Established 1914

Volume XIV, Number 338 3rd Waxing of Hnaung Tagu 1368 ME Tuesday, 20 March, 2007

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Stability of the State, community peace * Uplift of the morale and morality of development of other sectors of the economy as well and tranquillity, prevalence of law and the entire nation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic order * Uplift of national prestige and integ- system * National reconsolidation rity and preservation and safeguard- * Development of the economy inviting participation in * Emergence of a new enduring State ing of cultural heritage and national terms of technical know-how and investments from Constitution character sources inside the country and abroad * Building of a new modern developed * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education nation in accord with the new State in the hands of the State and the national peoples Constitution standards of the entire nation Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Military Attache Col Richard Q Lagrana PA (GSC) of the Philippines to

NAY PYI TAW, 19 March — Yeiktha here today. Vice-Chairman of the State Peace Also present at the call were and Development Council Deputy Member of the State Peace and De- Commander-in-Chief of Defence velopment Council General Thura Services Commander-in-Chief Shwe Mann of the Ministry of De- (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung fence, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Aye received Colonel Richard Q Vice-Admiral Soe Thein, Com- Lagrana PA(GSC), Military Atta- mander-in-Chief (Air) Lt-Gen Myat che of the Republic of the Philip- Hein and Military Affairs Security pines to Myanmar, at Bayintnaung Chief Maj-Gen Ye Myint. — MNA

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Colonel Richard Q Vice-Senior General Maung Aye greets Colonel Richard Q Lagrana PA(GSC), Mili- I N S I D E Lagrana PA(GSC), Military Attache of the Republic of the tary Attache of the Republic of the Philippines Now, the five rural Philippines to Myanmar, at Bayintnaung Yeiktha.—MNA to Myanmar, at Bayintnaung Yeiktha.— MNA development tasks are being implemented in compliance with the guidance of the Head of State for national economic develop- ment. These tasks are aimed at national economic develop- ment, which helps ensure harmonious implementation of other sectors. The nation will enjoy all- round development in the near future if the OVOP project is implemented system- atically.

ONE VILLAGE, PAGE 7 ONE PRODUCT Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

20-3-07NL 1 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Strive for full-capacity * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State production of factories * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy and mills Minister receives Senior Advisor of Nowadays, the government is striving for the development of the industrial sector. MEASAT Satellite System Co In this regard, it is taking all possible steps such as setting up industrial zones, building new factories and mills and ensuring devel- opment of import-substitute production. The Ministry of Industry-1 is engaged in producing and distributing goods. It is trying its best to meet the production target of factories and produce more items in high demand. Sewing machine factory, bicycle fac- tory, vest factory, footwear factory, plastic factory and candy factory under the Minis- try of Industry-1 were set up in Kyaukse Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan receives Senior Advisor Mr Dato Hj Ainuddin Industrial Region. Noordin of MEASAT Satellite System Co.— MNA With the aim of ensuring adequate sup- YANGON, 19 March— Minister for Informa- on Pyay Road here today. ply use of pp woven bags as import-substi- tion Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan received Mr Dato Hj Also present at the call were departmental tute products and creating jobs, Royal PP Ainuddin Noordin, Senior Advisor of MEASAT Sat- officials of the departments and enterprises under the ellite System Co, at the Myanma Radio and Television ministry.— MNA Woven Bag Factory (Kyaukse) in Kyaukse, Mandalay Division was opened on 17 March. As the factory will be able to produce 17 MWJA, brother associations, meet WIPO experts million pp woven bags each holding 50 kilo- grammes a year, it will contribute much to YANGON, 19 March — Organized by Myanmar Kwee Tiang of the International Confederation of Writers and Journalists Association, a meeting of Authors and Composers Societies-CISAC gave intro- packaging and transporting sectors. MWJA and its brother associations and experts of ductory speeches on the occasion. It is required for the factories and mills WIPO was held at the hall of the association on Afterwards, expert U Kyaw Zaw Naing read to produce more quality items in accord with Merchant street here this morning. out the time table of the seminars. Experts of WIPO First, Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) will meet MWJA, Myanmar Music Asiayon, Myanmar the market and public demand. of MWJA extended greetings on the occasion and Motion Picture Asiayon, Myanmar Library Associa- At present, a large number of foodstuff CEC member U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) intro- tion and Myanmar Printers and Publishers Associa- and personal goods factories and other mod- duced members of MWJA and brother associations to tion. those present. After they have studied copyright functions in ern factories and mills were established in Next, Mr Darusman of WIPO and Mr Ang Myanmar, they will present a report to WIPO. — MNA different industrial regions of the nation. We firmly believe that the full-capacity produc- tion of those factories and mills will be able to Daewoo colour TV introduced

contribute a great deal to national develop- YANGON, 19 March. the Daewoo brand elec- 200 channels. ment and fulfil the requirements of the March — Daewoo brand Managing Direc- tronic items in the market. The new products Colour TV was introduced tor of the company U Daewoo brand people. are also equipped with RF by OK Myanmar Co., Ltd Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing ex- TVs are designed using studio system, AV PIP at the Traders Hotel on 16 plained the distribution of advanced technology with system, Auto Volume (62) N˙s\e“mak\ tp\meta\en≥®pp∑´ Limited System and Tele Sales Test System. agents More informa- tp\meta\ss\qmuic\;®ptiuk\ view tion is available at the Daewoo head office of the com- brand pany Ph (01-392 986-87- (eRtWWWWW giiiii BMuMuMuMuMu ra;lmuuuuu ;)\\\\\ 97), Sales Room on colour Pansodan Street (Ph 01- (26-3-2007 m˙ ˙˙˙˙ 4-4-2007) TVs to be 241077/387644), Sales distrib- Room on Maha Bandoola (mvq\\\\\ mS¨¨¨¨¨ uiuiuiuiui AKmwc.´.´.´.´.´ erak\\\\\ \\\\\ uted in Road (Ph 01-376997/ market. 384748) and Sales Room ÂkvÂkv\.R\.\.\.\. OelOOOO .laN.... uicuiuiuiui \påqv\\\\ \)\\\\ NLM in Pyinmana (Ph 067- 22953). — MNA

20-3-07NL 2 3/20/07, 02:55 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 3

I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S Tut\kun\N˙s\S tiu;®mHc\.Âk 2010 deadline to stamp out poverty in the country

GEORGE TOWN, 18 Today, six per cent of mentor programmes March —The government the population lives in and other facilities to hopes to eliminate poverty poverty. students from low-income by 2010, Second Finance He said the Pintar families. Minister Tan Sri Nor (Promoting Intelligence, A total of 42 primary Mohamed Yakcop said Nurturing Talent, Ad- and secondary schools in yesterday. vocating Responsibility) the state were adopted by “We intend to fast-track project, launched in 17 government-linked the narrowing of the Penang under the aegis of companies (GLCs), poverty gap among the the Finance Ministry, including Media Prima different income groups in would be expanded to all Berhad, under the project. the country before the year states, starting from the Seven more schools in 2020,” he said at a Press new school semester next Seberang Prai and three conference after opening year. The project provides GLCs will join the project Members of the Sheila Tully School of Irish Dance perform on 17 March , the Pusat Bina Insan Al tuition classes, individual soon.—Internet 2007 in Chicago. — INTERNET Minsar in Jelutong. “This can be achieved Large Iraq war through the inculcation of knowledge economy in all Malaysians through protests across the channel of infor- mation communications Spain technology.” MADRID, 18 March — where organizers esti- Nor Mohamed said the Tens of thousands of anti- mated around 400,000 quest to eliminate poverty war demonstrators mar- protesters, though city started 50 years ago, when ched in Spanish cities on authorities put the total in half the population was Saturday in what the tens of thousands. It living in poverty. organizers said were was one of around 100 Europe’s biggest protests Japanese protesters anti-war demonstrations to mark four years of shout slogans against across Spain involving conflict in Iraq. war in Iraq during a cities including Bar- The largest demon- rally in Tokyo, on celona, Valencia and stration was in Madrid 18 March , 2007. Seville. Left-wing political INTERNET Some construction leaders and Spanish machinesstand in celebrities like film Germany cautions US not to split Europe with shield front of the National director Pedro Almodovar Museum in downtown marched in Madrid behind BERLIN, 18 March — on the issue, Foreign wrote in a contribution to post-Cold War balance of Beijing on 17 March , Germany sent a thinly Minister Frank-Walter the Frankfurter Allg- power. US officials say a banner reading “End the 2007. The National occupation in Iraq, shut veiled warning to the Steinmeier said it was emeine Sonntagszeitung. extensive talks with Museum with new United States on Saturday important not to let the US “Our top priority Russia took place and the down Guantanamo”. buildings will be Protesters walked to a not to try to split Europe project spark a new arms remains disarmament and shield would counter completed in 2009 into “old” and “new” with race in Europe nearly two not an arms buildup. We threats from what it calls memorial for the 191 and it will cover a people killed in 11 March, its plans to deploy parts of decades after the end of don’t want a new arms “rogue states” such as Iran land space of 70,000 race in Europe,” he said in 2004 train bombings by an anti-missile defence the Cold War. and not pose a threat to square meters and remarks provided to Islamist radicals. system in Poland and the “A missile defence Moscow. 40.3 metres high. Czech Republic. system should be neither a Reuters ahead of publi- MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters XINHUA In some of the strongest cause or pretext for a new cation on Sunday. German rhetoric to date arms race,” Steinmeier Steinmeier, who is due to meet US Secretary of Indonesian Navy ships State Condoleezza Rice on Monday in Washington rescue 18 students to discuss transatlantic J AKARTA, 18 March —The Indonesian Navy Saturday ties, has been one of the sent two warships to tow a boat that had encountered strongest European critics engine failure since Thursday and rescued 18 students of Washington’s handling onboard in the waters of the eastern province of Maluku. of the missile shield plan. The boat, owned by a local high school specializing Last month he in fishery business, was powerlessly floating on the delivered an unusual Buru Strait after breaking its propeller, Navy officer public rebuke to Washing- Colonel Toto Harjanto was quoted by leading news ton, faulting it for not website Detikcom as saying. consulting Russia on a “After getting permit to deploy the warships, we project Moscow sees as rescued all passengers and towed the boat ashore,” he an encroachment on its said. All the students were safe and in good condition former sphere of influence when they arrived at the local port. — MNA/Xinhua and an attempt to shift the

