
'96 OS~ Point~ N~ws


• FIO'S' !hock. '''en sadness. new anger If someone IS found guilty of Fire at Hunt Club shooting Illegal fireworks that Ignited the Grosse POinte Hunt Club barn, killing 19 horses, what should the sentence be? Page 3A • A memorial fund has been estab- lished to help restore the Hunt Club schooling program Page 3A • A Glosse POinte Shores veterinary student who lost her horse in the Hunt Club fire volunteers for a pet loss hot. line Page 6A • With the new concealed weapon gun law In place, many POinters are surprised that getting a permit IS not as easy as they thought Page 3A • City of Grosse POinte reSident Peter Comstock Riley, along with hiS partners, IS attempting to brito Comerlca Park as often as they like Page 15A • Beth Konrad Wllberdlng announced that she Will be resigning as trustee of the Grosse Pointe Board of Education effective Aug 14 Page 13A • AI Diver, a retired principal from the Chippewa Valley School District, Will step In as interim principal of Grosse Pointe SOuth High School Page 13A • Grosse POinte Farms-Clty pitcher WIllie Bryant pitched a perfect game In a 7-0 victory over Harper Woods In a first-round contest In the Dlstnct 6 Little League International tournament that runs through Saturday at EIV\'orthy Field Page 1C

Thursday, July 12 The Sun Messengers perform at the corner of Kercheval and St Clair In the Village of Grosse Pomte at 7 p m as a part of the Bon Secours Cottage Health SeMce 2001 MUSICon the Plaza free concert series For more Information, call (313) 886-7474 Nightlllare blaze

/ kills -19 horses, Dr Thea Colborn speaks about endocnne disruption and lessons from the Great Lakes as a part of the TOXins levels landlllark In the EnVironment Prevention & Solutions lecture series at the Grosse By Brad Lindberg saw fireworks near the POinte War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore In Staff Writer club's eastern border Grosse POinte Farms The lecture Nmeteen horses dIed "They were large," saId begins at 7 p m TIckets are $5 For when the mam barn of the Maurer ~The exploslOns more information, call (734) 623.0773 Grosse Pomte Hunt Club were takmg place above the burned to the ground an trees» Saturday, July 14 hour before sunnse, Sunday, As the barn burned more than three hour~ later, The 10th annual Grosse POinte July 8 No people were hurt Rosemary Borden, who hves Garden Center Garden Tour begins at across Cook Road from the 10 a m Those taking the tour Will ViSit Grosse Pomte Woods pohce are lookmg mto club, stood WIth neIghbors SIX different gardens In the POtntes on theIr front lawns watch- TIckets are $8 In advance, $10 on the claims by reSidents near the 109 flames consume the 19th day of the tour To learn more about the club at 655 Cook Road that fireworks were mvolved century landmark tour and how to order tickets, call the ~The horses, the horses," Garden Center at (313) 881-4594 The MIchIgan State Pohce arson squad has been called she remembered thmkmg Another tour begins on Sunday, July Llvmg out one of her 15,at10am to Investtgate At 1 15 a m., MIke worst mghtmares, Borden Maurer, who bves on West Monday, July 16 Doyle Place m the Woods, The Grosse POinte Woods City coun- Cil meets at 7 30 P m In the Woods city hall, 20025 Mack Plaza The meeting IS open to the public

The City of Grosse POinte counCil meets at 7 30 P m In the City's hall, Home: Grosse Pomte 17147 Maumee The public IS inVited to Shores attend Pholos by Mark Carrer With the American flag still flying, top, the huge barn at the 9O-year- Family: Sons, Lowell, old Grosse Pointe Hunt Club on Cook Road in Grosse Pointe Woods Greg, Chns, Peter, burned to the ground about 4 a.m. Sunday, killing 19 horses. The sus- Edmund Jr and John. INDEX pected cause of the fire is errant fireworks. The above couple share daughter, Pamela, and the horror and grief of horse owners, club members and reaidents. 19 grandchIldren Opinion "" " .. 6A • More photos and how the photographer got there, page 9A Occupation: Owner, Obltuanes 10A Edmund T Ahee Jewelers Autos .. " .,. ..." .. 12A • Letter writers are quick to share their grief, pages 6A and SA Schools ..... ,,,...... ,13A Claim to fame: Sponsors BUSiness . .. 14A • A special, heart-wrenching "Offering from the Loft," page 6A the Capuchm Souper Summer CelebratIOn Seniors .68 fundralser for 20 year~ • Residents are not alone in their outrage, see editorial, page 6A Entertainment"." .. 78 See story, page 4A Bettejean Ahee ClaSSified ads 5C • Memories of a farm boy and his horses, page 7A

Channing senior independent apartments l,omenlenl locatIOn, beautiful grounds, ,upenor arncrntl(~ Look for our ad inSIde (810) 753-1182 July 12, 2001 2A Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week • PermiSSion to go ahead 10 years ago this week WIth constructIOn of the new Grosse POinte Central '.: •:~i Library bUIlding has been -c:;- requested of the NatIOnal I ProductlOn AdmlnlstratlOn In Washington The budding IS bemg donated to the com- mUnity by Dexter M Ferry Jr '

Hope IS that the permit WIll be received 10 time for construction on thE' rebUIld- Ing to be started by September • The City of Grosse POinte Park council approved a $2,500 budget for CIVl[ defense to cover a six-month period starting The Pointe storm July 1 Above, sights like this one on Kenwood in the The sum IS greater than Farms were common in the Pointes after storms the Park's proportlOnate blew through the Pointes on Monday. The storm. share of the overall CIVil which is being called the worst storm in Detroit defense budget, which was Edison history. brought wind gusts of 70 mph. $94021, for the six-month hall and lightning. Below, Farms pollce blocked penod The adwtlOnal allot- off Kercheval between Lewiston and Kenwood for ment WIll finance such pur- three days to prevent passersby from coming chases that are not deemed into contact with fallen electrical wires. essentials for all mUnicipalI- FLOOR SAMPLES • ONE OF A KIND ties Discontinued Styles • Special Purchases, etc. • Construction work IS progressmg on all four of the Pomte School DistriCt's LA-Z-BOY. maJor buJlwng proJects The THOMASVILLE proJect, whIch IS costing UPTO 50'/' OFF nearly $4,000,000, WIll pro- Vide new classrooms and ••• other educatIOnal faclhties for the upcommg school PENNSYLVANIA year The work IS bemg done at HOUSE OCCASIONAL Parcells JunIOr High School, the new John Monteith School, the new Kerby Park also celebrated the hol- TABLES School and the Charles installatIOn of air condition- ••• Iday WIth a parade, which Poupard School Ing condensmg umts only In UP TO mcluded fire engines, floats, reSidents' backyards The CONOVER 70'" OFF 25 years ago this week a marchmg bad, bagpipers ordmance prohibits and more than 30 antique Instalhng the condenSing • CIty offiCIals of the five cars umts In the front or Side ••• Pomtes and Harper Woods yards have recently reVlved con- 10 years ago this week The ordinance does not LEXINGTON slderatlOn of a centralIzed • Much of Grosse POinte CURIO publIc safety wspatch sys- apply to Window air condi- was left WIthout power after tem for the six-commUnity tioners or fans, but Just to what IS bemg called the area which could save central air condltlOnmg ••• CABINETS worst storm In DetrOit Units $300.000 annually Edison history The ~torm STANLEY UPTO The plan calls for a smgle brought With It 70 mph Wind 5 years ago this week 40'/' OFF pohce and fire dispatch sys- gusts, hail and IIghtnmg • The five Gros~e Pomte<; tem for the POlntes and To go along WIth the WIll be offi~J;llly ,>pared from Harper Woods, which would ••• 4 pow~r outages, re~ldents being Incorporated mto close down the rest of the faced blocked roads due to another cbstrlct court after pohce stations at 5 p m each MOOSEHEAD downed power hnes and Gov John Engler SignS the CHAIRS day It would also cut the trees and non-working traf- court reform bill pas<;ed by number of dIspatch person- fic Signals One injury was the state House and SEmate ••• nel used by the SIX commu- reported when a huge tree UP TO &0". OFF mtles by almost one-thIrd fell on a pickup truck occu- Among the reforms ongt- pied by a DetrOit Edison nally discussed was to incor- COCHRANE • The Board of EducatIOn porate the mUllIclpal courts embarked on a community- crewman In the Grosse POlntes Into WIde campaign to curb the • The Grosse POinte the district court system ••• type of student wsturbances Woods city councd ruled The five Grosse Pomte~ and DINING and vandahsm that marred agamst the request by the Eastpomte are the only LA-Z-BOY@ the last days of the 1976 Ahnosl French Ice Cream mUniCIpal courts m the UP TO school year In the Pointes and Candy Co for a parkmg state variance The ruling pro- 60'/' OFF 500 students gathered at • Grosse Pomte Park hIbits Ahnosl's from ••• South High School and one mayor Palmer Heenan mVlt- pohce officer was Injured In mstalhng seats at Its new store on Mack ed reSidents to partiCipate In HAMMARY the ruckus followmg the a speCial ad hoc committee final day of school The company asked for that WIll study the reason~ SOFAS • An estimated crowd of the variance walvmg the for last month's sewer over- ••• 25,000 people WItnessed the reqUIrement for the three flow which flooded many UP TO fireworks dIsplay at the more parkmg spaces needed basements m the Park The LAMPS 60". OFF Lochmoor Club on July 4 for food and beverages to be committee Will also revIew Spectators Jammed Parcells consumed by patrons on the the city's sewer separatIOn and Mason Schools to view Ahnosl's premIses plan, whIch IS deSigned to prevent future floodmg ••• the fireworks marlung the • The Gros~e Pomte natlOn's 200th birthday Woods city council pas~ed an PICTURES BEDROOMS The CIty of Grosse Pomte ordmance allOWing the -Matt Barry & MORE UP TO 50'/' OFF Jefferson construction digs deep Jefferson IS down to one Since Jefferson will be Jeffer~on, turn left on 10 lane at Marter and Nine down to one lane pohce Mile RULES OF SALE Mile while the new sewer antICipate a con~lderdble A SImilar hole Will be dug hnes are bemg connected to amount of congestion The • No Layaways. All Sales Final on July 16 at the mtersec- the pump statIOn thIS week mtersectlOn WIll be posted tlOn of Jefferson and RIO • All Sold "As Is" • Delivery Available WIth no left turn SIgnS both To make the connectIOn, VIsta to connect c;ewer pipes overhead and at eye level constructlOn workers WIll be to that pumpmg <;tatlon It • First Come, First Served Only con<;tructlOn trucks wggtng a hole 14-feet Wide, may al<;o be a three- to 10- WIll be allowed to turn left 38-feet long and no less than day project 20-feet deep CompletlOn IS and could cause a backup, ~o anticipated to be anywhere pohce are adVISing moton~b In thl~ drea a~ well, from three days to 10 days, to be patient, or to aVOId Jefferc;on WIll be down to one dependmg on weather and Jeffpnon altogether If a lane and flag people WIll be other unforeseen events motorist mu~t take m the area dlrectmg traffic mnpp 1Jfuruifur.e Farms to host basketball, volleyball clinics Begmnmg on Monday, Aug 10 Again the hour~ .He q 15 a m check-In The dln- July 30, the Gro'lse Pomte 1 - 3 pm and WIth a 1245 IC end~ on Fnday, Aug 10 183 South Main, Mount Clemens Farms parks and recreatIon pm check-In time The fee 1', $30 and partlcl- department IS holdmg a spe- The fee for attendmg the panh WIll recClve a t-c;hlrt Phone (810) 469-4000 clSl basketball cllmc for chmcs I~ $30 Those attend- and a final day plZ7a party Farm., youth~ The chmc mg get a t-~hlrt, dally bever- a~ part of the' fee' 1 112 miles north of Metropolitan Parkway (16 Ml Rd) runs from July 30 to Aug 3, ages and a pizza party on Tho~e wl~hmg to regl~ter and IS for kld~ between the the last day, along WIth cer- for eIther the ba_ketball or ages of 7 and 9 The seq"lons tJficate~ and award~ Space volleyball chmcs ~hould go Mon, Thurs, Fn 930 a m - 8 30 p m start at 1 p m and last two I~ hmlted to ,'W partlclpant~ to the park., and recreatIOn Tues, Wed, Sat 930 a m - 5 30 p m hours For the thIrd <,ummer, a offic{'~ at the Pier Park A ~econd chmc for kids volleyhall cllmc I~ hemg hC'twppn the hour~ of !'l 30 between the age., of 10 and offc'red The fir~t "{'''~lOn " a m and 4 30 P m • A I PrevIous Sales EXCluded' Offer Not Valid onConJunctlOl1 Wrth any Olher PromotlOl1al D,scount r;;a] ~ .AII D,scour" Are 0" Manulacturer s Suggested Aela,1 PrICeS lI!IlIiIl ~ 12 starts on Monday, Aug 6 on Monday, Aug 6, from For more mformatlOn, call and run~ through Friday, ,9 30 to 11 30 am, WIth a (3131343.2405 July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Shock, grief turn to anger following Hunt Club fire By Brad Lindberg horse poop," she saId "Intent can be Inferred by Staff Writer Kann Llnth0rst, 22, of the the fact that people know Retribution has a nice Woods, saId pUnishment fireworks cause fires" nng to It In Grosse POinte should be geared to the age Being caught shootmg off these days of those responsible, with Incendlanes In or near a Ab shock over the deadly less lenience the older they flammable area lowers the Grosse Pomte Hunt Club are bar even more fire begIns to ebb, anger IS Launchmg fireworks near building a tinderbox barn, however, Makowbkl saId prosecu- If suspIcIons of a WIde IS somethmg she won't tion In the Hunt Club case Ib I ange of sources arc true a..cept a ore'll pfl'-"lhlhty Bevond and eVIdence proves that a "I can't ImagIne anyone that, you're looking at cIvil group of teenage or 20-some- dOing something hke that," lIttgatlOn If they can Identify thmg late-night partlers said Llnthorst the people Involved" shot ofTfireworks and start- DUring sentencing, Makowski said hiS officers ed the fire that killed 19 according to Phoebe were surprised at the num- horses, cnmlnal and Civil Weinberg of the Farms, the ber of fireworks complamts actIOn wJll almost certainly Judge should conSider "the logged after the club's main follow broken hearts of those poor barn burned down Sunday, Jamee Chancey, a "horse kIds" who lost pet horses July 8, at about 4 30 a m freak" from the Farms, said, The Grosse POinte Woods "My supervisor saId Visiting TV5. left to rteht. are Clay McMWTay, manager and producer of "They ought to go to Jail" police WIll forward results of nobody called that mght to Undisputed Truth; Sylvester Potts of the Contours: Gay Grier of the Con- How long? theIr investigatIOn to the complam about fireworks," tours: Joe Harris, Pree, and Dale of Undisputed Truth; Charles Davis of the "Let's see," she saId, Wayne County Prosecutor's saId MakowskI "Yet after Contours: David Finley of the Miracles; Bobby Rogers and Tee Turner of the puttmg her hand to her office, accordmg to pubhc the fire, everybody saId fire- Miracles: Del O'Brien of Del O'Brien'. Multi-Entertainment; Jeanne Soren- chin "There were 19 horses safety dIrector Mike works were gomg off hke son, co-producer of Del O'Brien'. Multi-Entertainment; Jeannie McNeil and burned to death - 19 Makowski mad Even the guard heard Liz Aiken, hosts of "Positively Positive;" and Robert Taylor of "Out of the years One for each horse" When prosecuting an them Why didn't he caIl us? Ordinary." If the sentence IS watered arson case, proVIng mtent down to commumty serVIce, can be tough WIth fire- "There's been a bIg Chancey saId the guIlty par- works, however, the bar Isn't mcrease thIS year In Illegal ties should be put to work too high fireworks and this could be Motown stars visit TV5 bUIlding a new barn "When people use fire- an example of how danger- Motown celebs, The props donated by tehvlSlon on Fnday, July 20, at 8 . "They ought to shovel works," said MakowskI, ous they are" Contours, The Miracles station WDIV AddItIonal pm and Undl~puted Truth, plans for future shows The event IS a partial VISited the War Memonal Include expandmg the fund raIser for Inkster' Memorial fund established TV5 ~tatlOn the last week entertainment genre of the HIgh School's musIc: of June The groups were show mcorporatmg musIc department The mOnies: mtervlewed by TV5 hosts Del O'Bnen, owner of raised will purchase: to rebuild teaching program. JeaOle McNel1 and LIZ Del O'Bnen's Multl- m~trument'i for the stu-- AIken of "POSItively Entertamment, IS co-pro- dents The students Will be . A memonal fund has been engulfed the club's 100-year- "The outpounng of sup- PosItIve .. dUCing "Legends of gOing overseas With Clay_ set up to rebuild the Grosse old mam barn and killed 19 port from the commumty The .,how recently Motown" With Jeanne McMurray, manager of the' Pomte Hunt Club's school- horses, "We are mOVIng for- has been overwhelmmg," underwent a major set Sorenson performmg at Velvelettes who WIll also be ; Ing program ward to rebuild," she saId "We are all very change With background the Roostertall In DetrOit touring appreciative and thankful KIm Towar, pubhsher of The cause of the fire IS for everyone's concern." "the htUe Blue Book" tele- under investigation phone directory, has donated MIchigan State Pohce have The fund WIll be used, she $500 and IS challengIng fel- Joined Woods officers m said, "for rebulldmg the Grosse Pointers seek to take low horse lovers and busI- lookmg mto reports that ille- club's school and lesson pro- ness owners to do hkewise gal fireworks and bottle grams, and anythmg needed "My heart IS absolutely rockets were bemg shot off to make sure the program IS broken for the horses," saId near the club shortly before back up to speed" advantage of new gun law Towar, who used to raise fire burst out at 4 30 a m Ryan saId club offiCials By Jim Slickford Grosse Pomte Farms pub- weeks and show horses "I can only Wlthm a few mmutes of haven't canceled plans for Staff Writer hc safety department detec- "People thmk they can the MHJA Horse Show Aug begm to ImagIne the pam the emergency bemg report- On Mondav, ,July 2, a new tlve MIke McCarthy said stop by and get a permIt," 9-12, and MHJA Pony Show the owners must be feelmg ed, the barn was engulfed In state law regulatmg the car- that as of Monday, July 9, Fox saId "That's Just not the and Sept 8-9 The pubhc IS ThiS IS the least I can do I flames, Its contents con- rymg of a concealpd weapon the Farms has gIven out 13 case WhIle under the new inVited hope others WIll take my sumed m heat that melted went mto effelt WhIle packets What reSidents do law resldentb don't have to challenge." aluminum sldmg off a house To donate to the Grosse Grosse Pomter", have been WIth the packets IS their get a permit to purchase, Mary Beth Ryan, a Hunt nearly 100 feet away POinte Hunt Club Memonal 'takmg advantage of the new busmess and It'S now no they stili hm e to fill out Club spokeswoman and Ryan said the memonal Horse Fund, call the club at regulatIOns many have longer up to McCarthy or forms BaSIcally the only board member, said the day fund grew out of people (313) 884-9090 been surpnbed to learn that other local law enforcement thmg we have to do IS to pro- after the Sunday, July 8 fire wantmg to help - Brad Lzndberg getting a concealed weapon offiCials to follow up once a Vide a letter baying that the permIt Isn't the bureaucra- packet has been gIven person ha ... no arrest record cy-free experience they "It's up to the applicant to With our depa! tment .. Blaze thought It would be follow through once we gIve The reason the City and Grosse Pomte Shores pub- hIm or her the packet," other local mUnIcipalities Intense flames ruled out years, the barn had been From page lA hc safety director Gary McCarthy saId "In the first have to prOVide such a letter, an internal attack In a tac- moved to the Hunt Club, MItchell ...ald thilt he "IX months of thIS year, I'd Fox saId, Ib because many awoke shortly before 4.30 tiC Rosati called "surround founded m 1911 on Cook beheves many CItizens don't say we probably dealt With mUnICIpal arrests are for a m She looked from her and drown," officers wran- Road The cows were gone, understand the process SIX SImIlar requests mmor offenses and don't open bedroom WIndow to the gled hoses around the stable supplanted by polo pomes Gettmg a permIt to carry a Because we aren't responsl- generate a file With the Hunt Club less than 100 feet pounng tons of water mto ndden by gentlemen sports- concealed gun IS not Just a ble for the final hcensmg, we state's Criminal records away Heat from the fireball the barn Another firefighter men and tended by grooms matter of gOing to a local haven't been askmg people department The finger- pushed her back Alummum manned an aerial tower pnnts are reqUIred so that Club spokeswoman Mary pohce statIOn and fillIng out as to their reasons for want- sldmg melted off her house Black smoke eveJltually state offiCIal., can check the Beth Ryan and Mike of couple of form... Ing a concealed weapons JIm AmOrl, who hves a turned gray as the water permIt All we've been ask- alilpllcant to ...ee If the apph- block from the barn, woke to MakowskI, the Woods direc- took hold "Those wI~hmg to obtam a mg IS for people to document cant hab a ",tate or federal the sound of a man shout- tor of pubhc safety, said the A reSident of nearby permit mu~t go down to theIr age because the per- record Ing It was the club's mght barn met city codes Saddle Lane used a garden their county ...hentT'., office mltb are gIven only to those "I believe some people watchman, scrambling to hose to guard hiS home from On Sunday morning, as and get theIr fingerpllnts 21 and older We also ask for might be discouraged from release horses trapped In blOWIng cmders the old, dry barn, crammed taken They mu ...t abo fill a name because we want to 'ieeklng a permIt once they the barn Amon called 911, "There was no way hfe WIth straw and hay, burned, out several form' and bnng make sure It'S a Farms resI- find out that It'S harder than threw on some clothes and inSIde the barn could have Borden hoped the commo- their gun m for a ~afety dent" they thmk to get one," Fox ran to help been sustamed," saId Rosati tIOn would drown out sounds mspectlOn, a<; \\1'11 a...take a Grosse Pomte Park said "I thought someone was The roof and walls caved m of ternfied horses locked In certIfied gun ...afetv cour~e deputy director of public inSIde burnmg," said Amon to reveal a SIght no one Nancy MouradIan, chIef of wooden stalls safety DaVid Hiller said that He found the exhausted wanted to see Dead horses statT for the Wayne County "We're Just handing out hIS department has been guard hunched over a fence, lay In rows, spaced evenly, "If I were to have heard Sheriff's Department, saId informatIOn packet-. With all kept busy hy reSIdents seek- coughmg Half the barn was havmg dropped III their for- any horses In that blaze It they've been swamped WIth the forms re"ldent~ have to mg a !,c~m.t l-Ie saId that already gone mer stalls would have st:4\,ed WIth me requests for fingerpnntmg fill out," MItchell "'dld "The they've gIven out 20 packets "He'd ObvlOusly been In "Some were burned, some forever," she sa;d "The law went mto effect Shores IS mostly 10 Wayne so far the fire and mhaled smoke," not," saId AI Fincham, cruef on July 2," Mouradian saId "I go to bed at night, look County, but re<;ldent ...m the saId Amon of pubhc safety m the City "We never bothered count- 'As of Monday, July 9, we're out my wmdow and see northern part of the Village The guard reportedly said, He said the barn was "gone 109 how many" booked to take CItIzen fin- horses With theIr heads have to go to the Macomb "I tned to get them out but before officers amved " g('rpnnt'i until Oct 1 We've stlckmg out of every stall, Shenff's office We never City of Grosse Pomte pub- they wouldn't go " The watchman saved had at least 2,000 people kicking, whmnylng and mmded domg th(' paperwork hc safety department detec- At 4 30 am, Borden's three horses One had a bro- come m RIght now Wayne snortmg," said Borden reqUIred to Ib...ue a permit to tive Jim Fox saId that the daughter, Brook, 19, called ken shoulder A vetennanan reSIdents have to corne down "They frohc In the mormng purcha ..e a gun he'cau~e we City has gIven out maybe 20 pohce Three minutes later, was called to put It down to our faclhty on Henry Ruff You get attached to them I Just dIdn't get that many packets m the first week of Road 10 We..,t1and We're an officer pulled up m a The sun had been up for can't tell you how many requests Smce the' new law the new law He also said lookmg at settmg up a meet- squad car It was too late two hours when retlrmg times we thought, 'Oh, my went mto effect on July 2, the certified gun safety mg WIth local departments "The fire had gone from firefighters left behmd a God, what If there was ever we've handed out five mfor- courses he knows about are to ~ee what can be' done .. the front half of the barn to Jungle of charred and car- a fire m there '" matlOn packet, .. booked sohd for the next few the whole thmg m two to bomzed wood beams and three mmutes," said Amon planks Facmg a stable completely "Young gIrls arnved at on fire, WIth flames shootmg daybreak, crymg helplessly, from WIndows, stall doors, consohng each other," saId eatmg through wall panels Fmcham and billOWIng out the roof- The Hunt Club barn was a a condItIOn firefighters call real and sentimental touch- "fully mvolved" - the officer stone to the days when the Immediately SIgnaled a sec- adolescent Pomtes had ond and third alarm started to outgrow their Fire bells rang all over the agranan roots east Side Team£ marshaled In the 1890s, the barn from Grosse POInte Shores, housed Jersey cows on the Our IMKAMIL Harper Woods, the Fanns, ClareVlew Stock Farms at 'alty, (;:NTl~ ()J. "' ..... 17CA Specl • We ~hll' Anl1hmg Anywhere" CIty and Park Lakeshore and ClalfVlew m "The heat was tremen- Grosse Pomte Shores The WE SHIP 23210 Greater Mack dous I could feel It In the fann was owned by George JlIIl Sou1h 019 Mole • SI ClK SlIora truck 500 feet away," sald' DaVIS, a founder of the FURNITURE \\101 pa<\ ...... mdlh,lIIyIIwlg.... FIlEE Pl!tJngfront'lleIr Sgt Rick Rosati, the Farms Parke-DaVIS pharmaceuti- OlIldJvl1_.,...~ 81o-n3-33n shift commander cal company Wlthm 25 July 12, 2001 4A News Grosse POinte News A new, yet familiar face at Edmund T. Ahee Jewelers

For Bpttejean Ahee, faith, Edmund also attended the was to empower hiS chl1- some 20 years ago At that family and fflends have cer- celebratIOn with some dren He would say, "If I tIme about 1,000 people tamly been common threads friends teach them what I know and attended That number has throughout her hfe It was a comcldence that they add that towards what Increased every year More It W<1;" In fact, at a church they were In OhIO at thiS Edmund returned to Bettejean Ahee With tears m they already know, then than 6,000 people are celpbratlOn that Bettejean event, SInce they both ;,epa- DetrOlt, they began datmg her eyes Edmund passed they'll be smarter than me" expected to attend the event nwt hel hu;,band, the late rately traveled to the church For her graduatIOn, she away In 1999 It I" obvIOUS And Edmund empowered from all over metro DetrOIt" Edmund T Ahee An only from DetrOlt Iecelved an engagement that Edmund';, pa;,;,mg has hIS children Today they all The Capuchm Soup chlld, ,he trd\E'!E'd with her Bettejean wa, In high ring from Edmund SIX left a major VOIdm her hfe work at the ;,tore domg van- KItchen IS a non-profit orga- famlh to (\lll'\ OhIO, m school Edmund \\a" work. month~ late! they were mar- and that of her chIldren ous thmgs Pamela, nIZatlOn that feeds thou- 1945 tu lell'hl,ltl th£ Feast mg at an auto manufactur- rwd "Edmund was a wonderful Bettejean and Edmund's sands of people dally and i) of thl' ,\"umptlOn at Our mg company In DetlOll \\ p 'ppnt 1 glOriOUS husband, father, grandfa- only daughter, 1;' an award- also offers coun;,ehng, edu- Lady of ( UIl'o!dllOn When Bettejean dnd \( ,II' togl'ther' ,ays ther, phIlanthropist and Winning jewelry deSigner catIon, shelter, and c10thmg bu;,messman He left the whose deSigns are sold for DetrOIt's needy world a better place than f''(C'hl'''vP!v at tht' stort' One Last vear the event raised the world he was born mto " "on travels throughout $250,000 for the Capuchm .,ays Bettejean Europe as a gem buyer Soup KItchen To date, the And while Bettejean and Ahee's rema10mg five sons fundralser has raised more her children have been cop- all work at the store III van- than $3 5 mllhon for the Ing With thiS major loss m ous capaCities Capuchms their lIves, one very VISible Working as a family at the The Soup KItchen m change has taken place ;,tore ha;, been a traditIon, DetrOIt began m 1929 and There IS a new, yet famillar Just lIke some other family was the first of ItS kmd In face at the Edmund T Ahee traditions that were mcorpo- the country Father Solanus Jewelers ;,tore rated while the Ahee chll- Casey started the Soup After Edmund passed dren were growmg up KItchen by gIv10g out sand- away 10 1999, Bettejean had "Every month all of the wlches to the needy dunng a major challenge m front of children and grandchildren the DepreSSion Thday the her - trymg to create a new gather at our home to cele" Soup KItchen contmues to hfe for herself For so many brate the birthdays of the serve those III need years, she had been a stay- month It's qUite a large In additIOn to the Soup at-home mom ralsmg SIX gathenng," she says KItchen, Father Solanus sons and one daughter After After hVIng In DetrOit for Casey IS well known her children were grown, a number a years, the Ahees throughout the world for hiS BetteJcan was mvolved m moved to Grosse POinte muacles chantable work and helping where "we moved to our first Many DetrOlters who met With her 19 grandchildren house In Grosse Pomte, With Solanus while he was alIve, WhIle not previously three chl1dren and our sec- or VISited hiS graveslte In mvolved m the day-to-day and home WIth seven chl1- DetrOIt after hIS death In operatIons of the store, dren" 1957, hilve prayed and expe- BetteJean would help Upon mOVing to Grosse nenced unexplained medical Edmund With the store's dIs- POInte, the Ahees became muacles play areas and offer Ideas 1Ovolved 10 the Star of the "Every week we have peo. for promotmg products Sea parish "The parish was pIe who come Into our store When she and Edmund pur- just startmg and they hadn't who talk about Father chased the store's current even bUilt the church Solanus They talk about Grosse POinte Woods loca- Eventually they bUIlt a how he helped heal them," tIOn 10 1968, she helped church and a school Our says BetteJean "It's wonder- deSign the Intenor oldest son, Lowell, was part ful to hear these stones" • When Bettejean and Edmund Ahee purchased their store's current Grosse Today, however. Bettejean of the first class m the grade Even the Ahee family has .Pointe Woodslocation in 1968, she helped design the interior. Today, following keeps a dally schedule at the school" All the Ahee chll- experienced these medical 'her husband's death, Bettejean keeps a dally schedule at the store. store "After Edmund's dren eventually attended miracles death, the children were school there "My son John was dlag- extremely busy at the store Bemg mvolved In their nosed With a cancerous So With their encourage. church and gIVing back to brain tumor five years ago," ment, I deCided to come m the community have always says Ahee "He Immediately and help out" been Important values for had surgery to remove the "It has been a godsend Edmund and BetteJean tumor and had radiatIOn working at the store Ahee They Will remain treatments He has been Edmund would always say Important values for cancer-free for five years that he felt very blessed to Bettejean and her family and we credit that to prayer, enJoy hiS work and to also be One particular commuru- faith m God, and askmg for surrounded by famlly I ty organizatIOn that the Father Solanus to serve as a understand that now," she Ahee famIly IS Involved m IS WIndow to God," she add!> adds the Capuchin Soup KItchen "I look at my hfe and I Edmund himself worked Every year the Ahees span- know that I have been truly everyday at the store untIl !>or the annual fundralser blessed WIth family and hiS death In 1999 ThiS year It I~ scheduled for friends" Bettejean explams that Let us introduce you to the eastside's best-kept secret Fnday, July 13, at Hillcrest "Edmund died just three one of her husband's goals Banquet House Everyone IS days after the 1999 mVIted Capuchm Soup KItchen cel- in retirement living. Both Father Taillieu Residence and "It has been a pnVIlege to ebratlOn It was sucb an be assocIated WIth the Soup Important fundralser to Kitchen," says Ahee him We mtend to carry on DeSeranno Residence are located in quiet, beautiful "Edmund and I grew up by the tradition," Ahee adds the Soup KItchen and many For more InformatIOn of our friends and neighbors, about the Capuchm Sou per settings in convenient locations. Each with spacious at some pomt m thelr bves, Summer CelebratIOn stood m lIne at the Soup fundralser, contact Ahee apartments and immaculately maintained grounds KJtchen," she says Jewelers at (313) 886-4600 "We started the Capuchm or VISit www ahee- Sou per Summer CelebratIOn jewelers com plus a host of amenities including: Brochures offered on • excellent meals • activities with preventing pollution served daily transportation Boaters and anglers love brochure IS about httenng the peace and beauty of our from the land and the water weekly housekeeping chapel offering country's waterways But a and mcludes Ideas for both • • fun triP on the water can be boaters and, beachgoers A ruined when a plastic bag full-color 12- by 19-Inch utilities except phone daily services gets sucked mto an engIne's poster IS also available for • water mtake, or a hunk of postmg at waterfront bUSI- monofilament lme wraps nesses, marmas and boat optional laundry small pets allowed around a propeller clubs • • As part of ItS cont1Oumg "Both of these brochures effort to put envlTonmental- are wntten speCifically for service; free self-laundry secured entrance Grosse Point~ N~ws ly smart boating Ideas 10 boaters and anglers," said • (USPS 230.400) front of boaters and anglers, Margaret Podhch, enVIron. Published every Thur~day the BoatU S FoundatIOn for mental director of the foun- full kitchen in each apartment By Anteebo Publishers BoatIng Safety & Clean dation "We hope that mdl- • 96 Kercheval Avenue Water has recently pub- vlduals, bUSinesses and Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 hshed two free brochures, boatmg groups wIll order If you or someone you love is in the market for gracious PHONE: (313) 882-6900 "21 Steps" and "Stash Your free copies and dlstnbute Second Class POS!a~e paId al DeirOit Trash" them to help promote enVI- retirement living, please call us for more information or MIChigan and addillooal mailln~ "21 Steps" contams pollu- ronmentally 'lmart boating 000<:0< tIOn preventIOn tips on to their friends, customers Subscrlpllon Rate'S SJ7 per year via garbage, sewage, fuel, mam- or members" mi,,1 In the Metro area S65 out of a tour at 810-753-1182. G) "~roar("iI tenance and fishmg aboard For brochure copies, con- POSTMA~ TER Send address chango< boats, mcludIng establIshmg tact Sheme Gordon at (800) 10 (lfO\S{> POinte Nc\o\o!i 96 a boat rule that no trash BOAT-USA or e-maIl her at Kerche .....al Grosse POinte farms MI gets thrown overboard - Father Taillieu Residence DeSeranno Residence 48236 SGordon@BoatUS com The ~adllne {Of no"" copy" Monday even cigarette butts On a 18760 Thirteen Mile Road 17255 Common Road noon to Insure Inoli.e!1u)n ~1Ogle day la<;t year, more The Boat US FoundatIon AdvNII'SIn~ copy tor ~Ion "'0" must than 1 mllhon cIgarette for Boatmg Safety and he In Ihe ad'e<1l1mg depanmcnl b, Roseville, MI48066 Roseville, MI 48066 I~ 11ilO a m on Monday TI>edeadhne butts on our nation's beach- Clean Water a natIOnal fOf ""'crtllln~ copy 'Of Selooo ()/ In. charge 101'" a .e run 01 fueling the boat know'> uct~, and help~ boater~ learn the po1lon In roOf NOlltK ahon muSf be WhlCh deck fill IS for fuel ~pecL(i(' actlon~ they can take .-;f'wrn In '111')(' lor corr('(1l00 tn The tcl Keep only tho~c fic;h that to be safer and better ~tew lowm~ ""'" 1M .,...". no respon..t>tl !ly 0I1he l 'nseotlOn you Will eat today Release ard~ of the enVironment The G'Il<'" POI"'" New; rMel\'l'< the rtgl1l the rest for another day whLle boating noc to it(Cf>pf an .Kt\ffllsef S order Use a hard (not ablative) it L~ funded primarily by ,,"" ... Pc>nl. New. advt'rt'SI"l: repre antJ-fouhng pamt If you plan the 580,000 mcmber~ of ~alNes have no .lUlhon1y 10 bond ill" n<'WSf"'p<" and ""Iy puhlKalloo 01 an on <;crubblng the boat bot. 'BoatU S , the largest orgam- etdV(l1h'<."mC'nt shall (ooor,f,t",te 'mal tom while In the water zatlon of recreatIOnal ace eplanrt'1l'I' \ orde< The "Stash Your Trac;h" boaters In the world

• July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News 5A ~ VILLAGE FOOD HOME OF THE BELL RINGER 18328 Mack Avenue..., Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 ...,Fax 884-8392 VILLAGE FOOD : ~~ ~~~~C~~Ct~enght Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. MARKET 10IImll quanlilles Fine Wines and Liquor ' Prices in effect July 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 &. 18 2 LITER COKE CLASSIC COKE 19 $1 FRESH MEATS ia g~:~.t: tg:: + dep. FRUITS & VEGETABLES 18 PACK COKE CAN PRODUCTS Fresh cut Flowers • REG 29 SQ49 U.S.D.A. CHOICE $4 ~ 97 YOUR CHOICE • DIET + DEP. MINI.CARNATIONS '., BUNCH NEW YORK STRIP STEAKS ..•$7 LB MOLSON 118 00 12 PACK CANS ."OES 2 3 WHOLE LEG QUARTER CRAPE TOM'" PKG/~ CHICKEN LEGS••••..•••••••••••••••59~LB • CANADIAN • GOLDEN $659 • ICE BONELESS, SEASONED YOUR CHOICE + DEP. "GREEN AND RED" f 99 SEEDLESSCRAPES 99 LB. LAMB ROASTS ....•...... •...... $4 LB BONELESS, CENTER-CUT 99 ROMAINE HEARTS 2PKGf$3°° PORK CHOPS•••••••••••••••••••••••$2 LB BUTTERFLY CHOPS, PORK ROASTS, MARINATED CHOPS YOUR CHOICE 01182" LEMONS AND LlMES _ tw T

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PRODUCTION EDITORIAL CLASSifiED I)]» 882-6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISI,\G Robert G. Edgar Oil) 88H)2~ B,amar. Y.ubeck Velhackl" (113) 882 3'00 1313,882-6090 MUH\?;Lr Pubhsher John Minnis \hrglt' ReinS Smith. Pl"ter J Birkner A.lhlftl"Ln~ \hnlhlc KLn Schop Editor and General fron Velardo Kim M \1ackry A~"I...t.mt to Ihi.. A ...... l...tml Edltor/h. 'lure Edlin! Robert B. Edgar Manager A....~l<;t'nt "'hn1~l"r Ad\ lrll<;mg \t 1n 19lr Founder and Puohsher (313) 34,5'190 Chuck Klonke 'I'\d\lrtlc:,m~ I\lprl'\ll1t1t1\l (1940-1 (79) Lreg BartOSieWICZ Darren Donaldsoll, Sill£( Woter Kalhleen M Slevenson Brad Londbe,!\- SI.II I'm" AI.hlflJQnh h.lrn~nt.1tl\l Dav,d Hughe. CIRCULATION - (313) 343.5578 "'ary Ellen VanDu.en, ~~~~S~~\l~~s~I::Y James avr Slickford Staff \Vnter Pat T.pper Karla Allevogl "'hn1~t.r Ad\lrll .....lng Rlprl .....ntilll\l" \1ember C,uburban Grosse Pointe News 96 Ktf'('htul A.'\'l!! Diane Morelli, Ednonl] As....lstant Carol \1llhgen Shelley Allm.n ,~" s.papeT!>of Anwllca GI'OS.H' POinte' folJms MI 408236 Julie R Sullon ..mJ "l'ahnna] BeUy Brosseau ['motn.'adl'T Admml ...lr.1tl\(' A...,I..llnt Vol. 62, No. 28, July 10, 2001, Page 6A AJ\ ulL"'mg Rt.pn ...... nt111\\. Penny Oernck '~'\50p'fX'r Assc.XloIllO:n ~ Real life nightmare I I dIdn't sleep much last mght. helped me WIth the many fnendshlps I . After reCeIVIng the phone call establIshed In the years I spent at the from my friend tellIng me about Hunt Club I the fire at the Hunt Club. I Just We were qUite a gang of young peo- fumbled through the rest of the day, pie and dId we have fun! Before we not wantmg to beheve the horror of were old enough to dnve, we would that news, unable to accept the reality. take the bus to Provencal Road and As others called to ask if I had driven walk down to the old Ford house and by the devastation on Cook Road, I walk up the drIve to the back entrance 'numbly replied that I was Incapable of of the club There we would spend ,confronting the scene and dealmg Wlth hours goofing off With mstructors, any more emotIOns than my mmd had grooms and fnends, lying m the stalls already summoned from my past hiS- WIth our horses, gigghng at theIr SIlly tory with the club mannensms, braldmg their manes Once bitten by the horse bug, one and tails for shows, muckmg out their never recovers It happened to me stalls, feeding them, givmg them when I was about 8 years old. I thmk baths It IS an addiction and It never , my teachers notlced first when all my leaves. You never get over the urge to onglnal stones and draWlngs were touch that soft upper hp or scratch about horses For years my bedroom behmd the ears had been adorned w1th everything I grew up at the Grosse Pomte Hunt horse-related ImagJ.nable Club Many of my closest frIendships My parents finally mdulged me were forged on Cook Road I learned when I was 10 by purchasmg a retIred valuable lIfe lessons about wmnIng polo pony named ChICO It was the and losmg, about pam and suffenng I Address comments to cartoonist Phil Hands at [email protected] mId-'40s In Grosse Pomte Woods and watched m horror as a horse dIed from there were no houses on Cook Road, a helirt attack In front of me I broke Just two lIvery stables and the Hunt bones Jumpmg whIle preparIng for a Club I kept ChICO at HIll's Rld10g show, cracked nbs m shows, fell III Letters Stable, next door to Hartz's stable and love several tImes WIth nders who took the bus each day after school to came from afar for the big June Horse And now you are gone fide and groom my wondrous pony. Show. In memory of 'Remembering Your worst fear, a fire, has When It became apparent to my par- I flipped a 1941 Plymouth on what To the Editor: To the Editor: taken you away I know that ents that thiS was no passmg fancy used to be a muddy path and IS now a On behalf of the officer,;, now you are With the crow~ and theIr daughter was totally hooked part of Ballantyne. We even pretended board of dlrector~. member'> For My Friends Through my tears. on bemg an equestnan, they jo1Oed we were fox hunting, when m truth It and staff of the Gros'>e through my pam, as hard as the Hunt Club and ChICOand I moved was drag thb pa.,t week Do you remember how sad A friend of the crows In the country and my parents bought a carrot A couple of nbbons, a crop, a that I wa~ and your nuzzle me a senous horse I thought I would ndlllg boot and a black velvet hat Please remember the fol- and nod to have your head never surVIve partmg WIth my pony hang above my computer m an lOWing members' borse ... scratched changed my For those even though the chOIce had been mme upstaIrs office Old habIts dIe hard Spud, Scotty. Tally, Ziggy mood? I remember My parents were unwIlhng to feed two Were they wonderful tImes 10 an Chester, Prmce. Anme, Do you remembel how I grieving Slick. Handsome. Boo laughed when you found the horse<. and I wanted to start shOWIng average lIfe that grow extraordmary To the Editor: Radley, Austin, Indiana and peppermlnt~ In my pocket It was one more lesson 10 growmg up WIth the embellishment of memory? I The followmg poem IS Bayfire. and club/family and d"kt'd to have one? I and a sad one don't thmk so. ThiS heart aches for written for those gnevmg hor<;e<; PhIl. Bart. Sha~ta. remember from The Grosse POinte Bnarmmt came 1Oto my lIfe at the every horse, every rider, every ammal Arthur, Eddie and Callie Do you remember your perfect tIme He was a work1Og hunter lover and every member of the Grosse frwnd ... when they saw me Hunt Club fire of July 8 and opened countless doors for me He Po1Ote Hunt Club. I pray there IS some The outpourmg of ~upport come back With a bag of pep- ;was a 9-year-old bay geldmg WIth a way that thIS commumty WIll find a from the commumty at large permint" and they wanted When Horses Die :gentle dIspOSItIOn and for years was way to salvage thIS histonc treasure has been overwhelmmg We their ...too? I remember When horses die, are all very appreclatlvP and :my closest fflend Bnar gave a young There 18 stIll a pulse there Do you remember when I children cry, thankful for everyonp\ con. hrought my granddaughter no matt"r how old they :glrl confidence when she felt awk- cern We are very gratl'ful :ward, made me feel proud when I won Lauren E. Chapman to "ep vou. <;he was "cared are for the local public <;ervlce and yo~ were <;0gentle? I :the club champIOnshIp and no doubt Offering from the Loft They Iemember the eyes, support rl'member the carrots and apples, Do you rrmemher when I the nudges and SIghs The Gro<;<;ePomte Hunt would- ride my bIke to see The strokes of the brush, i Equestrian works hotline Club )', commItted to Ih you calling to you a~ I lode 8mooth, soft, velvet , long-,>tandmg hi'>toryof pa" : A Grosse Pomte vetennary student She saId the Hunt Club fire was a up. only to watch a" you <;trokes, "Ion for thp eque~tflan ~port (amp to thp wmdow to "ee ~whose horse dlC'd m the Hunt Club fire "shock1Og tragedy that caused mtense the grateful, patient and WIllcontmup to provldl' mp? I rpmpmher moves tbelongs to a '>upport group for people gnef for people whose lIves have been an excel1rnt vpnue for tom. Do yOU remembE'r when I fflend<;hlps never lose tgnevmg over lo...t pets blessed by mvolvement With those hors- petitIOn brought my fflend<;,my WIfe. How horrific a 'nghtl ~ The volunteer group of vet en nary stu- es" mv family and you treated Leave page~ on the mind Wp are movln~ forward to :dents operates a pet loss support hot- Horse owners weren.t be the only ones Ihl'm the "amp, :lnd they rmng from the ashes olme affected. she said "The horses ~t the rebUIld Wr remam commit would I,lugh? I rpmpmbel Not '>moke,not emptmess ted to thl' ho<;tmg of our : "The anlmab at the Hunt Club were club are a part of the cIty Everyone 1)0 vou rpmcmhPr all of but flch, wonderful memo- Augu<;t Hor,;p Show brgm. ~an Important part of a lot of people's always stops by to feed them or take a thl' vc'al" Wl'hn\p donp thl<;? ne" nlng Thur,>dnv, Aug q .hves," saId Sarah Babcock. 24, who lost look" Do you rpmpmbpr thE'fir"t and peace 10 every heart through tbe 12th In the time' you talkpd to mc" Up With the sprnt ~her horse of 12 year .... Talley. Sunday In additIOn to a hothne, the group MH,JA CirCUit and thl Do you rpmpmhpr thp fir'>t reachInI{ above the clouds, :mornmg "I had her half my lIfe" holds a monthly support group MH.JA Pony Show Sppt R tlmp I h"tcned? : A Shores reSIdent, Babcock attends Call (5171 432-2696 from 7 to 9 pm, I'"a love forever, and 9 The pubhc I'>welcome Do yoU rpm('mbrr whpn I that fI,;e<;In the sky hetennary school and law school at 1Uesday through Thursda)' to attend would ndr away .lnti you A love that fide'> In the ~Mlchlgan State UnIversIty Calls at other tImes Will be returned Mary Beth Ryan would call out to mr ,md I wmd t She volunteers for the vet school's Pet Due to fundmg mnstramts, long dIS- Grosse Pointe would I.lUgh hl'cau"p you a love that never dies Hunt Club ;Loss Support ServIces The group helps tance call-backs WIll be made collect I~erp gonna get me In trou- Board Member hl('? tpeople overcome the loss of a pet - Brad IAndberg See LEITERS, page 8A • back agam sometlmel" respect fire and the danger ammal there was He was a favonte With "city kids" who Later, Dad received a bn- It represented Idiots were afraid of the more can- dIe and bIt With a steel chm No one would have ever tankerous pornes piece, a present from the smoked near the barn If you Then there was Dan, a Thleles are lookmg for somethmg to and their geldmg who was a former My daredevIl younger go up m flames faster than race horse He didn't know brother, Dave, used to stand parchment, It'S an old barn the meamng of whoa, stop or on the pasture gate and walt Not only IS the wood old and fireworks I halt, you stupid horse Once for Dan to come near When dry, but the barn IS filled Say he started runmng, he he did, Dave would Jump on It IS believed that the with dry hay and straw John Minnis couldn't be stopped Dan's bare back, armed With deadly combmatlon of fire- Even the dust, hke a old Once my dad was ndlng nothmg but a short stick He works and recklessness IS mill, IS explosive would use the stIck to guide would soon gIVe up him when Dan, qUite of hiS the cause of the fire that lev- Havmg cared for horses - But dogs, cats and horses Dan to the far back corner of eled the Grosse POinte Hunt Did you ever notice how own mmd, took off through dS well as cow", pigS, chick- were different They were the pasture much faster It was to get neighbors' wheat field Their Club barn and kllled 19 ens, ducks and rabbits - 1 there for pleasure - hope- Once there, he would turn fully as much theirs as ours back to the barn than It was CIrCUitoUSroute through the horse early last Sunday can sympathize with the Dan around and race back to mornmg We always mourned the loss gomg? Our pomes had an field could be followed by the poor mght caretaker at the the gate as fast as Dan could of a dog, eIther through get- uncanny sense of dlrectlOn trampled gram - and thiS I can't beheve the "tupldl- Hunt Club The ammals fly Near the gate, Dan tmg hIt by a car, Illness or We could go roammg about was long before today's ty of anyone settmg off fire- must have been In sheer ter- would slam on all four feet, the field and woods for "UFO" field markmgs works near a barn (In fact, I ror It's a wonder the care- Just "wandenng off" sklddmg to an abrupt halt The loss of a horse due to hours, but the minute we After a long nde WIth my can't understand anyone taker wasn't trampled to mches from the gate playmg with fireworks to death m hiS efforts to save mJury or Sickness was trau- turned In the dIrectIOn of dad standmg m the stirrups anJ pulling on the rcms as Dave would laugh a" If It begm with) the ammals matic hUIllt:, )uu\l bt:Ut:1 be hdng- Ing on, because off they hard as he could, Dan final- were the best fun m the 1 grew up on a farm We On the farm we took a When we were kids, we ly eXited the wheat field and world, and they would go had a 90-year-old farmhouse each had our own pony went' practical attitude toward CIrcled around the back of back for another tnp Dan and a 100-year-old barn ammals We knew that They were ornery, but we I remember we picked up the neighbors' house As must have enjoyed It, too The homeowners' m"urance many were raised for food loved them anyway They an old, retired quarter horse luck would have It, they Sure, thiS was not show on both was high and would be sent to the would dart under low doors named George He must were unloadmg their car ndmg, but It sure was enJoy- Why? Because they were meat packer eventually and hmbs, rub agamst trees, have been 6-feet tall We needed a step ladder, tree from a shoppmg tnp when able growmg up With horses fire hazards, or at least Although we would name all fences and walls and even stump or cupped hands to Dan sent groce~s flymg, and pomes Too bad It takes prone to burn easily From a our ammals, we were care- roll over m an attempt to help get on But we he was and Mrs Thiele, bemg a a tragedy to brmg these httle guyon, I and all my ful not to Ulove" them as dislodge us But we grew the gentlest, most peaceful good neighbor, yelled, "Come memOrIes floodmg back brothers were taught to pets wIse to theIr tactiCS and they

