INTERNATIONAL NEW TITLES AUTUMN 2021 CONTENT 4/5 agps, Manuel Scholl, Marc Angélil, Sarah Graham Out of the Box 13 Spatial Configurations 6/7 Robert Jan van Pelt, Mark Podwal, Manuel Herz How Beautiful Are Your Dwelling Places, Jacob 8/9 An Atlas of Jewish Space, and a Synagogue for Babyn Yar Eric Höweler, J. Meejin Yoon Verify in Field Projects and Conversations Höweler + Yoon 10/11 Nicole McIntosh, Jonathan Louie (eds) Swissness Applied 12/13 Learning from New Glarus Matthew Wells Survey Architecture Iconographies 14/15 Andreas Lechner Thinking Design 16/17 Blueprint for an Architecture of Typology Susannah C. Drake Sponge Park Gowanus Canal 18/19 Ilmar Hurkxkens, Fujan Fahmi, Ammar Mirjan (eds) Robotic Landscapes Designing the Unfinished Park Books Sales Niederdorfstrasse 54 Patrick Schneebeli 8001 Zürich, Switzeland Tel. +41 442536453 Tel. +41 442621662
[email protected] Publicity Publisher Domenica Schulz Thomas Kramer Tel. +41 442536452 Tel. +41 442536454
[email protected] [email protected] 20/21 ChartierDalix. Built Work 2016–2021 22/23 Farra Zoumboulakis & Associés Architectes Urbanistes (eds) 24/25 Aglaée Degros, Anna Bagaric, Sabine Milieu—Lien—Lieu Bauer, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Mario Stefan, Eva Schwab (eds) Basics of Urbanism 12 Terms of Territorial Transformation 26/27 Gerold Kunz, Hilar Stadler, Jonathan Sergison, Stephen Bates, Mark Tuff (eds) On and around architecture Ten conversations. Sergison Bates architects 28/29 Christopher Platt (ed.) Architects on Dwelling 30/31 Dawn Finley, Mark Wamble System of Novelties 32/33 Dawn Finley and Mark Wamble, Interloop—Architecture Rachel Gottesman, Tamar Novick, Iddo Ginat, Dan Hasson, Yonatan Cohen Land.