The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis23 ISSN NO: 0886-9367


M. Kaliraja1, G. Karlmarx2 1PG and Research Department of Mathematics, H.H.The Rajah’s College, Pudukottai, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. E-mail: [email protected]

2Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics , Syed Ammal Arts and Science College Ramanathapuram , Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of Mathematics, H.H.The Rajah’s College, Pudukottai, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract - In this paper, we discussed about the Dutch windmill graphs, the complete fuzzy graphs, the wheel of Gallai fuzzy graphs. Also analyses some theorems and domination number of that graphs. Index Terms: The Dutch windmill fuzzy, the complete fuzzy graph and the wheel of Gallai fuzzy graph, fuzzy domination number. AMS Classification: 03E72, 05C99.


. In 1965, L.A. Zadeh [7] introduced a mathematical structure to describe the concepts of vagueness in real life throughout the periodical of a determining paper. In 1975, A. Rosenfeld [4] introduced the information of fuzzy graph theoretic perception such as paths, cycles and connectedness. In 1996, Van Bang Le [6] discussed regarding the Gallai graphs and anti-Gallai graphs. Correspondingly, S. Aparna Lakshmanan and S.B. Rao [1] also deliberated the Gallai graphs and anti-Gallai graphs. Further, A. Somasundram and S. Somasundram [5] have explored the domination in fuzzy graphs. In accumulation, the domination, independent and irredundance numbers were discussed by A. Nagoorgani and P. Vadivel [2]. In [8], in our previous effort we have discussed the concept of Gallai-type theorems in Gallai Fuzzy Graphs on Domination parameters. The idea of Dutch windmill graph was discussed by M.R.Rajesh kanna, R.Pradeep kumar, and R.Jagadeesh [ 3] In this manuscript, we discussed about the Dutch windmill, the wheel of Gallai fuzzy graphs and some theorems of this graphs. Also we analyses the structures and fuzzy domination numbers.

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202023 Page No:750 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis24 ISSN NO: 0886-9367


A fuzzy graph with G as the underlying set is a finite non-empty unordered pair of G= (σ, μ), where σ : V →[0,1] is a fuzzy subset, μ: E→[0,1] is a fuzzy relation on the fuzzy subset σ such that μ(u, v) ≤ σ(u) ˄ σ(v) for all u, vЄ V where ˄ and ˅ stands for minimum and maximum. The underlying crisp fuzzy graph of G=(σ, μ) is denoted by G*=(V, E), where V =* ( ) +andE = *( ) ( ) +,the fuzzy order P and fuzzy size of the fuzzy graph G=( σ, μ) are defined by p = Σ v ϵ V σ(u) and q =Σ u, v ϵ E μ(u, v). Each pair μ = u, v of fuzzy vertices in σ is a fuzzy edge of G and μ is said to join u and v are fuzzy adjacent vertices, fuzzy u and fuzzy edge μ are fuzzy incident with each other as are σ and μ if two distinct fuzzy edges are incident with a common fuzzy vertex, then they are called fuzzy adjacent edges. A fuzzy edge e = uv of a fuzzy graph is an fuzzy edge if μ(u, v) = σ(u) ˄ (v). N (u) =* (u, v ) = σ(u) ˄ σ(v) } is called the open fuzzy neighborhood of u and N[u]= N(u) {u}is the closed fuzzy neighborhood of u.

Definition: 2.1 Let G be a fuzzy graph and u be a fuzzy vertex in G then there exists a fuzzy vertex v such that (u, v) is a fuzzy edge then we say that u dominates v. Definition: 2.2 Let G = (σ, μ) be a fuzzy graph. A subset D of V is said to be fuzzy dominating set of G if for every v V-D, there exists u D such that u dominates v. Definition: 2.3 A fuzzy dominating set D of a fuzzy graph G is called minimal fuzzy dominating set of G, if for every fuzzy vertex v D, D-{v} is not a fuzzy dominating set. Definition: 2.4 The Minimum fuzzy cardinality among all minimal fuzzy dominating sets in Γ(G) is called fuzzy domination number of Γ(G) and is denoted by (Γ(G)). Definition: 2.5 A fuzzy graph G is said to be connected if every pair of its fuzzy vertices are connected. Otherwise it is disconnected. Definition: 2.6

Let Gi denote the induced fuzzy sub graph of G with fuzzy vertex set Vi .Clearly the

sub graphs G1, G2,….Gn are connected and are called the fuzzy components of G Definition: 2.7 A fuzzy graph G = (σ, μ) is complete fuzzy graph if μ(x, y) = σ(x) ˄ (y) for all x, y ϵ .

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202024 Page No:751 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis25 ISSN NO: 0886-9367

Definition: 2.8

Let G : (σ, μ ) be a fuzzy graph on G* (V,E). If dG(v) = k for all v V, that is if each vertex has same degree k, then G is said to be a regular fuzzy graph of degree k or k-regular fuzzy graph.

Definition: 2.9

In the mathematical discipline of , a wheel graph Wn is a graph with n vertices (n≥4) formed by connecting a single vertex to all vertices of an n-1 cycle. A wheel graph with fuzzy labelling is called a fuzzy wheel graph

Definition: 2.10 A fuzzy graph whose fuzzy edge set is empty, is called a null fuzzy graph or a totally disconnected fuzzy graphs.

