Mary our model of Prayer 64th Holy Dormition pilgrimage to Sloatsburg NY

Зустріч українських католицьких Єпископів Північної Америки в Канаді

З 1-го по 3-тє травня 2018 р. українські католицькі Єпископи Канади і Сполучених Штатів провели свою щорічну зустріч в Келовна, Канада.

Єпископ Кен Новаківський приймав єпископів у Реколекційному Центрі Seton House, який височіє над мальовничим озером Оканаґан. У засіданнях брали участь Митрополит Лаврентій Гуцуляк (Вінніпеґ); головуючий, Єпископ Давид Мотюк (Едмонтон); Єпископ Браян Байда (Саскатун); Єпископ Кен Новаківський (Ню Вестмінстер); Архиєпископ-Емерит Стефан Сорока (Філаде ль фія); Єпископ Андрій Рабій (Філадельфія); Єпископ Павло Хомницький (Стемфорд); Єпископ Венедикт Алексійчук (Чікаґо); Єпископ Богдан Данило (Парма). Кожен день єпископи розпочинали відправо Божественної літургії в маленькій дерев’яній каплиці на посілості Центру, з якої відкривався захоплюючий дух краєвид на озеро і навколишню місцевість. На триденній зустрічі були обговорені теми, які хвилюють вірних УкраїнськихКатолицьких Церков в Північній Америці, а також теми у приготуванні до Синоду Єпископів Української Католицької Церкви, який пройде в Україні в місяці вересні. Серед обговорюваних тем були: англійський переклад літургійних текстів, розвиток катехитичних програм, покликання до священства та богопосвяченого життя, безперервне священиче формування, іститут канторів тощо. Єпископи також мали нагоду в дружній атмосфері поспілкуватися з місцевими Римо- Католицькимиєрархами: ново-рукоположеним Єпископом Нельсонської Дієцезії, Високопреосвященним Greg Bittmanта Єпископом-емеритом, Високопреосвященним John Corriveau.

Ukrainian Bishop Named Administrator of Philadelphia-based Church Operations by MARK ABRAMS

PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) — Pope Francis has named an auxiliary bishop to serve as administrator of the Ukrainian operations based in Philadelphia.

Bishop Andriy Rabiy had been serving in a in Reading as well as the chancery office for the Ukrainian church here in Philadelphia.

Now, he is taking on additional duties after Archbishop Stefan Soroka tendered his resignation for health reasons.

“I do not see any big challenges,” Rabiy says. “Perhaps the only challenge would be is actually to continue on our operations as they are and address whatever issues that might be coming up. Meanwhile, until the permanent archbishop will be named for our archeparchy.”

Rabiy, who is from the Ukraine and completed his seminary training here in the United States, was consecrated a bishop only last September.

He could be among the candidates considered for the permanent position. He says a synod of Ukrainian bishops will meet in September to select three candidates to submit to Pope Francis, who will have the ultimate decision on the appointment.

Moleben to the Mother of God with the Most Reverend Stefan Soroka Archbishop Emeritus

Moleben to the Mother of God with Praise, Gratitude and Thanksgiving to God for Blessing the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia with the Most Reverend Stefan Soroka Archbishop Emeritus

KYW interview with Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, Archbishop-emeritus

Bishop Andriy Rabiy Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Pope Francis Appoints Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy as Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia; Accepts Resignation of Archbishop Stefan Soroka effective April 16, 2018 Statement by Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka On Monday, April 16th, 2018, the Vatican Information Service announced that the Holy Father has accepted the resignation for medical reasons of Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians and Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in USA.

Pope Francis has declared the Archeparchy of Philadelphia as “sede vacante”. Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy has been appointed by Pope Francis as the Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia until the appointment of the new Archeparch.

Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians and Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in USA

Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Most Rev. Stefan Soroka was appointed as Metropolitan-Archbishop by His Holiness, Pope John Paul II on November 29th, 2000 and installed on February 27th, 2001. Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy was appointed by Pope Francis as Auxiliary Bishop for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia on August 8th, 2017. Bishop Andriy, a priest of our Archeparchy, was ordained to the episcopacy by His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk in St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Lviv, Ukraine on September 3rd, 20

Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to His Holiness, Pope Francis, and to His Eminence Leonardo Cardinal Sandri, of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, and to His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk for their understanding and compassion. We are also grateful to the Holy Father for the confidence he has shown in the abilities of Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy in appointing him as Apostolic Administrator for the interim.

