Andy McNab | 496 pages | 10 Jul 2010 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552156288 | English | London, United Kingdom exit wound - Wiktionary

Exit wounds are the wounds made when a projectile exits the body. The term typically refers to punctures made by gunshot wounds, but can refer to any wound made by a fast-moving object that Exit Wound enters the body in one location and leaves in another. are Exit Wound larger and more irregular than entrance wounds, and typically require special care. When a fast-moving projectile, such as a bullet, enters the body, it does so at an uninterrupted pace. The force of the bullet slams into the flesh, leaving a relatively clean and well- rounded wound. As the bullet travels through the body, though, it meets resistance Exit Wound organs and other internal structures. This causes it to slow down and adds to the overall amount of damage. With less force behind it, the bullet has to work harder to exit the body, resulting in messier, less regular exit wounds. Exit wounds differ depending on the type of penetrating object. Certain bullets cause more damage Exit Wound others, and in some cases the exit wound can actually be smaller and cleaner than the entrance wound. This most often results when the gun is fired very close to the body. Forensic specialists can often determine the type of gun and bullet that was used based on the entrance and exit wounds. Caring for exit wounds is similar to caring for any major wound. Losing a large amount of blood quickly can send the victim into shock and make it difficult to replace the fluid fast enough to prevent death. Exit Wound bleeding is controlled, and the vital organs are evaluated and, if possible, Exit Wound, the team can focus on cleaning and repairing the wound. Infection is one Exit Wound the greatest concerns when caring for exit wounds, as the risk of Exit Wound increases when foreign matter passes through the body. A larger wound may also have a greater chance of becoming contaminated than a smaller wound. Infection control begins with cleaning the area around the wound and closing the opening of the wound with sutures. In some cases, the wound may need to be packed with sterile gauze to help it heal from the inside out. Unlike Exit Wound wounds, entrance and exit Exit Wound caused by bullets require meticulous care in maintaining the integrity of the evidence. Doctors Exit Wound nurses may be required Exit Wound photograph the wounds or preserve any pieces of the bullet that are retrieved from the body. While assisting in the collection of evidence should never come at the expense of the best possible patient care, it is still Exit Wound important aspect of caring for gunshot wound victims. Please enter the following code:. Login: Forgot password? Exit Wounds by Rutu Modan

The Exit Wounds soundtrack may bounce Exit Wound from smooth urban sounds to buck-wild Dirty South to hardcore East Coast rap, but no matter the style, it maintains a stunning level of exceptional quality. In fact, it's difficult to narrow down the best moments since there are so Exit Wound. And if that isn't enough to make this a notable soundtrack, the three sultry urban soul moments Exit Wound 's "It's on Me," Playa 's "Incense Burning," 's "Hell Yeah Remix " -- challenge the rap songs for the status of being album highlights. In sum, this album is Exit Wound to brim with amazing songs. For the most part, though, Exit Wounds illustrates exactly how great soundtracks occasionally can be; not only does it have an ensemble of Exit Wound songs, but it also offers a variety of styles -- hardcore East Coast rap, Dirty South, naughty urban soul -- that should appeal to a number of audiences. AllMusic relies heavily on JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to use the site fully. Blues Classical Country. Electronic Folk International. Jazz Latin Exit Wound Age. Aggressive Bittersweet Druggy. Energetic Happy Hypnotic. Romantic Sad Sentimental. Sexy Trippy All Moods. Drinking Hanging Out In Love. Introspection Late Night Partying. Rainy Day Relaxation Road Trip. Romantic Exit Wound Sex All Themes. Features Interviews Lists. Streams Videos All Posts. Release Date March 20, Track Listing. No Sunshine. Bill Withers. State of State. Gangsta Tears. We Got. Timothy Mosley. It's on Me. Walk With Me. . Bust Your Gun. Steady Grinding. Incense Burning. Off da Chain Daddy. Hell Yeah. Samuel White. Outsiderz 4 Life. Hey Ladies. Fo' All Y'all. Dog 4 Life. No Sunshine Bill Withers. Gangsta Tears . We Got L. Party Timothy Mosley. Walk With Me A. Bust Your Gun A. Exit Wound Burning S. Off da Chain Daddy A. Fo' All Y'all K. Dog 4 Life C. Exit Wounds - Original Soundtrack | Songs, Reviews, Credits | AllMusic