Grosse Pointe News TheOp.Ed Page. July 12,2001, Page 7A

__ f.~_i b.Y B.e.n.B.ur_ns

etc" and modern motors and The DetrOit News senes tms Pond fantasies bubblers has slmphfied week "East Ferry Avenue of When art and sCience water gardens over the past Dreams~ by Michael H. mtersect, It sometimes cre- decade, but they are still a Hodges and Joy ates speCial beauty The lot of work BUSinesses have Hakanson Colby Michigan KOl and Pond sprung up to mamtain your It re.tells the story of Clubs Southeast Chapter pond Just as SWimming pool Dexter Mason Ferry, who demonstrated that by show- services maintam pools pIOneered the notion of mg off nme Be careful about launch- puttmg garden seeds mto pnvate gar- mg mto a "water feature" - colorful packages and sell- dens of you may not know where mg them to gardeners So Grosse POInte you'll end up The LaVlns we can blame hIm In part for members last started their water garden the patches of dlrt we call Saturday to m a whiskey barrel more gardens He and later hiS benefit than 10 years ago Then children were notable con- Servmg Older Dolores Lavm deSIgned and tnbutors to the DIA and the Visit the Grosse Pointe Dogs website: http://gpdogs.keenspace.com CItizens bUilt two small ponds con- Grosse Pomte hbrary sys- (SOC) nected by a stream With a tem, among other causes Perhaps a Ben BurDS small waterfall m 1992 The News senes also thousand N ow they have a third pond recounts the m!>tory of the No death penalty for Andrea Yates folks from across Michigan, With a 12-foot long water- Hecker-SmIley mansIOn on In my prevIOus column, I and a few other specialIsts OhIO and other pomts took way next to their picture Woodward, now home to the hazarded a companson and those who have hved advantage of the chance to wmdows so they can watch law firm of Charfoos & between Andrea Yates, the With severely depressed amble through beautIfully year-round Christensen, which renovat- young mother who kIlled all people know the full extent landscaped. yards that If you are stIll fantaslzmg ed the French chateau- of her young children, and of their misery What they mcluded features like bab- about becommg a "ponder," styled home and camage TImothy McVeigh, who feel IS beyond our compre- blmg brooks, waterfalls, bog get adVIce from the experts house m 1990 about a centu- kIlled 168 of hIS fellow henSIOn, a mental pam of plants, water hhes, foun- You can Jom the 75 house- ry after It was bUilt Amencans I volunteered hopelessness and despaIr tams, tadpoles, crayfish, holds m the Michigan KOI & In today's dollars, the an educated guess that both and a peSSimism that pre- frogs, goldfish, turtles, kOl, Pond Clubs for $25 and start 20,988-square-foot mansIOn were mentally III, Without cludes any pOSSibIlIty of comets and even a group gettmg theIr newsletter for and 5,721.square-foot car- explammg why I thought bemg happy, sane or normal playmg renaissance music $25 a year The club usually nage house at 5510 one deserved the death advance m cIVlhzatlOn, agam Stephen and Nancy meets monthly from March Woodward cost about $2 7 penalty and the other did treating a mentlllly III per- Such a mental state Hansen, Bill and Mary Jo to November m members' million to bUild and was not son different from a person almost always IS connected Rennolds and Tom homes The contacts are called "Hecker's Folly,~ Clearly, McVeigh commlttmg a cnme "in hiS With a severe neurocheml- Wruble and Connie Mike or Sylvia Paddy at according to descendants of deserved the death penalty nghtmmd" callmbalance, a state which Harkness of the Woods, (248) 646-7675 neighbors and Yates does not The McVeigh was not ObVIOUS' IS really on a phYSical Carolyn House and Sam Ben Burns, of the Ctty of cnmes were very different, Iy out of hIS mmd, but he (Imbalance of bram chem- and Virginia Moti of the Grosse Pomte, IS dlrecwr of as were their respectIve was really out of hiS mmd IStry) baSIS, which IS usual- Farms, Paul and Doris Ferry Seeds the JournalISm program at Impacts on the public mmd to thmk that he could wage ly mhented and often undi- Lavins of the Park and If you are mIssed It and Wayne State Unwerslty and As 1 stated before, With war or make a pomt by agnosed and out of control John and Marlene Boll, you are Interested m the lus. can be reached at McVeIgh It was a case of blowmg up a federal bUlld- In thiS case Upostpartum Rob and Sue Brown and tory of Grosse Pomte faml' burnsben@home com or by The People vs TImothy mg HIS psychopathology depreSSIOn" was descnbed Russ and Peg Noble of the hes, you should check out phone at (313) 882-2810 McVeigh The federal gov- could be descnbed m many two years ago With the Shores all volunteered their ernment IS The People and ways that hIS feehngs were birth of her fourth child, yards to benefit the semor McVeIgh declared war on overly mtense because of but most often thiS condl' programs. at the us Killing 168 of us, cold- neurochemICal Imbalance, tIon IS merely the exacerba- Neighborhood Club bloodedly, mahclOusly and that hiS thmkmg was not tion of an underlymg chron- The Nobles' pond IS a good meticulously planned, the ratIOnal due to an excess of IC or cyclic depreSSIOn, not example of the meetmg of story fits the defimtlOn of narCISSism or feehngs of usually thiS severe, so m art and sCience Russ Noble first-degree murder He grandIOSity, or that he was thiS case the seventy could spent a career as an automo- knew what he was domg, he workmg really hard to over- eaSily have been underestI- tIve engmeer and runs hIS FOR YOUR PAST,YOUR PRESENT knew that for most' of us (99 come or hide deep-seated mated own consultmg firm Four AND THE NEXT THOUSAND YEARS percent) It was wrong, and feehngs of madequac)' In severe depreSSIOn, the years ago, he got the urge to he dld It anyway, knOWing McVeigh conSCIOusly and conditIOn can spIral down have a pond m the backyard the consequenre" He con- delIberately refused to take raplrlly Without adequate of their Shores home So hp fessed and wanted the con. the msamty defense, and so ongomg psychotherapy and sat down and deSigned one sequences, hopmg to dIe a such a defense, even though medicatIOn Then he hued the Charles hero and a martyr, a failed It would probably not have Most people wonder what F Insh Landscapmg Co to cause been persuasIve, was pOSSI- depreSSIOn ha" to do With send seven strong men mto It could have been argued ble He fired hIS lawyers wantmg to kill your kids hIS yard to dlg It, and he got that what he did was the and dId not cooperate With When lOgiCand ratIOnal hiS fnend Hansen, who also product of mental illness, them because takmg hIS thmkmg are destroyed by owns Great Lakes that he suffered from a con- pumshment was part of hiS the excess of negatIve feel- Waterscapes, to help With ditIOn that gave hIm an plan Consldermg the mag- mg, the desperate person the waterfalls "IrresIstIble Impulse" That mtude of hIS cnmmal act thmks hke thiS I am miser- The result was a 1,400- concept IS from a modern and hIS lack of remorse, able, I can't hve thiS way, I gallon water garden lined denvatIve of the Bntlsh there was httle chance a can't stand It any longer, With Canadian ledge rock McNaughton Rule, the JUry of hiS peers would I'm not functlOmng as a With two small waterfalls Durham deCISIon excuse or exonerate him mother, nobody reahzes and 50 goldfish and comets In McNaughton, the per. In stark contrast With how bad It IS, my kIds must (a type of fish) The tour son IS not responSIble by McVeIgh was the pitIful be suffenng hke me, we are brochure descnbes It as "an vutue of msamty If he or creature we all 'law on tele- all mIserable and hopeless, excellent example of a low she I" of "uch a mental con. VISIOn,a depressed woman I Will do them a favor by mamtenance, hIgh tranqUil- dltlon as to not to be able to clearly out of her mmd takmg them out of thiS Ity pond In a lovely garden" recognize the consequences What pOSSible purpose world and returnmg them But hstenmg to Russ THE THREE-STONE DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY RING of hiS or her actIOn and not could there have been to to God Isn't It true that NonIe explam to one would- to able to dIfferentIate murder all of her chIldren? thiS hfe IS only brIef and be "ponder," as they call between nght and wrong It IS hard to beheve she , temporary? My chIldren are themselves, about mtroduc- In the case of the onglnal actually did It, consldenng still young and mnocent, mg microbe" to eat the pat scott~ Jewelers McNaughton deCISIOn,the the fact that she was they have not 'lmned, they algae, bubbling the pond m defendant wa" clearly psy- descnbed by a credible hus- WIll go nght to heaven and the Winter so It won't freeze chotic and kIlled someone band as bemg a wonderful our Lord WIll take care of over and kIll the fish and because he thought God mother most of the time them I may be kllhng their mamtammg the lovely requested It It was a prod. FamIly photographs gave bodies, but they still have plantmgs makes you con- 19495Mack. Grosse POinte Woods. 313-881.5882 uct of delUSIOn and hallUCI- credence to the Image of a Immortal souls clude "low maintenance" IS a nation HIS total condItIOn happy family As recently as Why dIdn't she kIll her- relative term sel~ She probably didn't made mental Illness obvl' thIS February, she made Certamly modern technol. www patsco!lJewelm com ou<; The McNaughton Rule cute Valentmes for all of ogy WIth pond liners, was thought to be an her kids Only psychlatnsts See DR. BLOOM, page 8A motors, sCIentific feedmg, July 12, 2001 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

From page 6A fire I happened to read a one thing mtssmg They are aplst for over 30 years I short story from "Chicken not with the special person Dismayed have counseled hundreds of Thanks a love between horse and Soup for the Pet Lover's To the Editor: chents with severe depres- man, who loved them on Earth So Soul" that, even though It each day they run and play I was dismayed to read sIOn Many contemplate for winning a partnershIp forever reads for dogs and cats, until the day comes when Dr Bloom'!> column, "She harmIng themselves to be RIde on, fide on could still apply to thIS cIr- one suddenly stops playmg wasn't 10 her nght mmd," nd of the emotIOnal pam, donations Margherita J. Wiszowaty cumstance and looks up! Then, the nose prmted In the June 28 Issue but none have fashIoned 10 To the Editor: Grosse Pointe Woods twttches' The ears are up I of the Grosse POInte News theIr mmds any acts even The drawmg for the TI,e Rainbow Bridge The eyes are staring! You VIrtually JustifYing Andrea remotely as wanton as per- Grosse Pomte Soccer To ease the pain ha~e been seen, and that one Yates' heartless murder of formed by Ms Yates ASSOCIatIon Soccer Camp There tS a brtdge connect- her five mnocent chIldren as If we want to understand To the Editor: suddenly runs from the Raffie was held on Saturday, IIIg heat-en and Earth a result to severe deples- Ms Yates' motivatIOns, we With the tragIc loss of 19 group! June 2 The lucky WInners It tS called the Rambow swn must look well beyond the horses m the recent fire at You take him or her In were KrIsten Shendan, BrIdge because of tts many your arms and embrace Dr Bloom deftly shIfted slmphstlc thmkmg proVIded Peter Belerwaltes, Nora the GrO~be POinte Hunt color6 Just thIS side of the the blame for these deaths by Dr Bloom and other so- Club, many of u...are expen- Your face ISktssed agalll and Belerwaltes, Alyssa Bruno, Ralllbow Brtdge IS a land of to a society that msufficlent- called enhghtened mdlV1du- enCUigSimilar emotiOns for again and agam, and you Greg Carmody, Ellen meadows, hllls and valleys. look once more mto the eyes Iy bupport!> a mental health als SWItalski, and Danny boU! the ammalb and the all of tt covered wtth lll~h tr0'ltfl)pnt "v-tern Jost'ph AUf, \f's.W., owners A pet ot any type IS of JOur tru~t ..ng jJr..t BltJnnan green grass Then, together, you cross the ThIS type 'of fallaCIOUSrea- A.C.S.W. These Grand PrIze WIn- a loved and cared for family When a beloved pet dies, somng IS called psycholOgI- member who always gwes Rambow Bndge, never City of Grosse Pointe ners have won one week the pet goes to thiS lovely agam to be separated cal reductIOnIsm, that IS, camps at one of the follow- It...uncondItIOnal love land There lS always food "ChIcken Soup for the Pet reducmg all behaVIOrs, mgcamps I have always found It alld water and warm sprtng regardless how complex, and extremely rewardIng to have Lover's Soul" IS a collectiOn An asset Uruverslty LIggett Soccer weather There, the old and of short stones about pets as In thIS In.,tance monstrous, Camp, Sauk Valley Sports an aOimal In my life The frail alllmais are young to psycholOgIcal reasons To harde~t part of havmg a pet teachers, healers, heroes to community Camp, Oakland UnIversity agam 'fhose who are and fnends The author IS then shIft the blame for the Soccer Camp, Total Soccer J-. always bavmg goodbye maImed bre made whole To the Editor: unknown I hope It will help chIldren's deaths to an IgnO- Summer Camps, Steve The ownel ~ of the horseb dId once more They play all day For nearly two years, those mvolved heal rant and heartless socIety IS Adolph/Grosse Pomte Soccer not have thl., chance WIth each other, content and almost beyond belIef Grosse POInte Farms resI- The afternoon after the Kim Mackey dents have been }nconve- Camps, and one of two comfortable There IS only Grosse Pointe News I have been a psychother- Olenced and aggravated by camps offered by the DetrOlt the Sewer SeparatlOn Rockers Project Grosse Pomte Soccer We have had to reroute ASSOCIatIOn(GPSA) would our dnvIng, have our dem- lIke to thank the dIrectors of aged cars repaired, look at these camps as all were ThomasviOe's torn-up streets and yards for donated to the assocIatIOn months and, In some cases, All proceeds from the raffie find water m our basements benefit GPSA programs Although we all know thIs Marlann D'Hondt was state mandated, It was, Fund-raising Director nonetheless, extremely Grosse Pointe stressful to hve under these Soccer Association condItIOns However, the good news is that it ISalmost over and we Bike etiquette have survived. We have sur- To the Editor: VIved10 good part because of the tireless efforts of Mr I am writing regarding Solak and Mr Leonard to bicycle etiquette wlule nd. ease the concerns of the res- Ing a bicycle on the \S1de. olstery Sale idents. To say that they have walk. i endured a dIfficult two years Last week wmle walkmg IS an understatement on Lakeshore, I was almost Mr Solak is the most pro- hit from behmd by two feSSIOnal, patient, kindest, young men on dIrt bikes ~/NAL DAYS, SALE ENDS SUNDAYl helpful person anyone could One passed me on the left ever hope to know. and the other on the ngh~ at Throughout all of ttus tur- a Ingh rate of speed when I When you buy anyone piece of upholstery at moIl he has never been WIth- was about to turn the corner out a smde, a sense of con- to go down my street. cern and understanding They never uttered a and, most Importantly, an sound to warn me of ..theIr 400/0 OFF even temper winch let the approach, and If I ~httd reSIdents know that their turned a half-second s~ner problems would be taken I would have been hit you'll get the 2nd piece at care of He never falled to Please let the wdtker return a phone call even know you are passmg well In though his days were very advance so that they caq long. step out of"the W!.r.,IA~ 500/00FF* parents' sliould aame"llf~ (second piece at equal or lesser value) The same can be saId about Mr Leonard HaVIng children to do the same, or to deal duectly with the Rlc- have a bell on theIr bikes Man contractors on a dally Carole J. Tech baSIS had to be extremely Grosse Pointe Shores Thomasville has dIfficult He always kept a the works ... level head and tned hiS best to appease the reSidents When H comes to upholstery furmture, we .. II the worl.s whIle workmg WIth these Letters Sofas Lov ... a" Cha .... men, who seemed only inter- Rockers Sleepers Onom'"$ ested in coming 1Oto the CIty welcome leather One of our grealeR and getting the Job done The Grosse Pointe strengths 1$our .. I an«T mdJlde, 22 Staff Wnter sume the 18th century hor~es "tood locked m theIr Mark Carter hve~ on wooden barn wooden stalls Peach Tree Lane 10 GI o~~e "We got dre~"ed a" qUltkly Accordmg to numerous pomte Wood~, about 100 a~ pO~~lble and ran toward I eports, attempti> by the yards from the Gro,,~e the Hunt Club barn, about club employee to evacuate POinte Hurlt Club'" maIO 100 yal ds away We could the dOlmab ~aved only bam feel the heat on three The fnghtened horsei> At about 4.30 d m , Mornlng"lde," ~dld Carter a structure what had always Sunday, June 8, Carter ,md The fire, whIch had been been a place of comfort and hIS WIfe, Laune, were awak- roanng, wa" raging The ~afety ened by their 13-year-old barn wa~ con~umed Rei>cue efforts were daughter, Je"Slca She'd "I i>aw a man standmg on defeated by the spread of heard a man screammg out- the avenue,» saId Carter flames SIde 1he unknown man, who ArT!vmg fireflgnLel" "She saId the hou"e next indIcated he wa" a club fought to con tam the fire door was burmng to the employee, saId he'd been They had no hope of saving ground,~ smd Carter unable to do anythmg lIfe mSlde The fanllly ran to the wm- because the fire got so hot so Carter's photos show how dows of Jesi>lca's room qUIckly the fireball ht the neIghbor- The walls of the hallway "He saId he saw horses get hood along Cook Road An and bedroom were orange out (of the barn),» saId Image shows an exhausted from the nearby flames Carter firefighter restmg on the Laune called 911 She Carter ran home to get hIS step of a pumper truck told the operator a house dIgItal camera He returned Another officer drmks water was on fire to the i>cene as he'd found It, from hIS helmet "The woman on the phone only worse Lastly, Carter shot the saId, 'No, It'S the Hunt The Hunt Club a few remams, a clump of burned Club,'" saId Carter hour" before daybreak was a and bulldozed beams that Even wIth theIr wmdows ~tene of kaos and terror until Sunday mormng had closed and aIr condItioner Flames were makmg theil' stood In the Grosse Pomtes runmng, the famIly could way qUIckly through the smce the 1890s Photos by Mark Carter July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News 10A Obituaries ties were, It was her good Guam, TIman and Okmawa where she was a member of Standmg 6 feet, 9 mches, 82 heart and reslhent spmt He was In the Anny five Kappa Alpha Theta She WIth a dlgmfied, bearIng Mr Lowe was born and that mspired her fellow stu- years, reachmg the rank of received a degree m fine arts and boommg VOIce,a hearty raIsed m Sagmaw He grad- dents to elect her homecom- sense of humor and a love uated from St Mary's sergeant major m 1939 Mrs Pongrace was a mg queen m her seruor year for people, Mr Johnson wa~ College 1Il Wmona, Mmn, After the war, Mr member of Grosse POInte Ms Solomon would have a premier salesman of chem- WIth a bachelor's degree m Montgomery returned to the MemOrial Church, the begun classes at the Ical products for the Udyllte busme~s admmIstratIOn He TImes and served as NatIOnal GuIld of UnIversity of MichIgan thIS Corp III Warren where he al~o ~erved In the U S Lansmg correspondent and Decoupeurs, Sigma Gamma, fall eventually served as VIce Manne~ dUrIng World War columnist He also worked the U-M Alumna Club, and Ms Solomon struggled preSident In 1981, he II and fought m battles on for the now-defunct the Fnends of the Grosse With kIdney dIsease from founded Qum-tec Inc of several PaCIfic i"lands, InternatIOnal News Service Pomte Public Library She age 4 and received a trans- Includmg Iwo Jlma Mr Montgomery earned a Warren As pre~Ident and enjoyed knIttmg, needle- plant of her mother's kIdney Mr Lowe had a diverSified bachelor's degree III agrIcul- CEO, he guided the compa- pomt, decou page , gardenmg at age 11 She was dIag- bu"mess career He worked ture from Michigan State ny to ~uccess as a developer, and volunteenng nosed WIth Hodgkms lym- m ~ales and finance for sev- UmversIty He tned daIry manufacturer and seller of Survivors mclude a phomam May eral DetrOit area compames farmmg for a <;hort time, chemical products to the daughter, Ann (DaVid Male) As Ms Solomon struggled plating commumtv before becommg partner and then moved back mto wnt- Pungl dce, and t\\ 0 gr:md w1th he:llth 1«11e5 dllnng VIce preSident of Glbb's mg as publiCIty dllettul fUI Mr John~on supported children, Garrett F Male the last weeks of the school the Capuchm Soup KItchen World WIde Wme" OrIgInal Dodge cars and tI ucks for an ad agency In 1952, he Jomed and Sarah E Male, all of year, students showed theIr and served as trustee of the DetrOIt ~tore He JetIl ed Shushan, N Y She was pre- support by foldmg ongamI Morris Jacoby Chrysler Corp pubLIc rela- Fnends of AssumptIOn Inc , from Glbb'~ m 1985 deceased by her husband, paper cranes m the spmt of whIch raises funds for Mr Lowe IS survlVed by tIOn" ~taff, where he remamed for 27 years, n~- Otto W, 111 1999, and a son, the book, "Sadako and the AssumptlOn HIgh School He hIS WIfe of 25 years, Zema, mg to manager of mdustrIal Fredenck H , In 1983 Thousand Paper Cranes. Morris Jacoby also partiCipated m a group two ~tepdaughters. PatrIcIa pubLIc relatIOns After retlr- A memonal servIce WIll be PnnCIpal Caryn Wells Grosse POinte Park reSI- that sIlently supports the Chargot and Karen mg [10m Chrysler Corp m announced at a later date encouraged students to dent Morns Jacoby died of actIVItIes of Angel's Place, GauthIer. two ~tep"ons, 1979, he Jomed the firm PR Bunal Wlll be In Evergreen strmg the colorful show of heart failure and pneumo- an orgamzatlOn that pro- Mark Chargot and Clem As~oclate~ a~ a group Vice Cemetery m Salem, NY concern along the school cor- rua at RIvervIew HospItal In VIdes a lovmg home and care Chargot. a mece, Mary preSident untIl 1990 Funeral arrangements are ndors DetrOIt on Saturday, June 2, for developmentally dIS- Myers, 14 gIandchIldren, a Mr Montgomery was past bemg handled by McClellan "In her short life, she 2001 He was 84 abled adults grandniece and two grand- preSident of the PublIc Funeral ServIce m Salem taught us more than we Mr Jacoby was born In "If you had Don as a nephews RelatlOn~ SOCIety of Amenca MemOrIal gIfts may be taught her," said hel' moth- Seneca Falls, NY, and fnend, you had a fnend for A funeral Mass for Mr m DetrOit and was a winner sent to the Jack Miner er, Pamela "She taught us attended hIgh school IS hfe," saId Patnck Norton, a Lowe WIll be held Thursday, of Its ~lIver anVIl award; a MIgratory BIrd FoundatIon, to hve hfe to the fullest and LoUisa, Va He was retired classmate, busmess partner July 12. at St Lucy Catholic past commander of the KingSVIlle, Ontano, Canada, to tnumph over adverSity from the Greater DetrOIt and longtIme fnend Church m St CLaIr Shores Arnellcan LegIon Post 372, a N9Y2E8 WIth a pOSItIVe attItude" Landscapmg Co and Survivors mclude hiS He WIll be buned m past pre~Ident of Box 12 SurvIVors Include her enjoyed fishmg fiancee, Sandra Lozo\\ of Re"urrectlOn Cemetery m ASSOCIates and the Players mother, Pamela, her father, Mr Jacoby IS sUrvIved by Harbor Spnngs, a daughter, Clmton 'fowllhhlP and a past board member of JIm, two brothers, Tom and hiS wIfe, Florence, two Juhe (Donald) Rocap of Memonal gifts may be the St Andrews SOCiety of JIm Jr, two grandmothers, daughters, Margaret Kmg Wmnetka, Ill, a son, ;,ent to the Capuchm Soup DetrOIt, the Southeast 21 aunts and uncles and 23 and Lmda, two sons, DaVId MIchael of DetrOIt. a broth- KItchen, 1820 Mount Elliott, cousms and Gary, two Sisters, Mary er, Thomas M (Dolores), DetrOit 1\11 48207 MIchIgan chapter of the A funeral Mass for Ms Jones and Nettle Tramum, three grandchIldren, Sarah Amencan Red Cross and Solomon was celebrated and a brother, Paul Rocap, Kathenne Rocap and GOOdWIllIndustnes He also Tuesday, July 10, at Our Funeral arrangements Patnck Rocap, and SIX chaIred commIttees for the Lady Star of the Sea were handled by Verheyden meces and nephews AmerIcan Cancer SOCIety, Catholic Church. FUMral Funeral Home A funeral Mass for Mr the Boy Scouts of Amenca arrangements were handled Johnson was celebrated and the Untted Way by Verheyden Funeral Fnday, June 1, at St Joan of "He had the driest Wlt and Arc Cathohc Church In St that made hIm one of the Home Memonal gIfts may be Clair Shores most eIIJoyable people," SaId MemOrIal gIftS may be hiS son, Jeffrey "He really sent to the Grosse Pomte sent to Angel's Place, 25140 had a deep sense m canng North HIgh School Band Lahser, SUite 232, for hIs fnends as well as and Orchestra Program Southfield, MI 48034, anyone who was m need of Fnends of AssumptIOn, 1100 assIstance" Huron Church, Wmdsor, SUrvIvors mclude hiS sec- OntarIo, Canada, N9C2K7, ond WIfe, Kathryn, three Jessica Anne Solomon or the Capuchm Soup sons, John, James and KItchen, 1740 Mount EllIOtt, Jeffrey, two stepdaughters, DetrOIt, MI 48207 Kathy McShane and Chnsty Jessica Anne Vogel; a stepson, Peter Solomon Vogel; two grandchlIdren JessIca Anne Solomon, 17, and three step-grandchil- dIed of complIcatIons of can- dren He was predeceased cer on Friday, July 6, 2001 by hiS first Wife, Joy, In John O. Ms Solomon graduated as 1974 one of the top 10 students In Montgomery A memonal service for Mr the Class of 2001 at Grosse J. Dooald Johnson John 0 Montgomery Montgomery Will be held Pomte North HIgh School sometime:, dc:"cnbed hIml>el[ Wednesday, July 25, at 3 She earned a 4 1 grade- as "the only public relatIOns pm at Chnst Church ]. Donald Johnson pomt average and was a man m DetrOit who knows Grosse Pomte A funeral servIce was held member of the NatIOnal how to cure bloat In a dairy Memonal gIfts may be Fnday June I, for J Donald Honor SocIety and the sent to Hospices of Henry Johnson, of St ClaIr Shores cow" DetrOIt chapter of Phi Beta Ford, One Ford Place, SUIte and formerly of Grosse Mr Montgomery dIed Kappa She was also a four- 5A, DetrOit, MI 48202 Virginia R. Thibodeau Pomte Woods from com ph catIOns of year member and f1utI~t of Mr Johnson was born III AlzheImer's dIsease m hIS the North band and orches- DetrOit In 1925, attended St Grosse Pomte Farm~ home Elizabeth R. tra, a four-year representa- Wednesday, July 4, 2001 He Virginia Roney Martm Elementary School, tIve of the Student was a graduate of was 80 Pongrace Thibodeau Former Grosse POInte ASSOCIatIon m whIch she AssumptIOn College High Mr Montgomery was born served as VIce preSident her Grosse POInte Farms reSI- School In Windsor, Ontano, In DetrOit and graduated area reSident ElIzabeth R dent Vlrgima Roney Pongrace dIed Saturday, semor year, team manager and of the UnIversity of Edward Lowe from UniverSIty of DetrOIt Thibodeau dIed followmg a June 30, 2001, at the for the gIrls cross country DetrOIt, where he earned an Jesuit HIgh School team for four years and lengthy Illness Fnday, June engmeenng degree In 1948 Mr Montgomery worked EqUInOX Terrace m 29, 2001, at Bon Secours Manchester, Vt She was 83 preSIdent of the school's Mr Johnson dIed at Edward Lowe as a reporter for the DetrOIt SCIence Olympiad team She HospItal Northern Michigan Hospital TImes from 1939 until the Mrs Pongrace was born Edward Lowe, a longtime also receIVed second place In Mrs ThIbodeau was born m Petoskey on Sunday, May UnIted States entered World Dec 15,1917, In DetrOIt, the reSIdent of Grosse Pomte the Ayn Rand NatlOnal m DetrOIt and was a gradu- 27, 2001, after sutTenng a War II m December 1941 daughter of Fredenck and Woods, died Monday, July 9, Essay WntIng Contest III ate of the Academy of the severe stroke at hIS home m He served In the U S Army, Clara Hosmer RIddell Sacred Heart and 2001, at St John Hospital A 1935 graduate of LIggett 1999 Harbor Sprmg~ on takmg part of the capture of As ImpreSSIve as Ms ManhattanvIlle College m and Medical Center He wa!> School, she went to the Wednesday, May 23 the Islands of Salpan, Solomon's academIC aCtIV!- New York City She was a UnIVerSity of MichIgan homemaker Mrs ThIbodeau was a member of St Paul Catholic Church, the JUnior League of DetrOIt, the Founders SOCIety of the DetrOit Institute of Arts, the League of CatholIc Women, the Discalced CarmelIte SOCIety and the Bon Seco\.lrs HospItal ASSIstance League CHARDONNAY Fresh ChOice $449 BLUEBERRIES SUrvIvors mclude her hus- FLANK STEAK...... LB ---- SALE band, Robert L, three NECTARINES $999 daughters, VIrgInIa T Marinated $299 (DanIel) Hughes, Kathryn T CHICKEN BREAST... LB • By AppOintment 5149 • HESS • Olft Certlflcat_ •E (Geffrey) Dmsmore and LEMONS BAG • ESTANCIA Suzanne T (Jay) StandIsh, 29 Head AMISH FRyERS...... $1 LB • RODNEY STRONG three sons, Robert L Jr L.ETTUCE 69~'.D .... • CLOS du BOIS (Andrea), DaVid T (Charlotte) and Edward R AMISH 99~ CANTALOUPE 99~CH • MERIDIAN LEG QUARTERS...... LB Fix Those Chips at ... (JuLIe), two Sisters, Peggy • J LOHR 1m Byrne and Sr Rosemary 99 79L • BERINGER Roney, RSCJ, three broth- ;~i~;I.~.~ $1 LB ers, Edward CRoney Jr, $14~. Thomas J Roney and Country Style Robert F Roney, and 10 PORK RIBS grandchIldren She was pre- YVETIE'S BAKERY ".~ BORDEN'S $199 decea~ed by a Sister, Mary • No fat Skim Milk. . Gal Ann 1'Jldel, and a brother, Little chips lead to big cracks and ultimately may BoarS~Head ~R2~NIES :.:..$29~k9 DaVId Roney require a windshield replacement. That's why A funeral Mass for Mrs BEEF 89 ~~I~~~~;.S...... ~1~( Harmon AutoGlass will repair those annoying Thibodeau was celebrated LB KINGSFORD PASTRAMI...... " .$4 Monday, July 2, at the Charcoal 99 ORGANIC VALLEY MILK windshield chips for AAAand most other Insurance 97% L.EAN 99 $3 Reduced-Fat Grosse Pomte Academy $2 Briquets ...... JQ.ha,.... Bag polley holders at no charge." BOILED HAM .. . LB Non-Fat $299 chapel Funeral arrange- you, c:hOlce ! Gal This special 5-day event ments were handled by the MACARONI 29 goes from 10:00 a.m. until SALAD. . . $1 LB w:LABATTS $799 HAMILTON Wm R HamIlton Co ~12 Pack Bottles...... L E fl 6:00 p.m. And no Memonal gIfts may be arge ggs 69 OOZ $169 appointment Is necessary. "ent to the Manresa JeSUIt BEETS & ONIONS .. LB BAYS Repairs are done while you Retreat Hou"e m Bloomfield DOMESTIC 99 English walt. HIll", the Bon Secours I A<;sIstance League or to the $2 LB MuffinS SWISS CHEESE. • ~<'Ilo'ir ctoarve w111be waived MIl and most ot~r policy IK>Iden wtIh comcoreheMlvecover_ Mus! present proof of coverage chanty of chOice July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News News 11A

from Lhe front lawn of a few beers" He refUM~l1 to Fireworks home m the 2100 block of take any field sobnety tests Bad shoplifter Hollywood m Grosse Pomte PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS or a PBT He was taken to City of Grosse Pomte complaints Woods sometime between the "tatlOn, where a search pohce wel e Lalled to a btore m hiS whIte Ford Taurus Cherokee btolen from the Three Grosse POinte June 29 and July 4 warrant allOWing pohce to m the 17100 block of A bank manager watched 1300 block of Wayburn was Woods teenagers have been take a blood sample was Kercheval m the Village at as a dye pack shpped In found m the DetrOIt nClgh- ticketed for tosbmg ht fire- obtained The pnboner was 235 p m on Sunday, July H, Cockatiel With the cash exploded borhood of Eastlawn and crackers out of a moving taken to St John Hospital m re,;,ponbe to a report of a mSlde the man's Jacket Red CharlevOIX Park detectives for the blood tebt He I;' free vehicle bhoplIfter ;,teallng ~e\ eral caught dye dnpped to the ground were able to obtain a partial On Wednesday, July 3, at on $100 bond hundred doll arb worth of as two curIOus bystanders bet of fingerpnntb 1 04 am, a policeman Wit- On Saturday, July 7, at The final inCident took clothmg Whlle en route, an watched The robber On July 6, a 2001 Jeep nessed the action as the 3 10 pm, a GrQsse Pomte place at 11 30 p m on officer baw a vehicle that appeared to "make a play Cherokee tdken from the Saturday, July 7 A 2000 boys drove a green 1997 Woods policeman wab dIS- matched the bloadcd"t patched to the 1700 block of for hlb gun," said the 1000 block of Wayhurn was Dodge Durango wab dOLked Mercury Tracer through the debcnptlOII of the mlnJ\ weanng a Shores Woods nearby house The officer 133 on hl5 PBT He IS free noticed that "he "eenwu black demm Jacket and GrO~be Pomte Shores Reports centered around climbed down on $100 bond very nervou" When they pants, gym shoes and a pubhc safety officer5 arrebt- the Fourth of July In varI- "I held out my arm m (an) abked her \' hy, 'lhe replied baseball cap ed three buspects labt week ous 10catlOIls throughout attempt to coax the bird m Disappointed that she Just got out of JaIl the city my directIOn The bird flew on charges of dnvmg while and dIdn't wl~h to retul n down from the roof and Snake found under the Influence of mtox- peddler Pollce notlcpd the ~tolen Icatmg hquorb perched onto my rIght arm," Grosse POInte Shores clothmg 10 th£> back 01 her Cook Road The fir~t arrest took place he saId An excited reSident and identified pollee Cited two slsterb, one vehicle She I" being hpld m at 9 p m on FnJay, July 6 ran up, startled the bIrd and The fUgitive snake report- 41-) ears-old from RIverview the City Jail pendmg hel vandalism A patrol officer spotted the caused It to flyaway agam ed recently 10 the 1500 and one 43-years-old from arraignment In mumupal Numerous residents of "The bird attempted tLJfly block of Roslyn m Grosse driver of a 1987 Ford Wyandotte, for peddhng court on felon) charge, of and near the 600 block of back to me, but apparently POinte Woods has been cap- Taurus travehng on Without a license on ~hopllftmg relatpd to bemg Cook Road m Grosse Pomte exhausted Itself and landed tured Lakebhore WIthout hlb seat Wednesday, July 4, at 10 15 an habitual offender, fourth Woods awoke Wednesday, belt bemg buckled When on the ground near my foot," The 1 1/2-foot red serpent P m The sisters had arre5t July 4 to find repeated cases the officer pulled the car saId the pubhc safety officer With white and black strIpes attempted to gam entry to of vandalism "I placed the net over the has been Identdied as a over, he ~melled the odor of OSlUb Park to sell "glow Fruity call From the destruction of bIrd and gave It to the mIlk snake by an employee akohol commg from the dri- rmgs" whIle fireworks were outdoor decorative hghts to (owner) " of a local pet shop ver The dnver, a 30-year- being displayed In the area Grosse POInte pohce were old GI o,,~e POInte Farms the shatterIng of bird baths, The snake hasn't been After bemg warned off once called to a store m the man, fmled hlb field sobnety reports mcluded homes on Dead rats eatmg, probably due to hav- by pohce, a mother said that 17100 block of Kercheval m Thorntree, Peachtree and tests and blew a 191 on hiS the Village at 2 45 p m on On the afternoon of 109 a wounded tall and her young son had gIven one the 1700 block of PrestWick prellmmar) breath test Wednesday, July 4 An Tuesday, July 3, a woman recent cool temperatures A of the ladles a $20 bill for a No suspects have been milk snake, according to an (PBT) The officer also employee ~ald that three saw a dead rat sprawled m "glow rmg" and only Identified, but at 2 36 a m employee of the pet shop, found a gla" of vodka and boys had btolen a watermel- an alley behmd the 21100 received a $1 bill In return on the Fourth, pollce prefers temperatures of 80 SqUlrt 111 the dnvpr's front rH~frnm '!-Ie ~torc A ~earch block of Mack 10 Grosse Pollce later caught up learned of three to five seat be\, I Ol-,c Iwider The of the area turned up two Pomte Woods Police turned degrees and higher With the sisters as they teenage females drmkmg dnver lb free on $200 bond youths WIth watermelon up two of the expired were trymg to leave the and bemg loud while walk- and has al,o been charged JUIce stams fresh on their rodents In one of the alley area They were Cited for ing m the 1700 block of Porch fire WIth dnvmg \\ lth an open shIrts They admitted to parking spaces peddlmg WIthout a hcense Prestwlck toward Mack So On Tuesday, July 3, at mtoxlcant helpIng consume the frUIts Officers contacted local far, they haven't been found 2 35 am, Grosse Pomte The ne)"t mudent took of the Crime, but bald that busmess owners who saId Park public safety officers place at 2 04 a m on Equipment another youth had done the they weren't aware of a rat extmgulshed a fire on the Saturday, ,Juh 7 A 2000 actual stealing Siren broken problem and would keep front porch of a home In the Cadillac \1 a, ,een runnIng a vandalized A further bearch of the A repair call has been their eyes open 1300 block of Somerset A red light at the mtersectlOn GrObse POInte Farms area turned up the third sent for the emergency candle had tIpped over of VernIer and Lake;,hore, pohce were contacted on weather snen m Grosse youth He Wdb In hiS mom's nght 10 front of the Shores Tuesday, July 3, by ownerb POinte Woods An officer Bank robbery mInivan and admitted to public "afeh bUlldmg of constructIOn eqUIpment tned to give the siren Its A hardbOIled detective Wire fire ;,tealIng the melon, but On Wednesday, July 4, m When an offiler laught up that was parked In the 300 :3 monthly test the afternoon wnter couldn't have come could not gIve rea;,on a~ to the 800 block of Trombley m WIth the vehldr, he detected block of Chalfonte of Saturday, July 7, but up With better dIalogue why All three suspecb are Grosse POinte Park, two prI- the odor of alcohol comIng overmght Officers were nothmg sounded Later that than a gunman who last Juvenlleb mary electncal hnes fell from the dllvel The driver told that sometime dunng day, officers completed the week robbed a bank m also had dJilicult) ,tandmg the prevIOus evemng, some- dnll usmg a backup siren at onto lower hnes, causmg the ID theft Grosse POinte Woods up one entered a cab of a front the Lochmoor Club "Give me all the money," WIres to catch fire A City of GrOb'e Pomte The dnver a 45 vear-old end loader and sffiabhed up he whispered to a teller who lIve;, In the 800 block of Grosse Pomte Shore" resI- the dashboard and damaged Bad driver workmg m the 19300 block Jeep thieves the IgmtlOn and starter See CRIME, page 15A Four Jeep four-doors were dent, admitted to haVIng "a A 34-year-old woman of Mack The robber pulled back hIS black demm Jacket reported stolen or vandal- from St Clair Shores With a 1,•• r-w",r"rr"r."r,rlYrrr •••,rrr#.~r"'.l Ized last week In Grosse blood alcohol content of 21 to reveal the butt of a gun percent was caught drIVIng stIckmg from hiS WaIstband POInte Park All mCldents took place on m Grosse Pomte Woods on "Don't make me shoot you" Wayburn between Monday, Saturday, July 7, at 235 The teller reached Into IMacKeilian Computer Consul~, her cash drawer July 2, and the follOWing am A patrolman had spotted "Give me all the money," Fnday he repeated "Don't make A 2000 Jeep stolen from ConslIlltng-l rll101ng-Net\lorkmg the woman's car 'lwaymg n the 1000 block of Wayburn from lane to lane on west- me shoot you Support-Installations The man stuffed a wad of July 2 was recovered by bound Vermer near Helen For thc home cash mSlde hIS Jacket He Eastpomte pohce There I (313) 640-0113 tned to put more money m were no arrests I Goose gone hIS pockets but didn't have They same day, someone I W\n\ MllcKcthanColIslIlIlIIg COlli ( \ A three-foot concrete room He stashed the rest In punched out the IgmtlOn of , PIli lip(c/ M:JcKcth:JIIConsululIg COlli ' goose lawn ornament wear- hiS Jacket The man left the a 1999 Jeep Cherokee In the '~I"~~'~'#I""'~I~""W~~'~'-~"'~.~"IW~,j\ mg a yellow and blue ram- bank to the alley where he 1300 block coat was reported stolen started emptYIng the haul On July 5, a 2001 Vote August 7th DEAN COMING SOON TO GROSSE POINTE mn~~ for GROSSE POINTE PARK .~ MUNICIPAL JUDGE FAVORITE TAILS OF GROSSE POINTE Sure, someday you'll change the world. Welcome to someday. A Store For You And Your DOG T"''' (21 I ellLr, ill Redlm1llcml,lllOn • Spend 10 month .. In ..ervlce to the 18519 MACK AVENUE plc.l,e prep Ir, Ihe Hl''''cr, 10 the lollowmg commumty e",l\ ljll' '\Ion' rnn lc" Ih,m 2 ~O word' • Edm c1o<;eto $5000 m ..cholar ...hlp ( Across from the GP POST OFFICE) e I,hl I Wh\ dn \illl \\Jnlln Jom (',II YeJr) momc" ~ DC:'\.r1hl'.l ,ltlllllOn 'Whc:n \,ou were • Receive d weekly h"mg "'llpend ,md IF YOU LOVE DOGS, 1.IL,d \11th J,hlllcgmgelhll,ll or health benefit" mnr.lllhlcmm1 IIn'" did you YOU'LL LOVE OUR STORE r,'pLllld' '''hJI k"nnllld y"lIle.lm" • Work With dlver ...e team ... 1 Wh II Ire Ihe Ihree i~l mo'llmpor • Tlmherland@ clothmg IJnl ",II, "1lI h.l\ C gJmed Irom your • Help tran"form Metropolitan DctrOit hie \\nrk 'If etllll.lllOO.ll expcneolc" • Implement vanou" curnculum" to 110" l\(Hlid \011 lpplv Ihn'e "111, to

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July 12,2001 Grosse Pointe News 12A Automotive The Saturn a no-hassle ownership experience By Richard A, Wright treated as sheep to be and almost peppy, even WIth The Saturn I" a small, chpped But Saturn dealers an automatIc transmlS"lOn generic <-ar, kmd of an have done what they were I was surpnsed at how much American Toyota Corolla or told to do, have treated theIr fun It was to dllve And that Hond.l CIVIC, without the customer" With dlgmty and little third door behmd the reputatIOn for quality per- tru"t, aVOIded price hagglmg dnvE.>r's door on the coupe I" haps, but wIth the "ame no. and It ha" paId off a "troke of gemus Hardly noticeable and not Inter- ruptmg the shape of the coupe, for those to whom that IS Important, It IS a" user-fnendly a" a four-door ""Jail, ful \\ hum th3t l< Important (mclud1Og me) Saturn's no.haggle pncmg and no-hassle buymg expen- Autos ence IS what ha'> bUlIt Saturn mto a cult figure I By Richard Wright hear far more complamts about dealer" than I do about car s, and for many buyers the Saturn dealer- nonsense utilltanan per. Now, you might say that ship expenence I" more than Restyled last year. the 2001 Saturn S coupe looks modern and contemporary. "ona It has bUIlt a foilow- you "ant more than that, enough to off"et an) "hort. mg, often a qUIte aVid fol- that customers should be commgs of the hardware generates 124 horses, WIth SCI or sportler SC2 The contenders m that group lowmg, largel} because treated as If they were val- either a five-speed manual standard eqUIpment lIst IS now, like Toyota Echo and ued and needed But cus. Itself • unlike Its General Motors I wa" skeptical about the or four-speed automatIc short and features are pack. Corolla, Nlssan Sentra, Ford progemtor, It treats Its prod. tomers apparently find open thIrd door If It''; such a good Our test vehIcle had the aged to force the buyer mto Focus and Honda CIVIC,that uct a" an ownershIp expen- .lnd above-board deahngs twm-cam powerplant WIth pncey, hIgh-end versIOns to It IS a real horse race unu<,ual enough that It has Idea, why didn't car makers ence, not a pIece of hard- do It before? Well, they dId automatIc transmISSIOn In get the equipment wanted Who finishes In your WIn. ware made thiS genenc lIttle car earher days, I mIght have But If you're tired of hag- ner's circle may depend on mto an Icon With near.cult Some European cars had lit. The Saturn, IS reliable, tIe third doors 10 coupes opted for the five-speed glmg and you know what car what IS most Important to reasonably comfortable and "tatus manual, whIch no doubt and eqUIpment you want, you - perfonnance, superb Saturn freshened the before World War II I saw a fun to dn~e That alone wIll '39 Bugattl coupe not long adds a bIt of ZIp to the car, Saturn's excellent dealer hardware or freedom from not build a followmg, howev- looks of Its SL Sedan and ago WIth a third door that but as I get older I apprecI- network, money-back guar- hassle Buymg an entry- el, because that can be said SW Wagon In 2000 and ate more and more not hav- antee, customer-first phllos. level car has gone from dlffi- plans a complete remake for could be opened when the for man} of It" competItor" mam door was open Only It 109 to row home out ophy and reputatIOn for reh. cult chOices about what you What has made Saturn a 2003, ,,0 the 2001 models Jefferson m rush hour ablhty are strong selhng can hve Without to gettmg have little to dlstmgUlsh wa" on the passengel Side consistent top-seller smce Then why did everyone qUlt Sedans can be had as a pomts Just about whatever you ItS mtroductlOn IS the retail them The dent-resIstant makmgthem? base SL, midrange SLI or All thIS would seem to put want. revolutIon ItS dealers have polymer extenor panels gJ\!e The first time I opened the uplevel SL2, wagons are the Saturn at or near the top Much of that group IS sparked that substitutes a SL and SW models a contour third door behmd the dn- avaIlable as the standard of the pile 10 the entry-level clustered 10 the $14,000- pleasant owner"hlp expen- hne that run" the length of ver's door on the Saturn, I SWI or high-end SW2 econobox group, but there $16,000 based pnce range ence over sales pressul e. the vehIcle for an angular was conVlnced of Its genius Coupes come as the baSIC are so many really strong and that mcludes the confu.,mg tactlcs and the appearance The SC Coupes It made stash10g stuff 10 the Saturn S Senes "move-ern-out" mentality come With a dnver's-Slde backseat a breeze and It IS It IS not surpn.,mg that thIrd door, proVldmg better perfect for gett10g a dog In many buyers are wary of car acces" to the back seat the car I began to take a deale! '; DetrOit has, for As Saturn gets older, It greater mterest m thIS decades, vle\~ed It'; own gets better So did the Ford seemmgly, but not actually, dealers With a JaundIced Model T and the Volkswagen genenc car And It seemed to e}e The maker., have ';u,,- Beetle Dealers have son here makers get better Bugattl (don't get to say that emharras,;ed their factones at makmg cars the longer often) Two engme chOIces are With rear door open, by "eHIng their product as they make them ThIS ver- easy access is affordedto dlstres" merchandIse or by sIOn of Saturn's ag10g com. aVaJlable on the S.Senes, a price gougmg when sales of pact IS the best yet to my 100-horsepower, 1 9-hter the 2001 Saturn S .l model arc hot Many buy. mmd four.cyhnder Unit or a tWIn- coupe's rear seat. er" feel they have been It I" comfortable, mmble, carn versIOn of the same that

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I ';;1-,." r~ .!'O] ,Certtfled..... uly 12, 2001 13A rosse Pointe News Schools

• I North band and Adal1lS award lVinners Parcells Middle School eighth graders Ben Lupo and Carly Hanna were selected as recipients of orchestra alVards the Fred W. Adams Award. Candidates for the award must demonstrate leadership in school The Grosse pointe North Instrumental Music and/or community, concern for others, a Renais- Program held its annual Awards Banquet at the sance spirit and a commitment to educational War Memorial on May 29. Many student awards pursuits. Lupo and Hanna were presented the were given out for involvement in pit orchestra. award by Mary Grace Adams at the Parcells Hon- pep band. jazz band and solo and ensemble festi- ors Night ceremony. val. Top. Jessica Solomon and Kevin Paavola received The Gall McCaig Award. given to one or two students who have displayed outstanding loy- alty. musical involvement, and love (or the art o( scholars & honors music. Students must be ezcellent musicians and belong to both band and orchestra. Solomon and Paavola are pictured with band director David Gro!>se Pomte South HIgh School JUnior Luke Cleveland and former director of research and Parchment was a bronze medahst m the 2001 evaluation for the Grosse Pointe Public School MIchIgan Math Prize CompetItIOn sponsored by AlbIOn System Roger McCaig. Middle, Holly Figurski and Jonathan Fischer College HIS hIgh test scores "were mdlcatlve of a student who received The Band and Orchestra Boosters Lead- ha!> a umque understandmg of math concepts," accord- ership Award. presented to two students who have mg to South math department co-chaIr Thomas displayed outstanding leadership. Figurski and Fischer are pictured with Cleveland and orchestra Ber!>chback director Joe Bauer. Bottom. Ryan Przybysz and Sarah Holsinger UniversIty Liggett School SIxth-grader Stephen (not pictured) received the Rotary Club Outstand- Carson releIVed two second place trophIes and was the ing Musician Award. which is given to two stu- youngeht partIcIpant m the 24th Annual Great Lakes dents who have displayed superior musicianship. RegIOnal Conteht, sponsored by the American Guild of Przybysz is pictured with Cleveland and Bauer. MUSICon May 5 Car,on played electriC guItar m three events, mduct- mg the new hard rock category m which he played Goodbye school board, hello Chicago MetallJta's "Enter Sandman" managmg partner and By Bonnie Caprara follOWing her hu!>band who She has served as treasurer Umverslty LIggett School sophomore Stephanie WIll be expandmg hI!> mar- from 2000-01 and served as owner of Konrad & Moore McIlroy has been accepted to the Northwestern Staff Writer Inc, a ~trategJc consultmg Bet h ketmg firm, Brand and chaIrperson and member of Unlvenlty NatIOnal High School MUSIC InstItute - a and planmng film She and Konrad Prmtlng Inc , III the Wmdy the audIt commIttee and the five-week summer program held at the Evanston, III her husband Frank and WlIberdlng CIty speCIal honors commIttee campus where she WIll hone her skIlls m plano perfor- daughters Ablg31l, who Just announced "I have taken that honor She was also the board rep- mance completed the eighth grade that she wJlI and duty very seriously and resentatIve m planmng at PIerce MIddle School, and be reslgmng I hope I have served m the school safety standards for Samantha, a 1999 Grosse as trustee of best pOSSIble way m the past the school dlstnct Pomte South HIgh School the Gros:>e few years," saId Konrad "(Her) background m pub- graduate and JUnior at Pomte Board WJlberdmg In a solemn hc relatIOns gave our school Loyola Umverslt.h al e resI- of EducatIOn address to the board "ThIS board an added dImenSIOn Q dents of Grosse Pomte Park l1M5CMk_ Konrad effectIve Aug IS not somethmg I have not that we never had before," SUldldER --_ ..- saId board pre!>ldent Jack WUberding II taken very "erlou"ly over the past eIght or nine Ryan "1 was partIcularly The board WIll seek candI- dates to be nommated to UNIVERSITY LIGGETT SUMMER SCHOOL Konrad Wllberdlng months whether or not my Impressed WIth the help serve the remamdpr of announced her resIgnatIOn famIly would relocate to that (she) gave us on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Preparation Konrad Wllberdlng'~ term at the Monday, July 9 school ChIcago" energy bond that we worked Her term expIres June 30, Three-Week Course: July 16 - August 3 board meetmg She and her Konrad Wllberdmg was on" 9:00 I.m. - noon famIly WIll move to ChIcago elected to the board m 1998 Konrad WlIberdmg IS the 2002 Two-Week Course: August 6 .17 Interim principal appointed for South 8:00 I.m. - noon Cost $450 for both VecballII'ld Math WhIle at ChIppewa Valley, In an unusual move for By Bonnie Caprara expects to have Diver offi- TIle p'ogram of preparabOO for lIleSAT offered by lIleU..-srty lJgg8II s..mr- ScIlCd he served as princIpal at the dIstrict, Klem !>ald her Staff Wnter CIally In place by August IS among lIle best iII\\'Wflere AJIlXl\JMS provlde tile follovilnlr ChIppewa Valley HIgh deCISIOn to find an mterlm Al Diver, a retIred prinCI- T FanuJiMtY WTtI1 the formal of testJng used 1MbotI1l1le PSAT ancl SAT School and Dakota HIgh pnnclpal outSIde of the dIS- pal from the ChIppewa DIVer IS expected to be 2 Rev- of IMP ptroCIllleS eocountered on tile Vertl8l and M8Ih sec;bOnS. trict came about after con- Valley School DIStriCt, wJ1l under contract WIth the ms- School over an eIght-year 3 (Ampul'" i\SSlSTed assessment 01 personal aboIibeS and odenlJfic8lJon 01 SlI8l8QI8S trlct until June 14, 2002, period Prior to that, he had SIdering the needs of the for IfTlIl'OV'lITlS step m as mterlm pnnclpal 4 The sTudenl s average SAT soore and tile IIIlQ& 01SAT _ 0 severalTISb whde the board searches for worked as an assIstant pnn- school dlstnct across the of Gro!>se Pomte South HIgh to aod InlIle college soIecbon process. clpal and princIpal In the board She CIted concern., School permanent candIdates for 5 A plan to follow _lIle end aI tile course and tile admiliSlll1llon of tile SAT the pOSItIOn Bhssfield School DIstrict for about tranSItIOn and contI- SIX years and had earher nUIty across the dIstrict and For more InfonnatIon 01'. nogiIlraIIon form C8I DIVer, \\ ho h under con- the challenges of placmg an A. K8lIIy Wood, DfrectIlr aI UlS s..mw Schoalll A. tract WIth TempO! ary School Klem saId that DIver taught SOCIal studIes and Internal candIdate who ha~ 1IJ.Il 313.all4-4444 Inl Staffing Inc, has been came hIghly recommended phYSIcal educatIOn been WIth the school dl"tnct HnII: IlwoOdCI\lIa.Of appomted b) Gro ..."e Pomte b) Tom McClennan, dIrector Pubhc School ...uperlnten- of Temporary School DIstrict dIrector of person- a short tIme dent Dr Suzanne K1em to Staffing He has also been nel and labor relatIOns fill the pO"ltlOn vacated by mtervIewed by the board Eugene Washchuk descnbed Ben Walker, who announced DIVer as someone who was hIS retm:ment m ,June The DIVer ha~ been WIth "well known" In the south- east MIchIgan educatIOn board I' ...tl1l WOI kmg on a Temporary School Staff contract \\ Ith thp temporary :>mce hIS retIrement from commumty placement agE'ncy and ChIppewa Valley last year

