Friday, September 21;1984 le's 'uniq e edu 'ator' away

Dr. 0 vid E. Sv.eet. 51 , P r 6id~ n l of R h de ~r o m entra l High S hool in Memphi.. 'Iand ollege (R I I for Ihe la'l se ven yeu s" y Sheila MW'pby f.:nnessee tn 195 1. graduated Magna Cum Of The ArcblfllY Staff died S unday. September 16, al Roger Laude from Dru ry College wit h a Sa helor of illi ms General Hospita l. The Nutrition Internship at Bryant allege. rt 1955; degree in Political Science in he which began during the sprinS semester oflast Dr. Swt: I had nOI been feelj ng .... ell a nd had ' then attended Duke Uni er ity here he laken a few days ofrto rest. He wa a hnsli.'1n Da l'id w t!I \ unrime ~ t· death has lefl me year is ontinujng to provid o unseliD.i received his Master 0 r1s and he eventually not on~l' saddened. but at a loss. for he was a service on various health topics. The topics Scienti!,l nct a.~ . uch h declined medi al ' his Ph.D in 1967. attention. Dr. Sweet suffered a diabelic lose. per 'onal f riend. 'If all Ihe ollt:ge includ proper eatina ha bits, diet, and weight presidents in Rhode Is land. I tomidned After several teaching an admin istrati v loss. ~ei/ure. car iac acre I and b o fell lOla a positions. he rri d at RI in 1977. wh en coma. Dal'id 10 be my clo e.1I as ociate. He I,'as an Internships have always been an important imaginalive indIvidual brimming with ide s. RIC wa, stili largel iI teachers' college. He part of education at Bryant College. Albert Carl II i. Chairman the Bard tre 'sed a liberal arts program for all tudent · He lI/1en saw educational po/enllal before the Internships pro id st udents wit job of (jo\ernors tor Higher Education. wa~ and dt!epened hi~ commitment to liberal arts quoted IT1 the Providence Journal as saying r .1'1 of us had el'eII a faint glimpu of (I experience that is much needed in today's pOlsibility. His concern and commitment for in th "Sir t gic Plan of RIC" which is business world. Now Bryant i fferIDS job that RI was largely, teachcr~'co ll ese when cu rr.: ntty under implementati on. Dr. S weet ar riv~d (in 1977 ) "but he ( ' weel) students was unquesti()lIab ~ 1' his greatest experience to students outside tbe Bryant priurity. He brought vision. hlllllor and Dr. DB id t . Greene. Dean 0 Ans and Community. opene it up to other di~cip li ne~ and made it cie nces (at RIC). said that Dr. wcet wa an e\·traordinar.l' leadership not only IU RIC. hut Diane Ryzewicz. a senior at URI, is mto a comprehen Ive In ~tlIutlOn with a !ot ron "Outstanding ~poke~pc:r~on in defendIng RIC cmpha\is on liberal MS ." all ofhigher eduCl1,lion in Rhodl' Island. I hal'l' majorina in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is In every avaHable forum. He was a students' lost a good friend. and the tale ha 10 ( U worhng in cooperation with Noreen Mattis, Dr weet': accompli~hme nts included Pre ~ident." said Dr Greene: . Imiqllt' and memorable educator. Di~~or of Health Services, and Health lot Cling a bu ine ~ management program at e (Dr. '. wect) was firmlv commilled to the RI . which no", enroll' 1100 studenl~ . Bryant Pre idem William T O'Hara Services to provide free and confidential liberal arts education of the rudenls. and nutrition counseling for students and staff at initiated popular programs . .. in the ur ·ing. Bryant College. Diane will be writing Man sement and Computer cicnce nutrition anicle for tbe Archway, providing Departments. ~ay~ Dr. Greene. Dr. Swect had re ource rna terlal for tudents. and Tilt' following "'as condensed {rom un arllde pUllhed (or a !>ucce sful hono/ ' program and panlcipating in dorm functions. Diane's uf'pearing in The Anchor. the RIC .llIIdrnl helped to fund it wit h mon y from hi!. office. office is located in Health ervlces (Dorm 6). newspaper. ll'rillell by CO li DesjarlaIs. 'He lur cd I his college (R Ie) around in s~ven She works Tuesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 Dr 5\\cct \\fa bMn in Holvoke . !lears and it will be a \\0 hjle before we: get back p.m. Call Health Services at 232-6220 for an Ma~ achuseLl~ on Jul 9.1933. He radu3ted to an equilibrium state," Dr. Greene said. appointment.

Septemberfest begins next Friday

spon ore by the tudent P~ogrammll1i B Marie Fry r . .. mia h, " pon o~d y the (feci cd to go ahead ilh the: carnival idea and What can bnng you popcorn. music, a ferris Lettel CouDcil"Caplure the FIa8." and sent a propo Ion May I, 1984. wheel, crowd and e citement? "M Production.· Ala, SenatDt Michael Since then, Sob ro y the fralernit)' ha The county fair? Flynn will be pealcinlon Friday and Sund y. been dedicating a great deal of Lime to the Well, may but y u have aU this and A location nd time have not yet bee ~l. Scplemberfe t. "The brothers have been more hen Bryant College comes alive: with Dave Sobaro, president of Phi Epsilon PI, dOing a ~meDdous job. particularly Ricb What's Happening to Septemberfe t Weekend. say the fraternity is expecting 30 booths to be Albert," remarked Sobaro. Beginning Friday, September 28 througb sel up and about 15,000 people: to be Sobaro also cited the help he has received Sunday. September 30, the brothers of Phi attending. from the Bryant Commumty, noting Uz the Bryant Social life? Epsilon Pi fratemty will be pon oring a "It's going to be 24 hours of carnival." Sullivan from the Office ofStudent Activities, Septemberfest Weekend with proceeds to remarked Sorbaro. "'hat's alot of carnival." Liz O'Neil from Public Relations. the Student P.3 beneHI the RhOde I Jand Arthritis The carnival hours will be: Programming Board, the Greeic teller Foundation. Friday 6:00 pm to 12:00 am Council and the Athlellc Department. The fes t will be a carnival complete with Saturday 12:00 pm to 1:00 am Campus involvement in Stplemberfest was Bryant Women Booters clowns and a big-lap tent. Under the tent will Sunday 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm stressed by Sobaro as an Objective. be booths with a variety ofdisplays including: The idea of doing a carnival began with the "Gelling every club/organization involved food, game and exhibition . Each of the brothers last spring. According to Sobaro,the has been just a much a goal a raISIng Kick Some Grass, Win Opener booths is being run by a campus organization frate:rnity(Phi Epsilon Pi) wa looking for ao money,~ said So~aro . "We wa.nt to make this or a local area organi:r.ation. organization to belp when a fretemity an annual event. " P.16 Additional entertainment will be provided alumnus sugge ted the Rhode Island Arthritis Anyone still interested in having a booth or throughout the weekend by (our different Foundation (RIAF). volunteering to set up can do so by contacting bands. The bands playing will be "The Rev," After contacting RIAF. the brother Dave Sobaro at 232-4337 or Box 2601. Inquiring Photographer "What can't you live without?" New rule are strongly enforced P, 8,9 groups fined for having illegal panys. The By J. P Le Blanc majority of a lcohol violJJtions have 'been on first names also. Of The Archway Staff individ ual basis. Barlow believes tbat, "with A majority of instances of vandalism on Get a Punk's Opinion It ha been two wee ks since Bryant students the we ight of the tipula tions, most tudent! campus a rc usually a uributed to alcohol. were elcomed back with a ho t ofcbanges in are choosing to foll ow tbe guidelines." Any Friday and Saturd y nights have always been alcohol policies and regulation . AJ tho u ~b momes oUected from alcohol- related fi nes prime targets to "let loose." Now that IegaJ P. S every student received a pa~ e of new pOlicies wi ll be used to suppon non-alcobolic. resident onsumption of alcobol on Bryant Campus and regulaliuons over the ummer, many were hall eve nt . BarlQw .ai4."·bi s ii an pertains 10 a minority of student , student hocked to fi nd strict enforceme nt of them. ppropriate use 01 the fu rub." Alcobol fi Des will either fi nd alternative enlertainment or Acording to Peter Barlow, Di~c tor of tart at SIO for a first offence. Fines for a continue t consume alcohol, if n t on Resident Life. there is a n important reason for second or third offe nce have been raised this campus then someplace off Cl\ mpus. Ba rlow being so strict. He said that " Bryant, as a n year 10 $25 and S50 respectively. sa id,"lt is too early to tell 'if \>andalism will be institution , in good f&j th to students, parents. Barlow said he is "surprised at how quickly reduced" because sludents will be off camp'lIs and the community i bligated to provide a 'the ommunity patrol offi ers have become an more tb n last year. He added that "because afe, secure environment. Moreover, we must accepted p rt of the Bryant community." alcohol consumption varies with different follow and enforce the law5 of Rhode fsland." They arc on a firsl name basiswlth most ofthe seasons. it will taice al l Sl one semester,ifnot A otding to Residence Li e, during the RA ·s. In tb future it is hoped tbat they will a full year, to determine the full Impact of the ftest two weeks of school, the~ wert. no abo know a majority of the student body by new policies."

