Q1.. Introduction:


The Marrylland Healltth Serrviices Costt Reviiew Commiissiion’’s ((HSCRC''s orr Commiissiion''s)) Communiitty Beneffiitt Reporrtt,, rrequiirred underr §19--303 off tthe Healltth Generrall Arrttiiclle,, Marrylland Annottatted Code,, iis tthe Commiissiion’’s metthod off iimpllementtiing a llaw tthatt addrresses tthe grrowiing iintterrestt iin underrsttandiing tthe ttypes and scope off communiitty beneffiitt acttiiviittiies conductted by Marrylland’’s nonprroffiitt hospiittalls..

The Commiissiion develloped a ttwo--parrtt communiitty beneffiitt rreporrttiing systtem tthatt iinclludes an iinventtorry sprreadsheett tthatt collllectts ffiinanciiall and quanttiittattiive iinfforrmattiion and a narrrrattiive rreporrtt tto sttrrengtthen and suppllementt tthe iinventtorry sprreadsheett.. The guiidelliines and iinventtorry sprreadsheett werre guiided,, iin parrtt,, by tthe VHA,, CHA,, and ottherrs’’ communiitty beneffiitt rreporrttiing experriience,, and was tthen ttaiillorred tto ffiitt Marrylland’’s uniique rregullattorry enviirronmentt.. Thiis rreporrttiing ttooll serrves as tthe narrrrattiive rreporrtt.. The iinsttrructtiions and prrocess fforr compllettiing tthe iinventtorry sprreadsheett rremaiin tthe same as iin prriiorr yearrs.. The narrrrattiive iis ffocused on ((1)) tthe generrall demogrraphiics off tthe hospiittall communiitty,, ((2)) how hospiittalls detterrmiined tthe needs off tthe communiittiies tthey serrve,, ((3)) hospiittall communiitty beneffiitt admiiniisttrrattiion,, and ((4)) communiitty beneffiitt extterrnall collllaborrattiion tto devellop and iimpllementt communiitty beneffiitt iiniittiiattiives..

The Commiissiion moved tto an onlliine rreporrttiing fforrmatt begiinniing wiitth tthe FY 2018 rreporrtts.. IIn tthiis new ttempllatte,, rresponses arre now mandattorry unlless marrked as opttiionall.. IIff you submiitt a rreporrtt wiitthoutt rrespondiing tto each questtiion,, yourr rreporrtt may be rrejjectted.. You woulld tthen be rrequiirred tto ffiillll iin tthe miissiing answerrs befforre rresubmiittttiing.. Questtiions tthatt rrequiirre a narrrrattiive rresponse have a lliimiitt off 20,,000 charractterrs.. Thiis rreporrtt need nott be complletted iin one sessiion and can be opened by mullttiiplle userrs..

Forr ttechniicall assiisttance,, conttactt [email protected]..

Q2.. Section I - General Info Part 1 - Hospital Identification

Q3.. Pllease conffiirrm tthe iinfforrmattiion we have on ffiille aboutt yourr hospiittall fforr FY 2018..

Is this information

correct? Yes No If no, please provide the correct information here:

The proper name of your hospital is: UM St. Joseph The proper name of your hospital is: UM St. Joseph Mediicall Centterr

Yourr hospiittall''s IID iis:: 210063

Your hospital is part of the hospital system called Your hospital is part of the hospital system called Uniiverrsiitty off Marrylland Mediicall Systtem..

Q4.. The next two questions ask about the area where your hospital directs its community benefit efforts,forts, calledcalled thethe CommunityCommunity BenefitBenefit Service Area. You may find thesethese communitycommunity healthhealth statisticsstatistics usefuluseful inin preparingpreparing youryour responses.responses.

Q5.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease descrriibe any ottherr communiitty healltth sttattiisttiics tthatt yourr hospiittall uses iin iitts communiitty beneffiitt efffforrtts..

Q6.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing communiitty healltth sttattiisttiics tthatt yourr hospiittall uses iin iitts communiitty beneffiitt efffforrtts..

Q7.. Section I - General Info Part 2 - Community Benefit Service Area

Q8.. Please select the county or counties located in your hospital's CBSA.

Allllegany Countty Charrlles Countty Prriince Georrge''s Countty

Anne Arrundell Countty Dorrchestterr Countty Queen Anne''s Countty

Ballttiimorre Ciitty Frrederriick Countty Somerrsett Countty

Ballttiimorre Countty Garrrretttt Countty Stt.. Marry''s Countty

Callverrtt Countty Harrfforrd Countty Tallbott Countty

Carrolliine Countty Howarrd Countty Washiingtton Countty

Carrrrollll Countty Kentt Countty Wiicomiico Countty Ceciill Countty Monttgomerry Countty Worrcestterr Countty

Q9.. Please check all Allegany County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q10.. Please check all Anne Arundel County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q11.. Please check all Baltimore City ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q12.. Please check all Baltimore County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

21013 21092 21156 21225

21020 21093 21161 21227

21022 21094 21162 21228

21023 21102 21163 21229

21027 21104 21204 21234

21030 21105 21206 21235

21031 21111 21207 21236

21043 21117 21208 21237

21051 21120 21209 21239

21052 21128 21210 21241

21053 21131 21212 21244

21057 21133 21215 21250

21065 21136 21219 21252

21071 21139 21220 21282

21074 21152 21221 21284

21082 21153 21222 21285

21085 21155 21224 21286


Q13.. Please check all Calvert County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q14.. Please check all Caroline County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q15.. Please check all Carroll County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q16.. Please check all Cecil County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q17.. Please check all Charles County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q18.. Please check all Dorchester County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q19.. Please check all Frederick County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q20.. Please check all Garrett County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q21.. Please check all Harford County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q22.. Please check all Howard County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q23.. Please check all Kent County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q24.. Please check all Montgomery County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q25.. Please check all Prince George's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q26.. Please check all Queen Anne's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q27.. Please check all Somerset County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q28.. Please check all St. Mary's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q29.. Please check all Talbot County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q30.. Please check all Washington County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q31.. Please check all Wicomico County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q32.. Please check all Worcester County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q33.. How did your hospital identify its CBSA?

Based on ZIIP codes iin yourr Fiinanciiall Assiisttance Polliicy.. Pllease descrriibe..

Based on ZIIP codes iin yourr glloball budgett rrevenue agrreementt.. Pllease descrriibe..

Based on patttterrns off uttiilliizattiion.. Pllease descrriibe..

Ottherr.. Pllease descrriibe..

The Community Benefit Service Area for the University of St. Joseph Medical Center encompasses all of Baltimore County. This is in keeping with our commitment to serve all county residents and our partnerships with the Baltimore County Department of Health, the Baltimore County Department of Aging, and the University of Maryland Medical System. Current health priorities such as obesity, cancer, substance abuse, and fall prevention extend across all communities in the area. The most recent Community Health Needs Assessment conducted by UM SJMC included all of Baltimore County. Within Baltimore County, there are more vulnerable populations where more targeted efforts occur. Zips Codes with the highest utilization rates include: 21234, 21093, 21239, 21286, 21136, 21204. Zip codes with the greatest socioeconomic needs include: 21227, 21222, 21221, 21220, 21207, 21234, 21237, 21204, 21136, 21030 (CNI, 2018).

Q34.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall''s Communiitty Beneffiitt Serrviice Arrea tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide?

Q35.. Section I - General Info Part 3 - Other Hospital Info

Q36.. Prroviide a lliink tto yourr hospiittall''s miissiion sttattementt..


Q37.. Is your hospital an academic medical center?



Q38.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide?

Q39.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease uplload any suppllementtall iinfforrmattiion tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide..

