25th Meeting of the Advisory Committee ASCOBANS/AC25/Inf.5.1 Stralsund, Germany, 17-19 September 2019 Dist.16 August 2019

Agenda Item 5.1 Special Species Sessions


Information Document 5.1 Future Directions in Research on Beaked Whales

Action Requested Take Note

Submitted by Hooker et al.

Note: Delegates are kindly reminded to bring their own document copies to the meeting, if needed. fmars-05-00514 January 23, 2019 Time: 17:10 # 1

REVIEW published: 25 January 2019 doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00514

Future Directions in Research on Beaked Whales

Sascha K. Hooker1*, Natacha Aguilar De Soto2, Robin W. Baird3, Emma L. Carroll1,4, Diane Claridge1,5, Laura Feyrer6, Patrick J. O. Miller1, Aubrie Onoufriou1,2, Greg Schorr7, Eilidh Siegal1 and Hal Whitehead6

1 Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom, 2 BIOECOMAC Department of Animal Biology, Universidad de La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, , 3 Cascadia Research Collective, Olympia, WA, United States, 4 School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 5 Bahamas Research Organisation, Abaco, Bahamas, 6 Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 7 Marine Ecology and Telemetry Research, Seabeck, WA, United States

Until the 1990s, beaked whales were one of the least understood groups of large mammals. Information on northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) and Baird’s beaked whales (Berardius bairdii) was available from data collected during Edited by: Lars Bejder, , however, little information existed on the smaller species other than occasional University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, data gleaned from beach-cast animals. Recent research advances have been plentiful. United States Increasing global survey effort, together with morphometric and genetic analyses have Reviewed by: Whitlow W. L. Au, shown at least 22 species in this group. Longitudinal field studies of at least four species University of Hawai‘i, United States (H. ampullatus, B. bairdii, Ziphius cavirostris, Mesoplodon densirostris) have become Elizabeth McHuron, established over the last three decades. Several long-term studies support photo- University of California, Santa Cruz, United States identification catalogs providing insights into life history, social structure and population *Correspondence: size. Tag-based efforts looking at diving, movements and have provided detail Sascha K. Hooker on individual behavior as well as population structure and ranges. Passive acoustic [email protected] monitoring has allowed long-term and seasonal monitoring of populations. Genetic Specialty section: studies have uncovered cryptic species and revealed contrasting patterns of genetic This article was submitted to diversity and connectivity amongst the few species examined. Conservation concern for Marine Megafauna, a section of the journal these species was sparked by mass strandings coincident with military mid-frequency Frontiers in Marine Science use. Fat and gas emboli have been symptomatic indicators of mortalities related to Received: 16 August 2018 sonar exposure, suggesting that their vulnerability stems from the physiological exertion Accepted: 21 December 2018 of extreme diving for medium-sized whales. Behavioral response experiments have Published: 25 January 2019 now shown that beaked whales appear to cease foraging and delay their return to Citation: Hooker SK, De Soto NA, foraging and/or leave the area in association with exposure to mid-frequency signals Baird RW, Carroll EL, Claridge D, at low acoustic levels. Future priorities for these species will be to (1) continue field- Feyrer L, Miller PJO, Onoufriou A, Schorr G, Siegal E and Whitehead H studies to better understand smaller-scale habitat use, vital rates and social structure; (2) (2019) Future Directions in Research develop better detection methods for larger-scale survey work; (3) improve methodology on Beaked Whales. for monitoring energetics, individual body condition and health; (4) develop tools to Front. Mar. Sci. 5:514. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00514 better understand physiology; (5) use recent genetic advances with improved sample

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Hooker et al. Beaked Future Directions

databanks to re-examine global and local relationships; (6) further quantify anthropogenic impacts (both sonar and other noise) and their population consequences (7) apply acquired data for realistic mitigation of sonar and other anthropogenic impacts for beaked .

Keywords: beaked whale, Hyperoodon, Mesoplodon, Ziphius, Berardius

INTRODUCTION bairdii) were the targets of whaling operations. The northern bottlenose whale was hunted across the Northern Atlantic Beaked whales (Ziphiidae) are a family of odontocete cetaceans (e.g., Benjaminsen, 1972; Gray, 1882), while the Baird’s beaked (toothed whales) containing at least 22 species in 6 genera. whale continues to be hunted in Japan (e.g., Kasuya, 1977, Species range in size from 3 m and a few 100 kg to more 1986). Scientific research programs associated with the whaling than 10 m and 12 tones. All beaked whale species tend to live operations provided reproductive and demographic information in deep, typically offshore, waters and, for those species for for these two species but information for most other beaked which dive data are available, all perform long, deep dives in whales was sparse, often gleaned only occasionally from search of their prey. Many species of beaked whales (particularly necropsies of stranded animals (Mead, 1984). the genus Mesoplodon, which is the most numerous cetacean genus) have superficially similar external morphology, and so are Field Studies often difficult to identify to species level in the wild, hampering Long-term, non-lethal studies of wild populations began in the field observations. Difficulties are enhanced by the variability 1980s, with the study of northern bottlenose whales in the Gully, of coloration of several species, with new patterns still being off the coast of eastern Canada (Table 1). Since then, several discovered (Aguilar de Soto et al., 2017). Therefore, while some factors have led to a dramatic increase in research into beaked species have detailed distribution records, many others have only whale biology and ecology (Figure 1). An increase in number a handful of scattered reports (MacLeod et al., 2006). The study of and diversity of studies has been partly driven by technological many of these species has therefore often relied on examination advances (Baird et al., 2006; Tyack et al., 2006; Schorr et al., of beachcast animals (Ridgway and Harrison, 1989). 2009). However, there has also been an increased focus on Several species have yet to be knowingly seen alive at sea, beaked whales following evidence of a relationship between mid- including six different species from the genus Mesoplodon and low-frequency production and mass strandings of at (Dalebout et al., 2002). As a result, we still know comparatively least some species (Frantzis, 1998; Cox et al., 2006), confirmed little about many of these large mammal species. This scarcity by common veterinary pathological findings (Fernandez et al., of knowledge is a concern because beaked whales have been 2005). Today non-lethal long-term studies include research on identified as particularly sensitive to some human activities, in single populations of northern bottlenose whales and Baird’s particular those that generate high levels of underwater noise. beaked whales, and multiple populations of Blainville’s beaked Data are needed on physiology and behavior to understand the whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) and Cuvier’s beaked whales mechanisms of noise impacts, and how to mitigate them in order (Ziphius cavirostris)(Table 1). to guarantee beaked whale conservation. The lack of baseline Additional studies have also been more recently instigated. data on distribution, population size and structure, and life Some of these are currently becoming or have the potential to history impedes assessment of potential population level impacts. be extended into long-term studies1. Cuvier’s beaked whales have Likewise, it is difficult to predict the consequences of climate been regularly studied in the Mediterranean where there may be change given the paucity of knowledge of prey or likely shifts in several key areas of whale abundance (MacLeod and Mitchell, prey distribution, and the energetic and physiological impacts of 2006), with photo-identification studies in both the Genoa these changes. Canyon and the Ionian Sea (Canadas, 2012; Podesta et al., 2016). The purpose of this paper is to review current knowledge, Cuvier’s beaked whales have also been the subject of intensive recent advances and outline future directions in research for this investigation for the last 6 years off North Carolina (Forney diverse group of marine mammals. It is intended as a roadmap et al., 2017), an area with very high whale density (McLellan for future research on beaked whales, identifying pitfalls and et al., 2018). Another Cuvier’s beaked whale population has been shortcuts and accelerating progress toward key goals: a better studied off Guadalupe Island, Mexico (Cárdenas-Hinojosa et al., understanding of their biology and ecology and the application 2015). A reliable population of northern bottlenose whales has of data for conservation and management. been studied for several summer seasons off Jan Mayen, Norway (Miller et al., 2015, 2016). As interest has increased, opportunistic