Klein's salary, contract 'in line' Imported Baby and Children's Furniture and Accessories ty accurate" saId Hartman By Bonnie Caprara Other contract hlghhghts Staff Wnter mclude group hfe m~urance The five-H'ar deal ...ealed equal to two times Kleln'~ Accordmg to data from the between the Gro~:>e Pomte halary, medIcal benefith as MichIgan ASSOCIatIOn of School Boards, Hartman Board of EducatIOn and mutually agreed, but not ~upenntendent of ...chool!> hpeclfied, unhmlted ~Ick saId that the average super- mtendent's salary of report- Dr Suzanne Klein offers hcr leav(' up to 120 days per 111- a ba.,(' rate ...alar) of ne"., per year. long-term dls- mg '>chool dlstncts m Wayne County WIth 8,000 to 9,000 $1.31,2'>6, retroactl\e to ,July ahlhty coverage non-con- student~ In the 2000-01 1,2000 tnbutory plan payment~ to th(' MIchIgan Pubhc School school year was $115,257 and was $112,567 for super- The Gro ...... e Pom!l' Puhhc Employee~ RetIrement mtendents m SImIlar ~Ize School S\ "tpm recently Sy,tem as prOVIded by law, dIstricts stateWIde Klem'" r('lea ...ed In-formatIOn to the and 25 paId vacatIOn day~ ~alal) was not reported m Gro ...,e Pomtl' Npw" regard- that ~urvey mg Klem" contract whIch Board pre"ldent ,Jack wa~ approved hv the board Ryan earher ...ald that Hartman said thmg'> hke on Monday. JUnl' IH Klem\ contract mclude; "a .,alary ral.,ed ~o that It car allowance~, annUltle", years they've been In the KII'IlI\ contract al.,o approachp~ that of oth~r dl~tnct and experience can mcludl'''' a 4 1 pl'l cpnt annu- "up('nntpndent" " affect a supenntendent's al pay Jncrea ...!' ,md longeVI- ~alary ty pa" IlIcrea .,e" from Carl Hartman. th(' dIrec- $2 227 $2 .'>71 per Yl'ar, tor of the ",upl'rlntendf'nt ,', 1; .,('arch departmrnt With the Hartman al"o added that which are In hne With only two other '1chool ~uper- Increa"(''' offered to other MIchIgan A~~oclatlOn of Where safety, beauty and quality go hand in hand. School Board~. concurred mtendents In Wayne County dl~tnct admllll ...trator" have five-year contract'> The maJoTlty have two- to Klem will n('t $lfiH 2.16 m 'In my OpinIOn, ~he\ In four-year contract~ the 2003-04 .,chool year the' rang(' where that'~ pret. • ~i 'I II July 12, 2001 B\ISiness Grosse Pointe News 14A Poor economic news sinks stocks on low volume 'Fab Five' Tech Stocks. then and now Last week, after the hoh- more expensive? OPEC, at ItS meetmg last day, Wall Street should have Market Price Dechne Since 2000 week, I ft productIOn quotas stayed home High '00 7-6-01 Market cap' Percent NYSE volume totaled a unchat ~ed, but started dls- Company Symbol -79.1 paltry 3 7 bllhon share!> for CUSSlC s about pOSSI!" EMC EMC 10493 2160 -$1800 futul uts to offset Ira. ~ recommended eqUIty alloca- the four-day week, or 925 The NASDAQ Composite CSCO 8200 1679 .$4513 786 r.' ul of ItS 2 1 million tIOn IS now 71 percent, vs Cisco mJlllon share" pel day tanked 156 pomts, or 7 2 -$211 3 -892 b, E I ~ day exports und' I their avprage 61 percent rec- Norte! Net NT 86.00 802 Worse yet, percent 10 one day, to close th' Uj~ 0I1-for-food progra.1 ommendatIOn m mld-2000 1821 .$1597 610 It seem!> the the week at 2,004, erasmg Oracle ORCL 4646 Spokesperson for the bulls buyer!> did The bad new!> late last Its June mtermed1ate rally, 6564 1368 1M IS Goldman Sachs' Abby SUn Micro SUNW :i1W "tay home, Thuf"OflV Cflmp from F.MC, and I" pOI~pd to agam test 771 Joseph Coh~l1, ",hu I" fDre fab Five Tech Slocks $~ 1/358 or played ItS lows of last March/Apnl the larg~st producer of eta- castmg the S&P 500 Index golf, or took stora systems, which Meanwhile the DJI suf- • 111 $ billions off on vaca- at 1,550 by thiS year-end, wan I at Its second quar- fered two brutal days off 91 about 30 percent above cur- Sourres SEC Form 10 0 Std & Poor s Corp Mengden & Assoc tIOn to the ter ",ar"mgs would total pomts on Thursday after the beach, or only 4 te, 6 cents per share holiday, followed by another rent levels and IS, the prlce/earmngs tracked by Mernll Lynch Bryon Wlen, Morgan who know!> vs a consensus estimate 01 dive of 227 pomts on Fnday (PIE) ratIO The pnce IS the trades for 4 5 times tralhng Sta 1ley's chief domestic what? By Joseph For th,' week, the Dow lost current market price, last l2-month sales, shghtly 17 cents strategist, IS somewhat There Just Mengden a net 25lJ pomts, or 2 4 per- mght's close above their 10-year average EMC tanked 843 pOPlts, more reahstlc He beheves wt>ren't cent, clo!>mg last Friday at Earnmgs are the earnmgs This article alone IS worth or ~9 i percent, to e,'lse the March/April 2000 lows enough buyers on Wall per share (EPS) based on more than the $3 50 news- Frida' at 2160, on voll_me 10,253 WIll hold, but he doesn't see Street to stop ~e selhng Techmclans pomt out that either 1) last year's EPS, or stand pnce for Barron's of o"er 70 millIon shalef' much appreciatIOn potential The busme~ . and econom- the DJI IS now approachmg 2) the latest 12 months' that day for stocks 10 the second half IC new!> last Thursday and the key support levels estab- EPS, or 3) the EPS estlmat. Wealth effect Other bad news cal- > Friday ranged from bad to hshed m 2000 If there IS no of thiS year ed for thiS year, or 4) the The adjacent table, "Fab from acro"s the Atlantl-. worse The Jobs data for support here, the last major EPS estimated for next year Marcom, the big Bntlsh FIVe Tech Stocks, Then & June showed 114,000 less support level IS the 9,400- Nonnal values Take your pick' Now," Illustrates the nega- people on payrolls Then the telecommumcatlOns eqUIp- 9,500 level of last March Before you can make an If the pnce ($22) IS dlV1d- tIVe "wealth effect" associat- natIOnal average unemploy- ment maker, warned of Wall Street I!> sharply mformed opmlOn that a ed by your EPS ($2 per ed WIth the collapse of these ment rate mched up to 45 weak second quarter results diVided about the outlook for stock IS presently over- share), the PIE ratio IS 11 five gold-plated tech giants percent (5 0 percent m to come Then, on Fnday, the market at these levels Marcom reported that John pnced, or IS an unwscovered hmes Microsoft was not mcluded MH.,hlgan) Market strategists at bargam, you have to estab- Each analyst has a per- because of Its pendmg litiga- Notablv absent from the C Mayo, ItS chief finanCial major Wall Street firms con- officer, had reSigned effec- I1sh some benchmark for sonal Idea of value But con- tion last year headhne~, crude OIl closed tmue to be bulhsh sensus WIll eventually devel- These five tech gOrillas last Friday back up to tive Immediately Mayo had Alan Abelson, chief fea- comparisons HistOrically, the most op a range of pOSSible val- presently have outstandmg $28 21 a barrel, up 102 per- been !>cheduled to take over ture writer at Barron's (July as CEO next month accepted valuatIOn tool was, ues slow growth compames 216 bllhon shares Based on cent In SIXtradmg days W1l1 9) reports that the average Tech stocks swooned at 8 to 10 PIE, moderate theu hIghest market prices cheap gasolme soon get growth at 10 to 12 PIE and of spnng 2000, theu com- tugh growth at 15 to 20 PIE bmed market capltahzatlon But many tech and was 1 tnlhon, 509 bllhon The Internet for almost grown-ups Internet compames have not V1Slt to the mformatlon buf- dollars, or yet achieved profitablhty, so, fet at "eplcunous com" On $1,509,000,000,000 By Michael Maurer for them, the PIE ratio won't The collapse of the the broad backSide of my Several week<; ago, about Internet ~bubble" is shown com are "calonecont"olorg" work' the time !>chool was lettmg Therefore analysts have by the closmg pnces of July out and the kids were Pointers on and "wetltlan com" developed the pnce/sales 6 The combmed market already bored, I wrote about Next on the agenda are ratIO, 10 which prlce IS the capitalizatIOn of the five the fun and educatIOnal two legal SItes They are market value of the compa- compames last Fnday was thmgs they could do on the "findlaw com" and "cata- TechnOlogy ny (pnce times shares out- only $343 bl1l1on, or an aver- Internet Now It'S time for law com" If your questIOn standmg) and sales IS the age declme of 77 3 percent, has anythmg to do Wlth law, the adult!> company's annual revenues over the last 15 to 18 Many people thmk that By Mike Maurer you should find It at one of Andrew Bary, another fea. months Dunng that penod, these two websltes They eBay I" the be-all and end- Ladles, you can either ture wnter for Barron's $1 166 tnllJon of "wealth all of online auchon sites - tel news The good news IS have everythmg hsted by skip the next paragraph or (July 9), reports on 12 tech effect" disappeared 10 these not "0 1 can't list all the auc- that prlcehne com has subject from A to W That's cut It out Just tell your hus- stocks, sourced to DBS five stocks hon websltes here because stopped usmg Wilham band, or Significant other, Antitrust to Woman Warburg and Mernll Lynch Did you own any of these Shatner (Star Trek) In those A whlle back I wrote about we would need to order more that you cut out a recipe The table of those stocks stocks? lame, not qUite smgmg, the ElliS Island webSite for new<;pnnt, but 1 can direct that was on the other Side compares theu current you to two sites that list radIO and teleVISIOn com- searclung for ancestors who If recipe chppmg IS too pncelsales ratIO With that merCials may have entered the qUIte a few of them Drop by seXist, tell them you needed company's 10-year average Joseph Mengden IS a resI- www Itrack com or The better news IS that Umted States m the latter dent of the City of Grosse somethmg to put your bub- pncelsales ratio www auctIOn InSider com you can track alflme flights part of the 19th century and Pomte and former chairman and V1ew hotel, re!>taurant blegum m The table then shows IAttentIOn As per usual, I haven't found one catch- the early part of the 20th where their ImplIed stock of First of MIchigan He LS and weather reports for I have smce found several also a member of the that's the last time 1 Will put all sports webSite yet, but pnces would be If they trad- mdlvldual cltle!> The web- other SiteS for researchmg FlnancLal Analysts Society the www m front of webSite here are the best ones I've ed at their 10-year average addre~~e~ for the rest of the site IS easy to remember at your ancestry Pay a V1Sltto of Detroit Inc ~ found so far VISit sport- pncelsales ratIOs Currently • I thetnp com ancestry com, rootsweb com "Let's Talk Stocks" LSspan column) shne.com, foxsports com, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq There are at least 100,000 Another mterestmg site or famllysearch com sored by John M Rickel, espn com and cnnSl com and Gateway trade below 1 for travel IS That's It for thiS week, so CPA PC, and Rickel & bU!>lness, busmess news and Now, to be fair to women, I theu 10-year average Inve<;tment websltps on the travel roughgUldes com be sure and have a happy Baun, PC of Grosse Pomte !>uggest they may want to Microsoft, Oracle, Intel and I World Wide Web, but what If Are you a film bufir As 4th of walt, that was last Farms, and Investment VISit greatwomen org It's EMC trade below the aver- you want the mformatlOn With the busmess web sites, week - have a happy 12th Counsel, Inc of Grosse there are a ml1hon film fla- the NatIOnal Women's Hall age from the horse's mouth, that of July! The average tech company Pomte Woods vors, but I have one that WIll of Fame \'0, the company Itselfl As my fnends know, You can search out an prOVide everythmg you need Have a tech questwn or beSides bemg a mdlV1dual company and see to know on the subject of subject you would like Computasauros and a Red 2 How to cash in on mOV1es addressed In thiS column If they post their annual Wmgnut, my next favonte report, but I have an easier The ultimate mOV1e Site Want to comment or add hobby IS food Drop by way VISit prars com They on the Internet IS your two cents worth 2 My e- onhnemenus com, or have the annual reports on us Imbd com Drop by and mall address LS unclaimed property zagat com for restaurant 3,600 different corporatIOns don't forget the buttered mmaurer@blzserve com By David Uffington out If you or one of your rel- reVIews I also suggest a I have good news and bet- popcorn Unclaimed property totals atlves IS owed that property bl1hons of dollars natIOn- IS by gomg onhne Most Wide The Internal Revenue states have a web Site that JOHN M. RICKEL, C.PA., P.C. INVESTMENT COUNSEL, INC. Semce says they have more tells you how to find out If rfHTIf' ED Pl,.BL ( ACCOUNTANT than $25 m11hon m you have unclaimed proper- 63 KrRW[V!U Su IE 100 Since 1929 10 Geo'" P J NTr FARMS MIO IGAN 48236 3627 uncashed tax-refund checks ty that <;tate Many states 1E LEPHONE 313/88 t 8200 Estimates say one m every also have searchable onlme EMAIL r ri(e baun@home com MoneyJPortfolio Management. Retirement & PersonalAssets four to eight Amencans has databases so you can find RICKEL Be BAUN Accepting Accoonts In excess of $250,000 unclaimed property out mstantly whether the ~fR ~f<"'-l '1ALr{RtiRATON The most common types of state IS holdmg money or ATTORNEYS AT LAW ChrIs W Wolker. President Richard K Simonds. CFA unclaimed property or property m your name 61 Kf c' '"'' Su ,r 100 Marsha" C Downs. CFA John R Welchll, CFA money are uncashed payroll There are several web Gc '" P "Ii FARMS M cHIC,AN 48236 3627 checks, travelers checks or sites that allow vou to TELEPHONE 313/886 0000 19511 Mack Avenue money orders, forgotten sav- search for free, ';0 al~;lOugh FACSIMILE 313/886 0405 Gro<;se Pomte, Michigan 48236 (313) 886-0450 lOgS and checkmg accounts, you'll see "erV1ces that Will unused gift certificates, search for you for a fee (usu- unpaid msurance pOhClCS, ally a percentage of what tax returns, secunty or utIl- they find), It'S not necessary Ity depOSits, unclaImed to use them An excellent wages or commiSSIOns, place to start IS the NatIOnal lOhentances, stocks and ASSOCiatIOn of Unclaimed , bonds; credit balances, for- Property Administrators gotten layaway balances, (NAUPAl at refunds, safe depOSit boxes, wwwunclalmed org Oriental & pensIOn benefits, mlhtary When searchmg, try usmg benefits, and mortgage all po<;slble vanatlOns of : Area Rug Cleaning msurance refunds your name, mcludmg preV1- Dr. Theo Colborn In most cases, property ous malden or marned becom;s "lost" or "aban- name", middle names, 101- warnings from wildlife ... and the doned because someone tlals, nicknames and com- :2for implications for human life. changes hiS or her address mon mlsspelhngs Search In Pay for one rug - secondrrug FREE or name (due to marriage or the state(,,) where you or I FREE plck.up and A presentation In LocalMotlon's Toxins in the dIVorce) or when someone your family members have Idelivery also available Environment: Preventions and Solutions series dIes and family members or lIVed over the years IOHer expires 7121/01 helfs don't know about an If a state you've lived m •ONer good only 0 n rugs dropped oN Investment, bank account or doesn't have an onhne Iat our lac ty and does ....01apply Thursday, July 12 at 7 p.m. other source of funds "earchable database, write a on PICl( up and delwery orders When money or property letter to the address shown Grosse Pointe War Memorial I22201 Telegraph Road Soulhheld goes unclaimed for three to In that "tate's web Site for I2 £llockS South of 9 Mile Road 32 Lakeshore Drive, Grosse Pointe five years, the company or unclaimed property and ask West Side of Telegrap~ orgamzatlOn holdmg the them to conduct a search for (734) 623-0773 money has to report It to the you Include your full state of the owner's last name(s), address, SOCial :(800) 696-1260 Sponsored and supported by: known address The "tate Secunty number and mfor- Earl-Beth Foundation holds It until the nghtful matlOn on how to reach you I owner makes a claim - Kmg Features , and The easiest way to find Syndicate The Breast Cancer Fund • ..

July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News News 15A Naturally candid photos Most of us remember the excItement of "CandId ~ Camera" Well, wIth a little thought and plannmg, you »- too can become an Allen ' Funt wIth your camera ' After all, people are among Ph tho" '\"'" the most fa!>cmatmg ofpho- 0 ogral2 Y- ' tographlc subject" Po"ed dehberately m front of the - camera, people often become By Monte Nagler stIff and self-conscIOus But caught unaware, you'll end tamly helpful m candId pho- or a ball game m the back- up wIth "hots that are nat- tography because you can yal d, candid 'ihots will pro- ural In pxprl','ilOn and l'XClt- fill the frame wIthout hav- Vide you with natural- look- mg m content mg to get too c1o"e to your mg, lastmg memone'i Un There are two approaches subject vacatIOns, too, don't overlook to candId photography You Often, with a telephoto, that Joyful expres"lOn jU"t as can mtentlOnally provoke a you can get stnkmg "hots of the fish IS hooked or Jumor'.., reactIOn by attractmg your people absorbed m work or glow of accomplishment a" subject'" attention and snap- play and they won't even he completes hIS 'landca!>tIe pmg the camera at that know you're there But don't at the beach lOstant, or you can try to be rule out normal or even Wide To help you get these unnotIced and capture hfe angle lenses They'll give shots, try to have your expo- as It happens The first you more of the background sure predetermmed so that approach WIll freeze people'" m your shot whICh can be you can tnp the shutter snap response to your cam- valuable m placmg subjects WIthout havmg to fu"s WIth era and you'll get expres- m then natural envlron- the camera's contro\!' slons that can be very ment In all candId photography, revealing WIde angle lense!>, due to speed IS an Important mgre- The second approach, then mcreased angle of dlent shootmg unobserved, WIll VIew, will enable you to Not so much the shutter produce natural-Iookmg pIC- mclude people m the speed or film "peed, but the tures of people gOing about VIewfinder Without havmg "peed WIth which you can theIr dally lives !f pho- to pomt the camera directly react to the Image and tographmg In public places, at them People rarely deCide on the compositIOn, try to attract mmlmum belIeve they're bemg pho- focusmg and expo"ure of attentIOn to yourself Blend tographed unless the cam- your shot In WIth the surroundmgs era IS aImed at them A thorough famillanty of and become a qUIet observer Don't forget candlds close your camera eqUIpment IS Late afternoon backlighting and a telephoto lens helped Monte Nagler obtain of the actIOn to home Whether It's a fam- essentIal If you get the 'lhots • this very dramatic candid of this "sunset fisherman," Telephoto lenses are cer- Ily gathenng at holiday tIme that count .Grosse Pointer wants to bring baseball back at Tiger Stadium The Frontier League IS mvolved m settmg up a Each group will receIVe By Jim Stickford Danger and the Toronto months The real challenge InternatIOnal All-Stars. The IS to get thiS project on the relatIvely new, datmg back team" 5,000 tickets to sell for the Staft Writer to the wmter of 1992-1993 In keepmg WIth the theme two events Up to a thIrd of Peter Comstock RIley of first game starts at 5 pm radar screen It's faIr to say It has teams In OhIO, West of commumty baseball, said the revenue generated by 'the City of Grosse Pomte and between games the that our proposal Isn't a top- VIrgmla, Indiana and Riley, four non-profit orgam. these sales Will be retamed ha" a radical Ideal on what Danger WIll hold a youth 10 pnonty of the DetrOit city Pennsylvama RIley saId zatlOns have ~een selected by the partlclpatmg groups, to do With TIger StadIUm - cllmc government" that there are plans to as event partners for the WIth the precIse amount play ba"eball there The concept behInd the Should a team be allowed expand the league over the upcommg games TIckets dependmg on how many Rile), 33, IS the son of company, called Mlchlgan & to use the stadium, RIley next couple of seasons may be purchased from tickets each group sells Judge Dorothy Comstock Trumbull LLC, IS to prOVIde saId It would be a high A MIchIgan & Trumbull LLC Orchards Youth Inner CIty The remammg momes Riley and has year" of expe- affordable baseball to the level mmor league orgamza- would lIke to be part of the Baseball - DetrOIt Chapter WIll go to MIchigan & nence In profe'lslOnal base- sport's blue collar fans, saId tlon 2002 expansIOn He saId of RevlVlng Baseball 10 the Trumbull to help defray the ball WIth the BaltImore Riley The Idea IS to have a "The Corktown commum- Mount Clemens IS gettmg a Inner CIty (248) 593-1570, promotIOnal expenses, Onoles and the DetrOIt Viable product at a cost of ty IS very supportIve of the team m 2003 and there IS a the SpeCial OlympICS of Includmg the cost of rentmg TIgers He and hIS partners, about $5 While the caliber Idea," RIley said "People chance that further expan- Oakland County (248) 674- TIger StadIUm All ticket!> Wall dCI' D RIley, Robert of play won't be major want somethmg to happen slon could create a speCIal 4924, the Troy-based are $7 To learn more about HIlliard and Alan F Zundel, league, neither WIll the As DetrOit counCIlman GII Michigan DIVISIon MINDS - Helpmg Teens the games and Michigan & have been able to schedule costs HIli said, 'We can't allow "We need to be someplace Manage LIfe (248) 824-0647 Trumbull LLC, you can go two baseball game" to be "Havmg a team In TIger TIger StadIUm to become by the late fall," RIley saId and the DetrOIt Police the web SIte www tIgerstadl- played at the corner of StadIUm IS Ideal for baseball another bIg elephant' After Mlchlgd,n and Trumbull on fans who can't regularly do the two games are played, "There IS preparatIOn AthletiC League urn org Tuc~day, .July 24, nnd on the ('omenca thmg," Riley the cIty WIll have to deCIde Saturday, Aug 11 'idld "We've been workmg how the stadIUm will be North teams to use G.P. lVoods parks The Idea I" to demonstrate WIth the cIty for the past 18 used" On the condItion that GhesquICre Park GIrls tenms has been that people Will "tlll go to members of the Grosse "You can be assured that scheduled on select dates TIger Stadium to see ba'ie- Pomte North HIgh School the athletes uSing the facIll- from Aug 23 through Sept ball The ultImate goal IS to t

From pagE'llA ended m a crash found a backyard pnvacy fence pushed over, pOSSIbly Lakeland reported heIng the After a foot purSUit, the t\l,O men wel c apprehended by the fleemg culpnt late'it VIctIm of the mCIpa~- The woman told police . mgly popular cnmp of Iden- WIth the a"'sl ..tance of the that a phone, a VCR and a . tlty theft Thp VictIm report- DetrOit police Harper Woods pohce four-carat dIamond rmg ed to CIty police on Monday, relea ...ed the names of the were mlssmg Juh 2, that a popular catn- 2001 1/2 seVille Luxury Sedan log compnny had contacted ..,u~pech after their arraign- her to confirm an order of ment .Jame" Thompson, 36, Stolen car \,\ and Wardell Slmp'iOn, 49, expen"'lve c10thmg A 2000 GMC pickup was ;..~\, hoth of DetrOIt, were The'lctlm "'ald "he dIdn't stolen from the dnveway of tharged WIth armed robbery order anythmg and u'rtam- a home m the 20000 block of and evadmg police They are Iy dIdn't ha\(' It 'lent to a Kenosha on July 7 The hemg held at the Wayne Benton Harhor addlc ...... The owner had been away from County Jail order wa ... made u ...Ing the the house the entire mght Dunng the purSUIt, a vlctIm''i SOCIal Secuntv and returned to an empty GMS Lease Special ,ergeant from the Harper number, her credIt card drIveway the next mornmg GMS Lease Special Wood... police department numbpr, h('r hlrth datl' and He reported hIS stolen car dl'lcharged hl'i weapon after her telephon,' numbpr at the police statIOn and Thomp.,on pomted an auto- $398imo. added that he had the only mntlc handgun at hIm as he $333imo. For 36 Months, 12,000 miles per year set of key'i to the vehIcle eXltl'd thp car For 36 Months, 12,000 miles per year $2295 Due 01 SIgning TaxM IltIe license and .fun S/lck{ord The hulll't dId not hIt the $1895 Due at Signlng TOllei litle Heense and reg- registratton extra AUrebo1es 1odeaIef MUll be a cUll'enl Cod14lOC Leosee "u,pect nnd could not be Vandals strike IllIatton extra Must be a eunent Cadillac L_ found dunng a later mVl''itl- City bUlldl11gs came under gatlOn, although the ca'img attack dunng the fourth of The Best Buy In America: A Pre-Owned Cadillac! Robbery wa>; recovpred July holiday week Thl' Open Mon & 830 a m Until 9 p m RecreatIOn Department lhurs - wrap-up Home invasion traIler lost a wmdow and the lues, Wed, Fn - 830 a m Until 6 00 P m 810/772-8200 More dpt8J1, ha\(' "'Ilr A woman rl'turnpd to her new con'ltructlOn toward the On 9 MIle /I/,t Fn;e and The mCldent~ occurred on con>;ccutIve day'i, July 4 and G0 ciley called pollcl' M,f1emllllm' D that a man rohhed the rvs on Kelly at 6 10 a m got Police found n ,Ide WI11- .'5 Police are l11vl''itlgatl11g G ~ Pr~ rig '" I f1b(Tt('s lIIto a car WIth an ,Iccom- dow broken whNl' the per- I O(>'1fer '" t""f' 1 0 M 'ae@ plIcl' and fll'd thl' "cpnl' A pet rntor had nppnrently ~"'ogtr}m(' j r1(l r1{'S bPlE!'SJ.3 0 The FUSion 01 DeSign and Technology c:u cha ...p followpd whIch g[l)nl'd entry They al'io - By Darren Donald~on July 12, 2001 16A Grosse Pointe News

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~urton Coffection lias tlJetroit's liistory on paper By Jim Stickford 1914 Harwell sports collectlOn," Germany AvaIlable also are House m the City of Gro~~e foundmg famlhe;, of DetrOIt and the Pomtes," Collette Staff Writer The CcllcctlOn ....:IS moved p"rpmoa .aHI ~Hp'.., II true <;econdarv sources about Pomte and said the Burton ..,dld IvIy fdLh~1 I" <.1""",,,uJ- The Burton Historical to the fourth floor of the gentleman It's the way he Russian ImmIgratIOn, as statt was lrlendly and help- ed from the first surgeon CollectIOn, housed at the mam branch when the lives hIS hfe " well as records of German ful dttached to the Frent.h mam branch of the DetrOIt bUlldmg was completed m The miSSIOn of the Burton ImmIgratIOn to DetrOit dat- ~I learned the names of Army at Fort PublIc LIbrary, has 400,000 1921 It was moved to ItS Collet.tlOn IS to preserve the mg from the 1840s to the the people who hved m the Pontchartram HI'> name books, 12 ml1hofJ pIeces of current home m the Ralph hIstory of the cIty of DetrOIt 1920s house 100 years ago," wa<; Dr Chapoton I've used paper and 40,000 reels of Evehng wmg of the mam and the state of MichIgan, ~We have all the census Hartmann saId "It's a the c0llectIOo to look up mIcrofilm They trace branch In 1963 Poremba ;,ald, through the informatIOn gomg back to beautiful place to work I fdmlly documents My the hIstory of "We were clo;,ed from papen of ItS people In 1790," Gibson saId "If your learned how many people cousm IS al"o domg some metro August 2000 to Dec 5," additIOn, the papers should grandmother filled out a lIVed m the hou;,es It was famIly research as well Poremba said ~On Dec be available to scholars and census form, we have access very mterestmg " They have a wonderful card 5, we opened for 20 researchers to It One hundred years catalog WIth leads on many hours of semce a Author Paul Kavlefl ago people were more dIlI- Tlsh Collette of the DetrOIt area famIlies My week We were recently wrote a book about gent about talking to census Grosse Pomte HIstOrical mother and my sisters have closed due to a DetrOIt's notonous Purple workers We have the onglo Soclety said that she's used also used the resources at flood last July Gang, whIch operated dur- nal deed to Belle Isle" the CollectIOn to research her family's history the Burton CollectIOn It's a where the city mg ProhIbItion He spent a "They have books on the wonderful place" storm drams m lot of tIme at the collectIOn, Gibson said that Grosse the basement flood- a;, have CIVIl War hIstorian Pomters have often made ed" Jeffrey West and crime use of the collectIOn's On May 29, they were up thnller author Loren resources to research famlly and runrung full time Estleman hIStones In the old days, It again, Poremba saId The was not uncommon for collectIOn's hours are from The collectIOn has hard- wealthy DetrOlt faml!les 9 30 a m to 5 30 p m on bound copies of DetrOIt and wealthy Grosse Pointe famIlies to be JOined DetrOIt Tuesdays, Thursdays, newspapers gomg back to through marnage and Its Fndays and Saturdays, and the 19th Century DetrOit ~Usmg the collectIOn's people all from 1 to 9 p m on once had newspapers called papers, Grosse Pomters can the way back Wednesdays Parking IS the Post, Tnbune, Dally reconnect With their faml- to Antoine free on Saturdays m the AdvertIser and Journal !les' pasts," Glbson saId Cadillac library lot off of The collectIOn mcludes the ~For example, we have the The collectIOn's Putnam, a one-block fir!>t edItIOn of the DetrOIt old J L Hudson papers A manager, DaVId street between Free Press, willch began lot of people who worked at Poremba, saId the Woodward and pubhshmg In the 1830s Hudson's ended up m the collectIOn was started Cass that IS "People are surpnsed as Pomtes Our closest compe- by Monroe Burton back open to the to the extent of our collec- Phow. bv Jim Sttckford tion," Poremba saId "Many tItion 1<; the State Library In the late 1800s He was public The wampum ilelt shown at the left was In Lansmg and the Allen a man WIth a degree m real The of our photographs were involved in the sale of Belle Isle in 1769. It is on County Library In Fort collec- used m the DetrOIt 300 display at the Detroit Public Library's Burton estate law from the Wayne, Ind , which has a Umverslty of MichIgan He tIOn's Almanac put out by the Collection. Back then, Belle Isle was called Isle lot of genealoglcal records" formed the Burton Title Free Press" Grosse Pomte Farms resI- de Cochon, French for Pig Island. Search and Abstract Co , But the bulk of the A diary, also on display, dates back to 1778- dent Elame Hartmann has research IS done by ordi- It whIch reqUired him to served on the boards ofvar- 1779. was written by Norman MacLeod and search deeds and nUes records nary cItizens domg details his efforts to act as an advance guard for IOUSGrosse Pomte preser- Accordmg to Poremba, are genealogIcal research British forces heading to the DUnois territory. vation groups and said that extenSIve, Grosse Pomte Park resI- MacLeod blazed a trall, but the British who fol- Burton's hobby was she has been able to use the researching the hIstory of Poremba saId dent John GIbson works at lowed ended up getting captured by American Burton resources to DetrOIt He hterally went Included are the records of the !lbrary He said that the research the history of some forces. door-to-door askmg citizens onglnal settlers of Grosse genealoglcal mformatlOn The reading room of the Burton Collection. of the older homes m the If they had any old papers Pomte Other records con tamed m the collectIOn above. is used by scholars, researchers and ordi- Pomtes She particularly and deeds He donated hiS mclude shIps' passenger IS worldWide m scope nary people who want to learn about the histo- hsts and records from the There IS mformatlOn from found the census informa- pnvate collectIOn and the tIOn useful She helped pre- ry of Detroit and its families. house It wa;, kept m to the Roman Cathohc Church all 50 states as well as from ;,el ve the old Cadleux DetrOit Public bbrary m "We also have the ErnIe Great Bntam, FIance and" HICI(EY'S WALTON PIERCE

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TILL 9, SAT 10.5,30, SUNDAY 12.4 201 ~9 Mack Avenue, Gros<;e POInte Woods 1-800-987 AHFF (24"l w\\ wah",' JeweiNs com enCls July 12,2001 28 Wedd 1 1:& .G.ro.s.s.e.p.oi.nt.e.N.e-ws 3 ned purple orchids WIth red white satm gown that fea- Ryan Mohtar of Harper Goodman- bows tured a beaded bodIce and a Woods and the groom's The best man was cathedral-length tram Her brother, Tom Stroble of DominIck Theodore of veIl was held m place by her Grosse POInte Farms O'Rourke Warren mother's headpiece and she The mother of the bnde Emma-Jane Sara Groomsmen were TIm carned a bouquet of IVOry wore a floor-length navy Goodman of London, PletkowskI, Dale Morgan and white roses, white satm and velvet gown and England, daughter of Irvmg and Raoul Wilhams, all of hydrangeas and blush roses carned a bouquet of Ivory and Manon Goodman, mar- DetrOIt, and the bnde's The matron of honor was roses tted With French nb. ned Peter Edward O'Rourke brother, Wayne Besler of the bride's Sister, Rebecca bons Jr of Washmgton, DC, son Grosse Pomte Farms Ulp of Harper Woods The groom's mother wore of Peter and Susan Chn~topher Cafrettsas of Bndesmalds were Susan a floor-length satm and chIf- O'Rourke of Grosse Pomte Warren was the nng bearer Prather of Royal Oak, fon gown of peacock blue Farms, on July 1, 2001, m The mother of the bnde Rebecca WOJan of Grosse and carned a bouquet of Newbury, England wore a champagne beaded POInte Farms, Mana Ivory roses tied With French The Kev David dress The mother of the Glanettl 01 Boulder, Colo, nbbons WillIamson and Rabbi Guy groom wore a champagne KIm Stone of Harper Woods Scnpture readers were Hall officiated at the 4 30 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lace dres~ and Sandra Ol~en of Flmt Susan Beardslee and Tom ~~ f,i... p m ceremony, which was Panos The solOIst was Caro!lne Flower girls were Reygaert Todd Myers was ,\'" .I' Katherine Reygaert of the bagpIper followed by a receptIOn at Mott Mr. and Mrs. Brian Grosse Pomte Farms and The bride attended Hlghclere Castle m Besler- The bnde graduated from Joseph Schatko Newbury MIchigan State Umversity Mary and EmIly Harder of Macomb Commumty The matron of honor was Panos and IS the owner of Grosse POInte Woods College and IS an mdepen- Hamtramck Rhodhlka Cornaby of MaXImum Bodies Personal dent chlld caregiver The maid of honor wore a London, England Wendy Joy Besler daugh- Trammg She also does The groom attended lavender Silk sheath deco- Bndesmalds were Hllary ter of Rudy and ShIrley motIvatton'al speakmg Wayne State Umverslty He rated With satm bandIng Schocke Varkanls of Besler of Grosse POinte The groom graduated IS the brewmelster for the and carned a lavender rose MIddleburg, Va , and Farms, married Thomas from Wayne State Great Barabeau and star baby's breath Samantha Petter of London Panos, son of Pat and MIlton UnIversity He IS an electn- The ('ouple honeymooned The best man was the The flower gIrls were Panos of DetrOIt, on May 4, cal engmeer With Siemens m Cancun, MeXICO They groom's brother, Keith Ohvla and Sascha Feldman 2001, at the Grosse POinte The couple honeymooned hve m St ClaIr Shores Schatko of the City of of London War Memonal m the Bahamas They lIve m Grosse Pomte Attendants wore SIlk hlac The Rev Kelly offiCIated Warren Ushers were Steve Rupp dresses at the 6 p m ceremony, Arndt- of Grosse Pomte Farms, and . The best man was Jeremy which was followed by a the bnde's brothers, Randy Wells Pmchot of GIlford, receptIOn, also at the War White- Schatko Arndt of Colorado Spnngs, Conn Memonal Colo, and Mike Arndt of Groomsmen were Denms The bnde wore a straight Kathenne Suzanne Arndt, Grosse POInte Woods Adams Peacock of Wilson, whIte sleeveless gown that Stroble daughter of Tom and Jan The mother of the I:.nde featured a tram She carned Arndt of Grosse Pomte wore a slate blue pleated N C, and Justm Mark Jenmfer Tracy WhIte, a bouquet of whIte roses Woods, marned Bnan SIlk sheath, a Venetian lace DelSesto of Wal"Wlck Neck, daughter of Stephen and RI Her vell was held m place by Joseph Schatko, son of Edd Jacket, and a corsage of a tiara crown Mary WhIte of Grosse Schatko of Harper Woods The nng bearer was Pomte Farms, marrIed white roses Joshua WIck of London The matron of honor was Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and the late Donna Schatko, The accompamst and the bride's SIster, Shan Andrew MIller Stroble, son on July 29, 2000, at the The bnde attended of Edward and Mary Stroble Miller Stroble solOist was Michael Kneger PlasClk of Grosse POInte Longacre House Garden m Readers were Mary Wivell Central St Martm's College of Grosse POInte Farms, on Farms Farmmgton HIlls in London She IS a desIgner Nov 4, 2000, at St Clare of Attendants wore floor- and the groom's Sister, Lynn and artIst BrIdesmaids were CIlia length forest green crepe The Rev. Charles Hancock Weiss Scott of Bloomfield and Montefalco Cathohc Church of Umty Church of Royal The groom attended OhIO The Rev Joseph E dresses WIth satm trIm The bnde earned a bache- Wesleyan UmversIty' He IS Kathy HIllman of Grosse They carned bouquets of Oak offiCIated at' the 630 lor of arts degree from Pomte Park McCormIck offiCIated at the P m ceremony A reception preSIdent of Sparber 5 30 p m. ceremony, which roses, hydrangeas, Gerber Demson UnIVerSIty She IS a O'Rourke LLC Katelyn PIaSCIk of West daISies, Ins and larkspur, all followed nursmg student at Wayne Bloomfield was the flower was followed by a receptIOn The bnde wore a cream- The newlyweds traveled at the Country Club of m fall colors State UOIverslty to the Bntish VIrgin Islands gill The best man was the colored stlk-faced satm The groom earned a bach- Attendants wore cham- DetrOIt organza sheath that fea- They hve In WashIngton, The bnde wore an antlque groom's brother, Ted Stroble elor of arts degree from the DC pagne-colored SUits and car- of Grosse Pomte Farms tured an off-the-shoulder Umverslty of MIchigan He Groomsmen were Kenny neckhne, an empIre waist IS a graphtc deSigner Pulmonary, cardiac rehab programs slated Prather of Royal Oak, and a chapel-length tram Howard Cappom of the CIty She carned a bouquet of ness or surgery The couple went on safan As part of Its ongomg pul- Pulmonary of Grosse Pomte, Gabe calla hltes was m South Afnca They !lve m monary and cardiac rehabIl- Rehabilitation Program Benvenuto of Rochester, The maId of honor ItatIOn programs, Bon - A phySICian referral IS American Lung Carryn Maslowski of the City of Grosse POInte Secours Cottage Health reqUired for thIS educational Association Breather's SerVIces offers classes for exercise program for per- Club - ThIS free educatIOn- strengthenmg muscles and sons WIth chromc obstruc- al support group IS for peo- mcreasmg endurance For tive pulmonary disease ple With chromc obstructlVe mformatlOn about any of the lung disease such as emphy- programs, call (313) 640- Cardiac Rehabilitation sema, bronchitis or asthma 2582 between 7 a m and 4 Program - A phYSICIan The group meets from 3 to pm weekdays referral IS needed for thiS 4 30 p m on the third educatIOnal exercise pro- Monday of each month at gram offered to people who Cottage Hospital, lower Correction are at nsk of developmg level Participants may Jom at The telephone number heart dlsea~e and for those any tIme for the Yankee Air recovermg from cardiaC 111- Museum at Willow Run Airport was mcorrect In last week's story on page 1B The correct number IS (734) 483-4030

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kate spade Dateoffl4rth~ _Hospital~------Phone~------invites you to 19599 Mack Avenue Visa. MC.#, Exp Dilt~e _ come and see Grosse Pointe Woods SlgnaM"-e _ her new line (313)882.9711 of glasses The Babies of 2001 Than~)'OO ~ndpkalt mum no lattl th1n flKembtr 19th, 1001 • [}r(embtr bmh phlrOl ;lCcefled untll JanwT\9 2001 WCNIaI CALL 313-882-3500 July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 3% Babies Symphony society elects;. Julian Charles Wray and Marla Rohl Sr of Arlene Rozzelle and Don Waseca, Mllln, and new board Wray of Grosse Pomte Park Eleanore Allemon of The Grosse Pomte are the parents of a son Warren Symphony Orchestra Julian Charles Wray, bo~ SocIety board of dlrectoTll June 1, 2001 met June 14 for theIr annu- Tanner Doyle al meeting and dmner Maternal grandparents Belanger New board members are' are Charles and LOIs Mark and Cns Belanger Rozzelle of Tamarac, Fla Carolyn Darby, Ed DIede; of Grosse POInte Farms are Paternal grandparents are Doreen Taylor, President Eli the parents of a son, Tanner Godsalve, De Shaheen, Dr Don and Terry Wray of Doyle Belanger, bor'1 MRrch BallwIn, Mo J d.m~::. L~nllJll, CarOi 30,2001 BeninatI, Mahle Skaff, Mary Ann Zlnn, Stephen GIlbe~ Maternal grandmother IS William Cooper Laune Strachan, Pam Mrs Jamce Strehl of Novi FrancIs, Jean Salathlel', Jackman Irene Blatchford, Joe Bauer, Edmund and Carol Paternal grandparents Irene Burchard, Steve Jackman of Grosse POinte are Mrs Patncla Belanger Garbanno, WIlhatA Park are the parents of a of Grosse POInte Farms and DeFrance and SylvIa son, WIlham Cooper the late F J Belanger Rutkowski Jackman, born AprIl 2, 2001 The orchestra WIll begu\ Maternal grandparents Margaret Emily Its 49th season thiS fall, are Charles B KIrkpatrIck Mutch and under the directIOn of Fehx of BIrmingham and the late Resmck PhyllIS KIrkpatnck Christopher Kurt Anyone mterested In servl. Mutch mg on a 50th anmversary Paternal grandparents Robert G and Janet A committee for the orchestra are Edmund and Barbara Mutch of Chnton Township should call Laune Strachan Jackman of Chesterfield are the parents of tWillS, at (313) 882-0077 TownshIp Margaret Erruly Mutch and Chnstopher Kurt Mutch, Great-grandparents are born June 16, 2001 Lawrence and Marlon Meetings ~ Maternal grandmother IS • Blelman of Palm Spnngs, Margaret Cassar of the CIty C.P. Ski Club Calif of Grosse Pomte Paternal grandparents are CIndy and The Grosse Pomte SkI Shea Steven AI Mutch of Scottsdale, Ariz Club's summer schedule Wilt Include a mId-week canOe Bednarchik and golf tnp on Wednesday Steven and Kan and Thursday, July 25-26 Bednarchlk of Grosse Pomte Matthew Fields and a plcmc at the City of Woods are the parents of a Carter son, Shea Steven Grosse Pomte's park on Ben and Jen Carter of Students support COTS Sunday, Aug 12 Bednarchlk, born May 15, Weston, Fla., are the par- 2001 Maternal grandpar- ents of a son, Matthew Girl Scout Troop 4611 from Richard Elementary SChool in Groue Pointe ents are DebbIe and Robert FIelds Carter, born Jan 10, Farms selected the Coalition on Temporary Shelter as a community project Tnps to Vall and Kmsh of WatervIlle, Mllln, 2001 for the month of June, The sl%scouts conected nearly 700 cans of food. Snowmass are planned for and Kenny and Pam Rohl Jr Maternal grandparents according to Beth McKeown of GrosfllePointe Woods. marketing manager for the wmter of Waseca, Mlnn are Roy and Pat Tipton, for- COTS. Paternal grandparents merly of the CIty of Grosse Semors, smgles and cou- are Anna Mae and Wayne POlnte COTSemployee Joscha Hansard, at the left. helps the Girl Scouts load ples are welcome For more Pterantom of Harper Woods Paternal grandparents food and bags of clothlng lato a COTSvan, From left. are Alyssia Semrau. mformatlOn, call John and Jerry and Joette Nicole Dowdall. EmUy Holm. Came Fisk. Stephanie Ganamo and Nadine are John and Glnme Carter Byrne, preSIdent, at (810) Bednarchlk of FaIr Haven of the CIty of Grosse Pointe Hamson. 293-6779 m the evemngs Great-grandparents are Great-grandmother IS CalvIn and Verlee Heberlee VirgInia Wlelhouwer of Portage ~ of WatervIlle, Mllln , Kenny Anniversaries Amencan Heart .. Assoclatton.V The Goerkes were F ghMQ H.. ,t 0 10Iue and Strgl(e Goerke marned on June 30, Dr and Mrs Kenneth 1951, at St Thomas It keeRS A Goerke celebrated Episcopal Church m morel!1an their 50th weddmg Trenton memones anmversary at a sur- alive. pnse dmner party on They have been resI- Saturday, June 30 dents of Grosse Pomte A!vfERICAN HEART Park for 40 years ASSOCIATION The celebration EMORIAl..S & TRlBU mcluded family and Dr Kenneth Goerke IS fnends as well as the couple's maId of honor, a retIred dentIst Sally Jean Wnght-Moore, and Goerke IS a volunteer at best man, EdWIn Sally and Kenneth Goerke Bon Secours Hospital Goerke

WSU endowment fund Dr, Liborio Tranchida. Wayne State University SChool of Medicine assistant dean of faculty affairs. is honored by an endowment created in his name. Among those who recently attended a recep- tion celebrating their participation in the fund are. from left. Grosse Pointers Thomas Cracchi- olo, Peter Cracchiolo, Mary Lynn and WlUiam Glovan,

Garden Center tour The Grosse Pointe Garden Center Inc. will pre- sent its 10th annual Summer Garden Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. July 14 and 15. rain or shine. The tour includes sl% private Grosse Pointe gardens and three pubUc gardens: the center's Trial Gardens at the Grosse Pointe WarMemori- al. the Grace Adams Harrison Garden for ChU- dren at the War Memorial and the Cbildren's Home of Detroit, Tickets are $8 in advance; $10 on tour days, For information, eaU (313) 881-4594 today, [


July 12, 2001 1 Grosse Pointe News 48 l Community ! I, Publication traces history of Mariners' Church J, ship becommg a ,oclal ser- Its gUldmg form of worshIp PubhcatlOn of the first the date m 1975 on which emerged ao, mUbeum and ment of the 1842 WIll of vice agency 10 the first half and Its contInued adher- defimtlve history of "The the freighter foundered m a relIquary, ab columbanum Juha Ann Anderson, heir to of the 20th century ence to the rituals and lan- Mantlme SaIlor's VIOlent stonn and relIgIOUS school for the the estateb of her hUbband, • Deo,lgnatlOn of the guage of the 1549-1928 Cathedral" was announced Wntten by WIlham F young, as symbol of com- a United States Army engi- church m 1934 as poso,eo,s- Book of Common Prayer recently by Manners' Keefe of New Buffalo, the passIOn and strength for neer. and of her unmarned 109 "exceptIOnal hlstoncal • The period 1990-1994, Church of DetrOIt book's 239 pages of text the seafanng commumty blster, Charlotte Ann and architectural mterebt" 10 two separate court The book relates 10 detaIl reqUired "thousands of and, perhaps mObt appro- Taylor by the advl,ory committee actlOns, when the EPiscopal how the church, founded In hours (of) culhng and pnately, as an expressIOn of of the Hlstonc Amencan DIOcese of Michigan sought 1842 by a charitable assembhng the bits and DetrOIt ltbelf • The church's tentative BUlldmg Survey On March to assert control over the DetrOit Widow, survived pieces of mformatlOn that btart m a frame bUlldmg 11, 1971, the Hlo,tonc church - and the twm 151-plus years of struggle have emerged, after exten- . ThiS 10, the city that that gave way, 10 December PI""d • atlun :\d\-! ';ory ('Ollrt deCISIOns that I1mi negie"t dml tIll edL::. to blve dudlLlonal ellort, as an began a::.a make::.hl1t Iort iIl4:1, to the "ulllpleteu CounCil placed Manners' affirmed the vahdlty of the Its eXIo,tence as well as the mtegrated testimonial to named Pontchartram And Manners' Church, the Church m the National Anderson wIll and the rehablhtatlOn efforts that the tnumph of the SpIrIt here IS the church that bUlldmg that still stands have ,cen the waterfront that Manners' Church rep- began as a spIrItual refuge today at 170 E Jefferson m Regl~ter of Histone Places State of Michigan Act of • The penod, la,tmg Incorporation The latter house of worship become a resents" for beamen - to become downtown DetrOIt DetrOit showplace finally a monument to the more than two year", 10 gave the church's nIne The book's full title IS "Simply put, (the city's eccleSiastical her. • The "Days of Struggle" which the <-hurch remamed trustees the authonty In "Created for the Ages A Church's) story exalts," Itage" and "Years of Dechne" m closed before and after the 1848 10 perpetmty to man- HIstory of Manners' said Keefe m the book'b Among the book's hlgh- which the church's fortunes Clty-englneered move to age the church's affairs . Church of DetrOit" preface "It transcends all hghts are and Image sank as the Jefferson Avenue • With Ingalls' rectorshlp 10 Its 37th year, the Well-known as the norms In acqumng waterfront neighborhood church's preparatlOns to • church that moved 880 feet amemtles, attractIOns and • The ;,tor~ of the succumbed to bhght, WIth • The church's adoptIOn take part 10 "Detroit 300," : in the 1950s, Manners' IS aids to worship, It has church's foundmg m fulfill- the onetime house of wor- of the AnglIcan liturgy ab : :DetrOIt's oldest btone the celebratlOn this month : .church The physical move of the 300th anmversary of . took some four months m the city's foundIng by : J954-55 and created space Antome Laumet de la : for the constructIOn of the Mothe CadIllac. -'CIty'S CIVICCenter The 335-page book, - The Rev Richard W mcludmg appenwces, chap ~ Ingalls became the church's !ler notes and Index, bears a ~J6th rector m 1965, mark- cover created by Canaman : mg the begmnmg of manne artist Peter . Marmers' Church's resump- RmdlIsbacher of bon of ItS hlstonc role as Amhertsburg, Ontano : both a famtly house of wor. Printed in Benton : ship and (With the subse. Harbor and publIshed by : quent renovatIOns of the the church, the book IS bUlldmg) as the Great available from Manners' : Lakes' most endunng rell. Church of DetrOIt, 170 E : glOUbsymbol of concern for Jefferson, DetrOit, MI : the men and women who 48226 The retail pme IS : man the lakes' commerCial . fleets $20 95 Library and whole- sale discounts are avail- In the 1970s, followmg able the loss In Lake Supenor of the freIghter Edmund . FItzgerald, the church The Single Way gamed new fame as the "musty old hall" of Gordon to visit art fair Lightfoot's ballad, "The The SIngle Way IS a group Wreck of the Edmund of mterdenommatlOnal FItzgerald" ChrIStIan smgle adults The Annual commemoratIOns Sunrise Rotary group offers a day tnp to . of the 729-foot freIghter's VISIt the Ann Arbor Art Fair The Grosse Pointe Sunrise Rotary Club cele- . loss With all hands and the Officers for 2001-02 are Steve Basile. president; ~n Saturday, July 21 earher-mltlated Great brated its 10th anniversary on June 22 at the Sherrie Jones, president-elect; Katherine Willi- Lakes Memonal Semce Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. The gathering of pre- ford, secretary; WayneManchester. treasurer; and Teenagers and chIldren WIth a Ble'ismg of the Fleet sent and past members included a silent auction. Tim Kopacka. Dennis Andrus and Dr. Paul Stock- are welcome The group Will draw hundreds of wor- with proceeds going to the club's personal man, directors. meet for car pools at 9 a m shipers to the church each involvement and partnership with the preteen m Warren March girls' program at Peace Lutheran Church in To learn more about Sunrise R.otary. call (810) The Fltz~prald commem- Detroit. 774-7600. For more mformatlOn ca/I oratIOns take place on a (810) 776.5535 Sunday close to Nov 10,

Christ the King .... ~~ Grosse Pomte Lutheran Church '-" ~ WOODS Mack at Lochmoor ~ PRESBYlERIAN 884-5090 Church WORSHIP SERVICES 19950 Mack (between Moross & Vernier) 8 15 &. 10 -15 J m Worship Service

930 a m Sundav School & 10.00 a m. WorshIp ... \,.Ul" .... Classes First English Ev,Lutheran Church ,"'.t1'4 e>-' Nursery serviCes Available iD~ Grosse Pomte Umtanan Vernier Rd at Wedge", ood Dr oa.~ SuperllSed \ursCf\ Prollded Church ;_\l~ ~Dj "w" chnllll1ellnggp DIg 886.4301 - Grosse POInte\Vood~ ~~.~~ Rand} S Bodltr, Paslor "The Passion Play 884-5().j() E mall gpwpc1lurch~aol com rI at Oberammergau" St. Paul Ev. Lutheran 'Jimotll) 0\. Holzerland, Assc Pastor Web Slie www or 73D Pm Thullda\ Tradnl{1ll3l Sel\l(~ 375 Lothrop at Chalfonte ~OOa m So Tradull1ll.ll Ser>lCe St. James Lutheran Church 1030 am WOlShlp Service -AIr Conditioned- ~ GRACE UNITED 17150 MAUMEE 10-;(ll m Coolemil"rJI'l Sell ICe 10 00 a m Worship 170 McMillan Rd near Kercheval 881-0420 A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL PEOPLE ~ ~)CHURCH OFCHRIST Rev John Corrado M,nlster Grosse POinte Farms' 884-0511 , Dr "'aller i Schmidt PilI!or Nursery Available The 1928 Boo I- of Com m on Prayer ~$ ReI Barton L Beebe A''icnonl( The Rev. DaVid J, Greer, Inlenm Reclor The Re,. Bryant W. Denfi1~on. Jr.• The Rev. Dr. Juha A. Dempz Church School Cn!> )cwod gradc ASTEPHEN \fTNISTRY and LOGOS Congregation 16Lakeshore Drive, Grosse Pointe Fann~ • 882-5330 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Grosse Pointe Fanns Secured R62S F.. .IefTenon at Burn" DelrOlI (313) 885-4841 • www.chrlstchurchgp.org Parking Vl'lt our wch~ltc, www Jarx org 822-3456 www.gpmchurch.com rI July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News 58