Q40.. Section II - CHNA Part 1 - Timingiming && FormatFormat Q41.. Within the past three fiscal years, has your hospital conducted a CHNA that conforms to IRS requirements?



Q42.. Please explain why your hospital has not conducted a CHNA that conforms to IRS requirements, as well as your hospital's plan and timeframe for completing a CHNA.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q43.. When was yourr hospiittall''s mostt rrecentt CHNA complletted? ((MM//DD//YYYY))


Q44.. Pllease prroviide a lliink tto yourr hospiittall''s mostt rrecenttlly complletted CHNA..


Q45.. Did you make your CHNA available in other formats, languages, or media?



Q46.. Pllease descrriibe tthe ottherr fforrmatts iin whiich you made yourr CHNA avaiillablle..

Our CHNA is available in print by request. Hard copies and electronic copies have also been shared with internal and external partners. Each year a summary of our CHNA and Implementation Plan along with highlights of our programs and outcomes are included in our Community Health Improvement Report publications. These reports are distributed to our stakeholders both within and outside the medical center.

Q47.. Section II - CHNA Part 2 - Participants

Q48.. Pllease use tthe ttablle bellow tto ttellll us aboutt tthe iintterrnall parrttiiciipantts iinvollved iin yourr mostt rrecentt CHNA..

CHNA Activities Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

CB// Communiitty Healltth//Popullattiion Healltth Diirrecttorr ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

CB// Communiitty Healltth// Popullattiion Healltth Diirrecttorr ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Seniiorr Executtiives ((CEO,, CFO,, VP,, ettc..)) ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs Seniiorr Executtiives ((CEO,, CFO,, VP,, ettc..)) ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs Approve CHNA report and implementation plan Boarrd off Diirrecttorrs orr Boarrd Commiittttee ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Boarrd off Diirrecttorrs orr Boarrd Commiittttee ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Clliiniicall Leaderrshiip ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Clliiniicall Leaderrshiip ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Popullattiion Healltth Sttaffff ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Popullattiion Healltth Sttaffff ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Communiitty Beneffiitt sttaffff ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Communiitty Beneffiitt sttaffff ((systtem llevell))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Physiiciian((s)) Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs


Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Sociiall Worrkerrs

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Communiitty Beneffiitt Task Forrce

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Hospiittall Adviisorry Boarrd

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Participated Participated in N/A - Person N/A - Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Position or Member of in on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your expla Organization Department CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not does not Committee of CHNA best collection health to meet data Involved exist process practices needs health needs

Q49.. Section II - CHNA Part 2 - Participants (continued)

Q50.. Pllease use tthe ttablle bellow tto ttellll us aboutt tthe extterrnall parrttiiciipantts iinvollved iin yourr mostt rrecentt CHNA..

CHNA Activities Click to write Column 2 Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Ottherr Hospiittalls ---- Pllease lliistt tthe hospiittalls herre:: GBMC, UMMS hospitals

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Locall Healltth Deparrttmentt ---- Pllease lliistt tthe Locall Healltth Deparrttmentts herre:: Baltimore County Department of Health

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs Locall Healltth IImprrovementt Coalliittiion ---- Pllease lliistt tthe LHIICs herre:: Baltimore County Health Coalition

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Healltth

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Human Resourrces

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Natturrall Resourrces

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off tthe Enviirronmentt

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Trransporrttattiion

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Educattiion

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Arrea Agency on Agiing ---- Pllease lliistt tthe agenciies herre:: Baltimore County Department of Aging

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Locall Govtt.. Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Baltimore County Police Department

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Faiitth--Based Orrganiizattiions Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs Schooll -- K--12 ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Padonia International Elementary School, St. Joseph School, St. Michael the Archangel Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll -- Colllleges and//orr Uniiverrsiittiies ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Towson University

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll off Publliic Healltth ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll -- Mediicall Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll -- Nurrsiing Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll -- Denttall Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: University of Maryland Dental School

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Schooll -- Pharrmacy Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Poison Control

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Behaviiorrall Healltth Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Pro Bono, Bergand Group

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Sociiall Serrviice Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: GEDCO, Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Postt--Acutte Carre Faciilliittiies ---- pllease lliistt tthe ffaciilliittiies herre:: St. Elizabeth Hall, Maxim Healthcare Services

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Communiitty//Neiighborrhood Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Y of Central Maryland, Knollwood Community Assoc., Trinity House

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Consumerr//Publliic Advocacy Orrganiizattiions -- -- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: BCDA Ombudsman, Nueva Vida

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Ottherr ---- IIff any ottherr peoplle orr orrganiizattiions werre iinvollved,, pllease lliistt tthem herre:: Baltimore County Senior Centers, St. Clare Medical Outreach

Participated Participated in N/A - Person Participated Advised Participated in identifying Provided or Member of in the on in primary identifying community secondary Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization CHNA development CHNA data priority resources health (explain) below: was not Committee of the CHNA best collection health to meet data involved process practices needs health needs

Q51.. Section II - CHNA Part 3 - Follow-up

Q52.. Has your hospital adopted an implementation strategy following its most recent CHNA, as required by the IRS?



Q53.. Pllease entterr tthe datte on whiich tthe iimpllementtattiion sttrrattegy was apprroved by yourr hospiittall''s goverrniing body..


Q54.. Pllease prroviide a lliink tto yourr hospiittall''s CHNA iimpllementtattiion sttrrattegy..


Q55.. Please explain why your hospital has not adopted an implementation strategy. Please include whether the hospital has a plan and/or a timeframe for an implementation strategy.

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q56.. Please select the health needs identified in your most recent CHNA. Select all that apply even if a need was not addressed by a reported initiative.

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Healltth IInsurrance Enviirronmenttall Healltth Orrall Healltth

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Prracttiiciing PCPs Famiilly Pllanniing Physiicall Acttiiviitty

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Regullarr PCP Viisiitts Food Saffetty Respiirrattorry Diiseases

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: ED Waiitt Tiimes Glloball Healltth Sexualllly Trransmiitttted Diiseases

Healltth Communiicattiion and Healltth IInfforrmattiion Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Outtpattiientt Serrviices Slleep Healltth Technollogy

Adollescentt Healltth Healltth Liitterracy Tellehealltth Arrtthrriittiis,, Ostteoporrosiis,, and Chrroniic Back Healltth--Rellatted Qualliitty off Liiffe & Wellll--Beiing Tobacco Use Condiittiions

Behaviiorrall Healltth,, iinclludiing Menttall Healltth and//orr Hearrtt Diisease and Sttrroke Viiollence Prreventtiion Substtance Abuse

Cancerr HIIV Viisiion

Chiilldrren''s Healltth IImmuniizattiion and IInffecttiious Diiseases Wound Carre

Chrroniic Kiidney Diisease IInjjurry Prreventtiion Housiing & Homellessness

Communiitty Uniitty Lesbiian,, Gay,, Biisexuall,, and Trransgenderr Healltth Trransporrttattiion

Dementtiias,, IInclludiing Allzheiimerr''s Diisease Matterrnall & IInffantt Healltth Unemplloymentt & Poverrtty

Diiabettes Nuttrriittiion and Weiightt Sttattus Ottherr Sociiall Detterrmiinantts off Healltth

Diisabiilliitty and Healltth Ollderr Adulltts Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Educattiionall and Communiitty--Based Prrogrrams

Q57.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe needs and prriiorriittiies iidenttiiffiied iin yourr mostt rrecentt CHNA comparre wiitth tthose iidenttiiffiied iin yourr prreviious CHNA..