HISTORY OF BEAKED WHALE STUDIES 1This was the case for example in Hawai‘i, where Dan McSweeney began taking opportunistic photos of both Blainville’s and Cuvier’s beaked whales in the late Whaling 1980s, although a photo-identification catalog was not actually established until the early 2000s as other research on those populations began in the area. The use Only two beaked whale species, northern bottlenose whales of these opportunistic photos effectively added 15 years to the photo-identification (Hyperoodon ampullatus) and Baird’s beaked whales (Berardius study.

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions Falcone et al. , 2009 , ; 2017 etSchorr al. , 2014 2016 Johnson et al. , 2004 ; Arranz2014 et, al. Johnson et al. , 2004 ; Madsen et al. , ; 2005 Arranz etAguilar al. , de; 2011 Soto et al. , et2012 ; al. , Arranz 2014 Baird et al. , , 2006 2008 ; McSweeney et al. , 2007 ; West et al. , ; 2017 , Baird 2019 Hooker and, Baird 1999 ; Gowans et al. , 2001 ; Hooker and Whitehead , 2002 ; Dalebout et al. , 2006 ; Hooker et al. , 2008 ; andO’Brien Whitehead , 2013 Claridge , 2006 , 2013 ; Joyce et2016 ; al. , Dunn et al. , 2017 ; etJoyce al. , 2017 Claridge , 2006 ; Moretti et al. , 2014 ; 2006 , McCarthy et al. , 2011 ; etTyack al. , 2011 ; Claridge , 2013 ; etJoyce al. , 2016 ; Dunn etJoyce al. , et; 2017 al. , 2017 Baird et al. , , 2006 2008 , McSweeney; 2011 et al. , 2007 ; Schorr et al. , ; 2009 , Baird 2019 Satellite tagging (location and location/dive), Biopsy (genetics, stable isotopes), Behavioral response Behavior Rosso et al. , ; 2011 Coomber et al. , DTAG (diving. acoustics); acoustic surveys with drifters; land-based observations; genetics DTAG (diving, acoustics); acoustic surveys with drifters; land-based observations; genetics Satellite tagging (location and location/dive); TDR (diving); Biopsy (genetics); Behavior; Diet (strandings) TDR (diving, foraging, behavior, behavioral response/movements); Biopsy (genetics, contaminants, fatty acids/stable isotopes) Passive acoustic monitoring; TDR (diving, foraging, behavior, behavioral response/movements); Biopsy (genetics, contaminants, fatty acids/stable isotopes) Satellite tagging (location and location/dive); TDR (diving); Biopsy (genetics); Behavior TDR (diving); Biopsy (genetics, stable isotopes, fatty acids, contaminants); Behavior; Acoustics 80 40 140 ∼ ∼ ∼ 100 individuals. Catalog ∼ individuals Photo-ID catalog Other field analyses Reference 100s. and right side identifications respectively) No published population estimate. No published population estimate. likely individuals (as of May 2018) individuals individuals contains 177 distinctive individuals (as of May 2018) from throughout islands Summer Unknown Behavior Fedutin et al. , 2015 Year-round Suggests population of low Year-round Estimate of 96–100 animals (left Year-round Photo-ID catalog developed. Year-round Photo-ID catalog developed. Summer Suggests population Summer Suggests population Year-round -island insular population Year-round Contains 92 distinctive Summer Suggests population study period most in May-June Animals present year-round Animals present year-round Year-round population Year-round population Animals present year-round Animals present year-round Both resident insular population(s) and pelagic population Resident insular population Animals present year-round; isolated population 2008–2013 Year-round but 2006- ongoing 2003- ongoing 2003- ongoing 2003- ongoing 1997- ongoing 2005- ongoing 1986- ongoing 1990- ongoing 1988- ongoing Baird’s beaked whales whale Cuvier’s beaked whale whales whale Blainville’s beaked whale Blainville’s beaked whale whale whales Northern bottlenose whale Major long-term beaked whale studies. Commander Islands, Russia Southern California Cuvier’s beaked Genoa canyon, Mediterranean Cuvier’s beaked Canary Islands Blainville’s beaked SW Abaco Is, Bahamas AUTEC Navy range, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas HawaiiHawaii Blainville’s beaked Cuvier’s beaked TABLE 1 | LocationThe Gully, eastern SpeciesCanada Initiated Population Major

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions

FIGURE 1 | Web of science search results for papers with “beaked whale” in title through 2017. Increasing publication rate in the 1990s and again in the late 2000s is clearly visible.