Helea Walshln, a May 19... ,nduale of ANNOUNCEMENT Bryant, died this put weei:end ID her bome "MEET THE PREZ" A memorial service for David J. lo,.n ofYonken, Ne¥!.~. WbllutBuanL Tuesday, Sept. 25 from Helen made Dean's List eilht emester ' and Berke will be held Monday t Sept. joioed Deltl Mu Delta In the pring of 1982. 2:30-3:30 pm in tbe 14 at 7:00 pm In the Janfk.ies She w.~ pre Ident of Delta Omega last ),ear. Personals Polic)' Auditorium. David dJed in May Helen v,du,teet rrom B".atSumma Cum Rotunda. Talk witb Bryant The P(r~onal. Bo. is locilLed," the Student from injuries sustained in an Laude. Card and \etten may be Hnt to College President William \enatc ffict: P 'r onal I rm become automobUe accident. Hel.en's parenti, Martin and Iris W bin, 634 a\allable on 'vIonday. Ftfty Per anals per North Bl'oadw.y. Yonkers, N.Y. 109701. T. O'Hara. week .... til ppear in The A rrhway. Y SE PTEMBER 21, 19 84 SE AT E CO E ALCOHOL. I'm so tired of discussing this topic! Most people who By Jeff Baroflch your Senate is doing for you! ta lk to me about a lcohol. as it pertains to Bryant College students. Student Senate President EJecdons ~ only comp la in ! I don't understand why. Spec ial Elections were held at Wednesday's I'm going to say this one more time - Bryant Collegedid not raise would like to congratulate two new meeting and congratulations are in order for: add itio ns to thc Student Senate: Doreen Doreen DeSanto - Junior eoator the d rinki ng age, the State of Rhode Island did. I think Bryant DeSanto, a J unior. a nd Keith Schneider. a a nd College ha s done a grea t job of trying to find altematives to Senio r. Both won a specia l election this Keith Sctmeider - Senior Senator olcohol, and other people have told me they think so too. The Wednesday, Keith will be a senio r class Administration began pla nning even before the drinking a ge bill chairman a nd Doreen will be in charge of Freshmen. E l ec t i o n~ are just around the was voted on. They implemented sug gestions made by students: Poster, Paints a nd Signs. I also o uld like to corner. Nomination·papers are available now congratulate Tracy Aldrich for making the and are due by October I at3:30 pm. Elections they are making the Koffler Center into a student union, they are Upper Oass Buddy Program a nd picnic such wi ll be held on October 9 and 10 so a ll expanding the intram ural program. they have hired a night gym a succcss. interested Freshmen should stop in the Senate ma nager, they are trying to find uses for the vans (replacing the Elections for the F resh men Senators will be Office to pick up the nominati on papers and BTA bus) for off-camp us events (sports, theater, etc). Yet, people October 9 and 10. Nominatio n papers will be find out more a bout the campaign. still comp lain to me about things, such as - .., can't get in the available in the Senate Office. A motion was passed in the Senate this Sophomore Class Comfort because of the computer list at the door that your i. d. is Wednesday for an increase 0(57.00 per year in Volunteers Wanted: checked against. Bryant shouldn't have that policy." Those peop le the student activity fee. A referendum o te by There will be a car wash sponsored by the can't get in the Comfort because they aren't 21 years old. Don't the student body will be taking place. More Sophomore C1as o n aturday. September 29 get mad at Bryant for that. information will available in the coming from 11-3 pm at the Smithfi eld Gelly Station Yo u c an only have fun if you want to. It is a state of mind. If you're weeks. Dr. O'Hara will be speaking at the on Rt. 7. Volunteers are needed to wash cars Senate meeting October 17 . A reception for and also publicize the car wash. All interested not having fun it's Your fault and Ihave no pityfor you. Don't blame the faculty. adm in istration and staff will be sopho mores should see Kerry Amaral in the Bryant for your attitude. held before the meetin{l: . Senate Office for more information. The Archway is getting a staff together towrite anentertainment The Student Lommittee that has been put section which will tell students where movies are playing, where together to review alcohol policies wi ll be Senior Class bands are playing, what shows are going on and much more. In meeting today to discuss their plans for the The Boston Harbor Crui e is all set for semester. Different student groups will will be September 30. Tickets are being sold at the order to bring this information to the Bryant Communitywe need a asked to give their input on changes they Box Office for 515.00 until September 25 . All staff though. If every person who complained to me within the last would like to see throughout the semester. commuters and residents alike are welcome to week came to The Archway and got involved in this project we Any students who would like to serve on the share in the first Senior Class event! could put together a Two Page entertainment section! So if you Student J udicial Board sho uld get in touch Any questions on guests? Please d irect it to know I'm ta lking to you, I expect to see you at our meeting with me in the Student Senate Office by Lynn Bernier so we can wo rk it out. Monday,September 24th. I would also like to The Senators will be electing five Senior Wednesday (3:30 in room M31). remind everyone that Senate meetings are Ad visory Council members on Tuesday Wednesdays at 3:30 in 386 A & Band September 25 . If you are interested or would In addition, The Archway has instituted a "news sharing" everyone is welcome to attend. like more information about the Council program with loca l college newspapers. In the future you may see contact any _Senior Senator as soon as bylines that sa y "By Jo Jones OfThe Anchor Staff" or "Of the Brown SENATE NEWS possible. As well as being a governing body for all Daily Herald." We believe Bryant students can get a better Motions perspective on what campus life is like throughout Rhode Isla nd by students and most clubs and organizations. the Student Senate serves the student body The Senate unanimously voted on a motion reprinting articles from other college newspapers. By sharing with the central idea of students working for to pose to the student body a re ferendum vote newspapers, The Archway will also become more aware of the students. This column is designed to inform concerning the raising of the Student events taking place at other colleges which Bryant students may the student body of all Senate related Activities Fee by 57.00 . T his refe rendum vote must be taken by November I so more want to attend and we can tell you about those events. activities in hopes of geu .ing more students informed and involved. Yo u do not have to be information will be available and publicized a Senator to work on a Senate committee or soon! I encourage any student(s) who strongly agrees or disagrees attend a Senate meeting. Senate meetings are with what I've said here to write a letter to the editor. Voice your every Wednesday at 3:30 pm and everyone is That is all for this week. Hope to see you next 1 opinion. Tell us how bad or good-your social life is. Are you a inVited to find out and get involved in what Wednesday a t 3:30 freshma n who has become totally d isillusioned with college life (Where are all the wild keg pa rties?) or are you a senior who has become totally disillusioned with college life (Where are all the wild keg parties?) Speak Out! Get Mad! Tell Us Your Problem! But REEK NEWS please, please, please, don't just sit there a nd complain. You're only hurting yourself. The G L Organizational Fair under the Doug DormJl7l, an Archway siaff writer tent on Thursday gave the Greeks a chance to and a member ofPhi Sigma Nufralernily, will showcase their memorabilia as well as ea rn a be writing a Greek News column each week 10 little money. Fund raisers included a dunking i"'orm students of activities the fraternities booth. balloon breaking, fried do ugh, and and sororilies plan that affect the campus raffles. T hen the fil m, " Animal House" played population. that night to a near ca pacity crowd in the " It was certainly one of the best Gree k Janikies Audito rium. Week 's that we've ever had," stated Greek On Friday night. the Audito riu m was again Edltor-In-Chlef ...... Robin DeMa Nia letter Council President Joe Kurtzer. fu il for Neil Simon's "California uite" which Managing Edlto r ...... Paul Ryden In fact, the majori ty of reek. agree with was presented b the Perfo rming Arts Series Business Manager . . . . . , ...... ~ ...... Chris Chouinard Kurner when loolcing back on ihls year's and was followed by a Dessert Theatre. News Edl1or ...... • ...... Diana Douglas a nnual Greek Week. The Week is designed to Greek Week 's gra nd fi na le ca me on Features Editor ...... , ...... John Bellino introduce new students to each fraternity and Saturday night as VIxen ro ked wi th 0 or 270 Sports Editor ...... Kevin Falcone sorority as well as pitting the Greeks aga inst students at the G LC mixer. "The xu was a Production Manager ...... ,., ...... Jon Tessee each other in some friendly competition. filling end to the success we had throughout Photography Editor ...... Debbie Levy This year's Greek Week began o n Monday, Gree Week." Ku ruer said . Darkroom Technician ...... , ...... • .. . •... . . Scott Grot Sep tember 10, with M ini-O lympics in the "With the increase in the drinking age. mOre Administrative Secretary ...... • , •...... Mary Bellemare M AC. Fra ternities and sororities competed non-a lcoholic events will have to be Typesetting Coordinator ...... Steven Grossma n against themsel es in events such as foul pro ided." he continued . "Greek Week was Advertising Production Manager ...... , ...... Mike Gionta homing. frisbee t brow, obstacle course. and yet a nother example of the creall ve . quality AcNertislng SOles Manoger ...... • ...... Sue Ahlberg wister. programming that the GLC ha provided in Graphics...... • ...... Patrick Murphy Tuesday began witb the GLC men's and the past and will be aiming for aga in this News/Features: Kevin Allard. Steven R. Brown. Steve Buell. Doug Dorman.John women's eros country ra es followed by a year." Paul leblanc. Linda Pipines. l ynn Re nock. Ke ith Schneider, Rochelle picnic d inner which was a ttended by more Assistant Director of Student Activities Gmvallese, Dave Siegal. tha n 3S0 students. That night students played and GLC Advisor, Elizabeth Sullivan. said . the Dating Game to a packed bouse in the "This year's Greek Week wa s one of the best Phototypesetting: Karen Petscara. Lee Breckinridge. Lynn Renock. Denise Pub. planned and best organized event> tha t Bryant Perkins. Michael Beirne. Yvonne Vogelsberg. Mary Deroy. and Joanne Jordan. Wednesday featured Greek O pen House in has had for a while." She added that , "Thanks Sports: James Gregorio, laura Nesteriak, Terry O·Donnell. the dormitories and DJ and Dancing in the to the GLC. Greek Week had a large a ppeal Pub that evening. even though ali its events were non-alco holic." Production: Patrick Murphy. Kevin Sughrue, Rich Stephens. Ad Production Beth Clark, Todd Barbieri. Mike Gaffin, Ken GlUCk, Christine Kilduff. Rich Lavoie Photographers: Celina Santos, Rich Stephe ns. Michael Poll. Business: Joanne Jordan p Ad SQles: Therese Allen, Candy Ken.ser • A tef pending a weekend on Martha's John Belli"o, Archwaf Fea;'/res Editor and TIle Archway Is com~ wee~IV dun the academIc. vear oy the unders;,radua te students 01 Vineyard. aU committee heads have become Btyonl College. The PUblisher is Btyant College.This n€IW$pOpEJI' lS wn"Etn andeditedbya sl den) stoff ArchwQY Rl!presenlalive of the Student good friends as well as increased their and no 101m 01 cenSOlShlp 1$ e xerted aver the conlent a style ot onv ISorue MV news and opinIons Programming Board, will be writing a weekly expA3SS6d In this publlcoffon ore those 01 the studentsand donot nEl'cessorlJy retlect the offiCial VIew s management. leadership and c mmunicallon d the faculty and admirnslrallan or Bryant College . The N ChwaV is prinled b y Weston GraphICS. column 10 t"'orm students ofactivities being skills. Above all. the group has develope a Bellingh m Massachusetts. by offset planned by S PB. broader awareness of the tudenls' needs at Deadlines. lor a ll submissions ale r..5doys al 3:30pm,(pleasetype all submissions). Deadlines for The Student Programming Board has Bryant, and thu anticipate a great year with ad,II Midnight Monday,CopyconstderedobjectIonablebyrne EdllOllol Boord WIll not beOCceplecl. successfull begun its yea r as numerous NI submissions become properry ot The Archway a nd cannot be returned. Announcements. and many new and never-tried-before ideas. news relaoset; from the College a surrounding communtly IS printed aT the d'SCIelion of the Ed tOf­ people have bccome new members of the n Monda y, eptember 24, the Student in-Chiel club's various committees. Nevertheless, the Programming Board will hold its meeting in the Archway is a member 01 the Columbia Scholas!lc Press Assocto tion Board still invites more students to join the the Freshman Dorm lounge. Everyone is club and help it attain its goals for the '84-'85 Officesare located on the Second floor of lI1e Multipurpose Ac1lvitles Center Moiling Addless is BoK welcome to attend. so bring your ideas and 37. BlVant COWage. Smithfield. RI 02917. Our number is (401 ) 232-6028 and 232-M29 , school year. comments. THE. _ ARCHWAY*FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21 , 1984*3 Parties serve a purpose To The Editor; been the main gatheri-;tgJ;Tace on campus. The admi nistration, particularly the Office Unless more people are allowed to make our . THE of Residence