AlphaEdition 3 - 2016 newsA MAGAZINE FOR OUR TENANTS

Danny O’Neill, Eve Paterson, Eleanor Bradford and Oddie the dog, all tenants from Lowry Court, enjoying a late Autumn walk at Minnowburn, Shaws Bridge. Welcome... Our team

In this, their first edition, the team have tried to make Alpha Housing Ltd CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S MESSAGE WE HAVE A NEW EDITORIAL TEAM the newsletter as tenant orientated as possible with the When the editorial team asked me to write a foreword COMPRISING OF A RANGE OF Alpha Housing Developments inclusion of more photographs of the various activities for the Christmas/New Year edition of the Newsletter, I VOLUNTEERS FROM OUR STAFF, WHO Sheltered Housing and events happening around the Alpha schemes. The cast my mind back to the Christmas message that our Agherton Grange, Portstewart HAVE ALL WORKED HARD TO BRING team also welcomed tenant contributions such as poems Alexander Court, Chairman, Eileen Askham, gave to Board members THIS CHRISTMAS EDITION TOGETHER and recipes. We hope you enjoy this edition; the team Antrimville Court, Belfast and staff last year. She referred to the Winston Belfry View, Newtownabbey FOR OUR TENANTS TO ENJOY. would welcome your feedback. Carnvue Court, Carnmoney Churchill quote that “Christmas is a season not only Carrickeden Grange, Portadown of rejoicing but of reflection”. She asked us by way Carrs Court, Sandy Row of reflection to remember that at the heart of the Crosby Court, Bangor Christmas story is a family without a home. OUR CURRENT EDITORIAL TEAM MEMBERS ARE; Cross Street, Dunseverick Court, Belvoir Our Association exists to provide good quality homes Greenmount Court, Bangor Henry Court, Moira for around 1000 people and we should take a great Johnston Close, Ballymena sense of pride in that, always remembering that we Johnston Court, Knock are here to do what we can to make people’s lives better. That is something that the Legacorry House, Richhill Association’s staff alone cannot do. Tenants play a key role in making new tenants Leyland Lodge, Ballycastle Lowry Court, Belfast feel welcome, involving themselves in scheme activities and looking out for Manse Court, one another. McManus Court, Montgomery Court, Bangor All of us will of course all be thinking of someone who is no longer with us and we Montgomery Manor, Bangor will reflect on the empty chair at the Christmas table. But we also have cause to Mooreland Close, Ballymena rejoice. Mark Twain said that “Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought Mullagh Court, Maghera Northland Court, Carrickfergus of getting”. Alpha Housing is building a reputation in terms of giving to Charities. One Irish Gate, Carrickfergus Last year we raised over £5,000 for the Alzheimer’s Society and we have already Quarry Gardens, Portadown started fundraising for our chosen charities NI Hospice and Southern Area Hospice, Rathmore Manor, Newtownabbey in addition to many other fund raising activities that go on at schemes. This is truly Stepping Stones, Sarah Young Anthony Doran Victor McKnight remarkable and a wonderful tribute to the generosity, thoughtfulness and all round Taylor Court, Belvoir Housing Officer, Head Office who Student Housing Officer, Scheme Manager at Lowry Court, The Whins, Crumlin good neighbourliness of Alpha tenants and staff – and we should be very proud of it. The Whins Close, Crumlin also willingly led the editorial team Head Office Belfast Weir Brae, Comber Quotes by American authors Janice Maeditere and Peg Bracken say “Christmas is Weir Court, Comber not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts” and “Gifts of time Weir Close, Comber Wilton Court, Shankill and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas” bring to mind our tenant who, recognising that some fellow tenants would be spending Christmas General Needs Ashgrove, Dunmurry alone has arranged to prepare Christmas dinner for them in the scheme common Belleville, Ballymena room. It is wonderful to know that we have such thoughtful, caring tenants amongst Castlehill Terrace, Ballymoney us providing the rest of us with such a humanitarian example. In the words of Dr Johnston Close, Ballymena Seuss “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, Christmas means a little bit more.” Parkview Close, Ballymoney Riverview, Ballykeel This truly is a season for reflection and rejoicing and the Board and staff join me in wishing all our tenants a wonderful happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful New Year. This will be the last Newsletter in which I will be involved since I will be retiring at the Alpha House, 6 Edgewater Road Belfast BT3 9JQ end of March 2017. I will always hold Alpha Housing, its tenants, staff and Board in a Telephone: (028) 9078 7750 special place in my heart. Fax: (028) 9078 7766 Email: [email protected] As I leave I will have the words of CS Lewis before me “you are never too old to set Jan McClure Alison Campbell Mary Irwin another goal or to dream a new dream”. Scheme Manager at Taylor Court, Scheme Manager at Mooreland Scheme Manager at Carrs Court, Billy Graham Chief Executive Belfast Close, Ballymena Belfast

