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2-16-1993 Newspeak Volume 21, Issue 5, February 16, 1993 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 21, Issue 5, February 16, 1993" (1993). Newspeak All Issues. Book 513. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak/513

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Student Government Association debates budget issues by Ray Bert on Monday, January 25th. Tre asu rer set up on appeal process whereby reconsider past decisions, since: there Another factor was fallout from initially Associau Editor Michelle Giglio adopted a stricter groups could petition the senate to was a general consensu!l that rulings approving funding for an organization policy this year for the prompt return accept their budget request late. should be uniform - all should be and then reversing that decision. The Student Government Asso­ of budget requests, repeating numer­ Groups then presented their case be­ funded with a provision of probation When discussion was finally halted ciation held a heated and emotional ous times in communications with fore the senate, two on February 2nd, the following year, or none should be and a vote called, a motion to fund all two-hour meeting last week during organizations that there would be no and three more on February 9th. By funded. groups who had already approached which the fate of organizations who exceptions. Materials necessary to partway through last week's meet­ There was still much debate on Giglio about an appeal, provided all turned in late budgets was debated. completing a budget had been avail­ ing, it had become clear that some which way to decide this issue, as budget materials we re in by 5 pm the The budgeting process for student able since early December. groups were being approved while many senators felt that the original following day, was passed. It was organizations begins in earnest this Approximately six or 1>even groups others were not, and that the decid­ deadline should be stuck to in light of also clear that amendments and adop­ week as Organization Class Finance still returned requests after the dead­ ing factor was a somewhat vague the repeated warnings given, while tion of a definitive policy for han­ Committees begin budget hearings. line for various reasons, most due to determination of how badly the or­ others argued that the result (the pos­ dling late budgets would need to be Budgets for any group wishing to some measure of confusion or lack ganization had erred. sible death of organizations due to agreed upon before budgeting time receive funding from SGA were due of awareness of the process. Giglio Motions were eventually made to lack of funding) dictated leniency. next year.

Pixote: Abandoned children on the streets of Brazil

by Louunco Dantas doned children attempting to survive The movie introduces Pixote when prostitute'!> clienLs until he murders to nature. CIDss of '94 on the violent streets of Sao Paulo he is placed into a children's deten­ one and is sent away by her. The "Written with true dramaturgical and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Using tion center by the police. Life in this young boy, not even ten years old, is skili ... Pixott performs a rare marvel, Today SocComm's Films Com­ actual street children to portray the overcrowded institution is hellish, as a hardened criminal at this point, making truth entertaining on the mittee presents the vividly realistic characters on the screen (including homosexual ropes occur, rowdy whose future simply falls into deca­ screen. Pixote ( 1980) as their Passport the lead character, Pixote, played by youngsters are beaten to death, and dence. " Pixme Is the epitome of super­ Movie. This distressing movie, di­ Fernando Ramos da Silva), Babenco drugs become pari of the everyday Pixote hac; received rave reviews professionalism, and the world'!. rected by Hector Babenco (Kiss of brilliantly captures in great detail life. Eventually, Pixote manages to from both critics and moviegoers. great cameramen could HI I.e note!> on the Spidu Woman), graphically de­ their daily experiences with a savage run away with some buddies, living Since cri ti~ arc the ones who pub­ what reuli<,m i'i all :~bout. picts the lives of a group of aban- world. off the streets by means of robberies. lish their reviews, here are !tome "The film enters the portal~ of the After a drug deal in Rto, the delin­ comments from one enthusiastic Brit­ greats, along with early Felhnt and quents become involved in a stab­ ish film critic: RoJ.selini, Bunuel and Truffaut, al­ Student assaulted bing, and later hook up with a pros­ " If ever a film deserved the though comparison with them is to­ by Ray Bert another person, gave chase. Another titute (pla yed hy nctrC!>l> Mnrilia Pera; Shakcspcarinn accolade, it i!t this tally ludicrOU!t. Pixote would win Associate Editor altercation ensued in the vicinity of note: !.he portrayed her mlc ... n re­ one. hand\ down." Riley Hall. The victim was punched markably. that many Amenciln Cfll· "Th1s hnlhant film ... ts what cin­ -Mrkc Sarnt An investigation IS currently on­ and kicked, constituting assault and tcs hchcvcd that ::.he was an actual ema i-. all ••bout Cinema de.,igncd to In addit1un, Si\kcl & £bert con­ gotng in a case of assault and battery battery with a dangerou., weapon. pr 11 is indeed eu·~;cd1ng of the fifth amendment. Thi., amend- nes'ies later that day, the student was The detective handling the c:M for W,tlter Williams belitvcs th at he con.,utullonal authority 10 Wllh,tms· ment state., that if the government a~auhed by a young male, possibly Worcc:.ter Police, "ho .~rc tn\ e.,tt­ ha ... been robbed by the Untted Stares mind takes any lantl fm itself, the part1es another WPI student, near Institute gating since the assault took place on government. The ta-ymp­ in prison on talk shows like: "The Larry King toms is believed by Williams to be Wilham!> had a few suggestions to Show," " Face the Nation," and the departure from individual free- cominued to page 2 "Nightline." This lecture wa a part of the lecture Series on Technology and Free Enterprise brought by the RecognitiOn cancelled WPI Class of 1939. Dean of Student Life Janet Begin ceremony in the past as a vehicle for Williams advocates less govern­ Richardson announced that the Rec· preoeial pro­ dent life, will be leaving WPJ next always held their own ceremony in torched. This wti the second time in that week that the house at 8 Dean grams merely redistribute the wealth week to pursue new opportunities," addition to the Recognition program. Street had been set on fire. The first fire occurred at about 8:30 pm on of the U.S. citizens, thus making the says Richardson. "Because the Stu­ "The Student Life staff thanks you Wednesday, and was a two alarm fire. The second occured at about 4:00 entire nation closer to middle class dent Life Office will be short-staffed for your continued recognition of stu­ am Friday and was a three alarm blaze. A fire officer on the scene Friday (much like socialism). Williams also for a period of time, it will be neces~ dent excellence. We hope that the morning said the fires we re "very suspicious," but did not cause any fee ls that welfare prevents the cure sary for us to reorganize and eliminate elimination of this all-campus event injuries. The Worcester Fire Department will conduct an investigation to poverty which is employment. a number of our initiatives. Such is the will not mark the end of student!. re· of the fire. Campus police assisted the Worcester Fire Department with Many individuals would rather make case with the Recognition '93 program." ceiving our thanks and appreciation traffic control. The house, apparently abandoned, is not owned by WPI. money by collecting welfare checks R1chardson notes that since indi­ for their many contributions to the instead of making the Si!(lle amount vidual departments have utili1ed the WPI community." Table of ( 'on tents

In Tht News ...... 2 Letters to the Editor ...... 6 N~ws ...... ~ ...... 2 Club Corntr ...... - ..•...... 8, 10 Sports ...... J Grtelc Corntr ...... 9 ..trts & Enttrtainmtnt ...... •...... -···················~··················· ·· ··4 Commentary ...... S, 6, 7 Community Update ...... 4, 6, 7, 12 Classifi~ds ···········--···-·············································-········· // Page 2 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993

IN THE NEWS their tent, beaten, and killed in Bosnia on the lie assisted 3 suicide!> in n five day period lnbt security recipients were given up, but the idea 6th. The area has seen a lot of young Rus.'iians week. The moM recent, a MS sufferer, com· of raising the corporate income tax from 32% becoming involved in the fighting, trying to mined what she called ' medicide' in front of to 36% i!> being studied more closely. In his help their compatriates. On the lOth, President her daughter and oth er family by inhaling fir.;t 'town meeting' on the lOth, Clinton said Cli nton appointed Reginald Bartholemew to cnrbon monoxide. that there was a larger deficit than he had been be the US special envoy to the former Yugosla­ A Mormon crowd in Provo, Utah sang their led to be li eve, and that he would not totally rule via. He wi ll auemptto aid the negotiations, and way to victory when a man claiming to have a out a middle-class tax raise. He also fielded try to work out a better deal for the Muslim bomb entered the area where they were having questions on his policies toward Haiti, Bosni a, fa ction. a fireside chat. The ncar 15,000 people began and homosexuals in the military in the hour· French Presiden t Francois Miuerrand vis­ singing "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet" long, talk-show format program. Clinton also ited Dicn Bien Ph u last Wednesday in the first while a group of students subdued the stan led signed an order that will cut over I00,000 trip 10 Vietnam since the end of the war in 1975 man. federal jobs by the end of 1995, and decrease by a Western leader. Miuerrand believes it is New York school chief Joseph Fernandez's the Wh ite House staff by 25%. He is also time fo r the West to put behind the war, and contract renewal was denied by a vote of 4-3. killing many of the perks formerly enjoyed by move on. He also visited the former Saigon. Fernandez tried to implement controversial high-ranking officials, such as free federal North Korea contin ues to hinder the UN programs, such as the distribution o( condoms airline rides for personal reasons and executive nuclear inspection tea ms by denying them in high schools, and teaching elementary stu· lunchrooms. Also expected 10 be cut are access to the facility outside of Yongbyon. dents a tolerance of homosexuals. eoitly, but unnecessary comminces, that are in Compiled from The Boston Glqbc and the After 6 auempts to exami ne the faci lity, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin formation. Woccutcr Ttfcccpm and Gquttc by Tom Security Council is becoming fed up wit h Powell confirmed that he is considering leav­ Ross Perot made a trip to Maine on the 6th, Sico, Newspeak Staff North Korean officials and may take persua­ ing his post a couple of months early to aid his lambasting the Clinton administration and sive actions. family in the transition to civilian life. Insiders claiming he could fix many of the nations say Powell does not feel comfonable with the problems in about 3 months. Maine gave Perot International Na tional vast changes in store for the military in the the highest percentage of votes of any state, India closed up its Afghanistan Em bassy General Motors Corporation Is suing NBC future. 30%, beating George Bush for second place. last week because of the inability of its em­ for a segment aired on the November I 7th issue ployees to work with a civil war going on of Dateline NBC. The segment, which showed Politics Local around them. In all, less than a dozen embas­ a GM truck exploding when broadsided, was President Clinton has sent before Congress lawrence police raided an apartment, con­ sies remain open after the four week old struggle rigged to explode says GM officials. NBC has a bi ll that would elevate the EPA to a cabinet fiscating more than $6,000 and drugs left in the for power between Lhe president and re ligious confirmed that the explosion was rigged, and level position, and disband the Council on charge of a 9 year old girl by her mother and protestors. apologized. Environmental Quality set up in 1969. His boyfriend. She was told to try to destroy the Two British mercenaries were taken from Ex-Doctor Jack Kervorkian struck again. proposed cost-of-living decreases for social contraband if the police showed up.

