
№ 16 23/09/2015

International Day of Peace The international day of peace — is celebrated on September 21 since 2002. It was founded at the 36th session of the United Nations General Assembly (The resolution No. A/RES/36/67 of November 30, 1981). In the beginning the holiday was celebrated on the third Tuesday of September — in the opening day of annual session of the United Nations General Assembly. The decision on celebration of the International day of the world was made on September 21 at the 55th session of the United Nations General ceremony at a world Bell, are being held. The Assembly (the special resolution No. ceremony begins with the address of the UN A/RES/55/282 of September 28, 2001). Secretary General after he strikes the bell. The General Assembly proclaimed this day as Then, after a moment of silence, the President a day of refusal of violence and ceasefire of the Security Council of the UN addresses. around the world. It was offered to all Wide popularity and influence was received countries to abstain from carrying out military by Peace One Day non-profit organization operations this day. which seeks to achieve realization of annual Annually on September 21 in the UN various day of the world ceasefire and refusal of events, which traditionally begin with a violence.


Quasi Peacemaking

Quasi Peacemaking - political process, which is incorrectly perceived as peacemaking.

Today so-called peacemaking process is in analysts say that the conflicts were preserved or crisis. And it isn't so bad. As this "peacemaking "frozen" what is a very controversial statement, process" - wasn't peacemaking at all. It might as in spite of the fact that the armed have some relation to the “peace”, but none to confrontation was stopped, the political conflict the “making” process for sure. It is the case, and its components tended to development, to when a course of treatment which doesn't help escalation. Actually, with the connivance of the the patient anyways. When huge efforts and international organizations and, first of all the funds for the treatment of this illness are spent, UN, not the conflict was frozen", but but it is not cured, on the contrary – develops in peacemaking process, and its certain imitation a negative way. It is a typical case of Post- was created. Soviet medicine. A case when from the patient and his relatives "doctors" exhaust the last This quasi peacemaking process was presented penny. The richer and sillier relatives are, the by several negotiation formats the structures of worse for patient. It is not treatment; it is a dirty which guarantee not the search of the solution of business having nothing in common with human the conflict, but its maintenance at the stage morals. Audit is necessary. Revision of all which is favorable to the main player – the diagnostic data and carrying out new, complex Russian Federation. research is necessary. And the situation for audit Actually these formats, allowed the Russian ripened. But not everybody wants an audit. Federation to win time and to become stronger "Doctors" and "hospital attendants" of various on South Caucasus and in Northern Black Sea calibers adapted to the existing situation and Coast. Certainly, it is achievement of the don't intend to concede the situation, to refuse Russian diplomacy which successfully "fools" the existing income. After all through this big everybody else. Post-Soviet "peacekeeping hospital", passed and are passing billions of dollars to one direction Well realizing the fact that the organization of and millions of crippled destinies in another. military presence by means of existence of And they will protect this provision up to the military bases and objects at Georgia is end by all means. But it is necessary to change a complicated by geopolitical circumstances, and, situation. Also new strategic reference points are in particular, by partial presence on its territory necessary. of the countries of NATO, the Russian Federation promoted creation of the ethno- Events of August, 2008 in Georgia, and also tic character events in Ukraine showed that transformation of separatist modes of “ethnocra ” complected not only by local staff, but also a situation, without serious analysis, without citizens of the Russian Federation, generally adequate plan of transition of process to a new officers or the former officers of armed stage is fraught with escalation of the conflict – departments. and its strengthening. During these years of "freezing" in the territory . Quasi peacemakingin Caucasus of Abkhazia and the former South Ossetia At the beginning of the 90th was created a quasi autonomous region, the Russian Federation peacemaking process which set as the purpose made it possible to illegally, without not the solution of the conflict, but its full coordination with the Government of Georgia, submission to the Kremlin. Most of experts and carry out a large-scale action of issue of

2 passports of the Russian Federation to . Structure of the Quasi peacemaking inhabitants of these territories, expanding by In the conditions of quasi peacemaking, that a zone of its actual jurisdiction in territories negotiation formats don't reflect the valid picture of neighboring states, having prepared thereby of the conflict. The structure of negotiation conditions for occupation of these territories. process is incongruent to structure of the Thanks to errors of the leadership of Georgia conflict. However it can be quite congruent to and full powerlessness of the international structure of the pseudo-conflict. So in structures, the Russian Federation worked well negotiations on the Abkhazian conflict, interests by means of August military campaign of 2008, of the two parts of the Abkhazian society and also recognition of independence of the divided by war weren't presented evenly. The separatist rejimes, actually to secure these separatist party – as the direct participant – is territories. presented, and Unionists - the population of Abkhazia which does not wish separation from Georgia isn't presented. Despite the fact that in this part of the population exists the strong structure of social institutes capable to present interests both on official, and on informal levels. The situation changed after creation of a new Geneva format in which, representatives of the divided societies, are somewhat presented with the status of experts a little.