2 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 3 Out and about My story... TENANT DAVID MCMULLEN FROM QUARRY GARDENS, PORTADOWN

Tenants at Rathmore Manor fundraising The ladies at Henry Court, Moira enjoying Ladies enjoying a peaceful afternoon David McMullen has lived at Quarry Gardens, Portadown since August 1996. during their MacMillan coffee morning their knitting afternoon reading at Northland Court David was born and raised in Portadown with his two sisters. David’s sisters eventually married and left the family household but David remained at home to care for his parents until they sadly passed away. David and his sisters were very close, David said “we were like best friends, we did everything together and went on holidays together”. As a young child, David was diagnosed with a speech impediment and was very conscious of this throughout life, always feeling that it held him back. When his parents passed away, David remained in the family home but sadly local children from the estate began to torment David and made his life miserable, David Family and friends alongside Tenants Fundraising for the NI and Southern Area Head office staff at a fundraising knew he was no longer happy living there. One of David’s sisters was visiting at Agherton Grange raising money for Hospice at the Tenants’ quiz at Lowry bowling night MacMillian Cancer Court, Belfast a friend at Quarry Gardens and told David about the scheme, which David later went to visit. After his first visit, David said he fell in love with it and wanted to live there. David’s sister contacted the Housing Officer for the scheme, who assessed David for his eligibility. David was offered a one bedroom flat and he was so excited, he moved in straight away. David then decided to retire five years early so that he could enjoy his retirement and his new flat. A few years later, much to David’s delight, his sister also moved to Quarry Gardens. Tenants at Carrs Court enjoying their first Tenants at One Irish Gate enjoying a Rio Tenants at Weir Court at the grand session of Armchair Aerobics Olympic Event opening of the NI Air Ambulance David has been a tenant of Alpha Housing for around 20 years now and said “I have no worries about maintenance, I feel safe and secure and I have met lots of lifelong friends, it’s like I am in heaven”. David is an active tenant in Quarry Gardens and his confidence has grown so much over the past 20 years. David is so popular in the scheme that, other tenants will confide in David if they have a problem. David’s speech impediment hasn’t completely gone but it is not as noticeable and he feels very confident comfortable talking to his wide range of friends at Quarry Gardens. David simply says - “I wish I had of done it sooner”. Montgomery Court tenants made shoe The tenants at Mullagh Court raised a Special visit from Arlene Foster at our boxes for the homeless appeal for the fantastic £447.70 at their coffee morning scheme in Montgomery Manor, Bangor Simon Community for the NI Hospice along with Roisin Manley Housing Manager, John Morris Housing Officer and Michael Chivers Technical Officer

4 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 5 Events...


