••";"'f '•-•;i:i';;v.'V"^.-K.; • ;'•'• \--'A RD CITIZEN AND CHRONI P»*» Six, Banned'Books on Exhibit At:. •Junior• •• • •.••!• • College• ••&' • • . •.-Library • •

. . iMi ..„•..,-- -- -T - s-ArhM^hav^biewW^^jawlti-tJiroUghoutrhislUjry; K on display in the Union Junior College library in observance of Rational Library ' Wetfk, which opened Sunday and continues through tered' u »rtond oUas null matter at' Saturday. ' _ , j • ~ • ; — the Pott'Offlc« at Cranford. N. J. TEN CENTS The exhibit was arranged by [ tH-ruxfuviIs should ' be of special Sections, 28 Pages CFANTORO, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1960 (Jjeorge P_, Marks, IIIL of Colottia. interval to Cranford area resi- ollege librarian. ' ' j I dents.," Dr. MacKay said. "Throughout history almost ev- iry classic has becrt banned by Board Votes Citizens* Freeholder Bid >me' group," Professor Marks AOL-Sponsored Show pointed out. • | '•..•• Bring Repeated ou TV All Teachers In observance ol National Li- Kadiniah Chapter of B'nai B'rith Ta Speed New Vote on rary Week, Dr. Kt'nneth C. Mac- \ television v By Osborne Holds Lay, UJC president, invited \he \ On Pay Guide 'Partial transportation subsidies, iublic to visit the [college's taree j er> to !JHC in to >ee "Salute to4he The Board of Education voted an immediate start on ^plans to entrally-located library in its [ American Theatre." an >awnrd Tuesday night to place all teachers tronvert the Walnilt Avenue or June 14 Reserved.; ~ ew Nomahcgan Brining. The li-,' u-inniufi show to be presented to- on the sa'aPy guide- . . In this .mov . e LivinEston Avenue • Elementary 6 app roX ma ror 2nd Referendum irary is open fro 8 a.m. to 9; - - -'- - - ' m I" . ' ^- School to a junior high school by Local Vote Interest ntturwv evening fronv9 to 10 p.m. Mrs. G. Hoimes Williams, p.m. Jvionday' 'thr ,gh Thursday f cn -charju:1 2 The prograni. first president of the Board of Ed-*,, There will be no contests on the local level in either pri- ind front 8 SLfflB S"5TWJ5 iS*S t p.m. on Fn- j siio^,, |Js5 December, is being rc- ucation, announced that June mary next Tuesday, but there is a Cranford-entry in the 10- a-v- • •' ' j plated by popular request. 14, has been . reserved• for the man race'for three Republican freeholder nominations. Harry Dr. MacKay added that thc U- , -j^ j>i*l£ram uas presented "by Are you a dip ("second referendum oh the new Days Event V. Osborne, Jr., of 5 Dartmouth road, is running bracketed with COO for adjustments of teachers Actions Wefc-ptt.posed to the high schopl. The date was set. June 3 ana 4 have been selected irary is open to the public for; thc AntvDt-famation league of salary toward the sulary gu de Juchonft " J^ Albert S. Kppf of Elizabeth and Peter J. McDonough of Plains .:idin^ an 1 re-Jc.irch work. & B'nlh Women. Brant Coop^', by citizens> in the event the board has for the 12th annual celebration 1 rM following a public hear.ng on the ' utce (or a Bcttcr cranfora field with the endorsement of ' "Our collection of more than &* ,rstr-.j!h ol Cranford is the ADL crystallized plans for the new of Cranford Days. JMans for the or a peltiskirt person? E. Hawkins. Jr.. J - -eting in Uncoln School school by that time. week-end event were discussed the policy committee of the Union County Republican chairman^f the teachers' com- T^aV r Mrs. Williams explained- the last Wednesday" at a meeting at- mittee. said, "Our study has shown -point program was June date can be called—oft if tended- by rcpM-'sentativsi of 23 Committee for the freeholder ; TOWNSHIP OF CRAXFOBU on the Citizens' Commit- the board decides it—is- not local organizations. nominations. mately $19,000 of . oir~.mM0| *<*.recommendation that every ready to present a new proposal One .of the highlights of this Considerable, local' interest also> OBOINANtX NO. «W-I Answers by meht brings an oi our possible step be taken to rcsub- at that time. A .new proposal year's celebration wilj, be a sew- ; A\ OSBWAXO: HEGULATING THAK- budget allotment brings all of our is being, shown in the three-way VIC AND AMENDING AND SUPPT-E- to their proper place niit a referendum for a high school would be advertised one week ing contest and fashion show, contest between Senator. Clifton! , ''VENTING SECTION tm OF CHAPTER teachers up in advance of the referendum Wesley N.'Philo, co-chairman, te- !» or THE 1961 CODE OF GENERAL on a salary guide based on their to the voters this spring. P. Case,, seeking reelection, and;, J ORDINANCES. AS AUENDU) AND and their education Purpose of the proposal, accord date, she said. - pprted.. ' He said Mrs. Cj»rolyr. Robert Morris of Point Pleasant t SVITUEMEXTEO / • >«nK to. Da y Yuknus, associate home agent and David Dearborn of Elizabeth : M IT ORDAINED BV THE -TOVVN- preparation. • > B to. David N. Tyre, spokesman ' SHU' Cv>MliJTTEE OF'THE TOWNSHIP '•yc have taken an essential step 'or the Citizens' Committee, was Union County Extension Seryice for the Republican nomination, .for liV CKAXFORIJ: '/•'• toward .keeping good teachers for to emphasize thc urgericy of an will help to,draw up thc contest United States Senate. In "trie-' Cranford children," he continued, early referendum on a plan that Muni rules to be announced next week. Democratic primary, Thorn Lord "Our competitive position is great- would meet with the. approval of Mr. Philo. reported that Leshher's of Princeton is opposed by Rich- ly, strengthened by this move," the overwhelming majority of the Fabric Center will donate prizes ard M. Glassner of East Orange for *• Strvct i*. twrrby - -• • • ™mmnnilv. Hft cited the urgent Band Project One-Way'- Street br- community. in the' sewing contest. . ' the Senate nomination. yvl Aiid Brcch tt Dr. Hawkins declared. —TVrcother ' highlight will be Corigresswoman ' Florence 'Pu onlitunre 4incndid and Under Study dance contest for teen-agers on Dwyer of. Elizabeth is .unopposed; p/m 9.O3 of CHaptrr 9 of June 4 conducted by Yveite' \ » I9SI «>«lc iii Central Onliiuu>cv>;, usl The possibility of forming a for Republican nomination for re- ; ..RurctSed . Vndi *upplrmrnt«l> have met several times with the reasons why every municipal band in Cranford was •b!ince Studio. Refreshments /will election, while in the Democratic, Little walkers need j' Section 7-4' Tfus ordinAn^c bhall tuktf Lbe madJe to u n a proposal to be served by the Cranford Lodgi primary Jack. B. Durin of West- ; rCrcl tipw |>ulslirjit»an after final wejfare committee of the Cranford ~ — ~ *~ " " J discussed at a meeting of the -o» £in>\ulrd by, statute. * NO FISH STORY-^Rickie Stevens, almost 3. grins about the fish. the voters^ no later than June. ' Township Recreation Committee in of Elks'and trophies awarded by field and V. William DiBuonov I /IRA D. DORIAN Teachers' Association in order to Simart mothers ho didn't catch'— he wasn't even trying -^'when trout season arrive at a mutually ..agreeable The Citizens' Committee spokes- the Municipal Building last Thurs- Capt. N. R. Fiske Post 335,, VFW Hillside, mayor, are vying for the i . / Cfeamnan, ToWsuhlp "Oi man expressed the conviction that ^ HARRY V. OSBORNE. JR fAM«l: • . ' * • • 'end last Saturday, He is thc son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. plan. The-i- welfare committee, day night.. A roller skating event also i: congressional nomination for the . . .who ask for • J. WALTER COFFEE. ^ a sizcab)c reduction in thc cost scheduled for the youngsters. Sixth District . . / Ti Cleric Sti-vens of 427 Manor avenue. ' photo by headed by Stuart Qoldblatt of Recreation Chairman Herbert R. the Cranford High School faculty, Of thc referendum was a necessary Jacobus appointed Henry ^A. D6- Thc annual celebration will get A large portion • of this Presi- UltHMBl had asked the board to bring all ingredient of any new proposal, tering.of 208 Beech street and Hod- off, to its usual early start on June idehtial year's big ballot is taken stating that they felt certain that Community I up by the names of aspirants for of the Township teachers up to guide. man P. Harrison of 7 Fourth ave- 3 at the railroad station where many voters were anxious to. sup- vf ti>r To»-nship of Cranford. Last year the board established nue to conduct a survey of public commuters will be greeted with election as delegates-at-large» al- J . . 3Llirci> IS. I960. • und Drive This Saturday port a school at a cost they con- interest in such a project. a cup of coffee served by the Crjinr ternate delegates-at-large, district / Todlm J. WAITER COFFEE; a guide for initial placement of sidered more appropriate. Gopd^Fniday ' Township Cleric. new teachers, with previous ex- "Our purpose in setting>up such ford Lipns Club and doughnuts delegates and alternate district Smart motlieis know how/ March 33. I960 .'/ ' Possible approaches to cost sav- by the Village Improvement As- delegates to' the National Coa-^ Adv Fers: S&IO 4-7 Boys' Baseball Leagues perience, allowing $150 for each ings , included by 'the committee a program," Mr. Jacobus said, important baby's tirst shoes year of creditable service. This "would be'to bring back .a' part of sociation. ' Boutonnieres will be ServueSet ventions of • both thc Republi- are. Thai's why »«» many n .i,ousc-to-house canvass for funds for support of the program in its proposal were a study of distributed by Cranford Unit 212, Cranford churches will unite to- and Democratic paries. guide is now being applied to the the percentage utilization of class- Americana—the summer band con- Cranford's Public Affairs Com- mothers'choose {*•»*» Tod- the Cranford Boys' Baseball Lcagutswill be conducted throughout entire staff. cert in the park—which has been American Legion Auxiliary. morrow for the annual three-hour lins for tht-ik- youngsters.' ACCOUNTS INSURED this Saturday morning by boys in uniform representing rooms, consideration of thc impact lost in yie busy world of today. Qther events crowding the June G' Dooley, daughter of Mr.healthful,. supervised" recreational formed. litter bags for cars. . Baptist, "Forgiveness"; Rev. Dr.priating $25,000 for the purchase- AnnounccmenAnnouncementt, wawusa made this week of a large and versatile cast Preliminary reports on plans for of tHc old Methodist Church pro- 4 id Mrs-. James J. Dooley of 22 outlet, we need the full support Cranford Dramatic Club's' spring production of "Auntie Mame," summer recreational1 activities Tentative, plans were discussed Robert G. Longakcrj First Presby- 3PAID QUABTEBLY D. PetliUurt, bordered with lace and pleats, S, M, L lake avenue, has been fleeted to of the people of Cranford. for 1 for u bus tour of the town, spon- terian, "Authority"; the Rev. John pertyon, Walnut avenue as thc site- in rehearsal loui days each week at the club's theatre, 78 Winans were presented by various commit- - "As a non-profit organization, now A. Deveaux, Jr., St. Mark's AME, for a new library building:'Funds SAVE BY MAO.... •pnsunt ihe Cranford Boys*'Base- renearsai iou> UOJD ta^.. ... : . _ _ tee heads at the meeting. ' (Continued oti Page 2) for the purchase will come from, POSTAGE PAID BOTH WAYS Miss Baseball' we are dependent Upon contribu- avenue. The two-act comedy, by Jerome Lawrence andI Robert E. Lee. "Remembrance"; Rev. Dr. Albert as tions to provide for uniforms, bats, thc capital improvement account. .... 11)60. ., it was announced adaptedi from the novel by Patrick Dennis, will be seen May 6, 7. 13. 14, Allinger, Methodist, "Submission"; Public hearing is slated for April UNGERIE, GOERKE'S THIRD FLOOR •! week by Mrs. Charles Pattejr- baseballs and other equipment re- 20 and 21. the Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist, Cal- in, Jr., chairman for the annual quired. Let's all make an invest- Mrs. John V.Whittlesey, Auntie 'Encyclopedia of Gardening' vary Lutheran, "Suffering"; the 26. Jopularity. contest jnrient in youth when the boys call Mame, has been, active in the lo- Rev. Laurance J. Pyne, Cranford McPherson Realty Co. advised | Voting was completed last week us Saturday," College Club cal club and also in other little Alliance, "Victory", and the Rev.that they have a client interested hrouch the medium of pennies Mr. Prill reported that all man- Theatre groups. She has been seen Gift Voted for Public Library Frank M. Rossi, Cranford Baptist, in buying the pre.sent library build- ing on Miln street if and when it SAVINGS mi LOAN bated in containers in local stores gers will meet with their re.- on the local stage in "See How The Garden Club of Cranford.| ant of the New York Botanical "Confidence." br benefit of the leagues) and bal- ;pectivc teams at 9 a.m. Saturday Election Held They Run," "The Solid Gold Cad- Gardens, and John C. Wister, land- is placed on the market. R K E C O at a meeting in Sherlock Hall on Mayor Ira D. Dorian, who pre- were counted at the monthly :o receive final instructions. Mrs. David Tyre was elected illac," "light Up The Sky" and Monday voted to present to the scape architect of the Horticul- Oeun Up, Rabies Oinic TOWMLEY SHOES ASSOCIATION president of the Cranford College "Teahouse of the August Mooh." tural Foundation at, Swarthmore sided, explained that for many- Across from Cranford Theatre otinii of the Mothers' Auxiliary Joseph Trezzii, vice-president in Free Public Library a six-volume years it has been the township's VLL |f the Cranford Boys' Baseball harge of the National League, Club at a meeting Monday night Mrs. Whittlesey is presently serv- set of the new illustrated "Ency- College. . Scheduled Announced BR 6-1280 ...of Elizabeth and Plainfield at the First Presbyterian Church. ing on the' board of directors of Cranford's annual Spring Clean intention to raze the present li- jagucs at the American Legion and Robert Grimshaw, vice-presi- clopedia of Gardening," described The club also voted a donation brary and utilize the property as fasino on Monday evening. dent in charge of the Unami She will serve a two-year term. thc Cranford group, has been ac- as "a comprehensive how-to-do-it of $50 to the Union County Rhodo- Up drive, conducted by the Board Other officers also elected for well as land in rear of the central • -Miss Baseball's" attendants, the League, announced that ' their tive in the Experimental Theatre, reference work." dendron Committee to aid in its of Health with the cooperation of business, block in back-of the li- other candidates. Include two years are; Mrs. Chauncey casting committee and make-up, proposed plantings in the Watch- local scavengers and the- police, (Continued on Page 2)- Hale, first vice-president; Mrs. . A spokesman, for the club re- brary as a municipal parking tot. tiscilla Haviland, Margaret Or- and most recently designed "the-set ported 1hat contributors to the'ung Reservation. Each member of fire and public works depart- Adopted on final reading was tii, Barbara Jones, Kathcrine Edward Marek, corresponding sec- the club also Was asked to call five ments, will be held April 25-30, for "Visit to a Small Planet." work include such gardening-^ a an ordinance changing the 'opera-" [layer, Mary Jo Fanning, Barbara retary; Mrs. Roland Graham, people to 'd in raising funds for it was announced this week by Hamilton Avenue treasurer, and Mrs. Bruce Gilles- Vcra Charles, thc actress, will authorities as Edwin Beckett, for- tion of the parking meters; from Wtask and Evelyn Lawler. The be portrayed by Mrs. Russell H. mer horticultural director of the the rhododendron project. • Health Officer John F. Kunze. Friday night to Thursday night to> i' ' [rowriinu of "Miss Baseball" will pie, • assistant treasurer. Guest speaker at the meeting Mr. Kunzic also reported that Mrs. William Dunqan Mrs. R Herman, remembered by local au- Berkshire Gardens at Stockbridgc, correspond with thc shopping night pke place at the leagues' opening To Be One-Way diences for her appearances in Mass.; Ernest Chabot, writer and was Mrs: .Henry N. Kistner, auth- sessions of the annual rabies clinic here. Also adopted on final read- iay ceremonies on April 23. Karlson and Mrs. E. B. Cyphers ority on flower arrangements, who have been scheduled as follows: mcmbcrs-at-large 'Skylark," "The Little Foxes." authority oh greenhouse plants; ing Was an ordinance limiting Mrs. Joseph Bazilus, president, Sunday Mommas were named 'Gramercy Ghost," "Thc Silver Henry E. Downer, former director demonstrated new techniques for May 10t from 3 to 5 p.m.; Mayparking on Hamilton avenue to> ThosXllU^tLe. whosIVOVMe. terms arc une* 12, from 7 to 9 p.m.; May 18, (Cnniluuud on Pdfje 3) On recommendationr ofNthc Whistle" and "My Three Angels," of the Botanical Gardens at Smith thc preparation of material as an two hours between 9 a,-m. and. pircd are Mrs. Edmund W. Morris, QoUegc, now at Vassar College; inspiration to , give the novice from 3 to 5 p.m., and May 20 Local' Traffic Coordinating Com- recordihg secretary, and Mrs. Norr among others. Mrs. Herman has from 7 to 9 p.m. . noon.- •...'• P^TP, Pironc, lecturer and consult- {"Continued on Page 2) UniversaliFire Equipment Corp-. , •« mittee., Public Safety Commission- man Brubaker, second vice-presi (Continued on Page 2) er Nicholas St. John LaCorte an- dent. East Orange, submitted a bid of few Schoonouncel d at Tuesday night's meet- Tickets for the annual banquet S3.217 for furnishing five air raid at thc Chi-Am Chateau in Moun- sirens. Only other-bidder was Fed- 7 ; ing of the Township .Committee tainside on" May 23 were on sale Census Taking Proves Day and Night Job; oral Sign and Signal Corp.. New- iheduleSet that' Hamilton avenue will be aMrs, C. F.' Machonis, banquet York, S3.675. The bids were re- $2.50 Holylays for the 1960 school one-way street, easterly on Sun-chairman, reported they also will ferred, to the public safety and! $2.98 ear were announced Tuesdaj public works committees and at- $4J00 day mornings, beginning May 1b,e on salu at thc annual- business Dorothy Gray E&ster jght by the Board of Educatior meeting of the club on May 9. Count Completion Expected Here Saturday torney. NYLON REMINGTON TIMEX f follow;;: between Forest avenue and Ar- The lights are burning late at Referred to public safety com- :/:.'•.•• •' Members were asked to sigi Classes will begin Thursday lington road. Thc count of Cranford residents 101 Orange avutiuc these nights — mittee and attorney were these SUNGLASSES Cellogen ieptcmbcr 8, and end Tuesday Tratfic entering Hamilton ave- preference slips for committees is expected to be completed by HAIR ROLLAMATIC WATCHES they wished to work with and ihd with 'good reason. Behind the bids for uniformi and other equip*- June 20. Orientation for ne\»hue from Sylvester street will be Saturday, the extended deadline 'aende of the gray frame build- merit for the fire and police d HORMONE icachcrs and staff meetings wil (Continued on Page 3) (•Continued on Page 2) for the I960 Census, it was report- BRUSH RAZOR ntf, an important safeguard of lpartmentii: international Uniform from •gin.Tuesday, September 6. ed yesterday by Mrs. Charles is being Cor, NVwark. $4,344.55; Best Uni- CREAM School will be closed on Colum Preston of 201 Orange avenue, American liberties form Co., New York, S4v502-t7; and |»is Day, Washington's Birthda: leuder of thc local Census crew. • The home of Mrs, Charles Ercs- Lee Clothiers, Newark. S4.778.1O. , FOR EASTER GJVIM6 ! CHOCOLATE d Memorial Day. Crane Home a Foca ^ Mrs. Preston^ said that the local '— normally U plfasanTTy-ac- Informal bids also Wt;re received >15.95 A two-day holiday is schcdulet *2.50 count was about 70 percent com- .• one-family residence —" hasand referred to public safety com- November io and 11 O>* ** plete by Tuesday night, and that bteti the temporary but official mittee and, attorney for furnishing ARPEGE TRAVELER hors' Convention. Veteran: In 'Our River Heritage' Tour indications then , were that the (Continued on Page 2) EASTER BUNNIES U. S. headquarters in Crunford iilso falls on November 11 1 refresh themselves and their "Because our river has been an township's new population figure :ince March 14 for the decennial $\4S0 $2.00 Value $1.95V«lu« $1.00 was noted. The Thanksgiving horse*. PRINCE oliday will'fall'on November 24 important part of the town since The oldest deed on record for would be approximately 25,000. A, 'numeration of the townshipls cit- YARDLEY DESERT FLOWER land 25. pre-Revolutionary days, the Gar-this home Ts" dated 1852, when the prc-Ccnsus estimate of popula- izens. Putting it more simply, M.r^'. Good Friday RONSON GOLF GARDNER 20% OFF don Club of Cranford's open homes property belonged to William C. tion figures for each municipality Preston-,.an, honor student in Un- nde session will be held in thc county issued by Shelby G. iQn^JjUnior College's evening ses- Mday, December 23 before the and gardens .tour May 4 called Lilly and Cranford was part of TABLE LAVENDER CREME Rahway in thc County of Essex. Fell, district- Census supervisor, sion! is crew leader for the Crau- Closings Told BALLS $475 Value •Chrihinias recess from December 'Our River Heritage" holds, special •listed a figure of 24,000 for Cran- REPUQUE WALLETS |26 to January 2. Classes will be- In 1860 the land became the fbrd- census. Local banks', township offices 'J* •-•'••' ford, representing a growth of 29 LIGHTER SOAP DEODORANT Isin January 3.' ' • interest for all residents of Cran- Phineas P. Lounsberry estate nnd t*rom IUT home, she directs the and the Public Library will be TOILET WATER AND ford," >Iis. Charles C. Goodfcllow, in 1929 the Plummcr family re- percent over thc official 1950 Cen- work of the fteld reviewer. Mrs. flawed tomorrow in observance of REVLON I Easter vacation will be hcW sus figure of 18,602. Box of 4 3 for from $3.95 I'rom Anvil 3 to 7. • "' Jr., tour chairman, told members modeled the. house. Marion Hallenbeck, also of Cran- Good *"riday. The library will be PERFUME SET MOON DROPS Refreshments will be served The local crew leader praised ford, and 17 other enumerators open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. oa *5.95 50< of the club at its.regular meeting here during the tour. In addition the 18 enumerators working un- whd do the actuul house-to-house Saturday, however. Business will plus - piauy Absentee Bullote Monday. to thc house, guests will have an der her direction, pointing out that surveys. WhcH finished, thc work be conducted as usual, at the PViat *5.50 A to(;i| of 39 absentee- Visitors w4]l be especially in- opportunity to visit the shop and they have found it necessary to of this, group will bccom<.'...!i_p_art Office tomorrow and Saturday•__ MOISTURE BALM I ballots h:id_J>ecn requested . by terested in the collection of old pic- greenhouse. Mrs. H. R. Jacobus put in days much longer than thc of what is undoubtedly the most In place of its usual Friday nisht • Cranford residents who will be tures.and deeds at the home of Mr* and Miss H. 0. Plummer are co-usual eight-hour stint, with" call- extensive statistical compilation in hours, the Union County Trust Co- out o( the county for next Tucs- and Mrs. Robert M. Crane, -420 chairmen of the refreshment com- backs keeping ihem on the job history — thc 19*50 U. S. Census. wil! be open until 8:30 this ewnina. te •wy's l>nmary elections, it was rc-Riverside drive, Mrs. Goodfcllow mittee. They will be assisted by until as lute as 11 o'clock at night This activity bot:ah for MrsTh. e Suburban Trust Co. will have BOTH $3.00 rtwl this week by County Clerk said. This home faces therf>anford Mrs. K. N. Albrccht. Mrs. J. D. To facilitate the remaining Preston back in February. In con- evening hours as Usual on Mocday. Henry G. Nulton. Throughout the "'Common'* and U adjacent to theBridge, Mrs. E. H. Miller and Mrs.Work, it was suggested that when nection with her studies at UJC, Eastcr recess for public school touniy a'record'total of 890 civi- original Crane's Ford which was J. E, Miller. Mrs. Joseph Conrad is pupils will begin at the clo»o of lla families not yet contacted arc she developed a term paper on JUST ARRIVED " al)scntee ballot requests were guarded during thc Revolutionary consultant, with Mrs: Harold Achil- away from home, the flllcd-out BUSY DIRECTOR—Mrs. Charles Preston, Cranford crew leader new methods to be used in taking school today and classes i*ili re- BARON'S DRUG STORE "•wived prior to Monday mid- War by liKht horsemen while Gen- les, Mrs.' J. L. Lehman and Mrs. sume on April 25. St. Michael's n I. J. Stone assisting. Census form be left in thc mail- for the 1960 Census,-is shown directing thc count of township clti- the 1960 census.' Interest in .the 34 Eastman St. (w- crinfbrd Th««t^) Cranford '8ht, the deadline for making eral George. Washington's army >box, Mrs, Preston explained that subject aroused, she applied for School tecessed at the close at 'PPlU-ations. The heavy demand encamped at Morristown. Mrs. R. B. Ackland is ticket icen;; from ht-r home at 201 Orange avenue. She is in charge of 18 school Tuesday and also; will re- — Store Alto In WwHk»ld — KOPPERS was well in front of the if the form Is filled out completely enumerators <15 women and three men' who conduct the actual and was given the task of being ^Miuk-d an additional printing. The old chairman/ with all members of personal questioning Is not neccs- Cranford crew leader. main closed until the morning at ••m We Retervo The Right To Limit Quantities the 1056 presidential year pri- house. according to. tradition, the club serving on the ticket com- • house-to-house surveys! Count here is expected to be completed April 25. ucvw ...n.dry. During thc Revolu- (Continued on Page 8) r, 330 civilian absentee balloti ran mittee. In cq£e of rain thc tour * sary, Saturday and to show o population of approximately 25,000. STORE HOURS: 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m FREE DELIVERY — BR 6^100 CHOCOLATES e requested by county resi- tionary War both American and will be held on Thursday, May 5. (Continucd on Pane 8) dents. ' British troops stopped here to

•:';: ..••'-• •••V/'p'ft;; ...,•:;.;.. M\:.k:^V\^': ;:>'••" •••-.-••• CRANTORD CITIZEN AND CHROmCLB, CRANTORD, ft.''J. 3DAY. APRIL 14, I960 CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. CRANFORD. N. J. Mrs. Seymour Marsh planned the affairs. He Is u"'past cdmmnnder trade-in of .three present polled Neat has been active on the make- house of the. August Moon" for In "Visit to a Small Planet" and :l Mrs. Lurinsky iahlf decorations. • • . '.,':•••."• arid former service officer of Rich- cars und a-ycar's maintenance on has acted in Ex,,,.rimi.nta|, Fiirer of a!2 Denrpan road are up and lobby committee. the local club, and sings with the in the'Experimental Theatre, Mr. trc and worked on th \ Chairman William"'-A.- Meyer Is wr first vice-president, and Mrs.been, announced by Acting-Motor door were broken, ,i*h«- i«neJ. Ap- [Hoard I' Mrs. William, Herzog. Jr., pre-field Post, American^ Legion, in the. three , new vehicles,. ..fallow: Mrs. Clifford P. Bennann, seen Trinity-Church choir in town. Sacken will enact dual roles. convalescing rapidly from o heart Vehicle Director Ned J. Parseklart. parently by youngsters throwing niriniin; UIIO|I(IO-,I.OKed. ft>i Itepub- ' ' Mrs. Knlman Lurinsky was field Motor Sales, Wostfleld, Reservations in!,y Views: Accent on Homes" was the Jr. J three roles in "Auntie Mame" and Docs It" and "Desk Set," among and a mid-western Little Theatre RIV. Orion C. Hopper, nrst Business was' trurisa'ctcd eat the llciiri n(>rnin;iti»n 1ns' reelection i.nd no' prj-vlouii expertence will elected president of the Cleveland Rates Chosen •S.15B.29. through the C pp meeting, 'and an executive board outstanding features of the con- May Amlilioi'i* LocalVolunteer been seen with his wife in as- She it coHChDirroan^rf-the^ group [!L^^h^nntondchart memher_DemherDf iind If.irol'i I Se.vmotir. Jr . • M • «ft;irt. nt $4.400- th'l«"yenr and in a JlHhShl 151 und business meeting -will be held ferencrr-Amonffthc-spcakcrrwcn ers'Night sembllcs nt the elub: Ife'had 3 make-up committee this season. William 6. SU-hr and David T. Cranford Lions • Club; p»- ^Auditions' for thr Wrstiiriti J« >fi04 Orcliard .t/At; .ii" the sole: ^erioi ot IC1 steps"will advance to sored by the Cranford Historical southerly 25 feet of- Tot 5, block Friday, 7:30. to »:30- at next weeds' regular meeting two'ministers, a social worker and 'hior Musical Club, Wilt - tu- -ht>hi : ' Other officers were elected as To Be Honored " featured part in "The Matchmak- Russ Morrell lias had q wide ;,,l his annual Eafitcr message pir.-.nt foi -Hit I)emo«rrytic riom-j ' {am''ot "ft fiOO. Teachers Society; baking contest and pet337,< Stoughton avenue, was "sold : McGrath, residents of the South- 18 tHrough Muy ?i at the Coach and Four Restaurant. a psychiatrist. •••,.. a mu xia follows: First vice-president, Mrs. er,"' '•"•••••':•••- ' • range of experience which makes; u' club at its dinner meeting May 4 at the homv.ol^Mrs. I...M, show. to William Crissey for $750. The ern Club, share a total of six roles are available from' Following luncheon, the dele- Showing samples of, Jr-ish flax ••Tuck'cr j8 Pittjifi.Ul str.-.-t. (Mnr.- •i um iif/ i.i '"'•- ! with master's dctrccti start at'a' F. Mittrickcr, Jr.; second vicc- For Hospital Aid it easy for him to adapt to the y mf ,{,„-.coach and Four Restaurant k Organizations attending the in-lot muy be used only in conjunct- Mrs. John A. Madden, in the in tho current comedy. Mr. Stchr of the club. "«l» gates separated Into discussion from his family farnTnv Belfast, j 1 M)i:;il voleiji nhu wjl bir tailed i . ; ' _ - president, Mrs. Lloyd Jones; third Crawford Sisson of 12 English dual roles of ah actress and "Moth- four roles he is playing. He was Ireland, John A. S(cptt lllustrated.i be^ship I. ' open to high /.i-ruMil «$£<• itial meeting were: Cranford Re- ion with adjoining property to Roogevelt PTA groups for more '.inteTrtlve^'con- students.V ' . u.nM. "••"»••- mMe ;.',..! female • minlmi.rr, of $4,800; reaching a vice-president, Vincent Sarnow.ski; Village is' among 180 volunteers publican Club, Cranford Dramatic form one building lot. er" Burnslde, lias long been active last seen as Krcton in "Visit to d •ht. i jiiirtie..; iji eurh of the 1!) S4,l»«() to $8,f!00. Movement to- ^ I seminary, andreturns each Four • representatives, from a form bbih «TJis^ir.«l .liul TH'KI'III 'election dl.ttrirtt. ." ward the, maximum of each • scale Ogdcn; corresponding secretary. trat ion Hospital, East Orange, whir Lincoln, Cleveland, •* ^Brookslde ' fast, month showed 14 permits were She-will bo remembered for her 0 p.u'tmcnt of the Vt" «e Improve-, / Mrs. H. B. Kochlcr was on-stngo ,.r nnd Christmas to address Roosevelt PTA attended the spring selections, it was rtpfirli-*! r'i>f: The polk will be open Tiu-jday > i;; achieved through annual incrcr, .-Mrs. William Boyd,~and-trcasurcr, will be honored at ceremonies Ap- j.Women's Republican Club, issued, Including five for new resi- work' In "The Barton Mystery.** in "The Women" and the fall as- t ment Asuociation at Union Junior THE DEACON AGENCY lot-il club. He iormcrly was regional conference of the. New ther iniormation-'niJiy k>«' j*<>4'jit.:'i<-. i' <•'•uM.'.tirnj yV MIK, Philip Ma/./ell:i, Sheldon Cohen, students, played Recreation Committee, perimental Theatre and assem- nounccd that gliulioli bulbs will i-i r homes and community. ' \ (Continued from Page 1) Mutiny." Ho.Jius participated in blies; and was last .seen, in "The Wi\a i».ti\U?<\ out, tr> :i(li-v-i.,ti- traflir Mr \{yH .(ijillucri and Mrs. two duets, "Danse Negre" by Cyril Bonrd of Education, Cranford First be sold by the club In cooperation cckngestioii iirminrl Tii»:ty ('bitirrb. Scott and the march from the M\ r. Siisoh;, "who Will receive n wcrw urged to. sign up for some Experimental Theatre and assem- Matchmaker." Eight Payment plan with the Senior VIA. <:\i.ti\y< Hi' vhr.tr. Aid • Squad, - and Police Depart- phusp of the book sale. This sole, The street will V»i- A :r.' ttmti JU'lK-.hment.. were MTVfl by "Love for Three Oranges" by Pro- cert illcate/for* 1,000' .cumulative blies, und was active in the West- It was announced that the 1 ment. "Herbert'. Loycockj chair- held In tho full,' will be the only D. J. Sackcn has been on-stage H ii in. till ti'ioti on Suti't.i .••-.. Mrl. J. l»iK,-ibio jmd-Mrs. M..z/.ll;i kotleflP. . iou -s of/scrvico, has been working field;.' Community Players. Mr. American home department will ; 1 mun, presided. •' . ways and means project for-JOOIt Portable- vign. ; >le.ut:n;i'iri^ !!n- Refreshments were served by it! .'the- -hospital since he came to -Wells V.cast as Brian 6'Bannlon in VIBRANT go out to cllnnerv ami attend the new i.etup ujll b»- (>!.•'•• rl in Xiy Cranford four and a half years 1001. Mrs. .John B. Wo'rrihgton. "Auntie Mamc'l. Easter show at Radio City on Mrs. Robert Isinger, chairman, as- Jr., booic sale chuirman, announced UTV.i by rnet"nJr>er!;- ->f 'hi- fV)Kl;c sisted by Mrsi Harold Chester, Mrs. i go [from Minneapolis. Minn. The New Library Miss Jaclyn Judy. Gloria Upson. April 25. . j W-nt u:,fl»-f Au%-< - ntinued <»i I'mji' 7) leal resident, who is retired, is a that people, in the community who was in,, a :recent'• spring; '•asembly. LIVING , Henry Dreycr, Mrs. William Koch, . /Continued from Page I) haw books to donate may con- Mrs. Henry Espcron announced | tion of Town.'.hip i'.unitu-fc^V^.tuV. i- >ri'if ijrf;--;i>d m hi> ' bid .. to Mrs! William Craft. Mrs. Curl World War I veteran and long has three new. cars for the police, de- tact Mrs. Paul W. Sol by of 210She has played in .surnmer stock, WINES that plans were n^w complete tor |J. Grail. . /_ ' :- ft v : a>. alternate di<.lri<-1 (lele- Peterson und Mrs. Kenneth Meeks. active in American Legion partment.' The jict bids, including Beech street to have them picked sung with the Portland" (Ore.) the dinner on Muy 19 nt Bottle- • The rn»ive U>\\<>\KS *i:y %*>*'.:•'• <>n 11 l'.cal M-eiie, Public Safety j up. ', _ .M _ '. •: ... . television in Kentucky and on the Hostcsnefr- for th«: evening were Chief lister Wyf"vw<-!l ^rui ri.«-n:- if>nei Nicb'tlfiM St. John! Mrs. Harriet Cllngman, decorat- West coast. - ' '•' TOCOVLEKITYMtEASTaMHEKITYMtEASTaMHR iMrs. Henry Esperon, chairman; beiK Of his. rl^p;>rtjrnerit. Wesley N. Philo of; ing consultant und lecturer for Mrs. L. H, Conger, Mrs, Marvin d are unoppoKed. for | •F. Schumacher, sin.d .Co., wa»'gue'st Patrick Dennis as a young man. Is acted by J. J. Yakstis. He has CChasfeneh t BBordeaud x Redd and White Kutz, Mrs. James Walsh and Mrs. The . gj>rm th;it c:nise.=i ttilwrrcu- .ih«- ibliciri nominationV; I speaker. She emphasized thut ''it Edwin Younghouse. , , i (Viirirnitteiv, w'liile I A DeUghtful Bad and Whit* Tabto Win*., Plecnwnt Clean to the IOKIS, thfe tubercle h:icillu^v ware, Ann Marie Rowe,, > Dr.' Olson has been a member ol The progrum was arranged dazzle .the, eye, . Phyllh; Kotbsteln tin^-Juslth Pos- j by the board of directors, active in $1J5 Fifth $18.90 Case of 12 Bottles pisil T-'all. members of the Service ' . fjnhanct: your costu'rnb, ! sc-verul assemblies, and Js the cur- and Science ClubM. Mr.'(.- Mariam BARON'S 'You'll feel free, n« ,1 liiril in ^ / Full Selection Of— rent play-reading chairman. add verve Kurtz and Joseph. Petrozelll are': ilti» UIII; le> |».iiily of new, I ' Tills year ... . highlight your Fund Drive / CORDIALS, DESERT WINES, LIQUORS, and BEERS - John Hurtwcll, also cast in di -' • • • . / i your tailored wurdrobo advisers. / i no)iday with ft /tasty 'n • tender (Continued from Page J) ycrsilled roles, was mast recently 7 rl<>ii)l'li|2lit |>ov,er ml. Vrl - ARMOUR'S STAR TUHKEY or FRYER from teams will meet at the Wulnut ,. .all this and heavenly you'll liave tin- f>niootlief seen in "Visit to a Small Planet' KURTZ MARKET! Yea. Easter averiue field. .... Ctyh-i(ort. too! and "The' Matchmaker." He is a QQueen Elizabeth ThanliH xliaiirly lilies liii.ni.c it feastin' will be the best ever with Harold . Grayce, vice-president member of the Hillside Players. C/ytiU('il/t OPEN SUNDAY one of these One fowls! In ad- of the American League, will meet RooHevelt i'AuHH for Curd «I.»llWe. M,, oi. ll.e power net flnlUrrillllt Making her debut on the stage dition . . . we've all of the with his teams at the home ot A thank you not<; hii.s been re- wliere [rood «le«ij«ii«iii.' ili«MICM, rnm\attni,U, of the Cranford Dramatic Club is traditional flxln's to make this Manager F. E. Winter, at L7 West cclvcd from .Queen Elizabeth II Hipped waislline1. 'I r<(."- e\- l truly, "the meal of the year!" Mrs. Lee Ai Strlmbeck, as Pegccn for ii card of coniiratuhitionK sent End place. William Bateman, vice- 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CUEKHif Urn Ryan. Mrs. Strimbeck was form- Don't delay V.. . no nutter what president in charge of the Noma- by Miss June. McLuuilhUn';; sec- iwv. ''saddle," orolcli. b-M-L erly associated with a southern ra- ri>ni\ilrte* ill* your poultry, preference . . . make hegnn League, requested his teams ond grade at Roosevelt School.. dio network. '__ ' %t'trturr of lh* sure you select a succulently sen-, to assemble*, at the high school, The typewritten D°U: on the $7.95 aatlonal oven-ready bird - at while Edward Vollherbst, viqe- .Edward F. George, Jr.. 11-year- queen's, stationery,' writton by Seager's • Scher's Mninrtett figure- fmhiiming! KURTZ MARKET, today! presldcnt in charge, of the'Pony old son ot club members Mr. and Kathryn Dugdare, ludy-ih-waitin({ Mrs. E. F. George, plays the part cr&n'fdr to tHe (|Uceri, said, "I have been Hdthaway's • Bell's League will meet .with his teams commanded by "Wcr Majexty to nt the Adams avenue Held. . of Emory Mncdougal. a southeri boy. Ricky appeared as one o thank you and the children for WILL BE CLOSED the Okinawan children in "Tea- the kind message of good wishes 8 lbs. to Encyclopedia of STORE you sent to • Her' Majesty on the 10 lbs. Ib. — We Deliver — occasion of the birth of her son." STUFFED TURKEYS 57< (Continued jrom Page I) GET THE FULL 23 North Union Ave. . Cranford, N ' The class had enclosed a sheet courage to attempt glamorous ar- 21 N. UNION AVE. BRidge 6^0150 listing their names with the card. BE SAFE — BE SURE rahgeinerits for her own home. North Union Ave. BRidge 6^0234 OUR OWN HOMEMADE Tea Was served by Mrs. -C. E. HOUSEPOWER BUY YOUR DRUGS IN A DRUG STORE Skaggs and her committee.-. Mrs. LJncoln- PTA StartH Charles . Goodfollow and Mrs. Roundup Tomorrow SAUSAGE HEAT Charles Turner were hostesses at YOU NEED The annual roundup for pros- the tea pective kindergarten children w>U b« held tomorrow by the Lincoln SAUSAGE LINKS Cast Told School PTA, Mrx. Irving Scheclcr, J dreamed .. - summer roundup chairman, re* •, fContinued from Page (I) or a fatiiok ad taken part in dramatic club as- portc3. semblies, was on the board ot di- Roundup leaders assisting Mrs. [in my mauUnform WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF Schccter are: Mrs.Howard Loder- rectors of the group, and has Ktedt, Mrs. P. V. Caravano and bra worked on several back-stage Mrs. IlUJiscl! Huckel, READY TO EAT HAMS committees. . ' .Mrs. d. Indira Rao of Bombay, . An original member of the Cran- India, a resident of Cranford. ford Dramatic Club, Mrs. F. B. nothing cures visited the .fourth, fifth and sixth Morrell's E-Z-Cut Polish & Holland Gllpln, Norah, writes and directs grades yesterday, Mrs. Rao na well as acts. She has appeared spring fever... like answered questions on India sub- Keller's -Merkel's 3 to 5 Lbs.'; 12 Lbs. In numerous productions, among mitted by the students prior to.her them "The Third Ingredient," visit. ' . Haydu's Rath "Passe," "The Dictator," "The 6% Giant Stair," "Ned McCobb's StuilentH Visit We«tfield Daughter" nnd "The Solid Gold WHITE Cadillac." She has worked with Junior High Library the Experimental Theatre and FOR GOOD A visit to the library of the play reading committee as well as Thomas Edison Junior High School OCEAN SPRAY 2 cant If many other. committees in the APPLIANCE GLAMOUR inWcstfield was made last Thurs- dub. FUR day in observance of National li- Robert Stcbens, a fifth grade brary Week by students of Sher- OPERATION COAT man Junior High School. CRANBERRY SAUCE 29< f student iri Wcstflcld, has under- DEBS r ASPARAGUS taken the role of Patrick Dennis, A tour of the redding rooms, NIBLET ^ .-••-•2 •en s . »[SPEAR[ . S 39c as a young boy.' Bobby has been work room, conference rooms and In school plays and .sings jn his listening rooms was conducted by church choir. Mr. and Mrs.' Hor- Today, 4 out of 5 homes have beautifully the Edison library council. Sher- KERNEL CORN 311 "BIRDS-EYE 2 plcg. ace A. Stevens, the young star's low HOUSEPOWER - not man participants were Carol Crec, enough electrical wiring, out- cleaned w T FRENCFRENCHH BEANBEANSS *399c parents, are active members of Dorothy Graskewltz, Janice Ha.-;- CROSSE £ BLACKWELL 2 nwd. csns the Cranfprd Dramatic Club, and lets and switches. Is yours one trup, Kathleen Parkln-ion, Donald appear in the play. of these? and Mazzco and Susan Alatary, mem- MYERS 16K)I. pkg. bers of the Sherman library coun- Mr. Stevens who has the role of finished cil. They were accompanied by TOMATO JUICE CHICKEN PIES 59c Claude Upson, has been seen In "Ifseaiy to find out: Call us now Louis Metzger, librarian. "Country GH" "Solid Gold Cad^ for a HOUSEPOWER Rating. • • 46-oz. : in a garage ' WHITE MEAT TUNA 89< ftjLAM^B^^SA A' SAMaMa^^ LI m. W SOUTHERN 21b. of the make-up committee. ^ neatly, economically additional door had boon broken Tuesday HOFFMAN'S; CANADA DRY Maine's Japanese houseboy, tto, wiring can be added to your night, despite a protective wire YAMS ..... 29c will be enacted by William R. homer-to bring your home's mesh which had been ;ln} or COTT'S 4 large bots. Duncan, Jr. Mr. Duncan, active HOUSEPOWER and lighting stalled recently. About six weeks FRESH CLEAN bag for'many yean;in the Cranford up to today's needs. • ago. .six panes of glass in the same GINGER ALE-CLUBS0DA87< club, was seen In "Teahouse of the August Moon," and "Desk Set" every bunny .• PLUS DEP. SPINACH... 19c and has performed in the Experi- Remember, full HOUSE- mental Theatre. He1 has worked POWER increases' the value of loves his honey N.B.C. 12-ox. plcg. RIPE your nome while it' increases Smoked WhlUnit on the staging and lobby commit- Fresh as. a sen breeze, the>e beautiful white On* looltl YO-J s«* a liyht fantastic eliitic bra. AVOCADO tees. ' '• ' ; ' your comfort..: your conven- It'H tlex'ible vj'r.itK conrtfort counts, cur cris.^ in Hanes seamless stockings Frederick T. Deacon. Mr. Sub- ience . . . your home's beauty. Glamour Tieha HII.OJS will fusViioa your feet for tho crosi \xndef the unr.. A"»v>/ Its just-bought RITZ CRACKERS 27« code was on-stage in the club's Call us today. ~ shape, feeLi Yikr: a ilnc*. PEARS .. ea. 23c presentations- of "The Solid Gold bnghfc new spring ctttfojv. We've ^ot a pair to Another look! Y'-.i s-<« the cupn ir« j'--. 6. 39 > Ing. A. D,,^ and D tups. From $3.95 $1.35 — 51.95 Walter II. Jones. Bcauregard Jackson Pickctt Burnside, had Icadina roles in "Desperate Hours' "ZIMMERMAN BOEKKt IN. and "Visit to a Small Pluntt" and has been a member of the staging committee., • BROTHERS ma »TO«C It The secretary, Agnes Gooch, is 309 S. Union Ave. BRidge 6-0234 , played by Mrs. Earl P. Neal, Jr., BRIDGE 6-0234 North Union Ave. who was cast In the club's fall Cranford, N. J. NORTH UNION AVE1 23 North Union Avt. assembly, "The Women." Mrs. BR 64898 MU 8-9344

