
Da v i d s o n Co l l e g e We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Vo l u m e 102, Nu m b e r 11 College Receives Former Senator Daschle addresses Power Partner the nation’s uncertain future Award from Sa r a h We l t y Duke Energy Staff Writer Ma r g a r e t Ho l t Sm i t h Layout Editor Last week, former Senate Major- ity Leader Tom Daschle visited Da- In the fall of 2010 the college earned a vidson to deliver the Joseph Henry B+ on its “Green Report Card.” This year, and John MacDonald Wearn Public the school’s strongest ratings fell in the cat- Lecture. egories of Administration, Green Building, “The Wearn lectureship was es- Student Involvement and Investment Pri- tablished to bring leaders in the arts orities, while Climate Change & Energy and sciences and exceptional states- (as in previous years) received the lowest men to Davidson,” President Tom grade on the report card. Ross ‘72 said when introducing The college is currently working to Daschle. “This year, the faculty has change this, and was recently named a re- chosen a truly exceptional states- cipient of one of this year’s Power Partner man.” Awards from Duke Energy. A Davidson “Mr. Daschle is not only one of college press release stated, “The distin- the longest-serving majority lead- guished Power Partner Award is given by ers, but the only Senator to earn the Duke Energy to customers who go above distinction of serving twice both as and beyond to reduce their energy usage majority and minority leader,” Ross or implement innovative energy solutions added. “From health care reform to to power their businesses.” The award was addressing poverty in third world presented to President Tom Ross ’72 at a countries, he has been a powerful recent meeting of the Sustainability Coun- force in American politics, and con- cil. tinues to be…” The campus has an energy manage- “We are living in a transfor- ment system that is wired to buildings mational time,” Daschle began his across campus and can be used to manage speech, entitled “Washington Outlook.” energy use and demand. One area that is “Historians will write about this time for very undefined role that you see with terror- and the fact that some states have 10, 15% not connected to the system is Baker Sports decades if not generations to come,” he said. ists and other non-state actors that become unemployment.” Complex. “This transformational time, internationally, larger players on the world stage.” “Another factor,” Daschle said, “was the “Davidson College has long been a has been described as having three levels.” “So as this transformational existence low regard people have for Washington in practitioner of the wise and judicious use “The military level that continues to be continues to evolve,” he said, “we become general right now. There seems to be a lot of energy,” Tony Almeida, Duke Energy’s transformed as we look at security concerns more uncertain about how this will play it- of confrontation with very few results. The vice president of large business customers around the world, and the evolutionary role self out internationally or domestically.” third had to do with the fact that the elec- said. “They have installed a sophisticated that the U.S. plays militarily is uncertain,” Daschle then spoke about how these fac- tions were a referendum on this administra- energy management system which is wired he said. tors affected last month’s midterm election tion, as mid-term elections often are. People to most of their campus facilities. They “The other level is the re-alignment we results. often voted the way they did because they utilize the system to manage their on-peak see around the world,” he continued, “what “There were many factors that played wanted to send a message to this adminis- demand and have a good understanding of some call the third tectonic shift from a themselves out over the course of the last tration.” how best to shave their peak usage and de- world uni-polar to multi-polar existence, several months as we witnessed the cam- “This congress during the lame duck as different countries emerge more power- paign, election, and eventually the results. See Power Partner, page 2 ful. The third is the non-state participatory, The economy in this transformational time, See Daschle, page 4 Ferguson highlights key lessons about leadership and opportunities at Davidson Ke l l y Wi l s o n The central theme Ferguson emphasized borhood. “I saw families, communities and he describes as “just what people did.” News Editor was unpredictability of what lies ahead. “It’s friends where there was little risk – they had But after attending a required Teach for kind of surreal being in front of you all to- safety nets,” he said. “If something went America information session as part of his On November 18th, Maryland State night,” he said. “It’s not even five years ago wrong, they had their family to rely on. responsibilities as a hall counselor his junior Senator Bill Ferguson ’05 delivered the Fall that I was probably here on some late night The worldview that I espoused was that the year, Ferguson’s life course changed direc- Chidsey Leadership Lecture, entitled “Were getting a quesadilla in the Union. This is an people who are successful are the ones who tion. “I had no idea, nor did I care, about You Phenomenal Today?” He spoke of his odd feeling... If you had told me six years are working really hard, and if people aren’t what Teach for America was,” he said. “But experience teaching in a struggling school ago that I would be standing here as a State successful they’re just not working hard at the time I realized I don’t really know why in West Baltimore and his path to becoming Senator who was working in public educa- enough.” I’m on this path; I know it’s what a lot of the youngest State Senator in Maryland’s tion in Baltimore City, I would’ve told you, Given this mindset, he admits that at the people expect me to do, but I’m not exactly history. His lecture highlighted several key ‘You’ve lost your mind.’” start of his time at Davidson, he was “pretty sure if I feel fulfilled that I’m going to go lessons about leadership and the importance Providing a background for how his ex- close-minded.” Moreover, as an economics work at an I-bank. So I go in and sit down at of taking advantage of the opportunities Da- periences have shaped him, Ferguson noted major, Ferguson had outlined a path for him- vidson provides. that he grew up in a relatively affluent neigh- self that included going into business, which See Chidsey, page 3

On November 22, Exams can be a stressing The Davidson College seventy people time for all, but do not let women’s team gathered to ask the all this stress keep you started the season losing 3 question “what if down. Learn to relax wih out of 4 games, but have students, faculty and tips from our wellness been on a tear recently. The staff from all faiths corner. With these tips, ’Cats have are on a 3 game and traditions came Finals weeks will be win-streak and their next together for a com- painless and fast! game is on December 20th mon good?”. at Elon. see nEWS, page 2 see SPORTS, page 12 see ARTS, page 5 2 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e b m b e r , 8, 2010 Ne w s What if students, faculty and staff from all faiths and traditions came together for common action for the common good? Ka e l a Fr a n k build religious pluralism at Da- Staff Writer vidson, than through this type On Monday, November 22, of service and fellowship? seventy members of the Da- Frederick Buechner, a vidson community gathered in writer and Presbyterian min- the 900 Room to ask each other ister, wrote, “If we are to love “What if?” What if students, our neighbors, before doing faculty and staff from all faiths anything else we must see and traditions came together our neighbors…not just their for common action for the faces but the life behind and common good? within their faces.” We hope Davidson has a strong com- you’ll join us during the spring mitment to both diversity and semester to make Davidson service, but rarely do we in- a community that’s Better tentionally mix them together. Together. For more informa- The Better Together campaign, tion or to volunteer contact sponsored by Interfaith Youth [email protected] Check Core, is a student-led effort out our blog at http://davinter- to build religious pluralism at faith.wordpress.com/ Davidson. We see pluralism as more than just diversity— it requires developing respect for one another’s religious or 1- Over 5,000 people in secular identity, building mutu- the Charlotte - Mecklenburg ally inspiring relationships, and area are homeless. That total working together to make the includes people who are liv- world a better place. ing on the streets, staying in To build this type of com- shelters and with friends and munity at Davidson, Better The Better Together Steering Committee (Left to Right: Samanvitha Sridhar ’14, Kaela Frank ’11, James family, or living in transi- Together will be partnering with Johnson ’11, Ryan Price ’12, Nick Norena ’11, Sydney Kornegay ’11, Elyas Munye ’13, Sarah Jordan ’13) tional or permanent supportive the student-group E.P.I.C. (End- housing. Nearly half are fami- ing Poverty in Charlotte) to volunteer at Davidson College Presbyterian Church pro- E.P.I.C. volunteer every Friday from January lies; more than a third are children. “Who is Room in the Inn, an initiative of the Urban vides a number of beds at the Congregation to March to help set up and run Room in the Homeless and Is There a Solution?” A Way Ministry Center to help shelter our homeless House, and Vail Commons invites our home- Inn, making an honest effort to get to know Home. http://www.awayhome.org/index. 1 neighbors during the cold winter months . less neighbors to share a meal. Members of our neighbors. What better context is there to html?content=WhoIsHomeless Power Partner Award gives Davidson opportunity to better sustainability efforts