20-3-07NL 3 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 Chest presses, not breaths, sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa; help CPR

WASHINGTON, 19 study was published in from the more important emergency. March— Chest com- Friday’s issue of the task of keeping blood Sudden cardiac arrest pression — not mouth-to- medical journal The moving to provide oxygen — when the heart mouth resuscitation — Lancet. and nourishment to the suddenly stops beating — seems to be the key in More than a year ago, brain and heart. can occur after a heart helping someone recover the American Heart Another big advantage attack or as a result of from cardiac arrest, Association revised CPR to dropping the rescue electrocution or near- according to new research guidelines to put more breaths: It could make drowning. It’s most often that further bolsters advice emphasis on chest presses, bystanders more willing to caused by an abnormal from heart experts. urging 30 instead of 15 for provide CPR in the first heart rhythm. The person A study in Japan every two breaths given. place. Many are unwilling experiencing it collapses, Julia Jurevic, 17, waves to the photographers after showed that people were Stopping chest com- to do the mouth-to-mouth is unresponsive to gentle being crowned Miss Bulgaria 2007 during a more likely to recover pressions to blow air into part and become shaking and stops normal national beauty contest in the city of Plovdiv, some without brain damage if the lungs of someone who flummoxed and fearful of breathing. 120 km (75 miles) east of the capital Sofia, rescuers focused on chest is unresponsive detracts getting the ratio right in an Internet on 16 March , 2007. — INTERNET compressions rather than rescue breaths, and some Seven-year-old boy stabs experts advised dropping the mouth-to-mouth part woman during row of CPR altogether. The LONDON, 18 March — A seven-year-old boy repeatedly stabbed a woman as she argued with his Cadets perform mother, police said on Friday. during a graduation The woman was taken to hospital with stab wounds to her buttocks and arms after the attack in Liverpool ceremony at the on Thursday. Her condition is not life-threatening. National Defence “It is believed there had been an argument between Academy of Japan twowomen,” a Merseyside Police spokeswoman said. “During that argument the seven-year-old son of one of in Yokosuka, south the women did stab the victim a number of times to the of Tokyo, on 18 buttocks and arms.” The child is below the age of March , 2007. criminal responsibility and cannot be arrested, she added. The two women are understood to be friends INTERNET who had fallen out after an argument.— MNA/Reuters Hot air balloon crashes in Egypt, Two plead guilty in US Internet injuring nine gambling case NEW YORK, 18 March taking part in the operation bets on sports including CAIRO, 18 March— news agency reported. Luxor, located on the — A Miami executive and that ran over a 28-month horse-racing, football, Four French, three High winds was to eastern bank of the Nile his wife pleaded guilty to period, accor-ding to a baseball, basketball, Americans and two blame for the accident, River, is famous for its participating in a 3.3- news release. hockey, NASCAR races, Egyptians were injured on local police said. Eight many ancient Egyptian billion-US-dollar illegal Sentencing was set for PGA golf and professional Friday when their hot of the injured left Luxor historical sites, including Internet sports gambling 26 April. tennis, the release said. balloon crashed in Luxor, hospital after treatment, the Valley of the Kings operation in New York on The operation took MNA/Reuters some 680 kilometres while one is still and the Temple of Friday, the Queens District south of the Egyptian receiving treatment, said Karnak. capital Cairo, MENA MENA. MNA/Reuters Attorney’s office said. Snowstorm hits eastern Daniel Clarin, 32, and his wife Melissa Clarin, Canada 31, pleaded guilty in court OTTAWA, 19 March — continues to dump snow, to enterprise corruption A winter storm hit eastern ice rain and ice pellets and conspiracy charges for Canada Friday and Saturday, causing traffic accidents and flight Man smuggles grenade in pot delays. Much of Ontario, of honey in Kazakhstan Quebec and the Atlantic A LMATY, 18 March — Border guards in Kazakhstan provinces were covered by have arrested a man for trying to smuggle a home- the late winter storm, with made grenade in a pot of honey, local media reported some areas expecting as on Friday. much as 25 centimetres of The man, a Russian citizen, was travelling by train snow. The storm created from the Russian town of Omsk. slippery roadways on “The pot seemed too heavy so it had to be checked,” some of the nation’s a senior Kazakh border official told the Kazakhstan busiest highways. In Today news agency. Ontario, 20 cars slid off James Arnold Taylor, who voices the character Leonardo in the animated film The man told police he did not know it was a roads after hitting black “TMNT” (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), poses at the premiere of the film in grenade and that his wife had given it to him as a ice, police said. Los Angeles on 17 March , 2007.— INTERNET present for her relatives in Kazakhstan.— MNA/Reuters MNA/Xinhua

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E C O N O M I C N E W S Importing palm oil for bio-diesel production under consideration BANGKOK, 18 March exceed market price, Mr In an attempt to en- — The government may Piyasvasti said. courage more motorists allow imports of palm oil Thailand’s govern- to switch to using bio- to produce bio-diesel due ment-sponsored Oil diesel, Mr Piyasvasti said to a shortage of palm oil Fund may have initiate his ministry had a clear in Thailand, said Energy incentives to encourage policy to further increase Minister Piyasvasti palm oil planters to grow the price spread of bio- Amranand. more trees here, Mr diesel B5 formula lower Local production of Piyasvasti said. than diesel price by more Wang Xiaochun (C), chairman and CEO of palm oil for use in the Imports of palm oil than Bt1 per litre Tongjitang Chinese Uganda’s honey to enter manufacturing of the may have to be made compared to just over Bt0 Medicines Company, alternative fuel may be carefully as they may 70 a litre now. the first Chinese EU market insufficient this year, pose a negative impact He said a feasibility medicine company KAMPALA, 18 March — Uganda’s honey has been he said, so the Energy on the biodiesel pro- study is being conducted listed on the Wall selected to be the African flag-carrier to the European Ministry may ask the duction plan by Thai on having only bio- Street stock exchange, Union (EU) market, the Uganda Exports Promo- Commerce Ministry to Oleochemicals, a subsi- diesel B5 available in the talks with traders in tions Board’s Executive Director Florence Kata has allow palm oil imports diary of PTT Chemical Thai market, which will New York Stock said. to refine into biodiesel. Pcl, scheduled to start auto-matically help Exchange (NYSE) in “As a result, Uganda is required to supply 60 metric The importers must late this year with a boost sales of alternative New York, on 16 tons of Ambar (Gold) honey. The consignment is to be ensure that their bio- production capacity is energy. March , 2006. launched in London in May,” Kata was quoted by diesel price must not 600,000 litres daily. Internet XINHUA state-owned New Vision as saying on Friday. She said the honey would be availed to supermarkets Earthmen rule against through a network of buyers across Europe. “However, we have a problem of failure to exploit moon real estate bid trade opportunities with the right product and good BEIJING, 18 March — decision, Xinhua news quality. Some companies export thrice and the fourth A Chinese appeals court agency said. time, they fail and change address,” Kata said at the has upheld a ban on a The court cited an opening of a workshop for the members of the Uganda company from selling international treaty that National Apiary Development Organization. land on the moon, ruling China signed in 1983. The international price for honey is 1,600 Ugandan that “celestial bodies” “The treaty states that shillings (about 91.9 US cents). The firm proposed to could not be anyone’s outer space, including offer 1,800 shillings (1.04 dollars) at farmgate level. property, state media said the moon and other MNA/Xinhua on Saturday. celestial bodies, is not Lunar Embassy to subject to national China, a Beijing-based appropriation by claim A forest official harnesses a 3-year-old panther company that sold plots of sovereignty, by means of lunar land to indivi- of use or occupation, or cub to a rope to pull him out after he fell into a 35- duals, sued the Beijing by other means... The foot deep dry well on the outskirts of Jaipur, India, Administration of Indu- exploration and use of stry and Commerce which outer space shall be on 16 March , 2007. The cub was first revoked its business carried out for the tranquilized and then rescued after a three-hour licence and fined it 50,000 benefit and in the yuan (6,500 US dollars) interests of all co- long joint operation by forest officials and police, in October 2005. untries,” Xinhua said. according to a news agency. — INTERNET Haidian District Pe- MNA/Reuters ople’s Court ruled against the company in Nov- A train passes over a bridge over the Whangaehu Ivory Coast launches free trade ember 2005. River at the scene of the historic Tangiwai Rail On Friday, the Beijing disaster after a mud flow from the crater lake of zone for “IT” industry First Intermediate Pe- Mount Ruapehu, in the central North Island, ABIDJAN, 18 March — companies and create on turnover. ople’s Court upheld that New Zealand, on 18 March , 2007.—INTERNET Ivory Coast’s President more than 20,000 emp- Companies are free to Laurent Gbagbo has laid loyment opportunities by choose whom to employ, the foundation stone for 2015, Gbagbo announced however, if 75 per cent of free trade zone dedicated on Thursday. the staff of a company is to biotechnology and new Companies operating made up of people from information technologies in the zone will not be Ivory coast, the company at Grand-Bassam, 40 kilo- charged corporate tax could enjoy a reduction in metres southeast of during the first five years tax of up to 50 per cent. Abidjan. of operations and will be “The free trade zone The zone, known as the allowed to import raw presents Ivory Coast with Mahatma Gandhi Park, materials or semi-finished an exceptional oppor- will be built on an area of goods without paying tunity to give a new boost 600 hectares. It is duty. Starting from the and diversify its economic estimated to cost more sixth year, the companies foundation,” declared than 200 billion CFA will pay 1 per cent Kragbe Gadou Vincent, francs (400 million US corporate tax in addition general commissioner for dollars), attract about 100 to a 2.5-per- cent royalty the park. — MNA/Xinhua