Based on feedback from community partners, including health care providers, public health experts, health and human service agencies, and other community representatives, we decided to continue our work on the same health priority areas identified in our 2016 CHNA. These priority areas include access to care, mental health and substance abuse, chronic disease, cancer, and fall prevention. Although the percent of insured residents is higher in Baltimore County compared to the state and nation, there are still significant concerns around ability to access care and pay for out of pocket expenses. Survey and focus group participants emphasized communication, navigation, and resource awareness as areas needing continued improvement to better meet the health needs of the community. They also identified the following individuals as being underserved: uninsured/underinsured, low income, Hispanic/Latino, seniors/aging/elderly. More recent county data show that we have high rates of householders 65 and over living alone as well as grandparents responsible for the care of grandchildren. Reflected in our most recent CHNA there are also more concerns around social and environmental issues such as neighborhood safety, food access, and employment opportunities. Health issues such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, mental health, substance abuse and addiction continue to rank high on the 2019 CHNA.

Q58.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease use tthe box bellow tto prroviide any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr CHNA tthatt you wiish tto sharre..

Q59.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing iinfforrmattiion rregarrdiing yourr CHNA tthatt you wiish tto sharre..

Q60.. Section III - CB Administration Part 1 - Participants

Q61.. Pllease use tthe ttablle bellow tto ttellll us aboutt how iintterrnall sttaffff memberrs werre iinvollved iin yourr hospiittall''s communiitty beneffiitt acttiiviittiies durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr..

Activities Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

CB// Communiitty Healltth//Popullattiion Healltth Diirrecttorr ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

CB// Communiitty Healltth// Popullattiion Healltth Diirrecttorr ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Seniiorr Executtiives ((CEO,, CFO,, VP,, ettc..)) ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported Seniiorr Executtiives ((CEO,, CFO,, VP,, ettc..)) ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Boarrd off Diirrecttorrs orr Boarrd Commiittttee ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Boarrd off Diirrecttorrs orr Boarrd Commiittttee ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Clliiniicall Leaderrshiip ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Clliiniicall Leaderrshiip ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Popullattiion Healltth Sttaffff ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Popullattiion Healltth Sttaffff ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Communiitty Beneffiitt sttaffff ((ffaciilliitty llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Communiitty Beneffiitt sttaffff ((systtem llevell))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported


Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported


Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported Sociiall Worrkerrs

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Communiitty Beneffiitt Task Forrce

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Hospiittall Adviisorry Boarrd

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person N/A - Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or Position or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization Department evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not does not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities Involved exist of initiatives initiativves initiatives targeted supported

Q62.. Section III - CB Administration Part 1 - Participants (continued)

Q63.. Pllease use tthe ttablle bellow tto ttellll us aboutt tthe extterrnall parrttiiciipantts iinvollved iin yourr hospiittall''s communiitty beneffiitt acttiiviittiies durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr..

Activities Click to write Column 2 Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Ottherr Hospiittalls ---- Pllease lliistt tthe hospiittalls herre:: GBMC, UMMS hospitals

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Locall Healltth Deparrttmentt ---- Pllease lliistt tthe Locall Healltth Deparrttmentts herre:: Baltimore County Department of Health

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Locall Healltth IImprrovementt Coalliittiion ---- Pllease lliistt tthe LHIICs herre:: Baltimore County Health Coalition

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Healltth

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Human Resourrces

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Natturrall Resourrces

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off tthe Enviirronmentt

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Trransporrttattiion

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Marrylland Deparrttmentt off Educattiion

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Arrea Agency on Agiing ---- Pllease lliistt tthe agenciies herre:: Baltimore County Department of Aging

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Locall Govtt.. Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Baltimore County Police Department

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Faiitth--Based Orrganiizattiions

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported Schooll -- K--12 ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Padonia Elementary School, St. Joseph School,St. Timothy's School, School of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Cristo Rey, Catholic High, Loch Raven High School Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll -- Colllleges and//orr Uniiverrsiittiies ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Towson University

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll off Publliic Healltth ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll -- Mediicall Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll -- Nurrsiing Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre:: Towson University, Stevenson University, Frostburg University

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll -- Denttall Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Schooll -- Pharrmacy Schooll ---- Pllease lliistt tthe schoolls herre::

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Behaviiorrall Healltth Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Mosaic, Pro Bono

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported Sociiall Serrviice Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Catholic Charities, Esperanza Center, Humanim, Marian House, Meals on Wheels Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported Postt--Acutte Carre Faciilliittiies ---- pllease lliistt tthe ffaciilliittiies herre:: Mercy Ridge, Pickersgill, Villa Assumpta, St. Elizabeth Hall, Maxim Healthcare Services Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported Communiitty//Neiighborrhood Orrganiizattiions ---- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: Monte Verde Apartments, Knollwood/Donnybrook, Y of Central Maryland Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Consumerr//Publliic Advocacy Orrganiizattiions -- -- Pllease lliistt tthe orrganiizattiions herre:: MAC, Inc., Hungry Harvest

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Ottherr ---- IIff any ottherr peoplle orr orrganiizattiions werre iinvollved,, pllease lliistt tthem herre:: About Faces, ACAC

Selecting Selecting N/A - Person Determining Allocating Evaluating health the Providing or how to budgets Delivering the needs initiatives funding Other Other - If you selected "Other (explain)," please type your explanation Organization evaluate for CB outcome that will that will for CB (explain) below: was not the impact individual initiatives of CB be be activities involved of initiatives initiatives initiatives targeted supported

Q64.. Section III - CB Administration Part 2 - Process & Governance

Q65.. Does your hospital conduct an internal audit of the annual community benefit financial spreadsheet? Select all that apply.

Yes,, by tthe hospiittall''s sttaffff Yes,, by tthe hospiittall systtem''s sttaffff

Yes,, by a tthiirrd--parrtty audiittorr


Q66.. Does your hospital conduct an internal audit of the community benefit narrative?



Q67.. Pllease descrriibe tthe communiitty beneffiitt narrrrattiive audiitt prrocess..

The community benefit narrative is reviewed by the UM St. Joseph Medical Center Senior Director of Marketing and Community Health as well as the UMMS Senior Vice President of Government, Regulatory Affairs and Community Health. It is then approved by the UM SJMC Finance Committee of the Board and shared with all members of the Board of Directors.

Q68.. Does the hospital's board review and approve the annual community benefit financial spreadsheet?



Q69.. Please explain:

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q70.. Does the hospital's board review and approve the annual community benefit narrative report?



Q71.. Please explain:

This question was not displayed to the respondent.

Q72.. Does your hospital include community benefit planning and investments in its internal strategic plan?



Q73.. Pllease descrriibe how communiitty beneffiitt pllanniing and iinvesttmentts arre iinclluded iin yourr hospiittall''s iintterrnall sttrrattegiic pllan..

The UM SJMC FY16-20 Strategic Plan includes a goal area devoted entirely to advancing the health of our community by transforming care delivery through clinical integration among providers and community partners (see document link below). This includes developing community partnerships to coordinate care and improve outcomes as well as executing population health strategies in accordance with priorities identified in the 2016 CHNA.

Q74.. ((Opttiionall)) IIff avaiillablle,, pllease prroviide a lliink tto yourr hospiittall''s sttrrattegiic pllan..


Q75.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall’’s communiitty beneffiitt admiiniisttrrattiion and extterrnall collllaborrattiion tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide?

Q76.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing iinfforrmattiion rregarrdiing yourr hospiittall''s communiitty beneffiitt admiiniisttrrattiion and extterrnall collllaborrattiion.. Q77.. Based on tthe iimpllementtattiion sttrrattegy develloped tthrrough tthe CHNA prrocess,, pllease descrriibe tthrree ongoiing,, mullttii--yearr prrogrrams and iiniittiiattiives underrttaken by yourr hospiittall tto addrress communiitty healltth needs durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr..

Q78.. Section IV - CB Initiatives Part 1 - Initiative 1

Q79.. Name off iiniittiiattiive..

