The KnocKlyon News $ ST. COLMCILLE'S PARISH NEWSLETTER — JUNE 1990 Our Community Games Hopefuls

KNOCKLYON COMMUNITY GAMES SWIMMING MEDALISTS Back (L. - R.): Colin Quinn, Eamon Hogan, Gavin Deans, Evelyn Rochfort, Lindsay Maidiment. Centre (L. - R.): Elizabeth Karayusuf, Stephen Murray, Brian Murray, Ronan Gallagher. Jennifer Hughes, Edward Murray. Front (L. - R.): Colm Duffy, Doireann Nt MhurchU. (Missing from Photo) Tighearnach O Murchu, Arlene Kelly.

KNOCKLYON COMMUNITY GAMES - ATHLETICS MEDALISTS Back (L. - R.): Kathleen Cooney, Kay Ryan, Noelle Moran, Eimear White, Daragh Prendergast. Centre (L. - R.): Sarah Nolan, Elizabeth Karayusuf Ruth Carter, Thomas Carter. Front (L. - R.): Andrew Knox, Derek Saville, Jeffrey O'Brien. 15 other girls plus 19 more boys won medals.

mm f KNOCKLYON COMMUNITY GAMES - ART MEDAL WINNERS Back (L. to R.J: Ross Keenan (1st U.16), Maree Fogarty (1st U.14), Aoife Connors (3rd U.14), Lorna Burke (1st U.10) Centre: Feidhlim McKenna (3rd U.12), Sarah Nolan (1st U.12), Linda McCormick (3rd U.12), Ruth Gordon (1st U.16). Front: Mathew Keenan (1st U.10), Clara Nevin.

Other Gold Medal Winners (1st Place) not photographed are Bobby Corish (U.8), Carlo Van Der Kamp (U.8), dan Deegan (U.12), Dara O Riorddin (U.14). All Gold Medalists go forward to represent Knocklyon in the Community Games in July. We wish them the very best of luck and congratulate all the medal winners, including the 17 "merit" medalists, on their success so far. Good luck to all our entrants in the Dublin Finals in July. ROY OF R.T.E.

Roy Willoughby is obvi- Programme-making. There is a wonderful atmos- ously an outdoor man. phere and camaraderie when one is working with He looks like everyone's film people despite the fact that they have to cope idea of a sportsman, with the nitty gritty of weather, unforeseen diffi- well built, well tanned culties, uncivilised hours, mammoth crises and in and healthy. He is good the end, hopefully, ultimate triumph. Roy recalls humoured, friendly and particularly his association with the magnificent chats away with relaxed production of Strumpet City, now back on the TV confidence and ease. He screen for a second viewing. is also lucky, because Sport, however, was Roy's first love and he these combined talents auditioned for a place on a Sports Training Course. have provided him with The result was the offer of the job of Reporter/ a job he loves, preparing Presenter/Trainee. In this capacity he was required and reading Sports News Bulletins on R.T.E. to cover matches in a variety of sport at weekends. Roy is a Dubliner and much of his life has been We know the rest. spent in the area where his mother still Romance they say comes to most couples in a lives but he is particularly proud of his Wicklow very gentle way. Sometimes through soft lights and Ancestry and the fact that the Willoughby family sweet music or maybe through the stillness of a can be traced back to the late 17th century when warm summer night. With Roy it was quite differ- they settled in Killaveny. His father died when he ent. He developed a bad back. Unable to move and was seven and later Roy became a boarder at wracked with pain he went for treatment to Newtown School, Waterford. He entered Trinity St. James's Hospital. Anne was the physiotherapist. College in 1969, where, in his own words he Enough said you may think! But it so happened "studied Tennis, Hockey, Economics and Sociol- that though they had never met, both had attended ogy, in that order". He did, however, graduate the same school in Waterford, both were interested successfully in the last two subjects but during his in sport, Anne being a sailing enthusiast, and to top sojourn at University, became Captain of Trinity it all it just happened that the Annual Physio- Tennis Club. At various times in his life he has therapist Dance was coming up! They were married played School Cricket for Munster, has taken part in 1983. Today they live happily in Idrone with in the Trial in Hockey, won an Irish their two children, Maeve, who is 5 and Michael, Senior Cup Medal with the YMCA and travelled almost 2. around Canada in 1979 with the Harp Hockey Naturally, sailing has now become a great hobby Team, and at present he is Captain of the R.T.E. with them, windsurfing too and they are both Cricket Team. frequent visitors to Dunmore East where Anne has His ambition on leaving College was to do Town relatives. Roy thinks that water sports should be Planning but 1972 brought another interest into his even more popular than they are at present in life — the Guitar! He bought one for £10 in the old Ireland. "We have 5630 kms. of water around us - Dandelion Market, now just another Dublin so many lakes and the potential for opening up the memory. He played and sang, mostly folk music — sport inland" he says. One of his ideas would be to had a stint with a group known as the Liberty Bells flood the Grand Canal Basin which could become a and gave lessons to beginners. Even now he enjoys large wonderfully safe amenity for the people of singing and strumming on this well travelled guitar Dublin. which still has pride of place in the Willoughby As far as career is concerned — he would quite household. like to become a Producer/Presenter some day. An interview with R.T.E. in 1974 got him a job in "The trouble is" he admits "I like both sides of the Audience Research analysing questionnaires. From camera". In the meantime, Roy enjoys his family there he moved on to Planning Control which in- life, his garden, doing a job he likes, being involved volved scheduling Film Production staff and various in sport, both professionally and privately. Yes - Film Crews, Dubbing, Administration etc., where he is indeed a happy man. he stayed for five years. Planning Control is regarded in the business as the "Nuts and Bolts" of Television Eileen Casey

DOMESTIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS \7W] FUELS L$k for Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Fridges, • QUALITY COAL •ANTHRACITE • SLACK r^-pjr^ Electric Cookers, etc. Telephone PAT SWAN at 945733 ANYTIME 1 £ ! No Call Out Charge CABINET MAKER Telephone 941504 will repair all types of furniture, chairs etc. ALSO CRECHE - CHILD MINDING SERVICE Upholstery Work Carried Out Open 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. — Weekly/Daily/Hourly Specialist in Restoring Antique Furniture Tel 527533 Children - 3 months to 7 years GERRY KEEGAN * Est. 10 years in Knocklyon Area * Registered * Safe * # PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS LTD. Highly recommended * Many satisfied parents *Close proximity Oil, Gas and Solid Fuel Heating, Bathroom Design and to schools * Reasonable rates* Installation, Showers, Leaks, Blocked Drains and all For Peace of Mind - Phone Freda for a Helping Hand! General Maintenance AT 945137 10 Carriglea Downs, , Dublin 24 Tel: 516281 CYCLING Knocklvon Road Club - Success in First Season tinildreni corner

Hi Everyone, Well, summer is here at last and it's holiday time again. I hope you all have a very happy holiday and don't miss school too much! Take good care of yourselves during the summer. I am not saying that you shouldn't go out and enjoy yourselves and do new things, but just be sensible and use the intelligence God gave us to avoid things that are dangerous. One of the best ways to be happy and have a good time is to try to make other people happy. Somehow, when we think of others we make ourselves happy as well. Stephen O'Sullivan showing his trophy, which he won Say you are playing out on the road and there is a boy in the Phoenix Park in April, to other members of the Club. or girl who is different from you, maybe they go to a differ- ent school or act differently from you - if you tease them SENIOR "B" LEAGUE FINALISTS or insult them you make them unhappy and you can't really be happy yourself. But if you smile at them and be friendly towards them, you make them happy and you feel happy also - you don't even have to play together, just be friendly. I feel so sorry when I hear of someone being teased or bullied. It is so unfair and I know how much it hurts. I think a really strong person is someone who thinks of others and tries to help them. A special word of thanks to Sonia Byrne and Karen Heaney of Dargle Wood who raised money for the Third World by "face painting" and to Linda McCormack and Aoife O'Connor of Knockaire who also raised money for the poor. Back (L.-R.): Niall Clancy, Martin Con very, Tim Lehane, Have a great summer. Fergal Byrne, Warren Swalbee, Alan Barrett, Niall Keane. Centre fL. - R.): Liam Curran, Conor Dempsey, Derek Doris, Lots of love, Robert Murray. Fr. Joe Front (L. - R.): John Brennan, Sean Masterson, Conor Murray, Hugh O'Connor. COMMUNITY GAMES THANKS

THE O'NEILL SCHOOL OF SPEECH AND DRAMA The Community Games Committee would like to thank the following people; Residents Associations (who ran off their local area sports), team managers, individual managers, County Council Sponsors - (News Extra) and Youth Club. A special thank you to all who helped at the athletics finals at Cherryfield and the principals and staff of St. Colmcilles School. A meeting will be held in the Autumn to elect a new committee. As hundreds of children participate yearly in our local community games, it would be greatly appreciated if more adults, parents and otherwise would volunteer and come along and become involved in this very important community activity. We all take pride in our youngsters successes, why not help with your time and encouragement - watch for details in September issue. P.S. We wish all the children good luck in their forth- PRIZEWINNERS IN FEIS MATHEW AND WHITEFRIAR ST. FEIS Back (L. - R): Ruth Cahiii, Aoife Moynihan, Emily Foynes, coming events. Thank you. Sharon Cooney. Front fL. - R): Meadhbh Foynes, David Foynes, Deirdre Lovette. Brigid O'Brien CHIROPODY SUREDRIVE SIGHLE HANNON ACADEMY OF DRIVING R.G.N., R.M., M.C.S.Ch., M.I.Ch.O., M.A.Ch.l. TEMPLEOGUE Registered Chiropodist Surgery: For Appointment: * For your Driving Lessons & Pre-Test Course * 11 Knocklyon Heights Telephone: 942045 Phone 900934 Dublin 16. Home vi8it8 on roc*uest NAIONRA LAN GAELACH AUTO ELECTRICAL SERVICE IRISH SPEAKING PLAYSCHOOL Car Alarms, Batteries, Radios etc. supplied & fitted 42 Knocklyon Avenue — Tuilleadh Eolas O: Charging, Starting & Wiring Problems Repaired. Una Ui Neill - 941754 CONTACT JUSTIN ROSSNEY : 941870 Give your child a chance to understand the language before going to school. MANY THANKS FR. JOE THE LILAC TREE

The old man planted the lilac tree fifty years ago My mother, then a blushing bride laughed and said "it wouldn't grow" But he tended it lovingly as he did with all of us And it flourished as we all did With the minimum of fuss.

