1St Series, Volume 3

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1St Series, Volume 3 CONTENTS . VOL . III . PAGE I. Pedigree of Marney 1 II . Architectural Notes on Layer Marney Hall , Essex ; and on the Parish Church Adjoining . By CHARLES FORSTER HAY WARD 16 III . A Letter , containing Further Particulars in further illustration of the Early History of Waltham Abbey . By SIR HENRY ELLIS , K.H. 33 IV . The Influence of the County of Essex on the Settlement and Family History of New England . By COLONEL JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER 37 V. The Church of St. Nicholas , Little Coggeshall . By the Rev. W. J. DAMPIER 48 VI . Ancient Wills ( No. 2 ) . By H. W. KING 53 VII . The Shaksperes of Essex . By AUGUSTUS CHARLES VELEY 64 Pedigree of the Shaksperes of Stratford on Avon . Pedigree of the Shaksperes of Essex . VIII . Ancient Wills ( No. 3 ) . By H. W. KING 75 IX . The Strangman Pedigree . By H. W. KING 95 X. Roman Sepulchral Remains at East Ham , read at the Meeting at Leytonstone , held February 16th , 1864. By the Rev. E. F. BOYLE 104 XI . Comparative Notes on the Roman Sarcophagus and Leaden Cofins discovered at East Ham . By H. W. KING 110 The Strangman Pedigree — Addendum 116 XII . A Translation of the First Book of Palladius on Husbondrie , Edited from a MS . of the 15th Century . By BARTON LODGE , A.M. 117 Corrigenda to ditto 162 Glossary to ditto 163 XIII . Ancient Wills ( No. 4 ) . By H. W. KING .. 167 XIV . The Tyrell Badge . By H. W. KING .. 198 XV . Notes on a Monumental Brass Effigy in Great Parndon Church . By GEORGE H. ROGERS HARRISON , F.S.A. .. 204 LIST OF PLATES . VOL . III . PAGE 1 I. Frontispiece - Layer Marney Hall 20 II . General Plan - Showing First - floor of Buildings 22 III . Dormitory .. .. .. 22 IV . Sections of ditto 27 V. Terra - cotta Details .. 28 VI . Chimneys , & c . 24 VII . Sections of Tower 51 VIII . Pavement from Chapel at Little Coggeshall , Essex 104 IX . Roman Sarcophagus and Leaden Coffins discovered at East Ham 117 X. Lithograph - taken from the Original MS . 201 XI . Badges of the Tyrrels LIST OF WOODCUTS . VOL . III . PAGE 49 1. Course of Red Brick or Tile .. 51 2. Wall Plate Essex .. 204 3. Monumental Brass Effigy , from the Church of Great Parndon , INDEX TO VOL . III . A. PAGB A'Becket , Thomas ( Archbishop ) 31 Abell 38 Adams 38 Albans ' ( St. ) , admission to Fraternity of Abbey 81 Allen 38 Alove 177 Alrichseye 36 Althorne 195 Ames 38 Amphoræ , urns enclosed in .... 111 Anchorites , bequests for 170 , 172 Angier 38 Anjou , Margaret of ( badge ) 199 Apostle Spoons 179 , 185 Apparel , Inventory of 69 Bequests of 69 Appleton , Family 38 , 191 , 196 Archdeaconry of Essex , Wills in 64 Archer 38 Arden ( Shakspere Pedigree ) 74 Armour , Bequests of 177 , 182 -Coat .... 173 Arms , Bequest of 69 - Banner of 182 , 201 in Church Windows and Chantries 173 Arnold 38 Arragon , Catherine of ( badge ) 199 Protest against Marriage of 12 , 18 Arsick , Sir R. 103 Arthur , J. , Will of 67 Arundel Church , Terra Cotta monument 31 of Lanherne , family 8,9 Assington , Rogers of 40 Assumption of B. V. Mary 187 Asteley family 184 , 186 Athelstan , Son of Tovi 34 Atkinson 38 Atte Hoo 97 , 99 Audley , Lord 14 Augustine Canons , Blackmore Priory 55 2 INDEX . PACE Austin Friars Church , London ; Tyrrell family 80 Aveley Church , Old Chair in 200 Averell family 195 Bartholomew , Will of 195 B. Badburham 36 Badcocko 101 Baddow ( Much ) Will of Arthur of 67 Badge of Marney 151 Tyrrell 198 Catherine of Arragon 199 Bourchier .... 