One Voice Breast Cancer Screenings

Q80.. Does this initiative address a community health need that was identified in your most recently completed CHNA?



Q81.. In your most recently completed CHNA, the following community health needs were identified: Access to Health Services: Health Insurance, Access to Health Services: Practicing PCPs, Access to Health Services: Regular PCP Visits, Access to Health Services: ED Wait Times, Access to Health Services: Outpatient Services, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions, Behavioral Health, including Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse, Cancer, Children's Health, Community Unity, Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Educational and Community-Based Programs, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Health Literacy, Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being, Heart Disease and Stroke, Injury Prevention, Maternal & Infant Health, Nutrition and Weight Status, Older Adults, Oral Health, Physical Activity, Respiratory Diseases, Tobacco Use, Violence Prevention, Vision, Housing & Homelessness, Transportation, Unemployment & Poverty, Other Social Determinants of Health Other:

Using the checkboxes below, select the needs that appear in the list above that were addressed by this initiative.

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Healltth IInsurrance Hearrtt Diisease and Sttrroke

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Prracttiiciing PCPs HIIV

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Regullarr PCP Viisiitts IImmuniizattiion and IInffecttiious Diiseases

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: ED Waiitt Tiimes IInjjurry Prreventtiion

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Outtpattiientt Serrviices Lesbiian,, Gay,, Biisexuall,, and Trransgenderr Healltth

Adollescentt Healltth Matterrnall and IInffantt Healltth

Arrtthrriittiis,, Ostteoporrosiis,, and Chrroniic Back Condiittiions Nuttrriittiion and Weiightt Sttattus

Behaviiorrall Healltth,, iinclludiing Menttall Healltth and//orr Substtance Abuse Ollderr Adulltts

Cancerr Orrall Healltth

Chiilldrren''s Healltth Physiicall Acttiiviitty

Chrroniic Kiidney Diisease Respiirrattorry Diiseases

Communiitty Uniitty Sexualllly Trransmiitttted Diiseases

Dementtiias,, iinclludiing Allzheiimerr''s Diisease Slleep Healltth

Diiabettes Tellehealltth

Diisabiilliitty and Healltth Tobacco Use

Educattiionall and Communiitty--Based Prrogrrams Viiollence Prreventtiion

Enviirronmenttall Healltth Viisiion

Famiilly Pllanniing Wound Carre

Food Saffetty Housiing & Homellessness

Glloball Healltth Trransporrttattiion

Healltth Communiicattiion and Healltth IInfforrmattiion Technollogy Unemplloymentt & Poverrtty

Healltth Liitterracy Ottherr Sociiall Detterrmiinantts off Healltth

Healltth--Rellatted Qualliitty off Liiffe & Wellll--Beiing Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Q82.. When diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive begiin?

2012 Q83.. Does this initiative have an anticipated end date?

No,, tthe iiniittiiattiive has no anttiiciipatted end datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end on a speciiffiic end datte.. Pllease speciiffy tthe datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a communiitty orr popullattiion healltth measurre rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a clliiniicall measurre iin tthe hospiittall rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when extterrnall grrantt money tto supporrtt tthe iiniittiiattiive rruns outt.. Pllease expllaiin..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a conttrractt orr agrreementt wiitth a parrttnerr expiirres.. Pllease expllaiin..

Ottherr.. Pllease expllaiin..

Q84.. Pllease descrriibe tthe popullattiion tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts ((e..g.. diiagnosiis,, age,, iinsurrance sttattus,, ettc..))..

Women 40 and over, particularly those with barriers related to insurance status, language, and health care access.

Q85.. Entterr tthe esttiimatted numberr off peoplle tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts..


Q86.. How many peoplle diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive rreach durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr?


Q87.. What category(ies) of intervention best fits this initiative? Select all that apply.

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion

Condiittiion--agnosttiic ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Sociiall detterrmiinantts off healltth iintterrventtiion

Communiitty engagementt iintterrventtiion Ottherr.. Pllease speciiffy..

Q88.. Did you work with other individuals, groups, or organizations to deliver this initiative?

Yes.. Pllease descrriibe who was iinvollved iin tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

The following organizations help support the free breast cancer screenings: -Advanced Radiology: provide free mammography and staff for screenings -UM SJMC Breast Center: provide space and physicians for screening -Baltimore County Department of Health: provide follow-up if needed -Nueva Vida: provide translation and navigation for screenings -Priority Partners: provide additional education and resources to screening participants -Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Program: accept referrals for treatment -Monte Verde Apartments: promote screenings and offer transportation for residents who need it


Q89.. Pllease descrriibe tthe prriimarry objjecttiive off tthe iiniittiiattiive..

To support early detection of breast cancer and community awareness.

Q90.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe iiniittiiattiive iis delliiverred..

Free monthly breast cancer screenings are offered to eligible women who are uninsured or underinsured. We also offer an annual screening on a Saturday every October. Each screening includes a clinical breast exam performed by a physician and a mammogram as well as educational counseling on results and recommendations. Translation and navigation services are provided as needed. UM SJMC has an ongoing partnership with Nueva Vida, an organization committed to supporting Latina women in cancer prevention and treatment. We provide free office space for a Nueva Vida representative who in turn assists with promoting screenings to the community, securing volunteers to help with screenings, and providing navigation for screening participants. We coordinate with Monte Verde, a low income apartment building in Baltimore, to reserve appointment spots so their residents can travel together by a facility operated bus. UM SJMC also works closely with the Baltimore County Department of Health and Maryland Breast and Cervical Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment program for women in need of additional diagnostic services and other screenings.

Q91.. Based on what kind of evidence is the success or effectiveness of this initiative evaluated? Explain all that apply.

Countt off parrttiiciipantts//encountterrs number of women screened

Ottherr prrocess//iimpllementtattiion measurres ((e..g.. numberr off iittems diisttrriibutted))

Surrveys off parrttiiciipantts

Biiophysiicall healltth iindiicattorrs number of women diagnosed with breast cancer

Assessmentt off enviirronmenttall change

IImpactt on polliicy change

Effffectts on healltthcarre uttiilliizattiion orr costt

Assessmentt off worrkfforrce devellopmentt


Q92.. Pllease descrriibe any obserrved outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive ((ii..e..,, nott iinttended outtcomes))..

140 women received free screenings for breast cancer 44 diagnostic mammograms were performed 5 biopsies were performed no cancers were detected 79% of participants were uninsured 74% of participants were Hispanic

Q93.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive addrresses communiitty healltth needs..

140 women received free breast cancer screening and encouragement to continue with annual screening. Women also received education on their risk of breast cancer and additional information on other recommended screenings and local resources. Our partnerships with Nueva Vida and Monte Verde around cancer and other health-related efforts serve to engage and inform community members and help us to identify unmet needs of residents. Q94.. Whatt was tthe ttottall costt tto tthe hospiittall off tthiis iiniittiiattiive iin FY 2018? Pllease lliistt hospiittall ffunds and grrantt ffunds separrattelly..

UM SJMC: $18,037 Advanced Radiology provided $15,750 in funding UM SJMC Foundation provided $3,468 in funding

Q95.. ((Opttiionall)) Suppllementtall iinfforrmattiion fforr tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

Q96.. Section IV - CB Initiatives Part 2 - Initiative 2

Q97.. Name off iiniittiiattiive..

Fall Prevention

Q98.. Does this initiative address a need identified in your most recently completed CHNA?