. ;&,>;-'* ,.;:/,'u.: ;.^^:;tV,'.'^.'f-': - .?. •>.-. **'^' -.->•.' .'^ .1. -t.. CRANTORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, dRANFORD, N. J. , THtmSOAY, APRIL 14, 19C0 tlon In jprcvloun year*. '- sidered no right tn a year of vic- Oulnther, Gary t Cranford couples, the Installation of past -and auxili tory, and now considered so wrong of their first child, a son, Peter Osborne Criticizes Attempts ColonyClubtoHoldElection,Cub Pack 103 las Sherrod, John group In the Isklts-A-Fran- Charles, Jr.. on April 8 at Eliza. 'f HAPPY EASTER FOOD VALUES.. ary officers will take placo at 8 in I960 by "some who were pre- David Owen. ,how staged in the fall by 1ft p.m. April 1] at the post home. vious beneficiaries of its rc.com- •"*! beth General Hospital. Mr. and ; It was announced that Bcth-El, met recently for Mrs. George C. Spahn of 38 Mun To Split Freeholder Team' It waa announced that delegates mohdatlons7\' ^ i t B d from the pott and auxiliary at Witness Lighting Program Dens Present trip to Camp W Inn!* and dancing at Bow andsce.drive are the paternal grand » Harry V. Osborne. Jr.. of Cranford. a member of the organization (rrow Manor, West Orange. They tended initallaUonV in Plolnfield Election of officers will take place tonight at the monthly meet* place on April 23. parents, and the maternal grand slate for tho three Republican freeholder rmtntimioni. said today at- Ing of the Colony Club of Cranford in Veterans' Memorial Hall. Mrs. £,c Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Ostro, parent^ nre Mr. and Mrs. Steve - tempta to apiirtftcrorganlatlim-tgaiii .'luai tamiii \amR*lt\y^vtmK* I nut wmrtt-end. m rt Mrs. Jack Schwartz, Mr. j G^^lhbrttdfldt^ track meet will b hciHM Iluszar df Rahway. ccssful." •.;." • » • •;•. • Mrs. J. E. McGov' Republican* Tuesday." sent a program, '.'Lighting Is a ,. birth of o daughter, Carolyn ney. . Tttv lLadMfs Auxiliary to Capt. Hugo M. Stulger. Jr., and Mrs.comed into the pack: Edward Miss Florence Wlshnrd of w» alg on April 0 at Muhlcnbcrg Mr. Osborno'B running mate;; Freeholder Trio meeting and meeting, were Sensation." / Benedict P. Morclli to audit the Kammlcr, Robert Mokryckl, Carl ren Township has -assumed Z Other officers were elected ns N. K Fbfcr. rvsa MS, VTW. has hcld by Cub Pack '175 nt Cran- lospitul, Plalnflcld. Mrs. Ruth nr« Albert S: Kopf of Elisabeth Mr. Bowles Is .the sales promo- treasurer's books. '.•••". Frank, Kenneth Orgcl and Henry lichins of 74 Centennial avenue is follows: Vice-chairman. Mrs. C und Peter J. McDonough of Platn- announced < ttaafl a S312 donation. ford Methodist Church Saturday tion representative, residential The welfare department meet- position of cxecutlvo tiircetor!! C. Goodfcllow;' secretary, Mrs. C Support Told Kochlcr. - •••:,••.•;.. lc piilcrnal grandmother. ll«;ld.' They were selected to make rcpsvsvratknc tbic proems* from tho the Visiting 'Homcmiikc- ~ * .j Heading strongly to what wasnight. Several films on the same lighting, for Public; ^ervice Elec- ing was held recently at the homo Graduation certificates were Isr of Control Union 'Coui.. V. Chamberlln; treasurer, Mrs. 11. the race by ..the Union County Rr- Match 38 aiartian. As' coins to, the termed "Irrational criticism" of subject were shown. Dun S won intric & Gas Co., Newark. He has'of Mrs. E. W. Fielder, 4 Craig sued to Peter Edge, Thomas Slg- headquarters at lo Nurth' I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brewster M. Edwards imd corresponding . publican Committee's .policy com- Cystic itbawif Fund. studied lighting through the En-place. The following members Secretary, Mrs. It. S, Wie'sc. tho Itppubllcan policy committee, charge of the flog ceremony. ardson, William Ohlerich, George avenuo. She is rephdri. I 34 North avenuo, west, Gor- mittee. Ttxr aEunxMsracnnrini. was made gineering Society of New York, were present: Mrs..Richard Carl- Plans w«-re made for a tea on three- prominent county. Republi- Awards were presented aw fol- Valscr, Thomas Mokrycki, Gary Katharine W. Wells, who * ood, formerly of Cranford, huvo •'Our well-cordlnatcd, hard-hit- Mott«ii» tirjrfni a^l * mWiJnfi of the cans joined uxiny—In support, of and at the General Electric Light- son, Mrs. Vincent Daniel, Mrs. Bradfleld and toward Tcese. ing to Florida. . i, i.(] the birth of their "BCC- May 6 for the junior 'volunteer* au&iUacy cm ttar Vcirvans* Mem- lows: nO nt ul the home of Mrs. Paul Mar- ting cnmpalgn Ims mndc us the Harry V. 0»bornorJ«ftj-of jbranford, ing Institute, Ncln Park, Cleve- Robert McDowell, Mrs. Earl Shea, Cubmnster Reginald Lingcrfeldt Miss Wlshard Uiukht hii child,-Sally Anne, on April 6 Com* See... You'll Save! teiim t« boiit next Tuesday. and orial Muetw, Tftar mw»rtin8 . wart, Den 3—Richard Dntdorf, silver tens, junior volunteer chairman, Albert S. 'jKbpf of BU^obMh and arrow on lion; Craig Snydcr, gold land, Ohio. Mrs. John V. Silllmon, Mrs. presented the following achieve- mathematics In Istnnbu'l, 'overlook Hospital Summit. our opponentB can only chase opvtwtl hy Mi's. R**>crt Colston. lVtor J. IVIcDonough of f Ijlliiflcld. Ho Is conducting tin Academy Charles J. Stevens, Mrs. Joseph R. ment awards: . • V " while also represent ing t hey' also have u son, Peter. , Mr. A tour was announced on April president. att.fi. tumod ever to Mrs. arrow and two silver urrows on 20 at 8:15 p.m. of Overlook Hospi- . along behind us," Mr:/-Osborne the rceommi-ndcd cdndjdatCH of tho bear; Richard Rastelll, wolf badge of Lighting Arts courso for Pub-Talcott. Mrs. Ernest ' Willgcroth Wcbclos, tho highest award in trbller American j Mrs. Hobert Brewster of 15 said. 'Attempts to split our team SurjiSJiicd. pnoadenl-olcct. policy committee. lic Service, a 12-week trulning and Mrs. William Yuill. cubbing, Peter Edge, Thomas Slg- schools In Near Eaqtern „„„ dian Spring road are the pater- tal. A.letter was read froth Hobert Kwy •'. 1Bxonfc*TitjciH'« senior and gold arrow; John Castile, boar E. Heinlvln, director of Overlook hove only one aim — to guin the v "Nothing is more important to progrum on nil phases of residen- Mrs. Richard Broducld has been An oxpert In Latin anif'tii** Jjl urandpurents and Mr. and badge and gold arrow; Itlchard ordson, William Ohlerich, George Hospital, thanking the group for nomination for someone-else." vhaenmaun. !>, Brett Alan, was born to Mrs. Charles Messerve anr YELLOW BANANAS XT 10' endorse our opponents." through victory at the polls."* stripe; Joseph Krapf, nil vor arrow tions and slides In his program. Candidates for the Cranford Board ShapJroi and Russell Lovclnnd; raising groups for the. aid "They, too. would like to divide older tiucmtunr* oois and to reunite Greek and Arab children. |r. and Mrs. Walter E. Chapman, nounced the annual luncheon on >lii trtcnui* ' Mrv. Slrmlw^hoff also Jhe three, long, associated with on wolf and one-year pin; Thomas Mrs. Willliim C. Tromcttcr, hos- of Education. Mrs: Thomas'Trim- bear, Robert Panklcwltz, Alan May 26 at the Baltusrol Country us. because they would prefer to Miss Wlshard Is n gradual* rf r., of 0 Blake avenue, on March FLORIDA ORANGES 5 39' announced than Ihr auxiliary is Republican" activities though not Klrwnn, silver arrow on wolf. tess chairman lor the evening, will ble, will serve as senior rcpresen- Cramer, Robert Harris. Clyde j' nt Muhlcnbcrg Hospital in Club. sec u weaker ttlajte nominated. It connected with the policy com- Henderson, Kim Mayer, Robert Hanover, College, Harmvcr, far r It Win* a food baiSun for Eartcr io Den 7—Paul Deen, denner stripe bo asslstod . by Mrs. James Me-tative. :must be obvious that the Demo- and attended Johns Hofiklm Unl Bninrti-td, Mr. and Mrs. George E. sctiioc ntucia on t)ar community mittee, arc Leonard E. Best,, and two-year pin; Richard Mon- Kjeldscn, Larry Janowskl and of 27 Blake avenue arc the of 1950 Reunion FRESH ASPARAGUS w 2 33' crats only do this for their own Springfield industrialist and a tag, assistant dennor stripe; Den Tom Gcrlty; wolf, Keith Voll- vcrslty; Baltimore, Md., for mi.\ thruuch ttor OnamScmd W<-lf*rc As- uate studies in classical Ian. atornal grandparents, and Mr. w d e Kotfd," Mr. Osborne said. leader in the field of public edu- 11—-Olen Grlmshaw, denner stripe; hcrbst and Cappy -Hansel... ", . Mm. Walter-Chapman of 31Committee Svht Meeting; The freeholder ciihclidat? nutt- cation: Richard P. Hat field, former Thomas Hubink, gold and silver Garden Club Speaker Urges guages. and litcruturc. CAULIFLOWER % ^t • 29 Ttur auultaiy rp Robert Dccn and Christopher Duvld G. Fables, Jr., biology professor ^it Union Junior College, Donald Gfcgcrich, James silver-, il(.nb'erg Hospital,. Plainficld. The committee will meet at 8:30 .' B«lh realarci In %According to U. S. Gov't. Specification! tire organization ticket would De- Klrkmre mrparjnd that the rangements wero discussed for the Professor Fables- pointed out sistant dennor, Steve Brooks and IThiu- first daughter, Patricia Cranberry Sauce lican Party," they stated. "This Cubrhobllc Derby to be held pn NOON AN MAIlHIUUl nominated April 10 and would win swptir. scrapbodk Was that the Great Swump is the only Donald Giegcrlch; bobcat,. John lin, was born to Mr. and Mrs.License Revoked Broccoli ••••:SS3 4 ZAT in November "because it is thecumpU'tcil and srmi to Twnton for committee made sure that qualified the High street hilt at 1:30 p.m.area of Us kind in, the Northeast ROOKIE" Lnry J. Tomaszewski, Jr., of 23 candidates were attracted into each on May 7. - Brittle, Thomas Brittle, William Driver's license of George Bauer, strongest possible group and hasstatt- «'ocit(wIacv wins in (lap state and has the "Gold Star Inspection/ to be and animal life found there is un- Daily liiabcth. Tho couple also has two On2na»|, AJPBranJ-OurFintit Quality A 10 01. 4An November. Because of the success held at Warlnanco Park, Elizabeth, In Easter i* MT>. Walt DISNEY'S speed revocation program, effec- County. placed hjfcft tun roatanjul competi- usual for this section,of the stute opinacn ,-. a.oPP.dOrit«i • S»i»:. w Split, Cut-Up of the candidates put forth by this on Muy 0. The meeting was con- tive as of March 21, according to d therefore should be. preserved. *T0BY TYLER" I '•• --o^-'. ' ••' an announcement this week by or Quartered committee in 1959 the Republican ducted by Norman Ross. Den 11He added that a museum also could [Mr. and*Mrs. Peter C. Spahn ^f Libby's Whole Green Beans executive committee voted the won the attendance award. ' Egg Hunt r ALL NEW Ned J. Parsekian, acting director be developed in the area. MIUMIIM. N. J. DROMI (tmut)| 1 Libby's Cream Style Corn No system," they pointed out, becoming cubs may get In touch Preserve" Is working to assure by Captain Newell Rodney Flake __ »tata. ThUrt.. Sat.. 2:30 : COMING SOON Pligi, CHICKE "is immune to the benefit of con- TOE NEW SBA8ON OF 1980 10 oi/zlftc with Harold Deen at tho church. establishment of .the Great Swamp Post 335; VFW, at Nomahegan RIU : AnMiooj Libby's Jumbo Asparagus pu "Super- Grain- structive criticism, but it is hard Women interested In serving Us urea as.u nature preserve. (^ Pork on Saturday afternoon.'. Opens Mon., April 18 HAYWORTII FRANCIOSAl MARJORY KASEN A&P's Top-Grade — "Saner-Right" Quality to argue with success. How then den mothers" starting In .the fall • Co-hostesses for the evening The hunt \v;is conducted for ago "THE STORY ON Morton's Pot Pies cuu^uy 2 !^ 49° Quality" OF Fed ean the policy committee be con- ulso may contact Mr. Deen.. THRU SUNDAY. MAY 22 STUDIO OF ART were'Mrs. Burton L. Jamison and grotips of C to 10 and 2 to 5. with PAGE ONE" . Mrs. Joseph B. Walton. Flower ar- prizes in each group. Members of 12 Keith Jeffries Ave., Cranford Birds Eye French Fries 1 Z 37° PATTIKARR James GARNER Natalie W00D| Regular Style Oven-Ready • /. rangements were by Mrs. Henry the post und auxiliary deposited Shortcut Short Cut A Word To The Wise! B. Dotcring, Mrs. James S. Clarke 2,500 candy eggs, in addition to "CASHMcCAU" "No picture really satisfies unless the foundation 59: and Mrs. G. Keith Warner. Mrs. the prize eggs, for the children to Dairy Favorites Ih. Clarke presided. seek. •"•• ^ is sound." Inporlid Holland Canned Republican Voters Of Cranford Those plump A&P Turkeys arc specially bred, Frtsh Oradt A JPenise Mnrshak of 14 , Brown Classes for Adults specially selected and specially delicious . . . and — For Freeholders— tefrace won a bicycle for finding 12.69 ^4.4R Legion Auxiliary IN DRAWING, PAINTING, LETTERING ' UNOXHAMS Voto As Follows: the gold egg in the 6 to 10 group, 1 dozen JTWt C priced'according to sizo. They're all top grade Presents Gold and Thomas Isaac of 101 Scvcrin I Tues. Morning and Tues. Evenings WHITE EGG! 59. FRESH FLOUNDER FILLET 69 and perfect for a truly festive Easter Dinner. court won a wagon for finding tho POSITIVELY « DAYS ONIT ATURAL «oi. e AY Btmi EmcaBltoaal Vacallan i Beginning April 26 d—Domollio pig. Member Card gold egg in the 2, to 5 group. far UM T»an« al Hurt Swiss Slices 39 Mrs. Alex Hcthcrington, a char- Bruce Thompson of 9 Preston- Term Ending June 28 SLICED AMERICAN lb e A Lawyer and Resident of Cranford ter member of Cranford Unit 212, avenue won a fishing rod and TOUBSOAY. 8ATHBDAY * RVNDtt Jules VERNE'S Mel-o-Bit P«ll*urii«d Proceti—Mild CUoM American Legion Auxiliary, was reel for finding the silver egg in 57 DEI MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL presented with a gold 'life' mem- the t) to 10 group, and Camllle "JOURNEY TO THE New Classes for Children Danish Blue Ch K,jJ3« EDWARD TILLER bership card as the auxiliary cele- Mollspena was awarded a large CENTER THE FUN OF CARTOONING brated its 28th anniversary at the stuffed rabbit for finding the sil- RIALTO PRIDE OF OF THE EARTH" Gorgoniola Domestic Cheese , Mayor of Garwood Maple Tree Inn, Fnnwood, last ver egg in the 2-5 group. • ADam* 2-ltU ' Instructor — Cartoonist Robert Ochsner Thursday night.' The presenta- Other winners in the 6 to 10 James Pat TOMATO CATSUP THE FARM NOW THRU TUESDAY Drawing and Painting Classes for Children Borden'sCamembert tion was made by Mrs. Edward group were: MASON BOONE DAHL| •Fancy Witcortiln AIP Ins*—Our Finsst )«l Monte Brand EDWARD PIZZI Kurtz, president. Carol Wclsgcrber, Reed Strobl, "Th» BIG FISHERMAN" Visa Vaatan licailh' Cartwn. Resuming on Saturdays as Usual. n This was only the second such Mild Cheddar Cheese Longhorn A Lawyor of Summit Susan Cln,rk. Cindy Bloha, Rusty la T«ckal««Ur MR. MAOOO la New Term for Both Classes Starts presentation made by the local Mosier. Donna' Milius, Michael Po- •»*• >U»jr «l Blaun P*l«r at QalltM APPLES unit The first was to Mrs. Ed- •£OJJN WMKDAVS AT llSS * «:SS "1001 Arabian Nighh- Saturday, April 23 Kraft's Cheei-Whii - 3 ko, Grace Leonard. Thomas Korn- SHOWN SATURDAY at Silo * »:oa For Fryingt Pure Vegatable Slioricnlnj They Are Capable, Honest and ward OEarhart, first president. cr and Jeannine Stvobl. SHOWN aUNDAV AT tllB. 8:10. I,M RETURN8 TO OVR SCREEN | Ends .June 25 Mrs. Hetherington, a resident of Borden's Heavy Cream -£*W •73« P'">* AAC ' Wit!, Se of* Lk.l Other winners in the 2 to 5 , STECIAL KIDDIE SHOW MONDAY. ArBIL IHk boltlo JL9 boHta Deserve YOUR Support Roselle, served as president of the Cary GRANT Tony CUHB| WESSON OIL group were: , • • Satorday Matinee For Information and Registration Call BR 6-5249 Borders Milk. H^W 2:155' corijj.- ^ 46 oi. Cranford unit and also Is a former la UM yaarS fuuileal pltlan A»P B/«n —Paid for by Edward C. McMahon county president. ' Barbara Perry. Gail Snyder, Pa- 'K.thyO'&'War Arrow' 25 . ICE CREllaWcli.<>«!., 3# Achievement Company sponsored Church, Clark. Mrs. William "VISIT TO A Choice of Appetizers, including Aa^a>m Ef>Ma« Chocolata Cov«r«J—Auort»d by U. S. Metals Refining Co., Cor- Armstrong of Cranford is chair- APPLE PIE 55 "25" Fresh Fruit Cup or Shrimp Cocktail! terct. The company manufactures man. . • SMALL PLANET" Leave it to Jane Parker to dp it up brown! IrukonClub ,ttz 12Z.& an*—A Story About Money and Lots of juicy apple slices are tucked under a CinaAr Ala Canada Dry. Wtiif* Roe< ' f% '«'9« AQc Celery Heart. Olives and Relishes; . MarehmallowEsgs 1 Women and how to gel 'em! crust that comes out of the ovon just right! UingCI MIC Pla»dapo«r* *bof>t« W J /, e , *«*» Vef» George Chocolate Rabbits pig. Hoffman Club Soda j^^^ 4 "Z S7 New Hampshire House Chicken Pie —.3.00 More Jane Parker1 Values! V C EASTER GOLD TOUCH TO Mason Miles; Sanders PARAMOUNT' Standing Rabbit Baked Hickory-Cured Ham. Cider Sauce — 3 50 A TOUCH Of LARCENY No Cal Beverages £ £S 2 ^t 29 ART CINEMA A&P's rlZ%Z Coffees! Roast Sirloin of Beef au Jus — 3.25 , LAWN SUCCESS Easter Egg Cake A Large Variety of Roast Leg of Spring Lamb Provincale — 3.75 Mild and Woltow with an ' Eight O'clock 3 Ib. bag 145 Alaskan King Crabmeat au Gratin — 3.50 Fruit Stollen 59< — Now Showing - Red Circle - "*££%"" Roast Prime Ribs of Beef — 4.25 EAR RING PARK EASTER FLOWERS '. ACADEMY AWARD Hot Cross Buns Available at most A&P Super Markers v:9orou4 dWn# y Roast Stuffed Turkey, Cranberry Relish — 355 OHeatBB* B-U5S 31b. bag I 89 NECKLACE SET WINNER I I t Bokar Coffee *" NOW PLAYING SIMONE SIGNORET Everybody wears (?d uiards shoes Fresh Garden Vegetables. Potatoes . AT rorOLAB rSKU -Bes* Aetrm of the IW' Bosco Kara Syrup Chicken Broth Heinz B&M's Mexicorn Golden Corn Fritters with Syrup fl—p n*n»4 r«ta* " in the Easter/Parade BROWN I BAKED Mill amplifiar S Blu.Ub.1 Rictiardion & Robbirrt G/««T G'***' brand Choice of Salad Course Green Gold Lawn Food "Th» BIG FISHERMAN" Soon as Easter Bunny found out that Xjtmtit shoes have Sweet Gherkins BREAD I BEAKS Howard KEEL 8osan KOHNEB W;rltS-..f A list "S Cinnamon Rolls Parker House Rolls It, Quality flut Fashion, he hopped out and got him-' • »%••*-•!• c Mia SAXON Martha HID P«pp«'« eani " *M a pair. Smart bunny—now he's right in sUp wltb * can* •', ::;; Beverages and Choice 6f~over'30 Desserts! im atattllac T««kalMlar jar r" ! 2::;; 37* GARDEN GIOVES yew* |e* •ATUBOAT ua 8DMDAT •Uth other STARTS MONDAY. APaUL IS Ther«'» a wonderful selection — bring your youngster* THE GREAT ATlANTIC & PAQFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. An^lSoft * Complete Dinner for Children — $2.00 Lebanon Label and 75* l» today. . Beech-Nut Gerber's tSUSSZ. Baby Foods r> Baby Foods Facial Tissues Serving Dinner from 12 Noon until 7 PJtf. XATIMaUta DAOYAT HIS Strained Chopped Stramad Cnoppad Walt DISNEY'S $uper J^arkets C c i WKIt. For Reservations,, call ClUttvamv 3-1513 JERRY KEMMERER 'TOBY TYLER" 10* 95° 6*85 10"95 6 85 2 i. A & A HARDWARE CO. Kerin CORCORAN aa4 hb AMERICA'S DIPENDABU FOOD MERCHANT SINCE I8S9 THE NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE RESTAURANT WATCHMAKER - JEWELER Circna Friends . 2 12 North Av., W. ' Cranford "« a ktmaa m Tanaa T01KNLEY SHOES • ' • • / Denny Mnijn Prices eHective through Saturday, April 16th in Super Markets and Self-Service stores only in New Jersey. Sraten Island and RocMand County. BRM301 Ett.1906 Frt* Delivery Dnny n ^ EASTMAN ST. (qcross from Cranford Theatre) BB ft-1280 ^.:r^& . - BH 2-S270 - Craniord Tarun Th« AM Man 103 MILN ST., CRANFORD — OPEN EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY UNTIL 9 • An T«»»«l—laifi._._ / I ' • / Pi?-:' I~&X'~'' •:••• Seve» CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, CRANFORD, N. J. , APBIL M, CRANFORD CtTIZEK AND CHRONICLE. CRANFORD. N. J.

Anrm ilb\vorjd of Hampton, Va., today to, spend the Easter at Moravian and he and.; grams for the cominjj year." Flu. Their daughter, MIRH Sally friends In El Paso, T«jc,, and-St. d Fiancee of Local Resident and Miss Euolone Sizemore of vacation at, tl»e horoe. of. his room- his wife expect to be in the United Mrv clarence Burstein , of 7 Van Why, and Mins Nancy Damon, Mo. . •--,.• .. „ •' Wednesday Club's Program Green Thumb Newcomer^ Collegians'Corner ^larkkvillc, Va. Miss Lnrsen was States for four years. Shc-tUnd drive, mtmbcrship chair- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. initiated recently into -Deltas Psl mate. Thomas Watson of Center," Mr. and Mrs. Charles j*. Toye of —\°~~ rp.«ii. 'will • discuss th«- teasteas' which Damon of 31^ Prospect avenue, Westfield announce the engace- Ornciiu, honorary dramatic frar Tex. Births DaneeTfckets nt Douglass Col- College, Frederick, Md. The ex- Donald Sains, a freshman at for the hear j will leave Saturday t<» spend Eas- Mr. and &rs. Robert F. IMrcks of In Keeping with Season . Y Has Corsage ment pf their daughter, Elizobbth Club Elects [. \ |,,; have- been,electee! of- te^nity. Hit-hard Larscn returned Bridgeport University in Bridge-' V tracurricular association •!•; the' nbme last Friday from Admiral Miss Carol Woolley, a senior at fuJurt- ;.jid give ;i |>rogn-ss re|«>rt. El Monte. Calif., announce tho JJath-JJ Ann, to James Lawrence Bryon- !„ „! their clnsucs nt the wom- port. Conn., and his sister. Miss \ i ter week.with them. student group re.'iponslhle f»r the •Fnrrai'JHt Acadeipy. Pine Beach, Buckncll UniversUy. l Mrs. Edivjrd Dorfmari of Kenll- . . • —ii,—' * • birth of. a daughter. Brcnda Jean, ews of WcstUcld lust Wednesday at the regular meeting of tho Wed- [' visUiii of the State Univor- frenhmnn .tt Mont- ' wrth. fiind-rr*M *n(? Worksht coordination and direction" of' nil- tor Easter recess: Pa..-.-nrrlviSrhoine Friclay to i-^tm-Anrth^nrStdVJncent'ftJBofpl^ Tickets are now on' sale tor. ry A. Bryan-Ashwell of 104 Park lurif Miss Nancy. D. CoJ- clair Stale College, will spend j outline plani: for Tag Dny. and for nesday Morning Club.' Mrs. J. J. Banker was hostess to the,group in Mrs. Harold L. Walsh, n mem- Mrs. Carl Holrnqvisi Wi,s ,.i campus' actlvltieK. 'Minx Fisher, the Easter vacation with her "par- nilly and children-, Jill iind "Bill, tal, Los Angeles. Potcrnah grand- Swing into Spring," a dance to be drive. Easter week-end in Washington. \ j^,. f,rf_f rummuijc sale of the new her home, 19 Dartmouth road. ber of the Green Thumb Garden president of the Sunny Acres r 314 North" avenue, cost, a graduate of Cranford Hiuh Daniel S. Berry. Jr.', son of Mr: ents, Public Works Commissioner of.-10 Indian . Spring r'oad. will parents are Mr. and Mra. Harry icld May 6 at the Chl-Am Cha- I>,C. Their parent.1 arc Mr. and \ .-,^, .,, hir)i ir: to take place early 1 Miss Mathews opened her,pro- Club. Instructed her fclloW mem- Miss Toyo.lB o graduate of Holy den Club hwrt Thursday nig^ \ , nt Association rcpre-. School, is n lophoiiiori'. - She and Mrs. D. S. Berry of 400 Pros- and Mrs. C. Van Chamborlln of 0 it l w leave today for a 10-day vacation G. Dircks of 341 Beech ayenue, cau, Mountainsid.e, by the Cran- Trinity High School, Westfield, the regular monthly ,,.,r 8' I Mrs. Edward'Salax of 10 Iti>m«re j Garwood, formerly .of Cranford. gram by a dramatic reading from bers in the art of making corsages m Clnss of 1908. ami Miss served' 'this yenr ;is Sc:<:r<-tiiry- poet, jivenue, has been chosen to Forest avenue. '"••••'.; in Daytona, Fla. 'ord Newcomers' Club, it wns an- and is at present attending the Osceolu Church. *. * «1 WrlKht of 220 Walnut Mr. Allan•'Kane of 105 Wikliirc the-JJibie of the first and second ij a meeting last Thursday. Mrs. trcasurer^of the become a member of Sphinx, one , • - -o—* . ... lounccd by Mrs.. Frank McGurk, Harrison S^" Mnrtland Medical Other officers elected !lr,.. : vIcM-prcsldcnt of the Class >f three .senior societies at Dart- elr»vi\ t-xerutivcr vice-president in Mr. and. Mrs. CJ«.-orgi.- W. A.l- Mr. and Mrs. Iiobcrt S. Beldcn chapters of .Genesis. This crea- Walsh demonstrated n wrist cor- . Kenneth W. MeekH of Cranford, Mis;: Janalce Il.irlow of 4 sapje. shattering A carnation into a 'hnirmiin of the dance committee. Center School of Nursing, Newark. vice-president. Mrs. c. j , LnVr.V Timmitv!, son of Mrs. Rob- mouth College, New members are a student at Newark State College', jr of prograinining;. ..will n:~ j bertM.r of 10 Dartniwlth road re- of Lynchbqrg, Va. have announced tion, sho stilted, we see all around edo place-will arrive home tnday ; L, spray, and u basic corsage. Thirteen members met At Mrs. Mr. Bryan-Ashwell 'is a grad- second .vice-president, .\{n „ i ert Tirnmlns or 229 Wiilnut {ivr- chosen from the junior class by attended the ltf'aflr'Mid-Atlantic. tin tMitcrtainment Kcnt'dulcd | turned last week followiiig a the birth, of their second son, M|- Us, each 'spring. Other readings for n six-day spring Vacation from. f<>r ehael Peter, on March 14. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brudlleld of 31 uate of Cranford High School and Catlln; recording sifi,i;irv ^ Nancy Oail nue,,, is-spendinu hix sprinR vat'ii- ti senior members' of the Model General ;Assembly- at the Future Mrs. Kane Hirer-week visit with their s'in McGurk's home to put the flnish" mtl Virginia Intermont CoU«-ge. Kris- [ Mrs. B. C. Beldcn of 10 Manor were the. following poiuns: "The Park avenue wns the hostess, as- ng touches on decorations for the Union Junior College. He attend- F. A. Wagner;•corre^H,,,,!,',,', .,„„.<• of Mr. and Mrs. Paul tlon at. home. He IK a freshm.-in at three senior . societies. Sphinx, State University College of Edu- •1M> will preside' •'•' the board and.daughter-in-law, M.'iincl Mrs. tol, Va.. wheru she i;:a freshnuin. ,' Holx-rt 1/,. Alberson of Tm-viori, iivi-nin: arc the, paternal grand- Swallow Song," written in the sisted , by Mrs. Lawrie Montgom- ance. They were: Mrs. Robert ed William and Mary College, Wii- .'I..,,, Jr., 15 Woods Hole road, Middle State Teacher's College, CaSqne, and Cluuntlet and Dragon. cation at Albany, N. Y. last Frl- Murfreesboro, Tenn. He. hus ' »a The local man is a .U'aduate of She is the...daughter M Mr. and ltdbert I,. Albertson of TiicKon, parents;. . • •" . " i' fourth century. B. C, by Callis- ery! Mrs. John Marti and Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Conrad Lynch. Mrs; Uamsburg, Va., and Is employed Mrs. I, „ Itii spring vacation from duy, Saturday and - Sunday. He Th<" newlv-«-st .his cuect. Ronnie Illaiisi-U.or Mur- the I'eddle School, has been a Mrs. Oleorgu II. Barlow. ' tratu^; "Ancient Music" by Ezra Thomas Kelly made arrangements.; iValter Koch, Mrs. Harold Ehren- by the Equity Press, Inc., New Dr. Elizabeth Wn.M| ,,, .,' ;u-tmk COHCJIP ]t -^,' served on the trusteeship corhmit- I7.ili<-n program fwn. on Friday and will tec and he represented the Phil- tal p.'iti<-nts- will !«• the major top- . Po'nnil;, excerpts from Chaucer's Mrs. Kenneth Boremus of the jetk, Mrs. Rlchurd Blower, Mrs. dle State. • basketball; sqliad and is also a Eugene E. Engel of Crnniord has ^ No definite wedding date hus members about iris ;mi|< :ni(l civic ;i(fairs chairman, Mrs/ ftudolf Iwmsli, ., MIKK I-ynn Liusen, daughter of Mr>. Chester' Kaufman'of Hi Men- GINGHAM GIELB Wilderness" by Kenneth Graham. Williamson. ianlcy, Mrs. Rudolph Novella, club gates from 44 colleges and unl- University of Virginia'. Charlottes-! Mrs. Williamson, president, pre- Mrs. Howard Ulsiimer, Mrs. Wil.- member, demons!rated ,!,.,., MK M.'n.ly Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mis. H. A. Liifsen of 207 er.sitieS from the Middle Atlantic dt-ll avenue. ~ Mrs. 1\ O. Tomlin^'on was pro- 'iiiiiH ',,1 M«H. Homer C. Fisher of Oak lane, has, returned to AVei'ett Helen Moore, 7 Burchfleld ayc- vine, ••"-..' ' Ijtliua'nlun Easter e^s. " . , . , • i sided at the meeting. Elma Adams iam Gray and Mrs. Thomas Si- Garden Therapy nue, has been nominated to the nil New England States. • fcrmii chairman and introduced the ; Mrs. -Wesley Pliil,, ,„,.',.,. lmicrc piirkway, has been Colk'Ke, Dflnville, Va., wln-re s\w Mrs. Frank. Reed, chairman of gai*dson. ' IK a senior, followiniJ spring receKK. Muryjjrove College Chapter' of ' Hlchiird Alherts'on of- 10 Dart-i speaker; Hostesses for. (he «v.i.i,ig ,. . ,(,,! -vice-president of the cx- SOCIALS the nominating committee, pre- Al Schmidt and- his orchestra MISS ELIZABETH ANN TOVE Workshop Set w r Alphii Liirnbda .Delta, national Dennis Chew, son of Mr. and mouth roiid |H spending the sprinc Mrs. Hobert M. Boach of 8 Hiver- To Make Debut n [riirrlcular association at Hood Sho had us hep tuestk Miss Carole i Vi-urci' of San Antonio, sented the new slate of officer's as ivill proVidi- music for dancing Mrs. Wilfred T.ullirVml mlV. honor fraternity for freshmen rs. Robert Chew. 007 Willow vacation lit home before return- siile drive was welcomed back formerly of Cranford, Ir. follows: President, Mrs. Kelly; rom 1) p.m.., to 1:30 a.m. The Russell Pierce. "* women. Formai candlelight, in- ;tr,eel; 'MISM Margaret Hertey,. ing Sunday to Temple University; into membership. In Carnegie Hall ByFloraphiles x-isiting for ;i week with hi;: p.-ir- Elec'ted delegates to the N. J. Vice-president, Mrs.' Larry Simon-- laiit'e Is an open informal one. Colony Club Tells A daytime workshop Wils h,,1rf itiation ceremonies will be held on laughter, of Mr. and Mrs. John Phlludelplu.t, I'a., where he is :> Elma Adams of 173 Garden A garden therapy workshop will TucRduy at. Mrs. IMiili the Detroit'campUM April 28, Hertey, 305 Maple place; and Miss rti\-- in G'i'irwofdi. State Annual Contention of Feder- sen; recording . secretary, Mrs. ifckets may be obtained from any be the highlight of the next moot- . medical student. John' Boffu: corresponding secre- street will make her debut at 5:30 make arrangements Mnore, daughter of Mrs. Helen B, Snndru Kromor, daughter" of Mr. . sited clubs in Atlantic City, to be MISS BARBARA SOU KAIX p.m. April 24' at Carnegie Recital nembcr of the dance committee, Dance Agenda ing of the Floraphlle Gurden Club Mr;;.- Elmer A. Koyen or 215 tary, Mrs. Marti; treasurer, Mrs. white flowers. Moore, wiis graduated last Junt: nc» Mfii. Arthur Kromer, 204 Ar- hold in May, arc Mrs. K. W. lall. New York. ' ['able reservations should be made The annual spring dance of the to be held Monday at 8:15 p.m. G.G.NUNN Miln "• tr<-<-1 f-niertiiined :it lun- Joseph Babinec. from Cranford HlKh School,' jor street, students, at' Moravlan Schroeder and Mrs.- I). C. Crvigh- A native of New York and a .vith Mrs. Harold "Ehrcnbeck, 3 Colony Club of Cranford Will be at the home of Mrs. H. F. Wush- Kadimah Board cheon and bridjie la-:t Thursday for ton; alternates arc Mrs. \V. 11, Mrs. Marti will be chairman of Jendt'll iiyenue. burn, 16 Woods Hole road. REALTORS ollege, Bethlehem, Pn., have Mrs Carroll Si-llers, Mrs. Harold Barbara J. Kaul 'graduate of the Juilliard School of held Saturday. May 7. at the Sub- James Dlderico, son.,of.Mr. and Lnng and Mrs. Charles Hay. the closed tlower show to be held Persons interested in joining the Albert Huettemm olnud their fiimilles for the Slates Session Glovier. Mr<. Charles M. Hay.J Music, In recent, years Mrs. Adams Mrs.- HfibccL.Mitchell, program Mrs;-, Michael DiClerlco of 4 I.ex- Mrs. A. It. llouseknecht. Ameri- at her home, 12 Nomahegan court, urban Golf Club in Union. Danc- 'and eeeSs from April !)-!!>. ' Mir Harry Ki<-slinu. Mr«. Charles Prospective Bride >as .Studied piano' with -Alton lub may call Mrs. James Burns, chairman, and Mrs. Robert -P, intlton • avenue, has returned • t< can home chairman, announced next month. Mrs. Marti gave each 5 Connecticut avenue. ng will.be from IO p.m. to 2 a.m. Da vies, garden therapy chairman, Is Guest Artist Qn Year's Agenda J. Christian.' Mrs. Olive Clavin The 'engagement of Miss Bar- Jones of the Juilliard faculty and INSURORS LuhiRh University, where he is ; that a tour of local parks will be member a schedule for the show. was awarded his "Summer Muster with music furnished by Mort have asked - all club members . to Albert ,G. Huetteiniin, son rf Miss Margaret Hene.Vi daughter Kadimah '.Chapter, It'nai Il'rilh J liii-i Mrs. 1J-I,II E, Iliinl; made on April 25, weather per- bara Joy Kaul to Thomas F. Plans were formulated for a din" Newburgh and his orchestra. Mr, iind Mrs. Fred Hmttemanof junior, followitu; spring recess f Mr. and.Mrs. J. K. Heney of 305 Wornen,-will hold the first ••xecii-"7 lass" scholarship. - bring material suitable for making He wun initiated recently into the rnittinjj. Any club members inter- Shields, son of Jntntrs F. Shields of 121 North Lehlgh avuinic, Vlaple place, is spending her tive board meeting »>f the rnr\y\ ncr dance which will be held at In addition to recitals through- Mrs. Nicholas LaCortr. general scrapbooks that' would be of in- '" takes pleasure Lehiiih University Chapter of Chi 1'iiiljp !>• 'Francois: of 2 ested may call her for details recently in, the final in ring vacation at horne. She year at Clark Lanes', Clark,.;it(S:'3O - *.u*. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., and the the close of the season. out the northeast and south, Elma chairman, announced that several terest to patients at such institu- Epsilon fraternity, a iwitionhl hoh- w^y W.'IK hostess at bridge Mrs. W. J. Hoffmann and Mrs. meetings of her' committee have tions as Lyons Veterans' Hospital of the Tarkio :tatidin(i'in' schol- iea', were week-end guests of-Miss that the thn-e vlce-pre;;idents will ; Cow>«r, Mr... F. Cordon I.eech periods of. piano literature; M week. Joseph Kaul .of 4 Burchtivld ave- Oratorio Concert Musters on Radio Station WNYC Mernick are- in charge of invita- pecially requested: annuals, peren- r arship, character /and leadership Heney. Mr. Mvvihla is a freshman report, on their respectivtr pro-| and Mi William U. ' Weber of nials, house plants, arrangements Huetteman played . the Hivthovn MRS. JOHN A TURK 'Mrs, HolTttfaitu wishes to remind Peter Sozio of , 114 Eastman She is a member of the Westfleld iorts. The reservation committee He is also uresideiit of the Si«rn! Cr.-.i.J'.rd. Mrs, Hobert' Davies .of .all committee chairmen that their nue. : ; and humor. Sonata in C Major, 'p'pus 53; Schij. street will condUct the full chorus Musical Club. ; , . is comi«>scd of Mrs. LaCorte, Mrs. Nu social fraternity and a memv WtVsfi.-Id. Mrs. Ben G<;dde.'i and' yearly reports are due at tho next The prospective-bride was.grad- inunn Carnival, Opus'o.'-aii'd'L^ . 29 Craig Place and orchestra April 24 when the A local resident for about three Charles E. Angelbeck and Mrs. During the' business meeting •her of the- university lacrosse M*: itvniieUi Stiehl of .Short Hill;:. regular meeting, May •!, to be held uatcd/from* Cranford High School James. McGuire. Mrs. William S. Tomboau do Couperiit |»y. Hnvcl. Oratorio Society of New Jersey years, Mrs. Adams is the wife of that will precede the workshop. te;un. ' ' at the homo .of Mrs. Burelbach, 21 and Munhattanvitle College of the Lconhardt and Mrs. Chester J. Mr. Huettemau'i.s a imnibird has joined presents its last concert of a series Irving Adams, a research chemist Mrs. Francis Charles will conduct Mrs. Arthur W. Porcher of Hamilton avenue. Sacred Heart. Her fiance, an alum- at Fort Mohmouth. They are par- Micek arc in charge of general ar- the election of officers. The slate, the music faculty at lli ' • —°—' • YORK...WHOLE HOUSE Larg«, Fl;i.. 'foruterly-of C'ranford.','! of three for this season. \ '- rangements. . .:..' presented at-the March' meeting our Staff as a • Charles Boardman, son of Mr. nus of Manhattanvillc College, Johann Sebastian Bach's "MUss ents of two children. Dawn und ss- tv.nv.ile'/irii; in Morton Plant! Class of 1950. is a sales represen- Irving, Jr. ' by Mrs. Clifford Stockberger, and Mrs. Henry Itoardmap of 508 lfospii:d, Cleai \uxiU-r, Fla., from HochreinerrMcGrathr "" in B Alinor" will be performed at Mrs. Preston FCUH salesman. Springfield avenue, has relumed tative f6r> Wcstinghpuse Electric The formal gown Mrs. Adams chairman of the nominating com- a recent illnesi:. Engagement Announced 8 p.m. in the Montclair State Col- Mrs. Damon Feted mittee, includes: President, Mrs. Miss Eleanor McKim to Tuscuhitn College, Greeneville, AIR CONDITIONING Supply Co. "•"•< , ' lege Memorial Auditorium, Upper plans to wear at her debut.Is bo- Announcement has been made ng made by Mrs. Barbara Boyd Before Overseas Trip Francis Charles; . vice-president, Miss Eleanor Houston McKim, MRS. J Turin.", aftt*r spenHintj spring vaca- Mr. and Jiirs. Charles M. Van i A June wedding is planned. / - Montclair. , ' • . / . Mrs. J, B. Patborg; recording sec- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard tion here. He was chairman of IMMEDIAH IXKIf UUTAUATMW BT Why of 7 Frazer place left Friday of' the engagement of Miss Joan. 1 of Garden street. Mrs. David Everett Damon of Mari McGrath, daughter tof . Mr. :t : retary, Mrs/Kenneth B. Rihu; cor- McKim of 11(1 Orange avenue, the "April In Paris" dance spon- DEPENDABLE UNIVEKMl to vacation aboard the yacht, Pretty as a picture — these Simplicity Patterns Mr. and Mrs, Adams ^plan to Washington, b. C. will sail/ Mon- 7 "Naughty I-ady." at T'al;n Beach, and Mrs. Thomas KlcGrnth of Eli- go to • the • West Indies in Ma> responding secretary, Mrs'. H. F. Was honored nt II surprise initccl- A native of New Jersey, Mrs. Turk/attended sored • recently ' by hi;: dormitory day for Birmingham,. England, Washburn; treasurer, Mrs. John Ramsey, Hull.' Beat ifw Summer Heat to sew in a fresh-looking gingham.. .f zabeth, to Robert V. Hoelireiner of where Mrs. Adams will . piny at where she will visit for several .laneous bridal .shower Saturday Rutgers University and formerly was employed as . . . Call UNIVKBSAL Union, formerly of Cranford. son Social Happenings R. Conover. Serving with Mrs. evening given by Mrs. Charles M. '_ TdilaV liir full ,Vid* it's the "young look'Veveryone'wiH be ^ the Queen's Hall in Port-:of-Spuin. months with her son-in-law and • Bruce Brumfleld, son o,f Mr. and and VW.K Homo <\lr MW.I ' of Mrs.. John Hochreiner of Union Stockberger on the nominating Preston of'201. Orange, iivi.-nuc, a legal secretary by the Prudential Insurance Co. Clifldltliinlntf Survey, Trinidud. , daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mrs. David A. Brumlleld of 120 Priori* IX 2 2IM. Spe- rti wearing this season! And we have a complete and the late Mr. Hochreiner. Sally Pollock, daughter/ of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wasievvic/. of MISS BONNIE MAE HUNT committee were Mrs. James M. Decorations were itl yellotv'jind I clul rre-Se^ujn I'ruo Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson is Ameri- Phelan and Mrs. James P. Som- Il81 NORTH AVE., E. Elm street, a frechnyin at Tulane '795 Miss McGrath, a gradunte of St.: and Mrs. John Pollock of 215. Man- 34 Keith Jeffries avenue were white, and gifts were urrungcdj BRIDGE 6*8110 selection in rainbow colors... see them can Consul in England. merville. University, New Orleans, La., wil" Mary's High School. Elizabeth, is or avenue, entertained recently at hosts at a buffet party following Brandeia Committee : Mrs- Damon will spend Easter beneuth an Umbrella. / 1 today . ' ..-..«. secretary to State Senator Robert the confirmation of their son, Rich- Virginia College . Mrs. Joseph .V. O'Mulley will as- There were 111 nm-sts frorn I UNIVERSAL: a birthday party marking her si*ih Mats Lunelwon Plans week-end with her son and daugh- sist Mrs. Washburn'us co-hostess. %-Q* a rrtontfi. week. t«oton or a C. Crane of Westfield. ard, at St. Michael's Church on Cranlbrd, New Uruniiwlck and | Met.ir.«.w * tfi»r« it-no fm«r ploco ; The Brandeis University Nation- ter-in-law, Mr: and Mrs. E. Arm- A graduate of Thomas Jeffer- birthday anniversary. Guests were April 3.' Guests were from Cran- Student to Wed Flower arrangements will be sup- Westllcld. ... (of you o» th*.••>'<>• «, your here and is a member of Capt. ticler Restaurant, Millburn, at Mr. and Mrs, George E. Hunt the club is Mrs. Warren Perot. /- ••urvatien •ait^« 00 IT MODI Karen Dunn, and' Sally's sister, Damon. Jr.. of Summit will enter ern" Club, 310 Hampton street, will .Newell Rodney Fiske Post 335, 12:30 p.m. :>f Rocky Mount, Va., announce r take place «on June IX ;it the Mrs. George Ross of 17 Brook- The program will include, instal- tain at a party in heir honor Satur- VFW. He served in the-Army dur- Suzy. the engagement of their daughter, - Mrs. Fred Lund of 104 Columbia Presbyterian .Church. USHNER'Sffi dale road entertained at bridge ation of officers and a "book and day afternoon. The guests will in- for Easier.:;- ieUt'thy"Korean conflict,., —o— Bonnie lWae, to Alvin.Jacob Cic- avenue, who recently moved here — OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS — yesterday afternoon for Mrs. bonnet fashion show" of hals. cone,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pas- clude Mr..and Mrs. E. A. Damon, MrvHochrciner is, a reporter for Mr. and Mrs. George Hubihe of Robert Bradley, Mrs. William from Bayonno, was honored at a David Atkinson, son of Mr.and 10 Crescent place and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank Welt of 23 Cornell quulc Ciccoue of 345 South Onion Mrs. John Banscr. Mrs. Robert the Elizabeth Daily Journal and King, Mrs. Karl Wiebesiek, Mrs. road and Mrs. .Sidney Seller of 15 I^awrence and Mrs. R. A. Millard coffee party Monday morning at Mrs. Kenneth Atkinson of Bir- OCEAN COUNTS 15-17 North Ave, W. BR 6-5505 is vice-president of the Journal William Have.-Am of 18 Springfield avenue. the homo of Mrs. Karl Wiebesiek of mingham, Englund, will spi Albert P. Morrow, Mrs. Olive Dooring way are in charge of The bride-elect is a senior al of Cranford. Former Cranford lightweight NEW JERSCY Employes* Credit Union. He is a avenue-have returned' after a 12- Nunnemaker, Mrs. W. H. Geisel 106 Columbia avenue, Attending Eust.tr Week-end with his.uncle Surf -Fithlruf Contest day cruise to the Caribbean' on membership and will welcome ill Emory and Henry College, Emory, residents who will also be guests member of the Greater Elizabeth and Mrs. Dexter MacMillnn. . include Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nason were Mrs. Fred Ahr, Mrs. John ana aunt, Mr. and Mrs. K.' A; Jaycves and serves as public rela- the Statendaam. They visited members to this function and those Vn., where she is i\ member of, interested in becoming members the Alpha Psi Omega •dramatic of Scotch Plains-. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Laniparter, Mrs. William Cymba- Damon of 315 Pi'ospet't nvi-nuc He tions chairman for tho New Jer- Puerto Rico,, the Virgin Islands luk, Mrs. Robert Brooks, Mrs, is a student at Princtrton Univer- SEE BELL'S PARADE OF and liam Nagle. Sr.. of Tonw River, sey Young Republicans. and Martinique. Mrs. Frank Glogorskl of 200 to teas to be held in Elizabeth fraternity ' und the Kappa Ph North avenue, east, entertained at April 21 and in Springlleld, Apri Alpha social sorority. Mr. and. Mrs. William-,Nagle. Jr., James Miller, Mrs. Edmohd Brotte, sity. . , ., -"'•i Plans are being made for an visiting his sort- New York City and Philadelphia. Orchard street have ' returned moved -Friday to their home in Roslyn. L. I. They were Cranford ren Perot and Mr. and Mrs. M. O Mr. and Mrs. David Amory of Irv in-law and daughter. Dr. and' Mrs. Decorations were in silver and from a three-month stay at Clear- Hullenbeck. ' - Alain Saluieignc. white. - water Beach Hotel, Clearwater, residents for"tw"o~years. ,; inyton. Miss Brach's honor attendants Fla. were luncheon hostesses Saturday •—o—•- ' ' at the Top of the Sixes, New York Mrs. M. W. Reinhart of 20 West LANVIN ARPEGE PERFUME City. They are Miss' Madeline Jean, Holly strit't will spend the Easter Manno of Havertown,'"-Pa.,' who week-end in Erie. Pa., visiting Mr". Beautiful Purse Flacon by Cortier $4.00 will serve as maid of honor, and and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson. RIDING HIGH IN STYLE THIS EASTER Mrs. George Golden of Baltimore, —o-r- • also - SPRAY MIST — $5.00 Md.. Miss Elizabeth Sifflard of Mrs. J. Walter Coffee of 453 Or- Teaneck and Miss Eleanor Gerardo chard street will leave today by of New York City, who will serve plane to spend Easter week ill 8:30 AM. To as bridesmaids. The bride-elect's Pocatello, Idaho, visiting; her son- OPEN DAILY 10 P.M. mother, Mrs. John Brach, was also in-law and daughter, Lt. Harold With ans a luncheon guest, A. Glovier, Jr., USN, and Mrs. Miss \ Brach wil become the Glovier and children. Sugar 'n Spice BUr YOUR BEAUTIFUL bride of James P. O'Brien, son of FREE PERFUME Mr. and Mrs. James S. O'Brien of Janet Mitnik, daughter of Mr. DRESSES SUITS* with REVLOM tEctster New York City in the First Pres- and Urn. Leo Mitnik of 17 Persh-' Introductory Offer byterian Church on April 30. ing avenue, entertained five guests SUITS JACKETS * STERLING The button-down collar typifltK the 'classic appf.'irince of 'Natural Look CANDV STORE Clothing' . . . dressy bufrt-laxwl. In our College. Sh''() you will tind a com- COATS plete stor«-within-.'i-:;U»«.' . . . stocked exclusively with 'Nialural Look at luncheon on March 30 in honor SLACKS * 1 1 dozen naaortad candy egga PRIMITIF Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sulas of Clothing' . . . and devoted to young nun of fine HarJitiorial taste. 10 Romore place will entertain at of her fifth birthday anniversary. -» « HATS dinner Easter Sunday for Mrs. Al- Guests were Pamela Bebkowicz, B SLIPS SHIRTS ON OUR CLUB PLAN or MOISTURE BALM LM thi^. EitsU-r introduce your Spring season with a fine new wardrobe fred A. Tearle and MK. and Mrs Karen Cochran,. Deborah Senk, and from the College Shop at Goldberg';;. Joseph" Rinaldi and family of Sad- Greg Burr and Keith Munkcl. Mrs. GLOVES VESTS dle River, and Mr. and Mrs. Don- William Pfeifcr of Union, Janet's Use Your Place Settings As You Pay For Them •'• • HYPNOTIQUE MOISTURIZING Suits by H. Freeman and others . . . ald McCormick' and family pf CLEANSER ;.i-. grandmother, alwi ' attended the , $39.95 to $85 Mountain liakei.' luncheon. . . ' Enjoy Gorham Silver the Easy Club-Plan Way! SPRAY MIST $4.75 Value Shirts by Gant of New Haven ; andHolbrook $5 to $7.95 only $9.00 ALL for $3 00 THE CENTER CREASE $8.95 to $15. How many place settings of wonderful Gorham d° JNeckties by Reis of New Haven .. . >y r •! ••' :. "STAR" IN THE EASTER PARADE .t, you want? You may select as many as you wish . • • We are pleased to bring you for .Easter $2.50 to $4 See Our Spring Collection of Small Furs — and pay for them as you use them on our Club Pto«_ the Season's most popular mtn's hat Sportswear - Outerwear - Hosiery . 1 H-$-.^':.v: . Quality and High Fashion at Lowest Prices *AII Suits, Jackets and Ithtfgine, you can take 4 complete .place settings with QAV YIUOW BASKET SERVE SCHRAFFT ICE CREAM style in a variety of lightweight qualities Hats - Shoes you . .-. and pay just $10 a month, or-you mav take . filled With EMter candtea and color;!. Top off your Easter Ebl with a new lightweight center crease OPEN THIS a service for 8 ... and pay just $20 a month. Well Slacks Purchased thru Fri. Night $2.00 Value — Friendship Garden hat by LEE. tailor the plan to fit your needs. Naturally, there's no bamOuia rUtvJ THURSDAY and FRIDAY Tor Fin* Traditional Will Be Altered FREE In Time for service charge for this Club/Plan service EOT EASTER EGG DYES Clothing" "WcsttiddVFur-'Shopof Diatinctiori- TILL 9 P.M. _: : your^Sterling tomorrow . b Pl HAND & BODY LOTION

