The Cowl Established La I93S -2-SK
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191^1992 The Cowl Established la I93S -2-SK- THAT ENDURE. ^o^^V^o^^^^^^^^^^^^Providence^olleg^Providenc^Rhod^slan^^^^^^^^^December^^992^ Hiring Policy Help Me Rhonda! Makes Headlines Students, Police and Administration Unite to PC Makes Page One Of Sunday's Fight Crime Providence Journal There was also an insinua Whereas the faculty is con brief description of exactly by Maureen Marro y Jennifer Brinkman tion among both the police and cerned that an individual will how the thieves operate. Asst. News Editor Asst. News Editor the students that the possibil be hired because of their reli "Most break-ins come in "Every thief out there ity of a fellow student com If you have not already gious beliefs over their aca through the back door," noted knows that PC students live in mitting some of these crimes heard, Providence College demic qualifications, the ad Lt. Kessler, "The thief kicks in should not be outruled. made the front page of the The ministration wants to uphold this concentrated area the door and nobody sees (Elmhurst) - you're sitting Along with suggestions of Providence Journal-Bulletin on the Catholic tradition which them." ducks." With this candid, un getting mace and utilizing the Sunday, November 30. How began at Providence College One of the reasons this type PC shuttle, other solutions ever this time, the concern is 75 years ago. reserved, yet educational of entry is feasible can be statement, lieutenant Rhonda were posed for the students' not about the neighborhood, There has been an ongoing blamed on improper door protection. the PC men's basketball team, discussion of this issue in The Kessler, ElmhurstCommunity frames. "Itdoesn'tmatterhow Police Woman, opened a crime "Store valuables up on cam strong your door is, if your pus. Fr. McPhail is offering a awareness meeting held off- frame is cheap and unfit, the "You don't put something on campusonNovember23,1992. room in Slavin for students thieves can easily get in," Lt. leaving for extended periods On Monday, the last Kessler remarked. Ms. Mouro the front page unless you think evening before most of the PC of time," Ms. Mouro informed added that if a landlord will the students. "Invest in inex it's frightfully important...I think students ventured home for not replace the frame, contact Thanksgiving, Lt. Kessler, Ser pensive timers and leave your it's a compliment." Caroline Ryan, Director of Off- radio on if you are leaving for geant Steve Campbell of the Campus Housing, and she will a few hours." Providence Police Depart call your landlord and request —Father McPhail ment, Louise Mouro from PC Block Council meetings the necessary repairs. have also proved to be benefi Community Relations, and a Another tip that was sug reporter fromTTie Providence cial in helping the community. or the students' social habits— Cowl, and a series of letters gested is in relation to student and articles have been printed Journal- Bulletin, informed a "It can't just be all lip-service. it concerns the PC administra parties in thisarea. Ms. Kessler since the original disclosure group of approximately 20 We need much more aware tion. As Richard Dujardin, a stressed the fact that you ness and togetherness," re religious writer and author of article in the October 8 issue. concerned students at one of should always know every their homes off-campus on marked Ms. Mouro. the article, so aptly stated, the There have been diverse reac person entering your party. tions from the PC community how to safeguard their house One complaint addressed situation is a "struggle over She added, "People come into about The Providence Journal- from break-ins while they the college's soul". The article parties uninvited, scope it out, continued on page 3 focused on the controversial Bulletin's article. Father were away. and come back and steal." McPhail, Vice Presidentof Stu The session began with a new hiring policy which the administration instituted this dent Services, remarked, "I - year. The policy basically re think that the city of Provi quests that there is a need for dence and those running the Dennis Is A Menace For more practicing Catholic fac newspaper must think highly ulty members and a devotion of PC and think that PC is so to finding more Dominicans important to the state- -in or on staff. Also, general hiring der for them to put it on the Right-To-Lifers decisions should consider bom front page. It reflects their The Providence Visitor Also Finds No Humor In academic excellence and the concern. You don't put some Dennis Miller's Recent Appearance At PC Catholic traditional character thing on the front page unless of PC. The present friction you think it's frightfully