Q99.. In your most recently completed CHNA, the following community health needs were identified: Access to Health Services: Health Insurance, Access to Health Services: Practicing PCPs, Access to Health Services: Regular PCP Visits, Access to Health Services: ED Wait Times, Access to Health Services: Outpatient Services, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions, Behavioral Health, including Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse, Cancer, Children's Health, Community Unity, Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Educational and Community-Based Programs, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Health Literacy, Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being, Heart Disease and Stroke, Injury Prevention, Maternal & Infant Health, Nutrition and Weight Status, Older Adults, Oral Health, Physical Activity, Respiratory Diseases, Tobacco Use, Violence Prevention, Vision, Housing & Homelessness, Transportation, Unemployment & Poverty, Other Social Determinants of Health Other:

Using the checkboxes below, select the needs that appear in the list above that were addressed by this initiative.

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Healltth IInsurrance Hearrtt Diisease and Sttrroke

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Prracttiiciing PCPs HIIV

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Regullarr PCP Viisiitts IImmuniizattiion and IInffecttiious Diiseases

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: ED Waiitt Tiimes IInjjurry Prreventtiion

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Outtpattiientt Serrviices Lesbiian,, Gay,, Biisexuall,, and Trransgenderr Healltth

Adollescentt Healltth Matterrnall and IInffantt Healltth

Arrtthrriittiis,, Ostteoporrosiis,, and Chrroniic Back Condiittiions Nuttrriittiion and Weiightt Sttattus

Behaviiorrall Healltth,, iinclludiing Menttall Healltth and//orr Substtance Abuse Ollderr Adulltts

Cancerr Orrall Healltth

Chiilldrren''s Healltth Physiicall Acttiiviitty

Chrroniic Kiidney Diisease Respiirrattorry Diiseases

Communiitty Uniitty Sexualllly Trransmiitttted Diiseases

Dementtiias,, iinclludiing Allzheiimerr''s Diisease Slleep Healltth

Diiabettes Tellehealltth

Diisabiilliitty and Healltth Tobacco Use

Educattiionall and Communiitty--Based Prrogrrams Viiollence Prreventtiion

Enviirronmenttall Healltth Viisiion

Famiilly Pllanniing Wound Carre

Food Saffetty Housiing & Homellessness

Glloball Healltth Trransporrttattiion

Healltth Communiicattiion and Healltth IInfforrmattiion Technollogy Unemplloymentt & Poverrtty

Healltth Liitterracy Ottherr Sociiall Detterrmiinantts off Healltth Healltth--Rellatted Qualliitty off Liiffe & Wellll--Beiing Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Q100.. When diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive begiin?


Q101.. Does this initiative have an anticipated end date?

No,, tthe iiniittiiattiive does nott have an anttiiciipatted end datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end on a speciiffiic end datte.. Pllease speciiffy tthe datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a communiitty orr popullattiion healltth measurre rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a clliiniicall measurre iin tthe hospiittall rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when extterrnall grrantt money tto supporrtt tthe iiniittiiattiive rruns outt.. Pllease expllaiin..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a conttrractt orr agrreementt wiitth a parrttnerr expiirres.. Pllease expllaiin..

Ottherr.. Pllease expllaiin..

Q102.. Pllease descrriibe tthe popullattiion tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts ((e..g.. diiagnosiis,, age,, iinsurrance sttattus,, ettc..))..

The target population is adults 65 and older who have a history of falls or fear of falling. The Stepping On program is intended for older adults who are living independently and do not require the use of a cane, walker, or wheelchair in the home.

Q103.. Entterr tthe esttiimatted numberr off peoplle tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts..


Q104.. How many peoplle diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive rreach durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr?


Q105.. What category(ies) of intervention best fits this initiative? Select all that apply.

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion Condiittiion--agnosttiic ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Sociiall detterrmiinantts off healltth iintterrventtiion

Communiitty engagementt iintterrventtiion

Ottherr.. Pllease speciiffy..

Q106.. Did you work with other individuals, groups, or organizations to deliver this initiative?

Yes.. Pllease descrriibe who was iinvollved iin tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

Guest experts who provide education for participants in the program include: -Van Dyke and Bacon Shoes -Maryland Society for Sight -Katzen Eye Group -Baltimore County Police Department -UM SJMC Pharmacy -Michelle Fritsch, Pharmacist -UM SJMC Rehab Department -Towson Sports Medicine

The program was delivered at the following offsite locations: -St. Elizabeth Hall -Villa Assumpta

We collaborate with the following organizations to deliver Stepping On and other related fall prevention initiatives: -Living Well Center of Excellence -Maryland Falls Free Coalition -Baltimore County Department of Aging -The Orokawa Y in Towson -SDK Pilates


Q107.. Pllease descrriibe tthe prriimarry objjecttiive off tthe iiniittiiattiive..

To reduce injury and death associated with falls in older adults.

Q108.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe iiniittiiattiive iis delliiverred..

Stepping On is a seven-week evidence based fall prevention workshop. Each class is two hours in length and incorporates strength and balance exercises. The goal is to increase confidence and protect the independence of participants. Additional topics included in the program include home hazards, medication management, bone health, vision, safe footwear, and pedestrian safety. We deliver the program for free at the medical center as well as by request at local senior living facilities. In FY19, we hosted five workshops, three onsite and two offsite. We also host an annual Stepping On Reunion to which we invite all past participants. This allows us to check in and offer ongoing support and resources. In addition to these efforts, we offer the following in support of fall prevention: -free bone density screenings -free yoga classes -free Tai Ji: Moving for Better Balance classes -medication management education

Q109.. Based on what kind of evidence is the success or effectiveness of this initiative evaluated? Explain all that apply.

Countt off parrttiiciipantts//encountterrs number of participants and completers

Ottherr prrocess//iimpllementtattiion measurres ((e..g.. numberr off iittems diisttrriibutted))

Surrveys off parrttiiciipantts satisfaction surveys, self- reported falls

Biiophysiicall healltth iindiicattorrs referrals for bone density screenings

Assessmentt off enviirronmenttall change

IImpactt on polliicy change

Effffectts on healltthcarre uttiilliizattiion orr costt

Assessmentt off worrkfforrce devellopmentt


Q110.. Pllease descrriibe any obserrved outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive ((ii..e..,, nott iinttended outtcomes)).. Stepping On (FY19): -73 total participants in Stepping On and 57 completers (completed at least 5 of 7 classes) Reunion (9/26/19): -29 participants 26 completed surveys yielding the following information: -22 total falls among 11 past participants (two participants had 5 fall each) -3 falls with injuries were reported -73% report continuing to practice their exercises most days -77% report that they have discussed their medications with a doctor or pharmacist Other changes reported by participants: -taking yoga - taking Tai Chi -installing grab bars in bathroom -getting rid of throw rugs -using a flash light at night Bone Density (FY19): -154 screenings -73 referrals for follow-up testing Yoga (FY19): -95 total classes offered -1091 total participants -52 chair yoga classes (439 participants)

Q111.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive addrresses communiitty healltth needs..

The outcomes demonstrate that more adults are aware of their fall risk and proactive in preventing falls. These programs promote physical activity and encourage adults to protect their bone health, reducing the likelihood of injury from a fall. Additionally these programs also serve to address social isolation and loneliness, another growing problem among older adults.

Q112.. Whatt was tthe ttottall costt tto tthe hospiittall off tthiis iiniittiiattiive iin FY 2018? Pllease lliistt hospiittall ffunds and grrantt ffunds separrattelly..


Q113.. ((Opttiionall)) Suppllementtall iinfforrmattiion fforr tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

Q114.. Section IV - CB Initiatives Part 3 - Initiative 3

Q115.. Name off iiniittiiattiive..

Flu Immunizations

Q116.. Does this initiative address a need identified in your most recently completed CHNA?