Poem by Lilian Blair We have embraced social media (Carrs Court Tenant) and launched our very own There is a man in Alpha Housing, Facebook and Twitter Pages. Since Billy is his name, our launch in September 2016, we A man of great compassion, who treats everyone the same; have over 60 likes for our Facebook From Scheme Managers to Tenants and knows everyone by name. Page and 103 followers on Twitter, but we would like to increase these Michael Chivers as team goal keeper He is the Chief Executive, no show of airs and graces, numbers greatly. But reaches out a helping hand, in all the different places. For serving dinner or a cup of tea, is not above his station; If people followed his example we would have a better nation! ALPHA

He enjoys a joke and is full of fun, LAUNCHES And I know he is loved by everyone. I know that he is soon to retire, but he won’t be sitting beside the fire, FACEBOOK Charity work is close to his heart, so I know he will still be playing the part. We want to wish him all the best, AND and thank him for the many times he was our guest; TWITTER His occasional visits, they were such fun, Back left to right, Stephen Lowry, Steven Kearns, Michael Chivers, John Morris and Left John Morris, team Captain, centre IFA Especially when he brought us a biscuit or sometimes a bun. Anthony Doran. Front, left to right, Emma McLaughlin, Roisin Manley and Alex Straitt Referee and right, representative of Helm PAGES 5 a side team Now he will find he has time on his hands, Alpha is encouraging our tenants, And I’m sure he has his own dream and plans. their families and friends to like Cameron Watt, Chief Executive for NIFHA spoke at ALPHA HOUSING RECENTLY His wife and family have to come first and that’s as it should be – and follow them on both pages the launch of the league. Cameron said: “It is really PARTICIPATED IN THE HOUSING but we have thirst; so that we can keep you all up to important that housing association staff have the ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL LEAGUE. Are those chickens still living we donated at first? date with recent news, events and opportunity to get together, enjoy themselves and EIGHT FIVE-A-SIDE TEAMS HAVE I hear there’s a goat just waiting for you, changes that are going on within share their experiences and knowledge. Supporting and JOINED FOR THIS LEAGUE WHICH To brush her coat; or perhaps it has two? the Association. KICKED OFF ON WEDNESDAY 5TH promoting housing associations and their teams is at the heart of our work so this creative and innovative initiative OCTOBER 2016. Maybe the golf clubs are gathering dust, Both pages are updated on a is something we are pleased to endorse and be a part of. So do have a game if you feel that you must regular basis, we welcome you all We look forward to seeing who will come out top.” Eight five-a-side teams have joined for this league which But make sure no gold balls come ‘carr court’s’ way to take a look! kicked off on Wednesday 5th October 2016. A total of 8 For you won’t get them back and here they will stay; teams battled it out in order to win the title of Northern Well done to all involved from Helm Housing, Fold, But you will be welcome for your fry and your tay. Ireland’s Champion Housing Association Team. Both Choice, Clanmill, Alpha, Connswater, Woodvale & the Irish FA and NIFHA have partnered with Helm to Shankill and Co –Ownership. The overall winners of the All Tenants at Carrs Court would like to wish you a very long and happy produce the Housing Association League. league were Fold. retirement. We will all miss you so much!

6 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 7 In Memory of... Behind the scenes

