FORMER AND PRESENT BOXING CHAMPIONS ILLUSTRATE BLOWS. VBjrXjKJK3KJCXL NOLOCALPLAYER Midsummer1 Reductions of Swimming and Bathing Suits ENTERSMEY Bathing Suits SnlmmlnK Snlta iOe tt I 50c Robber Cap* 38 Ladles' Fine Woolen Sulfa Not 95.00 Two-Piece Worsted Sulfa Washington Represented JM.OO Two-Piece Suit* K3.50 Two-1*1ere Woolen Suit* I2.S5 in Chess Event at Lex¬ *3.50 One-Pieee Swimming Suit*. S-inch CheM Sfrlpe ...I2JS 91.50 One-Piece Swimming; Suifs ' flJSS Wafer \Vinir« 35c and 2Ko ington, Ky. Faat Color. Blue Wool Flannel Pnnts, now $2.(M TENNIS RACKETS CHAJES WINS MATCHES All Priced at Lowest Price Championship Ball 35c; 3 for 91 Tomorrow the annual Western Chess FISHING TACKLE TENNIS Association championship tournament 52.00 Throe-piece Steel Rod.91.6."* A backward season has caused us to make a big reduction on all Will start at Lexington. Ky. For the $2.00 Quadruple Heels 91.65 Tennis Rackets. past two years Washington has been $1.2.'. Quadruple Reels 95c $s.00 Rackets, nil makes... .*<1.35 brilliantly represented in this Ameri¬ Silk Lines, all the best makes. $.:."<» Rackets, all makes... .*3.95 amateur classic l»v Norman T. S2.*,o Rackets, all makes. .*1.05 can Munson Army Shoes, $6.50 Leather I'uttee none of the local ex¬ Lectins; feuular Whitaker. but Armj Shirt* to $-1 army style. * *7.V). 910.00 perts is entered in this year's event. iH. EdA'ard Lasker. the present title hold¬ er; Jackson Showalter. former United WALFORD'S, £ Ktates champion; J. T Beckner and ft practically all the masters of the mid¬ 909 Ave. dle west will compete. Pennsylvania N.W. Championship honors in the annual meetinsr of the New York State 1'hess arasaKafamraE Association have gun<> to «>scar Chajes offlfew York city, though one round yet remains to bo played, together with a number of adjourned games, which, however, will n>'t affect t'hajes' score A team match between Rochester and INTERESTING GOLF NOTES ttt«T visiting players wais drawn, the feature of the play being the drawn game between Howard and Chajes FROM THE LOCAL CLUBS The standing after seven rounds fol¬ lows: Players. W. I Player*. W. L. Chains ft'-j Jennings .... 3 3 Washington golf lovers will be af- last week, where hp and the :t 3 Starle 3K Dcmptejr Phillip* u, forded an to watch four of ^ brothers are pummi-ritijr. Smith wu - opportunity Howard 3 in a tie the greatest golfers of the country in for first place an:r<» State. Rochester. date in October. Charles Kvans, jr., great chanco Waller... Clarke f)f national and amateur to break th»- course record at «'olum- 1.W. Chicago, open bia last with A. J. S.H.* K. . l.Uee will Miss Alexa Thursday, playing 3.1»." V. S«-arle. Pr. V. IV Cray. champion, pla ywith Cummings. <"hasmar was out In 3.*:. 4.... Boaghton.... Fi. Patt4>rwB... Stirling of Atlanta as a partner, against with t missed six-foot x»u11 for a 2 on 5. NV Weber 1 N. i\ S-. rj.-.r Mrs. W A .Gavin of New York, metro- the short eighth hole, where he took 6.O. riu^cf X...I K. S. Howard two putts for a .'I, that figure winning 0 X. It. llerrick j olitan woman's champion, and Gilbert 7.J. Cant well.... CORBETT RKPRODt(I\(; THK BLOW him the hole. was back in 4o, get¬ ..H. Kin*: 0 V. Benedict Nichols of Great Neck, who won ti»< ting into trouble on th«* twelfth hole. TO WHICH HE FELL A VICTIM AT was in S3. Total 4 Total 4 Columbia Country's Club's professional Cummings around Hugh THE HANDS OF BOB FITZSIMMONS, j McK**nzi«\ who last year was one «>f tournament here lust spring. Mrs. the is the score of the Jloward- IX AT Columbia beginners, has been play Appended 1*97, CARSON CITY, SEV. Gavin, who from the Taconic »'lub a line w Chajes game, together with Chajes* vic¬ plays ing flame. One day last eek tory over Phillips: of I»ng Island, is a former English- he was around the Columbia course in ST with three 7s on his card. CAUO-KANX PEFEXSE. | woman and won the metropolitan Howard lb-ward Chajes. BEXXY LEONARD, LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION, SHOWING JIM CORBETT championship from a select field last A party of Oflumbia golfers spent W hite. Black. AV hite. Black jsprinir. Kvans is perhaps th«- best the week end at Pa.. 1 P -K4 T!» B2 Kt FORMER HEAVYWEIGHT HOLDER, THE BLOW WITH WHICH HF known amateur i:i the l.ast Monterey. last 1'.»-st season. He ;t j>t ur« d of Columbia members Clifford K. Berr\ 3 PlP PxP 121 11 K K Q2 the open championship at Minikhada in 4 Kt.KB3 22 I K.K man and l*ee I* Harban defeated John kt-QB3 g~K .June and in September defeated Hob and 5 P. B3 B- P4 I'- KIW KR.K2 'Gardner at Marion the amateur l<\ Walker John W. Brawner. * Rt-KB4 P.K3 _i KM g* for contributing: to the winning git g~ title. Miss Stirling has a record as!iBerryman 7 Q.KI3 Q-B 2.- g.-B- u.K NO MAN WILL EVER OUTFIGHT total of his side by annexing a pair of tiood as that of the amateur 8 gKt.^2 2-; P R3 u is- g champion. 2s on two short holes, Capt. William 9 P.B4 Kt B3 27 It.IC. g -g3 having won the southern championship Alden Smith and Allen Gilbert, both 10 R.B B- QKt5 2> t; Kt3 Kt.K2 s-veral times Last year she annexed! 11 BxKtch 2» 1* the United States women's 'of Grand Rapid*, yesterday defeated Pr-n- i/e* Harban and John l". Davidson over 12 HxH BxB 3«» K B7 RxR ship over the course of the Relniont 13 gxH I'aSllfS 31 gxlt gxg Springs Country <-*lub. The exhibition the Columbia Country Club course. 14 Cant], * fxV 32 Bxg Kt B4 I.New Yorkers Make Only Five should be one of the greatest ev.-r held 13 RxP g.g- 33 is v.n is gs tin the the of Four Columbia polfprs motored to 1*B.Kt5 Kt.K 'M lSxi: KtxR country. Certainly* array Bedford Springs. Pa.. Friday and will 17 B. B4 P.B3 I'rawn Former Heavyweight Champion Pays Hits Off Goodwin, But tab-nt is t lie best ever gathered to¬ U gether for lied Cross purposes. return to Washington tomorrow. The K.y K.g I party includes George 1'. James. Albert K. B. OPENING. Fine Tribute to of Youth¬ Richard Beattie and Jack Rurgess of R. McKenzie. H. King Corn well and Capabilities Win Easily. Winter. ofT at CkaJ**. Phillips. Phillips. the Chew Chase Club halved a match ! Alph^us They stopped Black. ]

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