GSO NEWS GSO Elections: Your last chance to take over!! by J im Wilkinson The Vice-President of Policy shall also Shall be responsible for the coordination Shall be the GSO Representative to the lnsti· GSO Vice-President over~ec the voting procedures and perform of all budget and financial matters of the tute Budget Commiuee. th e dutie~ of the President in his/her absence Organization and its activities. Shall present The GSO elections will be held on 18 and shall be responsible for interpretation of a written report of current finances at each Secretary February at II :00 a.m. at the GSO General the Bylaw !> and Con!.titution of the GSO at regular meeting of the Council. Shall submit Shall preside over all Geneml and Special Meeting in AKI08. Even if you are not General and Special Meetings. to the council for approval, a budget for the M ee t ing~ of the GSO. Shall be responsible for interested in a position, please come to the next administration 10 act upon in the follow­ recording. posting, and filing of the minutes of all meeting to vote for, and to meet, the new Vice-President of Activities and Gradu­ tog fiscal year. Shall have direct respons1bil· Organi7ation mecling>. Shall be responsible for officers. There are 8 available positions and ate Life ity and be the s1gnatory to all GSO accounts. maintaining the files of the Organization. nominations will be accepted anytime be­ The Activities and Graduate Life Comm it· fore, as well as, at the meeting. tee is responsible for the promotion and pro­ If you are interested In a position or would vision of graduate student extra-curricular like to nominate an individual for a positton activities. Robbed! please contact Jim Wilkinson at the ME Dept. The Activities and Graduate Life Commit· contmued from page 1 or jwilkie@wpi. Also, please review the new tee is also responsible for sending members overcome the present problems of the U.S. these thi ngs happen. These solutions would GSO Constitut ion and Bylaws so that you are of the committee, as representatives of the He believes th at the government should be ensure the individual freedom is maintained familiar with the Organizations philosophy GSO, to the following WPI Commiuees: responsible for four aspects of life: national as well as the prevention of govern ment inter­ and function. A summary of the Executive So<:ial Committee (SOCCOM) defense, domestic law enforcement, enforc­ vention. Committ ee positior.s as taken from th e GSO Worcester Area Graduate Students ing constitutional order, and providing some The found ing fathers would probably be Bylaws follows: pu blic goods. All other spending should be ashamed, Williams said, because the system VIce-President of Orientation and gradually phased out. There should be a that they have made is gradually declining. President Department Representation constitutional amendment which only allows The American Revolution which they initi· The President is the Chairman of the Ex· The Orientation and Department Repre­ the government to spend 20% of the GNP. ated was only over a tax of roughl y 1.25% of ecutive Committee. The Executive Commit· sentation Committee is respon!>iblc for the The supreme court should enforce the fifth their yea rl y earn ing which came out to about tee shall have general supervision of the welcom1ng of new graduate students to WPJ. amendment by ensuring that citizens ore re· one week's work. While today, we must work affairs of the Organization and is responsi ble This committee must organi7e and schedule imbursed for their wetlands if the govern­ from January I through May 8 to just pay our for overall coordination of voting procedures, activities to take place immediately prior to ment chooses to define them as such. Wil­ state and federal taxes. Is it lime for a finances, and budget. The Executive Com­ the start of the fall and spring semesters. liams also believes that a constitutional con­ change? mittee is responsible for the preparation of These nctivities will serve four main pur­ ven tion should be reconvened to ensure that meeting agenda and delegation of duties not poses: fall ing under the realm of other committees. I) Introduce first year graduate students to The ExecutiveCommittee is liaison to the graduate school and help them adjust to RESERV E OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS National Association of Graduate and Profes­ th e differences between undergraduate sional Students (NAG PS.) and graduate education. The Executive Committee is also respon· 2) Introduce new graduate students to WPI sible for sending members of the committee, and the surrounding area. as representatives of the GSO, to the follow­ 3) Introduce international students to vari· ing WPI Committ ees: ous cultural and societal aspects of ti1is Academic Planning & Student Affairs country and provide them with any nee· Commiuee (APSA) essary assistance. SUMMER SCHOOL Blue Ri bbon Task Force 4) Provide training sessions for the gradu­ Community Council ate students who wi ll be funded as teach­ Executive Staff Meetings ing assistants for the first time. Institute Budget Com mittee FOR PEOPlE Student Government Association (SGA) This committee is responsible for the re­ cruitment and election of Department Repre­ In addition, the President shall be modera· sentatives as well as ge neral correspondence ONTBEIRWIY tor at meetings of the Council, Organi7ation, to the Representatives throughout th e year. and Executive Committee and shall oversee the operations and activities of the Organiza­ Vice-President or Public Relations TOTBE TOP. tion and all committees. The Public Relations Committee is re­ The following Vi ce-Presidents shall be sponsible for conveying th e activities and Chairpersons to their respective committees intentions of the Orga nization to all members and are responsible for conveying the acts of of the Organization and when necessary, the that commiuce to the Executive Committee, community. Specifically, this committee is If you didn't sign up for By the time you have the Council, and to the Organi7ation mem­ responsible for: ROTC as a freshman or graduated from college, bers. I) Providing a means for, and publishing sophomore, you can s till you' ll have the creden· information in Newspeak, the WPI news· catch up to your class- t i a 1s o f an Army Vice-President or Policy paper, including at least the coming mates by attending ~ officer. You'll also The Policy Commiuee will discuss and General Meeting agenda and past Gen· A r my ROTC Camp have the self-confi· recommend to the Council action to be taken eral Meeting minutes. Challenge, a paid six· dence and discipline on policy issues, including changes and 2) Pubhci1ing all upcoming GSO func­ week summer course it takes to succeed in amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. tions, including General Meetings, by The Vice-President of Policy retains over­ means of posters, flyers, mailings, ad· in leadership training. · college and beyond. all responsibility, but may establish subcom­ vertisements, WPI cable television, etc. mittees to address short term projects. The Policy Committee is also responsible VIce-President or Seminars ARMY ROTC for sending members of the committee, a.'i The Seminar Committee is responsible representatives of the GSO, to the following for providing seminars for the Organization THE SMARTESTCOWGE WPI Commiuees: mmembcrs and the WPI commun it y. Theses Campus Hearing Board seminars should be held at lea!tt twice per COURSEYOU CAN TAKE.

Commiuee on Graduate Studies and Re· semester, but may happen as often as once a ~ Schot ..bipo search (CGS R) month if suitable topics and means exlSI. Call Majoo 8do Sayre • 7Sl·'7109 Commiuee on Student Advising DBADUNI!: febN.wy 166 Treasurer Tuesday February 16, 1993 NEWSPEAK Page3 SPORTS WPI inaugural Spirit Day a roaring success

by J ohn Grossi Congratulations to all of them! Another fea­ Lady Engineers have ye t to make a three pointer Massachusetts, buill a slow, but relentless at­ Sports Editor ture of Spirit Day was that children under 14 this season. The game was hard fought, but tack that wore down the WPI defense and at the had a shooting contest at half-time. Winners of WPI never was able to make up the deficit. The end of the half the score was 51-37 in favor of Saturday, February 13th was the inaugural the shooting contest were Ryan Dahm (12) and final score was Clark 71, WPI 58. The high Babson. The second half was much the same as Spirit Day. What, you ask, is Spirit day? Spirit Matt Lcdom (9). scorer was WPI's Tricia Pi gone with 25 points. the first and featured no interesting perfor­ day was organized to try and bring the WPI But the whole purpose of the day was not The second game featu red the men 's team mances. The final score was 99-82. The high community together to support our sports teams. just spirit, but also to watch the WPI basketball versus Babson College. The game started out scorers for the game were WPI's Chris The organizers of this event were hoping to teams in action. The first game of the featured with WPI jumping out to a 6-0 lead. But Wienwurm and Tim Hawley. increase student awareness of the exploits of double header was the Lady Engineers vs. the Babson, one of the top ranked teams in the Tech's sports teams in ways other than reading Clark Lady Cougars. At the start of the game, the sports page of Newspeak.. Several things the match looked fairly even between the two were planned to make this day memorable. squads. As the first half wore on it became Women's Spring Track meeting The first of these was free food at the inter­ apparent that Clark was a much more physical by BrlDn Savilonis jumpers, and throwers arc all cna>uraged to at­ mission between the basketball games. An­ team than WPI, forcing many fouls and draw­ Womtn 's Track. Coach tend. If for some reason you are unable to anend, other attempt to develop school spirit was ing many in key situations when the Engineers please contact Coach Brian Savilonis in the ME running a banner contest, the prize being looked to be getting into a groove, and threat­ h's that time of year again! D-Term will be department or Karen Daly at Box 137 or phone Gompei's gift certificates. Banners were sub­ ening to jump ahead of Clark. here before you know it, and with the start of D­ 831-504 1. Important information regarding sched­ mitted by A r~. M>E, IE, AXA, IAE, «!>K8, The key to Clark's success were three point term come the start of the Women's Spring Track ules and practice times will be discussed during and the WPI Pep Band. The judges spent quite shots by Senior Guard Michele Maxwell. season. There is a mandatory meeting for all who the meeting in HARRINGTON LOBBY on WED. a bit of time deciding on the winner, but Without Clark's three-pointers, you find that are interested in joining the team. Runners, FEB. 17 at 4:30pm. Hope to sec you there I midway through the second half of the second the teams would have been nearly even since game, the winners were announced. The win­ each was shooting 56% from the floor. How­ Wrestling wins season finale ners were 1st; AXA, 2nd; 6cl~E , 3rd; K8. ever, WPI never took a three point shot, and the by John Grossi undefeated in the 167 lbs. class. Joe Laskowski Sports Edilor hut out his opponent in the ITI lbs. weight class. Women's Swimming wins To finish off the day John Roy pinned his opponent for WPI, 100 back and 100 breast respec1ively. On Wednesday February lOth WPI's Engi­ in I: 19 and Rich DeStefano pinned his in 2: II. Pack swam her best time in this race, as did neers had thei r last home meet of the regular This sent WPI's record to 16-2 with this match Monika Lchky. Other WPI swimmers who swam season. Alumni Gymnasium was packed with having a final score of 38- 9. WPI women's swimming finished its 92-93 strongly are Renee Cusson, (personal best in 60 people all there to root for the team as they The second match of Wednesday night's double home season with a 64-24 win over Keene State. and 100 free), Katie Snell (personal best in 160 IM prepared to go onto Post·Season Division Ill play. header was against Roger Williams University. The final weeks of this season have been favor­ and 100 Back) and Jen Sanna (100 Fly). WPI entered the night ranked 24th in the nation in This team was hardly a match for the Engineers as able, as the Engineers won their last 4 home meets Since this was the last home meet this season, Division Ill, having fallen from 19th after a loss to they lacked anyone over 167 lbs giving forfeit to compile an 8-5 record. WPI showed its true a small ceremony was held to honor the seniors on Williams College of Adams, Massachusetts. All­ wins to Man Shedd, John Roy, and Rich Regan. strength in last week's meet, as the Engineers won the team. Seniors are: Corein Bakcrmans, Bea:a American John Roy wa.c; ranked fourth in the Minh Pham, the first to wrestle in this meet pinned race after race, beginning with the Medley Relay. Drumbor, Captain Deb Sann~and Jeaneue Spinda. nation in Division m by the February 15th issue of his opponent in 2:04, while George Chu took Next, Corein Bakermans and 8ecca Drumbor Each of these women has put much time and effort Wrestling USA. slightly longer but achieved the same thing in swept the 1000 free. Drumborswam her best time into swimming and they deserve our thanks. h was The night started out with Bridgewater State 4:46. Scan Corbcn was pinned by Steve Scars of in the 1000 by over 18 seconds. Deb Sanna was a also announced that Sara Pollnrd will be next College. In the 118 lbs. class Minh Pham lost to RWU at 2: 12 in his match. Rich Hogan lost a winner in the 200 and 500 free. Jen Sanna won the year's captain. Mall Krebs. Following this George Olu won his decision to Spencer McComb from Roger Wil­ 160 rM, while Sara Pollard took the 100 Ay. The only meet that is left this year is New match in the 1261bs. class by forfeit In the 1371bs. liams 12-8. Jason Papp and Stan Farrell won Becky Kupcinskas and Alyoe Pack also won races Englands at Wesleyan Feb. 25-27. weight class Pete Hanson sent his opponent home decisions 13-5 and 15-3 respectively. The night in 57 seconds. Rich Hogan had a close match ended with lionel Bella pinning his opponent in needing ovenime 10 dispose of his opponent. In I:25. This ended WPI's regular season with a 17- \t''' .,peak j ., llO\\ looking for ( 'luh "Pring ... port... .,du.·dult·s. the next m:uch Bridgewater's wrestlers showed 2 record. They now prepare for post-season com­ Pka.,t· "'t'IHIIht·m to .John (~ros..,i r 'o Nt·\\spt·ak. Box 2700 WPithat they would not get away without having petition. to fight. Undefeated Mall Wassel remained

Jason Andersen David Do Michael Pereira AXA Peter Apollo David Dube Jeffrey Richman Lambda Chi Alpha Steven Auger Roberto Dugnani Arthur Schloth International Robert Baham Gregory Findlen Mike Schulz Joshua Binder Mark Fruzzetti Daniel Shatrau Fraternity is proud Gregory Bloom Manesh Goyal Joshua Single Jacques Brouillette to announce the Craig Jaco,ps .. 1 Warren Smale . .,,.,., . ~ recolonization of its Robert Capone, Jr. Cory Jobe 'f:t';·· :·i Donald Socha, Jr. Philip Carpenter Richard Kim Michael Spadazzi Pi chapter. Vijay Chandra Michael Koehl . ,;, Jus tin Sprague 66 men ha1 7 ~ Daniel Chaplin ,:· ,:.iPatrick Sullivan accepted the Jason Cimini fre~r~p.rette, Jr. Jeffrey Coates David S1Veet challenge of Allan Concepcion Andy STARTING A Michael Conklin Brian Lusign TRADITION OF Alesandro Cucci Anthony Mac Philip Culver Varghese Mant EXCELLENCE. David Custodio Joseph Manley Please join us in Ryan Daly Hidenori Meiseki congratulating Robert D'Atri Algis Norkevicius Nathan Wittasek Timothy Dean Michael 0 liva Phillip Woo them. Peter Demarest Domenico Paduano Thomas Yeulenski, Jr. ~ u Pege4 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WPI Men's Glee Club to sing with Radcliffe Choral Society 'The sixty women members of the Radcliffe 1992. The RCS has received several interna­ great flexibility and grandeur." appear on srage in Sanders, Ha rvard's home 010ral Society will be here Sunday the 21st of tional prizes on these tours, including the Sec­ The WPI Glee Club is pleased robe partici­ ground. Following the Cambridge concert, th e Fcbrnry for the first concert with the WPI ond Prize at the Dutch International Koorfesr pating in two concerts with the Radcliffe Cho­ Boston Chapter of the WP I Alumni Society is men since the arrival of Professor Curran in in The Hague and the First Prize in the Youth ral Society: the above-mentioned concert at sponsoring 11 reception in the Harvard Faculty 1966. The WPI Glee Club has sung with the Division of the International Eisteddfod in Trinity Lutheran, and a later concert in Harvard's Club, on the Yard, to which the men arc in­ clubs of Smith. Mount Holyoke, Skidmore, Llangolen, . Sanders Theatre on March 19. This will be the vited, as well as a reception at Radcliffe. Regis, Wells, Wellesley, etc. but not with In addition to touring internationally every first time in WPI history rhatthe Glee Club will Radcliffe. The concert begins at 3:00 pm at four years or so, the Radcliffe Choral Society Trinity Lutheran Church (on the comer of sings several concerts each year and tours the Salisbury and Lancaster Streets), and will fea ­ eastern United Stares every spring, singing in ture sections by both clubs and the premiere of universities, churches, museums, and concert the Mass in G major by the famous 19th series. the RCS presents music of all periods century composer, Carl Marin vonWeher. The and styles, from Renaissance motets to Brahms male soloists will be WPI student!. Carlos songs and Caplet masses. The group is re­ Gon1ales ('93), David Hill ('94), and two nowned for its performances of contemporary recent graduates, Donald Pitman ('92) • and music; it has recently commissioned works by Jean-Pierre Trevisani ('91 ). Adm1s:.ion will be American Stephen Paulus, , and three dollars for WPI student:.. Janice Hamer and Britain's Grayston lves. The Radcliffe Choral Society, founded in The RCS's recent endeavors have included 1889, is one of the oldest women's choirs in the a fourth appearance at the American Choral United States. The RCS has collaborated since Directors Association Convention and the pro­ 1912 with the and other duction of a new Compact Disc. This CD joins groups on and off campus; in 191 7 a perfor­ the group's three previous recordings. mance with the Boston Symphony Orchestra The RCS has also continued to collaborate marked the first appearance of a college chorus with other campus and professional groups on with a major professional orchestra. Since works such as the Mozart Requiem ( I 991 ), the then, the RCS has appeared often with the Verdi Requiem (1991), Beethoven's Missa Boston Symphony Orchestra, as well os with Solemnis (1990),the Brahms Requiem (1989), the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra under the Schumann Concerto on Old English Rounds Michael Tilson Thomas and with the Balti­ with the Portland Symphony, and Mahler's more Symphony Orchestra under Sergiu Symphony No. 3 in Symphony Hall with the Commisiona. Boston Collegiate OrchcMra. In 1978, Beverly Taylor became the con­ The group's recent endeavors have included ductor of the Radcliffe Choral Society. Since a fourth appeamnce ar the American Choral then, RCS has made four highly-successful Director's Association (ACDC) Convention, international tours: to the British Isles in 1979, the production of a new compact disc, and an to Northern Europe in 1983, to Central Europe international tour to , , and in 1987, and IT105t recently to Sweden, Poland, . The RCS has been awarded and Czechoslovakia during the summer of several international acclaim as "a choir of

