Committee Mi nUtes

The City of Edinburgh Council Year 200512006 Meeting 6 - Thursday 13 October 2005 Edinburgh, 13 October 2005 - At a meeting of The City of Edinburgh Council.

Present: - The Right Honourable Lesley Hinds COUNCILLORS Elaine Aitken Gormn lackenzie Rev Ewan Aitken Kate MacKenzie Robert C Aldridge Fred Mackintosh Donald Anderson Marilyne A MacLaren Phil Attridge Elizabeth Maginnis Ian J Berry Lawrence Marshall Andrew Burns Mark Mclnnes Robert Cairns Eric Milligan Stephen Cardownie Gordon J Munro Maureen M Child Ian Murray Bill Cunningham Jack O’Donnell Trevor Davies Liz O’Malley Jennifer A Dawe Alastair Paisley Michael P Dixon Ian Perry Paul G Edie Thomas V Ponton Edward B Fallon Frank K Russell William Fitzpatrick Jason G Rust Sheila Gilmore Andrew A Scobbie George Grubb Lorna Shiels The Hon David Guest Kingsley E F Thomas Kenneth Harrold Marjorie Thomas Ricky Henderson Susan B Tritton George A Hunter David J Walker Allan G Jackson Phil Wheeler Shami Khan lain Whyte Douglas J Kerr Chris Wigglesworth Allan Laing Donald Wilson John Longstaff 2

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

1 South Asia Earthquake

The Council observed a minute’s silence for the victims of the earthquake in South Asia.

2 Deputations

The Council agreed to hear deputations on the following issues:

(a) Greenbank Residents - Traffic Calming in Greenbank The Council heard a deputation from Greenbank Residents. They showed a short video on the speed and volume of traffic in Greenbank Lane and Greenbank Road and indicated the dangers this posed for residents. A petition indicated that 80% of residents wished effective calming measures

to be installed in Greenbank. a ’ ’

The Council was asked to initiate traffic calming measures in the Greenbank area.

Following questions from members the Lord Provost thanked the deputation for its presentation and invited it to remain for the debate on the matter (see item 3).

(References - e-mail dated 5 October 2005 and a petition by the residents of Greenbank, submitted.)

(b) UNISON - Council Review 2007: Progress Report The Council heard a deputation from Kevin Duguid and George Lee of UNISON on the Council Review 2007. They asked the Council to instruct officials to involve Trade Unions in meaningful consultation on the review. The Trade Unions wished a modern Council, which could meet modern demands, but the Trade Unions had to be taken with the Council in this direction. Additionally, concerns were raised over prospective job losses.

Following questions from members the Lord Provost thanked the deputation for its presentation and invited it to remain for the debate on the matter (see item 11 below).

(Reference - letter from UNISON dated 10 October 2005, submitted.) 3

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

(c) Residents from London Street, Drummond Place, Street and Surrounding Area - Central Edinburgh Traffic Management

The Council heard a deputation from Pippa Lockhart. She expressed residents’ concerns over the Central Edinburgh Traffic Management (CETM) scheme and its effect on London Street, Drummond Place, Scotland Street and the surrounding area.

She commented on the volume and speed of traffic on London Road and its surrounding area and the consequences to public safety. The Council was asked to find a solution to the problems caused by the CETM scheme.

Following questions from members the Lord Provost thanked the deputation for its presentation.

(Reference - letter from residents of London Street, Drummond Place, Scotland Street and surrounding area dated 12 October 2005, submitted.)

3 Motion by Councillor Mclnnes - Greenbank Area - Traffic Calming Measures

The following motion by Councillor Mclnnes was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28:

“That this Council:

1) recognises the strength of feeling among local residents about the continuing dangerous traffic situation in Greenbank.

2) notes that the Pentlands Local Development Committee on 18 May 2005 instructed the Director of City Development to report to the full Council on virement that would allow for 20 mph zones to be implemented in Greenbank in this financial year or any other means that would allow 20 mph zones to be implemented in Greenbank.

I 3) agrees to give priority for this essential safety work.” The Council had heard a deputation on the matter from Greenbank Residents (see item 2(a) above).


To approve the motion by Councillor Mclnnes.

- moved by Councillor Mclnnes, seconded by Councillor Jackson (on behalf of the Conservative Group). 4

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

Amendment 1

To acknowledge the strong local concern about the current speed and volume of traffic in the Greenbank area and the desire to see ‘traffic calming measureda 20 mph zone’ implemented.