Q117.. In your most recently completed CHNA, the following community health needs were identified: Access to Health Services: Health Insurance, Access to Health Services: Practicing PCPs, Access to Health Services: Regular PCP Visits, Access to Health Services: ED Wait Times, Access to Health Services: Outpatient Services, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions, Behavioral Health, including Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse, Cancer, Children's Health, Community Unity, Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Educational and Community-Based Programs, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Health Literacy, Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being, Heart Disease and Stroke, Injury Prevention, Maternal & Infant Health, Nutrition and Weight Status, Older Adults, Oral Health, Physical Activity, Respiratory Diseases, Tobacco Use, Violence Prevention, Vision, Housing & Homelessness, Transportation, Unemployment & Poverty, Other Social Determinants of Health Other:

Using the checkboxes below, select the needs that appear in the list above that were addressed by this initiative.

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Healltth IInsurrance Hearrtt Diisease and Sttrroke

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Prracttiiciing PCPs HIIV

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Regullarr PCP Viisiitts IImmuniizattiion and IInffecttiious Diiseases

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: ED Waiitt Tiimes IInjjurry Prreventtiion

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Outtpattiientt Serrviices Lesbiian,, Gay,, Biisexuall,, and Trransgenderr Healltth

Adollescentt Healltth Matterrnall and IInffantt Healltth

Arrtthrriittiis,, Ostteoporrosiis,, and Chrroniic Back Condiittiions Nuttrriittiion and Weiightt Sttattus

Behaviiorrall Healltth,, iinclludiing Menttall Healltth and//orr Substtance Abuse Ollderr Adulltts

Cancerr Orrall Healltth

Chiilldrren''s Healltth Physiicall Acttiiviitty

Chrroniic Kiidney Diisease Respiirrattorry Diiseases

Communiitty Uniitty Sexualllly Trransmiitttted Diiseases

Dementtiias,, iinclludiing Allzheiimerr''s Diisease Slleep Healltth

Diiabettes Tellehealltth Diisabiilliitty and Healltth Tobacco Use

Educattiionall and Communiitty--Based Prrogrrams Viiollence Prreventtiion

Enviirronmenttall Healltth Viisiion

Famiilly Pllanniing Wound Carre

Food Saffetty Housiing & Homellessness

Glloball Healltth Trransporrttattiion

Healltth Communiicattiion and Healltth IInfforrmattiion Technollogy Unemplloymentt & Poverrtty

Healltth Liitterracy Ottherr Sociiall Detterrmiinantts off Healltth

Healltth--Rellatted Qualliitty off Liiffe & Wellll--Beiing Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Q118.. When diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive begiin?


Q119.. Does this initiative have an anticipated end date?

No,, tthe iiniittiiattiive does nott have an anttiiciipatted end datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end on a speciiffiic end datte.. Pllease speciiffy tthe datte..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a communiitty orr popullattiion healltth measurre rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a clliiniicall measurre iin tthe hospiittall rreaches a ttarrgett vallue.. Pllease descrriibe..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when extterrnall grrantt money tto supporrtt tthe iiniittiiattiive rruns outt.. Pllease expllaiin..

The iiniittiiattiive wiillll end when a conttrractt orr agrreementt wiitth a parrttnerr expiirres.. Pllease expllaiin..

Ottherr.. Pllease expllaiin..

Q120.. Pllease descrriibe tthe popullattiion tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts ((e..g.. diiagnosiis,, age,, iinsurrance sttattus,, ettc..))..

This initiative targets individuals ages 9 and up with a particular emphasis on those who are uninsured or underinsured and face barriers related to access to care, out of pocket expenses, transportation, and language barriers.

Q121.. Entterr tthe esttiimatted numberr off peoplle tthiis iiniittiiattiive ttarrgetts..


Q122.. How many peoplle diid tthiis iiniittiiattiive rreach durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr? 2715

Q123.. What category(ies) of intervention best fits this initiative? Select all that apply.

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Chrroniic condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Acutte condiittiion--based iintterrventtiion:: prreventtiion iintterrventtiion

Condiittiion--agnosttiic ttrreattmentt iintterrventtiion

Sociiall detterrmiinantts off healltth iintterrventtiion

Communiitty engagementt iintterrventtiion

Ottherr.. Pllease speciiffy..

Q124.. Did you work with other individuals, groups, or organizations to deliver this initiative?

Yes.. Pllease descrriibe who was iinvollved iin tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

Free flu clinics were held in the following locations: -Padonia International Elementary School -St. Joseph Parish Cockeysville -Mt. Pleasant Church and Ministries -Cathedral of Mary Our Queen -Our Lady of Grace Parkton - -The Shops at Kenilworth -Greetings and Readings Hunt Valley - -The Orokawa Y in Towson -Monte Verde Apartments -Esperanza Center -Marian House -Catholic Charities Timonium -UM St. Joseph Medical Center


Q125.. Pllease descrriibe tthe prriimarry objjecttiive off tthe iiniittiiattiive..

To increase the number of community members who receive free flu vaccinations and reduce cases and complications from the influenza virus in Baltimore County. The Healthy People 2020 objective is for 80% of children and adults and 90% of those at high risk receive their flu shots annually. In 2017 48.7% of adults in Baltimore County were vaccinated against the flu (BRFSS).

Q126.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe iiniittiiattiive iis delliiverred..

UM St. Joseph Medical Center provides free seasonal flu vaccinations to individuals age 9 and up through open clinics offered onsite and at various offsite locations in surrounding areas of need from October through December. Vaccine information is available in multiple languages. Flu clinics were advertised through direct mailings, hospital website and social media sites, flyers shared with libraries, senior centers, schools, health and fitness centers, and faith based organizations.

Q127.. Based on what kind of evidence is the success or effectiveness of this initiative evaluated? Explain all that apply.

Countt off parrttiiciipantts//encountterrs number of individuals vaccinated

Ottherr prrocess//iimpllementtattiion measurres ((e..g.. numberr off iittems diisttrriibutted))

Surrveys off parrttiiciipantts

Biiophysiicall healltth iindiicattorrs

Assessmentt off enviirronmenttall change

IImpactt on polliicy change

Effffectts on healltthcarre uttiilliizattiion orr costt

Assessmentt off worrkfforrce devellopmentt

Ottherr Q128.. Pllease descrriibe any obserrved outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive ((ii..e..,, nott iinttended outtcomes))..

In FY19, a total of 2,715 individuals were vaccinated including 512 children. There were 22 vaccination clinics offered in 10 different zip codes across Baltimore County.

Q129.. Pllease descrriibe how tthe outtcome((s)) off tthe iiniittiiattiive addrresses communiitty healltth needs..

Receiving an annual vaccination against the flu virus is one way proven to protect residents against illness and hospitalizations. Many participants express the burden of copays and barriers related to school and work schedules. Others state that their providers do not offer flu vaccinations. These clinics also serve as a way to educate community members about the flu and the importance of vaccination. They provide opportunities to reach people with additional information on health programs, screenings, and resources. At our onsite clinics we collect non-perishable food items that are donated to local food banks to bring our community together in food security efforts.

Q130.. Whatt was tthe ttottall costt tto tthe hospiittall off tthiis iiniittiiattiive iin FY 2018? Pllease lliistt hospiittall ffunds and grrantt ffunds separrattelly..


Q131.. ((Opttiionall)) Suppllementtall iinfforrmattiion fforr tthiis iiniittiiattiive..

Q132.. Section IV - CB Initiatives Part 4 - Other Initiative Info

Q133.. Addiittiionall iinfforrmattiion aboutt iiniittiiattiives..

Q134.. ((Opttiionall)) IIff you wiish,, you may uplload a documentt descrriibiing yourr communiitty beneffiitt iiniittiiattiives iin morre dettaiill,, orr prroviide descrriipttiions off addiittiionall iiniittiiattiives yourr hospiittall underrttook durriing tthe ffiiscall yearr.. These need nott be mullttii--yearr,, ongoiing iiniittiiattiives..

