Kortijr dandy ttM iht aid MMBlwr et tiM Audit dny; poaolMy gcm i lniMil light ntai Sotnrdny, Httle d M ^ la tampera- BaiMd ot Clreatatlea*. tnre.

MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEW^2ITT934. (SIXTEE^ PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS PEACE LOOMS IN STRIKE BEUEVE KAMINSKI CORNERED PRESIDENTMAKES pl e a AT TOWN’S BOLTON BORDER M THE GTIES - . ' . ^Cordon of Police Goardmg 67 Schoolhouses m Asaka ^ . ------? . - . , , , v . . _ . Collapse. Trains WrockeH Lindbergh Ransom Money ,Officials of Utut^ Textile Area at Foot of Nigger More Serious Charge Faces HiO — Fngitive Shyer's i»90Ma.Tempesl,Wors! r"...... - — ...... /j W»Aer. M,, Trail Crossed by Patrol- Hauptmann, Lindy Suspect Ksowi. b. a Generation. i > “’’f Pleased With Report of man Joseph Prentice — CLAIM HAUPTMANN* | Receiver of Ransom Money jPOUCE QUESTION Tokyo,'Sept. 21— (AP) —. The most destructive typhoon in a gen- President’s Board; Ex^ Series of Thefts Point De- in Kidnap Case May Be eration lashed, the teeming cities in PLAYED LONE HAND LINDY SUSPECT the heart of Japan today, leaving cutive Council Calls Con- Ihitely to Escaped Mur- Extradited to Jersey on 1,346 knoiyn dead, more than 4,203 mjured, and scores missing. ference. derer ~ Steals Boots, ' Newspapers estimate that Osaka Department of Jnstice Heads Homicide Charge*/ Fire Barrage of Inquiries at city alone suffered damages of 300,- 000,000 yen—about $90,000,000. By ASSOCIATED PRESS Food and Ammunition. Believe That Solution of The bitterest tragedy was enacted President Roosevelt made a per- j New York, Sept. 21.—(AP) — Hauptmann at Lineup — in the flimslly built schoolhouses of sonal appeal today for peace in the I Bruno Richard , Hauptmann, mild Osaka and Kyoto where the chil- dren were Just beginning their les- textile strike. Balieved by -police to be eur- Crime Is Near. { mannered Gerplan fidgeted under the His Answers. sons when the gale roared up from In a declaration made publlo rounded In the dense underg rowtH glare of spo.tilghts on the police line- the south to death-dealing fuiy. along the Manchester-Bolton line, through a secretary at Hyde Park, Washington, Sept. 21.— (A P ) — A up platforhi today and heard Assist- The governor of Osaka reported Alexander kamlnakl of New Britain New York, Sept. 21— (A P )— Dur- that in Osaka City, 67 schoolhouses the Summer White House, h « ex. picture depicting Bruno Richard ant Ctft'et Inspector John J. Sullivan ing questioning of Bruno Richard early this afternoon ' was using all Hauptmann as a man who played a collapsed killing 421 pupils and pressed hope ’’that all emplo' cs declare he will "have to answer a Hauptmann concerning the Lind- now out on strike will return to his natural cunning and resourceful- lone band was drawn by Depart- teachers and injuring 1,100. m^i'h serious charge” than extortion bergh ransom money. Acting Chief Outside the schools of Osaka. 96 work and that all textile manufac- ness to elude a cordon o f officers ment of Justice agents today. in the Lindbergh kidnap case. Inspector John J. Sullivan declared were killed and 617 injured. Four turers will take back employes Expressing confidence that his ar- today in police lineup: "W e have a thrown about the general vicinity A short time later it was disclos- thousand buildings were destroyed, without discrimination.” rest heralded complete solution /6t perfect extortion case against this and to throw o ff the scent o f two ed that last night a warrant for including 500 factories and ware- His statement formally approved the crime of a century, officials'put man.” housea. bloodhounds brought to the scene by every ounce o f energy Into rounding Hauptmann's . extradition on a the peace proposal laid before lum " I understand this man.” Sullivan The death toll in Kyoto was 103 Lieutenant David Schatzman of the off the investigation. / charge of homicide had been signed yesterday by the Special Board of said. ’’t\’e have a perfect extortion ,and there 352 were Injured and 625 Beacon Falls barracks. Early today J. Edgar jKoover. di- by Governor A. Harry Moore, of Inquiry headed by (Governor Winant case against him. There Is no buildings destroyed.- of New Hampshire. His Path Traced rector of the Justice Department's , where the Lindbergh Early this moraing the blood doubt In my mind' that he will have Osaka faced a night o f darkness. In Washington, heads o f the Her electric plants were out of com- United Textile Workers met to con- bounds ' followed a trail which (Continued on ^age Ten) (ConUnued on Page Ten) started from a driveway adjoining (Continued on Page Ten) n^lsslon; there were no street cars sider the proposal. the house in which Constable CheS' or newspapers. Her waterworks A major recommendation for the terlleld Pirie resides and which led were badly damaged. Thousands of peace report was the appointment down the Bolton road to a house 1 omes were without drinking water of a textile labor relations board to occupied by Mrs. William Jones and reservists began hauling water protect labor’s rights. The hounds sniffed a single shoe CHARGE OF EXTORTION SHORTS ARRESTED into the city in trucks. Carolina textile workers and mill without a heel, found in the drive The picture of the morning’s hor- owners prepared for another "Wg way and led to the. porch o f Mrs ror in Osaka and Kyoto is still push.” The new offensive was ex- Jones’ house. Footprints were found ON INCITING CHARGE fragmental^ for communications pected to start Monday. in a flower garden at the front of HOLDS LINDY SUSPECT were disrupted. 207 A r e A rrested the house. One footprint indicated It is known, however, that the In Georgia, 207 persons were bald the fugitive was without a shoe tS i seas swept in with tidal wave pro- In connection with the strike. A portions, drowning many in the low-- the other, which appeared to be that H ^ d of Local Union Is Said threat of a universal strike, ff the ot a high heeled shoe, gave rise to Hauptmann Handed Over to RULE FROM BOITOM er areas of the coastal villages in textile walkout is unsucceatful, was the belief that his other foot wwa the Prefecture of Osaka. heard last night Ir Macon, Ga., in shod in what might have been to Have Urged Pickets to The insane asylum on the out an .address by Paul W. Fuller, edq- woman's slipper or a rubber. Braax A.tbonli.s - Re- RECOVERY AID skirts of Osaka was washed away catiqnal director o f the United Tex^ A significant phase of the man- and its 60 inmates were missing. tile Workers. hunt was learned by Lieutenant fuses to Talk Mnch Dnrmg .. Do Injury. The big leper hospital in Osaka was Fuller predicted that if the strike Schatzman when he was told by Inundated and destroyed and it was falls, a resolution. for a general Mrs. Jones that when Kaminski es- believed that between 40 and 50 of strike Would be present^ at the its inhabitants were drowned. caped before she gavv him a meal Long CrHI by Poh'ce, Head of New England Coun- Arthur Shorts, president of LocaJ Held under a technical charge of having received part-of the $50,000 coming convention of the American at her house not knowing he was i The railways .between. Nagova Federation cf Labor. 2125, UTWA, of this town, was ar- and Okayama were disrupted. Nine Lindbergh ransonv money paid two years ago, Bernard Richard Haupt- fugitive. However, the state police State police carrying riot giuu) rested by State Police yesterday af- of their trains were either derailed mann, handcuffed, here la pictured in a police station man could give no reason why N ew York, Sept.' 2'i— ( A P ) ;— A cil Opposed to Govern- after his arresL ' ■ dispersed a crowd from the Kunne- Kaminski should return to Mrs. ternoon near the Brohkslde Mills in or overturned. The worst train mild mannered, tight lipped German wreck was near Otsu where a pas- mede worsted -Aille at Clifton Jones’ bouse unless he thought he South Glastonbury on a warrant Heights, near Philadelphia, after a - was named today as the man who senger train was overturned, kill- might obtaiQ some money from her. ment’s Presmit Views. signed by Prosecutor cnifford H. extorted JM.OOO from Col. Charles ing 10 persons and injuring 165. skirmish. Nine men were arrested. Mre. Jones recognized Kaminski’s Bell of the Glastonbury Town Court The Central Meteorological Ob- The northern strike front in gen- picture later in newspapers. A . Lindbergh for thb return o f the on a charge of inciting to injury of servatory at Tokyo reported that eral whs quiet, but the first Nation- Dog Aroused kidnaped Lindbergh baby. Poland Springs, Me.. Sept. .21 gersons or property. This is the ORDERED TO SHUT OFF al Guard unit mobilized in Hassa- Tony Ansaldl told a Herald re- the typhoon averaged 90 miles an The formal charge of extortion (A P ) —(Cultivation by government lost serious charge brought hour at many points for a period of ctausetts in connection p ith the porter today that be retumed.from against a striker in Connecticut was entered early today, naming of public opinion and action from one-balf hour but the Osaka ob- strike stood guard in East Hamp- a daneb at 11:30 last night but found since the walkbut of the textile Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a car- servatory reported that the velocltv ton, outatda the Hampton Company nothing out o f the way. Around rald- the bottom up rather than imposi- workers three weeks ago. HOSE ON MORRO CASTLE penter, Immediately after the rnlUa. tion by government of its views on momentarily reached 120 miles an j night, however, neighbors heard DemobllizaiJon . of Connecticut charge was filed,- Hauptmann, weary the public, was a formula for eco- The offense, alleged to have been hour. Ansaldi’s police dog barking; A t 1:80 from long questioning that /begsm committed in the presence of two troops continued, but in Maine, 900 nomic recovery today advanced by The typhoon roared northward o’clock Saniuel Woodward, who lives following his arrest last Tuesday state policemen during a period of Guardsmen were under orders to President Henry Sharp of the New along the coast of the Sea of Japan. a short distance down the road, was morning, was taken from picketing of the Brookside Woolen Fireman Makes Slartline CURLEY NOMINATED "prepare for any eventualltyl" England Council. Tokyo was spared its main force, „ In Ansaldi’s grain barn preparing coupty court house to police head- Company in the Hopewell section o f President Sharp was critical of althongh the the gale blew down for the morning’s work. Nothing un- quarters. Glastonbury, carries with it a maxi- five hangars in the Heneda A ir- CONDITIONS IN STATE toward occurred while Mr. Wood- The more sinister angle o f the the Federal administration in ita mumm penalty p f 10 years in prison, Stalement at I n q u i r y FOR GOVERNORSHIP By A880CL\TED PRESS activities affecting industry. Me drome in a suburb o f Tokyo, des- ward was in the iwm. It was point- Lindbergh case-i-tbc world’s most a $5,0005,000 finp or both. troying 20 airplanes. There was The breaking of windows by tex- ed out that the police dog does not horrifying crime, it has been called spoke before the 36th quarterly Says the Order Came tile strikers or sympathizers in. two meeting of the council. "Case Cbntlniied other tnlnor damage to the capital. bark unless a stianger is on the mills in northeastern Connecticut Formative Principle , Shorts was arraigned in Glaston- premises. (Oontlnoed op Page Two) today failed to halt the deraobilisa- 'The formative principle of the bury Town Court at 7:30 last night from the Bridge. | ■The man thought to be Kaminski Defeats Cbaries H. Cole in tlo of another State National N ew England Council Is lU aim to ^ d the case was continued under stole from Ansaldi’s outhouse, which Guard company.' stimulate New England to speak bonds of $500. for trial Saturday a f- is located about 20 feet from the N.Y. POLICE HEAD The disturbtmces took place at and do fo r llbslf,” he said. ’"This ternoon at 3:30 o’clock, before Bay State; Republicans rear kitchen of the house, a large Judge Henry H. Hunt. New York, ^ept. 21.— (A P)— A the Groavenordale mills in North WIFE OF SUSPECT council is opposed to acting or Four Rockville men were arrested lost procession of witnesses came Grosvenordale where 300 picketers piece of salami, a chunk of Gorgon- speaking for New England. It on less serious charges during the paraded when the mill reopened zola cheese, a roll o f butter,-a quart atrlves instead to cultivate New QUITS HIS POST before the Federal Inquiry Board .n- Name Lt. Gov. Bacon. two of its mills and the Uncas mill o f milk and a quantity o f canned disturbance at the Glastonbury mill. vestigatlng the Morro Castle fire FREED BY POLICE England public.opinion'and action Shorts was arrested when he ap- s 1.1 Mechanicsville, which never clos- goods which' Included tuna flslT from the bottom ^ -n o t to Impose peared at the town court session in today as the board cleaned up testi- ed. shrimp and crabmeat. These food- its views on N ew ^gland from the Boston, S ept 21.— (A P )—James stuffs were in the upper tier o f an top down. , the interests o f the four Rockville Gen. John F. O’Ryan Resigns mony from survivors preparatory to State police on guard at the men. -The warrant was made out M. Curley, three times mayor of mills, failed to.make any atrests, icebox of expansive proportions. Harry R. Dewls, Rhode island recalling the ship’s officers on Mon- previous to his appearaance at Boston, original Roosevelt man m and aside from the window break- Takes Shotgun Declare She Had No Connec- commissioner of agriculture and day. court last night but police were un- ing, the picketing was carried on in Diagonally across, the small room chairman of the agriculture com- and Lewis Valentine Is Massachusetts and ardent champion able tp locate him at his home in Dickerson N. Hoover, assistant di- an orderly manner throughout the o f the outhouse was a table upon mittee of the' council told the meet- ol the New Deal, swept to victory rion With Case; Goes Back this town. rector of the Bureau o f Navigation strike area In Connecticut,- In both :htoh reposed several baskets o* ing that the situation of New! Eng- Policeman’s Story Named to Succeed Him. and chairman of the. board, ordered in yesterday’s .state-wide primary to cases the windows were shattered laid eggs. Back of this table in land agriculture vlth the exception Shorts Is accused, according to the hearing adjourned at 1:00 p. m. become the Democratic guberna- by rociv but no other damage wa« 12-guage double- to Her Bronx Home. o f the fruit crop was. somewhat the State Police, of urging picketers for the week end. done. -yarroled shotgun owned by John more favorable than In 1933, though turial nominee. He defeated Charles to set upon mill workers after they New York, Sept. 21.— (A P ) — Chief More than 125 of the 1,450 work- l^tlsta. Ansaldl’s father-in-law. still some distance from normal. Re-examination of the ship’s offi- H. Cole, special ally of Governor Jos. had left the protection of ■ police Inspector Lewis Valentine today was cers next week is expected to con- ers normally employed at the GroB- aminskl also ransacked a drawer New York, Sept. 21.r--fAP) __ B. Ely, Democrat and outspoken near the mills. State Policeman appointed police commissioner to clude the inquiry. critic of the New Deal, by a sweep- venordaie hiili reported for work In the table and took away a quanti- Patrick J. O’Toole, describing the Police today released,»-Sirs. Anna succeed General John F. O’Ryan a ing majority. today in .ne carding and finishing ty of Winchester, Defiance and Fed- Incident, said that be overheard a Walter E. Byrne, of -New York, a erad high powered shells.. Hauptmann, blonde,'iifiie-eyed wife few hours after O’Ryan announced passenget, was first to testify today. Lieut. .Gov. Caspar G. Bacon, who departments. The threat o f so many group of young men any they would his resignation. ' From the same outhouse the guard of Bruno Richard Hauptmann, for- NEW YORK BANDITS He related that he was awakened by like Ely, has been vigorous in his picketers .a the grounds sent La- mally charged With the extortion of "g e t” some o f the workers when Mayor F. H. LaGuardia announced bor (tommlssioner Joseph M. Tone killer also stole a pair of red rub- they left the vicinity o f the mill. the reflect'on o f fire in his cabin an l criticism ot many measures of the ber boots owned by Frank PaggioU. the 250,000 Lindbergh kldMplng the appointment. . "at no time” did he hear an alarm. National administration downed to the scene. ransom, from custody and declared The group, four Rockville men, General O’Ryah resigned as o f the Tone’s Report An air rifle, bearing fingerprints FLEE WITH $42,000 Peter Gllllck of 14 Oak street. ’’I didn’t think there was good Frank A. Goodman, former state that she bad ’’absolutely’’ no connec- end of his vacation and Indlcateo registrar of motor vehicles for the Upon Tone's report to Governor which will be compared with those tion with the case. Cbaries Hart, 21, of the Rockville pressure on the fire hoses at any o f K amlnakl. was not taken. that he will continue in office until Republican gubernatorial nomina- WilBur L. Cross, will depend wbeth- ' ) The woman was released this Hotel; Howard Winchell, 24. of 81 time,” he said in response to ques er the lone provisional infantry Covers TralL the present phase of the Lindbergh tion. United States Senator David tnorning after a day and night of Vernon street; and Joseph Fetko, tlonlng. platoon of National Guardsmen will . There was several pairs of match- 23, o f 18 Oak Street, all o f Rockville kidnap case— the arrest and investir Walsh, seeking renomination swept questioning by police and went Im- Porter Slogged and Mana- I Roger Toole of Brooklyn, a ship’s be withdrawn from Putnam which ed shoes in the outhouse but, so far got Into a car. O’Toole said, and be gallon of Bruno Hauptmann as the asi:ie opposition o f two opponents. mediately to her home at 1279 E. Wait'er, idid her saw no one fighting would demobilize the troops com- os Mr. Ansaldl knows, none was re- and State Policeman Albln W. receiver of the $50,000 ransom The Republican Senatorial nomi- 222nd street, the Bronx, where po- pletely. nooved. The intruder appsu^tly ^ g e r Forced to Turn Over Backlel followed them in a police money— is cleared up. the fire on the blaze-swept port' side nee is Robert MorrI.s Washburne, 66 lice bad found the part of the ran- Ckiropany A o f the Hartford 169th gained entrance by,walking through car. No date was mentioned by the o f the ship when be came up from year old former Legislator .news- som money. Regiment was ordered demobilized the unlocked door, but he made his O’Toole said that the picket’s car, mayor, but he said that such an ar- below decks, but he helped to put paper columnist. Asked directly if sbe bad any con- today. exit by removing a screen from a Bag Filled With Money. langement would be satisfactory to hoses on the fire on ’C’ deck. He did Second Man On Ticket nection with the case, by Deputy him. Five arrests were made, yester- wtadow next to the Icebox. From (Conttmied on Page Two) not know his fire statl'oq, he said. John W .' Haigis o f Greenfield, ^ l e f Inspector Henry E. Bruchman, The resignation was submitted to day in Glastonbury and among tha there he passed between the out- of the Bronx, replied: ” Lot o f Drinking former state treasurer and news- Mayor LaGuardia September 13, suspects was Arthur Shorts, presi- house, the grain barn and a group of . "Absolutely not." New York, Sept. 21.—(AP) TREASURY BALANCE “There was always a lot of drink- paper publisher will be the second Three robbers held kp the Ckirn Ex- which was primary election day. dent of the Manchester Local of the chicken coops, which formed a sort Nephew With Her ing among the passengers," Toole man on the Republican state ticket. o f an aisle, and disappeared through change Bank and 'Trust company Washington, Sept. 21.— (AP)— Other RealgnaUone said. " I never saw any drunkenness United Textile Workers Union, Mrs. Hauptmann was accora He was unopposed Incomplete re- charged with Inciting'to Injury of the garden and thence into the road. branch at Avenue D and Tenth The poaitioh o f the Treasury on On the same day Commissioner among the crew except in Havana.” panisd by her nephew when sbe left turns indicated that Joseph L. Hur- persona or property. In leaving this aisle he would have street today, slugged a porter Into September 19 was; Receipts for O’Ryan disclpaed two of his aides ” W eio an y ordera ever given you the office of the district attorney ley, 36. year old Fall River attorney Police said they overheard gborta to pass within 20 feet of the leashed unconsciousness and escaped in an September 19, $167,484,692.38; ex. also resigned. They are First Depu»v by any officers in fighting the fire?” had won the nomination for lieuten- dog. of Bronx county this morning. instructing pickets to follow wvrk* Automobile with cash believed by po- penditures, $87,928,634.63; net bal- (tommlssioner 'Harold Fowler and asked Hoover. ant governor on —Rhode Island and Mossa- Congregational church yesterday |P------. -T—-1 tion of his esteem. mt ^ tlw actual Mdnaplar_ of noted in his interviews with the ran' sona in the street. Sopie one c i ^ : chusetU police joined forces bars to- o^on wsa the alavantli aimlviitaary afternoon and it is expected that the of the marrlaga ot Mr. and Mra. VERNON'S TREANURY Mr. Brannick extends an invita- Will Be Named from Floor '4in . B a ^ Charlet A. Lindbergh frtro hie I iom receiver. It was learned too. ‘'Kill her!" and police reserves were MAY END STRIKE. Siyi Waher Wm Always day to their effort! to apprehend the chimes will be ready for a teat in tion to all hie friends to meet him ,* crib in hie Hopewell, N. J.. home J that "Jafale" wae given a chance called, putting down the dladrder. four men who hi-jacked a New York Swain and also Mr. Swaln’a birth* Des|»te Poor WoillMr ud, the immediate future. The 12 beUs, la Custom — Rcfreshmeiita. Waablngton, Sept. ?1._(AP)— ^y. Tha guaate praa«ited tham Boisherik Press hritei Un- and renew old acquaintances at the , . .. Hauptmann handwrl*. During the five years Hauptmann TermlbaUon of the UxUle strike by hound truckload of leather here last SHOWS A BALANCE weighing a total of 11,650 pounds Richard Brannick Succeeds Health Market, -where be will en- After Meeting. has lived on the upper flqor of the Boy-May Receiye night, forced ths driver,. Manuel 1. with a card tabla and a half doaen were made at the bell foundry of the iaJx125i^HoSili?M tSi d SSS- ' *”* **“ tpptorrow at tha latest was indicat- of cryatal goblete. Mlaa Uly Poota Strike Snrey Skowi Hat deavor to" please his friends, both the same aa that of. the ransom Bronx bouee be barxisver jrorked at ed here today as the executive coim- Brown of North Bighton, to accom- restrained Criticism— Its firm of Mfenely A Co. at Watervliet, old and new, to the best of his abil- maiA a t JuBtice a t Waablngton, Po- notes. bis trade of carpenter, so far as gave a recitetion and Mra. Swain Fiscal Year Ends With $4,957.- New York. It Is the hope of tbU-.flrm Lonis Andisio—Has Much iTie annual nomination ot officers lica Comwtenloaar Oltyan of i^law cil of the United TexUle Workers Reward of |25,000. pany them to Oimherlnnd, R, 1, dancad the Highland fling. Ckirda ity. • Mr. Brannick's chief aim will of Anderson-Shea post will bs hMS It is understood too, that yester- neighbors could, say today. He habit arranged to meet to act upon the re- where thAy tied him to a telegraph RoriralCoDtinM i. 1 22 Shown on Books of Town to have the toatallatlmi work com- be to sell only the best of meats at Torfc ahd Ool. Norman Schwartc' ualiy left home each morning, they occupied the remainder of the eve- Lend of Complamts. this evening in tilt state ormotg. hope, baad of the Naw Jaraay state day whap' "Jafate"-was. called upon port of the President's mediation pole and tm n escaped with the truck ning. Treasurer Thomas. pleted by October 1st, sdthough It is Experience. prices that will suit aU types of bud- Nominations will be .pnde from toe to look Oder a line up of several men said, taking a bus to ths subway board. Richmond, Va.. Sept. I t —(AP) — on the Providence highway., not planned to have-the dedication gets. floor as is the usual custom to tits poliee, believe the ransom pasnment in an effort to see if he could recog- downtown "to the Stock Market", ceremonies until October 13. and the kldnap» were the Strike leaders, well pleased with The proud father Walter V, Lyle, Pawtucket. R. 1., Sept. 31,—(AP) The annual supper of the Msn- New Yortt Bept H.—(AP>-JThe Leningrad—(AP) — The Soviet A net balance of $4,967J3 If V . F . W,'annual meetings. nise the "John" to whom the rat^ as he told those inquisitive ones the report of the President's media- Bronx filling station operator whose —A New York bound truck load of rail season already haa succeeded, Ordained Into Ministry Herl^rt B. House, treasurer of Neal A. Cheney, clerk of tlw work of separate groups of men, who pressed him for soihe explans- cbeater Pipe band will take place Union is a land of complaints. shown on the books of the town of DEATH. ANNOITXCED. was not dlscloaad. som was paid, he picked out Haupt- tion board, which they characterised suspicions led to the arrest of leather, valued a t $4,000, which was tomorrow evening at 7:80’ to the said the Dun A Bradstreet weekly Rev. Earl Mathewson, son of Mr. The J. W. Hale Company, anniiunc-. Board of Asseaaora is the preaenL mann and taro other men who were U’on of his means of livelihood. hl-jacked near Cumberland, R. I The bolshevik government invites Vernon, which includes the city of and Mrs. F. W. Mathewson of East SlgaMeant Move aa "an indictment" of mill- owners, Bruno Richard Hauptmann and ths hoaement of Orange ball. trade review today, in m«it(«g a cd this morning that Richard Bran- Ctommander of the post, following detccUvea. These men be said, "look- Hauptmann on-ned a Dodge sedan, egpUined that the strike could be recovery of s part of the Lindbergh lost night, was found toUct today by move favorable trade showing- than them. It believes to self-criticism. Rockville, for the fiscal year ending Main street, wma orciained In tha Greenwich, Sept. 21.—(AP) —The the meettog this evening frefresh- The fact that Hauptmann, S5 purchased about .$ year before the September.!, accor.ilng to the re- nick would have charge of the man- n old, was turned over last night ed like” the "John" of the cemetery ended only by tostructlons from the- rantom money, said today that a police cruising car on the out- Chapman Court, Order of Ama- appeared likely from early esti- The public is taught from 10,000 Christian Ministry at Belmont. Ver- death of Mrs. Francis Augusta Nye ments will ISs served. tryst. baby was k id n a p , and this recall- executive coundi. "Walter was always a bright boy." sklrte of Pawtucket. Police eald the mates, despite poor weather and a port of Town Treasurer John B. non yesterday afteriioon. Mr. agement of Hale’s Health Market McCutebeon, 83, in 'Wellesley, Massu, Bronx county authorities, after ed tbday the story of a student who ranth, has set the date of Thursday, Ifiatfornui that the government is succeeding the present manager, rbaing held a t New York beadquar. Takes Adto dumber •A vote to accept the report and It was Walter who gave to police bi-jackers apparently mletook the Ceptember 37, for a rummage sale, aatlob-w)de atrUie. 4a Thomas, which was completed yes- Mathewson is pastor of two church- waa announced today at her home at The Sierras of South America are The importance that paat figures told, a t the time of the kidnaping, end the etrtke immediately wai ex- a $10 gold certificate which he said load for silk, and abandoned it when Ths improvement thus ta r has theirs and it can win perfection only terday. This is considered remark- ih Vermont where he waa called Louis Andlsio. Mr. Brannick haa Bellehaven. She was the widow the only place where the llama is te n -many hours, was seen by sopae of seeing such a car with ladders to be held in the store on Mato tty learning Its errors. devoted 'hla 'lifetime to the meat in- aa an indication that the authdri. supplied In the Lindbergh case was pected late today or by tomorrow at was presented to him at the filling they found it was leather. street, at Bratnard plaee. Members ^ e n confined to distributive able due to the fact that during ihe early in the summer. Mra. Florence ofiJames McCutcheon, a well known ! used for transportation. emphasised in thi events that led to tied avoss the top, near the kidnap the Uteit if manufacturers also ac- station, and also ths license number branches of trade, the review say*, No press in the world airs oo past year there were many calls for Schwarz, bis mother; Miss Shirley dustry. New York linen manufacturer, She tlaa have not bean able to connect of the (Mmmlttee in charge are I(M* many waila and woes. In editorials, Hauptmann with the original crime. Hauptmann's arrest. He tendered a scene in New Jersey, cepted the recommendations of the of the automobile. Lyle la 33 year* a* a feeble start toward induatrial aaaistanoe by the needy ndio had no Mathewson a sister, Daniel Mathew- His early experience was gained died last night. old. bel Roblnaon, Mina OIomi, Mary special articles and letters to the in the wholesale departments' bf If Jthere was enough cadence ‘ to|F ^ certificate to a gas station . Mystertons asrage President's board and agresd to taka lAavitt, Astrid Dougan, Emma revival became discernible after a funds for rent or food. son, a brother, and other friends at- Mrs. McCutebeon w iu. daughter hold him for the kidnaping and attendant In payment for gaaolUie. The garage in which the ransom'’ back all strikers without discrimin- His father, Frank Lyle, a machin- SHORTS ARRESTED recession of a month and a half. editors, maladministration is de- The report shows a total of $161,- tended Uie ceremonies. both Cudahy Packing Company and of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Nye.: ation. Brown, Maude Daueby, Florenee nounced. Amou* and Company, well known Dial murder, Hauptmann - moet likely I t*be rarity of gold certificates sln ^ money wSa found was something of ist. discussed the possibility that Horton, Ethel Carter, Mary Parke Desire to Spend 061.98 received frcir property and Orange Holds Meettog She is survived by a daughter, M rs.' Would not have been given into the the bills were called In by President a mystery to nelgiiboni of the Tbs strike oommittee. beaded oy hla son would be eligible for some “Unless untoward instances be (^mmunists and non-communiste personal tax; a total of $40,386.80 A large irumber of tlie members natmnai meat packers. Mr. Bran- Tow*ns«nd Scudder of Greenwich. 3895 efr 3817 Francis J. Qorman, was anxious, in ON INCITING CHARGE and Rachel 'niden A collection of (itike join in the barrage. Bouquets for tuition and sch(x>I allotments .nick was one of the original owners Funeral services are to take place I custody ot Bronx officers. Tbs only Roosevelt several months ago, airbus- Hauptmanns. They said that the of the $25,000 feward offered by the articles for the sale wlU be made encountered.” the survey continues are far less numerous than brick- of the Northern Chora: Group of crime.in connection with the Lind-led the interest of the station at Hauptmann car was seldom put In view of the appeal by the President state of New Jersey for the convic- "activity may be enlarged suddenly,, from the state and a total of $27,- the East Central Pomona Orange enc. partners' of the Plnehurst Gro- Sunday and burial adll be. at the ' P6r sthat the strikers return to the mills tion of the Lindbergh kidnapers. Wednesday afternoon. Members as the general public ha* display^ ..bats. 807.32 from the state of Connecti- ceiy Store and he . also worked for Putnam cemetery. bssgh's, inUrmsdlary, Dr. John F. tendant and he jotted ' the man's the garage, and that two m'en'i'nent (Continued frena Page One) and friends who have donations and Ufe is hard to the Soviet Union. were on hand last evening at Orange O. F. ToOp, while he w.-is owner .Condon (Jafsie), of tfiO.OOO ransom automobile license numbers down on a great deal of time in the piTice, at once, to make clear that, author- "U Walter gets any of that re unquestioned proof that the desil cut-under various state grants. Hall In Vernon Center to rehearse ee Delivery ity to end the walkout must come ward.” he said, "it will be the first wta'. them called for should get to to spend has auperseded tb* m e Stalin aito his associates In control While many Items are of unusual of the Manchester Public Market! London’s Port Authority controls to a person now .named as Haupt' the bill—IU-13-41 New York SUte. «“$Med In some activities which driven by GlUicl^ followed a car touch with any of the above com- 'of the communist party admit It to for the entertainment program to 're Many folks in Manchester will re- ~Nnn. The gold certificate was taken to mystiflsd rsjldenta of the neighbor- from the executive council,, which break any of our family has had fcontainlng mill workers, and driven save.” ■ Interest none seems 'as Interesting a police force 800 strong, whose to years." mittee. their speeches. Living standards presented in the near future.' It *s gret to hear 'of the resignation of On the other hand there was an s bank and it's serial number was hood. comprises union executives in ail di- by Emil Kltogef of Addison and con- Reports of retail trade revealed as the $1,450 which woo received ae planned to have the Northern Choral work lies entirely on land. The WELDON optimiam current among police of- vl.xions of the industry. . ■ Ife said he thought "anyone' an eatimated goto over 1633 ot S to are too low, but the public Is told the town's share for liquor licenses. Louis Andlsio from the Hale Health Metropolitan police patrol the checked against the list of bills that One of the piacss where Haupt- taining three others. Not far from Members ot the Board of Select- that the only way to raioe them ia Group present an entertainment be- Market where he has been manager DRUG CO. Beers who for two years have hunt- made up the ransom payment. Thus mann was a frequent customer was If the strikers return to the millt w u ld have notified police if- they the mill, O'Toole said, the Gilllck 10 per cent. Seles Jn New England The. corporation tax grant this year fore the Ellington group at the Thames river. ed the baby killer, that hinted there tomorrow, as appeared probable, it hod thought it necessary, "but I do men will be a t the office of Town to join whole-heartedly in the plana was very low and totaled but $14,- I for the past nine years. The An- It was found the bill was part of Hans' Bavarian beer garden, where I car passed the other machine on the Clerk S. J. Turktogtbh'iil' the Muni- reUrded by the texUle strike. of the proletarian government and Ellington CJongregatlonal church ou dlsio brothers, Louis and Camlllo. might Bc’^ more and atartling de- the ransom money and police were Hauptmann was wont to linger over was estimated the strike would have think it was awfully - smart...... of my right, forcing It against the high- The muttber of individual indices 014.81 while several years ago the velcmxients soon. cost the workers approximately realize that the bill given him cipal building tomorrow between Which turned upward was more hasten the complete socialisation of Sunday, October 7th. This will be The "Bing Crosby Song Ctontest’’"^ came to Hale’s when they closed notified. The license number 4U-13- his beer and a game of pinochle way fence where It came to a stop. the hours of 10 a. m. and 0 p. m., Industry and a^culture. town’s share totaled $100,000. known ae “Orang* Stuiday.!' drove his cart to his sweetheart’s their own grocery store known to when asked if the arrest 41 was traced to Hauptmann. Pick- Speaking today of Hauptmann, $13,000,000 'in loss of pay. There ">*Kbt be si^iclous.” The four pickets leaped from the largely to excess of those which Among the smaller Items of in- launched by The Herald, has started Hauptmann could'be Interpreted as have been fourteen deaths, scores of He added, smiling, "IT he gets for the purpose of making- voters. turned down fop the first Ume In Transportation, Industry, market- Fnneral of Joho L. Brown something. Everywhere -one went window anim ke a KhVght of oM car-- many in town as the New York ed detectives were put on his trail. Hans Helnzmann, proprietor of the car and were starting for the mill Men and women who are eligible to ing (uid agriculture are all under terest is the one of $62.28 received The funeral of John L. Brown, rled her off. After a three dSys' Market. solving the Lindbergh eaee, Com- garden, said: Injuries, widespread use of state that reward 1 hope he gives bis old workers’ machine when the police several weeks. The business acUv- from the state as the town’s share yesterday there was heard the hum- mission O'Ryan said he thought It The surveillance for days was disap- mtlitts and hundreds of arrests. dad a part of it.” be made voters will not be required - fire. Failure to fulfill plans is as- aged 67, of TalcottviUe, who dlea ming. whistling and singing of the honeymoon the 92 year old bride- Louis Andlsio will devote his full pointing. Hauptmann did nothing to Ach, I am so surprised. He was a car arrived. Olllick. according ta Ity barometer stood at 61.0 against •alled from Vladivostok to the 301- of .the excise tax. This comes most- time to the managing of the Edge: could. At strike beadqiisrtere, it wsS Mrs. Lyle said she was "happy.” O’Toole, reached into the other ma- to make previous application. 61.2 a week ago, and 68.8 a year ly from the Connecticut Company's suddenly Tuesday afternoon at his songs selected for the contest, one gro'>m abandoned her. Children’s Week arousa the officer’s suspicions. j very nice man.” tic, from the White Sea to the home of heart disease, w(u held from "She knew nothing of true love nr wood Farm. 461 Woodbridge street, Hauptmann who was arrested said that some members of the ex- Walter Lyle worked In Charles- chine intending to grab one of the ago. • Block. tax payments although other com- or two bars of which were publish- Tuesday morning after being kept, Followed By Sleuths I The actual lead to Hauptmann's ecutive council already were in ton and Savannah for a short time workers. Arthur-Benson of Mato street la his late home yesterday afternoon ed lu a memory teaser. Apparent- romance" he complained. which has grown to such an extent j On Tuesday morning however, he arrest was given by Johnny Lyons spending a few days at the Radio Great FOItfi In America panies pay a very small amount. in the past few years that it re- ' under police surveillance several WoMjtogton and that all were on after his return from the World Giliick was arrested charged •with A irro VICTIM DIES ’ , The summary of the report is as at 2 o'clock. ly Manchester is music conscious, left his home, a two story Bronx and Walter Lyle, gas station at- War in which he served with the Exposition to New York. Critics have little to say about Rev. Francis P. Batcheler, pastor quires the full,time of Louis Andlsio days. cbhUnued to deny he wbs th e l. ... , thetfi way to the capital with a breach of the peace, reckless driv- ....the plans themselves. The soviet follows: Receipts—c(uih, on hand and remembers the songs it haa Great Britain's navy totals 1,088. Buster Brown ''John" who received the ransom ‘•"'elllng and the officers believed tendants.. The Hauptmann sedan prospect that the meeting might be Railroad Artlliery. He mowed to ing and aggravated assault with s Torrington, Sept. 21.—(A P )_ of the TalcottviUe Congregational liked. a’ the present time. • Camillo smd drove up several, day* ago and New York in 1926. Member.i of the Junior Duaghters system and Lbe second five-year September 1, 1983, $3,794.95; treas- 779'tons. Louis Andisio bought this farm aoDsy from Jafsie in St Raymond's bad suspected he was held late today. motor vehicle and Hart, Wlnchcll Thomas Moynlhan, 30, of 193 Tudor plan generally are regarded as urer's receipts, from dog license, church, officiated at the funeral Today the third in the aeries of esmetery. being watcliad'and that He Was bene Hauptmann asked for "five gallons, No Weakening and Fetko were charged with of Italy who are plannii^i to attend street, Wsterbury, died at the service. Burial was ia Mt. Hope four contest Illustrations is pub- Case Agaiaet Suspect bn getting away: of ethyl. cth.vi,” To paynav theths 98Oft cent hinbill, the hot dog roaat at Keeney street sJmve criticism. At least they are $1,289.89; Girts’ Club fund, $3: Meanwhile, strike leaders reported breach of the peace. Bonds of $800 Charlotte Hungerford boapital Bot attacked to the press and to Henry fund. $50; Nettlston fund, cemetery, TalcottviUe. lished. Like the other two, the The case against Hauptmaim. on They arrested him and founl Hauptmann dug a gold certificate that information from the field wa.s for Giliick and $200 each for the tomorrow night are asked to meet shortly before noon today of in- Briefs — . catchy bars of music will challenge the basis of information gtun out ^ b th e r of the ransom. hlUs on his from his pocket. at the south end terminus at 6:33 public utterances. $20; interest on town deposit fund, that there had been no Weakening RULES FERA WORKERS other Rockville men were not furn- juries which he received last night The general faith to mechaniza- $106.38; total, $1,441,27; tax re- Adroniam Chaptei, No. 18, Royal your memory. What was the title SHOES by Commissioner O’Ryan is Ihls: jpbwon. At his home they found a o’clock. In case of rain, the roast Lyle, who took the money, com- of the etrike and that additional I ished and they were taken to the when a car to which be waa riding tion attains the proportions of a re- ceipts, property tax from Charles Arch Masons, received an Official of this song that Bing Crosby, who bee been Identified ae, end Phlr of shoes which bad been piif- mented o-j the rarity of gold notes. mills had doted this morning. Hartford County jail. will be postponed. visit from the Deputy Grand High now introduce* three new hit songs naa admitted blnaaelf to be, the man I chased recently at a shoe stor- MAY RUN FOR OFRCE struck Uie side of a bridge at Boat ligion. TTie United States Is idolized M. Squires, $3,351.44; property tax Folks of Manchester "Yes,” Hauptmann replied. "I've "Whatever course is followed," an Draw Up Warrant Litchfield on the Torrington-Tbom- for Its mastery of mass production, from William A. Kuhnly, $150,037.- Priest of the Masonic Order liut eve- in his latest picture—"She . Loves who passed some of tbl ransom w-hoie proprietor accepted a gold only got about a hundred of the.m The marriage of Miss Elsie Har- Me Not"—coming Simday to tie money recently. announcement aaid, "the strikers Upon their return to ths BrMk- aaton road. . which Russians hope to achieve. 52; personal tax from Kerwln A ning. The reception was in Masonic certificate In payment—a certificate left myself." will proceed to orderly, disciplined slde mill after arresting the Rock- rison, twin daughter of Mra H. W. Hall at 7:3() o'clock. Following ths State Theater, first sang to popu- J—The sum of $1S,760 in bills Miss Little Announces ■ Order American capitalism Is despised Elliott, $7,663;- total tax receipts, Who Have Old Gold '•ater Ideutifled as one^ of the Lind- Stalling for time (for the sight of manner, to accordance with instnic- vlUe strikers, O’Toole and Backus Harrison of Center street, to less than the capitalism of other $161,051.96; receipts from First Se-. meettog a social hour was enjoyed. larity, and what waa the' name of identified as having been part of the bergh bills. the gold note In it.self was a suspi- tlona from strike ^esdquirters knj Restoring East Hartford CharleA J. Jacobs, son of Mr. and WOMAN A 8U1C1DB the motion picture hi which it was ransom money were found hidden in were told by State Policemen Albert lands because of the high develop- lectman, weapon permit, 25 cents; Edward W. Burke, Jr., of Union Hauptmann was locked up and cious circumstance), Lyle sought to pursuant to the decision of the Man. Candidate for Sheriff, Rivers and Leon H. Merritt that H. D. Jacobs of Victor, N. Y. will .ment of technique in the Industries street returned yesterday to Ann sung? hla garage. take place tomorrow aiftemoon at Aiisonla, Sept. 81.—(AP)—Suldie repairs fence. $84.89; Town Farm, A ppir of. guest tickets will be Immediately put in the grill of police ??$•$• Ihe man to conversation. executive board of the United Tex- to Job. they had heard Shorts telling pickets by gas was the finding given by Df. Bf the United States. $159.41; telephone rebate, $55.70; Arbor, Michigan, where he Is a - To Sell! 8--He answers in a general way Ihterrogation. His wife, Anns. Ilka Hauptmann, however, asked curtl” tile Workers.” 4 o’clock at the South Methodist awarded to each of the first fifteen the descHpUon given by "Jafsie” of to follow ths workers. It was on the church. F. N. Loomis, medical examiner, In Why—Why—Why And Why T Town Hall rent, $536; sale of lum- senior at the University of Michi- himself, a Qsrmon, also was taken for hli change. ' Gorman conferred today with Hartford, Sept. 21.—(AP)—Ru- basis of tkls information that the American technique, practiced by ber, $140; balance of dirt road ac- gan. persona whose correct answers, giv- B«forc You Sell It, the man to whom be ^ d the ran- Governor John G. Wlnant of New the case of . Mrs. Anna Arbacauekaa. ing the titles of each of the four aom. for quesUonlng. They are the par- As he drove sway, Lyle, scribbled dolph Trautner of East Hartforl, warrant for Shorts was drawn. 44, 32 Fifth street who was found Workera thoroughly schooled in count of 1932, $683.06; total re- The Tolland Grange will hold a enU of a child 11 months old. Uri. the sedan's license piste number Hampshire, chairman of the Presi- who lost his job as foreman on an Fred Dart of Main street was 'Marxian philosophy, is the ideal of songs in the contest, together with *—His handwriUng baa been The bond for the release of Shorts pleaoanUy surprised at hie home on dead In a washroom to the basement ceipts from Selectmen, $1,659.36; public meeting this evening at the the names of the four motion- pic- found to tally with that on ransom Hauptmann formerly was a waitress across the face of the bill. dent’s board, at some length, pre- Fer a project when he became a was provided by Local 2128, a check bolshevism. But the approach to Selectmen’s rebates and refunds. Community House in Tolland. in a Bronx restaurant. They were sumably to clear up various points Main street, iHtesday evening, by a of her home by her husband early tures in which Crosby sang- them, netos written in the Lindbergh ease. candidate for the Democratic nomi- drawn against the account of the today. The woman, police said, had thla ideal ia rough. $l,109.90;-rece1pts from town school Rev. Milton Llebe, son of Mr. and married about five years ago. to the report. nation of sheriff lost week, will be party of relaUvet and friends, to Why do the railways fail to' are delivered to the Bing Crosby See LOUIS S. JAFFE #—He Is by trade a carpenter— local here' in the Manchester Trust honor of his birthday. The affair been despondent because of illntsn committee, $40,386.60. Mrs. Rdbert E. Lleber of Rockville, Song (Protest Editor at this paper SUU $31,000 Missing Governor Wtoant said the oonfer- reinstated as a result of a new rul- (>>mpany. Itchleve the construction and repair Who Will Appraise It For You Without Obligation aa important point because the lad- PRESIDENT MAKES PLEA em-e had no particular significance. seemed like a reunion of tus family and financial worries. Receipts from state of Connecti- who is now pastor of the Killing- after the publication of the fourth der used by the baby kidnapers With the recovery of the $18,780 ing, obtained from Colllngton C. CoU The Brookslde Mil* whose manage- Work assigned to them? cut for dog licenses, $774.44; from worth Ck)ngregational church, will Wlnant also told newspapermen as it has been years since so many Why do the machine tractor sta- contest illustration tomorrow. Save sscmsd to point to tbs fact iU in the Hauptmann garage there stiJI of the Federal administration at ment announced an indefinite clos- many of them gathered together. bus excise tax, $62.28; day school be host to a number of Rockville the illustrations as they appear. Remember! We Are Not Here For A Day! ■ owner had mads it himself. FOR STRIKE SETTLEMENT that "the work of the board Is fin- Washington, states that candidates tions fall to have all combines, is approximately $31,000 of the ran- ished" and said the ,members would ing Wednesday, was operating Stories of youth and "Dcr-q on the enumeration, $3,866.75; penalty tax, residents who are to visit Killlns Then make up your lists, and de- •—He formerly worked In Hope- som payment unaccounted for. Fur- for political office may remain on Thursday. State and local police, Farm” days brought forth many thrashers and tractors in repair for $452.52; Trade school transporta- worth on Sunday to enjoy the "Old well, near ths Lindbergh I return shortly to their homes. the harvest? liver them to The Herald office os We have an established busines-s and a reputation ther search’ of the Hauptmann (CobMooMI I foid Pa$e One) FERA payrolls If they are employed numbering 16, were on duty at the laughs. Games, singing and a buf- tion, $790.50; physicians examina- Home Smiday" program which is t- quickly as you can or leave them and we are here to stay. Boys’ Oxfords had access to a lumW premises is tmdsr way today. None of them, he said, would be on work project! without power to Tune In WTIO Every Thnrsdny, Why do the furniture trusts use tions, $25; corporation tax, $14,- available for eervice on the new re- mill which was surrounded by fet lunch rounded out a pleasant to their product green 'wood which be presented. at"lbe State theater box office. where could bo obtained the iumter The home of the Hauptmanns is hire or discharge. pickets from other towns numbertog evening for all. 5 P. M,—^Mancheetor On The Air. 014.81; emergency relief fund, $2,- of the peculiar marking that was ference between strike leaders and lations board proposed to be set up ^■hrtokt? St 1270 East 332nd street, a sparse- Miss Eleanor 8. Little, state FERA for the textile Industry. The other The Blast Hartford cas^brought over 200. _ ' 727.88; child welfare, $47.04; pauper We Pay Highest Prices For Old Gold and GOODYEAR WELT ■ noted In the wood used in the kid- action from the state FERA' office Why are dishes so expensive and rebate, $3,465.20; library grant, A $3.00 Value! naper's ladder. ly settled part of the Bronx. ’The adminletrator. members of the President’s board Vincent J. Brennan, manager of Mrs. Daniel J. Rice of 12 Proctor ncarce?: Silver Of Any One In Town! I00«“r LEATHER house ia four miles from this en- Mlea Little told the leaders she are Raymond Ingereoll. borough which Is expected to clenr up mtsun- the mill, said Thursday night that road, has had X-ray pictures to aid Iff 1 RA C V Why are store managers and $120; beer permits, $1,450; total WEDDINGS $2-65 t-^supU nann bga not worked at trance to Woodlswn cemetery, was to no position to aid them and president of Brooklyn, and Marion derstandtog aa to the political rights although he'bad announced that the to diagnosing her illness. clerks permitted to give short from state. $2’< ,807.32. Receipts ) olnco alout ths Urns of of FERA employes John J. Burke, from notes and Interest rebate, HAUPTMANN CALLED FREE! — A ^hool Pencil Pouch With Each Purchase! k ths kidnaping,, yet appeared to have where "Jafsie” held a preliminary that relief would have to come from Smith, Atlanta attorney. mill would close, it was impossible HEIfN MACK . weight, misrepresent shoddy goods Come In And Convince Yourself! ronference with the ransom seeker. town authorities. She asid Connectl- East Hartford FERA, chairman, re- to atop operations at a textile plant and overcharge to 10,000 stores? $105,031.24;. total receipts for fiscal U. 8. Gov’t. Ucense—N. V. 12-3108 money to meet his expenses easily. moved Mr. Trautner from the pay- year, $342,282.50. • .,^***'• understood to have enter- "Jafsie's home is about an. equal S iiJ* ®"* states In which linmedlately. “The mill will continue N. Y. POUCE HEAD IIELCN MORGAN Why are building trusts so slow Bames-Symington distance from the cemetery. fer a has not taksn over direct re- rolls in accordance to a previous rule to operate until wo get things clean- The disbursements were as fol- ‘BAD’ IN GERMANY Mrs. Rachel Symington of 19 ^ ed the United SUtea Ulegally. os a lief. to providing workers with decent ) atonwway 10 years ago while on St. Raymond's cemetery, wbete NEW YORK BANDITS prohibiting any Federal employe ed up”, Brennan said. .quarters? lows: Town orders, $77,327.24; Trotter street announces the mar- • parole from a (^ernan prison camp. the ransom was finally paid, is about from engaging in political actiylty. Although 80 or 88 were employed QUITSHISPOST Why are bread prices so high ? school orders, $105,046.93; interest riage of her daughter, Miss Rachel ROW N^ six miles from where the Haupt- i'KEtUOENT'8 APPEAL at the mill normally, only 20 work- Why are meat and fats so scarce on notes and bonds, $18,365.33; A. Symington, to Charles F. Bamea HaapUnnna’s Story manns live. Hyde Park, N. Y. Sept. 21.— and so dear? sinking fund, $7,500; dog warden LOUIS S. JAFFE Hauptmann tnsista be knows FLEE WITH $ 4 2 ,0 0 0 ed yesterday, Brennan said. Most of OUlBOIt Has Often Been b Hands of of Blast Hartford. The ceremony SHOE STORE Throughout the never cessing (AP)—President Roosevelt today the others stayed away - fearing (OonUnned from Page One) Why la the supply of goods for for killing dogs, $135; dog license waa performed by the Rev. John E. Jeweler and Optician aotklng about the origin of -the fees paid to state of Connecticut, 891 Main Street money found In his posseealon. He search - tor the man ,who got. the issued a personal appeal, to the tex* HOSPITAL NOTES \ molestation by pickets, the mill women'a dreasea so limited, and why Lovejoy at Mlllerton, N. Y., Sep- Manchester 8U Main Stnet Lindbergh cash, ibn iiuthpiitics have tile strikers and manufacturers to (Continued from Page One) hy(mer sai l Mayor LaGuardia became head are the patterns so ugly? $827.15; Rockville Public library, the Police in His Native tember 4, 1934. toW Brpiw quwtipners this mom- the city government, January 1. $2,000; Rockville Visiting Nurse tttf that' be fo t the money about felt that the eventiml solution woufi end Immediately the textile strike. N M 'Why isn’t wallpaper available? The bride-is a graduate of the lead them back to the Bronx. From His Statement backed up the ehan, the branch manager, entered? Admitted . yesterday aftemooa: : Confirming the resignation Gen COFEATURE Many Queries Answered Association, $1,000; P. M> Howe for Land. Middlesex Hospital Training School ’ ^*Sunt tor out on strike wlir return to work W . A. SEYMOUR FOB SHERIFF Harold Modeah and infant daugh- General O'Ryan has been a lawyer, RUCCLES Md send efficient men to replace 967.22; total disbursements, $342,- short lived: Mesbmed one night ^ Federal stand In the police lineup and sub- headless body of a woman found on Inefficient ones. those early days he always waa let WHEN YOU BUY ■ (Whom former PreaideDt and that ail textile manufacturers ter iU iniullmeni livery of the Uifant son of Charles cial board in a conference -here yes- More than $80,000.000‘ has been Enjoy Yoursetf Keeler and Ctohn, who are handling eich month coven everrihiM Friendly and Anne Undbjrgh.” aa the formal daughter. son’s arrest to her, she said: *9'Sinzle ct Married Aople, CiU. ‘be money terday with Frances Perkins, secre- and Rmiolph W.- Trautner of EJa.?t ' With the Olson lead definitely dis- the estate. •1 am used to all sorts of things or pfiooi tbt muuifv today. S^om a man named nsh", tor ia charge phrased it. tary of labor, and Governor Wlnant. reaches of the 'Thames river, Eng- faotattons^ The letter of appreciation Is as Tha only ehofya it $% per oioruh Oas IdentlfloaUon Hartford. land, to the last quarter century. carded. the police released Sigmund from the son who has caused me •»Mce con^^cted an eartl.r etory Rogodjinskt, 24, of suburban Elvgns- follows: much heart aches, but this news is •n I Sar ^ tha 1m A. Jw la aald to have told that he got Although Dr. Condon was unable ton, who was reported to have left Rockville, Sept. 19, 1934. to make poelUve IdenUflcatlon of the worst yet" PERSONAL FINANCE CO. the money from a bank. A check at for California with Miss Olson RAU'S I may go back to Arizona and Bartlett, Keeler. A (Tohn, An official, asked whether the Room 9. Stato Theater Bids. We sell First Quality Tires for 18 to 20% Less. ■ ^ ^ •^ ^ •n k felled to subitsnUste his Hauptmann as the man who got the year ago. Under questioning be starve. Bridgeport, Conn. ------' ■ — ransom money, a taxicab driver Crystal Lake statute of limitation applied to the TSS Mala St. Maneheelcr Mighty Kilauea Boils Over in New Eruption stuck to his story that the Olson —l«wls Douglas, former director Gentlemen; charges against Hauptmann in Ger- Phoar S4SO Every tire is Guaranteed against EVERY road hazard and defect for "Jafsie,” who now Is 74 years of IdenUfled the suspect as ths one. who girl was In California when be left Sun. -- Mon. — Tue$.l of the Federal budget. The Rockville City Hoispital here- many, said he would find out from uf."* bours yesterday gave him a note to deliver to Condon that state last January. Saturday* Sept 22 by expresses its sincere apprecia- the state’s attorney at Bautzen. AS LONG AS YOU USE THE TIRE (not lim its to 12,18 or 24 months). ^ I4st night with officers. He tour days after Ckndon had adver- One theory waa that the body, I for one, have no pollUcal aspire- tion of the receipt from the estate Official Statement •pint more than an hour early to» tised his readiness to act as inter- found by a mushroom picker yes- At The of Mrs. Lillian Kress Simmonlte of The official said: You can’t buy better tires elsewhere even for higher prices. mediary In the abducUon ea.-ie. terday to a deep thicket, at the edge "hei Pugh 8. Johneon. Bridgeport of a $500 check for the We Offer X' ^ey “We hear that Hauptmann tried Captain Foley of the Bronx. When 'T hat’s the man,” said the cab of Highland Park, might be that of uses end- purposM of said hospital. three times to sail to America as a driver, putting hia hand on Haupt- Polly Hamilton comp^lon of Mrs. P riz e Ballo o n 'iv T believe that if a man to public It Is the Intention of the hospital stowaway and that he was nabbed A Sp ecialized Service You can buy on Ward’s own Convenient Budget Plan. mann. Anna Sage, "the wofnon - in -red,” Office permits himself to be partisan to keep this sum as a fund to the twice but succeeded the third tttfte TOO late to classify You are not telling the truth,” who figured prominently to the to any one group he loses his use- name of Mix- Lillian Kress Sim- He was permitted to land because a said Hauptmann, events leading up to the death of fulness as a public servant. motilte for the purposea of the hos- AIREDALE puppy, brown D A N C E sister living in America vouched for Three storekeepers of the Bronx John Dillinger. A Prize In Every Balloon! ““P®"**** *• Itichberg, ehalnnoa, pital. o him.” RIVERSIDE b‘« k without collar, Please pointed out Hauptmann as the man Melvin Purvis, chief of the local Nattonal Emergency OooncU. We wish to thank the family and RIVERSIDE TRUCK TIRES call ICarion Robertson, 4358. - • The -clerk of the county wl; in' recent weeks has passed office of the federal bureau of to- all concerned for the prompt trans- court, which found Hauptmann gull Ut QUALITY TIRES vestigaUon was ikepUcal of this re- ED M URPH Y ' . those Oxford professors! mission of this fund. ty of theft to 1923, said: port, however. And His I ’ll send some of our swine to burn . This is a very welcome addition "Hauptmann is decidedly a tough 29x4.40-21— *6-ply— 30x5—"^10-ply—reduced to— down their (bxford! to our principal. baby of whom one might expect al- A four-passenger- glider, said to Bancroft Hotel Oreheatra ("Putzy”) Hanfstengl Yours sincerely,..... Will Furnish The Music of Oeimany, most anjrthing. bs first of its kind ever built, has F. T. MAXWELL, "i am not surprised at the news 29x4.75.20--*6■pIy— GEORGE'S TAVERN been constructed by two Akron, O., President. of his implication in the Lindbergh 32x6—^*12-ply—reduced to— men. It was built during their spare Admission 50 cents. 'The guilt- or innocence o< a man Dunliqi and Di(dc as Nominees affair. Before he landed with us For Cart LESS TH A N Corner Oak and Cottage Streele t'me oyer a period of 18 months Is to be determined by whether or With the acceptance of the Invi- This Is the Grand Finale of This 'not be is dangerous to the existence he had'already committed various a^id la Quipped with flaps to of the state. tation of the Democratic Party to minor offenses. - 3 YEA RS OLD I 31x5.25-21— *6-ply— ri-gulate the lifting power. Season. Don’t Mies It! the local textile imtott to name pros- "He was held without bail for 6.00x20—*8-ply — reduced to » 1 2 .1 $ —Dr. Frito Reha, preoident of tlie pective candidates' for the Demc- The newer can are built much , LARGE GLASS NaM "People's Ooort.” trial to 1923 but he broke Jail with in proportion to their power. Of cratic ticket for the Connecticut an accomplice one day while the Their epeede have been increaied General Assembly, no time has been prisoners were taking their dally trmendously. Me^umtone - are 5.50-17— *6-ply— HOLD 8U8PECT lost to making the selection. The stroll in the courtyard. quieter. T bm changes demand - special committeeman, Thomas I. The -police caught his accomplice, oitirely new and highly tpedalued, Dari^ Sept 21—(AP)—Mrs. Byrnes, reported at noon that Presi- continued the case and sentenced lubricants. ^ other sizes also at 18-20'vt leAs. 1st QUAUTT TUBES A 9 . BEER F R E D E W E R N E R .Mary J. Kllduff, wandering alleged dent William J. Dimlap of Rockville Hauptmann to four years ‘in absen- We use genuine Alemite OuMit * "'Includes 2 breaker strips. . As Low As ...... drug addict, who LleuL Amos R. Local No. 3()12, and James Dick, tia’ for "a major theft’ ’’ Lubriwt and machinery handled INSTRUCTOR Anderson thought might have some prominent member of the local tex- by technically trained experts. We 'S Im I ovgs connection with the chUd skeleton tile union, had agreed to accept the give the sort of lubrication service 'ALC pa t r o l m a n INJURSa y u r car require*. IM B O t* found In Darien on Saturday, June Democratic nominations. Whether kecanse of our more efficient UEADIN6 P I A N O a n d O R G A N 23, was taken to Middletown today this move will defeat the Republt- $$Bsat4M^ 9a Aaa^a Aak^ by the poitee to a straight jacket. cans who have been succeesf^ for. Torriagton, Sept 21__ (AP)— mathods of merchandising, Her condition aa the result of a re- many years to sending the Represen- Motorcycle P o licen ^ Btoille Son- MONTGOMERY nUNDS senaon waa probably critically in- ALEMITE K im CARLISli cent overdose of drugs has delayed tatives to the General Assembly re- ■M. u a MT. am the Code allows us to sell First F a ll T e r m N o w Starte d any further investigation. She is re- jured shortly before noon today Ipetlellsed lUBIICATION SMVICI mains to be seen. when his motorcycle was to oollt*- Quality Tires 18 to 20% Below ported to have a plster, Mrs. Mary No selection has yet been made by studio: 128 West SUeet Johnson, llylng to Hartford ana ion witR-an automoblte at a street Phone 33-31 either party but the caucuses wUl intersection here. He was removed Oakes Service Station other First Quality Tires. WARD STATE Mrs. Kllduff, poliee said, formerly be held within a abort Um* to make A68 M^iln 9 t r o ? t . lived to Norwalk and New,|laven. ------T' Charlotte. Hungerford hospital i 8Z4.{(28 main S'iiCEEf nomination*. The proepecOve caadi-jto an unconicioua oondlUon. j CUT YOUR RIPAIR IIU S lO X 'V '

