of Foxwood Temple, a coven dedicated to passing on the traditional witchcraft of his elders. He holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services. His website is

A Circle of Witchery Saturday, 5:00–6:30 pm • Main Tent

One of the most utilized yet generalized and misunderstood tools of the witch, is the magical space referred to as “the circle of the old art.” The circle is a powerful tool for shifting into the Mill of Magic and is a gateway into the spirit world and so much more. In this workshop, Orion will share insights, lore and techniques that he has gleaned in 30 years of circle-work. We will move ourselves between the worlds where we make the magic that made the world.

The Holy Trinity of Witchery The Knowing, Flame & Blood • Sunday, 1:30–3:00 pm, Main Tent

The core of Orion's traditions focuses on what he calls “the Holy Trinity” of witchcraft: the witch-knowing (deep inner wisdom), the witch-flame (the power and vitality of nature) and the witch-blood (a genetic propensity for other-ness and natural magic). In this workshop Orion will cover each of the three in a deeply personal and profound fashion. Welcome home!

4 KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK Temple co-founder Christopher Penczak has written numerous books, including the foundational Temple of Witchcraft series for Llwellyn Publications. A long-time teacher of the Craft, Christopher helped to found the Temple as a pagan religious nonprofit to answer current and former students’ calls to service for the community. Christopher maintains a website at and continues to travel and teach widely.

Witchcraft, The Holy Grail and the Age of Aquarius Saturday, 9:45–10:45 am, Main Tent

From the depths of myth and legend, to popular books, movies and television, the story of the Holy Grail has fascinated us, but why? What is the Grail? Why should we, as modern Witches, Pagans and Magicians, care? Dig deeper than the popularized notions of the Grail to understand its many manifestations as a stone, plate, spear, severed head, cauldron and of course, cup. Learn about its guardians and keepers encountered on the quest. Ask "Whom Does the Grail Serve?" and find out why it is a perfect image for the divine connection in the Age of Aquarius, for the Glastonbury Zodiac Phoenix hold the Grail in its beak, pouring its waves out upon the Earth.

Dance of the Mighty Dead Ritual Saturday, 11:30 pm–12:30 am, Sacred Fire Ritual Area

Pay the Coin and light the candle that guides the way to the Dance of the Mighty Dead. Pass through the gates between worlds and cross the bridge to gain an audience with She who is the Queen of Fate. Gaze into the silver Moon pools of your chalice and drink your fill of the sacred cup. Dance in the fire light of the Phosphorous Grove with the kin of our Timeless Tradition, the Mighty Dead and remember the way back beyond this mortal life. Limited number of participants and participants will be chosen by lottery. Please bring a chalice. Though a number of chalices are available. Special Silver Coin will be provided. 

5 WORKSHOPS & RITUALS Slot 1 • Friday 7:30 pm – 8:40 pm

Priest of the Goddess Devin Hunter • Main Tent

Those who identify as male have a rich part in the history of Goddess worship. The Goddess is still worshipped by many men and new mysteries have been cultivated to meet the needs of Her modern priesthood. Join Devin Hunter as he shares stories, , , and rituals for contemporary priests of the Goddess. Topics include a history of male Goddess worship, the contemporary Goddess movement and our place within it, the roles of a priest of the Goddess, and more! This workshop is for anyone who identifies as male and works with Goddess energy.

The Great Work Elements, Sun, Moon and Stars for Magickal Advancement Heron Michelle • Red Tent

This workshop offers an approach for spiritual and magickal work by integrating the tides of Elemental, Solar, Lunar and Astrological cycles, thus laying out a year-long map of energetic tides, and planning magickal workings within the Wheel of the Year to experience a deep spiritual exploration, with balance, for the advancement of your personal evolution.

Proto-Indo-European Religion Ceisiwr Serith • Yellow Tent

Long before there were the Celts or the Norse; long before there were the Romans or the Greeks; long before there were the Balts or the Slavs, the Iranians or the Vedic Indians, there were their ancestors, the Proto-Indo- Europeans. Their culture lies at the base of all of those others, and at the base of our own. By comparing the descendant traditions, we can recreate to a large extent the ancestral one. When we do, not only do we find one with great beauty and depth of insight, but also a lens through which we can understand its descendants and ourselves. In this presentation, I will be concentrating on Proto-Indo-European cosmology, ritual, and values as ways to increase our understanding of myth, reality, and how we can relate to the cosmos in a harmonious way.

6 Alchemists of Colonial New England Greg Kaminsky • Blue Tent

Colonial New England was home to a thriving community of alchemists. In this presentation, Greg Kaminsky, the host and producer of Occult of Personality podcast, will present his research on the influence of alchemy in Massachusetts and Connecticut during the colonial period. Primarily focusing on George Starkey and Governor John Winthrop Jr., we'll delve into the colorful and fascinating history of alchemy as practiced more than 200 years ago. Find out how alchemy played a major role in religion, medicine, and industry before the founding of our country and the prominent men that practiced the Royal Art. We'll also spend time on the Witch Trials (both in Salem and some in Connecticut), analyzing them using new historical data which shows that alchemists played major roles in these trials and their perspective affected the outcomes.

Friday evening (around 10:00 pm)

The Dance of the Peacock Angel Storm Faerywolf • Sacred Fire Ritual Area

Behold how beautiful you are! According to the Faery tradition, the Peacock Angel is the God of this world and represents the collective potential of all humanity. He is our beauty, our pride, and our darkness. It is through his redemption and celebration that we can heal and evolve. By the sound of drums we shall call to him. We will look into the mirror and see his reflection shining back. We will dance in his presence to heal our spirits, and we dance to share that healing with the world. And together we will proclaim: “Behold how beautiful we are!”

7 slot 2 • Saturday 11:00 am - 12:10 pm

Frequencies of Power Devin Hunter • Main Tent

As magical people we access frequencies of power every time we cast a spell or experience psychic phenomenon. These frequencies can be used to deepen our magic and can be programmed into the psyche like presets on the radio dial. In this workshop Devin Hunter shares an interesting and new magical technique that can change the way you practice the craft entirely. Topics will include frequencies of power, spirit guides, magical triggers, and how to remove our blocks to magical success. This workshop will conclude in a guided .