It is nothing else than a discrimination of the political rights of the most part of the population of Abkhazia. (It is necessary to consider that Abkhazia is not Kosovo. If in Kosovo not separatist community of Kosovan Serbians, make less than 10% now, in Abkhazia they makes not less than 30% of total number of the population – and it, apart from huge army of displaced persons).

The negotiation format on settlement of the conflict in the Southern Ossetia / the Tskhinvali region had absolutely comic character.

On the one hand Georgia, and on the other hand – three subjects waere presented: separatist authorities of "South Ossetia", Northern Ossetia-


Alania (territorial subject of the Russian professional and social responsibility leaves Federation) and the Russian Federation. much to be desired. They become subjects of the conflicts, being distributed into the parties of the Could such a hyper-asymmetric format be conflicts, serving these parties. Thus, they feed effective? Of course, not. system of the conflict, but not system of peacemaking process. It is the parody to peacemaking and mockery not only at living people, but also at memory of . Pseudomediation thousands of citizens who were victims of the conflict. These processes are formed proceeding from interests of the main political players, who There is a question – why not include autocratically assign roles and rules. There representatives of the society divided by war might be considered the conflict of interests. into this negotiation format – (pro-Georgian Why interested party has to be a mediator? Why orientation, opponents of secession)? Why one the international organizations don't react to part of society has the right to declare the rights such situation? Why civil society and, in and to protect them, and the second part of particular, the human rights and peacemaking society does not? Why peace talks aren't organizations don't react to such policy of the organized between these two parts of society? international institutes responsible for safety and the peace on the planet? And at last, why at the Why Northern Ossetia-Alania had the right for level of analysts and intellectual elite this participation in a negotiation format, despite that problem isn't analyzed sufficiently? armed conflict didn't affect (Thank God!) the territory of this North Caucasian autonomy, but . Ideological aspects of quasi the authorities of Shida Kartli (the Georgian peacemakin administrative unit) corresponding to the rank of North Ossetia-Alania, in the territory of which Ideological conflict. It has a psychological basis. armed clashes happened does not have this It is the conflict between various perceptions of right? It is not the full list of questions on which the existing armed conflict and, the conflict there is no adequate answer. It is and between various interpretations. international lawlessness. In research the core conflict between two main

. Reducibility of peacemaking process to perceptions of this conflict is analyzed. the quasi peacekeeping

The chronic irresolution of these and other . First "ethnocentric" – dominating and modern conflicts is the result of, first of all, successfully initiated at the international what we, without remorse, call peacemaking level by the Russian diplomatic school and process, which is not. Analyzing this issue, it is having active supporters both among experts possible to come to one unpleasant conclusion. of Georgia and among the western experts. There is a lack of effective system of monitoring In this ethnical measurement the main and an assessment of the existing conflicts in the parties of the conflict, and "peacemaking" world and so-called peacemaking processes process are considered ethnic groups. For corresponding to them. The non-governmental, example – "Ossetians" and "Georgians". state and international organizations make gross blunders at their involvement into these conflicts . Second "democratic" – presented in this and so-called peacemaking processes. research. Supporters of this direction consider the population of these territories as Meanwhile, between the scientists, analysts and a divided society, thus not always the line of persons making decisions there are no effective division coincides with ethnic borders and communications and the level of their on the foreground is not the ethnic conflict, 4

