A E Agamalian, H., see A. Lange. 21:85-93. Einsef, J., see J. P. Van Buren. 2 I:117-130. Ahmedullah, M., see K. E. Ne'lson. 21:70-77. 21:101-108. F Alley, C. J. and L. P. Chrisfensen. Roofing of 'Thompson Seedless' Cuttings. 21: Fischer, B., see A. Lange. 21:85-93. 94-100. , see C. S. Ough. 21:78-84-. G Amerine, M. A. and C. S. Ough. Effect of Gallander, J. F., see R. B. Beelman. 21:193- Pre- and Post-Fermentation Addition 200. of Acids on the Composition and Guymon, J. F. Composition of California Qualify of the Produced. 21: Commercial Brandy Distil/ales 21:61- 131-135. 69. Anfcliff, A. J. see W. M. Kliewer. 21:26- 36. Aulik, D. J., see W. C. Winder. 21:1-I I. H Hernandez, R., see J. Meyer. 21:184-188. B Hill, G., and A. Capufi, Jr. Co/orimefric Determination of Tartaric Acid in Baranek, P., M. W. Miller, A. No Kasimafis . 21:153-161. and C. D. Lynn. Influence of Soluble Hrazdina, G., A. J. Borzell and W. B. Rob- Solids in 'Thompson Seedless' inson. Studies on /he Stability of the on Airsfream Grading for Anfhocyanidin-3,5-Diglucosides. 21: Qualify. 21:19-25. 201-204. Beelman, R. B. and J. F. Gallander. The Ef- fect of Skin Treatments on In- duced Malo-lacfic Fermentation in K Ohio Grapes. 21:193-200. Berfino, J. J., see J. P. Van Buren. 21:117- Kasimafis, A. N., see P. Baranek. 21:19-25. 130. Kliewer, W. M. Effect of Time and Severi- Borzell, Ao J., see G. Hrazd!ina. 21:201-204-. ty of Defoliation on Growth and Com- Brown, T., see/k. Capufi, Jr. 21:14-0-144. position of Sultana Grapes. 21:37-4-7. Brummer, S., see P. Eonkainen. 21:136-139. and A. J. Anfcliff. Influence of Defoliation, Leaf Darkening, and Clus- ter Shading on the Growth and Com- C position of Sultana Grapes. 21:26-36. Kunkee, R. E., see G.J. Pilone. 21:12-18. Caputl, A. Jr., M. Ueda, P. Wal{er and T. Brown. Tifrimefric Determination of Carbon Dioxide in Wine. 21:14-0-144. , see G. Hill. 21:153-161. Chrisfensen, L. P., see C. J. Alley. 21:94- Lange, A., L. Lider, B. Fischer and H. Aga- 100. malian. Herbicide-Variety Studies of Cofran, D. R. and J. Meyer. The Effect of Young Grapevines. 21:85-93. Fumaric Acid on /v/alo-lacfic Fermen- Lider, L., see A. Lange. 21:85-93. tation. 21:189-192. Lynn, C. D., see P. Baranek. 21:19-2S.

