Tony Parr's talk on Search and Rescue at this month's Meeting is a must for those doing Peter Conroy's S & R Exercise on November 24 and 25. Tony will make a special trip from Nerriga to address the Meeting and will show slides on this night so let's give him our full support.

Mt Franklin Weekend The Mt Franklin Weekend turned out to be a great success in more ways than one, thanks to the many contributors who pooled their resources. These people were Walks Leader, Norm Becker and all the cooks who produced such a sumptuous spread of food. A special thanks is also due toJon Millard, our folk musician who entertained us with his wit and singing. Twenty persons turned up and initially huddled in the woodshed, sipping soup and contemplating what they would do with the Social Secretary ( unnamed)! But all was (hopefully) forgotten once the Chalet warmed up and the music flowed. Surprisingly a slight surplus was made when the Club and some members bought the food and drink leftovers. So altogether the weekend was a great success.


If your address label for this IT has four $$$$ signs on it then, according to our records, you are unfinancial!

Members are reminded that annual subscriptions for 1984/85 are NOW DUE! Annual subscriptions are

0dinary membership $15.00 Family membership $23.00 (2 adults at same address)

Complete the form at the back of this IT and send it with your subscription to:

The Membership Secretary Canberra Bushwalking Club P0 Box 160 Canberra City ACT 2601


If you have changed your address and/or phone numbers since the last publication of the membership list (March 1984) please notify the Membership Secretary, Rod Peters 512580(h). 2 EDITORIAL

Your apologetic Editor knows that the absence of some contributions for this month's IT is due to: 1. the snail-like pace of Post in the ACT and 2. the failure of said Editor to advertise the closing date for this IT!


An advertisement appeared in the Canberra Times on 18.10.84 inviting applications from persons interested in in being considered for appointment as a member of the Advisory Committee for Deua/Wadbilliga National Parks. There may he members of the Club who have walked in this beautiful area and wish to be a member of the team which makes recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Environment.Applications close. 9 November with the Narooma Office of the N.P.W.S.,36 Princes Highway, Narooma (044 -762798).


The remaining talk in the Environment Centre's series of lunch time talks is on 27 November at 12.40 to 1.40 pin at the Environment Centre. Ian Fraser will talk on why he is an activist. Bring your own lunch. Wine and soft drink provided. Entrance $1.00 (50 cents students and unemployed).


The Club has the following equipment for hire by members and non-members:

rucksacks - H frame and frameless sleeping bags - 3 season and snow camping tents - 2 and 3 person japara tent - A frame for snow camping sleeping mats - closed cell foam Whillans harnesses - small & medium size (for rope work)

Hire rates average $1.00 per day and a $5.00 to $10.00 deposit per item is required. These rates are very competitive with commercial rates. This service is provided to assist less experienced walkers and you are invited to make use of it.Equipment Officer: Rod Peters 512580 (h)

NEW MFTh3ER Vicki SALKIN 18 Coxen St HUGHES ACT 2605

PROSPFflIVE MEMBER Donna COHEN 29 Wentworth Gdns Eyre St KINGSTON ACT 2604 Geoff HAYES 8 Mt Taylor Crt Hodgson P1 PEARCE ACT 2607 Mike WORSLEY 18 Brookman St TORRENS ACT 2607

CHANGE OF ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS David CREGAN 722572 (w) Heino LEPP 526114 (h) Robert PHILLIPS 41 Dugdale St COOK ACT 2614 515962 (h) Doug WRIGHT Australian High Commission TARAWA c/- Dept of Foreigh Affairs PARKES ACT 2600 Rene DAVIES 487816(h)

TAXI AND BUS HIRE IN TASMANIA? Information on taxi and bus hire for Club members planning walking in Tasmania is available from the Walks Secretary, David Truman. - 3 REGISTER OF SIGNIFICANT TREES

Th e National Trust of AusI:rj [a (A.C.i.) has been concerned about the opisflrvot Lon of an extremely iniportaipt part of our heritage, that is, trees of special sign if icance in Be A.C.T. So tar there has been no attempt to record these trees in a logical and systeinot c manner and to sue what steps can be tiken to protect t.heni and, where appropriate, extend their life span. The Trust is establishing a Register of Significant Trees from th'bughout the Tern tory. Club members who are interested in nominating trees for inclusion in the Register should contact the National Trust oh Australia (A.C.T.), P.O.Box 173, ?'ianuka A.C.T. 2603.