Life, appears to be benl' on campus a fun place to be on the weekends, -" From The National On-Campus Repo rt Bryant will become more of a suitcase college. destroying a Bryant College t.radition: T he . M ORE HOW-TO'S: For those college women finding il tough to be pro per young socIa l gatheri ngs in the Suite-Style dorms. I don't blame SPB for this. T he y are pro ba bly lat/ic>. hel p i_ o n the a . . Broo ke S hi eld,. \I III soon publish a " High School nd C liege hurt the most, because as long as Residence T hese parties ha ve al -ays been the mainstay Girl's G uide to Having It AII "--but not unt il Cornlia Guest has offered her own Life is driving people off ca mpus, no one will of cial life. They not only serve to bring guidebook 1" 01" yU t ug dd ,utates. We can hardly wait. people together but also complement other even want I give the events they wo rk hard on programming effort on campus. In the past a chance. A college should strive to keep TH E BOO M IN B US INES S ST UDENTS at the U. o f Wiseoiio n-M di on will mean Re id ence Life has realized this and has not students here on the weekends and prov' d c: lough c o mp ~ tl ti o n fo r gradt: s -~ a n d less fun fo r students. am two busme s strictly enforced noise regulations or the them the opportunity for a total ed ucation. It depart ment members. A reco rd IY ,f )1' th i~ fa ll' fr hman lass pi "' ttl major in number of people allowed in the suites, Now, amazes me how this ca mpus has emptied out bu sine~. Most or the students wi ll have 10 get 3.0averages j ust to get into the business they have not only dev loped a new alco hol the past two weekends. ,choo!. and man~ ill need to mak lh ir c lIeg 'ar er h ice early t plot speciflc poli y but a lso a new party policy. People who Residence Life's attitude to wa rds social cou rse seq lIenees. gatherings also is upsetting too many of the have tried to have social gatherings in the COMPUTER COURSES A RE frustrating and confusing. acco rd ing to rtear h by students who erved on the committee that d o rms have been continually hassled. Carne ie- Mellon . The, n ed to becom famili ar with wholt nC\I ulture-­ made recommendatio ns o n a le hoi policy, T he new, more straight policies ma ke little Includmg a new diffi cul t o r fn:shman. wh o are a bo inlimidall!d b\. We encouraged the administration to lighten l an g uag~-is sen e. In past years, when alco hol was \\mking a longloidc p rul es l>or~ ,1!1d 'ompulcr hill~ in the ampu. computer ' nler. -I 0 up where e er possi ble to make the permitted. la rge parties were of little co ncern combat the problem. M U ,pruccd up il\ center. \0\ ith paint. plants and carpcllng. and adjustment by students as easy as possible. to Residence Life. Now that the e pa rties a re reljuircd a ll f ~hm a n to tak' a omputcr orientalion OUf'oC. to c!as them Into Residence Life did not seem to grasp the spirit d ry, the num ber of people a nd noise have computer,. Tha t ha,n't d imi natcd st ud.:nts' negati ve: fc: eJ mgs, but has reduced them. be o rne an iss ue. Why houldn't adjoining of our recommenda tio ns. ey have caused suites be all owed to have a large ga theri ng and serious damage to the attitude of many new REC RlllTING BY VID EO- TE t E 'ONFEREN E will cbut thb fall al 21 \ltc" invite all their friends 0 e r') Limiting the a nd returning students. Ho pefully they will featuring abot 20 firms. Bu ... ine\\ People Inc.. a Min ncapolt" Minn.• firm is number of people in a suite to 20 is begi n to open their eyes and see what i conduct109 the full -da} ttleconferencc seS,1 ns. whic h will reach about 30 eampu,~ unreasonable. What are the results fthis new happening and work with us to ma ke our Oct. 9- 10. rhe \ ideo-tele,concferl'1I 109 wi ll enable client, to reach a Ilrea ternumber 01 polic)'? lt has created a great deal of negative ca mpus a place where stud nts wa nt to be on ' tuJ enls with ()u t c)( ees,ive travel co ... t... . the weekend . feelings t ward the ad mini strdti on. It has T H E T E t E ISIO N SHOW M* ·S*H* has lnll uenced college ..,1 dent' vi wof Fina ll y, I wo uld like t mak two last d riven people 0 f campus. It has made it organi/ation,. says II study by Wi ll ia m C. D~e r . dea n 01 the school 01 Management a t comments: I ) Take heart FRES H M EN. harder for o rganizations to a ttract people to Brigham Young U. , and Jefferey H. Dyer. dn MBA fro m t hai ... chuo!' They \urvcye4 Bryant can be a fun p ce here you wa ot to their events be a use no o ne is on campus, It 1000 tlU..,ine..,s students fro m eight colleges and found 57',( said M* A·. *11 had be on the weekends and 2) 'SENIORS, has prompted fresh men to ask "Where's the hang'd the ir at titudt:s to ward orga nllatio ns in some \~ay ..' o rne Innuenee : .', udents J UNlO RS, S O PHMORES - We a re the last fun?" And mo t seriously it may in the f ture \la nt to work ttl be done. a nd the wa nt to do work of value. that rea ll) make II three classes here whQ. know what a great lead to someone ge tting into an accident diflercncc. dri ing back to ca mpus. If no a lco hol is being place this can bc on the weeke nds. It is ur erved, why should the admintstration e responsibility to eep the' tradition of Bryant ST DENTS WHO A RE CROWD E TH R EE TO A ROOM in n!sidencc hall concerned about the size f parties? site parties going . So this weeke nd get a rooms designed fo r two people lend to think I c~~ of themsdve, U~ peoplc. Aaron We come to college, not o nly for a n p rmit, h ve a par y and do your part 10 pass WI"on Hughey 01 We tern K ·nlUcl., gav a ...df-per eplion test lone group ut academic education , but al for a cial this tradition. sLUdenl~ h\ing in normul conditions and a second group hving in O\ercrowded rooms. education. The most va luable part of our !-l oping 10 keep Bryant a fun place, The la tlcr gf up scored , igntfil::t nt ly lower i elf-perct:pti n, perhap, a, the! resull or loslo 01 peronnal spacc. theori/ed Hughey. a W U house dirt:ctor. college experience is what we learn about Jeff Ba rovic h dealing with people. The sujles have always SlUden\ Scnate President. TWO YEAR FTEA ils landmark report. "1 he Classroom ( limalc: /I. <. h i ll~ Onc i-or W()mCn '!~ the I'rojcet 011 the St at u ~ und Ed u tion of Wumen i ~ publi... hing J resource li,[, tlctailtng ,orne iO\tltution:.' efforts to eltmmate I he cla~sro\)m b,a, n,lled Alcohol-related in th li r I repon. Mnre Ihan 30,000 copics f the report ",erc di~trlbute'l in 19!!2. ('o ntact: "Selected Acti\ Ities 'ing " he: C lassroom ' hmate: A ChIlly One: For W(lmC '," !. J \Jitahle for I prepaid from t he Proj 'Ct on 1 he: tat U\ .lnd Educalion of problellls growing ssociut io n of merlca Collc:ge.,. IIi I R . L. N \\ " a, hmgton. D C 200(19 ) The following is a lellt'F fhal I wrole 10 At noo-alcoh lic weekend gatherings, , membnt of the rollege adminisllrtJlion In party ho~ts are conlinuall. warned bout hope of ",eanng (Tn a.....areness about the "stereo not e". And all 01 a udden lhe St dents are responsible, rUffe", atmosphere Qf Bryant amp"s fife. capacity li mit for sU Ite ga the .- ing has become: To The Editor; a strict policy when it never wa before. Why. o ur uccesses A conc rned tudent j aller, I would lik.e In a conver alion I had with an on dUI) Se urity guar thi pa t weekend. he said that to e pre ~om e vie\\-s conterntng the To the: Editor many factors whIch ould make or brea Ihis he \lia. n't x clly ~ ure what wa t be on ition of the c liege' amp tiC. During With this le tter I hope to explain hat weekend. We t ok the hance that belDg the enforced, but that everything a s going to be the past \ . I had meetmg wit members f happened with the Student Programming fi rst weekend most students would attend a the 011 ge ad mini tration to discuss the kept q wet on his shift . Board's two welcome B Mixers. As far as mixer to see a ll the friend s thai were missed mi conceptions I had with some new campus My biggest concern, though, and it is running both events, there were no o ver the summer. Obvio usly we were wr ng. po li ies. I left those meetings thinking that shared thro ughout the student body. is the complications or problems. They were As a result many tudents have a poor vie w what was discussed would be understood and a mount of students leaving campus. Some successfull in that respect. In terms of the towards S.P.B. which I believe is unfair. Even ommunicated to va ri ous constituencies. But, leave to d ri nk, a nd many leave to escape the number of people attending both were with a beuer band on Saturday night, tha t d u ri ng this past weekend I realized that very restrictive.,campu policy. When there is a failures. mixer was also a failure, If every person that little has been accomplished. The problems of caravan of cars leaving campus on a weekday During the summer, after reviewing many stopped in at the Student Center had stayed, it interest appear to grow worse. Many other night for a Massachusetts night club, you ha ve bands a decision was made to book the band would have been filled . Most didn't stay student Presidents share my sentiments. an uncontrollable problem. Also, I was Eyes for the Friday, September 7 mixer. In because there were not ma ny people present. There is no argument regarding alcohol amazed by the amount of Bryant students I J uly Eyes, a top 40, contemporary, danceable Any event has to have a beginning. Someone policy. The college is doing everything it is found at two off-campus parties this past band was booked. Two and one half weeks has to be the first person there. weekend. This is not even the kind ofsituation reqw red todo by law. But, let's rememberthat before the scheduled mixer their management This past week~nd the Greek mixer with the the alcohol policy is the only change; although that the town of Smithfield could handle. The cancelled. Most bands, especially the better, band Vixen only attracted approximately 250 it is a large one. It seems as though other rules town can never match in police cruisers the well known ones, are booked months in people. No matter who programs an event an which are not written anywhere, are suddenly number of drivers on the roads at any given advanced. After contacting many agents and no matter how good or bad the entertainmerrt being enforced. There isn't a day that goes by time. These functions are widespread, in many being unable to find an available top 40 dance is, if less then 10% of the student body turns that I do not here of yet another incident of areas, and are not disturbing neighboring band the only' alternative was to book an out how can the sponsoring organization be Security enforcing an unknown policy. For residents. The situation has prompted one original band. Til Tuesday and Down Time condemmed? Events can be successful and example, the Mone-case" rule is still being area club owner to say, "Bryant will have were the only bands available on such short enjoyable even if there is no alcohol present! enforced. In additon, many students have more fatalities this year than they've had in notice. We the Programming Board can and will try complained that Security has been entering their history, and it's all because of the way With Til Tuesday came a couple of our best to provide top notch entenainment students rooms without warr·ants searching they are running that campus." promising factors: They won the 1983 WCBN but the rest is up to you, the students. for where they think there might be alcohol, As a resident student, I see and hear what Rock and Roll Rumble and they have just Sincerely Yours a nd demanding that they look inside the the students are feeling. This includes all signed a major recording contract with Epic trunks of cars as students enter campus. Since students, not just the GLC. They are Records. Jean Paul LeBlanc when has this been acceptable campus policy? frustrated, unhappy, and rambunctious. Let's As mixer chairperson I knew there were SPB Chairperson mixers/ concerts Is Security the "secret police" of the try to avoid a major confrontation between administration? I certainly hope not. The this college's students and it's Administration. problem may be that the student body is Sincerely confused as to what is policy and what isn't. Joseph Kurtzer, President FRANKLY SPEAKING ... phil frank Our attempt in the future is to insure that they Greek Letter Council are informed. GE~" .ILl. 1 ~rP """S" "Hl h Senator feels fun I'N' Yilt)'" New ROOM4T"..· • IS being prohibited To The Editor: an ad minsitrator react if told he couldn't ha ve Isn't it strange that on a campus where a drink in his li ving room unless-a ll metnbers students are making a erious effort to reduce of his household were of majority age? drunk driving (i .e. his Ride's For You), the Th.e .a tmosphere on campus is not o ne: of school's ad mlni Irat io n bas established prohIbIted alcohol. but of prohibited fun . As policies which encourage it. How can J make young adults W~ should be able to enjoy such a SI tement. Just ask any Bryanl ourselves wllhout Someone looking over Our Resident how many people went off campu shoulders. wle panics should nOt be to panjes la I weekend controlled and monitored but' should Yes Ihe Rhode Island drinking age i. 21. continue as Ibt main social function on and Bryant has the responsibilily to abide by campus 11 student can't get the freedom thev it. 8uI remember,this i a college ampu. I I want and need al Bryant, they" go d ewhe:re don't mean tosugge~t thaI colh:ge ~tudents ore above the law. onl that BryanI' regula liOns Bob 80 ~io g beyond Ihe law. For inslancc. h~~ ~~M Sophomore Sen tor ,4*THE ARC HWAY* FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1, 1984