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Continued from page 1 mand. The exception to this, however, is the Smart Building pilot project. We explained Baker Sports Complex. This facility was not the program’s objectives and their manage- included in their original plan despite it being ment was very interested in all that was of- a major facility and large energy consumer.” fered i.e. the assessment, the data, the recom- The college was honored because of its mendations, the re-commissioning, the pro- plans to retrofit Baker Sports Complex’s op- posed SAW custom incentives, and the smart erating infrastructure, including its HVAC grid application.” system, controls and lighting. These plans In addition to signing on with Duke En- made the building eligible to be included ergy and the Smart Energy pilot program, the in Duke Energy’s Smart Building pilot pro- college also committed to a PowerShare® gram. The program will “use digital metering agreement and accepted more than $75,000 and communications technology to give cus- in energy efficiency incentives “to retrofit the tomers more information, options and con- sports complex with up-to-date equipment trol over their energy use. In addition, energy and controls.” use information from the retrofitted facility Once retrofitted, the college will have ac- would integrate with a sophisticated central- cess to real-time metering data and the build- ized energy management system that is wired ing’s systems will allow the college to man- to most campus buildings.” age energy use in bigger and better ways than “[Baker’s] operating infrastructure up- its infrastructure has allowed in the past. grading as they were in need of repair and/ The retrofit has an estimated cost of or replacement,” said Almeida. They were in $300,000, and upon the project’s completion the analysis stage of the project when we ap- the college can expect to save $85,000 annu- proached them and asked them if they might ally. be interested in participating in our Energy Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r , 8, 2010 3 Ne w s Chidsey speaker encourages students to be phenomenal Continued from page 1 innovation can build this Teach for America power and change session and it changed the world,” he said. my life. “That’s what I be- “I left thinking, lieve. I saw my kids in ‘That’s what I was my classroom; I saw missing.’ Throughout the struggles that they Davidson, I’d had this had.” void,” he continued. “I Ferguson con- didn’t feel like I was structed his campaign being fulfilled, so that around these four was it. I decided to ap- leadership principles, ply and join Teach for but he also developed America.” a systematic plan for Although ready for change and took risks. the challenge of teach- He fundraised nearly ing 9th, 10th, and 11th $250,000 for his cam- graders U.S. History paign and persuaded and Government, Fer- voters who usually guson was shocked to did not go to the polls learn of the conditions to get out and have under which he would their voices heard. be teaching. “It was Ferguson really, really bad,” he wrapped up his talk said. “I had 22 U.S. History textbooks for Ferguson’s students achieved the highest we have nothingness. The opposite of power by underscoring his hope for students at Da- 198 ninth graders. Only 29 desks and chairs pass rate in the school’s history - 68% - on is inaction.” vidson to challenge their assumptions about for 35-40 kids in a classroom, so we would the state high school assessment test, com- He also argued that self-interest is in- what they want to do. “Please take risks. I’m share chairs from across the hallway, and pared to a 35% pass rate the year before he herently a good thing. “Again, it gets things sure you are all on a path right now that you we would share desks between kids. For six arrived. done,” he said. “I do something because it is think that you’re on. I urge you to consider months of my teaching career, I had to carry Ultimately, Ferguson decided to run for good for me. It could also be good for oth- the alternative. Consider what if it didn’t around a pair of scissors in my pocket…[be- state senate because of the urgency with ers, but what drives me to move and to act work out, would you be prepared? Would you cause] my classroom door didn’t have a door which the community needed to solve its is my own self-interest. There’s a difference be ready? Would you be really doing what knob. I had to open the door with a pair of problem of educational inequality. He also between selfishness and maximizing my own your heart said that you needed to do? This is scissors.” crafted a theory of leadership based on four self-want, my own desires. The opposite of an unbelievable opportunity that you’ve been Ferguson established a theme that per- principles: power; self-interest; disruptive self-interest is self-suicide. It’s such a lack bestowed at Davidson College. Use it. Em- vaded his classroom: Be phenomenal today. innovation; and organized people, organized of caring…that one gives up. Identifying brace it. It’s a choice. You can do anything in He included it on all student work and on money with a focus. the self-interest of others allows one to build the world that you want to do, and I ask you posters throughout the room. When students First, he argued that power is an inher- power. If I know what your self-interest is, to question it and make sure that it’s doing entered the class each day, he would shake ently good thing. “I’m going to distinguish then I have a better chance of motivating you what you want.” their hands and ask them, “Are you going to between dominant power and relational to act so that our combined self-interest can After graduating from Davidson in 2005 be phenomenal today?” Then, every day be- power,” he said. “Dominant power is power build power.” and working for Teach for America, in 2007 fore they left, he would line them up again, over. I have power to make you do something Ferguson’s third principle focuses on Ferguson earned his Masters of Arts in look them in the eye, and shake their hands, against your will; I have power over you. disruptive innovation, the “concept that the Teaching from the Johns Hopkins Univer- asking, “Were you phenomenal today?” The other side of that is relational power; biggest changes in society happen because sity School of Education. Then he was hired “We changed the culture of excellence,” I have power with you. In my opinion and of something that’s completely unexpected as a Community Liaison by the City Coun- Ferguson explained. “We made it about us. in the way that I’ve seen leadership work, – that enters the market, shocks the market, cil President’s office to address educational We made it not about all of this other junk – power-over can be a very bad thing but it and creates an entirely new industry based issues. He later attended law school at the the fact that we don’t have textbooks, a door- gets things done. Power-with is a particularly that new action or technology.” University of Maryland, where he gradu- knob. Let’s forget that and make a difference great thing, particularly when it’s being used Ferguson’s final principle ties his leader- ated magna cum laude in May 2010. This fall in our own society by maximizing our own to really influence and help people to maxi- ship theory together. “Organized people and he ousted the 27-year incumbent Maryland potential.” mize their own potential… Without power organized money that focus on a disruptive State Senator, George Della. Dean Rusk Program for A Food Desert in Our Own Backyard International Studies Yu x i Li n undesirable.” Whether or not the demand for up pre-processed foods. But can one really announces new grant Staff Writer nutritious food is low in food deserts, how- blame public schools for providing unhealthy Yu x i Li n ever, is unconfirmed. lunch options when they are operating on a Staff Writer On November 17th, the Food Club host- One problem that compounds the effect shoe-string budget? ed a panel discussion on food deserts, with of food deserts is the lack of basic cooking “Good food is expensive,” admitted Mar- On November 30th the Dean Rusk Pro- guest speakers from the Mecklenburg and skills. “When I go to elementary schools to ilyn Marks, Head of the Charlotte-Mecklen- gram for International Studies announced Charlotte area who have conducted recent teach kids who live in food deserts about burg Food Policy Council, “but that’s why a new grant through the Pulitzer Center on research on the lack of access we need government policies Crisis Reporting. The Pulitzer Center funds to healthy food in 370 neighbor- to change. This needs to be a journalists and free-lance reporters with trav- hoods in Mecklenburg County. “This needs to be a process from the process from the bottom up as el grants and promotes educational programs A food desert is an area that well as from the top down.” bottom up as well as from the top to teach people the importance of interna- does not have healthy food stores According to a study by Dr. tional news. The Dean Rusk/Pulitzer Center or provide access to nutritious Elizabeth Racine, assistant down. Our government gives out food Travel Reporting Grant will be awarded to food. In most cases, food deserts professor of Public Health two Davidson students who are interested occur in low-income neighbor- at UNC-Charlotte, around stamps but provides no incentive for in completing a multimedia international re- hoods, where people have diffi- 73,000 low income people porting project during the summer of 2011. culty obtaining transportation to in Mecklenburg County have them to be used for healthy food. Alumna Peter Sawyer ’09, who now works grocery stores, located mostly in no access to healthy fruits for the Center, introduced the grant at the Jina suburbs. As a result, they often and vegetables. It subsidizes wheat and corn, but Moore lecture, saying that the Center looks resort to convenience stores and “Our government gives for students who “will examine a systemic, fast-food restaurants. out food stamps but pro- there are no subsidies for fruits and non-mainstream crisis and find the cause A seemingly obvious solu- vides no incentive for them of the problems.” This spring semester, the tion to the problem would be to to be used for healthy food. vegetables in the U.S.” Center will conduct a multimedia reporting open up grocery stores in those It subsidizes wheat and corn, workshop on campus that will teach students food deserts, but most stores but there are no subsidies audio, media, photography, and blogging avoid them. “It’s just not profitable for fruits and vegetables, they can recognize a for fruits and vegetables in the U.S.,” said skills for news reporting. Recipients of the them,” said Dr. Tessa Thraves, who is the picture of French fries because they eat them Marks. Although some local efforts such as grant will receive a journalist mentor and the Community-based Food Systems Coordina- every day, but most of them can’t recognize community gardens and food boxes, which opportunity to publish on the Pulitzer Cen- tor at the Center for Environmental Farming a picture of a potato,” said Alison Mignery, a provide healthy food to low-income families ter website. Those interested should keep an Systems. “Most grocery stores operate on a Mecklenburg County Health Department nu- at a low cost from farmers, are encouraging eye out for the Dean Rusk grant application very low margin of profit already, and the tritionist. Many Americans of this generation small communities of people in food deserts deadline on February 24th. The application cost of crime and high business insurance, do not know how to cook, and even the chefs to seek alternatives, in many neighborhoods, for the reporting grant will be an additional with their perception of low demand in low- at schools who prepare school lunches often it is still easier to buy marijuana than an or- attachment with the regular application. income neighborhoods, make business there do not know how to do more than heating ganic fruit. 4 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r , 8, 2010 Ne w s Daschle points out challenges to working out health care

