London Cycling Campaign – Mini-Holland

Mini-Holland Project Overview and update

November 2014 Waltham Forest Mini Holland

Waltham Forest is one of three boroughs to be selected for full “mini-Holland status”, this is out of 18 outer boroughs that bid.

Outline bid was submitted in early 2013 and Waltham Forest was shortlisted and invited to submit a detailed bid in December 2013.

Waltham Forest is one of the three successful boroughs receiving £27 million to deliver the bid over the next 3 years. Waltham Forest Mini Holland

The main elements

Road Cycle Superhighway

• Network of excellent cycle routes

• Villages

Town Centre

• Other Town Centres

• Complementary works Waltham Forest Mini Holland Cycle Superhighway

•Lea Bridge Road - most cycled route, 42% increase (2013-2014)

•Links Walthamstow and the villages with Hackney and Central London

•Lea Bridge Station Lea Bridge Road, existing •A redesign of the entire length of Lea Bridge Road from the borough boundary to roundabout including: o Segregated cycle tracks in both directions o Improved public realm including better junctions, greening, new crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists o New public spaces and places to meet o A radical redesign of Whipps Cross roundabout

Lea Bridge Station , Lea Bridge Road Whipps Cross Roundabout Waltham Forest Mini Holland

Walthamstow Town Centre

•Redesign of Walthamstow Gyratory

•New green heart of the borough - where people choose to live and stay

•Shopping destination of choice – accessible to all and easy to get to by bike Walthamstow Gyratory (Existing)

•High quality public realm - greening, modal filters, cycle parking

•Better corridors and key junctions

•Quietway 38 - Linking Coppermill Lane and

•Air quality improvement scheme in Selborne Road

Walthamstow Gyratory (Proposed) Waltham Forest Mini Holland The Villages

Walthamstow, Blackhorse and Markhouse

•Distinct urban villages with own identities

•Creation of self contained villages removing through traffic with multiple access points to the new network of cycle routes

•New public spaces and destinations, areas of greening, recreation and play

•residential cycle parking and new cycle hubs at key transport interchanges

•increased number of car club vehicles

•combination of innovative measures: 20 mph speed limit, reclamation of space for pedestrians, and semi or fully segregated facilities.

Contra flow Cycling, Markhouse Village Waltham Forest Mini Holland Other Town Centres

Neighbourhoods with unique identities, adding vitality

•Development of bespoke schemes to ensure links with other centres including , , and

•Each has its own identity, challenges and opportunities

•Applying similar design principles for consistency

•Segregated/ semi segregated cycle tracks on Forest Road

•Road closures to address rat running and enhance conditions for cyclists and pedestrians

•Creating parklets and pocket parks in residential areas

Town Cntre Improvements before, during and after implementation Waltham Forest Mini Holland Cycle routes •Leyton to Blackhorse Road (Ruckholt Road) •Leyton to Chingford •Forest Road •Lea Bridge Road

Ruckholt Road •High Road Leyton to Lane/QEOP •Substantial stretches of segregation •Key junctions on all main routes redesigned where necessary to Church Road junction with Markhouse Road ensure they are safer for cyclists •Introduce cycle signal phasings, using innovations such as the bicycle radar detector to ensure cyclists are given time to cross junctions when they need it. •Introduce green wave technology for pedestrian crossing at junctions Waltham Forest Mini Holland Complementary works

•Cycle hubs at all key stations

•Additional cycle parking provision in residential and key shopping areas.

•Increase car club vehicles (including vans for business use)

•Residential cycle lockers

•Cycle training

•Working with businesses

•Cycle app Waltham Forest Mini Holland Current Position

•Business case approved by Cabinet and TfL

•Project team in place

•Established internal governance

•Projects integrated into all workstreams

•Ruckholt Road trial

•Walthamstow Village trial

•Contracts in place to deliver design elements •Programme development and integration • Developing design guide and kit-of-parts with Public Realm and Urban Design teams Waltham Forest Mini Holland Design Consistency

We have prepared a design guide to inform all design development for:

•Cycle routes

•Junctions and side roads

•Residential streets including greening and modal filters

•Cycle parking solutions

Contra flow Cycling, Markhouse Village Waltham Forest Mini Holland

Pembroke Road – Trial Road Closures:

• Key aim of mini Holland is to return streets to local people and encourage cycling amongst all age groups and abilities.

• Major inhibitor to cycling is traffic speeds and volume which is a significant problem in village area.

• Trial Road Closures from 26 th Sept to 13 th Oct 2014 in:

• Orford Road between Wingfield Road & Eden Road

• Eden Road junction with Orford Road

• To create an area with no through traffic (except buses) and enhance the ‘public square’ at Eden Road junction with Orford Road. Waltham Forest Mini Holland Walthamstow Village Trial 26 Sep – 13 Oct

Insert trial closure map – whole area Waltham Forest Mini Holland

Pembroke Road - Initial baseline assessments:

• Classified counts and Origin & Destination surveys to determine vehicular movements through village and establish levels of through traffic which we will seek to divert from residential streets to primary roads.

• Porosity between Villages (Pembroke Road / Markhouse Road / Blackhorse Road / Walthamstow Central) – consideration of ‘barriers’ between villages such as busy roads and assessment of how many gateways (G) exist between them for cyclists. Two Gateways within each barrier is considered good. Waltham Forest Mini Holland

Key facts during the trial G1 • Over 700 emails received Survey results • 52% in favour • Over 4,000 addresses ‘door knocked’ • 37% not in favour • • 1,242 surveys completed 11% neutral • 22% reduction in traffic on key roads within trial area • Reduction of 5,606 vehicles per day • Speed reduced from 22.3mph to 21mph • Over 240 children trained in pedestrian skills • Over 100 bikes undertook free maintenance checks • Over 100 residents had free cycle training Slide 15

G1 you will need to be able to say why you are telling them all this?

I would remove the sub-bullets from the surveys point (you can say what you need to on this) Gita, 04/11/2014 Waltham Forest Mini Holland Programme Hoe Street Corridor Improvements

Walthamstow Town Centre June 14 to June 17

Pembroke Road – trial area May 14 to June 15

CSH – Lea Bridge Rd (Hackney Border/ Orient Way) June 14 to June 17

CSH – Lea Bridge Rd (Orient Way/Whipps Cross Rbt) May 14 to Mar 17

North-South route (Leyton/ Chingford) May14 to Mar 17

Ruckholt Road – trial area May 14 to Mar 15

North-South route (Leyton/ Blackhorse) May 15 to Jan 17

Leytonstone town centre Aug15 to Feb 17

Leyton town centre Aug15 to Feb 17

Highams Park town centre Aug15 to Feb 17

Chingford town centre Aug15 to Feb 17 Hoe Street Corridor Improvements Waltham Forest Mini Holland Contact and further informationHoe Street Corridor Improvements

Contact: [email protected] Bid document: Additional information:

Hoe Street Corridor Improvements