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THE GIFT. LAUNCHINGI AUSTIN'S GRANDEST NEW FOR A FRIEND OR YOURSELF! \YEAR'S EVE t~ Fitness Exc~e we tailor your fitness program FROM 9PM TILL ??? et YQUf needs and supervise, you on our double lines ,U$~pment. COMING DEC 31. 1982 '" . ... ... III Available also are Suntan,asun systems. free weights. sauna. jacuzzi. juices. great music ,,' and much more, aIlJn clean. comfortable facilities. JOIN NOW FOR HALF PRICE + $SO! A FITNESS EXCHANGE MEMBERSHIP. THE GIFT THAT TRULY KEEPS ON GIVING! OPEN MON·PRI6AM·I0PM SATURDAY loAM·8PM SUNDAY NOON·6PM • DALLAS HOUSTON 26150aklawn 3307 Richmond Ave. Suite 101 Houston Dallas, TX 75219 Texas 77098 (214) 526-1220 (713) 524-9932 PAGE 2 TWT DECEMBER 10 - 16. 1982 IT'S IN OUR JEANS ~ »tlJlHhtJle OUBRAVA IONES Dthe IHtlHhole W 1983 WEST GRAY (IN THE RIVER OAKS SHOPPING CENTER) HOUSTON, TEXAS ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED TELEPHONE: 522-1089 PAGE 4 TWT DECEMBER 10 - 16. 1982 THIS YEAR INFORMATION GIVE 11 TWT NEWS $8300 THRF DONATION '" 65 HOT TEA THEM TREELlGHTINGS ,.. 95 CALENDAR THE GOOD 111 GUIDE DEPARTMENTS TIMES! 21 COMMENT LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 71 SPORTS STRIKESAND SPARES... 85 STARSCOPE NEW BEGINNINGS 97 CLASSIFIED ENTERTAINMENT EATURES 27 BOOKS 5 YOUR STUD SUNDAY REVIEWED BY INTERVIEW BEER BUST DAVID FIELDS WITH JIM BOONE, PART III 9PM 33 THEATRE 53 SUICIDE THE DEVILS BY LINDA PARKS, Ph.D. REVIEWED BY MARK LYLE 35 MOVIES THE SENDER REVIEWED BY GEORGE KLEIN COVER 38 SHOWBIZ TWT'S MR, TEXAS '83- TOP FIVE PATTY DUKE ASTIN, (Top Row, I-r) Winston MERYL STREEP,.. Van McAfee, second runner-up; BY JACK VARSI Colt Thomas, the winner; and Michael Koth, first runner-up. 42 ENTERTAINMENT (Bottom, I-r) Kenneth Warren, -TEXAS fourth runner-up and Tim GAYLE MARIE, Earl. third runner-up. RHIANNON ., PHOTO BY ROBERTARAYA BY ROB CLARK TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, Inc .. at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photo- DANCE LESSONS EVERY TUES AND WED 8:30PM graph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta- tion of said person or organization. Subscription rates: SSS per year; $35 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage, ~ Back issues available at $2 each, Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 3912·14 Cedar Springs, Dallas 522-9611 1982 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved, Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, arti- cle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. ~------------PAGE 7 PAGE 6 TWT DECEMBER 10 - 16, 1982 ~TWT---DECEMBER 1--0 - 16, 1982---... .•• T \WI NEWS-- \WI portunity to thank the owners of the Landing, Gary Monier and Bob Strange, THISWEEK IN TEXAS HOME OFFICE for donating the entire door cover of 2205 Montrose $3,475to THRF. As it was the final night Houston, Texas 77006 for the Landing to be open, the grand (713) 527-9111 old club went out with a touch of class. DALLAS OFFICE TWT 3409 Oak Lawn, Suite 117 magazine also wishes to thank Dallas, Texas 75219 ~' the many club owners for sponsoring (214) 521-0622 'd the contestants, as all entry fees were PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick Frank H. Caven makes $5,000 donation to THRF on stage made payable directly to THRF. FEATURESEDITOR Blase DiStefano at the Landing in Dallas during TWT's Mr. Texas Pageant. Special appreciation is also extend- TWT NEWS photo by Robert Araya TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Rob Clark ed to the following people who also NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsi donated their time and services: NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR Chuck Patrick TWT's MR. TEXAS POETRY EDITOR Art Tomaszewski emcees Mr. Tiffany Jones and C.J. Har- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone, NETS $8,300 FOR THRF rington; entertainers Hot Chocolate, Harry Deutsch, Bonnie Dombroski, David Fields, Weldon Grahame, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrera, DALLAS - $8,300was raised for the Tasha Kohl, Lady Shawn and the Bot- Harold Hove, George Klein, Dean Malone, toms Up dancers; the judges, many of Joseph Michael, Linda Parks, W.J. Quigley, Texas Human Rights Foundation Steve Vecchietli, Dennis Walker (THRF) at the annual Mr. Texas Pageant whom were former titleholders; the ART DIRECTOR Steven Douglas Fritz ALL OTHER $'1 Dr held the night of December 3. The Land- staff of the Landing, who tirelessly of- PRODUCTION MANAGER Dennis Walker ing was packed to the rafters with hun- fered their support; the Park and the ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow BOTTLED POPPERS Z for ~1 GRAPHIC ARTISTSThom Bisping. Frank White, dreds of people who had followed the Other Place, for donating special light- John Buschlen, Fred Hinton. Cherokee, Sam searchlight to watch 32 contestants ing; and to