Crisp, Sharp, Fresh: Keys to Success

With interViews coming up, now is the time to prepare yourself, both looking styles. Probably the only caution for women here IS not to look like physically and mentally, for your career search. Many times the small CIndy Lauper. Also, if you have long hair and prefer not to tie it back, be items people forget later cause anlciety. The following is a checklist ofsome sure that it is set so that you will not have to constantly play with it. more important points you should try to remember. Pay close attention to your personal hygiene. In additIon to fresh clothes, Clothes. What are you going to wear to your interview? Jeans and a t­ you yourself should be fresh; shower and shave (face or legs as shirt are not appropriate. Consider your clothmg as an investment. An appropriate). Going to an interview smelling like an old gym locker will only investment which will brihg you great returns. Your appearance at an get you a job in a stable. One important note' do not wear perfume or interview keys the interviewer in as to the type of person you are. Clothes cologne. The interviewing rooms at Bryant have no air circulation. Even are an important aspect of your appearance, and a candidate with a fresh wearing it in moderatIon can make you smell like a French perfume factory. looking outfit is more apt to receive an offer than a candidate who appears Also, your interviewer may be allergic to it. frumpy Now although you may have prepared yourself physically, preparing Men should consider purchasing an all season suit in a nuetral color, yourself mentally is equally Important, Be yourself . An interviewer know s and several solid color shirts. A tie w hich speaks subtly completes your w hen you are putting on a show , and believe me, the reviews will not be outfit. For the women out t here, dressing like a man is not necessarily t he good ones. road to success. A woman's suit is usually most appropriate. However, for A lthough an interview is an important event, relax. It's quite reasonable some interviews, a skirt of suitable length and a nice blouse (not too to be tense. However, being hypertensive is detrimental. Interviewing elaborate) will do. should be both an informative and enjoyable event. A successful interview Let's not forget your feet. Investing your money in fine clothes and then does not mean you will get the position; do not be too disapointed if this wearing a beat up pair of shoes defeats the purpose. A traditional style of • happens. Not receiving an offer does not necessarily mean the interviewer shoes in brown or black with socks that match the hemline of your pants is was not impressed. More reasonably, your skills may be more suita ble for a the key for men. Ladies should try not to wear shoes with heels three different position. inches high; moderation is the key. A nice pair of pumps will do. Open toe Dress appropriately, be yourself, and relax. By supplementing your shoes and pantyhose with mosiac designs are not quite appropriate to interviewing techniques with the above checklist, you should be able to wear on an important interview. make your interviewing that much more successful, enjoyable, and Hair. The interviewer would like to know if you are a man or a woman; informative. Perhaps you may even learn some things about yourself that men, don't go wear a ponytail. The trend today is clean cut, traditional even you didn't know.