I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the clergy, religious, seminarians and laity of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. These past seventeen years have been filled with many challenges and blessings, some unique in the experience of the Philadelphia Archeparchy. Success in responding to the varying needs of the Archeparchy and its parishes was achieved with the positive and hopeful participation of clergy, religious and laity enabled by the Grace of God. Most gratifying to me was the personal journey of prayer and fraternity experienced with the clergy, religious and faithful of the Archeparchy. The highlight of my ministry in leadership was experienced when amidst parishioners and their ministers in parish liturgical celebrations, visits, pilgrimages, festivals, and in personal sharing. I was inspired by the dedication of the clergy, religious and faithful and their love for their Church.

I am also especially grateful for the fraternity and cooperation shared with my brother bishops of USA, with whom common needs of clergy, religious and faithful were addressed in our regular meetings, and in gatherings of our Church. The Grace of God provided richly in our many shared endeavors.

The Risen Christ greeted his apostles with the words, “Peace be with you!” May the peace offered by the Risen Christ characterize our continued love and service of our Ukrainian Catholic Church. Let us remember one another in prayer as we seek the intercession of the Mother of God in this time of transition being experienced within the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia and in our Ukrainian Catholic Church in the USA.

Christ is Risen! Auxhiliary Bishop appointed for Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchy of UGCC

On Thursday, April 12, 2018, in Vatican it was announced that His Holiness Father Francis gave his consent to canonical election of priest Petro Losa, (C.Ss.R), a former administrator of Chernihiv parish of Sts Petro and Pavlo (Kyiv Archeparchy) as the auxhiliary bishop for Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchy, providing him with the title seat of Panio.

We will announce the date and place of his bishop ordination later.

Biography of Fr. Petro Losa, C.Ss.R

He was born on June 3, 1976 in Kolodenka, Lviv Oblast.

In 1997 entered the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (fathers ), taking eternal vows in 2003.

His priestly education he began in the Seminary of Fathers Redemptorists in Lviv (1998-2001), and later – finished his theologian studies at the University of Insbrook (Austria), where he studied in 2001-2009.

See also: How a monk helps women who were in prison

After his ordination, on August 26, 2008, he started his pastoral ministry in Vinnytsia, where he first served as the vice-eparch, and later as the administrator in Hnizdychiv- Kokhavyn.

Since 2011 till 2014, he was a provincial councellor for Lviv’s province of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.

Since 2014, he has served as an administrator of the parish of Sts. Petro and Pavlo in Chernihiv and at the same time, as a chaplain in two local prisons. PASTORAL LETTER OF HIS BEATITUDE SVIATOSLAV TO PRIESTS ON HOLY THURSDAY


MEDITATION FOR PALM SUNDAY, 2018 Metropolitan Stefan Soroka

Have you ever felt alone even when surrounded by people? You feel that no one really knows you for the person you really are. Jesus knows how you feel.

The Palm Sunday Gospel story tells of one such occasion in the life of Jesus. Jesus knew the crowds singing ‘hosanna’ was hollow. They had hoped that Jesus would deliver them from political domination by Rome. Jesus had not come to give them political freedom. He had come to give them something more. He had come to Jerusalem during the Passover to be their sacrificial lamb. He had come to give them eternal life with God. Even the disciples did not comprehend the significance of that ride into Jerusalem. No one seemed to be aware that Jesus had come to Jerusalem to die. He would not set up an earthly kingdom, but he would establish a spiritual kingdom by sacrificing himself. How lonely Jesus must have felt. Jesus carried the weight of loneliness. Jesus survived Palm Sunday because he had hope and faith in his heavenly Father. Next time you feel alone or think that no one really understands your secret thoughts, take heart. Someone does know how you feel. He is waiting for you in the calm lonely eye of the stormy crowd. He went through his Palm Sunday experience alone, so that you will not have to go through yours the same way. Even when those around you will not, or cannot understand you, God does! Reach out to Jesus Christ this Holy Week in special prayer, meditation and through Holy Confession. You will come to know Him more personally in His resurrection on Easter Sunday! A Blessed Holy Week!