We played ring a rosy around it When we were very small We read our books underneath it When we were all growing quite tall It was the shady spot in the garden Fr. Joe was very pleasantly surprised the other day when Paul Dalton and the teachers of the first class presented him On a hot Summer's day with a Cross pen set in grateful thanks for all his hard work in And it dad the classrooms altars preparing all the little "Holy Communicants". Each year in Mary's month of May.

COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS As the years went on its branches spread Over the past six weeks, members of the Community And our wings all did the same Council, Parish committee, and Post Primary committee And the old man who was once called Dad have struggled hard to collect the Community survey forms, Acquired a brand new name which were distributed with the parish newsletter. The He was now known as Grandad difficulties in getting the completed forms have been amaz- To all our little ones ing, even by Knocklyon standards. Originally the Post And in the garden under the lilac tree Primary Committee intended to undertake a survey in order He relived the earlier fun. to up-date their statistics for the campaign to build a Community school. The Community Council were interested But good times don't last forever in assessing the views of residents on a whole range of issues And now the old man is gone and the Parish Council needed specific information to plan But like the perfume of the lilac tree for the expanding needs of this parish. We decided to pool His memory will always live on. our resources and compile an integrated survey form, a good move you might think! Apparently not! Some of the Kate Monahan objections to answering the survey questions range from (May 1990) "hadn't the time" to "my religion is my own business". I can understand the latter, however, surely every resident could spare five minutes to answer some of the questions ACTIVE AGE HOLIDAY GROUP IN KENMARE on the form. We badly need the forms completed so that an overview of the current state of our community can be gauged. If we don't bring to the attention of the relevant authorities, the urgent needs of the community in terms of roads, recrea- tional and educational facilities, then there won't be any council land left to provide such facilities at the current rate of rezoning taking place in Knocklyon. Please help us to gather this vital information by return- ing your forms. We are all acting in a voluntary capacity and are dependent upon your good will. Help us to help you. Vincent Kenny, Chairman Post Primary Committee - Community Council

ACT II SWOP SHOP CHILDREN'S ORCHARD Shopping Centre, Taylor's Lane For Fashionable Ladies' Dresses, Suits, Blouses, Jackets, Pants etc. PROFESSIONAL DAY-CARE & KINDERGARTEN COME IN AND BROWSE! We have a limited number of vacancies for children from 4 months. Open: Tues. to Sat. inc. — 10am to 5pm Closed for Lunch, 1pm to 2.30pm Phone Mary at 944087 to view*Mon. - Fri. 7.30 am to 6 pm PHONE 947407 (After Hours) WELCOME TO CHILDREN'S ORCHARD!

TEMPLEOGUE HEATING & PLUMBING FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY Installations-Replacements-Solid Fuel/Oil/Gas REFURBISHMENT & REPAIRS Instant Electric Showers Free Estimates, Collection and Delivery Washing Machines-Dishwashers-Bathroom Suites etc. No Job too Small - Highly Recommended ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE: 511183 Support a Local Enterprise - All Work Guaranteed Phone Eamon or Anne at 516529 SECRETARIAL SCHOOL KNOCKLYON SECRETARIAL SERVICES 5, Butterfield Avenue, Dublin 14 For fast, accurate typing of SUMMER COURSES: REPORTS, THESES, C.V.'s etc. Typewriting • Reception Typewriting 5th July to 2nd August Confidentiality Guaranteed Mornings 10am-12.30pm Telephone: 943514 Telephone 947493 HYPE — As in hypodermic At time of writing, it is mid-June, and thus far the selves in the Irish team strip, what the heck! The weather has not been all that enthusiastic, sort of old country needs, from time to time, to lift up its cool like — but there is still time, and, Praise the heart, we all need to lift up our hearts, and if in Lord, hope springs eternal. Which brings our minds quiet desperation we call on the Lord to give our back to Summers long ago, when days were longer Team a break, he will, as ever, understand and and the weather was warmer — one of the myths of smile. life, one suspects, but we must have our dreams And when all the dust has died down, win, lose and golden memories too. or draw, the same good Lord will, ever so gently Anyway, the weather does not matter just and patiently remind us, there is life and hope now as World Cup "fever" grips the body politic. If after the World Cup, as indeed, after all the events you are one of the minority "sane" people, you are of life — real life and joy with him for ever. probably screaming, "No, not again!!". And cer- Pat Alan Fitz tainly the hype is all around us in no uncertain terms. Can you not now see it coming at you, RECENT BAPTISMS courtesy of the tele, in your living rooms, etc. - the curly-headed Dunphy, the thick set, no non- Alan Edward Fanning, 33 Knocklyon Park; Conor Donal Doolan, 176 Glenvara Park; Orlagh Catherine O'Leary, sense faced Giles, and the lilting Cork tones of 17 Westbourne Lodge; Rebecca Mary Tighe, 1 Ashton shrewd-eyed O'Herlihy, and we can be cynical Lawn; Ailbhe Jane Brazel, 10 Dargle Wood; Niamh Frances about it all. O'Connor, 29 Glenvara Park; Alison Lorna Priestly, 6 Ash- Who do they think they are, are they looking ton Lawn; Alain David Lui, 26 Beverly Lawns; lan Thomas at the same match, they are talking rubbish? But Whelan, 37 Ashton Lawn; Alan Paul Thomas Byrne, 20 Coolamber Court; Leanne Marie Raymond, 10 Templeroan we gape and listen, and as the fever rages, we Close; Brian Henry Twamley, 36 Beverly Lawns; Joseph switch frantically to other channels, because of Gerald Smith, 7 Beverly Crescent; Graeme Peter Buckley, such are memories and future talking points made. 33 Delaford Avenue; Ciara Louise Stokes, 45 Westbourne And only last night, the great Diego (and if you Lodge; Ciaran Thomas Anthony Carew, 82 Dargle Wood; have to ask who, you are not with it) handled the Paul John Kennedy, Site 1, Road 8, Knockfield Manor; Gary ball at a vital time yet again, (remember '86) and Joseph Armstrong, 19 Beverly Grove; Simon Gerard McGinn, 10 Templeroan Lodge; Samuel James Whelan, got away with it — at least, so they say, and there 36 Beverly Avenue; Alan Michael Patterson, 14 Beverly- are muttered hints of superhuman powers. Mean- Heights; Ronan Joseph Durkin, 146 Coolamber Park; while our king Jack C. ( now more Irish than the Mark Adam Tierney, 3 Templeroan Drive; Aine Hamilton, Irish themselves) — wades stolidly through it all. 15 Beverly Avenue; Catherine Mary Ryan, 72 Scholars- To me, to date, he is the hero of it all. He has a Town Road; Gemma Louise Shine, 3 Coolamber Court, Catriona Marie McCarthy,.77, Templeroan Avenue; Hannah good philosophy in his approach, which probably Louise Patricia Cooney, 25 Scholarstown Road, Emma Jane extends further, to life itself — a philosophy born Carroll, 1 Beverly Heights. out of years of hard coal mining background and f» w tradition. Look, listen and learn! He looks at the reality of life, not as it is hyped up to be, and he is big enough to carry the can. Meanwhile, let us enjoy the carnival, and if the old heart misses a beat or two, to see the flags and i pennants flying, the football shrines in house win- dows, and the youngsters proudly disporting them-