'The women will be performing:

Betsetlsrtlel/111 ezitJt l.srwft_ Sqllwdic antillation; Gregorian chant arr. Joshua Jacobson 1M Gtm of Hetna - ·-·-·... Randall Thompson (1899-1984) De pro{ru!IJU (P.,., 120) Qristoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) Or Sus. Servimus tiM sa,_., ··------···-··· Jan Pieters Swcclinck (1562-1621) On dist que ·······-·-·--Fiorad Schmitt (1~1968) text by Jchan Froissart (1338-1414) Lu fl~n tiD dttltt#pl_ ·----··-·-·--····--·····...... Jacques lbert El Hocetloy Ill Nillll (1986) -----·-~-·--· · ·-...... Elfio Rosacnz. pianist Ina Rhee Ma111 del,.,._. _____ ..... A. Eacevez (1916-1988) arr. I Carpenter AtiM RMT ... --·--·--hymn tunc, adapted by Aaron Copland C~ 0.. .. .banjo song. adapted by Aaron Copland BeverlyTaylor, Director or Radcliffe Choral Society Nobel Prizes 1992 Peace and Literature

, F,_. H ... atl CW Sclwols views necessarily influence the text, and some of Professor Laura J. Menides of the I lumanilies and William Carlos William's Pa!lerson, ond CJarof'H the essence of rhe story as told by the story teller Department speaks highly of ~- "I found Hart Crane's The BridQe." herself is lost. it" she says, "absolutely charming, humorous in Professor Lance E. Schachterle writes that the As we find from reading Menchu's book, her parts and deep and emotional in other parts." award is "very political." His brief statement can Peace Prize family was decimated in a most brutal way by the Some critics believe that ~ will be be associated with many political aspectS of the 'The 1992 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Guatemalan government During one of her placed among the classics, those which survive Nobel Prize including the aspect of the eJCpansion Rigobetta Menctlu for her humanitarian effortS father's peaceful protests in the Spanish embassy the test of time. When asked if she believes of the canon. Politics have entered the attempts among her people. Menchu is an Indigenous in the capital, he was killed by the army when ~ will become such a classic, Professor to expand rhe canon and can certainly be consid­ Mayan Indian from Guatemala. She has worked they stormed the building, and a fire was started. Menides responds: "It is kind of early to know. ered as a factor in The Nobel Committee's deci­ her entire life in order to protest the injustices that Soon after, her older brother was burned to death This book comes at a rime when the canon is sion. the Guatemalan government has perpetrated in the center of the village. Finally, her mother being expanded, and it provides a bridge between Yet Professor Menides points our, "there is agAinst her people. Her activism definitely comes was kidnaped, raped, and left ro die. After this, North America where Derek Walcott lives and also a great deal of merit in the work itself, in and from her father who was one of the first organiz­ Menchu fled with the help of friends. She has the Caribbean where he is from. The canon is all of itself os a poem." It is unlikely any me argues ers of the peasants. Menchu teamed and worked returned from time tO time, but each time she of the books that used to be considered part of with such a statement. Walcott's success through­ with her father from a very early age, and became stays only a short period due ro death threats that what an educated person would read. Yes I think out his ca reer has been extraordinary. His latest an extremely important figure in the peasants' she receives from the government. that the critics who said this was going to be in the work is only more proof of his abilities as a resistance movement. Due to this fact, she has Professor Laura Menides (HU) has stated that canon in the future are right, I would agree with writer. been in fear of her life and has nor returned to her I.Rie-obena Menchu is a moving account of the that. It will be an epic like Ezra Pound's ~ country for any length of time in the past ten oppression that Indigenous Indians are forced to years. Instead, she has traveled throughout the endure, and a poignant insight into the daily life COMMUNITY UPDATE world telling her story of horror and oppression. of simple people who live in much the same way Yet, some think that this is a controversial that their ancestors lived hundreds of years ago. Peace Prize. Menchu has been associated with Finally,the book chronicles the actionsofMenchu Continuing education workshop the rebel guerrillas that move among the moun­ that earned her the Nobel Prize, including her Continuing Education will sponsor a Project Management Planning, Scheduling and Control tains fighting a civil war in her country. She work throughout the world in order to focus Workshop at the Beechwood Inn in Worcester on Feb. 17, 18, 19. The workshop will be held.from states that she has never been a member of attention upon the oppression of Guatemalan 9am to 5pm on Feb. 17, and from 8:30am to 4:30am on the other days. For more information call guerrillas, and yet she does nor condemn the government. ext. 5517. actions of the guerrillas. This is the altitude that has caused the criticism of Menchu 's Peace Prize from various groups around the world, particu­ Uterature Prize Volunteers needed at Rape larly the Guatemalan government. who have The 1992 Nobel Prize for literature was branded her a guerrilla. For others, like Professor awarded to Derek Walcott, a West Indian poet Bland Addison (HU), "this is a very appropriate from the small island of St. Lucia located in the Crisis Program of Worcester peace prize, for peace can only arise from a Caribbean. Walcott has a distinguished back­ compassionate demand for justice." ground of works and prizes. Walcott has been a Every 6 minutes a woman is raped. hotlinc, and provide short term counseling, Much of what we know about Menchu and her finalist for the Nobel Prize several times before, Various forms of sexual assault effects count­ medical & legal advocacy for victims of sexual people comes form a single source, a book dic­ but not until his latest publication of the epic less numbers of women, children and also men. assault, counseling for significant others of tated by Menchu and edited by Elisabeth Burgos­ poem ~ did the Swedish Academy finally The Rape Crisis Program provides preven­ victims and community education. Speaker Oebray. This book is called I. Rieobcaa Mcnchu. choose ro honor hi'! tremendous efforts. tion and intervention through the dedication of bureau members carry Rape Crisis Program's And yet, as stated by Professor Yvonne Jehenson Walcott published his fir..t work at the age of caring staff and volunteers. message 10 diverse community groups. of SUNY, a recent guest lecturer at WPI, we run eighteen and has been writing steadily since. I lis The Rape Crisis Program would like you to No previous experience is necessary. A into problems here, in that the "uneducated story latest work, the 325 page epic poem ~. is JOin us in making a difference in your commu­ comprehensive training will be conducted. tellers choose educated interlocutor.. ro tell their considered by many as his most ambitious work. nity Individuals over the age of 18 from all The next training session begins on March srory." Thus, the srory told by R1goberra Mcnchu This epic poem i!o written in the modem Ameri­ cultures and background!> are welcome. We II, 1993. is interpreted and scripted by a member of the can three-line stan7..a. The poem is set '" the encourage you to join us 1n our efforts through For more information contact Barbara same class that rules Guatemala. In this writing Can'bbean, bur the characters often travel to other various volunteer positions. Zabounidi~ at 791-9546, before March 4th. down of the story, some of the author's own countritl>, both mentally and physically. Volunteer counselors maintain the 24 hour Tuesday February 16, 1993 NEWSPEAK Page 5 COMMENTARY De01osthenes From looking at the tellers to the editor last week it you actually think that they wi ll go through the voting is imponant. Just because you know this stuff were afmid of "Mepping on toes" over in Boynton. seems I have stirred up some controversy. Good! Jr I trouble of getting a petition and finding 50 does not mean everyone else does, oh I forgot you are After all they have gotten one Social Fee increase, they can get two people orr their asses, I might even raise people to sign it, and then return it on time? Go the only reader we have. We will take this into account don't want to push theirluck tryingforasecond. They the voter tum out at SGA elections. back to playing with your swords if you think in the future.Astoyourcontentionsabout Oemosthenes, would not want to offend any of their friends on First I will deal with Mr. Russell. I chose the that there are any quick and easy solutions to the I would note that he was arrested severn! times for Regenrs St. now would they. Announce my candi· name Demosthenes because I am trying to point United States's problems or even WPT 's. taking bn'bes from the Persian Monarch and embez- dacy? Unfortunately I do not have the time. I spend it out some of the failures and dangers in govern­ He also contends that ! should have taken out a one 71ing the funds supposed to be used for the defense writing responses to you. ment, and basically I don't want people like Mr. or two line ad to tell you so ...... Do you actually want against Macedonia. Demosthencs was only on the Voter rum out will give the administration some Russell to look at the byline and ignore the story. me to believe that the people I aiming this column at noor with encouragement, suggestions, and plans to idea of our resolve. Did you not notice all the move­ So by using a psuedonym, I got you to read the read the classifieds? More likely they nip through the make himself richer and more powerful and only then. ment that occured after the open meeting last year'l story. In Mr. Russell's case I even developed the paper looking for interesting stuff. Then there is my I on the other hand am doi ng this for free. As to your Hey, one final thing in closing why do you think germ of concious thought. I would point out that introductory course in World Governments, I would contention about the raise going toward financing a getting involved is not one of the bestthing.c;lhat you if people are not voting what makes you think pointoutto you Mr. Russell, that the average American campus center I brought just such a proposal before can do'! And Mr. Russell if you want to send me your they arc going to run? Mr. Russell, if they can not and the average WPI student docs not know that stuff both the SGA appropriations commi tt.ee and the SGA comments try sga@wpi. Since I am involved. mark some boxes on there way through Daniels, or else he would have come to the conclusion that Senate. Ask them what they thought about it? They Next I will move on to Locke, our anonymous columnist from among the student body. I am more than happy to have your commentary. The dangers of the media :tre immense. As was shown by the Rodney King verdict. Where it might be debated that through creative editing half of~ was set alight. What can happen is that the government can develop (has in my opinion) the public opinion poll syndrome. Where the opinion poll is allthatthey look at. All during the Bush administration we saw this happen again and agllin. Locke, I said we live in Democracy/ Republic. There is no such thing as a Democracy! Democ­ racy is impossible. People do not have the time a true democracy takes. Imagine trying to get a quorum from among 250,000,000 people. SGA has trouble trying to get 16 people in the same room at once. The United States and every other "democracy" is a republic. By even electing officials you immediately destroy the democ­ racy becau'>c the official has to do what he thinks is best. He just does not have the time to run a referendum evcrytime he needs to make a deci­ sion. Read the constitution; the Federal and Stote government are Republican in nature. Since Democracy is the ideal all governments who suscribe to the ideas "Libcny, Fraternity, and Equality" you would think some one would have succeeded. Keep dreaming, this world has never seen a true democracy any more than it's seen true Communism. Mr. Locke were you in Massachusetts for the 1990 gubernatorial election? The people are not apathetiC when they are affected by what is going on. Most people just do not care about things that do not directly affect them. Putt he seatbeh law up for a vote though and see how many people show. One of the problems withelectionsisthattheyarerunstupidly.Eiectionsare on Tuesdays in November. Come on, people have to work and the weather is frequently bad so the elderly are unable to get there. If you want to assure a large turnout assure good weather and lotsoffree time so that pcoplecanvote. Astotryingthingstoseewhatworks, didn't I sayweshouldbreak up our federal bureauracy to state levels because with 50 copies of something it becomes readily apparent what works and what does not? In closing Locke, I would recommend that in the future you read my column so that people like Mr. Russell are not offended by having to hear things repeated twice. Now that I have gone through the mail bag, here's this weeks column; Most, if no1 all, of us have heard the swirling controversy surrounding President Ointon'sdecision EVERYONE SAW THIS AS to allow people of homosexual inclination into the American Anned Forces. Discrimination wherever and whenever it happens, and it has all throughout history, is a sad and very bad thing. The Glories of Ancient Greece, the might of Imperial Rome both were built on the backs of oppressed people or some APROBLEM ONCE. nature who were somehow inferior. In the 19th cen­ tury society began to realize its mistake in using people for less than they were worth because of an accident or there birth. Unfonunately this nation is in the grip of Occasionally the pieces all fit, but you didn't know why. Eventually, what some people call particularism. This is where it became obvious. people indentify with a sub-group instead of with the whole. Let's face it folks, lsmel is not our country and neither is Ireland. America is our country like it or no1 Today, you have a new set of problems and again you may find yourself and the best way to improve it is to have pride in it. One of the key problems oftoday's society is getting the solutions, but not knowing exactly why. discrimination against African-Americans and other races based on their appearance. To any white supremacists I ask you this question; Are Working with Schaum's Outlines takes the guesswork out of problem you absolutely sure of your ancestry more than solving. The Outlines provide you with the questions and the three generations back? If you say, "yes", then you are probably taking the short end of the bet. solutions in order to show you how to solve problems. The more you The scourge of discrimination is something I work with Schaums, the more obvious the solutions become. would not want to live under and would never wish on anyone. The problem to me seems to be that people are unwilling and possibly unable to Available in engineering, math, science, economics and computer deal with the possibility that someone who fol­ lows a different philosophy or is not of the same science. Look for them in your college bookstore. background. This does not apply to most of society. The majority of people love their fellow man whatever be his 'faults'. There are always those insecure with themselves who bolster their own flagging pride by using physical force to Schaum's beat there equals into submission. This happens to wives, kids, and whoever they feel makes them look somehow inferior. Discrimination by race and ances1ry is not all Outlines T want to talk about here. There are many other types of discrimination that are for the person and against the majority. We should refuse to pay for Continued on page 7