Engaging the Tarot from the Crossroads of Knowledge, Intuition and Spirit Winifred Tannetta Costello • Red Tent

The Journey of the Tarot is an interwoven one of knowledge, intuition and spirituality. Offering us much more than just “telling our fortunes,” the Tarot can assist us in tapping into deep insight and guidance for understanding situations, opportunities, relationships, challenges, and times of transition. But how do we converse with the Tarot in these deeper ways? Tarot invites us stand upon the foundation of the intellect and from there we open up our intuitive/psychic skills to reach to Spirit. It is from this crossroad that we how to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the cards and how to enhance the depth of our readings. Winifred will share her knowledge, experience and techniques on how to open up to Spirit-led readings that are empowered by knowledge.

8 Connecting to the Soul’s Wisdom with Hypnosis Brenda Titus • Yellow Tent

Have you ever had a time in your life when you asked yourself “What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?” or “What is my next step?” The truth is, you hold inside of you all of the answers that you need to live a happy, successful life, the life that you were born to live. During this workshop, you will learn about hypnosis and how it can help you answer these questions so that you can live an even more successful, happy, and productive life, connected to your higher purpose. Brenda will also lead you in a group Soul Entrainment® session, where you will connect to the wisdom of your Soul so that you can begin the process of finding the answers within!

Spirit of the Witch's Drum Matooka MoonBear • Blue Tent

Drums have had many uses throughout history, used in journey work, ritual, dance, song, storytelling and healing. Join Matooka as we take a meditative journey to meet the spirit of the first drum. We will explore the power of the Witch's Drum and its multiple uses. Learn how to prepare the drum for the work at hand and honor its spirit. Participants are encouraged to bring a drum though there will be some available to share.

Magickal Chants Adam Sartwell • White (Apple Trees)

Chanting and music making is a great way to raise power and create change. Raise your voice in a circle of song and learn some new chants. This class is not about how the sound comes out but about connecting through song and to spirit. Learn to use the magick of chant in your rituals and spells.

9 Dancing the Harvest Allison Charron • Main House (Labyrinth Room)

The word “dervish” is related to the Persian “darwish,” meaning doorway. The dervish, like the witch, is a walker between the worlds. The dervish stands at the threshold, at the doorway to the ecstatic, the doorway to spirit, and the doorway to Self. The dervish whirls and dances. Through this sacred dance, we experience divinity in physicality. Through motion, we heal, evolve, create, and heighten our awareness. All sabbats are doorways, liminal points on the Wheel of the Year. Lammas is the gathering of the first harvest, the honoring of the sacrificed grain god, and the slow lengthening of the shadow. In this workshop, we seek to embody the mysteries of the sabbat through meditative movement, stillness, and communion with the sacrificed grain god. This class uses both guided and free-form movement. No previous dance experience is necessary. Participants are encouraged to bring a mat, blanket, or towel to sit or lie down on.

10 slot 3 • Saturday 1:30 pm – 2:40 pm

Making Spell Bottles Alura Rose • Main Tent

A Spell Bottle is a bottle into which a magickal spell has been cast in the form of physical items used to ensure that the spell results in the desired outcome. Aging back in England and the United States to at least the 1600’s, Spell Bottles can be done with almost any intent including love, prosperity, health, good luck, and the most popular protection.

In this class, you will learn a brief history of Spell Bottles and create your very own to take home using recyclable and common found items.

Ancestral Re-patterning Wrentek K MacGowan • Red Tent

Much work has been done with rewriting our personal present life, which is powerful and has met with great success. This workshop will discuss taking this to a whole new level by accessing previous ancestral patterns that we carry within our psyches and reworking them from the ground up. Join me as we discover the healing potential of this work. No previous knowledge or experience is necessary.

The Meaning and Importance of Sacrifice Chris Giroux • Yellow Tent

A sacrifice is an offering designed to give energy in order to communicate with and/or win the favor of the Divine. Throughout history sacrifice has been an integral aspect of religious and spiritual practice. Humans have used everything from the simplicity of sound in a Bija to the intricacy of animal and/or human sacrifice. This workshop is designed to introduce people to various concepts of sacrifice initiated by different cultures throughout history and discuss ways that we can continue to offer energy to the Universe in order to maintain our relationship to the Divine.

11 Weaving Balance: Divine Connection and Community Service Robbi Packard • Blue Tent

Finding balance between family, work, Spirit and community can sometimes be a bit chaotic. Where do we find the time to do it all? Join us as we explore our many roles in daily life through open discussion and look to find balance through divine connection and community service. As part of this workshop, we will create a talisman through mindful meditation to help us encourage balance between our spiritual selves and our roles in community.

Soul Symbols Silver Lyons • White (Apple Trees)

Symbols have been around from the beginning of time, a way for beings to communicate what they saw and felt; symbols became the sacred language of connection. Symbols have also long been embedded into our psyche, storing itself deeply within our beings. In this workshop we'll explore reclaiming our soul symbol, the symbol that connects us to our most vibrant power, and learn how to work with it upon retrieval. Attendees are encouraged to bring their journals.

A Short Course in the Practical Uses of 8 Herbal Plants Airmid Plantwalker • Fire Pit

For the sake of brevity, only eight “kitchen herbs” are addressed here. The herbs discussed here are: Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, Sage, Parsley, Thyme, Mint, and Bay Laurel. All of these plants are wonderful additions to your garden, many recipes, and are also simple herbal remedies for common complaints. Topics include culinary uses, simple medicinal uses, cultivation, storage and use, and where to find more information.