Call for What nominations

o You Bryant Co llege ha s been invited to nominate deserving students for 1984- 5 Who s Whv Among SludenH in Amt'ri an College and nivt'r iues. Since 19 4 Who \­ W Who has furthered the aim ~ of higher cduca ti n by rewarding a nd recog ni/ing individual academic excellence on a naltonal From level. tude nts re ce ive per~on a liLed certificate. loca l a nd nationa l pu itCHy. and inclu.ion in the 1984- 5 edl!io n 0 Who ' , 1 Who. As a II f lime benefit. student member of ·Col eg Who's Who a re entitled to use thl: sp cial • Refe rence f Placement Service. mainlalned or the exclusive: assistance: of studenh seeking Adventure~ . post-graduate employment or fell wshlPs . Add It To Your Schedule. Try rappelling . . . descending ,WHO' E LI GI**BL E FO*R . a precipice by a rope and the NO MINATIONS ., s at of your pants. The tast­ O nl y college junio rs. seniors. a nd graduate est way down. Except for free students matricu late d in a fou r-year undergraduate or grad uate curri u lum . fall. Rappelling is one part of a WHAT AR***E T H E C RI T IER IA FOR challenging academic and CONS IDE RAT ION" Scholarship ability. extracurricular program of­ participation a nd leaders hip in academic a nd e tracurricular activ it ies. citilenship and ferl.. by Army ROTC. service to the o llege. a nd po tential for future Army ROTC teaches pro­ achievement. fessionally oriented students to lead eople and to direct HOW DO I*** NOMINAT E SOMEONE'! equip ent to achieve speci­ S ubmit on the necessary form the name and school address of the individual who m you fic objectives as an Active wish to nominate along with a briei re ume or Reserve Office . di rected 'to the fo ur points of the criteria. Recommendations should reach D r. Earl F. If you're looking for the Briden. Cha ir. Commencement A ward s challenge of leadership, in Committee. Office 9. Faculty S uite , no later college and afterwards, look than October 15 . 1984. Resume information should be prese nted as accurately as possible; into Army ROTC. Contact: any serious m isrepresentati n will in va lida te a Cpt. Tuten 232-6276 nomination. Major Zazenski 232-6277 Members of the o mme ncement Awards • C om mittee will*** mak the fin al nominations . ARMYR Te T he 1984-85 Commence ment Awa rd s Committee members include: Ea rl F. Brid en. LEARN WHAT English; Janice DiPietro. Acco unting; Paul D 'En t re m o n t: W i l li am P . P h i l llp ~. ounseling . ervices: Eli7abe th S ulliva n. IT TAKES TO LE A D Stud nt Activities: Michelle T hibeau.


By. T. 01&1 gradually learn to appreciate "punk" as It or The A nchor sh uld be. so that the next time someone asks you if yo are a punk. you can honestly say Being person who's been into the punk yes. scene since 1978 I felt it was fi nally time to Do's vent some of my frustrations on you the I) Sex Pistols-Both Albums. learn about the reader. O ur oeiety has ma ny I n onsistan les roots of "punk". that need to be add ressed regarding "New 2) Dead Boys-Quality earl y English "punk" Wave" music. I) T he term " Punk" was coined band. in England in 1976 to refer to hardco re fast 3) Buzlc ks-Pete Shelly of "Homosa pian" mu ic wi th p litica lly cons ious ly rics. They fame was at his best with this group who may defamed the almighty Queen and sla shed a t a n ha ve been the most taJented of all "punk" TUTORS ARE NEE DED a ntiquated socia l system. "Punk" died in the bands. late seventies with the breakup of the Sex 4) Generation X-Hear Bi ll y Idol before he IN MOST UBJECTS Pistol . If a nyone tells you they are into became a pop punker."Ready: teady, 0 " "punk" bands li ke Duran Duran. Missing makes "Rebel Yell" s und like Kate Smith. Persons, and Culture Club (groups ith the 5) Dead Kennedy's-This American Band social values of a barbie doll), then throw la mpoons a nd ma kes fun of cia l mores with R ICULARLV something biodegradable at them a nd gag. songs like " Kill the Poor." Some may also be The music toda , is not even "New Wave", tha t offended by some of their titles, but these refers to something innovative and fresh. T he people also ban books li ke "Catcher in the "new" movement has existed for 10 years, so Rye". Nuff said . CCOUNTING let gf w uP. kid dies. 6) Ramones-For fast . high energ light 2) Wben you see someone wearing their hearted "new wave" you can't beat the e guys. ECONOMICS "new" punk outfi t remind them that they a) They may be the best "dance band" ever. the true punk buys his lothes a t a resa le shop Current Do's MATH (i.e. a uthentic 50's clothing) not a t Hit or lN XS. Wire Train, New Order. Lene Lovich. Miss. or Fiorucci . Sorry kiddies, camouflage Talking Heads. Smiths, REM. Bluebells. pants bought at herry & Webb don't hack it, Echo nd the Bunnymen, Lou Reed. Clash If you are a gra de of B or go to an A rmyl Na vy store and get the real (old stuff), Devo (hanging strong). Lou higher in a subject, and would thing, b) BUllons are okay to a degree, but Mia mi, 0 ember Group. Icicle Works. don't wear 50 and plea e leave your Duran Violent emmes (great band!). IBN OZN, U2 like to help other students Duran fan club medals at home next to your Tholl1ll ' Dolby, B-52' (another pacesetter). box of "Cookie Crisp". c) Go to the trouble of Don'ts attain the same, please stop telhng a former disco person that they are Duran Duran. (Bay City Rollers of the 80' ). wearing tOO many chain OrlOO much makeup Culture Club (Abandoned their reggae roots by the Counseling Services and their 6.99· Michael Jackson glove incil e ~ for commercial fluff). Billy Idol (watch me hyterical fits of laughter from people who snarl and shake my fist , GOD am 1 ~C:xy). Office (next to Career Service) realized they jumped on the "new wave" Madonna (I dre s punk and sing songs that bandwagon to look coolOn the subject of are gutless and portray me as a to register to tutor. Michael "demigod" Jackson. nobody that nympholl1llniac. By the way I'm a deep as a sweet could ever be a true "new waver". ow I puddle and a bright a a bulb on a chmtmas Tutoring can be offered on reali7e that orne of you out there might be tree), Tracy Ul1man (GAKKK!). Men saying "he offers only criticism", so let me Without Hats l r talent}. Peter Wolfe (Fta h ! voluntary basis or, if preferred, refer you young listeners to some thing~ that Flashl Fla~h! in the pan), TWisted Si ter a fee can be requested. you should realize bow exciting and "new" the (Should be dragged through powdered gla "new wa ~t''' movement \\ a . 111 al 0 pro\ id~ a and doused with Alcohol Insane laughter h t of groups 10 cut dOVon on. so thai . au n ensues!)

.•...... ••.•....•...... •...... ••...... ••.•..••••....•••... ~ • • • • • 'suite' 187 Far num Pike s ccess Smithfield

By Laurie Jacopian Of The Archway Staff The Bryant College Performing Arts Series TONIGHT & TOMORROW RADIO STAR brought · another fine performance by the Alpha-Omega Players to our stage, Friday, Sept. 14, when the group performed Neil SAT Af TERNOON Simon's CaUlorn'a Suite. The pla y i MONDAY composed of four separate stories each of VIXEN "TRIVIAL PURSUIT HAPPY HOUR" 2 - 6 pm which takes place in suite 203 in the Beverly . Hills Hoted. The story lines were all amusing ALL YOU AN DRINK!!! 7:30 - 10:30 Bring some teams for a Trivial Pursuit and we re very well interpreted and acted $1 off cover charge with Bryant ID Contest. Also see C olleg e Football on our under the direction of Drexel H. Riley. The four talented actors that presented the Big Screen lV, comedy play on Friday night were Catherine TUESDAY Colder, Jan Haskell, Todd Adams and SUNDAY Edward Folick. While engaging in STRUT T conversation with the players after the show, Open Bar 8 - 9:30 The music& comedy of Second Avenue pl ~ we found. them to be, not only talented. but No cover for Bryant students after open bar comedy videos between sets featuring the personable, as well. I 3 Stooges. Following the play. a dessert buffet was served I • in the Rotunda, with exotic teas and coffees,! WEDNESDAY No Cover for Bryant students. as well as several delicious dessert specialties. The Rotunda was set in a classic cafe theme. THE NAMt NEXT WEEKEND with white table cloths displaying lit candles 2 for 1 8 - 10 decorating the tables. Attendence at the play Free admission all night for Bryant students ENGLISH and cafe was approximately 250 people (students, faculty and administrators)-one of thr \argest turnouts ever at the Performing THURSDAY Arts events. DONT MISS THE REfURN OF THE The Bryant College Performing Arts Series 99 NIGHl PROBERSTHURSDAY ocr. 4 FOR A will continue to sponsor theatrical and 12 oz drinks just 99¢ from 8 - 10 plus musica l events throughout the year. and Ladies get a free one dollar bill at the door BIG COLU MBUS DAY WEEKEND Bryant students are encouraged to before nine! SEND OFF!!! FRI & SAT

Open Bar 8 - 9 We need a waitress for Thurs at Fri nights. CaD 231-9898 - $1 off cover charge with Bryant ID for more infonnation or apply 'in person. ;•.••••••..•...... •...... •.•••.•••... ~ -6*THE ARCHWAY*FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1984