KINGS HAIFI L L YOUR LOCAL DRIVING IN HAIR V SCHOOL IN KNOCKLYON KNOCKLYON SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIALISTS IN: • Pretest Specialists CUTTING • Door to Door Service COLOURING & PERMING • Dual Controlled Cars GIFT TOKENS AVAILABLE • Qualified Instructors WALK-IN SERVICE • Member M.S.A.I. OR For Appointment Telephone Brenda at • Lady Instructor available 942138 PHONE: 942688 YOUTH CI The Youth Club has closed for the summer and we feel we have had a very successful year. We had activities over 28 weeks and spent a total of 194 hours entertaining approx. 250 children. Last September before we got under way, we set out to get advice from some of the Agencies dealing with youth. We invited representatives from the C.Y.C. and Foroige to attend our committee meetings and got some useful inform- ation which we hope we put into practise. The success of the Club is due to the strong committee Niamh Kelleher and Jean Burke who started out who turned up week after week full of enthusiasm to take many moons ago as Junior members continue to on whatever the night held in store. David Hickey hosted support KYC as Youth Leaders. Well done, girls! the table tennis while Aidan Murtagh took his cue for the snooker. Brian Millane scored highly with the soccer teams while Nora O'Connor provided everyone with an official membership card - plus a Banklink one! Paddy Ryan, well- known for his work with the youth was consistent with his Fantasy Role Play group and attracted his regular clients throughout the year. He also managed some time for the odd game of Draughts. Fionnghuala Curry and her team of helpers had the art of keeping crafts high on the list of priorities - mainly with the girls. Teresa Hogan was always on standby to help in whatever area needed a helping hand. The two Tonys - Mulholland and Heavey — could not always be with us due to work pressures but.whenever they could they were a big hit with the members. And always, always, in the midst of activity, you would find Fr. Joe, quite at home, whether it was serving in the shop or chall- enging someone in a chess game! I must say a special thanks to our treasurer, Gay Byrne who managed to change a hefty overdraft into a black balance. (Gay has been appointed by our committee to Aisling Murtagh about to serve represent us on the Board of the Community Centre). Thanks also to Michael Foynes, an able scribe, who as Secretary, did an excellent job in recording the various meetings, etc. We have been fortunate to have two great lady coaches - Mary Burke who led the girls' soccer matches and Margar- et Ryan who has given her time on Saturdays to give Badminton coaching to club members. We hope to add Basketball to our facilities for next year. The club could not have survived without the help of four young leaders - Elaine Grant and Jean Burke in the Arts and Crafts area, Brian Bird who conducted and taught the chess set and Ronan Dunne who, in the Year of Soccer, supervised and refereed 3 soccer leagues — for the boys.