12 The Magickal Home Beth Washington • Main House (Labyrinth Room)

The place where we live can be the most magickal of all, and often times we take it for granted and often forget about it as a magickal, sacred space. In this workshop we will talk about moving into a new space, cleaning it, blessing it, protecting it, and setting up sacred space within. We will talk about the various rooms in the house, as well as the grounds around the house, and that which resides in the house, such as furniture, pets, plants, and of course, people! Participants will walk away with a simple herbal protection charm that they can place in their own homes.

13 slot 4 • Saturday 8:00 pm – 9:10 pm

Daemonic Magic Empowering Our Craft by Invoking the Higher Self Storm Faerywolf • Main Tent

The word ‘daemon’ has been used to evoke fear and revile for centuries, but a deeper look into the origins of this misunderstood word reveals its true meaning: one’s divine self or tutelary spirit. While mainstream religions attempt to keep the populace ignorant of our divine birthright, witches, warlocks, shamans, and occultists alike have delved deeply into the greater mysteries, bringing back wisdom from between the worlds for the betterment of all. Together we will invoke our ‘Holy Daemon’ and forge anew a deeper connection between our mundane reality and that of our personal Godhood.

Bringing the Light Exploring the Luciferian Archetype in Modern Witchcraft Tim Titus • Red Tent

When you explore the dark and forbidden, you need a something to light your way. That light can lead you to new understanding of the world that is both exciting and a little bit scary. Just as we are rebels against mainstream theology, it is helpful to have a rebellious divinity to guide us. We'll explore Lucifer in his Roman sense of Light Bringer. We'll connect him to Prometheus, see his work in the Garden of Eden, discuss gnostic views of the serpent's apple, and look into some modern versions of this archetype that lights our path out of the confines of our culture.

Sex Magic: Invoking Deity Wrentek K MacGowan • Main House (Hot Tub Room)

Sex Magic is a powerful tool. This workshop will explore working with your chosen deity or a deity that has requested to work through you for a host (pun intended) of exciting Sex Magic and Healing potentials. A baseline ritual will be discussed. There will be no nudity or sexual activity in this class, however an open mind, heart, and willingness to discuss sexual matters is required. A basic knowledge of sex magic is suggested but not required. Over 18+ only.

14 slot 5 • Sunday 9:30 am – 10:40 am

Magic for Personal Gain Devin Hunter • Main Tent

Who says you shouldn't use your magic to get everything you want out of life? In this entertaining and exciting workshop join Devin Hunter as he shares the secrets of magic for personal gain. Topics include power and manifestation, how to make the universe work for you, the only five spells you will ever need for success, that pesky ‘law of three’ and more!

Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection Mat Auryn • Red Tent

Ever wonder what it's like to experience other realities outside of your body? This workshop examines modern and ancient methods and techniques needed for controlled astral navigation and other related experiences such as etheric projection, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, false-awakening, and remote viewing. Strengthen, cleanse and re-program your astral body and energetic systems for astral projection. Learn protective measures and the “street smarts” of other dimensions along with what and who to expect. Through personal exploration beyond the physical body, you will gain gnosis and a deeper spiritual foundation. Learn step-by-step exercises, tips, techniques and troubleshooting to have your consciousness flying beyond this reality.

Simple Ritual for Faerie Spellwork Jacq Civitarese • Blue Tent

Faerie is a living world, real and full of life, wonder and purpose. Its separation from our own reality is only illusion. Interacting with this world does take practice and concentration; but once we’ve learned the Do’s and Don’ts of Faerie, and a ritualistic system for cleansing our chakras (energy centers) as well as entering and remaining in Alpha Level (meditative state) all things become possible. This workshop is designed for just that. Jacq will lead you in a and herbal spell ritual. Provided packet also includes altar set up, alpha countdown, herbal blend, cleansing practice, and the guided meditation.

15 Zentangle David Erwin • Yellow Tent

Zentangle is a meditative art form that uses simple, repeated pen strokes to create amazing works of art. As a method it is amazingly simple; as a tool for focus, clarity and it is simply amazing. Through the process we awaken and unleash the artist within. Together we will explore this process, create TempleFest-inspired art and explore how this method can add a new dimension to our magickal path.

Ritual Practices for Grief and Bereavement Elsa Elliott • White (Apple Trees)

The Temple’s Scorpio Ministry provides support for bereavement and crossing over. Come and join Elsa, Lead Minister of Scorpio, as we explore the use of ritual, meditation and ancestor honoring as means to work with and aid in the expression of grief and bereavement. We will also explore theories about grief. Every individual’s journey with grief is unique to them while it is also an universally shared experience.

By Sigil, Sign, and Rite: Angelic Magic in Practice Frater C • Main House (Labyrinth Room)

Angels continue to be prominent in the popular imagination – and our understanding of them is beginning to change. Once thought of primarily as benign and comforting beings of cloud and myth, Angels are slowly reclaiming their status as mighty ministers of the Cosmos and potent spiritual entities whose missions are varied and powers are vast. In this class, we will further explore the ancient and sacred techniques for calling upon these beings, accessing their wisdom, and working with them to accomplish powerful works of magic. Focusing on technique and practical application, this more advanced class will cover: the meaning, creation, and use of Angelis Sigils, learning how to identify and interpret Angelic Signs, writing and working Angelic Petitions, creation of Angelic Altars and sacred spaces, the use of Angelic scripts / languages, meditative techniques for communing with the Angels and seeking their guidance. Attendance at prior TempleFest Angelic Classes is helpful, but not required.

16 slot 6 • Sunday 11:00 am – 12:10 pm

Everything is Wyrd, Wyrd is Everything Jason Nadeau • Main Tent

Wyrd is central to Heathenry including Northern Tradition/Norse Shamanism. We'll be discussing the nature of Wyrd, how it's created, the cost of trying to change it, and what it does. We will have a bit of a practical exercise wrapped up in meditation to explore this concept and how we can keep our Wyrd clear so that we don't have to change it. Of course, since everything is Wyrd then our discussions wouldn't be complete without addressing the implications of Wyrd on Spellwork, Healing, and on Divination with an emphasis on the Runes.