NoW llE'AR THIS... WJM ..}JoWf!EAR Bryant College Box 36 '!'HIS! Smithfield, RI 02917

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. / top By And . Visit 89 ·F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TH EAR CH W~Y*MOND~SEPJ EMBER21~1 9 8 4* 7 . . whi t a 0-0 tie. Good job guys. K. DR woul a lso like to announce that we are co­ sponsoring a benefit concert for a liver ANNOUNCEMENTS CIRC LE K transplant patient. We would app~cia t e all GLe support. Information a bout tickets and other Circle K International is the largest news ca.n be found at' our table in the collegiate service organization in the world Rotunda. with over 12,000 members in 7 countries, and Congratulations to Delta Sig and TKE for has been around since 1947. Circle I. is the great job they did wi th the Freshman ATTENT/ON ALL STUDENTS ___ sponsored by Kiwanis International. and is Queen Pageant. In order to inform' your hometown affiliated with Key Club International. .lts two Coming up this Sunday afternoon, don't newspapers about your scholastic and The sisters ofTheta welcome everyone back primary goals are community and campus miss KDR's benefit concert and help save a hoping a ll had a great sUQlmer. We hope extracurricular achievements, it is necessary liver transplant patient. Forjust a S5 donation service and leadership development. As an everyone had a g~t timeduring Greek Week. to stop by the Public Information Office and organization, Circle K is working to develop you can see six bands (The Buzz, Fallen fill out a student information card. The office we did. We came in fint in the mini-olympics and train the outstanding business and civic Angel, Touch, Radiostar, The Heat, and'T he and second in the ' GLC Road Race. is located behind the reception desk on the leaders of the future. Name) from 12:30 to 6:30. The concert will be lower level of the Unistructure. Congratulations' . sisters and to all who Circle K is a group of college students who at Cumberland High School and is co­ participated. Congratulations to our If you have already filled out a card, please sponsored by WHJY. Tickets are on sale in are concerned about society and trying to do Freshman Queen candidate; she did a great stop by on a regular basis to update the something to improve it. Our club at Bryant is the Rotunda. information. job. Nellt Friday, Sept. 28, we will be getting one of 15 in the New England District which :.....-______together with TKE for our third anmJal has adopted "Save the Children" as the ~l.; Q. :M Theta-TKE Picnic. All are welcome. Good district project. We also work to support the _--",...--fa...'f'.L..~

FRESHMEN GROUP SESSIONS _ _ _ Take a good look at your .class schedule. Attention Freshman, Bryant's Academic -advisors invite you to a Freshman Gro up If you're in Science or Engineering, chances If you're in Business or Finance, you're proba­ Session. are your classes include Calculus, Physics, or bly taking Accounting, Statistical Methods, Topics to be discussed: Chemistry. Engineering Statics, or Dynamics. Finance, and Investment Analysis. CIa ses Preregistration proced ures You're running up against some tough calcula­ loaded with t dious calculations, End the pencil- Study Skills and Time manageement tions, with statistics problems, hyperbolics, and and-paper drudgery with the HP-12C. The most Permission to take courses at other schools logs. The HP-llC calculator helps you breeze powerful decision-maker on the market! Dedi­ Planning for future semesters through those problems with a few simple . cated keys make time value of money Changing you major and much, much keystrokes. calculations, amortization, Net Present Value more.' Need to simplify problems that are even more (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and statis­ The Following ses ion will be held in room 386 . complex? The HP-41CV gives you 128 built-in tics solutions as simple as a single keystroke. And Mon. Sept 24 10 a m and 3:30 pm functions- and the HP-41CX over 200-to sim· it's easy to change values or correct mistakes T ue. Sept. 25 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm plify your long homework aSSignments. Use up to without re ntering your entire problem. Wed. Sep t. 26 II a m and 3:30 pm 6,437 bytes of memory to save the programs Hewlett-Packard caJculators. They help y u Thur. Sept. 27 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm and formulas you use often. And there are thou­ work smart this term. And next t rm. And even a Fri. Sept. 2~ 9 am and II am sands of software programs, so you don't have later on the job. Get your HP today from your in the freshman dorm on Wednesday, ept 266:30 pm The to start from scratch next t rm. k I HP dealer. advisiors look: fo rward 10 meeting with eaxb For the location of the dealer nearest you, call TOLL FREE 1-800-FOR-HPPC. and e ery freshman during on of tbese sessions. See you there! lhPl ~!~K~~6 3902401 658A S*T HE AR ": HWAY*MONDAY S EPT EMBER 2 1, JQ84

Lisa arkiainan and Donna D. i : "T KE Open For Lunch II am to 2 pm Ilro ther" ..


Two pieces chuse pizza & laree soda 51.25.

Two pieces peperonl pizza & one laree soda 51.35.



Look for Octoberfest Specials

Ingrid Caliri: .. A car." oyote Raceway ~ . R . 101, Nort cituate, R.I. (Highland Orc ha rds) * KART RIDES * CLUB RACES .. * TRaCK TIME *SEASON PA SES *4 CYCLE GO-KART SALES & SERVIC 401/521·5111 For More Info write: ' R.I. Kartway P.O. Box 2450 O-KART TRACK Prov., RI 02906 This Ad Good (or 1 F~ Ride ­

U. S. Deportment o f Transportalion ~~ Jennifer S ametb and Zosia Chart: "Ra lph. "

• th e inquiring photographer DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL 'A FRIENDSHIP. THE AR C HWAY "MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1984*9 ~ --- - - ..-,-. _------­ ~ A PPLE VALLEY TANNING ~ and SKIN CARE center .

COUPON SPECIAl. 8 TANNING SESSIONS, ONLY $30. This Week's Question: We Guarantee You A Tan Coupon Expires 9/30/84, ~'What's the one thing you First Session Flee WIth Thls Coupon couldn't live without?" 466 PUTNAM PLAZA OPEN 7 DAYS (west or A&W) GREENVI LLE A Fantastic New Healthy Idea In Suntanning Monday tbru Frida.. SAVEUVA METHOD 9 am to 9 pm You Slmpl Sunbathe In Our Priva te Rooms And We Provide A Safe Convenient Method Of Tanning Saturday NO SUNBURN 9 am to 6 pm If You Tan Outdoors· We Guarantee You Will Tan CALL Sunday 9 am to 3 pm


BTA VAN DRIVERS Sheila O'Connor: "Weekends at 'Th Beaeh House.''' Must be at least 18 years of age See John in Game Room office as soon as possible.


Information Session

The Chase Manhattan Bank's General

,John Fan:wni. Michael Famigletti. Ed Auditing Department invites Accounting Becker. lind PIlIlI Joseph: .. ' I r i l( ic '~' o n I hur,da , .lnll Inc Jcal II rid\.: h l mc." Majors Finance Majors with 12 credits of Accounting to a presenta tion on Auditing o p portuniti e s. DATE: Tuesday, September 25th TIME: 3:00 - 5:30 LOCATION: Faculty Dining Room Linda Sheehy and Sue Gerber: " Dad's V I A. " Refreshments will follow. 10*THE ARCHWAY*MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 . ~RYANT TRANSIT Campus Paperback Bestsellers

1. The N.,. 0' 11M ROM. by Umber10 Eco (Warnet' . S4 951 AUTHORITY Murder .n an Itahan monastery ..,

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- City State Zipl_ ___ =-- --_.. _. ---. ----_.------_ . ------_.. -. :.. ------. ---_. ------.- --- -., ~- --. ------.-­ ...... THE ARCHWAY*MONDAY...... SEPTEMBER.-..... 21, 1984*11 • • • i D INKING? •• • ,Ii DON' DRIVE. .• •- • . •• • Call • • • • IS DE'S 0 y Vi • • • • • 232 - 6220 • • - • • • • OPERATIONAL: • • - -_..-­ .: • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 .:' • I' • SATURDAY,. S PEMBER 22 • • • • • • • • • • • • • '.• • • • • • • • • • • .•­ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THIS RIDE'S.. F R YOU • • •• • operating radius is eight miles from Br}ant. i • - .• • all us. Youean' f ord not to. : ~••.••.•...•. ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 12*THE ARCHWAY*FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 rlC:+=r-~-IC+_=_=>_N':-::':'*:::'-:::-_'1""____=""IIC-='-=>""':7'N'Ie-____=="'-.~~MN_.-:~=4-:::4:-::4_"__4"---:-_N_H __"-______­ ______-:"--1-+----."., "1 .------.. -- -­ ~ ~ , . -- ... . .:~: - .-=- -~~-::..~~- .. ~ ~··-~:i~ . ~ -. _._­ ..-_.. ... - -- ­

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First Organizational Informational Meeting 170 PINTS YOUR ONE PINT M on day~ Sept. 24 HELPS 3 PEOPLE N EEDED \ DAILY! Y 4:00 pm AlDITORIUM Faculty Dining Room MONDAY, SEPT. 24, 1984 All majors , 9:30AM -..:. 3:30PM vvelcome and urged to Atten d! S ...._--nlDl:n BY PHI EPSILON PI Col legiate Cha pter Dues ($3.00) will be col lected. '