encounters with other beaked whale species have also been like all odontocetes they are acoustic animals, and rely on more widely reported. True’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon mirus) echolocation clicks to navigate, forage and communicate. In are regularly observed around the Azores and Canary Islands key habitat areas they are found to click during their foraging (Aguilar de Soto et al., 2017) and off George’s Bank in the western dives made during both day and night (e.g., Baird et al., 2008; North Atlantic (DeAngelis et al., 2018). Sowerby’s beaked whales Stanistreet et al., 2017), being acoustically active some 20% of (Mesoplodon bidens) are regularly found in the Gully (Whitehead, the time (Arranz et al., 2011). Beaked whale clicks are unique 2013) and around the Azores (Silva et al., 2014). from other odontocetes in their temporal and spectral properties (Johnson et al., 2004, 2006) and, for those species that have been characterized, can be distinguished to the species level METHODS AND TECHNOLOGY: (albeit with some uncertainty due to off-axis effects and narrow CURRENT STATUS acoustic beam) by their high frequency (peaks greater than 25 kHz), longer durations, consistent inter-click intervals, and Species Identification characteristic frequency upsweep, using automated supervised Molecular work, often in combination with morphological detection systems (Baumann-Pickering et al., 2014). analysis, has proved vital to the discovery and identification of Passive acoustic monitoring has allowed long-term datasets new species based on bones and tissues of dead individuals, using to be collected in specific regions to assess presence/absence short fragments of mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA. over multiple seasons/years (e.g., Moretti et al., 2006; Baumann- For example, until recently one species, Longman’s beaked whale Pickering et al., 2014; Kowarski et al., 2018). These have (Indopacetus pacificus), was identified only from two skulls in highlighted the presence of beaked whales despite lack of Australia and Somalia and it was not until 2003 that the ability characterization to species-level (Baumann-Pickering et al., to identify these animals in the wild was confirmed by combining 2014). In some locations, real-time acoustic monitoring has been morphological, photographic and molecular evidence (Dalebout possible (primarily on Navy acoustic ranges, Moretti et al., 2016), et al., 2003). In 2004, a comprehensive molecular database of the which has helped to direct on-water research effort (Tyack et al., 21 species recognized at the time was compiled using mtDNA 2011). and nuclear DNA markers that was validated using either skeletal material or some other form of documentation (Dalebout et al., Population Monitoring 2004). This confirmed the monophyly of the beaked whale family Long-term beaked whale photo-identification (photo-ID) studies and this and subsequent work produced insights into the speciose (Table 1), have provided critical information on population group. More recently, Deraniyagala’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon structure, population size and vital rates. Many beaked whale hotuala)(Dalebout et al., 2014) and a new species of Berardius individuals show unique markings – either via nicks and notches (Morin et al., 2017) were identified by analyzing DNA-sequence in the dorsal fin, or via scars or rake marks on the back and data from specimens thought to be a smaller rare black-form of sides – and so individuals can be identified photographically the species. If the black-form of Berardius is accepted (Morin and detected repeatedly over time (e.g., Gowans and Whitehead, et al., 2017), it will bring the species count to 23. 2001; McSweeney et al., 2007; Fedutin et al., 2015). Many of these long-term studies have shown small and site-specific populations Beaked Whale Detection (Table 1). In some cases these photo-ID studies have been Beaked whales, due to their long dives and often inconspicuous conducted in conjunction with satellite tagging to help further behavior at the surface, have particularly low detection rates elucidate population range and habitat use (e.g., Schorr et al., compared to most other cetaceans (Barlow, 2015). However, 2009; Baird et al., 2011).

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions

Passive acoustic monitoring has also provided detail on whale for which a study of genetic diversity has been conducted, the seasonal and long-term usage of specific areas by beaked and the species showed significant differentiation between ocean whale species. Bottom-mounted autonomous acoustic recorders, basins (Dalebout et al., 2005). In contrast, high genetic diversity variously called Ecological Acoustic Recorders (EARs) or and no genetic structure was found for Gray’s beaked whales High-frequency Acoustic Recording Packages (HARPs), or (Mesoplodon grayii) around New Zealand where morphological Autonomous Multichannel Acoustic Recorders (AMARs), have differences have been noted between the east and west sides of the been deployed across several sea-floor locations in the Pacific country (Thompson et al., 2014). The work also suggested that where they showed little seasonal influence on beaked whale Gray’s beaked whales underwent a population expansion with detection (Baumann-Pickering et al., 2014; but see also Stanistreet abundant habitat, limited geographic barriers, and no directed et al., 2017; Kowarski et al., 2018). However, bottom-mounted exploitation by humans (Thompson et al., 2016). Gray’s beaked archival have traced seasonal, spatial and inter- whales are unique among ziphiids in that when they strand, it is annual variation in northern bottlenose whale abundance in the often in large groups (e.g., 28 in a mass stranding). Patel et al. Gully area, and more broadly over all eastern Canadian waters (2017) used microsatellites and mtDNA haplotypes from 113 (Stanistreet et al., 2017). stranded animals to show that both male and female dispersal is likely in the species and that the whales strand in unrelated groups. Regional work in the North Atlantic has shown low Population Structure and Social genetic diversity and significant population structure between Organization Gully and Labrador stocks of northern bottlenose whales based Long-term photo-ID work has allowed animals to be identified on mtDNA control region and microsatellite markers (Dalebout individually and has demonstrated persistent and resident et al., 2001, 2006). populations, often with little connectivity between nearby locations (Table 1). Many beaked whales can be identified Diving and Foraging photographically in terms of their age/sex status. Mature males Much information on beaked whale diet has been derived from can be differentiated from females morphologically in most studies of prey contents found in the stomachs of stranded or beaked whales (Ridgway and Harrison, 1989). In tropical areas whaled animals (Ridgway and Harrison, 1989; Fernandez et al., scars from cookie-cutter shark bites (e.g., Hawai‘i, McSweeney 2014; West et al., 2017). However, some chemical sampling et al., 2007) can aid assessment of age, while in other areas other methods (stable isotope and fatty acid analysis) can also provide types of accumulated scars (e.g., linear scars caused by male- detail about prey types (Hooker et al., 2001). Different beaked male contact) or changes in pigmentation patterns (e.g., Gowans whale species appear to specialize to differing extents on squid et al., 2000a; Coomber et al., 2016) have been combined with re- and fish (Riccialdelli et al., 2017). Studies of prey can also help sighting information to assess this (Gowans et al., 2001; Baird, to infer recent movements of animals. For instance, the presence 2019). of warm-water prey has been used to suggest that northern Individual association patterns are variable between species. bottlenose whales stranded in the northeast Atlantic had probably Northern bottlenose whales have been found to show stronger recently traveled northward (Fernandez et al., 2014). male-male associations than other age-sex class associations Passive acoustic recorders and networks can be (Gowans et al., 2001). A similar pattern was found in Baird’s used to detect the foraging clicks of beaked whales, and are beaked whales in which more scarred (old and/or male) animals an excellent tool to examine temporal variability in foraging were most likely to form stable associations (Fedutin et al., behavior. In the Northern Main Hawaiian Islands (Ni’iahu and 2015). Cuvier’s and Blainville’s beaked whales appear to be much Kaua’i) Blainville’s beaked whales showed similar rates of foraging less social, often found either as lone individuals or in small day and night, with a slight decrease during crepuscular periods groups (Claridge, 2006; McSweeney et al., 2007; Baird, 2019). (Henderson et al., 2016). Tagging studies of both Blainville’s and For both species, females with small calves seem to preferentially Cuvier’s beaked whales have also shown similar rates of foraging associate in larger groups containing multiple adult females dives during both day and night (Baird et al., 2008). (Baird, 2019). Larger groups of Cuvier’s beaked whales often have The field of biotelemetry has advanced rapidly in the last more than one adult male present, while for Blainville’s beaked two decades, providing a more direct way to assess diving and whales typically only one adult male is present, suggesting female foraging in beaked whales. Tagging studies have been conducted defense polygyny (Claridge, 2006; McSweeney et al., 2007; Baird, on beaked whales since 1997 (Hooker and Baird, 1999). These 2019). Studies of association patterns of Blainville’s beaked whales have shown the very deep-diving capabilities common across suggest that male and female associations may last for at least all beaked whale species studied (e.g., Johnson et al., 2004; a year (Dunn, 2015). At-sea behavioral observations can also Tyack et al., 2006; Minamikawa et al., 2007; Baird et al., 2008). provide detail on animal social interactions, such as the head- Importantly, some of these tags have recorded sound (Johnson butting behavior observed for male bottlenose whales (Gowans and Tyack, 2003). Depth and acoustic data combined have and Rendell, 1999). highlighted the unique foraging behavior of beaked whales Since the early 2000s molecular methods have been used to (Tyack et al., 2006), with whales feeding during long and deep assess population structure in beaked whales, showing different dives to over 800 m depth performed typically each 1–1.5 h, species have contrasting patterns of genetic diversity and after which there may be one to several silent recovery dives connectivity. Cuvier’s are the only globally distributed beaked that can exceed 400 m depth and 30 min long. These tags have

