Q1.. Introduction: COMMUNIITY BENEFIIT NARRATIIVE REPORTIING IINSTRUCTIIONS The Marrylland Healltth Serrviices Costt Reviiew Commiissiion’’s ((HSCRC''s orr Commiissiion''s)) Communiitty Beneffiitt Reporrtt,, rrequiirred underr §19--303 off tthe Healltth Generrall Arrttiiclle,, Marrylland Annottatted Code,, iis tthe Commiissiion’’s metthod off iimpllementtiing a llaw tthatt addrresses tthe grrowiing iintterrestt iin underrsttandiing tthe ttypes and scope off communiitty beneffiitt acttiiviittiies conductted by Marrylland’’s nonprroffiitt hospiittalls.. The Commiissiion develloped a ttwo--parrtt communiitty beneffiitt rreporrttiing systtem tthatt iinclludes an iinventtorry sprreadsheett tthatt collllectts ffiinanciiall and quanttiittattiive iinfforrmattiion and a narrrrattiive rreporrtt tto sttrrengtthen and suppllementt tthe iinventtorry sprreadsheett.. The guiidelliines and iinventtorry sprreadsheett werre guiided,, iin parrtt,, by tthe VHA,, CHA,, and ottherrs’’ communiitty beneffiitt rreporrttiing experriience,, and was tthen ttaiillorred tto ffiitt Marrylland’’s uniique rregullattorry enviirronmentt.. Thiis rreporrttiing ttooll serrves as tthe narrrrattiive rreporrtt.. The iinsttrructtiions and prrocess fforr compllettiing tthe iinventtorry sprreadsheett rremaiin tthe same as iin prriiorr yearrs.. The narrrrattiive iis ffocused on ((1)) tthe generrall demogrraphiics off tthe hospiittall communiitty,, ((2)) how hospiittalls detterrmiined tthe needs off tthe communiittiies tthey serrve,, ((3)) hospiittall communiitty beneffiitt admiiniisttrrattiion,, and ((4)) communiitty beneffiitt extterrnall collllaborrattiion tto devellop and iimpllementt communiitty beneffiitt iiniittiiattiives.. The Commiissiion moved tto an onlliine rreporrttiing fforrmatt begiinniing wiitth tthe FY 2018 rreporrtts.. IIn tthiis new ttempllatte,, rresponses arre now mandattorry unlless marrked as opttiionall.. IIff you submiitt a rreporrtt wiitthoutt rrespondiing tto each questtiion,, yourr rreporrtt may be rrejjectted.. You woulld tthen be rrequiirred tto ffiillll iin tthe miissiing answerrs befforre rresubmiittttiing.. Questtiions tthatt rrequiirre a narrrrattiive rresponse have a lliimiitt off 20,,000 charractterrs.. Thiis rreporrtt need nott be complletted iin one sessiion and can be opened by mullttiiplle userrs.. Forr ttechniicall assiisttance,, conttactt [email protected].. Q2.. Section I - General Info Part 1 - Hospital Identification Q3.. Pllease conffiirrm tthe iinfforrmattiion we have on ffiille aboutt yourr hospiittall fforr FY 2018.. Is this information correct? Yes No If no, please provide the correct information here: The proper name of your hospital is: UM St. Joseph The proper name of your hospital is: UM St. Joseph Mediicall Centterr Yourr hospiittall''s IID iis:: 210063 Your hospital is part of the hospital system called Your hospital is part of the hospital system called Uniiverrsiitty off Marrylland Mediicall Systtem.. Q4.. The next two questions ask about the area where your hospital directs its community benefit efforts,forts, calledcalled thethe CommunityCommunity BenefitBenefit Service Area. You may find thesethese communitycommunity healthhealth statisticsstatistics usefuluseful inin preparingpreparing youryour responses.responses. Q5.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease descrriibe any ottherr communiitty healltth sttattiisttiics tthatt yourr hospiittall uses iin iitts communiitty beneffiitt efffforrtts.. Q6.. ((Opttiionall)) Pllease attttach any ffiilles conttaiiniing communiitty healltth sttattiisttiics tthatt yourr hospiittall uses iin iitts communiitty beneffiitt efffforrtts.. Q7.. Section I - General Info Part 2 - Community Benefit Service Area Q8.. Please select the county or counties located in your hospital's CBSA. Allllegany Countty Charrlles Countty Prriince Georrge''s Countty Anne Arrundell Countty Dorrchestterr Countty Queen Anne''s Countty Ballttiimorre Ciitty Frrederriick Countty Somerrsett Countty Ballttiimorre Countty Garrrretttt Countty Stt.. Marry''s Countty Callverrtt Countty Harrfforrd Countty Tallbott Countty Carrolliine Countty Howarrd Countty Washiingtton Countty Carrrrollll Countty Kentt Countty Wiicomiico Countty Ceciill Countty Monttgomerry Countty Worrcestterr Countty Q9.. Please check all Allegany County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q10.. Please check all Anne Arundel County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q11.. Please check all Baltimore City ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q12.. Please check all Baltimore County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. 