Elko to End Raft Charge Robe by 20Th
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r: An alert and vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to devoted to the activities and inter- ZOWNSHIR study carefully the values and ser- ests of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each Read it regularly each week to be edition carries merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utniost itnuortance to the thrifty event in your home town! buyer. You can trust our advertisers! VOL. XII—NO. 43 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Local Holy Local Police Pistol Te^m is Developing Realy Sharpshooten elko to End *"Name- Units Whet Fight ;• • •••._.'*. V • ' : ' ••••'•••. To Parade In Golonia raft Charge To Join in Two-County Voters Charge Balloting Anti-Red Rally Sunday On Firehouse Illegal; Of 7,500 in Carteret Vogel Holds up Funds robe by 20th WOODBRIDGE—Holy Name So- WQODBRiDGE—With, several cieties of Woodbridge Townshi? "affidavits in the possession of the will join more than 50 others from Township Committee, testifying to Clara Barton PTA Acts to Avoid Middlesex and Somerset counties alleged irregularities at the recent Sunday in Carteret where, with election in the Colonia Fire Dist- Bishop George W. Ahr of the Tren- rict, Township Attorney B. W. Plans for Season Political Tone ton Diocese, their memberships Vogel announced, today he has no- will pledge their strength anew to tified the Township Assessors to vin the battle of free people over withhold certification of requested RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Activi- In Local Case he savagery of Communism. funds for a second firehouse until ties for the Fall and Winter season a complete investigation can be were outlined at a meeting of the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Charles G. made. WOODBRIDGE — In an effort executive board of the Clara Bar- vtcCorristin, pastor of St. James' to forestall charges of politics, ihurch. and dean of the Roman "If these affidavits prove true, ton PTA held-in. the music room of iatholic clergy of Middlesex Coun- and I have every reason to believe Prosecutor Matthew Melko said, they are true," Senator Vogel con- the school with Mrs. Carl Jacob ;y, will be among the high digni- presiding. today he would make every effort taries who will be seated with tinued, "the election held in that section recently is definitely ille- Reports of the various commit- to clear up all loose ends in 3ishop Ahr on the reviewing stand the investigation of Woodbridge ;o witness the parade of over 7,500 gal." tee chairmen were submitted and society members. Bishop Ahr, it is The election referjed to was held Mrs. George Zagoren announced Township within the next week. mderstood, cancelled a previous at the call of the majority members that the first meeting of the Par- "I hope to present our findings of. the Board of Fire Commissioners ingagement in order to be present ent-education discussion group will to the holdover Grand Jury dur- n Carteret where the Communist- for the purpose of voting $2,400 ing the week of October 16," the iominated International Union of for a second firehouse. There has be October 16 at- 43 Lafayette Ave- •Mne, Mill and Smelter Workers of been evidence, by Patrolman Ken- nue. Mrs. Charlotte Rice, kinder- prosecutor continued. "In that America claims a membership in neth Van Pelt, that he found a garten teacher will speak on "Theway the Grand Jury can make its he United States Metals Refining Above are members of the newly organized Woodbridge Police Krysko, Closindo Zuecaro, Edward Culver, Andrew Ludwig, Fred locked door at the clubroom where Department Pistol Team. Pictured at the range at the-Railway Leidner, Joseph Farkas. Formation of the team was lauded by Emotional Problem of the Kinder- dceision at least two weeks before Company plant of nearly 2,000 the election was held. The door election. That should put a stop to vorkers. Reformatory are Sgt. Linn and Patrolmen Howard Tune, Elmer Police Commissioner Bergen. was only opened after the officer garten Child." demanded it be opened as a safety any rumors that we are attempt- Elaborate plans have been made 1 Mrs. William Aspinwall, pro- or the rally which is expected to requirement. gram chairman, announced that ing to continue the investigation jxeeed numerically all other occa- -ampers er for Township Card Party Aids Affidavits given to Senator Vogel the- program is ready and will be until after election." iions of its kind. In addition to the b allege several legal voters were pre- sent to all parents, together with Auditors from the office of Jo- society members, priests and rank- vented from voting; that a door Safety Council the membership letter prepared seph J. Seaman and Company, ng clergymen of the diocese will Guests of Lions at Conference was locked so legal voters could not Perth Amboy, have