Atlantis Greg Kaminsky • Red Tent

We've all heard the stories about ancient Atlantis – a once great civilization that seemingly vanished from the face of the Earth in a watery cataclysm. Whether grounded in truth, myth, symbolism, or some combination, the story of Atlantis can teach us many things. From where do these stories of a once-great civilization originate? Is there any scientific basis for Atlantis? Why should we strive to better understand the facts and symbolism encoded in these stories? What can we learn about the history of humanity, human consciousness, and ourselves? In this unique presentation, we'll begin by analyzing the origins of the Atlantis story in modern times from a historical perspective. Next, we'll look at archaeological evidence of lost civilizations. From there we'll explore some of the remarkably similar events and characters described in various ancient texts and legends. Finally, we'll examine the concept of Atlantis from a metaphysical perspective, seeking the inner meanings that these ancient stories can provide. Along the way we'll explore the writings of Plato, as well as intriguing and sometimes controversial conclusions by researchers like Augustus Le Plongeon, Ignatius Donnelly, Manly Palmer Hall, Graham Hancock, Michael Tsarion, and Joscelyn Godwin.

17 The Thealogy of Perfection Heron Michelle Jenkins • Yellow Tent

“Four Rules of Modern Witchcraft for Sovereignty, Balance and Personal Evolution.” A comedic, yet memorable, approach to the thealogy of "Perfect love and perfect trust," and the explorations of what it means to be a sovereign Witch, co-existing beneficially in a world of Divine Love. These "Four Rules" form the cornerstones of Heron’s teaching, weaving together answers to questions like: What do we mean by Divine Love? What is "harm" and how can I do no harm, but take no sh!t? How can I evolve my power and ability, while regaining healthy balance, in alignment with my highest Divine Will? How can a group of sovereign witches work together as a coven without Witch-splosions? These guidelines offer a beneficial perspective to any magickal/spiritual practice, drawing inspiration from the sacred poetry of Wicca, Hermetic principles, and direct revelation from the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite/Venus.

Kala: The Waters of Purity Rite Storm Faerywolf • Blue Tent

The Kala rite is arguably one of the most important pieces of Faery witchcraft practice. From the Hawaiian word meaning “to loosen, untie, or absolve” this simple ritual provides us with an opportunity to transform negative energies and blockages within ourselves, as well as to reclaim the power that these blocks have “tied up” within our energy bodies. All participants will need a small cup of water.

The Wiccan Warrior Fusing Physical Fitness, Ritual, and Magick Michael Cantone • White (Apple Trees)

For this class there will be a general discussion then a ritual that culminates into a spell. The discussion will focus how to fuse magick and ritual and physical fitness to create magickal outcomes. Michael will also discuss the body as temple and host to our spirit and souls and the importance of a physically fit body to the witch. Further a discussion of warrior energy and exercise and training in preparation for victorious outcomes will ensue.

18 Singing Bowls & Essential Essences Healing Meditation Priscilla Gale & Dan Lupacchino • Main House (Labyrinth Room)

Join Master Healers Priscilla Gale and Dan Lupacchino on a healing journey to connect with the realms of Spirit. With the power of sound healing and essential oils they will guide you to release what no longer serves and help you to birth new possibilities.

19 CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Please join the Children’s Ministry as we celebrate Lammas at TempleFest on Saturday, August 1st! In the morning stop by the Children’s Play Area for crafts and activities to keep young magickal minds creatively inspired. In the afternoon the Children’s Lammas Ritual will celebrate the Grain Harvest, the First Harvest festival of the year, and Turn the Wheel. What better place to celebrate than on a working farm! Last year we met the animals, and this year we will meet the things that grow out of the ground, those that bring beauty and those that fill our tummies. Learn how we all can safeguard and steward for our Mother Earth.

TempleFest is a family friendly festival and children are welcome to participate in all daytime rituals and events!

Children’s Schedule for Saturday, August 1st, 2015:

9:30 am - 12:30 pm Children's Open Play

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Children’s Lammas Ritual

All children must be accompanied by and supervised by an adult. Children’s activities are specially geared towards children. If you’d like to bring your children to other events, please follow these guidelines:

 For safety’s sake, we request that children never be left unattended; they should not wander around the ritual area before, during, or after ritual.

20 CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES (CONT.)  Children are expected to observe the same ritual etiquette as adults (see Ritual Etiquette, following). If your child cannot do so, please reconsider whether to bring them to ritual, as it is unfair to subject other attendees to a child’s discomfort with our requirements.

 As meditation and journey-work are often elements of our rituals, please consider your child’s ability to sit quietly or participate in these activities without disrupting the experience of other attendees.

 If dancing or other physical activities are part of a ritual, please keep your child’s limitations and safety in mind at all times to ensure they can participate without being disruptive.

If you have any questions please contact the Children's Ministry facilitator, Simon.

Simon Hewett Simon is the Cancer Ministry facilitator for Children’s Ministry and a Temple Mystery School student. Working in the corporate world, Simon is familiar with the concept of herding children, experience be brings to the ministry, along with being a parent himself. He is on-site for TempleFest for parents with questions and can be reached via email at [email protected].

21 RITUAL ETIQUETTE We ask those who attend TempleFest ritual events to follow a few simple guidelines to make the experience a positive and pleasant one for everybody.

 Please silence or turn off all phones and other electronic devices so they do not disrupt the ritual.

 Please, no talking during ritual unless you are called upon to do so. During lulls in the ritual, please take the opportunity to be in the moment and sit or stand in silent meditation or .

 If you must leave the ritual space for any reason, please do so quietly and respectfully, but be sure to see to your own needs and safety first. This is more important than any potential disruption of the ritual. Likewise, if you return to the ritual space after leaving, please do so in the least disruptive manner possible.

 It is customary in our tradition to respond to “hail and welcome,” “hail and farewell,” “so mote it be,” and “blessed be” in kind (that is, to echo the same phrase back) but you are not required to do so.

 Although black or ritual clothing (such as robes or faery garb) are common at TempleFest, there is no “dress code” beyond common decency at our events.

Blessed be!