but the ideological conflict– between they become part of our everyday life. We secessionists and unionists. Thus, supporters "freeze" them (in the same way as we freeze of this approach don't deny presence of the food in our refrigerators) in order to use them ethnic component in general, but do not economically. They are necessary to us because undermine the difficult multilayered conflict it is favorable for us. to one of its components. They consider difficult multilayered system of this conflict. Someone trades by weapon and drugs, someone This approach is supported only fragmentary serves in the peacemaking contingent, someone from certain state or public figures. speaks at conferences and writes scientific works, etc. Thus the conflict has high economic This deep psychological conflict having an potential. For this reason, the awful panic rises ideological shade defines the essence of not only when somebody calls into question the course of the Tskhinvali conflict, but also conflict peacemaking processes and, in particular, approach to settlement of a set of the difficult peacemaking formats on their settlement. modern conflicts. And it is understandable. Thus, as a result of . Economics of Quasi peacemaking OSCE Mission closing, about 600 people were left without (good) workplace. Quasi peacemaking promotes transition of the conflict to a chronic state, generates nihilism For closing of mission of military observers (for (the known phrase – "And where you saw the 6 months), additional 15 000 000 dollars were resolved conflicts?"), disbelief of a fair world allocated to the UN (!!!). Approximately same and, as a result of it, creates background for sum was spent for public diplomacy for the last conformism – the adaptation of the whole layers 20 years. of the international community to the conflict. In order to give an assessment to armed conflict The conflict creates a nutrient medium, creates in 7 months (only 20 years later) – the EU in new workplaces... Work is found also by those December, 2008 allocated 1.6 million Euros. who directly serve the conflict and who imitate And these figures shock each sane person and and even believe that serve peacemaking demand the separate analysis. process. Both groups have economic interests. It is necessary to give an economic assessment The UN, EU, OSCE and other international to all these four processes. It is a task of a organizations invest billions of dollars or euros serious research as well. It is possible to assume in these quasi peacemaking processes. These are that the share of the means spent for quasi not neutral money. These are money of citizens peacemaking will be 10 times more, than funds – taxpayers of the whole world. Why these for real peacemaking. processes have to be such ineffective? Why these citizens -taxpayers don't express their Not less interesting is the question of what critical opinion? After all they are the indirect damage was caused by the conflict and the victims of these conflicts. It is not only pseudo-conflict (costs of quasi peacemaking – economic, but also humanitarian aspect of a one of article of this budget). problem. With these dunds it would be possible And it is important to know as far as similar to do much more not only for settlement, but also for post-conflict rehabilitation, for the research can define the real parties responsible solution of social problems of citizens. for compensation – at least the moral. (Full version of the book: Today "we" immortalize the conflicts and corresponding "peacemaking processes" because content/uploads/2013/09/Book_psevdoconflicts _Low-1.pdf)


Challenging role of peacemaker: is Alexander Lukashenko in a stalemate?

P.Nest Recently, the "friendship" with Putin becoming a burden to his allies from Astana, Baku, Minsk and Yerevan. In June, the people of Armenia almost threw the government of President Serzh Sargsyan, considering [not without reason] that the fall of the living standard is «vassal» determined by local authorities of the Kremlin's energy monopoly. And now the from the "brotherly" . And it's trouble can begin in Belarus. Recently Batska beginning to understand in Minsk. looks very worried. And this is for good reason. Bridgehead for such a scenario is already prepared: on the territory of Belarus, a long Over the years of "friendship" with Ukraine period have located Russian military bases the Kremlin has created on its territory the and operated the Kremlin's security services, intelligence networks and armed separatists which have traditionally "fruitful" interact who in the past year with the support of with the intelligence and counterintelligence Russian troops and secret services unleashed a services "brotherly countries", introducing to bloody conflict, which is still in action. The its employees and recruiting agents for same situation could happen in Belarus, which yourself. had originally been assigned the role of the main platforms for the negotiation process in Since 1996 in Belarus is situated the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Operations Group of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation at the General Directorate Lukashenko has recently said he was willing of Border Troops of the Republic of Belarus. to "respond with the sword" to any aggressor Officially the responsibilities of the employees who with "the sword" comes to Belarus. Most of the Group is to ensure the execution of of the citizens of Belarus with joy and a sense agreements on border issues between Russia of national pride embraced a position of their and Belarus, participation in the organization leader. But the precariousness of the position and implementation of measures for the of Lukashenko is that if Belarus in the near protection of the state border of the Republic future becomes "the aggressor with the of Belarus as an "advisers". By the way, now sword," it will be a "green man", which comes in the occupied territories Lugansk and


