Bare Facts, Issue No. 894, 06.12.1996

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Bare Facts, Issue No. 894, 06.12.1996 4 The Issue University of No. 894 Surrey Students' Paper 6th December 1996 University Of Wales Face Meningitis Crisis s many of you may have heard, last weekend the AUniversity of Wales in Cardiff lost two of its first year students, Anne-Marie O'Connor and Samantha Milroy, to meningitis. A further eight students around the country are either under observation with syraptoms of the disease or receiving treatraent for meningitis. These additional cases are as far flung as Southampton, Portsmouth and York and itwould seem that there can be no iink betweenthem otherthanthe media scare whichis currentíy underway. It is iinfortunate that contagious diseases such as meningitis are easily spread in 1. Throwing up for a good Friday Night Out at the Union. places where lots of people are living or If, however you start to show any of working togetiier in relatively cióse con- 2. Feeling feverish symptoms 6-9 get down to the Health finement - IjJce universities! There are two 3. Back or joint pains Centre immediately and get yourself main forros of menin^tis - viral and bac- checked out. Don't forget, there's a nurse terial. Viral meningitis is more common 4. Headache on duty 24 hours! Don't be embarrassed to mention your concera about meningi- but rareiy fatal. Bacterial meningitis is 5. Stiff neck caused by a bacteria which can be spread tis, it's better to be safe than dead. 6. Severe dislike of light through coughing, sneezing and snogging If any one would like more details on men- and it can develop and become life-threat- 7. Disorientation ening within a matter of hours. The ingitis, leaflets are available from the trouble is, most of the symptoms could 8. A bruise-like rash that doesn't fade racks outside the Welfare Office in the just as easily relate to flu or even a hang- when you press it Students' Union or you could contact the Meningitis Trust's 24 hour information over. Anyway, just in case any ofyou are 9. Coma concemed about yourselves or your line on 0891 715577. friends here is a litüe run down on the As you can see, symptoms 1-5 could eas- Becks symptoms: ily be the Saturday morning punishment Editor's Bit Bhah Humbug... CONTENTS As Christmas draws near, Now, on the whole, Christ- more people will be stocking mas and New Year are a up their drinks cabinets in pretty good time; lots of par- preparation for the season's ties, meeting up with old festivities. friends, starting a new year 1 Meningitis scare etc. Imagine if you could be- Tesco's have already well es- have like that all year. That's 7 University to intrcxjuce postgraduote loans tablished their Christmas what it is all about - people are 8 Green Issues range of goodies so now I ara just waiting for permission just waiting for the toy and for it to become acceptable perfume adverts to start on within society. I know it takes the TV and then I will know a bit of time to become estab- FEATURES Christmas is really here. lished -1 wonder what people This year will see a change in thought about Christmas in 5 Exam Stress advertising on TV. Last year, the first few years. I imagine that it was a bit of a dead loss. 5 I hate university - part 2 after a 40 year voluntary ban, 10 Question Time in the SU spirits were advertised on TV. Market research and re- You've got to admit that the ports in the papers suggests idea has got potential. Give it that this year they are going to a couple of hundreds and peo- make their mark with an esti- ple will be celebrating some- REGULARS mated ISmillicn being spent thing everyday of the week on advertising compered with and why not - life should be a 12 Music Reviews last years ómillion. celebration (oh God, that 14 Return of the Gross Word sounds like a song). 