Steven Clifford, his brother Peter and Alan Yip. Steven and Alan are keen Fantasy Role Playing The ball is long gone but the fun continues enthusiasts, playing every Friday and Saturday night J.P. ARMSTRONG & CO. PHOENIX MOTORING INSURANCE BROKERS . , ACADEMY Scholarstown Road • House • Mortgages Pre Test Specialists • Motor • Education Fees Dual Controls • Life • Investments Novices and Advanced £10.00 hour 55, Cremorne, Templeogue, Dublin 16. per TELEPHONE: 947493 Telephone: 947363 Eircell: 088 550689 { ROUND UP ••^••lll

Thanks to Superquinn for the Cup they presented for the winning teams. The accompanying photographs have captured many happy moments of club events. There are other people I would like to thank for their help during the year: Vincent O'Hagan, Jean Power, Mary Coffey, Monica Colleran, Niamh Kelleher, Mark Keegan, Peter Nolan, Mary Coleman, Mary Cullinane, Breda Fitzharris, Breda Fitzpatrick, Dympna Phillips and Jo Doyle — and we could do with some more helping hands. Apart from the Junior and Senior Youth Club, we start- ed a Young Adult Club, and hopefully they can expand their membership for next year. They are an excellent group of young people and deserve our encouragement. We ran 7 discos during the year and all were successful except for one at Easter. A small number of young adults arrived in an intoxicated state and caused damage to our parish centre after being refused admission to the disco. Now look - could you meet a better The Young Adult committee who try to maintain a happy group of lads? atmosphere and a good standard of behaviour are dis- appointed that this should happen in our parish. Our A.G.M. was held on 30th May and most of the old committee were re-elected. We welcome Ann Marie Gavin and Vincent O'Hagan on to the crew. Our next meeting will be held on 29th August after which we will announce details of registration for next year. I would like to remind parents that membership of their children in the Youth Club will help to develop all sorts of skills essential to their maturing as adults." It provides educ- ation in an informal setting and can complement what they learn at school. The Youth Club is a back up and an inde- pendent education which needs and deserves your help. Hope to see you in September. . . Michael Clifford Chairman Just a section of those who take part in the ever-popular Arts <£ Crafts section

Knocklyon Centre, Tel: 942733 Opening Times: Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. — Thursday - Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUMMER SALE STARTS Tuesday 3rd July at 11.00 a.m. With up to 50% off selected lines. Stockists of: Gerry Weber, Pola, Libra, Bruno Cavallini, Tappas, Lady Laura, Traffic, Endora, Michael H, Penthouse & Pavement, Lisa Lovell, Shelby and Liana Moden. for the fuller figure. Senior School Sports News

Selected for Dublin: St. Colmcille's was well represented on the Dublin Primary Schools Team which recently played against Cork. Congrats to Colin Durkin, Dermot Colgan (Hurling); Patrick Healy and Paul O'Donoghue (Football); and Sorcha Farrelly and Noelle Moran (Camogie).

Senior B's: At the time of going to print, the Senior B's stand unbeaten at the top of their league. The final is sche- duled to take place shortly, and with good performances expected from Daniel Wallace, Liam Curran, Stephen Senior A — Winners Hearld Cup Special — v. Scoil Treasa) Back (L-R) Cormac Smyth, Tim Carty, Dermot Colgan, Kilgallon and Hugh O'Connor, confidence is high. Daragh Prendergast, Paul Gallagher, Gareth Ebbs. Centre (L-R) Owen McSweeney, Warren Swalbee, Donal Fitzpatrick, Fionn McDonald, Ruairi Costello. Front (L-R) Brian Murray, Tony Cullen, Colin Durkin, Niall Clancy, Ciaran Doyle. Not shown in this photo — Graham Lennox, Conor Daly, Brian Sheehan, Robert Coffey, Ciaran O'Neill. Scandal from the Academy! As the school year draws to an end, activity on the sports Well done to Florence Lavelle, Hilary Larkin and Claire field is also reaching a conclusion. On Wednesday, 6th June Grier from Mrs. Gillon's class who won prizes in the "Write- came the high point of the term's activity when 300 plus a-Book" Competition, organised by the Teachers' Centre pupils, teachers and parents descended on O'Toole Park to in Blackrock. witness two of our school teams do battle in the finals of the Primary School Leagues. It was a day of mixed fortune Congratulations to Mr. Brennan's prodigies, Aisling for St. Colmcille's with the Senior Hurling team holding Lovette, Ruth O'Connell and Eoin Reville, who have been out for a narrow two point win in the Herald Special Final, chosen, (by examinations), to represent West Dublin and while the girls' Camogie team were unlucky to lose their the school in the Cara National Computer Competition. final by the narrow margin of one goal. The hurlers can thank their goalie, Gareth Ebbs, for The Senior School wishes all of its pupils a very happy some great saves at crucial times, and the defensive play of Tony Cullen, Timmy Carthy and Brian Murray was out- Summer. Please take care, especially on the roads. Believe standing. Major contributions also came from Dermot it or not, we want you all back in September! Colgan, Ciaran O'Neill and Ruairi Costello. The Camogie team gave a great account of themselves and with a bit of luck in the scoring department would have won. Sorcha Farrelly and Linda Sheehan in the backs, Noelle Moran at mid-field and Una Egan in the forwards were most promi- nent. Both teams and parents were entertained to a lovely reception in the school hall on their return from the game and the efforts of the ladies committee led by Mrs. Finola Doyle (Coolamber) are greatly appreciated. Special thanks are also extended to Tom Durkin (Knocklyon Woods) who was of great assistance with the teams throughout the year. Camogie Finalists — Runners up v. Loreto Rathfarnham Tom also has many of the hurlers undfers his tutelage as Back (L-R) Catherine Ryan, Noelle Moran, Roisin Keaney, Cailin Keaney, Lorna Barrett. Centre (L-R) Elaine Coughlan, coach of Ballyboden/St. Enda's U. 12 team. Aoife Quinn, Aoibhinn Murphy. Front (L-R) Gillian Rossney, Gillian Barrett. Missing Team Members — Sorcha Farrelly, Linda sneenan, una Egan, Louise O'Donneii, uria Kegan. ONE YEAR COURSE FOR LEAVING CERT. 1991 For students entering 6th year


