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Fifty-third year, number 34 (2.660) Vatican City Friday, 21 August 2020

An additional 12 months, until 10 December 2021 Holy Father extends Loreto Jubilee

Pope Francis has extended the Loreto Jubilee, to start anew from Christ, allowing ourselves to closeness to the Shrine of the Holy House: with asso ciatedwith the centenary of the proclamation be accompanied by Mary, a sign for all of consol- his visit on 25 March 2019, during which he of Our Lady of Loreto as Patron Saint of Avi- ation and certain hope”. The Jubilee, which offi- signed the Christus Vivit”; ation, until 10 December 2021. The announce- cially began with the opening of the Holy Door with the concession and the extension of the ment was made on Friday, 14 August, by the on 8 December 2019 in the presence of Cardinal Loreto Jubilee; with the inscription of 10 Decem- Pa p a l Delegate Archbishop Fabio Dal Cin follow- Secretary of State — and was ori- ber on the Roman calendar for the facultative ing the recitation of the Angelus during the vigil ginally to conclude on 10 December 2020 —, thus memorial of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto; and for the Solemnity of the Assumption. The Prelate renews for an additional 12 months the experience e x p re s s e d to the Pontiff “heartfelt gratitude, my of grace and forgiveness for all the faithful who lastly with the insertion of three new invocations own, of the entire military and civilian air force, will visit the Papal Shrine. The gratitude also ex- into the Litany of Loreto: Mater Misericordiae, of all the faithful, the people of Loreto, pilgrims tends to the many chapels in civilian airports and Mater Spei and Solacium Migrantium”. and devotees of the Holy House, for this great military air force bases throughout the world. The following is a translation of the text of the gift. In this difficult time for humanity, the Holy “Many times this year”, Archbishop Dal Cin Decree by which Francis’ Apostolic Peniten- Mother Church gives us another twelve months re c a l l e d , “the Holy Father has manifested his tiary, “on special mandate”, extends the Jubilee.

Prot. n. 580/20/1


The Apostolic Penitentiary, having received the request of 21 June 2020 presented by the Most Excellent and Reverend Fabio Dal Cin, Archbishop Prelate of the Holy House of Lauretana, Papal Delegate to the Shrine of Loreto and the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua, by special mandate of His Holi- ness , with the present Decree, extends until 10 December 2021, in favour of the faithful, each and every spiritual be- nefit already ritually granted in accordance with the Decree (Prot. n. 271/19/1) of 1 November 2019 for the entire Jubilee Year, announced from 8 December 2019 to 10 December 2020, but unfortunately not cel- ebrated in its entirety due to the “Covid-19” epidemic. The Jubilee granted for the occasion of the 100th anniversary of when the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto was consti- tuted by Pope Benedict XV as Principal Pat- roness to God of all air travellers. Certainly, the faithful, by the Church’s generous postponement, will draw good in- tentions and spiritual vigour to be imple- mented in life according to the law of the Gospel, in hierarchical communion and fili- al devotion to the Supreme Pontiff, the vis- ible foundation of the Catholic Church, and to their Bishop. Notwithstanding any disposition to the c o n t r a r y. Given in Rome, from the seat of the Apostolic Penitentiary, on 16 July 2020, memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Car- mel. C a rd i n a l MAU R O PIACENZA Major Penitentiary KRZYSZTOF NYKIEL Regent

We d n e s d a y ’s General Audience Pope to Franciscan Minims Interview with Fr Claudio Monge Marian prayer Catecheses: 12, 19 August With simple love Hagia Sofia Angelus: 9, 15, 16 August

PAGES 3, 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6/7 PAGES 10, 11, 12 page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 August 2020, number 34

Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (6 A u g. ) . Bishop-elect Lurati, 58, was born in Como, Italy. A member of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, he was ordained a priest on 23 December 1989. He holds a de- VAT I C A N g re e in theology.

The Holy Father accepted the resig- BULLETIN nation of Archbishop Sławoj Leszek CO N G R E G AT I O N FOR THE Głó dźfrom his office as Metropolit- CAU S E S OF SAINTS an Archbishop of Gdańsk, Poland. AUDIENCES Nantes, France. Until now he has (13 Aug.). The Holy Father appointed as Con- served as Bishop of Moulins, France sultors of the Congregation for the The Holy Father appointed as Wednesday, 12 August (11 Aug.). Causes of Saints the following: Sr Apostolic Administrator sede vacante Nicoletta Vittoria Spezzati, ASC, Un- Bishop Giorgio Marengo, IMC, titu- Bishop Percerou, 58, was born in et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Gdańsk lar Bishop of Castra Severiana, Pre- Dreux, France. He was ordained a dersecretary of the Congregation for Bishop Jacek Jezierski of Elbląg, Po- Institutes of Consecrated Life and fect Apostolic of Ulaanbaatar, Mon- priest on 14 June 1992. He was or- land (13 Aug.). golia dained a bishop on 14 April 2013, Societies of Apostolic Life; Prof. subsequent to his appointment as Bishop Jezierski, 70, was born in Bernard Dompnier, member of the H.E. Ms Michelle Bachelet, United Bishop of Moulins. Olsztyn, Poland. He was ordained a Pontifical Committee of Historical Nations High Commissioner for priest on 16 June 1974. He was or- Sciences; Mr Pierantonio Piatti, Of- Human Rights The Holy Father accepted the resig- dained a bishop on 5 March 1994, ficial at the Pontifical Committee of Wednesday, 19 August nation of Bishop Meinrad Franz subsequent to his appointment as Historical Sciences; Mr Matteo Josef Merkel, C S S P, from his office as titular Bishop of Liberalia and Aux- Nacci, professor of legal history at Archbishop Henryk Mieczysław Ja- Bishop of the Diocese of Humaitá, the Pontifical Lateran University in go dziński, titular Archbishop of iliary of Warmia, Poland. On 10 Brazil (12 Aug.). May 2014 he was appointed Bishop Rome; Prof. Giselda Adornato, col- Limosano, Apostolic Nuncio to laborator at the diocesan historical Ghana of Elblag. The Holy Father appointed as Bish- archive of Milan and at the Paul VI op of Humaitá, Fr Antônio Archbishop Mitja Leskovar, titular The Holy Father accepted the resig- International Institute; Prof. Simona Archbishop of Benevento, Apostolic Fontinele de Melo from the clergy Negruzzo, professor of modern his- of the Archdiocese of Porto Velho. nation of Bishop Mieczysław Cisło Nuncio to Iraq from his office as Auxiliary Bishop tory at the University of Bologna (1 Until now he has served as parish Aug). priest of the Cathedral of “Sagrado of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E Coração de Jesus” and treasurer of Lublin, Poland (15 Aug.). the Archdiocese (12 Aug.). NECROLO GY The Holy Father accepted the resig- Bishop-elect Fontinele de Melo, VICAR APOSTOLIC nation of Bishop Rubén Oscar Fras- Bishop John (of the Cross) Chang- 52, was born in Camocim, Brazil. sia from his office as Bishop of the yik, Bishop emeritus of Chunchon, He was ordained a priest on 18 The Holy Father appointed Fr Clau- Diocese of Avellaneda-Lanús, Ar- South Korea, at age 86 (5 Aug.) September 1999. He studied theo- dio Lurati, M C C J, as Vicar Apostolic gentina (7 Aug.). logy and philosophy and has a spe- of Alexandria of Egypt. Until now Bishop Pedro Casaldáliga Plá, C M F, The Holy Father appointed Bishop cialization in educational methodo- he has served as treasurer general of Bishop emeritus of São Félix do Laurent Percerou as Bishop of logy and in Sacred Scripture. the Congregation of the Comboni Araguaia, Brazil, at age 92 (8 Aug.)

Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi on the jurisdiction of Holy Father sends initial Oriental Catholic Patriarchs on the Arabian Peninsula aid to Lebanon