XMAjmirtmnBR, CONN., raroAY, September Mji#, HOCBLriliaTliK HERAtjii, lIANeHESTEm, INORTHWBST A CANADIAN - wtmj •)4*— aieo—Beaks Carter, Talk—ba- Mass., Bad Been Defeated reach the age of. 60 years they are held high! Why or other salad oil, two tablespoons Citron Speaker. mental in introducing the Old Age Strikers as the person receiving the ',u ,*^ ‘*5*^**U?**’^' "break” came when a tlO ber 19, 1934. more or less unfit for la W . that her 4 in the Congregational church, shouldn't he? Isn’t vinegar, 1-4 cup chili sauce and 1-4 hr Gains m StrengtL • Wlba kstp webe wdar kfrr erct efet de; Pipe Oreome—west Pension Bill in the 1927 LegUlature. ’ donation has been the only one to I J a s » e t g ^ ^ d " | M ^ S*the* " • guollna filling SOUTH — wnra wptf wwno wie wjsx •lOfr— 7:06—F r a y - M r t B o l o t t l, Pianat Route No. U. S. 1—Groton. Cul- is, labor for gain, and for no fault PlainvlUe, with tee morning sas- - he responsibla tor the teaspoon or Worcestershire sauce. He later sought to increase the Old I benellt by #. 'wfla-weun wlod warn wnio web wspi l : 1 i — 7:11— I d w i n C . H ill T a l k —t e - Sion opening at 10:30. Lunch wlU a* . ,wjdx wsmb kvoo wXy w fu wbxo kpre a ie: -Slu a t h a d a a — D lsl a ; M a ry , vert being installed near the foot of. in Race for Congress. o f their own are not eblg to meet new rabbit's hair Just before serving add 1-3 cup Attorney William M. Citron of Age Pjmslons from 60 per cent to I A cash donaUon was received to- ctoggedly ^ e r t attend^l the demands required o'’ them. served by the women o f tee church. yam that's ultra cream beaten stiff. A ' suggested uuggcoiy Kept on the trail of that > bad made a note of ihe Keen.. eTH- woat ktbe ktbs weoo wave wtar tia a n n a 41 V I— w e a t Fort Hill. Traffic should proceed Middletown, ^m ocratic nominee ! P**' *verage pay day from tha Texaco Gaa SUiUon New York. Sept. ai.— fAPw-iX monay certain that sooner, or later ! her rt^tte w w hoS driSS? h^' MOUNTAIN—koa kdrl krtr kshi 4:4 6 -- 7:40 — C o u r t o f H u m a n Rala > with caution. There are many cases where people The afternoon session at 2:15 will be smart, soft as eider* vegetable combination Is two cups nominee . working, unfortunately he was located-etriMaln atreet near Haynes. PACIFIC COAST—kro kfi krw komo tio n a — b a alo; M e d arn G r a n d m a— addressed by Rev. Edwin E. Whits for Congressman-at-large, was the little better brand of businMa^and kbq kfed ktar 1^ kpo D l x l a ; R a a l L i f t O ra m a a— w a t t Route No. 2:—Bozrah, Lebanon and -wn, . ____ have brought up a large family of down, different — shredded cabbage mixed with 1-3 speaker this morning at the mass unsuccessful m both. These deeds . Bread w*a donated by the- Blue torT'lrf u,Thid!£f” *2 *** ; Slvsn the bill, S d ^ iro u rtT it ^h« children but hardly one is able to of Pleasant Hill, Tenn., and Miss that’s Just every- cup grated carrot and 1 cup chop- signify in themselves that Mr. news gaveT teday'B^^umritles Cent. Bast. 4:46— 7t44—C a r lt o n a n d C r a i g —P l x l a s Colchester. Norwich - Ckilchester Charles Lovett, 63, of Lynn, unsuc- meeting of Local 2125, V. T. W. A Ribbon Baktag Co., Spruce Street T h a T h r a a G r o w n 'G a a r t—w e a t road. Shoulders « r e being oiled 7bT the father and mother. Ruth I. Seabury of" Boston, Secre- thing you've longed ped celery, arranged on crisp let- Citron Is in favor of labor legisla- markeU a much brigBUr, if not •i4f— 4:48—Allee In Orsheitrellalend 7d)6— 4:0 6—F r a d Plch*a C o lu m b ia n a cessful candidate for the Republlo- Previous to the introduction 6f Mr. B ^ery. Reymafideris Bakery, 4:0^ 8:00—Al Pearce and His Oena If a person goes out to get a Job tary of the American Board of for» m in knitted wear. _ tuce. 1 tion. He went on to express his buoyant, tone. 7:1 ^— 4:14— W a l t a r P i t k i n Pra g ^ a m for ft-. miles. Olastonbury, New an nomination for Congress in the Citron, President Shorts o f the Lo- Aprile’i Bakery, WaddeU’s Bakery, 4:30— 8il^Prees-Redle News—west 7:46— t ; l 6 —M alo diaa fro m C a n f e r n ia the manufacturer- in fact almost Commissioners for Foreign Mis- Pick up your knitting needles and utmost confidence that the Presi- number o f every noU was known. In the ganuTe’ Mai.ot 4iS8— fiOft—Te Be Announced' London road. Shoulders are being Seventh Ctongresslonal District died sions. ^ appeared on the stand and was and Daria’ Bakery all of Manchas- Merchandlripg' shares, reflecting t:0 6— t:0 6—Jo h n n y O ra a n O r e h a a V a oiled for 4 miles. any place you go will tell you that hie yeui-self to the Knitting Comer | Hamster’s Is something new in i greeted by applause. He gave .n dent of the U. S. would see to it ter; -the Bond Baking Cq., the Won- fro^ Um* ’“ 'd “ P : “ Ann’s hbm j^ey uneartbad*^ori 4ito~ Betehelor’e Sketch 4:46— 4:45—C a r lll a A Lo n d o n P ro g . suddenly of a heart attack at his reports oflnereaSlng sales, led the JtOO—Beeebell—weaf A others 5 :0 ^ 1 0 :0 0 —C li f f G d w a r d a—b a a lci H* Route No. 4—Sharon-Cornwall you are too old to fill the place so at Cheney's Salesroom and let Mrs. fursr. this*hi. yearX t It» IIs. fashion’s .name» — explanation to the members of the that the. manufacturers would go dar Bread'Co., and the Home Pride I'U” J:1A-Oene A Olen—east A sou home this morning. He was found also found a $20 bill of the ransom C u a a a O rehaitra <—m ld w a a t road. From Cornwall bridge eight dead in bed. Wh.->‘. aro they going to do? There V. F. W. ANNIVERSARY Jean Hood and Mrs. Alys Davies | for "dyed rafiand it is used bv sev- Local on a fairer basis of competition and Baking Co., All of Hartford; and the forwartjrhovement In stocks. In ad- At a time wheq the task seemed •:**— * 110—Irene BerdenI—west only 4:15— 10:15—Lo a n Gofaaao O ra h a a tra— start you off on sweater, dress or eral designers as linings for winter money on Hautpmaxm himself. •'4J~ d:4J—Prank Buck Junals Serial a a a t r H o n ry G u aaa O r e h .— m ld w a a t miles west. Grubbing, g r a ^ g smd He waJ' defeated by C. R. Nelson have been instances of men working n^gh‘ ^ a . » u r r Ward Baking Co. of Providence, R. ^tlon, wdth Indt^tiohs that the hopeless one of the investigators eioo— 7iM—deealea Dragonette—to c installing culverts. Open to traffic. on the roads this last winter that nippy little hat. i ensembles. _ . eral. Ho stated that unfair compe- textile walkotrt may end quickly, said: A f l bill also figured In Haupt- TiflO— aio^weltzlng by Abe Lyman 4:46—10:46—Le a n .G ala a a a O rch e— b n* David Holt, newest of the youthful stars o f the screen, will be seen at Pratt, of Saugus. State Representa- The 35th anniversary, of Denies Oivlag Order a le ; C a r l H ln a a O rch a a .— m ld w a a t Route No. U. 8. 5—Enfield. Hart- tpe State theater today and Satur diy in "You Belong To Me.” Pic- were almost abusl ’e as old people tition and low wages that are be- Foodstuffs were donated by other oEjuftldi lAd boodj Improved malm’s detention, but it wras not a 7iJP- Jiao-rPlek A Pet, Comedy Act 4:45— 10:46 < ^ h a8. G a r n a t O re h a e t ra tive. Previously Lovett had won founding of the Veterans of : Shorts said, that the state police "Eventually, some day, some- part of the ransom money.. A • *:0^—The PIr.ot Nighter—c to o f6rd-Springfleld road. 3 1-2 miles tured above are Helen Morgag, Leo Tracy and Helen Mark with young cannot stand the cold like a young New evening clothes for the very The new 1935 radios had to "hook, somebody” and it hap- ing paid in most sections of the Charles Bell of Glsstonbury, F. W. ^«dlng was somewhat more active where, one of the bUli will be traced J:30— tiJO—Jack Benny's Performers IptOO—11rfK>— H a rb ia K a y o O ra h a a tra the Congressional nomination twice Wars will be celebrated hyytbo Na- textile industry tended to pull down Bronx taxicab driver identified 10:36—11:46—t e r n P a b b in a O r o h .—b n* of reinforced concrete pavement la Holt in the center of the group of stars. person. ' ' young have that southern debutante arc startling in the Beach of Sliver Lane, John MdCoa- In the previous session. The to the person who spent i t And . »:00—10:00—Beck of tha News, -Talk a le; C a rle a M olin a Orahe— m Jd w a it 111- opposed Congressman Wil- tional Department with A thirty- pened to be him. He said that he Hauptmann as the man sriio gave •'IJ—19:H—Orlande's Oenee Oreh.— under construction. Open to traif-- Old age comes creeping over us look about them. Many are bouf- advances made in the manufacturers who make an rille of Homeatead P u k ; Tony dollar conUnued to exhibit strength when we find the persons who got 11:06—12:06— O a n e a H o u r— w a b a A w ^ liam P. <3onnery, of Lynn, in the minute network nroggam at 7 did not Issue any orders to the honest attempt to pay decent Wm gi to take a meiaage to Ev. . 'J?*!.* * 9 **''~*’*»’ topeet fle.r Enfield. Sprin^eid road. like the scttlngjo. the sun. Would fant with boat-shaped decolletages tone and fldelHy. -plcketers as the picketing was out Matumo of Silver friend” sgsinst' leading foreign exchanges. the ranspm money, we find the per- J5'jS~E'’»ddle Martin Orchestra NBC-WJZ NKTWORK last two elections. He had never o’clock central atandi^ time tomor- wages. He also said that It was a John F. Condon, the "Jafsie’' who 10:00—11:00—Palph KIrbery, Baritrne Shoulders are being oiled for 2 About 71* miles bituminous maca- when seaaona] improvement ordin- he!d elective office but had been that the short time we have to stay that allow shoulders as well as backs Hear the difference—^ of bis Jurisdiction and at the time from Sliver Lfne, R ^B ertolll of Grains generally were a bit lower. sons who kidnaped the child.” G A 8 IC — C a a it w la w b i- w b i n w b n l miles. row in observance ta the fotmiUiig necessity to attain this fair compe- Keeney street, Lkj uIs Ch^ot' of paid the ransom money to a man^ Stern's Orehastra. v h n m k d k n w g a r w jr w lw w a y r w m n l; dam pavement. Open to traffic. arily gets under way,” , according to prominent In Republican state af- might be filled with picasafit hours and necks to show. One gown of really get all the fall the disturbance was said to have Cotton got up moderately. Police Kept Map. 10:10—11:10—Grey Gordon Orchestra fif fdw aat t w ck y k y w w e n r w la k w k Route No. U. ’ S, 6—Southbury. of the order. Tbg^princlpal speak- heavy black velvet has a full skirt, tition by . the people banding to- Highland P a ilt^ h n Saglio of Glaa- a Bronx cemetery one night i 10:4b—11:4S—Ruse Columbo’e Benge - Route No. 123—New Canaan and the monthly report of the confer- tairn for years. and their time might be taken up ers on this program will be the and winter sporting occurred he was "quite some dis- Shares 6t Splegel-May-Stem F.or more than two years a map April, 1932. ^ ' k w e r koU w re n w m a q k a o w k b f Construction of new retaining wall in cultivating gardeni of nature’s aUt la about eight places to reveal gether anch-backing the President tonbury, E .^ Z o I a of Glaatonbury, .Jumped about 3 points, while Sears N O R T H W C 8 T G C A N A D I A N — w t m J Norfolk. , NeW Canaan avenue. ence of statisticians in industry of He was a widely knot^ti patent Honorable James C. Putnam, first events and election tance, away near the bridge.” in his efforts.V was kept at police he^quarters in The money found in IJIaupt______CBS-WABC NETWORK to hold up railroad embankment at beautiful flowers, good deeds of an .Accordlan-pleated underskirt of returns oh a new ra- and R. C. JPbttner of E. H. Roebuck, Montgomery Ward and New York and every time a Lind- w ib n k st p w ab o w d a y k f y r c r e t c f e f Shoulder* are being oiled for 4 % the National Industry Conference lawyer and had been engaged In the Commandcr^m-chief of th* V. F, The speaker said that State Po- President Arthur ShorU in open-* Korege, together with approximately •ASIC—Beet: wabe wade woko wcao S O U T H — w r r a w p t f w w n o w la w j n * Lake ZoSr. A short section of one^ miles. New Canaan. Forest street'Ls Board. The survey said that the kindness that cannot bo erased or white, crepe that flutters through dio. Pottertop A liceman Albert E. Rivers said "I’ll Cash donations were received Marshall Field advanced a point or bergh blU turned up, the place where w fln - w a u n wlod w arn w m o w ab w a p t practice of law In Lynn srnce 1901. W.; Commtoder-in-chlef Jamas B. In^; told the gathering how tt was $5,000 previously traced; accounts , WMb wnao wgr wkbw wkro whk cklw way traffic Is necessary. bihg oiled, for 1 mile. uninterrupted downward movement He was a graduaU of Boston Uni- broken on monuments of marble. the slits whan the wearer walks. A Krah are displaying the new lisau- get you:" Shortly after the disturb- from T. W. Vennard of EIro street, so each. Johna-Manville, American it was found was marked on the wdro wcau wjaa wean wfbl we^ wjev w j d x w a m b k v o o w k y w fn n w b a p k p ro Route No. U. S. 6A—Farmington- Van Zandf and Major General Smed- that he became implicated in yes- Mahebester and Cavey’s Grill of for nearly $19,000 of the $50,000 wmae wbne: MIdwset: wbbm wfbm wont k t b l k t h a traoo w a v e Route No. 105—Preston, Gris- In industrial production since May verslty and had been active In the Instead of being penurious It would ley, D ^ u tle r. U. S. M. C. retired. .huge bouquet of white silk roses Is tlful Atwater Kents from $22.50 ance Shorts said that he "pulleo Woolen Preferrea and U. S. Smelt- map. The authorities by conncct- M O U N T A I N —koa k d y t k g lr k g h l West Hartford. Farmington Cut- terday’s activities in Hdpfwell. He East Canter atreet. Manchester. which Col. Lindbergh paid through kmbe kmoz wowo whas wold, Voluntown. The Preston-R. I. brought the August levels of busi- affairs of the alumni of that Insti- tend to make us generous. Instead posed on the , front of ts# M af- and up. out for Manche'stcr’’ but later w<-ut ing gained 2 each, and ottiers, up ng all the polnU found that several Jafsie. P A C I F I C C O A S T — k g o k f l k f w k o m n off. 3 miles of reinforced concrete Tiy/ National Broadcasting Com* stated that he turned himself in The Popular Market of Mtin bast—wpit whp wibw whec wibi wfaa k h q k fa d k t a r kpo line trunk line. Bituminous maca- ness almost 'back to where tt was tution. He was governor of the of being set one side we would be shaped neckline. back with "Mr. Pearson of Rock- fractlon^ly 4o-m ore than a poi'nt, lines Intersected at one point and wore wleo efrb ckao under construction. ' pany has consented te broadcast when lie found out that the authori- street also made a foodstuff dona- The whereabouts of the other C a n t . C a a t . dam surface is under construction last November when Die recent up- New England District of Rotary looked up to with honor and Conditions Indicate that the oys- ville.’’ He said that the poflce had included American Telephone, U. S. concluded that somewhere in the ri- DIXIE-wget wsfa wbro wgam wdod Route No. U. .8. 7—Brookfield. this prbgram over a cesst-to-coast ties were out to make his arre.it. tion. $31,000 is still a mystery. klra wree wlao wdeu wtoo krid wrr 4:36— 4:36—T h a Sin g in g L a d y —« a a t for IT',* miles. Traffic should avoid' turn began.' (^ubs. would know )iow to spend ft as it /thain. making thla thirty minute The tunic Is staging a gala re- ter industry will experience a bet- all of the Olastonbury roads posted Mr. Shorts said’ that he isliued no Steel, American Can. Conaolldatdd ktrh ktsa waao koma wdbo woilx wbt 3:45— 4:45—O r p h a n A n n ia—a n a t o n ly Danbury-New Milford road. Should- should be. Let's start the wheelsl Tomorrow O. LanUeri, who con- Gaa, Chrysler, General Motors. Du. this route. Lovett had waged an active cam- period available . to. ail stations vival and. contrary to foregone con- ter season thqn in the past several for him hut he went through me orders to the pickeU a^'to what to wdaa whig wdbj wwva wmbg wale 4:06— 5:06—Jae)c G a r g a r .A O r e h a i t r a ers are being oiledfor ' 2 miles. New business, shipments and pro- moving here in Manchester. I am years, with prices at about the same cordon and was in the shadow of ducU si- store at 65 Clinton street. P-jnt, Industrial Rayon, Loew’s. wmbr wala ktul ksko 4:16-?* 5:36— D o ro t h y Pa g o 41 O rah aa. Route No. 167—Simsbury. Bushy paign for . the nomination and mem- identified with its red network. clusion, this year’s variety can be do as he was sorr^dlstance away 'bairman of the House labor com- 4:40— 5:40— P ra a a -R a d io N a w a— w ja Sharon. Surface is being reshaped duction at the lumber mills during willing to sign up. levels as last season. This \rin be the court house for some time. wUl donate 100 bags of foodstuffs to Celanese, Schenley, Case, Interna- MIDWEST-^cah w*l wmt wmbd wlin Hill road. 1% tniles waterbound bers of his family said that that both slenderising and youthful. It from where the/detive picketing strikers. The contents of this bag CDRIiY NOMINATED mittee was running neck and neck 4:45— 5:45—L e w a ll T h o m a a — a nst t about 1-4 mile south of West Corn- the week ended Sept. 15 were all In ,L. S. the first year In which the oyster When the four Rockville men tional Harx’ester, Santa Fe, Union i wibw kfh kfeb' wkbn weco webt kecj O r p h a n A n n ie—re p e a t t o m ld w a a t macadam ia uhder constructlORjJut probably brought on the heart at- still retains it’s very practical char- was going on ' will consist of a combination of with Mayor J. Fred Manning. Mrs. wnax -y wall. CJomplete and open to traf- open to traffic. ^ excess of similar figures for the tack which caused his death. acteristic of being adaptable to Industry operates under an NRA j *'«''• arraigned In Olastonbury Paclflc. N. Y. Central. U. S. Rubber i 8:06— 8:06—A m a a *n' A n d y—amat o n ly fic. One hundred and fifty girls are bread,...... stewmeat,...... xu and carrots. In Edith Nourse Rogers, Massachusetts MOUNTAIN—kvor ktx koh kel 8:15— 4:15—Jp K n n y Jo h nso n Orehaatg Route No. 183—CJolObrook-Sand- holiday week ended Se'pt. 8, reports He is survived by his widow, moat any basic skirt—which makes code, which provides a substantial I Shorts went into the court room wanted by this .Local to solicit order to obthin ihlVartlcle'strikers Preferred. Alaska Juneau and HoWe FJ)R GOVERNORSHIP COAST — khj koln kfro kol kfpr kvl 6:30— 4:36—Q ra e a H a y a t* H a r So no a Route No. 8—Waterbiiry. Section the National Lumber Manufactur- MI.SHANDLED PANH.VNDLING j only woman member of the Lower A tsficld road. Waterbound macadam Phoebe, and three children, John it an economical addition to any Increase in wages, as well as shorter where he was arrested by police donations from the Unions in Hart Sound, The amusement stocks kfbk knU kwg kern kdb krmb kfib . 8:45— 4:45— H o n tI G ra n n ar* Pla n o a of Tboroaston avenue. 1 1-4 miles ers Association. Production was hours for employees: Individual will be compelled to go to the Union were active without much change. House of Congress who succeeded Cent. laeL 4:06— 7:06— M ualo al K a y a -P r o g r a m surface Is under construction for 2 M„ Miller C.. and Martha C., all of girl's wardrobe.- , "Tag Day” ford Saturday which will b--' Tag I (Oonttnned from Page One) ^ :3 6 — 7:3( ^ -C u o a n a Frys, G a rlt o n a of reinforced concrete pavement un- 193.013.000 feet against 183.003,000 Allentown,. Pa.—Of all places to IJauId 6 Tablets 6 Salve 6 TTnan iWnM office, where a stamped card will be Lynn. oystermen, of whom there are about Shorts announced that the Hart- President Roosevelt’s appeal to her husband after hla death, defeat- *•4}— JH^Mleahe Ragineky Sneen., miles'. Also grubbing, grading and panhMdle. George Boyle probably Ta®leto. salte, nom Dteps Day In that city. Girls desiring to given them. With Yhls card they ed John M King pf Lowell in the 4i00— 0:00—H. V. Kallenborn'e ’Talk 4:45— 7 n l ^ K l n a ' a G u a r d Q u a r t a t der construction. Open to traffic. in the previous week; shipments 10,000 are not affected by the code. ford unlon.s were initiating a "tag go are requested to turn In their the textile strikers to return to 7KM>— 4:06— G h il H a rr ia A O ra h a a tra installing culverts. Open to traffic. picked the worst tei Checks Colds first day. Here comes Winter! Have you will be able to obtain the article, Ham J, Granfleld, Springfield, Demo- Fifth District by an overwhelfhlng 4:11— 5:10—Bobby Benson—eaet; Bd. 7:36— 4:36—F lo y d QIb b ona Sh o w —c a t Route No. 8 and 20— Winchester. Route No. 190--Enfleld. High 180.011.000 feet against 177,444,000; day" in Hartford and vicinity on names to the Unlqn Office where work, following approval of the Wurtzebach Orchee.—Dixie A weat t o co ast A two-thirds vote of each House He was arresKM in City Hall on Headaches or Neuralgia ordered your range and furnace’ oil which will be given theih at the crat in the Second District; John W. vote. S;80 Bddit Oooluy, Football-^ Constructing bridge.and cut-off on street la being oiled for '* mile. orders 176.017.000 against 167,914,- of Congress is required to over- Celery Salad Is a splendid dinner -Saturday and an appeal had been they win be Instructed further.. store. )oard.of Inquiry's report, was help- McCormack. Boston, Democrat in g:06r* 4:06— M ario 6o zZ t t o n g R a d t a l new location. Open to traffic. 0 0 0 . complaint of ’several persons there. . in 30 minutes. yet? How about trying Atlantic I s a l a d . made to Local 2125 for 150 girls to ful to sentiment In the flnanclal dli- east; Bd. Wurtxabaeh Orch.<~>nrest: 4:3 6— 4:36—la ld o r P h ili p p a t P la n a Suffield. Lake Congamond road. ride a Presidential veto. He was fined $10 and coets. Refining Company's oils this time? It Is again stressed that anyone Speakers tomorrow morning'- at the 12th; and Richard B. Wiggles- . Jack ArmatPon0ww>mldwaat rapaat > 4:06—10:06—C h a t . O a v ia O r a h a a t r a— Route No. 14—Columbia. Willi- Most .Speedy Remedies Known. W'ork with the Hartford commit- trlct which has been rather con- DUCE GIVES MISSIONARy BIKE 4t4^— B:46 — Pr«ta*Radlo Nawa and About 8 miles of bituminous maca- Their quality is superior and their Two cups shredded celery. 4 desiring to make, donation.s to the the mass meeting will be obtained worth, Milton, Republican in the e a st : A m e t *n' A n d y — w est r a p a a t msLntic-:CJolumbla-Hebron road is be- tees. cerned as to what might happen in i i 3th had Trieit. Italy — (AP) —Father Ittharatier Valaa vwiee with wtin Harnor Inaambtamnaamoia 4:36—16:36—F r a d d ia G a rra n a O ro h a a t d dam road under construction but price moderate. The L. T. Wood [ tablespoons green olives, 4 table- Relief Committee of Local 2125 not from the same source as those of •:0D^' tirOO—Reundtawnara r “ “ Quartet ing oiled' for 2 miles. Plainfield. Hampton Roads, Va., was the Attorney Citron risvlewed bis ef- leads over Sisto Roaso, a missionary at 10:66—11:66—P a u l P a n d a r v la O r e h a a t r V open to traffic. Company is agent^...... for...... these.. pile in ! spoons shredded sweet red pepper, 3 make them to anyone excepting last Saturday, namely: the Union ^ e r industries if the present con- i iheTr op^onenS * g:16—Tito Quizarp Toner gefea 10:36—11:36— O a n e a M uaie O ra h a a tra Rhode Island road la being oiled for scene of the battle between the forts in,the i-egl.slalure in introduc- trtversy continued for any length - Hanhau, China, wrote to Premier Route No. 194—South Windsor. Manchester. °CalI 4496 and'^idace ! t'ibl<'sp«'ns Roquefort cheese, 4hose who can protluce Union Employees Association of Hartford Allen Treadway, ranking minority 2 1-2 miles. Plainfield, Canterbury, Monitor and Merrimac, first iron- ing the Old Age pension in the 1927 credentials as follows. vChlch will be of time. Mussolini explaining' hla need for East street is being oiled for 4 clad vessels. your order. J French dressing, curly endive. Ckiunty. It will be remembered that member of the powerful House ways Scotland and Windham.^ Wllliraan- FAU. AND WINTER FALL AND WINTER session and later sought an Increase on Union stationary: That the Treasury Is confident Its transportation in making his 6:00—Hotel Astor Orchestra. miles,. SISSON Combine^'*********^ celery,v v iw sj'i ojives4/|4vca andm i u pepper.ijcu ijgsj, _ the speakers last Saturday, Francis and means committee, was unoppos- tic road is being oiled 'for 16 1-2 SEASON Mash cheese and combine- vkth , * “ ‘I pensions from SO per To Whom It May Concern: refunding program for the called lengthy rAundS so II Duce sent him 6:15—Baseball Resume. miles. Route No. 215— Groton. Pait..er GRAND OPENING X. Moore, William Kunehl and Dan ed and will contest the November a bicycle. Cove bridge and approaches under dressing. Mix cent to 66 2-3 per cent of the aver- This certifies that '—(Name) Hurley, all were very capable speak- Fourth U b er^ 4t4i will be suc- 6:30—Time, weather. Route No. IS—Glastonbury. Port- OF . ^ age pay while working. Is permitted to accept donations cessful was seen In the announce- election with George E. Swafigerlv construction. Traffic can pass. raclpe for. Thousand Thiand , and iiervp nn bed of endive ers. More of this Ic looked forward of Holyoke. wnc 6:45—Lowell Thomas. land road. Shoulders are being Francb Dressing requested a few i Likes New Deal to Local 212.5, United' Textile to tomorrow morning. ment of Secretary Morgenthau that 7:C|0— A m o s ' n ' A n d y . Route No. 314—Kent-Warren CONNECTICUT’S MOST BEAUTIFUL DANCE PALACE For Representatives HGitford, OoGG. oiled for 4 miles. Vernon. Tolland weska ago. He expressed his extreme confi- Workers of America. These don- (Authorized by Publicity - the books on the exchange of the BB)M W. 1»«0 K. O. SKA M. 7:16—Real Life Drama Turnpike (beginning at Intersectlob road. Waterbound macadam atiout dence In the New Deal as Instituted ations are gratefully appreciated called bonds for four-year 2V4 per For two Republican representa- 7:20—Press-Radio Ncxrs.. 3',* miles under construction. Grad- ii It ta especially appropriate with Committee) ‘t.vee, the primary was largely a ’TfBvelegB BroadcAatiiig Senriea with Manchester-Rockvllle road and Keep Watch for the by President Roosevelt and said cent notes would be closed'Monday. 7:25—Musicale. ending east of intercsection of Bol- ing and laying, surface. Open to vegetable salad. In a small fniit formality. A. Platt Andrew of. Glou- U. S. Government traffic. Jar or other small container place that at the time of his election the The alternative offer of 3 V* per cent 7:30—Grace Hayes, musical comedy ton-Rockville road.) 3 miles of re- “Feverish Cold” THE HOF BRAU HAUS” industrial and economic breakdon-n bonds for the called series wlll're- cester in the Sixth District and •- t - P . - l t - " star. inforced concrete pavement is under TILLAGE STREET ROCK\TU.E, CNN, had occurred In view of the rosy maln open, it was said, for the time George Holden Tlnkham bewhlsker- Licensed Buyer 4:00—Twenty Fingers of Harmony. 7:45—Legion of Decency—Arch- construction but , open . to traffic. If you are "run down” or out of promises of the Hoover admlnlstra- I NOMINATE DEXTER being. ed globe trotting perennial represen- 4:15—Nellie Revell at Large. U S 5Ueel ...... MISS KEITH PL ANS bishop John Timothy M^icbolas Stafford. Staifford-Unlon road. condition, if sluggish bowels have DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT COMMENCING 32 H tion. He said that Roosevelt will I tative from the Tenth not only had _ 4:80—The Jesters. of Cincinnati. Resurfacing traveled way about 300 WALLS? BRIEFS Vick Qiem ...... 3Hi ultimately occupy a place later no opposition within their ow-n party T.G.L. 12 No. 12-5797 " ’ • 4:46—^Th* Lady Next Door. allowed poisonous impuritiei to West U nion...... ’. 8:00—Musical Keys—Robert Chllde, feet. 33 \ which Is now held by W,ashlngton. but were conceded election by the 6:00—Sunset Hour — Cfiiristiaan pianist; Larry. Larsen, organist; Route No. 16— (Colchester. Com- accumulate in your system, you N. Y. Stocks West El and Mfg . .. 3Ui TO HE.4D LEGION STUDY IN LONDON We pay the Highest Price Now York. Sept. 21—Russell. Mil- Jefferson. Lincoln and Wilson. Democrats who failed to enter a Krieng, director. Joan Blain, narrator; mixed oc- stock Brldge-Colchester trunk line, •re very liable to suffer from Saturday, September 22, 1934 Woolworth ...... 48 ORDERED TO SHUT OFF ler A Co., and A. O. Slaughtcr-An- He said that a virulent "whisper- man against elthei . | for Old Gold, Gold Filled, 5:80';—Studio Program. tet. bituminous macadam, length about “ feverish” colds. Adam Exp . . . . Elec Bond and Share (Curb I: -ia>4 . 5:45—Alice in Orcheatralla. derson A Fox. members of the New WITH ing campaign" was now in progress ' The only Democrat without oppo-1 Platinum and Silver. We 8:30—ERA Recreational Project. 6 1-3 miles is under construction. York Stock Exchange, will con- Air Rsduc ... /. trying to undermine and devaluate ' sltion was Arthur N.’ Healy of Som- B:00—Baseball .Scores. Alaaka Jun . . . , Election to Be Held On Mon- HOSE ON MORRO CASTLE 9:00—Phil Harria and hla Orches- Traffic should avoid this route. solidate on Oct. 1. ^ t h firms have the good work that has been ac- . WiU Sail Sunday to Take erville. Eighth OlEtrlct. • ' appraise free of charge. 6:08—Wrightvlile Clarion. tra; Leah Ray, blues singer. Route No. 20—Granby-Hartland. Alleghany 6:30—Press-Radio News. branch offices in Pacific coast cities, Dr.lhiek£lbdr Allied Cbem . , , compllahed to date lie reviewed ! Two Democrats, however, were | 9:30—Floyd Gibbons, Irene Beasley, East Hartland-West Granby road. 3 and in addition Slaughter-Anderson “WEB MAXSON” the growth of chain stores and (Continued troto Page One) being exceedingly hard jessed , ; 6:35—Save * Life in September. blues singer; Roy Shields’ Or- Lufttive Worm Expelltr Am Can ...... day Night— New Slate o f Course at University of 6:46—BUIy Batcheler. ,miles bituminous macadam under A Fox maintains a branch office In Ani Coml Alco . Local Stocks great Industrial concerns which had Representative John J. Douglass i f chestra; Donald Novis. tenor. construction but open to traffic.. Chicago, iriU ward off ot lessen fiiese ettaeks bj And His Famous Band Will Be Here For This Special Occasion throttled the (lally worker and : sistanU on ‘ty_deck, helping passen- ; the 11th was having the fight of his MATTHEW 7:00—H a ^ e t Lee and Irwin Oow- girint relief frejn eonsdpetion. Am For Pow .. per, 10:00—Mario Cozzl, baritone; Lu- Route No. 29—New Canaan. small tradesman, rendering It im- I Officers. ^ London. igein. political life against State Repre- I cille Manners, soprano. Oenoke avenue ts being oiled for 1 Am Rad St S . (Fumlsh<- po.st in the state armory. Charles Boston on the S. S. Britannic of the I a short time before going out i Orchestra; Robert Shanley, bari- Atchison . . . . . (Cap Nat Bank A Trust 12 15 tone. 11:30—Sands Point CHub Orches- and 68—Bethel. Widening and Sat. Night Dance; Auburn ...... ) Conn, River ...... 4.50 _ get a fair living wage and making , Wigren of the High school faculty' White Star line for London where ! forecastle. At first he said he 9:30—One Night Stands. tra. paving; Intersectiop. (Closed to traf- R’l’FRV’ W'F.ir.K I lanM-a » It nece.s.sary tor women and chll- ; was named first vlce-Commander i she will take a course of atiidv in ' 'ooked out a port and saw the re- EVERY WEEK laxative for adults.” Aviation Corp . I [Htfd. Conn. Trust . 54 58 10:00—First Nighter. 12:00— CJongress Hotel Orchestra. fic. A convenient detour’is posted. Modern and Old-Fashioiied Balt and ... iVi I Hartford National___ dren to w-ork long limlrs In unsatis- and Donald • Hemingway, second; economics, psychology, and allied tI®otion of fire on the water, but did 12:30 a. m.—Central Park Casino Route No. 45—Washington. Turf- Sneernfslhr used tm 8i ftara. 16', 18% factory shops whin they should „ i - . /- ... I _ ...... know tho shlD was afire until 10:80—Jack Benny; Don Bestor’s JARVIS GROVE DANCE H,\LL Bendlx ...... I Phoenix St. B. and T ... 165 Vice-Commander. Other officers j subjejets at the University of Lon- orcheadra. Orchestra. ing slopes along Lake Warariiaug. Beth Steel ____ have been epJOyln leisure and an nomlnated were Frank Cervlni, don, told by a ship male. Open to traffic. Gents 25c Ladles 16c ok* opportunity to gain an education 11:00—George R. Holmee’ News Beth Steel, pfd .. adjutant: Cecil Kittle, chaplain; i Miss Keith Is a graduate of He testified he assisted in laying from Waahington. WBZ HIGHUGHTR Route No. 63—Watertown. Straits Oregon and Wlganowskl, Prompters Borden *...... Aetna Casualty .. ,50'a .53'., Urges Fair Play trea.surcr, Manchester Trust Com- Mount Holyoke College, and recriv- There’s nething else like j hose to the bridge but "didn’t know : 11:15—George Steraey’a Orchestra. Friday, September 21 Turnpike. 6 miles bituminous ma- Can Pac ...... •’ I'-c ...... 38 40 Attorney Citron defended the pany; aergeant at arms. Carl Prles.s; | ed her degree In social service from what to do because people were nin- j"™-pAetna Life 11:30—Freddie Martin’s Orchestra. P. M. cadam under construction. Grading . Case (J. I.) ...... 15 >4 'right of tho citizen to refrain ,rom historlan, Frank Hood; executive ! Simmons College. She was fpr over j " “ K t*9 and dowm. and laying surface. Open to traffic. a Automobile ...... 19' wo:lUng under the constitution of '12:00 Mtdn.—Weather Forecast. 4:30— ERA Cfivic Chorus. Cerro De Pasco . committee, Waller Balch. Robert three years head of the social ser- "What did you do then?” 7:45—Dangerous Paradise — Elsie Route No. 67— Oxford. Seymour Conn. General ^, 2^ ^5% the United iStateK but urged that Dewey,. William A.M. Cbea and Ohio ., Vennart. and vice department of the Hartford "Someone shouted to shut off the ’ Hits, Nlck'Dawson. road. Shoulders are being oiled for iiL ______Hartford- Fire.... . 51% they should conduct themselves In George Kennedy: 12:02—Silent Chrysler- ...... welfare office^ municipal hospital and was engaged water." 8:45—King’s Guard Quartet. 8 miles. Coca Cola ...... Hartford .Steam Bolh 60'a 62', a.fair manner” without recourse to Francis Bray. in Red Cross work In Florida dur- To rtOSiO^ CA 9C National Fire "Did you say 'shut o fr ? ” demand- 9:00—Phil Harris and his Orches- Route No. 69—Bethany and Pros- RANGE OIL (Round Trip S4.05) # Col Carbon ...... 51 53 I intimidation in any way. All people In selecting the men...... to. he nom- ing the hurricane -which devastated ed Hoover, We Handle Only the Best! ^ •itO Phoenix Fire, 62 tra; Lgah Ray, blues singer. pect. Bethany-Prospect road. Coml S o lv ...... 64 I do-not agree on any given subject, ; Inr.ted for office this y’ear, the noni the Southern shores of the penin- About 1 1-4 miles bituminous maca- Telephone 7007 md -' Travelers .895 405 "Yes, sir So I turned the valve. I* 9:30—Floyd GlblKma, Irene Beasley, Cona Gaa ...... ’ he admitted, and peaceful picketing ‘ inatiilg committee has chosen men sular state. She has also held posts waa on a hose to the bridge. Then I ' | iv 'r s i v blues singer; Roy Shield and his dam. Open to traffic. Leaves Cona Oil 116110 Utimiea Stneks I ar.d persuasion of tho workers by j whom they feel will give the Legion In social service work at Queen’s went to the bow.”, y/r orchestra. Route No. 74—Ashford and Will- CENTER TRAVEL BUREAL Cont C sm ...... WDRC 7 V ^ C gal. Elec Serv ...... 40 j logic, Instead of trying to frighten j well-directed leadership for the en- hospital. Honolulu, X. H„ the Con- "You stayed there?" 10:30— Isldor Philipp, concert pi- ington. Willington - Warrenville 408 Main Street Manrheater Com Prod ...... onn. P o w e r...... 391, I the workers is the best method to suing year. Some of the men se- necticut state department for social ob MUMtlJi "Ves, sir, until we were taken off.’ Hartford O B: ISSO anist-composer; Sasha Jacobson, road. Shoulders are being oiled for Del L and Wn .. convert those who arc skeptical lected for office tpls year are those I"'® * *nd the Charity Organlzatioa DIAL 3866 Greenwich, W*G, pfd. 40 Steuber waa asked if he could tell ' | violinist; Saint-Saens Sonata for mile. Du Pont Hartford E lec___ .... 