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July 12, 2001 Grosse Pointe News 68 Seniors Aging population SOC ORtions spotlights Eldercare sac's Food, Friendship Ppoplp today are hvmg century what chlldcare wa" program adds day trips lungel than PVPI and, as to the 'SOb and '90" - a 'hot b,l!n boomer, contmue gra)- button' Ibsue that can go a By Sharon Maier of semors We thmk that lng mto the next three long way m retaining Executive Director, sac exercIse IS Important and dt tJdl'~, ~{'nlOl" \\ III become employees dnd keepll1g pi 0- A recent report released can be fun We also thmk mH' of thp natlOn'~ largest duCtlVlty hIgh," saId Del1l"e by a half-dozen promment that soclahzatlOn IS Impor. .H(P g-roup., It'~ a demo- SpIewak, bemor director at health and aging orgamza- tant gl.lphlt ..hlft that \\111 lead Kelly Absl~ted LIVing tlOns, "NatIOnal Blueprint ThIS fall, we Will add to grl' cardIOvascular health each others company nuld, are II1volved In ..orne bupported eldercare can and can reduce the risk of "We have a full travel Services for Older Citizens will hold a benefit kll1d of eldel cal I.' That reahze slgmficant co~t sa\- schedule planned, starting dinner and auction. "A September Evening by chromc Illne,,~ Ings," adds SpICwak, whose In August Many of our tran"latP .. to some 14 4 mIl. the Lake," on Saturday, Sept. 15. at a local yacht Nearly 34 percent of peo- llUn full- and part-time company provides screened, tnps WIll be on a deluxe club. Cathy Champion. chairman of the auction ple 50 and older are ~eden- bonded caregivers to help motor coach, gIVing us room unplo)ep~ who are al"o committee. recently hosted a party for past auc- tary, accordmg to ~tatlstlCS laregl\ ('I ") elderly chents WIth dally from the Centers for to mclude semors that The pOltralt ofa caregiver actlvltles such as bathmg, tion committee members. From left. are Jan mIght not already be part of Rehmann. Judy Weberand SOCPresident Frank Dlsea"e Control and h t\ plc,lllv female, age 46, dressmg and meals, plub the PreventIOn, which partlcI- our program," O'Bryan said Siaden, ~We WIll be restaurant. l'mplo\pd spending 18 tasks cIted as most common This year's fundraiser will include cocktails, pated In producmg the for family careg1Ver~ trans- hoppmg the last Thursday hour" d week helping out dinner, silent and live auctions. entertainment report Staymg actIVe can portation, grocery shoppmg of each month ThiS IS a her mothpr Pressured to by Paul Locrlchio and by Mel Stander and the help sel1lors retam the abIl- and hght housekeepmg great way to try a different Juggle the re"ponslblhtJes of Gentlemen of Swing. Proceeds from the event Ity to do everyday actIVItIes dn l'ldelly parent and a But what profeSSIOnal restaurant every month will be used to support SOC's programs to help that can become dIfficult Ca! epr ,he'~ on a path that caregivers mObtly dehver, whIle soclahzlng Each older citizens maintain their lives in their With age could l('ad to absenteeIsm says Spiewak. IS rehef ServIces for Older restaurant hop Will mclude homes with independence and dignity. lunch at the restaurant !l)\\ l'1 productlVlt) - eve~ "Relief for elderly chent" Tickets to the event are $75. Topurchase tick- Cltlzen~ offer" exercise 1{-',lgnallOn who !>tay mdependent WIth along WIth a box lunch to ets. call the SOC office at (313) 882-9600. To cla~ses on Monday and the help of our caregJver~, Eldel care Issues have make a donation to the auction. call Richard Wedne"day mornmgs at take home plI.ucted a price on the work- respIte for theIr adult chIl- "I'm lookmg forward to Kay at (313) 886-3567 or Lois Warden at (313) 9 45 a m Carol PIper teach- place - between $11 bIllion dren who can concentrate on the last Thursday of each 881-2615. es the clas"es that are and $29 bllhon per year, work dUring work hours and deSigned to fit a vanety of month as a no-cookmg kind according to MetLlfe That peace of mmd for employ- ability levels of day," said PhyllIS II1clude' the cost of absen- ers" "Some of our semors exer- Johnson, Food and teeism, tardiness, workday For mformatlOn on elder- CI!>em chaIrs, while others Fnendshlp assIstant lI1tprruptlOn~ and replace- care programs and Kellv Lifestyle changes help stand," saId Manlyn "We've carefully chosen the mpnt of employees who qUIt ASSIsted Llvmg Servlce~, O'Bryan, Food and restaurants for affordablllt) due to careglvmg responsl- VISIt the Web sIte at Friendship coordmator for and good food so that any olhtlCb www kellyservlces com seniors stay healthy sac "Each senIor IS able to semors that want to go can "Elder care IS to thiS new -NAPSl (NAPS!) Although levels, making senIors more progress accordmg to hiS (or Jom us» everyone gets SIck at time ..., susceptlble to Illness her) own ability Many We WIll also travel to for ~emors, mamtammg Element., of a healthy semors take a walk down Casmo Wmdsor on good health can become hfestyle mclude exercls~ Waterloo before lunch to Thursday, Aug 9, the mcrea.,mgly dIfficult With and a proper dH't, a~ well as enJoy the health benefits of MIchigan State Fair on age Immune sy~tems no cleanliness and food safety exercl ...e and the beauty of Thursday, Aug 23, longer functIOn at optimum Follow these tlPb from the our neIghborhood" Crossroads VJllage on GeorgIa-PacIfic Health The report offers qUIte Thursday, Sept 13, Smart InstItute to stay encouraging news It's exclt- Cornwell Dmner Theatre on healthy thiS beason mg and empowering to Thursday, Oct 4, the Semor 1. Stay active Just 30 know that "omethmg as Expo on Thursday, Oct 11, mmutes of moderate phy!>l. SImple and baSIC as exercIse the Inbh Hills on Thursday, cal actIvIty a day can be ben- can make a huge dIfference Nov S, Frankenmuth on Mom forgets her medicine ... efiCIal to mamtammg good m the well-bemg of mdlvld- Thursda~Nov 29, and health uals over the age of 50 Casino Wmdsor on Dad just can't get 2. Wabh your handb often Ab part of our mISSIOn to Thursday, Dec 20 111 warm soapy water ThIS IS help semors mamtam theIr "I'm lookmg forward to a good habIt to teach vour mdependence and dlgmty, all of these trips, espeCially around like he used to... grandchIldren, e!>pec;aJIy exercl~e fits mcely mto our our first Casino Tnp I'm dUring cold and flu '>eason program ExerCIse IS part of not a bIg gambler, but sac's Food and Friendship Canada has such a good. The house is just too 3. Don't neglect flu and program whIch addresses exchange rate that I thmk pneUmOl1l3 ~hot" a" pre- nutritIOnal, SOCIaland phys- I'll take In some shoppmg much to take care of... bCribed by your phY,lclan Ical needs of semors The tour company gave U~ a Call the Georgia-Pacific The program prOVIdes great deal Each semor pays Health Smart Institute at lunch for $1, a hot balanced $15 and they get a $15 If there is someone dear to you who needs help (S77) GPClean or log on to meal, and activIties that are lunch coupon, a $10 gammg with the activities of daily living, St. John senior www gphealth~mart com geared toward the mterebts chip and we prOVIde a box lunch for them to take Community can help. home," O'Bryan said Crossroads Village WIllbe Wc 11 prol1de \our 100edone \\uh the a.,>slstancethe} need, and help them to be as mdepen- the first tIme we've traveled all the way to Flmt on a dent .b po~slble Wlllle makmg hfe easier for our rcsJdents ISour top pTlontv,we J1~0 stme SomeOlIe Tou Love Call Use Our Jf£lp tnp The motor coach has restroom faClhtIes and com- to help re:.ldenb stay aClJ\eand lUlolved Some of our amenIUe~,UldactiVItiesmclude .c' I • PmJle homes • full or part- fortable seats so It should , • HospItal or lime eOlerage be a pleasant triP The day • BeJuuful ground.~and rose garden • Ice Cream Parlor nursmg homes • Bonded and msured at Crossroads Village IS called Salute to Semors and • \\1.11'\ • Gift~hop featunng a \lntJge • 2-l.hou~ • R" supen Ised It IS a yearly event Just for Rlgl"1LrCtl ~ur'l!, semors It mcludes a crUIse • ~acllll\ pupple~ popcom machme and jukebo\ l t ...... n ...uJ: Pr h. tlLJ.1 \Iur-.c .. on the Genesse Belle paddle '\ur"L''' '\'u..k .. • An elegant dJnIng room L I\L mllHl1plOll1n ... wheeler, performances by • Tran~portauon the Flint BanjO Club, musIC • Health manJgement and \\ellness servJces by barber shop quartets, • 1\\0 ~oCIaI\I or~e!">I\ho ,>peclable entertamment by the Sweet • 24-hour emergen!:) assIstance Adehnes, danCing by clog- m I~ue~ related to aging NURSiNG UNliMiTEd INCORPORATED gers, a show In the opera • SpmlUaI Care ~taffand Chapel 'cr\ln~ the <:.n~,l. .-moIL", '" ta ...l{m l\uhurh<,.'!nCC 1980 • lntergenerauonal progrJInS house. carousel and wagon • On-'>ItedenIal and podlat!) Sel'\lCe~ ndes, craft show shoppmg • DlrecT\ In e\e('\ room and more • l.aundn and housekeepmg ~eT\lCe Tnps, food, exerCise, and fnendshlp all contnbute to • BeaUI\ Shop • (ou\CnIent, free re~ldenl p,lrkIlH; ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID the quahty ot hfe ~The NatIOnal Bluepnnt The Gro~~e Pomte Puhhc School S)~tem The ~enIor Commuml\ ~dedJcJted AcuVltlesstaff Increasmg PhySIcal ActIVIty Admmlstration BuJldin~ Among Adults Age 50 and al~o plan~ ,I \anety of aclJ\llJe~Includmg ADA ImprO\emenL~ Older" told us that our ser- vlce~ are headed In the • "'me and chee~e receptlOn~ The Bmrd ot I dueo1tlOn of Thc Gro"c POInit Puhlle ~ch()ol nght dIrectIOn <;\,tcm \\,\)lie (ounl) Mldllgdn ....111rCcCI\C ,cdlcd hid, lor • Mll'>lcaland cultuml perfonnance~ If you would hke to read 111,1111.111'\1101 In clc\,ltor dnd ADA rc,lroom t,KlhIIC' .II thc thIS report, It can be down- • Art cla.~~es BOJrd oj I dUl.llIon Adnllm,tr,lIlOn Buildmg ,Xl) <;1 Clatr loaded from the Robert A\L Gro"l POlllle MI 4X2l0 Wood Johnson FoundatIOn • Mll~eum tnp~ web "Ite at wwwrwlforg It ">llLlIlll,ltlon, 'lnd Bid Form, Will hc 1\ III hi also appears m a specIal • \iI'>IL~to the park, 100 and 'iportmg evenL~ t I .1 C .it a supplement of the May 1 lV\NDA fOR\ pre-bid meelinl: on rfiddY Juh Il 2001 .II Is"ue of the JDurnal of I (~) r III C,\'ll'rn da) IIghl time al ,Kl) ~1 CI,m Gro"c POInlc Plu,> re'>ldenL'>IJke comfort m knOl\lO/; ~t John Aging and PhySIcal ActIVIty MJ .. X2'O m Ihe rClCI\ tng .ireJ 01 Ihc AJmml,lratlon For a free copy of thIS Issue, :..cOlorCommUnI!\'proVlde~liVIngoptlOn~and Bulidm!! wnte to the department of kmeslOlogy, UnIversIty of "lolled '>Iafffor \:lmng degree~ of mdependence ">cakJ hill- \\ iii hc due Tuc,da) July 24 200 I al 1000 am IlhnOl" at Urbana- ThaI mean~ ~hould their Il\e~ change, theIr home e,htcrn d,l\ hehl tlmc 11 thc Admlnl'>lrallOn Building 01 the Champaign, LoUise Freer

(,r,) "'e POI nIL BO.IHI 01 l dUlatlOn 1R9 <;1 ('I'lru A\' t.: GIn)\~c Hall, 906 S GoodWIn doC\n'l ha\c 10 ~or more mfonnatlOn or a tour, I "Inle MI .. X2'o

18300 East Warren Avenue Pic"\'e lhool Sy,lcm 10 reserve DISplay AdvertISing (, Pl\ 07/12101 Linda "armer, 'lclrelary space by 2 p m Fnday July 12, 2001 7B Grosse Pointe News Health Wife is addicted Test may predict women's heart problems Several Important que!>- A routme test can mea- already be damaged and women who did not The malfunctlOnmg at the early women were diVIded mto tlOns remam to be am,wered to prescription drugs sure levels of a protem In m future "tudlC"'. he ;,ay;, unne samples and may stage of heart dlsea!>ewhen five group!>, or qumtde!>, Some I,,!>ue.., to addre!>;, By Jeff and Debra Jay reveal early, symptomless there are no !>ymptoms Our ba!>edon the amount of the SpecIal Writers findmg support!>the hypoth- protem pre..,ent m thClr would be treatment of cardiovascular dIsease m mlcroalbummuna dnd Dear Jeff and Debra: eSIs that albumm III the urine postmenopausal women, determmmg whether lower- ThIS IS somethmg I have never thought I researchers reported recent- UrIne ISa reflectIOnofvascu- Women m the group With the highest unne albu~m 109 ,11bum1O10 the unne would have to do My wIfe has mformed me that ly 10 "CirculatIOn Journal of lar damage and a marker of level!> had a cardlOva;,cular would Ieduce the rI"k of car. she IS addIcted to pam medIcatIOn for the second the Amencan Heart early dl!>ea!>e,"he says Among people With dia- death rate of 13 2 for each dlOva;,cular death Banga tIme m our eIght-year marnage. We are m the AssociatIOn" betes and high blood pres- 1,000 years of the .,tudy',> al'>o "ay" further re;,earch process of gomg through a dIvorce and we have a Dutch SCientists mea- mto the mecham;,m that ~urE'd levels of albumm, a sure, mIcroalbumInUrla IS follow-up (a woman followed tlu"e-)eal-old dallghtcl 11) plublem 1", I ",tIll tor 15 yedl ~ \Va",-uUIl,t.U ed nsk love my wIfe very much She wants me to take of developmg kidney dam- 15 follow-up year;,) ThiS mcred~ed cdrdlOva"tular blood, In UrIne samples from rI"k ISneeded her back, but I am nervous about domg that 1,118 healthy post- age or heart dl;,ease number compared to 2 6 ThIS last year has been a roller-coaster mght- Smokmg, high cholesterol deaths per 1,000 follow-up "We know from "tudymg menopausal women who people WIthdldbete.., that we mare I was thankful when she finally left me. and hypertensIOn are among years among the worr.en m were followed for up to 18 can redute ffilcroalbumm- But I should tell years Women In the highest the well-documented Tlsk whom unnary albumm factors for heart dlsea!>e could not be detected una With ACE mhlbltors you that the S1X qumtile of urmary albumm and that thl.., may help pro- levels had an age-adjusted The known hazards, howev- To determme the relative years she was Importance of mlcroalbu- tect them," Banga "ays "We clean and sober cardIOvascular death rate er, do not gIVea full picture of a person's heart danger, mlnuna a" a nsk mdlcator, abo know that If we lower were the happIest 4 4 tImes that of women high blood pressure, we can Without detectable albumIn Banga says He and hiS col- re!>earchers calculated death years of my hfe leagues have been lookIng rate ratIOs for each qumtlle reduce the degree of 10 their unne Albumm lev- mlcroalbummuna and My WIfe IS m els are obtamed by a unnal- for additional markers that of albumm levels The treatment and would prOVIde better rIsk women 10 the highest qum- reduce cardIOvascular risk ySls that ISpart of a routme Therefore, the treatment of counselmg nght medIcal exam estImatIOn tIle of album10 loss had a 4 4 now Dunng her "A routme un nary analy- tImes greater nsk of cardIO- mlcroalbummuna look.., "We suggest that unnary promlsmg for other types of first tIme m treat- albumIn IS an mdependent SIS Willnever be able to pre- vascular death compared to patient!> n ment, I was not rIsk factor for cardIOvascu- dIct cardIac death 10 an Indi- women WIthout mlcroalbu- Co-author;, are Mark lar mortalIty m thiS large VIdual, but It may predIct an mlnUrIa Jeff and Debra Jay supportIve. I The new findmg does not Roest, Ph D. Wilbert M T beheved her prob- group of postmenopausal Increased rIsk," Banga says The women studied were necessanly apply to males Janssen, M D , Ph D , lem was caused by women," says Dr Jan Dirk among 12,239 volunteers and premenopau;,al women Dledenck E Grobbee, M D , a weakness ThIS tIme I want to be supportlVe of Banga, a co-author of the report who donated a urme sample because neither group was Ph D, Jan ,J Slxma, M D, her, but I don't feel I can take her back yet. She A small amount of albu- between 1976 and 1978 represented 10 the study, Ph D. Paul E de Jong, says I am abandomng her when she needs me mm m the UrIne (mlcroalbu- whIle partIclpatmg 10 an says Banga Larger !>tudles M D , Ph D , Dick de ZeeU\~, w111be needed to determme most I am not attendmg counselmg wIth her at mInurla) Indicate!> that expenmental breast cancer M D, Ph D, and Yvonne T If theIr findmg apphe!> to thIS tIme because I thmk she should work on her blood vessels 10 the kIdneys screenmg study When the van der Schouw, Ph D Issues first before we work on our relatIOnshIp are leakmg, says Banga, women prOVIdeda sample- other populatlOm Can you please gloveme some adVIce on how to who ISa con!>ultantm vascu- each of which wa!> frozen help her through thIS dIfficult tIme wIthout los- lar medlcme at the and stored - they also mg our relatIOnshIp? I know nothing about Umverslty Medical Center granted permiSSIOn for Its use m future SCIentIficstud- addIction Your adVIce IS greatly apprecIated m Utrecht, the Netherlands Planning for the future - Unsure Husband SCientists belIeve that thiS Ies leakage results from mal- The researchers ran albu- functIOning endothehal mm analyses of 549 women doesn't always Dear Unsure: cells, which Ime the mSlde of In the cancer study who died Your WIfe's addIctIons counselor can act as a blood vessels of cardIovascular disease involve retirement. gmde for determmmg the appropnate time to • "The endothelIal cplls may and a control group of 569 beglon relatIOnshIp counsehng As a rule of Ask abuul )ftl!e Farm Long Term Care II/\/I/{/}!W thumb, SIXto mne months of sobnety IS a mlm- mum before gettmg mto relatIOnshIp counsehng. because we caTe.' But needs are different for dIfferent people What's the buzz Show your support by attendmg the famdy Call State Farm Agent: program offered at the treatment center Begm on bee sting allergy? Mark Wllamowsk, attendmg Al-Anon or Naranon meetmgs on a IlH2U \ldl' A\lnUl ~I\ 27U weekly baSIS These are Twelve-step programs Every summer, out- a sharp drop 10 blood C"'''l P,\ 1"'01' \11 ;13 ~!ll ~IUU for famIly members If you go to the resource door enthUSIasts across pressure, unconscIOUS- page on www.lovefirst net, you'll find mformatton AmerIca brace them- ness or cardIac arrest about Al-Anon Or look for Al-Anon m your local selves for the annual An allergIC reactIOn can telephone book assault of legions of occur wlthm mInutes of Smce you descnbe the years your wlfe was stlOgmg lOsects These the stmg and may be Like a good neIghbor, State Farm i~there. sober as the happIest of your hfe, and smce you hostlle marauders often hfe- threatenmg, even SU.1I ..... statefarm.com- have a three-year-old daughter, thmk long and fatal leave m their wake '" lie. rJn11 \Illlull \lll(lIllIIOdl In..urJllll (lImp UI\ hard before throwmg thIS relatIOnshIp away. WIdespread fear, ImmedIate medIcal A I!omc. O!hll B1l)l)mm~lon I1IIL1IW. Once m recovery, she WIll be able to mamtam a pamful stmgs and attentIOn IS reqUired INSUI".CS . healthy relatIOnshIp WIth you and your daughter sometlmes even death and may IOvolve the Your mvolvement mAl-Anon WIll faCIlitate thIS Copmg WIth the after- admlmstratlOn of cer- P 98410 1200 process math of such an attack tam drugs and m some A temporary separatIOn followed by a "relatIOn- reqUIres knowledge of cases mtravenous flu- shIp reVIew" mIght work for you Make recovery the symptoms of a nOl'- Ids, oxygen and other the reqmrement of reumtmg your marnage If mal vs. an allergIC reac- treatments Because your WIfe works a program of recovery and mam- tIon, knowlOg when to there IS a 60 percent taInS sobnety, then you can talk about gettmg seek medIcal attentIOn hkehhood of a reoccur- back together ThIS would also set up account- and, If allergIC, under- rence upon re-stmg, abIhty for your WIfe In her recovery. standmg how to pre- allergIC patients should For mstance, you mIght separate for three vent future reactIOns. seek follow-up care months and then reVIew your relatIOnshIp Is she AccordlOg to the from an allergist ThIS sober? Is she workmg a program of recovery? Are AmerIcan College of speclahst WIll evaluate you gOIng to AI-Anon? If you're not ready to get Asthma, Allergy and a patIent's allergIC con- back together, then walt another three months Immunology, most dItIOn and may pre- Always set a date for revIewmg your relatIOn- msect stmgs result m a scnbe an msect stmg • Generally healthy men or shIp DISCUSSthIS pOSSlblhty WIth your WIfe and normal reaction kIt for emergency treat- postmenopausal women her counselor If you declde thIS IS the nght Symptoms mclude pam, ment andfur • Not takmg drugs for osteoporosis chOIce for you, work WIth the counselor through- swelhng, Itchmg and Immunotherapy, a hIgh- out the separatIon and review process redness confined to the ly effective vaccmatlOn WHERE: MIchIgan Bone & Mineral Climc, PC at program for hfelong We suggest that you read a few books on addIC- stmg sIte. St John HospItal & MedIcal Center tIOn "Under the Influence" and "Beyond the Recommended treat- protectIOn agamst aller- Influence" by Kathy Ketcham are excellent Dr ment IOcludes gently gIC reactIOns DuPont's book "The AddIcted Bram" IS quite dlsmfectlOg the area, It was recently shown Participants May Receive: good "I'll QUIt Tomorrow" by Vern Johnson IS a usmg Ice to reduce the m a study pubhshed m • Regular Bone DenSIty Tests claSSIC Our book about mterventlOn, "Love swelhng and usmg tOpI- the Journal of Allergy • Regular VISItS & EvalutIOns FIrst," glovesyou lOslght on the dynamICs of cal sterOId omtments or and Chmcal • InvestIgatIOnal Drug addlctlOn and the famIly's role 10 breakmg oral antlhlstammes to Immunology, that mObt • CalcIUm & Vltamm D Supplements through demal You'll find more books by loggmg people who are allergIC reheve the Itchmg • Travel CompensatIOn onto www hazeldenbookplace org SometImes a normal to msect stmgs who Also educate yourself about the famIly's role In reactIOn can be rather undergo a two-year vac- For more information call: recovery Learn how a parent's addIctIOn affects large extendmg well cmatlOn program WIll 1-888-844-9010 chIldren Your three-year-old daughter needs beyond the stlOg sIte have a prolonged bene- support, too The www lovefirst net Web sIte has For IOstance, a stmg on fit and a permanent mformatlOn about takmg care of the needs of the wrISt may cause the loss of allergy ThIs IS chIldren of addicted parents entIre arm to swell If good news for the 2 mil- thIS SItuatIOn persIsts lIon Amencans who suf- Jeff Jay and Debra Jay are the authors of, for more than a day or fer from potentIally IIfe- "Love First A New Approach to InterventIOn for two, a phySICIan should threatenmg allergIC Alcoholism and Drug AddictIOn," publtshed by be consulted reactIOns and the cnp- Hazelden The book IS available at the Grosse For one to two per- plmg fear aSSOCIated POlntp PubliC Library. and at Borders and cent of the populatIOn, WIth them ToY. Barnes & Noble Jeff and Debra Jay are profes- an IOsect StlOg reactIOn slOnalmterventlOntsts who lwe In Grosse POinte WIll be allergiC 10 To learn more about 0It1CU? Farms They may be contacted With your ques- nature ThIS type of allergIC reactIOns to tIOns at (313) 882.6921 or Jefbay@home com reactIOn IS character- msect stmgs, a free Ized by hIves, Itch 109 brochure WrItten by the and swellmg 10 areas Amencan College of Blood drive is Thursday, July 19 other than the stl ng Asthma, Allergy and SIte, tightness 10 the Immunology IS avaIl- The Grosse POInte Babysltters and trans- chest and difficulty able by calling (800) 23 Commumty Blood portatIOn will he avaIlable breathmg, dIZZIness or STING CounCIl WIll hold a hlood on request drive from 9 a m to 8 30 pm Thursday, July 19, at For mformatlOn or an the Grosse POInte War appomtment, call (313) AD_WOld MemOrIal, 32 Lakeshore 884-5542 CALL 313-882-3500 July 12,2001 Grosse Pointe News

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July 12, 2001 98 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 'Henry I~ Part 1:'showcase for great performances A" though one bnght already mgh drama with gnms on the road to poses on honor before the Battle glgantlc swords Even with. light at a hme IS not profound humor mto one of Canterbury and enJoYJng Shakebpeare wrote It and of Shrewbbury Beneath the out strobe lIghtb It achieves t'l1ough,three virtuoso per- Stratford's umquely great rough humor In the tavern, Campbell playb It to be Just humor here too, there I" a the texture of stop actIOn fOI mances bnlhantly Ilium 1- theatncal achievements It he hmts of future redemp- a httle bit belf-contradlcto. ;,omber meb"age Honor photography The .,upport- nate an already shmlng matches m performance the tlOn ry, so that amid all the belong" to the dead 109 cast boast">many other production at Stratford thiS gemus of Shakespeare hlm- The fnendshlp, banter laughter and feigned bcorn, "Therefore," 'lays Falstaff outstandmg performances ;,ummer The play IS self and play actmg WIth we have to wonder which Ib With a twmkle m hi;' eye, It IShard to beheve that Shakebpeare's "Henry IV, Frequently Viewedas a Falstaff are filled WIth the real Falbtaff In the "I'll none of It " there could be a chance to Part 1," which ISbest vehicle for the character notous fun, but WIth under- relatIOnship With Hal 10 Much more I., wonderful see thiS play ,0 well-per- known for ItS famous Falstaff, the play ISoften IYJngportent In a moving thiS performance, however, about thl" productIOn formed agam oarshead Tavern scene m cast and directed With the "cent- WIth hiS father, Kmg Abbey and Campbell man- There IS a delightful ;,cene "Henry IV, Part l' I' pre- hlch we lust meet one ot comic aspect 01the }<'at Henry 'V, even all HllllJ,,- ag" tu wfl\c) a fLchn;; that m Wd,f) - wlth nn '-uhtl- "pntpd III rppertorv at the he greatest characters ever Knight In mind It takes a tens silently to the Kmg's exprebses both their fnend- tie;, - by a PrlOce;,'l of Tom Patterson Thpdler I eated for the stage parental chastisement, hiS ship and Itb ambivalence Wale;, who Ib marned to one through Sept 29 For IOfor- Indeed, Douglas state of the Arts expreSSlOns and body Ian. Falstaff remains hiS own of the rebelhoub English mahan and reservatlOnb, ampbell as Falstaff treats guage speak volumes as to man, however, and lord" A battle scene at call (800) 567-1600 s to one of the three truly hiS intentIOns Campbell makes us reahze Shrew"bury I" a 'llow- nlhant charactenzatlOns Hotspur ISHal's OPPOSite It With hiS delivery of the motton tableaux of knights l' has to share the hme- herOIC,noble, senous, dedl- Knight's famoub catechism m 'hmmg armor With ght - much to our benefit cated to hiS cause, Ideahstlc With Graham Abbey as - all the thmgs that Hal rmce Hal and Jonathan seems not to be ad as Harry Percy, called He also earns hiS mck. otspur name Hotspur's passIOn for The result ISmore than hiS cause ISVlolent and e sum of the parts These Goad appears to have been e the three cntlcal roles made for the role He the play Each IScom- exudes Vlnhty to such a ex, expertly written and, company hke Stratford's to degree that m rus most course, they are mterre- pay full respect to the depth ImpassIOned scenes, he ted of Falstaff's character and makes the whole theater It ISas much as any audl' the connectIOns and con- tremble It IS an excIting ce can hope for to have trasts between mm, Hal charactenzatlOn, burstmg e of them stand out To and Hotspur WIth energy ve all three of them Thanks to personal mag- perb 111 an extremely netlsm and complete The frosting on the cake, ll-dlrected and well. pro. ImmerSion In hiS role, of course, ISDouglas ced performance, much to Graham Abbey's Hal pro- Campbell's remarkable per- e credit of director Scott Jects the full scope of the somficatlon of the great ntworth, ISa rare expen- Pnnce's contradictory per- humamty of Falstaff He ce sonahty Even In hiS "mad. makes It radiate through he total effect ISover- cap" phase With Falstaff the veneer of blustery elmmg It makes what IS and cromes, robbing pII- humor and self.deprecatlng Fine Arts Society Members of the board of directors for the 2001-02 season of the Fine Arts ride of the Pointes SOCietyof Detroit are. from left: Paul Koch, Donna RideUa. Rob Green, Mon- ica Quinn. Bill McCarthy. Jonathon Davis. Evelyn Bogan and Sue Petz. Not eghan Berschback mathemattcs honor society, recently mducted mto named to the fall semes- at the Madonna Umverslty Madonna Umverslty's shown is Julia Keirn. Dean's List at College of SCience and Kappa Iota chapter of the ttenberg Umverslty. She MathematiCs Sigma Theta Tau, an mter- a reSident of Grosse natIOnal nursmg honor SOCI' ety te Park and the daugh- • ~u,

• Katherine Kraft of I You VI. l\t:-ard OrfT 5 mas(UflllCe m mO\l ~ sse Pomte Park, Julie .uch as Braurlutlrl Ex((,bb"r and (,wry ndro of Grosse Pomte No," h<:ar Larmma Bur-ana hv," - with , Christopher 'fe-Shen OV

of Grosse Pomte Farms, ENCORE PERFORMANCE BY POpULAR DEMANDI herine Norris of sse Pomte Farms, Shree GATES OPEN '0 MINUTES PRIOR TO ALL CONCERTS FOR PICNICKING nkat of Grosse Pomte rms, David Piech of osse Pomte Farms, son Mangol of Grosse 11C~"s a[ n'lo Ilox Office' PalACeBox OffICe ~ 1 inte Park, Brian MSTr~I

Karen Wittstock of AAA TraveVGrosse POinte Grosse Pomte Park gradu. I / '\ ",.1< ~"'\ 19299 Mack Ave ated from Hope College With 6:00 PM til 10:00 PM ...... ' ~./ nt LU"'!ilm 313.343.6000 a bachelor of - wORRY-FRIE ",,i r" ~l~d AAA TravellDetroft NE art<;degree m •~ Va(atlOn~' tychology& Tickets available at all participating restaurants, Call 313 417-2393 Spalnlsh thr lw.:h 'X'\)rr) frll \ h.. lllnn ... 0\1'1 i Wlttstock 18 Grosse Pointe News or call 810-775-8138 \ ,m \ '\ \ T, 1\

rrfrl (' r iWi't',t,1 t' AA4 r,J..,IAoent.l' wwwaaamlCh com 1 H,'~"t;(r.... • m(l 1 ~I ::felty, 8t ~)''''.. Grosw Pointe News Christine Anderson of C°NNtdiot!t Gro.,<;e Pomte Woods was " , .. , , ... It .. mducted mto the Beta f!!I!! ADVEI_ M'»«SI Omicron chaptN of Sigma Zeta, a natIOnal 'lclence and CALL 313-882-3500 t -tv July 12, 2001 10B . CommunI cl .G.ro.ss.e.p.ol.nt.e.N.ew-s Interurban was itnportant Eng!!;gements for grolVth of suburbs - Manion- Pointes, St. Clair Shores Booher Mr and Mrs Paul J Mamon of Grosse Pomte BV Mimi Drennan old, quamt French settle- Lme bonds And the compa- Park have announced the Special Wnter ment (St ClaIr Shores), ny lost a crucIal court case engagement of theIr daugh- The loanng '20s were which has heretofore been mvolvmg control of the ter Anna Mane Mamon, to ~10unt Clemens and I val '111;;, 1"J""J Cvn",Jel

Educational the artist In your youngster Cafe Call (313) 343-2074 adult, can fabhlOn their own Parade featuring Madame exhibItions of the DetrOit adventures WIth a CreatIve Arts Fun flicks Zlg-Zag Photo Books during Mane Therese CadJllac , Hlstoncal Museum m The Grosse POinte War Workshop, Monday, July 23 Add a little cInematic a Youth Clabb, Thursday, Games on the Green, La-DI- DetrOIt Offer your little one Memorial In Grosse POinte through Wednesday, July excitement to your child's July 19, from 1 to 3 p m The Dahs Hlstonc Baseball and an IlltroductlOn to Bosman Farms, offers a full schedule 25, from 9 30 to 11 a m The vacatIOn With the Summer fee IS $12 per child and $10 more Travel through the Culture dUring a Wiggle ,()f educatIOnal and boclal fee IS $48 Your hIgh school- Film Festival 2001 at your per adult With a $2 discount past 100 years via the spe- Giggle Workshop, Saturday, adventures for children ers, ages 14 yearsl8 months local branch of the Grosse for DIA members Cial exhibit Your Place In July 14, from 1 to 3 pm The ExercIsE' your youngster's and above, can get behind POinte Public Library Reservations are required Time 20th-Century fee IS$3 per child The hlsto. Intellect and ImagmatlOn the wheel With Grosse Nancy Drew Mystery of the for each course Call (313) America Patrons can tour ry of one of DetrOIt's most this summer With an Ammal POinte DriVing School GhostWriters CrUise, Willbe 833-4249 the museum's spectacular attractIOns IS Planet LIVIng SCience Day Segment I courses will be bcreened Tuesday, July 17, ZOO news CommumcatlOns, Llghtmg, explored m the exhIbition, Camp program, for students offered Monday through at 11 am, at the Wood's Talk to the ammals at the TransportatIOn and Island m the City Belle Isle, ages 5 to 12, Monday, July Thursday, July 23 through Branch, Wednesday, July DetrOit Zoo, at Ten MJle and DomestIc Arts exhibitIOns through September 2001 The Museum IS open daIly, 23 through Friday, July 27, Aug 9 The fee IS $269 18, at 1 pm, at the Park Woodward In Royal Oak Expenence the history of from 9 a m to 5 p m The from 9 a m to 3 P m The fee Segment II will take place Branch and Thursday, July Travel back In time to expe- DetrOIt's Original settler; Vtllage IS open from 9 a m l~ '1;21111 Hlt A h'gh notp wlth Monday, July 23, 'fuesday, 19, at 1 pm, at the Central nence Dlnobaurla III. fea- through the eXhibitIOn. July ..!4and fhursday, July to 5 pm, through Jan 1 I Love MUSICI Camp branch Call (313) 343-2074 turing a four-acre Dlno traIl, Land, Lives and Legends AdmiSSIOn to the Museum Children, ages 18 months 26, from noon to 2 p m The SAT/ACT practice VIdeos and a DmoSlmulator NatIve Americans III through 3 years, can attend fee IS $35 Pre-reglstratlOn thrill nde, through Monday, ranges from $7 50 to $12 50 DetrOit DetrOIt's 300th Prepare your students for AdmiSSIOn to the Village Monday, July 16 through for actiVIties can be charged Sept 3 The exhibit admiS- Birthday IS the inSpiratIOn the most Important chal- ranges from $8 50 to $13 50 Friday, July 20, from 9 to to your Master Card or VIsa, lenges of their academiC sIOn IS $4 DlnoSImulator for the speCial exhIbitIon 30 9 45 a m Early schoolers, via fax at (313) 884-6638 or tIckets are $3 Tour the spec- Children under the age of 5 Who Dared Detrolters Who careers With free Princeton and members are admitted ages 3 1/2 to 4 112years, can phone at (313) 881-7511 tacular $6 million NatIOnal Made a Difference, through ReView SAT or ACT Tests, free Showmg m the enJoy the Camp on those Teen readers Amphibian ConservatIOn December 2001 More than Saturday, July 14, at 9 am, Museum's $15 mllhon IMAX same dates, from 10 to 1045 Students, III Grades 5 at Grosse POinte South High Center :rhls state-of-the-art 100 years of hfe on DetrOlt'b through 12, can get all VIllage, dedicated to the con- Theatre are Michael Jordan mam street IS the focus of a m The fee IS $50 The School PreregistratIOn IS to the Max, Super pages of Alice In booked up thiS summer by servatIOn, preservatIOn, the new photographic exhi- requued Call (800) 2- Speedway, The MagiC of Wonderland will spring to JOining the Grosse POinte exhibitIon and mterpreta- bition Past VISIOns,Present REVIEW Fhght, Cyberworld 3-D, hfe during a Mad Hatter's Public Library's Teen Art appreciation tlOn of amphibian hfe, hous- Insl~hts' The Woodward Reading 2001 Summer es a host of amazing ammals NSYNC Bigger Than LIfe Avenue Rephotographlc Garden Tea, for chIldren Introduce your aspiring and T-Rex Back to the ages 6 and above, Tuesday, Reading Club Participants mclud10g Japanese giant ProJect, open through artists, ages 11 to 15, to the salamanders, hellbenders, Cretaceous Dally screen- July 17, from 2 to 4 p m The can pick up an informatIOn Potter's Wheel during a September 2001 Youngster~ packet at the Central emperor newts and darting mgs Will be offered, on a can expand their knowledge fee IS $22 LIttle green Summer Camp program at rotating baSIS, beginning at thumbs, ages 3 and above, Branch, 10 Kercheval III pOisonfrogs The ZOOISopen of the toys, games, tram,- the DetrOit Institute of Arts. 9 am, on the hour In the can partake III a Butterfly Grosse POinte Farms, Park dally, 10 a m to 5 p m Zoo portation, office matenal~ 5200 Woodward m DetrOit, mormng and on the half- Seeds to Grown On pro- Branch, 15430 Kercheval III admiSSion IS $7 50 for and home hfe of the pabt Saturdays, July 14 through hour III the afternoon and gram, Saturday, July 21, Grosse Pomte Park and adults, $5 50 for semors and through the hands-on expe- Aug 18, from 1 30 to 3 30 evening TIckets are $10 for from 10 to 11 a m The fee IS Woods Branch, 20600 Mack students, ages 2 to 12 Call riences of the I Discover p m The fee IS$80 or $64 for (248) 398-0903 adults or $8 for semors and $3 per child or $5 per family III Grosse POinte Woods DIA members Youngsters, exhibit The Museum IS Just fimsh five books, fill children ages 12 and under Boost your daughters' confi- ages 7 to 9, can discover art History alive open Wednesday through out the forms and place Call (313) 982-6001 dence, self-esteem and a from many cultures dunng a The Henry Ford Museum Fnday, from 9 30 a m to 5 them In your local hbrary's Detroit's past positive body Image With a Camp Art N' ActIOn pro- and Greenfield Vtllage 10 p m and Saturday and Girls Empowerment Fitness Teen Read Box Three par- Dearborn, will mark Stroll the Streets of Old Sunday, 10 a m to 5 p m gram, Monday July 16 DetrOit, expenence more Camp, for little ladles ages 7 tlClpants at each branch through Fnday, July 20, DetrOIt's 300th Blrthdav Suggested admiSSIOn IS could Win a grand pnze than 100 years of automo- through 9, Monday, July 23 from 9 a m to noon The fee during Amenca's Hometowit $4 50 for adults or $225 for draWing on Wednesday, Aug tive history and travel from through Friday, July 27, IS$120 or $96 for DIA mem- Summer CelebratIOn, semors, children ages 12 8, for $30 gift certificates to Frontiers to FactOries from 9 30 a m to 12 30 P m bers Creative thinkers, ages through Sunday, Aug 19 and under, free Call (313) BordE'rs Books & MUSIC through the permanent The fee IS $150 Bring out 5 to 8, accompamed by an FestiVIties Include a Village 833-1805

, f 1 I 'I I I Mwro Dermabrasion is big at • GI Teddy - A Patriotic our spa. Chents are mmimizing Collector's Item. This highly Leaving on your crUlse or head- stretch marks, fme lines, scars collectible bear is patterned after and over exposed chest areas. ing out of town for your vacation? the original "GI Teddy" made in 2001 SUMMER SEASON has A plastlc surgeQn 1 network The NOTRE DAME PHARMACY 1946 from wool Army blankets, begun in our 2nd floor SOHAR WIth feels It'S the most effectwe and is available exclusively at ROOM with an open deck, lIve has all your travel needs, Nice treatment before laser or selection of Samsonite travel cos- Jacobson's. In stores now or on entertainment, & danCIng. chemtcal peels for condltwns not our webSIte: www.Jacobsons.com. metic bottles, luggage tags, travel considered severe FUNPAMENTALS pillows plus money pouches, We have a cltent who has seen a • Introducing Laura Thursday, July 12 starting at 8:00 p.m. travel ramcoats, clocks, passport 70% reduction in acne scars in Mercier Cosmetics. Created by one year It's amazmg! cases, adapters ... everything from world-renowned makeup artist COLD TRAIN travel shampoo to clotheslme - If your skm tS already nice, but Laura MerCIer, this line of cos- Friday & Saturday, July 13 & 14 maybe some uneven tone or not plus much more... at 16926 metics and skincare benefits starting at 9:00 p.m. Kercheval m.the. Village. ,ag youthful try! onl~five women of all ages and skin types. treatments and you'll be a zed. (313)885-2154. Now available In Beauty. BLACK MARKET Buy 2 get 1 free or a pa Ikage of Wednesday & Thursday, July 18 & 5 and get 2 free, .Power Peel at 19 starting at 8:00 p.m. ?o Edwin Paul Spa. "~' . Ann (313)885-9002 , Jacobson's SOULSTICE Arbor _ www.edwmpaulcom 1'000 Kc chE'Ial. Ciros.s.eP'onle. 313) 88:? 70Cl0 Friday & Saturday, July 20 & 21 Antiques SHOPPING HOURS: MON-SAT 10-' • SUN NOON - ;; starting at 9:00 p.m. ., Market I eDWin, PAUL Also on July and August 21023 Mack Avenue, Grosse POlAte Woods ANTIQUE LOVERS .•. Wednesday nights. CANADIAN Join us at the famous ANN MONEY IS ACCEPTED AT PAR In ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. I ...:,,-.::: ..... the Sohar Room after 5:30 p.m. The happening is Sund~y, JJ.:!h 15th. There are over 300 out- Arrive early and enjoy dInner standIng dealers in quality ~m~~~?- before the music. antiques and select collectibles. All are under cover. This IS Ann " Designer Resale SINDBAD'S "SOHAR" ROOM perfect Arbor Antiques Market's 33rd sea- . Boutique by for your private parties and special son. All items guaranteed as rep- I occasion. Call (313)822-7817 for more resented The time IS 7:00 a.m. to SUMMER SALE infonnation at 100 St Clarr on-the- 4 00 p m. .at 5055 Ann Arbor - ON FURS ...I Y~UNG CL~THES River. Saline Road (Exit #175 off 1-94, Take an addltional 1{J% OFF 17027 Kercheval-in-the-Village then south 3 miles). Washtenaw on the ongmal sale prlce on all Grosse Pointe • 881.7227 Farm Council Grounds. Only furs. Hurry m! Sale ends July $5.00 admission. FREE parking. 14th,2001 ANNUAL SUMMER CLEARANCE. PS., Have you seen Samira's 80.75% OFF select summer apparel KISKA JEWELERS wmdow lately? \ mcludmp! maternity. Brmg m thls ViSIt Samlra's, locAted at ad and recewe 15% off zn-stock SWISS Army watches are perfect 21027 Mack Avenue (North of 8 regular przced merchandise Sale for the sport.y type person. Klska MIle), Grosse Pomte Woods, 313- ends July 15 Jewelers carnes a large selectton 886-5043 of deslgns for men and women Varzety of styles wlth dtfferent colors, stamless, two tone -. great combznations to suit all Ed Maliszewski personahtles ..at 63 Kercheval on- CarpQting CAFANA'S the-Hlll (313)885-5755. Karastan CertIfied Installers Expenence the fmest m Quahty 3 Month 1hal Membershtp make the difference between a Dry Cleamng, Expert Tmlormg $150 good Installation and a GREAT and Elegant Men's Formal Wear Can be apphed to an annual membershIp INSTALLATIONI ... at Ed Rentals VIStt CAFANA'S at To adverttM in this column Call for detalls MahszewskI, 21435 Mack Avenue 17233 Mack Ave. @ Notre Dame, call (313) 182-3$00 On Mack • (313)885.3600 (810)776.5510. (313)881.1224 by 2:00 p.m. Ffidap Section C CLH5SIFIED 0II••f1t4 ".HI",,,,.,,,,,• .., "'". S.... mIM, II.,,,,.,,..,,,, At Perfect game highlights early action in Little League district play

It;, gomg to be tough to Bryant's gem came 10 a was taIlmg away from hIm two runs In the second and outburst m the fifth Harper Wood;, also made a top Willie Bryant's debut m matchup With Harper Catcher Max Getz Chapel helped himself by Matt Koppmger went the ;,trong comeback from It::. the Dlstnct 6 LIttle League Wood;, pitcher Bob Knight, grabbed a towenng popup dnvIng m Flaska with the distance to post the vIctory early defeat, crushmg InternatIOnal tournament who had pItched a perfect behmd the plate and Phil final Woods-Shores run m Jordan Zatorhkl drove m Clinton Valley NatIOnal 19- that runs through Saturdav gRm~ rll1rn1g ..~c rcgl.l!.:lY C:lckc:\\ ski spnnted .nta the thdJ LWO1un::. fOI Chilton valley J at Elworthy l<~leld ;,ea;,on. ;,tnkmg out all 18 nght-center field to snag a Evan Pearson had a two- VanEgmond got Woods- A 10-run Sixth inning The Gro;,se POInte Farm;,- batters that he faced sInkmg dnve m the sixth run hit for the Park m the Shores rolling agamst sealed the Win for Harper City pltchel threw a perfect Bryant wa~ the beneficia- mmng second Jame;, Bertakls L'Anse Creuse WIth a two- Woods Wmnlng pitcher game to get hIS team oITto a ry of a wuple of outi>tandmg The Farms-City hitters made It a one-run game With run homer m the first Blake SmIth scored four good start In the tourna- defenSive play;, Danny struck early but KnIght set- a two-out homer 10 the sixth mnIng Marshall Ochylskl runs ment WIth a 7-0 wm over Demp;,ey mdde a finE' catch tied down and allowed only but Chapel got the next bat- pItched two strong mnmgs In a firbt-round game, Harper Woods on a fly ball by KnIght that two hits after the first ter to hIt J grounder to early m the game and MIke Clinton Valley Amencan mmng TIm Deters had a Rohrkemper at shortstop for Kotun came on 10 the sIxth beat Hamtramck 6-1 behmd solo homer and fimshed the final out to record the save Kyle the 13-stnkeout pltchmg of With three RBIs, whIle Woods-Shores NatIOnal Esperanza's two-run homer Cody Gutsue. Andy PlOnk's CurtIs Fisher had two hIts produced a lot of offense 10 cut the Woods-Shores lead to thlrd-mmng smgle put and drove 10 a run Its two games beatlOg 12-8 In the fourth mnlng Chnton VaHey ahead to stay In the closest game 10 the Clinton Valley NatIOnal 10-4 Grosse POinte Park Kemal Kurtovlc made a fine first three days of the tour- and outlastmg L'Anse bounced back from Its first- runnmg catch to hIghlight nament, Grosse Pomte Creuse 12-9 game defeat to oust the Hamtramck effort Woods-Shores Amencan Chnton Valley NatIonal Hamtramck 22-110 the dou- Chnton Valley Amencan edged Grosse Pomte Park 4- Jumped out to an early 3-0 ble-ellmInatlOn tournament remamed In the winners 3 lead, but Dave VanEgmond Pearson pitched a strong bracket WIth a 10-0 wm ove:r Jon Chapel outdueled the got one of the runs back WIth game for the Park and he Clintondale Calvm Lech Park's Ryan Abraham to a solo homer m the thIrd was supported by two pItched the sh \tout Nick earn the VIctory Woods- lOnmg Pat Gustme's double homers from Abraham and Hanford scored three run,s Shores catcher Taylor tnggered a three-run rally one by Bertakls and Igruted a ,>Ix-run fourth Fla;,ka opened the sconng for WOOds-Shores m the Hamtramck's only run was mnlng for Clmton Valley With a long home run 10 the fourth mnmg and hits by set up by a pair of stolen Matt Esslan and Joh first lOnmg Matt Teppattl and Andrew bases by catcher Matt Parsons had the ClIntondate Jeff Rohrkemper drove 10 Robmson keyed a five-run KeyewskI hits Diamonds second in Riverview tournament The Grosse Pomte mnmg on a smgle by Kelh Lmdsay Grabowski's double DIamonds coach Ron SmIth Diamonds Softball Club Labara and a tnple by KatIe that scored Katie DIMaggIO that, "No team ha;, ever hit under-16 fastpitch team fin- Kthmas The DIamonds and Murray our pltchmg thiS hard" Ished second at the recent broke a I-I he m the fifth The DIamonds fell behmd The rout of NorthvIlle put USSSA RiverView Softball when Amy Kthmas got hpr ~-O to Northvllle'\n the first Grosse Pomte mto the semi- InVitatIOnal and they did It third hit of the game and f:mg but answered WIth finals agamst Southgate the hard way scored on a smgle by s x runs m the bottom of the and th~ DIamonds came After losmg theIr opener Lmdsay Koerber. arne, featunng a home run away Wlth a 14-10 VIctOry. n-o to Garden CIty. the Garden CIty won on a paIr y Kahe Labara, and went Each team scored seven Diamonds won theIr next of unearned runs m the sev- on to an 18-3 VIctory runs 10 the first three three games before losmg a enth lOnmg / Stephame SmIth reheved mmngs tough 3-2 deCISIOnto Garden Amanda Murray pitched and held NorthVIlle hitless GrabowskI, Laethem, CIty In the champIOnship well for the Diamonds;' after the first Julie Borushko and Koerber game allowmg seven hits and Kelll Labara, Katie each drove m two runs for There was excellent stnkmg out seven Kthmas, Chnstle Laethem the DIamonds defense on both SIdes as the In theIr second game of and KatIe Labara each col- Pho'o b) Hank DePuy. htle game was scoreless the tournament, Grosse lected three RBIs for the One of the Grosse Pointe Woods-Shores players The Diamonds play In the through the first three Pomte spotted Lansmg a 5-0 Diamonds under-18 dIVISIOn of the takes a cut at a pitch during ODeof the District 6 mnmgs The Diamonds lead but came back to Win 6- After the game, the Little League tournament games at Elworthy Field. South Macomb League, broke through In the fourth 5 10 the last mnmg on NorthVIlle coach told where they're 4-4

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The Grosse Pomte Blue squared the senes WIth In the playoff round, Volleyball ASSOCiatIOn a 25-21 victory Grosse POinte started WIth a under-12 team, sponsored Grosse Pomte won SIX of 25-11, 25-17 victory over by the NeIghborhood Club Its eIght matches m pool Washmgton Area In the under the dIrectlOn of JIm play The POinte squad faced semifinals, Grosse Pomte- SImmon, won the AAU state Somc Blue m the first set of beat Adnan Somc Yellow 25- tournament at Sand Creek games and lost 25-16 and 21, 15-25, 15-12 HIgh School last month 25-20 Team members are Grosse Pomte faced the Gro!>se Pomte won Its next Ceceha Vaughn, Alexandra host Adnan Somc Blue team SIX games, defeating Cheolas, Bnttney Furgal, m the champIOnshIp round MarySVille Gray 25-7 and Katey Stapleton, Julia Each team won a rally ball 25-11, beatmg LIVOnIa Hrabovsky, Mary l\ate match to 25 pomts, forcmg a Borderlme Navy 25-12 and Peltz, Michelle Kuzn)~, tllll J gallltl Lo 15 pOUIL:>, 23-21, dlU1 OV"IIJUw .. ,wg I:liL.(.1L'-.rtL L ...U~4- .:..:t.d I\~t) whIch Grosse POinte won 16- BelleVIlle BBU Green 25-13 Knel';er The coalh IS Sally 14 and 25-10 Coome; Grosse Pomte won the first game, 27-25, but Sornc Babe Ruth highlights Midget champs The Bruins won the Midget B championship in the Grosse Pointe HOClkey from F-C-P Association. In front are goalies Craig Onderbeke. left, and Joe Gaylord. In the second row, from left. are Chris Monaghan. Ian Milhouse. Tony Fortu- McGWIRE DIVISION nate and Tom Solomon. In the third row. from left, are assistant coach Rick TIgers 6, Braves 3 Fortunate, Ian Kennedy, Andrew Amato. Mike Ambrozy and Ian EUch. In Dan Remhard allowed two hIts and three runs m SIX mnlngs to back, from left. are assistant c~ch Rich Elich. head coach Howard Hoban. pIck up the VICtory Max SchmIdt Jim O'Neill, Evan Scott. Tom Tavery. Paul Feder. Jordy Owen. Kevin Amori and Vmme Pamzzl had the Tigers' and assistant coach Keith Owen. Not pictured is Drew Kisskalt. hIts SchmIdt drove 10 two runs Ben FIscher pIcked up the save WIth an mnmg of rehef