Considering the historical prerogatives of the juris- 3. Except for the prerogatives of Papal Represent- In a statement on Friday, 7 August, the diction of the Oriental Catholic Patriarchs in the atives, Apostolic Vicars are the representatives of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human De- Arabian Peninsula, at their own expressed request the Catholic Church to the political Authorities of velopment announced that the Holy Father and in view of a greater spiritual good for their the respective Countries and, in this context, the has sent an initial aid package of 250,000 faithful, after deep and prolonged reflection on the Oriental Patriarchs shall refer to them; euros to meet the needs of the Church in Le- matter, regulated until now by the Rescriptum ex 4. notwithstanding can. 85 § I of the C C E O, the banon during these moments of difficulty Audientia Ss.mi of 6 March 2003, confirmed by the eventual erection of new ecclesiastical circumscrip- and suffering. Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi of 8 April 2006, in tions by the Synods of the Patriarchal Churches The aid has been sent through the the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal sui iuris shall be subject to the prior authorization Apostolic Nunciature of Beirut and will be Secretary of State on 18 May 2020, of the Apostolic See. This derogation is estab- used to assist those affected by the terrible lished for five years, after which it will be re-ex- explosion in the Port of Beirut on 4 August amined. that caused hundreds of deaths and hundreds the Supreme Pontiff Francis has 5. the Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi of 6 March of thousands of injured and displaced per- ordered the following: 2003, confirmed by the Rescriptum ex Audientia sons. An emergency first aid response is cur- Ss.mi of 8 April 2006 remains in effect for all the rently taking place with medical care, shelters 1. the Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi of 6 March Oriental faithful who do not belong to the Patri- for the displaced and centres for basic needs 2003, confirmed by the Rescriptum ex Audientia archal Churches sui iuris present in the Arabian made available by the Church through Ss.mi of 8 April 2006, with regard to the Oriental Pe n i n s u l a . Caritas Lebanon, Caritas Internationalis and Catholic Patriarchs, is disregarded. At the same The present Rescriptum ex Audientia Ss.mi shall be several Caritas sister organizations. time, the jurisdiction of each and every Oriental promulgated by publication in L'Osservatore Ro- A sign of his attention and closeness to the people of Lebanon, the Pope’s donation is a Catholic Patriarch on the entire Arabian Peninsula mano, entering into force on 6 August 2020, and concrete gesture that follows the appeal he (Apostolic Vicariates of Northern Arabia and then shall be published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. made at the end of the General Audience on Southern Arabia) is extended; Wednesday, 5 August, and the prayer inten- From the Vatican, 22 July 2020 2. the pastoral care of the Oriental faithful over tion he entrusted later that day to the Salus whom they exercise jurisdiction shall be carried C a rd i n a l PIETRO PAROLIN Populi Romani during his visit to Basilica of out in coordination with the Apostolic Vicars; Secretary of State of His Holiness Saint Mary Major.

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GENERAL AU D I E N C E 19 August

“The pandemic is a crisis, and we do not emerge from a crisis the same as before: either we come out of it better, or we come out of it worse. We should come out of it better, to counter social injustice and environmental damage”. Pope Francis said this at the General Audience on Wednesday morning, 19 August. The following is a translation of his catechesis which he delivered from the private library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning! The pandemic has exposed the Healing from a crisis plight of the poor and the great inequality that reigns in the A return to ‘normality’ should not include injustices world. And while the virus does not distinguish between people, it cluded and the forgotten, those damage. Today we have an op- the doctor of integral divine love, has found, in its devastating path, without food and clothing (cf. portunity to build something dif- that is, of physical, social and great inequalities and discrimina- Mt 25:31-36; CCC, 2443). We can ferent. For example, we can nur- spiritual healing (cf. Jn 5:6-9) — tion. And it has exacerbated them! read that famous parameter by ture an economy of integral de- like the healing worked by Jesus The response to the pandemic which we will all be judged; we velopment of the poor, and not — we must act now, to heal the is therefore twofold. On the one will all be judged. It is Matthew, of providing assistance. By this I epidemics caused by small, invis- hand, it is essential to find a cure chapter 25. This is a key criterion do not wish to condemn assis- ible viruses, and to heal those for this small but terrible virus, of Christian authenticity (cf. Gal tance: aid is important. Let us caused by the great and visible which has brought the whole 2:10; EG, 195). Some mistakenly think of the volunteer sector, social injustices. I propose that world to its knees. On the other, think that this preferential love which is one of the best struc- this be done by starting from the we must also cure a larger virus, for the poor is a task for the few, tures of the Italian Church. But love of God, placing the peri- that of social injustice, inequality but in reality it is the mission of we must go beyond this, to re- pheries at the centre and the least of opportunity, marginalization, the Church as a whole, as Saint solve the problems that lead us to in first place. Not forgetting that and the lack of protection for the John Paul II said (cf. St John provide aid. An economy that parameter by which we will be weakest. In this twofold response Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, does not resort to remedies that judged, Matthew, Chapter 25. Let for healing there is a choice that, 42). “Each individual Christian in fact poison society, such as us put it into practice in this re- according to the Gospel, cannot and every community is called to profits not linked to the creation covery from the epidemic. And be lacking: the preferential option be an instrument of God for the of dignified jobs (cf. EG, 204). starting from this tangible love for the poor (cf. Apostolic Ex- liberation and promotion of the This type of profit is dissociated anchored in hope and founded in hortation , p o or” (EG, 187). from the real economy, which faith, a healthier world will be [EG] 195). And this is not a polit- Faith, hope and love necessar- should bring benefits to the com- possible. Otherwise, we will come ical option; nor is it an ideologic- ily push us towards this prefer- mon people (cf. Laudato Si’ [LS], out of the crisis worse off. May al option, a party option. The ence of those most in need,1 which 109), and in addition is at times the Lord help us, and give us the preferential option for the poor is goes beyond necessary assistance indifferent to the damage inflict- strength to come out of it better, at the centre of the Gospel. And (cf. EG, 198). Indeed it implies ed on our common home. The responding to the needs of the first to do this was Jesus; we walking together, letting ourselves preferential option for the poor, to day’s world. heard this in the reading from the be evangelized by them, who this ethical-social need that comes Letter to the Corinthians which from God’s love (cf. LS, 158), in- know the suffering Christ well, SPECIAL GREETINGS was read at the beginning. As he letting ourselves be “infected” by spires us to conceive of and was rich, he made himself poor to their experience of salvation, by design an economy where people, I cordially greet the English- enrich us. He made himself one their wisdom and by their creativ- and especially the poorest, are at speaking faithful. My thoughts of us and for this reason, at the ity (cf. ibid). Sharing with the the centre. turn especially to those families centre of the Gospel, at the poor means mutual enrichment. And it also encourages us to who have had to forego their centre of Jesus’ pro clamation, And, if there are unhealthy social plan the treatment of virus by pri- summer holidays this year; I en- there is this option. structures that prevent them from oritizing those who are most in trust them to the Lord that he Christ himself, who is God, de- dreaming of the future, we must need. It would be sad if, [with re- will grant them peace and joy. spoiled himself, making himself work together to heal them, to gards to] the Covid-19 vaccine, May God bless you! similar to men; and he did not change them (cf. ibid, 195). And priority were to be given to the Lastly, my thoughts turn to the choose a life of privilege, but he we are led to this by the love of richest! It would be sad if this e l d e rl y, young people, the sick and chose the condition of a servant Christ, who loved us to the ex- vaccine were to become the prop- newlyweds. Tomorrow we will cel- (cf. Phil 2:6-7). He annihilated treme (cf. Jn 13:1), and [this love] erty of this nation or another, ebrate the liturgical memory of himself by making himself a ser- reaches the boundaries, the mar- rather than universal and for all. Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a vant. He was born into a humble gins, the existential frontiers. And what a scandal it would be if great Doctor of the Church and family and worked as a crafts- Bringing the peripheries to the all the economic assistance we are above all a tender cantor of Our man. At the beginning of his centre means focusing our life on observing — most of it with pub- Lady. May his example stir in preaching, he announced that in Christ, who “became poor” for lic money — were to focus on res- each one the desire to trustingly the Kingdom of God the poor us, to enrich us “by his poverty” cuing those industries that do not surrender ourselves to the mater- 2 are blessed (cf. Mt 5:3; Lk 6:20; (2 Cor 8:9). contribute to the inclusion of the nal protection of the Blessed Vir- EG, 197). He stood among the We are all worried about the excluded, the promotion of the gin, consoler of the afflicted. sick, the poor, the excluded, social consequences of the pan- least, the common good or the showing them God’s merciful demic. All of us. Many people care of creation (ibid.). These are 1 Cf. Congregation for the Doc- love (cf. Catechism of the Catholic want to return to normality and criteria for choosing which indus- trine of the Faith, Instruction on C h u rc h [CCC], 2444). And many resume economic activities. Cer- tries should be helped: those some aspects of “Liberation Theo- times he was judged an impure tainly, but this “normality” should which contribute to the inclusion logy”, (1984), 5. man because he went to the sick, not include social injustices and of the excluded, to the promotion 2 Benedict XVI, Address at the In- to lepers which, according to the the degradation of the environ- of the least, to the common good augural Session of the Fifth General law of the time, made people im- ment. The pandemic is a crisis, and the care of creation. Four cri- Conference of the Bishops of Latin pure. And he took risks to be and we do not emerge from a teria. America and the Caribbean (13 near the poor. crisis the same as before: either If the virus were to intensify May 2007). This is why Jesus’ followers can we come out of it better, or we again in a world that is unjust to be recognized by their closeness come out of it worse. We should the poor and most vulnerable, to the poor, the little ones, the come out of it better, to counter then we must change this world. sick and the imprisoned, the ex- social injustice and environmental Following the example of Jesus, page 4 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 August 2020, number 34

GENERAL AU D I E N C E 12 August

Pope Francis continued his series of catecheses on healing the world at the General Audience on Wednesday morning, 12 August, highlighting that we cannot remain “indifferent nor individualistic” before the broader social issues brought to light by the Covid-19 pandemic. Selfish attitudes, he stressed, destroy the harmony created by God. Earlier, the Holy Father had commented on the Reading from Genesis (1:27-28; 2:15), and reflected on the theme of faith and human dignity. The following is a translation of the Pope’s catechesis which he delivered in Italian from the private library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

Individualism and indifference destroy social harmony The Pontiff emphasizes the need to heal the world in this time of pandemic