' '•• 45 Years of Quality 18 NORTH AVE~ W. Madc To Order Kcady-To-Wt-or Two $1.00 Bottle. NOW •MRi Repairing •wnn .-..', 'v; iicicutijir Storaac Custom Ctcauino rtoid be r'O 1.V.I' FHEE ESTIMATES BELL'S PPHARMACY GOiOKRO'S CRANFOBO.NJ S3 EISENBEBG. R«B- Pharm. ••M 249 E. Broad St. W««tfield—Op«n Mon. 2-3423 XI Monh Union LOOK TO THIS PHARMACY FOR YOUR 18 North Ave., W. Opposite Rialto Theatre For CARTER'S Cnnfoxd. M«w J«*»»» BR Open Monday and Thursday Evenings It Costs No More To 11 NO. UNION AVE., CRANFORD 17 No. Union Ave. TORE YOUR FURS VVITH A MASTER FURRIER I •. .1 •'-•• ' ,,e?

CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. CRANFORD, N. X j. Wr THIHRSDAY, APRIL M. CRANFORD CITIZEN ANbCHRONICUS, CRANPORD, N. J. Adelaide Outcault. .220 Denrnan 3AY. APB1L11,1W0 Census Taking totals. Ftop'thtre they win stirt I tickets would be shared by theproblem' of providing educational Count Completion on their way in a series of steps j families using them and. the Board facilities. • • • ., - .. • road. ,'..•,'••'• J) which will finally brine them into j (Continued from Pane istrvlicc club's dinner will be held nany Christmas gift items for A review• of what has been eo- ( Action to endorse thir'fdur point Alsol Mrs. Estclle dmis, 42 Len- Award Presented the national total. • ' ' • j program was taken at a meeting Some of the originally listed onThursday. April 28. Mis, R. M.senile patients at the State Hos- i ihg on since reveals that when In discussing the matter of site, Inde] Service League Continuing One thing is sure, however. Ev— ; of the steering committee of the homc drive; Mrs- Dorothy 'Lee! Dorian is chairman. . pital in Marlboro. For Safety Record Mrs. Preston took on this job — starting enumerators had to drop j .^^ SM High ^^ ^ , \ni\ en the national totals won't turn:' ?• emphasized that his sug- Citizens' group hcid immediately j Members of the guild have voted Kadimah Chapter of B*Nai John .T. Flis of' 3 Dartmouth nnri thin; automatically made hey rol jt^rc-basedon thr Qrnngp. out for personal reasons before, „_ p fr^W. « TVnmaiLSlaceJ to. hold another covered dish sup- road, manager of the Perth - Arn- Baseball Team Sponsors up...', the~answer—^s—to- ^for-e-the-Board ^--Education «";,'B..' ^ •"^"5^""U B'rith.Women has promoted the Predicted by Rotary er ft Tnome official CranJord headquar- ;_>•.;--; ; ...... -..j their tramtng was completed. Kits, ; \lects Slate, making of over 35drt>edTl[acke& b y plnnt A^ th ^ i Preston and thousands-of bther'^venue location,, since data now [meeting , | Preston related. She reported that j and Mrs. Patricia Wtonn. 29] All nations in Afrlc¥ will have their independence by 1970, ters for the project — she inher- June. Cj. ; for Marlboro patients 'and, has soh Co. of Ambler, Pa-, recently public-spirited citizens like her available indicate it. is the' most i Also present at the i meet-: following 18 workers have Mcndell avenue..' accepted for the company u plaque continued sponsorship of the Stars was announced by the Cranford ited almost as many headaches as find time to fit such a massive job economical site and Jhat it had | , Mrs. Frederick introduced Mrs. been instrumental in the collec- Samuel M. Adusci-Poku, a native of Ghana, predicted in a talk to ing wcre of- the i __ ^.. _.,-«_' _; •• .w« i—.« Junior Service League at its monthly meeting last week at the home a U. S. 'Emha&j',;abroad. . c Anna Jakubowski, a new member. tion of hundreds of toys for the members of the", Rotary Club at their luncheon meeting recently presented by the Asphalt Industry ^ u - -v, „ ! ihto their dally lives, : And they no typographical or other;. maior, — — w^hdo7 Association. !*««> "» * ** srnce the local w Kenneth Frederick was of Mrs. Richard Guy, 301 Pros- CRANFORD Refreshments were served by Ncuro-Psychiatric Institute at in the Methodist Church educational building. , Bureau in recognition of a perfect Interspersed with report-backs won>t JeU ^ ^^ Mr^ handicaps as a school site. He! ctl!iricii Kiamic, chairTTian of tmij count was^tarted:^ Men in Service prcsicfeia of Trinity Guild safety, record for 1959 and con- Mrs. Stephen Gmelin, Mrs. E. H.Princeton. Kadimah and the Un- The speaker, who was introduced by Joseph DiTulio, is now pect avenue. Mrs. Harry R. Copson. from the 18 enumerators <« , p^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pointed .ou: that the Board of,Ed- j u inforrned the board that Mrs^ Marion 'H>Hcn>cek. .1* j , wmiam H_ D^^d. 17. of \ the monthly tinuous accident-free operation of M£AT MARKET ntly Schcnker and Mrs. .William Von ion County Association for Men- During the business meeting, The election of "six-new provi- women and three men) are con- :; ^he r ^,.studieAi^ s _at. *,..:„Union, Junio•!..„;„r Cv«i_ ucauor. had announced it was | ,thhe, associatio^...^i,,,;™n ....^wisheHd tt«o osenc do-! Brookdale road; Mrs. Dawn M. | *""" « ** in the guild room of on the graduate faculty of the Jhe Perth Amboy plant for 386 stant phone calls from local resi- i j. c preparing more detailed compara- Baurnann, 101 Orange avenue: > 5 Hamilton avenue, has enlisted in ! Bulow. tal Health last summer co-spon- conducted by Mrs. ,E. Milton Boy- sional members of the league for cossti figureiigures oonn uic aiin?rT»ait .WK HaU. .She succeeds Mrs. New School, New York, where he days. dents who want to know u-hy they , tive cost studies of alternate.sites. the Navy., it was reported this | A. Craig and JWiU serve for sored a picnic for almost 100 chil- ette,-president, it was announced next year was announced. , They , proposal fOr solution of the school Mrs. Naomi Hcnehan, 12 Hampton 11 WALNUT AVE. , BRIDOE.>iii3] is studying for: his master's de- The presentation was made in '$'.' were "selected" for an inYerview ; # « • 1 - and that ,rveek by Boatswain's Mate 1 <, C j r-.- dren under treatment at the Diag- by Mjrs. Kenneth A. DeLonge, arc Mrs. S, Robert Christensien, 'ti at pending the result of' problcm („.,„„, takinfi any stand, road; Mrs. Dorothj- G. Gross. 1,16 New York City recently by H. R — or, conversely, why they have OtlZCIlS Unit these, s' Raymond Gj. Bell. Tecruiting offi- nostic Center atMcnlo Park. gree, and came to the club through Oak lane; Mrs. Robert C. Hall, 8 tudies the Citizens' Com- , ^ ^^ dcclar(?d ; sprii)us Orange avenue: Mrs Edna S. Hall. her'new officers elected are: Conduct Projects Mcsler, Jr., of Plalnfleld, chair- Jumble Store chairman, that a cot-- not yet been called on. (Continued from Page 1) m.ttec took the position th*t they! • ' •' , K 7 T • T'30S Central avenue- Mrs Eliza- cer, at the courthouse station, in Open Friday fill 8 P. M. uere WuMsted Thai • th* • Ac «- ! consideration should be Riven to , 303 Cen ra av «»«.««». *«»_ R F MacKinnon, vlce-prcsl- The new re-socialization pro- thai Speaker Services for the Un- man of the bureau's safety com- ton dress and separates sale will Riverside drive; Mrs. George A. Book* for her studies ';at "Union 1.800 pupils, possible reduction in were ^ interested that the ;.tc the possibilities of use of pre-'l **»« Brubakcr, 710 Willow Elizabeth. Sen of Mr. and Mrs. | . jjrs. A: S Motthevi^s, re- For Improvement be held at the store April 12 Hpldcn, 132 Herning avenue; Mrs. W.illiam DeBrigard, he etjlisted Weekdays — 8 to 6 PJ^l. t gram will be a major citizenship ited Nations. ','."•."< mittee. Junior College have been shoved the size of 'classrooms, a^.d possi- lectec be the m:ist econom;car vinusly discussed tracts for the; Mrs. Elizabeth Patberg. 736 ling secretary; Mrs. J. P. Lynes. and civic affairs project for Kad- through'16.' Mrs. Otis A. Hintz Is' Richard Jeffrey, 7 Normandle C SU in the Navy's short minority en- Describing Africa as three • K & M now has extended its aside to make room for Volumi- ble doubling-up of «T| — _o.f th e tha, t, i.t be, able. To provid. , e suitable'^:iV'; proposed new high school on Hill- lovi' street; Andrew N. Ball; 18 Responding secretary, and Mrs.Of Mental Health imah Chapter this year, to be con- chairman of the Kale. Working place; Mrs. John W. Sadler,. 217 bL v facilities lor the entire educational * , f ». • , T^ U tin IA* ^i <, • ' listment and • will • be released on — CLOSED MONDAYS — times thc size of the United States, safety record further into 1900 nous census report forms and spaces. Preliminary s:s^die.< nn V flalsey. treasurer. The Junior Village Improve- ducted under - chairmanship of with completion of the entire llrst with her are Mrs. Richard Guy, Columbia avenue, and Mrs. D. K» • side avenue, and Memorial Field j Hillside place. . his 21st' birthday. The new re^ E Mr- Adu'sei-Poku. said Europeans books. The Preston family, in-. the. committee indicated such steps ^ -„, ws(,u . un- suw.-,.™. .».«,., ^..^. «»--. —.— —«*• ™ £rs J. - Hawkins, Jr., program ment Association and • Kadimah Mrs. Chester Kaufman of 16 Men- started settling on thc continent quarter with na; dlsjibliiig lost- Mrs. Carlisle Jones and Mrs. C._F. Sackcn, 8 Herning avenue./ and also to the suggestion of. an! Also, Mrs. Eleanor Crnig. 32 cruit was sent to the Navy's .Great r eluding husband Charles, a car- . «n , result; in real cos; savings. -The c-omrrj.^es proposals on- ddu h p|-esent.hiCh school. ; Central awnue; Edward C. But- for the EllzabcCh Dls- Chapter of B'nai - B'rith Women. dell avenue. Serving on .Mrs. timt accideritsT ' The- plant rnan- Machonls. Anyofie wishing to Mr T v r< r-c Orange avenue-Belmon't ave- both has bee^.retained to prepare | nuc; Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, -b FOR EASTER Ft'hc Women's Auxiliary of thesocial rehabilitation for former lnus and asphalt cements. v doy; Mrs. Mitchell Reiner and Mrs. Africa, with more joining each fc his 1 esc of New Jersey will be mental patients instituted by the orativcly taken a -back-seat until - .££»«^i - »."^""V com^un>:v «ue are. A digram was di»- 'cost estimates on the Hillside ave- j Holly street; Richard A. Creedon. l«ori- Friedman. . t • year. ' .. >j^^» (Tovcr'nnvT'il work i^ completed n»«* ••-? *.*.^ ... -»•-. ~ •.— — ...... •, ^..^ A i\ffnrMA^;ni K^i/i «vn_*n • QM C~..«W tYnSinn n.^n*.i*A- nt*j^jy^ : a brief leave before reporting to ja t.Trinity Cathedral in Tri>n- Union Cotinty Association for .he eovcmm'-nl work is completed. _.lestioiU.d lhc noecj (or ^^ s;cp.-played shouing how the proposed ••nuc. and Memorial Field tracts. WE HAVE IT! Thc speaker told of his native i. _ ; , nuestioiU-d avenue: his new assignment. w«rfnesduy. May 25, when Mental Health, have conducted a •Mrs. Preston reporut the word ... ,> on Ghana, in which the Portugese ,„ >». . ,••... , . „ \ U-ithin the nexrt several years. 39-acrc- s::c- could be reduced to, United thank .Offering will be number of programs for improve-' ...^, Therefore proposed that a abcut 25 acres by eliminating a; NEWPORT FARMS settled in 1471. It gained full in- 'finis is L-act-Tlv awaited by all ! 'J... .nrn ntcd. Thpsc who wish to at-ment of mental health during the Kiwanians Given members of the Cranford census- ' " -f-.citizens be formed :«-o-hundrto--f<.«il-l^shaped strip i ^ dependence a few years ago. Of com minee o SWIFT'S PREMIUM can make reservations for past year. taking organization. Whi.t started ' j, gram. 'buildmg alocg- the western and northern i its tb million Inhabitants, who still tf ) tudv thc pra trnn^portatlon with Mrs The Junior VIA has made'over Inside Glimpse out tc>'bean eight-hour day job requiitrnentj^cT^s :i'nfl~t>th"er'"a>- boiinciaries. Chief advantage-i-of^i WILSON'S CERTIFIED live in tribal states, about 75 per 40 foam rubber cushions, dozens has turnwi into a 14- to 15-hour jigcts or converting either Living- "his chance would be the reduction i; FIRST PRIZE SMOKED HANS deride. ' . .. . • ' . , cent can now read and write. AT SEAdER'S IT s 1 of bed jackets and washcloths and Of Pro-Football day and night task. The only thing Kton Avenue or Walnut Avenue in the cos: of acquiring privately | •t was • announced that thc Cocoa is' the chief product of which keeps the Cranford people ; Elementary School-into a junior''held-properties in'this strip, ae-'j CHOOSE FROM THE TREMENDOUS VARIETY . A professional football player 1 Ghana, although the country is going is civic pride, Mrs. Preston ' high school, -so that actual work', cording, to Mr. TJTC. The remam-i — All Fully Cooked- with the. New York Giants gave .endeavoring to diversify its agii- said. • i couk! go ahead in June of !962. ing 25 icrcs would' be able"to' the Kiwanis Club a look "Inside /•' •'" • • •'.• •"•." •.-•; '• ••-•.• ••• •••'.:• at ••••'. cultural crops. Much construction, "Call-backs" (residenctJt: where '; when the school would Be released provide necessar>- playfields to j SHANK HALF BUTT HALF of Football" at a recent meeting. including highways and railroads, no one is at home- or where the ! from elementary service. support,,, the physical education! lb Describing whaj. makes a good has been carried out in the past IN JUNGLE DRILL — Army occupant}; postpone the interview . • It was pointed out that Cr.'.nford • prograir;, h..e_ said. ^ lb. football team, Ray Wictecha of five years. . . Sp/4 Timothy P. Sperbcr, son to another d;).v) have been the i will only require seven, elementary- The board's, previous site..pro- .{ 49« 53< PIZZA .The speaker declared he wasof Mr. and Mrs. Emil O. Sper- 16 Colby lane, who holds down the single biggest problem. Mrs." Pres- , schools to house its nnticipatt-d po.-^l included - a - tri.ffi c^paucrn; confident thc independent coun- ber, 85 WinanK avenue, recently ton said. While most people rea- P^ak load of about 3j200 pupils that would have resulted in a di<- j center-offense ' spot with the tries of Africa would lend their participated with other person- A WIDE SELECTION OF EXCITING GIFTS THAT lisx- the enumerators receive a in kindei-garten and grades 1 charge of -riffic via Belmont | PURVEYORS FOR Giants, told highlights from vari- nel of the. 82d Airborne Division 1 support to the South Africans who MUST BE SEEN TO BE FULLY APPRECIATED. SO ' modes* fireinckl return for' the through 6. • Mr.. Tyre suggested, street'into thc Arbor street-Locust•(• DIAL ous games in which he has played arc how battling for independence. in Exercise Banyan' Tree II, a : if work in J une of SII : area difficult task they are handling. *»* >**/"* , ^ " according to the com- 30 Eastman St. 9 YEARS for the Gianti;. Thc fellowship award was pre- seven-day jungle training exer- COME IN AND CHOOSE THE ONES THAT PLEASE " feW«aii« that su9h remuneration 1962, pupil.,- could move in early.-suttee. _ Thcy stated they felt). sented to Horace k. Corbin, Jr. cise in Panamu, Sp/4 Sperber » based not upon the hours of > 1983-' rhi* timetable- require* complaints of residents of,, that; (Opp. Craafotd Themtre) POLISH HAMS — ' Mr: Wictecha, who joined the !;:• assigned as a machine Run- YQU MOST. work but on the nrtu-.l number thlJt a ommittee be appointed in /arei u-ere ; Justified since the i BR 6- Gianti in 1953, has ah outstanding rier In Company A of the di- ' „,„:„, in( • actual number and[ a. rcfer-' street were not designed-for the Size— 31b. 41b.- 51b. record of never having missed a vision's 325th Infantry at Fort be Westfield Musical t«TV ?'• '^™ presented to the . com- -amount of ;rafflc often generated minute .of playing time since that Bragti, • N. C He entered thi; time.' A graduate of Northwest- Cosmetics toiletries ^all-back costs thc interviewer: mmit^-no hlU.r thin earK- 1962, during school days and on the DANISH HAMS — Army in December, 1958, and °P<"'}" -,...•_ , he declared. . i occasion of eve«in£ events at the ern University, the ltfcal resident Club Features received basic combat training A resident of Cranford for 15;.. Transportatkn subsidies sug* 'School. _ '•: •- ' .' ' Size— 71b. 10lb.-Ulb. played in the . 1949 Rose Bowl, at Fort Dix. He attended Cran- Perfumes Candies years, Mrs. Preston is director of ,. the Citizens' Carnmitlee: Proposed by the Citizens' Com- Pasadena, Calif. ' Cranford Artists ford High School. fitstcd bv the Cranteen, a teenager program j werc a combination, of other pro-' mitiee if a rt-design of the main A bonus outfielder with the Mrs. Lawrence M. Tucker, OUR OWN BRAND — Washington Senators before sponsored by the Cranford Coun-.| posals m;ldc during the recent rcf- parking ar.ca.so Ujat' ^>°th the' cn- WINES AND LIOUORF Cranford pianist, performed a — AND DON'T FORGET— cil of Church Women. Mrs. Pres.- erondum. Under the committee's ' U>- and exit would be from^range Size—1 121b.-131b. | TAP ROOM switching to football, he achieved a meeting of the Westfield Musical ton, who is a graduate of Abraham' plan'the board would arrange with aver,ue. .. / recognition as U top offensive play- Club lo$t night at the home of / /' er in the National League in 1958, For Your Easter Dinner Dessert Clark H^igh School, Rosel)c./began bus companies to.provide service Mr. Tj-re emphasizi-d that the Exclusive With Us tb r CRANFORD Mrs. R. Glenn Bauer; 345 Wych- Lob.ters, Shrjimp, Crab Meat CHRISTIAN 1112 SOUTH AVI:., Ei A film on "Washington, D. C, at her UJC studies in 1957, She at-/; from distant points to the proposed Citizens" Committee' recognized, In Cranford . Almaden wood r<«id, Westfield. Mrs. Tucker Cooked Heady To Serve V MU tained honors last spring and high ; school location. Tickets would thc responsibility of the Board of BROTHERS -6S< •./ Work." produced by Klplinger played "Le Cirque," suite for honors this fall, . ; be issued to students. living be- Education liar determining any was shown .at the meeting last piano, consisting of six descriptive JMELOAM'S "« KE MEM Charles Krug Wednesday at the J & C Restau- Attending Union Junidr College > yond a distance to be determined < proposal to be made to the voters. Porte Wines BR 63414 movements by Joiiquin Turina. is a tradition with the Preston by the board, to" be used by those" but that they hoped these sugges- CALIFORNIA'S •••.•.'. / ARMOUR'S STAR rant. Mrs," Edward W. Tristram o U S . Sherries family. Her brother, William C. P P>1 'whenever they saw fit, due;.lions would be helpful in,weighing SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — 4 P.M. to 1 AM. Cranford, • soprano, .fang Gou- to Burgundies /' - FINEST WINES Partoru-attended the'college's sec- inclement weather, late- hours. [ both the timing and the nature, of 16 nod's "Serenade," T. Brown's ond class in 1934; her brother-in- or any other reason.' Cost of the the community's .solution to the Sautemes "Shepherd! Thy Demeanor Vary" law. Harold S. Wolf, was a *t.i. ! • • •• ~ . /ft FRANK Types TURKEYS and K. Manning's "The Street dent at the college in 1944. and her : SEAGER'S DRUG STORE l>55 4/5qt. Fair." Mrs. Tucker was. accom- son. Charles W, Preston, was a SCHOONMAKER All Sizes and Varieties from 50c to $2.00 panist. , • Cranford's Oldest Prescription Pharmacy slimmer session student" in 1957.' 2.95 Mi gal. ^ IMPORTS Mrs. John O'Mara, Cranford pi- Chuck, who was a star basketball 1.15 to 1.50 anist, presented three • preludes ' . I. WALTER SEAGER. R^|. Phcran. • Your Assurance — AH Sizes — player at Cranford High School, is 5.25 gal. 4/5 qt. from Claude Debussy's Second 104 N. UNION AVE. — CRANFORD — BRIDGE 64700 a.physical education major at Del- Of Top Quality Book of Preludes. "They are: "La , ta State College, Cleveland, Mis.s. gingham chaclc go-together* find Liquor. Puerto Del Vtrtd," "Bruycres" and MJtum-a lisa »To«e Mrs. Preston's, daughter, Doro- ARMOUR'S STAR "General Lavine-Eccentric." ; Call For' ami Defivdry SofVice-—^ thy, a graduate of Miami Univer- e Full Quarts Try These Fine lb To Toko Out BKidia S-IM3 sity. Oxford. Ohio, is assistant di- . Local Girl Participates rector of adult education at the Quality Private Brands i STUFFED TURKEY 53c Cincinnati, Ohio. YWCA. ,, An- Better Values In 'Living at DrexeP , other daughter, Judy, is a senior (Exclusive With Us) 6 to 12 Pounds Susan K. Paul of 7 West Holly at Cranford High School who street, a'senior of Cranford High. plans to attend Miami to become DED WHISKIES THOROBRED 4.49 ALBANY School, was among 36 high School a State Department Spanish inter- senior co-eds who participated in "Our heating bills are lower, thanks toy.. preter. Kathleen. 11, and-Bobby, lett's Supreme 439 : Finest Kentucky Bourbon 4/5 qt. i a three-day "Living ut Drcxel" •• •- •'••'.' • • • • • • -' • - - , u .1 . . . 7, are students at Roosevelt School. jrnett's Deluxe 4.79 FIRST PRIZE program at Drcxel Institute (if Cranford's census crew leader 100 Proof Bottled in Bond Technology, Philadelphia, Pa., reports she plans to transfer from i >lden Wedding 4.99 over the past-wcelt-cnd. UJC to another college to get her ! ^arstairs .....'....; .4.99 The girls, either accepted fcr bachelor's degree. She is now a ABERDEEN KIELBASY admission or considering attend- Automatic • liberal arts' major and is undecidr P.M. 4.99 4.95; ing the Institute, werc given a / glimpse of collegiate life includ- ed about the. future course of her Barton's Reserve (90 Pf.) 4-99 / educational journey after com-J 100% Imported Scotch 4/5 qt." ing tours of the physical plant, seminars in campus activities and pleting her freshman and sopho- . Kinsey Silver . _ ...., 4.79 86 Proof Personal Care! meetings with administrative and rnore year at UJC. Three Feathers . .4.99 FOR EASTER faculty personnel. Mrs. Preston recalls thaf the present hectic state of affairs at Philadelphia ...4i99 ABERDEEN "Z" - Talents are best nurtured in sol' We check oil consumption 201 Orange avenue can be traced And f he Spring ltude; character is 'best formed in to 1790 when Thomas Jefferson ' the stormy billows of the world. automatically... inform our .brain-trusted .Article I in the U.S. GINS __ 8-Year-Old Imported 4/5 qt. —Johann W. von Constitution. The article provides Scotch — 86 Proof Specially Made For Easter And Summer that every 10 years a census will *BarneH's London Dry 4.19 customers when excessive be conducjed by the federal gov- Hiram Walker's 4.79 Months Ahead ernment. fojLthe purpose of mak- Fleischmann's . • •'• 4^5 use signals burner trouble. ing*sun- that, every American cit- '. ROYAL DUKE Swiffs or Armour's Madam Rose Kinsey (94 pf.) .4.99 7.75 i/.en has fair, and equal represen- PHRENOLOGIST A Mf'ff W tation in the halls of Congress. ?L Gilbey's 4.99 80 Proof VODKA Vi gal. We Suggest iuing loo nturh oil! That's the kind of service we mean by "Why then does thc census taker CHOICE CUT Reader and Adviser l iisk specific questioni; as to age, 'automatic ptrvoMil rare. ' occupation, education, housing fa- See Our Huge 994 U. S. Highway 1 We will k«;p a corwtant chtck-automatically—of your cilities and the' like? Well, since Join The Swing Black Prince CHAPMAN'S (cor. of Lord St.). ° MobilhMit con.Humption. U we .w* that it Li jumping exces- it -originally'became the law of our Assortment Of AVENEL, N. I sively, w<- notify you. You might only need a minorifburner land, the census has taken on an- to Liqueurs adjustment.to brinj; your hwtin'ij:bills back In line. . _ .other important function. It now CHILDREN^ W»t Mara Inl«rnuiU«B T«lc»han« Mail the coupon below, or call us. Learn how. ou additionally serves as a check on French - Italian .99 tlu- progress we are making as a / 2 ROAST ME 64)137 matic 1'ernonal Care can meaajroal aavinea for you. nation. German vxa.x-, 4/5 Qt Facts and figures gathered by DINNER WINES SHOES the census takers will "serve as n • •. . \i~'»' • Rocco - CHICKEN Mobilheat J/- guide to local, stiite and federal worrnt mor* p*opl* thon baotinfl •• ' Rovernmerit ageiicies in ihe con- from Vermouth WE ARE PROUD TO BE THE duct of .many of their activities. In Imported From Italy LEGS- ALL [many insfanc-a, it may well be PEH BOTTLE lb. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN CRAN I the- deciding factor in the loca- FORD FOR THIS SUPERB I WANT TO SAVt MONEY ON MY MfATtNO tion of it new post office, thc sit FORMS I He«l-Sirong Fuel Co., 3 North Ave., E,, Cranford of a nvw highway or increased : SWEET BREASTS FOOTWEAR. I support for "a non-profit institu- 'STILLBROOK' or DRY 30 Ox. OF I Wim obioloUly M> DbUo«lU>«. pl«o« \»«4 w«'toi»pUU d.lo.U on FOR FRYING — 1 ehack* ?ro»i«d ' Paisano LARGE WHITE EGGS -5Sc w^iil* loc* and plaoted touches in (oil-blown duction How. And. because the. RED TABLE WINE • census ii, ah -important guide to! ikirH ond (•minin* blousst^of your «ve'y LIFE INSURANCE needed social reforms, one of the ! doy-tim*, dot«-tim« mood. And they'cs waro'iob* 'Cadillac Club' DINER'S CLUB CRANFORD SHOE STORE rriost eagerly uwaited st-ts of fig- \ •tretch«r» . . . two biotiict and one *kiri REAL ESTATE . ures to come from the present uc- ! SCOTCH Manischewitz Thomas Hayeck. Prop. tivity will be that pertaining to j odd up >o two complei* •nicmblei'~ i'» tuch <«n I BLENDED WHISKEY or -. our nging population. I the skirts $8.98 the blouses $3.98 & $4.98 51% Straight .49110% Mogen David 9 WALNUT AVE. _. CRANFORD If guthering all of this mater- 4.79 ial seems like a big job — it is. Whiskies 6 5 I CASE Concord Grape Wine — Open Thurs. & Fri. Ewes. — YEAKEL & SHARKEY Reel-Strong Fuel Co. 1 1 CRANFORD Preliminary figures indicate that Years Old 4/5 Qt 4/5 Qt I DISCOUNT before the books, are closed, in 1.35 qt. "DEPENDABLE- FRIENDLY SERVICE SINCE 1825" _ Crunford alone some Z!5,000 indi- 113 Miln St. vidual citizens will have been in- • EXCLUSIVE WITH US terviewed and the information MEAT MARKET Td. BR 6-2474 'hey gave.tabulated; All such in- FOR FREE formation, incidentally, is strictly ABBE'JUNIORS 11 Walnut Ave. BRidge 6-1113 BR 6-0900 (confidential. CALL BR 6-1044 DELIVERY Yard: Once the- Cranford figures are ^ 24 Eastman Street • Office: compiled, they will be taken to Call TOM 8MABKET Lexington Ave. a» LVRR Union County hu«dquarter« in FREE PARKINQ IN REAR AOuas «-UM \ 3 North Ave., E. Elizabeth and added to thc county — OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 ;.:_:>,v:v -r-'-'V:.'' ••"•' '•-•-•-::>;.•-;:•':-';:"•••' : ••"•;"^/ ',••: . -v-

' " ' '• '"' !