To recognise that this strength of feeling concerning the speed and volume of traffic existed in many local communities across the city.

To welcome the integral part that ‘traffic calming measures/20 mph zones’ had played in reducing ‘all casualties’ on Edinburgh’s roads by a remarkable 75% over the last 20 years.

To instruct the Director of City Development to bring forward, at the earliest opportunity, a report to the Council Executive containing an update on progress for the current ‘20 mph zones programme’ - the report to include other potential measures in the Greenbank area such as road closures.

- moved by Councillor Burns, seconded by Councillor Anderson (on behalf of the Labour Group).

Amendment 2

To approve the motion and to instruct the Director of City Development to report to the Executive on how the Priority List for the Introduction of 20 mph Zones in Residential Areas could be reviewed in order to take account of new 20 mph zones, Safe Routes to School Schemes, road closures and other traffic management changes introduced since 2003. Any such review to include local consultation on the definition of the “residential areas” defined in the analysis and the traffic routes that divided them.

- moved by Councillor O’Malley, seconded by Councillor Mackintosh.

Councillor Mclnnes, with the consent of his seconder and the mover and seconder of amendment 2, accepted amendment 2 as an addendum to his motion.

Councillor Burns, with the consent of his seconder and the mover and seconder of amendment 2, accepted amendment 2 as an addendum to his amendment.


The voting was as follows:

For the motion (as adjusted) - 26 votes For amendment 1 (as adjusted) - 30 votes ~


The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005


To approve amendment 1 (as adjusted) by Councillor Burns. I.

4 Questions

Questions put by members to this meeting, written answers and supplementary questions and answers are contained in Appendix 1 to this minute.

5 Minutes


To approve the minute of the meeting of the Council of 15 September 2005, as submitted, as a correct record.

6 Placing in Schools Appeal Committee - Appointment

The Council was invited to approve a new appointment to the Placing in Schools Appeal Committee.


To appoint Jack Calder to Panel 2 of the Placing in Schools Appeal Cor m ittee.

(Reference - report no CEC/101/05-06/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.)

7 Scottish Accident Prevention Council - Nomination


To nominate Councillor Fitzpatrick as a member of the Scottish Accident Prevention Council following the resignation of Councillor Scobbie.

(Reference - report no CEC/I 09/05-06/CS by the Director of Corporate

Services, submitted.) &I

8 Leader’s Report

The Leader presented his report to the Council. The following issues were raised in questions on the report: 6

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

Councillor Dawe - City’s response to world wide natural disasters.

Councillor Aldridge - Award to multi-agency East Craigs Action Group. ’

Councillor Whyte - Edinburgh’s success in winning travel awards - Furniture in the Council Chamber.

Councillor Wigglesworth - Problems brought about by vibrant night economy in the Grassmarket area.

Councillor Munro - Sighthill Library - Standing up to Antisocial Behaviour Awards

Councillor Fitzpatrick - Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service - Cooldown Crew and Phoenix Programme

(Reference - report no CEC/I 14/05-06/L by the Leader, submitted.)

9 Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2005-2006 Month 4 Position

The Executive had approved various measures in relation to the Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2005-2006 Month 4 position. A slippage had occurred in a transaction through New Edinburgh Limited (NEL). The Executive recommended that the Council approve the management of this deferred dividend income through balances.


To approve the management of the deferred dividend income from New Edinburgh Ltd through balances.

(References - Executive of the Council 4 October 2005 (item 4); report no CEC/I 14/05-06/E by the Executive, submitted.)

IO Proposed Extension of the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)

The Executive had considered the outcome of the public hearing on the proposed extension of the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) and recommended that the Council authorise the making of the necessary Orders to extend the CPZ. 7

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To authorise the making of the necessary Orders to extend the CPZ as detailed in the report by the Executive.

(References - Executive of the Council 6 September 2005 (item 15); report no CEC/I 12/05-06/E by the Executive, submitted.)

1:' i 11 Council Review 2007: Progress

The concluding phase of the policy development stage of the Council Review 2007 (CR 2007) was detailed, together with progress on implementation activity.

A number of recommendations were made on:

0 the next stages of setting up Services for Communities; a timetable for other review activity which also sustained current service quality; and more detailed issues in relation to staff engagement, vacancy management and change management.

The Council had heard a deputation on the matter from UNISON (see item 2(b) above).