Dear Brothers and Sisters, nion with him, in communion race, language or condition may faith, with the help of grace, we Good morning! with our sisters and our brothers, be. Harmony leads you to recog- strive to develop our creativity nize human dignity, that harmony and enthusiasm in order to re- The pandemic has highlighted with respect for all creation. In created by God, with humanity at solve the ordeals of the past. We how vulnerable and int e rconnect- communion, in harmony, we its centre. ed everyone is. If we do not take might say. Creation is the har- understand and develop our abil- care of one another, starting with mony in which we are called to The Second Vatican Council ities as responsibilities that arise the least, with those who are most live. And in this communion, in emphasizes that this dignity is in- from this faith (ibid.), as gifts impacted, including creation, we this harmony that is communion, alienable, because it “was created from God to be placed at the ser- cannot heal the world. God gives us the ability to pro- ‘to the image of God’” ( Pa s t o r a l vice of humanity and of creation. create and safeguard life (cf. Gen Constitution Gaudium et Spes, The effort of so many people While we are working for a 1:28-29), to till and keep the land 12). It lies at the foundation of all who have been offering evidence cure for a virus that strikes every- social life and determines its op- of human and Christian love for (cf. Gen 2:15; LS, 67). It is clear one without distinction, faith ex- erative principles. In modern cul- neighbour, dedicating themselves that one cannot procreate and horts us to commit ourselves seri- ture, the closest reference to the to the sick even at the risk of safeguard life without harmony; it ously and actively to combat in- principle of the inalienable dig- their own health, is commend- will be destroyed. difference in the face of violations nity of the person is the Univer- able. They are heroes! However, We have an example of that in- of human dignity. This culture of sal Declaration of Human Rights, the coronavirus is not the only dividualistic perspective, the one indifference that accompanies the which Saint John Paul II defined disease to be fought, but rather, that is not harmony, in the Gos- throwaway culture: things that do as a “milestone on the long and the pandemic has shed light on pels, in the request made by the not affect me, do not interest me. difficult path of the human race” mother of the disciples Faith always requires that we al- (Address to the General Assembly of James and John to Je- low ourselves to be healed and the United Nations, 2 October sus (cf. Mt 20:20-38). converted from our individualism, 1979), and as “one of the highest The coronavirus is not the only She wanted her sons to whether personal or collective; expressions of the human con- sit at the right and the party individualism, for example. disease to be fought, but rather, the science” (Address to the General May the Lord “restore our left of the new king. Assembly of the United Nations,5 pandemic has shed light on broader sight” so we may rediscover what But Jesus proposes an- October 1995). Rights are not it means to be members of the social ills. One of these is a distorted other type of vision: only individual, but also social; human family. And may this sight one of service and of they are of peoples, nations (cf. view of the person, a perspective that be translated into concrete ac- giving one’s life for Compendium of the Social Doctrine tions of compassion and respect ignores the dignity and relational others, and he confirms of the Church, 157). The human for every person and of care and character of the person. it by immediately being, indeed, in his or her per- restoring sight to two sonal dignity, is a social being, safeguarding of our common blind men and making created in the image of God, One home. them his disciples (cf. and Triune. We are social beings; broader social ills. One of these is Mt 20:29-34). Seeking to climb in we need to live in this social har- SPECIAL GREETINGS a distorted view of the person, a life, to be superior to others, des- mony, but when there is selfish- perspective that ignores the dig- troys harmony. It is the logic of ness, our outlook does not reach I cordially greet the English- nity and relational character of dominion, of dominating others. others, the community, but fo- speaking faithful. As we prepare the person. At times we look at Harmony is something else: it is cuses on ourselves, and this to celebrate the Solemnity of the others as objects, to be used and service. makes us ugly, nasty and selfish, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin discarded. In reality this type of Therefore, let us ask the Lord destroying harmony. Mary, I entrust you and your perspective blinds and fosters an to give us eyes that are attentive This renewed awareness of the families to her maternal interces- individualistic and aggressive to our brothers and sisters, espe- dignity of every human being has sion, that she may guide us on throwaway culture, which trans- cially those who are suffering. As serious social, economic and our pilgrim way to the fullness of forms the human being into a Jesus’ disciples we do not want to political implications. Looking at Christ’s promises. And I ask you consumer good (cf. Apostolic Ex- be indifferent nor individualistic. our brother and sister and the please to pray for me. May God hortation Evangelii Gaudium, 53; These are the two unpleasant atti- whole of creation as a gift re- bless you! Laudato Si’ [LS], 22). tudes that run counter to har- ceived from the love of the Father Lastly my thoughts turn to the In the light of faith, we know mony. Indifferent: I look the oth- inspires attentive behaviour, care e l d e rl y, young people, the sick and instead that God looks at a man er way. Individualist: looking out and wonder. In this way the be- newlyweds. Be courageous in fa- and a woman in another manner. only for one’s own interest. The liever, contemplating his or her cing even life’s difficult moments, He created us not as objects but harmony created by God asks neighbour as a brother or sister, trusting in the help of God and as people loved and capable of that we look at others, the needs and not as a stranger, looks at Our Lady. May God Bless you. loving; he created us in his image of others, the problems of others, him or her compassionately and and likeness (cf. Gen 1:27). In in communion. We want to rec- empathetically, not contemptu- this way he gave us a unique dig- ognize the human dignity in ously or with hostility. Contem- nity, calling us to live in commu- every person, whatever his or her plating the world in the light of number 34, Friday, 21 August 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 5

Minim Sisters in one of the communities in Egypt

To Franciscan Minims of the Sacred Heart With simple and concrete love

Pope Francis sent a message to the that you, her spiritual daughters, It is a path to Franciscan Minim Sisters of the Sacred wish to prepare yourselves for this tread each day. It is Heart on Saturday, 8 August, to mark occasion with the jubilee year in a narrow and toil- the liturgical memory of the memory of the Blessed, which be- some pathway but, if C o n g re g a t i o n ’s Foundress, Blessed gins today. it is followed to the Maria Margherita Caiani, and the My wish is that this year may be end, life becomes start of their Jubilee Year for the whole Congregation an op- fruitful. As it was for commemorating the centenary of her portunity to remember the life and the Virgin Mary, re- Dies Natalis in 2021. The following is teachings of the Foundress, as well garded from On a translation of the Holy Father’s as these almost 120 years of journey, High precisely because she was speaks of belonging. The Lord gave message which he wrote in Italian. also looking toward the challenges humble, small (cf. Lk 1:47); and in you life; he stirred you to faith and of the future. It is a grace to have a Dear Sisters, this way she became the Mother of called you to him in consecrated life heart that is grateful and reconciled Go d. by drawing you to his Heart. This with one’s own past, and eyes that 8 August 2021 will mark the the cen- Franciscan, Minim, and she spe- belonging is manifested in a particu- tenary of the birth in Heaven of are full of hope in the future; it is lar way in p ra y e r. Our whole life is woeful, however, to take refuge in a cified “of the Sacred Heart”, in order Blessed Maria Margherita Caiani, called, with the grace of the Spirit, past that is no more, or in a future to settle your roots at the wellspring who brought to life the Institute of to become prayer. For this reason we that is not yet, seeking refuge from of Charity. The love that Jesus has the Franciscan Minim Sisters of the must allow the Lord to remain the present in which we are called to for us does not dazzle with great Sacred Heart in 1902. I am happy united to us always. And in this way live and work. This anniversary calls special effects that quickly vanish; he transforms us, day after day, mak- you to embody in our age the spe- rather, it is a concrete and faithful cificity of your charism. May the love, made of closeness, of gestures ing our heart ever more akin to his Holy Spirit, who inspired it at the that lift us and give us dignity and own. beginning of the last century, give confidence. Let us consider the two There are moments in the day you the strength to rediscover its disciples of Emmaus who, confused that favour this union with God: freshness and the capacity to contin- and disheartened, were returning to Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, Ad- ue giving fragrance to the world their home in the evening of Easter oration, meditating on the Word, with the gift of your life. (cf. Lk 24:13-35). The Lord drew the Rosary, spiritual reading. May near them, not as a hero but as a You are the Franciscan Minims of your approach to the Lord be full of travelling companion; as they were the Sacred Heart. I would like to joy, the joy of a child running to- walking he explained to them “in all pause briefly on this name. By call- ward his parents to embrace and kiss the scriptures the things concerning ing you ‘Minim’ Mother Caiani them. This joy attracts and is conta- himself” (v. 27). And their hearts wished to highlight how your life- gious! At times it seems there are burned with joy; and then he broke style should be: a style of smallness. thousands of other things more ne- the bread, “and their eyes were This was confirmed with the inser- cessary to do, or we may feel the ef- opened and they recognized him” ( v. tion of your Institute into the great fort of being with Jesus; but, like 31). Franciscan Family tree: you are estab- the disciples in the Garden of Geth- lished in the school of Saint Francis May you love with the Heart of semane, Jesus calls us to stay there, in order to better follow the Lord, Jesus, with gestures rich in tender- close to him (cf. Mk 14:38). Let us who was first “to become small” and ness. And the first place in which to allow the Lord to remain united to “chose this path. That of humbling live this simple and concrete love is us! and humiliating himself unto death your religious community. Spurred by the Sacred Heart, you on the cross” (Homily, Mass at Casa “Of the Sacred Heart” is not just a will be mothers to the brothers and Blessed Maria Margherita Caiani Santa Marta, 23 June 2017). complement, but says much more: it sisters you meet “from the cradle to the grave”, as Blessed Maria Mar- gherita used to say. You will joyfully proclaim that the Lord always looks on us with mercy; he has a merciful Ventilators and ultrasound scanners distributed to hospitals to combat the virus Heart. Your charism also has a re p a ra t i v e dimension. This is a great service for Pope donates medical equipment to Brazil the good of the world. Sin ruins the work that God created beautiful. With your prayers and your small Eighteen Draeger ventilators for in- has worked to find the lifesaving, gestures, you cast onto the field of tensive care and six Fuji portable ul- high tech medical equipment the world the seed of the love of trasound scanners are about to be through various donors”, seeing to God who makes all things new. shipped to Brazil. The Apostolic “the procedures for transportation When the seed falls to the ground it Nunciature will see that they arrive and installation in the individual does not make any noise: such are directly at hospitals with particular hospitals”. With the direct dedica- the many works that you bring forth need in the effort to grapple with tion of the Apostolic Nunciature in in Italy, Brazil, Egypt, Sri Lanka the coronavirus. The announcement Brazil, “this gesture of solidarity and and Bethlehem, especially in favour was made by Cardinal Konrad Kra- Christian charity can truly help the jewski, the Pope’s Almoner, who poorest and neediest people”, he ad- of children and young people. Ges- noted that since the beginning of ded. tures that are capable of making the the health emergency, “Pope Francis world more beautiful, of brightening The Cardinal also recalled that “in it with a ray of God’s love. has unceasingly addressed his heart- order to make the Pope’s closeness felt appeal for generosity and solid- and affection tangible in this time of Dear sisters, I wish you a holy arity for those populations and harsh trial and difficulty, the Office and fruitful centenary! I assure you countries who are suffering the of Papal Charities has mobilized in of my remembrance to the Lord, most”. different ways and on many fronts, through the intercession of the Vir- The dispatch of ventilators and to find healthcare materials and elec- gin Mary; and you too, please, do ultrasound machines to Brazil, the tro-medical equipment to donate to not forget to pray for me. I whole- Cardinal explained, is possible many healthcare structures that find heartedly impart my Apostolic Bless- “thanks to the generous effort of the themselves in situations of emer- ing to you and to those who are en- Hope non-profit organization which, gency and poverty”, thereby helping trusted to your charity. highly specialized in humanitarian them “to find the necessary ways to Medical equipment donated by Rome, Saint John Lateran, 8 Au- projects on health and education, save and treat many human lives”. Pope Francis to Brazil gust 2020 number 34, Friday, 21 August 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 6/7