Tigers 8. Hecla 6 Ben Fischer led the way for the Tigers as he collected four hits, Red' Devils tie for under-14 stole four bases, had five assIsts and pItched a scoreless mnmg Brian Pawlaczyk drove m three indoor title at Total Soccer runs WIth a pair of two-out hits Mike Snook had a key saCrIfice that put two runners m sconng poSItIon The Red DeVlls, an mdoor meetmg, the Red DeVIls crushed the Tauros 13-1 and Rob HeIde, Charhe Mackmnon and 4,who finIshed 7-1 passmg, gave them the VIC' Bnan SullIvan splIt the a double Vinme Pamzzi pitched five scoreless mmngs for the TIgers Local sailor on top 10 college team and tied '" Ith another tOlY goalkeepmg but Ben FIscher pIcked op the wIn Glo.,.,e POllltc team m rehef Sernor Angela ScheIbner 180 pomts Grosse Pomte won the Enc Berschback, Andy of the CIty of Grosse POinte The Rpd DCVlb outscOI ed second meetmg on the last Wolkmg, DaVId Haberkorn, was a member of the WIlham Smith, whIch day of the season 6-2 to Wilham SmIth College saIl- thell oppom'nt" 83-17 In Philip Bossonney, Alex Fraser 8. Blue Jays 7 entered the event ranked thl' la,t t,\O year", the team share the tItle WIth the Red Breltmeyer and Rob HeIde Fraser scored tWice m the bot Ing team that fimshed mnth 10th m the natIOn, fimshed \\a., 1'1-1 and had a 151-37 DeVIls Grosse Pomte led 2-1 prOVIded excellent mIdfield tom of the seventh to pull out the In the IntercollegIate Salhng ahead of No 8 Navy The 'Ul1 mg ad\ antage at halftIme play victory Jim Patnck had three hits ASSOCiatIOn Women's Herons also beat Stanford, for Fraser, Dan Bahorskl collected a NatIonal ChampIOnshIp MichIgan and the College of \ pair John Freecla got the WIn m The Rpd Devil; opened In theIr other games, the Tom Porter, Chad Murphy rehef ScheIbner, a Grosse Charleston and l!o,ed the ,eason Red DevI);, beat TSH 11-0 and SullIvan led the offense Pomte South grad, sailed The Umverslty of HawaII agalll,t the other Gro!>se and 11-3, overpowered Total Jacques Bossonney BriaR Russell led the Blue Jays WIth two others on the fimshed first, 15 pomts Pomtp tl am In the fir!>t Soccer 7-2 and 21-1 and coached thel Red DeVIls WIth three hIts, while Bnan Herons' A DIVISIOn boat, ahead of runner-up Dempsey and Peter Hrtanek each which finIshed mnth WIth had two RIcky Soper, PJ Janutol Dartmouth and J P Wagner added a hIt apiece for the Jays

elt) of Qfirosse Jointe ;IDiIoobs,MichIgan Bille Jays 17, Tigers 4 A 15-run fourth mnlng earned the Blue Jays to the VICtory NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal the Cuy Counlll adopled Startmg pItcher Stefan HarrIS the tollowmg ordlnam.e' .11 Ih meetIng held on Monday, May picked up the Win With rehef help from MIchael Dunaway J P 21,2001 The OrdonanLc, are a'allahle forpuhhL on'peLlIOn at Wagner had three hIts far the Jays, the MumLlp.I1 BUlldong, 20025 M.IL" PlaIa, between 8 10 am whIle Peter Hrtanek, Anthany DeLaura, Bnan Dempsey, Grant and 5 00 pm. Monday Ihroogh Friday .Ind were e1tcLlIve June Lockhart and HarrIS collected two 26 2001 apIece The other Jays hits were by Bnan Russell, Peter Stevens and Matt Handley • An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 98, Zoning. Article I. "in general", SectIOn 98.1. Height of Bnan Fischer Max SchmIdt, Building Definition of the 1997 City Code of the Bnan Cammer, Rob Heide and 1bm TuthIll had the TIgers' hIts City of Grosse Pointe Woods Pointer is on • An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 98. Zoning, Article Ill, "R-I One-family ReSidential State Cup District." Section 98- 73(F), Lot & Building Regulations generally, "Schedule of champion Regulations," of the 1997 Cit} Code of the City Grosse Pomter Brendan of Grosse Pointe Woods Symmgton was a member of the Vardar '89 under-12 soc- • An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 98. ZoRlng. The Red Devils tied for first place in the under. 14 division at Total Soccer last cer team that won Its dIVI- Article II, "District Regulation~." adding Section winter as they posted a 7-1 record. In front. from left, are David Haberkorn. sIOn at the recent MIchIgan 98.54 en tilled "Residential Building Heights" of Sean O'Donnell-DaudUn. Brian Sullivan. David Dindoffer, Eric Berschback and State Cup Soccer the 1997 City Code of the CIty of Grosse Pointe Mike Haberkorn. In back, from left, are coach Jacques Bossonney, Nick Dinver- ChampIonshIps m Llvoma Woods RO. Keran ConnoUy-Ng.Alex Breitmeyer, Philip Bossonney, Andy Walking. Willy Vardar Soccer Club teams 'Beierwaltes and J.B. Meathe. Not pictured are Chad Murphy. Rob HeJde. Ryan won five of the mne age dIVI- Stephens. Pete Wendzinskl and Tom Porter. sIOns m the tournament Louise S. Warnke, G PN 07/12101 Cily Clcrk

july 'S-'S - all kids ,. IInd under FREEl" tigersl/syankees wednesday july 18 1:05 spIlt doublehNdeT , wednesday july 18 7'05 split doubleheader detroit 300 celebration (pre-gsme) thursday july 19 705 tigers players lIutogr11phs (B.-OHM)

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Dodge Reynard to pass five nght-hand firbt turn, are Trammell pulled mto the cars In the first turn of the bounded by grabW runoff paddotk and "ald, "It got Barber Dod~e Pro Sene ... ar<>a... I ather than R 000- <;uper- ...lIpperv [ '>Iowed race June 30 pound cement blockb that In toward the end" She fin- The move helped RICCI the DetrOIt race last month l'ihed 13th, one behmd RICCI earn the Comeco Step Up had drlverb thmkmg more "I blowed too much," she Award for passmg more car ... about burvlVal than vIctory added than anyone In the 19-car "Thlb track offers a place Sepp Koster, 26, of th~ field where 1 can push the car N etherlandb, led pole-to- RICCI, from Grosse Pomte and not buffer the conbe- pole for hlb ...econd wm of the Farms, fimshed 12th In the quences that ...tlck m the 'Season He also set th~ 59-mile, 40-mmute tImed back of my head," 'U1d RICCI, fa'Stebt lap of the race at c • event run m support of the 25 102381 mph to wm by more Marcom Grand Pnx of RICCI'S first-tul n sweep than 12 seconds Cleveland was followed b) two laps of "I was amazed how much Photo by Brad Llndb, l'll Mechanics on pit road make adjustments to Jay Ricci's J.D. Byrlder Dodge "Cleveland IS a track I cautIOn A wreck left the I was pulhng away," saId Reynard dwing qualifying for the Barber Dodge Pro Series race in support of the needed to come to," saId cars of Sara Senske and Ko...ter RICCIbald, "Sepp gamed a Marconi Grand Prix of Cleveland at Burke Lakefront Airport. RICCI, who dnves the J D Ryan Huntel-Reay broken Bynder Dodge Reynard and bent ton when It "tarted rammg" "I found a good hole on the Second place went to Matt entry to turn one," said Plumb, 26, of New York, and Senske, 22, of KennewIck, hIS PremIer NutritIOn car A trip back to the Gold Cup's golden age Wash LIke RICCI, Plumb oharged By Brad ~indberg Cup wmner who dIed racmg and currents racers dealt numerous speed records In MIdway through the cor- Into turn one Staff Writer m 1981 WIth since Chnstopher the years followmg the Flrbt ner, Hunter-Rea). 20, of "If you were WIlling to be a HIS boat exploded across ThIS week, Schoemth WIll SmIth, founder of Chrls- World War , got Jammed and lIttle more aggressIve and go the starting Ime at more see hIS old fnend, Berme Craft, bUIlt the powerboat "All he kept saymg wab drove hiS car over Senske's over the !tmlt, you could than 150 mph, the red-hned LIttle, owner of MISS MISS DetrOit m 1915 they're not boats, they're left rear wheel The Impact make up some spots," saId Alllson aircraft engme BudweIser, when teams The DetrOIt course IS dan- airplanes," saId Schoemth gouged a chunk from the Plumb, who won In DetrOIt shootmg parts everywhere from all over the country gerously predictable Durmg the transItional SIde pod of Senske's Lynx last month /It was the golden age of convene on the DetrOIt River "Most of the CirCUIt IS sur- decades of the 1950s and Racmg car Shortly before the ram, unhmlted hydroplanes, and for the DetrOIt APBA 2001 rounded by bnck, rock and 60s, when boat stated rldmg "Pretty bIg damage," 'She the back end of RICCI'S car drIver Jerry Schoemth had Gold Cup cement docks, except the above the waves mstead of said, examlnmg the car after started losmg grip HIS prlOntles "I don't care what For old-school dnvers, Belle Isle beach," saId cuttmg through the water, It had been towed to the mechanIC, RIchard happens I'm gonna beat wmnmg was everythmg Schoemth Hydroplanes are technology often outdIS- paddock, an airplane Fernandes ofWlsconsm, had those bastardb " Competitors were the deSigned to skIp above the tanced the drivers hangar set the wings on RICCI'Scar Schoemth IS a dnver from enemy They eXisted to be water Yet waves rebounding In July 1966, Schoemth's About halfway through for maxImum down force the old school outfought and outthought ofT DetrOIt's mdustrlal MISS Roostertall and sIster the race, RltCI rounded turn Fernandes saId, ",LiV "I always knew there Close friendshIps between waterfront generate choppy, boat MISS SmlrnofT were too one on the tall of Rhonda attnbuted the looseness to would be a tomorrow," saId nval dnvers dned up dunng Irregular swells that cause fast for theIr own good Trammell, 35 She spun out tire wear There cars have to Schoemth, 58, of St ClaIr race week, only to resume boats to slam from crest to "The boat wasn't capable RICCI,ndlng on dry-weather be dnven smoothly If he's Shores after the final heat In a crest of rldmg faIthfully over 155 shck tires, dodged left thrOWing the car around too He belongs to a boat rac- party that started dockSide "Once you get around the mph," sald Schoemth "It through a 50-foot puddle much, It WIll heat the tires Ing famIly that has logged and went on from there Roostertall turn (the would pIck Itself up and dIve remamlng from a thunder- The car has to slide a little, four natIOnal champI- If hydroplanes are part upstream 180-degree cor- mto the water bow-first AIr storm earlier that day but you don't want It to shde onshIps, two Gold Cups, five aIrcraft, drivers of the early ner), It'S Just plunk, plunk, would get under the boat, WIth five laps to go, too much You have to find a natIOnal dnver's honors and 1960s were barnstormerb plunk down the straIght- then drop off mstead of another storm rolled off happy medIUm" more They drove boats fashIOned away," saId Schoemth keepmg the boat up " Lake Erie The Barber Dodge Pro Fro IT' 1964 to 1968, he around the power plants of "The boats, were almost As teams prepared for the AmId spmnmg airport Sene<; IS the offiCIal entry drove the MISS Gale and World War II fighter planes, vlclOus-ndmg," saId Gold Cup race on the DetrOIt weather vaneb and flappmg senes to CART RICCI Will MISS Roostertall but had no more safety fea- Schoemth "I came m from a RIver, Schoemth \Warned Windsock'S, the ,>ky turned dnve next at the ChIcago hydroplane As a boat owner, tures than the Wnght Flyer race black and blue" gray and It started to sprm- Motor Speedway July 28 he won the 1983 World "Seat belts? Are you k\d- In the 1960s, well after See BOATS, page 4C ChampIOnshIp WIth MISS dmg?" laughed Schoemth boat deSIgners had replaced Renault They made theIr own V-bottom hulls for early He's also one of the few rules and deSIgned boats by hydros, Schoemth sat Wlth headlme dnver" of hIs era to tnal and error Gar Wood along the DetrOIt make It out of the sport "You Just bUIlt the thmg nverbank watchmg unlimit- HUGE SAVINGS! ahve He drove a sIster boat If it didn't work, you burned ed hydroplanes fly by of Chuck Thompson, who It," shrugged Schoemth Wood, a DetrOIt mdustn- dted on the DetrOIt RIver In As racers meet m DetrOit allst, was the first person to 1966 He was a fnend of BIll thIS week for the Gold Cup, bleak the 100 mph barner Muncey, the elght-hme Gold they'll face the "amI' waves on water and holder of

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Pholl> bv Brad [ mdh<'r~ Miss Pepsi, on permanent display at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle ble, was powered by two World War naircraft engines made for P-38 fighters. A predecessor to the modem hydroplane, Miss Pepsi started racing in the late 19408. The boat was owned by the Dossin brothers, who also owned Detroit's lint Pepsi-Cola distributorship. It was the first racing boat used for advertising. -- _4C __ S_J!0rts Star of the Sea wins second straight CYO baseball title

Two years Two tItles ' Damel Karam had two hits Cuns did a good Job m the That sums up the accom- and Steve Coates knocked m outfield Andrew CracchIolo, phshments of Our Lady Star two runs for Star Peter Fish, Michael of the Sea's fifth- and ;'Ixth- Each team made several Hemovlch, Nick Navetta, grade baseball team after It good defenSIve plays Brandon Reed, Ethan beat St Isaac Jogues 5-0 to Throughout the season, Steiner and MIchael Stemer Win the Eastside champI- Star receIved major contn- each played well at a vanety onship In the CatholIc Youth butlOn;, from every player of positIOns OrgaOlzatIOn Coates did most of the Dallaire, Karam and Th(' tip3l g3m(' fC3tU"cd c3tchl'1g llnn pltchl'd well In Tocco each batted over 'iOO an outstandmg pltchmg rehef Mike DallaIre, ChrIS for the season Zak led the duel between Star's Andrew Peters and Chns Zak han- team 10 RBIs Koester and St Isaac's Don dled most of the pitching Fowler The two pItchers and they each played 10 the Coates, CracchIOlo, Cuns, combmed for only three mfielU Dooner Cuns, FIsh and FlemlOn returned walks Austen Dltzhazy and Karam from last year's champI- V J Tocco led Star With also were solId defenSIVely onshIp team The squad was three hIts He also scored In the Infield coached by Denms Zak, Dan ; Photo b, E\ Barcla\ t Four Grosse Pointe players have contributed to the success of the East Side two runs and made a fine Cuns, Steve Coates and .sports baseball team that have won two tournaments this season. From left are dIVIng catch m nght field Bnan FlemlOn, Tocco and John Dltzhazy intcher-first baseman Zack Matthews. catcher-second baseman EddIe Barclay. :pitcher-shortstop Brian St. HUalre and pitcher-third baseman Mike Bramo•. • iPointers• help East Side win two tourneys f ParceJl~ Middle School Bramos allowed only Side's 13-0 vIctory over the ~tudent~ Brian St HilaIre, three hIts and struck out Fairfield {OhIO) ChIefs He t>1lke Bramos and 2ach five In four mnlngs as East ;,truck out three and walked ~atthe\\<" combmed to pitch Side beat the Southfield one St HilaIre Singled and lhelr East Side Sports base- Padres 11-6 In a quarterfi- stole two bases Matthews pall team to four vIctones nal game had a smgle and a stolen pnd the champIOnship In the Matthews pitched a one- base :IA-year-old dIVISIOn of the hItter m the semifinal, St HIlaire went the dIS- MichIgan USSSA Memonal allowing two unearned runs tance to pick up the VIctOry Day tournament m a 6-2 Win over the In a 5-4 wm over the OhIO Plalnweil Warnors Thunder He struck out The Win sent East Side three and didn't walk a bat- Sport" Into the USSSA East Side was one of 28 ter East SIde was leading 5- World Sene;, In Cincinnati teams from MIchigan, 1 when the Thunder .,cored thl;, month Indiana, OhIO, Pennsylvama three unearned runs 10 the St Hilaire won two game, and Canada In the tourna- fifth Inmng a., East Side won all SIX of ment In East Side';, 7-4 Win over its USSSA tournament Ea~t Side also quahfied the Southwest OhIO Rage, games One of his wms wa;, for the Tnple Crown Sports Bramo;, and St Hil81re par- r a two-hIt shutout In a 4-0 World Senes m Steamboat '11 tIcIpated In a tnple play ~vl:{ II Win over Team MIchIgan In Sprmgs, Colo, In late July East Side won ItS first SIX thp champIOnshIp game after winning a qualifymg games 10 the Macomb Our Lady Star of the Sea's flfth- and si.l:th-grade baseball team won its second HE' also pitched a five-hit- tournament m Clncmnatl Amateur Baseball consecutive Catholic Youth Organization Eastside Division championship. In ter m East Side's 11-3 wm Bramos and St HilaIre FederatIOn, WIth St HIlaIre, front. from left. are V.J. Tocco. Steve Coates. Andrew Koester and Nick Navet- 0\ ('I the Indiana Thunder m each won games m the qual- Bramos and Matthews com- ta. In the second row, from left. are Michael Dallaire. Chris Zak. Brian Flemion, thp tournament opener One Ifier for the Colorado tour- blnmg for five of the WinS Chris Peters and Michael Steiner. In the third row. from left. are Ethan Steiner, of the key hits for East SIde nament The tno also contnbuted 26 Andrew Cracchiolo. Daniel Karam. Peter Fisb and Michael Hemovich. In back. \\ a" a two-run tnple by Bramos pItched four RBh, 25 runs scored and 11 from left. are coaches Steve Coates and Dennis zak. Not pictured are Dooner Matthews shutout mnlngs m Ea;,t stolen bases Curls. Austen Ditzhazy. Brandon Reed and coaches Dan Curts and John Ditz- hazy. Shores Sharks swim to two Lakefront dual meet victories The Grosse Pomte Shores ley relay, Grosse Pomte Shore, Sharks sWImmmg team won (HeIdi Hlrt, Lmdsey Kurtz, Sarah Its first two Lakefront Hughes, Sarah Cullen) 14-and.under SWimmmg ASSOCiatIon Boys 50 freestyle, Charhe meets before lOSIng to the C(>~"er, GPS GIrls 50 free.lyle Grosse Pomte Farms Cathenne Coury, GPS Boy. 50 Barracudas backstroke, Josh Umewskl, SCS GirlS 50 backstroke, Carolyn The Sharks beat the St. Jacobs, GPS Boys 50 breaststroke Clair Shores Sea Serpents Charlie Cooper, GPS GirlS 50 332-177 and defeated breaststroke, Cathenne Coury Grosse POInte Park 288-257 GPS Boys 50 butterfly Dan for theIr first WIn over the Mmturn, GPS Girls 50 butterllv Carrie Fines, GPS Boys 100 mdl Mutants m at least 21 sea- Vidual medlev, Dan Minturn GPS sons GIrlS 100 mdlvldual medle) In theIr 333 5-228 5 loss Carolyn Jacobs, GPS to the Barracudas, the 17-and-under Sharks were mIssing several Boys 50 freestyle, Jehn Salvador GPS Glfls 50 freestyle, ChrISty key sWimmers and the Koehler, SCS Boys 50 backstroke, Farms team dommated the Paul Jacobs, GPS GIrls 50 back \ 17-and-under dIVlslOn stroke, Ashley Wynne, GPS Bo) s FollOWIng are the winners 50 breaststroke, Richard LI, GPS Girls 50 breaststroke, Laura The Connection In each event from the three Stelber, SCS Boys 50 butterfly meets Ralph Zada GPS Glfls 50 butter GROSSE POINTE SHORES n} Ashley Wynne GPS Boys 100 is available by VS. ST. CLAIR SHORES mdlvldual medley, John Salvador, 8-and.under GPS Girls 100 mdlvldual medley Boys 25 yard freestyle, Danny Chnsty Koehler, SCS Mixed 200 St George SCS GIrls 25 freestyle, medley relay, St Clair Shores SUBSCRIPTION Anna VanEgmond GPS Boys 25 (Robert Van Camp, Laura Stieber back.troke, RobbIe Squiers, GPS ChTlst\, !{lch!r r Qean Vance) GirlS 2'; backstroke, Annabell Other relays Wasden GPS Boys 25 breast Boys 57 }ears 200 freesLyle OR NEWSSTAND .Iroke LOUie Saravolatz GPS Grosse Pomte Shores IRlchard LI Girl. 25 breaststroke, SamanLha Dan Minturn Jon Sattler, ,lohn Flhpelh, GPS Boys 25 butterfly, SalvadOr) Girls S7 years ZOO Karl SupaI SCS Girls 25 butterfly freestyle Grosse POlOte Shores ONLY. Anna VanEgmond GPS Mixed 100 (Katelyn Allken .Carolyn Jacobs, freestyle relay, Grosse Pomte Held, Hlrt, Kohe Monahanl Shores (Samantha Flhpelh, Chad GROSSE POINTE SHORES Tech, Connor Holm Anna vs GROSSE POINTE PARK VanEgmondl 8-and-under lO-and-under Boys 25 free.tyle, Mike OlIver Boys 50 freestyle MIchael Lane GPS GIrls 50 freestyle JenOifer Ru.ch, GPS Boys 25 backstroke, MIchael Lane GPS GlTls 25 back See SHARKS. page IOC stroke, ,lenOifer Rusch GPS Boys 25 breaststroke, Tony Szep SCS GlTl. 2S breaststroke Ohvla Boats Sava])e GPS Boy. 2S butterfly Anion LI"OW.kl SCS GIrlS 25 hUL terfly Alex FllIpelh GPS MlXed From page 3C 100 free.tyle relay, Grosse Poml<' Chuck Thompson, the dnver riry:~~i::::d:::~~ri;:;:Th:c~~~::lName Shores (Alex FllIpelh, Adam I I SWIder Jenmfer Rusch Dre" of MIS., Smlrnoff, to take It easy Address Tech I I I 12.and.under Thompson was old school Boy. ';0 freestyle Karl Tech "Once he was out In front, I City Statc Zip 1 GPS GIrls 50 free. Lyle Sarah Cullen GPS Boy. 50 backstroke he had to go a lIttle faster," Robert Van Camp SCS Girl, 50 said Schoemth "He was one I Begin Date •Phone # : back.troke HeidI Hlrt. GPS Boys of tho~e " I SO brea.t.troke MIchael Thomp~on harn'led over All -'mhscrlptlons Pre-Pltul. • 1 vear $18 ~ loti I RUJ("el.kl SCS Girl. ';0 hrea.t the ~tartmg hne Mls~ .Iroke Sarah ('llilen GPS Boys SO butterny Enc ,10rgeMon GPS Smlrnoff\ how rose a little, I ;::;~~:::tsto: 313-343-5577 2 ;ear $34 :--=-~----==----I ("rl. SO butterfly Sarah Moore then cra.,hed down m a fatal SCS Boy. 200 medley relay St 96 Kercheval Ave explOSIOnof water, wood and I 3 ye., $50 Exp. Date ------I Clair Shores (Roberl Van ('amp I(,ro<", Pornre 1-1111115, MI 48236 L.=~L::"":';;';;'_"':"";' ...... J WWII engIne parts • Ann CirculatIon .J Michael Rugwelskl Jay Koehler Cameron QUlnlanl G1Tls 200 med "That was It," said ..------Schoemth Classifieds Thursday, July 12, 2001 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

313-88r-6~OOen 3 J DEAOUNES r fnX:313-343-556~ REAl ESTATl:FOR SAlf & CLnSSIFIE I1WEHTISIN6 web. hltp:l/grossepomtenews.com RENTALS .,. Word Ad~ MONDAV 4 PM ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ ----0SITUAT10N WANTED -A-ur-O-MQ-n-VE--- Asphah Paving Repo" 957 PlumbIng & In,tollollon 966 Snow Removol 975 Vo Ba",menl WOlerprool'ng 959 Power Wo,lung 969 SWimming Pool Semce 977 Wall Wa,h,ng IColllo,HoI~do .. dofe,l 100 An""uncements 301 Cle"col 601 Chrysler Bath Tub Reflnl,~.ng 960 Roof,ng $«v"e 970 TV IRodlo/CB RadIO 980 Window, CLASSIFIEDS 101 Pray"" 302 Con,ole«on' Core 602 Ford B cycle Repo ", 962 Storm, And Sc:reens 971 Telephone Inslollollon 9B1 Window Wo,hlng TUESDAY12 NOON 102 lo" 8. found 303 Doy Co'e 603 General Moto" MOlntenance 964 Sew ... Cle''"lng Servl 918 CementWarl< lOB Compu'e, Se,vl"e ------611 T,uck! 919 Gr~ Pointe News Abbr .. ,allon, nol o/H.lpers 405 Computer, 650 A"plane, 929 Door> FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS: 116 5<:hool. 406 E,lote Sol.. DrywaII/PIo,"'"ng (313) 882-6900 ext. 3 - Fax (313) 343-5569 GlVen fo, mult, week ><:Mduled 117 Secrelar 01S"-Ylce, 407 firewood 651 Baats And Motors 993303Eleetrlcol Serv"es web http I/grossepoinienews com ~erh5109 With prepoymen1 1'8' 10)( Ser II ce .408 FUrnlNre 652 Baat Insuroo<:ed Excavoilng NAME CLASSIFICATION' _ are,ed"opp'QYol 119 l,on,porla',onfTro". 409 Gaoge/Yord/BosementSoie 653 Baats Parts An ServICe 993345Fenc .. Coli for role, Of fo, more 120 Tutor n~ Edocollon 410 Household Sole, 654 Baa'SlOIoge/doc:k,ng 936 F"epI",e, AODRESS, CITY __ ~ZIP _ Inlormo',on Phone hne"on 121 D,oper os 411 Jewel 655 Camper, Floor Sondlng/Reflnlshlng be bu.y on Monday & 122 D,essmaklng/ Alterohon, 412 M15celk,neou, Mde. 656 MolOlblkos 937 Furno<. R.pc", / TuewIaY Deadlines : 23 Decorahng Servl<. 413 Mu'lColln,trumenls 657 IYIolOlcyde, Inslollotlon PHONE 'WOROS TOTAL COST PER WEEIL.-- "'. plea", coli early I ~~ fIIPCov~,Se 414 OfflCe/bu"neu E'lulp"'.nl ~~ ~: 938 Fu,nlture RefinishIng/ .J I Vlk __ .J 2 WkS .13 Wks J 4 Wl<:open/Gordenen $1275 for 12 words Add,I,onelwords, 651 each PRE-PAYMENT REQUIRED publication 201 Help Wanted Babyslile' It Gullefs CORIIECIDNS&AO.lJS1MNIS: 202 Help Wanted Cleno:k!mlth 13 llU014 ltU5 IS 11m 16 S15.35 1 b I fo th h Nurse' A es 50B PetGraomlna 901 Alarm In'tollohon/Repo" 953 MUSIC rnstrument Repolt re'P."n5 Ilty , e ,ame a er 209 Help Wanled 509 Pet Baardlng/S,tleI 902 Aluminum Siding 954 Pomtl ng/ de<:ora hng 17 $16.00 18 51666 19 the ~,,' ,",e,'on Monagemen' 510 Animal ServIce, 903 Appliance Repellrs 956 Pe,1 Control L-- $1730 20 $17.95 U

114 MUSIC EDUCATION 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HHP WANUD GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 20 I HELP WANTED 203 HElP WANTED IAIYSITTER DENTAL! MEDICAl PIANO lessons- Sum- o AAA Customer Service PAINTERS wanted, ex. WANTED part time SHORT. term babySitter DENTAL hyglemst mer sessions availa- MR. C'S DELI ~ (Harper Woods cellent pay, expen- computer hterate per- needed weekdays Tuesdays, Wednes. NOUNCEMENTS ble (313)884-2762 No expenence necessa- office) needed ence helpful or Will son In small Grosse 7/30- 8/3 and 8113- days Progressive of- ry Cashiers, cooks, 530pm- 930pm Man- train Call (313)884- POinte office Ideal for clerks, stock help Must 8/24 In my home fICe (810)294-4455 0998USINESS 116 SCHOOLS day- Thursdayl 9am- 1825 Dan be at least 16 Starting mother With school Pleasant, energetic. 3pm Saturday Good DENTAl. receptlomst- s pay up to $800 based age children or retir- fun, must be able to FIFTHI Sixth Girls soc- phone skills & sales PAINTERS wanted. Ex- ee References re- looking for a change? ESTABLISHED G~osse on expenence keep up With 8 and 9 cer coach needed for background helpful penenced painters qUired (248)601-4483 Try fleXible hours- am POinte barber shop for Apply at Mr C's Dell, year old Must dnve St Paul on Lakeshore 18660 Mack Will train Work at start Immediately Fax (313)885.3841 pm or both, 3- 5 days! lease For Information, (313)824-4089 Dnve If interested Grosse POinte Farms, home IS option. 32 (313)886-7602 week, 1 Saturday/ please call (313)882- please call Ron Mas- Mack at E Warren year old family bUSI- WANTED. dnvers and month till 1pm, no 202 HElP WANTED ClERICAL 5580 ter A D at (313)610- 313-881-7392 ness also needs man. PART TIME phone attendants evenings Work With 8357 ask for Chen ager/ supervisor Ex- Computer System Call to apply, little Ita- great staff for 1 dentist 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS A St Clair Shores firm Or 20915 Mack, cellent pay plan Ka- Administrator ly's Pizza, (313)526- In modern, quality on- looking for an indiVid- Grosse POinte Woods ren 313-886-1763 Must be knowledgeable 0300 ented practice on Ver- ACTORS. scene study between 8 & 9 Mile ual With computer lit- of MaCintosh equipment 201 HElP WANTED nier Rd near 1-94, re- course by (New York 884-3880 ask for Donna eracy for part time po- DEPENDABLE & hon- and ceive great pay/ bene- Instructor) 8 week ELITE airport transpor- BABYSITTER Sition as an adminiS- est person All shifts! TCP/IP Networking fits If expenenced m course (313)882- tation Clean & relia- AAA Store Manager. BABYSITTER wanted, trative assistant ble, 313-320-4336 day's, weekends, Fax resume and assisting, billing, 2589 must have references my home, Monday. Please send resume nights Must be 18 cover leller to scheduling, Insurance Call Vito at Mr C's Thursday, 8 15a m - to Murray Financial TRADE: free hardwork- Door-to-Door Service! Apply at Subway John Minnis, uSing Command or Dell 313-882-2592 215p m 2 boys ages Services, 33612 Jef- Ing boat assistant, for 21020 Mack, Grosse 313-882-1585 Dentnx Call POinte Woods 313- _ 1 & 3 (313)821-0030 ferson, St Shores training on cruiser ADMINISTRATIVE (313)884-0040 £~rtJ)~rrlI or (313)822.7100, ask Michigan 48082, or Jeff 248-424-2921 Sales Support Fast 886-1900 PART time yard war!< & for Nancy or Jim call (810)294-1900 for MEDICAL assistant- Im- paced wardrobe de- DISHWASHER, full/ part painting (313)821- ~~rmOO]@ more details mediately Full time 101 PRAYEIIS + sign company needs BABYSITIERI nanny, time, Grosse POinte 0165 Inlectton expenence 1810)445-0373 a detail oriented, high- restaurant 313-884- PHONE ROOM 8 30- 5 30, 4- 5 days! FILING, typing, comput- helpful (313)885- NOVENA to St Jude ly orgamzed Individu- week until school er Input- part time 6810 MANAGER 5070 May the Sacred Heart of 120 TUTORING EDUCATION al Computer skills starts References! fleXible hours- $6 151 Jesus be adorec;l glo- helpfu~ Great for sec- FUI.L time split shih EastSide manufacturer own transportation a hour Apply 20141 MEDICAL office assIs- nfled, loved and pre- \ ond Income Salary, server needed Expe- (est 1968) of auto aher- must Must be ener- Kelly Rd tant approx 20- 25 benefits Fax resume nenced only Please market protective! gellc reliable, fun & hours Senous appli- served throughout the MID- Sized law firm In to 313-885-0644, at- apply at Tom s Oyster appearance coatings creatlvel Excellent cants only Ask for world, now and forev- downtown DetrOit IS tention Jennifer Bar, 15402 Mack seekmg evemng pay 313-549-7939 Joanne, (313)884- er Oh Sacred Hecht seeking an expen. TUTORING & Educa- GROWING busmess (530- 9 30pml 8900 of Jesus pray for us AUTO detaller- Expen- BEGINNING August enced litigation secre- tional Therapy Ele- needs help Work 9 OOam-300 Saturday) enced detallers need- part time child care In tary to an extremely MEDICAL office assls- Worker of miracles, mentary middle SChool from home Mall or. Telephone sales super- • our Grosse Pomte busy partner, to fill an tanV clencal help ed (810)779-9808 pray for us St Jude, subJects Certified- 30 derl E-Commerce visor Sales! manage- home 3 children, Immediate opemng needed for eastSide helper of the hope years expenence, ment experrence AUTO Mechamc Expe. $522 plus a week, helpful, will train ages 5- 8 11am- Dedicated, conscien- medical cliniC Call less, pray for us summer rates rlenced, nonsmoker, part time $1000- Excellent pay plan 5 30pm, 3 to 4 days a tiOUS, orgamzed and (810)445-3070 Say thiS prayer 9 limes (313)417-2032 rehable, friendly Ex- $4 000 full time Contact Mark, week Transportation quahfled applicants MEDICAL receptionist a day By the 8th day, cellent payl fleXible www Prosperous 313-886-1763 necessary (313)640- only Our flITn offers a part time For details your prayer Will be an- hours Swan Import System com or 810- 9470, evenmgs, great pay and benefit call {81 0)772-4624 swered It has never 16100 East Warren, 447-2255 RECEPTIONIST, full weekends package Paid park. MEDICAL secretary, full been known to fall corner of Devonshire Ing Fax resume HAIR STYLISTI time Seeking friendly, CARE for mfant and 6 time for fnendly prac. never Publication (313)882-9273 (313)396-4228 or ASSISTANT take charge indiVidual year old In our Grosse tlce Fax resume to mall 300 Talon Cen- must be promised BARMAID wanted- Full time Apply m With computer skills POinte home, full time 313.885-8755 tre, DetrOit 48207 Thanks, St Jude for nights, experienced person Lamia & Lamia Benefits mcludlng Own transportation RECEPTIONIST, prayers answered (313)521-8155, aher Salon & Day Spa, 401 K Lamia & Lamia Grosse POinte refer- NATIONAL beverage I Grosse Pomte area Special thanks to our 4pm 19653 Mack Salon & Day Spa Fax ences necessary dlstnbutor has a full 121 DRAPERIES Medical speCialists Grosse POinte Woods resume to 313-885- Non-smoker 313- time cashierl general Mother Of Perpetual lookmg for a profes- CUSTOM DRAPERIES BOATI marine mechaniC (313)884-1710 5867 881-2910 Start mid office poSition availa- Help K L Sional, motivated and Blinds carpet, at Keans Manna July ble Includes benefits HANDYMAN. Grosse ------SECRETARY needed expenenced medical wallpaper, General engine repair & 401K opportt..nlty experience preferred Pomte, part time for busmess located CHILDCARE needed in receptionist MediC Bedspreads, decorative Computer experience (313)824-1982 (313)680-8836 on Harper In Harper my Grosse Pomte Computer expenence IIJ accessories Woods General office home, part lime, later With Word & Excel & deSirable Outstand- VISitour Showroom at telephone expenence BOOKKEEPERI Admin- INSURANCE staff ass IS, duties, Includmg light full time Three chil- ing work environment GUIDE TO SERVICES 22224 GraMt required Please send Istralive assistant tant Grosse POinte bookkeepmg, filing or- dren (313)882-7130 Excellent pay and DRAPERIES BY PAT ASSist agent With ders tracking Inven- resume to Office needed for a busy & FUN, capable nanny to benefits Please fax lOll COMPUTER SEllVICE 810-778-2584 sales! service Will Manager, 1600 Mod- Grosse POinte Catho- resume wrth a hand- train Fax resume tory Computer expert- care for mfant In my em, DetrOit 48203 TEEN computer whiZ lic Parish ThiS full- ence necessary Send home 4 days Non- wntten cover letter to 313-886-1058 resume to Amber Tool able to assist you on time POSition IS re- smoker, references OFFICE manager for In- Mane at 313-640- your computer Word! sponSible for book- LANDSCAPE, gardener & Englneenng Co (810)294-6896 tense contracting firm 1740 NeV Windows or DRESSMAKING for keeping uSing QUick. trimmer for Grosse P a Box, 36117, De- Must know QUICk. your 18. doll Make an whatever $20 00/ books payroll for 60+ POinte crew Call Tom trait, MI 48236 or call LOVING child care books! Word & Inter- apPOintment, bnng hour SIeve employees through (810)774-2818 313-885-3888 needed 3 children m net Great benefits your doll (810)776- ADP and light admln Grosse POinte Woods Fax resume 313-885- (313)884-1914 MAKE money have fun- WAITRESS. expen- 8920 Istratlve duties Book- home, full time Expe- 1955 or call (313)885- keepmg and computer bored? Tired of the enced Mornmgs, ear- 2248 125 (ONTRIIUTIONS rienced non- smokmg WEBSITE expenence needed same old routine? If Iy aftemoons Grosse IndiVidual With refer- RECEPTIONIST for Send or fax (313)647- you like computers POinte area Bob, BOOK donations need- ences, own transpor- busy downtown De. DEVELOPEH 5005 a resume With and have great math (313)824.4624 In The Classifieds ed lor St Clare tation, 3 t 3-882.1909 trait law firm Good cover letter and salary Skills, Jam us' We are School Used Book telephone Skills, some 313.642-12( l) requirements 10 Par. EastSide Dermatolo- WAITRESS- part time LOVING, responSible Gr~ lbint~ N~ws Sale Call Pat 313- typing required Send Ish Manager St Clare gy a growing medical Nights Apply at Your sitler for 3 children In resumes to 535 Gns- of Montefalco Parish, practice With offices In Place Lounge 17326 our home, Monday- <;9tWffiij~ wold St, SUite 1330, ~ 1401 Whiller Road Grosse POinte Woods East Warren Frrday 8- 4 Starting 109 ENTERTAINMENT and New Baltimore, _ DetrOIt MI 48226 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse POinte Park, August TeacheTs currently looking for WAITRESSI dlshwash- DISC Jockey- all occa- ..- MI48230 schedule (313)417- A NANNY non-medical staff Full er, prep person, full & sions very profeSSIO- 1909 , 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL NETWORK tlmel Part time Some part time Will tram nal also offenng Kar- CHILD care Expen- enced Teachers & As- Saturday FleXible Apply In person Insh Classifieds aoke 8102941753 looking for quality sistants for growing Hours Benehts avail- Coffee Bar & Gnll Work For You CITY OF ST. CLAIR SHORES chIld care givers able Send or fax re- 18666 Mack Ave learning center In To place an ad call' AsseSSing Appraiser t or II, $1 C; 11/ hour 10 Top salary, benefits sume to 20030 Mack Grosse POinte Farms Grosse POinte Bene- (313)882-6900 x 3 $1762/ hour (DOQ) wllh full bendll' Indlldln~ COUNSELING- adults, Ave Grosse POinte (810)739-2100 ltts (248)569-2500 ml-d,eal ptn'lOn and Imhon rl'lmbm,"mcnl, Ll'\ll couples adolescents Woods, MI 48236 200 HElP WANTED GENEltAl 200 HELl' WANTED GENERAL lor 1Icl'rlJhcahon from Ihe "Iall' A"l""'" Board children Linda Law- FAX 313-884.9756 AAA Cashiers dell CLASSIFIED mu't be 'ubmliled wllh appheat"," l'"elknl rence Psy S LLP cler!r\o,Tbrough collectibles Essey, Royal Oak, MI rative, glass dining ta• 313.886-4200 CARE FOR yOU •The Ultimate In linda, 810.779.3454 Thelnll'TTl,l Century, Kindel, Impe- PRICED SALE ble, chairs, stereo, Coldwell Banker Home care- M,... Catlwr\lorelnlormahon nal White, Nickels & Area onental rug (hand- bike, toolS 415 24 hour service Schweitzer Real Estate BOAT, house & office VISIT OUR GAll ER\ Stone furniture Prints made) $100 Set of 4 McKinley, Saturday 8- Bonded Since 1978 cleaning lisa, ~ ...... :. 9 ..... !IP'-:' ~ LOCATED1\ 1HEOLD by Dali Rose, Steel, mahogany dining room 12 ~~. • • • • • &.& ~ (810)323-1711 (810)445-1490 CHURCH AT Bollman, Swarovskl, chairs (need repair), LOOKING 877)834-845 FORA NEW CL.EANING lady can 400 MERCHANDISE 515 S Laf.yell' Melto & Nontake $100 Mahogany drop "BACK to back" Neigh. Royal Oak • • CAREER? • • clean your house Ex- ANTIQUES / COllECTIBLES \lunday 5aluro.,11-6 TV's, washer, dryer, leaf dlntng room table, borhood garage sale- • • Can IUId see Ir y01l • POINT£ CRHE SEHUICES perienced Own trans------microwave, patio set, $200 Traditional love- 20201 & 20211 Hunt .. quahfy to earn ... full Part Time Dr lIue-1n 1920'S Maytag washing yard & garden tools seats (excellent condl- 4 $50,000 We have the • Personal Care, portation Call Margar- 248.399-2608 Club, 20202 & 20212 It.. ayaHIDS and the • 4 machine Excellent companionship. et,313-891-4923 Old x- mas & more tlon), $500 pair Klerman I.ochmoor, Harper • .ohooUng '" •• condition best offer Insured-Bonded DEPENDABLE & hon- Check www theappral onental rug (10x18}, Woods Comer Peer- It: dre~~~1II'true : ~ (313)881-9209 401 APPLIANCES Mary Ghesqulere est housekeeper does salpm com for pictured $600 English mahoga. less (West Side of : 'COlI Riohar'd LaJul,ayt. : Grasse pOinte Res,dent Iisling or call 810-566- flY executive desk 194) Bikes, children's 313-885-6944 cleaning laundry, AGE OLD UTICA ADMIRAL. 20 5 cubiC •••• 313.885.2000 • • 0353 for recorded list- (leather top), $2100 clothes, tools, golf Ironing & more 313- ANTIQUES MARKET foot Side by Side reflg- • •Coldwell Banker' • Ing Queen Anne Wing-back bags, & clubs, miscel- 870-1295 July 14.15 erator freezer Great :' Schweitzer '. chair, $100 LOUISXV laneous household DEPENDABLE, reliable Kofe Grounds shape $350/ best • • G P. Farms l• French dresser, $400 Items Fnday & Satur. ~ ~ lady seeks house- 21 Milel1 Mile (313)331-2052 ~ . ~ BOOKS Mahogany china cabi- day July 13 & 14th, cleaning position Ex. East of VanDyke Bou~t Ii< Sold net, $300 Chippendale penenced Own t@ns- G.E. 206 cubiC refnger- 9am.4pm 100s of Dealers LIBRARY BOOKSTOllE high-boy, $2200 Ladles portallOn, references ator, 5 years old SAT 7-6 SUN 8-4 248-5454300 desks Mahogany dining BIG Aloha moving sale, Call Margaret, 313- $175 Whirlpool heavy ADM $5 1 800653 6466 1It~B.vymg~ and bedroom sets 23693 Deanhurst, 869-8216 duty washer, $75 . 12,000 BTU Window .. Banquet & traditional north of MasOniC, be- TOWN Hall Antiques for COMPETENT HOME DO you need your air conditIOner, 2 dining room table (oval, tween Jefferson and the best selection of CARE SERVICE house cleaned qUickly years old, $225 407 FIREWOOD round, rectangular, drop Harper Fnday and In The Classifieds Caregl>ers, housek.eepmK quality merchandise and cheaply? Mother 5,000 BTU Window leaf) Large mahogany Saturday, 9- 5 Tools, Grosse Ibint~ N~ws

406 £STATE SAL£S 40b ESUTE SALES 40b ESTAH SALES 40b ESTATE SALES wanted VIntage Clothes And AccessorIes Paying Top Dollar For The Following: .Dc{ IUl!( r So orj.(oII11Z( -\IlV \f( d Of Tll( HOll1l _-S""'o- ./'Z---- Clothes From The 1900'S Through 1970'S. TOWI1&. Country Estc:1te Sales, llC .P,ll k 10< 1m ( tl10T\ f<)1 "O~ (.... .Costume .Flne JewelrylWatches .Fhav ~er\ lle>; 'MO\ mg Sale5 • Appraisals •CUffllnks .Hats .Handbags -ShOes .1 IIp,1{ k "'( r l p 10< Org:,lIl1/l ""W!lOllll LIngerie .L1nens -Textiles 313-417-5039 Lon Stefek -Vanity -Boudoir Items wv...w townandcounlryestatesale com References, Complete COnfidentiality TIle \full rt /rlll/ff-\llf' ",It \\( I\IllfnrlJ<. II }OLR~ "Paris" 248.866-4389 ~ ESTATE SALE ~ BY VICTORIA ROSEVILLE Gll:me Pointe Sales, Inc. 19.. 15 \1 "RTI'" RD .Estate .AppraJ.slili -Household llqUJdabOn seMce F""'T OFr GR-\TIOT non1 fll1 ltll rlk~ folh. ...' rrorn thc \ Ie rOT!HI r rrl )( 1 :2 , tr( c ...... '2 pkl1f( IrrTl rorJ,( r... ReneeA. Nixon 3B822-1445 dTf ....'->< f<-., flli lrt- ClIP~ &. ~1J( f r" old tXlfIlt ... I()T~ 01 Gr( ( n\\"1TC n (or(J .... l>ool\ .... llllgf (ollc ( !lon (~t -\\Oll 10' ....of ( ollt (T1llk ~ Ro<.o<\ lilt Alnlo'IHH" FRITH)~ll' 20THfo-mPM R()\r11 "11)( rt Illghlind Thl ....lll CIlJfkl \100n'''lTOn< ..,,It Rn-\, lU' 21ST 11A1\1 f)( Ilrt ...... IO[l ...\- 'IoT( 1111""( ctlH"o i r... gl i ....e.,' ...dTC' ..l \P" 1t n 22'0 'lOOro.. ~fI1fl( lei I flf( pi iC I \~/I)rtr...,1( Tf"O nT..-t ...... TI,~IT) twci ..... nliuhlr &. br..-1 ...... pl<1rIT....lrUlf1 rr iTll-...hn ..\00(1 ....'0\ I 'f'1I1RITlo .....HOt R" ~,d( h\ <"1 J( 1nd~ rirop Ie,.it Idhlr ... fRIO'" It t, nTH 9 lOA. '\1: 5 .)Or\,1 fTIID -\~ J[ L, 13TH ..,..TI AO""Lt' THH "~AM 5~rM "'A.1\rlD\YJIL,14TH fto30A"'" SolO PM COlT\O~le Se'V!Ce 11'''1'\' Ill"! lnfi IU ~ S. eo" or-Cl S~rOfJ &ne'"1 \\IIl ....p..nM Ill' HHH "30-8~rM tS 9~3 '1 "itV'<>, TIll R"'P" lL.n TornH .. .lOAM ~.3 9 3U'\\1 fr{ID-\~

ANOTHER EXCELLENT ESTATE SALE ~ -W WASHE\'(J.O;\l PLACE W Ii Friday, Saturday July 13,14: 10a- 4p E."T ATE S \ll-=..." Lathrup Village, 27772 Santa Barbara \1O\N.",\I1 South of 12 mile, West of Southfield Road ITIJI)\'1So""n H!)\) (~4 [Take Glenwood off Southfreld to Senta Barbara) f-lJllBIHUIL\.'-I (,U(h..,. 1'0t.,1l \\

bO) AUTOMOTIVE bOl> AUTOMOTIVE 1')9 GARAGE YhRD '09 GARAGE/YARD! 409 GARAGI/YARD/ 412 MISCEllANEOUS 1>0 I AUTOMOTIVE SPORT UTILITY 8ASEMEtlT SALE BASEMENT SAtl iASEMENT SAlE ARTICLES CHRYSUR GENERAL MOTORS 1992 GMC Jimmy, Vor- DON'T MISS,2nd annual GROSSE POinte SIX family block sale WEDDING gowns III """"Ii 1994 Dodge Shadow ES NEW Pontiac Aztek, tex V6, 2WD 4 door, gigantic 8 family sale Woods, 1424 Vernier, Grosse POinte Farms Some new some V6 Loaded 71,000 loaded, sunroof Take ANIMALS 94,000 miles Delco You want It we have Saturday 8- 3 Bed- Muskoka Road {near store samples from lio.. .J miles $3,600 over lease payment of Bose system $5,500/ IfI Fnday, July 13th room set, gas stove, Moross and Grosse closed West Palm (810)779-1041 $34881 3 year 45,000 mile contract best (810)773-2650 and Saturday July large capaclfy Window POinte Blvd) Saturday Beach shop Quality 14th, 9- 4 20696 lan- air condllioner, van- 9-1pm Children's gowns by Rena Koh, 1986 Dodger 600, runs Call 313-885-2133 or 1993 Grand Cherokee caster ous toys, clothes, ap- c1othlng,porta-cnb sizes 2- 12 $200 ADOPT a retired racing good clean, good 313-909-5742 Auto $4,500 Big D pliances mlscellane- toys sWlng,double $400 (810)775-6571 greyhound Make a trnasportatlon DONATE 'lour boaU Auto (313)526-2070 ESTATE/ moving sale, ous Ifems strollt'r, car seat last Inendt 1 800398 $10001 best clean Lake St Clalrl 93 Grand Cherokee 19666 Eastwood GROSSE POinte backpack camer 4dog Michigan Grey (313)343-9790 We are here founda limited V8 Loaded, Drive, Harper Woods Woods, 1883 Oxford women s racing bike hound Connection 1994 Eagoe Talon 20 tlon (810)778-2143 tow package, ski rack Friday, Saturday 8- 6 Friday, Saturday, With c1eals, 1I0nei 1/4 StradivariUS Used ------stick MechaniC 100% tax deductlblel (313)885-9350 New washer, 40's 9am- 2pm MOVing trains antique brass only 6 months, asktng, GROSSE POinte Animal owned sharpl 70,000 non-profll hard rock maple bed- lots of quality Items cash register, 16mm $350 3/4 Violin ask- Adoption Soclety- 'Tliles, $3500 1998 Honda CRV, pow. b04 AUTOMOTIVE room set, walnut sofa, love seat, rechn- projector antique lng, $100 Both halle pets for ado pilon (810)791-1137 er wlndowsl lock air ANTlOUE/ClASSIC bookcases, ash dining er, mahogany dress- tools furniture gar- bow & case (313}884-1551 crUise keyless entry room set, 50's desk, 2 er<; washerl drvN den, countertop oven, (313)343-0443 -G-R-O-S-S-E-Po-I-nt-e-A-n-Im-a-I1996 Intrepld- Cold air 1973.74 Hudson Hornet ABS, 43 000, miles $14000 3'3 417- walnut stereo cabl- Amana refngerator, gldlldlalhet "IIX-k, ABBEY PIANO CO CliniC has killens Runs great' $3,500 !ltallon Wd\jOI1, el<"el lent condillon, 48,000 2363,810202-1742 ~::',tu~~::~'etctu- stereos, tv's, baby ~oo~~ehof~ cle~~~~ ROYALOAK248.5416116 male black Lab male ~~g7g Auto, (313)526- actual miles Apprals 1997 Jeep Wrangler Items, toy's, skiles, USED PIANOS Shepherd mix male ed $4,400, asking Sport, 69 000 miles, FURNITURE, antiques, g(3alr3d)ln64g2_04e9q4uIPment_m_or_e______$ Rollweller male 1998 Plymouth Neon $3850 (810)7786632 and toys Everything ST. Clair Shores, 22111 Used Consoles 595l.p Schnauzer male Ter- Espresso sunroof, automatiC, AM/FM CD Many extras Ex- 1969 Corvette Stingray must gol Saturday GROSSE POinte Elizabeth Entire ~~~X:::~~~~~,4ii,~golIer mix (313)822- excellent condition, cellent condition Must 70,600 miles, bright 14th, 8-2, 1991 Hun- Woods, 850 N Brys, house moving sale, PIANOS WANTED 5707 24000 miles $8,200 seel $12,500 blue, all muscle tlngton. Grosse POlnfe Thursday 8- 3 Fnday everything must go (810)777-9664 (313)824-1431 Woods 8- 1 Computer ar- July 13th, 14th, lOam- TOP CASH PAID $15,995 (313)822. mOire, playscape 4pm BABY grand bleached 199 1Plymouth Laser, TOYOTA 1992 Land 69 8200 GARAGE and mOiling walnut French PrOIlIn- BIG bold and beautiful ,000 miles, blue, 1 CrUiser, 4WD, 4 liter 6 sale. Fnday 13th and more YARD sale, 19065 LIS- clal Persian rug, 5X Prospect Lots of po owner First $1900 1969 Thunderbird 95% cylinder OHV, white Saturday 14th, 9- 5 2 -H-A-R-P-E-R-W-o-ods-2-0-5-0-0ter EastpOinte Friday 7 (810)286-4298 after tenllal 12 year 16 3hh takes (313)884-3366 restored New paint, extenor leather, sun- suspenSion, brakes blocks South Metro Washtenaw Saturday, & Saturday lOam- 6pm TB GeIdIng, shown 2000 Sebflng JXI con- roof, towing package and much more loaded, excellent con- Parkway, 2 blocks 10-4pm & Sunday,1D- 4pm BEAUTIFUL SPINET some training level vertlble, loaded Needs linlshlng touch- west of Harper 23701 2pm Furniture, kitch- YE great garage sale, plano Lovely Brass dressage and horse 16,600 miles Must dition $9 800 Days es $3,200 (313)882- 810773-1050, elle- Nell. Clinton Town- en wares, clothing, air anliques to Junktlque bed Offers (313}886- tnals priced $9,000 see I $17,750 Call 7029 ship conditiOning Units Interesting, good stuff, 8162 (810)465-6832 (313)882-7246 nlngs (313)885-3551 I>OS AUTOMOTIVE S03 HOUSEHOtD pm 602 AUTOMOTIVE NI5SAN 1997 Pathfind- -G-A-R-A-G-E-s-a-le-,-4-'-50-HARPER Woods- 311 Lothrop, Fnday & LOWRY console plano, FOREIGN Saturday 9- 3 FOR SAlE FORD er SE 4X4, black, only GUilford, Saturday 9- 20935 Parkcrest FII- needs tuning good 47,000 miles, like ? All kinds of Items dayl Saturday, 9am- condition $2501 best BLACK Labs, AKC-FC, 1992 Continental- Black 1991 Alfa Romeo 164L- new, extended war- 4pm Tools, house- (313)885-4251 1 male 1 female, 7 leather $3,200 Big D Red, 94500 miles ranty $17,995 Days REAT garage sale' d ks $ $60 Loaded Good condl- G hol , glassware, PIANO need tuning? wee 500- 0 Auto, (313)526-2070 810-773-1050, eve- Saturday. July 14 deocratlve, kids' 4 airline tickets transfer- Call Keith Barney (810)7735462 tlon Sharpl $4,700 nlnqs (313)885-3551 9am- 1pm 529 Lake- bikes! games. sports, able Amenca West, RPT R t d 1991 Escort 4- door reli- (313)885-1061 land, Grosse POinte DetrOit to PhoeniX, egis ere FERRETS (2)- cage, ac- able transportation FORD 2000 Explorer, 4 morel member of the Plano cessolles Heallhy 1996 Audl A-4 mint con- door XLT 4X4, medi- City near Village Vld- Las Vegas, Salt Lake TechniCians GUild shots $2001 best' $1,0001 best, dltlon, dark pearl um Wedgwood blue, eo camera, qualify KIDS holding salel City Nice discount (810)286-5100 Tracey, (313)417- _{_3_13_)4_1_7_-9_1_8_6___green, tan leather, leather, moonroof, Children! womens. Toys, books, games, $800 for all (313)516- WANTED- Guitars, Ban 2369 1990 Escort LX, less loaded, female owned towing package, load- clothing, great toys, cleats, b1kes, etc 7430 $14200 (810)264 Jos, Mandolins and ------than 59 000 original' - ed, only 24,000 miles new gift Items, books, 1322 Hampton Satur. Ukes Local collector GOLDEN Retllever- miles, pertect car 4524 $23,595 Days 810- chairs, and much day, 11am- 3pm A solid steel 88 bottle 3 ths ------morel Don't miss thIS wine rack $350, new paying top cashl 313- ~~tes II mon d $2 000 (313)822- 1995 BMW 3251, red! 773-1050, evenings one No early sales, MOVING sale, 2022 $1,000 (313)886- 886-4522 Exce ent pe 1- 8200 tan 4- door, automat- (313)885-3551 please Vernier Fllday July 9494, Janet gree $500 (313)882- 1995 F d C tiC, CD, sunroof load- 610 AUTOMOTIVE 13th, Saturday July 7086 or on our, ed Excellent condl- SPORTS CARS GREATER Mack, South 14th, 8am- 3pm Win------gray. excellent condl- lion $13,000 ABOVE ground pool, CONFERENCE table, tlon, 71.000 miles, 6 of 12 22315 Lanse ter clothes, household 18' round x 58" deep 120 x 48 With 8 SWivel cylinder, 4 door (248)594-6559 1999 Corvette convert I- Fnday, Saturday Ifems Ladles clothing All accessories mclud- chairS, 48" round ta- FOUND- black male cat, $3900 (313)882-0108 1998 BMW, 318 TI. ble, 16K MetalliC red! Most Items $1- must 12- 16 ed brand new liner ble With 4 SWivel Bedford & East War- tan Auto, all options sale I Adults! kids E II t d t ren (313)8859626 1986 Grand MarqUIS LS black on black, load- Factory Mags go clothes. tools, mlscel- MOVING Sale, 699 RI- xce en con lion chairs, assorted desks Excellent condltlon- ed, 39K miles, $42,0001 best laneous vard, Friday and Sat- (313)884-1750 With chairs, credenza GROSSE Pomte Animal $3,700 313-886- $19,750 (313)822- ~'3 885-9868 ______urday 10- 2 Woodard -M-----d--- table, reasonable CliniC has a male 6116, (313)886-9675 4462 , ' I I POinte Farms wrought Iron patio set, A ANA air con Itloner, ~13 886-9137 Rollweller, male black ------GROSSE 6,650 BTU, $100 ------1995 Jaguar XJS con- 192 Fisher (comer of tables, twin head- Hunter Tote 5,000 ' • I I: Lab male Schnauz- 1995 midSize Mercury lIertlble, whltel tan 1m- Fisher and Ridge) boards, silver, toys, BTU, $100 (313)886- er male Temer mix Mystique- all power, maculate, low miles, 1993 Chevrolet Subur- Saturday 8am- 4pm 2 lawn fertilizer, books, 8906 ALWAYS buying line (313)822-5707 air, new battery $23,500 (810)463- ban- 3/4 ton, 4 X 4. huge family comer and much more china dishes. porce- 72,500 miles Great 3933 loaded Bluel silver, sale household Items, ------lam, pottery, and condition $4450 excellent l condition kitchen tools, decora- MOVING sale, July 13, BABYJOGGER smgle, more Box of dishes In (313)886-2028 1999 Mercedes 230SLK Must see $10,000 live accessories! 14, 9- 3 Something new aluminum your basement? Call BOX Stalls dally turn- super charged con- (313)884-1409 f $15000, (313)885- out Indoorl outdoor 1994 Tempo GL- 4 door, vertlble warranty much more :~~n~~~eryo~~ ~~~~a~n 7660 Melissa, 810-7~0-3616 rings lessons 1-94 & auto, air, AMI FM cas- (810)7'74-6500 1998 Dodge Ram, ex-