• 1 t ' ' • , I I I f • Page 8 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993

EDITORIAL Blue ribbon looks to the next decade and beyond "[to develop] a comprehensive plan for WPI for the next things. sensible? decade and beyond." The upshot of all this work, though, can be boiled down The Task Force is at the stage where they arc reaching This is the charge of the Blue Ribbon Task Force, and to a more basic problem. Engineering education is very out, considering all options, asking for ideas. The facuhy in a larger sense, the responsibility of the whole of the expensive to provide, becoming more so and enrollment will need to play the largest role in leading any kind of WPI community over the next few years. seems to be stagnated. Major problem for a virtually wholesale change, just as they did in 1971. But the Colleges in general and perhaps engineering schools in exclusive technological school if these trends continue. faculty/administration relationship is not what it was 20 particular, are fast approaching a crossroad. Financial WPI is facing its crossroad now. A decision need not be years ago - a major obstacle that must be overcome. trouble, particularly the ever-increasing burden of finan­ reached tomorrow or next month, but something has to And yes, they want student opinions, too (at least • they cial aid, are worsening at a time when the needs of happen, or something's going to give. better!) We're here, we're going through iL What was industry are changing rapidly. Spurred by a need to What we're looking at is the possibility of " Plan II", the lacking? What do you wish you could have done here? address the financial considerations and in the process to possibility that WPI will look to the long-term and take a What aspects should be retained and expanded upon? reevaluate the WPI education, the administration formed bold step. A step that will "break the mold again", in the Some of the broad general ideas for the future were the Task Force last year. words of a student at the BRTF meeting last week, just as presented at the last meeting. One is refocusing and So now, the preliminaries have been completed. WPI did with the original Plan 20 years ago. commitment to becoming a small nationally recognized They've met, researched, talked, met and researched some As some members of the audience were quick to point undergraduate school of technologists and engineers. more. They've compared WPI in many aspects to schools out, the WPI system is far from hopelessly backwards. Another is the creation of a linked integrated "Worcester such as Clarkson, RPI, Tufts and MIT and have noted And yes, there are probably a number of smaller steps University", essentially "merging'' with other Worcester areas where we are deficient. They've looked at demo­ which could cure what currently ails us while leaving Colleges to increase program diversity. Lastl y is the idea graphics for the coming years. many things essentially intact and untouched. But why of a technologically based, diversified WPI in which And what do we now know? Well, we've found out not think bigger? diversity within the school would be developed. that WPI is lacking in funds and programs for many A'> long as we're gathering together the collective and If you have any ideas or thoughts write a letter to Dean student concerns, including diversity and activities. No experience and ideas on the campus, why not aspire to Emeritus Bill Grogan or just drop them off at SGA and big surprise there. We also now know that WPI professors something higher? Why not take the lead again, and do they'll forward them. Now's your chance. The floor and have comparably a heavy workload. And many other something at once wildy visionary and undeniably the future is yours. COMMENTARY Just a Thought A sense of balance

by Sttphtn Brown not very good at resting. The reason are game." into both catcgories .. .so do you. Cer­ want to be ... leam to be a "person with a ProustlmJ Campus MinisLrlts many. Being a "professional" calls upon Why all of this tale of woe? The tainly the "career person" is very often career." So this "person with a career" is me to work at a "professional pace". reason is to help you avoid the pitfalls of someone who has lost their balance... who heading south to rest and play. I even Which means there are three or so days the "professional lifestyle". I know I doesn't know how to rest ... never decided next week you can use a rest Time for a rest. Time to take a week a week I stan at 8 in the moming and end have harped on this topic before. but T play ... doesn't allow themselves 10 get from this column ...instead of me com­ off a.nd go South ... meaning all the way to around 9 at night. It means that I put in really think it is an important one. It is an sick. They reap the awards of being a pulsively writing 2 columns in one day to florida kind of Soulh. my share of weekend events and admin­ issue of balance, a symmeiJ)' to one's "career pcrson" ... and the punishment as make sure I have done my besl .... been Ok,Ok. why am I announcing it in my istration at home. But hey, no pain, no life that is important. It's the old tale of well. "professional". I'IIICl Joger or someone oolumn. ft is bad enough that I am going gain, right! all worl< and no play make Jack/Jill dull Which do you want to be when you else think for a week. See you in a couple and you are stuck here in the cold Nor1h­ Well, I have had my shore of pain this people. Too much work and no time just get older. I have decided that I really of weeks. east. In face, as you are reading this academic year. I had an ongoing, never to rest is a prescription for the Type A column, I am probably walking a beach ending cold for what seemed like for­ behavior that leads to heart anacks, stroke, near St Petersburg. (You just hate me, ever. In November, it reached its peak and other maladies that are so common LETTER TO THE EDITOR don't you!) when I finally went home and to bed at the prio: for the "professional lifestyle". But folks, I need it Sure, there was 4:00 in the afternoon. When my wife Why I am saying this to college stu· TKE brother thinks treatment unfair time between the semesters 10 dash home came home a few minutes later, she dents who have loiS of time 10 "play" (the To the Editor: lions or any other brother, including (Ohio). ..and dash is what we did. We immediately dragged me to the Holden faculty, administrators, and staff I trust I'm geuinga liuJe tired of this school's voting, participating, and holding of­ saw all the relatives, opened all the pre­ Urgent Care Center, saying I had never are lislening too)? Because now is the and the paper's auitude toward Lambda fiCeS and chainnanships. We are against sents, and bad lunch with as many of our gone to bed at4:00 in my life ...so I really time 10 sct patterns for your life that are O!i Alpha fraternity. For the past month practioeswhichplaoeonebrother"above" friends as we could. We enjoyed it. but had 10 be sick. likely to last through your life. Starting it seems, all we've been hearing about is another. we did not rest. 11\at counts as a visit. not I was. But being the professional I now is an appropriate time to decide that how much different and better lambda TKE does not believe in hazing. or a vacation ... and o:rtainly not a rest. was, I kept putting off giving myself no career, no job, no promotion is worth O!i is than all the other fraternities on any kind of abuse because first of all So it is off to stay with my father-in­ "pennission to be sick •.. to take a day or the price of an unbalanced life. campus. T think it's wonderful that these people are your brothers, your law and rest. Rest meaning I leave my two and rest so I could get my energy A few weeks ago, I was having lunch another fraternity is being added to help friends. Second, it's just plain ridicu· beeper and my schedule at home. Rest back. Oh no, not me, the professional. . .! with a few of my colleagues. We got into the WPI Oreek system. I also think it 's lous. Our whole philosophy is that no meaning I will not make any calls, follow kept saying to myself... well, let me get to a discussion about some people we knew great that motivated people can get to­ brother can or ever will ask you to do up on any meetings or programs that are this meeting ...just let me get through this who were the "professional" type. One gether and start an organization from something that he wouldn '!do. Our new scheduled for when I rerum. Rest mean­ week ... one more weekend meeting. .. then person at the table described this person scratch, 10 build to their liking. member education program emphasizes ing the most important task I have from I'U slow down. But T never found that as a "career person." The opposite was However, the overall tone of last class unity, learning, and working as a February 12 -22 is to resL weekend. So my body finally took over a "person who has a career." T like that week's and the week before's Newspeak team through the close support of the I am more aware these days that I am and said, "that's it pal, you're out of the distinction. I know lots of people who fit anicle is that Lambda O!i is some kind of whole bmtherllood. major improvement over all current fra. TKE has been around for almost 100 COMMUNITY UPDATE temities, when the truth is that none of years and is the biggest international the wonderful features you mention are fraternity in the world. We got here Building Councils sponsor tours of housing options really that original or new. because we believe in the equality of The Building Councils will be spon· there will be 2 tours, the first today at At Tau Kappa Epsilon we don't have everyone as well as their diversity. new housing option for the fa ll , the soring tours of the housing options that 6:30pm and another on Thursday at 4:30 pledges either. We haven't for years. Healthy Alternatives House, is located at ore available for students entering the pm. Right after a rushee signs his bid, he O!nrlie Gillis 25 Trowbridge Road and will promote a housing lonery. These tours will be an Those students that are interested in a becomes a new member of the house. He aass of '95 wellness theme for its residents. exo:llent opportunity for students to see Founders suite should meet in the has all the rights, privileges, and obliga- most of the options before submitting Founders Lobby at 6pm on Wednesday. their housing lottery applications. Any students that would like to see a Tows of Ellsworth and Fuller Apart­ typical Riley double or single should ments should meet at the bade door to meet in the front steps of Riley at 7pm on Daniels and will leave promptly at the Wednesday. NEWSPEAI( meeting times. A tour of a 3 person There will be an open house for both apartment will leave at 6pm on Wednes­ special interest houses on Thursday, Feb­ The Student Newapaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute day, February 17th. A tour of a 5 person ruary 25th from 6 to 7pm. World House WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Maaaachuaetta 01609 apartment will leave at 6pm today. For is located at 28 Trowbridge Road and Phone (508) 831 ~5484 • Fax (508) 831·5721 people interested in a 7 person apartment features an international theme. The Edltot.. ~hlef HeweEdltcw ~ eu...,_~!ll!! F~Ad-.ftcw K.eYin PA!it« Chr11 Freeman Troy Thomp.on. Editof Tl'imbur Melllaa Per1cab 9IUCe - 5th Annual career fair at Holy Cross Spoc!a Edltot F-.Edhcw Tom Stco The placement directors of the neering, retail, scieno:, laboratory/re- John GiOilj Jemlfe< KrAta Geoll Zub Adwt11el~.._ v.-y ; AeeocNie Edhort Worcester Consortium Colleges and search technicians, veterinary assistants, Pho!op!!p!!y Writing Statt Ray Ben Universities will hold their fif\h annual financial planning, nursing, physical!oo- Sue Mac'"'*-on, Edfor l.e>oe Chulorlnslty Nyf» PIICk Eric; Kriltoll Sayan Gho8h Btandon Coley 11<'-11 Partef Career Fair for graduating Seniors on cupational therapy, art, insutancc, real ct!~ Ty PW\IIOOI)Ioe c SukJoonlM John Ounkelbetg Joe Schaller Joe p.,q, Wednesday, Februuy 25,1993, estate, customer service representatives, Chrll p,.... T ricla Gagnon S'-Sollu cnn.~ IO:OOam-J:OOpm, at The College of counseling. management trainees, etc. SVfO"'~ lle<1jamin Hutctona Andr-W811a UzS-lllt the Campus Cen­ Oon Socha Becky Kupclnskat OenWnght lloly Cross, Hogan T"om Mentzer Shewn Zlmmerman De~ ter. Snow Date will be Thursday, Febru­ For further infonnarion, please con­ ary 25, 1993. tact the Career Development Center or WPt H""apulc ol WO!Ce$1er POiytechnlo lne11Ma. torm.rty the Tech Nawa. has been published -ldV doring the 8Clldemlc year. except dunng college Companies wiii be recruiting for a the Worcester Consortium for Higher VIUIIOM. -10011 Ntwepeak hasbeenpnntedon recyded paperaincl8J.tnu8f)'. 1991 maa1haaddMignbyTroyThompson. L.enertto lheedltorlhould be typed (doll~) end mull oontain the typed Ot pnnted Nmt of ihe authOr a well at the eutho<'a!llonature. telephoM number, and box numbet lor ateas variety of openings in including Education, 754-6829. W