ALPHA HOUSING WOULD LIKE TO GIVE THEIR READERS AN MR BILL RICE INSIGHT INTO “BEHIND THE SCENES” AT ALPHA. We would like to put a face to the name and introduce Quarry Gardens making sure it is a happy, relaxed and you to some of our staff. welcoming environment, where tenants feel safe and secure and most important get all of the support that SADLY BILL, WHO WAS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE TENANTS’ Anthony Doran Position - they need. I love to travel, read and listen to music. I also FORUM PASSED AWAY IN AUGUST 2016. Student Housing Officer enjoy crosswords and baking when I get the time and I Length of Service: Joined the LOVE animals! Billy Graham, Chief Executive, pays tribute to Bill. Association in September 2016. Bill was the Chairman of the Presbyterian Housing Association Anthony is currently completely Stephen Lowry Position: Tenants Forum when I first joined the Association in 2008. a placement year with Alpha as Technical Officer part of his Housing management Length of Service: 6 Years When Alpha was formed in 2009 a new Forum was set up but Degree at the University of Ulster. Before Alpha: I worked as a Night for a variety of reasons it fell into abeyance. Bill however was Manager at the Ramada Hotel in a strong advocate for tenants having a voice and he lobbied Sarah Young Position – Housing Belfast. Previously to that position, for the reestablishment of the Forum at every opportunity. Officer I worked within the construction Eventually we got enough interest to enable us to get the Length of Service: I started as industry and served as a joiner for approximately 10 years. Forum up and running again in 2014. At the first meeting, Bill a new employee with Alpha in I have worked as a Site Foreman and a Project Manager, was elected Chairman. December 2015 after graduating including working all over the UK and even travelling to from the University of Ulster with a Australia to oversee hotel refurbishments. With a young Over a period of time, I got to know Bill Rice very well. It came degree in Housing Management. family at home, I thought it was about time I settled down, as quite a shock to hear of his illness. He was very determined Before Alpha: Before joining Alpha, I worked for Ark and I am very happy in my role at Alpha Housing. to carry on as normal and his main concern remained at doing Housing Association as a Receptionist, as sadly there were What do I do at Alpha?: I deal with response maintenance his best for the tenants of Alpha. no Housing Roles available. Prior to this, I was a Student such as surveying voids, adaptations, energy Housing Officer at Habinteg for around 2 years, until I performance certificates, risk assessments, dealing with Sadly as time went on, Bill’s illness worsened. Bill wished to graduated. I also worked in retail such as Iceland and contractors, administration duties, ground maintenance stand down at his last meeting at Carrs Court, Sandy Row but Primark, just a job on the side whilst studying hard for and much more! Mr McGrath, the Maintenance Manager I persuaded him to carry on. Bill was admitted to hospital a my degree! likes to keep us all very busy! short time later where he was told he was unlikely to return What do I do at Alpha?: I am part of the Housing home- but again he rallied and was able to go to his home Department where I carry out allocations, sign ups, Emma McLaughlin Position: where he loved in One Irish Gate, Carrickfergus. tenant visits, managing scheme staff, scheme visits, Housing Officer terminations and the list goes on! I have recently taken Length of Service: I have worked Unfortunately the rally was short lived, as I got the news that my dear friend Bill has on the job of putting the tenant newsletter together, for the Association since August passed away peacefully. Bill had asked that all donations to be sent to the Children’s something I have really enjoyed and I am already looking 2002. Prior to August 2002 I worked Hospice in lieu of flowers, so Alpha Housing made a donation to this wonderful charity. forward to starting the next edition. for the Extern Organisation on a community development project. We will all miss him greatly. Gwen Rose Position - Scheme What do I do at Alpha?: As a Housing Officer, I have a Manager at Quarry Gardens, varied role, no 2 days the same. I regularly allocate new Portadown properties, visit schemes and tenants, carry out transfer Length of Service: I have worked assessments and attend tenant meetings. for Alpha for almost 13 years. I have a young family, Troy 7 and Ava 4, so when I am What do I do? - I carry out the not busy with my husband and children, I enjoy running daily running of the scheme at and reading.