Continued from page 1 ate legislation to repeal the law, which is “At the 1908 Democratic convention, at Crime Log: unlikely as long as the president has veto the end of an impressive speech,” Daschle session will have to resolve some real is- power.” said, “William Jennings Bryan said that he sues. There are a number of issues that have Other strategies standing in the way of would like to come back in 100 years to see 11/20-11/25 potential for successful completion in the health care, Daschle said, include not pro- if this great democratic experiment had sur- remaining weeks of this congress, this will viding resources to implement the legisla- vived. But if you were to walk the streets of Nature Date occurred Location be the first really indication of what we can tion, and lack of governor support at the Davidson in 2008, a 100 years later, and ask Injury 11/23 1700- Knobloch expect in the next congress. state level. the people if we had survived, they would to Real 11/24/10 0930 Campus Daschle then addressed an issue that has “This is a transformational time, this say ‘Are you kidding? We’ve flourished.’” Property hrs Center been the lifeblood of his political career, is an uncertain time. The American people “We’ve flourished because of an Ameri- health care reform. yearn for more certainty, and they also yearn can resilience,” he said, “in part because of Urinating 11/20/2010 Martin “There is no issue of greater import in for greater leadership.” extraordinary American innovation, and be- in Public 2316 hrs Court F finding common ground than health, and “Winston Churchill said that Americans cause in both the private sector and in gov- Resisiting, 11/20/2010 KA House health care delivery as we know it today in only do the right thing after they’ve ex- ernment, we have leadership.” Delay and 2340 hrs the United States,” he said. hausted every other possibility… and Nel- “Will we flourish in the next 100 years? Obstruct an “Challenges to working out health care son Mandela, in his cell… said that many I’m betting so, because I’ve met these Officer include the legal challenge on various levels things are impossible until they are done.’” young people in Davidson today, and I in several states,” Daschle said, “which in “This country has faced many challeng- know we’ve got the leadership and the in- All Other 11/21/2010 Little a few months time the Supreme Court will es, but in this transitional time, it seems to novation,” Daschle said. Liquor 0138 hrs Dorm have ruled on. The second is the legislative be a time to prove that they can be done,” “Many things which tonight seem im- Law agenda. Republicans have offered to cre- he said. possible can and will be done.” Violation Th e Da v i d s o n i a n 5 We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Ar t s & Li v i n g The Wellness Corner: You can beat exam stress Month of Take Breaks: and trying to cram work into every hour of Ja c q u i Lo g a n Take a break from studying or writing that your day, it’s very easy to fall into a pattern Staff Writer paper to talk with your friends, walk to the where you eat what you can, when you can “Movem- Union and get a snack, watch a thirty minute – even if that means wolfing down candy It’s that time of year again when TV show, listen to a song you really love, bars and chocolate covered pretzels from Thanksgiving break has ended and you’re meditate, exercise… actually it doesn’t really the Union instead of taking time out to eat staring at a solid two weeks of what feels like matter what you do, as long as it gives you a ber” brings a meal. When you’re studying hardcore, it’s a constant beat down from your Davidson chance to take a healthy step back from your really important you treat your body right, or education. Whether it’s final papers, work and breathe! Breaks are important, you’ll find yourself having trouble focusing. presentations, exams, or some ungodly but take care not to fall victim to the long- Too much sugar and caffeine will leave you new cause combination of all the above, the end of term procrastination opportunities the with the jitters, not to mention make you the semester is a stressful time for many Internet offers. If you play too much you’ll crash and burn when the high wears off. If students. Recognizing the collective weight end up being even more stressed out when you don’t eat enough substantial food you’ll on the student body’s shoulders, the Wellness it’s 3AM and that paper’s still not finished. start feeling weak, fatigued and tired. Use to campus Corner has come up with five suggestions meal time as a time to take a break and to Lo g a n Le w i s to help minimize stress and keep things in Stay Connected: connect with your friends (a la the previous Sports Editor perspective this finals season. As much as it is important for you to find a two suggestions). Try your very best to lay quite space to work, it’s not good to spend off the caffeine, and remember to drink Throughout the month of November, Think Positively: your entire day completely alone in the a lot of water. Staying hydrated will help Davidson students participated in Movember, Sitting around and complaining about all library. Try not to eat your meals by yourself prevent headaches – especially if you are an event that attempted to raise awareness the work you have to do does not make while you’re doing work. Set aside time to also consuming caffeinated beverages. Try of prostate cancer by growing facial hair. the work go away – nor does it elicit any go eat with your friends, even if it’s just at to minimize stress eating, and if you’re up Unruly moustaches and unforgiving neck sympathy from fellow Davidson students Commons or the Union. It might also help late studying try to choose a study snack beards sparked a cheerful buzz among men (Because guess what? Everyone here has a to give a call home – talk to your parents or that will sustain you instead of something and resulted in looks of disdain from women. ton of work!). In fact, talking about how you siblings, maybe even a friend you grew up sugary that will just leave you feeling hyped Nevertheless, the renewed commitment to have so much to do and not knowing how with. It’s always reassuring to hear from up and hungry. And don’t forget to listen to “No-shave November” created informative you will possibly ever get it done actually someone you love, and in fact can be very your body – your body is really smart and discussion about the serious and widespread stresses you out more. Instead, remember stabilizing. After all, the work will all be over will let you know when it’s full and when effects of prostate cancer. to keep things in perspective, make a plan come December 16, but the relationships it’s hungry. Don’t use your work as an On the Davidson campus with the of attack, and go at it. You got this. No you have will continue to support you. excuse to start denying your body’s feelings. support of Phi Delta Theta, some friends of matter how much work you think you have, mine and I sold raffle tickets and t-shirts to remember that things could always be worse. Try to Eat Regularly: Sleep: do our part to raise monetary support and

When you’re staying up late, waking up early, The same goes for rest. Listening to your fight the disease that affects one in six men. body when it comes to sleep is incredibly The raffle included a men’s basketball signed important. Of course, there will be times by the Wildcats, along with two season when you just have to pull that all-nighter ticket passes to men’s basketball games, a (or something close to it), but do what you sweatshirt donated by the Bookstore and can to build ample time into your schedule a $10 gift certificate to the Soda Shop. All for sleep. Also, be flexible. If your body is of the proceeds went to the Movember telling you it’s very tired, then maybe you Foundation—a decision that put Davidson’s should go to bed and wake up early to finish mark on a worldwide movement. your work. Chances are you aren’t being The Movember Foundation, established very productive if you’re constantly fighting in 2003, is a global campaign aiming to the urge to pass out anyway. And if you do challenge males to change their appearance have to pull an all-nighter, try not to do so for one month. The organization also raises multiple nights in a row. It’s really hard to awareness and funds for the number one focus when you’re running on little sleep – cancer affecting men. Last year, over one you might get the jitters or a headache – and million donors contributed to the campaign, sleep deprivation can often make it hard to and the Movember Foundation raised retain information. Try roughly planning about $42 million for the Prostate Cancer out the next few weeks ahead of time so Foundation and LIVESTRONG. that you’re not stuck in a situation where The Prostate Cancer Foundation uses the you’re pulling three all-nighters in a row. money raised during the month of November to fund research that is accelerating the discovery of better treatments and ultimately finding a cure for prostate cancer. One program is the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center’s research. The Union at the peak of exam stress. Above, Colin McWilliams ’11 and Boyce Researchers there have identified 24 different Whitesides ’11 work on their assignments. Below, Kisten Haack ’11 and Hannah types of prostate cancer and have determined Bohbrink ’11 research on the computer. how aggressive each is. This breakthrough aims to answer the difficult question facing men with prostate cancer: should prostate cancer be treated immediately, and if so what is the best form of treatment, or is it okay to leave the cancer the way it is? LIVESTRONG applies the money from the Movember Foundation by funding important programs to support young adults and their families battling and surviving cancer. These programs cultivate a community of peer support for young adults coping with cancer, providing a sense of support and hope for patients and survivors. I am very appreciative of all those on campus that supported the Movember movement, either by purchasing a t-shirt or raffle ticket or by growing impressive facial hair. Special thanks go to my friends, who willingly participated in the fundraiser by volunteering their time and energy. Finally, I appreciate the sponsorship of Phi Delta Adam Lewicki ’11 reads a book in the Theta, which made the project successful. Union. Note the cup of coffee in his left I hope students will participate in photos by Jennifer Gambrell hand. Many students depend on caf- Movember next year, joining me in the fight feine during finals. to change the face of men’s health. 