Manor avenue. Mrs. CConncll rules and regulations. -- • Cossa, Lxiuia Frank, Laurie Kiim-j Elks. .Election will'take place on;tioned. PreBidential Politics, I960 \embers of Confirmation was sponsor for Mary Helen, and Students Practice Eighth grade girls participate »nler, Judy Hcrzog. Theresa Saw-j May 3 and installation, June 7. IMann -for the fourih annual Mr. Hodge'was Patrick's sponsor. Ing are: Virginia Suarez. Nancy yer, Barbara Arthur), Sandra Con- | Other nominations :ne as fol-turd party on May 13 at the-Bay At the" dinner were Mr. and Mrs. noiCly, Jill Fernandez. Christine; lows: "Vitt;-pr«.-<.i(li-nt, Mrs. W. J.I^eaf 'Memorial Home, Garwood, Square Dancing, Neuman, Dale Vogel, Norma •;! O'Connell, . Kathleen O'Connell, Gant, Susa Ferguson. Jane Har- announced. . Strauss, Marta T,urk, Bale Brink- n Campion; treasurer/MrA-Al Sifko, Hes Nina Marie Hodge, John Hodge. ris. Candacc -Albrecht. Marlann correipondinu Mrs. I/.uis—DIAtessandris; hos-j UN; :Pn*.«J Singing, Cheering hffJiFNGldi socret.ny, Mrs. Cranfprd pirenti-were-hosU at dinner and supper parties ThomasHodge and James Hodge. •Streckcr,-, Nancy Obranowicz. >etT<7taiy, chairman, Was assistetTBy Sandra Jones, Alice Degenhardt, (CombtMd to lttl) vm'ce Arnesen. Mrs. Jaiiu-s W(K:iy; (•hui>l;iin, Mrs- \ Mr*. J;nri<;K Dooley, Mrs. Michael 8 nick of 385 Retford avenue were High;School- during 'the past few' Karen Dorian, Susan- Richmond. Bonnie' Ross, Giretchcn. Hansel, Frank Coons ;irul scrtri;aiit-;it- Havrmki and Mrs. Daniel Fcrtel. CnnfoA Jtow Jraey nday. AP^ - ' Kathleen Clare, Roberta Wiese; > and Mrs. Robert h. Clare, Jr., of 605 Unden place enter- hosts at a dinner party following weeks have included square danc- and Linda Wolfe. . arins. Mis. Slcven Cyrnbaki^c. RAY. Editor and PuNliher the confirmation of their son; Susan Morris, April Lee, Pauline An apron fashion show \A/as h<.'ld ii:; «••**• \1\ at dinner foUowing the con- j p'.r'lv'-^ ^ •'" •>•• ^ Richard. Guests included Rich- ing, ,glee club rehearsals -and Lowe, Linda Pope, Christine H«' we arc not suf- at a supper party for 25 SPCA Warns torney general, in tho light of this, ficiently aware, of the Communist at the comer of North Union Bayonne, Elizabeth and Rosellc Selections from "My Fair Lady" • Pro-Tek-Tiv Shoes for Children avenue wu to coat fcetwera from /Summit, Bayonne, and "Sink the Bismarck" will be Office: 21-23 Alden Street, Cranford. N. J. Telephone BRldge 64000 ruled that no space should bo left menace abroad, and 2> we arc not City and Cranford, in honor Marlcne and Lorelee Pclicano, On Live Animal JOHNE. GAWTT for a write-in vote in order to al- properly concerned and activated 160.00* and 91M0*. II was an- daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel offered. The eighth grade will pre- ; fIMN vm* SUM*. Ithelr son, William. ' sent "Around the World' in 80 low moro room for thc listing.of to do something about- the size of nounced at a board of directors . Croft, Beard 1 Pelicano of 443 South Union ave- Gifts for Easter PRESCRIPTION 0PTIC1AM8 meeting. , M Wede, r and Mrs, John" McCandless Days" with ' songs. from different Shoe Hospital local candidates. Thus an expres- the national debt at home. I Centennial avenue cnter- nue.! and Robert Richel, son of Children's Easter presents 109 JEFFERSON AVE. '•' . • • ' ' •.••'; lSYcsusAgo countries. sion of thc popular will for one Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richel of should not. include chickens, rab- NORMAL AMD ORTHOPEDIC SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE Morris is not given much of a More than 100 persons at- at supper in honor of their #On • Friday - afternoons Martin Bldg. — BteMi Floor presidential candidate or another Dr. Carl G. Hanson of 38 state 437 South Union avenue',, were bits and ' other small fowl - and cheer- . chance of overturning Senator tended charter 'presentation John. Guests were Mr, and leaders from the high school have" TAMILY — ALL ORTHOPEDIC WORK DONE ON PREMISE* Who's Afraid of the Big, Long Ballot? has been foreclosed in this state, Spririgfleld avenue was elected woman. honored at the Richel home fol- animals; thc Union County SPCA . ELIZABETH 2-2340 Case, by most observers, yet it is ceremonies of the newly-organ-. '• William Hubiak, Mr., and been teaching eighth grade girls Open Daily 9 a.m. tb 6 p.m.—Fri. to 9 p.m. unless. the Legislature passes a bill felt that If he wore to make a president of the Union County L Roland Lcimann and Mr. andlowing their confirmation. A warned today. • •* Open • A-M. to • VM. DaUy — Mon. fc Than. • AM. to • PJL Medical Society." tied Cub Pack 175 at the Meth- ; ; - Although voters will be faced with strong backer of the Eisenhower pro- quickly - reinstating the prefer- strong race, he/ would hurt Case's odist Church- The charter was ^ new unit was added to L Robqrt Upton and son, Rob-family supper party Was* held for Their sale or purchase for pet 304 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD . » e • 60 guests from Cranford, Eliza- purchases is contrary to state ence option. ' • - chances in November against locol BOy.Scout troops wh"J Of cranford, and Mr. and Mrs. a ponderous-looking ballot when they en- gram both in the House and the Senate. The major interest to the M- presented to Herbert Sjursen, Democrat Thorn Lord. Lord, Mer- chairman of the pack commit- newly-formed Troop 81 ninick Colanerl of Garwood. beth, Linden, Rosellc and Short statutes, Robert J. Wimmer, Jr., ter the voting machines in Tuesday's pri- He is deserving of a big vote here Tues- Under New Jersey-law, the pre- mary Eteetiea was to be on Hills. ':.'.. •-•• of Roselle Park, the SPCA's chief , ccr County Democratic boss, is tee. Charles Anderson ' was celved its charter. Sp clc Azar, daughter of Mr. arid maries, the long lists of candidates are day. ' • ference' poll is non-binding, any- .the county level where Fred by the Cranford Police Mr. and Mrs. Carter E. Porter enforcement officer, said. way, although delegates pledged to making his first bid. for elective cubmaster. ; , „ Edmond T. Azar of 801 Un- not nearly as complicated as they may P. Andersen was'aeehtn* -lHie . - e.» e ... . " , • ment/ the, troop wus i«i hv| L nlncc, and Robert and Thomas of 103 Edge wood road entertained "The Society is interested Next center of interest on the Reoub- a candidate are considered morally - office and is not' considered a Republican nomination far a Scoutmaster. Bc Smith. \> 2\ banning such sales because small potent candidate. However, it' is sVArcy. Cnnfard n 0 5 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Anton at dinner for Mr. and - Mrs,. Fred appear at first glance. lican ballot Tuesday is the Freeholder bound to support him at the con- one-year unexplred term «» for tea years, aa- pommissioner.J, Edward Wo5l ;ics, Smith "and their-. son, Mark, of chickens, rabbits, ducks and other vention. So, as things stand, tho 'remembered that in the off-year ics of 96 Wlnans avenue, were A large portion of the ballot in both race, with no less than 10 county resi-. the Union County Board «ff he was Maiming Ms was chairman or tho troop com. I Cored at an open house party 107 Edgewood road, following the animals given to , children ore Republican delegates will be election of 1054, Case squeezed post Freeholdera. Township Com- mittee. . ' confirmation of - their 'daughter, mauled, mistreated,. neglected and. Republican and Democratic primaries is Democrat Charles Howell by only . federal past to become a repre- ,day at the pavlcs' home. They dents vying Jor the three nominations. pledRed to Richard Nixon and thc mUteeman Frank Whitty was sentative of the Acacia Matoal members of the confirmation Catherine Ann Porter. Mrs; Smith soon die. A few survive, become given over to the. Delegates-at-Large, Al- Democrats will back Governor. 3,000 votes. In a presidential year. unopposed for renonunatton an was Catherine's' sppnsor.; ; too large for thc average family Local residents have a real interest Case may be hurt by the effects life Insnrance Vo. His wife. 25 Years Ago at St. Michael's Church. ternate Delegates-at-Large and District • Robert Meyncr, the favorite son. It the Republican ticket and Am- Mrs. Base Marie D'Arcy. was Resolutions urging the Board j ^vcrc-i-45 guests from Cran- Joan Dunlop, daughter ; of Mr.and,.eventually arc put to fend here, too. because Harry V: Osborne, Jr., of tho primary campaign and the brose A. Ernst on the Demo- itre was Meyner's (nvorlteusojl role, as I to take over as acting of Education to apply | . Summlt, Farmingdale and and Mrs. H. B. Dunlop of 810for, -themselves." Mr Wimmer- Delegates and Alternates to the National strong pull that the' top of the ,;cratic. ticket. mmedi - ..£• '• of Cranford, is a candidate for this im- a matter of fact, that dissuaded ately for 'federal 'grhnt for con- Springfield avenue, dnd Gerard said. Conventions of the two parties. A local Kennedy and others from enter- Democratic ticket—if Kennedy is Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vin- It was because of this, he added, portant county post. He is one of the trip there—may have, in Lord's favor. structlon of a new hijjh school! M. aridf Mrs. George E. HolH- resident, Public Affairs Commissioner H. ing the primary as a matter of With the jubilant announce-, Cranford and Kenllworth were received at a board meet. I • of 54 Falrfleld avenue cnterr cent Daniel of 421 Orchard street, that the state enuctcd a. law which ' of candidates endorsed by the policy courtesy. With the 41' votes in his ' New Jersey's primary, in short, ment that Salk polio vaccine 'were.-., honored at a family sup- specifics that, "it shall be illegal Raymond.Kirwan, is unopposed as Alter- will hold greater portent for Case housewives Were, advised by ing from three ' local' PTA< J led at a supper party in honor committee of the Union County Republi- pocket, the governor will be able was "safe, potent and effec- Clarence L. Fritz of Cranford, [their daughter, Lynn. There per party at thc Daniel home. to sell, offer fort sale, barter or nate District Delegate to the Republican 1 than for Meyner. Liberal. Republi- President J. A,.Plummcr an- give away, living baby chicks, can Committee. His running mates are to maneuver for position at thc tive,"' Cranford school and chairman of the ration board nounced that the board favored J L.34 guests from Cranford, There were 12 guests from Cran- J-.au Angeles convention. After thp cans everywhere are hoping their ' ford, Elizabeth and Bayonne. ducklings or other fowl or rab- National Convention. . health officials were ready to service serving Cranford Kcnil- the application and would take J •inf Lake,. Newark, Maplcwood 1 Albert S. Kopf of Elizabeth and Peter J. first ballot, he may deliver them, small band in the Senate will not bits, turtles or chameleons, under - begin administering the disease worth. Rosclle. and Rosellc the initial steps"in.asking for] East Orange. Mr. and Mrs. William McGrady 1 Considerable interest Tuesday will Mcponough of Plainfield. if opportune, to the candidate ap- be reduced by one as a result of preventative to first and second Park, that they might apply of 3 Virginia street entertained two months of age, in any quantity the April 19 balloting. Pro-Ken- the funds promptly. \lr. and Mrs. Fred Mackcmull less than six." .'-i center around the contest for the GOP . Another area resident in this 10- proaching the magic majority num- grade students at thc end. of - imnVediately for their home of 623 Lexington avenue en- at a family dinner party' follow- ber of 761. Or. if the convention nedy Democrats, on the other hand, April if the vaccine was avail- He further added that it is illegal nomination for. United States Senator. canning sugar at the local Of- Although the township's a. | ilned at a buffet supper for ing the confirmation of their ;ay battle is Mayor Edward H. Tiller of. deadlocks, and, his 'favorite son, have little,to .fear that; day; "their able; : "~" ~~. fice. 2 Alden street. Ir daufihterrPatriclarfollowinfc daughter,—Patricia- Anne"- There to. -color._dy.e_or_othe£wlsf Rejoicing, of Hope and Faith A modern oil-fired These Check Books are not available through Swan's stores or routes... water heater gener- " NASSAU * . . • '. renewed, when in song and story, the Glorious ates hot water 4 times as fast as a Ho* If you are called by our "Telephone Check Book Girls,"'my "YES" You will be Easter Message is heard again. May it bring to gas heater, 7 times •unny laWnd pl«ytraua4 as f ast as ah electric •' • • • / you gladness of Heart and Exaltation of Spirit. heater. Gives all the NASSAU taking advantage of a wonderful saving! hot water a family in tho can use for all f& Need room to expand? See us for a home baths, clothes wash- BAHAMAS Since these checks will be honored at Swan's stores and In Observance of Easter, Our Office Will ing, dishes and other needs. on their routes, call or use their drive-in at address below Be Closed from Friday Noon improvement loan. , Until Monday Morning. ow BR 6 0080 You save plenty, APRIL 29 for a taxL - Wo>'n csway* on too. Oil water heat- MAV 6,13, 20, 27 "Distinguished Drycleaning, Laundering ;ind Allied Services calL Mako it a point to go by ing co*ts 45% less JUNE 10,17 taxi wnothar YOU haw* •hop- ma* PiMoy* tttmtiim for the Quality Conscious ..." |||: than gas; 44% less • DllVt'I.KASHiS ping to da tote t» ckJldron than electric I to school or bar* a Only 4 4ay« mmm* km bwaliMMal • CUSTOM Siuiir Skip ywir hfL Telephone BRidge 6-3300 TRUST COMPANY • Itt'C CLK.VStll^ : SHAHEEN AGENCY, Inc. !•• your Travel As*at I • J REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. 4 there's an office in your community • TA.1I.OWINC ' REATORS INSURORS "DvpondabU. Plant Store: 44 North Ave., East, Cranford 64)900 INCHES LINE • COLD SroHACE 15.17 NORTH AVE., E. CRANFORD • GARWOOD ,• WESTFIELD . SCOTCH PLAINS -PLAINFIELD YARD Bl CRANFORD AT*, at OFFICE *• UOAOWAV VAULTS Branch Store: 4 West jersey St., Elizabeth ~ NiwY«k4N.Y. Di«l»y 4-1570

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flour 1 ).'.• . * 'A. ^W^I^^W CRANFORP CITIZPN AND

fffi; »: ./78S Bill' come to cometo '•• tS'i ' Osceola Youth Sponsor Easter Music Arranged at Trinity Methodists Maundy Thursday Service Special music to lie heard at prase* will take pdape.in *be Eucharist at 7 a.m. T^e sarvlce of Thought for the Week the 11 ajn.- Easter Sunday service church at 4:45 a.m. followed < by evening prayer w|U take place at 8 8:18 p.m. An adult conynittce ren Welcome 19 Tonight at Lutheran Church K at Trinity Episcopal Church will a celebration of the Holy Eucharist A Children's Servlctf on Good Friday at 1 p.m. has been By The REV. ROBERT BIZZABO Annual Sunrise Service include the tYaorJs Jackson, musi- at 7 a.m. The'service of evening meeting of Cub Pack 74 will be On Easter Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church "The Prelude toGolBatha"har been selected by the Rev. prayer will be conducted in the held in the guild room of the edu- at the First-Presbyterian Church for children of primary The annual Sunrise Service, sponsored by the Senior Westminster cal setting for the Kyrie, the Sanc- pn Easter Sunday evening four Walter Wagner, senior at Lutheran Theological Seminary. Fhila- Church from the very beginning, all; bear wit- Members J. Dahlquist, pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church, as his topic tonight tus and Benedictus. the Agnes Dei church at 5:16 p.m. Boy Scout cation building at B p.m. The Rev. Laird O. Miller, associate pastor, will bring the -HE IS RISEN. THE LORD IS RISEN Fellowship at Osceola Presbyterian Church, will usher, in Easter Cranford residents Will" be bap- ,la, has accepted a call as assistant pastor at Calvary Lutheran ness to this fact.' Had Christ not risen from the Nineteen new. members, were re- at the Maundy Thursday service of holy communion at 8:15 p.m. -iT and the GlaaiT Troop 74 wl)l meet to Sherlock "'The King Nobody Wanted,,!!. He will be assisted by INDEED. ALLELUIA!" These words express Sunday at 6 a.m. . flext Thursday the service of tljjed in a Believers of Baptism dead there would have been no Gospel .(good ceived last Sunday at the Cranford In observance of Good Friday, a service of Tcnebrae. will be heldnr-. r ^ The men and boys* choir will Hall at 7:30 p.m. A meeting of the to -worship; Ann Penvenne, invocation; William Duncan and the whole meaning of -Easter—The Feast of the Methodist Church as follows: morning prayer will be held in theservice at the FJrst Baptist Churchy news) to proclaim. tomorrow evening, at 8:15 o'clock. The service will include music, 3. Scottie Griffin, student assistant minister of the Westficld Fres-. offer the Easter anthem. The church school teachers and staff ' scripture, nnd Charles Clark, "The_ congregation voted Sunday to extend the call. Mr. Wagner. ResuxrectiOa of the Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beaver, spon- nln church at 8:45 ajn. followed by a Rpselle. The Rev. Frank H. Rossi; scripture and prayer. rvti byterian Church, will deliver the message, "Hope in the Midst of will take place bfgfn ff with a \ had preached at the three services Palm Sunday, accepted the these words make up the very foundation upon »,••*,• '•'. ' '• *' • Hopelessness." Strife is O'er" by Ley. The service celebration of the H61y Eucharist pastor of the Cranford Baptist Thomas Bentson, Harvey Ncvalls, ment of the Lord's Supper win bt sored by Mr. and Mrs. Richanj The service will Meditation in the church at 8 p.m. nt the congregation meeting *hicb Christianity stands. If there were a. Four services 'of worship onjjr will include the Solemn Proces- and Healing Service at 8 a.m. Church, will preach on "New Di From the very first, only those men who had Kent; Mrs. Thelma Borges, spon- take place in the church parking On Easter. Tuesday the service O AJlen, William Birkemcier, held in the sanctuary, Dr. j^ Easier Sun'day will begin ..with, the(. sion.. Choral Eucharist and Scr- "Nationalism and Christianity in mension for an Old Faith." single word which could characterize the domi- personally and actually seen the risen Christ sored by Mr*. Willard Hardtm; lot; of morning prayer will take place John Hume, David Koch, and aker will offer the message,<^ «cr finishing academic work First Baptists indoor dawn con\munion service 111 Day Vigil Africa" wiU be discussed by three • Those to be baptized are: Den nant mood of the first Christians it would be were accepted as Apostles, he., those who were. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, spoils >. Young people will participate in in the church at 6:45 a.m., and the Robert, Ward, ushers. Night f Comit ,j,e seminary, W. Wagner will «t 6 a.m. Rev. Mr. Dahlquist will'"' Other Easter services will begin African foreign students from dif- nis Sullivan, William Eberle, Mrs. Night of Commitment. He m I Dr.Allinger TRIUMPH- This was because they believed in suit to bear witness of the Resurrection. From sored by Mrs. Stanley Dickorson: the service as follows: Call to Holy Eucharist will be offered at e lordaiiud by the Evangelical Lu- preach on '".Simple Words- that at 930 am. with the Holy Eucha- ferent sections of Africa at a meet- Kenderton Barber and Steven Ser- The junior and primary choirs the victory of their Lord over death; the RES- the time of the Apostlesdown to the present day. Van Aukcti; Mr; and" Mrs, Stuart 1 worship, invocation, Carole Pan- To Be Made rist; 8. ajn. Holy Eucharist with 7 a.m. Boy's choir rehearsal will Lran Synod of Jfeiy ilersey at To Present Shook, the World" at this service. '" ing sponsored by the Elizabeth afan. Dr. Anne V. Bailey of Union WiU sing "This Is My Father's be assisted by the Rev. Mr. Ma. URRECTION was at the heart of their thought the Resurrection of Jesus Christ has been the Campbell, Jr., sponsored by Mrs. vr/ tarioi responsive reading, Virginia Easter music. *=* ' be held at 5 p.m. and the service of annual convention in Ocean To Conclude 9 The annual breakfast following district of the Episcopal Church- will provide the music. World." "In Joseph's Lovely Oar- ler and members of the Sesslm and devotion. , '."".' ...keystone of the belief in His divinity.' Every Zada Shepherd and Bruce .Buzal- this service will not be held this"'1 Hawkins; scripture reading, Vir- At the • -JOajn . Family Eucha- evening prayer will b» conducted on May 85!, The service of ski. • . . .. " At Trinity : women at St. Paul's Church, Rail- "The Opened < Tomb" has been den" and "Come, Christian,. Join The chancel choir'"will sing "n Sunday Christians are. reminded of the fact that 'Crucifixion year because of crowded facilities.' ginia Wargd; prayer, Dolores Mor- rist, children are invited to at- in the church at 5:16 pjn.' The Knatioh will be held, in..3t. The All. Day Watch before the way, on Thursday, April 21, at 8 chosen by the Rev. Mr. Rossi as tip! Sing? under the direction of Holy Jesu" by Lvolf. V Worlds Series Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Df^Lonfie, Selections from- tho cantata, "From the.Province to the Unl-"- lock; ".offertory prayer, Ronald tend with their parents. Children Cranford Chapter of Alcoholics i*s Lutheran Church at 8 p.m. It is oat at the Cross on Calvary that we the Church is here because Christ rose from the/ (j Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of pan. Men and women are cordially the sermon topic ai the Easter Sun The Margaret Greene Asairi. "I Commend'* has been selected sponsored by Mr. und Mrs. Robert "The Crucifixion," by John Stai- verso" has bi-en chosen by the pas-' Hoi z h a u s e r; ushers, Donald up to three years of age will be Anonymous will meet in Sherlock Robert $chonck, minister of mus|c. It day. • Tber* on* betrayed Him,' dead.' ' • —"-.• ' •• ; II Repose will begin today,' Maundy Invited to attend. : by the {lev. Dr Albert Allinger. tor as his Easter '"message, at the' day service at 11 aim. at Roose- aUon Will hear the ReV. 3 •• • • '»•«»..«. •''"•'... Higbiy; Stanley Dickersoni spon- ~'Br«}Mghton, Marco Ilardi, Jack Hil- taken care of in the infant care Hall at 8 p.m. , '1 Believe in JmmortaUty" has St is expected that the new as- dtaicd HOin and the others ran away nur will be sung "by the choir of a Thursday, immediately following The annual meeting- of the Pitner Smith, director of the j^Z K. i expected th pastor o| the Cranford Methodist 8:15, 9:30 and II a.m. festival scr-' ' liard, Ted Meadowcroft,' departnMQt daring' this * seryice. OJI Wednesday the service of velt School. Philip Enlow wiU b^en chosen by the Rev. Dr, Rob- 3 Hiat ia fear. At the CruciOxlon it ap- CHRIST IS RISEN — DEATH IS CON- sored- by Mrs. Stanely pickerson; the First Baptist Church at the 11 the 6:45 a.m. celebration «f'the tffciopal Churchwomen of .' |he offer special music. menical Training Center, spdakk Burnt pastor will be installed at Church, as the last in his series Evan H. Jenkins, sponsored by vices. . ' '•''• . A copy of the "Jerusalem News," Church school classes and youth morning prayer. wiU' tike- place ert O. Longaker, pastor, as His, Eas- acarrd that all hope was gone. The creat teacher QUERED. Easter Day is the wonderful proof a.m.'serviee Easter Sunday. Holy Eucharist at Trinity Episco- nloease of New Jersey wifl be held. Sunday, school will be held at "Missionaries for. a New Day* * ^K local church on' Sunday, June of sermon on "Words froirn the Donald K. Hedoen; Frederick Sunday church sphpol will con- a newspaper account of the resur- groups will not matt Sunday. in the church at 6:43 a^ foUawed VTii Cathedra}, Trenton, on t^r message at the 8, 9:30 and 11 fat ••p.mrHe will begin his work Cross" to be delivered at the 9:25 dead. Bat after the disciples that God is supreme. '.Christ rose from the dead : i; rection, will be distributed. pal Church. . Parishioner* wttl 9:45 a.m. for all ages. ' • „ 7 p.m. Monday. •f H ill begin his work Kltiseh, sponsored by Mrs. Vir- The Rev. Dr. Benjamin W. P.vene for all ages, at 9:30 and again On Batter .Monday tnarninj by a celebration of the Hply Wednesday, af ay 25; A" W9me» !pf 4T.m. Easter Sunday services. The The Prayer Croup will meet n on June 15. and . 10:55 a.m. ~ Easter Sunday that they' had seen the Risen in victory over the forces of sin and evil which A breakfast will be served fol- maintain a continuous offering of \ On Monday the joint board of ginia Klusch; Mrs. Arthur Palew, 'Alien, pastor, will deliver tho at 11 o'clook for all except the'''^ praise and: devotion throughout tl^ Parish are Invited, Thp»e junior, Westminster' and chancel 1:30 p-m. Tuesday in the junior 1 services. _/ «• the third day after H|« Crucifixion they had brought Him to the Cross and the. tomb. sponsored by Mrs. Arnold Rcichert. Easter meditation. Deacon James senior and adult groups. Children owing. the service by the young deacons and deaconesses will meet 0 the day until 9 o'clock this eve- f w|)0 plan to attend should make at 8 p.m. at the home of Charles choirs will sing -nt the three room. A recreation prograq i» J The chancel choir will sing the a«reaehed this message with.conviction and bold- This victory He shares with all who, through Mrs. Lorraine Rabinow.itz, spon- Kolseywill offer tho jirayor. ' • under three • years will be cared''" people for persons attending the V«catifHi Onurck [ollege Student 1 ning. This vigil is kept each-year reservations at the. p&riqh office Matthews, 17 Romore place. young people' of the church duj, "Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel at •ess. It was at "Christ's Resurrection from the Baptism, arc made inheritors of the Kingdom sored liy Mrs.. Robert Dclbridgc; Other selections to bo offered by for in the church house during the ''' service. St.Mkkml 8 services. : ing Easter vacation Will be held a I on the day when Christians com- P|m»T<44a| bfore April |i. Midweek prayer service will be the conclusion of the services. dead that peaste realised that He was not just of Heaven and partakers of His Resurrection. Mr. and Mrs.. GeorRe Seymour, the choir Ineudo: "All in. tho AV>ril 11 o'clock church service only. ' "' Three identical church services A meeUng of the Northern Con- Church school will meet as Fellowship Hall, Girls will ut I LSpotlight; The Rev. Daniel Harper, stu- will be held at 8, 0:30 and 11 a.m.memorate the institution of the Plans far the Vacation held at 7:45 Vm. Wednesday at Usual a. treat teacher and prophet but "truly, the Son Christ, by His death destroyed death, and by His sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Evening" by Ifoborton; ''In Jo- Regular .events for the coming,,,r oWon of the Episcopal JMcose ; the hall in the morning and j dent assistant, will preach on "He Easier Sunday. The Rev., Albert G. sacrament of the" Holy Eucharist Easter Dtw the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ' Tonight at 8 p.m. the sacra- •f GWL" In the Gospels we see the events per- rising to. life again has restored to us everlasting Hudson; Mrs. Mabel Sloan<;, spon- seph's. Lovely Garden" by Dickin- week include: Junior, choir re- '.', School at Calvary Lutheran Of Nfw Jerwy will {* hjejd at St. in the afternoon. , Arose, Why?" at the Easter Sun- ' Dc^so, pastor, will preach on by our Lord. Ganzemuller, 121 Hillcrest avenue^ [ampus Judaism to the •csoirection chiefly through the life. The'Christian way of thinking about deuth sored by'Mrs. Kenneth Stewart, son; "A Legend" l>„y Tchaikovsk„y .hearsal this afternoon at 3:30.;'^ ch were announced this week Paul's Churcp, RahwW, Sunday rise Service at 7:30 ajn. in" the "Pqwer," one of the "Great Words Girls' choir rehearsal will take Michael Schachter, a student nt who experienced them. The story is rather different from all other' ways. , Be- and Mr. arid Mrs. Eugene Stanley, i.and "Christ The Lord i:; Hison" Monday, church council at 7:30,... place at 6 p.m. today. The service evenjng. ADTU 24, beg}njtfiig with church. Following the service the of the Christian Faith," The West- by afrs.BalphBrethnatthat service. At 7 music will be sung by the senior REV. LAUHANCE J. PYNE Poator 1 to 2 p.m.—Clark Community Good, Friday on ABC Network beginning at 6 8:00 ajn.—Holy Eucharist with Easter Music. April 24, at the 11 a.m. service. day at 6:30 p.m.; senior choir. 8 p. m. a service of~pMcantion for choir. Mrs, James D. Prior is Service-at the Christian MtBfionary Alii- Missionary,, College, Nyack-J N. V..Told at St. Mark's a.m. Mountain Standard Time. In Tht pastor will speak at a Com- pjn wflll held in director. • , ; will be the guest speaker. Follow- past years these services • hav 9:30 ajn.—Family Eucharist with' Easter Hymns. munity Sunrise Service in Spring- No meetings are planned by Girl ;.. ahcie' Church, Clafk"' ' *"~ • • ' The Rev. John A. Deveaux, Jr., <;. ./. the church and the at of Children's t confessions will be ing: the service. Easter breakfast drawn as high as 30,000 to the fiqdV sponsored by the protestant Scout Troop 106 during Easter va- GOODFRIDAY —April 15—8:00 p.m. pastor'of St. Mark's AME Church, fl:0D aan.—Morning Prayar, 11:00 aan.—Procession. Choral Eucharist Sermon. Wfll be administered held from 9 to lQ'aJn. on Satur- Mr. De?so will be preaching. -. will he served in the church's Fel- 'Cathedral of Nature." . youth group of that community.' cation. The group WiU meet on 7:30 to fc30 pjn. day. .'• ..,.•, ; ;' * ? has selected as,his Easter message, Ulariy. EASTER SUNDAY Holy W#k Program lowship HalL Sunday Bible School Explorer Post 44 will meet next Saturday, April 30, at 10:30 ajn. I ^ Holy Communion. Bible meditation. . 'Morning," at the' 11 a.m. Easter Outdoor Sunrise Service • . • • . • will meet at 9:30 ajn.« Special Music by the Sanctuary Chpir lunday service. REV. WEJJAM B. DONNELLY, At the.II o'clock worship ser- 12:00 to 3:00 P: "Atonement Special Music: ., • —>' G. LQUPJUEBB D4>. The Public Cordially Invited GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Workers will meet at 8 p.rn, Theis the exemplification of man's uni- "deCastre's—Prayer to Jesus" : pjmihii Missionary Society will ty with God, whereby man reflects TBEBEV*. LAIRD O. IfflXEB to baheld at Easter Sunday meet Tuesday at 11 ajn. divine Truth, life, and Love, Jesus , "Were You There When They Crucified My On Wednesday morning at 9:30, of Nazareth taught and demon- > Lord" — Negro Spiritual The Methodist Church Masses— 7^ 8» 9:15,10:30 and 11:30 a.m. the Women's Prayer Band will strated man's oneness with the (Youth Choir)' , The 9;15 Mass will be the Chfldretfir Mass. meet at the home of Mrs. L. A. Father, and for this we owe him TONIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Walnut Avenue Conover. 10 Hetford avenue. The endless homage." . *•'• "Man of Sorrows" by Pooler '•>...... ••, v The 11:30 Mass w^l be a High Mass sung by The closing Scriptural selec- The Holy Thursday Communion Service pastor will conduct the mid-week; LATINO "Lamb of God" by Christiansen FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1960—12 NOON to 3 P-M- the Boys'Choir. Prayer Meeting that evening at 8 tion to be read Is from John (3:17): Pointed patent, (Adult Choir) by Candlelight First Baptist Church •"For God sent not his Son -.into pcaudesoie :';•-•, i the world to condemn the word; ointment . "Salvation is Created" by Christiansen y but that the world through him (Adult and Youth Choire) *• : . ••• . • • — SPEAKER^— ;'•• inight be saved." Dr. Benjamin W. P. AJ|W,P«tw EASTER—-- •'•••'.••• ' • ' • j GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES Tatharl Fotghr. Tham far Thay Know Not Whirl Thar Do,* CRANFX)RD BAPTIST CHURCH Who hath not learned that when 6:00 a.m. . , ; i Bmw. Dr. Banjamin P. Allen alone ha baf his own thoughts to Fbst Baptist Chttrch a -•;., REV. FRANKM. ROSSI, Pastor guard, and when struggling' with •••iv'. DAWN SERVICE OF HOLY COMMUNION 72D-7:37A.M. his temper, and in i 'j, '• "Todof Bhcdl Thou B* WWi Me in ..'••- - *•"•'• • : . .' ' v Sermon: Simpk Words That Shook Tho World - "Moments of Meditation" .•.•r Bsv. Dr. BobsrBrt t G. JJmgak ty his tongue? . • - .'....' • •..•••"-. ..•.•' Baker Eddy Special Music: Devotions ' '",:• ' rint Pffssbytsrian Church "On Wings of Living Light" — German -Vfomanl Bshold Thy Son." "Son BshoM Thy Moth** "An Easter Hymn" — Mason "F\»r Us So Full of Fault" FIJQICIUIQIQf QUST.SUUIIISI LOVELY NEW FORMULAS Rsr. John A. DsTsanx FOR SPUING ~i ' (Junior Choir) Jt... . St Mark's A^tE-Chareh onax* AV«. AT Miui f*. UNOON Ms?" 9:45 am-—Church School . B*rrkxm: Ouatar 11 AM. Patents and calfskins...high and 8:15,9:30 and 11:00 a.m. -My Qodl My Godl Why Hast Thoa F BeboeP'll AM. The Throe Hour Meditation Bsr. Dr. Albsrt ADJnaat 11:00 a.m.-^Worship. Sermon, "THE OPENED TOMR" mid-high heels...llio open and closed THE FESTIVAL SERVICES "The Words from the Cross" Citmfcrd MsJhodist Church :15 oielock looks...inlri^uing trims and colon "IThlwtr / piADMO BOOH . .First Editions combines them in the mo Sermon: From The Province To The Universo at The Melodist Church SERVICES IN ROOSEVEUT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM - 1U RNtt Vmtmm An, Ctaatef* Special Music: rUr. Arnold J. DoklquW Open Hon. tbm W*L. 10:30 aJto. to 4 pjn. delightful ways to give you the most. Cajrory li^Mran Church Or«nge Ayanu* • , W*tvr6a9 I to 4 pjn. 845 "We WiU Be Merry "arr. Curry - Mday-.Xmnina.-ldO ti • fascinating shoes you've seen for many a v "Hosanna be the Children's Sopg" — fiwr, taaraips Pyos (NUIWT lacJIlttas during II aJn. «P»*» wffi adah Spring.These are just four...but io The Children's Service ••••/Cranfco,* Alttanc* Church come in and see, wo have lots motel * " • • HeflomeOe of Believers Baptism • (Children's Choir) for all Tathtc into Thy Hands I Comasnd 8-00 RT. Frank M. Hoaat DIMENSIONS YOU AN OU> 9:30 "Early in the Morning" — McGormick Prinary and Junior Children HOW COQUETTE - "WithAVoiceofSiiigtag" —Sh«w • • ,• v_ r "• • • 7 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH pip-tide cut, (Youth Choir) The Young Peoples' Choir of the First Presby- CHRISTIAN peau de sole collar on patent n A.M, $13.95 11:00 "Love Is Come Again" — air. GFOM THE EASTER SERVICES terian Church will sing from 1? to 1 P-m. *f Thlt^^A^. md Chwtw* St. SOENa "An Easter Paean"—HaUstrom The Methodist High School Choir will sing May We Greet You On This Easter Day in the Name i Mondays Till 9 P. M. (Adult Choir) fc00,*30, end 1140A.M. from 1 to 2 p.m. HBUS (All Service. WiH P> HeM Indopn) TUB EASTER MESSAGE Special Musk by the MQU Choir- Of Our Risen Lord YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTENDt Quimby at Central Avenue WestfieH .*.* —ALL ARE WELCOMt — " "I BELIEVE IN IMMORTALITY" COME AND STAY AS LONG AS POSSIBLE A CQ^OMML W61XOMIJ AWAITS YOU AT OUR SERVICES WRCA — m» 7:45 a.m.

•T: ••X, XT'

. p '••'*.- * • ' . '•'". • • "' . *"