20-3-07NL 5 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 US says 350 ill from chlorine bombs in Iraq

FALLUJA, (Iraq), 18 March — Two suicide bombings involving toxic chlorine gas made 350 people ill in Fallujah on Friday, the US military said on Saturday, and another smaller bomb attack near Ramadi also released chlorine gas. Hospital sources said Iraqi police were killed chlorine tank rigged earlier eight people were and up to 100 Iraqis with explosives around 5 killed and dozens were showed signs of chlorine kilometres (3 miles) south became ill after chlorine exposure, with symptoms of Fallujah. “Coalition gas was released in the ranging from minor skin Forces responded to the two bombings in Fallujah, and lung irritation to attack and found approxi- in the western province vomitting, the US state- mately 250 local civilians of Anbar. The attacks ment said. suffering from symptoms appeared to mark a Soon afterwards a related to chlorine People test cyberspace devices at CeBIT computer fair in the northern stepped-up campaign by suicide bomber detonated exposure,” the US state- German town of Hanover on 17 March , 2007. The world’s largest armed groups to use un- a dumper truck containing ment said. computer and information technology fair CeBIT runs till 21 March , conventional weapons, a 200-gallon (900-litre) MNA/Reuters 2007. — INTERNET after two bombings involving chlorine killed eight people earlier this Death toll of bird year. The US military said they discovered an al- flu in Indonesia Qaeda car bomb factory last month near Fallujah that was constructing reaches 65 bombs with chlorine. The J AKARTA, 18 March — admitted to a hospital on gas causes severe burns A 32-year-old Indonesian 13 March, and a day later, when breathed in and can man, who died on he was transferred to a cause death. Thursday, was tested designed-bird flu hospital Friday’s two bombs in positive of avian in- of Persahabatan in eas- Fallujah occurred within fluenza, putting the tern Jakarta, said Joko the space of 40 minutes fatality of the disease to Suyono, an official of the in the early evening and 65 out of 86 cases in the anti-bird flu centre of the both involved suicide country, the Indonesian ministry. bombers driving dumper Health Ministry said “He died on Thursday trucks. In the first, near Friday. morning at the Per- the town of Amiriya, two The man from eastern sahabatan, and the results Karen Love, a member of the Enterprise, Ala, chapter of the Sweet Potato Jakarta had been sick of two laboratory tests South Korean Queens, celebrates after finishing the St Paddy’s Day parade in Jackson, since Sunday and all positive,” he told protesters shout Miss, on 17 March , 2007. — INTERNET Xinhua. It was not clear slogan during a rally whether the man had history of contact with bird against South Korea Flights cancelled as snow hits northeast US flu-infected animal, as and US joint military NEW YORK, 18 March Snow and rain halted The National Weather Inc announced on Thurs- he looked after birds in exercise in front of — Winter returned to the ground transportation Service issued a winter day it was cancelling his house, said the official. the at Daegu air northeastern United States at New York’s La Guardia storm warning covering 250 flights, and a spokes- The number of bird flu on Friday after a period of Airport and Philadelphia most of the territory over man for American Air- cases in Indonesia has base, south of Seoul, spring-like weather with International, with many states from Pennsylvania lines, part of AMR Corp, increased recently after on 18 March, snowstorms forcing air- airports from Was- to Maine with heavy said the airline cancelled months of absence of new 2007.— INTERNET lines to cancel hundreds hington to Boston ex- snow warnings for some 120 flights. cases. of flights. periencing delays. areas. MNA/Reuters MNA/Xinhua The Weather Channel forecast 1 to 2 feet (30 to Tanzania bus lorry crash 60 centimetres) of snow in some areas. kills 12 JetBlue Airways Corp DAR-ES-SALAAM, 18 March — A road accident cancelled 235 flights, killed 12 people in central Tanzania when a bus and aiming to avoid its a goods truck collided head-on, police said on Friday. troubles of a month ago The crash took place on Thursday between the when passengers were administrative capital Dodoma and Morogoro, a town trapped in grounded 180 kilometres (110 miles) west of the commercial aircraft for up to 10 hours capital Dar-es-Salaam. “Of the dead, five are women because of the weather. and seven are men. Forty-three people were injured,” US Airways Group Inc. Samuel Mpasa, acting regional police commander cancelled 150 flights, for the region, said by telephone. mostly because of the Fatal traffic accidents are common across East backup at Philadelphia Africa, where roads and vehicles are often badly and LaGuardia, a spokes- maintained, drivers poorly trained and speeding man said. Delta Air Lines common. —MNA/Reuters

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From One Village, One Product to One Village, Many Products U Ngwe Thein (Companies Guide)

It is said that one village, one product (OVOP) The OVOP project is aimed at national development. competition between one village and another and project was initiated by Dr Morihiko Hiramatsu in Japan So, it will be unwise if it is implemented individually. In between one state or one division and another to improve in 1979. Actually, the country that exercised the project implementing the project, many entrepreneurs should the quality of the products. If so, domestic products first in the world is Myanmar. Since the times of harmoniously weld their small-scale enterprises into a produced under the OVOP project will be in demand in Myanmar monarchs, Myanmar has practised an OVOP- commercial-scale one and enjoy the fair share of the international markets and the nation will be able to earn like process. We Myanmar people have profound profits. more foreign exchange. evidences of villages named after their specific products. Boosting commodity production and trade of the For effective implementation of these steps, it is For example, a village housing a large number of products through the OVOP project, rural folks will required to seek critical success factors, broaden the smithies was named Panbe village (Smithy village) and enjoy better per capita income and that will contribute horizon of the people in the economic sector, constantly a village which made pottery was called Oh village towards national economic growth. Business plans in this conduct courses in various fields, establish constant (Pottery village). So, it is fair to say that the OVOP regard are to be laid down for ensuring sustainable learning societies, find out regional sources, and stockpile practice originated in Myanmar. But Myanmar failed to integrate scattering small- ONE VILLAGE, ONE PRODUCT scale family businesses of a village into a compact and strong production force. Besides, it also lacked technical progress through effective use of manpower, investments raw materials for uninterrupted supply. know-how concerning quality control and market and raw materials. Myanmar is rich in natural resources. Here, a notable point is to make sure that necessary research. Those were the major causes behind the failure So, the natural resources are to be efficiently harnessed raw materials to produce the items are available at home of Myanmar to advertise rural brands commercially and and used as raw materials in the long-term interests of the or not. Otherwise, the producer has to import raw produce finished rural goods on a large scale. nation and the people. materials that are available domestically. It is also In the past, Ywalut Brand tobacco-pipe Now, the five rural development tasks are being required to exert perseverance, tenacity and self- manufactured at Ywalut Village in Chaungson implemented in compliance with the guidance of the motivation and manufacture value-added products. Township, Mon State, Myanmar, gained a foothold in Head of State for national economic development. These Originally, Myanmar people have high intellectual the international market. tasks are aimed at national economic development, which power. It is undeniable that if advanced technical know- Practical implementation of the OVOP project helps ensure harmonious implementation of other sectors. how is within their reach, Myanmar national calls for harmonious cooperation of shareholders, The nation will enjoy all-round development in the near entrepreneurs will be able to keep abreast of the manufacturers, raw material suppliers, regular customers future if the OVOP project is implemented systematically. international level. and rivals who will have to do their bit in harmony in the In the process, it is needed to form supervisory One village, one product project will soon be drive. organizations at state and division levels, to create healthy transformed into one village, many products project in the nation if concerted efforts are exerted in harmony One village, one product will soon be transformed into one village, under the guidance of the Head of State in a bid to many products in the nation if concerted efforts are exerted in harmony achieve the drive for national development. Myanmar will be able to enjoy all-round development soon if all under the guidance of the Head of State in a bid to achieve the drive for Myanmar people work hard with altruistic spirit. national development. Myanmar will be able to enjoy all-round development Translation: MS soon if all Myanmar people work hard with altruistic spirit. (Myanma Alin: 17-3-2007) ******* Report says global warming boosts Arctic shipping, oil HANOVER (New “Diminishing sea ice commission chairman. The Hampsture), 19 March — conditions in the Arctic estimated cost of Global warming, blamed for Ocean are changing transporting a shipping melting polar bears' icy Arctic ecosystems, most container between northern habitat, could be a boon to conspicuously for polar Europe and Alaska's the shipping and oil industries bears,” said the commission's Aleutian Islands is about in the far north, according to report, prepared for President 500 US dollars he said; a new US report. George W Bush and moving the same container The dramatic decrease Congress. between Europe and the in sea ice above the Arctic “This also creates port of Yokohama, through Circle means formerly unprecedented access for the Suez Canal, costs about impenetrable shipping ships that will bring people 1,500 US dollars. The routes are now or soon could to the north, and will biennial report is meant to be open for much of the significantly shorten global chart a course for the next year, the US Arctic marine transportation two years, coinciding with Research Commission said routes,” it said. a global scientific in a report released last week The cost difference is undertaking known as the at a summit of Arctic dramatic, according to International Polar Year. A member from the army band speaks on a mobile phone during the scientists in Hanover. Mead Treadwell, the MNA/Reuters Ghodejatra festival in Kathmandu on 18 March, 2007. — INTERNET

