Political Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo.Indd

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Political Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo.Indd C M C M Y K Y K CTP do B2 011/242 2298 Edited by Slobodan Cvejić INFORMAL POWER NETWORKS, POLITICAL PATRONAGE AND CLIENTELISM IN SERBIA AND KOSOVO* Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Papir: 300g • Mat plastika• Tiraz 200 sa zvezdicom 100 bez zvezdice. C M C M Y K Y K Informal Power Networks, Poli cal Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo* Edited by Slobodan Cvejić Edited by Slobodan Cvejić Informal Power Networks, Poli cal Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo* Publisher SeConS Reviewers Dr Zoran Stojiljković - Chairman of the Board of An -Corrup on Agency Dr Vladimir Vule ć – Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Dr Danilo Vuković - Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade Design and Print Dosije ISBN 978–86–89515–08–4 Circula on 200 The RRPP promotes social science research in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Social science research aids in the understanding of the specifi c reform needs of countries in the region and in iden fying the long-term implica ons of policy choices. Researchers receive support through research grants, methodological and thema c trainings as well as opportuni es for regional and interna onal networking and mentoring. The RRPP is coordinated and operated by the Interfaculty Ins tute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE) at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). The programme is fully funded by the Swiss Agency for Develop- ment and Coopera on (SDC), Federal Department of Foreign Aff airs. The views expressed in this publica on are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent opinions of the SDC and the University of Fribourg. Informal Power Networks, Poli cal Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo* Edited by Slobodan Cvejić Belgrade, 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS . 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . 7 INTRODUCTION. 9 Jelena Pešić, Dragan Stanojević INFORMAL RELATIONS BETWEEN POLITICS AND ECONOMY IN POST-SOCIALISM. 11 Marija Babović, Dragan Stanojević, Jelena Pešić, Slobodan Cvejić, Dragana Gundogan METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS . 23 INFORMALITY AND CLIENTELISM IN SERBIA Marija Babović, Slobodan Cvejić, Jelena Pešić HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT OF INFORMAL RELATIONS BETWEEN POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ACTORS IN SERBIA. 29 Dragan Stanojević, Marija Babović, Dragana Gundogan ACTORS, RESOURCES AND MECHANISMS OF CLIENTELISM IN SERBIA . 44 Jelena Pešić, Slobodan Cvejić SOCIAL REPRODUCTION THROUGH INFORMAL SPHERE – THE STRUCTURE AND THE SYSTEM OF CLIENTELISM IN SERBIA . 65 INFROMALITY AND CLIENTELISM IN KOSOVO* Adnan Hoxha, Dina Milovanović, Yllka Buzhala HISTORICAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT OF INFORMAL RELATIONS BETWEEN POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ACTORS IN KOSOVO. 77 Adnan Hoxha, Dina Milovanović, Yllka Buzhala ACTORS, RESOURCES AND MECHANISMS OF INFORMALITY AND CLIENTELISM IN KOSOVO . 87 Adnan Hoxha, Dina Milovanović, Yllka Buzhala INFORMALITY AND CLIENTELISM IN KOSOVO EXPLAINED . 110 * * * Slobodan Cvejić, Dragan Stanojević VARYING CONTEXTS OF POLITICAL CLIENTELISM – COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SERBIA AND KOSOVO* . 123 SUMMARY. 133 REZIME. 136 PËRMBLEDHJE. 139 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS his publica on is based on the research or- ovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia). Social ganized within the project ‘Informal Prac- science research aids in the understanding of the T ces of Capturing Economic Resources by specifi c needs for reform and in iden fying the Poli cal Elite: Exploring Party Patronage in Kos- long-term implica ons of poten al policy choic- ovo and Serbia.’ The project was made possible es. Researchers receive support through research through the support of the Regional Research grants, methodological and thema c trainings, and Promo on Program (RRPP) which is operated as well as opportuni es for regional and inter- by the Interfaculty Ins tute for Central and East- na onal exchange and networking. The RRPP ern Europe (IICEE) at the University of Fribourg is coordinated and operated by the Interfaculty (Switzerland) and has been fully funded by the Ins tute for Central and Eastern Europe (IICEE) Swiss Agency for Development and Coopera on at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). The (SDC), the Federal Department of Foreign Aff airs. programme is fully funded by the Swiss Agency The research was implemented by SeConS – De- for Development and Coopera on (SDC), Federal velopment Ini a ve Group from Belgrade and Department of Foreign Aff airs. Center for Research, Documenta on and Publi- ca on (CRDP) from Prish ne. More on website: www.rrpp-westernbalkans.net SeConS, CRDP and the authors would like to thank Peter Rodgers, from the University of SeConS Development Ini a ve Sheffi eld, for his invaluable comments and sug- ges ons during the process of defi ning the theo- Group re cal framework and establishing the methodol- ogy. We would also like to thank many colleagues SeConS was founded by a group of sociolo- who took part in the October 2015 ‘Informality in gists and social researchers, who for many years Central and Southeast Europe: Linkages Between worked on issues of social development at the Poli cal and Economic Actors’ interna onal con- university and in civil society organiza ons in the ference (h p://secons.net/conf/) which was held country and abroad. In 2005, this group of ex- in Belgrade and had been organized as part of perts decided to become more socially engaged this project. Extended gra tude is given to those and use their