50 abput the necessity of striking to ; who have not, in tl a P-xst, been ' of Hartford. ’ mactfOfi 88 U anything o ' what was said on the Piano and Violin in D Minor. Route No. 75—Suflield. Poquon- Eastman K odak...... 97^,Hartford Gat ...... 45 produce results. active In Legion affairs but’ have 1 ' J***’* Friday, September *1 SERWCB bridge between tho officers. \ ock-Siiffield road is being oiled for O range Elec and Mus ...... 7H do-, Pfd ...... 48 At the close of the meeting Presi-I be.en closely associated with mill- — — '------i' ' mile. Shoulders for 4 miles. STATION Elec Abtfr Lite^S^i^ lT , "It was tndla’ inguishable.” he an- ' P. M. VAN’S '22 a N E T Co . . ; 100 105 According to an expert. It will re- swered Route No. 80—North Branford- Gen Elec . . . . ' _ ...... D: 16—Baseball—Boston Braves vs. 426 Hartford Road AMERICAN GAS 181| •Manufarturlng Stoclis awarded Ik>cal 2127 for being the | lected are those who have been con-! quire a t."ie * a s ti^ a rY W fo ^ 'te le i Guilfoid-^adlson. North Branford- Schaller Cider Gen Foods ...... ] i ‘Did you hear any orders?” ii 29 »i I Am Hardware ...... 17 19 first mill in the state to close 100 nccteil with the Legion’s destinie.s ! vision is established commerclallv In New York Giants. KlUingworth road. About 6 1-2 Gen M o t o r s ...... per cent. for several years end are w ell! this country. ‘ "Only one—to cut off the water at ' ‘ 5:00—Frank Dailey's Orchestra. 29», j Am Hosiery ...... 35 that hydrant." miles bituminous macadam pave- Mill itte.- ...... ; After the meeting a large num- versed In Legion activities. I 5:30—Jack Armstrong, All-Ameri- MDIO: /£;V old Dust ...... I t s I Arrow H and H, com. . 10 12 ment. Open to traffic. Killtng- • 17»ij _do„ pfd ...... 98 _ ' her of girls from bqcal 2125 report- The election of officers will take *~~ ------: can Boy. Hudson Motora ...... wortb-Madison.. North Branford- OPEN • ^ I^tlllngs and Spencer .. _ 1I Burrell St union head- Place next Monday night, Sept. 24 5:45—Mlscha Raglnsky’s Ensemble. Eastern Standard Time In.t Harv ...... New York, Sept. 21.— (A P )—The KilUngworth road. Concrete arch . 28H. Bristol Brass ...... 19 21 I quarters to Join tfie- Hartford ' at the regular monthly meeting 6:00—H. V. Kaltentom—Current bridge at Ninevah Falls Is under Tuesday, Thursday it Int Nick ...... 2 5 do., pfo ...... gj _ I unions In the Hartford N rag Day" ------Extents. old, football announcing guard will Int Tel and Tel ______be "back again this fall. That construction. Open to traffic. and Saturday -94, ;Ca.se, Lockwood and B — 300 canvass. \ The yak Is as essential for milk- 6:15—Bobby Benson anti Sunny Jim Route No. iS2-:-Bozrab, Montville Johns M snviiie...... • 44', Collins Co...... 5g _ , mg and transportation in the Hlma- I 6:30—Football Reporter Eddie Doo- means Graham McNamee and 'Ted Cider Sold At the Mill Kennecott ...... Hustng. together with Don Wilson, and Salem. Norwlch-Hadlyme road. . 19 Colt’s Firearms ...... 191, 211 HIS UAREEK RITNEO, « i: ,'luyas o.f Asia as Is the buffalo in ley. Shoulders are being oiled for 10 Apy Time. ever teen product. Lehigh Val Coal. . .. . ” DESERTS HI.M, .\CTOB I southern India. 6:45— Press-Radio News. the Pacific coast Importation, will Lehigh Val R d ...... 3 'i Eagle Lock ...... 28 32 C Drug miles. 332 Woodland Street . 11H Fafnlr Bearings ...... 59 60 6:50—Hartford Better Business Bu- relate gridiron happenings for the Llgg and Myers B ___ net works. Route No. 84—Groton, Stoning- 'Telephohe 6432 . 96 ', Fuller, Brush, Class A. 7 _ — I Bridgeport. .Sept. 21.— (API — reau. ton. North Stonington. Old Mystlc- Loew’s ...... _. 6:55— Piano Interlude. The football schedule will be Lorlllard ...... ^'ISjG ray Tel Pay SUtlon. 8 10 r " ’’l'cn an automobile accident ter- ~ I. line trunk line. Bituminous 'I Llart and Cooley ...... ^ ^25125 ! m* etage career, hla wife, 7:00—Joe Rines Orchestra. opened a week from tomorrow. McKeesp Tin ...... ' ’\ . ] TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Values Try these tonight; . macadam about 10 miles in length 87^ I H II tniann Tob, com .. ~ 5J , Lillian Ward Colgan, an actress. /r:16—Tito Gulzard. is under construction. Traffic should Monsanto Cbem 52»a d o , pfd...... 15 20 WEAF-NBC: — 8:30, Pick and Mont Ward ...... 2Q I now In Europe, deserted him, Jo- Serenader; Paul Keaat, bari- avoid this routsr Nat B iscuit...... ••••••. 26^9 . lut. Silver 19 24qa i ^cpl' B Colgan. of Westport, com- OFFKIAl NOTICI e; Roilo Hudson’s Orchestra. Patsy; 9:30, Jack Benny; 11:05, (_ _ Freddy Martin orchestra. Route ' No. 89—Lebanon-Willl- Nat Cash Reg ...... P M ...... : : : ^30 I plained when he appeared in Su- -The New S e ^ n at the {k il- mantle road. Bituminous macadam, 13% I^ derS ’ Frary A Clk. 301, 32%324* P^vlor Court today, seeking a dl- n’s Museum—Jane Burger. W a BC-CBS:—8, Johnny Green Nat Dairy ...... MA^VOTERS muaie; 9, California Mtlodles; length about 4H miles under con- W in d o w Shades Nat D istuiers...... Ifit, j New, Brit, iilch. com. . 3 5 8 vorce. The case waa continued, due r:80—Organ Tones. struction. OpeD to local traffic. 19';. I do , pfd...... , 30 V ___ 10 improperly drawn pspera. , 1:00—Fray and Bragglotti. 11:30, Dan Russo orchestra. Fine quality Window Shades, NEW REFINERY N Y Central ...... ’ " The Selectmen aiid Town C^erk of . Route No. 95—Voluntown. Ekonk Holland and tanttne cloth. Made 21', j'Mann A Bow, Class A the Town of Mancherti WJZ-NBC: — 6:45, League of KEMP'S NY' NH and H ...... 7 theater hereby 1give 8:15—Edwin C. Hill—The Human Hill road. Waterbound macadam to order and bung on your win- 10'* I do.. Class ( HILD HAS B.A*) F.YLL I notice that they will be H) session at Side o f the News. Droony talks; 8:30, Floyd Gibbons ____ Inc. Noranda ...... I WELDON'S program; 11, Paul Pendar’s or- length about 1>/* miles under con- dows, 45 cents each. 40’ , (North and Judd ...... North Am ...... i.'...... 184 New Britain, Sept. 21.— (A P ) i T-®^ Clerk’a Office in tl\e Munl- 8:80—True Jtory Court of Human struction. Traffic can pass. 12% ' Niles. Bejn Pond . :!., 50c Armand •% a Relations. chestra. V Also a lot Odd Shades, s s ' NEW PROCESS Packard ...... 9»» Herman Netupakl. four, fractured i Building for the putpOse of j, 50c Hair o a What to expect Saturday; Route Up. 101—Winsted-Norfolk cents. 3% I Peck, Stow and Wilcox hla skull and broke a leg when he ' the qualifications of glee- 11 9:00—^The Ciolumblans. Penn ...... !! i ' i " 324* : Russell .Mfg ...... 5 Lipsticks...... * 5 ^ C Dressing ...... o fI C Will give you a smooth, safe ride and youni be as free America’s Cup races, W EAF- road. The two underpasses of the ^ 1* IWg c and’ i ‘ 25 j fell...... from. a third itory veranda of ' , 9:15—Walter Pitkin. New Rollers, 10 cents. Will 44^ Scorill ...... !!!!.[ 60c Assorted 0 a 50c Phillip’s Milk O A from tire worries as you would be on the Endeavour or WJl^NBC, 10:16 a. m.; WEAF Hartford and Connecticut Western Phil Pete 204* ! the family home on ^ Hartford ave- I TORS’ OATH those who shall be i 9:30—California Melodies. Railroad d o . are being eliminated. furnish samples on request. Pub Serv N J ...... IS', .Stanley Works .,!!!!! found qualified op Rainbow; 10:00—Johnny Green — In The NBC, 12:30 p. m.; WJ25-NBG, 2:30 ^ NEW SUSTAIN ED* PO W ER nue and struck on a concrete side the following' Chocolates ..... *34C of Magnesia ;Of!C and 3:30; WBC-CBS. 10:80 A m., Complete and open to traffic. Nor- Ridio ...... 30% Standard Screw 50 ^ ail walk today. Hie name was placed days: ^ ; 60c Lavender 0 A Modern Manner. 5 '4, do., pfd,,. guar 60c Cleansing Cream. Cold FIRESTONE TIRES 12:10 p. m., and i p. m. folk, Winchester and New Hartford. Ram Rand . .. on the critical list at New 3rltaln Saturday, .Sept. 15 and Saturday, ' 10:45—Carille and London. New. Haftford-Norfolk road is be- 74* Bmythe Mfg, Co, 28 33 Sept, 21 from -9 a. m. until 8 p. m., ' Shaving Lotion ; 0 4 C SENTINEL TITE ,11:00—Vera Van. Other features: C a p it o l W in d o w Ray Tob B “ General-hoapltal. Cream, •> A ing piled for 15 mllcis. aarg Roebuck .... 464* Taylor and F e n n ...... (Standard Tlniei) . | 50c o A A 'Jll:15—Baaeball Sco*'es. WEAF-NBC; 1— Rex Battie en- ^ NEW PERFORM A N CE 394* Torringt'on ...... r 2 ai lb. j a r ...... * j f 4 C List Sale Spechil semble; 8:30—Parent-Teachers Day Route No. 110—Waterbury. Wa- Bocony V a c ...... ROBOT NEWS OATHERER Said first session may be publicly i Ovaltine...... «j4C 11:20—Leon Belaico’a Orcheetra. Shade C o . South Pac ...... 14% Underwood Mfg. Co..‘ . 46% *3 adjourned from time to time but no : 60c Floating A dii* Price Price 'Tubes GUARANTEi; program. terbury-Wolcott - Bristol road. TO AID LONDON WIRELESS ! 50c Jergen’s Q A 11:46—Cbules Barnet’s Orchestra. 46 Capen Street Hartford e SUSTAINED POWER- ihA retaining p f offieitmey Sou P Rje 8 ...... 18 Union Mfg. Co ...... ! _ * seaeton shall be held later than,Sat- I Soap, doz...... o f r C 4.30x20 . . . $ 5 . 5 0 . . ...$4.70.. ..$1.08 WBC-CBS: 4—Eaat-Wsat Polo; 314* U s Elnvelope, com .. . . go _ London (A P )—The highly senM- i Lotion...... OfiC FlreatouN are 6—Time change for Elder Miebaux. sou^Rwy urday. Sept. 22, except a eession to j 50c California o A ..4.50x21 ..... 5 . 7 0 . . ... 4.90.. • - 1 . 1 1 now doubly goar- hetwemn rffinery and road petform anee. St Brand! ...... , 16% do., pfd. 103 ^__ ; tiled recording tape of an all-motal examine and admit those whose | 50c Kolynos 0 a WJ25-NBC: 12:30— Farmers Union j robot reporter is eoon to be plttel W in e...... 4.75x19 ...., 6 . 1 0 . , ... 3.20.. ,. 1.11 anteed tor 1$ program; 6:18—Broadcast from St Gas and E l ...... Veeder Root ...... ' og u. as qualifications mature after Sept. 22, I Tooth Paste _ 04 C monthi against Whitlock Coll P ipe.,. 2 I against the brains of Fleet Street 5.00x19 ..... 6 . 5 0 . , .. 5.55.. Geneva. St ou c k u ...... and on or before October 1. 1934, 50c Straight o a 50c Beef, Iron & O j I .. 1,24 all road hazards, €A Of tht SoM only by American Oil Company dealer* J.B.wu'mi Co. $10 par 4S _ newspapermen. 5.00x20 .... 6.75.. •. 5.70. • WBZ-WBZA stouN J.. which sesaton shall be held Saturday, Whiskey, pint Wine...... 1.30 and tor Ilf* We Are Agents For anti *tation*-.frem Maine to FiorMa ihmI Tax C o r e ...... j As a membar of the itaff of Pro- 9ept. 29, 1934 from 9 a. m. until 5 C 04c .5.25x21 .... 7.95.. TIMES SQUARE DISTRICT I feasor John Coalman-recently sp- 50c Mulsified .. 6.80.. .. 1.40 against aD - do- ONE METHOD OF RIDDANCE nm kaa Rollar Baar COE WELL FILED p. m. 50c Lyons' Tooth O A 6.00x20 H.D. 11.50.. .. 9.85.. fecta. . Inland. Yau can't get “ NIW.ACTION” lin te d newe editor of the BritUh Signed. Cocoanut Oil o a ., 1.70 AwAmarioa...... Powder...... 6.00x21 H.O. Linz, Austria — Tormented by .. A »4O0«N H om *ON JTS ATLANTIC Orange AMIRKAN OAS anywhara al*a. tnuoa CarUda . , .'^ 'T i“ «ton. Coon., Sant broadcasting corporation—the ro- Aaron Cook, 11.75.. ..10.10.. .. 1.70 : Friday, September gl hot win attend political Shampoo...... 04 C pleaa which infested the house of Unioa Paa ...... ]A P )_M re. Jane Coe, widow meetings. Sherwood G. Bowers. 75c Bath o >1 fO«S“ ev*ltVMINljtiE TO isAKf Kerosene and Range Oil 50c Woodbury’s o A Other Sizes Pro^rtionately Low Priced. her master, Mias Marie Hoeglinger, VOUIt VISIT MOST PlfASANT Wb« Aircraft...... former W a ^ n FratiMC Coe” "^who ^ 5 ^ ’ matches, first nTghte George E. Keith, - Powder...... o 4 C |>. it . " died July 29. left an estau of'$iT0° PubUc dinners, and the raw 62 year old servant of Oberelth, near We have onr own bulk station. W. Georg* Glenney, A Face Powder . . . 04 c 4:00—Befty and Bob. 700 ROOMS JO 50c o 50c Pebeco o a here, set fire to the place and de- A M ERICA N O IL C O . wtiudoL iiip;;;...... 458^80. according to the inventow i »t«J “* “ •®‘>«tcal David Cham ben,. Lysol...... 6:16—Platt and Nierman, plane stroyed it 700 lATHS to. *2 t o Range Bumera and Supplies John L. Jenney, Tooth Paste . . . 'f 0 4 C 1- due. Al*e maker of AMOCO-OAS~tha ORtOMAI. hi« Mr§. Cot btqus4thtd n^siTJriM.. - Her story fallsd to move tne sym- CHASIIS 1. OtNSTfIN, Meneger Frank V. WtUlame, 50c Antiseptic o >t 50c Woodbury’s o MORIARTY BROtlffiRS 4 ;30—Era Civic Chorus—direction pathy o f the court and she waa sen- H O TE L tPICIAt MOTOR FUa, AMOCO Motor OMa. the Boy Scout organization of T o r ' ti I* to be sensi- A SOl-815 Center Street Corner Broad V S Smalt ...... organization of Tor- , Uve enough to record the allghtest Board-of Selectmen, Mouth Wash . . . 0 4 C " G. Roberts Lunger. tenced to 18 months imprisonment. PORTERnELD Samuel J. Turktngtoa, Creams...... 0 4 C F>«e Road Servloo! Open S4 Honrat 6 :00—News. American Heating end Range Oils. I sound. Phone 8S7S "Except for the fact that the 68 Sprue* Strecit TeL 6684 I Town Clark. 6:16—Mythical Ship of Joy. property was of little value.” the PARAMOUNT Not membor* of tho mumaber 6:30—Kellogg Singing Lady. Judge sntd, "I would sentence you to 8060 MAIN ST., HARTFORD TEL. 7-7A|g|^ d:46—UtUe Orphan Annie. death.” I Was* of Sroodwey, NEW YORK of .Commerce. MANCHESTER EVENING HERAOJ/MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 21.1934. and which bava lost in population PAOEM fm sad approxlmataly hoRr much, whila tha prsctsa R a rca a ta ^ ara aecar- Behind the Scenes in BELIEVE RAMMSKI tainabla in any«%aae la a moment imCAUGHTHERE FUUtO«tllM> lit t'MIii OBITUAR.Y ROD AND GUNNERS tU > PKIHTINa UOMPAN1. INU Inatantaned'ualy the chart tells iia Whather or not the report of the CORNERED R( BOLTON i4re You a Voter ? 11 liltMU MTMt that the^la not a county la CoE- *s D e v e l o p m e n t s KaachMttr 06«B Wlaant madiAtien board U refsrded PUT ON PROBATION THOMAS rBRGUSON nectieuB'that has not gaiaied at lassie If not, and if jyou are qualified to be made a voter, TO DINE ON MOOSE absabt WASHINGTON ; J______0««>rml M bjr both side« at opening the way FUNERALS (OoKlUtaed from Page Oaej * ten pdr cant, and only'dbi lii liraafa- call at the Town Clerk’s Office Saturday, September 22. In the Lindy Case foakS*# UaioMr 1. l l t l tor an ImniBdlate aetUement of the tta, Dukes—^wblch -out at BC e h a e l L o e i a n o were started on another trail near The Selectmen will be on duty maklnf voters from 10 ■- PabllshM Itvart B*«Ub ( BaMpi textile Btrtke it iB bayond denial SaadatB abb HalidBirB. KBUr**, at tka and la 8.6 more populoua than it -U rM Who Attempted Wel- The funeral of Michael Luciano, the Plrle house, but toe scent came a. m. until 9 p. m. It la not necessary to have your By ASSOCIATED PRESS \ P o * < OBIm at Manebaaltr. Cobb, aa Awas plannliig to raturn to O anm qr. that tbe report put* Its Unger on was; while one Is struck by the odd- who was found dead Wednesday at to nothing. Lieutenant Sebatzman name sent in before that date. • Annual Meeting to Be Governor Moore ot New Je.rsey In a Naw . York poUoa Uaaup fcceod Claaa Kali Maltai. s s : ' ! ' , * s a * i ’g ; " s j s s I i s s f i s i s * ' “ * his rooms in toe Weldon buUoiiig, explained that if Kamiitaki was SOBSURIPTIUK RATHS vital defect In all previous negi Ray bom la SpeakerSpeaker Scramble,Scramble. i So there’s an atUtude of bushed signed an extradition warrant with Hauptmann told ha had raosivad tm ity that the aix easternmost coast doD Drug Robbery Get will be held tomorrow morning at wearing toe rubber boota stolen uaa Taar bp omii ...... ib .m tiona betwaen the textile maif^mc- REPUBUCAN TOWN COMMITTEE. a view to femoval^of Brum Richard ranaom rooMw from a Mend, who fit MoBtb. by BtaU ...... • .({ counties of Maine have all shrunk Mpectaaey—ae of a regiment about 8:30 at Watklna Brothers, 11 Oak from Paggloll that would throw the Held at Villa Louise, Bol- By RODNEY DUTCHKR to go over tbe top. Hauptmann from 'New York to New later died in Germany. •*«S*a M p iaa...... $ a I turere and thair cm ployef^fallure street, and from St. James’s church hounds off the trail. Onde they get OalTvarad. oaa vaar ...... ‘ In the Dumbera of tbelr people. This Herald Waablogtoa Correepoedent Suspended Sentence. Jersey ,to be tried on a charge of Efforts were made to determiae .tt.C* at 9 o'clock. Burial will be In 8L near toe fugitive, though, they homicide. to bring about any effBcMve regiila* li In eharp contrast to Rroostook ton, Tomorrow.- whether Hauptmaim actually MEMBER or rUE ASSOCIATBO ^ Uog and FaiafnI James's cemetery. be able to sniff the olr and acquire Arraigned In a Bronx, N ew York pHy^g tlon o f tbe so-called s ^ tc b -o u t sys- county, which most o f us think of WaahlngtOB. Sept. 31—Toot toot! Tbs eonasrTattves will bs pretty from WUllmaatlc, Hartford, Beacon noticed. Messachusetta and ■peculated in atocka, as ha told too toe true scent or else pick up the caty, court, Hauptmann waa held police. There was no varifibatioB of i'ha AasoeUiad Praaa la aaciuaiaait tem. The Winanr^lMrd recognizee Here cornea the Band o f Hopei sore, bat there won't be any satUr Charles Mlnatalglan, Cliarlea Falls and Stafford, armed with sub- OmnacUcut state police started to as wlldemess, but which la one of trail If they come across rubber without bail until Monday on a a report that he had been found, to. •ntiilto to tho for romibiteotloo A 'l the genuine New Dealers and 5 ’lng the Soclallete, who tnslet machine guns, tear gas and their visit all of toe eottagea on the lake Members of the Manchester Rod ol «]l oowt dltpotefeM orodttod to u the paraiiM untcy^ that Dmu«. Not Kbmlnos and Andrew Nostln. the lU tK O D R N E I^ MOON’ boot prints- charge of extortion. have 824,000 or more on deposit tn the jet-black counties on the ihap, the ‘ joung liberala"—which in- Roosevelt merely seeks to preserve trio o f N ew Britain young men who usual revolvers. The two blood- and it waa not until well along in and Cjun club wt'l hold their fall 01 oot othorwtoo erodUod >b tota only does It a TexUle ttcla- Waltlzqp for BrM k. N ew York police said they had a a brokerage home. ■ Mpar aod a}ao iha loco! oowa pob» Indicating a major gain in popula- cludes most o f the brain trusters toe capitalist system on a workable w ^ caught In ai attempted rob- hounds unde'r toe care qf Lieutenant the afternoon that they found the meeOhg at the Villa Ixiulse In Bol- basis. perfect case of extortion that A resident o f Hopewell, if. J., lUbad'baraio. tlona Board^OT Uirea ’ nitinberS'"for tion and which the ftgures tell ua Is —would be parading down Penn, bery of toe Weldon drug atore on FIRST COMMUNITY PLAY Stats police officers engaged in David L. Sehatsman of the Beacon Dougan boat.. This-gave Kaminski ton tomorrow and they vrill dine on All riffbts of rapQbticatioii of Falla barracks arrived at the aame Hauptmann might be charged with said she believed pictures o f Haupt- the tnor^i/Rdequata protection of la- sylvanla avenue, perhaps even Old Oscar. Ameringeis toe coun- Main etreet on July 10 lost, receiv- toe hunt this afternoon were await- an opportunity to work towards toe moose meat prevtoux to toe business a more serious crime. aoactaJ dtapaiehoa barafo ara also ro- more populous by 44.7 per cent than try’s foremost SocialUt editor, call- ing a "break.” They feel that Ka- time. mann resembled e man she antr •arvad. bor's rights under thd rollective bar- burning red fire, U they followed ed a suspended sentence -to toe N a th u Hale home and down meeting. The moose waa donated to A New York police official eX' It was in 1900. ed toe other day on his old friend minski wlU "lay low” until nightfall Dogs FoUow Trail d riv ^ in Hopewell with a ladder their strongest instincts. sUte reformatory at Cheehlre by through toe' woods Into Andover. toe club Yor Its dinner by Attorney pressed the belief It was not a ons- Un hia^car to e ‘ day Foil a^ralea oltaoi of N « A S a r a * gaiping and other labor provisions L>eon Henderson, director o f N R A ’s Farrt Comedy Should B e, One and then attempt to steal a car. Four automobllea carrying Statd the Lindbergh too. fo e All the Inland counties of Maine,^ This jubilation is perhaps tbe Judge P. B, O’SulUyan in Superior This would bring him out on the Francis Pallottl of Hartford, presi- man job. - i baby-t^as kidnaped. of'^he code,” but It would set up an division of Research and Planning. This svlll give them toe "break" they police and two carrying Manches- road that leads to Bolton Notch. The It -appears, have been on the most significant present fact in na- Cotirt yeaterday.' ' Suspension of of Best Ever Presented Says dent of the organization. Recore'e of the Department of Mrs. Hauptmann was relaaoed l^blUbaFa liapraaoatatirae fba/ Auxiliary board, under tbe main tional affairs. It rises from a gen- , Qecar is one o f those fellows who -their sentences waa granted upon desire. ' Meanwhile, .all roads in toe ter police at once sUrted for Middle police have reason to believe that Attorney Pallottl has just returp- Jtiltua Miifbawa dPoeUI A«apey«*Kai while the coastal countlea haw Director. turnpike east. The dogs were Labor and advices from Germany from custody by toe New York po- eral belief that the administration thinks Qie Blue Eagle is just an- recommendation of State's Attor- general vicinity are being closely he was harbored that night and- ed from a hunting trip In Quebec showed that Hauptmann was born Tcn^Cht<^go. Datrott and Boato^ body, whose special and exclusive making losses and while t s ^ abut- token from the automobile, given lice. \ Is headed bravely toward the left, other bussard and Henderson ney Harold B. Mitchell and toe trio patrolled and toe underbrush is be- was furnlsbed food. It was qn easy and says the moose is one o f the in Kamenz, Saxony, Germany, and duty would be to effect genuine reg- "Three Cornered Moon," toe first ing combed. scent from a shoe that Kaminski had The district' attorney Of Bronx MICMUKH audit BUREal OB ting countlea in New H jH ^ h lr e can that we’rs to have more New Deal ■ought at length to convince him was placed on probation for one matter fo r him to stay in hiding finest he has ever brought home. bad a recijrd of burglary In Ger- ClfICUlwtTloNS otoenylse. offering of toe season by toe Man- worn while a prisoner In. Spring- county, N. Y., sahl. "Jafsie” had not ulation o f the stretcb-out. rather than leas, and that Roose- year. The officers are equipped with Thursday and, under the cover of The dinner will be served at 6:30 many; that he had been deported count fewer noses thah they did. All "So jrou aee." Henderson conclud- chester Community Players, is one two revolvers and orders are to field and then taken to the spot Identified Hauptmatm a#, the aian Tbe Htraie Prlntlaa Co velt is at. last definitely committed darkneos, start out again, as the and the meeUng will be held at from the United SUtes In 1923 un- ny, loe.. One thing that has been learned the rest of New Hampshlre'haa been ed, "we’ve already achieved quite The three young men stole an of the most entertaining farce shoot on sight. Kaminski Is thought where the footmarks of the man that to whom he delivered ransom B*aam#p oc dPAPotal lapoosibllity to a path toward Senator Norris, place where be Is supposed to have eight o’clock- Those who have not der the name of Karl Pellmeler; he money. for lYPOcrapblcpI nrri from thJs. strike Is that, no matter lot." ' • -l ^BUtomohile in N ew Britain end comedlt^ toe.v have ever presented, to be armed, and, realiztng he will had jumped from the automobile •^•arlnc ip growing g r e ^ in numbers. Up Justice Brandels and Rexford O stopped is not far mm tbe home notified the committee they will at- adMrriMmoota In ni-hVdt«r wbat settlement may be proposed or “Yah,” Ameringer retorted, ove to Manchester, where to^y In toe p in ion ot toe director, Mrs. get toe If captured, could be seen. The two dogs start- of Tony Ansaldl where he stole food llvapt^t Kara Id In Virmontr however, the story Is Tugwell, rather than a middle ire caught In -he act of burglar- tend are urged to get In touch with even arrived at, there can be no per- remind me of a - doctor I usetT . Joseph L. Handley. She declares will fight at the drop of toe hat If ed off on a trot along the side o f toe lost night or early tola morning. different course sometimes veering toward ising toe drug store by Omcer John Secretary William Robb or Fred tTtlDAY, j gfPTEMBER 21 ’ know and toe way be was tiying fo ‘ there are ao many extremely funny, cornered. fence following the line of bean W ith toe aid of boots which he but Allen being put out for toe aqi. manent peace In the textile Industry Herbert Hoover, the du Fonts, and Cavagnaro. The - latter wounded Wohllebe tonight. In^Anat state there are fewer peo- Fenator Byrd. cure a case o f smallpox— ridiculous situations it la difficult to SubstanUatlon of toe belief ^ a t poles, turned to the east oa coming now baa It will not be so hard for NEBRASKA REMAINS son by an old knee injury cams as a until the stretcb-out Is analyzed and "Pimple by pimple!" Mlnatzigian In an exchange of gun-> g:et the cast down to buslhess at re- the Bolton, raaurauder actually Is to the end of the bean poles and severe jolL "This youngster waa\ ple in eight counties than there It has all come about In the last him to get around and the police LINDBEJRGH CASE BREAK defined and until tbe amount of pro- fire, after which toe . trio fled. Ml- hearsals, although they* have pro- toe Springfield jail guard slayer^ ac- without any apparent trouble ran One of the brightest sophomore were In 1900, the shrinkage ranging month or so and to appreciate the are asking that all owners of auto- Watch Sain Raybtnm natxlgtan was taken to the Hart- gressed so far that she expects to cording to toe state police, is tbe across the lots, following along the wing prospects I ’ve seen In years. There seems to be no real cer- duction' by each worker,_wlthljy^ contrast you need only remember mobiles keep them locked. from 18.1 per cent In Addison Coun- I haven't checked carefully on the ford hospital In a car stolen froffl-Jo- put on a tuU rehearsal of the first fact that a shotgun amd a number of south bank of the new Bolton road THE TEAM TO BEAT specified time In any given riSM of the early summer, when you read Escaped Monday tainty that in the srre.st of the alien present relative strengths and com- seph Plantanida o f ISO Maple and second acts tonight at 7 o’clock shells were stolen. An ordinary straight to the veranda o f the Jones ty, down at the foot o f Lake Cham- many reporU that the mass of Kaminakl, a Connecticut resident, Richard Hauptmann at New operation has been s ^ ^ r d lz e d plicated cabala o f toe fight for the •treet. Me was later found In the in the clubrooms in toe Balch and tramp pllferihg for food or an au- house. The two dogs Insisted on re- plain, to .2 per cent In Bennington, "young libersls," disappointed, waa escaped ,from the Hampden county speakership, but nevertheless sug- hospital by local police and toe rest Brown building. tomobile thief seeking a car would maining on the veranda and .then fork a complete s ^ tlp n o f the within close and rigid hifms and be- about to bead back for the college jail at Springfield, Maas., Monday. IN BIG SIX nGHT No Vermont country Increased 25 gest you keep your eye on Sam o f hta pals were rounded up shortly The play Is by Gertrude ‘Ton- they turned, picked up a scent In a dreadful Lindbergh’ "kldnliplng mys- yond possibility of^^rdanlpulatlon In faculties and law firms whence not bother with .a shotgun, it was He was awaiting death sentence Yora per cent in the thirty years though Rayburn of Texas. ..after. konogy, and was first produced in emphasized. However, Kaminski's flower garden, where footprints were either direction. . ' they came. when he slipped out of the Jail for tery baa been reached. No reason- Rayburn Is toe logical adminis- Tbs state recommended another first thought would be for firearms noticed and started off again six made gains, the greatest being Well,-hardly anyone has left— New York in the spring of 1983; It the second time in less than a year. able person will seriously fdoubt that tration candidate and if the White chance fo r all of them as one had to beat off an attack by toe state around the corner o f the house and In defau ltnf any precision In the In a county that Is next door neigh- except a few disappointed conserv- has just been released for production Coventry became the ooncentra- House hasn’t already started puU- no record and the other two had poUce If he is caught In tight quar- back to the cow shed. Here they CORRECT CHILD E.4RLY Kansas State Spirit Is Hig)» CHILDREN by amateurs, and toe Community Hauptmann was clo.sely ikssociated meaning / if a day’s or an hour's atives. tiop ^ in t fo;; Massachusetts and bor to Adillson. the heaviest loser. Ing wires for him, it is fairly sure previously committed only minor Players were among the first' to ters. slopped. Several times they* were ON WRONG HABITS with that most sensational of produ^tfin by the operative It Is There’s a new spirit among the Connecticut, police Tuesday when an ' By Oliv* Robqrte BwtM • ' In Connecticut every county has to do so this fall. offenses. secure it. The author, a young socie- More Police Arrive. - started In this way .and each time boys which says this Is the only Abandoned automobile and a cap Yog Should Prevent Finger Suck- as Line Returns Intact; crimes, either as a principal, an ac- d if i^ lt to see how tbers can be in- Behind the scenes for Rayburn Nlgrelir Case ty girl, went to work In a business State police this afternoon were they seemed to end at the cow barn. increased in population by more place they have even a slight identified as one worn by the fugi- ing, Nall Biting, Dirt Eating, And caaaory or u iptruder. It ‘ seems telligent agreement between manu- will be Vice President Jack Gar- Charles Nigrelll, who conducts a office when her famUy had lost all pouring Into Bolton to assist those No Longer Shoelees than ten per cent, and all but three chance of fighting effectively for tive In jail were found in a woods. . Bed Wetting By Constant Attention ifi Ireland they have a way of re* ner, one of toe most accomplished beauty parlor In Hartford and has their money In the stock crash. Her who have been there since early Kaminski is no longer shoeless as Oklahoma Menter Writes beyond tolsfation of doubt that H facturer and employs, betwen fac- social-economic justice and that The trail grew faint, however, and To These Faults : . ferrtng to the spoiled or pampered by more than 25., Tolland’s gain backstage manipulators o f our been, separated from bis wife, fiance -suggested to st she writs' a morning. A posse of police and he stole a pair of boots from the was ha who received tha |60,0fio jf tory and factory under a code, or they ought to stick until booted time, who knows toe House better officials expressed the belief Kamin- child as being "brought up on was 16.9. Windham’s 15.8 and Mid- out. pleaded guilty to a charge of non- play. She did and "Three Cornered armed farmers may be formed to home of Tony Ansaldl, which he Is ransom money. But if the.4(^hor- than any other man. ----- support In the local court. He had ski had slipped through the trap set By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN on Grid Outlook. daisies." ' even between the employe In one dlesex s 23.1, Hartford County was '' Moon” is the result. It is absolutely scour the heavy woods In that sec- wearing. It Is now thought that the Among the signs pdlntlriff w You may, recall that Rayburn wan ceased weekly payments of |15 for him in the (Coventry area. Editor, Journal of the .American I like It because . it tmpllas Itles, up to this m om lpgfhad any plant and the employe In another toe left, they cite: ’ up to date, the action is fast. The tion. Inasmuch os the roads are reason the dogsjost the scent is due the liggest gainer of all, 115.4, Garner’s 1982 presidential cam- three weeks ago and a jail sentence The theft of Anderson’s automo- 5tcdlcal Association, and of Hygeia, something that our.- own expres- sound proof that It W Hauptmann -THE ELEVEN LATER AMENDMENTS hundred pounds o f steel under your story might be that of any average being'guarded, a pitched battle with to hl8,walking Into the small swamp plant or In those different sections while the only o t^ r county to dou-' Certainly that NRA reorgan- paign manager. Over the telcpbono o f thirty days was Imposed and bile here today waa tbe first connect- the Health Magazine. sions lack. Living on dreama, on control and. when your sub-con- ization win be a "liberal” vic- family in America since 1929. the desperado ^pC ars imminenL on hte Jones property. The sxx-amp BY LEWIS HARDAGE hopes, and lying in the beautiful alone or Hauptmann aided by one o f 'the country for Jthe purposes of wires between Washington u d Chl- then suspended on condition that he ed by police with Kaminski since ble its population In the thirty years I WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW scious mind Is fighting for safety. tory over (Seneral Johnson and M'.ss Anne'McAdams Is well cast Credit For Prenilce water flows through a culvert under Coach, University of Oklahoma. field of life with no thought of toa or more otherijCMoas who stole the union Insistence. 'cago, Rayburn persuaded Garner continue toe 815 payments. Judge To Patrolman Joseph Prentice then. As your doctor what four bad bear a promise of war against In toe role of tbe irresponsible, scat- the new Bolton road across to the Norman, Okla., Sept. 21.— There future. Selflah — Improvidant — to accept the vice prealdenlal nom- O'Sullivan said that It waa pretty goes the credit for crossing Kamin- habits—are' most commonly devel- Lindbergh cj»rid, or that the present It monopolists shd exploiters, ter-brained mother'. Three others north side of the road, where there are six schools tn the Big Six, and lazy. has added enormously to the! New Haven County’s gs in‘’V 7 T 2 about THE CONSTITUTION QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ination and to release his delega- harsh treatment to convict a man ski’s trail in Manchester and forcing Is other swamp land and which later oped In Infancy, and he'll prob- suspect glfied the baby Intentional- whom Tugwell calls "canni- tions from Texas and California. who have leading parts are Miss ably reply. "Finger sucking, nail strange as It may seem, students, It. aeems pertinent at tola tlasa confusion and misunderstandings of bals.” o f a felony because of three weeks' him to hide In the woods where he forms a brook that flows Into the ly orptherwlse, they were wlthhold- 4 3 » m,d This It the fifth of a series'of six articles reviewing the historv and That cinched tbe nomination for Gwen Prescott, Russell Potterton biting, dirt eating and bed alumni and followers of each expect In history to regard toe child who the great’ textile strike that, while (Jaundice May Be Due To Several non-payment. Without objection may now be cornered. While patrol- basin that furnishes part of the CCC BOYS TO ASSIST wei- I a winner. Of course that Is im- Litchfield a 29.7. ‘ f ’“."»t*totlon. In observance of “ ConstItuUon Week” Closer secret contact between Roosevelt and toe president hasn’t and Gunnar Johnson. J. L. Handley ting.” has been "brought up on ^ s ie a " iM-'fhelr evidence. the stretch-out Is evidently thfr Causes) from toe state’s attorney, the judge Ing in the Manchester Green section •*'ater supply of the Manchester possible since the Institutions play so to speak, and aee where ha la We get a lot more kick out of the ' " *** ^****’ “""I'eraary of the Constitution's birth, September 17, 1787. Roosevelt and Justice ‘Brsdels. forgotten It. Since that time, Ray- is toe son who is ambitious to be- U ttle (Alldren wlU suck their (JuesUon: Miss Faith U. asks; asked Joseph M. Freedman, counsel Officer Prentice headed towards Water Company. a single -round robin against each going. Thers'weuld seem to be very little sorest point of all among the grjev- Roosevelt’s Green Bay speech and burn, as chairman o f the House In- come an actor, BUIy Ingraham is the IN SEARCH FOR WEAPON thumbs and flngera, .sometimes tbe "Win you kindly give me some in- -'o- NlgrelU, to withdraw toe plea the Bolton line at 3 d’clock this When Kaminski left a stolen auto- other and each meets several power- I t is especially timely fo taHa likelihood that Hauptmann’s con- endorsement of La Follette. terstate and Foreign Commerc* younger son, Florence Splllane Is toe cloth ng or blankets; In fact, al- ancis of the workers, neither the formation about yellow Jaundice, its of guilty and enter a plea of morning. He saw the red tall light mobile In a lot off Manning Hill tn ful non-conference outfits. atock of him in toe light of toe The administration's new sym- Committee, has been a big help In maid "Jennie." Eleanor Wallace the most anything that they can get bection with the case was that of a w-ord itoclf nor the condition it rep- aat€t or their adoption and their rattlicatlon, are: cause and cure, and how long It lasts pathetic attitude toward labor and not guilty at the next term of o f a car ahead of him and realized M^chester earlier In the week he However, the fact that the squads "regimentation” of children at the New Kngland Planning Com- jutting through New Deal meas- Brooklyn belle, and Alec Dickson Nortofield, Mass.. Sept. 21.