200 Margaret of Anjou 199 Baker 109 Baldwin 2 Banner of Arms 201 , 202 Bardolph , E. , arms of 205 Bardville 89 Barham 35 Barker 38 Barking , Abbey 93 Roman materials at 112 Barkley , Sir E. 169 , 174 Barnard , Sir J. ( Shakspere Pedigree ) 74 Barnardiston family 97 , 102 , 116 Barnes 38 Baroun ( Strangman Pedigree ) 99 Bartholomæus Anglicus , “ De proprietabus rerum 83 Bartholomew , St. , Black Friars 71 Bathon 10 , 83 Battaille ( Strangman Pedigree ) 97 , 99 Battle Abbey .... 2 Battle Cry 201 Baynard 103 Bead Roll 171 Beads , Bidding of 171 - Bequest of 88 Beauchamp 97 Beaufort , Cardinal ( masses ordered ) 172 Beaupre 97 , 103 Becket , Archbishop , Act of Henry II . in honour of 31 Beeches 85 , 87 Belhus 200 Bell 38 Bemfleet ( North ) chasuble 81 Bequest to 88 , 89 Manor 89 Bendall 38 Bennet 38 Berdfield 89 3 INDEX . PAGE 113 , 114 Bethnal Green , Roman Coffin 175 ( West ) , Manor of Cook's Hall .... Bergholt 171 Bends Bidding 171 Prayer 38 Biggs 101 Bigland 9 Bindon , Visc 172 , Anchorite of Bishopsgate 14 Battle of Blackheath , 55 , Will of Smyth of Blackmore 55 Manor and Priory 38 , 178 Blake 205 Blencoe 38 Bloomfield Blount 169 , 174 101 Blyattiet 65 , Brooke of , Will Bobbingworth 101 Bode 83 Bomyng Mille 8 , 9 Bonham , Wife of 203 Boreham 182 casting perfumes Bottle for 202 Borgatt 199 Bourbon , Sir Jacques of 200 badge Bourchier , 167 Boteler 38 Bourne 200 ( Knot ) Bowen 169 Bower Hall , West Mersey .... 100 ( Strangman Pedigree ) Bowes 104 Sepulchral Remains at East Ham Boyle , Rev E. F. , Roman 38 Bradbury .... 99 , 100 Bradwell 19 Brandon , Duke of Suffolk 81 of Archbishop Harsnet Brass effigy 189 Brasses 173 bequeathed to Broxted ( Great ) Church , Vestment 203 Braybrooke ( Lord ) , Badges of 5 Breton 38 Brewster 16 , 25 , 26 ) use of in Essex Brick ( moulded 14 Brickhill 58 , 88 Bequest for repairing Bridges , 35 Brikendure , De Briscoe 38 38 Brooke 65 , Will of of Bobbingworth 74 Christopher Broks , 38 Browne 177 Sir W. 4 INDEX PAGE Bruyn , Sir W. 8 Buckingham , Duke of , arrested 14 Buckingham , Borough of 14 Bulkeley 38 Bumpstead Helions 169 Burgate 202 Burghersh family 1 Burstead ( Little ) , Bequest to Church 81 Burton 38 Bush ( Shakspere Pedigree ) 74 Buttsbury , Tyrell of 76 Church 81 , 82 Button 38 Byrch 192 C. Cambridge , St. John's College , founded .... 28 King's College Chapel 28 Canewdon 195 Canfield , Stone Hall 204 Canterbury , Christchurch 81 Canute , Tovi , Standard bearer of 33 Canvillo , Thomas de 10 Carey 97 Carrington 38 , 55 Casting Bottle 182 Carrowe , Anchorite of 172 Catenham 35 Catherine of Arragon ( badge ) 199 Protest against Marriage of 12 , 18 Caumpes , Eccl . de 36 Century , 16th , Characteristics of 17 Price of Commodities 68 Chalk , Use of 17 Chamberlain 38 Chamberleyn 103 Chapman 38 Charterhouse .... 