Phone: 900866, 900871, 931816, 880859 Fax: 900871 9.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. DAILY. YOUNG DUBS MORE YOUTH CLUB GLIMPSES

The four boys from the Parish who represented Dublin recen in the Hurling and Football Series against Cork. Colin Durkin, Knocklyon Avenue; Patrick Healy, Knockcullen; Paul O'Donoghue, Templeroan CI.; Dermot Colgan, Delaford Ave. Edel Byrne and Maura Curry have done great work manning our shop week in/week out and always with a smile! BUSES AND OPEN SPACES John Hannon, M.C.C. writes to let us know that the 15 route will be operated as a driver only bus from 3rd June. He also writes with regard to the development of the Scholarstown Road area, and stresses that the area will be monitored closely and that the only remaining large tracts of land in the area are both the subject of current Planning Applications for Housing. FLOWER SHOW The Templeogue Horticultural Society will hold its 8th Annual Flower Show on Saturday 14th July at St. Pius X School Hall, Fortfield Park, Steven Fitzmorris and Aoife Bird Templeogue from 2.00 - 5.00 p.m. New members from children upwards especially welcomed by the Society.

The Show' will feature many exhibits of flowers, Plants, Fruit, Vegetables and Cookery. Admission 50p for adults, 20p for children. Tea and biscuits may be obtained.

Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month, (from September to June), in Our Lady'sSchool, Temple- ogue Road at 8 p.m.

Details - Geraldine Eaton, 902584

of their craft class

PHOTOGRAPHER - Student will do any type of photographic BLUEBELL MONTESSORI NURSERY SCHOOL work, including copying old photographs. 1, Monalea Park Phone: DARRAGH 943292 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Children 3/5 years Small Group Qualified Experienced Teacher Booking Now For Sept. 1990 Limited Spaces Available Telephone 942902 ' FIRHOUSE ROAD TURBO SUN BED FACIALS EYELASH TINTING HOUSE MAINTENANCE WAXING DIATHERMY SLENDERTONE BRIDAL MAKE-UP MANICURES • PLUMBING & PAINTING • PATHS & PATIOS Open Tuesday to Friday 10 a.m.— 1 p.m. • Side Gates • Garden Walls • Garage Conversions Saturday 10 a.m.— 1.30 p.m. For Appointment Phone 945404 Telephone: 932934 MARY BASQUILLE, S.R.N., C.I.B.T.A.C., M.S.A.C. GARDENER/HANDYMAN RESPONSIBLE PERSON To mind newly born twins From end of July - Dublin 16 Available for Grass and Hedge Cutting, Lawns laid, Patios, Light Housework Required Salary Negotiable Non Smoker Walls Built, Rubbish removed, Also window cleaning. TELEPHONE 945209 PHONE 946543 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. for Details 1 f MUSIC^^