— (A P I between their lips. Such habits be- ■ mere "crasher.” That vvould cari^ If taken care of Immediately?" toe Superior Court. He advised the that DO car had passed him. Won- are better balanced than ordinarily other countries. Without much resents means the same thing to mission has changed its mind about Amendment No. 11— Provides that the Judicial power of the United the National Labor Relations ures. completes the cast of B characters left it close to the present home of —Nearly 200 men at the Erving gin quite early In infancy and, if Answer: Jaundice may be caused' Board's hard-boiled support o f Sec- accused to pay $10 a week mean- dering where the car had come from A. B. Peterson, the first principal means that Blx Six rooters and fin s question, the - great maaaea ot the Implication that the real kid- different Individuals. ' different Its pre-depression gue.ss that New swte or^hi- *?‘*"‘* to suits by a citizen of one stale against another I f the New Deal program is to while, aa bad been suggested by the who Will present the play on Tues- be pursued it. The patrolman notic- Civilian Conservation Corps camp not broken early, may last until by a serious dl.seasc of the liver, tion 7-A. of South Manchester High school. should see a hard, exciting race youth tn Europe, not alone in Rua- napers were simpletons who permit- "be ^centuated, Roosevelt will pre- state. day evening, October 16 at the ed that as he speeded the police were psicklng tents and bedding to- the child is six or seven years old branches of the industry, different Hngland would contain 10,000,000 such as cancer or cirrhosis, but, Resignation of Budget Director He was seen when he left the car by right down to the wire. ' The ma- sia, are being standardised to a ted an outsider to "muscle In" on when It first appears, it usually Is fe r Rayburn a# his right-hand man Tbe case of James Heuss of New Whiton Memorial ball, under the car the machine ahead also speeded day in anticipation of eaUbllsbkig a In moat Inatancea the sucking t>f plants or different localltle.s —its riopulatlon by 1940. It thlnk.s now Amendment No. 12— Pmvidea for eeparate election of Dre«ild«nt und Lew Douglas, who found himself no In the House to either Joe Bym s of a former school jnate. The police terial at Nebraska, Kansas State, pattern, via national entouaiaanui caused by catarrhal inflammation of York, charged with lascivious car- auspices of the Manchester Mothers up. new base on the Mount Hermon fingers Is not an exceedingly sc- clubs and educational propaganda. their game and reap Its profits__ only common significance In ail that we may not become that num- longer an effecti-ve conservative bul- Tennessee or BUI Bankhead o f club. were njtiflcd and in the meantime Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa State and the bile ducts or by the bile being wark here. riage, was nolled, when a thorough On reaching, a turnoff at the foot school campus, to co-operate with riou» performance, but ifi soma Missouri is more equal this season /Won’t Produce Dttmea which la an utter improbability. parts being that It Is something to m?fl.T8?p“ L"';2S:i8ocr‘‘ ‘ Alabama. Kaniinski had run out into the main police Ip searching the woods for erous until 1990. This kind of fore- stopped through the obstruction Roosevelt’s two-hour talk with Investigation of his home life led of N igger Hill the pursued car turn- cases it n-.ay influence the shape of than it has been in several. bother we approve or criticise Persons -evil enough and desperate road, which leads from • Avery's clues to the slayer of Dr. Elliott the .-nauto or fingers, it Is aleo which the workers arc opposed. casting is about as useful as guess- raurd"Dro?ml^r l8 ''^ ?5 o’' ' '' " = caused by gall stones. The treat- Upton Sinclair after the latter's vic- state authorities to believe that he ed quickly past Hillside Inn and back Nebraska shapes up as the band ethics', does not tnatter here; driveway up a hill, known as Ripley Speer. bad because it will aggravate dis- anougb and reaouroeful enough to In order, then, to bring about any ment which I would suggest would, tory in California. The French luxuiy tax. undijr was not aa bad as had been reputed. down the road In front of Bill M ar- to beat as usual. The Cdrnhuak-, Whether It be right or wrong., ing which fly wUl alight first on the Citizenship to all persona born or natural^ ABOUT TOWN Hill and had tried to “ thumb" rides. Meanwhile Fred Wallace, the turbances of digestion and help to of course, depend upon the cause Boldness in admitting and facing which automobile manufacturers in Heuse, who gave his age a s '17 tin’s place. Prentice quickly followed era lost most of their flrst-strii one thing Is certain. Drones ara commit siich a crime as the kidnap- permanent settlement of the trou- sugar and has about as much rija- B t a ^ and forbids any state to "deprive any person of Not being able to get a ride In Somerville diver, spent two days found through sn examination: but this winter’s tremendous relief pro- t>At country war* subjected to a 6 but it was just over 16, Was In the and as the machine ahead approach- Introduce Infection Into the mouth. men but retain a fine array of not going to result. Those chil- ing itself would be extremely un- b l^lt seems vital that a start must, It was erroneously announced at a this way he walked down the main searching the floor of toe Connecti- Parents and nurses are Inclined soh to support It. on general principle, a fruit fast blem. per <*enl tax on passenger cars and a local court on September 12, after ed the- Lewie farm It was seen td go lore and sophomores who dren are being brought up with recent meeting of the Rebekahs that road and on reaching the north end cut river near the Bennett Bridge to overlook tbe habit because it likely to let some imassoclated crim- be -made by creating a clear undei> ------would be effective in stimulating the Pfogress of the social security 3 per cent tax on commercial vehi- having been found with a girl off the road and run against a low much vtduabie experience In/nearly purpose In. their veins, energy in dl-scrimlnatlon “on account of race color flow o f bile. the Odd Fellows outing to Forreet fence. It was dark and foggy at o f the lake turned In at the first en- for traces o f the murder weapon, keeps the child quiet. But you inal step In and get away with any standing of the question most at Is- program. cles, h u been repelled. named Mary t8toite]ln the woods on every, game, in 1933, due t o ^ e fact their bodies, and a w ill to work Maroh^0?*87iB?*^*” " servitude." (Adopted February 27, 1889; raUfied Spring street. The* young people Buckland’s farm on 'HlUstown road the time but Prentice saw the driver trance to the cottages at tbe lake. had abandoned the search after de- should detrelop other means ol in their minds. ■ such sum as ffiO.OOO Intended for sue—what shall constitute a day’s would be held September 29. The The first cottage at which he that the Lincoln machinira starters had left N ew York on a pre-ar- jump Into the field and run. It was claring his efforts futile. , quieting your child, means which Compare to this our own poat- themselves. ■ /JV NEW YORK outing will be held tomorrow after- stopped was owned by William Dou- usually rolled up an eariy lead. work, or more properly an hour's ranged plan; making the trip to this Impossible to halt him so the o f- The Speer home on the campus are sa'er and less likely to lead In- war era In which we cried, Down noon. with cars leaving Odd Fellows gan of this town. H e did not enter The quality of Dani^Blble’s soph- It Is an almost Inescapable infer- work, In this type of mill and that town by bus. They carried blankets ficer dashed to Boland’s filling sta- was under a police guard to save the to wrong mental attitudes. with atandardixatlon o f toa child,” hall at 1:30 o’clock for those who the place evidently, but took a row- widow from annoyance. omore material la exceptionally By F A L L HAHKIHUN e d X " i r i W ? ; “ ra?me7 °u"^^^^^ f A d o p t - with them and were found sleeping tion nearby and phoned police head- high. One m ay/ «p ect strong Ne- and accented indivldiialiam and ence, then, that whoever received 1 typ« “ f machine outdoors. desire transportation. quarterr here. boat and rowed across the lake Mr#. Speer, accompanied by her Very seldom la the constant New York, Sept. 21.v-Odds and braska teams p(r the next two or self development to-an. almost fan- the liiidbergh ransom money was and that type of machine. of'^n toxIS B ^M m m rr*'® !?^*^ sale, or transportation Case NoUed The call came to the Manchester coming out In the vicinity o f the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. sucking of a finger due to hunger. ends; Broadway, say habitues of-the thrpe campaigiliB. Any engagements atical degree. Tbe cult of noma 29 (-Adopted December 18. 1917; ratified January - It waa learned that HeusS’ moth- police-station from Officer Pren- cottage owned by Hamilton Metcalf. Welles and Dr. Robert H. Speer, But if your child is hungry, it may slthar tbs kidnaper or someone aei- Apparently It le from exactly that Rue Regret, Is a place where yoil 1019, repealed by Amendment No. 21.) u«*iuaiy the'Uornhusltors may lose this year o f the extremists .would have been er had died a year onu a half ago DID YOU KNOW T H A T - tice at 3:30 and at once Sergeant The dogs that were put to work at secretory of the Board of Foreign SUCK its fingers whereas 6t!ier>vise Ing for tbe actual perpetrators of the point that the Winant group Intends can get away with an yth in g-ex- may be charged to lack o f seoson- ludicrous if not so dangerons. ed'jun?‘4'"iB io ^ ~ »ie ~ ^ ‘i''®* t® r"®n *"<1 WTimen. (Adopt- and that his father had remarried. John' McGlinn, Police Officers 11 o’clock Wednesday night traced Missions o f the Presbyterian church, it mixht not. ‘ that the start on permanent peace cept what you camg with. ,. .There's ed June 4. 1910; ratified August 2«. 1920.1 Had these been allowed tliqtr original crime. There la no ration- The boy was unable to get along Michael Fitzgerald and W infl-’d the man to that spot and lost him. returned here from the burial serv- Theie are many different wavs way Without the opposition o f toe the story about the gah)b(er who On July 1. J934, active Depart- sas State Dark Horse. al doubt that Hauptmann got the, In the industry shall be made. v irt^ rfo rT r«l^ e n .i»? «®®®‘°ns of Congress: pro- with his stepmother and bis father Martin were dispatched to assist In In the morning more footprints ice at Englewood. N. J., last night. of con< rolling finger sucking, from conservatives, It would not hs've went broke in a crooked poker gsma,' 20 Aflonrerl’ir i Innuguration Day to January ment ot Commerce licenses were out for Kansas State with 150,000. Very few people wlU en- Thtto is. o f course, another con- did not want him around. Heuss Is held by 13,722 pilots and 6541 air- the hunt. The automobile marker ' the simple means of putting small new coaches, Lynn Waldorf, been long until all children ware went out and bought a726-csnt "dia- was secured and this was checked pasteboard splints on the el be ws, to tertaln any, tbsrefore, that It waa troviriilal point which is' beyond the coming Into an estate left by his craft. of Oklahoma A. and M. putting "self” before home, "be- mond" ring, returned and sold it for “’® Amindmentf' I A d o p te d F eb ru a ry with the motor vehicle department. prevent the child from bending-his JO, 1833, ratified December 5, 1933.) mother. . On recommendation of uie A trsmsportation company In In- Fry, formerly of Oklahoma fore community, state or country. he, perhaps aided by one or two cepsclty of the Winant board and 8800^—and later discovered he had It was owned by George P. Ander- arms, and fastening the hands ti/ state’s attorney his case was nolled dia Is experimenting with dry Icf City University. Aa it waa, thousands on toouaaitw others, who stole the bsby—and must be attended to by Congress— bean paid in counterfeit bills. son of 8 Finley street, only a short the sides during sleep, t j zu<^ N E X T: Proposed .Amendments. and funds were furnished , for his as an agent for.'cooling airplanes. Kansas State’s veteran line re- did put themselves above effort. Women are still muscling in on fare to his home In N ew York. distance east o f the spot where the methods as tbe wearing of mitl^.s. or purpdse or plan. that iU death cam# from the same the disputstloue Section'7-A of the Q!rude oil motors to be installed turned almost Intact. It held four mnis professions. • ManhatUn has car was left. Lie winding of adhesive plu.ster Self-Indulgence Only Interret bands that did the kidnaping. But National Recovery Act dealing with in the new German Zeppelin LZ-129 .conference rivals scoreless last sea- Uiree feminine laxl drivers who can With this information the police aroutto the fingers,' the application son and yielded only nine points to a What they "wanted” to d o at Inferences are not legal proof. collective bargaining. That, how- n"ence°'’!s I “ b'® truth in these statcmtnts and 1 have passed a 300-hour test success- drove to the home of George Ander- hold their own with any cop or o f bitter-tasting dubatan'^e^ and the mighty Nebraska creation. Kan- tbe moment was paramount, re- While cooklnr though. i that many serlqus wrecks could be ;J fully and the ship will make her first son. who they found asleep. He did There Is room for some Interesting ever, Is far lest a source o f trouble traffic Jam---- There's a lady truck use of other sorts o f ppdventlve de- sas State has one star back among gardless of coat to others. They nnd x l o « s : “"tfely avoided by removing the 1 voyage next summer. not know that his car had been la the textile Industry than It has driver named Emily Shaefer who vices. the holdovers, lots o f robust reserv- did It to toe cheers of their par- speculation In the amount of ransom OiU-of-town iriait I j "kinks" from the subiconsclous r ©LORIFYINe When airmail service was start- stolen. He had left It in the garage vvrestles heavy boxes fo pretzels Most Important Is^ pleriy of at- ists sand capable athletes from its ents and toe a p p ro v i^ noda o f money found in Hauptmann's been In some other lines and need « almost al-,I nUnds of drivers. The driver whose 11 ed In 1918, It covered-only 218 route at 11 o’clock last night. The key She once was a chauffeur for tehtirn op your ndrt to the correc- frisky»frosh of '33. toe experimentalists. "Brought not Interfere with a just and work- what thev of ] ®''b-conscious mind Is urging speed i miles as compared With more than was in the car, which was - a 1928 gsrage. "a ll street broker Is pretty in an tion of the diffipulty. Reiteration cl W aldorf and F ry inherit a win- up on daisies." No feeling o f ob- ^ . ----- fellow I Y ourself 38,000 miles, today Packard roadster, and the garage That sum, 118.780. Is almost able setUsment of the present die- Amazonian way,-and has-carmlns- York ^e ^®"' '■®f“ *® ‘ be otoer* fellow i the wernir.? constant removal ning spirit at Kansas State,-which ligation to any ope. No urge t<> bat* a whoop get ahead of him and considers A two-year college educaUon, or door had also been left unlocked. of the In most (nstancis help self, but a hundred urge# to 88,000 less tlum a third part o f tha' puts.. znameltd flngsrnal>a... .Some of tbs about Chinatown, aqd another wlf: speed first and .safety last easily was the second team In the 111 ' I speed first and .safety last. its equivalent, is necessary for those There was a slight down grade bring about some result. indulge self. President Roosevelt has uttered amusement places havs girl barkers Big Six Last year— perhaps the ransom money. Hauptmann la re- A sub-eonsclous/hablt ...... AlieisHart^^ wishing to enter the array air corps. which made it possible to back the There are the two boms of ttia 'There's a girl stllt-w ilk-r who car- age. ao a good many of these par- i ,'an««a rr,„r,„ .w. which j!l most formidable in toe achool'a hla- ported by hlB Bronx neighbors to b« his approval of the Winant report. causes many accldehU is ths habit car out of the garage and start I f ilUng and dirt eating are dUemma: to regiment chUdren, or ries sandwichboards. Two New Y’prk tlciilar tourists come under the d* WA S » v i « i e k “ tory. I regard Kansaa State aa tbe The report expreetes the earnest women run their own 'detective A,..1.1, . . „ Indecision, A driver troubI4d In on its own power. A double bar- bad Xablto which usually develep to bring them up ae pure ImUvldu- a person of modsrat# expenditures, guidance of the relled shot gun was In the car and real dark horse In the Big Six. iCenoles. Ssveril voluble lasses Architect.s Enier- ; this way starts to pass anothef'car. Any girl is apt to ask occaslbn- hlldren who are excessively alisU. Which? apparently not unbofltUng an unem- hope that the United Textile w ork- Fnith Cured Lad. also a flash light, neither of which -Iowa State should be difficult to make a pilch ’ along Broadway, era^i of of ’ i beiHtates and klowi dowm. tanj.'tng ally, "How will I look when I'm us or whose general health is ______Naturally, the safe middie way/ ers will call off the strike, the em- forty?” The only honest answer is, were Anderson’s. repel. Most of the regulars re- ployed cabinet maker .who was liv- celling rasor bladts. knifa sharpen- In ‘b “ P the traffic all around him * h* than normal. CTiildren with [ turned, incruding all of the lumks. Is best. To develop self by aU an organisation called Manhattan 1 "That all depends.on you."'. Cultists Claim The car waa returned to the own- ing on hlf eavlngs. He had not I ployere take bacirthe strikers with- ers and other gadgets. Scores of \yai(dera all over the road. He can't I such tendencies must also be con-, Oklahoma has much respect for means, but with an eye on Land Cruises. Beauty, like most worth while er. but the gun, later identified as out discrimination. women work for pitchmen as "caii- •ecr| to make up his mind. help in the future and toe good of bought a new car. still driving one Although they’re fitted and wlli- things, need's a firm foundation. Ansaldi’s,' was taken to the police trolled by watching and by every; Coach (3eorge Veenker and hla pere, or dacoye, being the first to A' little understood bauBs of acci- 4| effort to break up the habit as ; flghting;^ Cyclone combinations. Kcui- the whole at toe preaanL !!tndl- flve years old. He spent much of With a substantial guarantes that :ng to deliver ■ expert comment on If. year by year, you build for the station. Search of the fields con- vlduallsm" Is essentially Xmeri- -nske a purchase, then withdrawing dents Is operating when a driver'll early aa possible. ; State led us, 7 to 6, going Into his urns quietly drinking beer at a the stretch-out will be dealt with Ifmous skyscrapers, homes and Pall future, there's no reason why you tinued in the dark, the police using can, but it can become a / ‘daisy’’, Most children can be stopped ; t^e fourth quarter on our field last fiom the crowd to keep a lookout for ihurches, the guides will an any feels, a strong Impulse to smash his can't be as lovely when you’re their flash lights. This attracted neighboring German beer garden. both In the interest of the workers the police. from wetting'.the bed at the age of with no thought o, any./one Maa. sort of special request. Thev have car Into another. This comes maliisi' forty as you were when wer.e season, when three blocked punts and that of every fair minded manu- the attention of John Calve, the two ana a half years, some much Problem For Home/Too. H is. habits and his scale of living And during the last few evenings (“ “ “ l.Pbyslelane Into hospitals, au- ly from repression. It Is normal for twenty-five. Buf that building owner of the property, through by (Jash Gentry, a tackle, two of us to do something when ws fe'ri an be comfortable with earlier, and few not until after Tbe lack of regimentation, la - hardly account for the absence of facturer the way would seem to a pretty panhandler haa made her thors Into Harltm and merchants needs to be more than merely ex- which Kaminski ran. Calve thought which we were able to convert into Inward urge, yet our actions are three years of age. A fter three, reg- dangerous. Too much o f it la have been opened for the adjuatmaut- appearance in the theater lobbies, through factories. One fellow'came - cellent cqre of "skin, hair , and fig- that someone was trying to steal touchdowns, saved ua. more than two-thirds of a consld- often repressed oi thwarted by Gif'- ular wetting of the bed is an ab- crushing. To teach the child’ to rn a ta to ask you," ehr says, "but to Gotham and wanted to aee noth- ure. " Thdse are Important, of his grapes and he suddenly appear- Missouri should be better off also. respect toe rights of others, and srable fortune. They might even o f every other question at issue be- cumstances or Individuals around normal performance and should be please give a d e ce n t^ rl something ing but atalnsd glass. They.kept quick, ^leai^, even"heat! course. Skin must be nourished to ed with a shotgun pointed at O ffi- It is Frank (3arideo's third year, and at toe same time exercise hla own R ^ ra n t the guess that the 83,000 tween textile workers and texUle so she-ran gel a place t.i sleep."- It'i us which say "Don’t." After Suffi- controlled.' To prevent this habit, the squad! which includes 14 letter him busy. Another couldn’t think of keep it smooth and soft, hair must cer Michael Fitzgerald and was ex- give the child plenty of milk and right to be happy and to carry on man.ufacturers— none of which coiild irreslstable appeal, and cient repression has taken plaije, a b« men, should know the Notre Dame snlsslng from a one-third share may ^ any,.^sclal Interest— unless it might In no time at all you can have your kitchen : . gnd brutoed and groomed ao It will ceptionally nervous when he saw U water early In the day, but no la wlae. judging from jny obeervatlons of her strong Inner resentment ta created system thoroughly by pow. 'The have sufficed to support him a n ji ''* M long as the be women. So they took him bacli- house . .5. warn and comfortable these tin its youthful sbininesa, and was officers In his lot...... ;___ ■ fluids after four o'clock In the a ft- The child who Is eternally hu- activity, the girl must be maintain- and often shows itself later as a de- Drclaes must hs done- -to-keep the- CaU State PoUce. 1934 T ig e r s w ill bq the firs t all- his family during the more than two ■ ‘**''®tch-out issue remained In con- stagj at a couple of big , musical ernoon. A t 10 o’clock pick up the mored Is likely to be naitoar. Ha .r.R a suite at the \V.nldorr-A.storla hows. sire to hurt or smash. Such a desire t J Hot water is ready in a twinklfi. _Hronrm and sbapery. At 4 o’clock the police barracks (^rideo^^uad at Missouri, which Is , Is ofU n Irresistible. child and give It opportunity to becomes tbe dog-ln-tha-mangar years since the ransom was paid, I Muffed Shirt* All da.v long, and- into the cool niglits * Florence However, any smart woman at Stafford Springs were notified, one of toe principal reasons why it who pulls down but will not buD^ As' long as the sub-qpnscldus re- empty the bladder. appears ready to ^o. It may notnoi beDc unrca.sonable to Two of the best-dressed men of Kange Oil Burner serves eflicientlv . . is ready'for Fabeu!d..linqw thab-what...she 'K a n y and the bloodhounds, which had been Here-again, mental attention Is who is jealous but will 'not move, Manhattan are prominently in evi- senthpent stays Mttled up there Is y^ur immediate demands . , without the fuss of deep down inside — is what used in Coventry the day before, Those Kansas Iron Men. who chafes under law and order ■seume. then, that the ransom ONE INTERESTING CH.\RT I always a danger that when the In- counts, particularly after she’s exceedingly Important. Everything Kansas, which tied and outplayed •icnco these evenings along crowded dirty ashes! were asked for. Sergeant Hurlbut possible must be done to make the but who demands that others bow money waa divided equally among Broadway. Both wear toppers, tails, Health an{l Diet^ : dlvidual becomes emotional, h*' W'Hl forty. A very young girl often was in charge at the Stafford Bar- Notre Dame at South Bend last to him. Probsbly there were nevei^. no hsi-e a strong, compelling desire to can get by on physlMl beauty child interested and co-operative. year, is just about the toughest ag- three persons, o f whom Hauptmann l rief beard* and carry ,'anes. Oiu A,-Be sure you invest, your Range Burner money racks and Informed Captain Her- In 'this, rewards are more effective The home and all educational was one. many charts arid, graphs o f one kind pa.saea out cards advertising a near-1 Advice I drive .Into another car. The remedy - alone, but a mature woman needs man Schendel that toe dogs had gregation In the conference to turn ■yatema need to ponder these prob- I for this kind of accident Ilea In re- u * * ® burner . , approved ' ■Xtood-bye Oooss-fleeb . . a great deal more than that If she than punishment. back when it is right. and another drawn and printed since by danco-hiul...... -___ jBy Or. rraak Metloy been taken back to toe Beacon Falls lems. A general all-around growth If that asiumpiion is by any arranging matters so that the nor- by'the Lnderwriters’ Laboratories , . now in use in good-bye discomfort and Is to be popular and well loved The interest o f the child can be Ad Lindsey starts where he left ths dawn of the typographic art, in The other Is so prepossessing In : the ri.xk of catching cold. barracks, but be would try and get gained by marking on a calendar seems to be indicated in toe mak- chance correct it would practically liress and mien that he draw s' mal urges ara expressed normally thousands of homes . . made by the pioneer wickless by her friends and family. She to6m to Manchester by 6 o’clock off last November, when bis wrar- ing of the beat citizens. all tha world, aa have been swirling In ordinary acUvitles. With a Florence Heater the days on which it is rewarded dispose of any suspicion that one whispered comment as ha approach- ^ C A t M burner factory, Florence has made wickless stoves needs charm, poise, graciouiness and would also arrive h ii^ e lf about riors trimmed Missouri, 27 to 0, on Probably tbe you can live In every and a Ifivable, understanding na- for being successful. I t is, of. course and whirling through the aveniies of the doorways of cabarets and i toe same'time and would have addi- Thursday, boarded a train for Wash- CITY’S INTERFERENCE RAisrts ta n g may have clone the kidnaping since 1897. Be sure your Oil Burner is a Florence. room. There’s a large Una -ture."'"* Important that every physical de- Industry, trade, sgrlculture, eoclol- 'cstaurants'. When all the hystand-i t believe that there are nresent 5 °"’ ®*./'^’" “ * Impulse surging up tional police from toe different bar- ington and two days later defeated SCOTLAND YARD AVIRELSSS and a separate gang hi-jacked th« of Florence circulating A good way to go about acquir- fset-toat Is loted be properly con- •rs. perhaps Including a photos ra- ceruin mental causes In aatomobn# mind. The racks to help in the seai^h. George Washington University 7 to Ogy. education, pollUcs and alieer heaters to select from . . ing those admirable characterts-' trolled canaom; because Hauptmann would rher or two, are looking at him. he accidents and these help to explain ' enjoys a sen- In toe meantime Captain Schendel 0. That was an iron man feat if London;— (AP)--Scotland Yard la fadlsm In the United SUtes for the and every one Is attrac- tics— and a girl should begin when one ever waa performed. eartalnly have needed no two equal presses a button and across the vast toe unreasonable Increase In motor Th- « u,"” * ' “ PortAn®*- tive as well as efflclenL left the police station in charge of strateglcaUy located for averythlig last eight or ten years. And they amssb-ups. • Thesxaj to cure him of speeding isi pahe'a young— Is to cultivate toler- Officer Martin and with Sergeant RAIL.MEN ON STRIKE. Oklahoma’s hopes lie In the Im- but wireless transmission. ccMfederates in the latter uhdertak- bosom of his stiff shirt appear the Model shown. ; anee. Don’t jump at conclusions ®pHE chic twins look entrancingly informal tn their own version of all find their way into the newspa- .50 McGlinn, Officers Prentice, Cassells proved performances of her sopho- Interference la so severa that to oluralnatsd words; 'Drink So-and- tng alone. i where others are concerned. Gen- and Fitzgerald returned to the sec- SaniVi * •*’ ’"'hlclj can also be made up easily In jersey or Baltimore, Sept. 21.— (A P)— All mores of 1933. The loss of Bob cover the entire metropolitan area per shops. fio’s Whiskey." nLiih,!i‘5 Scienes" during hfs Lly lif“ " *mportanc. ' O f course It is possible that the erally you know only half of the tion. Men were posted at Middle * P,“ “ ®'^"® a®® svallable for sizes 14 to 20.and toe transportation men of the Wash- Dunlap cripples our passing and with police, alarms the yard la to Among ths entire continuoue crop Camping Out P ed by Dr. B. E. Free. I am Before any accident occurs there' $23-50 - circumstances which prompts an- ington, ^Itimore and Annapolis kicking gaffiss^ Dunlap, all-Blg y t»an may have bidden Che bulk of turnpike and Lake street, where of“ contrastmatorlaK** ' erect a hew, large transmitting aU- Some people who Uve in a lofty - pX w t it- “Ths Is usually a split second when toe and up other’s actions. If you knew all, Railroad company went on ^ strike Six quarterback for two years, the roost interesting chart we have strange mental disorders which cats were stopped that might be tlon well over on toe south side of to^aah elsewhere. Somehow that J partment building began sniffing H fh t action o£ on6 of th© drivers ; the chances are _ thnt ymtM—tSS carrying the hunted-man, another STRU^IOv/*sft *»1,.STEP.BV.8TEF SEALING IN. this morning, stopping all its service threw every one o f 6ur forward toe river. ever eeen is one appearing In the the brssaa toe other evening, trying psychologists call obseasions were ■?«n s Improbable. Any man Who could prevent It. During tola short _fllled_adtb-^-iiBaer8tan(Iing ratlmr waa placed at the Intersection ot among toe three cities. passes in 1932 and 95 per cent of The 'yard has 250 radio cars ttf locate certain odors reminiscent Indicted as common causes of auto- ME S e OP THIS nV aV& MENTION current number o f toe New England time, any action carried out la sug- ^ m ------than intolerance. Give people the H. T. (>mnoly, general manager of them last season. ' He also was the ••Crete • • much me $18,750 m mobile accident . . . by Dr. Millais toe new Bolton road and Middle equipped to receive telegraphic coda Newa LetUr, pubUcatlon o f the New Ol the woods. "Remtnds me of a gested by the aub-conscious mind. benefit ot toe doubt and give It to turnpike and Captain Schendel and bo o k, with a complete selection of the road, said they were batdng finest quick-kicker and puntSr the op a secret wavelength. In a garage would be ez- j cuipln , . One truck driver ad- eampfirs" one said. "I'd sweai there I f you wish your sub-conacipus.mind fHUKSpAY AND 5A1UROAY fVENINCS UNTIL 9 O 'a O O f them with none of that hoUer- Officer Prentice took a watch near Julia Boyd designs, now Is ready. It’s J8 cents when purchased some labor difficulties” and a state- conference has produced In yeara. England Council, ehowtog thf, per- was a steak and coffee cooking,'■ mitted that be often felt an Intense :than-thou atUtude. 1716/11 be . f p ^ ly likely to put aD hie eggs In • wisely during this toe road leading to South Bolton. fn'’fu sV ln ‘. jji; i* * pattern above, send ment would be given out later tp toe ' Oklsdioma' also la minua Bill Monck Mason, an EnsiUhmsn, ®*®fa8*s of increoae or decraaae in and almost irresiatlble desire to happier, o f course, and you will Cured by faith, hU pareau In just an additional 10 cents with the coupon. jB aket-w lth that baskst very declared another. They were both critical crisiz. Impress It eaqh dav A, freight train coming from WllH- morning. Panaze, quarter: Harry Allen, lend’, waa toa maker at tha first m o M » I drive stral’jht at another vehicls have gone a long way toward population, from 1900 to 1980, of right. Squatting lu front ot a fire wHh thougbU of safety. Before yoii operation. mantle to Bolton was heard* In the About 113 conductors, motormen Ellis Bashara, Jlggs Whittington, power-drlyen airship. It was agg*. appr^chlng-on toe rpad and crash building that Important foimda- physicians say. Wallace Doyal toe New England etatei by eouatlta. on bis penthouse terrace nearby, Mr. 8*t behind the wheel, cey to your- distance and a hurried trip waa and other transportatioa men ahd Marion -Foreman, guards; Corey Into I t Such eompulstons arc root- 'tion on which you’ll be able to Sharp, 8, Is shown here, a JULIA BOYD, 103 PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK shaped, weighed 20 pounds,' sad w u fartwpa. before toe lt«w editor. self; “I have all the Ume ta toe made to Bolton Notch where the walked out of the company build- and Cason, tackles; and Fleetwood, ed IB tos unconodous'mind." The stand, smilingly, after you’re tar- happy convalescent. The lad Enclosed Is IS cents in coin for \ driven by a spring motor. In 1841^ w ^ broUing a ateak of magnificent world,I am going to drive eafely at M AN C H B TE R , C O N N . train crew made a search of toe ings at 5 o’clock. They collected center. > at London, ha succeeded in flylag bL| just whlch^^’Top^ohs. And making some cof Article r»es on to say that toe ty. around the outside o f tbe buUdlpgs mania rer ai— '**- and capably.” Driving a car be- Beer ®0““‘*lnscars but Kaminski had not boarded Pattern No...... Site... Pansze was toe most accomplish- craft at toe rata of Six mllaa a a "•eUoae AAi'J.:. i ff®- He does that least once a sp#edln.< may be Ukewlss but there was no disturbance. nf the ^gion have gained M •«“ *» once comes much S|ifer when you solve toe train. Name ed safety man in toe conference. hour. • I ween, due to a due to an unreasonable Impulse A system o f pumps so powerful Holiness cult members prayed Address .... Tbe W. B. A A. toqk its Washing- nofUlffla tor the I believe that Mi. m i. I your emoUonal dlfflculUss before Sergeant Hurlburt from toe Staf- Baahara was an all-Blg Six guisrd that water forced from them will hnril a court order City...... ton passengers to the Camijen sta- U eoastder- yon roll do»n» the roed with smreral- ! ford barracks arrived at the Man- ...... State for two yeara Corey, Caaon and Oennany has naarW crush stones has been perfected by forced medical attention for a tion for them to take toe Baltimore chester police station at 6:15 and Name of this newspaper Fleetwood were regulara .alaphoaat in ua a RusaiaisiengiBeer. •srious leg InfecUon. A Ohio railroad trains to Wuhlng- » a u ; w u followed by o tter poUcosiexi Oklahoma realized that it had to only to tOB. get alhng without thaqa dsRiBdableit |har-af I '