1) To note:

The progress which had been made so far on the CR 2007 and the move from policy development to implementation.

That the Chief Executive would report further, by Spring 2006, on the two remaining policy issues of culture and leisure and property.

That the Directors of Health and Social Care and Children and Families would submit detailed progress reports to the Council meeting on 15 December 2005.

The retiral of the Director of Environmental and Consumer Services, acknowledging that he had given over forty years service to local governmen t .

That the Chief Executive would report as fully as possible in December 2005 on organisational arrangements, staffing structures and transfer and transitional plans. 8

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

9 That the Director (Designate) of Services for Communities would take over full responsibility for the Department of Environmental and Consumer Services on 1 January 2006.

2) To ask the Chief Executive to ensure that appropriate consultation took place with the trade unions.

(References - Act of Council No 10 of 18 August 2005; report no CECA 10105- 061CE by the Chief Executive, submitted). ,

12 Governance Arrangements for the Department of Health and Social Care

Approval was sought for the arrangements for the Joint Board of Governance for the Department of Health and Social Care. The arrangements built on the extensive legacy of successful joint working between the Council and NHS Lothian and were set within the framework of guidance from the Scottish Executive and COSLA on promoting closer partnership working between local authorities and the NHS.


I) To approve the arrangements, status, scope, remit and timeframe for development of the Joint Board of Governance, as detailed in the report by the Director of Health and Social Care, as an interim measure only to allow the first meeting to take place in November 2005. I 2) To agree that the arrangements for setting an appropriate quorum for Joint Board meetings should be agreed at its first meeting.

3) To instruct the Directors of Health and Social Care and Corporate Services to report to the Joint Board, and the Joint Board to report to the Council and NHS Lothian on the outcome of its discussion, on the following issues:

i) public availability of the agendas, minutes and reports of the Joint Board of Governance and a definition of the limited circumstances in which they would not be publicly available; 9

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ii) how the business of the Joint Board of Governance would be conducted in public in a manner that reflected the standards of transparency, accountability , stewardship, probity and scrutiny expected of Councillors; and

iii) a definition of the relationship between the Joint Board of Governance and the Council’s audit and scrutiny functions.

4) To note that, following a review, a further report detailing recommended changes if required, including any relating to integration of budgets, would be submitted to the Council and NHS Lothian before the end of the financial year.

(References - Acts of Council No 5 of 27 January 2005 and No 7 of 24 February 2005; report no CECA 06/05-06/HSC by the Director of Health and Social Care, submitted).

Declaration of Interests

Councillor Kingsley Thomas declared a financial interest in the above item as a non-Executive Director of NHS Lothian.

13 Cities Growth Fund: Investment Plan

The Cities Growth Fund (CGF) was a significant element in the Council’s budgetary processes. An investment plan, which identified projects against the f22.7m allocated to the Council in the second round of the CGF, was presented.

I> The plan had been developed in consultation with the Council’s lead departments, the city region councils and Scottish Enterprise Edinburgh and Lothians. Advice had also been sought from the Edinburgh Partnership. The plan strongly emphasises themes of city region connectivity, sport and culture, partnership and promotion and the need to prepare for growth.


1) To approve the Cities Growth Fund Investment Plan as detailed in Appendix 2 of the Chief Executive’s report for submission to the Scottish Executive, subject to the inclusion of the City Gateways enhanced project (detailed in Appendix 3 of the report) as an alternative to the Urban Traffic Management and Control Systems Project.

2) To ask the Chief Executive to report outlining in detail proposals to replace the Urban Traffic Management and Control Systems Project. 10

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

3) To receive regular monitoring reports on the progress and delivery of projects in both rounds of the Cities Growth Fund including the maintenance of key implementation stages and the success in securing levered funding.

- moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Cunningham (on behalf of the Labour Group).

Amendment 1

To approve the proposed investment plan contained in Appendix 2 to the Chief Executive’s report, subject to the substitution of the City Region Branding and Promotion project (f 1m) with:

0 Business Improvement Districts - f110,000 0 Queensferry Pier refurbishment - f564,OOO 0 Edinburgh Construction Academy Ltd - f230,OOO

The balance to be spent on investment in improving the City Archives.

- moved by Councillor Dawe, seconded by Councillor Grubb.

Amendment 2

1) To regret that Councillors had not been given the opportunity to select from the full list of bids made for inclusion in the Cities Growth Fund Investment Plan programme.