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Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein visits Thayet Cement Plant.— MNA

has laid down the short- agro-based one. Teachers are to study their Some nations turning blind… term economic plans, and Therefore, respective respective subjects (from page 16) Russian Federation for peace and stability of is implementing them, the administrative bodies and continuously to be Turning a blind eye vetoed the resolution, the the country, the country’s economy has personnel are to provide proficient in them and to prevailing conditions in unilateral action of some improvement of the grown year by year. The assistance to farmers for thereby nurturing the Myanmar, some big big countries was in vain. living standard of the per capital income of the success of their students to become countries accused However, they will be people. country has increased agricultural work. Public brilliant ones on whom the Myanmar of posing a trying to carry a resolution Seventeen armed from four digits before the cooperation will also State can rely. contribute towards the In the health sector, the agricultural development, governemnt has ficiti- he added. tated dispensaries, He said the government hospitals, specialist has been providing hospitals in the various necessary assistance for regions including rural the harmonious areas. development of the The Secretary-1 urged respective sectors and it the health personnel not spent a large sum of money only to treat the people on dam projects. High- but to educate them ranking officials fulfilled widely. the requirements on their He said administrative tour of inspection of bodies are formed cement and fertilizer systematically in accord plants, he said. with the forthcoming State If all the national people constitution. Officials of work hard taking advantages administrative bodies at of the infrastructures built different levels are to carry by the government, the out their functions nation and the living efficiently in accord with the rules and regulations, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein inspects Kyangin Cement Plant.— MNA standard of the people will improve, he said. avoiding bullying the threat to international and against Myanmar. groups that returned to the present government took Developemnt of human people. regional peace and They have accused legal fold have been over the State’s resources is necessary for He also urged them to security and tried to adopt Myanmar of violating participating in responsibility to over K national development. try to be qualified the resolution against human rights, forced implementing the 220,000 today. The government has administrative bodies. Myanmar at the United labour and recruiting development tasks joining He said efforts are to be created educational He said over 100 Nations Security Council. minors. hands with the made for national opportunities for turning national races have been As the People’s The Government Government. development based on out intellectuals and residing in Myanmar for Republic of China and the has been making efforts As the Government agriculture as ours is an intelligentsia in the region. (See page 9)

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein inspects Fertilizer Plant ( Kyawswa) in Aunglan Township.— MNA

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and Development Council Commander of South-West Some nations turning blind… Command Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung and officials. At the briefing hall, the Secretary-1 and party (from page 8) different levels is required. He inspected the gas heard salient points of the plant. Brig-Gen Than Htay years countable by the thousand. He spoke of the need burner and the plant. The plant has four kilns with a and Minister for Electric Power No 2 Maj-Gen Khin for them to safeguard the country with genuine Union total production capacity of 1,100 tons daily. Maung Myint reported on power supply to the plant. Spirit in order to stand tall among the nations of the In Aunglan, the Secretary-1 visited Fertilizer Minister U Aung Thaung said that of the cement world. Factory (Kyawzwa), where Deputy Minister for En- plants of the ministry, Kyangin Cement Plant produces During inspection of the cement plant in Thayet, ergy Brig-Gen Than Htay presented a report on the the largest amount of quality cement. The plant will the Secretary-1 heard a report on production capacity, factory that was opened in 1985, its daily production produce more cement if power and gas supply to it can fuel requirement, distribution of cement to major that is 600 tons, staff strength, and arrangements to be increased. projects and staff strength, presented by an official. produce fertilizers at full capacity. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung ex- Minister U Aung Thaung then explained efforts After giving instructions, the Secretary-1 ob- plained plans to supply raw materials. The Secretary-1 being made to run the plant at full capacity. served production, distribution and storage of ferti- inspected the production sector and machines invented The Secretary-1 said that thanks to the mainte- lizer. by the factory staff. nance conducted by the staff, the old factory still has On arrival at the cement plant in Kyangin Township, The cement plant was completed in 1975-76 high production capacity. Staff should strive to run the Ayeyawady Division, the Secretary-1 and party were with a daily production capacity of 800 tons. In 1985- factory at full capacity, he said, adding, supervision at welcomed by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace 86, two more 400 tons capacity production machines were added to the plant. Foreign Minister back from ASEAN-EU meeting The Secretary-1 and party arrived here in the evening. — MNA of ASEAN and EU and the developments in Asia- Pacific region. Singaporean prof visits At the plenary session, Minister U Nyan Win discussed the government’s endeavours to achieve MMCWA peace and stability in the country, status of peace negotiations with ethnic armed groups, progress of the National Convention, implementation of the seven- step Road Map, the recent general amnesty granted by the government, efforts to promote socio-economic development, human resources and development in Myanmar-EU relations. The minister also led discussions on ASEAN’s relations with other regional organizations especially with Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the South Asia Association of Regional Cooperation German Foreign Minister Dr Frank Walter (SAARC). Steinmeier (L) welcomes Foreign Minister of At the conclusion of the 16th ASEAN-EU Myanmar U Nyan Win. FOREIGN AFFAIRS Ministerial Meeting, the Foreign Ministers adopted the Nuremberg Declaration on an Enhanced ASEAN- NAY PYI TAW, 20 March— Minister for For- EU partnership. The ministers also agreed to develop eign Affairs U Nyan Win arrived back here this morn- a Plan of Action to implement the Declaration. Vice-President of MMCWA Daw Aye Aye (R) ing after attending 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meet- Minister U Nyan Win also met with the Aus- ing (AEMM) held in Nuremberg, Federal Republic of trian Head of Delegation and State Secretary, Dr Hans gives a souvenir to Dr Khoo Kim Choo. — MMCWA Germany, from 14 to 15 March. Winkler and exchanged views on recent developments YANGON, 19 March— Professor Dr Khoo During his stay in Germany, the minister in the international affairs. Kim Choo of Singapore Volunteers Overseas Pro- attended the welcoming reception and participated in The minister also met with Ambassador of gramme of the Sunbird Child Development Centre the working dinner. At the working dinner, ASEAN Myanmar to The Federal Republic of Germany U Tin and party, accompanied by officials of Social Welfare and EU Foreign Ministers exchanged views on inter- Win and embassy staff and explained latest political Department, arrived at Myanmar Maternal and Child national and global issues such as Middle East, Iran, and socio-economic developments in Myanmar and Welfare Association this morning. They were wel- Iraq, Afghanistan, non-proliferation nuclear arms and gave instructions on promotion of bilateral relations comed by Vice-President Daw Aye Aye of MMCWA Korean Peninsula. between Myanmar and Germany. and CEC members. They explained educational serv- The minister also attended the plenary session Members of the Myanmar delegation Direc- ices of the association to the guests. of the 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting, held at tor-General U Phae Thann Oo of MOFA, Police Colo- Next, the guests visited all round for children Nuremberg Convention Centre. The ministers reviewed nel Sit Aye of Myanmar Police Force, Deputy Director development centre at MMCWA and cordially greeted and discussed the thirty years of ASEAN-EU partner- U Aung Htoo and Assistant Director U Win Zeya Tun the children.—MNA ship and its future perspectives, recent developments of MOFA also arrived back on the same flight. — MNA Education Minister inspects examination centres in Nay Pyi Taw, Pyinmana YANGON, 19 March—Minister for Education Dr Chan Nyein, Deputy Minister U Myo Nyunt, Director- General U Bo Win of Education Planning and Training Department and officials inspected examination cen- tres in Nay Pyi Taw and Pyinmana on 17 March. The minister and party arrived at Nay Pyi Taw No 1 Basic Education High School where officials concerned reported on the examination. The minister gave necessary instructions. The minister and party also visited examination Delegates to 16th EU-ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting in Nuremberg, Germany, pose for centres at Pyinmana Nos 1 and 3 BEHSs and Nay Pyi documentary photos. — FOREIGN AFFAIRS Taw No 6 BEHS.—MNA