8 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 9 News... Averil Mckeown HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEET ALPHA’S LONGEST Alpha Housing would like to wish a Happy Birthday SERVING MEMBER OF STAFF to their tenant Mrs Sadie Wilmont who celebrated her 90th Birthday on 6th October 2016. This steadily increased to 15 members of staff. In 1983 Presbyterian Housing appointed their first Sadie became a tenant of Alpha Housing in 5th August Housing Officer, Ivor Robinson, this position was 2005. She has been living at our Housing Scheme, then superseded by Liz McKnight in 1984. Carnvue Court for approximately 12 years. Sadie commented “I love living at Carnvue Court. I feel safe and The bulk of Averil’s job description included I am very happy” answering telephones, photocopying, typing letters, attending to the mail and the most important role Sadie is fantastic at crocheting different items and is tea making. When Averil first started her job, there currently working on some special pieces for Alpha was no such thing as computers, laptops, I-pads, Housing’s Christmas Fair in December. Best regards to e mails or face-book. Averil and her colleague Mrs Wilmont, from everyone at Alpha Housing. Maureen, had an IBM Golf Ball Typewriter (the Ferrari of all typewriters). AVERIL CELEBRATES 34 YEARS OF SERVICE WITH ALPHA HOUSING. During this difficult time in Belfast, Averil remembers the armed security checkpoints on High Averil McKeown, Alpha’s Office Coordinator marked Street. During lunch hours Averil enjoyed going out CHARITY UPDATE 34 years of service with the Association this year. shopping to the local shops known as Anderson Many of you will know, Alpha Housing’s chosen So far, a number of events have already taken place to Averil left school and went to Newtownabbey & McAuley, C & A and Robinson & Cleavers, which charity for April 2015-March 2016 was The start raising money for both charities. Technical College where she gained a freshly minted unfortunately are no longer there. During such Alzheimer’s Society. Our tenants and staff raised secretarial qualification. Averil landed herself a job shopping trips, Averil remembers having to have a fantastic £5,000 through a variety of events and Nothing could be achieved without the generosity of much quicker than expected and on 16th August her bags checked by the army. activities, including coffee mornings, barbeques, those who give their time and effort in supporting the 1982, she started working for the Presbyterian and afternoon tea (some commemorating the activities and events arranged to support NI Hospice Housing Association. In the 80’s, the Association expanded their portfolio Queens 90th Birthday). Earlier this year, members of and Southern Area Hospice. Alpha Housing would by adding Sheltered Housing Schemes such as also took part in the Belfast City Marathon where a like to give a big THANK YOU to all members of staff, Averil travelled to Church House, on Fisherwick Quarry Gardens, Lowry Court and Wilton Court. total of £2003.91 was raised in sponsorship. tenants, friends, family and all those who have given Place, opposite the Old Ritz Cinema in Belfast. At the Alpha Housing has grown a lot since then! this year so far. age of 18, and with Belfast still experiencing bomb In April 2016, Alpha’s Social Committee announced scares and attacks from dissident groups, Averil was Averil is a valued member of the team at Alpha that the new charity for this financial year would be We are excited to arrange more events and activities in expected to be nervous on her first day of working Housing, much of the work Averil is responsible for the NI Hospice and Southern Area Hospice. All the upcoming months and also hope to get as good as life. Averil managed to make it on time for her is behind the scenes. Averil is a very knowledgeable monies donated will be split equally between the an outcome as our last charity fundraising. first day, but somehow managed to get lost, even member of staff when it comes to the history of the two chosen charities. though she had been there previously! schemes and the Association itself, if anyone has a If you are interested in purchasing Christmas Cards query, Averil is definitely the person to ask. The Scheme Managers and tenants make great effort from our chosen Charities, please contact your Scheme At the start of Averil’s working life, there were only throughout the year to support all of the chosen Manager for more details. three members of staff in the Presbyterian Housing Well done Averil, 34 years is a very long time! charities and at the same time, enjoy arranging the Association; Mervyn McQuillan (Director), Maureen different events that take place. Lyle (Finance Officer) and Averil.