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions

also described some of the social made by beaked whales between sonar activity and beaked whale strandings suggest that (Aguilar de Soto et al., 2012; Dunn et al., 2013). bathymetric topography may also be a factor (Filadelfo et al., Most tagging efforts initially focused on high-resolution but 2009). A comprehensive review of beaked whale mass strandings short-term suction cup-attached tags. These are currently still (D’amico et al., 2009) suggested that some strandings might also limited to average deployments of less than 1 day, and maximum be associated with other source events such as seismic surveys, of a few days (Shorter et al., 2014). New research into both the although evidence for these is less comprehensive. material properties of suction cups (Shorter et al., 2014), and Increasing conservation concerns about strandings associated physical properties of the cups, e.g., adding texture, may help with military low- and mid-frequency sonar use have led to to increase attachment durations. Parallel efforts have developed many recent studies looking into reactions of beaked whales to longer-duration animal-attached tags by using penetrating darts noise. These found similar behavioral responses to simulated on small cetaceans, including beaked whales (e.g., Schorr et al., sonar signals among the small number of beaked whales tested, 2009). Current dart-attached tags in beaked whales have been with responses to starting at low received levels (100–130 dB demonstrated to last as long as 120 days (Schorr et al., 2014), re. 1 µPa; Table 2). Beaked whale species appear to respond although most attachments are on the order of a month. These similarly, typically showing a combination of avoidance and longer-term diving records have provided important insights into cessation of click-production associated with foraging (Table 2 the range of behaviors these whales are capable of, in addition to and references therein). These types of behavioral changes were regional and individual variability within species (Schorr et al., also documented in work monitoring vocal activity using navy 2014). The recent addition of Fastloc global positioning systems range hydrophones (Tyack et al., 2011; Moretti et al., 2014; (GPS) into dart-attached LIMPET tags (Wildlife Computers) has Henderson et al., 2016), response to intense ship noise (Aguilar de increased the ability to collect high-resolution spatial data in Soto et al., 2006) and as a reaction to active echosounder activity addition to summarized dive data (R. D. Andrews, unpublished (Cholewiak et al., 2017). data). Attaching tags to smaller cetaceans with a tendency to avoid boats, such as beaked whales, has required the use of light- FUTURE DIRECTIONS weight carbon fiber poles allowing tag placement from 5–8 m distance. Suction-cup Dtags have been attached to bottlenose Future directions for beaked whale research are likely to come whales using the ARTS pneumatic launching system, which both from methodological and technological improvements, and increased effective tagging ranges to 12–15 m (Miller et al., most importantly from continuation and further development of 2016). Small dart-attached tags, such as LIMPET tags, have also long-term population monitoring datasets to provide increasing been deployed this way. As the precision of pneumatic launchers detail on habitat-use, social structure and fundamental natural increases, researchers will be able to deploy larger tags from history data such as survival, age at sexual maturity, pregnancy greater distances, though orientation to the animal continues to rate, and natural infant mortality (Figure 2). Improvements be a challenge, particularly for dart-attached tags. The ethics of in technological tools will support development of acoustic deploying larger tags to relatively small whales with a thin blubber and DNA detection methods, and methods such as drone layer has also been raised as a concern (Moore and Zerbini, 2017). technologies will enable monitoring of body condition and Insights into how beaked whales can conduct such long and physiology. Better understanding of smaller-scale habitat use deep dives have also been gained by analysis of the morphology and social interactions will be gained as increasing numbers and anatomy of stranded whales (e.g., Velten et al., 2013; Pabst of long-term studies come to fruition and other sources of et al., 2016). Mesoplodon beaked whales have been found to differ information are incorporated (e.g., citizen science, genetics, from other deep-diving cetaceans in their locomotor muscle medium duration high-resolution multi-sensor archival tags). design, with the fast glycolytic muscle fibers of a sprinter. It is Increasing availability of global datasets and databanks such as hypothesized that these fibers may be a metabolically inexpensive GenBank will allow examination of beaked whale relationships oxygen store, recruited later on ascent to aerobically power and differences. In terms of understanding anthropogenic swimming. This may help to explain accelerometer-derived threats, larger sample sizes of exposure to real sonar and observations of a change in movement patterns (type of stroke) increased attention to nuances of whale behavior will allow during ascent (Lopez et al., 2015). better determination of the causal factors leading to detrimental responses. We collate these into seven main research directions which will further develop our understanding of beaked whale Behavioral Response to Anthropogenic biology, ecology and conservation. Impacts It is now accepted that beaked whales can strand due to exposure Continue Field-Studies to Better to naval sonar, though the precise mechanism by which this Understand Individuals and Populations occurs remains poorly understood. Fat and gas emboli have been One of the limiting factors for beaked whale studies is sample symptomatic indicators of mortalities related to sonar exposure, size, given the often low density of animals in an area and the suggesting that their vulnerability stems from the physiological even lower sighting probabilities. In some oceanic archipelagos exertion of extreme diving for medium-sized whales (Cox et al., with deep water near the coast, beaked whale research is aided 2006; Hooker et al., 2012). Spatial and temporal correlations by whale watching data (e.g., Hawai‘i, Canary Islands). Here,

