Cathy Glass | 304 pages | 22 Apr 2014 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007530915 | English | London, United Kingdom Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy PDF Book

Never give up Fostering children is a very difficult undertaking and adoption can be overwhelming. So when Lucy comes to Cathy, she's had enough, and she's emotionally at the end of her rope. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Her fostering memoirs tell the stories of some of the children who came in to her care, many of whom had suffered abuse. Lucy, now eleven, has been moved around from foster home to foster home, and before that moved constantly with her mother and stepfather, and often living with her stepfather and his parade of girlfriends. After a succession of Step-dads, uncles and aunts, the abused Lucy is passed pillar to post by a well-meaning social services department. It is a very personal book and, whilst there is something missing, it is still worth the read. March 13 Get A Copy. The story is very touching and it's got a positive ending. Google Books review Your books just get better and better and this one is particularly special and heart-warming. As a women of multiracial background, I was abused as a child, and would have loved to have a foster family of any skin colour, as long as they were kind and loving. This is the story about Lucy, Cathy's adopted daughter. That said, if you are a Cathy Glass fan, you would be missing out if you didn't read this book. Her next three titles, Hidden , Cut and The Saddest Girl in the World , were similarly successful, all reaching the bestseller charts. I completed an adoptive parent course and I'm currently waiting for my own adoptive child to enter our family. To create our It read much more like a story instead of just a series of noted down events and I can't help but wonder why all of her books are not like this. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Lucy was born to a single mother who had been abused and neglected for most of her own childhood. I was impressed by the forgiveness and acceptance that Lucy had for her biological mother. Community Reviews. More filters. His actions continue to test and worry everyone. My only criticism of the book would be that caring for a foster child seemed too easy. Sharon rated it really liked it Dec 25, Victoria Barrow rated it really liked it Apr 24, Jackie rated it it was amazing Feb 14, Refresh and try again. Jun 29, Lori rated it really liked it Shelves: non- fiction. Her only friend is Sammy, an observant schoolboy, who sees the predicament Lucy is in and tells the teacher, Mrs Bridges about his concerns to little avail. Will You Love Me? Enlarge cover. Lucy was born to a single mother who had been abused and neglected for most of her own childhood. Some parts of the book were a bit repetitive though, with lots of talk about the daily routine which was the same on most days so it became slightly Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy Writer

Makes me want to become a foster parent. More filters. Never give up Fostering children is a very difficult undertaking and adoption can be overwhelming. Sara Krueger rated it really liked it Aug 31, Perhaps because Lucy was involved in the making of this book and will most likely have read it, I felt that Cathy was rather more guarded than she usually is. You know the saying: There's no time like the present Get A Copy. Lucy was born to a single parent who had herself been abused and neglected for most of her childhood. Lucy is the daughter of Bonnie and Vince who is of Thai extraction. Elaine Dale rated it it was amazing Jul 24, Want to Read saving…. Cathy and Lucy believe they were always destined to be mother and daughter — it just took them a little while to find each other. To share these stories creates awareness of what our children still go through to this day. Cathy Glass is a foster carer in the UK. I found myself hoping for a happy ending for Lucy and Cathy Glass and family. When Lucy arrives at the door of Cathy Glass, they go back when Lucy was a baby and spend some time talking about what they know about Lucy's life up until she comes to live with Cathy Glass and her two kids. The writing style remains pretty much the same, but it comes from the author's personal knowledge. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Discover the incredible memoirs of internationally bestselling author Cathy Glass with this free extended eBook sample of Will You Love Me? Even the hard emotional outbursts she did discuss seemed too easy for the foster carer to weather. When dealing with a child who is older than 5 or 6 I think you need an enormous amount of patience. To ask other readers questions about Will You Love Me? Lucy was born to a single mother who had been abused and neglected for most of her own childhood. The author, Cathy, writes more in the style of a report than a story, yet she doesn't fail to capture the reader's interest and quickly taps into our sense of compassion for her young charges, in this case, little Lucy, who has never truly been cared for by anyone. Right from the beginning Lucy s mother couldn t cope, but it wasn t until Lucy reached eight years old that she was finally taken into permanent foster care. Enlarge cover. As she was moved from one foster home to another she became increasingly distressed. An interesting peer into Lucy's journey as a child of an impoverished, clueless and neglectful single mother, to a lonely isolated and heartbroken foster child being bounced around the system, to becoming Glass's daughter. Cathy Glass is an amazing Author. Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy Reviews