6 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n Ar t s & Li v i n g We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Stressed? Why not do a word search! Weekly Entertainment N O C T O K X Q C N V F P M O K N P B B D O V D Q K E H L Y C R F D G O D E Y L N P S A N H O N O R C O D E R W G N C U P F L D O T C F I W I J V T B W Q C N E Overdose: Dec.8-14 P L I L I F R Y K E X X N X R V A I E B Ga r r e t t Sa u e y threatens the future of Narnia. Wide release. G I F P T V M A X E F A C R V B D L K O Staff Writer J T L P A P A L N P C F R S V F S K U O For the “adult” side of you, check out This week necessitates a balance between “The Fighter” (12/10). R R P N U B A D C S W E A S L G X C T K new releases and old, musically oriented A biographical film exploring the life of Z B Y O L Q W W N I C G Q C H Y E F G S and visually driven. With Hannukah famous Massachusetts-raised professional A K Z Z A V G T P O Z R F F A V N B D E happening now, Christmas right around the boxer “Irish” Micky Ward—known for his C C C J V M G P P R S E I D I G I O Q B corner and last minute shopping a frequent classic fights with Arturo Gatti—and his S G V E E S H A O O I T G P X B L Q P J reliance, get a head-start this week with brother Dickie Eklund, “The Fighter” stars new gift-ideas. If you don’t celebrate these Mark Wahlberg (“The Departed,” “The Other E V J F E M P Q B D Z N H W T T D H D T holidays, go out and gift a loved one any Guys”) as Ward and Christian Bale (“The G N P F S E K P Y P I J T G L C A U G W of the below ideas because presents are Dark Knight,” “Public Enemies”) as Eklund. Z A X C R B O M A D B C Y B I I E Q Q D always welcome. From a movie-theater gift Amy Adams, from “Doubt” and “Enchanted,” X W G J U R H P A R P P D B Y L D X B S cards to DVDs to CDs, this week provides and Melissa Leo, of “Frozen River” fame, A F A A O M E E C O M P U T E R A E H M an opportunity to explore the increasingly join the cast. All four actors are piling up technological nature of holiday gifts. awards’ nominations and the movie itself has S M J M C R R E L T T I L H E D O T X I a 78% approval rating on rottentomatoes. J U R B J B G H B B G P N Y E I D T B C Get in touch with your childhood-- com. David O. Russell (“I ‘Heart’ S J D A Q D T B F F C D O U A W J X F V “Narnia” style (12/10). Huckabees”) directs the film. Limited release. After two adaptations of C.S. Lewis’ widely BLUE BOOK popular seven-book series The Chronicles of Break into “Inception,” now CAFFEINE Narnia, the Pevensies return again, though on DVD (12/7). COMPUTER this time under very different circumstances. The most talked-about movie of this summer, COURSE EVALUATION The eldest brother and sister in the family directed by the director of summer 2008’s DEADLINE EHLITTLE are too old to enter the wonderland that is biggest flick “The Dark Knight,” “Inception” EXAM Narnia, so the two youngest, Edmund and goes to DVD and Blu-ray. Released yesterday, HONOR CODE Lucy, go back with annoying cousin Eustace. this soon-to-be award-winning blockbuster LIGHTS ON DAVIDSON The three run into the man they helped to will knock out one of those Christmas/ PAPER the throne in last movie, King Caspian. “The Hannukah gifts this year. Starring Leonardo PAPERJ AM Voyage of the Dawn Treader” follows the DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion PAWPRINT PENCIL four adventurers as they explore the Eastern Cotillard, and Ellen Page, this star-packed READING DAY Islands, located at the edge of Narnia. Their thriller is one you will want to add to your SCANTRON mission leads them to their old pal Aslan as shelves,to enjoy and decode for years to come. TRANSCRIPT they confront a dangerous green mist that R. Kelly is sending you some “Love (12/14). MUSEjiks: Top picks... in no particular order Perhaps one of R&B’s most tortured artists, R. Kelly is certainly one of its most popular. Earl Sweatshirt | “EARL” Deadmau5 | “Strobe” (2009) A recent Billboard chart chronicling the 50 St e v e n Hu m m e l Arcade Fire | “The Suburbs” Maserati | “Monoliths” (2009) most popular R&B/Hip-Hop artists in the past Staff Writer Gorillaz | “Plastic Beach” Xploding Plastix | “Sports, Not Heavy 25 years placed R. Kelly at #1—a position

The Radio Dept. | “Clinging to a Scheme” Crime” (2001) above such superstars as Mariah Carey, I was once told that Davidson isn’t about Grouplove | “Grouplove” Nujabes | “Aruarian Dance” (2004) Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and succeeding, it’s about surviving. So with this Honorable mention: Young the Giant | Deltron 3030 | “3030” (2000) Prince. With “Love Letter,” his tenth studio column, I’m treading as furiously as I can, “Young the Giant” The Soul’s Release | “Elska Min” (2007) from a 17-year career, R. Kelly proves trying to keep my head above water. It’s a cop- Scarub | “If You Only Knew” (1999) he has strong commercial staying power. out, yes, but I’m going to offer you a handful of Songs of the year Lemon Jelly | “The Staunton Lick” (2000) Take a listen to the album’s lead singles year-end top ten lists for you to disagree with. Kanye West | “All of the Lights” Ott | “The Queen of All Everything” (2008) “When a Woman Loves” and “Love Letter.” And as a shameless personal plug: Get Gorillaz | “Empire Ants” Honorable mention: The Beta Band | “Dry ready for the definitive Kanye West “My Menomena | “Taos” the Rain” (1998) “Idol” runner-up releases Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” review Marco del Horno & DJ Swerve | “Ho! debut album (12/14). coming in the first 2011 issue of The Riddim (Vocal Mix) (ft. P-Money)” Most anticipated of 2011 Like last season’s “” when Davidsonian. Pitchfork’s got nothing on me. Zeds Dead | “White Satin” | LP8 (TBA) long-standing favorite fell to Note: These lists are numbered, but only to oOoOO | “No Summr4U” Joker | LP1 (TBA, Universal) dark horse , this season’s presumed satisfy convention. I happen to be one of the Arcade Fire | “Empty Room” Sugar Glyder | Lovers at Lightspeed winner, Crystal Bowersox, fell to up-and- most indecisive human being on the planet, so Salem | “King Night” (February 11, self-released) comer Lee DeWyze. Though Lambert lost the pretty much everything other than my album Bassnectar | “Bass Head” Gorillaz | LP4 (TBA, EMI) television show, he proved himself the true of the year designation is arbitrarily ranked. DJ Fresh | “Gold Dust (Flux Pavilion Madvillain | LP2 (TBA, Stones Throw) winner by outselling Allen 198,000 to 80,000 Remix)” Kanye West & Jay-Z | Watch the Throne in first-week sales alone. Bowersox hopes to Albums of the year Honorable mentions: Kanye West | (TBA) reach similar sales with her debut. Exploring Kanye West | “My Beautiful Dark Twisted “Christian Dior Demin Flow (ft. Kid Cudi, The Avalanches | LP2 (TBA) a folk-rock/country sound similar to Loretta Fantasy” Pusha T, John Legend, Lloyd Banks & Ryan Moving Mountains | LP2 (TBA, Triple Lynn, Bowersox pulls her title “Farmer’s Menomena | “Mines” Leslie)” and Big Boi | “Daddy Fat Sax” Crown Records) Daughter” from the Country Queen’s | “Cosmogramma” Fleet Foxes | LP2 (TBA, Sub Pop) famous album, “Coal Miner’s Daughter.” oOoOO | “CDR021” Top personal discoveries of the year Explosions in the Sky | LP6 (TBA, Tyler, the Creator | “Bastard” Joker | “Psychedelic Runway” (2009) Temporary Residence) Th i s We e k a t Da v i d s o n Wed. 12/8 Thur. 12/9 Fri. 12/10 Sat. 12/11 Sun. 12/12 Mon. 12/13 Tue. 12/14

Ice Cream Study Break 900 Room 8:00 p.m. Reading Day Music Production Concert Tyler-Tallman Hall 10:00 p.m. Exams!!!! Good Luck!!!!! We D n e s D a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 7 tH e Be L L i g e r e N t sA N t A is s U e



CRISIS , BUYS Where all my ho ho hos at? December 8, 2010 TH e Da V i D s o n i a n PORSCHE Trustee’s Approve New Davidson 101s: “You The Yowl Presents: I’m Going to Ask You Can Actually Apply These to Real Life” “How’s Your Work Going” At Least 10 Times SEE PAGE 9 DAVIDSON TRUSTEE BOARD- Davidson 101s will teach fresh- In the Next Two Weeks, but Don’t Expect Me to ROOM – The Davidson College men useful skills. What was pre- Trustees recently passed the Prac- viously the sexuality seminar will Remember Anything You Said BELLIGERENT SANTA tical Davidson 101 Requirement now be “How to hit on dumb girls/ Act, a piece of revolutionary piece guys from big schools.” Career DAVIDSON - So...it’s fi nals Breakouts, Study Sessions, Study FORGETS EUROPES of legislation bound to change Da- Services 101 becomes “Afford- week. It comes twice a year, every Rooms, Study Stress, Writing Pa- vidson College. Instead of learning ing that 5th year 101.” Staying year, without fail. And yet every pers, and Deadlines. GIFTS , PICKS the life long skill of how to use a Healthy 101 will now be “How to time it rolls around, we here at the When I say hello to you dur- Yowl must repeat ourselves with ing the next week, that is not an UP MILLION rape whistle, or how to click links setup a hydration IV in your dorm 400 on the Library’s website, these new room on Saturday mornings 101.” this small piece of friendly ad- invitation for you to provide me a vice: NOBODY, WITH THE POS- ten-minute detailed description of MCRIBS INSTEAD SIBLE EXCEPTION OF YOU every fragment of work you have SEE PAGE 6 Belligerent Santa Claus Imposter YOURSELF, CARES ABOUT to complete by next Thursday. I Wrecks Chambers YOUR WORK. am not asking for a play-by-play of “How are you?” is the most your all-nighter. Believe it or not, I CHAMBERS LAWN—For notable comments, but what really loaded question it is possible to ask don’t even want to hear you reciting those of you that missed the spec- turned the students to chaos was during this time, and we here at the the birth and death dates of every tacle on Monday night—it was one Santa’s inappropriate gesture to Yowl must ask you to refrain from politician of the twentieth century. GET YOUR DAVID - for the ages. The Yowl sent in spe- the young children watching from asking it. A better question would Really? You have a lot of home- SON COLLEGE HIGH cial Christmas reporter Jay “The the town of Davidson. “He liter- be, “How are you still alive?” or, work? I was unaware of this. I was Snowstorm” Goldberg to capture ally took my son by the crown of even better yet, a statement will in dire need of your explanation of SCHOOL YEAR - what turned out to be unprecedent- his head and buried him into the suffi ce: “You’re alive.” This is your own work in order to help me ed excitement on the steps of the fake snow” commented one David- what is known as The Davidson Fi- do mine. NOT. BOOKS BEFORE THEY Chambers academic building. Most son professor as he wiped bloodied nals Code, or DFC. In DFC, much DFC dictates that its followers expected to see a night fi lled with snow from his son’s Santa Claus avoid such high-stress areas as Belk RUN OUT of what dominates normal con- ! Christmas Carols, hot chocolate, pullover. versation is already implied. DFC Lab, the library, and the Union. SEE PAGE 3 and pictures with Santa, but what The school sponsored event forbids discussion of the weather, Useless conversation levels are so ensured proved to be a hell-storm concluded with Jack Millsap, 19, because