GEORGE PETREDEAN, BUSINESS MANAGER co�rrE�rrs fE;.\�fURES lCll.,l.1'1'1 ICIWA"<C>Wa.l(J�-�.� PR ES I D E �� T JOHN M. ..._1 UN SON Throug1 Jrceasin� efforts and ir terested oupport, Presicent John t,l Mu1son has guided Michigan Sbte ��ormal College through this yea- of war :hat h:is made heavy de11an::Js on the facJlty, on :he students, and on thE :::ollege it�elf. ExperiEnce gained as cuperintendent cf schools, as trai1jng schoo director, and as an ex".lc.Jtive, qualified him to return co 1is Alma Mat�r, and t:E the steadfast leader neces,ary in these tumultuous days. In the pa;t, new bJJildir,;is and new beautv to the campu!: have be,;cn the result of his efforts T 1is year, the Hover Laboratory :if Science is being comp eted, whi::h is a part of -he ·,ast building ::>rogram initiated by the presiden-. Because of him, Mchigon State t'-lormal College, the oldest teacher training insti tution west cf the Alleg-anies, remains one of the fine=t normal ,:olleges in the country. 9 * OfflCERS Perhaps the most unassuming department on our campus is that group which takes over the role of guidance and administration. They are the ones who look after our students with the idea in mind that they will become good teachers and cooperative citizens when they leave our campus to live in new communities. For straightening our program diFficulties and for securing information on progress made in school, students confer with Dean of Administra tion, Egbert R.
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