Fr Monge, the decision to turn Hagia INTERVIEW Sophia back into a mosque after nearly a century has even stirred reactions in the Islamic world. Why? With Dominican Fr Claudio Monge Globally there have not been few- er negative reactions in the Islamic than the Western world. In much of the Arab-Islamic world, in fact, the “neo-O ttoman” dreams rouse histor- ical suspicions that — from Cairo to Riyadh — translate into declarations of disapproval, even theological, of an Islamic re-appropriation that Hagia Sophia a school of enriching diversity would shatter the sacredness of a place of worship originally of the faithful of the religions of the Book, “Hagia Sophia is one of those world sites with a seductive beauty that and impartial adulation of the What were the consequences of these ern Church. The corollary to this re- which the prophet of Islam always speaks powerfully about God, and that should continue to be available in grandeur and divine majesty. events for the Christian world? conciliation was to be military assist- ordered to be respected. its fullness and also in its contradictory nature as a symbol that convokes So religion, power, politics, From the standpoint of Christian- ance in the form of a crusade universal religions and diverse cultures”. Fr Claudio Monge, a 52-year-old prestige have always been essential ity the analysis is quite different. For against the Turks, who had laid In the West some have spoken of a slap siege to the city for weeks. But this the rightful ones to continue and of the Suleiman Mosque, to his stu- Dominican, head of the centre for intercultural dialogue at the Dominican dimensions of Hagia Sophia’s his- the papacy the traumatic end of the in the face to Christianity. What do aid would never come and, in any preserve the Byzantine legacy, with a dent Sedefkâr Mehmed Ağa, who Study Institute — Istanbul (DoSt-I), tries to read outside the strategies and tory, and they do not just gauge the Schism and the reunion of the you think about it? case, the hierarchy of the Orthodox universal and trans-cultural claim. was responsible for the splendid more recent events. Regarding the Churches have never been a true simplifications of what has occurred in recent weeks, with the Turkish Pres- Church was so repulsed by the idea Blue Mosque. In short, the basilica Most of the Westerners who have intersection of historical, political reality. There is no doubt that the ident’s decision to convert the grand Byzantine basilica back into a mosque. of this submission as to consider the A message that does not appear to be that had been the religious centre of spoken of a slap in the face to and religious events, with the depo- pilfering of an enormous number of In this lengthy conversation with Vatican News, the priest recaps the prin- Arab Islamic penetration as a lesser in line with a nationalistic and sover- the Byzantine Empire continued to Christianity did so out of a history sition on the altar of Patriarch Cer- relics (every church, every shrine, cipal stages of the monument’s history that are linked to fierce divisions affliction, not to mention a more en- eign vision.... maintain this prestigious role of opposition, suffering and wounds ularius’ excommunication by the every monastery of Constantinople among Christians before the Turkish conquest. couraging and also less culturally throughout the entire Ottoman Em- among Christians that is often Pop e’s delegate,the Great Schism had relics of great spiritual imp or- Even more than that, this univer- foreign alternative. The witness of pire, whose sultans always paid at- totally unknown. There is the ideo- between the Eastern and Western tance that made the Byzantine capi- salistic interpretation is the exact op- Michael the Syrian, a late 12th cen- tention to the building which had logical interpretation of history, not Fr Monge, can you briefly cover the of precious materials. The church Churches began in Hagia Sophia in tal one of the main destinations of posite of a nationalistic and sover- tury Jacobite (monophysite) monk, defied the centuries, a period wholly only of the victors, but into which history of the basilica of Hagia had already been acknowledged at 1054. In Hagia Sophia the splendour religious pilgrimage), the spoliation eign vision of power. In this sense, is an eloquent and anything but without images already in its Christi- the conquered or minorities more Sophia? that time as a great work of architec- of the Orthodox liturgy induced the of ecclesiastical buildings and, in the symbolic forcing of the entire ce- isolated example of this mindset. an context, corresponding to the frequently fall, when they make their ture, especially for the grandeur of Russian people to conversion. general, the cruelty of the crusades remony of Hagia Sophia’s reopening It’s impossible to cover the ex- Without mincing words he greeted iconoclastic crisis of the seventh to religious membership a reactionary its dome which originally was about were an indelible memory that to Islamic worship on 24 July 2020 traordinary and troubled history in the sons of Ishmael who had come the eighth century. And it is pre- identifying element, and transform seven metres lower than the present Could one say that that basilica was a would have dug an even deeper fur- was tumultuous and highly con- the space of a few lines. The majes- from the South to liberate Eastern cisely because of this character as an the protection of places of worship one and surrounded at the base by a place that was symbolic of the fierce di- row making intra-Christian division tested, even by various voices in tic building consecrated in 537 by Christians. On 29 May 1453 architectural model that has defied and their historical monuments in ring of windows whose light made it visions among Christians? even more complete and definitive. Turkey: from the rhetoric of the Emperor Justinian was not the first Mehmed II triumphantly entered the centuries and passed through general as part of a nostalgic preser- appear “susp ended”h e a v e n w a rd . speech by the president of the Diy- to spring up on that site. The first Hagia Sophia also knew the ter- Hagia Sophia to sanction the over- cultures and religions that Hagia vation of the past. Now, as believers, Thus we arrive at the meeting of anet (Directorate of Religious Af- church, known as the Grand Procopius of Caesarea would speak rible and fleeting revenge of the taking of the entire city, the heart of Sophia has been recognized by UN- independently of the faith we be- Churches which seems to declare the fairs) with a sword in his left hand Church, was built by Constantine or of the mystical effect of a light that Christian West, at the time of the which was the basilica. After all, the ESCO as a world heritage site, hop- long to, we must rebel against the seemed generated by the basilica it- end of the Schism. But after a few (in line with the tradition of the Ot- more likely by Constance II and was fourth Crusade in 1204. Here it is sultan represented the Islamic tradi- ing, since 2002 with the “D eclara- tendency to be transformed into months Constantinople is conquered by toman conquest, where a sword in inaugurated in 360. The building self and that seemed to nullify the impossible to delve into the causes tion of the cesaro-papistical manage- tion of Budapest” also signed by mere custodians of monuments or of the sultan. the left hand signified “p eace”) up was laid out like a basilica with a consistency and weight of the struc- of the clamorous change in objective ment of power that had character- Turkey, that the directives for a just places of worship, in order to defend on the minbar (a preaching plat- wooden roof and was dedicated to ture. The building was inaugurated of a military expedition that was On 12 December 1452, in the pres- ized the Byzantine Empire for cen- balance between preservation, sus- the statute of witnesses of a living form, in modern times less often Logos, celebrated on 25 December, on 27 December 537 by the emperor supposed to have led to the libera- ence of Cardinal Isidore, Latin Patri- turies: the idea — which Eusebius of tainability and development, and for faith that is not a simple legacy of a used in mosques, somewhat like the becoming the new cathedral. This and by Patriarch Eutychius and be- tion of the Holy Sepulchre, and not arch of Constantinople, who arrived Caesarea applied to the Constantini- better care of the world site, be re- past history but invokes the present old church pulpit) to the singing of first basilica was destroyed by fire in came the focal point of imperial ce- to the sack of Constantinople. But it especially from Rome, the extreme an Empire in the late third century sp ected. and transforms us into living stones the Fatihah (the “O pening” or first 404. Theodosius II built a second remonies and above all of corona- is certain that, in the broad frame- weakness of Byzantium offered the — of a providential evolution of hu- at the heart of the story, which can Surah of the Koran, which summar- church, also following the basilica tions. Weakened by a series of earth- work of world history, the con- opportunity to bring about the uni- manity where the political unity We arrive at the decision of Atatürk, never be forfeited to the service of izes the essence of the sacred Islamic floor plan and with a wooden roof, quakes that struck Constantinople sequences of this historical event on of the Churches, with a liturgy guaranteed by the Pax Romana was who in 1934 transformed the basilica- simple earthly aims. As the Turkish book) and of the first five verses of designed by the architect Rufino. between 553 and 14 December 557, were rather disastrous for Europe, that formally sanctioned the end of a necessary condition for the con- turned-mosque into a museum.... president himself, Tayyip Erdoğan, the main dome collapsed completely the Surah Al-Baqara (or of the recalled just a few months ago, the The building was inaugurated on 10 both from an ethical and moral the East-West Schism that had be- struction of the religious unity of the I believe the decision by Mustafa during the earthquake of 7 May 558, “Cow”, which promises prosperity to Muslims in Istanbul have more than October 415, but was reduced to standpoint and from a political gun in 1054. But this union is seen then entire known world. For Kemal Atatürk — who, as an ex- destroying the altar, the ciborium those who follow the Lord’s path), 3,500 mosques for prayer and some ashes during the Nika riots, a grave standpoint. Historian Steven Runci- as an act of submission of the East- Mehmed II, the Ottomans were now tremely pragmatic politician, had and the ambo. The emperor ordered sung personally by the head of state. of the largest buildings of Islamic insurrection that broke out in Con- man counted it among the worst foreseen the extreme danger of reli- an immediate restoration, entrusting worship in the world, which have al- stantinople in 532 and which nearly crimes against humanity. Indeed it is gious claims, relics of a complex and the work to Isidore the Younger, Let us return to the 15th century: Did ways rivaled those of the holy cities cost the throne and life of Justinian not only about the destruction and extremely ‘contentious’ history — to who used lighter materials and Hagia Sophia influence Islamic art of Islam in terms of size and splend- himself. Only a part of the colon- dispersion of an incredible amount transform Hagia Sophia into a mu- raised the dome another 6.25 metres, and architecture? our. At the same time, while respect- nade of this building’s portico was of past treasures gathered and pre- seum represented, and even now giving the building its current in- ing the strong aversion brought excavated, at a lower level than the served in the course of one thousand The conquering sultan Mehmed II represents, the only way to preserve current one, and the monumental ar- ternal height of 55.6 metres. This re- about by the reactivation of Hagia years of history, but also of an ex- himself was so astonished and en- not only the extraordinary architec- chitectural sculptural fragments of construction, which gave the build- Sophia to Islamic worship, espe- tremely hard strike against a still thralled by the splendour of the tural-artistic workmanship, but also the tympanum of the prothryum re- ing its current facade, ended in 562. cially in the Orthodox world and in great Christian civilization that building that, sources say, he struck the symbolic value and the tangible main. A few days after the destruc- particular the Greek [Orthodox], we henceforth would never be the same. a soldier who, blinded by fanaticism, memory of this complex and layered tion of the second basilica, Emperor Since the beginning of its history has it cannot forget that Christians have Politically speaking, the Byzantine had thrown himself against the past that we have tried to retrace. Justinian decided to build a new, thus been a place where throne and al- Empire has always been a powerful marble floor, shattering it. In the Of course, many believers — b oth not celebrated under the vaults of completely different basilica: larger tar intersect? stronghold for Europeans with re- end, the iconographic incompatibil- Christians and Muslims — do not the Byzantine masterpiece for over and more majestic than those of its Yes, as I previously mentioned, spect to the eastern populations: its ity of the place, with a context of Is- think about it in the same way. 560 years. p re d e c e s s o r s . emperors were crowned under its weakening would lead to many lamic prayer which does not allow However, to me it seems debasing What are your hopes for the future of dome and, according to tradition, on problems in the future. On the other images, could not eliminate the ex- for any culture, and even more so in A majestic basilica and masterpiece of Hagia Sophia? the day of its inauguration in 537, as hand, the Latin Empire immediately traordinary and attractive aesthetic a religious context, to identify his- beauty ... Justinian was admiring it, he ex- showed its ephemeral consistency. of an artistic masterpiece. This at- toric maturity or the power of a rev- I would like to emphasize, regard- The work was entrusted to Isidore claimed “Solomon, I have outdone Western Europe is far away and tractiveness would in some way be elation or of a professed creed with ing those who say that a place of of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles. you!”. Although this allusion to Sol- does not appear to take much re- supported, at least architecturally, the number of little flags pinned to worship transformed into a museum The phases of construction were de- omon may be called into question sponsibility for its survival. Were it exercising irresistible influence over a map, and with spaces and symbols is wounded in its essence, that thou- scribed by Procopius, who observed by some academics, it is certain that not for the conviction and essential Ottoman architects, from the great monopolized to the exclusion of the the emperor’s constant interest and such an architectural achievement re- support of Venice it would probably Sinan who oversaw the construction o t h e r. CONTINUED ON PA G E 9 participation in the various construc- sponded more to the logic of affirm- have ended even sooner, thus short- tion phases and in the procurement ing imperial prestige than to a pure ening its already brief life.