20-3-07NL 9 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 Improvement of media works through Objectives of the 62nd Anniversary Armed Forces Day creation and efforts stressed * To work in concert with the people in building a peaceful, modern, developed and discipline-flourishing democratic nation * To strive for successful realization of the seven-step Road Map of the State with genuine Union Spirit * To crush every danger posed to stabil- ity and development of the State hand in hand with the people * To build a strong, capable and mod- ern patriotic Tatmadaw to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan addresses 61st Founding Anniversary of Myanma Radio and Television.— MNA

YANGON, 19 here this afternoon, with casion were heads of de- Myanmar Music Asiayon respective fields. service personnel are to March — A ceremony to an address by Minister partments and enterprises and Myanmar Motion The MRTV man- make efforts in media mark the 61st Founding for Information Brig-Gen under the ministry, ad- Pictures Asiayon and aged to successfully im- works, urged the minis- Anniversary of Myanma Kyaw Hsan who pre- visers, general manager, service personnel. plement almost all seven ter. Radio and Television was sented prizes to outstand- directors, participants in First, Minister objectives in 2005-2006. Next, the minis- held at Studio-A of ing service personnel. the functions of MRTV, Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan The minister urged the ter presented cash awards MRTV on Pyay Road Present on the oc- chairmen and officials of made a speech on the oc- service personnel to serve to musicians U Maung casion, saying that annual the duties to hit the target Maung Latt, Wunna days of the departments this year. Triumph of a Kyaw Htin U Sein Mya and enterprises under the department depends on Maung, U Sein Hla ministry are held with two active participation, crea- Myaing, Daw Tin Tin purposes. tion and cooperation of Mya, U Thein Han, Daw The first is to give all service personnel. Kyi Kyi (a) Daw Hintha instructions to the serv- Therefore, the service Kyi and U Thein Hsaung. ice personnel to be able personnel are to make Afterwards, Di- to carry out the tasks with efforts to have high effi- rector-General U Khin high efficiency in com- ciency individually and Maung Htay of MRTV ing year after a review of the department is to take handed cash awards to accomplishment of tasks cooperative measures Daw Tin Tin Myat, U given by the departments vividly, added the minis- Chan Tha, Daw Khin Nan and enterprises previous ter. Yu Htwe, Daw Khine Wa. year. The second is to If media works Next, he gave away prizes present prizes to the out- are done in a typical form, to the outstanding serv- Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presents prize to an outstanding standing service person- we will miss an effective ice personnel. On behalf person.— MNA nel to be proficient in their track of victory. Con- of the outstanding serv- certed efforts are to be ice personnel, musician made for better improve- and literati U Maung ment of media works. Maung Latt spoke words 3,419 jade lots sold at Myanma Nine objectives have of thanks. After the cer- been designated to emony, the minister pre- MRTV for 2007-2008. sented souvenirs to musi- Gems Emporium Measures are to be taken cians and guests and cor- YANGON, 19 March — Patron of Central Commit- to meet these objectives. dially greeted them. tee for Myanma Gems Emporium Minister for Mines The prize winners and all MNA Brig-Gen Ohn Myint viewed sale of jade lots through competitive bidding at the 44th Myanma Gems Em- porium at Myanma Convention Centre on Mindhamma Road in Mayangon Township this morning . A total of 72 jade lots were sold through competi- tive bidding yesterday. Fifty lots of the remaining jade were sold through competitive bidding today. The remaining jade lots were to be sold in the evening. Officials of the central committee of MGE pre- sented gifts and certificates to one gem merchant who attended the emporium 20 times, three who attended 15 times and ten who attended the emporium ten times. A total of 3,420 merchants—2,068 from 13 coun- tries and 1,352 local merchants attended the empo- rium. From 13 March to date 3,419 lots of jade have been sold through tender and competitive bidding An official of the Central Committee for system. The sale of jade lots will continue for the Myanma Gems Emporium presents certificate Director-General U Khin Maung Htay of eighth day tomorrow.—MNA of honour and a gift to a gem merchant.— MNA MRTV awards an outstanding person.— MNA

20-3-07NL 10 3/20/07, 02:55 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 11 Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects… Minister visits Insein Locomotive Shed (from page 16) At the place where a bridge will be built on Kaukkwe creek, they observed the current of the waterbody and made arrangements to facilitate the work in constructing the bridge. They met with local people at Tweyayan village on the road, saying that the road will help improve transport of the people of the area who will soon enjoy better economic, health, education and social conditions. Natives of the region should harmoniously take part in ensuring smooth and secure transport, they said. They then presented gifts to education staff of the village. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party also held a meeting with native people at Panhsam village. Along Hsinbo-Hopin road, they observed forest conservation and the situation of the facility. Minister Maj-Gen Aung Min inspects a new engine at Locomotive At Lamainhgon briefing hall of the road construction project, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party Shed (Insein). — RAILWAYS heard a report on the road construction project. They also inspected crop cultivation in the area. YANGON, 18 March — Minister for Rail and to expand the repairing of locomotives.The minister Later, they inspected the durability of a Transportation Maj-Gen Aung Min together with inspected test-running of the locomotives and functions wooden bridge on Nanyin creek and the current of Deputy Minister Thura U Thaung Lwin arrived at of the locomotive shed. the watercourse. The bridge built in 2006 is 195 feet Insein Locomotive Shed in Insein Township yesterday On his tour inspection, the minister visited long and 13 feet wide. Its load-bearing capacity is morning and inspected construction of a locomotive. carriages to be run along the railroad from Nay Pyi 13 tons. — MNA At the briefing hall, the minister met with General Taw to Mawlamyine at the diesel locomotive shed and Manger U Saw Valentine and employees, and stressed left necessary instructions of the task. Preventive measures against the need to boost passenger and cargo transportation MNA DHF, diarrhoea taken YANGON, 18 March— Chairman of Yangon Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Awards, stipends Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Hla Htay Win arrived and Pakokku Library Book Awards presented at Kamayut Township General Administration Department yesterday. The commander called on NAY PYI TAW, 19 keep abreast of the global the national interest and U Ohn Pe, spoke words participation of the people in prevention against Dengue March—A ceremony to nations and keep pace with urged students to learn of thanks and presented Haemorrhagic Fever and diarrhoea and carrying out of present prizes for Pakokku the advancement of informative and prizes for Pakokku U sanitation in the division. U Ohn Pe Literary science and technology. In entertaining literature to Ohn Pe Library Book Dr Hla Myint of Yangon Division Health Awards, stipends and this regard, the education widen their scope of Awards. Department and the officials briefed the commander Pakokku Library Book sector needs to produce knowledge and to take part Next, Pakokku U on organizing educative talks, prevention against DHF Awards was held at the qualified human resources in the drive for development Ohn Pe Life Time and diarrhoea and sanitation work. Pyi Tha Yar Hall in in different regions. Thus, of Myanmar society. Achievement Award While in Kamayut, the commander attended the Pakokku, Magway all the literati are to strive Next, Managing Winner writer Daw Khin educative talks at No 15 Basic Education Primary Division on 17 March. for the success of the drive Director of Printing and Swe Oo expressed thanks, School and viewed carrying out of sanitation tasks Member of Panel of by doing their bit. Publishing Enterprise U and the ceremony ended. along the Baho Road. Patrons for Pakokku U In conclusion, he Aung Nyein presented After the ceremony, The commander visited carrying out of sanitation Ohn Pe Literary Award stressed the need for all the prizes to winners. those present on the tasks for prevention of dengue fever and diarrhoea in Funds Supervisory literati to contribute their Chairman of occasion had a Insein Township.— MNA Committee Managing shares in building a Pakokku U Ohn Pe documentary photo taken Director of Printing and peaceful, modern and Library Supervisory together with wellwisher Minister inspects Publishing Enterprise U developed nation, to write Committee U Tint Swe, U Ohn Pe. Aung Nyein made a literature capable of serving on behalf of wellwisher MNA Shwepaukkan Tsp Electrical speech on the occasion, saying that during 14 Engineer’s Office years, prizes for Pakokku YANGON, 19 March — Minister for Electric U Ohn Pe Literary Awards Power No 2 Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint called for were presented to 186 systematic supply of power to the public on his persons whose inspection tour of Shwepaukkan Township Electrical manuscripts and works Engineer’s Office yesterday. have been turned into over At the meeting with the employees at the office, 100 books by Sarpay Electrical Engineer U Zaw Win reported to the minister Beikman. The stipends on power supply from Hlawga sub-power station to the presented by U Ohn Pe township power station which supplies power to eleven have proved to be a driving wards, offices and industrial zones through 66 factor for new generation transformers. youths who try their best Chairman of Yangon Electric Power Supply to be outstanding in their Board Col Khin Maung Soe and Chief Engineer U Tun studies. Aye reported on installation of 33 KV cable from He added that in the Hlawga sub-power station to Shwepaukkan. process of globalization, After hearing the report, the minister gave efforts are to be made to Managing Director U Aung Nyein awards Daw Khin Swe Oo. — MNA necessary instructions.— MNA

