Molecular Biology and Evolution (ISSN 0737-4038) is a peer-reviewed Postal information journal published twelve times a year by Oxford University Press for the Molecular Biology and Evolution (ISSN 0737-4038) is published MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. monthly by Oxford University Press, 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE) publishes research at the 27513-2009. Periodicals Postage Paid at Cary, NC, and additional interface between molecular and evolutionary biology. The journal mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Molecular (ISSN 0737-4038) publishes molecular evolutionary patterns, processes, and predictions at Biology and Evolution, Mercury Media Processing, 187 E. Albert all levels of taxonomic, functional, genomic, and phenotypic organization. St., Rahway, NJ 07065 USA. It also publishes new and improved methods, resources, and theories Founding Editors: Walter Fitch and Masatoshi Nei Environmental and ethical policies Editor in Chief: Sudhir Kumar Institute for Genomics and that are critical for advancing the molecular evolutionary research. MBE does not publish manuscripts containing largely descriptive work, Oxford Journals, a division of Oxford University Press, is committed Evolutionary Medicine, confi rmatory research, and discoveries with a limited scope or impact. to working with the global community to bring the highest quality Temple University, research to the widest possible audience. Oxford Journals will protect Philadelphia, PA, USA Membership in the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution the environment by implementing environmentally friendly policies Individuals interested in becoming a member of the Society for and practices wherever possible. Please see http://www.
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