10 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 11 Roisin Manley Recipes... ALPHA’S NEW HOUSING WINTER STEW MANAGER METHOD 1. Peel and chop the onion; Following her graduation, Roisin started her first 2. Gently heat the oil in a large saucepan; job as a Housing Officer with Belfast Community 3. Add the meat to cook; Housing (which is now part of Choice). In 2009 Roisin had the opportunity to move to Presbyterian 4. W hen the meat is browned, add the onion and black pepper Housing Association as a Housing Assistant. to taste; In 2009, Presbyterian Housing merged with 5. C over, bring to the boil then reduce heat and simmer for INGREDIENTS Abode Housing to form Alpha Housing. During 30 minutes; 1 tablespoon unsaturated oil, the years that followed, Roisin experienced some eg rapeseed or corn oil 6. M eanwhile remove the outer layer of the turnip and dice big changes within the Housing Department, 1lb stewing steak the rest. Peel and dice the carrots and potatoes; some of which enabled her to become the Senior 7. A dd the turnip, carrot and potatoes tot the stew and stir; Housing Officer in 2014. 1 beef stock cube dissolved in 1 ½ pints of boiling water 8. C over and continue to cook for another further 20-30 1 white onion minutes until all ingredients are tender; Roisin really enjoys her work in the housing ROISIN CELEBRATES PROMOTION sector and likes to keep up to date with all that is black pepper to taste 9. I f a thicker stew is required, blend 1-2 teaspoons cornflour TO HOUSING MANAGER. happening in the ‘Housing World’. She has a keen 1 turnip with water and gradually stir into the stew; interest in politics and housing policy in particular. 2 carrots 10. Allow to cook for a further 2-3 minutes, stirring all the time. Many of you will already know Roisin as she has 8 medium potatoes ENJOY! worked for Alpha for a long time but some may Roisin adds “I think we work hard at Alpha to not know that Roisin was recently promoted to provide homes for those in need but we also try Housing Manager of Alpha - here is Roisin’s story. our best to encourage community engagement. Roisin completed her Housing Management Our scheme staff offer a great service, providing degree at University of Ulster in 2006. During activities and support to all of our tenants. I am CHOCOLATE year three of her degree, she was given the really encouraged when I hear positive stories opportunity to travel to Australia and work within from tenants about how moving into our sheltered the Department of Human Services, within the accommodation has changed their lives” CRUNCHIE Housing Services Section. I am only new into the role, so I do have plenty METHOD This meant not only did Roisin gain the opportunity of work to do. I have a lot of ideas for the 1. Break the biscuits into fine crumbs to travel but she was also able to gain an insight into future on how we can be the best at providing 2. Warm the margarine, syrup, hot chocolate and sugar how other countries manage their public housing housing, especially for older people. I am open system. Roisin managed high rise apartment blocks until runny to suggestions and would encourage tenants INGREDIENTS in North Melbourne. She also visited regional offices 3. Add the biscuits and mix well to attend the Tenants’ Forum so their voices and 1 packet of Digestive biscuits (plain) in Rural Victoria, and experienced a completely 4. Press into a baking tray opinions can be heard. 6 ounces of margarine different type of housing, of that she experienced 3 tablespoons of Golden Syrup 5. Spread the melted chocolate on top in the city centre. Roisin was also given the I really look forward to working closely with the 2 tablespoons of Hot Chocolate (powder) 6. Put into the fridge and leave to cool for about 30 minutes opportunity to work with the Salvation Army and staff and tenants to implement changes and 2 tablespoons of caster sugar 7. Break up the Crunchie chocolate bar and top helped those tenants with complex needs with the improvements in the years to come. transition into social housing. ½ chocolate bar for the topping (Crunchie) ENJOY!

12 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 13 Coffee break... Competition time

We are giving our tenants the chance to win a Make sure to include your name, address and contact RIDDLES SUDOKU voucher worth £25 for entering the competition number so we can contact you if you are the selected below. All you need to do is complete the word search, winner. The winner will be chosen at random contacted 1. Take away my first letter; take away my cut it out, and pass it to your Scheme Manager, Housing at the end of December 2016. Goodluck! second letter; take away all my letters, Officer or post it back to Head Office. and I would remain the same. What am I? AGHADOWEY STRAID LACK HILLSBOROUGH ISLANDMAGEE TANDRAGEE DOLLINGSTOWN 2. I travel the world and I am drunk FINTONA DOAGH WATERFOOT constantly. Who am I? PORTBRADDON BELLARENA GORTIN LAMBEG NEWCASTLE GARVAGH UPPERLANDS 3. What is black when you buy it, red when EGLINTON ALDERGROVE ARDGLAS SPA MACOSQUIN you use it, and grey when you throw BROOKEBOROUGH COMBER CASTLEROCK it away?

4. I saw a man in white, he looked quite a sight. He was not old, but he stood in the cold. And when he felt the sun, he started to run. Who could he be? Please answer me.