22 QUEER SPIRITUALITY TENT The Queer Spirituality Tent is something new and experimental this year. The idea arose out of discussions within the Gemini Ministry’s Queer Men’s Circle about the need to have a safe, sacred space to explore and to discuss aspects of queer spirituality: what it means, how it differs from other spiritual identifications, etc.

The tent is open to all festival participants who identify as queer or queer-friendly. The tent may be reserved for special purposes by any individual or group for a specific purpose such as a ritual or a discussion group. A signup sheet designating times and chosen activities or discussions will be available at the information booth.

Interested attendees are encouraged to bring items of queer spirituality (pictures, statuary, etc.—tasteful and family- friendly, please) for a dedicated altar to be set up in the tent. In addition, if the opportunity exists, members of the Temple’s queer community will be available to provide Reiki as a free service to the larger Temple community. The long- term goals are to be defined. Is this to be a once only offering? Should we expand on the present idea? Do we want to hive off into various, smaller and more specific groups?

It is all up for discussion, so please come and join in the debate!


Vendor hours: Fri. evening, Sat. 9 am – 6 pm, Sun. 10 am – 4 pm

Ailuros Design

Featuring embroidered goods such as tarot card and rune bags and altar cloths.

Ancient Star Herbals Offering herbal products grown or wild harvested ourselves. Tinctures, flower essences, elixirs, oils, sprays, dried herbs, and herbed spell candles.

Antika Nueva

Wire art jewelry, handmade soaps and salves, and soft and sewn accessories.

Broomstick Magick Find us online at Etsy and Facebook

Divination tools, magickally inspired art and handcrafted gifts by professional Tarot Reader and Priestess Alura Rose.

Charmed “Charmed in New England” on Facebook

Witchcraft and occult gifts; magickal curios for the experienced practitioner and the novice. Victorian- and Steampunk-inspired.

24 MERCHANTS • WARES Cornerstone Creations Find us online on Facebook

Home and garden concrete art. Designs inspired by myth, fantasy, and nature.


Creating malas, pendulums, archangel jewelry, rosary bracelets, and essential oil products including lotions and scrubs.

Crystal Cottage Carries a variety of crystals and stones and items made thereof.

Feral Dog Arts A curated collection of magickal art and hand-crafted occult supplies.

Glass Shack “Welcome to the Glass Shack” on Facebook

Specializing in esoteric tools, wands, pentacles, magic/tarot boxes, and 3D sacred geometry sculptures.

The Haunted Wood

Magickal wares including wands, runes, chalices, altars, and musical instruments, nearly all handmade.


MERCHANTS • WARES Heron Henna Body Art & Custom Leather Goods

Temporary body art using all-natural materials and traditional mehndi techniques from India. Also offering custom hennaed leather goods

Horn and Cauldron Church of the Earth

An eclectic Rhode Island-based teaching coven offering handcrafted artwork, jewelry, dream catchers, wreaths, and ritual supplies.

Lisa’s Wire Creations On Facebook

One-of-a-kind hand-wrapped healing stones. Each piece is exquisitely created with a spiritual healing energy of its own.

MoonDragon Designs

100% handmade, pagan-made items

Mystic Echoes Online at Etsy and Facebook

Specializing in simple, effective and ready-to-use products for any and all magical and spiritual needs.

28 MERCHANTS • WARES Rachael’s Rings “Rachel’s Rings” on Facebook

Personalized stainless steel rings stamped with anything you want.

The Robin’s Nest

Wide selection of magickal tools, altar items, statuary, tarot & oracle decks, music, custom crafted incense bottles, incense, and more.

The Silver Branch

Where art and fantasy meet! Showcasing the work of fantasy artist Melanie Chouinard.

Tsuri’s Emporium On Facebook

Homemade herbal products using high-quality ingredients infused with healing energy.

Wings & Things

Beautifully decorated, unique, handmade fairy wings. Also offering floral headpieces, stone and crystal jewelry, and wands.


Spiritual and holistic services for those who seek wholeness and wellness. Consultations are usually two-fold: Self- Exploration and then Transformation. Also offering hand- made, all-natural aromatherapy mists.


Ann’s readings blend her innate intuitive gifts with tools including Tarot cards, spiritual pendulum dowsing, and Oracle cards.

Hoops of Life Divination On Facebook

Readings by Matooka MoonBear, using her system designed to serve those seeking powerful direction on balancing life.

Mayan Medicine Wheel Readings by gifted natural psychic medium Dawn Drew.

Michelle Guillemette Tarot, Medium, Clairvoyant, Astrology

The Stone Lady

Let a Stone Reading help you to remember that you, too, are a gem!

30 MERCHANTS • BODYWORK Jason Nadeau, LMT “Following the Vision” on Facebook

Bodywork for attendees from five to twenty minutes. Myofascial, Neuromuscular, Polarity, Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki.

Massage by Rassa On Facebook

Offering chair massages by Kaitlyn “Rassa” Walden.

MERCHANTS • FOOD & DRINK Amir’s Natural Foods Amir's Natural Foods is synonymous with Middle Eastern fine dining. The chef's mastery of traditional spices and flavors makes each dish an opportunity to experience classics and delicacies in new and exciting ways. Vegetarian options available.

Liv 'n on Shortcakes Visit “The Shortcake Girls” for coffee, breakfast sandwiches, hot dogs, muffins, fruit cups, and of course, strawberry shortcakes! All items priced at $5 or less.

David’s Best • The Ice Cream Truck! Beat the heat with a frozen treat! The ice cream truck offers all of the classics and novelties, including choco tacos and snow cones, with prices from $1 to $3.

31 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Mat Auryn Mat Auryn is a mystic and an eternal seeker of the mysteries. Mat has always been drawn to the spiritual and metaphysical since a very early age and has explored various modalities of healing and occult philosophy. He is currently a student of the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School in New Hampshire. He currently runs the online website The Astrarium; Multidimensional Menagerie for the Modern Mystic:

Frater C Frater C. is a life-long student of magic and . Learning and living a diverse array of traditions – from Ceremonial Magic and the Western Mysteries, to Witchcraft and Neo-paganism – he has searched for the essential unity at the heart of the human spirit, wherein all true Magic lies.