w^craarrER ErmjTNC hbbald, manc h est uk, conn.. Friday. September 2x i «8«. BSP wniii^— MANCHESTER EVENING! M RALD, MANCHESTER, CONN ^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.198*. PAC Cards Down Braves Twice, Trail Bu 3 1-2 ^am

CENTER OF SEARCH FOR KIDNAFO^ CLUES TIGERS’ SERIES HOPES REST ON ROWE a HERPS KEY EVIDENCE IN UNDY CASE i HUBBELL’S SINGLE WINJ StcLvts Sbcl soix October 12 cad ipi amtc ai/vd MUST OVERSHADOW Announce West Side Loop DRAFTSMEN BEATEN With B m iant Prospects' roR GIANTS OVER FOUR OF GREATEST Batting, Fielding Marks BY ELECTRICIANS; > *f“ ®*‘* * ^ * * ' t o t t e r m e n and a number of WEST SffiES AFTER Yanks Dnib Hgere 11 PITCHERS IN GAME The individual hatting and field-AQub had two players over the mark. de^oSlch Ch.5r%^/L" W^feffo^r S ; Donahuea^wcomertj Ic Dap*e|n lag reeorde at players la the West Godek .batting .750 with three hits lu FRANK SMITH STAR opening of the Red and White's The team ia captained by Charles Bot Are Behind by 5 1 H Bide League were announced today, four attempts had Plltt .600 with fourth season of the hill and dale Donahue, veteran of three years of GAME THIS SUNDAY compiled from figures obtained from ^ e e hits in six attempts. sport, one which is expected to provs competition; Lionel Coburn and the most successful evtr enjoyed by Games; Cnbt AH Bat Schimiacher May Start for Bert MoCoakey, official ecorer, but . Fielding Stare George Leary, ace 830 yard runners; It la virtually impossbtle to name Final Score Is 9 to 2; Textile the local harriers. During the three Richard Carpenter, eenatlonal miler; tha leader la either department, due Big CHIorge SUvnlUky of the yeafs of lu existence, the team has PVancli Peckenham, coneletent point Grid Champs Practice To-mated as Contender; A Giaiiti; Uien Tliere’s Hob- to tha dlffersaoe in the number of West Sides bit at a .292 cUp and compiled a record that rivals Wl- getter last year; and Billy Mpreb, gamee ia srhleh the players partici- fielded .063, handling 74 chancee Blanks Carpenters 11-0, gren’s Splendid achlsyemehts m track and field. AA-U two mllo cnamp. Promising pated. with three errors. The West Sides men on the squad are Joe Fit^erald, night to Prepare for Pos-| and Dodgers Featnfe. bell, Parmalee, fitz ^ * led In the number of players with Bight Over 400 Mark as Saverick Pitches Two- Seek State Title Bob Murch, A1 Cdhum. Ed Ander- In hatting, tha Bluafialda had fiva perfect fielding percentages, seven Manchester opens Its season cn son, Frank Vittner and Arthur sible Grid Opener. ] mom to Be Coonted On. pla^fk bitting bettar than 400, in all, while-the Bluefieldj and Fridsy, October 12. agalnet Olaiton- i Pratt, Some of these are veterans of By HUGH S. FLXLEBTON. JB. Chueky Smith topping the Uat with Cathollea had six. apiece. Outatand- Hit C o n te s t^ w ry High on the letter’s course. 1 other years- and seem capable of (Associated Press Sporto Writer) , tog among the 1.000 percenter* were The sohedmS consists of five dusi a percentage of 444 'wltb . eight pressing tbs regular barriers. Tom- Ths West Sides football team The fluetuattiig fortunes of Muglaa In 22 tripe to tha plau. Bren- Gustafson o f the West Sides, who meets and includes the stats meet on my Danaher is manager of ths team. major league pennant contenders i I EDITOR’S NOTE: This la tba hahdied 35 chanese without a bob* November and the annual Recrea- hold a practice eeaeloa at the ) turd « f a lertsa of four artioles nan, Boh Smith, Plurek and Kovls The ball game between the Draft- The 1934 schedule is as followrs; West Side tonight at 7 O'clock and day left the 'Dgere at the end Of) complete the qiiintat. ble; Burkhardt of tha Catholic Club, schdlABtiG fAct da Oct. 12 -Glastonbury, away. another Sunday momiag at lO their important series with tha! OMnpariag tbo Dotrolt T lg m who handled 20; Uedlund and Bob ing and Electrical departments of Thanksgiving Oay. Last year, the j ai^ the Now Yortc Qiaata Wilklnaon waa the only member the Manchester Trade school, play* Oct. 19—Middletown (pending*, o'clock. Theoe two praotiea eee- standing Ju8t where they started lY^ of the West Sides to gain the charm- Smith, J>oth of the Bluefields, who Red and White lost only one of its home. siens are important inaamueh as —8 1-2 games in the van—but witb' bandied ten each- , ^ at Mt. Nebo yesterday afternoon six dual meets, that to Hartford By JAMES B. BESTON ed circle, hitting 488 with two hits pet. 28—Hartford, homa there is a fame pendiag this coming a much better chance of holding tha^i la six atUmpte, while the Catholic The complete Usi of averages In ended in a one-sided triumph for High by a single point, placed elxtn Nov. 2—Bristol, away. Sunday against a strong New Brit- lead. . i (AsMicUted Traaa Sports WHtar) the Electrical department. The wbatting and fielding follow: in the State Meet and captured the Nov. 9—Weaver (pending) away. ain opponent. And after the even break between ! Naw York, Sept. 21,— (AP)— The WEST SIDES score waa 9-2 when the smoke Thanksgiving Day special hefe. The Nov. 16—State Meet, away. The team is rapidly rounding into the American League rivals endlnfi Cleary at the end of the sixth and state Championship Is the goal of Detroit Tigers zaay hava more spoad BATTDfO final frame. Nov. 23—Open. form under the guidance of Coach with New York’s 11 to 7 triumph,: and batUng power than the New > - AB. H. Pet. PC. A. E. this year's team, which consists of Nov. 29—Rec race. Crockett. With such promising yesterday, the center of the argu- York Olaata, but unlaea Lynwood Dowd. If, r f ...... 34 8 Frank Smith was outstanding on material as O I Anderson and Eoa- ment resu in the National where - .250 6 0 0 u e mound by fanning nine and al- “Schoolboy” Rowe ovarehadowt four Holland, of, 0, 3b 38 8 .115 18 2 3 bert aa centers; Rowe, Leggett and the Giants lead over tha CerdinaiO'' B. Maaqsv, 3b, e ...... lowing only fiva bits. Daigle star- G. Anderson at guard; Kovls, John- «f the groateat pitohara la the game, 37 6 .185 17 22 5 red with the willow for the Electric had been reduced io 8 1-2 games and Detroit’a chancee of winning the SUvnItaky, l b ...... 34 7 .292 74 4 3 son and Dugan at tackle; Henry, the situation was becoming acute. to**", getting two hiU out of three Varrick. Crockett and Tyie. at end, world seriee are not too bright. WrighL a a ...... 35 7 .280 11 21 tf 5 trips to the plate. Poreheron star- Take Double Bill . Carl MubbcU, on his performaaca Fsrr, 8b ...... 36 0 .192 8 8 0 the West Sides havs a formidable The Cards wound up their affair til red for the Draftemen getting two Ed Kovis Gets Contract forward wall. The backfleld boaau thla aaaaon, ratM about sixth among Hadden, rf, lb ...... 16 8 .188 7 0 0 hits out of thrse tries. at Boston yesterday with a douhl^f tha pltebara in the majora right Ouetafsoh, e ...... 31 S .288 35 6 0 euch well known ball carriers aa triumph 4 to 1 and l to 0 aa Tax^J new, liSfty Qomea of tha Yanks, Poutaay, p ,r...... 5 0 .000 1 't extile Wins Easily Hayes, A. Eagleson, B. sisgleson. Carlton and Bill Walker aUowad 4 0 A carnival of eight safe blegles, Dtaay Data of the Cardinals, Hal Falkoskl, p, e f ...... 13 0 .000 3 14 2 Sendrowski, Angelo, Brown and only 11' bits in two contests Bcbumacher, bis teammata, Rows, HartI, p ...... 5 0 .000 0 0 Including Keisb’s twin-bag smash At Cards Training Camp; Happeny. with these men to form clipped a half game off tbo Now:; 3 which almost left the premises, and Lonnie Wameke of the Cubs WUkIneoa, r f ...... 6 . 2 .383 0 0 0 the necleus of the team, the West Yorkers margin. The GianU won a ‘ rating above him, but In a single JoUey, If, rf ,... i , . . . . 5 combined wiu. alx free passes is- Sides should enjoy a winning aaa- single -contest from tho Reds 4 to 1 0 .000 3 0 0 sued jointly by Jarvla and Kayan SOD. eerles, ae'ia not likely to be equalled. T- • -- when Carl Hum.ell ended bis owp * was the setting which brought It ia planned to open the heme The other regular GHante’ pitchers Team Average ...... 223 48 .194 183 84 18 437 Will Be Sent To Jdinors duel with Paul Derringer, with • ' are Sehumaebsr,.Roy Parmelse, and wrath and devastation upon the seuon on Sunday, Sept 80th at Mt ninth Inning single that drove ia the Carpentry hurling staff. It spelled Nebo, If given the support of the Prsddy Fltsslmmoaa. Managsr Bill BLDEPnELDS winning run. Another posrible con- Terry may start Schumacher ia the another crowning victory for the football fans, an andeavor will be tender in the National League w as' BATTora FIELDIKO Textile department when the Car- made to bring some of . the beet _ flret gasM of the series. Certainly it AB. H. PcL PO. A. K all but eliminated when the' Cuba • wiu be Schumacher or Hubbtf. Pet. penters and Textilers clashed at SOFT BAIL TROPHY Local Fonr-Sport Star’s teams in ths state bare to oppose wilted before Philadelphia bitting m > Brenata. e f ...... 25 8 A30 10 1 1 .917 Highland Park yesterday afternoon, the West Sides. A gsme Is In the Whlebaver one pitches tha first, tha C. Bmlth, lb ...... 23 8 A84 8 1 the final score being 11-0. the eighth and took their tblr ether will likely start the second, ll .727 works with ths strong All Bumsids straight defeat's to 7. “JAFSIE” JUBILANT OVER COUP Katkai^k, c ...... 18 4 .222 68 1 i .931 "Savvy" Saverick. Textile port- Pitching Ability Impresses team, and tbay will appaar hera ia and Paj^elea probably will get the R. Smith, rf ...... WON BY ARMY-NAVY: "-T" DETECTIVES HND RANSOM MONEY IN GARAGE 31 7 .333 10 • 1 0 1.000 slder, chucked a superb two-hit ball, tha near future. When thla *«>» Long Win StraakB COUPLE HELD AS SUSPECTS third cell over Fltzslinmons. This Is E. Ragusktu, l b ...... 21 6 .238 38 1 1 cornea to town the fane will be A couplo of second division clubs? .-H’ - - not to .say that Fitxslmmona will .975 striking out 11 cablnst , makers and ‘ -jy~- SL Louis Scout at WiUi- Rautanbarg, if ...... 17 4 .385 4 0 0 1.000 Issuing no walks. " ‘Savvy's”' abill- treated to foothaU aa It aboujd ba the Athletics and the D ozers doml*')] if... ' *Ts.l>< not bo usod. Ho will: but more fn«w Plurak, an ...... 8 3 .838 1 3 0 W ra the hill la remarkable In it- played. aated the, rest of the program. Tha^ 'Jtf- . likely In the rsUef role. l.Q0fl_ Xannedy, as . ; ...... 11 8 J73 11 8 1 .941 self and will In all probability be Final Standings of Rec-Le- mantic Camp; Bob Smith Ckiach Crockett hopes for a full A’s recorded their seventh' atraight^ Consider these New York pitchers A. Regvukus, 8 b ...... 21 4 turnout of the squad at the next triumph downing the White SoiTe to- asi-fS Individually: .190 6 3 3 .750 put to good advantage by Coabb Neuhauer, p 14 1 .#71 1 10 0 1.000 Frank Crowley when the 1935 var- two practice sessions, aa he has a 5. The Dodgers scored their sixth L 1—Hubbell. He has not been In- Kovls, p ...... 8 1 .333 0 0 0 sity squad takes to the diamond gion League Second Round May Be Signed. new set of plays to ^ve the players. in a row, beating their favorite vlo» vincible lo the National League this .000- Jones, p ...... 0 0 .000 1 0 0 1.000 next spring. Urns, the Pirates 2 to 1. year, partly because the boys are be- Patton, If ...... The Indians breezed through to a • / w*/ >t —-. * 4 1 .250 0 0 0 .000 Drafting Department Are Annonneed. ainning to get used to hie screw ball. Hediund, o ...... 8 0 .000 10 Edward Kovls, one of Manches- 8 to 1 triumph over Washington, ; They are moving as far ahead of the 0 0 1.000 AB R HPO A E TUNE-UP BATTLES — — • ' . —— Oflarla, 2b . . . ,...3 1 0 4 2 1 I ter’s most veraetils athletes, has while the Browns won over tiwfteil'; plate aa possible, r.oping to get a Team Average ...... 188 Poreheron. as Sox 4 to 8 vyben Jack Bums eockad 48 .358 153 s« 13 .936 .'...3 0 2 2 2 0| The Army and Navy and Rose been awarded a contract to perform crack at the ball before it breaks, Wetherbee, cf ...3 0 1 0 0 0 ON COLLEGE GRIDS a homer with one on in-the ninth. and to a certain extent they have CATHOL 10 CLUB Quartus, lb .. ,...3 0161 Co. No. 1 tied for first place in the with 'minor league clubs of the 8t. been successful, though Carl has got BATTINO Neff, U ...... 2 0 0 1 1 second round and in the playoff Louis Cardinals chain of ths Na- over the 20 game limit easily FIELDING Olandar, 8b tions League, according to word AB. H. PcL PO. A. ...,2 0 0 0 0 game the Army and Navy team de- enough. But the world series and tha E. Pet Gvensky, p .. ...2 0 0 0 1 received here late yesterday afUr- FootbaH Slides Into Sport Mahoney, If ...... 33 6 .261 6 0 0 1.000 feated the firemen 9-7. By virtue COAST GUARD TEAM league season ars different things. Raynor, If, ef. 3b Hiinski, rf ...... 0 0 0 0 0 of this win the ex-service men are noon from the training camp being The Detroit players are not used to . 16 6 .875 7 1 1 .889 conducted at Recreation Park In Burkhardt, Ih, cf . 10 1 Roberts, e ...... 2 1 1 6 0 crowned league champions having Hubbell’s peculiar delivery and thla .100 30 0 0 1.000 Picture Tofflorrow With Varrick, r f ...... Jliklles, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 won the flret round with six wins Willlmantlc thla week to uncover T‘-; Weird reverse curve of his; conse- 31 3 .750 6 0 2 .750 promlelng baseball talent. Bogglnl, se, 2b . . . 17' 2 .118 7 11 4 and one defeat. A trophy^ demeted COMPOSED OF VETSi quently they will be at a disadvan- .818 18 7 4 by the Recreation Centers, will be Four-Spo.-t Star Bonadles, e ..... 11 1 .091 18 3 1 .954 Warm-Up Games. • II ' I tage, just as the American Leaguers Mlkan, as, 2b .... presented to the winning team s . a Kovls, an outstanding figure In were in the all-star game. His con- 19 3 .158 10 15 4 .862 baseball, football, basketball and C. Massey, 3b .... 17 3 .176 6 11 1 memento of their suecese In the trol is perfect, he knows how to J. Hewitt, p ...., .944 Smith, p . flr« year of soft ball Competition. bowling ctrcles. In alL.four sports of New York, Sept 2X.— (AP) — 10 2 .200 1 10 0 1.000 Last Year’s Eleven \ pitch, oe can field his poslUon and Godek, p ...... Biseell, d . Final Standing—Second Ronni' which he has displayed exceptional Football slides unobatrusively into he has as good a variety as any 4 3 .750 1 0 0 i.ooa Daigle. 3b ability. Is a pitcher, a member of F. Hewitt, p 5 0 W. L. PC. the sport page tomorrow despite' ' pitcher in the business. .000 1 0 #0 1.000 Cook, ss . Army and Navy .., the Bluefields during the current heavy competition from major Intact; Look Forward to^ Vince, c ...... 5 1 .200 14 1 1 . 6 1 .857 2.—SchurpaCher. He is a faat-ba’l .933 Brewer; If Hose Co. No. 1 ___ . 6 1 season. He gained the recognition league baseball, polo and the Ameri- Lovett, 3 b ...... 1 0 .000 0 1 0 .857 of Charles "Pop” Kelchner, veteran pitcher,' and one of the most versa- Putt, 8b, 2b ..... 1.000 Storm, 2b American Legion . 4 3 ca’s cup yachting eries. 6 3 .500 11 0 1 .917' Staklinekl, .572 scout of the Cardinals, who is con Good Season. tUe hurlere in tlie game. He is a McLoughlln. lb ... lb Bluefleld Srs...... 4 8 .672 Southern Califoi'nla will warm up good'hitter, a good base runner, and 7 0 .000 23 1 2 .920 Hagenow, cf M. F. D...... ducting the camp, early. In tha — . 4 8 1173 with OccldenUl and Whittier; Ore- one of the best fielding pitchers in — ______—— Sclbek, rf VeU. Foreign Wars week. Kovls is a side arm bur.er, gon StaU playa WUlimetU and Team Average ... 172 34 .198 130 . 3 8 .386 the majors. His curve is good end 56 17 .916 West Sides ...... '2 5 gifted with terrific speed, and ef- Pacific; and U. C. L. A. takes on New London, Sept 31.— (AP)- .286 forts were made to develop an over- hi? fast ball sinks. He does not have 30 9 9 18 6 8 Main O ffice...... 0 7 .000 Pomona and San Diego SUte. The navT* of Connecticut having ( a change of pace worth mentioning, Score by innings: hand pitch but side irn 'was found Texas Christian gets the Jump la quered the seven seas is now fm but his control this year has been Drafting Department .. 002 000—2 to bh- hls natural aiyie. His work- the Southwest conference with a tog its football guns on a land si^1 tack. etfect. He has won more games Electric Department .. 141 102— 9 outs were Impressive enough to win night game tonight against Daniel glaa any other New York pitcher POSTPONE YACHT RACE Two base hit, Poreheron: three a contract and It is expected that Baker, while tomorrow Rice will Back from a cruise of four mont and ia next to Dizzy Dean in games base hit, Quartue; tits, off Smith 2, he will be sent to the Elmira or play Loyola at New Orlaana; Texas which took the cadets to variou y'on and lost Gvensky 9; stolen bases, Drafting Greensboro club of the Cardinal eoraers of the world the Ckiasti chain. meets Texas Tech, Texas A. A M 3—Parmelee. His wildness is ex; 3, Electric 4; double plays, Neff to SUICIDI^CHEDULE faces Sam Houston Teachers and Guard Academy has lost no tima ia I kggofxted. Though he has been out TO REPAIR ENDEAVOUR Oflarla, Oflaris to Poreheron; ’ left Oiptaln At Trade Southern Methodist plays North becoming football conscious. A t ' of the game most ot the season re. on bases. Drafting 2. Electric 6; Kovls, a tall, husky lad. captained Texas Teachers. the opening practice last Friday i base on balls off Gvensky 3: struck the local State Trade school team Coach John Merriman was greeted^ covering from an' appendectomy, he Manager Mickey Cochrane’s ability « . « . . . _ Heartbreakbg Slate Does lu tha South, the schedule for to- V*®'**’" ’**’ •"‘ •'•medlary known u "Jafsle '. has bad better control this year rh-n out, by Smith 9, Gi-ensky 6; time, In 1933 and had a batting average by a veteran squad. of .237 and a fielding avrerage of morrow includes Virginia I ^ sad Apparently in perfect conditlM : tS? nnvmSf «t left, he dIscuBsed with a detective ever before. When the GlonU falter- SopwAs Request lo I hour. 15 minutes; umpires, Hitch- Roanoke, and Kartucky and Mary- clearing up the aenaatlonal cnee. He delivered the trallof the first conclusive evldenca ta the Undbergh Wdnaplnr mvsterv onsrallvee Held 'Jitt Bernard Richard Hauptmann t&r quesUonlng in connee- ing and Hanna; seorekeeper, Irwin. Not Contain a Breather at .700. In the West 8|de League, he and with tha 1938 taam almost In-! A ed down the stretch. It was Parme- should be auffclent proof of his abill- ville. Denver of the Rocky Moun- Uon wth the finding of Undbergh ransom money In hit EaraE# ia lee who came to the rescue. He has Textile Departme.i pitched only one game for the Blue- tact, the eadeta hope to take a prom- > orSTatSSecU auapecta in an effort to identify them. - vlew^ h.mdrid: ty to do just this. But the world fields and turned in a victory. He tain conference opens against Colo- inent spot in the football sun this- ,hls wife, who. Is shown beside him above in a anapshot made while a great fast bail, which sinks part Pot Fourth Match Off to AB R HPO A E rado Mines tonight, while Montana r,;;.?,:. c 's s s '.r a a '* - "• *“» ’ they were on a aeaaide puUng. The couple are tha naranta of a series may be another thlng„, . . Lashiaske, ea ..1.3 l -0 0 0 0 Any Stage. had a batting average of >333 a nd year. To all of tbie Coach Merrt-, young son. Bruno, • _ * of the time and sails the rest Stout fielded perfectly; He SUte and Brigham Young collide man says: “Given a fair share hearted, but inclined to be careless Though Gus Mancusu is an able Staklinekl, c ...... 31 110 0 0 was selected tomorrow. catcher, he la completely overshad- Tomorrow So ChaHenger Sltek, lb ...... 2 8 2 2 0 New Haven. Se; the Bluefields starting pitcher breaks, 1 know well utabUsk.'-dCSyi’ Parmelee is Just a fair fielder, but ept. 21— ( A P I - against the Green In the town title The east's inaugural tonight pltU selves on the football mafi thia'I desplU this handicap, be Is likely to owed by Ckichnna Ths Detroit man- Kelsh, l b ...... 2 3 2 2 0 Yale’s 1934 footballill fortunesrortunes re- Saverick, p ...... 2 2 2 1 1 opener last Sunday and twirled Duquesne against Waynaaburg; Holy year.” get the call to start the third gama ager wia outhlt him. outrun him, Can Obtain New Genoa mlHus of aa Island wliere they are Cross playes SL AnseU; Chick Mee- and handle his pitchers with bette: Zybk. rf ...... 0 0 0 1 0 entirely surrounded by Ponds — niasterful ball. He allowed six hits, Fred Helmer, fiuarterback. Is j 4—Fitsslmmons. The best knuckle SUuro, 2 b ...... 3 0 0 0 1 fanned eleven and walked two, but han’s Manhattan warriors tackle SL ready to conUntte his sparkling a x -" CHIL^ WHOSE TRAGIC END STIRRED WORLD ball pitcher in basebaU today and judgment. Mickey wiU have no more Head Coach Raymond W. (Duckv) Bpnaventure and Wait Virginia lira than Gus, howsvsr, and ht Is Jib; Favored to Lift Ciip: Vojeck, 3b ...... 2 2 1 - 0 0 Pond and bis tears. loet when hit mates were unable to plolta wyeh last year led the ta WHERE “JAFSIE” PAID FOR BABY’S RETURN the best fielding pitcher in the game. Demko, I f ...... i o 0 0 0 eolve the delivery ot Johnny Man- plays West Virginia Waaleyan. throygti' a highly succe«tfvtl •Tat Freddy” has good speed and not llkaly to threw aa wall aa Gus.. The Yale star o.- a decade age Deptula, r f ...... i o 0 0 0 who ia in charge of Bulldog grid- kus. Possessed of great strength, n a ^ . Harold Land, Nat LathreiE3 excellent control. He Is perhaps the Maacuao win nead a good arm to Butler, I f ...... 2 0 0 1 0 his delivery Is marked by blinding 'Larry Davis. Richard Smith, ------^ most . zerloue workman on the keep these Tigers from eteaUng Newport, R. I., Sept. 21!— (AP)— iron destinies for the first time, speed. Blouin, (Sene Lafferty and BUI Giants’ staff. bases, end, in contrast, Cochrane T. O. M. Sopwith'e ^deavour, Brit- never was one for weeping or pes- 8 ISo 2 0 Smith Looks Good are other backfleld stars, who should k- . With the exception of Parmalee need net have euch a strung arm, be- lib ebaUenger for the America's sl^mlsm. but a glance up and down provide Merriman with an unusuaU u e Blues suicide schedule Is enough It Is also understood that Robert all the New York pitchers hava cause the Giente do uot attempt to cup, continued the prime favorite to- "Bam" Smith, who deserted Man- well balanced eet of ball carriers more experience than the three hurl- steel many bases. day to lift tile ancient yachting to make a nR>re seasoned coach Captain Charley Columbus L. Smith, e ___ than young Pond turn on the tears Chester High's football squad for I. ers who,...wlll probably start for De- flfurea on the pitchers and trophy although Rainbow, Harold Miclesko, cf , the week to seek a try-ou\ ie also IbT O D lM G S again expected to be the bulwark o f , troit, Rowe, Tommy Bridges and catchers (as of Sept. 14) follow S. Vanderbilt's defender, yesterdav The heartbreaking slaU begins Oc- ths line. Practice sessions are be^ 'i Jarvla, se, p . tober 6 wltb Columbia and does not likely to obtain a contract. KelcK^ , Elden Auker. DETROIT PITCRERe led the Invader around m a leeward- Noske, lb .. . ner being Impressed by his wonder- ’iTESTEBDAT'S RESULTS ing held just below Jones field alaOff.,li C R SOW L windwrard course by nearly three ani contain a breather at any etage. National When Rows reported to Manager jwe ..... 4S SS8 T4 las as S .res Bueky, 3b .. . ful throwing ability and bis stance the banka of the Tbamea river.^ a half minutes. ”1 won’t say we will be terrible SL Louis 4-1, Boston 1-0. Jones field is to be used only fof;^ Mickey Cochrane this spring, bo ...... 4» rs is a xes Kayan, p, eg . nor do I ixpect the team to be a tt the plate. Charlie Varrtpk'iieem- was throwing the ball side arm and 2^4»...... ns se 1S4 IS 11 ;«ai , Rainbow's performance woulo Kukucha. 2b . «d in line for a contrut-me to his New York 4, Cincinnati 8. games. The miniature ermy-navry/ Hwett ... as ss IS ai a a 4os have been more impressive had not world beater,” Pond says. "There's Philadelphia 9, Chicago 7. battle between Norwich and t l ^ practically every other way. Coeb- FIsekev .. . IS IM SS SS B « .sae Sudolf, rf .. . nothing to do but try to plug along fine hitting but wa»'' t Worcester: 17, Middlebu ff £?."5?'*e-.. la tea SI as a s Sopwith asked for a postponement pleased with the way the squRd'has STANDING at Mlddlsbury; 30, Trinity; s he has perfected a great slow ball vis 3 in 2 Innings, Kayan 8 In 2 In- responded to the stay at OalM Fcr- has to develop, better curves. .Quite National Fl• ...... *a ra 14 a 4 4 .sn could arrive to take the place of a Textile 8: tefi; on bases. Carpentry town are also at'the camp Ul ' fill badly fitting beadsail which yester- has replaced .he cwlth of oars for New York ...... 91 54 . dull October weather in -which the *"'•* ...... as sa IS n s s xtb 7, Textile 4; base on balls, off Jar- the second time In Yale footbaU attempt to . win contracts-wt those SL Louia ...... 86 56 .i series is played, this speed should DETROIT CATCHERS day probably contributed much 'to vis 4. Kayan 2; hit by pitcher, Ku- history; mentioned have the best chanets to „ . C AB R H RBI SB PC Endeavor’s defeat. Cajlcago ...... 81 61 .1 be a great advantage. ^hraa* ..ns 411 68 tSS SS T .r;s Miicba, Michalik, by Saverick; "Practics has been systematic date, Boaton ...... 71 70 J La st N igh t *s FtghU J! . Detroit’s other starting pitchers Rarwarth.. 4S IM IS 46 tt e Rfe Very few who witneesed yester- struck out. by Janie 2, Kayan 3. and carried out with a great ear- It has been announced that Frank PltUburgb ...... 68 71 .i Ug quesUon marks, Elden Auker is GIAlVTr OATCRERB day's saiUng duel, could give Rain- Saverick 9; time, 1;30; umpire, nestness of purpose,” said Pond Locke of New London, who pitched Brooklyn ...... 65 77 .i Maaeiiaa ..ill SIO ao 88 aS 6 .33T bow anything but an outside chance (By the Aeaoelated Press) perhapa the finest young pitcher to Daaalaa .. 4S T8 r SS T 1 .373 Frank J. Crowley seorekeeper, "The men srs working hard and for the West Sides back in 1930, has PhUadelphla ...... 53 38 .1 (!lhicago—King Levlasky. sin his spurs in .the majors this ITeaierrawi Tka Oa«eal4ara>. of keeping the America’s cup oh this Chapman. fighting for places on tha team been given a contract Cincinnati ...... 51 91 .1 (Siicego. outpointed Art Sykes, with the possible exception of side of the Atlantic, where it has every one of which U wide open ex- American Elmira, N. Y.. (10); Leo Ro< Paul Dean of the St. LouU Cardl- TO OPEN INDOOB SEASON. reposed since the schooner yacht LEAFS ARE FAVORED cept Captain Clare Curtins post at PAWNEES TO PRACTICE Detroit ...... 94 51 .( 128 3-4, Chicago, outpointed Eye •-Jr -.-' aals. Up around the .700 mark for bearing it’s name won It in 1851 by tackle. Even Curtin has some un- New York ...... 89 87 .( (Young) Rlghtmlre, Sioux a ty :> >: ^ m'' i J. J. the ?ea.son. he has not pitched so New Haven, Sept. 21.—(AP) — l«ating a fleet of British yachU Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 21.—(AP) derstudies who are not asking nor The Pawnees foctball team will Cleveland ...... 79 67 J (10); Henry Rothier, 149, Mt itten but has been more effective The Indoor profesaional boxing sea- around the Isle of Wight. —The final play off eerics of the In- giving any quarter. This u a series bold a meeting and practice tonight Boston ...... 72 73 .( ni., stopped Eddie Stiegel, 100 N.-. • . . > dian Bridges. TOB win be uahertd in at the New? Elndeavour now needs only two ternational League shifts to this of Innovations for Yale. at the Willianis Street lot at 6:80. Philadelphia .... 65 78 .( Chicago, (8); Johnny Stanton, , 'v .V ^ -W victories out of four to take the cup city tonight with the Rochester Red Plans for the coming season wlU be s' Tommy Bridges, who stands a Haven arenq 8«pL 24. according to "These include not only a new St. Louis ...... 65 79 .( Minneapolis, outpointed Oeno Sa to 'Phlch the crime waa SB uaouscameat mada by Match- across the ocean. With tha weathaff Wings trailing the Toronto Maple- disiussed. The team will also de- Washington-,...... 63 81,< .( tore, 186, La SaUa, m.. (6). committed, tha fame of hU father, the myatery of the Taction over 6 feet 10 inches and bead coach, a training camp and cide upon bow jevseys for tbo tragic d lico v e ry ^ velghe only 185 pounds, gets more maker AI Carolly today. mau’s ration for Saturday aad tha iaatt two games to none. Toronto tiiree Importer* aaoUtant coaches, Chicago ...... 51 M J U v a r p ^ Englaad— Freddie: •J^unwtw ^ ‘*®*f»*>* Jr-i ^rom his ^**“ **^ naUonal 'attention on ^ idd* ^The Initial card wUI be featured ansiitng races probably reata the re- now needs only two more victories will be eecured. After the meeting, TODAY’S OAMCBS i wungster is ehown above in two Httltudea that parents home near HopeweU, N. J„ in 1932. Tha .peed for- bis stxe than anyone jt ^ t also a new system; The eyetem Mr,r. N . ^ A.. featherwalgM ^g* w *^ v er*2 d t o V e '^ u a o J ? t n ’‘M alch^ ^ Undbergh baby kidnap-.. by a double windup of ten rounds •toj.m- to eliminate their rivals and gain Oiach Ted McCarthy will put the '■I >> ' Nattenal pion, outpointed Nel Tariet Td ave^e his death the police of New York' and raade him a favorite with friends and the public alike. Lindbergh waited nearbv. Dr John F Condon *n p lctu ^ above. While Col. Charles he game. He has a great curve and of past seasons has been scrapped team through a tough scrimmaga, hough he has ba,1 a good deal of eech. Bug Mignault of Brookline, the honor to represent the Intema- la favor of a modified Warner type St. Louia at Brooklyn ( f )4 Britain. (iB), retalnad UUa. maintains two-s^nd: titwal League In the UtUe. World’s and requests that the following lie Bereart Richard Hauptmann and part of the ranaom ^uble this year, he U likely to be Maee., light heavyweight meeu W-RESTUNO of play with special emphasis IMd Cincinnati at Pittaburgh (2). PblladelDhla— Eddia Scoaza o f Buffalo In one and Series against the American Asso- present: Genipero, Zurackaa, Day- New York at Boaton. it hjs beat in the serie.«. (By Associated Press) on single wing formstlons. erio, Rudeen, Burke, Baldwin, Her- 180, Washington, outpotatad Wd Frattlnl Italian welterweight eheinpe. An eighth inning "And,” concludes Pond, “another (Only games scheduled). Reddish, 180. PhUadalphla (•) The success of the Detroit's young rick. LaChappelle, AlberU, Taylor, ( ’ Anwriean etchers depends almost entirely on ^•mplon faces-Li^Ts Wd C^‘of, LoS’s‘'1S;w ''m (WrwxWf L w^.^- i “‘."e'! KUig'brel. upT«"e"t Innovation is that we want ao mere H. Irish. B. Irish, Careen, wilila, Naur' Haven, Coon.— A I ' Oi New Heven 1, the other. | i^fLoT:Siel.. 1 “** **'^ of those so-called 'moral vie- Cleveland at ChicIBtcago. i n 1-3, New Havsa. % McCartan. O'BrighL K McCarthy, Detroit St SL. I torlas.'” J. Mc(3arthy. i Arthur Huttlek. 134, 1 (Only (T). _ T*5» MANCHBfiXEB ^VENTNG HERALD. IIAHOHB81ER. OONM.. FRmAT, SEPTEMBER 21, i f M ,