been retained ittend to give full significance to vote; that persons who have lived by Miss Marion Sutton, member- by the Prosecutor to scrutinize in event regarded as a powerful RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Town- RARTTAN TOWNSHIP — The | RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A suc- in the district too short a time to ship chairman. Two prizes will be the Township's books. Special at- ;troke in the traditionally militant need for a Red Cross Chapter for tion with the Metuchen chapter cessful card party, for the benefit vote were permitted to vote and awarded in the membership drive, ship youngsters, who were sent to Raritan Township alone was dis- that some voters who signed the tention has been given to the road ;ampaign of the Roman Catholic camp during the-summer under the and these sentiments will also be of the Raritan Township Safety to the lower grades and upper department's accounts, since the ihurch against Communism. cussed at a meeting of community submitted by Mrs. Tabb to the Red poll books were prevented from sponsorship of the Raritan Town- Council, was held by the Clara- voting and their names erased. grades room which achieves the original complaint, made by Julius K. of C. to March ! ship Teacher's Association and theleader* with Mrs. Eleanor Tabb, Cross headquarters at Alexandria, Kollar, Third Ward 'Republican The Fourth Degree of the local field representative of the Eastern j Va. Barton Republican Women's Club Meanwhile,-petitions of all kinds highest percentage of parent mem- Raritan Township Lions Club, were at the Tally-Ho. Mrs. Anders candidate, alleged irregularities on Council of Knights of Columbus guests of the latter group at a Area Headquarters of the -Red' Capt. Peterson indicated that the are circulating in the district. One bership in the PTA. the part of Township employes in will also participate in the parade, meeting held at The Pines. Cross. decision as to which course of ac- Christensen and Mrs. Veronica is for the abolition of the district, Mrs. Robert Hirner, chairman of that department and two of the another is for its retention. as will Holy Name Societies of St. Also attending as guests were The meeting was called by Capt. tion the township should follow will Leonhard were co-charmen. the November 17 PTA fair, - an- Township Committeemen. James', and Our Lady of Mt. Harold Peterson, chairman of the jbe made by the Red Cross head- During the affair, Anders Chris- Representatives of the anti-Bar- nounced a meeting . of her com- armel, Woodbridge; St. Andrew's, Mrs. John Hansen, president of the local defense council, in order to quarters organization. bour faction (William Barbour, mittee for October 12 at her home Meanwhile, several of those al- tensen, vice president of the safety leged to be involved have been Avenel, and Our Lady of Peace, discuss with a representative cross council, outlined the functions of president of the Board) was pres- on Amboy Avenue. Mrs. William Fords. A leading role will be taken Milleman, Township school nurse. section of the township's popula- ent at Tuesday's meeting of the Wagner was appointed interna- questioned by William Bucko, de- Two of campers, David Martin and the council and lauded the GOP tective on the Prosecutor's staff. by William J. Grausam, Past tion and the possibility of estab- Township-Owned Land women's group for its efforts to Township Committee ready to tional relations chairman and the Faithful Navigator of Middlesex Hert Voorhees, related their ex- lishing a local Red Cross Chapter. fight any effort to the transfer of following members will attend to- The auditors have not indicated, periences at camp. Is Sold by Committee assist the council in its work. funds by the Township for the Assembly, Woodbridge, who will The township at present has no morrow's county council meeting •they have detected any major in^ direct the Fourth Degree marchers Other local youngsters who were Winners at cards were Carl construction of the proposed fire- in Woodbridge; Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. fringements of the law, and the Red Cross unit. Red Cross funpr . WOODBRIDGE-—Seven parcels Christensen, Sigurd Johnson, Mrs. house.. However,;,none aiLthe.., Bar- ^as they arrive at the Overholt Sta- sent ta.camp were:Elizabeth Gross, tions here are/ supplied' by the -Jacob,,.Mrs.: £ag£reii,r;Mrs..George expectation is one or possibly two dium where an altar will be erect- Joyce Van Derventer, Gail Peter- of Township-owned property were Andrian BaileyVMrs. G.'A'." Bro'Sfce,-' bour faction spoke so no discussion FaValion, Mrs. Aspinwall, Mrs. indictments will be found and that chapters in Metuchen, Ne\v Mrs. Jessie Beckhold, Mrs. Andrew was held. ed. The parade will start at 2 P. M. sen, Anna Bocchetta, Roberta Wile- Brunswick, Woodbridge and Plain- sold at public sale by the Town- Harold Grausam, Mrs.