THEORETICAL PHYSICS Scientific Activities Ii 1982

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THEORETICAL PHYSICS Scientific Activities Ii 1982 IAEA-TECDOC-293 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS Scientific Activities ii 1982 A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1983 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS: SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES IN 1982 IAEA, VIENNA, 1983 IAEA-TECDOC-293 Printe IAEe th AustriAn y i d b a August 1983 PLEAS AWARE EB E THAT MISSINE TH AL F LO G PAGE THIN SI S DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK IAEe Th A doe t maintaisno n stock f reportso thin si s series. However, microfiche copie f thesso e reportobtainee b n sca d from INIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 0 10 P.Ox Bo . A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 60.00 in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons orderee whicb y hdma separatel ClearinghouseS I y N froI e mth . FOREWORD The poverty from which the developing countries suffer is not just material, it is intellectual also. And the first of these evils can never be eradicated unti e seconth l effectivels i d y relieved. a uniqu n I e attemp o fight t t intellectual deprivatio e Thirth n di n World, and to foster contact between physicists of all countries, the International Centr r Theoreticafo e l Physics (ICTP s establishewa ) n 156i d 4 e Internationaundeth e aegith rf o s l Atomic Energy Agency e CentrTh . e organizes research sessions, workshops, and extended courses on advanced topics in the physical and mathematical sciences and encourages scientists, especially froe developinth m g countries o visi t ,e ICTr extendeth fo tP d periods. It forms an international meeting point for scientists from all countrie d providean s s visitorsit s , principally those from developing countries, with facilities to conduct original research at the highest international standards of excellence. To extend the reach of its influence beyon e necessarilth d y limited numbe f visitoro r e Centrth sn entertaica e n i n s organizea yearha t i , n Associateshia d p procramm a networ d an ef Federate o k d Institutes which maintain extensive and fruitful links between the ICTP and the world's scientific community. Situated mainly in developing countries, there are over 70 Federated Institutes whose main proble s i scientifim c o isolatiocanwh y b ,d an n arrangement, send scientists to the Centre for between 40 and 120 man-days each year. The ICTP has 2^0 Associates, distinguished scientists living and working in developing countries, who can, t.nree times in six years, speno between six weeks and three months at the Centre, researching and discussing research in a creative environment that may not obtain in their own scientifically isolated e CentrTh s .alsi e o fostering young scientists from developing countries by appointing Junior Associates who gain acces o booksst , journals d scientifi,an c articles throug ICTPe th h . Thanks to the generosity of -the Italian Government, ana of the regional community, the Centre was established with its own premises in Miramare, just outside Trieste, Italy. The Italian Government also makes a substantial annual grant to the Centre. In 1970 UNESCO joined the IAEA in financing the Centre. Since 196e Centrth 4s welcomeha e 0 dscientist 00 ove- 14 r s fro5 11 m Member States of the IAEA and UNESCO. TABLE OF CONTENUS 7 REVIEA W PAR: I T Calenda2 1 Scientifif ro c Activities 1982 - Statistical summar Participatiof yo Researce th n d ni han 3 1 Traimng-for-Research Activities Tabl Participationf eo Geographiy ,"b c Area, numbe visf ro - itors and man/months 14 Tabl Participationn eo Long-tery ,b Short-terd man m activitie5 1 s 7 1 SCIENTIFIE TH C PAS : PROGRAMMTII E - Physic Energd san y - Winter Colleg Nuclean eo r Physic Reactorsd san : Par: tI Cours Advancen eo Nuclean si r Theor Nuclead yan r Datr afo Reactor Applications 17 - Part II: Course on Reactor Physics Aspects of Safety Analysis 18 - Topical Meetin0 2 Nuclean go r Fluid Dynamics Third Seminar in Solar Energy (in French) 22 Nuclear Physics Pre-Prints in 1982 23 - Physic Frontierd san Knowledgf so e Elementary Particle Physic Fundamentad san l Theory Researc4 2 h Summer Workshop in Particle Physics 25 - September School on Supergravity & Supersymmetry 27 Worksho Non-Perturbativn po 8 2 e Field D TheorQC d yan - HE Pre-Prints in 1982 29 - PhysicLivine th f gso State - Summer College in Biophysics 33 International Conferenc Applicationn eo Physicf so o st Medicine and Biology 34 - Physics and Technology Spring College on Amorphous Solids and the Liquid State 36 - Researc Condensen hi d Matter Physicd san Research Worksho Condensen pi 8 3 d Matter Physics - Working Party on the Mechanical Behaviour of Solids 40 2nd Trieste International Symposium on Statistical Mechanics 1 4 of Adsorption Trieste-IUPAd 2n - P Semiconductor Symposium "Surface sInter& - 2 4 faces: Physic Electronicsd san " Solid State Pre-Prints in 1982 44 - Applicable Mathematics and Planning Models - Summer Worksho7 4 Fibrn po e Bundle Geometrd san y Autum8 4 n Cours Mathematican eo l Ecology 0 5 - Math Pre-Print 198n si 2 - Physic Oceansf so « Atmosphere Doserte th d s,an - Autumn Course on Geomagnetism, the Ionosphere and Magneto- shpere 51 Activities Outside the Scheduled Programme - Miscellaneous Research 52 Miscellaneous Pre-Prints in 1982 53 - Hosted Activitie Co-sponsored san d Regional4 5 Activities - Regional Activities Organize Centre th y edb Colleg Theorn eo Condensef yo d Matte5 5 Accrar- , Ghana Workshop on Monsson Dynamics - Dacca, Bangladesh 56 Latin-Americat 1s - nInternationad Schoo3r d lan l Symposiun mo Non-Conventional Energy - Bogota,Colombia 57 PART I. THE CENTR ES ACHIEVEMENT' N I S A Review The main fields of research and training-for-research, divided into their programme components Internationae th t ,a l Centr Theoreticar fo e l Physics in 1^82 were: Physic Energd san y Nuclear physics; Solar energy Physics and Frontiers of Knowledge Elementary particles and fundamental theory; Physic livine th f sgo state Physic Technologd san y Condensed matter physics Applicable Mathematic Plannind san g Models Applicable mathematics; Mathematical ecology Physic Environmene th f Naturaf so o d tan l Resources Geomagnetism; Ionospheri magned can t ospheric physics; Atmospheric physics Physics and Development Physics and Energy Centre Th e maintaine higda h leve activitf o l thin i y s component yeae ,th r commencing with the Winter College on Nuclear Physics and Reactors. This activity divides wa d intpartso coursa firsotw e s th :Advancen twa eo Nuclean si r Theory d Nucleaan r Dat Reactor afo r Applications, held fro Januar5 2 m l'o yt y February attended an 2 scientistJ? y db fro1 7 sm- developing Member States e seconTh . d pardedicates twa Reactoo dt r Physics Aspect Safetf so y Analysi tood san k place from 22 February to 1^ March. Altogether ix4 scientists participated in this second phase of the Winter College; 73 of these represented developing countries. Both courses were organize closn di e collaboration witIAEAe hth topicaA . l meeting on Nuclear Fluid Dynamics took place from 11 to 15 October, bringing together 65 scientists working in this field. Other activities in the energy compon- ent included the III Séminaire su l'Energie Solaire (French Solar Energy course), which brought togethe French-speakin1 r7 g physicists, engineer techniciansd san ; collaboratio d contributionnan s receive variouy db s Ministrie d Commissionsan f so the French Government for the course are gratefully acknowledged. For the first time, the Centre, in collaboration with the Asociaciôn Centro Internacional de Flsic Bogotae ad , organize activitn d a fiel e th solaf do n yi r energa n yi developing region InternationaI II .e th Thi s swa l Symposiu Latin-Americad man n Schoo Non-Conventionan o l l Energy, whic hels Colombihn wa i d July0 3 ao .t fro 3 m1 The School attracte visitors9 d11 onlt ,no y from Sout d Centrahan l America frot ,bu m other far-distant developing countries as well. Physic Frontiera san Knowledgf so e The research group in elementary particle physics and fundamental theory paste th n ,i continuins a , is activits git y throughou yeare tth ; scientisto wh s participated in the research of the group during 1^/82 were 200; 106 of them were from developing countries activitiee Th . s stregthening project thin si s field were a summer workshop in Particle Physics, held from 21 June until 31 July and attended Toy 77 scientists, and the September School and Workshop on Supergravity and Super- symmetry, which took place from 6 to 18 September and attracted another 167 scientists. In mid-December a workshop on non-perturbative field theory and quantum gauge theor s helywa d wit participatioe hth ^,f no Q scientists. LivinPhysice th d gs an Stat e In the field of physics of the living state, as well, activity was high: 217 visitors attended the conference on Applications of Physics to Medicine and Biology held fro Marc0 April2 m3 o ht . Thi followes workshoe swa th y db p Europeae ofth n Molecular Biology Organization, dedicate Functionao dt l Inte- gration of Cell Surface and Cytoskeleton Control Systems, organized by the International Schoo Advancer lfo d Studies (SISSA hosteCentree d )th an y n db I . addition, from 2 to 27 August, a summer college in Biophysics was held, bringing together another 152 scientists, the majority (117) representing developing countries. Physio Technologd san y The permanent condensed matter physics research group carried out its activity throughout the year; and some 33 scientists, 28 of whom were from developing countries, researce joineth n di h project groupe th f .so Scheduled activit fiele th dn yi als o continued bienniae ,th l college being dedicated this yea Amorphouo rt s Solids Liquiane dth d State collegee Th .
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