WAY SOUTH SECTION About Stage 7: Wheathill to Wilderhope 11 miles

Horses on Abdon Burf as damaged by quarrying. If you have time, a diversion to take in this hill is an interesting walk.

The circuit of Abdon Burf provides views to the East and uses the top end of an inclined plane which took the stone from the quarry to down below. You will see plenty of evidence of the quarry workings and buildings now providing shelter for sheep.

Corve Dale Descending to Corve Dale at its North Eastern end you will find a picturesque, peaceful valley From the summit of Titterstone Clee the descent with green pastures providing a contrast to the goes almost directly north to Brown Clee, wild hills. The flows down the valley with views westwards across Corve Dale to a to join the Teme at . succession of : Wenlock Edge, , and beyond. Wilderhope Manor Evidence of small settlements has been found Built on Wenlock Edge in 1585, the picturesque in this area. These are named on the OS map as Elizabethan Manor house of Wilderhope was sites of ‘medieval villages’. Some were abandoned inhabited until 1734. It was in a poor state following the plague and some at a later date due when the W A Cadbury Trust bought it and to lack of agricultural or mining work. donated it to the National Trust in the 1930s, on condition it was made into a Youth Hostel. Brown Clee It has remained such ever since and provides a fascinating place to stay. Many original features This is Shropshire’s highest hill consisting of have been retained. two peaks, Clee Burf and Abdon Burf. Both are the sites of ancient settlements in this wild landscape. They are now used for radio masts which help pilots avoid crashing into the hill. There is a memorial to airmen killed here near to Five Springs.

The goes over Clee Burf, then descends to Five Springs and Burwarton Pole before ascending Abdon Burf. To the West is Nordy Bank another hillfort which has not been Wilderhope Manor

shropshireway.org.uk Longville in the Dale Stage 7: WheathillBrockton to Wilderhope B4368

Wilderhope 0 KILOMETRES 1 2

Manor 1 0 MILES /2 1 Wall Under B4378 Haywood

Shipton B4368


Eaton WENL Hungerford Ditton Priors



Tugford Abdon Aston Burf Abdon BROWN Abdon Liberty CLEE HILL Bach Mill B4364 Heath Shropshire Way Footpaths Bridleways Burwarton Cockshutford Pole Burwarton Open Access land ShopBouldon Visitor Information Centre Place of Worship

Café Caravan/Camping Site Public House Museum Clee Burf Toilets Car Parking Clee St Margaret Building of Historical Interest WHITRailwayCHURCH Station Castle English Heritage GardensELLESMERE National Trust Visitor Attractions Forestry Commission Hill summit YouthCo ldHostel Weston

SHREWSBURY Wellington Stoke St Milborough Wheathill Coldgreen Bridges Wilderhope Dodshill BISHOP'S CASTLE Bank Wheathill Cleedownton B4364 LUDLOW Bromdon

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