"What year?”, "No, ha died in Germany.” MANCBI»TTO EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRroAY. SEPTEMBERk 19«4 •That's air,” SuUlvan isidl. but CharlM A . Undbergh haa been IQDESnON 1 •Twenty-four,^ "Did w u know it was money?" 'When Hauptmann turned to go Sul- HORE SERIOI^ CHARGT bars ovar tbs east, with its tqUvaf- tha ebjset at tha kldnaplac Waa "How long, were-you there?" . " I didn’t know it was money. I ■pending the summer at tha Mor- ■al human Interaat, waa tha display raaspm. livan called him back with "lust s row eatnte, under heavy guard. Into a dry frying pan over a slow rasted. Why do some people "About a year." thought it was bills or anything. I givan the story by newspapera. doacq Jelliss and large quantities of minute." When word o f Hauptmauan’a ar- flra and beat the milk and egg to- SO much mors sleep than othera. potatoes. IDIDY SDSPECTi "Where dld'you move then?" never suspected it was money." Their front pages were filled with OflAIN o r GVKNT SURVEY OF STATE Hsuptmann stepped back under •\ FACES HADFnUMN reat reeled the estate yesterday 8 gether. Stir and beat oonatanUy so Answer: You Miould by all means B6th street—East side." "When did you find it w a s , cabled atoriea .and picturee of toe that It doesn’t stick to the pan, and toe glare o f the bright lights on the U re^Sto*fow went Into eeclualon, caee. Naw York, Sept, 31.— (A P ) —This ■Isep ten hours • night If It Ukes "How long were you there?" money?" i lineup platform. ,1a the chain of events that led to the continue this until the mixture this amount of time for. you to be- LOVE TBV NEIGHBOR . (CoallBMd (rem Pac* On*) "Till I got married.” "Three weeks ago.” i CCoBllBMd trom ra ge One) refejetlnc inquiries to Col. Henry . There waa an obvious feeling of D ^ t In Furs .______ge. Col. Undbergh'A at- aeUure of Bruno Richard Haupt- BROUGHT TO aO SE asaumes a Jelly-like consistency. Do come thoroughly rested. At the "What year-was that?" ■attafactibn in official quarters over i r o R c s "How much did you spend?” ' "Did you ever deal in furs?" toe mann aa the recipient of the Und- not fail to keep on stirring toe mix- same time, search for the cause Seward, Kas.-^George Schmid, U fiM r a more ■etloiu char^. "Twenty-five." "IlfSO." > I baby was kidnaped and murdei torney^ In N ew York. the a frest Scotland 'Yard, true to bergh ranoont money;. who has retired aa preatdent of the Vow P I U oot a bit at doubt in my inspector asked. Wjtn her were Dwight W. Mor- ture even Hn'er It haa been taken of why you require so much sleep. "Then where did you move ? "Have you, worked since Apnl, ! Sullivan told detectives asMHlSbled its tradifien, refrained from official iBd-about this mad.** • "M y friend did." Septemfier 15—A man drove into from the fire, oa the ftyiog pan will Perhaps you are toxic from a Seward SUte bank, believea be haa Where did you start housekeeping?" i932?" ^ I at the lineup thet the po Um have row, Jr., and her daughter, Con- comment, bbeervlng that th e . case a record few bankers can .equal. In SulUvan added: "^Ve hai'e ]u at; "How long?” stance. Jon romped on the lawn a Bronx filling station, fiougbt five retain a good deal of heat which general condition of auto-lntoxlca- "Park avenue." ■ "Yes, on small contracts."’ | "a perfect case of extorura against is purely an American one. Federal Director Hunks SS years aa a banker hs .neiysr fore- tvad at the conclusion this m om -! "Since ’30.” with hia new nurie, Shirley Grant, pJ^lona 'many." •'Successful.” tate. STUDY HANDWRITINO September 17—The attendant, hlaf will find that one egg prepared with and thus craats fatigue ^laona. never lost ■ cent by trusting one. "Then where did j'ou move?" to answer vtM re serious charge." President of' Yale for . Bauptmann's appjsarance on the \ “ How many days?" "Howr successful ?” New York, Sept 31/—(AP) — mspictons aroused had written toe two ounces of milk in tola way will Try exercising your muscles more, ‘T o the Sronx." ,Hl^cMMlve Orining Betty Gow, who 'tucked Charles ataad was a climax to the usual, "Can't remember,'' ' ' "U p to $10,000." Auguatua Lindbergh, Jr., Into his Police today apparently were cbm- ucenM number of the ear fcroes tha serve one person aqd exactly fill the work less with your brain, eat leas parade at petty suspects. He was Hauptmann said- he lived on "You to!d us yeatorday you haven't statement came at the end of partni: the Lindbergh ransom notes bUl and turned It In to hia superior. Aid b j Its Professor. large end of an fg cup. Additional food and aee if you do not find; that Needham avenue, moving to his "Did you keep any books?" jm extensive questioning of the crib In toe Hopewell, N. J. home Police were notified. m u g h t Into toe lineup room before I worked since April, 1932?” "Yes." / more than two years ago and first with the handwriting of Bril^ healthfiU methoda of oooking eggs you need a leaser amount of rest. present address, from there. drawn and tired Hauptmann, whose Jl bite bttiovtt tiM other prisoners, but he was the , "Not steady.” made the discovery the child had Richard Hauptmann on hia automo- September 19—DetecUvea. learn- can be obtained by. sending me a His Business "They don't show how • J^u unshaven face added to his wdn ap- MUM last to be called to the stood. "W ere ycu living on the money?” been kidnaped, was not at toe es- bile operator's license applications tag that the car waa H^uptroann’e. NSW Haven, Sept. 31— (A P ) — A Ihrge, self-addressed, s t a m ^ en- "What is your business ?" Sullivan bought and sold, How do ylki ac- pearance. trailed him'unUl tbls day when his . (Cracking In Joints) \ Ha appeared greatly agitated. A "Yes." count for that?" ' tate. ' , ( in their effort to build up toeir case velope vrith your request for the ar- Question: "Readsr” asks: tt asked. During his questioning Hauptmann actions betrayed auapidon and tha letter from Captain R. 8. P a tto n , BEDTIME ~tfenaed policeman walked at bis “When did you put it In. the Hauptmann then . toiincbed into The Scottish nurse went to her ■gainst toe man accused o f receiv- ticle called "Best Ways of Prepar- DUL5191 3 "Carpenter." gave SulUvan an aUbl to explain bis officera arrested him lest ha at- director of the U. 8. Coast and a sign of rheumatism when ihe __a; a plainsclotbesman followed ground. What year?” ah explanation which none of toe home In Scotland In the early sum- ing the $50,000 Lindbergh ranpoaq ing Eggs.” bones crack at the Jolnta?' Jim. The prisoner tottered as he "How long have, you been a car- " I didn’t put It in the ground," possession of $13,750 of toe Lind- money. tempt to escape. Goedetle Survey has been received penter?” . detectives understood, and Sullivan mer and there were reports among AnswAf; Yes, it is, soifletimes /sralkad to the stand. iiauptmann answered with a note of bergh ra glare of the spotlight,' “Yes." "Were you In Hopewell, N. J., In misfloner O'Ryan announced: Question: W. A. D. Inquires: of the garage." ' 1932?" given him toe money. Police have further checking la being done. ' University in the Coast Geodetic ble is s forerunner of rheumatls: Van Camp’a Maekerd, Y-'fV tacustng bis gaze on the floor. He "Did you ever work in Lakewood, “We have In custody toe man who "Does the adult require milk? If "Who did thet?" ascertained that Fische died in Ger- REACTION IN GERMANY Dr. John F. Condon, "Jafsle,"'who Survey project In C^onhectlcuL can ...... iU .aaamad to have difficulty in hearing N. J. AS a carpenter?". “I was never in Hopewell." received the ransom money." so when should he drink It? " as an absence ot lubricating fluid in "I." many last December. Berlin, Sept. 21— (A P )—The Ger- received toe second of the ransom This Project, a part of the pro- oSds laquisitor who frequently had to '"Yes." , "Do you know where it is?" Answer: Milk Is a good food con- the Joints might be responsible for “When?" Fantastic Story man public learned through the notes, baa not positively Identified mam of the Federal Emergency Re- Queen Quality Onuige tm eat hia questions. "Did you ever make windows?" "No.” taining many valuable food ele- the ahme cracking sounds. * -. Police characterised his explana- front pages of Metropolitan dailies Hauptmann's himdwritlng, police lief Admitalstratlon, began last Pekoe Tea, '/j Ib. .... Hauptmann spoke with a strong "No." "Three weeks ago." "You know what location it Is ments, but It is not necessary for tfon as "fantastic.'' They are at- today that-a suspect in the Lind- said, but he also has said that th SUE HKaiWAY CHIEF December and haa . Just been ^ tUkutoalc accent. "Did you work in some big house "How much did your friend ^ v e In?" an adult If other foods are used tempting to strengthen their case bergh kidnaping case had been ar- are similar. brought to a close. Some 300 ex- OALUNO ‘TOBR CHOPS!" Krasdale Peanut A fter Sullivan read the prlsoner’a over there (tAkewopd)?" you?” " I know about It." which will take the place of milk. rested In New York but no paper The fact that one of the notes perienced surveyors and assistanta / Butter, 2-lb. p a il...... taeord ind announced he was charg- "Small houses." Hauptmann's answer sounded . "And you’ye been there," Sullivan against him by a comparison of the AFTER A ROAD CRASH When milk is taken it should be carried bis name or the fact that was signed "B. H.,” toe inltiaU of all residents o Connecticut who Mauchllne, Scotland — Observers ed with extortion the quizzing be- "How long were you In Jersey?" something like $40,000." ■ said. handwrtUng of toe Undbergh ran- used by itself or In .''oomblnatlon G.nuhie'^lnj he is a German. the prisoner. Is believed by police here believe' that "Pork (Jhope" N. B. C. Chocolate "Lakewood In 192h " Inspector Sullivan, aroused, de- "You owned an' automobile in som notes and that on Hauptmann's have been unemployed several with fruit or \rith non-stareby vege- to be significant. The fact that Hartford, Sept. 21.— (A P )— Dam- months to two years, worked under Needles, of Detroit, America’s cham- ib Twirls, Ib. . . . ______"How long have you been In this Lived In -lersey manded to know what happened to 1932 7" application for his automobile driv- Morning newspapers said the tablAs. I do not advise that a pa- name, Bruno Richard Hauptmann, Hauptmann is a <3«rman and toe the supervision o f Prof. Charles J. pion eater, might have been a useful . c o u n tr y a s k e d Sullivan. “Did you live In Jersey then?” all of that money. ' "Y e a " . er's license. They also were reported ages.totaling $50,000 are brought In tient trying to build up his health, INCOURAOl <|> LA M B LEGS was being withheld by American phonetic spelling of some o f the Tllden Strathcona professor of'/dtir- Judge at a horticulture show. Bontd Md Relied If dedted Sealect Milk, 'Thirteen years," Hauptmann re- "I lived there." Then Hauptmann said $14,000." "How long have you owned an comparing ft with toe writing on the four actions brought against the add milk to a meal containing either authorities. gineering roeebantes, from head- Four Judges in the Cookery sec- RISTPUL SLIER S s 4 cans ...... plied. "Where?" "W hat other business have you automobile?’' note left in the Lindbergh nurserv words of the ransom notes accord- State Highway Commissioner and meat or starch. quarters at Yale University. More, tion had to taste 67 plates o f scones, FOWL Ib "How did j-ou get In this coun- "Near Lakewood." been In?" “ Since 1931.” toe night of toe kidnaping.' When tald by the Associated ing to German accented pronuncia- made returnable to too Superior FANCY MILK-F|D than $ waa use In toe pro- 28 Sultana cakes, 20 sponge sand- LA MB FORES Chas^ & Sanborn’s try?" "How Long?" Played Stock Market That ended the questioning and Rushed to West Farma court in Press that Hauptmanns formerly tion are also being Investigated. Court in Fairfield county this month 100,000 (H ow Much Sleep) lived in Germany, police and other ject, which in addition t o ' giving wiches, 19 appi - cakes and 18 3-3% LB A VER AG E Fmcy 5-d Ib tv| Dated Coffee, Ib.. , . " I was a stowaway. *\ "Two months." Sulllvkn walked to the loud- speak- the Bronx, the prisoner was held as a result o f an accident in June, ''Playing Wall street since 1930." officials expressed the greatest In- employment to engineers,, provided ^Question; Mrs. J. B. asks: "Do sausage rolls. "W h at port did you come In to?"J "What other parts of Jersey did er on \he;j)latform and made his without bail until Monday on a UNDY COMPLAINANT^ 1934, on North Main street in toe "How have you mq$lc out?" terest and pressed for more details. work -for some fifty unemployed bu think it Is possible to get too A mere taste ’t sufficient. Tender Leaf T ea,. "New York.” ,\ ] you work (n ?" Statement to the detectives. charg:e of extorUon of the $50,000 New York, Sept. 21.— (A P ) 'L-Col. town of Stratford. A defect in toe i "Sometimes successful; lately los- Because there are thousands Of laborers, clerks and accountants. ^ueh sleep? ■ I have tried to get The Judges had to take good sam- DUCKLINGS large pkg...... Remained In Xew York "Near Freehold, N. J." I t o g . " I "I can understand this man’s de- Lindbergh ransom money. Charles A. Lindbergh, although he highway is claimed to have caus- Beil cuts com-fed ileeri Hauptmanns in this country police -Captain’s Letter 'Jalong on eight hours sleep but un- ples. Then they had to taste j. •' "Did you hiake your home In New ‘ "Who for?" "How much have you lost?" nial, but we have a perfect extor- Meanwhile, toe Labor Department is 3,000 miles away, is listed as toe ed the accident, In which a Car less I have ten hours, I do not feel several score pots of Jam, several | F O R F L A V O R Ib Tree Ripened Paney Tork then?" said they would have to. have more, operated by Howard Sleeves of Sey- In his letter (Japtaln Patton says; ib "For a friend building a framo "Practically even.” I tion case agai&st him," the inspec- in WAshlngton disclosed Haupt- coipplainant against Bruno Richard "During tha past six months or. Dates, basket ...... Hauptmann appeared not to hear ' house," information before they could Iden-, mour left toe highway and crashed RIB RO AST "W hat was the stock you j tor said. "There is no doubt In my mann's record showed he was a "bad tify the suspect. Hauptmann, alleged, fheeiver o f the. more P rof C. J. TUden, a member the query, and it was repeated. He ' "Did you live there ?" bought?" I mind that he will have to answer a boy" in his native town of Kamenz, $50,000 Lindbergh ransom money. through a fence. Sleeves asks for Pecan Meats, answered "yes," Information from New York said of the faculty of your .uniyerimy, "About a month "American Waterworks." ^■more serious charge: Germany, and at one time robbed a This was disclosed today by damages of $15,000: Josephine Stan- has been the representative: offto'e FANCY New Stock, Va Ib. .... "Who .did you know in New Hauptmann fled this country after . "That's a ll-tw o houses In Jersey 1 A t this there was some oonfu- "There is npt a bit of doubt in mayor's home of about marks. Hauptmann's fingerprint record. syk of Shelton, a passenger In the coast and geodetic survey on? its Rire Tork ?” conUnued Sullivan. 1,000 ‘being paroled from a prison camp In Banana$ Iben,” observed I atou. Hauptmann's accent making ray mind About this man. This case The department said he was de- The repord, whUe not specflcally car,* cldma $20,000 damages Sbi proJecU In the state of Conn^ticut 4 l l F Sugar, 10-pound " I didn't know anybody " 1 1923 and that he was a native of Sw eet SulHvdn and Uirned, his line of his answer unclear, but he finally ] Just proves toe good of co-operation ported from the United States m Saxony. '* charging toe prisoner with the kid- Helen Haversat of Seymour claims under the (Divll Works Administra- FANCY cloth b a g s ...... "Where, did you' live first?" ' questioninjg to the ransom money. A Penny'Saved Is A Penny Earned! explained It. between.. all-- —^ agencies,------, -- the- Treasury -----1923- after he us»vs had STnbCAVU eUtered thetile COUU' coun- naping of the Lindbergh baby, states damages of $10,000 and ner husband tion. Professor Tllden has admin* NO W , mor« than ever, that old adage comes into use. and are you. checking your pricea? Grapa$ TOKAY .""Amsterdam avenue —near B7 Friend Gave Him' Monev "Did you purchase outright?" that he li^harged with extortion at Edward Haversat, seeks $5,000, they R. S.Tall Jars \ and 98 street.” Department. Department of Jua-! try aa a stowaway. A t that Ume be LONDON INTERESTED latersd his office in a moat effective 4 ' "Where did you get al'l that ''Sometimes yes, sothetlmes no.” tlce, Post . Office Department and ] gave his age as 23 years! St. Raymond's cemetery. East Tre-^ too, having, been passengers In the w y and the results that ha has Potatoes Stuffed Olives, fdr.. "How leog did you live around London, -Sept. 21.— (A P )— The i CALIFORNIA 2 money In your garage 7.” "When It's sometimes no, how is mont .and 'Whl.tmore avenues, the car, which is claUmed to have been accomplished are, I am sure, o f per- Isrte lite there T" - Hauptmanil says be is 35 years i capture of a man In toe Lindbergh EVERYBODY SAVES AT Oranger CrabmMt, Korean,! "A friend gave me all his effects' It?" We have Just arrived at toe ; old. H e is of medium build, with fair Bronx, where Dr. John Condon, demolished. manent value to the state. In addi- FA NCY - J 5 f "Pour and ooe-hslf years." to take care of until he comes back, "Margin." kidnaping case transcended today passed the $50,000 to a supposed tion to tha value o f this project, 2 cans ...... "Where did you move t h e n conclusion .this morning that It is I complexion, blue eyes and chestnu* all other topics of Interest to the I from toe other side.’' j "Have you any other business?" emissary of the kidnapers; that toe Thunderstorms, usually travel , at. several hundred angineera and NATIVE "ITOth itreet—West." not complete by any means.” ; hair. He Is five feet, nine and one- British public. Onlon$ Softasilk Cake Flour, "Is he coming back?” [ "No." SuIUvan then paid tribute to toe ; half Inches tall and welehs isn means o f toe extortion crime waa a speed of approximately 35 miles o^era were given employment on LBS t?*;‘ 89< members of the police force and pounds. ■ An indication of the keep feeling the kidnaping of the baby, and that an hour. the survey partlaa. Many of these MARKET pkg* ••*...!...... added: ______rOfeaaional. men were very badly NATIVE i need o f w o rk ." Cabbage Cain’s Sprdad. "I want to add a word of respect ^ MORROWS SILENT ’ E FREE PEUVRRY! DIAL 3919! CALL YOUR ORDER IN! S 10^ , i for another group of men. The . More than 600 survey control Cain’s Russian Dressing. North Haven, Me., Sept. . — ! points were traced in the state with Eayiy Saturday Pinehurst I newspapermen. 1 respect them for 21 Cain’s Mayon- « I their confidence and it anyone Is en- Curiy-halred Jon Lindbergh played ' several traverse loops brought to j Land OT.akes Land O’ Lakea Muenster Land O’ Lakea PINEHURST Dial 4151 Will Receive: completion. These loops, which are B R O O K S I D E naise ...... | ; titled to respect for their fairness with bis dog today, unaware of the BUTTER! CHEESE! ^ Phone service until S:30 tonight. These specials will I and decency, It Is the representa- intense interest aroused by the a r -! the beginning of a network of sur. MILK! b u t t e r FINE CREA MERY rest of Bruno Richard Hauptmann vey control points all over the state, R. S. Marshmallow help your budget. , R e y m o n d ’ s W h e a t ; Uves of the press." 1 I Hauptmann was then led off the in New York. j trill facilitate toe preparation of Creme, pint jar .... ^ R A I S I N B R E A D ' stand and t§ken to another part of Jon’s pet, a Belgian police d og,! The Manchester Public Market maps used in various civil engineer- 19c lb. ^ cans CalTi Uver •.... ,29c lb. I Sliced Bacon...... 33c lb. ______- # 1 S O e l b * Frank’s Red Hot Everybody Likes It! i ! headquarters prior to his trip to the waa returned to toe summer estate ' ing, industrial' and commercial nro- LAND OXAKE! of his grandmother, ' Mrs. Dwlgnt i Jecta. Sauce, bottle...... Liver...... 2 lbs. 2,oc |‘.yeal Shanks ,.. .,.I2'/2C l b . lo a f ...... iZC ! Bronx for arraignment in- West U. S. Gov’t Certified Farma Court. ' W. Morrow, after being treated at a ! 1 F a n e } ' C a l U o r n l a Sel ected MClntosh Fancy Seedless B U T T E R .Mueller’s Macaroni^ Rockland hospital for a cut In one - 93 Score Sweet Cream 2 S : 6 i ^ I>arge, Fresh Parker r j of Its paws. I GRAPES! APPLES! GRAPEFRUIT! Spaghetti, etc., pkg. L E A N G R O U N D B E E F ...... 25c lb. Many Specials For Saturday House. Rolls, doz. ... CLAIM HAUPTMANN The second son of Col. and Mrs. ; Krasdale I^ght Meat MENUS 5* lb. P I L L S B U R Y ’ S Tuna, 2 f o r ...... Frankfurt Rolls, Water Rolls, Small, Native, Lean, Fresh Shoulders, Fancy Fresh Broilers, 5* *'’• * e a c h Butter Rolls, Sandwich Rolls, PUYED LONE HAND Shankless and well trimmed, 0 /\ lb...... 30c For Good Health F L O U R ' Cream of Wheat, Raisin t B E t T ('offee Rings. Rye, QUALITY Ib...... '...... Z O c Large Native Roasting Chick- A Week’s Supply 1 Saltlnes • Milk ■< O r a h a m Pure DeUclous Fancy Pack. Japanese pkg. ..V... .h.'.,. White. (Continued from Page One) Whole Wheat Bread. Boneless Rolled Veal to Roast, O O ens, lb...... Recommended 1 C R A C K E R S ! Salad Dressing! Ralston, Burk’s W bite Raisin Bread, solid meat, Ib. -...... m O C 35c CRABMEATi Investigators, telephoned toe de- GROCERIES Finest Legs of 1934 Spring Lamb, By Dr. Frank McCoy T E K , h o m e l a n d o r .’’ i‘ g *^ ...... L'lC. Freshly Ground Hamburg Steak, Y C S-pound partment from New York that he Ib...... for a nice meat loaf, Ib. i...... 1 O C 25c t>ox ^,^Cjar - — G O L D E N R O S E Wheatena, Bulk believed solution of the Lindbergh Small Forequarters of Lamb, Brohl’s 3 to 4*Ib. Fryers ca.se was a.saured. The task re- At Popular Prices Fancy Fresh Dressed ‘Sperry & Barnes’ DAILY menus pkg...... maining, Justice. Department men Ib...... 14c Cookie Specials <• Young Pork to Roast, o P* Del l cl oi i a Julcv m SPECIAL LOW PRICE BrohPs 5 to 6 -Ib. R o a s te rs said, was to weave a net of evi- Granulated Cane Sujrar, If- Fresh Made Lamb Patties, Dr. McCoy's menus suggested fo r' I Mfgc ncME ‘wiuie Sugar Covered i dence frojoi which there could .be no pound cloth Ib...... Zoc the week beginning Sunday, Septem- Boneless Rolled Chuck Pot Roast o r $ 6 for ...... 25c ber 33. 1934: ORANGES! CAULIFLOWER! Friend’s Mince Meat, Special Vanilla Cookies, lb. . . 1 A/ C escape. sack...... C GRAPES! Tender Milk Fed Fnllyuiinu Butter t'onkiPN,, q g\ "E very last smudge of Haupt- Beef, I b ...... C Fanty Short Cut Rib Lamb SUNDAY— can...... Native Green Mountain Z9 Frying: Chickens SO f o r ...... lUC mann's record will be Investigated.” Boneless Rolled Oven Roast Beef, O Cf Chops, 29c lb. 2 pounds...... Breakfast—Glass of Tomato Juice RICHM OND CO F FEE »4 9 BROILERS .\ml hi-fc are nonic frcHh, erlNpy Attorney General (Jummtnga .said I’otatoes, 55c upon arising: Coddled Eggs; aa ' I Cra.v Butter Wafers, Scr\ e 4 each Z Sizes— Earh czackers in Ihi\i-s—JiinI rweived today. "I Imagine the Investiga- Ib. i...... o 5 c Fancy Lean Lamb Chops, Melba Toast: Pear Sauce. doz. V basket 1 Ib. pkg...... peck...... KYBO from the Fellier Baker\: tion will take several weeks. We 19c 39c Ih. 2 p o u n d s ...... Dinner—Roaat Chicken or Pork' 27^ I I J O H N A L D B N tJind O’Lakes 75c 15 (2 for 35c) X 2 3* $1.05 to $1.19 each .M.VL'ruMILK r > f \ wilt try to find out what he has Special On Gobel’s Sugar Cured Daisy stewed Tomatoes: Spinach Salad Chocolate Cream 55c and 79c Fancy Fresh Calves’ Liver, TABU Uniwteitned Biscuits, b o x ...... m DC been doing since he came to this Butter, 2 lbs. . . . 61c Hams, 2'/i to .‘Mbs. each, at, r\ Head Lettuce: GrapeJuiCe Filled Cookies, Ib. ;... Ib...... Whip. k .M,VLTp5llLK Wholewheat Bis- country and before." Roll Butter, fine Ib.- 39c )MA EVA NGELINE M Evaporated Hi S’ I „,.***ve Broilers and Fryers while you can get them at oults, (sweetened with O O Lota of Work .Vhead ...... Z9c Supper—Baked Potato: large ■^T-Fine,or Jel 4 Drake’s Coffee Cakes, tlieae pricea-. quality, 2 lbs. ... salad o f lettuce, celery and raw each ...... honey), box ...... After explaining that much invea- 57c BETTER POULTRY! SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF OK.YHAM \V.\KERS (with tig and tlgatinn must be done before the Cider \-inejfar, gallon, Q Q carrots: Fancy Fresh Fowl, cut up or ON SALE MONDAY— can Fudge Cake w.n«i.y Raymond’s Pailcer bran), cs.se Is pre.ssed to trial, Attorney (contentFonly) ..L '. iC «a/ C |C c a n c pkg. Good sized Fowl wlH average ?1,26 each. box ...... General Cummings said: Lean Ribs, w /\ ®reskfaat — Real Wholewheat 5 House Rolls ...... drawn, at, e a c h ...... 05/ C PATTIE CHEESE SN.W, q "N ew Jersey has a law, enacted in Krasdale Catsup, new ^ Fancy Large Native Fowl, «*i , Bread and Peanut Butter; stew- SHOIILDERS R n p b l n L I * a y a T C a k f f ' ^ ' ■' * • • '’ ^ We also expect a shipment jpf extra large Fowl averag- box ...... l U C 1031, that provides a rhaxlmum of Ib...... lOC ed Figs. Yellow Globe or Purplq Top 2 3 Land O’Lakes Butter, liif around 51.79. ^ * pack, 10-oz. bottle . . . C Fancy Native LEAN life Imprisonment for kidnaping. Ib...... Z/C Fancy Boneless Brisket Corned Beef to . Lunch—Avocado Salad; cooked CORN FLAKES! SHORT 2 lbs...... Dill Pickles...... 19t qt. Van Camp’s 'Fresh' ^ Beet Tops. TURNIPS! "That state has a death penalty Home Dressed Frying Chickens,! O O slice cold, CELERY! SHAHK Fina$l Cookiea A l l k i n d s i m for first degree murder— murder .Mackerel, 3 tall canp.. Dinner—Broiled Steak with Mush- Hampden Butter, Bonele.ss Shoulder R o^t of Ib...... 66 Ib...... V MILDLY SMOKED j that Is premeditated. Its statute Land O’Lakes Milk, c rooms; baked ground Beets; 2 lbs. i ...... Ura Veat Vea! ...... s.'ic lb. Fresh Medium Size Fowl, O O Solid Heads of Cabbage, Salad o f sliced Cucumbers: pkg. I calls for life imprisonment for sec- 1 tall c a n s ...... 3 lbs. 10c Doushnul$ ^|«ed"^S CHEES 2 round bo.\es...... Vegetables consUtlng of Beets, tal Importance by Attorney General sei-ves, 1-lb. j a r ...... can ...... Fresh Pigs’ Liver, Taadar. Juicy : Cummings, found the department Silver Swan Toilet Tissue, Carrots, Turnips .and Pass, Sperry & Barnes' Rinso, * J 10« *b...... Something new In this territory j functioning smoothly, Chase- & -Sanborn’s rolls ...... cooked separately apd served 5 SOe Id'rqtiiRrt baaket- C-HUCK POT ROASTS Red Skin Cheese. Over a year old 6 large pkg...... ;. -____ i On Wednesday night Hoover left Dated Cofffc. Mb. tin diced toretoer seasoned with Fancy Paete Flak - CRACKED WHEAT B«£*D'Sj* 9 Brightwood Sausages, a Fresh Pork . . nude from Guernsey Milk , Chase & Sanborn Dated Coffee. Finest Brand ; by plane for New York; yesterday Finest Telephone Peas, Butter; Salad o f raw spinach: I^ S S R pic e d * 29c to 35c lb. I teats 4' j to 5 per. cent butter fat P. & C. Naptha Soap, Ib, No blade on rib end. M ell : morning Cummings telephoned Ib. •...... Baked Pear. which gives tha rheeM> a distinc- 3 bars ...... new pack, c a n ...... I S A L M O N ! trimmed— leOs waste. Pre.stdent Roosevelt of Hauptmann's Royal Scarlet Can ^•EDNBSDAV— TUNA FISH! G r a p e f r u t t J u i c e Fancy Fowl, tive rich flavor . . priced sfierlal Ivory Snow, Hormel Vegetable Soup, BEEP! P a n c a k e P l o u r rntLyn ■fci X O < Rump Pot Roasta Lean, BladelcM Rib O B asrest and during the day he and Coffee ...... , Breakfast—Cottage Cheese; Plne- ib, for ^tu rdav at 2 large cans f o r ...... appla (fresh or canned). Large W e l d o r f T k s u e Pork Roaat, lb. . : ...... JudC Hoover conversed by telephone fre- pkg...... Safety Matches, s •’* P i n e a p p l e J u k e F i s . r t a Sixioin Tip Roasts quently. FuH Strength Ammonia, Lqprh—Carrot Loaf (grated Car* Ib. tine "a*: Scott Tissue, 3 4.1, 3 3 ^ Block Chuck Roaat, Uuui Tender Loin Fork o f t _ The government ’ was represented 2 boxes f o r ...... quqrt s iz e ...... tvta mixed with chopped Celeiy S c o t t T i s f u e Roast, Ib...... a UC 35c 3 r o lls ...... G o o d y Q r a h e m f z ftp Z 3 i Ib, ...... Tender Cube Steaks as feeling the c u e was a one-man Land O’Lakes Butter, afad baked): Spinach; Milk. My-T-Fine Desserts, Strictly Fresh Pullet Eggs, Dinner— VegeUble Soup: Salis- Strictly Freeeh Local S c o t t T o w e l i 1 0 ^ Sparertbs, PINEHURST VEGET.ABLES job. Mrs. Hauptmann is In custody 2 lbs...... Selected «A U Kon B e e f L o a f 4 - %li Fancy Rib Roast Beef, O Y ' Round Steak Ground but Justice offlelals said that there 2 pkgs...... j.. 33c dozen. 2 d o z e n ...... bury Steak; cooked Lettuce; Fancy Native Medium lb...... 18c Selected SWEET Brookfield Butter, K r e - M e l J K 2S S 3 •‘■n XO^ N.I.C. was no evidence against her. Evaporated Mixed Brown Sugar in Bulk, cooked c::e]ery: Cauliflower Sal- EGGS! riit 1 3 ^ POTATOES. 3 lbs. 14c 2 lbs...... lbs...... ,-r.- ad; Jell-o., POTATOES! Brightwood Roast Rib Roast of Beef Country t}-|o Fruits, lb...... 2 THURSDAY— , 8 Cranberries P r I s c H I a B u t t e r N . t . c •k* 1 8 < Pork, Rib, Ib...... , J. I Boned and rolled or stand- iauoago .Moat, Ih. ... 35c Spinach; — Celery Evaporated Apricots, Breakfast—Orange Juice thirty minutes before breakfast; O v a l C r e a m i N . t C ing— cut from Prime Beef, Iceberg Lettuce — Squash WIFE OF SU SPEa - " lb...... ,.J .______AT OUR OPEN DISPLAY VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT eta Fancy 5-6-lb. Lamb Poached Egg on Melba Toast; Pruneie-siesima fanta40/$eBzi clar a Small Link 8aiuag<« Fancy Wax Beans, 2 qts. l.ic Queen Quality Orange Pekoe Fancy \’irginia Sweet Potatoes Y y crisp Bacon: Stewed Figs. I 3 M l l e i S t a n d l i h CHOCOLAfl •N I Legs, Ib...... tb...... Large Hand Picked Greening- 84 35r Green Beans, qts. 19c I FREED BY POUCE Tea, i/g-lb. . f\ for foking, 4 lbs. .Lunch— Potato Soup; cooked I 2 Apples for Pies, 5 lbs...... Fores of Lamb, Boned Lima Beans, lbs. 19c String Beams; Celery and Ripe MACARONI 2 p^e- ...... 19c Fresh Green Lima Beans, _____ijlives. SOAP SALI Rolled, Canadian Bacon, Fresh Mushrooms I (ContlBiied from Page One) M airow Beans, 0 / \ 4 q u a r t s ...... , 10-Pdund Bags of Large SPAGHETTI or each .... Ib...... Onions ...... Dinner—Rdast Beef; cooked Spin- Bib Chop, ...85c lb. : 4 7 c 3 lbs...... ZU C Nice Solid Ripe Tomatoes, ach: baked Eggplant; Turnip ELBOW! 'pi? Sperry A- Barnra. I gained when she was taken to a rea- Red Kidney Beans; o V H Honeycomb Triptw Early Pur|de Top j taurant across the street from the 3 l b s ...... 10-Pound Bags of Medium Size cup Salad; Baked Apple. w Loin Chop, . .49c lb. FRIDAY- vr- lb...... V..,. WHITE I station by detectives for supper lost Ib...... OC Finest Green Mountain Potatoes, Onions ...... loC RINSO I night. Ever Ready Dog Food, n Breakfaat — ••French Omelet: Skat Hand Soap LAMB LEGS Oysters...... pt, 33c TURNIPS. '1 peck 15c peck ,...;...... Fresh Picked Green String Beans, y A Melba Toast;- Applesauce. Handy'a Fancy Daily A j * j She was taken to toe Bronx coun- 4 c a n s . , ...... ^ O C evfN Hams,ib...... 09 V\di Sise, : ty district attorney's' office last McIntosh Eating Apples, 3 quarts ...... 14C Lunch—Teh or twelve Dates; pint B.&M. Bakad Baam ■AKtO Scotch" Ham, Egg Noodles, Y I of Buttermilk. ^ 29f Native Potatoes, 21c peck night with her husband and nephew, Ib*...... - ...... Nice Large White Cauliflower, each Ground Beef, Ih...... I Hans Mueller, for further question- 1- l b . p k g ...... lo ci Dinner-:-Mlnced Flab in Cucumber . 4 5 c Fresh Broccoli Fresh Brussels Spi'outs, PurcMapla Syrap 2 lbs...... k a a s • • • Jc,lb. I * n g . Brer Rabbit Molasses, y q Jelly; diced beets; squash; Salad •c 19< Brussels Sprouts — Endive quart...... of Lettuce, Tomatoes and Cu- i$for Married Five Years 18-oz. c a n ...... lo C «IO Snappy Bulk Cheese W s kST, a Bmlted nambor of 15c “'19 c cumbers; Stewed Apricots. doz. laiil Daisy Hams Beets or Carrots. 2 bunches 9c I She was married, to ~Haiiptmann Sunkist Oranges for Juice, Fresh Solid Blueberries, O C Karp Syrup 21S254 OW WB Legs Ovaltine, SATURDAY- Life b u o y m i* lb,...... Cauliflower, each 13c ; about five years ago. They have a on sale at, dozen...... M Wt n. ,30c size t i n ...... q u a rt ...... Breakfast— Oatmeal with Mtik or Short Shankrd - • ^^J|iH£_BoilingjOnions : 10 months old son, Manfred. Cream. S O A P Sliced Bacon, Friends said that Mrs. Hsupt- Treet Razor Blades, > PRESERVINC SUPPLIES • MiaaiBalfed Lunch—Baked Sweet Potatoes; Ib* Jl) JUICE OR.ANGES, 26c doz., I mann, a former Bronx waitress, was pkg...... ?QUART MIXED PICKLES I LAMB SHOULDERS ' Sm oked Shoulders AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT Cooked Celery: String Bean bare 2 doz. 49c. i frequently pinched for money, Krasdale Shaker Salt, Salad. 1 QUART JAR DILL PICKLES PEACHES rULL STRINeiH Kraft Package Cheese, Y Stuffed and Baked Chickens VINEGAR c 49f "C 2S* i 11.09 to 91.19 cich I Mrs. Victor Scbussell, who lives Home Made Corned Beef Hash, Dinner— Stuffed and rolled Round lb, X 19c Honey Rock Cantaloupies, 2 In the same home with toe Htupt- 2- lb. box...... mm M Iy Vtw witk mth on sale at, e a c h ...... Steak (use diced carrots, celery, - 1 for 25c. \ I manns. said Mrs.- Hauptmann fre- Good Luck Jar Rub- Ib...... CERTO ’nrjR?" *jr29f Home Baked Beans, parsley and Melba toast crumbs Both For 2 9 c Kraft Glass Jars» st Prize Luxury Pippin Apples, 5 lbs, ’25c I quently came to her to borron- a bers, 8 dozen ...... ^ bskt. about 4 lbs. 1 quart...... T., . . ____ « , Our Hojne Made Milk Breaid, as stuffing, and bake one hour); dt 3 orders. 29 O L D D U T C H Cheese dollar for food and that toe neigh- PAROWAX Loaf, 1/, Ib...... Dates — Bananas Snosweet, Shortening, ty 20-oz. loaf ...... Salad of raw chopped Cabbage Last ehaiiee for canning! $1.35 18-qt. basket '■ P i n c h u r i t 24c Seedless Grapefruit bors gossiped because Mrs. Haupt- Home Made Boston Brown Bread, loaf and Parsley: Prune Whip. Hoaiss’s Oystara, mann told them she had to account 1-lb. pkgs., 2 f o r ...... ^ / C 8AU Honey Dew Melons And a Full Line of Our Home Made ^ ’ BAKED DCGS—Butter Individ- JAR RIN GS 0 pint CORNED BEEP Corned Beef Ribs, c to her husband for every penny she Pertdns* Finest Paper Dellrlons Fresh Ateerted 9 Red Grapes, lbs, . c spent. lal baking disks and break an egg Anchor DIamoiid Cleanser ^ i^ l diBB Brisket, Romp and lb» 2 23 5c “'10 c Bakery Goods. in each. C over with a tableapoonful Seedless White Grapes. 2 Ihs. Other neighbors recalled that MAHIEU*S NAPKINS! IDEAL JARS JS 9 9 f D02 ‘ teirtA MiztdRilM...... scib. 3f cream and add anlnch of chopped COOKIES! MATCHES! 22c. Hauptmann seqt bU wife, of Ger- parsley and a UtUa aalt. Bake in a 2 ^ man extoactibn Uke himself, to Ger- 15 M ASON JARS VS! 994 DOt SorprlM Tonifhil DIAL 5111 Pot oven Ull well puffed, then serve many In the late spring of 1983 to , Grocery DIAL 5111 It once. ^ stay untU Baptombar. | isNr Ae.theeMnd daller Hnl arise DOZ 1 Did mi 188 Spruce Street ••FRENCH OMELET—To two -2 M»»* Old Detch Centeil JELLY GLASSES >unces ot milk add one egg. Put Phona SsrvJsfr.^ ’ ‘ Ask for perticuleri A LL 104 s p in s