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US soldier guilty of lesser charges in Iraq deaths CHICAGO, 18 March — A US soldier was found guilty of lesser charges of negligent homicide in the killing of three Iraqi detainees who were let loose and told to run before being shot, officials at Fort Campbell in Kentucky said on Friday. Sergeant Raymond Girouard, 24, of Sweetwater, Tennessee, had been charged with premeditated murder and other offences that could have drawn a life sentence. He was acquitted of those charges and found guilty of three counts of negligent homicide as well as obstruction of justice pn\;mn\\\\ \qs\\\\ \pc\\\\ \\\\\ and other charges, which could result in a sentence elqn≥sc\\≥sc\≥sc\\ j\\\\\ of 20 or more years, although that remained to Uy¥aU\etatn\\\\ \;\\\\ be determined, a base sitiiii \r\\\\ WcWWWW \ln\\\\ \;f"\\\ spokesman said. MNA/Reuters “Happy Birthday to Prof Dr Nai Pan Hla” On your auspicious 84th Birthday-20th Mar 2007, we cordially wish you all the best for your health and your continued success in your distinguished academic career forever.

Beloved duaghter - Mi Khin Khin Hla-Dr. M. Soe Myint (Pyi Road, Yangon). Beloved sons - Min Aye Chan- Mi Tin Tin Sein, Min May Chan-Mi Thit Thit. - Min Hlaing Htaw-Mi Kyi Kyi San, Min Aye Cho-Mi HninSi, - Min Hlaing Soon (GoldenValley Avenue) Beloved grandchildren - Min Kun Htaw-Mi Hnin Phyu Pyar Han, Mi May Soe Mon (Bsc. (Hons.) Physics), Min Hla Htaw (B.C.Sc-Hons), Min Htaw Mon (Gran’ Bird Co.,Ltd-Tokyo), Mi May Hlaing Kyi (Assistant Accountant, Smile Telecomunication Co., Ltd, UK), Min Bannya Htaw (Sr. Deck Cadet, Five Star Line), Mi Ohnmar Chan (Cooperative Bank), Mi Ei Mon Chan (2nd Year- English for Professional Purposes), Min Tin Oo Cho (2nd Year- MP GTC, Thanlyin). Beloved great grandchild- Mi Sukha Sran Htaw.






20-3-07NL 12 3/20/07, 02:55 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 13 pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k^; tv\eSak\AM. Trojan horse strategy kills drug-resistant bacteria L OS A NGELES , 17 March — The Trojan horse strategy has been successfully applied to defeat drug-resistant bacteria, according to a new study. This new antimi- struggle between bacteria invading bacteria are crobial approach can kill and host,” explained the tricked, in a way, into bacteria in laboratory study’s senior author, taking it up. Unfortunately experiments and eliminate Pradeep Singh, associate for the bacteria, gallium life-threatening infections professor of medicine and can’t function like iron in mice by interfering with microbiology at the UW.” once it’s inside bacterial a key bacterial nutrient, The body has potent cells.” according to the study by defense mechanisms to The study showed scientists at the University keep iron away from that gallium killed of Washington (UW), the infecting organisms, and microbes, and prevented University of Iowa and the invaders must steal some the formation of biofilms. University of Cincinnati. if they are to survive.” Importantly, ga- A vulcanologist observeS Indonesia’s Mount Semeru volcano spewing smoke in This is the result of Iron is critical for the llium’s action was in- southeast of Surabaya, the capital of East Java on 18 March , 2007. Indonesia is longtime efforts by growth of bacteria and for tensified in low iron a vast archipelago of some 17,000 islands that lies along the geologically active scientists to find new ant- their ability to form condition, like those that “Pacific Ring of Fire” and has more than 100 active volcanoes. — INTERNET ibiotic compounds as biofilms, slime-encased exist in the human body. bacteria are increasingly colonies of microbes that Gallium was even resistant to antibiotics, and cause many chronic effective against strains Older TB vaccines ‘work better’ existing drugs work poorly infections. “Because iron of Pseudomonas aeru- Paris, 18 March — Older versions of the BCG vaccine may be better at preventing against chronic infec- is so important in infection, ginosa from cystic fibrosis cases of tuberculosis than more commonly used modern vaccines, say French scientists. tions like those that occur we thought infecting patients that were resistant Genetic changes in strains over the years have in wounds, on medical bacteria might be to multiple antibiotics. rendered newer vaccines less effective, the Proceedings devices and in the lungs of vulnerable to interventions In mice, gallium of the National Academy of Sciences report. people with cystic fibrosis. that target iron,” explained treatment blocked both The researchers at the Institut Pasteur say clinical In this study, re - Yukihiro Kaneko, senior chronic and acute trials should be done to retest the older strains. searchers took a different fellow in microbiology at infections caused by this Modern BCG vaccine strains are used in two-thirds approach. Rather than the UW and the study’s bacterium. The joint study of immunisations worldwide. trying to find agents that lead author. will be featured in the 2 The BCG vaccine was originally developed by French best killed bacteria in test To accomplish this, April issue of the Journal scientists in 1908 who managed to make a strain of BCG is a vaccine which tubes, they sought to the researchers used of Clinical Investigation. tuberculosis (TB) less potent by growing it in a glycerin- protects against TB intensify the stress imposed gallium, a metal very Internet potato mixture.—Internet on microbes by one of the similar to iron. ”Gallium body’s own defense acts as a Trojan horse to Rift valley fever kills over 600 livestock in mechanisms. iron-seeking bacteria,” “The competition for said Singh. “Because iron is critical in the gallium looks like iron, northern Tanzania DAR-ES-SALAAM, 19 have miscarried because of the deaths of livestock of livestock. University of Georgia forest entomologist Tom March— The Rift Valley of illnesses associated had been reported from The region, however, Coleman examines a branch of hemlock infested Fever (RVF) has so far with the RVF, according the Ngorongoro, Monduil has 1.5 million heads of with woolly adelgid at the University of Georgia killed 629 livstock in the to Saturday's edition of and Longido districts in cattle, 952,307 heads of in Athens, Ga, on 13 March , 2007. Like a region of Arusha in The Citizen, an English the region that borders goats, 655,000 heads of bloodsucking mosquito, the hemlock woolly northern Tanzania since tabloid. Kenya where the disease sheep, 17,054 heads of adelgid plunges its needle-like mouth deep into the outbreak of the viral The newspaper quoted first broke out late last pigs, 72,051 heads of the branches of hemlock trees and slowly sucks disease in the country. Arusha regional officials year. donkeys and 177 heads of More than 4,000 as briefing Tanzanian The Arusha Region has camels. The viral disease out the nutrients and kills the plant. — INTERNET livestock, mainly cattle, President Jakaya Kikwete got 53,600 doses of RVF of RVF mainly affects currently on an inspection vaccines and has so far cattle, buffalo, sheep and tour of the region that most vaccinated 53,463 heads goats.— MNA/Xinhua Lunar dust ‘may harm astronauts’ HOUSTON, 18 March — Scientists are investigating the possible threat posed to astronauts by inhaling lunar dust. A study suggests the into the matter ahead of its smallest particles in lunar planned return to the dust might be toxic, if Moon by 2020. comparisons with dust A team at the University inhalation cases on Earth of Tennessee (UT) in apply. Knoxville is also looking Teams hope to carry out at ways of using magnets experiments on mice to to filter dust from the determine whether this is living environments of the case or not. Lunar dust brought back to lunar bases and NASA has set up a Earth from the Apollo 17 spacecraft. working group to look mission Internet