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions

TABLE 2 | Responses of beaked whales to anthropogenic sonar sources.

Study species Sound source and experimental conditions Reaction Response and reference observed at received level (dB re. 1 µPa)

Baird’s beaked Playback of simulated mid-frequency active (MFA) Avoidance response. Increase in swim speed and body 127 whale, Berardius military sonar signal at 3.5–4 kHz, transmitting 1.6 s movement. Unusual dive behavior (silent dives). bairdii (Stimpert signal every 25 s, to one tagged whale (Dtag: et al., 2014) multi-sensor ). Blainville’s beaked Playback of simulated 1.4 s MFA sonar with constant Cessation of echolocation during deep foraging dives 138 whale, Mesoplodon frequency and frequency modulated tonal components and movement away from the source. densirostris (Tyack in the 3–4 kHz band repeated every 25 s. Two tagged et al., 2011) whales (Dtag), one satellite-tagged whale and multiple whales monitored acoustically. Cuvier’s beaked Playback of 1.6 s MFA sonar signal repeated every Strong response to playbacks at low received levels: 89–127 whale, Ziphius 25 s. Two tagged whales (Dtag). after ceasing normal fluking and echolocation, they cavirostris swam rapidly, silently away, extending both dive (DeRuiter et al., duration and subsequent non-foraging interval. 2013) Cuvier’s beaked Exposure to ship-based MFA military sonar at Some variation, but overall increase in duration of all n/a whale, Ziphius 3.5–4 kHz and helicopter-deployed MFA military sonar, measured diving behaviors, in particular the interval cavirostris (Falcone transmitting in a variety of configurations during training between deep (presumed foraging) dives. Responses et al., 2017) events. Seven hundred and ninety sonar events of stronger with proximity, and more pronounced for the varying duration with 16 tagged whales (satellite-linked lower-source level helicopter-deployed MFA than the time-depth). louder-source level ship MFA. Northern Playback of escalating levels of 1–2 kHz upsweep naval Directed travel away from the source. Whale made the 107 bottlenose whale, sonar pulses at 20 s intervals to one tagged whale longest and deepest dive recorded for this species Hyperoodon (Dtag), compared to natural sounds and movements of (94 min, 2339 m). Cessation of normal ampullatus (Miller 13 whales. echolocation-based foraging. Sharp decline in acoustic et al., 2015) and visual detections of conspecifics suggested other whales behaved in the same way.

FIGURE 2 | Suggested future directions for beaked whale research vary in terms of both spatial and temporal extent. See text for more information on each.

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citizen science is playing a role, with contributions of photos that other sources) can allow us to measure how the distribution, can help address distribution (e.g., Aguilar de Soto et al., 2017), abundance, foraging, and sociality of beaked whales are affected demographics, vital rates and social structure (e.g., Baird, 2019) by human activities. by filling in temporal gaps in sampling, and in general improving Genetic and genomic methods can be used to identify and sample size. With increasing numbers of people on the water with track individuals and their kin over time and provide a way of high resolution cameras, it is likely that such citizen science will assessing relatedness and social structure. Genetic profiles that increase its role over time. uniquely identify individuals can be generated using DNA from The ability to follow individuals over longer periods of time skin biopsy samples, sloughed skin from living whales, and tissue than just one or a few surfacing bouts is also a limiting factor, samples from dead whales (Carroll et al., 2018). By tracking and boat-based researchers working in concert with land-based individuals across space and time, genetic monitoring with DNA observers (e.g., Canary Islands, Arranz et al., 2014), or tracking profiles has been used to estimate demographic parameters like tagged animals in areas that combine photo-identification with abundance, growth rate and population expansion in cetacean tagging (e.g., Hawai‘i, North Carolina, Canary Islands), allow populations (e.g., Carroll et al., 2013). Additionally, social for longer-term focal follows that can help address small-scale structure, dispersal patterns and mating systems can be inferred habitat use and/or social structure questions. Satellite tagging from patterns of relatedness and paternity (e.g., Patel et al., studies also have the potential to inform understanding of social 2017). Given the difficulty in directly observing mating and structure as well as fine scale habitat use, the latter in particular social interactions between beaked whales, genetic information when Fastloc-GPS tags are being used. Even with the relatively provides insight into social structure that is important for low resolution of Argos-derived locations, combining satellite tag conservation and management (e.g., showing that Gray’s beaked data with oceanographic data provides a powerful approach to whales strand in unrelated groups, Patel et al., 2017). Genetic assessing what factors may drive spatial use (e.g., Abecassis et al., methods could be used in future, alone or in combination 2015), though data on the deep-water oceanography where these with photo-ID data, to determine whether small beaked whale species forage remains sparse and difficult to collect. populations are genetically and demographically isolated. When multiple tags are deployed on individuals in the same group (or on individuals in different groups at the same time), the distance between individuals (in relation to social structure) as Develop Better Detection Methods for well as coordination of diving behavior can be assessed (Aguilar Larger-Scale Survey Work de Soto et al., 2006). In such cases, tags may provide medium- Acoustics have become an effective way to map the temporal and term information on how long individuals remain together in spatial distributions of beaked whale populations. Hydrophones the same group (particularly with Fastloc-GPS enabled tags), mounted on the sea floor (either “pop-up” archival arrangements, or how often individuals join and split. Commercially available or cabled systems), towed behind boats, or from autonomous radio direction finder systems to track Argos tags (e.g., the Argos underwater or surface vehicles, such as “gliders” (Suberg et al., goniometer) also allow for re-locating satellite tagged individuals 2014) or “drifters” (Griffiths and Barlow, 2016), are giving high- potentially over periods of days to weeks, allowing assessment of resolution but broad-scale data on when and where different association patterns. species are present (e.g., Klinck et al., 2012; Stanistreet et al., The ability to assign individuals to an age class is important 2017). These acoustic records have the potential to be used for for estimation of past and future vital rates, as well as population- abundance estimation, either using modified “Distance” methods level responses to abiotic (e.g., climate) and biotic (e.g., prey in which source directionality is typically estimated using some resources) factors. For at least some species of beaked whales, form of array (Marques et al., 2013) or simpler one-dimensional scars accumulate and remain visible thus allowing estimation of estimates that use data from single non-directional hydrophones age and contributing to studies of vital rates and demography. (Horrocks et al., 2011). Both methods need information on The development of molecular age biomarkers, or measurable typical group sizes within a particular area, as well as estimates changes in DNA or RNA abundance or sequence change with of the click-rates of individuals over a variety of time scales. The time, provides a new way to estimate chronological age (Jarman latter can come from acoustic-tag recordings (e.g., Tyack et al., et al., 2015). Such tools could be validated using both known- 2006), but may vary in groups of different sizes. age animals from long-term study sites and from stranded The burgeoning field of environmental DNA (eDNA) research animals aged using skeletal materials or natural chemical markers may provide an opportunity to develop better detection methods (Polanowski et al., 2014; Laptikhovsky et al., 2018). for beaked whales. The simple premise is that animals in the Acoustic records can also provide insight. Creaks/buzzes environment shed cells and DNA in their wake, leaving a trail (clicks with short inter-click intervals) may be used to infer prey that can be detected using molecular methods. Evidence suggests capture, and thus give a measure of foraging activity (Madsen that eDNA is a reliable detection method (Rees et al., 2014), et al., 2005). Recordings of simultaneous or coordinated click although this depends on the system under investigation (Foote trains can indicate associations, and give insight into behavior et al., 2012). So far, applications to marine mammal science and social structure. And, because noise is seen as a primary have been few, although it has been shown to detect harbor threat to beaked whales (Cox et al., 2006; Cholewiak et al., (Phocoena phocoena) in both a controlled and natural 2017), the simultaneous recording of anthropogenic sounds environment (Foote et al., 2012). The duration of detection of (generated by ships, echosounders, , seismic, military, and killer whales (Orcinus orca) with eDNA was estimated to be 2 h