Donetsk regions operate many Russian official data on all stations served Russian military personnel, who are popularly known 1400 military personnel in the form of various as "advisers." Coincidence, I think not ... "advisors", "experts", etc. As soon as declared the intention to replace the But still great interest is in unofficial functions "outdated" radar for a new portable modular of the Group. The fact that more than half of station ("Voronezh"), which according to the its current employees are specialists in the Kremlin would have to belong to Russia. field of electronic intelligence. In other words, I.Aliyev guided by the national interests of the division REI border agency of Belarus Azerbaijan took a correct decision - not to became the "ears" of the FSB, and the "big extend the contract. So, Moscow had to limit brother" tells them what he wants to hear: their appetites on the creation in the South Poles, Balts or Ukrainians. Units also have Caucasus once the Russian military base, their own set of electronic surveillance, which "tapping" the highest echelons of Power in are successfully used his staff. Thus, the Azerbaijan, Georgia and other neighbouring Federal Security Service of Russia has an countries, etc. excellent opportunity to carry out a secret listening Belarusian colleagues from their own So, today the excitement and harsh statements territory. It is clear that the friendly highest by the President of Belarus become authorities of Belarus is a special interest for completely understandable and reasonable. them. After all it is no secret how far Russia is willing to go under the guise of the need to A similar "Trojan horse" recently existed in protect national interests and "peacekeeping" the Republic of Azerbaijan. There Kremlin purposes, if the position of the leaders of the rented Gabala radar station, which was part of allied countries would be contrary to the the missile complex of the USSR. After the position of the Kremlin. collapse of the Union this station became the property of Azerbaijan. In 2002, a contract A KGB of Belarus should seriously think was signed between Azerbaijan and the about the real purpose of their presence in the Russian Federation, according to which the country's "big brother" to the specific Gabala radar station was handed over to electronic "filling". Russia for rent for 10 years. According to Nativity of the Theotokos – September 21

The Nativity of the Theotokos, celebrating the birth of Mary, is one of the Twelve Great Feasts of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical year. It is celebrated on September 8 on the liturgical calendar (for those churches which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, September 8 is equivalent to September 21 of the modern Gregorian Calendar).

According to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church, Mary was born to elderly and previously barren parents by the names of


Joachim and Anna (now saints), in answer to birth to the sinless Christ). The Orthodox their prayers. Orthodox Christianity does not Church does not share the Western, accept the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Augustinian understanding of the transmission Immaculate Conception of Mary (according to of original sin, so the question does not arise which Mary was preserved from that original in Orthodox theology. All Orthodox are sin which befalls all other descendants of agreed that Mary was kept free from actual Adam and Eve, in anticipation of her giving sin by God's grace.

21 September – 635 Years of the Battle of Kulikovo Sulaberidze Yu. S. – the head of the center of the Georgian-Russian researches of Mikhail Sabinin On September 21, on Birth of the Virgin, in people of the North Caucasus and the Volga Russia also celebrate the Day of the Russian region. The huge army approached borders of military glory in honor of a historical victory Princedom where troops of the of the price of Moscow Ivanovich over Lithuanian prince Yagayl and the prince of the Tatar troops on Don in 1380. Ryazan Oleg had to join it. Russian princes united around Moscow. The Tver, Nizhny From the second half of the XIV century, Novgorod and Ryazan princes, and also Moscow became the religious, political and of Veliky Novgorod, who were hostile military center in fight against the weakening to Moscow, evaded from fight with . . In 1378 near the river Vozha in Princes of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ryazan the Moscow troops crushed strong Olgred’s Sons came to help rescue Moscow. Horde army of murza Begich who was sent by Mamai to an extortionate campaign. According to the legend, fight began with Battle on the river Vozha had a big resonance collision of wonderful athletes - the Tatar in the Horde and in Russia. It strengthened Chelubey and the monk Peresvet, who both authority of the prince of Moscow Dmitry fell dead. managed to destroy almost Ivanovich, the prestige of Moscow among completely Sentry (The advanced regiment) Russian lands increased. There was a hope and deeply evaded the Great regiment where that it is possible to drop the yoke of the in clothes of the military soldier was also the Golden Horde. Khan Mamai couldn't prince Dmitry Ivanovich. Despite it, thanks to reconcile with it. He collected big army for a reserve forces, the joint Russian-Lithuanian campaign to Russia in the summer of 1380. troops crushed the Tatar army. On September 8(21), 1380 there was a Emergence of several legends is connected historical battle, one of the largest in medieval with the Battle of Kulikovo and the prince history. It found reflection in "The legend on . One of them says that Mamai slaughter", "", in Prince Dmitry Ivanovich hosted the Don German chronicles. Cossacks from the village of Sirotin before fight and they gifted the prince an invaluable In the summer of 1380 the Emir Mamai relic - an icon of the Mother of God (the collected almost all force of the Horde, which message of the Grebnevsky chronicle of included also groups of mercenaries from the 1471). Genoa colonies of the Crimea and vassal