/~QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO]OOOOO~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU ~------....:....---- ~-~- - 14*THE ARCHWAY*FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1984 Mark.tinIlSaIn. Pa...... Flu, p·l. (code 115i) W.tch 01.11 Block lIla nL1 - T he Bnl of Oo rm 11 ~ll on lhtu w..~·. Accountanl (Serllor). CumlNriuHl. -1. h.p.•. or Mon. (cod. 1151) S o Merlin - of U ~ 10(1 !lUi .Ub ... What io tunn)' ~fI .w 01 humO\Jf you ha~ ! Student Employment v .... o Saln. Green..I... 10 h.p .• . eon .nd Sat'. "cleo T he' Wliit Gu.)'" "trike Apin! God , ~ 'rr . ~.wm(' . K. ~( n . W,mpl ""c"around lIelprul. (code 1153) Guido j5 ~ lonC' ~ In..ntory/Order FIIUnIlSampl.maldna. Cumberiand. lO StudeRt. applying for the following A~cOll.ta.l . E. Pro• • fln ...t. (code 11141 lI.p .•. 4 hn per day. __ occaolo..1Mavy Orun •. (code Wrnd)' • did ) O~' llHlc budd) blo ... }OU olf"i' 1154) positions mUSI have a Work·Study Award. Sloc.. /C.....n. P.o•. Flex .... I. (~ode '"5) P I eaie come to the Financial Aid Office for Pan ·d_ DrI . ... Woo...... 1l:J0.4:tG M·F. (cod. Clerical. Proy. Flex ...1. Typl", .cuurate. nol nec....rlly Clbin l~ . The hOrM or u= nn~ al')d Ihe InbJ{t" job details and a referrel " 55) ,.... (~ode 1119) SPB 111,;11.1:$ the \'ineyard. II iJ, ponlble ' £I t...y ....nn.llt. Ihe Mtk of I.piC_lUp bcerciu Inalf_lot'. SmUhfltld. 14 h.p .•. (cod. 11855) I) Clcrk Typi$l D.y Care COII...lon/IIp. Woonaocllel 1:J0.6:tG p.m . F..I·d.... DO_bool d.y•. (cede IIU) G...... i om.. Work. SlIiIlhfttId. •.... x. ...1. ....y 2) Reo ..., h A" i_ lont TJM tin Man ,'Win the pI! of 12~ arlernoon. (cod. "~ 7) 3) Counselor/T uloy Accountln. . , ...... P·I. baal.. Junior or ft. "a. ft. _II. RaU In Il\e pll. 4) Data £ nlry Clerk Senlor-b..... . (code '111) Swim Tcam Coacll. Gr..... IlIe. 5-1. (cod. '151) 5) Till /ncr, SlaliricUoII' (athlclla) La- I nl tn ~ ~ c ~h oukJ !un rcn llnlGut tQ'Wnh DU" QUI rOI mtdn llh pa.., ~ . 6) Van Drivcr Comput•• Pr",ramm../Enlry. Attleboro. Fln....I.Junior G...... I Faclory Wor... No. PrOY . Fln, p-I. no minimum Of SanIot compul.. IMjor Fortran. Baak. Pa..... data ...ount of han. (codc U59) Off-Campul Employment .... II. (cod< ' Ill) Accountanl. Cranslon. 15-10 b.p ..... M-F; Junior

Retail SoIP. Uncoln. Flex.p-I. (code Ill!) Accounllnl Major. (cod. 1161) WaU h OUI ...."Cdcnd . hnc- CtJIlX"") my rorunma &e .. RRRRR W.ltrnoe•. Smll.bJltlcl. Fln....I. 10 yn or older. (cod. Cook. Cranston. 10 h.p..... 1d.p.... (cod. 1161) IIUI hct«y Wotk.No. SIIiIIllllcId. WUd.•• III. led. Uld3rd., Slntn/HolIK Ck.n• .,. W. W.rwk". Very Flex. T he VmcYiI:td ,.ltI f1C \cr be the ~ mt: ... hhoul "Captam lobnc-r ­ ahIIIa. n.••nd ~ on Sunday. (code " 16) llartend... SmUhrteld. Flex. al leul one ye.r nperlence. (code'Ul) .ode 1111) F.DIlI OeM. Pe.-. W.rwk". Flu·..o1 dme. Junior or Cler" Typill. Uncoln. 10-15 h.p .... M-F. 1.5 ..... (codr Senior. (code '611) Factory Worll. Smllhlkld. 5:30-9:30 ot' .11IIe conclualon of .163) ct_. (code IfUI ) Food ...... nlloa D. o..ralor. Loal. Flu . 1'-4 111. F. Short Order Cook. Harmony. F.S,s. « od' 11164) St. (cod. "") CRT Enny ' Local ...... 5-9.nd....y olbe.SoI HI Sendl - Lo\lc Fe mutt •,pe _w,.... (-2036. ,, !IT.... K ...... • • • • • • • • • • * • , 10 •

Student Senate F reshman Elections will be held October 9 & 10

Nomination papers will be available September 19 In• the Senate Office.

'Papers due and campaI• gn begins O ctober 1. For more in/orYDation see any senator or Martin Merritt in the Senate Ojjice. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r------~----- THE ARCHWAY*FRIDAY SEPT EMBER 21, 1984*15 The Siren As golden tresses hung past Aroused by an angelic voice Her black mantil1a fluttered A coral ribbon about her neck My wea ry eyes opened widely Violently in the wind From her lips the sweetness continued And beheld a vision The screams of a banshee replaced Mesmerizing me towards her Unlike any seen before The once a ngelic voice Stronger than the ocean current Beneath the brightest rays of summer I heard the resounding c~as h again Louder than the crashing sea She sunned upon a rock Discovering too late twas not the ea Drawing nearer to her Which the ebb and flow But the sound of my heart I saw her better still Rythmically crashed against Upon the jagged rock Her true form displayed Her flirtatious eyes sparkled By Patrick S. Murphy Before my widened eyes Above her glistening skin From " Voyage~ & Visions" FROM EN ****************************************,.. It It *******************,.. **Jt* ***** ********************,.. ** *~ SATURDAY It SVNDAY It Moaday It TVESDAY : WEDNESDAY It THURSDAY It FRIDAY It Brunch It It It It It 8nuIdI It ...... ,... It ~ It ...... ,... : Bnakfa.t .: BnUlut ssoned HOI Cereal H C I Ass!. Hot Cereals It Asst. Hot Cereals ,.. Assi. H OI eerc;!s'-­ ~ Asst. ot crca 5 ~ Ass!. HOI Ce reals ~ F h C It Pineappple Muffins !: Apple Muffin It .Danish Strips • A~encD rumb Ca k~ It Pumpkin Muffi ns It Ass!. HOI Cereal It Sc mbled Eggs I Ass!. Donuts ~ 0 • .. sst. onuts It Ass!. Donuls : Blueberry Muffins • Eggs To Order Scrambled Eggs It Ass!. onuts .Ass!. Donuts . ,Scrambled E s It . It Hard Cooked Eus . It Scrambled Eggs : I Scrambled Eggs It Eggs To Ord~ It .Scrambled Eggs It Scrambled Eggs Eggs To Order . • Eggs to Order .... Eggs to Order • heese Omlct .. Eggs to Order It Eggs to Order : French Toast Pancakes .. H t Cak ~ C S IE...... Bacon Omlet ,.. Tom and Cheese Omlet • Potato Puffs Sa usage Li nks o es It ounlry tye ggs ~ Apple Frille ,'" Fre"~ h Toasl , • Ass!. Donuts • Bacon • Pancakes .H F ' rs ~ ~ ,.. Blueberry Pa ncakes Home Frics • Home Fries It Potato Puffs • Aome fles ,.. .Ha s.h Browns .,.. Ass!. Fruits F • Ham Toma to • Cream Of Broccoli Soup • Ass!. Fruit : . sst. rUl t : t-a It Home Fries : ':;-usage Omlet ·, . Grilled Cheese : Macaroni and Tuna Slalad • LimdI : I.-dI It F rench Onion Soup : Ass!. F r ~i_t _ _ Hamburgers .... Hot DogsAss!.. . Ass!. Desserts ~ De ItCorn Chickcn ! Ravioli : Laada Ass!. Fruits • sserts ....~ Hot T ur key Sa nd •It Macaroni & Cheese ~ HOI Pastrami : New Engla nd • : Beef ShcEn. Tholm Cass. FiSecf Turnover i: Grilled Cheese LacJa ltSloppy Joe ­ It • Chcese nc I adas • Ish Sticks It Asst .Vcggies Soup It Tuna Roll • • Mashed P ~ tatoes • O·Brien Potatoes • As!!. Desserts Ham & Provalone Sub. It French Fries It. oa.- • Asst . Vcggles . ,Ass!. VC8gies • . Ass!. Fru its I• She pards Pie ,...Ass!. Veggies Roast Pork •. .. Ass!. Desserts .. Asst. Desserts It . : Quiche Lorrainc : Ass\. Desserts Beef Taco .... Veal Parmesan ... : A F ' • ~ . O_{ WI P ~ sst. rults ... Jt .Corn Chips Riga toni It Chipped .,.... eppers It ~ It Rissole Potatocs .. Smrimp Fried Rice. : D6IDer ,.. It . Assl. Veggies It A st Veggies ,.. Ass!. Desserts It Dba.­ It Ass!. Veggies . Roast Top Round : Dinner A s!. Dess!. ~ Asst. Deserts :OII.aer : .Pork & Noodle Casso ,.. : Baked Chicken It Cheese Burger Veggie Tempura • . .. Batter Fried Chicken . Calzoni • i • It Blucberry Crepes • Bakcd Potato .. Roasl Turkey It .. Ass!. VeU ies It As I. De sens .. ltSa usagc & Pe pper .. Asst. Veggies .. Beef Pot Pie .. D lnnn .. .. S d • Ass!. Dessens !: Bro ol i Souffl e It •It- B. B Q. Sand It l an . It...AsS!. Fruits • A .t. Vegglcs .. It Potalo Lyonalse It AS5\. Desserts Chicken Cutlel , ltAss!. Vcggies • . ~ Ass!. Fruit • Zucchini .t. Cheese Cw • •It Ma hed Potalocs , .. 551. Dessrts " ~ •,.. Asst. ruils : : AsSt. Veggies • 111.. .. • It ~. Ass!. Desserts • It , "M~~.. ·l : ! ' :t* Ii- .. •It --- -- ._------,,---_._,,_.. --- --.. - Th alendar Friday,-S ept. 21 Sat., Sept. 22 SUn., Sept.23 M on., Sept 24- I 11 :00 1:00 9:30-3;30 Protestant Worship Service . Conference Women's Soccer vS . SalVe Regina. BloOd Drive. auoll.. Rm No. 1. MRC ~ ponsored b Phi Ep home 2 pm 12:00 3:30 Mass. Rotunda Women·s Soccer vS. Holy Cross, Crosby. Still. & Nash, Colt Park home 12:30-6:30 "Fre hmen Queen" 7 a nd 9:1 5 Benefit for Miracle Mi h. SPB meeting, Rm 386 A &. B KE and Delta Sigma hi SPB fil m: "Footloose:· 4:00 Featuring Buu Touch, Fallen AngeJ, Mixe r starring "Frenzy'· Mktg. Assoc., OrganizatIOna l a uditorium. $1 Name That Heat, Tickets availabie in the Sludent enter Meeting, F OR Rotunda S5 . pons red by Kappa Delta Scandal at RIC Judy Collins. Provo Performing Arts . 6pm Rao Schemers 8t Lupo·s Bryant Christtan Fellowship, Bible 12pm-5pm BTA, 25c each wa y Studies, John 5:24 FOR Ipm - IO pm BTA 25¢ each way 12-5pm B A, 25¢ each way irst day of Fall 7pm Ci rcle K Meeting, Rm 253

