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PRESS COMUNIQUÉ An agenda for the Eurozone Financial stability, growth, employment and political union

Berlin, September 28, 2012 – Aspen Institute Italia organizes in Berlin, on September 28 and 29, the international workshop “The Eurozone’s path: the Union between reality and aspiration”. The meeting – organized in collaboration with the Italian Embassy to Germany and Aspen Institute Germany – takes place at the Adlon Kempinski Hotel (Unter den Linden, 77). The conference will be held behind closed doors. Objectives of the conference and proposals emerging from the discussions will be illustrated in a Press Conference, on Friday, September 28 at 4.30 pm at the Adlon Kempinski Hotel. Outside the working sessions, and following an agreement with the Aspen Press Office, interviews and briefings can be scheduled with individual participants. Debate will focus on the Eurozone’s situation and prospects for a future political union. The discussion will touch upon the fiscal compact, banking union and the confidence in mutual commitments between governments in search of a more stable financial arrangement and a deeper integration. An additional issue on the table will be the goal of more sustained growth in the Eurozone as well as the best tools to create more jobs. Participants will also discuss the implications of the US presidential election with a view to re‐ launching a Transatlantic free trade area. Participants will include: Giulio Tremonti, Chairman, Aspen Institute Italia, Rome; Vittorio Grilli, Minister of Economy and Finance, Rome; Wolfgang Schäuble, Minister of Finance, Berlin; , Minister for European Affairs, Rome; Marta Dassù, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome; Michel Martone, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Rome; Werner Hoyer, President, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg; Pier Carlo Padoan, Deputy Secretary General and Chief Economist, OECD‐ Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris; Leonardo Arduini, Country Corporate Officer for , Citigroup, ; Katinka Barysch, Deputy Director, Centre for European Reform, ; Franco Bassanini, President, Astrid; Chairman, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, Rome; Ferdinando Beccalli‐Falco, President & CEO Europe, GE, Frankfurt; Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, Chairman, Snam Rete Gas, Milan; Martin Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Jacob A. Frenkel, Chairman, J.P. Morgan Chase International, New York; Paolo Garonna, Director General, ANIA, Rome; Mircea Dan Geoana, Senator; President, Aspen Institute Romania, Bucharest; Daniel Gros, Director, CEPS‐ Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels; Dietman Hornung, Vice President, Senior Credit Officer, Moody’s Investors Service, Frankfurt; Sergei A. Karaganov, Chairman of the Presidium, Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, Moscow; Matthias Klein, Director, Fixed Income Research, Credit Suisse, London; Moritz Kraemer, Managing Director and Head of the Sovereign Ratings Group for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Standard & Poor’s, Frankfurt; Victor Massiah, Chief Executive Officer, UBI Banca, Bergamo; Thomas Mayer, Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt; Thomas Mirow, Former President, EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London; Edward Parker, Head of EMEA, Sovereign Group, Fitsch Ratings, London; Adam Posen, President‐Elect, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; George Sartorel, Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Milan; Otto Schily, Berlin; Flavio Valeri, Chief Country Officer, Deutsche Bank, Milan; Giuseppe Vita, Chairman, UniCredit, Milan; Martin Wiesmann, Managing Director, Jp Morgan AG, Frankfurt.