Position of Kisan Credit Cards for the Period Ended
BANKING AT A GLANCE IN GUJARAT STATE --- DECEMBERDECEMBER,, 2012015555 PARAMETERS DEC ., MARCH, DEC ., GROWTH GROWTH 2014 2015 2015 Y-O-Y OVER (DEC., 14 to MARCH DEC., 15) 2015 TOTAL No. OF 8451 8631 8846 395 215 BRANCHES CATEGORY OF BRANCHES RURAL 3592 3685 3673 81 (-)12 SEMI - URBAN 2166 2199 2080 (-)86 (-) 1 19 URBAN 1418 1438 1184 (-)234 (-) 2 54 METRO 1275 1309 1909 634 600 TOTAL 8451 8631 8846 395 215 KEY INDICATORS (Amt. Rs.Crores) DEPOSITS 4,70,837 4,90,208 5,1 8,955 48, 118 28,747 (9.81%) (14.33%) (5.86%) (10.22%) (5.86%) ADVANCES 3,69,283 3,87,703 4, 13, 551 44,268 25 ,848 (7.26%) (12.61%) (6.67%) (11.99%) (6.67%) CREDIT DEPOSIT 78.43 79.09 79.69 1. 26 0.6 0 RATIO PS ADVANCES 1,44,485 1,52,137 1,7 5,767 31,282 23 ,630 (% Growth ) (17.77%) (18.51%) (15.53%) (21.65%) (15.53%) (% to advances) (41.97%) (44.19%) (45.34%) (3.37%) (1.15%) AGRI ADVANCES 52,504 54,288 61 ,605 91 01 7317 (% Growth) (14.11%) (16.37%) (13.48%) (17.33%) (13.48%) (% to advances) (15.25%) (15.77%) (15.89%) (0.64%) (0.12%) MS ME ADVANCES 60,095 64,084 76,731 16,636 12,647 (% Growth) (24.53%) (14.78%) (19.74%) (27.68%) (19.74%) (% to advances) (17.45%) (18.61%) (19.79%) (2.34%) (1.18%) WEAKER SEC.ADV 23,228 24,221 30 ,261 7033 6040 (% Growth) (18.23%) (20.23%) (24.94%) (30.28%) (24.94%) (% to advances) (6.75%) (7.04%) (7.81%) (1.06%) 0.77% Position of Kisan Credit Cards for the period ended Dec ., 201 4 March, 2015 Dec ., 2015 GROWTH Y-O-Y Growth (Dec., 14 to over March, Dec., 15) 2015 Accounts 28, 97,467 28,55,008 29 ,35 ,009 37 ,54 2 80 ,001 Amount 28, 301 26,669 33,9 11 5610 7242 1 AGENDA No.1 Confirmation of the proceedings of last meeting The proceedings of the 147th State Level Bankers’ Committee (SLBC) meeting for the quarter ended September, 2015 held on 21.12.2015 were circulated to all the members on 05.01.2016.
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