5. I know a man who can shave over ten times a day but still have a full beard. Who is he?

GLADNESS LOVE (By Mr Quin, McManus Court, Newry) (By John McCallion, Johnston Close, Ballymena)

I’m glad your mother had you Love is like a falling leaf It’s good to have you here As fluttering as a warm heart There is no one like you Love is like a flying bird And no one ever will be Soaring and full of zest You are the laughter in my soul My friend in all my sorrows Love is like a leaping salmon, My candle in the dark Fresh, colourful and inspiring What would I do without you? Love lasts forever and is truly loyal. If I didn’t have you near I’m glad your mother had you Love is like music that lifts the spirit, That was the way it was to be Enriches the mind and pleases the soul. A gift from god and your love for me. Love is kind, unpretentious, sincere, full of hope and true.

‘God is Love’

14 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 15 Winter freeze advice

EVERY YEAR, DURING SPELLS HOME CONTENTS INSURANCE OF SEVERELY COLD WEATHER, • A lpha Housing highly recommends that all tenants EMERGENCY NUMBERS MANY HOUSEHOLDERS ACROSS get home contents insurance. ARE FACED • Please be aware that should there be any damage Reporting a repair 0800 731 3081 WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE to your property as a result of, for example a burst out of hours TO THEIR HOMES AND BELONGINGS, pipe. Alpha Housing will not be held liable for AS A RESULT OF FREEZING AND the replacement of your personal possessions, BURST WATER PIPES. BELOW WE including carpets and laminate flooring. Northern Ireland Electricity 08457 643 643 HAVE PROVIDED SOME HANDY Power NI 08457 455 455 HINTS TO HELP PROTECT YOUR SALT BOXES Airtricity 0845 601 9093 HOME THIS WINTER; • I f Alpha Housing has provided a salt box at your scheme, we will ensure that it is regularly checked and Northern Ireland Water 0845 744 0088

topped up when necessary. Gas 0800 002 001 STOP COCK • Ensur e that you know where to locate your stop cock Airtricity Gas 0845 900 5253 as this controls the water control entering your home KEEP SAFE AND KEEP WARM Firmus Energy 0845 608 0088 – this is usually located under your kitchen sink. • T he most important thing during the winter is to make sure that you keep safe and warm at all times. • M any people choose to spend the winter holidays Ensure that you have a supply of food within your with their family or friends. If you are intending to be PSNI property to keep you going in the case of adverse away from home, please ensure that you turn your Non- Emergency 101 weather conditions. stop cock off and inform Alpha Housing, so we know Emergency 999 who to contact in the case of an emergency. • Ensur e you eat hot meals and keep hydrated regularly. This will keep your body warm during the cold spells.

BURST PIPES • I f you are on any medication, please ensure that you • I n the event of a burst pipe, please ensure that your order a repeat prescription for this period in case you turn your water supply off at the stop cock immediately. are running low. • S witch off all central heating boilers and your • I f you are using an electric blanket, please ensure that WINTER FUEL PAYMENTS immersion heater, and be aware in case any water it is serviced at least every 3 years, or you purchase a If you quality but don’t receive a Social Security benefit may come in contact with electrical wirings or fittings, new one during this period. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS or you only receive Housing Benefit you may need to in this case please turn your electricity supply off. • Ha ve you received your annual Flu Jab? – if not please claim your Winter Fuel Payment. contact your local GP and make an appointment. • T urn on all COLD water supplies to the house in order MY NEIGHBOUR HAS RECEIVED to drain the system. The flu jab is extremely important for those aged 65 and older as they can be at high risk for THEIR WINTER FUEL PAYMENT BUT I You will normally receive a letter with an estimated • C ontact your Scheme Manager / Supervisor or the complications if they get the flu, especially during HAVEN’T, SHOULD I BE WORRIED? payment date prior to this being paid into your account, Maintenance Department at Alpha Housing during this period. don’t worry if you receive your payment at a different working hours to raise the emergency. If the incident Were you born on the before the 5th May 1953? date than your neighbour or even someone living in the occurs out of hours, please use your helpline cord, or • Ensur e you wrap up warm when going out doors. same house, it’s all due to how the payments are made. contact 0800 731 3081. Wear several layers of clothing and non-slip soles on your shoes, if venturing out in slippery cold Do you receive a Social Security Benefit?