2) To instruct the Chief Executive to brief members on all bids for any future funding programmes.

3) To agree that the Urban Traffic Management System was a priority for the Council and to reject the suggestion that it be replaced with the City Gateways project.

- moved by Councillor Whyte, seconded by Councillor Jackson (on behalf of the

Conservative Group) I

Councillor Anderson, with the consent of his seconder and the consent of the mover and seconder of amendment 2, accepted paragraphs 1) and 2) of amendment 2 as an addendum to his motion.


For the motion (as adjusted) - 30 votes For amendment 1 - 13 votes For amendment 2 12 votes 11

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To approve the motion (as adjusted) by Councillor Anderson.

(References - Act of Council No 12 of 26 June 2003; report no CEC/I 15/05 06/CE by the Chief Executive, submitted).

14 Edinburgh - City Centre Support and Promotion

Approval was sought for the immediate implementation of a wide range of co- ordinated activities designed to assist the ongoing support and promotion of the city centre and to help stimulate growth. The measures followed extensive research and consultation with key city centre stakeholders.

Motion /I ’

1) To approve the measures detailed in the report by the Director of City Development.

2) To note that a further report would be submitted as soon as possible following the trial period (until the end of January 2006) to assess the impact of the implemented changes.

3) To develop the further report in conjunction with city centre businesses and to address specifically further potential improvements to parking arrangements:

0 bringing forward the end of paid parking in the city centre from 18.30 at present to 17.30, subject to measures to safeguard residents’ parking (as detailed in paragraph 3.10 of the Director’s report);

0 extending the minimum period of paid parking in existing suburban shopping areas (such as Bruntsfield and Morningside) from half an hour to one hour, recognising that these areas had had no managed parking at all for many years until the recent implementation of half hour bays;

0 the possibility of free Saturday afternoon parking being piloted in a specific geographical area of the city, such as the West End.

4) To include in the discussions with city centre businesses:

a) consideration of retail opening hours and the possibility of piloting new hours during the summer Festival period; and 12

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b) consideration of ongoing business support for the city centre ‘Promotion and Marketing Plan’.

5) To undertake further work to establish that the most appropriate means of support for the city centre were in place in the longer term, the work to include consideration of further initiatives to promote the city centre.

- moved by Councillor Anderson, seconded by Councillor Cunningham (on behalf of the Labour Group).

Amendment 1

1) To accept the report by the Director of City Development as a first step and to welcome the Administration’s realisation that aspects of the Central Edinburgh Traffic Management scheme were not working. In particular, to welcome the relaxation of parking restrictions in the city centre for the coming festive season as being essential for Edinburgh’s retail economy. , 2) In view of these developments, to instruct the Director of City Developmen t :

a) to bring to the Executive, by the meeting on 20 December 2005, proposals for a scheme for parking permits for business vehicles (both liveried and otherwise). This would be followed by the necessary consultation beginning in January 2006, with a view to introducing the scheme as soon as possible thereafter; and

b) to carry out an urgent review of the Central Edinburgh Traffic Management scheme.

3) As paragraph 3) of the motion by Councillor Anderson. - moved by Councillor Wheeler, seconded by Councillor Mackintosh

Amendment 2

1) To condemn the past actions of sbccessive Labour Administrations of this Council and the former Lothian Regional Council in allowing the growth of out-of-town shopping centres which had had a detrimental impact on Edinburgh city centre.

2) To welcome the fact that the present Labour Administration was at last acknowledging the wisdom of earlier Conservative proposals to increase the length of stay of parking allowed in George Street.

3) To instruct the Chief Executive to carry out a full review of the effects of the Central Edinburgh Traffic Management system and its impact on the retail sector. ____


The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

- moved by Councillor Paisley, seconded by Councillor Whyte (on behalf of the Conservative Group).


The voting was as follows:

For the motion - 30 votes For amendment 1 - 13 votes For amendment 2 - 12 votes


To approve the motion by Councillor Anderson.

(Reference - report no CEC/120/05-06/CD by the Director of City Development, submitted).

15 Emergency Planning and Busipess Continuity Management - Annual Report

The third Annual Report describing the work carried out in the past year on emergency planning and business continuity management was presented. A summary was given of the main developments in legislation and associated regulations and guidance, together with details of a number of events which had had implications for the city over this period.


To note:

1) The report by the Chief Executive.