The Empress Zoe mosaic, located on the eastern wall of Hagia Sophia’s southern gallery page 8 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 August 2020, number 34

Diocese of Pyongyang dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima For the conversion, liberation and salvation of the World

On the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary, 15 sire to listen to the Good News of the Gospel tainable human development, founded on the re- August, the Diocese of Pyongyang was dedicated that allows us to open our hearts to a new way of spect of authentic human values and the inviol- to Our Lady of Fatima during a Eucharistic cel- thinking that overcomes division and to weave able dignity of all”. ebration in the Myeong-dong Cathedral. Presided just and fraternal relations”, the Pope wrote. As During his homily, Cardinal Yeom Soo-jung by Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, Archbishop the day coincided with the 75th National Libera- thanked the Pope for his message and humbly of Seoul and Apostolic Administrator of Pyongy- tion Day, (when Korea was freed from Japanese prayed that the people of North and South Korea ang, the Mass was concelebrated by Archbishop colonial rule) the Holy Father continued, “I ask will soon be able to “celebrate, together and hand Alfred Xuareb, Apostolic Nuncio to Korea and all of you to join in prayer for the conversion of in hand, the feast of the Assumption of Mary and Mongolia, and Auxiliary Bishops of Seoul hearts and for the triumph of a culture of life, National Liberation Day as a time of authentic Timothy Yu Gyoung-chon and Job Koo Yobi. re c onciliation, fraternal love and lasting peace on lib eration”. Inorder to achieve authentic libera- Pope Francis marked the occasion by sending a the Korean peninsula”. The challenge in this rap- tion, he stressed, there must be the conversion of message and his Apostolic Blessing to Cardinal idly shrinking world, he continued is “not only to all the interested parties, beginning with the lead- Yeom Soo-jung. “I am certain that the graces of respect ourselves but also to feel responsible for ers of North and South Korea and of the interna- this celebration will deepen in all of you the de- one another, building bridges and promoting sus- tional community.