NEW SOUND "THE PICTURE HOUSE" - a new band from the Parish, Congratulations to the following children who won medals formed at the beginning of March, have just released their in the recent primary schools Athletic Championships in first Demo E.P. The line-up consists of Dave Browne . 1. Catriona O'Brien - Gold Medal (400m). 2. Brian (Vocals); Eoin Clune (Guitars); Karl Murray (Bass); and Sheehan — Bronze Medal (800m). 3. Ian Marcon — Fourth Robert Sexton (Drums). (100m). 4. Girls' Relay (Fourth) - Noelle Moran, Orla Moore, Catriona O'Brien, Michelle Slattery. For information please contact Rob at 941981. TEENAGE & VERITAS PARENTING PROG. GET WELL WISHES Names are now being taken for the parenting programmes The pupils of St. Colmcille's School hope to see Mr. John Brennan up and about very soon after his recent illness. due to be held in the Autumn. Early booking is advisable. Contact Bernie - 941870. WE'LL BE BACK IN SEPTEMBER!! KNOCKLYON ROAD CLUB The Newsletter Team will be taking a well-earned break from now Meet Saturday mornings 9.30 a.m. at Superquinn entrance. until September. As we get little response from parishioners regard- For further information contact Stephen Keogh — 942809, ing their interest or otherwise in the Newsletter, we would like to or Mrs Patricia O'Reilly - 945338. have your comments in the future. Deadlines for each issue are I.C.A. NEWS published in the preceeding copy and also read out at all Masses during the two weekends prior to deadline dates. Please listen out Saturday 9th June saw another successful outing of the for these dates and take the opportunity to air your views on all I.C.A. to Carlingford Lough. With the weather in our favour, matters — bo'th temporal and spiritual — just drop a note into the we were looking forward to our cruise across the Lough to presbytery before the deadline and we will do our best to publish Warrenpoint, where we enjoyed shopping. Returning home, your point of view. we stopped off in Julianstown for a cabaret. The Committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the New members always welcome, come along to the com- young people in the Senior School who collate and distribute the munity centre for the first and third Tuesday of every newsletter — also their teachers who have been so co-operative and month or ring Marie Ryan, P.R.O. — 933513 for any info. helpful during the past year. May we wish these young people every success for the future — especially those who will be leaving the 112th KNOCKLYON SCOUTS Senior School in June to commence Second Level education in "Monday Night cub scouts", 36 in all, spent an enjoyable September. Many thanks also to our printers, Lantz Ltd., — without weekend camping in Larch Hill on the 16th June. For most whose advice and expertise it would be impossible to get the news- of the cubs, it was a first time camping, and they really letter to you, the parishioners, every month. enjoyed it. My thanks to the three other leaders, Dominic We've just heard that our Newsletter — that is your Newsletter Donnelly, Derek Fox and Dessie Ryan (parent of a cub) for has been awarded a prize in a competition for Parish Magazines. We're delighted — more details in September. their help over the weekend. Cubs will resume in September. Michael Lucey, Scout Leader. Have a happy and sunny summer. See you again in September! WEDDING BELLS Congratulations to Derval Monaghan (daughter of Kate ^ Monaghan) and to John O'Connell (of Murphy &: Gunn () Ltd.), who were married in Rathfarnham Church on Bloomsday, 16th June. We hope they enjoy their honey- KNOCKLYON GOLF SOCIETY moon in the Algarve and have a long and happy life together. A big turnout, excellent weather and a well-attended dinner . . . These were the features of the Presidents (Fr. Arthur Fitzpatrick) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT KNOCKLYON Prize of the Knocklyon Golf Society at the Grange this year. Community Development Knocklyon would like to remind The day was sponsored by Brookes Thomas through the good you that the Coffee Dock in the Community Centre is now offices of John Walsh — who managed to cut back on expenses a open daily, including Saturday, from 10.30 for the sale of little, by winning one of the prizes himself. tea, coffee, sweets, biscuits. Please note that the Coffee Full Results: Presidents Prize: B. Madden (13) 39 pts. 2nd: Dock will remain open throughout the summer months, John Murphy (13) 35. 3rd: Noel Hughes (13) 34. 4th: F. Doyle 18 (34). school projects, etc., — a pleasant place to meet! Please CL 1: T. Donovan (12) 33; 2nd: J. O'Grady (5) 31; C12: T. support a local Community venture. Mangan (18) 33; 2nd G. Daly (16) 33; CL 3 J. Walsh (20) 31; 2nd: JUNIOR SCHOOL BUDDING ARTISTS D. Morrin (24) 31. Congratulations to all our winners and all those who parti- Nines: Pat McGrath (16) 17 and M. Coleman (26) 19. Visitor's Prize: Niall Menton (12) 41. cipated in the Community Games Art Competition. A total entry of 680 paintings was received. The next outing is to Headford on Saturday June 30th. Time- The staff of the Junior School would like to wish all our sheet in the Church. parents and children a very pleasant Summer Holiday.

DEBS - PARTY DRESSES - WEDDINGS - BRIDESMAIDS SUNNYHILL GARDEN/PATIO CENTRE A large selection of beautifully designed Frocks are available. KEENEST PRICES KEENEST PRICES Bohernabreena, Dublin 24. (Just beyond Cemetery) Mrs Lawler, "Marfin", Butterfield Avenue, (Corner Firhouse Rd). FOR ALL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS Phone 947918 DEPOSITS TAKEN AZALEAS & CAMELLIAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES JUMPING CASTLES FOR ALL FUN OCCASIONS Plus CAULWELL CASTLES QUALITY ALPINES, HEATHERS - 947365 SHRUBS & CONIFERS tikCxkhkbk PLAYGROUP Ufckbkbk Special Offer Special Offer Special Offer 34 Mount Alton, Knocklyon Road. GIANT PEAT (210 Its) - £4.95 Registered l.P.P.A. Member Two Playgroup Leaders AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES Enroll now for September Phone Jac or Noeleen at 941615 TELEPHONE 513619 or 517373 Knocklyon United Football Club