222 INDEX FOR VOLUME 21--223

M P Maffick, L. R., A. C. Rice and J. C. Moyer. Pilone, G. J. and R. E. Kunkee. Colorimet- Determination of the Fixed Acids in tic Determination of Total Lactic Acid Musts and Wines by Gas Chromatog- in Wine. 21:12-18. raphy. 21:179-183. , and A. C. Rice. Quantitative R Determination of Lactic Acid and Remaily, G. W., see J. P. Van Buren. 21: Glycerol in Wines by Gas Chroma- 117-130. tography. 21:205-212. Rice, A. C. and L. R. Maffick. Natural , and A. C. Rice. Survey of the Malo-lacfic Fermentation in New York Glycerol Content of New York State State Wines. 21:14S-IS2. Wines. 21:213-215. , see L. R. Maffick. 21:179-183. , see A. C. Rice. 21:14-5-152. 21:205-212. 21:213-2 IS. McLeod, R., and C. S. Ough. Some Studies , see W. C. Winder. 21:1-11. with Glucose Oxidase in Wine. 21: Robinson, W. B., see G. HrazGna. 21:201- 54-60. 204-. Menneff, R. H. and T. O. M. Nakayama. , see G. S. Sfoewsand. 21:174- Temperature Dependence of Tannin 178. Adsorption by Po/y-N-Viny/ Pyrro/i- , sea J. P. Van Beaten. 21:117- done. 21:162-167. 130. Meyer, J. and R. Hernandez. Seed Tannin Ronkainen, P., S. Brummer and H. Souma- Extraction in Cabernet Sauvignon. 21: lainen. Alpha Hydroxy Ketones, Ace- 184-188. loin and Hydroxy Penfanone in Wines. , see D. R. Cofran. 21:189-192. 21:136-139. Miller, M. W., see P. Baranek. 21:19-25. Mitchell, F. G., see K. E. Nelson. 21:101- 108. S Moyer, J. C., see L. R. Maffick. 21:179- Soumalainen, H., see P. Ronkainen. 21: 183. 136-139. Sfoewsand, G. S. and W. B. Robinson. Re- productive Response of Japanese N Quail to Varietal Grape Diets. 21: 174-178. Nakayama, T. O. M., see R. H. Menneff. 21:162-167. U Nelson, K. E. and M. Ahmedullah. Effect on 'Cardinal' Grapes of Position of Ueda, M., see A. Capufi, Jr. 21:140-144. Sulfur Dioxide Generators and Reten- tion of Gas and Water Vapor in Un- V rented Containers. 21:70-77. Van Buren, J. P., J. J. Be:rfino, J. Einset, --, M. Ahmedullah and F. G. Mitchell. G. W. Remaily and W. B. Robinson. Effect of Containers and Packing A Comparative Study of the Anfho- Methods on Iniury and Transpiration cyanin Pigment Composition in Wines of Table Grapes. 21:101-108. Derived from Hybrid Grapes. 21:117- 130. O W Oucjh, C. S. and C. J. Alley. Effect of Walter, P., see A. Capufi, Jr. 21:140-144. 'Thompson Seedless' Grape Maturity Winder, W., D. J. Aulik and A. C. Rice. on Wine Composition and Quality. An Ultrasonic Method for Direct and 21:78-84. Simultaneous Determination of Alco- , see M.A. Amerine. 21:131-135. hol and Extract Content of Wines. , see R. McLeod, 21:54-60. 21:1-11. 224--INDEX FOR VOLUME 21


A Anfhocyanin pigments, composition in hy- brid grape wines. 21:117-130. Acetaldehyde, determination . colorimefric in 'Trousseau grapes, abstract. 21:48. method. 21:16. An i°hocyaninidin-3,5-diglucosides, stability Acefoin. in wine. 21:136-138. of. 21:201-204. Acid. addition of and wine composition and qualify. 21:131-134. amino, free. behavior of in . abstract. 21:113. carbonic, in lactic acid bacfer;a. Brandy. aging, comparisons, rev;ew. :21: abstract. 21:169. 221. fixed, determination of in wine and composition of distillates. California musts. 21:179-183. commercial. 21:61-69. free fatty, brandy distillates. 21:67. flavor components in cognac. fumaric, effect in malo-lacfic fermen- absfracf. 21:171. tation. :21:189-192. in Russia. grape varieties and harvest lactic and glycerol, determination of time. abstract. 