‘We Run Together’ In India Catholic volunteers help to bury victims of the virus will continue among the streets in solidarity Dying with dignity

The first step of the sporting initiative dignity” to everyone from professional “The burial of people who die a special training course by the “We Run Together” has concluded. soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo of coronavirus has become a ser- local health departments and, in The event was promoted by Athletica to a disabled boy who is embarrassed ious problem in society.... Some this work, they will follow the Vaticana and supported by Pope Fran- to leave his home. do not know what to do and directives of the health depart- cis to raise funds to help two hospitals No fancy agency or advertisement who to contact when their loved ment. We want to show close- that have been at the heart of the fight was used, just ‘word of mouth’—in ones die of coronavirus”, Fr ness, solidarity and proximity against Covid-19. The 95,034 euros short, ‘Francis style’, a touch of which Mathew Navarakkattu, director also in the tragic event of raised from the auctions of personal ran through the entire initiative, start- of youth pastoral ministry in the death”. Also in Kerala, gifts donated by Pope Francis and vari- ing from the ‘prizes’ donated by the Diocese of Idukki shared with Sahrudaya Samaritans, a Cath- ous athletes will go to the medical and Pope for auction, to the sport objects fides. He spoke about nursing staff that have tirelessly looked dear to the champions. But the most events in his diocese in (Photo by after patients affected by the coronavir- meaningful experiences were the spe- India where in recent T. Augustine us. cial encounters, as some of the athletes days several dozen K o o n a m p a ra y i l ) On 20 May, in Castelporziano, Italy, opened their homes and prepared din- priests and young people the first meeting was to take place ner to bear witness to the beauty of the joined forces to provide a bringing together great Olympic cham- ‘culture of inclusion’. dignified burial to vic- pions, international teams and people Now Athletica Vaticana is starting tims of Covid-19, regard- with physical and intellectual disabili- again with even more enthusiasm and less of religious profes- ties, prisoners and refugees, but the ini- this concrete style of solidarity, encour- sion, in a work of mercy tiative was postponed due to the pan- aging everyone to “run together”, in a that reveals the Church's demic. However, Athletica Vaticana did spirit of Christian witness among the closeness to the people's not lose hope as it received support people, in the streets and in sports loc- suffering. In addition, the group olic organization that oversees from the Pope who, with a video mes- ations. Stronger than ever thanks to the of volunteers will help with the projects of charity and solidarity sage on that same day, gave life to this witness of Sara Vargetto: very speedy local government with the distri- in the Archdiocese of Ernaku- campaign. with her wheelchair, the 12-year-old girl bution of food, medicine and lam-Angamaly, has formed a This is the spirit of Athletica Vatic- who suffers from an autoimmune dis- other services in the quarantined special team that is already in ana: to express the beauty of the ability ease was among the ‘honorary’ athletes areas of the district. “About 48 operation and has helped in sev- of sports to move at the pace of the whom the Pope had the opportunity to volunteers”, the priest ex- eral cases. weakest, thus truly offering “the same encourage personally. plained, “have already followed Another diocese that has joined the initiative is Faridabad, where a group of 12 priests, 10 sisters and 25 lay people have gathered to admin- A mother’s gratitude ister the sacraments and attend and assist in the burial of vic- tims of the coronavirus. “Ab out Pope Francis baptizes formerly conjoined twins 250 people from 30 parishes vo- l u n t e e re d ”, said Father Julius Job, coordinator of the team in Hermine Nzotto, the mother of former conjoined twins Father “gives me confirmation that God is truly close to Faridabad. The diocese wants to whose lives were saved by the medical intervention of Vat- the least ones”, the twins’ mother, who hails from the ensure that anyone in the dio- ican-run Bambino Gesu’ Hospital, has sent a letter to Central African Republic, said. “If one day my daughters cese that dies of Covid-19 is giv- Pope Francis to thank him for personally baptizing her will be able to be part of the fortunate children of this en a dignified burial. Fr Job in- twins at a private ceremony held at Santa Marta, earlier world, that is, able to go to school and learn what I do dicated that “the group will not this month. To have my daughters baptized by the Holy not know and what I too am now aspiring to know so as only attend the funeral, but will to be able to one day read Bible passages to my daugh- reach people with Covid-19 for ters”, Nzotto wrote to the Pope, “then it is not a Holy their spiritual needs”. The Door that you opened in Bangui in 2015 which was Church is beside her people in closed one year later, but rather you have built a bridge times of great suffering. Our for eternity where the needy like I was and people of people should not be deprived good will like the team of doctors who care for my insep- of the sacraments”. Archbishop arable separated ones”. “Prayer”, she concluded in her let- Kuriakose Bharanikulangara ter which also expressed her gratitude to the Hospital’s also called on his priests to be doctors and staff, “is what can unite the people of the close and to help with the burial world; I will pray to Mary for you but I have no need to of parishioners, but he specified ask you to do the same because those who, like Your that, even if in principle the Holiness, have challenged the danger of mosquito bites idea had been addressed to and the rebellion of 2015 in Central Africa, know how to Catholics in the diocese, “we are ask Mary for what the world needs”. willing to extend our service to people of other faiths”. number 34, Friday, 21 August 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 9

The Pope encourages Knights of Columbus to follow the example of their Founder Fr McGivney Brothers to the people in need

The Knights of Columbus have donated more earliest days, “care for the family has been a pri- than 77 million hours to works of charity over the ority for the Knights of Columbus”. This atten- past year, although this is only the point of de- tion still continues today with a “strong and cour- parture. The now approaching beatification of ageous defense of the inviolable dignity of human their Founder — Fr Michael McGivney, who will life from its conception”, and with a series of ini- be raised to the Honours of the Altar on 31 Octo- tiatives aimed at strengthening family life. Be- ber — will be for all the Knights of Columbus an cause it is precisely in supporting and by opportunity “to deepen their commitment to live strengthening family life, the letter underlines, as missionary disciples in charity, unity and fra- that “individuals and societies grow in solidarity, ternity”, nourishing that “charitable support” that mutual respect, truth, mercy and love. At a time with “spirit of Christian solidarity”, the lay order of social unrest, these virtues are all the more ne- provides to all those who are suffering at this cessary in the promotion of peace, reconciliation time due to the pandemic, and to the forgotten and justice”. and the marginalized, as they have done since This is the mission undertaken by the Knights their very beginnings. This is the mandate that Distribution of winter coats in Denver of Columbus, at this fundamental crossroads of Pope Francis entrusted to the Knights of Colum- their history, as they look back at their roots with bus in a letter addressed to the Supreme Knight renewed pride. The decision announced at the an- Carl A. Anderson, signed by Secretary of State The Pontiff, Cardinal Parolin writes, “is grate- nual convention to open a new centre for pilgrim- Cardinal Pietro Parolin. ful for these and for the many other countless ages in New Haven, in honour of the founder, This year’s 138th convention of the Knights of ways in which the Knights of Columbus continue follows this very direction. The Blessed Michael Columbus took place on 4 August, virtually, due to bear prophetic witness to God’s dream for a McGivney Pilgrimage Center will have its offices to the Covid-19 emergency. in the building which currently houses the mu- It is precisely the “spirit of Christian solidarity” more fraternal, just and equitable world in which seum of the order’s history. In view of Fr Mc- that “marked in a special way the life and activity all are recognized as neighbours and no one is Givney’s beatification, it will be an instrument of your Founder, the Venerable Michael Mc- left behind”. that will help people become better acquainted Givney”, the Pope underlined. As a parish priest, The message sent to Mr Anderson, recalls that Fr McGivney was close in a practical way to the the entire history of the order was shaped by with him and his works. Moreover, during the daily life of people. He “knew well and wished to these values, the true and proper nourishment of convention the annual report was presented, a impress on his flock the urgency of the Gospel their works of support to the evangelizing mission testimony of how those roots continue to bear mandate, ‘Whatever you did for one of these least of the Church. Founded in 1882 by Fr McGivney fruit still today. The Knights of Columbus are brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Mt 25:40). and a group of lay Catholics, the association present in 12 countries and number two million His “heroic virtues and example of faith”, the let- began its activities by dedicating itself to the most members who are committed to being brothers ter continued, “will inspire you to seek each day marginalized segments of society, firstly widows and to taking care of those who are suffering and in prayer the wisdom and strength to practice ‘a and orphans. The son of Irish immigrants, Fr in need. Over the past year, the annual report fraternal love capable of seeing the sacred gran- McGivney served his pastoral ministry as vice states, this participation resulted not only in a deur of our neighbour, of finding God in every parish priest in New Haven and then as parish sizeable economic commitment to acts of charity human being” (Evangelii Gaudium, 92). priest in Thomastown, Connecticut. At the an- (over 187 million dollars), but also and above all, This vision, the letter states, is reflected by the nouncement of the beatification of Fr McGivney, in the personal participation of its members very theme of the convention: “Knights of Fra- Supreme Knight Anderson described him and his which amounted to millions of hours of service, ternity”. The principle that enlivened Fr Mc- spiritual legacy in the following way: “Fr Mc- time dedicated to others. Indeed, even during the Givney from the very beginning was also charac- Givney has inspired generations of Catholic men challenging time of the Covid-19 emergency, when terized in the “creativity of charity” of the order’s to roll up their sleeves and to put their faith into the project “no one is left behind” took shape, activities throughout these past months, as “the action”. the wide spectrum of initiatives (from economic world faces the challenge of the Covid-19 pan- One of the first concerns of the Founder was aid to families and parishes, to food collections demic and its far-reaching effects on people’s eco- “to promote the material and spiritual welfare of and personal assistance services) has benefited nomic and social lives”. working men and their families”. Thus since the more than one million people.