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling Exit Wound about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Exit Wounds by Rutu Modan. Exit Exit Wound by Rutu Modan. Noah Stollman Translator. Set in modern-day Tel Aviv, a young man, Koby Franco, receives an urgent phone call from a female soldier. Learning that his estranged father may have been a victim of a suicide bombing in Hadera, Koby reluctantly joins the soldier in searching for clues. His death would certainly explain his empty apartment and disconnected phone line. As Koby tries to unravel the mystery Set in modern-day Tel Exit Wound, a young man, Koby Franco, receives an urgent phone call from a female soldier. As Koby tries to unravel Exit Wound mystery Exit Wound his father's death, he finds himself piecing together not only the last few months of his father's life but his entire identity. With thin, precise lines and luscious watercolors, Rutu Modan creates a portrait of modern Israel, a place where Exit Wound death mingles with the slow dissolution of family ties. She is a chosen artist of the Israel Cultural Excellence Foundation. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Tel Aviv Israel. Other Editions Friend Reviews. Exit Wound see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Exit Wound ask other readers questions about Exit Woundsplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More Exit Wound. Sort order. Start your Exit Wound of Exit Wounds. View all 35 comments. Mar Exit Wound, Hamad rated it it was ok. The art is not that interesting, and the story is not that profound. The main Exit Wound is constantly living his Exit Wound as defined by his childhood, and then the negative aspects of his childhood father comes back to confront him in indirect ways. Toward the end, the main character overcomes this, supposedly grows up and starts anew. That's about it. Now you don't actually need to read it. View 2 comments. Oct 16, Aloke rated it it was amazing Shelves: ownedcomixfiction. I wonder why this doesn't get as much love as The Property? Both are so good but if anything I loved this one more. I'm a sucker for that Tintin style that Modan works Exit Wound. Everything looks great even though so much of the story takes place in Exit Wound places: bus stops, non descript Exit Wound, unkempt apartments. There are so many panels that would look amazing as album covers. Exit Wound cover shot of Numi from below or plunging into the waves. She's such a great character. And so Exit Wound Koby as the Exit Wound of I wonder why this doesn't get as much love as The Property? And so is Koby as the son of a distant and disappointing father. It was even better on rereading when things made more sense and you see how carefully the pieces fit together. My edition also has an interview with Modan by Joe Sacco. I haven't read any of his stuff but I think being a comics artist himself meant his questions were more illuminating. She answers with a Exit Wound of interesting details that shed light on her own personality and process in creating Exit Wounds and Exit Wound works. Maybe other reviewers don't like it as much because that tree really looks way too tall but they're too polite to say it. I know it can't be the way Modan draws tears because there's nothing in this book that compares to the gusher in The Exit Wound View all 5 comments. Oct 12, Dov Zeller rated it it was amazing Shelves: graphics-comics. In a weird way this seems to me an all mixed up retelling of Jane Eyre, with its plain heroes, one wealthy, one poor, and the mystery person in the attic very metaphorical and something of a stretch, but why not. There is something of Bronte and Dickens in it, because it's a Exit Wound novel, with a lot of realism and Exit Wound touch of absurdity and magic. But while there are hints of some of the classics in it, it is so contemporary and Israeli, leaving the reader to navigate a sad, funny and brutish Exit Wound In a weird way this seems to me an all mixed up retelling of Jane Eyre, with its plain heroes, one wealthy, one poor, and the mystery person in the attic very metaphorical and something of a stretch, but why not. But while there are hints Exit Wound some of the classics in it, it is so contemporary and Israeli, leaving the reader to navigate a sad, funny and brutish world on their own. With restraint but also the mischief and deeper meaning that comes when a storyteller is enjoying the process, Modan tells the tale of Exit Wound and Koby. Modan's a great artist and Exit Wound a unique voice, by which I mean colors, styles, silences and surprises. The cover and the front matter bring Exit Wound immediately into the world of the story a little off-balance, which is I think, how we stay. Compelling and tonally strange, the cover draws attention away from a certain bombing in the bottom row of panels toward a large closeup of Numi, her body turned toward us, her face turned away, her unglamorous hair blowing in the breeze. She's so close, her puffy red coat is almost pressed against the glass of a camera. This frame takes up most of the cover and though our attention is first attracted by Numi, as our eyes follow her gaze, we see, Exit Wound a certain distance, standing by his cab, Koby, looking small, unsure of Exit Wound, almost innocent. Inside there are a few understated title pages. Exit Wound has a very sweet portrait of Numi, interrupted and finished on the next page, opposite a white page with a strip of cityscape at the center, city washed out in salmon or pink, and people in full color, going about their daily lives, though not as prominent as the stop light. It is not just that mundane life is set against the horror of a bombing, but that we feel a very strong pull away from big events Exit Wound the private worlds of people who still must make sense of their Exit Wound, small lives. They are not heroes in any typical sense of the word, far from it, but their disconnection becomes the central focus of the story, even as they try to clumsily piece together a story of a bombing in a cafe that got very little notice in Exit Wound press. The comedy of it reminds me a tiny bit of "Manhattan Murder Mystery". The book has only four chapters, which feels very deliberate and almost seasonal, though I wish there were a few more. Each chapter title page has a white background with two characters in the middle of some kind of action or conversation. The first chapter it's Numi and Koby talking on a park bench. Exit Wound second, Koby and his aunt, carrying groceries Exit Wound talking. The third, Koby and Numi swimming. And the fourth, Numi's dogs big enough to be great danes, but spotted like dalmatians alert to some kind of danger. Once we get to the opening sequence of panels, we already have many of the pieces of the puzzle, and Modan wastes no time setting up Exit Wound story and also very skillfully introduces us to characters and their dynamics There has been a bombing. Koby's father appears to have disappeared, but he's so often out of the picture, inconsistent and unsteady in his contact, that nobody believes he's really gone. Numi contacts Koby trying to figure out what happened to his father, and Koby is forced to confront his ambivalence, bitterness, selfishness, and a desire and hope for connection that he's Exit Wound shoved to the background of his somewhat pitiful life. More I will not say. I highly recommend this book. Also, below is a goodreads review I really liked. Jun 18, Karyl rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels, in-a-foreign-landlibrary-reads. I never read reviews before I read a book because doing so generally colors my opinions of said books. But sometimes I wish I had, and this is one of those times. I'm not well-versed enough in graphic novels to really critique them as well as I would like, and had I read the reviews of this book before I started, I feel I would have picked up on a lot more. Modan's art is very simple and spare, but she still manages to convey quite a bit of emotion in these simple lines. I can well identify with Exit Wound never read reviews before I read a book because doing so generally colors my opinions of said books. I can well identify with Koby and his frustration with his Exit Wound not knowing who he was as a person and not even seeming to care because I have a mother like that, though it boggles my mind that any parent can be so disassociated from a child they created.