by Mtgazone different shells, each varies slightly. 1 recommend With these commands you should be able to use These are called environment variables and many that you usc 'tcsh' (tee-shell) since it has many emacs for all of your basic editing. If you would like programs use these for their default senin~ To Well, I know some people read this, since I've useful features, and since I run it you can be sure to use emacs for all of your editing, have it be the make these take effect immediately type 'source received comments on the last two entries. This commands that work for me work for you too. To default for programs using an editor you can modify .login'. This will be done automatically the next week I'm going to get Into the basics of the editor change shells type 'chsh' (change-shell) and enter 'I your '.login' (dot-login) file. The .login is the file time you login. 'emacs'. Before anyone complains about my not shltcsh' when prompted for the shell name. the system uses to set up your defaults when you Next time I thi nk I'll touch on the 'exec covering the 'vi' editor, let me say something. I last login. A dol file does not show up during a normal busy_signal' program and its use, and probably m. used it in Sepcember I 989 and therefore I really Emacs: 'Is', to see them usc 'Is-a'. Emacs the .login and add Maybe a few other minor topics, such as aliases. As don't remember the commands. If anyone else Emacs is a powerful editor that is very common these two lines: always, quest ions, comments, and criticisms a~ would like to write a help guide to it, please do. But on the networks. It has everything, including the setenv EDITOR /usr/local!bin/emacs setenv VI· welcome. Email megazone or campus mail to now, a few words on the last TFM. kitchen sink, and trying to explain it all would take SUAL /usr/local!bin/emacs Newspeak Box 2700 Ann: TFM. both a book and knowledge I don't have. However, A minor correction: Unix systems are set up to emacs is also fairly simple and with only a few basic see CVeT)'thing as one device with separate direao­ commands anyone can usc it produaively. Just a ries. The nomenclature '/usr1' refers to a dircccory, trivial fact, I compose these columns using emacs and should not be thought of as a physical drive. In and email them to Newspeak via elm. I never have I don't know... all the talk about directories I never really explained to make a hardcopy and waste paper. the 'od' command. 'cd' stands for 'change direc­ Before I begin I need to explain some of the tory', and, of course, does justthaL Use 'cd path' to terminology. A letter preceded by a '"'' indicates Original scientific literature is very boring. by Greg Wrighl Most people 1 know (including myselt) voted change to a new direaory, and 'cd' alone at any time that Jener is a control character. For instance, '"X' Clllss of '94 returns you to your homedir. means you hold down the 'Control' (or Qrl) key for Ross Perot. When I said 'rm' will prompc you to confirm your while pressing ·x·. It is convention to w;e uppercase I've heard and seen complaints that Newspeak Uving off-campus is much bener than living choice befone removing a file I should have gone for these characters, however, you do NOT press does not have many interesting articles. The on-campus. into a bit more detail. 'rm' will not on its on, that is shift while typing them. Characters in strings response was always "Well, why don't you write Goddard Hall looks like it is bent in the middle. the result of 'rm ·i'. When new aooounts are created indicate a command sequence. Example: "'X"C something and submit it?" I was the typist last "Heavy Metal" was a really great movie. By at WPl 'rm' is aliased to be 'rm ·i' as a precaution. means control· X then control-<:; "'X·i means control· term at this very efficient and well-run organiza· the way, I'm still looking for a VHS copy of it. This is not 8 common feature and I don't want to x then just plain 'i'. tion, and thought that ( could submit an article. Why do we have to pay S75 for a social fee? mess anyone up if they use a different system. To enter emacs you simply enter 'emacs filename' The problem was that I couldn 'I think of anything. Why will we soon have to pay S90 for a social fee? Please keep this in mind. at your prompt. If you usc the name of an existing !thought earl iertoday (2/9/93) that a Mike Barnicle· What is a social fee? file you will automatically load the file into emacs type article could be done. (Mike Barnicle is a Denny's is nota place you go to, but a plnce you Wlldcards: I only presented the most common to be edited. If you use a new file name you will columnist at the Boston Globe. He writes satirical end up. wildcard, •• '. However, after receiving a few create a new file with the editor. Some of the articles about almost anything and also talks about (Yes, a repeat of a classifietl ad I submitted, but comments, I will go into a bit more depth. '?' is also commands work in other situations to. If you use Boston's inner city life.) An occasional feature is what the f-.) a wi ldcard. It is used for single charncter replace­ 'tcsh' most of these commands will work at your the "I was just thinking .... " collcctions of mndom Why is f- oonsid~ a bad word? ment, whereas •• ' would replace a string. If you had prompt. thought. Barnicle will group together one-sen­ How many freshman and sophomores have files hw l, hw2, and hw3, you could delete them tence ideas in no particular order. this format is been back to their old high schools? using 'rm hw?' '?' will replace any one character. Commands: This is a brief list of commands very interesting. and tends to genemte hate mail. How many juniors and seniors don't give a ship The brackets, '[' and ']', can also be used for useful with emacs. "'F ·move forward, same as right (1 was just informed, 2/9/93, 10:30 pm, that Ray (spit) about their old high schools? wildcards.. These are used for pattern matching. arrow "'B • move backward, same as left a now "'P • Bert writes articles for Newspeak with a similar Our phone is constantly ringing off the hook. Using the previous exnmple, you could also remove previous line, same as up arrow "N · next line, same format. I want it known that I did not intend to In the club and greek comers and classilieds, the files with 'rm hw(l-3)'. Say you wanted to keep as down arrow "I • indent, same as the Tab key "V copy his style. r'm copying Mike Barnicle's.) there are many inside jokes (you know, the ones hw2, you could use 'rm hw(1,3)'. Or you could use ·down one screen "'K ·delete from cursor to end of Anyway, for your reading pleasure. that only members will understand.) the negation available. Instead of 'file[pattem)' you line, stores in kill ring "'Y • restores kill ring "I was just thinking. Not that it really matters, What is a provost? What does this person do? use 'file("panem)'; the '"'' (carrot) means to per· (opposite of "'K) "'E ·go to the end of the line "'D • but ... " Since it now COSts one dollar to wash a load of form the operation on all the matching files BlTf the delete character cursor is on "'S • scroll lock Used Is WPI really all that bad? laundry and one dollar to dry it, the dryers and one(s) named. In this example you could use 'rm outside ofemacs too. "0 ·scroll unloclc This is used Roseanne is actually a pretty good show. washing machines should accept dollar bills. hw("'2)'. outside of emacs too. "M • newline charncter "'L • John Goodman basically IS the show, however. Of course, two washer loads can fit into a dryer redraws screen, useful for clearing line noise. Used ( just got a computer account last Thursday. at the same time. Odd lUes: At some point you may acx:idently outside of emacs too. "Z - pauses the job and returns Now, what am I going to do with it? It's really too bad that Fat Dickies closed down. create a filename with a special charncter in it, ie you to your prompL Type 'fg' (foreground) to WZI.X plays the best music. Willy's is 8 good replacement, however. horne•or1c. If you tried normal commands to move, return to the job. This can be used during most any WBCN has the funniest DJ's. It's really nio: having three convenience stores or remove, the file they wouldn't work. There are job to pause it for a while. "'U • limes 4. This is a WAAF comes in the best. nearby. (Grover's, Honey Farms, Store 24 [pro­ ways around this, enclose the filename in single or multiplier used with other commands, each "'U in a Guess which I listen to the most. nounced store two-four, of course)) double quotes, ie ' rm 'homc•ork' ' or 'rm string multiplies by 4. ie, "'U"'N goes down 4 lines, Is anyone else addicted to Sid Meier's Civiliza· Ditto for the five piz.za joints (fech, Boomer's, "home•ork" ',or use'\' (backslash) as follows, 'rm "'U"U"'N goes down 16 lines. "'X"C • this is the tion? (The Zulus almost always kill me.) Gompei's, Boynton, Theo's [yes, Thea's)) home\•ork'. A backslash will dcspcciallze the command to exit emacs, you will be asked whether Quote from"The WonderYears"(ofall places): Soon to be six (It's on Highland St. What was following character allowing commands to function or not to save the file. "'X·s ·saves the file while you "To a group of blind people, a one-eyed peoon is the name again?) normally. continue to work. This is basically a precaution. "X· king (or queen)." Breakfast at DAKA is pretty good. I mean, how i-include a file. You wi ll be prompted for the name Have to be politically correct, you know. can you mess up pancakes waffles, cereal, etc.? Shell: When you login you run what is known as of the file to include. Make a habit of using the path, I like beer. Speaking of "WPI Dining Services" why did a shell. This is the basic program that allows you to such as '-/filename'. This allows you 10 include Many people think it tastes like monkey urine. residents get free passes? interface with the computer. There are several previously prepared files in a new file. Why do NHL and NBA teams play on 80 game Van Halen was good with David Lee Roth and season to eliminate four or five teams for the play­ is good with Sammy Hagar. Eddie and Alex ARE the group. COMMUNITY UPDATE offs? Why does major league baseball allow us so It would be cool to have a parking garage few teams to play"in the play-offs? instead of the parking lot in bade of the library. Appalachia in Worcester The NFL seems to have a happy medium. Biotechnology is actually an interesting major. previous experience is required, just a desire to The employees of the bookstore can be very Olemistry also seems to be cooL by TridD Gognott It's been said that WPI students are apathetic Newspeak Slllff help others, while having fun . rude at times. We are once again in the planning stages and now Retrospect is an exact science. towards anything on campus. Once, twice, and now a third time, WPI's ask for your help. Join with the Newman Oub to I don't know anything about Affirmative Ac· It's been said elsewhere that WPI students have Newman Club is sponsoring Appalachia in make the event an even bigger succc:ss. Appalachia tion. a heavier course load than most other students at Worcester. The past two years more than 30 in Worcester 3 will take place March I 5th and 16th, FOR was probably the best President of the most other schools. students returned two days early from spring the two days prior to class registration for 0-term. United States. Why isn't there going to be a REAL Battle of break for this cause, helping the community The hours spent promise to be fun filled and reward· How did I become an officer in Lens and the Bands (meaning in "Alden Hall") this year? surrounding WPI. These students came together ing. If interested contact: Tricia Gagnon (791-2149) Lights? "Lightning'' by Dean R. Koontz is one of the and renovated a few lower level apartments. No or Paul Ormond (8314720). The "Oub Berkshire" series(?) in theclassifieds best books ever wrinen. is some of the funniest stuff I've seen. The Acapulco is a neat place to live above. It's been said that the lOP i.s a professional The elevator in Harrington often becomes con· Diversity group established waste of time. fused. This means that it will open its back door A group has been established on campus to have an interest in seeing things change and I'm sick of Amy Fisher, Madonna, Michael when it should open its front door, and vice-versa. try and promote awareness of pluralism at having people realize that no mauer what race, Jackson, "I Will Always Love You," Hillary Well, that's about all the thoughts I had. I'll WPI. This group meets weekly to discuss sex, or sexual orientation you happen to be, Clinton, Rodney King. New Telephone probably submit this. If it actually is of "general promotion of events planned by existing groups there is one thing that connects us all. We are ads, etc. interest" to lhe WPI community and gets printed, and to plan events of its own. The group is humans, and we should celebrate our differ· Holy Ooss really has a nice campus center. maybe I'll write again; let's see wha.t happens. If informal: there is no hierarchy of power, and ences, not make an issue of them. So docs Carie. there are any comments, responses, hate mail, no constitution. We don't even have a name. If you are interested in becoming involved, And UMass .... bombs, whatever, I can be contacted at Box 962 or There are no requirements to join, just an contact Greg Morse at Box 2879, or Dennis Miller was really funny on SNL (my new acoount) grw@wpi ( I think that is interest in promoting diverstty. gmorse@wpi, or Ray Bert, box 1419, or The movies in Perreault Hall could sound a lot correa). Later. The people involved are not"members," but jokey@wpi for details about meeting times. better than they do. rather members of the WPI Community who Demosthenes continued from page 5 our efforts at fairness pass stopping discrimination Biotechnology Career Day any splinter group claiming to deserve special and start moving towards stacking the deck in treatment not acoorded other citizens and the veto someones favor? Take women for instance. should be exercised by President Ointon on any Women are a majority by so many millions that in The fourth annual Biotechnology Career Day will be held from 12:30 to 3:00pm, on legislation perverted to that end: Wheat Farmers, a national election it would be a landslide, on Thursday, Feb. 18, in Alden Memorial. About 10 companies are expected to participate Bankrupt Corporations, Labor Leaders claimtng anything. any time women really want it to be. The in the event, which is sponsored by WPI's Biology Interest Organization (Bio Club) and to represent the worters when most of the people problem with womens rights is that at the one on the Career Development Center. they cliam to represent repudiate any such leader· one level they an: still discriminated against. So do Students and other members of the WPI community are invited to visit the tables to ship; Business Leaders jU!>t as phony; anyone who you make trick laws to get rid of this disaimina· question company representative.s ahout specific technologies or about full -time, part-time wants the deck stacked in his favor because some· lion? No! You can not legislate morality, no matter and summer jobs (bring resumes). how he's special. how hard you try. We'll kill discrimination by how That's the rub with discrimination. When do we behave and what we produce, not by trick laws. Page 8 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993