Li TWKi.Ta VfiTOBIVl'E'R CVKjnNO HERALD, UANCHSBTER.OONM. FRIDAT. SEPTEMBER 21, IW t, 1 •'r Manchester event no herald Manchester, conn., F riday, September 21, la s c . which euB ot b« utUlaad bceauM M tsrnal flastuB or etbsr flaw. As _ dosed mills, are not claaeed as a TAKEXRArPICnillES stUtttoaai marksr, whits paint Ms group of New England buslBesa ,000 DAILY liability because oottotl deferioratep autonuitleally sprayed onto the base cun WFREKRr RAIDS Miss Fallea, daughter of Mr. sad UtUe and moat of the mills hfVe of the rail at the point where the executivcN.” MISSGERUtUDE FALLON Mrs. Arthur Fallon, will be married OF RAILROAD TRACKS BUSINESS LEADERS A minimum number of returns next month to Carl Gustofeon of (Free Uelivery on AU iirocery Purchases $1.60 or Over Saiurda placed'hedges In the cotton futures msgaetlo field is distorted, so that STIMDUTE TRUCK SALES blamed "lack of confidence" on a OFWALKOim market to UuAire against wide prtcc a deflniU check is mads both on Rocky HUl. Ml changes. total of 23 causes not attributed to 1$ GUEST ATSHOWER rail and on the roU. Section crews LACK C O G E N C E the Administration, including, with Grey goods, which has no futurse Electric ^lector Car Examin* follow along and replace defective IfnoqualI@ d| market, baa been hedged by acme sections with new rail. Newly Annooneed Redactions one mention each, "calamity howl- WILUAM. JENNINGS AND mllla I9 the cottbn futures iparket. very Inch of Rails In by Ford Gratifying Stimnlns ing by RepubUoaas," and "failure of Party Held Last Night at Home BRYAN ^&oaSk Strife Addf New Such^Jtedglng. is more risky, aceprd- lally for Hidden Flaws. business men to ccoperate with the FLQ U R ^« yalttos io Deliveries'. E>resldent.’ Under remedies, a total of Aliss Esther Peterson — Carbondale, 111.—The survivors of ing to some operators, . because •A , Cause Chari^ed to Acts and Wedding Next Month. Jeff Cox, former Carbondale resi- I Ckpler te Solid Year of pHces on cotton aniPgrey-goods do 1 of three retui'ns said that "the dent, who died In Florida Include hU not always tend to tnove together. /What amounts te an X-ray pic- WAPPING Anaouacament from the Fo*^ I E^eslt^ent should continue on his \ boy triplet grandchildren, WUllam, IT P A Y S At Hale'i Busj^ Orey\go^ is a basic product of I’w e e k T e n A Policies of Administration, ture of every Inch of steel rail in Motor Company at Detroit te the present course.” One return said Miss Gertrude Fallon of Lilac Jennings and Bryan, named after I Strikes. mills w an unfinished state. the entire system of the New,Haven that "buslneas men should modam- the late aspirant for E>resldeDcy. But^nce the stfike started, Mr. and Mr«. George Parkington effect that substantial reductions in street waa guest of honor at a sui*-. railroad is being taken this monbi '^Snrvey Shows. ^ ize 'their minds os they do their TO W AIT ON •{ ' _____ ■ goofis ^ces have atrengthened/bnd left Detroit, Michigan, last Friday, the freight rate on trucks went Into I plants.” , . prise miscellaneous shower at the HEALTH cotton prices have been ati for the purpose of discovering any by automobile for the World’s Fair ON A RAMPAGE . } • ' By BADER WHfOET •fleet September 15 has been re-i home of Miss Esther Peterson, of The Inventory of. cotti^'goods internal flaws or fissures In the In Chicago after which they mo- ceived by 'both dealers and truck YOURSELF I K«w York—(AP)—A «urvey of during the summer before^e strike Etoliusd Spring, Me., Sept. 21.—Re 'School street last night Friends Crawford, Neb.—The black #ldow MARKET steel, which are tnylslble to the hu- tored eaat and are the guests now buyers in the New England district I were present from town. Hartford spiders 'hereabouts are 'on ram- Hole’s Health Market la coattam. t oeonomlc ftctors In the general t«x- was figured'at four to eight weeks man eye. This job la slowly but at the home of their sister, Mr. and aponoiblUty for the current “lack of CURB QUOTATIONS a ( tfl« atrlhe Indicates it is, ‘‘coating" of production by th o s e ^ the trade; with considerable gratlflcatlon. and Bangor, Pa. ‘The home was page. Their latest victim, Clarence big Its poUcy of glriag nnequallad steadily beidg done by what Is Mrs. Arthur Van Slcklln in Wap- While there have been no changes | confidence” in liusineaa resta square- artistically decorated in pink and Lane, Is recovering from six bites va^ and maUn* extra effort to I i W l i I y 1 1 .000.000 each wofklng and at the beglnninjr of the third known ax a Rail Detector Car. plng. In f.o.b. Detroit, pri-ces of- the eev-' ly upon the acts and poliolei of the ...... 9-16 green. suffered while be slept. He Is the help yon In this preaent •nwrgeae*i, ! day. week of the' strike it was ^veii by In keeping with the best Ip rail- , Mias Ida Relchenbach of the Class eral F^rd truck units, the hew Assd Gas and E lec...... During the evening, a buffet lunch Theao are Just ten of tha ^ e a C ! ’ ‘Those "costs” can be found in: competent obserywa at four to six administration In Washington in the Amer Super Power ...... I'Ti. third person attseked within two ; Wages lost by atrlkers and way practice, every bit of thy. New of 1932, Manchester High school has freight reduction, applied to deliv-' was served, games were enjoyed, weeks. valnea you’ll find here Saturday f J weeks. Raven‘s track system is examined commenced her junior year a t Con- opinion of the overwhelming major! Cjanadian M arconi...... } i those forced out of work l»y LnAdfid Orders •ry prices at the point of sale, are; Central States Elec ... and. a mock marriage created much Your eucceee in baking pastries, every day In the year by track necticut Teachers’ College, New sufficiently attracUv f to suggest | ty of New Englknd buzlnem execu ...... \amusement. .Miss Fallon received ^Hecker^s ; ■ closed mills. ' There wae/k dent made In Inven- Cities Service ...... 1 % One layer of a new metallic foil So Popular Laat Saturday walkers whose eyes are trained by Britain. Miss Relchenbach Is well that early delivery orders from i .tlve* who responded to the canvass numerous gifts of linen, pyfex, made of aluminum haa such good breads and cakea depends upon your .1 9 • Payments to militiamen by tories tha/week before the strike years of experience to sedreh out known as a baseball pitcher and she Elec Bond and Share .. ___ _ 10 We Repeat Again This W e e l^ ; ,atates. because of a rush of buying orders New. England fleet buyers and Indl- of business opinion in these states Ford Limited ...... glassware, electric . appliances, heat-insulating qualities that it is choice of a good Sour. We're featur- ■ Wages of special guards paid whatever visible and external flaws also has been active in sports while vidiial purchasers will be greatly ! Just completed hy the New Englanc* ...... 914china, kitchen utensils and silver. equal to '13 Inches of brick. *Gold Medal from Ubse who believed the strike may have developed In the steel. at college. 3 he has just been "to A o m t Segal Lock ...... % ing our “three beet eeUera” a t this by mills, cities and counties. woulji sharply curtail production. stimulated. | Council. The results of this cafivass Each track walker has a Specified chosen as the student member on were reported here today at the United Founders ...... >4 earing for Saturday. Reliable brands Cotft of munitions. One bright spot - seen by- IndUs- It Is reported that the factory United Lt and Pow ”A” ...... ^Pillsbury^s Damage to property. section of rail which be mtibt ex- the athletic committee representing has been working for some time to Thirty-Sixth Quarterly Meeting of 1% S t a price that will pay you to STOCK Mallsta Is a backlog of unfilled or- amine thoroughly every day. Some- the junior class. She also is a ‘ >interest on the Investment in ders. They contend the mills not secure authorization of a freight the Council. MAVCTOTTKCO GETS Best UP NOW! - ' (24 Li-pound Img) times, however,, steel, like human member of the student Council, rate reducUoti on Ford truck equip- 2 A total of 503’responses were re- . i^osed nulls. " / working how eventually will turn- governing body of the girls residing LONG DISTANCE Loss on cancelled orders. . out most of these orders, beings, develops Internal trouble ment that could hi passed on to Whole Ldn or ceived to the recent Inquiry address- / "W’ar chest" expenditures^ which even skilled vision cannot^b- In the dormitory. Eastern Seaboard purchasers tmthe ed to the 160 members of the New Railroads,. trucks, and boats also serve or diagnose. For,jthis, reason. Mrs. William Baker of Glaston- lith o r Half - Dairen —(AP) —Installation of • both sides. / are partially marking time so far as, form of lower delivered‘prices. Ib. England Council by President Henri' 18 new long distance telephone Loses ito allied Ind^trles , It Is now the practice to examine bury 'Who has been spending sev- Local deadera commenting upon I D. Sharpe of Providence. Of these. textile shipping Is concerned, but the rails internally at periodic In- eral week* With her daughter, Mrs. lines, 6,300 additional telephones HAM (Boned and Rolled) iuch as transportation. / those In the trade believe they the new reduction suggest that this 78 per cent reported “ lack of confi- Meats - Groceries • Fruits and Vegetabldfi tervale In order that faulty sections Robert Rlsley of South Windsor, has and two new commercial wireless AU solid meat—no waste. Really the most economical way to buy But while some Individuals . are eventually will get the business. revision entitled their merchandise dence” in relation to their own busi- stations is planned by the Man- Phone 4076 ■ Free'Delivery .361 Ceiit6r St. Been as “loosing” a certain amount of track may be discovered and re- gone to Providence to visit her more than ever to be termed! your ham. Good boiled or baked fai fruit Juices. Sugar cured, small, ten- V M e a t y daughter. Mrs. Miriam Steer. ness; 16.5 psr cent reported "no lack churia Telephone and Telegraph ' daily, others are B(^ as "gaining" placed, thua insuring maximum "America’s Great Truck Value.” of confidence" in relation to their company. der hams. '■Im- pound that same amoun>'' safety of operation.- Mrs*. Marie (Blair) Ward passed CHUCK R O AST away recently at Ihe home of Paul LAMB LOINS a 21 own business. 8tiikei^Lose Paj‘'\ MANY TAKE ADVANTAGE By use of this car, the chance of A total of 04 per cent reported ‘The estlm a ^ 423,000- employes broken rails, caused by Internal fis- Bancroft, after a long Illness. She Block aa ^ 4 FOWL sures In the steel Is practically elim- leaves no known relatives. The MURPHrS ORCHESTRA "lack of confidence” In reference, to Hale’s Beet Q u ^ ty — not receirtng weekly pay envelopes Stylo X I RIB R O AST BEEF a 29 general business. The remaining six as a rcsiitt of the strike, lose the OF OLD GOID. PURCHASE inated, for' tfils vehicle contains ap- funeral waa held at the Whitney’ YOUR GROCER W ILL Sugar Cured, S l l ^ , Rlndjess ea. am oun^hat would have been in paratus which with uncanny ac- Funeral Home In E ast Hartford. t sat ur day per cent reported "no lack of confi- BACON A RAirs I dence.” ' those ^velopca. ' . curacy seeks out and definitely Rev. Harry S. Martin, pastor of the _____ . I F ANCY BRISKET'SLra. 27 While there Is some dispute over Louis S. Jaffe, local jeweler, says marks the location x>t rail flaWs First Congregational ohurch of . Summarizing the returns, the HELP YOU KEEP (2 for 95c) exact u-ages paid to . textile he did not think It possible that so which human vision could not pos- .South Windsor officiated, and the A rollicking good time is in store , SIRLOIH STEAK New England Council found six ma- Land O’Lakes mrkers. t^e bureau of labor statls- many people in Manchester have sibly discover. The car la the In- burial was in th? South Windsor for all those who attend the dance - jor causes for “lack of confidence" Fine Creameiy Average weight 2 3-4. pounds. tics ahoW-8 cotton textile workers re- old gold to sell. Dozens of people vention of Elmer D. Sperry, creator cemetery. at Ravi’s. Crystal X.ake tomorrow't Tondor ^ "W DAISY ROLLS *ss!- a. 31 which listed in order of frequency of HEALTHY AND HAPPY BUTTER Table Butter This was a verj' big Item with on ■l\OSlved a weekly average pay of are bringing In old gold practlqally of the gyroscope, and Ls rented by Ghhrles-J. Dewey and Charles E. night. A prize balloon dance slm-: mention ore: lost week. Good for fricnaaee. >10.87, in June, the last date for every day to take advantage of'.the the New Haven from the American Ijithrop, motored to Springfield, liar to those held the past few years end Juicy I®* ^ § 1. —Uncertainty regarding swl- Delicious Cereal Promotes MILK FED ROASTING CHICKENS, 41/2- \ Tasty when boUed first, then Which flgimea are available. For all present high prices for the mrtal. Railway Association. Mass., Thursday. They attended promises to be a lot of fun. ' Prizes ! HALIBUT a-h lb. 27 minlstratioo policy toward business. Regular Habits Ib. averasre Short Shank Small Size fried In batter. textile workers, union officials have Old gold watches have been found The detector car moves over tfie the Eastern States 'Exposition. are placed in all the balloons with 2. —Government Interference with ,35c lb. S houlders SMOKED Shoulders figured an average of a week.' to be worth as much as '*2.'5 ahd Irons" at a speed of about six the exception of the larger prizes, and control of business; regimenta- The rlgbt kinds of fo ^s form FANCY FOWL, 5-lb. averasre.. The figures are based on curtailed some old gold cigarette cases as miles an hour under Its own power for whlch'tlckets are put In the bal-‘ SHvarbrooK tion. < the very bsats of health. Yon need ..28c lb. working conditions. much as , *50. Doubtless, theresare furnished by. a gasoline motor. Its SLOH’ING DOWN loons. During the evening as the Creamery 3. —EOxcessive expenditure*, bor-nourishment for strength and en- Brightwood Pork Roaat------, . . .29c lb. Granulated Hamburg Steak Ouardsnien tialn many hundreds of people who-have generators,-' operated also by gas- .balloons are released, .they become;; BUTTER 2 lb* 57 rowings, unbalanced budget ergy. And you need “bulk” to pre- Very lean and tender. Grote & Weigel’s A recent survey showed states old gold around their homes who oline. sends a current through three Port Williams, N. S.-i-Vsrnon quite profitable to those who catch ' 4. —Uncertsdnty regarding mone vent common constipation. Fan«y Legs of Lamb, average 5*’> producto. vated electrically to mark on the 4. —Stop experiments and reforms; of vitamin B and iron. little actual economic damsige la be- Ignorance when It comes to the why roll the location of the defects If RED CIRCLE Delicious Cube Steaks ...... 35c lb. ing done at J.he moment. The longer of money than on any other sub- Hollywood Market "turn to the right." Isn’t it safer—and pleasanter— Tea Ib. 29^ Beef or Pig U i ■ the strike, however, the more seri- any are found. When a rail flaw is R>- 2 3 6.—Replace present advisers with A FuU Une of Fancy Cold Cuto, Sliced Fresh for Every Order. jert," declared the Senator, adding: passed, the pens deviate from a to enjoy this food in place of taking Hale’s Formosa Oolong. ous the situation might become. “The same can be said of the 86 •’conservatives’’; with "sound," patent medicines? Fine Stocks of raw cotton on hand, straight line, the length of deviation ’’practical,” "experienced" advisers: Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour, 20-oz. pkg...... 9c i2y2i* /lb. Senators In Washington." denoting the seriousness of the In- 6c Package Store Two tablespoonfuls of All^Bran Creamery lib s . 5 5 BO K AR with business men. daily will overcome most types of R. S.~fifeakfast Syrup, quart bottle ...... !29c Rutter AU No. 1 qualltjw 381 East Center Street Dial 3804 6.—Adopt sound monetary policy. Tuna •b. 27 common constipation. Chrdnic cases, In announcing the results of the with each meal. If seriously ill, see Salad Oil, 16-oz. J u g ...... 21c Statler Tissue, 3 rolls ..... 19o Meat and Groceries Wines and Liquors canvass, the Council emphasized the your doctor. All-Bran makes no R. S. Salad Dressing, quart 27c Sliver Swan Tissue, 6 rolls 25c 3 c&ns 47* A & P Cdffea bos brought raal coffee ■ ' - I K fact that “neither these expressions claim to be a "cure-all." R. S. Queen Olives, Stuffed, Scott Towels, 2 ro lls...... 25o Sunrise fancy tuna, l-ooncc" j'jCkimb Stew Shoulder Clod Pot of opinion, nor their compilation, •ersre...... 48c Corn Flokes ^ J pkgs. tins. Each, I7c. Roast, Ib...... Hollywood Straight •otitfocllea fe mere American hemee Serve All-Bran as a cereal with Square Deal Coffee, Ib...... 2Sc 18c are to be regarded os official expres- milk or cream, or cook Into fluffy R. S. Strawberry and Rasp- Brownie Coffee, Ib, ...... 25o Kellogg’s Fresh, stock ^ ^ 2 l b s . Small I.,egs Lamb, than any other coffee sions by the'New England Council muffins and breads. beiTj- Preseri’es, 1-lb. Jiu' lOc Royal Scarlet Coffee, Ib. . .32o Lean and. fresh. r o P U L A R M A R K E T Whiskey as an organization, nor as constitut- R. S. Currant Jelly, 10-oz. 15c 80S MAIN .STREET . RUBINOW BUILDINi; Ih...... Remember, Kellogg’s All-Bran Nathan Hale Coffee, lb. . . .35c Salmon ing, in part or in whole, any official js all bran 'with only necessary fla- R. 8. Asparagus Tips, 101/, Tender Leaf Tea, i/,-lb. Rib End Pork Roast, program of the Council. They are voring added. It contains much «*•...... 15cpkg...... 3So Ib...... R. 8. Tiny Beets, can _____ 15c Rread 2 for 1 2 cans $1.00 exactly what they purport to be, and more needed “bulk” than part-bran B. 8. Grapefruit, c a n ...... 15c Word’s Cove brand, Ptnfc Veal Stew WHERE TH ^FTY SHOPPERS SHOP no more; compilations of the individ- products. Get the red-and-green R. 8. Tomatoes, 2 c a n s ___25c Brownie Peaches, c a n ...... 17c Strictly Freeh Eggs, B. 8. Sauerkraut, Ig. can . . 15c salmon. TaU cans. dozen ...... ual opinions of a representative package a t your grocer’s. Made by R. 8. Prepared Mustard, 9- Dry Gin.' Kellogg in Battle Creek. B. 8. Pitted Dates, lO-oz. oz. Jar ...... lOc 15c lb. /If Ijirge Native Pota- S. "* p r o o f .... 89c Phg...... , ...... 15c Unceda Bakers' Social Treats, This Is a real value for Saturda Weekend S P E C I A L S Weekend toev, i^Tek . Large Bottle R. 8. Big Baking Beans, pkg...... 19c Phg...... 8c Diamond Crystal Salt, pkg. 6c COFFEE SPECIALS G r een Toma t oes , LAST 2.P AYS DEL MONTE SALE PILLSBURY'S win the family’s approval by serving only the BEST coffee basket ...... Straight Rye- Pot MACHIS "‘i.*;* you can. We’re featuring two Self-Serve best sellers S.^TFR- CHOICE HEAVY STEER BEEF 39c Fancy Cookies, Whiskey, 1 O C M IN ITM I X Economy Soda Crackers, 1-lb. pkg. ... 15c DAY! full qt ...... $ 1 Ib...... PINEAPPLE 2 "o. t KLEIN’S MARKET Frisbie’s Cocoanut Cookies ...... 16c lb. Crushed Pkg. 1 5 Delicatessen and Packagfe Store • ROAST 5ledlum Potatoeo, Cremo Beer, HaleV Morning peek ...... 3 for ...... APRICOTS DIAL 32.56—WE.DELIVER FREE! We will have a full line of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ROAST ” s Sast”'^ roast 25c « oant 161 Center Street PEARS 2 No. f delivered to us early Saturday morning. Luxury. 20*-25< “ eens A T Pillsbury's Pancake Flour Quality GMids At Saving Prices! TOMATO » K Sardines 3 25 juict J cans 2 3 2 small Land O’Lakes o /\ Chase and Sanborn' Pound 21c lb. GENUINE SPRING LAMBlEGS21cib. Pligs. 19 Two coffeee by n well known coffee, grower. 2S* !■>. Butter, Ib. .,... OUC Three price ranges to suit Granulated Domino Sugar, budgets. AU lean meat fr MILK FEDM’EAI. PURE VERMONT ." .r COOKIE DEPARTMENT prime beef! FDREQDARTER MILK FED VEAI, PATTERSON’S MARKET H-0 FORCE 2 Pkea. 23 10 pounds ^ j§ Gold Medal Special! LEGS\ SPRING LAMB Shoulder Koaat Teleph'one^3386 y i,'/ 101 Center Street for...... 04C VANH.LA EXTRACT >/t Hi . 0 0 Nation-Wide Where You Get Good Groceries and Meat! TEA ".'SSJ pkg. 17 Have You Ever Tried Our tkis stutmutq neuP COOKIES Beet Stew AGAIN WE OFFER Home Made, Cooked, Deli- 12V^c\ *C l b . )c lb. FIG RINGS K smell CASH We Are Meat Experts — Quality First! - QUAKER OATS 3 Pkga. 25 MILK-FED EOWL! cious SmDSElMClsiI 2 lbs. 27c 17* «b. Tell CHICKEN, wmunaw ^Flg Bart AU lean meat Makes a n< SKYFLK WAFERS HIS?’. EVAP.MIIK r r 3'/,-Ib. jar ..... stt ovH msPiAV roM ptrMiLs , lag dinner for kiddies and growjS Roasts center cuts 28c Oe n e 23 Q5cea. , 2f or^l 2 9 yyc SPECIALS • Sugar Fingers npe. 3-3 pounds average. Money jefunded if not 43- a tHOICE CUT UP FOWL 43 c ea PORK LOINS, CAR! n e v R ' BAKING POWDER %‘. lr 26 Call Early! Supply. Lint- satisfied.' Rib or Loin End, lb. SOFfASliK Fresh Chickens, ited! 19c Just send Sales Slip showing purchase and 25e to Betty WHAT A TREAT! CTENTER CUT RIB END PERFECT LEAF TEA tan^ O’Lakes Butter7 chase & San- Crocker, Minneapolis, Minn...... Newton Robertson’s tasty, SHOtLOER PRESERVINC. NF.F.nfi Orange Pekoe and Pekoe PORK CHOPS and Fowls Say... Have You Tried Lamb Legs, O O 2 1-pound ^ 4 bom’s Coffee, lb. - Demand so great last week we repeat the augar and cream- Wheiesamiir'ooanie wheat p ro ^ PORK ROAST PORK CHOPS Our Own Braml, O r t rolls D C 29c ucts. 'Scotch Ham, 35c lb. Good for breakfa.st. dinner or sup- •b...... ZZC 1 Nation-Wide m er offer tomorrow! K p t '/2-lb. pkg...... zyc (Korse) per. ^ CIDER VINEGAR .-r 49 A N N PACE Genuine Sprincr. .5.6 lbs. Nation-Wide” Butter, Coffee, I b ...... A # C Fresh solid oyjitert. 2S« I IS* 12 lbs- 29c SKced and Link Sausages. 2Qc Ih. We make these prod- average. 1 Lb. Kibbe’s Coffee . .,33c 2 1-pound * 1 Milk, Unstveetened, Evap- /W heati^ Bisqnfefc ucts ourselves. SPICES Rajah Brand 2-oz. pk«. 1 Q 1 Wm. Roger's Tea- rolls...... b l C orated, / O O Wheat Broad ’ Ground is 32c Ib. Beef Ground is 22c Ih. BREAD Pot Roast, t^ spoon . 25c 4 tall cans ____ C •Veal Ground 23c Ib. You can get pork If desired. A Country Roll Butter, /2 pkgs. 25* Ig- pkg. i jo i ^ / e a c h l O o CERTO bottle 29 LONG. LOAF Ib...... Z v w 2 1-pound ^ M ; p . . Small|Lean Smoked Shoulders 1 5 « » ^ ‘ beef loaf is a m.ost de.sirahle meal. Cut from steer beef. Totaf Value . . (C.. 58c Baker’s Vanilla ' ------i: ■ : P ' k f (l^ne) Round Pot Roast, 32c lb. Other Pot Roasts. 22c, CROSS-PANNED BUIH— O O roUs ; . ■ ...... O # C Extract, bottle. 29c VTAX , lit. pk«. 13 Oven Roqst, lb. SPECIAL...... OOC Tomato Juice, Popular Week-End Specials HP CHOICE CHOICE LEAN 1N% Mon Milk lid SkortMiRf Bananas, Fancy, rjtt Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING ...... ^ t 21e Wheat ALL .ME.\T Veal RrastV no bone, 25c Ib. Veal Cutlets. 38c Ib. Veal Pac-TIte pkc. 3 15-oz. cans... MILK FED POWI. Chops, 30c Ib. . r ^ JA R RINGS 3 Cannon Brand Peas, New Ripe, 4 lbs...... dM 1 C Large Chipso, 25c Ohio Blue Tip MATCHES...... * bosea 27o Fresh Shoulders FRESH BUTTS 25 c'"''29c Pack, Early June, O Whhrat HUI PRESERVES (P ound)...... 8 Jan Sio ' B t i c u i t s PYeks^ Hani — Minced Ham —- Liverwurst Frank- 20-:OX. loaf Choice steer cuts. o California ty q 2 pkgs...... forts, all 2.5c lb, Colaman's pkg. 29 2 No. 2 tins / ..-. -^OC 31c Henhey’s BAKINa CHOCOLATE (Vi-pound bar) . . .'t ban 25o C lib. MUSTARD 9 Oranges, doz. ...' C Best Uenheys 00(X>A...... lb. bos 18o doz. lO o c .b | j : i c ib H«n». lb. Boiled Ham, 45c Ib. Bacon. 3.5c, Pork Loins, Rib or Loin Post’s Bran Flahea, Henhey’s SYRUP...... can lOo Genuine Spring 17 9 End, any weight,/^ q Royal Scarlet g • Cabbage, Native, i *t\ 31fC IDb POULTRY FEEDS Beech-Nut COOKING MACARONI...... US pkgs. SOo Beans, c a n ...... 9 C 5 lbs...... lUC pkS...... r Chelmsford SCRATCV 25-11. kH Ho-a. one price, lb. . . . /1 OC Swansdown Cake Bcech-Nut PREPARED SPAGHETTI...... ,L..S cans 254 L *MASH iSlt.kH Flour, pkg...... Welch’s GRAPE JU IC E .___...... innia .2sov pints 4So L amb Legs OUR GROCERIES ARE THE FINEST Fresh Ground Daily! Tomatoes, B Lamb Legs, Gen- Welch’s TOMATO JU IC E ...... , . . .2 pints 8Tc SODA PEED 2.49 ♦ feed 69 No. 2 tin lU C Baker’s Cocoa, . Calo Cat and Dog F O O D ______oapb tS%/. 1Be*t CubSHOULDERlTEAK 1 7 c ib. AND REASONABLE PRICES 2.59 HAMBURG, O t f uine Spring, Ib. .. 23c '/i-lb. c a n ...... Blue Petre FINE SYRUP (12-os.) ."I...... /.2 fir lbs...... Applesauce, 1 Flour, Nation-Wide, Sunbeam Wet or Dry S H ^ IP ...... iS cans 2 for L Our Tea is a rral flne^quallty, we call it Patterson s Good 2 ODC Lamb Fores, Large size bottles. 22® OOUNTBY - Pork, Veal,(keef.,. No. 2 size can . . . X C 241/i-ib. Kraft sal ad DRESSING...... -. . . bottle ,14c •orted Genuine Spring lamb, NDOOA NUT SELECTED ' tnitl* tor it keeps 2rowing._60c Ib. Ib...... ha* ...... Red Wing CATSUP (14-oz.)___ ...... i . . . .2 for 25c flavort. (tontents Tender. -• 13c $1.15 only. fancy stock. ROLL BUTTER Our Floura are the good brands such as Occident and FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES We Carry the New Wide- Certo, for beet reeulta with Kre-Mel DESSERT...... 4...... ;,.4 pkgs. 15c Oleomarirarine EGGS Fores of Lamb, t o hags, 36c. Mouth BALL ECLIPSE Rib Roast, best cuts corn- Jelly, hitner kinds. Of course we have other brands also. Ib...... 13c JARS FOR CANNING. fed steers, B-os. b a t t l e ...... 29c 2 lb s. 57e lb. I ^ doz. 4 9 c Small, lean. Ib...... Skat Hoad Soap, OoUfomla Beedleea Oranges' 31 « Nation-Wide Coffee. 27c Ib. B A N A N AS 4 a. 2 1 Old Imperial California 29c tin...... ORANGES Fancy nnd Fresh dozen 3 1 c W bite House, 28c Ib. Arbuckle. 28c Ib. Maxwell House. Sanily Beach OO .....9c" Cauliflower Sherry Wine, Fancy Native Milk Crackers, Fancy Eating Peers— Chase & Sanborn’s, Sanka, 49c Ib. 0>iiltine. 39c, etc., etc. Cookies, Ib. , , . i b C •b...... f Fowl, lb...... 25c 10c PEARS Good and Firm 4 for lOc 2 for r^e W fFW BaiSJS TO K A Y CRAPES 4 a. 25 Pail and Shovel Free! 5Sc'”‘“'”"$ i Graham Crackers, Fresh Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce. Onions, Apples. FMcy Native Roasting Ib. . ; ...... 15c Cleea, Crisp Laevee. SUNKIST ORANGES We solicit your trade. We will try to be worthy of your FuU 8-Ponnd Pock. SUNKiST LEMONS 1 CELERY—Larze Bunch WL LARRY A FULL LINE OF IMPORTED AND Chickens, t> o Globe Pale Dry Glager Ale, SPINACH peck Jc confidence. We Invite you to try us. Free Delivery! Sweet PotatMs 5-17 ’ Green Applet 3-17 DOMESTIC LIQUORS 28-01. bottle, Snow-white ly p doz. Ib...... Oa5C (ebateataj Vj:.... Fancy Btock—SpeeinUy Priced 2o each lO c _ AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES! lOc EGGPLANT ter Setnrday. •tock! You a n send your children to the store. We give ape- each 5 c * ICEBERG LETTUCE Honey Dew Melons “ 23 . ijeberg Leltute 2^*17 Sherry - Port - Muscatel. New Potatoes, ty • PATRONIZE THESE NATION-WIDE STORES: Freah SoMIy lim a BE.\NS"'' clal attention to children and their wants. i Green and Wax BEANS Gold Medal or Hecker’s peck...... m XC Geo. England KitteFs Market PARSNIPS Porletnrday. 2 poundage lO e head OYSTERS ARE NOW IN SEASON! Flour, d M T 282 Sprnpe St. TeL 38AS 18 BlsaaO St. TeL 42M CELERY! 24«/j-lb. bag ^ 1 . 1 Fresh Dng, 4 19o 5® Qt. 15-pound peck. Bursack Bros. W. Harry England CARROTS, REETS Fancy Stocks 2 bunches lOe 2 bun. 25c Corned Beef—-Boneless Brisket ...... 22c lb. 470 Hartford SMad TpL 85.52 Maacbeeter Green Tai. 84.51 Also n good Fresh,' crisp cel- OPEN SUNDAYS _ . of creee and red peppers, grese and red tomatoes, geedleea grtHteo, plck- WeQ .bfesch- NATION-WIDE FOOD STORES OF NEW ENGLAND. ling onions, haplm s t, cadive, eqpnmbero, mdishes, green wax nnd oheU henna, soup enr. bunches and


Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Pox OUR BOARDING HOUSE

------^ .... ■...... SE N SE and N O N SEN SE F lytr aP’** Fin n e g a n 4 T he worlc^’ s Worst caooy ' ' ' " ' . ' ■■ T ^ , I ■ I, II nii I I I , , I ru, Da Yaw Dnty ) S u c c e m c ll m b e m a n y h ilto but ‘Toldad bands aro ever weary. Ml* m a k e s f e w d e t o u rs . ftoh baartoi are never gay, —ANO NOW.fA^.y/A66\.tSNAV<, ^ — SHOP ^ RDVERTIIE "’SlSiS life for tbee bath many &Ue«, Youth—Aftsr all, fools hsip 01 VOU ADMIT THAT YOU AWE A SAY, U s 'EN ,Y0U EIC a'rilve be, then, white you may. make life interesting. 3Vben allnil the1 'OPF-SHORE WINT>,/ Be atrong to bopei O heart! Though fools Are killed off, I don’t want toto NOTARY T»UBUC-THET^EFpRE,YOU AUTOMOBILES PUBUC PASSENGER APARTMENTS— FLATS— rushed into this. He must be pa- oome out here. Thtrty-flve dollars a day to bright. be here. A'RE NOT A LA'WVER./-crHEWE At N\Y lawyer an' fAE FOR SAL’^ SERVICE 20A TENEMENTS 63 tient___ week was not a great deal, with The atare eaa only thine in the dark Girl Friend—Don’t 'Worry/ you night; < CAN\E HERETO 6ET*A B each One blowy November week-end commutation and lunches taken out, won’t A 'D^PFET^ENCE,N'OlJ V Ediths N ^ : This to the secondmight suffer a let-down. For A reactionary, it one who kitepa OF fAYOOLD MINE- (senger sedan livery. Phone 3063, ed. Must be seen to be appreciated. Club father 'was anxious to see her, al- surprise. This was a new daughter, he’s on your aids or theI o< t h e r . •" • »«rlo# of six articles on Mickey ; weeks during the latter part of th« YOUR TSUTIES ARE AE AT>UBUC. 1,933 W I L L Y 8 C O U P E . 1932 Foi|d [|S860,8864. Improvements, nice neighborhood, though he wouldn’t admit It for the hto eyes fixed on the glorious past Norr TO < s ^ A LOAO resourceful, businesslike. She went Gochrane’s pbenomeaalnk. —1 suoceea as__ : played with ankles heav- nad bnekt into the future. coupe, 1931 Ford coach, 19'29 Buit o now only 118.00. Call until 10 to- world. Rather nervous about her re- Unmarried—But why did you buy OFFICER,TO ATTEST OR CERTIFY to her desk. The taxes were paid, nuuuger of the Detroit Tigers. ily taped; played against the ad- O F YOUR VEST ROCKET M dan, )l929 Ford coupe, 1929 night, 01 So. Main street. Tel. 7505. ception, she had walked down to the a dachshund fo r the children? BUSINESS she explained, but there woe a coal I Idee of the trainer who knew , that . Mother—Poor boy, how did you mV "DEEOS.TAKE ATF\t5A/lTS,'PT?OTEST Chevrolet rOadater, 1928 Hupm^- big, shabby, chlngled house. The Father of Six—So they can all VYEBSTER/ bjll. She had inin up accounts at By E. i. HILLIOAN I Cochrane needed a rest from the hurt your fingers to? bile eedah. Cole Motors—6463. OPPORTUNITIES 32 FOR RENT--6 ROOM TENEMENT forsythla whips drooped bare and pet him at once, and not fuss. ^ ^ NWOTIABLE TAPERS, ETC- the Fern wood Market. She Just (Assoctoted Frees Staff Writer) strain of both playing and manage- U tU e Son— ^Wlth a hammer. at 7 Cottage street. Modem Im - disconsolate below the porch. ’There ■ ■■ ■ j - - 4- WANTED -SOMEONE »o Uke over couldn’t help It. — I ing. Mothei^IYhen? NCVY, AiS> TO provements. Garage If desired. In - - ihv M ami M c E uiott were a few scarlet barberries on the The word "S TO P” in a telbgram rentinic of 12 furnished rooms. Boots felt a constriction o f the ^troit, Sept. l^ (A P ) "Old 1 Hie wllltngneea to go In U ■ Son—A good while ago. never kept a man from reading c quire 9 Cottage street ( phone 4309) - - / 0 »«w «*k srss«/« k aei6 hedge Uning>'the walk. How strange M O V IN t;— T R U C K IN G — t Some rooms occupied. Cheap busi-' or Andisto Brotliers, 461 Wood-, throat All the Ume she bad fait Faahloned ‘baMball Ideaa, Mickey ! pinch bitter in spots where a hit Mother—T didn’t hear you cry. and'getting hto money’s worth. STORAGE :20 ness opportunity If takeii at once, BEGIN HERE TODAY it was to return and find everything so courageous and so resourceful, Cochrane^ admits, have been res- j would mean the game and an '*ouV* S o n -1 thought-you were out. bridge street (phone 3310). .just the same when one had been ;For further' information, phone on her own in New York. Back here ponatole for the rise o f the Detroit defeat endeared him to both those The average wife might aqt more BO O TS.RAEBURN, 18 and pret- away so long! \ PE BR E TT A QUENNET IN C likal 8916. FOR RE.VT— FOUR ROOM tene- ty, elopea with RUSS LUND, hand they had been actually etruggling i 10 the stands and the members of That cellophane stuff Just seems like an angel, if the average hus- end long dleiahce movTng;"'^(itly ment, downstairs, isdth all Improve- seme ewlmmlng Instructor. Russ She was a -smart little figure m for their lives. The Tlgel manager, the most I the squad. And his ability to coma to he another thing that people band tried treating her like one. popular pilot the Detroit Club has through with a hit when It was most \e*pres* to Hartford. O^emlgot ments. Inquire 72 School street. goes to Miami, promising to send for her brown tweed suit, a small brown Well, things would be different j ha've to go and pick up after some bad In years, says that speed has ' nee;ded has stamped , him as one ot W ^ c e to and frnra New York. Xei POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 .her later, and Boots gets a job in felt set crisply on her fair head so now. She would throw nerself vali- bird* drop It Just wrhere they open Statesmen simply are politicians 8S6(; or ,1R«4 ' . i , ————— —— ---- - FOR R E N T—6 ROOM tenement, all that the curls on one side were fully antly Into this new adventure. She made the club the top one in the ; the best "money players” ever to th* package it covered. who have given up their Jobs. Improvements, 15 Oakland, 3 min- u New York department store. American circuit. wear a Detroit* uniform. R um does not wTite. .Months pass exposed. She^jooked nothing at all would be the man of the house. Oh, OR SALE!--36 LAYING hens. Tel. utes from Depot Square. Rent rea- The fans may like home runs, but Tw o then who had been bachelor ATip ! \ ■ ''r," and then word eomea that he has like the proverbial prodigal daugh- if noly she were clever, were older! 6121. sonable. Telephone 8671.. ter, The bag In hei hand was of Teal Theee parents of hers were in a lit Detroit they have proved they cronies met for the first time in been killed in a motorboat accident. still. Uke a hustling, fighting team K / five yeare. FOR SALE—WHITE-Giant roast- Too proud to ask her parents for pigskin— Edward’s birthday g ift to Sense her very children now. She FOR R E N T -F IV E ROOM flat, als.i that does things on the base paths. First—^Tell me, Tom, did you aig chickens, 3.V lb. dressed, de- help, Boots struggles on alone. She her. She had, been sending part of had them m her charge, i f only ebe six room tenement, with all Im- Cochrane has given them that kind many that girl, or do yqu atlU dam Manchester livered. Ralph Vor. Deck, telephone meets DENIS F E N W A Y , young her salary home each'week since were rich! BATTING -1 A Though t provements. Inquire at 147 East o f a team after years In which the your own socks and do your cook- 5327. Center street. author, who Introduces her to ED- her mother’s visit and against Mrs. The thought flashed across her fans despaired of ever .seeing a Evening l^rald Raeburn’s protast. Burt Masteraon mlntf with lightning quickness. Ed- ing T But If the wicked tarn frem hto W ARD V A N SCtVER and bewutlful ttoring Detroit aggregation. Second—Tee. FOR R E N T— FOUR ROOM teno- was a gmerous employer, and Fran- Ivard! She bad been staving him off, wickedness and do that which is CL^lFIEOX K.YV CHILUNOFORD. ” 3Ve’ve Just b«en sacrificing anjl lawful and right, he shall live there- ARTICLES FOR SALE 43 ment, all Improvements. Centrally Denis helps Boots get a Job In a ces Gawtrye's report of Boota had lighting for time, not wishing to squeezing, and hitting and run- ' ADVERTISEMENT^ come to any decielon. LEADERS Great Man— Tes, I woke up one by,—Ezekiel, SS:19. \ been flattering. She had had a raise locateu. Inquire Sam Yulyes, 701 book shop. She goes to live with ning,” Mickey admits: morning nnd found ihyaelf famous. FOR S A L E -U S E D STEAM boiler, Main street. since coming to the Bay Tree that "W hat did you say. M other?” By ASSOCIATED PRESS worOA i « • nev lar^j squafp type. In good con- trances OAWTRYE, In charge of Speed On Basea (Including Yesterday’s Games) The Other—It was slightly dif? iDftUIe. Dumber* **4 ubbriviMlOM the shop. Boots’ mother comes to see rainy , summer morning. Mrs. Raeburn was weeping open- The stolen base still has plenty Slight aorrow for sin Is sufficient, •Ach ttouait '*• * /ord **d *6cBp6oad . ditlon, reilbeed,. to $80 for quick FOR R E .V l—SIX ROOM tenement, ferent with me. I found myself provided it at the same tlifie pro- ^O U TELL her and tells her her father has hal Miss Florida came to the door, ly. frankly. " I t ’s a shame___ girl of value in baseball- Mickey be- word* A*, two word* Mintmom.eo*! i* X tle . 16 squares of htix-^shlngles - with all Irr.provements, and garage. A.MERICAN LEAGUE famous— and then I woke up. duces amendment.— Colton. prte* of Ibr** Un*A. I a stroke. welcoming her with embarrassed ef- your age,...ought not to have the lieves, and for that reason the , date surface at low price. Used coal Inquire 140 Maple street. Batting—Gehrig, Yankees, .357; <£3 'E rA ,M A 3 0 R \ IdD* r*t** p*r dAF lot irinmoRI Denis calls one night and asks fusion. "You dear child! How well responsibility." Tigers made it an important part Manush, Senators, .355. The stout gentleman with a r 4 a ’ ' rangbsCheap, new black and white you look." Boots straightened her shoulders. of thfeir offensive stretegy. "Look KHrctlv* M*r*b 17. i n t ' FOR R E N T— 5 ROOM upsUirs flat Boots If she Is going to marry Ed- Runs— Gehrlnger. Tigers, 128: famous appetite rushed up the coal range reduced for rlearance, She had failed them before, had hurt alive" has been Cochrane’s warn- 0^ C*Ah O b *rt* slightly sT^lled floor sample niat- Apply 38 Woodland street. Phone ward. Be takes her In his arms, Werber, Red Sox. 125. front steps o f his boarding house • Coo**euuir* Da / i ••( t MA* \l et* It was true and Boots was glad. their pride. Now ahe was going to ing to the base runners, and early in Runs batted In— Gehrig, Yankees, and met nls landlady In the hall. fpLAPPER Fanny Says: tresse.s aniK'springs, several floor 6.349. then apologizes and rushes avvaj'. ftCO. U, *. *»T. OfT. V " ...... I ConteouliY* Day so • ou M *U There, would be critical eyes to gaxe make amends Edward or no Ed- the season he made a rule that any- 163; Trosky, Indians, 134. Stout Gentleman—I declare, I et* sample bed toOcn suites reduced for .NOW’ GO ON W IT H TH E STORY PeKtiiiig rot, 1»]|| OR* at her from behind the chintz dra ward; she would see them through. one getting caught off base would Hits— Gehrlnger. Tigers, 200; Just got outside the door when I quick sale. Odds a,nd enda of spring be fined $10, the money to go to a UKLW l SlVll l M At*. BUSINESS LOCATIONS CHAPTER XXX'VIII perles all along the streets of the (To Be Continued) Gehrig. Yankees, 198. discovered I had lost three buttons An Ultimatum patterns In Wardoleim^ rugs. Also village.” Raebu:'n’a girl who married fund for the clubhouse boy. Coch- Doubles—Greenberg. Tigers. 58: off my vest By John C. Terry some Wardoleiiih yard goods re- FOR RENT 64 For Boots the world had become rane himself paid the fine only a badly, end whose husband died." She Gehrlnger, Tigers. 46. Landlady— Oh.' don’t wrony, you’ll veit'YrRnHdg/ fu n s cahh- Lerk derup in tkosb Ads ordered for' throe or els 4)V* duced (Bl quirk sale., Also a few a beautiful pl.ice. Colors, sounds, short time ago, but the yille still S U IIR E N D B R A T O NC E-(3 f t T H E Rad *topp*d b «for* th* third oi ft'i FOR RENT—OFFICES at 885 Main scents all charmed her. She had threw her head up proudly. Well, ahe Triples— Manush, Senators, and probably find them la the dining 5he e f s th o a u e r - > Rocks 1 sahtiuA W«wY dA7 will b* ebarc*d oaIf (07 tb* diow/ ..syalniit,, maple and mahogany en l had e.scaped from this narrowness holds. ' Chapman. Yankees. 11. room. street (Orford Bldg.) • Apply Ed- waked to a sense ot lightness and Overnight A , P. TH6 MEH - ^ U . THEA1 T& OAK %VAS1Y MOCK TtMi WMiH HOUSE-wbwbel Bur n eet,/* CuaI otimb*i of tlm** th* . d App«dF-/ .a/id occaMmial tebtes. Montgomery and pettiness. She Jiad done some- Never In recent years have Home Runs—Gehrig. Yankees, Ad, chArRlns At ibt.fAl* *ArD*d. bul( ward J. Holl. Tel. 4642 and 8025. lapplneas. That night at the thca-' Ward & Oo. thing, made something of herself. Detroit fans seen anything to com- 46; Foxx, Athletics. 48. Everything’s been printed about TIE FlRiNtf*. HE FINDS THAT C/BW LIKE RATS - V o o ao AllowADc* 0? r«fiiad* oab b* mAd« U r with -Edward she had, been so pare with the way in which Coch- eyiPTV' OB atx tlm* *d i *topp *4 Afui Uir4 FOR RENT— LARGE OFFICE They wouldn’t recognlxe this prob- News Stolen bases— Werber, Red Sox, the World War except the list of FOR SALiEli-PRACTICALLY new, sweet, .so inflnitely gentle and wo- '.ane’s club behaves on the base t f lh dAF. , room, second floor front. Purnell ably because working In a bookshop 38;. Fox. TlgersT 26. millionaires who were killed in it. b ban a 12-guagd flve.,Bnot repeating No forbid*'*! dlAplAF U ** block, 829 Main street, reasonable I'lanly and interested that the big paths. White. Fox. Walker, three of Pitching—Gomez, Yankees, 25-5; •old. ' ahotgiin. Blailhwuite, 52 Pearl St. cellbw had been enchanted with her. didn’t sound impressive. But she the fastest men on the squad, have T b * ilorAld. WIU Aoi b* r*spob*ibl« rate on lease. Inquire Geo. E. Keith, could wave Edward Van Sciver's Gloucester, Mass.— The Glouces- Rowe, Tigers, 24-6.’ Joel—So you finally landed ' a She seemed to bum with an Inner ter dragger Josie sank four miles been told to worry pitchers, and jt'V for mor* tbAb od* loeorr*ot latortfoi Keith Furniture Co, name In front Of th.em any day now NATIONAL LE.4GUE Job? •f ABF Adv*rtlA*fP*nt ord*r*d fm light. east of that Cheer’s End after col- have succeeded. White in one game if she wanted to and that would Im- . .Unchanged except for: Judy— Yes, filling out alips for a mor* tbAD on* ttm* , A N D FE E D 49-A liding In a heavy fog with another was called put twice at two bags, on Tb* lDAdv*rt*at oruioaio* « i lacor- STORE FOR RENT^State Theater "Y ou ’ve grown up since I met BatUng—P. Waner, Pirates. .357; manufacturer. Building. Apply theater manager or press them. -Larchneck nad heard of Gloucester man, the 'Virginia and, the same play, but forced the um- Foot pUbllCAttOB of A d v«ftt*lB i WlU IF FOR SALK URARO W(wood, fireplace you," he marveled "You were Just Terry, Giants, .347. Joel—Oh, so you’re on office girl ? the Van Sclvers and their big, blank- Joan. The Joale’s crew of five was pire to reverse his decision when he roottfl*) onlF bF cAoc*UAtloB of ibi wood, fu n l^ 4 wpbd, a:and oak slabs. your own broker. For Informatlor a kid last spring. .-rT” Runs batted in—Ott, Giants, 135; Judy— No, a lingerie model. •hAra* mAd* for th* **rvio* r*&d*r*d cal’ 7832 faced white Slone house on upper taken off by the other craft. kicked the ball out of the hands of Berger, Braves. 116. AJi Adv*rilA*m*nu nuti eonfom. Telephoneihdne 13149.|3|149 lg CABiN., four rooms, 2 oar'garage, at 194 shining car now, someward bound. Meantime here was Miss Florida, the favorite of the fans. A bril- tect flaws in metal parts of alt? b* publl*h*d *Am* dAF mutt b* r T \ tteleph-one ■ 42. state to the- ^ m o cra tlc standards. ing in? * IBM A P„ tu • •*lY*d bF It o'elork nooni SAtordAFBcordAf* \ Vernon street, rent $18 month. In- He took her hand. "You've been put- her lank loops of oily hair pinned liant backstop, he has taken hla planes by sprinkling white Iron salt 14:»0 A m Neighbor — N ot half so much as quire 62 Mather street or Phone ting me off for some time now. How back In the well remembered man- place back of the plate day aft'^r on them. The salt gathers in fins she is of speaking out about marrying me in December?” ner, grepttng her. L.ATIN-.A.MERIC.A.V LIB E R ALS day, feeling that should he remain WASHINGTON TUBBS TELEPHONE YOUR GARDEN— FAR M - 6819. lines re.sembllng scratches. These ______—— -r,______By Crane OUT OUR WAY By Williams But she could not answer Edwar 1 "Your mother’s upstairs with CALLED TO FIGHT FASCISM out of the lineup too ofter the team lines represent cracks in the steal. WANT ADS. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 How comfortable the wicker UTi MOW a u 5 6 ? y o u e x p e c t m e t o y m h o y o u V p o k e 'im l^3^ f 'e u e r v o u f K e e p < » i ^ fiOLLV, lT% STILLl FOR R E N T -S E V E R A L Destrabla just IJien. True. Denis had- walked your fathei. The furnace has been chair is at the Country Gllib de- im a filthy coal car with these callwga A d* AT* 4co«pt«d ov*t tb* t*l*pboa* Buenos Aires.— (A P ) — The A r - 9E i P 'NCSE VOUVE STARTED ENOUGH FOR SALE--CULTIVATED grapes five, six and seven room houses, out of her life last night with Kay's acting up," Mias Florida explained pends a lot on what the waiter Idle gossip keeps many girls TOO HEAVY— at tb* CHARGiS RATS fft««b Abov* gentine socialist party, leading 666RADED GALOOTS? A 6AL06T? TROUBLE, y ------A* A OOB**nUn • to AdY^UAfA. but 50c basket seckel pears 65c basket^ single and double. App'y Edward r. name on nls lips. He had said, in' ’ They have a little oil stove lighted brings. busy. /f'-rRoV I'LL HAVE TO minority group In the chamber of IHEQ -------I, WILL N O T^ tb* CA9 H RATE* VIU b« A*o*pt*d a * The Gllnark Farm. South -Mam Holl. Phone 4642 and 8025. effect, lhai he belonged to Kay and In his room." ‘‘iHOUTf K E E P Q U ET. I'LL l "eave off a rULL FATMRKT If paid At th* bu*U Kay to him. But Boots ignored this. deputies, has appointed Deputies ■ • • * • offlo* ofi 91 bffer* ih* **v*nth street.—6121. Boots had .not remembered that 7 DISPOSE OF THESE FEW MORB. She had the memory of that moment the stair carpet was so shabby. Nicholas Repetto and Enrique Dlck- T da> following th* drat (naartloa of mann and Senator Alfredo L. Pala- RUPHANS IN MV •Aob Ad olharw i** th* CHARGU FOR SALE — SWEET. ConcoTd rr. in Denis’ arms. That, she argued, Where the brass rods fitted it had OWN W A V ^ RATJB w llj n* eo Ilect«d No r**p on *l« grapes, 60c basket, delivered' any- had “ meant something," No. she frayed almost completely away. The cios to organize an International MIUf for arrorii in' t*l*phoB*d *d* congress here In April. where In town. Call U. Osano, tcloi was not really so grown up as Denis wallpaper in the hall, too, was spot- HALogfcTiraAM qeofteE*sc^PO> w ill b* aaiumad and' (hair aceuradF The meeting, which will be called •Aonot o* gnArnniAAd. phone 8816. and Edward suspected. She had beeii ted and In places had pulled away the International Congress of Ibero- singularly untouched by hei brief from the plaster. There were'evl- American Dertiocracy, will seek IND EX OF experience with marriage. TJie very uences of decent poverty every)- plan to "defend the democratic-re- CLASSIFICATIONS HOUSKHOU) (;OODS 3) fact that Denis had crushed her to where In the mended curtains, in publican form of government. Ampli- Wrthe ...... * him she believed indicated some FOR SA LE - COAL^RANGE good couch springs that sagged to the fy labor legislation, control capital Xhsesements ... • ••*.« s *,*.a # «« ••• bond existed between them. Msrrieree ..... • condUIdn. cheap foriqulck aaie. Can floor. Boots’ heart sank Insenablly ism. promote obligatory, free and Dealhe ...... be seen by cailllng telephone 5672 She went about In a sort of as she mounted the dozen stairs laic education,' and encourage free Card 01 Thanke By .ASSOCI.ATEP PRESS drea'nV...tfi""9!'Iiich objects, people, comprising the second half of the coirmerclal and cultural inter- la kiemorlam FOR SA LE — 10 PIECE walnut din- Tck Carletoii and Jim Collins. places and time were only half-real. flight. Lcel and Found . Cardinals -Carletori held Braves to change." ^n9unc*m*nt* ing r^om suite; 3 piece davenport The only reality -vas a tall young She hadn't known hadn't dreamed Siiclal.lst deputies, who frequently «riD ni(U set, / wicker I nrmclmirs, sewing three hits In first game; Collins sopred only run in second. man with a mocking smile on his that things were like this: The house have criticized the Legion Clvica, \ A a to w n lill M machiner Iron anublo bed, and l.ps. One ot these days, she told her- smell,pd of coal gas and dust. The ( Jlnmile F’oxx, Athletics Made Argentine’s fascist organization, A u io i^ u b tl** for 6* U ...... * piano. 69 Oak .street. self. Hie would walk Into her life to A u tooi D bll** fo f ExchBii H * • • • • • • three hits. Including 43rd homer. room in-which she stepped was vv’ide have asked other Latin American ivrr^e \FER IO BUCKS,^ AH HA{ THAT, M y ^ stay. Everything would be straight- .and bare and shabby. The man sit- A u t* A ec*«*4yl**—T l f * i . . . « • • • < M AHOGANY D INING room set, 10 ugalnst White Sox. aoc'allst and liberal parties to par •A ttto R *P *t H f^ ff^ P *lo M tii ...... t Les Munns, Dodgers Limited ened out. Any moment now she Img in the rocker, a bright afghan ticinate ” I S i c v 1 FRIENDS, ILLUSTBATES A u to Sch eb U ...... i - a pieces, 4 pouter mahogany set. 3 might pass him on the street: that over his knees, differed In almost al’ MUST / ME OWN . /THE POWER OF HONEY. A u t o » ^ h l p b* T r u c k | plgce.s, 2 large metal beds,’ muhog Pirates to five hits. FRECKLES A N D HIS FRIENDS By Blomer man stepping out of a taxi might respects from the heavy-Jowl^, rud- 6RAN'MUD0£l?.y'wE SHALL BE TROUBLED A u to*— F o r U ifo ...... I any flnisl,. l single, mattresaes. Jack Burns. Brovv-na-Hit ninth p * r b t * * ~ S * r v l e * - ~ 6 t o r * t * ...... u Inning homer to beat Red Sox. oe he. That tall person with his back i.y father she had left behind a year COSTELLO REN0.3UNATED BY RUFFIANLY HOBOES springs, lancy chairs, good condl M o tojrcY o U a^ D loyel** ...... n Joe Moore, Giants Led attack on turned t o ’ her in the restaurant and a half ago. He was smaller, NO LON6ER. ____ W *n t*d A u t o *~ u .o t o rc y o l** . . . i t tlnn, 03k dining room set, china New London, Sept. 21.— (A P ) — T S L L U S W H AT WELL, ONE OP THE MOST Reila with homer and two singles. might face sitddenly abmit, reveal thinner. He had a gray stubble of ■ ..4^.4... B it t iB r** an d Pr«>fva*l**iil • • r i d e * * closet, spool bed. Phone 6492. B u flo *** 8«rv io** O rr*r*d ...... I t George Selkirk. Yankees-Scored mg Dcnts‘"heai t-brc,aklngly beauti beard oif his chin and his voice fal- State Senator C. C. Costello of Gro- *>fcU D I O U P IM T V ie BX e mMS THINGS THAT HAPftgMBD^ R o u **h o ld 8*rv | c** O fT*r*d two runs and drove In two In rout of ml eyes. tered when he spoke. ton waa unanimously renominated n o r t h w o o d s , TO M E , WAS UP NEAR T i'l ; '//. lI u l M ln *—C o n «r«c(ln s ...... 14 Tigers. at the Republican 18th Senatorial F l e r l t u — ...... n MACHINERY AND TOO US .Vi There was no a-a-kwardness. That F R B C K L E S * RAINBOW L A k E .» . 'I F u n a r a l D lrinitora ...... i * Andy High. Phlllles-H Ia pinch ’ Meantime It vvu.-v pleasant to have "Daddy" was "different” Boots was District convention at the Alohican ll*A tln d->-PIu m b1n H -p-Roo8ag -r- |7 ONE SIX HORSE power Fairbanks hit brought In two runs In rally that Edward abejut to listen to his conver- ready to ackiiovvledge. The old thun- hotel last night.. Speakers at a din- 'Ir lB4 U ran e« ...... j | beat Cubs. ner which followed were Attorney machine for sawing wood. Inquire sation, to lean on his/firm, to smile dering accenta were gone; the old iM4 avfus»yicaif^ T,KRzau.aS4T.on... U in in er | r.^ X > r tsim a k t n s ...... |» Earl- Averlll, Indians — Raked General Warren Burrows, Prosecut- M o v lo s—T r a c k l n s—« .o r a » * . . . . 14 76 Windsor street. Buckland. . at him. It was ple.asant to be admir- truculence had vanished. In Ita place mi ing Attorney Harry Brogan and for- l a b i l e P s M a n o r S a rv le e Washington pitching for homer and ed. to be wanted; but prefaCntly she was a,nevy weakness, a humllttv two doubles. mer Representative Benjamin F. (READ THE STO R Y,H fE N COLOR THE PICTLYIE) P a i n t i n g - P s p . r l n a ...... vvquld have tO explain to Edward which hurt her more than the other ' P " > t * V l ® " a l 8»nrl0«a Hewitt, all of Groton; State Central R O O M S W I T H O U T H O A R D .39 just how things were with her. He The monkey’s sat down by the give these tots a thrill.” In Just R . p a l t l n i ...... ever had. It was terrible to see the Committeeman Daniel McCronln, horn. Said Windy. ‘The look quite about a minute funny noises filled ■ T a llo H n g— D y e l n a—C l t a n l n s wouldn't mind. Ha would be sure to gaunt, gray, thin man— a pathetic Theodore Bodenwein, Judge John J. T o ile t O ooae sod Se rv ic e ...... FOR RE.NT— LARGE SINGLE understand. .. . ' shadow of his forraei self—deferring forlorn, I w’onder what’s the matter. the air. . w * n t * d ~ B u * i n * a » • • .-v ie * rooms. A heaven for bachelor girls FOR SALE OR RENT McGarry, former Representatives It waa In thU mood that she listen- to everyone. It \4^is pitiable beyond "Oh, my,” cried Goldy. “ Have S d * r « t l u * a l and boys where you can be chet John M. Malone, Jr., and Morris Maybe they are scared o f us. •SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON MILL ed to his questions about an early words. a heart. You’ll blow that mon- C oureee an d C leeses ...... and chamber niald Jensen— Phone Lubchansky ail of New London, and "Please tell them, hunter, we’re P r iv a t e In e trae tlo n ...... STKEET. In .A-l shape hi^vlhg been marriage. December? No, ahe didn’t Boots had not known things were strous horn apart. I must ad- BIG BEQIMNIN6— SM ALL ENCHNG 6flZQ— 7635. Ezeklal Spitz, president o f the New all right, and that there is no mit that for that kind o f music zawcau. a eeyjmr. 9-41, g a n e l n a '...... , entirely renovated Inside and out. think so. She smiled at him mistily like this. A terrible pity filled her U u t lc a l— D r t m a t le ,, London Chamber of Commerce. cause for fright. They seem to I don’t care." SALESM AN SAM ______Playing Safe! Large garden plot nnd chicken and the square shouldered man imil- heart, smote her very belnfe. By Small .. a.niM cr.lP s,ijri|.p.(1pa' house. .Apply to Thomas Ferguaon, think that, any minute, we might ed back at her protectively. Poor llt- " I should have come before," she start a fuas." '^YpUM ISUM DERSTC)OD,M E MR. HCXODY-I W ANTEDS O H , / fOlw e'S-TM* O ^ E m i n e 's l a b s l c d Ft»f«eUr APARTMENTS— FLATS— 175 M ain S t r e e t. ______This made the hunter laugh In ^ f a i B L L - E R -U H - R K C U S E THIS 4S JUDGE HOWDY ^ ^ ft d ■—S t oi k ■—iio r %•A g * k tlif. kid. he thought She mustn’t be cajd later to Mias Florida, helping BOMB HL’BTS SEY’EN SOU TO JUDGE THE JAM THAT THE FAIR SEY (QETCHA, ARS. F R IN K / ^ M R S . S N I C K ! B u il n *** TENEMENTS 6.1 "Oh, no,” replied the hunter. glee. “Who else will try to blow?" ; M E J U S T A M IW UT* / speaking ! MRS. JONES' ' dpporiuBiti**C|>po------4^.. fhe latter with the evening meal. OP TH E CCXJNTPtYSIDe HAVE MATDe. AN D N O T / NOW, M oney to l-r**n ...... -e'/.*.. “They are waiting for a chance asked he. “I will,’’ exclaimed wee 5! ,VOO'lL HA \ * M Y OECIStOKi JAM WINS/ "W ell, yes. Your mother’s been Havana. Sept. 21;— (A P ) —Seven to play upon the horn. They T TH' JA(v) at OOR FAIR! L J / m Y DEAR „ .• „ d lia a t lo M FOR RENT—TWO, THREE and persona were wounded last night Scouty, "I am pretty good at that." NOTTY AND CHARLIE WERE S H O R TLY / p F * m » i*...... I I tour room furniabed or imfurniaheo carrying a heavy load." Miss Florida never start' until I give the word. His first blow niade the whole SUDDENLY^ 1 thought I Slftf R *lp t|^*ntcd-«>XJ«i* ...... Id when more than 30 bombs were set '.CPOKIN® SOME VSMISON,AND 1 (Swe:::?' Apartnionts. Manchester Construe admitted. "She’s worried more than “ Now, when you Tinies see bunch roar. Said Scouty. “I will SAW SOMETHING AHEAD am sle im e n W en trd i ...... *4 . a she will Bay. I know that." off in the capital in another out- them blow, _ I know you’ll all WENT OUT WITH MY RIFLE., H elp W an ted— M ete or P e n ie ie ..' t l Don Co. Telephune 4131 or 4359. Loo k ing F o r d K itchen R a n g e! try once, more. Don’t blame me. ME,IM THE THICK BRUSH... ‘0»LL, MAU*^ Bit by bit, whin the invalid had burst of ^olence. laugh ho. ho, hoi The noise you'll I WAS abo ut tvvo mil e s A rs n i e W a n t e d ,- ..,...... h . a Here Is the place to find It! though, if what comes out of this I COULONT MAKE OUT WHAT tr snappy/ ,/ P U B L I C it u a t io n s W enied— P e m a le . . J IS KENT HUNTI.NGT T ell us What been settled for the night and the They included a little girl and a hear .will be the funniest you’ve big horn sounds flat.’’ ' nephew of Secretary of the Treas- ;from .camp.,, and rr IT WAS, BUT I Tt30K P homb a i l u e t lo n i W e n te d-f M ale ...... | * vt.u want. We’ll takoi cage oi It tor S-20 GLENWOOD R.\NGE WITH two women were downstairs In the ever heard.” "Aw . you’re a flop,” said X m p ln ym *n i A f*B*l«o ...... 40 ury Lands. A number of suspects, WAS NEAR DUSK... you without Charge, tv I. McCann. OIL BURNER ...... ; ...... shabby living room. Boots drew Duncy: "Gee, you should have STEADY AIM AND peg*— a- $32.50 from her mother the truth about the most o f them students, were ar- Then to the monks he cried, FIRED r AND NOW I'M SUPPOSED TA D E CID E «A)(L«oouMe» 89 Center street. Dial 'i .’nij. rested. left that Job to me." Just then u v . 8 t o . k - v . h i c i . , 4 $ «peclar*4 l M Range with New Oil Burner— fam ily finances. Taxes had gone up "All right. Go on, now, blow wee Scouty blew so hard. It took WHICH JAM TA S TE S T H ' B E S T? ^ u l t f y end H upptt.e ...... 4. FOR R E N T—5 ROOM upsldlrs flat IrighUulIy, Mrs. Raeburn said, twist- with all you. might.” The mon- all of hls breath. W e n t ,. - P e t . —P o a l t r r —llibe h 44 ou Cooper street steam ne.f, an ...a <911 Burners— with a flve-ym r guarantee—gm.AO keys were so tickled that they ^ P . » 8.I.— ftnd up. ing her thin fingers nervously. The IN BANKRUPTCY The noise gave Duncy quite a r n i g l i d e s lo i kale' ...... 4 . .mprovements. one tplnult wx'k endowment policy had practical!,’ : I started racing 'round. scare and mad^ the lad jump into "Hey, stop It," cried the hun- ^ a t s and A coaiaorlee ...... 44 from West Cgnter street .Apply at oeen eaten up. She didn’t know New Haven, Sept. 21.— (AP) — A air. "Oh, my." fair Dotty-shouted, B u lld t n a U . I . r i a l s ...... 4 . ter. "You must do Just as I told fe*;- Glenney'a Store, 789 Main street whether she would be able to bold bankruptcy {ietitton on file here Is "You near scared the lad to D u r n a n d ^ W a io h t e - ^ e v e l r T . . 41 BENSON'S you to. You are the wildest act- derth.” E le c t r ic a l A p p lla n e.e— Rad io 4* ■lohnson Block on to the bouse or not. Boots figur- that of Frank Oskar of Stamford ^1, f u e l and Pood ...... 4 i..a FOR R E N T—3 ROO.M heated apart- ing monkeys I have ever found.” raent, ^ t h kitchnetto and bath, ed swiftly, wildly on the back of ar watchman, with debts of $25,077 and ® sr d o n F a r m — D airy P ro d ao ts *4 envelope. ’ She could leave Frances, no assets. ’ He then grabbed both and (Flippy Frog and Happy Hop- pRe.sER.ves<»^grc Eouaabold fJo o d t ...... I? second floor. Purnell Block, 820 said, "Hold still, and play, to per appear In the next stoiy.) acb ln ory and T r o lt • • • • • — Main atreet, furnished ii desired. l ^ s t o a ] I n t t r u m e r t t ! . ” ! ! ! * * ’ • • Inquire.Geo. E. Keith. Keith Furni- O fflco an d S t n r . Rq u ip n ian t . . . 14 ture Co. ALLEY OOP _ ___ GAS BUGGIES Life’s Little Tragedies tp eclalo at th e 8 'o r a , ...... ” { I Good Old Moo! By Frank Beds By HA M LIN 9^/TY THE POOR W/AB WHO ro a r i n s A p p a re l— r a r e ...... I f FOR RE.VT— FOUR ROOM tene- OH^UM t BOV, WHAr A SLEEP.'l W M O O SURE-HE WAS 'S W an ted— T o B u r m ALL NIOHT ? ------—^—N WITH ANY LUCE AT ALL. THEN, A S THE SUN BEtirAN ITS WESTWARD SLip£ ACCOMPANIES HEP HUSBAND ON 7T SAW AL IN M Y SUNDAY ^ I’LL NEVER FORGET W H A T5 THE IDEA OF meut, 171 Summit street, furnace B O Y , N O T C H A.^ we OUOHTA BE IN f 'AFTER I FIRED, IT DIDNT A V fS ir TO HIS HOME TOW N. R M n ,» —B o ard— I l o t r t .—.R roerta and ail Improvvments, garage. Tel I NEVER / 6-A2AWOOP/ ALLEY AND FOOTY REACHED A ROCKY OIVIDC BROWN AND SCHOOL CLASS. HE THOSE ROUGH-HOUSES REMEMBER Hig h - hatting my old ^ __ R M ia a r a m o I T H O U S H T M(20 BEFORE J;MOYE AT al l ! a RAN R3R- HARRY MANLEY SANO TENOR . WE USED TO HAVE HOV WE USED FRIENDS BY STANDING PWwVr* wAOLied 59.H7. HEARD A ' VWUPOP’c S U M P IN NIOHTFAU..' V/AHD, EAGERLY, M Y GUN ' ,[ HOW LONS DO STEO WOOD AND DOC CARLSON] REMEMBER. FRED WHEN OUR HIGH TO DUCK OUR BACK AND ACTING UKE XT' puntry BoAfa^H.;oVtV’ ;;::,,„^ “ op. PEEP/ HEV, F002V ' i g ® > * l*—R » * t a o r a n u FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM tene- HRHAPY FOR INFANT USE.... ' tD u s u p p o s e rr R E M E M B E R AND OOC. READ AND HALLOCK CONRAD- HES J SCHOOL beat LAST CLASS YOU WERE BORED STIFF. • 4 P ft I T C H M I L L E R AND J. CROMWELL W»at»d—Room.—noari .rr...” 11 ment on Trotter atrget. Vacant ■LOOK/ . A H E A D O F M E , W A S HAD B E E N YOU KNEW NEAR THE WINTHROf 5EATTLES. AND BEAT rr M009EN fJP.. JOIN , H n 4 D O N S P E L L M A N ARE ANXIOOS TO PURL e o u R G A iz e HOTEL- SO IS , OH BOV! TO THE IN THE Sept 15th' Apply Robert Hughes. .THERE'S MOO.V f J i tNEVEMTY-FIVE- POUND'' D E A D ? , A N D N E W T SEE YOU. SO OUT A T THE ERNIE COOK— / MOVIES.. CONVERSATION.' Ipartnunta Flata Tanamiot*.. 18 Doane street. Tel. 6068.- uila*tt Leaatlona fei Raat ■yoLOCATz lying stiff B U R E N . . 1 HORACE WR16HTI A N D Q UIET* , S A V T H S M . AND JACK F'OR RE NT— FOUR ROOM flat, r.%. MC LEO O .. seciinfl fluor, improvements. Apply fa 5 “Sa*;/!!."*r..rr:.-r 11 Cooper street. R*«t Bacat* r*f 8*1* «sMnaDt Buildlna toi Bala . .. Mlaaaa Proparty lo t taU . . . . . FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM tene- ment, all Improvements, hot water *^“ '’*‘* MoCoUufti, 143 Florence street. Bbarbaa for gala ...... ; ^ Exeharsr o . . . * , Fod R ^ T —3 ROOM apartment, ijFaaud—Baal Baiata...... bwt. 157 North Main atree'. ^6. gxt4l«a I n a l **TiTiii 'I .**5!r3* Packaga store,' -A-V. 0 ' t**4 az mu sisvMit. Ihc T mmta u t esT oer 1 tsa.

. . . \ EftMtis Ifm tt

CStapmaa Court, Order o f Ansar:, The popular Saturday night Principal Arthur H. mkig of DANCE DANCE In preparaUon for a buyy week- Tbs daughter and two soon « f anth, wlli hold ita regulaj^ buaineas dance, which has been held at J a i ^ Manchester High school will be the end the American Legion drum Mr. and im , WIlUam Rubinow left Given the tith w u ilM 8. L. A. meeting this evening in the Masonic Grove Dance HaU for the past two guest speaker at the meeUng of today fpr Boston to resume their Temple. It will be past matrons years, will be resumed again -this the Manchester Klwanis club, H o r- corps will hold a rshearsal tonight GolwBjr Street Hall and past patrons' night, with Mrs.. Saturday evening. The < roof has day noon at the Country club. He at 7 p. ih. at ths Arm ory. On Satur- studies. Mias Charlotte O. Rubinow who held the poalUon of director of Adelaida Shelton and' Harry Arm- been repaired and the floor repollsh- ^will talk on school affairs, a t f - day thsy wUl parade at the Fire- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 strong presiding In the E>«t. The cd, giving an excellent dance sur- fofd Burr will furnish ths attend- men's Muster for Hoee.Oo. No. 1 In dramatics at Camp Anchorage, Central 'Valley, N . Y., this summer, 7:80 p. m. Admiaaloa SSc initiation of candidates will be a face. Everything is In readiness for ance prise. Glastonbury and on Sunday at '3 part of the program. Refreshments' the usual good time which Is always p. m. at the American Legion First returns to Wellesley College for hw and a oweiat time wlU follow. ■ had by those whd attenit- Modem eenior year. Merrill B. Rubinow The Luther-league of the-Eman- District County meeting in Bast and old-fashioned dances will be Hartford. returns as a dean’s Ust scholar for uel Lutheran church wilt bold a on the program wlUi Oregon and his sophomore year at Harvard Manchester Orange which an- straw ride to Andover tonight, leav- ABOUTTOWN Wiganowski prompting. College. Jay E. Rubinow, of the nounced a rummage sale for Thurs- ing the church at 7 o’clock. T w o Mias Edna R. Howard, daughUr class of 1938 Of Harvard CoUage, day, September 37, has changed the trucka have been hired for the nde i-'Myetlc Review, W . B. A . will hoW: of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Howard who has been' connected with the datie to Tuesday the 2Sth. The sale and a large attendance at members a fo ^ sale tomorrow at 1 o'clock In Choirs of the Polish National of 47 Jensen strMt, who underwent State Department of Labor for the will take place In the former Mad- is expected. the basement of the J. \V. Hale com- church uill hold rehearsals every an emergency operation for ap- past year, enters his tirst year at den store at Main street and Brain- pany's store. The committee in Friday, beginnthg today. Instead of pendicitis yesterday afternoon at H arvard Law school. ard Place, Owing to Illness in the charge la Mrs. Thora Stoehr, Mrs. every other week fcs they did Miss Helen Janssen reminds mem- the Memorial 'boepital, is as com- Jean Allen, Mrs. Grace Howland, famUy of Mrs. Charles Howard, the through the summer. The begin- bers of the W alther League o f the fortable as can be expected today. An Important mMtlng of the Con- Mrs. Carrie Samlow and Mrs, May chairmanship will be assumed by ners will practice at 6:30 tonight, 'Zion Lutheran church who plan to Mias Howard is a taachar in the cordia Lutheran baaebdll nine 'Will Roberts. The usual line of home Mrs. Robert Martin of South Main the junior choir at 7 and the senior attend the picnic at Stanley Park, street Washington school and was taken be held tbnight at 7:80' at the club- made foods and baked beans will be choir at S o'clock. New Britain, to notify her tonight 111 suddenly Wednesday night. on sale. rooms. The East Side Trojana football team Will practice at ttae.Manehe#- Tune In On'“Manchester On The Air”— Thursdays At 5 P. M. (W T IC ), ter Green playgrounda toulght at 5:30 o'clock. They’ll Stand Lots Of Abuse! j, St. M argaret's Circle, Daughters of Isabella, wUI hold ' Ita regular meeting, 'Tuesday evening, Septehi- ber 25 in the K. of C. clubrooma. Hale’s. Budget The business session w ill open promptly at 7:30 to allow for a public bridge' to follow. In addition MANCHerm C omm* . Choose, the very'new balmacaah or the classip to the regular prizes a door prize oi SILK HOSIERY double breasted. Both are popular. Oif pur« fruit and vegetables wdll be given. Refreshments and a social time will camel hair, lined with silk crepe or ‘‘Knrlrf>Io” 'and follow. The committee of arrange-

menta includes H elfb ' Donahue, Saturday Only! chairman: Bessie Lappen, Nellie Smith,''Maude Foley, Rose Gzuess- ner.



RETOlfH for important afternoon affairs

h A Low Price Today

For These Luxuriously • Re^Iar 79c PURE SILK Grades

^ F u r - T r i m m e d S A T U R D A Y O N L Y — this popu>

lar brand of hosiery at thla spe- FROCKS Sxj/cTU Hotel Sheridan pial bOUU cial selling! Women teU there’s nothing tike Hale's Bud-

get hose (known to many ms

M .K.M .) for week te, week out Our coat buyer searched the -FO O D S A L E - wear. It is only natural that

markets for the best ebats ob- such perfectly line, first quality tainable at this price. Tlie hosiery SH O U LD wear. Saturday, Sept. 22, 1 p. m. workmanship and the tailor-,

Hale’s Store Basement ing in these ijiodels is par ex-

cellence. They’re fashioned in Mystic Review, W. B. A. A nfw frock will work wondenj witli your the season’s most wanted

styles in a rich, nubby crepe morale! See for yourself how irresistable the called treebark. The fur trims' new tunic dresses are, the new slashed hemlines ai'e truly luxurious— French Chiffon- Service— and the briprlit cellophane and metallic trimihings. COTTAGE STREET Sizes 12 to 20. I’lack and Fall colors. beaver, caracul, kid fox. Ever.'y 4 and 5-thrcad construction. 7-thread, 42-gauge construc- PIcot tops. Reinforced toes and PACKAGE STORE coat is full silk lined. Black, tion. Lisle hems for greater heels. wear. PHONE 8844— Pronipt IVellvery. brown and green. Women’s Second Floor. and misses’ sizes. Hosiery— Main Floor, right. heyatmie. Straight Will*- Q Q

key, 0,H proof, fifth ___ ^OC

q i Bazaar, Straight Whit- gv key. Of) proof, fifth ...... a/OC “Ribette” Just Arrived . . S»erpNiak

Rayons Arlyne M. Garrity arr!;:...... 93c •.Cut Velvet Trims Old Timer Hlekey, blend,' BO SILK BLOUSES

TEACHER OF proof, Special! rpiart . . ^ ______• Fur Touches $1.50 That Will Add (llfliinnd. Straight Mhlnkey,rt hinkey, 90

PIANO, VOICE AND proof, ■ •Moire Collars . . . Glamour To Your Wardrobe

ipiart ■

HARMONY fifth ...... 85c .'>9c VIr. Bnaton tlln, O C New Style Details .98 <5 FALL TERM BEGINS THIS WEEK fifth ...... ip 1 ,1.25 Grades Old roloiiy Gin, F^ndoi-sed By Paris _

T O Y ORCHESTK.t for children 5-10 yenm, Htnrt:, pracUi:c Mut- fifth ...... $ 1.00

ordsy, Hf>|itrmlH-r 22. Limited j'lavT. Muko rcHcrvallniiH nmv. Four ItoM'K, firi'on' flfver, Paul And Featured In Hale’s PLAID CREPES In Nnminiil Invtnietlon eharge. InvIiViiiH'nt:, funilnhed fn

FROCKS • e X t r a. V e ' s t 8, 325c iStw eihe bloom e r s, EXTRA! All About Hale’s

panties, Here they Arc— the type of frocks .vou’ll zee Gown Sale Tomorrow! step-ins. on our amartezt girl* and women at bridges,

luncheons and club mcetlng.s this Fall, Heavy SUDDEN PHOTO SERVICE! •illk crepes developed in the newe.^ style de- tails that arc adaptable to all— and priced to All our work done by a loeal ntudio Gorgeous New meet all budget*. Black, brown, green, tile. In Slaneheater. 5c a roll for devel-

oping. 8-hour eervlee. Silk Frocks— Main Floor, rear.


RAYON "Bii* Terminal" 483 Slain St

You’ll Lose Your Head To These GOWNS

4 beautiful *

TKeJWHALtC. styles ‘rMANCHF.STFP.rnNN.'w ^ N e w Colorful

Yc.s! Even Tlie Very W e expect a mob around these beautiOil Linen Hankies Voiinsr Must U.-ive Their fine rayon gowns tomorrow. Four perfectly Felt in new grand styles— feminitie stytea,..with, loads of

All-Wool fall prints! ecru lacB fflms. ■ And the tailored types arc

here with binding trims In contrasting colors.

Knitted The softest blue and pink tones. W ell made;

HATS good and long.

Iv'. 15« A colorful touch to your new Silk Underwear— Main Floor, rear. ’ tailored woolen, frock or suit— Suits {f^ a gay wisp of a linen sports \ Fof 1 fiv' $ hankie.'j N ew tile, copen, navy,

.'1 f e A r v J browm p'rint.s. Also lovely pas-

tels for more dressy wear.

Top off your' new *ult or FAUNTEX GLOVES

98"^ frock with a dashing new

hat from . Halo'* Millinery in the very new

X Section; Select a felt as It’s .00

A WORTHWHILE SAVING ^ the leading hat fashion. See PICNIT WEAVE

that It sports-a dashing .col- The fine ribbed, bengalinc- orful feather or a neat metal Ilke fabric tunes right in with ’ $2.98 ornament. ON EVERY TON OF the fashion for ribbed fabrics in dresses. And It has the look of How adorable the ^ little onc.v refined elegance characteristic of look In these cunning knitted New the newer costumes. Well worth sllp-on sweater and abort sets. 0 boasting about— PIcnIt gloves arc Some sport a natty beret. Baby colors and white. W e’ve every style you want— Neckwear designed for every Fall costume. coolie, beret, aide' rolled b.rtm, up-in- We’re showing a handsome cuff “BLUE” COAL adds glamour style for towm wear. Black and Gloves hack Every color that's smart-— For 2 to brown. bla^k, brown, tile, groeil. navy. to your frock! Main Floor, right. 4 y e a r s Y0V~^BUY N O W

Older , models for our young $1.00

scamps 2 to 4 years. Clever new Neckwear that wtli add a new Assorted CHOCOLATES

Ideas In slip-ons wUh matching touch to last winter’s wool Dark, rich chocplate coating with tasty cara- THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. $3*98’ shorts. Heather, navy, copen, dress; Unusual Ideas, copies mel, cream, nougatine centers. Quality choco- Coal, Lumber, Mason's Supplies, Paint green, royal, pastels. frdm the Paris openings. At iate* usually retoiUng at 50c and 60c In most

. 1 336 No. Main Street ’1*^1 4jj9 Hale's popular price, you can stores today! Baby Shop—Main Floor, rear. Millinery-^'Haln Floor, center. afford many changu. Candy-r-Front Entrance. Pound

Front Cntraaca.