nobody has been outside high in these places that it is im- of blackout belligerence that made attempting to scale the railing out- to even check whether the sun has possible to think coherently about F look like a 5-year-old’s backyard side of Chambers, but falling off fallen out of the sky. Also on the one’s own work. Also avoid Cham- birthday party. Jack Millsap, this into the steps below and knocking list of forbidden topics are: Home bers and any other property where year’s resident Santa on David- himself unconscious. Many dis- (because DFC assumes everybody any human being is reading, writ- son’s campus, showed hundreds of turbed members of the audience wants to go there; this does not ing, crying, sleeping, or eating. And students his liberal interpretation of immediately vacated the scene as need to be reaffi rmed), Professors, for heaven’s sake, don’t ask anyone sacred, religious scriptures by ar- campus police arrived and slapped Study Snacks, Study Breaks, Study how they’re doing. OF THE WEEK riving to the event 10 brews deeps, cuffs on the inebriated Santa. He and possibly on some sort of hal- was reportedly apprehended with lucinogenic substance. a fake white beard still fi rmly at- Blackout Belk or Blackout Santa? SEARCH : BAKER SPORTS COMPLEX- cocktails?!?!” roared one Mike Reports of a certain belligerent “Meatface” Wallace. “JUSTIN BIEBER ELF Santa disturbing the annual Black- In an unanticipated move, dou- OURSELF out Belk rivalry caused campus ble-fi sting Santa proceeded to jump Y ” police to stage an intervention Sat- onto the court at halftime and ha- urday night after Santa allegedly rass the Davidson Wildcat (harass committed a series of crimes at the is used in the traditional Oxford’s game, including the unpardonable dictionary usage ‘to dry hump’) to act of appearing in front of children such a degree that the Wildcat ex- 5 and under before December 25. ited the court running, prompting The offi cial report states that Santa to rip of his coat in a disturb- Santa originally received a cita- ing victory move. tion for “parking over the line in While soccer moms attempted a red and white, sleigh-like ve- to cover their children’s innocent Your Davidson Honor Section hicle,” which upon further inspec- eyes and Pines residents reached Editors: After arriving a prompt 35 tached to his face, but almost com- tion revealed a case of the recently for their oxygen, a frantic Athletics Brett Chikowski minutes late, blackout, belliger- pletely covered of a mixture of banned substance “Four Loko” Marketing rep ran in and announced Amanda Ottaway under a red fur-trimmed North “All the Toys for Tots are gone!!!” Chris Cringle ent Santa proceeded to taunt the what was believed to be whiskey, crowd and exclaimed “Ho Ho Ho, eggnog, and marijuana residue. Face parka. About this time cops The moment of stillness this shock- Writers: mother[t]ruckers! Who’s gonna Jacob Millsap will appear be- noticed considerable unrest com- ing statement provided allowed the Brian Correa do one?” One of course being in fore a judicial council next week. ing from within Baker, abandoning campus police to rush the court and Anna Marie Armistad reference to his fi fth of Jack Dan- When asked to comment on the their search for the reindeer only to handcuff belligerent Santa, who all iel’s whiskey and a 2-liter bottle of situation he replied in a myriad of fi nd belligerent Santa crowd surf- the while sang a deafening “All I Note: The Yowl is a satirical supple- Sprite fi lled with Eggnog. “Which slurred words what was later deci- ing in the D- and distributing Want For Christmas Is You.” Santa ment to The Davidsonian. Hence, phered to be “all you naughty girls coal for Blackout-clad Phi Delts to is currently on bail for $1 billion nothing in it should be taken as one of you is going to fi ght Santa? truth. Word. I will take any of you in the street! are getting coal for Christmas, ya throw at the opposing team. “Why and hopes to be released by Decem- Right now!” were some of his most dig?” didn’t we invite him to Christmas ber the 24th. 2010 y o W l i n r e v i e W - “A bicycle to Bolo is equivalent...to a nicely-sized crack rock.” - yo W l C o F F e e t a b l e b o o K s t i l l s t u C K i n P u b l i s H i n g r i g H t s b a t t l e - Jamaican students were particularly dangerous - UNWANTED ʼ09 ALUMNUS SEEN LURKING IN BRICKHOUSE PARKING LOT - Tiger Woods Announces Endorsement Deal with Viagra - Davidson Student Feigns Drug Use on 4/20 to Look Cool - Whip Ya Hair 8 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Pe r s p e c t i v e s Semester grades Farewell letter from Tom Ross St a ff Ed i t o r i a l December 9, 2010 wonderful, inspiring students – all are imprinted in my Commons—A mind and will enable me to remember how fortunate What a year it has been for Commons. After our less than Dear Davidson Students, I have been to be able to live and work at Davidson. admirable grade last year, dining services and the auxiliary As I leave for a new challenge, I wish to thank committee have picked up their game. Most of the new dishes this semester have been a hit, and the rotation of menus have Today is the last day I will serve as President of each student, parent, staff person, faculty member, done a worthy job reducing culinary monotony! Furthermore, Davidson College. It is day number 1227 of my tenure. alumni and friend of the College for the patience, special props should go to the culinary spotlight specials. This Each of my days of service has been special and saying kindness and support shown to Susan, Chelsea and semester, every now and then, Commons has let a particular goodbye to the Davidson community is extremely me during our time with you. We will always be chef prepare a special meal in which he or she decides the difficult. There are so many wonderful memories that grateful for what each of you has done for us and entire menu. These dinners have added great variety, and are consistently delicious. I cannot recount them all. From my appearance in the for what you do for this special place. Davidson Dance Ensemble’s Kiss Kiss video, to sinking the shot will always be my college and I will always love it. Diversity Coordinating Board—D+ on the CBS Morning Show, to move-in day for first Take advantage of all that Davidson has to offer. While it aims to give representation to and provide support year students, to winning the Davidson Show’s Silver Too soon, your time at Davidson will come to a for diversity organizations on Davidson’s campus, DCB uses faulty and ineffective methods. To ask four students to Fox Award, to senior dinners, to the trip to Detroit, to close. Don’t leave one stone in this special place represent the interest of ten different organizations in SGA judging three Step Shows and the Comedy Show, to unturned. Make plans to eat lunch with someone you is simply unfair. To approach the varied minority students’ being on the wrong end of the pie throwing contest, don’t know very well, audition for a play, sit on the experiences with a textbook solution is ineffective. To to watching the Men’s Soccer team beat Duke and swing in front of Duke Dorm, rub the big Wildcat’s call this support is a fallacy. Davidson gives DCB an “A” for diversity effort. It deserves a D+ because it prevents pulling for the Women’s Soccer team in the NCAA nose, thank a housekeeper, invite a professor for Davidson from addressing the systemic inequalities that tournament, to the opening of the Multicultural House, coffee, visit the Davidsoniana Room. This is prevent full inclusion. Change the existing system to change to lunches in the Union, to theatre performances, to your college, your home, your inspiration, your the nature of diversity on this campus. Minority student concerts, to meals with the Volleyball team, to first year impetus, your launching pad. Treasure every day at organizations don’t need another group. Orientation walks and book discussions, to cutting the Davidson and keep Davidson in your heart always. Freeword—A ribbons for the Vann Center for Ethics and the Chidsey I must leave a job and a place I love dearly to serve the Let’s face it: FreeWord is a force to be reckoned with. Let’s Center for Leadership Development, to Poster Fairs State of North Carolina. It is my fervent hope that each ignore the fact that in less than a year of existence their poets and Davidson Research Initiative get-togethers, to of you will find the job, or organization, or school, or have won local and national competitions. Let’s forget that welcoming authors and statesmen and astronauts and cause, or church, that has meaning for you, that is worth their shows have standing room only crowds. Let’s forget that these poets can make you cry, laugh, reminisce or fall in/out poets and scientists and NFL commissioners, to firing your hours, your talents, your worry, your excitement. of love in a matter of 2 hours. Forget all of that. What makes the starter’s pistol for the Freshman Cake Race, to Pursue a life of leadership and service. We need you. FreeWord a force is its ability to help us non-poets to find the announcing the Alvarez Scholars Program, to walking Thank you for your support and kindness to me and poet in ourselves; to help us know that what we have to say is across campus with Chelsea on a perfect Davidson my family. Thank you for loving Davidson with me. important, even if someone else said it for us. spring morning, to seeing the new composter, to Student Government Association—B wearing my personal Wildcat football jersey, to Tom Ross SGA this year has been a mixed bag. On a positive note, carols at the Chambers tree-lighting, to scooping ice Tom Ross ’72 is the President of Davidson College. they have finally established buses to Charlotte. This will cream for students needing a break from studying for He is leaving tomorrow to become the President of the give Davidson a much need connection to the Queen City. their exams, to meeting and getting to know so many On the other hand, the changes have stopped there. Many University of North Carolina System SGA meetings were often filled with rhetoric and debate. Some of these debates revolved around trivial matters that still somehow managed to incite strong emotions, creating, at times, needless tension. We hope SGA unifies next semester A message from the EAC to better serve the interests of the students. Mi ch a e l Ro m a n o predictions about more intense weather patterns will not come to fruition. The risk of catastrophe, Carbon production is too big to fail. however, is present, and it is staring us in the face. If we don’t cut back on carbon use, there is a chance To prevent future bank failures, President that the house of cards might come falling down. Barack Obama has rightly increased the amount We need to cut back risk now, conserve energy, Editor-in-Chief of capital that banks have to hold in liquid form. and embrace alternative technologies that work for Brian Park This limits banks’ exposure to risk while