conditions. - Pension Credit If you are claiming for the first time, you should HEATING YOUR PROPERTY contact the Winter Fuel Payment Centre. • Ensur e that you have got enough credit or oil in your • I f you’re feeling up to it, join in with the scheme - Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Monday – Friday, 8am – 6pm heating system during this cold period. It is important activities to keep yourself active. - Income-related Employment and Support Allowance to ensure that you keep running your heating system • L ook after one another at the scheme, if a neighbour - Income Support 0191 218 7777 for short periods throughout the day, even when you or you are feeling unwell or poorly, please contact the are away from the property. This helps to reduce the Scheme Manager / Supervisor, if out of hours please If so the payment is automatically made into your bank or You can ask the centre to send you an application from risk of frozen pipes. pull the helpline cord. building society account in November and December. by post if you don’t want to claim by telephone.

16 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 17 Health advice

If you are aged 60 years and over you are entitled to a free eye test on the EYE TESTS NHS. This applies to the majority of opticians throughout Northern Ireland. THE FLU JAB A test is a vital health check for your eyes that can pick up early signs of The flu vaccination is available every year on the NHS to help eye conditions before your aware of any symptoms- many of which can be protect against the risk of flu and its complications. Flu can be very treated if found early enough. unpleasant but if you are otherwise healthy it will usually clear up on its own within a week. If you are unable to leave your home to receive your free eye test, Visioncall have a free home eye test plan. This plan is delivered to you in your home by It is important to seek advice about the flu jab if; a highly trained and dedicated team of home visit opticians, optometrists, • You are aged 65 and over dispending opticians and optical assistants. If you are interested in • Y ou have an underlying health condition (particularly long- obtaining a free home test plan contact Visioncall on 0845 050 1831. term heart or respiratory disease) • You have a weakened immune systems. Anyone in these risk groups is more likely to develop potentially serious complications of flu, such as pneumonia, so it’s BRYSON ONE2ONE recommended to have the flu vaccine every year for protection. GET INVOLVED ALPHA HOUSING WELCOMES THE OPINIONS OF AND IDEAS FROM OUR TENANTS.


If you would be interested in helping the Newsletter Team to make the Newsletter more interesting and Bryson One2One is the new care & support service from appointments or just getting out for fresh air. Their tenant focused please help us by submitting your work. Bryson Care. Bryson, a social enterprise, is reinvesting support workers have a friendly approach and take time its resources in services to support the most vulnerable to get to know each individual and provide a helping This can be submitted to your scheme manager, people in our communities. Bryson One2One pride hand when you need it… your home is where their Housing Officer or by email at [email protected]. themselves on their safe and effective award-winning help is! care services delivered by their warm, compassionate We look forward to seeing everyone’s amazing work! Support Workers, led by their qualified and experienced If you are interested in receiving more information, management team. Every visit is personalised to the please contact Bryson One2One directly on 02890 needs of the individual be that housework, shopping, 347731, or email [email protected].

18 Alpha Housing Newsletter Edition 3 - 2016 Edition 3 - 2016 Alpha Housing Newsletter 19 THE BOARD AND STAFF OF ALPHA HOUSING WISH ALL OF OUR TENANTS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Our head office switchboard will operate as follows over the Christmas period; Monday 26th, Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th – closed Monday 2nd January – closed Normal business hours resume Tuesday 3rd January.

Emergency Repairs Outside of Office Hours

Should you require an emergency repair outside of Office hours, you should pull your Telecare emergency pull cord (if applicable) and inform Fold Telecare.

If you do not have a pull cord, you should contact Fold Telecare directly on 0800 731 3081

Alpha Housing Ltd Telephone: (028) 9078 7750 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Alpha Housing Twitter: @AlphaHousingNI