29 Setember 1 October WirritinRithe-i3udawang National Park Wa king up to a covering of snow in Canberra and arriving at "Valeston" with snow failing, our enthusiasm for a three day walk was slightly chilled, but hese reservations as to the had weather: were short 1 ived. To avoid camping high, possibly on snow, the proposed route was reversed, beginning instead with the Bodawang Ranges, Sngurl.oaf (Mount. Wi.rritin), Wirri.ti.n Ridge and returning via Currockbilly Mountain. Nine of us set off across paddocks towards the with Currockhilly Nonntain in sight. As is often the case, farmland adjoins national parks with no intermediate buffer zone to reduce encroachment of cultivated plants into the native vegetation. Our roote was through forest with brilliant red Epacris impressa in flower, before having lunch by a creek with tree ferns. The ascent of the was easily accomplished and from the crest were intermittent views of the Wirritin Ridge between the trees. The descent to the Yadboro was long and steep, eventually arriving at dusk with the fragrant scent of Hakeas and Eriosteinon.Despite the limited space (not quite that limited that the last to arrive had to sleep in the river!) it was a perfect site under the stars.

The following morning provided glimpses of wi Id country downstream and thoughts for future trips. The ascent of the west side of the Wirritin Ridge was steep, with pink Boronia and purple apron-shaped Hybanthus monopetalus in full flower. At the ridge we willingly left our packs to climb the Sugarloaf. From this rocky outcrop covered with Dendrohium orchids were magnificent views towards and the eucalyptus covered slopes of the Budawang Range with the spur we had descended the previous day clearly visible. - We returned to our packs before heading towards Moont Roberts, negotiating scrub and rock in places. Our camp that night was in a saddle among saplings and water was collected from a rainforest gully stream a few hundred metres below. After being joined at breakfast by a gang gang cockatoo feeding in the uppermost branches of a nearby tree, we traversed Mount Roberts on the western side before climbing back on to the now nioch narrower quartzite ridge, with breath-taking views. We followed the ridge and passed a number of precariously placed lyrebird display mounds before descending diagonally towards a hill, passing though beautiful native gardens, comprising mainly l3anksia, h3oronia, Darwinia, Tea tree and dwarf She oak, and on the lower grass-covered slopes, Blackboys. After lunch at a campsite among saplings, a short c Limb led to Currockbilly Mountain with the distinctive quartzite ridges. Some of the group made a short detour north of the trig point to Colic y Ridge which again provided magnificent views of Mount Owen, the Castle and Pigeon House, shrouded in light mist, the coast and the . Despite having recently driven along the Western Distributor Road from which visibility was restricted due to saplings, it was now very clearly visible from Currockhilly Mountain.The descent from Currockhilly was long and the old timber track is not easy to find. Wirritin comes from the Aboriginal word meaning rough and aptly describes the rough quartzite ridges in this beautiful wilderness area. Thank you very much Fred, for leading such a memorable and enjoyable walk. Mary Brenan '1


(16)17-18 November Kanangra Canyons Phone bookings only. M/R/W. Both canyons will be day trips so bring along a day pack. Saturday will he a long day and Sunday a shorter one. You must be an experienced abseiler, have the right gear, be prepared to get wet, car camp and suffer coco pops and beer for breakfast! The Leaders

Sun 2 December Currowan Falls Currowan Creek flows in a deep and rugged gorge with a spectacular fall west, at the foot of Mt Budawang, 18 km ESE of Braidwood. Apart from the wild country it is the lush rainforest vegetation which is of particular interest. A pool to swim through and a few rock scrambles are necessary if we wish to get to the foot of the falls. The walk starts at "Hollow Wood", 5 km SE of Mongarlowe (110 km from Canberra). Fred George

8-9 December Lady Northcote. Canyon A walk in a spectacular and rugged part of the Snowy Mountains, often called "Little Austria". Proposed route: Charlotte's Pass, Carruther's Peak and Spur, down into Lady Northcote Canyon at the fall and Aqueduct, back either via Townsend Spur or Watson's Crags. The scenery is superb with snow still on the high ranges and the early alpine flowers out. Jeans, balaclava, mittens and boots (walking on snow) are necessary. You must be fit to enjoy this trip. Great adventure. . Fred George