CLUB CORNER '• week? You can 'It ill be considered if you write February 17, 1993. He will be talking about his AIChE a short paragraph explaining why you want to job and experiences that he feels wi ll be useful Muslim Student Association Hey there! How are ya all doin'? Sorry be an ASCE officer. Bring this to the meeting to us. The talk will be in Salisbury 121 at Assalum-u-alaikum. I hope you all are about the screw ups in last week's article, but tonight at6:30 in Kaven and you can run for the 7:00pm Also congratulations to all the new having loads of fun. Anyway, an executive nobody told me about all the changes. So, the position. The elections will be held on Febru­ officers. We hope to see everyone there. committee meeting was held and we have truth of the matter is that we didn't have a ary 26. The job fair in Boston is tomorrow, stop chosen a committee to organize the MSA 's meeting on Wednesday (but I have been as­ by tonight's meeting to find out more details. participation in the upcoming cultural festival sured we will have one tomorrow - 7:00 in The Dear Island trip is set for this Saturday, Masque next term. We are also going to be publi hing GH311) and we did not miss the luncheon with maybe, contact Bill Lewis at box 1013. The Totally uncreative begining. What a week. a Newsletter, which should be out by the end of Prof. Sacco on Tuesday - it was changed to Spaghetti Bridge Challenge is scheduled for Yipes. fQQ1.S is over and done ... congratula­ this term. T think that's all for now, oh, and Thursday the lith. Tha nks to all who showed March 23. This is a campus wide challenge tions to all involved, it was an excellent show! don't forget that Ramadan is just around the up - it was great seeing everyone all together with a first place prize of S I00 cash. For more Especially the way the ccast held together corner! again. As for upcoming events, there is a information contact Bill Lewis at box 1013. under certain pressures on closing night. (I meeting tomorrow night, and there are prob­ Pick your favorite speaker topics in Kaven Hall thought those th ings only happened in the ably nomination sheets floating around. Don't Lounge, so that we can select some suitable movies). So, now, rather than rest and catch up Newman Club forget speeches are due Monday the 22nd and speakers for this semester. on sleep and work like we should, it's time for This week was unusually slow in the world elections are the 25th and 26th. I would like to MW Rep's production of RECKLESS. It's of Newman club. I I :00 mass on Sunday was say thanks to Jen for explaining to me where coming to Oompei 's, Thursday Feb. 25- 27, at good. Am I the only one who thinks we should the hell the "bugs" came from and to many of AQ 8 pm. Oo and laugh. It 's good fOf you! That sing "And the Father Will Dance" every week? us in CM3701, don't forget: next party, "troll Well here is a quickie club comer to sec how wacky bunch Chain Link Fence will also be I thought so. travelers". And Carla. what was it, "juicy people like this idea. Things, Screw your performing before the show. What a quality The monthly tradition continues to get bet­ scum"? roomote dance, Big Screw, UMOC, and some evening of comedy entertainment! Can't af­ ter and better! This month's movie night at the As a side note, I would like to say thank you other service projects arc coming up! Talk to ford to miss out, huh? Congratulations, also, to religious center will feature Sister Act, but if very much to Bob Sinuc and all the other Gundy if you want any information on these all of the new officers! More on that next week. the video store is all rented out of that one, I' ll employees of GE (especially Lynette Sheenan, events. Conclave is coming up the weekend of NEW VOICES II - Plays to be announced bring my copy of "Beauty and the Beast meet Steve Ziembec, Mari o Sandoval, Mark February 26-28! Let's get psyched about our THIS FRIDAY. Ooandfindout. Getinvovled! Godzilla". Either way it promises to be an Bourkne, Anesa Chaibi, Eric Mortensen, and own Conclave that I hope was passed last That will be at the Masque meeting, at 4:30 eventful evening, so be sure to come down this Tom Wrobleski) for everything they did for us night! Tonight is roadtrip time ..... UConn's the p.m., Friday the 19th., in The Green Room friday night and bring a friend. during our tour of OE Plastics. For those who destination. Anyone wanting to go to there (behind the main stage in Alden - get in the I've lost the ability to do simple arithmetic, missed it, it was a great trip ... and we got cups, pledge pinning talk to me like now, or else your elevator and press "s"). Wow- there is far too from having done too much calculus, so I can't too! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and walking. much going on. As always, our good friends at figure out if sign-ups for Appalachia in Worces­ experience. I think that it was a very helpful MAMF have some parting words "Why would ter will have started when you read this. If they and informative learning experience in both I want to go talk to XXX. when I'm having a have, then anyone interested in this great lenten our current educauon process and our future Christian Bible Fellowship good time ta lking with my friends?" Oh, and I project had better sign up soon, or get left out. professional Jives. THANK YOU! And Bar­ While, at the time I write this, this Friday's hope everyone had a lovely Valentines Day. If they haven't then kindly ignore this para­ bara, congratulations on your new job and good meeting is only tentatively scheduled. I am OuadFcst 93 ... it's coming ... find out about it. graph. luck! still excited, because the intended activity is an All eucharisic ministers are reminded to Oh PS. That was a really nice gym you have; intercollegiate fellowship! That's right, we check the list. What list I have no idea, I'm you should put it in your brochures! may yet see our friends from the area colleges PME I Math Club merely reading from last month's minu tes and this week. If it turns out anything like the last Thanks to everyone who made it to the open this seemed important enough to mention, one, it should be a time of worship and fellow­ house. I think that it went well and that it although I could be wr ..... wr..... you know, that Alpine Ski Team ship that encourages us all. Also, Wednesday provided a good way to end the week. I hope word that means the opposite of correct. Skiers. It's been an eventful season, and the night is our regularly scheduled Prayer & Share that you got a few good MOP ideas out of it. In closing, let me inform all the Newman possibility of regionals was never too far to meeting , same bat-time, same bat-channel. Math Club members: We are holding elections officers that the minutes you recieve each grasp at. However, writing this last week, I can Although, I am not sure what happened at last for officeers on Tuesday 16th February (to­ month are not exactly the ones I write. Fr. only say "Better luck next year" or "Congratu­ Friday's meeting, I have a suspicion that, by day!) at 4:30pm in Sll203. Your dues must be Scanlon takes it upon himself to proofread lations on a job well done, and get psyched for the ume this is printed, a sledding expedition paid in order for you to vote on candidates. If them and remove all my editorial comments, Waterville." will have taken advantage of our little snow­ you wish to run for office, be sure to show up except the ones with which he agrees. This is I can definitely send congratulations to the storm. on time so that we can take you r nomination. probably a good thing. Women's Team for winning the OS last Friday Romans 3:23,24 "for all have sinned and fall You need not have paid your dues to run. PMFJ at Dartmouth. The men came in 3rd. Saturday short of the glory of God, and are justified Math Club members, Majors/Double Majors: and Sunday were both slaloms at Tenny, NH. freely by his grace through the redemption that REMINDER: On Friday 19th February 1993 at The Philosopher's Circle The women placed 6th on Saturday and 5th on came by Christ Jesus." Only one single person 4:30pm in SH203, Professor Robert Lipton Welcome one and all to the second club Sunday. Tori Pesek Jed the WPI women, throughout all of history has led a life free from will deliver the second MQP seminar. The talk comer of The Philosopher's Circle! Our orga­ finishing 2nd in the former and 3rd in the later. sin. His name is Jesus Christ. No matter how will be brief (about a half hour) and an informal nization, as stated last club comer, is dedicated Contributing to the women's results were Nisa much we try to lead a perfect life, we will discussion will follow. We should be all fin­ to the search for new thoughts and ideas through Tristaino, Grace Buzanoski and Beth McGee always come up short. Hence, none of us are ished by 5:30pm so you won't have to miss the advent of constructive argument. With that all of whom had top 30 places. The men placed worthy to receive eternal life from God. How­ dinner. If you don't have an MOP, you should said, we bring you some highlights from our 4th on Saturday with Jeff Richman 13th and ever, there is hope. The one perfect man, Jesus attend! REM INDER: To those who have agreed last two meetings: Jon Krukar in 24th. On Sunday V. Glenn Christ loves us, He gave his own life to open the to participate in the MCM/COMAP modeling Thursday, February 4th Virball's 6th, Jon Webster's lith, and gates of heaven for everyone who loves him contest, it is this weekend! We will meet llrnow what you're thinking. "Don't meet­ Flounder's 13th, combined to put the men in and puts their faith in him. directly after the MOP seminar. We will all ings happen in the Lower Wedge from 3pm to 3rd place for the day. have dinner together (location TBA). At usually about 5?" Well, we made a concession Going into this past weekend both the men I 2:00am we can tear open the problem enve­ this time so that our advisor, Prof. Mario and women were ranked 5th, top four finishing Lens & Lights lopes so be prepared! Moussa, could attend his first meeting. By the teams to qua li fy for region a Is. Well, we moved Well, with last weeks's official key toss it way, all are welcome at our group discussions, from our season's accommodations in NH. If can now be said "The ex - president is a and best of all, the re are no dues! you can't find something, it 'sprobably in Chap SURFER!" (Point Break fans will know what I Men's Glee Club The dialectic began with a discussion of and DJs living room, with Jimmy Hoffa, under am talking about.) Congrats to the new officers Business first: Rehearsal with Radcliffe on truth and what exactly its nature is. We started at least 10 pair of ski's and a metric - buttload and good luck to the old ones. Thursday; Concert Sunday; and don't forget with an examination of mathematical truth, of equipment and food. It's been a blast I Stay In other news, ~ is finished and it about this Saturday. If you don't know what's something we all agreed represented all of the tuned for more ski team news th roughout the went pretty well. Thanks to all of you who going on this Saturday, ask. If there are any popular notions of truth -"Wh at could be more spring. Whoopie! helped out with the technical part of the show. artists in the group, you're in luck. We are still true than x =x?" , or so we thought. Fermat's The next theatre shows that we will be involved seeking a 92-93 T-shirt design. If you have an famous theorem was brought up, and I regret in are Reckless and New Voices XI. Leave idea, talk to one of the officers about it. Also, not having the background to explain it at American Nuclear Society your calendars empty in April! Newspeak is seeking graphic design logos for length here, but suffice it to say that the prin­ Hidey Ho there neighbors!! How's the term Basketball season is winding down which the club comers. More on that tonight. Don't ciple behind it is that i cannot be proven, but is progressin '. Hope everyone is having fun inC­ means Jon will have a little less aggrivation forget to sign up for the Assassination game, assumed to be true, since it works in every case term. To those of you in Power Generation, during the business meetings. The music isn't too. The more people that play, the more that has been tried. The problem is, there could how is Dr. Pilat doing? And not to forget those THAT bad, is it? Of course, there's always the exciting it is. There will be an open officers be a set of numbers that destroys the example, of you in 2001, just wait-it only gets better, state tournament ...... meeting Tuesday after rehearsal. This is an we just haven't found it yet. But can we assume NOT!!! Well, enough of that. The trip to the lndie fest is coming up and it may prove to opportunity to sec what goes on at these meet­ that it is true? How can we attribute anything Pilgrim Power plant was a screaming success. be a three- day show. Hope everyone has a lot ings, and may be beneficial if you're interested more than a tentative truth to it, if we cannot be Despite the bad weather and a certain activity of free time next weekend. in running for an office. Elections are soon sure? One member brought this up, and asked chariperson's driving (right Kim?) we all made IT is coming. Be there. after Spring break. if the same could be said of the basic theorems, it back in one piece Gust barely). We are looking at getting the Indiana Jones Elections are soon after Spring Break. like x=x, and the set of assumptions that are Our last meeting was also a blast. To those Trilogy for the first week in D term. This will Well, Moe got picked on last week, this time made... (Ed. note: The limit is 275 words.) who missed it-SHAME ON YOU. Lotsa pizza be the first LnL movie event in a while. Have it's Jack's tum. The top 10 reasons why Jack and laughs - what more could you ask for. fun with TSS, Chris! Oh, didn't you know that plays the drums. Night Skiing at Wachusett Moun tain you say. is another responsibility for the treasurer? 10. He's a natural Science Fiction Society We ll, as a matter of fact, that is exactly what is The film sound problem in Perreault is ?. To prove to Moe that white people (at­ Hello again, this is Clifford Ridgely with the planned for February 19. Anyone interested, being dealt with as best as possible. No prom­ tempt to) have rhythm. Collegiate Politics Report. This week, as a should Jet me know ASAP so the detail can be ises on how things will tum out, though. 8. He's a veteran public service, I'm turning my column over to worked out. I can be reached@ 791-3010 or a Hey, YOU! Lens and Lights is always look­ 7. So we could con Scott and Ted into doing members of WPI's Psi Phi Fraternity in the message can be left at the Reactor. The activi­ ing for new members. If you want to find out the bells hopes that they'll keep their promise and untie tie.'l committee is also looking into a tour of a more about us and what we do (and what all of 6. He was overqualified to do the bells me and take this gun away from my head. I'd brewery, and an overnight ski trip up North. this club comer means), come to a business 5. No one else wanted the job just like to add one more thing before I go. Please let Kim Beagle at the Reactor know if meeting (Wednesdays at 5:00PM in AK 233). 4. An experiment to see if a glee club Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllpl you are interested. Finally, congratulations to The meetings may seem strange at first (heck, member could sing and play drums at the same Goat's head? Goat's head? Who's got the our new Publicity chairperson, Mike Bruno. WE might seem strange at first), but don't time. Goat's head? As always, if you would like to have a stake wo rry. We are normal people in real life. 3. The women will love him " ... and featuring, a replica of a fifty foot in what goes on within the club, GET IN­ Mostly. 2. It will look good on a resume Charles Schlettbaum??!l" VOLVED. The more people involved, the There were a bunch of quotes that were I. From experience, Louis knows he has "An exercise in comparative theology! Who more fun that can be had by all. That'sall folks. supposed to go here. Alas, most of them have rhythm will assimilate you first?" been lost. You see, they "kept going the other I'm considering opening the club comer to Matt, you are definitely snow maiden mate­ way" and got "locked in a closet with a vacuum the club. I've had a few people approach me rial. American Society of Civil cleaner." Look for them next week. about ideas to put in club comer. l'lltalk about How many packages of Ramen Noodles? the details on submission Tuesday after re­ So, did anyone ever find out if Richard Engineers hearsal. And if anyone has a problem about Basehart was in Voyage to the Bottom of the Want to know more about ASCE, show up at Management Society being mentioned (ragged on) in the comer Jet Sea? And why excatly does Trish have a copy our regular meeting held every Tuesday at6:30 Attention management society members!!! me know, and I'll be sure that the next top 10 of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians? P.M. in Kaven Hall Lounge. Do you want to be Don Montgomery, a WPI graduate and market­ is about you. continued on page /0 an ASCE officer, but you forgot to sign up last ing manager for DEC, will be on campus on ~ Tuesday February 16, 1993 NEWSPEAK Page9