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in the Puget Sound, although more work is needed to validate allowing photogrammetric measurements to be linked to known this and to determine detection probabilities across species and individuals, providing the ability to monitor changes in body marine systems (Baker et al., 2018). One key factor required for a condition and growth over time. Even if there is no long-term successful eDNA study is molecular information to design and sighting history, images can be assigned to state-specific and validate species identification assays. The extensive molecular sex classes based on dentition and scarring (albeit with some phylogeny work conducted on beaked whales provides such uncertainty between females and subadult males in areas with few information (e.g., Dalebout et al., 2004). In fact, the parallels cookie cutter sharks; see Claridge, 2013). Such aerial imagery in between eDNA and DNA from bone, such as degradation of combination with long-term field studies will allow measurement DNA into short fragments and the relative abundance of mtDNA of the length and impact of the weaning period, and ultimately compared with nuclear DNA, mean that previous molecular work beaked whale reproductive potential. conducted on beaked whales lends itself to eDNA work and Another approach to quantify energy balances of free-ranging puts the taxonomic group in an excellent position for future animals is to assess the quantity of their lipid-store from how it eDNA studies. The ability of genomic methods to categorically influences their buoyancy. Lipids are less dense than other body identify individuals to species level is also particularly useful tissues, and so the buoyancy of marine divers has been used as when sightings of ‘unidentified’ beaked whales are made, or to an indicator of body condition (Biuw et al., 2003). There may be ground-truth acoustic monitoring. two difficulties in using this for beaked whales. (1) Beaked whales are considered to be income-breeders, and are not thought to go through prolonged fasting cycles like capital-breeding seals Monitoring Energetics, Individual Body and many baleen whales. However, their medium body size Condition, and Health implies a potential for lipid energy stores to be an important Little is known about the food or metabolic requirements indicator of their body condition, particularly related to the of beaked whales as temporary capture (or maintenance in energy and lipid demands for lactation and successful weaning captivity) for physiological measurements has rarely been of offspring (New et al., 2013). (2) Beaked whales have a rather attempted (Lynn and Reiss, 1992). Recent advances in the use of unique blubber makeup in that their blubber is dominated by wax animal-attached tags have made it possible to measure indicators esters rather than triacylglycerol (Koopman, 2007). Wax esters of prey-consumption from echolocation buzzes produced during have a lower density and their metabolization is less efficient prey-capture attempts (Johnson et al., 2004) and locomotion than triacylglycerol. Nevertheless, the presence of more or less effort using accelerometers to measure stroking (Williams et al., blubber would be expected to relate (albeit perhaps imperfectly) 2017). Breathing patterns can also be used to investigate field to accessible energy stores and body condition. Recent work metabolic rates and energy expenditure (Isojunno et al., 2018), has shown that northern bottlenose whales tagged with archival although assumptions about constant tidal volume and rate of suction cup tags near Jan Mayen tended to have a lower body oxygen extraction may cloud this approach. That said, these density, indicating larger proportional lipid stores, than those metrics have been useful as energy indicators, or proxies to tagged in the Gully (Miller et al., 2016). identify potential effects of disturbance (Miller et al., 2015). Future work on body condition (as measured either via Aerial photogrammetry and the use of drones has been photogrammetry or buoyancy models) would benefit from developed to assess body shape changes to infer reproductive increased understanding of the function of wax-ester dominated status, nutritive condition and growth in cetaceans (Miller et al., blubber (which appears to be related to deep-diving; Koopman, 2012; Fearnbach et al., 2018). Lactation imposes high energetic 2007; Koopman and Westgate, 2012). The ability to measure demands on female cetaceans and aerial photogrammetry has lipid-stores over longer-time scales would assist ground-truthing demonstrated that body condition is compromised in the its utility as an index of body condition and improve our early months of lactation when whales may have to rely understanding of how stores might fluctuate in response to on endogenous nutrient reserves to support increased energy metabolic requirements of the animals. These might include expenditure (Christiansen et al., 2016). However, full ground the need to lactate, or long-distance movements during which truthing against measured hormones (e.g., from blubber or blow, opportunities for feeding are likely to be more limited. Hunt et al., 2013) would help to establish efficacy for its use as an Genomic methods can also increase our understanding of indicator of nutritional stress (e.g., using cortisol) and pregnancy beaked whale health and diet. For example, DNA diet studies (e.g., using progesterone). Ultimately individual-based annual provide a non-invasive method for assessing trophic interactions changes in body condition could provide an indicator of of marine mammals (Hardy et al., 2017). Additionally, longer-term nutritional stress. The potential utility of aerial genomic sequencing of microbial communities living on or photogrammetry for assessing body condition and predicting in multicellular organisms or “hosts,” termed microbiomes, are pregnancy in Blainville’s beaked whales at the Abaco, Bahamas becoming a way of monitoring the health of marine mammals study site has been demonstrated (J. W. Durban, unpublished (Apprill et al., 2017). This is because the microbiome can impact data). Aerial images indicated variability in individuals’ body host fitness and health by direct (e.g., stimulating immunity) or shapes likely associated with nutrition and pregnancy, notably indirect (e.g., modifying metabolism) mechanisms (Acevedo- lean females with dependent calves and the anomalous width Whitehouse et al., 2010). Monitoring of the southern resident profile of a pregnant female. Aerial photographs of Blainville’s can population revealed antibiotic-resistant bacteria in be readily matched to established photo-identification catalogs, the respiratory microbiome of apparently healthy individuals