21:48. in wine. 21:205-212. Brix °. as determined by ultrasonic method. total, colorimefric determination 21:1-1 I. of :21:12-17. wine qualify studies. 'Thompson Seed- malo-lacfic, natural, in New York less' and maturity. 21:78-84. wines. 21:145-151. N-dimefhylaminosuccinamic and 'Con- cord' grapes, abstract. 21:219. C tannic, absorption by poly-N-vinyl pyrrolidone. 21:162-167. Carbon dioxide, determination of by fifri- tartaric, in malo-',lacfic fermentation. metric method, in wine. 21:140- 21:145-151. 144. co[orimefric determination of in fixation, effect of virus infect on. wine 21:153-161. abstract. 21:116. total, in leaf altered 'Sultana' fruit. Chromatography. column, tartaric acid de- 21:3 7-46. termination. 21:153-161. wine qualify studies. 'Thompson Seed- diketons in wine. 21:136-138. less' and maturity. 21:78-84. gas. fixed acid determination. 21" 79- Acoustic alcohol-solid determination, see 183. Ulfrasonic. lactic and glycerol determination. Airsfream grading, raisin qualify and sol- 21:205-212. uble solids. 21:19-25. gas-liq~uid, brandy distillates composi- Alcohol. carbon 14 in. of wine. absfracf. tion. 21:64-65. 21:217. use in aroma analysis, rev;ew. 21: consumption ancJ alcoholic disorders. 218. absfraci. 21:221. paper, anthocyanin pigment composi- cleterminai-ion of in wine u:}frasonic tion studies. 21:117-130. method. 21:I-I I. {umaric acid and malo-lacfic fer- ethanol determination in. abstract. :21: mentation. 21:189-192. 116. malo-lactic fermentation in New higher, in brandy distillates. 21:61-69. York wines. 21:145-151. in lactic acid, glycerol determination. Cognac. see Brandy. :21:205-212. Colorimefric determination, of acetalde- Aldehyde. brandy distillates. :21:61-64. hyde. 21:16. INDEX FOR VOLUME 21--225

hydroxylamine-ferr'ic chloride, brandy growth reg~Jlators, effect on size and disfil'lafe analysis. 21:61-69. yield, abstract. 21:219. of tartaric acid. 21"153-161. hea~lfh value of. review. 21:113. total lactic acid ;in wine. 2 I" 12-17. hybrid, as Japanese quail diet. repro- Curranfs, Zanfe. pruning effect, abstract. ducfive response. 21:174-178. 21:220. wine anthocyanin pigment com- position. 21:117-129. D juice, cryoscopic examination of. abstract. 21:172. Defoliation. see Leaf. mechanically harvested, temperature . dry red wine. abstract. effect on. abstract. 21:168. 21:48. in Nova Scotia. abstract. 21:220. Ohio. in induced malo-lactic fermen- tation. 21:193-200. E ovule development in. abstract. 21: 219. Esfers. brandy distillates composition. 21" pigment and fla'vor extraction process 61-64. in. abstract. 21:11B. Ethanol. see Alcohol. seedless and growth regulators. abstract. 21:219. skin treatment and induced ma'lo-lacfic fermentation. 21:193-200. Fermentation. fumaric acid effect. 21:189- 'Sultana'. growth, composition as ef- 192. fected by leaf elimination and malo-lacfic, induced, skin treatment shading. 21:26-36. effect. 21:193-200. time/severity defoliation e[fecF natural, in New York wines. 21: 21:37-46. 145-152. fable. F. A. O. outlook, review. 21: time of acid addition and wine qualify 172. and composition. 21:131-134. fefraploid, maturity and seed abor- phenols and seed contact. 21:184-188. tion. abstract. 21:168. 'Thompson Seedless'. see also, Grapes, Fusel oil. and esters in dry white wine. 'Sultana'. abstract. 21:114. maturity and wine comp'os'ifion. 21:78-84. raisin qualify and soluble so'lids. G 21:19-25. Glucose. oxidase-cafa'lase enzyme studies. rooting of cuttings. 21:94-100. 21:54-60. storage oF. methods and damage. Glycerol. determination of in wine. 21" 21:101-108. 