2) The increasing emphasis on emergency preparedness and the rising public expectations that organisations should be able to deal effectively with various emergencies.

(References - Act of Council No 15,of 9 December 2004; report no CEC/I 16/05-06/CE by the Chief Executive, submitted.)

16 South Edinburgh Community Health Partnership - Nomination

The Council had nominated Councillor Maginnis to the North Community Health Partnership (CHP) and had now been invited to make a nomination to the South CHP. This was in addition to Councillor Kinaslev Thomas, who chaired the 14

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South CHP by virtue of his role on the Board of NHS Lothian and was therefore considered a representative of the health authority. 1, Nominations

To nominate Councillor O’Donnell.

- moved by Councillor Cunningham, seconded by Councillor Murray (on behalf of the Labour Group).

To nominate Councillor Mrs McLaren.

- moved by Councillor Dawe, seconded by Councillor Edie.


The voting was as follows.

For Councillor O’Donnell - 30 votes For Councillor Mrs MacLaren - 13 votes


To nominate Councillor O’Donnell to the South Edinburgh CHP.

(References - Act of Council No 4 of 30 June 2005; report no CEC/lO5/05- 06/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.)

Declaration of Interests

Councillor Kingsley Thomas declared a financial interest in the above item as a non-Executive Director of NHS Lothian.

17 Audited Accounts 2004105


To note:

1) The Audited Accounts of the Council for the 2004105 financial year.

2) That the Auditors Report for 2004/05 would be submitted to a future meeting of the Council. 15

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

3) That the reports would be considered by the Resource Management and Audit Scrutiny Panel as part of its work programme.

(Reference - report nos CECA 17/05-06/F by the Director of Finance, submitted .)

18 Flood Prevention Schemes - Progress Reports

Progress was provided on the Flood Prevention Schemes for the Braid Burn and the Water of Leith.

(a) Braid Burn

Progress on the advanced work at Firrhill and Inch Park and the promotion of an alternative scheme at Portobello was reported, together with further details of the scheme.


1) To note:

a) Progress on the advanced works.

b) Progress on the detailed design.

c) The promotion of the alternative scheme at Portobello.

d) Planning application submission for works compounds.

e) Planning application submissions for minor amendments to the original consent. 9 The potential for costs arising from claims for compensation and the timing of such claims.

2) To authorise the Director of City Development and the Council Solicitor to sign an agreement with Scottish Gas Networks Limited for the gas main wayleaves.

(References - Act of Council No 16 of 12 May 2005; report no CEC/I 18/05-06/CD by the Director of City Development, submitted.)

(b) Water of Leith 1 Details were provided of the amended legislative process following the publication of the Public Inquiry Reporter’s findings. 16

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005


1) To note:

a) The findings of the Reporter and the advertisement of modifications to the scheme for consideration.

b) The consequent delay resulting from this action.

c) The progress and costs associated with construction of the additional sewer works.

d) That financial implications would be reviewed and reported as part of the consideration of the 2006-09 Capital Investment Programme.

2) To ask the Chief Executive to report on how the Council might campaign to effect changes to statutory procedures for such projects in order to achieve a more timeous resolution.

(References - Act of Council No 16 of 12 May 2005; report no CECA 19/05-06/CD by the Director of City Development, submitted.)

19 Tables and Chairs on the Footway - Duration of Consents

The Council had requested a report in response to a motion by Councillor Attridge on granting of permits for the occupation of footways for tables and chairs all year round. Details were given of the relevant legislation governing the granting of such consents. Information was also provided on the nature of conditions attached to the consents.


1) To grant permits for the occupation of footways for tables and chairs throughout the calendar year subject to conditions agreed by the Director of City Development.

2) To ask the Director of Corporate Services to report on the operation of the consents after a period of one year.

(References - Act of Council No 24 of 15 September 2005; report no CEC/I 08/05-06/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted.

' i ',,

,' 17

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

Declaration of Interests

Councillor Kate MacKenzie declared a financial interest in the above item as the spouse of a publican and left the Chamber during the debate on the matter.

20 The Queen Mother’s Memorial Fund for Scotland

The Lord Provost had received a request from David Bowes-Lyon, Chairman of the Queen Mother’s Memorial Fund for Scotland, for a financial contribution to the Fund.


To donate f5,000to the Queen Mother’s Memorial Fund for Scotland. (Reference - CEC/I 02/05-06/CE by the Chief Executive, submitted.)