20-3-07NL 13 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 Real struggle past 10-man S P O R T S Gimnastic to go third MADRID, 19 March — Real Madrid made hard work Late Johnson goal gives of beating second-bottom Gimnastic 2-0 at home de- spite playing 85 minutes against 10 men in the Primera Everton win over Arsenal Liga on Sunday. LONDON, 19 March — edge them further from the The visitors had defender Cesar Navas sent off at the Andy Johnson struck in relegation zone. start but denied Real until substitute Robinho scored injury time to give Everton Manchester United, 4- early in the second half. Raul's header deflected off a 1-0 win over Arsenal 1 winners over Bolton Nastic's David Garcia near the end to secure the win. that hauled them into the Wanderers, lead the way Real climbed to third on 48 points, five adrift of top six of the Premier on 75 points, six clear of leaders Barcelona, who thumped Recreativo Huelva League on Sunday. Chelsea, who beat Shef- 4-0 away on Saturday. It was another disap- field United 3-0. Second-placed Sevilla have 50 points and host Celta Bronx native Maureen ‘The Real Million Dollar pointing day for Arsenal, Arsenal remain third on Vigo in Sunday's late game. Valencia slip to fourth on Baby’ Shea, left, delivers a left hand against who lost in three cup com- 55 points, one ahead of 47 after their title challenge was dented with a 2-0 Mexicos’ Eva Lidia ‘La Nortenita’ Silva during petitions in the last three Liverpool, who have home defeat by Racing Santander on Saturday. their bout at Erin Go Brawl at Madison Square weeks, and it allowed Liv- played a game more. Diego Milito's first-half goal was enough to give Garden on 16 March, 2007 in New York. Shea, erpool to close to within a Everton climb to sixth fifth-placed Real Zaragoza a 1-0 home win over Atletico whose family hails from County Kerry, Ireland, point in the battle for third on 46 while Villa are now Madrid. The Argentine striker outstripped the Atletico won by TKO in the third round. — INTERNET after they drew 0-0 at seven points clear of the defence in the 20th minute to score his 18th goal of the Aston Villa. drop zone on 34. season in an evenly fought clash with a direct rival. Ibrahimovic strikes twice At Goodison Park MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters Everton hit the post twice as Inter extend lead — through Lee Carsley PSG near relegation with ROME, 19 March — Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored after 26 minutes and Leon twice to guide Inter Milan to a 2-1 win at Ascoli on Osman after 73 — but in fourth defeat in a row Sunday and extend their lead at the top of Serie A to 18 between Arsenal forced PARIS, 19 March — Paris St. Germain points. several half-chances. moved closer to relegation when they lost The Swede's goals, which took his tally to five in his Substitute Tomas 1-0 at Stade Rennes in Ligue 1 on Sunday, last five league games, gave Inter 76 points from 28 Rosicky set up Jeremie suffering their fourth consecutive defeat. matches. Second-placed AS Roma lost ground after Aliadiere for the best of The capital club, who have never left the being held 0-0 at Fiorentina. them but the stand-in top flight since joining it in 1974, stay Palermo are third on 47 points after a 1-1 draw at striker fired over the bar. second from bottom, just one point ahead Sampdoria on Saturday. The game seemed to of Sedan. Two-times champions PSG put Inter's city rivals AC Milan also won, beating be heading for stalemate up a brave performance until striker Jimmy Atalanta 1-0 thanks to a header by midfielder Massimo until Johnson showed his Briand headed home the winner for the Ambrosini. striker's instinct in added home side on 76 minutes. The result lifted Milan to fifth on 43 points, three time to fire home from 12 The Parisians came close to equalizing behind fourth-placed Lazio, who host Empoli later. metres following a cor- when defender Sammy Traore hit the cross- More than 50 points separated Inter from Ascoli, ner and boost Everton's bar with a header a minute from time. who have spent most of this season anchored to the hopes of a UEFA Cup Slovakia’s Daniela Hantuchova The visitors were then reduced to 10 bottom of the division. spot. holds her trophy after defeating men in added time when defender Bernard The Italian champions, however, struggled to find a There was precious lit- Russia’s Svetlana Kuznetsova in the Mendy was sent off for a tackle from way through the home side's defence until the 65th tle goalmouth action at finals at the Pacific Life Open tennis behind on Briand. Second-placed Racing minute, when Adriano crossed from the right for Villa Park, where the tournament in Indian Wells, Califor- Lens lost ground on leaders Olympique Ibrahimovic to volley past keeper Dimitrios home side would have nia on 17 March, 2007. Hantuchova Lyon with a 1-0 defeat at Auxerre earlier Eleftheropoulos. been happy with a point to won the match 6-3, 6-4.— XINHUA on Sunday.— MNA/Reuters Adriano also set up Ibrahimovic's second goal, dribbling round two defenders before sliding the ball Marquez outpoints Barrera to lift forward for the Swedish striker to fire in a shot be- tween Eleftheropoulos's legs. WBC crown Ascoli's consolation goal, which Massimo Bonanni LAS VEGAS, 19 March — Juan as Marquez threw a big right hand scored from the penalty spot after Walter Samuel Manuel Marquez won the World seconds before the bell, the cham- fouled Sasa Bjelanovic, arrived in stoppage time — Boxing Council super feather- pion landed a short counter right too late to give the hosts a chance to snatch a point. weight championship with a to the jaw and the challenger went MNA/Reuters hard-fought unanimous decision down. over fellow Mexican Marco Referee Jay Nady, however, Portugal midfielder Deco Antonio Barrera in Las Vegas on did not see the punch and ruled it Saturday. a slip, before deducting a point to have surgery on right hand After a tense start by both box- from Barrera for throwing a punch MADRID, 19 March — Barcelona's Portugal ers, in which the action simmered at Marquez when he was on the midfielder Deco will have surgery on his right hand without ever catching alight, the canvas. and could miss his country's Euro 2008 qualifiers bout came to life in a dramatic Energized by the turn of events, against Belgium and Serbia. seventh round. Barrera had perhaps his best round Deco was substituted in the second half of Satur- Marquez, who had been of the fight in the eighth but day's 4-0 Primera Liga win over Recreativo Huelva slowly taking control of the con- Marquez wasted little time re- after injuring the third finger on his hand in a challenge. test with a varied, two-fisted at- gaining control. Team Japan’s Mari Motohashi, center, He will have the operation on Monday, the club said tack, landed a left hook and He landed a solid right hand watches as teammates Sakurako Terada, on their website straight right hand that appeared and left hook towards the end of left, and Mayo Yamaura sweep the path It will not be known how long the player will be out to hurt Barrera. the eighth round, and followed during their first round of the World until after the surgery, but Press reports said it could be A series of right and left hands up with a huge right hand and a Women’s Curling Championships around three weeks. Portugal are fourth in Group A had Barrera in trouble and seem- pair of big left hooks in the ninth. against Russia in Aomori, northern and face Belgium in Lisbon on 24 March, and Serbia ingly on the verge of defeat, but MNA/Reuters Japan, on 18 March, 2007. — INTERNET in Belgrade four days later.—MNA/Reuters