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(Raverty et al., 2017). Monitoring over time could also indicate should be supported, despite the difficulties associated with changes in the environment: characteristics of the microbiome moving samples between laboratories while complying with have been shown to change with the quality of the social or the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered broader environment in some species (e.g., Amato et al., 2013). Species (CITES), and other national and international permitting frameworks. Develop Tag-Based Tools to Better Genetic methods have a strong history of identifying and Understand Physiology resolving species identification questions in beaked whales. The continuing development of more cost-effective and high Understanding the potentially dangerous responses of cetaceans throughput genomic sequencing techniques means that this to noise is a two-stage process: (1) understanding the noise tradition is likely to continue with more powerful tools at our required to cause the behavioral modification and (2) disposal. Much of the work done to date has been based on short understanding the physiological mechanism by which that fragments of the mtDNA control region, but targeted capture behavioral modification causes harm to the animal. At present, techniques mean that it is possible to cost-effectively select and almost all research has focused on the first of these, i.e., work sequence the whole mtDNA genome from multiple individuals evaluating response to playbacks. Beyond efforts using models of (Hancock-Hanser et al., 2013). The increased data of the whole nitrogen concentration (e.g., Hooker et al., 2009; Fahlman et al., mtDNA genome provides more genetic variation and resolution 2014), almost nothing is known about the mechanism via which of both phylogenetic relationships and population structure. For the response leads to harm (i.e., decompression stress). example, preliminary work using whole mitochondrial genomes Beaked whales are particularly remarkable for their has suggested complex evolutionary histories and/or patterns of astounding diving abilities and therefore present ideal subjects contemporary gene flow in Blainville’s, Gervais’ (M. europaeus) for further research on the physiological mechanisms underlying and Cuvier’s beaked whales (Morin et al., 2012). diving to great depth. Tag-based developments to incorporate The focus on mtDNA in much of beaked whale phylogeny heart-rate loggers in suction-cup attached tags are underway has been due to necessity, in that it is easier to obtain although to date these have only been deployed on captive from bone samples than nuclear DNA markers, as well as harbor porpoises (McDonald et al., 2018). Remote deployment usefulness: the higher rate of genetic drift in mtDNA means on free-ranging beaked whales would allow the collection of data that recently diverged species may be monophyletic for mtDNA on natural and exposure-driven physiological dive responses, haplotypes but not nuclear DNA loci (see Discussion in providing additional insight into the causes of beaked whales’ Dalebout et al., 2004). However, nuclear DNA markers are adverse reaction to sonar. necessary to investigate hybridization and introgression at It is also possible that additional sensors could be incorporated the species level, and for assessing bi-parental gene flow, into the penetrating portions of a dart-attached longer-term tag. kinship and, ideally, structure at the population level. Whole This would potentially allow collection of data on dissolved genome sequencing is becoming increasingly cost-effective and gasses, hormones or other metabolites which would also greatly technological developments mean it is possible to get genome improve our understanding of diving physiology (Hooker et al., level data from well preserved bone samples, for example, type 2012). However, ongoing concerns about a rigid tag implanted or ancient specimens (e.g., Dalebout et al., 2003). into semi-rigid blubber and the potential for muscle shear to Methods of studying genomic-level information in a species cause tag-tip cavitation require further examination (Moore or population include reduced representation approaches and and Zerbini, 2017). There may be the potential for use of whole genome resequencing projects (see Cammen et al., 2016). materials which more closely mimic the biomechanics of the The usefulness of these methods is highlighted by a pilot study tissue structure, and to increase the flexibility of the link between in Blainville’s and Cuvier’s that produced 10,000 variable loci any external and internal tag components to help increase using a restriction site associated DNA sequencing approach attachment duration, minimize tissue disruption and improve (Peterson et al., 2012; Carroll et al., 2016). In addition to questions wound healing. on species identity, genetic diversity, demographic history and population structure, such data will permit the investigation of Use Recent Genetic Advances With key questions in beaked whale evolution, such as the genomic Improved Sample Databanks architecture of adaptation to deep diving (e.g., using genome scan International collaboration is key to future genetic and methods, de Villemereuil et al., 2014). Understanding patterns genomic investigations of beaked whales as many species of species radiation and population expansion in relation to span ocean-basins and some are global. Many countries now historical climate processes using genomic methods could also have schemes that store samples from stranded whales in allow predictions of changes in beaked whale populations under national archives (e.g., New Zealand’s Cetacean Tissue Archive: future climate change scenarios. Thompson et al., 2013), often with photographs or other Additionally, once a beaked whale reference genome is morphological meta-data. Museum collections also provide a available, more cost-effective and reproducible methods of valuable resource for older samples and type specimens. When producing DNA profiles can be developed, including single brought together, such resources are the starting material for nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assays and targeted comparative studies of population structure and phylogenetics capture approaches (see Carroll et al., 2018). This would allow of beaked whales. Initiatives that bring these datasets together effective long-term genetic monitoring projects to determine the