slightly this purpose. We cannot keep shifting responsibility News Editors Ray Francis & Kelly Wilson decreasing their short-term profits. Banks, and large to others. With significant but economically Perspectives Editors ones especially, carry great negative externality, viable reductions in carbon emissions, we can Scott Matthews & Sunny Lee or consequences of risk that are shifted to those slow global warming and reduce the chance of Arts & Living Editor outside of the bank. Main Street carries most of Jennifer Gambrell worldwide collapse. Personally, I favor a carbon Yowl Editor Wall Street’s risk, while Wall Street retains most of tax that could be used to pay for other tax cuts Brett Chickowski & Amanda Ottaway the benefit involved with the risk. When Wall Street or to fund research, as well as expedite the Sports Editors fails, “non-bank actors” fail. It is mostly a good thing Mike Frongello & Logan Lewis development of alternative energy by creating an Layout Editor for Main Street that limits have been placed on risk. economic incentive to reduce carbon emissions. Margaret Holt Smith We need to look at carbon dioxide production The Environmental Action Coalition here Head Copy Editors in a similar way. The more carbon a single entity at Davidson will continue to promote sensible Christy Carry & Nami Patel Business & Circulation Managers produces, the larger its negative externality. As and low-cost ways in which non-state actors— Elizabeth Shevock & Kelsey Wilson our economy grows, we generate more carbon and including students, faculty, and the rest of Assistant Copy Editors increase this externality. We shift risk primarily Davidson—can help to reduce their environmental Thompson Barr, Hannah Jordan & Jeff Roth Photography Staff to developing countries or others who would impacts. I would like to take this opportunity Tripp Bartholomew, Bill Giduz & Klea Miho be most unable to adapt to climate change, as to thank you all for participating in Do-It-In- well as future generations. In exchange, we The-Dark, and I hope that you will continue The Davidsonian is published Wednesdays during the academic year by the students of Davidson College. keep the short-term benefits associated with to reduce energy usage throughout the year. Please address all correspondences to: The Davidsonian, P.O. Box this risk, namely immediate economic growth. 7182, Davidson, NC 28035-7182. Other developed countries are in similar boats. Michael Romano E-mail [email protected]. Our offices are located in According to scientific consensus, global EAC President Room 411 of the Alvarez College Union. Opinions expressed in articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board warming is happening and it is anthropogenic. Yes, Davidson ‘12 of The Davidsonian. Only the staff editorial represent the views of there is a chance that nothing will come of a two- Chemistry Major The Davidsonian staff. Subscriptions cost $55.00 per year, or $30 per semester. Email Elizabeth Shevock at [email protected] degree temperature increase, that climate change Michael Romano ‘12 is the EAC President. He is for advertising inquiries. might benefit certain parts of the world more a chemistry major from Fairfield, CT. Contact him at Copyright is held by the Trustees of Davidson College. than it hurts others, and that scientists’ most dire [email protected] Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 9 Pe r s p e c t i v e s A skeptic’s visit to the NASCAR H.O.F. So much for An n Gi o r n e l l i Gallery after gallery showcases the history of NASCAR in exhaustive detail, telling its story “hope and change” On the second floor of the gargantuan three-story from the barely regulated early days to the sin cera What a relief that cowboy NASCAR Hall of Fame, I watched an informational present day’s well-run moneymaking machine. George W. Bush is no longer in video about NASCAR on a screen that took up The “NASCAR Vault” relates this history the White House. Gone are the almost the entire wall. The big-screen viewing area through artifacts like trophies, rulebooks from days of stupidity on the global appeared modest and almost forgotten within the different periods of the sport’s history (they get stage. The smart power of the Hall of Fame’s overwhelming array of activities progressively thicker), uniforms of track officials, Obama Administration is ush- and displays, each more extravagant than the next. a piece of the racetrack that drivers crossed in ering in a new world order and The video described the loyalty of NASCAR’s historic finishes, and race suits (accurate down restoring America’s image. fans, who have made stock car races some of to the underwear). Other galleries, collectively To that effect, he has the most highly attended sporting events in the known as the “Heritage Speedway,” tell the story of bowed to the Saudi King and the Japanese Emperor. country. According to the video, this loyalty is not NASCAR’s history through pictures, videos, and o bb y e s a i n B D P He gave the Queen of Eng- a coincidence. NASCAR fans can check out their text. One gallery showcases family dynasties, like land an iPod loaded with his own speeches and favorite drivers’ cars sitting in the garage on race the Earnhardt, Petty, Allison, and France families; the Prime Minister a set of DVDs that are in- days. Fans can use headphones to listen to the another display dedicated to diversity showcases compatible with English players. He left Poland communication between drivers and crew chiefs, a few women, Hispanic, and African American and Eastern Europe in the cold when he dropped experiencing the race’s drama as the participants drivers. The galleries do not ignore officials, pit the missile defense shield. His appeals for the do. Richard Petty, a Hall of Fame inductee, crew members, team owners, and other important 2016 Olympics to be held in failed. He even used to stay on the track for hours after a participants in NASCAR’s history who are often did win the Nobel Peace Prize, which is all the race ended, signing autographs for everyone overshadowed by the drivers. The information the more significant when you realize he is leading who asked. The video claimed that NASCAR Hall provides through activities, games, videos, the United States in wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. gives back to its fans more than any other sport, artifacts, text, and almost every other kind of media Another achievement for President Obama allowing them unprecedented access to the sport (in occasionally overwhelming detail) truly leaves came when he ordered the detention facilities they love. Looking around me at the Hall of visitors with a real sense of the history of the sport. at Guantanamo Bay to be closed by January of Fame, I believed every word. I also believed that In all the historic galleries, the biggest 2010. He explained that the camp was a beacon NASCAR was on its way to converting a new fan. crowds gathered at the moonshine still and the for all that’s wrong with America. It weakened The NASCAR Hall of Fame continues the video presentation of NASCAR’s most exciting our national security, cost us allies, and served as a rallying cry for our enemies. Good grief. In that sport’s tradition of fan participation by allowing finishes. The moonshine still resides in a room case, it is a good thing he closed the camp. Well, visitors to learn about every aspect of the sport. dedicated to NASCAR’s early ties to bootlegging, he has not exactly closed it. It is still there, indefi- Interactive displays exist to explain even the most ties that current NASCAR officials prefer to gloss nitely holding terrorists, especially since the civil- technical and confusing concepts. Even someone over but the Hall of Fame does not. In this room ian court test case against Ahmed Ghailani was like me, who lacks pretty much any knowledge a video takes the viewers to Appalachia, where one conspiracy conviction away from acquittal. of mechanics, could understand the basics after young boys developed nerve and speed by driving And now, here comes a blond Aussie with inspecting the differences between a regular illegal loads of moonshine through the mountains. server space. This is the third document drop by stock car engine, a legal NASCAR engine, and These qualities later served them well in careers Wikileaks, and the United States’ response has an illegally modified NASCAR engine. Now I as stock car drivers. Junior Johnson, one of the been the Attorney General thinking aloud over even understand the physics behind “drafting,” last and most famous of these drivers and former whether warrants could be procured and served. a strategy in which a car follows closely behind bootleggers, built the moonshine still in the glass I personally do not find these documents very another to create a vacuum behind the lead car display case. However, though interesting, the shocking. Of course the Saudis want us to bomb and eventually make both go faster. However, moonshine video paled in comparison to the video Iran. Of course Hamid Karzai is a lying weasel. the true fans around me (recognizable by their presentation of finishes. The latter engrossed Of course the State Department is collecting in- NASCAR-themed T-shirts) already possessed a both lifelong NASCAR fans, who relived races formation on foreign diplomats. However, might level of expertise in these areas that astounded me. they once attended or watched live on TV, and these documents be embarrassing? Sure. Could they limit the amount of information a foreign Some people stereotype NASCAR fans as dumb newcomers like myself, who got caught up in government will tell us in the future? Maybe. rednecks; the Hall of Fame taught me that a true the excitement and stayed to watch every finish. But are they dangerous? It is too early to de- appreciation of the sport requires knowledge of I even found myself starting to daydream about th cide. The Afghan War Diaries were of a lot more physics, mechanics, and aerodynamics that my 9 the once laughable prospect of attending a race. consequence with their exposure of informants. grade physics class never gave me. My supposedly According to its website, the NASCAR Hall of What the leak does highlight is how low the dumb fellow Hall of Fame attendees breezed Fame is “an interactive, entertainment attraction United States values the security of classified past the technical explanations they already honoring the history and heritage of NASCAR… material. The source of this leak and the previ- knew well and headed straight for the games. designed to educate and entertain race fans and ous leaks are suspected to be Specialist Bradley Interactive activities cover almost every non-fans alike.” A true example of a non-fan, I Manning. During his tour in Iraq, the intelligence inch of the Hall of Fame. Visitors can drive in did not have high hopes for my trip to the Hall of analyst would apparently bring a rewritable CD video-game-like simulations of famous