20-3-07NL 14 3/20/07, 02:55 AM THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 15 Hungarians hold Greek people launch torchlight anti-war anti-war rallies ATHENS, 19 March — Anti-war demonstrations demonstrations were staged Saturday in central Athens and BUDAPEST, 19 March — Some 2,000 Hungarians Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, held anti-war demonstrations in and outside Budapest on marking World Action Day against war, as well as Saturday evening, MTI reported. the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq. The demonstrators, carrying torches, were protesting A rally was held in slogans such as “Stop the against nuclear weapons and Iraq war, report said. central downtown of wars and occupations” and Athens, which was “Foreign armies must be The gatherings coincided with similar followed by a march to the removed from the Middle demonstrations in 70 other places across the world. US Embassy in the city. East”, and also called for MNA/Xinhua Demonstrators chanted money to be channelled to education and health Hundreds demonstrate in Cyprus against instead of armaments. A concert was also US occupation of Iraq staged, with anti-war NICOSIA, 19 March — Hundreds of demonstrators marched on Saturday to songs, while brief the American Embassy in Nicosia to protest against the US occupation of Iraq. greetings to the demonst- The anti-war Eleftheria Square and is also the Parliament rators were addressed by representatives of the par- demonstration was marched about three Speaker, said in his speech ticipating organizations organized by the kilometres to the US that terrorism should be and movements. Pancyprian Council of Embassy, holding ban- combated “through the Peace and delegates of the ners and chanting slogans Athens News Agency collective action of the Euro-Mediterranean against “US imper- reported that in WEATHER international community, Conference of Left-wing ialism”. Thessaloniki, the protesters Parties also took part in, the General Secretary of on the basis of the principles condemned the “invasion Monday, 19 March, 2007 state television reported. Cyprus’ Left-wing of the international law and and occupation” of Iraq, Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 Participants first coalition partner AKEL, within the UN framework”. demanding “an end to the hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has gathered at the downtown Demetris Christofias, who MNA/Xinhua war and withdrawal of the been generally fair in the whole country. Day tempera- occupation forces”. tures were (3¡C) to (4¡C) above normal in Kachin MNA/Xinhua State, Bago and Taninthayi Divisions and about nor- 8:15 am 5:30 pm mal in the remaining areas. The significant day tem- 8. (62) Ns˙˙˙˙˙ emak\\\\\ tp\\\\\ meta\\\\\ en>\\\\\ 9. Sing and enjoy guu%uuu \\poAs\\\poAs^AsU^^^^ \\\\\ peratures were Pyay and Thayawady (39¡C) each. 5:55 pm Maximum temperature on 18-3-2007 was 100¡F. 8:25 am 10. {ep¥aR\\\\\ cWWWWW k¥n\\\\\ ;ma\\\\\ K¥c\;pv\\\\ \ny\\\\ \r\\\\ ´. ´.´.´.´. Al˙ts˙˙˙˙ \på;\\\\ Minimum temperature on 19-3-2007 was 68¡F. Rela- 9. qn≥sc\\≥sc\≥sc\\ eqaAsa}\\\\\ ba;rt\\\\\ ta;MMMMM tive humidity at 09:30 hours MST on 19-3-2007 was (Supnuuuu \T\\\\ ∑a'∑∑∑∑ p∑c∑∑∑∑ \.'\.\.\.\. g∑m∑∑∑∑ \;p\\\\ MuÂkMuMuMuÂkMu ^;^^^^ 8:30 am Tuesday, 20 March 74%. Total sunshine hours on 18-3-2007 was (9.2) (dåRuikuiuiuiui \ta-Âkv\\\\ \s\\\\ ui;Tuiuiuiui ∑n∑∑∑∑ \;)\\\\ Tuesday, 20 March 10. International news Tune in today hours approx. View on today 8:45 am 6:00 pm 8:30 am Brief news Rainfall on 19-3-2007 was (nil) at Mingaladon, 11. Let’s go 11. Evening news 8:35 am Music: Kaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since -Love U more 7:00 am 4:00 pm 6:30 pm 1-1-2007 was (nil) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and ek¥;z;R¨¨¨¨¨ c˙˙˙˙˙ mc\\\\\ ;k\\\\\ n∑∑∑∑∑ ;Sraeta\\\\\ \\\\\ 1.Martial song 8:40 am Perspectives 1. 12. Weather report 8:45 am Music: Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon 4:15 pm Bra;”kuuuuu ;'^^^^^ Nciuiuiuiiuu c\\\\\ etaMMMMM q\\\\\ GaMMMMM ..... 6:35 pm -Love fool (Kaba-Aye) was (6) mph from Northeast at (13:30) 2.Song to uphold mhanaykAP>Ak¥´´´´´´´´∑∑´´∑∑∑ o;etaiio;etaiii \\\\\ 13. ÂkyÂkyp\\\\\ c∑∑∑∑∑ m¥a;r.\.\.\.\.\ rc.´.´.´.´.´ K\\\\\ nuuuuu q\\\\\ MMMMM 8:50 am National news& hours MST on 18-3-2007. National Spirit Slogan eSacK¥op\\\\\\\\\\ '\\\\\ ABDzmhar@iiiii 6:50 pm 4:30 pm 9:00 am Music: Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the Niuciuiuiuiu \c\\\\ .Ms.M.M.M.M ^;p^^^^ ∑a;Ael;Ta;∑∑∑∑ gRuuuuu 'uuuuu ABDzAgiiiii mhaqd©©©©© mÎÎÎÎÎ μμμμμ 3. English for everyday 14. -We like to party South Bay and generally fair in the Andaman Sea and ezatiiiiik' tiiiiipiiiii!kDr' use ek¥;lkT\\\\\ tuuuuu k\\\\\ nuuuuu m¥a;\\\\\ 9:05 am International elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. DmB‹agårμμμμμ k'iiiii Sraeta\\\\\ 4:40 pm 7:00 pm news Forecast valid until evening of 20-3-2007: Pos- 9:10 am Music: BdN ∂∂∂∂∂ 0††††† siiiii tiiiii qaraB††††† 0iiiii qfMMMMM 4. Aew;qctk\\\\\ q˚˚˚˚˚ liiuuiuiiuu \\\\\ 15. (62) Ns˙˙˙˙˙ emak\\\\\ tp\\\\\ meta\\\\\ en>\\\\\ sibility of isolated light rain or thundershowers in pvaer;Rupuuuu \mc\\\mc\ \q\\\\ MÂka; MMMÂka; M -My love is real prtiiiii tra;eta\\\\\ \\\\\ gu%uuuu \poAs\\\poAs\ ^AsU^^^^ \\\\\ 1:30 pm News & Slogan Kachin and Northern Shan States, upper Sagaing and qcKn\\\\\ ;sa\\\\\ 7:10 pm 1:40 pm Lunch time Taninthayi Divisions, weather will be partly cloudy in 7:25 am -ttiyNiiii ˙˙s˙˙˙ \(qK¥\\\\ çaATçççç ¨;po)¨¨¨¨ 16. Niuciuiuiuiu \c\\\\ MKa;zatMMMKa;zatM \lm\\\\ \;t\\\\ ∑´∑´∑´∑´∑´ music: Rakhine, Kayin States and Yangon Division and gen- 2. To be healthy (qK¥çça)ççç -Sailing {K¥sqs\\\\\ aßßßßß erally fair in the remaining areas. Degree of certainty exercise 4:45 pm -Time Bwpc\Ka;eqa\\\Ka;eqa\ \lv\\\\ \;}\\\\ is (40%). 5. Dance of national 9:00 pm English 7:30 am Speaking State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate races (Apcuuiiuiuiui ;-5)\\\\\ 3. Morning news Course Level ( ) in Myanmar waters. 5:10 pm 8:00 pm Unit ( ) 7:40 am Outlook for subsequent two days: 6. Ksa;na;ScMMMMM et;zat\\\\\ wc\\\\\ \\\\\ 17. News 9:10 pm Article Likelihood 4. Nice and sweet song 5:20 pm 18. International news 9:20 pm Weekly sport of slight increase of day temperatures in Southern {sv;km\\\\\ ;l\\\\\ kuiuiuiuiui na\\\\\ 7:50 am 7. 19. Weather report reel Myanmar areas. eB;kc\;k\ ∑a}∑ 9:30 pm Music at your 5. kb¥apn;Uy¥aU\\\\\ \\\\\ eB;kc\;k\\ ∑a}∑∑ Niuciuiu \c\\ MKa;zatMMKa;zat\lm\\ \;t\\ ∑´∑´∑´ Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring 20. Niuciu \c\ MKa;zatMKa;zat\lm\ \;t\ ∑´∑´ listening (l¨k¨¨¨¨ ¨;m¥U¨¨¨¨ \;k¥a;m\\\\ ˙k˙˙˙˙ ¨;my¨¨¨¨ \)\\\\ areas for 20-3-2007: 8:00 am {tkyqeBak¥ty\\\\\ }\\\\\ pleasure: Fair weather. 5:25 pm -Still Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring 6. Song of yesteryear tpmeta\\\\\ en>g\\\\\ %uuuuu po\\\po\\ (Apiuicuiuiuiu \;-33)\\\\ 8. -Forever areas for 20-3-2007: Partly cloudy. 8:10 am et;q^K¥c^^^^ \;p\\\\ iociiioci \p\\\\ ∑´∑´∑´∑´∑´ 21. The next day’s 9:45 pm News & Slogan Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring 7. At^^;p^^^ iiociiioc\\p\\\ ∑∑´´´´∑´´∑∑´´´´ Sret;m¥a;uuuu (2006 KNuuu s˙˙˙ )\\\ programme 10:00 pm PEL areas for 20-3-2007: Fair weather. *R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223, Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 297028

20-3-07NL 15 3/20/07, 02:55 AM 3rd Waxing of Hnaung Tagu 1368 ME Tuesday, 20 March, 2007 Some nations turning blind eye to country’s prevailing conditions accuse Myanmar of posing threat to int’l regional peace, security Secretary-1 urges staff to run factories at full capacity in meeting with departmental officials in Magway

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein meeting with departmental officials, social organizations in Magway. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 19 March — Secretary-1 of the and townselders. State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Armed Forces Day Exhibition Sein met with departmental officials at the city hall in Thein Sein said he was there to inspect and assist the Magway yesterday and briefed them on prevailing running of cement and fertiliser factories in Mandalay from 26 March to 4 April conditions in Maynmar. Division at full capacity. YANGON, 19 March — The exhibition to mark First, Chairman of Magway Division Peace and On his tour, he also inspected dams and reser- the 62nd Anniversary Armed Forces Day will be Development Council Col Phone Maw Shwe reported voirs in Mandalay and Mangway Divisions and ful- opened to the public at the Defence Services Museum to the Secretary-1 on irrigation sector, agricultural filled the requirements, he said. from 26 March to 4 April free of charge. production, growing of physic nut plants, farming Regarding the political situation in Myanmar, The ministries, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) sector, development of industry zones and education he said although peace, tranquillity and law and order Office, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Office, Chief of and health sectors in Magway Division. prevail across the country, internal and external de- Armed Forces Training’s Office, Ministry of De- Also present at the meeting were Chairman of structive elements who were jealous of the develop- fence, commands, Yangon City Development Com- Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council ment of Myanmar voiced fabricated news in the media mittee, Mandalay City Development Committee, Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Khin Zaw, saying there was no security and peace and stability in Defence Services Museum and Historical Research ministers, officials of the State Peace and Develop- the country. Institute will stage booths in the exhibition. — MNA ment Council Office, members of social organizations (See page 8) Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects Hsinbo- Hopin road in

NAY PYI TAW, 19 March — Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence inspected a five-acre physic nut plantation of the regional battalion in Hsinbo, District, Kachin State on 16 March. Accompanied by Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of North- ern Command Maj-Gen Ohn Myint and officials, Lt-Gen Ye Myint also visited a rubber plantation. He pointed out the need to systematically keep a record of the success in growing rubber and edible crops. Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Maj-Gen Ohn Myint and officials observed an earth road to Peinkhunyan and the sections of Hsinbo-Hopin road. During their meeting with local people, they urged them to collectively maintain Hsinbo-Hopin road for its long-term existence. Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects condition of wooden bridge across Nanyin Creek in . — MNA (See page 11)

20-3-07NL 16 3/20/07, 02:56 AM