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relatedness and connectivity of individuals within and between confronted with (Shepard et al., 2013) may detrimentally impact study sites in a consistent and comparable way. animals that are startled into routes they may not otherwise choose to take. This may be of particular concern for pregnant Further Quantify Impact of Sound and lactating females that have increased energetic demands Understanding how beaked whales are affected by underwater and may have to rely on endogenous nutrient reserves to noise in general is vital, as human activity within beaked whale support any increased energy expenditure (Christiansen et al., habitats is likely to continue to increase, particularly in high- 2016). Recent observations of low reproductive success of latitude habitats (Reeves et al., 2014). A number of recent M. densirostris at AUTEC range may indicate the behavioral response studies (see Southall et al., 2016; Harris et al., population consequence of repeated disturbances (McCarthy 2018) have indicated the generally strong responses of beaked et al., 2011; Tyack et al., 2011; Claridge, 2013). The collection whales to sonar, typically showing a combination of avoidance of empirical data on female body condition, growth of calves and cessation of feeding, with these responses to simulated sonar and natural calf mortality is vital, and would allow a direct starting at low received levels. However, variation in responses assessment of whether nutritional stress from disturbance between and within individuals and populations suggests that is a realistic mechanism for explaining apparent population context may play a role in modulating the dose-response responses. relationship (Harris et al., 2018). Indeed, Cuvier’s beaked whales responses were more pronounced for lower-source level dipping helicopter-based military sonar than for the higher-power ship Develop Mitigation for Anthropogenic sonar, suggesting that sonar type may be more important than Impacts sound levels (Falcone et al., 2017). Beaked whales face significant threats. Their atypical mass- Most of the information on beaked whale responses to sonar strandings in the face of sonar exposure have showcased the has been collected in areas on, or adjacent to, US Naval facilities. vulnerability of these species, and have focused attention on Animals resident in those areas may not be typical of beaked anthropogenic threats such as noise, fishery interactions and whales in the rest of the world’s oceans. A single experiment shipping. These types of threats can be thought of as discrete with northern bottlenose whales in the relatively pristine water events in space and time, the reduction of which will reduce off Jan Mayen showed a clear and strong behavioral response of the potential for harm to animals. To mitigate these, increased extended avoidance and cessation of foraging by a tagged whale understanding of temporal and spatial distribution of beaked and other whales nearby (Miller et al., 2015; Table 2). While whales will enable more effective planning for noise-generating the overall characteristics of the response was highly similar, the activities to occur where and when fewer sensitive animals are severity of the response observed appeared stronger than has present. been reported for on-range experiments on other beaked whales, For known resident populations that are not regularly exposed possibly indicating that beaked whales near navy ranges have to sonar, exclusion of naval sonars may be the best option. In learned to tolerate these sounds. the Canary Islands, after several mass-strandings coinciding with Compared to the level of information about effects of sonar naval activity, a moratorium was established in 2004 excluding on beaked whales, there are few studies of the effect of other naval sonar operation within 50 nm of the islands (Aguilar de noise sources (but see - Aguilar de Soto et al., 2006; Cholewiak Soto et al., 2016). This has resulted in no further atypical mass et al., 2017). Seismic surveys occur frequently in many parts strandings, and should be considered for other known beaked- of the world and seismic pulses are a persistent component of whale hotspots. background noise in some ocean basins (Nieukirk et al., 2012). In other areas, better real-time detection mechanisms for Additional observations, experiments, and evaluation of how animals may help, so that noise sources can be reduced or beaked whales respond to a wider range of noise sources in stopped when in the presence of animals likely to be detrimentally diverse habitats would further improve our understanding of the affected. However, this is particularly difficult for beaked whales impacts of this form of habitat degradation. which have a low availability for visual detection. Although The observed reaction of beaked whales to stressors such as beaked whales are only vocal for 20% of the time (Arranz et al., noise (Table 2) highlights the potential for anthropogenic impact 2011; Barlow et al., 2013), they are vocally active for two or three on individuals. However, the population level impact of these times as long as they are visually detectable (Aguilar de Soto stressors is less clear. There has been a good deal of work on et al., 2012), meaning that passive acoustic monitoring may be this issue (for recent review, see Pirotta et al., 2018). Bioenergetics the best way forward for beaked whale detection and subsequent models suggest that beaked whales require relatively high-quality mitigation efforts. The characterization of beaked whale clicks habitat to meet their energy requirements (New et al., 2013), and (Johnson et al., 2004; Zimmer et al., 2005; Gillespie et al., 2009; that regular displacement from preferred feeding habitats (such Baumann-Pickering et al., 2013) and advances in automated as caused by exposure to anthropogenic sound sources) could classification methods to identify such clicks to species level, may impact survival and reproduction through compromised body help (Aguilar de Soto et al., 2016). condition. However, many other threats are more global in nature – The specificity of beaked whale target prey may also affect including climate change, fisheries entanglement, ocean energetic costs when they are displaced and move toward contaminants, and plastic ingestion. Climate change is likely new prey patches. The energy landscapes that animals are to cause shifts in prey ranges either latitudinally or vertically

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within the resulting in physiological impacts on We hope to see many of these research topics pursued in the these whales. Entanglement with fishing gear has been noted next decades. With multiple studies taking place for different in longline fisheries and monofiliament line (Gowans et al., species and for populations in different ocean basins and in 2000b; Garrison, 2007), but the scale of this issue is not known. different habitats (e.g., insular, pelagic and continental in the case Given their teuthivorous diet, it is also likely that beaked whales of Cuvier’s beaked whales), comparative studies will also begin would ingest marine plastics (Lusher et al., 2015) and face risks to play an important role. These investigations will enhance our from these, as well as from other ocean contaminants (Hooker understanding of beaked whales generally, and by inference the et al., 2008). Mitigation for these global threats is far more behavior of less-well studied species. This collaborative effort is problematic and is likely to require high-level governmental critical if we are to understand how changing oceans will impact policy and/or societal change in order to reduce impacts at the distribution of beaked whales and their prey. source. Our lack of knowledge about beaked whale populations means that even monitoring the effects of these individual factors is difficult. Yet threats are rarely isolated, and consideration AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS of cumulative impacts is a challenging new research priority (National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine, All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual 2017). contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

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Hooker et al. Beaked Whale Future Directions

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