-G-R-O-S-S-E-P---F------B I 28 mIle (810)727a sette, power w~ndowsl ceUent conditIOn FuBy olnte arms pnces 1618 Carlisle CRIB set, twin bedroom uy ng 8062 locks, rust proofed, 1994 Mercedes 320E loaded $14,000 433 Cloverly Saturday (1 block south of 8 set, entertamment DIAMONDS excellent condlllon $tatlon wagon, under Please call 248-361- 8-1pm Down slzmg Mile, 1 block west of y 7121 furniture. china, small' kelly, 1 block from center, sofa sleeper, Estate, AnctlqueJewelry POOpScoop Kin 68,000 miles, $4,200 waorroant (810)774- appliances etc No Home Depot Every- portable dishwasher, & oms (810)774-7859 65 1990 Dodge Shadow- 4 I b rds refngerator, & morel Pongracz Jewelers E door Immaculate con- eary t thlngmustgol (313)640-4268 & Pomte Gemological 1993 Mercedes 190 dltlon, $1,295 Low ______Laboratory white, sunroof, power GROSSE POinte Farms, MOVING sale, Satur- EXERCISE eqUipment, 91 Kercheval f!Pu~~IP..pSorOllDoo'im'lro' 1996 Beretta, AlC, ster- Excellent condition m(81~~a)?~_2240 Call, 35 Dyar Lane. Satur- day, July 14th, 10- 4 luggage GE portable on The Hili eo, crUise control, 1 21,000 miles $9,500 day, 9- 4 Fumlture, 18961 holbrook, East- dishwasher, tennis Grosse POinte Farms l~l~reel~ll~~~owner, 104k, 316 cyl- (313)881-0803 1999 Ford Ranger- pick- clothing, chlldrens pOinte (North 01 9 racqu ets (810)774 - (313)884-3325 I lOder, runs like new 1989 Mercedes Conver- up, automatic , 4 door Items, kitchenware Mile, West of Bea- 3917 $38001 b If cab, loaded features, No early blrdsl conslield) Walnut dm FINE china dinnerware lreek~ I e~~. One TimeSerroce ' esl 0 er tlble 560SL white With 69000 miles Very - KITCHEN cabinets- slerllng Sliver fla1ware (810)792-3802 or blue mterlor 50500' • 109 room set, porch (313)9406380 d good condllion Ask- GROSSE Pomte Park furniture, tons of mls- cherry wood, double and antiques Call - miles mmt con Ilion lng, $9,500 810-566- 1429 Lakepolnte Flr- cellaneous household, oven- like new Janl Herb (810)731- 1989 BUick Skyhawk- call (810)775-0520 8040 day& Saturday, huge bone China cups & (313)882-5055 8139 70,000 real miles 1994 Nlssan Quesl GXE DODGE 4WD club cab yard sale What your saucers, collectibles LIONEL TRAINS $1600 Big D Auto, 42,000 miles like new With snow plow Sum- looking for we proba- Don't mlssl ~ADIES deSigner Any Condition Local (313)526-2070 Loaded- leather pow- mer pnce $1,600 BI9 bly have shoes, 10 1/2 & 11 collector bUying one er seats & sunroof. D Auto, (313)526- 1989 Cadillac SeVille tt ty MOVING saIe- palnte d and R055 raCIng bIke piece to entire collec- casse e, secun, 2070 GROSSE POinte Park, furniture, glassware, & five others tlons Repairs & Artlc white, black keyless entry, trailer I> 12 AUTOMOTIV E 742 Berkshire, July artwork, ladles cloth. (313)881-6141 restorallon allallable 1994 Acclaim 3LV6- leather Nicest $one m package and more VANS 14th, 9a m - 1p m 109 (6- 8), mlscellane- (313)885-9777 Michigan, 3,900 $10,500 (313)822- Multi family sale' Fur- ous Appomtement, MANICURE table, chair, PAYING CASHl ollerdrlve I power (313)884-9649 3591 or (313)881- 1992 Aerostar- Auto, nlture, computer, (313)882-2406 lamp Good condilion group a umlnum 1918 runs great I $1,300 clothmg. etc (313)839-6203 For antiques, wheels CD. 103,500 1998 Chevy Cavalier, 2 Big D Auto, (313)526- MOVING sale- Satur- diamonds, jewelry, miles Slow Oil, power door 37,000 miles 1990 Toyota Camry- 2070 GROSSE POinte Park, day, 9- 5, 20041 MAYTAG washer, $85, watches, gold, sliver sleerlng leaks Asking Good condition, Runs great Needs 1997 Chrysler Town & 910 Lakepomte, near Washtenaw, Harper microwave, (small), The Gold Shoppe $1,850 (810)447 $5,950 810-774-9885 work $950 Big D Au- Country LXI, loaded, Alter & Jefferson Woods $25 SchWinn exercy- 22121 Gratiot 2036 1993 Grand Am SE 4 to, (313)526-2070 leather, 58K miles, Help, a toy factory ex- cle $150 Desk & EastpOinte MI T door excellent condl- 1994 Volkswagen Jetta . . 1979 92 Lincoln owncar Slg- 3 8L, excellent condi- MOVING Gr h $25 M II B ploded In my garagel - osse c air, Isce a- uymg since nature Black, leather tlon 70000 miles GL- black ,excellent tIOn $13 9001 best GIrlS & boys bicycles, POinte Woods, 1945 neous (810}498-5898 810-774.0966 Intenor 130000 power Windows! locks conditIOn New clutch, (313)886-7459 foys, clothes, house- Manchester Fnday, -M-O-V-IN-G/--w-e-b--T-V- SHOTGUNS, niles old miles excellent V6 remote starter tires battery, exhaust, hold Items, efc Satur- Saturday, 9am- 3pm h d P k $5500 313300 7774 $5000 313 1999 Dodge Ram Con- day, Sunday 9- 5 Fumlutre tools, radlal- couch, chair, ottoman, an guns, ar er shape (313)886- . - more - version van fully load- BrOWning, Wlnches- 5148 790-0507 arm saw coI thes, ml- color T V 2 exercise ter Coil, Luger oth- 1997 Lumina- loaded, ed Low mileage, GROSSE POinte Woods crowave, toys, snow machines Call 313- ers Collector HONDAS- 87 and '89, moonroof excellent 1988 Volkswagen Vana- black! silver, $22,0001 1678 Bournemouth board, skiS Lotsl 885-3229 (248)478-3437 CRX $1,000 and condition $8500 Call gon Runs great good best oller (313)884- Fnday & Saturday 9------$1 50a or trade Well- 313886-0535 or 313- condition 110000 7701 4pm Household YARD sale 1215 Whlttl- QUEEN size 4 poster WANTED. Chrome tnm- maintained (313)884 510-3112 miles, $4 0001 best 1988 Dodge Caravan, er, Fnday, Saturday, bed excellent condl- med kitchen table With 2536 (313)884-3359 extra clean good Items, gamts, bike, 9- 3 Wrought Iron ta- tlon, cnb high chair, blue or white top Mar- 1998 Oldsmobile Intn- mICrowave, arge van- ble & chairS, leather riding lawn mower, 2 tha Stewart Ltliing DONATE your cars gue V6, Silver leath- PORSCHE- 1985 1/2, transportation $1895/ ety Jacket, designer framed Chinese palnt- magazines from 1991 boats R V trucks er Bose, CD rear 944. Flonda car l11k best offer (313)885- clothes & many Ings on pale blue Silk 1993 small garden property to MISSing spOiler all power, key- 5 speed $5 0001 best 3026 GROSSE POinte Woods household Items Call (313)885-6454 fountain (313)821- Children ProJect- for a less entry $9.3991 (313)8234329- 1995 Nlssan Ouest mini- 2111 Lancaster Sat- 0109 tax donation best (313)881-4030 .. ------... van Dual tront & rear urday 9- 4pm House. 5T Clatr Shores. 23219 TRIPLET stroller Peg (313)8849324 air tinted glass Fully hold Items, exercise N S d . WANTED- Glass- top ta - 1998 Ponliac Grand PriX SPECIAVOLYHSTS orcrest atur ay Perago, 2 matching loaded 59,000 miles equIpment, clothing 6am- 1pm Fumlture, Basset cnbs Call Lln- ble (100 % glass) With GT white loaded SwanIm~Auto Excellent condition 112 pnce, car carner, t I I th I 2- 4 chairs on wheels best In town $15,000 6100 East Warre'~ oos co es appian- da(313)881-0132 ;I' $10 0001 best offer fumlture, much more ces Pnced reasonable (313)823-5695 (orner of Devonshire) (810)790-1045 1983 Chrysler Cordoba 313-824-3686 47K onglnal miles, 1989 Ponllac Grand PriX Sales & Service 613 AUTOMOTIVE 416 SPORTS EQUIPMENT mint $24951 best In excellent condition Monday- Friday WANTED TO IUY (313)8851197 2 door whtte manual 8'30- 5:30 I AAA Cash for cars, , TREADMILL. Tunturl transmiSSion air con- 313-882-7760 CONSIGNMEN top of the line barely 199~ Dodge Stratus dltloOing All options trucks, vans Top dol- ~~ RESALE& 84 000 miles good $ lar paid $$$1 Please used excellent condi- bOb AUTOMOTIVE SHOPS condttlon $34001 best Included 1,400 call (248)722-8953 ""'$~~ift. tion $350 (313)642- oller (313}886-4118 (313)886-9746 SPORT UTILITY ~~"r'"~~ $~'!/r 1476 ALL cars motorcycles American Cancer Society 2000 Chevy Tracker ST. MICHAEL'S , 1993 Toyota Corolla DX wanted Serving "Dfscovery Shop" tint CD all power, LITTLE THRIFT SHoP' Great condition auto Grosse POinte Harp- QUALITY RESALE matlc, cd air condl- Low Jack 12 000 Enter from Mack or er Woods, St Clair liOntng 118 000 miles $15 0001 best Shores Center Sunntngdale between Shores & Del rOil's miles $5 395 call (313)343.6195 13 & Harper VemlerlLochmoor eastside 810-779- Wed & Fn 1Oam- 3pm (810)777-1242 810-285.7467 1998 Chevy Suburban 8797 313-884-7840 LT pewterl blue leath Grosse Pomte Farms 00' Corvette, chrome Don't Forget- OrOM lbint~ N~ws rims, speCial metallic er 4WD remote start, Call your ads In Early! 110 Kercheval .~~"I ~C'SPSCji)N red tan interior glass loaded 49000 miles ClaSSified Advertising '"ft. 313-881-6458 top 11 500 mtles $24 5001 negotiable 313.882-6900 ext 3 't-\" Donate clothing lewelry, The Classified'S $39000 Serious only Days 810.7836245 t ~lbmtq JiIlq_ furniture & households No test drllles, 810- evenings (313)886- dJQ'5w oo _ Grd=~h7;ws (313)882-6900ext. 3 264-8112 8631 J 5e"'5"'C (

Thursday, July 12, 2001 Classified, Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882.6900 ext. 3 bS3 BOAn PARIS AND "S7 MOTOHY([f, 6S I aOAT'> AND MOTORS 6S I BOATS AND MOTORS 651 WATS AND MOTORS 6S I 80ATS AND MOTORS 6S I 10ATS AND MOTORS MAINHNAN<41 C"..lIn~ & lro,k Fill.. A-1 Quality FINISHED CARPENTRY Certified, Insured since 1964 decks and much 81O-n6-1 007 Insured Workmanship Jeff Cap,w (810)795-1711 Emergency service Bob Grabowski more Small Jobs wel- Founder I President 810-773-8087 810-296-3882 come Licensed! in- 8706770371 Violations, Renovation JEMMASONRY Licensed, Insured, st. Clair Shores, MI sured Free estimates fx8106770094 DoorbelV Rangel Dryer 907 BASEM(NT .Chllnnc) Rtp.3.u &. Rest0t'3lLon Senior Citizen DIscount member of The DynamIC BUilding -Snd & Block -Tuck POlnflI'lg WATERPROOFING -Gnndmg & Color M."h No service call charge Better Busmess Bureau Concepts, Inc 810- Free estimates CHAS. F. JEFFREY 775-3428 916 (ARPETINSTALLATION :~:r~~~o~er~asonry-lns\Jred We supply, Install, sand, Fa""ly "nee 19Z4 Basement RESIDENTIAL ~ Joe Mull S & J ELECTRIC stain and finish wood "Excellence in V (313) 881.9Z0S Waterproofing HOMES INC. GARY'S Carpet Serv- Residential floors, new & old - 40 Yrs Expenence Ice Instanatlon, re- Waterproofing" Addrtlons, dormers, Commercial SpecIaliZing In -OutSide .Inslde Method stretching Repairs 20 yur Guarantee kitchens 921 (ElLiNGS No Job Too Small Glltsa finish .Walls Straightened Carpet & pad availa- I All types of renovations 313-885-2930 810-778-2050 & Braced ble 810-228.8934 .Pea Stone Backfill Llcen !oed! InSUred PLASTER & dry wall re- .Foundatlons pair All types water Visa, DISCover& -Spotless Clean-Up (313)717-4663 Underpinned 'lIS (EMENT WORK damage 18 years ex. lOMA Mastercard accepted -Licensed & Insured 313-886-5565 penence Licensed, 914 (ARPENTRY 35 years expelence 0 & ELECTRIC WOOD floor sanding- Insured Joe, 313.882.1800 Licensed Insunct F fnc All types of ce- BOB TOMA relinlshlng Michigan ~ ALL types of carpentry LIcensed Master Floor Services, 22725 EVERDRY ment work Reslden- & remodeling. Base- Electrical Contractor. Greater Mack Call 1- BASEMENT liaV commercial Foot- ments, baths, garage 800-606-1515 WATERPROOFING 9' I IRI(K/~lOCK WORK Ings, patiOS, dnve- 313-885-9595 straightening Small .Free Inspections ways, Sidewalks, ONQUE Enterprises 938 FURNITURE Jobs welcome I M ...Reasonable Rates -Free Estimates A1 Bnck 45 years expe- floors, brick pavers, construction, remold- REFI 'IISHI NG /UPH OtSHR IN G Free Estimates nence Porches, bro- Building, 313-886- PitS truck wells Ing and handyman -Licensed .Bonded Commercial FURNITURE refinished, ken steps, tuck POint- 0202 (810)727-8504 services Build decks, .Insured .FInanclng Residential repaired, stripped, any 109 Licensed CARPENTRY- Porches, garages and editions -70,000 Satisfied New, Repairs, type of caning Free (810)294-4216 doors, decks FInish & -N-IN-O--D-G--c-e-m-e-nt Installation of ceder customers Renovations, estimates 313-345- .LJfelime transferable shake (dormers, ga- ALL masonry work- rough carpentry Re- work Driveways, porch- Code Violations 6258,248-661-5520 warranty bles and roofs). New Tuckpolnt, chimney, pairs & small Jobs es, etc Paver bnck, service Upgrade 943 LANDS(APERS/ 313-527-9090 roofs and repairs LI- bncks, block, stones Free estimates 28 basement waterproof- GARDENERS censed bUilder, fully JAMES KLEINER Lay patio slate Ce- years expenence 109 (810)498-3998 ment steps Reinforce (313)885-4609 Insured No sub-con- A KIWI & Company, Inc Basement waterproof- tracting Your ProJect Trimming, tree, shrub house foundations EXPERIENCED carpen- ing, masonry, R.R. CODDENS Comes Flrstl & stump removals li- References 810-779- ter since '67 Altera- concrete. 25 years .Hou~, Garage&: Por,h censed! Insured Free 7619 tions Windows, In the Polntes. Ramng &. lev<1ong estlmales No obliga- doors, decks, porch- a13-885-2097 ALL PRO John Price .DrNaways tion 313-886-9949 es,garage straighten- Bnck repair or replaced, .Patlos R.L. 313-882-0746 Ing, seamless gutters, EXPERT decks, any Porches, chimneys, .Walks ...• 934 FENCES A-1 Ron's Tree ServJC6, Vinyl Siding Referen- style 0r size LICensed , tuck pomtlng 'Exposed Aggregate Grosse POinte 313- STREMERSCH ces (810)779-7619 & Bluestone & insured Enc, 810- FENCES. Newl repair 506-9312 Immedlale BASEMENT Licensed and Insured LI~l:'nsed/lnloured FINISH carpentry 31 .DrlVeS & Walks 776-9398 All types, No Job too service WATERPROOFING (810}n6-5167 years expenence LI- 929 ~YWAll/PLASHRING small Call George, WALLS REPAIRED BRICK repalr- porches, 912 BUILDING/REMODELING censed & Insured (313}886-5899 A.B.C. steps, tuckpolntlng, 313-886-5565 STUMP REMOVAL STRAIGHTENED 810-776-9398 AFFORDABLE plaster. glass block Windows AT Jack Z's we do rt all Griffin Fence Company SHRUB REMOVAL REPLACED Ing 25 years expe n- KeVin, (810)779-6226 SpecialiZing In kttchen ucenscd "All Types Of FenCing REASONABLE ALL WORK ence, guaranteed and bathroom remod- .Sales 34 Years Expenence work, free estimates, GUARANTEED eling Tlte work of any 'Installation, RepaIrs Call Dominici Insured JAMES KLEINER Lou Blackwell 810- LICENSED kind Beautiful crafts- "Semor Discount 810-445-0225 Basement waterproof- WINTER 776-8687 manship, excellent 313-822-3000 313-884-7139 mg, masonry, CONSTRUCTIO;-': ANDY SqUires Plaster- SERVING CO ...... UNITY 31 YEARS concrete 25 years references No fee es- 800-305-9859 In the Polntes. timates (313)640- .Dnveways Ing & Drywall Stucco KIMBERLY Fence- Cus. Some Classifications repair Spray textured 313-885-2097 0878 -Patios tom fence specialists are required by law to ceilings (810)755- be licensed. PIlO"~ .Walks Maintenance free- JEM Masonry All ma- 2054 A,M. Law~ Spnnklers- Check with proper COUNTER tops- gran- -AddJlIOllS steel, PVC, wood "*, sonry repal rs See our _~DAIIlS repal rs, installations, rte, marble, all types I B&J Construction- Dry- (313)366-7475 State Agency ad under chimney re- CAIP£=wo:r -Gard~es 18 years expenence ROmH WOOIl & DOOAS wall and plastenng resldenliaV commer- to verify license. pair (313)881-9205 "Lit en'>cdlln'>lIred- MODERN FENCE Licensed, Insured ADJUSTED & REPAIRED profeSSIonals Fram- Cial Free esllnlates Free E,>Un1dlc,> Whrte Cedar SpeCialists Don't Forget- Joe, (313)881-1085 Ing, drop ceilings, on installations BOO- MAYNARD UCENSED & INSURED Serving the Grosse complete finish base- 576-6200 Call your ads In Early! l'oAU FOIl Fl!El EST1MAfES I 810-790-1923 POlntes since 1955 MASONRY D & R Maintenance ments Free Ideas and Automatic Gate Opener Classified Advertlsmg 20 years expenence Speclallzmg In ma- estimates (313)331- BRANCH Tree Service, Masonry RepairS sonry work, chimney 313-882-0746 29180 GrallOt, RoseVille Inc Urban Ecologist 1364 810-776-5456 313-882-6900 X 3 Chimney & Porches repair tuck POinting, 919 CHIMNEY (lEANING dedicated to the care PLASTER & drywall re- ~ 1\3tnt~ JIkws Tuck Pomllng gulter maintenance, -T...O.....P-L...A..C...E"...,.A..-,N'""A...D..-- 93b flOOR SANDING/ of trees, shrubs, and pair and painting cnii@iON (313)506-6116 roof maintenance, iWlNISHING other plants since Grosse POinte refer- pamllng extenorl mte- CALL 31:J.a82-6900 exl3 1983 SpecialiZing In ences Call Charles -Innovative Hardwood- 907 USEMENT 907 USEMENT nor Rep Joe Law- o.c- !mi. No.... SAFE FLUE total plant health care; CHIMNEY SERVICE .Chlp" Gibson Hardwood Floors-1985' WATERPROOFING WATERPROOFING rence (810)498-8117 ~ tree, shrub and lawn . Clllmney Cleanxng 313-884-5764 Sanding-Refinish lng- • Caps and RepaIrs-New InstaliallOn fertiliZing, harmful In- 912 BUILDING/REMODELING 912 BUILDING/REMODElING Screens PL.ASTER repairs, Licensed & Insured sect and disease pro- ,,-...."'~sHIEING". Installed painting Cheapl No Tim Tarpey tection, tree and shrub »'r BASEMln ~ , Mo"ar and Job too small I Call pruning! tnmmlng, Damper 810-n2-6489 WI'I'IIPlOon •• anytime Insured new construction Uee RepaH \ HU'In,",' HUllt011 Itonrsty Integnty & Dependability • An,mal Removal (810)774-2827 ARTIST.TREE depend- preservation, land- "'\lth (her 2" Ytars Ex penen ce Se-rvmg The ["01otes rtorNJliire . Ce",t,ed Mastrr Sweep able, on -time work scape restoration, S~(lfICabon\ .1 Visa & Mastercard done by nice guys tree, shrub and land- .PI~ood ilround tnlUt ilortillo protrC1landscape TOM TREFZER --\1I ttt'n shnlh .. hu\h('\ f'le wllI br prol«1td Accepted Free estimates scape consulting .t 1lCil'l.1r (hand dlJtl arra of ba5o(mml WilB to be w.atc'rprooled CBuifdinn &tRpurvatWn [nc. (313)882-5169 (313)567-0612 (810}756-7737 -11.11,11iIIIWilV all clay !land df'bn,. '""":l;C5't' -Rrmon un'In)!; dl"dln 11k .md rtplact wHh nt'W drain hit Licensed 8t Insured tS<:rapt' and Wlrt hnl1h ~all rrmovlng all dirt InsurlR.r:. ~ood 918 «(MENT WORK 91S CEMENTWORK bond 918 ({MENT WORK 9 I S ([MINT WORK tR;tpau;Io1I millor (1'3("-\ With h~draullc cnllmt (313)881-3386 I .T~(1 ~ilIIdr tar and {, mill Vl'S.q\It'nr applltd to wall -'Run 'hMf 10 blc('drrl'\ollo In\Ufe ~uffldfl1'drilinagt tlrctric ..nkac: hlef'dtrh~" nrc(,'i'Nln ~~~~~~~~:::~ .rra 'ifonr or 100\ ..laJt "101\('~lIhm Ir ofgra~ .hMiI, mch m('mhrant taJW'aopphrd allop Sof'amof vtsq'llmr GRAZIO -lop 100\1III .cradr "'Ith proptr J'lItlh .IntrnClf lfa(M" filled., n('(( ..\an. CONSIRUcnON, INC .Thom'llJ(h \IiolJ1km.. n\'hlp IIml dean 1IJ1 882-0628 RESIDENTIAL CONCRETE SPECIALIST -\Ivr ,'oam In\ulillion ilpphrd to w;lll,f rrqut"S1t-d dtJlle SINCE 1963 MI\SONRY BI\SEMENT Wl\TERPflOOFING RESIDENTIAL Hand Troweled Fin"", Bnck!BIOCk, Store Wa IS Slralghlened and Braced DRIVEWAYS. FLOORS FooflnQ5, Gor.Rollings, Porches GARAGES RAISED &t RENEWED PorChe5.iCh~mney5o Wal50 RebUiIl BASEMENT WATERPROOFING TuckpotnTlng/Repa,,, FOOTings Underponned nm" NEW GARAGES BUILT Vlolat,on/Code Wor'< Dra"'age Systems (j). ~ .. LIcensed & Insured It REMODI:IJ"G Exposed Aggreg.te "Bnck P.vers ~~~:~~ 313-885-2097 L'censed GL"SS BLOCKS Insured MAAnN REIF GAAY DIPAOlA 'lIAJ1'Iftl'AI«"& '1'0 (JONPLIlTIIIIB1'IOV.TlO"~ PallOS <;tate 11Censrd ~ 810-774-3020 810-775-4268 810.228-2212 Walks 10 Ylar IrJmfuahle (,uaranlec ,. Porches Ht'RVt .. a ORO!!!!" POI""" P'OROV"R "MY YEU!! I (,L IRA'\ I H 1\ 0'\1 Y \\ (,OOIl \\ n1f (,\ I \RA'\,OR Thursday, July 12, 2001 Classifieds Grosse Pointe News I The Connection (313)882.6900 ext. 3

951 PLUMBING .. 960 ROOFING SERVICE Q.)j lANDSCAPERS! 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 944 GUTHRS 945 HANDYMAN 954 PAINTING/OECORATING 9~4 PAINTING/DECORATING INSTAllATION GARDENERS SEAVER'S Home Main- ADVANCED contract. J,L. PAINTING L,S. WALKER CO. BUSH & hedge trtln- GUTTERS Plus Instal. ONQUE Enterpnses IIIC" Pillm Plumbmg tenance Roof repairs mlng, clean-up, plant. latlon, repair & clean- construction, remold- 109 15 years expen. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Interior uU:flor Ice shields gutter ence Specializing ex- Plaster repair SpeCIalIZIng Dram Cleanmg 109 & weeds Jungle 109 (8101560-1446 109 and handyman All Repairs Free chimney mainte- tenor/lntenor pamtlng Drywall cracks! 00 repaumg damage Jeff, (810)445-6154 810.772.3281 ' services BUild decks, l l nance Insured plaster & wall repair peeling pamt plaster & drywall, cracks, Estlmates Reasonable GARDENER serving the SEAMLESS gutters garages and editions (313)8820000 Gutters, glazing, pow- Wmdow putty/caulkmg peeling palht, caullung, Insured finest Lakeshore, Pro- custom aluminum Installation of ceder er washing licensed, Power washing! woodow glumg, 810-186.3900 313.705.7568 pager vencal, Windmill Trim, Siding, roofing, shake (dormers, ga- Insured Prompt, relia. repainting power wash, ~,I"lI=====:!!lIlf! POinte homes since Windows, doors reo bles and roofs) New ble service (810)615- Aluminum sldmg ~ "_m,,,m "d ... F~!!!!!~!!!!!!!=rt R.R. COD DENS 1979 Spnng clean- modeling all repairs roofs and repairs lI- 2040 Grosse POinte DISCOU.,. $ In up, weeding, edging, Hucks construction censed bUilder, fully I....'LRH) $ PLUMBINO l'.xcell enee Roofing cultlvatmg, planting, (810)749-7331 Insured No sub-con. ALBERT'S expert paint- References ( GARA" I fl D hm.ly "nee 1924 Ing Reasonable Fully Insured - IUlfRlc ....Cl' -For all Your pruning, tnmmlng, SEAVER'S H M tractlng Your ProJect l rates Professional Free Estimates Plumbinll; Needs RCSidc:nual/( ommcrcJal light palntmg and ome aln- Comes Flrst 313-884-1 •• 3 WHY PAYMORE!! .RcsblOglt • Ie;ilt off moving, wmdows tenance Gutters re- (313)506-4035 quality 15 years ex- 313-885-0146 Sewers & Dr;uns 'F1al Roof 'NewIRep .. r That sort of thing paired, replaced, -R------perlence References JOHN'S PAINTING Reasonable Rates Ron, (810)420-8770 cleaned Roof repairs ELIABLE home maIO- 20 years Insured tenance and repairs 810-530.5487 Intenor- Exterior Spe- f \\i!\N I'AIN-INCJ 7 DAYS 24 HOURS \ ()\t11 ANY 313-886-5565 ALL extenor painting clallzlng 10 repalnng HEDGE trimming f1ow€>r 1313\882-0000 Intenorl extenor paint- '1 810/412-5500 Power washing SId- uiuna\:loN plaster, dry bed weeding, grass Illy R"I", tlO".... Call C)Jt ')0 j L<. .) Insured cutting, sod laying John, (313)885-8832 109cleaned and paint- wall & cracks peelmg ( U\ ~U\t1 ~ ed licensed 20 paint, wmdow puttying 'I'lt! II Jr '[xt, nOI !2 Very affordable THE Tinker- No Job too 959 POWER WASHING - PI, I I (313)372.0043 ALL of your home 1m. small All malnte- years expenence and caulkmg wallpaper- ()I\"V"II f~r fJ"" AAMST AR power wash- provement needs I Free estimates Ing Also pamt old alu- 'AII f ,1UX~lrll"leI HEDGE! shrub trimming, SpeCialiZing In exten- nance repair for the (810)759-2566 mmum Siding All work '\ldl V,HI1I>f1 109 See 25"10 oll cou- gardening, clean-ups, orl mtenor painting home From palnllng ANDERSON Palntmg, and matenal guaran 'LXf J It ,1t pon under Window grass cutting Lowest Decks, Siding fenc- to plumbing Serving 1m r !rlll ( liW1 \ wash 109 section Vinyl full mtenorl extenor teeq. Reasonable • I (UI ( .lrnJr(u pnces 10 town Don, the POlntes since Siding, decks (stam- 810-350-3675 109 Home repair & re- 1972 313-886-4703 services 20 years ex- Grosse Pomte referen- ( illl riot) modeling Power __ ------penence, excellent ces Fully msured 810-727-2689 Ing), bnck pavers washing Full custom- TROUBLE finishing your references Free estl- Free estimates Bonded & msured INCORPORATED Call John for free esti- er service Licensed & home Improvements? mates (810)-504- 313-882-5038 COMPLETE 957 PLUMIING I. Insured 810-615- Then I m your handy- 0808, (810)783-6830, PAINTER. Intenorl exte. mates 313-516-5466 ROOFING 2040 man, no Job too smaU INSTALlATION ARTtSTI deSigner for nor Quality work POWER Washmg- SERVICE JASON Pallas Land------Dale or Chns, Reasonable rates COMPLETE deckS our speCiality RESIDENTIAL scaplng Servmg the ALWAYSTHERE Han- (810)427-5241 Free hire Custom painting (313)882-3286 PLUMBING sealing & stalnmg 28 COMMERCIAL POlntes for 20 years dyman- ProfeSSional estimates faux IImshes, air ------years expenence and reliable handy------brushing, stencIling, QUAUTY Painting, SERVICE TEAR OFF Off enng full lawn man available Expen- YOUR handyman Rell. Free estimate RESHINGLE murals and creallve plaster repairs 20 MARTIN VERTREGT maintenance services enced In all aspects of able, minor repairs, projects Your Ideas years expenence In- (313)885-4609 Licensed Master CERTIFIED 313-885-0715 repair and malnte- landscaping, rototll- are mine (313)886- sured Neat Seaver's Plumber APPLICATIONS OF JEREMYS tree master nance Pamtlng, tile, ling, maintenance, 3099 Home Maintenance Grosse POinte Woods BLUE SKY MODIFIED SINGLE gardener available for light construcllon painting Call POWER WASH BACK In bUSiness For- (313)882-0000 PLY hire Yard clean up basement remodeling' (810)771-7422 313-886-2521 DECK EXPEJmi merly Mitchell A M REYALS Painting New work repairs, SEAllNG bt SfAlNING FLAT ROOFING and maintenance spe- and much more Free 946 HAULING ~ MOVING Painting Inc Since PalntlOg power wash- renovations, water Uc. &: INS. 15 YEARS SYSTEMS clals, tree trimming estimates Call Mark 1967 Statewide trav. lng, minor plaster re- heaters, sewer cleaning 81Q.293-S674 VENTS and removal 313.815-7939 LOCAL moves and de- el Grand Traverse pair, drywall Ray, code ViolatIOns GUTTERS (810)759-1934 or DEPENDABLE handy- live ry Appliances re- Bay area & locally 313-882.0358 REPAIRS All work guaranteed 960 ROOfING SERVICE (810}553-2564 man ceramic tile, moval FleXible hours (313)436-3439 Open- STEVE'S PalOling Inten- Free boxes Call any- DAN ROEMER LICENSED INSURED LAWN cutting, weekly tubs and Windows Ings for extenor work orl exterior Speclallz- ALL PRO ROOFING time, (313}881-5622 PLUMBING service, clean- ups caulked, gutters BOWMAN Pamtlng In- Ing In plastenng and 'ProfesslOnal roofs, 886-0520 and malntanance pro- cleaned, bnck repair, MOVING-HAULING RepairS, remodeling tenorl extenor Resl- drywall repairs, -Gutters ,Sldlng, -- -- vlded Call (810)773- tuck pOinting and Appliance removal, Ga- dentlal 26 years ex- cracks, peeling pamt co de work, Iixtu res 'New'Repalred 9550 more Mike 810-415. 973 TILE WORK rage, yard, basement, penence Call Gary Window glazing, Water heaters Installed Reasonablel Reliable LAWN sprinklers Instal- _5_64_2 _ cleanouts Construction 810-326.1598 caulking Also paint Sewers & Drams 26 years In bUSiness A-1 Tile & Marble- re- debns Free estimates led & serviced Insur- FRANK'S Handyman BRIAN'S PAINTING old aluminum Siding licensed and msured L1CENSEDIINSURED pair, plumbing 35 ed Spnng start- ups, Service speCialiZing In MR. B'S 313-882-3096 (810)469-4565, 810-772-2614 John Williams years expenence ProfeSSional painting, (313)874-1613 810-759.0451 810-176-5167 Guaranteedl Insured $351 up 810-714- small repairs and Intenor and extenor ------1177 home inspections Specializing uyall types WALLPAPERING and DAVE'S FLAT roof specIalist 25 (810)755-5895 MAC'S TREE AND (810)791-6684 of pamling Caulkmg, repair by Joan 15 Sewer Cleaning years expenence BEDROCK Tile Co LI SHRUB TRIMMING HANDYMAN- Plaster- Window glazing and years expenence, de- Free estimates All censed Insured ref- COMPLETE WORK lng, plumbing, electn- plaster repair All work pend able, competitive & work guaran1eed erences Neat, clean guaranteed pnces (313)331-3512 Reasonable Rates cal, bnck work, car- Plumbing Repair 313-372-7784 work Kltchenl Bath Qualrty Servl,;e pentry, tile work, Fully lnsuredl e~=!!!!:!!!!!!!!=~!\ Sewers & DrainS remodeling (810)321- Call Tom painting Stephan, For Free Estimates and UlSfOM PAIN11NG Cleaned K&VROOFING 8453 81o-n6-4429 (248}894-5693 local & Reasonable Rates, call ~~ Hot Waler Healers-DIp Resldentiall SAN Marino Tile & Mar- 8100778-2749 .Imured'_ Tubes Commercial long Distance ______.lIofl'l'Ol1CtS Faucets TOilets MIKE'S EVERGREEN HANDYMANI White Tear offs, Reroofs, ble Trained In Italy LANDSCAPING Glove Maintenance, Agent for DENNIS pamtlng- Quail. AIlWork~ Replpes Violations ORepairs 35 years experience Full maintenance remodeling, roofing, Global Van Unes ty Job at reasonable (31~~ Licensed --- Insured Free estimates! (810)725-4094 landscaping & deSign, plumbing, electncal, pnce Palntmg, deco- (313}526-71oo 810-774-0899 TILE, complete new bnck pavers ArtifiCial baths, painting, etc rating, IOten0rl exte n- iJ'!===""""""""""""I!!!E""11, .puttlng greens Installed Bill (810)718-4024 or Wallpaper remov- DINO'S PAINTING DIRECT NEW HORIZON baths, kitchens & tile Inteno' &. Exlenor CONSTRUCTION deSign 18 years ex- , (313)822-5010 HONEST and dependa- al ReSldentlaV com- PLUMBING I (8 0)7 Sp

10C July 12, 2001 s orts Grosse Pointe News Sharks------_ From page Ie CarolYn Jacobs, GPS Boy, 50 fleest) Ie, Matthew GPP GIrls 25 freestyle Anna 17.and.under L,lne GPS Girl. ,';0 freestyle YanEgmond Gpg Boys 25 back Boys 50 Ireestvle John Am'lIlda BrandeLs OPF Boys 50 stroke, TImmy PankowskI GPP Salvador GPS GIrlS 50 freestyle, bdthtroke Karl Tech GPS GIrlS Girls 25 backstroke, Lara McCann Ashley Wynne, GPS Boys 50 back- 50 back,troke Stephanie Johnson Moran, GPP Boys 25 breaststroke, stroke Paul Jacobs, GPS GIrls 50 GPF Bo)s 50 breaststroke, Jon Brad KaminskI GPP GIrls 25 backstroke, Llnd.ay CraIg, GPP Sattler, GPS GIrlS 50 breaststroke breaststroke Samantha Flhpelh Boys 5U breaststroke, RIchard LI Sar,lh Cullen GPS B"y. 50 butter GPS Boys l5 blltterfly, TJmmy GPS Girls 50 breaststlOke fly E"c Jorgen.on, GPS Girl. 50 PankowskI GPP GIrls 25 blltlerOy, MIchelle Flkany GPP Boy. 50 but butterfly Stephanie Johnson GPF Anna VanEgmond GPS MIxed 100 terfly Josiah Spurr OPP Girl. 50 Boy. lOO medley rela) Grosse free.tyle rela), Grosse Pomte Park buttertly Magg", EugenIO (,PS POllltl F," ms rRobert Colhson (MIke Ohver, TImmy PankowskI Boys 100 individual medle), John Beau Yavor Kvle St ..lner, Jeffer) Kyle Cools Kelsey Flynn) Salvador, GPS GIrls 100 md,v,d B1,IZOf!' Girl, lOO medley relay IO.and.under ual medley, Katie Monahan, GPS Gro,.< POlnt< F,lrm. IAmanda Boys 50 frt'e.tyJe, MIchael Lane, MIxed 200 medley rel"v (,ro.se Fllde, Jenlllfer Dunaway GPS GIrls 50 freestyle, Jenmfer POinte Shores (Paul Jacobs Katie StephanIe Johnson Amanda Monahan, Maggie EugenlO, Scott Brandel.' Rusch GPS Boy. 25 backstroke "\ xc::. \ Msn l:llunl1en, uP:> lilr!s l5 back 1-1 "nJ'14uJ". stroke, JennIfer Rusch, GPS Boys Other relays Bo\O ';0 free'tyle, MIke 25 breaststroke Jack Hessburg, Boys 57 years 200 freestyle, Dun,,,, ,Iy GPF Girl, 50 freestyle GPP GIrls 25 breaststroke, Grosse POinte Shores (RIchard LI Ann< Kopf, GPS Boy, 50 back Cmnamon TrIano GPP Boys 25 Karl Tech, Dan Minturn John stroke, MIke Duna""y GPF GIrls butterfly Greg Blunden GPS Salvador) Glrls 57 year, 200 50 backstrolo.e 'Il"rgl Scholtes GIrls 25 butterfly Alex Flhpelh, fre('style Grosse Pomte Shores GPF Bo" 50 brea.t-troke, Ryan GPS MIxed 100 freestyle relay, (Carolyn Jacobs, Cathenne COllry Stelne, GPF Girls 50 breast Grosse Pomte Shores (Greg A.hley Wynne, Anne Kopl) stroke Jenna DeH.lyes GPF Boys Blunden, Alex Flhpelh, JennIfer GROSSE POINTE FARMS 50 blltterll), Dan Mmturn GPS Rusch MIchael Lane) Ys. GROSSE POINTE SHORES GIrl. 50 butterfly JoAnne 8.and.under Matthe". GPF Boy, 100 md,vld 12-and.under Bo)s 25 freestyle Mike Dman ual m..dley RYdn Stemer, GPF Boys 50 freestyle, Matthew GPF GIrls 25 freestyle, Courtne) GIrls 100 indIVIdual medley Anne Lane, Gpg GIrlS 50 freestyle, Rusch, GPS Boys 25 backstroke, Kopf GPS Staying close Leanne Moceri, GPP Boys 50 back- MIke Dman GPF GIrls 25 back 17-and.under stroke, Andrew P,erce GPP GIrlS stroke Bne Ed"ards CPF Boys Bo), 50 freestyle, Mike W,thers, A Harper Woodsplayer stay. close to the bag while a Clintondale infielder 50 backstroke, KIm Stevens GPP 25 breaststroke, Connor D,xon GPF GIrl. 50 freestyle Lauren makes the catch of a popup during a game in the District 6 Little League Boys 50 breaststroke, Andrew GPF GIrlS 25 breaststroke, Remhard, GPF Boys 50 back. tournament at Elworthy Field. Snella GPP GIrls 50 breaststroke Samantha Flhpelh, GPS Bo)s 25 .troke, Darren Mant) la, GPF GIrls Sarah Cullen, GPS Boys 50 butter buttertly Brandon Duna"ay, GPF 50 backstroke MarIana Andale, fly, Andrew PIerce, GPP GIrlS 50 GIrls 25 butterOy, Bne Ed'" ards, GPF Bo)s 50 breaststroke ,Josh butterfly, Leanne Moceri Boys 200 GPF MIxed 100 freestyle relay, YavOi GPF GIrlS 50 breaststroke, medley relay Grosse POInte Shores Grosse POinte Farms [Calthn Kn.tyna I"anskl, GPF Bo)s 50 (Enc Jorgenson, Jon "allier NIck McNitt, Brandon Duna"ay, Jeffer) butterfh, \IIKe Wlthel. GPF Girls Cullen, Matthew Lane) GIrlS 200 Blazoff, Bne Edwards' 50 butterfh, MaggIe EugenIO, GPS J'Iledley relay, Grosse Pomte Park lO.and-under Bovs 100 indIVIdual medley, Josh (KIm Stevens, Natahe lies, Carly Ya'o' GPF Girl. 100 mdlvldual Czalka, Leanne Mocen! Boys 50 freestyle, MIChael Lane, GPS GIrls 50 freest) Ie, Kace) medley Lauren Remhard, GPF 14.and-under Murphy. GPF Boys 25 backstroke, MIxed lOO medley relay, Grosse Boys 50 freestyle, Pat LaRIVIere. Greg Posada, OPF Girls 25 back Pomte Farms

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FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: ' Nancy Straub • P.O.Box 1260, Panacea, FL32346 (850) 984-0122 \ ---

.. • >' • Page 2 You rHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 Electricity to the disposal takes planning, then begin Q. Mr. Hardware, not long ago I remodeled part of my kitchen. I added a garbage disposal but I have never been able to figure out .... 330 STEPHENS how to wire it. - Sparky from Roseville. GROSSE POINTE FARMS A.. Mr. Spark, first check the Hard to fmd three bedroom ranch in Grosse Pointe Farms. electric code on a disposal circuit at your city building department. Third room currently being used as a den. Large kitchen They may advise you as to the with eating space, open floor plan, good size rooms, specifications for this job, but at a family room and attached two car garage. P9tential for cost. It will probably require a per- back to the receptacle. mit. The good side of the permit is Consult an expert for exact second floor addition. Great location on desirable Farms a professional will inspect the job details for your particular wiring street. and assure your safety. situation. This ranges from home . In our area, the disposal must be repair books to personal guidance "plugged in" to a switched recepta- from profeseionals. With the prop- , 1335 KENSINGTON cle. This way the disposal with a er planning, this can be an easy pigtail, a short extension cord, can job. GROSSE POINTE PARK be unplugged if the switch ever Attach a grounded 16-gauge pig- Beautiful four bedroom center entrance Colonial with two malfunctions and the unit is stuck tail to the disposal before installing on. Alternatively, for extra safety it to the sink. U~ a strain-relief and one half baths. Located on one of Grosse Pointe the unit can be unplugged before where the cord goes in to the base Park's most desirable streets. New roof, new boiler, new dislodging any debris jamming the of the disposal. Connect black-to- hot water heater. Updated kitchen, wet plaster and grinders. black wires, white-to-white wires If there is ,110 switeh above the with orange wire nuts, and CQnnect hardwood floors throughout. Walking distance to schools counter, you will have to add one. the ground wire to the metal and shopping. Front door depicted on "Doors of Grosse Using an "old work" box, you can ground screw. install one from the surface with- Make sure the switch is off, Pointe" poster. out making an oversized hole. install the disposal and plug it in. Another hole made in the cabinet If all is well the disposal should below and you should be able to turn on and off with the switch. 273 HAMILTON fish romex wire from below up to Grounded and everything! GROSSE POINTE FARMS the switch box. Send your questions to Mr. If the new power comes from Hardware c/o Gilbert's Pro Beautiful Cape Cod on quiet cul-de-sac in the farms. below, a switch leg will control the Hardware at 21912 Harper in St. Three bedrooms and three full baths. Large family room receptacle. This happens when Clair Shores 48080,' call (810) 776- power first goes to the receptacle 9532, e-mail with vaulted ceilings and an updated kitchen with eating below the counter, then up to the staf/@mrhardware.com, or visit the space. Updates include: in 1998 - new roof, furnace, switch. Turning the switch on com- new and improved www.mrhard- freshly painted, and newer carpet. In 2000 new landscape. pletes the circuit of the black wire ware.com to archive past columns. Finished basement with bar and recreation room. Attached two car garage with mud room, two decks and Tree-identification guide in-ground sprinkling system. Move in condition. "What Tree Is That?," a pocket tional mission of the Arbor Dc y guide for identifying trees, is avail- Foundation," says John Rosenow, 450 McKINLEY able from The National Arbor Day the foundation's president. "Being Foundation. able to identify trees is important GROSSE POINTE FARMS The 72-page guide will help you to knowing how to "care for them Side entrance three bedroom brick Colonial on one of identify 135 different trees found and how to plant the right tree in in the eastern and central United the right place." Grosse Pointe Farms most desirable streets. Newer States. Th obtain your tree ill guide, windows, tear off roof and central air. Circular floor plan Well-known trees are .included: send your name and address and oaks, maples, spruces and pines. $3 to "What Tree Is That?," The with natural frreplace in living room. Breakfast nook off Also included are species such as National Arbor Day Foundation, of kitchen, den with deck to back yard and large horsechestnut, mockernut hickory, Nebraska City, Neb. 68410. bedrooms. Cove ceilings and crown moldings throughout. sassafras, shadbush, persimmon, pawpaw, pagodatree and pecan. Dozens of drawings illustrate the trees' leaves or needles and their for Additional Information DlcMe Call: acorns, berries, seed pods, cones, SINE& and other identifying features. MONAGHAN ~tlANA &INE CAMERON, ABR -what Tree Is That?" is organized to make it easy to identify trees in CALL 313-882-3500 a simple step-by-step fashion. ,,~ 313-884-2240 . "'Helping people eqjoy and appre- Toreserve Display Advertising ciate trees is central to the educa- space by 2 p.m. Friday --


Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Page 3

$l39,OOlhwo FAMILY 616 INCOME PROP£RTY $132,.THREE BEDROOM. ONE AND ONE HALF BAll! $89,000 THREEBEDROOM BRICK RANCH ...,. St. JdIn H""",... freshly deoorlItd .. c1001ng new cupeIlng Po .. "", Gas foo:ed a" and .,.."",1 alf oondlboo,ng UpdMed _ In DOe umt A11 COI.ONIAL wnll fomlly room Upda"'" kncbel! Gas foo:ed II' and central "!T lIptlIllnoes IIlCludcd M""thly rem S62S arld S72S rondmonlng InclDdlh cpenm N"", " .. yard Docl Possesswn II c1"'IIII MUllIOOl50l MUlll0038S0 MUll 1003853 BELINE OBEID (313) 343-0100 iIPrud;;iw Grosse Pointeareawilh ~;~::~ a;~~~;;n;~al Estate Co. Visit Beline's website- [email protected] Page 4 YourHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 Deco~ating s'hortcuts bring vitality to tired rooms (NAPS!) _ retailers, and decorating stores Plymouth, Mass. "It doesn't have to Seasonal redeeo- that carry Waverly pillows, go at the top of a wall. It can frame rating that once valances chair pads and rugs, not a doorway or be placed at chair-rail called for a floor- only offe~a full range of home fash- height, w~ere it has more impact," t 0 _ c e i 1 i n g ion accessories in addition to wall- she adVises. Through Waverly makeover has paper and bor-., Plac~ retailers, gone the way of ders, they also waverly helps take _ y~u will also find the dial tele- take-the guess- VIllage and phone for today's'~ work out of coor- ..-the gu~ork out .-~iJ Gramercy brand hectic house- dinating them. >,..-.~~~-:--~'ttati~~::~.-< wallpapers and holds. Yet, the New to the V1 ",-VU&UU1. • ~ ~"'" ~ .. borders. desire to occa- stores are four ~~I1ft2Lr and,.faiJitj.:-~-~"Exchanging long sionally freshen woven fabrics in ~:~~:,J -::::~;:,;:¥ draperies for up a home five colors to shorter ones or remains. coordinate with the wall patterns. adding window shades and 'lb the rescue "Introduce a new, bright color by valances immediately makes a have come a changing the pillows on the sofa," room look new. So does a change of variety of deeo- says Joyce Colton, a member of the bedding ensembles. Large floral rative acces- International Interior Design prints, like those in the new sories that, Association (IlDA)and president of Waverly Heirloom II collection, are according to Joyce Colton & Associates, becoming popular," says Jemmott. interior design- Olympia, Wash. Bright color is "Even a cluster of colorful can- ers, can quickly back in style, according to the dIes can change the mood of a and easily make Color Marketing Group, a consor- room," says Colton. "So can new a significant dif- tium of more than 1,600 product picture frames or a grouping of two ference to the design experts who annually chart or three small, decorative bottles look of every. residential color trends. on an occasional table." room. There are "A wallpaper border is also a For more information on also places great way to give a room a new Waverly Place, visit the Waverly like Waverly look," says Maribeth Jemmott, a and Village web sites at Place "Select a place fashioned to provide design member of the American Society of www.waverly.com or www.village- designed to help. expertise whether you re-cover an ottoman. add Interior Designers (ASID) and home. com, respectively, or call Waverly Place. decorative pi1IowB or a wlDdow treatment. head of Certified Interiors, (800) 523-1200.

Step into Excitement, Elegance & Luxury at 200 River Place Lofts

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Ask for Mark Brown, Bonnie Halbert, or Brian McNitt CENllJRY 21 ASSOCIATES

• .-


Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Page 5 Lwcfl,ry L;,p;,saIs Grosse Po;,nte!

The ftDIIt luxur7 counb'J emteJ otreriDg kn8l Laketront eetUng iB the site of WI brand new Prench Elegant aDd gIamoroua ft'fe bedroom Nidence in Once in a UfeUme ... &0 purcha8e the I&rgest priva&ely VUqaility, II8ClUJion and surrounded by ~ Cha&eau. ID8piriDg de8ign which iDoludee a fim 1IlO1ud8d IIancbeIrter JillRateI. ~tifu1l1 cIeoor'Ued in owned parcel of water froDiage in the Farms surrounded by 8p"Cimetl trees aDd lake filled lagoon. v-. Uli8 JBIIWfully deIigDed lIlIml bedroom Boor owner'B mr.t, IlIUllllZ'OUB fireplaces, four oar a U'adiUcmal R1le usiDg onlJ the fi.nest ma&erialI and Built in 1903 Ws hI.Btoric residence offers detailed DIADIion is .. em. over two lIillnI of pl"Op8J'1y. A garage aDd lush secluded grounds with one hundred quality worJrmanRbip. $1,080,000 dream oome truer $',500,000 feet of lake froniage on Lake St Clair. $3,2lIO,OOO elements rarely found.