205-212. vine. see Grapevines. survey of content ,of in New York volatiles in m,uscaf, abstract. 21:170. state w!ines. 21:213-21B. Grapevines. see also Vifis vinifera. Grape. air pollutants, effect on. abstract. blossom biology study, abstract. 21: 21:116. 114. benzyladenine, effect of. abstract. 21" development of in Greece. abstract. 221. 21:173. 'Cardinal'. storage damage and S02 effect of Efhrel on 'Concord' type. treatment. 21:70-76. abstract. 21:109. chlorcholine chloride residue in. fruitfulness of. light and temperature abstract. 21:221. effect, abstract. 21:217. dried, volatile compounds in. abstract. herbicides and young vines. 21:8B-92. 21:169. of Italy. review. 21:216. 226--INDEX FOR VOLUME 21

light and growth in Ausfra'lia. a/osfract. M 21:52. phylloxera, leaf form. control of. Malo-lacfic fermentation, and fumaric a/osfracf. 2 I:114. acid. 2i:189-192. roof borer pupae studies, a6sfracf. induced. 21:193-200. 21:218. natural. New York wines. 21:145-152. spider mite control, rev/ew. 21:114. Malviclin, glucosides in Wine from hybrid Growth. Japanese quail and hybrid grape grapes. 21:I 17-130. diet. 21:174-!78. time/severiTy defoliation effect. 21: 37-46. N vines. 'SulTana' with altered leaf sur- face. 21:26-36. New York wines, malo-lactic fermentation in. 21:145-152. H O Herbicides. studies on young grapevines. 21:85-92. Oxygen, removal, by glucose oxidase-cafa- Hydrogen. in wine and musT. abstract. 21: lase. 21:.54-60. 216. Hydroxymethylfurfural. in wine and musT. abstract. 21:49. Penfoses, hydroxy, in wine. 21:136-138. pH. defoliation effect in 'Sultana' fruit. 21:37-46. during malo-Jacfic fermentation. 21: Ion exchange resins, and stabilization. 149. review. 21:218. Iron. determination in a!cohoJic beverages. effect on pigment stability in hybrid review. 21:172. grape wJnes. 21:201-204. Pigment. see Anfhocyanin. Pyrrolidone, poly-N-viny, absorption of K tannic acid. 21:162-167. I(efones, ~-hydroxy. in wine. 21:136-138. [(inefin. fefraploid recovery in grape Q shoots., a6sfracf. 21:168. Quail, Japanese, reproduction 04: and 'va- rietal grape diet. 21:174-178. L Lactic acid, total, see Acid, lactic, total. R Leaf. age, photosynthesis in. abstract. 21: Raisin qualify, and soluble solids. 21"19-25. 53: 21:220. Reproduction, quail, Japanese and hybrid area. defoliation or darkening grape diet. 21:174-178. and 'S~ulfana' grape growth Riesling wine. review, oF review. 21:216. and composition 21:26-36. Roofing. 'Thompson Seedless' c;Jffings. 21: time/severity effect. 21:37-46. 94-100. Leuconosfoc so. see also Fermentation. J and fumaric acicl effect. 21:189-192. in induced malo-lactic fermentation. S 21:193-200. metabolism of hexoses and penfoses Seed, Tannin extraction in wine. 21:184- by. a6sfracf. 21:172. 188. INDEX FOR VOLUME 21--227

Sensory evaluation, see Taste testing. lacf~ic acid determination. 21:15. Shading. effect on 'Sultana' fruit growth Titrimefric method. CO2 determination in and composition. 21:26-36. wine. 21:140-1~. Sherry. flor yeast fin. review. 21:112. Solution analyzer, see Ultrasonic. Soil. influence of in herbicide and young U grapevines. 21:87-92. Solids. leaf elimination effect of. 21:26-36. Ultrasonic method for alcohol-solids defer- time of effect. 21:37-46. ruination in wine. 21"1-11. soluble and ralisin qualify, airstream grading of. 21:19-25. in w,ine. determination of by ultrasonic V method. 21:1-11. Spectrophotomefer. in pigment stability Vifis labrusca, see New York wines. determination. 