170 Bequest to 81 Chasuble 81 , 173 of blue color 81 Chaucer Family 1 Chaulton 172 Chelmsford Church , Bequest to 68 , 170 Friars 82 Cherington 100 Chester , Colonel J. L. , The Influence of the County of Essex on the Settlement and Family History of New England 37 Chignal Church 68 Chigwell , Efligy of Archbishop llarsnet 81 , 179 Childerditch Church , Bequest to 67 INDEX , PAGE Chingford , Manors in 204 Church , Robbery of Brasses 189 Altar Tomb and Effigies 204 Churches of Essex , Patron Saints of 67 Cipress - chests .. 179 Cists 205 Clare , Convent 170 Clares ( Poor ) 171 Clarke 38 Clement 103 Clergy , Opportunities of describing Local Antiquities .... 109 Clifford , Baron 187 Clopton 172 Cockayne , J. 91 Cocke , T. 192 Family 191 Coffin , Roman Interments in 104 , 110 , 111 , 112 Drawings 110 Coffin , Sir W. de 79 Coggeshall family 38 Sir W. De 103 Coggeshall ( Little ) , St. Nicholas Church .... 48 - Pavement , coloured plate 50 Cognizance borne by families 198 Colchester , Lead Coffins 112 , 114 Coins 114 Abbey of St. John 18 Convents 170 Coldham 38 Cole 38 -Archdeacon , Bequest to 69 Coleman ... 38 Collectanea Antiqua , R. Smith 110 Colling 38 Continent , Families invited by English Kings from 3 Cooke 38 , 101 , 177 Cooper 38 Copdowe , Thomas 180 Cope worn at Communion Service 81 at Westminster 81 at Chigwell 81 Cornburgh , Avery 171 Cornishmen - Battle of Blackheath 14 Cornwallis , Sir J. 182 Cotton 38 Coventry , Joust at 199 Court of Probate , Permission to consult Wills 51 Crane 38 , 102 Crayford , R. 179 Cremation of bodies among Romans 51 6 INDEX . PAGE Cressing Church 173 ( 'ricksra Mansion destroyed .. 77 Cromwell , Lord 83 , 84 Cross 38 Cross in Banner of St. George 201 Culeworth 10 Cypress , Chests of 179 D. Dacre ( Knot ) 200 Dagenham 112 Daisy ; Badge of Margaret of Anjou 199 Dallaway on Itulian Artists in England 26 Dalton 38 Dampier , W. J , The Church of St. Nicholas , Little Coggeshall 48 Daniel , J. 177 Darcy , Lord .... 13 , 19 Family .. 83 , 90 Robert , Masses ordered by 172 Darell , Lady .. 97 Devenish 38 Davies 38 Davis 38 Davy 38 Day 38 Dean 38 Delamere , Strangman Pedigree 100 Delawar , Badge 199 Devereux 90 Devices , Heraldic 198 Dinney 38 , 47 Doctors ' Commons , Wills at .... 53 , 04 Dole at Funerals 172 , 184 Donatus ( St. ) Castle 26 Doreward , Pedigree 97 , 102 Dormitory in Ancient Houses 22 Dounton Church , Bequest to 81 Downes 100 Downham 91 , 176 Church , Tomb of Sir H. Tyrell 177 Dudley 38 Dunton , Tyrell Arms 202 Church , Tyrell Arms 81 , 202 Durward , see Doreward 97 Dyer 38 E. Easter Sepulchre 80 East Ham , Roman Sepulchral Remains 104 , 110 - Roman Sarcophagus , & r . 110 -Drawings of Roman Romains .... 110 INDEX . 7 PAGE East Ham , Brass Plate to Rampston 205 -Dr . Stukeley , Buried at 105 Eastwood ( 'hurch , P. S. 68 Eaton 38 Ecclesiastical Vestments 81 Edward I. , Special Commission , and Hundred Rolls , or Rotuli Hundredorum 11 Elizabethan Domestic Architecture , Influence of Italian art on 28 Elliot 38 Ellis , Sir H. , Letter on Waltham Abbey 33 Ely 38 Emery 38 Emwelle , De 36 England ( New ) Influence of County of Essex on 39 List of earliest Settlers in 38 Engueran de Portier 5 , 13 Epping Manor 13 Church 35 , 68 Escallop on Roman Coffing 114 Essex , Use of Moulded Brick in 16 -Churches , Patron Saints of 67 , 68 Forest of 168 -Families , Wills of 54 -Friars Houses , Bequest to 88 -History of 197 -Influence in settlement of New England of 37 Eue , Earl of 199 F.
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