Sun 9 December Botanising in the Tinderries The walk will commence from the highest point on the road east from Michelago and will head northwards along the highest summit ridge towards the granite outcrops. We will be looking for a new species of daisy bush (Olearia sp. nova) which has recently been discovered on Sentry Box Hill and is known to grow also in the Tinderries. A low shrub, it has unusual deep blue flowers and should be in full bloom in early December.Ian Telford will accompany the walk. David Truman Sat 15 December Kambah Pool Red Rocks Gorge An afternoon and evening walk - bring food for evening meal (cookable/gourmet/Christmassy if desired) and a torch in case darkness catches us. Those with lilos can explore the pools in Red Rocks Gorge by water. Total distance 6km, or 8km if we go. as far as the rapids. Jeff Bennetts

15 16 December An opportunity to link with the day, walk on Sunday. Saturday will be a conventional Endrick River trip to set up a base camp about 2km downstream from the access point. Then there will be an optional side trip further downstream. On Sunday, we will return to the access point and join the day walkers for a side trip to the spectacular Endrick Falls. Suitable for less experienced walkers. Rod Peters

Sun 16 December Endrick Falls This walk involves a short walk along a fire trail, a drop of a couple of hundred metres down a ridge then a rock hop of about 2km to the falls. The Endrick Falls are well worth seeing in their own right but the swimming pool at the base of the falls must be the biggest and best in the area. If the river is very high it may be necessary to make a compulsory swim to get to the falls so put the gear in your pack in a plastic bag. In a normal summer the falls can be reached with dry feet but last summer it was necessary to swim! Vance Brown Supplement to IT, November 1984 CBC Constitution Page 1 of 2

CONSTITUTION OF THE CANBERRA BUSHbJALKING CUE INC. (Includes Amenthients from ACM September 1984) NAPE: The name of the association shall be the Canberra Bushwalking Club Incorporated.

OBJECTS: 2.1 To promote bushwalking and allied outdoor activities. 2.2 To foster appreciation and conservation of the Australian countryside, bushlands, fauna and flora and to encourage field studies. 2.3 To support the establishment and preservation of national parks and wilderness areas. 2.4 To compile bushwalking information. 2.5 To co-operate with organisations and persons having similar interests and objectives.

I'EPUERSHIP: 37 Menbership shall be open to persons over 16 years of age who have completed at least one Club trip, subject to the following conditions: 3.1.1 Prospective members shall be proposed and seconded by members of the Club. 3.1.2 Every application for membership shall be submitted on the approved form to the Committee for consideration. 3.2 Membership shall consist of Ordinary members, Family members and Honorary Life members. 3.2.1 Ordinary members shall be individuals paying the full annual subscription. 3.2.2 Family Membership shall cover not more than two adults. 3 . 2 . 3 Honorary Lite members may be persons who have rendered meritorious service to or on 6FIilf of the Club. They may be elected Life members by a majority of members present at a General Meeting, provided that at least five days notice of the recommendation has been given in writing. An Honorary Life member shall for all purposes be considered a financial member of the Club. 3.3 Members shall receive one copy of each monthly newsletter or any other notice. 3.4 The Committee shall have the right to revoke the membership of any member who has acted contrary to the Constitution or rules of the Club, subject to appeal to a meeting of members.