Hagia Sophia a school of enriching diversity

CONTINUED FROM PA G E 6 same, with growing inconvenience doubtedly new moment of tension, act of theologizing is rendered con- for their full fruition. But I firmly this apparent setback to dialogue, crete by renouncing the claim of sands of artistic masterpieces that re- believe in the importance of places confirms the fact that, as the Docu- having the object in order to let main in places of worship are not that ‘elevate’ man to the mystery of ment on Human Fraternity states, it oneself be questioned by the pres- necessarily the most appropriate en- a transcendence that convokes and is not possible without fraternal en- ence of the other, whether Christian vironment for the intimacy of true does not divide. Hagia Sophia is counter, and fraternal encounter is or not, believer or not. prayer. However we cannot underes- one of those world sites of seductive not possible without education and timate the importance of Beauty be- beauty, which speaks strongly of mutual awareness of each one’s his- You have lived in Istanbul for many cause beauty is a name of God and God, and which should continue to tory. A decisive qualitative leap was years. What reactions have you ob- this is so for Christians and Muslims be available in all its fullness and made in Abu Dhabi, in speaking of served to the events of recent weeks? alike. And beauty, as an experience also in the contradictory nature of a inclusive citizenship and of respect I will mention only one. A Turk- and not simply an idea, is pro- symbol that summons different reli- for diversity as wise divine will, as ish Muslim friend wrote to me a few paedeutic to the spiritual encounter: gious and cultural universes. In this well as a potential richness for our days ago that he feels a deep sad- it makes us feel that there is case, the monument is a treasure societies. The plurisecular artistic ness over the fact that the availabil- ‘something more’ within things; it is chest of beauty, a school of enrich- masterpieces are essential places for ity of Hagia Sophia will be drastic- an open fissure on the more, on the ing diversity. telling one’s history in dialogue with ally reduced, because in contemplat- beyond, on the mystery, on infinity. others telling their history. Of course ing this masterpiece many times, in Honestly, the prospect of an inter-re- There have also been those who con- this narrative must be equipped with its complex and layered history, he ligious use of the site of Hagia sidered Hagia Sophia’s re-conversion an appropriate language, often to be learned the very importance of dia- Sophia has never seemed realistic to into a mosque as a mortal wound in- totally created. It is a tiring search logue. me. Through personal experience, I flicted on the dialogue between Chris- for new words and experiences un- strongly doubt that there are the tianity and Islam. What do you think derstandable as analogical and not How will you respond to him? conditions for even just an ecumen- about it? dubious. In a believer’s prospective, ical use of the sacred spaces: it Many have said so. Others, more one realizes that you cannot access I would like to tell him that now would take a major formation on the specifically, have said that the de- the content of faith but through the he will truly be able to make valu- respective ritual details in order to cision of the Turkish government use of propositions/meditations able use of this lesson, by continu- learn that respectful attention to the openly repudiates the 2019 Abu Dh- which are by nature inadequate and ing to cultivate his inter-religious re- sensitivities of the other so that the abi Declaration. I respect but do not perfectible. One can touch by hand lationships with people in the flesh, sharing of spaces does not become share these judgments. On the con- the poverty of the human spirit, but because dialogue continues to be the progressive occupation of the trary, it seems to me that this un- not the content of faith as such. The possible through encounter. page 10 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 August 2020, number 34

ANGELUS 9 August

At the end of the Angelus on Sunday, 9 August, the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki, Pope Francis called for commitment to “a world completely free of nuclear weapons”. Earlier, he had reflected on the day’s Gospel reading on the narrative of Jesus walking on the water of the stormy lake. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s thoughts which he shared in Italian with the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s S q u a re .

Pope renews appeal for Lebanon and recalls the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki A world completely free of

Dear Brothers and Sisters, nuclear weapons catastrophe calls everyone, begin- Good morning! ning with the Lebanese people, to cooperate for the common good This Sunday’s Gospel passage length: this is Jesus. Jesus does last century and even today in of this beloved country. Lebanon (cf. Mt 14:22-33) speaks of Jesus this. some places. In situations like has a particular identity, fruit of walking on the water of the that, she may be tempted to think stormy lake. After feeding the Jesus is the hand of the Father the encounter of different cultures who never abandons us, the that God has abandoned her. But that has emerged over the course crowds with five loaves and two in reality it is precisely in those fish, as we saw last Sunday, Jesus strong and faithful hand of the of time as an example of living Father who always and only moments that the witness of faith, together. Certainly, this coexist- commands the disciples to get in- the witness of love, the witness of to the boat and return to the oth- wants what is good for us. God is ence is now very fragile, we know not a loud sound, God is not a hope shine the most. It is the this; but I am praying that, with er shore. He takes his leave from presence of the Risen Christ in hurricane, he is not fire, he is not Go d’s help and everyone’s genu- the people and then climbs the his Church that gives the grace of an earthquake — as the narrative ine participation, it may be re- hill, alone, to pray. He immerses witness unto martyrdom, from about the Prophet Elijah also re- born free and strong. I invite the himself in communion with the which new Christians and fruits calls today — God is the light Church in Lebanon to be close to Fa t h e r. of reconciliation and peace for breeze, literally it says this: He is the people on their Calvary, as During the night-time lake the entire world, sprout. she has been doing these days, crossing, the disciples’ boat is the “thread of melodious silence” that never imposes itself, but asks May the intercession of Mary with solidarity and compassion, hindered by a sudden wind help us to persevere in faith and with heart and hands open to storm. This is normal on a lake. to be heard (cf. 1 Kgs 19:11-13). Having faith means keeping one’s fraternal love when the darkness sharing. Moreover, I renew the At a certain point, they see and storms of life place our trust heart turned to God, to his love, appeal for generous aid from the someone walking on the water, in God into crisis. international community. And coming toward them. Upset, they to his Fatherly tenderness, amid please, I ask Lebanon’s bishops, think it is a ghost and cry out in the storm. Jesus wanted to teach After the Angelus the Holy Father priests and religious to be close fear. Jesus reassures them: “Ta k e this to Peter and the disciples, continued: to the people and to live a life- heart, it is I; have no fear”. Then and also to us today. In dark mo- style marked by evangelical Peter — Peter who was so decisive ments, in sad moments he is well Dear brothers and sisters, on 6 poverty, without luxury, because — answers: “Lord, if it is you, bid aware that our faith is weak — all and 9 August 1945, 75 years ago, your people are suffering, suffer- me come to you on the water”. A of us are people of little faith, all the tragic atomic bombardments ing a great deal. challenge. And Jesus says to him: of us, myself included, everyone of Hiroshima and Nagasaki took “Come”. Peter gets out of the — and that our journey can be place. While I recall the visit I I greet you all, people of Rome boat and takes a few steps; then troubled, hindered by adverse made to those places last year and pilgrims from various coun- the wind and waves frighten him forces. But he is the Risen One! with deep emotion and gratitude, tries — there are many flags here and he begins to sink. “L o rd , Let us not forget this: He is the I renew the invitation to pray and — families, parish groups, associ- save me”, he cries, and Jesus Lord who passed through death be committed to a world com- ations. In particular, I greet the grasps him by the hand and says in order to lead us to safety. Even pletely free of nuclear weapons. youth from Pianengo, in the Dio- to him: “O man of little faith, before we begin to seek him, he These days my thoughts often cese of Crema — there you are…, why did you doubt?”. is present beside us. And lifting turn to Lebanon. There I see a loud! — who have undertaken the This narrative is an invitation us back up after our falls, he Lebanese flag, a group of Le- Via Francigena from Viterbo to to abandon ourselves trustingly to helps us grow in faith. Maybe in banese people. Last Tuesday’s Rome. Well done, congratula- God in every moment of our life, the dark, we cry out: tions! especially in the moment of trial “Lord, Lord!”, think- I offer a cordial greeting to the and turmoil. When we have ing he is far away. participants in the Tour de Po- strong feelings of doubt and fear And he says, “I am logne, — there are many Polish and we seem to be sinking, in h e re ”. Ah, he was people here! — the international life’s difficult moments when with me! That is the cycling race whose challenge this everything becomes dark, we L o rd . year is in memory of Saint John must not be ashamed to cry out The boat at the Paul II on the centenary of his like Peter: “Lord, save me” ( v. mercy of the storm is birth. 30). To knock on God’s heart, on the image of the I wish all of you a happy Jesus’ heart. “Lord, save me”. It Church, which in Sunday. Please, do not forget to is a beautiful prayer! We can re- every age encounters pray for me. Enjoy your lunch! peat it many times. “Lord, save headwinds, very Ar r i v e d e rc i ! me”. And the gesture of Jesus, harsh trials at times: who immediately reaches out his Let us recall certain hand and grasps that of his long and ferocious friend, should be contemplated at persecutions of the number 34, Friday, 21 August 2020 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 11

ANGELUS 15 August

The Pope entrusted to the Blessed Virgin “all the situations in the world that are most in need of hope: hope for peace, for justice, hope for a dignified life”. Pope Francis’ prayer was raised at the end of the Angelus on the Solemnity of the Assumption, recited at midday on Saturday, 15 August, with the faithful present in Saint Peter’s Square — respecting safety measures adopted due to the pandemic — and with those who followed via media. The following is a translation of the Holy Father’s reflection, which he shared in Italian.