Frater C. is an Initiate of the Fraternity of the Hidden Light, a co-ed Aquarian-age mystery school in the Western Hermetic Tradition. He helps to facilitate study groups in Arlington and Georgetown, Massachusetts, as well as helping to organize a monthly, public healing rituals for those who wish to bring Light to the World, and learn about ritual and ceremonial magic in the Western Hermetic Tradition.

32 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Michael Cantone Michael Cantone is a witch, ordained minister, and Witchcraft V High Priest graduate of the Temple of Witchcraft. He is the lead minister of the Aries ministry and an active member of the Temple of Witchcraft community. Michael is also a 3rd degree black belt in Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin and Hawaiian Kempo Method of karate. Besides a professional career in business, Michael maintains an active solitary witchcraft practice and an active public practice. As the lead minister of Aries, Michael is responsible for the protection of the Temple of Witchcraft. He leads protection rituals quarterly in addition to a Veteran’s Day ritual. Michael is also responsible for the Temple’s military outreach as well as upcoming self-defense classes. Additionally, Michael performs crossing over rites for the Temple of Witchcraft Scorpio ministry, participates with the organization of TempleFest, mentors students in the mystery school, and counsel’s community members when sought. Feel free to approach Michael during TempleFest for any questions you might have about the Aries ministry. Michael can be reached at [email protected].

Allison Charron Allison has been dancing since the age of four. She minored in dance at Providence College, where she also performed and choreographed for the Providence College Dance Company. Inspired by the ability of modern dance to induce ecstatic states, Allison began looking to incorporate her love of dance with her spiritual path. She discovered the practices of Dancemeditation™ and Authentic Movement, both of which have fostered and shaped her own personal meditative practice. Having explored dance as a gateway to the ecstatic for the past several years, Allison is currently fusing her practice of meditative movement with her practice of witchcraft.

33 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Jacq Civitarese Jacq Civitarese’s love for period clothing stems from past-life memories of wearing and making it. In time her skill and clothing style landed her a sewing and design position at The Fool’s Mansion; Salem’s primer gothic/alternative clothing shop. Through her connection, she later ran a yearly Psychic Fair in the Hawthorne Hotel, as well as reading Tarot cards privately. Jacq was personal assistant and shoppe manager to High Priestess Laurie Cabot for 3 years. She is an Initiated High Priestess in the Cabot-Kent Hermetic Temple, and a member of the High Council of Elders of that tradition. Jacq organizes and writes the weekly Crystal Wheel Meditation and writes for the Newsletter for the CKHT. A vegetarian, she loves gardening, walking, hiking, and family time, reading/studying, collecting, playing with faeries and engaging in the occult practices.

Elsa Elliott Elsa Elliott, HPs, LMHC is a ministerial graduate of the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School, the Lead Minister of Scorpio on the Temple of Witchcraft Leadership Council, and has helped cross over the dead for 15 years. She has been studying and walking a earth based spiritual path for over 25 years. She has a very strong connection with her own ancestors of blood, milk and vocation. She led wheel of the year rituals from 1996-1998 at the former Unicorn Books and Spirituality Center in Arlington, MA. She is an intuitive reader, healer, clinical mental health counselor, and reiki practitioner.

34 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Winifred Tannetta Costello Winifred has been reading, studying and learning about the Tarot since she received her first deck on her 16th birthday. She has been a professional, intuitive tarot reader for over 20 years. As a reader, she focuses on the spiritual and transformational properties that resonate in the Tarot. As a teacher, she is engaging, knowledgeable and candid; empowering her students to not only grasp the meaning of the cards, but to connect to the sacred pathways the Tarot offers.

Winifred is the founder and proprietress of AwenTree, a Pagan/ Metaphysical shop located in Western Mass, where she regularly teaches classes on the Tarot and other topics. She is a Reiki Master Teacher, NGH Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Past Life Regression Facilitator and LuMarian Energy Practitioner. For more information about Winifred, visit her website: AwenTree Magickal Gifts and Healing Arts for Transformation.

David Erwin David Erwin, MA, MDiv, CZT, founder of Anam Cara of Rhode Island, has been professionally involved in holistic practices for over 15 yrs. A former religious brother now clinical therapist, he has always been intrigued by and attracted to a wide range of interests, especially magickal. He is an active student in of the Temple of Witchcraft Mystery School. Walking a rather eclectic path, he is dedicated to helping other seekers achieve balance and wellness in their lives through self-discovery and the mindful application of Aromatherapy, Vibrational Essences, Reiki Jin Kei Do, Tarot and other holistic healing modalities.

35 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Storm Faerywolf Storm Faerywolf is a teacher, artist, poet, warlock, priest, and initiate of the Faery tradition of witchcraft. With nearly thirty years experience practicing the Craft and teaching for more than twenty, Storm has lead open circles, given lectures, and taught both public and private classes in Northern California and across the U.S. He holds the Black Wand of a Master Sorcerer and is the founder of BlueRose, his own school and lineage within the Faery Tradition. He is a founding teacher of Black Rose, an introductory intensive online course in modern traditional witchcraft, the author of The Stars Within the Earth, and one of the the owners of The Mystic Dream, a spiritual and magical marketplace located in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information about his classes, books, CD’s, or art visit his website at

Priscilla Gale Priscilla Gale is an ordained Minister in the Temple and a High Priestess. Her ministry with singing bowls leading healing has her traveling into the Hudson Valley, NY, and throughout parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut. She holds classes in Massachusetts, and sees clients in Massachusetts as well as Connecticut. A retired international opera singer, she is on the music faculty at Wesleyan University, The Pomfret School and Middlesex Community College (CT).