GREEK CORNER men. On February 6th, 66 of those men (see ad} months pregnant. Watch out for chia back! Sammy: Black is cool. AXP were entrusted with the responsibility of mak· I sure hope that lOP seminar last week was Arron: Wine is a drink, not a way of life. Here we go again .. Everything's moving right ing the Lambda Chi Alpha colony at WPI and pretty exciting for half the house to blow off the Oompa: UPS God along with postulancy, and the project is con· organization dedicated to fraternity, patrio· meeting Wednesday. Let's get a clue guys. It's Rainka: Good energy level, no ball control tinuing to be tackled by brothen, and postulants lism, morality, and leadership. even worse when people arc playing pool when Sacco: Kat wanted me in the early years alike. Yes, John, this is a group effort! lnci· WE would like 10 thank all the members of meetings are going on. Grandin: Nintendo no·friendo. dentally, when ripping down old walls with a the WPI community who helped make our If you guys have pictures you took at the Rem: I'll get a job before you do. sawz-all, try to steer clear of the high voltage return possible. Special thanks to Nancy Denny, RCB, give them to Rich so he can put together Teddy: Fight the power young Jedi, don't lines. Two hundred and forty volts of pure President Straw.11, AGO, Phi SigSig, and DPhiE. the yearbook. The more pies we get of Ice give in 10 the dark side adrenaline would even make John's hair stand We would also like to acknowledge the super· trying to dance, 1he more fun we can have Wilgoose: Find some sophomore friends. up. So keep up the good work boys, and try not human efforts of the Notional Reps, Kevin te ll ing our kids about it 50 years from now. D. Dcau: Uncanny knock of being in wrong to nood the place. I ley Milia, could you tum O'Neill and Paul Ginocchio, a~; well as the Psych weeki I bet it took a genius to come place at wrong time down "Dream Wcavcr,"l'm trying to write the alumni who will assist uJ. in an ongoing effort up with this one: Play soccer in the snow for a Marc: Your life revolves around pledging, Greek Corner! Everyone had an excellent time to help U!> grow. few hour.., then drive, all wet and sweaty to and your father wears an afro with a chin strap. at the dance Saturday. Lots of thanks go out to I hope everyone had fun and joined Lambda Taco Bell. Talk about the rancidity level going Nick & Friend: Stop touching each ocher, Orco for serving up the dinner, and to Bob for Chi Alpha at the Spirit O.ty events in Harrington off the <,calc! Michelle will return soon enough. organizing the evening's festivities. Luck ily Saturday. We have a lot of hard wurk ahead of Ok, new rule for the pool table: No bets M. Beau: for all of us, Mangy Cast Man ~toyed away us the ne>.t couple of monchs. Don't let it involving hair. Tuna looses 2 games and Yro: Who? from our dates, but I till don't know Y he overwhelm you. Take it one <,tep at a time, and shaves his beard and chest. Oh-Stool looses Merrikan: New evidence reveals it was you didn'ttry to get a date for him.,eiL Well, good remember to rely on one another. GOOD but refUJ.ell tO get a nat top, attempted duct scream~ng all these year... news Mike, Crack found time between batche~ LUCK LAMBDA CHI ALPII A! taping and forced shaving Cillled off at the laM This concludes our lesson in Second to work on the IQP, so I guess you can't get scoond due to everyone regaining sanity. nooronomics II.GP I. kicked out of that honor society. Everything TKE's Regional Leadership conference is else seems to be running smoothly, though. Ll: this weekend, 8 guys arc guing and it's sure to Except for the recent C' fur help came fmm far up the good work on everything, postulants, Stand proud and stand tall . coffee house band Friday night and Saturday at and near, but Captain Zoot man was clear across you're gelling warmer!! the lndie Fest. Come on down and get some the galaxy - and Earch was just outside his Leila, Maria, Dwalin, and Jcn aggression out. Later. super·7.00tic hearing range. Meanwhi le the You won't "ear your pledge pins ever again. Earth was faced with ceria in and udder deo;truc­ Theresa, Karen, Molly, and Leigh tion, for h1gh above the hilltops, filling the llello everyone!! Yes, we're back in the What fun you'll keep having now that you're free. ex skies, new down horde~ of angry, giant, blood· columns! (sorry about that!) So.. llow's life? Ahh, yeah ... This week's anicle will be de­ sucking mutant rabbits from HELL! "You Pledges! Do you know where your pledge Caroline, Sarah, Amanda, and Kim voted to the people who constantly complain have baloled our friends in a tasty onion broth. sisters are? He he he. No more KAP kidnappings, just on a whim. they're never mentioned in the paper. I'll slart Now you all will die!!!" What could the people AGO would like to welcome Lambda Chi to Gianna, Rebecca, Amy, and Polly by addreS!oing the biggest area of concern, the of Earth do? Was there any hope without the the campus! Social~ ? Anyone? Others stay pledges, )Ou'lllaugh at their folly. second noor. It appears that the floor feels they aid of Captain Zoot man? Then ... just when all Happy Belated Valentine's Day to every· arc not being exploited enough for their liking, salvation seemed lost, 1hree dark figures one! Cindy, Dianna, Heidi, Jen A. so let's exploit, sha ll we. emerged fmm the merky depths of the sea. It You know, you really do have to wonder You'll :.oon be full sisters, it's coming your way. Cotter: Ultimate sports knowledge or fool· was .... Mackerel Man! and his aquatic floun· what would happen to one's head after falling Tracy, Rebecc3, Cathy, and Lauric ish follower of Elvis. You make lhe call. der-monkeys! (echo) •flounder· monkeys• off of a library. Whether it was very high or UTP to you, bas~ in it'~ glory. Menard: Denial is the first sign of a prob­ •flounder-monkeys• .... and with one swoop­ pretty low, it'd still be preny damaging right'' lem. ing sweep of his giant fin, he swept a lithe evil {The answer is yeo;, for all of those without a Sarah M., Karen, Julie, and Krysten Coyle: What can be said that already hasn't rabbits back to where they came from and they clue, we have proof). To Mary Ellen now you'll no longer listen. Boor: Uncontrollable need to smash prop­ were never seen aga. Who is this strange Okay, once again the esteemed birthday You all made 1tlhrougb, we wish you quite well erty seems like a good way to reconstruct front Mackerel Man? ... and where did he come fairy has been lax (with a little help). So, Happy We hope that last week wasn'ttoo much a .... porch. from?'!? These and other spine-tingling ques­ Birthday, belated or otherwise, to: Michelle, (Don't worry Andrea, I won't say iL) Ousek: Spends all money on food and tions will be answered in next week's exciting Anne, Kristin J., Vee, Tara M., Laurie, Angela, Cybergenics, can't afford shins. episode of TifE SUPER ADVENTURES OF and Tanya! I hope this week's column Sherman: I want to be a Phi Sigma Sigma. CAPTAIN ZOOTMAN (echo) . ..zootman .. WE have tow other announcements to make in Newspeak will go. Sal: Mafia hitman or hairy Italian? 7.00tman ... zootman...... And NOW 1 that aren't recent, but, Jen !lodge was pinned to Where last week's one went commercial message from "Sean Gilhooly's Brad Dufort of ATO, and Beth Newton was I guess no one will know. School of Automobile Safety"-...... pinned to Jeff Tubs of Phi Kappa Theta. Both pinnings took place in early January. Congrats! Keep smiling all sisters Pledges, pledges, pledges, how' life? Good The term's almost done. Luck this weeki or is it two weeks? We love Soon [)..Term will be here you! (see personals for more evidence) With plenty of fun. Karen, you did an excellent job in the play! Come see Reckless, a play, Feb. 26! (Kristin Get ready all seniors S. is in it!) To make our demands. Somewhat Deep Thoughts: The wa)'S to be worshipped "Color rainbows in the rain, Will be in our bands. And follow to a heart of gold, There's a savior born everyday, Remember the meaning Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity would like In the valley of your soul." Of true sisterhood. In doing this to sincerely thank all of the following ATQ Memories for you will be good. people who helped make our return to Congratulations to Mark on his new jobl To homework and studying Well 0.0. you wanted to be wanted, and I I leave you to be. the WPI a success: think you did it. !think Dope appreciated your Sincere lhoughts and wishes romantic antics. Sorry PV she just doesn't L .. I...T ... P. appreciate the chunkiness anymore. We are selling up a committee to investigate this. The fEd. note: The Phi Sigma Sigma greek Nancy Hunter Denny judicial board will be digging in and hopefully comer was not included in last week's issue we can get a nice speech as the next house because the disk submitted to us was blank..( meeting, Cote. Janet Begin Richardson congratulations to Hartenstein and Pledge l:AE Swift on the opening of their own chicken Peggy Jablonski farm. I think you guys can get some grade A To start things off I'd like to congratulate eggs out of this venture. the Pledges with their clean slate. Keep raking Our road trip was well worth it last weekend. in those Sunday's boys. Also, Weenie on this Scott Borges, IFC President You don't need to hide anymore Bill the dog is 2 1st birthday. Heard it was a landmarking really friendly. Thanks to Jimmy, Will, Bow· occasion. Detail from Cup and Liquid. Sam man and Pledge Swift for increasing our public congrats on the interviews, I guess yo ur Kim Phillip; Panhellenic President relations with Epping's finest. By the way aftershave precedes you. Hey, did everyone guys, were the beds comfortable and did you see Harley on ice last Saturday? Twice as nice. have your own toilets? Brad, the next time you Oooner the Crowell family video is now circu· Alpha Gamma Delta try to water something, get the nowers. But lating. You might want to take a look and don't worry, they don't play pool too much. maybe some hints, learn something, Garfield's The ride home was really beneficial to Travers not around anymore. Hey Zamarro, I guess you Delta Phi Epsilon who thought by going faster he could get lucky. rather play in the snow than party with the To a lithe Beruit players in the house: Thanks brothers. Too bad. Well, I'd like to say this to for increasing the popularity. PK we all had the the AGO pledges. Nice try in trying to convert Phi Sigma Sigma meat sauce and we played more than one game Potsie. You guys should of kept him. Remem­ without loosing it. ber he is not as easy to dress up as you guys did Thanks to all of the AGO's who were able to the Cheese. Anyway, the Tuck-In is on it's The Entire Office of Student Life Staff leave with a lillie assistance last weekend! way, so show us some support. Finally, from Jeopardy: For $1000 the answer is: This the brotherhood here, we would like to convey brother and a Phi Sig Sig were the stunt double'i our condolences to Peggy Jablonski and our Tbe Staff of Gompei's Place for Cheech and Chong in their last movie. They thanks to Nancy Denny. Five Apples! did all the bad stuff. The Staff of WPI Plant Services TKE AXA Swim TKEswim! Yeah! Look,that water''i We're back! If you haven't been in touch wet! Don ' l drown! Stroke! Stroke I Stroke! with what's been happening on campus, then Phew ...well 1he swim meet sure was a helluva THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP! you might have m1~ the return of Lambdi lot of fun Thursday, we came in tied for 2nd Chi Alpha. The week long rush that occurred place overall, bul first place for cheering! two weeks ago proved an overwhelming suc­ Nugget's speedo Impresses all the spectators, c~ which brought out over 130 interested we're all ama:red how well he can swim H Page 10 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993 CLUB CORNER .. Wait a minute. You're dog ate it?" intelligent. Collin, you ARE a terrific pcr!.on. Another thmg on my mind is why there is a 9. Free live Eukulelc concerts A big thanks to Professor Phillies, espe­ And that's a wrap. Forever the Pre7., McgaZonc 275 word limit on this art icle. It's hard enough 8. Refreshments at team meetings. cially for wearing the full college professorial trying to find 100 words of info in between 7. Glue's alloy wheels- not! robes I seasons. 6. Post match poetry Just a quick reminder to everyone. This Women's Chorale We still welcome anyone interested in join­ 5. Unlimited logo revisions weekend is the big one! Lower Wedge 5:00pm We arc coming up on our big church debut. ing the team. Come on out today or any other 4. Hammer! Friday to 6:30pm Sunday. More than 48 hours Try to make all rehearsals from here on out. weekday at 4:30 on the Quad. And for anyone 3. Diving into the box of fun! Be there! For one thing, it will help your attendance who needs a rca"'on, here are the top ten, 2. The loft has a cable record, and for another a lot will be happening 10. Thwarting death in Royea 's pick on Park And the number one reason why you should at rehearsal in the next few weeks. Nomina­ St. join Ultimate Whoopie: DIVE JUICE l SocComm tions will be taken this Why should we spend time writing this evening for next year's offic­ tripe, when no one is going to read it anyway? ers. Keep in mind anyone Just because we don't have three Greek Letters you may wish to nominate in bold above our paragraph, doesn't mean that foranofficc. Thisweekgroup you can skip right over it.;) What if we actually I will be selling bagels. Re­ r2a&3Bedr;o~~~e~ put something relevant in this column? If we member : THURSDAY IS took the lead of some other club comer authors BAGELDA Y!l!lll!l!!!!!!!!!l " I (!, we would fill this space with meaningless and .AJ.J with : / / ~ incomprehensiable inside jokes. But in case you are reading this the re are some very cool WPI Ultimate wall to wall carpeting, .. / / ·· ~ things happenning this week. A good film to So I screwed up in the last ~ see is ~ a Passport Film which is only a ~ parking, laundry area, / /" ,., S I, on Feb 16th. The film has cultural rel­ article saying that preseason evance so you probably won't show up. In was in 1wo weeks. The first ~ fully applianced kitchens ...:· ·· -~~::..-· -:j other news, the most stupendous event of th is pmctice was yesterday and ~ \-\lith dishwashers, . '~ ' , ~· ·- ~ millenium is th is FRIDAY and SATURDAY for all those who missed it - being the WPIIndie Fest, only aS I for both because of my error - your thermo-pane windows, / .. :·) \ \ ·· ·--- r <~ nights. This has nothing to do with culture, so loss not mine. Don't feel bad feel free to attend. See your friends galavanting because it wasn 't like we had excellent maintenance ~ - t. ~ / ·, \ ·, · · about on stage and make fools of themselves. our first snow ultimale game During Sat. go see some cool art in Gompei's, or something. Just make sure and management. ,.. .- / , , ,, ,_, ! ·· sponsered with SSA. By the way, there's a you come out with us today. \ :-9 movie on Sunday as usual. It 's Bram Stroker's Among top priorities for 1.._ - '-.....J d Draeula ... don't spill blood on the carpet. team members is buying that 2 Bedrooms S323 S623 ' ,_, QuadFest coming soon to a Quad near you ... glove. It won't be a pretty ~.a to ~ sight when your hand shat­ ~ 3 Bedrooms $G50 to S750 call 799-6076 eJ ters into pieces from catch­ Society of Pershing Rifles ing a disk this week and you Guten Tag! Staff had its first official meet­ won 't be much use to the ing sometime last week. Hooray. Go staff. team after that. b~~~~~~~~.....a !U~N~;!.~~ - ~~.. J That means there will be new Minutes posted on the bulletin board, for those of you who are avid readers. Oh no! More staff! SSG Tobey was appointed as the troop's new assistant S2. Congratulations, SSG Tobey. If only you had 1993 1994 D volume-()()ntrol knob on the back of your head like Hellwig did .... One of the counterproductive things we decided was to have a troop APFT soon. Think - push-ups and sit-ups over the course of the next HOUSING LOTTERY few weeks. P/R's aren' t supposed to simply pass the APFT with minimum scores. We're supposed to max the events and look like we are enjoying ourselves at the same time. Think Information and Applications 300! Upcoming events include a saber guard on Friday, 19FEB1993, for Clark's President's Ball and on Saturday, 20FEBJ993, there will Now Available be rope-bridging supervision for Boy Scout Troop 227. Those interested in either should contact ISG Hower for details. From Residential Services Dues: this and next term's dues are needed soon. Actually, they 're needed NOW because certain members haven't given last terms' dues or yet. Please pay up soon or we'll never be able to go out for pizza and play that Michael Your Resident Advisor Jackson "Thriller'' video game again. I know this isn't a harsh penalty, but I haven't figured out where they keep those court marshaling World House and Healthy Alternatives House Applications are also available forms . from Residential Services. TBTI Hello, aU members and eligibles. How are IMPORTANT DATES you doing? Stressed out in the middle of the term? Here's good news for you. TBP is having a Hat ' n Miuens social. Yes, bring your hat, mittens and BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug). There will be Iri sh Coffee, sweet and ALLLOITERYAPPLICATIONS soft brownies, (etcetera, etcetera, etcetera). It's TODAY. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but TODAY. From 4:30 to 6:30 at 4 Boynton Including Special Interest Wednesday, March 3 St. the TBP house. Feel free to drop in any time (with $50.00 Fee Paid to the by 4:00 pm and mingle with other members and eligibles. Spare some of you r brain cells to remember Accounting Office) returned to this. See you all there. CHOW l Residential Services

