June 2010 Community Pharmacy Sexual Health Local Enhanced
June 2010 Community Pharmacy Sexual Health Local Enhanced Service Free EHC, Condoms, Chlamydia screening and treatment for under 25 year olds You’re Welcome y cri January 2010, Due for next review: January 2012 (unless new recommendations are issued before this date. ) Page 111 of 555555 Welcome to the new sexual health local enhanced service specifications. This document contains all the relevant materials you will need in order to deliver the new service once it is launched in pharmacies starting 1 st June 2010. Each pharmacy will have its own sexual health toolkit that will contain the information contained herein, but with extra materials and resources. Please make sure you read this entire document as it contains guidance on all aspects of the new service and is likely to answer any query you may have. If this document doesn’t answer your questions, please refer to the following where appropriate: ADMIN QUERIES Carole Roberts Public Health Directorate, Bristol PCT, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX Tel 0117 900 2424 Fax: 0117 900 3409 e-mail: carole.roberts@bristol.nhs.uk Or Judy Campbell, Medicines Management Team Tel 0117 900 3423 email:judy.campbell@bristol.nhs.uk CLINICAL QUERIES Haider Al-Shamary Medicine Management, Bristol PCT, South Plaza, Marlborough Street, Bristol BS1 3NX. Tel: 0117 900 2634 e-mail: haider.al-shamary@bristol.nhs.uk Page Topic 4 You’re Welcome: A guide for services 7 Local Enhanced Service specification – including Expression Of Interest, fist claim form and EHC/Azithromycin claim form 15 Chlamydia screening 17 4YP Condom Card (C-Card) 22 Additional information; EHC PGD 30 Azithromycin PGD 43 C-Card Pickup and Monitoring Form 44 4YP Registration points 48 4YP GP Practices 52 Brook Outreach Team School drop ins 53 Child Protection Contact Numbers January 2010, Due for next review: January 2012 (unless new recommendations are issued before this date.
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