4. SLESERIPTIONS: 4.1 Subscriptions for Ordinary and Family membership shall be determined at the meeting two months before the Annual General Meeting, with effect from July 1985. 4.2 Subscriptions shall be due at and from the close of the Annual General Meeting. 4.3 Persons applying for membership between six and ten months after the date on which the subscriptions fall due shall pay half the subscription for the current year. Persons applying later than ten months into the year shall be admitted to membership upon payment in full of subscription for the following financial year. 4.4 Any member whose subscription is in arrears for more than three months from the date when the subscription became due shall be deemed to be unfinancial and be debarred from the privileges of membership, but may on payment of the overdue subscription be re-instated. CIJYPUTTEE 5.1 There shall be a Conuiittee which is empowered to conduct the affairs of the Club in a proper manner. In particular the Committee shall have the power to: 5.1.1 Manage the finances of the Club. 5.1.2 Purchase and sell property, equipment and services for any purpose related to the objects of the Club provided that prior notice of any such transaction is given to members of the Club. 5.1.3 Hire, lend and maintain property and equipment owned by the Club. 5.1.4 Appoint sub-corrnittees for carrying out particular functions or projects. 5.2 Comitteë members of the Club shall be Ordinary, Family or Honorary Life members of the Club and the Co,miittee shall consist of: 5.2.1 A President 5.2.2 A Vice-President/Treasurer 5.2.3 A Minutes Secretary 5.2.4 A Correspondence Secretary 5.2.5 A Walks Secretary 5.2.6 An Assistant Walks Secretary 5.2.7 A Membership Secretary 5.2.8 A Social Secretary 5.2.9 An Editor 5.2.10 A Publisher 5.2.11 A Conservation Officer 5.3 The Coujnittee shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. 5.4 Any casual vacancy occurring during the year may be filled by the Commjttee. 5.5 The saee person shall not hold the position of President for more than two consecutive years. 5.6 A Corwnittee nember may be removed from office by resolution of a majority of members present at a General Meeting, provided at least five days notice in writing has been given to all members. Any vacancy so created may only be filled by a person approved by a majority of members at a General Meeting. Supplement to IT, November 1984 COG Constitution Page 2 of 2

FINANCE: 6.1 The financial year shall be from September 1 to August 31 6.2 The funds of the Club shall be kept ma bank account in the name of the Club in such bank as determined by the Conuiittee. The President,Vice-President/Treasurer and two secretaries shall have authority to operate the account. 6.3 Payments greater than ten dollars shall be made by cheque, signed by any two of those authorised. 6.4 The Vice-President/Treasurer shall maintain accounts and keep records of the financial transactions of the Club. 6.5 Audited statements of the accounts of the Club shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting. 6.8 An Auditor, not being a member of the Club, shall be appointed at each Annual General [fleeting and shall be eligible for re-appointment. If the office becomes vacant during the year, the Comittee shall appoint a person to fill this position until the next Annual General Meeting. The Auditor may be removed from office by a resolution carried by a majority of members at a General Meeting.

DEETINGS 77 General Meetings: 7.1.1 May be called by the Corimiittee at its discretion. 7.1.2 Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. 7.1.3 At least five days notice in writing shall be given to members. 7.2. Extraordinary General Meetings: 7.2.1 May be called by and at the discretion of the President. 7.2.2 Shall be called by the Committee within 21 days of the receipt of a request to do so, signed by at least ten members. 7.2.3 Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum. 7.2.4 At least five days notice in writing shall be given to all members. 7.3 Annual General Meetings: 7.3.1 Shall be called by the Comnittee in September of each year. 7.3.2 Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum, 7.3.3 At least five days notice in writing shall be given to all members. Voting at any meeting shall be restricted to financial members of the Club actually present at the meeting. In the event of an even vote, the Chairman shall have the right to make a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.

PUICRTIt14S 8.1 Newsletter: 8.1.1 The Club shall publish a monthly newsletter, for distribution to all members. 8.1.2 An amount to cover the cost of production shall be determined each year at the same time as subscriptions. The price of 12 issues shall be included in each member's annual subscription and this amount shall be separately accounted for in the Annual Accounts. 8.2 Other publications: 8.2.1 The Club may publish material relating to the promotion of its aims. 8.2.2 Costs of production and proceeds from sale shall be separately accounted for in the Annual Accounts.

LIABILITY The liability of individual members of the Club in respect of any claims arising out of the activities of the Club is restricted to the amount of their annual subscription.

RPtNIrENTS AND BY-LAWS: 1U.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be pssed by a majority of members present at a General Meeting, provided that at least five days notice has been given in writing to all members. 10.2 By-laws may be proposed by any members and will be adopted by the Clth if passed by a majority of members at a General Meeting.

SEAL: VET The Club shall have a seal bearing its name. 11.2 The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Committee. 11.3 The seal, when affixed to any instrument, shall be witnessed by the signatures of two members of the Committee.