Francis entrusts to the Virgin Mary the suffering of Nigeria and the difficult negotiations regarding the Nile The Holy Father’s prayer for the world thirsting for hope

Dear Brothers and Sisters, ourselves to be overwhelmed by we can say: “I praise the Lord”; geria, victim of violence and ter- Good morning! difficulties and absorbed by fears! “Blessed be the Lord”: it is a rorist attacks. Our Lady does not, because she short prayer of praise. This is When man set foot on the moon, I am following with particular puts God as the first greatness of praising God. With this short he uttered a phrase that became attention the situation of the dif- life. From here the Ma g n i f i c a t prayer, our hearts will expand, famous: “That’s one small step ficult negotiations between Egypt, springs forth, from here joy is joy will increase. Let us ask Our for man, one giant leap for man- Ethiopia and Sudan regarding born: not from the absence of Lady, the Gate of Heaven, for the kind”. In essence, humanity had the Nile. I invite all parties to grace to begin each day by rais- reached a historical goal. But problems, which come sooner or continue on the path of dialogue later, but joy is born from the ing our eyes to Heaven, toward so that the Eternal River might today, in Mary’s Assumption into God, to say to him: “Thank you!” presence of God who helps us, continue to be a source of life Heaven, we celebrate an infinitely as the lowly ones say to the great who is near us. Because God is that unites, not divides, that al- greater conquest. Our Lady ones. “Thank you”. stepped foot in paradise: she great. And, above all, God looks ways nourishes friendship, went there not only in spirit, but upon the lowly ones. We are his prosperity, fraternity, and never with her body as well, with all of weakness of love: God looks on After the Angelus the Holy Father enmity, misunderstanding or con- herself. This step of the lowly and loves the lowly. continued: flict. Let dialogue, dear brothers Virgin of Nazareth was the huge Mary, in fact, acknowledges Dear brothers and sisters, the and sisters of Egypt, Ethiopia leap forward for humanity. Going that she is small and exalts the Virgin Mary, whom we contem- and Sudan, let dialogue be your to the moon serves us little if we “great things” (v. 49) the Lord plate today in heavenly glory, is only choice, for the good of your do not live as brothers and sisters has done for her. What are they? the “Mother of hope”. This title dear populations and of the en- on Earth. But that one of us First and foremost, the unexpec- of hers has been recently included tire world. dwells in flesh in Heaven gives us ted gift of life: Mary is a virgin in the Litany of Loreto. Let us in- I greet you all, people from yet she becomes pregnant; and hope: we understand that we are voke her intercession for all the Rome and pilgrims from various Elizabeth, too, who was elderly, is precious, destined to rise again. situations in the world that are countries: families, parish groups, expecting a child. The Lord God does not allow our bodies to most in need of hope: hope for associations. In particular, I greet works wonders with those who vanish into nothing. With God, peace, for justice, hope for a dig- the young people of Catholic Ac- are lowly, with those who do not nothing is lost! In Mary, the goal nified life. Today I would like to tion of San Gerolamo in Trieste. has been reached and we have believe that they are great but pray in particular for the popula- before our eyes the reasons why who give ample space to God in tion of the northern region of Ni- I wish a happy Feast of the As- we journey: not to gain things their life. He enlarges his mercy sumption to all of you who are here below, which vanish, but to to those who trust in him, and present here, to those who are on achieve the homeland above, raises up the humble. Mary holiday, and to those who do not which is forever. And Our Lady praises God for this. have this possibility, especially is the star that guides us. She And we — we might ask the sick, those who are alone and went there first. She, as the ourselves — do we remember to those who ensure indispensable Council teaches, shines “as a sign praise God? Do we thank him for services to us all. of sure hope and solace to the the great things he does for us? Today it would be a beautiful People of God during its sojourn For every day that he gives us, gesture to visit a Shrine to vener- on earth” (Lumen Gentium, 68). because he always loves us and ate Our Lady. Those who live in What does our Mother advise forgives us, for his tenderness? In Rome and those who are in us? Today in the Gospel the first addition, for having given us his Rome could go to Saint Mary thing she says is: “My soul mag- Mother, for the brothers and sis- Major to pray before the image nifies the Lord” (Lk 1:46). Accus- ters he puts on our path, and be- of the Salus Populi Romani. tomed to hearing these words, cause he opened Heaven to us? Happy Feast Day to all of you! perhaps we no longer pay atten- Do we thank God, praise God And please, do not forget to tion to their meaning. To “magni- for these things? If we forget the pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, fy” literally means “to make good, our hearts shrink. But if, and see you tomorrow! g re a t ”, to enlarge. Mary “ag- like Mary, we remember the great grandizes the Lord”: not prob- things that the Lord does, if at lems, which she did not lack at least once a day we were to “mag- the time, but the Lord. How of- nify” him, then we would take a ten, instead, do we allow great step forward. Once a day page 12 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 August 2020, number 34

ANGELUS 16 August

At the Angelus in Saint Peter’s Square on Sunday, 16 August, Pope Francis focused on the day’s Gospel passage which recounts Jesus’ encounter with the woman from Cana (Mt 15:21-28). Afterwards, Lebanon and Belarus, and also all families struggling with difficulties caused by the pandemic were at the heart of his prayers. The following is a translation of the Holy Fa t h e r ’s reflection, which he offered in Italian.

Do not forget families struggling due to the pandemic The Pope’s appeal at the end of the Marian prayer

Dear Brothers and Sisters, L o rd ’s feet asking him to heal like that. “Lord, if you will it, you After the Angelus, the Holy Father Good morning! them, to give them meaning. can heal me”. This is why it is ne- continued: cessary to understand Jesus, to be This Sunday’s Gospel (cf. Mt Each of us has their own story Dear brothers and sisters, I con- familiar with Jesus. I always go 15:21-28) describes the meeting and it is not always a clean story. tinue to pray for Lebanon, and back to the advice that I gave between Jesus and the Canaanite Often it is a difficult story, with a for other dramatic situations in you: always carry a small pocket- woman. Jesus is north of Galilee, lot of pain, many misfortunes and the world that are causing people size Gospel and read a passage in foreign territory. The woman many sins. What do I do with my to suffer. My thought goes also to every day. There you will find was not Jewish, she was Canaan- story? Do I hide it? No! We must dear Belarus. I am following at- Jesus as he is, as he presents him- ite. Jesus is there to spend some bring it before the Lord. “Lord, if tentively the post-electoral situ- time with his disciples away from you will it, you can heal me”. self; you will find Jesus who loves us, who loves us a lot, who tre- ation in that nation and I call for the crowds, from the crowds This is what this woman teaches dialogue, the rejection of violence whose numbers are always grow- us, this wonderful mother: the mendously wants our well-being. Let us remember the prayer: and respect for justice and the ing. And behold, a woman ap- courage to bring our own painful law. I entrust all Belarusians to proached him seeking help for story before God, before Jesus, to “Lord, if you will it, you can heal me”. A beautiful prayer. Carry the protection of the Our Lady, her sick daughter: “Have mercy touch God’s tenderness, Jesus’ Queen of Peace. tenderness. Let’s try this story, the Gospel: in your purse, in on me, O Lord!” (v. 22). It is the I affectionately greet all of you, cry that is born out of a life this prayer: let each one of us your pocket and even on your people from Rome and pilgrims marked by suffering, from the think of his or her own story. mobile phone, to look at. May from various countries. In partic- sense of helplessness of a mother There are always ugly things in a the Lord help us, all of us, to ular, I greet the Brazilian men who sees her daughter tormented story, always. Let us go to Jesus, pray this beautiful prayer, that a and women religious present here by evil and she [the mother] can- knock on Jesus’ heart and say to pagan woman teaches us: not a in Rome — with so many flags — not heal her. Jesus initially ig- him: “Lord, if you will it, you can Christian woman, not a Jewish these religious are spiritually fol- nores her, but this mother insists; heal me”. And we can do this if woman, a pagan woman. lowing the First National Week she insists, even when the Master we always have the face of Jesus May the Virgin Mary intercede says to the disciples that his mis- before us, if we understand what with her prayer so that the joy of of Consecrated Life that is being sion is directed only to “the lost Christ’s heart is like, what Jesus’ faith may grow in every baptized celebrated in Brazil. Happy week sheep of the house of Israel” ( v. heart is like: a heart that feels person as well as the desire to of consecrated life. Keep going 24) and not to Gentiles. She con- compassion, that bears our pains, communicate it through a consis- forward. I extend my greeting tinues to beg him, and at that that bears our sins, our mistakes, tent witness of life, that she give also to the courageous young point, he puts her to the test, cit- our failures. But it is a heart that us the courage to approach Jesus people of the Immaculate! ing a proverb. This seems almost loves us like that, as we are, and to say to Him: “Lord, if you These days are days of vaca- a bit cruel: “It is not fair to take without make-up: He loves us will it, you can heal me”. tion: it can be a time to restore the children’s bread and throw it the body, but also the spirit to the dogs” (v. 26). And right through moments dedicated to away, the woman, quick, an- prayer, to silence and to relaxing guished, responds: “Yes, Lord, yet time spent among the beauty of even the dogs eat the crumbs that nature, God’s gift. This should fall from their master’s table” ( v. not allow us to forget the prob- 27). lems there are due to Covid: And with these words, that many families do not have work, mother shows that she has per- or have lost their jobs, and have ceived the goodness of the Most nothing to eat. Works of charity High God present in Jesus who is and drawing near to these fami- open to any of his creatures’ ne- lies should also accompany our cessities. And this wisdom, filled summer break. with trust, touches Jesus’ heart I with all of you a blessed and provokes words of admira- Sunday. Enjoy your lunch! And tion: “O Woman, great is your please, do not forget to pray for faith! Be it done for you as you me. Ar r i v e d e rc i ! d e s i re ” (v. 28). What type of faith is great? Great faith is that which brings its own story, marked even by wounds, and brings it to the