by Alison Kantor The press release from persons who spend untold between the faculty and ad important...I think ifs a com Contributing Writer Rhode Island State Right to hours defending innocent life, ministration stems from the pliment." Life Committee was a response is an intolerable insult." differing views of the policy. continued on page 3 So you thought the Dennis to The Visitor's article in which "What is really scary and Miller show was over and talk chairman Anna Sullivan disheartening about reports of about it had died down? vented her outrage not only Miller's appearance," said Recently, two organiza for the content of Dennis Sullivan, "is that students in a tions from the neighboring Miller's material, but also for college which calls itself Inside the students at Providence Catholic don't know enough community have made their ■■■■■■■■■■a opinions on the November 8 to be offended. Nor do they show known. The Providence The RI State care enough to defend the A&E Sports faith. No guts, no glory." Visitor, a weekly Catholic Right To Life newspaper, printed an article "In my day, we would've Commitee sent criticizing Miller's pro-choice walked out on a show like statements and his jokes on The Cowl that," she said. Sullivan went on to criti subjects such as promiscuous a press release sex, drug use and bestiality. cize the choice of Miller as a chastising the The Rhode Island State Right guest at PC,"People knew his to Life Committee sent The students at style from the general tone of entertainment on Saturday Cowl a press release outlining PC for inviting how they feel about Miller's Night Live and knew that he such "low life" pro-choice comments and might be vulgar," she said. chastising the students at PC entertainment. "People who do programs for inviting such "low-life" en should aim for something of a tertainment. higher caliber." The Visitor reported on College for inviting such a per "If s not enough to invite Miller's statement that he is former. him and say 'don't tell any "pro-choice across the board" Sullivan is critical of Miller dirty jokes.' Of this particular and his remark that pro-lifers for taking time out of his act to comedian you would expect should be ignored because talk about an ideological sub that he'd violate certain norms "what gives them the right to ject, "It's bizarre that a come on decency and satire," tell you what to do with your dian would stop in the middle Sullivan said. own personal moral judg of an act to start talking about She added, "The point is ments." The article also pro-life versus pro-choice." that if if s a Catholic college, pointed out that the material "The students at Provi the community assumes that there should be a guarding Miller used was filled with dence College owe us an apol Special coverage Women's Hoop Team against material that goes profanity and covered contro ogy,"said Sullivan. "To allow of the movie event: wins their opening against or ridicules the versial subject matter includ such an ignorant attack on Malcom X, pages 12&13 game, page 23. ing jokes about priests. continued on page 3 ■ ■ .■ ■■■ News ' r PC’s Future Diplomats Travel To Washington "What On Earth" states. As a delegation, stu coup in September, 1991), the by Jennifer MacCallum dents prepare for the model PC model participants were Is Going On With The Asst. Editorials Editor by studying their assigned challenged to represent a na Environmental And nation's position on a number tion that is currently a major international topic. The thirteenth annual of issues including political, Wildlife Club Model Organization of Ameri juridical, economic, social, The PC participants were educational, scientific, cul very successful at the model. can States for universities was Not only was Haiti added as a held November 16 to 20 at the tural, administrative, and bud what you can do to prevent getary matters. Student par special agenda topic in the To The PC Community, further damage here at PC and OAS Main Building in Wash General Committee, but del ington, D.C. ticipants are assigned to one at home. However, we have of five committees that com- egates submitted a number of I'm sure that all of you have The Organization of Ameri resolutions concerning their encountered a considerable can States is the oldest multi rise the working body of the heard of the Environmental & amount of apathy which is dis national govemingbody in the •AS. Also, student delega respective countries, Haiti and Wildlife Club here at PC, but E Barbados. couraging and frustrating. world. Thirty-four Western tions have the unique oppor I'm not sure if you realize what Certain members of the Club Hemispheric nations comprise tunity to not only work in the The next Model Organiza we do or why we do it.