PUBLIC OFFICER 12.1 The Conuiittee shall, within 14 days after incorporation of the C1Lb, or within 14 days after a vacancy occurs in the office of Public Officer, appoint a person residing in the Australian Capital Territory to be the Public Officer of the CDt. The Public Officer may be removed from office by a resolution carried by a majority of members at a General Meeting. 12.2 The Public Officer shall carry out the duties required to be carried out by the Public Officer under the provisions of the "Associations Incorporation Ordinance 1953 - 1966m 5



*(16)17_18 Kananra Canyons - Phone bookings only M/R/W Ian Hickson & 261053(h) Kanangra 1:31680 Ann GJ 15775(h) 17-18 Weddin Mountains (nr.Grenfeli) M/ll Norm Becker 316061(h) Marsden 1:100000 467211(w) Grenfell 1:100000 Sun 18 Many Bock Ribs(swimming). Mim Melanie O'Flynn474856(h) Corang 1:31680 CflJ Budawangs

Wed 21 Monthly Meeting - Dickson Library.Bpm. Tony Parr - Search & Rescue

24-25 Search & Rescue - Honeysuckle Creek area Peter Conroy 474937(h) Corin Dam 1 :25000 (a must for beginners) 881111(w) Sun 25 Mt Gudgenby ni/m Mike Morris 696171(w) Yaouk 1:25000 957823(h) Tue 27 Walks Planning - 9 Ilainoru Pl,Hawker.8pru.

Wed 26 Coenittee Meeting- 11 Juwin St, Pranda.8pm

Thur 29 It Closing - 56 Woolner Circuit,Hawker. 8pm

*(30)12 Canyons M/R/W Ian Hickson 261053(h) TBA AnnGJ 415775(h) 1-2 mimosa Rocks National Park S/E Keith \Jallard 540115(h) Goatlen Pt.1 :1 00000

*Sun 2 Currowan Falls rn/B Fred George 810385(h).

Thur 6 Mt Najura & Mt Ainslie by moonlight. 8pm. S/F Alan Vidler 545373(h)

8-9 Upper Brogo M/R Rene Davies 467818(h) Cdbargo 1:100000 437616(w) a8_9 Lady Northcote Canyon N/B Fred George 810385(h) Kosciusko 1:50000

*Sun 9 Tinderries - botanising (enquiries - P1/Il David Truman. ACT 1:100000 Ian Telford 671810(w))

Tue 11 It Collation 19 Sulman Pl,Phillip. 8pm.

*Sat 15 Kambah Pool - Red Rocks Gorge (optional 5/F . Jeff Bennetts 315899(h). Tuggeranong 1:25000 liloing) *Sun 16 Endrick Falls S/M/W Vance Brown 513997(h) Nerriga 1:25000 *15_16 Endrick River rn/rn Rod Peters 512560(h) Nerriga 1:25000 15-16 Mt Kelly L/M Kim Hello 479745(h) Rendezvous 1:25000 716570(w) Yaouk 1:25000 - Wed 19 Barbecue at Pine Island in lieu of monthly Meeting. 6.30pm. Thur 20 It Closing - 56 Woolner Circuit, Nawker.8pm.

Dec 20 - New Zealand - Arthur's Pass,Fiordland & neg. Chris Sinkora 812477(h) various end Feb Mount Cook areas

JANUARY 1985 - A number of walks already programmed plus

Tue 8 It Collation Wed 16 Pbnthly Meeting Tue 22 Walks Planning - Flat 23 Hayley, 114 Blamey Cres,Campbell.8pm. Wed 23 Ccnnittee Meeting - 9 Barney St, Oowner.8pm.

* see Walks Previews MORE Walks For New Leaders

Jeff's notes last month and an odd number of pages in this month's IT prompted me to describe some walks suitable for new leaders which I don't remember being on the program since the mid '70s (apologies to those who led one of them last month or whatever). All maps quoted are 1:25000 [Composing on keyboard at 11.45pm the night before IT collation, so errors not the fault of Editor who may never see this]:

Orroral Valley Ramble (S/E Corin Dam). Start at Orroral Valley tracking station (just offbottom of map). Meander up Orroral Valley in fine sunshine etc in cleared part of valley - shown as low level vehicular track on map but I don't remember it. Meet the main track (Smokers Trail) at Sawpit Creek (NOT that one, skiers) turn left, follow the track to junction with Orroral/Cotter fire trail, then follow that back to Orroral via picturesque woodlands - about 12km but very easy, navigation ditto.