RARE OPPORTUNITY... to build a home on one of the Farms most prestigious streets overlooking the FID&uUcclub-like aeWng with aD ingroWld poollDd Professionally reuovated within the past three year&, This home will put a IOJ1g in your he&nl Gloriously pool hllUllll plus aD open floor plan makes this home WI spectacular home is In aD idelllooaUon. Updates restored IIicou built home in a greU City locaUcm. Country Club of Detroit. greai tor enima1niDg. Pour bedrooms, three aDd one inolude new kitcheD, granitillltilelmarble, ba~ 80uth of Jterohe'nl. five bedrooms, all brand new half baths, tamil)' room and den. $729,000. upda&ed, hardwood Boors, central 111', windowslDd 80 baUI.8 aDd ki~ new family room and the fin_ $2,800,000 much more. $729,000 interior design. $739,000 JlUp;Ittqgn bP'!"!MklIIa -ACl...... 1de

82 Kercheval, on ihe Bill 313.884.0600 Grosse Pointe Farms www.realestateone.com Page 6 YourHome

MOROSS ROAD WILLOW TREE PLACE Handsome SIXbedroom Wilhamsburg Custom-built four bedroom, two piUSbath Colomal Famdy Room. Pavered terrace CANTERBURY RIDGE ROAD CALVIN Shores Colomal Farmly Room Ferfect four bedroom, two and one half bath Sought-after Farms Ranch with muluple fire- ClasSICthree bedroom farm-style Colomal Colomal with Family Room places SpaciOUSpnvate yard close to schools Central air condltlomng

BALLANTYNE TONNANCOUR SUNSET PLAZA Great four bedroom. two and one half bath *Speclal five bedroom French Colomal THREE MILE DRIVE wTHROP Sharp Saint Clair Shores condo With Shores Colomal Family Room. Pool Family Room Fll'Stfloor bedroom UOIque two family income with lots of pnvate balcony Appliances Carport ~agmficent English Regency Estate space 2,750 square feet JIll"" 10 the Farms Beauttful pool

PROVENCAL ROAD BEDFORD ROAD Exquisite 9.000 square foot Georgian Tradttlonal four bedroom, three and one half PROVENCAL ROAD KENSINGTON Colonial estate overlookmg golf course bath Colomal WithLibrary near Lake Stately English Regency pnvate estate on ClassiC three bedroom. two and one half bath more than twO acres Farm-style Colomal. Family Room

McKINLEY ROAD BALFOUR ROAD Handsome four bedroom.. twO and one half SOUfH BRYS DRIVE Four bedroom, three and one half bath. NOTRE DAME bath. Family Room. Two storY addItion Completely renovated three bedroom. two Family Room. First floor Master SUIte Charrmng four bedroom. two and one half • 1: ... If o. S. and one half bath. Farruly Room bath English with lots ofupda!eS

LAKEFRONT HALL PLACE NORTH OXFORD Waterfront bving on Lalce St. Chur HAWTHORNE ROAD Attractive three bedroom Cape Cod near IROQUOIS Oasslc four bedI"Qom.two and one half bath plus canal Farody Room, Den Totally redecorated Ranch WithLIbrary. the Hill Lots of updates I Fabulous Scnpps mansion 10 histonc Colomal WithGarden Room Breakfast Room. New roof CAC Indian Village Intncate dewl

CHALFONTE MOROSS ROAD WAVERLY LANE Affordable three bedroom Colomal PROVENCAL LOT TONNACOUR PLACE Sunny home on the golf course ExqulSlle five bedroom Georgian WIth Updated kllchen Screened porch Rare opportunlly for I 6 acres overlookmg ~xtraordmary five bedrOOm.five bath beautiful views of Lake Sl ClaIr F\N! floor bedroom and hath golf cour;c 125 feel frontage JII( Colomal Huge park-hke yard *

RIVARD TOWNHOUSE WEST CANFIELD CONDO RIVARD TOWNHOUSE YORKSHIRE Stunmng SIXbedroom CondomlOlUm Wonderful top floor loft In the Cultural HARBOR PLACE CONDO Excepllonal SIX bedroom, lhree and one half Perfect four bedroom East English Village Breakfast Room Covered patiO Center' Private garage SpaCIOU~three bedroom. three t-ath wllh bath condo Library Slumg Room charmer With mground pool Flonda Room first floor master. Loft-like Family Room Visit our web site for 313-886-3400 a 360' Visual Tour toll free 888.886-4060 www.higbiemaxon.com 83 Kercheval avenue • grosse pointe farms • michigan *

- ...... ~""-~ ... Page 7 Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome

; ! W;;:;;s;thU.!l@MJPww ..MiY:m»M.l#/i4!f¥@''''W>'i ues JoAnn Wine ~ Furniture from the 1950s and Q. I can't find any information I '60s is selling for good prices at the about a 9-inch.high revolving brass Modernism auctions. Famous mak- spool-holder that I bought in 1967. PORT HURON AREA WATERFRONT ers like Charles Eames and George I paid $10 for it at an antiques Nelson are known to many collec- shop in St. Louis. Itholds 24 spools tors, but makers who did a limited of thread on two tiers. The base number of pieces of custom furni- has four decorative paw feet. A ture have been ignored until large, round pincushion sits in a recently. cup at the top. One designer /M;J;~\;:;'»; .•,h_;;i..'{~:';/il A. Your of some of the ~~, '",. x : ;:Jt6.~ carousel spool- i~ " <' ,~. ,'< ,t~\; more unusual .F,;:;':{!, ,;" ,T ':.,;l,j..j.:*:I"';':'i;,!Jlif.~~"" holder is also t ~..;:~ l~{:: pieces of fumi- ' ;; '.....,., "/,\-?;\>",,,:':;';h.>«iJ called a reel- or tura is Paul ,.-' ~ .-it.lit!:l thread-holder. >*'.... ~-.c~~~ ..... ::"' "'!:- It' ~ 'te J)N BEAUTIFUL LA Kg Evans. He was t\ N ", '*'?i',~,j.;'-d;.t" ,,,-.; IS a lavon HURON ...il> where you will find this a sculptor who ,',., " '",.. '~' "" "t,;:;)'/J of collectors of charming three bedroom. two bath' v$?i1"*~~J$,*:;rN.";'-"'I'!." :"'< ."," <""';'<'" ;-,. I takefront home offering 80' frontage.., made one-of-a- .>' ,,,,,-<*,,;',-,,, _, l<-", o/'"r,x- ">!"" ...~,,.>!,,> ",,J;,-/'1.,,",t..,, sewlng too s kind furniture from steel, bronze and equipment. The design origi- , :!'Iery well cared foroo.perfectas a cot~ ..tage or year round home! Recent and wood. Evans studied metal- nated in England during Victorian aleS include newer windows and work and sculpture in several art times. Spool-holders continued to .aidmg. Two car garage. $499.900. schools. In the early 1950s he be made through the first decades worked at a museum, reproducing of the 20th century. Your spool- 'j ~,u~~>!",. ->;', ,." .., ~ ," .. colonial silver. In 1954, he began holder is worth at least 10 times , working at his own studio and was what you paid for it. soon making large wooden and • metal pieces of furniture, many for Q. Why is a brass push-up can- special orders. dlestick called a "hog-scraper?" In 1964, he began designing for A. A straight-sided, cylindrical Directional, a furniture manufac- brass or iron candle holder was turer. A short time later, he was called a hog-scraper because farm- running the company's factory and ers sometimes used the candle managing almost 90 employees. By holder's sbarp-edgedbase to scrape the 1970s, he was making tables the bristles from hogs after the .WELL APPOINTED TWO' and sideboards that then cost up to hogs w~e slaughtered. STORY with walkout lower level. $6,000. He stopped working for the • ptfering four bedrooms. four baths~ factory in the late 1970s, but he Tip: To remove a stain from a '\Wo car attached garage. Open con.'; continued with his own workshop £eIlt on main floor. This spectaclW, polished granite table top, mix the ::t.r home features a spacIOus mastet and designs. He died in 198.7. centers of some slices of white ~uite with an attached spa area and The unusual pieces, with mas- bread with 6 percent hydrogen per- sive metal doors or cube-like metal : 'Y_e:,~~n, ~Yerl~~: bases, are selling today for thou- oxide. Put the paste on the stain sands of dollars. Many pieces are overnight. Wash off the next day, signed and dated. All pieces show and the stain should be gone. his unique style and can be identi- _ Ralph and fin')' Kovel King Features Syndicate fied. • Q. AI; a child, I lived in Illinois. We had milk delivered in a cream- top bottle. I told this to a younger friend who collects dairy bottles. He has never seen one and wants to know more. LAKE HURON CHARMER! Two- A. Cream-top bottles were popu- rFANlASTIC VIEW! IMMEDlATB' t,bree bedroom home located in Fort. lar in the 1930s. Milk was not ;POSSESSION1 100 FT. OF Oratiot Township ...perfect as a surn* I••,,.,.II/a... ,...... • ,.,-) J,AKEFRONT! Beautiful lot WIth mer home or for year round livmg. homogenized in those days, and Published by , , \ling terrain. Newly decorated in the cream would separate from the I 1 Features mclude fireplace, central ~ Anteebo Publishing, Inc. i light color decor with intenor pamt .. air and a large wood deck. perfect milk and rise to the top of the bot- mg, floor coverings, countertops for entertaming. CIty water and tle. The cream top was made with a 1 96 Kercheval t , d laundry faCIlitIes. Gas heat. Grosse Pointe Farms. MI 48236 sewer. Excellent sandy beach! bulge at the top for the cream. A n Lake Huron m Lakeport area., $26O.Q.OO. oos.en .()21' special small ladle was used to John Minnis - Editor « .~S7, ~ remove the cream from the bottle. (3\3) 882-0294 The tops were formed in many Display Advertising shapes. There was "cop the top," a i (313) 882-3500 810-985-5080 molded man's head with the sug- ~ Fax (3 t 3) 882- t 585 gestion of a hat; "toothache," a top Ask for Jeff or JoAnn Wine with a strange extra bulge; "baby i Classified Advertising .face," which looked like a baby; and I (3 t 3) 882-6900 oth~rs. They now sell for about $35 L.,__~~r~~~.S~1?1~?2?~~~NM- and up. • Thursday, July 12J 2001 Page 8 YourHome 11£~RAlE Mortgage Rates as of July 6, 2001 - . . ( Ptloili NUmbii '"'30 Yr. Fiied NCa~lOr: FlJicf Poliils 1 Yr.AMI Points Other Progs ..A.elillll't ~-'~~'}~~~ 0 JlBNfF (800) 73HlOOl 7.25 a 6 875 0 6 5 AabcO Mortgage ~__ .%tletLJ.l!tt~.J ••• l.. (,-t.1t'i»~~ NR JIB To AUThe FaithfuI- 1.875 625. 2 Amenplus Mortgage CoIp. (248)740-2323 675 , - , %%'.~~.-- 6.25 a JIBIF 7125 0 6625 0 •.-..11 Approved Mortgage Inc (734)455-5091 . Readers Of The 575 a JfdIVIF oW 675 2 6.25 2 Barclay MoI1gage (248)967.1400 5.625 2 JIBIF 675 3 6.25 3 @ Any Rate... ~ Mortgage FtJdng (248}LOW-RATE 6125 0 JNIF 6.875 2 6375 2 Chase Manhattan (888) 267-3495 JJ8NfF Column 6.625 2 6125 1 eornenca (800)292-1300 7 2 1 JNfF 7 1625 6.625 1.75 55 . for Coun\JYWIde Home Loans (248)262.g I would like to tbBDk you the opportunity that you have given me to . 525 2 JIB 6875 2 6375 2 eeamom Fed Creel UnIon (313) 322-8001 contribute to our community by writing in 6 0 oW a weekly column this newspaper. 7375 a 7 0 Detrort Mortgage CoI'p. (810)263-MiOO . JIBN Since FebruarY of this year. I have Nfl NR East.west MoI1gagll Co. (800) 844-1015 NR done my best to provide quality 0 JJ8NfF material for your information and 7125 0 675 0 6 FnmII SEMa Gc*Bl1\Je (800)784-1074 enjoyment concerning mortgages and 55 2 JI8N home finance. 6875 1875 6375 1875 FU'St Equrty Resldenb8l Molt (800) 557.Q270 The pow« of tedmology, aloog with 6125 0 JIB Please be advised that my columns 7.125 0 6625 0 our and commitment to First IntemabOnallnc. (248l 258-1584 will no longer be appearing in this detenDin8tim quality, penooalized .-vice, allows us 6 0 JI8N 7 0 6.625 0 newspaper. FranIdiI MoItgage ~ (313) 383-&JOO to remain ClIl the cutting edge of the 5.25 1 JlBNIF Sublequaltly, my family has started a financing indusb'Y. 6.75 1.625 6.25 1.75 GokIeI1 RUe Moctgage (800) 785-4755 mooth1y publication called "1be 6 2 JlBNfF Jnstead of pttins quotes. ti'om just 6.75 2 6.375 2 Nicholas Times". The Nicholas Times GIOl4l One Mortgage (734)~ cootains many of my past columns, as two or three lcuden, we have a network 2 NR J well as future articles that I will of local, regioDal and national lenders (313) 873-3310 675 2 625 Home FedefaI 5lMlgs Bank continue to write addressing real estate that am. bid ClIl your business We reach 2 5.875 1 JlBNIF a 1.... 1eDda" pool, which means better (800) 53&-1812 7 2 6.5 issues, home finance, business finance ~MolWCo. and equipment finance. opUOftSfi:lr)UL JIB 6 325 5.25 3.5 (249) 489..w2O 6.5 3375 JMC Mortgage Corp. The Nicholas Times currently has a Nidlolas & Co. is praud to welcome 6 2 JIB 6.75 2 6.25 2 monthly oirculation of 812 and Wells Fargo to our netwm'k of lenders. Keystone Mortgage (866) KEY.FREE " growing. The newsletter is provided 0 675 1 JlBNfF 7.25 0 675 free of charge to OW' family. friends and Our network of residential lenders is MaJnstreet Mortgage (lnl) 447.2270 fiUr. 1m_I"I)'I[ •• ~~. business acquaintances over the years, growing ead1 moo~ and currently 6 1 JIBIF _~1_.lll_J1.7.25 1 675 1 _.. be and will provided free of charge to includes: Metro Finance (248) 538-7820 ,.- JO)'Bl '" 1 JIB all of our reada's and those who 2 6375 2 55 Broker Funding Solutioos (A division t.blet ~ Ff1arCIII5erGS (734) 944-9700 6875 » .- are interested in subscribing. ". ofLebman Brothers Bank) 2.125 6625 1.25 YilJBI 6.875 1625 625 Charta' Mortgage Nabonal Crty 8afi( (810)~ Please email me at: ODe » '" Jl8NfF [email protected]. Chase Manhattan 7 2 6375 2 NR NorIh.Amenean Mortgage (800)700-0262 Chevy Chase Bank 5625 0 JIB Altanatively, )'OU could call me at: CitiMortpge 7125 0 6.75 a ._- P'IaneI FlfIaIlCI8Ilnc (248) 203-9199 - 8l0.m.471l, or 888.608.9800; Countrywide JNfF l4R11t! 2 6625 1 , First Horizon (800) 521-5362 6875 2 65 Ross Mortgage Corp Or you may write me at: Firsa Magnus ~ 6 3 475 2 JNfF First Nationwide Mortgage (800l678-6663 6625 3 20312 Mauer Dr. Shofe Mortgage - St. Clair Shores, Ml48080. First Unim ..~'" 575 0 oW 7 2 6.5 2 GNMortgage Sl JameS MortgIIQll Corp (800)837.7005 JJ8N IndyMac Bank 2 65 2 NR (800) 334-52S3 7 , Many thanks and best wishes, New Ccotury Mortgage TCFBri % NR .wNtfl Welts Fargo 725 1 6625 1 l.IrlIY8IS8I Home l.8nlilg (810)771~ Gibran Nicholas JIB 625 2 5.625 1 Nicholas &; Co. (800) CALl •.ooy 675 2 WoI1d WIde / Loen GIlrlI Advefb .. rne,n 5:93 100 6.98 1.34 6.52 135 Awnqa of Rates and PoInIS Rates ~ ~ c:I8lgI wIW ace. Rates and por1IS b8S8d an a $150,000 IolrIWIIh 20"10 down. Key • NA = Not ReporI8d I J = ..uroo 18 = BaIoan / V = VA I.o8n / F = FHA loin /81 = 8HIellktf SourCe' ResOlnIiaI MoItglIgll ConslM/IllS b8S8d II~ . moeport.com

- Page 9 Thursday, July 12, 2001 VourHome Tips on a healthier home during your remodeling .J~~~~ ...

(NAPSI) - According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the air we breathe inside our homes may be two to five times more polluted than the air outdoors. This can be a major concern for those with respiratory prob- lems - particularly the • estimated 36 million Americans who live with allergies and asthma. Dirty indoor air may pose an even greater risk for those living in the midst of a major home renovation. That's because common ren- ovation and remodeling tasks - such as sanding, sawing, painting and putting up drywall - often release dust and other tiny particles into the air. The following are tips to help you and your loved ones breathe easier during a home renovation, courtesy A Guide for Healthier Home of Nathan Yost, M.D., for- RemodeUng Is tmed with prac.tical tips mer professional contractor to help people breathe easier at home. and current adviser to the • Run the furnace fan continu- American Lung Association Health ously - regardless of the outdoor House Project: temperature. This lets the filter • Isolate work areas from the liv- capture more dust, allergens and -ing space with plastic sheeting or other particles in the air. '1b ensure zipper doors. that the furnace fan is running • Use an exhaust fan in the work continuously, set the furnace ther- area'to help prevent contaminants . mostat to the "on," rather than from entering the living space. "auto" position. • people with asthma or aller- • Vacuum -every day during the gies may want to consider living remodeling project. Use a high effi- elsewhere auring a major remodel- ciency vacuum or a central vacuum ing project. This can be especially ducted to the outside. Be sure to important for children. check the warranty of your vacuum • If you have, pets, limit their before you clean large amounts of access to the rem.odeling area 80. -construction debris. they don't track contaminants • Consider using a respirator to throughout the home. help reduce exposure to dust from • Hire a professional to remove sanding wood, drywall or non-lead asbestos and lead-based paint. based paints. Remodeling or attempting to • Uon't allow contractors to remove these materials yourself sp10ke in the home or on the Tlus <:harming four bedroom. two and a half can increase yOlp"exposure. premises. bath ColomaJ IS Situated on a qwet <:\11de sac: ID • Do not OCCUpya recently paint- As part of an ongoing education- a premier Woods loc:auon. We offer growing faRulles a <:onvenlcnt first floor laundry and ed room until it's been thoroughly al partnership to raise awareness family room With firepla<:c adJa<:ent to the ventilated for several days. sbout indoor air quality issues, the kitchen The mllS~ bedroOm features a dressmg room and pnvate bath. Lan

723 University, Grosse Pointe City 1924 Harvard, Grosse Pointe Park 91 Muir Rd., Grosse Poin&e Farms Three bedrooms, one and one baIf baths. 709 BrlarcUlf, Grosse Pointe Woods Four bedroom, three and one balf batbs, Den, attacbed garage, located in the heart PRICE REDUCTION!!!! Great location, tbree ear garage, family room, gorgeous Exc:ellent location, three bedroom brick walking distance to "HOl". New kitchens, of Grosse Pointe. rancb. Master bath and goed size bedrooms. Ubrary. Multiple fireplaces, service stairs. new bathrooms, freshly painted and new $625,000 Year round sun room with separate furnace. carpeting. Separate utilities, newer win- Huge finished basement with half bath, dows, newer roof, new two prage doors. laundry room and possible fourth bedroom. $219,900. Natural fireplace in famOy room, two car attaebed~.

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291 Merriweather, Grosse Pointe Farms 1111 N. Brys, Grosse Pointe Woods 1446 KentriolgtOll Reduced to $399,000. Three bedroom, one Beautiful three bedroom ranch in a great 790 Canterbury, Grosse Pointe Woods Best buy in the Pointes. Three bedroom, two neigbborbood, wood Roors througbout. " Sprawling private cui de sac ranch. 2,300 and one balf baths, den, phenomenal full baths, famOy room, first noor laundry, kitchen, granite, bardwood Doors. Finished A mustsee!1! ' square feet, three bedroom, two and one full basement, attadled garage. $195,OOO!!! half batbs. Open Roor plan. Wonderful fin- recreation room. A Gem! ished basement. New roof, windows, gas forced airf central air. Serene Japanese gar- den and pond. $425,000

Vacant Land 523 St. Clair, Grosse Pointe City 622l'otTe Dame, Grosse Pointe City Perfect! A "t8" you must see this three bed. LIIIJelI lit sus.-. 1.-1...... room, and one balf bath wit1l 31 foot Completely renovated Colooi81 conveniently at • th 00- one located near the ViM...... ,Jew. first noor master bedroom, finished base- ment.

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Page 11 Thursday, Jut; 12, 2po1 YourHome

830 Whittier, Grosse Pointe Park 11 Fisher, Gt'OIlle PoIDu City Five bedrooms, three and one half bath 35666 Jeft'enoo Open floor plan, custom kikben, master English with new kikhen. Meticulously ren. 1404 Bct'UbiR, Grosse PoiJlte Park Remarkable new construction suite with sitting room and fireplace. Four ovated, great features, a special bouse. Brick five bedroom, two and one half bath Contemporary house on Lake St. Clair. 42 bedrooms, three and one half baths. Colonial Features include family room, for. foot high cathedral ceiling, family room mal dining room, new kitchen, new roof. with two natural ftreplaces, 5,100 square Natural fireplace, large corner lot. Owners feet. 200 x 813 lot. $1,915,000. transferred.

1367-69 Waybum, Grosse Pointe Park 1341 Audubon, Grosse Pointe Park 841-43 Nottinpm, Grosse Pointe Park. Live in one unit and let out the otber, pay One of a kind four bedroom, two bath, two Desirable soutb of Jefferson location. Two towards your mortgage. separate base- natural fireplaces. separate basements, fur. 314 University, Grosse Pointe City lavatory brick ColoDial. ElegaDt living room ments, furnaces, electrical, stove and refrig- naces and eledrk. Lower vacant fol' Classic Plantation Revival. 7,600 square with natural fireplace and pan ceiling. erator in each unit to stay. feet. Seeking your renovation touches. Finished basement with natural fireplace. immediate occupancy. $145,000 Second Door porch with auto awning.

11243 River Road. Grosse Pohlte Woods Beautiful time bedroom ranch 00 a large lot in the Woods. Great family room, bard. 90 Deeplands, Grosse Pointe-ShoreS . wood floors tbrOUgboUt, two ear auaebed Four bedroom, two and one half' batbs, ram- garage. Home sweet boJDeM- ny room, library, bUge lot on quiet court, two natural fireplaces.

20007 Ro-,common. Harper "ood~ Bealltiful tbree bedroom, one and one half 1971 Holl~, Grosse Pointe Woods bath witb full bath in ftnisbed basement. 4867...., K,ieusil11llOn Pride of ownersbip, three bedroom bunga- Newer furnace aDd central air. Living room 19160 Alstead PRICE REDUcnON!!!! Move right in to low. Newer roof, newer furnace, newer vinyl with natural fireplace, updated countrY Excellent location near St. Jobn. Desirable this well maintained owner O«I1pied flat in windows, Newer driveway. Extra insulation. kitcbeo. Enclosed three season room aDd three bedroom brick ranch with finished prestigious East English Villqe. Lower uoit Great lot and landscape. attacbed gance. basement, 1.1 bathrooms, ceotral air, new vacant and completely remodeled. $159,900 windowS, one and one half car garage. $115,000 Page 12 YourHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 Create magic by placing a garage door opener, Eastside's Premier Landseape'Company By Leon A Frechette the door professionally adjusted. "-'" ...... ~~~~~~;~~~~ ~~~~~-~~~ Installi~ a garage door opener Because of. the amoun~ of tension is something you can handle your- on the mam door 8p~g, ~o not self and is one sure way to cure work on or remove thi~ spnng! A those garage door blues. sudden rele.ase of spnng ten~lOn lmagjne not having to get out of can result m a senous (possIbly the car in bad weather to open the fatal) injury - call in a profession- door. A click on the remote button al. ., will lift that door as if by magic. An opener does proVIde secunty, • so using the manual lock on your A ~eat weekend project door is not necessary. As a precau- SO what are you waiting for? tionary measure, remove all locks This is a great weekend project, so and ropes to help prevent motor for ALL Your Landscapln~ Needs innte your buddies over to help. burnout, especially if the manual You'llbe able to automatically close lock should accidentally engage. • BRICK PAVING that door as you leave for work on Before you can actually hang the AND RETAINING WALLS Monday morning. operator, you will have to install a Patios, DrIveways and First check to make sure you header bracket. Mount it on a solid _aUt_a,s. Let our desltner have at least 7 feet (or more) above surface at least 2 112inches above sbow you a custom 10011. the garage floor, which is recom- the highest point of the door's trav- mended for installing an opener. el. If you have an overhead tension Then determine the type of door spring and it is in the way, don't you have - track operating worry - iIistall the header bracket (straight track or curved, the most above it. popular) or trackless (one-piece Just like an erector set, assemble with jamb - or pivot-type hard- the entire unit, motor and track, ware). Once you reach your local following the manual as you go. home improvement or hardware With the help of those extra hands, store, you will discover that garage lift the unit 80 the front end of the door openers come ln two styles: track has been placed into the chain-driven or screw-type. I per- header bracket and secured with sonally prefer the screw-type the retaining pin. Lift the motor because of the constructed one- end and place on a tall ladder. piece unit, its overall strength, and Using wood scraps placed under quiet action. As long as you're the motor and on top of the ladder, going to install an opener, pur- . level the entire unit. With the unit c~ one that has ,all the bells and in place, attach an angle iron to the whistles:' safety hght, hand-held ceiling joist and make the final units that acc~pt a pe~nal securi- installation }>y a~ the motor ty code, secunty vacation lock, etc. to the angle iron usmg the mount- • FERTILIZATION A reversing system is an important ing straps. . • NEW' La1Wn.SbrUbs.Trees consideration, especially if you Do not forget to install the door LANDSCAPING. have children. Select an operator bracket. It is important if you have • LANDSCAPE that h~ ~th non-contact ~d con- a lightweight door or one made of • INSTALLATION MAINTENANCE tact built-m featur~s. Don t forget fiberglass, masonite, or metal, that Resoddlnl. sbrubs and Gardenlnl: Sbrub &. Tree to compare warranties. you have a solid backing to support tree plaodnl. Annuals &. M~ufacturers provide a great that bracket. Consult the local dis- Trlmmlol Perennials. selectIOn of openers, all accompa- tributor for your make of door to nied by complete step-by-step see if they have backing.or bracing • LAWN SERVICE instructions, with how-to videos instructions for an automatic door Let us do It for you! available at your place of purchase. operator Now you are ready to Both help to eliminate the fear that install the door arm assembly to Backer Landscaping has been serving the some homeowners associate with the release carriage located on the East Side for over 14 years. Our courteous ~ome improvement projects. It is track. . ? Important that you followthe man- Have you forgotten anythmg. professional staff will provide prompt quality ufacturer's instructions during the How about the wall control, wall products and services to meet your needs. different phases of the project to console, and infrared beam (trans- achieve a correct installation. It is mitter and receiver)? Remember to Ask us for references from your neighborhood. also a good idea to check the parts hook up the wires to the motor. against the parts list before getting Electricity required No ObliQation • free Estimates started. By the way, onlY the hand-held units of your automatic garage door opener run on batteries. ~e Check the balance cal 1b extend the life of your new actual operator requires electn opener, be sure your garage door is service. You may want to cOJ.ls.u1t properly balanced. Raise the door with or hire a licensed electnClan to complete this portion of the job. about 3 feet off the floor; if the door _7bolTalk moves up or down on its own, have 27759 Groesbeck • North of •• Mile • Rose.llle

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Page 13 Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome ~p:~~~li~!ilJ7e~ By Sam Mazzotta Plains, N.Y. Q. I slammed my window shut A. A clogged toilet or sink can and broke one of the lower panes. usually be dealt with easily, with a Can I replace the glass myself? - tool as simple as a plunger. Mark H., Ocala, Fla. . In a new.home, the plun~er is A. Sure you can. Your main your best friend. Keep one m the expenses will be the new pa e f b~throo~ and one u~der. the . n . 0 kitchen sink, and you will be able glass, Iinseed oil, ~utty .or glazmg to solve life's most common emer- compound, and a bit of ~Ime. gencies quickly. (My mother found First, put on a fair of work many more uses for this instru- gloves and remove al traces ofbro- ment than the manufacturers ever ken g!ass from th;e windo~ frame. dreamed.) If a J)lec~IStoo big to wnggle out, Sinks often form clogs over time; tap It WIth a hammer to break the you'll notice that water drains glass, then carefull:r remove it. Use more and more slowly as grease an awl or screwdriver to pry any and food and other gunk builds up. stubborn fragments loose. . Most 'sink clogs are not emergen- Save any metal tab~ or clips that cies but annoyances. you encounter du~ng cleanup; However,a cloggedand overflow- these hold the pane m ~lace. What, ing toilet is an emergency. Your you threv.: th~m away. Well, even first step is to stop the flow of though this VIOlatesthe secondlaw water. The shutoffvalve is normal- of do-it-yourselfing (save every- ly located on the wall behind and thing, even if it looks useless), the beneath the tank. Place towels hardware-store clerk will forgive along the doorway so that no water you and help you find replace- seeps into the carpeting. Then, ments. Be sure to tell him whether grab your trusty plunger, place it your window has a wooden or a in the bowl at an angle, position it metal frame; wood frames use the over the drain and give it about 15 metal tabs (glazier's ~ints),.w~e good up-and-down plunges. metal frames use spnng clips m This should force the clog out preset holes. and send the water down the Scrape or scour old putty from drain; follow up with a few good the frame. Use linseed oil to loosen flushes. The same technique up stubborn spots and, if the frame should clear the sink or tub; run is wooden, to treat newly exposed hot water down the sink for a cou- areas. Then, measure the frame. pIe of minutes. Subtract 1/16- to liS-inch from For stubborn sink clogs,try heat- each side; this allows the pane to ing the trap (the U-shaped pipe expand and contract, as is com- undemeath the sink) with a hair mono Take these measurements to dryer for a. few minutes, then the hardware store and have a new plunge again. The heat can melt pane cut. the accumulated grease so that the Now, take a fistful of putty and clog clears easily. roll it between your palms to make If these techniques don't work, a "snake" about as wide as a peRcH, y()ur task becomes more difficult. and press that line along tbe entire The sink clog will require you to edge of the frame. remove the trap (or, if you're lucky Insert the new pan~ ofgl~ss, cen- enough to have one, just the trap ter it and press firmly agalnst the clean-out plug). Place a bucket putty' Keep one hand on the pane under the trap to catch water as it to hold it in place while you put on drains out. Put on rubber gloves the metal tabs or spring clips. For and remove the trap (or plug) with wood frames use the blade of a a pipe wrench. Use a wire coat putty knife ~ help push the metal .hanger to probe into the pipe and tabs between the glass and the clear out any remaining goo.Then, wood spaced about eight inches replace the trap or plug and run apart. Metal frames usually have hot water down the drain. preset holes which you snap the Ifthis doesn'~clear the clog,then spring clips into. your problem IS further down t1?-e Go outside and secure the pane pipe. Use a plumber's snake (avaII- by putting small dabs of putty able at your hardware store) to try around the edge of the pane. Use a and reach the clog; reopen the putty knife to smooth the dabs out. clear-out plug or the trap and run Clean up by taking a wet cloth the ~nake c!U'efully ~hrough ~he and smoothing away excess putty opemng and mto the pipe, pushmg from both sides ofthe pane. Let the through any matter you encounter. putty dry for at least four days If this d~8n't solve th~ problem, before repainting. you've tned all your options; call a plumber. • Send questions or horne repair tips to Q. I just moved into my first [email protected], or home and I'm worried about deal- write This Is A Hammer, c 10 King ing with stufflike cloggedtoilets or Features Syndicate, 628 Virginia sinks. My dad used to handle the~. Drive, Orlando, Fla. 32803. What do I do? - Katie L...White YourHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 Prudential

Outstanding Cape 'Cod extensively renovated in 1997. First floor master suite, large kitchen with eating space, great room with vaulted ceiling and three bedrooms on second floor.

Very well maintained 'two family income. Both units have large hvmg room Wlth fireplace. dtning area, large updated kitchen with appliances. and den looking out to LaIte St. Clatr Separate basements.

$305,000 Grosse Pointe Farms Curb apea1 galore! Center entrance Colonial, well maintained with numerous updates. Newer family room, tear off roof, refinished floors, earpetiong, and paver patio. Beautiful home.

$217,000 Grosse Pointe Woods Bnght cheery thru bedroom one Appeahng two bedroom, one and one and one half bath Colonial. half bath Cape Cod LIVIng room WIth Fireplace and book shelves in fireplace LIbrary. Gorgeous hardwood livmg room. Refrigerator and stove floors Updates KJtchen, landscaping with bnck paver patIO, three ~easons included. Price Reduced garden room and redone lavatory. Full basement

$154,900 Eastpointe $151,000 Harper Woods Perfect family home in East Wonderful three bedroom one and Well done bungalow with Wonderful home in Grosse potnte $170,000 Grosse Pointe Woods one half bath Colonial In East Enghsh Village. Bnght hving room Southlake schools. Large country Schools. Over 1,350 square feet Three "bedroom, one and one halt English Village. All major work with natural fireplace. Formal kitchen and living room with with new kitchon, large family bath brick bungalow. Hardwood completed, New spa 10 back dining room. Updated kitchen, natural fireplace. Nicely room, finished basement. Nothing floors. Channing breakfast nook bath, and lavatory. Three bedrooms Florida room. Price RedlKed landscaped with patio. Washer and to do but move in. with two comer hutches. Great plus hardwood floors. d er Included. buy!!

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$519,900 St. Clair Shores This home exemphfies the "BEST' In Waterfront !lvlllg Custom intenor Classic style, very spacIous rooms, features top of the Ime kitchen, exc~llent floor plan. De'ilgner family room With bUilt-ins and wet kitchen mcludes all appliances. bar Heated garden room, deck with Master suite has dresslOg area. awmng Boat dockage up to 45' Three addItional bedrooms. Fabulous yard WIth Gunite pool

Four bedroom, two and one half bath Cape Cod style home. FITst floor bedroom. Large kitchen. Library with bUilt-m bookshelves. ClaSSIC Enghsh Tudor with five bedrooms and two and one half Fimshed basement with fireplace. baths. Remodeled kitchen With Large yard. custom butlers pantry Home Warranty mcluded. Price Reduced.

.,'", Three units: Two family aluminum Exceptional three bedroom. one Sided flat plus rear twO bedroom and one half bath Colonial. Move one bath home Newer kitchens in Appealing Farms Colonial Newer m condition. BeautIfully all units. All apphances included. garage, roof. wmdows, gutters, decorated. Large kitchen. Fmished downspouts, water heater and front basement. landscaping. Mutschler kitchen with Corian counters. ttle floor. Large pegged~floor family room

Spacious three bedroom one and one half bath bungalow. Large updated kitchen Formal dming room. Updated bath WIth whirlpool Beautiful Townhouse condo - feels tub Ronda room and fimshed like a slOgle famtly home. Very spacious deSign. Big kitchen With basement. all appliances Livmg room WIth DlI1mg "L" Newly fim.,hed basement -

$135,900 Detroit Two family mcome property. Gas CaptlValmg' Mmt condition Ea~t $145,000 Grosse Pointe City forced an and central air English VIllage bungalow SpacIous $147,500 St. Clair Shores Location, location. Well condltiomng. Updated kItchen 10 rooms Large wmdows With beautiful Charming four bedroom, twO bath maintamed twO bedroom near the Immediate occupancy! Totally home 10 desirable locatIon. Large one untt. All apphances mcluded. vIews. pIcturesque fireplace, secunty renovated tWO bedroom, tWO and Village. SpacIous hvtng room and deck overlooks nicely landscaped dining area. Newer central alT. Great investment! system. fimshed basement back porch one half bath. Ready to move mto. lD landscaped park. hke yard. lot. Partlally finished basement Bright and open, easy hving. perfect floor plan for comfortable with recreation room. No flood living or entertaimng. \Osurance required. Page 16 YourHome Thursday,July 12, 2001 k and surroundings Building your dream personality, help satisfy your needs ier to incorporate your and wants, and most importantly, cedar, and pres- ideas into the deck's not detract from the aesthetics or By Leon A. Frechette sure-treated wood design before construc- resale value of the home. RatherJ it One of the luxuries of shopping tion than to realize after for a new home is searching out including alterna- should add to that value when the tive materials - I the deck has been com- time to sell comes. Close attention . just the right floor plan, a plan that pleted that it really will fit your own personal needs as find redwood to be needs to be paid to attractively the ultimate wood doesn't meet your needs. incorporate the deck to its sur- well as the needs of your family. Some important thit)gs to But I'm curious. Just how much of of choice for deck- rounding environment. ing boards, railing consider include: your energy will be directed toward • Will -the deck be a deck and the landscaping that systems, outdoor Gazebos furniture, and used for entertain- Gazebos can add a touch of class surrounds the deck? to any deck, but they are not the Because decks are not the "plat- other exterior ing? uses. No one • Are any special easiest structure to build. forms" of yesterday, many families designs planned CaddCon Designs can help with have expanded their living space knows that better than the fur the your own design, or you can pur- outdoors. This includes the instal- .. chase plans they've designed for lation of pools and/or hot tubs into California guardrail? Redwood • Will there be- decks, &~~bos, and screened the deck and gazebos, which often an area for eat- create a comer entertainment or Association. The. po~hetl.All their plans include a association offers . ing? material list; instructions; con- ~ating area. for the family gather- • Have you con- mg. Protection of the environment a kit to help you struction details; and footer, fram- is also of great concern today, and design and com- "" sidered a spa of ing, decking, and handrail plans. there are many alternative prod- plete your dream some sort? 'Ib obtain a complete catalog ($3), ucts on the market, such as those deck. At $19.50 (includ- • How about a ramp? call CaddCon Designs toll-free at ing shipping), this kit is worth • Have you thought about an (800) 821-3325: made out of recycled materials, every penny, especially for those that could make your deck virtual- individuals who are tackling a pro- overhead structure? ly maintenance-free. • Would planter boxes be an Landscapin2 ~ct such as this for the first time. Attractive ana appropriate land- If you are having a new home To get your kit, write to the attractive addition? built, the builder can be a great • Do you have trees in the area scaping should not be overlooked California Redwood Association at where the deck will be built? as you plan your deck and once help in constructing that dream 405 Enfrente Drive, Suite 200 deck. However, ifloU want to take • Have you considered lights for your deck has been completed. Not the challenge an build your own Novato, Cal. 94949 evening entertaining? only will landscaping enhance the deck, then help is here! • Would built-in benches meet deck and provide you with a great Care~l!lanning your needs? sense of accomplishment, but you Redwood Design-a-Deck requlle • Are you restricted on place- and your friends and relatives Will AS you design your deck, you ment and/or height of the deck? See DECKBUILDlNG, page 17 Plans Kit should take into account how you A deck should reflect your own Of the commonly used materials plan to use it. It is a whole lot eas- for building decks - redwood, tb OPEN SUNDAY JULy 15 • 2-4P 769 Loraine City of Grosse pointe

~GrandCoAT FELICITY LANDING Exceptional Waterfront Condominiums from $259,000 Come see the condominiums they're all talking about- Breathtaking lake vistas, gourmet kitchens and baths, two car garages, and an optional private elevator! Price reduced on cape Cod Geml OPEN DAILY You must see the interior of this spacious, tastefullY 1:00 • 5:00 (~xcept 1bursdays) or by appointment decorated Beautification Award Winner. It has a Rigbt 011 Lake St. Clair on Jefferson between Masonic It Shook newer kitchen, roof, furnace and air conditioning. PIKU Management Co., Developer • .31.3-885-7979 Just move inl The home has a large living room with , . attractive natural fireplace, dining room and three bedrooms; master has cozy sitting area, and hard. wood floors throughout. The nicely landscaped lot with two newer brick porches and rear cement patio enhance the setting on this centrally located, quiet street. Now priced at $259,900. -,'----,-* ~-"~- _ .d,-,d .... --~ ......

Page 17 Thursday, July 12, 2001 VourHome you select one or two focal points to circuit interrupters (GFCls), of highlight, such as a tree, pathway, to achieve angles; curves, and an S- course - should have a spring- flower bed, etc. Then he suggests Deck building- shaped border. This is an appeal- loaded cover with a gasket or a using a variety of lighting tech- ing alternative product that weatherproof outlet cover. I am a niques, such as downlighting, From page 16 makes landscaping a real plea- firm believer that an electrician uplighting, and cross lighting, to sure. For more information, call. should be hired for this part of the achieve special effects. Here are be treated to an environment Thompson Industries Inc. at job. Besides, your state may some other general recommenda- worth viewing from your (800) 643-5934. . require a licensed electrician. tions: deck. Li~hting • Try to conceal the light source, . Have you consid- Your deck looks Low-voltage lighting unless the lights themselves are to ered installing a so grand during Low-wltage hghting can be a focal point. pond and/or the day - but is - enhance the natural beauty of the • Don't overlight. A little light waterfall(s) to it useful after .~ home, driveway, sidewalks, gar- goes a long way. dens, and finished deck. Consider • Strive for a natural look. really capture that nightfall? Have you outdoor feeling? If using low-voltage outdoor lighting. 'Lighting should imitate moonlight you have trees, don't thought about light- In fact, this is something you can or filtered light without ~lare. be afraid to build the ing? Lighting can do on your own. To get started, • Consider illuminatmg steps, deck around them. playa major role obtain a copy of "Light Up Your paths, and changes in the sidewalk You can always in the perfor- Life" from Intermatic Malibu, a level, or any potential obstacles build a bench mance of the company that specializes in low- that may cause injury. around at least deck and how it voltage systems. This 52-page • Situate lights so they don't one of the trees. can be used at booklet covers the selection (styles shine into a neighbor's window or Nothing looks night. Lighting is of lights), installation, and mainte- cause unpleasant glare when nance of low-voltage lighting sys- more comfortable not..only func- viewed from neighboring homes than a bench tems and an understanding of how and yards. tional but also low-voltage lighting works. !t's • Keep color in mind. Colored around a big old . _~- . brings out the maple tree. Of ,,- available for $1.75 to cover postage lenses are available for most flood- course, it can be beauty of the deck. Also, any deck and handling. Write to: Lighting lights. In addition, some companies quite romantic on a starry summer accessories (toys) you choose to . Book, Intermatic Malibu, now offer silicone-colored bulb evening. If you do decide to incor- use most likely will require elec- Intermatic Plaza, Spring Grove, sleeves to change the color of tier ~rate a tree or two, be sure to tricity. Some of these could Ill. 60081. Or call Thompson lights, deck lights, walkway lights, Industries Inc., at (800) 643-5934. allow enough room between the include: and entrance lights. tree and the main framework. • Radio or stereo equipment A low-voltage outdoo.r lighting .. Consider the ease of servicing Placing two rows of 2- by 6-inch system can have a dramatic impact the lights. Make sure they are easy • "Bug zapper" on a home's appearance. According decking boards in an octagon shape • Hot tub to reach so that changing lamps around the tree will allow you to • Lighting (spot or floodlights) to Phil L. Kinzer, marketing man- and cleaning lenses is as simple as remove a row as the tree matures. • Rotisserie for the barbecue ager for Intermatic Malibu, settin~ possible. the proper "lightscaping mood • Timer. Design wood Some of these items may be isn't as difficult as one might SeeUOCX BUJlJ)ING, ..-21. Many landscaping projects think. Kinzer recommends that include railroad ties or some form hard-wired (direct) or require of treated material, and that's OK. receptacles, so plan to run 120 volt, Bat if you are looking for some- 240 volt, or both. Include enough thing different that is eas~ ~o receptacles to cover these items install and gives you some fleXlbl1- without the use of an extension ity to your design, then consider cord. Also include a switch to acti- Design Wood by. Thoml?son vate some of the receptacles, e.g., for the bug zapper. Incorporate Industries Inc. DeSignWood IS a pressure-treated interlocking land- appropriate wiring and receptacles scaping timber avail~ble in 4 by 4 during the design stage so wires inches and 6 by 6 mches. What can be concealed in the framing makes this product different is with conduits (PVC or metal) or that the timbers are pre-drilled buried using UF (underground and shaped to interlock with joint- fused) cable at least I-foot under- pins at any angle through 180 ground. Be sure to check the local electrical codes concerning electri- degrees. DesignWoodis great for creating cal installation. Receptacles need to be placed in borders, planters, retaining walls, sandboxes, raised-bed gardens, outlet boxes approved for outdoor use. i.e., watertight. The outlet box corner planters, and/or a covers need gaskets and the recep- planterlbench top combination as tacles themselves - ground fault well as a bench top alone. It is easy

Absolute Auction B : Bolton-Johnston Associates ...is pleased to announce that LORRAINE PURCELL has associated with our ROSE PREMIER AUCTION GROUP company as a Realtor Associate. Lorraine has had 36821 Green St., New Baltimore, MI • Form~ known as Heritage Antique Mall many years of experience as a sales and marketing executive. Ph:~ase call Lorraine at (313) 884-6400 for Histonc 3000 square foot building. Pnme Commercial Cor~er locauon. ApprOXimately 1 acre. It offers 10 foot cellm~, Wide assistance with your real estate needs. wood work, classic period decor, three floors, double staircases, twO and one half car garage, 13 plus parlong capaCity. Property d as a busme"s, pnvate residence or both. Currendy can be use I II' d' I used as an Antique Mall. Mall contents wi I se imme late y after real estate, Anuque Furniture, Signed Costume Jewelry re Coke Machine. Texaco Pump. and much coIIecuon, Glasswa , more! Beth Rose & Nick Pinotti, Auctioneers • Real Estate One (tall;) 1_877-696-7653 • IDYW,betbroseauetion,CQffi Sat. Jul 28th at 11am I 0 en lOam . &ROSSE POlITE $8&5,OllO , GROSSE POINTl SHORES $1,2I0,00O EXCELLENT LOCATION! Just stepS to Lakel Magnificent GROSSE POIN1E FMMS $1,510,000 GROSSE POINTE SHDRfS DISTlNCiM COLONIAl Located mmutes from L.ak8 St. BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF LAKE 8T. ctAlR! Ave bedroom new kitcMA. CeIIBge Ho8pItaI kitdlen tour 1998 SUPERB ESTATE. The architectural drama of a Clair ThIs charming home reatures me ~, fOUr CoiOOIaI on LakeShore Drive. Many updates maude GenIroUS ftlOI11S - year round glWden room overlooking Bavarian huntlnQ lodge In one of the Farms most full and thn!e half bathS, updated Mutschler kiIctlen with pool and spa. BeautI1uIlY maIrrtaIneCI. (GPN-H-l1ALG) complete painting of interIOr, refimshed hardWoOd desirable settJngs. DramatiC marble foyer with CII'CU- center Island, Gaggerraw and sub-zero appIIaJt:eS profes- flOOfS and painted extenor. Newer furnaCeS and air finished (GPN-GW-62WEB)(313) 886- (313) 815-2000 Iar stanway. Newer gourmet kitx:hen. (GPN4i.3OFAJ) SIOlIlIIIY baSemellt conditiOO utvts. (GPN-GW-99l.AK) (313) 886-4200. (3:13) 885-2000 4200.

&ROSSE POIfTE FARMS $299,900 GROSSE POINTE FARMS $385,000 GROSSEPOIm FARMS $315,000 CUSTOM BUIlT RANCH In prime Farms location boaSts WAlK TO lAKE Darhng Farms ColOnIal on prestigious GROSSE POIm FARMS . $395,000 DELIGHTFUL I WOOllertully quamt home WIth beautrful three bed/OOITlS and two batfls. ManY Improvements GREAT LOCATION, 170 x 79 PRlVATELOT Comer of pari< like yard. Walk to the 'pter', Lake St Cl81r, and the Circle Newer roof, furnace, central air conditioning, IncIudlllg tamlly room adjacent to spacIou8 MutseIller Moran and KercI1eVaI. Updated ranch. newer krtchen, Country Clubl Home Warranty mcludedl (GPN-GW- wmdows and hot water heater Update

GROSSl POINTE PARK $187,OIlO ... .-n SIIIES I $575,000 i &ROSSE POMTl PMK $215.,500 SPACIOUS0ESIWIlE 2500 Square foot mnch. Three I GROSSE POIIfIE PMK .... QUAINT BUNGALOW Arts and craftS type bUngalow with GREAT ENGLISH COLONIAL Wrtfnn walkmg dlstanee to WONDERAJl TWO FAMIlY HOME Each unrt llaS three original woodwOrk and hardwOOd floors Everything haS bedrooms, two and one half b8thS, family room and den schools and transpOrtation. Three bedrooms and two full spaclous bedrooms, two full bathS, family room with been done to the anginal style of the home (GPN-H- Newer Pella W1lllIowS, roof (t88r ofll, carpet and Circular bathS, updated krtctlen with built-IllS, family room WIth fireplace, large kitchen wrth eatlllg space (all appli- drtve. Nicely landsCaped! Great basement! (GPN-GW- l doorWall that opens to deck and yard (GPN-H-44HARl 42NOT) (313) 885-2000 ances Included) New roof In '96 and much much more 44FON) (313) 886-4200. I (313) 885-2000. (GPN-H-30TRO) (313) 885-2000

GROSSE POIm WOODS $366,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS $417,900 GROSSEPOIm WOODS $325,000 GROSSEPOlITE WOODS $419,000 SPACIOUS BRICK BUNGALOW Beaut1ful hardwood WONDERfUL HOME Thf88 bedrOOmS, two and one half CUSTOM BUILTHOME QUiet street. great falmly home UPDATED FOUR BEDflOOM HOME Including krtehen, floors, natural fireplace, bay WIndow In kitchen, two full bath home teatures new wood tIoor6ln IlYIng room, din- teatunng extra large kitchen open to family room with family room. bath, baSement and elrtenor. Move-In- baths and one half bath In fimshed basement Tear off Ing room, kitchen, den, new roof In 1012000 32'x16'In natuI'aJ fireplace. four bedrooms two and one half CClIldrtJOn wrttl light, neutral decOr Great details In ground pool FinIshed b8lIel'Ilent. first flOOr laUndry and battlS,larQe lot (GPN-H-11WED) (313) 885-2000 roof '99, new garage dOOr and QUiet location (GPN.GW. kJtchefl with most appllllllCeS Rrst floOr laundryl 9OEMO)(313) 886-4200 attached garage (GPN-H-42M0Rl (313) 885-2000 (GPN-GW-69HOL) (313) 886-4200 For more properties visit 'lur website at: www.cbschweitzer.com --.l .. .-..-" I ~

"'_ ... ,.J

GROSSE POINTE $289.- GROSSE POICTt $B,5OO SPACIOUSBRICK HOME. Three bedroom bOCk with two GROSSE POtNTE $624,000 BOO11FUL TUDOR CONDOl Ave bedrOOmS, three and GROSSE POINTE SHORES ... ELEGANT SPACIOUSTUDOR In Grosse Pomte Enter full baths. New roof In '95, new tumaee and centralllJr BEAlJT1F\X. SHOReS COLONlAJ..I Many outstanding fea- one half battlS, newer kItChen, refinISI1ed harltNOOd extra large doOrS leadtng to fannal dining room with ROdsome new windoWS Huge family room with Frankllfl bJres Includlf1g a modem gIlUl1ll9t kitchefl with CoI1an floors, dell, spa battvoom, finlStled offtce 10 basement Oversized wlth war!( and (GPN- fireplace steppmg out to patio with walk. GoutmeI. stove. garage shOP more. counter tops, huge family room and bB8kfast room. seller to pay $18,700 for new garage In complex. (GPN- kItctlen, library/den with fireplace Gfand staircase H-42WAS) (313) 885-2000 wonderful master suite and more. (GPN-H-43HAW) (313) H.15JEF) (313) 885-2000. (GPM-GW-47WASl (313) 886-4200 885-2000.


&ROSSE POINll WOODS $8;toO GROSSE POINTE SHORES DETACHEDCONDO MUST SEEI CUStOm kitchen WIth 6IIOSSf POINTE SHORES BEAUTlAJt.1liREE BEDROOM. FabUlous ranch In Grosse bullt .Ins and granite counters HardwOOd floors. fonnaI GROSSE POIfm SHORES $485,000 ON LAKESHORE DRIVEl Three bedroom ranch on POUlts ShoreS is completely refurtllShed in the laSt 12 COMPl.ETELY UPDATED THREE BEDROOM HOMEI This LakesilOre Dnve and Hampton Road Very private with dining, den and first flOOr laUndl)' Three bedrooms, two monthS Features Include new kitchen, new bath and and one half bathS, finished basement WIth half bath fabulouSlY loCated home bOasts a 13)(16 family room, large lot, approXImately 157)(190 BUilt-In SWImming finished basement. ExqUisite detallmg throughOut! (GPN-GW-9OMOR) (313)886-4200 master bedroom wtth bath, finished lower level wrth pool off fam Ily room Rare opportumty to remodel or (GPN-GW-55MOO) (313) 886-4200 large entertainment area, and a beaU1JfU1 pnvate yard. bulldl (GPN-GW-55tAKl (313) 886-4200 (GPN-GW-95CRE) (313) 886-4200.