The big news in our Club recently was, of course, "Que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.. .". the successmm of our u/14 hurlers in Division II of The football season has come to a close, and it is now that we reflect on our successes and failures of the season. It is Feile na Gael and our u/13 football team who with great pride that we can report that it is not only represented Dublin in the Leinster football fest- "Jack's Army" that is successful. All the hard work of Man- ival in Athlone. agers, Trainers and particularly the boys themselves, to- The hurling team under the direction of Mick gether with backroom Committee meant that the Club has Fletcher and Jum Kennedy who overcame the had a very satisfying season, on and off the field of play. challenge of Trinity Gales in the final had out- Our Under 8's in the First Season reached the Quarter- standing performers in Dara Kerrigan, Marvin finals of two Cup Competitions and were unlucky losing Neary, Kieran Madigan, Padraig Corcoran, Kevin both by the odd goal. Managers — Declan McGovem/ Walsh, Finn Curran, Dara Connors and Brian Chris Reidy. Delaney. Under 9's: Our 9A's had a tremendous year finishing The u/10 footballers overcame Baltinglass and runners up in the League and winning the Cup. Managers — Tullamore in the earlier rounds and defeated John Hopkins/Finbar Dolan. Athlone in the final by 4-15 to 0-6. While in ess- 9B's finished a respectable 4th in their League. Managers ence, every player played his part, David Stynes, — Ken Lyons/Paddy Scully. Declan King and William Lynch were particularly lOA's 4th in the League. Beaten in Semi-final of cup. effective. We congratulate both teams and their lOB's After a poor start, finished very strongly. League mentors on their outstanding achievement. position - mid table. Managers - Brendan Vaughan/Ray- U/10A Hurling mond Keane. M. O'Heigheartaigh and his u/10A team have gone HA's Very successful runners up in League and very 10 games undefeated and were recently crowned unlucky in the Semi finals of Cup Competition. Managers — League champions. Alan Ryan at full back, Peter John Doyle/Michael McSweeney. Healy and Brendan Lehane at midfield and John HB's Change of Manager during year, but finished Madigan, Liam Fitzgerald and Conor Ebbs in the strongly. Managers — Michael Ganly/Damien Glynn. forwards have done more than most to ensure the 12's Unbeaten to win League and unfortunately lost success of our u/10 team. Cup Final after replay. Managers - Bill Lecky/Paul Wilson. 13's Mid Table position. But again, finished well. Mana- U/l IB Hurling gers - Shane O'Neill/Dominic Donnelly. Our u/11 B Team are still in contention with just one game left to play in their league. Gareth Ebbs 14's First year playing together. Acquitted themselves in goal, Cathal O'Connor and Eoin Cummins in very well. Mid table position in League. Managers — Paul Keenan/David Keenan. defence, Gavin Fleet at midfield, Fergal O'Neill, David Fletcher and Christopher Courtney in attack, 15's Finished 4th in League and beaten in Semi final have all played a very big part in keeping their of Cup. Manager - Johnny Bates. team at the top — well done,boys! In total the Club won: 1 League - u/12 Runners up in 2 — u/9, u/l I U/12 Hurling Cup winners — u/9 At this age, the club is in the unenviable position Cup Runners up — u/12 of having two teams chasing the same league title. Semi finalists - u/10, u/11, u/l 5. The u/12 A team are based up in the Hermitage, while the u/12 B team are situated down in Cherry- So, all in all, the Club are well on their way to estab- field. The crunch came for both teams last Satur- lishing themselves as a force in Schoolboy Football. Con- day when they met in the all important league gratulations to all the boys and their Managers for their match in Cherryfield. The Cherryfield boys were hard work and commitment throughout the year. Also a cruising 8 pts. up with a minute to go, when special mention for our two Committee men not directly Emmet Carroll struck with two terrific goals to involved in coaching — our Secretary Noel "Hard Tackle" Gaughran and Peter Synott, Asst. P.R.O. You may think leave only 2 pts. separating the teams at the finish. that now that the season is over that we all take a well- Apart from Carroll, the "A Team" had outstanding earned rest, but this is not the case. Already, we are prepar- performers in Gerard Mullins and Joey Byrne. The ing for next year and it appears from the numbers attending "B Team" who have now gone through their our trials that we will now have 16 teams next Season. Can league undefeated, for the second year running had I remind you that two years ago, there were only 3 teams in excellent defenders in Robert Coffey and Ruairi the Club. This, I feel, is a record expansion in any Club, in Costello, a hard working midfielder in John Butler, any sport and something that we are very proud of. while up front, the top scorers were Gerard Reville, In conclusion, I would like to thank all the parents and Colin Durkin and Brian Sheehan. As a reward for residents of Knocklyon who supported us throughout the all their efforts over the past two seasons, this team year and we look forward to our continued growth and success and your continued support. Anrhederci'.! will be taken on a weekend trip to Galway next Finbar Dolan weekend, which should be good fun. Congratul- P.R.O. ations, boys. Well done!! Tel. 9-W.1U MURPHY & GUNN (TALLAGHT) LTD. BY PASS ROAD, TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24. PHONE: 517447 YOUR NEAREST TOYOTA MAIN DEALER TOP PRICES FOR TRADE-INS SPECIAL OFFERS

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SALES — SERVICE — PARTS — FORECOURT TOYOTA MAURICE MULVEY MOTORS Going on Holiday? Unit 8, Landy Industrial Estate (Rear Coman's) Knocklyon Road, Dublin 16. House or Small Business Vacant? REPAIRS & SER VICING Experienced and qualified local professional business- TO ALL MAKES OF VEHICLE man will oversee your house or workplace to your requirements. All aspects of office work and adminis- tration considered. Also security, cleaning, internal painting, grass cutting etc. at either source.

Confidentiality and integrity guaranteed. Discussion without committment at any time. Initial enquiries through Community Centre 943991. Service also TELEPHONE: 946339 available at all other times.

MASSEY BROS. A Meeting of Parents FUNERAL DIRECTORS of new entrants

Templeogue Village will be held on: Phone: 907601 WEDNESDAY 27th JUNE HEAD OFFICE: 129, Thomas Street, Dublin 8. at 8.00 p.m. SHARP Phone: 778902 Saint Colmcille's IN JUNIOR SCHOOL 24 Hours Junior School HALL

WILLIAM GRANT FANAGANS FUNERAL DIRECTORS BRANCHES & FUNERAL HOMES KITCHEN CONSULTANT at MAIN STREET, TALLAGHT Creating Lr. Road, (Opposite Mount Argus Gate) Lr. Main Street, Dundrum. Perfect Church Street, . Kitchens HEAD OFFICE: 54, Aungier Street, Dublin 2. 24 Hour - 7 Day Service 25 IDRONE DRIVE, TELEPHONE TEMPLEOGUE, DUBLIN 16. 947883 Phone: 754101

Printed by Lantz Ltd., Tel. 710353/543310