^ -'•' '' -T^l-*-J'' - • ',; •

I . , ' •

CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHBONICLE, CRANFORD. N. J. THURSDAY, APRIL H, Pvce Si* CRANFORD CITI8EN AMD CBBONIl ••iJ clothes and also b.y a demonstra- nouncer and William Ford as stage mon, Janet Brodsky. Neil Maka- are studying the signs o, tenas, Bruce Rab, Blaine Marsh, pils. Chalk pictures^ were shown Harris. George G. Williams, Nor- of Rutgers University, - will . be tto'a of the operation of the radio- manager. •, ' . Flowers planted by Da yelopment of Newark State's, stu- Cranford Public School News Violet LJnd; 'Barbara Mauthe, April 1 Suggestion: New Buiek4Vmtiae Patricia /Schoenfelder,- Doris man Yopp; bass, Leroy Gipson, guest speaker at the profram. telephone Jn the fire inspector's Gayle Culbreth, Andrc^ w-i dent teaching program, in which' car. Edward Richard Morrison Pamela Shaner, Christine Vogel, er. Lisa Rappaport, William ^*J imunion Drivers Pay Dealership to Open Cunningham,' Maureen Sawicki. Roney kelsey, James. Laurel, Howr The foundation is to be a state- Brookside Place r : )n School on Conveyer juniors and seniors receive practi- Drought an interesting book about James Mn *MM*"i and June .Mon- mann, and Harry BwWn^i Judith Bonchajk; Jeanne-.Parkin- rd 'Young. wide, non-profit organization ded- <, •./•• -: ' Grade 2 : '' ,•••'• ^ The'April. 1 issue of the Cran- cal 'teaching experience " "two A new automobile dealership son, Joan Parkinson, Paul Pat- community helpers to school, and' em.. . :••• .;.:•*-.-•••'••- •- ginning to grow; "M*-! ibrd High School Spotlight- months each year in neighboring cated to encouraging a wider un- ^. ^^^Ronald Manhardt explained hoW —:•- Grate 5 ; Traffic Fines for Buick and Pontiac cars, will Samolyk, "and grade is welcoming spring with a (called the •'Stoplight" for the school systems. She also was,chair- Stanley Roslak of Newarfc was : dcrstanding and apptticttttofc •< the firemen spray-adjoining build- QretcJhen Croushore, . , be, established "in Princeton some- Claude Grady. ". " : BolletFoundatioit Miss Barbara Pfarrcr's fourth "Bunny Land" theme for their Thomas Polistina, class presi- >uut: April Fool's Day occasion) con- tnan of the graduate program at tune in early July by Corydon S. all phases of danc* and the related grade at Livingston Avenue School ings to prevent spreading of fire. dent, reports that nine commit- Frederick Becht, Deborah toed $25, each on charges of reck- Scenes done in sketcho were go with their parents arc Anita under the supervision of Miss brought building sets to school, classroom. Studying is being done, tained a suggestion that the pro- the.college. ..•'.' ,*..••• Kammler of Montgomery Town- xhibited by Adrienne Eige, Rob- arts. , • ' ":"•'. '• , , •"; 13 spotlighted the usefulness of a dic tees are outlining, planning and and Jeanne Mikelson less driving and driving without a Dance Salute Hole : Fink, David Farer, Bonnie Gra- Karolyn Babriecki, the art tcacfi- and Russell Douglta, Stmuel via children's literature, to find l,n« for the annual communion posed new high school building Ship, formerly of Cranford. bert Duncan. Arthur Vreeland. \i 'tionary Tuesday in a play, "Tim Rothstejn and Barbara Ward con "*'•' -• Gr«de6 :'/••• creating reports on the natural re- hooks to begin a |a^st of St. Michael's Bosary be placed on a huge conveyer license when he was arraigned nltzkl, Nancy Harrison, Claudia cr. out what goes oh in this land. Ground was broken'last week Brian Gordon, nnd Robert Makes A Friend." •':; structed models of modom build' Miss Marie Marcantonlo's sixth sources, history, education, econ- Displayed in the letyonMay 1 at Wally's Bes- belt so It could be moved from .before Magistrate Charles J.. Ste- For Cranford Girl -.1 .v. Herbert, Nina McDaid, and Mark Richard Beyer and Thomas The class has made a jelly for a building to house the newO'Leary. Robert Macalik and Hi The ploy illustrated the kind of Turkel. ' ' . IV ings. Richard Paskow made a larga grade recently presented a class omic status, industrial systems,' pictures and stories abom !!M Scotch Plains, were an- one part of the township to an-VNA Nurses Doreen Berniann. 13-year-old 1 Maceiko were in...charge of the ens In Municipal Court last week. Brenda Ruch had black prints on 1 Pity. "You Can't Get Away from bean" machine, three-dimensional and recreational areas of the business on Route 206, near the hrlp ^students can get from a dic- Some of the books borrowed are front bulletin borfrd^which consists brown windmill. ThQ windmill U farm by Ernest Miller ?«? I i at a meeting last week in other and thus eliminate any daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford See Mr. SUBURBAN id- Safety." Caro^vBlayed by Nina colored spring flowers, a large ar- mountain and Pacific,states. Sam- A charge of improper use of reg-Princeton Airport.' The agency display. • Non-objective designs tionary including checking of spell- shown and rciad to the, group. Oral of a tree blooming with pink on the bulletin board in the front Honeywell, Joseph Scooirm >A pupil transportation problems. Bermann of 10 Orange'avenue, l KouBln, was tired ot street safety bor, paper eggs and large bunnies uel McDowell's group will produce Albert DiFablo. *" **l On 250 Calls istration plates brought a penalty will be known as Kammler Buick- were completed by Daniel Hanken for your every >*V^'f ° ing, pronunciation and meaning of reports atb giv«;n on other books crepe paper blossoms, of the classroom. ' -- DVW.. Ruotolo of the and Ronald Kelsey. SeU-portrajts will take part in a special per- in the United States and wanted for. their wall-sized bulletin board. a shadow play on Wyoming and. The class enjoyed listed-, Cranford Visiting Nurses made of $30 for Theodore A. Strobel of Pontiac. . • ••• .:' strange or new words.'" • Bulletin boards in the classroom ...c Speakers' Bureau will were exhibited by Alexander formancV of the Holiday Theatre read to the children at home by an Donald Boottiby, Joseph Paumi, to! escape, to a country, where They are, dyeing' and decorating Montana; Donna Polidordfc group, phonograph records of f ' W 250 calls, during March with. 20 u. The cast included: Tim, Richard arc also decorated with P*uja arm on "CathoUfc Family Ouid- inden. ... Huppert, Shirley Scott, Marylou •Ballet Co.' on Friday evening, BANKING iM\ older member of-thc family. Charles Radis," Annette Kurdilla, safety rules d)d not have to be ob- egg-shells • for an egg tree con- puppet show about New Mexicobrought by Dania Bentson. Dr. Peterson new cases admitted during- the Biribauor; mother, Evelyn Glaus- Hight's picture of a vase of flow : h - .'at the annual alfair. A Other fines were imposed as fol- Gerlach, and Patrick Murray. April 22. at Columbia HiRh School Adrian Weinbcrg, Andrea Bracuto, served. In her dreams Carol met tributed by Deborah Sabalot. and Arizona. " • ". ' , month, Mrs. Josephine Rudnicki, School News Nttu... •'..«,.r a nitor; -father, Mark Gutierrez; GradeS Paul Huehn '.-and1-. Steven . Czeh crs and Deborah Goldberg's safety \ Corps will provide transpor- lows: William Tileston, Newark, Original drawings,. for science Maplcwood. The event is being dictionary, Martha McNeil; right Mr. McGlonis, a leprechaun, play- Philip O'Connell and Alan Burton 'A' panel discussion based on Grade 5 n Mrs. Harry Hughes and Adult Education nurse-director, reported...at Tt' . (Continued from Pace 6) ,staRed as a "dance salute" to honor .'(! Ernest Hobbic's" fifth grade-Btu- planned and created a scene' for poster. ' . ' , "••••--• contributed pussy willows for careless driving,, $15; Owen D and social studies were shown by guide word, Jeffrey Gamba; left As a language arts.activity Rich* ed by David Garrity, who intro- Utah will be prepared by the com- Mrs. Ann Rogutv fifth „ Charles Steer, co-chairmen. cent, meeting of the board • of di- made by Patricia Moore, Ronald the official founding of the Ballet i dent* have' completed a unit on the nnother bulletin board Which coii- spring science study. A spring Conclave Speaker Walsh, Colonia, no registration in John Preussner, Richard Ander- guide word, Barbara Lconowicz; ard Rastelli and Paul Nikituk pre- duced, her to children from other mittee led by Elizabeth Knox. class has constructed a we' .ounccd. Tickets can be•'obtain- rectors in Lincoln School. VanCora and Mary Ann Colucci. Foundation of New Jersey. ; South Central United States: Many slsts.of colorful butterflies, baby bird collection was brought by station which Is on display Dr. Houston Peterson, professor Of last month's cases 91 were possession, $4; Elmer J. Cook, 33 son, Patricia Jones, Paterson Rae. TRUST COMPANY 'J' pic-spire «a dictionary picture) Di- sented a puppet show;called "Ab-i countries. These new foreign John' Conover will be master of It meetings or from the follow- t and Elmet Widmann. Marilyn interesting projects which related cnicks, flowers, ducks and rabbits, Robin Skidmore and David Owen. following instrument's, were'• of philosophy, Rutgers University, paid, 86 were,. part-pay and 73Columbia avenue, stop sign vio- Doreen will api>ear in the color- ''•"('• arte Zil-r. . bot and Costello In the Circus." Friends tell Carol about safety reg- ceremonies when his ..fellow stu- Twomtn: Mrs. v: »Jason, Mrs. GradeG Galski showed her two-dimension- past and present facts about, each | Barbara Smyth, Charles Walker, Teddy Osbornfesand Gregory Kes- by the children: Barometer ] will be the principal speaker at were free.. • • ' lation, $12; Joel C. Chambllss, Jr. ful fantasy, "Carnival," with chor- Cast as letters of the alphabet They will give their ^puppet show, ilaQons in their respective na- 1 dents broadcast about California. Wciland, Mrs. C. E. Englprt, Mrs. Cora Leonard's sixth grade al valentine. state were made. I Amy Elsler, Dale Perez, Marion ter added stuffed bunnies while thea Mayers, Nino Delia' the annual spring conference of Mrs. Rudnicki, Mrs. F. P. An-Newark, ignoring red traffic light, eoRraphy by Martha Wittm;u{. .who helped Tim were: A, Jack for other classes in the school. lons. . ••••• •••••• ••: ; A movie is now being drawn on _' p j. Grail, Mrs. J. P. Bops, $5; Millard W. D^rtch, Linden class will take a trip to New York Dr. MasoriW. Grois, p the students who reported on Messersmith, Barbara Dochodo, : Robert* Bernstein andSSandy Selby and James Reid; hair hygrc the New Jersey , Association for dersen and Mrs. .P. I. Delano at- Polidori; B, Bertha Hearns; C, The* recently published issue of Scottish children were Robyn wallpaper to . show highlights I E Dragen, Mrs. H. Verene-, City in the near future* to' visit Tennessee and Oklahoma were! RODert Mintz, Martin Kane, Ro- shared some of their springtime Mary Ann Colucci, John Adult Education on Saturday, tended th(.' anuuar meeting of thespeeding, $10; Abraham Hyman, Robert Bettigor; D, Dale Schilling; The Walnut Post, Junior included Brown and Susan Smith; French about Oregon. A sportsorama at I Mrs. W. H. Buchan,.Mrs. F. the Metropolitan Museum of Art'First Baptists Scott Auer, Frank Carrajat, .^icTt Hubiak, Joseph Paumi, Thorn- book collection with the class. and, Ronald VanCora; 1 May 14, at Union Junior College, Eastern Union County' Visiting Brooklyn, speeding, $20, and Ar- •JI E, Richard Yuschak; F, Daphne contributions by Linda Mertz, children, Janet Lawrence and Sun Valley, planned by William. fc-Bricn. Mrs. I. E. Kaminsky, the Hayden Planetarium, and the (Continued from..Page 5) Thomas Lang. James Kascn, „«. Thorpe, Joan Kcnderskl, James For added interest, the class has Martin's committee, will give in- dry-bulb hygrometer, John oZ.\ Cranford. His topic will be "Phil- Nurse Association last week. Mrs thur J. Carter, 39, Johnson avenue, 'A Lane; G,- William Rpwe; H, Rose Laurie Scholff, Susan Sot- Thomas Wright; Swedish children, I w H. Crissey, Mrs. M. A. Museum of Natural History. The White, Jr., organist and choir direc- Charles Bischoff, Stuart Trent, prlcc> Stanley Smith, Richard decorated one of the hall bulletin 'formation about Idaho. Plays are bianco, James Bykowski, and Wil I osophy, Wisdom and Knowledge." Rudnicki spoke of the services of careless driving, $10. class .trip, sponsored by the Lin- « A Thomas \J/ebstcr; I, Barbara man and Richard Korngut and Barbara Blasl and Jonathan Light- ty Mrs. J. Shelhimer, Mrs. L. t4 Michael Pasqua, Robert White, Beute, Robin Oliver and Andrea boards in the theme, "We've Got also being produced by Pamela liam Joyce; Anemometer, Barba, The theme of the conference be- the Visiting Nurse Association at coln School ,PTA, will have the tor. •. . ' . . ' i: Howes; J, Thomas McSulla; K, Marc Gorsky, Barbara .Menge, AT- Bracuto have made a rabit family, Marilyn Callon. ' ,,' • . '. cap; Polish ohlldren,. Ruth Jack- tMaffiore, Mary Ann Vizzbne leauchea. Mrs. P. Tlnnesz, Mrs, ing held in cooperation with- the Choir members-are: First tenor n Adeline Griffin; ij, Mark Gutier- u y on and Thomas Young; Italian That'Spring Feeling." 'Cut paper Klein, Linda Selby, Susan Riha I Gallagher, Mrs. J. McGuire, a meeting of Homeniakers ' Ser- Gas Heating, Cooling class mothers as chaperones. E lene Cadiz, and Linda Collins. •. Nancy DiMJchele; wind vane i Division of Adult Education of the John E. Johnson, Edward A. Jones. rez; M. Dcnisc Billicki; N, Arlenc birds,. Easter bonnets and boxes of children, Patricia Mlncur and Rob^flowers were used as a colorful and' their classmates about I w J; Foppert, Mrs. A. Beh- vice last Thursday in the Methodist Lincoln School recently had an with purchas* of a SPEED QUEEN DRYER Arkansas and Alabama, Michael flowers for the hall cabinets. spring background upon which Nevada, Colorado, and Washing- frey Alston. Ralph SfiriRnoli ^1 State Department of Education is Church. ' Show Popularity Gain art exhibit for.parents and visit- Arthur Saunders; second tenor Porter^ O, Deidre Petuck; P, Alvin Kearney, Karen Liming, Susan Officers have 'been .chosen lor ert 2Savila; Chiinjcse children, Jean ton. \^ William Brown; rain gauge, Mr3. fr. Blelsch. "New Horizons in Adult Educa- Charles Brown, Joseph Birchctt === Sorge; Q, Evelyn ClaUsnitzer; R, Laughlin and Theodore Weber; various spring poems and stories ' ovations will close Sunday, Mrs. John, L. Brcnnan and an- The use of gas heating in area ors. Many "kinds ol work" were r^^ ^~~^yx WITH LIFETIME GUARANTEED Paffenroth, Karen Dalsey, Wanda Grade 3 April in Frank DlTuIlio'solasims bara Samolyk and Patricia M^. tion." A highlight of the con- exhibited by .Mrs. Leonard's pu- Irving Muldrow; baritone.^ Albert Dianne Garretson; S, Karen ,Tin- Israeli children, Rhonda Ricklis, written ' by the children were other representative of the associ- homes has increased 14 percent I ( ~1 J STAINLESS STEEL DRUM Wright, Augusta Hearns,.' and The boys and girls in Miss Al- follows: President,; Steven placed. Writers .were . Sandra nephoscope, James Santiago ference, will be a clinic., for. be-ation will work-at campaign head- nesz; T, Donna Lohrfink: U, Linda vice-president, Linda l^alki a|\d John Carter; and Syrian chil- Irs Z. J.' Langfil»3?eported the 1 since March, 1959, with 92 percent Carolyn Kupshik, Mississippi and thca Stein's-third.grade have; been Cohen, Todd Harrison, Mary. Jane ~ Lincoln Sehofd Wayne CoopeC The children ml ginning adult schools'- With Miss quarters' for the United Fund. of ell new homes speclfyfcig gas Jones; V. Karen Koziar; W, Can-Tennessee, Susan Coyle, Cheryl busy in many, areas. Some of theretnry, Richard 9ahle?r girl ca dren were Geraldine Boyd and ako recording the weather fon>| Itcry bus ride will be held Kathryn "Stllwell, director of the dace Armitage; X, Bernard Adams; Robert Imfeld.v . • Knauer, Janice Jjtoman, Robert Grade 1 Mrs, H. R. McCulIough, presi- heat, it was reported this Week'by (Gregor, -John Ranhofer, nnd children • wrote reports about tain, Patricia Baldi; -boy Vip»l Kaplan. Marc Stobinski, Michael casts daily on a weather chat I Isday, May 24, at 10 a.m. Mrs.Wcstwood Adult Schobl, as thdentV'conductee d the meeting; Elizabcthtown Gas Co. Citing Y, Arthur Gale, and Z. Donald The boys and girls in Mrs. lard Coo presided. TO CO AST MOVERS Glenn Smith; Texas and Louisiana, pheasants-and drew pictures of the, Richard Batdorf. Clash Jbelptti Helen deBrlgard served as an- (Continued on Page 7) discussion leader. . / Hcrbster. Caruso, Michael Currle, Gory Di- Florence Brlones' first grade class latest survey figures, the com- Easf Te See kia Set Fabric Selector Judy Keller, Ruth Newell, Mary stuffed pheasants brought by Wal- elude: doors, Alan Cramer j hMnb, ftrs Franklin Walsh "and Mrs- Dr. Peterson, who has written pany' reports it now serves the , . .The following- children, were lies Hill, social chairmen^ were Dial—choose the temperature safest MlfflttTIC. DiFabio, Robert Rjowbotham, ter Ditzcl and Kenneth Heger. Joseph Trezsa;.. light*, •' four bo6ks and edited five others, Missionary heating needs of over 31,000 area and fastest for each fabric. Iread. Del- special "letters":. Adeline Griffin, David,' Kiamie, Joanne Reilly,| The children have been caring Hagtf; Bible, Kenneth Krl Isted by Mrs. Matthew Haney, will speak at the afternoon session the teasing letter; Bertha Hearns, families, ••••„' temly Ifeated Sale—cast-in tubular ele- Janet Sopko, Jane'Kraemcr, and j for many, colorful "flowers in thesink, Sandra ficl»ur«t;snd:; Vote Counts t. Edward" Ward, Mrs. Joseph in the collogc's lecture hall. He ir.enl speeds ironing—no hot spots. the buzzing "B"; Deidre Petnck, toll. Mrs. , Gerard Conevari, Training Center According to John Kean, com- — Han —BotA—JUt, Kenneth Dinsmore. classroom. Michael Bernstein's Folti; paper, " is the author of "Huxley:. Prophet pany vice-president, a silent -gas Ugntn Fill Opeainf—conveniently located at the songleader and horse and ' daffodils have. bloomed. Tulips, letin boards, I J. M. Cleary, Mrs. Paul Chief! of Science," "Havelock Ellis: Phil- front of dandle. Cool. Comfortable Handle Thomas Webster ~ and William Recommended by YOUR Republican Policy Committee I Mrs. William Stickle. Director to flame burning out of doors is WnJnwit Anenin> • byncjnths, and begonias are also Donald Grot' osopher of Love," "The Melody of The Rev. Donald Pltner Smith also opening a new era in efficient, fits the hand,-reduces fatigue. U|_ Mitchell Rowe, the rascals. Halkpwlch; Chaos" and "The Lonely Debate." HENRY P. TOWNSEND, Age less Tiriaf—weighs only 314 lbs...7 The announcer, for the program irainW Avenue growing in the classroom. The •will speak on "Missionaries for'a economical home air conditioning. Supfce. and pla For Union County Freeholder Board Born ' in Fresno, Calif.r Dr. New Day" before th,e Margaret Today's new gas air conditioners ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. Yours FREE with your stainless 2-7241 *<••'.•. •was. Diane Zier and the stage Grade 1 . ' • ' children arc observing Mark Jieii, Loses License Speed Queen Dryer purchase. Tfle-. Qtymplq ' I Peterson is a graduate" of Pomona Greene Association' at the Firs! are available in basically two ft Cntlaa • SptcUU7"r Spring has arrived in Mrs. Mary Fink's portulaca seeds for sprouts. helpers were boys of Mrs. Ruth College and earned his master of ki k Ci or write: ! White's first grade! [in social studies the class learn- startipd, two w* lr Drunken brivihg Presbyterian Church on Monday. units, both/ supply-cooled air SPEED QUEEN ATUNTIC CO. INC. 34-18 Northern BlvitL. LI City, N. Y.I Coppage's sixth grade. . arts and doctor of philosophy de- 1 Birds have returned from the ed, that many of the huildings in full -swing: -T Keadinii guilty to, a .drunken Members may invite guests for through the existing heating sys- OaU . Wholesale Distributors grees at Columbia' University, south, flowers are blooming, Rotterdam, Holland, were bombed slighUy ibcad l-mg charfie, Robert E. O'Neill, the evening, which will begin with tem and dehumidlfy. as well as te«m tn Wtal' of Hillside, was fined $225 where he taught prior to joining dinner at .7- o'clock. • ' freshen air. ' . Livingston Avenue grass is green and grown tall, and during World War II and re- 4 never needs to be cut; colorful placed by new modern buildings as weeeri-bfl*, I his driver's license was re- the Rutgers faculty. , The' Rev; Mr.' Smith is directo Reflecting the versatility of to- Grade I IWH Dr. Peterson has appeareirecdf on Going to the public .library is Duttcrfiies'nnd insects have taken after the war: The children looked relay traces,have been/ p!|ye{L ted for two years when he op» of the Ecumenical Training 'CCn day's ultra-modern , appliances, ired before Magistrate Charles many radio and television pro- ter at Stony Point, N. Y., where Mr. Kean said) new gas air con- one, of' the activities currently up residence on the bulletin board, at pictures of modern buildings the jyitu>i»Uiny.JBUbi \ne — Rrams, including "Speaking' Ac-' buT/afl in the form. oCcfeativtT tinRotterdahi~"and~stUdlcd~thc" Istcvens—in—Municipal—Couti -missionaries are approved and ditioriers can be installed almost / stressed in Miss/Mary Martcll's quaintance," which hv has done class. Boys and/girls have de- work done by the children. • modern architecture of Walnut j week. He also was penalized prepared for overseas posts. anywhere, with' outdoor installa- •for failing to have his driver's consistently for over 10 years. The tions becoming popular to save in- • A scribed their visits to the library. Paper flowers were made by Avenue 'School. t. Then Jbanne Mrs., A. M. Goodhart willy coW :••! 7 Susan Weiss, Bonnie Weincr, Jack Erickson, Peccy.Avery; Bruce Roe- has< bojuti lA '• a>a-; Inse in his possession and 45program is carried by many New duct Spiritual Life services, an door space. With the codling.unit Children who have gone to the I disorderly .conduct, Jersey radio stations. He is in located outdoors, the. summer air library . with an older ,sister or Leibowitz, Adrian Weinbcrg, WH- ssner and Steven Schedin made a dinner will be served by Priscilla centra); -Btaies:<; . he Hillside man was arrested constant demand as a toastmastcr Circle, with Mrs. H. B. Henderso conditioner adds neither heat nor brother are Melanie Bebcrman, liam Telcsco, Martin Kane, Carol- large picture of a city in Holland and keynoter for community and Eaton, Lawrence Josefyk, Char- with many modern buildings. Don- Judith Harwich.,* ch 20 by' Patrolman John as leader. For those ' unable. ti noise to • the conditioned area, he Barbara Lee, John Bartocci, and [rsch. who reported he observed college affairs. added, and with no compressor, .Edward Cook. Among those who lotte Scanlon and Richard Beyer, aid Miller and Jeffrey Horowitz Karen & attend the dinner, dessert an< dra Schurer, 'Richanl L driving" erratically on ,Maka- coffee will be served at 7:45 p.m. and no moving parts to create V: drive. . ^ friction or become noisy, the unit drew Ooldbefrg? 3.' ALBERTS. KOPF Former Resident Retires ibach, Patrick HARRY V. OSBORNE, Jr. PETER J.McDONOUGH The great man is he who does will not create neighborhood an- noyance. Riwo, Christine - fuller, • Englneei, AHmlnlnhotar jien for Dinner ,' From Newark State Post not lose his child's heart.—Mencius. .,• Lawyer . ".. . . \ .',. Businessman • . / •• RxJdoy. D^na SebkpwicaV • Zoning and Plcuutlng Board Proven Adminlstrattv* .dmond T. Azar of 601 Linden kDr. Lenore "Vaughn-Eames, a MHttentan, anirf JaneVCahgeloai; • Vetetan .. faculty member at Newark State Experience , ' Ability •••-. , [ce and Paul A. Lawless pf 200 Alap Cramer, lUchard Sahler, «* • Qivic Leader, ;ch street were co-chalrrhen of College,' Union, for the past 38 For Good Looks That Can Take It gina Hag4l, Dtfvid Buplee, David • Educatoi . '", [ Civic Leader • Active Republiam ; 1 arrangements committee for years, announced her retirement Papier, L|nd« Walker. Harriei • Active Republican Young Republican 1 first nnnual. Loyalty Night recently,,-, "' I Krilov and Kirk: Foltz; 4. Donate "Th« U«t Shall Be Ffrstr ttinjand dinner of the North- A resident of WestfieW, Dr. Orate, .• RbnaUl Brdwnlee, aw 1 Nnv_ Jersey Alumni Chapter Vaughn-Eames was bom in Cran- Kenneth Krlchman.' ' .Mount St. Mary's College, Em- ford and attended schools" here. Go All the Way to 36 - 37 - 38 for Osborne, Kopf, McPonough Isbiira Md.V-fceW, at the Winif She'was graduated from Jfewarif Bloomingdale Avenue i Swtt Hotel; Elizabeth, Tues- State Normal School in 1919. nlght.' ••••'-• She has been a leader in the de- Kindergarten Mrs. Jean Locber's kindergarten has been very interested in learn LOOK WHAT IS DOING NOW I ing about Cranford's community LAWN AND GARDEN helpers. One ' activity connected with this unit of, interest was the construction of a large wall map of the Bloomingdale school dis- OWER EQUIPMENT trict; The children colored and cut out houses to resemble their lAUTHORIZED DEALER — SALES A SERVICE own. Using the school as a centra! CENTRAL point, they helped to, locate the • Toro proper position of their own houses on the map. Those who have con- • Jacobsan tributed to this project are: James AIR Dawson, Randolph Young, Ed- • Simplicity ward Richard Morrison, Joanne • Reo Blois, Donna Esposlto, Barbara CONDITIONING Helck, Mary Holian, Deborah EXTRA PRESEASON Huffman, Amy Storch, Beverlj Springsted, Victoria. Skok, Jear BONUS TOWARD Miller,' . Laura Mason, Howarc NEW Silbersteln, Edward Runne, Ronald . ; . as thrifty TRADE-IN OF Manhardt, Kevin Lynch,.Raymond NEW MOWER Kramkowski, Daniel Killion, Fred- erick Dohn, Thomgs Kevin. Brown, Scot Brockcr, Donald Arthur,; Irv- and carefree ing Adams and Anthony Andriola. ADDALIA'S GARDEN SHOP Another highlight of this unit as was .the visit by Cranford Fire Iotwph M. Addtdla. Prop. Inspector Edward Keade and Fire- -* Llndm man Robert Griffin. The duties of the fire inspector and of the gas heat! firemen were discussed. Various pieces of equipment were dis- played and safety-rules were em- • (-•'••'— Justtouchingupafewbarespotsthisyear.Weseeded phasized. The. children were in- the whole lawn last Fall, with Scotts FAMILY? Sowed trigued by the fireman's working MCE A VE(I SUE! GAS AIR CONDITIONER WORKS WONDERS AIR it with the Scotts Spreader—and got a really even Cools It, Cleans It,... Freshens Every Room In Your job. FAMILY seed's all perennial—just look how beau- ALBANY S APOLIN tifully it came through the winter. It circulates springtime comfort through your entire liotue. It f]ehui|ii<]iGe&, fillersou t ONE COAT Sun and shade areas, both. For your dust, and pollen. Yet it uses your present heating system ....no other ducts, needed! • End The Worry Over Wash Day Weather It's 11M Mut Utitn ft Raal SpaceSaver ,»•« Wlhjer^Bkt lawn? I'd suggest FAMILY, too. And Ut Cndithntm YM. Install it outdoors, on Ytus/mhe*d Bryant • End Carrying Heavy Wet Clothes TURF BUILDER® fertilizer, of course. a roof, behind your design eliminates M- HOUSE PAINT L A Biyant Gas'Air Con- girage. to save val- noj^nf hum aiul drone ditfontr b u icono- .uable floor space. (oond in old-tyj* air WHITE and COLORS More and more folks are coming to ui for advice on improving their mlcil u Gas heat! conditioriers. And End Hanging Up Clothes • Taking Them Down lawns through an rasy-to-folloW Scott* Program, Come in anytime. tht molt modern, /there's np high-volt' Reg. $7.75 We'll be glad to prescribe the correct Program 'for your lawn. most fully automatic /age Miring needed, sytttm b tuy to no danger of over- &?tf boy.... - economical loading .. .no com- New lower prices on Scotts Seed! . ACCORDION to Instill ... runs pressor to Mar out FUUY AUTOMATIC-A SENSATIONAL VAUUI for Just pennies a or become noisy! Family Seed, 1250 sq ftbox , '5.95 day! • ' Yes, wrinkle-free drying of wash V wear clothes INSTRUCTIONS «ven at this price! Infinite heat selection with three Softer, Brighter, Cleaner Clothes marked Bettings—safe for any washable fabric. Built- AT YOUR HOME FREE! Home Survey . ... Delivery . . .5-Year Warranty in lint Bcreen. Giant 20-pound capacity. And (brand OR AT THE STUDIO new!) acrylic finish for runt prevention. — UmllMl Tta»» Only — Ow 109th twiMMti © —I tCA b» fckMpool Ctvtnxuo ftr ntC ROME JUIWV. Nteot Ntw PVBUCQjgQSEHyiCE if'jti".'?'. Turd ICA (THiRlPOOL i»pl tlt b ixko Cot RENTALS and SALES Gas hut Is the automatic |- - - Or MAIL THIS HANOT COUPON TODAY! - favorite in 31,000 area Gcntlrmrn: ' . ' At absolutely no co t or obligadun '" hornet. Sinn 1855, Your 9 Cos Mai\ic . pl'jiW! ha\c y»ur rr|iVc«ehtalive fall (»t RICHARD HARTIG Alban-Lewis Gas Company has kept pact «i Ycur Scniet—Anytime! home survey uu' Modem Ga Air BUY AN AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER Daniel Kusfor with Incraasinf demand .... METl'CHKN COFFIY'S ELIZABETH 1-KttTII AMIIOV PAINT SHOP HOUSEWARES • HARDWARE • GADGETS • GIFTS •has provided fuel for your 16 W. J.r.r. St. •452 Main Si. NAME _yl _,_ U Vaa Bana AV future . . . and, thanks to I EL 26100 LI 8-671H) 111 2-iJlO ADDBESS ,. _ Washer — Dryer — Dishwasher SpwdaBtto AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE free enterprise, keeps your — O»»n Friday Er»tiiinr« • 109 *l. Union Ave. BRIdge 6-0866 A -r- «AHWAY WESTFIELD .. . Slicct City NJ. Gas. bill low!. : 219 Central Avc 184 Elm Strctt BR 6-2540 29 JUDEN ST. IU ft-1030 AD J-004

? •' • ' •"."•'•'. -i . : ' ' ] lV ife •••--< SBCT1OK THREE APBlt 14, "*0 CBANTORO CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. CRANFORD, N. J. CHAOTOED CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. CRAWyORP. N. J. Pate Mght matic form that operating'ineome iving a copy of the full report the council office, 201 Grove street, I .HAGS WAWITED igainst but more important what r Orange Avenue to Linden Place: thence Will .meet In CranfoRI High. School the candidate stands for." their or the year amounted to $l57',9i(57 invited to telephone or write to East,;.Westrield!'" \ ' 1 C»«Bloxd Oilman and Chi 4ranuw of' the local County Cora- boundary.Jlne: theoee A0t)hweiterly ataog hirollment High for Course Girl Scout hich included income. received auttMe «j the Republican fatty Item ciiett •aid Oarwoai boundwy• Utw to J^ southerly *long Linden Place to Elizabeth West End Place. statement declared. "We ,do .1*0* ^,f—«i~r. 4iMXritX totaling 38 member* la Avanna: taaag* ajoaf «aDow» am Boad Avenue; thence southerly along Eliza- ' DISTRICT NO. IT rom camping fees connected with LWVQueries Senate Candidates aBL far* 1ms of on* year and two mem- to Tvk Avarowi tbanea aattarly along beth Avenue to Adams Avenue, and point Begtnnina, at a point in the center line feel that this Republican tree- bra*, one man and one woman ol the Tk A to OicMrd •treat: thenco or place of beginning. ' • of Orchard Street and Torbush Street: holder primary requires a knock- Council Gives the council's extensive . camping J. Questions on foreign-economic balancing our own budget. Money use of that kind of ILecml County Committee of ' the' DemO- Orckant Street i» North WUI meei tn Roosevelt School. Orange thence easterly .^^*>^g the center Une of Investigative Techniques' rogram. This amounted to 41 per- xxatir Party iiom each election district Torbush Street to lands of Board of down, drag-out fight among the aid and labor-management prob- has been given to socialistic and Government can regulate, feca id. ^i 3B member* In all, (or,. • term """"^ IUBTRICT NO. « irjt^^,jn^||. thence northerly y|**fg )^»yff Republican candidates, but we do ent of the income. From public lems were posed t>ythe League of communistic goyeroments, includ- must' not dominate. We tnw ss SSSSS r^r^ _:av ——^L.i^ji.as a&af—'•m 1>f~Boarali -'»i«trics Slxtrict Delegates, Wmi MaH Tim*. . .:. , • Barttan Road;.theace southwest*star along Place: thence westerly along the center « •* the PUf the mit is a long overdue review of Council yesterday cited a' total :f>inery existed, came 48 percent the inflation of our currency." ioUowtnoUowtn* delegatedeegae* will be Rarltaa Bead to Avenue; Une of Brookside Place produced to the Their answers are found below stimulating and Unyrgreisf. enane jami DISTRICT NO. • thence northerly slong Centennial Ave- center Une of Brown Terrace; theoos day our whole county government, its membership of. 19,785. This ' in- )f"the income. One percent of in- to the following questions: 2. "It should not have a role. 1 the process of collections •Oactsd So thh e NationaNtil l ConventioCti n of B*Hnntn« at a point of the Bahway nue to the Central Wsllrosrt of New Jer- northerly along the center Une of -Brown Star Democratic Party: •tor and tba Oaotrai Ballroad ot N«w charge o! the at the new headquarters building functions and problems. We have cluded15,615 girl scouts and. 4,170 :omo came from miscellaneous 1. Will you.give your reasons favor repealof all labor laws, in- Oclecaiea-at-larce. r snd polat or place at beginning. Terrace to the center Une of Dartmouth Jtnty; tbtwsa •attettoalonotlM Central wur meet in Lincoln School. Centen- Road: thence westerly along the center ^program, reported an en- of the Berkeley Heights Police been forthright in suggesting that adult volunteers. The. girl. mem-. sources, the report stated.' How- for your support or opposition to cluding the Taft-Hurtley law. Robert DeJegate»-«t-ljirge. Rilad to tit* Boealto Patk b >*5»aaeld AvenWto th. Belecale*. .- nial Avenue. . • . • line of Dartmouth Boad 1800 feet to pntof 40 students, the largest Department, Chief Powell re- this should be done on a capable. bership. according to the report, ever, due to the~fact that the var- the present JUnitcd States foreign leaving labor-management prob- Uns; Utsnca northerliy aloaa »*• 1U Intersection with the center Une ofPark Drive; thence .District Delegate*. Park boutulsiy Un» t» BossUa A»snue: DISTRICT NO. U Cornea Road; thence westerly.along the to take^ this particular ported., He said the class for this professional, non-partisan basis in ^unprised 8.074 brownies, age 7ious chests and funds (as well, as economic aid program? 2. What lems^'entirely in the hands of the 1. "We need JSOMC* thane* southwesterly sloag BoMlte Av«- Us ginning at a point ot Lexington Ave- center Une of Perk nber ever center Une of Cornell Road produced course will be limited, to 10 stu-the same manner as most success- •o 9;'7,036 intermediate scouts, age the council's independent cam- should-bc the role of the federal states." •.•"• we need foreign aid oo# to Albany Aveniu; •flame* southsrty nue and the boundary Una of Oarwood: to the center Une of Gallows BUI Road; thence easterly > ar^. rse. " at th* cantac Iln* ol Albany Avmua thenee •outhwusterly along the Garwood thence northerly along the center line instructor is Robert Ball. dents. ' ' •II'.. ful business concerns periodically 10 to 13. and 505 seniors between paigns) fell short of their 1959 government in~rclation to labor- Richard M. GUssner of East such as Free China. Ttofee? in said Township under the _ Mn AMniai; thane* •owtnwsjttwtjr boundary Une to the Westfleld boundary Union County Park comnuuWr of Gallows Hill Road to the Westfleld center Una ot the HahwayaEj? £ cent from the Newark of- Chief Powell also is setting up subject their operations to study 14 and 17. The scouts are organ- goals, $15,000, or 10 percent of the management problems? Orange, Democrat, an attorney at Pakistan need assistance- | alongAtfamsAvuu* WWIIisbsth Amami Une;'thence southeasterly along the West- Boundary Une; . thence southeasterly northerly and up -«.-i_rIVtr: a cial a £2 £ June* southeasterly along BUtabMh Aw field aiid Clark boundary line to Barltan FBI. Chief Powell ex- arrangements for a course in ad-by experienced consultants. ized into. 807 troops located in 26total income, had to be supplied • • Clifford P. Case of Kahway. Re- law, replied, . ever, we should not yirfii.cs Oak of the' said Township of along the Westfleld boundary Une to center Une ot ' 4 clutrming t io flfr«nit«nfi Avsnus; tbtnc* south- Road: thence eastenrWong Rarltan Boad the Garwood boundary Une; thence along Townsliipot L^..^^, , of the the course was setvanced fingerprinting to be con- ^immunities throughout • Union >y transferring this amount fro{n ' publican , candidate, who was1. "I oppose. Vast funds are to influence as to bow ik£ wssterly aloaa; ft««iwwn Avenue to Itarsst to l" Avenue: thenee northwest- sold Garwood boundary Une its various "Local officials either do not jaaateiasJ fr'U'rf Avaxuw: thane* soutb*aiterly along Vor- erly along Lexington Avenue to Alan tnence. westerly *l"Tig tfain men in invesUgatlve ducted' from May 7, Jthrough .May County and parts of Somerset and •apital fuhds:^ ' Some extent depleted: W some ex- be dispensed.. . Cfaafuit. *!. I. cftuwfs to. the center Une of Gallows H1U boundary Une to the ~ have the time to study -with ob- « personalized corsage elected to the Senate In November. «st>A««niM to Horth Amnua: tnanow west- OkeU Place: thence'westerly along Alan Road; thence northerly along the center Middlesex Counties. Cuba, aid toGuinea \»taeEie z±te lime between Wednesday.. April OkeU Place to Walnut Av*rue: thence Held boundary Une; tk so they can qualify for de-6 for.men who have completed the jectivity, or if they have the time Out of its income for the year l9M.' answered the questions as tent diverted and is a form of 30. 1B60. and Thursday. September 39, erly alum the center Uns of North A**- Une of Gallows BUI Road to the center along the Westfleld nue to «ho Bahway Rim; thence south- northerly along Walnut /-.«mue to Lex- kvc assignments, basic course. This will be the follows. charity which increases our bur- Soviet is holding its 3980.' an mrtx>cn latter date the registration line of Park Avenue; thence easterly various courses to they may be unable' to appraise Describing 11 fields of general the report indicated, 46 percent erly along the Bahway River to theington Avenue It said Lexington Avenue ainwg the center line -of Park Avenue to first advanced course in this field . . . a blooming potted pUmt 1. "I believe, with President den and does not solve the prob- , 2. "Watchful and will he closed until .after the forth- Central Bauroad of New Jersey and point were produced; thenee northwesterly Gallows HU1 ] being ' accurately . their own operations interest in scouting, the report ivas disbursed for camping serv- General Election on Tuesday, the center Une ot Orchard Street; thenbe along the center conducted by the association. • .'•'•• •' ! * • Eisenhower, that the foreign eco- lem of the recipient who accepts perintendence- JKeweasbex B. 1980. and ' along the production of Lexington Ave- southerly along the center Une of Or- _ easterly because they are not familiar with icalt with the 'special activities ices and outdoor troop program, 1 . *I meet In Btualdpsl Building » nue and tiie center'line of Lexingtonchard Street to the center Une of Tor-Une: of CorneU Bosd „_ arching *°r fingerprints, — each fresh and fragrant — nomic aid program is an essential our bounty, envy • our abundance full legislative process North Avenue. Sect. — • Avenue to the Garwood Una and point comparative standards of other stating that), these activities 35 percent for services to scout 1 Konct , . oush Street' and point or place of be* center Une of Dartmouth IK of footprints, collecting and investment in the interest of our and resent our vulgar display of Committee hearings) anocM feeaeby cxvax that the DUtrltt Election or place of beginning. , south and east along the jurisdictions. "give young' girls in their 'grow- troops, 11 percent for administra- wealth. I do favor help and more Board* In and tor the Township of DISTRICT NO. t WUI meet in Livingston, Avenue Seheol. Dartmouth 'Boad to the Icaring evidence and preparing Doerr, Muscatello "Higher taxes can often be big up years' experience which tion costs, 5 percent for fund-rais- is truly the perfect • own freedom and independence. tinue." .' »-Ql sit' at the places herein- Beginning at Orange Avenue and Livingston Avenue. " WUI meet In Brookside Place School. of Brown Terrace; the 1 than we have been giving, but .for court, By assisting the less developed Craig Place: thence northeasterly along DISTRICT NO. U along the center Une ot averted .or minimized by a more helps them in later life to become ing programs and 3 percent for only in the form of experts to miiiav. vovcxBcm i. iwo Orange Avenue to the KnnUnorUt boun- ' .', DISTRICT NO. IB; Irakini? the course from Cran- Declare County public information. <, Easter Day Remembrance nations to build s MO: 1 thence southerly aleng Berkeley Place to FILM AND FLASHBULBS SBMUCT NO. 11 la High StfeertBt ._ at a point of the Xehlgh Hampton Street; thence westerly" along because they would inevitably threat of Communist domination. aVsvnne: thence westerly along Vslkty BaUroad and Centennial Avenue: Hampton Street to Orchard Street and : Union- Junior College. ue to Oenman Road: thence or place or . for your -7 force the government Into a posjA Just as the Marshall plan was bril- OF tbewCP 'westerly along the iLmhlgbv.Valley Local residents vvho received • •-./ tion of fixing wages< determining BaQraad 'to the feshway River; thence (Near the Suburban TrUst^Co.) liantly successful in stimulating asm Aaesoe; thenee southeasterly along southerly and down stream of the Bahway certificates are: Roger S- Blohm conditions of work, hours, the the recovery of' Western Europe so, CRAWFORD "Avenue to the »^»*'s*» Valley River to the Garden State Parkway and of 17 Mohawk drive, an employee hearing of grievances and similar I believe, can foreign aid help the sterly along we Rsriten atoadi thence southeasterly slong of . Valcor Engineering Corp.. Railroad to High Street, produced: the W»r'1tT Road to Centennial Avenue: 7 EASTER PICTURES matters. Some changes in thenations now rising out of the Primaiy along High Street to Uncoln Ave- thenea northerly along Centennial Ave- WATCH FOR OUR Kenilworth;, Harry B. Henderson Taft-Hartley Act are needed. For shadow of colonialism. I believe nue1 to the Lehlgh Valley »•!«—»»•< and BANGOR.ML of 34 Herning avenue. Belmoni FERN'S SPECTACULAR SPRING SHOW REVIEW! Win oaect In Walnut Avenue School ' P^lgrt' pf> jlsnt of 'r^gfp^lng OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT example, the cooling-off provision emphasis should be placed on eco- WWili l meat In Lincoln School. Centen- We Offer The Finest Smelting and Refining Works. Inc^ is satisfactory neither to labor nor General Election , 1MSTBICT NO.3 A nomic rather than on military as- In pursuance of ate BE nia• l Avenue. Brooklyn;. Miss Virginia Straug- management, nor does it adequate- sistance; such as President Tru- the Bahway Blver • and Act entitletl -As Act te •RnnCn thence . easterl_ y _ QUALITY PROCESSING han of 307 Denman road. Elec- ly . protect the public interest."' man's Point IV principle, offering tions.** Title 1*1 HeV—• «• __ DISTRICT NO. U Jersey, and the arm SInra> »wmw to Foncst Avenue; thenee flajfiinUig at a point in Adams Avenue trical fndustries. Inc.. Murray *CTI«N I- Donald Dearborn of Elisabeth. «ntats3y along Forest Avenue to Hanv and VUxabetb Avenue: thence easterly NEWEST HIT ™ technical aid and American know- meats thereto. iimm Axemie: whence nartheasterly akmg AND THE FASTEST SERVICE Hill, and George N. Hitchcock of how and that, every encourage- . .ML. Adams Avenue to Albany Avenue; '4p6 High street, a retired'employee Republican, "president of Dearborn Is hereby given that t " ~ Avenue to EUzabeth Avenue; northerly along Albany Avenue to Belting and Supply Co., Inc.. said. ment should be given to the newly- . > 4 .venue: thence northeasterly For All Types Of Film of Tidewater Associated Oil C created International Develop- fora will stt/at »o ».4~*-n Place: thence northerly along Boa Ue Avenue to the Roselle Park 1. "The amount added to our ' ad jtaden Flace to Casino Avenue; _ linej'thracenortnerly along the HARRISON'S SS-S& Inc. national debt each year- is ap-ment Association." . •westerly along Casmo Avenue to Jth boundary Une to the Kenil- TWIN HITS! 2 for One ' 2. "In a free society, there sim- between, the hours. ..of «• . Brine: thence southerly along worth ' boundary hue; ihtnv^ northerly B N. Union Ave. Cranford proximately . the some as the a:00 PJC. Zastaxa Staadari* Thmr. Strive to North Union Avenue: and aksng the various courses of said All Kodachromo processed by Kodak 8-Pc. BUNK OUTFIT amount wasted on foreign•' aid. ply Is no. panacea for the disposi- the purpose ot ' Saerly along North Union Awe- Kenilworth boundary line to Orange tion of labor disputes. We must »» tna Baaway Hlver; thence south- Avenue: thence southwesterly along SPOTUGHT ON VALUE! Sleep Spectacular! Economic aid has gone beyond alt eo5» eilBQS the Kahway Biver to North rely on the civilized principle of Primary Election aiyw ^nd anint or place of'beginning. Salem Maple Bunk Bed out- reason. Money.has been .given to for. the nomlnarinit o£ earns BOTH MATTRESS collective bargaining, the meeting Will snoBt la Cxanford ^*»«^ table.. The vast majority of labor voted upon at the rrmmz n~*~Tjrt Emo- NO. « THE UMP OF BiPERIENCE"- PATRICK HENRY Zfj^^jgL^. 34 North Ave.# W. guard rail, ladder. PLUS 2 A fabulous DOUBLE foreign countries to balance their tion to b* held orea TuodayTatxttr.. Xmet at the Central Railroad of FEATURE! Limited budgets, thereby still further un- disputes in fact, are settled, by the8. 19(0. as hereinafter liatedV w--* snr and the Rahway River: pillows. Save as never be- election of two-member*, an* _ st**i^g the Central Rail- ^(|ft^J«t BR«.10i4 quantities of America's c«T Stew Jersey to the dividing Une fore! Sa 117. and No. 119 North Av«- RAPPS finest brand:!... all with st; ^WMO northerly »i»"g said quality sleep features ... •y-^?'-« line to North Avenue, West, and 1 '1?tTTafftl %&CXIGC %\r}Vlt Oi*CtaaUd all, at our lowest prices mmtheriy :.*aJ Hampton Street; PHARMACY 1.88 ever! These will go fast! ty along Hampton Street to sai ilili JI Rsee; thence .northerly along a»»nk-n.y FXMIX to Hampton Street: thence FAMOUS MAKE - Onac Hampton Street to Spring- ^y southerly alongg HOTEOTEL PAIR Avenue to the Hahway River; HOUSE CLEANING? «astexly along the Bahway Biver famous Make DAY and NIGHT 8-Pc. BOOKCASE BUNK OUTFIT 1 t»**y l^i ivri thence southerly ei^*ig 2 for $43 sTlHrnlrle Drisie to North Onion Avenue: North Union Ave- SPECIAL SAVINGS! Durable hand-rubbed Salem Super Pair ame 3D ^***» Bahway Biver; th^nnt south- :«3Sy aJma* the Bahway Biver to the Cen- Maple finish. Authentic Bookcase headboard and *78 szal Baiteoad cf New Jersey'and the point 2 for DONT FORGET US l f feii wagon wheel design. 2 beds, 2 springs, guard rail, FAMOUS MAKE DELUXE PR. fl ga ladder and 2 pillows. Liberal Terms wm meet in Cleveland School. Miln NO. S •- BACON JJ for $68 88 She Orntrai ^•Drnad of New Jersey; i ^OVvlTOGE CAN GO westerly - nl**n»t t&w ft^ntfT line. QJ vix CITTTTTIII Ttailroart of New Jersey to •^ND H«S EXPER,ENCE^JOHN l0CKE jjj^j^pe^ ^^s£s^ec!X • ii2 a0roe3uc^^si« ^m£aas7o 4BVXO4^^K You Always Win Save t*»fwj» fpT'^wfn^»«»*»«fTi of tho r^ntfr Hue of Wi^*^ SsviS xxxd Ttw TfntfT Une of High Street waoifit«exly wo ttm l«ehlcb V«ll*> BAIITOAWI; Now! iiarti ilj mtt^g the Ichlsh Valley tx> Ofntpniiial Avenue. * tHftmtT Lnia* Avenue to the ELECT MEN WITH Clothing Household Articles of New Jerfcty and point TO RUN YOUR COUNTY GOVT. —Never Lose Centen- 'Jin When You Invest In A NO: e xt WUliams Street and.Oen- Jewelry Vhenrti northwesterly along China b Street to Hillcrest Avenue; f Miiitlirrly-along • HUlcrest Avenue Leateciem Aveuue: thence easterly jOanc tonmtm Avenue to Dcnmin Road; W taortberly sites/ Denman Road to Bric-A-Brac Toys Street and polnj ot placo of in livingston Avenue School, TOPS! 6-Pc. MODERN DINING SUITE Avenue. Insured By The Savings and Loan Insurance 7-Pc. FAMILY-SIZE DINETTE SET U1STH1CT NO. 1 With Plastic Top Table -at a point of the Central Corporation, an Instrumentality of the New Jersey and the Oarwood Plus 12-Pc. Canister Set THE END in daring modern design. Heavy 5-ply construction. A VALUE HIT! A. LOW PRICE Large 36x485c60-inch extension United States Government j Choose stunning China ^Cabinet or spacious Buffet. Plus large tableTthat laughs at stains. ucldVand burns, Plastlci/ed top looks i*actly like wood grain. PLUS ti contour chairs and the BONUS extension table, 4 elegantly upholstered chairs. Unusual wood LOWEST TERMS CyCo^oCysci 12-Pc; Cherrywood Canister Set. *wmmm AA finish. . . To maintain our local charitable work we need your help. Telephone. "Helter «k«lter" saving doe** pay off. It takes regular saving to GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICE $Jf gain your goal. Whether it's a home of your own, college education BRkige 6-0222 and your donations will be picked up. IOWARO A. PIZZI 4-Pc. 'Hollywood' Outfit 1'. . PHIUP I. MATTHEWS for your children, or financial security fof retirement, it takes week FOAM RUBBER MATTRESS TOP nrauEML orauatcb ' . • * Garwood Council. 4 yesrs OKIIENCEi SPECIAL FEATURE! A HOLLYWOOD PREMIER BUY! * Township Attorney, 6 years - after week, month after month of consistent saving. Stop m today * Mayor of Girwood. 4 year j i Plainfield Council, 4 years 9x12 Rugs with FOAM BACKS Features a mattress generously If it's a bargain you are seeking, check our prices. We have many * Exec. Chiirnan, Mayor's Comm., Inter- •*• Board of Education counsel, 9 years' •^ Board of Adjustment. 6 years and open a savings account here. topped with FOAM .RUBBER! Plus Municipal Group for Belter Rail Servic* •ir Union County Welfare Boad counsel, "•' Department of Public Works, 4 years A PREVIEW LOW PRICE! Thick lovely headboard, box spring on $58-88 * Borough Representative. Union County 6years • v- Mwnber of the Planning Board, 4 years Rnyon viscose rug with heavy \cua and pillow. You MUST save outstanding values at unbelievably low prices. Advisory Waler Committee , * State Assn. of Chosen Freeholders -> Chairman of the Police Board — Deposits made by the 15th draw interest from the 1st -. foam back that eliminate;! rug during this sale! *" Mayors Association of Union County counsel, 4 years --'" Renowned Engineer and Inventor pads, slipping. Amazing resiliency. I T'* • * Executive Committee Chairman— • . ••• Citation by United States Army «• Hostile Park H.S. and Rutgers University Union County Solution-dyed in 0 uorgoous last- v Supervisor, EJ. duPont de Nemouis & Co. i .*-• Commendation by President ol the INCLUDES PILLOW * Republican Committee Chairman — United SUtes ing colors. PAY LESS! . Summit, 5 years ' • ,.M., With Purchase Of LOWEST TERMS * Rutgers Uw School Hollywood * Summit Attorney for J3b year* $38 Bc.d Group

I •.., SPECIAL SAVINGS f ICOT-ITMAV HAVE >• FALLEM ARCH / A MULTMUUION DOLLAR COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEMANDS EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATOR a car you can depend SAVINGS & LOAN all flte tune .., let our «uc- FERN'S FURNITURE, Inc. JUMBLE STORE Tune-Up your iiii for all tit* dxfarina TILLER - PIZZI - MATTHEWS ASSOCIATION N Operatwd by CranfordJunbr Service L««su* illatMIU. Eastman St. at North Ave. (opp. Cranford Theatre) Cranford

• FOR REPUBLICAN FREEHOLDERS • C O R N E R NORTH AND . U N 1 O. N; .• A V BRidge 6-5000 -••$ OPEN TUES., WED. FRI. .nd SAT. J&W ESSO OFFICE HOOTS - 8:30 fiM. to 4 P.M. Monday thm FKday Open Mon., Thurs., and Friday Eves. PRIMARY - APRIl 19th POLl LEVERS 29A, 30A# & 31A Open Monday Evening* 6*30 to 8 PM. 10 SouKt_Av«. Cranford SER.VI CENTER •*» iuMlaJt»m» Cssspalsn Cis—Itlssi /. TtTJpringSsM Aww, 1—isit. H. Ii l'r'."fl',t".'i.lU;''V-M•!:-'.'J':'.^"'-^"..".:.''-".'-'!.1.1;!'.^'. .'.'...lii.'.l.",i1'.'.'•!.--.'•;-.-'?• •.•y|*'%:'j.|V'.'..'.'.'.'...'A;v...-"."?!'..."'"''':*.' ""v'.' ''^'•'''V/ir:'""~..l-T-':*^'''^'*.A"V^;irv''"'':^V."'-i'"~'>i\l-.'-"'V'U''' ''"':'•• • J' '—•••'-"..'—:—' '•' '

: ; ji 1 v:: ; : ;: ; - . .''•"';"•'. •'."•"•>.• '•.' ^' " ":•;:'•'' ''''••••'/;'V-.- r-.-X/'v '-' ' '' '• ' •."•'•'••.• •• - --' ' ' '••.<'/'.' '•''••- "" .•'•' •"•'.•*••' .''" ,'.,. . "...••

~ • • ••• '' - ••••:., ' : • ••'• .'''"*" • . -.•<• '•••'•• • • • ••• •; . . /- :.'- ,,••••••. •••••••• , _ • .. . 'V . ".4 ' • •

-•.•-•':.... -•^•v -.••• •.;••••••. •.--•..••.•. ".;....•••. • .••.•„••• ••. , ••. ..'•• •.. • ; ••..••.•"• '•• '•: • ., •. CRANPORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLg, CRAKTORD, N, J. -T