36 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Chris Giroux Chris Giroux has been studying and practicing magic for over thirty years. An accomplished tarot reader and teacher and Initiated Priest of the Ancestors and the Inner Convocation, he has led workshops on concepts of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine from around the world, Tarot, Runes, the Ifa Religion of West Africa and the Faerie Faith of the Celtic World.

Devin Hunter Devin Hunter is a professional witch and the resident House Medium at The Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, Ca. He holds third-degree initiations in both the Northern Star Tradition of Wicca as well as the Dianic Tradition of Witchcraft (the Cult of Diana) and is the founder of his own tradition, Sacred Fires. His AV Club favorited podcast, The Modern Witch, has helped thousands of people from all over the world discover and develop their magical abilities. Devin is a founder of the Black Rose School of Witchcraft, is the reigning Master of Ceremonies at the New Orleans Witches’ Ball, and is expecting his first book, The Witches’ Book of Power, to release in 2016.

37 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Greg Kaminsky Greg Kaminsky is the host and producer of the Occult of Personality podcast, a scholar of Western esotericism, a Freemason, and a Thelemite. He created the Occult of Personality podcast in 2006 after a life- long desire to learn more about ancient civilizations, world religions, symbolism, and the underlying hidden wisdom which they contain - but only convey to those with eyes to see. With over 130 episodes completed and thousands of listeners every week, his podcast continues to grow in popularity and prestige. In addition to the extensive research required for every episode of the show, Greg is currently pursuing a graduate degree in Medieval studies at Harvard University Extension School. With esoteric pursuits that derive from both the East and West, and a passion to understand their historical and philosophical origins, he brings a unique and eclectic perspective to the modern esoteric landscape.

Dan Lupacchino Dan Lupacchino is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Healer & Teacher, who works very closely with the green world in the shamanic practice of medicinal aromatherapy. Along with his healing interest, he is a student in the Temple’s Mystery School.

38 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Silver Lyons Silver Lyons is an ordained minister, High Priestess, teacher, writer, and Witch. Silver has traveled the seeker's road her entire life, finding her spiritual footing in the path of Witchcraft, Shamanism, and Buddhism, culminating in a path she refers to as the Witches Dharma. She has been teaching on these subjects professionally for over 15 years. Silver serves as Cancer lead minister for the Temple of Witchcraft, offering service and support through the Mother ministry. She synchronizes both the earth- centered and energetic philosophies in her practice and teachings. Her vocation has led her to embracing and sharing the teachings of Womyn’s Mysteries, and facilitating the journey of re-birthing into Spirit. For more information about Silver and her work please visit her website at

Wrentek K MacGowan Wren has formally been exploring magical earth-centered paths for over 20 years & informally all of his life. He has been teaching in many different areas for over 30 years. His primary focus is primal shamanic energies. Wren leads workshops and retreats on Sacred Sexuality, Shamanic Pathways, Runic Initiations, Vision Quests, Weekend Pagan gatherings, meditation, & facilitates the Embracing SIN series. SIN is a path for exploring & healing our relationship to Sex, Intimacy, & Nature. Wren is the Scorpio Deputy Minister for Sacred Sexuality.

39 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Heron Michelle Heron Michelle is a Witch, Reiki master, clairvoyant and priestess of Aphrodite, but her first love is in teaching the practical application of occult theology within the Modern Witchcraft praxis so we may learn to lead beneficial, healthy lives. She is the owner of The Sojourner Whole Earth Provisions (, a metaphysical shop and sacred ground serving eastern North Carolina since 2009. Heron founded The Sojo Circle, an emerging tradition of eclectic modern witchcraft with a focus on diversity and the responsible training of others. She's served as priestess and teacher since its inception in 2010. Through Heron Rising Spiritual Services she offers past-life retrieval, tarot and magickal consultation and Reiki energy healing. She blogs on her theology and practice at

Jason Nadeau Jason is a Licensed Massage Therapist and a Massage Therapy Instructor as well as a Diviner. He has been on a path as a healer since an initiatory experience in 1995. His spiritual practices are heavily influenced by Northern Tradition Shamanism, Dagara (West African) Shamanism, North American Traditions, as well as a variety of healing practices. Jason regularly works with Animal Medicine, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, as well as Crystals and Minerals.

40 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Matooka MoonBear Matooka is a self identified witch and has journeyed the craft and other Earth based spiritual practices for over 25 years. She is an accomplished Priestess in Feminine Mysteries, creating ritual, rites of passage and Shamanic initiation. Her practices include multiple shamanic traditions working with animal allies and creating ritual tools such as sacred drums and rattles. She is the creator of the Hoops of Life Divination system. Matooka is an ordained minister with the Temple of Witchcraft where she served as lead minister for the Mother aspect (Cancer Ministry) teaching and leading women's mystery circles for the temple. She completed Priestess Path with Alisa Starkweather; and is an initiated High Priestess with Sisters of the Burning Branch. She is also a Reiki Master Teacher, and Kryia Massage Therapist. Today, Matooka continues to practice her vocation by offering workshops, ritual, sessions, and consultations through readings. For more information, write [email protected]. Blessed be!

Robbi Packard Robbi Packard is an Eclectic High Priestess of Witchcraft with over 20 years walking her path. She currently teaches a variety of workshops through The Robin’s Nest in Bellingham MA and is an active member of the Temple of Witchcraft and Fellowship of the Pentacle. A wife, mother, business woman, ordained minister, intuitive and artist, Robbi’s passion for the development of Community is a driving force behind her spiritual work.

41 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Airmid Plantwalker Fifth year student of the Temple of Witchcraft, with graduation anticipated at Samhain, 2015. Witch, Herbalist, Registered Nurse, Wife, Mother of three, grandmother of three. Married to Mr. Plantwalker since 1966. Retired in 2010 as a Senior Research Nurse (clinical trials) from M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas. Home herbalist since the 1960’s. Practicing as a Community Herbalist since 2012. Studied herbalism with: Rosemary Gladstar, Paul Bergner, and the Wildflower School of Clinical Herbalism in Austin, Texas. Sole owner of Airmid Plantwalker’s Mighty Herbs, LLC in Missouri City, Texas since 2012.