The Don Cossacks during the Battle of According to other legend - on the eve of the Kulikovo adjusted the Icon on a wood and Battle of Kulikovo on September 8 (21) – carried it in front of the army. In the intense Day of the Nativity of the Theotokos - Sergey battle the Don Icon of the Mother of God was Radonezhsky blessed on fight the prince in the scorching heat of fight, inspiring Dmitry Ivanovich and the Russian army, and soldiers on heroism. also sent Peresvet and Oslyab to the battle. After fight the Don Icon of the Mother of God According to dogma of the governor the was presented to the prince Dmitry Donskoy, prince, even a Grand Duke couldn't declare it was solemnly placed at first in Assumption war to the ; those were governors of the Cathedral of the Kremlin, and then in Golden Horde. Though, Mamai which seized Annunciation Cathedral. Now the Icon is power was an emir, not the descendant of stored in the State Tretyakov gallery. Chingiz khan, nevertheless, in public consciousness he was represented as "tsar" whose power was consecrated by God. Therefore blessing on fight of the prince Dmitry Ivanovich was in a certain degree violation of hierarchy, but it was granted to the Reverend who deserved this right by self- sacrifice. The prince Dmitry Ivanovich towered in imperial advantage. Epiphanius the Wise says that before the Battle of Kulikovo Saint Sergey of Radonezh showed a miracle: being in church on a prayer, sacred prayed for souls of soldiers, named those who will lay down their life for the native earth, read prayers thankful to God. For outstanding merits before fatherland the prince Dmitry Ivanovich got a nickname Donskoy.


Blessing of the Mother of God

Zolotarev O.V. (Printed with reductions)

The offense of Moscow began the day of the Karpov. Except the Stalingrad miracle, in days St. Grand Duke . It is told of the Great Patriotic War there were also that on the eve of this day in Assumption other portents. For example, in 1945 Easter Cathedral of Vladimir there was a service in coincided with day of Saint George, and it was honor of St. Alexander Nevsky. The plan of a sign of a fast victory over fascist Germany. defeat of fascist troops near Moscow carried a The beginning of counterattack of Red Army code name "Alexander's Sword". on December 6, 1941 near Moscow as it was already noted coincided with day of the St. Blessing of the Mother of God to the Russian Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky — the people and its troops during the Great Patriotic defender of the Russian land. And again it was War was shown and in other cases. Offense of a significant phenomenon, after all troops of our troops near Yelnya began on August 30, Kalinin and Western fronts struck such on the next day of the day of the Assumption powerful strike to the North from Moscow of the Mother of God. that the opponent, without having sustained, quickly swept to the west, leaving equipment. It is surprising that the following success of Easter of 1942 was on April 5, day of Ice our troops was achieved by the Leningrad slaughter that, in turn, testified to an inevitable front near Tikhvin where in the Tikhvin victory over invaders, as well as 700 years monastery was the Tikhvin icon of the Mother ago, in borders of Russia from the West and of God. the crushed by Russian troops under Alexander Nevsky's leadership. The In the hardest days of fights for Moscow in the enthronement of Metropolitan Sergius to the churches of the town continuously were rank of the Patriarch of Moscow and all passing services on gifting of a victory to our Russia on the day of Alexander Nevsky also troops. According to father Ioann, the Tikhvin pointed to the patronage of the saint and the icon of the Mother of God was passed around newly elected Patriarch and the Russian Moscow. people.