16 Personais Now what really does this mean. Christmas to me is a Eventually this all year round combination of shit TV, crap party would become the norm adverts and lots of booze to and people would start talk- drown the horror of having to ing about the good old days spend a whole day with your when you stayed in on a Tues- 19 Archery Competition family. day nite and watched Soldier Soldier. People would start 20 Footbali Boys meet Ant and Dec It is a sad thought to think that staying in because in because the highlight of my Christmas it would be anovelty. To 'stay will be to watch the adverts in' would be cool and all year on TV (that is if Tm allowed you would look forward to to watch TV). The thing that the day you could 'stay in'. interests me most is that these advertisers are spending a Adverts would appear on TV large proportion of their showing and selling products University of Surrey Students' Paper budget on the pre- Christmas you could use while 'staying slots. Is this the only time in' and the whole cycle would Union House, University of Surrey, start again. Advertisers and people drink? I guess some Guildford. Surrey. GU2 5XH people (like me) need to. Marketeers have a great deal What happens to all the alco- of power over the public, and hol that is consimied during can effect them greatly. I Telephone: 01483 259275 the rest of the year? don't think they have realised Fax: 01483 34749 the capacity of their influence Advertising: 01483 259275 Now advertising is a very on us or maybe they have and we are all pawns in the sick E-maii: [email protected]< powerfiil médium and I am</Union/barefacts/ sure that there are many occa- marketing stunt they have sions throughout the year called "Christmas". Editor - Melanie Dean when we could be persuaded Features Editor - Tenia Rocks to go out and buy a couple of As far as 1 am aware Bare News Editor - Som Birmingham bottles of bacardi. Easter, Facts has not yet been influ- Music Editor - Rob Winder Valentines Day, Birthdays, enced by this conspiracy, so Sports Editor - Marl< 'Giriga' Cusack Midsummer's Day - the ad- you are safe to read on and Photograpi^r - l^att Pann^i vertising industry could wan- enjoy Cartoonist • Stuart Parker gle it so that there was Mel XXX Edttoriol Contributions: Andy Gale, Miles Hedgehog, Bruce constantly an event to be cele- Chapman, Matt Pannell and others.,, brated throughout the year. MuskD Reviews: Mel Odedra, James HemirTgway, Mark De Lange, And if there wasn't I'm sure VlckJ Snel^ove, Numnuts they could invent one - like the sudden appearance of Bare Facts is an independent newspaper, published by the Univ&slty of Surrey Students' Union Communications Office. 'Grandparent's Day' on the The views expresseo within the paper are those of the Editor, the calendar - what's that all Editorial board and the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Univenity of Surrey Students' Union or The about? Universily of Surrey. USSU Communications Office 1996 Letters To The Editor have repeatediy failed. If the were finally released in the What a lot of loverly letters we have two concemed final year stu- 1960's. dents that wrote the letter or this week. New where shall I start? In relation to slavery, I can't Well, we have more comments about anybody else has any further compare the history of black concems or would like the oppression to that of homo- the Union Ents - this time good ones. fuller technical answer to sexual oppression, it took a Responses from two people about the these questions then please very différent form. However, feel free to book a moment of I still can't work out why a gay vs racist persécution issue. my time in the office. black/homosexual compari- A letter on student hardship or rather Stephen De-Wint. son is such an abomination. Sports Officer. Surely what is important to lack of it in this country. this debate ¡s the prejudice Dear Editor faced now in this society? Liz I am sure that this will be only M's friend may well have been been asked to comment on the one amongst a dozen letters treated better by our current Dear Chris being sent in to you to thank Re: Drugs - Now Let's Be points raised. In an attempt to society than a Negro in the make this readable I will make the ents organiser for fînding days of slavery, but he still feit Sensible such an excellent band for Fri- this short and sweet. sufficiently osfracised to kill I am writing to you to explain day night, especially consider- himself the reasons why the article Firstly everyone that holds a ing the late notice of about ecstasy went in to Bare full British or European driv- cancellation by Dreadzone. One of the things that you Facts issue 892. I fu-st re- ing licence is qualifiedto drive My friends and I were disap- mention is that everyone ceived this article for submis- a motor vehicîe up to the size pointed to learn that knows that someone is Black sion back in October but I of Our minibuses. The tests Dreadzone had been cancelled or Jewish whereas homosexu- decided not to print it until I that are taken are part of our on Thursday, but came along ality is a 'deep secret to share'.
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