Alura Rose Alura Rosewas born in Upstate New York during a Capricorn Sun with Rising Moon in Virgo. Alura has been passionate about many forms of divination and the craft for over 35 years, so much in fact, that she felt a calling to become a Professional Witch and Tarot Reader. Alura successfully utilizes the traditional meanings of the Tarot along with her own intuition as she delivers information compassionately seeking to empower the querent. Alura Rose has studied Ceremonial Witchcraft with a private coven, has been a solitary witch for most of her life and currently is a Priestess with The Temple of Witchcraft.

42 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Adam Sartwell Adam is a Temple founder, as well as Virgo lead minister and an advisory member of the board of directors. Virgo ministry oversees the Temple’s healing work, maintaining the monthly healing list, offering healing clinics, and sponsoring a healing case studies group for Temple members to practice psychic diagnosis and healing. Adam recently authored a book, Twenty-One Days of Reiki, based on his healing practices, available from Copper Cauldron Publishing. He also manages the Temple Store, offering a variety of products for sale at events, including public Temple events and Pagan Pride gatherings. Adam hand-crafts incense and potions for the store, as well as creating items such as painted prayer cards and candle labels. A professional Tarot reader and Reiki Master, Adam maintains a website at

Ceisiwr Serith A Pagan since 1975, Ceisiwr Serith (David Fickett-Wilbar) is the author of Deep Ancestors: Practicing the Religion of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, The Pagan Family, A Book of Pagan Prayer, A Book of Pagan Ritual Prayer, and Back to the Beginnings: Reinventing Wicca. As well as giving workshops at numerous Pagan gatherings, he has presented papers at academic conferences at Berkeley, UCLA, and Harvard. He has been published in the Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium and the Journal of Indo-European Studies. The priest and liturgist of Nemos Ognios grove, he is active in the druidic organization Ár nDraíocht Féin (ADF). He currently lives on the New Hampshire seacoast.

43 TEMPLEFEST PRESENTER PROFILES Brenda Titus Brenda is a hypnotherapist in private practice in Southern California. She is passionate about helping people transform their lives through the power of hypnosis. Specializing in Soul Entrainment® and 5- PATH®, she brings potent, life-changing hypnosis techniques to help her clients connect with their higher selves to transform their lives and achieve health, wellness, and success. Brenda has studied the Temple of Witchcraft books with a group of friends, and enjoys incorporating what she learns into her hypnotherapy practice. She has appeared at Pantheacon and the National Guild of Hypnotists Annual Convention. She is a Co-Host on the Hypnosis, Etc. Podcast. For more information, go to

Tim Titus Tim Titus is a Witchcraft V student from Orange County, California. He writes a blog called Intersections, in which he explores the connections between the magickal world, pop culture, science, and everyday life. You can find him at



Green Lady & Willowfire Energy, Harmony, Bliss. Green Lady & Willowfire release these intentions into the universe at every performance. Audiences adore their very real and tangible connection to one another and describe their blended voices as an ethereal journey. Jenna (Green Lady) draws from her Celtic roots as her beautiful voice floats smoothly over the enchanted notes of her harp. Brian (Willowfire) adds soul with his angelic voice, strong and rooted guitar rhythms, percussion and beat box.

Both are songwriters, inspired by their love for nature, mythology and magic hidden in plain sight. The sum of their union is proving to be much greater than its parts. Their live performances are electric and engaging, soothing and meditative; a truly authentic spiritual experience.

Jenna's web site: Brian's web site: Facebook group:


TempleFest wristbands generously donated by the folks at Sunshine Farm in Chester, NH

In Memory Of Our Sweet Grandson, Simon “Toby” Haber February 11, 2012 – August 28, 2014 We love you, always. – Steve and Angelina Haber


Airmid Plantwalker’s Mighty Herbs, LLC An herbal information and education company. The primary purpose of this company is to offer classes in basic herbal skills for the casual, home-based herbalist who wants to learn the art and science of acquiring, preparing, and storing herbal preparations for their continued good health. Find and “like” us on Facebook under our name: “Airmid Plantwalker’s Mighty Herbs.”


The Sisters of Joy, a NH-based coven

Anonymous donation


In memory of Cass. Love and peace to you.

Congratulations Virginia Villareal!

Congrats to all graduating students!

48 THANKS & GRATITUDE Team TempleFest extends its heartiest thanks and appreciations to:

 Website designer Diallo Hudgins, for our shiny new festival website. (You can contact him via if you need a website designed!)

 Graphic designer Steve Kenson, for preparing this program layout.

 Aries Ministry, particularly Michael Cantone and Wrentek MacGowan, for planning for our security needs.

 All our volunteers! Without you we couldn’t do everything that needs to be done. Take note of all the TempleFest attendees enjoying themselves this weekend, and take pride in your contributions to their experiences.

Thank you! TEMPLEFEST 2016 SAVE THE DATE! July 29 to 31, 2016 Keynote Speaker: Judika Iles

Judika Illes fell in love with the magical arts as a child and has been studying them ever since. An independent scholar, her interests include tarot, runes, tea leaf reading and other forms of divination, astrology, spell-casting, witchcraft, amulets, traditional healing and spirituality, Kabbalah, the Egyptian Mysteries, magical oils and perfumes, mythology, folklore, and fairy tales. Judika is the author of The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft; The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells; The Encyclopedia of Spirits; Pure Magic: A Complete Course in Spellcasting; Magic When You Need It; The Weiser Field Guide to Witches and The Encyclopedia of Mystics, Saints, and Spirits. She is also the author of The Weiser Field Guide to the Paranormal, published under the alias, Judith Joyce. Judika has worked as a professional card reader and spiritual counselor for over two decades. She is a paraprofessional crisis counselor and certified therapeutic aromatherapist. She wrote the popular monthly feature, Beauty Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians for TourEgypt, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism's on-line magazine. Judika lectures and offers workshops on various aspects of magical practice and traditional spirituality. Find out more at