Sherman participants wrrfe: presented by Den- 41 These and-learn to adjust themselves to Kbpt of Elizabeth and P^ter J. T moUon pirt'UK!s f the blame ,for this, situation [.Dennis Harcketts, Richard,Den- told the story of the mines and in- lso," ho said./" .... .',.. - , a group. ^ • • " ••.,... McDpnoiigh of Plainfield; w^ll be dustries whose produgte are trans- 1 iri Ghwzy' Cast iii Rehearsal A' goal of the chapter is to in- zau, Nicholas Prato, Randolph nery. showing i^ [taml6l- Charges 'Sabotage' ; guests of honor Saturday after- ported along the lakes, which how He labeled as "farcical" the ! Nelson, Elizabeth Cyphers, Doug- dBC^veries have greatly^ )emocratic Assembly's ; current Jt. Michael's School is a busy York, by Father Whelah,/who has | crvision of Victor Mason. George crease the size of the school and noon at an open house at the home make them some of the most at- 7 : develop the sessions from- the pres- las Rae, Robert Davidson, Gary man's way of Hfc on;^ onsideration of bills which would adapted .the Gershwin score for. Hayock is general chairman. of Miss Elizabeth Cox, 3&0 Morris Aids Needy Family at Easter DiGiovanni, Susan Huston, Nancy tractive vacation lands "in North Fight for Assembly Seat place each evening, as crews of ent one day to Hvy days-3 week!..'••• number of Lower House church use. .-".••• ;' ' | , '• :•"; '. ;— ' ' • avenue. Summit...... ; In connection with their work for first class awards, members Leonard, Jon Michaelson, Jean i Assemblym«i»,JNfelsQti,P, Stamler; Union Township Republican, ~\3ts from 60 to 67 or 68. carpenters and scene painters, as During April and May the. or- Murphy, Carl Wendelken, Samuel •^charged.that Union County's nght for, a fifth Assembly seat was Directbr Walter Howell an- j ffrlflfiDl p Rptipflfc ganization^' will collect • distaided. , Mr. Osbome, Mr. Kopf and of Girl Scout Troop 39 of Lincoln-Sherman-Walnut-Llvingston Ncigh- of bear badge and jgpld Attends Math Conff "These bills would dilute the well as actors, singers, dancers nounced his selection of the fql- •• »U||t;- DUIlCl H» 1 Mcbpnough are members of M1 by-its Uuree Democra" ' "" - 1 p TSatuida^pr«sented^ Mr. T^ i trength—ofr^our^-elected—officials, j ii lh*6e and the'following new members; OJis Democraffc" trio liis was not the intention of. ah auction in June. j organization slate for th7 executive secretary of i the Cranford Welfare Association, an Easter . Kathleen Cowperthwalte, Don- matotmaUcs t er at were welcomed, into the pack as each hose who redrafted our state's forts for the success of the parish cated: ,. Kate, the role played by publican freeholder nominations. basket filled with canned goods and four Easter candy baskets to help ald Mazzeo, Douglas Allcock, Junior High School the tune. of.-faraway pipers Trenton, the three" Democrats presentation of "Girl Crazy" in Ethel Merman in the original pro- brighten the holiday for a needy James Fair, Peter Garyas, Carol bobcats: jforman Hoglund, Joseph ' tO bnstitution in 1947," ne said /They were selected !to make the tended a mathemati and Essex Counties," voted to kill the only .'chance the May!. The complete cast is how in duction, Margaret Babinec; Molly, For Mentally III Open House Saturday / race by the Union County Repub- family. ' .- • WaDcer,. Richard, Plant, Warren Baffa, Michael Cfennan and Ted- Assembly. had to vote on a re- Mr. Stamler predicted that even dy Wojtowicz. at Trenton St such a bill passed the Assembly rehearsal each, Tuesday and Margaret 'Butan; Danny, William A dessert bridge was given.at lican Committee's policy commit- One of the requirements for the Jacobi, Roy Partridge^ James that at apportionment measure which For Freeholder Slate/ NewpTA Turner;, Theodore Zielinski, Les- would-die'in the Senate. • • '•. Thursday, with more frequent re- Bergen; Geiber, William Shramek; Koos Bros. in-Rahway last week tee. ..„•,..' ' ." •' • first class award is to give service The meeting closed with two car- week's "session of the Legis- would have given Union County hearsals scheduled as the opening Slick, Thomas Leahy; Patsy, Jean by the Union. County Chapter of Harry V. Qsborne. vjr.. Vbf 5 Miss Cox. first vfce-priesident of ib hospitals, contribute to the wel- ley Krone, Joseph Gatto, Ronald a fifth seat, Air. Stamler said. "They wiill riot tolerate ttu> Dartmouth road, and his two run- Slate Named » the thfee Democrats aban- tampering with the traditions and date grows nearer." ::'• • . • Holliday; Sam Mason, Tony Nor- the Organization for Mentally 111 the Union County Republican fare of the " community and to Czebrowski, Barbara Moore,-and |ed all pretense of independent .. The' bill would take two seats ning mates foe the . Republican David Gershman. fficiency of the Assembly," he The Rev.. Gerard Whelan, as- pel; Lank, Jerry Bodnar; Tess, Children (NOMIC) for ^he bone- Committee, is the trio's campaign share with others. ' At Bloomingdale away from the powerful nine-man sistant "pastor, and producer_oi this Barbara Stevens; Flora, Grace Di fit of their new school. freeholder nominations.' Albeit S. ! coordinator for the Summit area. Democratic Hudson delegation and ;aid.-'":,' ' „. -..> V-- -.- • ,- ' . In addition to their Easter 'pro- crats representing the He predicted if no action is popular'Broadway hit by George Battista; Pete, Jamos Ninivnggi; Recently started in a room of ject, the girls also have been busy Mrs. .William G. Emerson was two from the split 12-member Es- in the Assembly-with Mr. Gershwin, announced that four Jake. William* Ringwood. Patricia the First Baptist Church of Union, elected to succeed Mrs. ' W. C linty sex Assembly group. It holds the ;aken this jiear on reapportionment making booties-for the children's r are;,,jaildrqd.,B. Hughes ha.t another long delay is in store. performances will be given :— a Piller is assisting Mr. Howell. . the class is slipervised^ by Dr. Ruth ward at Muhjenberg Hospital in Hamilton as president of the L John J. Wilson-of West- number of seats in -the House at Bloomingdale Avenue PTA at a "Once the 1960 census figures children's matinee an Sunday aft- Lois Wicks, choreographer, is Clark, child psychologist, and an Plainficld and sending old greet- and James M. McGowan of 60,; .;' ' . -'.••.•• ... • • .ire reported another round of ernoon. May 15, and three evening 'directing the dance numbers, and assistant. Its purpose is to help ing cards and empty matchbooks meeting last Wednesday at the 'The four seats would be redis- school. Trip Made labetb-.T •'-• ••••.•••' "' •I' ' . - jollticking and pressuring will be- performances/on May 15, 16 and Mary. Prior is directing the chorus. mentally ill children to emerge TRIP RATES to hospitalized .veterans. tributed among the Smaller coun- Other officers for 1960-61 were While they pose as champions in," he said. One solution, said 17. Permission for the production The stage crew is under the sup- from their world of withdrawal All members of the troop havt equal representaUoft for the ties-which have grown since' the •-'.-.'•,/• •'. . —to and from— ' . • • • named as follows: Mrs. William he legislator, who is also a law-!has been received from the Tams- completed the requirements, for le of our county," .Assembly;- Jast reapportionment in 1940. •'A Fordham, first vice-president, "in er, would be for the counties who Witmark Music Library. lnc.,_New their homemaker, housekeeper, FOR A HAPPY EASTER—Members of Girl Scout Troop 99 are shown presenting Easter bosket Of Stamler said,, "in tnefar party The Democratic controlled as- are being denied representation to ldlewild LoGuardia & Newark cooking and child care badges. charge of programing: Mrsi Scott On their feature trip of the us room it is a different story. sembly voting on strict party lines r Matthews, second vice-president, food for a needy family to Mrs. Arthur G. Lennox, executive secretary of the Cranford Welfare As- scouting season, more than, 55 eek redress through the courts. For Real Understanding Help With They qre now making plans for sociation. Left; to right in the bottom row are Mrs. Alfred Fricke, troop leader; Mrs. Lennox; Mrs, 1eydoasthey.are,told.'V quashed - a change in the House an overnight camping trip to Camp in charge of finance and budget; members of Cub Pack 78 visited Hearing Problems Airports -— Grand Central & Edward Connell, co-leader; second row. Frances Schartenburg, Diane Harden, Susan Ditzel, Barbara iStamler. challenged the rules which would have p Sinawik on-May ,6 and 7. They Mrs. Alfred Benedict, third vice- Franklin institute and Fels Plane- ..iocrats to explain Jkhfiir stand. consideration __of the"" measure,' president, in charge of member-, Ann Connell; third row, Lauren Ellen Thompson, Elizabeth Mueller, Ren.ee Kamin, Joyce Gibson, tarium fn Philadelphia last Satur- ' Pennsylvania Stations, N.Y. Piers have invited Miss Bctte Bingman, .How can they'-pretend to act A-165. LOUIS M. TOTTEN professional service trainer of the ship; Mrs. John Carter, recording Dorothy Colston; fourth row, Diane Gilliams, Arlene Fricke, Irene Zielihski and Valerie Bowers.' day. Accompanied by den mothers Ibchall of Union County's 500.- Assemblyman Stamler, in a pre- •Washington Rock Girl Scout Coun- secretary; Mrs. William Burnett, Patty Jones and Susan Tansky were hot present'when the picture was tal$en. and other adults, the cubs viewed citizens whe/» they listen to pared statement, was also critical • ' at the, — Day Trips — cil, as their gqest for the week- corresponding secretary, and Mrs. exhibits on-every floor of the in- dictates-of Boss Carey and of GOP dominated Legislatures in Edward R.. Morrison, treasurer. . stitute. , HEARING AID CENTER end. -'. be officers of a multf-million dol- a member of both the New Jersey, _ Kenny?" he asked, referring the early fifties^ which failed to The slate was presented by Mrs. They operated controls of the lar corporation," their statement "and the American Patent Law As- in ONE aosy application! hj,e Democratic machine lead- enact. reapportionment legislation Glen Murphy,' nominating com- Living Sound" said. . - • ': :. sociations. ,_ steam locomotive which moves Essex and Hudson count- after the 1950 census. " BRidge 6-1200 mittee chairman. ' in Cmifoul Cyel* Homemakers 'Since the freeholders adminis- along' railroad tracks in the base-, "The Republicans\who were in Hearing Aids Following a brief business ses- merit display hall. Cubs' also *feM«MSS0Ci*tiM of 18 Roger avenue;-- received her at a meeting last Thursday at chairman of thd Cc/unty GOP Com- nurse's cap at recent ceremonies .-/ ••/// OPERATION EASTER GARUFT tooOKVILLE, LONG ISLAND/ Cranford Methodist7 Church; Aspirants Cite mittee., v . i • • • 7 PAUL O. DUNHAM - , .•,'••••• . \ • • • . ., • / • • ' ' '' at the' Perth Amboy General Hos- 7 -I •'•:•• Mr. Matthews, an engineer and '/ DISTINGUISHEb FACULTY ' SMALL CLASSES pital School of Nursing. Past Experience ~ inventor, has served on the Plain- for lasting Having successfully completed ^ In the Spirit of the Easter Season to share C.W. Post College offers unexcelled facilities License Lifted on Points Edward H. Tiller, Edward A- fleld Council, Board of Adjust- New Esso Post Fertilizer for a rich educational/ cultural, recreational the six-month" pre-clinical period Driver's license of Burton E. 'izzi and Philip E. Matthews, ment, Planning Board arid Police lawn beauty of study, which consisted of sev- GET S&H GREEN and social life. Superbly situated in a serene, . Almquist, 29, of 15 Ramapo road, bracketed under the'slogan "Or- Board, and has been cited by the Goes to Dunham with our neighbors of Cranford, we would eral courses at Uniow Junior Col- 1 rural, setting on the historic North Shore of .has been revoked for three months ganization ' Republicans: County U. S. Army" for his contributions Paul 6. Dunham of Long Val- Spreaders lege, she now will remain, at the 1 like to show our gratitude and appreciation Long Island, the traditional, 126-acre campus nursing school for two and one- Lancaster Brand Fuly Cooked ' under the Point System, effective and Municipal Experience, ' today to national defense.* ."''•' ley, formerly of ' Cranford, has as of.March 19, according to ah urged Republican voters to use the is just'one hour from mid-Manhattan. half years with affiliations at wo standards of experience 'and been'. appointed to the newly- for our many blessings in having those who Write or Phone Trenton State "Mental Hospital BONELESS announcement by Ned J. Parse- created position of staff patent at- kian, acting director of the Divi- capability at next Tuesday's pri- Rose Rebekah Installs AtfmhsionsOffice and. the Rolling Hills Nursery torney ]n the patent division of LIBERAL ARTS, SCIENCES, for Appointment k sion of Motor Vehicles. mary in selecting the three free- Mrs. Chester Nissen was in- will let us arrange to transport any elderly,' School. holder candidates who will repre- stalled as nob)e grand of Rose Re- Esso Research and Engineering Disc PRE-PROFESSIONAL AND MAyfair 6-1200 Miss Bernard is a member of We can do more good by being sent the GOP in the November bekah Lodge 99, IOOF, succeeding Co. ,. •••-.' ;".•.'•. or disabled persons, who ordinarily cannot get PJV ... GRADUATE PROGRAMS the "Glee Club, Catholic Nurses' election. * ' • • • rs. John Rutz, at ceremonies, in Before assuming his new duties | Club and the Student Nurses' Or- «ood than in any other way.— Aerators —— MAIL ebUMN Jack Frost or Domino Granulated Rowland HUL "We are asking the voters to Veterans' . Memorial •. Home; last Mr. Dunham was a member of the to the church or synagogue of their choice this ganization. Thursday night Mrs. Edward F. AGRICO* K Director of Admissions. C. W. POST COLLEGE use the same-rtandards as if they contract and licensing group. As BOWl : staff pa'tent attorney, he will 'serve weekend. We will arrange the carlift to and •I Box 247. Qr««nw»l«. Long Uland.N.Yi < HAMS were personally selecting men to ACRICOhrTOSf '• \'m . ' l| Pkaw sand ma Information bullatln. ' . SUGAR as a consultant and- adviser on Roasting—3Hk> 5 pound strategy and procedure in the fronj, any church or synagogue of their choice: «HnUn»F«M |l t] Undtrgr«duat». Q Graduate O KwIdancaHall Pocono Crest Camps Kaiser. Broiling •/• SEE €0% organic al> field . of patent interferences. Lawn ...... tSSSS Mr. Dunham joined the old pat- in Cranford. . SStfi SeaSeasonasons .. 2002 0 Acivftrtatft.I*ke. TERMITES SCREENS released I j Balanced Dtocrain of apoita •**»$ INSURANCE ent department of what was then lawn's needs all ' enattmacUMG.BncitenecdOMin- fOll •Oty.... State...... -..•«• . atlon.Ptinlclan.cbiinl>8emce«. on flyliiQ again* Wcilui the 'Standard Oil Development season. Rollers • 4 MM* «M0—• «Mkt V» V/eich Grape •/ Please call us for time of pickup and address. Mlbs.—*?.» I l*ip*ct to b*gr«duit*d from...... In...... ,...... , I tnfad aa^ktrt K. T. OOc« CHICKENS for Swiuins of nylua Co. in • 1936. During 1939 he was resident patent attorney for the Witt- «.U 48tM> giaao Ante" which con* with. . •'-. • '. • Fire affiliated Esso . Laboratories in JiilCE Lancaster Brand Spring, shed their wings, '/% Iheft ; ""•:,' LIFETIME Baton Rouge, AMtcohr unms: then' disappear. That* Holder of a bachelor's degree in Lawn Vogamalo VegolabU' Aetna & Niagara tat. Ge. chemistry from iKe University of PARROTT'S TAXI SERVICE TKES* SHIMS wood destroying insects Aluminum Prod. HwS0%emnie •Wisconsin, Mr. Dunham studied litrogeo. New WM. B. AUSTIN 102 South Ave, W. law at George Washington ^Uni- BRidge 6-0080 Sweepers JUICE RIB ROAST free-flowinf nn. property. Buildings not 101 Oak Lane, Cranford versity and is a member ol the alar form. Best AAolt* Apple 1 - BEMget-1M» BRidge 6-3205 District of Columbia b\r. He is lite. «t-3«Wk IM» ppotecisol lng consbvc* Il IT — FOR SALE i lion usually require it SAUCE later. / Coma I" terror MX Baak tm'ttm Jkgiico Inn feediaj rnsnn.. • or RENT SMASHING IDEA: A reader of The London Seed TISSUES pandable enQbiawlng Daily Telegraph, which had published a drawing of BY method* We an not a bridge designed to link France and Britain, last V- 6^89. ihnuZUr VianiS Hum am C E.TRUBENBACH hkkoiy^mokcj and mil* week wrote to the editor as follows: "Sir — Your DOG FOOD cures... aonloftil torn Mt '. Shank Poriion Butt Portion OcsanSpMy-Whole or Strained or Ideal Slraiiwl,. Him to last. Try • Unculw Every lob is tuparviMd Illustration * *• * shows the traffic in British style, Brand lWucn,..yot>1Uivi by an gxprtonced, tech- keeping to the left. No doubt it will be met half CRAHBERRY 2 29 Sold oolyut/luw ktsteo. nically framed. tt-—"ft way over by. French traffic keeping firmly to the right. It is to be hoped that this point will be clar- Your Choice of 10 Mixtures ified before it is too late." We are a New Jersey CRJEAMCHEESE2 21 C Bult C Center (—-New York Times, April 10) CERTIFIED Full Cur Shank Hal) t Hall It Slices New'Jersey residents, and Our choice blooms toUl be seen promi- •we have served New Jer- IN REAL ESTATE... MERION BLUE GRASS MARGARINE 2 41 WHOLE HAMS - 55< sey pioperty owners suo- nently in the Easter Parade and in the cessfally since 1935. Oar You'll love the ; • ' "•. .• •••-•;,'. •< : // . Gold reputation in this field Is PERK CUPOLA home Easter Sunday. that's atop the ridge of the Rabbit & Deer Repellents iarqo doz. 1XLAR BRICK GARAGE Grahams, *«.pi*31« Bacon Thins 29* Thousands of references Dog & Cat Repellents Large Shrimp * to 30.*- *—* are available in New Jer- You'll appreciate the substantial* construction of We sincerely hope you will come in to 12 e sey—not In some «w«*«"t this — Ritz Crackers pit27 Sandwich S Flounder Fillet >49< •••• .... > stats; Our wo* Is GUAR- ALL-BRICK 9-R00M COLONIAL see the truly beautiful Spring flowers •I- ANTEED FOR 5 YEARS with summer kitchen, recreation room, bar» extra Sole Fillet without Tfddftir>t"?l charge' lavatory, 4-year-old GE oil-burning furnace. Many now in our shop and greenhouses. i.%v ^rre&h Zrruiis amd UeqetableVi Cod Fillet *™«* w 39^ —-a one^year guarantee H unusual features, brick fireplace, pine-paneled 7o> worthless. • kitchen, 60x198 lot TRANSFERRED OWNER, FEEDING STATIONS • SUNFLOWER SEEDS French Fried Scallops OS- 5 Ib For Information or Free , $23,500. You will find suggestions, for,gifts, too, SUET CAKES JUCY Ubby's Frozen FLOMDA bag Inspection and Advice — among the plants, cut flowers and special CALL IN SERVICE... eitension phone helps ORANGES arrangements we are showing. Prime Grade PEAS Phone — you tak£ busy days in stride tender gre«n spoars CUP THIS COUPON 1 TERMITE California j WORTH 25c ,An extra phone in the kitchen, bedroom, or other handy spot helps Towardi purcKaso ol box oi 2 poirj Women't Virgin!* tie G. E. HOWLAND t>uw housewives do their job more efficiently. It's so handy to be able NYLON HOSIERY .. ^uu, P,c« . CONTROL WESTERN ICEBERG head REALTOR to keep one eye on the cooking (or the baby) while you answer the, WESTFIELD FLOWER SHOP phone . . . or use your phone to run a household errand, An extra KMNHS • 2 Locust Street EVENINGS CALL ROSELLEPARICN.J. H Dorla Put* „..,„ „ „„...„.. „... ,„ BR 6-9891 John C. Steuernagel phone saves steps by the hundreds, Yet it costs so httlc-only 90* a ACME MARKETS Telephones! ' • Mary Knierim inbnth. And for an additional charge-you can make it a phonem EXTRA .-iffECTlve TriaOoGH SXJUSDAV. APSIL 1

:•) i^

CHRONICLE, CRAWFORD; N. J. CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE,* CRANPOftB; N. 3. •••:u ford' who are interested in par- it would do the cooper's htrivks and" sharp-shinned -School «f Music. New York City. , clubs from this area will present High School Choruses ticipating.in the 23th anniversary every,man in „ to this falKs freshman class at 1M-{Osbornr,' Mr. Kopf and Mr. Mc- hawks: More rarely than in pre-1 Each pupil.was presented with plays: GaTwood Woman's Club, Wild Flowers Topic reunion may do so by contacting himself high- University. BethU-'hcni, Pa,, jDonouKh in ttuir areas. vious years are the sight of bald an award pin. Scotch . Plains Woman's Club, Rehearse for Festival Jwiuor Mrs. George. T. Prowe, (Katherine lutely i who' attended tfhe ( first of two! Others named .campaign coordi- Of Talk at Jf^ Choral groups of Cranford.High eagles. Monday Afternoon Club of Plain- ZmurWewitz), 17 Lafayette place, Candidates' Days at the university j nators wcro: Fiiirni-r Frvxholder Joseph Van VIeck of- •Towhee. and brown thrasher School, are > rehearsing for their Saturday. All three have indicated ] field, Rahway Woman's Club, Sub- Irvington,. or Mrs. Gerald Bodnar, t-i^.'.j Nflson Can of Elizabeth, Miss will discuss •'American Wild songs are added to the thickets annual Spring Festival on Friday, 11 Harvard road, Cranford. that they will study'engineering nt .Elizabeth Coy of Summit. Elmer Sixth District urban Worriari's' Club of Plainfield: chids" at the Union County ^f A Monitoring of the Seasons Locally field sparrow and meadow-lark April 29, at 8:15 p.m. in the audi- Six students from the Cranford area participated Monday" and \ C. . .D.'llmhv of Scotch Plains, calls to the fields; killdeer and and the Woman's Club of Buther- torium. . : '' ' . • Commission's Trailside Musenhv L riav in Operattdn Port of New York Authority, an educational Theodore K. Garlhoi'ii of Elizabeth, "spotted - sandpiper notes"::lo~ine" Drama Festival ; Union Junior CollegeT ' \ p DR.EBE1 _ _ -1 LIB*. a>*«^ - 4VB^^^ J*a»^>^^fT_.^fcrf^Mfc Mlit-^. _«.V_^^_T_-_ & Vr muddy river'banks. Special guests will be Mrs. John tvent planned by the special events committee, of Junior Achievement Cranford. N. J. Plans Announced Freshman Chorus, Boys' Glee Coordiliatofs field. Ronulrl'Morsbnch'of Rostllo 3 p.m. The program will be" By the middle of the month the M: Alton,, state "president; Mrs. Six scouts of Troop 84, sponsored [/Union Gounty in cooperaUon with the'Port of New York Authority, -The Sixth District drama festi^ Ford A. Starkweather of Cranford, Club, Girls' Chorus, Girls' Ensem- Park and Irving Vi-linsky of pliiin- plemented with color slides 6f birdwatcher begins, to crane•• his by the Calvary. Lutheran Church; Jihe United State* Customs Service and the airlines! April Is the first of the truly ver- Counties, and. Irving Black of ble, Boys' Double Quartet and the fi.id. flowers. ' —i . . -. ••;, "; rieck for the. initial passage of mi- val of the New Jersey Federation northern vice-president, and. Mrs. participated in a recent overnight [vrhe two-day tour of the facili- For Freeholder nal months. Even the unobserv- •Newark has.founcj.it in the ex- of Women's Clubs will be held Drew D. tlaU_j»f Westfield, Sixth High'School Choir. hike to Camp Winnebago. Scouts Mr. Osbnrno, Mr. Kopf, and Mr. Mr. Van Vleck, an authority;on., tensive .Great Swamp .of Morris grant warbler hosts. The . myrtle Tickets may be purchased from icS of the Port Authority includ- of Junior, Achievement of Union McOonoiiKh, who ant running' wild flowers, also will describe . *')•'' •'"' * •;*.> ;• are aware of the season of re- 1 April 26 at the Paper Mill Play- District vice-president. were; William Lohrfink, Bruce 3HI are aware oi mi M.IIW<>.UI I n- *-****- ,*_»»*-«». wnHiii|/ .~. warbler' numbers at first make d conferences with authority ex- County, reported that 28 junior Campaign Named some plants which are considered, house. Millbum. Curtain time is Mrs. H. S. Unangst of|Metuchen, any student in the festival. Schaarschmidt, Ted Knauer, Dave bracketed, w cultivated, such as the fuscia,, Sixth District drama chairman, is Freeman, John Vergalla and linn the I'iiio by tho Union County Re- With boots afoot the observer ddm milky, and are more difficult issuing of the call note, "quirt, IO a-m. •.•.'•'.. '" •' ''• ocction of PA headquarters of- representatives of the Junior Columbia avenue will, serve as ii publican Committee's policy com- which grows wild in Ireland; the., Mrs. \V_ Jon Hoffmann, presi- in charge of the festival. Mrs. Central. High Reunion Lockwood. makes his way slowly through the [to locate than those of the more quirt." It is' possible that a few s in New York City and first- Achievement companies of the campaign coordinator for th<' lie-mittee. They art- running, under cyclamen, which grows, wild In dent oi tile Wednesday Morning George Cortes, president, of the Hiccs marshy" spots Which a month ago -| common spotted • salamander.. The pirie warblers will have preceded Members of the graduating class d observation of operations at Union Couhty-Carteret area, and publican organization freeholder the slofian/'RoguIar Organization- Greece, and. the "dahlia, whlcly ;. .'>;•- Scotch Plains Woman's Club, is were ice-covered, but ' now'. are j Jefferson's! egg „ masses are more the myrtles but in some seasons Club, is program chairman. She of 1936 of Central High' School, Reform Jike charity must beglfc Lincoln Tunnel, George Wash- slate of Harry V. Osborne, Jr.. grows wild in India. general stage manager. BRidjj© 64)200 28 business and community lead- al Republican^."' ' . alive with the calls of amphibian rectangular colorless ' except for has announced, thai the following Newark, and now living; in Cran- at home.—Carlyle. • Bridge and New York In- of Cranford, Albert S. Kopf .of 1 the black' embryos, and less firm. they slip by unobserved.. Yellow- ers who serve as JA advisers par- "Reports «,•<.•>-art jjetting from our Admission is free, and Trailside. legibr l Elizabeth and Peter J. McDonotmli palm ' warblers follow and black- [ernationa Airport.. ticipated, in Operation Port of New Museum is open every Saturday, Armeort facilities conducted this • week, with: Seated, he ascends; reaching the summiit CARPENTRY Golf Produdi president of Ken-Co Labs, spon- he begins to plummet earthward, the flat carpet of Pyxie moss '' Bcpain '.'" 34 North ATOM E. Cranford left to right, Russell Dobbins of 40 Iroquois road and Jay Brown of 39 Lenhome drive: standing, left LIKE A Mechanic on Duty at All V sored by White Laboratories; Rod- emitting canary-like notes during bloom is common beside the paths, Rtipils in Recital LAKGE JOBS OR 8MALI, Truck at Auto Repairs - Bo«i| ger C.-Kopf of 359 Retford ave- to right, John J. Burns, Air Reduction Sales Co.'s J A. adviser, and Joseph Justh of 79 Burnside ave- the several-hundred foot descent—- and, as an associate, the trailing Mrs. Joseph Reagan of 1*62 Hill- THORLEIF JOHNSEN SOFT WATER BATH nue; a junior at Cranford High nue. The three Junior' Achievers in the picture attend Cranford High School. : *•;.••-•'•.'•• then silence, and the bird drops arbutus. The boxwood-like sand • AUTO DEALERS • FOOD MARKETS • BBidgee-STTS crest avenue presented her piano BRidge 6-9548 387 Centennial School, who is treasurer of West- ..quicklyr. to earth, and-soon after myrtle, abounds beneath the leaf- pupils in a recital at her home S CHER'S rom, sponsored by Weston Instru- chairman of the exhibit at Union nue, in place of the'annual dinner resume^ the "peenting" notes from less stalks of the scrub oaks; the Sunday afternoon. CAHfENTEH — CONTRACTOR L1QOOR ITOai the ground. He is oblivfous to the yellow-topped . golden club is CHEVROLET, he. CHAS. KURTZ MARKET ments .Division' of Daystrom, Inc. Creative Artists Junior..College, and Mrs. H. P.' dance. ". • . . . Those present were: Marlene PAUL S. JOHNSON .Carole A. Kosko of 43 Hillcrest peeperg; the peepers in turn to abloom in the quiet waters, and caoios MKATt * rovuwn Hellegers. co-chairman, have ar- CALL YOUR him—fjjrtunate is the man. whbthe stately pink and blue blossoms Gilmore, Morton Jacobs, Carol avenue, a junior at St. Mary's ranged an exhibit this month con- Bailey, Sheila Greenberg, Lynne BR 6-9412 High School, Elizabeth, who is Invite Residents idsting of three paintings loaned Visit Lehigh University can abjerb the sounds of both and of the swamp,, pink occur at scat- EXPERT SHOi11l is thrilled by .their performances. tered localities, standing "knee- Jacobs, Betty Greco, Leslie Gross All types Building. AltaraHons. REPAIRING treasurer, of Coppermode,— spon/ by Carl Burger. Michael Stoffa, Three Cranford High School and William Stief. sored-by the California Oil Co.,:On Museum Tour both instructors for the art group. seniors, John Jellovitz of 26 Burn- In tbjp northern counties by- thedeep". in the'cold water. Hosts of Repairs. Additions. ' • Q01CK 8ERVUS CULLIGAN MAN Selections ranged from Bach •• V.rt* data* *«a and Joan M. Prody of ,14 North A trip to the Guggenheim Mu- and Mr. Longenbach, former in- side, avenue, James F. Dulic.ai of middlc3oi the month, the Jeffer- floral displays are yet to emerge in — Estimates Without Obligation — WASH AWAY Cold Water Woes I and Clementi through Chopin and LOUIS MONTINI 13th street, Kenilworth, a senior structor. 423 Orchard street and George son's flplue , spotted) salamander "the Pines." SHOE REPAlHlfJo seum and the- National Academy. Tchaikowsky to Eckstein and at Dayton Regional, who is assist- . A buffet supper is planned May Craft of 228 Walnut avenue, were comes ]Ibrth to lay its eggs. At one To the ornithologist who keeps FUEL OIL - 22 Aldan 8t both in New York? has been sehed- Ask about our fully-automatic Scott. ' KAIJCS * SEKVICS BANK AND ant sales manager of Hy-All, spon- •' t/-f -*• - 7 at the studio. 110 Walnut.aye-. among students offered admission time iti vas thought to bo a rarity, an eye on the ridges with their lee/i'd fill.search-.the past decade hawk flight northward, April pre- Later this month the pupils will rub Get sored: by Hyatt Bearings Division uled Saturday, April 23, for mem- water softeners! Enjoy ah but cat compete in the auditions of the SAVINGS LOVELAND FUEL CO. * TAILORS of General Motors. - bers of the CranforcjNCreaiive Art - •has're^L:aie d- the •specie^ s ot numer- sents .a display of journeying os- unlimited supply of hot and cold preys, board-winged hawksf Music Educators Association. Les- am* Cratnl Are*. Wesifleld AuUMRfeaa UQUOt RQII Group and. other interested resi-j ous plates in Sussex and Warrcrt INSTITUTIONS AND CLEANERS XK lie Gross has had three years of ADams 2-7651 ESSO HEAT — FUEL OH. HOT WATERI New York Showing dents. soft, water regardless of family honors in auditions and William Mrs. F. E; Sloat. chairman/ ask- Yes We Do- Michael Stoffa of Metuchen, an size or water usage! Stief has had four years of honors. COLpNIAL CaU Bfllds* •.1144 ed that interestednjersons contact FUEL OIL .s YOUR BEST HE AT instructor for the Cranford Cre- HDlitt j j Call BBido* t-OlW Dry Cleaning • her at 24 Oak lane or Mrs. Elven The recital was climaxed with REILLY OLDSMOBILE SAVINGS & LOAN [FASTH ative Art Group, and Jane Whipple Pressing . Repairing. Sheahan ' of 113' Spring- Garden j violin selections by.Gerard Matte, ASSOCIATION Alteration) - RemodaHM Grten of Westfleld, formerly of >' . and for the ••• • • '••/•' •-•/— • . a scholarship pupil at Manhattan REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. •» M.'IMaai %«• - / CiaafaM street. The group'will take the 8:50 J OLDSMOBILE MORTGAGE LOANS All WoskGuuutaki with I Cranford, both members of the a.m. bus to New.York. Free witter analysis—no obligation Sikl * Scrafac ' / INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Cranford Art Group, will have The group will have lunch in the ADams 2-7651 . MILK & DAIRY • LINCOLN paintings on exhibition at a Jersey 16 Sooth Union Ave, Guggenheim - Museum cafeteria. Shore, group show at the Inter- . CuiOcraft fashkxvdesighecl dress glasses 5S0 Hoxtft Amu East. Wcstfield DIVIDEND FOB PERIOD BEGINNING JAN. I PRODUCTS k Burton . Longenbach. / president- BEST IN FUEL OIL national Galleries, 55 west 56th meet every style-challenge of your new Spring elect of the art group, will accom- ROTCHFORD PO\TL\C, INC. OB Katlra Balaam Fm tl Da street New York, April 10 to 22. fit, while supplying you with dies'* IZZAPIE • PETERSEN'S DAISY pany them. .' l^Hssmut 5-231J • TRAVEL Visitors-are welcome, ' CULLIGAN ises for every dress occasion yea* From 8to 12P.M. Authorized 1 North • . Coontrr FrMb Milk . Mrs. William E. Faulkner. Jr., ind, and providing yow will* * Main Office Milk and BUlkProducta BUREAUS ONLY A GAS-HEATER PON TIA C Butter and^Eggs gives.you. hot water - LOVELAND FUEL CO. "life-saving" extra pair • Italian Food I Westf ield Ave. W. , RoseUe Park RANKI NFUEL CO. SOFT «ME» iu should break your. Sales-Service Mcicrcd Service - Prompt Deliv• ••" •• , • —------' Nv." M*Hk Waoi aear Elm. UiiiM BatM lnele«e GM. Oil, DIRECTORS Biaacr Iasaranc* Call 6Ridgo 64)|98 Estfautet Cheerfully HUnier 6-5500 rent we roans «4 •lin m 213 South Av«., 6««t Given on Any BR 6-1144— AD 3-1061 — SU 9-1127 BUICK can ta ehaate tnm a«J Smite 362 North Ave., E. Cranford, N. J. * BEAUtY SHOPS DOOLET FUNEHAL 8BBVICB **•,*. lU Jla«k«l»l»-« Co* Otmrmfp. 4-1* Crtrtford, N. J. Moving CMC TRUCK SAIXS GOOD CSED CABS HtMT-m-CAK S3» SC Bni4 St. EliuActh WILLIAM'S PbOMt • NURSING HOMES * BILNEY'S So if! Y< IWSTHR Elizabclh 4-3300 BEAUTY BOX our sa\ • Professional eUens CRANFORD HALL ATLANTIC STATIOMj BEBSE BROTHERS • Professional Hair Coloring 8ooth Jk Centennial Aves.< ,• Kxpcrt Hulrdrcsslnit NURSING HOME REPUBLICANS! IS Alden St ' BRidge 6-4*05 at I v Trust ! Gray Memorial U Acre Prvmoath - De Solo UPHOLSTEBBB8] Valiant Funeral Director* b|Minl naM la Caarsa CAMERAS 8RS-T100 ABams 3-1020 n 8B*lncfleU At 600 Lincoln Plu E. Cranford «U Start* An. W- BRide**-0()M r. Stoataw. * Urn Vnjuten PAINTS UplxUat«rin< * Intarks PACKARD •Up Coven - tMrattm* SN'T IT ABOUT TIME * FURNITURE * RICHARD HARTIO • Drapaa - Bhuim WESTFIELD CO- INC BRidge a-Ottl Fern's Furniture & Applianc Paint Shop OUR COUNTY IENT IS 102JEABS0LD Today motv? than ever before it's to your advantage to save ft Tka • Wall Paper • Art l^umlture — Appllajioe* • Paint • Window Shades DONT MISS THIS! Juvenlla Furnltma at Union County Trust Company. Here's why— U North Arm. BRUg* k-1034 Baby CurlifM BRIdgot-2M0 101 No. Onlen Kwm. Csanfotd Slipcovers] IF YOU AGREE ITS ABOUT TINE atom GOAL fjt. PLUMBERS SO MONEY DOWN—TAKE •-• Your savings earn 3%—no' limit on balances JkwOpsiac* NO FINANCE CO.—NO •"?•** YOU DEAL DIKECTtV •».«» • t? - STVDEBAHER PACKARD BRENNAN&TOYE IT IS BROIMSHT UPTODME Sales & Smi« LOVELAND ITJEL CO. FURNITURE AillwlMi Dtatrtb«Ur n.-— Heating EN MA RE Interest compounded quarterly—March^ 1, June 1> ADams 3-4646 REPAIRS THROUGH A THOROUGH SURVEY OF ALL COUNTY FUNCTIONS Genuine — ft Tinning Decoratorr — September 1, December 1 Q 4X& Koxtb Ace E. WestfeM K KOPPERSCOKE DON MAXWELL BRidge VOTE ON PRIMARY I AY! Deposits made on or before 10th of the month HUGH CLARK MOTORS BHIdg. FURNITURE «• <«I»TII AVC Repairs ' Upholstery earn interest txvm the first of the mouth! Finishing ' .• •• CHAPMAN BROS. . ' Appraisals FOR REPUBLICAN FREEHOLDER CANDIDATES i * DRIVEWAYS * Phmhftiq&HaxrilnqConlwclop Dodge ' # ' ADams Z-«£M .it-' «85 Mountain Ave. . Westfleld joasofo — on. ••^feSi Quick Save-by-Mail service Plymodth < M. DiFABIO Upholstery - draper!-* General 6-1820 * GIFTS | • at Dor* Av*. B. Slip-overs_ " : Saks fc Serrioe Drhraways > Evening hours at all oar offices « Asphalt-Concreto-Concreto Work GREETING CARDS CHettnotMf8 endorsed by w • REAL ESTATE • t»odfic '-Job-Ratcei" Trucks BHld«» 8-2869 FREE ESTIMAJES 15 Bumslde AT*. Cxaof ord A COMPLETE banking services '. JEANNETTE'S 112 CHWTIIUV ST. BtlU ADams X3434 JOS. J. UUKER A JOSEPH LA BRACIO GIFT SHOP VENETIAW — OraaUac Cull — Republican Open yortr savings account HOD A Y at SOS North Av«w W« W«stfield -, Asphalt Driveways Calaa -r Bar Qaasa BLINDS /•''•.. Parking Lots — Front End Loadar HI DEXTVUt 35 For-Hlr* / ADams 2-1972 34 TWIN BORO AUTO CORP. 227 E. Broad 8t Wectfield CRIIHP0HD BRUg* 6-3167- OfHC€JIERY SHOT County-Wide AOTUOBIZCD FORD XT Hwdey AYC , Cranford OF ,fv * LIQUOR STORES * INSURORS OF inion County Trust Company *V DEUCATESSENS • SHAHf EN AGENCY Jnc Committee WESTFIELD Service B & B LIQUORS •uonmam to John W. Heins ft So- ELIZABETH ' Serving You in Cranford COLONY DELICATESSEN la-IT Worth AT*. E. Cranford CBonyaas "f Trucks Compl«t« Cranford 100 Soutb Avenue. Ernst BR 6^4)777 WATER Of SULLIVA Full Una Of Jtomb* Dona «• Vraal SOFTENER, WINES, LIQUORS and s^EEBS ROOFERS Six other convenient offices in 11 N. Union AT*. BBids* •>•!•• FREE WATER ANAI CHARLES W. L. 8CHROEDER RICHARD P. Over €00 Just Phone Frw Salt Delivery t^Mid tot by Compaitfn Coin- CHEVROLET Elizabeth Summit Berkeley'Heights B>UaUUa4 IMS luitlcc ii>t Mo»cateilo und A man -who has reformed him- BR6-BEER « SU 94759 "oorwa — siDOta , Docrr. Jl-tl E, Jcrwry Strcvt, CHestnut 1-1414 ROSELLE PARKj I am not afraid of tomorrow, for oirmuu — LKADMM : 122 E. WESTFIELD AVE. self has contributed his full share 6-2337 . Expert 8Ute 8hlncte and On AH Make* o! •USCATELLO I have seen yesterday and I love towards the reformation of bis SUe Kcpalrs '• Consult Ed Sullivan .—WuTiira Allen Whjte. ' neighbor.—Norman FBEE DELIVERY ••Ufa e-3471 MU 6-1661 - DR W 1 Walnut Avenue Cranford _ >/"'.-;V . ... •* ''1.

CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, CRANFORD, N. J. THUBSPAY. APRIL u , tea announced by Mrs. bwyer's- cara- election on April 19, at a recent operation which 1 -patgBlnanager, A- Donald' McKen- meeting of the campaign commit- so many of the dergarten Roundu] Newcomers ^zie of'Union.':-.' tee at the home of Sophie B. Bar- ford during the p GARWOOD KENILWORTH Mrs. Dwyer has asked a group anski, 301 North avenue, east. whom I feel I have Model Paper of prominent persons in the county "Because of the increasing de- friendships." Set Iby Brookside Place PT A to present, her at meetings, Mr. mands on my time 6f my law prac- Prospective kindergarten students for Brookside Place School ore McKenzie explained. Mrs. Dwyer tice and other commitments, I SBCTIOW IOOR to register atohe school's J Fashions the- -4»ave—concluded: ANP CBlitQNICLR CRANFORD, N. J. g g hasrrbeeiirTinaWe^-to-zaccept: 1 Paper hats and paper dresses' many speaking invitations received election,- Mr;-Price stated. of two consecutive Tuesdays, April 26 or May 3, it was' announced modeled by members of the Cran- from various clubs, prompting the "The Democratic party in Cran- m. 'this week by Mrs. R. G. Strobl, chajwnan'of summer roundup lor the tord Newcomers' Club highlighted formation of the committee for^ has been receiving steadily Brookside area. Each prospective kindergartener is to bring for REPORTS TO YOU the monthly meeting of the'group i increasing public support during LAWN MOWER Early Action Is Promised Cost Seen at $195,000 __registration his birth 1 certificate at a luncheon recently in the Chi- the past few years. Whereas in and the completed enrollment and the workshop being held at the 'medical forms handed to the par- Am Chateau, Mountainside. ' 1957 there, was no Democratic Newark , campus of Rutgers Uni- ; "JThe unusual fashion show con- candidate for the Township Com- On Drainage 'Trouble Spots' ents earlier this month "by PTAversity. mothers. ' ._.•"• sisted of a line of women's paper mittee, ' in 1958 the Democratic GARWOOD — Action will be taxen in the near future to correct For Municipal Building To be eligible for kindergarten hats and 'paper dresses created, by candidates polled 42 percent of BARWOOD _ Although there are no contests for nominations forpoor drainage conditions oh streets at several "trouble spots" in the KENILWORTH—An ordinance^ appropriating $195j000 was in* next fall, children must • have American Cyanamid Co. to drama- the total vote, and in 1959 they re- offices in either primary, next Tuesday's election will have borough, it was reported by Street Commissioner Edward S. Tripka troduced Tuesday night by Borough'Council for the construction and •(••••••»• I tize the new areas for paper that reached their lifth birthday by Smith Elected ceived approximately ,45 percent mmnmnci I. interest for Garwood;voters because Mayor Edward.H. Tiller at Tuesday night's Borough Council meeting. - .- * furnishing of the new municipal building- Final hearing will be January 1, 1961. Any p'arent of a ROM WASHINGTON 'ie ahead- • of the total vote. Mrs: Lewis ' DeWolf, president ADamt 2 2528 ,of the field of 10 seeking three freeholder nominations in the Councilman Tripka said Borough Engineer Patrick J. Grail will ' Mayor Walter E. Boright reported that Walter Pfeiffer, Morris- child eligible for kindergarten "The present Democratic can- : town architect, has been chosen to this fall who has', not been con- iHNS Leader of the club, conducted the meeting^ didates, Henry'.Fare* and Edward lican primary. , .:".••••• set levels anil mark the curb line Mrs. Marc Korn, program' chair- vor Tiller is bracketed with Edward A. Pizzi of Summit and o insure the- required pitch for draw up plans ioz the- building tactcd may receive the necessary Donald Smith was elected pres- The two-month-Iong civil rights Moreover, Dr.' T. Keith Glennan, W: Tristram, for Township com- which will inrlii^4* municipal of- enrollment forms from either the ident of St. Michael's Holy Name debate has finally come to an end administrator of the National man, was in charge of the fa- mittee, and Harold J. Seymour. Jr., Tv- Matthews of Plamfield In j proper drainage and members of shion show. She Introduced Daniel t-ored No. 1 spot at the start Alcoa Lease the . street department will then CouneilAets fices, jail ant; police headquarters. school office or from Mrs. Strobl; Society at a meeting Monday. and the United States Senate is. Aeronautics and Space Adminis- for tax collector, are exceptional- Two weeks ago the council votr E. Hlggins, public relations rep- J?e freeholder line and they fill in to the levels indicated with i Brownie, Troop 387 was voted He succeeds Frank Pfaff. once more returning to normalcy. tration, has stated: "It is probable ly well qualified for the offices ed $47,500 for the purchase of 11 sponsorship by 'tye PTA executive Some observers may—with some that this .activity/ if carried out resentative of American Cyanamid they seek. With a vigorous cam- [running under the slogan: Rumor Spikedlacktop. To Halt Teen board. Troop leader U^ Mrs, Other officers ejected were: Paul company who arranged for the nization Republicans: Coun- lots on the Boulevard at South .justification—see' this as »a sign with consistency and determina- paign, their election is to be an- Points at which the problem Is 23rd street as the site for the new Crosby Baker, assisted by MrsNovak. , first vice-president; 'Stan- tion, will involve, the expenditure program. Mr, Higgins presented a ticipated. Roofing - Siding j Municipal Experience." ley Perry, second vice-president; | that senators need a few free eve- most pressing were, mapped by building. < i. Louis Fauble and Mrs. Patrick nings to prepare their income of at least"$12 to*$15 billion in the motion picture, "Life With Paper," "Unfortunately, I find myself at ,vor Tiller also is seeking, un- ByWUtat the street commissioner and the Fr;.in. Th-'y \vil', liieet at thePeter McVeigh, secretary; Louis an& spoke on the increase in the GARWOOD '— Apprised of Appropriations for the building taxes. Others will see the end ofnext decade." ; ' .. this time to be not in a position to Gutters-Leaders Dd Republican nomination borough engineer on a tour of the KENILWORTH -. In a move to school. Van Bei^en, treasurer,. and Ed- use of paper and paper products. clecuon to a third twor-year rumors that arrangements, have and.site will be taken from the ward Kelly, marshal. the debate as evidence that south- This is always an exciting sub- continue to devote myself suffici- All Work borough last week. Councilman stop loitering bi teenagers on capital .improvement fund. Mayor . Fiv* Brookside.PTA officers are ern senators, having labored long Prospective club members who ently to the leadership of the I as mayor. His running mates been made for leasing of the ••Tripka mentioned several areas Installation will take place on ject, for the potential uses of space : Aluminum Co. of America plant street corners, particularly in theBoright pointed out. The mayor to attend the spring Union County were introduced at the luncheon Democratic .party and therefore L are Councilmen Julius J. to persuade the folks at home that exploration bid iair to revolution-- here to another concern when the where water was found collecting shopping area, Borough Council said the approximate cost of the Council..,. dinner and forum on Monday, May 9. Ht the Knights they are besieged by latter day ize many of our habitual ways of are. Mrs. Albert Bartoccl, Mrs. Mil- wi|l step aside so that someone and Henry W. PiekarsW; at the curb after rain, including Thursday evening. May 5, at West- of Columbus'Club,' Scotch Plains. ton Blumbagan, Mrs. Charles Garwood Works is moved to Al- introduced an ordinance TUesday building be S170.000 with the carpet baggers and scalawags, arc thinking and living. Even the old else may serve instead. However, I unopposed for Republican coa's new building now under con- the following: • Cedar street be- night making parents responsible rest of the. appropriation "needed lield High School. Attending will ! Herbert Kubeck, Union County now convinced they have "routed adage that everyone talks but noCarlsson, Mrs. Robert Cole, Mrs. intend to continue;to be an active ation in "their bids for re- tween Second and North avenues. be Mrs. Richard. Bradfield, Jr., Federation delegate, reported..on John Cullinen, Mrs| Michael Gar- M. JOBDAN PBICE JOHN I DIE struction in Edison Township. for teenage loitering, punishable for furnishings and equipment. ., * the rascals." one does anything about the member of the Democratic party in ton to their second three-year Charles G. Wistar, works.man- Beech avenue'and Center street; by a tine up to $200 maximum or Mrs. Richard Finn, Mrs. Victor the organization of an "anti-smut" rity, Mrs: Milton Goldberg, Mrs. Cranford and will support whom- Mayor Boright reemphasized the In fact, however,' the reasons weather may soon be out of date, ; on the Borough Council.' ager, declared yesterday that the Willow avenue. Myrtle avenue, 90-day jail sentence: [ need for the new municipal build- • Hovel!.' Mrs. Harold Owen and citizens committee. The Rev. for the Senate's actions are prac- as more and more meteorological Roland Massimino, Mrs. Howard ever is selected as chairman. incilman I. George Casabona Mrs. William Thornton. I Mark Dooley,' spiritual moderator, Langley, Mrs; Jerry Krupnick, and Price to Retire BRidge 6-1105 local plant has not,even been put ine and Lexington avenues, Hem- Police Chief Edward Stupak ing pointing.to the inadequate fa- tical rather tha'ri facetious. A series satellites send back 'reports- of I greatly appreciate the co- opposed for the Democratic on the market yet. ._ lock avenue and East street, end of T&Uighlight said the police were pleased to cilities in the present building. He PTA officers also are attending j stressed the need for moreJielp in of votes in recent weeks revealed cloud formations, wind velocity Mrs. Werriier Speer. • .- . the third annual workshop/"Guid- ' the fight against indecent litera- As Democratic nation for mayor, while form- "Of course we would be glad Center street. Fourth avenue be- have the ordinance to combat mis- said the project was a "most nec- that a majority of the Senate and other data. Most of you have tounciUman Frederick C. W«*- to, hear from anyone interested.in tween Walnut and Maple'streets, chievous mischief, vandalism and essary civic, improvement." ance.for Your Child." being spon-! tme. would not accept anything .more undoubtedly seen some .of the pic- EleciionHere sored by the New Jersey Congress j Dr. Carl Hanson, local physician, Mrs. O'Brien Appointed jr., and Charles L. Thorne taking over the plant- when we Maple street and, Third'avenue, general misbehavior of the loiter- Mayor Borigbx reported the 1960 or less than the bill passed earlier tjircsThat have, recently been re- Municipal Head ' lapposed for the Democratic leave," he added. and Third avenue between Walnut KENILWORTH — A three-way ers. He said the 10 p.m. curfew of Parents and Teachers in co-! will speak to the entire parish at by the House of Representatives. layed to earth by TIROS, the To Speakers' Cominitjtee race for two Democratic nomina- tax rate will be $&82 for 1960, operation with Rutgers University 8 p.m. April 26 on the authenticity M. Jordan Price of 110 Kenil- ations tor Borough Council. Removal of the Garwood Works and Maple streets. • - -'-•-- whistle, in effect for the past six seven points higher than previous- . Those of us who tried td strengthen meteorological satellite that was Mrs; James F. O'Brien of Cran^ worth boulevard, announced' that ANNOUNCING.. al voters will be called upon to Edison Township originally was The street commissioner also re- tions for Borough Council will years, has "no teeth in it." and School of Eduction and the New: of a shroud, reported, to have highlight the Primary Election ly announced, because of an in- the bill met the same fate as diddeveloped in RCA's ''Space Cen- ford has, been appointed to thehe will not be a candidate for re- flw their preference for nom- expected to get under way dur-ported that the borough's new gar- loiterers could be arrested only Jersey School Development Colin- [ covered Christ's body. The the southerners who tr'1^ to weak- ter" '.i n Princeton and. recently here on Tuesday. crease in funds needed at the cil. A series of four Wednesday shroud is oh display, in the basilica speakers' committee for Congress- election as the Democratic muni- for United States senator ing the'latter part of 1958, as abage packer truck will be deliv- on disorderly conduct charges up county leveL en it. Except for a few relatively launched from Cape Canaveral. woman Florence P. Dwyer, it was cipal chairman after the primary _ Senator Clifford P. Case, deadline of June, 1059, had been ered this week and placed in serv- Seeking the two nominations are Jo this time. . evening meetings in April comppse. in Turin, Italy. '•. . Bernard E. , Perkins; Democratic council introduced an ordi- minor amendments, an unwaver- The"fact that 'the first pictures Dearborn and Robert Mor- -set for completion of the new Al-ice next Monday. .. .\. I • . Mayor- Bbright said teen-age ing nucleus of 45 or SO senators Were received' at Fort Monmouth coa plant in Edison Township. nance vacating Franklin avenue A NEW SERVICE Ethe Republican primary, and Councilman . Tripka reported groups at'the cornets of. 13th and between North Sth and North'12th repeatedly voted against any fur-and that two of the four primary PTA Elects, Ill March, 1958, however, the ; teen Richard M. Glassner and that the motor, in the borough's Monroe arid 20th and Boulevard street. Filial heading 'will be April .-t. •• ther change.' . tracking stations are in New Jer- Lord in the Democratic company was granted an ex- sey further illustrates the key role 1955. dump truck burned out re-, Schedule Rally Ifc'the most troublesome. 26. . . •; ' • . • • Although the bill as it passed the jty. There also is a contest tension of the deadline to Feb-ccntly and that the street commit- The ordinance, provides that Senate falls far ^short of what I, played by Jerseyans in this field. Kenneth Handler, B.S., Ph.T. LAUNDRY DETERGE Holds Annual ruary 28, 1961; Mr. Wistar ex- Coimci!inara John J. Olock re- [c«i V. William DiBuono and tee decided to have a new motor KENILWORTH—Local, coUn- parents will' be notified! of the first ported the new garbage ' truck for one, had hoped it would be, its Exciting as the'possibilities for B. Dunn for the nomination plained at that time that the.ex- installed and the truck overhauled ,ty and state Democratic candi- arrest for loitering. On the- sec- ^Safefor babies... provisions for court-appointed re- harnessing nature are, however, tension was deemed necessary 'be- had been' put Into use on Monday. 10 and 25 Pound SI | Congress in the Democratic Fathers Night and.retained for borough use rath- dates will be guest speakers at ond violation,; thfe parents will be Mrs. Ctecil Upton, welfare super- ferees—to permit ,the registration there is another, more sober side. announces the opening GARWOOD"^-Mrs. Harry Kel- cause of deferments in the.com- a Democratic Rally at 8:30 p.m. ary. CongressWoman Flor- pany's over-all construction pro- er than to, turn it in on a pay load- convicted. The ordinance applies visor, was commended for her of Negro and other voters in areas Sitting 'in the committee hearings P. Dwyer is unopposed for ^lerman was elected to succeed Mrs. ^Monday at Neville's Ranch to minors under 18 years of age. where a pattern of racial discrim- and listening, to the scientists spin gram due to general business con- er as had been previously planned. work by Councilman Edward of an office Lftepublican- nomination for James, Guare as president of the Council authorized ary expenditure House, it was announced this Archambault. . '' ination' prevails should help ma- tales of future man-made marvel BLEACHEEZ TABLETS Gafwood PTA at the annual Far ditions. week, i , - terially in eliminating such intoler- in space, I am sometimes remind- ess. .••'-• thers' 'Night meeting in Lincoln Under the, present schedule, Mr. of 400 for the repairs. An invitation was read from the able practices in "trie future. This ed of Samuel Morse's feeling when he voters will be faced with School last/Thursday night. Wistar. said yesterday, the .new. This action was. criticized by kenilwoTth Volunteer Fire ' De- portion of the bill marks, there- [exceptionally large ballot, Council President Henry W- Plek- Board Hires Councilmen Peter S. Patuto and VFWPost, partment to attend a Memorial he sent the first telegraphic mes- Other, officers for, 1960-61 were plant is now expected to be com- John J. Olock, both seeking their fore, a useful step forward toward sage more than a century ago:—- Uy because in this Presideri- bleted by November 1 and initial arski, who conducted, the meeting Scrvice''for deceased members on We Deliver To Your Home lelection year they also will be named- &i follows: Honorary vice- in the absence of Mayor Edward second three-year terms' on the Friday. May 20. at 8 pan. at the the goal of equal voting rights for What hath God Wrought. president. Superintendent of moves from Garwood are expected 2 Teachers; council. . Auxiliary all Americans. Two other, committees (both of PRACTICE OF PHYSICAL THERAPY on the selection of delc- Schools Lewis T. Laird; first vice- to begin at that time.' He added H. Tiller. He said he felt the street nrehouse. , - - at-large, alternate delegates- committee should have secured Mr. Perkins, • seeking election Councilman ^^^nlc Mascaro. re—/ Many other urgent matters have, them carthbound) •• on which president, Mrs. Gerhardt Walsch; that it probably will take several for the first time, was chairman of Seat Officers bei-n held in abeyance while the I. serve will be* taking up matters MKblCAL-SURiSICAL BUILDING^ xgc. district delegates and el- second vice-president, Mrs.. Robert months to complete the removal approval.of the council as a whole Psychologist ported Detective Joseph DiMario ersoar ate district delegates to both (Continued on Page 2) the Heart Fund this year and has KENILWORTH — James G. is enrolled in an advanced pho- civil, rights battle was on. , The which may be of more unmediat Harris; recording secretary, 'Mrs. operation.. 214 Walhijit. Avenue HMONDLABORATORIES \ Republican and Democratic KENILWORTH — Two teachers served as a county committeeman Nash of 33 Park drive and Mis.tography and Senate will now turn to these. De- concern to New. JerseyansT^The Leroy Krone; corresponding sec- for three years. He is an instru- Joseph Amoroso of 37'South 20th al Conventions. retary, Mrs; Michael Yawlak, and and a school psychologist were iense, mutual security and authori- Senate Interstate and Foreign Cranffird, N. X ment repairman with Esso Stand- street were. installed as command- zation and appropriations bills Commerce Committee meets to iey also will be asked to elect treasurer, Edward Sigety. hired Monday, night by the Board ard OUC.o., Bay way Refinery. DOMESTIC and INDUSTRIAL DETERGENTS lie and a female county corn- er- and president of-Kenilworth Rotary Schedules Talk dealin_>_„ g wit...hI _„_.many .othe ...___r vita,. li pro - consider legislation, including bills The slate was presented by Mrs. Lecturer on LowedesSlmne of Education at Harding School. Councilman Patuto is a law at- Post 2230. VFW, ancj/ its Ladies* grams are only some of the im- member from each of theJoseph-Leonard, nominating com- Mrs. Theresa Scannella Vogel of torney In Newark.and Councilman Auxiliary In Veterans* Center on On Moving Industry which I have sponsored, to help Ofilca Hours (Continued on Page 2) . portant items of unfinished busi- solve the increasingly difficult Telephones mittee 'chairman. , ,. ,' • '•' Newark, hired to teach home eco- Olock is in the customer relations Sunday. *KNILWORTH — Members of* ness. • ' . Arlynn C. Ells John R. Schneider Featured on the evening's'pro- Visiting St. the KenUwmtU. Rotary dap -tttS problem of vanishing railroad By Appointment BRldge nomics, holds B.S. and M.S. de-department of the American Can • The ceremony was conducted by '"ited pynttt worrus" toith The Committee on Aeronautics commuter services.. The Senate BR 64005 FU 1-4448 gram was an illustrated talk on ; GARWOOO Mw^y^^ Company. Both are running on Past District Commander Richard see and bear the interesting story and Space Sciences, of which. I "The Two-YeJBdf' College, and Jtson »he Shrine at Lourdes, France, has been scheduled to speak In thegrees in home economics from the Regular County Democratic of the modem moving industry at btaettkd cod SAflE WATBtSPAl Enomif.. ,Labor and Public Welfare Corn- Physicians" Referrals [indergatten Hunter College, N. Y. Dowdcll of Cranford. Guests were am a member, meets this week to < mittee too. has an enormous back- Place in Higher EducaUon" byauditoriunvof fit. Anne> School at« JMtt April 28, It was announced . (Continued on Page 2) Mayor WalterOE. Boright; the Rev. a hnrnhmn meeting Wednesday at Ghees* wiatt cr any of 10rich,modtni William J. Seland, Jr., of Union, chart • the course of the nation's log of bills awaiting consideration. this week by the Rev: Jehn A. McHale. pastor of the Church of stv Miss Dolores J. Sikora of Roselle Sylvester P.- McVeigh, the Rev.The. Hitchin' post. Union. ' cofarc. Oat coat covers. space program for the coming year. director of the' development office Anne, who met her at Lourdes while he was on a pilgrimage to Europe Park, who will graduate in June The talk. "The Moving Industry nindupSet and assistant to the' president of James TlUer, Past Department Congress is being asked to provide Tuberculosis is a chonic, relaps- and the Holy Land last year. from the College of St. Elizabeth, Commander William Oehler. Past in aJDynamic World.*" will be pre- more than $000 million for the tARWOOD — Summer round- Union Junior College of Cranford. Board Announces ing disease.that costs the American On' learning of the Lourdes Convent Station, will, teach third Department Chaplain William sented by Sfclson M. Ughtcap, civilian space program' this year. people about $750,000,000 a year. |lor children entering klnder- Opening ceremonies were con- vice-president and assistant treas- in September'will be con- Shrine at the local church, Mrs. grade. School Holidays , Mantell and Peter Greco, com- ducted by a color guard from Girl Feely presented Father McHale . (Continued on Page 2) . urer. Bobbins and Allison. Inc- ALBAN-LEWIS by the Garwood PTA on (Continued on Pofle 2) Simon Maurice Feder of Clifton Allied. of Cranford. representing^ i3, it was announced this" week with & piece of stone .from"the For Next Year Lourdes Grotto and it was inserted will serve as school psychologist the New Jersey Roundtable of Al- HOUSEWARES HARDWARE [Mrs. Howard Fenwick of 31 two days each Week: K(e received - KENILWORTH — The Board or Holy Name Society lied Van wjiw:. nation-wide mov- PeeCE$T!?lH3$SrCRAtfF0RDBQVV*I-SHVES. WoRM- To All Our Friends and Patrons! avenue, roundup chairman. in the parish shrine on his return Education announced the school GADGETS GIFTS LET US HELP YOU Combined Service a B. A. degree from Lafayette Cot- ing and storage system. ations will -be conducted home. ' • lege and an M.A. from Teachers' calendar for 1960-61 at its meet- Plans Spring Dance CHECK THESE SPECIAL HOLIDAY ITEMS i 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Wash- Mrs1. Feely was born in China ing Monday. night at Harding KENILWORTH — Plans for the In his talk Mr. light cap will tell 109 *L UNION AVE. BRidge 64866 For Good Friday College, Columbia, where he is how the modem moving industry routs out we PROUD BUILD A NEW HOME School .and from 1:30 to 3 GARWOOD — Congregations of of British parents and lived most working on his doctorate. .-'• School. annun^, Spring Dance at 9 pJm.. THAT OUR TOWN HAS . at Franklin School. of lier life in that country. Her One day holidays will be held Saturday, April 30, in the church has adjusted itsalf to the present AM IXMD-Oftre St. Paul's United Church of Christ The board accepted the resigna- day requirements of a-fast moving BUSMESS COHOfUt BARTON'S PORTUGUESE Bible - to enter kindergarten and the United Presbyterian husband, .who was an Irishman in tions of Mrs. Diana Oberlin, psy-on Columbus Day, Election Day, auditorium were announced by St. UKB he fall are .children who are 5 business in Ch,ina, died after Lincoln's Birthday. Washington's Theresa's Holy.Name Society on economy, with the needs of the WHITE WINE Church of Garwood will join at 8 chologist, and Miss Maureen customer, both household and in- tfce ...• .,; : V RESERVE sold or will be by December p.m. tomorrow, in a union Good spending several years in a Jap- Birthday, and Memorial Day. Monday night. CRMtfOROBOOY IPrcscntcd at the roundup must anese concentration camp during Murphy, who will teach in Ger- dustrial, receiving the' primary 90 Proof Friday service at the latter church. many next year. School will open on September Music will be provided by Ed-consideration. cFENOElc WORKS GRANDJO | medical forms filled out by the The Rev. Eric S. Tougher, pas- World War H. Contracts totaling $10,935.40 8 and close June 21 for students. die Davits and his orchestra. Jos- lily physician attesting %o im-tor of the host church, will speak Mrs. Feely was in France when were authorized by the board asSchool will be closed November eph Mulligan and Henry J. Pluc- Right Church $1.39 niiation from whooping cough, ol children in the Borough may. to Dark Gethscmanc," by Noble^sslstcd in the shelters at night, .Charles Paterson and Sons, Kenil- vember 24 and 25. __ 'Weppler. ed. • ' ' • ... •J—*""^"l 2/'.', SOUTH AVF-c CRANFORD the required medical, forms and "Surely He Hath Borne Our After D-Day, Mrs. Fccly crossed worth, $1,140; replacement, of MEDLEY BROTHERS Mrs. Fenwick. • Griefs," by Handel. ' . (Continued on Page 2) classroom doors in Harding School, VBK-6-1- REMODEL REDECORATE W. D. Sn'ydcr and Son, Kenilworth, $1,878; science shelves, Charles F. •^•••••I'w ..' YOUR BASEMENT YOUR KITCHEN Choirs to Sing •• woo; KENTUCKY BOURBON Reilly Co., Inc. Jersey City, $453. In Presbyterian A $4,144.40 contract for school furniture was awarded to Business SPORTING GOODS AND GAMES $J.89 Sunrise Service ' Furniture Co., Elizabeth, on con- qt. 5th * pf. GARWOOD — Membcjs of thedition that Edwini W. Kraus, super- "A TRULY REAL BOURBON" FLOWERS United Presbyterian Church- of intendent of schools, present' a. •I.- Are jod adadng the boat by conccnirafr Garwood will celebrate. Easter letter from the State Board of Edu- J lag your advertising in hit or EQIM media iunday beginning with a 6:30 a.m, cation showing that furniture may HOUSEHOLD ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES that may reach the wrong •member of Italian. Vermouth & Chtanti This Easter Give sunrise service. The Rev. Eric S. be purchased without advertising the family? Tougheri pastor, has chosen forfor. bids. V Adam La Sota ofrthe Jonathan : his topic, "But Now Is Christ f'." ••• ROCCO VERMOUTH DiTORINO 30 01. If yon sell to the suhurban home- POGGIOSECCOCHIANTI fullqt. Fresh Grown Plants or Risen.". Daytoy n RegionaLHiBg h School agri- •ker, why not advertise in the medium .99 ADD A GARAGE The Junior and C,hancel Choirs cultural department assisted by ahe i» most interested in—her hometown Flowers from Our Will, present three anthems at the his students was authorized to IM*Irly newspaper? We'll Arrange It For You Scotch — 8:30 and 11 a.m. services. The Ju- seed and prepare the grounds at a DISCOUNT PRICES w-" niors will sing "When It's Easter cost of $198.20. The news of lierwlf, her family and. At thelow Interest Rate GLEN ROSSI 5th 4.99 Greenhouses. Sunday Morning," by O'Hara and Bids on construction of a two- her. neighbors umean» more to her than KING WILLIAM IV 5th 5.82 the Chancel Choir will sing car garage, dishwasher, asphalt ?f" her favorite TV xlur/niorc limn the mo*t "Allclulah, Christ I* Risen," byjiwkV i surfacing and paint- im|M>rtunt l*rc«idehtial prefts conference. Warner and "Forth He Came ating were rejected by the board. Furtlierniore, your mrnMape will be run Specialty of the House — Complete Selection of — Easter," an old French tune. New bids will be readvertised and alongside tlie a ive prompt, «Hki«at y - liumr town neWapapera in New HEDEMBER6 - UEAN Pay Us A Visit and Glance Through The • PLANTS dren's service. The children will the location of an asphalt sidewalk Jor»«-y. the 'heart of tlie rich Rtiliurhad "1st Driviruurance Agency in N. J." Concerning Your Project (Continued on Page 2) "and cyclone fence at a cost not to ebiiiiiiulin^ area. It will pay you to in- — Finest Selection Of— • CUT FLOWERS exceed $50. *o*li£atc this top quality market and thf 128 SOUTH AVEw EAST. CRANFORD. BR 6-3000 Spring Clean, Up Drive ' Sterling Oil Terminal Corp., niolia that reach it best. Wines, Cordials, Liquors, Beers Newark was awarded u contract The Only Authorized Lionel Dealer Open ThuM. till 1:30 Pit W*ek Night* iiU S PM. Beginning Next Week for fuel oil. — ITEMS FROM THE WORLD OVER — For Market Information. Circulation ' GARWOOD -T- Spring Clean Up KENILWORTH drive of the borough street de- Mitts Castro Named For Parts and Service iis This Area , Data and Rates, Hall or Wriim partment will get under way next week. With collections being made Sweetheart's Attendant SPRINGFIELD — Carolyn Cas- CRANFORD TOWN TAVERN GREENHOUSES on the ijouth side on April 20, 21 \ — Under New Management — Quality Group and 22. North side collections will iro of 255 Eaitoute uvvhuc served Incorporated' Flower* Telegraphed Anywhere be made on April 27. 28 arid 29. ux an attendant to the senior sweet- heart at the annual ball of the HWt ••• Z •' •• and i .Street Commissioner Edward S. Weeklies of N.J. • BRidge 64)263 Tripka and Street Superintendent senior class of Jonathan Dayton COVCWM0 .. . PACKAGE STORE Joseph Stibler this week issued Regional High' School at Martins- dma Its**, 336 CENTENNIAL AVE. BRIDGE 22 CROSS ST. KENILWORTH' an appeal to residents to clean out vlllc Inn. Miss Susan Kerr of THOMAS BENINATI CO. 415 CENTENNIAL AVE. CRANFORD attics, cellars arid yards now andSpringfield waii sweetheart. A66 Ubwty Str««t B!oomfl«|< H. JT Phone BRidge 64500 — Open Evenings Easter Week — place debris at the curb op the Glnny Relchelt of 126 North 101 S. 21st ST., KENILWORTH Bttidgm 2S22Q P.S.—Compact Car Insurance Discounts Up to 35% special collection dates for their 22nd street' was one of the dance — Parking No Problem— respective sections. - / chairmen. ;•".' i.'C:"','',i:-•''''''v :!':^lX''''^'/^^''-'\^

;^lr*"." .'•.'• •••'.'' ' i ' " . ' ' • ' . JV • . ' *. , ' ' . '

CITIZEN AND CBRONICLC, CRANFORD. N. 3. MICLE. CBAKPORD, N. J. pointed chairman of the band pic- gates and alternate district dele- is at the medical bureau in the-ca Early AcUon instaUed. ': and 1959 and January [Catholic Dangfatere Greet pacity of an inttrpreter and gen- A communication was nic on June 7. gates. ••••• •••. •; • (Contintiied from Page 1) sfr Methodists eral helper. Whenever she can/ from-* the Union County Board of before proceeding with the truck service Thirteen New Members she lectures on the work at Lour- Taxation announcing an official KENILWORTH—Thirteen mem- VFW Post I Tiller Freeholder repairs, and he voted "'no" on the lo^al cases a do.' • •'.. ;-•.-. • .••., , •-. • borough tax rate of $9.60 per $100 expenditure authorization. ular weekly thera TbReedve bers were welcomed, by Court'St. (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) In December, 1938, Mrs. Peely 'bf assessed valuation. Finance Councilman Tripka replied thai ults are receiving Theresa. Catholic Daughters, of mander of kenilworth Post four -local election •districts was the first woman to receive the HTtTii'tfllriTifr . Frank Wanes tntv America, at a recent reception in i American the truck was very badly needed. ingireatrtt Legion. Refreshments I each primary. Marian Award granted' by Bayton plained that this will mean an in-- es on the waiting IteeordClim the—eafeteria—of—St—Theresa' ye. vpen uunc Ust "r KENItWORTH—A record class SchooL , that its retention would mony. ajn. to, 8 p.m. at .the following performed "outstanding service to year in average individual taxes Howtand BfiHio took M EMU They were: Mrs. Benjamin. Ca- needed additional plow for snow On lecommendation „,, hold on second place in the Craft- ' ,'•'..'•.•'• . By .BON of 32 young people will be re- Other post officers seated were places: First, District, Borough Our Lady" during the year. •' instead, oi the $8 foreseen when Cmdord routai nates, Mrs, William. Davenport, I senior vice-K»nmianderRobert H. Hall; Second District, Washington removal. He added that in its re- PM» Casabona, coui * ford Bowling :1 Jack LaGrace struck out 13 men Tuesday as fc celved into membership' tonight at i the local budget was drawn up, at fhe, expenditure of Roselle Park. 8-0, at Park. The Cougars lost the opener to Wood- Mrs.-John Dunn, Mrs. Robetf Fu- School; Third District, Franklin paired state the truck would have gigh school Annual Winter night when they won a sveep * 8 pjn. at ^service of confirmation which time it was estimated the new reflectorized bridge, 7-1. Cranford now has a 1-0 Watchung Conference record gctt, Mrs. Anne* Leary, -Mrs. Rose Leo Miguraca; quartermaster, Rob- School; Fourth District, the Cran- Choirs to Sing a trade-in value of $1,100 as com- rate would be $9.45 per $100. Awards Assembly. , , To Open from the lions Onb. The realtors Lehiigh Television To Meet and .holy communion at Coramun (iwp each on four rm^r and an overall slate: of 1-1. * .. McCole, Mrs. Francis Smith, Mrs. ert Polley; chaplain, Lawrence wood, 216 North avenue. (CWtUi Page 1) pared with about $250 if not in d Wanes pointed out the sports assem- are now four games in front of - ity Methodist Church, John T. Sturtevnnt, Mrs. John running condition. Hartig Paint, wlio dropped, LaGrace hurled the entire game Schneider; officer of the day, Cad fill a wire cross with flowers and that an increafie of approximately ter Thursday as Woodbridge Vasile, Mrs. Edward Gross, Mrs. jThe--street commissioner an- to Petersen's Dairy. Six VFW tnGold Ball Finals against Park arid gave up only *. The Methodist choir under th< La Costa; • service officer, Bruno each child will receive a live plant $3,000 had been expected in thc| fctchung Conference first.place slaughtered Cranford. 7-1, at Me- Marie Diana, Mrs. Ernest Vardalis, PTA Elects > to take horary • nounced that an additional $5,000 v^unca approved ^ |aletbau trophy to Cranford tattling for third Four ft Television players I five base hits: four singles and a * direction of Mrs. William Biridtfes Zampaglione; judge advocate, borough's county tax whereas the k morial Field. > , ••.„ .' '-' all of KenUworth. and Mrs. Julia .(Continued from. Page I) in state aid has been approved for e program were: tomorrow night. Good ffWrtrtt. Stevens led the VFW with •Church," Zampaglione; delegates to county son, when the runners had a dual Hartig's Paint Shop,. was pre- . Cranford started scoring early Inning. The coach felt that the Chapel Plans Refreshments were served by service will begin at 8 pjn., when Red labels designating wornout "through streets," - „• ensemble singing "When Al Fricke of 24 points to a 62-42 victory over as Jack Fedorko walked, stole sec- Young people to be received council. Mr. Nash,- Mr. Venezia; meet slate of 1-7. The cinder turned in a «tS series Fridaty night, sented with a trophy by mem- locals learned from their errors, fathers under direction of Ger- imunion will' be served.. New garbage cans as unfit for use are BOBOUGH OF OABWOOD «ons» and "yield rs Done;" the boys* double UseLodceL •••'. are: Jeffrey Anderson, Clarence alternates, Nunce Zampaglione and Opening Set sprinters • open Wednesday with third, high of the scasoax as be bers of his team in the Cranford ond, and slid home on an infield and could bounce back. ; ' hardt Walscb. The attendance members will be .received into the being distributed by the street de- OIN the borough. restri ;-Halls of Ivy" and held an eight-point mar- Anthony, Jane Bieksha, Hollis Week-End Joseph Amoroso. AN OROROINANCO C , DXSIONAT1MO The 10th annual Union County Roselle. , aided his mates in winning Bowling' League Friday night at error on a: hard-hit ball by Al award was won by the first grade -THHOOOOOOH SRUTSSTRUTS.." "STOSTPP PJTKPJTKBB- Parking on certain _if Sigma Chi;" and Al Ritter .pitched the first four Ten-year membership pins were church. The Chancel Choir will partment, Councilman Tripka re- Last year's! low record included Clark Lanes as "the best spon- Ritter. LaGrace fanned the side in i Ann Cox. JiU De Rick, Frank class of Miss Erdean Phelps of sing the spiritual, "Were You SXCTIONS.NS"" AND "YIELD INTEHSECINTEHEC- areas, and -exclude STchool dance band playing tennis clinic, open to anyone de- from Swan deanets^ BSs innings for Cranford, fanning six, presented by County Council Com- ported, and as a result.of the is- TIOKB" IN THE BOBOCOU OP GAR- several lasses by a few points.due were 241,203 and 19t* "~^ /"• sor of 1959-60." Mr. Hartig spon- the bottom of the first. .. Dressel, Roger Dunkelmann, Jules Franklin School. . WOOD. • -\ -r • foui? tons gros. We ^he Mood- and "Love Is A siring to learn the fundamentals tbetr margin by the half to lead, passing onev and allowing four Conference mander Joseph Szomolooky to There." Mr. Tougher will preach suance of 130 such warnings thus sors the Hartig Paint Shop team, In the second inning Jack La : Franko, John Hoeflich, Carol oh "Life Together With Our Lord." BE IT OROAINXD, by the Mayor and tain roadways and estko Splendored Thing? of tennis or interested in develop- to a weakness in the sprints. This K. Meyer of Petcssents Dairy 32-16. Lehigh pulled to a,20-point hits. Jack LaGrace finished up,' KENILWORTH — The annual George Bender, Mr. La Costa, far, he said, there are now 100 Council of the Borough-«f Garwood. in year. Cranford hopes to improve in fired .games of 186, MS and 206 which currently is in third place Grace reached first on an error, .i Kcycs, Susan Krueger, Russell The United Presbyterian Church the County oi Union, New Jersey. way traffic-streets and-nT Icharles Preston, president of maimjti at the three-quarter mark whiffing four, walking none, and ' conference will be held in Kenil- Dennis Moulder, Robert Molden- Lecture on Lourdes , new garbage cans in use in the 1 ing a better playing style, will be-: these JOO-yard and 220-yard dash- for a 635 total. wtiDe TtT*h Gam- in the local league. gained second on Henry Dreyer's * Kurtz, Jr.,. Sandra Lang, Greri- and St. Paul's United Church of SECTION 1- The following nlshways areas., Booster Club, made sweater as BeU dumped in 12 of his 16 sacrifice, and scored on a long dou- also giving up four safeties in his worth Gospel Chapel this week- hauer, Dominic Retrovato. Fifteen (^Continued from Page 2) borough. He thanked residents and streets or portions thereof, in tne rds to: Bob Engel, Dave Leslie, gin at the Warinanco Park tennis es. Juniors Fred Cox' and Don bruschini of Exnco Ttockinc pot '. ville Lyon, Darlene • McCrae, Christ will join in Good Friday Borough of Oarwood, pursuant to H.B. a points in the second half and Lan- ble to left by Tex Brown, who three frames. The hurlers pitched , end with sessions on Saturday at year pins were presented by Fifth the Channel with a volunteer wel- lor their compliance. ., 3S:«-M0. art hereby dssl«aated as Meyers, Bill Webster. Fred courts, April 25. .,.< Patton will, compete here for the together «wes ofJnW.jiO and 204 i. Thomas Meredith, Peter Morris, services' at the Presbyterian 1 acored ejght of his 14 points in was out trying for three bases. A fairly well. •. but hard-hitting 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on District Commander Michael J. fare workers* group of the Cath- Councilman I. George Casabona, THROUOB STREETS." "STOP pSrTER- BOBOUGH OF Stan Dickerson, Charles Members of the Warinanco ten- Cougars, . F s 993 tuity^i Klutr ^** Qa( :i Patricia Rein, Fred Ritter, James Chuscb at 8 p-m. SECTIONS'"' mtt "VUBstD IMTBUPCC* kert. the same two periods. Also in single and two walks got LaGrace •Woodbridge lined many fast balls 1 Sunday at 11 a.m., 4 p.m. and 7:30 Constandi; to Mr. Capece, Nunce olic Women's League and spent chairman of building and grounds, TIONS" an4 stop tlfns ihalt be UutaUad Gordon Moot. Lee Nord- nis dub, in co-operation with the Perhaps the two top men on the Chemical had Scale, David Selvin, Janet Shreve, The Junipers will meet at 6 pan. ofiaa. doable figures for Lehigh were: UJC Golfers to right field. Cranford's moundsr much time opening canteens and announced completion of a project on, tbr~aV rl«htdd»o< dhwt Bob' Olson, Bill' Russell, 203 and J07; in, trouble in the last of the second - Alan Smith. Daniel Smith, Eliza- p.m. Zampaglione and Joseph Smolar. Sunday for an Easter program and Union County Park Commission, squad will carry Cranford's hopes Bobbie, 14; and Brown. 10. B. men • also .suffered from lack of • The Lord's Supper for believers of increasing lighting strength om,Wurth, Jac* "Walker, Steve Other sweeps Friday niglit am but ke struck out' the. last batter... : beth Strunk. Stephen Terjek. Ul- Mrs. Bender, past president, in- dubs for the Allied forces. She the senior youth group will meet at will give instruction and demon- in the quarter mile. They are rer Durham ted fee Jokers with 14. support in both halyes of the inn- will be observed at 9:15 a jn. Sun- spent seven months in Antwerp from 2,500 and 6.000 lumens in hve Mike Keller, Don ILewis, turned in by Harco Chrmical over Open Monday Cranford exploded for three -. lian Walinsky, Stanley Walinsky, stalled the auxiliary officers. Mrs. 730- • strations in the. following]'tech- turning lettermen Don Lewis and The VFW" had 20 point. second ings. , ,v..'.,. ••• ; • '••••.:. " . . day. At the 11 a.m. Family Bible street lights on Center street from Paul Martens. Players are Schlecteris Hardware. Union Junior College will return runs on as rhany hits in'the' third Robert Witt, Jr., William Woelz, Charles Reuter was installing con- during the heavy bombardments The visitation and evangelism niques, proper grip, stance, swing, Robin Hill. Mike Keller will also and fourth quarters to gain re- . Cranford sent only fifteen men Hour Lloyd R. Wineberg; of Wash- ductress, . ' ; when that.city was known as the North avenue to Hickory avenue South' Avesue jtcd sweaters the first time follow through, scoring, forehand, run in this event. ' . '" . Esso over VPW and BreenV Gold to intercollegiate athletic compe- as all nine batters appeared at the .•• Judy Yohannan and. Susan Yule. : committee will meet at 7:30 p-m. Between the Town of Westfleld-Oar- on the Lodge- who edged to the plate, for the first five inn- ngton, D. C,, will preach. The Other auxiliary officers installed "City of Death" and later went and at other test spots in town. wood Borough Line and the Garwood Seam a varsity letter. court play, backhand, service, and At the half mile, Wilson's best Checks over HayedtfE Foods. . tition Monday when its varsity plate. After two "outs, Fedorko ••• Three services will be conducted Monday at the church for prayer Boromh-Crsntord Township Unt. Tlie program was conducted by than out of second place in the. singled to center and stole second ings. Jack Fedorko reached base beginners' department will take were:' Senior vice-president^ Mrs. .into Germany, When the victory He said the new lights make "a truck of over four volley. ... prospect is junior Richard Schoon- Others with scores at SBO or golf team meets Monmouth Col- . on Easter Sunday at. 8, 9:30 and before going out into homes in East Stmrt weight over the tollowlng lilliam Martin, director of ath- above inctoded: Hantey. . Harco final league standings last week. and Ritter gained first on an error. in the second on an error, and part in songs and recitations. Robert Hoffman; junior vice-pres- parade marched through London. big difference," especially at the Between'Hickory Avenue anil South (a) Second Avenue 1 The clinic will be divided into oyer. Chuck GoodfeUow, Don lege of West Long Branch at Bal- :. 11 a.m. The Rev. Mr. Tiller will the borough. ~ Avenue. . .• ..•••'.'.. Cranford High School. In the two big quarters for the Bill Gall then scored' two with a Jack O'Brien walked in the fourth, 1 Other' conference speakers. will ident, Mrs. John Behnke; treasur- she was" chosen to represent the Center street bus" stop across from Ple Strf t seven- one-hour; sessions for adults Carlson, and Vic Wiese also will ChemicaL 200; P. Nylen. Lehigh tusrol Golf Club, Springfield. preach on"; "The Conqueror of The mid-week Bible study and Spruco Awnue . -i • • t luSe Iroach Walt Wilson presented Esso, '224; Lombaidi. T^tiia* Esso, VFW. Stevens scored eight points long double down the third base but each was picked off, first by • be Walter Purcell of Portiand, er, Mrs. James McDonald; chap- Catholic Women's league in the prayer hour will be resumed Wed- SL Paul's United Church of Christ, Between the. Tjawn of,. WestBeld-Oa; . 'blS*t Cente* r Street' * (17 years or over) and seven one- try for honors in this distance. in the second and 10 points in the It will open- a nine-meet golf Death" at the three. services. He wood-Borough Une juid Center Street. Between Hickory Bsity'iraeK letters .to: Fred Cox. 205 212^ line, taking third on the throw. Lefty Miller. . . .".•..; Ore., and George Mortland of Pal- lain, Mrs. Ernest Vinella; conduct- procession. •• where a 10,000-lumen light was Center Street :' ," -';i.' . •• AVB,.» hour sessions for juniors (8 to The mile will be one of the lo- fourth to lead the attack. Other schedule for Coach Harold (Hadi will be assisted by the Rev. Rich- nesday at 8 p jn. There will be no 1 Spruce Avenue. I Dickerson, Steve Dexter, Roger Esso, 213 and 213; Gritshe, Wn«A. LaGrace singled to center, scor- Cranford loaded the bases in sades Park. Musical selections Between Hickory Avenue and South ,