21 Scotland-Malawi Partnership

In January 2004 the Lord Provosts of Glasgow and Edinburgh had become joint patrons of the Scotland-Malawi Partnership (SMP). It was proposed that the Council become a formal member of the SMP and sponsor two participants at the Scotland-Malawi Conference to be held at the Scottish Parliament in November 20 05.

Decision ,,

1) To agree that the Council become a formal member of the Scotland- Malawi Partnership.

2) To support, in principle, the sponsorship of two visitors from Malawi to attend the Scotland-Malawi conference and participate in a programme hosted jointly with Glasgow City Council.

3) To encourage the Scotland-Malawi Partnership to work directly with non- governmental organisations to ensure that aid went directly to those people most in need and that the Council use its influence within the Partnership in ways that would assist the eradication of corruption.

(Reference - report no CECA 07/05-06/CE by the Chief Executive, submitted.) 18

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

22 Banning of Air Guns - Motion by West Dunbartonshire Council

West Dunbartonshire Council had requested support for a proposal on the banning of airguns.


1) To express solidarity with West Dunbartonshire Council in its efforts to tackle the recent airgun attacks there.

2) To support the sentiments and note the helpful actions described in paragraphs 1-5 of the West Dunbartonshire motion (detailed in paragraph 2 of the report by the Director of Corporate Services).

3) To note current media reports that the Home Office was considering new measures to further strengthen control of the sale and use of airguns and to welcome these as a starting point for discussion of a sensible regulatory regime that did not impose an outright ban on airguns.

4) To agree that this further regulation of the sale and use of airguns was a matter best taken forward by HM Government on a UK-wide basis following appropriate consultation.

(Reference - report no CEC/I 00/05-06/CS by the Director of Corporate Services, submitted .)

23 Scrutiny Panels -Annual Reports 200412005 and Work Programmes 200512006

:I Annual Reports for 200412005 and Work Programmes for 2005/2006 for the Environmental Quality and Community Services Scrutiny Panels were submitted.


1) To note the work carried out by the Scrutiny Panels during 2004/2005.

2) To approve the Panels’ Work Programmes for 2005/2006, including the commissioned review by the Community Services Scrutiny Panel on tack1i ng persistent offenders .

(References - Act of Council No 22 of 15 September 2005; report nos CEC/I 11/05-06/CS by the Director of Corporate Services and CEC/I 21/05 06/CSSP by the Community Services Scrutiny Panel, submitted. 19

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24 Cleanliness Index Monitoring System Scores - South Local Development Com mittee Area

A decision of the South Local Development Committee on the Cleanliness Index Monitoring System (CIMS) score for June 2005 and the average scores for 2004/05 for the South LDC area had been submitted to the Council as a recommendation in terms of Standing Order 60(3).


1) To welcome the improvement of ClMS scores across the South Edinburgh wards and to note the lower ClMS scores in Marchmont.

2) To note that Marchmont and other areas with high density housing, transient populations and late night activity faced particular problems in terms of waste management.

3) To note that a particular reason for the lower ClMS scores in Marchmont was that one of the weekly refuse collections took place on Saturdays and that severe access problems had been experienced by departmental vehicles because of inconsiderate parking.

4) To note that the Director of Environmental and Consumer Services had now arranged for the former Saturday collection to be made on a weekday .

5) To ask the Director of Environmental and Consumer Services to report to the South LDC on further action which could be taken to address these issues, including improved communication between local managers and elected representatives and the local community.

(Reference - report no CECA 03/05-06/SLDC by the South Local Development

Committee, submitted.) .I

25 South Local Development Committee - Annual Report 2004105 and Workplan 2005106


1) To note the South Local Development Committee’s Annual Report 2004/05 and future Work Plan 2005/06.

2) To welcome the report from the South Local Development Committee, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 60(2) which required an annual report from all six LDCs. 20

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3) To note the progress made by the South LDC towards engaging with local people and providing increased opportunities for participation.

4) To ask the Director of Corporate Services to provide an annual report on each LDC, providing fuller information on Council services, improvements and challenges in each area.

(Reference - report no CECA 04/05-06/SLDC by the South Local Development Committee, submitted.)

26 New Orleans Disaster - Motion by Councillor Fallon

The following motion by Councillor Fallon was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28:

I “The City of Edinburgh Council, in conjunction with the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival, agrees to organise a fundraising event, the proceeds of which would go to the New Orleans Disaster Relief Fund.”


