Early Supports for Accessing Postsecondary Education: Good, Bad or Indifferent? Fiona Deller and Rosanna Tamburri Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario Published by The Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario 1 Yonge Street, Suite 2402 Toronto, ON Canada, M5E 1E5 Phone: (416) 212-3893 Fax: (416) 212-3899 Web: www.heqco.ca E-mail:
[email protected] Cite this publication in the following format: Deller, F. & Tamburri, R. (2019). Early Supports for Accessing Postsecondary Education: Good, Bad or Indifferent? Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario. © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2019 Red Early Supports for Accessing Postsecondary Education: Good, Bad or Indifferent? 2 Access to Postsecondary Education 2 Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Jackie Pichette, Elyse K. Watkins and Ken Chatoor for their assistance in preparing this report. Red Early Supports for Accessing Postsecondary Education: Good, Bad or Indifferent? 3 Access to Postsecondary Education 3 Table of Contents Acknowledgements:...................................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7 The Path to Postsecondary ..........................................................................................................................