Q135.. Were all the needs identified in your most recently completed CHNA addressed by an initiative of your hospital?



Q136.. In your most recently completed CHNA, the following community health needs were identified: Access to Health Services: Health Insurance, Access to Health Services: Practicing PCPs, Access to Health Services: Regular PCP Visits, Access to Health Services: ED Wait Times, Access to Health Services: Outpatient Services, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions, Behavioral Health, including Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse, Cancer, Children's Health, Community Unity, Dementias, Including Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Educational and Community-Based Programs, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Health Literacy, Health-Related Quality of Life & Well-Being, Heart Disease and Stroke, Injury Prevention, Maternal & Infant Health, Nutrition and Weight Status, Older Adults, Oral Health, Physical Activity, Respiratory Diseases, Tobacco Use, Violence Prevention, Vision, Housing & Homelessness, Transportation, Unemployment & Poverty, Other Social Determinants of Health Other:

Using the checkboxes below, select the needs that appear in the list above that were NOT addressed by your community benefit initiatives.

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Healltth IInsurrance Hearrtt Diisease and Sttrroke

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Prracttiiciing PCPs HIIV

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Regullarr PCP Viisiitts IImmuniizattiion and IInffecttiious Diiseases

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: ED Waiitt Tiimes IInjjurry Prreventtiion

Access tto Healltth Serrviices:: Outtpattiientt Serrviices Lesbiian,, Gay,, Biisexuall,, and Trransgenderr Healltth

Adollescentt Healltth Matterrnall and IInffantt Healltth

Arrtthrriittiis,, Ostteoporrosiis,, and Chrroniic Back Condiittiions Nuttrriittiion and Weiightt Sttattus

Behaviiorrall Healltth,, iinclludiing Menttall Healltth and//orr Substtance Abuse Ollderr Adulltts Cancerr Orrall Healltth

Chiilldrren''s Healltth Physiicall Acttiiviitty

Chrroniic Kiidney Diisease Respiirrattorry Diiseases

Communiitty Uniitty Sexualllly Trransmiitttted Diiseases

Dementtiias,, iinclludiing Allzheiimerr''s Diisease Slleep Healltth

Diiabettes Tellehealltth

Diisabiilliitty and Healltth Tobacco Use

Educattiionall and Communiitty--Based Prrogrrams Viiollence Prreventtiion

Enviirronmenttall Healltth Viisiion

Famiilly Pllanniing Wound Carre

Food Saffetty Housiing & Homellessness

Glloball Healltth Trransporrttattiion

Healltth Communiicattiion and Healltth IInfforrmattiion Technollogy Unemplloymentt & Poverrtty

Healltth Liitterracy Ottherr Sociiall Detterrmiinantts off Healltth

Healltth--Rellatted Qualliitty off Liiffe & Wellll--Beiing Ottherr ((speciiffy))

Q137.. Why werre tthese needs unaddrressed?

UM St. Joseph Medical Center has not pursued initiatives directly related to oral health as we do not provide dental services. We do make referrals to local resources such as Baltimore County Department of Health/Dental Access Program, Liberty Family Resource Center, Eastern Family Resource Center, Chase Brexton Health Care, CCBC, Mission of Mercy for those in need. We also lack the resources to address dementia at this time; however, we do support and spread awareness on the efforts and expertise available through the Alzheimer's Association.

Q138.. Do any off tthe hospiittall’’s communiitty beneffiitt operrattiions//acttiiviittiies alliign wiitth tthe Sttatte Healltth IImprrovementt Prrocess ((SHIIP))? Speciiffiicalllly,, do any acttiiviittiies orr iiniittiiattiives corrrrespond tto a SHIIP measurre wiitthiin tthe ffollllowiing cattegorriies?

See tthe SHIIP websiitte fforr morre iinfforrmattiion and a lliistt off tthe measurres:: httttps::////pophealltth..healltth..marrylland..gov//Pages//SHIIP--Liitte--Home..aspx

Select Yes or No Yes No Healthy Beginnings - includes measures such as babies with low birth weight, Healthy Beginnings - includes measures such as babies with low birth weight, earrlly prrenattall carre,, and tteen biirrtth rratte Healthy Living - includes measures such as adolescents who use tobacco Healthy Living - includes measures such as adolescents who use tobacco prroductts and lliiffe expecttancy Healthy Communities - includes measures such as domestic violence and suicide Healthy Communities - includes measures such as domestic violence and suicide rratte Access to Health Care - includes measures such as adolescents who received a Access to Health Care - includes measures such as adolescents who received a wellllness checkup iin tthe llastt yearr and perrsons wiitth a usuall prriimarry carre prroviiderr Quality Preventive Care - includes measures such as annual season influenza Quality Preventive Care - includes measures such as annual season influenza vacciinattiions and emerrgency deparrttmentt viisiitt rratte due tto astthma

Q139.. ((Opttiionall)) Diid yourr hospiittall''s iiniittiiattiives iin FY 2018 addrress ottherr,, non--SHIIP,, sttatte healltth goalls? IIff so,, ttellll us aboutt tthem bellow..

Q140.. Section V - Physician Gaps & Subsidies

Q141.. As required under HG §19-303, please select all of the gaps in physician availability in your hospital’s CBSA. Select all that apply.

No gaps

Prriimarry carre

Menttall healltth

Substtance abuse//dettoxiiffiicattiion

IIntterrnall mediiciine




Generrall surrgerry Orrtthopediic speciiallttiies



Ottherr.. Pllease speciiffy..

Q142.. IIff you lliistt Physiiciian Subsiidiies iin yourr datta iin cattegorry C off tthe CB IInventtorry Sheett,, pllease iindiicatte tthe cattegorry off subsiidy,, and expllaiin why tthe serrviices woulld nott ottherrwiise be avaiillablle tto meett pattiientt demand..

Physician services are subsidized for our ICU, NICU, Pediatric Department, Labor and Delivery, Women's Health Associates, Psychiatry Department, Transitional Care Center, Behavioral Health Center, Diabetes Hospiittall--Based Physiiciians Management Center and St. Clare Medical Outreach to ensure continuity of care, particularly among vulnerable populations. Subsidies also support needs for comprehensive cardiac care, 24/7 anesthesia coverage, and pathology.

Hospitalists are funded to coordinate care and resources for patients regardless of their ability to pay for the Non--Resiidentt House Sttaffff and Hospiittalliistts services received or whether they have any insurance.

Physician services are subsidized to ensure specialized care in pulmonary, neurology, and critical care in our Coverrage off Emerrgency Deparrttmentt Callll ED.

Physiiciian Prroviisiion off Fiinanciiall Assiisttance

Physiiciian Recrruiittmentt tto Meett Communiitty Need

Ottherr ((prroviide dettaiill off any subsiidy nott lliistted above))

Ottherr ((prroviide dettaiill off any subsiidy nott lliistted above))

Ottherr ((prroviide dettaiill off any subsiidy nott lliistted above))

Q143.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt physiiciian gaps tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide?

Q144.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing ffurrttherr iinfforrmattiion rregarrdiing physiiciian gaps att yourr hospiittall..

Q145.. Section VI - Financial Assistance Policy (FAP)

Q146.. Uplload a copy off yourr hospiittall''s ffiinanciiall assiisttance polliicy..

UM SJMC FAP 7-19.pdf 343.9KB application/pdf

Q147.. Uplload a copy off tthe Pattiientt IInfforrmattiion Sheett prroviided tto pattiientts iin accorrdance wiitth Healltth--Generrall §19--214..1((e))..

FAP- Patient Information Sheet.docx 457.3KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Q148.. Maryland hospitals are required under COMAR to provide free medically necessary care to patients with family income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). Please select the percentage of FPL below which your hospital’s FAP offers free care.