24,800 HAPPILY EVER AFTER. IS wtlat you'lt be m thIS cute GROSSE POINTEWOODS n ,SOD and affordable boCk ranch on a qUiet cui-de -sac ,900 CHARMING STARTERCOLONIALI This three bedroom Central llJr, alarm, spnnklers, and fifllShed basement CENTER ENTRANCE COLONIAL I Gorgeous hOme bath and one half features larger bedrooms and cloSets, make It complete It's a chaJ1nefl Home warranty! Generous room sizes, lieI)' open and all)' Natural fire- fireplace, hardwOOd floors, new furnace and centrallllr, (GPN-GW-48WOO) (313) 886-4200. place In living room, formal dtnlng room and huge fam- glass block wlndOws, all appliances stay, plUS home Ily room Bullt In storage and access to WoodS parlal warrantyl (GPN-GW-59NOR) (313) 886-4200. (GPN-GW-79HAM) (313) 886-4200 11


-- Page 21 Thursday, July 12,2001 YourHome

home, and landscaping. Select the main element(s) around which to Homes offered by Deck buildin design the lighting plan. From page 17 Choose no more than one or Paul J. Kanal It's a good two REiMAX Pinnacle Homes idea to incorpo.- rate lights into Office (810) 781-2900 the deck's com design before Email: pjkonal@mi-mls. actual construc- tion begins. 183 Hillcrest Many styles of Grosse Pointe Farms deck lights are' available. Some Three bedrooms, 2 and one half lights can be baths with bedroom and full mounted either bath in basement. Some foe a I horizontally or updates. Refmished hardwood vertically and points. A good are great for focal point may be floors. One Year home war- under steps, benches and for rail- a large tree, a main entrance. a ranty. Excellent location on ings. Choose the correct light to front walk, or a landscaped island. very private cul-de-sac. Close give unique lighting effects that • Plan for safety and security. you will enjoy. Look for dark spots in comers and to Lake and Park. $459,000 Some of the lighting effects to behind large bushes. Look for consider incorporating include: potentially hazardous steps and • Path Lighting. Install along curbs. Plan to light these areas for walkways or other places where both safety and security. Consider careful footing is required. Such adding infrared motion detectors lighting makes the walkway both and photo control accessories to safe and eye-pleasing at the same automatically turn lights on to time. scare offwould-be intruders. • Spotlighting. A sequence of • Combine lighting techniques. spotlights can create an intriguing For maximum interest and appeal. mosaic of colors and textures. After blend different lighting techniques Spilt Level dark, unusual textures on garden into one plan. For example, back- In ExclUSive walls can create attractive focal light a row of bushes along a wall, SUbdIViSion or uplight a nearby small tree 50222Middle River Dr. 42200Margaret points.• Upl'Ighting.. UPl'Ight"mg ISgrea t while downlighting the surround- Macomb Township Clinton Township for interesting objects such as stat- ing low ground cover. If you have space and the oppor- Four bedrooms, 2 and one half baths, two Four bedrooms. two and one half baths, ues fountains, or tree foliage car garage. Landscaped with sprinkler's 2.75 garage. in exclusi~e sub. ~.OO can~pies. Be sure to direct any tunity to install a pool or if you have an existing one, you will find and deck. Home bul1t In 1995 with a num- ; Allowance for central a1I' and Pana. Very glare away from the view. ber of upgrades. ThIs is better than buying " good opportumty. $319.900 Concealing fixtures behind shrub- that if you incorporate a deck bery affords the most natural around it, it will seem as though new. $272,9000 'l; you have a small pond out in the ap~ance. • Crosslighting. In this .type of backyard. By connecting two decks application the unusual mterac- with a third, it will appear as Financing Available Through: tion of be~S of light can yield as though the surrounding decks are floating. much visual artistry as the feature No matter what direction your Universal Home Lending being illuminated. Again, direct any glare away from the viewer deck plans take you in, be s~e. to consult with your local bUllding Michael D. Smith and conceal fixtures bepind shrub- department to ensure that the deck bery for the most nat~~ loo~. . will meet all applicable codes in • Highlighting. ProVlding lmagI- force in your area. Also, make sure President native illumination on a broad sur- that deck is truly your "dream face behind a landscaping feature deck" and will meet both your Office # 810-771-3000 creates a showplace for that fea- vision and your lifestyle. ture. The larger illuminated ~rea also increases safety and secunty . Pager # 810-403-0508 • Floodlighting. Floodlights ~re versatile for illuminating a WIde range of landscaping features, • Free pre-approvals Garden ponds, gazebos, statues, and prized plant specimens .all • Conforming/Junlbo/Goverment Loans become more visually impresslve when properly lit with low-voltage • -0- down Programs lighting products. . ' San,/IIV of COIIlTQct When creating a hghtmg plan, STEWART TITLE % take a walk both before and after ..Enhancrng the Real Eslale • 103 Financing Available dark around the yard. Observe the Closrng process~ different lighting effects created by 20311 Mack Avenue • Call for more details and complete list of the sun and the moon on the area Grosse pointe Woods where the deck will be built and programs available. the surrounding landscaping. (313) 884-7300 Remember to use the three basic CATHERINE WILLIFORD lighting techniques when recreat- Branch Manager ing these effects: • Choose a focal point. Look for the main features around the deck, Page 22 YourHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 GROSSE POINTE WOODS CROSSE POINTE WOODS .. HARPER WOODS NEW OFFERING NEW OFFERING NEW OFFERING -- 884-796Q~,; THREE BEDROOMS US THREE BEDROOMS Visit at gmac~~"S THREE BEDROOM ONE AND ONE HALF BATHS TWO AND ONE HALF BATHS TWO BATHS FAMILY ROOM FAMILYROOM ~ TAKE A "VIR'I1JAL o...11IESE NEW KITCHEN $235,000 TOUR" iioMEs $354,900 ' .. - Go to: .com Eater. r $137,000 GROSSE POINTE FARMS " '"






312~ $179.000



~R l... 222lllfK '< 181yCK


"10> v: "0..,.<.>.'" jt.,.. '< l' "... J ...... ""' ...... 6 .-- • ,..~, .., ... -- • Thursday, Ju'y 12, 2001 Page 24 YourHome Tips for a money-WlS~ .summ vacation er vel'S use the car should also deter- mine whether they are covered if By David Ufflngton . YoUrsummer vacation is coming another driver has an ,ccident in -- up, and if you're like me, you can't their rental. • ..,..~ to get.to your destination and • If yo.u're ~ _~•.~p that start slumming in the pool or requires prepayment, such as a snoozing in the shaae. But just as cruise, you should consider cancel- you take pains to shut down your lation insurance. While the policies house before taking off, there are a can be eXpensive - from $200 to number of personal finance issues $600, depending on the number of that need to be squared away. people covered and. J.fe length of • Cheek your health insurance. the trip - they can save you the SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM BRiCK Most HMOs and PPOs have well- cost of your enUre vacation fund in RANCH with upct.Ied roof, centnl aIf". gas the event that you can't travel. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW featUl"eS defined procedures for. seeing out- futt ~ wid! ceramic bidh and shoWer. forced air, hoc water heater, circuit And while you travel, keep these breakers. windows- foUr cellln& fans, all of-town doctors. Knowing those Huge .. JIIIJ1N ~ water neater. front Window. .. .mry doorS and 1an4saPlnI- applianCes scay. ,0048802 procedures in advance will save things in mind: • you worry and expense on the road. • If you're traveling to another 10049874 Jute Mellen to St. ClaIr ShoreS OtIlce If you have a known medical condi- country, be sure manage inter- >" .. Venth'nistia (810) 17.... '00 tion, write it down. If you're plan- national currencies. Exchange St. QUr ShoftS OfIk;e $100 (U.S.) worth of currency (II 0) 77 .... 100 ning to travel abroad, translate the infonnation into a handful of lan- before you leave the country tbr each country you plan to visit . guages. • Review your homeowners poli- • To avoid overtipping - a com- cy and check the provisions for mon mistake among Americans replacement of contents in case of a visiting abI'Qad- carry 25 $1 bills (U.S.). Almost everyone is happy to break-in. • Review your estate-planning accept U.S. dollars, and you'll documents. Make sure all related know you're tipping the right documents - your will, your amount. BEAUTIFUL three bedroom brick cudor durable powers of attorney for • Use common sense. Simple ranch. Custom built, Pergo floors in living THIS BE.'lIT\FUL BRiCK COLONIAL. is health and finances, and your life precautions, such as carrying trav- room and dining room. Cove ceiling. the gem of DetrOit. It offers three hanfwOOd Boors. Wood mokllng. recreation insurance poliCY- are in a safe elers' checks rather than large bedrooms. and one and one half bath. Many room In ~ Must see! GSS-KE-3S amounts of cash, and leaving new updates. Well mainuuned. Private place, like a safe-deposit box. Also, balcony. ~I yard. "'S4-ST-18 make sure your trustee has copies expensive jewelry and other valu-. Martin MkoIl or knows where they are. abIes at home in a safe-deposit box, Grosse Pointe Woods Qftice • Check your automobile insur- can help prevent a vacation cata- (313) 816-5040 ance. Ifyou plan to rent a car while strophe. on vacation, determine whether As you head off olf vacation, you ought to buy the rental don't leave your financial smarts agency's liability waiver. Most auto behind. Take care of your business insurance policies - and even first, and you'll snooze a lot easier some credit card companies - will on that stretch of paradise. cover vacationers if they have an accident while driving a rental car. _ King Features Syndicate Renters who plan to let other dri-

DELIGHTFUL RANCH, mcluding three BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME!! eanaJ lot bedrooms, I~ng room. family' room WIth with steel seawall and boatwell Pnvate ~tlJraI fireplace. covered patio with deck, Paw's Corner new bathrOOITI WIth ceramic tile, copper beach for hot'neOwners on screet- 10041807 plumbtng. H31-WO-I-9 with a bigger one. A wonderful way to recycle old H.E. uwancfoSki By Samantha Mazzotta Grosse PQlnte Woods Office Here's a great idea for a play- cardboard boxes. Cats love having Julie Hellert (J 13) 886-50040 house that will keep your cat a special "hiding place" where they St. Clair Shores Office (810) 118.8100 hapPY, provided by John Anderson feel protected and where they can of Barre, Vt.: play. To keep your pet safe, use a We have a large y~llow tomcat, sturdy packing box and cut the about 4 years old. When he was a doors wide enough to ~ve your cat kitten we got a free cardboard box at least two inches of clearance on with a couple of openings that every side. Place the box in an area became "doors" for him to walk in that is free of foot traffic so that and out of For about six months we kitty can nap undisturbed. had many a laugh watching him . Some cats might not take to the dive into his toy house. Idea of a playhouse right away. Be sure the box is upside down Don't force a pet into the box. Just SHARP ONE BEDROOM CO.OP In with a couple of doors cut at floor place a few toys, a snulUPYblanket ~Iar complex. ~ IcItChel"I and badl. and a treat inside an

FIIlST OFFERP.ltG FIRST OFFERING Located below Jefferson near Trombley Too cute! Three bedroom bungalow lady to OPtsfandiRg blmgaIooN lR die Woods I Newer kitchen III Do you want a home that bas been wen cam:I ScbQoI, tlus two family Income IS where you move UJto today. Clean and fresh with Grosse ,-19M willa eIII:I8I' ~ tmaa room bas a wondetfol for? Come and see tlus one. 'l1Re bedroom, want to either Invest or live ID as an invest- Pomte Schools. East of Harper. $132.900 112 ...... tiNpUce. fbnhmod ftoon. DeW cheny wood one and one half bath Cox and Baker bnct ment! Each U111t has spacious liVing room, ~ .. ~ _ twa.:e and oeanI_ m 19M. Colonial WIth an open Ioteben !bat .leads to a diDing room, kitchen with breakfast ~. 1/ItfI_ 6aIl d6llor ~ Dea ... family room with cathedral c:eilina. Newly Two bedrooms and two car garase top die list. , f'lIIdL s.coM bed- finished hardwood floors. Bood sizod l'OORII, ,Jl ...... "' aide ... newer tear off roof and a J*rd wlt'b • brick _~SMO ", waD ... new • aDd deck. I (J 'IloLTOlW-JomwsTOlW * ' '... ::- ...... ::1Z!--- ht1p:/ /www.bolt0l1johnston.com anuL --- OREAT ESTATl''l :- ---""-

...~-__~~"'llIi*IIll'l_"t.liIlII.ilJl_•• f••• :.Ii•••".]lIIi'tPSll....'iIo1.1?I'•• 111Iln•• , •••• 1 . . ---_. Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Page 27 Don't let storms -- 'dampen; your summer Make sure to take precautions to thunderstorm winds can be as protect your family and property strong and damaging as a tornado. from thunderstorms and lightning. 1b help you weather summer "Although most people fear tor- storms, HAM representatives sug- nadoes, more people are killed each gest the followingsafety tips: year 'as a result of thunderstorm • Stay inside and keep away winds and lightning," says Lori from windows and doors. Conarton, communications direc- • Stay off the telephone and tor of the Insurance Information unhook cable television connec- Association of Michigan (HAM). tions. "However, people can take some • If you are caught outside, stay simple precautions to prevent away from tall trees, open fields, injuries to their home and family." open water or small isolated sheds. An average thunderstorm packs If you are in a field or open area, enough power equal to 10 atomic get to a clear area and crouch low bombs that devastated Hiroshima to the ground. and Nagasaki in 1945. At any • Put down golfclubs, umbrellas, given moment around the world, baseball bats and fishing rods. there are nearly 1,800 thunder- Take off metal cleated golf shoes. storms occurring -16 million per • Keep away from wire or metal year. fences, metal pipes, clotheslines Charming, four bedroom, three and one half bath center entrance It is important to remember and open water. They all serve as Colonial located in a secluded area of Grosse Pointe Fanus! Refinished lightning occurs with all thunder- conductors and could transmit a hardwood floors throughout. Beautiful natural fireplace with marble' -- storms. Lightning often strikes hearth in the living room. The dining room has window seat and built- distant lightning strike directly to in bookshelves. New kitchen with granite counter tops, ceramic tile outside' of heavy rain and may you. floor, new cabinets and all new appliances. Service stairs. Spacious occur as far as 10 miles away from • If you notice your skin tingling new family room with natural fireplace, beamed ceilings and door wall any rainfall. The chance of being or your hair beginning to stand on overlookimng new flagstone patio. First floor laundry and attached struck by lightning is one in end, a lightning strike may be garage. Complete tear off roof in 1999.Repainted exterior in 2000. 600,000. Lightning kills between about to occur. You should drop to 75-100 people each year in the your knees, bend forward and put both hands on your knees. Never United States. lie flat on the ground because wet Lightning was deadly in ground is an excellent conductor of Michigan last year. Lightning took electricity. the life of one man as he and his 1b protect your property, it is rec- son stood on a hill to view nearly ommended to: 1) install surge pro- continuous lightning nearby. There tectors to protect electronic equip- were at least another 17 people ment; 2) consider the use of light- iBjured as a result of lightning ning rods on your home; and 3) strikes in the state during 2000, review your insurance coverage with your agent. "Agood rule of thumb to followis If you are struck by lightning, that if you are close enough to the seek immediate medical attention. storm to hear thunder, you are If someone else is struck by light- close enough to get struck by light- ning, start CPR immediately and ning,'" says Conarton. call for medical assistance. A severe thunderstorm warning !lAM is a non-profit, public indicates that Doppler Weather information organization which Radar or weather spotters have sponsors a number of consumer > I; I indicated a severe thunderstorm. information and education pro- Take the warning seriously. Severe grams. PRICED REDUCED CI~ic three bedroom one and one half bath farmhouse completely 24 MCKINLEY. GROSSE POINTE FARMS renovated. Remodeled kitchen with center island. New gas boiler and central air, windows, lavatory and bathroom. Refinished hardwood Many New Improvements floors. Natural and gas fireplaces, built-in bookshelves in living room. are being done. Detailed molding throughout. Ceramic tiled family room with Pella doorwall. Two car attached g~e with new door and floor. New This French Country Tudor boasts of a asphalt driveway. New roof in 1996(complete tear-oft). First floor laun- stunning entrance, unique master suite, dry room. and eight bedrooms. Approximate 4,400 square feet includes finished third floor. Contact Judy. Grabowski The four car garage has a quaint two bedroom carriage house above it. (313) 331-8800 bcBRUSHWOOD CORPORATION Call Kim Poirier for Details Investment Real Estate, Brokerage, and Property Management pager (313) 813-0814 11112 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 , one (313) 331-8800 • Fax (313) 331-8811 www.gmacmichigan.com .-

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Page 28 YourHome Thursday, July 12, 2001 - -. -- Maintenance can help keep a dream home alive (NAPSI) For many Fannie Mae, the nation's largest windows; to their investment," said Ramsay. Americans, their homes represent provider of funds for home mort- • installing anchors, clips and "Taking preventative measures the investment of a lifetime. Every gages and a national Project straps to secure your home and while doing regular maintenance year, however, disasters pose a Impact corporate partner, suggests roof; can help ensure that your home serious threat to that investment. conducting regular maintenance • anchoring heavy equipment, and family are safe season after But by conducting annual preven- checks on the following; such as water heaters and bookcas- season." tive maintenance, homeowners can • mechanical systems (heating, es; By spending a few hours once or protect the value of their home and air conditioning, plumbing); • elevating the main breaker or twice a year, homeowners can iden- the safety of their families. • major structural elements fuse box; tify minor problems-which are Incorporating preventive main- (roofing, gutters, downspouts); • elevating heating, ventilating easier and less expensive to fix- tenance as a part of an annual rou- • exterior siding; and cooling equipment; and before they turn into major repair tine can help consumers protect • cement (sidewalks, steps); • storing combustible or flamma- projects. their investment against damage • wood or other materials; ble materials-appropriately. For more information about from a variety of sources, including • the flashing aroq.nd doors, win- "People make a big financial and Project Impact or preventing dam- potential hurricanes, flooding, dows, chimney and roof; emotional investment when buying age, call (202) 646-4117, e-mail wildfires, tornadoes and earth- • doors and windows to ensure a home, and they should take the [email protected] or visit quakes. they are properly caulked; and necessary steps to prevent damage www.fema.gov/impact. The Federal Emergency • doors and stairs to ensure they Management Agency's (FEMA) are secure. Project Impact: Building Disaster Project Impact, a nationwide ini- Resistant Communities encour- tiative ~ed at getting Americans ages homeowners to take preven- to think about damage prevention tive actions as part of their spring- before disasters strike, suggests If at first you don't succeed, make a mess; she's trying to teach ". cleaning or annual maintenance. using yearly maintenance checks keep on pouring herself how to pour on her own," says Rosenfeld. "Being prepared "There is no time like the pre- as a way to evaluate your home's There'll be no crying over a bot- sent for taking preventive mea- disaster resistance. Based on the tle of spilled grape juice for one with a positive attitude and plenty sures. There are easy projects that disaster risk YQU face, home family. In fact, the Keisling family of absorbent paper towels like people can do today to prevent improvement projects that can pre- of Portland, Ore. is celebrating Bounty makes it easier to handle damage from disasters that may vent disaster damage should be their daughter's kitchen calamity, the inevitable messes that come strike in months or years to come." conducted. because it has won them a $20,000 with kids." said Cynthia Ramsay, national Potential prevention measures savings bond in the Bounty Rosenfeld adds that most of the public affairs manager for FEMA's can include: Messiest Moments Video Contest. messy moments captured in the Project Impact. • installing storm shutters on Their entry showed that kids will videos centered around the kitchen be kids - and are guaranteed to and eating. "Almost all little chil- make a mess. dren play with their food," he says. The Bounty Messiest Moments "It's their way of discovering things Video Contest searched for like taste, texture and color. To a America's real-life kids making child, pouring a drink all over a real big messes ... and it was mess- highchair tray isn't a mess, it's a es Bounty received. Louise, the 2 fun, interesting adventure." 1/2-year-old star of the winning Additional tips can be found on video. attempts to pour grape juice www.bountyfamily.com. a web site into a small teacup, but when she designed to help parents create a misses her target on her first more relaxed environment at home attempt, she keeps trying, pouring where kids can learn and explore most of the bottle on the floor! and where parents can enjoy fami- "This contest was designed to ly life even more. The winning show what living with kids is real- video, along with other finalists, ly like and to celebrate the messy and information on cooking, crafts, experiences parents come to expect day trips and other fun things to do as their children learn and with children can be seen on the web site. explore," says Tarang Amin, mar- -NAPS' keting director for Bounty. "Everyday household mishaps like the grape juice spill are something that most parents probably can relate to." -~ Dr. Alvin Rosenfeld, child psychi------...... - atrist, author of "The ,..f#" -~- r A.. Overscheduled Child: Avoiding the fFomr!y fun :.. Hyper-Parenting Trap" and consul- tant on the Bounty Messiest &~;fJ Moments Video Contest, says that there is a lot to be learned from a This Is the sign of W spill and, in fact, spills and messes advertising ,in actually can be considered good if they're the result of a child's explo- ration. "YourHome'" "The little girl in the winning Coli video is not intentionally trying to 313-882-3500 Classifieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Page 29

:n:tllf--6~D en 3 fIX: 313-343-556~ YOURHOME CLfiiJilFIIDVEHTI51NG http flgrossepolntenews.com

DEADLINES FREQUENCY DISCOUNTS: gIVen for mul1l- 702 AptsIFlatslOuplex- 720 Rooms for Rent 811 Lots For Sale MAL ESTATE Fat $Ai! & IIENT week scheduled advertising. WIth prepayment or Sl Clair ShoresIMacomb County 721 Vacation Rental- Flonda 812 MortgagesJLand Contracts WOfd Ads - MONDAY 4 PM credrt approval Call for rates or for more 703 AptsIFlatslOuplex- 722 Vacation Rental-Out of State 813 Northern MIchigan Homes InfO

Thursday, July 12, 2001 71 ~ liVING OUARTERS Page 30 YourHome 707 HOUSES FOR RENT / 70S HOUSES fOR RENT TO SHAR~ 703 APTS IFlAT5 IDUl'l£X S.C.S; MACOMB COUNTY 702 APTS /FlATS IDUPlEX POINTES / HAR PER WOODS 701 APTS FlATSIDUPlH WANTfD TO RENT NEED A ROOMMATE? S.C.S IN',ACOMB COUNTY ST. Clair Shores, 3 bed- DETROlT WAYNE COUNTY GROSSE pointe All Ages, Occupations, 21 year old single male, room, 2 bath, AC, fin- 1 bedroom apartment, Shores- executive Tastes, Backgrounds AL TEAl Charlevoix, student in 2 year Mas- ished basement, ga- Roseville area, 700 lease. 3 bedroom, 2 and lifestyles. Grosse Pointe side. 1 ters program at rage. $985. Rental square feet, all appli- bath, near schools. "Our 20th Year" bedroom, $360, stu- Pros, 810-773-RENT - Wayne with full time $3,0001 month. Avail- Home-Mate Spedalists ances. (248)~3940 dio, $330. Includes job, needs 1 bedroom 7am-4pm able October 1, 2001. STERLING Heights, (248)6446845 heat. 313-885-0031 apartment or flat in (313)885-9344 modern brick ranch A-1 location, 10 1/2 & Grosse Pointe, East- ROOM available, $751 BEDFORDI Mack, 3 for lease. (248)437- Jefferson, 1 bedroom pointe, or St. Clair week plus depOSit. tn- bedroom lower, $600 GROSSE Pointe apartment. Carpeted, 1062 eludes laundry & plus security. Shores. Win do lawn Woods, 3 bedroom appliances, walk- in work. & snow shovel- 709 TOWNHOUSES' kitchen.Win negotiate (313)882-4245 bungalow, 1 bath, closet, windoW treat- CONDOS FOR RENT for light housework. ing to lower rent. De- fenced, garage. $900. CHALMERS (Mack! ments, $5601 heat & pendable, trustworthy, (313)882-0562 (248)613-3079 1 bedroom condo near Warren) Lower, 2 water included. references provided. St. John Hospital, ROOM mate to share bedroom, decorated. (810)757-6309 August occupancy. GROSSE Pointe Harper Woods, brick ranch in East- $400, piUS security. MT. Clemens, 1 bed- Call Bill, 810-385- Woods- 3 bedrooms, (810)566-9435 pointe. No smoking! (313)882-4469, 313- 3804 room upperl lower. 2 baths, 1/2 bath, ap- 1046 Country Club pets. $425 ptus utilit- 506-3003 705 HOUSES FOR RfNT Clean. No pets! smok- pliances. 1,500 Drive. Lower unit on ies. (810)778-0886 POINHS:I1ARPER WOODS EAST English village ing. (810)944-7682 square feet. 2 car at- the 13th fairway of the 71 b OffiCE COMMERCIAL 5041 Bishop. upper ST. Clair Shores, Martini 1242 Maryland 2 bed- tached garage, beautiful St. Clair fOR RENT flat 2 bedrooms, clean room rear house new- $1 ,600. Also, 3 bed- Shores Country Club. Jefferson. 2 bedroom, AVAILABLE now! & quite. Appliances & er kitchen and bath, room, 2 full baths, 2- 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1 bath, attached ga- 25869 Kelly Road, use of laundry appli- washerl dryer, central 1/2 baths, 2,600 central air. $1,000 per rage, $650 month. Roseville. Call ances. No smoking! air $850 shown Satur- square feet. $2,200. 2 (810)777-2635 month. Please call for (810)29&5717 no pets, $680 piUS se- day 12-1pm. car detached garage. appointment. 810- curity 6 month lease. ST.CLAIR Shores 1 Minimum 1 year lease 217-9205 COLONIAL EAST Showing Saturday, bedroom, clean up- 1726 Newcastle. 3 bed- & no pets for both. 9 Mile and Harper 10- 12noon Marie dated with water, heat rooms, 1/5 bath, (313)885-0146 2022 Vernier, Grosse 700 sq. ft., all utilities, (313)886-7599 and appliances $5151 2,049 square feet, 2.5 Pointe Woods, 2 bed- 5 day janitor, month (810)294-5856 car garage. $1,600. UPDATED 3 bedroom room, 1 1/2 baths, ga- EAST English Village- near expresSway. (810)794-5671 bungalow, close to rage, basement, cen- immaculate, one bed- Reasonable parks, Lake St. Clair, tral, all appliances, room upper, no pets. 3 bedroom bungalow (810)778-0120 shopping, lawn serv- available August 1st, $4501 month piUS se- DELUXE office, 11X 15. with semi- finished ice included. $1,5001 $8001 month. 313- 554 basement. central air, Immediate occupan- curity. (313)343-0 month. Call 248-643- 345-0532 1 1/2 car garage, cy. Includes utilities. FLAT for rent, lower, $900 piUS utilities, 9099 800 square feet, 2nd Harperl 8 Mile. Stieber clean, Section 8 ac- 706 HOUSES FOR RENT floor of 2 story build- cepted. 2 bedrooms, 1 313-640-7937 Realty,810-77~ DETROIT, WAYNE COUNTY ing, 2 bedrooms, bath, separate base- 3 bedroom Colonial, 17570 Ma9k. Access ESTABUSHED Grosse HOW MUCH 2 bedroom in St.John ment. Security doors. Grosse Pointe to lakefront park, ga- Pointe barber shop for LONCERCAN area 6001 month in- (313)366-1858 WoodS, family room, 2 rage, storage, appli- lease. For information, yOU LIVE c Iud e s please call, (313)882- 1/2 car garage, large ances, new carpet, MORANG- deluxe 1 WITHOUT WATER? water .(313)579-9643 5580 bedroom apartment. closets. Newly re- heat! air included. Completely redecorat- HARBOR CLUB decorated throughout, $7501 month. GROSSE Pointe Park, SOUTH no pets. $1,600. 3 bedroom bungalow 15005 East Jefferson. ed, includeS heat, wa- with garage, fireplace, (248)544-7358 Apartments & Yacht (810)752-3311 or Corner of Wayburn. ter & all appliances. Harbor has ... hardWood floors, $700 EDGEWOOD Terrace, (313)881-1452 $3001 month, includes $450. 313-884-1657 1 & 2 Bedroom per month piUS all util- 22831 Grove, St. Clair all utilities and park.- or 1-810- n3-8634 lakefront apartments. ALLARD in the Woods. ities, references, Shores. Spacious 1 ing.313-824-9174 Right on Lake st Clair! ONE bedroom, $4001 3- 4 bedroom bunga- (313)885-4685 bedroom condo, new- Enjoy: HARPER WOODS (at -New EurQ-Styie low. Available August ly remodeled, carpet $400 security. All util- Vernier) suite of offi- Kitchens 4168 Buckingham- 3 ities paid. (810)292- 1st. $1 ,4901 month. throughout, all new ces (1,600 sq. ft.) -Private Yacht Harbor (313)882-2646 bedroom bungalow. appliances including 7934 -FREE HEAT & New- very nice! Easy Section 8 accepted. microwave, washer, SOMERSETI Outer WATER- GROSSE Pointe City. access to 1-94, W Prefered immediate: dryer, central air & month RENT FREE. Drive- 2 bedroom low- -Enormous Wood vintage farm house, 2 Decks & PatIOS $895. (313)343-0797 carport. Heat & water Mr. Stevens, 313-886- er. $500, pius securi- bedrooms. $950. -Pool & Fitness included. Must see to 1763 ty. (313)882-4245 FaCIlity (313)331-2476 MOROSS- 3 bedroom, 2 appreciate. $7001 INDIVIDUAL offices for -Water-front bath brick bungalow. WEST Village 2 bed- Clubhouse GROSSE Pointe Park, month. 810-598-9890, rent. Starting at $350 room, 2 bath lower -Friendly "Boat Town" 2- 3 bedroom, 1.5 car finished basement, 810-872-8787 per month, in Grosse Atmosphere garage. $725. Rental POinte Woods. In- flat. Completely re- garage, AC. Newly re- ST. Clair Shores- 2 bed- done. Central air, se- pros, 313-882-RENT cludes utilities. Call Immediate availability modeled. Pets nego- room, private base- CUrity system. spot- tiable. $795. Rental Lucido & Associates, (810)791-1441 NEAR Eastland, 3 & 4 ment, carport. $8001 (313)882-1010 less, non-smoking Pros, 313-882-RENT. bedroom, finished month. Security de- building. $850 plus 2M- e .... 7* tt.M1t KENNEDY BUILDING ."J",~~ GROSSE Pointe Park., 3 basement, garage, posit. Credit check utilities, Lakeshore re- Opposite Eastland bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, $575. Others from mandatory. (810)228- alty (313)331-8881. Shopping center. 1850 square feet, col- $500. Section 8 ok. 3295 Leave Message. 702 APTS flATS/DUPLEX City of Eastpointe. onial, modem kitchen, Available now, 711 GARAGES/MINI Near 1-94 & 1-696 S.LS/MACOMB COUNTY central air, 2 car ga- (248)399-4216. STORAGE FOR RENT Single suites-5,6oo rage, walk to village, 1 bedroom and 2 bed- Agent. GROOSE Pointe Park sq. ft. on main level. $19501 month. room. New carpet, 707 HOUSfS FOR RENT / area garage for renV By apPOintment (313)640-4268 newly painted. Heat! S.LS/MACOMB COUNTY storage (313)822- 810-77&-5440 water. St. Clair GROSSE POinte 3 bedroom brick ranch, 1253. Shores. Jim, 313-885- Schools- 3 bedrooms, THE HIII- 93 Kercheval. Harper, south of 9 Classified Advertising 08n central air, all applian- ApprOXimately 2,500 Mile. Fresh paint, new an IDEA that sells! square feet. First 9 1/.2 mile Mack 1 bed- ces, hardwood floors, carpet. $900/ month. <.ir.-c bu Newt floor. 313-268-7882 room lower. $485 in- fireplace. $1,200/ (810)777-2635 '(i'.'+ cludes heat, applian- (313)882-6900exl3 month. (313)884-7634 ces (313)885-0031 Page 31 Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Classifieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 723 VACATION RENTAlS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN 723 VACATION RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN 71 b OffiCE, COMMERCIAL 7'l.2 VACATION RENTALS NORTHERN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICHIGAN WATERFRONT Port FOR RENT OUT OF STATE TRAVERSE City get-. HARBOR Springs de- Sanilac, 6 bedrooms, CONTRACTOR- remod- away- fully furnished 3 MACK AVE. LEASES BONITA Beach Gulf luxe condo. Fully 3 baths, Sandy beach. eling, painting. State bedroom home, next ADDRESS SQ. FT. front condo. 2 bed- equipped. Sleeps 6. $1,5001 week. 313- wide travel since to college, sandy 18150 Mack GPC 1910 room, 2 bath. Availa- Pool, lake, Jacuzzi. 1967. Locally. Mr M. beach, park & boat 882-5070 18424 Mack GPF ..1600 ble July 28. Septem- Near shopping! golf. Madurski Sr. (313)- launch. Great for re- 724 VACATION RENTALS 17200 Mack GPC ..1300 ber29, 2001. January (248)644-7873 438-3439 laxing, touring or sum- RESORTS 26803 Harper SCS.1000 1- 31, 2002. (313)886- mer studies. Available . . g - 7111 HARBOR Springs con- SHANTY Creek condo, 22211 Mack SCS 9oo thru August. $6501 Sanilac, MI. On the 17200 Mack GPC 900 LAKE Tahoe, California. do on Little Traverse sleeps 4, full kitchen, week. (231)258-1112 beach, weekly and Tahoe- Donner con- Bay Golf Club. Sleeps August 10th- 17th. Sine 1& Monaghan weekends. (313)886- do, sleeps 6. Resort 8. (313)823-1251 $450. (313)881-1350 HOMESTEAD- spectac- GMAC Real Estate 3204, (810)622-9549 offers: golf, tennis, rid- ular view with ideal lo- 313-884-7000 HARBOR Springs, 2 ing, hiking, swimming, LAKE Michigan cottage, cation on Crystal Riv- CASEVILLE on Sagi- units. 2 bedrooms, 1 MACK Ave. office suites exercise club, $7501 3 bedroom, 2 bath. er and Lake Michigan. naw Bay. Private bath! 2 bedrooms, 2 available. South of 9 week. 313-885-0450 Between Petoskey & Bedroom with loft, Lakefront homes. baths. Walk to every- mile, various sizes, COTTAGE on Lake Hur- Charlevoix. All the sleeps 6. $1 ,1001 Good selection of July thing. (231 )526-0936 call John, 248- 766- on great sunsets and comforts of home with week. (248)540-2252 weeks available. 989- a lake at your back 874-5181. www.dale.: 0200 golf. 22 miles from HARBOR Springsl Pe- Fax your ads 24 hours door. Sleeps 10 maxi- slakefront Sarnia. 4 bedrooms. toskey condo. 3 bed- 313-343-5569 ST. Clair shores, 1,100 52 feet from beach. rooms, pool, tennis, mum, $1,4001 week. cottages.atfree u.-1WuNe- square feet, office! re- $7501 week. golf, shopping. Eve- (901 )861-2172 web.com tail, $8951 month. -<-UlW"'" L. (810)791-6731. nings, (313)885-4142 Mason Capitini, 248- 637-7791 7lq RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY ~.~TR~ Surprise A Loved Onel -- GROSSE Pointe BEAUTIFUL HARBOR SPRINGS schools- newly deco- HARBOR SPRINGS VEROBEACH Beautifully eqUipped. rated, 4 single family Shadow Woods Cottage OCEANFRONT 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath homes from $785 to YES, OCEANFRONTl VENICE AREA CONDO Private, 3 bedroom! condo. Large deck. $8751 monthly. Show- LAKE HURON 3 bedroom! 2 bath. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, pool, 2 bath- Vacation Home. Little Traverse Bay ing Sunday 4- 6pm SUMMER RENTALS Fully furnished home, $1,8001 month. Quiet, Secluded ... Golf Club. 20508 Hollywood in Nightly, towels, sheets, 3 months preferred. Yet Close To it All! Tennis, pool, Harper Woods. Bring Weekly, Monthly washer, dryer, etc. MINUTES FROM GULF 248-626-7538 2 months pay stubs. Pnvate beach, hot tUb. vrbo.com '8710 Own pnvate beach. 313-417-9469 Toll Free: 722 VACATION RENTALS 313-881-7474 One hour drive from Private community 800-&22-6280 OUT Of STATE POlntes. (N. Lakeport) 313-881-3971 .. 810-327-1521 Code 100 Port, MA. Beautiful 5 HARBOR SPRINGS bedroom, 4 1/2 bath TOWNHOUSE To~i1tis~ HARSEN'S ISLAND GRAND TRAVERSE BAY home. 1 1/2 acres. WATERFRONUCANADA Hideaway Valley <31 (313~-tBXlexl3 Middle Channel Remodeler, Decorator Privacy. Sea views. Enjoy beautiful sunnses Little Traverse Golf Club, • FAX(313)3430500 cottage. 3 bedroom, seeking projects. New Viking kitchen over crystal clear waters 3 bedrooms, dock, gas grill. RESIDENTIAU and family room. 200 of Georgian Bayl Lake Huron 21/2 baths. Great fishing. COMMERCIAL Or~ l\)inte ~WS yards to East Beach. hiking, boating, scuba diving Weeklyl Monthly rental Lovely sunsets MR. M. MADURSKI SR. &

as:centerentnm:erolonia1, 1/2block from LakesCo'e Rd. am Qu1Be Pdnle9u'es Park, 4OO:hooolS, 2 1/2 updab:rl hlths. Newa' kiIdlen. Great room withcatliOOIal cBling. OOr&doolwa1lto~de3<. I..argedm~tode:i


Beautiful Farms home completely updated." Featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, great room with cathedral ceiling, large master bedroom suite with bath. Andersen windows throughout, central air conditioning and IArg. corner 'otjacl,.. Loe,.,,.oor Gol/ Co..... e. finished basement with bath. Private landscaped yard with pavel' patio. 3 bedrooftl, 2 1/2 bat. ".""y reModeled .ollle Located on quiet street, walking distance to Brownell &t Kerby School8. ",It. ope" floor p'a". Price red..ctlo,." $635,000. $315,000. Brokers ",.'co ... ' Ask for Jennifer or Nora, 31~ . .. - (313)885-9344

.~.:ti'il~ . F • :;1'* .w~ ~ __ c.... a 91 p.... ~.£Jllt_ b .,S, r-- I • Page 33 Thursday, July 12, 2001 YourHome Classifleds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FO 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR SALE 80(1 HOUSES fOR SALE 800 HOUSfS FOR SALE GROSSE Pointe GROSSE Pointe OPEN Sunday 12- 5. GROSSE Pointe Farms- Woods. Adorable GROSSE Pointe LAKESHORE Village- Woods, $389,000. 2118 Ridgemont. 342 McKinley Avenue. brick bungalow, 3 Woods, Scott built, 5 Gary Lane. 2 bed- 971 South Renaud Grosse Pointe 3 bedroom. 2 1/2 bath bedroom, 1 1/2 bath. bedroom colonial with room condo, new win- Road by owner. 3 Woods. Newer 2 11 2 French colonial. New natural fireplace, for- 2 full and 2 half baths. dows, central air, wood windows, refin- bedroom ranch with 2 great location, finish- car garage, large car attached garage, mal dining room. Updated kitchen, fin- deck, custom kitchen. ished hardwood Freshly painted & ished basement, cen- ed basement. hard- 1.600 square feet, in 1,000 square feet, no floors, professionally decorated throughout. tral air, first floor laun- wood floors, all appli- landscaped, neutral pristine condition, lo- ances: $99,500. Call basement, but abun- cated on one of the New furnace & central dry, 2 1/2 car garage dant storage space. decor and many other air in 1998. 2 car ga- and much more. Move Jay, 810-530-0858, or updates1 $365,900. woods most desirable 734-946-5099 for ap- Modern decor. streetsl Beautiful fin- rage, all new land- in condition. Call for Cooperating with real- scaping & beautiful pointment. (313)283-9507 ished basement with appointment tors. (313)886-0658 perennial gardens. (313)882-5353 Open Sunday 1- 5pm full bath, wet bar and gas fireplace. Short 2081 Hawthorne. walk to lake and bike $178,900. Owners 800 HOUSES FOR SALE motivated, must sell! 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE ride to our beautiful park. Recent updates (810)481-4477 Include: roof, garage, cement. electric, is in HARPER woods Grosse move- in condition. A Pointe schools 1500 natural fireplace, cen- Sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2 ROSSE Point tral air, and gorgeous bath, brick ranch With Shores, 30 Hampton. landscaping com- 2 car attached ga- 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, pletes this rare parcel. rage. large family 2 car attached ga Most appliances and room, dinning room, rage, 2,670 sq. ft., garden tools included, living room. Finished 90X 165 lot. Custo must see to apprecI- basement WIth forth decorated, hardw ate. Open house, bedroom, central air, floors, new roofl fur Sunday 12- 4 pm. nacel alrl storms. deck and' spa. Too lWObedr~~goo~~~fUmaCe& (313)886-6100 many features to list. $389. Move 10 condi alT.double attached garage BLg comfonable kitchen wnh new Karaftmald cupboards & A must see home ask- tion. Immediate occu Classified Advertising ceramic tde counters. bnck he.anh wnh wood stove, bUllt- Lnsfor TV & books space for ing $197,000 pancy. Owner. 313-882-6900 ext 3 sofa, table. etc Andersen tnple windows from the kitchen face a beautiful pnvate garden, (313)886-7164 stone palla & stockade fence. Traditional details abound. such as crown moldings. (313)886-5577 ar-fWIU ~- paneled doors with porcelain knobs. custom bULltbookcases. hardwood floors & \>-$)'- ",' hVlng room, fireplace I .300 sq ft bu1l1In 1952. 313-886-8.:567 or 31:s.a6 1-8087 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES fOR SAU 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE $299,500/ REDUCED TO $279,300 17570MOl QROSSI! POBm!

COI'lDO COI'lDO AJ"S • <:RAFtS exceptIonal location f'reshLy Outstanding three bedroom bungalow Four bedroom. three stoT)' painted lhroughout Immediate Condo Wonderful courtyard WIth numerous updates Induding New location Half bath on Orst floor roof vinyl siding. carpet. bode:r. e1e:drlc occupancy. Two bedroom upper (two and one half baths total) Update:

CAI'tAl. ttOMI! I'IEW UST1J'I(l !'IEW US11I'IO four bedroom one and one half bath Two bedroom two bath two car garage: Beautiful Mck ranch with full finished 2 000 square loot BungaloW located on a Cedar deck new carpet and paint basemenl 8I'and new kitchen secluded canal streel just soulh of Metro throughout fam Ily room addItion New Professionally Ian<\sc.aped with brick Beach Recent kitchen updalt"5 furnace: All appliances Included paver walkway vaulted ceilingS Newer professional paintIng and large 100 '( $869,000 Updated kitchen and ball\S Must see the fumace window<; and roof clean 100 101are Ju<;l some 01 thE" man) Yery huge second floor bedroom move In condItion Three bedrooms. nne amen Illes $20<) 000 with private: bath \ 150 sq fl (810) 773-7138 Spectacular Tudor with classic amemtIes near Lake St Clair. Bngh~ and airy rooms 21835 Nine Mile Rd. with Pella windOWS. Gourmet kitchen, oak paneled hbra~ / famIly room, large st. ClaIr ShOreS." ,.., hVIng room and patio make it east to entertam. It has 5 e-Mail: egoosenoml-rms.J. """~"<- bedrooms WIth adjoimng baths. hardwood floon:, multiple fIreplaces, slate roof and move-in conditIon make thIS a must see. goo •• .,.CR. Call 313-824-6564 - ___ ..,..._m~""'.~

;------... .- ..... ----- .... ---_ ...- _ .. -- ""-~--- ~- .._ ....._ .... .-...... ,.....------,.----- .. --~

Classlfieds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Thursday, July 12, 2001 Page 34 YourHome 303 CONDOS ,'\P~~ fl~T) 803 CONDOS APTS Fl:\TS 800 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES fOR Sj\lE 800 HOUSES FOF SME ST. Clair Shores lake- 800 HOUS[S FOR SALf CONDO on Jefferson in WARREN, 1708 sq. ft. shore Village condo- ..... ST. Clair Shores remod- Grosse Pointe City, 2 KENWOOD Court, brick ranch. Attached minium. 23118 Arthur GROSSE Pointe eled canal home. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, Grosse Pointe Farms. 2 car garage. 3 bed- Court, south of Marter Woods. Completely bedroom. 2 bath. move- in condition. 4 bedrooms. 3 1/2 room. 2 bath. first west of Lakeshore. renovated 2100 sq. ft. $298,000. (810)778- walking distance to bath, family room, floor laundry. Roofl Townhouse style, up- home on large 1 1/2 Village & City park. Mutschler kitchen, 0109 1995; vinyl windoWs! dated & well main- comer lot. 3 bedroom, $179,000. Call 313- 2900 sq. ft. 31S.881- 1994; new siding. tained. 2 bedrooms, 2 full bath, library with 885-3229 wet bar. large family 4672,313-231-1089 ST. CLAIR SHORES triml 2000. Nicely private basement & room. Unique home Sharp 4 bedroom home landscaped. Gotta DETROIT- Kelly near 8 entrance. Premium see! Pool. $206,900. Mile. 1 bedroom brick court location Open with lots of space. MACKINAW City- Lake featuring formal dining co-op. Dining room, Sunday 1. 4. $94,500. Large finished base- Huron frontage. Brand room, SO'x 162' lot. (810)773-8589 carpeting, 2 ceiling Dennis Carlesso, ment with half bath, new 1, 2 and 3 bed- $119,900. FHAIVA fans. storage space. new eat- in kitchen, room luxury condo- ST. CLAIR SHORES 801 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Ralph Manual Associ- Maintenance fee privacy fencing, cen- miniums on Lake Hur- Lakeview Schools. ates, 2~7-7100 ST. Clair Shores, 2 com- $125.00. Gillen Real- tral air and much on. just 1 mile from Sharp 5 room ranch in- mercial buildings, ex- 'ty, 313-886-3665 808 WATERfRONT HOMES more. $249.000. downtown. Phase I al- cludes all appliances. cellent for user or in- (313)417-0957. Open most complete, Phase $89,900. Must be sold vestor, $195,000. L. LAKEFRONT elCcep- Sunday, 1- 4. 1953 II just beginning. Fea- immediately. FHA HARPER WOODS Mason Capitani, Inc. tional residence locat- Lennon. turing 9' ceiling, cen- Lee Real Estate Sharp brick townhoUse 248-637-7791 ed just minutes from tral air. attached ga- Ask for HarveY on Williamsburg Court. the Bluewater Bridge, HARPER WOODS rages. outdoor heated 810-771-3954 . 803 CONDOS, APTS/FLATS Nothing to do but move Samia Ontario. This OPEN SUNDAY pool, walking trails, in. Private basement. elegant home com- 1-4 700' of Lake Huron ST, Clair Shores. Im- 1048 Country Club Asking only $94,900. mands respect featur- 19968 Washtenaw frontage. professional maculate. 3 bedroom Drive. Upper unit. Stieber Realty ing 4000 square feet Wow! 3 bedroom rental program availa- brick ranch, finished Same as above. of living space and 810-775-4900 130 feet of private bungalow. remodeled ble. High end furniture basement. 1 1/2 $150,000. 810-217- kitchen, finished baths. 2 car garage, beach custom built by package makes thiS a 9205 INVESTOR'S special. basement, updated $129,900. Immediate Canadian rubber ex- turnkey second home. Detroit, Whittierl Bea- ...... furnace, vinyl siding occupancy: (810)774- ecutive. This one of a Priced from $198,400 consfield. 15 unit kind brick home has & most windows. furnished. 877-9- 1269 apartment building, four bedrooms, three Immediate possession. r;MJ Shores. coin laundry, full baths, two half A value at $99,900 BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom, TODA Y'S BEST $285,000. 313-882- baths, screened 19381 Washtenaw BUYS 2 bath condo at the porch, lakeside dining Sharp 3 bedroom OPEN Sunday 1- 4 pm. New Listing Berkshires. Must be 4132 room with balcony Attractive . Grosse bungalow. finished. Grosse Pointe Woods seen to be appreciat- and much more. Of- Pointe Farms home. 3 earpeted basement, Custom built 3 bedroom ed. Lovely heated LAKESHORE Village, fered to the discrimi- garage. Above ground bedrooms,. 1 .1/2 pool and surround- nating buyer at bnck bungalow, 2 1/2 22982 Marter Rd., St. $1,100,000 Canadian, Neat as a pin. baths. 2 fireplaces. ings. Under $200,000. pool. baths, first floor bed- Clair Shores. Spa- $730,000 US approxi- Immediate posses- Professionally deco- room with bath, large lot. (313)884-3456 or rated. . Upgrades cious 2 bedroom con- mately. 1-519-336- sion. Motivated seller. many updates. (810)n8.3596 throughout. Owner. do. Just remodeled. 0570 Asking $98,900 Priced below market. 283 Moran. 313-881- BEAUTIFULLY and Carpet throughout, all CALL DON SYMONS $385,000, terms. PORT Sanilac- 100 foot newly redecorated. new appliances in- GMAC REAL ESTATE 4222. Grosse Pointe Woods frontage. Pillared, Nautical mile, 2 bed- cluding washer, dryer THE KEE GROUP Custom built 6 room . room, 2 bath, AlC. blj<;k mini-mansion. OPEN Sunday, 2- 4. & microwave. Central 313-881.5659 brick ranch. Deep lot, pool. clubhouse, car On millionaires row. Grosse.Pointe Farms, attached 2 car garage. air, club house, pool & Mint. $529,000. HARPER Woods, 19935 port and guard gate. . 380 Hillcrest. 4 bed- Priced to sell at day care. Must see to (810)327-6736 Damman. 3 bed- $98,700. (313)886- room, 2 bath, brick $329,900, terms. appreciate .• Priced to rooms, 2 baths, cen- 9394 bungalow, finished St. Clair Shores sell by owner. ST, Clair Shores remod- tral air, 2 car garage, Don't Forget. basement. central air. Fantastic 3 bedroom eled canal home. 3 new roof. Possible call your ads in Early! $95,000. Call for an family room. brick ranch with formal bedroom, 2 bath. land contract. $222,900. Harper Classified Advertising appomtment. 810- $298,000. (810)778- dining room, family 313-882-6900 ext 3 598-9890, 810-872- (313)839-5778 Woods, 19966 Dam- room, side drive with 2 0-109 man, 3 bedroom brick ~fbinu ~ws 8787 HARPER Woods, Open 1/2 car garage, lot bungalow, newer roof. 1'?0/ Sunday 1-4 pm, 2 100X168. All this for (\4??t+' central air, finished 808 WATERFRONT HOMES bedroom starter, $235,000 or offer! 808 WATERFRONT HOMES basement. updated 808 WATERFRONT HOMES many updates. appli- Grosse Pointe Park kitchen, 4 car garage, ances stay, $74,900. 4 bedroom brick bunga- reduced $135,900. Owner 18940 Ro- low, full bath on first Century 21 Villa scommon. (313)521- floor with bedrooms & LAKE HURON WATERFRONT (313)881-5437 second floor. Side drive, 1079 2 car brick garage. OPEN EVERY SUrt 2 ..4 800 HOUSES FOR SALE Sharp. Priced at 800 HOUSES FOR SALE $185,000. terms. ~ LUXURY LAKEFRONT HOMES CROWN BRAND NEW GROSSE POINTE WOODS Beautiful 5 bedroom-colonial home REALTY 1,800 sq. ft. on quiet cul-de-sac, near schools. at TOM MCDONALD & Starting $199,900 U.S. 5,100 square feet including 1,700 MARTIN MCDONALD Located 15 minutes from the Bluewater Bridge in Canada. square foot finished basement, 313-821-6500 Only 5 waterfront units left. large family room, and library. For information on these or any other lake or river front properties, Superior landscaping. Call Rod Gowrie at Magic Realty Inc. 519-332-6880 Priced below appraised Fax your ad. 24 hoUrs value at $554.000. 31~343-5569 or Call ,313 86-8415 for a., intment. o.-baNaWI 5 II \,..• e YourHome Page 35 Thursday, July 12, 2001 Classlfleds • (313)882-6900 ext. 3 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 818 SAlE OR LEASE 81 ~ NORTHERN MICHIGAN HOM£S SOC) \'!:',f£RfRONT LOTS HOMES GROSSE Pointe 8,18 \'JAHRFRONT HorMS 809 \'JAHfHROlj] LOT<. 150' of sandy lakefront, Woods- 1601 Brys. SpectaCular HARBOR Springs. Trout 3 miles north of Port AnENTION Investors, Totally renovated 3 HARSENS Island- Lake Superior . Creek condo. 3 bed- Sanilac. 2- 4 bed- developers. ,100' on bedroom, 1 1/2 bath South Channel colo- Crashing surf, breath- room plus 2 bath. room. Custom built bungalow. New 1 1/2 nial. 3.456 square Lake Huron in Lexing- takl~ views. absOlutely Near skiing, golf. brick home, fireplace. car garage. $229.0001 foot, 5 bedrooms, 3 ton, Zoned for 4 prist1n8 setting. Three $228.000. 231-526- all open concept, fan- large 10+ acre Iakefront $1,650 monthly rent. 1/2 baths, open floor homes. $450,000. 1026 tastic view. Andersen parcels located in an Call 810-915-0303, plan, custom kitchen. (810)757-8681 for ONE block from Hig- windows. Right across more information. exclusive develop!1'lent 810-291-6110, 810- fireplace, alarm sys- gens lake, 3 bed- from the Huron near~uette.Bo~ 412-0800 tem, deck, dock, hoist. LAKE Huron! Huron high cliff and beaCh rooms, 1 1/2 bath. Shores Golf Course. davit, sprinkler sys- sites. On-site caretaker, Asking $375,000. Re- County: 7.44 acres large family room and 820 BUSINESS FOR SALE tem. 3.5 garage. paved road and under- deck, attached 20x 40 al Estate Professio- and over 645 feet of $589,000. Immediate ground utilities. You'H be garage, natural gas. nals, 810-622-8820 or ESTABUSHEO Grosse occupancy, land con- Lake Huron frontage. amazed bY the incredi- well- maintained. 810-622--6222. Pointe barber shop for tract terms. Lucy Bur- Fantastic building site ble natural beauty of this lease. For information, ~roperty and the area! (989)821-8223 HARBOR Springs, in in Rubicon Estates, please call, (313)882- by, Century 21 Future Priced at $120.000 to town charming older Builders, Inc. $225.000 with land $240,000, less than home. 2 bedrooms, 2 5580 (810)650-1824 contract. terms neg0- $700 per waterfront ft. baths, formal dining Classified Advertising tiable. Northern Land Call Owner at room, new plumbing & an IDEA that seUsl TO PLACE AN AD Company, 1800-968- (906) 892-8500 or electrical. $215.000. ~l\linI&~ email: \f ..'f" h CALL 313-882-6900 exl3 3118 or WWW.noI1hem (231 )526-0936 ~ ell(313)882-6900 ext. 3 o.-~~ IandcQ,com (l(c.,F'iF' -' ",.- - ---

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Bread DeW otJMil:BD buih three bedNcan bame ExoepUuoal ... ca.stom kitcbeb, ba:rdwood 1'*011 NamIaalIlUe. AD ..... ADd 'IIpIndelI tJoan, amtl'al ~lnlr. three bedrooauI eM. I...... bedroom ce the thS Ooc:r aDd a cIeak 011 a auMom kIicbm wWl eat:IDIf aud IaUDdry room ce -m fJooao plu8 a 8J*lL ~ cIeooIoMed ADd updatld. 0'D8t0m II::ttcben. .1.8.000 reanUkla l'OOIIl8Dd Il1lIl**eoNd ~ 000 1080 Fatrholme, GrOssePointe Woods 8&8University Place, Grosse Pointe 412 Touraine, Groae Pointe Farms 48 Fair Acre8, Groae Pointe Farms USlHi Wlndmille Pointe Drive, Grosse Pointe Farms 829 inte, Ol'088ePointe Park

82 Kercheval, on the Hill Grosse Pointe Farms 313.884.0600 www.nakslilteone.com