Wedge rats of WPI LOTIERY NUMBERS POSTED BEGINNING OF D TERM Hello again ... Well, no one wants my job. I guess I'll keep it then. Joe, nothing quite as rewarding as smash ing large metal objects, is there? Ha, the fools left the ice cream behind! I do have to admit that there are a number of ROOM SELECTIONFORLO'ITERY attractive women about of late. Yes I've been up too long and my mind is doing free associa­ tion. "Reality is what you can get away with." Numbers 1 - 150 Wednesday, March 24 -Robert Anton Wilson. Hey, to whom it may All participants must attend 6:00 pm in The Wedge concern, Crossroads: Undocumented Features 4 is done and will be out soon. BTW, Ben/ WPI ID Required Gryph says hello to you all and if anyone wants to call/write him I have the number/address. Driving back from Millinocket with no sleep Numbers 151 & above Thursday, March 25 was a terrific experience, yahrightl I wouldn't All participants must attend 6:00 pm in The Wedge have driven the knife into my hand if you hadn't distracted me. It's interesting gelling ques­ WPJ JD Required tioned by the Campus Police a 4AM at Higgins House. I was just out walking, really, I do it all the time. Hey! Everyone! Submit something to CONTRACfSIGNING the indie fest! Perform! Read poems! Do some­ thing. Hey guys, whaddaya think, facing pages? llle Wedge has been cleaner lately, keep it up and thank you. TFM does NOT stand for Daniels Hall Ticket Window Tuesday, March 30 - 1 :30-4 pm 'Thoughts From MegaZone'. There's not much WPI ID Required and to report this week actually, it's been kinda Wednesday, March 31 - 1:30-4 pm • qui.;t, w~ to, burp th9¥ pqstel'\ auxsl' rea~ '. Tuesday February 16, 1993 NEWSPEAK Page 11 CLASSIFIEDS Keep up the !>pirit Jcn H. Tunya ·Orange is awesome! Love, Mom I~.:;~ ;.-ru;;a;;.• ,:,~,.:7Df-; ;;;;, ;:;an-;lacutty.and ~n-;r~~~ .;-..,..~ ;;;,x-;j ~~I ol a eommerc•al m11ure and eds lOnger 1~an aix lines mus1 be pnld IOf a11he on eampuslcammercl!ll ra1e of ss 00 tor lhe fir!ll sox GO AGD! "Dig" linea and 50 ceflll per addtllonal tine I Cla:ssllled IICb mu• be paod lor on ~ No onlonNbOn which, tn the opnoon olll>e Newapuk edotor., WOUld idenllfv an tndMduallo lhe communoty Wll be pnnled I "Be root" Yorg love Sveui. Happy Valentines Day! onapel10nalad Theed•IOftr-lhengnttoreluseanyad~IDbeonbad-ocmanyadstromonegroupOftndMdual on one IUbteet I The deaclllne foe adlls noon on 1he Friday btlfot day to (leave message if necessary) order Survival Kits • S I0 Did you forget Valentine'!> Day'! But u

Renee, congratulations on qualifying for New Englands!

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • •

~ ."tebruary 1 Efj~Oth . -" . Direete4 ~y Heetor B••••eo Pro~~~~~ ~y Sylvi• B. Ntvtt Hom~lus Brazilian youths vcploltuJ by criminals, ~ .. .> :~ FDJO~Vni~G th~n s~t Joost In • ·. f L(/ th~ Rio underworld. • • ,<: ~uu~~/ '. : WHEN: Feb 16, 1993 ~ om:TiUCK~- ~ CB~ISS QFI WHERE: Perreault Hall • TIME: 8:00 pm • $1.00 Admission •

EMPORllUM •~ =DVARK • ~-fg~ IUJ\\1~ ~liD~IrC Sunday's Movie: :w-ff~~ ~~ • • • • .. • Feb.21 • • Upcoming~~ • • 6:30 & 9:30 • pm • • • SocC PER. $2 • • • ...... • ...... , ...... -...... Page12 NEWSPEAK Tuesday February 16, 1993

COMMUNITY UPDATE Looking for a roommate? Are you looking for a roommate for should see a list of students who are next year? Residential. Services is seeking people to live with. You may offering several programs fo r students either sign up on that list yourself or that are interested in living both on check to see if someone is on that list and off campus. These options are that you would like to live wi th. T uesday, Fr brua ry 16th available in Residential Services, Students who are entering the lot­ 2:00 pm - Worcester Art Museum Tour: Where Cultures Meet. Free with 10. 55 Salisbury ST. 799-4406. which is located in Ellsworth Apart­ tery and wish to live in a double in 8:00pm - Passport film "Pixote" Perreault Hall, Fuller Labs. $1. ment 16. Ri ley or Stoddard may leave the room­ For students that are interested in mate option blank. In this case, you living in an on-campus space, but will be placed with another person Wednesday, Fr bruary 17th need an additional person to com­ who has done the arne on their appli­ 2:30-3:20 pm - Women's Seminar: "Test-Anxiety Control" Counseling and Student Development Center, 157 West pletely fill the apartment or suite, cation on lottery night. St. Free. 3:00 ond 8:00 pm - Film at Holy Cross - "Enchanted April" Kimball Theater. S 1.50 w/ 10. Minority engineering forum 9:00pm- "Shockra" and " Fiubber" to perform at Bowler's. 104 Prc:.cott St., Worcester 869-647 1 (18 and over). The Academic Affairs Division the Instructional Media Center's TV has become a sponsor of the National classroom (Fuller Labs 126) on T ues­ Technological University Engineer­ day, Feb. 16, rrom 4 to S pm. The Thursday, February 18th ing Faculty Forum. topic is "Facilitating Collaborative 12:30 pm- Biotechnology Career Day, Alden Hall. The forum, available nationwide Learning Among Minority Students." 8:00pm- Holy Cross- Senior Play "Anything Goes" Hogan Campus Center, Ballroom $7. Cnll 793-3487. Feb 18 over the NTU Satellite Network, will Future teleconferences will focus on - 21. include interactive programs on the women in engineering, undergradu­ 7:00pm - Greater Worcester Jaycees meeting at the lloliday Inn, 500 Lincoln St. -Community, social, recreational, third Tuesday of each month. The ate curricular reforms, and effective first teleconference will take place in ways to tran~fer technology. and educational activities. 853-3525.

Friday, l'rbruary 19th George C. Gordon Library 8:00pm -Comedy, Chain Link Fence, Gompei's $2. 7:00 pm - Holy Cross Film: "Sneakers" Kimball Theater. S 1.50 with 10. Exhibit for March 8:00pm- Pakachoag Community Music School Presents: " In the Mood" A cabaret of love songs from the big band Celebrating Women! era. Pakachoag Church, 203 Pakachoag St. Auburn, MA. Call 791-8159. Tickets: $10. Photographs by Susan Hanan and Donna Talmon Saturday, February 20th Hours: M-F Bam-11p m; Sat -Sun: Sam -5pm. Closed March 7 & 14. 8:00pm- WPllndie Fest. Gompci's Sl (various bands) 10:00 pm- BSU presents Dance Party and Step Show in Alden Hall $5/SIO 7:00 pm - Holy Cross Film: "Sneakers" Kimball Theater S 1.50 with 10. Spedalizfng in New & Pre-owned Computer Equipment S unday, February 21st 6:30 and 9:30 pm - film " Bram Stoker's Dracula" Perreault Ha ll , Fuller Labs $2. Need to Compute? 8:00 pm - Chamber Music Recital, Alden Hall IBM compatibles, hard drive, mono. keyboard Monday, February 22nd XT clone $239, 286 clone $339 7:00 and 9:00pm - Holy Cross: film "Fletch" Campus Center Board of Directors Film Series, Hogan Campus Center 386 clone $499 room 519. Macintosh SE. 20mb, key/mouse $550 292 Main Street Northbor o, MA 393-3848 Priced on pre-owned system, valid with ad


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