1 00 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Perrcenttage off Federrall 276 Poverrtty Levell

Q149.. Maryland hospitals are required under COMAR to provide reduced-cost, medically necessary care to low-income patients with family income between 200 and 300 percent of the federal poverty level. Please select the range of the percentage of FPL for which your hospital’s FAP offers reduced-cost care.

2 00 250 300 350 400 450 500

Lowestt FPL 277

Hiighestt FPL 414

Q150.. Maryland hospitals are required under COMAR to provide reduced-cost, medically necessary care to patients with family income below 500 percent of the federal poverty level who have a financial hardship. Financial hardship is defined as a medical debt, incurred by a family over a 12-month period that exceeds 25 percent of family income. Please select the range of the percentage of FPL for which your hospital’s FAP offers reduced-cost care for financial hardship. Please select the threshold for the percentage of medical debt that exceeds a household’s income and qualifies as financial hardship.

1 00 200 300 400 500 600 700

Lowestt FPL 277

Hiighestt FPL 414

Q151.. Please select the threshold for the percentage of medical debt that exceeds a household’s income and qualifies as financial hardship.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Debtt as Perrcenttage off 25 IIncome

Q152.. Has your FAP changed within the last year? If so, please describe the change.

No,, tthe FAP has nott changed..

Yes,, tthe FAP has changed.. Pllease descrriibe::

Q153.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall’’s FAP tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide?

Administrative updates were made to the policy including the addition of new facilities and the most current MD DHMH income eligibility limits.

Q154.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing ffurrttherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall''s FAP..

Q155.. Summary & Report Submission

Q156.. Attention Hospital Staff! IMPORTANT!

You have reached the end of the questions, but you are not quite finished. Your narrative has not yet been fullyfully submitted.submitted. Once you proceed to the next screen using the right arrow button below,, youyou cannotcannot gogo backward. You cannot change any of your answers if you proceed beyond this screen.

We strongly urge you to contact us at [email protected] toto requestrequest aa copycopy ofof youryour answers.answers. WWe will happily send you a pdf copy of your narrative that you can share with your leadership, Board, or other interestedinterested parties.parties. IfIf youyou needneed toto makemake anyany correctionscorrections oror changechange anyany ofof youryour answers,answers, youyou cancan useuse thethe TTable of Contents feature to navigate to the appropriate section of the narrative.

Once you are fully confident that your answers are final, return to this screen then click the right arrow button below to officiallyficially submitsubmit youryour narrative.narrative.

Location Data Location: (39.33610534668, -76.538902282715)

Source: GeoIP Estimation From: Davidson, Kimberly To: Hilltop HCB Help Account Cc: Jacobs, Donna; Artes, Kristen; Adams, Mary Jo Subject: UM St. Joseph Medical Center FY 19 CB Narrative-Clarified Response Date: Tuesday, March 3, 2020 9:07:58 AM

Report This Email

Responses are indicated as requested below in red. Please let me know if you require anything additional. -Kim

· In Question 33 on pages 3 and 4 of the attached, your answer states, “The Community Benefit Service Area for the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center encompasses all of Baltimore County.” (Emphasis added). In Question 12 on page 2, many of the ZIP codes in Baltimore County were not included in your hospital’s Community Benefit Service Area. Please clarify whether your hospital’s CBSA includes the entirety of Baltimore County or is limited to those ZIP codes selected in Question 12. All zip codes should be included. · In Question 48 on page 5 of the attached, on the row labeled “CB/Community Health/Population Health Director (system level),” you selected “N/A – Position or Department does not exist.” Later, in Question 61 on page 11, you selected “N/A – Person or Organization was not involved.” Which of these responses is correct with respect to “CB/Community Health/Population Health Director (system level)?” The correct answer for Question 48 is N/A-Person or Organization was not involved. · In Question 84 on page 18 of the attached, you wrote that the One Voice Breast Cancer Screenings initiative targets “Women 40 and over, particularly those with barriers related to insurance status, language, and health care access.” In the next question, Question 85, you wrote that the initiative targets 100 people. Please clarify whether the initiative is targeted to all such women or is limited to a sub-set. Underserved, without health insurance, Latina women. · In Question 102 on page 21 of the attached, you wrote that the Fall Prevention initiative targets “adults 65 and older who have a history of falls or fear of falling.” In the next question, Question 103, you wrote that the initiative targets 85 people. Please clarify whether the initiative is targeted to all such individuals or is limited to a sub-set. The initiative targets individuals 65 and over with a history of falls or fear of falling. · In Question 117 on page 23 of the attached, where you selected the CHNA needs addressed by the Flu Immunizations initiative, the “Immunization and Infectious Diseases” need was selected. This need was not selected in Question 56 on pages 10 and 11. Since the CHNA discussed in Question 56 only occurred at the very end of FY 2019, we checked your previous community benefit narrative covering FY 2018. The need was not identified in the 2016 CHNA either. Please clarify whether or not “Immunization and Infectious Diseases” was a need identified in your most recent CHNA. This initiative falls under our access to care priority. Influenza death rates are cited in our 2019 CHNA as being worse in Baltimore County compared to the state and nation.

From: Hilltop HCB Help Account Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 2:24 PM To: Davidson, Kimberly ; Jacobs, Donna Cc: Hilltop HCB Help Account Subject: Clarification Required - UM St. Joseph FY 19 CB Narrative

CAUTION: This message originated from a non UMMS, SOM, or FPI email system. Hover over any links before clicking and use caution opening attachments. Thank you for submitting University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center’s FY 2019 Community Benefit Narrative Report. Upon reviewing your report, we require clarification of certain issues:

· In Question 33 on pages 3 and 4 of the attached, your answer states, “The Community Benefit Service Area for the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center encompasses all of Baltimore County.” (Emphasis added). In Question 12 on page 2, many of the ZIP codes in Baltimore County were not included in your hospital’s Community Benefit Service Area. Please clarify whether your hospital’s CBSA includes the entirety of Baltimore County or is limited to those ZIP codes selected in Question 12. · In Question 48 on page 5 of the attached, on the row labeled “CB/Community Health/Population Health Director (system level),” you selected “N/A – Position or Department does not exist.” Later, in Question 61 on page 11, you selected “N/A – Person or Organization was not involved.” Which of these responses is correct with respect to “CB/Community Health/Population Health Director (system level)?” · In Question 84 on page 18 of the attached, you wrote that the One Voice Breast Cancer Screenings initiative targets “Women 40 and over, particularly those with barriers related to insurance status, language, and health care access.” In the next question, Question 85, you wrote that the initiative targets 100 people. Please clarify whether the initiative is targeted to all such women or is limited to a sub-set. · In Question 102 on page 21 of the attached, you wrote that the Fall Prevention initiative targets “adults 65 and older who have a history of falls or fear of falling.” In the next question, Question 103, you wrote that the initiative targets 85 people. Please clarify whether the initiative is targeted to all such individuals or is limited to a sub-set. · In Question 117 on page 23 of the attached, where you selected the CHNA needs addressed by the Flu Immunizations initiative, the “Immunization and Infectious Diseases” need was selected. This need was not selected in Question 56 on pages 10 and 11. Since the CHNA discussed in Question 56 only occurred at the very end of FY 2019, we checked your previous community benefit narrative covering FY 2018. The need was not identified in the 2016 CHNA either. Please clarify whether or not “Immunization and Infectious Diseases” was a need identified in your most recent CHNA. Please provide your clarifying answers as a response to this message. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

This e-mail and any accompanying attachments may be privileged, confidential, contain protected health information about an identified patient or be otherwise protected from disclosure. State and federal law protect the confidentiality of this information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient; you are prohibited from using, disclosing, reproducing or distributing this information; you should immediately notify the sender by telephone or e-mail and delete this e-mail.