21:201-204. , dormancy in seeds, studies. Storage. 'Cardinal' grapes and SO2 treat- abstract. 21:168. ment. 21:70-76. effect of abscisic acid on. abstract. effect on cuttings for roofing. 21:94- 21:109. 100. effect of Efhrel, etc. on growth of effect of method and containers on abstract. 21:109. fruit quality. 21:101-109. gibberellin use on. abstract. 21:115. Sugar. see also Glucose. pr~uning and bud formation, abstract. effect of leaf a'lferafion on in 'Sultana' 21:220. fruit. 21:29. 21:36-47. sex convers:ion in. abstract. 21:220. reducing, d,uring malo-lactic fermenta- tion. 21:150-151. uptake of by , abstract. 21:53. Sulfur dioxide, damage to storage grapes. W 21:70-76. 21:102. Weed control, see Herbicides. effect on oxygen in wine. 21:51. Whiskey. c o m p o n e n f identification. Sultana. see Grape. abstract. 21:110. compounds in. abstract. 21:110. Wine. acefoin, ~-hydroxy ketone and hy- droxy penfanone in 21:136-138. acid addition time and qualify and Taste testing, acid addition time effect. composition. 21:131-134. 21:134. alcohol in. determination by ultrasonic brandy distillates composition. 21: method. 21:1-11. 68-69. anthocyanin pigment composition. 21: glucose oxidase-catalase enzyme stud- 117-130. ies. 21:58-60. applied technology, review. 21:SI. 'Thompson Seedless' maturity/qualify Cabernet sauvignon and seed tannin studies. 21:83. extraction. 21:184-188. Tannin, see Acid, tannic. CO2. determination of by fifrimefric seed. from Cabernet sauvignon. 21: method. 21:140-144. 184-188. dissolved oxygen and nitrogen in. Temperature. stability effect in hybrid review. 21:113. grape pigments. 21:201-204. Esqu'ire book on. review. 21:S0. and tannic acid absorption. 21:162- flavonols in red table, abstract. 21: 167. 173. Thompson Seedless. see Grape. and food. general, reviews. 21:51. 21: Time of defaliation fin 'Sultana' grapes, ef- 169. 21:170. fect on fruit. 21:37-46. in France. reviews. 21:111. 21:170. Titration and colorimefric method of total 21:217. 228--INDEX FOR VOLUME 228

glucose oxldase-catalase enzyme stud- Ohio. grape skin treatment and in- ies. :21:54-60. duced malo-lacfic fermentation. handbook :of. general, review. 21" I I I. 21:193-200. and health, general, review. 21"112. oxidation of. Russian. abstracT. 21:49. 21-173. in Portugal. review. :21:50. history of, Roumanian. review. 21" 171. protein and fining, abstracT. 21:109. hybrid, detection of. abstracT. :21:53. solids in. determination of by u'lfra- grapes and pigment stability. sonic method. :21:1-11. 21:201-204. sparkling, microbiological control in. abstracT. 21:216. ion exchange treatment, abstracT. 21" and spirits, general, review. 21:111. I15. tartaric acid, ctetermination oF. 21: journa'l of. French. 21:50. 153-161. lactic acid, determination by colori- metric method. 21"12-17. tannic acid alosorpfion st~uclies. :21: 162-167. malo-lactic fermentation and fumaric technology of in Australlia. review. ~. acid. 21"189-192. 21-171. maturation aspects, review. 21"112. 'Thompson Seedless', composition and melanoid nitrogen in. abstracT. 21:49. qual:ify, maturity effecT. 21:78-84. microscopy of. Italian. review. 21"112. trends and problems study, review. and musts, fixed acid determination. 21"114. 21"179-183. volatile constituent analysis, abstracT. naming of. German. review. 21"52. :21:170. New York state, glycerol content sur- wine-mak'ing at home. review. 21:110. vey of. :21:213-215. of The world, review, 21:218. malo-lactic fermentation in. :21" Wynn, Samuel. a winemaker, review. :21: 145-151. 218.