Tues., Sept. 25 Wed., Sept 26 Thurs., Sept. 27 Rosh Hoshana 3:30 3:30 Hillel meeting, Rm 360 SAA General Meeting. Rm 250 Senate meeting. M44 J j~ GLC Meeting, M44 AR HWAY PRODUCTION NIGHT Servitium meeting, HIM majors, Rm 350 Archw: y Ge neral Staff meeting.. M31 • 3:30-4:30

Men·s Soccer vS . MU ••••••••••••• 9- 1 1"825'+ ). 6:00 • & Dancing, • Women's VolleybaD vS . Sacred • I!:?~\ • Student Center • Get ready for ~ H rtl East Nazarene ~~'H~Y) Phi Ep Carnival Weekend Ru hI Fastway ProvoCivic Center ••••••••••••• 16·THE ARCHWAY-FRIDAY SEPT EMBER 21, 1984 You pick Worn n's soccer 'em ant By Chris &eblInl and Dave Sitle. t erraga mo, take the rams. or The Archway Staff MiDna0Jlhomore rransfer: The Women's Tennis Team opened up its second, Joy Procaccino; tbird, Sue Mahtcsian se a ~on against American Internatio nal (Ihls year' pta in). fourth. Beth LuccI. and, _._' College last Thursday takmg the win 7'{). fifth, Deborah Branlon, a enior transJer. The teams coach, Peter Barlow, is Barlow is confident he has a deep team ­ "optimistic and looking forward to a good competent in a 11 areas, stressing "you Win with year." Thi year's line up consi ts of j depth." tops freshman. sophomores. and 2 eniors. 7 The women are looking forward to "Having two transfer $IUdenlS and 3 freshman competing in the first ever Northeast-8 added. She pointed OUl thai olbers had By Laura Nn tertak will substantially strenglhtn the team." commented that player for player odds on Women" Tenni Tournament on ept. 30 m according 10 B rJow. SpnngfLeld. Coming off a succes fuJ season last year, winning would go to the opponents, but smart Each match consists of 7 games, 5 singles, Their next game i scheduled for 1:00 Coach Lorraine Hudak foresees the same for strategy djusling to each opponent helped and 2 doubles. First in order is of the S single Saturday against 51. Anselms at home. this year's Bryanl Women's Volleyball squad. the versatile squad play beller volleyball at In facl, one of her loaIs u to better their 26-13 pme hme. (The quick Indian defense also record and make it into New England's top bandIed things beautifuJly making up for and five teams. After last weekend's showing at the problems caused by opposing power hillers UMass tournament, this aoal is not far out of and this pusbed Bryant over the top all reach. weekend.) Men's soccer defeats Merrimack Bryanl took home the top trophy of the Coach Hudak refers to the team as "The weekend tourney winnina every match played best bunch of fundamentally sound players By John KaPlonl also added goals in thc IctOry. and only dropping two pmes, University of she has ever h d." "In one week's time they The Bryant soccer team evened up ii'S The win al 0 puts Bryant at 1-0 In the Hartford was the first victim of the Lady have really gelled together as a team, which record at I-I in an impressive 3-1 win against Nortbea t-8 Conference. Their loss came at IndIans as ouutanding scrvlDl (4 aces per usually takes a month to happen," a pleased Merrimack the hands f Brown UmversilY, a nalionaUy game) and defensi\le quickness Jcnocked down Hudak staled. Arriving at school in good The Indians, playing at home for the first team. "We feel that Bryant has a good the opJlonent in [WO pmes, The next match condition and depth on the bench are al key time thi season, were able to hold Merrimack shot at making the NE-8 Tournament at the again t UMass was the hIghlight f the entire factors thaI will keep Bryant on top of every to the one goal thanks to its solid defense·and end of the season, "IiBYs Steve Coben who also to urnament as last ear's no, 4 ranked team match. Huda will be working her players excellent goal lending by co-caplain John played a part in the win . The NE-8 cOnference: fe ll to Bryant's total team effort. Tied in the harder and creating pressure situations in Muir. "We have outstanding depth at every invites the lOp 4 t !Ds to it's season end third game at I S- IS, the women didn't let up as practice to ready her pla yers for game th t positi n, somethin, which we h e lacked in tournament. Belh Pollard 's shoot se t for Va l Littlefield 10 are always tensi on-fi lled, high-interesting recent years," said larry Theroux. who Bryant pia s American lnternational put away perfectly tbe pme and U Mass fo r matches. The effecLS of this showed in their accounted for both a goal and an as iSI in tbe College away on S turday a nd return borne tne night. Bryant easily too the' next point p ised performance a nd comebacks at game. Mark erille and tev T ramontozzi Tuesday, Sept. 25 to face SMU. and the rest of their matcnes for an impressive Ma s. first howing. Beth Poll rd and Val ittle leld ca pta rn this Coach Hudak remarked, ~ leam effort year's squad while other tarters include was the key as blocking, passing, setting, a nd Susan Beven, Mary Rose Buller, Lori Keelan, Lady runners victorious hitting were all on taraet because everyone Wendy Skomers and Kim Winters. contributed to the victory... "There was The first home appearance will be on • always a n 'up'feeling a mong the players," she T uesday the 25th at 6:00. In Bryant Invitational By Kathy Onpcau Men's ross coUntry or The ARhway swr foil wed by junior Lyse Wante and three The women's ross-<:o untry team ran to a outsta nd ing fres hmen Danielle aerf. victory in the Bryant Invitational last Melinda Davi , and Ka ren Grabow, who U Saturday. They outran ten team and beat finished in the t p thirty. finishes seventh second place finisher Bentley College by an Coach Charl ie Mandeville is "still estatic astonishing S6 points. By Rich J oaepb • ab ut the ·win." He elightfully states that Leading the pack was Diane Tedford , a eleven of Bryant's women crossed the fim h The Bryant Colle,e Men's Cr 55 Counlry tremendously eacn ye.r ne has ,nln," On fresbman, who finished second over II with a team opened their season with a respectable Sarazin, "He knows how to run physically, as line before Bentley's fifth runner completed time of 18:55. Tedford is the first Bryant the race, which is an outstanding 71h place fmish out of 13 teams. well as mentally and any day he goes out there woman ever to brea 19 minutes for the 3.1 accompli hmenl. The season looks very Top fini.hers con isted 0 Hank Sarazin he will be mixing it up wit h the leaders." As far mile course. ophomores Denise Myers and (CO-all)tain) placing 15th, Gary Meinertz, and as the leam is concerned, they are all promising for tbe women, who will compete Stcpbanie Witt took third and fourth place, tomorrow at Sl. Anselm's College. James Roche 53rd. Coach Fred Reinhardt preparing for the T ri-State Conference didn't have high expectation going into this Championships which will be held here at meet, due to the fact thaI he has a lot ofyoung Bryant on Parents Weekend, runners on tbe team. Bryant will be running this Saturday in the Key runners to this year's team are Hank Anselm's Invitational. Coach Reinhardt RhllI Notes Tho e interested in being part of the Sarazin and Gary MelnertL On Meinertz. expects them to be C1ghl in the "\hiclc of Check Bulle in Bo rd for Intramural Racquetball Club check with Coach Reallm ,.ch lreiiihar t states ~He has improved things." Teams pairings. Matcbes begin next week. the Intramural Office.