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In the VFW Senior Ladies* BowK- pltal after a brief illness. Cemetery, flushing. H.T- Born.in-New York, ifce Work Wanted - Female Ki warns Bowling ing'League! ;"•'•' " - •'-; . • The funeral'will bi? held today Red Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Posts.to Gorwood Girb Posting, high series wer«; Mrs. OBITUARIES 9:30 a.m. at* Scutro Funeral .graduate of Hnatar Gfltfli. WOMANjirJJbM trerdng to oo GARWOO0 — Four. Gwrwood League Results Jack Ewing, Jewels, «Bl; Mrs. D, Home, 216 Palmer street, Eliza- She taught in the New Yaiic setae WILUAM r. DAVIDSON : TNBtAL CONTRACTDfO. Q ^ BHidW eS3* JtmcHAsc or PBOPCRTY moM. THE •jirls have been named varsity Scheuer, Jewtls, 458; Ml** Peggy p.m.:, for Oliver Julius Olsen, Sr., beth, followed by a blessing at St.until her marriage. She Muoruy. PUitnlnc * Raoflns. BRICK RANCH CRAMPORD HTCTHODIST CHURCH AND The Cranford ' Kiwonls : Youth widow of J-Edward Rant*. Classified Rates -.' CRANFORD V WOMAN vnx'baby ait, day or evening. xeac «rtlt be Gail Banewic* and Tautoiv Tigers, 4^J3; Miss Carpi Walter J. Hess 75, of 3% Wall street who died Mon- Anthony's Church, Elizabeth, at «-3-l» ma Such state of facu ' search Club, Elizabeth: tbe Eta i blank Bum or display lines must b» ehaaqed by Sun. SHAHEEN AGENCY, survey would dU year wil be Gall,. Banewicz and E. Calvin Shire, president of the Strlketta -^ '• - 5 34 - until he moved to the home i year Methodist Church, -Elizabeth". " BKidge «-Mtt. •• If Svenlngs or out. Call' BRidge 6-1441 at 6 P.M.In the County of Union and State of e^as first uhdersheriff of Union • He was a communicant of St.-An- beth YWCA, the Fellowship Ch » Display .fines (12 pt type only) charged as ' • - 4-3Ne1 w Jersey.. : • lived, William mm • - BERARO'S PLUMBING AND HEATING. BR 8-1398 Everard Kempshalp l . ~ BR 6-0072 LPNS or aides, 7 AM. to 3 PJH. shift feet to! a (take, thence.-south three ber of the Cranford Exempt Fire- seph Sorce, both of Elizabeth. two sisters, Mrs. Theodore M. Fa A. Hebert — Wn8hlt> Repairs, remodeling and new. BRIdfe Dora Kursms . AD.X-47M MargueritMit e ,RearwlRln BRR 6-44864486 Experienced only, high rates, refer- (3) degrees fifteen ) 18) minutes east Dated: April ». ,«SS irman of the Union County nd Mrs. Ranhofer .in the dinner men's Association and a former of Cranford and Donald Olsen of — Telephone BRidge 44000 — BR 8-9882 ic ley and Mrs. E. Howard Irwif, • '-V.''"'. 0-1BM. Helen Cregar ences required. . For Interview can ninety-eight <9B) feet; thence north Adv. Fees: $33.43. .mocra' Committee, aha Dr. arrangements are Albert Bendlin, 8 Teachers if:: » BR 6-0390 , ..J/ member of the Cranford Metho-' Garwood; three daughters, Mrs. both otJNew York. Marge Thorn eighty-abt <86> degrees forty-five : BRidge 8-7100. . V . tf •' .••' '• .aymond M. Manganelli, associate treasurer of the league; Mrs. Eight teachers, four of whom Adelaide Kinkaid and Mrs. Dor- •S;-'' ELECTRICAL SERVICE — Daniel J. Viola Hale BR 8-5843 (451 minute* east two hundred (300) TOWNSHIP OF GARWOOD — Communion ser- dist Church. He never married. Mrs. Robert Pettigrew HOUSEKEEPER—Ranch house, feet to /the westerly line of said Lfcssor in the department of Beridlin, girls' secretary; and John received practice teaching exper- Heyburn. licensed electrician, S Burn- ORDINANCE No. oo-.n vices will be held in St. Paul's Survivors are two brothers, Os- othy Acotanva, both of Elizabeth, Mrs. Sarah A. Pettigrew, 73, ?'£*'• slde Ave.. BRidse 6-6000. . . tf LAURAS. family; sleep in or out; references re- Walnut Avenue, thence north. three nitation of the Agricultural Ex- ~ Wa'rrington, boys' secretary. ience here during tho winter, were Every great mao exhibits th« quired. Call BRidge 6-1168. 3-31 <3> decrees fifteen CIS) minutes west AN ORDINANCE REGULATtNT. United Church of Christ at 8 and car M. of Cranford.assistant chief -and Mrs. Bertha Leonard of Co-died.Monday at Holly Hill, Fla., For Safe For Sale SWACKHAMER - Realtor . ninety-eight (96) feet to - the place FIC AND AMENDING AND 1 oriment Station at Rutgers Uni- .Further information regarding the appointed by the Board of Educa- talent of organization or canstruc- OLDSMOBILE '47. R&H, has been trouble TELEVISION REPAIRS—Quick, depend- ABOVE USTINGS MENTINO SECTION 9.08 OF 11 a.m. on Easter Sunday. Sermon of the fire department, and Martin, lonia; nine grandchildren and five after a long illness. ' i ' i' of beginning. ersity, New Brunswick. dinner may be obtained from any tion on Tuesday night. tion. whether it be in a poem, »* i.Ctm or HOBSE MAXCHE. rotted. En- (rtf car. RRu m coodd. GooGdd bodybd *9, *955, able service. Van's Cranford Electric. BR «-ll33 / BR 6-0478 Are offered thru member office* of the BANK CLERKS—Bookkeeping knowl- 9 OF THE 1951 CODE OF topic of the pastor, the Rev. Jr., of Union, and two sisters, Mrs. great-grandchildren. -.-'.'• » rsstfe *w 'outdoor I** ft****, ifiwh* J5 <3e— Call BRidBe 6-0590. 8 Alden Street. BRidge 6-04SS. tf edge helpful but not essential. CaU for the consideration of TWENTY-FIVE ORDINANCES. Rev. Dr. Albert Allinger, pastor philosophical system, a policy or : 4 Alden Street, Cranford Councilman I. George Casabona, f the above. .. The four teachers, who will be Herbert W. Volker of Elizabeth . ttrmA. Tta mnnfh only. topsoil, CRANFORD BOARD OF REALTORS personnel,,department,. ADams 2-0111. THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00). BE IT ORDAINED by Stephen Szabo; will be "Getting of the Cranford Methodist Church, a strategy.—Edward George Bul- .-1-Chtatmit.tasss. STO S-tBSS. 24. hour*. MAPLE. BEX>ROOM SETT: Double bed. Marie R. Deacon BK 6-3SS0 ' i Section 2. Said sum of Twenty-five chairman of the arrangements After twenty-nine weeks of graduated from teachers* colleges GENERAL. CARPENTRY and CABINET Alpha de la Motte BR 6-5644 LOOK FOB, THE SIGN Thousand Dollars is hereby Along With Christ." ' and, Mrs. Fred Fromm of Cran- Miss Margaret Anderson dresser, chest of drawersdr , vnnity. two work. Repairs, alterations, additions, , BR 6-0246 nmlttee with Charles L. Thorne, bowling, 'the team standings are in June, are:- Miss Anastasia will conduct services tomorrow at wer. .- •' . •. . ... mirrors. Good coconditionn , f79. Call Mildred Van Oelder _— appropriated from' the. existing capital vehicle on Hamilton Avenue The Youth Choir will sing ford. stain, dormers, porches, recreation Florlne Linley BR 6-4830 "REALTOR" WOMAN for general housework. 5 to 6Improvement fund to. defray the cost .of follows:"' "'• Miss Margaret C. Anderson, 91, 8 p.m. at Gray Memorial, 12 lsAXD EKAUELS 6-31206 . and attic rooms. Expertly dons by hours' each week. References. BRidge Forest. Avenue and' Sylvester' ented the guest of honor with Dragenchuk of Bayonner.Miss Ma- Services : were held " Sunday at such acquisition. " "Lilies"- at the 8 a.m. service and of Spring Lake died yesterday at Springfield avehi\ev Interment will Tuberculosis genus most fre- eoas peiih-ns; Bat Edward Dudick, BRidge 6-9456. tf 6-0133. excess of • period of two 121 | arse from the sponsoring club. GIRLS' LEAGUE rie Grasso'of Bayonne and Miss Gray Memorial, 12 Springfield b ^ff it WASHINQ MACHINES. DBYEHS—Used. Section 3. This ordinance shall take tween the'hours of S:0O A.M. i the Chancel Choir will offer "The W X Brookdale Nursing Home, Red be in RosemoUnt Memorial Park, quently attack the'lungs hut can' ATkyd Bat n3 patat Rebuilt. New. . All__Cuaranteed." " RELIABLE CLEANING woman, one day effect ten (10) day* after final passage, Noon, prevailing time, oh any ?s Banyasz was presented with American Legion Auxiliary, ' Alice Gomez, all seniors'at Jer- avenue, with the Rev'; Dr. Albert COFFEY'S ' 29 Aldcn St. MIMEOGRAPHING — AU types. Club ELIZABETH FEELEY as provided by statute. . • .. End of the Sabbath" at 11 a.m. Bank, after a long illness. Newark. attack any part of the body. AH O>9oa bulletins, postals, booklets. Also public THEJ UNUSUAL a week. References. Call BRidge 6- than Saturday!, Sundays am) "corsage. Jacqueline and Michele i- Unit 212 .', KVI javi sey City State College, and Miss Allinger, pastor of the Cranford Apply «Wi brcab or roller BI 6-3224 ' U stenography and typing. Reasonable, 78 Centennial Avenue ...... BR-6-0802 6835 after 5 P.M. day*. . • . Breakfast wil be served to theAcacia Insurance 45!V 32Vi She was the sisterjof Mrs. Fran- Born, in Scotland, she lived in g—sri ' ^ See our display ad in the news section NOTICE' Section 3. This ordinance i rnyasz, daughters of the honor Nancy Fickenscher of Elizabeth, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, alectHc prompt service. Day, night. Sunday, Eileen D. Wilson . •.. BR 6-3970 Youth Choir at 9:15 a.m. Cranford Hcrahcy's 43 '35 Methodist. Church, officiating. holiday service. M-K DunOcaUng Serv- of today's -Citizen and Chronicle. CLERK-TYPIST, full time, responsible, The foregoing ordinance was . Intro- supplements Section O.ot of uest. alsd were introduced. Dehmer's Flower Sho^" 394 38^i who will receive a BJL degree cis N. Coffey of Elizabeth, former- Elizabeth 40 years before moving TOWNSHIP OF CRANFOBO Jroncr, and Hotpoint freezer. Phone mature. Call Elizabeth 4-6331. duced and passed on first reading at a During Sunday School devotions Interment took place Monday at ice, 19 BUlcrest Avenue. BRidge 6- of the 1M1 Code of General VFW Ladles' Auxiliary -36Mi 41'j 1 ly of 15 New street. to Florida 14 years ago. She was ' BOARD or Anji'svnuxT - xoxwsii. ELiiLabeth J-3120. meeting of the Township Committee of Section 3. This ordinance ... Former" Mayor Louis J. Fon- from Newark State College. 7 j Floor 3174. tf Real Estate Insurance at 9:30 tun:, the children will Klwanis Girls '...<. 36 43 Evergreen ' Cemetery, Elizabeth. NOVICE OS ' BEC1SIOJE . STENOGRAPHER—Order Clerk. Small U«e Township of Cranfqrd. N. J.. held on effect upon publication alter final Born, in Brooklyn, she was aa member of Greystone Presbyteri- 1 DIRT FILL (or Imipedlate • sale in Crah- enelli, chief engineer of the Rah- O. O, Nunn. "Realtors 33Mi **W Miss.Ellen Strather of Bayonne, Notice is hereby ipvec Itusl Use. Bouxl CHzaaoorE PAEST worncs CLEAN Windows, attics, cellars. Also company, many, benefits. ' Newark April 12. 1960, and will be considered as provided by.statute^. weave long-stemmed flowers into Thelst Service Center 27!i SOMi communicant of St. Margaret's an". Church, Elizabeth*- (ord. Reasonable price, must be ac- G. E. ROWLAND, Realtor Brush .Co., Michigan Avenue, north of for final passage, after public hearing, at Valley Sewerage Authority, another June graduate of• Jersey of Adjustment »ZantB^k of c£» Tovr^u^ TO* wash houses. T. C. General House-' . '• <—--"n*A'D..DORIAN a wire cross. Teachers will discuss, Blfb Series of the Week: ot CrariTtord. It.. 1.. la u»e OK=V ol Ftrasr: BHSdce e-isas ' . tf cessible site. Call CR 7-0203 or.CK 7- cleaning.' BRidge 8-8833. tf Boulevard. Kenilworth. '"', . another meeting of said Township Com- Chairman. Township was mayor during the years Michael Smith—395 Waller Smith 6hurch, Spring Lake. She-retired Surviving , are her .. husband, 663S. Attest: • P the. meaning of -the Resurrection City State College, also was hired. Union, held 3 public hganr-c oo Apnl WM. W. AUSTIN,, Broker mittee at Municipal Building. Cranford. Banyasz served on the Bor- Blgb Games of the Week: six years ago at -'the "age. of 85 as Robert; four daughters, Mrs. Leon 1. I960, at 8:li P.lt..• ai. Ox Xti-ir;^ lfl rOLL HOUSEPOWEH electrical service. BEAUTICIAN, weekend!, one or two Neew JerseyJersey,,' onon.. ' ' ' J. WALTER COFFEE. Judy Dixon—1S5 Others arer Mrs' Edith Mat- Walter C. Smith, Sr., 75, of ^j**n^^ * repairs. BOY'S SPORT Jacket, size 12. charcoal BRidge 8-0708 days. Call BRidge 6-6616. . - TUESDAY, APRIL 38.' 1960 . , ' Township Clerk. ' during classes. a dressmaker at the Prev'entorium, Teetsel, Cranford; Mrs". Fred Kant- Suildinir. corner Nortlt .Avctu^e ^ad A^dra - step uiieii. Venctias ^^***^ermlasion to chanQp ttxtith^ Ue^ IS CHestnut 8-««M. '' U FAST AND COURTEOUS SERVICE'' ' Township, Clerk. The foregoing ordinance wu flnding was extended byrCouncil- JUNIOR BOYS' LEAGUE , TWO DOOR 13 CM; ft. Cold-Wall Priei- work at. Sir George Williams Uni- ristown. Memorial Hospital after ind 12 in Block. 332 tmnrtirg oa yn-OillB dalre refriceratof, excellent working IN REAL ESTATE fit INSURANCE. Help Wanted - Male Dated: April 13. I960 . passed at a meeting, of the 1 film entitled "Crucifixion and W L nephew, George M.'Coffey of 210Samson, Newark; a sister, Mrs. TRUCK CRAKE and T.D.-9 Bulldozer AMBITIOUS MAN wanted to operate Adv. Fees: »12.78 4-14 Committee of the Township of ( nan Casabona. Invocation was by a short illness. Avenue to two lot* rae*Mutri£ C75 ft.^ t VSNETIAX BUXDS. to saock. 33 to 3a condition-, price. $95. Coil BRidee 6- WESTFIELD t ^ . Resurrection" will be shown: PBA Local No. 52 60 18 versity, Montreal; Ohio State Uni- Locust drive. Hugh Reed, Elizabeth: 13 grand- 100 (t- fronting op StodiAlaKa Way. for hire. S. WV Oliver, Inc.. BRidge spray unit. Knowledge of lawns help- N. J.. on April 12. I960. . Rev. John A. McHale, pastor of 48 30 Mr. Smith' was a- consulting : slock blinds, all 010B. : Shaheen AgencAgyy versity. Union Junior College and . 6-2158 and Linden 3-7054. tf ful, not necessary. Includes salary plus J. WALTER COrTO, . St. Paul's will join with the .Union County Trust Co 46 3a The funeral will be held at 10 children and two great-grandchil- It was. the decision; ot Kb* Baud 4iiit , also Jeneraft • Church of St. Anne, and bene- Ui Ct Tt C1 metallurgist for 31 years for Cerro •B4 C W. B-«i »• »n. ppaem' MAHOGANY . DINING ROOM furniture: SELLING? FR^E BOOKLETS Incentive plan. CaU BRidge 2-5073. TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD TowniUp CM I United Presbyterian -Church of & J. Electric Motor Repairs 45 Newark State College. She will a.iri. Saturday from Dooley Fu'- dren. variance be denum NOTICE OF BALE OF LAND iiction by the Rev. Eric S. Tough- 43 >i De Pasco Corp., New York. Mr aa). tt. Cranfoad TJpboJUery —table. *$u£ chairs, buffet, china £looet. ? Dated: April 12, I960 - •"•«».• Garwood in-a union Good Friday Ciwanis receive a degree from. Newark Copietf of the decision arie oo; £V is* 1W> Sooth An. E. BSfcdce C-0C93. tf tide table. * Good condition. Shop- Well, now is the right time to put'WESTFIELD AREA PICTORIAL BRO- Public notice Is hereby given that Adv. Fees) $7.20 •, pastor of the United Presby- Jnion Junior College 34 44 Born in Kingston, N. Y., he was neral Home, 218 North avenue, he Municipal Pn^f^'^y' ' ' smith Accessories. Call BRidge 6- your house on the market I t !' , CHURE — ALSO — HOMES FOR SALE ACCOUNTANT JUNIOR the Township of Cranford win sell at service in the latter church at 8Richard Hartige . Art Suppliep s '31'i 40>i State College in August, 1960. west. A blessing will be offered at 5/60 Appiifatioct o£ 6537, after 3:30 P.M. combination doors. Lifetime Aluminum , CaU today. Our efficient staff wUl be BOOKLET. ON REQUEST, public sale to the ' highest bidder that Thought \s the seed of uoj Irian Church of Garwood. Harris. Ltd. '.. (. : 30 4a' graduated in 1906 from Lehigh Harry H. Buntin Zenith Thakr for i -irrfr>rr«- Products Inc., 102 South Avenue, W. happy to consult with you without any PERMANENT /POSITION for a young certain tract or parcel of land, hereinafter p.m. tomorrow. The Rev.. Mr. Mrs. Florence Northcutt of New- St. Michael's Church at 10:30 a.m. Q 3* baurs aervicc. BRidge 6-3205. - . tf man '(20-23) In precision metal manu- but action is as,much its seconll Others on the general committee Hedenberg-MccBean Afiency 29 49 University.' He lived, in Cranford iH feet 1 inchk on pfrmbe» barjled %x ~ mateiial DUNCAN PHVFE mahogany drop leaf obligation. • rticularly described., situate, lying and Szabo will assist the Rev. Eric S Goldberg's Men!» Shop , 23 99 ark, Who will become a member that day. Jriierment will be in St. Mrs, Mathilda Auth Buntin, 77, U4I Walnut Avenue tBlock BfiX lot SB« table, extends to seat 12, »40. Easy facturing firm. Excellent opportunity inc-ln the Township of Cranford, in the form as thought Is its first.—Ray, I [for the affair were Councilman Bleb Series of! the Week: for' 15 years before. moving to Crunford, M. J.. •. '. • •. electric ironer, W5. Both in cxceUent ** VOU PLAN TO BUILD, repair or for high school graduate. Additional K Tougher, pastor qf the host church, of the special service staff, will re- Gertrude Cemetery, Woodbridge. of 9 Colin Kelly street, died Mon- Ill trmic. W.. BARRETT & CRAIN schooling -or experience preferable. County of Union, and State of New Waldo Emerson. iward S. Tripka, Oliver W. Davis, Michael Terry—548 Florham Park four years ago. He It wx4 the decision of true Boud v)u>t condition••••--•. Als- o miscellaneou. -v s ..kitche. n vaks alterations, call T. JOHN8EN. : 4 Jersey, at its. meeting to be held in the in conducting the service. ' &l(h Gsme« of the Week: ceive a BA degree from Newark day of a stroke at Muhlenberg ipproval of , the TPT* ^^ be*' irccom* 389 Lincoll n Avenue.A'' EastEt, CranfordCfd. Richard Schroth- BR 2-SS88 REALTORS . Telephone - MR. MANNING for Inter- avid J. Weeks, John R. Coles, was a "member of the American A .requiem mass will be held at items, table, chairs, etc. Reasonable. view ' appointment;. SUnset 9-1131. Municipal Building. 23 North Avenue. There will be a meeting o:f St Russell Cliff—206 State in June. Her special Held is Hospital, Plainfield. mended. • .' " . * rtndo Phone BRidfie 6-6709, BRidge 0-8548. tf James BroadfooBroadlfoot , BR 6-431.. 9.. East. Cranford. New Jersey, on Tuesday, fohn E. Conlin, Angelo Alimonti, Leonard Dunikoski—201 Mining and Metals Engineers. His 9 a.m. • Mpnday at St; Michael's Copies of the dec;isioa are- oo Ele is tba SS.00 Joe Miragliot the 28th day of April. I960, at 8:30 P.M. Paul's Board of Christian Educa- Born in Newark, she moved here Municipal ButMing. . •• ' ' Hl-W and RECORD CHANGER repairs— ta...... ^... SU 9-0063 TWO COLONIAL OFFICES HIGH SCHOOL, boy to mow lawn. CaU WESTFIELD speech correction. , Church. . p and up. Iifrtr=>e Productucta CBOSLEY REFRIGERATOR, perfect run- Minnie Anderson EL 5-3921 (prevailing . time): . . lormer Councilinaj h John Teusch- tion at 8 p.m. Tuesday: An auc- BANTAM BOYS' LEAGUE wife, Mrs. Sara Firth Smith, died "15 years ago. • By Order: qquicks s dependablpndble servicesrvice. VVan'a s Cran- BRidge 6-7912. .. ' ' ' • IBB Socta Awe, W, BRidge «- nine condition, *35. Call BRidge 6- Hannah Lynch .;„.„ BR 6-3038 WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE BEGINNING at the Intersection of the L Mrs; Frances Riendeau of 16-E last October. . 1997. • . -• ' • • forfdd EltElectrici , a Aldeldn StreeS t BBRidge Mary. Giordano . r. Councilman, Frank y, tion sponsored by the Women's . »•» 21 She leaves her husband, Harry BR 6-8734 43 Elm St. 2 New Providence Rd. westerly side -line of Denman Road and Antiques Show Jay-Mar, Ladies' Apparel ... Parkway Village, who holds a bac- _ C-0483. the southerly side line of Dorchester Nicholas LoBue and Michael Glo- Guild will be held in the church Jody Maldn ;.., . S3- 25 Survivors are two sons, Walter' Judith Mascaro H. Buntin; two sons, Harry, Jr., of BOABD OF AWCSMEVT KASOS and OMIAVS. top baads. best BLACK MUSKRAT COAT*, size 42*. S125. ealtor ' Insurer AD 3-1800 AD 3-1800 Ave.. running thence (I) South 47 de- First Congregational Church KaBar Gas Company .. 31 27 calaureate degree from St. Jos- WlUiam P. littleRober. Jr.'t U CUie. Jr. '. •cteca. Dadkm Ptamo Co. Sortb A»e. Like new. Call BRidge 6-8648. . . „• Dressmaking hall at 7:30 p.m: Wednesday. Al ,. 49 29 !, Jr., at home, and Frederick F. Judith Mascaro, 20-month-old Union and Howard of Cranford. LANMCAPTNO and THEE WORK grees 30 minutes West 83.22 feet to Suburban Trust Co •'• eph's College, West Hartford. . Secretary 4^ at "sta&natd SUCoa. — — the center line of Shadowlawn Way. for- Parish House ••-' goods are to be taken to the church Qleek & Howard, Opticians .,.. 38 -40 of New York;4wo grandchildren and one grandchild. The' funeral t>ated: April IX 1980 STAUFFUl REDUCING machine, like . Jim Loveland / B. S. WILLOUGHBY TO THE BRIDH^ELECT: Havri your Conn., was hired for the period'be- daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Michael 117 Waanlngton St. Westfteld WESTFIELD / * , gown custom made. Wear a gown made merly Christopher St., now vacated; on Tuesday., Bell's Pharmacy .. 37 41 and a sister, Miss Edna C. Smith Adv. r« $720 new. Call ruilon 1-8342 before 4 ' ADams 3-4S79 tf Real Estate Co. Open 9-9 13 Clark St Just for you. Copies made. Call thence (2) South 43 degrees 30 minutes 125 Elmer St,. Westfield Al 'n' Jack's Texaco ...... 34 44 Mascaro, Jr., of 842 Pennington was held yesterday in Newark; d>itrl»« an 11 foods. Dnrt- P.M. or after 5 P.M. 7 ginning April 11 to June 30. She of Orlando, Fla. '''' . ' BRidge- 3-5580 J East 150 feet to a point; thence (3) .....27 51 can •••• •' / '• •/: • BRidgo 6-3431. We make formals too. leverage Team Cranford Esso Service street, Elizabeth, ^ied Fridiay at North 47 degrees 30 minutes East 1.38 TUM.-Wed.-Thurt, Baron's Drugs - ...24 54 has three years* teaching experi- TOWN8HH»QrC«ANFOB» . 7 CV. FT. FRIGIDAIREi ideal for bunga- ; . .' • "• '. .• '• tt 7 Services were held at Gray St. Elizabeth Hospital. She was SIGNS OF SPRING feet to said side line of Denman Road: Martin's Jewelers,...'. ' 20—."-*98 ence. Dr. William J. McMurray, Nonce or BEAMSC •> low. (30. CaU BRidge 6-8067. . EXPERT ALTERATIONS on aU garments. and thence <4> North 14 degrees 09 min- APRIL 26,27,28 ISweeps Three BIgn Series al Uw Week: Memorial, 12 Springfield Avenue, born in Rahway.; • > •A1X RAT. PEAT KOSS. MULTEX for RADIO and TELEVISION utes West along said side line of Den- Woman's Club Bouil •( A«V|aits»r1 *>•!»«• jsdeTisgsbmrja. »»••• • \ etc BUBLAI* Watch for signs of spring from the win- CaU BRidge 6-3421. Free pick-up and •* • ,John Ranhofer—-497 on Saturday. The Rev. Robert Biz- Dr. William J. McMurray, 61, of Notice is hereby ctwen tt»i.ibe Bo»nJ 1 REPAIRS EVELYN WADE delivery. ' • tf man Road 170.44 feet to point or place of 11 cyn. to 10 p.m. daily GARWOOD —- Garwood Bever- Blgb Gsmes of the Week: Surviving, besides her parents t> protect doso. wtnd bom. Trobes- dows of this house, for it has a variety beginning.' ~ Curiosity is/one of the perman- zaro, rector of Trinity Episcopal Bronxvillc, N. Y., father of Mrs. 6< Adjustment iZonlrg* of tee Tormzubilt.' . •ech'k >tad « Seed, nnwn Furnished Rooms BRidge 8-2573 of trees on every side. City convenience Admission 75c ges won three games to hold onto In Drama Festival John Ranhofer—181 are a sisier. Donna Marie; her of. Cranford. N. X. im tt* Oo»*uy vt and country atmosphere are well blended Said'Sale* shall be on the . following David Prill—178 ' ent and certain characteristics of Church, Officiated. Interment was Thomas Vanderslice/of 15 Tuxedo Union, will hold a public r: ' n* South. Anee. K. Oranford. st place in the Garwood Recre- GARWOOD — The Garwood paternal grandfather, Michael Mas- DEAL, DIRECT WITH in this three bedroom split level. Be- Rentals / terms: . Luncheon— 11:30-1:30 a vigorous mind. private. '' • " • place, died suddenly on 'April 1 MONDAY. MAY 2. »s For Rent - MECHANIC-CONTRACTOR BR 6-1053 BR 6-1058 sides the cheerful living room with, its 1. Minimum sale price S5O0.0O. lion Women's . Thursday Night Woman's Club will present "Ladies caro,. Sr.,' of Kenilworth; pater- at 8:15 P.M..- lEJD-T.V a tbe Sto fireplace and the corner dining .room, 2. 10H. of the. amount of the bid* to be Bulldins. coiner North Avemae.aiai BMBasttoL IBTIU bins I mixtures I ! ] BOOMS TORSEN T by day or week. Honrlng, siding, gutters, leaders, exten- 433 North Union Ave. Cranford AMERICAN LEGION CASINO , Team B Wins Temple —Samuel Johnson nal great-grandparents, Mr. andFuneral . services were held on Trabnbssdk-11 YmtA * Seed. BBldge *- Re~ a suable Hate*. BRidge 8-9833. sions. AU type* of carpentry—major or there is a rumpus room,, laundry, 2 Dances, receptions, meetings, idling League, while Scher's and in Moonlight" by Bessie Gephart Street. Cranford. I*. 3^ to ooraid baths, powder .room and two-car*1 garage. Mrs. Peter Mascaro of Kenilworth; April 5. In addition to his daugh MMMM ; U|» Sooth A«^. E, CWaford. tf CRANFORD HOTEL. minor. Aluminum combination windows. Lee Dietrich .™ .".~ ._...... _ BR 6-4636 dinners' — modern kitchen ete's Barbershop took two each at the Sixth District drama festival Oliver J. Olsen 1 U/tSO Application ot RiJpJ; A- ^lll ' Inanrn*^*^ coverage, l^ilaf^H^iw CaU US when you're ready to see it FOUR BOWLING ALLEYS Beth-EI Bowling League : The greatest pleasure I know maternal grandparents, Mr. -and ter here, he is survived by another for a variance to permit Uae coos> Marion Hazeldine ~ — BR 8-0483 |to keep their positions in second of the ]New Jersey Federation of BOOK SHELVES, t ROOM WITH PRIVATE bath, desire uaranteed. EDMOND KIAMIE, 208 Bet- A.B.C. Approved- ' is to do a good action by stealth Services will be held today at Mrs. Henry King of Winfield, and daughter,' Miss Suzanne T. Mc-of a M unit QanJen^*p»rtm«^/faa tue elderly person, will board. CaU BRidse lord Avenue, BRidge 24100. Price ...... $34,400 23 Riverside Dr. BRidge B-OTtS id third place, respectively. Women's Clubs April 26 at the The Temple Beth-El Sisterhood southerly side of vAdara* Ay*nue be- «-*M7. . . . - - - and to have it found out by ac-Gorny & Gorny Mortuary, 330 Murray, at home, and "one' grand tween Albany Avenue and lambert High games were rolled as fol-Paper - Mill Playhouse, Millburn. Bowling, League ended their sea- maternal great-grandmother, Mrs. cldentr-Charles Lamb. Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, at 2Stella Kapllriski of Bayonne. daughter. Street on prembes. UxaUA/ia Block M7. ATTRACTIVE ROOM. 5 windows, friend- MASONRY - CARPENTRY G. G. NUNN s: Evelyn Lawler, 201,179, 179; The play will be directed by son last week with team B edging Lots 56-12. Cranfoid. Sfc4r Jeney. ly house, central. References- ex- Furrier 'The funeral was held Monday 7/80 Application ot^Uie Public Serv- changed. Benners', I Hamilton Avenue. Realtors Insurers ALAN JOHNSTON Ragonese, 199; Eleanora Mrs. Earl Eriksern. Jr. teams F and K by one-half game. ice— Eleelife and C*» - Cmwiw tor % SALT URIdge 6-3358. ALTERATIONS MEW FURS. Fur coaU from • ihe Dooley Funeral Home, spec Ul exception Jtom U»e rejparesnents / (note the "T"* paired, also made Into capes and su STANDARD LIME! Kutscra, 193; Eleanor Pelusio, 180; Curtain time for the festival. High averages were posed by Mrs. Mary ETHarriH BRidge 6-8110 218 'North avenue, west, where, of the CrantordXZonias: OI«WS«L D}»T- OmasroiaPAIS Cleaned and glared. A. KANTNW. US jrlcy Otte, 173, 173; Gloria Enz, 10 am,.: • Mrs. J. Grand, 147; Mrs. B. Miller, Services will Ije. held today at soaril to Section -KM to pertcrT afi eVefne Realtor Walnut Avenue. BRIdM 8-I878. AND SUPPtY COMPANY 136 and Mrs: J. -Mittleman, 135. the' Rev. Sylvester P. McVeigh, «witch!n«sUtiori in tb« 1-1 SeJected Io- HOT Quality workmanship. and fair prices. 203 Elm Street Westneld AD 2-5804 [j76, and Marie Hartung, 173. 11 a.m. at ' CJraJ^ Memorial, 12 diutr>- Dljtrict .Btock «5 lots 3* Md 3% Apartments For Rent CLOSED Evenings Call: AD1 3-5773 Team standings: High series' were bowled by: pastor of St.' Theresa's Church, Easter Vacation Begins Kenilworth, conducted the service. Springfield avenue, for Mrs. Mary' Block 1*7 Lot S0». Cranfcrd. New J«n«y. ps asd shades? Vtstt i>i ROOMS, unfurnished. »75 per month: THORLEIF JOHNSEN Good Friday Afternoon Lost and Found I. Mrs. J. Grand, 518; Mrs. M. Ep- Ethel Harris, 75, of 611 Brookside At Ihe time and Blare above Ualed aU and you will find tbe heat supplied; 11 North Avenue, EJ, lOaru'ood Beverages ...... 5w1 33 GARWOOD v- Easter vacation Burial was in St. Gertrude Ceme-, inUleited portie* a» invited to be pres- Cranford, third-floor apartment. CaU Contractor and Builder tinea IMS LOST—Savings Book No. 11655 Suburb stein, 499; and Mrs. B. Miller, 493. place, who died Monday in Muh- ent Wr»n fuU opporturuty to be beard and Easter Sunday ban Trust Co. If not restored • before •Scher't _ ... 49 35 for children in the borough public tcry, Woodbridge. ; KIin>er 5-8830. between 5:30 and 7:30 FOR CHOICE HOMES IN CRANFORD •Pete's Barbershop 48 aa High games were-rolled by: lenberg Hospitalil , PifilPlainfieldd , ft will be given to them. - at all tfanea. Shades replaced and made P.M. BRidge 6-9548 April 31. I960.. application will be Irour Cupcakes ..._ 41«, 43 schools, will begin at the close o( Mrs. L. Krichmari, 208; Mrs. M. By Order: _____^« AND VICINITY made for a new book, 4-31 •Bay's Barbershop ...... 41' 43 a brief illness. ,' ' / BOARD OF AltrCSTMEJtT GET FULL BOUSE POWER •. qoD SIZE school today and classes will be Rabin, 202 and Mrs. J. Grand, Bobert U Clare. Jr. WESTFIELD-NORTH: First floor, Un- F.H.A. 38 ' 4fl ' 320 volt installations our specialty. '—• Call —- LOST—Savings Book No. 33603 Subur- Ijm Gharles Srtrce The Rev. Richard E. Craven, Otatrraaa furnished. Jive spacious rooms, gar- ZIMMERMANN BROTHERS ban Trust Co. If not restored before 4BV. resumed at 8:30 a.m. on April 25 198. den, porch, - garage, S165 per month. RequireVncnts can be easily -met In this IGamood Recreation 34V i KENILWORTH—Charles Sorce, pastor, of the Third Presbyterian WUllam F Uttle. Jr. Electrical Contractors April 31, 1960, application will be made Maintenance 33 St. Anne's School • was dismlssei CaU ADams 3-8891. . 5-13 MU S-S344 BB 8-88BS 10 year old home, well built with plaster for u new book. 4-31 60, of 366 Maplewood avenue, died Church, Elizabeth, wilKofficiate. Secretary OOIMMIBb tf Walls, oak floors, 1 Mi tile baths, fireplace, at noon yesterday and the vacatioi Dated: April 12. MW THREE LARGE ROOMS and bath, heat enclosed porch, oil steam heat, modern for parochial pupils also will con Strikettes Hold Lead Monday at Elizabeth General Hos- Interment will bein^Cedar Grove Adv. Fees: «1153 MiS. fUaUkntn. Sea Mac boats. West. and hot water supplied. 3rd floor, S85. kitchen, att. garage and top' neighbor- ANNE M. O'BRIEN WINDOW SCREENS iFire Auxiliary Plans Mat Martae. tn Ctsrtral Amue. West- VBIOIDAntE appliance repairs—washers, May 1st. no cats or dogs.. Call BRidge dryers, dishwashers; quick, dependable hood. Low down payment on this $24.- TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD tinue until April 25. 2-6470. ' "• • 900 home. . : Real Estate •Memorial Services, In VFW Bowling League service. Van's Cranford Electric. > Cranford, 'New Jersey ^KDSESS, ice Ts>- Alden Street, BRidge 6-O483. .tf 111 Alden St. BR 6-7777 ORDINANCE NO. «M» GARWOOD — Mrs. William The great use of a life is to The Tigers won two and one-' _ other uses!!! Call-turn \ Louisa Old BR 6-0751 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING.SECTIONS [Rlecman was named chairman of also Crystal Spar for auto House For Rent 3 AND 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 58-3. BE- spend it for something that out- half games and the Strikettes and ELECTRICIAN—All • types of - wiring. ANDG.I. FRANZ BOLLER TkotaeBbach-s Feed KENIL.WORTH^-Fbur rooms, all Im- ING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING la committee' to arrange for mem* Jewels'"each took a pair this week Prompt serviceservice.*. Lamps picked up,. re-- lasts It—William James «; 11* South Avenue, provements. Adults only.. No pels. acceptance of this 3 bedroom Cottage CERTAIN MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS $1.00 paired, and deli " ~ lorial services to be held May 25 Available immediately. CaU BRidge and deUvered. G. WRIGODiS. is a sure thing. Excellent condition, lVs IN THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. 0-2882. BRidge 6-3481. REGULATING THE USE THEREOF AND I by the Ladles Auxiliary of the Gar- Oosanetics. eonplete baths, living room. - fireplace, sun room, Summer Rentals full dining room, modern kitchen, new . - Wolfeboro. N. H. AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING .Ime for the finest case of jmur mkin ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS by' expei SECTIONS 9.10 AND all OF CHAPTER I EACH Iwood Fire Department, at a meet- • and balr. SCake-up Cor that naturally "carpenter. FreF e estimatestit . Woortk gas steam furnace, 2 car garage and perm. FISH ' SWIM p aualy drive. Priced at $19,900.- Minimum or AU electric .modern furnished cottage, 9 OF THE 1951 CODE OF GENERAL ling of the auxiliary in the Borough " lontlt y tooktk , iltxxsil bacbkk sjuaianlee; fully ' guaranteed. CaU ORDINANCES. AS AMENDED. • Liebffraumilch BRidge 8-1211. - tf No Down. - ' colonial fireplace, privacy of tree-studded 1 Hall Annex last Thursday, night. .CaU EUeen Wilson—BRIdte s^nTS. tf Commercial 5-acre plot, plenty of space for a well- BE IT ORDAINED by the Township. behaved dqs to enjoy his-vacation, too. Committee of the Township of Cran- AS IS — PICKED UP I The services will be. conducted at tHE WORLD BOOK Elocydopedia. first Sc Business Space EXPERT TREE SERVICE —Trimming, ford: - • PieSpOrter Gbldtroepfchen . in sales.. Budcctt olan.. CCall EVELYtf feeding, surgery, spraying and removal. Spring-fed sparkling lake where the I the First Aid Squad building. I CHAIKEH. rvtaaa «-tne. OVER 1.000 .sq. ft. 3rd floor ut 16-20 TERMS small mouth bass .really fight. S65 Section 1, That Section 3 of Ordinance North Union Avenue, corner Alden Martin Schmclde. FA 2-8109. 3-35 Weekly Until June 25, then *93.. Owner- No. 58-3, .being' an ordinance establishing — Please Do Mot Phone For Sizes— Mrs;-Charles Zarzecki was in- . Y. TIMES—St. Y. "»"• Tribune— Street. Ideal for an engineering of- That make buying & pleasure on this broker. AD 3-2764. . ' 4-14 certain municipal parking lots hi the I ducted into the auxiliary and Mrs.' • Zeller Schwartze Katz^| for eazty uoretna; hosne delivery, call fice, mail order stamp and coin col- SLIPCOVERS. STYLED to fit Uke up- spiirkilruf Center Hall Colonlak Township of Cranford. regulating the use tNorman B- Beilly. CraBford Kewa- lection business, etc. MAX T1EGER holstery, at pre-season prices. Sofa Luxury Home in on Excellent location. HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, two and thereof and amending and supplementing I Thomas F. Brittain was made an , paper delivery—CH 3-9X1, tf & Co.. 215 Broad Street. Elizabeth 2- and 3 ctutirs, formerly flO9. now 889. three ' bedrooms, - completely electrified Sections 9.10 and 9.11 of Chapter 9 of Inspect them at Our Yard [honorary member.. pfeOMCEUAt TO lOOF 1480. We also reupholster, refill cushions, and with modem conveniences, BO miles the 1951 Code of General Ordinances, as • Bernkasteler Riesling • repair furniture. Furniture cleaning NW Portland; Me, on three mile lake. amended, be. and the same is hereby Hostesses for the evening were ALUMINIZE A* TMt UNBKKVABU VAXCCG MACHINES, new and special—sofa and 2 chairs, 813. For free per i used. c«miyls.>e lux of ON ExceMent family arrangements, good amended to read as follows: ' , I Mrs. Walter McGinnis, Mrs. Frank •»>»••• Am: estimate and expert advice call EL 3- boating, fishing, swimming. Golf, rid- Section 3. ' Parking meters shall be In- LOW PMCB • Oppenheimer Goidb«rg 1 0411. of WA 6-3333. R. and L. Decor- Munn and Mrs. George Rodner. bottle Avenue. *"»»*T— 6-ST9O. The spur of the moment, you'll be quick ing available nearby. References ex- stalled in lots 1, 3. 3 and 4 providing JM m. M. OOMPUIE PtICf. NO UCIIAS Painting — Decorating ators, 1147 Liberty Avenue,' Hillside. to decide Upon the tremendous ValUo changed. Rates reasonable. Season for parking for periods of two (2) hours, : ttn« and Decorating. unlmon fishing. Phone PLalnfleld. 4- Any person desiring to park any vehicle L.00 used, fecU. S39;. •xlS.. S3S; 1«3 Walnut Avenue. TeL BBldge 6-08* 7 Yoom^. 2".a buthit, sunken Hvintf iroom Phone: BRidge 6-2706 M 1 tal2« SSS-^otraes* »*»^ G£ vacuum, GENERAL. HOME REPAIR—If you have with a corner fireplace, nun room, mod- 3580 or write Walter A. Gardell. East in any metered parking space in said | Senior Citizens Meet aU«« Msssi E taa Never laed lady'* or Bum's 17- a job to be done or would juit like ern kitchen and att Bamac »23,000. Watcrford, Me. • 4-28 lots between tho hours of 6:00 A.M. and , - MO XONtT DOWN • • Moselblumchen 6:00 P.M. on Mondays to Wednesdays, 94 HIGH ST. CRANFORD GARWOOD —i Members of the • IS AlaaHtMHs SMI-HI.* Amlaca ' lewd Grots gnU «tch. *25. AbVHXIAo M BOXSEL'— Interior and Ex- to talk with us about it, call Bill's I Senior Citizens' Club were en- , <«a**f» •! —• wool hooted rug?- FUnon B^2a2S. -*-28 terior Painting Skilled mechanics. Per- Home Maintenance Service. Electrical both Inclusive, and on Fridays and Sat- ( nvs' mis TO FAT M and plumbing repalrn, carpentry, floor urdays, and between the hours of 6:00 ^ aW. ••• aW*W ,—— :-—-•;-- - ~- _^_ .. - - sonal Tinnr ****»*T 308 **v»li*f««*»*» Ave* A.M. and 9:00 P.M. on Thursdays, ex- tertained with vocal selections by Octalwr. 1M0 i •:;••• i'.< • £ aaa, Cranfard. CaU BRidge S-SIU. tiling, lawn knowing, storm windows.. THESE HOMES Business Opportunities CAU NOWl OUT O* TOWN CAU COUKT --•.'.'., -'I i *. ,• ErLartOr. cttpnlirf. lumber.' 30 tiiou- cept on legal holidays and on Sundays, I Mrs. Victoria Drake ai a meet- tf . screens, window repairs, cellar and attlo wuul iretl'bricks, a&rabbery,, ho»»r fur- cleaning*li . TlTelephoneh : BRidseBRidg , 2-688626888. Are nfl.on ONE FlJfcOll . . . both are Well-established dress shop, excellent shall deposit the proper coin or coins for ing last Thursday in St. Paul's laffT^*;, InQuiTB the time desired In the adjacent parking DANISH WINES tMlly Insured. almost new,, they are modern, have 2 location, wide store front. Illness 230 Main street. PAINTDra. DECORATING, interior, ex- bathn, < and excellent . locution. Prices meter at tho rate of ono nickel for each United Church of Christ. Mrs. J. terior. Estimates cheerfully given. forces Mile at 88.000 for stock, fixtures f K- J. •«-ai •23.200 and.«27.000. and good will. .Broker, Box 331, Cran- two (3) hour period, one dime for each PI 3 0100 HANS A. BERG. 313 North Avenue. E~ BUYING A HOUSE? We appraise con- four (4> hour period and one quarter for Luther Phillips was piano accom- BOLSON BRAND BRidge 4-I409. tf dition—repairs licudcd far small fee— ford. Citizen and Chronicle. 4-14 each twelve <13> hour period. panist. The group will meet at the ALUMINUM PRODUCT, f ADORABLE EASTEK PETS deductable If we do work. Carpentry, If you're looking lor terms -. . . see Section 2. That Section 4 of said STOP church again next Thursday. BLACKBERRY CHARIES A. RYDER—Interior and ex- electrical, plumbing, decorating. Drive- these homed udvertUed py. G. G. NUNN. Ordinance No. 58-3. be and tho some Baby chicks, eucklliscs. >»""nif«, fa terior pyf.|*mica, PORTS. 83 Somerset Street, ..PlalnaWd. thereof. Inconsistent herewith Is hereby WITH EACHw i Aharon, otnes*. H y^**rnr cg N. J. Open Thursday till 9. tf 8f you're planning on a new car FOB 49 outstanding funeral home* complete, umh mr Wanted To Buy repealed, but only to the extent of such by expests- AFRICAN VIOLETS tX>R inconsistency. NEW SAVINGS ..." ' • v- EASTEB- BENNERS- SERVICE POOL. . Cemetery Plots FOR THE WE BUY BOOKS CONSECUTIVE PORTUGUESE NINES . I M»».itt~. Avenue. BBidce SACRU'ICE—«225—4 grave* (8 burials). PLEASE CALL FOR DETAILS Section 4. This ordinance shall Uke ACCOUNT^F effect immediately Upon final passage CONSULT US BEFORE YOU BUY YEAHS ••••••^•"- .' Perpettldl care, non-sectarian. GRACE- GETTING ENOUGH to a Better Home SEE P.M. BOOK ' SHOP after publication, as provided by law. WHITE RASCGE; lour br.iToer. > LAND MEMORIAL- PARK. Kenilworth. PLalnfleld 4-31)00 $25 OR MORE DOUREM conditioning, organ, large light rooms for \ old, eaceilcal cssxliUora. Musi veil. - N' Will divide. Private party. ' Call HOT WATER? IRA D. DORIAN reasonable offer tduxd. Call BRi K ALL KINDS of Lurdvu work. In- i waralns ~ Westfleld. Call ADams t-3398 9 Camps N. J.. on April 12, 1*60. FRANCE - ISRAEL — SPAIN — ITALY i cluding carv uf lavtu, call BRlduu 2- J. WALTER COFFEE. n t be -coaae ua c^rl; 9944. Anna Cook w. _.___ , BR 6-3120 CREATIVE AltTSDAY CAMP for boys ACCOMDION INSTRUCTIOK8 Bea. Warner • ,—__.. , CH 8-6019 und girls—June 37-Aug. 5. Savlmmtnif. Township Clerk. King OVM M . sd tf ehsm ft Typkal Rentals and Sales Ruth Price Kev* __.-_... -_ BR 6-8173 canoeing!, tennis, urchcry. badminton, Dated: April 12. i960 ' At bwiranc* ip«dalbtt, w» will o»iit» * One virctTW ^n art- — yr DANIEL KUSTER Haiel Hamilton _. .: . AD 3-1737 and baseball. Call CIl 7-0108 or AD 3- Adv. Feea: «19.66 , 4-14 UU 11 VJJI BUren Avenue BRidge 6-6563 Lucia O. Rslnay —. , PR S-M43 6483 after 5 P.M. . . tf in obtaining protection thai U bvt l One cUxtrto (Vvtabie , _ Piano Tuning GcrtrUdo Turk .A... BR 6-2841 2 and you will recciv* *• b«n«fll — INQUIRE ABOUT OUR SILVER CLUB — ALL BEERS ARE CHILLED •onaliMd IOCAI Inwranc* adU Auction Sale RELIABLE PIANO TUNING and re- pairing by recognized experts. Dud- Teachers ; Service NATIONWIDE Mrvic*). caM (One dccUkc rjlunrt S24B5 KOUUIMS ii AUJSON, INC.. Will sell , CALL TODAY — £ wnlch at Public Auction tin loU only) on kin Piano -Co. (formerly Cranford DIGNIFIED SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • KIRSCH SODA, all flavors Friday, April 22, 1060. ut their Wire- Piano Co. I, Tuners and llebuilders. available' to cultured teachers, rep- Flowers Lawn dinu. on. Mind MULTIPLE; LISTINO SERVICE |#OU itllrlia i house Ut 211-215 South Avenue, E., 437 North Avenue. West. Wcstneld. resenting World Book Encyclopedia and Trees ." . Maintenance fri '£ built-in. Cranford. N. J., hoUM.-liold goodji «tid ADama 2-8811. . tf Chlldcraft. Under our guaranteed ln- F. H. Gray, Jr. Funeral Directors other -aruclcs to cover Unpaid siorsgo . come plan. Write Mrs. E. Chalkcn. Shrubbery charec* due from Mrs. J. Gallo, Mrs. H. A, DETERING 3408 St. George Avenue, Rahway. 4-31 H* 2SP*t atdsfpnc* IS BFaUNCUTHUD AVKNOB AU urTer> hubjex* to prior &«]c. M«ry llopkltu. Gerald McGovcm. 208 Beech St. BR 6-6330 CAU THI MAM WITH THI fLAN r ebosce now. Uibrnl Irade-lr Marie 2iUutc bud John or Essie Tucker. GARWOOD SCHER'S LIQUOR STOl OBANIOSD. N. J. — inec. Pboor AOwa 3-0747. S3 dm. 4-14 ASHBROOK ASSOCIATION .»:•• Street. WestflckL Opeu c\ery Ull a. Nursing Service Used Cars For Sale Phone BRidge 64777 104 WALNUT AVE. BRIDGE 6-2942 4-1* I1EIU1E11T VAN PELT will kcll at Publio CRANrOHD-KENlLWOHTH V.N.A. fox BU1CK 1059 Invicta. 4 door sedan, full Landscape & Gardening Auctiou Saturday il.M P.M., April 18, fmnqrm\ nursing. Vislta. ' Hypodermicsp* * ABOVE USTINGS power, loaded with accessories. A real Free Delivery Open Evening* ! 2O-trict> BICYCLE, uxtls r^•"'•- 1H0. lor WllUaiu Jtncy. at corner of mslernal and Infant care, healthlh hedud d- cream pull. Cull BRidge 6-8U31 repairs. «•). Call SKnjrt s-otnl rratnerbed LJIIO und Old Haritan Houd, cation., Tbbee Vliltlng Nurse Can Help Are offered thru member offices) of tha Shaheon Agency, Inc. Clark. N. J ,' a line lot of, antiques, N C Hl Y»u. Telephonh e BRidge 6-0787, or con- CRANFORD BOARD OF REALTORS 1954 FORD CONVERTIBLE, new vinyl Fred Hoorl Charles Kurtz ATTEtmoM YHUCXUtS: Uilkt «»»- household /good*. tooU, nwchlncry; Vl' . DtrertAry-• - . Hours Mop- top. WW. 11411. • good condition, rea- lucctMor to JohaW. H#4M k Son aU UL Unc Oil dirt at Howard Octn Kotavator IS II P. dual dasulyt thru rrlday. 8:30 A.M. 4a 4:30 LOOK FOR THE SIOM •onablc. Sec Kay's Friendly Service. PL 7-9080 BRt-7328 Cranford **i»^»-~f«.« ctmix^i " lub »hccl». 1951 Chevrolet sedan, ford Saturday! AM. to 1 PJt Mo Centennial Avenue tuid North Avenue. 15-17 North Ave., E., Cranfortl •4 • SMS. - • 1U las v

' ii- widespread vi^ew .of -w a- « • fV River and M^Contaell MfeCtlllg Ot onial home/of the G. 'Election of officers. bi / proval, revision of by-] >f 14 Hampton road a • soloction. of a local progi ral of Revolutionary will be on the agenda as ng Crane's Ford will ford League of Wome Painted by an un- hoIds its annual ™ee*n* . ,• / • , .„ - Bros. Restaurant ili Rah . 1he/ jllustrates o.dock this evonitlg/ ie river near the pres- The prograrri also will ?ld/ Avenue bridge at review of a new league iye where light-horse tion, "Report on the Mei ing as express riders the League," by Miss M: ed in order to wam van, and a hat fashion pa: ; Army encamped jat uring the following moc it British raiding par- Robert Bizzaro, Mrs. Eug< man, Mrs. Edwin Wa « Club also is plan- Walter Meth, Mrs. Nat! Dtlire the spirit of the stein, Mrs. Walter Son carnivals on the Rah- John Thompson and M t the home of the E. Zimmerm'an. icickrs of 17 Central Mtmbor.s of the arra