BY THE END OF THIS DRAMA MUSIC DANCE UNIT YOU WILL: Musical theatre is a form of theatrical performance that combines Orphan Leader of the pickpockets songs, spoken dialogue, acting and dance. The story and Consider yourself – Is one of the key songs in Kind, Honest and Innocent Skilled in his job emotional content of a musical – humor, pathos, love, anger – are the musical hit Oliver. It is performed in a To explore the story line Motivated to help others. Cheeky communicated through words, music, movement. Although market in London and the movement is led of Oliver Twist in drama. Kind-hearted to friends. Clever musical theatre overlaps with other theatrical forms like opera Role on the Wall and dance, it may be distinguished by the equal importance given by the character The Artful Dodger. It is sang To be able to create A role on the wall is a good way to understand how a to the music as compared with the dialogue, movement and other by the Artful Dodger to Oliver and it builds character is feeling and how they might then show this elements. Since the early 20th century, musical theatre stage main characters and into a spectacular extended song-and-dance to an audience. works have generally been called, simply, musicals. perform a short extract For example Oliver is shy and scared on the inside and routine involving the street crowd and therefore might cower away and hold himself for market workers. from the musical script. safety Students will learn a First meeting between the Artful Dodger and Oliver short dance motif to the Improvisation song ‘Consider Yourself’ We are introduced to the A performance that is from Oliver in which infamous character the Artful created Dodger when Oliver runs away spontaneously or without preparation they will develop this to London. “The boy who The shape or positon dancers using a range of addressed this inquiry to the Formation make in the space young wayfarer, was about his Top Tips for choreographic own age: but one of the Memorising Lines Unison Moving at the same time devices. queerest looking boys that 1. Write your lines out Oliver had even seen. He was a 2. Run lines with A short phrase of movement that To perform songs and snub-nosed, flat-browed, someone Motif can be repeated common-faced boy enough; and 3. Quiz yourself learn how to play as dirty a juvenile as one would 4. Learn the cue lines Performing movement one after the other specific pieces from the wish to see; but he had about 5. Draw out images Canon at different times. Eg. Mexican wave musical, improving our him all the airs and manners of a that link to the words man.” (Dickens, C, 1837, chapter Contact Dancers physically touching each performance techniques 8) other during movement. in music, in both Singing and playing the KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Keyboard. Role on the wall, audience, character, facial Tempo, dynamics, texture, timbre, rhythm, pulse, Canon, choreograph, duo, duet, dynamics, expressions, focus, freeze frame, gesture, drums, piano chord, bass line, scale, composition, extension, focus, gesture, jump, leap, turn, improvisation, narration, performing, drone, ostinato, ensemble, duet, solo, harmony, twist, levels, motif, development, musicality, devising, listening, plot, rehearsing, blocking, melody, echo, pattern, major, minor, tonality, relationship, contact, retrograde, solo, space, responding, scenario, scene, split stage, percussion, crotchet, quavers, syncopation, unison, structure, travel, trio, union, imitate, copy, tableau, use of space conductor, compose, perform unison, height, posture, expression