courses, Fame. I doubted that what amounted to a glorified labeled “Lady Gaga” to his workstation, erase try their hands at changing tires like a pit crew, museum could find a way to entertain either real the music, download the files, and walk right out. look around a full-size replica of a NASCAR fans, who are used to the overpowering excitement Quite simple - and quite a massive hole in our transporter, and take a ride in a racing simulator of races, or non-fans like myself, who knew far security. It is even more massive if the Guard- to experience what a NASCAR team and driver too little about the sport to care about its history. ian’s report that over three million US govern- go through on race day. Fans have the option of The Hall of Fame proved me wrong. Judging ment personnel and soldiers have access to the same material or material like it on a daily ba- checking into these virtual activities by using by the amount of gleeful visitors around me sis is true. 3 million. Really? It is amazing then the “Hard Card” provided with their tickets. If sporting T-shirts advertising their famous drivers, that we are not spouting leaks left and right. competing in every interactive activity, and they check in, fans can choose any Hall of Fame Buried beneath this story comes even bigger inductee (currently, only Richard Petty, Dale arguing about the minutiae of NASCAR history, news of an intelligence disaster. The NSA is hunt- Earnhardt, Junior Johnson, Bill France, Sr., and true NASCAR fans really are greatly entertained ing for a Russian mole in its Fort Meade Headquar- Bill France, Jr.) to virtually guide them through by the Hall of Fame. More surprisingly, even I, ters. Maybe sending those Russians spies back so the Hall. The Hard Card also allows visitors to who previously had little interest in NASCAR quickly was a huge mistake. Either way, now is a set up a personal profile, which will keep track and had never even watched a race on TV, perfect time for Obama to “plug the damn hole.” of the points they earn through participating greatly enjoyed it too and now look forward to At the moment the world is looking less and in various activities. Video screens display attending a race. No matter where you range on less friendly. The North is going south. Iran is scoreboards, allowing everyone to see which this spectrum of NASCAR fandom, I recommend still undeterred from going nuclear. The Rus- visitors have the highest scores for the day. The a trip to the NASCAR Hall of Fame. The Hall will sian bear is growing longer claws. And the scoreboard feature turns the Hall of Fame from an leave you entertained, informed, and with a new Chinese just buy more and more of our debt. entertaining museum into an opportunity for the appreciation for every aspect of a complex and Hope and change seems to have just been a competition and fun that NASCAR fans thrive on. often overlooked sport that truly loves its fans. thin, shiny coat on top of incompetence and im- However, the Hall of Fame offers more than potence. just educational displays and entertaining games. Ann Giornelli ‘14 is a undeclared from Bobby DesPain ‘11 is a biology major from St. Louis, Atlanta, GA. Contact her at [email protected]. MO. Contact him at [email protected].. 10 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Sp o r t s The trip to Charleston pushed Davidson’s MBB, from page 12 record to 4-4 overall and 1-1 in SoCon play. Bl a ck o u t Be l k : Ri v a l r y Re n e w e d The Wildcats look to jump over .500 with Charleston defense sealed the win for a win against UNC-Charlotte this Saturday the Cougars. Goudelock finished with 33 at 7 pm in Belk Arena for the fifth annual Mo r g a n Ar a n t are many teams I would points and 5 assists for Charleston. For BlackOut Belk game. Proceeds from this White Lobster rather beat. There are very Davidson, Cohen led with 23 points and year’s BlackOut Belk game go to Toys 10 rebounds, his first double-double of the for Tots and is sponsored by the Davidson Student Body! I am very happy to few teams I more hate to season. Kuhlman also added 16 points on College Student-Athlete Advisory Council. be writing in the Davidsonian again. lose to in a regular season 4/4 shooting from three-point range. If you’re new to Davidson this year game.” Coming off the close loss, Davidson you may be asking, what is the “White looked to against a significantly Lobster?” Well, I am the personification Wildcat92: “In life, easier opponent in The Citadel. The Citadel of the nickname given to Bryant Barr however, as you can tell came into the game with a 2-4 record ‘10, a former Davidson player who hails overall, but won their first SoCon game from Maine and has very fair skin. from the jealous smack against Georgia Southern. Davidson started Now on to why I am writing. This talking they try to do over hot with Brendan McKillop ’11 making Saturday, the basketball team has a huge two early threes giving the Wildcats a 14-8 game against the Charlotte 49ers. This here, they clearly have an lead just five minutes into the game. The game is a big deal because Charlotte is inferiority complex.” rest of the first half played relatively slow, arguably our biggest rival. We have not Now that you know about the but the Wildcats got The Citadel into early played in basketball since the 2007-08 rivalry, I ask that you please be at foul trouble, with The Citadel star Cameron season, but that doesn’t mean the rivalry the game on Saturday. Our team is Wells having to sit out much of the game, has died down at all. The schools only 4-4 but they have been playing eventually fouling out just halfway into simply do not like each other. For some good basketball recently, led by the second half. With their top scorer on example at a 1998 basketball game, our sophomores JP Kuhlman ‘13 and Jake the bench, the Bulldogs struggled to score, own Mr. Cat got into a fight with their Cohen ‘13. This past week they beat going about 7 minutes at the end of the first mascot, Norm the Niner. Monmouth and The Citadel both by half, and into the second without scoring at But why is there so much hatred? double-digit margins. They did lose all. Davidson used this time to come from There are many reasons. Charlotte fans a close one to Charleston on the road, three points behind to six points ahead. think that Davidson is a small, elitist but there is no shame in that. The Davidson followed that with another 11-3 liberal-arts college for spoiled brats Cougars have come close to upsetting spurt early in the second, gaining a twelve who think they are better than everyone both Maryland and UNC so far this point lead, securing the lead for good. In Tom Droney ’14 jukes two Mon- else. Also since we’re a small college season. addition to Cohen’s second double-double, mouth players and steps behind they think our athletics are supposed to Charlotte has struggled out of the Tom Droney ’14 scored 10 points, and the three-point line to hit one be weak compared to their big public gates with a record of 3-5. Injuries Clint Mann ’13 bruised inside with 5 points of his three pointers during the university’s. Meanwhile, Davidson have plagued the 49ers and top scorer and 4 rebounds. Wildcats’ 69-53 win. fans view Charlotte as a joke of a Shamari Spears has been suspended commuter school that has students who indefinitely for violating team rules, underachieve academically (to put it but rivalry games often bring out the Women’s a nice way) and fans who think their best in teams. The game Saturday will school and sports teams are much better be no cakewalk. Basketball, Swimming than they really are. Also, their campus Also, I have one more request: is ugly and full of concrete (or at least it please be loud! Charlotte fans will from page 12 Performs Well used to be). be coming into Belk Arena like they Only adding fuel to the fire is the own the place. They will probably The ’Cats led 30-23 at halftime, and held proximity of the schools. The two be disrespectful to you and other UT-SA to just 32.1% shooting. It was At Kenyon An n a St r i n g f i e l d campuses are only about twenty miles Davidson fans. But I’m sure that they Aleksandravicius’ sixth career twenty-point Staff Writer apart. This closeness means fans of will be bringing some noise. So we’re game, and Johnsen was a perfect 6-for- each school are always around each going to have to be louder and drown 6 from the floor. Aleksandravicius and This weekend, the Davidson Wildcats other. They find that trash talking is them out. Johnsen were both later named to the all- traveled to snowy Gambier, Ohio for the a good topic of conversation and as a I know this game is during the tournament team. annual Kenyon Invitational swimming result, disdain abounds. middle of finals. But can’t you spare Aleksandravicius was again the star competition. Outstanding performers Since I’m a junior and have not two hours away from work? You’ll against Radford, draining a career-high included Lindsey Martin ‘11 who won experienced a game against the Niners, need a break from studying at some thirty-one points to propel the Wildcats to a three individual titles (the 50, 100, and 200 I asked posters on the message board point and screaming your head off is 71-62 victory. The star forward also added yard freestyle distances) while breaking davidsoncats.com about Charlotte and a great way to relieve stress. Watch nine rebounds and six blocks. the outstanding pool record time in the what the rivalry means to them. Here basketball instead of wasting time on Overall, four Wildcats scored in double 100 yard freestyle. Martin also finished are a few of their responses: Facebook or watching TV. Plus, there figures, including Lax with twelve, Murray first in the 400 yard freestyle relay, along is no exam period on Sunday! with eleven, and Johnsen with ten. Johnsen wildforthecats: “Losing with teammates Jean DeOrnellas ‘13, Anna If you can, join me in the student added eleven rebounds for her second Stringfield ‘11 and Emily Castle ‘11. Kelsi to Concrete [Charlotte] endzone seats behind the near basket double-double. Hobbs ‘13 also had an excellent 200 fly, or join the famous “D-Block” behind For the third straight game, Davidson brings more emotional pain breaking the school record and swimming the visting team’s bench. Participate took to the locker room in the driver’s seat, a lifetime best. For the men’s team, the than the joy of winning in the cheers and rock the roof of Belk up 23-17. After Radford cut that lead to just Davidson squad finished fifth overall. Top gives me…I will gladly pay Arena. Sing the version of two with 8:36 to play, the Wildcats went on swims for the men’s team were those laid “Sweet Caroline.” All this will help us a 12-1 run to seal the deal. with two losses in MSG down by Drew Onken ‘13 and classmate, take down “those people” from down Barbara Sitton ‘13 led the ’Cats in Wills Cooper ‘13. Davidson’s next swim 12/20-21 for a victory over south. assists with six, and also added three steals. meet