3. THE DUTCH WINDMILL GRAPHS OF GALLAI FUZZY GRAPHS. In this division, we describe on the Dutch windmill fuzzy graph, a wheel fuzzy graph of Gallai fuzzy graphs, and some significant theorems are analysed. Definition: 3.1

(m) The Dutch windmill fuzzy graph is denoted by Dn and it is the fuzzy graph obtained by

taking m copies of the fuzzy cycle Cn with a fuzzy vertex in common. The Dutch windmill (m) fuzzy graph is also called as friendship fuzzy graph if n=3.Dutch windmill fuzzy graph Dn contains (n-1) m+1 fuzzy vertices and mn fuzzy edges.

Definition: 3.2

The Gallai fuzzy graph Γ(G) of a fuzzy graph G has the fuzzy edges of G as its fuzzy vertices and two distinct fuzzy edges of G are fuzzy incident in G, but do not span a fuzzy triangle in G. The line fuzzy graph L (G) of a fuzzy graph G has the fuzzy edges of G as its fuzzy vertices and two distinct fuzzy edges of G are adjacent in L (G) if they are fuzzy incident in (n) G. This concept of Gallai fuzzy graph will be apply to the Dutch windmill D3 , a wheel fuzzy and complete fuzzy graph . Also to analyses the construction of structures and fuzzy domination number of Gallai fuzzy graph.

Example: 3.3

(2) Let us consider D3 be a the Dutch windmill graphs or which is called a butterfly fuzzy graphs.

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202025 Page No:752 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis26 ISSN NO: 0886-9367

(2) Let us consider D3 be a the Dutch windmill graphs or friendship graph which is called a butterfly fuzzy graphs.

(2) By using the definition of Г(D3 ) we have the following

(2) Fig: 3.3.2 Dutch windmill graph of Gallai fuzzy graph Γ (D3 )).

(2) The domination number (Γ (D3 )) = 0.8

(m) 2 Since Г(D3 ) = ∑ i –x - 3t, is the number of fuzzy edges, where ∑ i is degree of the

(m ) vertex, t is the total triangle and x is number of edges in D3 , m=2 as shown in figure 3.3.1. (2) 2 2 2 2 2 Then Г(D3 ) = ( + + + + ) –6 – 3(2) = 4 fuzzy edges ( 0.2+0.2+0.3+0.2 = 0.9 ) (2) .Here Γ (D3 )) is disconnected graphs of Gallai fuzzy graph with 3 components.

Example: 3.4

We consider a wheel fuzzy graph w4 is as shown below

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202026 Page No:753 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis27 ISSN NO: 0886-9367

By using the definition of Γ(w4) we have the following

Theorem: 3.5

(m) (m) Let D3 be a Dutch windmill fuzzy graph contains m fuzzy triangles of G. Then Γ(D3 ) is disconnected of Gallai fuzzy graph with m+1 number of components.

(m) Proof : Let D3 be a Dutch windmill fuzzy graph contains m fuzzy triangles of G.The (m) fuzzy vertex set V ={v, y1,y2, …….y2m}, and the fuzzy edge set E= {x1,x2,….x3m}. D3 contains 2m +1 fuzzy vertices and 3m fuzzy edges, where m is a copies of the triangles.

(m) Since every pair of its fuzzy vertices has exactly one common fuzzy neighbor in D3 .By the

(m) (m) 2 definition of the Gallai fuzzy graphs Г( D3 ),the number of edges in Г(D3 ) is ∑ i –x

- 3t, where ∑ i is degree of the vertex , t is the total triangle and x is number of edges in (m) (m) D3 . suppose D3 contains m triangles, then its has m+1 components . Out of this m+1

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202027 Page No:754 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis28 ISSN NO: 0886-9367

component, one component is regular fuzzy graph and remaining m are null fuzzy graphs. (m) Hence Г(D3 ) is disconnected of Gallai fuzzy graphs with m+1 numbers of components

Example: 3.6

(m) The Dutch windmill fuzzy graphs D3 m ≥ 2 is as shown below

(m) The Dutch windmill of Gallai fuzzy graph Г( D3 ) is as shown below

(m) Fig: 3.6.2. Here Г( D3 ) is disconnected fuzzy graphs with m+1 number of components . (m) The domination number ( Г ( D3 ) ) = 1.0.

Theorem: 3.7

Every friendship fuzzy graph is a windmill of Gallai fuzzy graph but the converse is not true.

Theorem: 3.8

Let Kn be a complete fuzzy graph contains triangles of G. Then Г(Kn) is a totally disconnected fuzzy graph with n numbers of components.

Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020January/202028 Page No:755 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysisanalysis29 ISSN NO: 0886-9367


Let Kn be a complete fuzzy graphs of G. Prove that Г(Kn) is a totally disconnected fuzzy

graph with n numbers of components. Every pair of edge are adjacent in Kn. But each edge

ViVj in Kn is the triangle of Kn. By the definition of the Gallai fuzzy graph Г(Kn),

2 |Г( ( ) )| = | ( )| are n vertices. The number of edges in Г(kn) is ∑ i –x - 3t, where

∑ i is degree of the vertex, t is the total triangle and x is number of edges in kn. Since each

fuzzy edge of the graph Kn forms triangles. Hence Г( ) is a totally disconnected of fuzzy graph with n numbers of components.

Example: 3.9

The complete fuzzy graph Kn, n ≥ 3 with n=3 vertices is as shown below

The complete Gallai fuzzy graph is as shown below

Fig: 3.9.1 Here Г(K3) is a totally disconnected fuzzy graphs with n components. The

domination number (Г(K3) ) = ̅3 = 0.4.


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