To approve the motion by Councillor Fallon.

27 Information Notices on Communal Waste Bins - Motion by Councillor Mackintosh

The following motion by Councillor Mackintosh was submitted in terms of Standing Order 28.

“Council instructs the Directors of City Development and Environmental and Consumer Services to report to the Executive on how notices giving the special uplift number and directions to the nearest recycling facility can be provided on each communal waste bin in the city.”


To approve the motion by Councillor Mackintosh.

28 South Asia Earthquake - Motion by The Lord Provost

The Lord Provost ruled that the following item, notice of which had been given at the beginning of the meeting, be considered as a matter of urgency in order that it be considered timeously. 21

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The following motion by the Lord Provost was submitted in terms of Standing Order 27:

“The City would like to express its deepest sympathy and concern for all those affected by the earthquake which has caused such destruction and loss of life. Our thoughts remain both with the families and communities in South Asia, as well as with those in our own communities who may have extended family and friends in the area affected.

The initial response from the UK government has been swift in providing immediate assistance to the governments of Pakistan and India. The Council is in touch with community organisations and aid agencies and stands ready to offer assistance. Looking beyond the immediate emergency to when communities will begin to rebuild their lives, there is a great wealth of expertise available in Edinburgh and I would encourage connections to be made.

In the meantime, for those in the city who wish to make a contribution, information on how donations can be made will be provided on the Council website. In order to concentrate our cities’ efforts and avoid duplication the Council will co-operate with Glasgow City Council in support of the South Asia Earthquake Appeal being taken forward by the “Glasgow the Caring City” agency.”


To approve the motion by the Lord Provost. 22

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Appendix 1 (As referred to in Act of Council No 4 of 13 October 2005)

QUESTION NO 1 By Councillor Mackintosh answered by the Executive Member for Environmental Services

Question What information was given to Councillors and the public to advise them that domestic wheeled bins would not be collected on the Public Holiday on Monday 19 September 2005?

Answer Extensive press, radio and website information was used to advise the public of changes to the collection arrangements on the Monday Public Holiday. As I advised Councillor Mackintosh at the Environmental Quality Scrutiny Panel on 28 September 2005, Councillors were not given any separate individual notification. However arrangements have now been put in place to ensure that this happens in future.

Question Was there any impact from the change in operations on Monday 19 September on the collection of containerised waste or trade waste?

Answer It was planned not to collect individual domestic and garden waste on this date. There was no impact on the trade waste collection service. There was some impact on side loading bin collections and on-street communal bin collections.

Question (3) What alterngtive arrangements were considered for domestic wheeled bin waste on Monday 19 September and why were they rejected? 23

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Answer (3) Collecting waste one day later than scheduled was considered. This would have resulted in all collections throughout the city being delayed and would have required Saturday working to complete the weekly task. Saturday working would have necessitated overtime working on 24 September. This overtime would have required to be staffed by volunteers with no guarantee of covering all Friday tasks. This would have had the potential to result in Sunday working to recover the situation. Due to the

Department's current financial situation and the I- uncertainty regarding volunteers for overtime t his option was ruled out.

Question (4) How much waste is collected from domestic wheeled bin waste on an average Monday?

Answer (4) On an average Monday, 500 tonnes of waste is collected from domestic wheeled bins.

\ Question (5) What would 'have been the cost of collecting the domestic wheeled bins due to be collected on Monday 19 September in batches over the remainder of that week rather than the following week?

Answer (5) In practical and operational terms it is not possible to collect domestic wheeled bin waste in batches. In order to do this additional vehicles and staff would be required. These are not available on a short-term basis and so no costing exercise has been done on this subject. The costs however would be significant.

Question (6) How many bins due to be collected on Monday 19 September were not collected until Tuesday 27 September or later?

Answer (6) 15,000 individual domestic bins and 12,000 individual garden waste bins. 24

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

QUESTION NO 2 By Councillor Mrs MacLaren answered by the Executive I Member for Children and Fa mi I ies

Question (1) How many vacancies are there for service support officers in:

(a) Primary Schools (b) Secondary Schools (c) Special Schools (d) Community Education Centres?