I was impressed by the forgiveness and acceptance that Lucy had for her biological mother. A nice read. At first it was great and then it was the same old stuff going on in the middle of the book it sat for a week or so before I picked it up again and finished it. Want to Read saving…. Kirsty Noah-whitlock rated it it was amazing Aug 30, As was mentioned, Bonnie was in as much need of a loving, caring environment as Lucy. More filters. I listen to the books by Cathy Glass and absolutely love the narrator. The child suffered for 11 years and was sent in foster care numerous times. Return to Book Page. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. The first title, Damaged , was number 1 in the Sunday Times bestsellers charts in hardback and paperback. Lorraine Peachey rated it it was amazing Sep 05, Clare rated it it was amazing Apr 09, Lucy is the daughter of Bonnie and Vince who is of Thai extraction. I completed an adoptive parent course and I'm currently waiting for my own adoptive child to enter our family. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Cathy and Lucy believe they were always destined to be mother and daughter — it just took them a little while to find each other. Jan 22, Dini Azmi rated it it was amazing. Content protection. Andrew Lownie, literary agent. Cathy Glass was completely committed to Lucy and in spite of all the issues she was determined to provide Lucy with a safe and loving home. More by Cathy Glass See more. Jan 23, Rachael Elizabeth rated it liked it. Mrs Barbara Rookes rated it it was amazing Jul 06, You know the saying: There's no time like the present Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances.

Will You Love Me?: The Story of My Adopted Daughter Lucy Read Online

She was in denial for a long time that she needed help esp. I'd totally recommend it! Best for. To create our The story is about the journey of Lucy until she is adopted by Cathy. Sara Krueger rated it really liked it Aug 31, Cathy and Lucy believe they were always destined to be mother and daughter — it just took them a little while to find each other. About Cathy Glass. Want to Read saving…. Often the same sorts of things crop up, as a matter of routine-but that's good, as it means you really can read them in any order. By the time Lucy is brought to live with Cathy she is eleven years old and severely distressed after being moved from Was an interesting story reading how Lucy came to be apart of Cathy's family. He abuses her mother, but she refuses to leave him. This book tells the true story of Cathy s adopted daughter Lucy. New arrivals. Glass has worked as a foster career for more than 20 years, during which time she ha Cathy Glass is a bestselling British author, freelance writer and foster carer. Even after getting to Cathy, Lucy meets her mom in a special meeting place for families that get social workers support. View 2 comments. When Lucy arrives at the door of Cathy Glass, they go back when Lucy was a baby and spend some time talking about what they know about Lucy's life up until she comes to live with Cathy Glass and her two kids. As we knew most of Lucy's backstory before getting to the point where Cathy took her on, I feel like we missed out on a lot of that. Refresh and try again. The book begins with Lucy and a phone call from Cathy. That said, part two was very much a Cathy Glass book. Friend Reviews. You can read Part 2 one week ahead of release of the full-length eBook and paperback. Lucy's life I was a goodreads first reads winner of the book "will you love me? Even the hard emotional outbursts she did discuss seemed too easy for the foster carer to weather. For nearly half of this book I was thinking of shelving it as fiction. Oct 11, Laeticia Delacourt rated it it was amazing Shelves: child-abuse. I give Cathy Glass a lot of credit for providing a loving home for foster children helping and caring for them. In fact, there is yet another incompetent social worker who does a half- Once again, Cathy Glass truly delivers yet another great book! Goff rated it it was amazing Jun 06, God bless people like Cathy Glass who not only care for their own children but also have so much love to give to those who have no one else to love them. By the time Lucy is brought to live with Cathy she is eleven years old and severely distressed after being moved from one foster home to another. Victoria Barrow rated it really liked it Apr 24, I think raising awareness in this area is very important. Rating details.

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