In intense days of the Battle of Stalingrad The believer Leningrad blockade survivors when the enemy managed to break to Volga remembered long time the daughter of the and cut our military units, "fighters of one of priest going with girlfriends across the these units in the night sky saw a portent Petrograd Side with an icon of the Virgin who which showed the rescue of the city, army and was wrapped up in a pure rag. Bypassed with a fast victory of the Soviet troops". a prayer the whole blocks and neither of "prayed for forgiveness" house wasn't The message on this portent contains the destroyed. report of the authorized Council for Russian Orthodox Church of USSR – Harchenko, to In the book "Patroness Diligent" monk the chairman of this Council of that time G.G. Philadelphus writes that great difficulties stood in the way of our soldiers during the 10 liberation of the old German stronghold — As then in one voice told the prisoners, Konigsberg. The author cites the story of a "before the assault Madonna appeared in the Soviet officer who was in the heart of the sky, which was visible to the entire German battle for the city: " "Our troops have army ... and absolutely everybody’s weapons completely exhausted, the Germans were still did not work ...". strong ... Suddenly we see: front commander arrived, many officers and with them the That's when our troops broke the resistance of priests ... with icons. Many began to joke: the enemy and captured the city. During the "Look priests brought now they will help us." miracle of the Mother of God the Germans fell But the commander quickly stopped all sorts to their knees and many realized who help of jokes, ordered everyone to line up and Russian. remove the headgear. The Siege of Leningrad, as we learn from the The priests chanted prayers and went to the book of priest Philadelphus, has also been front line with an icon. We were looking removed only when Kazan Icon of Mother of bewildered: where do they go? - in all growth God was taken out of the Vladimir Cathedral - they will kill all of them ... But they quietly and walked in procession around the city. went into the fire. After Leningrad the Kazan icon began its Suddenly gunfire from the German side march throughout Russia. Miraculously, the stopped at the same time. Then the signal was phenomenon of prayer and the intercession of given, and our troops began a general assault the Mother of God saved Moscow, over which on the city-fortress - from land and sea. the miraculous Icon was flewn.

Blessing of the Soviet troops, the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God in Stalingrad in 1942. Artist: Andrey Lysenko


After Moscow, Kazan icon of Mother of God to the Savior that he did not leave Russia. The moved to Stalingrad. Icon was on the right Savior answered that in Russia the bank of the Volga among our troops and the abomination of desolation is so great that it is Germans did not manage to cross the river. impossible to tolerate such lawlessness.

There was even a time when the defenders These Saints together with holy Virgin were on the small patch of the Volga, but the continued to pray to Him with tears, and Germans did not manage to push our soldiers: finally, the Savior said, "I will not leave among them was the miraculous Icon (see V. Russia." Yakunin .: For Faith and Fatherland. Samara, 1995). 2. Mother of God and St. John the Baptist stand before the throne of the Savior and pray Petersburg Archpriest Boris Kirillov in the to Him for the salvation of Russia. He replied: "Miracles of the Mother of God of Kazan" "I will not leave Russia." wrote: "Before the start of the Great Patriotic War (1941), one elder from Valaam 3. Mother of God, one stands before his son monastery (Valaam at the time belonged to and tearfully begs him for the salvation of Finland) had three visions during his service Russia. She said: "Remember, my son, as I in the temple: stood at the Cross of Thy and wanted to kneel before Him." The Savior said, "No, I know 1.He saw the Mother of God, John the Baptist, how you love Russia, and for Thy words will St. Nicholas, and a host of saints who prayed not leave her. Punish, but keep ..."

Never Fight with Georgia, as we will have a fight with Mother of God… This will destroy Russia Periodically someone has doubts, whether Saint Reverend Seraphim of Sarov said IT or not. There are no written sources on the quote (as far as I know), but the biography of Saint Seraphim itself, which is mostly reflected in the remarkable book of the new martyr of the Russian church of the archimandrite Seraphim (Chichagov, is not complete because it is impossible that it could contain all conversations of the Aged man with the numerous spiritual children. To skeptics I suggest going a simple, logical way...

Of all living in the early 19th century in Terrestrial Destiny - chose Sarov devotee Russia, the Lord through his Most Holy Seraphim. For him the God's Will was opened Mother, for the founding of the Fourth Her regarding founding the Diveevsk women's

12 monastery on the Sarov earth surrounded with the Holy See, there - where the female foot "a flute of the Mother of God" on which the couldn't step hitherto! Empress terrestrial bypassed side-altars of the next special terrestrial guardianship. The Seraphim patiently and courageously bear attacks and charges to his address. Virgin Mary Before, the orthodox world knew three Destinies who approved this charter unprecedented of the Mother of God. Georgia - Iveria was her hitherto for women's monastery was the first Destiny. Country, with which important heavenly Defender and the Patroness to him. milestones in the history of mankind of the apocalyptic period will be connected to, After all, the monastery itself was unusual. This according to legends of Holy Fathers. Mount was the fourth Destiny of the Mother of God on Athos was the second Destiny. The third is the earth, with the special rank and mission... Kievo-Pechorsky monastery. Among great number of his spiritual children, And here near the small Russian district town of Seraphim had one special - the general Pyotr Sarov, the Mother of God Maria decided to Bryanchaninov, the brother of the prelate mark with the Heavenly stamp one more Ignatiy (Bryanchaninov), the bishop of terrestrial Destiny. And foundation of it - Caucasus. There is no information about the charged to the purest orthodox vessel of essence of their conversations during visit of the Christian Russia, Seraphim. general of his spiritual mentor.