Answer (1) (a) Primary Schools 7 vacancies Ab beyh ill Balgreen Brunstane Dean Park Duddingston Echline James Gillespie’s

(b) High Schools 1 vacancy Q ueensferry

(c) Special Schools Nil

(d) Community Education Centres 4 vacancies West Pilton Colinton Mains Kirkliston Sighthill

(e) Nursery Schools 3 vacancies Hope Cottage Lochrin St Leonard’s

Question (2) How many vacancies are in PPP schools compared to the older establishments? 25

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

Answer The Council is not responsible for Service Support Officers in PPP establishments since Edinburgh Schools Partnership carries out facilities management, including these services. As a consequence these figures are not available.

Supplementary Firstly >onquestion 1, could the Executive Member Question tell me for how long the seven vacancies have been in the primary schools and if he cannot give me that information can he give it to me in writing, if he can’t give it to me today?

Supplementary I can give you that in writing. Answer

Supplementary On the second question on how many vacancies Question there are in PPP schools, I must say I am a little concerned that we do not know and could I ask him to guarantee today that the service support element of the PPP contract is indeed being fully met.

S u pp leme ntary It is interesting that somebody who so vehemently Answer opposed PPP now thinks it’s the land of janitorial milk and honey. The fact is we have a service level, we have a contract with the ESP and they deliver that. If they don’t they pay appropriate compensation and that is being maintained at the level that we would expect. 26

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

QUESTION NO 3 By Councillor Tritton answered by the Executive Member for Children and Fami I ies

Since the introduction of the Oracle System to schools in April 2005:

Question (1) What budget data is currently available to schools?

Answer (1) Schools were issued with devolved school budget statements in April 2005 for the 2005/06 financial year.

As is normal practice, these statements are being updated and will shortly be issued to schools for marginal changes in the school budget associated with changes in the school roll, following the September school roll census.

Expenditure information is recorded in the Oracle financial ledger, which is installed on computer equipment in schools.

Expenditure on staffing (approximately 80% of school expenditure) is also recorded in the school- based Dataease budget system. This system has operated since 1992 and continues to operate, during the Oracle transition.

Question (2) In the absence of accurate data how can budget holders be sure that they are on budget?

Answer (2) The Oracle system is being rolled-out across all Council departments. Budget reporting facilities have been and continue to be developed for all budget holders, including schools. Users can interrogate the system directly to enquire upon individual budget lines. Support to enquire upon budget expenditure is also available through the Financial Services Division of the Finance Depa rtment . 27

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

A full programme of Oracle user training has been undertaken and refresher courses are currently available to assist budget holders to develop skills to access information from the system.

In addition, and as noted in response to Question 1, expenditure on staffing (approximately 80% of school expenditure) is also recorded in the school- based Dataease budget system, which continues to enable budget holders to accurately monitor staffing expenditure.

Question (3) When will schools know the carry forward from 2004/5?

Answer (3) School carry forward statements were issued to schools on 5 October 2005. 28

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

QUESTION NO 4 By Councillor Dixon answered by the Executive Member for Children and Families

Question (1) Primary Schools -What is the average authority cost and the average national cost per pupil for 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 (projected)?

Answer (1) Gross Revenue Expenditure per Pupil

I (projected)

Question (2) Seccrndary Schools -What is the average authority cost and the average national cost per pupil for 2000/01, 2001/02, 2002103, 2003104, 2004105 and 2005/06 (projected)?

Answer (2) Gross Revenue Expenditure per Pupil

*Figures are currently only available until 2003/04. Figures for 2004105 are expected to be published in January 2006. 29

The City of Edinburgh Council 13 October 2005

Supplementary Can I ask the Executive Member if he is mindful of Question the HMI report that came out in August? With reference to that can I refer him to the key challenge that was posed by the HM Inspector of Schools to, and I quote, “... raise attainment particularly of SI and S2 and of lower attaining pupils in S3 and S6”? Can I ask him why, if there is not a lack of money, Edinburgh continues to have unsatisfactory levels of attainment in secondary schools?

Supplementary Actually we have better results and continue to have Answer better results than we have ever had. If you note that the cohort in SI62 is greatly reduced because of the numbers in the private sector, in fact our cohort is skewed in terms of those attainment levels compared to others. Although we actually beat all the other ‘major cities, which is the real comparator, by the time we get to S4/S5 we are above the national average. So, starting from a lower point, we’re improving better. That’s the trouble with making comparisons not on level playing fields. Compared on a level playing field we’re doing very well. But, however, we will always want to do better, always want to improve and we’re happy to accept the challenge to continue to make those improvements because that remains our core task.