is scheduled for January 14th as the I expect to see you all at the game! The Wildcats do not play again until UNCC 12/11.” th ’Cats will take on the Georgia Tech Yellow Go ’Cats! December 20 , when they open their Splinter Faction: “There Southern Conference schedule at Elon. Jackets at home. Wildcat Roundup Football Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball Swimming/ Diving Volleyball Wrestling (3-8, 3-5) (4-4, 1-1) (4-3, 0-0) Men (1-4, 1-0) (16-18, 7-10) (0-0) Women (1-4, 1-0) Results: Results: Results: Results: Results: 11/20 @ Presbyterian L 6-42 11/29 vs. Monmouth W 69-53 11/26 @ North Texas W 70-55 Results: 11/19 SoCon Tournament vs. Davidson Open 12/2 @CofC L 73-82 11/27 @ UTSA W 69-60 12/2-12/4 Invitational at Elon L 0-3 Next Up: 12/4 @Citadel W 68-53 12/4 Radford W 71-62 Kenyon- (4th) Next Up: Season Complete Next Up: 12/18 @ Citadel Next Up: Next Up: Next Up: Season Coplete 1/7 @ Franklin& Marshall Notes: 12/11 vs. Charlotte 12/20 @ Elon 1/14 vs. Georgia Tech The team finished up its regular 12/20 @ St. John’s 12/29 vs. Princeton 1/22 Davidson Invitational Notes: Notes: season with a loss at Presbyte- The Volleyball team completed With four wrestlers plac- rian before the Thanksgiving Notes: Notes: Notes: their season with a SoCon Tour- ing in the Davidson open, Break. The ‘Cats will look to The Men’s team heads into On a three game win-streak, the With great individual perfor- nament loss to stud Elon prior to the team has to have high rebound next year. Saturday’s “Black Out Belk” Lady ’Cats have got to be smiling mances already this season, Thanksgiving Break. Look for expectations for the rest of game with a .500 record across looking ahead at the rest of their both Men’s and Women’s the team to come back hungry the season. the board. season. teams are looking up. next fall. Th e Da v i D s o n i a n We D n e s D a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 11 sP o r t s Pi c K s o F Wildcat Pulse Th e We e K Around Campus Wrestling Puts Four in

Finals of Men’s Basketball vs. Davidson Charlotte Saturday Belk Arena Open “Blackout Belk” returns Za C H a r y Zi m m e r m a n again for the fi fth time this Staff Writer year as the Wildcats host the 49ers from just down I-77. Davidson Wrestling hosted the Wear all balck and come sup- Davidson Open on Saturday with huge port your ‘Cats! success placing four of its own in fi nals matches. Alex Radsky ’11 defended his title with a 6-2 decision in the 133 lb. Outside the Den weight class. Scott Patrick ’14 came from behind in the 175 lb. weight class, sending his match into overtime and eventually took down his opponent, Carter Downs of Appalachian State, by a score of 10- 8. Patrick registered his fi rst tournament victory at Davidson. En route to the fi nals, Alex Radsky won 10-3, 17-2, and 6-4 while Patrick pinned his opponent NBA in the fi rst round in 34 seconds and won Miami Heat his second match in a 5-4 decision. In vs. addition, Vitaly Radsky ’11 defeated four Golden State Warriors opponents quickly but Gardner-Webb’s Friday 10:30 ESPN Richie Spicel pinned him in the fi nal. Charlie Wolff ’11 had a fi rst round bye and then went on to defeat his other two opponents in a 3-2 and 4-1 decision. Davidson’s own Unfortunately, Wolff was defeated in an goes up against the “Big Three” of Miami (Lebron James, Chris Bosh overtime takedown by a score of 4-2 in photo by Tripp Bartholomew the fi nal by Newberry’s Corey Anderson. and Dwayne Wade) in what is This open tournament was Davidson’s Scott Patrick ’14 dominates the mat during one of his 175 lb. weight class matches sure to be a highlight fi lm game. last of the season and they will open their this past Saturday. Patrick came from behind in the fi nal and recorded his fi rst dual and conference slate on Saturday, tournament victory in his young career at Davidson. December 18th, at the Citadel. 12 Th e Da v i d s o n i a n We d n e s d a y , De c e m b e r 8, 2010 Sp o r t s Men’s Basketball Split Women’s B-Ball On Three Game Win-Streak Opening SoCon Games Sa w y e r Hi ck s The Davidson men’s basketball ’13 played an inspiring game Staff Writer season has gotten off to a speedy with his second double-double of start with the team going 3-3 the season, totaling 21 points and After losing three out of overall before opening the 12 rebounds. J.P. Kuhlman ’13 their first four games to start the Southern Conference slate last also added 13 points and 4 assists season, the women’s basketball Thursday at College of Charleston. in the victory. team has put together a three- The first six games included Thursday’s matchup with game win streak to bring dominant wins over Western Charleston restored the rivalry their record above .500. The Kentucky and Monmouth, as between two of the top programs three wins include two at the well as losses to 2010 Final Four in the Southern Conference in University of Texas-San Antonio participant West Virginia and an recent years, and the pace of play Thanksgiving classic, which the impressive University of Rhode early in the game reflected the Wildcats won, and a victory over Island squad, a finalist in last rivalry’s intensity. After just four Radford on Saturday. season’s NIT. Thursday marked minutes, Davidson had built a 16- The Lady Wildcats bested an important contest for the 11 lead on 5/7 shooting and going both North Texas and host UT- Wildcats as it was an opportunity 4/4 from the foul line. With seven SA en route to the tournament for them to earn a road win against minutes remaining in the first title. Two forwards, Kristen one of the toughest conference half, Davidson had their largest Johnson ’12 and Sophia opponents, and get a head start in lead at 37-28. Team basketball Aleksandravicius ’13 keyed conference play. The game turned was the name of the game in the those Wildcat victories, into an offensive clash early, with first half with 8 Davidson players combining for 43 points against both teams shooting near 50% in scoring in the first half, led by North Texas and 39 against UT- the first half, but Davidson’s long Cohen with 14. But Charleston SA. range shooting proved ineffective made a run late in the first half, The ‘Cats showed that down the stretch, leading to an 82- led by SoCon preseason player- they were hitting their rhythm 73 Charleston win. of-the-year , offensively against North Texas, The Wildcats stuck around to tie the score at 44 by halftime. turning in their best performance Charleston for the next few days Goudelock went 7/9 in the first of the young season by shooting and took on the Bulldogs of The half with 18 points. The lead 50% from the field on 28-of-56 Citadel on Saturday afternoon. went back and forth between the shooting. The Wildcats fell behind early in two teams early in the second The Wildcats led 34-19 at the first half, but held The Citadel half, and Charleston led 76-73 halftime, but North Texas came scoreless for the last 6:10 of the with just three minutes left. But out strong to cut the deficit to photo by Tripp Bartholomew first, going into half time with a Goudelock three with 2:50 38-29. The Wildcats then went a 30-26 lead. Davidson didn’t remaining, followed by strong Ashley Lax ’11 steps back and attempts a three pointer in their on a 16-6 run, pushing the game look back en route to a 68-53 out of reach, ultimately winning most recent home game. Lax and the rest of team are on a three game winning streak. conference victory. Jake Cohen See MBB, page 11 70-55. Johnsen recorded a double- double, adding fourteen rebounds to go along with her twenty Former Davidson Baseball Players Working in MLB points. Aleksandravicius fell Mi k e Fr o n g e l l o Prior to working in the Braves Marketing department a rebound short, tallying nine Sports Editor Commissioner’s office, Ryan in early June following a shoul- boards while also blocking seven worked in the Scouting and der labrum injury suffered in shots. Laura Murray ‘14 chipped Former Davidson baseball Baseball Operations depart- the Arizona Winter League that in eleven rebounds, and Chloe players Billy Ryan ’02 and ments for the recent American ended his playing career. As Woodington ’11 led the team Chase Fitzpatrick ’09 recently League Champion Texas Rang- a marketing employee, Fitz- with five assists. received exciting news regard- ers in 2005 and 2006, and then patrick quickly impressed the In the tournament final, ing their budding careers in was a Scouting Supervisor for Braves and was named Em- Aleksandravicius and Johnsen Major League Baseball. After the Cleveland Indians during the ployee of the Month in August, scored twenty and nineteen serving as the Senior Coor- 2007 season. During his play- just his second month on the points, respectively, as the ‘Cats dinator of Salary & Contract ing career at Davidson, Ryan job. Later in the season, he was took down UT-SA 69-60. Murray Administration in the Com- was a four-year letterman and honored on the field prior to At- led the team in rebounding with missioner’s Office for Major team captain while garnering lanta’s final home regular sea- nine, three different players League Baseball for the past first team All-Southern Confer- son game against the Phillies on dished out three assists apiece, three seasons, Ryan was named ence and team Most Valuable October 3 where he named the Ashley Lax ’11 added fourteen Assistant General Manager by Player Honors during the 2001 Braves marketing Employee of points, and Aleksandravicius the Arizona Diamondbacks on season. He, along side new the Year. Like Ryan, Fitzpatrick blocked four more shots, giving November 15. Likewise, Fitz- Vice President of Baseball Op- enjoyed a stellar playing career her eleven rejections for the patrick was admitted into the erations and General Manager at Davidson as also earned team tournament. Atlanta Braves 10-month em- Kevin Towers, face a tough task Most Valuable Player honors in Chase Fitzpatrick ’09 was See Women’s ployee training program after in resurrecting a Diamondbacks the 2009 season. Fitzpatrick recently admitted to the Atlanta earning Employee of the Year franchise that finished last in received more good news just Braves 10-month employee Basketball, honors while working in the the National League West Divi- weeks ago, as he found out he training program. Brave’s marketing department sion with a 65-97 record. had been selected for the Braves program. He will begin the pro- page 10 this past season. Fitzpatrick joined the 10-month employee training gram in January.

Player of the Week Play of the Week

Sophia Aleksandravicius ’13 Scott Patrick ’14 Women’s Basketball Wrestling Pound Ridge, NY Ellicott City, MD

Aleksandravicius dropped 31 points on the unsuspecting Patrick came from behind in the 175 lb. Final to win Radford Women’s Basketball team this past Saturday. the Davidson Open for his weight class. This was The sophomore also helped her team win the UT-SA the freshman’s first career tournament victory. Thanksgiving Classic and was named to the All-Tournament team.