In the biography of Seraphim, in the above It isn't excluded that talked including of military mentioned book - there are lines regarding gains of Russia, of its politics in the Caucasus Iveria-Georgia full of reverential respect and with which brothers Bryanchaninovs had not a recognition of its superiority among terrestrial nodding acquaintance. Is it possible to exclude monasteries of the Mother of God. To doubt the that assumption, what the keeper of the fourth personal special relation of Seraphim of Sarov Destiny of the Mother of God, could bypass in to Iveria is to bring doubts in an essence of his stories - the first? And having mentioned terrestrial service of the devotee to the Heavenly Iveria, not to be interested in state politics Empress. regarding Georgia?

That means - persecution on Destiny of the Furthermore, not to mention his fears and Mother of God, Seraphim of Sarov had to test at cautions to the imperial general and the brother the life. Having received directly from Virgin of the Caucasian bishop? Mary the charter of future Diveevsk monastery Certainly it is my assumption, but they are based and strict requirements for its settlement, up to on Seraphim of Sarov's identity, his terrestrial the exact sizes of the sacred flute surrounding service of the Mother of God as the organizer her, Seraphim faced temptation, and the keeper of one of Her terrestrial Destinies misunderstanding and direct oppressions from and personal bitter experience - persecutions and monks of Sarov Monastery for whom some oppressions from his brotherhood. So if my provisions of "the charter of Seraphim" were not opinion interests to somebody, these words after only unacceptable, but also blasphemous. all belong to Seraphim of Sarov: Of course! According to them, nuns of Diveevsk "Never Fight with Georgia, as we will have a community could be exclusively maidens; to ‎ fight with Mother of nuns-widows the way was ordered there. All God…This will destroy Russia" church positions of sextons, readers - had to bear on themselves maidens nuns. They - had to serve priests in the Inner sanctum, in an altar, at


Interchurch Diplomacy - Ilia II – I hope the difficulties between Russia and Georgia will be settled I hope the difficulties between Russia and Ilia II gifted the rector of the Moscow spiritual Georgia will be settled and Georgia will have academy and seminary an Icon of the Holy Trinity. In return the archbishop Evgeny addressed the parishioners who gathered in the temple. In particular, he noted that between the Moscow and Tbilisi spiritual academies the cooperation agreement has been signed.He expressed hope that cooperation will continue in the future.

Catholicos-Patriarch of All Georgia, His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II urges parishioners September 21, the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, at 12:00 to say its territories Abkhazia and Samachablo back, a prayer, "Open to us, blessed Mother of God, - Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia, His the door to the mercy of God." In this regard, Holiness Ilia II has declared at Holy Trinity the Patriarchate of Georgia released a Cathedral in Tbilisi. statement. The Patriarch has been hosting Principle of "On 21 September this year, the entire Moscow Theological Academy, Veria Orthodox world celebrates the Nativity of the Archbishop Eugene. According to the Blessed Virgin. We, as a country, which is Patriarch he, himself graduated from the under the patronage of the Mother of God academy in 1960. should treat her with special reverence. “I studied in the holy monastery for eight With the blessing of Catholicos-Patriarch of years… I would like to warmly greet All Georgia on this day at 12:00 pm in all Archbishop Eugene and his delegation churches of Georgia bells rang 12 times and members, as well as guests from abroad. I wherever you are, say a brief but powerful hope the difficulties between Russia and prayer: "Open to us, blessed Mother of God, Georgia will be settled and Georgia will have the door to the mercy of God ... "- is said in a its own territories Abkhazia and Samachablo statement Patriarchate. back… On the same day, at 12:00 was held the We ask for Holy Virgin to bring peace and installation of the cross on Tbilisi Makhata happiness in our countries and churches,” the Mount Temple of Iberian Mother of God. Patriarch said.

Editor: Alexander Rusetsky [email protected] Vector4Peace