Honeysuckle(?) Ridge (M/M - Variable downwards. Corin Dam) As for 7. until Sawpit. Creek but then turn right along fire trail (or even before reaching trail if you like). Past Booroomba Creek towards or to Emu Flat then down the ridge to Honeysuckle Collimation tower and dawn past before cutting back to cars. Scenic views, opportunities for optional rock scrambles, more or less in sight of cars (the tracking station at least) all the time.

Tidbinbilla - Billy Billy Rocks (M/M-M/R Tidbinbilla, Corin Dam) A bit more challenging than the shorter Smoker's Gap - Billy Billy trip, but navigation and thus leading probably easier. Start at the head of the valley on the other sjde of the creek from the Fishing Gap fire trail (723716). Head dead south up on to the ridge, veering East where necessary to avoid scrubby gullies etc. Then head along the ridge to the rocks - you'll recognise them when you get there (big rounded granite rocks). Back a similar way unless very keen. Again, more or less in sight of cars all the time.

Mt Coree & Devil's Peak (M/M - Cotter Dam) From Coree Hut(648947). The hardest part is reading the damn map's mess for driving there. Turn off Brindabella Road up Blue Range Road (its signposted, at 702906) follow it up to Two sticks Road (or maybe use Two Sticks from Mountain Creek Road - you tell me). From the hut head more or less east up to the top of Devil's Peak a bit over a Km away. Thence down to the saddle between it and Coree (Coree dominates horizon so can't get lost); pick up Pabral "Road", or bypass it as you will, thence up Coree for views etc. Down via the roads clearly shown on the map. Easier than Coree from Blundel's Flat - besides, I liked the walk because I met Sue on it in 1972(1 think).

Major's Creek Waterfall (StE + options. Dunno Map) Haven't been there for years, think others may have. Follow the creek down from the road to the falls. Spectacular falls, interesting old mine tunnel to explore if you like to get wet and dirty in the dark; optional R stuff by going to the base of the falls. Navigation trivial - follow the creek.

Mt McKeanie Trig from Kangaroo Creek (S/M Corin Dam) First walk I ever led - I think most people now do the longer trip from Smokers Gap?? Leave Cars at bridge at 694655 and head uphill. View etc.

Page break now threatening and I'm nodding off A.Vidler 7

N 01 E The program is Cu btect to mod ficat jot' for future mon lbs Leaders are stiFF needed for day walks and for week or ide which at present look ''lull" but may change if dales of some walks have to be moved. The Walk Secretary (David Truman - 458691 (W) 546700 (ft will he happy to receive new offerings at any time. Bookings for trips should he made by 5 .00pn' Thursday on flits appi rrpriate sheet at Paddy Outline, Northbourue Ave


Equipment can be hired for Club watks from Rod Peters. 512580 (h).

Transport costs are IS cenls per km for each car, divided eitI.ialFy among ALL participants

Grading of walks (S) Short IJirder 12 km per day (E) Easy firetraits. tracks, beaches. etc FM) Medium 12 . 20 km per day (M) Medium, bush tracks, alpine areas. some scrub R. I Long Over 20 km per day (R) Rot igli lots of scrub steep climbs, rock scrainh lee (W) Wet compulsory swims natty river crossings

Note: that in calculating distance. 1km is added for each 100 metres climbed

NOTICES TO ALL WALKERS. The leader should check thin (a) Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip by observation on previous walks, or by conlncluip fieni persirnolly and asking where, when and with whem they have previously walked. (h) Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any sprer-ralised eqrupmerit needed

Leaders may reject any applicant they think, is not suited to the trip

I This issue of IT typed by Sue Vidler.

Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. NBH 1859


'NAME (5)



I/WE- enc1oe $' ...... '. for me:nbeship subscriptions 1984 - Signed ...... Date 10-


Jo uo*.isofl 403

(,Ipune) F wxvronand

It not delivered within 7 days, please return to C. P.O. Box 160, Canberra City. A.C.T. 2601 Postage Paid CANBERRA CANBERRA go BUSH WALKING CITY CLUB A.C.T. 2601 INC. M AUSTRALIA VALLAF< 5 Fuliwood St r WESTON ACT'2611 I fin

Registered by Australia Post, Publication No. NBH 1859.