knowledge and experience in order colleagues who had contributed insight and in- to contribute to long-term socio-economic devel- forma on on earlier versions of this work. We opment and improvement of living condi ons of are also thankful to the Rectorate of the Univer- individuals and social groups in Serbia and the sity of Belgrade for suppor ng the conference. region. Lastly, we owe many thanks to all our col- SeConS is an independent think-thank or- leagues from SeConS and CRDP who were part ganiza on with experts who conduct empirical of this project and who helped to facilitate the research, analyze policies and processes, specifi c research process. Their eff orts in the prepara- social and economic challenges, educate, and on of policy deliverables of this project were train and empower diff erent actors. Data col- extremely valuable. lec on and analysis conducted by SeConS are a reliable basis for development of methodolo- gies, recommenda ons and policies. This is an Regional Research Promo on important contribu on to the development and Programme in the Western Balkans implementa on of na onal, regional and local (RRPP) policies. SeConS mission is to contribute to ade- The RRPP is aimed at fostering and pro- quate and eff ec ve socio-economic development mo ng social science research in the Western policies and programs and to contribute to eff ec- Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kos- ve work of various stakeholder from the public, 7 Informal Power Networks, Poli cal Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo* private and civil sector for development on the The SeConS Research Team: na onal, regional and local level. Main fi elds of ac vity where SeConS has yielded exper se and Marija Babović is a full- me professor spe- high quality results are: social inclusion, gender cializing in the courses Sociology of Labor and equality, rural development, regional and local Economic Sociology at Department of Sociology, sustainable development, migra on, ins tu on- Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and aliza on, organiza onal reform, development of serves as the Director of Programs at SeConS. the public sector, management and development Slobodan Cvejić is an associate professor of human resources. specializing in the courses Sta s cs in Social Sci- More on website: www.secons.net ences and Economic Sociology at Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade and serves as the Director of Research Centre for Research Documenta on at SeConS. and Publica on (CRDP) Dragana Gundogan is a PhD student and an associate researcher at the Ins tute for Socio- Centre for Research, Documenta on and logical Research, in the University of Belgrade. Publica on – CRDP was established in 2010 with Jelena Pešić is a teaching assistant in the a mission to promote mechanisms of transi onal courses General Sociology and Sta s cs in Social jus ce that can normalize local and regional rela- Sciences at Department of Sociology, Faculty of onships and aid Kosovo in addressing its history Philosophy and a researcher at the Ins tute for of human rights viola ons. CRDP endeavours to Sociological Research, in the University of Bel- be the focal point for transi onal jus ce in Kos- grade. ovo, represen ng the needs of ethnic minori es and the vic ms of confl ict. Through the years Dragan Stanojević is an assistant professor CRDP has pursued its mission via research, advo- in the courses Sociology of Family and Sociology cacy, networking and event organiza on, engag- of Religion at Department of Sociology, Faculty of ing with partner civil society organiza ons, schol- Philosophy and a researcher at the Ins tute for ars, decision-makers and ins tu ons at na onal, Sociological Research, in the University of Bel- regional and EU level. grade. CRDP is part of RECOM an ini a ve con- cerned with human rights viola ons commi ed The CRDP Research Team: during the confl icts in the former Yugoslavia. In Nora Ahmetaj is founder of CRDP, Re- order to assist the vic ms in Kosovo CRDP moni- searcher and Expert on Transi onal Jus ce. Ms. tors the law for martyrs veteran and invalids as Ahmetaj was engaged as a consultant for the Eu- result of the war. CRDP also is involved in creat- ropean Commission, and worked for a variety of ing the human security index in Kosovo and ex- interna onal organiza ons such as HLC, UNDP, ploring party patronage and its eff ect in Kosovo’s ICG, AI and HRW.
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    E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2007 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was have considered three mammoth and On this day that millions of Ameri- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- expensive tax bills in 2001, 2003 and 2004 cans are filing their tax returns and 4 pore (Mr. HOLDEN). that refused to address the alternative million are paying the mutated, unfair f minimum tax inequity. They have alternative minimum tax, it is time to made few modest additions with broad have that critical national debate on DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO benefit like the 10-percent bracket but taxes in honest terms: TEMPORE showered their real attention, their af- Should we tax people who work at The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- fection, and huge sums of money on jobs more than people whose money fore the House the following commu- those who need help the least. In the works for them? nication from the Speaker: process, the $5.6 trillion surplus inher- Do we care about reducing the ability WASHINGTON, DC, April 17, 2007. ited by this administration has evapo- of some very privileged people to es- I hereby appoint the Honorable TIM rated, to be replaced by $2 trillion more cape taxation? HOLDEN to act as Speaker pro tempore on in additional national debt. What is our priority for tax reform? this day.
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