the searchlight company, TYPOGRAPHERS w.J. Quigley, Leslie Holmes from all overthe Lone Star state vie for who went beyond their contract. STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Eli Guklch, Graham, N6W ANNOUN"N~~ Scott Taylor. Greg Havican, AI Macareno. the 1983 title, which was won by Colt Thank you for attending Mr. Texas. Jim Homilton, J. Robert Araya, Tom Davis, Thomas, a muscular blond medical stu- Your $5 donation at the door will help Carl Neii, Blase DiStefano dent at UT of Galveston. legalize homosexuality in Texas SALES For the fourth year, TWT was honored through the defeat of 21.06at the hands EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER to donate all profits from the pageant of THRF. Jim Veteto «:» ea~ • ea~ to THRF, which has spearheaded the Advertising rates are available on request OY' • OY' legal battle to declare Section 21.06 of GAY CHANNEL 9 by telephoning the salesperson in your the Texas Penal Code unconstitutional. nearest city, from 10am-5pm, weekdays. ON DALLAS CABLE Because 21,06 is currently under ap- DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: DALLAS - A series of progra:mswill Friday, one week prior to publication. peal, TWT magazine, owner of the Mr. begin airing this Sunday, December 12, AUSTIN Texas Pageant, felt the need to again Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 ~~4~~ financially help with the continued on Dallas' Warner-Am ex Cable Com- DALLAS costly litigation. munity Access Channel 9, dealing with Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 the recent National Gay Leadership FORT WORTH ~ ~PE!li ~ After expenses, which included Jerry Cassidy. (817)335-0742 $1,000 prize money, awards and other Conference sponsored by the Dallas HOUSTON Gay Alliance (DGA) in August 1982. promotional items, TWT magazine Jim Veteto. (713) 527-9111 Among topics covered will be Police SAN ANTONIO declared an earnings donation of Alan Gellman. (512) 492-6894 W~VE.S-fiL\. 601IfAL\"! $3,300. Relations with Gays, Gay Lobbying, the keynote address of Larry Bush, and CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS 'ovv~t\~,{)A'i.~S An additional $5,000 was donated to Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain THRF by Frank Caven in a most gener- guest speakers Lucia Valeska, Mel Dallas-Chuck North P\t'E$ & C\-\fS ous gesture. Mr. Caven, longtime owner Boozer, Jean O'Leary and Troy Perry. ACCOUNTING Doug Felix on ...• The programs were produced by Ste- OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain of many clubs in Texas, Florida and Col- CIRCULATION MANAGER Leslie Holmes MO""I>AY-SATURDAY orado, was escorted to the stage by phen C. Wagner and Nellie Thomas in DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Donial Rogers JOAM-ll PM TWT'S current Entertainer of the Year, cooperation with DGA. ASYLUM ENTERPRISES,INC, SUNDAYS NOON·7 Hot Chocolate. The Caven donation A different program will be aired each The Corporation PM week according to the following PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle ranks as the largest single donation VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick received at a Mr. Texas Pageant. schedule: Sundays at 9:00pm, Mondays SECRETARYJim D. Chappell lflfJS tUPLE f:~~~ at 10:00pm, Tuesdays at 11:OOpm, TWT magazine wishes to take this op- t: z- b -, S PAGEll TWT DECEMBER 10 - 16, 1982 PAGE 10 TWT DECEMBER 10 - 16, 1982 Wednesdays at 7:00pm, Thursdays at Campaign fund contributions made .... ' 11:OOpm,Fridays at 10:00pm and Satur- a critical difference in many races. Ob- C/)C/)C/)C/) 1-1-1-1- days at 1:00 and 9:00pm, viously, HRCF has proven itself effec- "In case you were not able to attend tive in winning elections and deserves 0000' the conference in August, this would be the support of the Texas gay commun- 1-1-1-1- a great way to see some of the con- ity. A recent fundraiser in Dallas on a: a: a: a: ference's activities," Wagner, a member September 25 at the Fairmont Hotel en- titled "Our Time" was most successful. 0000 of DGA, reminded TWT NEWS. u, lJ.. u, lJ..1 A Houston fundraiser for HRCF, C/) C/) C/) C/)., NGTF's APUZZO which has been scheduled for Friday, >->->->- December 10, should also be equally 0000 KEYNOTES DINNER successful as San Francisco Mayor 1-1-1-1-. HOUSTON - The new director of Dianne Feinstein will be honored. the National Gay Task Force (NGTF), •••• 11 Virginia Apuzzo, will be the keynote SAN FRANCISCO speaker next Monday night, December MAYOR FETED 13, at a 7:00pm cocktail-dinner party at the Swim Club, the GPC informed TWT HOUSTON - Mayor Dianne Fein- stein of San Francisco, a champion of NEWS. Entitled "First Annual NGTF Salute gay rights, was to be the honored guest to GPC," tickets are $35 and may be at a December 10 benefit reception at ordered through any GPC board mem- the home of Drs. O'Brien beginning at ber or by calli ng GPC at (713)521-1000.