21013 21092 21156 21225 21020 21093 21161 21227 21022 21094 21162 21228 21023 21102 21163 21229 21027 21104 21204 21234 21030 21105 21206 21235 21031 21111 21207 21236 21043 21117 21208 21237 21051 21120 21209 21239 21052 21128 21210 21241 21053 21131 21212 21244 21057 21133 21215 21250 21065 21136 21219 21252 21071 21139 21220 21282 21074 21152 21221 21284 21082 21153 21222 21285 21085 21155 21224 21286 21087 Q13.. Please check all Calvert County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q14.. Please check all Caroline County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q15.. Please check all Carroll County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q16.. Please check all Cecil County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q17.. Please check all Charles County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q18.. Please check all Dorchester County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q19.. Please check all Frederick County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q20.. Please check all Garrett County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q21.. Please check all Harford County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q22.. Please check all Howard County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q23.. Please check all Kent County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q24.. Please check all Montgomery County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q25.. Please check all Prince George's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q26.. Please check all Queen Anne's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q27.. Please check all Somerset County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q28.. Please check all St. Mary's County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q29.. Please check all Talbot County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q30.. Please check all Washington County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q31.. Please check all Wicomico County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q32.. Please check all Worcester County ZIP codes located in your hospital's CBSA. This question was not displayed to the respondent. Q33.. How did your hospital identify its CBSA? Based on ZIIP codes iin yourr Fiinanciiall Assiisttance Polliicy.. Pllease descrriibe.. Based on ZIIP codes iin yourr glloball budgett rrevenue agrreementt.. Pllease descrriibe.. Based on patttterrns off uttiilliizattiion.. Pllease descrriibe.. Ottherr.. Pllease descrriibe.. The Community Benefit Service Area for the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center encompasses all of Baltimore County. This is in keeping with our commitment to serve all county residents and our partnerships with the Baltimore County Department of Health, the Baltimore County Department of Aging, and the University of Maryland Medical System. Current health priorities such as obesity, cancer, substance abuse, and fall prevention extend across all communities in the area. The most recent Community Health Needs Assessment conducted by UM SJMC included all of Baltimore County. Within Baltimore County, there are more vulnerable populations where more targeted efforts occur. Zips Codes with the highest utilization rates include: 21234, 21093, 21239, 21286, 21136, 21204. Zip codes with the greatest socioeconomic needs include: 21227, 21222, 21221, 21220, 21207, 21234, 21237, 21204, 21136, 21030 (CNI, 2018). Q34.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall''s Communiitty Beneffiitt Serrviice Arrea tthatt you woulld lliike tto prroviide? Q35.. Section I - General Info Part 3 - Other Hospital Info Q36.. Prroviide a lliink tto yourr hospiittall''s miissiion sttattementt.. https://www.umms.org/sjmc/about-us Q37.. Is your hospital an academic medical center? Yes No Q38.. ((Opttiionall)) IIs ttherre any ottherr iinfforrmattiion aboutt yourr hospiittall tthatt you woulld lliike tto
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